“ A f_.‘C0 A " avricwlatcfih I! M % ‘ % % A 0 ., . A M“aicftic:;.:,'+7: Rcfid%énftw :: [ 4 w : ; ; baflaaom forms A V ’1 ~- ‘ff : W%Iifi: "I1 ‘ ' 4 an ,,a M H‘ ., ,;g‘'_ ‘ IV . w ‘_ M‘ 1 ‘ fl: ‘, ~‘_ ~- , ‘ 5» “gm. M‘, ‘ . ‘ ; an a -.: ‘ 4. ’j_«-» :“ “ .- ,-. w J .p . .. 15 M ‘V I I , ' '7 , ‘ ~ ‘.;, “ E -‘ do . M -v , “ H ‘yl ‘ .‘ ‘ " ‘ . . ‘ “ . “ My ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_‘{" V: ‘.‘ ' “ \ - ‘, ., . H, “I A %% with the: FrVcnCh4;W;M%%%.. F ; I ‘ muih .. *-».\-U‘. ‘. ' ‘ ‘ w H ‘“ Ms )5»? 4. -,_ .3 Q3. ..‘.....H»..¢ g._:.. AV%»an£3 rea%di%ngis+¢~a. _ . _,I . --v-. .. vs,‘ " ‘ ., / A V I ‘» ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ L. \ ' ‘ 4 .I ‘ . “ ml‘-. ‘ “ ' 1‘ _ ‘ V . ..~« S-flamvn; "I; élong A % the”? "1599 . *~%€n<'1OfL1I33ki¥1%.VB°A0k“$%:- V the Hana, % A 4 Whichwasncuer4H10re V V '%§Iv¢§ii§ed;: tI1ci:;1~,»the:f<@: ygs ;Qfj‘V3DitiW§q; % a*s%W¢'11as;learnedkwwfiwiiljz] 3fWhef;CbY thcPre1T¢iis¢L!¢¥%%%9Br % u .1‘ ‘x ‘ ‘H \ , ‘,‘;-}....Ty'cg. ‘ '*~~---w-w'”~'% ‘ A %9r¢fi’¢d §H¢*h.T¥§a?i* % A .3; 5 mm-m “ r- r--— . E: - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ " . ' ‘ ‘ 1 ' :1. ‘ .. \‘ ‘ ,‘ V ‘ans... 4, ‘.‘.‘W _ ‘ -um--cg 4 Tbggpmzg Deagcflm. i thcnvanitisé itfelfe : But for fu_ch Treati- ’{:3sa.is%th.is_, which afforddirefiion to the Churchand Syoufe of God, trauailing to Wauenlylerufaiem through rheVVi%1-~ dérneifeoft1ii$;$"‘%‘~%€>v1 fwhingmore safaris , beip,g*fi§ciTtcs“’mfo1ue heir éafdoubts , inmVatcc:rs of;ConttQu»erfie,4 vvhen [bee ‘ %i*ra¢11Ad¢§h,in%1Ji§;i0%ai%d0Hh4ffu11 hichwayro J tionwjhegte ygourd Hdhbur hath long had of we u M!’ ‘ “W ‘_.;.I ' . ~ »t.=o — A * . .l"4 .. A to G-ads i4;€Ahua1:éh by Athisl and * fixch like 1 A,cnde“a.i1¢2Lv:s, in this kinda, to my €f:)7fl1‘l-}- W Aigsyxfisbéingballanccdby fhé xvaighgo} V A %A%T%“§3A£GodsSan 8tua1:ie)wi11 be found more light A take chishérigutztrrcya»; +2312fithereféirejfmcce ' tingwiththis;zékiIfL1IEGtiidé., in that Naw % *é%rije7F*fc§énozii*ab16fi1‘rip1QyVm%cnt1 from.thjc A A naw aiiued sI9151éue%»a;tirc%d.%; in our ‘ .E!?%1ifl1Vh&bi€6;s ma d°?P*¥«€f¢flt hinmn- 1 % _ W @ ytea. ioh”%h¢¢ ‘fééVm’éth”.;:‘fi1~e to crane, ahd *fo?I%em::11y°*preomiIeth* %his+=’be£’:v d-iifieécibns Tréatife§,{« h%i4sNariu¢d €¢oun§rey div%ulgewd, ’deuotixsig béfli ' % J n'¢Y.z > ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘I ‘ m- w ,, ,,..,,“m . A » T1 ' e 122 V A e % e A zcattorze... . I “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ H , " ‘ .‘ ‘ I. H “ ‘ W N ‘ ‘ "V um c Inn o to .~ c tcr > “ ' 4“ ~‘ ' ‘, _ J H ‘. A _‘ M‘, ~ Cs: M ‘ W» “’**W°f3mndnrfl01\w||h&1ET£;'7( m his%.Ac1uertiIém$enAt m A» AD ER»-% 1 A webs, not able to endure the leaf} rgojgdg 0,»; » I ' :1:/9eSC?‘iIzes 4na’VP/mrg"/ea} “pair/2% % , ‘@3033guqflzon:;fiztz:fledtl9em§ A . ; t‘/)6 SCI’iPZ'w‘e'.£‘. 7’Ve.g';g pbgif am/:*&2z§éd'vki2¢de, are qucflionecz’, ‘J and in-?' Q" »-‘07”"775‘d- BM’ 'W343eZfll}come out, andfiae ozzrij r jélues tbefézmemeaznes. For,1>oe.cut-ofi"-wi;b5‘ A tbefzaord oft/ye Word tbgfe imot: of%inz?ric;§te%§ 9”‘, ”9”V34t/354 -OFPVTPIMS toA.entaz2g4leA Aofiétbv eeme G0§i:dian..“ “r’mat:, M2: at /mna.’A no“ lnsttér titan‘ -Sfidgry: 1 59734579 £?](,T?’14t/9.T/flqy catch zzot/ring 5-at Flies, “ zbztzt Izgbt and gi carryed nanny! ’wz'tbf V .Cot;op,4 rmmfitll Q;47qzzefiio¢¢s,»b¢z¢/9 prop?/951% eueryfifl blafl of woxldg; A/aapes. Mafler , ."-"‘\ -~« ‘ ,‘ ‘ ‘ , f. I . It :- I‘ ‘ '4“ .3 ‘ ‘:1 ..~ - ' .2. I: K ‘ . . _ . . A 7, ,;-it ‘ '”*~ M.“ c ‘ ’ 'v‘,,§nLv'* 1 ‘ ', . I _, H _' " J . . E‘ ‘ ‘SI; ' ‘J 4" _ . ‘ 1 H.‘ I‘ g »‘ 5. HR‘ ' 1 4:’ ‘:’._~ ’ n ‘I’ -u 9 I .1 ‘ . - R Lord}’z=fi¢s being tempted i 3 I am... ‘ » N %\.t/yam % f 47bi0n}?t<éfundz3rLt; ‘ V ' ~*I:.«,=4§V’ ¢ A A % % "f%'*%1:0;i’2-3f_,:?V' .. V H ‘I ”:“’.?’0~7f~?e’”* A~%%,’f”1V‘%‘7.'7’4'¢" ‘Mm ¢°3M5 4“F1.¢”f%5”?. 7” 64;? V mki2¢g«am:C«gut;/Ziaé%ing.7f% M #0/?tA1 W “ 0«*ié%g&r—¢ WWfi: iWb€~794¢I5=0J‘3m a’cW).%.t£2aztivm%ea /2;-m..e%% A ’ ' ‘V azre4;aVwv2€eEt.e&!;5V?wdA¢$zuvlm¢largad. % % ” '0 “ ‘ _u ‘ . H M. M, -1-- ‘ 1 » ,..«\.,,..a..\»-,..,...,4, “ “M W,“ ; ‘: "-_ ‘ M ' ‘ ‘ ‘ .. . >4 , (4 ...A ‘ “" 4“ ' _ ‘ V _ ! “ '. ‘ « m » rue _ ' ‘ . up u ~ ‘ ‘ ~ “ ~ ‘ ‘ Ar \ . . . ‘. ,‘ up ‘ - 4., E .., \ ‘V A k i . ‘ N ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 ' ‘ M h ‘ ‘ -,; _, ' w M ‘ L - ‘ . J ‘ ‘ - . ‘ ‘ I w . ‘ I i. ‘W >-an M.‘ ‘L “‘ '1 L \ . K ,“ J2,“ “ ‘ “ Q L V. N I wt‘.-“K ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ ,1 4 J * V ‘ W V ‘W “-“‘-ml /: *3 «w ~“;‘.L--- M -«M "' 5 -A‘ -L » ‘- ‘.2 . u ~u"‘=wv «A: - A m ‘ ‘.3. a nu» .n . ‘ H3 ~ 1-” ‘ . . ‘ ‘. H F, K tr‘ \ ‘ ._ 1», ,‘ ._ - 0.‘ 45 ‘ n: “ ‘ NW‘ ‘#44 x ‘ . ‘ » M. - ‘: :~ :3; « . . ‘ .. ' , fl’r'%VB4pf»{{bié 13'» natofab/o1u;?~ntamf3ifie. J A . ;; fa 2nm'Bap:ifm2AAmfia»u’ E;*'4aflfflifimeaf gem: _ ‘ gméhfmbady «éfi¢fl;:‘€l:r%}'~‘ : % A r E" ‘ ‘ 4:3 , I ‘, .( W 1. . ~:, 1. » ‘: . " “ =' ‘ .: ‘ _ *' ‘. -'4 ‘ w '~'x‘x " f-Maw’ ‘A? ‘u... 2 ‘, , ‘ » . '1 X ‘ ‘ ‘I0 4., .. ‘. ‘ » m‘ g ' *1.‘ '7-M, - ~- 1. M ., ; .. u » .. —« 1 ‘n W » -« "*"~4‘ ' J‘ "5. L: J “ * w ‘-,, , ‘ -u. er .; -« m‘ M .9» *3 1 down I-'”" ‘ ' . ~ . é . 3.‘ ‘*4 . “ ‘ ' . ‘ " 0"», ME“ “"“" 4‘ ., M ‘ W - ‘ _ n ‘ ‘vi. .‘ I? . “ \ _g“_ , J \ , _'-"* N A , H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 4 flu W‘ ‘ . \ *, .‘*“"‘\,i*‘«‘u '\ . _' . r ‘ , -. ,r‘,,'.‘ ‘ I v _ 3» .' ‘ “' 4 Cy '“ .- ‘J '1 mi; n -9 ;_', ‘ - ‘ K.‘ "L 4' " W 7”‘ . \ =. Q ‘ \. :. ‘“ ‘ ~ '1‘ ‘ ‘ ’ vs “ , - ‘ _‘ n ‘ '7' T‘ 1 .‘ «J at _"‘"“..,, L “ ,2 ‘ _a: W3 “ ., . ‘ . .9 , _ ‘pp ,3“ 5' q‘ 1 ,1 "W '' ..,, ‘ W ‘ H‘: J"; ‘ .‘,‘~.‘ _‘. 4. r, _ ‘ w 6‘ ‘ _ , .,, ‘rum M ‘ H 3,1,. . Au ’ ‘ ‘ « ‘ ‘ L” ..;V.A ‘__ ‘f kg _; ‘. ., ‘ V -,r-I » t .g , ‘ ‘,1 _ V I, L " ,’ ‘ »‘. ;__ _ ."‘»:, L 1)..‘ V‘ ‘v ‘ ,7 : iv :, ‘a “Q 1 I .,. - W -‘ r ‘ pwal p.. . M .a L.-. . rt -3“ M :1 _ V 1‘ m. ; < 1, LM ., “,. , « , .. Xl"‘~~‘aI* ‘aw .-fa-“.1 ' ‘J ‘Q ~ ,‘ ‘ .. “MW ., .. E. ‘W » ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘ « ~ .~g . , ‘ : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' "*4 ‘ > ,1 ,, M‘ “ " a A AA Fat % er C o T T V 0. . ‘- ‘ _ - . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ {D 4.‘... in ‘Mu V “ uzw J"-, mi- ' xv ‘H «H nu ‘ H ' M‘ E. H‘ “A, ' _. - W ’ L. _ .«,%i 4“ I: ‘ «. ‘ ‘ nu . ‘ . ‘K 9 I. ~41. H m‘ ~ It ' 1 -‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I “ ‘ ‘N, T ‘ 1. I4 ‘ 4‘ n ~>fi‘,w-%L~; 9“ a 1-‘ (“I ‘"\ ‘I ‘ ‘-» a ‘:2, VIA ‘ H "I (1 W ‘ W . xw ‘ “"“ ‘~ ‘ . ‘ ~ '-' ‘a . ‘_ I “ :. Km. 4; 7 «wvfiw -41% .:, ‘ ' ' J .1 Av H - ‘M -as J, ‘Lu; ‘J-,‘ ‘U .. Z _‘ ‘ “ . .~_ . w ‘ 4 ”-,,_. ‘* .‘ *9?’ ‘§-. V n ‘g. . ~, ,. ¢' x . :7, . _ » M.» an,“ ‘—~ , aims W 3"’. ‘"‘ ‘ T” X; viz v . v - 5"‘ ;‘fj.\ F’ u,‘ n ‘ ' u « , ‘ r 1 « _,,,,‘ 3‘ *1‘ ’ "?"ATE*“””7“‘3%A%"*‘,”?’J%“’”‘f‘ 7‘’?‘’.-?°‘’?-‘ 3?‘*?3‘ “ A WwrMw%+; ”tffzm’il3zira .ax?’";Wa. 4 ¢2:%ri=a*5”a:or4;a¢az¢x.o,;wv%i1€,Bap’.% ga§5“t‘%Wp2r, dad in Q —'\ ‘£152: glacefn tl:a?‘5cr;r}:tn§%c - . , % " y;ba§n&avafled‘Sazmzant2m; 2 4%2*~%;Aiz*mcz521aran=uv#)«wfmMy*rbe%/atejamcf ~ their Pdrentmvitlaaat being bapufiéd::4«nd»:ba:tber¢¢ A” 1 “omfia sermn. A 4 - L ' k*»5%¢~%~’??I9"a¢~ M m f3éW‘c-1.’f§«’%3'.AVi‘Jaw}-”Va1"1‘302:flg&§l*H‘7I5€_fi§Flyrfbfi 1 % ra:.a)t>za:Mla’:;» mwar, -and; beiuglmle langtd "Matfivwréglrtnbwé-Rfl'&i1".“ A A V Srbppzr ' 4‘, mm «aw-Au ,.,-‘<4... ‘..... W. . fli- ~ "[{ ., A’ ‘-a4$£’€!;€9/3.5 9;+%%¢%7:zg4;zz,¢,,azm 2;: A 10 W94: Pwzflsangi re£zL,g;5au;;perfl=n: may éraahr; . m ‘ . W “' flu. ‘ mhzali a!a;¢E':¢¢zzAia:«z. tica/Air /1'§7(é?ll- I 9 bisguardianr.» , 1 9:5 ".. .. I ‘ 1‘. ,; -(z7pdyarmz —., ,, ._.——u ’ ‘ .‘ B ‘j w M}. M!‘ in 4.’. w . at - 6; AMVIM; téemnzéaweut; afifi:arz¢Vz7:Azv4k;rz».am j F F v v--um:-u V 1 Path?iiC015z?0I¢SA;D§II1a11d:S.y.; M " »: 8; §?*bat;wimufl ~>reci?i£Ié';Tz»'r jj -M Em.a‘¢ W ‘M t%%:?as=:'r.::wa=aaaf0és;1ié??*v"?~,~’2¢i4€4éi9t§‘m*J:€i'mi#M‘iii:-Mtézfléér, " In Lixnbtxa, c2r;iza;v;A;t2$;1"ia?t:/aejx third: Y7 A T’: A atinto%l;clIfar ti}: % 3&4. I /">| ‘ M -- i- A 1 _ _ I % ~&Ffi4t:Irfai¢&'?m&§éa£& ‘ 1 7 Tbaig§W4€#?§A§?qd‘}ta?;d%ZI31??? {i«?:¢;=§§.g£;d;if%ie,r;g t#[A1z»4£i¢,?%;4wé+9 wii I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Q W. W , F11 ‘ us» ‘ \ -v."\_ ‘ ,3‘ 3f”. . ( A3 ‘ %:[1I9%e[?i&4t4 it iwset ’7l.i4337f”.lZ,v}9gf4.l3t¢‘tb.».i'f,‘ 4121351.». 3*? A «It/2vrb3tW5rf' “ rtrw~*wo%§9fiirz2r,= éar~_wil£ri:5g3'i. f 4:” Cvaluin Witt/z§f4i?:«Ivi:”I,nfiitur~ions,‘M41. % agaprm.-. .' nut" ‘ “ E . . “ , ‘ ‘ 01 > ~“*"“"'II*“‘ni'T_}J’.??1‘_£fJ;9 42‘: vfmgrrffrge z: gwre , 4. M §aa._d ,;.t/:§;g_flrgl§w M = % ‘:5?! 17:; % Wciapé. A 2 r 2b4tAAAint£:e C_’/aura/:'?’1;ive%ax:gfit z:ot+~ta;;~vfi-licgk;:,A V f a}*"E?2=Ii'}’z”'zg}?ic:¢!!v}*:éar7i~e}it£- Mmflcwlar; V ¢ "f*’lAa3AAt‘*AAz‘/7_‘:AA“ Bi//qagfirixgiésfmézir %»wr %%iew1%irié ,ami+ V 5,.211i7¢A€fl’er is m~¢%t¢9an we \ -M -_‘:.m,,.A‘ A.” . Tm‘ -A “A " é .“TA ~ 4 A ' :1 A .1‘ atl1et»€@t~wns% cmands. A A ;A' . I - ‘ IAvm“' \-*,»n., ‘.,‘.,.. . .....n‘ ., A . ‘ ‘.9, y,,,,‘ _A, ANN‘ NM‘ “ _‘, v- “ 1 V ‘ i6éA‘AI3:£z£bAr3 fiperiéur to t}'2*e"‘Priey’fAA;'"t !m7i?3:fL%t%a flz A 5tAIaatA . _t/2&5!/mt:/a~man or Saperi:=ttemzz'mt«AdkmVtl:e7C/mrcla.£s - T Am more than “#173 Elder‘ in the Chara .55: AA :7”; 3,i%f17‘£:*gm;la:eV Scr{;>mrcA * .eafleto%bé"vn3:2fléad, and A V 4 I£z4rA?%¥¢AvAl:Iléz7gqnc: Atfrzreofixzgraflttd ivnta 4fl:~1:b¢];- ila: Cdlwfixs awards in bi: IVnI’citut;lib..3A ;c,ap4.A2V~1 . §‘. 5. /:4, and tI24t&r.ée A V" AA =;:AA%.~:2A,5 A-»77~4[7dt3;d§7flZtI1;WAAif7A tl:a::g’rz@z-af%Gadc4fl}1;0t§é§?5-fifrii A . WW u. “ ‘ ‘w "y- »?W;vzz,ara&l‘¢frin the Clnmj/4 althaugb :I2c%A;gfi1g;A A -'vfl:dz7t,Mar.e6.Av.12.AA A A A " AAA" A A A A fa 1 4 3*I 75:2! A A ind/3iE:l:..ta . Alwpg all ,7§dfld:7”k”t‘fA$A:'#a nvIw4itbA9?1gr4¢¢- \ mwrlzes, ;: 28 That tAl::ru'5«nvdgfliMc'fi0#;afbe4t3ltid€& fttitéfig A in--A. A ... V V ‘ . -..A..-. M .4 . uA A A .A V‘ .. """"'“"“*""‘ “-"‘-uh 1pm.»;-.M_ W 4 \ - ‘H ‘ In -M 1‘! ‘am '9‘ ‘ . ‘ 1: ‘ t ’ rt ' V ' ‘ . . 7 VI "‘ ‘ M ‘ Aw vs‘ 'A 1. w A A. .!A'«.“.fi‘ w A.A A-«A-A .‘ . «A .‘-A‘ ;aa1aa:a:£t,sAm ——.—.—y " j:rAt:$?:Aa?c“5‘r&¥%daihair~%¢% «A , A T A -A 91-saw, {ith:wcri§fitnfm3owIfe}11&¢éhéyV wofildv ‘A AAHé..t»o}. our ‘?Li;A;:m‘5d:1AAhaue£ wa&ama4:m%rzo.4§n‘akc M x'u:A:. \ . Q %Abe‘1eeuc::.a'hAAit-whichAw:ébc1aec:uc.mA2;; Thcfia a1c‘;&ia- A V _mms thmcrgforef-1w4c1:1n:'€‘g1§§£:rbig&,; Ihfilfivzéfiflgt‘ U) i3 ‘D . A "' M ‘ . A Ammo} AP - A. V” ‘ " “ .1.’ Ar ‘ “ «A W‘. M ' j "'1 "'1 ‘5V’(‘~‘S‘\r‘wh’ MIT.“-:3 . ‘ ‘ In ‘ ‘ H \ . « __ ‘ _ , ' F ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ H M, 5 r L “ m4.-m ‘-V" H ,. I *. >‘ 4 " ‘Y :a 2* _ ' M5 The : A I ‘ .. .A. W‘ ‘ A,_ . ' ‘ w ‘ “ V T 1-1. 13 >._s»AV“V .1; 2... J‘ »- '1...‘,.:u "* "1. . .A, A.‘ ~ [if 1. 1;. An _‘A‘ ‘ m. i. V ‘-4 V I A Am‘ " 1 VA =‘a.ccoumj»of 'l3.ai‘t’h= ;;gjmu1f~ d,c‘.fé=-r A at - ' A , fully go: abpux:tom.aicc"himaiicfemler *9fii~n1pi;c?- ‘@rhét4‘~‘2“*v4"%’A fl@m$derw§;«#-—hewA A fhnlltiary mm ‘ ____._3 “-N-«am.';«;:.:..‘..¢u...g4.1_ 9 ‘ A 31, 7’ l’*‘E;}?1;’:!‘.2’9’§f”;;:" tire? 4444??‘ f % 414;/3 3 A m-s3._fi A ‘an ' ‘ wt; I. V ,; 2,,» A” ,’ : ‘V _ M I W ‘i u u, ' ' {A ; ~ ‘ A figmgnd an accoizm of At"h31thc:~dQ£hd4bc#4A ; lecue, and notof thaywhichJibe.’dml;’nos:;bc:Ic§;n;;c‘.- ; % % AineAcam.pnwc gémgow A A hi1n,tbatthcrc be many Gods , cythcr Vu¥nat“_!“1?ic{lfl$" A ‘ éhrmmeiicr-Afufiércd Adcarhfihc wmfdfay;1hat{u;h.%A‘ * dc mandp were ixaburicyusgdndthmthny«;d%udV:wrong=v,L % tics ant!» 2fiffifAC§ififl§'W1d‘~Yi§E fuch t:h@.i~;era dflngafi. A ‘ ;:;wurtow4ard§Avs;fi3rof£hcfe432;mds_onIy:@nc» .% ~_ quartAcr.AdmhAA rrcprcfent ‘o;ur1A%AB§1_4:ife,':A the‘~ ~ A =t"o=p.rmx"c" ‘ms‘tha~t:we’3dcc thcfeApoims,,¢ _, A be fhréAt§hcy‘*b§fidt::w€s‘*~ta;Adcfendthem. ButN44Arhat%§!va:. 