‘ ‘ - ‘ . - ‘ ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ ~';H* mi" ;.:,‘ " r \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,, H " ‘ , ‘ 1‘ ‘m ‘ "‘ I .‘ ‘ " ' ‘ 4!. ‘ L L- ' ‘ a1~‘W'IH“‘ “W “ ‘ , , u.- -u , .-. . rm .., H ....m.‘.‘ . an ‘ MIVIIV . W. ‘ . . ‘ ‘.~.R~ um um. - -‘ M M “ w- M “ mm‘ '-" ' "Y" ' ' 1" M _.‘. ‘ "' ‘ "' P‘ 4 ' \ \ ‘ ‘ “ ’ ‘ -- ‘ I’ _ ‘m ‘. ‘ « ‘ _ .« rm ‘ ‘w ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘- . ‘ _ ’ ‘ ‘ V ~- A,‘ 2 ‘ n _ ' ‘ ' “ J K "" »' ‘ ‘ V - ‘ W 1 ‘ ‘ N am . ‘ -V m. ;_ ‘ . ‘ ‘A I . 4 . ' V “ ‘ , '- '4 M ‘ ' ~ ’ ‘ ml‘. 3 " D . y < . * m=m? '4:/291: iihzki 1147): mi’: (fire, /etVV“/»,ui#.¢ I/'c.7zre. Hcwt/mt A/éad:zbV~i#tbw%CJptivA5 N, 4]! ~_ Herc i.r tA?c I’atimcc, ;m;2/1‘/Je Faith cftbé S.m’m'.cj.< _ awe xvi;/}¢m4fl:t2.r rm; 1» fldgiiin &o¢:7.2i%flfi¢in _., rut Cm’! lé =,,f1 , W 1 n A P A1 NE: T I K I-I, ox G? W of Ca:fe4si% of '%C0nI‘cienc%e,_Vi.11 the pointof AObCdi. mncc unto.%tI1c’$4DiAs.p_L1t¢d =()f.t11 <:_,LQ1'd 5 as.dif’zurb the APcace, and threaten the Ruim: of this V Clmrtclm “zxnd Szacc. % ; Llmbly { diirecfle d ‘umo th 6% WMh0Ie«ne* Eng/9% and WM —-———.u M F. 1.59m‘ I 9.14’. I;.,o. . . W177 gm’ mitoé C«d[9t!'UtIy, He t/Mt kt//Mb am}; we Sn:rord,m1gfl 56%;//gd with zbz: Sword. .n.uA........ A III: 4 j > % ~ ‘ . f- 0m72i]éru,A” lzqfles ‘ A Rgzlditc my Popxalig civil: awrtm £~ellum,,, A Lucan. 4 A fidz/m Imp:-rium amt, ca')’cmdi5% Sea3iti02}i5z¢:APo‘pfiaz535 A hernia: Dcfim protcgcritzir. ’ A A . 44 "Tat: An: Lib. 3?._ % V ‘ A... fiecicio the copier % For a ChfiPcia11 and imbloudy Decifion & Prir1t¢d¢~f§arI?ic}Mrd Royflm. Anna ;1)¢m;A 5 4 ;;-.%, %“ _»«l, W . TAO?”-‘L '11 RV Y CH R I ST IAN E3\(gL7SH AND AWEVLSAH, A TRVTH ANDPE;1cI.j7,* tom the Author of A both, the % L 0 RDAIVE SI/S. A E are Cmm jmen, and rto 1efl’c Dar: «t( becaufc moi’: Faithfull) Britdinit; _ There is no want Ofmtflfj, vvhctc/fame :tbou11ds.T~hereis no reconciling ‘ ‘Ctotnfort to us, vvhcT‘r¢ Dim‘/ion is the Simze. ‘A There is no Degree wztntmgi * %ti”i1toA'%’t%hc 1§5i1étckcfd?2:jfE*oaT11’Ad finfu[neAfi'e4%toF itAhe'/1%»: of’ Di-9:;/:‘ar2% ; where ‘the D'z'&fz77d;iii§‘bctvQe¢n’f:the Hm and tt11;;;MerzA2évr;.AtT/gar: is nowant pf vcnolrl-e’,il-1:£jti1e““ tctxtpterand ~hightAof' the Drgrce; WAhAcr¢A AClm_v'[z’ and R6154 2'02; arAt;A;_11a.dc the t1)i'vz:..t. deaf; betwetrne the- éddzllldtthfz nd}. ~It7; beingmofl: dglfwsrafoiyg botI5&“f’EfaVfid1“lAo*ii‘¥T ‘ :1nd”Vvic1tedv; That Reééllzbn fhould