are wordy. . Inlmmane T051770 O F THE r x 322mm ant iaapifffil ‘- TOWARDS ALL GOOD *Prorel’tant ChriflzianSf TOGETHER WITH \ I ‘Sorfie Serious and Seafonab‘le CONSIDE‘RflTL 0N5 to all,inclinable to their Principles,efpeg cially as to the Points of ~ MURTHER Very NeceflarYto be known by all Performs, to fervé as ah ANTIDOTE, to keep them from being prejudiCed by thePOISON of their mail: Hellifh and Damnable TE N E N T S‘. ' _€<9~§_9L$ $2: WELL I " Sta/tux Populw Q1/4277} Roam. Venerab. Bede. The} all [ya in wait for. rBlood : 1/ch bunt every ”2472 bio (Brat/Jar as will) a Net : the bell oft/3cm id‘ 45 a Bryer : the mofl [fiend/131}juprigbtio [lunacyi than a Mom Hedge. And 46‘ Troop: of Robber; wait for a man, fl) ”)0 Cow/m”)! of ‘PR IESTS Wart/Jo)” 7'12 t/se way by rofljont, for they commit I,pwd;7(f}._ Tlscmfoie come on, let 11.4 deal wffi’ly with #38172. 17.10] have fled the Blood of 84171th and Prop/Jens t/Jercfin‘e; O Lord, give the”: blood to drink, for they M v A '-'—1 “h,“ a _ LOZVDON3 Printcd‘fbr Samuel Palmorflr, at the King-bead in Combill near" thC Rflj’d/ 131(1/5212787?) [680. W I ',.._ To THE Ri‘GHT HONOURABLE’ _ ‘ ANTHONY ~ # _ Eé‘rle off Sloafixlm’, "Baron ditto or meme 1 St. fillet, Lord Cooper of r ‘ ‘ image ‘4 ” " a» »--‘ I .11.; w]. ..‘ —’ . a... " “,,'.“ .,r E __ J M‘ “ L e ' , J’ a . . \ '1 E IN G . v’erj fenfilale how 372ml) tlaixi [mall Treatifl will . .. ‘ .AQPWW? t0 the) induflr'iomonalieeand'lbdtred of all/l1]? ‘ . end (Po ztive Pafiiflsyqndfitcbm (I may fig) arefettled upon the, Lem Milk Je‘fuitifmfoiz‘dtbe Court of Rome; W = 517,?" 51112724“ econ'cl to'tlpel‘eleficgn I load in Writirg ofit, Tobie}? wax tbe Glory of , God in the firm prtyervation oftlje' True, Zntient, Cd» gtb‘olick, @roteflant agelzgiqn, t 7eje'curityio tla'e KING’S mo]; 3“, Lmtl Tor/071,,tlze Cpeace and welfare of the e H13: Kingdom, and the Lon. continuance of our 114]? and BirtbsrzglatInberitoneefliz.‘ our Li- Ire-flies and (Properties) Ifdy, mj cbiefbufinefs, um, to find out one, r‘tb'a‘t would. boldbvfldnd1tpfwitb me in‘tlyefame defence, and, m defi.. miceo. all incorrigible (goinfayerglae ready to juflifie tlae Tru’tlgand 72o- ,nejl‘fincerily oft/yefe following [beets : My Lord, when I bavefazzl this, tlaOugbf', lperadventure, flme may .tlaihk it a rrrea’t piece of bar- ' dinej} in 7106;in altogether elifiant from that re pee-t and defierence Thug/2t. to bear to your Lord/77117, to make tbz}: raj}; atlclrefs to You ,- Iét). fince I‘dm fleadfafllyrperfimtled, tki/S Subjefl lM/S fometbing _ Formula init, that will afpear to your Lord/kip at my favour-,1 emi .Iz'mouraged ;' and,‘Mj Lord, in my Core/deuce, I flyou‘lcl jtarce km ' bow-Ito‘onjwer it, if I made any lower application; 21 2 THERE .- .r-r-v-m— . The Epif’cle Dedicatory. THEREFORE I come before Your Lordfhip, not with the com- mon timeroufnejs of a man that is fearful of‘oflending, po 3-1175), :5), reafon o the little worth which maybe in the @réfent . heanak‘es 3 but it is, my Lord, with the u'nreproachable ajfurance‘ of an innocent per-5' ‘ fin, that does not helieve he is capable of difpleajing Tou',by7 beggiig Tour Lord/hip’s rPatronage and proteélion of thefla Plain, and unde- niable' Truths. ' ' ‘ a » . THE rvery _Na7ne of MURTHER: and TREASQN ate; naturally firike an horror into all Mankind, that are not, throug'h'de: generacy and flubborn willfulnej}, poflmed and finelled, by the veno- mous corruptionof right Roman (Principles, f they. indeed change the Man, and in this fence, may befaid to Work d'Creatiori 5 for they in- fuje into him a new, but -a mofl Infernal temper, fitCh a4 God-Ali mighty never eleyigned jhould be in hi7n,\aiedfill"h'is-breaji mag; the violent Rancgur “Mimi“ imaginable; :againfl thofl hisfellmli- Creatures, that; jhall, through tthepurit‘ 0 “their 'betteryn’ay, mofl Evangelical Religion, butdatat‘ob'éh' n=ConfOrmiPcsto him : though there is Nothing thatcdoes more palpably deteét the wickedne/E of this their cruel fDefign, thanxthe odioufizefs of thofe ways they take (as they think happily) to ejfiét it. ' i .‘ fl ' gTIJE fiaflfiiths ‘ of the Church of Rome ”are hlgudy ones, 61 Inch as are dire'flly' contrary't'o't‘he Pfirdhféadfifigstmmfimf e ofthe‘ChurCh‘ mall Ages 5 and; if blindly jib-110199615 Mafia” in???” ‘ expeét, but (Rebellion, Murther, Bloudjliédpfanii, all nannela‘tonfw [1'07qu once they jhall hate the poner inthézrown handgfifielwe jha’ll deny our fiibmtfiton and. Obedience to’ the‘n‘i‘h~ hath'not‘Chfiflendom jufficiently experienced this“? whence haw proceededithe.jlaro‘yle3‘72!r - Kingdomes, dreadful Warrs, horrid ._ Mafla'cres, the anojeunmm- ble 'Irea ons, Daninable.’ flats, and‘v‘C‘onflriracies, but from the i prin— ciples offhefle Sons of Gain, whofigre‘atiilelight it is to'wallofi’ti in the Core of their Brethren,but by ~t'hein'a’cfc‘o‘iini‘edcur/ed HERE'HCKS .cupon'tae [core of diflerence in V'Re’ligion ?' ' , ‘ "'- ‘ 1'_\-_”" I jpeak this to the abominable jhame ofthofethat wipilhfiér tobet‘qr‘ led Chrif’cians, and, as a highermark 9f Eminenc‘je twill 7501‘ {orient them/Ehres with any Other name-than that‘r’ofl the holyflEfiuSkidJ“ are become flich Monflers' of JWen,’both as‘to ‘dfi'thiiiir of Réligion or Morality,as cannot be paralell’d by Barbara/in it jelfiWhat’ Icy}. ought they}: to he accompted,than the pernicious Vermine offlieligionmnd hu— mane Society ?fince we,true Catholic/{‘P‘rbteflants Tnzean, arethe .Bll-TT ’ * 511% mm: mm 99w- B- ' EJiTjT lea-t ivb ie-b ibejfs flmei 221121121951 ragngmy drirEMZl'Eéa‘ 1‘ iagyjzgr'cfgfvfiaiao‘re Eerjiigif'o‘ut; Delenda c111Ca~1~r1mg‘o,England ‘~ "25‘ - ». ". x f7. ’ ‘. 1.13"” 2'4. " ‘ 234.33? " -'~'~’i 7""; I: '0' ' ‘~ 4%. S" R- . muff. alagvzzfifiazzi ibefefire 112% able“.{riozzz‘mzza'llyals Wail" flew- ‘ aso'age'agi..zg;wazes‘ 24121,; Wail/iraW/zlsbz mi fl} dfizbee/E. 5‘. area’- tbeywell lam,» {fibeytoalrl baioace brzqg a6 miraeéZe-iaide‘r Mimi, Maya} 0‘ar~'-I)e7joti07i ip‘rbe P Q~~121¥'_~’s , 2“}?sz ‘ GRAND " '19eligibzw [Wipe/2.10133 Szzprematy ‘3' tie gmnf Bfi'leéfleff'ééRfifigi‘iiiéd Churdleas edifzééieeefwflb;wait] IJbeot/ber Jlflatiflg pct/7210f Lumpcbe eragbISimo leims of ~ . Complianee @iib tb'eim‘w ' . . _ - u :3 . a. a . .. c . P R IE STS b y tbeii-szrfiiozz‘flmzild' be Mfiagm OffPea'ee, bat [fa/lead 0 ftbaaizz weirpmgszz‘z‘eg Me} area/261.9724 framers of, War; 'aiiilfife—Liceaciiariee of afi- ibe 'Mzfl'biefi and Rebellioas ‘ébicb briagra'lorzg W (b ibem z‘befimilis~ ofPrifiresz anal tbe merizl leflc’bawek’ofMillioas OfLiz/es: ‘azzg‘ltberef’ore‘ iris. rbe‘n’ztjqf W. Prirzgean’iates, and‘C‘bzz/rbes, tbaz‘ 0w}? [be E Peel/em } cflbe Proteflaht‘RCIigI011,a21JI/3ai mil/beep tbe V l72€j4fcl of, tbe-Lord flow being ldewzzrealb} ~risefe Wild Bears of tbe'E Ordhto gar/ea.» voar by'alilallqwable-niaysandnzeazzs ,- to beep Oat tbe P Q P E 2m" [9.13: PPWCI‘ [07/67 159271, 4720,10 provide facb wbolefome‘aarlreé- jig/47')! LQWS' , (is the}, ia‘tbeir Great Councils, fl‘alljzm’geiobe eflefiualfontbe tborom quencbirzg of all fucb mzfcbiewm aaa’ (le— -) fil .' I ‘0 ' a.» i J -' flrzzc‘iive F1rc—brands5 for as urzeontrozzlable Dominion and . . . Rule is tbe ground anal bottom of ’all tbeir Deflga's; ifevei 1/16} flzo'ula’ by‘aan‘} ”mean: come to attain if; K IN G , Lords; ' and -wbole-Kingdom be as 0726 general P131116. . . s , a . . B W 73 NULOM’, we mufl 720_t [a , iris only "tbe Dizzy/Cf ;1<—i'n gs,Prlnccs,a7zc/Govcrnours, but of every particular margin ~._.bis may anal ”lea/are, 7c) lend bis belpizzg bazza’ i0 tbefizrtberiag offo goon’aWork, czar/to a’o Ivbat be can for tbe maintaining of "-Ib'a't ‘Religiozz' anal War/Zip of God in its 7720/1l Primitichurirv, ,itéb'ieb Cbri/i aria/bis Apoflles Mag/st, am/ b j wbicb all Ibe HCly ,Martyrs,’ Saints; a7za'C0nfoPors, went to H- eavcnhwbieb atiftbe “Anticnt'FathCI‘S wrote and contended for , wbicbalz’ tbe Re‘f0r~ med CI)U}‘ChC$ do own a72alpr0feflc, aml, morepartirularl}, tbat, ‘ipbiib,by.ourf07jerzaizt in Bapti we, wefolemaé/ babe obllgeilio '- fie—ep Obi/elves in, to ozzr’lives end. ~ 4 , ~ 7 x M] L 0 R D your Pieios and Con/2am Z‘eal for tbe Prom- "1139“ Religion -, .batb ever been. very remarkable; and it is ]b 771mb tbe more lilZPI’O‘Z/eCIIflOW ,- asyour Lore/sbififeei it in a 7720/2 defperate and languisbiag (071(1’lfl072(: {>101}?- greagozzr Refolzztioa {Commons , fl-oala’ be - tbe fizeazzeflxeftbeir Subjcéts ,' aazlibe The Epifile Dediéamry. ‘ ' of [Wind hath heen in its Z)efenc'e,none can he, ignorant , of; ‘ whoare- ac uainted with your Lord/hip, and who-willnot firfl'er their-Trepof- 12%011 to carry away their judgment heyond its due and jufl hounds .- ’ What others have, either unworthily quite deferted, or,which is next“ to as had, have heen a/hamed to appear 7721465714 the hehalfof, your , Lord/hi1) has made it your generous Concern, openly, as ithecoines a; Chamfionfor the Truth, to fland upfor, and boldly undertahe to vindim. categand the Reafim that has induced you to it,has heenJroin the certain. hnowledge of your Lord/hi1), that upon theifid‘vancement of the Trote- flant Religion,the leare of this Kingdom'doth chieflyde end. A 5' you ha‘veheenyny Lor'afithns affine, according to t, e. Greamefly of your Tlace and Charaflerjor the (Peace and Happinefis ofyonr Conn.- trey, you have fet a hra've Exam lefor all hone [t [Winds to imitate , frofortionahly to the meaficre oft eirfle'veral Talents and (imam/fan. . V) nus ces, for 0) Non nobis folum natifumus, fedparrimp‘acrie, é'c. And 0171." I thought I could no ways hetter acquit myfelf of my {Duty , than hy this, of endeavouring topull off the Malgue, and reitifie the judge. ments of thofe that are not tooinuch biggotted to the Roman Commu- nion; in convincing them ofthe Cruelty and Bloodinefsof their-Do- (Shrine: and Trincifles, and hy‘ that means to inhance the Honour and Credit if our own Religion,whi-ch is made up of Love and Charity, and a fweet condefcen/ion and peaceahlene j} of Mind to all Men ‘; and which only delights to ufe the gentle lenitieve of compa/Zionate per. ' fwd/ion. And certainly it is the. wwflpoh'cyr inthe Il/orld, and not once to he named any part of the'Chri/x’ian Religion , To think that by forcibly changing Reafo’nabie and Ancient Cufioms, ever to be a- ble to reduce Men to a fobcr and chearful Obedience: for as the (f) Cicero in great 5141’,” of Eloquence fa)” '( ’t) Omnes Religione moventur, 8; Verrem. Deos Patrios quos a Ma}onbus acceperunt‘colendos, fibj dili enter 8: ~ .retinendos arbitrantur (which, with your Lord/hi1»? [9.67mi M2, I will mahe hold to Englifll for the henefit of the nnlearned) “ fill Men are (*) For as “ moved with (U Religionflnd thinh that they ought to wor/hzf,and this prcfcnt ¢_‘ diligently to retain thoje Gods, which they received from their LordChan— “ Fore-fathers. . ‘ ccllor has I could wi/h, my Lord, ifthis cannot worh any thing upon the more 33%? one 0 511,-” at e and refrafiov’ , . that yet care'might he tahen that their Speeches children jhould not fuck in this fo dangerous a Religion, to ”’19.“?! of . to the Par- the Jtate,with their [Wilhhut that they/houldhe halttiged after our liamcnt, - way,and educated in the Trinciples of Proteflantlfm: This would hea Rd" 50" . great means to procure a general V eneration in us all for the future, can dered m 4,14,0th ,3 always hutjufl and due,for the true Catholich Church-and Parliament 4 . g, [WNf 15 confequently would ohlige us all to dijbwn and renounce the ju- _ 0” Lawn, rifdia'ion ofa Forreign {Power ,‘ fa fatally pernicious to the]? his Ma- and a pm, jefiies Kingdoms and Eomi'nions, and a nice/'- B Z) 7; my Lord,I forget hefore whom I am,I mnft not he farther te- {477 pm of diam to your Lord/hipfor fear of heing thought too fatal" ’iar and difre- m Gwern- @efiffnl: I hejeech your Lord/hip gi've theje Truths a favourahle rece- m‘”? ftionrand me the leave if adding one more (which hears too reat an Honour to he in the leaft fufiai‘r’edMnd that is that I an in t e deepefl .jenfe of Humility , My Lord, . Your Lordihips mofi Obedient and Devoted Servant E. C. I ' a , . . 4 ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ . ’ :. . I e. . . . ! ' '3 - . .. \. I I V‘ i ' , .y '. > , ' \ I l ‘ ' . . .. ‘ . . , t I I. . , '-‘ - ’ I- l‘ >. . i'_"§'.\" .5 I . - 4 i'. (b L' “ .V _ OF THE .v» 134‘ I ' -' Inhuma'n'e , Pofitions and Prat-Ecce- _- on“: . efuitsand Papil‘ts.‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ ‘l' ‘ p, -'MON G the feveral Horrible (not to {peak , maggjgt" ” .. "of the Blafphemous Maximes- of the,_Je— . fir:fifiigil‘lo‘ "" :1! fuits (a fort of people as they fay of them- ::.'.’....f: r‘ M ’ 'felveS‘, that-are Emi‘izefit for Learm'ng , , i?" and TrudezfceJ/mt have the {Pillar of {De-- ‘ . '7‘? 5:. gm ”fl/{dam going before them, a Surgr /-"', §@ “135:, . aide tome aezy Min 0 ‘P-hilofo 'h' ;. w o r W} ‘1‘ 3 are float «Variety of Age; - Angel): ll: floould , ‘r“%,,,‘\.,, bare faid , wlyereof -lfaiah bat/y propbefl- ' ‘ ' “ do? edieztlyeje words, Go you [weft andreazly . E . - . x , - _ ‘ , Afigell; 224/20 are Eagle-like 5321717: 5 a fligbt (y! Phcrtmxes ; .t/Jere éee’zg an fleet/Jar ’wbo not long fleece bat/2 - ' denim/{rated that tbere are more z/mn one ; ) I cannot but wonder they lh‘ould be {0 far loft to sill Humanity and Senfe of Pity , as to hold that molt Damnable Tenet of Mirtbe'r and fleafon , not only to be lawful , but in many, if-n‘ot molt, Cafes’,‘ to be neeemngy, com- ' mendaéle , [and meritoriom .