EPIC V RE FAST: A s Ho RT D is C ovksg; DISCOVER-ING THE LICENCIOVS. ncffc of the R0 M AN 1?. Church in her religiom‘FAS TS. A A fH;zmuz M‘ASO«N,. Parfon ofSt.; M V A ~ gflndrczvs Vader/72:99, A j*.Londan. Lozfiszaoszxgg» Printed by G. P. VforV1oIm Clarke, and are tolbc foldat his Shop, vndcr Sto Pqmjs .Churchi'n A A Cornfiill. 153$ A A W IV » ‘ .: V 1 ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . - ‘ . ~ -‘ wv . “ ‘ _.» t g. V ‘_ .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ >7 -“ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ RT #7 ‘ “ ‘ .< M “.,».~‘fi» P ‘, ‘ " ‘ ll] ,, Y ‘ " 1 ‘ ' “- . an I ‘- «. V ‘It... ’ ! ,, ' .‘ . ‘ ‘ . - . A ‘. 1' “ , ; .,, H J. . W ,.h M, -,4: .« ..» ,, n V . ‘ ‘ . . , ,, _ .A,~ . ‘ .‘ , W '44 . ‘*9? .9 , . m ‘ ‘ \ . W,’ I, ‘, km N .w ya, ‘ -- ' ‘ K» , . , ‘ ‘ .. . WORSE A “ H of %CCburoIa»iI3.:0xfi2rd,: ‘£1614 {ccond :. 4 ~ ‘3°mwr0¢th€ W0“??? Pr€1atcgD¥.A K: v f 6.». A A V 4‘ mV‘.late;Bj_fl;;;ap of_Lo ll no-;u,‘_. : ‘ . ’ «V Did [i1ecr¢toforé; 44.... 5,; .% Gffcrto yep;-’4.”5A¢1. 'D"HW I 4, cler Brathcr a Iiti tlc : Booke of t»hcl% % vri~ghtrvfl3nfFai%-" 55 mg M and new 7 bri"3Vm°JY°“f” '°°;..Z'.$3f‘: i“.'i.‘I.;i'...".;..'/.'a? 9 A 11!“ AA fig f Falfing. My intention inboth is the; % _{2n}_¢; ta£€!flific%toWards yougdcccafed A--/‘ can c’e:§¢La~oc‘"¢ 0&7‘: atfignfifiggéocvo Lu '- ‘ N-_ ‘ -4 ’ -‘ .4‘: , ‘U,’ ..‘u ’ ” ‘ . 1"-I \ ‘an. In" ' , " r r . . .r .1 I . .. “I ‘t. \-- 5.‘. vA_[ _;. .91‘ * -a.. v 1 . ‘ r. y ~ cw ,; In .. ’ 1 ‘ A,’ . 4: V‘ 11' 7x " >1 ‘L’ b“ \ Y 1.. *' \ .-._. . . b .. W bi: ‘ 'l“ '-I l“ V!‘ .9 M‘ % ~ W 4.‘;-pan» .¢Auj—_.L.__...__. .. A-A-» A — .___——p mPWez)gdic4t0r;g. T H Ralwawwitltfihc L°fd4:—mAY *‘m1>~T4 *@:o;d?,mrm& _ % » tvl:r&is‘,;I,5did f0rf§W0+ §cs2.L1I‘cs.} ,1" Pi 1+1’: , adm or» A go {'1 ri‘f:3:i:=¢11s,. that th ,; %bcWa:rc :off . fli§2i€’,:& qifipfy [hcwsin,%,;c1igious du;. c ms fixiéhvmfiarcmfpemiall ithat. faflg fihng bfg Ainquhfl§c”nhg~Hy%p:Vritcmfouzr "~">'----v ~"‘ --I‘ u....au~uo 0-1.... §i1.n=L'7,, %2e%Epz[% [éfD%£:z’2c;tt"ar27é; fimc, who in fofoule 3 mmdrhauc dcfilcd g~pq; d%,W01:l.».;v...A M S. Hieronymi o;2em.‘1?;m2', I689» , lam. ~Hvof'm<:iflcr.i Loci‘;a~mm:rm, ii»: 16?; P4rz_7[.I fi~AI57s+< A“% ,1?-1i£‘ron.‘LIam?;2s Smmh ;rc'z'{ej%fl;;"c::M 1'}; 78°; (flat?-j Camel. Eilapide, in Prapbttaa majamz. A'mrmi£“ I621. fipqazyamr, Le(fius,~§'c zw}%iti4'fa’~#Yaxcf‘” jflxékmkx €12; Gnlie/. LifiAd%éniP}moyli4. (Calm; 3575. A Iadaci Lorichii :T/Jeflzrmu. Friéargi. 1509.‘ M % flartéal. Mcdinx Imflruffia Cmfxfiflériardm in so,’ I/‘#2231. 161.; ‘ .% 4 A 9 ¢ AV ~ _ link. %M¢d"3§..“ THE “ Tothe Reader. ‘ N :6: Aatbarities 41/edged, 6:/id: :5: qzutingaf Itée Bvm('c:,,(3'/%r4p:er:; m;m£»m, I 29415:‘ ma/£ time: warned the leafi: Aor jugs, ojrlrere the *w‘o‘rd.c are to lvefmnal. 1 did it fir 2. cumfi-1. I. ’Tl:4t‘ml:m I jliauld /mu bcmfiw tareuim my A~utbarz'tz'e,—I miglzt « avité #5: marqflzcedtée ditefied ta Me [Jim-r. 2. Tim: ;_Ef IA/jazz/baufd /Jzppen My wrbr Mtha u%umé:r A oftbc Books, Cbapters, éc. the addition of :12: lmfé or page mtg/at éew lveljpe ta-dfmwdit. L/ifflfiéi éccawfé’ . fiI1;~1{c4dgr maywake t./ac likaéemefifi tivcfr" «flouti- lnx; zfbe c/54115‘: vpoatktfime Imprgméon that: 1 54¢: Awfe'd5~¢?A1zffia%t;g[zfif nbmmgfl’ e 'tafl‘éczfie" W521! “‘VEdit¥2m 1ff‘M’lbwed4in t*émfl’t34erall g/fut/1arx .~ WbicbV£:,.4Jf1[+- .;.,,I"3fi1'7.l’?‘: AngI'es~. F~l3rz& 't5e”aI&gi£a P2r‘r “§t‘“.;~ 1.‘. A im4‘°;;;,8(tr‘gtk;,-1585. A V " . A22;-iquitvaxes L”itm§_gim.'~»LA': Brake in Mree mm: A. in 8%‘? . %wzzbox2t;n6r: flalme 0ft‘\6i: Am/9ar,¢ Prz'mer,A. L place aryc-er?e 36:11 it wmZ1cenced£_yPelrm“LiM~v trenfi:pf;DaW49*¢I604.4 41§6i’f§rd’fitCd{ wit/.r pri- a£[;dgeAto.iBeltm..w tbc:-Daway;1?‘ri:¢Mr,bj 15¢.» ‘ ‘ 1_/1'rc/aa’r:k§:.r,I6o3. A ‘I M V A % fa. Azorjixmflrttm. part: A.Ira*a40Mm‘iws?*I*6c52~.r % ’ &“Be1larminiContromer]Ea2. in {(21, Ptrzfl 1503;. Bczyzrlin ck. 1?rw2gptudr.* Mom/. pm. 3:-. ‘ « Calarhi. £133“. I‘6I6£\ ' A A’ A V + @?!;4,r1i?§:B.9¥ta¢it1€? 0I¢W_”f“’i?é13"'.§4””*~1Wi3« 4 "‘ 4 Vt Sauioui‘, inhis Sexmoti 1c?fl”ons ren4ding;§o.;~;B¢1igion and an holy lifég, doth in-.. flrufi his Hearcrs in the right ~--ma arit::,ay>‘aJ-flwicvézaliyteasayace .-fir mm to 791/? .- I/drilj I -min gm, rb£yI94IiN»5i£ir reward flu: 1.330” ,-,m6ert :29ouf¢flaj¥,4m1ynt4%t(5yAV éedd, am’ mg/I2 téyfizce, (=51. In which words out? Laid doth two things. I . He giucth a Cmemf, to bbwa-re ofan abufi: in: fafling,fuch as the ScribcsV"and?VPh;%a~ rifcsxdid defile this holy works with 3 %sma¢ =;mlz¢: Hypmjtrx, afafid ::onmten#n:e,&?rJA‘dV{é*C<3rid*! ' he giueth vs mmfill £0 ‘take the rigiztxway ii‘: fafi-—-A A wing; But Mam, -- anqymttéy ivead, éJc.“ Acccrding to which example .of'A my Lord and.Ma£"*§:Aer, I did“; ‘ hecretafoxccqdcuoux ta; gi5+;:;:€: {me mI::§ear_:he - ‘ " H B A right . Vonth¢NIou1mam0ng.orher V :1; dixfigarc t‘/xii:-fizces, that tbey may appear: «mm M A Wvfe of Fafling. 3 W123» ye flfl (a3M féithhee, he rm 44 I5: Hype: ‘5’—”'* ‘*9 at. ca‘): "4 2. Tire .Defir2*'ptz'wz ofa Fafiflizrem éy Pojyzjb Dafiors. Cap. If ' ;A;rigAht 1% ‘A¢”é5f3»;i%i¥?%i~3fl4d.“9W*I@‘T¥ 1!3‘dbY “W fame ¢ ffi‘Xa%mP%£1j¢‘? *A”¢_V& **7”"W“+3’ ?§9£&ifm“ a*1?“f?5#“W may defi%1e%~1£%;%;AA% Add%%}F*0r,¢% *StrH-*5" and Pfiariffs 05 mm timc:}Ilm€anc4A the ~ “w6tors~V of ‘A the Church of Rome, haue by ;:hci;r'do¢7trina much mam . corrupted this holy? §E?‘.?“'~;’.;*f~5;~‘:“l9"~Cifii"_., then theScriba:*s harifies r?~%.S:m;gm:rsA 6§j‘K‘i1{@i»“cgy1*raxp%r Ai‘%,d_g*for the thefe §:lfbufcs’;=-I«;h*aue=?‘"% Awgmifiit r€E1u«ifi’é‘e we c<*::»xafia:fwe%rAV.»¢i~f% filefiz mic) point§‘V’i2§"‘t§1g;:j;I;~’a>gi»fl3 dffiéfi; me 0:? fiflinga I. How we C%n5Mé Efiflafiéavaifiwgfiriée .42 F4/2*. 2. W:’;64§1[2m\_’u{g-e.w_e ax liéjerty tlzcygziw-e «M7 tale-c;..:, 4~(iaaNi3wr£7?é*jv'% t¢:a i%é¢?”cwfl&'me W :4 {{'£r1e‘T Iiwméiggw Ciwfiglg {*2 ~ ‘ " .. '9‘ ,.,. J 2 - 3*“ I mm am Iw wd ~. 2. ,. v» E «L .1 in v‘ 9- N w‘- I a» W 2:. ,: Wg *‘ W ‘ ,, ‘ .‘ my 39» “ ‘ “ ‘ 4 ' , , v, u , ‘ - _ ,~ ‘ ~I‘.'1' .‘ y - mun QM 31- 5% .-» »i..+ at 5: mm .-flv '3 $9 v ,» ‘ .5‘. » \ ‘ -«V V ~' 1‘ " _ ‘ ‘V1.3 ‘ ' A ‘ W’. W *3 L ‘ _,‘ ‘ _ an ‘. ‘ . ‘ ‘ H r ' I ' vv ‘. . I, I H W‘ A‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ I . .u “ . Nu vI..v .%dV'"?:*.N ‘»J'‘.', ‘‘ ‘ ' ‘- ‘ P, ‘.5: « '. fiiww .: 1,, W , It .. { » A A * ‘ ' . u 3: _ - M «m m» M ‘w V‘ ‘ *3 ‘{‘* 1 '2 : «. 94 ' “ 1 ‘ ' “ - 4' M‘ "*4 ‘av ‘. " " v ‘ , « v - ~ “ m a .' "'”“'v 5"? 16‘ r = -, ,~ '5: ” "I A ‘ ~ .. ‘ I.- . ' m7‘ ‘ , flfi ., V ‘Um m- “ "K "A “ *9 ‘I .3. ‘.5 ii in‘: '_ ‘ ‘at an 'm.,.'1V 3 ‘ Wm‘ ‘HQ [55 ‘$53,. ‘fi.".- k.K;")_,‘. W ‘F .0, no Via a...: u A Hm!’ J ‘ \ M’ ‘;,..V-_;_ _ Wk‘ “'5 3 J7‘ ‘ ,mM aw fifiwr 4;": E. ‘ ‘ "“ “Ks n ,. . 3 ~ FA O \ ‘ 0%; M .9‘ w‘:‘§?7&’7V*wr“““""‘*"“’?7‘i€’ “W 3*’ * “' .‘ " '« {£1 = ‘X f " '*"||M'“EU‘<- W” 2»-‘2;;~%.. am. 23:3. :m m *4: 13} .% 15%;, ; ; “E13 27«§§W9‘".1”§f»§lV Heafirfi pin¢f~.¢9fliid€ra hI@,,i~s;»,~,, Haw 'sI¥;,‘§.3C.i‘_1Ht7C§J\QfgEi b;mé~d0t§21 d%Ae>fcrrvi%bc~~ * *~ ‘.4 i¢a;414ai§ mirgwhfirfiig»fxm*i:3rc~~é>fa; L Lwmcmdin g~tV9V#t¢hv6'ir»w §ic;é%rinr.~,v ‘d=€JCl’I Confiflu _ anfw'em~wI=mre~ whee‘1f;eu:he.dA.fmm their ,.owm3 words 4 and; m‘ u 1 it mc3is~ [icixxrzzzmzj qzm~ ea) 4z45P?*»W'v0x w~aiicin~gs.;, A9"nd fiiqm AVz2h@mcc*:,,*f®r%[‘rtrlgxis purpafe I 4 Am, m,,;_,.3 69,6. noréx1§e{'cm%t:E11Mmgs. :5‘ .; W -A » Be11.u;.debo_n.. ; i*.~Th£:y d‘iftin‘gu&.fl1:f%havf:~ucraI»l fortg cf Fafla fP‘“"“’ P“““- fine, that itmay %b¢Lk%nAoW*m§ALw ha:tf1cindAof Fafi it is, .2-..cap.z. §J— ‘f ' % M ‘ W ¢ ‘A gigug 5 Q . 1 q A WW apaI..,%. T»5eV:;D;c]E~mz‘*g1.m'iw n_f?zzsA:z?'kfi,,;igaéiz;e;m’é5¢ §j;,i,g;;;g;%«gji;- mérd :mz'tI m]«: Qrarflaflg faith .h1@,’;’ai;f~ t21'1fgmf§gyfi¢__;,=_, A W4i65,%?Mt.If"7!”"é;.d0AA%a;:,fi5%’% M:ft$i7Bxe," fl#fléfirt5 .F4_fl_'.§'.. 5 rxiia ,@:»z%:mzt Fivfl,‘ ~Az?.;‘g;»;w,;;2;4g'z: ygjqgg. Izatzzm/I dfi'j'=;. an d*«V4.iL+an“£cclej§4flz’M_lZ ~. *'T}»,’e; fl3ir.é,tmz[1.F%a/E is. an ‘.Aa'b£%*im~:ncesfi:»om«~§'fin”ne «The- AA mm,lZ is mmpera”nce af_1*d- fbriety in “dye‘t‘:?i‘7The7¥ mum]! is zin;abf%inenx:e:fivo‘nwl1% mear5azné1% d And rim‘ Eféififiré/iicall is‘*T3"Ch a~zi7A'a’b£%iié1ei3ice«.*eisiighe. Chu'rch dmh pfiefcribe; “And oafjt7h%isA1a£Mcinciefo*'£'7 FM only, is allfiaé queflion inthis plaéei ThLié,~ ormthisacfi‘?;6t,4fpba%lcethBelhrmim; And&‘to~fhe film; p_urpofe,V,B4utAmdredi{iina~1y,fpeé1keth’G:*ézB}.a» rim: V4le2ztz'2z;an0tI19rzr Iefuite .- WT/5}? S:}6a‘ale-fig"; {3} G1’.‘€g',&Q. fi‘>@?J(TfiIir~l1;h¢)t?da4e vfi Ito aéflizggag}/72qj”]‘Eiare Vkindé} Va1°?1'=5=* in T54 ofFzzf2’;s'. Thc fitfi is called»fL'imzi#mge#emlc,Vegg;-3-.;?4 Efildi f°“‘7d*9 zzem/1.2-"4/2,; whma ism aéjZimncefivamaill*U;§l.¢wfi:[l piiéf L’ @3351 glmfizrcx, orfinfull delights... The fetond is*callé&‘iEi°~P“°I?' 514% jcéxzwimm mzturaeféd rmttlmle 5 4 natural/Fafl,’w/2256 wnfiflctb in am wter aéflinemefiam meat g§«fa’rinkc,; Li2__: :6: fénce téat VA/5:1 i._vL [aid to Wfltfliflg, V wba mg. "mt; lien mfizedtc or drinks. at all,“ time dzg; vThe‘ ithird. kinda may be called jeixmium maralga immll Fafir % V wbimé carzfifleté in mrggbflt 421:4! moderzttmzfe‘ afhétiig A A gzzdwlxizwke, awarding M z:»9a”rwle3‘cy’jMri¢tie by item... }§%er¢¢7¢m%,a%§.Thcifourth Vkinée is %1Ajaiz4niwm-dim? gaad; dam pc'ct.~:lz’are,} ._aémrm'm: ;.wu1i.¢;r7£’i1va!e314.3iffi fafflring’ Mich 1% ma‘ to 6e%vfl!daf£yllmt#,7inr ?dt‘Wl'1ime}‘a anfé it 49;: z/in/5< 502%: in va¢.lm”"ger fltréaérivg qf~‘g¢;¢.¢.z:§ mg! drir:A-M; we rammmrule»y”tem;§éra»z%e”" ma ;F.«,-.m~ quire; A .~:mdu{fiv in aware/_]24ring mnfifflrifz‘ V or rzgid ‘zfwfmcgic qmtdrimézg téw 2': nemeflkrie 6y“tbé%qam;~4 A A 'W‘ W55 *1’ I3W€iI.<:~4:»Andrhis kindedofiabltiimextéc B 3, ’ A A A 43 ..w.—.... .3‘ ,',AwmQflpraper;’3rc4lleda F4}? .-4.aI.j1dV 5:454: (faidi lie) wéicbv *2’: commended rim .5‘m'j2twre.:, azzdlaaénam/cdgeai’ 55; calgzin »wd.Kcmmitim,‘%w%¢4 dr:w*bemzi' 2i.s=:kep:éy the ;DWefir;'ft}'bn éfat Fa/7,gi:t~:é‘néy VPa’pij?J" Dac%r.s". Ca; » mtg 4;‘;d_pm.«:flcri;;at%oftl2~é ééurckg; it is called §yt£ze:_,r+T Sc.!7abl;~D%aé?ar:, jeizmium %Erzlefl4flicMmfi::¢/durum; I/2eCl}m*c/24’: Fdfhar .méalyFafl.% And 131213 is it Whifih a1l{ides~do¢ mm n"e,: when they imreate or- difpuvgc dcfa wC*hrC1fi»ia;n V%AFa!fh;. AV.%nd:;t+ like purpofé {peaks othfirs ofxhem 54% whom 1 1112231 not need ta alledge: be1caz;:fe by this that hath beene {arid mm of theft two lfiarnedlwfuires, it is euident, what theyV6~mcane,h.y; :thle nazne; of *3; Fafl§,,;_ nrmuely this"-“ Fifi of the Cfiuxfch, or this peculiar and'&raite-A A kinds ofabfiinence and fafiizxg, “ask is p1‘efc1~jbed: and.pra;&ifi:dby the Church... ' 4% A ‘ 2.. ”$ee.Qndly~, hauing diflingui{hed=t%$7c' V 5 of fa{ting.,_and thence finglcd 013: that which fir:-«L ted their purp.nfc,. in the next place they do_ede..... A fcribe or dg:a1a1reVthc,i1atux'cA1efthis .Ecclgfl4fl}mllc a;:1__d,te}.l ya'%whaj¥t%at%c% ”t~he%‘efj?E’z:.~:z?zz/éor n eceflizry pmpcrtieswo fiiffi. AA find v_fb;r thisffpu rp u£'é,Be/mmiw~¢ (a)B:na,m_ dc dffin eth :hés—%Fafi to: be a~w=éfiznmm giéé, féc-m... bonisopcr. in dz¢mA.Eac'le/Ear».nggzzlam,azfliampm ;,%4;¢.a£7_,’?z2{2e;m' flow §3§;§:g;:;"' m¢qte,mg2d£*rmézzsgmcardimg as we xmfe qfzfié C‘Ifw:17'4';é, Eb.-xcfiafi. ormiifiT;!71¢s:WhiG:héIf>a£Chimzh Admih préfcriibe M % A bf.‘ 0bfi21 'u£d~ in 3'iF&ffh~ » rAnd' rheuthings "reqt:in*:ci* -@;)1bid,§.v1n by the C.hurches rule, he *9“ telleth sks4,1arcw ihircé 2» V 1. I’t1.g;1§i ja£:.§:24t,fi'mxeZ'twtz}~m z7zz:dz'e czéamfimaa 5. pfémt fig mm fafle;I},4 ‘doc tmée =mAeawént ezzcéwetlyv M the ¢:1a3Vz.;T a gfirt vm fl'IM,"~efcc%fo fir cwmmzm wpxwwdiw L. am 5,, tlrgzt témat am:—mtj41e cztrraflfliazz 534 fipper‘, 710$" A 4 é7:'n.§¢¢r.. ‘§eé:t£a;:=2 egfa *F4fl,gi:.mz éy P0372/fa Daéiars. 5 my .--u——.g mmflv éeare. m/am téeyflzfl »mom’z’ng tn the 0;-;.. A dmmftée Céwcb. Thais Beéézrmirve. And F"¢rlm.. 1:}: bee nczstefii 3 3. things as eflérztiall to this I-‘afl : (3)1-0-timu I . Qgbdper illtm’ dismal: quzim exzigit cimzwix regzzla 935'? 7733* tam emr2t7}e,% 454/iimemr it 51550 3, 2574.; mm doe zéem A fiw awe meme lwzger t»’aez¢»tbe w»mm0;2m1eof4tem g... %mm'e daily zfregrzire. 2.. figfid in ipfia rufiz 6115:’ , 46/Zine. Mr ;2 qziiéufdwz e z;':’.c,"é*c. I/mt wércxz mm: aim’ taro, may déflaine fiomfimeAcert4z}M mMIc:~'.r,{fleM, eggya mm’ milk:-medias. 3. ,5/gbd éffijwfmflfl/}'41{flififflZi¢, mm q-wad alizzmmitatem, tam: ei§i:z%vzg.z¢n;za! Aciéomgn mzliratemyrdimmr ad‘ fifiemipfiim _tc'm;¢~r4mi;e, gm’ eff edamaiio carmlr, c9" rgfiuemztio comzajrzfiezstia: 5“ 1/mt%Vt.l¢:2r aéfiinmcejzatbfbr t/ye caminumzce gfz'r._,;z;m’ fir tlye quality afzbe matte M tlaeend ofit, 6:722 afafer, fld and ardaifiedfar we tmzeing qfz/:'m fie/.77, (117.4 mg Md/gag afL’lzaf.fl, that 1}: doc 22:); taaavialemly wit/Qjizzzza’ A reazfim. T he fe things Ifizlmtia réquireth, 8: thence" fiameth an em:-z1tial:l dcfinirian ofa Faflgconfifling Guthefé three things , as the eifentiall pa1'ts-r;;cm V propprties ofir.