W. » “ A A 7. l .. , . , , ., f. . ,. N . J . "2min: ' _ r‘ :J 7;:t'7-“f‘x .., ww' "' , i , ' ‘ , - , ‘ m ' ., A ,r- W.’ ' 7 V7. 7- V . i l I, ’7- . ¥ \ . '1, 4 7' I l I, I l 4 ‘ , ’2 i ( \ 7‘ \\ _ ’~‘ . THE . ’ Antichr'ifiian Principle fully Difeovered, T ? , ‘ In a Brief and true >' I f I ‘ .,, .. _ . l. i I . ¥ _ ." ‘v'n‘f V . ‘ ¥ . ‘ I _ I “‘ \ , ‘ m I ' (Allthe Helhlh Plots, Bloody Perfecuti; ' ons, Horrid Maffacres, and mofi Inllumane Cru— ’ elties and Tonflres, exercifed by the Papifia e-Qn‘the Pe’rfonsof Protel’cant Diffenters from the; ' §€hurch ofRome, for‘the caufe of Religion only - . as well abroad as ' ' «1' , o , * With AlloWance. , » . v13 0; N _D 0 N, Prizited‘in the Icar, 16797.?» ' 1'. "I" r-,‘- .V_ ’ i » 3' ‘ e I“ - - i " ‘ ' d. \ ‘ V r . _‘ 9‘ W‘ V y‘: 1,5, . ,_ r e v, « a a w I . _, x.‘ . .. e ,J, ,, .5 u. _ «. L r I . t . ~ . V ‘ m, , ." i.“ ‘ ‘ h l .{ ‘ ‘ ' a , M .3: e v Ma r “w ’ "‘ .9 u! g 1" down}?! if". a“ 1mm :6 mks“ sfivm 302‘ a £53,? a ‘ ‘ fi 23» 3' 3, 3 _ . “W‘s: a) .- § :1" ' 3 ‘ 3. . ,- "v i V " - 3%,“; . l ”@325: ' ‘ a _ < I) ‘ : ifiiomwmeemeamme oewoaeeiwweweeraorarer 9 ' . ' He Church of Rome, growing great and mighty, Rich and g ' Proud, 'at once 1013; its humility, and purity of Religion, and 4 ; alfumed pollitick , and tyrannick Principles, which caufed " 3 her defiled hands, to lay afide the {word of the fpirit, and to , make ufe‘of that bloody one of Perfecution, and to run into bloody and murtherous Praé‘tifes, hellilh plots, and contrivances, devillilh Machinations, and horrid, and barbarous Mall‘acres, There is no— 3, thing can better demonltrate this Antichriltian fpirit than to give you 3' a fhort fpecimen of all her bloody A6ts,to {hew you her fword reaking F with the goat of the innocent, and I think it ought to be more preva— '3, flent, than all the force of Arguments, and difputations in the World, for let evenithof'elof her own Religion be judge, whether fo many ’ horrid, and barbarous Ferlécutions, Deaths, and Torments, inflicted «on...men‘and women, for the fake of Religion only, ( and which we {hall here briefly enumerate ) can be according to the fpirit of Chrift, orthe Doctrine of the Apoltles, and do not rather entitle thofe, who _- command and execute fuch inhumane Acts, as to take away the life of man, and with fire and fword to lay wait Countrys -, to fubvert King- ' doms, and deltroy States under the Notion and name of Religion, and i holinefsz; to be called Tyrants, bloody and Wicked Perfecutors, and ‘ F the principles by which they a&, and feek to juftifie fuch horrid mon- firous, and bloody Perficutions, to be Diabolical, and Antichril‘tian. Letl fay all the world judge, by all the bloody Tragedies which the Churchzof Rome hath acted, and promoted -, whether that murtherous ' Principle be of Chrift, or Antichrifiz, of God or the Devil -, or which is more near to his hOIy doctrine, and commands, to love our Ene- ,. mies, and to do good to vthole that difpightfully ufe us, or to burn, , hang, draw, torment, and put to Death, all fuch as willnot be of our ”.9 minds, and Religion. ‘ The firft then that flung away the fpiritual Keys, and [toutly‘ began The pure; to brandiih the bloody 1” word of P'erl'ecution, was Pope Alexander the cution of ' 3d, who with it began to hack and hew the poor Waldenfis, fo called the W411 from Peter Waldo, or V aldo of Lyon: in Frame ; Whom God had raifed den]? 1' v, up, to oppofe the many corruptions‘of the Romilh Church, as the con- .fecration of Images, Reliques, Oy-le, Candles, (fix. Merits, auricular ’ Confeflion, Supremacy of the Pope, adoration of Images, Indulgen- . ces,fall'e miracles, Purgatory, prayingtoSaints, prayers for the dead, - Ext’ream Unfilon, and the like :12) early were theie things queflzioned and preached againlt. The perfecution of this Wide and his followers, ‘63 351% A 2 — were... rik'fia’me”-:ww- . 3 "<2 i ( which were increafid to a very great Nimbcr.) began in France; in "Begun theyear 1169.Valda himfelfbein forced to fly into Daupbeny , many 1:160. thPicardy, where .they were cal ed rams, manyinto Flandergand ‘ In Lyfmfg into’ «Alfatz‘a, and ('0 they lpread themfelves, for the fafety 0f their C°“““"‘ * lives into all places. ' , L ' A edforma~ l . d _, g .g . . ‘ ny years m n szr y by theCommand of Klng thllzp, three hundred Gentle- . Picardy. mens houfes were burnt, and feveral walled Towns deftroy ed, and in f .FlaflderS. Flanders whether thofe of that partyfled, feveral were burnt for this 5 Germany, caufe of their Religion. Neither ”were they fafe who fled into Germany, for at Mayance, the Bilhop there caufed‘no lefs then thirty five,,B_ur- gefl’é‘s of that place, to bexburnt in one fire, and eighteen in another. And at Strasbmg at the fame time, by the Bilhop there, eighty perfons \ were burnt together, for profeflin g the fame Tenents. Many then that England. ‘ fled into England for lhelter, were cruelly put to death at Oxford. At ’ (011m in ijmmy 1 163-. :were four men and one woman burnt. And in Spain by r rolamation ’twas made Treafon, to re ieve thele: people or to fufl'er them tolive in that Country, but liberty was-gi‘vens-ter- ufe them at will and pleafure, and none to be called to-eaecount for it. But thefe people ltill increafing, can-fed the Pope to fet on work the bloody lnquifition. which with Racks, Fire, torments, and other cruelties, ‘ have fent lb many good and holy men“, for their Confcience fake out frame. of this World. Anna 1201 at Pm, was burnta Noble Knightcalled Enrandm, and this perfecution {till continuing, the people of the Val:- Dflufibmflly ofLoyfe flying from their barbarous perfecutOrs, into‘the caves of the Mountains were all fmother’d in thofe caves by their cruelEnemies, where werefoundafterwards, no lefs then four hundred Infants, Iti- fled intheir Cradles, whichfifome Mothers had carried thither at their backs, and in their dead"’Mothers Arms. In Deep/am} many were alfo burnt, and the raging fire of perfecution flamed thorow‘ the whole Pic.r2m9nt._l..and. And alfo in Pied‘flimt, where there was fcarce a Town” or-Ci— - Lemma. ty that many hadnot been put todeath. And at Turin one of them had hisBowels torn out of his B‘elly, and" put into a bafon before his "face, and‘afterthat they Ma'rtyr’d him. 4 , Thefe Countrys being (0 hot With the fire ofperIZecut-ion -, many of th’efe peor people fled into Calabria, where they began to plant and to build Towns and Citys,as St. Xifi‘ La Garde,&c. Where they continued till the year 1 560. where they were grievioufly perfecuted by Pope Pius " .the 4th. forcing them to lCaVC‘thEiFHOUIéS, and Habitations, and to , . flyintothe Wendsfo'r fheltero-F'th'eir lives," but being there purfued ’ by the Order of the Vireroy ofNaples, theft of them were cruelly and .b‘arbaroufly put to deathbythe Soldiers , and when they could not kill with the SWord; kept them fo befeiged, that they dyed with Fa- ' mine. At which time they rackt one charlinfo ho’rridly, that" his guts fcameout at his belly and another they tormented'eight hours upon thERackLto ma‘ke’him confel‘s {flange lyes, ihyentfledtagainft theirRe- ligion . / 1-1. '4'": , 1'2- vmw “MWMWZ."W‘AT , - . _ m.‘~.m:; .4 x A “tax... ‘ (‘31-): -- i ligionawhich he would not - Sam: Wetefiripfi fiarkmkfidq and :WPIP': _ . .-- todeath witthodsaof Iron, fome drawn through the fireet’s, and burnt- ' .. " 'N f with fire brands,-,. othersthrowndown from an high Tower, and fom'e _ ._ ' flalhed with fh‘a‘rpk‘niv'es. And-in One placeby the Order'of the. In: ,- g . , uilitor Panza, eighty‘had their Throats cut, as ButChers dollheeR, ' i n caufing "them to be divided into four quarters, he made then: Limbs robe fet upon flakes, for the {pace of thirty miles, a bloody fpec‘tacle. Sixty women werecruelly rackt, fo that the cordspe‘irced ' "their Arms and Leggs to the bones, and then being calt into phifon dyed," all but nine of the handfomeit, who were taken away. from thence, and never heard of more : And thus they continued t‘heirlcrue telty, till: they hadquite rooted out and extirped, all profefli’ng‘ that f Religion in Calabria. ‘ ‘ V The Waldenfi‘s in Province, who had fled thither out of Tiedmazzt, Province. Danplaenyand other pflces encrealing and being near Avignion, the Popes Seat, he foon railedggagainlt them an horrid perfecution, but the greatell‘ was in the year 1 3:60. in the time ofLewir the 112th. in Which ' , many fufibr’d, and continued more or lels rigoroufly, to the year 1 346: in which was the cruel Mallacre, by the means of the Popes Agent s,at Merindol and Unabriem, Pepin, and other places. Whrre the Towns \ were fired, wholly del‘troyed, and all the Lands about laid walte, The Inoor people were flain, the young Virgins ravilhed and barbaroufly nfed, Children pulled alive out Of their Mothers Bellies, theabreal’c‘s of divers women cut off, and their fucking Children left on the floor, ' to _.V :dye with Famine,'or fucking the gore, that" ran from the Wounds of "' V ' ‘ their dead Morhers. At Cabrim there beingbut fixty fix, Weak men ' left in the Town the refl: being fled, they caufed _them to be brought alljforth to a field, -. and there the bloody Papiiicscutfthem to peeees. . .And allthewornen they found in the Town; with their young, Chill- 4 dren they lockt up‘ together in a Barn, and fo 'fet iron fire ~ and burnt them: and fome that'endeavoured to efcape thorow the flames, they ‘ ,knodrt on the head with their Halberts, and ri-pt open the bellies of . .others that were with Childe, their Children falling Under their feet : ': “and others being bound back to ba :: k, were, broa’ch’d’ inf port upon one Sword. So that inthis place were fl'ain, above a tliouland,).Men, Wolv , _men and Children, that couldnotlift up their hands toirefilt’ 1 At Cofl'a another Town, they‘committed great flaughters, and where they uIEd feveral Women and .fviaids, that fled into an Orchard "for fafety, With fo much cruel and inhumane bealtlinefs ; that‘they dyed molt 1,— ;thereof, This long and bloody perfecution of thele‘ Walden/2:, lafted 33 $323; a near fivelhun’dred years, in. which time they fpread their Tenents over tiger; paw r"; ,Bolaemia, Auflria, Germany, flame”, England, Poland, _I‘mly, Spain, runners; '“ i_. Dalmatia, Ornatia, Sclzwaia, ,Greecioz, Livonia, Sdrrmtid, and Buégk— Cf’d“ .Ju-‘j ‘ aria, in all which places they were ,perEcuted,‘and tormented more or $5320“ ‘ leis, according as ,thePOPe and his Miniflzers hadpower, and Influer; Church of g : 9¢$9¥¢¥Ih¢ muses: 91:" Eh??? (lessen " " ' The England» .é— . ,.—_#_§Agw\ A .a .‘Jz‘ an >- Jib-J; The? pace. The 'p‘erl‘ecutiOn alfo'cifthole called Albingehfir was Very notorious, @- cution of the were ofthefime principles, and Tenents asthe Waldenfes, and if.” L/I" ._d'i‘ er’d Onlyin Country and Name, being Inhabitants of the Country. . “39¢" (if/115i, :theclfi‘el of whom was Arnold, from whomth’ey Were: called ‘ ,Wealdifh. Pope ,MZexemder. the third began with them, and his hie. ‘ ' cell'orsfolloww his ‘fizeps, and hope [maeerzt the third, raifed a War: ragainlt them, .calling’it the Hear War, and orave out the fame-pardons, ,. and Indulgences, foren'couragement oftho e who went againfl: thefc y people, as he did to thofe that went into the Holy Land, againfl: the J‘ .Sdmcem, in which War he fo thundered againlt Karma-d, Earl of 7720- ‘ Jon/e that he was forced to fubmi‘t, and for penance to be led‘pub'liquely,» fiript to hisdrawers with a cord about his neck, and fo whipt by the ‘ Fryers, ninetimes about the grave of one Peter the Hermite, kill’d in, that War: And then wou’d have forced him againfl: his Confcience, .. to have fought againft the efllbifigmjes. , . InBezgm, ' HisLegatplaying the part of a General, belieges and takes Beziers byftorm, fefing the whole City in fire, and burnt it to allies, and flew l 7311' theycould meet with without diftiné‘cion, both Catholicks, as well as thofe they termed Hereticks, for there were" of both in the City. At which time they flew in this City 60000 perfons. _ . ‘ 5,,an Their next morfel was the Town of Cezrcaflbn, which the Holy Pil— - Iowa. . grims, as they called themfelves, took alfo by ftorm, burning,deftroy— ~ ing and flaying all, 33’ they had done before at Bezjers. ' .Carezggtm Afterthat they fe't‘upon the City of Cei‘ceeflbn, defended by the Earl 3 .City- ~ of 'Beziers, and when they offered to Capitulate the Legat would grant 9., i no other conditions, but that the Earl and twelve more lhould come forth, with their baggage, but all the reft borh men women and chil- “ *dren, lhould come forth ftark naked, without cpvering of either Shirt ., or Smock, and‘humblethemfelves before him. But they difdaining l; fuch‘unwmthy, and ignominious terms, {land it out till theyha'd told ~. the Earl forth of Town, under pretence of par’ly with the Legat, ha— :_ vinggiven his Oath for his fafe return, but having him, without ire- i gardthereto, flormed the City, to the amazement, of the poor 21- mazed Citizens, who looked for nothing lefs, but there being a cer— «. "tain Vault‘under ground, which went to a Caitl‘e not far of,xmol’c of *thgem'convey’dfthemfelves away by it, leaving their City; and all .there- in to the fury and rage of the unholy Pilgrims. Beron.‘ Then they furprized the Callie of Berwz, where they pull'd Out the l Eyes of an hundred albingenfex, and cut off their nofes, leaving only l one with one Eye to guide the reit‘to Cabaret. They took alfo the Ca— "Mei/3M}: file of Mefierb}, defended .by the Lord ofTermes, whom they'flung' ih- i , . ' " toa filth-y Prifont‘ill'he‘ dyed, his wife, filter, and daughter, who wasa ; "Maid, ' they burnt‘in one fire, becaule they Wou‘ld'not recant their Re. ,7 ligion. And after 'thatthey cal’cinto one fire for the fame caufe, 1 8'0 men and women at the'lhme place, who dyed rejoycing. At _._...m_ ..,.,.,,....._.._,‘..—-..- , ,,-‘ ,_ _ . ,, . . i- ‘ * ' (’5‘ )’ — At the taking thhe Came ortmur, by. arm Mitford who fuc— mm... :ceeded the Legat, in his Generalihip,all the Souldiers therein were ’i ‘7 1: Put to the, Sword-sexwpt 80. Gentlemen, "whom that cruel Earl caufed . to be.harrged,safld the» Lerd timer)! on a Gibbet, higher then allthe. '_ .ersz And. theLadyz-his- Sfiter. raft into adrtch, .andthere “Cove-red _ , .iwithfienes. 1-‘he reibdf’th’e. people who were about 49.0. perfons1 p i were forced irr-toiaqgreatfire, made purpefely for them,- and. {o burnt}, ; except thofe that for. fear recanted their Religion, whrch were few. _ ' 5. At this time-one..-Rgmrd Loildrd, by his preachmg. {titted upthe .- ; Engfifil in (Enigma to am: the fllbingeefis, this qulard was. a holy man: iianda Prophet, and afterwards was burnt at (3911572 by the Papifl's: thofe; - - 5 in. Ergflwz'd oft/hat. Eudgmemmerefrom him a. Eterwards cafled-Lallardfa ’ ,plThefigmerrdtiihproceeding Tm theiracruelry againft the Aléiagmfis, . ‘ " {take the. Yawn-of - $1; graham; W'hmfifihfi-Y caflffi‘d-th'rw 0m“? P1" in- S" ““5 Ctpezl memo heharrged in. cold blood; after they had granted them “W”: 'étheirilivesr, and EveraiethtriTewns, mwchere theypqt all to the Word- ; wirhehtgdifiiuéhian vofhge or Sex- ‘ a ' , . ‘ - , f" ‘ ‘ _ In th eyear near Mitret,‘ a Tawn ’ upon-rare, Gamma, .there :Muretg“ were-minim battleie—the purfete, and afterwards, about-Ewe Milliom , - Qf‘fiébz‘rggrrfik, ., withtihefiifiingofc/Imagot, who then took their parts. . _ ~ in the year ,1 at 5. -.Fryer (‘ammdpis oE War/pug, the Popes-inquifitor, . melt horribly tortured allthat mad e-profeflf‘ton of the Gesibel, or were ' bfl‘t’filrpcfmd, --marh.ingthenrwith red hot irens, and then giving-them to the fecu'iar power'étd’bcfbumt; -.fO:that neithenNobilC, netalgnobk» (Berks, .iMonks, Nsrms, Bargeflfes,.(3itizens, andCeuntEY people: ef- caped rhesflamesrbr themmne ofthis bloody-lamifitor. _. . .. \ The Town of Miremand beirgixakemg, byPrinc-C 126137115 05?}3712721'9,‘ he" Ma'i'omfiwd ,1 - deftroyed there of the WhingenJEr-for the—fame came, to-the number. offive .thdttfamd menwemen. andzchi'ldrenr. .,. . . .._ . - ..i In the year 1 2 34. many. of there. «Albingenfer beingsfled into-1:913:12“ $345M?"- . “the Popecaufed ea 'Cmizfedatto'be: preached'iagahlft them, whereby a greatArmy dfPflgrmm afltmbied together, .. were ‘ientby Pepe-Gregory ,againttthe uflbiugwfes, whom; they flew, . with‘theirrBifllcbps.»andq. . Teams; : burntrtheir ‘houfee, ’defiroyed.theirTo-wns, fandphuhderdz Janfitarriedawaythe—ir :goadS. . Mdabout thetfamc.:ti-me,;.th0fé who Ire-’- ; tired intoa fenny place, on the borders [of Germany were alto all Gain At the (mate. t'tmealfi), ma nyg’df theirtwere , -'r.an;d burnt: merit-Militia, - andbtherparrs ofhabc, beyondtht" 41,025.»: i . : .5 - .- 131 the year r242. there more burnt in-‘Z’ho (mfg,- 2oe; of there ifllbin‘ 1501mm ‘ grafts; being wintertime-retrain Cafidc-hardhy, .andxtheayear stemming. ' .‘mo.;mere,.in the fam.place..- . .. .' ., . _ . -. In. the year 128 1. a great perfecutimniL-Was mifed Tagaénfigtheimg "infra: - ‘ xflhthr 0m: awm1mhaetharmtamhm e‘xtirpat’ednml' .rodt- 94153.?- ‘. edinnmmdferegdmflrfm waxy ufithm dimes, to; an : tarts. he - thcimenmnbfi ' mammnftlmhflpnmhcrs of the _ ‘2 ' ' ' " ‘ WNWWW ' ‘ ’ fllbinngrr a. ...._ my 2 . ( 6f) -* *' Hikingmfisbones,~were dug upand burnr,‘2o'.‘ and gayears afrer'they _ ' 112mb” ‘n_ had been buried. » - - v ', t = ' g r ' ' 112;“ “and ' The perfecution of the Bohemian: begun betimes, even neer the year 2 G442, Ju. 9277. by Pope Hildebrand, and afterwards by Celeflim, continuing fiificarion. d0wntothe timesofMat-hw of Fragile, "1‘3‘73.and to film Hm,=and TECPer-{e female of ‘Pragae, Who were both burnt, in defence of the 'Gofpel at Cg“? b1? ooafime, not-withftanding the'publique faithofGermany. given them :54”: " ' for their fecurity. 