$%%$%m$%%$$$&&$%‘”$ "-3§b_1§;B$i%‘s%;€$%§%‘»%%$L@%2€%&fi&=%%@%i%=%%%=E%%%i$vZE@@%%=%%$%53-a? A $¢-¢+ ;m§'.G£§§ 4 __.,gww tmd. m ’mmt»:m m g. ' , .» .. . . V 4' . i y 4’ ‘ V A ‘ V " «A ' __;, ., ¢ a ‘ ,3 . ‘.'.‘ aw.‘ . ‘ A .wAA‘ «, , ,7, «I» « .— , £5 _ fig I 9, , ‘ ‘A t . ,3. w W . ,-. 1’ ‘ A WE) ‘‘’‘’A" x3’ 1% It ' £1 -. V‘ ‘ % m @¢*'A""‘”,a~ “3-—*ai;ama® A. ‘ ¢AAs‘§\W@ .M3 A *‘ I = ’ «39 F‘ . . fiz§%:*1~ % ¢'- % % .3 5 pa; ’e§@9 $3; kg jl 5 ‘ eerizg’: S EEC H in Pam; A V A A %32z:am5em:, concmning thcljturgy *fA V‘ «the: Char-.:h offingiand, anda ~ % A Nairicanali Synodu AA}AMa_fi~«:r SpetzA£’er,LwA$ AA AA AA A He Qg:<:‘fHon%is,wAhcther this cIauAIAé is M A form: pretended erron¢ousA pa ALimrgic:f11all*belaidbywrnor; A »~ , *Iavm*ofoj " ' pxmonto 1dec1i*ne”~themh&ére, bwt: not to bury them%irA: perpetuall filcncej. ‘ A V In this period‘ A,‘ you give us “(in §gc:’pcra1i! .’ "mm1e¥s) a %pr.mnii”e* of a I\IatiOnaAj1’f1 *Syfno‘d: IA1V‘dC?e~fiillVw,i’£5l1*t.'¢h,e **pr¢:‘fi31:‘1%C5A&‘: 4AofAi,t5 Irbeaing (co ymi&¢‘r%1dndV4id&g34th‘é-fanfily %profi per cum.-'3 mzéci Vremecly ¥ fi:rr;a1l ouA%r %ChAm’cfi di“flra€ti0:1é.47~ AA AA ATM promifed fiynod is: too *fit‘rrcOfFi; A lezz? me haw-*‘b;ette‘Al' -'afl‘uranCe than it pmmife, which their Iwmay 0b.taiAnc:, w?iII*"bc ‘humid m gqive4yo?t14re-afo‘n4’s ‘£6 iddmre th‘at‘AAV‘A£fAt-mbIy,A %¢ahd[%jfpee& M.3';7mA»{‘*eV,Mu‘ch hath bee n“faid;and fbmct‘h*Aing attempted to bcdcmz: 3 to regulate the %c:i4xte”ridr %parc‘(;f. Religion : 'Abut Simve §,r.aw:ardAIy A Ithé dc farmed “formcs, A a, and to ne“w%g%ov“em cgov¢rfi4ment. Q /, 0nceVr@%Aing. flages AinMou"r " W 5” math endeavour? bathgbcen tohmentf ,. ._ . an M I9 W . . 5 V _3m1fi;1t,,da&ng¢r0ifs ._, fit-fg.prate4V %way,;.vo£ itrfdependency : Avre W;-3. ‘M. AV <29‘ A ofgood Re!,igion:,fi?: (I can...‘ -a...—------ M Ye; S?9ir,E ' rs xév u feflé ) .nEw%irh{t§mdi.njg com tikexja Acara of‘, for beauty and‘; cz“rname.;st4: Nay irm: leaves~ are fit an&d'nc%ceflEu'y to be pre- fasrvcd fr fl2advvesA‘a:22di’or Vfhelterr tavfthe bloffomes A and The Tt:>L‘Fa11%is "3 gtjoci life whicrh y0uVmuf;t“nevet ex- :p‘ve»*&‘to fee unleflé the bloffomczs he puts and goéad 5,. rhatis», junlefle your Doétrinc be found and‘ true; A A ,5-£24.; Ifpeak i,twith fiflljgritffc of hca‘i*z:, vwhilfiweé are thzm I021g‘pTL1"ni’:2g"%2nd c0mpofi‘i*:gLOf A the Iéavcs . or rather w“hj1{} fame: vm:L21d‘"‘p‘Iu%ck a1H“‘eaves%aw2Ay,0-ur bI0{Tbtne‘*s are %bIafl:edV,. and svhilfl. m?c=<~: fit hca1*4c cure %0f*?Cov*ernme11t and Cercmo... Dies ._, we are p yfomed Ainyoufr Dioémnals : And on -whofe doom will the guilt and-finne ofall this fie. % W “ AA g2g—z new ruemt pecmre mm pate[i;]u£»et.. “ Sena-¢_ AA glrisxg-uAc.4:~haVt t1nis*mifc&hipfe gro%wVt$s notby our confent: , *’.