_ A % Silt.- BENIXMIN RUDYERDS Sp}: ECH; Cjoncemintg BIsHo1>s., ‘DE..ANE\’$‘, % and «OH [LP T ER: 3 . .ICOmmittcc cf Wfioic H 0 u 53. 1-T: Ad‘ . _P:..ries9éi!!!!2s xss_r.:g4::; % ‘_‘€ID ggaameehvziv-°¢n 0 ' . - ‘ .-7 ‘-.‘:;“;' ' :*';.' ‘ ' ' ._ . ’ ‘ ‘ _ .:‘ '.4‘,A ‘ 5 3 1/ ' ’ u .. ‘V0 fl 0 In.“ ; 5 . I» ‘ J81r%**Béu:mmznr&a=u’b ‘*1'~em{%‘Dt = - p 7- . . 2 .- J.:»~J. *3 aj " ' 12¢; a -0 . ’ '3 ‘-‘:-1-‘ .\'¥_-_‘ ( I ’-u _._n‘ ,_ 1‘ 3. - ‘..~ A: is :3 “~'-‘.!;.: .,:.".:, ,-15.2., .. , s,-s -.' m * ‘ : - -' I‘‘‘‘. . I ' -' ‘ ‘ r v.-. V‘ | ' 7’ 2 - D . _ L.‘ . ,7 ‘ v . _ - ;"_”.."«*51-‘-.. ‘v;- . \- '. .—"v 4 .‘ 0 ' .'v‘.'} I’ --' -,.: . _ ‘ ~ i 171 ~41 .2 ___‘‘I,‘: '._'.£¢:..‘..é-ibk "' ~ ..‘ , I‘!--. , _ ‘_ ; " . "- 1 ‘ ~;4\: ?‘?‘d\“»'? ;'\la".' 3,‘: ,' "V '- 4 in ’ "-- v ~ 3?‘. -us‘~."'*' ---‘. .« ... v._.~.1.’. --H--';.!~ id.) fie‘. LL. 1! I ..,‘. V,’ » -‘ . -« «V - '-u % » Eat my = j ~ ma «=== at w V /. 2 3.11 ‘fig . -£ ,. ,- (.1 _v "_-,_'__‘ N, - .(]‘.51i_1'§-3«5'.l§3l$&"£'.(3._,ll‘1;’).£_‘l€fl_:'-,:§ BN1’: 7 % confideration, our bell judgment ~'-42. , , ‘K,--5157‘,-., hcfuturc . .3-._, . %- fight .”/'/' £9: t .-.}~;,A 8ut%55ir,’Omc%:thing‘ wqxccndnngly .- p . _ _ .- _ ‘ . '. v._, . . I’ .4. _ L ,. —. T... ., .§_,..,.'.,’ r'- .' “ft a ‘I ‘! ‘Vty‘.Pi,., »- ‘ -v: . , 0 T myj:\Ihm1é~rcafo£1~;vhrti,ginous:;.‘ zwgfiich fo many rdéic#be1ieN€5..ég@iB{’flt13€ Wifidqtm .a‘l;1 agsgtzhahi new there wcan?be:fm§1f€f_Qt1n2i[io;. Eighgutadcfir-ufiioiy =easi1‘if;;mzer); % flake; _ __’w V % %:mu4l:ba1pul?£anulp~1unocckesid t:heislmfi ariis ‘I i ;?;:%:;«3z;1:::*;-25331 no? :2 * s,:,;~a§:: 3.1 .1? :,.:m.. 221:-.. 21:»; 103 {:31 III! 3 :~;;‘-J 139:1 C C 4 "'5 $7 ‘'+‘..’ .» -.-‘ ‘p Q; .zEu§fin¢ffé,?'f‘@hggcatl rindfiedsjaékitgtc.-. ' éblcamagzit t.umes.4f|e ::rs1uqcl>1’bi3un?,;:ite-I1,zgl§¢§’ A an; - T‘{em.r%« &Hci2n6%p'&pm@:'in::}§»tf1m T — Ilflflflighfibfi — 2 ‘T ‘caught (3) c:1ught,,iC'ities.had Bifhops , and.rPr,es"B;y_ter.s were-rthe Seminaries-, outof wh‘iich were; lent‘ la.bQurerrsb3y_tl1'e Br-i (hops, A tospro pagate and ‘cuiitivgtfieethe.-er,G.ofpeIl4. l'I3ihe"- Clergie then 1e'1'~i-i- ii? the '-:iifree~wilI‘5 Offerings; and‘ bbuntyof‘ the people..’ . AAfgerWa§rd$'; «§fl1cq§.Ki;tag=§z5r a~r,rd+ S't-‘;,_ftes_, igreive‘ to be Chriliians‘, the outward fettlement of. the Church grew‘-up with-r them: Th cyeereéted ‘ B;i{hopricks,. foundedsclathedrall Cnheurches: endowed them with large poffeffrdfis : ‘Lanci- lo1*di§ B1111: .P;rriiftr«: Churches; - i vv-ith‘ fci:rIie.p‘ortion‘i of latidg‘ fo r‘ they lia‘v‘e:‘rfiili7::rightot’:prefentationr.j - — ~ 'j,:: ‘I;-J3; .- 7‘.,.,._ _ .;.‘.s‘“-..._ I. x. h"-iI=d€bi:‘£:orafctfer:tharrrfbmeebfburrBiffiops‘ H365-: i had ambitious, .d angerous 2'1’ “mes, .