55 1:2z.b1€ Hon _ the13:=1t‘ht1r;,;1o1*IV1c. «:mm A M M Q . _ A:fi‘fg,« L _ The ‘Re*£"o1*m1ati0n» of the C mu R c H of the ‘ Rcpre{?::nmd.in : A fl g0STELLfg[ .-1: W. Norvemiwr 25. 5+1: 6,» A 4 mc¢t3s.c;"i?.&izT>s1s5 of Twzzflcr L 0 V ES Sermon, prczicherd the fauna day. A All publiflned R31‘ the good of tha Faiclufullfi % 4 at: their derfire. AA ’A M By W II. 1,, I A. r-.xD1a;L L, Minificr ofthc: (3ofpc:I,zm:cnding ‘on. *‘»L has Excellency Si1*THOMflS F/111{”FA.X". % M7372 {N1 2.. Azmi %thc1't:: was much nmxrxmwixxg rxniczag i:I1epc:op1¢;:conccr11i11g '11; #7443; %f«;n.- fimm": fn%id_., He is :3, good1m11,%otI%1crs fimid may, but Hr: decczivctzh the people. Le Ialm I V3 . A1111 tllfifif things will they dc; unto you, bczmxtfctlucy Imvc%11ot1u be/§»e,i11hthe ‘ __; niflezy Cf htlm TVord 3 [0 now (I: ” gainfi He oflérs them to your '[_e:.—.-.~ M ,,;;,,;,, y,,,,,,,, cond ‘confideration, 'inthis j @2~izz.—;- % clfl>‘ook; becagufc he-«hath a»mimIé‘,"”yoL1hh{hoi1Id mkenottce ofthcm. And 'ImuPc needs fay, it is 4 the L 0 R075 rvoyce to you; and I hope he will‘ move y0L1r7éeézrt; , to regatrdit ;%though~§atan hath nziglztily bePcirr’dhin:ifc1F, by cafliinganyhill V?.~.;;qa2*d*upo11 the Truth, to make you dz;/like it.‘ Btu; if you like"C H R I&S~ "If the worflz for a4Fmceh j]2it;o72czn41bufi2eted,you may Wzmt a SA V I o”7u R: I........ ......., . __ rm!» of cm I s T the A1 h‘ aw, } u.......,__ ..___ °r~~1-1 E ‘E P I s T LE q Eéfo'24f2;fo17ifiratci2t Facc,you may makéyikfi du:#eZ-3 ‘ L 13%" §31a§¢§WithA Errrour &Humm2e (13.0%-%i22Ve.s, W‘-"“» V a1'c;%4.a1;,:1%,o11e%..,4‘ Zwcczialo hax§I%11‘g:)L;&f‘c>Aoner de1ive1'@d%%the, » tmt79 of Go 13, but t"h”‘er€*7» was 3. Falflz Tropket, A to ;a;z 57:; Lo an 11Vofeo:ae: p1'epa1'eS h1.fi1:»uAmefitsA to rAe;)2ec%ie4::his tmtbij but Satan hath hi,s4 in/i‘rzmzént5; 1*‘€ady to turn the truth - A A ljm, Apdf‘his;‘?.G Q%?:v%D_fl2Zfi1(6’?fJt01jc; 572*” 1v.W0W, that You might: learn,- not to be o_f;?E2zcl€¢’5 a.tft}%1eWt;"g.4;t}3 with “It A fljm IVo?;*Z&lii‘54:Vbu%t t0%‘re%%c@i«r'wVe arfl 1o%=m’%thb t2:zz;£]2,V41:10t« W’it_hVfl‘a11c’i“i5fi¢g £11 the imligzvzities and }’6P}”0c%C]7£’5 Of men. ‘When you reczde What~yV0u“haV*e heard, you m11Pc.%.V11%c§:d.S;[dC/§22ow3w:ge ifi 1:0 be £hc;2?ii?2d§3[y%t§fGA%0 D», ifvou.1c.¢CeiVeg:l~tA11e?’m1Q‘i2;evLti22ég ofthe 2:a~g:ctl;,%%%V;hereiii ;.4¢o1itai11Eéd,'~211Al4 t11atI9eAl022g»t0 G0 mA»..‘¢‘Fo1f;1n§z.part;}a1h11%tcam» I€¢*%Z5‘¥%0U'd*5ifl% ‘1W~:%9*“@€[/(19 1% t.>§;?ijfi1;:I>3ar,.Wh.0fc. 4 éFQi? 1f’,_ $0¢%?f59E18;~“ t1ic¥Vor~ld,f11ath. the *Au§%ml;Apower‘ ofithé :W0;¢lci%%4 W’ i4«:u¢mz¢ Q:111: tha«t5,I.-,f0j f?11€.;D0¢%"§?Z€ of II?/?w«1 C~‘b‘m'.:‘j;T A i1[at~a1a;‘f%:m: ¢:z2:ig72%£“y~ pp QEG M;m9o_ ::01‘l&:.:t“]9€%t;,N: , i”00I1’ib1¢"4mac1¢”4,%C0Q£.a1; "9~S”t}:*a«<:;t2twé¢%@0§3:f'iz2é% Ofthfi‘ G¢.0.fl?6;.l;:A4 §11?OL1gh;C3::1§Hi‘.;d .E3%:2“0mt,%%%Hé%7‘zfi;€§; €39 c%';z7fi22e,~"%§ a:1fi%s¢11;aVe; a1lE* VA; Mp~9,x1 is;« dih:jeg»';r,g,tf7g _vj/fr,1:f"}:7L"1¢;?1 . bi£5a;4~d €371‘ %;and;‘1xaa*§gdA; A h are IZIC A T 0 RjY'Zh 11éreM/etade again, fha.11'h¢a.1*ry alloppnfitiong tihd pojers T rbhefotrc it, and A Monet {hall __beaab1e totftmzd againft that irzzcgtqge * agai-11fl:: :*it,: And; § of ”fth=is,¢ hboth; 3/our-;[e.l,1ze_st and £721): égenerfiéztviton tfhallabe W"it--1 ' t.;.a,1q;;},~z think that.I+,gave toe much power to C H*“.Rh,IV A s_ , , ;ir{1» the ®efi>r2iiir2¢gé :of A the :CI::1zrc79~, A his ow2zpB)ody5t1ttthem corzjider again, that too m24c7:» V ca11%nQ.t begivento C H R 1 six: in Go I) s king-t doms, facing be is all inflalltirz it. ht Neitheris that exalmtio2»zt11e 0057381 gives to C 1-: R I s T in ‘thia Btlfiheflhj any dimirmtion toycmrfelrves : ; neither 4 making "C Httltgts T’, all in the t.[it 5 %_na.y,t I’}Wi1l;b€ atnong thefizfl, that flm1itthatt;*i5ztte« itttoyou, 4A11d4”do defire, you WQL11d110% 1in0reh’a~ny oifyou hcttdifplecg/éd for attri- bttttiwngattheA'Q{efor7rzzztio7z ofthe Ckzm/::v,to'tCI-1 R151‘ ” 2t10;;f;§:,V% hthszh t11.e%tVCl{g2cZemg_>;fio2z, I tccztionyg Sarzffifi cgt.iVo;ttz.,t:>7r;A Ciflq/W:fiCcZfiZ:0?1§‘;:£ gig tho H R; I s A Ti alone MThéfd29t77zte2”»ht~i1'1g§evcty Vvhittt, tta—s%;ga‘ez1t;111dgl0:fi«tt ow; t f C 113; 1 s41j,:t.s the; laztteéé. I dotmtofi rvilliflgbl ~t3~11<:r»V Ymiyctur Tf2z'onets»ti*11thclfiigrlotttls of fig %7V0f‘l§{ only gd efi rte‘ to é’J:hU6r;t0 Clarzi/3 ozhizttlj/aitféfleinth<:tI{i7gclome4 of 0 D. ~ A 3" Tlmcm , E PI“S’TTL T? ‘ There‘ ai’e7rho"fE: indeed that would he he ;;q%erI2i»s Throne, not becauf‘e they would h_;;m.aFh you~ fit there, bmiplace them there : Vtheyh‘ Wohid A afcr’ibe-hto3/cu, the power‘ on dueeo the“eSb2z;é2e af G'o’ D, not becaufe they would haveyrm 111}: it, ‘ A but “Would ujeit t/yhemfilrves-e; they would derircze Poxx/’ee1‘ffi'pmyou, I to do t/Jdth, Whi*c:h they fafiyyorx A A cannot‘ do ere” andh‘hew the power they attribute to you V in the thifzcgs of Gem), they Pay, is notwellin your hlmndsg, b11ti11tl§ei;9.r. In‘ M h.And here I=v'sro1i1c1:?"dq/ireyu, to mfmnoticeof the woerkingofethe Mjflerie oflzzzquzzye from she ff-Iead, to the very Little-toes of theMcm ofSim1e: M h At youekhow the Wope i'ntereflsed%himfelf_in the Empeebur’ ,4 and‘e '73bwers ofthe I!7ofld (for his A own eadrvazétage afldfiepport ndwdoubt, rathef then for tlveim) afier, the @relate.r f'uccef3iVely,Taid to zborldly Kin gs, Lend 1/1/5 your power, A and we uzill [emf \ yoza‘ours5 Let our fpirihtmzlpower dealein tempe- ml things, and your tempamlpower {hall deals’ A ineflm/rz"tua!l‘tI1i11gs 2“ and fl:i1_le the Clerngyspoxzzere « (Which‘caIel’d it f‘e1f'fpiritual)h fb linktiteefelf withh the tevrzporalj‘ that the pozver thatwasnot vfG0d5» A might‘ be uplyeld, by the power thathwmcfGod5h ” zmde (having ‘got this advantage)’ they'cried,h £74;/imy one ; Dflirvy l2otr’2hh‘,- zmdh fo ‘the ?relates 1 were Wont; tofay,No “$2:/79012, no Kiizcgi Andh h ¢ "‘ M their - M.‘ o%*y, . ‘cry, No Mmfler, not Mag: rates an fo A R111 m»1n- Lglet mtertflaj andt pozzzers twiththc civil Magiffrate 5, that utider the Mag’/Z2v4tee,the°power of 0 1:5 they might cunrzingbi [krowd that powertthat is not G O_D”.eAI1d th11S they Pci1l,'under~the name%oft1*ie _‘71;-§;U7 agiflrate, ‘feemk tlvefitflalmes I and drzzwizzg F -thatpower.that is 02?!)/hits, from bizn t0~tJ:2e7nfi3l1re:9, to ewhoem it dothnot belong : Being, in the V mean time; "rm/l)r~~againPtMagytragz, further then it is A fizrrviceable to their oWn‘e~end§.t Whereas, We t0rclg'izgz2zc of G 0 D3 though "we fi¢jj‘ér4un~ V,-mdbyeir, e We A 4 reck't>nMa¢g.;i‘/frczcyt, notlejfe Mczégiffraggno leffe the W This Aclerggie-—ge7;2tz'cZvriji‘i‘ecz}~z power where ever it is, will‘ fiillfit upon the power of the Nation 5 the power of Anticlsrifl, l"odominee1'ingAo*ver the _p01b~ e~ers of’ the World, that nontcetbutetheApower of e HA R Is '1'‘ cantcaPt it t%Tehat willfiitll be up» epermofl,‘ \7vhat’1;owerfoevertisfltpream. Befides all 4 4the experience offormer Ages _(Wh'iCh‘t:7iS theegmt-.= wonder in thewotld, that men eonfidet not) w G 0 1:» gives you flfldr/(ling: enough ofit, »i~netla£§v ~ Age 5 A fomev preaching, That the gorfvernment of t .4 the Claufcb €wh1:ch theymake;outwardand rvifi--~ Né‘, “and ovetmens efiatese, Bodiegand li1Je5)‘)bC-~ longs not tO“I(ing n0Ifi?,4rliam%ent, but to the “tMi-«- ‘their fitcteflfirs. in the Ki11~Ud~ometoF§/frztitbrifl v m, «¥'fr2r?ic*75I*W~j”~I22iquit3> in. this,-Tim: and ..t~heirElders% 2 and béttefili *“th.ei*;}é_ make the av/Bole Iiingdoifize 3. Clmrcia A, A -2.t‘1!c1 th*e11';j¢:~ quire a_power, 2i.z¢_mt}’2o2*iif}I. andjz4ry¢"1ic“£ioz2% izrytlnéii‘ Umrc/2—I{irz(gtZ0me,.~Which the fl.4’;t1V1g;17:.w:j,.z:zfZc2 3 .1n.§y Apleade §p;firz;iZe.z{,_ge;V or e?:»cVe27zp2$il: Q72‘ Qfth_ei:i;1‘J‘li;';;»e5,% l.*3I2ge7/ties, .01.‘ éflatesa fi:Q1n;he yoga... 1e9$W:f%t1*1"5 Ciizil Mbgijirgzz-e.5 fqr %4thzit‘We1:¢ to jL1fl*Ai«.- “11%%¢;7°.4l”% q°Wla£iCal,. or ».2111Y.0..ih¢rVgE0flJerIa2%§evé2t “‘ *0? 3 7%z}- ‘;/We Power a»nd#i«uerifdiA&i0n freé and§%?%"e.>cmzvt.ad . u ‘.1 f1'o m .. t13..é%%riz¢$t/.w.ozéizry,; mid 51? Of .AAtVI‘i+<:;V A “And tiDEDICATORY: -And ttherefareyl humbly reprefent; epic? judicial! this mayptove to you in the end, tofuf- ‘fer a Generation med/zrin the Kingdome, under A the name either of Cbmrcb or Clercgie,whofepow.er,— . y~122'8V]t(€‘V7?zent ,ancI intereflis ‘ different and Ntexcentril, “ mil “from the power, welfare , 4 and tizzterefl of the I{iyn(g.clyyom:e 5* A and Wham. ballcmce they may p1'o"ve~ yagairifc the State; where they 1iVe,in tmezirzg and mmuhhlmous times , as they tlaenzfialrvwlcnow, fo (I A A hope) you clearly peyrceifve it, as Well as tlaeg/. How i they a-lreadyt td«tare-tli-ft up the LH'ead agaixtft you,~ wkofees not ? How -do they mzztzzfifl their difla %’ eonterits agaytiknfl yoL1,—IinQ3anzpl2letsand ‘Pulpitmn thei-eSermons aI1d]@rayter5", ~beeaufet«tyou have 1:1 ot V tffetlediythettGovertzment, theyhaV=efludied out for ‘y0‘L1,a.s Im Dirvizzmrzjand the certain ~andtz422cI9arzc?ge« _ table tri:1i‘nde'of G o D 5 -thugh they can neither make it.tout, 4 to yowjélrves, 1101“ to any body elfig by the W'ord, thatit is ~fov.. t4AndhowtdottI1eyt~laa. A 4 190.14? to 7inPtil.1,y yt..intho"the.people their own dflcoazk-~ terztsts perfwading them, you have done zzotbim ,_._s, at aZl_, tbecmufe‘ you have not dbnet all” that ever A 4 they would halve youdo ,4 thouhtght you “C2111 fede A neither Scriptgarenor réczfl)zz1for it. ~ And for this V 7 ewatlfearerideting youevery vvhere odious tO'121‘1€ --—~'.....-....-a u.-......‘....«,.,. ‘_.w_‘___’_~ ~_,,___w P99PZ‘étyM§“Y £?€.”€"'5‘hiI1‘S*Sb¢gd€$:~d0‘h?YfiM”5~ ¢,.r...-ha élt; 4;:E%-:P EAiéi»uP, famtl %égainf’r you , wvhichthey i{1"it—%yQ;u%%V%mjight;fgfl, ifl M11-¢L01?