7 ‘Amake‘nm;A~AcAvsio%%labouArl$Aom; lie: vs ~:hbar»e:wAamhg3§a- dcmand.‘ % 1: DAVE A =~w~; 1 ,_,_, I h ‘- W‘ ..‘4.. . A M ,pNprm§'rd «'2; M ‘5%f%"*V’:":.5ére% “iii? 2 ’¥3??".%%9’§¢ Lfifé? ‘Siam, W?fl?‘ A??? §vf:!:¢%sc»%zy‘».; 颢aEeg£sacmmea:;;"; A: . mm I ‘ ‘ ‘ rm “ “w MM-41‘Iwv«5v»w' ‘ ' I ‘ u v‘ w_‘ ." A . > «_x,. u .‘ {I . ‘ ‘ .2 u ‘ M u . ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘L “ ‘ a i “ , - .“ 1 m ‘.2, ’ ‘ A .‘ “ I. M! n‘ y. . -. ‘ M L_ . ‘ ‘ n ' : _ ‘ ‘ 4“ I 2‘/9 V;-wvn¢ft?w.{tMt,t1iere 4§ea%5pi‘.twé~&apr4m;g;;.3¢hgtig,‘34P,. ‘- :.::,..:, this fifwe t;Inc,%inf¥fi1;utAi:c>n%o£* i ~ B~fiPE.i;Fm5': —_ara:d~A: ‘of’ the% 50993-,A9 Arid ’ ‘v; read%1n4g 0116}; .the who:1t~e cflamexitmc ddoc: A ¢ Sag-amgnt. »Iv_F (Abate a,;:1.y[0tIi1/er, meegarcbxuac ~t9 .pm'~1eA .—t;ha§:her~e1%is»~nc> mention of any othcxgr fmro tihi9‘V?’1_1fO% thcmgwc nmfi rcade vnto $mh’i¢h’5Wéfl‘5§'Cb1*3AfWs'#14€d3 9. and by saint P:;;;z%a“fg“s‘:a1ea% 4 " % ‘ z5?igm,‘Kom.4.%xv1%.Wee fay not fliat the W,ox:.dsh {that maybe bz1se»thm: A~d~o&rine fi€¢¢J¥TW.to%LI%t!% u'am'on¢is4 In t:hr:Ah%¢>1y .$~crrAptur¢-And twcr%do§ T A mi:cwdrmmIv%ée;rawWrI»ef4ab M-“fir Farm?’ anékjv,:a~irlaiie2f,15‘a;>ri{:9ae5i~;snd «:19;-2‘~y*%;~;?e<:‘ thw;VBmn;z@[m a;-j4noz+i1 * $Pf“5fi’#€¢?’€‘!£7*‘3‘ 7 ° vAn0tfi.n~d¢.rharI¢fus CbrAi£I.ih&i%tu,ted.%AanY A‘ ;fiL171'~v1’$s—§§<:Vr£&ri,es»:;t§§VA1hcwwit% $?_ntQ&Ys;f0%r" ~ _;t11c i11;.§a1%l;the{41?1€f33?V Teflafl-1c~n»t.‘ the wefd ;S'.«zm§: ~ V Az(m“1t,;iwec‘ are nczit rt?y¢d%Av13;;o%it,%x;eyther dpcwgc tha;:; A word vndcriiarid egumyz: timing thgcffame’ ' V wimmgly Vapp1y:.axwe1,i JQ‘.-It . felueé £94 thé ~:v'_fi-14:Lt1Vl%—~ A % ‘ wards,Aa1wAayes.prouidad~tzhafitéehe»rdQde§u11;4r¢;‘ A j mainé pureV2}nd?Vnd¢5%1€d—%% “ A -A = W 7 % %%E¢r¢%b«¢&‘F§¢b”¥%:¢‘ 113?3<*¢¥9Aé Tim ¥***~**11?>f*3“V*?+°*”¢ 7/ . i q1xc£%Tions.Vha§hot4fu11y conceme¢%wbat.'Vw¢~heId4 _ ‘ ; Canbiis; iévHié%l14%A%I1old th%:itA the Sacratfie‘n t*ié nbnéfifhc V they-ad L;1,o}W;-thfat Athe¢x.e<;u_tiQn¢rs co1jafl=:rrcd Birptifme, % or that eucr they hadVany4er1tc‘nt to baptifeé A ‘ < many people aifo dyed thcxzcby Martyrdom: withoutr . %%%;:¢f£11fion%:0fb1ofud2 ‘:;'8L:l|AIf‘0fit11‘B%ptifn]e isir%r~clitera- i A E91-K‘: (t,l‘1atis, not 1;o «be-ltwifc;aah1ini‘fircd“t%o oxic,]%%2it1d the ; :; fa;n1c pcrfo n)AwHhgt peafon .h"¢ 1L1:f..‘. théy;th;é1tM’:a}tytdofi3e A ? ‘a perfon bgptif§d._fl1Q11_l1d~I10t bd a%%V8«;1_'cra%nu?én't§b;m"Atlié % i A/lartyrdqmeofapézrfollAr1§5tb:1'%V tifejdA.A&fl1bul"dA«be a Sa1.—.- « ' Wg3;1'a11'1bt;:_11%t?¢ 9,D9£:f11otF‘9L1: u~%:f afiesVV~1spak?e fheflxfclues % 3gp;jfi1il¢icVf*%he%spirit; ;wh‘:c1a’ they can BaPtifine M0F%Wat¢r - ‘. 4 ‘ 4 4 if ‘were crane fo1'm2i1l“exarhp"IéS out 6? izlié hcjly Sc%rip§r I turcs, emery man knoweth that to the‘VIfraé1i’tés Cir?-»% : cumcifion was the ::fi1.mcz tfiis day Baptfffne A , is ¢;Q3;vs,,Vai;dV4that thc%11cceL(fi1;i<_aVivs ras alike4::_d andyetinfi-5 A nice f:>"éoMp1”<: were Faued ‘vnaer the‘ oldTeR?i1i1 c”n”twith-5 A out? CircL1mcifiom,as’:a.H thc3fa§thfi71JI womcn,an d F uchl gs m1 etly repented fanaqxg’ ,,the N iniuitm. 4 %1¢l,i:;4%Bt1t%%w11atV ‘ *:ina \*?ifhoMVtf¢!-i§f?§1V9*35fi?b饢%V:Afi§¢'¥?h¢ 4 %A%e"mh,m».HaehtfeammciaefCbi1~d:e¢g%mazo; wage- ‘L;oe"%i¢wee4%fi:iw;£ew"ihc;:"z;ny u:¢1ation&&;3?:1:2zé,throx;gh'r3i;cthe Vscripéssress an =hsJ;arx1 prapoami¢s;wa«Jco::an. ]« that baptiféthhat«h*“i1m.anintenttb7baptiiE:£Pbr dare A 7. Hiiw A V'zzé«?»yv%fi:¢b‘%fé25pIre¢11Vv:hedAéFatIIf%¢ of the 2 anci%Wl1‘_a.t.,cTIT: A31 o;B%m;; {aw j€ fi,l11}pt,i()Xi Wfas:7 it; i i:_1ft jérli tQv'.B1Li¢i.1L’€l; fdxf‘ ChiId%Vé%%ijx%dy~ M I % éiue : 13%c}jth¢f. doéftfiéyiflicwvé the: freafojni “vcéherc-5 % ¥?!t‘elf§Di5"r~+.5 vhfwérflir"0f‘bUri%“¥l'T ‘ A L .1‘ ‘ We so ‘. . "3. “ W t , . ‘ g m ‘ , . v . ; ‘ ‘ ‘ |‘ . ' =2-1 ‘ I ‘” -a¢“~_:- 5"“ “ ',.- ' W . ‘ v mg - ‘ 4 4 _ ‘ ‘ .4 45.. ,3‘ V .% " V %Efli:J7tfi¢par M T ‘rt per mm’: vir. ] t:atem.om:m ca- - _ rmma Diabolim f; % gun madoj:_mu4— L % ;-:5g.9I'~5‘7~ % '4 _‘ -1n.‘..:m M ‘nmm V ‘_ _ ‘ M V '- v ‘ ‘. , 1 Y I .Innoecnt.;.Iib.- , z.deMifl_.1Y.liMF-% fa. cap.$ 8. Crucisfigmcuffii Soadoenaor ».‘rhVedH9fl¢»!9Aexp¢¥f % % x?Imec2:z2ifait-hi‘ is” % srmimdr5;;~m‘@amg»da A V ., K “ ? mglamzvra gaprzp 5m%wseqm-re ‘ A-us vvn E.._ %V ”% % : *HiéAdo4c us»: be. Afierhibfii is Fcwclrhuifi ' “ nj<:j:{‘ ‘c_>ff aIt)fOIi1td._1‘l'éCflfi€.‘.j‘NOfi*é vs Adoth A j1aeue,¢+cha:V Baptifi'n*c~ eccfnrfx3£iPcréc17{€é'viElf1éc§'tIt’a%S¢rrh?oh»riisi‘ no Baptifn cgor t:hat1't"oughtto%be~rb1t§ératcd.‘;TruE>1t3“vs 1 ‘thatfwe I 21y,%t;h2£t'as“A Séales with‘o ut wriein gs are vxhpfidu . fitabIe3%"4 ’Afc'r‘,th"e 4$éiéram.cnt9ii7Vithi1L1t“%rl‘1g"Waréiare .. .%:f'i*i”1itFL$I1’]‘i Agar,5yi+rhe£word;~?m¢ s%;+i~a1grr¥and Pw.# . Ynnfes of“thc* Gb15;e11;%a‘r::Va= ri1*é%V%E§r1‘:§eAoF B"‘ei}5t»ii>'t1j&fE’ii:iH’1'-I : f‘tured j A f ifitorEWé=!:¢th-;“ TV“ . ' " “ #3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 '‘...w Vfl‘ air ‘ ‘mp “ M ‘., ‘ f “ ‘ I T V M’ N‘ ‘ ‘ I I " ~ ‘ ‘ .. .. ., ._ ‘.,\- ¢, , > ».., HA-V‘ ,,.....w 4 0,» M 4.‘ .‘ n -‘ ‘ ..'n.. .. ,5 , ‘,2 3, He, , , ~“ ' Q .5. “ ‘ ‘ V‘ ' ‘ . . -‘ -v ‘H I ‘ ‘ ., ... n .. I _ V” “ 1‘ , ‘L 1 ' : -' : " ' 4 " ""‘ “; “ .v ... " agrlmw’ 3N ‘.-~ ,. . ‘ . '4, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " .“’.““ " r U" " ' " ‘ O . N f- . \' ' : 0r0[7c.~~% ~ % 1b~y‘I,V-~e..',..I'tl1‘$. C1irifi3%,=In%4¢:19t?”3’¢?1??0n:ia3 this‘ %II1<1l‘*i~ ‘ ‘ ‘|“,"“ .“ p‘ 401% .%Amvvmz- b¢*corI~ ., tenrArobe:nro$rhAéd'.to~m#1€e_‘a“-miliienibf*fiéfi”鑧?VéF "‘fh’¢7fC}?OlTca 4 4 " ‘7V0Ur;A.d‘u¢rfaries ?1‘1t0fh$f*ri fay %t1hmhe: makifl rh av Tiforcé‘ Pbpeé *IrI:eké%V‘t<:rj—*fi1cé¢our**~I«efiis ’"Chrifl without ; necem fig: 'A§1fctHattH¢ ma*k"ihgV&¥?6Fthe fignc’ ofrhe “ Crolfia ' mulfgnitatis ej‘-7. ' fugiat, m contra f "5'arri_fic:'um 415- A. Sucerdatm ‘rel . I 1 %ePuite§mSermgn, to make the figne ofthc Cnoffc _ A _v pon a’r1(1a1’1’sfmoudiwhenffieei ‘yawneth5.'13“1‘1Ot thcway to ‘(top ;he Biue1s~pafi7agc," iwhoentérfih int0.lman$4h€art:% A byrhc1ey¢s»'=1%fidear¢s>that¢%i-saw uv p€c¢1i‘eS'AWhéi‘éf5yGbdis6fl¢¢nd¢€2=1§i% ‘I ‘W'¢i"¢‘-“A *t”fi¢i‘¢F9r= more requ1‘fite’af the hearing of A1a;‘%‘fiI.thy*“wt5i'd5A‘cf:r*’6FJa vpon ‘ . .,¢ M. .....n..~ ” w__ ._.———uu— {o it rr;“ight,ténd‘1f1i5hf’étrtIi%eifi*héti~t0 reanm M 3hrwaY-I¢nd¢ede?We¢“dO=? “efjsi ncAoF*fh¢*‘€rd1Fe xéfpon A _ .%O't1bY%thc fiiouthsbur flwsby‘ th?‘oivi¢:°c'si**ari%1 A , thc' A A‘ fhe'eare.A 'Wce alfoafijr-,'that,whcn that thing V was exped‘ient -_tOVt$1liC'.-it away For-the aAbufei“ake: the A ”:fa.n1el11o.t being inwi-ts owne nature n<:ceITarie,lneyther the conlecratedlfloafcwis in alllantiquimwithout ex-- . M l ‘ "éhzllazawl that we alitg/at not to ‘zJfi5it..A e h l A ’b¢1ieFe,1Awecdemfiandzosfiour ad~uerI'aries wl1‘ethcr the ." e A l PxfayAcr,a11d by FaIling..Mat.17,z I. butA neuerby holy he ‘ ‘ ..4r_ rr_,,_._..—.....— —.._.—....—..__ P,;;Wl,Fll,, lg which in thc:APrimitiue lChtir'éhA7 m5vaS‘a.A—m sirke oFChri~-A * A fha11Jprofe[Ii.o'n§grew to be an aétiroxx of Superllitie7n,itQ % vpigétélgiied byj':I.efus Cllrifi", neyther by -his Apollles or Al ADilE,iples~,e Efpec1,ially_,h the making offthe filg11(3A0E’€fl.‘lC Cro Be vpon the Singing bread,as” they call it, or vpon ample": ferlthe Liturgies ehof’-S. lame: and of C/mp- fagmgi _;a1rMe nnanifeefilyl.5falfe and forged ‘Off-1va«t{=d’V as making meneieonleeofpexfonse.-that«liuednot cf at lahg':~cin1e after-,» .e.nd~tO.;I.“ll;.antjqL1itieWerevtterly vnknownc. i<~A= ; ll * - e Wlfijzzt weekmzgzgnotleimllow ,or;:::onfi:cro¢re.3aM:er,A ma’ éeizsg ; 4 e . AN svv aka. A p A '7: A l VVEe fay not fa‘); eorgclyhewecfay that wee doe irgy, N ldceldeéfinde that the Heathen did [vfe holy pr e . luflrall ewatexgliut‘ éhatlweefindc not that cu er the A-— _ _po{lles vfed any. And lbeclatrfeAlwei:;arcA‘n~tA for light of ;_ word.oFGo dfdoth teach them that water confecratcdl 9" by eyther words or fignes, beofany force againll the A A 'Di;}uels zllfor the Gofp ell lheweth vsthemeanesl where; A A A bythe Apoflles lcafl: them out; namely, by Faith, by MAMANVD. A A " pl . ,, . “ + ~ Tlqdtltlfldéftfldévf the esupperis oflfél’ the figmvftkv *,éod_~}5‘qf.VIef-‘£6 (7/9&1?-_A A A ,C 1 1 ;.AN svvznm; 0:; e V , ~——-1, ..::‘ ‘ a & ‘Rom. 4-. I 4-0 VI%Q?. £emchérn,% bunafladmeprcfcmfitfiéiia€’W‘1f‘”§*"<»""S”¥'§“;W‘ A I"1ei$€r;a~#1F¢mb1ed‘«p1;eci;d~¢ Ihfimng A any decifion at-all. Foxythis Church,being the Comm A " ;’n]aemm¢;it:a.p.peareth[thatf.7BhisBody ofthelileét was 4 A FA VA V % S V n_?1‘°1T:",‘ A and I/7iVfi?;mDfmflnfil¢~ . M —-—-u- " ‘ .‘.<.. cifion:.%nAcit ionmclya"fignefiautzilfo él5»fé§;I‘¢ t*éia‘ch’3 * al .,doeffeaIe‘F*€ii"x-‘*<‘:‘%x1f11-'- ’ of %God,\but alfoexhibfiitific‘; “cftxiuotroneljr repgee A .A A ‘ 'A~Cjh1H?ChrA~h£6;4n1¢&neth“:%thc=fahie:tha:vistfpiokficfiof £11‘ : the Cree*d3:%-~; thzmh QCu1?mé:m»ethv1:hat“:.w:ee?*»fl1omMY n1§1€tcfjs;“g2f~R;q1+f,fii%éiI1gfir?%fi€mié1£la;e:e§Vwééram%d::w:’is“b*e‘ai°‘$ 4 cazxgiqtfca-gig; inv;thé%~¢d»e¢i£i.Q1a%AA%GE-4d‘oirHfs:;:.;: b‘e:ca11£;'a'%*J:i:Wfas< % {H6ti}rrhe:"Hrérr%wé;5-_c4p3*:JA-w§>;«z43“:; flogh 7?Ad£:fi"2a"c::’:i't,‘tif$t 7%“ :2: t/9e—;z_fl2'r;¢5‘”l}? and Cburcla oftf/9..-fir‘-fr’ 507:?1?§"t7.57azt—‘Rwfir‘\¢§:f7r3{33£i;@5ifi@‘ 1 V Hfsis-*1ikewif?e;a=flandcrw VVed:O3_fi1]t¥é’ '€é}:_é be1,;»eue”%AL tha—tI%the*breadV of th“e“S'u‘pipers1s?thc'figu*re"o’F‘th%c" body of? Ciirift by tiI°r1:*s:%fE;gu>ve:~r aura}?! 1«*xé>1};o“rh‘ {:r* % in-cw‘ vs tb at t»h‘e%:Sacmn1*e1;i *évfié222£W2?;*7:f“ A j, A we: érm}’Q: i.c- tb;é;Gomm:»Jfn;iM t':lw'FOr5“1 L i 1§A;l$‘駫Vi§é;fl§%:tE3%£i5eram:rfcm;E~elhestmg 5 ..._.,.,, _. .A__ .. wry-.-..._ »;bI:;1t:; o;hcl:y:A:;,as mic arepugnarnmo the: hoIy-S¢xip4%} : ;cutesA5A.orA»;h%at~ m_e11:-dam: fqxfge: at their .»pleafi1res.With‘out‘§ :ne¢effi;t4i;§::,:by%ithemtmmpofe filth aAA yoakc:Vrpon113e11sfA% ;;confcts:m:Ees;a;siGk:d ncucrfiimpoiéda. v A A A Lil %%2-2a.«2»%aeAgz2»9%ce«m2aem -aw Pm; A A Pr0PaM%<'&m F4£h?r‘A4C£5fton. A ncu¢r}éhf«§xi1bkcdt;fdr}cheTde¢idihg Abfiany matceug “ vt:hercf,%mje:L:1cu7er- .mcd'm;fuch‘ ;_dcc11~1ons.; , « ‘ “ A WA,.NAs;v1fia2. EA. % ~ ’ y~i-iis is cszurerx;-fuch anothcrs ..ém.:d: ciifguifeth ;Ao;a*r 5be. :1 ic€eA.AW¢c:d~o4e nc:>;t?r.:e4iei€t all;mar1uer=ofmadirionsas, T A :: .:.WA}'é’a‘flm'ztqt‘:‘t,o~re0eifl€ Tmd¢rzo:u.~ 4- A * * 73 V V V1“'!‘l .10 A «..»- M ~- ‘ aw d‘wmr.~ ‘Lu J, ‘as. A » .. .n I y ~x.~- k . .A V A ~ 7- A ‘ .3 A n ‘ ‘ ° _‘ ‘ . ». «IF I ‘Y Prayers wee«mem¢»mt3»théibund ofwozfds,but L A .a A AA~»Athe:&QnC@.p¢i0n~§Ai£aAhmrv?§ha:t;pr»amrJ1: ‘fli:‘hi?s‘ 7. %th¢:«5ain§s%.d:oemat=knowA4=ffbr the hAolYA=ScriptL1refaith 4% % Af that God onely knoweth the hearts ofmen, I Rdfg-8., £1.39. and 2 flora», 6,72. go. Anddais isonc propcrtfe of God, whereby thehoIyiScriptu’re_honpureth Gdd, ; Vg,ggAr,,Ai§y*.13:;1oarwMi§;g thehcants, .1.rv;z.4;,; 2i.‘Mo11'<=: ‘- A wet? ,t;h9ré AA»~E€¢d§th «A4 diuinfi powerwto know the A A A , Aathougglgts gfién hu1iAMdré.d%7thoU131HdV;p@nf0ns ;di.fFer,entA in 7 : ~:p1ace‘.s7tha'tB()u¥;;Q‘qt‘‘th¢1rCpxaycrsat'"Qn€f't‘iH}§‘3fliIhfitA ’ : Axf iaatfcgin g Gpda .,thcyA[dic1¢1':¢;_¢ a1lthingsa«(asthfiYWauI“d A A % W ' §iihéj,r%%flio I;d;aIf0 ¥ 4M4”?! 3«.'ve-:4-4:d:%%ATf man :te11vs.i’thatVGo<$ ?ian%dWi“lI doe. A-nd require our Ad%u A firovsa of Chsiflftic andw ~%rh~cr4 »tlia”i*s;£j§IE>Iei¢. %f¢1$efi'¢%:th?e§‘$%¢bfi{§f¢{égg "wee-doe~%hAo£d~Ltiaat‘VPr1e{%s* oughiiro ~obfe:-ue“ fli§(i~L£%bWé 1.Tt*n0t.tG be kephi i§I"he'-%:omhiaz1défh‘ém:%.*6fGvédfl ' ._1¥ ‘. *1 I j V }. t.-hers.vvas'”a Vice, is in the ignorant Friers a vertue: % V Wlaofoeuer maketh a vowero «obey God; he make % profeffion ofpouertie. The p9uertie‘of'the%Ie{uites is u. u _/ingle e ' V ~ tiheht Vfi'r1_gIeliFeh_§hath haduzmt 1 Onexy Wfljfayrt-b3“ tile. ch.z,I=f1f<:” A iéb1€f'0 G95 ) A ‘ h refernemesq ep_Rgme,,.,gnhd%;;toethe;C1oifiers bochef ;%ifi?W\?