A A% I A : AP:ri-med for Natbdnielwfiutter in'?¢1Id$_!'s A ~ A%N%H_L1MLE EMQNST AN E % To“: A % i OF Biv A dutifullsommf L L» om; 0 M VChuiichayiardatthc%pyde~B,1il1meme"F37 W A~flivag4t€;A@a 64.9; A A% I A : AP:ri-med for Natbdnielwfiutter in'?¢1Id$_!'s A ~ A%N%H_L1MLE EMQNST AN E % To“: A % i OF Biv A dutifullsommf L L» om; 0 M VChuiichayiardatthc%pyde~B,1il1meme"F37 W A~flivag4t€;A@a 64.9; N 03 Tar~li4'#",ea£”§‘ V Honourable m,%% r an: B—V¥g¢fi'¢$mofnhc Hanouzaélié HMf?a?Cvmman:i, A u “ » ~ ~ vt1:n:nkthe“IM’rcfl7eI of - r 13556 filvrgot mi fpeakc ‘ A I»:/; *5. ' « F, ' A *1. . % re than Libellous, this W ‘ '9 ‘ av. ! ‘\ 1 1 T h K “ » w A 9 I V 7 é A "V," l" ‘ > W I‘. ‘A “ ‘ ‘ u . % A 3 \ you. ‘ ' ' 5 ‘ 4.) . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ~ ‘I, 'I \, 4 I. ‘ . ‘ //r’ x - 1. ~ .. . V ‘...~' -W 3 1- * » ' "AH ‘ ‘ " v .....«.p v ' ‘ ' I, J t . “',‘v"l.1 .»;y.. . _, lam, _ , : 1 n ‘v ‘ . ._ , ,‘ I I: ‘ _ . an I , v . x - ya . _ M ‘ - ‘ - 1 "V 17,." ‘.‘.. \."( “ ‘ n " ‘ . w j .w ‘ " ‘_ n ‘ ‘ V‘ . “ " . - “ ' . ‘ n n ‘ J . . ‘ I‘ ‘ 2 M \ ‘ ..p -. . ., :, ._ ,‘ ‘ M H“ “ _ . ," V ‘ \ _ “I-' .. ‘ . v‘ 0- " "' ‘ 3 17 , h :1 ‘- ‘ ‘ , ' ‘ . ‘u “ v~ ‘V “ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ ,, ’ .' 1 .. .‘ ‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ ....‘ -v ‘ U ‘ 4. H _ ,_ . '.‘ ‘ . ‘ -. 9 W V _‘ , .u ~ .... D , V ‘ ‘ ‘ ,, '~ u ‘ " I A \ . 5 ‘ "K. .1 ' - . M ~ “ u ,. \ “ ‘ ‘ » ‘ I ‘A 1 ‘ ‘ W «. - ‘ a -’ ‘ . ,1 Wu ‘ W . V x - ‘ ‘, ‘ - ‘ ..y ‘ _v V ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 “ * ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ '2 ' ‘ " "' . '_ ‘.6-~ ‘,x . 4.,‘ ‘ .;.‘_...\‘ ,., ‘ »_ - ~ ‘ , ‘ 2. .- .='w ._...' ‘._A :s. ‘*‘ fl M’ . ‘ « ‘ W M; AHW -pr - ‘ I . 4yo;L1.:4 Howmea.nly¥foevgr,.;1nd unat-J4 ~ tcn¢i_é4d,ic *1;>refen:s itfelfeto your; vicw,‘ yet‘ it comes to you on a g%1{efac%%%crra’nd,, %% 7 % as*~dthe4faithfi111 MCHE-nger K of all the eaceablesa-n*»€1A1%i@5h€esfif*‘®s€€¢d f<3n$r%ies%pf A this V «é1ndA%ii:i«%~tI~t;eir ' narnE’s;'_ humbly craves ag grac'iAousA mittancc ;; ' Had rega.rdcc~l the pomp and V:0fl¢.mati°n fn%3J,n¢5a% it might have glorieél -ragtrain pal’: numkieri; Q It is. but a pooré, Rock that maybe: counted; Millions‘ of hands "( if that % tumultuéukyj, W and unfler-handiway “of % "p_rocuredAAd1‘hb{Erif”tions ’cou1c1é:havc:rea,+ fan to-hope for Favour in your eyes) .fI*ia.l1;at your;1caflComma,nd,% V give at». tef’ca.tio1'*1r? V ta)“ Athzit which this 4 fsroll, % doth their namcs_;.humb1ytcnd¢I5 ' W A" ;ar¢»nb W1ia.ppi1§r% T(chro;gMgVhWG¢dsZ ; A lcfiiflg) 4 .3: ~%muchfl°n9scd~f9iv '15.