L ' THE 1 JIESVITES % BLASPHEMOVSCON-5 E ‘I\fF{1fl'T7[() blfi Tf() IiTQ1 jfi_ —A .1? I L V ' \ V(r?is no wonder lincc they have fa good cori- t t :'fi;¢y‘.P‘}°f¢fi‘¢.'§°v¢:¢y,but dwell in rmnfiiasaé palaces , the furniture of which is moth gorgous and princely; their Armes are placed above the mats of Princes; they pretend to beg for the £22- glzfi that are difirefledheyot§d‘the‘Seas,bur.indeed_ give /them a (‘mall pigmcqnd keep: all the reft to 4 - "themfe1v’cg. In raice they painted the - Vtrgtrt ‘ am, like;-Lady 'w}1ot'n {one ofrhesa loved. ‘:1. L.» ?irei:r;.r., asalat eauruguuéaircb in mm at my being therc,by the Lady of1’:‘rq,u"l4¢lul¢r;_» wifemhich was Secretary vnto Grain tJmmc:.,' and let hen, tyithachild in her arms in St,1obn%:‘. L a ran Qgzm: ckeau ago: Du‘ into a Rivermm; that it was to draw the Fifi: tothe place, or to 1 lay the violenceof the waY¢s,l cannot fay, Nay ,1 tbefadminifler the Sacrament to theft who goe about to tnurrher Princcs,as in! col: did torvgoire, who poyfoned the pomtnell ofkqagene Ehubetbt Saddle, when the was to ride abroad. Moreover, they pervert Scripturec, and corrupt the ancient Fathersgwhich power cngarie the 1 , lfl 3 ml“ beimng date 1 5 75 , fcemgh ['3 have given %’ But to proceed in their piaétifest ‘ lmlifl P4lItiI,andA2m'hl1Codm,two famous " Icfuitcs,did not onely teach mzam nrriu, that it was lawful! to kill the Qeene of 1:514“: ‘ ": (9) but aifo that it was an a& very m€t'itOl‘i0U$.V49‘dJ¢ ‘a -lcfidt oi’LyM , in confefiiomdid abfolve Peter Barricn that went about to murder that frince of famous memory Henry the fourth , late King of Fr4ace,a{Tt;ting him that it was a moft noble and a Chtiftian A6t,for which he fhould obtain: Cele-V fiiall glory. In !4r£t,the1efuit: not onely tefolved that it was lawful! to kill King Henry the tbird,but by their perfwafions did induce lam: Clcmczat to cfi‘e& the fame. A ‘ R1:b4rdWilli4ut,EJui‘uud Tnr£Uo""i“' 059v»; [3 V 5"""”) 1063 Savage, and divers othtrsa, W50 h3V¢ 56696 3!. funidry times executed for attempting to ki1I@een Eliuhtlz, confeifed that they were flat on by 3011‘ and other Iefuits, and new made belccvc it was 3 mph meritorious Aa. e A A Peter mm: at his execution at Leyla, confeffed , that he was hired by the Icfuiucs to kill com Mgtnricgg. The Rebels of Pas’: that held out againfi their Kingavercptincipallydnrefitd and encouraged by Cotmlcgand other Icfuitcs. -c — Nayfirhen money and vi&uals grew f€3I'C€ "1 Pmit, yet would not the lefuxtessuffer th€ Rebels to give over , but cameinto the Trenches, and brought them teliefg both of meat: and motxia 1:‘ I I - —- E .,-r.~c‘~ \ 1.-- 3 -»f_', , ...v......___ -.‘_-> , ...v..—»_.,a » ..._..¢ -. . . _ ..dL....a_4_.._.. ~ ~ - (rO‘)r' l ' V '1 cities0lfirigtuux,Agcn,Tbolofe,V¢rd:ig1,finddiVcl’§,{‘5'f/ A‘ tooke armes againfi theliing. , " And by the praaifes ofthisf feditiotis Sea ,W:£ie} i 2 r . 2 Theyiper {waded the Dalte of-Reverie? tq ’ ‘go’: on foote to vifit thefieliques of fame i Satin: or o-_, t, , g‘, tber, while thefe gallant!)-ode inwagons; ‘ J‘'‘‘‘‘‘’ A .j_f »/ r I know not ‘whole ‘device it ufas’,excepf' forge: gf theirs . that made young weacne;ai1diilarr§'ed' wives beleeve if they could firideeove-:,at one Stride, St. Ritabmts breeches at atfilecblin; they lhoild affuredl have a Child within tlie ‘y'eare:_ ' i ; '.f . .-13¢ twin UL‘.-ti *‘ '€"”."Wmf:ea , W, J-‘.t_¢,__ The Princefle of7’yrolt,n or in my years ago¢,built the Jefuiaesaa haul‘ ‘ hard by her come; but they, like Foxegbeateth Princelfe out of her own Bur-‘ rougher futnptuous haul'e,and tlgrufi: her into their ‘ ‘Bwne ttie‘atle‘hvnl' .'