>¥1i¢11ath€£¢e330-behold zlaefrmrsg of"R;ini£h : 1 _1rifi,3.;'? {Pf hW~T‘3¢:» W110 Qhf:‘I'§u£-‘.6: tl1aeV+ruI'e"‘e?FGo.ds ‘ word, &na?1}}.eI g“/mt; wcemyflanat Jae e;ki{l,' tlaatgaodhnizry .ma 1 ,h c;a:1notgh1 anyyiwife ‘eappr-one the .:cau&e”bf PWPOWW 5.)7f=Fat/var Goefon. ‘ i-s_7Ihh.ézic!'e ddwn;él‘in'e I;h;C’ar.”e7jh.*zférf{9l: they ramath-éahzainé, 1et%tIJ¢'m mgrrée ”, f3?‘ it 13‘: 6etl‘c7-'- tow72:tz::?'31~ie,ee t/am to‘ éume. -+ yogwgq Z k ehepe this commandement; £yea,eh*7hhad he made * fl9:eY9W:v}’€t:i9h€"bOUnd~toekcepe%it:““ for the vow " gr ;ee%pee{_;*eeetie5e:e weeakmderfianeed %.nbt~* how this xfirordhefse meant :5f"or the words haue at this day altered eheirfig. e nifi cation :, confidfcring that Wee findc none {o well %fed,, or1*i%uii11§_,*,f0%:nax¢1-C11 at ea~{.e,~;or gathering more pen Ce vendei‘ ehepretence of Pardons , thezieethole ethat‘en1ake 1 more abc$L1ndant::t*he‘n:eeth‘e?ri’ehes of others : Pouer... mic ac Whficil : in *E1m¢epéliT¢d*Waes.eean efflifiion 5 is nowea p;~oFe£T1on;' Ln l1lvatihnenthhamn’;é‘i h:vv?hofieIheefing1e*1i&: dexzzvié, Clardinall” Bckarminceg wh%o;h%;b.c§n:: fnot: sable to ofmr£igg:~;3e;e¢2ehhp1g§zj;ag4tg jaw; etz;.9,,e %Rbm.g.‘-— ~ V meretricibw care 1 mm lomm vrlzie-* '- .‘ _fi.¢1''.‘M'.'P’G2€fi ' permirtere mi:mw+'e‘*i e malmn ‘wt mafia. ' ‘ Bellarmin.liI2.;z;§ Dé Amijf. Gm. hie 4:4. I 8.§.cli-% flfagiflrdtmfi incolemlum at. he triéuat , g:,«am»i:s'- ‘ - rem: /cm: do lace‘ ‘ ifvflu my bane mm‘ M imfediantuaug 5 ' ~-u -Mm»: .‘ . , ‘ ...——-"5-nu f}, ~ veg. I\[m peccar * " - 1 4 AA V¢ha:;ac.rmme:£le:esmcarhiy Fgthen {i1fi_‘7ex=eth pab1%iEE7eA Sccwcs, Eorzexcufe, faith,:Thate!t'1sAlawfuill For the.-‘M~a.;. . é ._ é V . M K * i 7:; x “M: *3" _ é é é 3 Ftcr tenncflanderousdcmaunds , bee hatifbeég A For indccde fuch is Joint-belie -e A A this‘ principle oFS.Pm¢l.Rgm. 3..TImt G'aA’..£wtz~m1 wfhgrc-j % ‘ Ldfit 'dothffoIlow,A that the Scripture diui11e1y_ hi;[pix¢g;1, M A ought to be free fiom vntruth: butin théfc % neuer yet ¢xcu['c, and whcrcofthexjebe fundric B_QQ_ke¢s J AAmittcn~A«¢x%Rnefl¥:= ‘ ' ,comainsd~in.thmx:igina:I1.c>1%hwe _ A %is-Eb:Hebrsew,.;:Bib%1e.ti 3%.?f1AIfo~Iéfi1s~ Ohr*ijHA and *fh§.- V Apofflcs-,4 ~AAw_hoAvpAonaII occflafians doe%aIiI"e adAg%e the % A, ‘Panaicuvlarl)z% » t:hc .Aut’;horv-6f7*«t%he A A * - 4Iecand;chapcm- 19. dotI=‘A1 ce11A‘w,% thatA B,ig;.vin.; -a; A Mdpthfl1cw%%,%*+chatA:%%G O ,D~m£ty Viufllsy fufler {inns in the A.th:ef2 9 the ~ example; Qf »Magifi ;ates A.cfigblifl1ir1~g the _ A A AA JTk.a:tAz1*}.«e§8aax@.raft!::*Macchabecs, A gfwifédomt, %fI7oby,VandVgf%Batuch»%u:%a_Apaor¢fl.4k{,.A —u » .2$;§a;hia;d££zirtie.D£mand: gi-{hate to~pcrmit3 14:11": eui%I1'to'—hi;ndcr mar greater :% ~a~n d % wor.Id7by; the-5¢xamp1¢.%~§JI5 the _ V A ‘i5fhfa_t¢sA , Aw-ho:d‘oe gr,1nt*ha1:Io:s,ae.Garm1nAcpart..c>r;quarter‘ ofthe Citife to A dwellfin. A +it~%pobic.*to;Afindjc.~a‘;morc~honefl com; ¢ patifon ‘, for t.Q;rcprcfent.=v'nto vs:t:h5e* Iufiice bAE~G¢d, Stcwcsrz? I ~ ' L M N , 4“ “ u I I ‘ . ‘ ‘ H ‘ Q A.‘ . M- ‘ :01 MM 5&5‘ " If A‘ ‘ #"f- A; * n ‘K v A A‘ ‘ ‘, ' “ x ‘ ‘A A,‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ “W ‘ y .4 ' - ‘ “. M‘ ii.‘ ~ >Av f. *‘ Vb .‘ L -5 v, i ‘ " V ; ‘A -1"" ‘ ‘ 1 _ , ‘: ‘ ‘v- v‘ ‘ ‘ m ~ ' _ ‘ ' _ A IIDE'A -‘ A ‘ _ ‘. _ . . ‘ H, _" M W‘ , , _ ‘u ‘L ‘ h. Ecélefi A9LfiiCt17s5A': :7 thoizghthimfclfe to pro ound one that is not fan; ,« jgrouncied. firfi vpon BOdk€S“Wé A find: many vntruths , which our Adueriitriés could A A hA%*efi=. BoA_cAi : 1gaii1’¢;gA;; At 1c%cfs;M4a.rc not efl A “ A ;patTages;of'thc old Teffamexiit, d%id m=.-ucr nameany of thef:;sBoa1kesAj,%or out 1-of’ them Acitc%1a'AAny%%A~‘ohe; paifigeg Maccbaécax “ h , tentwasftofabiiidgeintoone VAoI1§1n1e*the wfivuwc ‘BAodke'§ A A : oF13=zfan;;: how ::Ahcn~ c1an=therabr%idgemenr oFa%»propli:1n€1 M ’ . A 3 ...._h frépéunderfifij‘FatIa:r?CQttoh’;. ~ A thxhard lthéhhndéddth dé>U‘i>tf.vv:hh*cthe-fh cshateh fpo.»- I ken; well: ,: : ,a:nd:;as~1t*vappcrtainefh torhheh hhHi:{kbrie.h:ha1foh which , is farré'Fromhthc dignitihc ofhthc {pircth , and reaping ndprofit by being belecued hincn5hhhet1'ef-excufesh hh~imf'elfe5Vnt0 nuem .XIII.DEMAN19. A ‘-‘V That Iefias C‘/orfl»£:i¢fimdad:mt+£nta» 1::e1Z,wta deliwr fimzg; 1thheA~Fg{E)¢73' ‘tlazzt attended /oz}: cumming : or atflrer’ 41:} at/oer tlairéijglpwcf. i2v1a:;~?d:a:;z:Ia:as;f:§»al2~i»£we»MtIah me:«in«P-wdicv qr Wtefarc net » fahh*fubti1l,.has"cJnheraFter‘h—ce ermhufetlahithc‘ bafeneflhof his -fhlhe: all» Ax f€iI‘it0fG0d5< A Whogiuetli eloquence cnotlghtothofaw om here in- A’ of £79; h £m_[},* mt éefore~%the- nfianfiwg ofjq/in Clrréfl , the‘ fbulcx ' ‘ tlae~hSm?m were'ré€eiHn¢drm¢9f¥%’4W»#9¢ hiwvhflvy Limétw, jar fE~firidethisieuidéht1y.~ihthe Scri?'tures:‘f'c3'1rhh« h V ; “ "” wee fihndchhtluawctlaeh '§hieffe».hdied~ orthiqthrheh : A :C1&y5CS7[1bChfQf€th69.£CC:'1fi0n.QfIeflu$“Chrih&5i‘a1f€3'.thfaf¢' 7 ~ §;*pm1:é;the' day QFhi$'éd§3flh::I§[U$ ~‘i??11-t€¥hI:IE11»‘ : V Beflarmiueinhis h fourth Book: \ J ' Qf Chri{’c. C4.~zp.1 1' ‘A1fothcCatc- '” Ftjhers ofthc ‘old Tefiairfieht oU;7§<§fhel‘I§yvhy not out cf h ‘ Iefus Chrifi l_1,isV1'i{i11g;,”r.=11~*”evs”* thefeihmles out of'Laé22éép::, V g chifmé ofghc ‘ lafi; C ounccll of Trent, in the Article of the dcfcention into" _-.jHll.T’. in fomcdcn vndcr the ground. 3. Alfo If tliedeqthhofhh C “£6? ‘ 4 ‘‘‘‘‘ 'Il\ ycfiliréfigahifiit A -'1'ri3tb“ hhevamn abefmwlnis W ’ A I am, W h\gsr11hha‘§:%béé;‘c&‘nL3e*:hc3f them aflstheif ft>rt1er:ctay_[esh:beé*- 3 :11.:HjE‘y‘::"iv‘4‘..“’:$/“m*‘ h , h ' V tweeneh? ‘L AAA} 1 ;Iam¢A$ 5.: 6. 1 A % % .7.fwa¢anzA1 tkirtie Tamzzztdxi ‘ A A L HErc’begi11the flandersagaine. We fay not A VCurate;ought 1'ecipr’6calI‘"y 'tc5Aéo1'1Fe"1Te his finne to her, A A- tie man«-oughtto make to his naeighbcxur“, after hehath . A offended Vhigr. 'AndthisAAis=~cuiden«t by that . whichAh#céA % A hathadded.“ C onfiflé faith ihc);am- 9_;fé7¢c:;r% m~*:aA %A;2)A:Ab;.% pray for the P1fiefls%onc-Iy“, but For emery onc that» V ; f‘cé1i1dc‘th%ix1’neede,?foA fl:%»wc7c Ana: Confeifc « our fielués % A‘; Atoithe Prieifis% onclvi jbAt'11:A’ Am‘ f%euAery=foAn:c»)of {thcipcoplg A fiiwhom we"haue offend«ed".Th:usis -theAAcothmandcn1ent A A I _A of S.. 1.4mm, eq-uall as well For Prayer as for»,Con--A‘ 7 ~A Felfion. A A A V ’ 4 rxv. 4} ‘ inthe Word officad, M ‘I’/Amt we ma]? mit confifléj 01:15 fimw to .az:A2}ot1:a', 53: MA AGadonelj. A A A A A . AA ’ ANSVV‘ I-; 2. 2. 1 f ;' A that we mtlficoxlfeifc ourfaults one to another,‘ Alowcth, (forfooth) that if :1 Woman profiitming he‘;-A filfe to her Curatc, cQnFe@1IT¢th%hgr%finne vnto him, her 1 and f’o’t«o obéy-the Acommandcment ofS.Iame:; in»thispI_ace~fpcaketl1 ‘not Of the peoples confcffing in the eare ofthc Priefl, " but of-that confeflion Athatcuc-A t/9:1‘, and yang”: om-far another. For as wee arcnot to_ > _A:*za.z:;=:z;zIa W1, fig/;’;«Ifi;tl9.A o A TH»is demand is fraudulent andwdoubtFuwI1,~—Vor zA1in~A y . ,‘ ‘ """q’ q tweene? 5; Finally, Axhzsro boxdafiéuon an,d-hiddaé A A Adcnne foules,-‘which is nowifaid rgobe vnpx'.ofi»tab1Ac,: A _ -cannot we admitybecaufe wee findanopp1foofe_thcreoF V ARA). But M that is, reciprocally, as faith S.J'.2me.r. WhcrcofVit Fol-2 A Vbigtgous. *:~F'irfiA: here ought to ha1;ee2:pounded,fi A A % whgthcrl A ”fgn1e.w%_h%iLch .c.enfi-fieth Wholy in the .05 _ *bedier1ce11o¢ eQLaw, .euen.fo tberighteoufnes¢ by falthe e : ‘‘§'h€€1'1€1‘ heemea%nee1th;oF,iL‘1Rifi caticgmebefore God;or 9 A fQY€—I13€I.1.»:7f‘oef‘Wedoe 110,; denimbm: Mtfiaf the fighhof % A 31133“WB~3fC-‘illmfiedebyworks :;but.before%God,l1auirgg7 “ " 7but.rwo.nueaneset.o be iu flifiedgei-ther by our,owneri.gl1- tegufnes ~<~.[VVhiC11 eis~;IL;1flifi cation by-‘the aivoxkes of the . V Law] og:by.ethe~righteeufi1es ofanoth_e1:-[nan1eIy;byerhe e A e Arighteciufnes of~I efus QhriG,wh'zch iseby efaithjwe finde = ~ in the Apoflle S.‘Pdt5l.Ep):1qfi2.'U£’7j/.8.and 9. That 1?7€’éi?'€_J A V flmed 12} t_qr.¢zce,t/:rozz‘gbfzz£rla, not é} war/gar ..-‘And Galmf.2.. verfll _9.Th at we mceiufizffed éyfaitbin Iqfla C/aé*zjE,anzl~:gat " j j 5;} t319bworée: aftb: Law. Now that .Tby.:he woxikes of;-he.# e 1 Law, he alfo vnderfiancieth the wdrkes ofthe nio1'rall 1.L_aw,the whole coL1rfeoFtI1eieE’pi{He doth H1 ew .: for in” 5 A the next .Chap.;l1e‘.faitl15Ch'r_/edam/oat/mt continue:/2 not in e e .tI:é wprd: of%te/az;r.Lazw%: which is a. paffage alleadged. out oflthe endaoftheez. 7. Chap.of Dewtaer. wherein we h aue inganvi antzia B5-abccahfelweeebcginneth byethén‘:-Bur V n0~mén£i0ne*eAbvt afth.¢traafgrecffionsag&i13Pc»th<=n#0r- V r%‘11Taa3#*-And inthe5-Chari«he:f‘airhstharit/W/vale Law» z}vfvlfill:d in tlazkeeeanegy word, 713Q#_//:d1t»{0It¢e.t£j’§rflE1;g‘/lébflf e ‘#1 fl'1fi=‘- WSomevI~efuitese isénfefikiiiaa not to pay4Godi to "C~”o‘rret°{?%3'1«3*rwiiitiffi:cc,yet;1(3tf%gfE:§‘31‘?1;:A‘ A tifsfie Gods 1' uPcic~e : h-”rxd% theft‘ i'aré?E’$:é&*biFe33'7:h‘i:‘d Triafs ; 1* ‘I n5o‘t F“ay‘n':x em-$42; iAWi@l1;€%atf1inot,¢Vbe ma.‘de~-* 2i4f7g:ér"dj e i;’2&iiI~¢'; A is F§3r‘?giue1i%»7»:“7jAé‘ndi 1”B‘é§*%?{+e‘ $656-El; is n%5o%*fi1éCker',nei%t¥1~er%d’dfh he? cc51*3t*reit:1i?""é?l%~%*i="17iif111°<=:I¥“f7c; 73:1'ti¥ % ~_‘ Ait[isA.Aa VAm_ocAk~cried toVforgiuedi13an hi s3fi«t; 11’a}e~, and not thy ~ Pun**FF*Ifi¢fif0"f fii1’*i?*+‘=”~=*?*°"%f‘e1;4%%%J1i‘lii*i557 A A ‘dAebf§%)i}ta-‘lxéflfiffi fiéy;i;emm"o%j’¢hy,~aew;jAee9L¢H"ifi*fiaaé§ ’ A A‘ d“cb%3 ?~;~* Ati£v*§’»§‘VAIEiid¥*i%jfHEj iijfiéfrfg ‘5*%%‘fH’é¢13”2tj.i7ri"i;é?1‘iii% Af~ A %Whé%1*eof7is’3piii&i!3im9¢n%;’ ’"Ae,€;”ké*~*'tl_i §??1'1‘é"-”éii~”c%Iw4:1=L1’<3; re tli c j one"tI51efiA i7£Thi¢j:.taaéH:A?&irxyd*paz;a%‘f76:¥~&heA Fau1%r:';?~th&en%—w wdffd 'fbr't‘h€pai~i1’€.;" d ViF?5F1’é%¢:‘ ha Eh {filly _ m,AAw-~n~-A~~.v~'- W V. A M .. .. wk MA rlaé; fim!tAAaffi;we~ ‘tz.z@=;z‘Ap¢m:_z;-; A $23“: pxéniflég rg%i{tié*‘Vhec”tI_yA* A i s—?- ‘avg’? ‘ 1: . That God ;created not. -421! n$enAto% lzli/(c Q/fate, fat that be . ;g:.'7jz:w¢2%:4-iaifcazivzi tea éafflaed 5. A ft97I¢£_~tej'"6se}2erpet#41{yAdzzmritdg A Aaere words thus rawlyptopoundcd, n1ay%b’e.mi-,;_ A A ,; i{lAalA—fauli: , _; _an.dA Folconfequencly is enotifaultiel FauIt.chereforc be1r'2gehc‘aicen away,» chepgnac is ;aii-‘Oi; ‘ 'l7i**:¢Wfl Q;v."~“ “hi “'1 lllyh lhAyN x‘:iV»77£ 7 .3. ‘._‘ , \ A U“ mfl‘iL7 _ u.??r:‘ hlflfi‘ i£tA¢ 5‘1A. NA”‘N_s VvER;‘E.i W‘. AA; » i “ , «,flA,.: ~ = ‘ * ' ii ‘-_ - -. V . 4‘ A ’t9n:%e1¢F’v*h%m “ Aldfcith§h5ee“fOte2?feeA_anyafher gfiodrieffc Am hir”n'.jjEpr=;hAei:‘isi .:hé:fprmgAAof.aI1, the gbadneife athlet- I is in ‘;tAheecrcati1re.i I ; The Apofile 8. Paid is ’exAprefly.Aeiof' i dz’: fl: eligendumi or Whereas thecommon opinion ofocheys is , TIM: . . Y A A A 746 cu, tpfqf ; 60-5 1 tiavégl ’iAB’¢1l.~mrzinaA on? theaoth:e1?ifiAc;le A AdlfpTZIAts?lfla~~tO£3tl?i.%1;‘IlCl"gm1*°'30‘*Perfeuer:z. ii t:4ras,fed clegit l Arof Grace and F ree-+will, fayin"g,i A‘1;i7A' érzzififlod 'zrla@Fé*; fM‘tI1A"lfi‘é9¢ j l ‘_ _r: ___——-..r'-' .....—.- L iipeifwre 1‘ arr A A iW¢I’¢; fI;11i~l1AflAi0¢;,t»c> punifha manWithfatxsfafioriepaine Ag», ;. ; .DEMAND.- , A wfaciat benea. hi» lehwamtss 759- in’ 504» T lfiecfatrrg,/I? 1”‘/ac] _/éoxfld éringfarthe flair: tfgaod nrarkif‘-‘.»’ 6’7'lW-' no per euerantex. ~ i A Al I; ll A ,__,_:;‘,,‘ . cg. _ m.___ . 59 g- ...._ . A . 7" ’ 1 '5” -:~ :4 .9 A , c137/Zawmxz-Z. A lefi in térecarmgted Z.amp;e.- W'h'erein hcc F014-‘ : h \ «,: 14» -~ ;, ;:s~»«:g % - . - ‘ Ioweth Tbamzi ;t11Cf*3;c;*Vf#g»{f?t3.*; =hwho.w:c:rc [0 In firu-+ ~ j5f%edVbVY‘tl1cWdrdV"f/~Gx>d=.;;i~ ~% %; Q. A ” ; P‘: ‘ — J4 .~e.:2i"ni-%nf '%.ahaim 3- t%o;~¢m1zé3»a~nd %é0i;J1cerninV' we-(7ci.cat:1sof % V, % g . «‘P£§;‘ f€rier}e' 2'}: néorke: :‘ £’.