- (and I mean by- the Word [Murtber] , . Only as our“ Law conflrues it; Viz. W/Jen ooze is fldin wit/Ia Man’s "i Go; Lin: will , and with malice pr‘epem'd orfore-tboug/Jt : and by [Yi‘mfou] $37- 5- ,. _ What the t Statute mentions.) High Treafon is an Offence done a-. #25 §- 3- gainfi the Security of the Common-wealth , or of the K I N G’s molt “l" “'- Exccllent Ma jelly , é‘e. ,whether by Deed, Word , or_ Imagination. ' "Volunteer refutaéatur pro faf't'o i7! ‘eaufiz proditorls. ‘ Now that they do hold thefe four Points in Mart/oer and fleaflm , I‘-fl1all indeavour ‘ to make plain and obvious“ to yOu , and fo prove it palpably .UPQII them , from the Teflimo'ny’ of their own W ritings ,. in the infuing Difcourfe; " 7'“ N , B I. As a De . £2. 5. 3‘5. 12.». 79. (6) Navar. c. I 5'. n. 4. Lopez. p. I- c.62.p.3 I 6. Bonacin. de Reflit.d.2.q. uh.p.xo. n. 6. (’9 alii. (c) Graf. l. 7;”- 2 6.64. v.4. Soto de fujf. (57' fare, 1.5. ' q. 1. art. 8. I" 143- Ibidem. W] I. A S for the Liudrfulsifs ofMQ RT H E R , their Allowance is fo clear in the Poi t , fihfik, nofing can be more; and they approve of it upon fuch pittifullyflight and trivial occafions, V that, e . 111le g in?) they wereweither molt wretchedly out of the I fit “361 3' “8 axleafi ,1 (with? can, eafirrmzre aisle fo fito b eve ge Truth§of what tlgey élleré,’~( a ) :L-iflz‘m fays , T/mt be" 25/90 5214‘” receive" a ' “Bow o’t "Ejéir ," majeée permit- ted , for the avoidmg of Iafamm' , and to that end may immediate- {y put back the Irzjury , arr/l flJ/atm'z'lb be} Sword ; etiam cum gla- dio. He may lawfully kill im‘for it , or him that does but offer it : (é) A E'vz'trmduw vulnm , we! qgafam fate/f occidere. You maeefme’ulxené;,t4en new lawfaflfieillydmwo fé‘eure their own Perfons , Goods, or Reputations. - , '" " " ' I. l N Defence of their Pe'rTons , they may deprive any of life, nor only when they are aétually atlaulted , but .even before the.- Allault is made. WI: 12 «a Mm perceives 0216’ commg derds 'laz'm witfibé W34 0‘ 2:4 mgée 2'} Sgwrd 559216 . €415013’13’azfflé’flfie- . Maj mafia: Juaém‘gm .1. wall : lineage? the better of [Jim .,' e mayflaoot bzm dead at a dzflrmce ( r. ) Nay,- he need not fiick’ at it , though it be to the deflroying both of Soul and :Body «3;:er L, insteaseisfionclefion to his Own Qbieaionabout it ,. he rfays ,1," That to hold git not___law,ffil to Kill ihju‘ch a Cafe “(tho to'the .ruiuzofsfih‘fi Marge Soul ,tohboo‘t) 2's éoi/J Lbfi-jérvrfl- t‘be Law of "MIME, and tom‘rmdrr ‘tbe [wart «and. m‘ ,ngjMe of flirt/Z ima- 3 - . E '- ‘z : ' c ‘ " 2.4 3 -' 2.;A.S -for,a’;Ma-ns Goods ,.~ the incomparable 'Molim,flas-“a ; Fathefi terms. him ,. T/JeGlmy-of z/Jr'z'rll‘ocidy , has by‘7his'jinimita. .ble Prudence ,. fet it down for-Jterlz’ng-Law , that‘T‘iF"afi‘Man‘takes «away; from another , but to afar lefs valueithan Tvifenty'Shillinés, illemay be veryl‘awfully fent-into the other‘World for it ;' forfhe (d) Molin. 7'om.4. tr. 3.‘ thp.x6 d.6.; Life of a Man is R reckoned 'at fix or fe've‘ngDuccats,;L,,,‘ancl._C all!) 123 agree: us as pnfltz'wly , as his, infallible Mailer. everfcanrdo. any thing , 272er it “lawful: told! firm fer :'t,— my, (/10 be, who bat/J ‘ mitt-fl alarm flyfor it”; .ad‘clingiifartlier in the {51112315};ch ”J?” b? (wane/m."- d, qfiub‘f p, l 10:}. f: --.- c/m'flizot'c/Jzirgr;1](JM;M1n_‘-fzwé/jtaiy fizz , tbgztffitlsiizz‘btbrr w/Jo, Ma! - mm 1mm than 4 Ward JIM Witwf a 00W {05143; uni- us an tei, . vel nunorisl ad‘huc. valoris $ Midi-{3Y5- . ("3 meyfld’Enamfi rm: flé‘vdlgm's.yrg'yy.{1ur€i;4flt 73721170755 . ‘vz'detitlf PL]? 0562a,}; . imam is tooigreat an affront for any" Man to putpp in their ' Opinion; _ ’ 73. A N D theymdo ‘likewife affirm, that aManmaykilIothers 2 mums-Honour or Reputation; AS if one “101115; P3351.” " .me an In- jury, or perchance, I may wrongfully hon‘ceive/he'did ~, ahd there- ;Huponl mju 1L1, pombly giyfe him ther'eturn o‘fwfoine‘r,51iroachf'ul I‘sa‘nguage , at which he may prefentl‘y , iii a [Semen , draw ;, this t.neatmng to allault me , IS fulficrent to warrant my pl‘ocedfire . agamfl him , tho it be to the cxpence of his Life ;, nav, and tho ’ I could ’ 4ng mom‘s the: moat. him, TandllheWJ'illyféhf-é Man ‘ ’fo’.‘ (Jim IO (’11! em wbo woo/d taée away _ [23?] g, I could fafely atiroid the danger of the Thru'fl; ' yet my Honour, -mrienepughn to pore; dfifirrfigézggéidf to m 9, W991? 3be-é Watt! , ,thbom :alhpotfibdxty of: mtnevmgn {hoqld-L, offer to fewer ; no , we :fif Spirit ,1 andxfospmferve mylfieputatjon. .. A‘nd,l,am_ alro ofilggga /« gf’O kill, a-Manv, inz-many Cafes, that does. not, dimming?“ mg, - Eb“ by 0191351116 means, find 3:541:11?” (flay, thEQPghBeéfleflgion. Their eminent F ather (1'):flmfmfays,.lt 2's lzlwffllifor e112,.Ece1efig/iz’e}, (from; 5., ~ or ‘3 Rokgéom Man» ”to 51”” $3574.55"? 2 ”94$ ‘2”; threateigi to d:- Défv. 36. n. “WI-{g6 we“ few/12110723: (Vilma J bis Commodity , rap/Jen t/Jere; .175 no 118- ' :gtloer awe-Ms 1J5 to lgiezder 62m from doz'rzg J it , a; z’f-ég 5; ”445’ to fiéztter 13.43 CWWZMQS ). If izot fodderzéy di/[ooz‘c/Jed out of (be tony..- JO" “5" 1 ”I" 6? log of“? .17 s 115 if were ld'wfitéfor that Religious [Wm ‘2' :10 £111. Mm @120 would take away My Lgfe ,V ‘2’; z: eqoallj [no 111 is'owrl-Hozzour , or 2" at J (be. Community ‘,:. ‘Mtrqube 2': a Meméer , witfi a; mucb re}:- Jon , a: tbere is for tbofe too: are oft/9e World to do live lg'ée. But ,as the Ingenious Louis de Mozztalze, in his (‘3 )_Provincia141;.‘et_ters, (g) L1}. 7‘ from whence I had Ieyeralof theprecedent Cafes , very notably fol. 15;. l'Cmaka-npon the point , T/Jezt If Mem. Live: do depend meergy flow .z‘laer guefiz’orz; 'w/Jet/Jer may one prejodeees t/zez'r Reputqtiorz? ;He thine: them very iqfeewe ejit .éefo., for were , zfz't prove Ize'L-er fl) wed-£1): probable .., ”that any J a Community ée injured , toe)! are ~ in a coudzinorrto ée} #9416564 we thou; {my dzfieulgy , andfo to ée ._;fl°fit'out. of .1634World {wit/a flzflqy of confezmce. But fur 6:1)”, (3)75 he a little after , A Map may, gait/.2 lefls‘ ,zjodzgizazfz'oo, fee [Jim- [elf éaréaroofly Murdered, é}: perfom porpofely fit to do it , 'I/Jom 3feel the eonfa'emz'ous Jteellerz‘os of Peoflle fretmdz‘gg to fDe'z/otlioo ; when it is againft their own Canon‘s for Triefls to mfidd,1¢¥hc Caufe of Blood. Andxf thefe infiances are nOt foflicient [‘0 prove . how lawful they holdMurt/Jerto be, =pray letthis that follows con- . . vince you , and it is delivered by no lefs aManthon (/9) ‘Leflz‘w, (5) L15. 2. .511 a film; rffidea‘vourl-ztornmt my :Igepqz‘dtjoo éy affroérz‘ou: Speee/Je: , c.9.d.12.n. -_ ngoéeiz-A&ef0referfiws--qf1 Houour ,‘_.¢wd Z/Jru‘ I crugnot avoid 1:]me 77. . otéerovzfi: 1‘12sz, 6): fidflquoa ,3 132234}: , my, 1'50 t/Je (rune you Myra my Chime be’fiIc/J..45:JM rt’flflj‘ £11! 10' 0f , I" 562716 ’WPOf‘id $073117»? géem [2; firm?) comflted , Maggot; oa'zerzot dz (cover It accordgng to flee way; of Muse. ~~§Bat thisodwnct fuflice chem , they go farther «yet, andrcondude ," 1 not only that ,it is [awful to kill/onefortcon- ytumedious‘Words (:ggndfuqhby their Doélrine, are accountedbut «vernal; fault , .andfinxgone,mayygaommit thoufands of, them daily and houcrly.‘~,¢if;th§yamill , ,- endocrine; hazard thansouls. in the leaft) bur. for axfimple-gefiure, .oroutward expreflfionof contempt. .Y'bere' (iuéidmm . are , (faysthe, farm: {‘2' ) :Leflim x,‘ \je'veml wry; (oderoggzefi'om , 78,] ; .-~.4nd to takeaway. a; Mans'fiqotqfion , . wberelz‘zzgyez. j; j; ope. 114/} (10,19,616:- . . . . J M. z'pwz. .«Jlmt afilanflzooldm 12;. 131171149; ,,:_(z_:; éy gz'vzizg'gz.Mm a. é/mg tut/J (L film-£10. or“ ,- .or a-Boxo’t 115” ”07111? «Matafleeole! 4W9”! “3 0 Word: 5 ,3 73-5,, Ga- oréy‘ Segue. The fame ( Bomez‘m avows , Tofioeezdz gm afla’t meLRadri— ' (ontum'elz'i: alroeiém , flz'eper reréo, five per fig 71d. ' gueilLa/Im. - . . :; , . _ -. , ‘3 . Pet. Nan-4r. ‘ . 131], T 7:41. Clams, ' ' (’3‘ alii. -._ w oc— We ' v I. " ‘ :- ” ~ -- . . ' e N ' r .3 .._. J I I ' r ’ ' I B 11 T it fee'ms alight thing—tethefe complexioned Men, this Val; ty (as I'may call it) ,or fingle way of Killing ; and gives them none, Or very little fatisfaétion : it makes them not fuflicrently taken no- tice of in the World , nor does it Ptamp any-confiderable F igu're upon them Whereby to be particularly remarked. iAl'moPc-every common Bravo and Blade of the Town , can boafl he hat hzfl’a’ his man, and with a ’ Damme in his mouth , c’an fay ,_ he harfiat his [Ba] , to the @evz‘l. ' Thefe therefore {corn to be of the fame level With‘ them; they are for higher, and more tr‘anfcendent Aétio'ns ; to {weep away whole 22722125, C‘ztz’es, Nations; to filéoert Fundamental Laws, change Governments , and to eat of Princes and rz‘ghtfal. Monarchs, to ahfial'oe Sahjefl: from their Natural and [worn Fidelity anal/111e- geaace to thezr Legitimate .l‘o'z/eraigm , anata‘z’xfafeimo themthat‘ \ ' flamaahle and Trazter’ou: @‘ofirz’ae aad‘ Petition, "T hat their Ex- eommam‘eated KINGS may lawfully , act only he defofea', hat mm. d’rea’ hy any of them ; azia’ that inevitaéle , am! etemal damzatz'oez will he the certain Fate If all thofe , who/hall 212 (my walk 059' them, receive, defend, orfa'voar them: This is that holy and blelied Work, as they term it, which is fit‘for- their/ Inga-gements , WhiCh they {0 paflionately defire, and which they f0 Religioufly delight, to be im- , ploy’d in. And man may make good whatI lay to their-Charge ,' I ' willindeavour (thro Divine Affiflance,whofe blefling-I mofl earnefi. 1y implore) from their own Books to fetch you plain and fufficient proofs for every part of the‘whole Allegation , and with all the bre- ‘ vity and neceffary fuccinétnefs that Ican. : , . ' H O W E V E R , That I may not feem over—zealoufly {wiftin my Career, I think it will be convenient for me, ha word or two, before Idefcend to what I promifed you , tolet you know , whom they are, that With all imaginable Indufiry they feek to treat‘with {0 much un- generoufnefs , or rather (in better Englilh , and greater Truth) Bar- barous Cruelty ; and, to give it you in one word , it is againfl HE- R E TIC K S , even thofe that orfahe the" holy Re/zgz'oa of the (Hill RCH qf R0 ME , or w oflte'ver does not come over to it; thefe are fuch , who, in their efieem , are not worthy tolive upon the face of the Earth (whatever G O D Almighty may pofiibly think of them) as being the Rubbilh and Ofilfcowring of it ; th’efe’are they, whom , with {0 much violence , they perfecute and defiroy , ever have done fince they have been of thofe Helliflt Principles, andever will do, fo long as they have any, power to aa', and lhew themfelveS; ' and that you may fee they have Authority fufficient for it , pleafe to (b) 2a: 64‘ perufe the Canon that fays , (h) Non eaz'm e0: homz‘cidaa arhz’tramfl": nouimft,‘ qua: adverfaa‘ Exemmaaicato: zelo Catholz‘ea Matrix ardefltfl a 4' Decztlifc' liquor eorum tacz‘a’afle magma “ We do’not account them Mur- 32%“. :2” :‘ therers , who burning with the Zeal of our Catholick MOther the £54,“.C“, ‘: C H V RC H , agamfi Excommunicategl Perfons , that” happen to ,,,,, 47. _ kill any of them. - AND are not Men of fuCh Wicked and bloody Defigns like- the fatal Sir-ta: , or Dog-liar , which , when it tiles , yields for; aps v [5.3, ,_ . ~ haps a little necdlefs Light , butwithaL burns up the Earth ; in- flames the Air ‘, :and putsnthe WOrld into-a, miferable- combufiion ? - Asthe Reverend and Learned B‘iflldp (2') H d L L obferves ofit. (i) Shaking Can theygbewtrue Religipiz‘zfl: , whobreath out .nOthing but horrid 0f the 01‘7", Butchery andelaughter\againfis thofe that joynnotwith them in Tm? PM“ the fame Superfiitious Forms .Of Doarine, and Werlhip? Or is it. fioflible forjthat to ”be apure and undefiled C H UR C H , which has fromflts‘ beginning a and fiill. continues to hold, not only in tbefl , but 2'” jamxz too, the lawfzrlnefs of fuchdifmal Inhumanity, as the immoderate fpilling of Chriflian Blood? For my part, if fuch proteduife can be ’Warrante‘d againf’t me, fo as I may fa'fely rely on It, ”null; then confefs my felf tobe a mofi abfolute firanger to the Dafignsof the Golpelr, which to my underftanding , is the juft reverfe and'oppofite to all the precedent Difcourfe. 285 ' WEL L , not to digrefs farther, thefe Men , HERETI CKS, I mean , are fuch monftrous things in. the Eyes and Faith of the Rom an-Ca‘tbolzcér, that not any Favour or Afi‘egft'ion ought to be 'fhew’dithem; Hear What their great Champion ,. Cardinal 'BELL 21R [WINE fays of them (k).H¢er.eticz' fl quidmz (@135 L44 fwd} fieri , fzmt from! dzréz'o e-xrz'rlzah'a'z' , fl zzzilrm mm pqflam, icis, lié. 3. quid ——~—-'fiz72t fbrtz‘orcs may, {9’ pence/21m :j/f , are 5 co: (Sella ag- cap. 22. grediamur , plums ex floéz's cadantfgutzm ex i/lz'r .