C H A P. L An Aét for the fuppreflion of divers Innovaa tions in Churches and Chappels, in and about the Vvgrflfip of God, and for the due obferving of the Lords Day , and the better advancement of the Preaching of Gods holy Word in all parts of this Kingdom. - igereae nthere innovations in mm about the fizmezthip of . _ . ezdilann aeozmase, é1e.ofI3er cfzijnrtbeeeatfibv¢b?wW1£’s£313 ether; §§f§1;a1i7—L7pi3£B§h~-0fe.{3nb1fKB ?i'e;»3ayete%at1€b03ifebe 13?? $31" L 3¢”¢#?°¥f??59fi‘ 13181.9F!flW¥fl*.3?*%§é2e#‘héféeeiarxiiswaitbmfitwfiiefim‘ tare 0? April 5.é?fa€3T~eii aaxeaybzeaéraees _aréa”time;r#. We like us *’¢¥°?“€"’«’§f*"i?*?ii§i?!7€“§2 ?§t‘f*$¥9A“?*9'°?5f¢?*¥-‘§F'??‘§??9?i?9‘%f 9Wer*.%$‘af¢:¢f€f¢;‘ee - ‘I * . 3*115‘§?~ii-‘(IE new aflbat is1!1*a:-I:&'i?e'4aei*’g3?féit!3reztinaéltof ' ‘ :1 {T33 3,5’. . ‘ % ' % ‘<39 j , CTHAI’ 1 “I118 faiaffiitarsf, Eablze af,_®t-ans» mmmanzm fiabiey; zfm. pe§g,;£@2zn£2E§.c‘$§§r§wiBa§is;;z»:_¢n:uz:£ttea,*a1:rna¢a‘,%amaze, ~ Tzfifi; am 1% i$;u£.8.&a$? afozefw }fii?flYETfim3? Bf fiat‘ fwzfzr maiifi; ~ lefiellingpf tlyetaia--Agrati!-£15 hrnam ana‘wrtfc,gm?e'n; . \ _3__fl_U'.t.b.e'@§E‘3‘H5,‘_ a1飧iI%§..€'1135>:g :f45t‘0l'ltI§§5; am; mvtbéer‘ péacw, inbisbe am}! he bznkeng-impatren, e2a!terea%hg’an?t13é’L¢aizari§. % afazerafia . mail %e;;maa;¢ uao &tta;rapz3'menL.m» Efiohianafri-ah‘-it enf Iiiaansrg in a;ll,aa1a .t:iaéfa'in=';®arifI)a®I)i;2rt:!3e%’ in \gn:b§ppelg‘,,w.‘:_ufu<>pgiatwaf pzfiltke .1-mags: imli1n:ga'_tt‘"g?‘to % angiaartflz 4,: bg:~tbe'4£b%urcb:1nar_am 92 @¥)u1:cb;ma'rn2n's :01’ every Each =1BariiI3‘AtF§‘fi)2% time hziirg refp*em'be1y;_ f£tx2%a"' in gbegg ilfiatbeazall 0; sijalizgiate ‘cfibzkretg 92. :n*:!;a.ppelI—., . Fix?‘-1‘»t!;“'”e wears;-92 rfiubncan of; 'ntb8t:;cbie_E -2:976:22: '13f‘.81J2~”i' gr ffiat-I) slifbllfitb 103 <fl‘ibaP¥1£H_fé3:ti3e Ltimcibefragz; 5 =2I:ztfij:t':,z 'tl;1§_'f.:gg§; ”9’«_‘fi§i3,$ 311’ U)? I.§.“£!7é3,ll :§.E.9.?.§;.“.,€i,.§.,;3,’=,TL!A%, ‘fizhitb tix‘a:1i:‘ema;e peer ofogr iiezn men ~1‘é4:;::@bae t§en~::enery?£ac§ 1:éi*fa3t1%'n27‘p?m,‘« fortafo ma'aitrg'rnefanIt;$3tigagwerga:fizw;§t§}g§g1;;;3;:g;§§fqugt km-the Irate at Em"t?®éai3Tf92Zeif@fii6@;£.éz£2 !13éiii;1zs:. tatbe are of the pou'Thf“ty¢Lf>ain iflzirill; inbe’rm‘zt*~facbmfa£2£'t {hall b2.ma.nz,;. 0zt‘E:itbe:mtanf_‘any fiaariflzthsaz to the are qr tbepaazfor? fa;£611'®&rifi)si%¥;'afe wmb is ea-ilaaubeusérett tame <11:i;ur.;{) _o-3 Q1:.1)am2ziiwaz other plate ..c:_f..1ai1i':lr'k.:/2 image: “here facbvnzfault ilzallbe’ mane, L Run ifp:*fazs‘It, £‘aal_IVbe make after the artist‘ @zPt2mb2r AL which ihall bk. in tfie. Iain $259? 164,3. Eben my rim flufiiges sf tire peawnftbe sflifixxn. , $12, 0I:tty,AL%agfl’.am:1, -mbersfucia b12fmsl:t_fi;‘aI1A-be‘ mane ,_ upéiz ‘31nfG2mat_ion tber2of.1etmmt9 begiben , man came 3; pigs. * : ’ - . .. , , _ . L EH53 . L CI-IAP. I. (.$?.p (4) cure the nzemitfen to be per iisonieeepotiticke oz. cazpeeate 5 The inhabitants of every {Bah tit!) tnigo are appointen by this act 10 heat tbetame. n izgcmtuen that this act oz. my thing therein containen, that! net extent to any gntage, 1Bt'ctnre,o2. coat of firms, in élbtafle, Etune, ozottaerinifedn aayxfibnrcil, ?J‘ 3L‘?m,»0ay 92 W fachA%;2l>ffic#?§»»A 9: £Dffi£§vfi; n¢s1% cw1%f°z;tf%I¢?r‘:a:1§2iettmheba%f»i"23«’is%n£?9a§y¢ itacbrym fr-Ea 8m?4ff‘%1¥i*e :—‘Z>3fl3:2i“é2 ttzicers .% fa: yztrefzz ‘ta:Ia',Lo:¥em=¢; ,1 m1.73f3’f?i‘§:‘3. 7?‘? . . .. I '- . ; : x ::‘fi:vfiib?ftfm‘fb2: 7hé1%er.¢z1cnum,::eme:it..o.xgaaig % ‘ fl'1inift%er9aInn.. . zeawzrfivéfitézmmintbe wt p tijttcsf ,3: ma“ Imiva tii8j};l3é:{.g‘3;:.°§f£iflf$§3ft ;e.§a_.a‘g Fi‘W9?3¢f5°f¢‘0Bt? iBa.r"%‘ i1%f?9£f5Vi§11*i*f5f*isf?ii5T§§'*?$§ W=it1<$» 0: fa; ’anjp»verIar;+nz% 3' N {W 9 3 .53- M 8‘ U . 93 . nohtof Eiia1g~.1gi,cg ®o:?x_ir:jnt2.ofY L petfqné %Wt3a’tt_oe‘_t!.2r,Ata fer a flu §Lrs::fur2\,. a:ao’zfiJ:1ai.2ta;ta‘ ¢2,,axi_qze%$2thno,o%r; ea; 19; ¢A$9;€2:iiIe.:i%¢*7 1%! ??$€;:l£2?;=%§*??1§‘§a§i§ {on Mt waif‘; *m:;;J%%;zxosAam:2::r; Lia; , Mg 3; GlivurtbwvatrptitsVb::黧1»;*r;:::t:¥*?1§6>f?=::é:té+§ $1 n as aroz2ta1n‘,:%attet;t;;éj‘a:i:i :;;g V‘ N % Pzewxmgis ?¢2Ti133WbT¢4 W‘ .% , 9:; ham .r'fii¢fet£r9;@mzé¥$ im§n2.t:§i;vi§i§a :m..%er: ‘*1 ‘W in ‘.“¢i:1bfi'£ac; fifourty tiitllm-{gig 5 to ttjé fine .;;at2;;§f; tgc; Wt? r%n:'o:z4err¢it% , ‘E..b¢y.eh2rv.:fucb‘p%vf9iI‘%faT9t1’¢i1i*‘§i:é:i?3i’~i~2f=:izi r mih. 953"? mag‘! - ;. r-"1 2 “ ~ _ %?+u;bz1tt;;:tncr%%cEAn.m:ga aézzxaai .41" £9§€ai§;g_;% ‘ggg‘m;§ fl;.fwpz;£¢;;:z¢; man, an: W252'c':u1;~étzes::s>z;ft:a;:fieB=ainfi;és % ffixll zztzdira or ¢%%i¥°?%.3?8!B« . 5-.-w;sn%2‘?a,‘u“.7»';»-'3 52: iiignggfifi; ’ % é €‘H: E25’ 1: E (6 3 twmfm M02? ‘M599 Téfiizifirra °I‘®°.fi1¢1 o .. T - §e_ageo£.anp $onnt9,oZity;'-oozeEo1onse'o?t}2ognte,‘13h€t¢a1YB¢ offence m5,l[b9.C.a.7"'"t.fi9..u,:..§§t t?a2ir,.o3eo‘ara!loo9f%"a*f¢‘n fietfione of‘t!)ej1Beate 4 by §noiegbtznent , Enfozmatron. oz otberhnfir a':s’tbe cafefl1aH_re,qutre ,.o\iohere1”’fl "0 waster 05 % iisainfiitvenvzoiéezotvotoeo; oi 3niamttmr,tma1!be aomitrw o*z,%i;!lo%&ce'o.:t _‘, ‘ ' ~ ‘ tT_, ‘ A gun bzftfm-t_1;er a3‘_5:_1tjute:u% byjtbe ~<21eutbo;itfe:;eato2erafo, Ebatt fonr,tb,;;ee, ttno, oz one fabrtlfanfiall §’n1)21'»‘J;t'.fanto;; 33:13» ogb«gn_t.s mfoery {berm} 92_flf1)8p9¢1t;i¢;t‘..m!'313hI t,t)_fioJJ.{'eal§3t.o t5Z93¥’?°!!*?32iouT’°f7‘W312?‘CD*3biI1o;1refbtt15Tf9.f§I9o?v‘2§£92ff0U ‘oz grmmzoe of we tainpartay _anopar~ifffe;35 ore: ba.ppeIfgt,fb;zII Eenomlnateo ano ctaofen yeetlgon tbe,t-:£l,9un%tray 0; £‘u::.fa_a9. in_cI1f:a.fter meek , byotbepatriibtorters of emery fact); patilfi av; ¢i)afp§1e]lr;2“s=“fiJ!yt'tb‘ nreto2t‘fl)_atl be?'r8fe_abie,"totbe . re ptfir. or &’Ir;'V_tttoi) i1tbtflf_tb.¢o2 ¢.l£_hnppe1t.;‘.by.e;« oz ,;atco;oing‘to'. this 91$!» 02 the greater. port of fin!) #5 them as fbatl be then aa'emb7eo. in the &ffD'@jb{1l'_£b‘0;‘_¢f)a}JpBlla“ to be ’¢r&?*“i ®¢'i’°9%Lfo:;f.‘ozo*b9’fi?§e we svu.mces*.of .“‘1“§°"3.fi*¥55~fl9BY*¢F¥ratifl%1;°?~W1i¥'@9i13§5£¥flf@9813? ;&:.cb% p\_.x._~ ( »7A> g tP“¥‘?3 <15'1W2¢92i rfibapvel rtfmtifiele: 89¢ profiivmgéf 3159.515 fog’ the rain gig’, 5;E33a.pg3,§‘{L;, Vanni wttte to be urau .at'tb¢—Qn1q1Iti§3§§§fop.x_oft§1z_§>13g;gm¢gjt §fl1£.w., ant: to; using am: pe‘rEaIm(ug.al[ man eiierg gagfy thins 02;ti}t’ngsz%as5 111’ this act is. am’; are gpppinten-.t§%..1;};T W19 , rat the charge of may gum!) in <,£b3§P.eIx;p , as alré fez the nuizzg arm cfiecuting of ail.anD:eber.p :1t,a§$f2t~,%% Inljigg 1° the 21>ff1w . ware , ozautie ofa a:butcb*Svar;ben mu aw I?€,rtm'n,,to.b£ n-am: , 1n_Iu'cl;%»rain .(]:l}utc!)=i33arne;i.Lo; ,¢,n:I.1zz{r‘q,. "1“5m.B.t3$ than inftbin four naycs after the 22:9 ormeir 2‘2B,i', A .8.n11¢a.ft2r%ntb2r .c?b:2rzb=%1nar4n¢uo2II:buc;b.=1nfiW2:mVz:9m§« . ‘A.I.I:,8f8.D 2 '-make am) 11¢: In up‘ to Iac313I11Tf¢85~Qf%:1‘b2: iafdtxtga .85 <‘3.f,o2e.fa{n, a tru e.anh perfca acshunt pfal1Iu;m!t‘1c;s ' -mutiny Vbp.t_b2m m:eibe,n ,; oi iiiaten and £L(fa(f,en%’a1:n mg ;,t§£.eji3Ph; am: 9f%,—z3il%gtt1et th(ngs_-gantetniiig tbei; {nip £9‘: R"? fvcb‘~vfe«m~°2T fummnf mm¥¢~ws .fl1w:b¢ .b&hua.% 1331! pagan: “izeiibair .:a,w.r~-ta ‘thy ,f.a1n 31222 02.13‘: pIw,cb=1gaarpen5.n2in1y ncmtgiafeb. an%b’a3J’p6tg§fgfi%, Tag: iiffirfifaifi» t%i»°;*‘tMis1f§:aI;e?;=駧v9n¢.0f £42133 hé@!%fi¢91?§e%*¥ P2 ‘fault? tlatzfrzizi 02 in.:t_1;;e m[cu.ttonof =fbei-”1=%Tai0 ibféfteg W11 1f°f§¢iff¢i‘tfiérvltifitmaféakt %92~~ue21{s.wi¢ 33 EW¢fi*2 fifiifiiiisss 3 we %uEJ~°fft1ee% nods; 70? W9 i:{5i3 ’:‘.3.a? 92 $33»?-991792; 69. A‘i!?.5!3?§€‘§°,:..‘.P1i¢?!3‘¥f%4‘1?3«f9§*1} in? sfifiburaw ’1barnan.A L 3 a *;”a».“”f2l”"¥"‘4§W~§i$'%%:-am;»:«:«w~m~was~z»«&w+~%4~«Ma~&v&s~¢~m~¢~§~+m~¢a»z¢4~e:~4»¢»«m~:~3~»m» * . ,2’. , » . . -.-. ;-yv . ' . ' .- ‘ ‘ts * - .’__ 1» . -. 3’. . ,- ~ « . 5 , -. .. r ‘ \ ,._. - «9 ._ .. _ _. -- . . ; ,» .,_ , _ v _,‘ . - . -'.-' .g .‘>, ,r 3 ,_ «;- .-(I. -; .(_ , r, >. — . ._ _. . .‘ Vuf, O__._. ‘__r ‘_" ' _ - -' ' -: V. I, .1"._' . ‘: ‘- .1» I '.. . 5 ' - ‘ ‘ ' V‘ . '1' 4,. »« ..' 3 3 .' -‘ 4 /‘E -' I , .- .‘ V ' ' ' ' "z .' ~\. - 5 ’-’-._ " ‘. 1 *' ‘ ’ . ". \.‘_.: V I" . H," * ‘;' "LT." .~ ' f-‘ . _ ‘ _ . - “ §._..,:«fl ‘. .3 . ‘-. I ‘ ' >,‘ ‘ ;,. V _. . . . I_/_ :5. . ._,‘ _ __‘ _ I , . {jg ., ‘ ' ‘ _ * '- 2 \ V ' ’ ' ',~“{"}- : ' . _ . ' ' . ‘ I ' . V -_ ‘. F ‘ - , - - ., _, ' ~‘ _ A_ ,':»~;-—, -9 -2. - ,5 . I.» I " ‘ -- . - . >_. , , 1 1 . : ' ' 9 " ‘ ~ . . ‘ so ' I A I‘ ¥ ' 3' 4 . ' » 7 nu.-~ V ' _ -. -» ’ .-* . , ‘ \ . . r “ '. ; A‘ ’ ‘ x I ; K . '2 ~ '- ‘ ,~ v , _ _ ‘ * ' _ , . - . ' - . W > _ ..,_I V .’ _ . . V H ‘ .- . . ... .. a ~ . - on . v ._ -. . ,2 » _. ._,.v , < _ .~ _ _ _ug ,, . ‘ xx .5‘. ‘Q. ‘*3? -5.: ‘;:§}.-. ‘, ., - _ . ,_ ;, - J; . ' ' ' -‘I . J ""‘ - *-' ' ,__i _f - ' Q‘ -. .‘.4\’.‘._ J‘;&‘’‘».‘' ‘-2.; .' .v ls‘ V ., A y... ' \ » aa%% % an- bi:A%é ;T ’ I :1 prefetneggi v x % % V ; . ,. %% €1E£ozg1t:ed;tQd:;at., - , ,.-=« ‘; j _ A -‘ « -'__y,..-au ; _‘ V 2 . , " §L1u£O%Lh¢‘\v}_1‘1c?hB" M ‘F w ’ " % " ais*yc:%. A Hié-'?5L;%?é>yai1éfl‘en:.—; .,»,:;;;% %@¢¢¢¢%%%w¢¢¢¢¢¢¢% -3»W¢«~%~m~:~&:~vz~2*f-*:-:J4-¢¢asa:»dz«~:»w:£6éaée:» ,. ,'9 ¢~I.‘s__Q,_v'_‘;- ‘ ,’ .> ._..._.~; '1 ..‘ _\A"1 >' 1. ' ICA- . 3 V . "dc I4 I -- ‘ - H , _ _.._ , . ..._ «._‘,.;q..~". 1’-« _ -4.7"‘ ‘-.___ . ' 3- .4». mi .. .9.- v.’ -->‘4*$»-.:. 1- ~ % A % L _. _ ,4 amagzédznrgrzza. 'é§?°?é&W?f I ¢.Bi%115P'€f<"”f“’” 4p;2oz'gzted t, [ A % % H - t1:%*W 4” «rm §=?-ya wPz:é4zjI:2*d.*'V%“ {~€ic%1~A;;P%rf;E-G9m;. 5:33 ’?.-"%‘5%“9’*«;v~»;.e**‘ » z ‘* » '4: ‘ - , . «of Y. _ _ ’ v A .' ’W._ k E V 'm\AL._ 1. .\ . .1 ' (,1? 5. J.‘-s’._ .,\.¥r; _ $ . ' . _ _ '_ , 1. ..- v_ V L N110 N . v . f‘§:,L Pr{inted For zlzggzzrél arem A: ,ir11th€V ._'§L11y;";,I,;9.% L" _ 3;, .. -- u_-' - l_‘ ‘V -. . .1.’ U , . .~ av '0! ‘K §§%¢§¢9¢¢%¢¢¢;I . _ , 4-“ .- _ ‘ - .. A ‘W. ..«, _. F ... - « '2. . ‘ _ . v. _ _ ' _. . . .‘ if v .2“ ' ’ \g_ V . 5- :‘; , . -c ‘ ‘ . L_ ’ Q . 3 . . ‘ I ,. ._ '_- .3 ‘ In ’ ~ ‘ . ~ X.’ 1 . . ; » . ‘J I -L _ . . O I ' ‘ . ‘V -_ ._. r‘ ‘H ‘I I V ‘ .. . .V§;,1..-._ _ I9 . . .1 , .- _ ., . , . . , ) '7! '.-a ~.. ‘. us‘. "5: .;:u_ -__ H '. ' . . - - ./ 4.‘ r - H; fa I. . . ..b§-. ,.x ‘ . ' K ' " . '.-. . V. . '1. " V g I ._ I O », , ’ ‘J’ .,o P ' .§ _. . "7' ..- . Q h . ‘III -' I, *‘v\~ -cg‘ . _ *4’ ‘T. . P. -.v‘ V__ 2:: . V . » . Q .. \ .1 Q‘. ) 7‘ «T-' " ‘ 9. 1 ; vi!‘ c . ' N , 4-:0, _ 1 -z-' -1 < .- ' -:,‘ * x P ,_ V \ . _, _ 7. .._ 1 , _ . ‘ v r . -. - \~ 1. ' _ , l- . . ' - ‘ ‘. C . r 1';':' " ‘V - 1,’ ‘ ' ___ ' " " . . ‘A3 ‘ \ ~ I . , . , . . . , v- ’‘~,. ~ / ... -, \ \¢- ; - ‘ / Z - ' )' ‘. ‘ . , ' “’%l*~I Aft for the uppre 10H 0 ldivgetfsa. ’ Innovations in Churches and Chap- " God and i-for Tthe d-tue'sohfEri7i%ng"._ of V ‘ the Lor’ds‘Day_,. and the bfetcerf ad-; van ement of*the Prea‘:ching~ oft-Gods h0ly?W¢rd';f in allparts'%of':'thi;s’Kihgdomgf 7 _ T An A6}: for the utter abolifhing , and.i:a1corp9rLat2Jo lame ass 1n2.1;l%a.!l am: etgerp this rain * _;fL_t3uis‘uf 9§D,aue‘p',. Hub a1!L'firg;‘¢rag{es of every oniz 1IJ’9t'cI)7Ib;1ll refute ‘oz aieglea tof'p;n3}o; tazstribtzteftiazfr rflfzabfis fgaarts of finch ammenw, as afagefain ;_ ‘am the ro;se:u;re‘s be- Vfawmenttomzn ; by EDz'1§rct1‘e'~ ant‘ fate‘ of the ‘£Dft'cnn2r goebs; as altoalt »'d\81‘,DflB3B‘t'}J?