‘ n bumé/ememanjiranbe. o 3 % lhfliament» 5 It were but at narrow“ A wordetouuuzfaythat theoeyes :o“f’~ua§1i1v‘.I; uskhe 4 go odi S.ubjeé’cs“‘*of the ole" Reailfue arcefixed. upon your fuccefléee. e,eCertairixL~% 3 1ythefeuuarenot-more eyesein -theieethree L interefied Kingdornes, othen. ...anee:LnoW, bent upon you; yea; all the neighbour Churches} and uKingdom‘es, ifeel 'ori1ay notofirofimy the uiwhole uChriPci::rn world, eand,7noefma11 part 1beyond it, look’ Wifllly A-“upon you're faces , and with . firctched:-out necks gazfi at thoeu:i£Tue of your great“ Meeting ;;’* Neither doubt A Weeu but fince Soveraighe uAuthority Ahath;:for’ethis Purpofe both ~fi1mmo- ~ ned,A a11doua&uatedyou,uyouewi11.:not faile to produce fomething Worthyiiof o f0,highan—expeé’tatiOn. I * A. Yeco 'are ;%"the Sairié-’cuary,: rwheretoe nowevcry man flees Whether really; f V orretcndecily ec_1i{’c;e1Hfi'cd.e;o , EV?-n 53% I046; yo1iL:~ % " ; tatf Iilna. '“wancilIag_ to Lfits L nefilacs V.Wfifcd0mes k1?J.aVVw 4&3; A , A , .;'M$;ny: things r-ichcwm -~.d-m 51:15» g; ‘ ,A#'3o;f:a;'f':&:a;I?o:_t*1?a~:» which M *ypu;%Hnci¢ Won: Blue ibroch ifi *6 LxrchI"m1d~~' Smm M‘Ncichver‘sG:£n fizcdirc othcrwrifié, tibatim :1: pamperd -::fu%Il%~b~,%Aii%a= ‘ wi;l:1.:Vgrr3.é’c&fed it 3 éfild put it over an; to% the-% Ei1n‘es4 of ‘thc_ "Gofpel; ‘undeér ~ whic4ix,whi1es it is mid thiflt CPet‘er and Ala/an we-3nt4 up to %the"Tc1‘hp1e a:‘:;h%é ninth h01ire’ofprayc1*, We know the ‘prayer Whe1'.ewit11- they joyned% ms not ofian extemporary 5 andfudflegh £on.Ception,mbut o£a 1"egula1f p1?cfc'ripti»»2}> Ion; the formes Whereofare yet exrang, and" ready tpbc p%1*oé1uced 1 V Euangeligall "C%}11411*«Vch.,, em: finCe',~ ; A A thought Itcoifld never better 1'1"’flP17‘0V€’ A herpeacc,anahgppineHé,:hen com;% 2-pofing thafe religious xnoktzlcls %QF%inV0« c2u:ioAnand tha:1kigMivTi%Vng 5 fzhcy havétwuccfiunm%1S¢ AmWfi‘.V¢ then w1t1*E:p;t}{c£_1ce‘t}f1}:nk ;t1’i%7 %mf- genuous V 151 mm jouwi c O .ar1'eA ‘mif-t1*ar;fi30*rted , as L tar 4 condemfle” A 3; 2 gogé 1>rayer,%J»becaufe,% is V%# y}1€art.§,1... 12. W Mn /mmév/eiflemon/lmnce. ‘ heart, [0 it isina his booktoo»? 4 Farbeit from,me»to diifhearten anygood Chri- e Pciau from the uferrofconeeived prayer, in his private devotions 5 and upon-oc.