é54 5€1'mon) % t%€Zl’i?{g“ yet) Vbeforeyour; fizcesfy 3.11d beforc‘t;hc ~p’eopZz;> 5% §T11Aa~tfome caZZ’dyouf it 1M"zmgIfef!a‘P%m’ia2zz4§9?tV 2 IlA'1.dA€.€:4:1~‘\,t11eA,.[§lzAAZZi_;f(;‘,A(aaSI un_; d€fV9f;9~:1?1M*) %<§~a.‘11?dthC@arli:gieJ"h‘ad.dQnc, av/3' 9?;_’é%C79 f@1:L%ybu1:%in zthfiii‘ @zalp1'z~;é; .as:your[1 . g%AAm6?’2i?~§? 4Eh€A‘Fi6M%:i:thatAA13.yVt11i~8 Jm éans h“emjiw~ght 5 A C811 cltgdiifij/0155 as @SfQ§f'J/.0H¢, ifyau *b§ 1*§jo;,t;A_;er?.mI7¢1tS:t0 Ztheir. :defig2z.»25M % % %t%”62'*:‘11w9—I‘= h%Vfl!«-“Was bean firam ;. Can%m«1: it i8 _1”5ro[;»er; VPresbyteri2;1" ADol1i ~:r1o«j faxther; ,7v'Tf}b;l.1‘C s) #05 fom‘é “n:oté¢ix1 the E7m;£’.‘ly\L‘,{ :"%w11o~'faid¢ ;?fitI2ek: @azZm_ezzt ‘»appro«z:ed‘%"* Mr. «De11s% Smmz; Lit .:?2?eré no H4j]z{2emy»iQ&fity,4% 1729;:%wgma @mlmmm::% 3% Vith,2cI3A:Vif"f"ecm;s; gydtfiflm all b; :61 %Ia;é2(;ger‘ Pa1*li‘a Ifticrm: ifthfllfig %ap}726ir'ae,:,. hm: file ,.'.€}7ZZ?‘l3/§}f\£T1}PH.}’.’Uétf: ; but the gdome hopgé 4=«4yQu‘*Aaxa %1wil"t*,11pon*%: a.a“éam«* .1 ft) E » *\Vi;!:5i;y;eEiii),¢ I {hm Qf;j1tl'.§:fci51§é1,5§%*€' ];Ifi“aWé:t3UjF~ 1‘ P . ‘.......,.,»... ‘...w.... .. E 3 % ~§b¢y: AAAa72_/zzzerozblemtdyburA“lve(gin31ing.s*;%P’ f..;;§ V} ‘H .% V‘ ,::;j_{ It mig ht;bc leTafilyi.{"heWeid ‘unto :Vyou,; 7I1y ”g2¢eat and wzfl2* rind. Magif{1j2cte§gAru&i11é A ass9£~@éngAI29%A ifdém; 9rnd"ArmdAence,ana Avemj TH}: E 1» rs ~rm A.thej? W111 not) fhould cfoizdemne that Db€ti%ine'o£" ‘the GofpélfortheAfl¢Mai2zce ofit, dVe1i:Vered%then4 W A by~Mr. %De1l’;lAAit“Wil1Vbe nolalafla/aemy tofay , T /aeyw M Q are the “enemiestbefltmt/>ofCbr2fl 1: And hope) I A%t7:elaflpro13i0f.%2tickry@in t/ye I{i?2g£l0i72€L A ' A For your f‘elVAes5%%Ho3t1our2{b1e and W0rthy,4 %e1‘eech ycN)¢L1confic1‘eVjr,A rthat'“G of 123 woizclérfullin 1 aozmfel; and excellentfl irz:VwA0Arki2~zCg a,ndf A that all pozzzer A giver’: Ato mg: I‘ S gr, in%fJecVve?zVandAi11‘ «Earth A that'he“ fgivfe*‘%4;reé» paflfizgefto tthe Gcflxel. V théfefore take heued, after G "0 DA» h‘athZ:lefL*yyoL}1f% A Wozzvertand‘ Forceyin thefielcl‘, a'11dfubdued%that AMali* Ammmt? fw}‘erthatAwas a ainfl: ofuaand: hxh A ;g1vc1:1 y0u%fia»‘lzttle peace a.nddc1mrfet22Ae@e“1n:%dthVejI<11Ang..« 7domeA 5 you A%c1o not noAWV*'l2ecginAy01ir ‘zzfiézireswitli Vdflcauntend2zc’ing,A_d@/}el§l12‘in‘g5A rmuch Ieffe cp}zdgmn,;. A incgg M the A faithfullx ahd tr;ue‘A\W0rdA QFG “D”, A ncfl1Ed%4in?ythé Srriptuzresg. arid 4confe_?fl%Ato bythfifictitlym M A full9a.nd% M4rgg;3~ oftlarifij a11”Age&;; A'2;nd with M A fitheflztting ofi"fro4m: yolgthat Mnzfiezyd, ; that hath A A waft i (7f_1_' r.he:S pirit ]in'_%it5 lefl tf1eLordi%~‘with‘i;1ra{”7V V A % his prefirnce from you, 3114C} your latter end be ndt% it .’ A‘ .. A 4»-----»-.4 ~u-....w...-.4 ~- DEDIcAToRY{ tlflyifing or 7ze¢g'ZeEii2/gthelzvaydozne of the TVar¢Z5l,1aVe’ _ A with all their own 112;’/Ziome, pmdezzce, and de zrrzzes‘ ‘ C’) 9 dellroyed t/aemfillves, a11Llthei1*[{i72C.gf_d077jze3: For l itis Written, He‘ takes t72e"zv%z'2zytI::ei;* om; cmfité... 2291]} : 4 And again, '1’/ye Lbrd knowes tine t/youglaty of memtlzat tkeyoare Eut,rwzine.. y A ~Ancl tlaerefore rmozmce the wzflcmz 0l‘ltl1ewo;l*ld, ‘ with all its Comzjélg and cleavellclofe to the true,”fai1:l1fi1ll, and fincere Doéhine of the Goflael 5 and then, though you have many ezzemiefie and [(i72cgrd0?71e5 againf’c you, yolulyfh all not be 72204- rved5b.utGoD“ Will yet eftablflvyolljin alltheflm- kingsofthe World? and yoL11*lE2ze27zie:fl1all beas 3. ltlfilliig of7i0ug72t.l ‘ I fllliall no l011ge1‘detai7lze you,” but only defire H2115, in the behalf ofchefizit/aful, G 0 D S peculiar p0rtio72iny,tl1e Kingclome, Tl1at_' you would rxoltz M to be oppreflecl by our Adverlériesy who would ufe yourpower againfl zagnot foryouflaut for tlvegzzfllrve-3"": neither would flzfléw ltlaeiezj thus public/{Z} and flmznele/jerb to callus Sefiaries and fferetic/ I 1'Cq”}£Cn hftttittchtt hm”: tc)~f1uV into the bmzpis 0ftm€7I,tI‘1C;11iI1f0ttI1C,J.L?1:;/Lriif ' God 5 fizciitgtltc *a:*:*mbc»f7'zzc12ca11 bU.tt1'C‘:1Ch the bodic :, but t}*i‘t:ttnv;t'7}t1!I2 bf G;Jd,_bodic aixdtfcml. I fl1't.11t11m'eFot'c Vvillittggly ccnft: “e: Clarifg amidfc an‘ctdultc:tazos and finfitl gcttct:.tiQn, not doubting but C/illfi will confcfll: me, be.- forehis F~atbc'r, and before hts ..~r77zgcl.r. 1“ nd for the 7’(l“D70WI)‘f.“J' c)F772£’7t!:,§t is befl can. t guering them, as Lmlm vvas _WOI'1t to fay, Silcmlo arr covzbmtzttz ;’e_, by filence and % mus wbrkittgtgas ftopthct mtohut'bcs%‘of ht C011tci‘1'1‘1pt' Oftllélnj» fiictillg :1. n1a11t.may as cgtftlj/1'<:B;;;:.1i11 Sa1tmtI1in1fi2If,V in his v:u'i-- % ‘é §22flr1tmem*.r;m A mi tlmtefotc it is gactd for us C/2i"z'fiim1s ,. 110 do the work ot€f»'mi,t..wh;hoL1tft; ttmch as ttzking tzatfcc o-{flu}: men : and if fomctimes we ate fcttfible of theft: thiztgs, hec:tufc,we 3.1'Cfl:'fl3’, yet as we ate 1 ‘ Cbrifiimm, we are above them, in the Spirit, and fee J.11“€3.dy in cettztiu fizirla stud bapc, ttll evil:Aattdtttztmictttuttdtr omflfett :, And thctefote: fot~1‘v2h-. Lovf, and other men ofthc fame mold and mam’, I‘ am 'm_;"ol.vtd mic}-te1~ new not hereafter , ta: take H E Time: wehvc in , are C-’ct?1g§C1‘t71.£5I?z'??ZC.<3‘ it is dartg,etotts: them-into any m.t.mc%onfideration, than the bufiztqfibtitt«fc:1ft:cccI(]kr:f{;~ mqtth-cs an-cl V fftvvitct-t: they'mt:ty bcomitted, without prejudice to the truth, to t at them qztitt alone :% being every day, tltromglt the ufe of afltfiiozt enabled to patitttcr, mud t}tt~ottgh p.-zti«— A cute taught to“ ezcperimcc, mud ft: to a p1'opott;iotta.h1r: meafm-c oflw ‘C :,And this t cat-1-ies rm: ztbcivc: the flame ofthe worm’, in the: flmggtfa 0{”~thi':1"0v6j0fG0d. V For the Doflrizze contained in this Zlifcozzrfé , thou fltalt not fimde it Nriw lzgbt (as fomc menflgzzderoufly vaffirn3c)’btttttthe zzrzozezrt lfgbr,that {pt-atnge fotthin the firfi momitzg ofthe Ghha[pc%l , but was fince oE2(Emed , by the: New M’/t7l6‘fl€ 0fA7%‘ ‘ % zzialarift, whichrbcfé mm low better then thzztfidd fight, and will by no tncaris C‘X-- t‘ A t A * ' H c xgmge t V . change” the one for the other; But this l§gb?_.,~tl1t1t now after a Zo1«;g«.tz§gblr,l brehhs few; Rev. 3; ; ~ Totthe’ VRca4clcj%1‘J agaihgin fame of its firfi glor_y,let thefc tmenfet ‘th'ei_r /Jerzrrr at refi‘,for they fllahztever ' be 2:121: 130 obfizttre it again; and the fire oftbc Spzrzt that G o 1:» llath./{indlcd 1;; the Kingdomc, tltcyfl1all nttzcr be able to quench, with auyfirc €l1Il1€1'_ o;fEzzr:t/2 or Hall, J Anrl tl1€‘L'€f01.’.C vveftazrhthein Illoi: , thpugh thty b1'c3.thC fozth Ibrbdt.1mIgs11owt,‘_.,¢ and are long, 33:6 like to breathe fottth biped :‘ .POJ.'tb}’Rllt‘tll1E211”fi£bIZ[631‘1d'2'11d23l/ififltfrs aétings, ill the end, theyllhall not work‘ the math: ruit1C.» butltheir amt. Andrbc 9 as: well as their farfftttljfiff, of the fame mceandlzrztetzge, imyhafefiead they are now rzfm up,ihal1 in Adm: time become 9. repraczcb and ajlmmc, an;cl~‘theii‘7‘tta¢: l _ % A ' R E, 4.0% 12 R, It is my eat-nefl: clefit-e, tllatvt'l1€‘§"L09'£l‘&’VO11lCl tlt:I,€w:ttl1t:cE~ fioxn this ntwform ofthe'M}-fiéfie oflltiiqztiriy, Kilvhichl in every Age PIIIS“ on a'f5'zJmzll A V, form , when the aid one is difcavemi by the light of the Wbrd. And ‘fit this pt-c--I t V fem: Age, it is becoxne, fo ttxcagtdtng cunning, and {ti fzmzzflzed vvxth all ttdeceiveablca tzefle of zmrzghtcoufheflt, under the form of R?gbrsaufi:afle,lthat itfcems to be the lcyfi and fubtitcfi Vv’D1'l{t0l::AflTiCI7fifi'_., that is now in band 3 and he that prezvailes in this encounter, hath Antiebriji‘ un;dc1- his fi:ct_., for ever : but mm: are like to prtvaile: bare, butthc Faitlzfhl and Elcéf alone. A I ‘And thete~fot'c' bald fat]? tfmt'nrbic12tbqz: /Mfi ,% that no mam tatkg tbygicrpmzctsl l lconficlcrt Chri1’cs en§curazgcm.?ent to this wbrk, in tlfxef0llowi11gl’verf65 [Him tliiit: .ovcrcommcrI:, will I make :2. pillzzr in the ‘I temple of my"God, and he {h:a.ll go no more out, ancl I will -I write upon him, the mzme or my God , and the amt: ofthe ” Git} of my ‘God , whith is, 1_\I cw Ecru/uizltm, which cammetly clown out offieavtzs {torn my God, and I W111 write upon him, my New NoZ??Z¢._] l l l l “ % Chrifcian READ ER, ‘I Comlfrtitlt/166.’, and the I»V0rd now oflwjzrccll to thcé, .311 ;Dlifcom:fc, to God and htsyawcrful l7l€fli?’:'gI'£i1'1Cl. wonderful #0?/trfig 5 Rexnainihg, Ljtmne in the pttagtxxt, and Dcfpifcd set-the V A _.of]£sus _C_3HIt:cs'x‘h1thc G»o»l"pel9 l ‘l we G a~%-r R EFO R Ana ’O“R. emmaan f the $ +05? th%e“i: i1Neyvite&a»Vment“V%1:eprefqnt4ed; A H? 4“ -‘—--f----—.-..-..._..—..... H *zz»:‘:2!I%»:beiMt22':§¢i%Re%;az»2zmr2aé«L . ' :3" imt.t/aefltlaings bf?t%/aeflpiritgggezfixlaer ,c';og12g1aee,4,z‘?2,r ' A A t/967A are A yifitm/Wifccrv'€61l“=N0W a#fiafi”fhat f not -l2am hf ggd;{¢¢'d§%lgz3 5‘p£z;fjit,”” Withhll {his _ A V: A j parts", H£lbi,1i[t i‘tEf$§" rea;f“oi1;* "n‘WifdO1i1;'ti5, p'r1idé§'1ce, ”’ learning, “is but “:1 mzwiaéalzfmah?fli11,"Aat1d*Io ho right 1; S irit. A And /acs7§c%¢é“.itI'!VE:lf.t11V ‘(:Or1’if:éfit0 pdffe,‘ ‘t‘l1'fatf%i:I‘%1;,e7‘w}rl5£$¢” 3*%’nf@’e5:{3a_nd his ;3‘pirit% have Abeetrfo grofly and dangetqzafly‘ xiii Tfikefaé the world; and the cmuzc1a;»«cIo.A PVo 1‘a1lthe‘/fiirimall things af ..VG}od.th¢y have underflcood mrnaliy, _¢ and I_1a.vc:% apprehended the %MaolcASc'r£pturc:4novt acc0rdin‘g%to%Gad: mind, bugacéording to “ 4thcis% mmzz M(ra%;a%m»;z;« CmL—;i; 2 %W: nowledge of the things “of God“a.ndf_1is ,y, ,. \ . .. ‘ H‘ ..» _ , “ 5 4.. ‘. um‘ mu .m...,1.,u,.“:.. “‘ L “ “W” ”‘ Wm. , ‘ ‘. ‘ ’ -. . 3” ;aA ".\»‘-‘.“\t‘A‘.v\x_y\..$§xu..