__,fl)£“fiIi1I ‘E!3§”G {am of money ‘iubitia 1113,3732. be?;t;;;;g»;,pgg¢ a?11’"<’_ff‘J'i1¥€i‘) ‘l?3F=’rDéns3 account, fez. o2‘w:1wmt.a_qf!3e mpair cf a‘say%Vfuc~:j‘§;z4vci) ozéfibai-" $92.11, :3; atbertbctm1tg;safd,z.2faia-5 am iiimmife‘ the Vfzimof “Em fiiiliitmfi T0‘: 375'!U'1’°1531'U9 file téiargc Tani) crprgzgte ’ifi1 lea§1ging%Auf. tbe»fa*21z;’tea3n:ing toVt?%3c pzrrfiz ogipajrffefi jbe. Efigfietplazs anh*in'13efeotjof- fdei) '?3)i£E:‘eE3‘e, it £b’a!l’%he ,i?I?11ful's'f02.:8m,r rum f21ci73!.z!fic‘e~s.3 cnfflze 1':-mace-taj cmfimit bifI1a'.fJ8,1”.s‘l‘ITfl)9.'" TD t‘8l’*f!iii1%.1' 0: neg{e:tt:1g’;, ‘ass afa;2eraz‘n,, £0 fbfi;¢°mmon ®¢a1¢fl°f*%fl2¢¢‘°,wrfin c’-‘i,ti=2,tsz imam ‘com.- ffifé r2fprtti?sn%12?.a ‘b5b¢Vf¢iT*:*th ‘J?u%ff%iéé‘£fi3ffi9ea¢¢;atB ,. ant fittbnflffifltfi’ Afb'al_i% be fditfi 3 %f'§J'e;‘i‘z%ifo’*irénia'iri% warm: iifiailozvogwaibzwprifg . Vusxtflilfiii payriicnt-~ 0f‘tli3e rain T833913“ fu?i!.mesfa‘uB*flrrcra33¢s , a::n»to commit ‘tea ‘the rain‘ pr,iron .=%.*=,"¢*L?7°§*‘e.fi*f fb,e.I*?'*° with Ti1Ezll.T815iT¢ _*° 3‘f~‘°5'!?f» fbfiiifi §°f8?**&’ifl; ’i9i*11¢*tif'L$‘iIi!e ¢:$fsE9atzt:Erifjem1’ 5?“ b¢;bafh.n'mre at-true 8i':%ibé2’z-.;f ; aién *fz1’ft»ifi2n‘7 and pain $';:tDu¥cb aes upon the rain ~a:co’::’ut€i1aIib2‘reziaiuiuggufiifi * %i829béa2n¢a1m_g%g%es, 'Z~."E!3'é“1t*_if a:ég‘g:éitai1éb;:%;;érfé?i8fisa11 W09 *3f;—'!1‘>'0M)er"; ozfbemfélfics agtiebeb ?17f€!)f}'§!§p mt- , WM 0; ‘~:.I‘av:;~ %0m1;er at: mine Bptzyc rain <1‘:b;11.rc’b-v§.na‘;1,nt%1t1 .0; Q’C*i‘:tI*:t!a ‘Vi-‘3&rb*:n§, 02 by ‘tlxtfafli finffitiz-3: bf-L1B2acéLoz *“?.°‘**W»: Mat ta.-an ‘=1 mu betawtroz .t2:a:3w ‘'5 “E 'V“99R€%»“’8,t=~tbeir5 fc13'eraH’L :I.{7"aaft5e’r"‘: §%§'fi'i¢u%§‘ 3‘f;”7f'5§4;§t bl? ‘3‘*’“‘P”‘“9;**+htr¢f:tm%rn‘s?_ te»ta%s;c ‘run; 4626?: martin to ‘them mauve ’fb0'flg§3t tanhgnientg ’a‘§:i&§;%.§,1§*etfiVk;'.t1!itl!2D6 ~“**°W=‘?“*t*r=%~tain;:art«re % % % .’ f %WW???ar¢aev mam; mat‘: W3 Wwsiw ?f9wMé*?@<&12e:as«?or%ene¥" ~1tsz,:?2tnm:«fana vm ¢v=m9sa:esu:uxs%tuis reazmvg:yw“amm:onorWa1es I” " 7- - ' Q . Ueitirgi-“3‘u14!it*e 0;‘ gziifireesi of we 1‘292ace*,5t m:;1tbane:be fizme asit_b62t1:g» ha} bvgrfue hi this ‘mt mttimt i:1)ej=f~:fe3am=2zli%i3Lr'.= CRAP. I Mitzi ;:mb 3§B3E7fI'°:"§51t'fl§':0f~ -t1héit3 i§u‘rimi:ztm1‘s ;e"ew‘.- 511‘plsztzs’2nif,§im$b$it3f9iF?iB‘&i ‘rim, in all things to..tygm ’t§§lmtging,‘.,an3‘:£9e:!‘li%Duglp . 3 8¥3t'bl'f&.;; CH’A1>.-II ‘ be o:,~.t!my.ate:~an£ Milt? ft » c;¢§ . — erbfbffe‘ axin%’nfi1k~e one account ‘b£f038';%%t:B&rL‘I)r:a.§1'@fl°ieer'*a;; Ebffiters s..':o2»éi 3luftt'cee= of L $11‘: .aBsa:a;e , ;ef afét i) v‘. $:0§1?¥{:"°3 ]Jl«3Et;?¢0;*§3Jjz$;fB ,«v;atw‘:«13z~.:~e qtbnr iiefszzfi the {am .flufi‘:cea of the £419 %c£nuntic.%,%::?n;2 -any;,fu£h;$:£n9.4 0.fV.tl1vm rwifi 'f£af,°&‘&fA‘ ‘ rwfntv " ‘ §lnu;bz?Li£# fui5.fi78rf’§i13,3fi1:£f8D.: fiiibgt‘-Tififtii:£5&.'£5i5I§ 0t' Era‘? mite,“ oz :afl;er% %@ui‘c;;i‘1;_a!l tmapett to be %‘:lif£1‘.9 fIb¢3.fcimB afif1)ftt=¢t,s1)$, fit agcmfe D1’ ‘ bifi, bans as-their 2‘£ctio:1em&u£t,iso%:as%o; were I) -»D,;m,.;.az,ca:2tz , mtattenngannm ..—1fifE1IftI‘.52h8. zsfllflilltfiie mbe£&taI%fuab;+2£uton ,0; 9u,:ft;11):.1lbailgin-';:2%£l'flJr;1f:2£E32lIwit1;@§18§2: ;Ia9b:;a.fe_;&b.e Eur! ’-tnIji:t;°fi1;.It2tuy.t1;2;fame:» :t1)‘::bl' zffune the %;:ED%2‘f;:mn .nt an}! ‘E9e€enn:.:nts£tu:zbary.ftzt§bflctian qgfilfif1‘£%:gz1il£g.»mitIJou£ 1;x13ing;::rxp;rzfp2rt_':o; reguvn '10. any afiiscacc given D2111? .=.t'utife—:ag. £1BL::mi;ife£5 .U)B§B.iiI;1::Wl1E§1i§1g_fl]g ., $mfp..fia: '§Fsad,%%o;.<fl:auf2a;.‘fi02 inl3icb%t3s22:f.:t.1‘i2:$?lflt44:nmv2. §é>u;':'t'§§o2%:£h :11 Whloaght.,,£nn;t1;.1:;tf::1;i1%e Ima-Dirt -Ib::ll%-1a=»:Ire;% ~.;1Uz':%b the ’f;tu'§>'12fénn,:ui1a;fiiaferzmutss ,, in amyfaab fission , fig the £}9h’~’i??f3fe. 9z%‘3i-1Btatx1téfes,t!;erafn %.-~betpm1zVNQw:»m‘ic , , :9; fufftf ‘any:nffwIif%imc*Ibe1:eo’Es;; EElm:¥a :e.?i1=s.rVgvr;:%o:%1“®.z:£e.tl1¢ '%0fii&e'a¢:uz.i?fluiiIiw.a m,.f2t£b:Eifb?€flI1b.c§e :.9..2 sE0.::r:tA he Em %°¢t‘«'tI1éi fc“-We mit8r.rfl1s;l! ltefltiels’Q:;D%?$?.Bt1uifl£&» ")I;*11¢:.‘_')' % ”CH:A‘1-“; ;x’.j'A Sim Eii2J£¢S1a§n.J11%?i‘i3!?f fi3i$” 9!“ >{ fii1fi1’5%§“?*f3.%i?2¢fbéfeitfiafif ;P3‘.‘£2Ff€$?°8fififii¥ 5? E??? ?;1°.h‘W. ¢°§*3k;=‘ g!?%13i¢‘I V39 92 %I.'fiéfi$3 %t%W?3?2Uf%.‘%fi zzfir .Thi3f9?‘i*F3¢??"fi?%0%r%gfti% A 1a%2r‘a.At:g=%:*; ia.vef«if1‘;ef bf .tfi&“fiaw%§u_ft:%nz,£¥¢-an . tofinzsitti‘ 1‘bé5fei‘iI3 ‘£é3'€fé’n um ti: 2rzn%na§tt>?z"fi!.a‘?l !1s*g‘ou2‘T‘1fi*?etemeaie H9’. irxzefiwz. F:iaaz;;e:"¢‘ wtss;i2)2,,1be>§!L*afiiivi.‘r;f tgfizf‘ Watiif % V e . , .;ffi ‘iA‘a»::i§:5i1?‘3téi9 ;:f,.'¢ §i%i‘f3?I*R5?2i%:?%i!é‘é+%§1§ 3?o2_fe'it:1r£s%'b'2,fifa;c t‘fot§€yfi1’fijl§ §_tt**‘t0,} §?5f62fe”fltfi?=b§ F any pe':fa_fl »o3=‘§et‘ta:x22:1,‘i’£;qti"}p’£;igp?}3c*i13%ptogizbf-tfi¢tbé uféof 1.112 ‘a°‘°2;‘9;€?b§ M23’: 1mi.1¥1%;. .122»; €129.;n§etr:ei%fb@t%§vc°m* A ifiif.‘b;§‘n9‘t1r61ib?Ieaizfzntifitff 43’ ‘mt ** 3*‘ f‘f£5nftFan?é*thw fast) A ajufticen of the peace, Egajog, 211321-man , 0§be8B“"fi3if2i§ 1 of the cfliozmtiea dtitie, flfiohm, 0; place <fl:o:.po2ate refpecibes - l;},inherefucb offmcz than be committen inithin tlleitfeberall , 3J.imits , by Pi>i1tre€€e annbale of t‘i)e'2’DfEe‘r.ners3 ‘<1Buon$,=; reaming to the parfiefi the ofierplusg mm ‘in nsfett ‘of fact; Exbifltcffe-, it ibau be lainfzm fa; tine ..tacb'e:31u1'tites of - % amaze, Qgaajog. , Siloerman; 0; beanL$fi‘iéer:s‘tuit'btn their rebcrail flimitg; to connmit the *fl>‘ft’e-nnen to:.theL%.‘;€Lommon efioaleof tbz.fain41Iountie,*<£ttie;,~Eaimn o;»plti'ce*;:_2pu= rate retpettibely ; there -to, remaine~:1nitbi3_t1t:%3iBaTil 02 €£at'n= 1"33f3e,,1ffiftTfTIjB f8iU.fU3‘ftftt1fz:'befaffi6fi’tD’a11tf%1&fifth:~ ~~ Emu it is likemife .% mcxzst ;111d.=:§‘b¢IT9fi£simI‘f%‘¥1? A a?:«,ué»z§;3V;%me%i.%%A¢i1w%r2i*éid ‘%a:az*!ii:;t:’e !fii5¥%i?§3. fir-a’::;s'§e%a12§e. Wsfiéitis ifietéflfitn ‘Iatfi fozf’;* f0 W‘1‘¢‘?A‘, imBsmt§9!¢&_»;-%§~—:éfit£;t¥»%1£€«h%9iWf»58En mane 4 AanW%4 f£9;éav_t§:z§§,:9~ggsg§ %f¢ffi$i9lIfY32iV¢9fii£rm! »%mfi%i*Ifé;¥1‘ ti)»: {Harte eicpozuingfiv. ' ‘Taith Atli:.;at_i:,zfi-5 9,; . .. 2 aabféfia 1%-”;¢i:11??1¥Ifi.z:7 9? 6Aa{%2¢r¥¢:ré“;. t4‘rni.%ir‘az«z*wab %;;R37¥I;ip':93§:‘3‘5:‘9r?§E‘‘:‘§11%9f 33-9 [““3:‘§t¥' 3‘T3«1‘*~*¥°¥F’? %va§ we £12 °fb%WV¥ ‘*2 W 1, .. . ‘H,’ \. ~. . "' .-' I gozpaaatee 7*‘ ‘ 4 ‘xx :;.;-,~._g, co amafqge , _ _ .- . .. -. ;_,‘..l» ,‘ I, J, VJ‘. I; (I I I .4 -,-—.-*‘ . a . V.@ , t" 2 ’ '~"'—:o~r~ r . , _ ,. ' ’ "'°‘"_‘ - - *9 ~ .v ,4 _ ;_‘ _, " . §-.:.'- ‘ ‘s-L; . ’,' -4 .p}- . , , _z- 1' . s. , 3, - i ~ ~k 4_ ‘I ’ l 4 L -‘7T.(‘~._ do 3;“ h ‘H . ’**'~a~ " -+-‘ 37 ~33 % ”'=..¥i~¥m..z.,.=.~ ( 1,»? 4;?-_.%% 5:? ~ ~e-;- A 7‘ -:.-::. ~ . . _ z _ §Y(, "'If4;.-3' ~ng{-',.-' £3‘ _ :!‘i‘,§' ..~'(‘.,’J Q- ‘rev 9.9 ' * - -. ,3 41"’ y’ r’ y_ .31 ‘as, -{.1 VI rt‘; 3. 8’ . ’-, »_ _ 5 .. ._ .. _-‘. _. ‘ o I "."A‘J_ .10 3. ;."- ,-_ 1 1 "< ~ ‘-“;f' » ¢i'-'J'.‘p.'4.4:$‘'=...;1.*.1!-..s,,-. i ‘ ' '- ._. ‘ ‘ ."v‘..""-3~'f.'_7‘:*;:-a . -S~—;-,.‘.',;~ : . -I. -0‘ . :.‘~.,_ ‘J’... :3’. - .r . -:'<;.- ~;-2+1;-: 9-"35 Eiliifiif c'{.fiB(?f{.-vii‘-333?“ an 2 .-' |_ a: . ' ' ‘ . .-, Y ' ' ' \ .5‘ ,3 §’£'<...=:‘}I:!~‘,2!§§:-u}<__ .*l.::x_‘:._.:v{"T1, V9‘ , . G “ (‘£4-J .‘ 1-fl‘ ‘ t; --‘~. —~ VI.'. '1)“: n‘ ' A.’ - ‘ban ..v .. 1, 5 _ ‘ " . = ‘H ‘-7’ C-. ;-.- , 24- ‘ g‘m«k~ -an ., f r’ ‘ , j as ,>» El- ". ‘V . . I - « \‘»' ' ‘ I 1_ . - «,. _ 7.1U,' ".',* “‘:‘l‘,-i-4§,‘_.a.-"5"" k ' f.'‘‘_'‘: ‘F’ _ _._+~ H ‘ .v-.-. J‘; 3 .,.. - ' .r .\, :3‘ ~;“‘«‘*“‘3f‘-*3?.:‘-i?l'.ifl1;? r; :.;;.':-. -:;';:at; ,;a'g~;‘;upr:;~ ;-it - ~23 <1n:‘%:~T11slH??~'=§? rt‘: - O. I’ ;7'§2'.—., _ L.,- ‘g' 0ft."-X4"; ".‘;.'4I*)v ‘ g» 353;.¢.3..: r ~5~5"'t3 _5T3*'.;'.:3E;.i:y 3.": V’ 5‘ *3 . \ 3 (- I -r 1' ‘i|.'~4H 0 ’ ‘ta "1 3 fr .. '_r'- ( "t ,‘ ‘Dy ‘~ n_ \_ . 1:!"-‘-“£1 Y‘ ~ . ..».:~ 1'. ‘I’ -1 g‘'’'{ 1‘ Qcv.,.,.4--. _ 2- yo §\3 ,. _'. ‘._‘ ‘ _ _ _, .. . . ,. I .’ . .,. \ ~,_;. 0.1‘! ~»-.\. 1.4 - “,_ N‘ @—.p‘...‘,, ‘ J.’ ‘ . n ‘ ,'- ~._ _-r‘L¥s: . _ '21:-j ‘=::.~'.‘a :15 63C 3 :2 1 ::3.;:’?f: ?:?i3'1é‘- mar; k‘ S’-’:’-.;;0»fg gt! 1.: - 5 V \- ,> . c . 5.: ' ’ _. _{‘:.;(s; ..;2,e ff‘! ‘ . V g ;‘;'%:23j. «:'s.s.1da' » ., ‘n A \ #9- .53 5ii€f3lf§3‘§.9} A ,,Dominion ¢f'.WAlc:.'n “ .~' - « CHAP. II. ; An A& fcjxfthc urtgtfligelifhing, and taking away of all .Az-ghbiflxops, Bifhops, thcir,Chancel'1ors and Com- ,mifl'arics, Deans and Subdcans, Deans and Chapters, ' Archdcacons, Canons and Prcbcndaiics , andnall‘ Chantcrs, Chanézcllors, Tificafurers, Subtrc:}1furc,rs,n ¢ Succentors and Sacriflts-n, _And all ‘Vicars Chorall, yand ChoriPccts,jo1d Vicars and new .Vicars of any "Cathedral! 0; Collegiéitcflhurch,-and all othc1''thci-1_- ?. nundctn Officcrs out of _che Churc-hof England, and Soft Bafllz-.4ux eignethn-3 V ‘_ ‘A Acgfle Bill: 1:5; Seig"neqr:fb'nt zffentm; ~ VV19ereas ‘the Ifi’5fobz_tnment of the ~1E!)ur»clJ of Eng; ~.- A land,b12f:Itcl)bi1I;nps,‘)15it(3np_s,tl)éitcysucellnozs nun ¢omminTarizs, E>2an‘s,*EDzans any ¢13apt,ets, Qrtbaln ‘ueaconsyann other ’J3c‘:l:f:’atti::all £Dffims nepcnbing upi on the iaierarcbg, flaatb bp+laug.c:pcr'i2n-:2 bécm foam: to- in a great .i-mpeaimznt tn‘ the pcrf£:t»iaefa;mation ant growth at mligiong annibcrp pgzjttbiciall tutbc cihill’ n flzatznann. gebcrnmentcr we akingbdntz 152% tbzrzfoze fitnactzn tap the Jkimgs mottmccclleutn srgaajettie, aurtbc 31.2:-zns am: dpmnmonsnin this parent marliament mm. blcmann by the autbugitg or the. fame; fltbat fcomann aim: the jfiftl) nag of,;asbcmbner,i:.z the we: crow: Lon, £021: tbouranbfiir bunugea jflsztsz arm time, were {ball be‘ no \ Elrtbbilbop, Ilfiifbflva ¢'«J&tm1l02,noz ¢ammi£Iarg of am: arcbbifiaap o2JXB1'fbop,—no3 am? Esau, fianbncan, mean emu nfiblptet‘, 0: fircbhzacamnoz am: flbczncellng, abantzra 4 Erearuret, §9ub:real'urcr.%uc.;cntcz oz bacritt of 3119631‘ V fbflzall oz anllegiatc ¢h!W5b) no: any ibzeheunarva @219 non: ftauonsiztcfinzntiawa vettpaauou, mica: ¢bo2‘all,. fibflztftefrs, nib ,E1ua.ts,nz mm‘ nw:m[:a:.e, nntoz lnitbin am: . ~ g Q: Ciiféjta C‘g§é,_ (’ 1.5).:—f‘ 1 * A . A , gfi’,atI)2h;*ai1 :3 fissllctgiatc »jIEl)t'1:‘cTJ:‘u3 any ot"i)c;1:’ flltitt Ema ‘ 1:Bt$$3_11ii3}i7I this étbuml) pf England _u2f"£3oan1nton of Wales; . .£1xmtI)at frat-sxzaxm ::ftcv:?tb$1f&iB“3?iftb~ nap .of3P.0b£inb2€:V , ti,uz4 jgzamz, maze; EDig_n’;'tp«, Bfariftsfiioti, £.Dffic'9 a W‘ " ;$mn:zien-ef% §irci;hi%fl}~3p"g,i315i1bsps5_tI;eirL¢.bancell_ez§3 am? \‘i:x3!3r3}Ti'§"i{{f£.?;7i8,§.a"-§52’1Zffit3§‘§£!h”DBafl»5§ isfizans EiI”1D:¢§)a1.1'£'¢?~'39 §1::»:%)p;2_:z;::.m%e*,:<§i,?';:=;::'z%:s.1::sany 12 :2-bennatiefioflnh all dfiilfihffiffi W —flZg1nc2»i1s;a3, rbrzafuretsfi-ubtczafutzcs, Eucgsnmts am: A‘ '%3ci‘.i;I£.2!5A‘§am ailmisatz-43392311, aun fibaziflfirfia I313 W’ % Lraxs .a::a mu amrsa annmra ‘of Wits «€"*1¥*z»1i*‘¢**.‘*‘B *5‘ iJai3i,rI-2t,u1.”I3rvz.;*o_z 2'7¢.