- tmzc quzefi'm- I". I3‘59” dam efl. "‘ If it were pofli‘ble , to root out the Henri-(K’s (not any in the World eitcepted, Whether K I-NGJ 01' E M TE R 0 R 5:840) . a Without doubt'they are to be extirpated and cut off every Mothers “ Child of‘them, . Is not here enough (furely toomuch) to evidence hOW lawful they hold M Z} R TH E R to be? But then prefentl y he ”comes " in with; ardelicate Salvo (thank him heartily for his love§ That if it it cannot be done (if we willnot be fuch fools as to hold {till our Threats to the drunken Knife with Blood , and fufi‘er our {elves to be.tortured as they pleafe, but fllall make fome head agarnft them ,. and, as he goes on ) may prove too hard f‘fdr them , and there might be danger in Oppofing us , then (and, on my Word , 1t 18 a kindnefs with a witnefs) “ they are to lie flill,’ “ and be qUIet; for it is a moft {candalous thing, as Well as it is .lhame- ful , to be Worl’ted, and that by. HER E TI (3K5? ‘ N 0”] you {CB it is a 1’0th firfl laid down (16:71»? , That we ought ’ all to be mLirthered and deflroyed , midis there not reafon good for it ? Are not Vermine to be killed at any timewhen they can be trapp’dz And what 3‘5 T’W‘fla’lts in their Opinions, but fuch as root up the Common of that Earth,which they do fo eagerly flrive for to get into their POHCfHOfi? IWiU not however be fo adventurous to fay,or think thereare‘ none among them of a‘ lefs {wage Temper and Difpofition‘, but certain 1am, their Rengion, prompts them to all Aétions that (1) Cap. 3': can be called herrible againf’t Troteflams , not only by the temptati- Cone. Lat. ”on of giving them their Lands andEflates for their pains; which as ["5 $14956”. few as they have exterminated the H E‘ R E TIC K 8 they lhall have 3 m . , . . ,. . , . 6.746. Tm.‘ 'and pOffeB Without controul 5 ( I) Terr/rm Cat/Johns ova/12472421771, 2, P. 942;, v ' - C 'qm' 948. ‘ (m) S Mplet. Releft‘. cont. 6. q. 3. Pug. 948. l 6 l quz’ mm ekteruu‘uatu H E R ETI C I S , flue ullzz coutmd'z‘éf‘z‘z‘ouefo]: fideaut‘. Which Council is with them of as much forcea’s any‘o the Revelations of the Holy Gholt: (m) C‘a‘u‘tz'lz'orum 3mm ’{uut 510i. riturflzufiz' Oracula ;1 but alfo they compel them toit, Whether they 'will or no , as they lhall defire“ to be reputed ChriftiaQST; etiam fl: cut reputari cu'z’uut (5' lauén'z'fidelcs.‘ And who of them will dare ' to rebel again the Authority of that Church , which'has fuchfl- udtbema’s in flore to put out Upon all thofe who lhall but in the leaft refill or deviate from it? Ay, . but if they are not able toldeflroy us,‘ we are then fafe enOUgh: But how does that excufe them? We fay ‘ the Will to do an evil is altogether as bad, as the evil it felf done; (nZDc V erbo Eptf. lib. 3. in Vit. fi- bun.9. (0)7211": 70b. d: Part/ii: d: Potefl'ate Kegia @- Papulm. 2 3 . (”018.40. mm no: in glofla. (q) Suarez. inR:g.M4g. Brit. 1. 6. c. 6. Set}. 24. Voluutzzsfucz'cua’z , f5 szum fafz‘um fuut ejufdem malz’tz'd: 5 but‘T‘a-~ palz'uswillbynomeans grant the KILLING of HERETICKS. (whether KIN G S or EMP EROURS if fuch )‘ to be any Mur- ther , but a lawful A CT , and Which ought by all good Chrifti— ans (Roman Catbolz'cé: they mean) to be done ; becaufe they are perfons odious to both G O D and M A N , for f0 they are declaA red to be by the P O P E (whom they hold Infallible) and alfo by their General Councils and approved Canon Laws: Now if .M V R; THER be a LAW FVL ACT , then. where iSthe EVil? so that (alas! ) they (land in need of no excufe at all, altho we are f0 pur-blind , as to believe they do ;*becaufe\ we cannot fee {0 far. as they. Nay , fays ( u ) Maflouur, Efzfcopos Romauosuepeccata‘ quidem flue laude committere. “ It is impollible for Roméfly Triefly .“ to commit fins without praife and commendation. But theylook upon it fo far from finful , that they make account they are moved to it by the Infpiration of G O D. ( a) Si ladmz'ciu’z’um Sampjbui: quad ex fe malum a]? , iuterpretamur quad z’ufl’z‘ufiu dz'm'uo jug: fa. 672m; , multo magi; omuejafz‘umfaufizfl‘mi Tatrz': z'uter nature deée. mm in éouum .- Eé'fiquidcm fuerz't fafz‘um , w] aliuaéx femalum interpretarz’ dcéemu: quad dz'vz‘uo zufliufiu fa. “ If we impute the “ Slaughter , fays he , which Sampfiu made of the’T/Jilzflz'urs , to “ an lnfpiration of GO D’s Spirit , much more are we bound to ill-9 “ terpret in the belt part whatfoever the Holy Father the P O P E “ doth , if it be Theft, or any other thing , which of it felf is evil, (as for Example , M V RT H E R , é'c. (j) )) We mull likewife “ impute that to the lnfpiration of GOD‘S spirit. But perhaps you Will fay as yet we have not proved upon them their K I N G'- K I L L IN G Doétrine; pray let one @otation lupply all , andl think it is fuch an one that is full home to the Point. (9 ) Regan. excommum‘mtum iuyuue (@011: ml occidz' guiéufcuuquepqfle. z‘. e. “ A King if once he be excommunicated, may be depofed or {lain by ‘.‘ any perfon whomfoever , and that with Impunity ;: t/Jerdbre It u pafl' all manner of doubt éut t/Jat. t/J’qy bold it extreauzly lawful. . AND this is fuflic‘ient to make clear the Truth Of the Point , that we (whom they call HER E TICK S) Ought de jure to be Pa?!“ OUt Of this life . the by all' the imaginable variety'o‘f molt .ex-s qufite Torments: .1 {ball now prove it defafi‘o upon them, and f0 go 0.11 to my further bufinefs; with all the tolerably convenient expedi- thfl 1 am able. AND! 1.57. ' AN D. here I .lhalllhewflhat thejefuz'ted Papifts‘are fdllfout fuch , conflit‘jitfon’d Perfons as I have ,deferib?d them, :and ~,n‘otaj jot bet-:- ter : "if they p‘rove'not worfe before I have donewith 'them.,‘;they {hall be obliged to me for my Civility and‘Mo’deration', and‘lhall have no c'aufein the leaft to be angry with me , unlefs they will make Exceptions to the matter of Truth it felf. _ W H A T was theOfl‘ence of the Citizens of Tiaoloztfe and Aw'ga. aria}: , when P O P E Gregory IX. fet Lewis thefremb King to War againft them , and againft qumundm their Earl ',;' without C‘a‘ufe , but'only that of their Religion ; and where the {aid King died at the Siege 2 How Cruel their Charity is, and hath' been in ‘all"Ages (where they‘could prevail ) to ‘Prqteflaflts. , ,is too fatally and la- mentabl known: What Slaughter did they make among the poor Waldenjgs, as without any Provocation‘ on their‘fide, .lo Without ' any Humanity on their own ? Sleiden allures us,(r)That‘ the Tape and (r) Sleidm the final by Mflerius , flieWed' no refpea: to Age or Sex, no,- not Commfimi to Women with-child; * and that no fewer than Eight hundred were "5° 16-. cruelly Butcheredbythe Tenn/fl: in one Town C'aérz'ers , befldes the many flaughtered at Mermdoll and elfewhere ; as alfo {even whole Towns with the greateft Number of the Inhabitants were riza'rzf/Jered and burnt in the faid Countrey of Troeeme: What hurt did the poor True/{arts in the... Town of Vajb’ , who, being peaceably at a Sermon, were miferably Cut and‘Slainfl, Men‘, Women, and Chile dren,"by the Duke of Guzfe and hisArmed'So‘uldiers? How did that bloody Duke 9’ Alma , of whom it may be {aid , as it was of the Roman Emperor , Caligula , T/mt lye fié'lfer flmred my! Man n: In: Rage? How , I fay, did he make his Boafls, T/mt 2'72 tbefpace of fix year: be bad executed éy courfevofyuflz'ee (of Butchery he had better and more truly fa‘id) . Ejg/jtcgfi 1/1014”,de ; and yet (312$!) this wasfo {mall 21 fcantling with the Prefident'of his Council, that ‘ he told hlm , He lead [ported t/ye Ne‘i‘therlands wit/J lair 2‘00 mac/.7 M676]- - BEfidCS,‘ there‘are other infinite'EXamples, and conl'e-i quently not numerable , of like Cruelty, in Calalrifl, quli'a’, Bo; bemia , Germany , Piedmont, France, Filled/er: ,' Ireland, and the manifold Barbarous and Bloody Defigns againfl Efiglaha’, ever fince the JE SUITS firl’t began to infel‘t this Nation; ,_wherein, as it has been ingenioufly obferv‘ed , there havenot palled four years to- gether, without a mofl peflilent and pernicious Treafim, tendin to the Deflruaion of the KING, Alteration of Religion, Dillo- lution of Laws , and the Subverlion of the whole State. And would they defire more f lain and evident FA C T to be alledged againfl: them? .Pray for t e fuller Satisfaétion in this thing , b‘efide Dr, ‘ , Fowlt': bi: HMO/7;] of war Relellzom and Treafljm , read ( f) Dr: Fowlir: The ungrateful Be aviour qf t/Je Tape/1’3, Trieji‘s audj'efuz'rr, 1‘0- (f) 5} Wt!!- ward: the Imperial and Irdulgent Crown cf England .- a molt eX- D‘WWM- "eellent and true Hiftory of their Temper and Carriage , towards 115). Mg:— this Nation ,* efpecially from Qgeen Maries elegy: gtizto l/JlJ‘ ' prefint ' Age; , l l l WW.“ ‘ *1 A.“ . [1:8 '1 . - . , I H AVE been {omewhatythe longer upon tnis Firl’tI-leadl,beé 'caufe..,the Other following, having {0 near aLRelation to iti‘fm’aythe ‘ .betterbe contraéte‘d , and the Naturalne‘fs C as I may, call it_”)_‘_ of theirfDependancefin this , may be the mOre 'obvious angl'mani- :fefl. 2. A N D now I come in the next place to {peak of M VR‘ TH ER and TR E A SON, as‘they do el‘teemit mayday; and I wilh to G O D I were not able to ~~make it out: againfl: them“ {but C alas I‘ ) [one mul’t be a perfeét flran‘ger indeed to all their Principles 1 and ‘Praaices too", not to knew that this is a Currant Timer with them. But I defign' not here a tedious Hifio’ry of their A'é’rions , or I co'uld be large in the’Accompt: - I Would only“ give fome lhort touches of things in a Preliminary Way », fuch, as I think, cannot be well omitted , or whichl am fure, at leal‘c“,7are very proper and pertinent to this prefent Subjee’t, and fo 11311611 with all the allowable diligence I can , to What firl’t I prlneipallyin- tended. ' ' ' PO P E RY , I mean JES VIT'ISME thich is the worn fort of it) being a State-trick of Religion , on purpofe devifed to main- ‘tain Luxury , Pride , Pomp , and excelfive Ambition 5 with all the o- ther gawdy Train of Worldly Honours , muft therefore confequent- ly have Gain for the Chief Element of its Conflitution : and it was impoflible it ever lhOuld have long continued , Unlefs there could be fome way found , whereby the ‘l’rz‘ejz’s of it might be able to draw over the greater part of the Cbrzfflz'cm Worldto an outward compli- ance With them. This occafioned their" eafie and FleflLpleafing .Maximes , exaetly moulded to the Various Inclinations of General Mankind , tho never- fo Debauchedly Loofe and Prophanely .LiCen- tious. Thefe Cunnz'flgfmftfmm knew there was no way like to this, to keep uptheir Wealth , and prevent their Great Drama from be- ing defpifed , and her Magnificence from being deflroy’d : And this would do their bufinefs to their utmol‘t will]; and if men Would but 'rove liberal Of their Purfes to them , they refolv’d with them elves not to be out-bid in Civility ,' but to do them e- qual Reafon at leafi , and give them fuflicient GratificatiOns , by way of Return , in all Cafes they {hould demand of them. ‘ They racked their Inventions therefore to pleafe them , and if, they had a'mind at any time to Commit the greatei‘t‘of fins and Worli of Villanies , let them but be well paid lor their pains , and it lllOUld go hard but they would find out fomething or other , whereby to make lawful and allowable all their eXtravagantly Lewd Defires. They ftudied (before) unthought of AbominatiOns , and made a Book of Rates , in pure kindnefs and complement to 'them , to {hew how ealily they might be ardoned of the grollel‘t lmpieties immaginable. Had any committe Incefi , or any 'other more No- torious Sin , or would any be permitted to. do fuch things? Come Sir , ’Tis but payingdown fo much Money ,~ and ou lhall fee prefently where our Holy Fathers do allOw it. The H E RET I C K13 , Religion Relioion is nice and fqtleamilh ,. made up‘of Bugl-be’ar Fears“, and neediefly tender Scrupul‘ofities ;~ but ours is more free and courtly, more manly andgenerous , more adapted to the feveral Difpo‘fif- tions of Humane Frailty : We know Men are butMen , and ‘can be no more, whilit they are circumfcribedin Fleih ; and we ought therefore to confider , and bear with them as fuch. Hea- ven is fo wife , that it hath regarded all our Inflrmities ,. and what we are noc capable of avoiding thxough the Heat of our ’Tempers , it Will mercifully look oVer ,- and remit , through its infinite Goodnefs and C’Ompalfion of our Natures. BUt as (t ) Jam/r Sylvia: (afterwards made P0 P E ) tells us , Nz/az'l efl guod aéfque arg‘mto Romzmrz Curie dedzt; zffizmanuum imp0fll‘z'0, fi‘)’ Sfiritm fanfiz' dam ‘vejzdmztm' , net peccatomm wm’a mfi mm; 7723:): impendz’tur.- “There is nothing, to be 'had from the fG'Court of ROME without ready Cafh; the very Laying on “, of Hands and the Gifts of the Holy Ghof’t are fold, nor can i“ you have the Pardon of your Sins, unlefs you come asyzzcoé's Son's “ did,with their Sacks of Com ,with Money in the Mouths of them. , Which puts me in mind of a very pithy Line Mr. fDrgyc/m hasfome- Where to this purpofe , for he fays , But Tow’rful Guinheycanflot ée tt'itbflood. No it cannot-K tho hemcant it in another Senfe) by thefe Ros man Slam/61mg?) tile/2’ Rule”, w/Jo with/bdrm ‘a’o lot-2e , Git/e ' 13,, as. the Prophet fpeaks. And can you thinkthat if they own MURTHE R to b? lawful upon fuch trivial accompts asI have mentioned , they Will deny the 72!ch 'of it ,' {0 long as ever you pay. the accuflomary’ Fees ;, Moft fur’ely‘ no ; but you ihall. hear , if my word may not, be of fufficient Credit with you , what the, Learned szmouel ,‘ their llluftrious Defender , fays of it ‘, in his Fundamental Tbc’olog}; and he gives you this for a Cona/ufloi: of Chm/afloat: , nay ., and that too of a Trig}; That he not only may @072 certain occqfl'om‘ , £111 a 'Eetrat‘for‘, 6112‘ that tiger: are firm ,2 wizard” be is 0 B LI G E 2) to do it. f‘ Etiam alz'qzrando 5D E B E T accident. And certainly none , without a ftrange Efi‘rontery indeed , will contradict this , that {0 far as any man is Oéligéd to do a thing , {0 far it becomes new]: jmy for him to do it; for the Oélrgat’z'on works and includes the mtg/fly. B u T this {till only refpeéts particulars , I will now fliew you how 71:0:me they hold it to cut off whole Nations and. King- doms , Princes and People , if Trotefz‘ants', whom they call HE- R E T I C K S , and a Work too of fuch abfolute neceflity , that, if it be‘in their power , the Tapalz’n: are damn’d if they do not; . For whatelfe could engage them to’ be‘fo Barbaroufly Cruel , but the very Spirit of their Principles? Are they not Men like the rcft Of Mankind? Have they not the fame Palfions and Tem- ( I) vi ”(645.571. Ep. 56 or 66. Hofm Capt +7518: i 154554;; pers , thefamelmpulfes of Tenderncfs and Pity in their Na-y tures , with Others of different Judgments and Perfwafions? {t 13 (u)See more a f tbir in the Bf. of Lin- Col. Paptflo Principle: pernicious to Prate— flant Prin— oer; P I 6,17. ( W ) Phil. Maynard. dc Privile- gii: Eccle— fiafl.