2 ' , Ex, 3,7}, 'VAt'Cattmbargwhere there are many deep Mines in the year 1420-. - Pcrjccu'tiokthey threw into one of them 1700. perfons, and into anorher 1038. “W’EC‘ and into athird '1 334. perfons. ' ' . ' - . g '_ - 2%“ 150-. ~ In, the year 1421'. ath’tomcritia, twenty four of the chief Citizens, ' ' among whOm was the Son-in-Law of the chief perfecutor, and Magi-a . ‘ I {irate of the City, were thrufl: into a mat Tower, and alrnofl“= famiiha ' “ed to death, from whence being at In drawn, becaufe they would not abjure their. Religion, they were condemned to be "all drowned, in the River Alba, which was accordingly done, their hands and ,, feet being . " "bound, and fo thrown into the midft’ of the River, and if the Itream brought any‘of them to the ‘fides of the bank,theyiwere goared to death with Iron forks and Pikes. The daughter 'of the chief perfecutor, fleeing [he could nor move her Father, by her tears and prayers, to ’ favethe Life of her Husband, flung her felf after him into the River, andembracing his body, perilhed with him», and was found the next day With’h‘imrfaf’t in her A'rmes, and wereburied in one grave. ”About the“'«faine~'t'ime at Prague 4 ”men, 4boys, and a Minilter-Were then burnt in one fire, 'beCaufe they adminiflzred and received the Sa- , , _ arcraément in both kindes. Many and indeed innumerable were the Maura thers, and ltorments, and unheard of babarities executed both pub- liquely and privately. on thofe poor wretches, by thofe bloody Execu- 3' ‘9-";"tionei"s.t"' " ' «‘5‘ . 2 . .. » . :. About'the year 1322;;‘Martin Lurker began to fhine as a great light in Germany, and his Doétrine to overfpread thofe parts, even to 'Bobea min, which caufed more violent perfecutions, wherein multitudes of Saints lofttheir Lives, by the means ofFerdinand the firft, and Charles- the: 5th.,fothatrit wou’dbealmoitendlefs, toenumerate every parti- culgrf,‘ :3 ti?" . " r - . L gin" the year 1349.2;therevVere‘nolefséthen zoo. Minifters banilhed, out of this Kingdom,and thevBa-roniot Solomow becaufe a Lutheran, but . ‘ - ‘. ‘. "undef'thepretence "of aConfpiracy, was laid upon the Rack, but he ma‘gnani.moully;cut:0uthisown Tongue; and beingasked the mafia, ‘ he wrote, that it was leltthe torments of . the Rack, lhould makehim {peaki‘falflyfigaiinfi h-iiiilielforfother‘s.27 or: 2 .-:._- . -, :_ ., . ' 5 ..: ~ :lin‘tliei yearns»1F].~fEerdiMd3the‘2$econd,’ beingohtruded’upon bythe - Bohemians, rheifiding withithe PapiltsraiIEd up a’ Very great perfecuti’a’ on againft the Bratfiaintsh Which wasthetaufe o‘fEleaing' .F;:allet{ck ‘ . ‘ atme \ . ' - (7*) ‘ Palhté’iré o’i'the Rhine, King oFBbhemiw‘and the caufeof-all fihol‘e‘W-ars -' and embroylments: En which ZfufFe‘red many’a godly Minilter, and 0-, ther holy pious and harmlelsrmen, by the l‘apiltical Souldiers, with that-barbarous cruelty, that’Chrillzian Earscann’ot hear, nor‘Tongéue relate, without-indignation and abhorrency. For fome :of themwere ~ ' . ' fionedftadeath, others hanged upon a beam, with a felt fire made, an. der them, rofted to death,others cut peace—meal. And one Minil’ter they laid on his back, & ramming his mouth full of Gunpowder fetzfire to it, p , v and blew his head all to peeces. Another they hanged upby the .priv Members,bein g 70. years old,and burnt his own books under him, and at lal’c {hot him, after he had endured a world of torment and pain. - In the year 162 1. all the Minilters were banillied out of Prague,‘an€l out of the Kingdome of Bohemia, and all the provinces thereunto be— longing -, never more to return, and made it death to harbour—or con- ceal any one of them. Alli) at Camel/2mg 2 1. M inil‘ters were ba nilhed‘ a« bout the fame‘time. Amzo 1624.. a Popilh Captain caufed a Minilters hand firlt to be {tricken of, and then his head, his bowels to be taken forth, and wrapt in his lhirt, and his 4. quarters to be fet on 4 flakes, and his head on another. At that time 3112) so. of the Nobility were condemned, fome to death,fome to perpetual banilhment, and Ionic to perpetual Imprifonment, 27. were executed, fome of their right hands and heads, were hung upon the Tower ol‘the Bridge, who all dyed with great conltancy of minde, and fervency of fpirit, healing to the Protel’cant caufe with their blood, whole heads were afterwards folemnly buried, by Guflavm Adolpbxs, King of Sweden. Next came forth an Ediol: to banilh all the Pro’te’ltants, and to take away the chil- p-dren from them, that they might be bred in the Romilh Religion._ And then another to banilh all the Wives of fuch as were Catholicks‘ from their Husbands, unlefs they would turn. Then they enacted that thofe who were not Catholicks, lhould be prohibited all traffick, and corn— merce with them. There was hardly a City or Town, that efcaped their barbarous cruelties. And at Pmclmtice they flew the . Mayor, and 1600 men women and children, lettin their bodys lye unburi'ed,.for. “ divers days in thedirt and mire, and afi the remainders they calt into. rifoiis, keeping them in amiferable condition, feveral Months. Bi— gles, and godly Books, were prohibited, alfo marriages, and burials, and Baptifm, deny’d all fuch as would notxturn Catholick-s. Some were thrull: into Cellars, and‘holes full of Snakesand T oads,*-and Fuch like creatures. Others into places full of fpikes, fo thatthey could neither fit nor Rand. Others into narrow places over water, To that if they but moved their bodys they would fall " into the water .; - others-they gag’d, and th-rultthe heft downstheirthroats, others again" were beat-f en on the 'calve-s'of theirlegs, tillthey could not (land; but fall down on their knees, thatthey might adore the Holt. _ And thus much for theu’crueltiesaétedon thisSta'ge. ; B ‘_ .. q. .- ,. ’7 gr; - . . - ,. [Th e . ; ' C ...‘_r_g..___: ,__.__A ( 8%.): \ f Thé :pérfa The next Theater, where we may behold theie fort of people, 3a.; cation of the Prate' Rants in Germany, by the Pa- pills. Out of D. Vincent: ‘Collcfii-e eons. .. ing their bloody parts» is Germany ; miferably torn and rent to. pieces, by their doings, and endeavours to extinguilh the light ofthe Gofpel, lhining forth through Luther, and others then {titted up by God, to: perfeél; the workof Reformation. This perfecution began Anna Cari/ii, 1523', by the Popes ltirring up, the Emperor Charla the 5th, to de- firoy the Proteltants as Hereticks, allowinghim 200000. Crowns to. wards the railing Soldiers for that end, ’ with an engagement 2111.0, t0. raife at his owncolt rzooo foot, and 60,0 Horfe. Thus he. began with. the. Mord, that he might end with the-fight” The Duke Of Saxony, aud’the ngmw {land up for the Proteftants, and are taken prifonets 15.47.. and whereever they got the day, all forts of Cruelties,mn—rthers, torments, rack 3, fire and fagot followed: 80 that all Germany wasiat once in album, and-combultion, and in a moll: miferable condition, flying and dying in all places, for their Confcience,’ and Religion. At. Ma'ldrap they took the Miniller, a godly man, out of his; bzd,‘ and for-- and him to go many mileson foot, in frofl: andfiioW ”POD Ch"? gee, bare- footed, and bare—legg’d,beating, cutting and flalhing him,and pricking himwithhalbe‘rds, andat lafl: they barbaroufly roaltedhim on coals tn'deat’h, his name was Sutphm. At'Vz'ezma many were drowned, and ‘ put to feveralfortsofdeath. 'At the facking of Milken/mg, many fijfi'er’ d -, one Miniifir they hung up by. the hands, with a mighty (tone: faf’cned to hisfee-t where he remained 6: hotlrs in that, great torment... Death-was aeeountedamercy,and hanging they» thought-too eafie. a: puniflrmentz At Sc'ba‘lt, at Werfpm‘g, and Munchm, and feveral other places,r4ahe rage.oftheir malice and fpite was lhown, in putting. to. death many peor Souls. AtiPa/Ewallgthey committed many villanies, nayifhingthe. women, defloUringthe maids, killing the men, burning rlierhoules, and {mothering the children with ftraw, fet on ..fire in; the; cellers,i whether they had crept for fafety. . At Mammy they did the like: 163-1., where they burnt the whole City to. alhes, and. where they“ put aria-alt zoooo perfons to death, 6000 were drowned in the River- Eléz.- LadysandGentleWomen, Were yoaked. together like beafts, and. forumeduout to the woods, Where? they were ravifhedand'abulemand‘ ehen had-their hair'and .earstropt ofl",and disfigured. At Hacflex: 1,5 345‘ they fpareds none, neitherman, woman nor child, but put all to {word,';, andthen threw their bodysinto the Wafer. At Grippenlrmrg they tor-s menteditthe Senators, andehief of the place to death, with: fmoak and thawing... At Heildaburg they [but up in prifon a- great many Minilters, feedingithemenly with breadéand; water..." At Frankandhle, :co’ntraryé. wagreem'ent, and Articles, they. put many to» death, " and? others to. unreamnable uanlbms.‘ Ini-Snxony, they tortured" the 'Pro'teilzants, by preffingztheir Thumbs betweenwheelst: In Pammrz, they. forced. them meat theirsown. eXcrements, andi-‘ifithey refufed‘" them, they thruflt them downtheirthroats till they wereeehoakcdl §0mei they . commuted; -: . g . i _. t . Wm _‘ ('49) W'i‘th'norids fibéuttheirhehds, till‘they tWifiedtherteyes surf-,éanaehst- : ‘- ‘ the blood run out at their ears, ,nofeS,and mouths. To others they tyed burninginatc-hes between't'heir fingers, yea to their eyes,-ears, rinks, tongues, eheek5,breal’cs,legs, and i’ecret parts. Yeathe‘y’cram’d; , the lecr'eti'pattsoffev-eral women with gunpowder", ’ andfo *féttiii‘g fire to it, blew up their bellies and wombs, molt b-arbaro‘ully. Othersthey tormented-With‘Bodkins,and (Knives, and to fome they made holes tho‘rowthe flelhy part of their Armes, thighs, and Legs, and f0 thrult— ing cords thorow them, tormented themvafter that falhion. Some they hunghp. in the fmoak, drying them with fmall fires, andfometimesgi— wing them fmall drink, or water to refrelh them, that they might-snot dye too foon, and be freed from their torments.‘ Some they waited with: fire made of ftraw, others had their hands and feet boundfo hard, ~ till the blood fprung forth of the ends of their fingers, and. toes. Some had their hands and feet bound baekwards together, and their mouths {topped with rags, to hinder them from praying. And feveral they hung up-by theirprivy parts .-‘They plained “the faces of otherswith . i ‘ Chiiels, ' others they caufed to draw on boots, filled with fealding 0y}; _ and fo roaited their legs over the fire. Some they gelt in the prefence of their wives and Children : Others had their bodys hung up by cords, and every joynt diflocated by tying of weights to their feveral limbs. Some were gag’d, and with Tunnels had ftinking water and pifs powred down their throats , till their bellies fwelled like Tuns’, whereby they dyed with molt horrid torment. Then they thrufl: down the throats 'of fame knotted clbuts, with a firing faltened to them, whereby they pull’d them out again, and putin g them to miferable torment,» by mifplacin g their bowels, that many became blinde,dumb, deaf, and lame-for ever. Some they fawedofi' their legs alive, one Mi: ' nifter they bound upon a Table, and placing a great Cat upon his beli- ly, lb provokedthe Cat, that {he fcratched his guts forth of his belly, with its teeth and nails, till he dyed. At Wadmburg, they ravilhed the wife and daughters of one of the Minifters before his face, and tore from the Mothers breaft a fucking infant, and [tuck it on the top of 2 Lance, and after they had made him fee all this, they brought him in- to the ftreet, and burnt him with his own Books. Yea fuch was the abo- minable bcaItlinefs comm-ited at this time, that no pen can writlefit. ‘In Pomeren they made the Parents fing Pfalms, whill’c they ‘ravifhed their daughters before theirfaces. Nay theyfp‘ared not their .dead Corpfes, but lay with the women afterthey had cut their throats : ' At Bafil. and - Priburg, and other; laces theydidthe‘l‘ihe, e‘ating‘the’young childrei}, and wearing the no es, and ears, asafbr‘averyin ‘t eir"(;aps., g 4 f ’ Thusthefe Mafi'acres, land-’bloodthur'the‘rs‘ defiled'the vyhole’Land, and Germany .groaned under ,the oppreflion “till the peace of MWW, and 0172mm: 1648; which waiter to‘theiferhchthnr “theybsma‘for‘ cedto it, byGods’br‘ing’ihg hitlgxin‘g‘dem'de’h ‘, who over-rm fier- ‘ ‘ 2. many, v." , -«fi - .I ' I ( I0; ). ,AS am, in m4 , gandrevi‘vedithe canfe _ of theProteItantg‘ almofl' overthrome ’Hungdr’. by. omanythoufand perfecutions. - _ .' There bloody Tyrants, vented their rage and fury, not only in Ger-r manyybut alfoin Hungary, andvother parts: they committed there alfo the. fame Tragedys where they had any power, and the Minifters were generally. banilhed; andput to death, and. the fame piétute of their ' cruelties,., which yonhave had reprefented, to you. in 62mm, might have been aétedlover again in this Kingdom, but we have not room at this timefor the like relation; .only one new fort of death-l read of}, Ulisd to a Minifier in ngmy by tying about hisnaked body, Hens, Geefe, Bricks, and Hares, and fo fetingdogs upon them,,baited~him~ to. death, tearing and renting hi‘sflelh, till. he dyed. y . y . _ The 110W" Thein rage inthe Low Countrys, or Nerberlandr was no lefs, no— Coumrys. thing But fire,and Fagotamongthem, by which fufi‘ered; many a wor— Hiltofthc thy and'God‘ly perfon, of every Age, and Sex, as.- well in Holland, as New?" ell'ewhere. ‘- 14'3"; . » Ag‘Amwerp, one Niclaolm'a piohs holy niian,.was boiundlu-pin a lack an "61" ' ' d Com! and f0 drowned, ’ . , . , _ £53m. ~ In Holland, Piflorim was burnt, being carryed to theltalce, with a foolsCoat on his back,,and. alfo. a Widdow called Wendelmnm,who 'Ihewed‘muchiconltancy... Several Minil‘ters were beheaded; among the-:rellione Giorgia Shhertem whotlome. time after. he was beheaded, his body. lying on; the belly, tnrned'himfelfonthe back, . and crolling the right. for); oygp the left“, and..=liis..rightlia.11dOver.the left, fo continued,.to the great admiration of the fpeétators, andthe converfion of many. , . ' - Severalwere drowned}. others made away in Prilbns, others {hut 119 “in dark and noyfcnne places, and none fullhr’d"to come. at, them, fed... only withb'r‘ead and water; tillthey were familh’d.. ‘ _ _ f .. . At Lot/aimfelveral‘wereMartyr’d, {Omeby fi' mothers Beheaded; ' In the years I 543. 311611544, There: was a very. great perfecution all over-Flanders, fo that there was neitherTown,.nor City, in all the Gonntry, wherein fome were not banilhed, ., beheaded; 0r condemned to perpetual, Imprifon.ment,.. neither wasthere any refpeét: tdeither Age,,orSex :.But.efp‘ecially= at Gaunt, many of thechief men {were huriied.for.Religion, Thelike. wast-Lin Embam and 5 Arron, info'much that zoo, menand women, were made away at one tim}e,fome dtoWned , fome bnried'i'quidé, and fomeptivily Murthered, {0 that the hands of the hangmen begun to be ty‘red; [and'weary with EXe‘cutiOns.._ [At Delgién, ‘at Mahler, at D'amic, feveral‘Were put todeath, amon- “the relt two Noble Virgins filtersrand one Mother, and her 3.; Sons, “11:10 all died ‘owmng. the Gofgel; and ‘exelam'ing'a’gainltlthe;cruelty'of t-fePapi S}. ~ , f V . ' l ‘ -. At the fame time they miferablypunilhed one Remind; for tramp-.