‘ And Piflzzms, another Ié{uite,. a. (b);Z;'fi£g,?my-§g.." grcemg with hxs fellowes «forrhe fubfiance, dam W” ab/iivvnrimfi 4%ichri%beth this kinda of Fafhhus 5 b It 23' 4 flmzm» 1'ina’éef4lvft'i29ence, [toA\vi.t,. xhen the rulesof t<:m-- mt"/;m¢ébi:,.aut pemnce dare rcquir"e]A 6y ‘mbicirfa mm: dad: fir&a4;'eAfi1:;-3; A «allmeates, ar atlmfx‘ A ,[3‘me% qftée fim-r4‘orV more daimgz fmfl,-,m3_q,,aA4e,. _we*4tc.r% 3; in wb;’cI9 alzflizaezzce 4-lflr 5341:5554 féede a{r re» pmc; dumztxat fie/72 /222.: éady but new mely in We dzzy, mmely, after ”‘ "“’:;’“"°”’1"1’”fiL % % . H . ' % % ‘ « , % comm am 7:17:- 15: accuflamed /mrweafclzrmer. Thus bee 5 axga fa; ,1,-W-,-,';,,,,,,,,,P W... %doeAor‘hers time 5; who Vthough they may vary in Pmreficit-Pifan~fi A - . -- V, - % » ‘- ‘dAbfi'L. . *&~:h¢1rJmmm£§;Qff9€¢cb,9rm fame cwcumfiancrall Ci. ;.BZ.'?‘;§f“ E 3.» moinr» fflwe 6L TAM; D.%«;~ipetia;¢“¢;f‘;Fafl,egiuen lay Popi[bDorf2‘r2r5. Cap._x;‘ point, yet doe for the mesa part {peake in the like zxmmer, ofthe nature ofthm Fafig as thefe three Iefeites doe. A A A ~ A V A A ‘A ~ ~ In which fayings and Defcripziens 0f theirs, I defire the Reader to take notice of two things by the way,whichbeingwell remembredmay feme for’f'urther vfe hereafter. A A A A v I " L; T hat thefe Defirzptiom are in» part {'0 fitted to their 0-wne Paf’cs,asVthat»thfey difegree with the Fafis both mentioned in Scriptures, and preéeifed in the Priixnitiuc’ Church as when: they define 3 Fafl: to been zzbfiinwoeframméat onely : Afm: {bit is vfed in the Church o‘fRAmne : but itwas mm fa in the an~cient“Chm=ch of God. For the pragiice of Gods people in the Scriptures, and of thevanu dient Fatehersfaein~thewPrimitiuevChurch, wasas » gwellto fo1'beafe dgrinke as nrieate, duzifig «the time of their abflzinence : as heereafcer may appeare more fully. * A A A _ A» A I ~ e _ ~ 2. -Thatthefe Defcriptions. ofa Fafl, are in of their thihgs Aio fiifted” tb the praéiice of Antiqui’tie_., that they doe condemne the Fafis efthe Romane Church : as for examle, When they fay; that in A an ho1yFa&,mem mufiehauekebut anerfefiiam, and j that mufife4fiap;er,n~vteea diimg 3: that bmh tihe’i7yr:eA A 4.5/fineme, andetheit c/yaifi af media: When they V care, mufi be fueh, ‘as may Mme téefla/7;, and M... ‘A .dlet£m1ufls afit. For all thefeethinfgsare mcxft true in true‘ and fincere Fafits‘, e4fi.1chI:aspii}1 Fain i.§“.h:‘}’ are abmiIes:ofA1aue.r times 5 V {j.§;1c¢ Eialey and; Tkéomyta were vdccparred %%th1s“1Affe?.... A‘ A ghi-5 ~flmlj1~fufl‘icev.~»ro Abe‘~£z‘*i:f ..of"AtIie% 7g;20irit,,;. ~ nramelyhowthhz Romans Crhu~rcAi1AAVdot‘h definézg; i4 n'eIigi0.usFa{t. » « 2 A A A 4 THé"»fié’xt§oi‘1a: W be mnifijdered is; ‘What Im V; f ' ulgenceworlibexryi tl1ey,t.zi.l«;t:' and grant, cm:-» M ftfrary t0 the praciflce of‘Scripmx*x;=s,cuflumes ofrhwe‘ A ancien; C hurclmrs :1 :l1¢fif.-;i wruIc°sV.,oEcheir 0Wn.And% tghis may be conlidcred. qr nbfemcd in figue pzzrari-é culats I . In their aféafi wfrmames. 2. In the WW.» Mr @f;%rei:i.lzc igflianx. 3 . InVt1'1eV;iz‘mee qftézeir e4zI£r2‘gf,% or breaking vp }Ofi;Ah.;:ir%Eafl:.% 4 AI:-1 I/Em qzmcrztizég of their meats and drinwk.c..%% An4g:idV5:. in theirdifiemfig zfim with the Rules or Lawesof Eafling. CHAW‘ «datum e:flpm'£e[I- 3” A ¢:IM.g'f£'afm£atc: imz‘Pu;>fl7:F;¢fl. _ A Cap.Z. C H A P. I I. ¢ Céoifi af'me4te.r in 4 Papa’/E F4/E. “ their céazfiv of mmtes. Cloncher- .. :.F the fiuc particulars, the firms; ll - - 9” min which Inore thcfi: china: (")."‘”"4"’”"‘fi i W f gh {Jar ur dft 2'? fibiflzfieflilft qfld-' vi‘ N 6 8 0 '.M V‘ W dam m'5:"20*=_9”‘z V A Q, ‘. ~; I. They doc": not require In lama ab amnzbm: A‘ * . cam, m faltem A A any Fall of ghcrirs, a (mi! 4:’:/2:2. n‘_qt{i5#fddW 1%-'r1cna'e from all ma-are and drmke. For firali they :’f,"'fi’,‘f define % a Fall to be an azéflirxemefram 4/lme.aflgma_ my omer llrong clrmlaes on z_l1c1rVfalhng Vgamw .11.. "'""'-Iv Cbfllfi Ijrmddffi tllllpflfi/77 dfl. ' u ‘ 9 —o-u.-—n..g ¢._/!{er:'m faith,‘ Itezlrl an wezybrme apimiérz ofnizlims (a) Canfézxtiemf A, and Ca-nmifls, tl.é4t%tI1el drinking afWir1e, wlvetber it ‘fl "P5”5"*?”‘i””§ ée ling:/acmarniug -éeferel dinner; or after dinner in the ,,,,,q,,,,,,,;;,,,,,, . «.-uexing,ldo:-5 rzarérmkc 4 mm: fit/2‘. And lb V I21yo- fiw Pvfi Preiédifi thers all?) :but it will be needlefle to alleclge them, ;' feei_n.}g the Iefuitefiith, that it isau opinion, m Inflit. pan;-. 1.- whxch they generally agree. , V A A A 1» 7-c- 204- 7. 0‘ . d 3 . ‘Z. . I II. They allow E/eéfzmlrzes and fizce: , and ‘Eb? ,f,fe.,,,,,. ,5“ vini, fiat mam? e « whatfoeuer elfe doth principally {ewe to he1_pcin- cuizdbnoiz groin; A firmitie, or to further digeflion. So Leffiw faith, that the Vl.‘ClOfE[fl5Zi!d?I.:.’! anclcmditetl things 15 ;.m,,,,,,,,, M; not forbidden in the time ofa Fail. And Regz'mzl- 1:11 dc luff.» «elm, hauing {aid that a man breaketh not his Fall 1;g‘% by drinking, alddéth; “-‘ Neither :5: Ike Fdfl lérokm 5y pag. 719. A taking affleleéiaariee. And becaufét no man fhould (c)~N *0 €194” .» ,*°m- Bang 1- q. 9. net. 2. Di‘fi"1euh:.3. gag. 43 4. e e - , we l "tar am 1''‘ be xgnorant how farre they flretch the vfc of thxs {;‘:"§f,g,,C,;£,§, word, he faith, they means by it,‘l all manner afnzji fumenzur in V’ flying: xv/vial: are «v/End, Mfl7iC£5 are, to éee eaten afler 1"’ ““‘’’‘’'’ 5°"‘”9~ Reginald. 1. 49’ ~ merzles, to /lelpe dgge/Zio:2.% And to like purpof: Io-» , 5“ fifbw Anglee, c Tfzafé tbifig: (faith he) xv/Jig]: 4;-¢_,, n‘§11’a§,“.aZ’ "T gizum 6} lava} afmcdicime, thong/E they 5:: often taken :):i;'_‘;'6"§§;;: on a fafimg day, due.) not break: :6: F4]! af I/lg; (d A Nmm; 2.; Cbnrcb. He adéeth, that zbzéc Cflfitltlfltilf is not only Wfidrie--Q"! A l ‘ l "namine Palud. m '¢ffir“PJ ‘m.5_‘’[[.d’mg.§5:l 5”? ldgfl’ ipfi: quid intelli- atlrerprcfémed t/Jzmgs am’ ele452’mzr:e.:._,wbzcb are truly gasgcpringiz his taken 5} may of medicinal. Befides, in their Fails, W”-“ 5 ’5.’"g“."‘ they flay, that 45/finemeqfiom 12;-sleet: onely A is requi- red, not from dmzke nor ‘mealmme. And what: they ezgcmn:,f_cu:Jp;« tneancubgf thefe wonls, they explaxne in this man- ;;:‘,;*£;‘;’j:f;£-;,_ imxddm ,d:g¢;(i:mem. €55. Regmald. L 4.nurn. I sea. pag. 151,, (.2) E4, q;(¢1Jflmadl¢m Jnedieime trgdi]&lmt,q:mnquamfiepe awipiantur, Ecclefiacieiumzam minimefaluzmt. Hm cm-» ‘ lpIt£fi0l ifiifmgiiw 710?! WW 43 fimpis c/rpbarmnczs, vemm ctiam de quibzgficumé, diffs candimie 11': :3» Elefiunrfis, gm: wréperl madam medicine-2 ;z,’77xmiitHr5 mt. Idfcpla; Angles in 4.. Sea: V «J» A net: In-..-...| A 19 ‘A C&a17fiafm-Mm‘ 222 a7Ba}az‘j7: 12!:/2. Cap.z; M as ¢;,.;g,1.,,,.,,,z%p,¢;,,, net .- M A T/mt which :3 principally arduiflfdffw nag- cfpalizérinflftuifi rifiymemt, Mat 2;: called mate 3, that rvbzcé zsv prirag. cipzzllyfar téegoaddfiofifzofi aftbefafade, ?M7d t£'€.J~ id.ver&qr;ad digq/Z20}: afmezztes, tinztzzv called Drznke 3 and ztilmt P*iW'P4lii€n"*“‘§‘ Wwéricb :2: primipawly ggmvfl dzfiazfi: and zkzfirmitiexfi f,fi,fff‘;"’}j,,§’}jf,-’:f mm 1;; called medicine. And fbinthe concl-Mi; mgm ¢ ciborm on, Vspicerie, Canfiéiians, Eilefifmriey, Prcfémei, and? ‘$9: Fuch like Izmcmag, com.m<:§nIy vf%:dA at the and GE idqziod pméczpg. mea1c~:s,thefe they appmue as lawfufi and wavrant-— liter 2/? «mm A able enoug,h,withou.: any d anger of breaking thcinf §”;fl”{:f;;;';;”:”‘“’ Fafi, though they bee vfed many times in one Reganaza; i, 4.. day, and withotgt any iuflcaufc of infirmity inzha-~ *1“-W5?» 1?-14'Z- partietha=tta1n.«drama I"?! T2:reV%tcxtm,A, t/Jere 2'.:»rw.7fe.w imi ”“§ggagA‘¢xg;{::;2g¢A or_i-J-v9; Lmm, to Vforbiti other memes in t"1aeirAordinarie A"And-tto»IiL:e purpofetothers ofthcm ‘fpeakm ’=I1*F0*s’%'t’%”/€fl?4::' “Vim: wfim; Re.-:—”t‘OgEt'h€r, it is cIeare,that the Church ~ of Rome in wr- Ni £5M‘1d¥14’44AA*i"-“her ord%.in.:zryPafis, dxmh f.:>rbid~ no othcifr ~~mem:e~ -_ ’”‘i4“‘*A'y 9355* 5°’ but ’ .1 onely 5 and in hen firificfl %AFafis,a11A‘ow%em,, TE- “: r#.t'»'2:*%e.i.:,*;2iI1fd~‘ the E n efir: 1’-4:¢7mm%:,,and%A‘th‘e hot-w A ‘ NféfiL@i[£?.f_g'3fiaVWh3§fi3€U€I' elfe“isAdft!1e1§Im‘nature. 7 é: *’TAUd%I%hiSAi3:‘%itFW§1~iQllmay t€3.ChA%fomI1%ejp chgjfc ;nI€a§:5aa. A A M , A :1 Eafiaeinee :ehei_Mou_ntis thus defcribed 5 eHe¢w..e«.c zéexe gwifit t£JeeLerdfirtie deyes 422d fimy 22{gé:s,A /Jee « ; weitéefieeie breed’, aw drizzzee meter. efixod. 34.. zs. andllezet. 9. 9,18. And fo,whenADAmid fafled for ;u452eer,e S0:d0€AGfl,d, M me, (faith he) .:eee.’r2AzezeL41'f&,A {g'f1t4j?e éread engeug/at 49% ti/{tire Swen: ée e{eamc;_.».% A2,. Sewing. 3 5. Andwhen Eflber appoi_nted’_t,he , Iewes toféft, V Ffa/lyefir me (faid (he) amineitber eete zeer_a’r:'r21ee three defies, 22136! A nor day. Efléer 4.. :6. .And~the King of Ninieeeb proclaiming a pub- ei—likeFa£t threvugh the Citic, Let neitber man nor éeefi, (faid he) hem! zzerfiaeke tnfie my tbing 4- {er . Ngtéem we feede, mar elrinfiegvater. Ian. 3 .7. Nor can 4 there be found any example in the Scriptures, in ‘which anfy drinke, was vvfed or al.Iowed during 4 their fafling day, etialleeeuenride, when their me A broke -vp. A For asefortheat place of Daniel, where A be faithpf himfzlfe , I weteiwureeizrg me feel! A 7 meke: A1 Ate nepleeflmt heed, ezeitlrer emreflefl: mar ~;pi2eeiuemyV:eea;eté, cév. Dem. A10» 2, 3. which the « Defiorsi of R9¥nc doe {be frequently vxzge fez: ; their -ebmfiofmeates, iv; makerh nothingAeforA the A C 2. % A A A ‘ A puxpefe... A » eutheerein ‘they fiivarzue Andi&elict1e,.both[f:c1n A A eeetheyaétice ofAntigrzeizie,andgheerightvfes of Na .rrele;g-iewe Fafi.And rfhthat they fwarue frQmEE»h(e e eeprafiifeeof L/Intiqaieie, recorded as well in athg Scriptures, asin the writings of theancgiezzc Ea- egehers, may appeare byetheie twocozmfidergztims. .e,1.% Thacthe L/ieseieepgggluring the time oftheireab- Afli-nenece, did forbear;e.a1Iaswerll eiriaei:e;as.:ar2e4ec},:, e A motxalilowing themefelues far that time any kind: offuflenance. To this purofe it is thatefiflffi; hgls % pm-pofE*.For Dmiel did norflzfl with thofe meats, " but rather brake his Fafl with them : Imc:ane,4that A Dazgielx Pafi w.*as4atoral1ab£’c_incnce from all mean: and drimlze for the whale day 3 andrhe courfc fare there fpoken of; was thewdiaet that bee vfiad atnight, when his dayes Fafl was ended : _as I 13%” A Y % A Cboifi meatciim 4 Popzylr Fa/A7, A A A Cap:;- av;-,m‘;{¢og haue proued-V" cl{7e-where. And a5’rhis»was*thfe A 1=a£ting,cap.x.. ptacftice ofhoIy“men m- Scxnptures, fotheAI1kc—was A the praéticc of1*e~iig~ious men tnentzoned in anti» _ - en: Vvrirers. Eufeéimr relating the Hiflory of cm. A taint: reiigiotzs men about uilexmzdria in Egypt, (3) cizmm am telleth 0ut 0fPéz'la, a that none oft/Evem dz’?! tméfamy ggzzgfzgz eitéér” me4 %te%a;.' afrznke écjfare we Qsfiwefléfttng. A1131 ;,,0,,,,,,c,;P;,_Eu. Cafifan prefi:r1b_1ng rules ofab.fln:nen=ce for Fine reI=1- fcb.Hift.1. 2- giousmen ofhrs tune, 5‘ Let eatery ewe’ (Path bee): "- '5' rs: mzfcfi rvpvn Vbimfiljfe i'15I2:$"dtZIfif£50I7, 72/14: /2‘: vibe ;m’474_y b H ' % A .. $1 5 c,,,:§§,:f,f, gs xvaypermzt /yzmfilfé fa ta/3: My drmke ar meme, 5:’- bimat ivrdfw, Wfivre t/éem/E: time» qffZz/li:gg- be accom pliflaed, and the- ”””P”"3‘9“5‘” N'ZJfl£;'1[//J:?z‘17’£?tzf'_}Q’c”d1f'I$Ig‘ éacome. M By all which it qwm, mm cfiis. --um: abzeaaziaszfi--xxuayAappeqren.thatthe ~ancicm cuflomc of Gozis. ~'«”'='W*‘~‘=""’5 .95‘-‘féz‘uan,:s ifi’ fl‘E€*iF Fitfis was; to forbéareai-I, as well riamrw Ieg5i:‘m:&,, nence. Sitwfondly, It is to be confidered, that the ‘”"'?A”f‘J’§:’;,’et»V4 Ancients, v.'%he?r1 they did refrcfh thcmfélues on §;";f;%f,i’;’,;‘,,§,,,§ ; :hVeir;£a&i+ng da2cs,wh§c1a was £31 the~euen~ing,theV Avfecg not zfvznw,-gnor 5:325:53, nlor jraiicazterigbut con rfle wP__w.P_M6' ind v:-apgegfant far? , fir; 1 mg -1: gr. cmce och refwfla nature md 3'5‘? 185% 11'» 30 Dame! {pea-- king ofhfs “dict”; Whilethe daies ofhis Fa{l‘ing'con-» {C} Dan._xo. 3». tinned, fizich of himfélfe , "*3 I»at;e Wpleafitfitértdd, AA % A ‘ A gemgr mm: nor M22:-'in"my mofvtfv. V/Vhfirewc gray g9:e,:1;;1c .Z_)_g_m{¢{ vptmhis fafhng. dayes«aE- -awake as mmu, during tficw time of their abRi.-- flainéd: »%CaEh. CW/?%¢’meare: in a$£o;i/Ii ‘%T2k;%WA %’;z3; flained as nve%1jlfro%‘4mjErang driiakand fiim .5re4:I_.,% A A A ” asrihcdid Fromfi¢;z’f:%.% And thereforgés before I Ihcwed that this place-doth makcnotl1ing'for4fPo- pifh wéofi/2 of £I1€at€.