‘ Art. 6. Set}. 13. (x) C. 15. 986]}. 6. Layman. I. 2. c. 16. Set}. 7. ) Linnaod in Glofr. 4d up. Search Principes, «9,760 recon- cibatianir; d, immuni- ratc Eula: fie. t n?) 1 ”is only their Religion that forces them to put off their Humani- \ty , and makes them to bloody minded , 'as therein to be far worfe than the Brafls that Parr/22. Take them out of that Charaéter, and they are inall things, like unto the reft of their Fellow-Crea. tures and Brethren; their Minds are Peaceable ,their Deport‘. ments Afi'able and Generous, and the grofs of their Tempers full of a Sweet and Indearing Complacency ; but when once they are lrawmd with the Myflt’ry ,of .7efuz‘trfifle , not Tygers- are more fell and favage, than they in their Natures; they could cutoff the whole Race of Humane Kind, that dare to diflent from them, and they could call down fire from brawn , nay, the very flames of Hell on all fuch that would not bend the Knee to their BA- A L, and ad juft their Faith and Confciences to the [Wild Capri. cio’s of their Idolatrom Eiztbuflazfms ; let ‘us fee how true lean make this appear , and'I think I fliall gain'the Point clearly 'u‘pon them; and f0 may very Well afterWards delcend to my neXt Par- ticular. - . ' - ' ' ’T I 8 known -, they Own every thing tolbe necrflaryf, “that may any ways further and promote their Catholique Religion : Hove induf’trioufly have they walked to and fro over all theEarth , to advance this their End and Defign .7 Now where any Nation or. Kingdom is {o refolutely bent, as to abandon their Popilh Faith, or rejeét theit Doétrine , and-walk 'direétly counter to their P R I N C [P L E S and T E N E T S , nOtwithf’tanding all their Labours and Afliduitres to efl‘eét the contrary ,- what other Way have they'left them , by which 'to work their Wills and eflab‘liflt their MaleS , but only by this lafl of Blood? Butjthe‘ (a) P OP E- is G 0 Us Vicar here on Earth , and is {aperiourto allPower’s, and as fuch is called by the Tapifls D O M I N V S 'D E V S N O S, T E R P AP A , Our. [on] God lbc'fPofe; andjit‘is there- fore Neceflrzr} to Salvation to be fubjeét to the P OP E , and he who aflirms the contrary, is no C‘bxzflz'mr ; as you 'may fee'in (w) P511. M1)?!” dm , ‘Pflfx firéefl}; a]? ale mceflitrztefalutzk', @‘nmé rrdrz'rtm affirm, 12071 pate/Z dz‘cz' [briflitlflm.' Now he being fuch, - as they themfelves' have .delcribed him , what are his flezztbrma’s and Excommunications , but the giving up'of all , WhOm he calls H E R E T I C K S , to Fire and Sword ', and utter Defiruétion 3 He commandstheir own Subjeéts (CathOIieks to be fure they mufl: be) to rebel againfttheir HE RE TIC AL K IN G S,‘ and to take Up Arms againfl them; and (if it be for the advance of the Ca- tholick Caufe) to kill them Without any moreado ; for‘that is todo God good Service, for fuch ate, an laid before , but Vermine which oughtt'o be deflroyed: ( x ) qu‘a H E R528 1 S efl‘ crime” 1706-: t‘uréan; Reipublicar farm: 55 tmngaz‘lvtgz‘m, non'wz'tgm, , 91mm furtam C5 bomicz'dlxm , . fitwifilfiw Margit- Bécimm'. Nay; befid'es', their prcqflftj of. paying a blind Obedience'to" his H 0 LI N E 88 in all his Commands ; there is another "izc'ceflity as pfo'rcive Upon them , Which is, becaufe every Perfo‘n "under the Sentence of Ex-‘ communication is a Member of the- Devil; a3‘(y) Limood,a - ‘ " ~ very . i l H i] very great Canonii’c of our own, afl’ures us; and no doubt but that all fuch Creatures are very odious born to God and Man ," and,- as they fay ,r ought to be taken away from the Society of Men; But , _ if they lhould dare to be difobedient to him , they {hall incurr the pain of the fame Excommunication'; and fo confequently , if they lhould by any unhappy means chance to die beFOre Popilh Abfo- 2‘69 lution , are Eternally damned. And is not here then a very great , neceflzty (no lefs than the fake of their own everlafling Salvati- on, and. furely that is the greateft that'can be ) that obliges them to cut off root and branch of Proteftant H E R ET I C K S , Kings , and PM?” 3 and not to let their eye {pare any (altho their Sove- raign Prince) that are not Votaries to the Sea of R O M E 2 What cOuld flir the Roman Catholicks up‘to‘ that dreadful Rebellion and Mallacre in Ireland, where in‘cOld ’Blood were murdered above a Hundred thoufand T‘aotefz’ants , - without the ‘leafi Caufe or Pro- vocation, but only , as they f'alfly-"thought , 'the' z‘na’zfioenfléle neeefligy they lay under to kill H E RETI CKS , and by that means to advance the Catholick’ Caufe. . ' T HE I R. ( z ) Lawsfays , That all the Sanctions of their A- (2.) Canon} poflolicOl Sea , are as undeniable to, be received, as if St. Teler fie owner. 2.? had confirmed them withhis own‘Mouth. But, put cafe that 4‘1}- 19- any flrouldquef’cion, if the Pope at fome time lhould command a thing that was in its {elf unlawful (as no doubt but M L1 R- THEB. and TREKSON are) whether then an ablolute neeeflity lay upon them to obey fuch In junétions, 'it will imme. diately be pail all peradvcntnre', that they ought in all things to fubmit to his Will and Authority; for (a) Bellarmin‘e tells them plainly , That in good Senfe Clm'fl hath given to'Saint Tetar the power to make Sin to be no Sin, and that Which is no Sin to be Sin.‘ In éono Senfn ‘a’edzt Cbrz'flns Tetropoteflatem jaeiendi de peceato nonpeeealam , (6‘ de non peeeato feeeatnm. And are not the Tapzfls then under the flriétefl: neeeflitjbima- ginable, .to execute all his Decrees, be they never fo Barba- rous and 1 Cruel ? If not, I do nOt underl’tan’d‘ what it is to be a true Roman Catholique. BU T. to infiance in a few 'Eiamples; Was not ‘P/Jz’lip, Brother to Henry the Sixrh, and Son to Hederz’clé the 171211., ( 4) Bali ‘ (arm. til. 43 de Pontifice. (MP- ! 3J1! Barclaiilwg called Barlarojfa (againfl whom the POPE was fo fet, that .- hc {aid , C 5 Either be would bat/e Philip’s Crown, or Philip (011,5ng {bould bat): is Mter) miferably flain by Count Otbo in his Privy Chamber , whom he fiirred up ? gAnd‘ Was not Henry Nauclg393g the Seventh, commonly called of Luxemlnrg , 'after the P O 'P E and his Cardinals oppofing his Coronation , and {hrring up E- nemies agai'nft him , at la/lI ‘Pozfi nedly a Moné‘ in the Sacrament? Conradine”, the King of Naples and Sicily , being taken Prifoner by Charles, Brother to the French King, 'waS'miferably pm; to " Death by the POPE and his Counci ;' who being demanded what was to be done, anfwered , ( e) The Lifeof Conardinebn l t‘ P.319. (c) ' Panel. Cullen. p. a 1 86. Paral. 'Urfperg. f. I I. ’ (d ) Guicci- 474. H11}. (f) Bonfen: )3: men: Paint,fayth€ French. 'Anno Cbri-v fli. 61 I. (Q‘Greg. I. I; I I. Epifl‘. 36.1): Dr. Du Maul, Aufmr to Plyilamx Angli. p. 80. and 81. (b) Dinar/J. deBell. civi- li. Brigg. 398- (i) Coment. rem»: m Orb. geft. p. 1:22. @- in— de. »~ - ‘ (&)'Mariau. I. dclege 6“ Regs) infli— tut. cap. 6. (l ) Dr. P:— ter dz Mau- 1m in ead.’ 116. p. 1 17. l 12 ] t/ye fDeat/Jof Charles, rmdt/Je SDerztb of Cenradine'z'si'tbe Life of Charles. King john of England, after he was deprived of- his Kingdom by the P. O P E , and his Bifllops, was at hit too Poif‘oned by a Monk. .‘71111‘6273 and Lawrence, the Dukes of Florence , by the [P O P E’s Praétities , Cmfcz'o é‘ adnueflte-Tontzfice ,- were afraulted in the Church at the time of the Elevation of the Holt, and the one grievoufly Wounded , and the other Murdered out— right. And to name no more (d) Gemz'ez Otto , the Brother of the- great Turk , being Prifoner , was _ Poifoned by the P O P E , hired thereunto by a~ Promife of C ) Two hundred tboufand " Crowns , and the» Seamlefi ' Coat of Clarz'ff. ‘ What need there more to prove this Alfertion, that it is utterly impofiible to introduce and eflabliih the Roman Catholique’R‘eligion, ina Land to full of the true Light of the Knowledge of yefizs Cbrzfl as this, and of Averfation to that other of Anne/armed” Idolatry , by any other means than thefe of TREASONS and .MVRTHERS ; for 10 long as there are any throughly Trotefiants livrng , there willb'e the fame fenfe of things in them , and (f ) palpable Reafon can never be efi'aced. And if it be utterly impoflible o- therwife to be effeéted; then, if they will compafs their ends, they are obliged to an Indifjmafizéle Neceflizy. ' T H I R D L Y ,, ,For the commendablenefs of it, you lhall fee I will, quickly put it pal’t all doubting, by their own Writings and. Confeflions. And to begin with one of the firl’t of them. Gregory the Firl’t, hearing that Thom: had flain the Emperor Illaurz'tius his Liege Lord , having firlt killed his Children before his Face, and that he had invaded the Empire , writ ‘a gratin latory Epiflle to that Monfterin thefe Words (g) Benignzmtem pietatis 'veflneizd Imperiale faflz’giam pervemfl? gaudemu: : Lee-l tentur Carl}, E6 exultet term , (5“ de éem’gm’: afizéus veflrir emi- verfie Rez’pnélz’cepnpulus bilarefmt .- (2'. e.) “ We are glad that the “ Benignityof your Piety hath attained to the Imperial Digni- .“ ty: Let the Heavens rejoyce, and let the Earth be glad, and let ‘f all the people of the Common-wealth be joyful for your Gra- “ cious Deeds. (la) The Prince of Orange being Murdered by a Taft]? , he for the fame was highly commended by C 2) :5?me the F rier‘. _ What was the Speech that P O P F 56351.”! @zutus made to his Cardinals, upon theBarbarous Alfaflination of Henry the Third of France , who was Stabb’d by 7(1th6’! 6187726” , 3 Dominican F rier ? What Retorick and Flourilhes did his Holinefs ufe upon the dreadful Succefs of that Regicide .' He was tranfport— ed at: it}, and became a Panegyrift for the caufe. And faysMa- ring (0 of it, Specie [items in mafia: tradendleultro' quem beréz's noxgzj; mea'z'mmm warm tegeéat fupm veficam alé‘um vulva: z'igflz'x- it.- f Iufi‘gnem Am'mi confidentiam .’ faeimrs Memoraéile—“mfo Rage ingemfléi nomen fecz't. (I) “ Making a lhew of Delivering “ Letters (to the KIN G) hegave Him a-deep wound above the “ Bladder with a Poifoned Knife which he hidin his Hand. - 0 Ad- “. mirable Confidence of Mind ! 0 Memorable. Aétion! By Killing . the the K 1 N G he get to himfelf a Great Name; The Marriage of Henry K I. N G of vadrre- with the Sifter of Charles the Ninth , King of France (which Tim the Fifth would never confentunto, becaufe of their difference in Religion ; and which as foonr as ever his Succelior Gregory the Thirteenth underflood by the Cardinal of Lorram , that it was only intended for the deflruétion of Henry, ahd the Protefiant Party, made him to give his Difpenfation’ for the Celebrating of it : ) This Marriage, I lay, to which mofl of the x ' Proteftant Nobility Were Invited , tho it hada merry Day , yet was clofed Up with one of the mofl Difmal Nights that'the Ears of Man e’re heard oft-for- in the dead. time of the Night; the ac CurfedPohiIhCut-throats , againflall Laws ofY Charity , Ju‘fli‘ce,‘ nay Ingenuity and Humanity it {elf ,1 accOrding .to the Plotthey had laid before , unexpeétedly , unfaithfully, yea Barbaroinfly, and Devillilhly , butchered the undeferyingxgfi ‘ea , the obliging Guel‘ts,“and then with'feral cruelty-proceede ‘in Bloodr,_i-~Until they had difpatc‘hed Tome-Sixty thoufand harmlefs Souls? into ano-t ther World; and yet'upbn the welcome Tydinigs hereOf unto "Rome, (fit) his Holinefs, together with the s. Cardinalsi there ”gave Solemn (,3) 77,34"; thanks to God for fuch aBlefling to the Roman Sea , and 'Chriftian Heme“. World: 'andCardinal Urfln Was fen-t Legate into France , to pr'aife the KING his Piety and Wifdom in that great Aétion ,and to n t befiow’ Bleflings and 'Spiritual Graces upon atheilil' NG and ‘ the At‘ftors of that Bloody Tragedy. .As alfd“ you may; fee ' f: [ how (u) Morena: dOth claw PopeiGregoty the‘Tliirteenthto (, y 174514?) his face} about it. 0‘: @iem illuizi- [mum lttitiie (5‘9 ‘51:!er mt Veggie; tori: ', qieot'u , Beatzflinie_’Patex ,‘ hoe: ad te.'Mmtio allow; -$-eo Ozzy-325.9% ’Imofi‘fli‘s ' f5 Dim-{Ludovico ,' rujm that: iii iffii- [ervigiliou 4"?‘?‘":1..f wenerant 3 3’4”” “52W“! , ina'z'fim rt te‘dupplic’e’ttioeteap‘edef ' Mi’fli' When TWO" came over, to murther‘that forever; wot; 1 thy to be remembred (been Elizoéetb , one of the Cardinals. " ' ‘ ‘ writ thisLetter'to him; - I . .,. .. . ’ ‘i. 1"” SIR," with the Credence Mela/Ed , and warmth” prmfe your ‘ Good Difiwfltion and ReWut‘ion; which ,_ you write ,~ [ii/l bold: to tlze Service and Benefit puélieé ; w/Jerein bis Holinej} exbort: jar: to continue , and to bring to pal} that Whit/J youfro- mifeu glad to 16: end you may ée the 'more aided 4y tlmt goo 6213 wt wine/7 batb induced you to this , {In} Blefleet'nefi grantiyou fit” pardon andforgiveuef: of all your fin: , asjoit requefled ; afl‘uring you that éeflde: tbe Merit; whit/y you flmll receive in Heaven , bi: Holinefi' will mate bimfeif afartber fDeétor to arknowledg sour defer'w'n : in their]? manner that be may , andfo mac/J the more ,, decay .e you lift f0 mac/J model?) in not pretending my tiring.