~'I‘la"e like they did ‘to’theBi'll1 op V HM’. 1- of W4'rtz.6urg,7v3§ excluded him out efa Church t '’l‘’' which he had built for them. , ~ ’- Th€y'adviéeethethTelves, and dcfpife og.hm_‘ Th ofe that coafefie thetnfelvés to other Pri¢fi;,:hey account little better then urtbezpa K’ 131‘ Iiillan, the ,onely,beare the {way,in hearing womens con- fe 1 ons; and did the like in Venice, until! they ,were forbidden. t ; ‘ By memes‘ of their confeflions,r.hey have J{3“3'fi¢ ‘ untothetnfelves_infinite riches , empoveulhmg - i " i may r .‘ . I _ .:~ ; »-.-we . _ ...«—~v-'7" . _ ......—» ____,~——v_, .e:.._._.. - $ ‘(em many tieh houles, leaving little to the Wiclclowes and Otphanes; . . ’ * i M4la’emm,a Icfuite of Ptril, caufed the prelident Mtméruit, _ Sm/lndrcw, through cbnfellion,to give tlie Icfititcr all his moveables and halfe his revenues. frhe prelilent Goulru ofbijn making big ‘l‘c-9 fiatfient by their pra&i{es,gave only half: a crown to his liftcgancl to the Colledge of Jefuites, ("even thottfand poundsfiench money in rent. ' In Tordewx they‘ raised the whole houfeof _3aUa:,8nd impaired the {late of the houfc (bf ‘Tar.-_ gclmflm. ‘ In the Country ofthc Citifans,the.y perfwadedsa filly old mat: called Lmémis, to fell all that liee had,‘-‘ad to tafie their Habit, who atheti éaoooo.“ "'"'5'°) :4” Datum -V meant to glv t e l omhisouel' .: ; Cla98htCl'., _ ' ' ”‘ ' /‘ ' 9. ’ ’7~“”7' 2 4 7 A. . ' ' So crnell they argthat they f pare 0 he‘, who is repugnant to their purpofcs; Maflau complainetli I $3; the elder jefgites managed all things abfolute-’ brought‘Hi¢r5aart and, Glifcll, . tvt o famous prcacfiersia Vz'¢mu,tn dangcr,onely,envy,iag their cxcellency. Oat Lap .1 I-‘um:zj2m¢ in Millan,cal- ling them falfe Prophets, hardly efcaped with his life. Cat.dit;all Barrbomaagefi;-taynwgfihfiir.en-4 croachrnents , was by thegtgacgglegl before the B2 A ’’’’’‘Q P.°P.°t jv" " " ' __ " ‘='.,"L..‘.’_'."."'»" “ . ‘J C r‘ vViii3FI't'a1 2 ;=-- fl . (1 1-‘) t rh- T HE» Cbaflell was {in woeme and ove rcome by‘ffi3e‘j 1e(uits,that at his death he de ed that ‘thtjefuits’ hadsany end in the bufinefle ut his examination, befotethewhple Conttof Part? A,. affirmeth ‘fig: cont:-at§fiut'o‘ne1y by them-plottedflflherefore‘it‘ was or eted',that they Ibétilii depart ea} bfraris with in three dqcgand out of France wit/yin fiftscm dyer; , after tiotice to them givemas Cortuptcts Qt yputh, ‘ e"ttutb_ctspf,p.ub1iqu"e €{-|<1.¢ , and ‘Cia€miF‘$,' ingétid State. "1012?! C afltIl‘himfeiF aiii'o,coafef{ fed,that Gm ea Iefum did teach him t efe leifoné, which made gim tefoive to kill the King. It is not,not- I hope flnll never be fot°ottet:£e- {exiting to be engzaven in Letter’: oi-‘fiiii on heliiihand damaahle plotnfthe Pqwder Treafon, in the dayes of out late Sovetaigne of bleflcd ‘mo moty King J; u 3 3-, platter} onety by the Icfuiggg: -.v¢beten£aa:sut.w1seoneo£the principalgwhé metly had beene a Cotreéfot td a" H-mars’ prefle ’ here in Lmln, Ind I fltalleevet forget what that Reverend Btfbop ofNorm'cb,Doé‘tot 0wra1l,téld mefitting at his hoqfe inn Nafwicb , yyhat Garnet confetfediunte him at the time? his exectitiotflhe s being at thattime Diane of P4éd;L1Mafter Game- uoth he)your time is very fhotr,in~thisw>odd,tell m€c,| pray yotyts you will an{werebeFor'e God,- what juli fau'1t.cgIn you Had with‘"o'ut Lt°t~:a:-.‘g1‘e’, "<5!