§MI1d*‘Vyet»%I.;v.kn:ovv-not+%xby \vh,a,t unhappy fate, th<:rcis~at prcfmt A fiiéh ani ai:l4d‘arin_gw» libmy , 4 gfuqh; a Alczwd licenfioufnefl2:~ for §§@nti£3ga1v1=Vmsfevcra1lA fenem Cfenceleife fences) inRe1i-- gion, §§ peveVr%‘wVas~.i‘n any fags, in any» Nati0n,.. untill#thi»s VA _fpI'€:f€«£_1I Parliament wa s- ‘n1et‘Vto4gcA;t4hcr. A ;SA*i%g_Itbelong$’to;us§1om.k%e bee *,::hat 0‘urcouAntcnancing fit‘-hé cQuVnfc”nax1¢e%w ,this% Aflnmoura bV;}c=: Aflousfe) bee not pro»-~ % itih1t;EMC1~'%~t:()fi‘l1mZeI' ‘b‘O~1d0ffmdcrs-: ‘Ifit be in our «_.§g0}4w¢r§;.tq gixre a rgemedy, ga timaly and a %fea?fcmab1e remedy ;I;,th€1% :dW.g5¥0us4 evi;l$ AJand'5’~ViE wee (being alfcc put in» %%[A;fii3i1‘?%n¢g1i9¢?.?t0; 303‘ in Wfiplutk» their finncs on our own'5he—ads;. A ' A “ fl - 4 ‘Afiz;nzz27z'guzj"ert fce1u5«,fM¢t*f:mm." % ’Sénec~a.. %. } A bgboid to give youa very few infiancc s P one-fora .. Afhiund:§dj;w;1cdréWit-hM0u»r&,%i?«uJ4pi4t4§-m1d3()urdPrcfl7cs doe égr«0aAnc... .M1:»,gSpe5éer,4~:ThjcreisVa L¢:»e+1';1éain»n>+.2s.v§+i:a0rnc, arm-c~n,ig11o+ S1!‘ A 43> A Sigforflthis Indep~end’éncy"? Na7 Sir , afewee for ‘mthé eiAdf?f’ brother of it, the Plfesbytcriall. worm: ? I have A not yet‘ %heardA ‘ anyanc Gentleman within thefe wallsftandiup andafferthxs ~ thoughts herefor either of thefe wayes : And yet?:Sir,* Aweefi % are made th‘eF"atr<5)nAs,%a ‘nd‘Prote&ors ofihéfé ft) d:P£e:em,{o repu*g.na;nt A i%tmova4ti0ns,witne 34 the fevéraii dad i§:‘atio1j«s t"Ous;V Nay both$ti1»eR=. w2;ye%%s,”,’ together with thVe‘ Epifcopaflgw % come Vruf7hiiangin4‘upo;-1 us“—,AcvéwryAAo;j?¢ p1rctending :£fo%rei1§2édv of%DimiAnity;A%4;];;I» ‘__ V M y I E pifcopacy {ayes i; is bVy7 DAivine*right;3 nd %cé~Vrta my Sir,» i it c0¢=mcs?mut:h4i3é?‘“e'ret 410 its ’C1a*imet‘h—an¢awn%y Aothaer.‘ — A A A A ~ 2; VPresbyrc:lrie3:t!1atfaith it is byDivine‘rigi1z. A A V ; 3:: May, riziiis il‘1eggittimatething, this‘new —bt2rz1e:Tndepe*:na~. V whither rflmI:lAwe4vtt3=1*n~c for vciixfe 4'3 dc.n>cy,1:hLat flawrcés it fay» i!:~i”sfbyDivixée right aMI”f0}; h I) Ti1u:sA,At»he% %AC:hImEl1!of VEng‘i2md (i5rnr:i*t‘ ‘long %fi~Tnc::”t1'1Abgiory ofrhe re‘*rmAed Rcl£"giojn) isfimifirably tome’ and difira «Skid ; A2 qAn0thg3r inftance; I F I would deal: vv%th*a VP..i.pi{’c, tr) ~ rcdmtcihizm, hée an’fiIvcrs,T( I*have been anfwerd already?) To szvhat Religion would ypu Aperfwade me p_ whaisis tfhe Ré... - Iigion you profeflé? ynm-39 A"Artic1es’,?%t%11ey are~Acmm:ficfl againfi your A p1Jb1Vique fbJ¥eIm~n%~e Litu4rgyt}x’ar is dc-rcftcdg V and? which is mqrc than both phefcgthe §htee¢~fi?3.