é;t¢ii;zrdethirig"s;ahd is brOnght*to,pé_a£Ie~by A M €wve?WaAa~nd b»wmPW"~~ A ,2 gwibé, I ;itflisgisAfAx11“ t'ot71l A ‘§a3grme2fl2',%butw4a géherallerrmirg .. :mig1.~:i11:44{:$Ai;is cf pépple;bofhj4oFAlq{g/a"Iatid oflaw .de’grcc, I . 4»ie?IF1§J‘i,?$*3@7%i1raatdfmtimeaifmdifié t.0'§he good hm‘ ¢5G¢d‘ % “tic”"f6E5i=§1e:ht%iB[:fem6“A* Gb@>%:l*3ight ‘$9 thi5H0fl°W1b1€ ~A A "ai:a1"i€~“P-fifiixanmmdiréry%.thé ofv4rb¢;‘C'vm*cb‘of jy_#b£.&Lm%vfl;T%éfi£”t‘,y.:;"md 4z«1..=me;1:%"2::Is:.~:p¢I;a»jbazzA.;a%o; 29: r>Ifi"m'"v¥cd A ~A ¢,F0.r 1hiH?**KP~<5f¢ I1.made«.Wi<:e%%<>fr7%Ati=é~AA WW8 HOW Wad» ‘V V A A ‘ ma % 3§r?;ggAa(i,ra;tg»:r;ra:x4wA%m2ysa;t~:;::a!<,e.Au!nW ;VP¢¥f¢&« 3$7‘No oumm.-a pfirtay F119-8 V%:0v”fi;;i€*?5é. lcfieican my ~¢W¢%14Wv-fin‘ *3” ‘°‘"‘ ““"‘° % muted n‘oW;’ j%%I**Afid%ifanyfacb la wésflfhould be impo_/Ed‘Qn4th4eA m°"%Pem& as‘ % V*“~l?l5“‘?»’P§P 0? Gadnowgthc‘Ga3W1“h‘ath.thefame flrangtéi in irflalf Pertaining w the confcicnce, tignzgake rvaid,.:as* the fotmer ; and alfo the ‘fame ground and fothc Go, frovmthem, Mbepaufe all fetch l£_1VM37¢3';F\f’3_I'1Hd“_O1'6i'1:?1«£Z716'€.$ dcvifed by F 61 abolifhes - ~x’ r1e’n,% (:ann'o%t make Athcm that bbey and praétifc them pcrfifi 3% 1% {W14 °“‘‘“ W M fa-rtqiniztg to the,;mn]2ience% and there'fqceA~arc fl;1l%%to ;be~3atan}f ‘md 1”“ Em‘ énd, Wlierrthe time 6f'Refarmatian carries. 1) pofed' on cop- _d _ 1 " . W 1' 1?‘-.fcience,as wall }fl.'!¢fl~%3N°W1fY°“43Sk fnfiiwffiw $14!? bfiwarwation AAwM- new asV4hei=.m.~: “Jnfi VI “=iI1l'W¢ti_“:~: Itwas whVe1jxElvriff cVme‘»VgA.% not afermtzwt,as‘§°r¢: ‘ "A %*g?!qfl=:.%;.but-these» out =0f'theb%efome” thc:FathCra? thegrm ' Wéapha bfthe new%4Te&amem, whofc dam-inc was not ~%létttrL5 A as Mom Wm %1?&1t~Sriri.t «W life: And 4 Hm ‘..?FIin‘g'/fer of mans?» “Ta:fidi1§cé:t," camfiwith -the miniffratiaix the Spmt, nowwas the time of Rafaxmdtian... A = j ' ; I In » tha timeof the::L_m. «tshem wfre outward d%x1't;hies,*and 5 PET fQm?11nC¢MSa% aI1d'.cef'€mo1!1ies, :Tan_d £'g¢rifi<:es’,«mdflriVé?la#'r= $07 i”i°Yfl W 4<>fihef€:thiDg8,¢arryi,1ag;alo1::gwithA * -fllflma *h¢.f'~‘-714’ ‘f>.W¢at[1i»3" an’d$ yet4.4qQtwittta¢ding%ail*tlw33'a Meant ommrd Mae» ligxonfmgn were“ inwdr dly :i9‘¢fTc3r41‘x31%p{t% Nd Wiéked 4a,sAth’[e very *’?<«t7¢w F93»: aflsheir ¢itMmc£40z=4inAthefi=fir.theY ¢W€F€Aufl¢if« , un- 4 4 4 ~ ~x2g1::%xe;4»m4:za». A % ' ‘cumcifed in am; Af¢r4aiI&aeir i..out‘wa_rd%Vwja_/bin may WE,-Z4‘ inwardly tmclmn; for all their élaod'affl£{14/1 .gzn§gqazt.r,f thcaib A (in: remAai‘ned in their Mture: a nd”c‘anf¢ié§iceJ;% fox‘ allfhéir ffrifijfarcing of men to the *éiut?cs%%%0f {He outward woffljjp bf‘ ’& :thepeop1e-{till rem;:xinedA fzrfrcam @QdA‘«5Y en infill” more duties. A 430 that n0tWE'f:h‘&aITt$ipg thh’: a14t'1am7fd #3113; /23; law, tl‘!{“':‘p€O§1€,I‘EX133in€d‘i"‘tvdrdly corrupt,fi1m4y_* 3-gaun, “ dean, and wirhou»: any ¢tr.vzLe*?i\eFo’rmation before Goa} m%t£ll¢'v ' G‘/aiwifl; who wAa1sT'Gad in ff/aefiwf/3; é:m ;e‘witVh ;i1:}eA5};g:V?;gA;f}m»;;,,,, aft % ‘x the "SpAi?i"t," ajndz tAhenA{z;aadwd Awgs %ih%é’AArim;e ;:3A*A *¥R4%afz;fz;é;z£;ia;:i;*z)A;§;;;« %t/owrime?9fARafm~mat£ma~;" V ‘A M The thing then the Spirit would‘ flaw: us5taI'”€;fi.**¢fi?tAfAiaac>At£: AAz>;2az’a.; .‘ z%zc;gtt%a 15¢;~zas_,/;;.g.g2vaic~;a;z2*‘Pg.:e:t«::sm:a;m»i«:sAAn. Iicy‘ri*’ FAA tAoget/mi, Abc:céu1I%A ‘iihiitVMr‘r}}:[i1~C’fi#é?'C‘§§g- mrz: axwayes mmfimna W A mizag.led.it» {elf wim AtAhe:~pw'e24A of’ thé wmaz, 21$: B¢5§,g,ab1¢V¢%o dog‘ q nothing withoutjt. ¢ 1‘ ‘ A “ A A A A " . a w u “" 91"‘ ‘ ' «'2. .; A . M - 611» A ' r E MC W0 0 ‘. '1.» v 1 W .‘ . . 5: ‘I -4 arm \»;&7 g. * ‘Aw . 3»; By w«h;it? mm: 11¢ tdgfigings “ A ; 7’/.'é£' .f’ié*fl Gmem’z1i;[A‘‘AA “ (;o{Pe1AR.ef0,,_ A Wha:.:AmeGorpe1»Reforma:ioAnis,Vand"howAawu:1ified.e M 7% ftis. 4 ‘:~ » ?”””“‘f 5*’ 1'2“ 1*‘? ’?¢*”**7i*?ga$~“’=’fi‘1*aMg»; "W A % «¢5’01lf5¢’4g 0113 %AA0f'f5€ f3~1thFull*aAnd_e1eéi',A“all'.t/mt W. Acqw~r%z;;p%tiaé;, luff, mix], that did} H993» tA1;iemA through “ £5311.‘ fig A M“ Adam. %Of, VA % V It is the- wing» m;é:;id% de;2¢»a;;;¢g the myaf 1;»; 0:3: mm faithful} V taiuirutti and cleft-4:by t'ne‘p;re1cncé and opera‘tir$n of thewrig;’at.e.% “ ,‘,,,..4gqn-anal‘-Q ‘W +.-......—__.._ ’a,»,;fm»flf¢ af God, dwfellingin their hearts by faith. This is%tru‘c‘ Adzgfiaelfaa“ 4 Gofpcl R;-AforznatAioAn,ax1d Abéafides thisfknow no o;h,5,-_‘ '1‘hi$, A tfné Evang<¢1ica11V¢Prophet If2zizzjlaVdefcri%beth, Chap~;z,27. Ziam” _/5;pzZi“fi¢ rcdcjemniwizb jmlgemmt, and“/aar*vca§apertf ginge- “Now*cb»;¢ ¢1}%=;xze11ing in gm heaftg ,byWra;:a.,as he a'i{c3jvers,. A reproves,_.cb:1dezn%ncs, and dc"flr€,)y€S:_V/23¢, me 15 Ca}f1j<:;‘d_jH5d‘gc§_ Chrifl: Judge- mmj:;»~% and‘ thus isgjua’gmgen:; tp beV4under&%AuQd’%iLx1£13?Ga/pgffilcflt-J fenfe ; iand hot %rFg:§*2'il5ly.,%aS ‘in :tfi*;‘(3 _{enf'e qf the Lzgiaé : _%?afa«d this}, V f¢;dgemé}¢tflaa}l{.:£1i laffb9re2z@f5:é~tééi's¢tapiflahi ; that lsghougfi C‘ihrzfl‘i:«:; mt tsfgj doe W_it'.??;' gnzagn flm2g%Ac($1‘ru%priQns and, lufics in the fim_%:li~l-, yet at lat} Ewrfé pngvaéls :igfainPt i~:hexn $21!, and % ?fldgen2snt~érm$..iq<5' ’,;«‘br‘.rib z"w't».I:.» I/}%c"i‘m~’y,[ ‘bt~;C.'7u%iic Chrifl, wt%h¢’%7;¢dgga mentwoffiudizjz that few/»’,q1_;;m”i‘t‘ xac¢.f:d.sM%in thfi ;7zr1"pr'€%_Vail:'aA,gaimt '¢.;.” @ H yery¢fin4of[m4»v2;.f% 4 f A % " % A”;‘ii1g€&ifI,ACh*“ii’£* r1"1e“R?gbWfasfl?_'bf G’vdsLas he makesus%r£ge~4A CW P~isiw°-- has, ow» ¢rig?r4t,er>ufnr;fi1aand ¢%rna1.ws us%‘r/as Iateoravfl-4A °“““““’3“i 7:;‘¢é:“_‘ZT€° %in«§.:‘i:r i_,‘ fhr7t‘.*:‘ iSi(:aI"1EdR:z;gb2éa,§;f}2.<:[fa, I'.I'<"‘.‘£)’f_"i'f‘4 d"nE1y%, ;b”uf ijnwt !-.~«:e"%.”is arlagaj Lewd It ig#!3:a‘au,/Egg’; :' 'j‘a_rid by this fkdgémeni‘ and Ri£;brcbuf«z¢- ishziasvz md; her cbnwert: rmfacmcd ‘.i:fx%d%r¢f;n»mV.‘2¢»;*”. .Aj.txd [0 _true Gofpel. reformation is ,the;d t:n§1_'L1-- ?’%‘1<—*.“V °!¥*¢<>f*“ef?*’9f*¢"» W £.‘?¢%P?ef§‘£%s%¢<>f4>:fg'.wW~ ’tfiqne‘Fore ydu fcé‘h‘c‘>vvjg2%¢77r‘ eana 1thef;é c,<2t:fir*%I3r:da‘Aby4¢iAv;i11;ffan.&i'¢fi, firms‘ fiiwmf pd w*hefi:%inV:hté‘4rii颣ndtim;é; :{171fWthfit ini3;*a_r§1 cx;)rr“upti0n (3§1‘JC1',’; they brought fthbkfl ‘tIiew‘wc1r1dA4"%rem ainsin %;hei1j“frr_.éaj:r$‘ and hat’ui*es%a’§%1t A %IAftEr4 fhifi manner? t1?T¢:9*14d ‘Pr¢W: AV r¢Fo4rsL1¢ida tgafaiy theith»iA And f;t»Aifiue4I1Aic% 12;; bAeA<;au~1A'c *it%prjocced4sV%fr9mth “;3pikit; ». .A k 1: Rahds AidE:f1rir5tz.i~4;lAl Athiligsxas yc,>i1'v-_f:h_fiallAf1;?¢3 Amdrb fi'i‘1lYl~ “ 7 J _ 4139* t§1;6T~‘ZZefarm4§t£¢fl OF ,rming ’ the A 0u9‘tiv4M'-:man 1~n-Aam- A WA‘ ymw w-«M -Inn -dwuwuwovum-A-n ‘,, .. 1 rfiefifhitibn. '“‘ AA wurdV’E.tbing.:; and (015-‘very £ndu}‘£riouV: and el2¢£ nrnte?Aabo’tit A A 0§1tWardfir'2m3iI1dAAbiifWard’arder.r;amf 0qtward‘garU:r%3¢menf,:..A%A V A and outwardvs¢ra&faflEé'i:w,% Vbutward prnam, ‘afid th1flA1mene}fe and Wnformitya they §ha*ve~ . ; A A‘ broughtwbut in amzltant ReformaVticm~: though the heart in we mea.uAVtime.rcmain~as finfinlz‘,andAmruprias»ever, and ‘ db‘almgctherunrafarinedQ=%- A . . A ‘ A A And {'9 tluéx AR.jEform&tionA%isAA1i%kje that R‘éAForm‘%ati*o‘h oF~t~he% Scriéetfiand AP/Jdfai/2233:, »nc>rc5>AriousA~¢hy,po¢rites, ‘W132 wade clam amlyx $71:ougfiaIe‘afk/3¢A=dup%‘br fldttéfg fedfiing ti???” 3” film‘-77 ‘Md M§1tEh.2g.2.g;.;:'.¢'%% unclmn Wit/ain : and wbmd war fl*pu1(’lJr£J,‘t-Bvmaéc ~z+bmAbmu-' “A % mff#ll’*lmtvMrdl7v,‘W/a‘en *£fm¥ardly‘t39e7'Were full ofrotA£“e‘i:‘;¢e_fl’eA‘aa>¢d ” % V corruption. So 'Cig2ilZ—Ec*clefiafl'éca!l‘Reformatiohg n1ak*es-“AaA ‘ man Vclean{AoutA%wai*d1Ay; ‘wir:h gan autwnrdA~Qénfeflicn of. faith,, , A A when Tifi§=p4rtfly4%H4eé?is%A~all I filtl3y"throIfl8h&1’m6r4liaf ;‘ and Awbim4~* A AhimAoverrwi%:h few=%»A%b.md/3:23: fa¢w: 6? worrhip; iwhciriimr mzrdlg 1166 is Fui11*'Gf z'gr;amnaeA oEG0d~,and*AtIaazfm A‘ A A 019}. New ifany ask, But muft there beFnoAchange~oFaut~* mm things in the Refbrmatian of the Gq/incl? % Anfw. I anfwer, Yes; .;an «mama-d changethat fiaiav: from an¢inzvara*l but not anfommrd chmge:iA.wit‘boat air iririfdrdg muchV1ca?cA«an w'twAam'*‘cHange to enforée an inward. y ” A % '. _ 3-....~AaIt‘isa thorn-wReformaAtion,foritreformsfherwbaleman; 3. Thorowkév‘ 1‘t;1‘cformsT‘11otA.thefaul~oAnely, but thelvadytoog Aandthe very _ A - fiinit-ofthe mind“: t_7e'fi2irit as it duimmex, and qAm'6‘kem*_, and‘ A aflrthc body, i~s%c£tll%_ed thefartle ; .' asfit-A‘~is in it fi=lfe, ?in;ita évwhie “ 4 A mfdre andvgi-us‘:-, foitis calledwthefi2£’riw‘uf“t‘lae mind: A fins Gnyjirrl Refom1aVtion-refcrmswli ;.,%that~is;AA4both Ainward and out Ward, and Aoutward‘A?Aand$=Ainward main. ;; yea, the in=wardAt3i’tAA-'¢‘* 9 L3 7 V ®5;,0he,A%inWardman ; and nbt only t'he‘ap:rm'on:oftheflznlin * zhewady, but ofthe roulin iufi-(fl-;A,A“ A A But: Acivitz-A Eccla];afiim41z‘VR;e£m.-marionrefdrin*s%:%byA' bmfif; f“ is < 3 % reaches th*eA@ady,% jnd‘ot‘dersAi that,‘ but.%*at»ta«inAs* “not tmha final; muph lcjA_{?IZ2*to“t~l1afiz£ritAof»th‘é xjrzind. - A A Aga;1p,*- §3efpg};Pgef6rm;a§1om%Aéaébfarhrm4;fln’*4wfio1!:y5;§:a4fwwell A y ‘ » ; -V-.‘AAq, ‘ %A If:a;r.::.5. 4.. Powerful}. Irgimgdame ofkthe Dive11fiy%%;1;in pVViwe%s%%bcfor¢«it%¢4: , I % %%%x2ge»%xqm;m»»m. A Ajr a1‘1§%fin*iwhéiAAf:3£'a€vt*r;J AIA;:AWi/Zi“tMrn.my ;m;zA A A Goipeljfigforaiatibn) mad %Vwill%:V ; A pm,-elyAW pnrg:étly%aAppéaArs, in A that itChange§hfljI§ ¥€1'§7;_71tztI#re;_f ofmen ;; air findes %therr)%1ian3y,A, it makes them lamb; Nit findcs them wolwx, =it%mak€s;»them‘*» v xigb: A:”A:1'{€f¢37”34ti0”,9 W fimjt fr1akAesAthcn?rig»W’0#f”*fl"”- Mi£:’”‘13fld“di5‘h€P"W5” OFWQ jRe¢format1on.,_y V ” %% ~ .iBut.now, asjthis Gaf;ae;lRéForrrxat§ic>ni»sA zagfgisfy, fa Civi1I-- Es::.C1€fiafi%ic‘&1i mR..t.3fQIf..mM-JZOII‘ is wmk: Far as the: farmer hath finds mam ma: ofzrkaey fm?e{?f,«it makes vghem appl§~tr¢c{ :4 Ina M woi+d.,i:..finds zhemjfiefr}, it makes th€~m[p.iriz ; -It finds them the pawer af Gm’ eng‘age&d if: it, fo this (am hath carily the pow- % .e:F 9 mm: and fo%wcan%;do Ifsof;¢:;loi\7grcis:}rmati’on% which bgingbnfice began, is nave; igatermittfid again till :52/[A be perfeflmd. For as long a Gad: mztzm-2 dwels in m..