- ling'fche hofi‘nndtr his feet, in his zeal, gby tormentingyhim-thrice up;- ‘ “ .. .31 “ " " ‘ om (11) 1 on the Rack, and then became he would not r'ecant, 1n the market place of Lorm'ch, they put a ball of 1ron into his mouth, to keep him from fpea king,and then crulhed his right hand betwixttwo flat red hot rons, till the form of his hand was changed, and after that, they did the like by his right foot, which he enduring with admirable patience, taking the Ball of iron out of his month, they Cut out his Tongue, and then thrult 1n the Ball again; then tying him with a chain about the mid» dle, ‘With a pully, hoifted him up, and making a fire underneath, let him down by degrees into the fire, and fo continued hoifting him up, and letting him down, till he dyed, and was burnt to alhes, which they call: into the River. , At Valence alto, feveral were executed, and alfo at Lifle,where one of the judges pronouncing the lentence Of condemnation, 1111,1111 dayyouflmllgo to dwell with all the Devi/11in bell» re. But the great inltru111ent of erfecution, in thefe Countrys, was the Dukeof uflm, Who boalted, that befides thofe he had llain 111 the wars, he had put into the hand of the Common Hangman, to beexe+ cuted, within the fpace ofl1x years, no lefs than 1 8000. perfons, per— , mitting his Soldie1s to ravilh honelt mations‘, and virgins, and many times ca tiling their paients, and h isbands, to ltand by and behold it. ' His 3011 Dan Fredtrichfollowing his Fathers Reps, committed many or neltics, and at Zmpben he hang’ d drown’d and murther d a great number of the inhabitants, lhewing infinite Cruelties upon their wives, and Virgi11s,_.no_t fparing the very Infants ,. and. alfo in $01de In Holland, .lw 1ere entering the Town without refiltance, he committed fuch abominable Cruelties, that never T11 he, Scythiannor the molt bar- ,. harous, and inhumane Nations in the World, exceeded them.» Here - treacheroufly he commanded all the Burgers, and chief ofthe inhabie tants, to all‘emble themfelves together, that he might acquaint them with fome Orders,- and when they were all allembled together, 111 the Chappell of the Hofpital, he commanded his Soldiers to murther them all, without {paring any one. The men Were all flain, and the women ofthe Town hrft ravilhed, and then barbaroufly murthered, the Chi— dren, and nfants had their Throats c ilt, fo that the whole Town was deftroyed, and neither man, Wife, maid nor child, young, not old, fpared', and the T own was rafEd without pitty,‘ or mercy. The fame Don Frederich,at Harlem, exercilEd the like perfidioufnefs, 1 ’V {01 when they. had been forced to deliver up their Town, through Fa- mine, having eat for hunger, bread made with linfeed and turneps, and lived upon Horfes, Dogs, and cats, they made a compof t10n,by1‘ which they paid 24ooooflarim to redeem their Town from f p011 yet being entred, according to that Wicked Principle of theirs, that no faith 18 to be kept with Hereticks, he commanded all the Towns’men ~ to bring 1n their arms, and toall'emble themfelves 1n the Cloyl‘ter of 1' Zyel, and all the women in the Cathedral, and all the Soldiers intoiia- 1 not 11311 Simda. France. Hlfir Of France, Hifiofchc ~.ano7rchet:=®hmfil melamine (flowery .gfperfididusefSpanyards:phutdr'edgthemHD-u {-23 :1 {12) henexr day he caul‘ed gero- Wallomtsxto‘be hanged, and beheaded, 'can‘d two? hundrediand'lbr- aty {even Soldierscmor‘e to :he drowned, :inthe .Mrre at l Harlem. The flay _ following 3pm: . Soldiers . andngurgers, left their headshnditihe neat day-'many.more,'ianda feverail Miniitersefand alfoLall theEr'zglifl}, and . Scat: theyri‘could :finde; and to :fill up. the :Se‘a ofib‘lood, all theifick and woundedazwere.. beheaded at the door of the Hofpiml. And a-party of Soldiers that-we‘re in amour-Sconce were all ltarved to death. ‘ . Atleencjezznex vitheyihangifd upall the French Soldiers ,: all the; Pro- teitants, and minilters they Could take in the Town, and cenfifbatediall their'go'ods Which ramo'nnted "to a great vallue. . . ' . i _ TAt,‘ ’An‘tmrp theydrowned- one film: de Bofcme a Protei’tant in a Tub of water, and becaufe hie-Twas tall, and the tub of the fhorteit, fo that they couldxnot l’tifle him, theyltab’d him with daggers, and fo both ; kill’d and drowned. "him atonce. In the fame place abundance more weremantyridrfor the Trurh, andcl‘eaving to theirTReligion, embra- ed death cheerfully. i .1 ,. a - V . - - 2 1w Alfo at Bredudiversfufl‘ered forf‘the fame ca’ufe,and indeed all Flam dm over, their dead Bodies being caft'forth, to be gazed on in every place, and multitudes, both men and women, were imprifoned for their belief and Confcience. In the City ofValence, they-executed 57. ' perfons, molt of them BurgelTes, only 'becaufe they} profefl"edthe true Faithlofiiel‘usrchril’c,and‘ diiTented from the Religion of the Papifls. Q And to conclude-the fad Catait‘rophe, we may 3116 remember, that Prince Williamof Najpzw, Prince of orange, was {hot bya villain cal- led ‘j‘oanw‘lle‘, "encoumged thereto by a fdsehine Friar, who was .hang’d for the Fact, though it proved not mortal. But that attempt not being enough to-‘Ihtisfie thefe blood-fuckers, and Prihce—killers, they hired one GammaBangmdiaméwho taking better _3im1m0t this Prince, the head ofuheproteitants,If’o'th'at ’hefdyed Tiinmediigtly, as he Was coming , from dinner Eat Dégfin Holland; 1584. - _ - Let us now {teplnto France,and fee whether the gofpel-has any free— dome there, from their perfecutions, you; will then behold the fame piéture ofcrueilty, murthe’r andJBlood-rthey changeL nottheir princi—' In my pies with; the'aire of 'the'Count‘ry, 't-heyfiareinotiblfdody and cruel be. Maigcres' came they are Spanyardr, "but became they are«1’ap¢fls,‘s’tis-infiifed into in Frame. them byzthe Priefls, and as principles of their Religion, and net fuck-1 ed into themfmm without, they areth'e fame in Frigate, gs elfewhere, bloody and murtherous perkcutqrsof fu’ch“ as fall-not down andwora fill}? the Idoll-Of thdii‘ fetting‘ufihfg’fiméé‘f,MWt’katdfleudty, add Crfié'l . " ‘ , "5:273 l‘::":-'v.u' :_;:’.;2;'rz *- 3 ~ i; Tyrants. ~ . . , r .. . . . ._ . . , "They'vbegan there-$111336 year they :ivfith'tfeveral learned and good men'at’Parir, vwhodisfl‘enting {iii fiWuinfiiWere-burm. «At We're in LoiraW; for fiiirofi‘ m d ”nraenyehuatn: g; ifhé {Germ/1 and throwing down fome Images,they caul‘ed one film ClarkWho denyed not the Fad, to have his? right hand cut off, his nofe to be pulled from hisEace,with ' fnarp pincers, and his arms and breaitspulledoff by the fome initru« ment, andthencaltinto the fire, andconfumed toalhes. ; » ‘ _ ~ «.2 . At Parii, at M31414, in.Limo{irze,.at Fountains, Ratiers,‘ Roan, :‘Trayéx, Bowdeaux, St. Michael, Liam, [“651”, and Fem, and in fevera'l o- ther places, a great number were burnt, rack’d, 'whipt, beaten, and; divers Ways tormented to'death‘, at lait' they made a Law,:thatall that? wereieond‘emned to be burnt, ifthey recanted notiat theféftake, {hould havett'heir tongues cut out, "that they might netiwithrthein holy-andi dyingfpeeches, move others. And this was dilligemiy‘obierved.: «:1 , ‘Infidrixone-Flarem Venom a’Minifter, was impitifbn’ediin fonazrrow: a place, that he couldxneither' {tand nor lye'in it, ...in which'they kept-i him 7.’ weeks, whereas there was never a malefactor thaticould‘en- - dure’ it IS’ daysvsiithout' growing mad or dying. AfteEWards they'icuti' '1 out his Tongue, and lai’cly was 12:. merciful] as. to execute. him. 1. ,:~ - - - .72: if; ’ The Duke, ofiGhzfizanot her of thePepesInitrumefitsv’..»-of.perfeeutiotn,é upon the‘HugonO‘tsc as. they call the [Protefldnti iii tli.olE'pai‘tS¥,s commit- ted, Wlt'h his Soldiers, many bloody and barbarousmurthers,‘ among the reft at Veffj, he put feveral hundreds todeatlnof men, wei‘nen and ': children, that were alleinbled to hear a _Sermon,mangling their Limbs, ; and {brewing themabom thefeatsand. galleries oft-he Ghurch‘, . f: 3". ~ Athemz': many fufler’dy fame wereabeheaded, fame murthen’dflbme? wh‘ipt, ‘fonie beaten, ~and-fenttu theiiflallieis, not {paring theii’mp‘l'e“ women. ‘Andithe fame alfo at Cbalom, Where they’tortun’don'eJFourm mer'attminifter, hy‘ll'raining his thumbsWith a linall'icord, till. the blood": came-Out at the endsof them, being fo tyed fal‘t behind hi31badk5; with» anot.her Repe they'hoi'il: him 'up ‘byithe 'Thumbs, twitching himIiup and; doWu, then tying great {tones to his: great "Poesy let him hang fo’ till;- , his'Spirits failedhim -, and thenfudden‘ly looting the-rope, ,letliiin’fiall with all theweight’s on liis-faeeupon the hard floor, and then rafting- him-into prifon, would not: let him have the-benefit of aiChirurgiong, with” awhich"'barbarous1 ufage', beingitabotvevgon years Old,47h'eiflotlnngi; after~d'yed.. ' , . 9 ' t“, : .1 'f‘ ‘ 3 f, ‘. _,,,; 1 - _ .g_ '-AE~.Amim}', all the Bibles, .Teftaments, . and Plalm'books were burnt,,, and the minii’terslPulpit, with-divers .per’fons, meii‘~_andawomen-.; At: Aébwiiléthey flew the Lord'Of:Hnrcourt, anddraggedfdme alonggther. {treets'withtheir faces in the kennell. - 'At‘Mea‘mx there Wereaboutaoorr Of the religious Citizens flain, befides a Ioeoz Nillanies‘com'mitted,» the wornen,avnd~znaaids rbviiflied'bpenlyinitlie firaetiahd market-place; * .meng'Wémengv and "children mafl’acred, fome fe'rcwmb'e» remarried, . , and-Others reibe'rebébtljzedsThe very Priefts {laying-{duckwith-their: 5' oWn‘vharifdséAt Bar-the fame rerue—ithand—‘Imurthers:werev’committedge ‘ if not {Worfe,' £61?'fomefpuliedout/theéhea-‘nesofiithefe.poorswretehes,ands; meltmhumanefiignawedeheins:Witlhtheinteethy?ar'ejeyeingthats tiger e ' ,nsmow ta -. Q01; 0 C 14:) rated of an Hug aim Heart ..., AtSem an ‘hnndred prot‘efltants were. bare baroully maflacred, and their naked bodies throwninto.theRiventheir houfes plundered and then burnt, together with theiChurch. -At Cram; thelike, many murthered, At Aaxerjre theflikenzAtfl‘Qeru‘em; and (3124+ fl'illen. the like horrid"-. mu‘rthers' were» Conimitted,'. wherethey , left no manner of cruelty unatted, neither upon. wo'men,‘_.or Children, old nor young, not fparing’the children in their mothers bellies, but rip.- ping them out and dalhing their brains againflzthe pavement. At @9271 they ufed allthe cruelties could be invented, where Iome Italian: cut a child in two, 'andyeat the Liver in hatred to‘its Religion. At Mntar- gi: they committedmany'dutrages againll: thofe of the Religion,and had donemore but that they fwere oppofed by, the Lady Rene, Daughter of‘ King Lewis the 12:17, and: ,Dutchefs Dowager of Ferram. , At Manlim many fuffered : At 2mm: 200. men, women, and chil- dren were put to death -, and fuch as fled, had their houfes pillaged, and were exeCutedin Effigy, and their children made‘incapable of in-~ heriting their goods or lands. Above 120. men, WOmen, and children, Murthered in the Neighbour—Villages, fome hang’d, fome beheaded, fome drowned: And one Captain flung above 50. perfons into his filh—ponds , to feed his pikes, and as many more were drowned-in the ditches. - . ; At Angersthey committed the like cruelties,and above 80. perfons executed atone time, and an aged Gentlewomamof above 70. years of age, beaten to death with pil’cols.‘ And'oneGentleman they broke upon aCrols, and fo left him hanging, with many other unfpeakable Villanies. At; Lignel they did the like, putting out the Minilters eyes, and then burning him with a fmall fire. The Village ofAu theyburnt to the ground, drowned the Minifltenof‘7o. years old, and ‘ «MalFacred 39;.‘perf'ons. “In. Tour: rthey‘Murthetedlanai-40. and raft them into the river, fparing not f0 much asthe prefident, becaufe he favour’d them, for after they had beatenhim with Raves, and fiript him to his 'lhirt, they hang’d him up by one leg, with his head doanards in the water, up tothe breath, and whillt he was yet living, they ript up his belly, pluckt out his guts, and flung them into the river, and {tithing his heart on asLance , they Carryed it about,,faying, This Qtlaqhem't of ' the. Prefidmt of the-Hugomts. Shortly after feme hundreds of the richel’t and bell; fort of Citizens were murthe‘red,the Duke of Monpenfimr fet- ing up Gibbets, Itakes, and wheels, in all places, to-execute them on, andwhen any man, or woman: was? pill; to death-they. entred their, houfe’s, Murther’dztheit-Children,andztnek alhthe'ir‘geodn -; ~ t , _ At Poured lee/"14w was alfo ufedgall kindsflf jer‘ueltiesfmnd where. many fufi'ered. And at Roam, many hundreds. legend,- 3 among the refl: 3., Councellors were hanged ,gandgthe. Towns, IaCchd; fern. monethstoge- ther ', at V ire, Valaugnes, Mg”, and leg-mes, fuch horrid duckies were aéted-as i am wearyto relatearand . 'fuchzjbeaflialityyfed 19%de 3:116, I, women, "Women, ~'as ea‘tinotifin modeltyibe; Yet: do vyn'. Elnathe lath -=oft,liefi1,ldgpgg, . there was 5033.. Ehang’d upon Gibbets, amongwhomgwgs a grave Conn~ ‘ ce’llor in his gov‘vn andfquare" Cap: onepoor than they mangled, and _ tuthis body, andfill’d all-hisVyounds wlth falt.‘ =55; : . f T * '. -. A: 31023 feveral were executed, among the ICE ifeveta1~wumen iflung into the river,and;i=fanyGame m. aihore by .fiviming; ..»t,l~1'ey._., were thrui’t back With piltes, and halberts.~.At Gaga”; they flung- many fmm the top of a Rock, upon other under-lying rocks, by, which, their bodies were torn to pe‘eces. , , , - . , - In Smmiu many .perilhed‘ with ,feveral, tortures, among whiclyone woman had her mouth forc'd open with a dagger, and cramni’d with 'lime andthen pifs poured down her throat, and befides ufed very Cm- ' elly , by beating, andwith cords, Another man one Peter Roche they etcaufed to dig his own grave, and to go into it, to fee how-it Would fit ‘him, and then buried him alive. . At Marfam they crowned one wo- man with’ Thorns, then whip’d her, and lal’tly {toned her to death. , The like they did by another 'Caal led 3%th (hit/in, In ZI/fim a’e Martin they put feveral to death, aid ‘buried one quick; in Thqlonfe was a Ve. ;ry great mafl'acre, there'being in that (Cityeat leait; goooo Proteitants,“ do that the River was cover’d o’re with the Bodies of the flain. sIn Li- monx, all the cruelties and villanies that could be devil‘ed, were atted, and alfoat Carmjfon,and at Mandy; where theyknockedout the brains "of a naylor upon his own Anvil], becaufe he wouldnot ive himl’elfto . the Devil], feveral thrown from an high_1:owe'r§; othersdrag’d about ~- :the fireets, and l’tab’d: wives and virgins openly. ravilhed. At Foix, Auramge,‘ Grenoble, Czflerno, Butane, and M afcon, were no leis ( all partakin g of the generalcalamity) than all the fore—rehearl'ed villanies :committed, in asbarbarousa manner 7, fo that all Frame reaked ’with i” _ theblood of the Innoeent; and their goat defiied all the Land.' . ' ' But: to conclude this Tragical Scene,:we' willno’w end With the great " and notorious mafiacre (sf-Pam, at the end ofthe Civill War of name, Jug. 24. which happened upon that unholyLeague between the Pope,the Kings 1-; n, of I’m-226:, and Spain, the Duke ofSa'uoy, and the Gmfi’s. Peace being wazmw. feemingly concluded, between the Leaguers,and theProteltant party, - and all difierrenvces- ended, and adquted, though through the private: in— \ itigations and jcounce‘llsof the Qieen mother,nothing lefs‘was intend- ed ,- the marriage betwixt the Kin g of Nél‘Udr and the'fISady Margaret the Kings Silter,bein g made the {tale to draw. all theHeads of the Pro- ;teitant party into the Net, and with the Heart and Soul of them ( as they stalled) Coligpy Admiral qumnce, to. Cut off all the reft.‘ The plot waslaid, land.Withlrgreatgartificeandidi‘flirnulation ’,4 the chief of all "the. Pere'itant Nobility: ,ginithe ,Kin‘gd'ome’, ‘ are drawn without filfpitié Onto Paris, to allifl: atthefe N uptials, invited by the King, with/all amicable {ignes~ of Love , ' Peace, and" kindneisg Colégny. arnon g the fill: thoughdifl‘waded by many of. his 'iF_riends, Wethd EOE feem to 1113 , ’ C ‘ i pe» . V ~ lam“ ‘ r—fi-L _'_“‘_. .I‘ ‘ C I6 ) ' pea the Kings kind-net‘s and Royal word. But at the time appointed, which was at the, tolling of the Palace bell before day, in the mornin all things beingibefore prepared, and ordered by the (jaws, the wick:- ed and blorgly inltruments, thi'e Mallacre begun, the ; Papilts diftine' ¥ guilhi-ng ‘thtmlielves, by hankerchiefs on their Armes, and White Cranks in their-hats. The Admiral Calggny was-the firlt they list up‘o‘n and Murther’d, andthen the refl: of the Protefl'ant Nobility and Gen- try, who were molt lodged ina quarter together, and then through the whole City, where ever they could finde them, fo that there was nothing but blood, horror, death, murther-ing, and 'flaying, through that great City, at which time fell by this barbarous means 1 0000 3131*0L tef’cants. The body of that Noble Admiral they drag’d about the fireets, haying cut off his hands, and head, which was fent as a pre- fent to the Pope at Rome, and then hung it on a Gibbet, and making :a fire under it, ufed it with all the difpight imaginable. . But this wasnot enough to fatiate, and glut their bloody mindes, immediately the King caufes Letters, to be fent away polt, through all [his Kingdome, to the chief Citys, and Towns to do the like. And pre- fently allance is filled with Murthers, and flaughters, and the Earth 'is bathed with the blood of the Hugonot: : In fome places more, in fome ilel’s, asthe‘ Governors, ‘ and Magiltrates were more or lefs cruelly, and popiflllyaflEéted. At Manx, at Troy-r,- at Orliomce, at Roan, ‘Burde‘anx, "I’boloafiz,'Angierr, Liam, and feVeral other Cities, Towns, Villages, and places, nothing ‘but Mall'acres, fiaughters, Murthers, blood, tor- ‘ments, and cruelties were enaCted: {6 that the dead Corps in every place lay like dung on the face of the Earth, and they gathered the fat and gr‘eefe of men, and women, fold it about at 3:. the pound, the Ri- vers were peltered with carcall‘es'thrown into them 3 and nothing but horror and confufion, reigned in all places. So that at that time by {computation at leall: goooo fell, "befides thofe in Pam, but fome‘ rec- km more, for the King himfelfconfeft he had alift of 7ooo, (lain, as Ci:- rarela relates, an aim Greg. 13. And of all this blood, and Murthers, and Mall‘acres , the Popes Legat publiquely abfolved them, who were the chief Aetors in it. _ We will not after this, mention‘to you the liege of Sancre, r 573. in ‘ which the p‘oor‘Protef’cants, were fain to“ eat‘Dogs, Cat-s, Rats, Mice, Moles, Horfe hoofs, Homes, Lanthorns, Calves, and Sheep-skins, Gi .-. gdles, and all their furniture for their horfes, and one cat the head and ‘ brains of his own daughter, that dyed for famine, nor the Idi‘ge of Rachel, =1 57;. in which they endured famine, mifery, and hat lhip, nor of-thes-feige of the fame place, inth'eiyear'lézfldn which alfo the {famine- was fo great, that they eat the very buttocks’of the dead,and :at the taking it, a bulheel of Wheat Was lbld for 2o 1. a pound af bread 2.05.. a quarterof Mutton,6 1., a pound OfButter, 3dr. an, Egg, 8 a. an mm ‘;hf‘siggar, 2,: 6d. a dryld'Fiflrg 2mg apintuoff‘iqflrh Wm 26% . _ t . .t a . n... ww‘w—Wwawrwwn- «up-.wwm—wmw -;-q< ‘4 1-1 h ' u ' (i7) flint Omef, 301.3 poundjof Grapes 3!. zé’calgNor’ {peak Of the perl‘ecutions of the Frets/Rants fince, by Pulling-dawn their'Church- es, rievous fines, 1mpr1fonments,-andbamflimentgbeing [till Wearied andg0pprefi‘ed, groaning under the yoak of their Egyptian bondage. I am almofl: weary-with writing, and perhaps thou art with reading, there Mafi'acres, and-flaughters, therefore 1' will heremention no more, but briefly proceed. ‘ We W1“ 110‘” leave-the Kingdom of the mofl: (shaman King 5 Spain: and paflin over the Tyrenmr,fiee if the Gofpel can have any harbour, or its pro efl'orspeace in that of the molt Catholick King. But alas! Gonfltlvu; M mm»: the lameTyrannic cruelty if not worfe, we {hall finde exercifed againfl; Difcovery all that diflent from the Church of Rome. Spain cannot afford. f0 many Of‘he SPa' Martyrs asfmnce, becaui'e there the profefl‘ors of the Gofpell were but m , Em’ few, being kept from thence by the terror 'of the Inquifition. They have been herefo carefull as to crulh all appearance of the Gofpell 1n . the Bud, and. fuch care and infpet‘tion is v taken, and fuch dilligent fearch made, and, fuch horrid pu-nifhments infliéted, by thefe inquiri- tors, that it is almoft impoflible, any Proteltant ihould be in the King- dome of Spain, and not to be found out and punilhed. Yet in the year I 54.5. feveral Proteftants at St. 