be i11tRélz;gi0nAaA5 a difmfe : much more that'K¢nAAA 1!;gf0n,flibLl1d bVeoi1AA1 Zfiefielliwz as an incendiax _. } , - t A A A J A .S'o“tI1at"bothtfdzr the Sp¢cie:oa;nd,t1ae ,G'r4jAt;:,T‘_hc ICt‘nd,andt11éADcgr:g of‘éhc~I(':';‘gd,- "I;hAJ$.1lN',é.y¢s;.ot AAftztéanAofCa;z‘ti;zrgizy’(cp Awic:o;heA Hbreakingoof atboncgjétof the dufting oif tpfamember) is ‘ nwrcdalwgerousthan a tco1f¥UP«‘-¥mr¥1°nr=6nd yer the?/17'!’ €nayd‘b?f—W° >331“ =‘1°"WAL tAnay‘1iAv cm. A But the S o[fltz'a;ggf the Cwitinflit} tbetwccfie ti'za7I:.i'Wz J and the flflcrfiiéers 13- 1:116 dAeHrutc9cio11woFthe wholég A A AA A A , . A A I A A In the Bam1.¢:af C Ijrrfl Iefiii,‘ you amitbefogght your moPct hutx1bLc..Petitid2A::r .AA(ttvhAo£{'c: amazed bleeding ~foAulc preILameth1;ot,% _,th;LI_.‘~ itfca1A1findeIalaguagbfuffititen-t not be‘/V'£til€’,§t}i"”eAA;tA‘1‘£.if€1?§3(_aAt‘1r(1 ’gu~il“t we a£"ét‘-infyolvéfifitn‘; ,TI;'a.¢;A tyttou muldo bcé ple1fed;;ot:.~*‘*‘“s to;,:2A.egt.M:»raz‘,.ofi'oAm:%ot1x5 Dad to Berjbcéfa ; jfitom _Sain”t t/fikliclaa-glint U’!/lozmtt to, Ewwéék; > F\ I ‘ ‘;"MM‘~.‘ aw)‘ ‘*r‘-"A ‘ gem. ta-:$m the U7: of’AévgM?yto Norwich; which ASobérgtIiumbYe.AMe§efi 'fl‘oJm the threatA.'.n'n1tg otguage offire and fword." A4 {Te:mhly)hit may heelawfull ( as a preparative thetieunto ) to publiflfiitch Chri{“tia11 e and grave Trac5’c'3.tes,.o1'A1‘gUAm€nts ( Wlthotnrthci1npntati0r1‘of' Enmi+y to tjheAStaAte 7 the (3/amt:/21:ua.tAhnot.fent; he the very wickene"{{'e if the Priafl: oflcroémzn the {on he offNeé;zt, xx 1-10 made Ifnzcl to finne. . t h , saazaeaxauzty perifh. Tlmt thetundertakersmay}1ave;pnb1ike thatfltahfbr good »;;; «A! AA1f;I‘I1rzap‘I_0 1W5’ i;:$Ec?13ci:it=h’h "('as»becOm1nethtttI1ofc who are_redeeme$cl by‘thc% [e_/74:) A to Pezm'qnAbot1111is molt Sacred djgj/5‘ie,‘TandehisAAAA;11ohI’t ‘ffaggoméle Great Comzfi” ; tTha,t the Datermimtjiamhhof the Grm'tA Law-gizmh-A, }(nay_‘betl1 ?Q1‘l,C;‘, anda 1?. me {Qthet heAec1efl111y ‘bee .at‘ECL1‘tdffd. And “‘t‘i.“at-""t\AO“\'tI]“.i’s emf At‘pa:;;>m1z.$;'~ AAm£ (fiugh as vg.}c,g1-m_y jnfiificebeforte God?a11d~rn;n1_) xnaylwith a]1‘coxivz:::11iex1tfiieedcbet I AA{“i}.-mAb1cAd, f01?.anfHb{}' Deczficw Aoffiu,:1m Cafcste~or_Confi:ience,t as e1;ncéw1feaco_m:fen1c‘ Moguert 1- Am ,,.,._” poore SOUICS: than the p:c£crv£AtItAi<:>11,p’t'o%t1r momentary lives and tetrxipoxarie fbrttnncs; 16': ’ h t t * t ‘ e*’‘Deflco h ccjnicienx filitnn mes um, {cm-. CIT]; dc:-3 asinay tend to the,;Dz'fcawr].ei:' Truth ‘(The onely Fam2dazt:'a;¢at of Gadsylayg-!1'W€d Hcbo fed That in the incane finxe (untzill the necelfxties of State xnayhegive way unto f_iic:hean e17¢,¢c¢-) and the fnatching of 1'i1ch(ifA'a11y {am there be ) out of the fire _.; whcnn zcale e,‘?