‘§%§%$@E,%aTaT@ET§E §i’é§i” ““’s£'iéaz:@36 fl®fi€9)Z® ‘ PRuD$NTBR<;’REDE’; A M. . I ‘U ‘ 53., ‘ . “¢'f=°"‘*“* flgsws J":§.g9~. épzaws émflm :3'Am.w az.'M}:ma % % W53» 4%» cm ms «Fa M»: M1 (4% 36 ‘'31s .9; » t9§:fi-I 216 gé 0 .g@: “ V Mawtve/xi?/9 eéfia Q 3?? _ :§%§ . % .-‘gym; . ‘ « 1. ' ~‘““ & V’ -. 1! ~ ..‘»=;s-»W ‘ -=../1"“ ‘., ~'fl.. "3 J ‘ gm mm Sermms ggt2N%$::»*1§(iAar1¢¢s4¢;z Camfijridgm, 33:: .g‘*§§ A fléafirfl m we Coinumencex-mam saémizg flj «§,.,‘=%;5-r.g July I. £655.,gMe 0M22xfifim , Q” 3)) WI L 3;. IA ‘Ia D. D; Maflzcr of Emmanuel Coilcdgcin “’@fl _ V Czzméridge... % % New mm? 3 ma: iemefé, ma tituéamer. ~95:“§":"-‘*4:-3 ’A % “‘ ’ *. % % ““"*- V mm "+‘A +21% cAM3mDG%£.~ W: 4* V. ' ’ up . Q ~ at V’ ~ 5.:-'»*,«::-;;;;:’ A Pr22.nm&b;y$w5n Fteiai, Punter t0th¢Un1&7crfity¢5, A A V .«4;:aI.4rMo éej3laIé_y W11l2a.mV Mm’dm,,4 % % S 5., V M % A Imprimatur~; L‘Fe5r;% £656. ‘T/sea};/ail. Dillingé {Ric/aarcl j in/bull. » john ronfmit/2. ; "I/vow’ T“0’£”€9’~ am, Procan. A RIGHT W/ORSHIPFULLQ Mr. FRANCIS ASH, ’ A y of W the Citie ofALondon , Merchant; e a and Maftcr of chchMefioaz'a Company A h h h “t CITC. A A r Honoured Sir 5- A ‘ A %*e.e Hat yea were pleafied to ya’e/ire might heyoah-~ ‘Q, T yyli/heel~,1 ele:[irey0rt would he jrleafia’ to ae- , _‘ ' ‘*3 tept the‘: dedication of, hoth at are acknow- fl‘ A leelgemeret of the power yoa have to eoae~ V A Q) ‘ 772.41%’ me, azzel aaa teflimoay of my tharzh- .\ fielaefle to yea firr yoar marry favours to my elyg collgagewhereaato Jjlaaa’ relateel: T he particular: where-— ofl [hoalal em dz’/]2layeal,~ hatthat I /mow that their were the filf, aaelyoar traafieadeat herecfieerree ttato ~ ready way to tmhefjreahyoar acceptance 2;, nor irreleeel cart! hope that t/9%,’; Paore paper will. ever he ahle to eat-raring that Fame whiehh :3‘ already gorzefort/J5 or tortome late the heme]: of any, whofle ears em not here already filleel teeth the report of fo aohle, fa Pjgm, Madfl; feafonahle a gift. For the perfume ofthze box: Ofcoftlyyointmycnt, whlthyoa have ex etedea’ to farther the A be‘ 1 id A t on of the Gcflrel, ath already filled the ‘ fsfliiclezfifigfeoygrfhjijekat age, ared fltall maheyottr narnc he- A come as an ointment poured fortI1,emhalmirrg it to all fieeteeel-— iraggereeratiorzs .- A For, this which you have done {hall here- dfig,» be told fora memorial! Ofyflll~5y6tZ,"Whh€1’CfOCV€f. the ‘ Gofpe1*fha11be preachedhy the W0 /734/1/94'!/6’ 566” 5-W1 51? yyyareeyly yam, bwfltya eaygfiy were/714/l the fuel: of Amaayyhavue» caie‘y*§,?*ei.;re hlefle aaolglort'fi'eGoa’oa yoar heha/fi Bat I may go no farther, he/Z:IflJ0tt!6hl7"ill¢fg7”5:; 6’ 43431 hffiflk "W with ){‘W ljyyqh A A A A at The Epiflle DedicaEory.le V ' 7<’5.f7’?"5€fi‘5’f?€7 Ff W5 €1’Lf¢””3’fi’ni? 13.719776 otneretéene what A tltntnéeenefien z"nfiflen’tAnpenAtnt large éy many ofonr tetnrnmmd‘ jnelieiene Diavinesgwnafitldoekxell ansencttxatartng/',;znt¢’1a2lao_fl;» war/es V 2’ Mn natnbtleteeenrry Ltfter t/rem. Bntfl do not at allfimzr that it A gaeel old wnlyeffz1l«er“trtttlr, will éenny whit the leflé dt‘e?t4l2len"n;to yqnt nine lerue the ‘ awerzxer n22tn}It'n0'tl7 21 dd;/es do thin/l nfier novelty; 4 geoelttt4etonnt(1t/sink )2n4y 6e given L of not/I e fiaenz that of our Snrvionr, Lnke 5 . 39. Noman having drunk old wincflraiglltwaydcfircth new, for he faitfrlthc old is * better ; neryetwill it, I /aepe,be_nltogetber nfilfle nnteet/vets, V fleeing S. Peter t/aangntgoozltnéot/3 /at’: E]n]lle:, to flirrclup the pure minds ‘of éelievers byway of remembrance, 2 Pet.3. I . ‘and we tberefireindearuonr f0ntt£716l€7fl‘2t7Mltrtlt55,‘lktll‘ we may ' A mtzeto mlztbem ta mind in t/ye tinze afanrneed: .‘S'o[ tlant av/mt mm; novelty to retetnrnentl it to mfimfie: ztntl nneler-5 Aftendings, nmy yet prove welcome nnto our eanfeienees, and inn} V ezpen Igiffitéjfiél, wnetne fiz ée letbprefitnéle and acceptable, éeeanfifeafonnéle. A . /1nelz‘neleetl,SL' , tbat wnieéfl‘ fl indele me pita/J“n¢yA Atliong/Jts nnel ldrnnkennefle afespirit in rnzztterse of tRelz'gian,Awbz'en tfnn-F ny in A tnefi onr elnye: are elzftempered witlnz/Z, Arnnntng" ‘I0 and fie, anéflnggering like at elrnnken man, autoffone ejzinion inte another 5 anelyet nfier 4114:/my feekings, tbey; nzrejlill tofi:ek'fo_r‘ _ eonflelerntien of tbzzt giddintj/]§' A tn: tmt/5, tltewny wlaereqf tneyf/nzrzze not known, ‘Many ennjee . A laereof mzgltt 56 n_[<’t;g"nedA; ‘tine 1/72.411 defireyonr leave here ten remember nndnen/eentention (If. A V M A A A A A final Firfi,’ I do itnpnte and cnnrge tfitk Vertigo and Men‘ grime innelzgiong t/Etlf nnfititnfitlncfle to trtttb; nylon the account ef nen2j‘3zngleelneffl3~tlz4t "pica ofenr nntnre; t/Jennrenfannble ele-A» firennel love of novelty, which zlcffi «very ennc"/Jpredotninnnt in A 4 t/aefl: our times. an ifs, Panlspropnefie wereetnowfltlfil/edin the wares of nanny, Tim. 3,5. )A. Forth: timewill"$,D‘fn=e rhea they Wi1¥e!?9§e?§£133¥¢ for-Mt do.6%§§;3cA, by; ,;afi:crtheit melee: The Epi”f’c1e3D”¢d‘icawtory. ®v1ieaIili;_[’£§;flia1lelll;hcy'heapf0 ”I;i1,ceII_1fc1;\ze»sV ;te.acI1ers , hav?ing itching. cages, And” they {hall turnei1wa_ytI1exr cares from the truth, and ‘fl1a1l‘bcl\ turned 'unI:<) fables». Let a 222.422 the 2': ea fitter-fertla enezveepifliens lwfepen his b/bejbdnd’/éveee em z/Eve ¢z'ele.,tla.ra7ég:el2ae£ lil~e’l6’l flflflfie 4W’”i4?3$‘t/34¢ eeek S .. Paul to le*”’e*eef§ebez Knievel, ’A'é‘cse fl 7,-;IV9e A lSa~ying;_%, may M we 1I10u1‘)zo§1 WW4?» flillizazbam; A Vflhrcb» 18." 1 A1; 6 ' Theflal. V. 21. Tina’:/he Jifilit‘/£.«'.c£’€E7é , :{g.i.3t ‘Pr We all things, /aoldfayi‘ that‘ tt/tic/vlrlvgood. . ' ' ,,A. Htan, the grandiencmie of our {'alvation,t. .‘ knowing ‘thatlit is the truth which muff A miakeus free, as it was 3. lie by which he _ hroughtus allst firft intcicaptivity , lit-~ ’ ; A bouts by all means poflihle to keepmen ,2,‘ from the knowledge of the truth: and A that, ii .4 » Firjl‘, if he can, by detaining them ingrolli: and palpzr» i ble ignorance, thofe claxzikés afdarkfleflcl. Tlms doth he the Turks and Indians to this very day; and many millions of {bulls under the PapAacy, by .1 blind oheclience and as bliind Ha fltith, the Colz'er.rfaitl2 they call it,» Idouht “twill come to» th’fit'eattl1el21{t. A i “ A A A .A A , Secondly, If this will not dc) but men will needs be knowi? ing, then he labours to leduce them into etrAou1', giving them huslcsfor bread, pro Dm 7w5jew..“‘ This old deceivet wants not his /hoplm, not his methods. Helwil1PrateAm~like {crew himfelfiinto all modes andfigutes macro ht mztythe "better deceive; ii Sometimes fiheh times the fhape of an oecurnmimll Bzjbop, and cliétzttes e191'oAmfs Aoutof an infallible chair,“ intoxicating with the cup of his errouts the Ifimgs of the earth: othetwhile putting on theappearance of ztflm- pie plaigfimzm, he creeps into hioufes and the greatefi gamAeiA i he fliesi at are but filly mam. A One wshile‘ he prefents erArour‘ i i understhetevetend cloak ofmttiquityg anon he bethinks ' i i A A VB A A himfelf l"r0‘1>erzl! t73>in_gs.h V A V . '44 V hhnfelf that the neweft fafi1iontwi}}~g~live befl content, and A {O they {hall be fiery-ilig/7725. 4~ ~ A Tbirdly, Ifbcith thefefail,Vthen heetaifes a dufl: of con- lh -troverfie, that (0 people may xiotebe ableto fee thettuth, or t be like them. A not to knhtv itfwltenetheylfee it_.._ Hefinds it goodtflihmg in troubled wztters,ahd Cutttitlgtpurfes innn hubub: For whfig people “are dlfttaxfied to‘ “feed A 1" 0 A many* opinions inreligion, A ‘whereof they are fure but one can be true, and;$whlilC‘h that is they are not able to judge ) theyreiblve to be ef.’ci1nd.ers by untill the learned he agreed, fiuppofing it the fi1f€fi~.