'Lmar, Valiablidfiiril, and other places in Spainfuffer’d death, 30 at one time, and 1 550, many more. There were Francis Romaner, Rocha: Calculla a Dealer, fob}: Pantio, Gonjkl‘va a Friefir, fi’uh'rmo, Leon, Aria; Lofozda, a Phyfitian, witha Lady and {Eve— ral women, and Virgins,burnt at fe'veral times, in feveral places, and 20. others in one fire, after they had endured all the horrid torments of the Rack, the Pully, the Trough, the Barnacle, the twiflzing Cord, - and the like horrid inVentions of tortures, in the Prifou of the inquifi- non. Burton, Walter, Bargat, Burger, and Hooker,-Englifl1men, were there burnt, and horridly tormented, by thefe curfed Inquifitors, who have their Agents in every corner, ~ to finde out and betray all Inch, 23 they have but the lealt fufpition of, for favoring Hereticks as they call Protefltants: Thefe Agents they name Familiars, who like fpirits infi— (nuateinto the bofom’e‘of peo-ple, to deceive and betray-them, ando— thers Fly, who are, alfo bufy in taking up fuch, as their ’Edmiliarr be¢ tray, 50 that by thefe cruelties fubtlearts , andfly praé‘cifies, they'have gftifled the Proteftant Faith in spam; and" though there are privately many who own the truth, they are forced to keepit fo private, as {came to communicate their minds, to a Brother, Or a Sifter, for-fear of the torments of the‘Inquifition, which is, much-more feared than death.— ' ' - -‘ ‘- " pre 5. ‘ a—zAs' limetgal is 'bnt’a ,httle’ngdome, arid the pow'erof the. Pope, and 1’ 0W3”; .his511rritruments, great ,‘?t~lj‘¢lfiél,"i;a:s well as in} Spain, '- they have mighty-1y flippréit the truth with theirtortures, Yet-Tome- have there alfo fuflEr’d, * :Iandraruong others, _9QC‘-_Wifli4mfldrdzzer, an $22th j—man, whomsthey ,put to death Wit-h 'm‘ofl: exquifit ‘torment‘s’ atrium, . r55 2. i»!- ._ W . 1C ,2 Viz} .c Balyi clerk: ( 118‘) ' We Will pafs: over the-wipe: intOi’Itialy,’ which bei‘n g {'0 mice the par; . ticular 1nfpeéfion of t—hcfPope, we may Well fuppofe it does, not har- bour many Proteltants,r atieait ifuch as dare appear to be fuch , and to own the;:profelliqn publiquely, by reafon of the iame firiflz . Court Of Inquifition‘, "at firft inltituted a-gainib the Moors and: JeWs, in spamnd Martyroi {nowuled only for. the finding out ofigoodcbrz'fliqny, and. for their tore, . 1°ng ‘ture, and punifhment', yet therehavebeen feverallthathave owned - . ' .the G0fpe-ll,i eveninkomeit'felf, and in, Everall Cittys 0f51t45,,~and Venice. - v 1., ~ 5.1' '~ . made inrlhaneofia devil»: his’fir'ccc have fealed their profeflion with their Blood ;. as. Arnold of ; Erixia, ' Fménimat Eermm, 'Dominicm at Platter-in, _-Gfel¢cim ‘Tr‘ibimat ‘ St 14,1- . gala, fi'bbfllMollz’mJafl Rome, .1533, Franci; Gamlza at. ‘ 11421472.), Mégprim ‘at Pddfid, 15.55,: Aloyfim at Rome, Bowlimflthfifilfié place-{ill {nah—y tyred for‘their Faith. Pope Pin: the 4th. rail‘ed. up a. very hot ‘iperECuL tion‘ in. ail’ the Terriitoryso-f the Church of Rome, wherein many inher- ed : ' Andtit grew fo hot in the year 1.360. in the Kingdome oszszén, that'many'noble men, andgtheir wives, and. divers, others were Ham and butchered; 88-. atone time, being ' thurlbup-ina' clofe pen, and one by One ,beidg’taken- forth, and» being blindfolded, and led" ailittle way fromtheplace, the executioner commandedthem to kneel down, and fo cut their throats: one-“after another, like lheep', leaving them half dead J on. the ground, retnrnin g yvith the bloody knife in his aim] th, ..andmuffier in his hand,go.es totherel’c, tillhe'had cut all their throats. This Was in Calabi'id; .1560. - n TheCity ‘ofVem'w :19:th itfelfjfree for gang time, from this plague . of the inquifition, till’,the year. 1542,. at Which time the Pope fo far prevailed, as to fetup- there the anuifition, and then began a terrible , perfEcution, qwherein; ma‘nya fervant of . 74a": Cbrifl,.fuli"¢r’d; Here ..-they found 0‘11 anewway ofmllrthering them that they condemned“, , dyer WhiCh' ’W‘asiafiwunm {he more vmercifullg Judgment, .. than their .~ iron. Chain: about their mid-dies, witha very, heavy {tone tyed’at it, then . r Rackidggiwmpping, beating, and water....tor1nents,_.. they'fal’ched an I- , Were they laid‘upon a plank, betweenwtwo Gonde'loh, or fiiial"bioats‘,and :12 'ndwed to an appointed place in the. Se'a,.,wheretheboats parting afun-a dare; they immediately funk ,to the bottomand were drowned; In the ’~Ye.at: 1566...;a m,iniiter,.and nan-91911615; flimid‘after thi‘mmebgnd ' ‘ divers fentzto flame; :Whfififii 13W ".311 ed their did 75 by z‘fléugh‘tei’i orb-Ire to have anything tplye on baniigra w, About tlgiattjime fdfl'er’d alI’o at Kenice by drownin g-Agztghqm ,_:zgjiq¢;‘to;,; £1541;ng r§fi25913§~~ Séga,'andi'oth’e‘rs‘. ., And 139;. a young Englilhman at Romé, whom't’hey u'fed"crne"l‘ly,ha— . vmgleehinxfimmhe; Genital hie .11 an; Ear {arbour 1318119363939" .3 “gamma! ,.i.e,,I:Iell€fir¢g’ Wlthde: ,_ 'villsiin it; .,.and thus» being 'brgoughpw the P1356? 5.. gaggedfiims. and théttxfeatfisi allmsflemwmhhat Irons and at an timmthnnat‘th’eStakeu v J 11. . .. . . executipngtheycut ”.oflfisright handy: alirsa fencisbecaufi,hesb'eganto mare-God; they ‘ moreniil’erably, initihkingand na 37 dungeons; $11015 ~be‘ilig pe‘rr‘nittéd . (:9) — “W Iris not the Rocks nor the faltnefles of the Alpes that ' can keep out c. i, i -. -- - _ : .._ ° Theth this monlter of perfecution, he even afcends thofe precrpices, and in mm « the Valtolifle, or the Country ofthe grifom, he fcratches graves for the ' faithfull with hismurtherous Claws. There had been for along time, a free exercife of the Religion, which invited many to fly into thol'e : mountains forfafety, but whenthe power ,ofKome got among. them, it made an horrible, flaughter, and a bloody edict was procured,by the i gapilts at Rome, for the killing, and murthering all the Proteltants, nthol‘e parts, and-which “was foon and cruelly executed at Tel, 7374‘ mi, Bra/2,, Sondre:,Malemo-, Cafimno, .Tmberz, and, other Towns in the ‘Va/toline, where a very great Company of all Beets, Ages, and COllCllj‘: ~‘ tions, Were as barbaroufly ufed, and thereanurthered, as in any other. place, and this in the year 1620. Many were drowned -,inthe River, 41174,.and Adda, fome had their Cheeks flit upto their ears, ,1me 'firapadoed, others their mouths and-ears filled with gunpowder, and, fofired, others llalh'd,and cut, and i’o-miferably driventothe moun- tains, Others again flung Fro-m thofe high rocksinto’the deep valleys, and {0, broken topeices,,.and molt of them one way or other (dial-troy id, without any commil‘eration, or pitty. . _ . , _ In the Marquifate of Sta/ace; are feveral Churches of the Bro-teltant Th - . . . . . . . . p . . g e Mar- Religion , as Pram/16m, Bzoltr, Bzetozse,D/07mr, . and divers Others who. quifate of liv’d peaceably fora long time, under the government omence, not— 541mm, " withlta’ndiug the many attempts of the apilts againft them, lbntafter the maflacre 01: Paris, the Kings Letters were fentto the Governour ' Monlieur Bimgm, to deltroy' them all, but his prudence put a. ltopto it for the prefent, only imprilbmng the cheif heads of them, till he had Orders for their'releafe , but affrr this Marquii‘ate came tothe poll feflion ofthe— DukeofSa-voy, he made a cruel edict that all perfons that would nor within 1’5 days, renounce their Religion, and g0to Mals, lhould depart for. ever out of the "harquifate, giving them only two,- months time to remove in -, upon pain of Death. This was publilhed 1 1601. ('0 that. there was nothing to be feen all over the Country, but : packing up,and~ marching away into .banilhment, leaving their Homes, , . ? Fields, and Country, _ which they had fOr Ages enjoy’d ,Iome retired into Frame beyond the Alps, fome to Geneva, .iandgfome tothe3122:1551:E of Puma-m, none beingflifler'd to Itay,b;ut fllch as would fubmitagaihhlli . their Conl’ciences,togo to ma fs‘and to: worlhip ldols ':,. but theirheigh'f~ hours are not free, no place is exempt, where ever the power Lof this : _‘ ' bealt reigns, as we may behold in theadjoyning Vallies. The poor. and diltrefl‘ed Protel’tants, inthe Valliespf Pigment, qmfi The-slag“- 4 -_Tede mondum,,aitgtlhe.,¥7oot of, ”the mountains ofthelepnhavebeen leysof Big-4g; ’ dyer-y;great'fufferershy the/ripopilhil‘gyrany.iThey are under thecoverm 6mm? .ment of the Du tarsal)», and lare, the? beeping pf they'goldwaldeégfei, r Igandlfrom that tiniefi prOfelIing 9 that LReligién,~ haying ISSIangeli‘e‘alE - , £311»;ch it? the {new Valhesomemm»Weifllléwsflitee may Sir Sam: Morlzmdr Hilt. of the Evang Churches in the Valleys of Picdmmt. C 1 0 ) cbera Kurd, Tgliaretto, La Ricca, di Bonn", La Torre, St. Martina, iDcrofa, Rgccapiara,Lucama, St Barthelmo, ”in all which the inhabitants were melt iroteltants, and “had been long indulged in their—Religion by the Princes ofSawy, to whom they were Subjeéts. But in the year 1563'. a cruel edié’t was publilhed, that all fuch as would not comply with the Church of Rome, and go to Mafs, within ten days lhould be banilhed from their Country and habitation, but by the intertellion of the King of France, and the Eleélzor Palatine of the Klein: , this Edith was recalled, and they continued quiet till the year 165 5, wherein the late great mall’acre was comitted againll: thele poor men for their Re- ligion Sake : Though all along the Papilts had by many cunning plots and contrivances endeavoured their fubverlion, by endeavouring toltir them up to Rebellion,and by planting Colledges of Emiflaries amongll: them, which like goads in their fides {till annoyed them, and proved a great trouble and afflié‘tion to them .- always procuring fome cruel, and harlh ediét againlt them, by their complaints, and lyes raifed a- gainit them, as 1602 an edié‘t for the banilhing all private, and pub- lique. Proteltant Schoolmalters as lncendiaries, and 1622. That no {trangers either Minilters, or Schoolmalters, lhould be entertained a- mong them 5 1634, an Edié‘t came out, that all the Proteltants ofC'am- piglioaeJhOuld be banilhed : and 16 54. the fame was done againil; thofe of the vallies of Martina, and Perofa. Thefe filigimary Fathers beha- ving themfelves among them, more cruelly than Tar/g, or Barbarians. But refolvingto root the Proteltants from among them, and thorow- ly to do the work of their Father, the i‘ope, in the midlt of Winter, which is very {harp in thole mountains 7252;, 25 3202.16; 3. they procu- red an Order, for the Banilhment ofail the Proteltants,out of the val- lies of Qaccma, Lacemctta, St. Giovanni, La Terri, Bubbiana, Ferrite, Compiglione, ‘Bercberajfio‘, and St. Sammie, Within three days after pub- cation, unlefsthey would turn Roman Catholiks, and this extended to all in general, none exempted, of What rank, degree, or condition foever. “ \ . , And thus thefe poor creatures, were forCed in compliance to this cruel ediét, to fly to fave their Lives , and confciences, in the depth of the fnow, and all the vallies covered withwaters, women with child, fomebrbught newly to Bed, old women, and decrepit men, leaning on their Raves, young children crying and lamenting, dragged over Ice, thorow Rain, Snow, Waters, anda IOOO. inconveniences, and hard- lhips, f0 that it would have grieVed the heart of a Barbarian, to have ' feen them leaving‘their goods behind them, or felling them for little ' totheCatholicks‘, - who tuck no pitty, of. their 5 bitter tears, "‘-fighing, wringingof. hahdsfiknotkingo‘f b‘realts, mourning, complaining, - and lamenting, near but-as .the-bleeting of Sheep, orthe lowing of;- Kine ingt'heir ears, -"and*‘they, raither-"rejpyced, than "any “way comm-iferated thefepoorwrctehes;L'Fhe‘ywe‘resno-Toonerout of their magnum were ( 2 I > ‘ . were pillaged, rifled, and ranfack’d of all they left, pulling down their houfes, cutting down their Trees, making havock, and devaitation of all things, and turning all into aWilde‘rnefs. T hiscruel edié‘t was putin execution by Gtgfldldo, and others 5 but > this is not all, they had a further defign of extirpating and rooting out all Heretick‘s as theycall thefe poor Proteltants :, it is not enough to have banilhed thele few, they could have no redrefs at Court, and all their humble Petitions, and remonl‘tranees were not heard, for they had more wicked and bloody defignes, inltigated by the Minilters of Rome, who had great influence over his Royall Higher/Ir, and Madam R041; Upon the s 7th. of April 1 6 5 ;. whillt the Proteliants Deputies were detained at Turin, and delayed fometimes with hope of redrel's, fome Soldiers of purpofe fell upon the Proteliants unexpeétedlymho peace- ably attended the ifl‘ue of their petitions, which begat {cine buitle, they being but few, the Proteltants made fome refiltanee, whereupon many thoufands got together, under the Marquefs of Fade/)9, and on the 2 1th. of the Fame month, began the molt horrible Maflacre among ’ thefe poor Proteltants, ofthefe Val‘lies, as ever was heard of. There was nothing to be feen thorow the Protefltaut Vallie-s, but Churches burning, Towns fmoaking, Houfes Flaming, men, women, and children mafl‘acring, nor any thing to be heard, but the confufed rays of people flying, the peircing groans of fome dying , and horrid [creeks of others tormented: fo wicked, and barbarous was their ul‘u' - age, that ’tis fearce to be exprelTed. In one place they cut of? the heads of 150 women got together for Ihelter, and all their childrens brains they dalh’d out againlt the pavements and ROCKS, form: they flit in two, and malted -: And‘one of the Soldiers afterwards related how he {urn fitted by eating too much of the fryed brains of a Proteitant. _ ' it Was afterwards certified from very good hands, ofali thefe exes- «crable murthers committed upon thefe poor people, by people of Ho- ' near and credit,and many of them eye-witnefl‘es, One Sarah Vignegbe. ,caufe they could not make her fay, fefm, Maria, they ript up-alive, by putting a Sickle into her privy parts, and {o flit up her belly : thers had their brealts, Hands, nofes, and privities cut of, and folef; for miIErable fpeétacles. Another they Itab’d often in the foles of his. feet, then cut off his privities, and fry’d them, and gave their comrades to eat, as a delicate dilh; then they iéar'd his wounds with flaming flandles, cut off his ears, and then tore ofi’ his nails with {burning pins- ' icers, and all this to renounce his Religion, which he {till perfil‘jting in, they tyed one of his Lej sto a mule; and fo draggfd him aboutthe ,fireets, till-he was almoég dead, and lair-1y binding a cord about his head, they tw'il’c'ed it With a flick, till his eyes and brains"- burll: forth,’ taking‘his body into the River. ‘ ‘ ‘ - V ._ , Another one Peter ,Simcmd of Angrqgna, they bound handtandfm ,_ (22);2 ,,, , _, andflnng’ him ’dowx‘iaffearful’ precipieeaybut inhisfalll, bythe my, ‘ lighting on the ltnmp ofanold? tree, , growing in the‘Ro'cks, he there hung in a molt languilhing condition, for Teveralgdays, ere he dy’d,n'ot ’ :zbeing abletohelphimfelf, and-the-precrpice; being fo great, that no exother‘couldcome at him; ' x . ' " “r :; . .: l 1. a , -- _ . A One ofgo. years old-they hack’dlimbmealmndthen icut offhis head-z iOthersihad their bellies ript’d up, and their Guttshung upon the 'hedges in thehi-gh ways. One very old woman had her hands and nofe :xcu‘tofi‘, and fo left. _ ,, , , - i , », .- They fliced all the flelh from the bones of another woman, and ‘ chopped it like mince—meat : The daughter ofGiawmni Carbahier of [a Torte, they took, andputtin’g along {take into her \p-rivities, carried ‘her foon their lhoulders, till being weary, they {tuck the {take fall: into the ground, and foleft‘her. Andrea’Miclmlim faw three of his . Children tornlimb—meal before his face, and the youngefl: being the , '- fourth, its brains dal’h’d oar a gainl’t the Rocks. Others they tormented by flaying off their skins alive, in long flices, to make themripoints: {é— veral drawn at the tayls‘of their mules thorow the, Meets, and others following them with brickbats and llones, miferably bruling them till they dyed. - ., .. , Thedaughter of one Peter Forzmm, a beautifull Girl, being about ten years old, taken by thefe lecherous healts, becaul’e lhe was not ca— pableof being forced in an ordinary way, they tore her {'0 inhumanly, that they left her almoll: dead, wallowing in her blood. The daughter of one Male: Lang, about ten years old, they branched upon apike, and roafted her alive, with a fire made upon a broad fione. , , One of the Elders of the Church of 80550, they took, and binding his hands and privities together, hang’d him up by them upona Gate, "' and fo left him in exquifite torments, in that ihamefull polture, and fe— , veral others they hang’d up by their privities, and their hands bound ' .behind them. ' A ' . ‘ a One Raflagmlof Bahia, being 80.years old, had his nofe, ears, and other parts of his body-cut oil, and [0 left languilhing in the fnow till he'd ed. « a w . s ‘ qur Brothers, and aman, and his wife, all at one time, had their '. mouths crammed full of gunpowder, and f0 being fired, their heads «blown to peeces.