- 3 E Tut THe Holineflr of ouriLord , tbe Pope, batbfiefl your Letter; v. a, ‘ ’ 7‘7vvwwfi \ [:14 l \ rPut t/éerefore z'n‘aft'yonr 19on and/boezonraéle flaring/32‘s , and [one to. your fafity' And fl) I pref/em my Selflzeartzl} to you , and‘wzfi yon all-good nndbafpy Sneeeflv, , . - . - From Rome ,..3.0 7m. 1584. ' - ., Yours to difpofer _ ‘ 4 N. Cardinal Of Como. g (o) Fran. There is a Book written by a (0') Papil‘t in Commenadation of ale; de Veron. (batted: Deed ‘, who wounded Hemy the Fourth‘of France , in APOZOZ P" memory whereof ‘3. Pillar was'ereé’ted in “Paris againfl: the 16-. la' Chet/fell. fu its (for I”, ,wm one of Mel? dzfczples , nndfnéorned 't/Jerennto ly P' 40' @- t/aenz.) andtheSr 'banifhed the-Realm. This Adi-ion is not onlyju» 133 ' ftifiédbut eitollddram mofl noble. weed ,2 quned witfiVefine, anal berated: tulle wmgared will: tbegreaz‘efi‘ and mo]? comm/den ' deeds~1blzréver were done“, or are mentioned in any Stay. After- . wafdé gas ’We allfknOW , that R IN G was murdered, 7by a ‘Po~: , pithifcrea-nt. . The Bookfays ,I]. Harinodiusand ArifiOgiton, See.- vola5 and Brutus, only for love of their Canning), bnving Ina lzglyt: logo'lefore teem; ea]? 'tbeinfi'ehzes into fncb. danger by mltrtbering_ ~“ ~. fljwznt: ; rag/mt tbz'néyon ongbtaC/Jrz‘flz'an,and a Frenchman, and; .3; ~\ 9.2: :1. m? ibaif‘énrm gene:tbezea1q’.-Phinm’s;,. EhUdM’M’ E11355 Wflofor? Meixfatbplir‘é-‘cbfiflb y fag‘wbwé Cbrl/lidied’, a”4-~Wb’?'em-mm (p)Bonar-— anei‘fia'e. qr::tbeir3.dhlpatz'ondi .,"findragrembl_e#10? this writes j( p) {cm Am— Bunnrfiirzm a: Jefilit ', Hat/1,t36e,»Pope-no fbmaagaznflrtbe King of Phithr P‘X‘ Franco-er zS‘ballflionifiF, thhanidesflrglotingu‘s‘;ijntb‘, Mafifir 1.31%: a. K 3' ' rtbgifl/‘gylzfio._ res Prague, and J8! no 9 POPeg‘nconrn a"; $138.11???“ 1“ {raga u‘Ti‘mb 61:31], tat dzfitdtcb 112m ?' ‘Jlmll many Mkfi’efs; Mfiwgg bofl’tba ammwanb infield; ,- and/ball no Thrafibulus hot/e. Truemx‘gtm {gamma} 4—; .3174” there'ée noimanwto [daft/2e Sonln’zfer‘nfont/Jls, pbnrch,cap. Bea/Z; the King of" France ? Well , to. proceed at little farther Yet, 10.12. 44; hearfwhatl'r ) ‘eMarmnn the Jefuite fays ,.. It is a whole/owe Me»: (7) M47“? dimion'for Trina: togerfwadeJ/Jemfilvel, 21542: ifz/yey ofprefi the: ”2‘ 1’2: " ' Common-wealth , and/grow intolemlle zlwrof/Jeir vices? (or much P g. ' more fo in their Judgments thro their Herefies) t/aey live upon no]; terms that they may be killed not only lawful/j, ént, ( and mark In Bag. 64. what follows) will) 3100’ and commendations. All fnc/J yeflz’lent '- WM 111% and deadly wood ., it 2': a glorions flying to root out q‘tée—J’oez’efir of men. - It. is therefbre confefl t/Jnt a Eran! (fuéh as he ac- com'pts a P ROT ESTA NT K’I N G) , may éeflm , “W?“ éy openforee and. new: ,‘ are}! m’néln an alien]; nfon be: Tel/nee .- (f ). Dr. (f); find-2f they. that; 'bave :lz‘lled inz efcnpe , they are bononred Whue “t dll-ffieinlwet Mer'nsgredl-Terfofldgei tent-If ”/b‘zflfdfl 0”” 0" My ’6" 5- thrirife, energize. a Sacrz‘fice gratefulto G,od~ende. The P'riefls. P45. 1 - inmhtélrg/b- Rebellion were wont tagtfgllfrthe peeple thateit was ‘ the mofi commendable thing'T-the'y could do here upon‘eart’h :, , to afifimyqthc PIR’OT ES T A: N I S, for they were worfe'thanDogs; my, they. "ilr"‘<§1’.‘Ef'IjkvillS2 and ferved the Devil ; and killing of fuch‘ wasm rare prcfirvative for-them againfl: the pains of Purgatory ,3 M‘Ihut‘the bodies of fuch.t.ha_t;ihou1d,'die in that quarrel,~ lhould n0}: ‘beeold beforetheir Sculs-flmuld afc‘endzup intoHeaven : “and th'ISRWasit tha‘b‘made thofc Rebels {o courag'ioufly defperate in that ' ’ ‘ ' difmal l 15] . , difmal Mafl'acre. And if all this be not enough to convince any reg- fonable , unprejudiced perfon of the truth of this Third Particu- lar , Iknow not What would be. But ‘ . ' F 0 11 R T H L Y , and Laflly, I ihall-indeavour to prove T R EA- SON and M UR THERA both of KING 8' and Teolole to be Me- ritorious. The I/Voadetfttl Tower ofTapalHol/aefi hath tramfarme ed M u R T H E R into a very Chrzflz’aa and Vertaoas flit , prafi raided effecmlbr that a he the M V R T. E R of HE R E T I (3 Rs. You Willfind (t) that all H E R E TI OK 5 are Excommuni'eated and Condemned , and the Etta-res Of thofe condemned are motif,- cated. ; tom damnatorum eoafifeeat'vr and the, Secular Princes and. Lords-.arecompelled (if they! will not doit orherwife ) and bound by folemn Oath : 1970139”? ’, ’With all their power , to in- deavour 'to deflroy'the‘m all ,\ utterly; 11721422”be H (/15? R I TI. C O J’ ‘ho‘tza fide fro virthus extermfir‘r‘are ’ fiadearzt.‘, And this Bar- barous Decree - was r we in execution in the "'days'of. that; P O P E; for he imp-loyed armies againlt- the d/hz‘gwfe: ‘( thePr‘edecelTors 2.9! ( t) Co-nci» littm Late— ranenfe, [ah Innotent. 3. cap. 3. fit Crah. Tom. 2. P. 9479 948. . of the P R0 T E 5 TA NIT-S; in Frame ) Who’deflroyed above . A Two hundred thoufafid' in the fpace Of a few Months. It wasex; ecuted in the Age before this , in Frame; where f0 many Thou- fands were freachoufly and Cruelly Marthered , that the Channels ran down.;’-with Blood into the River , and this Was magnified as ' a glorious AetiOn , honoured with a a. Triumph at R O M E ; and the unparallell’d Bumhety .' was thought {0 meritorious , than: Was rewarded. with. this? HiO‘LIAN-ESS his partiéular; Blefllng ,- and the 'pardon-of alltheir Sins. And thofe that will engage my, fuch Afisto' the utm‘ofir ( as their Church requires) are allured. by the P 0 P E3 “ Of thol’edndulgences and PriviledgeS', Which were. fi‘ grantedto'the Adventurers for the Recovery of .‘ the HolyLand. ( 1!) Qatar H at}? E TI co R v M exterm'imm param- ‘eriat , :lla ‘gaadz‘aat irta'ulgetttt'a , z'fioqae privilege fiat marziti 5 ‘ quad aeeidentz'har in term? fantta {uh/[diam eoaeeeh‘tar. ( x;- .And thefe are eXprelTed' in ‘an Afpendtx to that Council, to he fallpar— dpngofall their flm‘ here, and a greater meafure of [my hereafter. At no lefs rate do they value the Blood and utter. Deffiuaion'offuch as we (whom they account H E R E T1 C K S) and'they do likewife 1 hink 8i fay,that the greater the Perfon- is who is M V R T H E R E D, provided it belor the Good and Intereft of the Charch , the more Meritorious is the Aa'ion‘; and confequently it flaall meet with greater Revvards in the Heavenly State. With what Pompous .Ce- ‘remonies- do.they hallow thofe Inflruments whichare'to do the bleffed Work .2 By what charming Names do they call that Bloody Wretch,who. is to be im loyed in the Horrible Bufinefs 2 No lefs than Eleéted Sort ofGod, B ejfea’ V ejel, the Arm (y the Airing/arty to exe- cute his 713/122: .' How do they blafphemoufly come before their Al- tars, an with a feeming fervent zeal, prayto the God of Hea- ven , That all the Saints may arzje 471d give place unto him ; and that the Lord may appear to he his Strength , and to irzfitfe into him the Beam: . f his Confolatz'oa .' .. How do they devillifhly wheadle him into a belief that there is a Coeleflial Splendour ‘ ‘ lhining (it) Thuan.‘ Hifl.948. . (x) 161‘. Pu 967. Exod. 34. alt, [ '16 l lhining round his Head , and like the Skin of” Mofi"! his’Faeei, at); - pearing with {0 great a Brightnefs , - that they are<_n,otcapab1e‘ of looking on him without! Trembling and Confu-fion? How: do they throw them‘felveszprol’trate at. his Feet -," and pre- tend he is no longer a Mortal ,' but changed into'agl'Beity?! And how do they. tellthe Credulous ‘Cully, that he will Shy {o glori- ous an Aétion; he certainly freed from the .pains offil’urgatory, and‘immediately tranflated into Paradife ,-,;and there be may; low’d. up of Eternal Delights- and Satisfaflions ? And Wharfoevgrig' {aid to them of their good Works and Meritsin their Lives , 1225.13 ' dimim Bzovz‘us', E‘J’c. Saints them after their Deaths : 'He reckons (Dirty/en’s ~Booka— gainfi the. o'atfi‘or ,1 Allegiance, call'd, A szcuf: of the Anfmr of D7.Wil- liam Bar— low, 6‘6. p. 22. G" 2 3: (1.) Mr. Haw-ig- jbmd.p. 3'23- the Traitors of the Gun-powder Plot amongth'e.Bminent-efi-Martyrs- for: the Church "and Religion; “andFather, (1y) ‘il’tzrfimi callsGa’ri net, (Executed for ’High fiction; and ,the‘Gun-pobvder 'Conl‘pii-‘t racy ). A71 Imi’ocmt Mm ,n wéofitffered‘rmjuflly ; thgttfiélgwd‘f} Saint: szr,afid}ircomflszrd tbeflzme we'tib anhafpyflhzfibydymg ii: the @qureo] _7u/fzce. And KIN (3 341m”, whenhe came-t6 . the Crown of England, M1} 1.4.111602;...1Decla'red tofhis' Parlia-J them: there, in Ma) 19. 1603.. ThatonieT‘POint yr.hlchth‘e'l?ap'ifl§ Obferve in continual practice, was thfe'AlTafiinations: and M ViR‘J THE.“ S of KINGS ’,.xthinkingiit nosfi-nt,; but ratheraa maltteit of Salvation to do all Aétionsof Rebellion éa-nd' ' Hoflilityagainfig their f Natural sovereign Lord ;,~ if he benonce aecurfed ,; jeéts difchargeid oftheir Fidelity , '_ and, his’ Kingdom‘v‘given- as); Prey by that‘I‘ripplpCrowned MONA R4C H , .xor rather Mom fier their Head ',, the P OP E. Tho outitrher .andimore prudent; C 35;)? Qhrbfii'clerfa s, That'inWounding and Killing. a Prince, the Traytor is guilty 'Oly Homicide, of Pnarr‘icidehofaChrifi-icide‘ C K I N G S beingthe Anointed ,ofthe, LQYJd‘); nay;‘ofDeicidetooféthey beingggirf Sacred, Writ called GOD St) ;.*Ihus._d0 the‘tlmpiduhfiv’éfitfur by: the ‘Allurements-of Merit-(1 as it. is laid ') inflame the", Courage's‘of - th'efe daring Allaflins. But (crys out the-Learned and'Rev‘e‘rend DrQJ‘tz'llMgflert') O élefled 74/215! t/Jat ever My. Hayrflazmr [£20,21ch - 9 l7: aflmmdé/t Tirzgytor: and M V R T H E R ER 8 ; 07"..i‘ltdi 166}be Motiwg £12} trite ‘Re/z'giorr/lyould [re made #33 Cuban/57116:" firth/i touted ‘Prtzfizrrsl ‘And that they fltould ufe it'as "a"~M.-antle-f'to hide and cover (their hellilh Impieties, _. .T REAtSIQINIS ~. Md Rebellion. Tlieir Gofpel feems like @ramis Laws;’to§bb’Wfit'ifl Blood,- nay , and far worfe , for the :Souls 05 their? tAd‘verfaries are as much hated by them as their Perfo‘ns: TIM fifaiti zmr/mf‘z‘a taélmeflv to; {me2 5d: been fl) great, a's toawgflittéezr [Eternal @eflruffiun gqfld flu} have been-wit/Ml fixfilmd ,1 1215:- tb' (fifte- 2m; 1/st t/Jrirtzéomz’fiaélé, [Vi/b"; nqyram’fb far banal/2:3} me from teflzfyz'flgfafljfirret ‘Deflgm of Meir. Salvation, Mat they 54728 puélz'cé/y prqyrdfor tbrzr'flamnatz‘on ; and. after that they 714d éetrayed t/mt impious I/Vz/b in the City» of Caen; to tbe fam- rlal of the w/Jole Court/.7; they Mtg/bed 129; afterward: to mdifltam at Paris , we): fit their printed Booér, 'fi; @idéolz'm! Km Afr’iozz .- For by what lefsName can! call that, which is {o Anti-Evan- gehcal? But they think (and in truthI fuppofe they reckon it , a ( I7 ) . _ _ y y ‘ a piece of good Manners in them too) it is no more, fit‘fm-G'Oa‘ ,to have fuch , whom they call HERETICKS in his-Glory, then for them to be .peflered and troubled With them y'here on Earth ; and therefore it is a Very Good and Merz'z‘orz'om' Work in them, to reak their Vengeance on their Bodies ih this World, and with the Devil might make a Mouth of their Ime- mortal Souls in the next. Their very Spirit and Temper feems only to be made upof Fire and T06 (as we fay.) Will anydare to Oppofe and be contrary to us , efpecially, in their Doctrine - and Principles, cry they in their'Hearts? It lhallcoft them clear then; for, if it be pollible , we’ll link them down as low as Bell for it , - and then much good may do them with their Stub; bornnefs. And this is not only the Bruitifh Language of thefe Jim: of BE‘LI AL, but thefe are their Aétions too , i and that this Nation can tefiifie, almoft as well aslanyl- in .thc-.World. How is every year the (a) Great Bull ofHolj Th‘u‘rfh’qy puhlilhed at! ROME againft Chriflian - KIN-GS and States that are HERET-ICK S ? And by that they are accurfed, and {0 ma (£31132; "i‘ 'CzeneDomrf Y hi. be lawfully , n'ay, ought neeejfarily to be M V R T H E RE I) ; , ' and thofe {hall immediately be Saints that do fuch a~ glorious- Work of'the Lord , as they call it. Nay ,, HERET lC'AL K I N G S are fo accu’rfed by them , that even their Sons _- muft feel the weight of their Anathema’s too , tho they partake not in their Fathers Crimes; for H F, RES 1 E is a Leprofie, '13? ex Lefro/is Tarentz'hus Leprofl gmerartur filz'z'. So that fay's,(h) ,Szmanm propter HVERES I/N Regz's , ”afifirhtm Rex R6871“ ”WNW, ® 5} .CQmmImiorze fidelium dirt: profirzftz'omhusjejm- rater 9’ Rd E9, 57““ fill? oi regret fueeeflz‘one pellrmtur, utrofler Lupus [zzculente prohat. And can it be thought any thing lefs than a work fufhcrently Meritorious , for Tapzflr thus todea‘l With Princes, when they have all their Lands and Eflates gia- ven them by the P OPE/himfelf, as the honeflt and jua Re. Ward of their fuccefsiul Lab’ours? And that this is certain, fee the (c) Confiitution of POPE Sorted-the Fourth, Sub- fcribed by all the Cardinals , which declares, That all Trekzte: and ‘Prz’mes, e'vetz KINGS and EMPERORS ,; fallen into HERE S IE,- fhould he, and/hou/d he underflood to he deprived of all their ‘Behefices , State: , Kirga'om: , and Empires , without farther @ecl/zrzztz‘on , and utzcczfahle‘to he ref/fared to them , no hot hy the Apoflolich Jed; and their Goods, States, Kingdoms, arid Empiret, flmll he under/toad to he com- mon , and to helortg to thofe Catholz'ehs that can get them. But what is this 2 They hold it to be no fine, Not to heep Forth ate/lTeace , eat to ohfer've either 7?th or Harte/7) towards, HER ETICKS; it is no deceit to Eqrti'vocate with. them in rz' 'vzzte flealz'izgs or fuhlich flanfdfliom; ‘tz'sl‘ 720 who. net]; to cheat them of what they have; no Terjury to hreah Oaths with them 5 no Thefi‘ to Rah or 5130i] them; ”It: 710 In- bfimam'ty to Burn their Hozrfe-s over their Head: , 120 M V R?