Vi) ,, To the twomfifl 1—1oncmmb1c Houfcs A Jiecznetb it at {man tkirgg umbym to have eaten * ‘ “‘";.»»f'?ff‘{i\ ‘Q; W. z§‘tI%oLLsc r 20 N 09 % V SVNDRY PETITIONSJ T % Pref'enAted to the um Mayne. Moi? excé A _ % , now affcmbled m P A‘*:;R;:;§ 1;; A my 9 N 73., W‘ "“ A Amzr ay:mm.1é,"A Alrcadz figncd, by mmft of thaw mum , 234505/Ears; am free» aldm of f¢v¢tall%C0unti¢$, in bchalfw of Epi 'ca;mg~,, ‘' Lifflfgffg and fuppcmrtatimuf kfirflhvflgwgwgggj’ and at V fupyxmfiimm pf flcbg/mm:cI;;.d%4 . %M ‘ fiallczficd by a faichfixfl Maw A my 1, the dcjcéicd clcggh and all modcmtiy a§‘e&ea0£y::§z::.::f°rt flublzjlaed 6.yhk‘Majc;(l'ic: fiat;-a!‘l1=Cozavm,a7za’. ,‘ W nmu-W» ' W Black. 34;. xfl,za;mr,z:5z3,z4. _ it than and 4 % .mry9 tread dmw 22¢ wttbyourfm the rcfiduc alfo. Tbgqbritlzmp % find, Bemu/Ewe lmvuetbru/t with [ids and mtbjimuzder, and puflzt all the dgfi. mz ad witbyour lmnm, tillgvou have [battered them abroad; rlamfare M111 V me my flan/3, and wbeyjbglz 12¢ no more apre} 5; and 1 wiztjudge mwmw fig“ mall and await. And Jami; [at up we flaepbewrd wrr them, and be jimllfeedg’ tlzem, wan my fimmnt Davin! sbfifbdlljtaed them, amflae flmll be their Shag. kcard, 3‘ the Lord willba tlmr Gad, and my ,+/érwnt Davidwfrinca may) them. 3‘ the Lord have/fokcn it. ¢ j 3 W?§§n§.s4§9!Wi¥i¢m}12c~r;r» .3. § -3 2: . fins-I--. ‘Thm ' H‘ um um. u.".._. % .....d ..,..... « .1, b I. .~.., ,1/.+ rue»: fin ., J»u.m.m.\..\s It .‘ wt mm Wm,” H._ m AW..\.m mflnmw L‘.‘..d ‘. ~m...§_m....w _H_.W..«\. M M, w “ . “ A. ...m‘ lnaJ»|i«...4&J.y..W1 . » Kw . I » M‘ E w *::;"‘ew.m* " Ilsa(};lké2or{tq;:I§eAq{w;e,§€- v %AREAwER, afpecpiall Law in (that fingulax‘ Patgcrne of a w'g].K If A’, ,. C}‘]3?1??P9f¢dA5t3t€) S}:mm2._ASo fenfible were thcyof A "‘ TM? 111 §fF;:&$*0f.1%movat102ns11:1 Govcmmcnt, that «- Wh0«¢V€r~p1'0pof::da-n£:*w~lemv, premixed himfilfe M. E T mew put: than in znind (a’s%tE:1cfc' times ficic nice} of‘ " ’ ’ '% % :=§?iz1?€fI15fa;H3Et?2rAA;ibQ%uth§§-Af;3a;igk.,;i3h§E;‘Head paid‘th+;:Atrc;{-1 M WE ®mf=W Wmwwéfemv ;;m;:¢ g/twa¢z2fz¢92m'?aa:-i‘ w3H ;f5;3}:15‘fi:j‘§?%g'§§A;vft hj.;z<'s~;9j;wt‘:116A:;~31§jlu%x1":gA1.s:3a;msi fancies of this .:a11~k§%Qw;1n;ga 3i::i&,,«§h?3§..QId.~ W*pm§:§r5w1§h£}ut%MSggfiaclcg can diicovcr: 1P0pM’h ::'amts,%4 v9uH%:%m¢n ars$:pArent;z¢sAaITumcAtgr¢gu1aA:e the Rebel.- Rim in ?’r;*Wd;’Z34¢3‘ffi¢fi W1MéirrifnersARc.%brm¢ :1ic I-1oufCm0FPcc:1'*s, A 1”0°1‘¢m'3“» du t..:W3;*? T daificiplirm ?%Th¢"%V¢93fiz¥1€V’¢Y§ fld‘?311tii2d?.fl1Q¢thcA dccayei trade: of th}: Cit:Ai:.T‘h§.A..~’: ._C31f~‘ir patah. upV;;'aA,I§¢1'igi0n;_8k all thefc. pmtiticm far a tranfl_atio;}AA bqmlj‘oAf';CHI4i‘Ch~A¢gand State _;, {'0 little fcarc‘ of thc Halter,thififlifiiy]wqt11d""thiflI<fi{them f:‘;I%vcS zic‘ ‘ A #1013 vfh%3I'ikS 501” Oflhfé,R¢?‘PUb1’i¢k¢§ 7 f; ghe that delirczs thm. A AA AA A A A AA A AA'¢Tl;gcfi:iftici< Gdvcm-A»~' mént, lookes tI3§:;+HA¢&l%t¢rf~f§?§T§¢rc lflis’ A{1i;1rt*:f;{A’ia”d' éidéugh there be thin? ty thoufarudhar:¢!%;fab1bti§¢.d¢¢£9i¢VseT17isCfimvtonc ofall thofc dares pie Farm a&Pcti‘€i9mpié:t,A; 4”_v “ A AI V[31fi3€??‘ Aqnadmm pmflet’ 19>- I ‘M ~.-;wv;«.A- H v“ ;"/«~« v =:'‘.' , -.MT"'1’1.;; db} 5 mad me’ ?’tzt.‘*z;z {$2 A . 1’ CD :3 » 4.2 u", want Scperatxfi {hall covcVfEhly ” 100%‘-lpfihpfirfiw, and tho.1";‘e to bc”éan11cxt4to fqmq mérym yet n”nhgt¢hf,* MK:1ightf§5%f Q flmire {hall pcrhMaps%finothe1;,thc t%ru?cA child; 3 andgm-es not _1ignax:it%party ,7and j “ g;1c&ed, if they had" I a’5’7 ‘*A;;;~ - % V « A % v. A $E_a.V:Q1famc1s 1: that an%%1gm3.~‘ _ raw Smbfcmbers%out of blindzmlc to: = ancI"‘de1,iv¢ri:d%%‘ in Atl1c}.na1irxc; ofAé1Coiinty,Awith[_ AAéo12AfidAcnc¢.A,";Awhen ‘a. = V own: Ait.A That a few InAn¢)vat0:rSH&all be able to fummon’ 'toA.Byl;m€;~‘A-~ hmitb, S0?fl[Ab'Wflr~k€', an§1_Saiw{¢gearge%his fie1ds~thiu3fands Aof V V has pmple, with xmphcltc fa1ths,to gm: along with ';P§titions;,_m ‘MA fhcwcd them” whcn may come there, for th<:altcrat1on of La’wcs-,3 credum‘ W and Govcrnmcnt : and the Rciolutions of an aflizcs or %S¢flions of “ Juflites ,, publiflaed in all Parifl1cs,figncd -by all thc: Frce-holders of a ’Cmmty. for tha fixpportat-ion of Lawes and Go:vernm¢nt,fhaA1l not pxjodugm one mtriot ta prcféznt thc unanimous dcfires of aflounty .;- — A year it fals out often; for when finglc hearted men arc cracountcfifi by a Eaflégm S§Q3 ¥3%es;13ia215¢§ ;12§£*§9§§a1on6 unafiwral 95 §5EF2fl§sWh@0 " v ' A % 5.3 . - » M23‘ b ‘ ah :1 “ "2: “R ‘ Em; J . 7'bfbe?2’{;aa'ar*: g . ti:1a~oFtI1*é‘%acithcf étmfadcratad make mare xadyfa theri 1o5oa.fiIen§ amen,» ?E’piicopacy and afiyturgfxp ax; baah lcgally‘ plantad , at this time _ both violently afl'au‘ltcd a; The qaafiion is 5 Whether “thca bwattcry , or - the dcfizncc be the Pcrongcr V; the cm fide charges furioufly,-,thc‘ othcr faflcisrsfi1:mtly,patiacnt'ly,a ad a raféfvcd fisrcnagth oft maficrs a vialcn t: ‘Batcac!a orthodox fame of the Church thlinkes himfclféfl in Eliab.§j%» caiiz, that hate alone is left of all the Prophets, and alas , whatcau has “ dosa?a“a-And perhaps than my Reader art on: of tfiafc,9Co#mgeamm; the fam: God that taught him toknow , hchad refervcd fcvcnthouq fanda, that hadncvcr bowed -their knccs to Baal! , when he opens thy cyca, can mew than not favan, abutafavcnty times f:c:Vcn’tAhou1‘and true: '13rmtt£tan2s , that wilucfnd ;'hc1rhand$~ and hcafrts tot upholda that A.‘ pofiblickaorder ;~this*b1'cfYs:d4farmc of divinc ’fcrv‘ir.:a.; Thé bufiacs A is; ’t~is ahard timg , every man"‘s afraid to brcakc his {him by bcin fore-rnof{~ : But the Ice ia bmkc already. This Collcftioza qf that}: man flccpingPc:titions w1lfl1g<.':w cvcry flounty that the-_way1s 0; cm Andyfincc noifc and anumbfif‘ arttakcn mtomonfxdcratxon , the forge a fiyaédxaciia of thc Aflaylants Willa! belacvc , put afhanac upon the Deg. -fcndahts to bc: fo fart: bchind. Th: Iudgcs being hcrwiurablc jana, % impartially receiving the arguments on both fidcs , I prefamc norm will difcover a diftrufi ofaxfairc accc:ptancc,or betray at Trufl(’,outof a 13:;-fo‘na1l,1:cf3p:*,6:) bd dctayning ‘ {U611 P¢°it10fl8 » afitht Countiémhavc committed. mto t‘hc‘1r“h‘anas.“ If allfuch as arc already figucd {cc ghg light, I am gfurc this volume willbc’ a large: one, and the Numbcr, and a quality ofthc Dcfcndanta , as much over-fway; the Opponents ; as theirarguxncnts anc fern thc LQWCS of 0d and man, will out- - ~ ». mufavthaywill. a As iii: were cauic anouglv-to overthrow A acflablifhcd Lawaa, that ‘mac (haw: dcfircd itgthough may I-haw no rcafon for it »: But if allothcit ..count1ds., all true: Protaflants with like liberty cxprcffc thcirA;:;1¥aflia Ifqpd‘ Wq;g;§,1,hava lantaay hand, by lavzaqing than andaghq world this ‘ ~ia1m»V 1 Farcwclgg TIJEA gag ; ' the diflrawiona of thc":Church will ‘as quickly fctlad ; To that A ‘ Av . ' _. . .,“ :. A‘ , 4 ‘M, ‘w 9» =:"‘w r" J» ‘ -a \ v ‘ -r .'" " ,<,..' M‘; H, M-“'1... ’ Tr ,’'f; ‘‘= "“" ‘ ‘;4,‘, . ‘J ‘Mm x ;.*}""~ "'1 , ' ' . "M" W " 433.-‘T . w!«*“:c',m\-ya *‘ww‘-W.w:..‘ '9.“ vi ‘ *5 =' ‘, , .,.; :l m: V.“ “‘ ‘ ‘ "'~ 4 '” . '1» ‘ I - gm“ ‘J ' * ‘: .‘ ‘ -; ‘u, U ‘ ‘ -1-‘ N ‘ ‘\ "“ -‘.. ‘ V , (h K ‘ y I ‘ I ‘ ‘I Y ._ 3% L‘ “ ‘I; _‘ 5v 4‘ . V w 7 '3, .» .. ‘, . ‘3 “ .. ‘Y A _‘ “_ _‘ . w , A J V ,3 1“ ‘ ' u‘ ‘ ; ‘ N 7 .. " 4’ ‘ r ,* “‘ ti . ..» 1. “ - ,u;‘:‘ ‘‘ ‘Mr J ~ :1 _A ‘ ,_. . ‘ «_ ~-3, ~ , _ o H.‘ \ g \ _Y W in “_ ,",£ ym 50., . . 4", ‘ _‘ ,' ‘,.,, ‘ ‘ ; ‘ mw ‘ ,1 . 1 LA , *4‘ _ > ‘... “ as-W~»o N4 ‘. m, ‘.‘ . “.wr.. - . “ ._,..; , . -.' ‘ ‘ . :4 M «x .., .I N ., . “ ;_-'. .‘,. ‘ ;, . ‘ H.‘ I . 1 V ~ ‘ “, ,4, ‘, _) . . M »*"~.3.-«w Iv‘ 3,“ -. ‘ ‘ n .‘ H‘; , h‘ _.v-. . ‘ ‘,_:\ My , . ‘ _,r 3 » ‘H _ _' .,-. >' h 4 . ' “ ,_ ‘y ,_ , ,. ‘. . A‘\ . V , g ‘~ ‘ A J ‘* L: n , A v “ . I‘ * , - ",1 ‘. '.'~ - »w‘,«__,-I ‘J11.-‘I7 M‘ A “§r4“;b 5.; .4 ,§,‘ .4,‘ __‘;‘('_‘,, (_£,:‘.fi r;;'~ ;“ . 3;: m , ,: . - H“ V “I u ' 4 4 » Q ‘i‘*'‘ 1 ‘ , ‘ ‘ ~ kfi ;‘ ‘ * =v \ .. 1 4 J .1 . - " J M41 . ‘ , .2‘ ‘ ‘ “; - ,',w; = A :3 1%? ' 5, 2: ‘. 'w-r~. ‘ ‘, ,, ,».”‘-An “ W. . T‘ ~'5v'\‘y"o " ‘’ ‘§:«'w,‘, '9‘ ,4’ y. ‘‘“‘K‘».,'' ' me}; \ flu ‘ q 4' H , 4‘ ‘ *1» . ‘ -, ‘ . ‘ ' A‘ 2 ' .. ‘A ,-*x- ,2 W‘ ‘ ; " H; M. M 3_“'l‘[; .;.,“P‘ A -‘I‘“;V ’, " ‘‘‘‘-M‘ 4»; ; , ‘ 3‘; “ I, ..v N‘ “ “;: 1 “ S ‘A. ‘.m ~. ‘ 3 M ' I ‘ - ‘ " ‘M 5. J‘ ‘,7 ._ ‘=4 J .4, _m M ._ _ .‘ ,,.,. ‘ ; ~ -; ,-—»»r~~‘. *w..,“: ‘:‘.J‘- ~m‘T: w. w M iv ‘~ ‘gm 5‘ -f_w,( yum -~-. W.,-‘£9 My 3. ,; ‘~a ». n "ma (¢:,1'u/I 5 1&1 .f,fli“‘r${'3 A ‘u ..‘« ‘ V‘ ‘ . :_ -‘ _“‘M A‘ “‘ “ F, .‘ .“«« Aw I MK‘ ,, .. _.| . I5;f$ajfm%&§1fiQE&¥{Ve§."gfififiiy %j%gQwfLdpqg,¢ ‘ X ~‘ - ‘I’ V 5. ‘ " ‘*"~“ " 3 --’~~ ‘. .*.‘ .. :.. ' ,,»’m''* 0 -: .. v , . ‘. n § JA M V.‘ .% IV ~ 5 . ' v¥~ ,. W H -.uU. « “ “ ," ‘v 1 ,_‘f~ ‘V 1 r... - 21.2-‘ 4.: ;W‘, J” . to , r‘ “; .‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘u’ -w... , .3 . %*?,miqmyx & L%Qf i m §h$nWfi»~w ~ '~K£Wa}a”aI\?2>£3«‘iiz't1;«,»f€;&glm,. ‘ ‘H \ ‘ ‘Huh wt‘-m v" n ‘ ~ ,' :\nL~ r - 4‘! . -I :1 ",.- v- n V \ 5 , Mi 7}~";‘. ‘(L3 . tr M’ I‘ ‘*e,."‘ .»-.4‘; V’ V,» ;_,g “' w Wu‘ ' I ‘ ‘ I Y. i ’v . ‘I ‘H.’ ‘ .1 __l 2 ‘pg V'-;‘?*. V{‘ "'7" ‘V ,. 4‘ ". v :3“ N “F rt} ‘ . 9 3, ‘ .\ I1‘. 1: H _‘ A ‘. ‘H , - -3 .n;. , Au‘ )3‘ " r-‘-—~' ‘ 5r‘ 1. ‘r " ‘~ L 1 V‘ ‘ v I .: 1: T J Lg, Me, ,4 {E \! J; 3 ‘,3 _; W M1. _‘-__“ W W: -..a ‘J! % K ‘W’ ‘E11 ,3: 4,. L, . L . u.j— _*'.. ’.r . ' ‘Mu "3 . S. .: ,:‘aw.M.,‘. * H,» a V, ‘was «- 2 - * .« .\. " V N >7 ,1 _ . M ‘ — W; ' .. W ,.- ,4, - .._ , ‘::._ '3.-‘ “ j“n ' 3;. JV‘ V.» ‘;.~' _ tv;',_ ~f V; ’:’-r..‘ wk ‘ ' am. ‘ .1’: ‘ , ,4,‘ '' fiflet” 0m'“‘t e % zmffiw " fa" ' ‘W4: ‘ , .‘ .. “ya .y W.*=v;14duz4rz:2i]¥:éV*s*;%27's4:;m1;?ea2:;%.