- , _§ , ' _ ' The Schoolmalterofkom being {tript naked, after they had torn ‘ off his nailswith pineers, and madea iooo.. holes in-his‘ hands with their daggers, {they drag’dhimt'horow the Borough of Lucerm, with a cord” the Souldiers [landing onfeach :fide,hacking and cutting ofl‘col- lops of his flelh, ashe was hauldalon , ltillcrying to him, will your. a. to desym dog? atlaflz, they cuto hishead, and flung himinto t-e - Mather . ’(2'3 ) : ~Another ofthefame place, they took, and put out his eyes, then' cut-olfhia priVities, and thrulting his yard! into his mouth, expofed him in that poiture to their publique {corn feveral days together : and afterthatethey fiea’d him alive, after a molt inhumane manner, and then-cutting his skin i114 peeces, hung it in the windows, of 4. of the principa‘lhoufes of mea. ' _ ' ~ They took out the brains ofone DnnielCardon, and frying them-1n a pan, eat them up like Canibals. ~ . ' 1i Four old women, being 80.and go. years old apeece, theyburned a- ve. -- ' ‘ ‘ ' Several they cut to peeces, and gave their fleih to the dogs. In another place having taken 1 1. men, they heated a great Fnr— . nace,and forced them to fling one another into it, till they came to the l-aft man, which they flung in themfelves. « Others they ftab’d with impoyfoned knives, in the legs, and feet, and fo left them in tormengtill they dyed. One Chim’ret was flea’d a- live and his greafé taken out of his body. The like was done to {Everal others. One Bettina had his nofe, paps, and privities cut off, and then his head cleft in twane. Several Infants were in the fnow. Several Roned to death. One Gm the Son 'of a Miniiter, being taken by them had his flelh cut off alive, by fmall gobbets, in the prefence of his wife, and children, which they murther’d before his face. One woman with 7. children, were all barbaroully murther’d in their Beds. One Daniel Rhmlmnt of Villara becaufe he reful‘ed to fay, Tefm j-Vlaria, or pray to the Virgin Ma , they firfl: cut ofione finger, then another, till they had cut them al off; then his hands, and arms, till after this manner, they cruelly mangled him to death. Othersthey lhnt up between two {tone walls, and miferably {tarv’d them to death. No kinds of death, and no kinds of torments, were wanting to théfe poor miferable peo- ple. Andit would be an endlefs peece of work, to go about to. give a particular account, of all that were put to the fWoryl, drowned, burnt, . ihot, fiarv‘d, fmother’d, knock’d on the head, and’tut to peeces. ~.. Thefe horrible doings, caufed the relt of the Pr‘teltants to fly to their Armes, which they termed Rebellion, though it were only to defend their lives, from thefe bloody cut—throats. Thole who were to good at Mafl'acring and murthering, are not lo good at fighting, the ' Proteitants get the better, and with their Arms in their hands, de— fend themfelves, till by the mediation of the Neighbour Proteltant Princes ,and efpecially the Englilh,who alib contributed above 30000 I. tothe relief of theirdiitreii‘es, the breach is made up, and ”a peace made, but fo as thefe poor Proteltants remaining, live under the Ty- ranny of their Popiih task-.malters, and are forbid all manner of traffic; they rob them of their goods, and ‘ Eltates, oftentimes forcing them to {Ell their birth rights, for little or nothin , banifhing, their Mini- fitrs, ravilhing their Virgins, reviling an mocking the Matrons, ' J D ' beating 1 ,Puldnd. Lefm Ex ‘ cidi um. ,And Jr ', (£4)l , heating- andi‘ab‘ufing the men, lb'that theirvafiies are became like (fun: gems, in which they are kept‘asflaves, kept inand fecured, by {iron v. FortspoflEBH‘e'd by the Papilt-s, Thus you {be a-brief prOfpefl Of What this monlterofperfeeution, . this 'Antichriftian [pit-it hath committed: in .thefeiplaces; .: Wewill proceed...' .. u : . l ' ' . s; , _ You have beheldi‘many fad and doleful'fpeé‘taefw, and‘if"’tho?u‘a'-rt~‘a‘g Chrii’ti‘an, thy heart Inuit bleed, at the re‘la‘tim it we‘Wi-ll-therefore: ‘ epitomifetheir bloody cruelties, in Poland, for there i'syno‘placeWHei‘fi? they have fiXed theml‘elves with any power, but they havefarlfokt up: dam Hm. the, i‘tandardof perfecution. ,The‘Churches of Chrifl: in Poland; have; mam De- like wife fufiieiently talked of the Cup,and "have dr’aiu‘k deep of thé‘drégs ~ 'F claration. thereof, .. effieeially-Whereeverethe fefait‘w, —' tjhofe— ' Wickedllnéehélial‘lesi, and B'outfeaus of Religion, had any re’fid’e‘nce, for there is retiree-any maffacre, Firing, and devaftation but they have. at? hand in it, or- It is projeé’ted by their fécret plots andCOntrivances. They are? it‘ll] going about like f0 many Lionsfieking whom they maydevo’hr. Theih‘Garl merit-s are dyed red With the blood of the'Saints, They 'areevehmoré lt'irin‘gup the common people toafur‘y, Rage,and’CemBu%ion,—;’ gigging all that do prOfefs the Gofpell. All the lame things that W'etliave'rei lated to hedone in Other places, are aéted alfo in this, we will" not an: 'tautologies, and’repeat thefame thingsover again, nor grow tedious, But We cannot but tell you, that many thO-ul'andsyofthe.Proteitants, and profelibrs oftherGofpell, have been deltroyed in thisKillngmé, V’ajnd effiecially at 'K‘armifl; Dambnible,.. Shock}, (kriwfin, and LeffiiaJ;-'-léll deltr’oyed‘iand burnt for theeaufe‘of their ReligiOnp The lailzi m‘bnti- onedCity bein g one of the molt ancient, .and‘molt‘ flourilhing in all the 'Kingdmneof Poland; wholly ruined,~ and laidin Afhes, which Was three WhOIe days'in Flames, ere it'could’be confumed, in which pe- ‘riih’d/ifia‘ny hundred" fouls, belides an ineltim-a ble trealiire and Wealth, no man. felil‘tingbrbppbfihg’i "Here they pull’d off theno Fes ‘oflfonie, . ’and put out the eyes of others, cut off'the tongues, hands and feet, of many ';‘ fgaye quarter to none, but kill’d and defiroy’d, all that they ‘eould anyways come at. They pull’d the‘dead out of their graves,rifiedt "the*To’nibs,labufed their deadbodies, and committed all the Outraves , f‘cbhld' be dEVifed by tile witked “heart. of man, fearce to be m’ate-li"d%y ‘J‘nfidéllrffl’uh/q, Ora-Barbarians. The flatly, .andtheyVarzdalx, couldnot :eXc’eedS-fthemh ‘_ _ '_ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ “ ' In thél’owerfl’aliifid,“ many fhfi'er'd,fiwhole fa-milie's'were butcher’d‘, j men, "Women; 'youn g, zold, mur'thered Without difiiné’tiOn., And in the year. 163,4." fell agrievious-flaughter among them, putting to death , ‘WithquuifitTorments all‘th'ey. couldl‘ayhandson : 9 one Sarnmlcar- .. . fill: the Paftor oflthemiutéh‘attahmzmnfihey? filléfl‘féfuelly; Hill: pub - ' ting out‘his? eye‘s; Land fie"-:Jeadinghih‘habdiibfor a~inifeilable~fpeétatle, . . ” then pulling Oil’hlsifin rsendsf'With-pincers5v.,théh fhéylp‘oerd dawn f ‘ i ‘ “Sim-lthmlfmlé’éa" : 53114231111?“ he Walssygt"hélfglive,claptllisx'ne’ék. . betweena ' K. . ,,w—‘.‘WW‘W-«- ~ thiSe/Jnmbmjhun {initial Ifagottm 9mm WC C25) between. two folding doors, endfo Violently Rgered his head from his they fervedthe Minilter ofDemmck, and his Colleague, of: ' ter haying feVeral ways tormented them, cut theirithroats with a Ra; act, and then while breathing,- fiungitihern into a- it, ehd dung, and filth upon them.- They cho‘pt ofthh‘e headof anott .517 yoen g Minilleh, with a bythe. At Ltfm they cut oil" the hands ofa pious matron, and three children Which I’lhe had, they murther d before her face, cutting . Another woman haVin’g Out, they enclofed in a ‘ . ofl’their heads, laying One at each brealt, and theother by her fide. her hands and feet cut off", and her tongue cut S.,ack. and lb left her fortwo days, in thh file lived, making a molt miferable lamentation At Ziglalzrz they drag-g d many out oftheir Graves, {paring not fo much; as the hodys of Nobleme n.,and brave Co The lame cruelties, the barbarous and bloody €019};le aéted againfl~ ICC’W’CC“ the Proteltants in Litlmam'a, in the year 1648.11aughtering all that " were not Catholicks, without diltintftion of Age, or Sex. Here many mmanders,becaufe they Were not Catholicks. 5‘ rule 192 Jim. had their Skins pulled over their ears, whillt they were alive, othegs 12 Cl; 1011. their bends and Ret cut ofl". Some their bowels taken out alive. Q- thers had their Shinbohes bored thorow. Tofome they powred mel- " ted Lead in at the wounds made in their Heads, and Bodies. Some their eyes were pull’d out, and thofe that were hanged up, and down, in every place Werenot to be numbred. That was. accounted a mercy to be that, or beheaded , and kill’ d outright. Their Wives, and Daughters were every Where ravilhed, their bonfes and goods fired, and all their Country, and Churches laid walle, Sand thofe that Were left aliVe, and efcaped the flaughter, were banifhed in every place was feen nothing but mall‘acres, and the blood of fullermg Chrillians, :ranlike {treams through the {treets of Towns and Gitys. . ~ The Mihilters were chiefly aimed at, and always cruelly tormented , among the roll one Adrian Chylniyky noted for his great piety 6t learn- . ing, and reverenc ’d for his age, was malted alive, by thefe barbarous. _ . . ,7, wretches, having his hands, and leggs tyed tageither, and that leafnre-F ~ -- _ 1 1y, that he m ht feel th e more torment. in another place, there Were ' above 4.0. in cred feveral: forts of deaths Neer Vilm, the chiefelt ,Gi— ty in Litbmzmd, bath Father and Son, Minilters , called 5172911119! had their heads faWed ofl With a Sickle. Another at Holman: had his delh cut off by peeces till he dyed. And Minifters, and others to the num— . bar of 1500, were bound to {takes on the tops of mountains, in the Winter, and fo ftarved to death with cold and hunger, All the Rye- ' 111-1 tortures, Which thefe poor, and mifiér‘able Souls endured, and the 1 TheIflandti 1fev eral deaths they. wene .; Thus‘you have beheld the rage and flame of perfecution abroad, al G . .- fimgpe full of Slaughters, Blood, Maflhcres, .and Qrufil£l€§, by reafon of lanai: pie; every land, and :Region deified, fire and and 1,5. put to, no Hillary can delcribe ningmnd gnawing thel‘eiebat dillgnt 31213114111- 1 e ~ Iimimkz s i E -.1 .1 .41 1'4 (263 the doctrine 0mm. But this perhaps feems _ but a ‘Landskifp, things done ata diilance, you may not be fo much concerned, asi at home, ~ and before your doors and eyes, perhaps it may not afi'eét, you fo much, as the fufi'erings of your own Countrymen: The fire is but painted, it does not heat and fcorch you, the : fmoke does not trouble your eyes, and you weep not at there-Tragedies, and: are not fufficiently allotted «at thefe per-Fecutions: abroad, and at a diltanee. If it be. f0, there is tea- {on tol’et you know, fome Of the fad: andhorrible eflECts of this. mo‘n— , lte'rs rage at home, as well as abroad. Do not deceive your {elves to think Seas can ftoP him fromcoming toyou, or waters: keep you fire from this paw of the Heath, no, he can l’cretch out his claws over the Britifla Frith -, he can reach even from Italy into ‘é‘ngland, from Rome to- Londnn -, you fh'all behold the fame moniker, uling the famecruelties, and fcratching up the earth to bury the Bodies of his oppofers.Where- ever the Religion of Rome is eltablilh’din its pride and power, there you {hall be fure tofinde this moniterJhe- ridesiu-pon thissterribl'ebeall, and with it crulhes the Sons of theearthfindtrampioson the Carcafes - of the Rain, and wades thorow the bloodLo-f Martyrs to her Throne, where {he fits banking in her lniquity, and ruling Nations-with a rod. oflron. » ' . . . , .. _ _ And that you may fee, the frozen North isnot able to==aflright this ~. Bealt, but that he ,hasgone beyond the wall ofthe‘Pi&&,and'eftablilh?d~é its dominion as far as the arcades, Iwill 6 {till obfin'ving the methods! began, in leavingour owns coneernslall: )‘lhew you alfo fome efl'eéts of ' its power‘andfrage in SCorland-g fromtzthence we willrpafs over 5. George: v Channella into, Ireland, and lal’cly behold: the. fullerings- andmar—tyr- . domes of the Proteltantsat our. owinadoorsr and thoroughouhEnglmd, ,. but with the fame-”brevity, as we have done all the refit.- l sealant}; lnthe year then 1327. Patric Hamilton having been in (:"érrrmzy,~ ‘ Hill. of brought home with him into his own Country, the doé‘ttine of Luther, _ ,theRcfor‘ and was the firlt that began-eta oppo-l‘e: the blinde. fuperltition, and. yionin- groili: ignorance of the‘Chureh'of Rome, and no lower; had he began Wilma" to openhis mouth, but Cardinal Ewen,- ArohbilhopofSt. Andrcmr ' mounts the Beaftof. perfecution, and devours-this priorsaintatia‘mor- - fell. .1 He {trait is‘condemned to'the fire‘lbr his .errors,(as they call them) and'fufi'ers at St.. Andrew, 15 27. Inithe “317941-5344. fufl'er? .» alfo, by burning, David'Stmtton, and Nor-man Gnarly,- and not long ‘ after mm Form a Dean was burnt bythe Fame Cardinal. .Andin 15383 the Gofpell {till increafing, four more were. burntsinone fire. The-nextayear j'erome Rifle/l, andAlexander Kemdflikewifefuffer’d by. the fame Cardinal ,: and for the fame tcaufe, -1543; the fame :peefécu- ting Cardinal"? Arehbilhop,. eomi ng to Edmboram, .caul‘ed many to be -- hanged only forfufpition of :Hérelie, and one-for- being only fufpeé’bed’ 1 \ touhave eaten: ofa G‘oofe one: Fryday. Anda'wosnan; withsarchilds flekinnarherfircsfitebe .dxonmds~.bs£aufi=dh¢mnld entering]? $136 = - ‘ 1 ‘ L ’ ‘- 41833.: \ <27) . Virgin Mary. He eaufed- many to be banilh’d, and many to be impri. " fon’d, at St; j‘ohnjlom 5, among the relt one fol»: Roger: a Minifter whom- he caufed to be murthered in prifon, and his Body to be thrown over, the walls. 1546. George wifibmlWas burnt by Cardinal Mfle, another. perfecutor of the Saints. This Wa‘filmd --wa‘savery learnedman, and, one who had been brought up a {indent inCambridgc, and" had proph e-~ lied many things concerning his own Country, which WJS'Scotlarza’, and which afterwards came to pafi.. He fufl‘erfd very couragioufly at, St Andrew: The faid Cardinal and divers other Prelats, looking on, and leaning at the window of the Caltle, on Velvet Culhions. in the year 156 3. one HemyForrefl was burnt, havingnothing againlt him, but what he had uttered in confellion to, a Pryar, they had lentOnpur- pole to betray him, havingonly a ful'pition ofhim, and. allthat he confell‘ed, and‘for which he was burnt, was, that he thought well of the Articles, that Patric Hamilton maintained» andvfor which-he fut:- fer’d. 1558-. WalterMill, who had‘ been a Prielt, was- burnt. He was the lalt man that fuli'er’d by the Papilts for Religionin Scotland. ‘ . If that we do not finde any marks of this ravenous bealt, perl'ecu‘ti-g on in Irelmzd, bl‘ore the year 1641.. in which that grand execution, Ireland.‘ and Mafl‘acre of the, Proteltants broke: forth, it. is not becaufe they Sir "7’05"" ‘wanteda will, and delire thereto, or that there were ”not many pro; £213? of fefl‘ors in that Kingdom, but becaufe they wanted power, and opport the Rebel-'- tunity toexecute their malice. Eor thetEnglqband. the Proteltants,,had lion in , been watchfull of all their attions, and-carefull, in.-- hi-ndring their, dei- Ireland. -. figns, they. {tood'upon their guard, and. with their: Ar—ms .intheir hands, asif theydwelt among Wolves, orrobbers, fo that it. was no eafy matter‘to fullfill their defires, . by attempting upon thole, whom they faw foawell guarded :: buttheyno foonerzfound them fecure, and that a longand amicableliving together, had made. the Englrfl: and 1 Search Protelta‘nts fearlefs, and confident of their amity and friend,- l‘hi-‘p, and that the troubles in England, gave them-r3 adeliredaopportu— .- ‘ nity, but inltigatedlby the, Priellzs, . and Iefuits, which came over ' from-SpaimFlanders, ., and-etherparts beyond-the Seas, the Nobility, Gentry, and commonalty of the lril‘h-Papilts, confpire to ether utter.— ly to extirpate ,7 root,~ and bra-nclh,,,all Proteltantsout 0- Ireland, of “ What,Nati0n,. or condition foever.. The Prielts telling the people,that ‘ they were Hereticks, and therefore ought not to-live among them, or haveany commerce with them;- .That it was no more fin to :kill one of ‘ them, then to killadog, and-that itwasa mortal, and unpardonable ‘- finato releive, fuccour, or aflilt any of them, and a meritorious; act. to kill, , and knoekthem on the head, ' and that ..fuch.:who. fhould dye,'-,or~ be any waysfflain'in the execution, or perfOrmance of - thefe aé‘cs, ,lhould’ - go immediatelyto Paradife, lhould be free from the pains omegntery, , '. ‘ would: have; all, their. fmspandoned, and they. lhoul'da. dyeghlantyrso , Egthefe‘; meansandwiskedattigcwgtheyje.sgxagemtm the @9013; "3 ch :. .1- » All N””"“‘>-9— *4 s . horrid, and‘impa‘rr'elelfl crueltiesre ~ finalise t6 "gourmet-cc Murder; at wmwwhmmeyihed rec "( 58,-)? I Whebtlieve fill thingélfitheifi 'riéllzs/ fay; that fee feed as the oppoheehi; . tywas give-n, they-{heaved thehorrid—lefieét; in; the moltbloody and barbarous Mgll'aCre, asiever vva's eOmm‘itte‘dégNay thofe Wicked Prie‘lts, =many of them-gave the Sacramentjto divefifiéef the lrilh, fuponi 60ndio . tion that'theylhouldhot-fparel, eithél‘dnans'woinan, orchild, clef the 1 Proteltants, and faid th’atitididthém good, to embrew their hands in .. theblood of Hereticks, and threatned them with excommunication, if they lhould relieve, harbour, or fuccour, any in their diftrels, and told them, that to take from them their goods, and Eftates, was no more then to take‘a hone @utiofa‘ dog-s mouth 3,. I and before the “Malla- cre began, the people Werediif‘mill‘ed from their Mats, with free lie cb‘erty’, tofpoyl, and takeaway from the l>roteltants, Whatever they could lay hold on, and to kill them, whereeVer they could meet with them, for that they were worfe the-n dogs, beingdevils, and fuch as twere-accarfed,‘ and condemned to hell and detel’c-ation. Thefe were * ethe pi0us benedititions-ofitlhefe Holyliathers,and Brothers, the Prieflzs and Fryers,‘l"othéfe'i‘t-Was no wonder, that the ralEaE-ly‘érilh were fo. +mercilel's andlcrhel; helicVihgthey merited?