“‘13R‘-’”“‘ not acco’rdin g to kn’owledgc hath diverted into dangerous By-path es. And that, In- P fmhnxeh as 11011? inaya hrcnpe more benefit by them, than they who, ‘C as yet )A are élmaa P,-(,4 ‘moft di1eé‘t againPc the1nt%,BfAh eciallyhifthee Die»zfiamAefthefe da as againfl%OL11‘Mq_fiu- fem’ qui» and /flatrane fhhafllla prove of t ‘mat High nature,as td he the ver ghne ‘or‘cram/2, Dan/yam bus .i:1n_m4- nnhdhhklfiirazm. tE1‘pccaa*1y,ifzhctinmzion into fizcred place and ofhcc, of thofe whoin :1Ll.t-ficlltil’ fuit iniqui- tas Oct- '17‘heyAare ‘P‘r’.fl€"'Pl“ which no man can be ignorant of‘. 7"/aaztHe that jncigecl (‘gratin _ and jgrgézomu. is the fanjelxnchaxugeahle Lardfwr 2-y¢rt.m2dAewr.e ~'1"/nzzt1‘1i3pt1ixt1i%f1*1~:‘:_“‘:tifi“fE’“ ~ me: $323 if deferred, are encteafed. 7"’/Mt C/arflzzimzity fl1aIltflnartfca=er than It¢dzzAz:/Eye 9 3" ..tbr_OHCL1CCS(Jft11iS condition. a ~ 1113', V011]; I A Om nc: Vaflcii Ehéll Cl;17'{fl:h4ln Efiigli/Z2 and W€1_/L? ; ‘In this teat C3l3h{CjC>ft1‘xC LAO?’/2 , cluia dolo. % A ¢“'J11«""tl1‘£’3;gCiCJi);fi4‘rfinc.'Ap1‘wCiPiCe,O{ the €I’.éa})l¢Aoft11e;AAhLa2fa{e_: , ‘In t. is double _ anger of the ri mm A P,.;;,e§‘£~,c of the Lord (11 ncc herein, even fbt them to he {*vlent, is to be traiter§o¢u$ un- caufa con»-— n ' ‘A “ “ . ' I . ‘ ' “‘ t ‘ fl. an1rmufly‘tn tbefirech tlmic who are (as yet) on the other hand engaged ; to perxmc ’ (fi11ce.’Paé;a21 jnPcicc hath (a)¥confiant1yafT'o1fded it)._nay, to encourage ( finch Pagan ¢,~g,,~,im blhmd-— at/3irflj(&)7jrzmt_;r ; and that in egtheireownhcaufe, have do1j1e:{‘o“ 1nucI1)tehet:afht}i}- plmtpprcgfi '1ngParty tofpate no p:1'1n£:S; “Ted leave rxothing t1z1{aid,h1tlfis pointof fa g'1*cat{eon— b':‘“f‘ “W”: ;ei‘11:11e11t :“ That} Ink;-~, rcstther than BAlazxd,1n:a.y befpilt; That am, 1*aath,er thah quwpmi" willts, fl1h<:m1d_(we he To happyethat) they fhylc of their endeavouré ”; kt ttleafit wife that they nmey have the Lifierty of'thc S aéjééi‘, to {plead the Ca~,2ie 061‘ thc7' L'ahrd;ih;ma11d fidflshfua thc.AL7brd.i~_Aminted. iAr1dI.ikewife, t»}1&ti~ffia1>)y1113.11Vi11 this Ccantroherqfie flualt tub» E‘?-'°1‘°3 lifhany thingby wNaytofI’{‘eply;§ H‘: be tmjoyned totPrir1txjvit1t2 his; .A.1‘1fVVtCt‘ the whole fmfiimn A Tra€t he intendcth re refijte. That upright dealing may behaahadta nd the Wexldh. “may guifqg 4:10- readily comparethe mornexwtsefhoth. And Athatfllarzflgaazabearance fpr 7}!!!