%;‘3l1‘;' ‘/.‘I(;"Z‘;\\c'2J0_f¢*‘.‘ t«5mé—Ato7b¢£z'§g it/yam‘ {* déirh %ofgoad'work_.eu3 .émd"pe7f:°x¢eref: in gaod¥¢eflé‘;- and to... % % Qddzprédceflimzfkdgfieéz, éecdyg//2e.Afoxefl2wAi that 17%} ‘N ‘mm {fie gaoa’ cffi&e—2a=i//, 222/2}r_d£d her not pr*’éd6flir22z‘2‘e:%t«/fie ‘A .7IjIn1:zn:¢zna!Sido;¢i;znx,% ’afw£ja;:zwI¢efz'44 /jag;/LIegd<:id AngeII%,Guq;dianr~ , ; for“‘tiaVey wcj uid "L ‘ 4”’ ' ‘ V ‘ M . H, H ‘. .‘.. .. ~ , V -‘ .‘ _ ' u ' “ I _i‘ . ‘ . ‘ .73». . -- “ M» -. . , ,, ‘ .rz’a¢y wamgf *:«zazze;_f*-%pzj2:'a~'cj,’1.’i;za'f«€A , -A «ézszt %.wz't}24 ,I1je..arj/oer weffar :1.’ ;' “ ‘T/Jr3t‘ez::r]¢% ézzafimlapinoizmé. 2wti5l2zéfufb':'.5 M % w % % “ - r ‘A M V- » 1 A % : V A5'Ni$.=*VV’E -:~ M . W \ ~%;9faithfl1%}l%r:§rvn:Vgfay ‘..7tY7/;.*Ea'r:#A‘z27’g£*z’ZJ t.~£z;e;r Awcfee“-foam: IVef1»ites~.Aatsk4e cqunf::Il% of the Dim-"I:s Con-- ’Diui;m:iau%ca: thi:yCwouhi%13%euar»dode;“ifth:e.jri UH‘ ‘mg ‘ ‘.I‘ 1 ‘ ‘ M g.\ - .~*E‘t: one A flsander mm‘<;‘.; » For:'A%%we"c:r JaffiLr11acfl%’%n.dtr~dI‘xj7"' * ' 'tth1'Vng: 1‘IEI21”eiI71%;;1T'frueit*%iS:; that’as;:c<:anCcrnir1ag=th.e:~ - Jlfaridi‘41‘iéHj‘=%ro1z3z::fa%éézat z*be2ii%t)b;'¢zt{fiv4i*.eJaim:; ;;.% fi171.d"1Wi“thfi V % *rth«:e Apo GleSfsi:fi€ * V L .Qgc{}ionaric&1't—:h ,‘ hath anAng§I1Guérdian:‘5Wce: “rfi11de11om'1a%the~Scnprt1re.. Coni3dLEring.:WitheiI.J5that-“ ~ irer:%:B:%I”?n*x%f‘aAatr€§:JcaW€' .544‘, -m --.——--—w-n5»; N u-v\ ‘ ‘ F ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .~ I .“ ‘ » -... .v~ » “ ‘ ‘ “ W, . " u ',,_h V 1 _ .. M. M’. . ‘ ' .‘ K “ . \ .- ,; , ,_ ‘ '- “I.” W ‘"2... ‘ ~ - ‘ ,2»- N 4 or 1 A 5', ‘ I ‘ . “ . ‘. .A ‘V . , 1 "3 *3, M. " _‘ M‘ . .‘ {V .11’. 5.: ‘ :3, .~ E... ,V: n “NAI- . A '3 . ., _. W‘ -, .. \ , .. 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I K”? v. I4 ‘ w\‘v- r -- "W \ 5‘ 4;“. hv ‘ '\ ‘u \. \ _ , "‘"-«H ‘ 4 ‘m-~—r.,. .. M o ‘ -LI‘. ‘ .. . ._ . ' ‘___ I ""*'—' r v -V - -v wv , «v ‘xfi w—. ._....-on w‘:vhings%%. F AAZTW, A —.Chapter,S. APAM c ” ‘ , ,6‘/vftfi-Likfiwife tQ*th§ C?t2lq*,/fiazzx fa~'u:je°ti1*n%es. A j«heg.cxhorp?A7772¢0t12}:!to7”§be ~_a.: good .MinificrL'Vof «.;I%cfus 5 -"'Chx:i:fl, ex T£m_.4..6.yet in the Subfcription sc:»f:thcr:z».EpAi—; '[AH;é;Ih,e§.'.i 'B«“ifiA1(3.p." :7-I5h’11;sLt'yiou feefl"?th%:€t in ;9Vth7e§ AA ; A-*,p1hI"?afe79f5¢1‘%iApi;uArAcg,A thé?fan1e.%perfomiareA:t9£1,lcd‘.fdn1Ae—? 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A IA ‘A \ fpeciallyvfcdfotwshethfgfisingrufithhfifflmp were" more Aanél T5‘I’,resbytcrs;Min:‘thinfgs p*crtayn+in‘g ;to;G:iada= efieruice -and worfhip.Whc1'cupon ‘Term/Zzkm witne1T:thA;tha_t=i*n =Saint%“‘GVregory, that they A might reconci1eA ”~7P*éni€éntsm:~ might Aprea¢hW~nd‘&%%iU V 4 fi’e:dAtheAAA:TTBi,ihoA ” an d?P ré$Aby:Ater~sA;«*n'xiAnAifh7in~gg+th‘c3§Aa; iordys ;bafc1Ay‘~a‘ii’ bl§)t1ii1:?§1ut¥.mini=fiifi*él1 J hcAa3$-V-» % c}§an3Aent 05 fi1A}.€:. A in each‘ :Church,theteA4vsra§25*f1é2ifim A *Saim.;5 ;WhQ T7w*asqne:t%.a1ie>lyi~'to,,pErfrmc-rfhé .tAhm_g APemynigg«{d-téheTneacoxwifficngbiuralfehé S M _pte?iEri1bc%:mtm>xh¢ms:3aé _ A _ A 4Ar;c;lgad§agona.%?I7h;¢fefl—;1m % ezzcofi % A A f{r=ainedA i‘egAccc.ptiAc>.n,‘*wvaca'svfwillyrapplyedto {A A A ‘hinmhgtiadnfllnlfixjedthego4ods';drmo11v&é;¢gaf;%thcpmarc,’ f "c;1t7"1»iA'"c1ecM:dr%,; IA the}? k : Sg.i_nt. Qprinn, that they ' M MCyp.l.‘g.:.-p.175 ?‘ A ’SaAi11tZa.C3qzrigizn5iitla”at“tiééfii ail A ‘ H 'x~fhe Cu1:>_,Out ofthéfocietie and—coWmpani4eoFDcacon"s A A 6-:ient1y+ch0fenA,faith i _ hat,th«i:y;fl1flLtJ:C1=rice,-..a{idAAfi1;éfr ,. “ \...fl‘., » ....“ '0 A ' ufifi 4 Tcrr.lib.bl¢Bap. %% tifmo. A“ i Greg.‘ Epi/2, f1-*Pfi5- .1 Efld Rfifiicum ¥N£:»uachum. Av lib. 4.A¢:_ap.A8‘8. ;. L : ;Gyp fwm.6.de AAA * F _% _ A % cmzz.€m!é 4; %f@mtatyizi;th'£-izzsnziinfg ‘affl ~Canzm§cé>:h‘é” a‘"ri?dV char: — - r,4J:,en;;. .iu_;rh;._' _ ; M ‘?';, :Bcc:au{'e:Tthé%:nm‘n[ber~of Pfesii» ‘IiEar?s”f‘ A%as%H€er‘ome — $ V - J .. ‘L % %(;3h;urch?offVEng1an.d9.. :who~ vnde:L3'$}1aAtsfiai13e;e:éercii% %J A ,affiiffi-f?&3b§§&EF3j5"f?€fi8£3fl{"":tO EiIh~op:*ins‘hi§"dg%oé-‘- T %‘‘“*’-3.7- 39». en: oppo {imicm of S a'ih1;- Ailaéazégé an d'3oth er izvdrtfhéics. V ‘ AJ 4Euagz'iu_n3,.,- .ti1T!‘€$)»_W€r€:\ ?.11'fi'€d‘Vp ®‘ij§'1_Y"‘abbL1e$_Pref:-H I » ¢ %byrcx9s,‘b?.L1tArcis-p:f.e3byt<:rs% alfog Fm‘ t-Hef: Reafons; V % V ?:h6I11oL1 A ix; :.: 2J %Bécau£'éAtV1ey wérc Eiufiéd.:in‘phe%"Chux9ch§-Trieeg-«V ’ :fur£:,a11di;1%money at£;2?rs,wlaiCli afie.%”Vft1a11ymoA;é‘ré— A. . * 3 Vggzrmdcd i£13pIQ}?;t1’I’€fh $7., 4; T L ;= 5 :.zz0€c°.,\,*:‘mALe¢n.% "1: ‘A? *th.e111al:é‘i;37e"*ef’tééfii¢Vd3“.%”:i%11tI*H1“«e."7f”éi=v51%1eiiTé?+é?4*" A 5 33: 7? Bacraufe sbiein iflj : faé ;‘£%hf‘O7f' dpg ':3t1‘i*éy 7 Q~WGI“;;'::*‘ £=;fed:“by ‘bin? or.%thr;-."v¢i.éwing~oF fuch farts oflxis » £)§¢fG.C€{1Ea-.&S.*l§Cv€V Lc0u1‘;d%not AA %c:onueni 611tIy'~-9C()n'1 €7 vnto % . d 3 1f h»!'II1{€H'-C‘3‘ 1'hC difp3.tch;;d‘f't»Iaf-11gsFo1=éh.im;:andl:in%the .:;.. ~ % V =en.dgfoi*;*r£f§é>rniati~m:cz theke1Riv;'%m~1d%.frn;1I1t§1%.4f7aaiIts, A ; Y ;. V I ffiméhve’ix:wme§*1~hbu%1&i»fin7d*e'S ?W*herej“up dfi L: % ‘ V .m:.zLaf1:,-tfiejérso&:a«ync“d<~akihd¢*QF“Iurifdi&ion,$“ an‘d“p6i., ' ,werVoFcorr¢&io35rfby prefsri tfi'dn';.andiCufl’i11c{. Bu=r J %~%’v%A%t,Iais?A-xafiaketh Lnothin’.g"fa”gain *:thc'?:-Aré%h#de:tc@nsA'iht‘t.%1mcr § ‘Qcaéonfi-xas‘fomctimes , % ‘ .fj;’] {_ Qaliliniiééz 2 ;woi‘&"‘o:*F" _ A T L-.1-[mi=matter;=:me1AcvheIvdotliamy%‘manVdefi-feybfit _thgq:in¥ ‘A .. % ’ VA '1“ tl1choly:Scr£ptai1:e there be: rdank~e:pla'ee9;;: .~;;1;e£I3yg1wee" 7 "% ‘ .;{ayf,_.=:that aHjthat;1'&-111.th.¢;SCf=ip‘tl»2r€:«iS'nO't='QbfC1}f€,“a1’1d" W « %_ A A ~ t11??.c.1fi‘;,. .-~~=~-~~----'9"*‘:'r:«.u"- "" “ T‘''.. -. c\-., . . .\ .4» . . -. - ‘ _v -~. . r ‘ L H 4_-~_n ‘ H"'»‘ V“ e 1‘ ' U" “ 5 rnfich ofnzmmet in whorn We wd()_W€.’ ;<~1:1Vf()t‘E_)cI_ccu M M prbp£§tna'adé];£'at/aér Cwottéfn, A Q 4 .c1i3t,**tli“at.Aa2s?hich»is~upparamf5=:is»"fL1fEcicnt co r;1i:a«cE§{;.AA V “ ATM game dgnlentsgarrd the Arti~C1‘es% offaich ;= rhcA11¢A;“ar+e irwfiA:1it;c;dAn2ore A;:aacr¢Mrs».c1ea:e in7th-c tures : 7‘”I¢{7j-thCr<'if€€)Inf€ C’¢l2;<'.=:Ai11 my placte hauézffofaid, he 7* ;1fncanerh.tl3at %in,rher= holy _S€ripture euery’ man ma3”r.: V1}d~crVF:amd%%€11Q?Jghfér_l1i$: fa’! 1~1atiC>,An}.; : But? :h:€:1c.An.eu€r ‘t«:rn1Mejd.t1A1€AV3A_ ,, N A A , A _ ” \ [7] A Ef.é<‘>'¢4A.4 11~i>ftf:fi.iiiéi$i:a fi$y}71?>.;AA:B.::xte[ % 1 _ .1:iea.I1;1£dci11g. tyarQ‘.forts Lo? %i;€A'1}z;._3~.3”rta1l ‘V H " V.»-‘v t1nAAAA,& AzA.1Z:rAfa~"% . % “ V Vfi3hV’:3,fl’1_A#a"u5 % 3.,” i5J f3Y';P3-3519*} 3%-".?}"1‘.’5.“' i 5 _ ' ‘fay, t15Aa3: t6[jtheFaifhfE1«H;rr?R‘¢133?iF1§5zh£1719:P313 firmcmlli A fimfies_are4AveL1ia11A%.9«érdo¥iéb3 3%,-Atb arsathc A ‘ fifiIi"ES3fi'hi?%11AA.“0%ifA§d4£i¢A“51? doftlmldi A.be;AAz.1mrta115E Axs.“.zi2h:d¢:4;aii g,I?s~fm:: gard<;mAabieAi»nVA Atfié" Faithfiln/ffithért,d6€U3}flV1§§I;1dg- ‘as f§lpi?.€3_31'£fh by the ; ‘ Dim ficumlo AScripmr¢m,c’91 ft‘ :10» fa/E4 »'-frecipu: ‘'7: fi 1: Reguldfidefefli % Mam» Regulam fide'z'“J mm totéz... lam fidpartidn E ¢m‘__‘.M.¢ L J;amp1cibfD“é?%iiAABuI f”o4r“t'Fie95vi€1<€dimdimpfinitfirm: ’ 2* AA 1‘, E3 " .- ‘w'."£h/A‘>""1l1fl“NV'*IIu.‘-W“"'3'" “"‘ “ aw‘ -—.— w 7 .*1n 1. . » ‘W 41 iiiitfléliié-11 ;I3fif1v§'5%:[3‘¢1f‘f;‘;fr#1.‘i?;f1?;7~'1IH A?h’?¥AMi§~;t9A:%£axA: E-1?I.é9;é:£i{ 5?‘ ..‘A Hie-rrzrbu Def mm ‘ ’* firipzo, c2zp.%x‘z.§v.>V A % ”ChriPt‘ra‘n,rcad” 'A’ J aw % ;Z,fp;fa‘zfit4‘£/0£rfiie;2:f)mmdnd::%' 4 " % A, A lT1:at» ‘g;r4ce%ofGad 232; aayzjmerit nothing, Athern all bvdeath ieuerlafiilug. :9 :1 .35W‘<1?9;l‘yfoVfayythattit ’is~ 3.}:Aht¥ S3?’#‘'z.~s*I%C’o77:?6}éér:L-1'O; “. 9 ° if .~?If§:i£2é;« ,2: at am mare?» , A Hts Dcmand,anfwc_rcth flxtfclfe: For whatfoeucr 1: 1 ofGrace,.1s¢notAbffh¢.1fit,[aith_S.P4ul..7Qr2:.x _1.a:r.6,,w r n u A ~ ‘ .. _ u ‘G »»m¢bitby%A%g7“:aé+«c;, ag e:‘er:f}$dllf»at‘$ enter int-'5-131:: I€7in‘ga‘dri::*pw"’%’~ § 4 they abitlk: ix1gthem%f%to.2:Ieath s{,“.'a’n‘d?‘t”h4atiCo A rii-flu EM Arafhnetlé in our, Aduerfanies to_defi'ri¢that there beibxif * feaucn.mortaIl.%finn¢s5”étn%d that all other firmes are mm? . fo for it beIongeth%to:the"IUd,ge,4 11ot%toMthefFend%eg,A; 7 to fudge what L:punifl1mcn‘teue"ry’%finm:-%dotAh% defcimeri j . but we a1' eal1?guiI1:ic .,i %ha1ic %nVecdc of ;rcmiflionV A ; A A Vth%efight$.oi'7,_God. ‘ButamongtheinmortallIinnesa*¥ ewhy. haueathcyt not put‘Her.c{ie, AthieI§ne,“‘Sup‘crfiiri-‘ A I W , _; % <:;‘n,;SI:anéderi11;g,%€;:Vc; B‘e:tI1*efc*fmall finnes, ¢gnd-‘par%de3;?‘”4 “Li : Anables in ch.e4iudgexnent1 cSEhi‘:sj§Holi11”c£Ié*?% 4.‘ Tasman A fLn1 éns4bt.'o‘t7hc‘r ifooley 0r4fa*»~fpcake“weuilI% of hitiugarc wth cy; A mortall fit1ncsxin%-th'c Aiudgement of the Church A-CF 1 _ , A r¢eth'%:1§‘weII‘asfo:~ f bcffazentwith heat c!>r*to5 be wet with? drought. Fort‘! « A " how may wee merit by”grace»;* cdmdfidcrihgfitfiat it is.'L ; A T ,_g“racc~that%rl;eep<*:fth our goodfiydrkmeé fi%o’n: beingme. % ;imrious::T4 ~¢shat is %to‘ray,V%%»thaeVchey*4p;4b6eedeHem éhe M g::ace4c§fG.._¢2;Againe :A%:AAs:iIi:£acion A~is’f a~%gifi&, ’1Qm;6I‘* ‘ %='w~'*flz 3«J*5’P’9%2-v6?fl3**fld:'9- isV%itH0t‘0btainec;1‘:? by meri&ts.‘A L 3 SaIu’atAidnA%’A is an =iJnherit’afic$¢”&4be;‘jA i .‘ ‘. .,.1I9¢‘w mam “ H «w\.“ ‘ .. ~,.x.~ .4 . ~ _ ., w—-——-.--.-&_ A lmpginag-ta.thc«¢faiehfu1lf,~33? much as b‘e*thé‘ ‘ AL . f ¢R:omcJB%¢.No,..fay-.they: yefdoth -Iefus —C~hrifi i11‘tI1eHft~#{ , VA"“:‘# .ofIay That %wl“:qfi2g:¢e*z1 dot}: pal! érbglazxfl * % ‘ ,2.faith i,?That V H-mm. ¢ A A But‘ rm main’ % %byl%me'rim:s*4; .pu1:cha.{m:h4 t1T17.“Vc'!:-A: _iI1herit.:an%<.71'e A ,e f," t:t‘t1c;§“~a¥li§ j " 3 ' %% ;§f@§:£ndada&jL:'Fax:9:fCotton,; ‘ 3 5» w~ .m;;; ofGQd_ , % as @115. Pa«1.:&m.%§8. Tbefiirit-V3}? G94 Zzgpgrqtlg witnkflé wz'ti5 aarfliirit, Ezra the cbildrefn " V a_fGm2 V.-% ml mafia c'I:ildr.m3.{a‘ith ‘I165 119 nrgc%i::Ae£-%l5efi)i*e: .- ¢ vvhich belongcth vnto hi;1W1w:as% a.So11ric. Moreoueryf “ Igfug Ch;-ifl fai:;l1",£';fl:€§ I 6. TWl&en% five‘-1'm:¢e'a1¢9nea/Z" tlékitiizie ‘mks! c=ommms£cd%;,%% jtt mes? awe. vmpfdfitwékffiwawf : A but4what%ca.f1~be:‘ th c».mcri:t:='oI*}a11:m1prmfi12a4alc:133:ma;nt:flE‘ A1dmi{~a1fo- trh’ati ouyis oodwwomkmwené:a$.%¢pie£f¢.fi5:~a& Here.-vponlct % vs hear: Beflar... 1 righteous then”...:.gQ0dT3fiH3§?,j:\?VfiI‘fi % on, lib;-z_ d, _.t.herc%in a F A M g A M A _‘ and w'hamr1erif‘c‘ztn*eHcre «war c:>&"e=m=1gto bod than: dfl. t. H «ad; N ~. » V_ % _% ’z_ _ _ Arc {ma 10 A whachxxs: %rah~ea~d1c. ,~h~ra, .and_~. f§.3h:im Wec:~aQnfeg1Tf: ,fe$,m dm 1fhatGo d4 rew'ardeth§Lgoo%d w»t@’x;Jsass~:~sr-;«bt§;s thyme :b;c:.’1‘efg w%;,;,.%;,a,,,;,,,-5m‘,._ Twards that am: not dcferued. The ljatluer W111 gxuc: hxs E3jtio54bfg’;‘vll4~“ Gonna a? ncw%coat,Beé1a.¢i1f?:‘ ’P1c“1m?ad’7e? an A..j[or.a 3. yet», Iirfifiiihtxté iz::.%cl:~c>;”f:h.i*s.~&c):r:1:1*c:’4s xmusrsbgtwewfiihistewrnfirprgfi ; gfmi‘f6,bn' ‘orVI{Ag1a*a::l*re;1§:hM{s: :B9$'i3sfi Wffifimfi. A Artheqcmhwlmquwfivrfl % , , _ gahixhe ;€anti2m:txéz*%fim*i€Qn:dtif¢:1t¢ne:c:1s§:3 Ifiermvievdimi Vethmézicbiet pébifi ta-3amt>1€i~ tilmgmmzmfi ff};-§:i’$:£("”‘ V ne dilexit: ta. gm 1»: gas éd QC ‘:1 5-, «£95 &n45fi$‘i¢Wh 4 M. . “ A ;Eaic.~v9;5;u:u'tg§i:n?;yt¥3c l1o.1QsaS;£::1tt‘ptsJr;qa%Lt;i_%£9t_h'amaahmjg A :Ae{&m:A;:4’w¢*e*s% mgflmanit baifc.:fa1;1aero1a::.Ey: s'mm_ -A A A .‘ ., , .. . ,., . , M . V: . -A _ * ‘ , . ' .- ‘V, . r ‘, M "1 ‘ I .4 , ‘ » 3‘. ‘ A ‘ w ‘ 1! .'- 1 " :1" M 0- - I . W‘ ‘ova’: T V: ., "*1 .;' 4‘ "‘ »’ v‘ ,( ‘ ‘_, T ,3 . ‘ f H ‘- __ . .1} ‘V ‘ ‘J’ L‘: ‘-um V V ,, ‘V . . w . ‘. . f ...‘ “ . x ~ W .3 a ya u :l‘.../ . ‘ I» .. .. ‘M '4 ‘ v. .5 .‘ M; M ~ » - "E ‘ A N D ~ . M A ‘ I-*‘ n , - .. ‘ ,. -w.» '4' 1 a *4 »~ -‘~ I‘ " A ‘ ‘ ';" . I j 3 ' "":““u“,, “ ‘... iv . A “ .,« , ‘, ‘ ~-; " ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ .- u ‘. 'w. ./x. 1 sf‘ x .‘ ué AM ‘ cw -4 ,‘ ‘NW ‘N ‘I <‘ ‘ ‘ " "‘ ‘ ‘ M .‘.-vu s-arm - _ a H 5: ‘ 3 I _:‘ ‘ ‘ M M. ‘. .1 .. w I .‘ ‘ ..‘ ‘-. ‘ ‘ “ W o I I ‘ ,. . ‘ W “ “ ‘ ‘ , w" - , “ ‘ .» ‘ w "»"" " ~ _ ‘ . \ . V ‘ ‘ ‘K v‘ ’ :1 mm . V 0 ~ .« %. . W . % AA % 4%: A % % \ ‘ ’ ‘ “ ‘" 7 & ‘ '1' " 7' 7 . , mu. .. ' “ . r3 v- ~ 3 ‘...». W1. "*5 1-’: '7 M M 1 ” , I _ 5,“! ' ‘N .1 I “ ,.;~ ,5 ‘M. ,- ‘, W W I xv.“ ;. K...-|“,.. «W .‘ , in 9‘-up. 01 J , ‘V P; 4» ‘v ‘M I W “ ‘L _‘ ‘ ‘ V V . v\«- “v ‘ H “ I ‘ ‘. ' ‘ . “ , M _ 1"‘ A M‘ E,‘ ‘I ,, u_ ‘ my A W! ~ .0 M». rm‘ m. MC 0' V ‘I H ‘ .‘ M -nay. n. mi’ ‘ ‘\ ‘ r ~ ‘ ‘. ‘ V I V. ‘- .‘ ;‘ H a .1 _ ; ‘ ‘I 9“ . .‘ V . . ‘ w :- n V ' 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ , W ‘ ‘~ W , ,.A . V ya .u _ “YA fw »=t;1 M -2 M ’M M"'*"” ‘ W ‘ ., 3* v.‘..; *1; ‘ «» .‘ ‘M " .' '. L .x ' .‘.. -1 w -— : 5 \.‘J~V$:“.w<‘-~..~-1 .1~»u., A««‘v"~-~‘ "¥~34~ V . ‘ . . ..M 9 ., , 3.‘ - g ‘ I ‘ _ ‘V,_ = w -Hr ‘ u ‘ "$“I;W Jo ‘W " "'5. " '"« ;:~:"Mm*er v .- V» V 3 H.»-dd!‘ ....» -~ H.‘-.4.‘-«¢I‘,M.m ...,. .,, ' w‘s”1<§:ci1f?‘ghcin:3 I&wn’1fi:%‘%:§?%€fi ‘ A =aaubu~agrquAebn:*:@c>.&acam%ghwrSm“ 8?*M°44%¢ f — : .1 ‘ L," 4. . «J... fig. .:1.,.u.m,-w..‘4. ‘t.:._.,...‘ A r » V’ t"-fiéy xnixéd WA-irh::i'n= rniities midflmgjwe ~m.me: ‘% m,-W C-on (Ca; V “this, which al£_‘QWvV%¢§C,_j)Ot':tb§ gift OFGO-:1? .‘G:-4:24 c4;0.14'.- W; % " ' ’ % Dem ccmflituit in * operum pmmfia. ‘ V imenflmulcanwjfi. 4@mT%Z5F{i@-11§2"f:_exccutianem wk -5 ‘ ,Ea”é@e:hi'sZ.@: Q. =&cn'xsmts;;..», V. H % a V % V~V-+.;wm.";-..»- ~41 -' :2“ .. ., * ’ v w “ % ; _? ‘n .. '. .u .. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ v ‘ -J93‘ _§x..q .3‘ :4; ,‘. [A W Tn_7a;.vzwd tlairtie ifcmdrzdr A i S*i?a%nisl?er;% Weeholdthat God doth »:rcc.ompenAee ” AA =gobd worm: %but<,that hereoF~it;dothVnot ¢uIuc T that goodworkcs areAmem'torious,'and betWeen¢‘th%efe ; twathcre-ais a%"g1*c~ét%de?aIeoF‘difFercnc.e. hg,ué= , fheWf¢gi%:9in;»thea ni'Weretozthe::.5-ideniand;-.7*“;M [ 7 _ nie ofGodsword,f is a ri°1atterno~ Ieflé; ridi¢%uI;,a;;1se.A:a&n~d‘% A. {‘;‘%€~T1da1t%Godwi/[gigs nar,£ébé77zp4e:2ce to good % worlqey, W]9iz'S‘J.?: is aflmze, 44 ta that there 9:: #20 maritoriam 7wor@:. J %xxvnnnEMggm . ,_“ % A1 % ‘ 3-:52’/:'uzt* there is‘ noVdz'j?iné?z°oV2¢ of éentitfiblc éetiaveeméf/26 . V f"7”’v-?“""—‘ A ¢ ‘ ‘ W L“ ‘ “; “§fl'1“"".,e,‘ "; “. ‘ JM"*»w, _ H» ,3; 1‘. H :4 ‘,1 a. M * in Van‘ ‘ , A” '° W M M 5 ‘a-lwlm appoint~thc%Q.I_1ée_Iic of h‘€a11€fiL'§ M with cxtreamc“ t1§i="駑<;:a*rur¢.¢ "i2§If@;;th’at;ménT?fla ould attri:bi1tc;ei:l4¢s and d~Lgn-mes ccle&1a”11::vn,‘toamts, ~-w1thom:»aeny~>tcfiimlo- “M5 tfimiithéAnts_0§.Pifi:nitcs {h.ouldhold.icoi1n- % V 7 * A :s.:£?:13.; 4 He'InquifitorisLIrfiuoh deiceiued,=iifhethinkcvs.to, F V M ' beefthatbe1icf'e;Inthcfecuriottsthings14,WefgfFcr 1 .‘ eu_ery mggpp thinI§e ‘«vVhat..he1i.fl'.It is the p.ropcrtie,of: L , W “ % t»he¢1?0pcmn C:hurr:fmflRom¢e%,“ not oncly to~p1gc¢;i%n%1 ” t1rIc:%ranlgco”F Saints iwlhom? théjfpleafe; tsitfitcr the I;%m1i;.ta- ‘ A ' tzion ioFthePVaga11e23]2vr¥2wfiy,:"; er. jdcifying of:-"hg 4’ ; mancS‘ena-te, %13zit.a?Ifo...to‘a,_{‘cribe to Aeucry,onAc his oh£- 4 ? 506 310 (531: the Charge of Lhorfes : fto anoth%c17%;:-atlmi «charge ‘OUCIF W0m§n Withwc;hi1d¢%%,~%V4,tg_ A-%’:tnotTl1Tcr oI:er . jF1'an”E:c , to anotHEr%’u3‘i: Spéiffefict; «And ouer them : ¢ %iniuArie~%tqtI1e holy and blefléd Virgin; w'he1;vta1mh '-;fl0 ; W tplcafilremxzhafhongur w1jV%;§r‘eIt3C3(>Vd is diflxonourcd, A . whofi: Cmlcfilall Royalttc‘ 1‘s*A*1fi‘cb¢r11mun1cab1e%with A .,. ff. <.-¢- A 4‘ A d¢d;irhat ancientand-;Apefipli.Ec:.cercmgnigpfllnl. ._..r—._ WproplmndedF4:/aarzznél.r, &-«t/aé, “ u 2 : gzipfiflfldl ;0f3?91fi%€r;:thq,‘? c_y‘Somm7'*m and 0f‘=Ep19.cfm.~A&;8.“ A % V A “ ‘'i’¢.rf§I4: ‘Wl—§9-P.» x9.v¢r£5. ;4ndr/M£Atb¢flag;1¢ Csmfirmqz-ti ‘;7ti'an‘wM:fl0f% qng offizc Artz'c1::%af'1‘/9: «./‘§po§2’{exC4tcc/agfima’, ; ~, 9! .. % ?’?1“”:‘{°f?i¢"’3?'%!’3€wi’5PfYt‘1¢ *5 I79: Hvérewris Cap;6.ver13'-1». . um)‘. “Q- ,w. I Impofitibn ofhands, as did the Apoffles v§fe;<;der‘1i::-,* not ltmr YQL1 n1gy%% “ym_1M,ca.n bcftow tihe,1ikc; rniracue 8f?mtyo!i’th 67-1i1$<=VL~F0rn19;r«(£I39Ug19.%nQ~t4alto rh¢ ' Yikeé”fi‘e6f)i0FIfi1P05ti0n L0f'%han%ds; WésvA'A ed by:th9 Apofilés»; ‘F51: as%Vaft¢rV_1?bil£p;%ha,d4 A"catech%ifcdA the Sa-, A 9tI‘i%t4é4“n‘és, af!d~taUghtthcn1th€dChi€F¢P®int8ofC2hri%1 £’cié.n7Dc$wéh{ir1é,"4'thcApofiles ~ca%me, and prayed For“ V-thefn,%+a11'cl.l»ai£1.%their haud§ onjthcm.: So after _chi1_%drer;« % «oryouthiin "ythcir °Wn¢P??{Q9‘3: h%?~1¢'"ff3ad€.P‘%b1i¢k$. aridpartictilar profeflion of the fumme of their fgitbg,‘ .b¢A_“gi«¢:en:hern;%to V.1Yi_~£1‘c?a.”r1b%c§l_5:1ye”iAn.;hat: Chrifiian A Faitly"and,1f1eW1iéi.Te’ofVlifc~g: 'WhcrcQf& they ham:-ma$d¢ ~pro'feffic§n..%E2F’mdiIthat¢to tho{'e7Prayers-ma)’ W¢1J~1b¢:4d-~fi?f .,-‘-wv-—— 'UIw'r ___r ‘ I I , _. ‘ r9.,.....-A‘r‘ -..u.m . "in, I'iE1"¢:*'5ia%d ‘tibléflazaéicrz and an Tf¥*1?of’a1.;:¢.:I-?£>r¢%A V f I.“ whcrcyou fay,v§{ee;_denieyou may w,%v1E§V4:mt;Al1%e like“? IV 0us# gifts as gthcmfipbfllés vpo;n=theSa’maritanes,,. A AA M % . bylaying on 95Y0W?h‘3HdS*r3¢¢0I1d1¥=Y?<%>Ue «imply that ” A ‘wee dcnie alllmpofitgion of %;whcrcas.*’w¢qwilI‘ or Chr~if’:i:t—nACatcchifi116;.(WhiCh A Otheimini c;irL?name; A A flidfi1ni_1nafi'lyprcifcfiéfo.1:tbem;Vatg:th;ir»B; %4tif;;j1e)wc% A denit nciir ‘but Prayfir may be, m§C1.‘?C~ fforrt €m~:::-ghat ‘ Rréfigr1ii'féni6 enciééfé of th¢1¥Gra:ce“%9F the Holy Glwfi 4 mu-u. , _‘ _ —.- dam Iwd-£0. ; BEN.‘/ilfde Cm:- . fi'rmatio;1ecaP.9. (7 1 3. . See the R.3~.e— fiww , $251.6. Nich<:J.'Pap4. _f Difi‘. 4. do Confir- ‘V cmr.Czw..A ghee»- C'4n.deI;-1'4, t€‘o1‘i-iii \ pexfvvadc vs , that the Cwonfirtnation or Impofition of [ %Cb}f:§¢z:”.i~¢Hai1éI&oIy Chrylihé 2 A D33 t11fc£3zL‘*%2iAr'n1%d-i’tarA‘£hé A nuf’rsonA'f}.8 % " 'Fore«heédS,~gi11étl*}%éii1’1a§*g1ane, :M~@t§£§:1&ajrV£;fi :_ , % ; Tnvo;/rind t/z1)*zf£¢»,Demaznc{x ; _,_....,..___, v .. ,.u Ule «us-nan: ;w «my. - \ ‘..r nu... n.-._......_ F hands , ib?etokenmg~VQuLrgefiratrjecf ci‘,:_i,1re;N§%t;‘”cr$§;cI:1e% A parties whO1n"‘“’Wepr%él’e'11t to God by <‘:3iJr£‘\%{Pfay%erS;flf A — But herein is.a. notable I m.poP:ure : th at yo°uVv‘vould * hanc};s,vf€dWby y E5u r” Pdpifli that o§,the § ;a0*f}1es;'icf‘théy %i:c:~’1*1i;3*ic‘1-Z2i”t‘=¢:jf(7)«j>{léfiiii-*fi'Xéfc;Rfirifli Bdliige? Kn.‘ "“‘ur . ._m”y%chey%cA:ai¥eit;b"r-:ati1~cW§z53:i it‘A,Ai“set4c":1i~=e“ ~- A sa;m:*::a1aAes Vwit*h%£ucI; 0y‘I::?, MaI:e*mj51res‘md%"§1aéi: the Popi-Q1 Biflaopefdoe, in t1:eirVGo:uHrn1VAa§wion ? which on»? "W11 é1‘éof" * may: ¢ péfniiétg Pr:i%éffs¥4% €711; ‘A yes; “cm Biflibps Ion%e1yF the p»c;i»§»e:%-éfC3o1i5rxifiatiqjn. ‘Pope f M&lrkia¢Ié3~A' the 4fe‘%cdu“d%¢§flihé¥ipwn¥ 255%-GLgm1Ze¢raAtit5fi; i A c;dmApa‘Vri5:x:g“A7 iBap£ijE-fig w$viih‘%CVnt%rfi1:na‘a‘ti?éiEiJ3faith %£I§ia'r ” tfi¢'3élCf2iIi1E11t'%O1w‘ A Cohfirrgiatiép oL1gbf%to4 hé"l'j§cI‘ A gre:;t%cr_.lidnouAr%.~ Arid ” Brlléifmghg-~%-i:1$% %Bbp“kfe‘zjF ‘ a *ah‘t£t~Iéiti§i%?f1i4Cham=r$ . 3, 4'9‘ ‘v 1-VV’V¥h‘f‘\%‘!’ ~“'."‘T”‘:£‘* Y A/‘ilk -Av-K ..‘,.,-‘an. T7335 9? i4??1W?‘F%I?,*? ‘tam *én‘éju;i*ré,Cé’éhxér'iri* xfitné 05 CTf<.?fi5..§¥‘?é*?Q1T’:« if V’ 5‘ %?*t’)i1¢Ve5A”’i‘§‘otrdurs A i><:«*ei‘c4‘1»i*i'is_'13:ii*f« M }:3&6“&éit?‘1=§2~2~E £11“ P%1‘<3{333- 31 ‘cI‘aifé4‘ii6)f a:ru:e¢1y4a; l:«0‘W”-1‘ tiiiat :heA‘A;5ofi1es~A,hé:Ad'*V la y,“ ordin;a;i:é mg-n~;e~c:F :=..pt<.*r. to%thé Heéremvrg in 1'! €§a‘t<:Vc¢lAA:ifnt pm.ueC%bn n1Vat1o§1wasVanpArt1cle of_;he1:.Catcch1fme. ; *_ “ ’ 7‘ “ ‘B : 9 W imboyza; 242:1 % dow1ne.in%tk'e 5~.%afIa111eys. vver£,14..¢ aacghtmat take p21t£gs;.k pm&‘ifi~ W/9‘? §?’W¢’7» »-“1W%A¥twM ?*/W1 W vf29of‘r’.1ar- M . % ‘ r 1, , A1!-1s gift of h¢a~ ‘ ' A ‘ té be a“n‘Vr‘1&ion vnprofiitable bd§h'to the 150-- die,- and to the foulc. ::Aftcr thc”1oiTc of the Vertue_, ‘V "they 1.ahou.r:t0AP¥€f°rl1°th°.~ >C‘°Y;‘=1W~‘>ni<= 2% and A _iA;;‘:r‘c;:d5$ A an7dV‘ diue1=fly;ch:sing:d bywan artificiall kinde4o‘f ; € ‘ trdubléath. . " - ” \ " ‘ 'w’‘‘'’‘‘' \’W ‘ « "' V 9' S. "‘ ‘ .‘ “D I N V ' ‘ “ “ “ ’ "‘ “‘ ' A A « M E*mA%N13v V 1 4"‘ ’ ‘ M mx ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . f~ ‘ I, ‘ ‘m ,.. H ‘V ..- .. '_ \ V __w‘. “ H I! ‘ “ _ I ‘ .. .« 1 f. 2 M , . u ‘A .-,4‘.-ca 1 1 N 4 Ca1tsi_n,Bez3, Pnfmrar. % em! %he4led thew Thc.fiip<§fi1c§_.and‘ £?DiF¢ip1cs“%.vve&r¢ A A th¢r¢Ford¢ 90n1tnan‘dcd4:to%~ann01ntfthcAfickc, (to fhcaht W :t4*it'w'i11'a51ie4:T%1t»th¢1€3f* 3§00d ha1fc?l1our¢s% AA A Pm krfiréhggazd iaézrés not ii: 1% ~:cmn4intb:time rafibéMa¢°abe¢5-,V[gE A ‘_.I‘‘ F2 M I... .5 7 I £s_ 5'.«Ma::h;cap.-zp;v,2:j2z;r/9, A % “9A‘11thisfspoflibieliwiirhbufhgidina .‘_. 1% 7;’2:2a¥.ozrzr;Ml.tia‘£}.~ti:¢‘C93.er2; ;¢mifi - V A _ A ~Ax~s“mv v1s«n£*.°...” — V A bred tl=1e%rei?;1,17rei1'2€er-A{ic% of"rhqfeAdai%%cs : A far the A11theVrfaAi_th,that%Izzd;%;; in that Pf:LyAA<':r remem— ‘ chm: %M2a1Tc:I{rig%{’c,>_*$v1ui« if 5#"ofi*%die&i;ézn d4%¢*:5{~’hiri:~A*where;;.~ V A forle~“11‘Aeérecomn§ehAdefh%tIie*dec:éafi:‘AdAAAin?his% wi1Lanfw‘er,¢3 thatitis toV4t_he%%¢n;ci*%~;l1Acc n1»ayArifc&again€ iq ’ ~ A A. H W W ’ % "me? 5 ‘ ‘='*.1"1'd‘ 3'7?“ 01“ fin Th6 AI‘€’f.%.A%%A 'WeI3*dcfii%e4:n%dt;Ab%fi§ ‘ A \V %%Sa:nt.VPémv%;-wa§A’tI-zdfiffl aiii . . - ‘J’ _, . W \_ - H ' H‘ ‘ ( 1 J V V ‘ . :1 ‘. ,~_¥ u..,‘ A‘ " _‘ »~‘ ~»«........ ' r . “ ~." ' V "W7" "T" *7‘! “-*‘---’w'-A‘ -7“uvi‘z"-o‘ M3‘ A"w.'.‘ aw ~ -7 2. “ - EL ‘>1 a ' ’ J. "-I‘ "Q5 ' at ‘» ‘F rt‘ : w“ ..n m. . .... K‘ x. ‘ ‘ .. 1‘ ‘ \‘ ., , W ‘_ . ,3, _ .,* _ g 4‘ W V.» , ‘ ‘.,H,. ‘ ‘ , . .‘ K K ‘ ‘H ‘ ¢ M. U z » ‘ ' :-~- .‘ -' ,.»:_«~4|‘a ..... -r N :_ ~ - - ‘ .‘ ‘ I _‘ _‘L“ ‘. 1’ ‘a ;‘~. ' ‘- ~ . . 9,“ ‘ at» ~ ~ _ 4 2'. N '. ‘ . ‘ .‘ x -- . , »,,. . _ . . I -~‘ ‘ ‘~ ~ 2 .5 ~wr.«» ‘#7 ;“,f\1’“x,! “ 1 M “."~‘,‘~ ' $ - ‘w u L» H 4.; I . .‘ «T I‘-"'.. "". * 3 1“~ " ‘ "' my »v-‘ . ‘. ,. V _, F g‘; M ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ -u-“ W H‘ “ 3 " -‘ W : _ _. »-om. ‘ 4‘ V! «I .J.. ‘ _‘ ‘V’ . how “I , _._.._r _..fl‘”"‘“ 1 ‘ ‘ “L ._j-._--—-.. TmQ:fiH£23hirt§i?iAl..£zffidflfli5.:&’§?;11%;“ % I 1 vaEi‘d‘”%é!fie‘~ sEi:fheap‘€: E“ph=efi33s»'.%*fii$éc{ge?ientfi?5 i.:i::.=1ti*; Ialéii send. _¢,for"s‘ in th?e‘futirEt1oniof =Ap'c5flIes. E :1: " M % had he: % 3Y§’fi*3I5 ”' V‘i3fl;a“ing,,fox-:D11k£Fdopgr:cs 7 ' .‘ >. « I’. W ' 3' . “ H ‘ ‘ , . ‘fa ‘ . ., W ‘ I M'‘-;. ’ K “ ’ ‘ ‘ mm... a. L“ , R H. .M ,_ w‘ . ‘ H ‘ “ "~ ‘ " « . “ _ .. um \ . 4, a» .w- - mm’ , Mmwi ~ H "' ‘ ' . * ' - . ‘ w» n - av MG 15 mi’ 1’ In , —..‘- .4. \ ' - ‘ - L s '1 .2‘ v- 1‘ - ‘ M‘ W W j V ‘M _f ""':J"-. K,’ M2 .‘ ' ,~-A ‘_ M .“.r”" M . 5‘ QWW fl19L11d;craue-any gxft throuAg11%A:t1zrg,+;?11s;3:1t5,.§@ I A. W6 . V {pp \ y L I M‘ g r- ‘- , ‘ N: L. '~>.~"‘W ., flu . ,v . v ‘ ‘ . '1 Z v u A W ‘ . v. V‘ ‘ .-.2 1». x e % -mu» \ "”’*- W‘ * *7: '~. 4"‘: "7 ~* ~ ' ‘ 3} L W} V W‘ ” V H: V ,y ‘ ‘, ‘V ‘ W Y‘ , W W ‘F W Mu‘. . ‘ ‘ U “ ‘ 1‘ .. V“ ,,,,‘ w .. -an ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - .m_ H...» ;- M . . , fa... ‘ 4 N . ’ “ :1‘; 3, : ‘ W V ‘ '1 V , A ‘ «_ .. no“ 47 .‘ ia‘ n_..;. .3‘ w ._ , _ . q " :;;= _M 1» fh. H ;..‘ % ‘I v: iv ~ x m e t 1hc.?M e:A.u1t§$ 0 : r...» ; x _r f. ,1‘ \ ‘J flap war“ n".e‘«"‘- aw * -' - ,» E, % V. ¢ % A v % ~ % “ it I 1, A V‘ 'H¢t1~xerthc1?()_€tr11;3gQf} Er’ A H ‘ ' ’~ V I ~;:;alfa:&whéthA¢r%»-th§:*‘Cxc>fpa:M::b&e 4 ‘U. .5‘ ‘V an I ~ . .. L A M «LL‘;+:T;F?r£fi£(m§;Ii§'§:‘§TLai£hh¢f5é’be;b“t-iAJ. A 1%,‘ 3-In 4 s 1 "an *« V :;,:fi%[1flé21:i’~1CT r?.‘;;fi;;:a “ L V W" ‘ '4.‘-;«; ‘ ct‘ 7; \ - 1’ "V "th7’ey ..fl;1a]l.” rjmr Vre;sid.e‘»%.:.tY1e%hc“>l3a AS,cr‘ipt%ufe; dex Dfgbbkcs pa 1‘ zirir1‘1‘5Ie ibrr ;*ic'di§r1n1 dex‘I::?1'a“ent§4Atu*A ‘V?m5°=’ :55 Wig g u k r M Gan 6,70“ {earth % *Al3t‘;r§m;5naye§é1it6:t nm3;.mI1d;a.wh¢r¢.