§1t_iaVl1, pro-4 pm, ma on1‘ymarksAoF*a:~4“tfiue ’C$}bfi3rch, they arcApfiofef¥e‘d 3-: V gainfltt whatVRe3i.gionwr;>u»ld perfwadc me, £0 9 svlvzere may i :fin‘dir and know, and ikegand read the Rc:Iigi0n%youpr0-~ fa {Fe P“ % I befe:ech you %Sir,% hem me a an %rwAe; to ‘thié%Pa“p;i ; * . av Nay S&if,4 Vthje P&:W’ifi when-aim‘ *h at!) affiiflsmce%4evem<”§A4ém0-m-Qffi 2 ant fclves; and.dim:h¥g”et *t‘h~'?: t-On;;§°tms 0f «f0~m?:=: meh zvhéfe §3e%.a+nsA are %fa¢f§re.4 frt3t‘het11:*Fo7r a%~c one ofour Cu?m:mitrec~sA 7 A*mhd~1%y: %VS“*cr%is'p:1¥:?reA. « ,4I :hzeard& it ipub}%ik;e'.ly affeme-id“ by Cm:3 of at %%Cj0mfi1irt%c:e, hattfozmeof cries dae M ¢¢0ntaEm;A% Afama ?;;”h~%iz;gs cm—A ‘N "A 3 A M... ‘I, both me, both?&untrzAm~§.n the.‘3' §.r {eive knot %(%1'_thi-nA§-z) zoo V¢_a$fim_A.inr&an£eV. A (£9-Vilr 1701 ébhorreit as i;10latz*0us.v And A Sir,»AI be the Ago Ifles;our_ CrewedA,A the ho! ;zm*.»~?pe4Ae%er~§§un;§ay fat? 5éib§.h&fi?E;:2%J.$;L1t3de§31;is4 A ‘n.0“3%a7b‘b£*i§=3 m 11 a:;¢:C*é P53 t1ons,and ~thA@-A 4?Som»:-.e' {Z131 it is‘!aw»{ul~yl tQAk;1e§IVat»;rg;cc%4ivi£z g't11eAeIAe menw _y CAo‘mm%unAicm 0rh«er%$4 91¢-adrit 2E5*‘€Xp¢d%ient=_éfomeA?A dopreivfr:-i"t as m:—ccflZn*-yA: 2md«»th¢?Ie»wants not others Aw-hm IN am confidcntyou cam not F0 fiate this eafic ‘Q¢1,.€fii0n to‘ paflé am30n.g{fE.A}.13,,bui::c$hat’ tlzcym willbe many Cfoizawdirafifefié A “ 5 Th n’0§§&%AnMewAi4ydcnye;1&to: 3! Apt» Piles Creed, i*s%no=.—v A Wenyccl,invertcdkandmexptmdfid byfomewhowould be thought bet?Cl2rAi»ftiansA%4amongfi:;:s I:t%mIed¢jwi:hAa a ‘- e fccond Epi‘ ice of S¢tA.1?“eter’&~i difp uted, d A wondar a-nd&with4a-x1g%¢ra F0 hearea»Ab0ld%tzaech;anic1crc‘IAA1%mee A fhat my §3r:2cdA isiynaot my,C1jeed : “Whiz and fzid, I bop I423! ‘yqgtr reed; AA AA of errour, there is 11 ~xome!efiTe too. % compoffirs Ofitm And fi1rs:*1y~Sir,:foAr11:=.~ Awe1l«¢c>rr¢&¢ds hist the ct! A dance or ignorance is now A formes of pubvliquaworflai “ Amati hope is alxfeady {iv v’ . ' A “~’"¢.».. ‘ll . ‘V‘f1df€d at rriyxvox1d«-ext; ejmr Warflaip is . Brim‘ %éa.:ae5Ai;é@ gzxa temppraz,_;Vrefir£zg¢zt2312x9:;If ‘ hug 2!’a§“5}~{7U‘w'3;0rb,.:flIj,7@'yA@.7"CC.;J\D5:“}t5?I.?}.4€€0£N’Eid , Adity.1eads.AinaAthufapd. And: Mien yew arc;do;wm: the hm C? b0AttOm€~:AdAbu:t;ifxhell, azsd;thzu: is hot» 6 4Si;rA,V ,{ha1M b;w€;'h’01£1\"btO:‘ gjve; on;e.A(;4aI1ci%‘ btatone)» infiranca more? Much .*cIamorr;osv vtizere Vis;~againfl:QurVpublike Lye tjurgy, though hallowed withthe blood 0ff.O!1”:l€‘ ofthc firfjk §sPa%rtS=@Af,Ai%t%AmayA be very Aamorsmw goe very high,* Impu- Jy expe«?ced4bAyAmaA y ,-~th1$: you :~flwuIAd~ utterly abrogate all p :57 Aextirpation A;Of Epifcopacyg, §,m€d?”f0f the aboliflfing oft?