‘.’S5fO heercbyicappeareth,tha.: K itdothvttcr1youert“nroW in And foin the anci- * en: Church of Chriflr,St;H1emm.teaChing»Ncpa§'_ A V V tianm the true properties of an ~ho1y Fafi, 1* Let (as) Sivttifiipaé A My Fdfls (faith he-)% éepzzrc, b/mfle,fimc:rc5moder4te, re}, cafia, fimpzi. m,madcrdtg,e9- L ma7m’22a:fiaperflitz'aw. 1~’a.rm;54: azmiletb it (faith heinmfiapepfijzigfig tafbréegzre oyle, Amltoféeke after fimfe flicked and 39330134» «Qzid, M grade]? olw mm [ dear: Mira:-xgét m%cet%i.e:,. /as dfia AVE1:gg:,%=APeppcr,%LN1m,mfii, Q9, Whfli‘ ;1>m*_::, Szmmls, Haney, Pzfiace 2:mt.s‘ E Wel.dre/[yd aaqgajaam dig?- %€:'a~mVa7:s%azre tumélcdemer, it/,z4t% zwemmay. rm fixede 9:4 """""/9'35 ‘5’?“"’7 ~ qmarere,carzc4a, ¢ browfie ércgzd .- and while mefillsip after del%ic4te:,m4a p;P,_,,., ,,,,m, M Are drama éackefi-Tom tbs: %I<‘z:sg;:z’ar:§:e ofHe.m;:n. And ’mammfit5fim5 ~.i'fthisholy Fat‘h»érLd0 not allow. ofchef: {ti m.éanE- fifzzilgm, .mel,. V pzflczm ? rm ~ delicate: in comparifon, how would bee :h.undcrANbarmmmz, againfifivect wines, and fveet medics, A marcbpmrcsflrfl W-’*'¢W at cibztria 710$ % ;; Pyefertétdfluflk, an d‘ cbgzditcd juixcatczv, ;;fl. of; ghgm “gm”, Pm; ~ very-warramable on%aA_Romane faft;1ng day? _And.et dmdczm-.4 thisvcuflomeofrhc anczcznt Church, is fr) c1earer“3“”"’A’=“ A4 rggna%Cazlamm A and wellknownew alhhat knowc any thing Aiz1,W;,;,,,,,,,;;;;,; Antxquun:-, that the Wnrers of the Church 05‘7°”-%¢P— 1» 114' _ Rome dge coVnfefl’c: it to be trué. A The Author. Qtht? Books called t./rlzstiqztimzes Lirurgicx, faith, ‘ Heporiara. . P333-' A3- A .1? E {wit alimpar ratiafxifii, .q;ue.carnfk T/Em: w.¢JV(5)Af,£iq‘ »am::mtly #1242 /&me reafia ofmmaflrat was of And I_wiz:';iz\;g7co;xfif§ V 110»: Long after he,addr:'th,.' that the meaws fizréid; f""“ ‘l““"““A qu-atuor%~r¢mh den, :e9e"C¢.vm;75'in titne of f}1fli§1g,. wcre—deli.czz:c_,; Po,um_;aP,,_ : mam, an/yer 5} nature, ar mm’: _fi:c/'9 éy r./1“rtAc.,2.;f1>=“lg-%W- ' (c)‘Po}??emni§1f. V 3 ‘I335 ilfiflifiertiulzéagg. gmgnes, pm: cibidelimzi ,_ jz‘1¢e:7aszgm'sHrllzzom. . A’ M . 5 .4 . V 5nfmmWm_4m 4 mm at ztgtmzg t .mm'~t:¢me.t Ae. mamas ém: choizveieribm ‘Midi IWW 23vtf?2t?)f‘g“"tW/»'£’5'?fi3 Meir C ty’imeat“&s Eflfleté ~%CiJ;*if£iazni5a‘i}mi~‘.%~» ”* W M A‘ % V A _ M «- mflwfim m__ 4lmaflm~fle/b a;2{y.# Ragzxaldwfaxth, ‘3 Tlzaugé wzmg A ,;1(;,-,,;¢;,5,,,-%,,,3, /M Vmciehtfiy 21945 ‘in"t/.a?c‘n£zfi9z£var»:qf”z‘/.%a_/7.3: Ming: wkzjc/Bggxe ¢7“n529t;I!lqr41;i!ia_,fbr5ida’cm “anfizfi'ing dz1yt:,3/etit» .z'wwIunozzrfb. 2114;... “*9! ‘Y ‘Q " "”"'*Atb.:e.r».;r».v Gazleimr fitithfli ‘Wzmmm-fiwrce pcrmitrm’ ta _72d7l61:!-;"'y5t"?97?35- V '\ M A, _% _ V . ,% % A 5»: wfwa %zog2.=n2om;mv inc/.vzlale-bm’ .~ #6»: t/Mt. mm 222/134/ti» /bauid 4””5';'“~ 24/}: it ii¢Lent§ WWAMVWe‘dflwiai€.§.mm’AF!;y.4F/4ie.r, »m;¢;¢ "7 /ieldas 423 bzzmom 2‘/amg. And Pafmm, *= Tbemz. ~'m“de sea re -vlla pm verba pgo- ciemf Cane»: (faith he) didéiot ivelyflréid wine, 5:}: J;j‘*""‘?’“*’l’€-'1I.=*“°1~flrang‘a'rinke,andMedtb,cmd Alemad all my mgg/at %an°VPA'%A"3A'c‘»A A M‘ £2” *~ /5 231 “ll? db” 5 ' xx.pag,§9_ A overcome t c j2:4zne$.. ey-a 4.-yMaV mm d Mr sfar gig) flfzgizrzebautmfdffa fi_/7:es4éem‘g farézakfen alfi. And Hofmnfjlgr ;h’j33;j{;‘;,’;‘;i cxteth a faymg out of Tbcap/azlm ullexmdrinm, m,.,;.;,a‘¢.;;2; :that‘ May wbqkecpe tlve mole: of 15:; Lunacy, know fiat ??n~cW«?!iv‘[4¢4r-* zrnjrw‘z'::: z'“rzi2I2,é7’z‘r Hfls. ‘¢ I E 35.13 clears cafe then, that f",:,,:’f¢if£’4j"{f$'0n__ the Arxcxcnts d 1d forbeare wmeflandflrmg drmkc, A fifiiz. Bcycx.-.% Aandpleafimt mmtes, when they rcfrcfln:-d4 them... 1im=1<-iP”9mP*- {clues vpon their failing daies. And q:on{’cquent- ‘“ “ ° ‘”°'ly,‘$%xhe chazflejpf meates, «~wh1ch»the Church of run1;tc:2t.3:.'5' A A V4 M , I ‘ pang. 54. % Romedoth make31s4~mofl oppofite to the praéhce V (°W“‘”""””’” ofGods¢pe'op1c in elder and purer times. A A J * o!ir?fi*-W 4*‘-' W- mera rerzgz3gqu«e_ _ _ 25;; 41,: gem; [igmlprobzbenzm nzwttamen mm zjé. Rcginald. 4+ num.;~;;x 51- pg. 1 5:; (cl) Vimzm tiix puarpfrit wmede_bazur:f£vzo§ am_c2v1% gar wlezgm zfludgzfinre m .,§1_zgad:e'agcjim4 air 'q%:m'2:z'».s,fé.x-zzzfq’; fizrzza, nefaafiagfliz tsfizzzztur Epzpbaaz. Timqzbgu6.z’9' Balfizmorz. Mat,Galcr1uu %Catcch. 93. p aggz. 91 .V (e) Iiietem Cammes novzflzlum 'vmfi'i_., fedeticzmficeram iiz:crdix¢=are, ; irkiomng quad iizebriare patrfi, air mulfizm ac ceruéfiam: ultra m7zz,r¢m cancedbam in efimz,_(e.;l;;. fis etirgm ip/.7: p.yZt5bzas.A1’:’i_fax1_%: dc%A1j£tirj?¢nt;%‘ caggx 4.pa'g. I~6z; (E) Qai lcugfiz53;% pra;ecéptamj9a« :i'iunt,igmargnx 313.2 52; mgmygcarmzzi e[:wz repudmizgg Ho£I.o¢.com.cap. 2 7 fa1.x»76.ya.:z, ‘ My Seccmdly, V 4 ‘Secondly, tAh€c‘Wf¢Iha't4th¢ CVh!1I‘Ch0fR0m€: ~ d>o:hmake».of he-r meatfis for 3_F<1fl'i~9AgC7£1y,%%d0tf1Fae~ ucrthrowéthe t*‘ery vfc. of 2:. r¢1igt¢li5%F1afi- A 'ForMb5% their owne alefi'Zw.ia;v:: and d¢¢te.r_njinations, thevfe e cf a right Fafi is Fm: fifflifiifig Of. the body , and‘ fiédaivg of %l:ui3'r,_ and ‘elevmtizag cf the m.indc1:cy« A Go£jTWa1.d"'.:‘ b§,:.? thE.i-rA£T&a‘£_[EiOffl1fiaFeVS L€1ucrthI0~W.— eth‘ thcfe mas and W65. 1. For, j};'5c'~.s'*,_7 and . _fimt- mamas, an&prefiémea'fiufi'e,and £0i¢fi’t5?+’M4;ry ware, and flriarzg wiaegg, (311 Whichfind much more,‘ are; aI1Lo:w_:gAbIc: with ::hem- in "their relfigigus Fafhi zxagy, A th»:3y do oxdinarily prlouide theéejfwjme:-,;iA; vsyhcfrg ffi;rin€5Aa~re‘Vn9t fa vfualI,Br4ggaté° Me4;b,m 8;: qthen ¢boifi:dri~nl;vvIed- es» éa;am:fi ‘I ged :byAd%uer~faries%a~l»fu‘.w :I4aaéfw a’e.Grafi§‘z;gsa . Vt/11W#g<54 (fa¢eh»hc)«{wt}:-aéewlzrztzwe:9r«of% now P W’ A A fiifizea 244 Awg¢flifie%dw& :w'mW;,- wiaéwéixfiam We vzewwsfiw ca>2six2+r»2m» xiflling nanurc,¢4wdAme q'?in,é:f.gwg%LafAwi#;% mgme yrauaire-men ta:[wfi,MvepVitéc Mzjizagofflgfly get ”’e”*£9‘«' '1 F .% A . \ H . W . . «fir. Pzfmw, iv Catéalzm (faith «hce)%Am Attmespafl. A4A::,;1;b.z;. 3?-. 45fl4iné;fIramfém2e1fi':u%i:e3Mof%tZ§e%%e,;m£:,:ip¢ Lent 1¥3—.1~m~% agag-- A xggwmdfiuz» xéirags ,izr: wp:or:pwuckc.!zzfl.aAnd m,fi«a2aw4 315*%;,”%m% <2b)««1Aai4:fz»vf4?i’em‘3i‘ 4 ,,, W :.w,%J hu ‘%| ‘ 3ww J- A,% % V'¢u¢%fim%@#d@!*‘ fr: fpea1%f3- kgndes of things allowed by them, Afiorzw faith; mm’ ‘mm’ , _ . % A2or.In{’ci:. a that t5£“6‘flmIW012 cu/fame £53 (and that bflthhfi‘ and parc.1.1.7.cap. the rcfi-do. appmuc: ofiflar mmyta eaten little head, abqg;-~; pa.s5:« ~ 5 ‘ , v . ’~fl . : % %% zcaomzze Cftéfirfif ”_fil]{c‘1[‘§’”550rf3t0£etb‘5r Wltbfiuztefi égdréja mwenzirc, qzséd ar otber,lzg/fixer %z92e4te5,fim6 45 art.’ figgs, mfim oft/9e 1zc._r£e /Emu paflzza % ' , as m - /g},:;;;;¢?3Pe4?'€J, applet, ar at/5:2” té-mg: made affizgar, 9‘? 9“ WW , .. . . . ‘~ . aaztcrizzientrzculzk er 0f‘/7037111‘, #0214 {title fmll fiflz. Fzllmcmr fa1t.h,¢. mg,,,;,,,,¢,,;,; 1?» gm, 4;; ,dQ£ .¢1"gf8€3tb4t téwft jtlvirszgr Aw/Bi;/Ercammarzbr apponififm I ‘ 47; lzmag/5t to méle at brmkfifl: and banquets, may ‘7”‘”“fi‘”‘ """ "‘"’ f _ % mmfrmfiiws hers‘ lmfially he vufidg [itch M are t/zefimtes of trees, 9., ,3. ,,;;,;;’,§,,;... A5:42f6e:,% and lggbter mum, at /Eggs, a.¢lmarfd:,% rat”-» zggdféfiitafif fi;;;af:b¢fimne., ,zmt:,?pe4re:-, .¢pp1;:,o/mes, pvmztes’, M;_W;eW-,,”~ of éguketiagflnflé. And °4:j.’br%V5re4c!,t:6aug-/9_fq'm:_J paqza, aging, be!-3 lwzze«m4deA queflian oflt, yet it may 6: taken nwztbaut ‘“"”‘- F‘"*“*‘-"- _ . . Moral.LQq. fiarc, and 'W1th0l"?d3“ge1'- 3"’“"”"‘ filth: & ‘~/ll‘ Traét. z7.parrJ ’ tégmgb it fig xécciujcdéy :5: more comma» CfififlWCJ5 2- cmnum-29» MD: p&né,qu&'»h aliqzii Juliiiariutficnré adbzbcrj gatcfl ex co»f{¢t_::dz;;e.Ibid.(d).Q:&‘- u;‘¢%W;ammw;ia_r§%%vfix _r:oepmm_/2}, wt injiczmda rcfécfiiane y fimm2zw_r cm, qmbmin dieieixmgé "éefiimurkat: vclpafiprandimm, 2;: Jim mm, mmzs, pawn, ml aim ax: Iiwclmro mtmlle can-u flag; liaité imam etigmfimipatefl izgféulum, 2110512: mm fit ex £96713 cibzk, 4145 tempura Mieimnfi “ iuterdicflntnta Pzgflit etiam ‘cmcdi pifliaulw. amt exigzm yam pifiis mioris. .Ma"rtin. BQM: nAacina;%3nh~:%Mera1i‘s;d.“o; a»%deL¢8ibe DiFPu=e¢vf¢3=a¢9«- %*P““‘5‘*’;},’"m‘3' "‘3'3*9s jjtj ’;*»;‘:r::.fi*" ~*'*" "'*' ~ * -D 3 *= ‘ ” > £3 A 4 2,0 A T/ye mmzécr afrefcc52‘:om allawedm 4 Papg/b 3_. (a)12vV0r;_efi 1307".’ ~ A A = that in téefécond rcjfeEr'z'oi§,tévafi: meat%e5m‘ay%6Pé% .v:zz_}%‘e;:»", w/Sic}? 0/2 afizfling day we care eifiéw fieflre affwfléxj 34’ A ,a,m,e,,, W,/,,e; yer 5% fizcb 45 areraifimr, zmt:-,% apples, ar other ££iflg3- gudimzzzfimref, made afgar or /3:mey:T€t érativ dlfll mxayldwfixl/y 5&4 V t4;%er2,fl2 it éemt qffiwb éoyled mcmfexs are faréigft. mix. Fcrnand. den in tbetir/:zof'tl1e Fafl. gflittlefi/72% a%««i%4y'éé ems. E=*Iam- P31?“ 2» z‘erz,war'.¢ !ittleportio:4 ofagrmtser ff/?2.TAhefcAand fuch be the meatesmhich they allow mm to feede- §.;2..%cap.8.. nu. - 3 V _ hkc 9-Pa-3.9- . . . A (b) Faczente: on m the cut:-mug ofrhezr faftmg day and by €3.9- ‘””“’5””‘”’£”"/3 ting_0f;th€f€ in {tread of their vfuafl fhpp¢r,,they nmcemte the body mzght1r<2.. V A A ~ A A guntzezunzafm. g % xy V % V‘ ,:_ M .Ax:1r.Arm1H.v. Secon y, ort1eg:m;mfeoA~A meare_;_m; err We--~ l1D*¢*w?nu-1~‘~- uer-ring C22/1453022, they £1y,A1Vtm~ay be fuch and ft)» :'1g.4Ia % _~ '1 @E,,-Amfi P4," ggfar, as thci cufiomc: cf the gace 15. ferngmgcx; wtm%czbz,qw_/71» fzuth, that the cufizome ofrhc ~wOLIDI.‘I"CY 15 to bet: ’’’’7’‘’'-*‘‘ "M "‘""“‘ obftrucd, F011, ‘fit is no mamzllfirmc taf£°1£lmv~ tb4t,§_ Ajizmr, ad/ma ta» . AA ~ mm;,,d,,5¢'d£M.. I/.76’tt(.g5 thgzazrziifie é.efim6m/M;tgre4,t,';F#mm fiairhg, igcezzjda libmzr \\ 5 that they wlvimé make agraflé 0rgrc*ar: 4C‘ollAt25z>zg£z;~;~ &e_4 cording mt/§r%e mflame ofbée Cwmf of Rama, ‘dad flax qmzn: AAa‘~;m=o Jim; rt/ieaiczre 2‘/ycir Fzgfl; }‘iz’1:'m:zzzsx faith, C that the prQ‘- M“ R‘I’m5“”* V PQIXQF .m’efq':m2'A.e, rmfmfix ££2e.!4wfi¢l/fiaégcleafewié-, sm.4€~ xi, if . » . k . A ~: * M : txggflf’ gd tag Kcy"r:c‘2‘m2,% zany: éecazsfé zt za:!z£tlge5« .614: aéec4¢gfc,,.,1~ raztfitezziclaflziis aajfame l;za!!16razg,gl2t it im .~ and t hattbazrgb 44¢/9:2.) ' §”d””5‘-Fmiutffwall qaamtiiie ofmeate /Zwlalmz‘ exmfé it, yeI~;¢lJe« Mora}. % .i % . % . , % .— * % _ W w_ -;,a&_ zggam rammed €!4_/Zfifizf datéfiee ‘at fimmflmtfz».-u ¢1Z?a!w={:afth :3; C.‘.'... n1:.:z5», 5 {£3-;?3fiaz;cm. greérartd twiit/wef4f%94é?4é€vW4 5?€PP5;%W9€” -pm‘: tfl2;2e2z_;’z‘sra .: rim a%*‘l2«:t‘%es2E7?1 e'fi¢%.43:z72r-.".v:,’ wt~poti:z3 {‘?a9é2a“ ” ”e‘21§}I33 'LfZz?fkéYé2}2r ‘-;z'é;5zl¢.i_¢§«4¢- um. ‘ Kgxatxzd tame}: alcéaaz 5fl;,b»,§anj?rIc mr:rd:z 5022/’2';{1ez;w.7r: %commlw:1i4%_%% ¢ p;;_2y§:¢,t_ M,;g,s2:s.g zkigez tazggali A‘ agzurz__i1g; apzzd iiwxizres ‘beam ‘av 15%? ams; 7’(z:~;z §22_2i;;6g % pew fizamilgg,:;;g‘@-§afi".;-égfiggzzg g ‘gzetggg fi’r#£@‘&§!ég_g£Vqm‘z§1gafir:eligxagfzglgpigrang’g§;«f§o1§V§Vgiafifu5%.Sacégélfé; jc,3io,é1u.6."p§zi7§ 8a.. A pzzm» 5;, Ca . éé %of}*efeL’2‘iar:: 4!/awedimz {Pepi/F2 A ”Z4tjlo»;‘fo:‘tée:éy*it4:;*vere*‘z: érédéiz2g.cy’4*m4g:.;Qfl;% . ~£::: toknow fiawgreat it m¢yw,;x.:y1}eazA £9 £2: 54;! 1 ‘ 3 h *= ¢ j} ~10 #2: ca;-zmaazz mflome afzbe».cozmzry%, «vfid éyléztzzaf , f _ “:9 i’te22a’:r_cm:fi‘Zmce. For it :3 na mori4llfi2¢ne5ta%oéj@me A I‘/mt ,"~ tfiaggé 5 1&3 qz&4.2gTtitie§éee famm*?9At.~: great. 'C,,j'1,,% 33.; A ~VVhcre we: m2.yAobfErue Jbyxrhe way, tlglat,-;i:?2 %tAI1d th‘c1:.efore the c,onimori :cu9t..0am€ «a-- ”“”’“"””’5%w“"‘V%A V roadmn not be exceptedagaxafiyfor‘I>emggI;ea-,,;:,,,f;”,;':§f,:§ Re, 1.:e%n:the%n Vxneni of "temfder ‘ca2zfri:r:;§::;4 i7d4oetVap§..f0He~.:%zzgsafarymw ;Ll¢m¢é‘3faJw%S panifl1Frye1I: a,n‘iSD.0i£tor fai4th,i;“:~tha€ an 1°”“"“"”“”’= "55 % ,_ % A, , V M, A %Ei/Ea orumdw Cérflmxw E1181! 1.5 tlze (:4/2ome.mat~a:arZy;afLayuza:e¢1 ‘,§,,;,£,.P;,:,,P,,,_;,+% care/cflE"aft.5e£rfi:lu4tiar1,‘éwt afiall«t;9:¢ ~r“:l& } ea banwfi 573941333--T~ H . "-R A f‘: % 9 0%} ’€‘’*2§'’‘”‘“ fi”f5;”-‘- M» 1?f’€14*¢5s?~%7W‘{ 4»fi&_af3¢?éZii£ 2’§z‘fi;Z’i,’Zs4 ‘ rz;*M‘:j?a9p.«i,to 51!: 4i,?’,1%%‘r’-7a»”-«VA f?:a:5f:mm%ez can- mitbpféntifiil Gallatiam offiwits, ‘aim’ ca22férx§es=3m"W r“"“""‘”’ 5°" rerum ex flzccbm %£5nflé¥i5.#: afeSag4r*.- ‘that ‘ /.(z'rI2fE‘lfi'i. xbcifli“ #3”! 41"» mcanfefiaramba» ft/{weir tqfiles, 4341;: an ejemzim c%w_"afAi?,: azid-;tNhat '3, /immmfis mzkii-‘ M arJ:.¢“t“tz’1bz;e !.zwf:illy J21’ uVa2ze.w~lzy»fia,$:/2 2v:m:ii,: mI‘W5~ ‘R!!! *a”5fE3-;:é::£g*:a %" mzaafiare ofimflzfng. « And%‘1@for;~th“c t¢flz'afimr,% as /2‘: % mi? cuiflome ofother‘ men, 4-; Bcyerlizficé pea-«~ fitvfiéfifieri 1% 0629 cttmmfi-~ «A Bring, * M §_g;g:i;":g5@g§g5;z5:7y;‘XAe;L1gpggg.s;gggeneIiaa::~p:nx.3.c.5;ts;ass1aaie3m»s¢93s« _ % ‘DA 3, . Wé firenmr :% qxwrfii.-' menfix adfiaz, e'.?r'~ %thcmfe1LiEs::oEthe*Ro:i1an 'Chi1ITC_h; %fi1iih‘s‘Z,,,, W fgyggm; M12 A E7-lgmuméer qfrqfivfiians allmvcdin xz Popxflz .F4fz‘. Cap.-3. E?) Nos Iwgga at 3* We ton [mg amlfall d:'r:ner% due wide 4:: mezsirzg rer- p5!e2z¢_7£?7-4?3€gI?_*{% f,fi;«’m3 m,éi£M. aflemtzmnesJaté4deé§,e4mcr4te mtg 42 ~.S’p;:1p_¢ f}f,';f,”f{:’}:£%;,f’,§Z,. per=.».<:And Atlfis gtmxncntianeth as a m0ther1y¢3.ndu1a- lam,gw-’fi=Pe##- genfc:cwh;ich the egChurch of R6mcdori1,. permit grggggvgfw mo .he1:tchi1dren.