-, it will my be refute ‘m;'mg Vour,"%:1at,ure to ipfelfe, ti1l=it be alrog.&z¢/Jcfigliktr it...‘ A37 \&,qngAAa4s ;he_Spz'.m7t of (Bod dwels in th£'_flr:fla,‘_ l‘£;,W%i14%1{7c‘ill“bc;%re- A fqrznipg the tcj) the pirit, till the VMx§g?La*le«b0iijJ%$§5f”'fa'»# «de-9 ~;:fh:oyed%,* ._a_n_Ci«th€‘nfltIt_Z:flI¥ marzgbé, mhde fi$?z'72~:f2*k¢az/J. So that the Kw/awawla time of ‘this life that idslived in faith, that iéj iii union with“ChIiPcg is a time”mfcan£'inz¢:z/I R::ForAmé¢tion, and a Ghrin gr ‘ 5. Gunman." A [iaimis dmfly, Wafl1ing,%ic1*e§1bfing, a11?d:%puVrifyx'ngf khimfelfitill has bimfilwvfiw ¢¢%»C?m'/?z?Pw~~A% ¢A.Bu: now civil;-3,; %1e“fia(h:ca1;Vmfmmatianatfimimakes I; .a great; inaifc and zx4mAnlrAixf1th<:: wmld, and s~::f'}:er lzcs asfli/'1 asa 4,flon4e. _Forfw%lo Reformauon reéormx States and Kingdomsim mms awnpwfit, hom>uVr,Vpower%-hwdvanmgaas ; and {Q to them: ;,filrw:,r%:1;hf E chem c~:aasz. %A*nd whenmm hav.ne.of1ce main, VgdVtojtheirMov§fn%‘enea/15 ;a*¢f?£[z)it;' ceafes, 3 M’ % . A Again, it brings gh;-_:1'; Ag;oVAcj;<:_1:§evsi:V“1 ~:.mW'V51l‘d‘ airdcr: and cmfaaga ic * mm». 54- .m Ida; % A % Cbriflsghe 13.:-4~V A fonmcr. . tzimAaf§ they fay)". . 4 A A A A * If t%4TaewA‘Gh‘urch be to be radar.-med, :Clfr~ifi~*mu{’c redeem it; if 4*’ N‘t1*terA things '33; to Wafh ivt,vfa‘x"‘:&1'fi'¢ it3.%‘fpW:ifie it. 7. V A A faMt‘1‘d.'fi§m€AS ‘£z:*tAz~¢~:- 57:91‘ the Ch urétihgffren iF‘hQ.had ~ct3mr’r1ittEd Vit?“tb ‘*ia11*7fhc P;~=i;;¢m”Aar3d ‘z‘;!:.zf’;ezgfji‘::ez:zre.r'ir1‘the world? Fbvwww Pzv m£t£e.g and -th’EuI‘-Mtaiéitai flvméd as» inAia~mi1¢l,: and V g’0€G:~ fark Clarifl‘, t%heAgre%at«and%onely Ma» r A A A A A AA AA A AA A %CI:.m*+lm- ‘rn’atf'ox1*4to V~CI1rr{,6%imw{y,“amd~to'nc7‘br5cI*y+~1*:1i‘is mrrxd:Bi‘s*is “a*?tl}ou~A -- A 3- %?”*&EnAt’a“mea of:-may aéfa‘: ~r?‘r,‘A%{31ith 3 3* Dd “'t=hr:= (3*hurch”abOve v “’i3tHerA;thi~figs*:' ;f*%?I'!;%.éw:%t‘I:zy %19€ieve;wad*tkdz2 them-*maeV;%wA ‘W51: A A fit: "’W—%1§t‘liVem;<’*&tid’fief0fXn*th%éfiiI% N kn - ‘ ~_wichou; 1Wrmatiw~ % »Vl A;A;¢A§choutfpar, Sc that the .F.az;bm~ hath committedme care bf A ~-_the’ E¢form.at£an ofthe Church ta“%C!ar.%:?. " A {econd-Ky, Clarm hath tam t/9:55 mm upon~b£u:/iwéfiout A ;. Chrifi cakes A «It- efgibedimwtc his Panther, and Zafw to his Church. A V . 1, Out of aéedieme to l:u!3.¢“1*A'.¢zt19.:’r : far he {aAi£'b,1 came mt AM do 1. -cam -ofeo my aAwm%%%Wi1l}9tttt1:¢ M.’ pf téW:_fimt~me : _a#d'tk;»'s Ii: Hera Wilt" ~ bcd£cnc¢'.. gflgim I/M-z£~ fin: --wee, tlmt~‘cjfa_./I that has I242;/agizw: me: I fimld A % .1_gf¢ name; Arid {Q AC1-rrifiz. rafbzfms aiI,t!?.atAh€ 111i.ghtlafle*inoAne,01zt A ofa.£ve?a’imcc t0 hisfathel‘. A % A % A A A A 4 A A it. Out cf law to his Church he takes this cawand charge on A -For fuchis ~tVhe»la«ar: qfC1m='§i‘ to the Gbm~cb.AAeAvAery whgre .{p. glarigufly diifcovered in Azyhc G“o{p¢l,t_ha:thec doth not onely V git»: himie1f%far M, to redeem-«us; «but dlfo gives himfelfta M, i ’Lovc., . . to reform HS. A Ch1’iP£*a’yin‘g for us, is our Redcmptiozt; Ch:-ill: dwelling and liwfng in us, is our Kefirmafian. . V A.«Thirdly,...Th1s work offleformatign 15; only fnrtaéla ten, and“ g Th; ‘wqrk of ' c,anveniaIWf¢r ACbriffA tbs %H¢»m'g Lhavxng {ca mr and dew inter.~~’ARcformw-on A AA A inythe his B041. Add {O M is iful éflovagand énwelt, °“1Y. (“able W’ and tendarmmpaflianx to the (*3/mrcla-is he wi1lnot.dcal roughly, Cmfi‘ rgggedl}, and éazflranfly With the /kintm; hes: Will not grit.-'aaA % A.,them,and vex themgafir appreflé them,and%cm_/5 them in peicés : ” Wbdpg thcir Headgwil deal mu-lily and gently with them, HgV%wil1 mt firanktba brnifid rm}, uarqmnc/J tb:Afméa£ing flax. fl . Wkhm he is reforming the fin: andrarmptiam of thcfaigbfnllg he deals g,WithA tAhcm in the Very low Aagdgaadnafi af gad,and wit no£&>ut~thcm tn ,m%or%: Afqrrow then nml.r malt; and when heft; Am nq4d;Aputthcm tofirraw in theflaj5A(forAfiejb cannot chufé A A but mmm tqp4rtA with itfi.-If utterAly,in this refarmrimjyethe iS%Pr¢'f3flt with «F316 cowfirtx ofh~isA‘pirir, and when hc*eA hath fmittm them,is ready to 1m! them, andA..tAo Hndthem up as {don A hath h5F4k€f# th6m.He deals with every ChriPcianA in swim:-. . ‘ AA Albrmatign 1sm¢d¢§rly;as ,a% man AdotAh~ we ofhis own Amm-5-,~ A 56?: that is gfivfiamd A-A1mgm'férA; her regards and "handles him A hisaun évglms his mania;//a.%Akucxnd ro~uhew;«»ga;zon orczm/{is 9!1tQgCt¢wer,%Wirdom,;%and*Mgh%m41 Qcatfx reform the VCkuraé2,W.hich ,;_is%%tI1e%l<_ing%don1"[V of 4a’md’"the pQyv¢3r,vy1~{dome3a»nd-:r1~gAha:e‘ou{neIIE:1 ofmn have no puma ait.:a*11' oufric+I?;ec>f Gadout ofhis offict‘-2 ; ”for$M{o_ T peaics%tI1e%.S’pir%irt5ytfie £ropIiet_ 1/:ai4a}l“a, chm. x=7.%~:z“!m laftinafl? afmen‘j7aaI1A‘A1»@a_%%bawed .- 4 % an immefi in‘théCljz¢rcb' % as being the Head c-sf the Church, is~‘onc’1yfittoyreforrneivtgw % whereasthe" reformatidn offlmnger: hath more G7“.¢£6’[F}fiI’l'it.,. Wm \ “ 4' - up ‘ _ A’ A 1‘ Re orwamm M >1? V ~ ~ ; M \ ‘u 9 ,3 V ‘”»ft>I?74,43116l;t/335:3i:7.¢£:"1;:{flJ:TV$i‘$&';f,,!%3't.3;' r.ws¢]7ezzrzfZ17e}1¢;zr16 l0w,am{tbe L0rd:aIo§M d‘ /Z>éa¢?x’azItWj§A%,hNc:>W What £3” W5 »1.€fti71£‘ 6" andg'£5;a~#gkti:écfla.0f men,ufee that C 19?:"‘i,{$€»iS. the ‘:R@'aW:wr.0f tAhe;;Cflmrqla his Ba--A 4%. which is the C it? aI~‘I1d% AK" imam af Gad. “ F‘ " V A W , And thcsrfbre the Rqfarmazzlm pfthe%Chu1‘ch% iSUcer"tm';a5 for Cbmfl wii as fur_¢1y~rqf’brm%1t;as he ha«thre,daem:d it ;.and-all~%that the Fa»-V t;:hm: giv7en~him Jheui1ath redeem;z{,a$nd allthat» he hath redeemed i;1%7*éfarm,%t‘ha§t& _h4‘:‘:M%4 {I1 ay _grna1 Aridthtfiivéfioré(H0#0r“5’¢@t*'Efilawd)141%!tayou~!:911chihg3‘«*his; imfk of the reflrmmkv 0.F:;hefl>irit#41V’f¢’mp£@ 11% Goa.» once {aid 1?0 “ADczzx£c1,‘CVQUCh1Vpg%~%» g¢éggWz[;1i2%{g.:_pfche‘ %%mamt¢?f*£w/A {I'e;!i*1p1e Offlie “O 161 Wfle 311 Kiflg. .14 8. Wb3?re2q it; WM in eatfiirgazbwrt. (faid God)” W514 a?“»;’W*f:=’ W7 .Nam¢.AAt@AawJ%w4idfi}: W: 5; in‘ W: 4 1564??-AN ="W"’%“¢’1fifi»t1Ja%4f7m‘l€%?zatfi*é4i!d rfvafiwfiaézzt W WArb¢zt:;£»6«zl l'Mfi~*w@i“‘ 0f W 105“’?¢4f5€!W<4W~a»i4A Wfif rrvra em. 4 ,wherE:~ be %rt:n~c1e;hs th$‘:;éfif&%f§£iQw Jé.v**14’huAi13 ¢thi$1}h:?>~i3%T¢J7é€fi¢i1*§€;f%i§’%11€s%t1v?tWfiéizm ?2.a*;m. ;r2f1W%~a» A W kwfl M4 W«"?9 W饢: Vdbb?*Ly=V0!aVw¢va 11% Wall hvrs; ficfifl1;im ;caae,apd"h‘%eAAfl1alIdon. A A‘ A’ Se» X " ~ AAw-mmvm‘-* - Am-ma-«A ‘hm .,‘ W.‘ .7‘. .‘ Aw.’-n.‘m Iv!‘ , .. “ ‘ - ‘i“‘ ‘ y; -‘A. “H, ~ -|‘.‘..w¢:N,.,4«gA .,....‘b..AA.,‘ ‘..,,,‘4.,,. .;..~.~. .A.. .4“... .....‘,..,...,»W-W Ml‘ A‘ .. ,,.,. - A 4 y “r““ --A««,.~m.A- n T; A -...‘ «mam-u w--.,— - - ‘ ""‘W" ' ' ‘ "fir N ‘A ” ‘ ' “ " ‘. F A14, V Rig/It Reformatwmt. » .7 A ~;—i=~$ofayI't0ym«touching this Work of Rcfarmm'a:4i_Tm d£dw¢»Iz; A ..%%Ai%nVtf3A¢st it Wm £5: yamj bean: ta-refmvm rise kimgdam: otAAAGod,A and’ th “ W 1f}‘2*£m‘;tm1l£ Chm-via, whim ix Clsrifmf awn char fiody.“ Na€I£rtb?§l¢_fleA yam V flax? aéat%r1efcrmit,‘for V0uAAAhaA-VEAA be€1'.1AAA“mm aftémr; thatisA,"youAAh£1vAeA Amanagt3dAAagrmt and miglatyt?mr..agaiAnPcAgreat and IIriAgHty% anamien ,,;.and have fled mmcla blow! 3 forflle yLaArrd bathgivefl yautlae mgégwnf _.7a;zr“:::£mi¢.r,;afld hathfabduad them -tmderyou tAhat"w/E up againfl: A A 4 you , and you have» tr~adV%%thAeAm down as; wire in the jiwm. A And therefore: yam fl1all, not do (his Work, having A been man”ofwarmA' but *G19rifl the Prince ofpzmx, he [hall r:eforAm We Charm of Go 7:. % VTFOI.‘ thisi*3 not aAW01“k cif AmAm0fWm*,. but-of the Pr£nce%Aafpea1c;; ‘ fceipg this is not a Work caFhumane$Amig1a: arflrmgt/J, but ofthe A Spirit. Sothatyou did well, that..VAy_ou thought to reform rm €lmrcb~A:b1utwmmi4&%A mu madarfland the Reformation of tha Church is as gram: aA~AWm‘Ak71$;At.heiR¢dawptianof‘ it, you will acknowledge‘ the "work is we A-great f'oryaw , A-and thatit belongs onely unto Clarifl, facing the» Father hath committed tAheA can of this work only to /aim; and he hath »tAkenAA this‘ Mr: and c/mvyeAppon bfimfnlf; ; and iris onc1yfgatarM».e{olmiAm,%A as being mhe AHe-ad of Athefllmro?/4 :& andxvhce ume1yiMH;Af¢r%it;’Aas being the .5‘-m ofA2:AGad, and zgrquall ta God.“ A; A J% A _ A A A Jfhe third Generall. V A A By ‘M14: mam: Cbri.€'i.‘ firing: At/at}: Reformation némt. V " 4 .~A'nd‘t5hVat”iS,‘by Atliméja-A2woa;nci—AthemA only; to wit;tAhe%~Wm1_.,and A ; +;,_T;,, Wmd_ A Thefiwjfl'1}fimns wlmby GbArzflArcForms the Ghurclyis the~W'arJ.; “ A “By1:lax3*C‘1:Ar’i{% d%otAhMm(lAAthat ;-verAheeA*doth -in is Kingdame: A A by tlafiahe MW: and rcjafh; “by thzir he bind: and loo :11; by than; he c'amfaW:°arrd‘¢;errifi::V?; %Aby;At’1at§s*%A=h“Afl Am flute”: %Aand mflkfifi Hifzd A 2/91’: lmkiliané» AqAm"cken:AA;A7%-Aby Atlazérhefwes axadakmm :; %arX34‘4’I*t‘h:§’€ everjAhAe Azlawin tfiivs Kingdaéwhe by his Warfl, and without fhis -he ddthmrabing Ofdlflthitt A>he~a’ai*b.. ‘ fibril? doth M in £112: Kingdom by the ward only A; but Antficbrifldoth a1lTth';”n‘”rd $129 Mprara; ‘mm, far he hath LA amointga‘ we: to prmc/ark: Gbfiicl; ag1in,V RedcemarAif/7m1i mama M-Siam :24 and” thez1fo1*loWsthe Comment of God with thc;Re-- decmar, My Ward jlm/1 nwar depart azgz?ofrIm mamt«la,% Ifa.:59..1o¢ :.and4-in Pfalm 45% the:C1mraJv fe£ith‘;by%Athe ;S?:p;§kir~~t0AA%ClJri/fa, W4‘ an praflrerawfiyyw the ward, oftmwk,,§m2£w:kn¢fl:r%§s~a$1d%rig/mraufyaqglk, V w;hic%h1”i*s the wmz Aczf the ~Gafpmf A 1. A ‘ \ 9'- A Wfind fo, Cfmfi.‘ , henthe?%%m£ma-::afR¢fw2?w4tioi§qwasficanat, ‘ .," wt=nt upand down preaching the;Wand.