A N D ’ 4 Exhibited id Parliamcnc againfl: D0610: Haywood; late Chaplcn to the Bifliop H ofCAHTERBua1m ~ “By thc‘Parifhioncrs of S. Qileriu the Fields... Witlu fome confiderable circurnfizances A (worth pb- . M ferv ing) in the Hearing of the Bufineflé before the grand Committcefor Religion, and: ¢ of his demeanour fincc. I./’0ndOTl pfintefi. 4.41: A N D ’ 4 Exhibited id Parliamcnc againfl: D0610: Haywood; late Chaplcn to the Bifliop H ofCAHTERBua1m ~ “By thc‘Parifhioncrs of S. Qileriu the Fields... Witlu fome confiderable circurnfizances A (worth pb- . M ferv ing) in the Hearing of the Bufineflé before the grand Committcefor Religion, and: ¢ of his demeanour fincc. I./’0ndOTl pfintefi. 4.41: § VI‘ “tn . it t¢e" C’ tee¢¢tt'tttttttttettteittt it t :2, :2; ...”“"“ ta: ., W‘ at ‘J . VII; '6 —*‘$’'4 fI'EiiZEiHC)PQCC)iV7iEi_E&]5CL¢IE,% the Knights,C1t1zens , and Burgefl. Fcs t}fti1eComm"ons Houfe in Parliament‘ the humble Petition of divers oftlize B-arifhio- i e nets, ofthe Parifh of Saint Gym in the fields, f in the Cesunty 0fMiddleiex- E Mofibiu59zbly/Ziéwetb, V A - ‘ A A HAT we live uncier theVpai’cora11;’ .=»« -V 3., -=~* 3?; I charge 0F one _ I.’Vz'lii4m"Hgwooa' Doétor of D1v1p1ty ,j who hath e _ «.., = lately -publiflled In iundry Sermons “' " " , ' ~ ‘ A by him preached in his Pariih % ‘ ‘ Church moi’: damnable anti errow : 9+ 1» "“ niqus Doflrines}, fi111 ofgmfle Po-= ' t rpiflrterteents. And Whiieft hcwas Houfe Chaplaine to the Archbifhop of Canterbury , edidi ficgnce 3 Bggke IntitUl€Ci,' Ifltradnflian M 43 d¢“U0.llt-‘ Lzfir, containing the like I?opii_i1 Doétrines? ‘all. tending to the drawing away and feducmg ofthe : reipeéhve Rea-~ derf and Heaters from the true Orthodox faith,and to the upholding and advancing of the Popiihf Religion ,, whofe .pra&ife in Church difcipline , is fupcfifitious and_ Idpla- r ‘ trons ; manifefied by Pctange anticke Jeftures of crxngmge bowings; sbtyfufm 7 and ‘ approvirig fofmany Antique-= i erxiifratiotz. V tedpbfo1ettrtandttPopi~; 3 Ceremfinieé :5 in the Admiw Iii‘ (=3 ~niRratihn of the holy Sacrament oft.-he 1}ord.9SugH3ez:,,A .and; it: other holy duties : Contrary tn: the Lewes the t abliflted. Within this Rtealtne, -in whofe I?ari[fltwChur(:h5;af'c:§réfaid;,; M atefetttuph Crucifixes; and fiiivers h¥1‘x!.a(,%e?s~s>fhS.a111ts,, t;éut:1? likewife Organs,with ojther cdnfufe A Mxfiieke hindering j devotion, are maintainedto the great and. neehdleffe charge ofthe Patiflt. The particulars are "contained in a Scedule annexed,‘ all tending to the great tdifhonourtof’ 00¢, the violation ofhis holy truth ,h to the abuie of his hm}; Orditw”;ncés,fto the ut::et‘fJbvetfio.;1 and overthrow A of thi? true Religitm eftahliflaed , to M the unfpeakeable __,ie£e“~of' /Jouttheattsd, who defire onejy-tto ferve the % Lord according tothe rule laid downe mhisholy Word, and who are hereby: forced agaitnfi; Gui‘ to f€€k_e_O;,1t the fincefe {firing ttufih hivn %oL"1tft~ 1j16ighbo’uti11gh‘ Churches; , not ‘being able to heate; ha‘ndi11*cur cotuizziences not dating to Joynein fuchldolatrous Wotfhip, all which we are rea» cly to make good, as this Honourable Aflexnbly {hall ap-.h And therefetee»vetd9e»tmo& humbly Pray thati-his A '91-Ionoutable Avtifegrghly will take iucha eoutfe fbtt re_m;ture of humane elnveh-« . M . +6sndhW€#1ia1l:ptay»«?::¢~t .;5i;.;y;y;évfté5rchi;22z:2+t;3h!4zt:;’3rrarit0w;4APa;zgé7as:Qhfiigjingxh , 3 ,u5-mi:e4ttt2»:7s;¢. Pa:rz¥}2:C£r4rcbhgfi;94ig%-(3y1esw ._ V: Aitsexiwfiaidxgatfitxrra/Irzime.m9] i A A ' 'Ha”ywGQd,Diac7¢:r af«Dm';:1:r;~. 3 ‘4 M. -V /t t he — k , ‘ 3' 5;, 5 gfiirmed thzlitfa Miniflzet: pfowert ffi.I1.a.it::3 V t ‘and retainefiflnesgand;:fibted%e¢1arative1y;A;? ortimlf. ‘ A nxftemflly. ni&eti:a11x.€za1¢1Maa&.;£h,¢.faisi)r V0 .i<‘:_» &.Wfi;2§iLd.%havc;it, but my . ally 3h£@¥!¥§§E1}§ ~+¢§&lldif9$?%:B§?9£§‘.:WL1§§r¢Qrfj he cit"¢¢1;4.14l;oYah¢4 2 J3“ ~ 120‘ "‘ we ~ dam N» wwdl ‘ at 13 M "V ‘“ ‘‘W'‘"‘~“‘‘'‘‘‘' "4 V * 4% - * v = s:;: : '~rr*»+.:::;sA A .;::i;«f;» ;. 2“ W =’m,;;H;_7,,, A33” __ M A, M _ < § 1' V. =:. a .1” is ::-2:~,.-Ififia 3f3.5.1im§.d;t§; at xiliauiii £1153 1;1fatur,a1;£%fi:go11ditio1i’ .~ is ~th,§f?-Q1‘ £333. A’ \vg:>v,1L_1gk:c1;§c>11§*;l§’f;. am but .11a1fc;dead,“ : xV.hi§h 1i31:%'C_iawc;h§3€if ,the_1 1hV'€“i1th%V&'0ft%] L?.1'1C lafi: paft, ion the . - Sabbath c~ mim ‘r "ts AA wa-s;‘r« ziq£z3§g4¢M.}‘:iA§g1§;l¢x;uf@g¢2€¢gr7a £;;4&~ ’4'?7t:r.té¢'I?*Z7%%%;» awdflrli ?.v¢mA&xz,:g§if-;—¥¢»z,;¢¢;.-, ‘ ‘ “ 4» L‘ V ,. . /99??! €59%;¥V%..;’§§2i15f?.:§'2§t ;4?1'd wj3¢n'/déd btrA4;;éwA;;';§g'2-p22yf:e';*i; Lcavzizg h11n1¢1a1Fe%i,dc:ad4;%. % =1: ~ ‘ ~ ~ I I I. .. 4413A aEVfi;nI1cd4 ?th¢.Vi1'gi1a M.zr}r.w.as: ff; eT.¢frc$1;1_1,l a11<3t 4;: Wit»h1gL1tAaz1y4;11@rtexA1l fin::ms,wJ1i1cAh hvepr%ea¢he;i. 1at§*ly qr} a 4. H£?;af§riiJ€.dc.11at Cgnfcflioimxd. V.I’;1"i飑t%.pf:o1m A Cu1:;==1fr:fiI18a=,tS:> wry 11cc ¢;flany»§c>.g.n11&.&fn>x:gi:vx:.mt.fi§ eqcof Min egpmud L: §fl.fZ§:4.1,e % 1. cjflm Mb M: M" l5’§’§15 F1/I’ gefnazri ,,;z>/9.25: t» ; thE&12i~:t:hf€:§i*;\?V'h.€5i€11d.;.§1Qt do i§t,=.‘&VC1‘.;f:,,ggi1r}?»dfi::ix;@t§asI:;fine;%C,z¢;w %mfléwA343-m's§§1a.4cigrl}¢3zA.be%§QV:11ot;cd.J“, % . ,. , 4 Wk 2. I , u H ,. ‘ “. ax ‘ ‘ ‘* “ 'A1u..u\.l»‘ ‘m. M M a % 1:’%24*-?rté‘€%;?'!«’Z;%%%7{«§§?$7.,!9.§.*wIFe!;1,t;’:' .,;l7'§., D,rA;;.;g¢g19g;«c.:ai»1grMi::c3;c~’v:r;; 7:. I _ X‘ ' _w , % f’ci1y.m11;ii*irfpirit to:rh,(:u;§3ro£I1:mfI:ou1rfiléfleui ‘ Saviour jefus, imagining thou fee%ftgh_im -hai;gi;,ng; thegfgoxx »b€§Q‘Ix7e Itn;y"?‘£‘a¢\Q‘V,j'_‘.fl11&‘£imbrag‘~fi\‘\,. as itf,W.t?11¢'5,tf1f2 tom cf the Gtofljc: §hy;.k1ge.es;;}ayihg 1'1(‘31C*...«liii3O!1‘;.it4€lS".l}PQil'1;~fiIZ'iI H 6$fl~u§%@d¢V?§2a;1€i?t4uary, ;mg:,5%9:?x%; 6j!Mp;~7. : < 2 h_ea;fmt1ier.t§m‘cs with cqkporau .—ge{h1;x'.<1:s : 65 dcmt1,,pn,pmftrat1x1g thyfglfkupwxu the grouxadgj V laying thy. armcs a crQfi@;bcforethyhbre:;fi:,$aw=im7bra¢i11g.V_his.. A V .Vth?Q‘a;rt»A®mitfid§lone in fbmg %i"c:gc1:¢:-t: :C1ofetgm?