«~ And Lmfan faith, Tm: imgh ¢:1g:;;;¢k.13t.?5p)gr:,V ham ’b£:cn.ét?l}¢:liccfnciQu;%ffiefl‘a 0:fpcqpl¢?,? Yifeatbew M<éra.1aifi€“%.T»°%Afide: ;%tH¢.’*~drinki~n4g of Wine antd :t‘aumg%f mt fiih cV4§."‘-"’7““‘>3“‘.°"‘“A'~%A;;h§~,;;gg4no;;~v{e'd ammag the Ancietatsf, ”t:6ev added :4“ 5;:-1¢.m3-V “ - A “ 4. id/fl C%oenu!a‘n1;zzlmleSzzpper, and laflofa?/, a fall A (5) ;1”7'”° It?“ I ,;,s;;flper5 wéicl: we gy:{m¢'c2xts rm; qfléll gage/2'-.:w weak’ V cqrmI4 m»,‘4=¥e*pa4- fi,W~, V mV,,E«;,,_4;/Bane cflcemedaflill 4'z‘m:er:—.‘A Ncmnay any :m‘an Ac-x» fléwf #ddW5% A ceptagainfl this 139: teflimotmbccau fe bee {peaks A €m?’“’”’ ‘1””TW'VA»eth not ofmen of tendei%CTonfci~mce£, but of the ordinary multitude, whiz» asvzhe C1;it~h;had ralman % irreIig*ious‘liberfy 3gg~in_[t t_hc;1{hi&-RA%ulcs 5 of ~ their Q1, 1; 3,; u, rforc-’faithers‘. Forttbatt lzmxratgqn 0f;1f7o/61:5», when gagmg. _‘ V be approueth only that cuflcome 4Wh1,ch. {s,a:I1ow-- A ” A L Vfed by render cmfciezms, is but a flaurxflu, or a va%rni{h$ro colour..o‘u§r thfiirr;:l~icc:nCi0U$ de“a1ing and ‘d’OQ:1'fitié} w.~iAth.; :Forth€rwifc- in deed and in truth, thcir%Do6trineis, that inthis cafe: of Pa.- fling,cu&ome, whether it bee rcafonablc or mg. A reafonable, ye§“ d,a0Ch fiillmake the Apraéficclawe sfull,%as I £haIl[hauc.occafion to% {hcW;m0ré fully Whenvlcomctothc laft particular. And by this ‘it may appeax-e,w hat gwntity ofmcat is allowablc in theirlittlc Supper, as they Ca1H’l’.A ~ 1 ~ * 4 M the rcafon or ground of this Suppcr on Fafling-» L_ daycss fdrit was not {o from the be1ginning4 mud In the third place now, weearc to confide-r of 1 4 \thCref0re'it‘W‘i'lIfbe~ worth the labour to‘1'ca;rcl1; 4 4 how cam7e%in,= Butwcnecdc motto bcfloj. h.Aamt A " great VT ée*m:n:n&ar flf?r53$’fimV~4//Med if! 4 1’2?fiz]bF2:fl;. grearpaines 5 thcmféIz.:ae's doe tell vs, that airxf&r- <5)‘ °‘95"“"4”“"” a.'zmf::me?e21tur 7 war time, whet; if firfi bcgannc, it Aura: 4!/amid only m,;,4,;,,,,,3,‘,,;, éy am; of mcabcm: to A prpmre fleepe, xv.21Aenamen ~1W1_pg?nmd#mw through abfiinemzc andcmpxi;~:cf1é cxmid n or take their nawrailrcff: ém‘ tlmt ‘ rm? ::‘:«r,'Z’me /2415 fare?» iamtawancanfixz 124$/M’, A t/mt it may 66: -zz/Ea’]’ar1X23w:—'Arz]712¢:e22t or to "““'“,*?W"’{"‘». * “ at m:zm-alzcptzd fsedc the b¢aéy..% A3116 (a5 azzmher fmh) Emir. 2'/5? M W, m,a.m W A ginniszgit rm; Mm-;g»5r in wgmaka r%ze,eaf.73z—';:re,~ Amdfé m.mmfi¢mmr; wpm :2 kinda of zxtawfxity : fiat mm it 5}’ rflflmc RInami'3Exi' warrwtea’, M4! mama} mfé if wit/Mai d;;z_3ffi¢r£7A%%re¢ ‘$3: ficzfzr’. And i0;,40r m the fame pmpofe fiacakt .530--."e (*?3V¢riw Wbi mars alfo. S01n%c0i:u;1ufic>n»7v*ec fee, thatbefidcs rheirfitmenle at noorac-ride,V:E2ey aiimv a fit't1€f£*.fi’zzz72czz!a2::¢z£x~' me41e(as rhtfy call if} in the evening, %conlifi’in~g fi#W5v5*.:7Wfi1i¢i*«~ of 5.rmd_., flzaita", éeréex, jfiiotx, c0,=:afEc'i’iar;.¢, and ‘a fmflfi/72, am! that in fuch‘ meafure or qtM:a?ti13I,;'be fl in&iga§m.- ex-_ itfmall or great, asby the cufiomcofthc placc is ;::f"“*’?"'f‘ ""”?‘ made vfizall 3 and all this for refi:efl1%ingan%d Away» fiifi}t¢:;.g‘{g::g rzéflving of {hf} body. And thus much they fay. 4Vfévdiw'_Iébcraz4 Now I fay to the contrary, that this rule‘ and cuflomfi of t‘hci?r$ 01:11.; both {warns ifrom A4 afl pra. jéd~:‘rz’i)Skezzgia’a:?e; éiice of Antiquity, and d-othicrczifc the:rVu1Aesf and r*‘Ptw~=;w'-~;f_§=~ pmpertics of an4ho1y4~ Fafl, wen {uChV A2s:tbem?- A felucrsdoercquire. A A A ;,, _ % _’ _ M Firfl, it is rc§p’L1gna~ntAta t.Az2z‘iqfu£:fy.~ %<3:I-"m-.¢m'§— “f”f"“= f5"‘af’F""‘E?%%%%j W17’ (faith 3 Itfixire) 19256224 M 2338:: jgt}/l"£d till, the: ’ vftée cfamée, tiny wfiza’ .221»: my %eum3vg R£flé?;a1::étxt§0WWWifi€ rfi a % fl ‘ _ H M % H iflImn'z:uFii,w£%££1 sbfitfixte atfimplmm wasxzzr. ’A7'..or.InfF para! .I.~;,-~ t.',‘,8, q.4.p.5' 5'6. ( c)Fi11im:.Mo~ra1:£lq» taz;j?Z'fomm' wpi-«A A Trafi. 27. partz. c. a. nu. :5. pag. 2.79;.» Lfcfil de1u&ir..%&,1um3'},,.4, ¢_-,.~,a,, Du5j;,:;_.§, % Item fuLm:m:cs.“ gag. My llamas Summ. Ecclgf; part. 3 ,4; 5, g_ 3,4, p;;;g,% 5,, ,9 39 ,_._ 10f“-‘?h~ A“§3°5i%3fi-*4~d¢ 163!-mt. q. 9.am 2...d:xfiic. 4. Dag. 435. ($3) mimgxmm in dieinsw Aitimtiwfi W3 M?Mw‘6Wfl,[i7-‘W WW5, mdla -wfierzini wcfi%%6?é.Vmaz:!é~~‘ wx;.=%.¢12I.a¢r:: fidpafiqlznw tderefissas; mum mytr.w2md {éxt4m,, qwi ieimitm2;’crmkan1,iy;ygdgfi,wfi 3 ggfijgmm ;,£fi:¢;«-5... 25% 5“-5.-Win‘Psirg1»2¢¢e48~a; was-$52563 ‘ A ’ A A" 4 Aficr 5,4. mm %AA§&fg"rg§efi£vns"4/1Bw:d—i7§.a we/zpafifi ca§§§ fa _ am After mu mm 073 téeir]‘Z4jZir2gIa’aye:&er,gan::cto Mt, Mair Sufptr at‘mi.a’-41.19:, (whxch was but a {cw fifiwmmabiiysfiis yccrcs agorc ,a and mcmev the-niA~a thAouIEmd yeeres fgigfifififif‘ arm C hzsifi) tbm mm: the excnizggflafééfion éraagé: $5 « 3 nrmmiwmzém «vp.%; And asanothertlefuite confefléth, a.Bemf&. ‘ Higarabflfijgflg we Cmwm aftbe Cpéurcé dc: flaréid meat, 5:1: 4% m:am¢w:r:« -A _ -4 mm M,W,, _ xmtfia:-bzd drzmée: 6y timwnmzucwce q;’t£r: frames, «km prwfm ggw mtiv eucmlng Eefifiioxzs wtenfy w;£*::aziv:ze»ta “:17: A.w.'i«, “*2 WW“"“ A mm xmmd in, 'Zff?§£.?1g?}‘£’f{!i:36'£,f§i'_‘f5’#*F»’i'7‘,’ lcjfl drimée ms time/lzmld Jae war: to the flomake. And Beyerliamé dc Abfzincnh more frceiy 8: plainly bf/5:}, faith he,{ 13.? mcamcth §gg§,:;: 67* the Ancients yermittm’ ww w2l)vvA;R4=y*?:é2‘za::%,4::c£ zém r¢fi*a7Ei.;mem, c<&'§, 4 [part one tam : éut we M at Zw:§g4r2a'fuZZ dzmzcr do: ‘WW ifiwfi‘ adds .4 [mil Rafifiiorz more, wséizzlz oflentimes dot/5 55% ' &"""z*,; . . ;m‘f§::fi:5;,;, aiggenerata mm 4 Sgpper. Thus themflalues con. .Wwdivyg@t*15~%feflé%(asindecd they cazmot with any face deny 3% for clears and evident a truth) that. their seeming Wmmum.-m Collerfian is a nouell cuflome, vnheard of in the ii» dkgf primiriuc: Church,or among good Chriftians in gzfgpffifif thcpurcr times. I W A« A I A ;I i V A M . mi. in ma Scc%ond1y; this cAufl0mc ofthcirs in taking an Cimmfs:ff‘- cxeuizzg Cat'!.m}m after a full noon:-tide” Dinner, 3;}P.;§;g§,;,;, duth croflb and Vouerthrow thenzrure and: right wrf °-vfi: of a religious Fafi. For themfelucs defcribc l1 W aFa£i miccmfiffv sf? m-zeAA Rwflien Mel] 5 and they pmmm sq» adds by way of rcaf:m,that if more were granted, Ws‘WW"‘fi It would take away the and aimed at m an holy Fafl, which is rheafiiéiing ofrlzcr body, 6 égwafé K wagfier, Maxfim, fir wig 3: We av;:r§¢o§,qx{z'.§ fiplurics Rq‘Eo’1iofiv22:zrcm', nor: auzfii... gmvmn gmyw 5 ‘m§’;m%mm.bamzms.mxmr£:[u2:zl8plzc1rq’e6fiwe. Fi11iuc.Tra&. 2.7. par.-,‘ a..c..m... mm. 2.3.. pag-‘W9. .£7@;¢w bamnfim wmmmziter £154 in die £t.3Ifl£a7I¢11l,$='a1€7IS ieimmre de- imc uzmimfimef in dk wmdara.% Aug paid wim aamqfiéa 22: die ieimafi {:2 media 2205:’: in me- iim memmi macflwia ad ieimi. Idcogf bi: mzzcdws gm: mafixnr iaéymifé. Lmgfirghyius fizcfam. fficiunium g;_z.,6, % "V A A 1 M33 ‘ p 3 . T/ye xezaméeij af eefeflian: 4114232949 in a”}}i’épz'/ii AF: 2;" n L 312% ardiimritfiv are cézztcmlzm’ and f§tti._rfiedl wité mm Reg’: iliam in as day; mid cmfiqecntly, nwreltzéen me, i A A waeld ée 2:0 %4fl7éé?£an or c£uzflzfi'mem ta 2%: éody, .And they fay true: and the truth of it is verified i in this cafe. For who cannot withoutfceling any i wantiof mear,g‘omt, Eéecau inlyef of/flame 370513: ‘I’1fl..’tH$’53‘t tit ZtJ:'i]§?5¢°.té M We?c7Ji15‘¢r5@* ‘ eate’4£ozzt*4'.v2.bawc éefm*er2‘9c«2:e~: amdrévaz fame Do... A m!zeri%r::1égiafi, % % Jaggmze 41;! fi*:i7:2' ban? am’ meridicm, nut in ;;m:'a'.Fe, am etim [£0755 «mic mcriditm ; ag,/Fare wcrfi mm’ bum‘ i22tegr..?‘eliflqué7£tH?‘; Iotmeclina €od.IVdc»1écaiun.pag.;3g,C9].z,, A , é % .1“ “J: ‘_jj, Scnptul-es’ E;{p,,4_., Yberime cfrwfiiaw 2'33 papa?» Fa/f. ?Scri.pAture§,a:nd1Sfafhcrcd am :zEIedged_by Bellar- (a) In-Mg» * mine :0 }rhat_purp1>{'c. 3 in M26 0/61’ T”/3"%”?3”’:({ézf.fi "”“”""""‘*”“"" ¢ he 2917r5':$’?'€ tévere Mfi7€€6:é’ affiz}?’zflg,. were fa‘ mentzm ,,,Z;,{,,, ;_,m.w. 722;m’+.;~* oftlze eiaezztzde, as the time when thfifsk’ bi‘ C?1<*i‘% ffiwzime fir mm. q.'.~éy mi ram. W ‘WW’ PW" d 1 L .« % Vrterzls Tefim 1 g’,3zvfl4;m’ ugh téztt t3”*‘éT3‘,3."r'.W_g"1'é'£.”}’&1'té7I3’-7.5’ flf % 01:2 ‘Y‘€‘,/zZz£i?2‘€ir2.i.‘;’... 4 Fg¢f;’Aw;::4, ir)Lczzze—w::w*¢ e$I:.zt~ o*m"?AL0;:vi%J’wf/3%‘ J'{W{ f A‘ !y, grad MM? 22:4 we mezzzfzlg. A The‘: cafi: is bm:h:‘c"i*e;m’ andcon1€e£I&c;*i7«5, and therefore needaech: H20 f£:értE?1%er‘cap;qe;Bexzm p_;o~u£«e*". A A % A A M ¢ 2?. ‘W I:"‘{“a~y,.tha:r iris aga*imfi rhre‘¢rzi%;fficf>e“ o“*x"r%’i*e*asn figm1.‘i ieizz72*z'zm7 A. %% T7 61¢ tgfpmf. in»; ‘ %-%%m:p1r;r&irf.1.%2£'(:.Lz. ; "' ,§.unam;gi‘n“1r. cient Cl:1e;;7>e t/Mrk Fafl -%zWZ4%e- ‘iezzmfrzmli acceaaa ftiffiiiig. .«4r»;~u’J/:61 2%: wipe/?"z’e.v ..$’¢'/.«Mlz;°7A~“.~s‘~* .é‘e’79fz‘r;;’aa?r rim» “W ‘*9 4?W'r5;?+'¥é$ % L 4! U4»: A % _ A, «,7 .; ‘Pzz‘*rE12r5"5 zriéa/¢~3,‘ ny;‘y;ea~re1:a;f?ztr‘; %.‘i.u%n‘d%’:m1' p1*rm*fc‘ thereaf, ~h(:‘»?"t‘ bzti- ° q " pr'c€wplz‘2'r}? a3r4t,~; ~, dc-zth vsJreaz~de§'Ezgfl*£vE;w,.%. zu*"4;1?31,Vv.,a'f%:~z§érajE5.% and A:e::gM"- tfiiad M! awn? -. . , _ ,. - * W, F; _ —"‘-5 ieifi/!?1iF3?f“-’;f?'?’*!r*1ft?‘3‘? fiMe,, %A»za%d~.fi1hfi‘Ahad=v «Pl£a1Ld*3:. he mxgst ha-we adacd wig W;,,:{&_3.W[i ‘A aArh«:1tAs.mm$°:A7 AA EaW4Vr:w:imVa~ci’té4zwh A:7“emt.s.¢2'zL%'zz72;, L./f;’.’"5d- Ape/zazamzwWe-“I §* ;mzflw«,; 13 E ;‘3u.2z*»¥;» ’ *“I3""5z +:"ez¢:éT:'Wa =5/»’§’;‘3* ;,/Ja;:*?z’~“w"~r:I::\«.%*5[ a’fic?£,“Gwqg2ja:vie,.Ba*#nwvra5 fijiéarz-=%o!qgm,4: Gmtiwi. O%i§r’Ecci1_cf- W1 A 8% “ ~ }% %; V " % _ J _$ fflafif.-MSerm.; T'eiu_z1‘. &**D: Ambrafi Scrm‘;3 3% 8: Aug. Ep 851..Iofi;-pl;.i;;4. Scm.p,art;.» l;dc{I“c;.q¢9%,ar.l3:. +g.zt'kl£4;c’:2§" %7£’%“£=Si“n%i5€,1.;U§(;3;s“E‘¢%¢t¢>}_;zAf¢r'i$. 6« P0P: Cincrcs.g-104” fir:z:zxa";r,2fz}' r_’t.{I§ c.+:ga:~ M9,: p2g¢&ma. MW ¢ “ «; ».4!{g'!£fl14§:W€;, Jfifl‘fl, E°?§?2£- E was-r— ~ {a):hC’J’W“”‘: of which Authors he conc!udcth,that 3 The A35- Vctem ieztmm . H . . A ,,9,,fi,,,,ebd,m em‘: dtd rm hm:/re oftbczr Fafl: til 2‘/area .5; tbs clack? 32 A N Tlaeithimhe aj"r'.¢fi:u$fian imt Po1>i_/I:Fzzfz‘. _ Cap.4:'. rzij’ihorEtZh‘71omialv in 26: afternwne, or till maxing in Lem‘ time .- timth t'.’7 I A‘ - ~- A A . or yflr 15, 1;: m .3‘. LA 1/gzaflzne: dzulcfi, Not tofizfi, and to dtnefi etizmz boré ve- fiaartirziin £3.34- or to fafi, wdmt to dim, :55 all we : and :64: it ;,‘_c ,; dmgefiw -~- 5% I/Eng newer bcardafflzmamg tZzeAm:i?ts, fizdthazzy Fdfi .A ft} zip’/I. A h A h , ggfitg cffigai /7’0#/d1?€ 57056 oféeflre I/arse cg/'25:’ clmé M the after... nm.p4fl?m mi-meant.» And (as another If3.rfl'3'...‘;. man noreth) 19 3;.» it mm mnderc "‘ V - v A; h ,_ gym gmefi great am the were m M.’ ;“*..me, #391550 mt: éefare zfbree ;¢;,,,,,4,,A._,3(,.,C5~,,,“ :31’ £6: clacke ion téeirfhflimg 4456:, rbht M dime, haw! ' ' . . . I A u ' .. nyat taflzft’, zzrc euerywneme M hlltlhe Baafm fij Me ;A;¢Aw ¢,m.___ AW m_hc:e22ts,wqrd: oftbcfitme fignzfimtmz. And gm Iikg 53 tam-~ immdi- acknowledged generahy by the refit of their icara mme re ws wt . ' ..,. ~ . . mm ];£W;fm»‘ ned men.as mdegd the cafe 15 F0 cIcamA,tnat.n; mam, qme aft‘ m-- not be dcnied-= or any W337 flliftfd 0ff.‘.Afid h€‘t.’i‘€- A 3;‘;P*;!;‘::;::’izf A «Q31 avg may rcfl fatxsfic-(‘i for this pomt: : Onely I qugdmqmffi. W1 3. J cone configjeratxon more, that the Anci... smztzzr:“ c_mm.¢d- ems: thmlgh 31:36}? did care but h one Oflfily meale, ,'f:§ZZ’:‘f:§.?é ?§§§“"‘~4 ‘1°*°"“f“‘%f°*f*?s Yr~°r dwcfieemcd it no: Vetcrcsmentza ~ ‘fipmg O 3% aflmg day, If they t0Ok€ that him xefzazogm, meal: about nooncthidc ordinncr tin1€'.And hence Md: ieilméw-hitwas, thatbecaufc the Church did forbid any gizur. Bellat. de a . % bank oP¢,i__ -fafhng dams to be kept between Eafler ahd Whit. A f:;_:':.P9r”f3"' éhaif they might exprgflé their icy for h(b)hT’a:nmf:¢it A ‘ c urreéhon,-, the anc1entMonkes, not ::;:::;:;::f:;:,e X31333 if"’?.»"‘ ““’§”“€? ““"‘ “—‘°“ ‘ha’ /saw intg aO§;z?::r€:;i1:113:s’:hfj 0913' change ‘W’ ?3"”Z»;.””‘*"Ze£ their '11 S: S 1! 3 mmg Ath.€ W‘‘’”’’’‘’ W mmem A ‘ - fate. 0 nfizerome, relating the cu-; mzrepag7Emmz~ ‘ - .. , nibws Vctermiz Omcs ofthe Cmnobtmen that IS’ filth rchgl0US librzkfiwtfiw: ,_,PeA”f°9‘ 35i§”‘?‘df ’-‘0§’3‘ih€I in 3- C0A1Icgiare Iifcgfaith Wffifflu Afi¥1q- *‘“1__wrg' tuof 1.’ Huang; ‘Q-t tCmPOIUmo cap»: -Bag. 99, . A ‘ améng ‘Qw- ...... .u‘.___.... 4 4 ;amonghothet tltingt, -a From Eloflofto 17¢’-m‘ooofl ,"(a)«<4 Pefiflmd u ‘ , ' I ' I ' ‘ l l I i o‘hezr.Su1opor: are chomg-ed -om’-=o Dzmoers, thzzzfia they ,m.,,,,:,‘,fz.j,Z$“. ,7‘: -may hot/2 flz?t‘z'.fiz'e the :0 r-{Jere .of the Chowh, tarodyot P-ro*tod1'tt; goth 45:- .:oo!7 the holly »wz¢h..o alozohle portion oy’.ro2o:zt-c.2. ’”""M"”'; KW‘ t V . , . ‘lflflfcfl 1' t V And tn Cozffmrz wefinde, that one thauttngmoued ag» yenfigifijzg .doubr,how.are-leigiausman,accuflomed,*ttt-fafiihg W otrcrentfdw ~attd {pate-tdiett, might pafie thi.