¢;;a;;r2';mzz2~g,,g:_g grefw«’é/2.~1rzmzim Ag) “ “ 3‘ 2.» ‘ ‘ «V A - ‘+ " H, .M , -.o ' ‘ ‘. w ,. V .A ' -3 ,. .:-v..~ H ‘ -- .. ‘ :1’ ‘\‘V, W ‘ V: '. 3‘? 2=-*:“:5’ « *7 V “ x’ 1 M J: x.»‘a{{4.;e .‘:‘3‘m«‘(;;_M ‘,_‘.,uL,‘.,"," J‘ “ : ,, ‘ ' m. '45 . ‘ ‘ V fly‘, 9‘ ,” H .4,‘ .7 N . - " ‘ 1 “ mu -\ 1" 5' Ln.“ / , . Q -" i‘ u 4 ‘ ‘ , 2 ‘-..- ‘ ~,; L \ ‘ ‘ aw. M Wfivm , "« ,3‘, “ .A _ ‘._ {V ‘ ,~,.u U y ‘ .. ‘ »w~n flV$“”“** v‘~wVfi¢¥nH 4‘!£fimV%~~»'*#n***%;‘*v--H u%"~:‘“ ‘,. ‘ "‘ ,¢ .73’. IL‘ ‘ K " . ?H4zmM~,'&./h’ fleuntmgaxnfi ' . -1- ;~- 3 _ Q , ‘W; “‘ ‘ “W " “ ‘- ‘ » kw“‘~‘*-~~~4‘*~~9« ~ ~ :‘»'-1' , ~r~:;~..:.-.:\~. - ~ .4 .. .;0f=%Church-gmacrnc-. ) » fI1‘¢I1faV4,(~and th¢,Ear2ds.o£Amaz ,_ M‘ . ‘ H "Wu y \u ‘u ,, ,9 ' x. , M. V’ - 7 5:»: wt” ‘%c1%v%43'é1i4t‘5* %;‘101"icitet¥“ to’ :hc‘%‘1adm;, -J‘. v %a‘sah4Ap‘erfs5ns%:3F A ‘ * A Pféficnted (autxais 5 ’ W ‘A¥¥.1$fi;¢fii§’L ébffo1AiuIt;é?1fmj;iV»*;;u:§“pn¢V*%of:(;¢..; x“u~‘v" ‘kw 1," . ‘ ,, _ , I w , -todxfavow them all; 4,,‘ '- '::‘4‘V’I-‘(““‘ » '4 ,,,=. -.3. ,.» ‘ _ V k N .,f,“ P in A “ ~ %s¢€W1n3 not fb much ta%;;“%amn:%a:A :2 "”““”‘~~”"”"V€l‘I1m¢nf‘*and’ fi:5hV‘A‘-5‘A%mu‘nAA‘figa 4 V ~ vadvantagc~to the Adverfatics of our’Religion, ;vca%he1dgjgoug§fft;t,' . _ ‘:45 And humbly pray, that We: incurrc no mif&cnfi1re,ifamy fuck” J32’? I , 7 % ' ‘ ' ~ 9 i V amours have (wxthcut our prmty )% aflumd the: name of tha County. _ -‘ Kilygiis :3 Otfgffis age fcnfib1c%o.f_the common grievances omae‘ a _ J.ez¢Ju§.%9a9f¢ §9r@:o£cc at»a9é,.@2i599E1.¢dge with __..—a v shazzkg-:; l ehaolzefulneflfe, the pioué carewhich is alreadytaken For the fog; ‘ A prefliog,of§he growth of Popery, the hotter fupply of able. Mini; i‘t‘ers, hand 'fl1.f3’f€3tI10V'lng of all lo;novat1:on.;1andA wee dAoubtAnoe, but in yorrrgreat Wifedomes you will regulate the rigour of Eeclc... ‘A iiafticall Courts , tofuic With the temper ofoor Eawesaand; the flaw. A ture of Free- men. J A Yet when wee coofider, lthee Bilhope were in.&itoted' in the, e timeofghe Apoflcles; ‘I hat they were th‘C%g'AI‘€atl'1'§;htS of7thetAChureh~ in all the firlt generall Cotmlelsge Tlhat lolmany oftheno {owed the. feeds of Religion m then‘ hloods, and refcued Cl‘:r1_£1%zaoiryf‘rom:; ‘utter extzrpatxeoo m the Pr;'ve Heathen p€£‘{‘.’CL‘stll0nS;V ‘§'h3¢,~ :0 them wee o=we.the redemption of the porityof the Gofpell Wee A new profoefle from Rom:;.fa¢o1*ropt2eon 5, 7 hale many of them for the; pro agation of the truth,beca-me fuch glorious Martyrs;'.l7hat slivers. oft em (lately and ) yet living Withus, have beeoelo great alferm eourseof our Religion agaA¥nfl: its common enemy of Z?o2:.'m',锓’ Anal time; their Government hath beene lo long; approved, lo of: ellablilhed‘ by theCommon and Sltotuteulawes of this Kingcl'olme;l And as yet . nothing in their Doarine (generaally taught) Adiffomnlt from the” 'VVox:d of God, or the Articles tatlfied by’ Law . In this cafe to call; their Government, 3 perpetual! ‘A'tJellolegAe, an intollerzable ABlohdege;;, ’ And (primafecie 5-§~ £mmdzm azltem Faerie) to pray eoe peelent remow vall of them, or(as in form: of their Petitions) to i<::%cjke theutter clxfu. folution and mine of their olfieee (as Antiehrilltian ) woconnot con... eeive to rclifh of 1" ufiice or charity, nor can we: joyne with them. But on the contrary, when wee eonfiol er the tenoor of foeh wrin- ' ~ e - - "A A ' ‘A A cad ao1loog{’;eeh"em;Comxx1on~ . people; the tenentse preached publrque yx ~ 1 A A A ‘V l elA¢eohnren;m~ ,\ u % in . of many prmtecl P-amphl‘ets, fwaemmxig amongfi us ;,all ofthem cl an-~ geroufly exciting a dilobeclieoce to the ellablillhecl forms ole Go-l vernment, ancljtheir feverall iotimationsl of the defire of the poWer'A éofthe Keyes, and that their Aeflomgrlegations may execzute Ecellefiafiiml \ ealllseonfures »With»i'nl themfelves, wee came: butexprefle our gull: A ifeares, that their dlefire is to mtrocluce an ahfoleuzellonovation of Presbyterall Government, whereby, wee who are mow governed by the Canon and Civill Lewes, dlfpenfed by twenty-fix Ordinaa A ties (eafily refponfall to Parliamlents for any deviation from the ruler of Law) conceive wee lhoulcl become expofed to the meere Arbi-=~ trary Government of a numerous Presbitery, who together with ruling Eldersa. will arife to necre forty thoufa_nd Qhureh Goa?- _ e e. A- >4.“ .. .V.e A . WWI _. Q- _.. W ., y£§m9m% I \_"_ (3) Vv.?eenours,and with th air adherez1ts,znu{1e»x'ieeds em 17:) great afway Wee inthe Comm0m~Wea’lth,'that 1f-futerexnconvemenece fhallbe founé i in that Gevermnent, wee humbly efier tea confide:f~th:: Clergy, winch have oflatc beam exhibited to this Ho110urab1eA{{’cmbly;” V\(cc:_c_0uld% ; not but .th1i‘IkC;0ui‘ Iakvcs boundin duty“ toGod, and %thisfwh0l»c4N9.ti.d0n, charity to our {elves and Sum % ceflburs, whwbave, andare %liE~«;c to have more than ordinary intcreft an any rcfelution thatfl*m3.I bear: takczn comzemmg C11urch~afi“a1rc:s, m all: humility, to dcfircthe con'tAinuaAnc_e of that forms 0fG0vm~x1mcnt, ¢ gwhich isrmw efiablifhed here, and bath beenc prdfcrvad in fame: of the Eafiernc and WcflncrncCi3a.mches,%an aconmmcd Succcflmzmmf Biflopw, downs fmfornthc: very, Apofilsrzfl to this prcfsnt time; % the Kim: ighmd Honcurable Co'm‘t% 4 ,Whcr<:;ofcann0t bee afiumcd of any other forms of Govcrmmm: _ in any Church. Vpon which mnfidcration, and {ugh other 1i1ot%ive:w . as havcbeencwalreédy rcp,:;c£”r&2rr:<:ci%zo thisHonourablaflarliaancnt from ,k;:tharPer1ons and places (withfwhom \7\7cc concnrre) izu§2ehalfcw“o5:" A L.E'p:i/‘2~opz,2cy» Wee camczfily defirc, that you wr_m1dV protctfc that ancient ~%%%:4¢FS:i’Dr%%%%th of thofe pidus 1'fo1mda;§gns Q Efitisadrnrl _C #70 55%, ,% »:~ rs: and R;-v¢.A. _mucs,% ' A L , ‘V 9 A ;. As dcdicatetp 1_tBe_ Strvxcc andf Honour ofGod, foam after tbs: :.gP1antation ofChmPc1amty1'n the E:ag1z?/Z2Nat£o;¢:- ‘ A A. % in- As‘ thought fit and u1"bfu1Ito'bcc preiervcd Forthat4%cn3,%wh‘cnthc Nurf::rics=of Superifition were demoli!hcd,‘and, {o gominucd in the V Raf’: and bcfi; time‘=s ,% fiance the bIcfl'edVRc:fOrmation, under King Ed»- award 6% Queen Eli.r.;2éat,’a,and% King }1.szm:?.s' ,Princr:s renowned through film World for their picty,and..w:ifdomc: ‘ ‘A V * ‘As approved and Eandmoderncs‘ %A % _ .% A " _ _ % % A5 W PrinciP911fiv¢%utWatd m0fiV6ar1d %;encoui*a2cmc.nto£311’"5€M4 dents, cfpcciallv in 13§i!i¥3¥A*¥%aa£3?!w~‘E¥3E 5????) §EE§§91..‘§f f9m9:<*‘€€zb¢ M -u 5.1;, % ‘confirmed bywzhc EaW¢s~oféhis I%.'and:, aneiériitw ‘ . m: J % pArA6duei'n¢goof iiomifhingin all ages; many goodly and laafhed Mcnawho haveormofize PcronAg1yA3fl'¢:~rotedAthe tmtfh OA£f11atoR€IigiOn‘Wce A profZ=:fi‘e, againfe the many fier_cc_%opp0iioti0§Is of otitadverflaries of Romeo I ‘ W I‘ A K ' ‘ Ar. Agvoungex-‘BrotheArsofgood PaAre15tagAc,° who devote.*:themfé‘lves *tothre Minifieryofoethc @oi3pfl1= A A A A A ‘ A A As afFordi_jfqg ta, competent portion inan ingenuous way to rnemy ' As theonfly meanes of fnbfifienceoto amultitude ofdfficersfianci other Mini{fcj:rsA, who wxthethexr Families depend upon them, and are _whoI-lvymaintainfidbythem: 1, , A ,4 , _ As the maine au._thours or u*pho1dersofdiv'erfe Scboo1es,Hofpi«} ;a1s,High»-wayes,Br1&ges,and; other publiqoe and pious Workes: e As fpeciall caufes: of much profit and advantage to tbofeflitiem where xhey are feituate, not onely by relieving their poore, oand keep- A ing convenient Elofpitality,‘ but by ocecafiooing a frequent refer: of Strangers“ from oother parts, to die great benAefiAt ofAa11Tradefxnen,o2‘1nd- “ Inhabitants in thofe places“; A A A . o A As the goodly Monuments‘ of our P'rAedAec”eITours Piery, and pram _fent Honour of this Kingdome in the eye of Forraigne Nations : f As the cbiefee ‘fuppon; ofmany thoufand Familes ofthe Laity who enjoy faire efiates fromwthem in a free wayoo A A A A V 1' e ‘ A A As yeelding a~conAfiam: and ample revenue to the Crowne: And as bywhich many of the3.e2rnede1"7*afi3(foz4r:r in our VnZ'z/mg/3t} We maintainedi; A ‘ A ~ to A i "A . The fizbverfion‘ or alienation A Whereofmufi (as Wee conceive) not A (finely bee attended with fUCh'COr1ff:qne11ces as will redound tothg Aflfcatxdoall of many well affefied to our Religion, but open the mowrhes of our ad *sre§:ia_1'ies,e and offloflzerity againft qs, é‘Andris‘11ke1y in time to draW'aft.'c,I'1t harder condltxons upon a oon11derablc=part ohhc Laityx,e an umver fall cheapfneffe and contempt upon the Clergy, a lamentable 7 rooping‘ and defeflion offoixldufiry and knowledgem the Wzirazcrfiy-3 1‘ my gwhich ié» eiafie to forefeep but will bee. hard to remedy. . A it I ?.7£a('zy it tberefara pfeafleflt/Eek Honourable AA{I‘en1bIy,zzp?&a;%z%@thejfl=eanelfieoé« ~ &%at/55% Ccmfiderzitiom m my grmt WE/'a’om.e: f514r7fi£g_§§‘€]f ,' A fzxcbpzom wzreoforA the cantimwzzzce qf *tlaafl;=- Religious HoAuf:s,¢md .“ A A “ Aflaelii‘ eRéoeAne1%x;oé%ccording ta tbaéajffeinteiztiamxotflzew "P cum! eré, a A Af A A” AAW‘j9"”e*;Gf%fif"%*?5J§‘?@#F€W' Gflfglazy i It fidfir'W3‘€s_w}tW%eH?* ” A‘ _ A “ A . gwfir vfzfbkf «C/:rm:;’a Md Nation, ~ the » advancement oafA~Réligion*&W01*+* 5* E A I«.¢asnine.aL %%L:arning, an ancaxragga mg affke made/Hvapé: grad éwaafl m2d:.«s-Q5 _A WV.-mr.: afmznyVbumlrcd%Studcntszn the Waxverfitxcs Whodoc and [hall we: pray, .&c.; ' A Dam, Anna Dom. /‘I4?