‘andh'avé-f‘é {H115 that in their G jvernrnent there are very . ehqrwiiriegrr b'i1’t‘I7ifa ind:-:~ of | their-f iapi. fiiéifigwhq be1ieve:;,'* 1=hete:Ti'fs?a11 ‘I-i?n_na§te.’:iii‘ Epi (wpac yff,‘ ‘%1i$€e§7;1<‘7ip“ic l*p}fo:%- _ C 11133 3-‘ -.7. I —. . 7 :—- . ' o- ~. 5 P ‘ A I.*“1I$?»1il'5P¢fi,tliI£i>e»‘is:not!L-otigina1=1‘.'f'm'r in E- L iifkéipacifir 311 ‘and A .:th01}gh'f fher’6';&{vere ;, - A Ell}-Whe iéaiilinsgi; b'ee>§:1»ss::wqfl*wn“&£ou:médwas t.h‘e.perfon re-generated.» Biflxops;.:hai?E;g0verL tied theflCh,urch for‘efii7zfteenc hunde red yeares Mifiéhc flhfeltrt15qififi5ifla:fl£;in8Wr“miH5,~Y§‘Hut favéd«‘fQ19fB3' f fadiz‘; under r 7 \ tfn1Ier’Eji1éiijjgover"n11ie'nte. ‘:let‘*t?heni be reduced“ 31;}- cording to the ufage ofanrient-ch—urc.hes=1n. rhe»be1'i:1ir ciimesg ('0 reftrained as they may not“ be..ableehereaf~' ttt#1to‘ifhame:the eafling. <1«1—Ove not rhofe that hate t‘t5‘?-beiref()rmed,ande doethierefore thinke-them xvorsf thy of the more firiftyrhe more elofe reformation.- W e have Qften tomp1aincd,that Bifhops are-roe» aB{<51utei,t6o 'fingu1é*r%.; Although i Cathedrall C hu r~ ches-V arein0w‘.‘{0nt»he ” moi}-. part bL_1t receptacles 09 Droanes and Nonm(iden'ts~, yer f0me»gO0d- mcn_ may be found er placedthere to be a{Te{Tors*wir'h the Bie{I1ops,toi211Ii*-ft‘ rhemin aréhons Ofm0ment,«inCau*r~ fes‘~Of»irnp0rtance;t‘here is maintenance aIreadyrpr0- videdfor them: Ifeither in Biiihopricksgor Cashe- dr’a‘l’Chu1"ch‘es there be rnuchfoin ma < be pared oft,» to relieve them rhiit have t0o_"litt!e..I -yet moremayi I’)e~ee!'p’aerec'i’, it-"rn-ayr be irnployedexo thefettingup ofa preaching M,ini{r’ter_y%throu h the who'le»Kingdome-. And‘i1fi't it this bedonegilrhough We are Chrifiians, yeibwé [are-’ inortezi Cflhrifliane e State. There are fame pl~.1Ee§?iin1E»g'1anzi'thar' hire’ notin G-_hfrifler1do megthe people a'i=‘e”“f'<) ’i‘-gnorannrhey '1i%veifc5 without Gofcl in A the wo_rld,for vyhiich Parliaments grero 2.infwer~~ both ‘to GC>"c1l%and M‘an.Let*us look‘-t0*1'r' , fer itjlyes like ‘0ne;‘bf't%he ;l§u5rdie~r1s of ePr(1p11et:;£f4}f5-:%hea;vie and :fl;az:ripeme*Parliaments; n- i; % : 7" e"e1‘;hgv‘¢e;ofren’ferit«5u11§rzconfidered with my felfeb ‘wlmfirongf con?current‘r mmives Strcaufes d id meet t~0”get‘h’er‘e'-.in ’t}ha‘t“ ‘t:»imee',. :wh'en Abbeys » ‘and +IVIOnfte- ‘ ries yvere overthrowne; Certainly’ Grads »11an.d~.vc}as ‘the grédte {kgfor he was moi} 0ffended;.~'1'he pro phane "-fi'1perflitiOns5 the~ab’11of_r1inable —idO_'-latries, theefiithy A/3. ” nefandovai 4 % >L zncfimdous w£ckden.eHe «dfxhcir 1aycjsv«did»V1%iac1:e¢ in Gods. .» mflnils ,: .. :%..'c:a1l , down: for : . 3._.7.€.ng€‘?.~ aucc , for gyefinrmation; good gpa1:.t:y'~:.