% Apd tl:w«he br«ought tO,p4flT: the g.loria»m%HX6‘fo1'*ma«ztianOffithe New»7Taflwm£nt, %prrmc&JiM_gtbe Gafjnel of tke I<7A£z'agm!oi¢2a,~, «and1;§%no¢t19ing fllfeg, . lJ°Mad t/:.e“Gafi;aZ re} awry craaztzm: as andwby Ama%alawing a~11d§% p.r:ach£pg H16" Awarldi; tawefbrwe the é Wm*Id":.~5 A aQcaMg1}mgl;y;§ they »*;did Markj1%6..*v£r.“m. ;a¢y4m~%n; ,,=arg,l2.,A\g1r1.4,.;9y;g~z;:A Rgramirzoa. %~is¢magbzAV wow %but-Vrwhat'4eW}:> a*&z?iI!*i#?s=fr*e{ 7éqat*~ _by'.th"e Vvpawér lofthe ifizbrd,‘ 1: 1s in~Qt‘tm1y~ Vrefornaed A 3 rtgis %%one1y‘r%e%formed%§n Wtimfleflw,‘ and norm” the/721':-%:4 %it\‘1'3 “on:-‘ ra1;gia;¢‘,‘7vaaar/bip,~ lig,-e:,% anti ém rmwof m cm 5 theyAA 7ca.1¢ried* " :91»! ' appa/Mom*~an‘d1d£fiimitie: Vbz=:fore* them ; they won fiimjfifl mm K1in%gdo1fx_isj}ux;at~::§ "C"/drifi,"~ »éiro#g~bt_ ther_i1 ‘f*ir1_“to \‘x’iI[iz¢'g“fubje~ “ariei3»~= db%édrence 10 kiwi: 9andnll&tfazsV?tVh%ey%%d‘“td=¢(1*fay)a not *witf1f_any eartfaly or /Emlar “poVwex??, V but byvvthevvsigaifiary % of thepef % alone, g~rmt< and omlyAIn§?rMmant’«for 3tI1_¢ <% ¢:'omgu,¢rifi¢g«T, ~ fm§dai»g,%%and refarmifag of the‘ Natio-rm. rAvnd4fct%h%e power a;:>pea:zle‘« to be %rGaa“’r< opelyyand m5‘t+the c}~camr’§;?.:*. _ M4 % W A%¢thiuS~~»4%?y0u~ fee;“howVnh-e Wargl fa a»:a[mAea:ns :C’é2¥z'ff»*ufe.th V nd this wzirflanly works a%rig!atRefary¢aztia¢é: For t‘his"ree- ‘~‘2‘orn1 s tfzgly andviéideéd; all“ other ‘power peforms but in appear-‘v-% V m.‘~c‘a;Sd? that tlfieretgs n<3A*t"»~.w“ ’x:cfor»matica+n“xisf%aM t%z:fva* dr"med,»an1d 1yfr¢fpmdm’in%the aztwmrd aparaztzbfiz 13? it%.»,w but thei_fEwI and éflégiatifii,- ‘ an ‘yixnityw%si{ér.vE§s.';%i:4=“.‘nA"pd At hem;f7i:{re::5%i4.~ rw ism ; wrrzffifi tiéigx 1% 3 r'efo_r»m ed» %%1n“,th}::e;% ~‘Elt;.‘{ be: iratflcarmfifl % by the ~VpoAm;-r; pf t/9a—?w’brd " ~1~£. «the» ward»¢A%h.afth ‘/Mad f;;1t1n¢;‘ of: mg: wam'~%(whi \ A A h“a“t*h Wr;§k:(§¢f£fi;gd"'25ég'8?é‘~*yiZ151912:‘-=’2Vgm2é) »wtha*x1% V A ztVh’é pawr bf‘%%iA=t~l1:§':?\a;i&3r%es?;: handw leé¢,}a»»4thgaA% am-23¢ ’w¢;:mk"‘ 4,RJ¢;fr:¢"fa:~% i.111“atione;to*tbe p ‘f“Wc5r,Working,:md eEffiwr;y ¢;z3*VA'zh‘rH3*ao 9' which i£'¢zl?72‘i‘(;rIat‘}*-,£lW"n~C1 L?ab1étobring"%off’%am: ;;»:‘msz4 fmm my G%'aa’.%% +As;”cx:: the~:con-tr«avy,it¢£sagrear d.g%f;é~».a%:a‘rw to :3‘ Vn§m%*%r:e1ie4«br‘1’thE5w;¢i~g3".g1ana f GIsx;f‘t:k;}th;Qflg?h it b@fl§ra1{¢ger?tb£:é?mn%;a:Fzd7 }9'g1(g'¢*l.mg;¢. 5% AA mar.r44;§ but willneéds*l‘bew:nlJing in gherpéwer ' ' as» ...... ._ A Right Refbrmdtiah. A ref‘ and My ontlm‘, fur thh work, ts if’ the power to? the ‘ward were nothfuihcgent. Butte: fmb hzenkgww, that if’ the power cf’ tht‘— ward, Will not ‘ refbrm men; Ah/I thg pawr of the ‘mm will never dd it. Atriddthetefure well {aid Luzlmsfgé", tPm- A tdimre,annmztiare..A_[§ril2erc"Amla, memim.-m amtew tixi adigdm. , AI will tpreachtand te%ws;ch4ta11d write, but I ,will Aconftrain no A body_ ‘A AA thud ~ Aw‘ A t A A Oh theréftrrfi that c£t/ht'Eh :h1nd Ecclefihfiimlldpowers would Afo much Ahonczur Chtifis Wam',~L.asd tog‘ trufltthe‘ Areforma-A Atimof his K ingdome w1th':it;; and tthat as it is fufl3ciAent to re- farm the Church, {'0 you would be pleafed to think it fuflici- Wéork to Athe pawer hf thgh ‘ ent; andAAthusfhal=1 you give Cbrtfl and his Ward due; honour, A ‘ aswell as Adaclare your own fzitlmf. ~ A d ;_ A tAAndif you would cammimzthis N gllvard, to whicltwaely it be1on7gs,” ymAfhoAu1d foon feed What the A Word would dc. Thvehre is no fuch -glariam fight under hemm as to fee the Word, in the fpirit andtpawar ofit,AAcotI;eit1 to an 7 Imrefarmcd world, anldto bbftrvc the$1mnge:A%and dlterzztiomg ifmakes there. A x AA A 7 AA ’ ‘ X A ‘ A A And thus you fee that me means that C‘I:rz'/t‘tt1fcth7Ior the . V;4R¢:faAr:matitan 0fhi8wC'l:7fi1rl:‘19.,‘J'S the Ifard. ' A I V But /a.m:I muff further dtrclare to you that this Wt»-dby The Gofpdlfi % “"AFQr fir“, A I :A _IV»jTh1'S Wm! works faith; and therefore is called the ward offntitlq , be-caufe fatit/9 Comes by hearing of rbi: Ward, Works ftaith. Rm.1o.m-Ar. 8. and 2». 17. Now as the Ward workesfigirb, fofatit/9 apprehcnds the Wmfd, .ev‘enA.tb.¢t Word, that was with Godand war: god; this living anclrtermdrll Word, dwelmin our tu heart by faith, as the Apoflle faith,AATbat Cbri]? may Adm-ll in At yaurlfeartx 6] faith mud this Weird dwelling in us A by faith, __t-lmzgetb us intohitsA‘own%,l,iken:[l1'. as fire changeththe Jrm txtrtam. A, A 2- 4 A u _ A A into its own likgn:fl}', and takes us up into ’jAI“t1[Aé”ir5M own ‘And ~ A)¢AWhiCh.C11rifz‘ reforms the Clmmla, isnot the Wardof the Law; Rcfarmcs. { AA H far the Lam made not/sing perfcfl, but the Word OF thc Ga/pal; \‘ A 32'/:zi.r,d, IA/air, theAaml)' Word, that maria: Rr:fartmczti‘a».* A ‘ W W _,”IA3"Ar A M A gcfogm4tz'on. N Anfifp aim;!wafxd;dA«we%1A1i;1g 1'nz:h.»i:’fi:,’£>, reformsfthre fleflfi}, wa1;;1J£’.% *i§CM;€h3y?a$‘1f5fQ,?i11 uszi1rQL1,5hfiaitl2,fa1'1d;fk4£t/ais wrou§ h%%t by» c¢hr:Ga- A ‘Sq ~I:11;at% 37; %At;,l1e;_ mam wh.e;r;:,byi rgfirm;:,% is Mnottw tI1.eaWdn{ ; gagéfi/,2,_g4p:'tm» ;;'4;§,§ f~;e:;l;/Pfofirdctwf %%the=.#;Lmar*?1'S:« bL1t%%th€.tVVVard« %Wi§térii¢ .; amt S. %.?’J2Ii%i:««: en; l.2gwW'awd E: nig b:*qémej.:A we w.n..z‘,~.¢,, thy Qmwtb, maxi in tin} /mart; mad t/oi: in/ac néarat of Faith: If t%hQ§u;;i;!zfzIa' V «!.»I£'1d¢€? f,h§:Wa”rd‘ mam: ymrkyazad if: it some noffintal thyfllwzrr, Pi:3Vvifl,n'{gGXCf'Scb‘Mfig1gkifilee»,1 mm: méfiazrm th*ee‘.uA%n dz‘; uh ¢rcVFo‘m*.t7he mz§iv;aizz;g%5Wé}ra1< is t:ht::rWw'rdAwirfi£n” axads¢1:,h®7. ;.XM drdamirfain A ' mv.i:$%th§fi:7I>¢fm2!::«»fhi . X , _ % J f 9,: Q 5; Gafl2¢*J reEm:me&s‘;. but-cau*f¢ :it»‘dtH not Viobzly z-z~;z;-Lml Gammuni- C hrifis rig11tco_,L1fnc:fil*-2, as it «is‘Awritten.;: aflfiae, 3vig‘!:zrez»£».~§/..:+~a.a[f2;e:af‘ cm’-<=3 1"~3gE1t¢m;ca€12i;zsv:re‘%*zzml,: ‘3fi*amf.w:A£r’!a té:xfnit%la«r,\A but a1f'o.rir:“‘aarmga%;gnica:te: it °“fi‘cm3' % ;;i:9.;M$% 'WA«i13;;£;h$&1‘é.fia1rfi”§t im *%auqd*ith'em&ndmfixgzg‘/are4o;zfi¢éj]Taa;*l»ffe+ ~v;6£s:'l=.l1Q.'§¢ in §32a9;1Q11g7g§h1:e£%:[a'f1‘;§¢fil«e.:"Sm:I’w§tt‘ha~;£he4:mo£%pa11:v4% ys.i/bagmg us Gcxmrchanggng Aus¢L1nt0.;%~‘.A '1a§aa{gf¢:ofzG§“di" amt .:hr&?iugh“ Athék p‘:11v»“,r*;:2a+:az{c»a:Ia on W, .sEfis»geld,r}<”;be<»ifggmgpoim; %ms.;é M 1 % M % ’ And thus you {are thqgrow1:d§ofthe Go[j2_elr‘Raf0?‘M'W¢flA* . M. . 7 % I % V V‘|Q—-..- ;,?’:;gb¢aawfa.h~mzz7:ib¢2. A " A 1 J‘ > ‘ W ‘ ' I“ m,,..,,g.w:.~qu-—ww um v "F'WI'l ‘ —-w mum-wwM!""""** “ “ .:gm"~"",‘ “u ‘ E‘?‘6:b9t”b.Y;t*§¢VSpW‘é"“4?11 E#7£:(f4dJ“6£‘\'firV14d:m£?a‘kWfi.%1?&“, la:/mmflwt6#¢[fi%%*fl"*"*“W4'**"*”"” ”"“"”W~‘»?“"+/~’*»4A3+?“‘1.v~ ;§€9f.§?z?§;‘W’xiJ*€!‘ mf c11<2jz;=/73, karfi rafgrmqdVVbVythepr¢fl«%2z¢§§f.A§¥}"€:$‘3;yé!;&€~:é§$Wiwa: i A ....~=~ 33%». V V é \ 1 A ‘fly . 12,, "me sprig reforms me only 11;.§im«ix~1thc Gwwgglég bfllfi All ea°e'9zm: 3; A I M. ..__, %a W ‘ %. W M % 4'----~ .-W H-f~ ~' "‘ —4 .% "‘“"'*"" t . % 20 " V 1 %Rz'gbt ef21rm:m'ai7. L ' fig, and humane doffrinent in the C/mm/9 of God, that §S,%the_ * % A people M1; on Clzirifl, Ihalnop be by AL4i2w of .S’t.fmCn,% andfalfe and Wickgd apinianr. . 2. The deffrttfiion of this%1my$«, Wand, and /fulvé/e,:r:ror, berg’-% _ f_-»;- The Spiritfllail C_“bA!l_f1'C§.Ii'fltD' tI1(}.S¢¢intI, and ém~‘nMu*pal1tAha‘c M; {:oorrr;p%tandfalfé d”o&r"me than W11ng,tindm%'c the Spirit} ~ and Objcfi. "'5 % ~c”rrar»fhal never be defiraycd, but by” the Spirit of 4 tmth. So that the Spiritreforms a3:1cf42fragf,,asAwe1;as all corruption: in the The Spin: ci?o1:h€;?10%t%§9“W«« ’”;‘?f”*7!_n thCfl.¢‘/Z’ by taking away a1l%*%%V:9z)il j%ol1”t:‘Of"i%t,5 wI1“ethCr §qrrup;t1an: or crrarx; !b1ut< alfo it chmgeth the %fiojb,%irmn:o its 0WI1lzkem*fl:~:_ For the Spirit is as fire that cha-ngeth e~vver}”%thing into it.rfcl_f; and fo%doth’thc ~ % gpirig in ;h;:_flejZ¢,“make$the _/pirituall 2 like Vhefiwanlyfirfi it changeth Am;er1"iI1to»»its own ii,/@“m'fl3'. and [m akes %AAt1;émV fiair£— ~ tgufl ?hr:wbnlg',-/a'¢7*ly,W7rice1{, wgébd‘, loving, évc. t H And thus t ‘ :2 Spirit reforms indeed: When the Spirit is pay.- red forth upon a m.“:m , how wa22d&rfi}ll}_ doth it nfiorm him F H this works ‘a claim a inhim _1n gaadaarmrfl, andinoman xs Vevcr. M 0 rm!) ref6'rmcd;;1 he raacirzn: tlye Spirit. A ; And thusyqufee the man: that Cbrifl qfethtb Rnfarmdtivfigandfltiefi aré%th€wl] M:4m:.;% % A war}: this ~ objefi. Yea’%‘btic'I hope you wi_la11owfic:glazrpower m-:.~.V~‘ May not the %Spiri(1&al4%C19nrc/1 Lb? Rafarmed with“ 3 wor1d~1yam:1 fecular power. V V eA'2sf:=+‘I anfxiszer, 4'iz2,:am-,A {ind tjh§a~tV thefe. 4~#- ~% fl ‘I¢ Fércw Rigbtxefbrmartbn. hi h 5 xéh A. I. Farc:n#1£;‘ Rafommtia», isunéefiming thé Caofpclé for X: h J. ;heh Gcfic.-I ~is't’he Uofpel of pmca and notoffmw axidfury. “”b°f°°m1”g H , , M h ‘i _ ., . . -. , 1 ryf 1- (‘mil-Ecclefiafiwcnll reformarzonm-farm; by ému/mug our 5-""i'-i'1’J&§°. zzha rbrrarninmpunifirmrnrx,pniflmx, fire, and dmrka ; but the Gofi u.-u_ch carr_)f5E5 pal byprmclaing pmav. And%ch:refore wish moft u1}befeeming”"’“'W‘ ‘*1 " the goifpellg mda. any rhmg rat,/7:1y~ and wialmz/y , «fox: c'hhe% _§g§gi* . h ... h d€E5d's h wncamcmchereof 2 for thego/yell ofhhpegzm 35110: to be azdmmmm’ 0 U ll h greater ‘ than ‘ cad by vialemufi; . and thméfwre via/ant Refljrimerx live i~n.‘ca'n-- al_1 thc tdfi-ma~ .. tnidiélian to this; ofpcl of Pezrzcegand cannm bf: £:wely_ra:Ck011h€d 7”“ £05 ”’’‘'7?