¢“=ti,fiItcsVof 133122» 11ot.ver,iuri?bistto:t, sf’ ‘fine cg’. .auflji2gét~g, by rzafsm ax ;a1',o‘ui:% of any -{nib ‘:j}1.:1z1:z’.; . %1x';1z,= Efiigwttigz, 2?t>"ffi 29 oz jfunifion-, !niAtl}i€t‘tt1)v1&caIm. of of England ans ,?.=‘Dsminion of Walcsfijall fl)-é-ncefoztl) cc-4!?’ betcrmiuc, aun becomz abfolutelp-hoiB,_ anb - ma-ll be abs’ Iifiycn cut of this Realm ann«t,i)zEr.m;ii1ion o’f—‘W ales, am! =m'ag:z,1Lai1Ipgfirtatqtstqtygsoztzrajse in any-1rri1'z'mst1nit’9a 'lfm—tnin c5;% flu!) tbatjfcmpaun affB‘C"‘jfb_B Iain‘ jfiftb bag of - 1-1_e_?2 zmber-5 no pevfa:t—c2".p’2rfonssmijzgtfngber, % by b'e—v:t‘u_é. of aims; lbettcvs iaatents,-.:¢:nmntitfion,.J%a;-ofl)er autbozitg Bf’! ti-132:: from £5313 iliintges Qpajetliz, bis 3.j9airs' o3.1,«‘i«»u:'c21_‘£oz,£4a V - fi)aH=ufe % 03 Emrtifc auvaanifiniainn ®ct,1etiafticalI.mttb1n;'? % 3-bi5‘iKealm o;<«t«I3eAmon;iuinu of Wales .bu§- rad}, :mn‘.in*_; {Mb !_1t£lHn2,!?&3, mall h2ja13poiu&ten'ann efiabVl_t-Egan bgfiltt oft: ikffifigllatlteltf. .fl‘ttB‘f.I)2Ita1lf(E‘5utIfi25.1B£*;l€;€tl’(2, s13amcurs,:. . ?LL:I;2I:'3'f)ip5;twII:zrbicz:s+~, qaatkssg .flm1uiti.z3 ,~ j}?ranci)i»!'z;s,.-j iLihfe‘rtiefi,1B3i$ni!2n;es, alsumunittes, 1Kigbtsa%‘:‘1iis;i)tz‘of% . fiction anbcnf (Bub-:$3,3!31£2re1'ts, zititlcs of '.“.Bntrg,£m15Ji: F ft'Bn*3y~‘fl0mm0u$;¢nu2ts1L_ézt~ann dtourts 1lf3‘.:m1, ann jail‘ _ ntljzrqaoffeffiens-L ant! ifierzbitammts ml)‘;—t“’oen2'3 of inb.~1t= nature nz» qt‘1«1lits1.foet)e::t.I)zg be, s2.it1!Jzre1foe&1zt%t1)2}2112e Q3 -. b2._'(-ntljzr ‘jtbéit _311np;op;iati~:ms,, Igiacfsnagzs, 4-ppT39i5ii+‘?$j; zrbttbzs, .‘lDbl*atmms, flbmnticng, gaeagiicstsz, ljarsztwats sf 9‘, 2"Uif‘=3£3a1.5d¥f0fl&§IBfi, Zlilitaacagccs,-sTEl)u:°z‘e32.-1:» ®‘J~%iJ—U9W~"ari“ }?iD‘Juin¥:mss,' _-jE?;'9 ‘Jindfiflfl-5,»(fl133Hl1€iD—I1:Ca",Ki-i‘§bi5 I1’ ?,"<’.‘«'~f3‘3"' ‘- H - :xagg,.a;1nV.]gi.zzfm1ta;inn) .mJ3i%cb%um.u as'z,..o3.i;atBi>2» Ersatz fig (I7) ~ _ . & ' B1214: times’. Wt?“ W .9rr»:iJbi‘ib“-m 5» ’mv’;'.im:.; s.w¥;b%rL;q‘p» ’ ‘ x~ia:k>%nz¥9$t21)§z*;%c%,~o;» ii‘~i’i’2_2‘fif~ tb2*4§3* Kxmyxciy-ztxmzag am;-inf L .._ ‘ty$*%§‘1‘b§§0§:3-"Efi]§:’22§' tit mgbrfc sf f2.jeis:Tfmr§ité§'§iiI)3§.:.%t3 £3 ‘.)Tk3i:fi3°§1*zi£~k-t9f‘13B~Itihr::1‘§a i¥3$<’£t'=%;tz‘g%atr‘£i)r2z%t%g at‘ this F3212 feat-qfnagiiasnenflt be mam 1T£§I','Evfi3$%‘/';‘B z'fi1u‘a§:;i>2‘a”t_a !::_?2l,*;a*»2‘t‘:a ‘ . ?1§fl¥1'.§B.¢m fb.9 t1zt$3' 32 21%; Egnneamx-gti 4,12-:a;z:i';:i;*oia: fg§1'fi'_1s:.gf .«t‘i}¥‘f33'H1‘§3f 933213 2%,. hrs 1) am. man {mt 3919;-pom€¢xanh_Jm.ioz £132 fame ?»9%kbé12ra~. 333$ I9¥ii33i='8W:¢‘f't1‘é*;* % ax-»e€f\e2..~2, mm; a.u£-;an,~g ufintw my efijms; fi’a5£.i13§j7?a€ffi%‘+.§):t;t arm 1:13a,‘z<..t amzr time-oz times ~mitbi:r tb2'Ipac%2' of tin: g.2ese1a.@p~a1i*, ‘ $321113’ 0; «2nj12Qz‘a;n2'nf‘ri2;bf» mum): in: §)aiJ2:Ai}2l33 1§g'.2ii€~aié’e%3‘ti)2 £_ame.<- 3§ag.o‘z:inen%’ne‘certb2l:zitn; a:1b'b2;.tt~;@a:a§i:n%ai£'Q i;13:iati‘2 i ;:_1;Vo;£t'g*afnzefain; ; that all? ibzzfess, ‘(@321-p*ziw,‘% ‘rifiifté, fitters * aaat2‘nt55';$nnY29'9antzs5.a fa-£i'ncant2s nzififtatzs infijzztfsleber, bece‘aft2't~ tw bzimanc b?'fl)E:3!sitig‘2II~9QafB£f’if€;§¥3l}§i:*3 i)eim”‘fig ‘ fu__c;e,£to;s~f; tn‘: ;s;:}2;»tpe£99anqu§5;-=i1;.anns,: ,z33:mih:mae'21£?:,. 15¢’-513.: A 9 ziittagxzgfitfis Wmb1£§)r.~Il1”»0?{?l)g:‘fl)t5’,a£tjf@l:tl"tflfi:te;:g;f‘ht"l£ufi{'a‘a_ ‘ nxfp ofzn 0E unto % L91Ba~jei¥iz‘;—:;i51‘s: I}z1rarn;::*fu-‘trzfinzvs ('33itlJizi.r tben*fo2»flJ2~tzrm ahIi?ttis2itt*gi’13ée?t's:, 03 mum . lififfist o;"»fome’ntb.ztf2rm;nfs 2sbrs=h$iz:2niuafi1I¢+upmt' ‘ fiampg-oaifibzéa‘ li1az’£z;:[ann%‘ti¢f ab¢i3%~'&’rn'itt‘tl)e!' timt-a§'Lait12 Iutbaitafzé oz: rl5'3‘a’nf> (batman niamé: oilgtautefi)-~}£ubz1rztt;3eu “tbt acnnita'1uep«‘ }2éz;i12?1§2ut7 In-r*tttfl?9‘Tf;si!1[:.1i¢£vf:;thb:u;?éai1n ~ payable ;§¢zt.lg:« .mr.tng~tb¢ ‘T333’ t%erni.;=ann%1_ti’I}“2hzcf .a‘irg"fo3; met ibeafiz is in‘ibzi.It'g’n a.t?tn‘ bevrpimfii-fucmnnggu‘ 02- gm} fiaithifl -film '9%‘r$ aft'zt_' €IIz%»:r;ait}f;1g2tE£f.B'Eit§£$€»§9BM8flDl1‘53£L9§is"é¢I‘ca ' “ " »»£2% ' rims, Can .. IL! , (I8) h hone, 1.*an:.ttmee$3L‘ith’ee, ‘» apatrouagez, micaragez,».®lmrja ‘ehee,.-dtbavlfiels, ilnseS:arou2s,. jtzominatiens, cllinll-minus’, ~ itiights of iaatrenage atssje-eefentatéeu, inhithmm ayerog n _ iateln mere*beleugi~ng mite am: “ Eirchbifhop oz. afiubopa Etrthbéfljopgttk oz Ifiiflyupgttk; fine all wanouts, dtafileeg ‘iroehthips, wzanges . flaetruagest, €;9ille,e itanus, zinener ments;£9eano_£ns, iaatturee, moons, iaente, mherfious, 'herbi~::es, apattnnages,‘ appgopgiate zniithes, mbtatioue, mbbeutioue, .1Benfinus,qBnetionss of. flliithes, ipatfonagesy mitarages, cmhutjches, tmhappelsy anbomfaus, fiaminatifn .Ius,1Kights of 15atronageann_ aazefeutattoufifiatksfiltnnpfe ties, 3$xauehires',. JL-ibetties, amthilengee, immunities“; mghts, mghte offi1ttomann..of- ¢ntn2,.3ntecet‘,§::itleo :eft0Butts2,.¢oubitinus¢ dtemmonacllioutts ibeet ann Mutts fiaromann all other gaotfettione ann igerenitamente inhatv feeber, of inhat nature o3equalit12'foe’net the12.hc,.o;1nherev -Enebet they the o; be, which unmare oz lately metemf-:2, be: longing to arts b.uhneanymeau,t mean ant cmhapter, firth’! beacon, fibanntcryfibauteltog,zmteafuret, bubtteafutefo buttcltftra bdttiffa iB;e.benuatgadcauonfianondtefinem tiatxzyvfitfwtianoua mixers ¢hn;all,e.413bozitters, our mi: teats anueuem »‘m1icats,;o2. am: at them,;a;~am2i' of‘th_e new gtewof that,» ‘span? Lofithem, mhith they heln oz enjoy» ‘en tu -right ,of_ fljzitifaill mtgnitiese, dthutches , M290” ..r¢_1ttnns , fifftcts I3 . plates refpettihelp, than by authok we at fblfi pzefent, PTAR L 1 AM E N T be hefieb , .e aw i1ubge&,. ant niemena to be ,. .ann,t than he : the. new era! teal! am: aauampnuelfinn emu feifin ofjfiir. William R0‘- rkcrts iBl)igbt‘,Thomasg Atkingbir ]_ohn;Wollaflon, ]ohn -Wairv ncr; john Towfc, vfilhermen; ofthe.-.v1Eitg.of iwnmm: }ohn ,Pa.r.kér, QB:3.'quit¢', PctcrMalbornc; ¢fq;:fi;nD they II)all,l)a1J5a D019. -.polIe.iIe, ann enjoy thetrame, f0'fl)Blfl,jffb2it. heirs arm .aIftgncs without my fintrie 03 t other an mhatrnmr; finb ~t1J&§*f02..t.hentfelb,es-5 their ;L3[["t3,.§atm3p.g,,t1l13l¢"> n‘a_t1ts,.Dl_."£harge9 ant atqnitten Df“‘.{1fl2m221€ of zfjitbfifih 815 ;f.ree._.l2, am: tn.,ae-large, ample,.. at1D'bemfieialI:ntanner,.. to ell mtentejann pttrp_Bf_.es as arm: of the perfume 02.:-angmzév :¢i..9l1£‘:=W‘),DfB, £D.ff1.ces ,9} iélaces a!:ee,ta*1:e~n.zgbam2 be tbtsfig; n- - (I9) at an? thne,tuzt€mes ‘within the [patent e sting yeiera noin h t Int! paft, ‘bet! 0: venie2en%, to: Left right Vnngtjttto babebelh 1:2 enjogeni the fame. Eflffflfi eaan¢onfib’ente nebertbea Ietfe,’ ann tuitbe intent nnn purpnfe tbati tbez.tbe“l'ain mi: 1 Wiuiamkobcrzs iknigbt, Thomasmkins , §tci1ghnwo11g. fion, john Warner, ]ohnTowfc, filtnermen nftbe ¢it’9 of e *iLon‘bon, John-Parker, ®fquire,—PetgrMalbornc_ eberc = §lrcbs)Bi{bop,!1Bifl)ep, Eeanege §'ubc§5eane‘, Sarcbbeacon; T fibantera ~fl5ban-celler,-;m-‘nteafnter, bubzgqtreafnrer, bun; * center ,' haunt , iezebennarp, aanon, aanonaxefxu Ienttarg, :|eettg»c£an‘on, 1*IIicare’~~£bo2natl, &l,m3itfere,n1n -mica-:5 ante nem'.'.?1tfcare_,t'ann other eawfficers annpetrons ' zbelongingnnto, oz notn Vtmplogenin oz aboutntbe ‘raifp ca. ~t1l)en3all oz collegiate Matches ,7 fut!) aaéarlz btipenns ?anev{Benf:'ons_ fnz'_l7o1ongtin1e,,ann tn fud)_man_ne: new 1tl5e‘iLo2ne’ anb; cgommons in aiaattiament“ a£fe,niblcb'.,1'bal_l ' =be mgneremnireneb, anU.appnitnten_,t ann flyawntfpofe of ' all ann tiugular ’,. tbe~nfn2e:'ain wanozs, ‘ itjanwa Eitbee, :£'p§'3DP3i'§ti0Al15‘-9‘ Elnfpomfons 97./¢r8_t‘lBlfl2flt$9. ”$9l."2Dif37n ’ ntents, ann Aotbet; the qmemtres , ant *nf.‘e1JetQ -part ‘any n parcel! tt}‘ereof,e _Il1D0ftbe'i£I81)2I11I£55 ifimtes flakes,‘ ~3B..3eftte_~tl)e.'t"e’e:‘~;t totbe u1'e£,t intents; anb‘ptltpI_)fB9 above; .- ,firi=P.afk¢f—aT.fl5!'?i11if%n»B€f€§ 513131150 Ii?" ¢i'FwLil53 2 .f-1'32 @’~’rl‘»‘3i‘ ;bo;sauamnstbo; §f‘tbeiti, éztfifiwismT11i1¥f.¢£tb%iM3i‘i‘s anbf€1)L>ia:'1J_éi'r:s.antn a£f£g::es‘,, of’ an12—tI)$[€@'&t1c23, 31-.ara3::{ 9 flJf1::nzm2nt3, ’o2,.i‘§;2rani£amzi1t.5.¥&iiI)j:b fa. oz. by this 91¢ ‘ T .t‘si:e.1:Ltu:n»z-1. o21iaI‘in:imFné-nifimn ofi’;u«tts;sbv;fe:£n}:§9Aév .x«:.dri11%;am:R'os.e:i:s ;1I£ui’;sb't5..\ frhomag Aims ,. %§aivE§J 9bn_:L‘§Vb11a~ H fiofi, }ohn‘Warn"é_r ; ]fc>1i'r‘1%«:"f.;.‘>xiv'.f‘e‘V,%§£1.Darm2u‘¢.f we T¢1'Ei~_t9 of f 31_,snDon,1o.h.n P}arkéii,_.;¢fE};1t.te,; 1?etcxMa1born.. Qfifquitzs f(; 0:32.: tlj‘2z;_%fs)3,.tlj:2.’zE‘2}tin¢i, ofonq, an‘B’%_A¢g£§§n2ntfi 39._i6lf5_ ,..%a3 V '%£Buaz3Li5323». Dg.Lf;:xm}: qt1;z:*;g;2:me af'fg¢gz:s .Iiztk¢c'n:inab%[’e ' § ..k1pni1;.t5n&;, £31395; :1; 3;Lifics,‘§ a.nn.j.:wt%; tibbiqz ffgm -'fl)¢ - time as anvg fxicbflesgfizoz. <fi5;aut;% ti).ilMl»;}%:n..».Ié,e’ ogggaatzn, . ‘figabzwup su%tUw2.a£c_u_fin1nen 22erl;g.1§i¢nt’.og21io;e ft)ull}iim:e¢ I .;fzx.tien am: pagablz.vzerlgjpgriingithe minj Ee.rn-t& ) inbzw ‘ ‘ 19f~‘m faimk: 31vea:f€cisein;—Ja¢iii%ge,anmnetme aV$§irzn,.Iuv 7g2;iticAr2h, ;nz'Bi4‘fl!2115 1iait1}ii1 .tb7;z'e1z -ifizféts Fafifet .t L V ' . ’_IafIu’;b'3L:z;afé iI;al1%h_iz'uttzt1‘e nqs3n‘a;m -of_"u_cne‘£_1’f:;£t,}kto all Entents, sfl1oultruttz_ox15,yanb»putpofe5=, . sum. tbinggfiu this “ fifa:‘to tbs: am~ti:atp m-.an*2 finite In9ftit;Iit..biI2aubing; ~;>3§ja’;as= igiitzcn n2iizct1)eletf¢:.%tp&)e_:¢ n n‘1L2x11T$§at9.;gee:t;t)};mtpfo3z .;ua,n2‘, . an; anti] ruclj ittent Ig§_tb& H2 2:1 5’~_.%¥'13.t’..aI&,_%»ctas% ,:‘v;.a'2;'e te‘:“ie::i:iix1i 5;; 11“? 9? f§*547 9*94f1}1€9fiFfiI Bafiifl LI} ;{Jfi’¢i1"rg;,: 9; ’*3”*?**% Emile vz‘31nters%ff in jpcflféfftoti Ab%2.I;zAz1:re1s“z2, ""°6’5’EmJi*i1f5af9%‘?rTfiEt‘ii#$‘hf,JszT‘»itzJam‘e‘%?{Ba:z5:5 } %“m"‘T9‘3".55 a %91iv15:9%pzfaf£bfi*z¢%av at o~t!32ét‘ i¥aer‘emta*:§ti:::t‘3‘} ‘ 1m3a‘t:”ocfiér, 111311;‘ anninna9“bBLv22?errzb% iii %%b2:a,:m;qg,1-3 :-; ren’eiu‘z'ng*‘af‘ anjg¢*1’£'ati2s,i33caf23,? oz '£IIi5';2.34z1:’;§'%,L oY\a’::§ f'u‘:!}" t 99?‘“°3?.v‘ .33¥*3*1°.5‘>‘;fl5Bn21n211ts3i,%qf;* iézrénttfiztiepatfs ’*{§e"?n;"e7 ' " w‘i*fi€b?r perfeu, tbe:'s “ s;'%‘n'tb;2:_pat€ies in%t_erv'eIfeb‘" a(s‘afdr¢‘*ain n‘.éfi't:i‘ut3 t.-[§A,;‘*;;m,*~,_,~’:A ‘W’,%3V°‘”%5‘“*§-§5fih225 iarenhs-, xi sczmam:sm;~am,,§¢ 1°93‘ < fl)? 753"_9a 35 by tjije aib Qir William Robc%rtsj§3%n'iég1)%“ 1'hg: * I‘ k mas Atfims, 9;ir~~IohnWdllafionyJ I¢h‘n=wa%:i*ez4*- I%oh:{*?‘o~sa;re Mbé%::tten%%o‘f'tb¢ fitrinr London ,0 Iom%%pai«ke’1~** :>e:e‘} t;V’e’:«I1"":'.‘." b’o'me* Gfifquitiaéfi“o;'f!jz—*§ut‘fiiiJo;3‘6§"%uri§%i%13§§}. M‘-5 " 029$ maior part Veftbennybésa} :2» their iaeitsiieg aaiéue 3;. : ‘W159970359‘W3.b&$1D11i'R@*941§i35fi$§¢1f&3J12a‘ 4 ‘ 35.13.99 111 3f2D%¢®*aps atro%?%tstnn‘%I;*é1:'t¢1iaaezs¢1$::i*£yzi‘*aua%2 = “I321 f$2_8fE38"£?iD5‘ ‘ Eifibé-E’~é1l*l.”anh;fi1fg'utaE:Kc%‘o‘2zttzéfifigétggfg‘ .- 1 3tI£ues¢‘3‘rvés ;am:2fis==; ofA‘.~‘~[B‘i'1i1'Fe‘.L’;c“iim' L;i11omame§“ '1 ‘”‘?.““°?“B?o—a5% *J9.*?f°f¢=‘3eL %béw a *arm‘raAa1n*eéz;csbt’:a%ma* ; pats, Ut!'yDf2D,,&tIi}"alL3iI!BBjinfD, am fog-_§‘13g '.‘f‘f31:gfi1§f:é1'1‘g‘;f1”‘gA’ ; ; '5 by *3‘ W ®W0m¢??5~‘>¢?rs9?9‘ z'.‘D2%*;%cbo1Iew,% 021592‘;s:z‘ti:1it%:'s%%“, jbv » E) fill} ‘ H fiEDifi£e,5 In 24 T re é?u¢%u~ §ii:1flvlS‘}:§'§?'g?rlT%3 jm}::§r¢.G‘ -j V 3 er 2.» , stifuzsut at‘, as M pa;nfL,3;).