-Of »~,r€li;gi —.iOL1s‘-1:IIiin ' wére: Z.ei§1€)i1.S . 5}1‘,fi.fif11[!3§5fl§)9x7 s great’ v'or1ce5;-éaérlikcwfi fc t1a’any:cdvet9{u,s«:ambit-jgus~, ;,perfon,s , gegpijng % fat*:,I«1ol‘fi:1s._,’ { 'dI‘J..V€ 1.301]; ' . ,-- ix. . ’,._,.. .. 1 Bug: M.r;£Iy1z,‘ xhege ;w:m’afpri_ne:paI1~Par11§m@t!e% awry Lm.ot:iv.c ,: Avvihich did} fac=i I:i1:étc~i*lae ...%A.V1'.W;i1iln@Li€~i}l1e,:1‘fi5341st1.¥‘€’1l!ght Jof*faiz'ingVou.r-osiine punfes; Cxlxuzeinulanelsfivéllifkéll 451‘:-tefi -‘to qta_:i:n.‘Chu r-m<;n',:« Mprppgtpiena-A '1 V Wfe are %v§:r3r%%flri& afidt %cu1‘:+i-@tb8=’i?6" ; ~own prop1jiety3ax1d ~th.E:(e is great .r§4f91,3 £01: i1:‘;’:*%1]%!€ ~.fiI.et:u§héyva1:c,Mr,»F1'jde,that we do.m.)t‘ fa‘ ,, ‘ (3) the To rt oftnen who have ndp‘i‘6;5fi3 ety at"”’2iI"I Is‘ called theirs ? I am lure“ ‘ they are E” -llll1IfI1ft?_’l1,3§l'1dC}9'La!fi€li‘l%t[IJBj(:‘&S‘. ' Ifwe pu‘ ’dQWne13;fi£lxo.’i'fcl;3,ya‘nd pull dorsvne‘ CathedrallCl1urC-'l‘ies-*4, ‘in :orti*'ffm«e wemuft bee-" forc'd1 to pulll?ltd‘€)wl1%'i"f(‘.T'€)‘llc‘El‘3t_T;ese~~ too; for-’Sthollers-‘i ' will live: and dye rhere'as-i;nt Gells ,:»if there be nol:"_‘ confiderable preferment to dinvrte them tab’t0ad'.A‘11ds..': the example w~e,ar~e m~;1lg4°ng+*now ,w_ill be an Calic- ‘ ~ ‘ “ l ,l§'_CvIfi‘..10'=:I_1‘_.(f:_.C~I"(§l‘fitl(‘:~S offutuhfe . -_;__~, -u—‘__.\.l _, ..\._p 1;,‘ 1‘- times.-~ 'I?-his is the nex«tway.t‘o bring.:in B-1 rbarif me , to-t emakde the Cleargy an unleamed contemptible vo- cation, notto be defilredblut by? the bafelt of the P-~€0P1@5" and Q11’? we find ‘men able to" convince an adverefary .>" ' . Aleleargy-'man ought“to*l1ave a far" greater pros « porti0n to liveupon , then any otl1er‘n1an of an e-* c ua11Conditi0n- Hrs 99? c1>;§¢_<%;t9ce:tvultiviy -rhree- pencews'~;"‘1 “ Eco “es Ti11ft1l7’h&ot'to llve m.ecl1_anically., - and fbrdidly .-he tn-ufi be gwen tohofpxtalxtyt. I doe ‘L . Enow mytfelfe-:a Cleargy-man, no*dig.nitary, whole“ Booli'es%=t» have. coff'him“‘a thou»-{and pounds ,- which when he dyes , maybe worth‘to'~ ,hisxvife and chilé dren, a~bout~two hundred. A It will be a fhamefull reproach to lo flourifhing a Kingdome as“ this , tohave awpoore beggerly Clear- gy.For"my part,I think nothingtoo muchmcothingl too good for ‘a good Miniflzer, a good Cleargyinm. e They ou'ght“leaP:° to want, who ‘belt know l1ow to a~ bound. Burning and fhining lights doe Well deferve robe fet intgood Candle-Riches. ’ Maflezf . (5) 4 ,;M3.{§eg Hyde, '1 am as much for r.eFo.rmation, _f@_rAPu'rging an maintaining R§llgiQ11_'[ V’ as an. man whatfoevcr: but I pro-7; ‘ fcflé, I am not for. innovati: ' A gon,’ demolition, nO..l: % ~ n.,L;:I3o1it;ig1;.IZ,& 10!! an 52 Iii 1 RARE BX 5075 .A5R8 \mmum\i[Ii\@fifif]fi§§i§i\[igfi;I|xa|\\|\|a\I\\s|I\