- Heaven thereby, though ‘ afterwards PomeoEtT-henl met w‘itha-halter for their-Ems. ” : All things being prepared, by the Popilh Agents, and this Maflécre ' long before {'ecretly plotted, andcunningly contrived, on the 23d. of . : Oéiaher, 1641‘. it broke forth,at once thorovv all-parts of Ireland,DubL- ' 1m exceptedif'where the confpirators weredil‘covered, and prevented: - ' . But in all prareeeslreg the whole Land was in a combultionfind nothing butbloodgm-nrthers, rapes, robberys, and'barbarous‘ufages, of the Proteltants in every Count-v, Village, Town, and City, thatit is not ' to be exprell'ed; As it would-bertoo tedious togive you a full relation of it -, endsvvhich' hat-h ibeen-formerlyidonerby others, {owe-Cannot pafifit-altogetherinifilence, (Without remembring- bene of their molt 'MUltitudes wer‘eikill’d by thevaord in cold blood, form. in their * beds, fome in their‘houfes,fome inthe fields, in all places wli-ereever- ' they could-light on them. At szgoltherewere above 1 so. men, wo- men, andchildr'en, tonfiimed with: fire}. VAtr vMaebm-above ran «‘30. knock'd'on the" head. - :At Twyla after:Ifaiiriéqharter-'4given,‘j,they were {)fit to the‘Swo’td, :andmurthe’red without -‘_me‘rc':y.' At! Ltffiwkgy, they h‘lmg aboveian' ro‘o. moltof the Scottilh Natiion :—:at»which place M46 . Gwirbmade the keeper of the "Galtle, Mn. Mddletm,’tohear Mafs,a.nd *to fwearhe would never alter fromit, and then- immediately caufe‘d ' himfihis Wife;é.fi51ChiW?§H§*t0.beh'flflged?'Thefl’wflé «a \ mob. men» ‘~' mermaigeeghndrm,emerged « at! me: time; at, Paradigm Bridge, , attain feverdliplacé‘s‘ ofiflfidtCountydeoWSdrivingi them _-into _ .athe‘loughsghnd Riversgtii’iéking them forwdridéfibeingfall Pearl: naked ) 'withieheifiekenfi andlbhtgheflyhnives.‘ Maniftoivvhomthey haing'rven ‘L a them them go to‘ fume convenient place, theyfent Soldiers after them: My my Towns they laid walk and in ‘alhes, among the refl: Armaglja and the Cathedral Church there: and in fame parilhes two hundred Fami- - lies were murthered, and a common butchery, was through the whole ' County, and inall parts of: it, many th‘oufands perilhed’by Sword, Famine, Fire,- Water, and all other manner of deaths, that rage and : malice could invent. N ay, they would not ‘fpare the very. cattle, ‘ horfes,bealts,lheep, were all deltroyed, not to eat, but out of fpight, .r leting thoufands lie [kinking and rotting up and down ., in the fields and r high-ways. l-n Calmin theliving could not bury the dead, and the {lain » carcafes were flung in wide and waltea holes, and packed one upon ano- ‘ ther, like‘herringse In Killommz were "4.8. Families murthe-r’d.- In one . houfe 2.2;. Preteitants burned. .«l n Jc’dmore zoo.- FamiliesMall‘acred :The villains, were lb wicked, that they would not give them leave topray, ., before they dyed. Some they buried alive, (and fame they half buried, , others they" {ettap into theEarth,‘ and fo left them to fianve. Some they putimzo"deepdungeonsto perifh at leafiire; others theyémangled, and r left languishing in the high Ways. Some being grievoufly, Wounded, V , at 7 they hung upon tenter hooks, forne thrown into bogs, others hang’d nip by the arms: whili‘t they [1th d their bodys Witht-heir‘skenes, to . know how many cuts, ‘ an Englilhman would endure ere he dyed. Many if? in Turf-pits, and thoufands were ftarved to death: With» cohtrinéthe ¥ drentokill, and {hewedthem to kill an‘Englilhmanu “Somellhey hoyl- ed to death ‘ in Cauldr‘ons, :1 and theyrhang’ d one woman“ near .~ Cntenlaugb carcafes, ofallthey rcould‘ meet'w'ith. - M Women.grehtwith child were hanged up, others ript up, and. their; guts pull‘ifd out‘,§‘and their? children thrown tothe dogs andszine. Some - they cutito ape-ecesbylgobbet’s, and-acollops. .Multitudes wenet;drowrred - bogs, whether they were driven or fled for lhelter.= Children Were {foo ted to execute their parents, and parents their children, and brather's . and filters one another. The women were as ‘ barbarous ras «.theamen, anda's readyinthei‘r-bldodyexecutions, nay, they taught: their Chib- '- on a tree, and her daughterfin the mothers hair 3 another-had hisfeot burnt off by a flow fire,» their fpight and malice reached. :to the l—graves, and Tombs, which theyzopened, .anddifpightfully mangled qtlheirdcfad 11 y la, '1 {zit}; H” r It- isimpollib'le to recolléét', ‘or- exprofls»timer-abominable ffWictkedfiTeis” 4: «of, their mifchieVOus inventions“,=rertfihehormnontheirlhlmdyrexenu‘ ~ .-tions, :performedw-ith all kinds;Fofrcirchmftantes,¢ that might agree- «if, ”"vate- the heighth 'oftheircruelty towards them, and than-did expffifs 11> x'theirinveteratemdliCe to our-Religion; ,Ala‘s'l who :can comprehend ' the fears, terror-s, anguifl1,-bitternel§, and@etplfifitiesdf‘fltenfefils' ‘3? ‘ ;- ofthefe MeringWretchnse-rtheir dimiringsgmifionsmandihmflmaw , 33;, fret-inns ofmi’nde? .5m" warmly their- ;deep‘: groans, enemy fighssrlond. a "*tWeehe534Iad quim, :bifiertetmd mid horriditremblinig, and 1+ j altomlhment 2*Their-revilinggfpeeeheegtond widcedhoafixseaidrbneaigsg .. ’52-. r it ' ' mre : 6 53% "a (so) increal’ed their'mifery. To {be candles made of the fat "and ’greafe of their friends, and kindred, to burn before them 3 and to hear them cry, they are almofl: tired with. flaughtering, and that a young Cow- boy lhould boalt, to have flain 36.Proteltants as a meritorious Act -, they never difpatched any without exprell‘mg great malice and hatred, and ufually with this their ordinary farewell, anim‘a elm! thy foul to the devil. They ufed feveral blafphemous f peeches againlt God, and the Scriptures. At Kilkqnny on a Marketday they brought 7 Froteltants heads, and fet them in the Market place, one of them being a Mini- Iters, they flit from the mouth to the ears, and puting a leaf of a Bible before it, they bid him preach, for his mouth was wide enough. Ano- . ther they took,and riping uphis belly took out the end of his guts, and . tying it to a poll, whipped him and prick’d him with their skins round the poll, drawing forth his guts by that means, that they might fee how long his puddings were. Some women in Labour, and with their children half born, they flung into the Rivers and bogs, without any pity orregard. Some they burnt to death, with fetingffire to the thaw that the poor wretches had tyed about them, to hide their nakednefs. Others they worried to death with dogs. ' ‘ The number was great of all thofe that fell under their many cruel- ,ties. About Dmgannon were 316. Proteitants flain. At Charlemont 400. about Tyre was 6. barbaroufly murther’d. At Laugh zoo. drowned. In another .place goo. drowned, andin the Parilh of Ktllamm were mur— ‘ther’d, L200. Proteltants. They malted one Mr. Watfim alive, and cut collo sout of his Buttocks. They broke the backbone of a poor youth, and [g left him in the fields, and fome days after he was found, having, :knawn all the grafs round about him, and eaten it for fuitenance, not being able to wag from the place : yet they would not kill him out right, but remov’dhim to a place of better pafture,and there left him, In the County of Amrim they murther'd in one morning 954 Pro— teltants, and afterwards in the fame County about i zoo. Near fo- mimic 24. were burnt in one houfe. And that bloody butcher Philim 0 Neal, boaftedhe had flain 600 at Garganh, and that he had not left man,..woman, nor child at Mmmlpugh. And in another place he mur- ' ther’d in their houfes above zoo: fo that many hour es were filled with ‘dead bodies. AbOut 12000 were [lain in the high-ways, as they fled towards Downe: fome thoufaads were drowned, and many i’carved to ., death with cold : fo that in the province of ’Ul/ler only, there were a- bOut r’gooo. murthered by fundry kindes of torments and death. A boy not above ”'14.. years of age one night new 1;. Proteflants that were , fet in the‘itock‘s With a skeen. And another that was but 12. years old, two Women and an Englilh Woman; APapiit, kill’d 7. men and wo— men, her. Neighbours, in one morning, forfaking nature, and Coun— ‘_ try, and all humanity, having imbibed thofe horrid principles, diltil- . ledinto them, by their Gholtly Fathers. He ( 27) n 1- ~- 4 - “Hesthat has a mindeto be more fully fatisfied ofya‘ll their bioudyhuts \ cheries, may 1'de Sir 70h” Temple: Book of the 1er Reba/lieu, 'andthal'i they are not falfly or malicioufly put upon them, they, may there fee theparties names, and the feveral witnefl‘es,1 W’hogave in upon oath all thathas been here related, fo that‘it is {till uponrecord, andamong _ the Rolls of that Kingdom, and will not be fOrgotten bytpoiteriuy.’ "' 1 The flaughter and butchery was great, the beait had here ,a full fealt, andhe was gorged and glutted with bloud, for according to the Erick: eft account and computation that could be taken, there was murthere‘d and made away in cold bloud, by thefe execrable Irilh .Papilts ( be— fides thofe kill’d in fight) from the firlt beginning of this horrid R169 bellion, to the celfation of arms, Sept. 15.1643. which wasnot full two years, above gooooo Bririfh Proteitants, Englifh, Weld: and Scotch. \ Let us now return home and leave this Land polluted with bloud and Murthers, and let us fee if our own Countrey has efcaped from beco- thing a prey to this Moniker: Englilhmen are naturally of a kinde and . lov-ingheart, of a merciful nature and pittiful difpofitiong; they are ' apvto be touched with the miferies of others, and they are not inatheir own natures bloudy, barbarous, nor cruel .- But we lhall anon behold the marks of their rage, we {hall behold the land flaming with the bo- .dies of Martyrs, and the flreets running down with bloud, This fair Iflamd to become an Mchtldzzma, a field of skulls and Martyrs bones: We may fee Tragedies Afted in every place, and the Monlter glutting him felf with the fryed fielh of Saints. It is then from the principles of their corrupted Religion, the Englijhmen, as well as others obtain this cruelty and fierce nature, and become fo unrelenting, and hard-, hearted, as to ,cUt'the throats of their friends, Neighbours, and ac- quaintance. It is this horrid Monfter of perfecution, which this Popilh Religion rides, and which bears in triumph the pomp and pride of men, and by which ‘Kgme maintains its power and greatnefs, OV€f":‘3S well the Souls as bodies of poor and ignorant wretches, and carries Kings Captive in chains, and makes the great ones i‘toop to its great~ nefs, and humble themfdves at his feet, and by which the Pope and his Conclave have intruded yoaks and fetters, onthe hands and necks ofPrinces, and enflavedthe whole Chril‘tian world, This is it that - alters the very nature of Englilhmen, and ,makes them like T Wig, In— fidelr, and Barbarians; The venom. of this Moniber being luck’d in with the principles of Popery, infeéts the blood, and envenoms the Soul : Inltead ofbeing meek and humble, it makes them proud and arrogant, inltead of obfer-ving the commands; of Chrift, it performs that of the Pope, though never f0 contrary ilf-Chrifl: fays, hm no man, prayfbryour perfémtom, fubmit to Magfil‘Mter, and Gva'vemougs, the Pope and his Doftrine lays, kill every man that [is not of your Religion, curfe thofe that difob‘ey your commands, a kill,,,_ flab, 'depofe your King and Governours. This is the Doctrine, thefe the principles and con;- ‘ E ‘ ' mans England," msrofi’tlfi Miffiflhurda, and-has beenetterfiitce the WAS; polhnzed? 'éfld-flefledy and had onceibelmdthis bloody Monfler mmaintaia-hen , prideandgteatnersa , , I A , ,4; - _- ., ' ~ Englifll a itwa'swery earlgfiilvat thisdjleodysheaft: bfiipcrfecntgionbegaa‘ toa- IP‘I‘Rr-B k wwlfiefnngsg; and Elsie ..fl1atpna~ile,r 32nd tanned-mm; audit «many; claim; thaejhisay/zm fonnd'fliofe who began to permiwe; andttoteitifie 3-- gym, gamma. to’rmpnions, and fiipetftitions of'Ramet As high as the year ' 32%.wm fabmof salabary, plainly fiat Forth the oppreflion and bur- thenof the Pope, andhis creatures, arnd‘aftenhim false Grafibmj Bi— lhopofLimola, who wmte to the ii‘ope, and, admonifhed him, for- whichahe hadlike to havefilff‘er’d. But the Monltefr did but yet lhevv'. his teeth, ' and waited for the bloody banquet, heafterwards obtained. But we. may finde more early‘teltimonies againl’cthe corruptionsof v the RmflhChurch, {O'that they needinot tell us, asthey often impertié nently. do, of Luther, and the newnefs of our Religion, for in the year 884, 70%)): Patric Efiglarm a Brindle, ordainedthe flrll: Reader at Oxford, by Kinglflfiedfiyho Wanton‘demned aildihlarterd by the Pope,for wri—‘ tingaBook concerning the Sacrament. In the year 96.0. many Dilvines Wote'themarks ofzthi'sbeafi: in their faces, being by order. from the, . Pope, branded, in their fates with red hot irons, for dilfitnting in many: thin-gs about the Mafi; and Purgatory, ’ Monkery, and fuch like, and for callingRome‘Babylaa, and Cloyl’tersthe Nurl‘estof Sodomy; and 1 126.. ene Amald anEnghlh man, and al‘preacher, Was butchered at 0xfird,.. for preaching ~'ag’ég’a'tnll: the pride ofthe prelates, and the wicked lives of the Prieltsi WW 1160. the Waldmfe; came hither for fuccout, and were perfecuted and condemned, burnt, whipt, and ftigmatized for; their Religion, 'both at Oxford and other places. . V Almoftinevety year, God ra-ifed up many learned and good men,,. to'give; their Teltimonies againfl: the corruption of Ram, both by preaching;di'fpt—iting, and writing againlt‘them, as 1' 170. gaalo, and» GilbertFoliOt; Dot‘tor in Divinity..,12.oo. Silvefi‘er gerald'. 1-207. Alex-~ tender a Divine. 1:2.10. Gazlter Makes, Archdeacon of Oxford. 1 25 5. 56— ~ éald‘ArCh-Blfll’op Offorka I 260. W illidm-Striigg‘bam, . Dofior of Divinity. t27o.Roger Baton, fellow of Mertana Divine, and Mathematitian. 1:290. fibnSt-totm the great Schoblman. 1 3~'2.0..:7’ob}z Barnett-harp Doctor. .1~3~26‘-.<.i§'oha Lyme a Divine ofOxfard, 1330. fob}: Olqzbam called Daffor . fingularis». 1134.0." TfiamwsBrddWardim: {1-35 "I . Nicholle: 0mm Doétor of ' Oxford. 1133' 5...Ricb.. FitmfiC'hane‘ell-or of Oxford”: and about the fame“ ti’i'n‘e Doé’cor foane‘él-Jif: and our famous Poet ji‘efiryi Chaucer. 1 379.. William-deiddam Billmp 70f Winch/fer, 1382.. Phillip: of R§P_iflgtm.. 129,29. gamma ”6'4" was ofx'ozxfim '1 44.0. 701m Feltan ofangdalm» ‘ Colled'ge. meojébakcepgmee-Doctor of Divinity at Oxford-g «1470*- Hwy Early. All thefeé ghee {ample Itefltimonie's, by them publiquc- Writings, againlt-theirmafiycorruptions, and evilfiofirines, and 111-,»- mentions«wormipnzofthemfi.mclmithdehazaxdofthén11‘“?» .t - *' ' t ' 01101;: .1 ( 29 ) , . Honours, Liberties, ~Eltates,and Fortunes. :So thatmanymemperfiete ted, and fame burnt under King. Henry the 2d. .121746.,and--1&'810.‘ mead Baltan, ~ and :j’ahn .441hWerly end med, perfecution. 2-13.82. ,Ti'é‘nn; Afiotan. 1 39,0. Walteerte, and ram Parietal. 1 392. Doctor Chump. were-.perfee} cured. 14.00. William Samrea a Divine ofaxfird was. Martyrd. 21451.. William Swinderly was burnt in Smitlafielal. 1407... William Tharp l‘uffer’d. 1420.Lawrence Radmam and fix others grievioufly‘ perfecuted. 14.17; Lord Cabham was burnt in Ster'las’s fields. 142‘ 1 . j‘alan 1~'nrwy Martyr’d. - 14.28. William White burnt: and the fame year Rwlflm‘d White- 1433-. Peter Clarka Divine of Oxford, for maintaining publiquelytheDoctrin of Wiaklz'f was fain to fly, but was taken beyond the Seas, and hisitongue Cut out, then hang’d, and. afterwards burnt. 14.4.2. .Rager Ovely was hang’d and quarter’d. 1 447. Hnmpbry Duke of Glafiar was‘Murthered in prifon by the Popiih party, for being a .favourer of the preachers of the purer Religion. And feveral others, that were divers ways perfee cured, for the lake of Religion, before the tiling up of. Lather :' God having in ages, railed up fome to teltify to the truth, and to maintain the purity of his Gofpel. ~. -. _ ' ' ~ - We have mentioned to you only the Divines, learned and great men, that fufl‘ered by the cruelty ofperfecution, but there were all‘o fundry, and, diverfe lay men, that then openly owned the trurh, "and "fuflered for. it, for 14.09. fohnBadlyfi Taylor was .burnt- in Smitlafielal. William Tharp, 70b}: Aflatan, Fabn (Partly, and others fufiered for Wick,— clzf: Doétrin. And as the number of the "faithfiill increafed, who now began to be called Lollards, f0 .perl‘ecutiun grew hotter, and the, rage and malice of the Papilts were augmented. 141 3. 1n the Reign of King Henry the 5th. Sir Roger Allan, Talon Brown,~and fob); Beverly, were put to death in St.Gzla:’s fields, and divers others to the number. of 36. 14.36. film Clnyalan, a Cariar Of London was burnt i and with him - Richard Turning 3 Baker, 1416, fBenadz'Et Ullenmn was Martyr’d, and ~fe— ‘ .veral others, toa great number imprifon’d. 1422. in, theReign of King Henry the 6th. William Taylor a Wicklifilnn was burntm Smithfielal. 1422. Henry Web, and film Florence were cruelly Whlpt,: 14.28. "and 143 1. about 120 men,and women fufl'er’d, many of them burnt. 14.2.8. {William-White was Martyr’d, and at the fame. time two- Were burnt-Tat - Colahefiard430. Richard Havadan,-a.Citizen of London, 2was Martyr’d for the: fame caulE, near the Tower; and divers .moreicruellywbipped and handled. '14; 1 . T laa m 34ny Minil’ter was burntinSMthfialal. 14.39. 4 :RicbaralWiclae..ax Minilter burnt at Tower—hill. 214.33.,In..the:Reign.of ‘ ‘ F‘King Edmadithe 4th. felon Gunfirwas burnt- 1494.111 the. tianf- Henry . ash}: lath-.one finia- magma, so. years old. was burnt :in. Naifallga mid DanetbersinSlniabfialala 1566'. 5:211chqu {tigt’riatifed ham; Inimyfdid -wn‘agnée42and Willahgni‘filfwmbwasburntin ‘tlrer'.,§Eo”Wn.=.-‘OE W flaw ‘ azu'sheuexheyfforced‘ his f’ow'n daughter; to fell *: :firez’ tb: the .fziggots, that *‘ gmeipo' been herfathbr. JAM : twig .i’years iafter-aflaawm’fflrmfl‘} and .21 7 iii 1 ‘ 2 4m: (3o)?t . » . 34m Walton were burnt in the fame place, and one Robin}: at anag— ‘inghnm. .15'0’6;‘Tlaomlos Clan/22 after many and cruel ul'ag'es and hardlhips in prifon, Was there murthered. 