- cafion alfo, in the publiquet; I would hate to be guilty of pouring fo much iwaterwupon the fi:>irit,?t0AWhiCl1: Mhall gladly adde oyle rather 5” No, let the fullfoule freely pure out it {Elfin gra- cious expteléionrs aofits.h1ol_ye thughts, % into the bofome of the Almighty: Let both the fuclden Hafhes lot“ 3 our quick A ejaculations, and the conftant flames T V ofourmotefixecgl conceptions mount up from the altar of la zealous heart, unto the throne of G race; and if there be “ fome flops or lblecilhles in the fer-4 avent utterance «of our private wants, a H thcfl: are {afar {:6 being ofIenfitve,that they are the molt pleafiflg mufique to A A % the cares ofthatGod, unto whomioutr A A prayers come :4 V Let them be broken ofi‘ l l with n/aziimé/en” iemanflmmze. 1*; r recqmmcn ——---u-"-"""""““ with fobs,rerrand§fighese,2 and inc;ongruii-s ties of A onurdelivery oi1r.:gt>oderr. God isii e no otherwifeaffeéted to this imperfeét -eloeutionentthen an»««i_ndu1gent Parent is to the clippedgind broken 12".nguage,Qfr his icieare chi1de,. ‘Which A is more dc:-’ lightfuli tot .hi~ma then i any others fmo0thOrfatory ;A?This.,.iirsnottoebe op-‘ p (Died in.anothetf ,anyi m_anithat hath found the'trL1cr9~peratiornec§f this grace in him ielfe : ;BL1t in the imeane .‘titNI1e,* A 1&1: the A publique fofmcs of the ; facrcd Church-A-Lriturgiehaxieitstdu:;:honre11;r.; wLet:‘1:hiS,‘. bythepowerriofyournAuthe- ritie be reinforced , as that which be-4 ing feleéted, out 40f ’ ancient 4 models , (notrRornane,but Chriflzian) and con.- i trivedrby the holy Martyrs, and Con- r efcfliors ofthc b1cfii”cdhiReformation of i A i Religion, hath reccivcdrabundant fi1P:' ply offlrengthz hothfrorn the zealous ' 5 4 iii iti0n;i.0f[fOur¢ mofiircligie A A C ~ oust V ,4 jnl.m’mé_le ‘Ramon; oiis Erintcs ,andiyouVr¢oWn:11mR.fii:mc° ahci pereinjptory cf’(a:b1ifl1m.ent ‘S; mongfl: w}§ichA' 'pQviferfu11- induce; mam, Athat is Worthy1;e:M¢fleighn §con1id4eratiAon,Awhic1:iI t€I1'dC§§.' unsI3o:you; {ram ¥th£:juVdg¢ment..fé)fecut1st?)f1.;- Wcreizhis rdi%%n%an;ce««meer1yVéhumamg 3eb“c;:7fa;id:fit; but%t1mt*itiis?e%«‘, ‘ e1i*n:g:anci;:flnc,4d%ofnab:-ezthenw1jcdyearesh Pcanding, and that it hath5cdr1ti1:1;ucd .i’nA this I'1a.nd,» fine: the flafitafion of F ‘{tA€Ii’out4 wntradi&ion : . *W'oL‘i;1%'d, thisware miough @162.‘ «ta we fl ' #4 reverent ;ref'pt:€t5 .:m a.11;I"1:hou‘ghxrs ”:o?E“a1teratic5t1 ‘*I3’ér(,'% wen nacurtiim Fe1f7e5tea;chefs¢%Lu«s to A:r:i%fEA-‘up ‘.bie‘f:o‘re .:thc hoare4~hcadA 5 wrought a;=%i3ecretf1Io‘n2:m-.5 ev;e*xa7’ . ”' *2 ‘.5’ *3... V 1713.99P91i@i¢~t€fl§h¢§u$§mf.fiafilyta gim chang¢ of: shale thiJ.agfs , 8.. .. H . ‘ « . 2. 5‘ ' fi . . bane . cm M 4 .% 7‘ , ' “F ' "m 1:‘ '« ~ ' r A 1 5' ‘I VI ,. 3. _ a L .