‘CQurfc¢. and e;ifie£tVtdéii7loid ert0ur,ebyl$being of 110' topénion at all; f.,F0z£i'i_b/fyt Anl6thetl"dei7icelhle hath,t0 blringtttuth it felf into fufpicion. VT"hus of old ldidhe fet the‘Peets an work to linirent fables llikeluntol manly lhifioriles recorded‘ in A holy Sc1iptu1'es._, that Whenrhe falfhood of thofe fhould be diC~ covered ,'1:he truth of thefe might be call’d in queftion, Jnft as he malther51fm‘ndohfo differlin their Opinionsz, It A " eeneems mallet an tt;u£,g1:: concerns‘ use tobe well refolvedin our 0Wnlejudlglettnents?§l=‘ If the winds and lwaves be fo boifletous without, the more need is thereof a good beallafi within. “ All cannot have the A truth, tihereforemakethem not thy ruled; yet all pretendto it, therefore give them an heanng. Condemn not ‘all, be» eaufe the7re’s truth among-them-,3 neither approve all, be- caufefome muft needs be falfe. * Let US..th€1‘£?l‘O1‘l3 neither {wallow all by atsblind credulitiemor rejeét all bye refit pew cipitancyl“, but Ifollowtthe advice of the Apofile in the text»; A Preveallet/jingsl,lbuthblgl t2h4t1twbic99ti5gb0d. A The wotdseontain in them a cl:oul:)le dutie which iallebe~ lievets latrteebtound unto-, as well the peopleas tllcll‘ pafiouts, ‘everyone in their fevemll othez, Although more immedlw * V ately they feem to be clireéted to ‘lIl1C'pC0plC,§LWl10 in the words immediately foregoing are forbiddlen to defpife pto-‘ V A plltefyingsgand here are bidyto ttie them all, and to hold fall that whichisgood. t Of boththefe il1ttl1CllfO1'ClC’1‘. Firfl: of V ltltcfitft. : (Prove. all tlaings. v v 2 Ere there are two things to be fpoken to by way of" , lexlicationaleirft, Wlxat it is toltry..S.econdly, Wlmt ittis.*tltatwearctotry. A t « A ;. ~ ~~ForI thefirfl; By prarvmg orettytnghere-tstzmtlmtezmttltat we {hould experzfmmmlly be of all opinionS,lmanyfucl1 feeketsinflzeadlof finding truth, have loflt themfelves in a. maze of errour,andeat1 inextricable lztby tinth of: perplexie tifi. ’TlS nefemt ‘u’b2t:._t.e elf ,t/hitzcgt. 7bindt‘}7'.t3E‘t.?. But fitottdzfy, If ttllbe beginners but thofehthet he ’ b€1i{‘V€ that, ,ttu1;t for Om‘p3.1‘tS VVe 173’rote{’t;mrs do profefie r outfelvestobe Bereettr,:.mdrhereforeI hope he Wiflgive A Ztt leegve to exatttine their doétriue in the balance of the Sztnétuaryyand fo we have and found it light. W And ttm1«h Zy, ieBe!Zermt';te(t1ret‘I1e Beretta: were not believers when thev feerehed t’ finee they retfetvetlthe were.’ with all tettditteflé 0 tteitttl, (hand then ’tts ztddtted)httt5tztZ'fl*aztt}Jtti the Strtptttret daily zsvhetber tlaef: thittgs tttereft. But fettrt/Jly, If they were not, {wonder how men before they beletve Jhould be bet- ter able to judge, them etftertverds; and how theyfl1o;u1d come to1oc>fe that power and priviledge by beleivino". F Befides there there are mrmy other Scriptures, which do ex mzféqztetttt notonely permighut ztlfo require to try the dO&1'tf1f;'S‘b€f'01‘€ We entertainethem: as Mdffb.' 24. 4. A where our Seviottr bids See that no mum fidttteyott : and the Apofile Pttttl in =Ep/bcfl 5. 6. Let no man deteieteyatt with rwzizt to word:.- and 2 T/aeffel. -2. 3. Left :20 mate‘ t1etei«ve'yatt lay any menus. To what ur ofe are all thefe monitor cautions if I , P _ t , , Y _ 5 We may not try:-, nay, do they not implicitly 1‘C?ql.11I‘€ and tC'0mm4flé1.US to try and examine the dotfttines, whoever they he that bring them a’ S. Patti is bold in Gal. 1.. 8, 9. T /mttgl} we or am Attgelfram beaver jhattldpreetb my ether Gofztl,-V.h [€t“"x.‘ /aim b6’_c«z.‘z/ct.’-.‘3‘1t‘c>£t£: And that you tnay fee that this exprtflion proceeded netther from r21fl‘1;nefTe norptdfion, but a mofi: ttdvifed and well refoived jdeliberationt, he repeats the Wordsin theverfe following: fit Wefttid étfitrefoflzy I grow again 31f ettyprezzt/7 my other Gofpel unto you there that yett have received, let him be attztrfetz’. VVhenceI hobfetvc theft’ twothmgsto my prefentpurpofe; fir/t, that there ntuftbre at) ‘Aexttmen, elfe how could they know itwwas ztttotbtr G0-4 fpeI,hhan.d fohhrejeét it 2’ A andfi’t%ottd!yh,tthat the hearersas fuehg" I and n8r_teacherswere to be the judges, unlefle w;ee"1t fay they were bound to curfe themfclves. t A But 3 Ecafli y (Prove all t/2'i7zcg.r. y A But the truth in hand may befurther evidenced to us by mzfaa thus Becfaufewe rnuft neither embrace all doétrines, Anorrejeét all, not take fomefixch as come-neat, no not the truthu: felt A At. VVe multnot reje6tall,for {owe {hall be fur: to re«- 4 jeét the truth; and befides, we do ow {'0 much reverence to the name of God; as not raihly to reject without examear, any doetrine that hath an appearance of any jyufl: prew tence untoit. 4 A A 2. Not may we embrace all promifcuoufly, for {owe fhall be furee tobein the wrong; andl fee“ not how poflibly the foiulacan at the fametime affent unto contracli6tions,and yet fuch there are found amongopinions. A A t l 3 . Not in the third place may we take up certain num- ber of opinions as they come near to hand,*as they are of» i , felted to us by the place where we live, or the -neat comer of it, we {hall never be able to hold it fail 5 If we ibulild up—~ t A by: forfo there willbegreat dangerof fal1iAngyinto er1*our,,y and truth is of more concernmentto ttsythen thatwe {houldt adventure It upon the hazard of fuch a contingenc l. l “ A 4. Nor laftly may we entertain truth it fe1f1(if vve {hould hapipen on it) on Co flight grounds-,“ifvvAe take noAbetterhold” on fuch Aa fandiefoundation, how do we thinkto Randi», when the winds andwaves of temptation and perlecution fhallartfc :’ iwhichisgood. And for the further quickning of use unto . this duty,Ie{11al1 propound onely two cbttfiderations, and Averybtiefly- t ” to t ” ‘ t C9”/’§‘i*t" the evetla-fling goodiitof om fou1sis"eoncerned in it:fd‘i* er» A 7 M ’ ‘pt flail i t V”rQurda Firfl,-,v Let useferioufly confider what great danger ithere‘ is in being deceived; our fouls are at the flake‘, no leilgtlteni uponflight grounds; therefore we muftexa- M A A It remains therefore that we xnttfteramieneg ythatfojwe may both refufe the evil, and alfo hold fafl that ‘Pr01ée all tiyirzgs. A ‘ A e 9% tour in underftanding begets crrour in 1i'fe’andi?ipra“6tife,‘. and the Scripture tells us of ahmmazéle £76I"Cfi6’5; and What ever fome may think. of fpeculative errours a yet furely as they proceedfrom that maim in the underitanding which is the efi"e<5i: of original finne, and as they are cherifhedandia-A . h«€t§'Cdb}7CO1‘r1JptiOniI1,thC wilhyithey are {inns and make us guilty. For the aétionsof the underfianding as well as of the other faculties are @253 u‘«.+;a’uo,;to¢,_ under the 1awoftGod, and the will {hall anfwer at Gods triibtmal for not putting the iunderitaynding to f¢h.oo1 to Scripture, as well as for not hridiing the~paffions,and not goveming the outward ttiarn. Sir: Ce then there is fuch danger in crrour as you have heard, . had we not need he carefittii 2' had we not need examine ti’ efpeciaily,confiydering, tend confideratioti. For fir/f, the left? ia1‘€fL1bj€£9£ to errour A themfelves , and fo may ( though tmwittingly and unwiiéi t l:ing1y)be means of fedueing others, who do not examine; and then their godlineife and 1ea1'ning, which were wont to iceepthem from ertours, will become arguments to draw tothers into them. But then fecamlly, __hot!v many fit/fepro--» pbets, deceivers, and feducers are there in the world 1 who make it their defigae and purpofe to deceive. M A N fjlm/I “ come in my mzme ( faith our Saviour, Matt/2. 24. 3 . ) med flm/1 dereeiwemazay antdiM;my prophets ARE goneozat irate the world, Iglfalm as and, that which makes themtthe more A dangerous, they are indefatigably i~n«drtti’criousiin their wtty, compafiing the earth( with their mafter) , and cotrtpafiing feaaandwiatnti to make; aprofelyte. ‘Which they do the more eafily effeiitft by reafon of the emf: and fithtilty which they ufe. Wethave it exprefl emphatically in E;t2!,vefIa,.t 4. Eeaza geared children‘ tofléd to and flea, and cztrriea’ aerate; rtliittiz ream tgifiizd "‘fi«'¢?