-=e~e comm: payer , the béoke which wee ‘hie in tiic C hutch ofEn3landHi'uely(q,uoth Mr. Garnet)fi0fl.C It aLI,it is very agreeable to the word ofGod, and tel the preaiie of-the primiti-ve Clmrcb; and truez Mt. De4zu,you_a:.C very happie inyour booke ‘ COMM” s: O - At“ ('1! - t qr _C'_0Dl1_Pll1”Pf4]87‘3&6 mardgtltis Ggru :33“ mag :3 I A Slim,-and by has fcllowcjszhxs Face in’ {qu“m;‘{ay \ t_hey_,was cvxdcntly~- to be lecne in ii wheat or barley ' —' §«\.l'C_ 0fC0IQ€4'.;C'?d451?dffl4 43¢!/1,1301% o;ga_.j7Si‘foP‘gzfa;c;:,Qt;cc%nc Eliza en’), 93: Cepill , g1{r‘i¢/3,_cemplayncth againll; Clem’;/1tvr1,4“ Scottzjb Iefiriwbathis; twfiifcsmadc maoY.Wi ,J9§f,lgc:_m;5 with ch: _ rope: trafiqae and.Mirc54mliz.c'2,to wht ‘£l1‘cré‘i§ not thfllke in th: whole world; for it hath neither b-rink: nor b3ttOl’»R€,f€8l'CA0I. flnmrg. Rcligibafnor common’ hoac[ly,: rather bla_f hemous, mofi wicked and ungodly ordinances; $ ‘ erefore ouz; gf ehc beam, accept inf ;hcf¢ fcsnsaad lee‘ thy Con ciencc tell thee,how tolerable they a‘r‘c».l l ' . £02: uuarrzlcgt contraéled in :12: third ‘degree of Canfzngkiyity orgpfadty, ,tib¢§ tax: orqzaqmentvr tag the ' / -Papef Ex:/2eq:m\is,x'n France, Italy, 4ndotber'placc:,j _a 4. ftouraots, 3 D.a;k4t;,,4' Garlimgyct tier: isnggrtag terfiuuuen be p.u'dout.oft_/2: Dam]. . ~3;AIem3a_llouvedto /awe asqtgagogae in bi: amp basic for 3o.To‘uruois,7. D:i&kais,4nd 6 Carlmes, 13 l ma‘ 4 mm Synagoguepulvliq ucl},is 6 o. Tournbis, 15- k _ .Duck4t:. . A l_ - ‘ K ~.,..QfArri‘:ia':, or hethat hath lulled histownc Fa-V I I thcr,;‘:is4uimd wdalwfolwd/orfaure Toumeis, one .Duclr4t,8 eazlincx. ' ' Note,by the way,tl1e Pop: 0 Murders Committed xh K‘ A‘ endured . ,‘ K , , ‘T L . (vs) For heeothatbzatés aPrt'efi,or GI4r£'t,mBfl.' pay 0. f ‘Turmn'I,z.Duc£tt:.' ' “ H: or {he thlt kills ooy Infant (hall pay 4.. Tour: 1 am’: 2.D_m:I:4::,a,..Car(i1::-:.< ‘ The woifian whohath takctia p‘otion(a fcarefull 1 thing t0l'€\2‘1tC)t0 defiroy the fruit of her wombe, or the child within her; {halbe abfolved and forgi-_ vet: for 4 .Tourno:3,2. Dxcl¢_m,8. urizfrm. A notorious witch mutt pay for her xbfalution 6 Touruoi: and z.Duc£at:. Abfolution for Herefie, is gtantcdfiaefore it bee ab)u1"ed,fut'3 d."ru’mz: arid 9.ha'a£us. _, . For Sacriledge,Thcft,for Sting of bouf'es,ravi- {hing of womenpr Maiden-‘Children, and witlfal $3’ ' ' 3 perjaryfior your abfolution you muflz pay 3 6.Tour- j ;m':,9. Duckts, for ever one ofthem feverall. Jr"!/~¥-'-AC“ For abfmuriotf, for in rcddule‘,-’com~Y§T&ed by a Prieft or Clcrgie man, though it be with a N on, or any woman of his owne kindred, is but to pay for his abfolution and free pardon g’6.rm‘-ulgznd 3 - Dhlhu. L - ' {f with fuch whorcdome and inccfi, one demand befidé abfolutiorx For Sodomy, be it eyrhcr with M ankind or Bea (which is horrible to relate ) hcc “H1111 be difpsnfed withal ‘ nd come to his order‘: ag.2s‘ne,and enjoy his bane ces for 35, Tamnis, 9»: Dukau. Tue abfoluzion of a Nvmoe, having played the whorgcyther with on:=,ortwznry, may be made capsbl; oi her Cloyfieg and ofthc dignitics there- 0% . , ..- tn) (I7)~ e agchougb it we a éobe made ,1’;,],,;,,. ,5, «r,,,,..; :43 9. Duel-m efc few for a call, in tbs; have 4 timr rcli/1} will now come to fame err y palla- g abfolutions of an caller nature - etc was on flatly I-‘r147 hati gotten 3 Names, and two ci- tizcns daughter eere to Bcnewnmu in 1:4/hsvith child, The Arc-bilhopfifterfome flwarpe rebuk , caufed him onelyfor his genanceao fay the Lot s Prayer five times over;wh1ch done, he received his abfollflioflo A merry com,panion,having committed many Foul: ofiences , came to his Confqfoazthe parilh Eritfi where he dlleltg whqaftet be In laid open all his offences, the Pricfl told hi is finnes were