‘ 5;. ‘f - - n -‘ " " H .. ' ‘ ’“ arr K p ' I ‘v :2 ‘ “ A ' - Vfl 1,33 _ne§@f1'ary,4;3;s ffiiigiafl :93. ich/i.r1gs,A « ’ f Ehat chin « . . 1 7 ,9? V .4 ‘I X72: nigh: m Egan *by"¢5;:ti1aL1a.”nm, and gen ‘g11m. ¢ probatlon Well rooted in Church, or ~ . " . A’ V ‘ _ ‘ 2; I \\ _ ‘ in ‘ u ‘ ', , w L “ /H ‘ H . I ‘ ‘, ‘ H A” ‘.,.' ‘ ,,:x, ‘ ‘ . “ 3,; ‘ ‘ 1" .4_9v ‘ '4.-I ‘ t . I flfi‘ ‘ ‘ V» ~' * ‘ , M . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘w . ‘- 1 w; ‘ “ + ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘i ‘c ‘,3 J‘-‘ r 4 ‘ ‘ . Uh .7 ""‘f 1 1 -1» ‘ »- " v V “ . I u. 5?. . in Anzmaze7{emflr4nce. -‘ ‘. ‘. a1choug11» %%thi11gs whmi Téhé t:2;t4~Ari.¢g,1ac,‘~¢ivi11e)‘i1iflitutio11;‘"41-Tor; Foimdcrs and» prime1AG‘6vernoursLofj_ ‘ % % ‘thc‘Euange1i4ca1l church % did, .».»_;s mcn,%4 wént%1}Qfui:t1i¢r~thcn Athei1;~%oWn% péfié _ fO%n§; yet,what they as Apofiles, is efah higher and morc__fa;étc*d c‘or1-fid c-':«-A-A Ifatioxis. a1&1d ,if as e):-addc .% ‘ch? K-._.—--—-—--.......« the unquefiiohable glollae ofthe cleatel M hpraéitilé ofthcilrl Aimrm;ed«i7atetlfi1ccé{1ors, in this-l,acl_miniPcratiof1, :~t_l<:)'r1ti'Ii1’:zle<;l in l Chrifls Church to this very day; Wlmafl V V:{Erup.le l.cat1’rcma.in inlanyllir:gcI7mm;1S_l 9 heart 2? but, lilfiany one rcfolvc tollcontai-A _ -nucl lunfatilsfiecl , in‘ of reafoxa, ;a1'1Jf Wénitielin Ge-~ 223114,, am." #4 am; ‘Who iI1»'..h:i*:S Dedicatory Epifilce J before the third Part of his Dulvia Ezaa2’z- Obwfatm’ ‘gr-,fi’n/aumév/e‘Remord:/Zrance. $ 3; A - a - _ c A “ A mihrcrebrb A cgghmato the mC°mP3'r3bl¢ gfata~ifia’Ecc1efiar.um ve- Lerd Primate of Ireland firarum Facies, ifla in pub- A rlicis pieratis exereitiis reve- > rent1a,&c. doth zealeufly applaud V and congratulate unto us, Etquamvisomniailla reg- the ha ac as he A I 3*‘ 3.b.”“4?“‘ P1‘*‘“1ibuS<=' A PPY’ ( Concel ruditxffimxs , 86 TheoIogig.._ verb). flourifhiugefiate of fi§mmis,3_;c, our Church , under this SW6 P’-‘°11Xin0firi 6*-'53 65' . .. If ‘_ ' 7 G0.vcrnment,e magn1fy1r1.g S jngfffun? ‘thc~’graces' Of Godin the ampliflimosa Paflores fidos, ~Bifl1OPs~ thereof and’fl1uts- .%‘?€€9rfl°F¢n€¢S 511 P°min0" fuipicimue ac amplexa-e aupwith ferventtprayers to mumzzc. A M W God for the continuance rQ“° D60 "H3 17=mP€r apud . r . 4 . A . vos conflet.c*Ioria,Sere“nifi3— of the Autherxtyr OF mo Riegi fefiro fuum jus, Prclatcsofthc1T:Churches.. Prarfullbus fuatauthoritas at A. V r.fi.