/.1 ‘heft qucnria 8:: I/."z'r3?or},. be commclldfldy AmA1d»th¢.vio1atersthereof;Amaybeiev%ereIyApunifi1cd§ ‘ ‘ ‘ W4? V-flit A Thhat wlxcreas the Supreziae Law of ad ought to C*")AI,I!flAI_1.l’c'!.!.‘1d_1'1(1‘1d regulate: all the 1I_;““{']“.‘° Pa’ Lfg;;;5a5~.0fi¢tdn; And what Prz‘-z2iled‘ge:'xntA the hNew Te/hzmmgarett ac1mtg»1¢agca tef:1‘§:;1' due Atd-Hmtt/mt tPriméa:: And what Ifraragativesttlxe S z'r}t,afhGad1“iath inthe Old Tipcrins 7'cf?ummt,ewarranted nhto the 1.:-m”/7: 'Kin‘g‘:: angina! at t‘{1Cl1niV7\C37{a11 I:M}v efapuci Ajfltflrf. (as al(1ttAas.mm1:k1x1d€) hath eflablifhed upoxx thénl 3”’; appma"111"‘hhm!1Aaf 2/M91: -T“i~'“n~3vé A 7. by h “Z? .4 Petmm to tl7elPeqp':'é.l by uuquefliasnabfe righ:#lunto‘71iils mefi‘ .S'A::r¢al eMajz~_12_y. A A-udorlwluma sh fl (0111: ofhismof’cli11coLnparable goodnc ll°c_) A infifleclh nornpon th¢lb lg lbu 1: vouchtjhfclclj to Race .t:oft.hl1at:l moyty, which the Lx4.cloxzll;“.:crllZ2.¢t::W;r oFtl1lslL2z;zd(wl1le’3holwlltlheyl lwcfelootaihcd‘, h7heVE’nglzjZ» ffxfloripzn kraowozlu) nofF11) 1VllIll'l'Cglll€L[il'lg A the lieartofltllelliiz asifwc colnlzl do ltll")Ctt€:1‘1l:l1aI1 l1el‘l1a6l1, eizlae2:iz.1_ llisdceds V peribrxiacd, or in his VVordcli1‘c:’5’cecl: 'l«CaH‘ing__;allltl1eee {halt lifom our halves, ’3-1lCl_”ln- 'very deed fellxwizxg it upon Hliml; who is able to accouxutfoxtlmc A5}; of his: rcmzxzx, but unwilling to he thus 1*cprz:mcl~.t hy lhmcrs. ; f ; ’ That for the honour due unto rel e L-uiv OFG od and in 1‘(.‘fpCL€lZ‘Of'tl3Ck'l!1lICl'.Cl},Wl‘1lC'l1 l everymsm c,re;1ced afterthe Image of (I3ocl,Q haih in Lh,<‘: Lalwesk o{*Go1~mpzjaripArtlof inécnfi chmu ghoutv chc*£¢“"1f!f:'i‘aIi afintips, idir%é&cd;un%tt;;“ iépipifl Hi K allxicli _HO110'1‘£Ll7l¢ co um Ql'l‘P-fl1‘lial7§'lC1'1l3 ,g ’:11‘iclx,rvlm: ~*haIivc‘ lbéciici b‘_y~ii11-4 W\'di'El1y piriélilhs (aslhcing Fi;i‘gcci 0.rcxt€3L’£§'Cl) pref'errcdj£inililp"ublifla¢dT'inlt*heCam-. ariioii namcwl'.carcb the Puréiainczitxziayiircxna no lime bc:¢i1¢7mifi11lor1nc:ci ; atshlaviiél ; % ilibcén illllmfihiibcl v\’lLfi,l;llC vcri 'ralt>lcina[mclofitihalgizncralitvgi"err x'7eprefen:eii,fio1n alfcw avér. mic; !i"!32lll§2.',i1Lll‘iHi§ll’1‘iliil3.