%”a;41V459'.£2JoéL§9 Imagfia Whi‘-‘h Exterfioizr Ar?cs are onely. m b-egI?§deiwh‘en+ %A3 %L &3By.' ‘S?’ By neceffaty ohediencee 7thou- oh ey thyfitclefieffié 5‘ 7 call fupetiout theefupreme head of Chrifis Church; Alfot i A Arch-biihops,B.iihops,P;a{tors,and fiW1ch~aa are theirDep_tj.-A ti_es,Thou muit obey thy Qivill Superiours,to wit_,the Prin- t ’ces~and Magifirates, but everrin thathtwhjeht‘ hevhatthf charge over us; As in that which belongsto Civi11Po1icy,ahd pub- ‘ o like affitirs, we mufi obey our PI‘ir,,1C€7 ; Our Pr-elate in that F which belongs‘ toEcc1efiaffrica11I1atters,p.3 6533 6 -33 9.6‘. 11;. e h ,4. Call to thetSaint.s= of *heaven, our tbleifedlady, thy A good Angelhand the refirofthet Saints to whom thou" hafi an efpeciall devotiomto keepe thee-in the way to heaven, f Page 69 1 . Pray for the whole Church offiod, employing and imploringfiothat end the intereeflion ofour bleifed lady, [’_.3xge_ 3.149. ‘hen thou'co1n_mefi1hefbI'e thy fpirjfuafl ‘ guide,in1agine thy feife to be on Mount Calvaryfltneefing‘ right under the Fe et of] efus Chriit ctucifiedficc. Peg. 1 om A . 5 An exam‘ le of the pracftife of good thoughts, by ~S.,dzzfe-lm.-Arch ifhop of#Cant«erbury;aLeveret Pcztrted and fjretpreffed byshouxmdgastthisefholy P.re1‘gttet Went ontwjourwi hey, rathtunderjhis home, as to thelhe{t”p1ace of'refi1g‘e;..that: the ixmninent danger ofdeath fuggePced,barking and brag... ; ging roundabout, durf’cnot“ prefume to violate the San-» étuary,to which their pray had taken recour1e,P.«18g, 1 84. 1 6% Examples of good and courage of Saint .t Frmzcxér ,and«Saint gem: ,’ who feelingthegreat ttemptatti—- ons of the flefh which they fjfferegl, the one"caPc himfelfe A mktedt into the thotnes, andthe other e into the Show to mitigatfl T-‘l}eCi1},_P.agc 5 714» M “ A h I On. if t£;erttame.t 1:‘ s thattirtim erfe&i913s$f3é11g[ffyehiédl V A4 fi1'2S_-5dO‘C1'10f t31ktot“ffd'muS the lifeto ;g1;ace5'f'or that;-is’ ?11JéhV€;i;~l' A ; _,fiW, r‘. , '. u«4'{‘*.m .‘,..~.; .,.“‘. V‘: a‘‘-«' 3'; " ". M, V :.,3_h ‘lrwiseema fi?1‘11:1ew( 111yth.P1fi1oMaemt9=‘tto.t te»te1hfomeM 101’: bufby deadly”fin.The onely care then thattr’e1nainf. our ce- ;;1;:-P;ia1lAfo0d,=that»~fo;hmniay. nouriih. omojfoules, : A and inakcihisintri&1feca11.(aBo%dVcf for fiver _witAhin the hearts i And. bodies ofhis fihithfufl iE:rx'Aa13t5: Rage 230- , % V A - "A 11 j AS:for%Ab.odiIy«difeafes,none.%are 1awi?ul1Aixnpedi1nents; A 3AA A from participatingof7this;1o1yASactaxnentsfitve Q11f61§7thofc . which p'ro‘vo1.f:fih€. L91‘dS3%11p-‘ .;.: ; Tp?ef;i11the Pari1hV:Church:;ofUSain1:G)£:3‘~Aaf0Arefaid:? VA Th*e“faiTd Chu‘rch'isdivided?i11toAzhré:eA4wp2£rts.»=é the San. M I flaw Saxfifoiiambeing one Qfthemf, is fe;pAarg;te.d;fro1n the &m_Clh;mc*el1 byzzlarfgmej. Scre e111c.§:,in% the 'figu_r_e _of ]'«,L bcauxifull .‘Gra;a*5i1‘1Nvhifch§iSA carv;séii;twQA;a§'ge-pilfigarsaé. fAhf¢A¢_.1arge .:i“t’a”tg£s‘*.:>A :thAeAon2e[ ‘fidcA;A WithAA%hi&fW‘E9¥d;J% W txhfi :ot”her: Barwahéta with his~AABooke, -;:1x1d‘maér;:h_emV Pm‘;-«»_with A hisfKcyes,they:are%.fetWabQYew1‘£:h winged. Cembixns, and % .Abcnearh.