_3 ‘ flarifiianx, but emamiex to C/:r.ifl£m¢it] , fizh chri/fimzity doth“ yet or that A all by thepawerofthe Wahrld. all by thcpawer of the Anaynting, b1u:t,z§r:’m"wa*V&/aréfliazreity cloth 1" erred thejud_g'- mezzts of fame: felf, and the fakes that are h m2uz;(g,~I~11avein- ” gofily men (:12: I have a.ccidem;a11y met with th.cm_) who haw: ifhukan cf thcfc things in the fpxrit; that fo you may fee the truth l:hOLI%h1'El'1at;h but }Qi‘7fiP f<;hi1c:wers,yct:ic11arh fomc. Melzmfiozfl onJ£’f2l. no. v. 3h_%.........,.ha[h ebishpopulum, ‘non. toaéfuiéz gladio,“1&:d wrboh “ calle6i‘um,_ 82; beta cczsrdc~«an'1pI~r36tcntcm7éwzrzgcliumg8:; cc: fjiwzte cm-':'1eb1'an:exn;. Difccrnit“ Ah igitur etciefiarh ab .§mp£’:'iz3;sf mzzndagii, 8: extmzam h féwitatemh a minibus cordm acccnfis moluntatcm hfpirims. Latin W ...._....()‘um-ejpfaxxm fed.¢mBc.ftiaa: negq, nihil.mor:n:u%s fit 11:: bonus val mains wee ‘sway: viii; 8: ah_f;rz2'ir1¢fa2z¢f}‘/1. % Ag‘ j ‘cligio cogi non vult, doccri cxpctir. Immunicatc non flahbilitur, fed even. ’ titur. hPol.cm. h . , y ‘ ,,_....:».I..This C]7¢1’r‘l.S'I3O whomua gave: the title of we mufl phrifiian 1s:‘_i27g_.,w2s a great con- qucrcr;-and overcame many “Nations with ghc: Ifworcjwhhzind as the Tur&compclle1laia.bz{r faith fo bepampellcd wztla Vzulmcc ro tizzefaztlyh nfC’i'V€/I‘ 3 bucwalas the true faith of Chrifi hwhmwngo;hc;,HaQ_G:ho_(l draws fl‘tfl!'1g~i/9£'flNd'_, ,:;hrough p;«{:.¢Z&'l9l'i7g' the Wow! of truth, he knew not,(&;:. '1‘ mc:'z1I..* Fides fun fponrc non%coa.&c A agate vult.“ Lutb. Chrxfihus non vo1uit§vi8c ignchwccgcrc humincs ad fidem. Lmrb. Haerctlcoscomburcrc, cl’: contra « Hehhath given- in that Ggbtm-b the fword of the /jzirit to izzfbrce with, andhnoc thefward ' of thc,M4 zfi"/at£.h * h ~ » “ » ’ h Prorfus ivcrfa ratiutfi rcgni Chrifiih 8Cmundi.., Mundani Magifixatus qua? 'V01E!nt«" ‘jmpcrant, 3!.‘ {ubdici cogyhtur obcdiemiam prmfltal‘-B. ‘A-pin Regho (hrifii , quod non cfi Kmumfana, a_ut pontzfiC1?Pf3m1n“8ti0,_fcd fpmtualc rcgnum ,_ mh1l_firni1c geritur, (Ed; quivls altcrms Judcx, 8: quxhbct altcn fubycftus cfli. ‘Am: tyranni 81 an1m1¢idaehilli,‘ni‘€~ .9 hil moranrcs VOCcmChrifti, regnum mcum non cfl: dc hoc mundo ‘ex-.Ecclc:fia, Pglitir? h hamhcivilcm, {cu Mpohtius ponnficium impcrium mimfiitucrunt. Lut}'9.—“ 44 AR: den.$¢dcs%i'nquam%qu;v:_1‘¥/t%1iipci* o!I1nycsfcdcSh nnilléi e£’c.1n%Ecc1e_fiah. 1upcr‘tcrmmj~urc ‘ wdivinojcd omnes flint acqua1grs,q,uig;ux1a fidc:s,unum bap};iIma,unus .ChriPcus_,&c.Lytb. Where there is no worldly fu{2erta'r:ztyAovcrs one anothgzr, there i: no worldly campulflvmag «of one. aanqthelfr. In. thchatura Lhody, -there 1$~n0vc0’r1Y0catiom of many mcmbc,.rs to gen; D 3; A A :2.-,. Forci£'l:}' ,"qui éa. H - ‘¢*“'-35’3‘4~r:a~v;:v..:.~x:n9x;.1‘w» ~‘ ~‘..~.....‘..~...... ‘ M . ‘ »‘ - Jill “' ” ' W 2; T " M ‘vrzrnunc » ~ M -a V I A.. , _. AA - - ~. M“ b ting M “~3)-WE9v¢ ’f:§Yg{:v;5lE‘{E ms .a;fl1c%r: wxchumfl £§Ct11‘g?i1%:1'Tubo;&fi1cit?:i?io§?' é>4f1i‘cLr1§y‘7Eiicfi3'&ifia11E:cf? cmézl {1 11; 1% Orfieel 11: it my uiii-.%r;Li mat S 1fit:i1atdU ¥1- . 1'1 .V . 3 I .‘=h V; In “um id‘ ,[Q:v-wflm cLl¢Vc.U.t.t;i:‘;,,m£aflu . . P; _ % we; 5111 ;t,%c..acu-me: 1 at 5. a.11;1I1‘fII_l.L(11d!:t lam» % % \. ~ T % yon Lcfll-git, t,lwugn\1t%may% oucwzudxy 1u.xn::o Dc rurt11c:1:t10n1_c§:m hczagi “<¥‘.Va«“”;“1,€~F A11}¢11?b¢1%« And Ch,LL$V‘1l;t1;>¢_1;‘1, Bcxccvcrs and uuxlgrcgatxoxus. wQ_s§1§;’ay1E¢';11 V1 8: coactzonc 09.13 vobis _cLt,qui laujufiucaax cc:-y.:m1e;;1deccrca-cisamglug, 359$‘ I-‘x‘%"‘“_:"’%,‘i‘~"“J3!§3€_»" w!:‘zfbmf ab Hm::::2z,% to él1cL.uu11ccMLof PrieLfs%.’» ‘vx/1£_"’nm.;cd % uu‘Ac1u”u*p“o»ver»uf chw Malgifiratc to dcfind chcwzruth‘ "w:hd have %£'o%man,y % .1‘; .: .v,.‘ , Ix.’ . ‘W nu ‘ . ‘ “ ‘V * “ ‘,3 V ‘ ‘V I H“ 5f3,.¥_{r.'§L*_Jf_F3:7-. E9 €1€f:¢:&:mi.r,x::Cw”?% tbs’; Azmzf/J of God bclug to be clcztmxictd cry cut: I/V0'r'd0f ‘Guo£,ami .n°‘W «%"n"i’é'Wf5i7I0’;A a;r;:'71—._,lc_tem. _ % - “ % “ 1‘ °"»‘.;”'~%1'}%%.»..9."+."%~"‘.3~..t*<3‘? flf1.~t_Hy more Tcfiimonics but cl:1¢f¢,arAe fltficiczatz to thaw 5. _'that-“I am 0 ’“""‘,:‘*.:¥”’é1.“;.1i¥1 "—l1i$;’C>‘_inr_., againfl; _P-orciblc: 1‘efor111acion' but have the Armor J.of7D:zwd ~ mctcttcmixcw - ~ ~ - ’ A - y «- “ -% A, ‘3,V _4.tl1a1x,, on much there hang; acnoutzmcl bLl<;kl.€J:S, all i1:;1ciq>an%_n113I;§fl¥%% . g A; . V * W ‘ % WV ~ ~ A ;« *4" M2,; % A‘ A 6 2. Ll’arcmélr.ARefa»rma.tiw»isam ):m:&£: it9C;e9fifl:;»K;ingdam lI.z1fu:abIé t0 For (brifls 'Kil1gdQ1I’;Ht£iI‘ld8iIl a1ie,5fFir;r, and chcafQr¢¢.:03;. [ iCi'}.{'1ft; E§1;ag_ 3i1d[aléed %can%co2zpribzm noz11111g,co~t~/azir.» A A V ”’f‘$ . " 2, A g“£§il1‘ti1€Vf@i;/afifzl, the Sm/£15.62: 0? this Kj11gL{o;1yiarefi%r ” .S”pir'itmz[peaple, and lo they age wyghuutz%c»ihe,m-ac/a,:¢ofai1y «mm M \w%‘({..f0rC€;;;«% WYDI-1 IMY 35?? Wi‘~‘1e.“.g04.ab,093§C04bFl11g~‘*Eh/C:§£&41¢g6:l;t'*{DE hctavc-:11 under; an outward apd /emlmr pQwcf’4;s:'fhg‘f;g;tgfif#g’ who bczingéomof the Sptrity‘ a.re:more,A/pzria.4m4the£if,£h';é7 find Wn&{haMc4 hath flef/9 M a\,11Wd%é!0W1CQ; ‘i0 &‘hW1%£hT‘V%£h€:mVuthat are éazgum & :oT_f Eilfifipifft,i11‘EhC;£‘;Ji??g-S of th¢»$‘pirirJBT%:Az1d 3t~h¢~:=e4?orMou~;»j% .£‘h,i_l1f._§,f:1%ti1iS&. Kingdam whic‘h w¢£fiz'2v_+i.v::u~;«£u’,’- ~and~beyon‘<;1Vi1m4*©«111y%,5” ;ti;c powm but Ehfi‘ 'caghi/"mac ‘Of ‘the’ WM 1¢1,4"*13 o?i4V;haEhfaid;V“L —~ 4 There flu!/Z 5:: Mom’ tofi-ill% Mr ~»5.Iar.4,rt in all km)’./only «Amamqmim “W And agam Vzalemrc /Zml no more /96 heard 17»: tb}flree;:,4Wa]$sn_gT M7’41¢‘/frz£e.€?ia»é%qAwitbint/aylwrd::r.a‘.$ % 3 7 ~ ‘ 2 3* AS t*1<=se:**ar€a/fiirirxml Pwwfisjfva1f9x%=Iw1?viI{£é«£ A willing 960- W Wjnfreds owitvavwfzpo«#v%€¥€;:w‘awzz’2Za:*?‘Iiaj‘é;frswm£v.£, }[;:*.¢£’.?;W::% Iivjgffmsfian5817.2! A 3. .< T’ up; for the ;mm~r of the A Wawzl 1‘r:{’orms‘b}* the pmemca¢£" the “Wane 131? . wafla’ :£u;1d mm-nc:V ct"L1f& lvzgaxgygam pa‘¢‘F175=7f" in ghqf £,'jig;,g;',§-Igfiw,bL1c_th}3y <fir,f"c iI=xa1<;;c~ uvlmmacm fmfw *4;11it;% and I2ua:a~arz.m.4 [paws %art’%tI1em_£e jpf fi;1zut':on“i§ Tel: up.- , ‘immmV-po‘wer,~ And {by this 11*rc:£é$ns,A&4‘% mztlaai»irjr5of “Wm, is .% made :0 «have%pawr,~ not 113t‘i‘1¢.:{.9i‘mg3" ofma‘2é fblzt" min” t he t_ hing: 1?" N1-ority. offigod {which is the graat diihonour-of Gadmand h‘Is”Au-; 4,. It brings men iIitr:3‘Mir1«zd mime-.+:¢.;e Ignd;bmAaI<¥:“§E1i‘§%;;:;;.;y5ey ’,_“ Awhams cam:mm.‘e;{~1cn‘% pam A of 'p‘z£z¢zW,/Z2¢;+§1m"i: w ithcmgh “they I’t brings xricm : kndN't1OE%%1‘fiVfie‘ti1%L‘fitbiffiglii O1.‘~wr0:32g ; Xivit/9“ thé ‘W0%réi,1&§Vbr 3”” Wnd A agmfl/2~ the “f5Bc57:;f13;r rniiri Hm} f(ay,tfi.vzzt4w.\'7vhic11 1% Faffxn obedience, ‘mcoag,/Eraimed %t0do, a1"1g{f*z%/:¢z9:fa‘2%e%’1"%doit b<}:caIu£~: I am ao.~4jzf.?mi- Iread in Fri: :2: /hzfwer to zlae"S15’:’,fI2z$;2bf’RacIoé;’2‘er,5ljaf a ¢j?a&»zt/aibeiijgi pf? :‘ m; his} fathers émmyzg, { t»11e% 'p]ficcr.: 3391:; g hitxagrefalved Atom-amine 111zn"%a&fo,%co§t2:y1f‘they VmjghAt,find~%11i~n1 aAwSefidrj"%%%0r’VanHeraticig: ’bm:'rh{c- youth’;sl¥m.azyea’ac’;thc.fad + ~fig4hc of his fhrhers dmtb,a1"1d fmriryg‘ :jhe%[1ike mi him ffilfibfiixng ‘aS5:4ed~of*o11é*of1'"thmn,w_]:»a$Vv lac: 13¢/éavuéd’? A4 A:ifwered,V%f%'Sz’r%A ¢_7 ~£7e.. “ ~l£*%e?ivM5z2:m am it pc'e;ozféa/b jwu.~Ax:1d £21116 more-.¢m{t W.m;vl and ¢}z:a4 %Z'e2zt~p0w*Er%iS ufe{:{ upo11 mam, that 1noAr¢0f't%I1is_l¢\£,rzcl offmkf/a and aéediance you {}1aih.“a\{A¢: :% When mum flml f:-24;‘ pm;/an.g, and 54- m'/Znmmtx, and loflé‘ of gacrdx, and dear/at, walking up am{'%vd0Wn ~ v«t ht‘:”:3~~I? andyeeas Luriaer {aid of / the Clergy =, %¢,€)\:mnda new in-yam: mcmemfecuzm ? cjafmamr utmqm term: m:md;tm:VVhcn doth it not cal upon thefifmlazr puw£sr;and%*terrifim' tI'xe’W0rld with éotlar deaths? Surely Claw’/E and the Wm! approved not the]? Wa}?$»&&,¢Pgr, 21/[m‘la..: 8. Afladgrifi impofeth no other punilhment onflzem, that would not bear the" [VM7-cla,%% then that be /l2mId%£ze reakaned AA 4 Iamtlmg-; and Paul, Titusgyk Teacheéth usfiter grace and %z-win: qdrmnonition to A ” J?/oyd an Herttick, but not to impfiwi/an hjm,or iei! him, pr M.- zzi/Z him: and again z"/f:yAtbMé10%t?/fi?6fi'f’?5.’?g~‘M? i”’%=¢?5" r!q <:'§}? I€in7gdo4m: Eds; i%%afi1d%A.%aggim,% I;ac%t%12-at ;é’¢'l55.'L’:“’“""f;.’?*'W /54! 1556 daicmnedg ‘%burv.mt mg; Wnrd%d’faqMm4.rd or %carparnl 4p%u:iiflx‘;;:¢n5 M 3; Yb AA % .......‘. ".:’»i~ 2 A Kzgkr Refbrmmozz, A ‘IA. 05je6'z‘A..A A 2. ¢0éje&‘.. .l471Jf'i37o V 3 . Oéjflfia # Jvafrr. A 4- <95i5&s ‘x A h\¥,9.9.Ldz9zzer:zsh€ faigéfal 5.139 £'£twé£:eA9€§'2:éi¥z‘ie ‘ ‘ thefe %tl:n-*Ae.«.° : % A 3. Y 61 Chrjfl: rapromth his £A3ifc‘iA;;le:, forAdifl'évcr1n;g fAucE:;. A A fpirit of tymmiy as to pnnif/3 men for not reccivixgAhim,La§.9. when the Apafllex of 2: Prelatiml and Amt}:/arijfian Spirit, in that particular}, defiredfir: to come down from lamumupon A lhfrml, thélt w_m¢ld not rciceivgt him, Chrift didflmerel] rebuke‘, A them, faying ,’1”e {rzo\?a am ofwbsztfiairit ye arr, not of A C/ariffr V Spirit‘, which is weak, butof Sat/aam,%, wha wxaa murderer fiom the éegimaing, andof Antz'arbriflA‘:,his 6egattAwin»t;hg World : and he adds, the Sam of mm¢*Ac.zmanoa"toAdefl}ayi7i¢m Ii?ue.c,,6m to-/Am:/6 them; and therefore to go about tAo:tAurAnA:Ahe" A qoffwl, notAtof:wemens lim:,buttb cleflroy them,A and; {om éhange Aclarifl himiclf from a Svwiofir into a.D'eflro}er, this is e/fmiclnrifi Triumphant; A A A‘ A at all in the R~efarm‘4tian oftihe Gaffielfi A V" V A An thcfe tAhing“§fl*1ew‘t%hu%t my-zaz, pawcrhgth n¢‘Ap1acAAe.fA Now I fhould have praceeded he.