%- B3 9.". .’ CW 3. . (12) oz in t.efped.of-the rain pgemriflegoz awe of them, ;1I)aHJ2.a,attle rqntinue to ‘be paitybirpofen, gnu _allohge_n,ae_ they mereaatw have been heretcfoge., gag ti-hmszr tn thte hpeefehnt an to tbs. rrmtrarg thereof unetinrthtlatyninge Etna to the Intent 6 ‘ purpofe th.e.1B,arlitament1né2 be rertatnlh 'a,ub eleerlp infozz men1nf.thet‘§irefmi1Iee, to the yeah the fame mahre be aiitribuz ten, applgen, ann1implppebtto,t am: to; (uch . pique an!) gene 12 ufes aunynrperee as his tuteunen, fann herem Eealgres; ~ 1152 it.£Dznain'n‘aun'Q‘:nacten, zzhat the iLnzn31xeepjer of the dfizeat #96116 0!’ Englandrfo; the timeheimsa (ball by hertue of tbistfidybaherfqll p‘oin”er amp autboziffi»: 33"? i9.D9¥.¢b2 requiren to Ettnarn ann 3! nfrwtozth hfeberau dzgmnjtitfions unnerthe ®'3eat Sealeof Englami, into all; arm .%here the '. .g, d1Zoun_tiesrmn «cities mithiuthe zeiagaoug of ;.—En, , Dgomuuou of Wales‘. to hejireaen unto; t'uch,, angfq mgmh, perform,‘ as be the ibozne tann <£ommonsti;:.Lth,is_ peefeut iagrliameut an'einblenh.u;a1l -be no5miuaten,,éTt§gnen,e¢ apt I vomteba tbere“h2ffl.uth0zi(i'ug any requiring _thgm',,n; am! .- fihe phzwmoge of them, ‘am: getting them fixll p‘etne;r -any an: A ’ tho;1t12b_'ethet_:IDathe qt gran ann lamfull ‘men’, aehzgall D‘ , A , thee goon annh1atn_£n.1_l 1ua2ee.=auntme§uea , to euquireemn ~-3‘."’ 0"? 13.9“ $831035» ¢a1¥.l285 t4Ivozb.fli§vs=ea‘ dfiimteesa - egeetmagee, itanne, hgEe‘nem‘enta,.e59ea’now5» it-ea,£ares,1B_ay L mums, mztmns, Rents, itiehertihné; herhires ,,h1}aarf,o,naa 3:93: flvvzopziatef mittheeflbblatiens, fibbhentiensqeena - 110118, lbozttaus of1Eithe§;t".§11’i,rarage5, m',hnrrhe”r,isn?ha11v e pills‘, flnbomrons , 1’I9.n}i:inatio:1_gh,:_ 1a;g.'eu't.atitou-es, fitghtfie A. Ofjfidtronaaea 1Batks.e32h'nuities; nun! other .; ieqltetnfous, arm 1i,aerenitamenmx‘1hat1'o"eher, of Inhat nature ; 03_E1l1,_31*;7" hf? f0.¢‘D2I? tbfifi Wa» lfiziug, annrbeing mirthieife1i¢f2,fuc*) tolmftc Oztttfla Iththhrrjehh limitebm; nifpofen of Imtd tats‘ - 9!9dWv».I°b’eIoue oz appertaine imta an, ewe, new r futh flftbbimflvseh wimp. mane, bubsweahe , 322311? C. €hapter.,e£1r:hnea;’on; chapter, ayanggugc , mrgafrsrefa bubstreafufer, fifiuccentae, fbtacritt, Ibrebenbarp, Glfilflfiib ¢_‘anom-mfibyntiarvsiaettmanon, wean abozatl, £999 zlfitfa 010‘ meat 03 nem~mirar,‘in right of their raw m$‘,“’ W‘-‘$2 °‘_~'9“"i9¢5'a mlvfiaatienta Btfitea ez pizzeria ¥;3='139¢“l1.°‘ andaub . % % % . cm ; ..cm—.p.rre»%% Tggaitn inljat, m‘1:n‘I):mJ much of tljyzgfanzz m*m§:9Iff2Eftmtt,; emu ti)zit:uc}péerlx2 ‘oaiuz _fl)B?3$0f9‘ MD inbata "aim D33“. :mw%1 tljmof is a:a%t*én‘2Lsarg, any re; mbsif efiate )~ gm invent, am bcsnwterminaiale ; ans mbat‘~1K2zxt5,«§S>£$fiI£B$; m%:%:f1I).*%z1=* i to tin tw=.:§-»r'3rt~e M-as of the fame; as £2322 31:2 nsma £z1:s;2t§.im Lmuties are refmbeb am: péixj;*ab1c bu,r%ing%1't:ci) cifafz, &:w;:~,i'a' ' pcflftfii 911., as afifo i11i3at_ iK2nts*,i'%9';';zEi,nzts,‘ 13;‘ 93339? A tbgtéi ' gas, oz. otlmfiixms of mone*g'.ate‘~i_a‘umg,.hue, n~;%§ax3«.dfiz ant ant tattle fut!) tcurfe fs;2‘t’~b2 fafe zufigm am: i~?xeiz;p‘in§r;c.f all-I ' ‘ 1 bar, b.21sngi,tI,C5 «mid -all, o;‘ari'2A‘A'tbz1D‘%2rfei:£s, Digniféafig 9; fithver pzcmififzs heme xneutionga ;%a;s iu‘t!)eiI: :iJifi:cztim'1‘§ . bf .at1*2'fl)z‘£';Bano;s,"iLanns,.£;z pzeauiifesa 'a;fi:a Ii’-u ‘;1;_=..=:‘;s'%2+'c‘t_1%1 17:?! «act ann paartitular :furt1m2‘ti)zn:of: zmb ts take , ..am3,BtrezI, ' ._ :gj!)az"p‘,2z:5,' @3?:aiBz2t£e.s,~‘;;£::urt»1¢£sHs,% jaxiia Entitizzgs inZ;atl':'eg' . $1)-urc!;e"z, .£o;§o;afion1§,«£Dffites, any p’1aw:3,, cg; a;*as:1:f:_.>.‘cg -ming am? ‘ti-)2 sqaanezs, imnnzs; E-‘2,nmnent‘s; ‘iE92razb~:tax1z2nt5,- -{(;Ial1;be~ tbsugb;t~mze,t%a‘ttb”‘taitmzhient, anfiaft an fzitm Tinga? lafi-tbeirmingfi ant: pzécziébitigs % ;{)et.etjnL;%beiu’g wf&t'rt_t2 ~in;3it7é . ten ant»ingz:»ifelI=in'®atf:l)nmnt, to make resume ann«£w tificzité :s'ntn‘t1je tfiitrt off ‘~15-!)anrm? : fin}: tntbisVfu::tb2s: iné ten: arm;mrpufe‘tI)at'fp2ez§;z% cein"2*_an‘Bf céixrrz may %be,-it.ak2:tS.‘VA fa": pzflfiibingvof apnmpctznt 1t1ait1,t_2rzag;c»B%foafupphz airttuzné t‘ojnta'gemexit of*“13%z3za:bii1g, ’£Ig}91”:1_iitz‘!’:?.-3T,j%%‘%in' tbvzwsszrall iiaéiri‘: ,- l'oia§Vi11itbt%1%%-tbéiiiinghozn of-England.%5(—£Dominion of Walcsé ‘fig i; li%_k_einif;;§>g!1z‘guinana-Qfiztactzh, Ebat the {ante 60111;, V ‘mt!Tti1n~ets ~ann_ ;:e\:fgn1s%autl)t3,2ifen as aiJ4n.bz.f{.-u'%n , §I).a!.%l baits 1 ‘full gainer aim? a_utbogi’i,i3‘-1?‘9; tljVt-:§gl>atl}s pf i-géjpb anal.-'ej33f_u1-1;,- man, as~fIb$3a11 0.fl3'ei r._ig5;.§:magegiV‘?Inb lainfti‘tl \11TE§£iifB'5,tD-"!?;'l.§3.f‘ qtiire ,- afii)‘-fitia t3t1"ftI3e true ;3:feLt&lp bé=.19s:_ of all abaéfcnzgcs _ r %at1bi.:I11ic:£ragfz3 ;i;éf2iztatii:‘e, 'anb%ofa1l otbzr fpiritimll aifii ?33t_£hfiaf£ic;=;l{ flfizxtefitgs -tanfi.,1l;’ti3i1_:1gs, gmga g;3t)‘igi;~;~;mg:' Fpurz stléwzuics 1:3 aa1%tI!3iTBB,1mn§§,=annrbzi.sIg mifljéxtftzsb ‘:fc«unti¢s:_a%n§ :i’ti%%zs ;' 4 ant of: @311 {ug_b;‘;parficut,m:1g tu.;3}1qu_imf,_‘. V flab zertxfw mm the mutt of sfibanccyg, 1p1};;t.’zac}b of ‘them are truly ana £35111? infigtb bpftbe mitt, am; —m—!)u5 at; tbz; *‘{J32a;. Tm 3.1itcmn‘bet1ts 0; potfezrsjszs at fyzszt, am: mI;%;1t,Jama 1;nnj;, '!*‘?‘"*3¢bm913btlottainméfl vaafib s$.‘J¢i¥.‘,‘3*?-*5‘Wfinitbé. an ytbz immts of fucb«:santws a§D_c.tties,'— inxttjiujmzjioy . €923: iCAa°Ajir§ II. (#4) flJt»9= atenimsten;a,nn‘auti)%2i1'¢n ts euquimg: am: bnfn‘tbe;f24* ~ ‘mail fibvrcmrs ~,aM. ¢ba99¢15 ma Iu1w12z9 by A,m,ta¢*b_aws j % $9ini%ravf; twro, tmmtfe ..niag’;;b~£%‘»f8i$.$}1 fpz%;Ap2%wwI'ns‘haw " fez %p;eVagbé;1g, * a”mi%nef i11a£nt¢i1au:;szrS;rJI)A2re tbefame;.fl)&11’bG- “ ‘-fauna ta;b‘sz nx*;nfu1l‘z1f!9~n.zt2aan2.. . ~ * % _ ’ ; ~ _ ' «, fi;_al1 Qfl)i3I?§ t/b22::2ma V zoixtainen, iI);a_,1l, amt 2;§ersn.t::a~iaa1,g,[ ¢i>W7"1;§§i5:: x91§’iJ%,t::;::-J95; «W4 pbgaiticn, 3‘E;ou‘ribgLti_on,*% pg i);7ufife- of ~2L2aw;nLti;tgA, -Ifllfelfii-12-.§73 :}£¢ jtbz tIH_stit1m:ft‘;éz.s«+.i11it‘i)ist fljiss il$ing,b:=m': 21:13-t-be Afaiwatc V ifigujninzb a1m}*mz'.s:tbat ibis SW .VVi%l1jiam Roficrcs, %i1§it %§g’b_f;.Ih6mas Atkins,’5_§il§,ioim~‘.Z\7o'lIae, ;fl:o"'n—,» Iohn Warner";.i—I6hnT6Wf€,‘ i.53W 2;:1*.i_BnV fl)Bf-% of .' . *fLond£m,.Io'hga«»1>aE1;¢r am: Pe:e:%i»1y:f:fIbo%u%r;;.®{c’;%u1as~,‘ann "tbs: §ut~fii;’3,°3$%¢T W?!‘ %&fi*¢hiW2'97f%.fb€m~;' in ~vfb.2 z2w:»‘I&*z-*¢‘ ram‘ % them, 1315, gnu tbzit; biszirs ant -"affilgneiaz, are b2‘:*2b9~ nir2}steD A ‘ant; autbnztfen to gibz‘,ann;aI1-Din ut,IT't_:3_%L-1'1;1:—’i)‘f£13I?Eén:"e-2.‘-4‘$[ ash? ’ timsétn timer biz?‘bnt'b.‘:19,nufgs%;nf¢1aat1’iai:3¢:;£mall D9211“.-’ 111°“!mailb€;.fb°H§bf¢‘fififtiim,MLnecelfarv fa; k%e'zp.it1s of % A¢°9€§§=%¢—°¥1?¢ihs.°f?fi$:If5¢(uriw22ing.of9J~.ann%ss:.ait9%a11% - % 19¢” “3W.¢*W¥%1??fl912%319¥1tz‘.in':5 fiaswbmt we 9§artzif£%.5 ffarw unto’fb¢*¢°1*!mif£imt2r9 *$fi:w.tbsi:éf2hw‘b2,: tbis~%<1¢janD%* A 10:11 %of‘JB‘~‘5 ‘*5 f9a11%'b‘2 i1BfiB.’ffi€ifi’tx2’ imp1%fi2cb4b§Lfbam'» at! T -;‘*‘(t!cb?%9£°uah1e.5¥%a‘z§I §>;‘t.i1a24:wa‘;%;m!a£i.9§:,A rmv;:?u-mam % 831°“-922 i%5~i"“< theft:néfismfiipnéfi3¢!l§&£b§ta&€‘iaflvassB-.cant Lfwnieut; 1 91119tbet1'diB5§il¢*WiUiamR9b€rf$;‘~1it‘§$$.is$bt$'Tb9r~ V‘ - A A"' mas_Atki»n5,%% 9i1¥[_,Io1§n \{Vo‘11afion,* -Wa‘r.{r1c.r,'Io;hI_n {barman cf; the :11?’ .0? L 1) ON ,' John JPa1:kc%-r§mU.P,c-V ~ ‘imr JM%a1b0urn‘{¢fq‘uit9s; tAbeT§urvi@sz$ ®ur%ni3sa@o£ti22ma ~ ?.i?é.%fi1wt%2.2i£% *;3J%i¥§<‘&!fD:W'@i*1§5 .n;t;t12~°%i¢$A:I2%w1*%3W Ifiéfifiéa ,%;3111IPifl¢2%5’%t¢,% ’»(3!3t§9m~‘?}fi33§*1j?'?5Pé3:°5“S5‘2§fl}3.“: ma; < J % an astojmpt, %a:tn%rLb2?a?pzemp£a!111zuntoti)2‘$L*czns.; am, mam? ’ n:bnBLin'11z\arIiamént, ogifufl)“-pzrfnn D2‘;i32’€fD&ifi as from ‘ % ?*?i‘W'f¢“A fi?‘%‘%~’ ?i%%?fiinA?w3ein% 1’ ritzbr mann¢r'J§{ m~%AW9 1"‘? L ;aom:r, %v2113t!f;%:se,~ am va1:;:~sTrmatan,%w to —_1;ea_r2 Aann nztw 1- n1iJn’e all *nt;§;tf2rAs :'im~smfnixt‘g fuci) ’;i‘*":‘ci::::aa1;»~‘~f<:“a 1"f?-“"’~‘§{%’ f L %??®!1nfsés.%uf’§2’ia'”tli;1n:eht fg1a1Ta;f%:n:1nt:im2 to time t_‘?it9*3,11':3e3f 'j gfifizfiarxj to ‘.92 93ih2n,1_“ty?:z~,r_1x;.5"aha nat eA1fe,§inbx?r:Ba "r.wf3‘0fb,W‘ % ' TQWQSJ %E3}?a‘ig-zfgtfl. €l‘i1:5imi fiaieisg sgigtfau‘ and%‘p2r{s:t2¢zéf’3l539?f5 " ; &3i*i?*'%***W5% ifiliié ¢ °2;P‘fi%aié ; mic551:9£irs=wiafi°‘v—9“§“Afi°§;$ mnaszaaiifi, fihali€i>e;fi+W€b&«i5' flit»; -.a.%i%£&¥?‘.tj;t!22%3L§’-‘I3; _ T % n:Fé1imd*t'o‘I)a at * %~'§.fiPi{15§f3§,*5 i1**)&ffI52isét5itib‘f:b‘ €!1i3iu‘~!53% any ?fif%fbétn 1'J‘c'1,be;.o: ~tmt1j?«12i%‘« ‘ “ $ . ram: the rain £3;Dfau'b35;..~1Lanb5, (:21 2z':a:it1?e%sL$::“baffée§a1g‘v; 92’ as’ * » f.n2.vart 9F2«13~‘~’»‘4W11 t1J‘Br5s¢fi*:f,,ffiFIit Wfizts: m:mfi%¢”: "%f92m¢a%a!*i! .,3¥fiflDiffE§§$..i;’f*’3 an ifiténffii .t::;*:;&.g;utti%,oA:1$,Aa:1n jgxwgpdfts, gas ~W.z&2;2,’ .i11b7¢fe}sfiEitJ2s5 £ut’in.:aLain 03‘tI1‘:q.ui*£Q mbatraez mt : Elm: allam:£ing.u1§1r?fiitbLibéafes fog 122225 , iLife‘, 22:; JJ,ib2,fg,;as mere bzfogz tljegjinzzttietb may at 3 anuarp in the ~ $13519 'éi*£s§11m‘§;:cczi‘;og;,:'~, as 1.v3atm,:Is,?jounn_zr5, e2.En’a ; negs, mzn‘ffa1l%as1u 2hé;:“9tbszg12§xi'c1t anp\g;e§‘[sns,gBnnins pelt’: %tiquz anD_;?;}$3;Io3a:;t2,»"~_aI5 y;11a'g‘g:%1ai:1a.at‘m tbittgjagjggatrnus, A j‘;=ounI3e:s,c3'®nus;s , all fad) 3£i»::;i)f, ’;.?itle, Blutzrcif, ' ‘128B!='n’fe.0ui?‘ ‘EtL'03Bi 1621;. maize uratoj memo; any sf‘ them, 3332 m1Y fl,7I??,_}_99’?l‘-3‘f0vI‘15fU3:f\$fl§F§2fifiD!I5 abpbefi natnem agcoga A 2 ‘aims fa,f1)“é3Li&it‘J3~ am)” §%tat,u€$§ =6? t-bis’ ifiésfttié, .a:fB;ina%c;« " 17€1*1fW_"'5.?1fYii%f?Iii'§,’e,7: zifib aft fécb F.3L;‘e’2:.fa‘§a%Vfai_ib/_-bfi ftaiéé‘. ‘a5s’fi8?%. ‘L ‘0iI1£SLb9%éMJB"'fBt0fc2z ffiabfz, baiaiz assert ‘e1tabli1I)s*n% oz fetleli _ ,b'g any flupgemgut oz £-Dimes in any oftbc smarts at W CR:-' _ . ‘m’x,n{7cer,‘ agtghbbémz b;=zcnt_.;5a’ct..I52B‘i11;;:I32Aenjaxjtng4»z(nb—ia1jlmuticfi . » - . x 2, pg ._s3‘t’;r§gi)'t _’tiufg‘y£.7fo“‘ijé*ie; %of,-L iii;-to qgmt 6. \ ;%i'smu% % ‘ -.., T ; D4"2.},_ ’ % J _ - rag) _ _ - FC;mn;I.a:__ . a1an*t!}2?l13Lettsiaub fiuuewgm cf fl)$t1§ isxnb%c‘ne_rM{ them, ’ 3:t§2“’*: my pzrisn ts; .pr;ri'.sns, br.:me',:3.-; pati;§que%'%ann.soz+; $ r- ._-_‘.__. _ .~ ._.-1»..- ._. . - -- - A A < A 4' 47“ % H I; 3 . o; . S. %Fo%-R»~~ 1*H Pi«%nifl1’mcntofrfcéndaIous+ C1érgY%men*; é.I 1%d.,o.thcfS%;,. _ , ‘W :7 $9117 1i3£#:¢a.*3__i£‘is ‘tbé--n‘u"‘tg :féii2rx2J cI);ii‘fiart ’3eat £0.-:;;lz of England, tofuti) patrons of tnoztbanb ‘ zfcabig i_n anew dsozxntg xnitiyist the-ifiealme of fliznglanva W'3‘n1I’J,‘ W of W1:-119.3;aa1ia the 315123 of dfieanzfae. ants 31%" 1'82: 615 u3.1)%Wa_fte: uamzns fll'»b3:ti£-tar-«I325 Fox‘ A (179 % . % j _' For the rowiijr pf 13¢?!/{L/'9ro{.% , .. A . 1 .“ ' "5' * "3‘c;é1uc"ha‘mp Sa.i%n£' Iohn; Baronet,%‘Si3f"7OIiv¢;é:,‘iEd- mond Dunci1,Geo%rgeFP’n%rfr€y, gznd:1‘;1;_m1e_ll Wzghtwick, Efq;..% V Henry Bcwbery,,rmd'C'é)i¥nél&us¢-Hdflm'd‘,Ej??}mTre.v; . W A Forilgz cirzzénd f " "Fzv;> -tEe‘c&unzy-9>;;);,g;ng % ‘h ‘ ‘ % % _Si« William Bx~c%reto,n‘, B’4rom§{,Hei.xry‘De31Ics,’ Iohusetlot, °"“‘*’*“‘*'1 ’ iz 711!