°tbrf'h -. Oh then , whrles Geneim 5:5 ,§f,.i§‘1:m°;§g;; 3". it eur Govern- V farnftitas,” fua tranquillitas, mengaud God forfit, and %‘;f£, praycafor‘ the happy per» ~petuat1onofi_t,1et it not;bc%fi1Pr%:recI,that A At any igr1orant;or. %>ightful1aSeé‘rarriesa,r 3 fl1ou1d~a; 7 A n Mm ézlefiemmzflranae. 9+ \ flmulel openly in tiheir Libelé curir‘e”iF:_§ ’ and maliciefufly brand it , with the termes ofhllnlawfullé andeAntichrifl;i-g ‘ an‘: Yourwifdomes cannot but have found abundant '1'eaf‘on to hate, and fczorn this bafe and ‘unreafonable fum- hgeflcioni which would hecefl‘a1-ily in- ferre, M that not Chriflt, but Antichrifi, _ jhatheehad thefull fWay_ of all Gods A “Church tlpon earth, F01‘ thele whdle fixceen‘hundred yearess A blafphemyh which any Chriflian heart; n:fl1uf’cncedsh ébhoifre 5 And who thathathheever 1019- A ekédeeinto either Books, or mergknows not, that the religious Biwfhops bf all timesgare, and have been they, which 4 have Ptrongly; held up‘ ether; King... dome ofC:hrifl:, a.r1c1‘the efirieere htruth the Goiiael, ag2Linf’c’a11htheWic:ked We 1i1achinations~‘ofS_atan; em:?1d’ehis Ami., Chrifl 3 And évenhamoia Velour ‘owne, haw many of the Reverendfui Lear. A hned ti /auméle Remonflrnce. 35% A i nedFathcrs ofthc Churchgiowliving, have fpent¥1:hc5ir 17its.,* and Worm 91in: their lives" in the powerfull oppofition fthaitiMan of fin. Confidei the-':11.I be‘. I3;-ecih yo“u,wh2it a fliamefull injufiice it iiS,inthbfi: boldfclandercrg. t0caPcuP~ " A :11 theft izealouflyg-religious 15rclat?csii, famous for their iiwotkeis ( againfi 'Rome)._ in forraigné parts, the igiiilti bf that; whichdthcyhave 1:9 meritorioufly and convincingly oppofi:d.If;his im 01% : ‘jiufldefcncc may-fi1.tisfieithi=:m;If fhialfor their fakes xcjoycc 31 Bu£,ifthey fhall ci-:9 ther with M the vVi1fu11ysdeafei_Ac_1deti fcop their careg, horagainffthc light of their ownc confciicnccs, out ofpiivatc i frcfpeéts) bears: up 9;. known érrori of urichariitableneiié, this vgypapcr {hall . oneii day bieii’ari evidence aorainfi them, heforethe dfcaCi.fu11Trih:i1na1ii of trhcii i A1;nig5;y, i h i~i‘§3i/hat.i 36 %%%% Animals rkwaonflram; .n—._ WV\77mh*a.t‘fl1oi11d%*Iurgc%info1;1e”o};hcrsi, A the Carcfulfipeaccablc,pa;infu11, confcié ofiablc managing of their "charges, to £11: great glory of3God, find comfort of * his;»fai~tlifLi11[2eop1¢~?And,iFwhilcs thefi: Acha1'le¢ng¢a_ due r.cfi>cé3:'% fxtolm ayll xvcll; ggzinded Chrifliégns, fomcothcrs hear‘: % Ailfll, J(h"ow défCrvcd1y,God khows, and will’, ix} duc timcmanifcfi%) yet, why fliould ah holy ca11ingT_fi1ffer?