(:-lllfjflfig by it/ac‘/lag‘/Jr of meat, dim’ flilflfliflg are A r ' i C is A * nazmaa ‘What danger there is of beihgydeeeived, whiehd is the fe- »Canflii’ii“itaJ IQ (Proved all tlvidngsfi w..5eré5y t!§e’y“lie£mvait to dm:.'z;vue. 131‘ Saviddour Hath fore?! tO1&r‘E.1Sl‘.t}:1;.1tt§:E:%.y|i‘-joulfii come as wolves in {beeps “ciothing,, 21i1~dWth€' «EA! 'Cm:z:«z.a5c::r—: n.Leua’bA53wz.', 2-‘Mild 3w :w+;$b)~v;Lzvo_jafo;=,;'¢,e;d‘A fig z1in,,‘ RT/‘zit/3 zz,!’[;2mm'—.-.~ 477‘5J;fi~g'fle5p ax«:;i"iyi;;zg zvozzddey-.s, a2z*§!a17jzb}:d all deceivzzélewzcflé (3ft&?2i’igb_t€0A!éfw£flE', 2» T 2. . 95:1 0. ~A1d-Id ‘W*hiCh places do loudly befpeak ourcdaxtnefi care to 1odok*to~= mu“ {Ae1ves,.and to exaxnzne doflrines .l?>efore we c*mbLraCc_~ f r::1‘zc:x_n.,d1<:f’td unawares we emertaindocftrines ofdévilis infic,1c_;_dd—; Q? the tr*~m:11s of Goad; ' A A By tfiislitzlc, thathath been fexil’ Iiopcditddes :ippc:3.re.d that it is our duty to examine. A But two things tlzerc be- " which are ncceffarily rcqmfite to the rightV%pcrfo1'm.:mce of it as We ought. ‘An infallible rule, and afizmlty 1‘1ig'Vht1y.dpre...., % pared; the? one 6y.whi.ch3 the 0tl1c%1*dw.it/9’ which We da1*t:AtdJ judge. 6?’ 157- ET11€1‘cflifgufl be afimmy, or a fou1'ArightIydprepar*cd2: andt,a.tmL1‘c AA A ‘ A - A‘) 01.13.‘ miner graccs,andLsdtheprzdmzpmm qzwdof alldithe aé°c1-- mns that How fromd them. Faith is :1 mtiamzZe=grac€,. a1thoughAA it do nAota1nvayesa«ft dzfézzrfiwezy ( E. g. in its afiént to the pir-émab cmizfiz, which is to 21 tefiimony, norfor" :1 tefiimony ) A110 rnmie than the Lmderfcanding does by difcourfe inducem- fclf to an a{Te11tL1nto firf’c notions. A A A A A d A’ A d flgda '\' 3‘;-flRMfiW*'« .1. A rmfomzéle flml, this is the fiz5je.5?dA of faitll and all-.A A 32.; Eaf§g3J££~_ ca.» dThis~f0u1o1Vfi1cuIdty mufc ‘dbe e;¢Z2:«§ljz*e7¢a>a’A,"’Aa‘ndd a{_Y1{t’ed-t‘ V by the holy Spmt, clfe 11: cannot apprelwcnjd arxght Afpirin,1:i1a things». I/Je mzmral mm perceizves‘ not the things of 172? Spirit}. .;;ze.ii'fi2ez+' am he know: them, éecmfe they are _fi2z‘rim4l4lyd dz'faemw’,. 1 Cow. 2.14- Not butthat a *natum1n'1;;1n rzlaiyfiapprédhend, and aflént unto divsersltruths recorded in.thc~AScripturegbuvtW mot wrch ad ;zrw'z2g« kind of Iapprehenfion andaffent, nor,..m may are "223 r;r1'eu’;or.¢{7@'3.thC'"thiflgS ofthe Spirit 5 fdfifiiy are mtknmvfi but m fP.‘”1FF?€?1. _n1§«£1Az2;¢r:;arziu1 Am illmtiifil:l9eioflGocl, objeétivcly reveal-.:.:<.l and proa- P,Qundfid.tOhl.1Il by the fame Spirit in the Scriptures. This isatlmt idamzmime/!¢6§r’zZ: and illwmizmztmz, Wlllcll is 7lief’towed upon cvcry’belicvet at his fiirft convcrfiomthough *iiinl¥a1cfl?:t mcaiute both oftvidencc and Ol3}i'i‘fi' tllfin 3{'tet«- =watcls: utfolt itgtaowsaind jinc1*eafcs according to the p1‘0lpO1"- tion of ~f£.1ifiZll«.Wl1lCl1liGiCCil7la'El1dCailtIO evtwy titan, and ex- ltends ‘itfll-<2l’f as largclas £1 divine faith £033, fmxpn Wl”llCl‘l it is infzpzwable. Now bczcaufs: allbelitversliaveiborm or 1:1» ‘mt a divine faith of aillthingst nccellitryfo1*tltcm foto be itbélii‘evcd;"ztnl2d fomcof 1no1‘eg,¢.accotclinglyis this 6ll0if2'»N:F?» z'm-- i"2*tl'll[E(%a?A¢5lidirpCifllf¢Cl5 all have Tome, ‘more otlclliemone all, ~bt1t‘o11c1yCbrzfl, to whom alone the Spirit was given witil1-- om n1e2tfi.1re, and of Whofe fulnefiéwt; all1'€CCiVC grace for tgriace... And as ttisof the Calm: extent ,, {O18 imf the fimm:-, original with 21 d1\T1i1€*f:~1'1tl]-, Wrap: 1I.'1e4ll thitggr. to Saeizmso and lourrnodern] chfetllatours to bafle’ Scripture, jolt as at Sophifter would deal wttha peice of Are:/Mlle; Then flnall’ We not profanely abnfe it bytl know not what kind of V myftical, <32: cabaliflical interpretations; Is this to revcren»ce tlthe Word of Gee. ‘.9 would any may take it well at our haancls _ mlxave his wordsfo played vv1tl1all«, lb fcreWec:' and wtefied from their fimple and molt apparent fenfeand meaning 2’ A Seconally the foul mufl: A be kzmzlu’-e. Such the Lord lhim—- {elf hath unclertaken~to teach, they {hall be ®e‘.~oJ}J£‘u£7‘al, but »;_3;;;:.~;=;,~,;»;5;r:~.zl;;=£l'::r-r=a'r»o=.e-z2Le- he-A refills the proud, wluileheeogives graceto the lturnblegegracet and gloryancl no good thing will he witl1hold«-front tho-fe that fear him“, Pfal. 25.414. and 84.. I 1:. A proud malnois 3.4 bad 4 fcholar, he will confide in hitnfelf, rather then in Goal, hetlislfond of his own opini- ons, and will not yield unto the ttruth,being fiubbolrn; and tlt.ell‘ll'bhettlile11rin will and affeaftions-5 but if any one be huznble nnd obediengifanyhonle wi-lldo Goa’: twill; he fhallknow the e‘lO5i‘.'t'ine whether it be of God. There is great. need 0f§htI;- o tnility lalfo upon this account, that thofe who have thegift - in. a leller meafure, be not ptefumptuousfo asetownde be- yond their depth. ‘Whlch Stunt Pan! thoughta feafonable lc.:mtion- in the matter in hand:-A Rom. I 3‘. Beye-trzmxfizrmedl l 173; Meet reneavmg cfyazlr mzmi, that you may proruezar/mt Iktbzti‘ gear! and acceptableealzzd perfié? will af.:God.o For Iflty t/Jroztgvb the grace giver; zmtame, taervery mm that i5amo;*2g you, not $0 think of éviwzfielf were £v.z'gbly«t/7:22 £73; ozag/at tbltbiflk, hit :o~ efyinleflaéerlygaccordiflg .46 God /mt/J dealt ta every man thetzjzeaa fiuteaffait/2. the words are emphaticall. Ml‘: ossepayap mg‘-3 J53 ggaxzéizw, aémé cpgmf-‘iv 91; v1‘mw¢>§ov55v' not out 0f"3I1§0V€I‘W€.€fl- ding lopinion-of fellfifnfficiency tone-nterprifc things-beyon&' A their flrength,’but to 'thinlleAa7*lZet/2ti2g,r59; 4 t ;mi"ghtv3dd¢31f9.inAt~?11§A Wed Ii’13AC€th&tth¢e foul mfifi 5*“-A int Atdutfiftttifhtt fit0»C¢i1§¢t~11t=» C 2 -~ ) in re.-~ (gee: of c1étf.:1;tt.~i 1t%not* think there is any truth in P I"1i1ofophywhichV co9ntradie’cS any truth in Divinityfyet. z1m'I fute that many _fay_ifingsateV truein Phi1OfQphy5 which A atefalfe in Divinity. Forttnztxims and general rules beifig but col1e€tions_to‘t>fetved ft'ot11p:trticuA1ars,, if thefurve be- Afl1.brt,;zzdnimzltp4z4m»refiicien5A, not takin V i"naIlp.attic:uB;.1:s, M the vAetdi@cA or m4a::irt1eA muff %i1¢1cds4tbc? dégefiive, arid’ the }ge-- Anettal rule be liable to ex‘cepAtiQns,7So that arule maybcrauc in. Phi1of'0tphyVas' to. all thofe partieulérs ‘included’ withih the ;ti Objcét of Phflotfqpfmtyptbut falfeif {’trctehedAttataIn¢.sothc1's “m0‘rc modAef?tAdr‘%morc fubtilc will _fce1n4;t0*g1*a11t tImtArc~”a fem ?bt1grht*t0hbéIi¢vc; Wha¢tAGb&l: fayes, be ¥i»t*1f1€iv6r fo %contra1*y't‘0 i tl1¢ir a%pprchpjn_fi©ns; but phcin wh cn_ the queftion is put w§~:é- _ther God fay fuch a thing orAno,4I1crc they .Wi11‘dE1‘iyiift'if 11: “agree not with thcir maxims. Thus what) “they Vg”iv’e‘ wM1 °1:1T:é:<)i1c%: I1,a,nfld they A take kaivgy agziinflh with the,’ '0fhcif ;l}%t9He_%y jpi:tifl‘éit_' Win Athg bézm’ hit *iftJifVntl;i::*;. héwfl-3V~'d¢cIinc*tl1¢ Gvolie “abut talc: Eh: rcbound,wh1ch comes allto oncflat lath. A “ ; A T But howlittk. ;¢ts=€ifi0nt!1¢:fe.i$fordoAi*nga**efpcciaI1v Viv *.M¢fw€¢ '¥?EIS%AAP0fié*r¢4"fiL L"f?*3f€“%w¢0nditi4e*h 30f‘ *4? um‘ane“‘%naturme,* the,;a~1*0ip‘c ft:1‘1%te;5c;s f’%LV1j1j c)\‘>s7“1*«1_ i11‘fifII1Aiti'é*S? Wild j ::ruaa:ai%e;i1z%1y¢ccmma1cc. A QbgfiA'yc; Aiz{g&i##R.éav£oh 3!. % A372, 5w‘h?e*r¢ is it ‘ :acC€>u#nr"th¢Yg1WV¢%i§§§~éiédffffihf in ~%t119‘f¢1:Ym:y;tI1i;n%g%s whcxfe-in yet *fI1;¢“y*'c9‘r3tIa%%d%i*¢‘@?’§ ¢9?r$‘?%I2<2rh~¢r’¢4rWik?‘t7id % A his; ;Afd1;:o{%:*1f‘_‘g,é~ Whfifi &h”C:i;ril'fa*1 16’ the. cffiejnt mi 2 any’ pm.- ” “ » gcnd to be wife r”ar‘1“d "1:f1gnT§i4’“1I”iA«bré fhifiii ‘flfxcmfél?és wfu»<:‘h, but , ‘ S0 d1Cfl'; fl1”1Ehf.. % %¢vz1*Z%%%.t72}iI~*$s*‘é4; biltii‘t’3‘;:{E}di(51iT1&Yb aim!” T£mV¢%4f0~4 —30“t11atind:e€@d mm ‘ x11ay+fo.oncrf Vti~ntw:;‘_’tl1¢n 3.; wif<:..-main: Tc¢fpec_iaI1j7 <:1"on f’i,_4 V V‘ daring tl1a:A1l1c%A. % had need M W26 Vlirwclf” to know one, “ .A11reafcx1 t11cmS.I1s>rr1g11r, nor have i Wheqhc mA1c€At34 A _ A A _V _ ‘ all >me=nriglrn:~;1:ca;ioHi15 ;13h«’<1.t ;L£‘h4'5Y‘ h3V‘3: ’1t;rcaf0n; it {elf ' the%r1” fi:.;1it1c1_s:ir19 h5Ic§d Of:34V?