‘iarh' Marbu A’; %RaTphiA%rdérn€,.' Rbbc4rr"D;1:1{epfiéld,' _hhm Liverfage, gé:<9"r'g,e Sp‘urf'%6w,. .TI1'oma;s= l?cig?1},‘ Iohn I? f‘U;éI§,. % ‘W§11§air;1TMafié déiDenfi§»lal,'I‘homasiCg0xton;, Iohn Bra%dfh'1'w, W11l12ixi'k.(3lcge, de Grknqe, Ioihn kOt‘fie%ld‘,._ Peter W4rbL1rt?51'r;‘fof tbzf Gr4‘n‘g;e"", George B6.cg>ch, 4zed«I:oIin’J.(’315€W€;_}3/éwéflify ‘ivflih ; _WetnalI', GeoAr‘ge’jMan-wajrfng, .*aiic‘l.cfs,_‘%i," vell, the M4-jar of ‘*Cla’cf[Zérfi‘eZ';I far‘ *tbé;¢im‘.é‘ lféfpg If as _,' .. /1’? I'ofhh3‘Ei'iti- I§eve.lI,"iFm‘ncis‘Reel‘ hcfberr ogiftyzington,r*iK;¢gge:,: Iohr_lGcl’l, Iohn lv;ilw*ard, chirp V .~fl9Pl1cr I~u11:wood,i1ohnishawcrorfe, j'axdl{a.j11diol’p"l1ififhenlgutlflfi ' 'fiEf7m"rex,Thomas Safgdyi ré; Ed »vi1’i"cl‘Cli'ai"'rjl_c_tm1," W.iil*izzi-*l1, 5file’I’t;.eE * R“";*‘i67; -N.ait,l1an'iCli Héll6WCs_'}fldc7."b¢4n.; ‘:93 " 7 'zjér_:ibfD2>‘?éy t/Ea tirge é¢;»g, Hend‘r‘y"VYifgFfa'll, any Ibhn VVO6dhoiii’f€§'Gic‘vit.. For CJ?o?:r’:tj‘a'fj“d_D?1l)o5‘;2.,'.i’}!z’r’z"Zn1_ (/5t‘Ciéz¢nty lZ2n‘icliCity_Ex':%Eff¢r.’h1 Dmm i5"’G‘°‘§° C h_‘1Kill§l‘gh,~fir Tctct‘-_ I’_r;ideg;1:;,flr Francis /ir Iohn Northcott , mi.’ fir Iohrl“DaViS Tisramtx : fir Samuell 7 , Ron?’ 5?‘ Shflhméoni Calmady, firlohn Young , andfir Nlcholds ."’*i‘?F‘d‘“ilii1<'?§§g:f’rf!: 1°lmfB2mi'fi¢lid,iiiHu’gh Porhcefgjize, ‘Edmund f‘??%'§{' “¢'3““>;HW5' VV didF5fi,‘R6Bért;$'a§e?y. ‘ceérfieiilpmd’ ii . k _ 1, _ o. L . T. . ‘ 7 (39) . o €.HrA.P~ 111;- Hzgmphtyf ’7’i<'ou{e,‘eIo:hn=EIlfo1:d, WaIt¢g..y;0Lmg; A;;§;mgieg,p;o.5,-'e \ ‘o ' ‘ ‘" if: _' 7F rzmcis ’Ro,ufe,;Thoma$ .B00I1,fo?I0hn» HlJ§'C;hins, "“V-Wjldiaxigz; St._r}_ogle, ’:1’;e*ter» ‘B¢vis.. owilkitxrn '~1:l'r}7§1. Rjeohard &':VV9Qd;i:',R€Ii§§i'; ‘Z’<29l¢_—, e f"“Wiieliarfi‘_Mor1r.iée, Io'h1_i.Ye_o,»-A §2.laao.rles iVgL1ghan?«: fljig-:l1.;L¢'jgVh;‘, ” Iohh {.lltt€I‘fél_1;HCnI?y__'VV0II‘Eh,-omd George T 1'0 bri.dge~,£fqm‘re:, d dad Edward Relic _qe}ét, the Major xfitcr fo_9f/?:t_/def tzg;g¢.ég;,fl. For t/:e1Cazmt’y. of Do? and t/aeT.c>\iJ;¢ and Cjodmétyef , john Fi'tZ_]‘3nT1:€'S“, Alzfqpzireg .~I1o!§zn»Browne, 'E].“qz4z°re., George D;,,,{€,, ‘ Strode, Iohnj Hanham, Iohn rixnghazn, VV1ll1amS1denham, _ ‘I{A"ic;1ard'éI{:?:fl, zfarrgnzg.§3en:nis’bBoad,33Y:RV ;'.:g?;¥57£liifif9-;h[£%xfi!1;fi;r ea ' an . ca. .33.". * KW” - I Edward Pa‘1mr3r, I\’3a»t’haniel_1V Bacon, Isoha1‘Iv;.Cazf, lohti‘ Broo.kc",.fi ~§Gloi1c’. sc}h_ie~r,Scephcn Fouler,.gent. Thomas Pury.', John‘? : sW1llia.m:L¢§gh,';Rober§;Qjdfwo1‘th, William (‘ap cl]. 71' -_ ‘ . s sm(‘.3§¢>) _s Cy, andfr Iohn Bavtington, Kigig/2f.r ; A!‘tf1L1f"'TUif_nO-T’f¢*_/‘g.ed72? 4%‘ ;L4W,Harbottlr: Gr.im13c0n,m 'VVillia‘m‘ Maflaam, Timothy ;*._*;iddl€é- ton, Imgs Heren; Iohn Eden , Iohn”'Argol*l , Anthony Luther, Geo_rge’Walton, Cé11'yc-Nildmay, Arthur Bramflzon, John sawi- yefr, Richard %}~Ear’la%ce11'd.en“, Robert <\,7urdon,o.W1lliam zftwooda; . hi} B.arri;_1gton ,"iE?t£l'IO1-1I.1_ Z/.{:u¢d-.3 4 mic! ’[031n’iI/I/‘light, Efgtlircsi I0 i‘tonc;‘Genr".o " ‘ " ' ’ ‘ I For ‘tile. cv;.o¢t1 of Glopcflcr. 1 Sirf F.I.L1mp‘fi1"y’T1’a.Cy,’TBm%am’t‘; fir John Seymor, fir Roficrfi. -[‘0<§ké~5:an51_jirrW;l{iam' Mafia rs, Knigkrxr ”Rich'ard.Be1;}dcy, Ed- s ward Stephens, Iohn "Stephens, --Charles Bridgmangfcniar, Iohm ‘ Cliaanberleyn, Anthony Knifcott, Iohn oldmg, Thomas/7<{oi's+' gang-Ri"chard Capeli, Ef?gz¢£re_: :i Nath: S tCph€ns,1Wa1tCr Bour- % fiF'§i‘t1:e mm, of ‘$15.9 Eta. of Gi occfle_r.. ‘~ {7"he Mgmfgrssbe time-sfiiag %,o .Lwx>§i7r;;¢}» zex}.I§.§*1zs~SPe4{e5¢._z;2.zl:éo ' Hdufe jof C-bmman:;’and2Recorder t/m'*e;?W'il1'iam:Ca p 611,; "I}homa5f o ‘Pury, John I-Ic_lmcs,‘flnthon‘y Edwards, I/Vifliam (juyfc, Cs}-‘eoxgc - Bridgsnan, _-«‘n}a's ’ -» - Hcrtforfl ' cresjirijohn Ciongfir -T ory'tl2.c‘ coxmtjof Hartford,‘ ’ s 7.{0ber§» Ceca 1] ,' s’3fqi¢irét,'jir ifichafcl L11tC§ , ‘Z?:zronet;0h’n '3<>_E€1€l‘, /irjohn Tcnning,Km'g/at: of the Bath, fir Thomas Da- homas 'Rea'd, médfiro Thomas Hewir, % Kfitgbfis [57 William Litfon ,' fir-john‘ Harrifon,‘RoWland' Litt0fl, fir Thomas Fanfh;1W,*I’Cnig'l2t' of fig‘: Zkzib; ’1@lph Freeman, -Are ‘zzhur Pulrer, Richard Porter; ‘William Leman , Edward Wingate, " (»’€"1'£¢ T00k€, James Jllayne, Tramncis Taverners ]0hn 3‘°?+ ‘ 3"’f§é.H?“rY Mcwrys, john mBay1y,and-Richard €z>ortcr‘Efzsf x‘etti:na;;; Si-1YilI‘ll1S\«},*5’(_)’0C.l_, ]ohnl'Brew;I’tcrH, James BOV§.C.U, The‘? V I (3 1‘? . V ‘~Q:i».:r; F57‘ tb:_C owzt] 1 Ed w&rd L0ré1.‘V5fi.‘0§!7;t" }72!afi‘dé§/fi1‘€,:‘~”C}cOrge "21’:4T’<>J11ntag11‘c,{-z2;¢~é[ . __ ..; . . ~-- . , Huntmg ‘Edward /l4ounta_gue, Efqmr;:,~fErfV1i=1'1am cA1jm)’!1c,_,Ig’¢r.mct:, %d€,,,_L ‘~*U-dlentinfi ”W§mt»on, ?(’)r}{1o\v¢ leaf‘/1~1;1cih, %T91're1;l, I961-.J:%yjn.¢ , 3214;)-éyllo-' -.4’e-pys; ;]oh»n PAié~ke1§inA'g,- ~4~‘nd' '1’h§~_)'n5ras_L r't¢ r, _~£f%;:2.ire; ‘7¥?tf}p‘h mxrteryjohnzzomar;-c3cmi:r¢gwrgyyoou, % z1kbr_:ah'an1+;5’rQ’£né*lf1, Yéhn ,P‘€a(»€ >é‘]£€;,-"G6}?t§"{ ‘ ‘ 'La.*fl'?EdW:’H=a‘Ic'é, Kefifg an ’vtrfiitet;.f2r' ‘1':1¥I‘i1'§S,'(§l‘E(’§1)‘l&_j(i'r!‘;' , fir Thviamas ,%Wa!fi»ng-. ‘ham , tr 7’€'t'C'4"’iF*I /?'0’l‘;.f,,V fir %E‘dwayd'(.3i’H)‘Q‘1*ne , fir-Yohhb P1011)‘- ~ ‘“’°<5d," m=3:‘v”fI1tho‘nY Weld-en 5.13"‘ H '3-“TY.‘}G fi.t1‘?9€©")11%» I3‘? 7 W11 A -”(7“‘P€*PP€r, fhancékbr of"'th‘e*’Ex‘ch€_q11?‘r :fi"“‘C‘13"€; fie)’ C‘ulp%c;9—. , per,/Ir Edward /Mafiers,/ir 1ohn‘Y81ve%rs *bzz‘rvrzé"r;% H<:n*r}'~(?k1‘k fi’rg€arit‘dt Law, —fl_;~}Ien.;/y Hayman, 5_%ICnig},31t zzfzé éaraiget; Tho- mas ‘BIe‘éhindtn;iflbys,?1é';Btfflkdngrr;"Richard ‘Brown, . __dul.g[]fiiu¢_Skinncr 9 Efijqiffl; RObCf_C ,SCOIC, /7?‘ ‘Ndnton Kn*,rtc iyp’cTl, ~k}‘z*‘ig'/ft,cAz;2zW,zzro;‘z‘e°'t: Tho‘mas. \{S’ey5f‘y'ai‘d , fir ;Ed*xvard"P’arth'eric1i; 3 1'o."h‘n Heuden, '/°\n'ig£r‘t; .S:1fi1ut3'll ‘ ;$‘h'o1't Efqgire ;"T‘homas Révefi.I:'fq;:i7§£§7ViIligm'.B<3ys5Niéwholas "‘To.kt2., Witliam IamFcs,IoThn‘P‘c'>rter, T‘hvo.m:_§s ‘Blunt, %Hem*y Dix- ‘ 3011, Iofm Nc’vt@ll,TI‘oh’n Aufien%%,‘Géorgc‘HaLII,'Ma%iar, [Edward "B'€t‘!'y,".Efqui7'e; ‘Humphrycott, 4m1,J;"‘&'%_claard Z>’%eaic o f_=LoojE ‘ Efqzzircx. For the Citie and Cbflflf] of tke‘Ciry of Carzécréury. ' _ ‘I I 3 ‘ M3'fiU’,'fi??' %Wi_11iamM'an,‘ K771:g77?{.' Yr:u1‘cis iovelace, 1E_»f;1'a‘reL . L . ‘ ‘L “ - * . 7 wear»... ‘f;'_, i, " ‘V oi'CHAri}3iiiI:Ti“ " 1"“ ' - i ' Recorder‘, Edward 3ergy_gext;‘ 4v¢lfyrSavyne,=Iamcs;Maficr, .fl[4Erm:”‘ V “ '.'-7-.";'a: .: in I ft? ‘.7 1- i i * infer t/ée—Cia»¢»r7,i:‘1??¢?4‘fi2«J’ Mflvz9'%er.>~ ‘ Lancamr ;5ir Ralph-.4fl)ton,54ron':t} Ralph Alhtono afMidd1e:ou,l.Kal'ph Alhgpnde ‘pombang, _RiEhialrd Shttptlewlorth, Richard-Holland, ?ohnl«Moore, Alexander Rigby, dc 'Bz¢rg[2,~_G¢orgC Dodding. Henry Alhurfi, ohn Stlairky, Thomas Fclll, Wfillliam ‘Ambrofg, William exflhur , Henry Doughty, R_Oi)CI‘C- Hyde; of Demon, Nicholas [’onlif1“c,R_ob;crt:Conlilfc, Robcr_t Curwi-no , fohn Bra- dcll; Richard Alhton, ?o"F;_l.{atclifFc,i7ohn ‘Brzd{h1w,£jw"quirc:: A Ni¢h°‘=*5 715857»?-Ohtl.N°?¥§113:,Th0ma$.Hamm9ndl ;;?_ohn:«Hay— ,, ;wolrth,.Gmt,__i . l _ ; _ - . __ . L i h l or t/7'; Coit(1t;:c'f‘ L‘(icéfler_.'-.. (L§¢c¢fi¢f"',"__; ,. _ l _ l . ., _. . ". . . 4 .- . -H~ifi:rtg Bllarezmg A/71' Wool_fl:_on‘_-,D1x1, zr . Ihomas-Hartopp, fir _./Martin Lilfef, firRogéx?_Sinii‘h,:kieigbt:,o Gcoi'ig(¢_.¢/fhbic, Tho- ;r-‘nas ‘Babington, Thomas Brudncll; .Symonf.Rudglcy, "Z’et'c'r —T€ml31¢> 103111nBfmbfick,.%m4iI‘homas Hafcl.rigi€,o1’Y_/quirtig , 41.44 1' I§Vill.iam,§l§c gman :('i’..{zA¢t1,:_zn%.42A2.: j , % _ Far Ly»’ea1,féy;;zo:I;*e¢m};i of L,-mg. § ‘ ‘ii » iGr¢Yiéfi15é?l?r»i»;T_hon)cisivLbrd oéfrrhfir . 31:7 191;. zmy1q¢;g/ll §:}zd.io3i:zr.énet,' ft»? will .4_§-rc¢izgi1,l/zr l L Chrafiophcr Wr.cy,. fur, Anthony_Ir§by,;@;id.fig-l.:Sg;nucl1.0W-in fifild, Qeég/:tx;.. N“ath:inic‘ll7F1ncs,‘Thomas Grantham, Richard o Toot.h_bie, 1ohni.,5’i?oxhbln1c', Willoughby Hickmin, Stephen An.- derfon, Edinund Andcrfon and William Qodftcy, Efquir/{»5« Tholnas. Ayfc,o_11gl1,,"l7hoina.s C.o§§lédick;..Richard ‘Brian, 46"‘ ~ l William Liddington‘; Gie’7g'tle7:»€II.i , r l~L’ic§lni‘Ho1Iani1.i Sir Anthony IrfB_.}* lqzlg/J¢,Thom:as Ogle, homzié Riead-5 llolm‘ . L _'H_/Jlpalc, m2dJ’homa:s’Hqr_rington, }§]”q'.u;';~e, ;« Samisclll Cufi life? .1 hc:Welby,Charlcs Emjafonffho: C0ny,~Gem%~x A . ” L r (.33) , Lincoln: K 1304-Urn ; and the C it; and Codaft; of Lincalna. ‘ A i Sir William Armynilfilohn ’Bro'fim:cloiiv, William Browlgclrow, C79 4.,» =.% 111., B4ramt:~;“' fir Francis} Paine {night of the Bath, ‘fir'iHainondi _, ' ' Whitehcott, aénd‘Willia"m sum ,(I;1i_g/at-.r ; Tliomag LyPcé:r-;Edward ; Pelham—,- -Thomas‘ —Hatche"r, William Ell_yS;.Ed'Wa.'r'd ~ King, Hcn ry Skypwith, -Iolm Archcr;' Efqi2irtf'*;" William SBM-‘y’ Gent. - t/1}.-V 7 Ma J01? of Lihcolk for 14.2: time Fciizgi, _Tho:,G ra , . holmc;andflobtfliihiblmélyg gfqgzirer.‘'.ara:* ‘ f H Wntlra-m, "Iohn_B_rox;— 1. Tlwmas Soame FQz_z'g/9‘t,“'I.'hOma‘S eA’rkins,":Ifaack Pcnningtoi1,%Lo,.‘{o.; fir Iohx-1 P}%’ollc'l'l:1o»n'ki21{'g/zit‘, and Vlolm Watfidcr, /_I1der'mén; ifohn White of I/V/:i::_fr;":r:,. and John Goodwyn‘, Efqmlrex ;- Samugll I_/aflall, Thomas e/‘fndrew-s, Alderaam; ‘John Vén, Edward Allie’, Stephcnaflafiwick, -Randolph Manwaring, Iohn ‘Bra'd7- '_ lay,‘ Maurice‘ Tompfon‘; Rich'a‘rd Slmre, =I‘ofe'ph~ T/'au'ghan,. Wil=-’l liam -K‘eru:l‘al?l.', E~ra?nc‘is vflllién, Hen-ryfAllcn;‘iIam‘cs Prince,‘ Alex! " afindcr-i‘_\Tor4ni.ng£o_ri,‘ gnd:William Gibbs. V V L a‘ I 5 {-“—’=~*Fm%eCa4nzy 'a)¢~1rM;dd1éfi—:>;~. " o " ‘ ‘ 19=1nV€fSr;l fir Henry,‘-lice, fir 7(obert‘Wo5d, fir Robert Rye, fir Nicholas rRay‘nton,"fz’r William’*‘~'Rob' fir Iamcs Har- A rington, fir 1bh'n Tlioroizghgaoodr, knight: ;l. Oliver »Sr.Io'hn /2,; r - the Kiz‘¢j§z5=Séli&‘itor,.‘ -PVillia_m- C‘hO'l’ml€y__,"'*G'c6rgé" Lot“lg€;'- Iélrni _ Smith, Edward Allie, Iafpcr Draper, {Ir Iohn‘Wollalt6n /at“, ' I - 4 «Sir Iohn Trevclr',[i‘rEdw. Barkliam {nig/3: zzi1J'Baro_net;fir'IO: fir Richard Sp rignall*B.zramr,<[William Whaler, Arthur Squi bgf i Ioh‘n-"fC;lyg1',_ and Lawrcntc Whaitacres, E ?;m‘m;"I*o‘hn ‘Brobiké, a: Wi_lliam“Bell, ifohn ‘Paok€*“,’ ' Iolm" Broxv:i2:';_Ii>l1n }l£o‘r%r—ic'c, L Ric'H‘a'r[d Diintbn, lolrn Offlcy , I)ani¢ll.§m,1doe‘,i': a'2’12i]0l1‘11~* erf§*lford.- « - '- V 7 V A " 7 L ' -- J... '__ . v. .1-an, . . - ... .. »- ‘,'-< . .- . '~ A ; 1- - I - I a , '. "i . ' .‘ of _ __~ -""51 ,.._ ..-.......--.__ v, V’ 3; ‘ . 5 won- >'._ >. _ ‘ . r I-_ - - .- ' . '1‘ ‘. " , . . -... - .' .' ." n ‘z. .1’ _. .l N"o;tt«il_1g7-.‘ hw2:".’i«.: .1, r . - _ . ......... . _'-i ' ~ .- '*".' '* - ky ‘Zr.’ "« . . . : ' H ‘ I. ' » , ".4 \. ‘ " ‘ _. .y _ . - . ._'. :_ . . E ,_l' _ ‘ _ . ‘Y _ _ . , ,. , . _ ' - -'9 ‘ ; u-... ~ _ ._<. ' " ' North?-M ,~ 3’.)‘:‘.Na¢éf1ér%2r»5vr!;¢nd;??rzd”fa\’¢naéfi?$?wW5c5@-Li 5» ns;;m»;mick Ka:g2a:;a:;z2»+A2«m. j:'}rI:0hfIDa*l?=!;V%11jls \ _Wi~Hiam{SeIby- 4K8-{g/9t:, ',~R.Ob€%rtTBcwic«k, Ralph %,A(3reey,. T homasé Middlflen.»W§~1liam:Shafl:oe_of B=;_2[z,iv1gto_a,.I'{o¥)c-rt: Clavc-r_%i‘»ng;0f B?'l¢"6k/’*W“6:. H¢I1_ry~ Oglcofi Egl£vglmm;,_ Iphn Saxwkcldgg cf-“-R0?