/£’afz‘mr:%»fZ’xce:4t’ quad’ primaé Damn C0fi'yga4Q %% , tiamis‘, in ca:-lsivra’ Comwwm Dxazflamm «of /klkagf/frarmm, omniém cg,-iw _ _[z’ng:¢l5k njfentientiém. V % ' . l‘170n0‘r4v_:z£:;[/27174113 ifiirrix Egz4i:z”Zw, €z'19z'éz/is’, .’Z’in»;gerWrus Suprerizae §:$£?'f:c€ @artzamei2ta;z&'éae ‘S E :5: A -3: on I 3 L! s Cm::=;Afu1ri11' Sn/mwfl mm dcmzfloxe. ‘Scnatdres Honoratiflimi, 0:2 veremztr we walmntiém imam mgotzlri malefli Accadcmfa V _. tlantabrigicniis, cumni/ail mat and Rcligioncxn certim, am am.’ fjylendaram mmiwkexcelfim, qmim /v.f£‘z'pere Littcrarum clientefam. [ma =ga:a_/mdio, czilrm fi3gqz¢ zzrfi maimi '2/ejflrz propszzfio fiifiper elrzxerit, mm ma/Zoe infe fmagps Pafi: 9 3‘ r I» I a 4tiIm¢.'rI4ntf, indelxluztzg tzmminia. ‘ % New eni % cmwc, 71; ‘ “‘Arfi”i‘§ :0d#fit; mam ma: imdmflriaz potent mu re/ancgmf/éere, we hum am/as gli, atqraedfiggril pm; «mm pazrwmm mm in irrzlmm cadere, _/jre ism ‘mum fipfi‘z¢/cz'.mmr. Qgém pzrcammtzzmm pmemm éamk azrtiém ocwg/km immimsre flipen-. eminme, qm2m% ff Eccleeiae faamffamenta mg, gum diumidem Militifit 9v:¢2a.iIs11peratori E’ Swat‘ gm? expadmzdzic ;Schola1’ci~% comm Jzmlmgxéux, %r~wlt£e1m’z«s /mtzgz¢amm% P,atl‘L1Lm mmiumextzéf, e,..vpm"- % gandaa féci Roananm, -we/at Augi$ Habulo, fé tam: impmdémrnt; ‘“7¢:$a aliazm men-edem prenfant gxam in Ecclcfia Cathedral: tandem alzqmam « do qmzfi in parts» conqxaiq/care; imfiam“ qmaal égnmzglt Afylum iizcsitim «:3/f, a"%ai'm:-cdzécliariépxs Jixgeszifl Ap ro {ti-m ulofit ad optima _parf:’qz:e:¢d=sz, 72;; agflz... .m5 judiziorum wfirarmiz firretfi, imprabztareayz nomzzallarum in puélimm V jmlamitutam radzmdmre. Impctiggo Rmmana gram amplnm mm fiéi A ~na;3?4 vzziaieéittzr j/-Er diffmndmdi Amwafwiam chm nbizfit mfi éméc/Zexadvera fe':é'2-I éééfééttei Emeieété €€"€’f§?i’§E€z 3/_«§v»rmfl?ee%r,arzé ié _!{1’§€§ «Wt» {ff t ‘ (7) at M réfiris Conci0flibUSfi¥tifflt;; rtiam:x;}m‘percwt.if&ere naéér.wz‘d.§.'¢ mm amimv airqyze imgzzaém A%<:ca&cmiam3 Mtigzzam pg Pgftdttnim W % pnelmiia per/9ar76fc‘imm' : mac mflm progmiax Ham nliglmmdo venmra efl fin tmmzmm 77z1f€3<'im’z'¢7i3 partmt. Qum itaquc %Senatbrcs Ampliflimi per fpcs Parcntumfli pcr illcccbrwas i11dAuHrim,, per {ubfidia fimul & erna: menam pictatis, per vi%ncL2}a,%nervos, 8: firmamcnra Litcrarum,vciii;is iplendorcm Ecclcfiae, qui Iongifiimis ab ufque temporibus, ad ndfifa « tempera %d?Ycdu&us eff,‘ authoritatc vcfira c0‘mmun%i%re;. Sedgwia L£y;...A guts imtivgz darlorzw 6» dafideriafuafwlicimx exprimir, ;z;«,—,.s-¢g,o;,gm Lgmgs % ¢ ¢1i»17«0fi€flJ é€m’zr~a1';;r mriéms 3 3.”c;}7£et:&.% ‘E-Eoneri vefho Déditiflimi Praamceliarizzs , MI.’ guts‘/@159 owe my Acmdemice. A CAN 1* A 313 I G 1 EN 5 I 5:.‘ Dam é frcrqrcnti Convéxntu noflro Cmtaér, ‘ tertia Ida: flprilzk 164,1. Eeikz Ia. M455 I 64.1. "W —""—""*‘“‘“'§** - To the%Honourable theKnights, Citi: 2ms,andBL1rgefi"<'4s ofrhc Hoexfbofcizmmons in P.zzrI£z'4ment. CI7ae«~ bz¢mééle Petition aftfia ‘Vnivcrfity bf CA MB 3 1 13 Q 5,; A Méezéaétb, “ V % V . % % V % % V % Hat your Paritiomr: Iiavfiag heard’ of'd’ivTcx':s% fuggefiions o&’-.:rccE .- ; ' M to this Pfawozzraéle C"mrt by way of lwmonfiranca, tending %mVu the fubvcréion of'wV%Cat/zczim/I Ce€rzzrblae".r,¢’% and alitzlation of tho£Z°: Lmisr, by which they are £npport;m,bei:1g the ancient Inhcritanccofthci Church, Founded ar1dj‘bcRowcd by thfi Religious bounty of many Pamaazx and R%mb:w2ed King: pawl-‘ ¥”ri7zm?ofti2z?: Land; and other MB.e-.- $€]%5l‘oMr:, both or the Clergy m2d%.La‘.ity ,7 and cffabiiihtd andvconfilffi-" méd unto them‘ by thcL4Lm:m- of 1;l7iib*Ki1ggd02I¢Lg a§rrxd% Io accordixigly :- §?fiVE§? @9319 ;.=,m;p1ey¢¢_% 59 shé a§vaés§:13§€i£9! a4¢4rz%t_13s¢ ,n§s>urag=* ré) m;éfitdfStt2deni.f; a11‘d gsresmcrmnc o£Lm;g;ge4;gg;;¢:, garage; ;i3a‘a5~fa;;j‘"“ *:%ne;sp:icusa4;:d ._¢:haritaE9"Ic.I{[’:. W4 L T V M§yitpIca"f<: this ~Hé»z27uwWe Cam-E; iiut Ofthéir grcat Vvifdomef;‘ andtendcr care fdr-the checrffluing of Learning, andfurthfcramgc ¥ of thcASt:sz.d£e.r, ancfpaineé ofthofc who have,fan’d ‘dove dcvctc thcin-4 .4 {elves to gtghe fervi&c¢1oFthc‘3Church,4 gratioufly-t_a Prptc6’c,and fscure V " -~tho£c 'Re1{griomFomzd¢zt:om from m1m:,and Alzengatmngand W-xthali ‘£0 také o}3d€r"J‘thja%t~%1they ’Ifiay'"b“¢€ reidu¢:"d'to} th: due bbfarvdtion of ' their tpzmtw, find‘ that al1Vlmo+mriam‘and Wfisx Which have by iome mans‘ mifca‘m:iages~ crap‘: in‘, may’ bee rcforxncd, that {Q the .5'ttwlei:¢t:1Of‘ our Vniwi;/izy, which by the pxffsieng __f§;a:§s_, both are; and‘% Wi1tA‘beé’%“ffiu’c1i"4{’adcféd*f'éfid ”dj¢jé6¥Ed"'“may"Ecc the‘ better igw.i.... T ted to purfuta their Smdz'ef.r with alacrifzy, and the placcsthexnfelvcs - V ‘ diipofcd tn the mofi fcrsiiceable and de£cx: ving‘ men 3 according $9; ,_$11c;'§ jI{}£%imet;"on.V_ _ A T\ A A ' V» » : Zflm’ ya;2rA;Pcr£x£omw dc‘ ‘fix dmjy éazxmd _;7m1__g . ever pay, c-;’~r;, Q n___.. L ‘ M .. _.- . . W. _' annual: w, _ MW.‘ ..._,, ‘ ‘-*"*** . . ..w..- .. .. ,. A‘ .. .........p , To th e Hono..u__r:.=abI_e Houfe of Cummonqj mow aflcxnblfird in the high Court of‘Pamfamer:t, A ‘ {hr MA "’ . ' . %;¥.£;£Ja,;fC1ergyafl?€é{ ._,Cammai;mf g:2§;‘_FQzLg; the Cdfikfi Q)’ Nqttxqghqnz, : . Vflmiiézjy fiawiqg, Q '}‘Hat whereas wee are informed, that a Petition, tcigethef W Remonfirance,hatfi in the Name of this County, becncLherctofc§rc4 V prcfenta&Lto%th1s Hqngugablg H_Qufl:_, for ghc: altcratxons 1_r“1_‘C.hux;ch-3‘ A rfiovcrnment. . A M % % *~% "Wee ace humbly «me "leave ta terrific youmonours, ihatthé Iamf: wasdone_witho'ut our‘knowlcdg¢,or confcnt, and that weé‘ doc hcrcbyfiifl-avow the fame. And with Vghe liks: humility, ‘doe dcfirci ’ M A '”1_‘hat: the; V long“ cflaibiifliegi Govérnnacnt of the ‘Church may Pcili cox)-" A; A4 %4 Lfizilfimé £h9_§£lzs=;. a§9£§§ 3.1.34 Qffeazs pstrtistular Wrfons may: DOE Ur--' an-an-l \. ‘ ' W ' _. q_ \ W, .. . as‘. Elle T Rem onflran Ce and %Pet1't1“on “A Q at the taking away 'O‘F\.th: %fa%iAd* 4Innové1tidns,;A:tfund;éi« R“§f£itfmAA I V 4(9) ME VAc7a%u{i‘e the V a.§teEé£tEa7n‘ £27? ch: Am giant Géfsfd E;;;u_t+Ar5a;.t§1gE:;;,%t;£ga§' : f.:chA_A.p:rfons1flxvould fuffa: acceding to thczr DA¢mc;1ts,A% Angdwcg ‘ 1i‘kcw1f¢.humbly—;crave, the Bqalw of 6‘0WMOM.P1ffl)'E#‘w, bAy Law cfifablin fixed, may contizmc in force, with fuch It¢raAtionV(i%fth§rc {gag gaufgg astoyouirHonourswiidomésfl1allfccmcmeet- A A A A AA A e/.'.?'2za!aarinD»:ty 505924,Weéflm[z'Vday{7pr4},:@«a; A K A :SwEj2rié.ed' 4é}§ne%VV£§fcé::}zt,five K:¢:'g/M‘, {c1502/éwéz bfikéidrag qmzkwm‘ v:y’q.=-'m!iz}, ail t/as L‘.’er£y aft/'91:" CW-WU"» and aéaw ji.xt/J01;/Ia! mi Ca.wmofier:;5:.:‘ng azlloj‘ t/rem ?Commm25m : .r. V ~ .._._.___ .....__ ._;_. ——-v-——u—q ....._—..—_-u- M % County 0fHm£isggto2z,tI1¢ Knigh ts,GencI€:men, A %' C1crgy,E.rce:¢ho§ders,anci Inhabitants. ~ A V , V_%T62thcikighfwflonoutablethe I_.o~rd§, and Commons; éffemf bled in Parlxamgmt. for thc commuancc afthc C/.mm’a- Gavem: ' mmaamd Divim: S:rrw'c:,or B ookc of Cammaneprggyer. V « ..-.P'7‘¢fl72tc'd to fhe Hmfo’ 0f“‘«15eere.r 5] :13; Lqm’ frivlflgglg 7‘ _{ ' qf %J.)cccmbeAr, .1641. T Hat whcwaé many attempts h_avc been: prafiifcd, andA ;diwr§ Pctitlansisfom [cv€raIl_Coun*?:»1cs, afid‘:*0th€tiplaC=?S;:AWi'thiIi.Ath.i‘3 A ;gKingdozn¢, frpamcd and Apcrmcad in :1 cIoic’Iiand~fubtlcmannéxgtoimu %:pc.irt%morc than is at firfli Adi1i:'¢rna%l3IcA* AyAany urdAinaryAcyc, or thatmms impam:dA*taAthof'e whohgncd Athclams, have bo;cnc;carric:d Aabontmw .Ama{zp1accs agA1iflft=thc prcfcnt Aformc and flame of church-Jyowaxxa ;mmt,~ and £'U£3‘35"“.5‘5r‘U£c§fi~” oz? C.;mmon 1’rayem,Aand%;tht:zids; £«ma.j any pcrions ofofdfnary quality i0l1ic£§1me;,With.p2:ct-::nm A to bcc:prc1?:ntcd to this Honourable afihmbly in Parliamrrntgarxd-ax-.;dm:% V -mlour ofrcmoszing fomc %Ipn&a‘nd fo? fcPcablifi1ed‘by'%;thc: L3+wVcs Aazmxdj tatutc$.of?,';hi_§ ~KinSd°m¢+ W A ; . 2 V- For when w‘ecc0nfi‘dc:r, {that the Forms of %%Diw}z.~ Serwicé%~cxprc£3;- %f<:d and cont?ait"1‘“:;-:cf i171‘ «ithat é%BodkVeV:Ao£wcamman? ,-amyer,; ;was% wigh ,g r’c"a: tare; j>iet1§r;iér“xfi’?iA’fi i1¢?efiéty.‘;.4;;’1-myifcd“*A»A“2rnd.a*:;mcgi;u¢&:d- r; ,;al1- for-mm? ¢Qf».w ruptions and RummyAVsiuperflia:~ions;¢ by ,tAhofc-bo1.y:aI1d A%ef¢IVe&cdAAIn{trg 1~ mums of%tfi6Refo’r*’mation. pf; Religion withinthis Church, Aar1pLwa‘s ) by them r-cfi0rCd‘to‘itSI<{fitfi: purity, according as it Was%in£?cim“ty¢d 3 fl& praétifcd in: *“thi°.: j:I?rimiti;vMimasM,i= fianclmlm :c0M,nfix:;'n&cdi,%% gfiablighcclg ... and cnjoys1cd*“byf “Aétof vPia1*}iament, sands: ~RoygA1;1:,*I:;ajunfiibn.s ,..7«a‘Dd a. 'hat§h ever {incc had the gcnmcralliapprobation .qftI1g gQdlY1‘?nfi:«ge;.§pgbW-- r Rikc? ufciarid?i‘éc5i1finuanc¢: within:;his;.Chur¢ha' that: _Bi{b.0}is wcm 4 inflituted, “and have hag! thcirA.!gc1:Vnvg;%and continuance ~pv¢;_%1incc the % ~ fiirft % lantingiiof »Chrifi1an_V ».R.c11g,1cm V. ampngft ;; 143,; and \t1;i;:,:cft’.g2;fg;‘l‘1e, ‘ Chri ,\ianWAWor1c{;v_%thaVt: they .;%w,cra~uh¢ %hght$%an.d 81Q1’i0¢Q$T Lamps of VA GddVs Churcbj,tha"t»Vfd‘ many ofthcm?fo?wed4;%,AA%us%an holy i6x»a.mpl¢3.‘a[:ld;anfihO* ; ~nourabl¢rcmcmbrance ‘of thc_ir_. faiath.gnd V. Chi‘iI’cia nVfortitudg, A wrs“offhama1a2tely,;and yamvxmg 1th”?‘.VuS‘,:‘baVW: ‘bc¢;1¢jiF1%‘g”g;f;;1;‘,A:_1ff.=;1£. In 1 mints ans! Ch%ampioa13x.o~fVVom: sflc1ig10!1+*.‘agaiixfl;g\t:hg;%Cqm%mpn:‘qfié§py ‘ 0f7jRnm¢,.» ;ahdj that :‘;¢th¢:imGovernmcm: ;haEhb§Cn§_f§f9 g1mg§eqt,:{qlog:g appxtdved, Aandrfo often V.ecfi.abl1£hcd bytbgLawcsa+nd;_,S.tatz;tes‘ofathies mingdmmcf ..and% M as,y:t~ nothing in their c>&t:iI1€‘;~e;: (§€“51'3“Ye F3'J$hU A @ ~V»difl“0m‘”ant%:fmm* th¢tWord‘~of or; .thcu;Art1c1cs:%cI}%ab1i§ncdby Law, A‘ryAam+AfiaatJrm2&I'!3nfithgm; &arnLt..¢mf&~fing?::11ar»VJr:arni“§ Mimi: ..L‘P4i-§v‘ty.,‘: Infthis .‘ A 3 . U 1» A ‘ ‘ 0 - ‘ - ‘ q 1) - ._ “fl """o"'P"""W-~vu'rv--v ,\-~~-1- 4 ..4. 1 i .. 3, .; ._£- , .. r . r»“;m£q:&tte gt}. éthcrfi ' fir: fcandatgustaad t:ut5it¢ntf0tmc§ arid mutt fiber triad out upw, as: g*“i§3é‘t V P gndtt it‘nfup+:p?