_ fhould the Faults (iffuch be) 0? fomc, difli1{'e.thcir b1andcto.all?.Farfc, far we a knoiwisthis, from thqapproved ince... %gri:yofyour%n¢b1e%% juflice, whi1cs in I the mean cime,“(1in1cfl?: your jufi check doc1Eafonab1y[rcmcg_1yit) the impctu-% A Veusand undiffinguiflaing v1.1’1garVanc rcacly fo toipvolvc 9.141, as to make in: noccncc it félfafing‘ and (whichl am V a4mazcdm to think’ of d3,~re fly , and % “write, bemrmn, ‘uvorfi 3 A And I n.~:,w=—-H «mama 37 : And 4nQ~w, fincc I am faln uponthis H fubjeél, gi VC melegavcl yen, to A pfofcffc, with how bléeding an hca1ftv, heart ofchc manifold fizandals ofibmc f the ‘infcriour WC1'c’rgy, »p1fefci11:ed% to year v1¢‘w,fi:om allpapts 5 Iris the miféry, amid {shame of this (.h1irch,ifthey be fo Foui as % they are fuggeflcd,5 bu1:,if I dudi prefi;mc% fo far, Ifliaou1d,in tbé bowells of'C1'irii7c, bcfcech you,(u§on the finding of H2 ha,t_e—»V fu1hcnormities)to give me leave 1:0 put you in mind, ofthc %c11aritab1c cXa.mp1c of our‘ r€1igious_Co}g[E.a’21ztine, in the like café; 'yAQ1.1’%d 4 cannot diflike fb gr!aci.ou$ a, patt.e1~nc; I9 { plead not for their impunity , let: thern ‘(within the fpherc of their ofléncffzc) bearc % ‘ their own fin; Butch, forbid JAtQha:Vc*itV. told in Garb, orpublifhed inf: the Pcrccts of _Jfiul0n 3 Your wifcdomes well ?{I=:c, under A Vmalignant cyeswe [a.rc:, of oppefite % Spcfitatots 5 What; death it is‘? 1:9 n the (Port, an&d%Vadv.a11ta.g ¢th¢iMcf afichfull ..mmnjgs will 13:; Ailmem maknipf V_fin§, % A and ,“,, -48 bumla/eflemanflxdnce. Er no: and {hams ? A What exprobrati-ons, Q what . . flris pm- guefflmt tgittmphse of theirs,‘ Wi11*11enee~t te1if'u»e7? A F tnohfira Theft, andttall other our cares are r1ow'fi-:- minis. 3,0f.1fi__ cuately caft upon? your exquifite ‘prudence, % " and gotodnefle 5; F he very mentlon ofour’ featcS,whi1e3 ye fighad heed to crave pat}- A A ‘dn ofgmefunuption 5 But Withallgro take dgw :1 the ;infi)1et1ce of ,thoie'et1vTiou.s In-9 fultets , it maypleafehtyou. to givcfme leave to tell th eme,_ that hQ!WCVC1‘, in; foeenfume-—h rous A a multitude, hth=€1‘C1b:_e~ found Tome fotllly Vicious ,(as there is noPomegr3.»natc; wherein IZ2me_grains.a1'e not rotten, a.’nvdt A even in twelve thereis dncVvIudw5. yet, up —-2 A" on 2. juflztfixrvay, it will be found, ’ that no cane Clergy in the whole Chrifiian World, yeelds To many eminent Scholars ,1earned* P1'e;ac_:hers, gm‘/e,hto1y,andt acC0.mp1i«fl1et1~— ivinegas thisChutch of Engl1ncl.doth;,h atthisidayt; Andtlong, and ever ma V it thus flourifh, as it fi1relyfl1a11 (thmugh Godés blefiing) Whiles the bountifulle in-r tcourztgements oflearning, ‘and ingcnut. A A % ' h A A Oust ,,.',. /aum~ble‘Kie2i2on/Zrrmce. 