/ta; Gilbert &S;winho,;Rob¢ r;t»_(j;la v~.erin_;of_ Callcileyg 7Efiguirr;?;;L: Henry? Widdrington of Bl4yth:cdc!m,Io; Blékefion,RaslphSawkeld,4 amal- Michael V Velton qfWclt.on,Gcntlcmen,]z‘r Robertlackfon k2zz’g/vf; the Alt! jar of Qkdrwick-fdr-the-time being, fir...Thomas Widdring-~ (011 . Knight , Recorder};‘William. _F,€.l1V?i_Ck_fC,' Afid. Iohn... Sleigh.,» ., efllalermen. ‘ 1% 15: co#.2;?ts}‘,0f %Nam’ng 72&i»}«,—.o.!;¢c.1.t}9-3‘. '1’é\’s?19~4?.4‘1«‘*’”’i‘*%9*:‘=* A of 2\@ft£ng19tzna;-. I/£fc.o%:¢nt.~ fir: Iofhir ryan%":%;‘IChig7_:f?.of% rizé. 3 mn. 'IQ‘h11%.W0Od'—f¢niér+, Thjnoghy .;BufcTy;, 'VVilliém,.Stanhopé, vvimam Morc1ey,}.xarepw£VVidm€FP°°"=¥* ..Irc.t.on,--‘ Iohn.Mi11ingt;pn, ‘IohnVYVoodjtifiW=5 Chad“ T 5-! 1‘, ‘L '-Wu; Bfltb; fir Iervas C1i~fton~Knyigbtvgnd-Baronet, fir Pra:nc»1s'Mo1i'--V-~ flfllxfs ; /77%cHardO1p;h«Waftn;:s%‘Fzzronet:,.fir: Thomas Hu£chi,fl{0F?A2 A fiz:§~,Pranc~is .Thqrnhaug_h, fi;+R.~,g¢_¢~.. (:9¢_9¢ r,-_%%%.;;;alfV,rMathew-;A1?§1a - ‘mgrJKn‘£gbr:, Francis. Ry crpoint, Rolier;,Sut-to PCf»k.mS', xi1‘.1Thony.Ey'tj&?,: I‘.o'h_n.Ncvilvl, %‘V-Thom as:;Wil‘1iam{ofl'; ‘»R1C,*h’:'Fd4 B,Y““’¥” % ,_gg1b‘_¢rg5 M xlltngioxgah; Toplady, Aldrrmm tbfrk. T ‘ *‘: ‘VVMIC. Richa1'dT.Hacker,~%;md‘ I‘€>h‘njI;o_c»11tgh~ton, Rebert yHouy gh tom, Ré§chg;x:d Cateline, and Richard’ I-Iam_ayany,.Efq;4Zz;.c:.?;v.,‘ A}1chony5rMing3yu’ fZ'homass.Sut{erton;£?.’obias«Prism; Thomas; Toll-, ID%§fl+RC'r'€;irVra’l1’f:.‘- Gent-'.; Thomas:Linc~o-lnjéof T la¢;»fm{;’Ed'wardi"[‘i1amb‘cr1én§,f[h'o-« - mas Baker; Saamleil Smith, Iolin T 061%)’, Chriptbpllét? Barret”. Edjwa§.d,O.wneyr,~ Ia1n£s=Sycamler;am'1-B riggg ’F0u'n4ta'ii1€,Efq.fli7!t*.r, L « 1’g.7;u.gh_ty«' g.L of Lime, .AfidIy,1n:‘?irmiB€':t‘,+.and Iahng Caste-1¢qj€'1{a;1mox:b.y . s ’.\) " 71’?”"""‘i'~**t5v,®€»1W*%%’¥é= 3 y, Siréfidwa;rd'HarringtonJ€nigI5t;dnd)Sfazr$na:,fl7: Cuy I?.é{Ifr1,e&, Ryitdindli» A firé.13.ra‘ncis Bodenham, fir Iramcfs Harrington, ;2'€z?az.'g/Jr": Bgr,yig1n~-:= ' Ba_l’mcs_+ Ed.ward~_Heath, -Evcrs;Afrhyn, R”ob‘er_c_ I-Iofférn1axJ,... ;I;fd.,, _.T:’ ward’.1=‘a1.kcnor, Iohmfimwne,..IQhne0sbar.nc,i' ;,-)“'L1r1asN;Vait‘e,,;«.; . Cw :9 I . Salop. N. _ i £5; oifstrlof‘. i ' Sir RiChsard.Lcc'!1i3aiirohet_,'/Er Ha'tris,fir Iohn .Coi'i‘)€t,:/Iii‘; s Vincent Corbct,Knigbt: and Baranmg /Ir Tho: AWhitmore, Adam, I.ittlcton,B4:ram:::,;J/:‘r Rich: N’c‘w'por.t,jz'r VVi_l:VVhitmox‘c K tx. i Wil: I’eirpoint,i Addin Littlct6n,iTho:o'E’yton, Francis Cha_ri- . t0n,V..ValIter Ba_rker,Thomas‘Nicholsgirhomas4Mytton,Ed‘W3Id: Somerfct. . Poohdm, _/i_r“EdW—aird Rodney,I‘o _ ’ _fir~iZ‘hom‘a"s'VVrothi lqiiq/2t.r 3 Thomas Smith, Alexander Pop:-. L ham',s‘”’V‘Villiam‘Ba{’fet,iFdWard* p;i"1iiIi'pS.;~I0;.hn Harrington, Iohn,.. % Syms, VV/illiam Capelil, Robertoflasrbiifln; Richard Cole.-,VVifli’am ‘ T i S¢trod_e‘,iVVilliam% I-IiH',‘Iohr;i Pyn‘eL,s'Iohn Hun§,_Riobert Hunt, . Iamcs Afhe. iRogeriHill; Edwiaridi I1ii'i‘.~Aif1w’, ‘VVilliam A Long, Sfqarirexi; Gcor-ge:Scarl.ci,"VV1,i=li-ai11f'Dai}v5« sR_'ober£-Blakco; _; Ioncjs, Humphrcy"VV:i1_cott, I-‘ranicis Herbert, Thomas Kctleby, Richard Moore, Andfev} LlOYda ‘Huniphkey mm Row/ley_,_ ThoinasKnight,‘Io_h’nProwdggéntlqmqa. . “ ‘ por,a.;,;,,;;,s,fsa,»;r;g,.fi s "Sir-gIqohon.StaWclI,i ii!-!:opito’rI;osKni_ighit:oji' ihé TZ5’».zri2 ; . ri VVilliam Po rtmanikrzig/it and['Baron'et,'—‘{“/I 11 Giles £'trang;waycs of _Cb}zrl:ro'n, Gentlemen} i for the county ofrs£afi‘ord, W: ci‘mf—Lie:cbJ€¢ldi ‘ i so and Cwmty-t/yercof. ‘ * 7 Rbbelif’-L'4i'lei.of iV‘V_il1.i;.'m.‘Pa.g'c*t of Beamio/’ciriIi‘, fir. ,VVil1i:am. Brcrcton Karena,‘ ,_/ir"_HafvyW 'Bagpf, fir Edward Litticton, Baronmg, J-,3» cha,1_1¢s‘£—g¢ m,'nr,Q.,gIg;, _fir'f1R'ithard Le-' vcfoh _.}’rewPce,r,. Iohn Win.gfield',~.Wil~e liam Rivi V _t of :Bi§’bn,~ ,.o10hU".(,3lIrd.on; elfitaclc; A p'p1'ctl5iia€m Morley, fir%Thomas feiham, Knighn; fir 'I’homa‘sEvE’§sf'eiiéld;‘z*l2: % % elder, Henry. Gerding, William--Michelbyrne,‘ Hcrbeft Hay,” . Iohn:_Bake,r, William i$1cwtm1g‘I’etcr‘ParnEdcn‘, Edward A; fig,‘ .« , ‘ Henry Pccike ,% Edward‘.Higgons'~,‘= -Herbert: Bo<'>'r’d', Thomas I % ’ICJ&"11V.,' ‘iHe-my *Caf1eten«, ’Iames '17‘e‘m}’>‘lc;» John A;1~ tthrovny ,§_ta1;'é+e:y , "He-rbe rt fl/Im‘-Icy ;E&w;r§d-Gbring, The: Chase, W4 G€dfé€'7<5§1¢fi5*é%*$~£‘f21v5*?‘?r5 ‘L’ E’ ‘ * * "N%Lieh:a1asWo+fc, Ri¢hé:r€f'*S’€x1$’dh5¥Th§a§§;4sf§’%r1§¢r; «;Iq*h.nf.I)4>__x;xmes,_ - .’If'=ar ’i*72é 'eé»nt7 W¢rWiél~\‘,7 ' agéi T"t7)é city 4ui2:31'»jeai&3£tyv%ve»z-gyfi’ ;§zz;Pcmr Bellinghamf, .Rich~grd T aflerathwaité, and-Chi‘-ifiopher ‘-7?h‘il1ipfo%n,.£fquire:. f “ Q - vb; cityzoféi/Il('ora¢_/.i.‘;cr. . « I~nomas.Mi1mtd,1o;;nrc.wncs,%Henry12o1y.’ % ‘._ ,'V..v.’p‘,t_‘-t ' "I: . .' _- . , ~ ' .‘ .' I ‘ 5 ‘k:"’r7" Q’, -"($5 I‘ ":§$:vS". ” ’ ‘ ‘K ';.} " 1: .4‘ = :~«-:» ~ .1 «Eh We ‘MEL *3 3% ‘ \ l .,,.€ggmm_flIIqfiExfsl_ or I .6, . 9-“L ' ._ 0.-,\. .4, Jirf ,_',,;' -5 5' 3-I .‘ *7’. ‘"3-‘T’-’f“‘I.. ' .. ; . >0-u ,. .9“ ‘_ ‘a‘..- of‘ . q " ‘:~‘—« ’-N} , ' _;‘e:..te . _ ,_ ' qr _ma_ndo, _ 3 Pl'fl:1;'( ~ , .- s, \ I. i ' ‘ _'. --..-¢.§$s;['? "3 :7{':'&:'=‘7' - . . 5',‘ I ‘ v x-....- '3 .. .-\- ‘_e' . ~ r mllaam .3" ' .\-*\’\ ~ U ‘.,;g(39) . . 1‘--1_;ev} . "L, 2. ‘O\ ' " ~ ;,.~.i.,l,'{_"“. ‘ _ :_‘£~.~,;2. I“ _' 7’-. *3: 2'1 J" ___~'-._'‘ ~..'‘.»‘ "fi_"'.4;~ .,§~,n.5..; .'V\ x. ‘V .- 7 ax '§.l ». 5:.(:_»,;f‘§.....L;..§,_. 4, ..a .;_‘ma.’. .“€.,;. a')i;,f;}[§g£3§I_f:}',j,{_:—,:fh *{'y~~~'- ' .3‘: ‘#0 ‘r‘ ’ 2 ‘Lg; "’ "H t Q!§,§’il"1IoEh-(Sa'z1“l‘e‘,§f - mods ,-§u-~m- \ ‘C. "".‘.‘ ¥ <:!~ 2 §‘ 3’ ‘u Bdrfi~l3l{- ; tbur fngnzm jimibrg Sir [/mrle: Fairefax William‘; ‘George ‘ ‘ “(wig E-‘,5, _ F4rrer,T/Jamal .s:oci§zz;l’~%aw‘ 1'7*.{m‘».ei‘»>e‘ é};"?II§ ‘:23: y9»e&¥‘*rb3o?I»;, Iain: [%olmelej. Iobn Ellzk, _Hfn7} We/M)’; 3810 Hem] Bdrkff ®¢flf-3 MQFIWOQ43 *azrz1*ms*aéa§‘»:,=« imam w‘‘§ _, s._.. \ -_-:1 1, ‘it ‘Q 3 Q‘.-. 2 -_~»- ~~__\-;_“,;._: _ _ _. _ :3 am: E§32rcn%:;-_ L filgqigyt mat} . my mzzgm Stréckl.i‘rfz1.‘i3tit'§'f)fl ' )§§rflt1€t;“, ?r=’*‘7P%?I ,. ' Eh‘ Kicbozrd» Derlej knights,’ ?ab{z Hat/yank Qfifqufgie, [Ric/zard ‘R:¢m¢'ngto:2,}o/an Anlzzéj,“ Cjbr:/lop/yer Aplcgardf ?W':llm1'n €i<2_4dri5é:ll,(ZzrtZZ9I3.’::s:.;!§.:é;11.sJ,;l R32!’ L"”0”:%‘1W1i'¢5= 7790"“? Rékzkglcj, Hény \Da'lé],’ """” H”"”"”fi”‘» Ialm Vaux 3108l‘38!'ei1;Ro5.ért‘Bmtm'eE,' ‘elirqnire Ia‘/Ep/93 Micki- Et2v1&??§*:€i; .§g+i§bFf.~‘:9k$Th9”” : % *‘3‘”"£7 ‘;Pj‘.’5"’°I39%““‘.“'-.‘ —91?r€‘7f‘W W"? f 1 s{},‘v.~=;-;f) -- ‘ " ‘ %' ‘ 5 ‘-.*.-.?.;'-:~~.‘u:"‘x"§T{*‘tw*:*:'r.'.*ss"-'1 %:1?gr_ 3. 91W." ‘W V .55» . ‘6 -~« v . '-‘:3 ‘L ‘ -7 - -1-'C"«. ’ ‘ " r.';*.'...%..;‘;‘N._"”~; vi SF!" ‘W ..i.‘: , = ‘ -‘T .- Cgantne, W2 [Z¢%fi*P¢r Hal!-L r_\,. ,-.' u ’ ;. .,,_.I ; j_‘'_\J~ .l-.‘ . . ;_."; ' J - ~_ .3. . '- “ _ v ' - 3*‘ t. _ "-: ‘ ' I‘ .5; ix‘ .‘. '~.._. \ . .3 V,‘ - \r" nan .€€r'gr€"€1i€l6_m%¢l?I“"f'9» _%..-rs. . *5;f§*£?é2rzA,!%érizia*d:% iN:¢beW \. 4' ._ " .' '._ -“J« } ’ '. 54;,-x. ..*{;.y..2. ‘.33 .s; D ."‘ 1”... , ‘_ '3 . ~:~ ‘ . . . ‘ - V» ujg‘ Y‘:. .,4 1-. ‘a..~.¥—4 ..,~» 5, ‘ . I_ . ~» * ' ’ . '." '5.‘ .- .s v- -, 1"‘, ~ 7-' .'»« ‘ ‘ . ‘ " '-' -4. ~.‘ ~- . ~.'..-as. ..- -. ' -T‘ - . ._ 5-. ,, - _x_~ - ~ -‘:7-‘.-.‘-'. ~n~~;_ \-.~,\;_. u..- i -3,,’ :1-9'? ,_ '7‘-_ -. -_ . _.' I ~' _'\.p-- - ‘q ' , 4 I ' ' . 1 “' .1 . K‘. - . ~ A - ~; » % -~ «mm: :on . ,~.’ I >~ .v . . ,, .._ . ‘ ‘V _l._ _‘ _ . _ . . , -. ' . «,4.-.4-_ ‘ _ . ’ 9 - \ , __ ‘ ,,‘ - . } gar Tfi-".z’W_» S¢W*0‘“1'1.’s%?**i!< ¢%fauir¢¢s%::T&9mw *%%Va~gbM= - anbfbomaifinvit, 2 .. % * ammzfuoners to enqutre ofiSca"m1aZo7u'& Mtmflers? ‘ire’ WfeW'41’A€ount?e! ??"'."?‘f’?.’?i5-‘M4Ji€f1i“ ' % Ddminiorz of\¥/‘ales. . . . . . ‘.- =_z .; "tr. ""t‘~ ‘£3-'”»:~‘ ::2r*~~‘. '[i:.;.;*. ‘= .:‘3-'5u5.‘.«“_?' “.-fr.--. 5’~~‘-§2’x.~.' 1 j 2; CommLiflic.a1¢rTs 'f°ot ‘_ " %R.Wrdi ‘7’’7‘’?"F5 » 7‘bvm4t.s;B~’kJ9IIJ_t!4.’:"’V1:[A[I'4@l',_ ’. gyqvig é ' Llgd, am: 'Ibam;A g{“gfzu“_ .§Q%ea_ty,{J-3 ._ % 11.. (‘L %. AD‘; _) ‘A 4 . . ‘. C°mm?150“¢rS;9f!h¢_q€39u.n€y;of ,3§r;‘F§:.”?€ke.A: ~\ E.-. lKil&%£47W%"R4wf¢J;Edz?¢rd%Vi1li4v¢4£Ro- C°*?‘“‘”*"mersfQr Pb? S§99n¥x§9f I3t~é;gé.- , 9?!‘ T1JW“U.’4!'4d/ttéfi 35fl5E1}€:9%§‘T1?°!?¥4:'_~§7¢l?;‘5“?3!; 256: The Coimry ‘ i‘ ronc.,t.:; 5W3 «:10/vat 05“ P=”"’.sz5~ . 0 J . - " ' “ ‘ 4 7 4 V U0J4»54W«rnd:fIl!£ ?3lzn1.izJvf« %.55r:€.. am. .~§?etrK’;-3*?‘ ‘ ‘ 3 cm», tab» ‘T;’_‘[i”""/-.l2‘f-1r"egé":‘flz.’~‘r=[’L.’2'7'§r>,;§5. L%«ger fiillaxdlzfiilidbz 4 .,],5';' mon Tlaelmtll,‘ ‘];u11io{._; L Coni:ni'{fionéfs‘§5f , §h'.7'h07D!A¢.fL!W1:!9-bfc‘1Vi6‘£’9[4»t:I£{ym ,‘i£;ng'gl')t5:;_~1g,6n-;A;g- Tfhve Com 5rq, T/Jamar ./I/Iazuljewex. ; Hg? gpggm of(]l4mor- ,}__vl!/'t°ll:'4n1 Towdl,» ¥ dgvagtd »_; .7fiff4o_’;er.=_ T/2a_pbm¢.r, ‘W’, - ‘.2’; ;gvém")'» °fNwPa>:t»7/lflidw ;H¢rém Of Colcbrookcia V Edward /V,arg4_‘n,Bf Dcuxcoystk ‘Q-%2§?;Jfd Lem} 0f.wA_bi1‘tgenz1y» » Willz,/zm_ May" ,1’e_I}‘1iz3iar2»wi?[*vi>»;ir«‘nf%'€? If “nhy; 'at1a=av;{slli2i;‘;§*P’§%‘ ” Co1zi't'2‘1i€1T'ié:‘ti¢i'sf;fotij¥i¢ . >= %=s‘ir~'r2zus;,22;ai?.ra;z;zjr*§m;u»dfz5a “‘;';-my A V Z€et;Ed2i?ard¢’Lj7o?dJébh Pm;-_,' Eiiiiizird"i=’zé%'i_§7)Sti:3QBffii3fii¢'gs;‘.+RiE%3i?‘c{ grxfib: btgshiczsaa, §1ab>a>, . _ MatbcIye:,anD.Edw¢rd,pm',,,,eQggnbi .: g .;.. . f 1=?e%ée‘r*:,.L%I«:}7d‘1é;em%~E4m4f€¢+ 51¢‘F3?/5W?£Z1i??pf5Efir&iiéi1;‘?EbE’:é‘:3'iép2%%«§z7315arqnet¥§'%fr Hwgb Oia::»?,mftgIji?(anti41Béa’tti1i:"et;‘§tr,1oz;2ifv&4;gr;cI¢%13egigt;tg: 3lL7?A5§°:"% 1¢?z?I'l§2i3e}bj,5ji2&e;%,‘%‘2’lo‘a5;;:ax M t95‘ Rz’é-:4"'9_ 'Bb2i7efl ,i‘I"}'.f7."t}.?z2$?7-L 61353557 -*$':527'*/;o1_z%1é;'w_\6‘w_ébrg'ef‘-- Bowen, ,Phi_lip:,, Walter Cur-12],‘ :[o/JirGur)td5*'®fq"g1‘frz§; anh?- ‘V Thoma: Wjnt, George. .-lfllzbf, 3 i‘¢mnam.; go A . Emu;annjzffmvfibmzeatteug foIl};g.1h’et§j:=; 'g1:Ag;acj1s3%rLtb « -» ‘Réi‘-¥3§"?f?fS¢ifit?§‘q"°3"C*>fifiitu*i;mus<‘9os;~8c q‘d‘ofl'ib‘tz cm-gvh }?1V§I'1?é}S:f‘;:‘3'.1Yl1YI1: 3d.-'§mnia~.3£:fifi§u"la;*inquirendéxy faci‘efi<7i:1“, pct” ; ’ « H.‘ . W “ ' % f'oxma*I.1d3»= ’ er .... _\.,« >"-V _1""*_-,V- L .__.- >35-~.-'-."' -‘ '. . e _ - -._:-V. " .:." ‘ ,4‘. , ' .(1‘.‘ a ew;5.- .~. ‘5 1 ~. 5; I. -51‘ ' -A ' \ - ’¢i”5‘?‘3'wLfi?‘**%36f‘fi?§’2”*1{”5’;3g§”?‘*??99§’ ma .a°r®fqmrea;?c%§2;rapmv;§zg;a;a:ntagibvér1zIa};z3d«Wzz=-5 , .L*r‘*,e’=‘:'%~"7).i"—" =-_‘- 'i-“~.‘~— M-‘_ 'i.=;;'i$‘*':-.‘*..e“"‘ {-::;"Y-..f_ _ 'm23’*OFN€£wpbt:~; Wtlham Pzzcgkér Ryga fc, Roger Wdlfam. ' ~ ' c ‘.Pv' .' t, E5 ‘ .*'o'rman'das mhndiafida,3}1;eqgt¢nd,1~_'p§mg€!?da2% 3I§;'ts3r!Izinand;2e_ii1:-« ~ quédu‘z?t;:{;b£&ii"in{1{e§x1i&n;§éntos5 :D.§lninif._f€3 r'c;>h= ihDcir gxat-iaR;e.. t_ gig. ;4mgtlia‘:,8cc; {euro-:*apud;j Weiiniinfi. Tcrtiq die,-Novem-. ' b1f?‘§Annd Regnifui?AngIi1ae;ScQI.i~z-Franck?8: Hibcrniae Dc c'ij-i ‘ t mo iexm t‘aé‘to**cdico 8;‘ incimlétco an act foethe puniefhxnent oft " Qcannaloue‘ .<1Elerg‘ie.=men Rl1_U:l0fl)‘9l74°.’a9'rCC|;l'Ddl.lI1'1-ttngrttn unit—' A % fafmdimétfcfiuih, 81; vcréeiéa intentiénctnaejufdeten t.a‘.‘ius.