-%€ L’3’€_*-‘.¥%V:s‘%;1‘A1J:‘-‘(Afé f0%*tIwe+‘Chmrc«ta af A hmi fox-AA mnrAmetl1~;..ASh"3A1,lI give ycmam tao%wifetAoée»1e&e-22;: tI9mf"i2vi9zt/Jyam WP0%Iic:{rp.' »‘ , grown {:3 fronrIeflE5thaAtit is lowda éllozwwfiwds ail’-1 Vncoafiw, ;f’Jme’V'men are as A M A Efigfifififi imEmr*Vpt1bIiq1_1e p1‘ay;ers,; nayimr offisrtum a babierat ail advent . _ ¥.11’C;«S A brainlefié, Rapid, and arx%ign0raVz:.t;.A‘ 1‘ I M H ‘ Q % ~,f », i1T33’b¢ 3 «*74”" 5PMl%e?", " Th e,w*%iifd%ome‘Qfr'1%:his HoufcVwi1I(I.an;1f con#fidcn:)«: “CV” fiflkffllow-, never faII&‘imo1fu::h :1 cielinquency of In-iigea 3736119 an Pi€‘iZfJ : s*vhen you q;§o,A.l? {hail humbly fubmit%myfi31fg “W-'0 ‘hf: FY3156 and faggot, , ( E means) {or certaéniy Sir, L {hall than R‘ be a Parliament %Her¢‘tig:;k4. k A V “ V A Thus much Fm” 3 taffie of what whereof! bmad -'F0r?fi1{t abroad. A ‘ ) ‘A . ‘Sir; Thus are Wc’emgag;ekd,cnd@fed in pcynis of Divinity, and * ‘Wlfhiihré fa«v0uroVf3.:E7m:% G'cn~:IcVnw1 whod id 1u’£g%ti:'r?: asiifcuifa it , A there *s.ma nmizh 21.; d1v1;filc:msV Of4.I’§ez:é'e.3&a, there are gr:-,atthiAngs0AftMh;1t.% I-A=1—”11;lJ.{§ againc propouaci my; d§:»x;xbri7u1—§;l Qyere Q1ve;liA'biy V the w1fedc>nm;z:~ of‘ this Houfc 5 'x’\7i*sevthAcrwcAbc (dam: $31. comm.-% V3”'*—””%‘95%“§7~I4dire5$; in %%%d0&‘rihaA1I re F0111: ions 9 + in my opinion we are‘ % £1Ot%:TaA%Let usmV3iVntaA§ine;the DQi&:‘ine.ef%;%b§A.§ihzdin ,t_hc C i1L1‘rc-in 05: England 5,; it will be neithmtfafbty nWor«mvi%{§.jc‘£i?;x§f;f;«::, fOr, ,11sf, to da» mrm%incvne%vv.%A A [M A W . A 3:V1!*3:I doe againe re~pea’m and anz0w~~my- form arwor::3.s,Viand cicc - wcon fidently afiirmc: ,t; that in «ms never fcene; gm E<:.z1g:m='nc. in any Ag»? 3 if! anyN§aVtion t11rQ”}ug3h¢Q,ut‘t_he,;WQ4{l{d ,« I;;%}.a%.zt,:>;;f<;¥t X..a.y;:- »t:I%€?n,AGe4n4tfIemen,Son1dée,r§s., !442;vvyers afiboxhg,::vvaVés¢A;V I’h3?fi:£- - m135A%McrchvaVnts‘; CA‘i%tiz:ms an Era fcffiO«ns;a§§n3irted4 ‘Cr? '2: fiea * 35“? ittabie,,bu:: Atghe Pro ?€fi’b:?sA4 of g«ic>w:aa1%-ma:azfiagzzmdefi, that Wfl‘}fl‘1ould demrmixm“1,1ptm:U:3€t'inct_}évig1iry..»L ~ V AA N SM} I At 1?: e: my be M c3 VVD0é7c::§s:1;c ‘ =wfm.mv; :3 0%U¥.d€ffrminati0fi b-ifld€‘E}}£f7f1‘3’}f’:);\,?_ 7'f§i.ey* aim:1% wccé.I:i7§%£i;“§é‘;3}%& bqdy inthe Kingdor:;w». "I‘im~y7are Eaerein fuztahrf 2.7.3 much 0:233-A earned as we ¢ Ftm'11crVSir;.4£::Faincingfizis%%é;%5>~a%4fli:€;:1;::<112t fir forfi-ar> - 311617 the: 1‘: K3: tiI'{§ail%emp‘1Oi:1M:nt, 11Oé1'?.fia§i43;§ 3.