>GQ d tgej from Pfm L ‘ " ‘ . I ‘ - V ' 3 i . ‘ ~ " »- i“"”}" 4-.. ‘M ' 4»: ("lean ' ‘zm am: M.-~:::.% ;. rt «:»:~ mi gm;-; J ~.« & V étz; {his : howdare they,:i:.1IL~F.h%¢~».R@93~» 0 . ‘ %Chur%ch ,_w__,_W M M ~r.u:m~.. “um I \:-«%!‘#W‘“‘ :4 W ”s.'.‘ . m J 221 pvart;:t}3c.rmf3" wl1¢rcV;NVg;11mmi: I ~ _ ~ A , j‘rms&Mh¢m¢tHc%f:R£Bi‘E3ifi@fl v *T’‘‘‘ P”°h5bi" feencinxheinr ‘ ‘, pmhibltcd '7 wfiemm:ginrxheahznw Smptklm them h¢a¢¥=h€f«¢*‘*%": ‘*“"“.°“‘?‘=*‘.‘ T. o£T1enr,prxn- ; .!tcd'at Cologne: % vponfiartlu .‘bUt.:'xfi?f?i‘Eth‘I3r.‘t1§J€3 2 ~’ lin, by anthori- went the 8., A - % % wt» Qgorym mgrif-E notA*Fpeak;5e*toAniafigforféa1+e°df‘ioI¥eAni:i“i1§gAhirn,Ai4m:»cra.% i *i5PW'1’*ff33 ‘ u1'ng.AatA_GodsAhwand,_;£%LIuation Athmugh ftluc;-%n1eriAtssdf7‘ "’$“’”’“' .Sain;t:s,A”"A'aA5theA’Priefi d=t3thVi1i his.Ma1I”e.“ A A A I A r 5 %Wl1atj=1ITu.:;2I1cA¢'11a*%edw?e¢=»th&ttheblellkdfifirgin 11moc.3.'1ib. % .» cap. 9- Q *v-wt Q49 ' f A % T/:r‘mefE'om: :zga’fZa;:re?)emas:k;c;7;f%~# A j Church‘ fp%e;gkcv11tQ %God4ingfuch tnanner asthep} da’reA;A A Mary was In” A bb.dy7' 1‘apt' ifi%toAV5%He:ibén; ] ant? “Athercfa cr¢vw11§:*:1*Qgc¢n¢~*o£Heag Acn%“3~r~F®rwfithA%4 AA~1luceuis£o pm-A VtHé‘1‘c oilght to befonie vcrya(I1ifé"d tefli:nb,1ii3”oFfhe fanle; ‘ A ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ W11i3d39F«v;§h4Q 5 fcharges. O1‘1cAA”c3“ifi‘éi":FiE;1 Z;Q$1:3§2$dI11fC l41at;§t l_;ezr cfffhnéf 66} fis‘5'~§ ®en:§G;Aan%O:}1cr oucr 3 , .,,_ :ga . J“. . iVVho _uA i‘_ 4fii*eche%r;pysayingv;5a:a S v v ' ' ‘5nts;i;«.B"é 4nece%1rary%4~co% de miihmiffit W1‘ 1 E’ at,‘ 6 t_Ar A;1i an X611: ChurC’Ifies5Aai1dAAfhc p+2c§pIe§xfo:°taug%ht,j% . 9 Spain 2, as S. Imex; ‘mother ducr women with childe, A as S.fl4'»zrgmr*£t5 anotheroucr Hunters,as S.E'#flac:,C§~a. , Ac them~thofe officesi::%;.-alfo Wh%ent1}is opinion i ~ V N ‘ “ -r ‘ ‘ I A , ‘ ‘ . 1 '3" ->0’ v1l“\- ‘ way, 4-‘ * “ 9 ‘ ‘ . ‘ “ ‘ ‘ .‘ .» ‘ '4 Jr -W '3.“ ~»s,.Q ‘ '-.n:§"o\'. 3 {PA “ 3 ‘37"‘Nr'b_}W. I A wj"“A7‘p:‘:Y‘ ' ‘1 " " ' V M % faluzicidmalfogwhéth%er;byAAprayi;:gAvnt9a,G4o4x>+og%;¢1yA4 . ;z.,l,‘,_,fi«‘,,.,~,,,,,%,,,_ itllmugh Iefuss4AChr.ifl3Iwee cannotbefaufcd. AA A ‘« 1,5, ¢/}in'w'a , . 8 WhetherAGodhath»3commandedAto pmyinfuché Wand : and vfrhcrfff11AisV"&nfl%ome bé’g;tm1e.% A‘ "-9: ‘A %% ; :W.fictfier¢tl1roLIgh I; f€4"€7°"“"’ f'tf~' A fi:£0n1gue;asA‘k.euén has" :that; pray5§tl1 doth not sxndéfi“ , ratglumo “ A % ] .r,, “ ’ V * ‘butthe hol” VSCriptA!4Jr ‘W A” A pIe‘s,%;§&l1é*Imagé ofGod5Aor;oEthcCEriniti_e,trcp,re{énted Haiéfé A % eythcr commanderncnxt or example to heme in Tern- A i in ffonc“or;%i;r?1;J-% aim; “ ?:AArlfd’37wh:fir%easéAG.ad ; A {:4 A ring c«>fhimé:in*Aa1ny‘% grauen: fimi11'tu;dLe% or~IIn4age,%:~bc- Air; V‘ of7ma1eV%%or¢%fcmaIe : whether hec hath :fin<7:c.»changcda» V ‘pay; 1 Ax 6:1 prohibiteth =the§r»éprefen~ A %% fi t'hi£A’"(§1f'CfiAi‘l$1*I"‘1<'.?e‘.’.d1'ifh‘CC‘l‘IfiI:1éIl0tChfiIlgCdit;,WhCl’C'-H _% Afm'»e~doth.the:‘RAomi£h .,”,C1:xutA:c~h~x1.ifpc‘x:w;e tlacrewixthg '1 _ 10% Whegherin the holy‘Scripture’thcrcbéreytghqry . ” Coiiai;m‘¢ifid{%eriITe.1;1:t"%véSa}7 exiaxiuplcfithacwebnght~toAvkzm.c1e 5 z ” % “1?:;nccthem&c.:: bctfoireé vb:-Images nfsaintss to‘ ki-L«I"e,,:%c1oath?c;%~1igh£.~or, A —- wh¢¢hc;*1% 91 I IV » ‘A A AAAAAAIAI %AAAWAl1§:tI1er;gVec ouAAght to,adoArc~the Grotfifi wit]1A % likcadoration as~God_:,as‘ Thoma»: imhis 3 .Pm¢t.gmffi‘,; 5, Whercdid GodcU¢rCoAI:nmand w A V. A 12A Whether Icfus Qhriffhach not paidAenough¢to ‘ ‘ ~ ~ that A\vhAichis alreadyfully paid 12% why fhouuld they Aagainc fatisfie Godswiufiicc forrthat Wh¢r¢init:isa1rca:-— . dy Fatisficd2whVat%I:1ar¢fur;1za4Atidyi§fitato;tcach'rhatI¢fu§ A ALCIhAri7~fi¢hAAathA not ?Afat;1sfi%cd on the «painé duc“to&finneAé ,1 me of the deathof oupsauiourf and in a matter of grcaitcfl importancc.~to Forge a.new axzticlc of f'aith,w ‘ withAoAut anymefiimonic ofthc hoIy...Scripturc? A; A .13 &-.Sith alfo, that, Iefus Chrifi is yet an Interceffor A ,Aand_M¢diator for thoferfoules which “they fay aréyet ¢ 4Purgat'ori¢, why doc thgynot;immcdiatcly.Acpm4%c = fiA;AA>ftAhA:it his Intéfccffion, butdoc flill abide thercfome‘ LA ".":. A AatA tfiis finall feflficmc inrégard offA11¢AA‘1A¢fUAitéS5 V W Awny other Doéfors05:113..Romifl1mChi1reh ,d~©e-teach, 1_ ; A1fo,wWhen .tbhcl’1jie{L-f vi;k1AHg“AtQ"_;_‘thC Wt)od,;faith,A" A Am: Ii mm t1+‘it¢mp;J4Ie,«I»aIHtc theeVtriun1p"hant$wood, 1 «they aAnfwcAr<: th73C'~th€y d%ocAit¢in«the~hon0ur ofA,Iefus A A ~.ChriI£, yet ,ought»thc_Wo;oda«wI1erctwo they fpeake in A ¢. the honofir oflefus Chrifi, tovnde;:[£an;1wha%tis,faici“ , vnto it; confidcréing aIfo, t1)at,to f‘ eake;to~thc Wood"A Mofthé KiDg$'Ch3.yfClA1A’l_‘hQDOL1f o thc»King, israther 3 ‘:1 mockage theAnJan;honpujr to;thc.King.: % and7~indecde *~1’A4ir¥:1ii$:%f7or,fixt1¢ or 5316 »11t1ndreddAth0U % Agrgi§t¢vdby:A;h¢;Popc. AA f »Pr0pafln€?vJ to flu-fléfkitax ‘éoimt. and -Cardiflflll -C fiifitdfifi ‘V 13011 $116‘ films‘ pIac%e,A'and4:n1a-A Whet at this Wood Vnde“rRa.ndeth What has ~faith§: if % exc..mpt foules out ofthc fircA oi-"Purgatoriev: and ifhce AhAat.h,paid.;.cno11ghs why fl1 ouId%any man payagainc OM. committcd.aEtAcr Baptifmea and fi0~f0 impairc the V~°1"“ {hur1d.;,eds.o;.thoufandsVofyc¢rcssAas~'a.p{p;arcthv by the A an ‘ 1 % 14.A7 A{gginc;V.i11a%fmuvcha$ other OrdeA1jsof.Fr}{crS% 351;: I ‘ ds ofy§:Ve1*Aes } V. ‘ ;. ~. “"““ II!‘ n how comesAi=t0pa1Ts:$hatgn;»Priui!cdg¢sA*th91¢fUit~”*=$ Al A * % " 7 L . A % A % aw --——.._ % I ning this pr1ui- **1.W"'??"’”*[“”.‘_€.4*”’A 7"m‘”Z’”M”r’% \tl’;e%'%h”‘? 'W. flmfdwf A_<.., .4 A L P1'iLn1¢:dgeink- had’ mbrifed tiénA1ié7tii1‘1és""i‘ti1‘he ‘; ‘:5 . >};1*i‘AAa‘s1im«;:*h" %rs7‘t>hé"C Carmehze Do- - A~ ~ M v % % -v« 94 AA the end of the 1 day OFUd3g€fiTéh«f5‘Wh€f€Of % Bogfiw {tit and; ’ the faithful: thatflialll t}3'§f17rA’i.AI’itI;c%;m~ £hg11‘AgoAe jéntp ‘P'u#rga.- :‘*;‘§;:S;E°‘“ mm Gcds¥u&iceA %eqwwfhA% %*WL1Araator1e»a1vd ;he5,jmh¢A yét;ic.AfsA"%13owAi~h1dAthatAAth‘ey;goAe~AmAto Purgatbry 'toA”£;z+¢ Y€°*’¢A-I535-the V tisfie GodsAAIum¢éiczaoxA%ag:?1i¢aiaAiemisfqrtunc irham (‘ff J 2z‘~17:.1‘?2-zi'1A‘~djy4>'*it‘fi4Vg’4 ?3t’v=‘-ff) E§k%%=d?ny_¥éi1‘c$ ggoilag into APurgfago1fy, ;. V cm 31135115 53 A Wag’ »1*1(Jt.=_3hAoi‘11éAm:that3‘l ?~-fpr==%tl1en aI‘be1rh‘¢e :5 .~ 2..., A...—.._..A_ AA . . grtcginrgfllc I§§:AI1*“:£i‘iAi-L'¥i§ee11>eéX%emp"t3FromJthefiré6FPzi*rgatQri«c; ’ *4‘ dfigcggs cg;-'1’ A M’ ;A”gain¢,»1*nrLichAAAas inrhe Ronmxwc Chtxrcha A 3 ‘ V M 'VY"?‘- M .A,.~»~A; A_. M“ .~a -A ~ A A A rm’-‘Zara that thfiy holdfi“I%at'1v1*1f?=:nf%»*;d’Yin'g,.. oneVaFter«Bap.t1fmc'doc “ AAA ., _ ;, “ ,_ .‘ MA , , ‘.A.,?.. ;,A,'f‘v“"1 W .h.3AAA‘,,i A -,1‘ Hr, AA EA Fratcrnitie, A éove ~Hra~1=ght:;a*;“£~m ;@;iradi&;~4,W?I3at*Is%~ t=Afa1c~~?1'emaE'o11A;fl1at»%;: if printed ar.‘Pa:'1's % I "" u~ } a ‘§é)a:"‘ S"-H’.E4U'g’33 A Q ‘ ; V, :5 , the figrfc of. 7 ¢"I.‘7.,‘ "”.1f¥gaAiflA‘C"), fletg tljt-n3‘V~~t%I1;A«vs%;wh AA A A§r*=’*1n* the “hqIyA . v-1- o : ‘Aw “'A\..r‘ '3; Aw A ,, H 'V¢_"£- —,,(AA 5*‘ xx. MA, " ..¢ .3, 54 W " ,; ~~«(‘,-r‘ an A’; p 3- ‘am .A». - 3-~, .“A.. I 5 ;D"’3*"“»?n F’-'1‘-‘ Sénpture tAhem%*bé~a=AnAyACo~mmaflfi emqt;ft‘thatweé‘~fl1aT1‘-L A were I 59 7- A A , care no B;-Q1vpo,I1,V_M%_AAridayes or $atEi’ f£~FéiWj;7E3é'g{:t57r1ff’déi*’i1'£gA _ that‘;:1i§ii*1§}*i§3é‘irAéIi1%‘a if-y Aaay ;I§:fu5é A Uh! _i fir‘ §caf:}* V A ‘fine P'éi1iTefo~t?er;—$was7tfie ~F~r}d‘;1'yf5 ét19Idfh4at ~ A ,1 gc§h*vs5 ‘i..?i7€ar. Aeh:;tiA:iIFjwveéf:aIi*fh§t+%is& fat b¢f6£¢i~.Vs *§vv,i3thoLW1t%qn uirtrggfQr~cofifcicnce'fake. A iI.c%: ’.t M _cn1yawIfoA¢fl1ew vs _%wh¢re‘ God Forbiéldetli Bifl19p%sor%PriePts4tQ marry: A alfo whctherwhen Saint ,Amz :fZZin?0r1a;iAez (flying, Let tI4e?1$’é/Féap-é: f3mr¢1-- 2;» «a»4ea.H«»the: .amly4%PWj%,the law offimgle ,. . §li€w?m::¢~§1t§ad¥,4éfiabIiIh¢d; A u. .19 Where Iefus Chrifi conxmanadcdwfd‘f9;¢fi&f§¢%§5; A 3propitiatqricfiacrifiw-fox=4.thdquic1c#caufe4”; ‘I’ri+éf*:$;vvocati<2r1Ais,tAham:l%z¢yA are cf?cab1«ifl3fidA fa.¢:nfic¢;;A1efi1s %Cbrift,.vvhcx:e%ixt1*.xcir pmfe A Q11 w~aVrrant 3 ;Qr;:'.YYh¢rj¢ did Grad ‘iéfiablifh th;cnaISa,cr:ie: [5&5???[€0“fid¢YiU3*thy%t'1@fU3”Ch1'i&3_3“’¢“U0T this qua~ ;"ii%tic to hVis—Dif¢41?1€§aand [Athettth4eAncw%(%dTp&mcnc ‘jdgth % not in any place tcarme the Pmaflbrscfthe Church Sag- .:crificeWrs%_E %% 1 inRitU‘tcdto priu:ate% Malfes ;d#Alikc%vVsrif«:, th<:Ma11Tes ‘far C°:m?2f0.1‘: Heards:forfindi.mg¢hings Iéoflr, ace. 3.: ahnfl ,~ann1]ucr>faries are not f'oun£:1ed:bVu1;A:fo171th:¢fe wthaxaham:<:giueMoi.thc ‘;Chur¢hA;= «:fa:n;‘_C1‘tha]tlthefifourc‘ 1;h¢needy”or.~poo“rc Artificer§$;*f V. 4 AV 1% 1e¢‘t1?t1fi.¢m.£.t¢11. V3 Whfifh er =thcvPrieR ,i11..his. M:ai?Fc w "t¢;ar1211¢C ¢vfi9éémtin.g,%Wh¢rcfit%f01loweth't1W 13¢-7 btakel Ordérs bf begging Fryers are not pfcfént at thi:gd<:*a!th»s 3 ' vor %Fu:1¢"ra1s%—*o pfopafinded 4tajjtbg%~I¢gfi4ita}$;aft/qe~C‘a;m‘. V V A W V L 1 F ‘ ;% ,Whethsr;1cfI%s Cl1rifi»or~Vhis.Apofi1bs%d,id}ei1.e:~ % Supper without Comnmn1can%t:%:_alfo who §;o:fayA%:h;at,‘Iefus.;—..Qh¥if% facrifi%Z€d%%hrcad bc0W:¥f¢4;4he¢ ;brakeitb9fom,<;9n£§§ré%iAo:xa»F* : ‘* ~ A 5 ikingh¢<::d?ivth«fa¢‘rifiZe~: ~Which isr as much as eui.de%r1t1§'f4 : A AA ezT %igsmm% V‘ ‘H 1. fig‘ V n‘ ‘ - . ‘ “ Mn ' ..-M &._,,:- 5 ‘ 3_Vv_¢;_ ‘,, ‘ .4 _ , H " v M 1 9' ‘ . A --- A- M % . . . . ‘ ‘ , "__. ,__m_‘m V “ W M A MNV1. .m,».vn ‘ "‘\~w-«um... M 4,... W. who-‘ “ “~;;_V-="'::nsI -V w -an -mm ‘~ W-M “ "' "" “ ‘ ‘ "‘ A 44 _‘ % 17/:"raqf%c'ore_n§d flm CDém4Am’: I Can.P amizen-A xialis 39.121 cal- % gee Dccreri. % ,Q_z5cmdo mm 604‘ medit 1v :1 com!-A digcfafpiu .5173]; A (37-c. z.de confi- : grams: qgxis. Vida ibxdcm Gazxt‘-rI':1sA’£.‘«1ifi§'~' A _3c-Thomam 3. _ qaqcfi;,.8.A1-:.3'-, % 1 5 l A ’%Vn1-ac‘kés.@Fthé%tA:p%o [H éé, % euen new thaghcc ‘isé in his .gA1ory, §C;Iofi‘am.Tum A A A AA A A A A 26, ‘Siri‘*a1f<>s~r1iiarii><>nI=afierthatth \ rcccifm 1 the $£1§§_A1fafI1$A2’iflA‘4f’ A ‘ fWeatd:m»’”»s:r Afz-A3-.««. Affo» bec.z1Au£Aé“cLI~eryI reprvbch th at~‘bcfcl1vL%bo; Iféf;1AAsA Chrifl duriryg his infirmitie, beféll him For our S'3A.1Al.IA2A.-"-A-‘~AA :ionA:'w¢e~den1anAdwhatthis~rep{o<2hvrzh_er¢in the Db-V %&ors,* Canons and Camelés or» the Rqmifh Chmch A doe’ fay, that-the Wbody aftile-Lbrd fqmetirpeé ‘dc- u®4m3ed~“by*AMiAce~% an<—c1A‘~I{at3*, Hand ’foI11eti11)'c§b){ AWorn1és, _ ‘ dflthi =l*iélp~e ffour fal--A uat:Ao:1~a ‘ 4 A24.A. *WherefA'c>ArAeA, {ith the ?Aiao{}1e§“adiorcd’4iiot tha_tA which Ieflxs Chri£%’“ga;1eLt%I_3’em win aha EAucharifl_§ Valfe; A thatwl1ereas'VIg¢Afiasffpakb;-not» 0Ff15;C,rifi(.?‘A’c5g,§:1Ci’iE'1?1“t3’rf11’$i“”C1AE a‘mysz=T1¢11V‘ati;@ri%‘ A A AA W all’tl1a%tAAvw*erepreféntmad fpok cn inAaV1amnguagcthat all vAn4derfl"bo_d: Pri<-:1} at this da‘y1 d‘oth eucry tA:hir~:‘g« con trary.‘ 25. A11"c>,Ain “ a1*:§d%111Ac)r:'.‘+a1l : Abut"tha'tthfs body which A theAj5b13§j£:es;- rebeitz-izd xnack’eé‘ fw‘eé%iAf4 Fevr51i£%h‘ee:fiiw2a?e;V%Awa9Azp V ch=¢:}-I~Ir5afi,wbauing%com;-nunicacea‘ to A asmuch b9‘dY'oF.dIefuisChum d» the Euch arifl W‘-as ?Frai'I¢,'pa{I'i{$1e, c A % «—~»---in iv‘ and ?QeuAId~1fufl7erf % A Aacgfording to the dciéfrine I-at 0¥LIgrA»%AduerfariéS;5 ~ lct?”the1n.AtAe1I vs whcther%%V this opinipn l§CAA"r6<§€it!CAa5IC,‘ é- . :¥ai1;.r= d‘ro;3s ofb1ou'd5eyAtherAwas by‘,t*he/Sould-iersf dpa; A» * ‘i:d.%1c1ézA5e1ed and b;1%~fi'.l=._tc%d A H A A ar=¢Vc32biaifFe‘tte21wmwdér zheA foaf~:nes;,a1_:-jxéfi‘i1‘~éhp%~{h;o¥ bee wasiairead;ip1éIfib}éavndAefi. ~ . A Athena. ;: ~y:e1a,A a.admree"‘m11R‘AaI1bI-place v.nd,er th"¢J‘fai’ne{ A - ‘jtfb1‘f11£S;th€.SOL}1di€‘l7S thatvbuA'ffetteéiA him :. buci£‘«“x2r-1I&kiAer I * %~ ~~ W A A ‘tlolé; ;«, ‘Wu sy _\A =-aaIn'x~a-sea-5.1.: f M i’4dar4g*:a?;}‘l§5‘?z§Z’-~7 A “ A547 "3 AA“"whAAA V X ‘A .',.;T'\ v 8! -»~ A. ‘ "‘°'I»M!J ."i”7.f ..