(l0i’tli'1iC‘-(?iC5ill!'iC5 ofché m~3.n5i C§d«<fi'ichtiai¢%f,* i‘§a£v:3n' Lear» ;;ig5lfi,«ic’]*¢;;4¢7'a=zs.r iilpirm-; \r‘\i1.1c~m'. ol‘alllh%pa1'ts to fi1pply‘litl)is fcantl‘ing.;vvith%what Cltl‘lC1"tl1i3I‘lCl‘:CS <;>l".yO‘~.1l7=‘Cl‘i£:11'ilm,l;)lc w\'i!’cdcm3c,%or tl1C_'ll'1“z1lgl1tS 0-f_y«ou'r Clirillitm fuffc-... V l.'ll1gSi» flmll" flzggéli imtci yOL1l_; l,7Cl:Vli;lA_il1f"2')'{l?1’C coin fid::r%a2ioi1 c>l'l‘ii.~j aj¢fz"z'e and hisgrmt i_ 'CN"}£'C@1[, eithericmiccrniug the grim and gcn«:'mll‘wa»nr of Ecclcfi1flz'c,zl[ Drfiiplme, 'whc:rli>4y c>l’fc11Ccs1‘m?1tiply,f;1n§l§ff:nk‘lc:r:;g§;1'o\~.rlllaificlieflc 5 fince the wiirhpeaclnncntlof‘ 1 A the powm-» oi 13xciqmr22r4:zimI1ibn.: iwlsicli "bein cflablillacd fcomon l_'gl1;ino1nei1, Miitll IW13-A qr tiincs inigl1r,~orlia vcilclcprivccl the Church of, i1or‘can theymakc fi‘i:lllraE€i'tl1€.l-Cn- 17> ‘sf ‘mace tlicrcoil F Q1'_cm'1cc3rl‘2in_£’, the Rcilituton 0ftl‘lC Churches Govcmmlrs aé ofoldy whcrby.tl{c g1‘Qvx'tl<1 of Sc/Jéfmc: and Sefh miglll‘. be rcflraiiiccl. Orconccrhixig the "”'110l‘W d-ifpilixdiifibvféiantiService lqfflad ; wl'1crc—ina11d whereby wee chiefly Hallow‘ i his as it is glong: ii1AV1%%lLil.l'~?:‘«*~f<:11. That part pf his wo1'll1ip"(novv in great dmilger) 'hQll1gtl'1C’1T1€.>fl i;4m§_g¢liimllOflZ§é,%% which is, Oman ‘h-ytmzm bcc; pc1‘fo1*mcd‘uln'toithc \ God of Hczivcii ; imti 1 we ;cc:5me ;mtol*1infi iii his Ifeazraveivij ‘Y"eni¢plc{; zmdinto the {aim ‘ ',Q\ftiVe‘W'itl1tl‘10lli‘ blcvfllzcl Spirits. At licall-Wife it were to be wifhccl, finceit is!dccii- ”C11tll3(ll1!.1tO (Mali; and ever iincc tlmt, by <:>=..ir {Snail}: pmaloccjjbris it l1atli1:i'beé11C”.hevvCd A but oftlic Rockc ciiFPrimit:'¢I: Dc~?zmrim2.r~, lmvc (loud fairs :mc;l i1npx'cg11al)I¢ ; was mg- 4 M21: yr-:1: lmviii lbéen lb !11L:1Cl1flS_li7iylC(l by 0116'Arg1m1<:11t,7W_l‘1ich :1 C'£lt€Cl1llli*‘CQUlCl’HOE ‘renal: and wipe. c>f‘F: 'I"liat the Nlmullcl Wl'liCl1_1Tl81‘l hath fen abolut it; niight b’cc'upheld '1§,l_3.it‘1(..l1"l'l42lll'l[‘£1l1"l£’.(l, in ’cl1»c~Exccuitionic2f the Statute printed bclbrcilr. And it ism‘orc ithiaiiaiieccli: th21t_tl‘1C amncxcdiwphmdcnt Proaldmatjaza ofour late ( and for ever to be re- "" 110wn€fd)iSo[aman, In:ind profccutién 1nayAh¢AAfAZ:¢1xArcciA zfrom Ca11vafl}:s, fi-md, and'vic>1cn'cc. A But tharjt may be comvcncd a11dAArra,1§fa¢’tqd “ ("as nccrc as may be) accoreiing to thC,g0AAdIy-A:Rl.l1CAS and ChriPci:.mexamp1cs “ofchc fir- Al 1m:Primitivegenemll‘C'onm:':ll:";I at leaifi m*1f}‘:AAoF thcfmra firfl,. ever {acted by“ g:1:'uA:y 1; umivcr1%L1lAAconfcnc of "’?