€>rrabI‘fc*t igritvarrccs, : yc#ai~;t though the things intrI3¢n;fcIre$ ‘ t 7Iéc]ir‘%rtrr?trt;~t’oAin&;i€f3£rentt~vt'0ffirver ~ «fa long» cantirraaitefi and pray ”‘&i€"rndt *3.k§1:Wi3f9:¥§i3trt§E§ ~§s3£§:m§” at .J"‘_ “"“ ‘_ t -='“"’“" G '''’r‘'t '“ ‘J-.w rtrrr C W“ ,5‘ ¢ mg%ana4.1awfi::1 a'feA ;V4a=xud*praé’ti;1?:~ an%d%other%th%iVnfgsV imgiofed wupdm aga‘i?n1t%. their Wils a_nd 1ik1ng.asif I10 «a~Ccomrpt. were toVfbcrc:m%ada “<73? ‘them; dr no ‘libcrty%of confciéncs were left unto them: which7 hold fga:ftcmpts,of fame «few to;a’rfogate*to thémftflvcs, and to cxcrcifc‘0V¢r V‘;a<11*‘oAAth*r::At§gwhat’hig:hprc%.iuamp;iUn>is it ?'#:Mand‘Vh“ow gt-"eat ea tyranny may it "FprmV‘©'®“V*’€ minds and rconfci“exaces'ofMmcn .3 'I'hejgr eat increaefc: iifofl“ Em o‘fiS~chi£:r1aticksy ‘a'n§1%Sc&ari¢‘s, and«‘ofpcr1c5ns notbhely {spa- rating and £7-:qu:.*f’criLVx‘3g’,$ thC11fi'c1V€S‘ fi*osia~ the pubmm Affcrmbly at ammm ;Pr:gw.r ar;dA Divmzéj Ser*z:ira_; but alfo oppofing, anditumul-'4 moufly izmzrfuptixug othcrs 1n the p-::rFurm%ax1cc%thcrcofin the publika Garxgrifgatifirfz,%%Atf§c;VVftcquewnt ;Cozjwcn4ticlcs held a%marigG; theA’£n';A a*nd?%tz§heir4 vdkp-n4mect«§ngVs»Vzu:;.a11 publikecun~vehtions=of maize-s, Scflions, Fa'it'c2s, Markets, and “other pu%bl‘ikcA=flcmblic?s, their carncflz labouring to follicit: and draw the pcc>p1¢to them, andthc general}. %c‘orrcfpo»ndencc held Aamcmgfit thctmto advance their ends herein. ‘Of; thafei %IthingsT wee caI—nno#;t but gakcz noticgand mufl ncedsc:;:4prc{§E: but jufH¢ar%cs, that thcir‘ clcfircs 5 and endcavoursvvarc‘ to worke fomc “grca!<.:%chan’gc and mutation in the prcfent. fiata of the %ChL1rch‘Gc:.. vcrnmcnt, and in the Ih3”'<)frfII1e“ of thz; publiquc Wcorlhip ofGod;, and Vfflivinescrvicc, %and:4Com”nnon Prayers. A W M V» .4 A V ‘ 44 thié? CQ‘l11mO%n g1ficv;mc"~*S iOfI%itjhc: Ki11gd_o‘1né,V%A%w§cc%as_others,have bc?cnfc;?@d”rid?:1r¢%fEn{iblrc;% and¥dot*: profefila tha4t‘iVWcc4havc jufitcaufc with ioy4an"dVcomfort¢tof%rem4cmbcr, and with th:ankefi11;2efl‘<: to acknow» ledge, the:pious‘carc which is already takenforthcfuppgefling of the groqth ofwPopcry, "the better fupply of able and paincfullminia,-g. .. V” ” “t-191 F1 ?‘3‘A¢?d€¥iA?b.tfi0fbut"A§fi A W’ifdx”ncs« youw-¥%i ll“ régur er%t [ “ "a?n,éi cjxédrbiwtancy; 2!. the ~Ec"clcfia&ica%1I Courts to fair with the temper-of our Coxnmgn Igawcs, and the naturg and condition,of" Frcemcn:.And.vqréc:ho13e$‘ andA humbly pray, thatthc prcfczat‘ Forme: of Church c3ove‘rnm;;4;¢% afb;‘dmif4£3hurch S%Aervi»cc,4 and C‘ommm%,Pra%ycrs,» new cI‘ra%bIifhs:d “ S*taftiiB:§"%fm£JfiiswLiKin%gdpmcV‘fl1aII%bcc*%1EtLad«, a%nd’th,at aI'Ifi1ch as {h‘etI I, ’0;”p’pofcthcffi£eIv€s againfl Athé fam€.%%or(fl1al‘I%4~3‘0$C, Or; fpéakc an.y.thi ih-défrogation orj dc;:praviAn»,g of%the< {aid Divine‘ Scrvicé, L or Bogkc of, I?‘t*aycr,may Without any further» htoI1»cratio$n or coilnivcncé g1~;1d¢r§§)‘é~9“tfie” paincsg, punflhment“, fa nd? 4 forfiiitnrcsi due thwcfcare; and %14§tafiffiy:h?;¢a:te?%l?ha*1~E;xbe¢°taIichV for p1iac»ih”g~; ‘OF Orthodox and p€—'acc;-a'bl¢ pla;c&zs, ,w5?hofc ynoarinc may tend ~rath“cr"to: fi')i1_fid‘iZ§n2l‘;>,L1&i0fl”Vand,¢dJIfiCafiC)Ii}__‘thCnM»lE‘ad‘ to Schfifmc and Fafifongi M? 383% fwbmit‘ t94%Y<-W 31';°?§3‘i!d5§m¢nt3: and Wall. A A A ””4777"” "" “M4” W h " pray wxidomea E0 game and bring all your ceniulmiom {Q 1-,'3pPy‘¢0mmw 1 home, _ To the.H1ghanfi» Honourahge Cmuee of 4 ‘ @feere!t4me?2tQz1eWV _im:1ng; ” eeawgeze mgmm:m%Wfi,.m.,} 0,: ‘2"i:g‘~jcns.g.»2»;eh cmt;y,hem%; h gygtf V6‘?/50/6i6h,’Ih‘s, and I2¢35¢é=itam:bVaf the C0.m;:zf}Voj_‘ Somcdet,‘ V A” " Delivered 126 the Hm/E: af‘P.m~.r, by the Lord Marquehffizflm;-.; ‘x V ~ A A fam’,1he 1-c:«..of Dcmwéer, V1645-A A 7 A L V IV ' ?%'?’rc fazzmfly flew. Hat having V with griefe ofmind heard'of‘.fundry~. Petitiénégl A which have beem: exhibited to this Right AI-lonourableh AITembly,, by 1omeofj:h;e Clergyeand Iaity ab0utL':mdan ,hanhcHome Co2mties,g. tending to the fubveriion or t!*{eTCh'nrch;governn1ehnt efiahlifhed in 1' thisK*ingdm_ne ; VVeetherefore,*tendring~ ‘the Peace and We-lfareeof. Both , Doe rm allhumblenefle prefume to makekn_ow~ne our‘0pini-4' one amid hDefircs concerning the 1hme~:N~ething douhtfing , ‘o;_f”¢¢h*¢e like good accgeptanee of our humble Petition— and -Remafififafice in this .: beha-Me; being tendred‘ ,with‘no*1eeu‘c gone‘ Aee&e2¢mo the Peace , and Happinefle 6f‘ the Chuhrch“, the profperitye. of His Saered Maj;...;_. fly-e, and this whole Kiengdorims. A ‘A "Forthe prefent government h of-' the Church , we are mofl thankeé fall t‘o*Go‘d,; beelieveizngeitaiqQ;;r»‘heertés,tQ be the mqi’cApioushamihthe wi- 3 I fefi, ‘that any léeeplelor I{i:;§}_gC_11Q~mhC.UpQl‘_vA earthA,g.hha:hfbeerihe ezeaee ewifh» » alY;hhh{i:1ee*:he Apflmfis da jhes ¢:heugh‘Wee, may nothdenyebntethmugh‘ the fraihy of Men 2 an corrL1ptionehof,'{’ihIIi§37§4»3 'fQII1;é_5\tfiih§f3.9f Fin‘ ¢017f€qu¢u€C. and other needleflb, are fiol-I en ,“ or that ufi ifité it; A whxm wee heamly Iwifh may,-* besrefiirmzed , ;aind5Afithet?(;hm2che%rc£iore+:1vhto ice A former Purity: find be 7the bE*t15ér'p~i€‘fe1'rVed h.o’m_- prefent and-futuree In-novatiohn ;;We wuh, tne wheittirrigly 3~l"1dA[?7?l3Ci‘""‘ oufly guiity, of Whaz:"hcondihtit>z¥x’ fs3’?eve»’er§;fihhe‘y‘h%eefie: /‘we hti.fther.B-1!}wps‘~: or1rsferi:areiT7leg*gy) may receive condignc“ pun,ifl1mentL”Bhur , hm‘ the e%!>i£7¢a§§iae¢9§ Qgyheseéyrsaete deftrovetha G9z‘¢:xI:mm*s Wcetwfiit: L 372 ” I we-W: lvrdllfifléifiéifl "fi4).% % A flia1%«rséiEEt?ehéér%Ain'tdche.heacts&‘oLthis%«\§{if¢;;V.»sidaE? ' % cs: willnot prcfitmsto difputc thc; Right of ,Ep.£f°copgz;j ,,_ whm}? *5l5E13ii£fl5°§:%fi§’% A » that it be Diving ‘<5: not ; futfi-m;th~% Qs%%tQ;knAow A.«=I%t;h;a%t.t_h¢‘Church. A .gm:rn7t.v3;¢3‘bj,?Bi[11’z$}) '5 -is aEié”icnt,”cv"¢'n fl¢§:r¢fQ_,thé"1KpoHIcs d“ay:s 2 and thagg: it hathp1cgfcdGod% from 4txm;:t;m:1m: , sto 4mg.k<: them mofl: g1orioLfs'i‘nfttum::nts. For the ‘pAropagat:1r.m~,% and prefcrwiationiof Chriu {tianRc1igionVm:Twhich with thcic blood‘, thay_ “have frequently fealéd; % to Po{£crity.? And how mizch this King&mnc in pargti_cu1ar1’sindeb'- ‘ted to them, for chair: Picty , their Wifcdorm-:s,L and Sgff¢rings_ ; ‘wow T trfifi 1”I1?:1“s:v£:r be fm-gottc&rA1.< L!?i*§::tr:t's"{ iél¢:fi’twd‘»%"th:r¢Foi:e»:%» is That the Prea£au;camay% by: £cp‘araAt¢d:fgam the tha t:t_heb ad may be ::c-‘--% jcficchand phc gobd fctaynéjzij,” Furthcrmrorc,-ha_vin‘g credibly heard,‘ that our Cowman“P;*;¢y2+'ha*th"§;encir1f:crruptcd:anAd ddfpifcd of iome ymifiundcrflanding or. mifl-led people, to the great fcaqdall of the Kg.» ligion profc{fcd' in our Church; AWcc humbly bcfc“cc”h‘*you %t’o"”t‘2:“IEc % 'intoVyour care: mxca rcffc th=~.-:*<§f,;«as&.Ao€ mpiaty uut%to»bejc:ndufcd asv~alfo*m "take iorderfor thG“fC.VGNt-‘.93I{il.1fl'ifl1§l'l3n*tx’0ffllflffi; men. (if tbgy may bef difcdvcrcd) who freq ucntly; publiflm Pamphlets, ‘under: a Vail; 1 of R£:Iigion,y¢t, ~conda$cing toconfufidn and Relmllioni. . , = % All which Wag , h_u#mb1y.o1‘fcr:t_é:: ytliuw Wfi idommas the thoughté and dcfir¢s' ~of'+:this ~‘Caz?m1ty.:;;as%. wceguam. pnriwadcd of»; multi« V tudes of the found Mcrribcraof? the Chanel? a}“Emg1md,and his Swarm" gfajefiiex moft loyallsubjcfls. u % A ., ,]."‘""fW ‘ ‘, ".1 . H la‘ . 1 J ‘ }"' A. ; ~andyeet0fparda1z~ox¢;g “ ‘ “ fzrgfl‘ |~v:" 4 V rrmm. ‘V 1:: I A V At¥0iiriC¢>x.iima:iAd4$.%%[ A A; V ragga,“ z@;um~; 1’4=f,V-..;-e;eaz,‘1a,%-;;I % Inbuéituntx aft/ac %C&‘aV(m1_*y Somcrfctg (nbse%tbém A 1 . 1°flP5.l5"-*3 éwt all Pmttz/?a#t:¢fthc%Church 0‘ England) . ‘ 1w-~m- W W — H -‘ 4, A %3‘”§£5”~'51W“"”éVV‘”?""5"”?‘?¢’?""5 30¢; A ' ‘ % % V" ‘ 9 .~ ."«"“*7"r.T%.V jffi‘ ’ «_ fa AW \., \~ j_, ,,‘. _ ‘ » ‘ mg, ‘ , ‘ -‘ ‘. ‘ ,2,» ‘_ K‘ “ A . V ‘ _“§‘_\‘ . M 4”", M _ I , V v M _ :1 \ r‘ " ‘ ‘ ' > J ' _ ‘ ‘ .~ ".‘ ‘ ‘.' ,‘ ‘_ ‘ I ‘ ‘, W A ,‘ t I V ..‘ , ' ‘ v -‘ ‘ “. _, v x. _ ..\ \' ' . ‘ . 1% 33 mpg‘ nag C1631‘. Parhamcnt, » » -« ' ‘ | V _. ( V. ‘*-“- -my-1-I u...-..... ...,,..............{4....»..- vv-1 .,.‘_. u......¢ .-..—...u . ...—......c. .4 ...--- ~ .-- .......-..._, _ ~.*‘ \ . *3‘ ,, L‘. T ‘ ' H w .1 ‘v ‘ ‘ ve " M‘ ‘» r “. . - ‘- ‘ ~ ‘ ” ~ ~" ‘ .__- .' ‘r ,, »~; ~< .- <1.»-.:,.M_v: 1: i. 1,. ;., »‘ A 1,'_' -“*'.',_-“fr ¢ \:‘\ul‘ ‘C’ my‘, at . J '.'"'_.‘ ' .. - ‘. L I ‘ \ r K .: u “ u m « * I ,_ \_~» A ‘ 2, 4.;~';,;§,:,‘ ‘ _ V ‘ v . I 1 ...;....1é ==~“:t>v-=r«v4rr»,—,~s<-ear-A—yV,fl....—,.¢=..._,.,:,_,_:<4, __,_, A ;_ , ‘..__¢ ' Tc3,:r h¢11iLgii §ni:d"h6n'b1*1r2ble;Cbun:..of % % ‘ ‘G2:;¢i$le:%:9::e:¢,Aaiijd‘%' AA HWJ’7=0ia@’err in ‘%,theV%C<:un:y of R‘”?’*"‘1*‘55 s%A%iW/’4@~’€“ 9””d‘”"3$ 4”‘1?W‘F4”‘§{i“?{ V»: " ' W4 r»e1éar£»ns,%%vacax-5 4M‘Cu+ratsfiv* W Clergy; P; ; g N ‘ “ + 4 . i Hatwhcrcas thcrcEia7vt%=’< becncdwivérs; ’PctiAti ons.%iexhibitcfiwtp tliis». M Honourab1e":Court _,‘,:—. by.V_4pcr{ons* aft‘:-éicd crtfo Athc‘ jprcfgnt Go- vern mam; %hfom.thc»uttcrT extirpation "of the%apoFto1ica1.lz,md of 1”71*:ntlr:A A 6 W4 P am {mm we Cmlmfhflhg 3d 0r*z.}.ir.;a’;ati<;»§n never gyzws without :2 Biflaop, and if 2az25,+1>j:asby.a_’ ‘W 4 1% WP‘3-*3 WEAAAAS ‘!»‘m3L<:i rmlm m11+'unc‘5?:~i«;».mwi.tha Bifhm hm: ~w’a$ mzzatrcmxwmi am §’flmxr§;2ti:::° 3, am mxaatizmxizxatinaed by publiim am? ltjggiqtxcfkimm mfld z1_mhm'1ty,~;, aA_ndfic3‘x»v1tK1mutBimlwps, n0(%Pm'sbytc::r , than no}vab¢AAm foitutron, no czcanfc-::r:xt1:;m of the: S-‘Vam~a ments of’ the Borfls Suppemngfi, £01: tllafw Wants no map can111fzke;*:.:mc0%mpencc,or f‘at:isfac‘tion g ; V . A 4 N0 I’rf.f.'3l)ytcr did ¢vc":a:1:“§“"1wpof¢harH:; on a 1B.i'1§n<3pA‘,' whicifif £0; vmgmw A fiiaznous a rcimkw, qr }")l1:i;‘)L1}+13.~§.