- THER to Kzllthem, altho KINGS and PRINCE SI; F ' Ii (5) gm; Cd; (fit. 9. 5 e6}. 2 5' 9. Canal ‘Tr‘lei dent at. 5. p. 409. p.366, 367. it‘ tho ' \ t I 8 )- In'lawéidfi’t’is‘ifié) mi for uranium to 21¢: tit‘tft’m' W '5’ f5 9” "1i; ’5“ madarlgeta til-@6233” , mama, r'. lays a who E)»: (- r! )5 Anthonr‘bf I he Papx’lfitfarrdproveis {it [too new them, from their own intake-rtflg‘j - the Part/1‘s. ., writihg-‘U .-N6‘w¥.~if‘?i~t' be "no fin’ to do any 0* melécthings ,- theh'netiefiai’ily’ -‘ be 'a9go'od‘ Nit-ion (f—o’r there is; land; can "be"; onlyf'G'ood" and 'Evil Aétions )—’ and *ii‘ fo‘,"’753tlténiby their-{agent {wfiaffoever‘t v’ is ”Good is Mriv'roa‘zom ,ufaficl‘r-«tlie-l‘é‘ thingsi‘fC‘M V RTHE R S and TR E AS 0 N 8‘ f0 c’i‘rtumflan. away-Being Gd ' ~{itwould be‘Folly and Nonfenfe nm to think th’ém “,Mei'itoriéfii'“; for, ray-the R/Mflfifl’fi 5’71: MOfl (fa/25ft; at”; W fifitldéd wiiifiiwi1'fleahd-Q’ofii‘mt'z'm , {ls-wt Good 11753.5: are?" Motown Marla/my Wife of tonal-now, ~ Fonhe Hea— “Ven‘ly'n- Blellflednfis,‘ which the Seripture-calls, 77.53 Rffitalrde “"o'f‘ 11:? 7a]? "(16) is not given of Goal Gratis ,, but] is due to ' dradrOrtb. 9‘ their Good "\"V’orks; yea ,. God hath fet- forth Heayen‘to'sagc. E‘Pl’“ 1:6'v“for our Goodr"Works. ~ And no Common Perfon ~18 to know ' \vhat4Good‘ andLEVill Works are , but as their .‘PI‘I'E'flJ‘ infirua' ‘therfi'. " Andfiare the People to be blamed , if they lhonld chance to*£rrfthrot \tliéit‘l—iTea‘chers Means and Fault? There“ is no .regrowth:it:1th“thief-wetta-géand f0 they boldly Own it: For,_- faiy-they ,- they iarernOt only ex‘cufed' for their Faults, when theyithas wander with their Teachers , but t/yrz'r Oétdzeme z‘b'th'Ta/i‘ors ‘oljerem 2's" Meritorious. Now , if" M V R- THvE’IR'INGf-Of .HE RETI CKS fliould really be a {in ( as -noneot‘ thorn will acknOwledge ) yet f0 long asthet‘frzrffls - -, and:,.J-E.S-V ITS “ lhall' tell‘them to the contrary , nay, {hall .. cryt"1t"np as a 1'1ng Aétof piety ,' they are b0und to believe them"? and {0 many M V R T H E‘ R S as the People fliallcom- mit on fuch a belief , and from the' pure Principle of “a blind, ObediéUCe, {07 many Worthy and Holy. Aétions do they per- form, and, bya neceflity of confequcnce, ’do merit accordingly. Therefore how-great mul’t needs be theirReward in Heaven, who 'lhall not only have their‘Hands embruedin a few; trifling, petty M V R T H E R S ,, but lhall make whole Nations, and Kingdoms fwim in-Blood, an’d lhall not {pare either 'Magi- flrates , Princes,~-or Kl N G S, if they dare be {0 prefum~ ptuOus, as to ‘owh- ‘a-contradiétory Opinion to theirs? “And “ theyfcorn to receive Eternal Life at' Gods Hands , as a poor “ Man receives. an‘wAlm's , far‘be that from them , it moves their “ lndignation “to:think out, that they lhould expeft Eternal “ Glory for GOds fake; they Will not {0 difparagetthemfelves, “as“to have it in inch 9. beggarly way: They will have it‘ for “their own fake, as that ‘whichihey fully del't4rvée , or 'elfe be “without it; they will have itin a way more Glorious,‘ be- ?“ coming Perfons'of ”a tranfcendant WOrth; as Conquerors and “ Tr‘iumphers, ’as Lawrels Which they have {wear fer, 77112914377: -“falmézmjuis, fudorzém dréiz‘a‘an; and is‘due to their Merit: And there is norhing in~'tlteir Accompt can exalt it more, than 'the way that [have been treating of. ‘ ' . . .. M ‘ , . . i‘ 1 fl _ I T H I N‘K this may very Well ‘fuffice, ‘ Without any farther tediohfi nets, to make Clear the/Truth of my whole aflertion,.u howthe :Jefiii'té “accompt MURTHER and TREASON to be Iawfil~5,.}{¢c4gfl"dr},5 ,_ game ’menolable', and meritorious sand therefore I {hall now? cometo that WhiCh at firf’t Imainly intended, viz. to give them, and allvadherers t'oith'emg fome ferio'us CONSIDERATIONS upon what I have (hid, fand'ftxco’n: elude. ; .._ . ., ' ‘ 1W" AND here let me ‘beg of you in the firl‘tplace to confider what "21}h‘ig‘h‘ ‘ 'and grievous ofl’ente .2 ' this of MURTHER and TREAS'ON-Lis, , in the eyes of that Allf'feei'ng, Heart-Earchin‘g God, ’ With Whom" they have to do: .it is that-Which his Soul hates 5 for iteven firikes at {the Majefty of God himfelf, .fince he creoteol Man cg‘ier bit more Image .€ it‘lis ~ ' .. in; f0 t art-Offence, thathe pofitiVely commands it, that whofieeer kil- Levit. 24.21; [mfidl be put to Death, and bet/Jot is d WURTHE‘RERflJ‘oll "SURE'LTbe. put to Deot‘b, and tbe Jeeiiger fllbudflmll‘flay 5252;; The Numb. 35g“: Lifeof Man is the workmanfhip ofGo'El,‘ nay, ‘I may fay, "thefv’ery I33; ‘7’ '8’ —’9' fifiion of hierorkmanlhip, and he'cannOt but cherifh, and have a tender ‘ regard for that which was made in g the likenefs of Himfelfg {6 much as that in his great Council of-the Trinity, he fayes, «714472 isbé— romeo: one, of‘UJ. That Was it WhiCh made Gaol lay dOWn in. an em refs ‘c‘ommandement engraven in Stene, THO?) SH/ILT JCOT KILL, for When he ’maketb Inquifition for rBlond, (be ‘will remember tbem. i-And, pm," 9, [2: (ayes be, S URSLT (to'put it for ever afterwards out of all peradven- tux-e) tbe Blood of your liver will I require, at the bands of wer‘Be'afl will I require it, (f0 dear did God fet by it,that the very Beaft which did but kill a Man, {hould nOt efcap'e unpunilhed,) and at the bond of man, at tbe bond of every man’s rBrotber, will I require tbe life'of moi), land wa/o jbeddetb mom’s blood, by man fbollbis blood beflaed 5 ( and here’s the reafon ofit, and, believe me, ’tis a good one too,) for in the Image 601- 9. 5,6- ofGod made be man. . This is to be, if you ferioully confidcr it; in the greateft meafure unhke God himfelf, for he declares,‘ firyie not’in me, mm, ,7, 4; No.> what, not in that holy God, who is ofpurer - eye: tbaiz to-bebolol Iniquit} with the leofl approbation, and Whoisdayly and hourly provo- ked by our great Tranf reifionsg and {ball Man, who is 4 Wm;_' did the Son ofmom tbot it 4 arm, as job expreiles it, be f0 offended, as to leak this laft of revenges upon his Brother, and fellow-Creature? this is to H in the face of that God that madeus, and to fupplant him in the 'defign he had of rendring us like to himfelf, in love, mercy, tender- nefi, compaflion, éVc. And if to fave men renders us like unto our Hea- venly Father, than do nOt we make our felves the Children of: the Di- ‘ vel, who was aMZJRTHERER from the beginning, in praéhfing the ‘maximes of the Divel according to the words of theBlelfed and Holy john. 3, 44; JESUS? I defire to {peak unto wife men, that will ferioully Judge of “ what I lay. But befides, ' IT is againft both the Doatrine and life of our dearefi Redeemer .- . he would have merCy {howed to finners even to the end ' of the world, . and Would have the Wicked n0t prefently to be cut off, but to remain with the righteous, as appears by the parable of the Tares; fOr how greata firmer foever a man may -be,we know not Whither his end {hallbje G goo , ,1 WW-V~m yr" w." (232) . good, and Whither in the end; he {hall obtain mercy of God, Ck-mfi bids. us be merciful 44 our heavenly Fat/re)" tr merciful .5. for. he lays, they M receive were}; Now by an Argument ,e contrario ,‘ thofe that are M, revengefill, treachertms, bloud-thirfiy, mercilefs fouls, cannot fixpfiél: but that in the lamegm‘eafure which they have meet-ed out to others; 'it {hallsbefmeeted Ontgto them again; and that Gap! fll‘ouldhave no manner of Pity or Compa-ffiOn for thofe that can be fo lavage, and indeed, worfe than feral, towards their poor Brethren 5 for Beafis are notfor defiroying their own-kind 5 no, they improve their fence better, drand‘uch men do, their Reafbn‘,~whengthey do not: confider that tholé thm they, periécute, are of the flame flelh, and Blond with themfelves, and therefore it may be, I think ,L’Well, laid. to fuch What the Pr0phet Ifiu‘ab 27. 11. {hid in athhet-‘café,’ t/Jdt bet/Mt tiltade thew, willnot have mercy 072 #26722. a B By the Law of 'C/Jrz'ft, we are obliged ,to give our lives for our Bre- thrtffi,'hoW'then can it be allowed that We .lhould kill them .> he lays, " " ifbur-BrOther trelpafles, we {hould privately .reproove him 5 if that ' Will not do: than take along with us one ortwo of the Befl, and malt W3 (bf his, and Ourfiiendss if this avail n0t, then tell it to tbeC/Jurcb, let the‘Paflors admonifh him 57 and if nOtlting can work upon him,what ' then .3» fhall We, pifiol, - or poifon him, cut his throat, or torture him to death? Inot‘hi' leis, but iflgbejzegleét to [tear the Cfiurel), than have .720 fillozvfliip with im, [mt let ' bit}! be unto thee 44 472 .Hedt/Jen rim”, and a: _ waliczm. ~ I S ”here any thing of fiery heat, or immoderate excurfions of .paflion 013g»: , . ? Ghno, Cbrt/t is pallfweetnefs 5 his words and Doctrine are all; fine withtender exprefiions of Love and Charity to Mankind; read hisSerm‘on in the Mounts obferve his temper, and the whole condué’tof his life, which was for our imitation, you {hall find he was continually doing good, and exercifing a moft affeétionatecompaffion to thOfe that hated him. ’Twas Death by the Law to commit Adulte. § ry, and yet when the woman that was taken in the very aét was ' brought before him, to hear what he would fay in that “cafes he does not immediately fall foul Upon, her, and bid them go and execute the rigour of their Law, but meekly and lovingly, and to their lhame and confilfion, bids them that were Without fin, throw the firft fione at her, and When her informers were one, and {he Was left alone with him, and befaid unto her, Worm”, w; ere are tho/e thine .Iemfirr, batty .720 mm john 8. 10,11. condemned We ,2 andfltefiid, 120 mm, Lord, file/it: fetid zmto her, ’ neither do I tandem thee; go, afield/in no more. When they reviled him, fpit upbn him, buffetted him, he Opened not his mouth; though he was the Par: Lefi , and could have called to his Affillance twelve Le- gions 'of Angels, yet he bore all quietly, and patiently 5 nay, and af- ‘ tertallthe dreadful Agonies of his Crucifixion, and the utmofi extent of their malice and wrath againft him, he breathed out his life with this pailionate prayer for .thofe that perfecuted him, flying, Fat/Jet for- given/3e01, (he. then 8 t. Teter askedour SaviOur how often his Bro- thErmigh't offend him, and he forgive him, he falls upon a Parable . there, which {h0wes that every Chriftian ought to be merciful to his Brother, how often {‘0 ever he offends againft him 5 becaufe we, fo of- ten as We offend, ask mercy of God, wherefore, for. as. much as our ‘ f ' Ol’lifllCC “-WW' ‘ w * ‘ (733/, w . Offence againft God is far more grieVOus, than-can: be any offence of our Brotheragainli us, r’tis plain that we Ought/robe mercifiil towards our Brethren, if we will have mercy 'atGod’s handsNoW M'Z-JRTHER was borhby the Doétrine and Life of Cbrz‘jt prohibited, audit was im‘. pollible for. him to erre-in his .Doétrineor in his Life, for hewa’ssGod .5 and therefore it muft heeds .be...atzlawfitl, and a great/in, '_ Nay, haWHS to far fiomfhaving any'goodthoughts’of this, mailman, Whom" . _ it but aogrjintitb bio“ (Bfw‘hr withouta 6431/3 fboll be in danger oft/ye judge meet 5 mid wbofie‘oerfljeflfi} to. bir‘Brother Racha, .flmll-Iye in dangers?“ the Cogneil, out wbofoe’oer foal! fit]; "(and this is but a' Word (peaking) thou fool, flail [2e in'oldoge? Tof bell-fire; What fhall Ethofe' then he in danger of; that will accompt it nothing to kill their Brethren, but in lo doing. {hall think ( if HE‘RETICKS) they doGod good fervice. But again,-. .. ~ CONSIDER, is not: this’againftthe-very end Of the deIEent nfthe Spirit, which was to fill our hearts with Meeknels, .2 Love, and: Charis- ty towardsall Mankind}; And is not this contrary to the Gofpel, whiizh is a Gofpel 10f Peace; was not the Everlafiing Father the Princetof‘ ‘ Peace, and are no: we commanded to'feek peace and'purfue it? to fol- low peace with all men,» and to live in Love and Peace? and to walk ' WOrthy OFthe Vocation 'Wherewith We are called, with- all Lowlinels and Meeknels, with long fufi'ering, forbearing one another in Love, and indeafvouring to keep the-Unity .‘of the Spirit in the Bond of peace? and is this to put on, ? as the Eleé’c of God, Bowels of mercy, Where there is, or {hould he, could men have their Wills, nothing but Burn- ing, Fag 'otting, Drowning, PrifoningyChaining, Famifhing, Hangi- ing, RaC mg, Tormenting, and the like, Oh! Confider in time, ml be wife, leaf! God tear you in pieces, and thre be none to deliver. \ BESIDES, this does. by no means {how} the Excellency of the Hea— venly Wifdoms For that confil‘ts in Purity, Peaceablenels, Eafinefi to , be intreated, Which is flow to Wrath, and in forbearance, as Cbnfl’s temper, was, which ‘is much magnified by the Dignity of. his Perfon, by the Power he had of‘doiig all things, andthe Holy-Ghofl, which every way gives us rules of Moderation, and mm of Cruelty and Blood-(bed, as you may-fee throughout the Gofpcl. . MOREOVER, confider, You fin ag‘ainf’t the Examples of all Good men in Holy-Writ: [will begin with Mofir, that faithful Servant of God, who, when the Peeple-of 1/2;an in his Abfence, had finned agreat fin, no lefi than committed Idolatry, made a Molten Calf, War/hipped, and Sacrificed to it, what does he dog (and he was influenced by the Spirit of God,) why he calls the people to him, and tells them, now rm. 1:. gm. will I go up onto the Lord, pemdventure I fball make an .Jttonement for 3°? 