~17~fl1VC"tQ-he. " Wzght wl1c%mEt‘i‘s iriwfi%«ndIh¢11,Q‘?1Y.Wl1~¢ «VVh’=_I11t imigetlx acco1*ding to X1-lfi rmthof zthiénggs t!,1em.fc1ve5a now things m be bc}icve%.d. are c0ht*aiVnCdifl 5:‘.°i17i+¥’.»“V"-'.A%“~.7:.a kt us carry our rm» fon thit13.er,“,;,:andf it»by;th€.,1nA Paras .Azm;flm vc§y‘wcll.<. Ema qrmdiaétzér :r'c’é;'M} abfclum refiiiadv V /17 efzfetm», new 2:15;-.e 52' zzoézlv qzmrenda qm‘zm%A 256% exiffit, id eff’, 2'72 Scriltgtztrziv-5 yzeqzie difart ( qua:cnus{pec5‘cVat bonum 36 wquu1n4) 2: «v0» lzmmte‘ ,D€i;i? "rad" m_.fl'm_ Fiwm V lib;~,‘2”.: ; c;,1p'.: 2;. A ‘ V A IT'3'%otI1wfo,Mo‘1‘ fl1Qr;1;‘V%.}Va.ndtooA W33-1$'.?§Q£."jH1a.kC‘ a, We of d%ivim; Y‘ SAecamz’ly% not 13” miquity Afmthja rule: as 15 ,requ1red.« ]:4n~ H. m iiqzaizy bare-1}’; confidcrcdAiAsAAno good mark, much Icffc rule; %ofA.Mtruth:. .T]l1cA;.Rom4~m:/i::WV4 1171} giving fnf1111'k5J 051116 Atliufi dz:%[ac'2‘ifiaz¢4A6m re';zel;.4Atzz.V 1.2!! edullmr uglmhé 72¢?!-Wi??S of iiat1i§ifalf rca:fonA111ay~ be ‘of fingulaifw ufi::in DiVi111ty , 15 érightly ‘limited by &he Scriptures ,yetarctI1ey§11{¢: fit to be gvgnom, they are 2.d?£tiqId5zty;,‘. ChurchAdoA.aa's:A%Paiimtcrs, M who draw" 1'.-11¢‘ Vfiginc &Mary by AthcVira.oWm M‘ifircfl'@sZ;»V&>:.they;V Lda ‘A not ;:hQ0f¢ I118 Ci;1w:ch by I1crA rr1ar1<'s7,"A‘ but incfcAav(m7rAtiC)A4 make cI1ei:.~ marks; by their Church Inlikc mgnnfir Ahbr¢,~tI1¢ydoj notgfqu are their do~>: étrinc by the true rule, but flrLvc%%to%fix1d nut a rulcthat Wi1'lff‘fit‘tfic.ifi.dO@:1fiI}c,:anC{ yiet 11c1:*ci~11 too they arc ofi:ti.1m€5i ;muchto£~feeI<%. A 2 ‘ T hey cry up .Antiqz2ity%4:vcr4y4 nduch , bidding us ask for: all AtI1iS1~ While; Hm I. misc! ShcsclimBraif¢M1%¢mf¢1V¢$ A the o1d%wa‘y,for multitude ofxdayaes fha1<1A%tcacI1uAs wifdo111e,, ¢ Trove all ‘fgiiilgt txih'iI<:; but no fuch 1t1att“er,u'n1itfi;”c we tfltotddttlookhath” antis‘ quity°andhn'othing hcl*fcht‘h:h but than Iknow who m ay vie with th¢m,thc devil was ahlier from the beginning. " For, our ‘ parts we ptofcflls we do very much tretvttcnceantitqui‘ty,but A it"mu'ft be then in conjunétion with truth; wocannottadmitrct A o1d‘c'trours‘;hbutas Sm"omanhfpeaksof”ftht hoary head, P2é[oru.s~ 1 6. 32“ Tlvehh /abétry bad is zt«c'rowi¢ A ofgloryaif it he fimrza’ in ht/aetwzy of rtg/m>oufi¢ej]é. Vvofhall alwaycs rift upbefotc at reverend hhoaty-7-headed truth; but we mufl have fomcthin-g’ clfct hcfidcoitts gtasy haitjsto know itby,1oPt in {toad of truth We fziluttthér mhasok," andtwotihip a cltoud in fieadtof a god-:~+ clcife. At-1d”as forthchPapiIts,fora11thcitboaftingIo much of the antiqtthity of their doét-tines we can cjafily {haw them, who brought in this »do&rinc,tt-andhottthat dQI3IrincfiI1IO ‘their Church; this ceremony and that ceremony, this ~cotrupti¢-i on otthatt‘ "c'or~tu“ption~. ‘tW*c‘« ncctd ho ’m'ictofcopc to {to how patcht their coat is,%"oft'howA%_fdifi‘crent a thread and fpinm" ning, fottth;ttit"cou1d ncvcr hang together, but that the new would tend the old in {undo-,» the‘ fttong thctrottcn“, 4 were it not for that fame Catholick _p1:.tifl:cr of infallibilityf..:t tBut); while we make the Scti~pt’u»rt:sto‘bc oixrtrulc’, our doétttintc is 3. Camzcelt mzd Fathers. anpicnter thhcn'muc’h"of theirs pretends. to %be.“”" ‘ S1’ /airdly, not the writingso offthc‘.AncicnttFatZ2er:,.not C at-,~_ hons ofhhtcmacheltg II'C1:1?hi'2AI't(§f°?thC'fC;fl'r.C.."fit'flt.0’b€fmidC_thc.t mle of at divine faith. do tattri;butctttttn'iu”th runtoi: *thc- judgcrncnts of “tho{e'"afnctcnt F"athct's, .1Zh0fC"p1’imitiVC Saints and Wotthies, whether cxprcflinthcir private twritinggort fignificd in liawfull. Courtccls.ot :‘ . A. .1 \ 1 were fu;ch_ 354:1; try} ought to t$.e_..ic¢n.~ : A hen the Counsel: tfiffcitrtg of ho1y,V_ab1ch,aAnd learned Pafiours of.theChutch, We look‘ upott ‘thém . as Ibtigjht ".tConft¢11afions, Whofe light wasthc greater becak.ufcV"of*otheirtto tconjt’1;1f:£tiott‘. to They had. not onelydwzum int:/leémr, a,ndth;tt in a:gtta.ton1c:1futre toot A AA A has ‘ ‘Prove all tfaiztzgs‘. as they were fingle Chriftians; but alfo olamtm 27,a:terpren»ttio~ task, as they were Paitours of the Church : and while they conferred togetheig feeking God, they were in the ufe of the belt means to find out truth, and under a prornife alfo, but not of infallibility; and therefore although we cannot make l them they ruleyof our faith , yet ought we not rafhly to rejecft them when they are offered to us; not to flighttheit judge- ments,,:as if they were nothing worth,buti..feriou£ly to exa-« mine their reafons and grounds on which they went. ' ~ We honour the father: as men whom Gods providence raifed up and indued with gifts to quell the growing here- fies of their times; and doubtlefli: if they were more looltt into, they would furnifh us with tried weapons, armour ap- ptoved to fubdue the felffame hetefiesriien again among 3 us in thefe our dayes, and prove as fucceffefull as that ftra- tagern of the Sryt/aiam was, who put their tebehflaves to flight, by butfhewing them the rods Wherewith they had been wont to whipthem. But though we honour the Fa» A thers, yet we dare notwor/kip them, we may not believe in them,nor make their writings the rule of our faith. This . is that which thetnfelves-did never defire, but forbid and abhorre the thought ofg they feemto fay to us , Stand up» for we alfo were but men fubjeéi: to like infirrnities with you; regain ‘mt. tVVot{hip Gad, believe in /aims. I doubt not but they that mended many faults in their own Writings,1eft t fome behind, and I wifh others had not added more. We admit tll€flT1_aS Witneffes, but not as a rule,,finc:e theyalfo ywerebut fallible. ;. The Church totftRomeI1a’s boafied fo long of the i thers, tillat length they grow ayltmoft weary Of‘-in At firffl: they hadlilce to have put the Centnrzmour: out of cotinlter n ance; but afterwards Biihop gfewell was fol bold as to chaI-4 »lengethem,i,n atS€r1non at Peal: Croife, ( afterward print!- ed A 17 ‘Wave all tt77i2‘2g5.l eci) andto offer that if they could produce any one ancienti Father, General Councel, or example of thePrimitive Church for the fitit fix hundred yeares, that fided Wltir A them agztinfl: usin any one of 27»atti‘cles by him named,t and in conttoverfie between us, he would fubfcribe to-A tltem. This chzztllenge Df.*Himfi*yes thought was lmote~ then‘ heneeded to have made; yet having made it hemade“ it good againft Hgrdizgg, and yet died a Ptroteftant. and this was no more theowe all promife, {ayes leatnedDr. Wbim-« I ker againfl Campim: fifth reafon So that the Jefuite need» *“ tP:tr-f.-elite we -Rotter. . ed not to have artogated to the Church of Rome that pti» triledge of the Jews, W/.2of,~' are t'/d‘e- Fat/aer:~: and Malone’ might have {pared his fcurtilouis title-—page againit the Re--- Verendeattdleatned Primate-.;. Tljozagbyoza have rm tbouflteilt‘ 22i‘S H'f‘E RS , yeti lows ‘ye not mm P A T H ‘E R S. ‘We boafl: not of ten thoufand , butatelglad that we have one 1 worth tent thoufand of their Pope‘/72-Fathetjs, and asttlmany. head-‘mailers of their fchools toboot.% But we hope We have the Fathers With us, and Ila1nefur'e we honour them more then’ theyjand yet make them not the rule ofour faith 7 neither. Theyhonoutthem not as Fathers; but as Lords. , and Mailers ,-, as Bcterttcattlani was Wont to call A him , My Lord S*.Aztflz';2. A W t V » l A t A Atfizrefztmfhk te gemimm, l2Z4;2:alé?qz¢e]hterz3*;t.“ - 3; I Dzmzldiczlr damimm Sofiéime Patrem. e t Kiet them therefore be the vaffals, if they pleafe, while we atevlethettueand genuine fonnes-of thoie -an cient Fa=thers~.t And yetnfome of the Papifis A t( to fay the truth) cared not ovetmfuche fotthe juclgementof thefiathe-ts5 when it made. againflithemt. Cardinal Gzzjemye will not feartto go againft-2 the generall torrent of all the ancient Doha-ours *5 fort which ecmemtincleed blames him, but then - Amdfadies takfes andliant fate ttzhat Cajetm faid, was no other -tlgn t A e A A W‘ at; ‘Prove all t'7:in‘__g‘s:;' 19 if what ms pntinpraétife bylMaMo‘mzt€; fiaafiaizargland die ” veers others. it en i‘ V 1 A V i i i A i Fozm'hlyA,N0r1s theyudgeitieitt or teflimoay 0ft»h6'yC/JIWC/J 4. Cb/,5-;i'c,-E. a fufficient rule of divine faith. The Paptlts cry up the A if r ~=Cbarrl2, as much as the jaws of old did the Teaaap£e.