1507'. One T ham; Norrie was burnt at Warwick: and Lawrence Goo/l atSnlirbnry : and a woman .at Chipping» fndlzmy: with divers other perfons, in the Reign,'of King Henry the 7th. Inthe Rei n of Henry the 8th....the flame began to encreal’e, and a- bundance fu ered in every place. 151 1 William Sweating, and?- film Brow/fer, were burnt in Smithfiold. The fame year William Carder; Robert Hnrrzfinfind Agnes Grebyl’ were burnt, they forcing the husband and daughters of the woman, to come inas witnefl‘es againfl: her. Alfo Mr. Style with hlsBook' of Revelation: in Englzflo. 25 . .burn-t,and 5-. other :per- fons accufed forreading an Heretical Book, which: contained many damnable Opinions, being the'Evangeliltsxin Englilh.. 1 .14.. Richard 'Hn‘ne murther’din the Lollnrd: Tower, and afterwards immt. 1.317,. felon Brown was burnt. r 5.18. felon Stylmnn was burnt-in Smirbfield :about the fame time Thoma: Mnn in Smithfield, and Robert Confin in rBlot. [gingham were burnt. 1‘3’ I 8. Cloriflopber Shoemaker at Newbory. Richard and Robert Bartlet, and film Scrivener burnt: the children of the lafl: mentioned, being forced to fet fire tbtheir-Fat her. And it Was molt ul'ual to com— pel‘chil‘d‘ren toaceufe their parents, parents their“ children, Husbands their wives, wives their husbands: bofome friends, and Brothers, and Sifters one anOther. And‘ many hundreds were forced toabj'ure againlt their Confciences, or elle be burnt. ' _ . But nowtwo things greatly 'enCreal'ed the profelTors of the ' truth in England, which were, the beld owning the Gol‘pel and'the true | profeflion thereof by. Martin Luther in Germany -, and the Art of Print- ing, whereby it was more eafily~ promulgated and. difperfed. th-orow every County, and in all Languages. 'And now the beafl: began to rage, and lay about him, perfiacution and {laughter-was rail‘ed every , where -, thorowout thesKingdomefigainlt the Loot/9674711”, audit '3 :9. many Fro- T‘teltants'were apprehendedinawo‘ntry, impril‘on’d in nafty dungeons, and 6'; burnt.-And‘two years after in the fame place MberoSzillqb. 142 3. Thomas Harding was burnt at Cbeflmm in Bnlengbnm-jhire. 1 329. One" Szgnlisgcholfan was hung up by the privy members, for having Lntlom - :i-Books‘in his houfe, beinga Stationer at ‘Cdmhridg. Several were abjured. iMj/lidm Tom}!- Bid-,2burntrtwo years after his death’.‘ I 530. Thom: 'Hit- iron was Martyr?- d 'at Maid/lone. 1‘ 53’ 2. .Ro'chnrolsflnyfield,‘ :a’ Monk of" Berry ,after hezhadbeenwhipt, and mom cruelly handled-in Prifon, gag’d, beaten,l)ound,i'anddegraded after afhamefull manner, . he was burnt with much- :Cruelty in :Landon, Continuing half. an: hour: alive in the seamen-signals: offeWel:;. and when his} left Arm was burned; lQflgi lhe .ierubljed that :fide laithrzhis: right,‘: till itfeilalfo in the fire-.Andiabout the ”*J‘amest-ime Managua Was. burntaleodn? fiinirlg‘iéldtt; Severalfimprgi- nib’ned, and’fedwith bread '.'made,_rof' 'fa'wtlulhuMany fetz in; thealto’eks, . .witl'i'iron collarsxabouttheir necks, _ and fiveral: Tracked till tth‘eylewer; . '1 2.1“ ‘_ .' , _' ame "" t... - ‘ (31 > ' Jamed. 15:32. j‘ame; Baynlaam was alfoburnfltjn Smiehfieleloflhn ear; at ~ ‘the 'De'wfe: :. and one V‘Trapnel, at ‘Broadford in the County Of‘Wiltr. ' - Three were hanged in chains, for burning the Image or 30.04. of Dover.— Coart. felon Fritb, Andrew. Heme, and divers others were burnt _Tloorna: _ Bonnet, William. Tyndal, felon Lambert , William Lelton, and Collins, a Lawyer burnt, and Robert Packington Murther’d. And one Peck burnt» at Ipfwiclo. Doctor Barns, and Thomas Garrat‘in Smith old, and alfo Willo— am Hieron in the fame place ; felon ‘Potter Mu‘rther din Prifon. Thoma: Bernard, and. fame: Morton. 1 54.4.. Rolert Tq/lWood, Anthony. Parker, H on: _ry Filmer, at We‘najor. 154.1.about 500; in and about London, either L dyed in Prifon, or fryed in the fire in Smitlafield. Doolip, ®_od,Saxie, ' and others flain. One Henry at Colcbefler, Kerby, and Clark, at Ipfwi‘elx, and Bary. Andi 54.6. Anne Aiken after {he had been molt cruelly rackt, . (and that by the Chancellor himfelf, who having a more cruel heart .then the Executioner, racked her to the higheft extremity, ) was burnt in Smitlafield. “At the fame time alfo Belerrairr, Adams, andLacellt, . and one Rogers in Shropflzire. - >» . _ . '- . y . But all this was nothing, to the rage and Executions of bloody Boa»- ner, and wicked gardyner, two notable agents of cruelty and Tiranny, and who {toutly fpurred on the raging beal’t of perfecution, in the days .ofCLueen Mary. Then the Proteltants fell by heaps : then fufl'ered George Hooper, Rogers, Taylor, Bradford, Sandero, all famous - men. . And I 553.Tboma: Tomlqim, Whole hands Bonner burnt in Prifon-W-ith a' ,Toreh, to make tryal of his conftancy, and afterwards caufed him to) be burnt in Smithfield. Then W ell ram Heater cruelly us’d and burnt. Heg— bed, and Kaily in Effix. Pigot,Kni lat,and Lawrence, at feveral'" places in EflEx. Doflor Ferrar Bilhop 0- 5t. ‘Da-via: burnt there. Rawlinr, .IVln'te, , atCardojlfl George «.714 arfla at C’oejler. William Flower at Weflmine fiery. felon Cara’male—era M inillzer in So.irlafielel*.-and with him felon ,Warn, «Sympfon, and Ardley,uin Eflex. ThomasHanQ‘, at Cogflull’in Eflex. I’Valls, I bfmond, ‘3amford, Osborn, all burnt alfo in E jflx. ‘Blanol,Sloetterolen, Md- ~ dleton, Franlqrfhfillburnt. ‘All‘oHall, Wade, Harpole, fi‘oan Beach,» and _ :Margery, Boly, in Kent. Carver, Laander, Irefon, Denny,-,Newman, Pack; {agham,Hook, all Martyr'cl in feveral places.-Gol»\gr, Hooper, Lainrence,,. Collier, Write, Store, at Canterlonry."- The Prirfonswerenow fall inv-eve- gry place, and nothing but cruelty, an_d-~opprellion~thorow alluth-eqLand. .. Robert Samuel, Minilter fufl'e'red'Mart’yrdom at“ Narration. Anne-Patten, ._ . and flan Tranclrfielel‘ at lpfwiclo. William filler: at2Wal/Engbam. Lee in Saflollg Cob at Thetfirrd‘l Five more in the Diocefi- olf [haterloary Two- ,more at 'Litchfield.. glow», .» a-nd-=-Bonge, in the -: fame Dioceflc:~ 0am * - j Richarolinein Shrapjhire. , Wolfey, andgl’grot at Ely. Thefamous Really; and _ fiLaéimnatOxfird; .. Fourmorcat Canterbury. And Mr. Pram in Swirls;—~ Ram 1.556.ftlllBOflt’l-l‘lllBSathelf‘,“71$de; andwbloody'rage, theland mu IS all ma llama-Land Bloodand cruelty“ reigneth.inzeveryplaee.. w "WV—“K rw»v_’-... H, ~ '(32) 'The‘hloodz'p‘el‘fithters begi’nthe year, 'kwit'hfthe martyrdom of flier. ‘fonS‘in‘ the 'rl’e‘momh,whowere all burnt together in one fire in Smith- field. ' And 4' immediately after in Camrbwy 5 more, men and women. And then fell-OWed» the fame year, Doétor Qanmer: Martyrdom at 0x- ford, who hadsbeen Archbjhvp of Canterbury. Three "more at- Sali:6ary. Six more condemned by Banner and burnt; two more at Racbefler in ,Kent; ,SiX-at Chalcbefler. faannllZer Minilter fuffér’d’at Ely Twoat 3th Four more in Smithfield -, two at Glace/fer. Three at Beckle: in '32]?th Four at Lem: in Su x. And two, more prel‘ently after in the fame place. One at Leicc er: and. 1 1 men and two women, at Strat- ford—Bow. Roger Barmd, at St.Edmm2d: Bury. TWO at Newberiy', three Women in the lfle of Guernfy, one of which being great with child, as {con as the fire took hold of her, had her belly burlt, and the child, fprung forth alive, being a boy, but was adjudged prefently to be hung into the fire, and burnt,which was accordinglv done. Four more burnt at Green/lead in Sufix. Thoma: ’Moore at Leicefler. foam Waiflat. Darby. Edward Sharp at Briflaw: Another in the fame place: Four mom in Sufix. TWO in Glace/lerjhire,and 15 in Canteréury. 5 more in . «one fire in Smithfield. Two in S..George: fields ‘in Southwarlg 7 in one fire at Maidflone. 3 men and 4. women more in the lame Diooejjé. 10 more all burnt together in one fire at Lewi: in Suffix: being 6 men and 4 wo- men. » One burnt by the Bilhop of Bath and VVell:. Two at Lin. R9]; Allen had her hand burnt with a Candle till the Sinnues crack‘d afun— der. 6 more 'at (bloke/fer. 3 more at Norwich. Two in Kochefler. Mrs Lewis in 'Warwiclqbire. 4. more at Iflington. Two women at Calchefler. film Nay: at szelielal in Snfiolk, Cicely Orm: at Norwich : {Everal at Cb?- chq/l'er. Thoma: Spurdmne in Bury. 5 more in Smithfield, [mhbert Symfim cruelly rack’d, 3 times in one day,and then burnt with 2 more in Smith field. ‘Willmm Mabel: at Haverfard Wq/l' in Wale: 3 more at Norwich. 3 more at Colchefler .- 1 3 more in Smith eld : and 6 at Branford. T loom: Hinjhatw waswhipped by Banner him‘ elf, with willow mods, and dyed in prifon. 791m Will: alfo whipt by Banner, at his houfe in Fat/mm : Teo— man: alMinifier at Norwich, Thoma: Bcnbridg at Wincbefl-er. a, more at St. Edmund: Bury. Alman and a Womangat lpfwicb. 3 more at Buy. A woman at Exeter. 3 more at Brifiol, and 5 more at Cantcr’mry, queen Wary being then fick,’-aud thofe Were the-lad}:I that were executedfor Reggie!) in England. - i ' ' ‘ " ' ‘ ”‘ " ‘ perficution,which‘though‘but for the fpaee of 5 years, was verymarp and cruel e, we haveomitted' many, befide‘s numbers that dyed in prifon, ioeheés :whiptmeaten,and“tormnte@ fiveml‘wayg, many forcedtefly, ‘ many to recantagainlt theip'Gonfiieneés,:riwitlirthe‘vlike'ftyeannyrend oppremon every where, and in all places, raving and raging again'll? all that profefl‘ed theiGofpe-l, andldid i hotl’f’jnflldowwbefore the339w- croftheeBealtw 1- 3 3 l .2...;.: ._ ....2..‘; .33.“; ,‘ have gn‘ren you a very brief-account of tholelwho' fii‘fi’er'd in this But _» .___ t4“- M _ ”A“, W .,.;-._W._:._.._2.._=a—- «dd-avg .~ (3‘3) . w ' 'BhtnOW't-he‘DEath bfbgieen Wary, and'the fuccefiiononneen: Eliubeth, put- a flap to the open rage and perlFecution of this menlter. . God: took .pittyiof his diltreiIed people. The prideand arrogancy of Rome wa-staken away, the moniker of Perfecution was b'anilh’d the -~ Realm : The power and authority of the Pope vanilh’d, and peace,and; i " Refi, and: Liberty, for allthe good people of this Land enfued. The :. bloody fangs of the Bealt, were pull’d out , his Claws pair’d, and thef Scorpionslting in his tail pull’d forth: and all his bloody inltruments ofRaineleft to the Judgments and punilhment of God. But donot: “think, that this moniter can be quiet,though he be banilhed the King— -. dam, and the Dominions of that glorious Queen; and though he can— _ not act in power and lhew himfelf openly in the ltreets, and in the: market places, for which he grinds his tusks in anger, yet he is reltlefs; . and the agents for this Beall: area {editions and unquiet generation. ' T hey now become miners and Sappers of Kingdoms, and the Emilia- ries of the fifairei, put on their dilguil'es, and are. become dark-lane. thorn Men to act their villanies by Health. They are the Spades and mat-toks ofRome, they undermine, and work into the COHfCiCflCCS‘Of trhol‘e of their Reli gion,to d'ilturb the peace and tranquillity of Nations. They are the fire—balls of the Pope, wherewith he puts Nations in a; flame at a diltance. Thefe are his ponyards. and daggers, wherewith .he murthers Kings, and Ptabs Princes. The fe are the cunning engines, -* and framers ofmall‘acres and private murthers, and by thefe fort of} men,he ltirs up cunningly the lanatical party in a Nation, and the dill > contented, the dill‘enting, and the Schi finatical parties in'a Kingdom. They are in all lhapes and difguil‘es : They are rich and full ofcoyn,to eary on all theirdelignes,and to bribe the covetous. They know how: to fatisfie all ScrUples, - and to pleafe all humours, theyxreep into all Courts, and arein all places. They are dilligent in their wicked voca— ~ tion, and ’tis their whole {lady and employ, how to propagate the g’reatnelle and power of” Rome, and to fubvert all that‘oppol‘e them : .; They inculcate into the ears of their people dangerous doétrines, and el’cablilh. in their mindes wicked principles- They tell them, that : Princes not profellingthe Romijh Religion, are abfolutely fallen from: their title and authority, that they are no longer Princes but Tyrants and llfurpers :. and that the Pope may excommunicate them, and that - being fo excommunicated, their Subjects ought not to obeythem, but '- are abfolved from all tyes of allegiance 5 that they ought to be thrown» ’ out of the feat of their Authority, the Scepter ought to be wrung-.3 out Of ' their hands, and that ’tis a meritorious act to depofe or to kill . inch Princes, that the Clergy are exempt from the jurisdiction of Se- , , eular princes, and arenot bound to their Laws,T-hat the Pope oFRome * hath the full andichie'fpc‘mer and'command over: all, throughout the :-~ Vlylrole world, even in CiVil' matters. That the Magiltrates of "th.isna-.-;~ Renate. Hermon, ,andztherefore.nottoheaccomtedMagil’cratisgngiee ~ >~ ‘ 1 0 eye m. k n’rm‘m’ 'dflh‘vg; mw~ <34) " T Obeyed. :And thatafte'r th‘eBull of their holy Father. the Pop”: is'pronoun- ced againll: a Nation, that all that lhall be then aéted, lhall be accoun-a ted null and void. That faith is notto be kept with Hereticfirz and>that the Pope. hath power, to abfolve all vows, promifes, . oaths, how {trier- lylbever made. ordone, with many Others of thisftamp, whereby they alienate“ the hearts of fubjeéts from their Princes, and place all the! _ bonds of Diity on the Pope. ' . Thefe principles well planted in the Hearts of the people,have cau— fed to many rifin gs and Rebellions in England. How did they perlécute King film and at lafl: poyfon him in SWi/Iflede Abby, what commotions railed; ["1" Emma: a Beclqt, that proud and ltubborn Prelate, againlt King: Henry the 2d, , fo that he made him weary of his life, and to commit marther to be rid of him. How many other Rebellions have they {tir- red. up and pi omoted in this Land? and what Seas of Blood have-they flier: Band how many thoui‘and Martyrs have they del’croyed here, and elfewhere? ”Li‘hey exceeded the rage and cruelty of the Heat/Jen, and- abominablenels or the Barn/trim: they murthered more, and Ihed more blood,then allthe ro.perfecutions. There are .reckonedin France only in the perfecutions of the Waldmfi’: and Ml!bingenfe:,to have been flaughter’d, a Million of people, and in lels than 30 years 150000 Chriftians, to have been made away by the Inquifition. ’Tis to bring us again to this pals, that thefe fort of men firuggle , yvith all difliculties, that we may fry with fire and fagot, and that they may again fit here as cruelLords and mailers, that make them f0~ :induftrious to animate the blind and ignorant people, to their own de- firuction, ween Eliulaétla having lent them all packing, with all their trinkets of Superllzition, andeltablilht her Reformation and Religion ; many penal Laws were indul’crioufly made againlb them, that they might not .be able to do hurt and mi (chief, which if put in execution, are fufficient to keep them under, but the indulgency of our Prince hath taken off the {harp edge or" their execution, in hopes to oblige them to a fidelity and compliance, and to live in peace and quiet, but ’tis impoflible by thel’e means to fubdue them, whillt their Prielts have the opportunity to diltill their dangerous principles into their minds, they think. ’tis better to obey “their earthly God the Pope, than their Lavyfull King and Governour, and to ril‘e inRebellion at the command of their Ghol‘lzly/ Father,than to live in quiet underan Heretical Prince, as they call all fuch as fubmit not their power and Authority to that, Oqume'. , i’ — g ‘\ - . Pope Pin: the 5th. Gre my the 13th. and-Clement the 8th. all feat.» over their Breves and Bul s from Rome againftthe ‘ Qleenr which roar; and thunderfort-h excommunicationsc, Anathema’s, and Curfesagainfb her and her Subjects. In which they take from her allher Royal titles; Dignities, and Rights to the Kingdom of ‘Erirgland, and Ireland, tie—- claring her illegitimate, and an .llfurper, . ab Olvingall her; Subjeas from, *(35) mthei‘r Oaths Faith, alle 'anCe, and-obedience to her, and, threa- P911113 {:1 all of what dondition finger, under danger of: the Wrath ofGod, 1?“ P°’ not. to 'aililt her, in any wife, but to imploy all their power, to bring rm, and ‘ her to condign puniihment, promifing ample reward, to allt-hofeiwho Life of {hall lay hands on this profcribed woman, andlhall pumlh her, -- and ‘ to QElieen be paid out of the Treafury’of the Church, and a full pardon of all ("tb- their fins who {hall engage againit her. . ‘ ' But when they faw thefe would not effect their defires , and that S . H! her fubjeéts were too faithfullin England, they proceed to fecret and K53"?! horrid machinations to take away her Life, from which the was 595,, de— . {till preferved by miracalous providence. Their many wicked attempts pofcd by againft the Life of this blelfed O‘ueen, may be fully fien, in {Everal Childemk printed Books, largely ihewing the manner of their proceedings there; @135 Of my intent only is, to put my Countrymen in minde, of the continual 5:32;?“ praéiifes, againit both Prince and people, in this Nation and die 6‘ , where, and Whereever they dili'ented, or oppol'ed the wicked and Childefiek Tyrannical Powerof Rome. ’Twas thele very men, agitated by thefe the third their divillilh principles, of King-killing, that violently took away ng °f the Lives of the two Henry: the 3d. and 4th. of France, the one by the 3?le hand of Ravilliao, the other by that of fame: Clement a facohin, encou» Chair-1e. raged by the Iefuits, fet on by the Pope, and thecafe refolved by the grofi Em- Prior of his Covent, that t'fhe undertoolq't not for private revenge, hat in— Perot (it: flamed by the Love of God for Religion, and the good of his Country, he mi ht fight h . do it with afafe (mecience', and not only fit, but he flzould merit much It - are $3; : God, and without doubt if he fhould dye in the v15}, hszoul [honld immedi— :0, depd: ately afcend into the Qaier: of the (dc/It'd. This'was the goOd councel of fed by J ‘ this Holy Father, and for which he was afterwards torn to peeces, by P096 6“? 