3" 32' joor (in. Am! Mofes returned zmto the Lord, and first; 0/)! this People bevelr'mzed a great (to, and have made them Godt of Gold : yet now, ift/Jou wilt, forgive tfiez’rLfiizg and ifflot, blot we, I pm} tbee, out of to} Book tactic/a t/sou lmfi written : he'does not think ofdcllroyitfiig them Root and Branch, and‘in the greatnefs of their fin cut them 0 , and {end their Immortal Souls poll to H6115 no, but he himfclf would rather be Itilllfe G 2 - (2-4) -- . 'fufl'erer, and feel the punilhment due .to them, than that God lhould take‘the advantage againft them, and lay, the charge of their own fin upon them. Obferve likewif‘e‘ what job lays, to whom there was none job ch. wing. like in all the Earth, a perfeét, and an upright man, one that flared God, ch.31.v.29,3o. ‘RM. 9. 1,2, 3. .461: ch 8.9.20. and efehewed evil, as 'Was God’s own charaé’ter of him. I have not re- joyeed at the- Dtfirttétion { him that hated me, or lift up myfilf when evil; found him; neither have fltflered ‘my mouth to fin hy wi/hing a emfé , to his foul. No, he feared even to much as to Open his lipsagainft, not only thofé that were enemies atohim, but againfi thofe that were 0p- pofiers of Gods he would pray: for fuch‘, as, were his lad comforters; but though I1EP£TICKS to him, he never confpired their deaths and mine, nor {0 mHCh aswrfhed thathod would fo far efpoufe his righte- ous cauf‘e, as to cut them off hi‘mfelf. And if you find, this under the Law, can you expeft any léverer Doétrine from the Oeconomy of the Gofpel? You know it is (aid, that the fruit ofRighteoufioefi to mm in Teaeeg and this is fufliciently made good in the carriage of the Apo- ftles. See that of St. ‘Panl towards the yew: : dOes he thunder out his ll’lagnnm jaathana againll them, becaufe of their Arefiive and obfiinate infidelity .3 n0thinglefi, andhe calls God to witnefs, and to jufhfie What he fiys 5 I jpeakthe. Truth in Chri/l, I lye not,.ymy C onfeienee alfo hearing me W/itnefi in the Holy Ghojl," that I have great heaoinefi and continual forrow in my heart 5 for I could wijh that my jélf were aeemjfedfi'om Chri/t, rBrethren, my Kinfmen, according to the Flo/h. He defired nor their deaths, for he knew, to the grief of his heart, that they were by no means fit to die 5 but he could Wifh (he had f0 ftrange a fervency of Zeal and Love, ‘for their fouls,) That he might be made a facrifice to the juftice of God for them, and fo God would but convert and five them, he could even have been content to have endured the eter- nal wrath of his righteous vengeance due unto them. . What was the carriage of St. Peter towards Simon Magm? he only rebuked him, but he did not command him to be put to death, when he was guilty of that great fin, as to imagine the gift of the Holy Ghoft could be purcha- fed with mony: fays St. ‘Peter thy money, perijh with thee, for that thou fit - pofifi the Gift ofGod to he bought with money, thonjhalt have neither part, nor lot in thio‘ matter 5 thy heart it not 1711. before God, therefire (mark ' here) repent thee of thy wickednq}; and pray unto God that this wicked ' thought of thy heart may he firgieentheea for I perceive thou art in the gall of hitternefr', and in the bond of Iniqaity. Here was a grievous offence in Simon Magoo, and St. (Peter gave him a harlh, and {harp rebuke,but yet here were no thoughts of putting him to death : fo far from that that he only gives him this ghofily advice prefently to fall to prayer, and to repentance, and if any thlng would provoke God to pardon and to five him, thofe were the mofi probable and likely means to do it. The time would fail me {hould I attempt to enumerate all the like roceeds and carriages of the Holy Apofiles, Saints, and Martyrs of Go to their fellow Brethren 5 I {hall conclude therefore this particular with his Council, who intreats us, that a»: dear Children we would walk in Low, and work them which do walk [0, and not walk according to theeom'fl? of this world, according to the Trina? of the Tower of the ./{ir, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of diféhedienee. But that above all things we would havefi’rvent Charity among our felter, for Charity covereth a .Mnlti- mae of flm‘. FUR- . a . . C25): '. s . . _. ’19?”- FURTHERMORE, it is againl’c the very order of Prie/Zhood, - for though it doth juftifie the Judgments to death of the Laity, whereby offenders are condemned to die,— yet are theg-fhemfel’xies interdiéted to put in execution the fame Jun ments. The . riefix ofthe old Law be; . _ 1 ing imperfefi, when Pilate {Ex-i to them concerning Chrifl, ( whom [they fobyb.’ :3 vet: had aCCuféd Worthy of d’eathQ take him nntoyon, and amending to your 0' . 3 ° \ Latvjndg hint, anfirered, that it may not lawfisl for them to pat any man to Death. Whereby it plainly appears,-that our Priefl: being muchpmor’e‘ perfeé’t, may nOtlawfully "give Judgment of death againlt any Offen4 dersg but yet notwithflanding, do not- our Roniifl) Pricjtrclaim'e unto themfelves the Power judicial upon ofl‘enders? although it be againfl? their own very Canons for Priefl: to meddle. in thecaule of-bloud. . But not to tire out your Patience with a needlefs and unprofitable te-‘ dioufiiefé, let me defire’ you. / IN the next place to eonfider, is not this the highel’t’ ‘pride im'a ina—'- ,ble to take upon you the Power'abfolutely‘ to deftroy, and = -nr-- ether KINGS, pull down Government, 'Alter the Religion that has been for tome ages eftablilhed in 3 Kingdom, and lay all at your feet Wal-’ lowing in blond, that {hall not truckleto your Arbitrary Will, and, . join with you to fer've Idol: of Silver and Gold, which are the worker Pfl 1154;. 4,5, Ofneen: handy, which have months and flea/(7101*, eiey, and fee not, earr, 6: 7’ 8' - and hear not 5 nofer, and finell not 5 handy, and handle not 5 feet,and walk not 5 nor fieak the} through their throat 5 and when the}! that Ina/(e than are like unto them, #6 is alfh every one that trufleth in them. * And What. can be the fruit, and the reward offuch Almighty Arrogance, but what ' ' . the APOmC St. Teter takes notice of and tells you, that if God fl’dt‘é’d 2 Pet. 2. o. 4,). 77“ “83/167369 thdtfimied (that would fain have been God; themfézlves, sa' 5» 75 32 9” and Were guilty of the lime damnable Ambition, that you now are IO’ 1” 12' gmlty Oh) hilt €437 them down to hell, and delivered them into Chaim of I darknefr, to he refimed unto judgment, and fpared not the old world, hut [’7'0’49 l7" 4 flm’d ”P03 ”a (”id filmed the Citie: of Sodom and Gomorrha in-4 ’0 afher, condemned them with an overthrow, mahing them an example an- to thojé that afierwardr flyonld live ungodly, the Lord know: how (not on-- ly to deliver the godly out of 'l"i,);;.rpmn'om7 and us HERETICKS in yOur eyes from all your hellilh and divellifh Confpiracies, MURTHERS- and TREASONS,) but he knows alfo how to rifirve the nnjnf? to the . d4}, ofjltdgmefit to he pnnifhed, but chiefly them that walhafter the fly]; in the [aft 0 Zinc/canny}, and defpife Government, for prefitntptnow are the}, and filf-willed, that are not afraid to fpeah‘evil of Dignitiet. Thejé, ”fixation hrnit (Bet/£575, made to he stahen and deflroyed, jpeak evil of the thing: that the} under/hand not, and jhall utterly perijh in their own corrnption. - B E S I D E S,how unreafon’able a thing is it upon a P’olitick Account? for it is impoliible to c0nvert any really to Anothers faith by force and violence, and againli ones will: By {uch means n0t an Infidel can be made to believe in Chrifl, or be made a Chriftian 5 nordid ever Chrift COFHC to defiroy by War and Bloodlhed any that believed not in him, for he find to his Difciples, when they would fain have had him to have call’d down fire from heaven, See. Ton know not what [pirittyon are of; " . the ‘fi_‘ " w‘-—'—--—wv-‘ \ , C26) -- _ the Son of man came not to cleflroj menh~ liner, hilt to fioethem.‘ J Confi- der the very principles of Publique fifety and tranquillity oblige you nor to kill one anOt'her, for who then can ever be fecure of his own life? ' ' ‘N \ . 'V . BUT fiarther yet, let me bef‘eech you to confider what KINGS are. They are God’s peculiar anointed, whom he hath firiétly charged us not to touch. He hath communicated to KINGS his own Name. I fiid Ton are GODS, not flrbflantially or tfléntial/y, fo neither yet on the , Other hand nfnrpatz‘zxe, by unjult Ufurpation, as the Devil, and the 23°05: 4;, TOPE, as you mayfee in thej’i cited Book 5 but poteflatioe, as having- fmflfggufe, his power derived from God within his’Dominions and Territories. Miner. 12. Our Soveraign is ‘ex cnjm'fliiritn, as one {aid of flexanoler, '770! 017171?! fiiritum dncimm, the breath of our Nollrils, by whom we have our Animation and Subfiftance. Goal hath ordered KINGS and @EENS to be his Vicegerents here on earth, to maintain andprelérve Religion in it's purity, and hath conferred grtatnefs and WAj‘ESTI‘ upon them, to make them Defenders, Nurfing Fathers, and Nurfing Mothers of his holy Church: that all Atheifis and Polytheifis, and all fuch as break. the moral and eternal Law be correé’ted, chafiifed and refirained, upon which: accompt it is faid that. Rex efl Cir/lo: atria/inc tahnla’. And * madam». to this purpofe the Regal Office is thus deferibed in K KG 7" Edward’s fell- cap-I 7401- Law, as it is cited in that worthy and learned Piece, called the King: I Supremacy. Rex, qni Vicarimfirmmi Regir efl ad hoc elf con flitntm, nt regnum terrennm é popnlum Domini, c§~ firper omnia, janélam veneretnr (0)1171” {69 Eccltfiam ejw & regat, é~ ah injuriofis defendat. Nay, POPE (o) Elem gggfigcgfi theriiuhimfélf writing to anina the firl’t Chrifiian KING we read. of Rm Britannia. in the world, {tiles him GOD’S Vicar within his .own Realms I will nOt recite the whole Epiftle, but only what makes to my pre- fent purpofeg fayes he, Ton have received of late through God’s mercy in the Realm 0 (Britain the, Law anal Faith of Chrifi, Ton have wit/110;; within the calm hath the part: of the Scripturer5 "out of their: by God’s grace, with the Conncel of your Realm, make you a Law, and [if that Law through God’rfiifirance Rule your Kingdom of Britain, (mark here) for Ton be Gocl’: Vicar in your Kingdom : and he concludes thus, Theyfl. might} God grant Ton to rule reel/your Realm of (Britain, that you may Reign with him for ever, who/e Vicar Ton he in the Realm. Here is a dou—y, ble acknoWledgement of the KING of Great Britain to be God’s Vicar . Upon earth : {hall any then dare to lift up their hands agamft him, and think to go unpunifhed.> How, oh ye Po es, do you degenerate from the goodnefs of your holy Predecellor leatherinr, whofe Inge- nuity and vertue you follow nor! whofoevcr toucheth KINGS, do, as pmvcrbs. it were, touch the Apple of God’: eye, for by him KINGS reign, and Prince: decree j‘uflice. Therefore we- are fo Far obliged not to confpire againflthem, and deliroy them, that we are nor allowed by any means to fpeak the leall evil, and unbecomin word of them: For {ayes 701g, 10b3,“, hit fit to fly to a KING, thou art wicke , and to Prince: ye are ungodly-P He puts. it Eemingly by way of Qaeftion, but it is in truth a determi- native ud ement pail all peradventure that we on ht not : What, tho a I G may be in your acCompt a HERETICK, mull you pre- fently goe, and lay violent hands upon him? God forbid: leave that to _ ,. . the A1 42. l. pag. 28g. the Almighty, who Work} and none cattle“ for you ate told in the holy 39 g , Scripture, that the KING’S heart is. in the hands of the Lord, at; the Ri-é oer: of Water 3 he tarneth it whitherfoever. he will, and therefore Ton ' fhonlel fear the LORD and the KING, and be fure not. to with the KING, no not in your heart, and much leis betray and MURTHER him, by damnable Councells, and wicked hands z'That‘ would be an offence prime impreflionia, and confequently'fine nominee, for it would be not onlya MURTHER of the KING, but of the Kingdom, nonp‘Regie, fiat . Regni. —-—Befides, it is‘a Rulenot capable of contradié’tion, thatby . how much more excellent the Perfon is, To much the more heinous is ‘ the offence that is done unto him-r, as, to offend an officer, is in the eye of the Law more than to loffend'a private Subjeét 5 aMagiPtrate, , morel’than'an inferiour Officer, a Peer, ,more than a Magifirate, fo'r that IS Scandalnnz Magnatunz 5 a Prince more than a Peer, and a M O N A R C H more than a Prince. Nay, , put the cafe that a KING {hould be in the wrong, andfhould ”punifh thoiethat are in the right, yet we 'ought' to pray for them, and not to lift up our .handsagainft them, and much leis offer'to kill them, and all that adhere to them, Read the Chapter in the margin, where You Will find a PrOphet pray— , Kings 1;. ing for an Idolater, and per ecuting KING, toreftore that very hand from the fire he had firetched out againlt him, to apprehend and imprifon him for t° the 7 V6" Prophecying againli his Idolatrous Altar, by God his fpecial Command. And did not Daniel likewifeperform this duty, that was a Captive under Dariw, though a Pagan KING, an Idolater, an enemy'to the Whole 76'me Nation, a Forreigner, of the rPerfian, not Maelmfl: race, an‘impious Tyrant, PerlEcutor of himfelf, and an enemy to. the. True , God, after he had by his own Decree, at the folicitation of his Prlnces, 0n purpofe to infnare Daniel,thrown him into the Lyon’s den?Yet,not~ withftanding all this, which might in the Judgment of flelh and bloud difoblige Daniel- from his dutiful Allegiance to, and prayer for Darizn', his Life and Happineis 5 no fooner did KING Daria; come to the Ly- on’s Den the next morning, crying with a' lamentable voice laying, 0 Daniel, Servant of the Living God, is thy God whom thou/5mg} contmn- Dan.6.2o,2I- all} “[716 to deliver theefi‘om the Lion: .3 the very firfi words Daniel ufed, he brake forth into this molt Loyalrfalutation of and Prayer for him. 0 KING, line for ever, 6w. And am: before t ee, 0 KING, have I done no hurt. He calls him KING, no leis than twice t ether, not Tyrant, Infidel], ( which is worle than HE RE T1 C a ) Perfe- cutor, enemie of God , and his People. HOW much more then {hould we pray for our own Hereditarie , Natural, Rightful KINGS? and n0t endeavour to take away their Lives , Abfolve thelr Sub- jeCts from their 'Obedience to then), Alter the. True Religion, as it is, by Law efiablilhed, - and fubvert the Government, mine the State, and bring in {hangers to invade it. Moreover, do but confider how mild and gracious our prefent KING bath (and f0 have his Pre~ deceflbrs) been to you here, and let that convince you that your fin againft him is the greater. For KINGS that are great, and alfo good, ' one ought nor to offend willingly by any means, Nay, though they were {hangers to us, but if they make themlélves our Friends, and liberal Benefiflors, Nature teaches us that they deferve f0 highly of us upon ‘ all accompts, that it would be the lafi ingratitude of all, but to thinkF ~o we‘ve“- ' (28)‘ 'of doing any thing’ that may give them the leal‘c difpleafure. 