£,’::r*;“,~,';fi mi‘: . {nan . I "44:-4;. u it :~ .3 :: ¢.'';=f73'~-‘ fEb?3?f{6fV‘Cg§icil£.«""‘%f am c%#fl4'n*§e*:',§,A 9.". A'v., 1 ‘mu-:5‘ - ,A ,. a w‘ '1-u U.’ 3: ~,‘?a.\.5;“x’».“"A3 A S ‘-W: :4 3’ MW, .‘ m A 5. at -"' 1 dfdqh bald ‘A-t"~I‘1’s‘3“3*I-iftfi&§fitii§15g§a191§ii“é3c§I31difibh L;‘h4ad"%;an+$jn:ei::2to%eozz@,craw5«Vcm,4;;V¢s"eA¢as% the 1Cht1‘rch adoringthc‘ — A H‘ 51 21;, - .' «L ..\-. A ‘m A ;t}a%ébeVto‘3.£dbr:ethc“Ho&5 :11iay=kn_‘ev;‘r thé Priefl A z \ .;~t:: 2;; :} A .‘ MR3 Wri.e*t%her*.rh&:i1*aLiice bf’ ‘Po (5% AHésfélléwaxghwfiéah_¢ix{i1=1Aééh§1b:chacAmayVflmuta ?Afe1€éMfawaaéiéeA%gtl:§“§;?‘ie7%1%ret~;_»%1se@1i1¢m,<’tb:¥charigzo A L v V: 4tAgameA,!Aifw:'%i@hiiiV&~~4a&ewié Et1r§hari{$B§¢’d V frefernxcd fome Hofls, [Forhg n1i§§_xWc',v21n«g;iAitis,;1gt c;~edi_ gbléfgbiw ?tét$‘£é£ifid3I§’if*eHfJ6k%fi?ifif€o’4fé p?i’c:5Esa‘%:fiq;;c ‘ Wm W: Ay:4Ac4:géxfiéi@:Ea:“.i%fi:é?é Téfiaé %%*(3%Iir§:I%~at4¢qne ?“t.Ij*e A fiAew£'§ f“¢¢:i‘eIIé~¥ .1 5 1 V K. :1‘ ..-, u._ gm‘. -it - mar ». ;‘ . .‘ « *1" M’ .?.m:: §.i."..‘h"m:~>»::A 12*} hm:-;n'k .~m:;£EiA£%;:.Hf {w’€*¥1i'¢§%ifi % % % A A fi%'a4ini£Ij}=é%Pi5:¢,* ‘{fth_ey am-;s ham-. '1aid.A§1;:h4efam%¢ 4 A AA —&héA3G%‘é?.’f?%‘% the’V?;9pcafé;, mid thpr A ’Cr0Wn¢:&9-N0WifthAi:5AC1;0fl?'= f lsfimx A ~3*zqe%*2 E5 W: ’ ~i:~.‘:;3f% Mix 51;, s=%:“f1"‘i:;;:» mvJ_r£'E _ % ” 7m ;';'7;,vz~.:;~;7.."_'.3'~“ 9 . A A A A % ”Cf°fi3f:A:aI?AdD¢tfuF- A f¢*x%§;mgvzzi»§I»érVth§=i¥o‘rmses ism ghc Cro1I.‘e inane place, v84A;ai?fi§~’e_fiir ”FdfrFhe+hadbcencA am ci-. A g. u‘) A A .,.. ' Wfifiefé‘ é§fi5?fi*¢‘;”c‘s1<‘¢z1‘ ggiaéa 1}—tlAic*A£z;=:r&¥éiei'a‘:*a" W é‘, “‘ fl ‘Htx*c*f£*- rm. ‘...m.u.-.4-an w. A A 1' _ K A _ % re;maon%';%:?vnIe£f¢A'cHe¢Prig&; { A have iii’iiritentstoA{confecmte thq pebplc ~ths¢t5ig;?A . . A i»é‘"%44’ri4**ajfvp+ 6 V R)@f?3€3V%*5Y A¥ii‘é7%@”<5U-ntcfifiéf ?3'é#§?»¢m'e,oL1ght4 V any; w wt " ‘» films};W9¢A:demaAnd'rhcr%‘Fbr¢V 4 i *W"e;‘c” 4315:» CruCifi%cd fhie %%;saeaain~thesepa11;AA 4 {Ia-?a2a:I”g‘é‘;’th;is aiptér-ain£I+‘-.t*[:’isV”v%e§1?e¢‘Fc$rA % »«« ah % -HM - A El‘: A wawmmmxuvumacw-w-~:w«:w»;24W*W5”""’” " "' 4 A A jiljnokgzxm ‘T "prop:bmdcd’te 4% * %A1?1mken ’Td3@@£hQ3?’Ad‘«e7P§}pY°.",i§h§:?c A oppofé our _ 4. . 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A %tixm’;‘Eiib7a4m'f;‘iw~A* "" 1jrzI[La.meat@:;b"éE+xzs£££'e;n thnn::I§fM;hr:A§§, :ag;~;c;lVAx:;2;w§:V1s,eyA3lstxA;r} fy£vA“,-v;nru‘55r;.,{I';rQ§;g§ % ‘A fit5fi"Ofl‘g.fI‘:5£ffi§iCf1<fi3'f25f11.CL ]fi.fi:pera,am{me:.§ b':.g1aenJ4eft'pro“AA 1 7 4fl'ereute:,'oypofi.§ . w « t-um‘Amfiga4m~-- ‘ ‘ W A V’ *2“ mbwthkfitllefmafiilimifibfif £1516‘ ”""“’.“"‘”f’l‘ " L A fimt @' gmmter . 1 lfcgz be?d»amailnAabI;§'§;.;Amas$wdimn g.m;;,,,,, ,.,,-x,-z;,% w _ " mrmA.£Pg:A4mA;~ A A 1 to ., , .-..,m-.m-r my , =~n-.~ '1” 5Fh%is%i§»%to2bé ’ M . éBbb‘kefb§:Ro-"- mancrlndula s ‘A -gc1=i%tcs5*Pringr"' % £5 " Az>ie:ra,a;.x;¢u:i;‘% 3 c4nb:ln7p:t5m4~;4~i ‘B1 ~‘ }elm4r$4,e§**otto:L N - ‘A . ‘, ‘ h ‘ :4 ‘g ‘A “ 4 . %fi:%enc‘“ imhc ; - aainmwyufa by " ‘ “ Gx'uIio,.a§cA;a1to' ‘ _ % ficllld C773‘-hf: rdi ‘ Duigim}-ua**;de1I4:4 tr ‘vié I ndtflgéigtid 1. ‘ A dim’ millmunni % A ; egg-A tapAte.;q»¢»%:% _ A ’+f?3?"’V'f'~’“ tie“? 'V§é?hcrf7b A % far ;v~§[§?~ 4; And“ A , [ confideriTngthat% A W A afufficzienti’ Do V ‘.4 *1 ‘Er’... -M..\\ w .v- .,'._ y \‘.Aw- ‘ Wm I s:7‘M*{Whcrefdre~«t;h conafiderin % :33 ,3,‘ ‘.«.7(i»~?“ 111 _f k%%:%:;::«:e»»;;f;=aragmz;a.,m Demm£r;:%V A éhac?[3#bu1a:‘%Aiby;ievMgh:r A 'bari‘;1.,th¢mfelt1esfagain C 1 gthat at allgtimcs « . I ; 6&1"; Aéimn "1"}”Iiif1fi1;§*;°én*C‘éS*-fc3%%{'pa»rc. I ~ V ~ A A A % . - 4 butgtcnnetlwoufandvyecrcsjof‘ A A A W %tn:,13”«u.nd§=cdVsthoufaind, What fhaI1 étéixjxiéifif—*¢l1é>F6q1*éf§b:r¢”an itcn1a:‘”e: th‘o;ufand~t:h at re.-;. i~rhEaifi‘;eA~?"' Fdr;%tl11'iS‘ ‘Edtifc ”the£ré fare at 37‘ *éRo1ncsfom"c ;Ch:ur-I . Ifa may needing ?P5af¢i0113* Eptirfih a Vdon fo §*'ée17cs;:bfi_Eard;o1f)§«;p1}ér-& lAfif£Ya*e fihdfbfi “ ér %frea1i%1onenQth3x ? }¢s:“ahdA fQr‘thc pun them hyhis Indul vpfts ;5-”fi1fl"crin ca ‘-v": ~ ‘~w;r _t_toA pay As: dept a1read4 “ ‘ fihe ””P‘o'pe4aIfo1in:~«.fhé T ,-y.And. p?aiife‘s an d?labours;oF:Nm/q \Avpon %whatVeor~1fid »- " Mr-n ‘.wn7a-1-mm..;;« ,. M. ~w_.-—- an--uamq‘.w..u,. «. ~ All-"1:,,':4-:y-WIfiuflur,;.\.‘.“ A A A A ‘people f1I~‘.61To for.Ward.in;going4 W:‘£z‘Zé7a~3§u:rz:hafc thcrgrcat,Pardox3s,? ‘ 9‘ WM-F‘. fhe ;hoI-y;Vn]ion , ;, mid ; 4%ff-tlieirAP17i1it:‘e, ytechca ca:ho.;~ I ;hey=n1ay obtaindfullpaxfi ci1L¢$§f}x?h~erc g—{13jan¥:may in on ex day purchalé Full--p.ar-A-« ralllfinné , and eightccne or twentic-thoufand‘ % V Ins: v”v‘h”~at5‘;fl1allBcconic5O‘fithi$A 4ifl‘nrflttIa*’g£nccs*§vbcfidemhc c‘Pope»pa4rdon4%the4 aineéf fu-E; ' {Lift finncs,and% gviuc Indulgenccsdfpxrotzi _ % 359 M73oue;%a1l the ”1fcf’t ,fith the Pope :vauntcth him--A fe1fe"toYhaiJe~in~thc Trcsefu’ric ofthe Church all théfufl ' f fé‘1*ifij” s3; :tfid;fijpé§rg;abot1nda‘11t lgbéurs of! the )Saints,% k 1On..?'7 ; % ’fyrSiWhiCh?‘hl¢£»c6nucrtcthinto. pay--9 % iflimcpt dugtdlhothcrsg difihtibuting %ge§1§e}s%V;A Wee demand; A. Who laid gg9%%”iA:€:«th%~?'.Saintsmthe Ropes ;T13¢.;’sif‘u- an E31136“tvyifllrecciuetImem.inepaymcnt ' _-vvhercforc receive other, payments, A he d eathvof3Chri"& Iefus th slefus Chrifi. isxalpayxncnl; gi.uet*:;:to any ma11;p@e- ie fuflyacguittcd 6;. :H~if11 " rc7afuric%Vy;_0f-4:.the;:.%Chu‘rcéh F, ;AthAc _ ,i ;0FA£vmlMr7§,: offtzjcafi, % difedvthoufgnd» Ayecres of. V eration did not «théf A % » C AP~1A%1fefl6°s?nd(@1*»,th¢ Law;di£tribu;c.thcnmto;thc&ithfu1lA sin,‘ .wvm..~.,.‘..‘.H my ,,....H, .. . ‘ l ‘ ;w1:e:h*eg ~ I 7; 4:llw1mh¢: £116 .4 p"'v $1-I("""""‘ prapa;in.dz=al.%o't‘/3 ze‘llIafa,g§?te75 of.tf.wC’é‘i2xt. gter Iefiié Cl;11*{{’c‘1i‘cuer diflribijtecllany Indulgences to rtha dead :9-2 llN§itl1@rl;@$?le’m§~:d w3i3Y‘liv1%’<é.3Z#’.~, I Na- A it 133$el£l‘abllli1!11l¢d§égL:y pl§»iuileégcdv;llfilltaras .7 »wh¢rwpoaa §vsé§li"t;foeL1lc-if clérillpt;c;1cLrr¢:&thellfaxingf cgttéizaé MlalF¢si;' 7 A fllall fetcljfilolncfoule wlnigqlzfo _QLI€:‘j'_ he will ¢Qut;QFPura jgatorilé. l:N¢itl1§:lr:lgrar;t¢d «;BL1fl,lS“:tQfi'qefalny fcjmles gl mat of I::‘l.']rg§:'§:Q;l~;l:;l?c: I%¢mifii:>n. cf lfifixxésltb si'”ccrtai:1c‘placc, wlifére the Pardons “g;pc;~jla;i;ql;g* 7 "mllx see N£3ti1.cl* gaamut ha11qlwcd.— %1'?¥lll¢3a -l"GM:'B‘ figm , _, ‘a hi§hé;fi¥:?l?8x'eell 95 G6ld:lgau¢‘ié"him 2 IFl1l3Vl‘1aL1eAl't not, dotflhe gttria ~l bm't:'fi;l IL: tolllainlfclfc, gs.l:1zggwac;g#g.thc”3t1%1‘irdllnhis‘ Bull l A ;li5e5§2za§é1tt§é;,-4 whliély lisllgnltlgean dtzofi s1;el.Comz£e1IloF Zia;-. 4 ‘term Q", wEén=;‘1:¢e promifcthlanl a.ulg111e11tlatio11 or en-ll cVt§:afi:%QF glqry Vito: thQf.:sth¢at )7s{il1“llgO€¢l C9 fhéhfilji Warm: ; A A bL1tlto$l’I'Liich asllwiljl 11Mot.gocjn" pelrfogn , bL1tl.sI'e1:1dllfa111aln }at.thei1? {awne chfigge , A hecgi_u_;eth. them no more but %{Ren:imcn“' bf alll17tlgeirfim3es.fl As lzikewlfc the lafl ,CounceIl of'L::zt&;rnzrz ,d%in£héW"ni1:1tl1 and tench,Sef{ilons, A alttlributethltobep tl1é£e13c11lla t1hLatl1,e:halthV%alI power in J W .se¢z.7,c»p.a. l h“c”2iulcz1 and in eairth ‘:‘ MaAs«a_lfoldo,th»%1éh¢Bplokcjoffacxed ; éli:‘.fh“i*§lday% lafayl Artlcles%,o5f3 llfaitb _:‘I F; M they lcan, A A A wl;er;c;i$, tlg,§::2}pthg;j1t;c tl1a'tGod~ghath giluen them? If T they cann_ot,, whgretore d%idwLHeq;th%cl;tcnthlinlthe Bull l A “’.7E? 1D LAIKVW: l l u-—. llliiifert » 3?lL:Wl1y»1§al<:fith;<:lz? £9115 -Chrilvl , not hésf j A l A Apofllesy 11C:l.tl1CI'.~.tl}fill’-;.D*ifClples in all thcfirllrl {ages all: ':@Ezl'[e1?ii,lfig:f(§1lW lVth;“e 17/Cil1].l_fl1i0:3.1»;AQffilCl;1'lCS. Is lalliithisl new f ldénéa. beflfiliférlfhfil €>P¢3?.@1?,<:3+11?€:>i*efull;Qlflxnuetiltionsl A thétilflléllfipofliesl?llQ:;thaf newllnagrelliberalilll * - ll gl . 1‘ A * 1c“1’ope;%hatl=.;l poweritp giiqmato ifC53;T1e' l V A gllogylin h;eauc11 tl'.]CI_1_tO"iOfh€f fomei‘ V fIf‘li¢?{<:‘h"eiue‘[”tlaisVpoWer ‘Wee ldgnaapd where 3 or when Po lewd Qfilzichl of Rome can In retrillzztiorze . j liufwzfowmlflzlutcii _ 4 aterala polliceu VA mat axfigmeumm. l Cerl§lI#§lefl"7ilon ', “ _ cg} in mam Ec. €l&fié8¢t£tTa}1£ M, % _/zlatuiere articwg l lo.sfidei.,- % I. "'\|' L; fl"v"\':.'.:...-.4 .w.‘;..‘.. ‘ 1 ‘n N am, 5'Q. IV Sefl-4 5 5- % §¢.~~1aa the ‘A ;GloAfi2: of7:fi‘e % % A7Clcmentin~. A Cxgm inter Dam ‘minm.%Demym. fler,e’9~:. V 1 . Baokc of fa»- ; cred Cercmyo-« *niés.SeE?-.7;m:..6 ’ Councc1I of» Larcran: Scgf 1, _ t % to. % _’ AA “ A‘s.-;1atcly 3- ‘gamft the Ve- %mon~wcaItha;AA.%% y “ _ ,;~.T/9ra¢f€.q:?‘¢ 4mifb;&re%"jDemm¢5£r; ” évifléfil “€?’31§S2¥iii_%A- -nician Com» % ‘ Y__‘.__M’. 'ftzit/9?‘ \ ma y paintifingelsf,A«becgt1fe4ehey&be% ééjtpV§jr‘2gI‘lf A: th am; 5 of‘»a_H rm-afi%e4s *I:maiges:.r V3‘ ” A A Adm-131?: $11g%..PUp€ Hbhvriw 5bFHeVféfi%“eA, afid‘ c?fCc1§1'J11‘CeII A are n A Wdf 101‘ ill 'enf'o‘rmed« : onely wefd?e111andAA Wl1etiiAérth£y;- tca¢h at%t.his day; A 4 ?‘* %111ade vV1".ztc)mGd.~%- TAO iVper1+m?t*1n3Aarriages with'if1%%tl%1c:_’ ; gjegraésgpmoigifiitgfi 9f‘:GAt‘yd>'; étsA¢$F*ihcr' fiifl‘ ‘With e3“;feémadj=écgr‘ce.~f>j7S?”‘N ” raAnk e oFS‘a%im:s¢,% appiointin g rlw.-m irhéir Fefaf¥$, 855; th at dyeqihc-13 cffété»: , %AdIL1ri5t%1ig.%.theii‘ T:“'lé;cc)1’nn11.j ~% of th wozrdé Aifpdfieigjito~Saii4fit.;P'érér,}A AIrto;co % “ ofth6;twee£l1ou1edwe~;n10fieee1nIflilm-;. ~~W . praparmafed toétke Iefixitexe of tloeedgun“. ’ Whether tthe fame bteeahhhfipokelg §tO"t'l:1G.::3;P€OLpc?:';7 .. '\ ~ f‘ A 46 Feor ehow A rmlclz» Aware: «E;11€»§Z<3?J’¥€i¢S‘*5*:t11‘3 : Car- - dinals boughtin=;thc.eIe&ion of.a_n_cW Pope , in the 5 fimages after Iefus Clnfifli Alfo whethera Prince that hath {Pf-‘fit hhthreiaor fqurce eheuz1.dre.d thoufgnd ;Cr"dxxI:iecaIl“lehtteré: cighé efeene groates. MAnd a;VPirie&«that;haed~cut;QflC£hi8 QWIG 4 ‘r priF1i¢i¢3:f€3¥1:€11€3§fl§~ gnehfifes =.,, xhhemay;a£1 in g Duccaes eoffhe Charhber; ’‘ And A the difpenfatioenshfer A Wtheeneeercfi d%eg1jee%s §in;h&r;:1arIfi;gge a;1i;ee;71_otx;:gi‘iam5fir3l:l, but to A p, epic of calling a eand::eare aafi.ahi1iei€%* as::rhc % 1‘ A M L48 "Whether is the greater eofffence in mmit w13qr%eg:1.;n,1*;e fi3CI?€~t-1):7§a;_Ud which .:.~ . 49 “ 011 Wh deth eathe Brie mlnpareegxea. % tel‘: pcnanceahepone, th;¢‘b13fP.h:6merofGodse01‘ W011 L .himA‘.th%t'mifCa11€thvf13€*%B0p€2‘ hVp0nee.theeAduIetere.r, .01‘ A; xr%,p%c;‘:gL*;; rtiagat eateth Vp@v11;G:fGod= butetrdl ; V .patTes con1n-fitted V‘ ‘againft {the Papall ~Sea,:~, as:ehin.;c:1e:~» tinge ;fi:ch as gg?¢egto»R0tneeeefo;.r;e ;P;ai@.leQx1s‘=:;i3,or imrggxon : A .e he .e ‘ h h into 51 &Ifl htluéitallhfithis COI'.,l';Hpti«Qn;randthfiffg-_;I?fleECé§l5ari§3’:fUfi‘X'fi'*l “ A 1' 2~orem,Q’g mmt ' acammatrem car; hvmzliter ccgnamig, . gro/]F%y.Sed In‘: jtantzam pro yak.-5; 1% iléfimtis fir Im- ~i#fm0,digr¢tr'e e 7 ;nan‘conceduz:tx5qr R »p.4wpe;gbm. he A eyiflvllfiltatiafzréeede : gain-mtrem, _/6. ,... L '1 % 2 5:2»; V % S:c.C'e2=cm1ib...A x. Se€t.z.cap.g. D§c!'tm' Ad 131.4?- , am-re;z91z,/2>a75'7n ga:ce.%S:er.:arz: 2;: 7 appeilazazr, ,-__ And {some af- tar, Ssm: sfzxas A firm T’o:v-p-:’;_y;*e. I ” ticaaprrfczrzitce :57 ‘ igi ;’éc'£1:#£‘ 29922237: gm t<7}:A all !3’eAhAéAfi*A<‘:*é 3 ‘-A§=re“frW-n’a£tférs .pj§lH‘ ” the: A B’ij{}1?'c$j;i§ §4‘§Aéan5Pr, A A A A52 AWl1erA:3-A*?rén:aiinaégi~«4the ferries offhé Fathers ‘(if I ; A the ‘old; Teih¥17i3A<‘:1‘3t. éf*i?Ad§i:t? « ANChiri_fls§ R*efurrec'%i0n;AV;11AtilIA V’ A * . ~ A ‘I?77racfc=9fe:dfidfa;:?e'D6'mzz:r’m’.s* Id‘ ” ‘ W.» "MV“‘V axqfil r¢~";=‘~Fr.'-:i"L1%<‘:’;"<;1f~A‘1AzA()1‘S «:_I4£o*IA‘iVr7xc§Ai_1j7&§.§{ :H;ath the 7 p ag- th«s)_ri.tAie A:.1+g%c;»AAwi gc4mA*a¢f1_Athe°%vpp¢%;* ~h‘:~md of the AI.avv*0f' 2 A~»g; .o%*W}iercof7i‘g1fe$2V«tihe ‘C**L1R?o%111e%pr:zé'%iféd éLV2,e‘An A rdstms %»4.t;iJ*~é’-?