*‘5: mm: of C;’bri{1m1cIpxAnAc%%may_l;av¢an¢{}Ag‘,. IW» Wm ‘wlfltfim QXCWW their? d1£par1ty,~:and than aI3if11op ha;thAa Chagafflgrw ‘:1’ W 4?- ‘vvhifih *'3at111*Otb¢ iLnp1*ix1~tc’ci Withmxt :.1t1«:'a‘”i‘ vat‘x%ccua§lVlhia1?id A ’ film’ mm ~ . _ ,_~f-9 ,1. » sssywn 5' 7\_7V1thout B1{I1c§Ap3‘ pm Confirmat:onA~of ACI1x1dAwnA, and ya: ggm. aflcg ‘ fi1'm:at1®}} (calyzd Am E5cmptt1rc;AImpu1"ition <;>f’:l1z1x1r,:1'$_.,.AJtAS*a_.i.AAz:rtA maxim his C11ri9flI1¢EAA “iaxncspm €.,amch1fim= accounts M3?;.ux'xc!:az1*xe:nAtea1§ point a” “Q Cbuxikzh “W” §”“‘“ wfllmth alwaycws Vtzwiktd. it and xvaa appmpriamta A ¢;§1¢‘)igg§m ‘’l“‘‘’’“ ‘[2’ A.idab1x:Amflozm mf +:C2l;3wiM.mAdm¢:, Vzmd by m‘g:;;31“¢A.g,;£AJ4,;1,‘gA4p5ra1,¢§, ESP? 151 mm mm of thasamazvjimmChr.ifi:ians,%wI1oLn P/yiliip t¢I1a‘%%E%fé1%i”g”¢~V Jaegius, anfi Wk had _mnvr::rt¢d, and 1.3 chaargeci w1pc;%m th<.;: Pa1*s.*;u3;3As;J& rcnaygthggt that im-» ‘ aalmy bmsrzg §£§mirchi1gIrcnto13ifl1ops to be: ;cw1fig‘mcd‘;’,AAAaixdA;i;;?*~{§ggag ha. 3U*1m"1z 35 j«mrA.othc:rw1IAw,A bm;~:A1Au.fl: mix‘: tAhAcAcaAfc:A (Rf aOrdinatiomwidcligairjhy “°‘f€;”].‘*’?i“‘7 fingularityAsmdAAL1~farpaticm.A till of law that the: Icluiréifrn 4cri1atgéfAAtfiyéir" g:,»§11eu.:.m Péalgéimcx, have fkrxxfern to mak¢:_Bilh0ps not nc:ccffary,; ¥jb%y%¢:;%omVA;gg* A ” Amumcatxng CuAnfirmAac1¢3az‘x to thc,Pr,m[ts of‘thc:jrAOz:dm*.A ,. ” my [A *_ 6; . "T0 talgc awdyABiihp A :9;is;=aggi1;;Afia t11¢:AA%?Wi1li01n$%¢0f‘A thé.r$£}3,.[;§£}£ A Ewkglmwdfi fiver =(im:c:xthC*:AA A firtcxaatilgn rt, an dA}1avimg b¢ane.Aa§t¢;fi§Ead%\%%i$yA «a:l:mAcu1ar:: ipra\ A “ ~ *; _‘_ 'A . V 1 awmmm fimfémfip AA T” A A M AAA A . A ‘ ‘ _; V! 4 4 \ '3; ' ‘ > mam In-m . -w : an '3‘ but nut-IIUP‘ . $9) ';I“‘§ “V"""“"-":~7€“‘f-»«>7~':***'~n:I-,«-i"‘- "“~s-,"1,;.‘:'"*fN«‘?:‘ m‘g J5 W. ,,~_g,n -V n.—‘v ‘ " " “o » ‘ A... .,,_,,, . - V:§”;V2V:j'c¢’;C ijfi'Tji’35$"f‘§“4t?~1a?:’1F1t‘-&?cbu1dit$On%fi&??with it ‘t1ié““AA%P§éFé$r%it2‘a*t1nxEz;“ €hc‘*"K1ng‘f:h;at%h»% thy: ~r¢a1mf:s 1mh§§;gu?gg% giV94€h¢I11 Law“ g~£;crrai¥WSA j ;j_;;‘p:‘:5:fL§;1g1_n:c¢;“*b%’<5tl‘z? f’c1>r»%1(:!’1”e”‘1i:%~ %B*Vai‘3c3n1*<:ifs4=;:,4: and §El;§&lQfl m 51:1 d; pgzrfopall L°f ‘ 9; f§V.§[_eE figfifidtt tfiét Sam %:@~prec¢11ucd.,@sgthg A;;a_a%;n,¢A.,e;;g.. -* 3. is “"7 ‘£23 &pg(2.aci 4:9 31¢ an-~a’:::iv&;3re a%n:a*kA%dcre:ory*«coV:di£»i—mp;c»s{c‘ ~ :réam.-_- %VAsé1j1‘“r“ A"‘¢;%aha:1aa:1by:hmpame4s,’%wha bc[trk:nc*w th.c«%t¢<::ed%i¢s.%.AJnd wmw ;_l3a;giSghifm¢’s multiply , thara is"dm%ora 11G€d»0f§Bifl??P$§A%Jj{q Vfthét .a‘,_ .‘x‘ I’ ne- bwhe A7‘mfiltiplidattfifibfSEhi{me9;*’“‘i‘N*1 * 4' "A ” A” M A ‘ * 1 All Leams A4Wi£%1‘%bb%"d""fcou’n%. I mead. mm:%cx:angui%aaea;%ap¢n I ‘ E¢rifdéPacy¥%A&:?t:fi¢*Eiifhop§ AbtingA~par=icsLVfor%t1a§:ad~ ~ ":13 ' J,» “'32 .«;.9»«.r:~ 5.: 1 '5? ‘P -7 ‘, - Jvariccni ‘Qt: % ;, iii‘! I*1a"*§‘ié!7’s~5df I5i'é§Biiféryg“\rflaywfildfirlis Aqvmp may \ ~~i.f~?5:f fd fiifié:5%€iu1$;feafés§1§&rp1:§fcth1cnt+ba:giverr1,F0§ p¢;99lc;t1n~ *”1éarned ;m&l%unfitV~t:o Have :h%‘°ef%%f1nat:nargmg:pf Sonlcfia cfp_e,c1a11y.;;;fi%:;cc :1 "avg: 3'“ '1 A A‘."l¢éfIi"ed%C1é*£1‘#W“‘&5¢fufP¢t%d%1E5§*%théir,Li”3i~EA;d¢m§s;.iasmac;knowggvg 3%“! W ;»;..:~ 3:: *- M *‘h’arid any nE{"1' A’méfiA?%>‘W7fi qfimafonf«.:,»which+~§iutlfcaaitcs Tim ~ 4 % {arcA%a!{o“ Incréafcd ,V by cdnfideringti%A thanby.the;1.muvltip1i'C3tiOna0f~ Lay- ’ ”vartiaIi2sz- Iifdgrss or other "GoV&rti0ii?rs ,§fthe:i‘rl7%perfanalbintcrefhbcinge;im:;rg:,a£cd A4 A A ‘ It and ~;allg;:thi$éi%§;i$ hf-‘fidc 9 ,9 ’ V ' " A‘ V ” V 5‘ j 1 ThE¥&mb1?cdfl4*1 7off”?B’ifli»mp‘fs~‘ bcfwftanl ,;;m:1xcV mm! y to A wcaIEcChrifiiVan9%?V;% wwho Fcare all I”n;1o*v‘?%ati0n‘;,4 as gH.i1{y;\0€.;VfQ§fl¢ i’1Ifnt¢hdfii?énf§upqfi’their3éofifci~anca5%:»«butValfo£0-nhmftrpngcfigwlqgch “A ~f'a"ti1!;}31{:«*tl~1t2: 7'gi\m Tim- N was byAithw?mr:eou§za{rw¢d;4% » my 8 fr9‘?;“?* ,4 —»fi9§§;§g'?*!9flV W§:?“”"“””‘*. A A M M ;§Z7§&: ' * " % 3 Ondimus; 3 J V g ¢ Cxtius. mid¢fcntt%f¢vw awn 4,1’§a£,+VA:¢tSa;¢¢¢9§ds f,'l;“P’”“3 F wwqlvc mcn,V b 1:63;; ’ A f V ‘ ~ Mon ho % Ac . .. M Hzerojbltw %g;cA% E{*uoJ£czr.j A; ‘ ; ‘ t ' I ‘ r x - 5‘ ‘ , w!,,.;;:_, *3 ~ ‘ «z 4%,)‘ ‘ . g V g »4 ‘ mpmgm < ‘H W S "V ’” " 4 A “ _ ~‘ M W‘ »,x.‘ V gi uh? that holy Funétxon, to a:%:In*&§h:'dnd”~t1naL1§::fll31icaefixmatszg;v. 5» A *“ J x%7‘V¢ry ma1n*wiflthcAJ fawn A 11543555: and P ¢ A A % ~= ‘ ¢ A ~ Ac~c1f%«c§£ignc W“! %%’*’thm I‘i¢E)hélwOF"G0>d in A . ._.,, eplmatw H A A 6 ~ 1 W’ 9 u WV" " ‘ " ‘* , n K ' ‘ ‘ - w ‘ ‘N , .-~ -» mu _ up ,‘ «. _, ,_.A 1 ‘ an , . \ - «(MK . ; “W/' I ‘r ‘ J ‘. dv '3 “ '73 w . ‘ “.43 413% J N ‘ ,’5rI;(,Y‘4It L1‘ V, 9 1 ‘ V « (4 r W1‘; 1 M"‘~»~ $9“ 1¢,V"+1:».‘.4‘ 2:3 r». I‘ .:r.. :1 <: ‘am. 3' ,’ «$1,; ,: ,u " ‘ ““”“""' " ""‘ " ‘ “‘ mm ' M ww ., Cw an um ,, W v . Is‘ I -u “"‘ ms A fl’. ‘ T» ‘ W r V ‘ (- ‘W »_v:~>~ I/”" H « a ‘:6 ', 1“ ‘f .-' g‘ 4: g ',‘ J‘ V 5" " £1 .A%&<«-$1 J 1. ;,::.,.;‘ 4 van Q-flu‘ V ~ ~4 W . with . MW M , 7,,‘ _, M, ‘ n 1 ‘W5 Tinzorfmml A W ” * -I:1Il:3tuVti0f3:wWitI1 m’orAc'*wnficI~enc<:,‘%% ancymmra 1?%i"fzfmcd‘i9;.%t[e.~ =é§wa=*:z;*zZ*mtioz‘3'%’ :3» n "cEe5pM4a%cy Lanfi Prb sbifir%y ‘ béing5%Ath¢ " ocnérly new deflgnc fhould’ ;'uzt'H’e “Epif»:o1.5a’£?y”; 'a,v«:;.?"@ ‘z.-tare "mzafidemt th;~zM;s it- ~ Ag; Kmlrcrto ‘Wants a name, 17:) it will wzmm §}m:¢%%%mrfO.1'1n:;*%0f’%mmfm}f‘ . ~ » “' " ‘ ‘V ‘, ‘ ,, "' M . ~ ~ \ A J 2 , V, WWqgggclfincc)AAwh@n%1twfl1%371l . % ,., M "‘ . m . ‘¢?"¥°:~"F*;*%—°W%*%‘%Wér11¢ P1i¢t§I1d_i'%'¢‘ 3>%.1??c*3*’~f :‘°0'1“1«¥iy ffiidcrsa ;U‘1?‘0yn~e:s fhfiir mainm»;c»:'$o that, clthcr th*eh3r:opIe%44muf1:u'%li~%.§c opprcJfléd~wi~§v: £3 ¢§‘,«;m burgherm or é:1%:Sa~intAPew!: Rum m1;%obayed, or cfzfetherc £3 no aim» _1;Jhor’ity fi'2rLa1g,r Elders, as indeed tlhcm is not, V‘;2fé?:‘And aifoi thc*e3.- can bsecmalczx «:3 feamaf%‘%]£1:r‘;mt$io1:34mr:»mthc"7 j M ;Tfe§§pQtaIl power by the V ¥.7~"r€s3bit£:ry; tF:i%im i:a‘ro1*‘«3té:nde;d :fn:«t>iciI'3.V~177.{.~7p+‘1?~z*7?c;«*;u;.*% .V pacy,,1hr1"ce th’atPresb1tery chaE1cz33,§.e-5cogm~ifaVz2ce":ofirzarécaAiii&:$ perfons,then%:hc E pifcopacy 605:5 3 (£50 .ma!gi_ng a%‘d+3ng::ro:.2sA&m'rm"ich.;. meat upon the Supremacy) and demvczs ms preAtcnceAfE*on1DM%n¢;4 ghen ifipifitopg cy5tl1dug§*n in “ 4 w {H . ‘ ‘ 3' ‘ V _ ‘ 4 W . ‘ ‘ ‘ x ‘. A A A N 3%: wry, %c2:mt at a 2¢zM:zr..e£vm~ A A A A « - -4 » J “V” I, 1“ Q ‘in "W" N“-,, "_ 3 -‘ y .H‘ " ‘ .- H v 3" W ‘ ‘ - , 4 , \ , , ‘Z ‘ ‘ ‘ I ;’ ‘ ‘ *1 ’ ‘“° ‘».=“'W } '5. ‘ ~" ‘ g. I u ‘ ‘ ’ ( N I ‘L “ , I‘ ‘ ‘ " W ‘" A > V-Vu m V V V, .VV » ¢* ,a \, V-. 3 .V V, ‘ .. ‘ I v ‘I V L- V,‘ A1 V, V ‘M’, _ ;- . V A v. A . ~ \ ‘ z: “ . VV '« V.‘ ‘ ‘ V ”* . 3V V, ,*'~ - » r v 2; _ . V‘ ‘ r V 7“ V A «L ~.; V av’ ,;=~VV V‘ V» *‘ xi, V, ‘V v-‘ ,4 :1.’ xy WV ti V; ? h_ V‘ , u 1 ‘ VV » .4 ‘NV 1 ‘ ¢ V‘ V , 549 , V r, V . '4. s V b V ‘ r ‘ ‘ »‘ . . M V _ V U ' .V . V ‘ ‘K W‘ " * u “ SP‘! w r a I ‘ V V; “ \ z 9 Mn‘ N .,v "A, M mi V" ,7‘ ‘V“"*.». A % » afma13mwcs~ L: A ~ , A ~ V % As»; We V r’mémmenétfl~-tzathc Hows Ac’ s V V"_='eV :»V V, V..: i V ' ‘a '4 ‘43 n'V . ~r and» W? %V: km 1 3» K v f’ :1; V . V _ » - V‘ " « _¢:‘' "Q a’'-_.V~*V ‘? V_»: a A‘ ‘ m —v.,Vmw+ ‘“ M“ A " V3 w ,3 V} .‘ M: M»; yfl ‘ts .' » 5. H 5 L 4 “ C E '1" ;flM:')’~‘»'2w 4? am, '2.’ g. A ‘131 s Q 33’? 3; E‘ i $91 ,3 1 E VV’.d “ V. ~ Vii.‘ V‘ V VV «V V. V . V‘ VE .us‘ .-V «i VV|_ ~ “ ml 4 mvt, ‘~V, »V.w A “S?” a W a » A? M tsaamhio M b A ~ A Houfe cad P%v:&mmmfia ,1-u ., A, ,V ‘ .. . V ' V V_, -V‘ “ .‘ ' 1 I c A ,‘ V a 3 V mg «Ma! Amt’ 5” 4/’ X ‘ J‘ ;v"L '?.w3“'A‘‘ ‘ " Vs.‘ f.;us4"V ‘!%&x;"“"L&§.V“h':,~F gm \ ; ‘ , ‘ -5, V ‘ ‘ A V,_ V «ff? WV V" V . V. "» sf“ \ _ r‘ an , A .. n K. ‘ ‘ I‘ 2 V "1 ®V m‘ N A ‘ . ‘W. A 93‘ w .' W ', tr. .‘,a *I'« '\ : , my H 3; -V 4: -0)‘ -‘ “; V» ‘ 4e V..‘ .‘ A >1, E}, y . ‘ V»; M ;.- , , v - F .,V « V , ‘ v y: A ‘ . V VV - ‘ “ , VV ’ . 2,. W , V. [N “V 4 .V= - ‘ ‘ ‘A -.V ‘W . ' 1 H‘ I’ H V . ‘ H ‘ v‘ ‘ r » V -‘ r «I . “ ‘ -sV. » V ‘V V .‘ ‘ we’ “VJ W" “V v, 1 VV .. ‘ ' .V-V 1,.‘ V, V ,AVV ~‘ . -'7‘ ' ;.V V‘ I» ‘ ' 3,‘ VV.wE A‘ '£‘ “aw r.,».‘,VV»u ' “ii. 7 ' . r .V ’ ‘M J 3 \ ‘ A V. w f» ‘ "‘ . V V -ism V ‘ V V V V V Vm , VV VA » ‘ V " ‘ M, ' A . -' V V ,\ "‘ a ‘Q 1 -- C VV awifi ‘ - W ‘ - ,4. w '_ ‘H V ‘V, VV_V_ 1,“... - VWVVQ M 1, V ,, VV :.‘,V. JV,» V‘_w¢V W "2" V’ VV IVV“ £ ' ‘ rjmr Peti::oners@:w1tha11 cheerefulncflb A4 affying in th§.hap%yVVfctE1cm¢rL1t}TA af thV%¢ diftraflcions both ofGhu1'ch;=.» V4 4 .. “ 3 v g AA V':zhemfi1@ie.rbqmd£n~AADwy, A t ‘ A A4 A . VV V VV‘*JVVVVV _ V. VVVV V‘ ‘V‘_VVV VVVVVV A V ‘ V « V. V V ‘*d*1**:V1**%«amdf‘A;«?‘~11l“A«%2 fiiffed V3 * V w ‘V ; V «WV my .VVVVVV' ,V,““VJ‘A_..MVV V" ,_ VB. V_VVV “V V {XV “V V ‘.VV V V; 1 V 1 ._ , :.V . . - “- _ A u -;c~h, :waAsa.i~§1vVci; n0t«one«Ky aeca{§9Vm% of pr&;i‘£<‘.*Jfl=E=~ émfcontcnnpo «your Pen-«V - u. .VV ,1¢V- “ ~,V; mad J’mt&j'r,; /;)'AHf/3' Mfljfflifil P50W arm‘, and tbeprz¢defit and 76153503: am «V 7 .. VV,V_ V W k V V A §w}Mwfianx;;wareaf,ya;i:am'ciz{§r A tio1;1ers,bL1tfcCmc :oVimpVgrtVVfomcVi1l% cvcqtwithout carly«ptcvcné;- V A T A Thérp” < A*:fls»o’*Av A“%1fi'"1. (the «A % 'PrOt€fia‘m§c1:b..:qn. V V¢£13?1iQ}P.dV§,bYf9.m * A {O haVVVV W V 7ormed\¢Ai*Cf»hL:im:hes,.V being tainted, with t%1¢”"1?a£»es:of§Vdi A Schfynfislatfily fprungAupamong& us. % % A . "@3?%W});iQlJ3‘; Iauciable,..VandVanciCnt4Vfot“ ct; ” . fed bg [£116 _holyV V Manfyts, and \ worthy ItiifirmeAn$t¥s?' ‘ A cftabh Vcc}.L%b4y Vtshc prudent.Sagcs of;Stacc(yourrcli§’io”"i14s * A fonp§sy;§1onourcd. by the:VV%appro1:xVg;1VgoVx;3 VVV§<1§Vz»g;$§nm¢VV ” V fubfcribcd by) the MiDifiC;y. oftEa.i£7holE3§iD“'g”W[ Vgvxésxauc9£1§¢¥3§4£§s§ét¢§1 W311thséany:%tha2¥cazf¢an¥ F;a‘- A fiifli, iIiéEA Eifi Eééd, lgut arcAfuEhiI1iécI fGitHAAtHéAB66kE§ E>A£A",A Cq:rx1AA§x1c:f;nAAA;I’érctAyér :?AIAAm cdrifcxonablc ufe A! where hoartshafic A£Ao1A1Ax;Ac1A r, hath j'u"H: caufcA"t"o“ g1o"ryA; And may A{hee_1AongAflouri,fl1 in thdpraflifc ofAfoAAblc:AfI'A®d a Liggrgy; ygt it is ;ndw;%A=njoA: on¢1yAAdbpf”a”vedAA;by Amanybfthofc “Awho mou1AdAtAca¢h A %;f.