4. horfes, but Clement accounted a Martyr, and his murtherous a8: ex- 8"” ‘h‘ tolled openlyin France, both in their Sermons, and printed Books. 2%,}, Thefe are the monlters ofmen,that would do the like to every Prince, King, of“ that oppofes their Lults. Witnefs their murthering of the Lord Darnly francein-E the Father of King frames: of the Prince of Orange, and of others, of tcrdificdv iefl'cr dignity, andof meaner rank, all that fall under their difplea- ures. - . _ - .The providence of God, which takes tare of Princes, proteéted thiscween of blefl‘ed Memory, from their many and wicked Conlpiraé- ths = and bloody machinations. As that in which Robert Bia’nlph,and the , uke ofNorfolkwas engaged 156.5. and wherein Northnmberland fufi‘er‘d at Torlg This was followed by that of Leonard Dams, and with the like fuccefs, 1569. Then the invafion of Ireland by Steuldey, at the great charges of the Pope, happily prevented r 578. Then lam: Fitz-.- mm' 1579. 13 fent into Ireland, and, Saunders with Legantine power, and confeCrated banners. And the next year 1580. Sanfofoph to them With 700. Italian and Spani‘ih Souldiers, with the Pepes promife of 1 0000000. Crowns to carry on the work of Rebellion. To them joyné .. F Cd ~ ("36“) asM adéhgtriih‘canfsdétatasfiflhc .5139: . . :2 hi . “ h . . " , "”7? "‘ 7 Were all happily defeatezL- W. ': . gag/34417:?” , 5", ibmte‘s‘ 131: 5‘ ' The, e misfits fail-ing- ., ,, «5121;555:5555 the-:deaTxhsaf the ,..QJEEJ " ' y . ,5 andsmake. fevera‘laattsmpsthurthCr herf Firfl: by 30.52.5552, and. H515 . ., a%»Pxiia£t,.-wha;being cendsmhed was faundfitcretly Mmther’d," Iéft he -= mouldbetrey 0551.41.55, .I~-s_8355'1,“,11,en-the aqrgéiifes 0524554955 the .Sfianifl: Lager. here, With Tiaragmor‘ton, and Parr. , ; _ Who'll-ad .Letter's of plen‘a‘gj ._ Indulgences” pardon,‘ -a’nd remiffion ofa 1 his fins, fenf‘h‘im bythePope, ‘ “ Wrete; by Gardinalco'mo,andbefidesthe merit, he mouldobtaimherm by m‘H‘eajven, .the Pope promifks to remain» hisidebtor", for killing the ; L561 .. 139911 :z.;fQ.1”.;WhiCh attempt... 11? W28 fixee-L§t¢.djinM4rpb,. 1585("1’1-13 , ‘11; M fameysean 582,454,570, madefthe-fame-‘va, ago kill;'ther5Q§i.e’en',-';.heifiihffi-g- 5-: .37.“ ~‘ gated thereto byGaflbrd, and-Had‘gjfm Fridts; apdiiSBéJfié‘ 3316 is - ~ takenup by Babizgqton, ‘npon thefam-e principles; intulchtéd’b’3;“3412;2545 '4 gifts/kite, for ,wlriehthey were*convi&ed“iancl exeCUted,,and-by the,» _ 1. Pepifllgparty eiteemed Martyrs. Then by meaqs ofthe ,FrencliE’mbafTar s: 5:. d913,.they.dea-lpwithfiéiflfl‘ord, and/Wood}, the latterprdpofingfib;13y 55555 7-" 3:5:ng QégfinpoWderunder-the Qgeensbed chambfir, a}; kgmquayw;pq ,, hl_ow4:1exsup,:5h11pphiszalfgWasdiibovered. .. 5. .,- 5 " " : Tl1efe'&crecaplgts.and wmke‘d combinations failing,“ the Pbgpg..,fiigs.-.. _ . juprhifidear’stmathe.King‘ofSpam, openly to invade Englanfiiwhhch'h‘e ' 5. ”doesjn the year 1388.,the Pop-e having .1)e{tow_ed ig'rlglamd end. Ireland" ,. * 1199;; mm handgwhichlae new/{ends to take -po£TeffiOn.o-f}witmhac Nafit', j 5" and5éas.£-h63’x§alliit;,.i-nVincibléfir'ssmdq; ;of 1 50. Ships, 55559515555519 ' ‘ .5 Z; "'1‘, we ,.1.£umifhefi; 20000}; Souldiensvfiopo...Mariners and 86311131373309, ;, ‘Gall'y Haves befidesGentlemen,‘ andivoluntiersinwab'undancegfoft'natp-i 5. 3. therewassfcgmefi Familyofinotedn-Spam, who-had 505.55.51.55 rag-Son, . 3 ,fé‘ 5Bfotheryrrggfiqfen mtheFleet.‘ Of Brafs and Iron gun's 5.20595 with :- 5. 5117?": BomrgBullefi, MKCEMMHSkew-PikesfipfiarsxSWords,. Bud 2311 things , 5.34 Wemenablgmth Aime-5,22 .and. 'Dasggfirss findifilsefnsqi t9 cat, . the . 5: 5 ,. 4 megacsmfihefleretidw zandwith {hem {Warmsa erqhbfegngfig, 5. 5.045 .'chm,fifuitx,- Mendimntsér,and'theOfficers of :their [famed Order, . (53$ Ghfiysgall ~it )' the-'Inqu-ifmjop. ..Befides' all chefs layrleadyiin Haydn-5,... soobo;-~Ol'd Souldiers; .ands2'8. 8. Véffels“’ready5 fontheir ‘tr‘anprrtation', _ 915151 anaghe King ofSpgziirgz‘q heft SOlgiiErsidra‘wn fromal-l ‘pargsquen as z f3}: ”£59111. maxim, gophissexpedit-ion, and-had. cofc this.Kgiqag,g 955,94in - heme-mines!- had Efrem 1.25 Ml-lions ' 0f . .G'a-‘OW-Elss' éBtItathfirgoadfiiéfs-fwfi~ figd,,‘?;amzhaptimedefehded.Eézgland5-<' from the gaping. .jvayvgqfdcfirgg — moms-5am! dig'eemfittedxhfi mighty'wrfimdo; and all'itgpreparatpnsg . and fiag5them-.shomefullofiflgame, 191235 and confufionthhe 'Eegreatefb wafiakxsfleet was Mali-and. .faatwrd5end. about 190095.05 their menazg‘eaaazwwatha 555155555 chmm seas... . 150955;..sandfinaaé ”r §J§§mpalsaabswewwsrwrbwk .,.,feat:tsr?5ii wadi‘c‘onfaunaledgaa ;:+ 5, 5.. . Bmfieethfigfetwfsfieaplémumontage-59555:om d 51' 515555an, . W Mwifiksdtflfifigfiwudmfiaregifafisr‘t-,fen all. ataxia-they Aha: that“ 6W3: "9 '( 37’) , . , : and’tvill not'fe'e that God is 'againlt them, They‘no .fooner‘ recover ' “ breath, but they lend ever new millions, 'moreemillaries, dilguifed in all lhapes into. England, With new plots, Contrivan'cesand defigns, :L-éaa : » pm and his complices, Callm,‘ .fforlgWilllamr, Squire, ’and Hahn, enter _. into a Confpiracy to poyfon the Queen ,' {till encouraged by the Iefuits. ., andthe Spanilh Minifters-offtate. '1 594. and then 1599. Tyroen is {tir— ..red up to a new’Rebellion in Ireland, having4 the fame Indulgences, . and. pardons fent‘him, as ufed to be given by the Popes, :, to .thofe who. 'i were toga to War again-{t the Turks: And 160 1. The Kringrof; Spain; . . fendsroallilt the-rebells film Dr. Aqalla, with a great FleetofSoldiers,* who land at Kingja-le in Ireland. But norwithfianding all thefe . wicked,- .and execrable defigns, thisHeroick Queen having out liv’d4.. Kings, ,and 8 Popes dyed. in pe.ace,.and leaves her florilhing‘ Realms, to her fuc« ~ cefl’or Kingfames. ,. . - x _ ’ One wouldthink-now, that-the {uceeflion’OE a Proteltant King, to the Crown of England, thereby uniting into one body that of Scotland, with England, and Ireland, and making up one entire and glorious Mo— narchy, lhould have d-alht allstheir hopes, . and that f0 long and well *fetled Reformationin Church, and State, could not be very eafily rbrokenand confounded, "but thefe fedulous people, like worms cut into feveral‘ parts, ,. retain life and fence, in each divided bit, they are not eafily to be .. overthrown, and though they have feen f0 many of" theirhellilh. defigns :fucceed {0 ill, yet they will not give it over, but encourage one. another, in their wickednefs. Two Breeves were brought over from the Pope, whereby they hoped to put by King jam: from the Crown, and hadrothers in their eye of the Nobility of ...-€ngland, whom they would have perfwaded with falfe Titles, great 'rpromiks, both ofmony and men, to have laid claim to the CrOwn, :{eeking at the fame time, to raile fufpitions and difl‘entions among our ~ lfelves, and fowingdil'cord between England, andScotland, and dealing .again with the Nobility and Gentry in Ireland .to promote new ltirs, exafperating alfo the puritans, and feparatilts in England, withmany other ways and endeavouts, to mine this Nation, fo they might .brin _ / m-Poperyand fet up themfelves, Bht God continuing to fru ‘ ate al ‘ ‘ their defigns, and King fame: eitablilhin g the Religion, and ~ rvice "of ~the.Church of England, fo very oppofite to their principles, a d to all itherrhopes, theyvnow as itwere .growing'defperate, enter upon the emoltbarbarous and hellilh plot and contrivance that ever was hatched ffil‘thebrainsand hearts ofrnen : that Which. 'we call the gunipowder . :EFreafou, “and'awhioh we yeti yearly commemorate, On the 5th. day of - :i’Mg/uémber, the day,that notonly the'King,"'asthe head of the King— Jam, adage, lhould have thendeltroyed, but with him his (green, all his 2604-. akoyal’lfihe, the ‘BilhOps, Nobility, and all the chief of the Gentry of . {theswhole Kingdom, L lhonldhaterperilhed,’ together at one blow, and “WW3 Sat:ifioe wtheentagerl Wild“ ith'e‘fe bloody-grind? .. F 3 . ' 3P1 3. r I- ; 3&0“th put to it. And for this horrid Confpiracy not onl l Thadnm. Foam. Hifl. Gumptw lcr Plot. ' (38)w Papifts. .. A plot and contrivance that 110 Age 'never could parrall‘el ' no" Country ever could produce the like, and which; was; as miraeuz loufly prevented, and detected as it were by the immediaten'fingepof God, who pointed out theiritrealonable praétil‘es, even witfim their darkivaultsandlcellars, when the very train was laid, and R fire almofi _ . y Gatsby, Percy, Faux, Dégby, Garnet, Hall, «in. Prlefis, great contrivers, and pro-4 moters of the bufinefs, and all fworn to fecrecy, with horrid Oaths. and imprications, and taking the holy Sacrament, and engaging them- felves, one toanother thereby, and their Faith by the Holy Trinity, never to Ihrink from the execution of this their helli‘lh intention, till it was performed. The King ofSpm'n having alfo promifed them Ships, and men, and ten hundred thoufand Crowns to carry on their work , though, perhaps he might be ignorant as to the way they had intended, to begin the eXecution 3 for I cannOt c0nc€ive any Royal breaft, could have admitted the perfect knowledgeof fo wicked, and monltrous an Act without deteltation and abhor'rancy; ’ ‘ , ' It isnotmy deligne, togive you any Narative or Relation of this horrid Confpiracy, that has. fufiiciently been manifet’ted; and the truth allotted and made plain, though at firlt ( an ufual artifice-with them, and learnt of Nero, who when he had fet Rome on fire laiy’d it on the Chriltians) they intended to have lay’d the wicked ‘ Aft“ upon, the Puritans,— and fince that, they have endeavoured to make! ' the world believe 'twas only a plot of King fame: his Contriving, feeking by thefe'meaus, when they could not blow him up with Gun—powder; a-tlealt-toblalt his.good.iname, “and to. make him, odious. But three Kingdoms arezvnot fo eafily to be deluded, not our 'Governours {o hors- r-idly lmpious, to? mock God foifolemnly, with anhualeprayers' and thanksgiving, . fon-the deliverance from nothing, .from'danger of their -- own making, and to execute andtake- away the lives of men, for falfe . intended crimes -, yet thefe are the {tories thefe fort of people relate, a and but abou-t,'endeaVouring to take off the Odium , ,and Randall, from? “themf elves, and to lay it: upon t heir adverfaries, .. . King. fitmes'is no fooner gone, but they beginnewdifiurbances,thel‘e V Trotmfli Snow, vary their lhapes, andrtransform themfelves- into-i.» Angels of Light, manyof the Jefuits were known to be among, the Presbyterians, and-thereis none of the Seétaries without.them,1n their conventions :they canavmhine,g'andptay ’with the one, they can-rant ; and thunder with the other, at hey: can: cant; "and“ fpeak tIIOflffiflCCa With . thefe, they canblafpemeghanda peak "loud2with thofe,..t‘h'ey can asw'ell 4 . 1’ peak in the Tub, or atthe Table, as in the Pulpit, 7 and in the Desk): 1.: ~‘ theyare all things tofarther/«their defignesi And we are not nowtto ' learn, that the indulgence granted themsin the time of the lates‘ ‘ng ., » infimd-Ofmaking them quiet, 1 gave them fnelh hopes, of: turning :ali MOT-Mamas?auctitisézfuififitatltMeme; that mefemic 11% s. A‘fi-r r _ , .. a ~~ / (39)» " , - {mall hand in. our late troubles, and in fubvertinga- molt glorious Mia-a narchy‘, and bringing in an Anarchy and confufion, in pulhrn g forwards the bnfinefis of Religion, _.: tillthey had brought all to- prophanene IS, in turningaflourilhing and peaceable Kingdom? into a difmal. flageof Blood, and Warr ; and exafperating the fubjeéts of. 3. Kingdom-s? till they turn’d Rebells, and by their means brought one ofthegbel‘t Kings, thatever reign’d onthe Englilh Throne, to the Scalibld, andflto. his Martyrdome., _ . _ - . g _ . There are no light proof‘slof all this that I have mentioned, .. and we may boldly affirm, that it was thefe fort of men, that Converted t-hemoltfamous City of Europe into alhes, and were the lncendiaries . who gaVe fire to London, confelled by Hubert the French—man, “that, : was Executed, and others, . audit may be more than quJet‘tedT. it was by the fame hands that Southwarkwas allo fired~.. . ._ I ‘3“ . j But nothingcan-quiet,thefe fortofi Beamfmr: whatisitthe ’. would have? Could they in reafonex-pct‘t, or defire greater .lndulgenbe and favour than hath been lhown them, by the belt, and molt merciful gof ,K.ings ?, have they not been admitted to Honours,- to places of "fluff, and profit inrthis Kingdome ? have they not with the rel‘t, en joyeda. ere fefitranquillity andhappinefs ? not in the lealt molelted, ,noe’. t eit Confciences opprelled .3 has not all the fair means that couldbe inven‘ ted, been uled towin thefe people to fidelity and alloyaélty, and yet ‘ fee it will not do, nothing can convert them from their pri‘nc‘ibles, ,. theymult reign, that they may perfecnte, and will ltiil endeavour, though with the overthrow of a Kingdome, to attain their defines; [1 t - nor the favours of a mercifulPrincescan win them : 31.5 act the. kind} ‘ nz *4 of Governeurs. and Wank-ates: can pcrfwade them; itjs.no'c;';iiier: .ey,_t_.a~: Indulgence, can invite them from their ’Iireachfirjza mentions, in and Contrivances. --_ g . .i . J. } .y ‘. I, " a They areItill the fame people, and have {till the anaemigéndwe , -- are ltill lyable. toalljthofe dangers which theirI—Iellilh-plots'do threaten l us with. Witnefs now this newPlot, no queltion deeplylay‘din’t‘he foundation, with lefilitical-mort.ar and -- dauhiflgb;@‘QCL-‘Vflhith; aerate -- not Yet able‘to-fen mot-and W-hichhas been years: magnetite the. fameiGod,“ whoThathfiillwakedrfor Eagle/7221,}all—dn‘hals’ahitherfiomin a. great meafure {ubverted, and" confounded alLIEtheir delignsf "has”ih fame meafure manifelted, . andfmade 'known.;'n1iracnloufly"their horrid . defignes,..s aginlttheKing and Governmentx‘andagainltthe {hate and ‘ Esligionv; and Willgl'hope. inaflmttime, .,more,fnllffi bringto lightfthie ~ depth and fullnefs of their-malice; and .perniCious‘clefigcr‘teg: WHiChrm‘) doubt were-Very bloody and‘abominable, by thalit‘tle elfayvvhich they ,. have ivenv‘ortathe Body of-Sir Edmondbhry-grgdfifl lo ba-rbaronfly' mute ~- there ,-forhisLOyaltytorh-is King, and for--hrs,~aetivity ind-0mg his - €39“th .vSerVice?‘7 and‘endeavourjn to findaout-and‘ deteét-thebotmm a Ofithls mill: hOIfldand Mendy-Sou PiraCY-a 23nd C0 bringgo condign puma \ ' . . nilhmentgg (462' i ' ‘ “We“, théfif W170 Wdifld hevéi'wm‘d the'pe‘amaaie Raga ofam'er eifiil’Pr‘ince into Bloodflndllau hter,andConfufion3.?‘andWho would ha vech‘angfl theiface of‘a flourifiling-Nation i-toi‘lidffor-andifladnefs f who would have overtlirriwvhfiour Alltars,‘*7fain;d‘ Offi“l{egligion,l’4wl‘id Would have enflav’d our Cohfcieuces, 'o-rfel’fe have burnt 'durl'Bodi‘es’, ,who would again have let up the Moniker of Fer'fecution,7a-nd'-have madeus all flaves‘ and milerable. -This is it they would be at, and to this e d they facrific‘d the life of that worthy Gentleman, ~ and WOuld hare one as much to the perfon‘of his sacred Majeflzy, as is {‘uffi‘ci‘ent— Iy proved againll: fome of thofe execrable: Wretches, had not- the hand or thc'Alniighty'whi’ch defends the perfons ofKings. and Princesinteri- pofed as a lhield, and proved his defence. ‘ ’ ' ' I have thus given you a draught of the bloody Beait,'but it is but in little, whata horrid fight would he be,drawn at his full proportibn? Butlook upon himzas he is, view him, and behold the terror of his iooks .~ his eyes are flames that confume the Bodies offo many then. fand Martyrs: fee his mouth like Hell gaping for; his prey: Blood gufnes out of his dpen jaws '-' like Rivers; his bloody Tusks are Racks and tormenting Engines, wherewith he grindes the bones of the Saints. His tail is arm’d with the Stings of Scorpions, wherewith he lalhes Kin domes, from his throat he belches forth Curfes; and excommu- Cains; and dellOUHCCS Judgements and Death upon all that-oppofe ‘ hiini ltis this moul‘ter of perfecutionrthat the-fervants of Romev'have ‘ fet‘up‘ in all places, where they have any power and authority; and by this you may belt judg of their - principles and Religion, by theFe 'evi‘l Fruits, you may judge’of the Tree, and of what Spirit they are. Theirhop'es doubtlels were great, and their Confidence mighty, ~ but Heaven has blafted theirw-defignes, and overthrown their machinati- ons and redeemgd hisnpeople from ilavery :, for which We h;,,ye.caufé ii) riéfoyce, “and to; b’le‘fs the" Lord ofHe'aven'an'd Earth, and to? raife him Mthe’Co'r’l’greg3'tion- ‘Let there be no more difference and di agree- ment‘i'n Ofiiflionsa but gather your felves together 33. one man, to 0P" iioiE‘fhi’éartfied Bealbofi Perletutipn, andler “us" eonéludein‘the Words .oman‘oyama’imra; szz{. ‘5 i" ‘cpf ;I? i“; "I is; DWI?) (”W the wicked m’ fmuflhéfo‘égi f'éifidfimp, 060d, le‘t irhemfdll was» m‘rmfih r’Cfl-fl the»: Mt 2'22“th mtélttmd: dfs'thcir trdngrefjiénr, ;for the} We ”be?!” Vfifdiflfil ”mi." 33; let garb/#119,291)“; their Wnfl' intbec’, rgjayce»: ”kt them ever flwutfbrjoy, .- . ~ h For bowmrw the rim mwfmml them! Ibim (I! With hWIfl, Amen: i 531‘; ...v raving: .‘ ‘d. t? .fi! vi" “Ia; ; iii: ii .1 , . xx .: a :1 ,' i: imam; -' , " ‘ ' - iv" n-‘-- - ..~, 'r its..(1"L" ’ t ‘ z , , .. t .‘x 5 - ,_,;,;,..' \‘n ’ 1 " ' ' s ' . i: I n ..g-- - ' . . _.. r ' My, ‘ 'becfiufij that defends/if- theme let than: ulfirthdt 1m ibijd/ne be joyful! in - - :1;— RARE BX 176? -A57 1 679 W 0F m - cum ELL spc nae RARE BX1767 .A57 1679 \‘ IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIII MIN 01 0-005891 332 E