{upApor,t~ed 4wivthMLi.ons.,: V , S A 1 ’= 7;; fimzven Ur#§ightAfom:AW1 hin:chis,h;o1y %p1;éici(:»is;a+r{a%ifi11gvby A % ;?<:§vt1'11;cIt2ift¢ps,*gmd fio1n~;the1i£@.;’a1Q11g rfalllfi from m1¢A%%A%W;a1l t0 V: M ;:t:t1c:;t%k>uhVc7r;.i;ntc5 which place _11o1ieemuvftenfer:b£1t t,he‘;Priefi:s and~tlme;Subdeacor1's,. this place is covCr€‘d Abc;f,:p r¢W_~th_;:M A1- A ~- «~.?’.tar wimhrafiixre; wrought: Carpet ,the A1tg}:_ dothfcatld clofe V ;«t9»;fhc;wa£l12ox;1&:hc:Ea£?’cfi.ds::sE:.«and@&fiskfi; Aupafl , V A 1 ‘ “A: AA H ‘ . hat: ::tctég*rn~FesA::-af’A§éak?tv«a.r1#Ice111’e3:fti§5l<.ri;2is.§’ efle§k*e§;‘ is A Advm1‘ai*d?ws;it”11#a:hc5:s’rzér:i1:g,% ;A8£:+A%Pg;§pA1aE,xze1vet ;i'§‘iv3hich élifith a greyat gcyld and fglke fring¢:mt:g3!.n1gi=£~;b®fm'tjg?§;11c1iVV‘6I15 tahisiflfisk é”d*tnv<5A3”greVa"nBApd1<:e;s wirmgAht%1>vivh?ne'edké vigorke, V? in which are mad_e the: pi-fturfe:_3 of Chfiff and‘AA%r?he’ Virgin A"uv11!~1‘>~_—*4y €fhrif3:%éi?:1htczr:ér‘rne.é3AA.«4;aii1dthefeAar=“d laced on utsaéhiiaié ‘bf7t!11e‘D»es&e,?A1’1d;c:>1i1‘thi3-IA1tar Jaflis dou 1eco've-- ' r:ing,V'o1ie of7Tape1}ry, sand up§311~at%ha::A an long%% fine; ?Lawne Vc1d':h,wiA;!h,:;i;v airy .1%ici11 Bione-A-1a%ce.; The Awalls A-are ¢~hanged .%f:Ac>umiAs;vit111i.n t.hm;ijayle, :2 ;wj§t11%+I:1ue° :.fiike.=fVTafr“ata: Cimrtain%'es. *;;.I:i1~'1f3:1'd5€a»:t”EiffiIdu1‘fA0kr;w'as Prirutj-* i.ng,th€ Printer fleeing fuch’grb£Te Pope-"ryi11tit,co1n1;t1a11ded A his Workman to Pceiy this hand 7' till hee ijaoke with thee Liei cencem {is he tooke his Correftor of his Warke , . (. being a~Maf’cer tofArts)t‘wit;hhim_.,.- and fhewed L the Doétor di-' ' V 'g(e]:3 Popiih pafl%1ges‘i11the Botpke, 121)’-i11g_ he idurit Wnotii Print ityaskirug him if he had not overfiipt the reading of them. Hjee. looked on rhofe they fhewed , and gave the I Printer erdet togoe on with the Booke, he would _juf’ci»~* fieit,“ and ‘Would r preach the fa111C..b:€f0I'€' the King his Maiter N (thee being xiow his aj'eiiieS>Chap1e11 preferred theretoiby Cas£itrtzf5Wr}<)i It was proved (the book being cal:-'*" V ledrin by warrant, r&c,)th the Prinfer troub1e.d;andput into} the‘, Purfivants hane.e,threamed with~tStarre-ehambers except heewould deliver up the originall Cgpybygwhichs he printethwhich he refuied to doe, for that it is ‘ever their he tistepe :sm‘igina1sJDy_ thermh;fhr§terL"‘": ireoéwrme iafe-~‘ g_uards- ‘ guards if they fhould be quefiioned, to fhewthe Licence, A &c. But atlength hee by hpromifes and threats; was conflrained to deliver up the Copy wherein the L1- cence was Witten by t the Doétours owne hand. Which being got, the Doflour or others for him ctid pro-A _ teeéure a Proclamatxon to bee “fer out, wherein 1t was decla-~ iredthat the Pr:1n:er_tand the Authour had confpired, and had put in ali the Paper}? after it was llcenfed, therPr1nter b.ein7g then difabled. to prove the contrary; ;At the hearing of the hufineffe before the Coxnrnitteeg the lDoe.f"rour was asked in what places ‘1t—.W8.