-along time of uitie betweene Ealftet and Whitfizntidle, W.iEh0ut tEu£t.ga‘.tso.E. tnaking the flefh t-ooawanton, ii-‘hee fhoulcl fee-de more fully or finelyt-hett before; attfwete wast made, to this put-p0.{‘e.‘S that bfbr the heaping oftho3~ (b) Vt ergo ¢t~ flfizhtollfilomnitio appointed hy the Church, withozat edifbmflfiiw “ hreohéng ~oft/yo mholfimoe order of their fh-are diet flame “’”fi“”‘“° 3 do fblemoitatis if wmldefofizrre 0}3E[_y .10 remit ofthcir rigour, can/Eroemr, eh - that the.mm~te .wh.z'-oh my wfea’ to he take» at three.» of1ho~c’7ool'e in A the 4ftemoo:oo,]hotoldfor thatffmoe of ,,,;,,g,,,g ,,,,,,fm_ time he tahenfiamewhotfixomr, that is, othtmt IW6‘/ltd.) MW; fiifiicim . . _ ° d '4 _. oftho clothe, m that matter wool}, that ttezthor the.» V Wflfitfd meofitrt, nor the qogalitietof their meat: hem progyedt;3aziu- t_ _¢:h:mgea'. By which places it’iS apparent, that An.» l'"“’~”‘“’W>*2’e‘ borii diei nonii tiquitie thought a mans Fall to be broken, ifthetefim, W,;¢,,,;,,,3 ‘" were nothing elfe in it, but onelythis, that he did pzwociriris. id teate abouf mid- day; though the gotmtitio and qzom ‘”= W" 99"‘ A . pro fiefliuitatis 1; tlitie of -his meatewere altogether the fame that ts ;e,,.,pWap;d;,ty,: i as his defctibed by“P<)pifl1D05h)rS. For, a Faft lvfuallm:-1 Falling dates. And this may fetue ta fhew 94 Tatiwdone A how vnlike the Church of Rome is in this point alfo, ta an Antiquitie both of the Iewifh and qmzlitgzto nonmtoa A Chtifliatt LChutch. l A l t . §‘;‘;‘I~a£:‘1::“i Thitdly,l fay, it is againfl thetnatute of a Fafl, ,M,aé“x_;,3£j is fot“"a,‘Ehiél:ing of the body by fubtraétion of “ food, And therefore, (as T/norm: {peaking of this yl t F . very Wéwm; W 5?f“Ei??.‘%§”’: Aw» =»w1~&x47- art» 7. M26} 34 f,:%;ff::jn_“d’ :z6msc,z:k: wmmam ca/£02926 5 yetfii I/mt 224.tx;:*a b'ereb'_y» 7796 ti%me4qf‘rqf2*a7i0;¢ £95} Po}»ifl1;¢Fa_[Z...L¢ C394,. v "(—=5VfidWP0r1«‘eI: very point, I22-itI1,) 3 Some:/3‘in;g mm]! 54: .aa'ded§_ * mmm cazzfim fa not ézm,/»z’e22ea‘ azaermmtb; -Em t/.2e'cg:flw'ze éfc'4fz'.:1g~ A A;’d5”9:g§*‘:r‘;;6% aéemt m:'d-edamy, :3 the dizew7zdA%camman time 5 50:6 1:}; na::n§uua,f:,, ,m__ can/é mm dzgefiian feemetév ta évefi;/I} ended 271:2 t1o¢__,,_ mm graufcmr. night flwfan, naturallfieate ée:'x2g c4!lea€Vznnmrd, 52:... E]? H”‘‘”’ "”’j‘“ mufl: oftlze extmnail coZa’déam‘,.}z72d Me dzfliafian of ‘ @- mm zzis v . . . .w % % A ,,,$,;g,Z, mm- the mozflxare ar zme 53- the meméer: aftée éndyfisczn... dendi baminibad 2:5 mm: fllfi wmplm1e,. we /9:4 té qftbe day caopem... % cm“ bmm fix‘ tiaflgtéeresxtaj wzztilltée big-:55/Z afiem‘ :2»/“L:/93 Sz422;¢ea.., my: - mm qui-a _ iamgzédettifevfifé; L/izidalfiz éemufé mm: nature doth eflbecml/y timg M “””P‘““ "’é’-‘wfiandin ncedita 6e%re1zeued.4g-aznfl t/aeVexterm!Z beats mafiurno temp- 71’, mzrnxali safa- W imerilis 9'<=’w- Amdtirerefarz 2“/Bat fie timt faficté ?iZd_yfi’€/6’ fime 4f;. 4 “"" P""P"”' fflflzffiau, 4 cammiem‘ lycmre of’eat2#;_g is impafia’ way? i gm :;2o:."t’;2s air» A mwfiazms mzgfi, three aftsée alac£=£.. And Belfarmizm. and «}?1z!e22iz*¢z'49,A fi‘fi°V*’“'W‘ Wand Parflumr, befides other mos, in ‘their a’efinzn1..V. memlarzz, comr- mmd M mm am 0-Ea Fafl, A or armmg the cjL7Enti.ez:z'! things be... qftéze ayre, lafl #53 bz»=mwzr.:% witéifi éee ‘ézgrriedéy £3/5f‘, M ve.diei;-vfq; adffie longingro it, doc (asl fhewed in the beg;inr1iz1g}V,~~ ~ m2'u#1*[oJ:4%afi:e5=3~ % § % ‘A - % .' . M . ‘ - _ Jam : mmmma reqmre this Fm‘ one, that In :1 FM, the aéflzzaeme z.«s'~ W4 tam P,,m;_Ja be le:&i:;g;cr¢:£vc22 dtatéar tirzm, and the refe6’ci0x1;. Piteim/74607190-15 to be later Md after :16: Irgfimll tame Dmn-erg. _ H d._ _ ‘A A I E: “that by this forbearance of Ameate, nmmre may; wcrimmaezia*A “f1=:eIea%%AWant of food; and the bady.;m;1y.be affli, ““’””"?$ V Aed by it. 4But~t%hc vfuaIL1 time voffeedingj an ordi. mares mtmm; % — %,,‘,,,,W,u,,_ E, nan-ie dayes,’ isabaut noonc , or eleucnof me ielgavtieium; clockcgornot before team: at the fooncfh Awnd-s ‘“"*’1""7*"*"”‘4A ‘17%”" therefore when the C huraifm of R?%0me doth aHc>W' asemfézziiatpro 1 ]cz;z,:‘epm:.,rmrc:fl‘?‘Z5e t5ree‘0ftft£e£[é»flé€ jfivr 13/ A V“““ efim ,_ % _ J M 2 __ _ 1/Ame iyomm 220- ércgzkzmgefa ‘mam Fafl, men than dzdewfi to dmcu mmprajazmane ulseat mzd'.dzz_y.e $02‘ tlaeyet/:ezzg5z_ that £15212: w;e5f1?ffic?Ez::‘3m?> WPf*”‘ A A _;_, v d . -.' eafflzflzen fer fizeflefb, zftize rzfié7za;¢.af#re éady were b,,,;”}Z,ijZ,§§ 5.; deflrredfar three éraeresfveee; name/y,fivm *tw-claw, Mm! mridiv "till r/area e_fftbeclocée iflftéé aflemome. .33: new-44"" 5“ ‘W’ 4.. e. % e . ‘e. e t zmlmt _d4yes,(ia1th he) téegreeteflpart afmems Accuflemed 5% ‘$1,: was-‘ £0 aha, net ettwelzw, 65:: at mine‘ af t/53 clack}? in tfieeewem 6‘ 63‘/155$“ mamzbg. "Wéwce itfillewet/3», tlmtxfmen do mm in "'°W’"fi“ EM we time oft/3eirfi4fl,a’ine.eaé0u%tI mama.-zia’e,v .1/J47 ecammm, id efi, ab _1-Jo feed the body tbree éawres later than ordz'mzry.- and ’’‘’”‘‘/3’‘‘‘’‘’@“‘ they /eeepe t:éee?B7a’c:;/fevzeflill. Thus the Card!’- §f"”§{§r;'f‘ email. Bat, Filiirmimfairh, btlwt mmmonly etbe dzffi. rem. axgafiru“ A e.cultie:or /94rdne,qEvw»6£cb 2!: infizflixg, flit in A9:/Be e-e;:‘l‘;’ff,’,§’,f0_ waning rrtfi*é?ian, and not in we forécdring dinner, mm mm we j-wbicb doth fame a’{;_"j‘Z*r flame we -ardmzry bears a flrxtri. féd tertii V dz'rmere-or: other dayes. Which anfweres of theirsgffjgfififitéfij doe indeed deferure no reply, becaufe jhey are e- tempareieimzgr Luidentlykfireiuolous. For where doe men now-a~i’“!"17"”'!3“”‘ e m flexta, be: e- -daies erdinarily dine at nine ofrhe clocke, asBel— .3 W; ,,,g,;,;;,,,,§; J.ermz'ne*fai%h :3 Or if they doe {'0 in fame places, We bum/Eriris 7% “ ° ‘ ' ‘ _ . - % % ye ad feficie71dmm yet certamely In mofl places it 15 net I05 andmm Wdm__;e_e A what will he fay for the Fafls that be there véfed :' qmim areiz':za*rié*‘ ' allow men £0 dine onetheir fafiing dayes,at eleuen ,, w0r ifit were fo in moft Countries, yet they doe19’:“:;%;e 4 anfigztadim new Y -or ten ne of the c10cke,or fooner; And then Whatreced4m.Bc11a‘r; ‘greatpenatrce were there intha: forbearance, Ion» d‘’ b‘’- 99¢”-"*‘ tium trim: berm 7 ~ part.l.2.c.z.§.; ‘ get then whicheuery man mufl and will yeeld Addiuzus.“ A vnm at their greatefl Feafls, before the Cookes (‘JD Weqwigtgw '“ e ‘ A A AA cammmztar sem- mtedi dzflicuhatemfinriri in Refiélizmmla ‘I/2efixertina,2:on mam in prarogaxéorze pfflIl;'!§7,pgaiae -via: - diflérrefblct :15! km caifiéctafrmdedi in dfiebgu cfimunihw-¢.Fil. trafinazy’-{J-z.c.4.nu.;'z .p.2.84.._, ‘ P 2 can 3 5% Tim t:’:ém afrqfe:f%%*ca;ez« 5;: a Pv;;,i;’}i F4/f.7 Cap'.4;, can be ready *3 And. 5:52: their I~irt1*e~ rtsfefliicanat that 13.1 re pmchetii» an bodyw hm eafify, bra- A A Eng fuch asbefom (sva~s> dVed%;a:1'<:c!, and after aAafu1I~. mm-Ie at n-ocanc-tidembefore. Thefe Afriuolous an-r fwt:-rsthmdeferueno feriousreplys n=orw~ou1d I» ‘ jfearc l%efi'any manflmuld be_perfw=a—ded“or mifledb A A A W %*by them:y.etAI 'thOugh}t Ema: amiflé: ta relate rhé, Amhatmenmightifcie batiivizhat pooreAand*‘AmiiEm- A bl: fla.ifrs.they are dxriuen; to, for defence of their % Aloofc andlicencious F2z{?ts:=a%nd'a1t"0howimhing-s~ A ‘ L H auidsentto-the eye,the-one doth‘ crofiie and con- tradiéii-tAheAAAother 5- Bellézrmirze fizying that the cu... "‘flvomar..ie— home of dinner is now-:L.da_ijes about A A nine ofrhe clocks; and Filliuciw aflirmingg that }zh¢rc.isAfinaII diffirrcrzce betweene th€‘irAAAdi*nn‘€r~ % AA hours Qn%tficir fafking day, and on aIA10th€tjf‘day.. a defpmzate; cam": r,c.quimth fisch miferable ms, %% % % % A Ffour~th1y,I‘fiy~, that this dining atnnoone vpon‘ * A fafling~dayEs,_fprang from. iudcuotionfln want 4013 (3) 055;; mg zeaIve,orfr@n1 Epicurxfine, &_a«If3u%e of-"the E:_:c11y.I* Hebmasieimzza prefume xn reafon I may w~eH{e.[9€akeVtVaIx~<.>a£;{mrz... -« C394. x Tée time wjflEEfa;¢Aii2"4—I’olt>zf/2 A A 3.7‘ me“. For hauirsg firfi Y-aid, they frhc Hebrews did vfe t0~iAAfafi3 ti‘i1~night; and thzu:t*h€:"I3G£]'ffi€%01d Chri-fbians were accufiomcd to keepe the‘ fizmae A. H ’_ A M Qrcfef, he addeths a~ Afierzmm’, the oldzzegzle zwx-- (33 D”"”d‘“" A mgAAAco!d6yAd;:gree5;, the F4fib.:»g»zm fir/3 to ée_V;;éro.£>c :yf"§,:::::eg§:{i;:‘,,a, H before 151:: Same w-em‘ dame 5. and afier t/54:, 4 flan: re, vwzmcm 6/1 A 7a"é¢#e:*é§e;%refi:2:i2Aé4-%fittim‘g.% PM i1?€y%:5,£gV4fl~;to‘*%¢a ta.» ”}’ét‘..« And. if ze::a1*e% may be {aid t‘hez2~l7t0%&%%AW"v§’x:3,xreA%ml ' ‘ fizlfiuiieiunium‘ _ A A, A _A _ A ~% przmfiquidm V zlmrfiapper at flame afzéze cleciae, that :5, three bamre d7ztequamA_/619;-: afiam mid~daj,? mm’: /5; man} fiat.-srcx A éefméei “t/A7.e?j.?%.rm2é ‘idfreizdfifide ~ % A A ‘ , .A AA A A 2 _6zis:!2ati?9)arwfo!i£- when Athey préuenteti the qld: t2tmV¢,byaA~ta5<;§;1 g;t.h§fr 4bfcAeJuna_. :vN{¢m« fupper at 3;. of gm: clocks gm :heAafte§nQoz;e, then%i§f”f£:‘iff;‘;’A‘ we may b%oidlyC‘fay., that ‘now zealxz 15 E6}-€054, or? lgax: ¢aft,Azr;aAm quite gtzéI3c'4A5L'd‘1in-VtjhtChurch efszfloihiiwfeeigzg £1156: ’W42vd’y_;,E)ur 1rrc,I1gl0n 3fld:@53€m~W5lj€9“" A ZIMZMM. h1efac.. m3eadne2£'1T'<;*‘o‘f'tfia1jIe. A An:‘_iAthis}nay1fuFfi"c§Ato be nom; de Lqgmagw mad for the: run: A Of 7‘ th-€11‘ W133. .011 faflingx-»4d3Y‘35v%A* €32-6_-Pag~439*a~ W 3 T4/)2 g)\z:Jantity afimwt az72da’.ri;2~% Em aifajai/I:»Fa/t’%. C'ap_.5¢., . '_ M _ _ A CHA2.VLf AA AA fZ‘£e figamtfty meatmd dririkifi 4 Fa]?-o‘ fa; Emdem M :5,§:—». He fcmrth particular 1“sth;equ4rxt:ty W,,;;,m,c;g,,t, , Cefmeatand drinAka1tlowablcwin the vtc#W%“e*e6¢- Church of Rama in their horly V dam 4 aeq»mlita- V % % ' are qwgmtfitzmkdet I AA A. ,, V} ‘ ‘ 5?/rr22z;;.zg‘af, Jrfcm ~ % among%them,% bL1!.f;t"" at;eu,ery man me-afure himf:lfc by [the -bel=Iy. Bag: mat thtsisr 4_d‘¢Mugn‘q‘9.mean1ng may»morc plamely and dxiixnfily ap- d’~1D;5~C0nél. pears Igwillfirfl confider r:h-¢_V_ quantity that _tbc:~y. ’,‘,‘”g7“”-2' aIIo:wm their dmner, andthen1n t-hear drizalcings. Q Séquw’ A d 6 If for their dinner on faflin da cc" the 11% ‘ aé ‘ M . « g y 93 ' 5:‘? ’W’.:z 3"; 7fZ1y”,T%har he 4* m5» exccedetb mtb: qunmty vfmmr, V ’éf,d,,,,,, bum mmbfmrer lzefzmraefl'um £5: tquality or cum znunzme A A-hrmaaure a %e vs A M111’ red" e A 722.0% . £5‘ am. ‘ ‘ foéli f fzlyftq tz-y,6 ktla :5 ffl Fafts. .And.fo;' that, Ifind n.o/Jim: W A‘”‘‘’’'‘ fimt’ They fay,-5% tlmtifamau daeVn?it16 infant dxdpurpafl A la ‘ . % . - . . .::§?:¢”;:::,€;m écepe tin: that t/rzng: :w5't6'b they require am 4 Fa/3?, e=_wedat;/~tisfvt- Mdyet in I54: one refléfion or dimer wbicb bee fl“! mt pwcepto dc ieizzmznda qmm-y % , ‘ % doquiiem§1i«biIlor4nce;A yet fie datbfiztgfle arfifficzfn-‘fly k::pe%tbc"Prc«- rcpt affisflmg 3 éemaxrfl we qmtntme of we ahmer fi,%,,_,,3_;oh‘% dot/5_ fife: V fig/I izmder that precept, or as xatgompria Me-dma. Cod. ggdzn 1:. Agame {hay {'ay,<: W5Eflfi£fl£r%4 mam J02‘/5 ‘1°I“"“““"3"" eat: 5»: name in #9: day, at t/Be aypainted /Emure ma!’ pag-aw 1 5 . 5 5% A *4 h ’l. (c)-.Qgr.¢r1a’u- 4 flame: fiamfwr I dwmexmx 5 w gtjficzm aft.» szmqgae quzzfemel .. AA % A % A_ . zanwm 372 die lawfiprggfiiréaté tomederit, e§~ 4‘ tibia vetitzk ab_/iimrerit 5 quicquid aliml comedat em! l2il,mt,. ffim madeayzréfiug immademzé, év-fiue delefiabiiizer, _-/35:: «liter, naufmngit ieimzam ficcléjfaflzmzfix. B.c_g1nald_.hb.4- nu.I63.pag.1 54. V % ‘ /P 5 4 ¢ ~_ . % ”‘ 3 .€-ail), do: téraugéglattany exceed: tbe rulcxgftcmpe. M C395... ‘z'£reet§>&4z«tztyaf me4teae1q'-dmze tr? 4ePe}2e/b Fafi‘. 39 * be eitéier 6i1'~fBI.b07'_ drin.éet£t,e~ nrfietber moderately or C3) Ietmg-V A V A - A e A .~ 5 mznrtmz lice: immederatelgmdewhetber to delzg/at eppetrte er o.e;’$;ed,_,,e d,-3 ;e__.. ¢éerw.¢fé,l7e breezéeib not :19: Fxaflieftée Cbflrzéage Yea: mag; Refp._ abut is there nomeafure how much a man AA may we *1’ Yes. He mzzyeate 5&1-m£¢6£I‘.e;'a‘ .6: am, fer ewgbt qzggygagfg-dgr;[;'gfig" ebat tire Precept Off“/J6’. Cfmre/7 doth require.» Yea, PWEPH1 F€1'~n- \ . » - E .~ er; .' but fay that av man dnr: gormandxze, how then ~‘:" c_’;a_9,;‘_§f:,a;" 1 b [fa may flzoezeleleate ti«!l/a%e glut lIZ“?P3_/'¢$“€fl’,,ZJ5£Zf exbefl?’ 339. were vnlamfeil, but éeerebye /Brim Fuji :5“ am %:érel:Aee¢. (:).,°%"»_?'7I"151‘f“""_ Well‘: but 9‘ what ifa man at hismeeletzzeefwezee/5 mm my -up. many dzflies and/Qzweex, ewe tegletteey 259;: Aexaeflzm it; ¢1fid"g0Ff724fldi,$Z‘figS, t»6flt befeelet/2 ma ezffl,€c’22€eie of’:/Be ‘~{::=l1§;:iqA flejbgea tlmt be we exceedingly preuekjee /xix glmteni» M; ;e;ungm,o H‘ em appetite, fliers rap =11;/EA‘, and twee fa» mac'16me4teea:%wi£1ac.;:_1c Graft. wee diMer,m=~me‘}A 5e4fitf€cz'entfor eéree" men Vteflzede 53. «upon in at eaaegaeeientfeet doth {hrs man keeper the nu,;z,g;;;_x5esM:e Lawes offaPcing 1: .1 4r2[wer_ ACT-mh Iaeabm de.Gr§efi. ;:!;’t.f?v fijs )f»z/94; ' Amefieekee eeearding ta tuée fiejéfleekeee »¢gf;e;,m9-3 ,fqA‘,,;fg,m’2; mg pyg;epz,fiz':e Fezfli: not £2-refeeez :..:”dfl62zi12it)§?i;f~fi’P3fi.cgrIeedenelekIane33‘<‘ Me LA‘072Zf77:0!3.0}-’)z;:’?Z'0?