{2v11oIc C; hrx'£’cer1Adc>:nc ; A and AparthicL;ln.rJy:tp~ us. 1:; _ paxjticulharh Sm» “ ‘£#t6A:;AL1d'Athatft be not like u11mjtI‘1a.A1:Popifl1Ccwaibccll-0fTrcnr, w ichlmd Interim» V1; }A3cr‘sfi:11t‘ia,“‘Whe11fufhra-gas were waxatilag-J-0rAa’ny tiring ch:-1!: was ay11acd.at.§i111d %WhiC_1'A1A V was generally cithhcfh over awed; with Ltem-.:>1*s, Am’ ovc3*baHa%11cc:dh with--M;;giRer*aIl AAAMax1da:es;a: 1£:m.A&mn Rama, to the AjZm«mL° of “thcir ‘R6lx‘g£m,AmidLhn1i<;%1Z2.Moar‘t AoAf,t ui1k;nga'gedhWar/dlh ~ [ A L h M . V - M "4 A_ MA Afhac4;:t”Icngc11tohAfatisfic chc: impictuousd,c1:amot;1rs Azmd z11any~cTaaII§;3gcA1'3 pfipur Zia-~ %m4:_'[b '.4dv6rfl1rie3,‘a1iiaffcAG{ tc>gct11m=AiAz1 thAei1'AAPr@t.:flm:z:*“,PlmA I’;'imcd, A:t‘62x. »S;A11% 12° ’CA@flduL9ZAAAFida=Py&{io‘;2‘j* (mt hnto that A Aof AAnhe Pmaifl1,CoL1hncc1lA%of" Cgfuzfiazzacg-,. A but A V ifiizhch A as befécmctli thA€’f honbmA?of;oL1Ar“iAAC luriifia n» Rcl'1gAicm)A may_ opfiqly Apmcizmimrmda and nnviolahly Ao‘bjfarvhi:ci:;hh tafoin, ha-ndh twards fall 1¢rtsAA,of}Dx{-'puta1ars, ..!1;A.c:dA ,t,l1~aht»~@1hl 1A fAhAAci!;"A Na§mc:sA‘am;d A:gmrxaAut,s,h toga Ward;nayrA11«¢hh.s:11ttedA incoA:l1hch»y2L1133i£11A1¢h M93:‘t1i?}t \ ~hthéV,xIj‘ofldh {;fo£onlg a:;A‘t:‘A flialb ~Cl«1dlI"£’eA)AA*a?A11é;y«“f¢§: Imp] only vAvAh;u;A Awasj‘;Ah A,..;I<:)iiI.‘7A"A-,*A~'..\li§’ donc., A .1 A 1 hm ;dPeziz’z:m;:a xlsr Peaplaz. ‘That ttotfb Ifl"’1"ch‘t“o‘\ fa,.ti%sfie‘mm;xr R3'”¢;W'/l?"ACh{1-t£:l2hC£-;J- :19? fE31§ir"B jovvné:£1kc, 7I?l1tetS'l}re mpd mhhaytbe he‘_Idi11 Ql1€'0fQ1Jrv Waiver/z‘rie-J 7>t7‘1rmt it may mm: tff*t_l;j't'(t“\1'1"f*~¥A tnazkcttféz oft me A R"/e.vgre7§V5ld6fi6l'(Wh5C11fife the bC:~flt;a13d‘11i1_Ofl‘ i”mpa”1‘ffa11 ludgaxjflhhfttcti/é3r;,tMd Wz'r- 4 mg _e;J"h‘;t“bL1t~'aH.0 that ittt1ay$~l_'gatre the7‘b;::ncfit oftlttr /Iihilzzj,‘ ..»f1’§2‘_z@ii"7,t.SftréfM‘§r/1, and V %t%%,l;}t”a;'éd;tr: 0f_yQ.lllig1I1Cl1;v Awhtitih‘ is1hta11ytothc1* p:hVa‘CZ;eit .VV'0'Md1’\{§'ai1E.tt 4 That totheintenttht21Synad:%71w;y procte-tie ‘witrhtht-: “g\‘('L*2‘t't'~€"t’ ’/"1t¢l'1.?Va7»ifj"21t3d{iC 1W. 3%" : I=tt’t11ay«bt:et dttfitcd to c.atl‘1»ttt) its .ts=.‘1f‘t{ta.nc%e the }7IQfLjflE?l’S‘Gf‘;EhC“1;10/}'t_l“t?ihg'flEf0€ V‘ both V”£mrjItie5,at1dother§. ofknovvttc abilities fhjttn tuthet (,‘o?![t~;n}ztz¥ P£’z5Z6'£"=.€t.£-l~1']C ei‘ft:- A -whera As a1Vf'o'hthc pi?Q'f73iT01'S of thtf Grew/§.e Iéflgflfi‘ : ‘ In W~11ict1trt>vct- fié"s)a'11‘d m which 2Zi.’e* w»1‘appcdtup.t divers m:yfzza77ia3‘\N1»}1iCh1111163-1l1@d'1I1C1‘1}21tIe uucaet pablctofi Attdtthat itm my end” W’i':h“*gf"€&'t€r E;i~p.