- but by the Chureli? they mean their own; i which, by that time the jefuites— have done withit, is nothing elfe but the Pope. 4 But wee’ll keep their tearm the Clam:/a , whole teilzimony they fay is infallible, and neceffary to a divine faith of any one article in religion; and although de-Vale22tz’a and Games would fain mince the matter, and make it onely necellary as aicanditim; yet that will not ferve the Romanrilis turn, which Beliarmine and at-Serra»-hofi"o knew Well enough, and therefore make the teitimony of the Churchneceilary, as a medias teriezimar and Caafl» of alfent in all divine faith .3 and fo they muit fay or come ‘over to us. Now infallibility as it is required to a rule of dolfirine, is nothing elfe but the con- {tant afliitancc of the holy Ghoit ,Which the Papifts re- quirea man to believe that their Church hath, before he can believe fo much as: that there is an holy Ghoit: for «that’s one article. of faith, none of which'(fay they) canibe “believed without the infallible teftimoltny of their Church.‘ ’Wee’l leave the Jefuites to dillinguilh themfelves out of this contradiction, if they can , and i’th’ meanwhile lctua examine their proofs. " ye i T hey offer us’ Traditionfor proof; but forthem to go about to drove the ‘Churches infallibity from the tradition of the MC mrch, is to beg the queition. Let them firltf con» evince us that thechurch is infallible as it gives the tracliti- on,andthcn weelhfpare them any further painstoyprove that iris infallible. A t i V i T heyoften attempt to prove it to usby ‘Scripture 2;.» by ‘wl1icl1.veryp'ra&i_fe they debut condemn themfelves: For, i ’\ i Em”: 31".. 0 l Firll, then it feems P”ro1='e all t7;>i2zcgr.l the Scriptures infallibility be fifties i knotvrubefore and without the believing of the Churches infallibility, qzioalnaininae 'Z1€1hlr2’fl27‘-’ for then the latter may be fpared. And feconclly,hereby once for all they appeal l to rnens private judgements, and that in a point on which their whole caufe turns: ~ and if they tltinksthe Scriptures for cleare for the Churchesinfarllibilitythat aprivate‘ ChriPti+- anmay difcern it, I do appeal to themfelves, whether many other artiezles be not laid down more clearly in Scripture: we fay all. W611‘: but it may be fome will fay the Churches infalltbility is nrft ltnpwn, beforefwe know the Scriptures to be infallible. Ifaythcn, 1. let them prove it. 2.; why . let them a-v do they gorpabyout to prove it by Scripture t’ 3 void the above--n»amed contraditftion. A i i Or if they’l be willing to draw flakes with us, and ,have neitherthe infallibility of the one , not of the other to be firfi believed Then firfi"l€*ttI1€1n‘neVV€r more quote Scri- pture for the Churches infallibility. Secondly, let them not require us to prove the Scriptures by therteltirnonsy of r the Church; T hirclly, they muff give us leave to fetch all 3; Teachers. the articles of our faith immediately from the Scriptures without the midwifry of their Porphyry chair: and then wee’l eafily grant them ( if it will do them any good )that there is no print and pafleria: in the belief of the infallibl- lities of the Scriptures and or theChurch , becaufe there is no ;>oflm'm, that of the Church being none at all. A Frf:é«Zy,nor are the Words and doctrine of our teachers andminyiflcrs to be looked upon as an infallible rule of di- vine faith. A“ private Chrifiian ought to be Very obfer- want of his APafl;our, ( the Scripture everywherecalls for it ) Iieis to reverence him as his fpll‘ltll£l1lF3.lIl]€I‘.,tOOb€fy_ firntias his gover2;1our,tofol.low hirnas his guide, yiceno farther then he ha 5 the S crrpture for his WEll'1"2lnt; Beyefgzi. Jamar: i ‘V . lonbmy of mafifaith the A poflle) (M I am ofcérifl, I Car. it I . I i @rove alltlaingr. Thewords of a godly and able paftour are of great an-?~y thority,:asof one "lZl121lS.fOl?l1lS‘fia,’£’lil‘)l wouldnot willingly fora World leyadfouls into errour ;y;and for his aéility hath n aigreater meafure of the fpirit of difcerning, joyned with the advantages of acuteneffe of parts ‘, much fludy and reading} and long-experience,“8z therefore rnuft he be heard withreverence,& not ralhly disbelieved,nor his doétrine re-— jeéted,unlefI'e upon examiilationwe find it to be concletnned by the Scriptures. Among humane authorities , finch an ones tellimony is of very greatvveight: but a divine faith will digge till it come to the rock ofinfallibility, before it build,-, which is not to be found fave in that holy breath of the unchangeable Spirit, which isathe Scriptures. i Sixrkly therefote,_the onely true adequate and infallible Enz- rule of divine faith is the holy Scripture; this is thataauciz»~5‘é‘?"iI*i:'!%'é':?«§' ¢£g.La*rttnhIn7@’, :9 iaicrlaétlaug-0;, this is that balance of the £ané’cua- ry, wherein faith weighs and t1‘l€S all tnens dofirincsbefore it entertain them. i i i A A A V X . That this was infalliblyinfpired by the Holy Gholl is granted on all fides, andthat it may be known to be fuch may , liifficiently fappeare by what hath been already laid... That it is andought to be the rule of faith, ffllgllt be fully anclaat large dClI10l1[lI'Elt€(Zl; but finceit hath already dew voured all the other pretended‘ rnles,asi t/I/£7’0fl’S rod redid rhofe of the Egyptian Sorcere1'5:> and bccatzife ilvvould not be preventedin that which lies before me, Igihall content a my felf briefly to have pointed at an argutnentfoi: two), and fo palliz on to yvltat remains. l _i ii ; A i Butfirfl: give me leave to premife onely thus much,‘ that whereas fOI_I1e0fi0UI.‘ Divines make Scripture the judge, others the rule ofcontroverfies , I conceive by alittledi- V flingnifl1ingb0tl1.may beradmitt:IcB:l, and that tl1erScrip‘ttu:e 3 t is 3”. rm p1“OVP‘€ briefly in three words thus. A @V0')7é all tltittgti 1% both tfitdgtt, and Sentence, the Law, Rule and Principle of A t f::titI1.The hoIy1Ghofi m?.Stcrtpture;.1s the fifztdge. hfivery ‘ t1*uth€Kp{‘C~f’E.in Scrtpture ts 21 doe-fimttve Satttezzce when ever it {elf is called in queftion, and in refpeét of truths deduciw ble from it it ista Law and Prizttigtlegin refpeétboth ofttruths formally contained in it, and rightly deduciblet from it,.it‘ 23+, and may be ttruly called 4 Rants ttor[ean~ont of fetith and life; arule to try and examine doétrinesbyg and this Itfltalhi I. The Bereams are cornmended byWthehoIyGI1o£’c for A making the Scripture the ruler and trying doétrines by it, and thatfuclu doétrinesttas were delivered by the immediate afliitence of the holy S‘pirit,as was {aid before. 2. The Scripture is the rule according towhich men ought to preach, and therefo‘re211fo ought their doeétrine to be examined byit.» Tortlae LAW dfid‘ to the Teflimmy, zftbcy. _/teak ttot Actatdingta that mom’, it it lzeczzzzfi there 2'6’ tto mow A wing lzguét in them; If.rzz'mb‘8. 20. and I Tim.‘ 6. 3. They? t/ting: tmcluzttd ex/hart’, am! if my mm teach ttlaerwzfi, [ or any other thing ématraamaa ] ma! cottfetztnot to ‘w/tolefltme wards, cram the word: of our Lam? gfefw Clmfft, mm.’ to tire: doétritte width is according to! gotllitae/]e, /at is j)r0ttd,kfl0a3?i}¢g ttotéing, 8cc.r [ See alfo Deztt. I3. V. 311; 25 3. ] and in the 12. Ram. 6. Let Z14‘ proplzgfie accordingto themzalogy orpra-- : portion of fifth, byvvhiich is tufually undetflood the doéhine 4 contained in the Scriptures. But that is at rentarkabler place Gal, L8, 9. If we at Mt angel fimm /flflmvett, my jmzm eprezu:/9 my otiter »Gq/fie! that éwbztt ye /was received, lttbim ta attrtrfiwl. V i d 3. The ‘Stcriwptuteistheruleby whiehtvc muittbe-jutdtged‘ .