¢ may {we edeeeitted, :9/2:}:/9 in I124: taécfz men dee fezmfie we Precept of tee Cézezrela * cam m¢g¢;§y%Ve¢;52;;z§gr§' eerningfeflieg; Ge elfi we may /]>ee}:e af Fafling, “j;e?’§i”;:”fl’f..7;’F me rej]mf%'v‘ta we mm: efit5w_4:2elfeate£2efl* mm db: net gangs, flfigi3i0,,&, fimfie arfitlfill else P~ree:pt.e. Thus these {peaks Mien!» imme for tht? fiuemritie of their meate at d..iz_mer. And ~*‘5"§“”‘?’”P‘W":'d , _ _ ,e . % . _. 5 e meieritene ililzi-fe zchexr praéhceeexseneot eevnl1vkeethe1.1:' doéi::me.. Por,d;,:,em,x{,-;§'e,,; A «:1 We (faith Beyer1t*m}:A)tekAe em‘ dznners on our fa» tee“%mWfi£~ A A A , A v A A A . _ 2mtese.vm A pfmzdia ,1zm7:temfii' Iribm her:-ziaeibue £311‘: ed Afezmgrzvem germ figflen{a1zeeem?‘;E=efp. Qgbffg eonfideratis cme_[i:!m:;2dz3s, i9:t’»1.7:.’1'}£z!i'fiZ£}A_f30Z£jfl am e3e«:idi,A qzeedfinos laqzazmur qzeaezd figbfiantigm .. e pmcepti, ieimeiem “mm da{3’el14i;te>', 5:9 eta patefi beébere~loczsm con2.~;s.=ze7m eeiizie, /2§1zaAe:1:ofi¢ be» mineséeéxzny preeeptoe fl-:zés;A‘éa2],7e. -- Am *2, er?) lnquimzer dc z'e§emzTo gzeMd'me:riix'm;, efr ire vzwzfhtzlsfdcimm eI.::c0bA;~Grafi‘.part. 1.l.‘.'..<7.37%. nu. ggwpag‘. 2.17. (d) V_'.7\@s premdéa [£- mimm, eezqtee t.:!zd,-22: prezerézem ab/lzizzeméem capiii dc’ mréetate “denim facile‘ ’ ecamgcefemim ~e Bee:-»3~ B¥°mB‘-3‘%§¢1_19§§!E¢¥§!ma“¥i s«ees»63a~» ’ A A filflgg, .;i /320 fldfitligy gaf .¢i9'da,7’.i?!i£’_i?3 «:1 P Fzlfl. C3p.5#‘«_ {flag dayes, and t./aegp fin;/2:, that we may myg'[y-.«£»y Me A florczmd -zrarictie ofmeazej, make amemlsfor £6: 46- A I J/Kimrm-e rim: is puff. Bmi: Lirzdaw Fpeaketh more ‘ broad, and (am; that tfizeflq:/Z:.:aft£veir C‘¢Atl3al2:€’e: are (gay): mlyere fi;.;,~b Fafis‘ aw Epicure: Adm? éeepe. Ta % “Treaiifeaf which purpof: I ham: med’ his words * 611%:-» Fafcingg ‘F3?-4° Wvhgrfg“ ‘ ' = " V A The'iikétIV1ey.fizy fiat theé_7;mmz;t2eormeafureof Hm — {'a—)«3e,,€ pmfgfi their d'rinkirg_g% allrimcs of the day. For, ammtn bibere ameprané may drizeée wéliinozgg/9 éeflw dimmer and afler dim. M” Mr, ma’ mm/9 M‘ éeye tbinkeré gaad, wiwaw my flzma b I 1”’) _" tzmzwidebitizr % offlatfitfling .- iii: tme, £134: :.41efImlZf;'7me éy intem- 5”5¢Pf3iP“:f.:° ,§‘ per«w:;eA. Sofpeaéccrh Ifodriqzzezs. And In the like 1 ¢ 22 I . . % A % w , “ ° ;fi;:,:“;j‘;’fi’ gm, purpofc: Lcgfzms flam fiance ~({:;tl!.‘h he?) ztfollowetir, pecmbit pemzza Mat aflen drinking is natféréiddm 2'72“ Me time of 4 A :.!*7~°’a¢’7‘-1‘{"d- «Fafi, c§“Vc..--- that altéraagb 4 may due alrixainéfir Sum” Ca‘ ‘ tbamza’ (name! for nourlflnment am! téatznzma. fart..l.C-1.3. I113. I y _ - 1.pag.2.3.: _ A ¢.’er.4te:ly,lze atotb not -zmnlatc tlze Cbarcée: Iffetept cf’ ‘£3-;)Pf§; flzflfmg, téaugb écfimae 4g4znfl:;;*mper4;2cc. And to 3 u ' ‘ M .. . fmfrzptimem cre.1lkepi.1~rp(M)*fefp€ak€; others. _So m fumme thezr firlmmw W=* dO'fll7l!‘kfiaCOflfia'€‘th in two pomts - A 341*? 5 -- qzmra % u } ‘ ,m,,,,fiqm;m, 1;. T hat a man by playmg the Glutton or the W‘ '5-"?”""‘3""""“’=* rancie or CXCEITC, in theA1i=kc manncras hce flmuld my wqldblt pm» ,,I,,,4,,;,,A 44£%¢cW doe cmany other day, ifhc: vfcd the like exccffrla _{imm:mr,e:£- Drunkard on afaffing day,may {inane by intcmpcu deieimriowf 2. T~harV'noexccf1?: in the mea-fixrc either OF H % meate or dr1nk<=:,zs any offénce or {inneagamfl the deluflit. aaxu... rules of a Romans Fafi: (0 that 22 man may piay ;?;:_4~¢-1;D““%boAtI1 theglqttoffi and the’. drtmkard vpon a Faitingé. 1 021.11 C . P,g_7_,3_: 1°.‘ day,and yetlceepc allthe rules of a Popifh Fafhe Only the qucfiionfurthcr is, Whether a Vman fin- mng by intcmperance 1n gluttony and drunken» nefléfi, €a.P‘.5V; 'fTz7=€j£'~!)dfiZis'?j»*0f'72$‘£’d¥ 2zrrz¥dx¢'22;€' 211.4 F4”/Z‘; 4.1 V %mcfTc, and yet at”-the «flame time%kcepi’ng I heirrules of%4fafii!'1§, docwmerit at Gods handszby his”Fafi v." ‘ - Arid ~theiranfwcr.hercto :is,% That'=1yg‘ft‘ée‘ amp (a,)"';S"5 mzmfiw ;-W fifiéreaz/g “tk;aF.it 6: adeazd/J! ‘er martdll/I3-:;26,=-t%:efi Fe‘ ""“’l7L’"““*% ”’P“ zap» we merit game 4: be me mgr‘ war 5;; “‘”’”’”"3’é"“ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ .’ , U ‘ V " V-mitziz merimm good mrkas : étzt aft/as mm a’a tzatfimne imrt4lz},(_by‘ ivirmfés fiw? ¢’v"~ A - W 1‘ A , AA A. % % % _ % ; V-A _aIiar:sm%‘ban'arImz»% gms exceffe) Mm /ae%daI/5 rm‘ méfilutely %l;yé%:be mart! 40j,é,;,g;; i%;si«?‘?£4 % Laféis‘ F4fZ,l2xa=¥t‘%0m'}r £29 pd I*t.‘Far 374 that 1578 at’-371% ¢U&l:;;':.A ,7”, m*,,¢p,_gm»,g% A --Mrify farbaafefarbidcfefi nsmm Md tfémvd +rqfEfi&’£4V ?'='9'f*?I?"“:: W «mafia! tée%AC.6:¢3' 619:: cammzmdemejm‘, /it JIM fiv firrcfiffififg ,fi7:?2‘:5 mrrflby hi§A’faI’tiz‘2‘g 3% %w12i6‘/1 merit ‘:3 ma: 2:A1I#ere.k Qgciaqtqg 3 4w.z_1,z‘/ragga? 5?‘é.kt£i9:‘"fiW dye modafatim in tin: 1""”"" """""‘“"‘ aafizm 4.12 abs: mefatey W’ klmzltcf éftiféfzrrefbrib as be rajéi/2 the» .y,, ;,,g5 a. gig. A .,z-eJ[/E-,;ée da2.£:= not mm. V“ The meaning of which »A¢~#d#"" Vvfiihm. AA fpeecla is§“ro%this;purpofe; tImth'is'fi1ffingis a%Vg¢od*?”’P"i'£“"fi‘ prxmptsm; "m«‘;‘ fw works, ti1o.ugh.at4 thetitrib:bf7his+fawffing,% I13:-e_ doe retnrglgnad gag- ‘ ffurfctandbee‘d1‘unkc»: and ifhisfurfetting*and W"’“"*¢’”"“"”% d rzmiceuneflé be {itch and To great, that it puttcth him out of thcf’catcof grace, than he caAnn‘ot me. nz: _m7zj'erut ris: by‘ir,becanfe a man that is not ‘the Rate of grace, cannot merit byany workc“at all, how ,,fg,,r}§x:¢e4;:; good foeuer otherwifc it be: but if his gluttony mmcretflr-A and exccffe be not fuch and {'0 great, that it doth y gcxcludc him ounofithc flatcof giracc5 than here aubi:a£$..m§.. mcritetb flill by his glmouaw and a’-rxmkefl Faflc. I°éP-713a7*7- And thus ye haue the fumme of what they fay in this cafe,con%cernix3‘g the ?qmmtitz'c of their mm: and drink: on their“ fafiingdaycs: Vvhich is a_ moi} drunken conceit, and vnwerthy the wprofeil iion efleamed men or Chrifiians. Bmfthe vanity A mayappeare by thcf: confiderations. A V r Eirfi, it is againfl the praéfcife andopinion offiall A _ V G I ~«./12% .- ’ 43 ?1"5g‘ #9_3@nzity.»of mmmz dxin1efi224Popij7: Eafl. Cap}: (5552:: gilgi 4120- 4¢z2t£qa(itie.v4 For their f‘ayings%are, 411; at L My Faflsgé 2g;:;;g;%;;u%:;e” dzzily, am! téyrfifaéizan mtéaratfiztietzc. Far it pra- - A A A 7 Iain wto curt’: anew tie aamaé far‘ mm W :g¢emfi§gzg3s._“.fiWt(é§3¢ 3195 3 AA .' % V M P % A2>T;?bil,#30d§fi1?*} térce days: together, zfat Mae itéee mercbarged, ',;;:%§:§‘;.: tézc £3 xemwpenced 6y falmgffe afler. S0 wrin % we ménzrem, fi tcth Saint Himm to Eu/facbium, giuing her rules <;;fia:¢1.igi*ousFafl. And the fame Father writing ,,,,;;jf~;e;,;,,;,,,,,;;‘ ggr1tgzfiiczzl{,Fa fgan _that“hh:_d dlc-;1_1~o:ted hfxtlxtlxfelfc to a Hicr;E:>.z=-- %1j€"IgI0iUS 1 c, e gum-:-t@ m t 13 com 6 cancer»- . :-5-1:3‘-!§~ P='~3f ping fafling 5 "‘ Le: Fazflséc moderate; lefl éeiizg ime. (T§)\’:Q}1,.,. 5429;; moderate, t/zey weaken the flamacke, and Ntequirizzg A (i£3It2¥ia%4)"4;?’504{€‘V‘gre4{cr;refEé?Tion aftemm-rd, they ércxzke ant ‘irtfv cry; : rim ninzcnimm . H . % " _- ; % % debifiég, flm-__~~ dztywd zmramafizron, wlrx-c/9-1.2 t/5: mat/Jar qf In/1'. M, egmaiarem 5’~p4rz'2:g Mdtemp.-m¢Iediet‘p3' gm! éotévflrr yéody mt 7*-’fi57W”’ P"F'fé::l:.And»yet againe thcfame Farhcr,¢.2I4amy({'aith-; A ce_2:ti;:,‘% erztmpamt % V ’ A1 .. . % . . % % 5,, ,;,;,,¢:;Hrf;;,.;Ae,?a% : 11e)3_vfio dog def; : ;¢~_%Acé4fle»lz)f73,a';9w:fi.zll m Ike .m2c!—zwz_y;%, ;?a5,{g«,;/ygjygbgtglvevx/94: aéflzziengc H and} :2? foréfea... M Mvmgpmm _rmgoffi¢2j7a_, 4%m:{fi[h3l.:e 5:14! 19:55 pzzifi, w/m/2 lvmzg , czws. 6» cami taken moderately 4¢m’fi>4ri;ag{y; :2: wit/’mm lmrme. And AA *E'?i5f??{§*?’i‘ %»AE*w??4{3‘ta;/[beaks mb4t~1W:!?£*§5 t(:faith he):na5Mirzg=a’ e9f/3fi?‘ 13%- e,li.H1?crQEp.,4.. “ f , % j “ " V " ‘A " - , I _ 6;/~ , 5! a&m. ,_.:=.;;%; % /we ‘vz? »»/as as W aw; jig‘; f mea$.H’4€ ye: addeth,Sp4;~z?zg~c!zet,a;m'4fla2;vmc»€' /3111 V ézmgrrie, zirérmer téen Fafla‘ Mm‘: ddyes loxsg. From fpcgciicsofthis leamed a.nd religious Fae.- % wf@9g:zn.e=g&gQ?r‘€* ther, any man may coliefi, that xf. he-.2 thought a hfilmeaie af:c:r‘immo%derare abfiinencc would ena- rziumpfqant, er gender lufi, than firre he neuter could xmagxngthzm “3’;”)g’*‘5“‘b?“’:f‘1i1rfett.ing on a Fafiing day can bee ameancs to arm «om: _z ~ % ~ % ,*,,,,.«,.,3m1¢.-(:1.-.«z»2 ’c0o1e1ufi,a~nd;obeate dow-n,e~-the body. And 1f fa2'cecZ:as,yr/spin V % _ _ L _ _ _ _ mrzaxzzz /imt. £1, at qszoaffentza Ioqmszr_.,72zmlfic znflammat corpora Kr tzzzlfat memlnm genztalzzz, ficut jndigeffm cibzag, rufiyjfg caizvulfu. --: Pizrws aibw 634“ 057715? fi’”{PW ¢fi¢T?6’?1S*ITi£iIiz:172:’£3 j¢ianysprwf:*rtH§,.fl§€x9n.Eg; 1953 ad» _7_7W}3W:P“%- 95 - E“ * h V C3135. Tl»: aqagantity égfmedtgerza/’:!é'iz7k ¢'2;2e4 Papzflfiafl. 43 E: th~rought,t;hat it was -in vain c and with out: pgo fie, to fafi much ,A If a man »d=ad>ma‘ke amends for ehas ab» .W’,,,,+,,,, W, A mnenceeby fulneffe eafte~rwa~rd 3 then cerrai;nI::Iy’*he rzmmgemcarde -would neuer yeeld, that men dxd :.a .mer1ror1eusfe::?jf‘:;f,;;”‘f: Ak "f bfi**'nin from fiefla the edideonthe -' ~ - P - ’WOr,€,l 3. .31 g 3 % Y» . rtterzmpmguam very day loade uhe.mfe!u.es with V-eexcrefle anév =wxim~viIimm meates andde 'nkes. Burro -pnoceed, C.:.y5"i:'zr2e*ieital¢71*, We fimw e -{hat 3 net wciy $5: qmzlitie afmeam, Em is/se q:m92ti- cafl1m.In1t.ee sileczlfa, dot/file»: t/ac edge-or rzzigor, aftée ‘kémiri, and 1('gj‘fI-£‘:};1::§;z¥af_e§ fitting the «zvaimieawit-£w t}:e6ady*,ztr deter Jzxndfg .4-n+wc+ “-55, W mm__ . Wax dndfiriéfueli-afvic‘c5.e -Aened§’a3Iitt"fC aft(:‘ifhi€§ ad; mt carpgris/Fm e - ~e ‘ e e . A f V nitatemmz muffi- deth, in time: the more mm/Vmag mates, 4.: tea): éreea’ W.‘ nagdlwt A ?be.eltb to the body," fa tbey dais not take 42:4] téegmrity M;;.;em,fim, vf c}9.gf3itie,=if+tI§ey 2 l»e,tae£ezzmaci7er4teljr." Biyewhich !WW¢tiWefi¢4“e fiieechesiwe efe,e,}~w:h:i~t t’hei.¢3ancient.Pateher is%f0far _,n_.eiBid;mF_.%‘» from allowing exc7cfl'ein a Fafl, that he preferreth peig.I-98; e A; - A . . In b',. a Fparmg meale of the belt meates, befare a full “gm fbmitem ignem¢z~5- mmuirleCafl’:-» " emeale of the Courfeft as aifo ~in~the L fcrrmer etefii. Ad;fm,;,,,,;,eA W, e e many of Sr. Himrmc we may e obfeme, A that that Yifilsfifimfldvfl Favttlmer preferreth ~aeemodera~te refeélion effiefh, beforea plentiful! rcfeétion of pulfe 5 and -i( as if g,m,:m_»i_..fm.7:, he had meant to reproue the error of the Lprelent In vtfivytgs —re-. Roman Churth) hederideth them who thiniceeeto preferue chaflitie, while they abflaine from flesfh, oizemyierxteniqx-«;~ and fill tehemfeiues with pulfc. To the fame put» . pofe it i5},tha(.cC.fl¢’zi tC11€thVS~ ofa young Mozfrke ,,,,m,»_ QM named4Beui4min,~who after his daies fafi. findfng ?!*{P¢'_B€=1i¢-2 his euening refeéiionxo be fame {here of fatxsfymg ff;gr;:‘;m.M: his hunger ., defired to fail: two dams together, cit/eflcog-, eguotidfi paximcimduopercipieats, aequzzli cafiigariane zovfinuam parcimem s:£zf§r’:’$z:fe:; V maluit bidxmmz ieiunia [émper comimmrf, dmmodo ad refééiiaficn _;19{9?li¢??S5vduj3l50df{£: fmzzfi-_-_ . _ z.&.rep!er:tggn;ri;iuglufgiem,¢iafc,Cafl1an.»Cd1}fat,§f;,z4.yag.xe.a1s'; g _ e l-.-P G 2 without A if 44 T13: 0%/5zntz't»y afnéedt 4&4’ driflk 2;-24 Fpz/l.. 5,; ‘With0U{.’&fl}7.’thing atall: fot1h,a:;t atA+:the%V<::11d_V_<:af rhe- * fecond:da¢y"he As:ni.ght~-Ahaue his al“¢10+ufat1ce~%f<>r tha A ‘ T twoidayes tczvgmhear-"V,,andf3;f1ti‘sfi€b1$»hunger for the-time. But the religious Fathers ofrhac VAch:Vne«4 A would:notconfemvnroA it. Andrea/fiw 1?:-t‘teth' vs? , 313.0.-“inc thiAsAAfa&%OfABr:2z'am£fi,as:anA.exampIe ofin--~ ¢ A [ diAiE:rcti+dn,Aiwh%i:;c:h; he %war11et%h,aH .Aiwif€: 5 Ghrifiiana A tobcwaré of; Thus farrewerc thcfe rruely-reiia-% A 4 s M ‘gic:susFathersfiomj giuing way toAth£sgh1t’conmxs;; A A f.cAcding5a.nd -intemperatcdrim:kimg,% new %aHowed§4 A 7 in theACAhurch»~of Rome AmV<;Aonfifi%Aawirh ‘the ob... 3 Second}: gthis %ex~cefl3uequantit‘ie ofmeate an&;:¢ ;%z2t;ib;'_:{cIicaz§ drinks on a fafling daay;_,is Aagainfitfthe natumi an&;‘.A '”fi"““"”“““"”’=*AV€IEe<:fAa‘ F.a&._; and we a!«.y€'zfz5;2t£awAA:WhI;€li thfiy ’af*thew -fcria quartéi lécétfemlfixmpzi. sciaquizibaasdg Roma%ncwA;Church dlbc *g%i~ué‘ijAGf if. %AFnxA*,. fiztsbaazt V rédéw-’*W"5»A beene dcc':1arcdAaIFread~y’ our offfafm-f.i:1) ODE qflé -s-~ ti4ll.tl1ing ~i-nA a rcligiousgfafi is this’, their ti1eabfli~. qui;ad;r1ofigas . »nmrf.9: taiafmdm-,. yang ;:i..«{:z_»A;:_.+.gA.. Anrmcethacn Avfedgbc qrdainea§::tc:m2Al1¢2A*A¢4W»v,z‘ofixhe .?m~‘WW“m"¢ fif¢fl1?,_‘andV§ridling of:e:on;é:up~1faezicAe.. ‘But he Athé-t“ Ea‘?§-{3$~Z,J,,,ZZ’,§,§‘Z: drmlgeth— wmc to this full alldaay, and feedeth~ at wmm,fiq:md C noonef by thebelly, and ea~te:§%: as much as mighfir-.