-S alteredfi-om that he licenced. Hee aniwered, m Page 69:. Art1c1e’4; He alloweditto bee read, (mi Aw m:m» z/a;;$m-2.: -0}‘ rum; ‘Um, cm. "and the Prmter had left am‘ the Word 5%{i:ém’e~'." but what Ptuffe it is fo read waeébierved then by the CO1n111i_p.. tee. A. A A 1 A AA A A I It was proved that a, Parifhioner of-his being :fed1:,1ced7h to Popery A by a Romifh Prieite and othersytheeht De-flour“ %vcra.s intreated to ed_111o11i1h and rechiitnetherr : ; atzdthoughih hee had beene fohcxted. three or foure,fevera1i*t11nes, yet he refi1ied,a1thoughhe- came to the ue.:>tt doore (to dinner) where fhee dwelt :e her husband hem fornewhat im.-at T portunate the lair time to have him trcori Metre ' with his fem h duced wife, hee was Avery angry with hirngerxd W1.fh“ed' him not to trouble him. A Another woman being perverted, her husband get her A‘ T to gee to the Deofiourg hopzng In his ecouncell and reafons, to havetreclainiedrher: mftea Awhereofgrhee confirmed . her, in frying; that Salvatien might bee had in the Church of Iiamr.'~-: which though it were, true was very unieafon-== ablyafpokext, and flrewed that hee had. norgreatdefre Ihee ghould. returns-he ' A 1 A A A A. AA A A A A *1-Ieh'ath caufed. the Trétffiutidn robe readandtakehh1Ah A that r t ( 9) . that ridiculous, abfurd, and difdainfixll inanrier, with much fcorne and jeering, that the Parifhioners that are [forward and well afFet’cied to that jufk and pious aét become the {come and laughter of their neighbour Papilts, and to di- vers of the Veftry, his Creatures, of whom none -hath taken it as Parifhioner, norlone word faid toencourage l others to take it in Pulpitor elfe where, but much to the contrary. ' Many otherthings as bad as thefe could have been: proved, but What was already heard, appeared fufflcient l caufe for his removall, which this Honourable Affernhly Without all quefiion will doe, when tl1ofe other weighty Aflaires of more generall concernment are fetled, efpeci- ally in regard he doth {till perfilt in his old tnanner not new forming any conliderable thing 5}’ his. Atar "llands deckt continually, week-—-dayes and all, “and mewed up within . tl_*1_eScreene and Rayles as before : fome of the Parifhio- nets defiring to receive the Sacramentlin theit'.Pewes, were denied it and fem: awa withoutit, andhee foreeth a _ all to come up to the Rayles ‘ll as before. In divers of his Sermons fince the hearing of his bufineffe, hee hath with much bitterneffe inveighed againlt the Petitioners, and at thofe that goe from their owne Farilh Church, altho 11 bee hath f0 Weake avoice that hee cannot be heard byt e one halfe of thofe that come to "Church. . _ All the Premifes well knowneg, and ferioufly confider-‘ t ed, there can no reafon be given by anywell afi‘e¢ H éted Proteftant to defire his continuance.“ at I.7xgI"s.