=.r;/%.»e%M»?a::::.MI;e ‘PM¢¥it?oé4a;‘c¢I1éd“gér>a»dHalls,Aand.awers;&aaé:z§:a»s/ze;-: M»: It? River. an,4;:13onj7wre 2d]aPatNnIw:m. M M p 5 ,.“,;""‘€: “ " Lg,“ \ ‘. x,‘ W?‘ ‘ - ,S‘:'ifim‘aila1na reawgzz, % %arr¢gnibzg,~ %the H»°i%f¢%‘°f¢ Pwfiwn I‘Am% M» ;""** V V A‘*\;;tiei2;;wa#na¢éd a§i2'i§i;y,~(rf:z’:*!ai';z;t}£va D4ipcefl"a 1 .% g .~ , f A "°¥¢1T»r ; éndfiappilm ”dfbjr;1¢¢; Ran-i&Fréq;x;:nré1V%%4°oif tha :P4ridach1jngA’ omia Goipelli, r $viéh”g%4 %.&é afidt’ ‘ificoui‘f%gemdnt~" 5‘i?T7tfié* %4ciohfcibhablé*%% afidf” Vpaincfull A %P‘rea‘c7:he°rs % A A " " Sé s favour“.t us \ “ “ ‘ -. 3 T ‘ 3‘ ‘A W " x . wear» . ~ M1 ‘ :~ , as ‘ * W “ ..‘ ,. ;.;i_ J” ; .. . E i !=~¢W¢ ¢m:*I$£ 4:: ‘ V1 Gm. hi nethc 1., .: mi mm 4:%E:%iq:::~ai:a-‘Ass.«Mix1ifWs,%A%V.hndh%?%iimtlcxnan; 4 ¥ , . SIM’ ,‘ H.» W *1!“ d .,mA¢ J A ma % H J W»- §7'W';g * ~ Eewh0f9Nam¢sar¢ unsicrwrimna ‘hW¢f9rth¢f¢man¥*T A ycarcs, foam thc bcn‘<:fit_ and ‘camfbrt 093)»?/?.*op;¢l1A(2qrpegei§@'. % 4 thfi: Ri % “ 262115? 4°er£::‘o»? ‘ ht Ho ntiurablé the 21"‘ an $37; ‘ ‘mad cAoJm;mrs aaembzcd in ya: c*Hagzf-:1 com ‘ E. N Ta ffhe EmmbIc_P"etition ems I(2£{g_f}:ts, :”Gmtiem:w, Mz»;jzm,; m;«,=*:j% .iaa£aa”er.x,.¢zzzdatb:r Jm M&§mm..e*, Awiréaim wégf Gayngw af 3 A;;g§A_%“x;e‘,e5;;9:_§%_@4,* ' £f§r¢Mm$a*fia5[i'riée.% :fi§”Ilm. fliafi‘ iéwméiypmy, A V A A " V Hat tha . prefcjntpubliuc Form: of Gofis-Worfi1§p7,andA4ad?minf.: Pcration af the blsfled Sacramsm, with other Rites agreeable to; =~Go&3I~1Q1y Word, and purcflc antiquity, which hath been: formerly, fixnfiry times cftabliihcd by godly A623 owarliamcnfi, may now a-5 gainc imhcfa br.okcm=%and troublfid times, has to Gods glary, an_d1 then; % Qhurchcs Peacc, re.-¢f?cab1ifl1¢d,ja%nd confirmw, That E pifcopacy being the; ancicntcgl}, and Primitive Govcrnmcnfi’ ofthe Church,reno?wncd for fucceffcs, vifiorious agzainft Schifmcs; " .,andiA Hcreficsg, an& cfpecially of late ycares, againfiVthat,Hya”m 0f Heremg A fies, theflommz papacy, gflorious; fog anci¢nt~an& iate %MaArtyrd4omes§’ happy befo_r,c the corrup¢t4ionofwPqpc-ry,:and“fine:ch: Rcformationm { ‘ % %ethcA‘Plan4tat1on, and [Pm-fcrvfation ofTruth,Land Pcacmcminentlyfcrm .4 A v~iccab1c to this Commune-wealth, mofk compliabis with the Civm ?3,ovfi‘;rnmcm (mm the Pabriam mud npdy of which itis rivctcd,anw§f _ xincor%por%at:)& moi’: apt 8:: ;eafi¢Aa%t t1mcs&by_thcStac¢ to be red new ‘ into 0rdVcr,may‘for thc%ifuture,afaformcfly, by your Great %Authun'ty‘ % bee continued ,%and maintained for the glory of God, prefcrvationhfr +@,dgr,Pca;cc,and Vanity, the Rcformatign and fupprcflion of_wick»:d..; ~n<:fl"«: and mac, anfi T116 mamrc prevention ofSch1fm€s» Fa&mns,a;n&j eseitious. The whiph W66, your»humb,1c ?¢titioncrs,the‘m;oracar~{ ¢=mmy brafeech your Hcnours try grant, Ear that A fimngfcarédoc pail»: *flcfl”c;6ur hea;rts,ftihat the fuddcn mutation of a Govcrnmemfo long % ifictlcd , fa well kno wnc, and approved, cannot rccompcncc with any yroportionablc uti1ity,;th.c difmrbanccs,‘ and difordcrs whichitmay T ‘ W0rkcbybno.vclty,.being Amnfi c0r[1fidcm_:,in your Honours,,. Wifdogrm-g.’ A Av;aIat§$gu£t_1~ce;;;;, That ;al1:A§ggcfiive A cxqrbxtagcgs , agé zrygggachménrsg _ V gbzeln ..~...........ur §€zhic?_iAA§.j1*ia1_1béé Mina imang, ~pgt,§'(_3m éfiy fioifdn in thé zaaiéuisa 09 2heD11'cxp11n;=.; but rm?’-=rA$AIn5rm1tyaA ¢ A , i% fldml jam Petitianerk;/Zélidaly flpg-5177:: fqf 1om.AHona#r.§ . A” A §L1t5f¢f:ibc@A:1bygm‘om ofthebéfl’quaIityoP£‘l§1eCiounty2' I | AA . ‘c ti 1 rt I‘|.A V A grfdn‘ (unto whnch the very bcfc“ Qovcrnmcng. A1sA£ub1;€t,ri£haIl hm ;.«‘3;°11Y§¢g¥!¥?F§€la3“‘i¢°rY§3¢d-~% A % V 1”“ .. A..... 4‘.wV4«‘V ‘HA .-- —~"' """ H .-:*'''':‘‘'"'‘'''a is ' ..._ AA A A A A A ‘ “ . "'2 ‘ 4-‘.;,‘a "“ ‘ .. ... + % Vmg P: EXAc:él1entA«.-AAA M‘a;WA.A %AtAo Afthea‘ %Ri,g11ti%~HonoumbA1cthe L 0 R D 33 A A and the Honourable the Houfe of C 0 M M o N 2;; ~ A ~ its %% A, R L -I A mi.,; - ‘ -A affha-'*~m@;f%: liumblc: Petition (sf ::diverAs $’)zrofi%fomc:ppi_ Whom +~%?rr1€a‘%’=w¢SA them pmfilsnt #Gbv'cmmAcnt ‘is dzfgmccd and Era; . duced,‘.’44The Houfits of G:;>darc~: pm;3haned5 and in-=LpartAdefA”aecd,”nm . Minifiers ofChrifi; are conmmncdvand rd efpifcd-, The Or:‘aarxmnrs,andA -4 A .an~ahyiVtanfi1s*ofi the Church-rare-%abufcd~,; . we AIAdiAt!J!.Agy%~ and 3B0oAkAAc:i of 4 5C€:nm~man 4. hfirayer depr¢a;ve=d,%Niand#ricg1r:=&ed;A That’ ‘mfoliztcrAmodéllwfl , wfiaycr, Thar VLardm Prfqyer,-‘A vilifi::dV,A%::A,The Sacraments Qfthc~Goi}3¢11 ‘m A A 3fmm¢ pla-~—c:"S undn1yA adnzJmifl:redA,««in;mher piacca; omitted, Aaoggmm . daycs of taflihg-ob[crAved,.-and«appointed -by~priv'm:e pAarfons-,%%Ma1x.a A “ riaVge‘s‘Ii~11ug +,th¢_i pdgg of or H.) Qucenfi Eliméezlas daycs , (of eve?‘bl¢fl‘éH%and"Fa1nou‘shmcih §y«_.rhcHonc vmihasw we-%kz1¢di;bc bowsof thc facrficggious d Von»? A I M aeees V~ra1e Cfitxfcfiéfii PhtrifiEdy‘‘n£iF_''~~thcré"4bc,A1any”*fiich 2:; %A‘;aa *3; am ;,}othFx;- provided againfi all _Pop"i“ ‘flifi i?:”€i'¢‘s7'*‘*:&id';‘ Iflolfiwifis : add ’4?i;:ffi1fqjjagainfi thc growing__dati“ ‘er of Am aptifh, Browng/by and othscr .VZ§iez:é’é/22¢ All M3912 P4stya;..9m $1351. Lam »a FEE §§f$§§h'6o& m E§§9§¥.§§ V§H'}i31"i1‘G§§“)E5§-Bii'l‘ Rrq;anboroma.% mu y¢%an¢n*gracs¢us saae;a;ga“; A‘%.;gE~:¢reis‘%onc. thing that {ads our h<":art§,.; andvhindcrs the perfcaicm 95 . ‘ ‘happiHe”HE€;AWfiidfisthc:Adifianteandmimmdcrfiandin wbectwieiem e %4 your Maia-flyavnd_your;%P;r1iame9t, Whcrcbythe hcartsp your fuhm jgame filled wxth fearcs and Jcaloufies (Iufiicc Ancglcacd, {am-gfi A ordinanc€S:p.tophancd,‘, and fadingimpa1rcd,eo~tbcjmpovcriflzing . of many of‘yc0¢ur%;1ieg:: p¢opvlca% Fog the Rcmovhil &w%hL-not weg f cannotfind out%‘anylaW&ufl‘Tm:eanes Without your Majcflies afiifiancé A V and dircfiion. . A % . ‘~ A A A V heréfdfe we humblji béféésch yam moft cxcciI&ntAMaie §}"*',to‘cont§2-7-7' *- inue your moi": Chrifiian andpious Refo1m%t~i<)n-%©fruiAihgA your pgos " Afplle, according tom: Lawcs ofjthe Lén*&§ and maintaining of the % fame, of being 9. zealous D¢i‘€fl&'C”T'Qf the ¢fiabi1fl1edDoEfi'ine;I.ié “ rurgicé,and.Govcrnmcntufougr Churchfiom herefires,Libertini(mt-5; . A and propirzannefié’ 5.8!] advanccr offlLearning,Pic*ty , an‘dR eligAian -4 A A an Encaurag_crAo€A Learned: Paincfuli , 0rzhoa"oxP&cachAers.$ An Whatfoevc:r your Pa’r1iamcnt&fl1a11*t¢¢dingsAA(°f that mo“ h°n0u*ab¥¢ Aflemblya Marcus 1 YUurAMaiéf?YAi3*AtheAHW) WhiWAA°nceAmm0V¢d:xwcmfibt nor; A but ycimwill 5_€'€»a's near: yourP“a”fliament inA1'?”e‘1f{i:m,fisir3 affétfiicm,‘ - ' .That{tficrc may"b¢yabXe{fctl" hm-mon_v . betwisgr yam Highficm,-3 \ m.,d»;ha,; great (;g;;;;;¢11,£W§c:‘fl§a1lVw1thallaiacrityoictvt1fhe%g;Am€_,_: _ ~lflunubzy4r¢Vndring%9urAf1§%?tsA4 AanF‘FWfflI{€$;“‘f0r "the: {pr§:{cWation~*sé€ % M,murAARbya11%%PcrronAkcwvvmand Drgr:2=y»*accord«ng%raanwwxae ‘ % idenfdutyg and‘ allegiancc. heartily "p1"aying; ;for;y,émr Maj’;-_, N fiicslongfindPf01P7€1'Ofl5 Raiegiwovcmso A AA A 4% - _;,[;_y,£,e" Swfirgggyg bf pgzgirjayg ,A Joe‘ éareéygizra’ agttfiarigi :mm~A ‘ % 1160 Béarersbereoffi :0 pm‘ our W.m1flEJ~§0;fi!6‘1? flfrflflflr-wt; £I¢’r€0f1_‘¢_ajA 4' A Vf:M1l&aPrafin:ed“:a H?3'AT-Mfijqfijg A‘ A A -. A‘ wmfie&%&:Arwasianrl ’FJ‘§%WT Ar , 55+ 7495-ffffjfff/€{€??f1'€§:fF°?9§g7’"A A " 4‘ ” .4_ "_ ‘;‘,,, _,. ...‘.. . mm HM‘: , ‘ ‘ ' ‘W___ -, __ I ‘ v~uv~"‘u)r“W)v ‘ V, __‘_ \ '“',_"",',_7_-',, , , _.._.. v , ,, , ,,.-......-»--—- '4!-“tn ‘-u.-.a.J...-_...---wu».I‘..,.‘ ,..“.';:. .,.A,.‘ ‘~ ‘ \ A T . % % r3e¢b»m5ze4P¢mmzaaf-aim Cwu22zy%;a,f;' mmewatr." A W Maj'e:f£ie$1dya11 f‘l%)‘nJ?'£:&I8“,\‘ In a11aAuW%,c,,m.-Arunr&4 A ‘_wic[~Wgm~ Parliammt.) fuch Lawns: and Preedomcsg, hich have mgfi yfuILy%_§;;p:¢(£c&:yqu;: Mafcflics Gracious Goodncfih unto your pgoplg ‘ V A A ?A%*%.a.nd%vv:e¢mo£t*tfian1£fa11yA’réceiveyaur~ax/Iajeflimfrceo&‘crAo£ agcngfi a1'd<)n,whc:rc0F ‘w'§€: mufi humbly defirc to bc m‘&dEPa_1'(;akcr5,‘. @ ’.AnA wee mofi humbly bcfeech* yom+Maj'cfiy nevcmm;:;£°u&'¢rfyamg W % your Majcfiy %a1%lthanl{fu1:ie(Te- ,% for your Maje&ic3,;m¢xam,1% Apltzfi Eaivovam and gmcm m grazmmxmg umza your Sub; efls {in c-:mcurr~enccA A A ASub1§cj£§s m be governed by an arbitrary Govcrnmem: , nor admit am %% alteration in R..eligioh.And your Pctitionm;-swbcing mgfi figgfingly §r“;¢_.,_ A M can--' 4'_ved fqruycfmr Maj afltigs Vdifc%o1Vnt4cn%;§ ;: partly accaficmcd by dim: daloufi Pam phlets :.; andmo my-Icxrcned by «F: diti» ous Sc: rm on; “a Dog :fc1vmmp&Ar¢_a .JY:j wt V‘ tliflvas, your Mxicftics facrcfl Pcrfon, Hormur and AEf§tat¢A :.:~ And law; wifha cmiflucncc af A all comforts. honour, and happineffc unto ygu,-3 Maje3iy.: and doc hcartflyiprayfor thc rcconcilcmcnt betwixt your A 933° 'A“&V1'fl*a"a th3nkfilh‘l¢iT¢ fof your Maéé‘ wPalim W F 4- ‘ :. mamtaxnc , , find flaf¢ndwi"£h1thc‘ %1{ for.‘ {full Prcmgatijvc A againft all pcrI;ons whatfocver ,, according W A 3113 ogtlgsgpfa11cgcan<;c:"Aan§lSuprnmacy. ~ "g1»_(.-ye 32.:]64‘z.‘f\‘ ” “A ‘ A %?"d=°vM‘» W t%;Pet£:;€anerxtw :£»»3»Pm‘};.m da-mp;,,,g,;4,g,,g,PW,PMVV Courmcy, Waltcr'1-angdony Bwnatusflcllot , and Ngvfilgifgmf A % ¢{Efl9”‘N% "33-?‘I-ffiftaffir 151.; ‘.Z”{tit.§a#;.{f§ f «VH4 5 “ ‘A '1 I «.........p’ A ..;.A. A4 @621??? 'V§f?fl€t§4$W“WJ~ ¢ A . (22) To the Honourable Houfebf Co %mom%s,a;Qenibledin Parliament. % ..._..'..v - ‘ ..w A ‘um-.