-re to anfwer fome Objéfli-3: om, AaSna?mc*ly: A A 2 A‘ A '1 I 1§.Thatof Luke 14-; compel tlaemte cow2}e~inrA th'i$,.I forget-5» A ¢ ting,named%nor. A A A A : “ A V “May a Chrilfizian then We as he Iii’: ? Nu by no means; for he hath ah: Wardand Spirit in himA,m‘A, keep him from living as he Zia‘? ;% xn1Ad h¢knaw:that noman in” E5’ ad; Kingd om may live as lac wz1s,Abux: as G'adf*i§’Q_i1s.;i r j » ’“" Bat’ AvAvc»u1dA you have no Law 9' A A ' : A AA : A No Law: GakirKing%dAom, bnAtl«A_C‘ad: Laws ; and tbefe are ‘a thmkfgmi tunes éwtter than 41;! mm‘ flawscrf mm: andtlaq arg 9! w A “Thell2zw%of'14New-bmanre.A A The .lA3aWAV0f t/5eAfpir£ryof life tb4tAAi: vA'n%ACkAri§¥. “ The Ldzawof lam. » ‘ A A V . A 3 A .BuAtWouldAy0u~havE‘I1o$GpwemmemPA :. A ‘ A Yes, but.the~go1remmenmf Clariji the Md, awndthe Aflalj; G*bAo&'£ the‘SpirAit, in and over the @.bA;:rch;Ac*he-boa1J.:;Tbfiéy wifléadrs med nu """’ Elakg A Rig/émtkefbfmatiaiz,‘ A 37: Amgakechemfclvesthekeadofthofefkteméerq und1£oAAnf£c'Wlor£A%/E‘? H A T" j “But Wonk! youhzwe no Order *? *'c:anpam£f£: them; For/ye [bat f-mite the earth with the {rod of may as wel be found in a caméimztian ejf men, as A in one fingle A perfon. A ~ A A A A Yes,. the: éefi‘ that is ; Aeven fie:/1 an Order as E the /1ad'y%of Eflfijj. 'Clar£fl; W here every Member is plazcad by. (7/drifh ancfnaaa by ' érfelf ; The Order of thefipirirml Church is afpimmz! Orden, and not amrmzl; A A AA _ A A V V ;Bu: would youhavejin fufiered P % A A V AA ‘Y ‘A 5., A A4 No, but more truly and tlaraza‘gblyAV_d£flroAyed than my power A6’ 0 -7’ if the warldcan deffroy it 5- even by the Sp£ri: ofjgdgmtflt and AM A mwm . A A A AA % A 1\ But érouldflyou haAVefirmer: fuffcred ? A 7-: 0% % Na, btltpzwif/Jed more fewrely, then any power: of theworld Anfiv. A biiimoutb, and with the breath of 19:3 lip: befbalfla} the Win‘: A And as fortha/2» that are outwardly wicked ,che~AMagiflraw is to kgep them in order, fer the quiet of the Sfat:,AA hphaving power over their perfimx, eflam, Indliwr. A VA Hhould alfohave proceeded to the next thing , A The ad’:/an-A-: tgtgesoffuc/14 §o]]2cl Reformmtim Where it Q Wrought; toga... therAAwith the Z)fie.of :% but becwfal would not be awrlang, I%pa{Te by‘\tl:é”fl.-t%hings;, and Ioprocead nofartber in this Difl %t:amAfi.% M A A Bu; being 4 brought hi;/aar“by m_ miexpefiled providence; I f}iAal,¢raAve1ié:rtyLtofpeakAaAAfm wordswyou in the behalf of #WéKingdo7¢5r, AthaAti$ ,“ this Kingdom Aand Gadx. A. 5 * L That which have to neqmejf ()5 youfor this Kingdoms; is, thatyoll Wouhi regard t/aaiappreflian of the paW:r;and the _/igbing aftlae mfedy .~A Never was Athere: more injafiica and app:/3 [ion in the Nation“ then mam; I havAefl:w¢ many apprcflld and; Urn/bed, and none to bclp them. %IAbafl:ecb you 6'0:Mfl'd6’r'A_'thi§ with A all your %1amrN, for mam} wAAho derive power from yaxutc great 4 fprefarx. And ;h@refore% I reqm're;you in I:heAmtmA:;of A goal, tq ; *% Iflr/-W.::= tl¢,e_4£?'%fi4 Eéfit Gvdhath Put ZQSQYQ’-.3! 414941: ant! (0 MA ] A A E3 A A A, and . , .1\:,._ ,w- w,~'.~:-» R ;'g;“&:4 2z;ffnw%;az;:;g¢, r 19Epaar and fazbcrlujjle, no dojufiice to Ila}: a$fj‘l%iE2M»g;;¢d7 n.wdy,4 M oleiiwr time paar and mid}, and :9 241% ram» my zlgg A lamina: ‘aftke wicked; ' This is your éwfincffe, dafic/amrga yam‘ dpagty :; A if ycllwilnat, than hmr whit l'.hC"I.x9"7‘d f:1Iu:h,$ Wflz, ‘12.5. fgr the wf]2pf~eflEam‘A%of Eb: péwr‘; far the‘ V figkqing, bf:/or 2r2:'e::2’y , mow mil“ % % ‘ I arz/ma:/a 219:’ Lord: and Gods rifing in rh«‘i3m{e,w"oulot pmvaf M ‘Frail. 7-2”-.12-o .‘ Gods K*i11g-- 7 . dome. M 4 and the 6:0: is: this; A‘ the great prejzzdice and ali/fur:é~cz%>2cr:= of both. % your mine. If you wilrior do Gadx workin the King‘d0,m# which lac h_ath ml’d you too, he vv§1dui%: /mmfl:'lf,‘With0u: ynu;~ as it is Wrlttcn, He [had “d&*~liwr”?z‘*1ae needywfoe4n%£2q= 1c‘ry a*t%J5‘~;z]ae%4 % paw" azlfo 31mm’ /7: that /agar/9’ no /aelper; he H1911“ fmw: it/stir /Fm]; from deceit and violence ; the commfwz evils of the times, And this is all that I have to fay for the Ifincfdornn A ‘ a ‘ M V * 2.. I havc a .’eWjT%more things! to my touching Gods I3f”2':¢§;1am5 1:» That as YES/ariflx*Ki gdfim,ahd t!iteI«i'¢i;a"gcéo7m tfi“e ‘Mr/0157 ai'E:.»di{ii:aE?,% So you ‘WOL’£M‘ b{.apla.az”fezl"t«oM~l.-yep them In nbtf» mingle them together your felmxr, nor fmfilw others to dual 1:; to” I‘ % L 2.» Th.:a’t you would be plmféd to t/ai2¢‘.’g%Vt¢h~at%% *Cflm]Zx*K (“Which is not of thiswdr1d;)w::ha‘thj”zz}j€aé'enx»pb\?:*er”ii};ii~‘aygga m*wnda«ge+fi1l tl1a%2;efi’ai7»t.r:% ne"§ wiibnm M lamd.s:».-.4xmragi*%th;:t%yaw*4mLigh?',”an4dAyaw;pow&crVvwVo1;idV%p4g ~ twat *lbz'r2;g:‘of‘4 theSvnimt:,;bothw*puwM£k;elyfandipriwztely, as occkifion f¢rvef$;‘ A kf,fii[Ilgv.»ihI3'0&m1i‘”b‘€5'flk§1-PWE]/flfl£C'e"floélihjh VSm'z%e,% but u gmzt ad?z)Ma?3’? % mnflfi‘ §im:Cm mmh .jws:me;}Zméet:%pga:cv£ebIy ‘m*a1<‘e*nt;‘> %aumu1cAs; ' A ‘ A A A and ‘and in their aflembling pm? fmiwahepmcmnd Biiziidwi A and». aigflnafied 3%“, zgtfé, ,; ~ fikg hard affigiumarfit§i}afa.:Cbm;.a/gm A em: Nmméymg S}2irit::ci.f.1vj% ch " (:w;hwh1A4a:*;Aei;»£5‘*!2r:i.s?2%:,czw~rJ4g4tlming~m~ gr:/oer, leafl:.§/zri/z‘.£c1y&*.éxtfar}A;oi;1*a.4bma2d. rim 3;;au;-mwcrw be gm- _ rizaéhed Eogmvvx fa"gm,n.“.~_ :; :5: 5 .4 .» «I . AA .;;i~S.;1J Ilhlfk y§;qVpj:tah.~:4l§:‘V _“;ygV'Q£'l7’;'£>>dfi!A ggtiémggfqtq tha flfwwmbjffl/(5g,.;* @113 @813;Wx3::;:vp€x:ifiLt‘“,;;\ :; mi‘? 1315:3331 0&1 ;1a.e#sp.Lara¢, Lfay§Iix:ig§,.A"3?‘aom%/2: :wt‘;mz5m? Mdyvztéd %7144i«'¢‘37i»’Q§ng‘;}r«epr0p/bat: % no /mr2s¢,; This place hathbzfen miférmbly uiifliakcm for%th,¢: M inggdf t%%he$é%Aflm:fi‘% and M115‘: }G[exgie34%fhfiA¥€‘ ffl.1’lf¢ld ;:b€.1]-i ween Vthemfqlves; W11€n¢fiS~é\aifl§“§&d§f»t+» ;~—bq1mz3g§f@%;;%tg¢““ mpmi;Ah¢‘§;» for +m;nvjzmtvd.ac:cy tzhfitfnkirflafirgii £rh;;:.-A ,Spiuc, film aylc'.’:c)f'* %&%?iad:r1c‘>%are azxuynmti .~3§;:C;hri{b-wn'su*m1@yn,ted. Angztthefe ian%o}::ntc:d;oV;z¢.g:;i1%ar:: the Lorc11s,Prp;:;he.:s;;amd;them%Lo:gi A hafh noffnmphets %b;1>t»flwlam%s :a7r¢ ~amx;myn ;;th"¢;; Spirit. .1‘husm:xir%A%Vmvas; ma de mhc; &.V.,xsM“1;m .m5w.;. ‘jI1SP;,3F.;fli‘.§'fflp0_]f.‘”a,%,_#tfly¢' Lord :2: #pimnrAw:,flf:arWoe:79Mt¥J %m%M‘a£ni&;d M ;,Mm1At7/3 5‘./ivzfi #9? :12?! 15 A”&md}’flnuxvame ::a1flcV&1i§~%§Br::rhn¢;1%w“grmc£m.: H1TQph¢.t$1;z.;7@€‘iflg A faliaaws mitbnlrim iAi1;'1-1i8‘:;U:t1&iolT.~‘2 Ami flze“m::fz;>re::1;aL;fe,+ %hc:;;d how you Vmeddla %;w%:ith;{4't11we%%: Lord; :n%2ga}nmiVE 0223:: 4, and ilth the. Lardx ”‘E2§9re2}u«év2;~gm; i! :;is; {aim f¢¢3f«rr4d m wai1’o, ~t.;/am 4 mhmch Vzd}2r.vmt&adm€<§<£1m‘gmjfywr WJt;%€4ka{i*JW7is$1gg%€?7aac;£2 t.£aé,£ar:1m;ch»m::c%fr:,511i<::flP§zma_;pe’oé é ;+an:3WiH¢%M#7W m1Va:%%Ww3¥*t% <40 gteééaflivwvyckng‘ .4. A,%m- pmaaed: A ¢ ga%C§iowziikir,sii'm:CkMm£rtq:;;$-fl3v_%4Wil»lmr4€p rqQva,. mam all fat gm: m.m1£mem,i.:and .?C»~Zvg;i4;mfi:, atnudr i CAitim. « their fakes, arid fay , Tom.‘/a not mine amaintkd mad JA 0 ;; F % me I;hc:7‘fiefl.rofiE*i&riEb;i;am;d*Eih6 P:£wph@€$»;GT;f¥:mC?:a&1;;é~£1§W11erefczfB ,;yuc'§h» mm ukadimrm :hc1mIw~ yrmr»m~wtaIV%.A%mrAAil1-«.I£11grim-rs Vmm tb fee the rel} of the Kingdoms, t~ot1£fiVi%m’~; m».£1-,e[<::', A¢;:m;¢red %qm:,; of @md;;< ztzaiil ,dm'2ég7%;¥z¢rin_:j;cp;:cheft: his mpm:.ns,~a abuiingmxrd fp.oys1im*g~md%~imgzri{n%mi.;ng §11§‘m;;;;1 :2 *on~e ~ .1’. w 5"’-in ”fl1°1"¥~hand a"i1df;: f%’" 3m' A r " what Ifhere fet*down’for ell rememb5'&i;7“w.arAe thin , 9 you than ‘II Which vyj % _ V fpake,~~fo1“%+’fl~'1efubfianmiofsthem : ‘L A 1 give youthis fol~l0WingRe_ply.. L caflf y'mr= eyes apbntI¢e~£eg~:;,gwA %:§c*efaria;§g§nav'a22gV%“§M£;agS7r» ' gt. vflqbf A-«any rrieafurc in ‘Wh“a‘»t V *?ou“ {aids A » mi 71:‘ .«.. « ‘we. I‘ % t indc%%'é~dA,V;VTha;{t the ‘Kingdome offlivrffii kiI1g¢10m¢5:;M%2ifld%th€ Rtfarmdfiori Ofitg A ish,,%”2éfivér 4fla~le;; +.md* %?4that*’ C'I7rifl4*himf'eIfcig Whp%»%%i~s¥ V. Vpgmg the’%S}7Z?it;” isthe A Rfefarmeéj ft15iiSfpz'yi... m:—:/z kitigdcsfiie by his wmzand swat: but 1itti*e »thougah§mthamzny max Wquld ha‘y,cif;Abe7!en fo éliaml 4 "A or W0 «:2 1, as hiwje ’a?f;fi"’r§,1ed,4%%.;i:h§§E prewéfiing of this f Wit mil g7é;fiom?i”Refc>7fwfnfiVti on to V preach aga1nI’c»«~:¢¢lZ%%ref0rm a-;t1oi<=1. 9» Iswthex Rgfarmmm 0f¥efmC/arz'ff: §")5??zrt . A A Rtply. p1a&n’lyf~;€i1»QU¢gh,VVHCI1vthcf/264:?! «i5%1'e--3 ”:»”d,4%+’»41+s rafbrmed 5iaI;1d« Gofpel Rcf01‘1nati0r;,i Ir‘ mi t.;s1§@@*§h'_:i;3:e;J.«§vg!iIz¢,x.;«riI1mt:3itK€ ~z'r2w»4r4’ ,, A ‘4emd:s44 the? . 5‘ mum? A =gzfi:#9zfk zamaefirfiflrtiflle. of we »C‘m~ A 4 mm. * 3?“gh;3CC0rding:fl0,&h¢.«tmé :igA4:;ea,1arican;9fit§g;¢ I had rather thfilmbfila @¢*:iv:enant gwerxg raced éh:w;A71nhgm"xh¢,~~le¢/é; msuth%<;201:1ta:in¢d i11!~1TA€ WW’ Q€:$$£3(§dt*;~a h¢%'a?Ifhou%g”hL,»I;a11k¢.; flue v Caévéflm ‘W.¢,11 V‘ 4 1&4. “‘ y % %%Agm3’ t5At.w.¢o'dC£wrc/90rdtr. “ < 7‘ , _ % A V Aggin, ifthemtlring be{rlrz1y\confidered, it_ will appem*,‘4V»‘“tha“tV— you;i’re,i=n%or:;¢;;21ga:infk‘thC;~5€b¢W:4fit A then”‘{ for thaComei:AntV4cangag;¢.$ uai:£:7{rf;:?fo:t;m‘4;a;» cording ta~*tbmvord (.3fGwl 5 butyoufiit feem s)vs;r‘ould“ A 7 ~ 1‘ef01?m Mifbaz:t,y€:2i1izgzizfl‘thawéigiwith qm::1?hrz:l A and fg_ojznl.ar4 power WhichV%y]0u%tj+Wi11n the Mzzgiflmte: hands neiTtI11é‘:1%,,: : ‘but ;«:vi:l:1 ¢;;ég;;f_.sel1axz-Q itin.=y0ur.ow.m“; .% A ¢ 5 0»;/‘E. t Q a A I Dab7rz"r¢e be tam’, TbMGafpél, Rg}%rm’;f;izin~ 9fily:fi2iritmlZ', t£27mIAr?~we7¢der haw “Pam'_w4z;.r fly agxzggwlza jwi:l,WZvm I come I *wz'»flfl:'t all things six amcrf” ~[wr€ly A Btu: pray, What autward or/Ecézgr AAPMZ, (who fL1fl‘~6f1Té7C['“I1(37.Z‘“’*3()IIl€]a“_§2' much from the wfarld, biit inafi‘ fmmjthe flzl pafflea tc‘>_ _feVt%*;t;he C,hal11‘ (:_h.vi1‘1" order? [ *Did Paul Cth‘ir1kyVou)ufe any A warldly powe1~~tofe&t& the ChAuAmh%% inwfder BX or on-; ly the power of‘*the wmjdmfxd fpz'rz't .? B1311: thbfe A¥menAAA?xhinVkg; %%th:e:~*V‘C 1mrclJ ~¢%«fo}._b§ fet;‘?i1a~~mdar by the maswbandfi2iritzs:iVne&ly (whlch were ‘— f:uff1-%i- *ci,e5n7t; ;iii1 i mwz; »;;t1me) it:"As~ like to be am:?g~9f- order A for ther.n.l To my , down My Mxzdaxaf, Gmvemment updqr 4/5M1j:t¢- gwvemmwt Md all Vfieforymtion c4rrs;zI1,';w";5ea4¢;fi: A 1” ym::r11d7JeAtl2c* Ci‘vil?VM4giflrz¢tE"5 lmndto it ,1}: agaififl t/9:42 place, qf Pzml, Iv,.TiIIm.