édzrz'a:¢ and approéwttiam the re ITIJY out ofcttch Shire oFE;;:glan6/ahlid ”’m'w,b€ Chofctt [W0 /1fflsflbr.r, of t1t‘ic‘bciP', VC1f1Cd'1n"thC 4 1 lefngtttilges‘, Fatht:r3, av11dhECC"€/Ft;/Wm//flazy ; wItom2tyAz1otot1!y by cHI1t*€‘1‘?C(3Ll1’I7if hLCtters,cmp1oy, and In aka 11!: c ftl1“c Abilittiess 0f‘ft1th‘\-vtorttlwymm 3 wht>=for~tth"e d_xf-~.t chargc’o‘fthcir tpfaccs,1nt1fl.::b¢"ltfi in J thétievctall Cf’m;2t'z’e*.r ; E’|Lltwa‘;f:V.V,y btc m:~gh:md~t0 give 21lL.’c'tCCOLH1tll1'lt0 the S yxod, bOt110f-the’£f]?3"€13f1€d",Difih5’?74pc7J '0F't}1€—‘fil'1nG.t And further (as-bccafion fl1*al1rcqt1irc)ma_y be read to ‘pmparc: for, and afiifi inthc falchmc Defputatiotts bcf'orc the Synod. " A t ” A V A f€11tc*s“dcb‘ated:And this acco1'din?g toatheh prefi“:ri at ?0f‘t2hCgf€dt"LflWvg1'%er,W1i‘0-‘iii the £1;-‘tame ofthc Law? of N amre 5 In the; fitjfl Ta le, firflicnaacd his own: Dominiam ’A1id"tht'11 Thou {halt not commit Ida/dt7f’}Vr5TIl($U'¥fl-lalt110?:CO1‘11!'11itJ$dt'7’ilidg€"~; Imht: 5590974’; fix 1”I07WI F‘ J azther dfidfihtbjh_1’4fl0il36’7f_“;”al'ld\ Th 0u’f’fl1alt;t1Ct' ht To téath its thhtitt Ohehdiebace is tdbe ptéf?2t1’cd' blefoté I if} ttnd a1hlh’itst”E1hb htnétits ;* Andi j“t;h£tt_Ehcy ‘V3.1-.c\\t}T“‘cj WOti’cofmt2_1::, who ate themoPt rcftaéftory to“ orzw;2aur'J~.. .4-:4:/atzzrrlaercfore. i A hC.’aflv: bffyé/yak"; a)2fi~;'mt:e, i11”'a!1h‘€.‘ p:th‘rtfic«.tIhar, Cwhihhéht t1te“Co'ursct31Lc$F‘Tte11tdid? AQit1]c1f,j;1fcad.;1nd bugle at; at CIR: with Frattd an’df tnigrht co7rtultat)t't1;tyth be *'fi“:£’t*‘ cleared. Sag;-mdgy, that p'0'i11tS“0f pattictxltmahcatancchmttybé dccretdi. A ‘Tlairdlyt. that intefiittc ,Controv(:rfics ttmy be decided, ' A A tfoflrtlséy,thcLt€!Ktc1'naI1qm1rrclls with the Advcrléuict on both hands may be dill. httuffcd , and that thqsynod be not diflniflcdg before this alfo be pctfbrmcd. That t A {o t1‘1ch_G0d offimce, ‘bcih_g {érvcd by us in Tmr/9 and 'Um'€7 3 He may have Glar_)',« wc”t5’t:f'¥i'ec::{1~xt11t*t1t,;ax1tiP'oih;:rity benefit, CVCnfi‘Q11IthGfC ottr ‘1)2s‘ZméZr'Aiom-..t A y A A AA plmfadihtlxétitc5‘t:;A1kc’“dt1eA itdticcg of tHi*s '@n?)flPiom Maitflie: jufl complaint ;. ; (in thl1istgte£t‘%*ACa.ufi:t t~;.=.nd7i1t thefi“tdti§flt%ei51”td~tttit11n:is‘ (mmwwzt Ctm‘fc'iwcc,'Cou. "V4; 42, or at lmfl fiitcaflfiflgdmffllfi for the C1ii1‘g‘3y<~)V(:r}1.G5'fv%AI'1fL1tl~1" ; "ViKh0hA1PiK§hiflfI3;' tt»Pcacc = is ” {ttttta»civill cotnbituatiotzg). and una11i;,11ot1fly““to make way t~( whtrt ihallféeme bcftt u11tdt..Y0Wttllhatutrall thoughts) fqrtthc d‘ifplay thereof? A1’ fin/zéle of thc_ difltonout Mfr (A'I9ra€jIi»:é;,g Kelzgimz’; ‘which fincc: it came down from Plqavcn, never yet tatzglut R‘Ekal1iona9.ain& thetworfi pf Httathcttifltt Tyrants .