‘....._ ___..a -..u ~. In “A £.?"a% ‘Htmzfle Pétifiim aftke Gentry, Mimzflefs, W Cmmzwaity af we mmzy :31’ Kent; agreed awn ,, at tée 3-e2¢er¢¢l£';4ja’z{g3A 7 A4 tbeicozmty. ’ ’ % Afoflfiumblyflewarfia ' _ __ A % ‘ Hlarww -wcanmt bufi “take ynmxccg how welcome -to fi‘n13I-‘ha mountable Houfut, many ipetitioms have bc-me , which yet came ~notfromIan~Vafl7:m*b1edbody of any munty (as thisdoth) wecdoc therefore hope to find as gentle am i’2.v0m:ab3.:: a reception o_fitE'1is,as' A sm1’y4’mthcr hakmfomfi of the.irPc¢:itionsA, our hearts witncIfing‘ufitg W, as gooc%,Apa7aceab%l:, and pioizs ;gurpofcsV as the befi. 171%/&~are%%;l:erejbratlve tmzw.«m.c1_eA'2‘c:2’e;¢t defim M A %, G % “ $512} Cazmtj. V M ; W ‘A 1! ThWat*youwi1‘l be p16af:d'to éatccpttmrdufiaandh¢3ffYfl1anI§§3 7 V» ‘fic>ft‘Atho%fe%¢1;ccl1cMntLaWesAA%%(whi¢h;b’}fhis Majeftics ~gta¢cand good; AM mafia) you have lobtain:d’fc5r us; A _ ; % _ ‘ % % V That an I.awcS.aga'mPc»"Pap1{i.s,bfl put m we CXGEIIUOH ,,and, an _,m[ um; a;kc,n_ ; thai%rdi£m-mingi, Aangl that 2:1; children ofzhc&Paépi§Tts_~ may bcbroughtup intae rcforfriéd R¢1isi40n~ Th t‘At‘h*%w%" foal n L£tm*gy 0f,tbr.': Church 0f England A ms by the piczvtyoffthfz Bithops and ;%Martyrs who compoflsd it aflafi bliiht by the fiixprcame Lawcs of this Land, attcflcd and agprowicd by mg bcfi gfiall ’Forraigne”Divincs , Vconfirmedby thc fukjdcriptlotiaf a11_:;hc4M%ini{try of this Land; a Clargy as abk: and %Lcame&l as any in 63 *é“Chffi[’ci2i:i ‘ world an in»;'oycd,, ma With;‘~a hely A Lava A Acmbtacqd by th¢%mti£1:AézzidA bait of all the Lafit 37; that Athis: A hulyéxcrcifc 0f;R¢1i~€A gran may -by your authority joycd qL1icta‘nc45 M fiat: from%inte”rm A¢i9n$..1,fcorncs, praphancneffc , threats andAAfor£;¢7»¢%*:3fi. Vf1¥;fih1i;Iicm% ,_ on A dLai1yEdoc% dcpravc it, and flfiglefi thcufc of if g §ijgc§§ Qhlligchcs wfpighs 95 SEE éafléé §§.t§*2!i¥1-:§£!- «-J iI,?.2§§ V T ?§aI I ~ _'4I_ ThatEpi{°c<5pa1l Goxiernddcifi as at1f'5:nt_Minthis_IIan as Ch 1.; difpcnf€d.*f Mm ibfpgxii3:war:_gixfs:iti1%tfifi~Apo{t1ichl’li tiAxi1q‘§ ,;A‘:"may?bec .~”*f;9i‘§‘;‘l“éi'5*v‘é£*;IV"~T’*":3””’;is¥ " !.I;QRRi9”$21119Q3 grtxdcntar and»moftfa1q*M.VGo§7crnrhan‘a) gem‘ 0 K ‘ the Church. A ‘ M « M ~=«:=Tha:§T‘;T£!'11,rd1fl7m:c:nm¢§;:comc::rn*in gfgR c1?ivgi afilsawfizll ffecand?N9dtipna1;ir.VSy~noc¥\§4=~a§*§é”bd%*R¢ma5fi4¢'§ % - 312312196’ Rh0mi.f§th mar: ax:.Agcncra‘!l S'yn"cid:0»f.; moi’: gira%v¢";‘¢l,<;§i*n‘é(:Ié’; ”":ie;1§§.‘% Y» n .4 A Md~*Ifl€1iCiQuS;13ivixics¢5»:;.(thc:;sproper ‘a'gcn';s) iAfitél.gfix§%A: " . ~ ” b§§!4,‘,fl5??Y+*’th§i!3¢.Rflfdlutimirs, Aiafnd I: ‘ 6tdfimi.hagi§fiaOf ismgis lvtrad aggdf; ca1V1ings,¢ may «:1 uickcliw uthcm i*n::,th?‘at :gneap»%’VWdrRcV’A«*v& hblb 3:110 ybe: ‘ tQ:;.b.7“:‘¢.:‘ by all ifllcrgy M£:ph'c‘ %Lai1d+,ebccéiu»fe zalfvthé r¢r*g y &'érVé’f6:Béé:“ ~ W5! “ A F fiakfi toV-bay-according to %*andfung3Ia:zne:i:t?X11 LSLW Lflfid;C0Ilfiifmcd:=by4f‘27k{ag£a_;gL7%artacg.”a f ' ‘ é ” A A 7 ~ ' ‘A Whit? f0I1'1€~fp¢cdyAand: gfcsod‘pre3Vvifi0nV%may bc,»mad’¢L A (39, byhfg 4 J U 3'! :5 53-- V M3353}!:V1mb~bm:Im¢;e;aand:v:~isi:by;all~good~ men dcfircd) j*.:_:*g iaih1t ‘t(f1c—od:;:, .:“ gallsaxjd:ah0n;inab1cAf¢aiidal1wof;1chi{mét:ic8ll*:and=%fi:dii:iou$4:.Séi*mbn§ and PamphIcts,and fomcfcvcre ,LaW‘»madc"again{t%‘I.ay— V I&i- 3Vgg**? "F’§A;IIOv<fir1*;d‘g%at«:1 to:;:wthAefn%fe1&vc§; and? to“ cicecufé tIT1’*c§‘"Vholj3'”’f?j‘zi%{ics;-3 bi‘ W theM1”!f*WsVWh0~€fom¢of th¢m)f%'drw fow%A%»their}»%¢im ‘59¥"$fl¢€d%;Do&~r4in*e:c«vcn¥ inJ:2{acx=ecf.tp1a»c;€"s‘,é7!:533QBW “”‘ V FifljffilflaAflflbaptifmc,ax1‘d*%Athe’ifme;A M *$m~£sipprcrrinIg%%:h J‘ P3?uF!§9,¥?s?vU§3 §hGi:;Parifl1ion*crsfdr4-11tot«~5R7ccciving,,;r 14? &- A convcnxenccs) may not findfdifcou ~ ‘&“‘?*Y~“?¢‘F%‘?**”$»V:M?P5<=tya?mayzb¢W1%‘%v¢u%wth "7‘dé'fnrf§? Thfit they cocrt§gvcsV*p:§wcr“%~of E;§‘~.., ;~*‘°".‘3 ..',r.- _{§,:’§ ._. ‘ my ,,££,-‘ 4 . '2.‘ é1‘.9,~~:.3.~ “ 1?.» s...;: ‘ ” ‘~"-~"__~‘ r-* “'31 .0 . * ‘ ,, , H -‘~-r -A - » hxv -wt “"” K ‘ “ M W“ ‘ “ ‘ “ * ,. . * 1’, x W J. A % Mfi&er?tfi¢%i=éti:i*ng %+wéfifi6s . Wifil £pwcdY?%%fv¢¢W :M§a;¢&yi:ypr§am;¢fed Ea1:gr§€§0uS‘*%T;;f§dn§Mizf§§ '3"-"ginger. . " . "% » _ ::;.:’;.%;~;“f-ii vi:-:~.J afl;‘%Vc’fr9*=cia%1%%:£‘ax%=*%F¢r{the#R%-4; éujlgtgign L:;o£;4:;h¢,,§M£Z£z#is¢::’v£‘§xh§s;::&;i:§,géiam¢;:Afc£*thms«thc§% {Sub W" H E fi Pi”§aVfiA1i“;ém§£:;%§,:;4L§ ];§ w§I1er¢b be: 1CfCi.;£O tjh¢€ ‘difcréiion4b%£G0v¢:«2*éz?V‘ ::«=bm}that~ths;;Armes, _fc_’ifl?d‘ whazA¢; 9I%§§?§§i¥§§~=§¥fl@£1ni”ih:a5}n_aVii¥1;b¢¢.¢imfl"VA A ied ‘!4p§0nAetlwt§fi'¢n@éfir8,¥ Wis’? :9§§€Pf¢§flYf‘j¥5=».t ~d0"é?!G?és%i4::;a?~.;4theA: Vkmd 5nut:%1efcé%Ltsd*??'az3y1 A§;bitratLy”i5‘A ‘ p;€?%T%§’1€rg;E;a%2%i,rhA;a%t;¢ gccQ§din§;,tVé*’t11e%pr¢cfid3mt,VgzfibrmcrrLawasgthc , Q rh”é'%pre:.~,i;>:xs libcrty ” v__—.-rs \V. k «,1 4‘ -x , -'4‘ {H 33 B‘ :15 “Q In .;4..~< :"J:",1 §§- ‘:4; ‘lw .-mg‘. 2-, ;.‘ W .1. ‘ >. y ?*¢i3¢t§f§§liVfoi %’ViI1TT::¢t[¥»2ats&=~: no €25'*¢iIh<5Ir ==%fb0th*i"H0fif¢Ss%'Mf W ? i‘ " ° ;:&e4;}.g*w;:s%o£5t awe? ciifar2:e&t?&3htthéS%uVBf¢~&§i’:$* , 17? cf¥ag¢+A%0tf7%%*th¢~aoa09%”-?Eaf%V»¢i‘% fdfi;%.fih%§ ; §‘fj$* §5t5?1f"1§l;f1‘i m£%w;tAs‘ Ci thc:‘:Priv?ik3d.g¢§ iiéi J¢E15¥?‘Yii<13,f3,i‘¢akE§%.s:%a;::v;:;z11a3a bfifi1t3k§Qath3t*t.heA.Nét1Ve'C6mifi6§' am3,;;° ManIaV A tfiqufazqdgdQc;%¢0£Efi£t,¢az1§t=thatffrademaybecbaflancua; . . >4 r «if . théfV1fi3Ti3Qr$é#§”5«b::Qii35~jri0t::£?«Xc¢¢d:.C3£pdrta£imn;:mhcr£§;*ifé§hitjj1*é§i1M 1 A guy? £0 03%” % j é. ‘That fro u""%Ap1éafag§9&:£:a:z;2¢%fameAA%.Laxr;+::s ~‘~ 1?t19$§,Pu£¥%3a%¢¢%v ;.€3~.a;§¥t::-;ta?;k;inga@¢lay¢sr%'Einiiufitiééffraffififié %1?§flii£35§» V in t?’;§§§5“éA¥i$aT%:F ¢?€1t§1i¥~Ltuh.afi ,. 7”‘ ” ,4 >:,-Mi J; '‘.{.''n 4‘ ‘. vs X .6 J 3 1' .15. . I ,. H ‘ H‘ ‘ '3: f3“.‘* ThéVt‘yE§uL%’Vj5I&'la{efA{o‘2:o fidcfthc gcncrall poAsmVrt3i’?thajt4 “‘A"““ M4 12?; L Ageaélfieygfiedagymuxgqsmfi fi;E{‘2-’.‘?.°;‘=.¢§“'7.¥; 0", ‘ mg wand arena, i£agq@$%&é.d§%fi3fi5b ... ya .. fie xfiiaywbcémpairéaga:mf7V%%j>%~'4 A ~ 5, ~« f A ~ . ~ ‘7..‘f‘ .g-f.i‘j";‘: ? . _ V " 44 A I36) A‘ Ar4€ii¢‘W?4‘%¢?W%¢n¢“His Mair-W; Wafidkéthfleopfeé ‘ ~ « OurVJ;hops.s arc yfctabovequr fearcs, (‘acute them was bcfe4cc.Ah you,‘ % .§j,’gmd:.;&:1r€:&4Vand%V guide your Hconf:.;1_1tatzons for the rsmofvingof all &i{hfufl4s».wand_ ;fc.*aIc>x,1{i’cs ,A far the: r<:izuing% that tyejof confidcznca and 'a?zuft,»(Wlaich 13. the tug A Aanahis.1omag¢ subj.¢cts.% L % A A afz‘,/if(fcrJ.¢é:*2a2;;gft}I%fiK§:£1t, A W ‘ _~~ V A‘/“\.‘. ‘R;-‘_“‘ \‘ ‘ ‘A ‘ .~v—_..-W rwwfl — -"r M ‘w A -,- A 6% happié‘fi;£é§éx~:havéV%4%{§?éénc.%Ackpafgd‘ prirfrt, th é W;:,da¢Vh¢reéy Vcrggwe lcvzvf, itojlzew #0 £52}. Hon-mméle Haufl=.,; rkmfi;cI¢?~ Petxtxcms; £rmz:‘e-~ mt‘ rr;'a'ez?v.»s*2s'l ?~PA'ub11*q.uc:Examination among mama A “may Gemcréz/1* ”Wa£i3_g ?dLre«&?cd”iA.éy; Authority, fir‘ We-A fi‘rm7c'e oftlaa 5‘. ’15”e2~!it£ar¢ary;‘[iznt5xa§é;ing Albm; ‘:{€1:‘7M'§§'t&‘3 55¢ :Vt4:31~ - A A }Me§.Wa?f&ofVthbf¢ dcgr¢e$Within%:has CQHM¥‘$fv,v:3§fi§fc<-f:_¢aAufe )as your Wiiddmcsfhallappmifc*.3i% % V‘ A That the;LaWAcs agaih{?éJPzzpz:/hwhich pppofcVour-R‘elz;giu;z,%4AM aagainfi: Sbihzries A (of late da13gcrouflyAcn%%créa1Ed among us) that trouw A “bl: the Peace ghcreognmay beta put iz3f1;1I:xccution_ : And where; thgfc. pqcdy thprein imaybec provid 6d,: ~% Lawes are dcfiztftive,‘ ’ inch; fi;rth;:rhrc_ as to your wafdomes H135” feeme fit. A A Tha~tAaAfrce%S}ma! of QVE/9oagox:.and peacéable Di-vim»: may bee c0I1«-X vened, M according tothc formeofthcP;*i*:mitizra,Fand PurcPb%AAtimcs nf Cbrzi/ii;«a;zf:g«, for%\co;n%p¢ov(1nVg%ofall d1&E:renccs%inDm$?rinai, and C’mmgA %*ma»zexof¥%ReIigio»z. A . " ” A ~4ThAat thcVAfs~ a£'etyAAo§ th-1sACounty~%and"Kingdomc may bec”;3revid¢d' A for,,by the difpofing of filth a Militia, as ‘may ‘confi&Awi%t%h the natiw. Liéérties of the 5'i'£"l'7j€$53.' ' " " AA 7 “' V % ‘ ‘ M That ymwquld bee plcafcd to contihue your Car: in hafiening tha- ‘V A furthmt Rcliéfc of QL1rdii%.$rc{Te4d %BVr’ethr;=:n iAn‘Irve!az;¢d.A:=y~. A And your %» Petimisém%Lha1A1?bec‘AA£¢ady rd1na”'im5aLi‘ne,%withtheit Liwm and Eflms, his /L!aj¢fizésAi’crfc5z1. Hnddprrfiné Vfifiatcgtogcthcg with A, A ;h:e.R.ights-and P::_1v1lcdgcs\9f_1?;g;:(£¢g2;gent, A A ‘ % A V ¢:}fm'j y0r¢#‘Pe25§i£vé2é$~: J/5:21! 7 ‘WA pm}, ‘cw,’ I ..._........... -31. .._..._# _._._j ......j £1 * A 17GtheT\«I¥Ag.fiA HAnAourab1”e 5,-fE.1.ig:I1« Cou15t«'0fPAA R L LAM ENVY: . .n=<‘> A L i"§?7i73a bz«¢m£Ze.APetitia:¢gof’?zZ5é%G%£§1jiI¢m§n%,‘%,é;2d.,§92{:é59‘vfiZ}z2 Iizérafig ~’A-«Eng fcenc ax-1& heard the many (though"“%I2:ar§:¢divers) '"P’ct.i-" ~" <1: fiO1'1S-tQ,AA.thiS~.1'l0110:l‘i23ab1€:fifgfl-fCII1§Q1_y, byjib? Inhgbitants ofdjxvmrs ..»«w-- ‘_ puuvm-13m -rm-- . an "m 1H‘ _._‘n u-2x|‘v‘ ,, “_,' -u . vw V1 '4-. E3. on. .1:‘éfiiirisA.*;C0*mPani¢?vSa . - 539%: A 1 %i6ii4M<3,f ¢F!:?if}«:V §éf3Va§if5§,»z€?£%5”«“$*ieg4itxg, AA nd«AmattL»:iés»;éér7fl¢1$; $:1§ng2ag~é544~% " Wis’ m<1:%fru‘¢ Exam Aaovcxaigmr h1s~}1=i!§%5a»r§d?*hb ~fiat1tm*gVaripV¢¢;V5ggAt%;;;‘¢; ; his§~$grav~: k.“S‘]"'\’:0d'.~j“a"[“',‘_w,,.:~‘VI-1"ZJcl..-I ~:::.1m—wm»%VVaixteuagw 01‘ ”‘3“‘j‘?‘‘-7§:~ % 9! b°Fh»4¥9ur, &§r°3VéWxf3:€*mff5i"W?‘1nA'ifhzta‘tic5n;’ ‘rather by provocatian, and,%;‘nac{:’£IiVéy£: ihwgfégk: times: {he A“ A ’ ‘V ‘ ” \ f * - % ’ .9 A "5?599??w»97~‘%“%?4;5§°‘3£9??§¢:%» hmély-pv:§t*raw%?rhw uwrmfiviour f@1‘V5:C¢ ‘t0““¥Q’ur“ f"¢¢t-%;..%1n.AwlucVh A.(0l'-nathmt aftE‘1;‘~whiahj Artaka “ VA ‘ I ., ‘. . . ‘ ‘ ‘ . V” I ." , ' ‘ " 1‘ ‘ u-. . ‘ .vN . . -. .- “. M, F , "u " ‘ “5 ‘J ‘Ly v: ~’- w w 7 ._ ; ‘ ‘ ‘ , I, w » at 4 ‘, Sj ', =; » t,» I-, E ‘I " . _.,_ . . . 2 ,, . ,,. . . . -‘ F71’ H” t. 