39 —.-...—,_.... ous‘ education are happily continued "to it; And V th-e more 5 when chofé luexuriam; broufghcs ofdilbrder and debauchcdncflé’ arethrough—juPchcenfures eieafonztblym lop; Fed 03:“; 1 7 But ftayig Where are We, or What is this WC liveak oflor to whom 3% Whiles I mcn~e tion the Church ofEn¢gil4nd,eias thinkfinglit your honour; and my own,to beithetpr'o-- t te_fl'ed1vons of fucha ‘Mother, I am now: taught anew Divinity,and biddento ask," We/hiciho Church we r‘n'eaniMyi‘fi1’nplicity; neverrthoughtrofany more Churches”? of England butone Now this very daiyesa 'wifer- difciovery tels us ofmore; There is i aPrelaticall Church (they fity) farms; 3.nd,~ whichisthe other? .Sure1y.hittilis[fo A young,that as“yet,it hath no name; except We {hall call it indefinitely, as the Jews wa-eitwont to Ityle the Creature they could i -not «abide to mention, T hat .othc'r? thirtg ; Andi whattithinigflial that bc,~thinkWe2Lct ~ F1 i::bc¢;11ca,ifyoupiearzg chcchurch An... xipireliaticalfl ; % but leave Ergland outqfthc V A It 5% %%Lct ittakc 3- largerw d£:no71nina.tioti,vi A %a;1d extend A to» our ~ friends. at Amflerdmn, mangd cliéwherqand not be confined to our; ~ A A Englazzd: Withalljlct thexnbe Putin mind, Y than they inufl: yet think ofan ocherfubai. vifion of this divifion 5% afome % there are (ihgya know)~dwhich can be content to ad~ M mitVofa"nA4[1-dc¢r1y“ .%Vfu%bordina£ioniof y {Eve-. A ra;11Parifh%cs%to Prcsbyte;‘ies,8é%%th<‘3fe again AA Ac”o,.Synods3 othcrsalre allfora Patochiall fimjgef vlivé/imia till they came 'to lvcry ab’f91i,1tcnef;I'c,% and indep"end;cnce'%;%: ‘Y’-ea, and:ofthefe,% themes’ wi11%% be a divifion, Air’; n‘ Aromas : f.0i1‘7tO4WhiCAhwOf*tI}0{é~%-{E01568 of fmpar2IedCo11grcgatins5I *I<;1o.wnc to 13 wichi11‘ad[ abbult Walfs will ’1:heybc~ ;}oyncd~, ?;m*ho4x=vf long without fimzher X? ‘h A 5 where doe inen flay, Qnce ipa{h:hetmebQ11nds?1 A Bggt it Jbei fo,_%»rha»t [Achc 4Prclati:ca1l‘part ~fi¢€d$m3k¢UP0fl¢~dividcnc§ L 4 A :1 A » A W bet d¢rs%”oft~his%Cvh11:¢h?Wha§t—the:%éiVf’cinéti<§i1 *€}E..th¢’« ~Profcfi'o_rsf and~ Rbligian 2 if ‘the7dién‘ts ofchc Prelacy, and their aclhe-L ¢sma11y%¢a1cu1a%;ted) they whmake % this ~Pre1atica11 Church; what_rOufids:of :£aith,w11atnewcrcea doe hdjaif“ ’fércf1t9fro1nfheiraneighb0i1r$?