~ re.wfi‘<1z'rer»pm-‘AA A. A A ‘ _ ' i ~ A fiwyfwffiafit. ._ fuffice.Atbree mmicrrare menA,,Ae:1Ac:=th 4fii7:c‘Z the body. dm3“ie;;;nz»M;;5,,=A but a IitAtA}é%: AAAifui:h Ta? ®rm,AI: fa ppofi: r11igA.h*t gag f u pu- =40?U“emi6r.V p€rIbffetoV-bcd,AamvdA feelc no Ahungevr, though {we m25,,;2ron aqua u dgrm izztclligoz. % A % , . t H r, Iammzzmécfim . ground (as Icom:Ae1~ue)A.,one of (ht?!-1‘ mzvne%;1 W “W 1*“-W’ _'~’% Eb3%AC"i'Ofl€Ath1.'fig which rh'eAv:C‘anonsA oi77t:h%<é C §“1;€3£”Cfv% a:fcm*,A zjzmdzmz-— M f dAAid%forAbearc his eaenimgcco//4tian;A And A vpon rhisz azitlza, m;,,,,,,,/;,_ Am._.didA fbrbid, was E€'i5i'fl¢M{Iia_1f6&!<]§zW€l /air;-;:;:1i,],‘;}i A V Liaurg-tA0. :. muaé mmte, wgmzzzay weamr, iéaracg-£2 e.’:'v;rzt ndwz 0;;-:a;'e~ quartuoér rem-* - H;:_a'ddVcth,A tAh;3:t nofliwitlja§f?Itand%4in;g:;V mist yoruxna 9. 1 o 51 A ‘CXCf3.‘1filJ}¢I;¢a:[iU_g =hRLl“C VP3.-U.'0I1fZ.5 OD ifilfiflig . was V» M ‘D2/“jbérzfiztims i2¢t£eRI9maI2e%’Cbarc/),&é'c. i4 F 45w‘ y,ct(fi1ith§ he). {fl may proflflé tb"4=t'wlrt'c£~“ :3'“t'é7e_.; ‘I tmtb, I czzmzot tell my /99 may M f.{¢éd%%t0n%5£fi1fling, AA A 154,: 41;: mt temperate aw mre- than tank 4 mm, ,té4t :3 mat:.4liI:z'Ieg cmzmrc. . A % , V A 1An.dthis,{hal.1 ferutfor the fourth particular; H . A V E fiegfitiéfik ViI3%’fi§€iR3???4??4 i’l'6frfiI]€.§': 4/’f«Wi7£-»‘ ‘V He Ila-ff I is: 1:3. gflflignfiiiaxx 3,, ~ar&;d* theybcé df t..wé.;j f.drrs%: W _i_ V. «fame 21r«c:';{e‘g2ilij‘c*:'te,”%¢ ainfli brhe.rs~: W‘ , —% a;rC i:P?‘9,z{‘£’ic;'te;% The e:c,t>li‘c'2?te or ~ V ‘\ , ‘J expr*cfle4 ‘D:fpen1E1:io‘ns*a'reA;., _ 3 AA _.when the ‘Pow or:"_Qthe'r.I3‘m-s lates doe'%by svordfor ’wFriu‘ng,., guigk””Ieaz:c{or~1icen{em.fame m*cn,':rmt‘ tQ"7Qb[%:rue% their ruIes».oFfa£’cing;as; fore%xampIe,w%h eenthey difi? pen.f?: withmen to»eaze cheefcfltc:'ggs~in‘AI§em5,"¢)g’_ fuCI%1IiIc‘c.v 'I?he.irémjgiirizeDifp¢nfi1t.ionsV-arcfiwrhcn} {ha people tak-;¢.Ii‘bcrri«: in fiajeir praflrice.‘ againft?‘ the rulesorv precepts ohhe Chs.1rch,“.and their BL- fhops or Pielates frE~ciingir,,.¢fay not%hin'g;to¢~4th.e< 4<£romrarie,A but winckjfie Vat it: :% for%44thisVcan:iixm2ce tllie P'1‘é1:iztcs~, gfpeckzlly in A the Pope, rhcqy h01d»3.$‘ ?g”o%od7aéA an expxeffrl" Difpenf3£tiAon. N%owaoncer, ninxgmhcfc; twogkin-dcsof Diffismfatiafls, wee are Am?‘ confide: 2. 4 things »: ;~1 .yJWh:u p¥3.W€I'1Zh’£y$.l“C ofitni.-[" mg B.aom%anAc.%‘Churcjh% t91di11i21.5.i%¢ this: Vz:u1es%o1= .fa:- % “V 3, A A Agggngfip 3 . ‘tuwaqulmfii ‘ 4; " _a. nun... n..."-at r45« 4 Diflooofotioosiwtévo Roman Céoroéa Cap; 0 (Q3 Szmnmo: ‘flingyand 2.. What way isgiuen to them itl ljh¢ Pmifvx PM :prae‘3:iIc.c>f‘tohat Church. 4 A A ““"=fl"”[“-"”'-"~’Pm" A. And firfi,-for their exprofl: Dz:@ooofoitio.m',4efaVith c.z_"V[c’d:7M.) dcmé eatery méére n"étia¢2;a?ni=bzM,_. % primzim Christ? % 132 /m B141; 3;-an; lzcgwce to eateeggs, c/Ergyefiz and nylée mmnma dam :22 Law mm, yea mdflefb tag, :93; 149441022: 4414153 0 de,,,,1 f;,;,_,;,;,, m.» 7 % % _ % ,_ _.71e5fi:itdé;ffl?:tr?1: in amni ;zz¢temloc4o cibm quzadragcfimalis integ’1igztur_ab/2p4l:%0¢m- zit:-Alafizczzzg/5. lam verb. efl. aommzmiflima. difpenfixtia, quam qzzi obtinuermzt, f&rz¢pulapo_flE_m£ vtigorcemififs. Ic;fep.h.' Angles in 4. dc%1ciunio.q.9.difficulaz;conc1.4.pag.4z4. (e) Ptzprtin Bulbs filsis can-_~ % uditpa[}ImfZ:cu1ta!em comedamdi arm, cafizum e’g~ lac in Qadragefimzt, (9 camem ex /Bio max-A A L dz? ' canflimé;-parum -decfgquizz generalize? cum amnibws dzfibenflet, -at i'£im2em mrms vcomcm -‘W0:fi6W'é'F?"‘¥€14’?!-»@!€€’f§ 3!eéi!5€fwdi£Pe~faEes 39%-P駢~‘3°d-4°1°i“~nvC1:.*-E“~5-#89» 4-1’ 1*. Al Al pi/p"E??;§'¢§?n: in tlie Jieeezaae ecfzeereé, Capmfi 48 ;(;fvezcres ll 4 P’lIyfieidn .- and tee-re nweeeeé let 44 little qfdi; “ _/peeflegegenerelly wit/a all men, tbeete/Eey lmety fa]? 4\E‘ e3-- . ‘ -0 “ M M : ~ v:' legem ezdmeelmiz were eetleezgefflefbyu It 1: fixed thee be éeeb dzfeenfid ~vigid«'l,e_ez:ci/J7» wet/a many Neeleumeee. And Begzeelieek fhevving e’”’x;fb' the lea»[incfl‘E:_-of a Romane Fafl:Anow-a--dayes, (men ee:e17.ee_t.l ‘Newt that ‘IT: W35 time P3%‘&2'f31th; a m iffidfflf ::f“°"e“AC%rMiene éeiugbery flezff me! reg '5! el‘et4.t~tlzz.c Lew leeflltzztieteitrela l Mlmfi very flaw W ‘?W’”’*"'“*’v” 1 her: ebfigatione and keeping efit lme new are e'2zfim'te eeemelver, queen Iiberemezer. Bey- ~ e l ~ % _ ~ ..e ' _ seaoci-erveeeeeWe “feed”?/7i,”’e;e§efe*;efi€€e’fie.'e ,,m,m,m,3,;n tlae éeml efzt.So,they are very 1 era 0 zhexr Dzfl. $6 614-dl .penfarions,&that not only in»ordinar.ie Faflsfind < 012318150 -A -$ _, ll _ ‘.4 ,,L.,,,,£,,,,,-, ;€;,,,,;__ a§+commont1mcs5Ab;ut euen II}; the ho1y_and flrzcft eem Regetiomem, tune o~fLcnt. Norhaue thcfe Dzfpen=I3zt1ons4 gone F0 farrc, but ‘tfht-irecu‘fiomes, by which the 1‘-ulesfeof e,,,,6;¢;;a,,;e,;,,; abflzxnence"areeabrogatecd,.hau:e cxrended— much ll g2a'jif.;;.1zee:ie.- further. For,“’bAeefleme [net controled by the l "’”“‘”“?""”"" Prclatcsj lvetéelvregeeed the Fuji‘ ef the Regalia» §‘.{§,’i§2fZ’f;,,,. melee, mice was commended éytlee lcamm Lew ;- -§:;""§’”’” ?"i}‘)§°<*5* 4e alfiv we A Weelmfilay and Pryddye lefejl, which 44; m Mae 0 ~ ‘ l- l ' ‘ 1»o_e:;¢.«-21;f»),ec_..,,,,Jg,,‘, elrey fly,‘ was emeyeeed ly Preeefze eaer /iezee we L4’... eenfixetudme 41- peflle: time .' and {O lzkewxfe It .5415 taken 4117!] ‘’’‘’$‘’’’‘’’’ ‘$97’: the Fe]? ef'/efduezit, w/zieb etlaermfi w.ea'vfielte l»ee..2 " ‘~ é~ erbitrio rzoflea ”[5g”m‘.%_,Dg;_ll1lffffilllfbc’ Rermme Clmrelvéy vvertue ey‘ the Gene». viq’}3eiwtiuw4 eAnd cufiome cit isethat brought "in lefig Callmaee Adeentm, afiaes l . e ‘ “ fblimmfémari in Ecelefia Remand -- ee22tr:1r5a.eo»fie¢tzz_a7a im/ieflelit. Reginald. pm! . 4.31m. 13 3. pag.148. (C) NI-Jim epeeefizetxer it De6'iorz'bud,lqm7 ixexta warm 6- confieeetedinempetria-, 522 die ieieeezji longieres Eallatiereesfieeiunt, 6-c. Him: etie;/2 Juedielarzen/E: 've_xctgfiz fitter, mm fem- nentespeimzk qzeatezor diebia Qgadregefimt. =~‘-- Him le1iemlexe:eflmtzer‘ea;2te harem vefierrra mm memdtemntex. ~- Him: Britons: excu/antur, qui in Qyadregefima bmyro vtzmtzzr, we mlie wigs; eenfsemdo, amt mix, algéfqne ex came ariginem trebemibws, qmmz ‘eoetrarigm fit izme .elefinEn-em. Hire: 4% peecazo liberantur eomedeme: came: in aliquibm (me in -die Snbbutbi. Iofcph.AngIe-sin 4.de leiun.q.s. , iflic. I.pa,g.393. Who hath tranfcribéd Mew edgina. Codl.d:1ciun. q..8. pag.34’6',‘ e V l 7 ” . % m'' l V l l “ e V af ; {Sap}. fiegeiae/At‘ié\e male: eyrfiflzegg. L A % % 4 49 at neg-Ire, and made them lawfull: and cuftome me exeeefitb I/53 ire/9.¢éz'ee:ees efuzeizgm, flvr my f4; fling tbefeere efeies in Leave: emel t/542! exetefité A A meeefiar eating their Supper éefere‘ Eeeeiefiwg : and cufiome that exeufltb the Eritem five eeeiaeg afémf. tee in t17eLeeet ‘time, mbere teat mfleeeee is an feetcu, er eggs end etéer tbeeggs m/Biee eeme efflefli. And E. nally, cuflome hath made it lawful! to eate before ,noo7ne on a fafiing day,t0 vfe a grefle Collatié on Chriftmas Eue,as before! fhewed: as alfo, a we f”"-f't""‘1""""”"". the ancient Laws, andtheir owns rules .- and to §Zf§a‘}’¢§£;?,?Zf" -the bringing in andiufiifying of flrange libertie, W“”’PW”“?" contrarie to the pra&ice of Gods ancient people? $3.3: and the defcriptions of fafiing approued by the c. 5'.§.v1I:.pa. ' Ghqrch ofRome. And how farre further it may 3g9- grow, we could not imagine, fauing that wee fee fig there is little or nothing in a manner left, that is mmibmin domiv‘ ‘ i ‘ e ' ‘ nice}: eliebm.Qe4..V worth the efzflreisgfiieg wzth. For what wuh thexr dmgefimlolim ‘ doétrine, and what with their Difpenfations and abliggzgyjfj ,,m.5 euflomes, fafl-ing with them is become {o eafieitaeeiemfieit and pleafant a courfe, that an Ejzimre may fatisfie his voluptuous appetite, and yet keepe a Romane m em: Greg.in Fafi. A ' f!eiI§~;dEeifioe«‘ And this may fqffice for manifefling their In-» ;§i§.°1\f,‘(’,':i;,,,; edelgeeee and hcencxoufneffe. Cod. dc Iciun.‘ Out ofall Which, we may further deduce and §*3'P'3*‘99°‘* * 4‘ H A obierue ' 530 A The F4/z25flfP4pz'fl§,"Jr€ ma;/2% ezfilikec ta’ "Cap;vg,ee ‘ obferue zhefe C0lz}"rf3.io225 fo11=owirw. A I . ffhar a Pepzfl: Fsdheih muff points ofmamenm, is mofl vnlikego the mczem Fafls. For the c_A~;¢... A eiemseahfiained from hWzmg, and Spéfm, and Izm-» Mtess the Pafiifis allow ::hefe,as mofl innocent are II! a fafting day.TheAz2cze.-m hafi one only refefiiom in the day of their Faiir 5 the Papzyh hauee two or threegor fl'301‘€'5f01'th€ ali dayes ‘drinking is more then one refeétion. The Q./1m‘ie;3t.5 did 53% till ea uening, or when zeale was fomewhat decayedm, will three ofthe clocke at leafi 5 the mpg/z*.s hreake offtheir Fafis at noone, or an house or t‘W0- foo»; ‘ net. The Ancients were {paring in their one re. V feétioryand fed on courfefare 5 the Pnpzflx m theie fet refeélion feede by the he-Ilie, and choofe fiach: meates and fawcesas heft pleafe the §ppetit€,p1‘oe.. aided onely that they eate not fleih. Andfinallyfi, the Qincicnte were R-riéi an&* rigid obferuers of xheir rules :.md“0I€dersh of fafiing ; the Pefifls. are A ”h1ofl1‘oofe in difpenfing‘with all men, and in haifil‘ A “things thathhaue anyflaewof hardnefle or affli«5ii- A on in them.Thefie contrazieties berweene our new: Doftors and the mid Fathers, 1 haue proued alrea... WV dy,as Ipaffed tharow the hPart.i=cuIhhars : but ifanyee A A x V‘ eman+e~defiret0{eetihemali‘tcvgether in one heapefi, 4 héemay find-e theme014le&ed and acknowledged-h= hy the friends-and we1—Willers of the Church of" A Rama .- who reekonvpvt~h‘efe, not to their Mam» thers fhame, but for the pmifle of her love and renderneffe to her children, whom {he would not ehafien fo feuerely,as the old Church of Chriflt h A A H pvas wont tuchaflzen her children. rgfim then» A the V the Ic1hite,thus cammendcth the tenderloue of ‘" ——-..._.a'uuup ‘ “ I C-?—;p.«6. A the Fafls oftfie Aflcievts. _ A 5»: the Romans Church to her babes and fucklings. (“W 9”“ {W a [;‘(faith he) the Dzfczplime 0f the Clmrc/9 66.»: may fiaflimldxaweivv where rclaxedandfalnc a’owzee,z't :35 waft’ qfallta 5:.) rah fame {in the matter xgffvzjis, am’ way 565 well izzangb ,,,:,,,',,,,,, M7,,-am percmzeoz’ 53; the reading aftirts éoohe. Farflaatb, our 'wd€r§li6et;,e_zc%V MI} c/‘Mather the Church doth apfly her filfe ta Mr wemhems, w/70f’ mat/mrly care we o:¢gétt/zerefire ta m.m',,,;»,m,,,_ wmmem’... And againes LA/I werzfrbr tfae mgflpart, ‘ doe Appeals 36 the amiezez‘ zmd L,:7p.oflaZ2.{ae C/éurch ..~ 551,5-,‘,,im,flm,f,3, éw wéerféth mdfalezme .F4_/is they cit/yer doe not allow; -gcqomadaza, mm W" dad rzezzér a wbitfwl/ow /yer in Mam. And the fame Author, b T/9676135 no ccmfi(faith he) wiry any man ,zg;,,_.,,,,,,_ hm, M jbozxld be deterred ml: the a/zfficultie affizfliiag. _ For V6-WW W75 vi- difciplsm Eccleu % 1176? p rafiice q;’t/3e«CI§::;r:»6 bat!» flz mvderatedafidmié P’fl””“’”~ E“’“‘ A flaw pleriqzze om- Jégdffd f/Jfférfifiiflfl fifth’ old Canons, I541‘ Wétflw 22e3_j2fotzf:m27t,fi:aV war mm dot/5 wittingly zzeglefitbe Fafl that 2;: regwz'- W“ ’€”*”’“/3“? . . . th 69* I ‘ ma’ zvzzéhamt rzmfzzy, out ofdamét bejlmll mmrrc 220 &,1,,0,f},::Z;:,, fmalimlw. Yea, but what is that mitiziticm, 3/9173€P¢?'/5”7?75* which the Church hath vfcd in tempering the old :;;’:;i;::’f"”£’)‘;’i§’;n Canons 2’ H66: gocnh on to tell vs that m thefc Prxfat}; ad % h . s. Lefior. pm- fixé‘. librodc Abfiinent. pag. 96,97. (b) Nan efl-- qz¢a‘vdaiiq;fz1s5eiz:n_£,3dgfihrzlzate deter-«I mm. Siquidem htczma zgzodemzzo e/i‘ adbibzta, per Ecczlefae _pmxm , anziquarzmz Canamzm pezflzfiioni, gr gm’ laodiefézezzspmcepttmz zzbfitze neceffitatc iezmzzzma zzegligit, mm "lame profefib aria mmimwrrat. Em mém vetms Canonesnazzflslzkw wimmz, fizd etiam _(iccram iz2tc2'dixére, (94 91727.25qzmdirzebriarepotcfl, é“ mulfizm ac cermifiam. Glam zantfmz comedebam in vfimz, fécluft} ' ‘mam ipfispi/Eébaw, e"m:.h Hadié (av vino ér pijéibms mi licet. Mac ampliiis, vt olimg flame! mn- ‘ , mm vejperi reficimur5 [E-dcwmcinprandinfizrat cammutarw, cw. .53_z;ic! 3 gm: :5 quibzyiiam Zerrtefrzzélibm abfliizebdflt alim Catbaliciiiz °Q_g_4adragefl:zz,a (wt clocuit Alzguflirzm cmztra%Faz{- firm) azempe ab awrzmzis, am 9: gm? Vmermh excitczrzt, im.-ta prmceptum Apo/Zolmzm, fl)/a fllam zzdmittmtzimm in qua etizzm Ecclcjficz Cazlaalim pozzfiaztem lmbcns Jpoflalicdflz, -01 air in wig}; mzxltzé. benigzzé 72obifi:um: dz'§]m7_/?zr¢it, (aw. Pofirem?~, quiz: Camazzcs ieinnafitibm cibzmz pro-= Went, potrmz mm prubibmzzg fizbingnfllefimt, co722zizmz2‘ilm4 Hiermbis, 7:mfz‘m' naéfurnce Kw feefifizmculw, Vete2'z'i2z..4s pmzfmignatx, ea zvidelicct pm'rex2z.{,, mpatm mcmt, «fit. Pifan. dc, hbfiincnz. cap. x4.pag;1.6z,&c. ‘ h : h A H 2 ' words :: ,...,..... fa) ,Q§zn2zzz;m words , ggzmlga’, (faith he, and fufe the thing de. ‘£‘:m5_ femerh attention) the a/dcamam dzal natmzjtfiw.-in’ mam/&uer::ate= mime, éut allflrwgg drz;/2/ea 1.