‘ 3IH‘Cl1jl::lS", " L V rein .téGim£77£1&utri-e8EC..l£flD1lB it enan etthy the2;e1‘eni’,9itt‘t1iall babe fullpe1ue;rL:ann authozttiee input’ J the eife_& fifithiei pzerentefitt in e):etution,a‘nn to-enquire bythe oathe#“o£:titiél’eTe latnftilfntenmfi the fair: *§w!too_len1a1Ier;- oz. irdtheeeatmfhalltehen zano there»: :fl!1'0' *-at Inch other ttme ‘at’ times. aathc rain utonnntfionere, oz any rthzee one 111022" 0‘ them than a'tpp’Oit1t: agree uszon ~aa:o fat ootnne, £1 eettafne new 02. Bayes to; the hearing atzo .oeterm,t'ning of the rain dtonv plaintaano gnfozanatione; sane the Iain heritlt‘eo, ilsnliffe, tbffstere, ano Qhmitfero mhatfoeberorour hobcraigne itogo the iaiuc, tnithtn the teberall cllioxmtieo of ' thie iaealme, afloell lnithin attberttee as toithout, {ball be from time to time attenoant. apntng ano atftltmg to the fato ¢0mfll?'fffDl'l£l‘6» mm cberp tboeeoz moye of them, to; am: §?"CEr$’iil3§‘ all fuch thirty; r —. 3 Lo 2 to eonnptatneo or, 5; to be tea at l "‘ "' "‘ *‘ “"‘:_‘_":"._ than conceme their tetaerall ~®_ft?i;eeé.,anp_. p1;¢ee,a”re,§peaii1e§‘e in oz, about~the~ctewtion of all» gggggee . e tent mt. fll1Ufltl“".h?t‘mQ2£'t_bB; §§j_o;¢gg:g;igf§ig§;§~';,,o'; ; )3 soue O3”Ii‘0%.e oi.tlmn;fl)all W? 3‘. .. . to-otieeattotummota b;e:m11a¥r§I.!1t:l1l53?§r,hi5 oath; ree{1jafi‘a:oA :.tach~ perfoueiae mroz" may’ gi§oe;e¢i2iDeme f4fi;t1)t’;e,_, , hoe ainglotthezuoteapgeare at tb9»°§9e;eo§ e-g1”ag,c,eIo.,i}'!}.' Warmfpedfienestogibeitheir-_ge _ _ .$;;;’t_he/1 1’§tq__ A A . oz. any oteethem.‘;:ano:ttte : he .~;s*»r%;e;I';'z*£!z§tfe ' ‘aforetatn ;. ,ozhat;ther partte oz‘ ‘13§rtft}’3‘; fbt€I‘t"fF8' t ann hm 2Dfl°t'c£rs,;anbt the aturazs, for l10ffil1Dil1Q_8C£0l‘D!'l'a’g to the zbtnentce to bB'];tHk'-Bn;3l1“__D mitnetfes as afozataiu as they ‘in their. Dtftrction ft;gIltbinhe,fitting; iagnbineb, that no fine I“ l‘1P°"jfb8 %b6ri~1f'l'8 .02 hi3 @ffic2r2s,~ arisen uthzhfmnmfi ‘. often 1J0_llI1De3. 21-nb that up jttnetupon any one aura; talus Ml? mnmwnen filth rtmrnea, am not tappe”aring,o2. tnitnefiles — ‘ tuameu as afozszfaia, erteen not the fumme of fogty thittittgs ; 3'1“ 5733‘: ,fl!1Dtl2-‘U97? éfflcb 81105 6-.»~j?02..f8tfftIl‘B,~&!1O 3F_t0;feitut»cs3,;fi)talltbe tuthe ufe=atf.thepartie oz: pal:£t'z¥3” tapes ~ musty, as than pgofccutz the rain tomplainanw, fins. than be 189t‘3P2b by arrant in tnziting, uuuer the hams anb 1'eaIes4 .Qffhe.fs:t'a sttuinmitfiuncrs, ozauy thzee oz mote of them by Bitfveffe, emu taleoft_th¢~fain offeuncrstganns refpzctinelp rent: It Wriflfliffl thevtpayrtiesthe o-.b2rplu£t.t 31819 tubfch warrams it h . 1313" be Iainfiull tflanb 502«'fb.2 rain <1tammiffz'on2rs, owm?‘ ' thzee 92 maze of them, to authogige anu “appoint fu£‘J1JBrfUtt~ " “*1 °W!if0i15»&$thheytitftheirnffcretians that! thinks fit to 19* 1?? “lemme; t‘?lnDhitsfi}atla;be latnfull ifuz taxch-perfottt am per?" i«h Tfiflfiabv bertuz titan? the fair) warrants to levy the rain h 1'"B5‘3nU fitflzfeitures upontany otthe goons emu chattels of-' ~ 3“? W3) offenbehrtoz nfl’2nncrs3,in mhatplase U2 dtuunty T0‘ -Efiartiaz: *.;'s:m2»tI1all bet$nunn;h,t,ann,toggmant at {nth bittvetfi 45 » cat i if yfl1a1l'be latnfull to the fato.=coi1umiffz‘ouete: or any thgee oz . ‘"029 of them, to cotuuiithim oz them to the htoimtuout obaole‘ Ufthe tame dtotmtie; mfihich fato 2§_)ffettfiBl{ £i3i¥3!_‘lie't’attei*i alto WMBHBED» fberetifi Wf17““?i..b&fi9le. *o'2‘iI‘i1‘i?,?i1t525.ifei. unttll payment of the rain jfinie‘ auto 5F'o'2feiture; ;e‘;o'oifie‘o alto, that no tl:’ouu1tit£ioueryfo;?merly_nameo, being 1eacrori;ot a=aLioing, the gsncanibeut inherent 1_t)fallbe‘,:on111laiil.e‘Oty6ffog; .anytthe‘fcauoalo:ue‘ oaeume oz: othet‘ mttaetmeaaoatef ae a>. fogefaio, that: fit iaaaa fiommfffiotters oz eyettitei aujthoei- tie by bertue of the faio W5 making of the fame fiuxnmtnfion, unlefte it betbgee mifilittge five‘ the beaie afjebery dlommittiona ann fogtbe Wzitzng mm enrolling of any one Gbommilf n ten flyflltnge we not above; mute get to centtnue.una' fbB,fil'Ifhay0f_"NovcxnbC1’,fN the genre of - ouriozn :64;.anu..noelenger; 91"“ “N "°"'3Vfbeletfe all; tbie none anb erecutenfn the means time by bertue‘ of this act, ann oftbie rain sfliommiffiou mall fiat” W remains in fogee an!) effect, an!) beiutfifiableinlatv, 3“ if ‘life flat in =‘ em remainen, attain fogce contiuuebe . ;_ . V’ ' I 4 " u,\' . , ‘ll . 1.. A __ ____ _.___..<-one-~.—-as-~—~.' ..-~.-we. .. . _\ (51) lCHAP.4. @<%@%§@@®@=®@@@@@t~@~@ CH A P. IN}. An aft againft the enjoyingof Plurali ties of7benefi‘ces by fpi-% ritual} Pcrfons and non- Rcfidencic. gtrcas by rearon of febzmll 192"o.-. biroos, ano other ‘clanfeis ronrcr~ ntmg licences, ano oifpenrntions to takaroroioe, ano keeps mozobcnc: fitootbon onoufino to be non=iR2= fiocnt tontoyneo in a ttatntc mane (ntbe one ano tlnontiotb years: of the ififaigno of ising Henry tbs; cigbtl) intftnlco an an againtf 4 o ialnraltios of 1: enofitosfoztas king of farmco offpfritnau men. Stno fog ren’oentt,oin_oro' great mfftbiofo ano inconveniences bane an-iron nno grotnng ‘ unto the ¢l)nr_cb of’ flboo :ano this iRoahne."3Fo; remeogv‘ lobzroof has it tlyerefoze onacteo. by‘ t!)c'~ikfng our fofirrafgnco ‘ iogo loft!) tboaftont of tbeiozooano ¢o'mmono.in this pg 2: font {Baruamont natfcmblco. that? if any porron ogaporfons lobattoeber having one boneiiaj, with care of routes iobitbor mtentatioe, oznot pzorentntito ofmbatyoorrly nalneffoetmr the {am he ,ooo aim tbofirft nag 0f‘Apr'1ll1nl}id) man bee in the genre of our 31.02!) anon one tbonfana ft’: bunoroo foztp ano o v tlpoo, atcept ano take any other bonzfiro, with ture of ronles ‘ flan‘ be fnititntta, ano inonaeo. in potfoaionoofo tbs‘ rm, 03 being only pzotentso, oz colltnoo, memo-are {no!tt.‘off»tbo o . . ' amt . J « to J ;,i'CHA:P. é '. . fame b2n1cficc“ibatfi;s.f2: am: 'tm2niafely aftetrucb potfcflion han’.t!jsreof the firit benefit: (ball be aniuugcn in the 31. am in be boiotazib that it flmlbe‘1a1ufau’ tjn eberyiaatron bafaing the 1mtronagz,anbohw{on‘?o3 gift t5zrzof,to pgefenf another zlearkc mm the pgefentce to have the brtmfit ann p3ofit,of the famein 1‘ u:b%.1ii:c ma1meAr%anu%'fa§m as if the incutnbentbanppen 0'; re: fi'g:_f1_‘en ~any_li:et1;eiolleratipnjauiltienzptbcr birpfentatian 0; V 'ai1y%p‘g7obira2‘o';A4t1aufz containci: in tI;refain,”9:afut2:naaein the rain one arm ttnzntiiztb years of istng Henry the eigiyt at. any other a‘ct,§atat_ute, matter; 0;’ thing lnbatroeiaer to the tons trarytbcreof in any mifenotmitbfianuing. Embfbatztvery { tin-cnce,toll-.~/mtion, famltieyoz. oiber nifpenfaticm hereafter to ' bee obtainen rontrary to this "act of lnbafuamc 03 names, qualittc oz qualities taefiertbe fame he,11I;alI;be—VuttcrIyfioin, mm of non effect. Etna bee it fmfljer enact‘eUfig?;ifije "%1ut‘fjfo~g&f’tyi fifoznfcgiil, thaiem?-t'y~%perfon: 0.?»-§J.tvfons3; of be, be%1vbicg_.:zc11I.1;att; am; p,e1IcIEet13, 3* ..fi2rffie:a«:;';;1;§;1;:gy{g¢ Commendam ‘V , Quali-ficat'ion,V la»; 7 pc;¢‘{_§<fi‘¢7;f;1 luitupurz off%oc;a1:2.s3,; flm1l,_ befa;%e.tb&-. "§a?_qfrA:p"r" Iéitaijitfi 411?!“ *3B»ifttb6’2!.?fir§ 0f:30l4!?;;;ib;01‘D:;d:‘§o§1,.:.,:2.r 7 ",a‘)f‘.‘1jzjné 33.5’? f93“'9§~at1'3.’ ~t%I):=_e2;\: refitcnm: -'ahugvn;§“ "5-‘ ‘-9 " faib bugnefisw, Lana =mlefialfticalhpguziibtiéitli féééfafn V (W mite tine oz maze bezw.fi£z5:V oz: .§£1ttle?IiaiI§gez1I‘é1°53.;@nf'e¢§i;;tfiI ' neg: 9,818, at tbp eleftinzt,‘ ufatbe pnrfdri Io. ‘refr.gning) in tt)e~ % b.‘W33.§:=°.ff119.°2;33i£?&!*2:=of;tbzi1iqc=s:Ee‘iuI;2rc I cIjBcne‘f1'w5,- oz 4' -'?£8.1?f¥fi1Ti£%1t~p3i!§!i§fét§ns fi1a1If!¢23ref112ttibel*12'feituat'eDé§ M‘? 111€&5?_am%£tI£bz1zeziuntoz2p2rrouema :afo3"2fat'ti;?' t1;a:n:‘x1é‘f'”tin‘é’:‘ 1?'31fi§f;i1iP_%l'-8l7.lIlI9>L fl?3°?D,=flW”?EiII1;='upfuclj b2f1efit2‘sen‘;‘ml'es , % fI§Ift_zt<1.l!,é1I_2»£*n.uatéo%ng,% accnzm‘ng;to the .traeinm'(t; %annwme:2¢;' ‘ 11Il!£;-“£19!§§§f.?tbat;thnmal!,ann::e?hcrg’bis‘unhtheir beniFfii;,zfi ‘ _ V f"1Pv.B£§1!%f%€*!I7¢f?"‘i1£-ntnnfinxzg,-toEmbat:natuuesqttalitie i3i:.%t~_#:l’f‘§ ¢ mI!°Hrff°‘“m‘%fbz~;Jame;bc; ‘—tbat:';=tI}e : fain215s2rra1%aT3’4aétfa2i,ér,% ‘ ([0 '?‘~’W3 "EH32 zttefiziefmmsfb;::éfigne,a§JoflIe;’o2.1mitu up b‘efi2"9_‘;i the fiv"if¢ °%19~0‘f Atprii mm fp‘e‘£tfi2D*‘) +maw'be_ paIl1”If-nfi‘ than we atttzally was in ms .as?t'f%fl1‘zsinwnWb¢ut€Xime'=beé:i? % Lmfflfitififi fimfwzfiIany:hflf?r5£lhafiiz;11b1; 653%)’ lCHAP.;e ii)»: metetztee to enioy ehery faeh benefite egehettlefiaiiricali Pzemotxon in manner, eue togme ato;efa;‘e,~ any alt, lalzulras Itute,:17)gninalztemzobifieon,liteme faeeltie, Coltlmmdaxn‘, DMZ P: n Fatl0I15QualliElCati'bn:TolICljati(m; 03 an 1};othei' tht'it‘g, are :33, znatter inhatfoeeiaerlto the tfitrary ixiauylni£e~neti1:ithffaneingr. i 91110 that from me after the firit Day at Aprill above fpeeificn ' all licentee faculties commenb€ims3,uifpel1faiionectallerattune rnntrary to the true intent, anu. meaning : bf thee att L fltall-he ;utterly boil). emu ofnene effect.- Elna beiit 'fz1rtlJet-7’eltacteB by the authogity afezefain, that if aenylieaerfeu tug bitter efanp pa: rill) uthurth lxabzfng cure of foulee mall at any time 0; times after . the rain tirlt may of April-I one thuufanu fie hunegen to}: tie aha thgee, l§_93»pBI'§'U‘lIE£,11y abfent from hietbenefice lnith sure, abohe ten 11.0205 naytee commonly eallenfiutztayee 02. by the t fpace at eightie lna;3ee.to.be. -actampteu at lieherall times in any one yeare ant thereof lalnfullp tonioitteu lump of he the hinge eluurte 3t.WePtminPrcr .02. befe_zet-he auftitee of fitligej oginanp quarter Qetfione laefuge the ;7,;u17tltee of the iaeace, that then arm {rem fi)BlI££fo7.fl) afteefueh éenbictiom the fame patronage aybittarage, lirhereef the party to tow bitten {hell bee then perieft £!f,mi'l1l1.lJB take1t7.neemeh,anna aniungee beine in 3.I.c“llIL am) that 1t {hall-be_lamfull.:fog the patron pf ,et1.e;ep fueh henefite-t'u pgetent -an -other able*ant‘:' meete .pr+rf.on,ae if the intunzlsm-Ir. fa. offenbiug‘ 1:;1er’e httatets l rasllg ‘bean.-;....9%obiuee'alinayee.that no title to collate eepzes rent by lapfe {hall aterueeqznn any emopnanee ebyjfe";'te at thieatttbefegeellfi 1: menthe lwlit-fl&2'l‘7.l1Of'.'?