-at the laft day, therefotre ought it tobe?~the*ru1eof our —faith and life here. tltam. zh.»16. Goa’ flmll jtwlge t/at flzcrettv of tmqxf eatcordzltg ta goflvelgfl andthis we may be rum of A A A A ” ti "7 V that will commanding and p l A ‘Wave oH7tl9in,g:‘a . that that mull needélbe fuitable to Gaa’.t~ will aceeptingantl approving, whichis. agreable and according to the fame refcribing faith a and duty to us, which is revealedin his word. But this truth having been for much infilfediupon, by our writers, and being fo well known alslit is, I forbear fnrtherinlargement on it at the though fome would admit of fomething elfe for a {'econda- [try ri1le,for my part Iffee not how that canbe admitted: for if that fame fuppofed fecondary rule do exatfl:ly,ac- eord with the Seripture, then is it not another, and fonot a if it fwerve never fo little from it,then is- fecondary l.'ul.€:bLlt it falfe. and erroneous, and not fit to be a rule at all: but take it- atthe befl it is but regular regalamlzz, a rule that muft be tried it felf, and who will choofe tomeafure with a Carpen»--‘ rers rule when he bath the ftandard by him::‘ prefiznt; Tllfi Scripture then is the onely rule of faith: And. The Scrzymreiis the ruleand the Pcandard by which all A doétrines may and Inuit be tried,bye arraigning them, be:-~ fore the tribunall of the Spirit in the Scriptures : but it willnotbe amiffe to: draw forth of Scripttlre ea characters or two to judge ofadoétrines by». l A‘ T ,1 . The firft {hall be that of,,1’zml,ibut lately mentioned, good. doétrine mufi be according to the analogy and pro» portio*n.of‘faith. «T-hC1'€ 5.3 21 i'1?Jvf.-’T@T“‘J7faQ3bQ(?l’§, an lwfaaaaniaaraarte. zjyxu dJV5Il’7'€dl!*A6j£«iV, ‘£1 ,w59rprc>c>1*s‘ *rh'§.)a:.~ie'a:a§ :9 JMJZV I Q » e5A143‘e4'at;;if poken _of_in i Scripttire-5 a ilarokly of ldivine truth, as ‘ I may call,it,betWe en the parts andmembers whereof ~ny_;,fymmetry,and ipiroporttonzl as therefore in the natuw ereeeeld l its due proportion tothe other its fellow-members: r fotisaiti‘here. we mnftthererforetlcarefully:compare a do»; éirine eoncerning- one i artialle , with the truthconcerning athersa lead (itf9?ll¥lfl€?l!?¢¢e)fhfialéfif" rhe»ani:r of G'odt» there is an exaéis harmoa-s tall body a melnherlwould become monfcrouslhotild it " ealfeinco l ‘:4 t,-,‘71.z‘.erl,; 3. .?,a’rticI‘e of faith without doubt- A ‘Pmfié. a?lt5ingx.$ ye-tAmui‘t wteAnotp1‘ci%1itd1yforiexzcry d0;tzbt A1é—tgGAour féith, ~ nor quit it forz,"cv§ry‘arga;mcnt tl1at’s%( ‘brought againfic in tlwtigh we cannot a*nVfWAér»1t.4 Amanmayhavc firong de- monfirations'forAa1:ruth,yct not” be ;Aab1eAto%vindi%catc it from all objiiéfions, Awhcmc fcruplcsvwill %arife5butVVthCymayv and mutt bc:*“ ovmtcolnc; bclicvingand attending’ t~QE«h€ deg monftrations andc‘vi.dcncc;fQréthc*'tr%uth,’%thoug%AhA we Abe not ab1e.to acquit 0ur‘f€A1V€SVQf thofcVdi4flicu.1%tics,mW11ich;t£1e% dc-«V» vils fophifiry, and 0U‘11.‘;*0W"H; infidelity may afuggeft. ‘WAc mull not difclaixgatruthsbccaufcit is by fomczcalled in qua»- ftin; much; AA1cITe.:Ai«figenuoufly4 idothéyvdcal by trL,1th5 whd thercfomc;4;Adifc1aim it that A {O bthcy may xcall it into qua- A flionArthcmfc1vc4s.:AWc may notzdisbclievc a truth and fcrapc itounof our fouls, Atlmt fo the foul may become m tazlzzzm, unbia{Tcd¢a?ndpcrf¢€cly indgifi‘crcntc[itI1crto1‘cc’eiv¢a truth, . or :6; rc;ja~e6A‘t%it as our:~%n4cwA%»mc1thodifis _wo,u1d» have *11sdo.. v*11atA.tlyereLz2s~V zz@wl1s::an%art:2c1c of faith_.,and a firfi notion iri-«» gra3r£d‘mJpon the. heart of bymature. Sh1ou1d?I%now go anddnot oincly forbcarc my Aaifent. unto it, bL1ta1fgg’ima« gin: cihcacomtmsry to countcr~poifc"‘thc‘ f<,:a1i1$~natu1‘.a11 fffaisns‘ izmd ‘ A in».c1inv I ‘fin =5’, .b1o=mut ;that:uém@< =~;:gm7$:%5~.tdtry I‘A:<:b.n% Write itbcttcrw 2:": ’" \7Vhat were this eifewbutro la*y%faitI1to» ffakc, :.~zmi thrdw uh: diefor it; to pm: witl1*princip1cs that we may my u;:or1cf1ufions 5 to deny rthe‘t1:uth»%that1,we may %*re%c;ovc~r"% it A 21» ga%in»by$fy11ogifm4esr; to__caPc ajcwellintqtI1c'1Ea,,to fee whe: we c.anA dive ;.z1«n4:c1:1‘fc¥t:CI71A fit: u;psagaim5; 'with*AA%Ath€ %M0unt~c- bank to woundforcxpe1~im%e1ht;.‘and Vcomc-2 AtIwifisA' tlmt wewmay C0nVCrt.§OUrfC1V1ES by4r¢afot1+, to tempt God to cave ‘usA,and4 t tcmpfit :tA:hec%Adcvi1 to drftroy ug. For AA1ny~parr,4% *profcfI'e, I fee newt how this cmbe put 111: praéizifc without: A :bcin’ ‘gaalilty offinnc an%db1afpI‘1%emy. Let tl1cr€Fén‘cwl1o11d ‘ faft 1'ctrux:h by afiedfafc fauitI1,4w4hi;1c are examining do- AA chines’; and AA by V1ho1i’neIT cof. life alfo: ‘for the devils gr: at E 3 Lgains; T m 30 pain end.‘ .i"1:’=2*0iv”ei till. things’. i gains t'hefeil:tteii[tirnes:l12tve~bee~n5 thatwI1ilet.1‘nenaretal~to*1na14§¢e2cqo»~£wea":i,:£1s~;2the Wexzds are of % A him 94 ~ Iifiw; .4a»A4«e6;;nomxwwdA~z¢P M«wWs vffiétif/in 44% “Of g0061»d0t57rine-‘A whichVcarry@s¢>i§1~Vitht1m<:@rrafi~V¢eto.éc.at :03‘ and fiuhdne %corrupti;om. M24 fa~:cmt1;;ica1l% ;to%:.r¢fio4r¢%~and »com*fort«.vthc EQWIK do§*riner%Wh%i@1AL ifiacqor ;Jc1ing 1:04 the will of GM; ,i$j{1'uch gas ;£an&ifie4sc1i¢Ah¢Aarts for §hi.m‘.tbe will of Goa’, «awn yam» fapfiificatian ‘"T;Ahi»s,a11 truth écanmt d«o%,4ne1y¢4 rm-.% tl£;l.1tI1 !;>.f;zG;0:§Z1 ,., ~:w;hic~I1@s:4I1is Wqrdg 4Wh¢n 66* it;iS$h;at{oi;1r~Sam11r pram; :3'°J.vlm. I 7;e“VjI;7:;S4WVéfi¢ them t/Iroztgb thy truth, tby word 23‘ tmt/J. Sygh; “as ki11s4fizanc»and"c1:ms i@n,4ibYrm1r‘ging£t1w c>~f::_tiw £01112. 2 ~and f<‘=fiOr€S:t~l14¢%»£w1~.;co+a iibirimailhmlths by "V«::r?2'1:%.i9a' *j1Eo;é¢; I . 1 8,10 datum thatmt/7 jh ‘2¢¢¢rig}2tem0%t&fi¢cf{é~,V’%tJooifi1p&r§%féf1"2tnd_kéep%Litin?/yold,*4ahd otj:o &y"z't£jv-oé »§o{do it from » ozheorsj obunonot tobold no fi»zfi as are here 'cofi1”ir1§3nWé”é5d~JooTf”‘, Ifovéiogizjtéivé itlig »W0fd5_:c;z7éxav : o‘ I. ‘Toenterfdin, tI’1ri:Sijo”giT1I_y‘to" ooc1‘o‘f=’: wxth, to grafp and lay fafk}%ho1d’of that’”which”isjgood,‘too[entér upon and take poflfefl-in ofifa‘ o3ndVofotI1 é;worL{ i%sI:1fed5Mzzz:tVVbé;%2 38. 4fTh¢ husbandmcn * ~fai&* /_f£Wé7 .bfz7:'€ 5”,‘ 4caTm”eV jlgfi“ A as? * Jkilfi him; ,9 :e/#679 is£bgd':. A 2; The word, mvgfxau fignifies to'.;»¢t;z.i;¢» to holdjfaft and keep jzofliiffionse t,hUS.mufi‘wc@not;1et.goeeeo;ur%h01c1,‘n0r quit; our interefl: in truth eitl1ex;‘tIirjmA1gh feeblcfiefie or fickleégg nefle , ? ehrou h [want of firengtll 0%r’Want: of Pccdfafhmeffeg and chusithe §mitfu111¢.1earers .;areie[f'eiid'.to, be fuch as A do em’. Km, bamg beard the ma: do {{*eep*vz’t in in /m;4e,$}zm!egoad. b¢m,%t;f?:L,;k3:g'_HI5;e I . A ‘ ‘ ‘ Q 3.The word meaxav xmports alfo the m4i;¢t4i;¢iIégVdft1*4ueI1,' % W 1 ’tlie holdingbf itefaff, riot: or1€IY 33 a. poflfleffion,-but alfoi as at firong HO1d;{0l.‘,eC?1fl21C;.. defet1.di_ngeit4 againfc any that flmlle go aboutcg oppofeeire,or«to(fpoi‘1useof itg andeeivrcffit fmm us. This the SC'1‘iptureCXpreflese,fometime‘s bythte word; xpxffitin wI1ic;hi1np1yes an_I1o“1Vding4faftbym:;1in firength, a-~ gainfi: any forcible or violent affault. Sometimes by ciyi-é;ge+:'§ as if1eth€1tp1flC€ T it. I;.: 9- «B1fl1OP1'11l1fl?'bCe¢iI_V*7'e;>¢5;uev@+ emf A that laoZa’s4 fafl Mate feietbfidi: wom’ e aaiofdifig A’/we 4/mt;lr eéem’ mz¢gbt;,:e~;:etj124te 77143’ .3;ebe* ;aé»le;5y ‘flame,’ edaefffine ;5021a‘ we “ewoX4."'."‘. iiyorp and ‘to comvinceeeet/aegairz ayers: A the Word properly figeni-« fies ‘yto..ho1%.d againfi: :* and ft isisethe fihird thing implyed in ¢ zh€~wem‘d xewvéxeve-V ;Y.eou may fee’ all: threcee things together expreffed inane verfc; I; Taéebald afe.i7:;tj3‘ritc'?ivr2.e (there is the firft ) , [at /96?