‘/mt mag/3: trwazzé/e #5:; ’*‘‘'i‘”“‘ d’~""’“" érairze, and am’ 642/}, and Ale or Been’ .- way 4!/awed’ «Sham efi ? Ma- iareszzafiriferifi ‘ % W 4, s._a~ pzerr dmg Aezm2%fij7a 4%, @’"c.% Bat avow-4.das7e;, we may am‘-‘W”“ la wfnlly «vfi éazbfi/7: and mam. N9? da me any longer 4 Sabbaiiyo, #022/Ea~ , 9 gym c¢2r;:E_£?7£«5 a1:- M dfaretzmg 2‘/§2::__;:g wt-rewmfi, .rg‘%ej72 aw félzm mac; fi5‘”¢b#vr,.fid'€?5" orzezy i-.29 tée awning 5 ézztfizppem .2-m.t:¢r:2c.d'4 wizé vs: zma az’z;2:¢er5,é‘a‘. Ndy, we Catéalz/Pas cfmczent time» zamé~ S:z£2bzz- did ya Lem aévflainefiam flame fiuzte: of Me mrté, am. '1: 2 2. Y fl;f:’P§’fl;a:’§‘¢_ (Ara Aaguflzfie tea;/xetb agzfzxzfl Farsfiw) mmeljffiam ,,,.,,.;,-5 ,,,emg-" /$2565, arwlflwéz témgs M /kw: rap. /zf/3, Marcordzagg ta aim afejt’efi»vrM- tbeprecept aft/Je Apaflles, wéa ca-dmzt éearés alazee :: ”""" """’”"’:§ “‘ xv/}er:=z'rz my 2'22 many otiver téirzgs , Me (‘gr/5olz';{'c:;.a Iebwzizw. 1 fife-. _'~‘ % , % . ‘ ‘ . ,_ " ‘V *§,m;;; adfypzgg. €émr..<*//i, /ézzxzzzgg z_/ipaflalzke azztérarzjzé, lmté fzzzam'-y 54:; 'vi£51??:» 6* alvly dzfienfld wit}; rw, céws‘. L»zfl"!y, éecazgfi Atéw r as :2 . ' ,; .% . ff; am: Créizzrc/'m.‘L:121a:a:5a[‘z9e fiwrézfi mmre, ém‘ am drfzkcg agebanz caiimeize mar éliffifffg 1?c_'fc'Ji‘wm , wiiiewzazme w #56 L/:2'zzcze‘;w.r_,- tzA<:7zosw1ms , _.,+. f % ‘ ' " ~ , ' ' % migmm @565‘ /Jam’, :53! » 5: Cafifillléfifiif my‘ the Prelzzm, prxaxlj crept T 2 M F;L1_'/3543f Pxtpg/E’: are me]? vnlike to Cap.5n_ ” M A 02921;; Zzczzrés to 56 mien 922%:/éeirfla/?¢2::g dajex, mm. W, ,_¢,;,,,,,,-,,,,h..J fizz; wpampwtence, fivzféatég iefl {M22/‘r':"a 4/we fliagld A fcilicct, iwriw-a’ae ,~=£wzr.me-.~ Thus he: andin lake forranorher: ‘I W’? D”’”i”5’-W‘ 8 Hm: .m:tc£ (fé.irh~l1e)~ /mté éftéerta éewe aéatad qf iniymm immm, in ‘ . 1. _ % ma zg,@:::e%m.i ucf. I/33 fmawer jmtemlze 0/ H3: Maze»: F4/3.9 .9 Om‘ fire. —P"’“’?‘5 595"?” ”x~*flzz£:er.s, ‘am Wadrsqfday, Friday; mid way? aft/55%. my tcndabm-2!, ms 1mz22dc.re,%/Ea’ aware fi2z2%r:":- ma: mirmfiazm in merédie relaxzwyxa, ei;~yr:v2diafi:m5mM,. ed"?-'% ghee 14:22}: , 212 pmerézam ¢2'fs_/E’é72e:2ti;:cr22 copzfz‘ (9! wzrietzzze cébarzmz ]‘?zcé!E cmpe7,yémm_ 11;}: wzicawrcfc €r'2‘zmc;~:!.cm:I,% edzxgw rezzxwm is-.5z:r2::;2z.é£',:;:»indaxgebznr : mt.-:,1mzgo dz» piazza p:v‘4m:I§a ve,@erz£'2rc:;¢zo'zd.§'»;fz72a&s rM°.’f3.é;zr;c.qla292,‘ sgme fi‘i°;:e2mm::v&%. £72 ercezxmz. degezzeret. Ab;"5iz2e&;z.a~z _2?,Z!£ ctiaizs p:'jE:a!2z:..-r,V, amsriqzre paw? (psi iizeéréara parcfi: 22152:: i2z,’a!:s;s cgzrzzéllwrs cibar::m .:r:’e!c4:'2’;r4 fir? Ic7g{.?f‘?it. De-rzégmc 7:eZ£7':_”'5 ££§r.fiiawE,_ qr./ard r":v.»z;:-'5 iciurrazzdi legem adrzzadzzm wg?m’i,_ pmnré gs, {:172f[i;,¢$.057f€7'i:fiE§$’E3€6.354!-’3fi3a22ff : 231222: é22fi'2z2ri, zwz imbecéllziartzls am 2:'e(ej,7z}am zfilzzia kuvzz 32;.» Fgaziariillmarzzwr. Lau:cn:.Bcyefl;promgr moral; gamig. Lin fcfio Clzncrum, tcxc. $.:=~P33" 53:: 549- % ~ ‘ A 7% _ fmm e Caps. h hthefiefle of the Ancients, ~ 53 A , Saturday 4/[[1, did not eme{y ethfieieee flew meetee, A hm.‘ did elf/4‘? : hat how we heepe Fee'- dey med Saturday flr the memory of Chrzfle Pz:{’z'eh an-ea’ death, omj: with fbrhearihgflame meeztex, [With- h out intermitting any meale. ] The} to theirfeflings éeayeeea/_ watehihge, ma’ hm’ rzight-efiemh/ie: fzr prey- ee? «:..~m Gad’ we hieeee eeeely hep; ee iittlefimhlahee hf‘ we ef:hem,.heme!y ty‘"Chrzfz’mezflé Ewe.‘ They eeezte'-- weed their Fefls tell three afthe eleehe, ye till eeeez- 4 ieeges her were they wenteehta dine, hat is fie; .- meg hreehe efiuaezr Fafle at m;'~eZ7”—dey, me} eehe e;e:m’e'eehere,r meet‘ them fleeh, that we dee eafz‘/y rewmpehee ehefinre- going ahflihenee with phentie emu’ wrietie efeeeee-te;v'._‘ They 41/0’ eeedheet am hm/y eR£jf€c‘7;?0fl,ex!?e27th.zt ez flee. efer aha; mm 4 long hhelfiell Diheeer, doe edde he-A eeteeeihg Refe6i‘ie;e,h»ivhieh’ many time: eleeh degeeeereztee ieete 4 Supper. They ah/Zdihed flew fiflz, zmez’ ‘ell drizehe thht mej“z"m*e:vz'eezthe the hrzzieee .- 7201!? our eheefi efmeweseeehflflethfee thereegqflphhhrt in thefiarheeriegg Dffle/h*e:lae2e.“ Fz‘mz/[y,e thedezeieeetibhrz;/fidhe, heieeg re/cry fire»? ezheeet the reek: effizflihg, dideeheewpt very few fir? the ehfiremnee thereafir; 4 he even? the heeheher £4 (3) Vme Wm» infinite efthemgehee wpeeepeetehee efmeezheeee er e:ee.sfdWW” ’M«’W~ fitie erefieedflew the’; heeed. And fro m .31! this hee “ ‘einferrethga fhdffififig me he: tee [3 rhilele ex" Le7e1,,(I vgatrfem mm he- fuppafe heemeaneth the Pcgpe) ahdfly tender :1 me; ”’fi”€‘t”’;b4“‘ ’”‘* ther, ehe Chureh, which :3 her heehmeed re eehefale ‘ Mr éeefirmitiee, em! reqeeireth heehizegefm eheeee her 77993 weeks?!’ «We ._ “ - 4,, , e , - - he! he teed. z W re,e2:g-thé lee ueyeeldehrfilees ehedeeht ta thezr com- Wigffig, mg 1: tag meml, (gee; And firrely, he that will I10ty€€I(‘}C0\exhihea2e2zes 710:. f0 eafieaepenamze, deferuerh to pay far it iAz-1.P’:.er- 9154*” 4357000“ gatorxe. But thcthxng that} mend in trangerx. f§,f.’f’hB”c;‘;?,fj*m_W e e fit mg .54- A PapijbF4fi’: are carmarie ta capf; hing theft two Authors, is, at one View to let the world fee, how imuch the huarch of Rome, euen by thettconfeffion Q1£h€r~0W‘ne‘flatterers, ‘IS dege- V Iterated from the ptaéiice of the Primitiae and pu- ": w: tet Church . And therefore when they ailedge vnto vsthe fayings and doings of Fathers and an.- ciem: Wtitetstg for defence and commendation of ttheirFafls,tthey doe therein piay the Gibeonites 4 with vs.They tfiul vs ofold faffing daies aforetime, efchoife efmeates vie in the Ptimitiue Church, attdwhat acC011nt_theFathetsmadeofthe Fat’: of Lent 5 but Whenthey putthefe names vpon their fowne Fafis, they fhew vs but their owne wome t ragga ahfi he/tea éatttIe:t,%and alawtedjbaaes, which they would make vs beleeue came~»afarrea off, euen, fmm the fitft times ofthetPri%mititte Church : and t if we Willa heleeue them vpgon their »owne word, silas the Ifiaelites beleeued the finooth tale of the Giheonites, then we temayai be deceiued by» theft: Iehufites,tas they were by thofe Gibeonites. But ifwe aske cottnfell at the mouth of the Lord, or if we aduife with the ancient Fathers of the Church, We {hall fittde that allthis fluife is but counterfeit A ttafltgnomore like to the Faftsof the Prophets, A... poitleaancient Fathets and Chriftiatts of former times, then an Ape is like ma mat-2.: Secattdly, We may more out of the forznet paf-1' fages,that they know not how A to define a Fat}, but f0,as that they mutt withall conttadifi their uwnc rules, and condemne their owne praétice. V For in their definitive of aFafl., theyfay, that it is a flrairer aéfliaeaw then the rules of Tempe-— rance A rance doe require: andyetp by their rules .-.2. man hay diifinfisionsdand confiderations and congpruiciesé Q 2 .- .hC:";p. . theirpzfirwze Dcifmgvzimr :y’j€¢fi’i2zcgrs, A w.g..u;;. ‘ 5§p may eate and dxfinlce excefi§me1y,without breaking ofa Roman Fafl. They fay in their a’efl}2i2rz'a22,tbat in a Fafl: there muff bee butane Rgefiiem 5 and yen hy their rules, a man may eare 3 full Dinner, and a little Collation, which proueth ah eipuflppfupper, and drinke what he will all day long.” They fay h in the defimitizm,, thatsa Fafi is a longer :zéflz'22e.rm=:_,,~ then ordinarie, and that the time of refexfiion then muff be later: and yet by their rules; a man may take his meals at twelue, eleuen ,; or eenne of the elocke 5 which is, Ie1chinke, as {none as lanyh man vfeth to dine on ordinarie dayes. And hlhflly, in the definitiamhey fay, that a Fad, both fohrathe h~canrir::;4ncee of the abflinence, andd for the gztaliriae *0Fthe~meaete when I he eabffinence is 4 ended, smufl: A be fuch~as may «mart .,a’:mme¢ the b'ody,~MIme*fithee fleih, A and bridle eoncupifcen ce ,-,and yet hyd‘frheir ruIes_,a~ man may eat Szdrdink foeemuchpand fo often,aswil“11 “ hreede nohafiiicfiiidon many manllhuing. A‘ Tlmus their dO€ct‘i«ne is‘»chr1Ted.byetdheir owne definition. Nor could itwelleeebee otherwife. For both~ their do» 4 étrine in the particulars, and their praéeice in the dvieofa Faft is fuch, A as that if they hadframed igenerallpdefinieims ofa Faihthat hadhin agreeable eherexmto, it weuld plainely haue appeared, that they had hidden open defiance to all Anrdiquitie, yea, and to their elder Schoe1iemen’ddtoo;.. And‘ eheeremre theydthought it dbetterein general! £0 prpfeffe conformirie to Scriptures and the ahnv ciem: Church, and in particular (0 to mpldeeeit _:n{‘__ ,.___ 1. 2 $5 A Pepi/3 Fa/2’: are 6:21 more-fltfiir. Cap. 6, 05:2. teafotiabie alteration, as might {mine to ble-are their eyes-that are~wilf'ully blinde. But a wife man, who hath his eyes in his head, will eafily fee the difproportion betweene their general! de- finition and their particular doctrines. Thirdly, we may gather from the premiles, that the religiousiaaliafis eFRcsme are nothing but a fupetfliticms foppe-tie; and a meete mocking both of God and men. For ail is but an out-iitie, there is no pith not vertue within: a Fall in name, but in dcede nothing leffe. I {hail not neecie to declare this further in this place 5? it is fuflficicntiy demonfttateci already 1- and if neecle be, we have ~ the witnefle of one of their owtte Prophets, who \ confeffeth in a manner as much asI haue f'aid.Pot, (=1) 5119715 W 3 toflty we trxatb, (faith he) éeffzfiet/5 mt mack, mafia V ”’“l"’”“ "Wm’ M fizfliizg dayesflzfletb mt mereflreftely they Me.) mi in diam: 542- ‘A mniqagagz fiat: Ciiaraé dot/2 commarm‘.-teat z3.r,:r;2/Era eater/5 422ddrz’mE- gfffgfgfggia 61/5 41 things wéicé Me C51»;/Iv dot/Epermzfior what} A i»[be:3bmefi, qzti it date natpuflffia. By which lafl: words, added (as edit? W‘ A Iconceiue) byfome Cenfor before hee licenfed ?é‘’”’’‘’‘‘9’‘‘” 539‘ the Booke to the Prelie 5 though he mayfeeme to ~ ezg.mmp.u- {up vp againe his owne breath, and onely to lay, 3* Thefwt. *7. I: ~ 'outgiuinga1loWance to them : yetthis qualifica- stun. 1111: I0: eag.tt;,o, tion will not heipe the matten For whatfoeuer theyfufier to get: vacontrolled, that they allow as lawfull and without fault 5 as hath alreadie bin declared. But Linda» is plaine, and fpeaketh homc,when he calleth their Fafis Eleizmia Epice- 7:4,] Epicutes Fafls. And indeed they haue more aflinity with’ the feeding ofag Epicure, then Wiltll it A t te We L°*i°h- that the Church doth tolerate thefe things with- flap. 6., J hPopiflJ%F4jt: ztzrebmt mdzsle-fajts.; 57 rj_faf%ing ofa deuout Chrifiian. In‘refp}~€t of’ A all which, as out Saviour fetid tohis Difciples, Wféerzye fiafla not {(4158 Hypmrritex, of4fizdm.¢;m=_ mznce,é»c, [0 let me fay to all fincere Chahmiahs, When ye fafifibe not as téefgé Hyp‘acrite:,a1 Em? fhew and nothing for fubfizmce. But when ye fafr, vfé atmc ahfiinence, fuch as may afiizfi th¢jv,br_:dy3‘ mzzfier the fh:i'h, elm-atehthe fouley and ézmzéle the whole man by repentance and forrohw: and toga. thfil.‘ with outward abftinencc ioyne. inward ex-' crcifes of demotion:-, examining yaur hconfciencesa ac1¢r,";1rid by this meanes; they may with much cafe haue many merits, and great flora cpffarisfaéiions : not is it any wonder that they tafiie dffttch amultitude ofthefe thingsfmd hvpimhe Churches Treafiarie. It isa wonder ra- thcr,Aifrhc Trea{l1rie*’0f’fhé‘h Church bee not Icgnng fihce T5 fu¥li,'th;1t%i:hcjr wan: hf0uIhhés”tObcfi’%cmi7 them V on. ‘T'ea,.an_da?wonderhit"n1a y.whe11*hreeme,hi£ ham the othh<;hrh.hii~.ic,there 1);: any than R) fiarelcfffe of 58 A l Pppifij 1?aflmreé;atImck«f£zfl:.l Cap.6. himfelfe, as to {land in need of them. For he that l for his foules health will not fall (as they call faflw nig) lb often and fo muchi as they doe require‘, is a molt negligent man of his faluatitm 54 and it is pitty that eueri he {hould goe to heauemfl at be de» l-iuerled from Purgatotie or hell. But thoie A who heare Chrifillfay, and confide-t what he mcanerhy when faith, ~.S'm':¢e to enter in at tlieflmit gatw; cannot thinke to buy heauen at {'0 eafie a rate, not to make fatisfaélzion for their {ins with {'0 fleight e penance. They twill thinke all little enough , though with Dania’, and Daniel, and Ezrgb, they ml»:/fen and aflzé? their fouleswith failing. Nor will they thinke when all is done,to merithea- uen, or to fatisfie Gods Iullice by it. Let P3;-5 pifls preach rtheir merits while they will, true Chriflians wilhe both more A penitent, and leffe proud. 9.lnmarg.1it.hc..e Bcllar.-- pag. 168,1 6‘9=.r. pug. Io68,to6g.‘ l lPaTg, zofiin marg. lit. a. dflfofitionem c’y~' cibarm digeflzamzm. r. cz'isj‘3a- fiiomm wldigefiionel . iPag.u,.in marg. lit.-a. fiammm. r. flammwt. Pag.:;§.inmarg.*]it.”c.vadelc i~n«the~lend, Filliuc.Tra&. 27. patt.:.. e’..z.num.42.. pag. z8:. Fag. 28. inmarg.1it. C, folnaiimr./§!mm.§. iPa[g~‘3“5. inmarg.1in. v1t.prandedi. r. pwmdemlé; A