£B effuth avoynérutel given to the pat‘r.o'u,o.f:he fain"benefi.ce.by the sbgbinary ofthe shiotetfe, ’ zubiuen lfl:e1nife.tb8t.tbi5-8“ °f’"°"?139fI'°'9"£8 l {hell not extent; no;.,hre pgezmidall to any fuel) Qpfrftuall perfou- h3ht'cl).nnlu ie ,0‘; hereafter lfhall bee iRreal_Itter ofamg‘ — paxbliflue oz tommon lfiéfittlre i:1;EDib'initie in the '?flnil5er'fitiee *- nf Oxford, ant’: Cambridge, fag maintenante eflxxhith-‘epulxa ” lithe itetture, any parfenage mitherqte, was (at the time of the making otthiepgefent act) applten, um‘teu,o2. ufeu mt: til tome othertuayee ufp2.oln'a‘ou mall bemane emfetl-en to; , fbzf: CHAP.4. ~. (54) p the further maintenanc e of entry the rain lectures to the year: ly balue of one bnnoreo ponnbs by the yearn neg yet to any perfon oz petfotw which that refoztto eitherof the rain bxnibers ~ fitiee to peoceeo Eottoge in ‘<.Dibtnitie.,o2.la1ocibill,foz'fl)3 time of their peoceeoinge ano eretufflts 05 fuib ®8l'm°"‘3» oiIpntationa,or lectnree, mh"cb they are bomb: bytbe 1'68: tutee of the L mniberntiee there to one, foe tbetaio beams to obteyneo not yet to any perfon oz. perfone which thall be oeteyneo by ftcknetlee oz impzifonment, noz. to any Inch ‘Spiritual! perron as fhall happen by fummone to any can: notation of the ®leray.being calleo by legit tmoer the great fieeale of England to bee bonnb in their necettary Eltten: Dance on oz to; that ferbice,lno2. lhallerteno to {rich perfon . oz. perrone, as by iniunction out of the ttourt of Jib ancery oz bythe rpeciallogoer of any cltanrt of fiuttiee, Shall bee tyon to any only oz other nerettary attennance, oz, appearance, to anflnearo the iLa1n outing tuch time only, aefuch cont: mane, oeber. o; iniur-action. thall necetfarily require theirus fnallabtence from their patronage oz hiccarage, tnhere other» ‘mite they Choulo oz ought to reft be. Jae; (hall this actof non: iikefnoence, extent: to any parionaae perpetually app_2op3t'= ate; ihgobioeo liitetoife ano beeit enaeteo that no perton oz perfone, thall incur:-e any penalty in this pzefent act, cons teineo unlefle action t'uite,oz inoicirnent, be contrnenceo as gaintt the offenoer to; fuch nonsiitefioencie loithin the {pace of ttoo yearee nert after the offence thereotcontmittemog. none. iagooioeo that this act as concerning non=1Reftoente (hall not binbe fuch matters of A n rm n CHAP.4;' ‘WM 102 febcrall ann ntftlntt parfonagea, sag. nittaragmoz.” qanztlons attitbcs unto tnbfcb were aunts-nerall pgefcntatie. sons, 03 touations, area; babebzen area‘ to bee mabejt amt, ~ann‘maybz lawful! to ant: to; pgtfon in holy nzncrgtp retains, atcept,anu:r2:ett:c any rucbparfonage, btctat-age, bcingrilzeon parllh pza‘entati=bzl to »the ndiburrb. Elna filalting the cure of faulez. of-on only «congregation. annent unto it, aslihemire any ttnot furl; parfonages, oz blcarsgcsgr “-03 naztlons at tithes, being lntbe like mannerlnnnc palm, ‘am! pmcntattbs to tbzfamc adtburcb, ant! bafifllfi the turn of males, atone only «tong:-cgation. annmzt unto if,fl)t'§ act 02 any artitle. matter; oz. thing therein contalneb 0; any foams . .n; other law 02 lfatute, to the tontrarptbcrcof in any mite not1nz'tbl'tnnnlng an that ~tm'tbout_any tlitente, W .tollemn'nn, facultte, orqnslifltation.0r blfpe.n= rattonzto be .I;an,o'btain2o, cg . * aaroturcu. Q. H _% V . W an , ‘ 4 ' ' .’ - 4,5 I 9 r. ' - - .. ‘ ~ v v: ' . .4 _ . _ . . ___ ‘ __. . 1 H 0 0 , . (av L)”-' . “ ' " *' ~‘-’‘ . 4 \. r * ‘ . . . . I . - - \._.I - 7 . _ lg‘: . ' . "' ‘ v , - ‘ ~- I ‘ I _ D . ., ~ - -' } ii - . :4: .'.~ ' r» N. sh . _ ~ . r«’ »\. . . “~ ‘’ -.' 7:. . 9%‘. " ~ ‘ -'§z=..« ‘ ‘;r..:‘ ‘ I, _,. f’ I ‘,4, ‘. __.‘-:‘._,'J}‘.»r‘ '._‘v__‘~ ~¢ 2 . § .r‘.2 _...,-'_~ :4. ' ‘ ‘. 4"_ ,_ ,' _,‘,, --__ '.‘_-.' ' _’* nn A CI-1AP~ ‘ of zmz wit1f'7y the nPar1=i”am"c’m:—for nt/ye fietliizg of the Gorzzernm ernnaand-Limrzgie of tbe C/2u:rd9,4}zd for {be rvirzdicatingg and clnearing oftbe 7)o£?riné of the Church ‘of England from falfi: a/{Jerfians cmd: mterpretatjzons. , igerzmz amongff the infinite bI2fsingsnof'n§[tmigI)ty- ' (ID 213 9 upon this jfiatiotx nuns is oz can be maze , bears unto nstben the purity of ’our-gfligion, anu . V _ fog that assyct;m~anp-;th’ings remain in :2 iLitnrgic,. 2’Dt.&tpItn2, ann Gfiubcrnmvent of the ‘¢!)m'cb,,\nbicb'bac-mzccfa fmlp require a f urthcr a2w‘mo2.z perfect iiiefogngafiaat than as Zmfibrztb ¥1zene‘attaz'n2n,: fins °in‘1)ere;astba€ us;-3 beam: uecia: rcn ant rerolben by the %ILorm3 am: dtbmmons a£fembIent'n- ibfirlimnent . that tbs: pzzfcnt Qtburcb government by-Eircbai bifbopa , lifiifhnps , their Qlibancellnnrz , atommtramzy, ‘ $880185 , Elbcancss ann cflibaptcrfi , £irsb=§Dcamns. ann: other dficclefiaftfcall gbffims nspenning szpnn the igizrara: £1103 a.. 83 chill amt iqfflg offenfibc, antr‘bur,tbcnfam_e to fl7t‘é‘n7»-nnn iliingz-= €HAr-%4- % ~ (573 . % _iit_'ttgnomc,a gz-gat 1‘mp2_bt'm_ent~ta Jkefazmation ants gznlnfb - at Religiafigéna vary pzeiunit-fall to the ftate attmgabernment ‘aftI1is§3in‘gu_mn2;annt!n:t flJ£t'Bf0zz.if)'3P9;I'91l'9f°W?°fb&fHIE fame. that! lie takmainaylanb that%fucb£a‘£€0’39l‘1?m¢|1i=fi3’&ll be fetlénifn the aburnb: as may'be»:1za‘1t=agz.eeah!e to .<1Bnma bnlp ‘,W1o20,.a'unnm1I aptto pgocureannLp32'fcr.m>. the.,pear.e_,oftbz %[ , %¢‘I;urcg)3 tI),uugbt,.£t't aim nctcfiergtu call amt: Jzmblg oiiearnep-goplg arxniubiciousmibixtbs, to cunfuif amfa ‘anvnmofhfiltb .:-1n;at,te.w.ai$1D' tbimzs» toucbiugxthsz meméfes as T flail B2: prnpfiteb '§m,tu+tb.2m11Bp‘vbntb 03 Bifbfir Ofifbc igoufeii ‘of ;_Barlia:i12_nt,.a_nn m.gme= theft anitite am: counrél tbs:-em to b‘ott;.og, gitber qt. sag (gin: ¥3ou~fcVs;1nb»:n am: as often as may L 315‘g_it.._{1)er " e',re%utact2_n by? the ailiiugz muff ¢:)$£C_lIen't s'g3a= mtg, ant: fbéiozbs a_nn* aommons in.tbt'és pgetenfiaarlias mzitt atiemblcng that all ~ann»'21my the patrons: 19é're_aftcr~iit~ . this pgetentflct némzbv fihfitt';3__to raga. ? ~ ‘ \@.Her6ert Palmer of AaaLwe11,a;5%.§D;0zw;r Bole: cfSutton,1'B. 915:3},-virf 317175}-.fi:n 25. ‘itf4®~ihfnify,0f?Waddcfdon,« Thoma: _'Ualentine }j5%atc_b2lo:,;in §DI'bt',:_1ity," of C-halfont«G1Ics, gfp, M13. _ $;'9.'Wi/l—Ra}m.r Of. Egham, Hrzm_é.z/1’ _Ci.mjp;é8'f6f;Manzgan,@. Iafper of Lawrrck , Ia/km: Horl: in Qiuinitp, $3, M’i1l}Bri£g"e:,’ ‘71JOL?'91,,@-_5‘F’3"£7‘¥_‘¢’:_l_1gl2:*_Q_§__E.1_l_C.f: Worth in Wbinity, £19. 3ZV2%ema.r{ Ggflwih bf London‘, A ' J95” _Le,]% Of Budworth in Chcflaeirc, 9'-9'f7~'55‘.* C4,’: Dfi Lrm=i'<:r%’:', £79. 70!»: Ppze of'Bccrcforrcrs,.fl§.Wbiddon of Morcton, Eortqr 3&9/94?.‘d_L0’v¢’ rat Eéjngtan , Enact, Will. Gouggflf Black-_h*yairs :‘ London, §DOCI..R 41175 3710?-‘?¢U'gj?.5i_lI.)gp_9f Excccr, IE-0€1'..S‘a\m, é ‘7’¢’¢le 0f.Compton, Stephen (Mar 111/ of F‘i1ChidgF‘fl5, 0.55494/9 Seqigewick Qf Cogfhall, éirter, ‘Peter /ark: °fCamaby, 6.21:? of Fftmgton, $'Ic?}.«I4’i1.'I):z'nn::§efif 4 - ’ $ 2 Col-141101;, § % W4'J€;9a.ficro‘E.Sid1ncy,dliollebge, Iolm Wfifg-of Dmbem-rt, ’ ~ (53) CHAP.y',. €oldafidn,£@=.TI.)upb.'B‘a:lmr/1 at? O‘vcrton"Wa cc-rviI,@». PM. gfije of Kymboltop, End; B70: “ctfmitbof Barkway, Edit; % gefiklxu» Zfgrg: 31??‘ Watfordfim a n Green: of Pcncombc, S:-aml¢;?Gawzr of Brampton Bryan , £9. Fm-mrit Tag; OE fiY01dingc,@,‘,T6on.m: Wilfon of Ocham, Ant/1037 Ttlcérrcy of @; -~ Bo{’ton,115r?®..T/ao'.Calnnan of Bliton,q9. C/Mrle: Herleaof wiflc )wick,R_%ic/1. He-rriokof Manchcf?cr,£'§).R:'ch. Clepan of Showcl, QB’. Geofgt ,D'f Aylcfion . EDGE} C 4156}; ggggngfi Hackney, Iefemia/J 'Bprrougl.v:: of Stcpncy ,' 99. Edmund Cg; Iamy Xfiatrbelog in Bdibinfty, 919. ~(?eorg: Wdflrr, 11588521022 " in Eibinttgnm. lofipb C_"g__r_gg/l0fJLlltt9lne23‘flnfl¢, 9}. Lazar»: FDfL'ond. 5q§__r_Ig_a_¢h, 90£1'.f’o/nrlfarric Wuhan of flfihltbeflel“. czollebge, gear a /l’{ig_7'_L} of MiIdéhhIl,£@;Ed;7.‘1?rZ;_a3lu':A’ of Branflon , Q}. T 022:4: Hi/1 iaarronot Tytchmatcb , End; Rahr: .S’a§u«r/Ir/on Of Booth5; Pamcl; @. 1-/05» I"g_x_z;_r'4fiDfIGo- .. . ’ cfiam, Idtbon O5 Marskcflg In/I. Carter of London 9;}. ~7_72o»:4{%V_7'_/2,q_§o‘g/2gogd_9f Ma flingha m, $’§:3.Iolm Arrawfimitbe flf Lyn, Q. Roéert Harri: Of Hlliwcn, figm, Raj_g_rjt7C'roflZ*% 7 Of Lincoln: CoH.0x'on 113. fn'nibinity; j lam fin!) }I5ilI)ap of Armagh,§D*oct.<.»Wt4tl:i3a: S'_g_i_l_é_; of’Saint* ‘ Geo- Ealfchcap London, Q3). sang. Gi_£@_n_ofBurIcy, % Q). Igrezzz. .fi'b_§_:_g_o're of Sticton, £D.Edr2:3md.S'tanton at‘ Kikgfion ,m‘.‘D.»‘.'}ziel’ feat! of Lambcth, Fr{m;i‘.g: Coke of Yexball , lob» La'g§;fgg;,_g,E_ my , $3). Ed, Corbet '0f Mcrton azolé. Oxon; Lsp. ._f4mqe1" y, H6/dafbam of Wcflfclton- ,. [aim Lmtg/tj of’ Wcfludcrlcy 2 C}3"U0pb€r'Tef1411e (If Vphusbomc . £’§9;Tlaa. Tom: at Stow- matkct‘, 70/.m P/vi//::p'.r ‘Of Wfcntliélm. £9-.Hu%mp :77 C bam- _ ‘"1 0f'C13V€ft0fl $5.9. @2191»: Comm‘ Otlymington 1l5".§D'- @- Hmr H07 Of Norwich $.®. £19}. Hen,F'futton QQEUBF 9115:” €W73¢#ddt' 0f’Colingbornc,Tl..zb. 25’-a/I} bf Manin1’3F°T d Bruce,£3f}.Bexjanu'»: Picfering 0fEaHhoat].:_{}': Hem‘; Ne] Cla pf_um,£’y. Art/Mr S4/Zawafof Severn Hokc.€@ .S'}c{r(§_§__/2r.$’]_'ra_V_EAf- . — % j f'M"0-c Lund. Ant/20»; Burgefle of Sutton in Coldficld, flfio K51’/3 W251 Of Cancot. W’:/. Green/75/I of Stepncy, £@‘);Wil- Mama» of N"cwcani‘c, 99. Rich. By;/(Icy , 22> . ream rmpze ’ Of BattcrIcy,S;9. -IQ/;f1'{_¢¥é£(It‘noLufnbf]ffi‘.|‘CCw , N1'c6a/fm, , - , M; 1} CM!-so _ _ ( 59) t $9. T/:o_.gg:.t!aker of R otIaerI2i:la,1kB,§D.9§.I4 rm: Weld; of Sxlatc mm. cimytaplm Pa/Zlqeof Rawardcn, Hem} L Tom :15. $. Wit. .S’p;crfi§_w of H ampdcn in Buck: . Vt $.' Francis C_/7ggg;2g¢l__ bfoxon, @.Ed.‘£Ili:ot Guisfcild 11B.§D.EDoct. Iabznliggggttof Saint And!-cw; Holbomg, @, Samuel de la ‘Place , Q9 10/»: de la c/‘Warcb;E0e€t.T?'?0'£1!.!‘§9a2y‘e:‘ofStayncs , eta. m'1,L,fm1. Of Shcrhomc in the aounfio of Dorcheflcr , Q9. Caner of Demon tn tberntountte’of'115uthingbam,€{3. William Lance of Harrow in the tfilotmtte of Middclicx, @. T/zamaeflodgex of Kenfington ‘gin Middclfcx , 99. /11,!/V6“-' P571105 Vvllby in fl)? fltountte of Northbampton.!Wi/2b,.Wr/Ifivlé 9.§.*§':.133FFh°t“P¢,Y"’ the 9228f Londo|!;$.0fBr1flow, ED. H037} H_§_I_9_7_J_7I_{0fld'0f P91‘ finurfi Kent, Q ;Ni:bal‘a': Prophet‘ ‘of Marlcburr_ougF'In V_V1lrs, 59. Pm: S{t_2_'_9_’1 of London, 99. Ialm Eric If Blfhopflon m it): €E0ul1iiB0f.Wi1ta,€@,Gi5£en of Waltbam. ,fl‘nbefu£'f) tpfltbecv petton aun pevrono as that! be ‘nomtnateo ano appomteo by iottihoutes otiaarltament ozjto mangottbem as than not bee letteo1bp,*ficknet!e;oz12l,nDL’ be it#f¢a*t%bev‘enaccen«b;2 the-atdlreiffé afa2,2f&in,t{)atWj1i“iam Twifl Eoaozin @%i1ainityfhal1.1it_‘izz , the <1‘;bainz as Qponeratuz nf the lath alrembgaann-if ye happen ‘ to uiszxmbe latten by fizkm:tIe%%n;.at?ber-; ltfifieffifilfgjiifiilefiiiflfiflfg %- - than rm; new pzrfon{t,;4:a baappuftxten tn bin placeamilaauabea figzzros by bgt13—;tb_3faéB flgoufezs of ifiar¥t'ammt:.:: Elmawim-s1'e’ K any céffcrcncz of opinion f,£1allLI)appett':arnat17g.IE; the fat'n1Jer‘- } fans fa affemblz-n..tny:bz'ng any thzmat=t2rz.t1)at'fl)a1lbe pp)’. % patents t{1em*%§5ca§92£fgi3,tI)a£.th3z,1z*.1:l;;=9:.fl1all.=rtp2,zfént the ~ ' tagetlm1uitb;tbenrza£ql:ts:,¢bér:aat%tnmuyaiwsittgemmja rain h_oufzs5 refpeafneuntoatbe.znMucit»€&rtI{er :qi:eaz'b1n _ be gibzntberzinaafhallhe r2qm'f:';ein;tb'ett.babaIfé.L 2Inn’b]z I ' it further enactzn hy the autboritpafageiain ,fl)at yfdza tIje:~:Aciya"r; gas .ann sm22.xzfJ2.s;c:’£7£a£I) 92nfon3.a:iu:;2b2rg;a£;tiga:uin .Taftizn; isangxtl;-:4t;s;ib. fem'mti1ex'e-.1hallbmuomeatmtd wag.m;mm% % that; {ball to atmr. ;Mfng'£bethuenEmbeinfa1mattzi1na:1ce:: ‘Q fa; ten Bayes bziomana ten gagmaftcri, tbafummz owatzrc fi1fl1ingsfo:,e’n2ry~bag}at fl)2.€1Dh&1‘g£.§i0f the .<1t.o_mmou=mcaItl1; atgxcb jtime am mtach manner ae,;uy~hdwr°9w ‘ an nt.;t1;altb_e appoitiiem Emu» bt{l't§"-fIlEtI1Bl'. cnafleu ztlyatpall aimcbcry tba; faiIwerfmw.: In aa.aEnzetaiu_ requirén ann shiny: net: to-meszte am: atfcmhlé‘, fhallfbe men mm acquitt2n,of'at1a — Wm 91*“? 0fiemzsiforfeitwafienaltizglo(re,o2.Damage, btct; ' lhalloz. iusmg asiteao2at52oms?hy‘rvea£nu at any uonretinem: mg abfeutc nfrtbem oz any. ufthemfrpm. his ng, their oz. any uftbeit’ Gilluribafittjurtlyeszuz