‘ not go (there is the fecond) , keep laer,efor”]7:eist6y1%’-(th€1‘¢iSTth€At11ird»)7 ” ‘ A ' ; Thusmuch mayeferve in breif for the eexplication ofthe WOrds5,*theefCnfe whereof an1ountse"to thusmuch. ; C j jT1:nar wlmt ever doé‘crinéewee;doe due et1€iaeI1~b: the z.z:>m&’rZ ~ word of Goalfind to beVtrue,accord1ng moe GaAd;§l1o1yWi11,. and t»cndir__1g. toefanfiificaetionand «f211Vati0n;.,we~ muff take and kecpfi1{’t1101ede0fit, clofe with it tbroughiy, and adhere eomitixn1'nov21b1ey‘.e e A We mufi Mai it “faffg Whicell I1aveV.:11f0e;expereef’c « to us iflSC1‘iptL’11"C,by fh17m’iWgfzt‘[li7¢ etel?eM]’d,{t'«‘2:[ IC0r- 155-~13-‘J Continz»ir.1g',;ger0;o/zaicavl, Md fi'ti'1£<%' ifl "56 fail‘/2:1: COM]: A I - 23%-.3 ’ e F 2AA A cflzzélzfbwl V M- $ vb, .4 " “Six ‘P9523105 fa Zvoiai tr'm.?7. I3. Belwwiag. EZ’éld'fiz/Zeeeilfiae W2; i&.good;. g/iaéli»/k gcllin Vt/1.4 mg:/7, [27 I 2:...e deceived, ba:eao;z:zmemae z‘;¢etl2et5i;g- 1. Bé¢auife?“e£'1;1chezrneaflem: is—dme zaezwtrzatb ‘it {elf Truth is’ theprope;ob§ex5i;»of the undcqrfiandinggeaned if thc‘t»1*l1the:: be prcfemeede Wie114efuflicien«t cv‘idehce,»eezehegems ownixighee: . or of divine eeeemeny,romeeqecaion«eewhceherehc euendm-3.A fi‘andingeeeeanefufpeng~@e40f~*i@8 emthflaallmake us“fre‘e,but than _ mufl:efufi”erit to euntyr us, whicheit cannot do unleffe if be enterc‘ained by us. The potion,be it never (0 A H A 1 V _ A . foveraigng mnnotewre~us urnleffe we drmk and takeitin. Oursaviour prayes, ]€fe_eF[bé’7fi through My =trut/9; but if we A ' truth keep us, then We niufiebec fuec to kee-pit, it;igee1j;1(eeeaee:f0p+«A trefl"e.jVV.hata loffc tI1en1:nufi the Skepticki heads be at, Who- aflentstonothing *3‘ "J1§oW.“ unfatisfieciis Iuise mind eff how un-9 wavcrin:g,~and A A T * A certain: _ I, . . ]_éW >“W:”§’55J95t5s.e 1: 2; »Tzm;. 4;» 79.] A am; cantimWgae“1nE 1:; thaet;ecxI1woirr;':1tior1r;% Of S;.‘P2ml‘t0TimvWj*; z.?Ve;'a‘zfi‘"; gee/94;). xzpverefl others} aw \ fl"4f4f”J’~- And thew?‘ fucfi anaffent 7 r2re4*cj?]aiz§~y 5 ; would have pturcgfidesi q%mev.creditm%. Many t1'uthsti1ci*e be, which at Holdfizfl t/mt ug/aria a good; M certain thing is he *3 «-8. fame: itells us that as daznife mimévl mmazka zmfhdzle an all /92': wzzye.r,i( 1.. 8- )i and if a doubting man 156’!-Me Jf~iv;an thenifurclya Sccptick is Mezéxivpec, of a thoufand fevcrali minds, or rather a’L,Lu;g;, having no foul 0?: ~ mind at all, choofing to loofe his foul I'3.iIhCl"I then be at the icha%rgci~of entertaining truth,ori maintainingian opinion: like swarms,» he s goes to the market ~ to buy innthing,f thinking that he hath no~nc:ed‘of. any thing. i In his foul he is quodii-4 hcticali, in his life he ciamzicam, as S. fifizzmes {peaks am- flable‘, and inidcedvdifordcriy in all /azk “Wye:-.: as the word rnayi.~bcintcrprcted-.5. the divers lufis after which iicis car- ried and goes a vvhoringg, will not fiiffcrhimto wed and piigimtaiiisiaixzli to any truth. 4 A i . i iIn.litt1cbettcr condition is the fickle and Linconfcant — man, who isncontinuaily fluttering up and down from one opiniontovananotiicr,ncvdr{etrhngnor abiding by any. iies entertains trnthby in the j day, he takes it in but it fiaycs not with him ," bcingi‘difie¢mpcrc“d with a kind of intc11c=%ny:“ ghisis faith; which though it be rmzciihcipcd by t11atiiaoti1crJa1’fi:nt, when iinzconjunéti-. Q,-m~;M;11§t, Yet it is ofterifotindwithotxt it,iandthis is that iifihixtizpoti which Gm’ will have our falvation Itoidcpeiggd: and this mufl: we 'd1€I'€ff01‘€yi<'.’1di_!JfltO truth. . . ~ A I ; Becaufe thisiisicf Tdi-waywlieirciniahc iWi11%favcfouls,by' ‘Faith "not by Philofopihy, a1tl1oug:ht.ait.may“hb¢h' man" would i ii ave1i1~:ed that way bffiig, hat itfleafwl Gm’ t/arouglz tbefa-oZz'/h- affreacbéazg, jtafiiw theizz tbatéeliew, that 1:116 glory of aha pmvcrgmigiat be of God: ASi.V%Pzzal tells us 2 T/9e_fl::2.1*3.. that God imz/a flow the ézegzzztzizzg c/aafm yaw to "SaZ«wztio;a %%r0!!::g£T Sa;¢é7ifz'catz'w¢ 0f the Spirit and aezafaf t/ye mtt/a. and M on the otlmj fidt: pug Sz£'§2"0m* tells us plainly and withcut 2; apai-ab1c,ilaei that heifer?/as mt flmll éeidamnen’, Mark I6.:I6~.i A A 2- Btcaufc this vvayiof faith l11akCSIIiQ1fl2fOf*4C/yr?/fi- «’h,,,m- fqggritywag9;‘iflfi_ffl11iUg_V‘@1V&ya Faith A takes the furcfc and fafi-*c& hold of truth.;By fait/9 ye flwmol, 2" 1wC'0r. L 424." but yezvillazot évelierve, jiarely ye /7241! native qflaélijbed, Iflzic 7. .9; -u;%;:;~zr;: N-5 2:: -wrassrs 1N.‘7 ::::z:=. Faith and firmneire A A arev'm'ynea1*e of kind in the briginall-.;, the word for faitlx gxfowsupon a root that “figflifi-CS! to i,mWrz]72i; rlodangcriithcn of withczring or fading away g ithci jufl: by faith fhalilive, {hall indurc, {hail perfcvercgifleé. .1 Q;.3 8; And it fignifics to 31R)‘: i H€l1C€__Th'_ 97‘;§"§1 7'=.é"5r=a,u,e?ut.c¢>{.L53z/at, §J)aac7aI , :3; mi? gag- dmmvépcevol. Bfliflg “grozmded, dfld fffflfll, hdfid Ilih¢W¢0’Z/Ea’ flifflflgh A faaa, afsitinaybe wcilltranflatcd, (201.1. 23.; A ‘ i i But wherein may "foams fay doth this greatyfcrcngthof h faith Iiea=3Qr how Njcomflcs it to be fo furc an holdjfaftst‘ A r ” I anhfimgx-ibr1efly. i ; ii i i ii V i ‘ < ~ A 1. It is;1n Itsownnaturc aidependfng garacr3,?‘anc{7doth’ chainthcfopl toGod, who 15 Adan anhimmoveablc éafla, haven truth 11: felf. Its root is faflcned in God, anc1ifi*o«111i:1im a it d1’£lWSElfldifL1CkS continuall fupplyhiof flzrcngtliiandinoula rifhmcntg, ' complication we may fee var , ‘Sometimes the dofiti the _Saints, aim 3. 2 Sometimes theyate faidto bedelieuereal into, that, Rom; 6.17. vttuth, and on “the other fide, that to he in us 5 we to zzlvzele in I tlitoflages and pawns ‘A Gael he eflgzeges withits faitlt.‘ , Gededepczfiees his trutltin the foul,ancl that 33:" “ lain laccsits faith in G0dala11d_ cotntnhs it {elf alfo into his . hand by believing, I 1’.et.f’4l.§1 A 4 “Gofpel l countinghim fair dour, z Games; 191. as anew A perfecutiot1,is this:T hat i en thetlvetactty and mfalll Held that Telviela iegoedl. riflnnent; yea ft1rthet,it,,ellotl1 link the foul to God: truth by a mutual clafping of hancls, as it were. The foul layes hold ;onG’oel by faith, and Goa’ holds our faith in his own eZmz;g-,6- ty hand, (and noneécaln t3.l:1‘a1nce. Th Scri12turesAwerc Written mu might {be-?Iievt~,¥ ‘t:h.3.t.byW.V“‘hearVin,f/3 you know t/aemmml be e/£4512‘/Ioeolin tlaeprefint mot/o. ’Though they were already efiablifltcd, and therefore might {bent nottto need puttiugin rerncmbrance ( which is the means of eftablilhment) yelttheApofl;le thought itrne ettto do it oi-5 A wayes, even as long as he lived; for it would further confirm them, and be a means tokeep them from fallingfrom their , M V A l’cedfaf’tne‘“fl*e, and to perfevere in holding‘ fart that which is ood.“ _ ‘ t e ~ , » a t. g Fooortbly, another wayof holding faft that which is good 4. Tom; in is by profiifiog it cozzfoimtioojly. Tokeep the ‘command; fife’:- tnents, rsto obey them. afefm Cbrzjitel,ls his difciples, ?o/"yo 1 3510, Ifyetkeep mycazoomoodooeotsyeflmll abide in o¢yelot2o.- as tnonybr'anlchetsasbring f0ft1itfEu1t&l31ldC irlrrthte er; and ‘rare, faflened in it byt11¢fa9”’;th€y draw. 1 S -.;'l30»5fi I «€[?i;fI‘.-3 -0 laltverfe, Hotbot keepethfnzy commafidmerots owe/zero him, ’w?;'£‘7Yd\Vk:gl>z“”b'Ab’£.~"‘m\‘3 ondhereéy ove'Im0w otlmtloe tobidctb in W: 5)’ T/16 Satori; whoa}: 176 book girueozoos.e, f S . Peter 2,. Cpifi. chap. ext horts to gave alldiligehce ltlaodvo faithvcrtues ttemptle . ;:ancel,‘god1inefl'er,charity, and; '<\fcfi“0f ethic jgraces there in 1‘€C1(On€jCl 1t@3lfor fl tllefi’ tbiflgsh éfinjyozo rmoi obartnd, I/‘otey will A G 2 u it in make 444 ’$: $1135.. ttfiel _.S'dm2eofm..m 52 4/Ymmedgi iv/gen fie» comet}; A 1522' Father, wit/9 the holy arzgely. Andrew/aofigw,_ /M” dmy‘ rrJozd,ra/2rzaatwzyzebggaoa. i”m4key~oi.4fi~2i’2‘fi4l1~tint/aeknaavlwégenffefds iCbirz_'/Iii; they will ‘ ‘put“*fO'71‘ti‘1r~ thentfelvres into aets; and What then?" ..rz2érf;'1o~; V If yevtdotbefi t/mg: ye /ball m"U£’r f.z/1.