‘-=~=A»~ ?.d=*Y‘Ab’r”AtP3"3APOWAC€>4r¢i%5‘a% 1.-ion %,:*s £13)? ’iA‘h?a;ké’%% hA%i%:%11*~f*§tf«é €'4J*aAt1ja* «hollow *Gha‘ire Vfcallred haA§1d;g3'g.?‘Ai3i4s51"I1=ib1%inC1Te«pziuities Vpfozjthat A dag: ¢ 4 '9 *5 In L :3W1ieAth?§r' Pidpé 7c‘z57§=éi“%«-*%s%IAI?5i%z‘1A f ffablwi iwng%Ai*}ic p‘aIfr;c;sog::eV1'1IyrIa"fi3«3aéi2§'i~t-I%1y*V.;¢1lA1 1 A!-3z‘!:3;ertipé%,.; ma n0A~%%iu*flAL’aU§—‘ thoritiemo cre;:ztc;€‘ardi;1a1s;%%% A " AA A % 30¢! t:he.«%»C3h.2iAiA‘feA%%»Of Eafi§n1é11t§"~7aiIdi vA\"*he%1*1AV ceé117ed%&t‘Iije Cu-4 A R0111: of ’p'1‘I§51YClkE7‘l‘3tEiifiégé'~a7i§.lR‘6ifii§§AAA:Wk ézieéinta tl1eAP1i‘é1;u~..es~re- A Full BA fr 1' F hé ~i>vE“reAAi3byt £55, t»%1‘en“thtfi’x: fL1ct:géfl~?fb1if xnufl A A A A A Aof 7POp鑧=~57r4 i¢chofm; by:Q3ard‘1n;::3sAAcre»ai‘¥;d’by the-=I%'pe= Atha“rE ‘We11jt”7i 3:74 *SifhTI1‘3fiIS-Achfi&£}_5€$lki,Ij fifths ti1a3*eA'¢hAa1€I}iaII k m r A prapmzdad to tide AIcfi¢it'::;qft/Ba Cfowm jigoe:--bcfom thé;I:Lrdge1n;2r’1t,faitI1¢t11éE*th}én‘thére fl1afi,.4 ; be no Fauth vpon earth»: WEE",;‘dc3n}:aI1d$,:Vvl]ethPcf‘ tjgen ;'j1:AI1<,‘=fAw(3hAL!rCwi‘1 of ROfifil§‘,fl1f1.[[-,?béV"~»“pL1re in {he Faith, and T ?1af%lAAL1AAoAAt%%AAe;*re in any pm.r1,tA.7,:vbut‘,flm11‘Ayee1d. Aa Avfiibleg Y ‘L g A ‘ ‘T1§g§t:11d;“1ithA't11fa%*Ropfe;x1*f2}.y,% wrhetluer by I-urifdiy éhon (“as Aziome%d‘oe"1mld)\or% A%A1:1;1 znizmner of fu~fi"ra.ge, AA fetch foules on 1: ‘of P urgatorie : Why d*o.th‘he not Fetch E I~ing:eAr__ manyrhundrAccl.§cec1:es in a..burxIiAng fire—,«A;th0L1gl1 he be abIcto.pu1lthem out? A ' A G0d*V%thatthe*Bifi1oApmay abfolue fn1zc%c.crtaiin.e¢finn es; Vbegaxme. A % them all oL1tvE'*whé:rcFo1i-e dath Aheel ‘pam1s%§~,*I~xnfants no. A ’ WhetIiAe”rr*AAi{‘:7 be; 'tx:S AFoAt1nd' in athe ;%V.";7o1V*d j V A WhichAAthe Pricfléaxunot abfoluc :‘ and Wh{eth,<~:-“r there% A A ibeany f'i11nes.v%vhtch the P0p<=_:;onely n1ayrabfc>Itz’cgg% and ; are t:carr.1:1e.dL Citgflas xcfimeal : aIfa..w1ne11:rhi%s an R ome car1'11c5't‘.producc.%anytcPcimcmic~:0ut oft%he'l1o}yASé:Eip~ ture. Fomn as much asthey 1‘£1y".thE3;ti‘.tiiSl’hC Oh;urch: that giueth a13rhoritie‘to the %Scripture,it appeareth, A thatérhis~Churc:hA ca11not%b%cfoL111de%d vp§)n*;tl1e:%S“mip-4 % A t 'ureA5 2md;A tlmtf the Scriipturc-cmtmot *c~onFerAre any:,aL1--~ A Athoritie % vn.t‘c>4 AXitA;‘447 The 'lEC).L1nafi§011 an d fi:Ippo‘rt;ofAaA- ; houfecgmndm b’eAf“oL1n_jdcd "vpbnr’t_heAhoufe;: A ’ ;: v 579L- ~;:~“W<-re srlfo dE1nsiund,‘§vp*onWhat'aLith0riti‘eA%tI1e ‘ Ghmrch of'Ron1e is founded}:aandzs“h@w;A:We::n1ay%ba aflbred %tiI1at_there is one Gliutrch.L?in:thZe4*wor1dA,%,§and } th7ati1:h€ fRbi7ne‘fAAiéAis'?>truc f63*I1fif¢l1;%AFo;tA i A th;c:proof'c'11er'eof4tAhitADoé‘wj:sA% :oE tAhc Romizfln Qh;v;3:mc:;l1; j I.‘ ‘ 60. AWh*ethAcr.Aiir H“-cmdeth wi: hi;:th<:Iaivolrinc{Tc:bf7Al1Aiin..A4% thattea1in1éth*11in1félAfia*"tlYeAA;W:c:’arVof7F«r:fus~ ;C1€§‘i*i£$-gto (L1?-; % fer:tl*:1A,Aé Iieyves a1tAR‘omefizvhich=AAb1el%e‘éEme:%tl1at Iefus C iumfifla A was a;~;fedu:c7er?armd deCci,uér.,3and~'thsére*to permit élicm A A ‘theV~-fi*e‘aAAexercife‘*of7AAuhei¢r VRé1igion%g and TyAet“t0%cmi- A $3‘.-‘3I1‘!1'l~’s’. to the fire thbfi: thatofl;Iél ‘Saintll Pni1l"1WltH'élT€thg'?that Mr _‘[:él!z:¢-J'_;c‘am A Amt £4-1‘;biflIQ€.flga0d:t}JOMg!5t5:’ l’an~dll"th“artAAlitAAAz;~l Gad" .-that workgtlx wit‘/gin «art, fiat?) ‘it;/aeAA1wZ/A;mdl~z£wdeede at My , l~ V goawaiple/afm<';c,2l Car.3'.PkiL2'.J;3l. I ‘ Z I " .:A ;Tlar.e..e_fcare lamdfiwe Demm:2I:,@A~cf. ‘J tie Sacrifi;ce’Abuthils deAath~l.m ' A A ¢ ‘ .A ' 61 Alfo,~fith in the; Church OFR on1‘cthcrearc ma-iv my rellqucs euidc-:ntly~*falfe andA,rrd1lc.ulous : As at Saint: 5 10/979 ‘Ldtemfl in lRome,:the Fore-slcinne of Iefus Chrift” ‘ M A; At ”ACaz4rtA—C/aim:rI¢ie?nc_r'c‘BZQI; 3thél”lA‘b:1f5e£l‘th;0Fq[lep£(. aAt l ‘ jflmrgaxin Spaizzell, .-the A;hayn:c;;anAclf*lAn;1yillcsof Wwoddch A.Crucifixc,8éc;?.Wce den:1and'Whatt11arlge~they cainlgiue 3” Vvs, Whcrébyfto difcernie the true fmm :lrhcAlf‘alfe,:l‘Aand:l l % Whatl1noAL1cdt_hefe.our; Mailers thus tlc>labuf€tl1epooreAl P"-‘0P1°' .makc their vaunts to doe more than God comman.AA deth : lconfidcrA1ngA ,that G O D will be feruedlwich all ourllheart, and all our fircngth isthereany ma_nA1;lmt_i firengthfiw V _ l A % ll AAAA M; V -63; lAga1nc,ip aszmuch ‘as *th<§i‘ P§opeApern1icteth'no lmanto; preach, w1thout.lnsLvocat1‘ofnA fiom 'him,~gyth;gr A Agiuc A 5ag*Ire_e with afl n mm A . A M ,. H” ~—-. ‘ MA V\>-‘W/1‘ ""1.““"'“V t ' A ‘ \‘ A A A A ‘ ( . f, 7 A " ‘ I J. ' Ii‘ ‘ - ~ ‘ ‘ 1 W « ‘ s: -~- , ,. , -« r-. * A 'A _ - A , X’ _ ‘ ‘ . -. V “ ‘ - , . , M A V A- ‘ : V A m . 3 - A v- ,., . Cu »» A J , a-0,‘ hm A: ‘ ., » .. . ‘ ' - ‘ L‘ ,3. ‘A AA V . a II’ ‘ ,' ‘ . s . _‘ 4 ‘AA’ ,A _‘ 9,; ‘ V M ‘ , J - L A : ‘ ‘ n ., " I : .,_-E 4 to%a%1IVPapi[ts~¢,in {om-e andcwcrme % *:msaame;APro~&efiant,i£»Im?m‘fliewhim -a.A13*yia»13prm1ed,AFa=~E%. “ ‘FréLiwh?étfm;cucér;Laxhmé;Ltcai1 “ %%_V A4 ; g V I :?%aug1it;~rhafiigwasxinlsuwfulk to:tranfllac@Athjc:m..: y.ccresvaftex:Cl1Ari[f;$ which A % A ltcffificth; th*at;any JL%atineAtraAnfla;tian %iM,s:.m be; prcfevrre ¢ 1bc£b%re,:or equalled with the Hébrcwamd th%i¢%Greeke,IA; yseeldA£oA;Ropenia.:LI-Eontlmcontrary,luewiilpwowmife to» ~ A xtlae;-.&oa%;Ciie*d” Fa.- there, orh]Coun ce1s,that ‘in hbefi ages of the Church A it.wvg:a§.«.thQL1ght..prOfi tahle :a":i1ti:yycQ11;113~en d;4.bIe9 tp gu..ze_ y:I::e?sc:iApyg1:r~e foy=trar~iflat?éed,gAAh * ~, 4“ Couéfiéellgwithin Iooo.yeei'es afEef’Cl1ri=fl,hWhiCh A the contrary he will promjfi toipb eeeme AP%,¢hhtef¥a11t,if"I : WAC‘-':!.1'l’fl1éW' hiiii.outyhAoAfapprdiiéhd hFathers*TC5r Councelsa i that in the befi ages of the Church they might 1awful- ‘ ly haue read them. A V A - . -A 1.5 . :yI=Fany Papifi can -Afhewgmeé ia11y;.apprd”IZaepIee7I%E§atl*ieri %or'Co11n‘ce11*, AWithiIi';i‘6fhC> 9...:y‘ae1:es'Zsif;ter<.CI].flfi$.§h=.jm&?l1iChy teachyyethgfhat hcomrr1on‘prézyers oughteto he made in a} f j I9;:;1gL1Aagehy1*: kn owne to the conlnueon peop1e,I yeeld to Pop ery:Ifon the contrary, he willy-Mb ecAome Prc:)teflhafxt,»yy -: ifl can fhew him by approued fathemoryi counCeels,ethat:e A . common .praier:{hou1d bemade in’ a knyownelanguage. { 1 ‘I 6 If any Pepi-{E can thew? mee any approued Father a J Saint /Jugaflim onely )‘ which -t‘€2l.ChEth5 that there are A but three coynzmandenlents inethe Eoimer Tab1e,feau.en;y _ in the Iatterfl Ayeeledhto Poperie :AAgI£'_Oh.1]y1"they. contrary he : A wihll promife toybecomepmteaam, ‘ifIhcari%flzew.?him by ‘Fathers. JorCounce1s, that there are foure Com. A maf1d.ements in theform er I'abIe,and {bee in the latter. Q 7 If any Papifi canyflxeew rnee any approved Father: pery:.1’f5l0ny.the contrary hee will pronaifeegto become . LProte“f’ce.ntg if Iycan ih-Cwhimeap mucdy Fathygrgyygmy 4 1 A A 4. Couneyelsy=ewhich;thought1t_ Vmlaw yu>1l.ropihé‘turehim. 4; Ifa11y_I?apifi can lheys? me an-yA Faeh ehrhefyhe tit vnlawfull for the people of God tgreéde the .Sc%,riAp-A eh sturels hhihytheir Mother tongu_e,I‘,yeeldt'b' P:”c)p"ery Him h y or Counce1l,within I coo; yeeres after Chrifh; (ezmeptsr e A A or Councell, Witfhin: exooio. yeeres af"terChrifl:, that-"it ~ A L A A A1 waslawfull to piéture God yy_theFather,eI :yee1_cl; to yP<:>-‘e ‘" K41. my .._, . ] fi1d?uI%dAhnAi>Ath"bAéAgiucrr-to'in1ageAs.AAA ; '1 ‘ _ W9 Ifany Papifl can fl1ewAmeeAany approued Father V , or Councellg within .1 (>00 .Ay.cieres after‘ Chri ff; vvhich I [peaking .oF.Sacran1cAnts,named;[eaAqen on elygand nA_ey«A-A A théf me nAorhFcwér,I yeeld to Popery: if onthc con-A4 h itrary,-A-hnecwwillhptomhi,G:A=Ato bece111eh,Prot€Pc.anAt,iF I can flxewfhihnlhan apprpucd F athcr or Coun£*e1I,witAhin that A A *time,whon:§1mes Anomoe but tA:wo,to wit, [Baptifmc and" A the'LordsSupper. M V on the"cb1Amfary he prom ife.to become PrpAteI}anht, A A hauing e_a«teri befbre .,of the Brhéach; A AA ff- “ A AA h-A‘.l~:A2A“ any~;;Papi& can fl1eW‘n1eAany approued Father, h A ..o""1:A CoMLin¢éhIi’withi11hhJoop. yeeres Aaf‘ter*ChriPc, which h forbadflbmnuuhnhicants to Axjec esiue with their hands the acran1.cntAof th¢;LoArdAs Sppcrfl yeeldto Popherie :~iIf 1 5 ohnAAthé7cbntrAéry’ he v§?i_jfl;prQn1ifeAto.becomePrateflant, A ............. " V. Ito I;a,ny Pgpifi cAanAflu-:vz.mcAanhy aphprouedfiathcx: A o1jL_(3d;upgelI,AVvi1:hin;:ppb.hy¢AeresA afterj:Ghrift,vvhich; A At¢acfh€thAfhatwon1cn may bapt1fe,I y¢eld to h~Poperic,iAf' h if .1 can Ffhéw him A an appAAroAuAeI yeeld to ‘Popery :31? on the Contraryhhee A will promifc to bccoIne‘?Proteffa1)t;iFI can fhew him A A an approued*hFather orACounceH, ‘Within-hthaAt timeg . A :vsA?hich;hhclAd it .facriledg.eA _not-4‘-to Ah drinkc rof the Cuppc, A A ,‘ M A ,8 Ifany I’épAi£t%A;£:aAn Afl1¢Wms:¢ any approued I?athhhe1f;h L orCdun&:eII «l_,vv5ithiAq.Io;po.‘yAeeres af'rerAChpiPc,AWAhich Q A A taught thgt ldzfriéz mightbe giucn toAAImages,hIhyee“ld‘ to A A Poperyztflhon the ,A¢onAtrary hcA'wi11A promife to become Prhoteflant, if.v}I%.Acg;nA ;fl1hew.AhAiq1AA an approu Aed Fatherorh A Cduncell, 5wit1iig.~.that;timc5 Awhich taught,é:tl1ath.l4fridhAA A A - 3.1 st: .-y ,’A s em -AF‘ ""1 \. ,.4_,w,,_,,_,,,, L 1 , ‘ ‘, .,».,,w, »ura»m;uwu~., an». 21+-i€if‘ha11_dS. 7% A A ¢h . 1?3"*I%F:any Papifican {hewme any ~ap%p roued Father; . (or Cc~uucel1,%w’i.th’1n4 db O;Ayeérés%mafte4r~%?C73hTrifig ‘Which fi1~":AI4r3ai1 mew %,;i?1iim ‘outof'appArouféaifiarkivétsf C‘oiu’n_.¢ ; * cselsgthatixvithinithat~-t1mAe,it*w?rs vfuafly dclzuereéintq ; to % Popeziyg I ‘F on the Cot51tr2‘lfy,}~hee:\5s*iII?prO1‘r1ifeto 56-2- A 0r:%cduncell,which {peaking hereoficals 1 t%p.¢memAdémini,A ihA.is Lo;rd.;, T ,“ . 14. a» I ]°ZtpAifl can mew "2ipp:rou‘ed Féithér %pirc5L1cd%%F'atI:1.ers/ 91" Councé1s,’W%ithi~n that 'tin1T<'2’5'¢%'LIw'}‘Jc"it 4__ 1 5 If"any~APapifi can mewm any ay}:$p;~ou‘*ed'f%Fa%;theMr ‘ er €;*o’1’Ihce“l*I.5~Wi'thih 1 odd; jree?1*e?s *aFter“Cl‘n}ifl§*Wh A A téxugilitg t1A§a:5%%a}r11a%ri11*1ay dihje of la Fa'f}in_g‘day, I yeelwdv ‘ to Popery :f1Fo‘ri4—tITeVc:Ac}ntrary*h»ee;wi—i1»~pr0ndifet;obe-F A @ com%Pr0tef*%tnNt§~%%if Iw%c%an»%1hexwhimw om-of 'app:<2i*¢d V A _ Fathers w(3‘r1.1;t’Vc>'f7;'é.q5?'-'-W” » Pcandersby %wererequi¢red4‘tt5 depart;*~dr.tife§}to'”d’1faW‘ AA ..n‘earc and to communicate“ A ‘*1 % A A T .~ 162% Many Pas ifi Cfi.:*ifl1éWVn1ee any é;pp:o,i1ed'FaVt‘I%1c:f A A or Co¢Lm;ceI1,»viA%thiLz1«AI cook‘: ye-eyes a‘f}_'c[f; Chpi-R, « which } tauglmthat a M iniPcer,or Priefi (as th¢y*calI him)~finnes n10regri.cL1.DL1 fly el nj1arry;then% aii7%hepI*2iy ffhé Fb‘miC*a— ¢ tor z;brQad5«i).1§if.4I1é%VI<:eepe :1 VVho*réat*f1o111e,I'%”yéeid to mucla. , ugcqns,-.-2 axis 3:; ./u A -is-;.4~n.4;a$"‘“": ‘ ‘ '- —~:<' 1 "‘ » }_j“I?1:otefl§anc,'?%:£%ca1i7 V <$rfCd11ncélI, !widaAin 5o*o;‘:Vyeéz=es afset $C%hr1’fl5 vxghich V w;1te:his&:ha;:%.:he Pbpé byih+1's;.mmma11d,AL; ca=_1‘I5¢d"‘va113 (Sr; anyéf-.t_-hdfiVrfl{f7g)um3e~~%gene;13a§Il;£3;:>unce1%S5»I;~.§rée%ld%to:Po; %‘yA 7ct5a1‘}’r;::heé‘wiI?1 fp1j1fot_nife”tQj4 ‘_t‘%L‘1“rn4c:A{‘4 1 _ - Lathcrsp E V br‘A%iCoiu3r3c.éIs;.% witlfiii1A%?%wch:at1ftime5 that the %Eh1p'erou.rS% A. called" 31:1: gj>;;fe‘: .f7oi1;r3ct1y4s.=%e%i%tueJ~ofthei.rauthpri;:ic;M : J; ‘ A? % ' 3; 2.{z.If_anyPapif¥;c:gnA2liéfgA .0‘): ?C0fiMi1’céfI§%1*"§#i‘t;hintisfoiio;A yeerés? after fCh‘ri{f,.w irvhich % writes, that: thé"Biflio2p4of Roniei was prefident in1aI“I5' thofiffdtixfe ge1aé;f,a"Ilx;.,Cl‘%Qu1icels,§:5zthr.:1; in*~hiso1wn¢ pgn. \ .7 ‘f~5’% , %%&,h;aaw2fi1;p¢mn;ramV&2:amé I14-dtae£’céri7t,i£I:.caétai" Q A bim‘:o"ucJfdf2ppxfg§u*d?d%Fa:*1mex$s;:oxEC3ou.ngcéIs wi:ihin4.than:; -tin‘ie§“f’ithht‘:othti;é~Bifl1ops'ppefidents,siAn%f0me of; f thVci{3efQn.nI['\v W, ‘ . ....;....., , ‘ w " 'I. « ' ' ‘ » », "L 1. ' H _' . -. ‘ . I‘ . ._. ‘ ‘ -«».w w. W. .... mrwv-‘-15w‘ am. a ‘ ‘ .. ._‘...v ,. .‘-..‘-W ,..,, “,,_ “:4 1