%-Wh;it’i$criP~;-A t11’_1*r&’:‘§; what »“l3aptifm‘c” ,» \vhagt%"Euéhat:i&, , 4what«%Chrivfl¢," whatheaven; what A “of*fa1vé.tion% gather th”ei_'1‘~~t~h;é‘re:fc ég: lbrcthten, %'Whi1és?vv’e*d0?e fully agriéeiitiall :hcfe,a1aa a11«%o«e11e¢iiDe5taai¢1%a1 l~an6P"r;2§6ti»a‘- callfipointsk a€;%re1ig;o:n yvil¢1 u~nCharitaB1e* A ancl%ca13f1¢H’é diviéfiiéfiég it0&w1*e1*h2iii1rh’e:iEa%fri; lcifc" Aéoagt: ofchrifi it1¢,br}a¥Reti# ¢ ‘ l E" -‘ a this«- ; té11%1iic;»brca 'thArcjn,¢ Ibciccc;-hJ ~o%u; what are -aha bun”; V ‘irc1j11f,js’~-,1 fiifhofE~fl=:Vera11’th0ufanS a£e;pu11~ A A t1%g14c5A%or»,_a.~Geretn;caiiy§ ét—”g"1§£r;1ie41t:7,i»ér iom; an 0rg&n»16ipé>%h*?é»é X *j9rr3fcfl'c the faving=s% r”uch,V:~whi12es' F 3 we 4 idcfirc'if@.s1.ybu._.p1‘0f¢:iT€t5dQ¢)'t0 walk iconf¢:io1iab1y4;With4 Our G bd,a¢cbr3ii1été % v:1:ra'ti¢.mje”%.%::tI’11¢;*<.>f P¥9Ya11LaW @359‘ ”Makcr4; 5whi1cs .,w;e»Qppo1e4one and the fam;cdc01nm%on enemy, w.hi1cs%wc i1nfai- nedley indeavour’ tof fh~o,1dth.e unity of the T5Pifit%ifl:*Eh€ b0nd'°fP¢?1C€ 5*‘ ‘01icf>rifi§1eI3 ~ * "-I~be’féech you in the feare of God‘,»d ‘confi—~ der, whether chefs be the»thoL1g§ts (if the Ions of*pea'ce,% and f1.}ch as Aa,r;=;V%1utab1c. pg A thieehargé,;anci a1e‘ga<:y~V%ofo%1.1r_deareASavi:;- 4 .euVr,% and thi4nkIE-:rioufly frm What fpipit » eheyproc,e¢dT; Forus, makediffite renc¢:atral1(in thcj rivgh;t.,%andinccreflof the ..Church)'bctWixt4C].ergy and Laity, bee A ~tW~ixt the; Clergy and Laity of one part, and ~"anotli¢ir ; we am: all your true W; are one vsrichtg-z+ou;,both%;in;}11:a;1§: Ihrtfi: )" I fame: h€9«V¢fl.~ A %;but:1 if ycfc will 1‘1:ecds%be"é 7 Vncherwiie can but. bcwailg A £heChurchcsniiIEry_;,yburfin; 1 V .iha11~bcIécoh God to bcwmctcifull goyoux A willing -In-q...-l-——_—-. —-— --~ -- _...,.__........ - . . --—-. ..... » .,~.. willin _ A and iunchaeritable _fi'.*,E13i.I'3.lZ_l()I'l;t 4 A ‘ Howfqevegl have freed myfoulehefnet my God, in thecenfcience pf this jnufliex-—- poliulation,andfaithfiilladvife. l Whit remainghutthatlipoureoutmy heart in my fervent, andtdayly prayers to A the Father ofmall mercies, that it would "1>le2;t{'e him toeinfpire this Great 1Counl?:ll, A trvith all Wifeclome £‘1m'Ofl.'1?tbO:VC;3fld= A e crown this great meeting with the blell fing ofall happy fi1lcce{le,lb as it may pro—- duce muchgloty to his %own’ namgmueh t \ V complaeency, ancli contentment to : his deate Ainointedjlcomfott to all goocli 4heatts,%telrror tt;«his enlliéf allies, l7eal7nnable4 i A to all infolence andlafiion, prea- Atswvention ofall Innovations 5 and .la.&ly, as . firm peace nnditfettlement to this »Churchs land CVommon—-.»We2.lth, and to" all Otllfifli A lziis Majefiies Dominions? \Whi~chtGbcl A fgrant4forthe‘ i3.l" ‘I W . " - ‘