'But to 1 Pam. 13,14. 1 Tim. 2. I, 2. I Car. 1319* 5. Plot and Contrive to kill thoie that have laid great obligationson us,- that have giVen us,great Priviledges and Liberties in the way of a eon: trary Religion to their own, this does {0 much the more aggraVate the crime, and make ittto beCOme a AIom'irz/m borreaa’awg for all know that Benefitia corifi’rtmt- jz/a‘ et poteflatem Berrefaéfo‘rifi, afld kindneiies d0 never lay ingagements on us to beecruel, blood-thirfly, and trea-‘ cherous many," but, above all, to Rich liipreme Benefaé’tors' as KINGS. .. a , - A V ~ , ' I CONSlDER again, we arecommanded by the Apofile St. Peter to f‘ubmit our fel'ves to KINGS let-them he never fuch H EREIYCKS, and remember what-St:.Timotby (ayes, I exlsort jdlt'fberefére tbatfrff of all (mark here) flipplieatiom, prayers,-Itrteroe1/iom, and giving (filmy/{3 be made for all men, firr King:, and for-all tbat are in fltbority : Where note the plurality and Univerfality of the word KINGS, inth‘e Plural, and wt in the {ingular Number 5 and that Without any refirié’rion of ' their perfonal qualifications, eXtending univerlally to all KINGS, and excluding none, though Pagans, Idolaters,Hereticks, Schifmaticks, Ty- rants, Oppreflbrs, Perfecu.tors,- ‘Mardererr, WiCkCCla prophane, .viti- 0113, or flagi'tious, in any kind, for? which many might doubt Whlther they ought to pray. But here the Quefizion-is put beyond all further dif ute, for if we ought to pray for all men, then certainly for all KFNGS, tho the Apofile had-not snamed KINGS, for all KINGS are men 5 and if. for ALL'that are in Authority, then certainly for ALL KINGS being in Supreme Authority, and included by flame, between thofe‘ two Univerlals, JILL; WE 1V, and ALL IN All THO- RITY.’ ~ '. B UT fuppofe the Roman Catholick Religion (215 ridiculoufly it is termed,eiz,.a particular Univerfal Religion)fhould be the true,and Pro- tefiantifme a falfe and Heretical 5 methinks, thiscannot rife up to be a filfficient motive for You therefore to M U- R T H E R, but a great deal rather, to pity your Brethren that are of anorher and wron perfuafion and belief, and to bear with them: the Apoftle St. ‘Paul advifes us, to as much, when he fa-yes, We then that are ftroag, vougbt'to bear tbe Infirmitie: of tbe weak, and not to pleafe our/8106: 5- ( by reaking 1 our Malice and revenge upon them) but let every one of w pleaje bir Neigbboar for bit good to Edi/ieatioa. It is oblErvable What Saint Jig- flifl flies, that a Mail jbould alwaye: prefirt'e Cbarity m bia beart, (”21672 wbea be it obligedto do outwardly tbing: tbat to ,Mea feem very bar/b, am! to finite tbem, tbougb’witb a rougb, yet an obligirrg fwerity 5 their Acb’é'dil- . _ tage, not their Deaths, and, it may be, damnation thereby both of foul and body, being to be preferred before tbeir owzz jiztirfafi'iom : Cha- rity nee retia tendit, flee bedere intendit, it neither does, nor defires anorher’s harm, it commits no evil, it thinks no evil, faies the Apoflle : no, but it cover: a multitude of fim. Befides,‘ divifions are arguments of a flefhy minds for you are carnal, faies Saint ‘Paul, for wbereao tbere it" yet among you eat/yiag, firifi’, and diz'iflom , are you not e'arfial, and walk 45 Wen? keeping up your particular Faé’tions and interefis to the mine both of your outward and inward Peace and Qgiet. CON- .. C29) ‘ ‘- CONSIDER in the next place, that totdo Injuflice in the name OF God is only to palliate Cruelty with the vizard of Holinefs 5 and it is greater than the cruelty it {Elf}, fimzlota pz’etm eft’ duplex Irzz'quz'tao, it is . more hateful to God and men to Murder one in the arms of Love, and pretence of friendfhip, than to run a tilt at a man, and kill him out of malice 5 the fin ; of judo: received its aggravation by the betray; ing kifs : 'there is not only the cruelty, but the Abuie of the 'name of Virtue, under which it creeps, is hatched and {hrOWded5 the prolii- tution of virtue to .the Bawd of vice, is the eVil. Sad will be the At;- compt of fuch fouls, for they mull: be forced to live with the Salaam”:- oler in theflames of divine wrath, which theie horrid cruelties purchaie as their Inheritance 5. and yet for all this, What is thought had enough to advance Popery ? Whrtherr, Treacherier, Plots, Perjuries : What {0 Cruel, blafphemous, and bloodyg, what f0 unnatural among men, or criminal before God, which they {tumble at! if it may advance them but one fiep forward to their Barbarous defires.‘ But I will, only tell fuch faVage A/Iurtherer: what Dr. Gel! [ayes of them, that ~- for-the. G‘lf‘fe’m’” portion of their cup, they {hall meet with a greater puniihtnent than m- °' Hell it félf; which Will be“ the lake of fire burning with ‘Brimfione, and . ‘ .' ,_ i that, That is nor Hell, the 9‘ Text will put it out of all controverfie, " Ree-2.05.13. Death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them, (he. and death 1‘4" ‘ ' j ‘ and hefl were mi? trim the lake of fire, am! who/Bearer. war, not formal written " ' I in the book of Iifi, and that the Where is one of thofe that {ball re: ceive‘ this. .puniihmwt, ,’tis pofitively {aid in the nextChapter. fthtthe Rev-2L8. fiarfidhwd uxbeliwz'oggod‘ the Abominable, and Murtherets, there‘ is the name, jhall have their part in the lake which burner with re and. briMflone. Thou, we): Thou, 0 God, art greatly to be feared, 4rd w', _my {hand in fig, >9 PM“, fight, when once Thouare angry. ‘ _ . V ..‘ . ”7.9? f / AGAIN confider, fome of your own men have been troubled in ,1. i ; Confcience for rebelling againfi: thEir Princes. When * Gregory the mfi’Zf‘” "mm the @venth had, afier he had depofed him, excommunicated the Egg. peror Henry the fourth, (Imperatorem ipfizm’ anathemateinotavz't, Widow”? Plain i’; prim omot. Regiez Admintftmtionefl he tranflated the Empire toRudolph GYW' v L Duke of S mm, but though he gave him the ire, he did net deli.- ver it, for Rodolpb was {lain in Battle by the mperor: Rome was taken by the Emperor, and Gregory died for grief. The laft words of Rudogoh are remarkable: feeinghis hand cut off, he find to the Bilhops that had made him to take up Arms, Toufie my hand whichI had Iifi up to God with rm 04th of fidelity to my Soveraz'gn, 710w punt/he’d fi’figbfi”g Traiterw/fly again/Z him by your Infligatioat. This was like jofiph’s Bret 601442.21. thren, who called to mind their fin ag'ainft him, acknowledging the , juftdelért of that Diflrefs that was come upon thcmg (I!) for here it hiyiiifiiif feems that the ‘PO‘PE’S command could not clear his Confcience of the to Mini. Au}. crime oF Rebellion. - . ' ; . “cop-85- CONSIDER further, that if we are commandedtolove our enemies, who is there then that we are allowed to hate, and efpecially {o as to perfEScute and defiroy them :9 Si Inimico: jubemur deligere, quem hobe~, bimm odrflz e item [i [4%) wire”: re firre prohibcmur, rze dc fizbfo parerfimar, qm’m po/jnmw [alEre .3 And if We are nor permitted to hate their Bo- dies, to Marther them, to be hire, much lefs, to do any thing that may I _ hurt ‘ ‘ , , (so) . hurt their foulsg foras Wenas. the Martyr faid in his Torments, all the world, if it were weighed in the rBallance, to not too he compared to the worth and price of one foul. But you may alfo in a commOn perfecution, take away fome ofi your friends, as well as Enemies, and likewife ma- ny Innocents among thoie whom You accompt offenders; Now, were, it to convert the whole Earth, it were not Iawfull to traduce, much lefs to kill the Innocent, becaufe we mull~ not commit the leafi evil to pro— mOte the- greatef’tgood 5 for the Truth of God doth not fiand in need of our lie, as the Scripture fines, for hio Glory. And it it a certain fign of ' a hard heart , and a gracelefi foul to heficure and chearfull under. a known (in: that man that can flee]? foundl}i after a Wurther, and that can give ' “merry check: to his“ Con jcience, hath an heart injenfihle of all goodnefi, and ' "may prove a fit fire-brand for Eternal flanzeo. . .‘ AND now, after all thefe ferious refleétions, can you blame our _ Laws that are only; made in pure Necellity to fecure our (Elves P, not out of-a’ny grudging pique or indignation to your Perlons, for as men We refp’ec't you 5 but. Your Bloudy Principles force usto what we a Vid. 5,, 1% do; Nay, Yourown * ‘Priefi: have acknowledged the Jufiice of our min 0f the K- ‘Lawes a ainfi you," becaufe we. have fuflered fo much from you, ‘3; e 22%;” to William at/‘o'n', the Secular Trig/i, 4- (aid, that all the Sufiering: brought ”Pa’itbe Tupi/ht here in England were the due Reward for their own de- ' merits: which anionic is as true now, as ever it was in his daies. The ‘ Seculars and Regulars in Queen Elizabeth’s daies, confefled, that though the} .dgfliked the feveriy: of her Lawr, yet they could not but acknowledge, tbflth? State W great Cdlljé 1'0 make/ital), except tbeyflmuld 5471612783721 1W.CMfidt- themfelve: . carelefi, and though the Law: were very extreanz, yet the 05m- 3%,; 233;. fion: of them were “0919’ outragiow, . and likewi e, that the execution of than 2:15an f.6 5. war not/o tragzeal, no man} did Write and eport, » T0 clofe up all, having, here laid all thefe confiderations before . _ y‘Ou, Ifcannot fay , as the Roma Epitomizer of his Hifiory did, in i" ' ‘ ‘ 'hreoi'Itahella‘ totain ejno imaginenz amplexnofitni, that in a {mall'compafs ‘ Ihave comprizedthe whole 5 but ratherquite- contrary, in ample tahnla non dimidianz ejno imaginent amplexnoflnn 5 the halfof this fin'of MUR- ' THE-Ry and TREASON hath not all this while been defcribed unto you; but however in what I have dOne, it would be well if you would take the advice of the Prophet, and tell Tour Children of it, and let Tour 3M- 1- 3. "children tell their Children, and their Children tell another generation, fl) my you take away the cell from the. mid/t of you 3- and other-o, when they at» ”76“": 1'.» {24,3 ,, per/14p: mayfear, and do no more anyfireh wzchednefi. ' MZM.CMP!T pro- fi_-; _» 3 . Z’Zfifgfifi; 7 LE T. us now . pray for the Peace of jerufzilenz, that Peace may he 545‘ frame”. within ‘fher Walla, and rPro/perity. within her» Palace: .3 they flJ'all profirer Wm” mu" that Love her, and let us fear the L ORD, and the KING, and not rum, domum tu- tm , exercitw: meddle with thentthat are given to change. And for our * KING, let all unites true Loyal ham- pray with me, flying» Be were! W Hr» 0 Wham, orbm God, for Wenwould fizrallow'hirn up , the): whet their Tongue: like a ZZZ?” £0312; Sword, the}l Communeq‘laying Snare: prit'ily, and theyfa} who [hall fie er carom nota then: B thwjuddazl} would the} flroot at hint, and fear not : lat do thou, ."j:;;p:€f:‘;1133:“ who halt hitherto kept him by thy miraculous Providence, flill pre- ., .. . . firm firz’e bi: life flow fear of tbe Enemie, bide bimerz tbeficret Council of' ' tbe wicked, from tbe Iflflzrreét’ion of tbe Workers of Irzz'quity; deliver bitii out oftbe Hand of the Wicked, out of Hand of tbe 'Unrz'gbteew' and era-a el M4725 and let tbem‘ be aflmw'ed and confiunded tbzzt fiek after bi: Soul; ’ let tbem be turned backward and put to confttfz'ofl, tbat defire bis“ burtg fa f/Jalltbe Rigbteow be glad in tbe Lord, and tmfl in bim, and all tbe up- rigbt in beart flmll glory. And now and hence forward from all Sediti— on, Privy Confiiracy, and Rebellion , from all falfc Doblriize, , Herefle; and Scbz’fme 5 from bardmfi of Heart, and Contempt of thy Word and Commmdmentx, Good Lord deliver us all. .xfmen. ' _____‘_'____—_——_x* ‘ —“- I #‘u—I‘ ‘ .__._... Plexus. MHfl—wa— m___._. ehww— ‘” ‘—4 ‘———-— FOU- 0 RARE BX 1763 . C66 1680 mam-count ELLSPCRRERARE BX1763 . IIIIII Iiijiwllll 743 010—005890