%.,2. Pr;;yfar4Kz"ng%s:_,¢zt1614;1lf/Mt are in aut»§ority,dt./Mt we may 'l€4d.dgm'e: and ;;4 pVe4fc4cgzé;[c gefligne/fie zmd /Jcmeffie. A A A \ F ” ¢ R€Ply- . ., _, ‘..‘.,. ,T,....«_—m‘m “ ,5. ‘ 9“ ‘ ‘ 1 I ‘ 3 ' ) ' ‘ ._.. V. ! __ nun. ‘ _._...._,....r.. V % '5 ,_ 11“? 1 *f1!Wef[7. 4 » A Wel1;?argu’d. now indeed. fiaées angifitcklings; y@u“¢flm;I1 :»cc)_?m e 1forth and anfwer 151115 Mnjlar in I/Fuel. V ' A * V f ' : , ‘ ‘ "J>.A\‘-uwmbM:I"}T: was ‘apn'»‘.4;,‘,\\‘,W,,, “W N M» W -_ ‘W I -‘ “ ‘ ‘#HW‘ U‘ The fenf8~0ftHis film isevidentlywf/rt}; That’: % flbrifliam fhotfld pray for Kiwgs 8c Gomrnors, tha?t~% Gadwould roimlang their /mrtx, that*%whi1cPc We: 4 live in A gadli:¢¢f]?:»z1nder them, they ”VV‘V0111dfflfF€E%_ 1135 to live in peace‘; a.nd*not' make 1.isfareV the mrfe in theAwarld,forou1:imerefi 1n the kingdom A of¢''Gad. :: Andgwhat one a‘/W can Mr,Lawfque¢.-m . A ®ut%%afthis»wWmreto§¢0i;§h¢g:P 50f hwwrfigue 4 For the meaningWi§'i10t , Mt Magi/Irate Ihould. inflrce gotglli-neflbg, butprotefi us‘ in . god», .. 1inefl“e,:»:.A ' “ A h A % ~;:;, e5 % j L 97V-ME,,% ; L % A” »%‘.»Z~‘aVj’ufile % h j A Article oftircficmvemantg (What %aga.in P) and tlzty t/2atja]He.ou»z%~tladtywi/ljr;fllc out you /bortly. " 1-A r V Rep 31. 1' ~ ~ am Me I ;M4gz:/irate: yawer,.ér to juflle out flier“ Good Sig glfi-(552! hot your own Work to ma?- hands. The j afllmg put tlvcvM%4gz‘flr4te, have you w notndade it the chiefpaft of your bufinefl"-3 now for a‘ long While together a? and are you not flail! % 17oVd71h1ig”ently’a'é72’ng every“dVay, that now you >t‘hin.lg‘yom*r warkisv in fame farmMdm?{]"c,-.%andyoAu% arsepmtyiwelli able to dcalwtith him P And now . ~b_eca11feAyou would not be miflrufield ymrfclwsf, . A A you puélicki1y,flaTnder M with it» AWce fee clearly-1... ' V fifharow all you:¢:4% ~¢§nde'f2' ‘difguifes,4 . ORE; A A 4 Ezraem.1a.of4i¢0t}5,€F’eW'?36%': E2122. 26.‘ W£rafl2c'~'ver-¥zvi/l \ 12ota’o'2‘},ee‘iLfzzweaf~t/Zzy‘ amr,e;md:/ye Lm of A; 1(i72g,ee1et Iudgement be executed fl2eea’z'ly_.: u})o}¢ km,» W 3,993,» it-lffige um death, owmta £»:mi[bmem‘,.: or. to cazafifcgztzlm afgaadx, .% 925 10 imprzgfqmment. V % A - e A ’.RCP.’l)'.". 4 V Of A A A VVe1l“,eS~ir5 wileIyoi1Vfl'.mdto;this p1ace,and.fl1a1I this «i A’ em’ the controverfic '2’ Pray mark then: This was part of the 1" D,eCreC;¢- of xlrtzzxferxes, 3 King Vof the Nzztiom, { ‘ to‘uching the 5-fezvex, foretlie rebuilding of the materzlaleee Temple 3. That they flmuldhave liéertyesvto’ do it, aréd I ‘not =bCLmolg/led in the doing ofit, but fliauld have What ’zfszfl:zfl6'6 the State couldaifi~)rd.. The Decree was this e: .z~:...«.m I 3;. Imakegze .Dwr*ee, /Mt -4/le» t/zeéy. aftée _pw_;21e;7qf Ifmel, ‘km! of M16" Pric/is Md Lemires M azzzy Realm, eew/aicfi V A 7d«"“6em71ifld€d0f't£I6ir ozmzfree 1272'/!,. "tograzap to 39emf;z[em, go A. with thee 5 Forafmaac/2 229:1/am; art [6222 aft/ye King ma! AA his flmm Cozmce//mi, “ to enquire concerning elzmflz/2'3 arm’ Iemflqlem,according to I/ate Lame My God tbzztis in lily, /:';z/r22d_.,é-ecu .*A-ndWWo2"I1 IArtaxerxes tine I(i7gga1oem4kee a ;Dm'?€e eto»*4el{t.6esTrezzfimrx éreyana.’ tba-‘..Rimer, fr/men:/a4r~A fizevzjer Ezra‘ t/ye Priq/fHe-./7ml/ require qfyazgu, z"t‘éee dame A _[peeeézfily imta~two-- lazmdred" 7‘a!eflt.r affimz-; And ethen,"‘ f 4 '1J€7f.2‘5. follows -5 W17'Mryer,aviflflat_dow9ej_eZz1w ‘aft/3y”Gad“, " mzdt/re Znwoftl7y«*I(izg‘«$r,weeeLct him be found fa puniflled, ase'ybu11ave.ehea~rd.9 A A % <1 '1. eHCrAe.;.£‘hen~you‘~fee,That: Artaxerxes made‘ no dente 4 1 ti) z‘nfi9rb"e4:11‘l“~theeeIewesto goeémld 5 but as the Text ‘faith , T T hafla et1mtA1veremindegg’ of At/aeir aim ‘free will. See you n0%t_here, that even :1 King 705 £116.‘? N-W¢_W éhoughe .ee.Wfve4é!¢ co fomny:nanro gombund 1‘ es ~ Wise . , 3 ‘) , M ‘ ...,.,m ________ ” --“-"-' ---—-v-—‘"_‘_" Ah ‘,3. And t:hird1y,you fe.€f5I-low he A him pra[_]2eram';A.w*’%Ahd p1*a;yTnOAAW What Aisall this tOyoAu;1: 4 .9111fPofe:' A f A, A h V M 7:~ze;¢t'3g’y'c. IS ritmz1hTempAAl€ 0f= Jefus ; Godspgwzterinl hWc;ufc;~ zzgaiflfl his will. . Andfccond1y,hy0u fecgflow he _é_z4rz2et11e%m~i1o [mm h0Wt_o'«bAui1d3 but permittéaithenj todoit, A:t‘ccordmg:;\ we lamoftbeir God that 127/.rx3hhih3*¢ their bands. A A A h ; ‘ A deferred any fromzm. daring them from this work, upon pai11Ao£deat,6, mg/7;~_ V 4 Do you not pvrbeiwe nqw by this tifne,hhw_ youthiexa dece~imm.' [116 people, by g1v1~ngA them‘ the letter of thcA Wmdnvithotxt the trucferzfe of it, as Sara»: dealt with A C/m/H11 his z‘emptm'q;z: 2’ Such Semwmb1:inga11 Ham? ofTe2g¢12t4zioz¢h;L1pon thC,».pCQPlC‘A.h 4 A V h tlienis ki11cf>Tacch: A AA I .FirFt,TI1at the Afagzflrzzte may make 21 Decree;forA all rm: are mzmicd oft/Jez':-<»h own free wz'll,A to build .t:Ahp? S pfz}-. V A Chrifl, and hhAt0AA gat/aeévAuprintO a 2.SeC:ondhlyv,Th:1thhe ought: to permit this to be done; acaording to the [mar afzmr God that is in our bzmds, or ras- that according to the [mm of’z~/aeA Spirihz»«of1zfe p€h:u*,i5 in, oL1rAAHem*:; and not tOZ%'fl0r€6L1POn‘uS anyh C1ergyAhcahm¢; “ flitfltians. , A V A A A A at 1 A 3. And 1:hird1y,Thz1t he xmy deterre you, A and the “ ofthc Kingdomc x:I1'.:at are ofchc Zikeh mmde, fI'O1..'n7't’::fi:fljf'!h" iflg. and /JIWa'67"1'2~2;g %t;hisfjhW%o1*k, which hath %hi,tsA 2¢z4htA£2:o7?z"ty f1*on1”He2zzw2. That 170 the Sm'x3}:': (thchhffizzgdome of, Chf1fi)h n'i‘”ay~ pMyf01“ thew ]|~:lag;f/?rzz"z‘e, and Cl2rflA %_( the 1%; of Sztimzs ) {may éle[['eh.tI1e%hJ1:f;z‘g'iflrazte, and make A 4 -g-..— » A Aéetzentodo%iz. M 4 39 > J“ Mr-_ L ,0 YE. « _ -I fit W44‘ g2;¢:ya2;r4.H€4rI%: f0” 0 5% its mgycb ..... ~._._...._ ~ , Doe4S% not G (912 fay,;I=t :was& w.eZZ_;,% thaf D%*av¢idAt£2‘wg&t‘ «£0 build .ag;»Tcm‘plc: ~far1d,_y&t-,f0~r *a11;thhat,4 he fl)0z¢!d_11Qt zéuilzéi its’. And ‘d0‘.ypL14;AA4n0:W A.d;11‘Es 13(7) ffélgme this‘Ver.y AA :t11in‘g:‘4 " Cannot the S%a«rz'1z2v*zmf£? Kilt‘ f€1'f «be 4Mie,t ;f01‘ you..é:' Lo I{'E. *ToM.med“ ;¢o:%flzzr1VM1afi:¢g'%,¢z l?’fl4??f.y.4 ;_ A A Q .Rep[y_.-1, A iYM€‘a;bu1:¢AhowifeGmJbc in t11:m*i Pimjy :2’ W’1"1at ther1,fi~r=:‘ it _A%notA»r5ctter kVeXcf2ingA$, a M lfltlca i‘PW’79", d4j2zfea’ P;a.rcy_, thathath G #0 D in it 5 then’ 21 gmzt and mmerom Party, A A‘ga,1’n?3’_j D~1d‘[.L;y~ou~Vpr§£1”CVhr cirfgrc qphe »Ifar1;as11;genc, to ;'w2¢z[ce%xor‘j £’Zlfi;3(?:)H7~§)21i‘I;1€3 D0!;hMthis"{ Vappe1:ta1n%~tQ the y fiegie .0TkfvC£7)f.?f£"fl{1dL 3:116 law/aer%4 .6? Reader, T T hefe men itr$20¢!rf7r"5.>zzfge %vamk%ITWg, and vzwizfig Partifm that I muchféarc they will, in thL6%4cz2’4a.l;v!:h.mW;;thc,A4Ki.ngdome A A 4 if11:c»i*1f:t'a§<>ri:.A7v2?f;’ry§~aI1d’.6£aa&l':~11AanAthcir Predet¢flbr:%A"4h§V5 A . Rfiflmatiora gz3»~»w Cofifciwfia ;,i~€VAmeddle4wf%wit.6 Eaflfaieizcéa 1‘ V6j?:7~:4im 1’i%.dé7m€ .4; 4”;1:?fiéii€v‘ W.W' Romcvto kill k4%~grimr 1%c'(fan;% bedm iti7zVCar¢f6iW¢a 514* J-*?1?€Blv1iB%A47wt w»éf1iV/Jz3«C03z]cz.e77c¢5J ireflrdiflA 55-? 1’ 7'~<¢%<»‘i‘’ZV»‘ 94- g A: 37 “ V :-.g -L V W .}2g];"[5;.__ ‘ AA “ ’ Docs mo;V y~m?AIiawer will be fou__;nd to A have new o‘p1‘ac”c,’ ‘ octthor m the ‘4o1AWo?1‘akT‘ I{io11‘gd?t$zfi;§.o;*oor 4 (gobs 5,“ b_uty01.1;’o:§fEHIJf;1?fiLn4do o_u;:: rLbiry2%nop1oaa*eoofqromag; 4 for I vvfll 4%-’g?¢¢ «you 5 inonbu 13:1? "Yo q‘*‘yprmfe?f‘oxga angry. -=- 3”‘ V‘ v _e \ Wm; ‘& .‘ 3 I . ‘r* A ' . i’:m Véwiflf %A Azflrciature, A4 you W1 cu) .—}2ew‘}"lz‘)gbtA, ma f %;.z3j"1‘hyanira %mzgl:: ~%t5m!ke /Ajgg 1%g,,,,;zA[ M ‘ % J laiI»b7: :1 V W966, 5el,‘2mfl.’ fbvflfflfirfifi I/J£7~ c$zig..: b.c1,&c. * Truly A Sir , A V wh'enf 47fla*a11 7‘ malfififyou '11‘ be glad of New light ;, 1-‘“o;-1;»c;m; lro1.a7‘(ffaithV«‘G0d)%'1_:2mke 4fl»w2ngs New, evctn the A 1:” lat as Ww;*:-l”1 asA~th€;‘¢7:5*mtu1;re the Old 123/atA will Afcrve4:I1co!4!m:w W¢lgc:nough;41~f?; A A» ~ 0 And for theSpirit5 r‘t§>rQv‘1ngw tihé Arzgweyfif A *Céz*m3=9lI, for fufikrizgg -falic zmcglAcmm1eousAA;~Tcach., ;crs- ;, doththigpxov c {Z6 vy%ouAA{&anJeri4k¢~=flair! the K A c-1 “()f”f’1hC hurt:-Ah V/g.écl'orfi¢‘xerr;fea1 Ii”??? gzgnd A Vvww A fie‘czzl4f.‘posVcr in cm» C3i_1rif’c:.:c’:- cAr1:c; A not "um2'er_“ gthxngfgs fl‘ dnding the AS%c'riptiu.rcs 5;; fof1* ,p.hC:f°l ‘f;'a~ny 4» érm’ in A~th-c Chmch, w;hcnA~4,itM isjnm; fi?;jcpTroved4 and“ c,ondemmed=by the V ~gWch~e ... A‘ , tillighiif the; jw%i11{4¢fu}jVgr no ~€"£'!‘fi’JTur?‘[t:fiE£‘¢*N;Sw. u¢‘;)§Quum- f(.cI¢rAfh1md;;11“is Of! V10W~W2tW{ and .%%’v?0.Zc¢¢; {gwcr7. 1 ‘D0 younoc Vremcmbeir, =t»h2lt* I fiiid 2:43;; zhg M ” cg4ir1ning, wholc"Scr1ptu=reswgrnaigy V Mr: I:07~ WE. . A % /Md mm to Iagar Sermons prcac/am’, and Books A gvrintcd ’;,;zf“z‘:- \—/22az3‘iAéaenA»atAAmfi¢Ifd:H:h54»it 114d 566” 7%’ preached at %.dm__{icrd4-m, grany where clfc where Reyly. A A " AAch:m:%—the czzrmzl C11uVrch;1.wde2;/i4flv6{J:.§hC Truly, fuch a Scrm,on as mine might%hax'rc been V tht \ tHé1~yt.,~ x;*€+if.€1%;151.::, I._d.cfim the Reader ., mz-:%15’f¢“3:’§*érti?x%¢~d aLi}j’3?r¢2z1:¢:~;b»WVV%f=_¢ 1:1 Oi1rjE;i2"émi :a,‘%1&; %mg4W~]?‘éfi«i>k*a¢I, :m;: th1s"*A%Am*gx‘%.s:é1;t% t}-2; <:t»11<1%t; Q5 iW..*€’0>"'¢.{3_"}" ':;ii”1 d: Ivmf5{.;¢?&aa¢;wwhic11V.¢is:Atihié %»7l".h[i1%I14 I*V4»% fifmlt A 11* ms’ daZ::r.¢ 2zlom”77iVn* the .i?rz7tIml rwCh.1grg’h -.-,1 and AW} 1W6" *t:<)~7t151?@ Magfiflrafiei hz:$rVfit¢/¢J,p.g)gv¢r in th_¢?1a2,ar[zl 5, BL1t A L: zrbemjEm:~:imTgQ11 Ii-:1: .{1 d;ir'i% Izhe %G'6zmj:/2; "and$‘f&:t» 7i1;‘2c1e‘i'.%%°%+tAhc3‘im feat the W635 if: A ‘the géizoxld.‘ A‘.«nd1'.hiS715 Toc'*z,(.id@*2t.,t;h4:1v;1:l1<*::*é1s fmnc ’ u;>cmtim;Qf .S’~:mm,fi rrxom. d 1c;ff¢, "L1pOf1 11”1m%..th¢u:.;@ M flwit not. .. a ’”13r}e]é725. yAi'CaI;3cu,;?a£,_ V‘ . Ii¢‘cIzc}n27z A ”m¢l*§t#5?;%%" 4*%%‘1?p§te25ttatw fienm ahflrnever?7¢jr?aécaivcv~;L“R.ej2¢r§*c;- A