lb many and fo hainous, that he could not abfolve him without a great fumme of moneyglhe fellow (old him e had no moncy,but he would give him 30 hate, :41 an tontcngquotb :5: mqi, where is I'u;,_$ir,1 have her not hcere, but you Email receive hegwhen my Dog can catch her. , There was a Brief inlaglau of late ycares,thac Confelfcd how he had thrived cw women, but he laxwith them, lad ye: our limple Recufanrs nei- thet have a {ence of their ownc {hame,nor provido aRenacdyfor%itjl3‘c{-idc of all othergare apt to be drawne into ifloyal 1 praflilesgas by the exam~ ple of Arden,Samar-vilc,Ba£tagtan,and many others _in(hcen Elzzahtéé cimejof W4t[m,C’4t;Ivy, Digéy, ,, Rvlkuméand the xcqin King pmcs his dayc$- . “ c . The prevails in Eagla»J,What broile Us ) i The Rebellion ititheblorth paris of rbis.Re_alme: was-raifed by Nichh: t/Morton, and other Prrefls,~ , , wberyas yet,there was alrnofi neither all not law made againfl Papifis, And when they could not a be «H Ire- land. ~ . . ~~ ‘ "Filip the l‘eeond,King of spine, at the mftanec of Bégtifi Recufants‘and Priefls , determined to in: ya J. 3-.. Wade thisla-red both by Sea and Land. :1 0 Canal! ~ /\ y( /53"“) %. By procurement of Priefis and Recufants, the Duke of Guifc, and Don Iolm of Auflrit, in the Queen: time, became our enemies-:' » All ploeyeythce agairik Prince or State ,were'- —s I COnt"lvCd and determined to‘ bee ’exc‘cure‘d by;Pa‘.- gifts, as in the Qeenesdayes by W. Parry, Sumt- do, 963:: Squire with many others, whorrgelfe or late dayes , tbeirjnteotions my be in thefe day es,for I-zam fore the Strand, Convent-gar_d;g_n, ‘Drury-1311;, St. Giler,’ and Holbmu, are fo replenifhed with Priellsv and their people, that they openly call one another to goe to Mam: (in other places) or to Sonmfit houfe, as familiarly ason: neighbour will call another to goe to one ofour Churches. And asthe are im- pudent in their own: luflific-ation,{o are r ey mar- vailous confident in their flrength, multitude, po- wer, and great nefl‘e oftheir friends; may be gueffed. The manner ofthefe is to tempo- V rize till matters be growne ripe-,nay, they will not and by ftickto profefle and protefi deepely, for fc did ' (foinetimcs) Parry, Lopez. , the Earles of Nmbuu-. ierlgnd gnd W5/Imerlqnd.‘ A“ Thsr nd I cannot tell what 0 o tbev are‘, 4/ e -3 '1 I ‘whatfoeverfi’ (19) . They will fay,and {wear oihey are as good Sub? ieéts to his Maieflie and the rate, as any proteftane t with 2 mentall refervauoqor Fa-i ther Canyon: old diftinaion, Reba: git fitantihag when they cannot helpe it , or time ts not their purpofesfiuttbr feare ofthe wot our prefentPar- liament andstate iagenerall yvill ave an eye unto them 8: their a&ions,Iwi{h not their punifhments aggravated, yet I fay it is a great weakeneffe in vs, either to fuffer their infolency,or not to fecure our felves againft their hatred and Tyranny, I need not to Iiir up thofe whom it concerneth to vigilancy/;' they {re thefe things, and I dottbtnot, but will fee them fhortly amendedja the mean: timelet every ’ true patriot and lover of his Country not encjyure to fee the bowels of his deare Mather Country to be gnawae out by thefe Vi pets, but is much as in him lyeth, difcover,aud oppofe allfuch traitor-heap ted adverfaries,8t maintain love and vnity a mong our felvc-,s,ready to our vttermofl to defenclaf well 03.3’: gracious Kin 5 Country, Jo fhall we have peace in our daye A ad out poflctitgimitating our example,‘ ) remame blefled here 0 earthalmw‘ the end of the World- . .. 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