-1’7c»;2.gi"z;m;é.i;' A 3 aIid%c”)4;.;%g31z:t4 f:3O{.E~*tO be£‘b0=.md up du11§1€.:«:zd az'fi1v.::;:~~ it 1.0; 1 “£2-.b£§;i 6 (6) ~ Gocl tndA Aa-tgoocitilo'nifeilen be, ifwe {hut lth€m*t?O!JAti of that which we out {elves pretencl to be their onely and their proper work. A A 4 Mr. Speak-‘gr,Ar.\’\’e cannot bragof an unetrin.g Spirit" :A Infailie bilityisno iirtrrote tied to your chaitjc-,4‘ than to the‘ l’opes . And if I mayA{pealtAe truth , as I love ttttth wttAlt"t:leatnefle , and with ‘ plainene fi'e,1dofh~ete ingentt0t:fly>;5tofe*lie unto you, that I A-fhali not acgeirfje, anti fit downs upon the Doéttinall reAfolu‘ti0nAs of thisHoLtie,unlefi?3it be Where my owne genius cloth lead atd ipironipt me to thefitme conclufions. ‘ A ‘ A A Mr. Speaker, We are here convenecl by his Majefties writ to M tteat Szgper ardttis rzegatiis fiegni @’ Etclefie ,l I befeech Y‘l)t1 let Us not tuttte N’egot‘z'tz Earle-fie ittto’*iD ogmattt fideit There is agteat; Aclifl‘eteln¢e in oéjefio between the Agends and the Creclcttclsrofgi Chtiflian let us {'0 take care tofeAttle the Government, that we do not untettle rhecloéitines. A A A ‘ AA A A T “ The flaorticlofe ofa1liwitAh a mOti(:m,is but this : ‘ We are poi»- toned in many points 0fDo6ttine,r and l lknAow~AAno? Antidote; A “no Rt cipe for cute but none‘ : AAweAllI erlwfen Atttld.il Ala well teAmpeted A A N:il:ional,l Synod, and Gods bleffing thereon: This maylcute rnns,and‘withoutthis (in my poore opinion) England isrlikletto tume it felfc into 2. great Amfterdam, and unlelTe this .CouAncell be very fpeedy, the Difeafc will be above the Cure. A A Therefore that weemaywhave a. fulli fruition of whatfis here ptomifde, Ido humbly move that you will command forth 9? the Bill for a Nationall Synod, to beetread the next morning. “I ' A the Bill above five months fincc in the hand of a worthy Member of this Houfe:-, if that Bill be not to be had , then my humble motion is (as fotmetly) that you would name 9. Com- V mimseeto draw up another. A V.’ _i V A:iT~his being once refolved, I wouldthen defite that all motions of Religion ("thAisabout the Liturgy efpecially ) may he transfejlv ‘P ”lte:;l thither -5' and youwill finde lCf;~[’0 bethe way of peace atidAuni-~ i ty amongftlus lzere. A . A it‘ ~ n t FINIS. ON is %Sa‘E£>4tBii;§4;gI&1ma~2r£égr 1.6 2% . ” ‘ “is ’ti1”h‘*i%«.-s O"rdércd the ;C 0: M’ om § -‘i’in0wA~ITemb1cd.;in' P;Q.«rIi,ammit, ,Th=at Mr. (Rims? ‘itbc fibiflred toP‘:L1b‘1—ifl1‘in’- Print: ,_}vhat_yc£’ecrdanyr_. fie o'1‘&ér;0f £65 at,thc_. Comma:-. Hall’: And no.nc~g3¢).:p.;:.cFurne co.Print:. or; TC»; j3,*riI1tVN5_€aA,§ut fuchashfokzz;I:?iiicle&fl1a11,%agp4oint:»_ CW: ‘?drl:V13;? C% ‘A v~%A;E;.%éppoiiit,%4#'Péteé (’o‘fer%§_to..:%_=;[’“'firit. :this& (3 bpy V “H N nan