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M, ' ‘ ‘mt H€retica1.l,'%S“¢€¢8s;inca ht»-‘a1:hs*>of 1::-rviz~1' Bead“ to‘-fm ue ,_. h~ I_jIdufc,andVt64‘Pfé 5 AA , _, w: and ogc % [E is ?ormity, to rc(rc rené”c‘”I..cér§iing,and%bow to,§Aughorg?y-5&0 Difcipl1nc,and&li‘ve “ V flfihaga yen wzifl:bécp1cafad%"ii1i§ifiéai%ié%éhd Fundamcntallaand mo&.vcncrab1c.Lawc$, Order arfidfiiféi JH cg At’ 01’ our Church and’ Common-wealth , to contfn Qlfi$¢:°3l3d.;(pqnifl1v«4fthC.0f¥cnding:pcnfdhsr " ”" "mm f W139 ~05‘ ©0¥F‘*1!Q!1*p¥aycr %~5brdi‘ii¢~fE&rgf3 * M . V - . , , 3, %t'oVhavé%?iw"M A ~ ‘ % 3cC0unt,.afidA¢¢‘?tn1Azc¢(asgfarrcm.m,yw~libs)chc»Di€ii§1c‘a.fiai*gx§g3:§3 M V era ~ -A _:I0uii¢5€€§i:11é1a1?¥:%PF€“"P?57&"‘?k°”-3 R°1*?*=rc:i<:éA%‘0%f incu:ew*e§;”g' FY . A Ttzat you~v;ril14Ecmpleaiegd;:to»:inci;mAaw:é» . ., «, 4' «W. - --0 Lg; ‘ . )‘%”_Mw‘ V%“h£" Ml“ ‘ ' mu :3’ "* -.. 4 , #1’ 8 Y 4. 5-! L4: ‘Q 3.” .’.3E;<* ‘A Wall} K‘'''‘‘:'-''--''"' T . Milly; _V;4g9_g§§§y;%y%qu”countéfianééihcmg “ M ‘W b ‘ - - 9---»--» --- ....«-' 'tlv-v"‘fiI(,‘fi guy‘-*' A 4: ‘ V?'‘*‘‘ a .w;p j;'w“-, ‘''~'- g*‘ 5.: __ ¢,‘.=;&,,,-¢k.,.'“ ma .=»2w4~L.!. . . . » é «"’‘9.**:'.:. .~ ‘__,L,:_“ ‘, .45. , ..:_u ;.»::"~*~ .~ ‘ ‘" ‘F N12‘ ‘ J‘ “N 1‘ ‘ ~'.:‘,..» _,,a:‘ . . . PM ' nO.W!!€ ACJE” V... .... ...._.,»,m.y,\,‘;_ “wig ~ *{1a:}15z,%:.€n«M :¢¢5~.A%zmu%~1>sAyaui~~great ==aP£aires"é7n§r 2: ’1%zi1L5¢c pIcafcd4%coifitma%f%i?ia:to‘4%%17$t€%ib§:§‘;:‘? hfiimfijy Wrequggfig % tht=réf.fioVr§=**’4 this«?otirpW&fl'?;f:fi*6%r PV=&%:“i&i5n;‘% afP£rayei:AoF « Wil1i.rig.arid?‘i\3h‘a‘wffl3ei£1¥I¥‘1fi‘e!§ft§ reguexn, is ~obacl$?tO ifiéw our true intentions and ~ goat!’ vVill%~tdWards: bisx graczious MVa1'eflv,% é‘nd:)‘this:A?High*;AUohrt’; InfiE'r“A£i‘::~iém"s%»« cf. the -pca1c¢ I x A mu: fQB1€§.;-a13d;'bQ&i¢$5‘>«= f‘dr which Wc':e arc‘ unéxxwirxgoixfly, and ‘ an fably rcIolv’d to fpqndjour'**dtarefi:1bl04ut12~j*A~‘< ’ A » _ ,_‘ “H...” ‘ ,_ :13.» VJ. s_m-\.,_ “""“ta) ff §-"_' 1 '5 V , ’ .V- W “ . , # 7 .‘_ * A W W .. A .. w I ‘:94 A] M, A ,- m’,%,»;g;«; , % % A’ -wt. ‘,j ' 'f, V’ "1 ' ,-* . '.'~U « . if ~ " ._«: . - .r- ‘ ‘ . ,‘ M. __ -, H 4. ‘ ‘H _ ‘ _ _ M I ‘ ‘L “ E.‘ u‘ M‘ “ V M‘ ; W1“ ‘.1 ‘ :1“ ,| ‘ ‘ “ m ' . ‘v’ ‘ ‘V H \’j KR‘ ‘ v | ‘’r,,,,' M L , “ , v ‘ ‘ ‘ V , I 4 0 % t » -1 %. n=V«u»r w t e omgn s J ‘ .‘ my , - rh ‘ r.’ , M X. ‘ , ~- :I , ‘ ‘ 2’ Mi “‘ J‘ M‘? ‘ am A ‘ ° " ’ " . A ,.. °~ v ‘ ..‘ , tn ‘ , .' V. 4, ‘ ‘ ‘ 91'. T‘ '15 " ' " ‘ r; ' 1 “ M m‘ ‘wt .‘ “L ‘*1 *Ww_"-“:4 ,‘jr"'f«“."‘ 3“? 7 “ 2 I‘ ; ‘ ‘f \ « ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ~ » . G! )1 ‘ "H w - . L‘ * , Y, .+ - A W ,\ . ‘M "y ' - W “ ‘V ‘ ' 3,’, 1; . 'a h M‘ ‘ T‘ 1" ‘ ‘r ‘ V H V ‘ V’ I‘ ‘ I « ..a r ‘ 3 ‘‘;,Q'' ‘* ‘ ‘_ j ‘ - . V ‘ " ‘ ‘ \v,,. v . 3 v- ' " , ,_ v .- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ u ‘ .__M« an 0 MMO NS 3, CIII,‘ \ ¢ 1.3 4 A i.:(,j0un; A V ;; ii.“ :2 ‘us: M.‘ M :,,~;,‘,.-,y-,)‘~_.‘.: II" Q‘ , -£1‘: -V vac,» 5 ‘H’? ..,‘-‘'’-.a ‘ 1,...’ I . 1 . N , :4 . :.. n ‘ H I ‘ J ‘ 1" W-‘ W‘ ‘ I‘ .. it‘: " ' .« ' {R ', ‘ ‘ Rm ‘ ‘ ‘ " ”\ - '£h..kc:1.%anc!»tx:oublc&xumas, bcmtom Gods Aglpsyéfifixd V%th'q;LA’ ‘¥= A > Chur°he5A.E?3§?z .W€.t9Rfi1?1ifl1$§i~fl.flCi"”:£0nfirmad»;w%?Phat’ « I _‘" u“\ “ .;::4..~ % A mun -7..-h.‘.ox-«.,,..~.,,,.¢u kw. H rt’, ‘ ‘ ,".‘:r;; 7"..‘_,..m,,,.“_ ‘ . “ 4, ' " ";"E’,-3;;""’wZ‘;‘ V, .1‘ ‘*4 2:3‘; 3'cf==.-fl’: ' M‘ J“! ,»g‘y_‘ ,f "A. c‘J..»Ju' Q” v_:j' -;_~; __,__*,, ,__......__. on ,. an-~" av " " ' . ,‘ H ‘ I _ “ -3‘ 2‘ «W, \. JW , _ ......~.«s> ": __h I,“ V J‘ ““._J:_"__ ,. _ .. . ,4 w_ ..-’_v-- Qal “M4 H... .. W, M. ,, ‘. W ‘ K \ aw‘ ,- -pk W WV! “ | Siac"¢¢fl¢4‘ A V V .. «W :5“ ‘ ‘ .r»*»*‘~%-*-tm %.~m¢!t‘~:,~‘-.:I-:—“v-.‘T«-;‘:. ;?‘:e~.:;w.:. ‘. 4; '- '-"“‘ ‘..»'., ‘ ‘~ ” .. W _ _ . « H ‘ ‘. E ' 5: n . "N ‘ “ V ‘v ‘ ‘. .. wr‘o;&,; ‘M ' W ‘. 5--V ‘_ ‘ " ‘ ml" ‘a’ - ‘ v :4». ‘w..n.,,,.n ‘ - ~ A ‘MW » £3£;1;at{:]ji&afé:sAagainflréfiaf f1_'A")v,dr:$t'Q-f‘ ~Hei'eflé§; théwfiéi +.vA2pacy;AA‘6IoriousA:Aforvth‘¢icnt‘and late Wrtyrdaméfis % A fO~3AgANgfi¢¢Qm;pci¢n ofwcpszwy. and“Afince thc.R:Earwng:tip;1Vir1¢th¢§g a;=:..«.%, 4m§i*5.;%;; ggéztf pr*éf:rVa"tion of %:‘Emth*Iar1d»P%cac»::, 'C£IliR{§flfi_1y:,f€l1viQ§§lb£§2 A zo[fh’i$iMcdmznan-ewcaith, §110Pcc0«mp%ia§i1?: zmth ~§h¢;~Ci:¥i1L%G@vcr%f§}éM;”,4.. .m7:nt; into the ‘!?¥abri;:—k arid’ _B0dy of”which»it»%Vi$%ti¥?¢:m§d ~Va;1i;1‘{ir;f;:§)1*+5ff% .Pq;;.3j'§;¢d, _a;[}fl; ma&1aptandA%~caj{1¢: a“t:\a1A1 t_im%.:*sbyA;:1:c:::§Ea;:_ra: am‘ bi;-:eV~;3:c‘l,2N,a;:;AM§ffi,;"%i, Vim;-£3, .0rdViv:rfV;Vw;;na32 R33: the: Future (as farmcrlyfi) by yam‘ gu*ea t agvt_Xti>;;>;*it}#;V" A has c0’minAa2;é:_d and ?ma;i:1t;aAi:i::fd;" fi3rAtheAgiory 0f"QQd4 15i*¢f¢fV;i~;5] flan o}f,.(Z>rd%5cr, FAeace;.,andj Vnity, the R-:tZn'zr:ation ,and% mjppret"iipi?§% pf’ wiéK¢dm£¥©AandAvic¢;%311%tilfidinatmfi pr‘&vW~1ti0An«9€ Sd¢hifin4'¢s»”.%F%:-=% j axlem.,~r%Aana%Aaieamans,*1‘ fIat*Ca,§‘h&cd»xA=a1s; me: MonVfixri§ns%sd51f,«:§i.3re1f mam pchai-lit;rA,; the Arcwara ~o£*prc~fcnt»fitve;2;tLir:q a,a;1¢;’q2fL1;;;hétantfififffi’; .E?i¢tyA, beca1;f0%continucd.4 % A A A J A V f ;;‘A . it _Z[h€;which wee your »hurnblc Pctitiomzrathc m%Qrd{%%ca;,.n:;cfi1y% :b%ea-»']é_ : \ ekechj iy0L1%r;4HQx:Qur3AAtMo %gr%a1xt,~f0r tmt fl:r:az1gcf:Aa2Ag:s doc .p<‘s{I'a§{” U ou;; Hcarrs.‘thaVt fuddcn ‘Mxztatiml ofG.0v;¢m;:zrxcIit, ,1b%1i;i)n‘g"j“ ;fet1cd,A £O w<::*li kjno Wfifi, Landj approvcd , cannot i;€CQX“i1pC;1CQ,’th(:: 2 Difiurbai1‘c§3'3".1§i*Di3%’rders"*~Whi;ch it] maM%wprk€%Bj”NQWl:y;, « % with any pfop%ofi_io'fi l¢ mi1icy,d %‘.b“::ing_.,xn0ff crmfidem,_ in%y¢%ur; . A Honours???VAfifdojhi‘¢§3§ddIu{%ic«:gthatAallfixccfffisg Exorbitajigéflg W poyibn in thc‘“fi:1aI;tur%g::”‘c3~f7t¥n’c‘ Di'fdi‘1”3“1inc, but rathcf »fE*oxi‘ij thc A Aanid ‘~cortAu?p§1"ori% _0f the ;P&r£‘@nAs- (unto which 1:hc‘Vc:y4;b6ffl; %G9vc‘rn;ncAnti.4iS% f%bi¢&);fl1a11b¢¢%dW1yrcgulatcd and . i q » /baa/Z ", V A f:m‘§;$3~o§13r2z's:2a:.r,%;,$~-. , A , % V » V M A M ,.. A *~!”«1’?«W”~é‘«v. M4 W “PPM =9! W Wgwm/I A Pew mmy, % % ; ., . 1’r¢¢W~::¢%4 Iie€W‘mz¢*r0ft’ve vcavm oJ"Hmf°rd-A *36c3”e v‘ ’ 14 I‘. r as} vw’.'. ‘ ‘ u....;L~m.~ ~ AM M A M " d~ Vth¢‘AKn1gh;$9')‘;:(Eg4Z‘cn$’A and ;¢ff'¢5~ s>f4%theHA0nvdurab1e ' A %%rhe%Ahumb1:fIwA;r;£ior:Amhc Kmigkmw£[qm're;,Gamlgmm,2:4z;;;4‘% A ‘A’ ‘A; Adiéd ‘vtibér Ifibaéimzlmg qft/ac V Cami}, a H , , r L V i‘ W . A; 4 V “ H ' .‘ ' ~ 4- . '.A.. ","V-’ ' - . ' .- W . ‘, , ~-4‘ ‘- ~ * “ . ;'h~. _.( 5 . W 3 . . =v':- ‘ V'‘!#* W ~ A’ = ‘ 3* - ‘ gtlw‘ ._ f.3,?*',:.'.'\..f“;Hf,v" . iy ' - r ‘ —..,_m___a. ,‘_,‘“n: ‘ ‘:1 A . _ u.‘__ M... , rm ‘Mum ‘ ‘or J we %:?aaiumaflm¢4rr¢%; 5T*"0jLi fiéf*a?7é«‘6bta _. Q. ‘ t , A r. , ‘ _ - I ” J‘ . .1; . .1 ‘ 0 ‘H mmief A £o;‘wa:a*«:a mien: yéuw‘ith-Pctitions;wdoubti»z;g“ng:::;A 5u§‘y0%gi*Afr%- V Vwiil wc1comeA»%;thisAA with ashcarty acceptance.,;Aas;yait E‘1aivA*e’done‘%aniy %. loiyall . hearts t0Ol1r"'S‘5Véra:Lign¢j Aa; t¢n’ds:r: mhfcr, ‘ithprocm-ding fro: . 9 ,9 ( ma’t:i%A;A:o£7<fiur Pmta:{%a€icn‘; a?rid’‘abb‘tiii‘alah¢ao£é&‘¢c.?cg&x§Ag¢v“th¢‘A%‘C&11:gn‘dng ? A Awaalch=And;whe;eas=%wee:"unaer&andA4 thzgcamera ispurpw-;*i£s1a;% a pr¢£mcmeVn—t%A~a1rcady to this heindurable Houfe, ‘a 1?;;:tii*i*on? h;:1e¢;AAAV.;;%A “goforc my famzz Imxfiiccs of thcPcac::d tendrecl‘ to thaw grmd Enq1xc&;33A'% at~0ur1a‘1m;fiifé3;to be by them c'cnfidcred,f our Cong gm;-égationsv incflenfigrcly ~ {andavrcvcrcnt1yAr¢qAc;AQf:c£ an *A&approgcd,g A A M‘ # " Aww:1ting¢+Eo¥‘y%@rur “gfavufiyfld gemc1‘:tts'A,~that%z; N%at1onaH‘~Syxgod;i éfouf iearncd ,and% approwd Clergy» Wthw ie1Ax'o£r:x3;»ma;i“ba. A con_v¢n&d;a:1ci%fo;mcP;arl1amcnfary*‘k:ourfa“fcsd *foréth¢.AdaiH§fi;ig,MV tZA>}{c;:’Aand A Cc1f€m:r cdnfirming?gtéfla’§a1iihir14g% eh-'hcu¥faidVAS:\:’rsfi‘ces~Bo ’ :u§rliAbe}u1cs";Abu£ fubmité? ' AniA¢s;=cf:~*.: fame%F5ehem;,i%~m»A%%ot‘r1%erssnmjga rep§igfian¥?Vé‘Gads A dinég:%méfi::Aw£héwpaamA%andr" utify ;ofour;-1 :R;-fligiofiarnct b¢fcir’a»AA% A > ‘vwhich%i fett1emcni;,ou1: 1; dcfircsparc, th at a Par1iamcn"t‘aryA ti In «-e - w & $1 % moved. ' V % [Ml I} , $5.15; cvcF«£:w(~.€\~v;.Grfc;’g~»1.G.$ce¢-".;,4fi@t{GQ :j'A Qhur¢ba%“{a 't high? Dclinquenccs of any particular p:n;io%n, may‘ not} cau£E.A M rm‘ v.. H ‘ “ :'§‘“' ‘ ‘ Ar h:4m.and ~ 1 Jmc~!wnapre.pr1amor:asmseaand¢ Prfiaqhfimg V ;f7oi:,.;%%_a‘;1~;1o%%4%%anc:fuAch:fdfoi1r[ C1’?-EY2?$;;.§if1Q,I§§9fi@.ii.f yg , be 4., a for better; , V5 4Wcc pray 1!ik¢WifE:%that fame pqfitiyc Law may-Wbgg Inafigd for mmbmal£sr=c~f9rL:A%c;h¢.9bta!mfig.Qftimmx §.8V.:m.aymi;msa$1A.»rpecLiy,and*a Im 69:. ‘ti; ‘WW leaf’: chars * ¢ = M L 75' ' ;+?'.“3I:;.;A ‘ "1; ~ '.>"'7"A1‘- ~‘£:.M "‘~ 1 ”~'2§iji3,\.;|*,g._ 3%. ' - , ~ «k Q h‘; i ¢ pm 1f§%%th~at '«:~:ftra1mng¥%v"a§z3d1prgm?:ntxng of im, A=andrnat§=:£1cm«;;1oufn§fi"6, ss%th;e1rc.iImy~, bo¢;;fom9, Ina&4ed. for =h¢.»Pu:a1fhm%cnt%,o.f Adu1Atc¥1¢§; d%v¢;f@»€§;;9€i'-'~n&§& x1;otp1ui1ir1m-A ‘ ’;'.4w.;:%‘». ‘ ~.“*:,=’;i?%.;ir%.‘%:w,V%a§;i;,.Ax4 ’“E,.:.~«...,»«. .25 . In % ma wrdaincdk far .cxomp¢1li%n . pr~&.xcvVw@o:y.s ‘t}9~¢‘q§a,ym’cnt of their watts; 4 and “Vim the rep in » which of diiarng osamres,m%A%: J- an... t '7‘! , . A‘ A »-, fiawiggfmgarsmm W2. 9. ‘-?z».fé;$ “ M %_ « .. .. ¢”Hi1drcn4% .i:Tm1’thm~ ;:9m:=nam zw:gaoz2.% 4 F , % 9 Wcc11k¢~w1fc gray; thatfonw fpcgdy comic. may bdc ~ takcnA gm, aha R-cdcmptnon of thofe w0fu1lVChr1fl1an Captxvcsin .BWré,,¢7«ig’fh¢.. WW‘ »°f WhV°§‘?.V¢ »h“‘3hiW“35°”¢d” “tF??"€3fi¢¥3€’¥§i;F£3‘1’Y%M Clficw and poww- xn our M‘ar1tm¢4. ‘V iwnd4VPflats.: aux‘Mcj¢:a¢s may beg, "y. M ““ £,]_ . Fdfl V_ v 33 ‘‘§. "3 ’$ 4 P 4 In‘ .-u.mIn » ‘.‘ . ‘war r;£1rchaa2g¢df%d9ubi¢,'arl¢a& Aamtvcr hi ’~ 8% b 3' , . * mu¢h.a.b0V=Out»abiiiaies.%a;1d~ma nszfpcéiigm chmg§»of—%:1;$fagpf:/iggfi **!5§Ki%d°¢ G WW4 in AconfidA:sari9n.mxef)e%ba: x<»aMvc”d=i :1? 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