- W . A !CMfl4eW?*£t’ A A A T1‘°t1§3t**£~;r«:jc1‘by4 A‘I1~¢fmnYdAtmA A I voycei" But (not only F01“ the Lvcncrfxt, but alfo Far the h onour ()fAA“ thC; xwf}1ole%hL1fi1:A +1 ll nrmrc) hath advanced in his own u1¢>1"HAac.rcd placa, of _{,_r01A11— own ficflu a}yndiV;bl¢4Q'dA_ iizch as z11?iwhcinorc' calml exccuw his Durliiniozuowr ou, , ~ . A . T 1:16 pa1_;fucu.ar favourmhxch he ha.th VOLXCM;1-f’{3431 unto thzs froward Na%c:gx),.%:Am:gAi., fixing us :1 King, of ihch cxcxnplary and Sfijfltwlikf V_crruc;s; A é,,s.v.l1*jo, i£I‘f1C1'l£1dA‘!.)(£‘AAQ1A‘j¢fl i‘i1qu1‘cd Ayflripg, gflrfiiplérxcp maid 2a.:Aa%rf/;wi1b:1%:vwfftf ‘A.Th1§ji'13f)f5A1?.KWl2m€€mS»"'Wh~CWA‘33'fl‘}§Q1J.;};}§§igL'351:,V§?§:U~+53 wwfi ~ ~ W A _ Thé;z.211fpcak21bAlc Glar} bftluc: Kingdm-nc toV‘bc1*cvcz1VI.cd-¢;. A‘ % A w V % A ~ft‘A£Qm.inAAfi1‘ 1.'litiC"a fixing, Aamvd ":s.l}¢_ pcgffi 5.13i1iry‘t11t*1‘€O'fA). “yam W111 C116” v be Agmry AA’l‘?‘A’~AA€ii by A WASA A E:3ad.,% had in alt probability been bccxgr vficd. e That finfixlncffigofflcbellion, :mdA Scl1if§nc.T % ' V A ‘JTl‘1%¢\5V0€fulncflAe fjAthAcr Aandv mofl, qbufing the Parliament. with th;: [pccicm1.1s~prc:;xt of generality, :hcrc~ pA;:prc1'cn.fi ted,andthcrcfbrc.cficcxnc<.! m‘c>fl%c‘on udcrablcz. % ' R The vgcighc of the Dié‘t:m:5 <::AfA C:rIod A1Axn~ig11t§r; y*;§l1ici1¢0ug}1c* t0Imvc~i~z1fl.:ic4ncc:*% intcsmllhecon£L11tation~3ofhumanc Alldicatmtics. h Thy: nccc{Htics"ofgh%cA ri5;2,hti:,1t'orLi1i(;1g ofyotrr zzzmdmflazmdizigs, zmldfitixé di_:sbur;th@:-‘-«VVV*4V% ningof your Coiaféiczxcds iii the“ point: oFobcdic11cc1.; the fi."m:ir:g «at imxndxe j% impoffiblc fcrvicc 0‘fAm"'any, and tire xcggulzvfiixug ea‘1_’you»_for §Ixch1“xQ1111gc1awt Cimlé M;1._{1fcVr the fécurin a%§.xr%E{i.-ms WI1ich%1nig11t bit‘ A Cl‘t¢’r<”::tx;1*7l.¢;:)" ml ,3; c11fb1'I‘wt«l%Iiai2'1t€:x1‘:ifict;%A mofi accfizylécily fixuflilfaA_civil1¢Av~;*:1'rs;¢'.; * A A ,,I y . j . % 1 T11¢ACXt1faprg1i}]_a§y ;bA1c£Tnag:8:whc:r4cwith m.tl=: 3 1,0n§,f tiyr;c% magi} AActAi1i%i1A¢n£AA?}7A‘hk9- A A ¢:,I.:¢rv1A, V¢c7f?ca%bl1fl*x mi in ?z:IMw:is;%"£{%iV%% 243%? I " ifir P~%??+:%‘ » ,.».mmMm..-M‘M~= M, ; ‘V .‘ w .9 A" A A AA whci*Aci;3 A W A % ufl imtncciiats .f>1t;cfE:x1cc in 1>1;ifT<=% ;: A; . km to A17¢VA¢13i%‘<>yct1?*11?§?1Yf W £1139‘ 0A1iW““‘A