‘ ‘ ~ V A i A _ Of: times cufltonlneoengages men to continnein‘t¢vi1pm- Pcifes, while they are aihamed their principles,’ but when goodpraffifes are backtiiwith» goociprincxples, t‘hrcAengag¢r- ment is the flrronger toircorntinue in~tl1erh anrdi defend ‘them; and brings forth fillit with patience. A good heart is the An honrefi and good’ heart having heard tluerwordg keeps it, H fittiefi cabbinet to keep the good Word of GM in. * And ’in.,. ideed, %i_W+I1en4 once i the word is ingraffeti upon the foul by faith, r1tover-—ru1es the fa}: of the Frock, and fanétifiegi‘ the; r i7ruit.i Truth being efpioufedtto the foul hy faithtand bedded by love, brings forth fruit tinto holinefle ( faith working by love )and poles firmatr ca;-zjzagiztm. If we would be /mlrfdfl ;md'z'mr)zo9~ fill zmfa i/2édeatb,.’m¢%d«J; :pél£.ggIv%a t/2gg,;z%¢ira:v;¢%V%k2fV lifi. .%ag;.1in%,‘ Hold that .t1Jzim f?}:«‘lfl'; ‘let 1720‘ man take if/ay%cro232z¢, }Reru.3_.V%%1 I. Tba‘t’S 21 fifth way of'I1olding f§.&¢thatwI1ic4I1‘is gQ0d’;b5r’ d the conftant profefiion of in] v A » A SixWy,th€ fiXt11?1n»d laflwaythatl fl1a11n;1¢mc,is6y..c0;z-3 .;_ CWM. tendizzgfi2r%izewe§?1pr. I:ndced%,.Afo«10ng asa~m:m can 61159)! “£- hishoufe. yA%aI1.LlnfdifislrbedmffcflibnghcnéédinVOt cQ4ntcnd A about it iha1I%attcmptA to breakxt rgpcn ,, when%arobbe4r+fl1a11~j% fer upon him f0r 1‘i3PUYfi‘af’¢fi* ‘,..1:Vfi; w by violence totalmitéfrqm him»*t1TI€nhédinufircfolvc forit, .Vcnndicion ef truth in%th1sWorld,it’siM fiatc%m11itan:,.:on~ ='. gigually iurrounclascl and b¢fet% %%cn[¢mms,L whof‘c ring-— G léadeg 46% A rheheloudfs gaeirer épgce, and Tome begin to feara rftorm.-;‘" 1:; cQhc%ernsrjq§inw1fdrome AI1’oWev’er to provtde forthe wrqrflg r fro‘ be well fettled 1n"‘the*fa1tIa,to buckle on ou1"I1arnefle,}a;nL§ Hold that ')?b72ic7.<> ircgoocfl... A 15343;" is ”$atan,wA the vfather of ‘lies; who layes Teontinuali "fiege’totruth,r not erthéit he defires to have itehimfelfgbufit that he may difpoffcffe others‘ of it,. and .f1ight;r it when he ha’s ddne. ,’ Twas but needfull then that the Apoflle fhould ex- “hort us, to contend ezzrmflly for tbeflzitb, which am: om: de- ljmredmztb t/Je Szziygtrg aim 3- ebb They were betruftede with it its Withrra for: or baffle; arrdhwould. ibe rtreahchery A or ‘co-he Wardife nbtto defend it to the 1aPc’.r And Pam exhortation may beof fingular ufe to us for our encouragement; I Cor. fl _ I6. I 3. Watch ye,fia;2dfizfl in tbefizité, §[wz't yaurfilwzsh like mam mm’ as jirong. Aga11a_nt*fpeefc:h ofae tried fouldier, A r ho had fouglit _a good fight; ‘himfehlfiand was now ready to “receivehiscrowh‘; ”* be r A A A A Now though it be the-« duty of every rCrhrifiian to co’nr-.- A tend for truth, and that earneftly; yet every one in his own bran]: and border: for .4 may 23 Z?-0t crozvnea’ except keflrive law-~_~ A filly. Private Chrifiians they muit Prrive by earneft prayer to God, that his truth mayhave a freerpaffage, and be vié?:o- irious, while otI1ers, whom Goklhathr given commiffion and . abilities, alfohe ccntend fqr it by preaching, djfpu- ting, ‘and Wrrtxntgl 1n_ elefenceh qf rte-.;_ all f"ufl“erino'h%f@r i;t,yea, and dy1ng‘1n~w—1mefi*c to 1hftr,*1f°GOdh‘1n his provi encc ~e flmuld call them forth :oit.r‘ Beloved ,_ye have not yet rea- fiftedunto blond, but ye hknow not what times may come; I to ‘forrifie“‘oui‘ “fiehres inholy refqlruthions:tor'ftand ourrarms having be our loyrnsre e1rt’abb*u—r‘ with truth; and wezhadrrneed lime truth g’irt,,fr;1()‘fc‘”"ab?"b’l1‘t, us-,e1i”c we may‘ch%t1i%CC “toij ihavea ‘ A up of ’ itrcrrthhf ai‘Irc%1b"Wee enever wifcrr 1 2‘E1”*SrrSgmZs skiff: by David he " ile heflept randpereeived grt not. “Or elfeifmr ' time of perfeeutioti we may deal withi*t,ia‘s the your; g member ” ‘ in iz'1theGofpé1didby‘his_1inen C1oQt.h.,,WhoC11thCfOllIdiC1?S13i§1= hold of him-, /ablefithe linen cloth, mwlfled flow them fld/W15’ _Mark1["4. 51,52“. A Some ( itmay be ) may think iubuta. niccty tixatfomt f théo. APriII1itiV¢ oAC.hF=imo3“5 300d Upon, whcn:hcy4tého{?e_:o facrificfiothciriowno livts, r21”tAI1er othocrr ‘ fprinkleiva :1it1;1”e: frawnkinuinfé 11900 fifioo i«d.01iS C¢nf;é1"-.' S.0mc¥ mayoimagihc-operhaps, that the jMart~yrs [of A”1ao:c1* years werctoo‘ ftra-i=gI1t—la;£¢d, mélflyooof fufkring upon the“ article of.“T‘ranfubfianotZiati0fl W?“ %_€,d «a¢45a7£r*o ‘as a fool fdaidothofo XM14.thy£S'fQLifl'l1Y“a!}d ;no¢d1¢fl}§#afi.éWa§ tI1VcAVii.*: *Iiv¢s 1’ fureliyoz 7t‘h€YL1:l”,1d€1‘fi0d~ fxvc1Yc§oug}1;,"tI1i1tto:‘ 'deny‘» the much wa”s:to.o deny C/Erfl, wand wwoi'flii—pping otjhci boread was n(o1efl?: than .gr.ofl7eoi‘do~1atry5botl;grievous ii tjfns, oh4;71‘d~fh»ey"»b1ecn 1eflTc,tol1ey~ ;n%i~gl11;«noV1:,o they durfi not Imvc" tommiettcodthc1n,o.otl1o‘ughotooofavfi; th¢i~t_:1iV~§$~¢~ jéi r But as people and o5o::€foS*r ~m11Pt gooxptc F01‘; t_fht‘i’;”'tt15l.I~tT§ ,1" £0 Magi.f&rwt£:' mcaonotx ocomlfed of1T0m;—iotA- Wllfit an a.b;t:toc:+A “m.cfn‘t was it in ,xhc:Loo:atsiOf f‘ divers of ‘I,$Z%i;1gs~ooff];uda_h; ** Afar; «?profcI’£‘as;than‘hcharos;tlm¢.:d.9A49. '( oamti ;1ao£e';goc3éd"I<;ings othfirwaififi 3. fifllat oi—dq1lworfl1ip aw 15%; W5" to1o1*m:>c.»»ando$wink£ at ‘rim »hig11«;p1acqs, and not utterly j‘eb0:4[b. mooted 0,~bc1ovc:ch .c¥.r2di»iso,a jo¢.a.~1ousG;od 5 he will not"’i1’”‘;1f;‘;‘ ’endur?c his woorflhip fiO713§"L0§31:’ruPtQ€l,3l1‘(Mi doom 1;I1ink}he will _}'o§l:§a,m,, '{‘$1;£¥"cr.‘h~i$ atruvh 120 be oaoC£ulte2:nato¢<1oo*? ;Wi1“1~hcno?c fufihro :th'c 5’€’30f’=mP’0—¢t»~ idexv.z’Z.c.._, shut jWi11"h‘C:p€frmoit~_ dfiaoéffimcs Hf de*Uii.:. ? 35 not -his~tri,1rh: ’I"fE‘Ci.0Tl;1So_ :;t;9~ 3, Vmdo Ihc Anotjoalous ;oxzc5r: "tfliat *3» AGM willnot,c:11d*1«I1:rco*t1?0f€:ot*11o€1tW017fl3iop «3nOt11er‘oooViGQd? fb§fidésr!1i.m, mmhofc ;ot¢11£l:1I>Ii ©th€1‘—$t_oit: rcadc oe-4 ~*vw~oér"mm-’ 3oa«c17pccia:l*liy:é5¢*7oa :3»; 19;; is (ion: 3cot11ed~»v"é‘hat3;h6fyoooOulihbfifi:tO1:€»i‘:fi£Q.@§1»"W1?l9ooQP¢n1YQLCFJWFH-395 A 4gain:£?c“hiisaG_ A o A W M * 0Aur»b1e’fl<'cd Swionrzblamoso _tl1.€ :~C;Igu1?c;I?1 inofl‘/ayzttim, for {'uofFer&ifig”¥e»2m1m»l='.to ,[cic1?u§2c,;1335 I-“°.1‘~V?%m§S; o2Zerv.2‘.:2o&. and he 1 ' ;1;h§o,7]‘YjQ‘?{4iM;Z¢»5Q;oanC£ 1i%§“%c& A “ A fQ¢¥§.%hi‘m1§7% ‘ on r 91 O 9.. 5‘ Fe; m 1. 1‘ A < Whicl1thingS1 : lick1y,oppMolemy~truth, revile my farlthfu1llMinifters, blaf-A A tphcmc my word, ~ y'e"a,, even deny my very Godhead, tHo;d fa/zizmmlrzcia 5.; good.t layes itlheavily to the cltargeof the Church in Pergamas, that ill: fufferedt thofe that taught it.’ Ifievz/., )2. ll 14, I 5. Thou A /a.».zfl‘t7vere them that bald ht/aelldaéhine of Ealmzm, “mad the“ do»: Efrine oft/2eeNico14it4:ér, w/air/a tbigzg I laazte.-.r Repem‘, owl will come qzrickly andfigbt zzgainflee them withtbefword,ofmy,,7¢30?2fl1rt ' The Church it’ felfwas forfthe genertallr; and the A Govern- ours of it orthodox, holding ‘fzafitherfaith, and that in the midft of perfecution, (as Cbrzfl himfelf bears her witnefl"e) erlbecaufelthere were fotne fuchIhe’reticl ~d:3.rk*:thCn itvvas before it enterteinedthe fiiith of C/Evriyhby "how ‘much a blaze of th01*nsied0t*I1'l€:.we ithe houfedarlcer “ ithsefl~‘it'~tjy01IndA..£t.' iW’i1eh;ehe iighto fithc iG0fpe1 flmiil be we H A ..m0Vfd‘3 . A ‘ ’ iifilordecdy is hold to tell Queen’ Efllienthat if fhemheid her i» peace , the and ;11erifetheirs h0Uf€hfl1OLIldib€ defiroycd ,, and xdeliverance :fl1ou1d: come fame othcrway, Eflker 4. 14. A A Neither let anyman fay, Let tmthiaIone,i,it willlbe fure . ietoprevaeile andihe viflyotious. For be it true, that net ail the hemalice and fubtilty of Satan, nori all the powers of da1*k~%- eneffc fliali ever be able 1: make any one fyilable ofthe truth. A of and prove falfci ~.;, though they ihould ccelztm terrzfmqeee A Plaid ti/mt ‘1rhz'pc7:2h isgooflt V ~inot7ieclit,l the tPrinccrof darl<”n'cfi"c will douhlchis gt1a.rds~, h2‘l.l_1Cll1¢ap on irons,evtn chains of darkntfle, t 0 let it tl1erc~ fort be our carcto hold fall thetruth while we have it , to ~’conttndiif’or it carnefltlyg that We be not fpoiictl and robbed I of it-.%But tliarweltnay contcndaright tal<€_tl1€l.Ch two mics, ~ A r._ItmuPt not beouft of contentioufnclle: arninificris forbiddtnbeing contcntiousi-,‘ and yet" iscomtrmntzlcd to conttntil , and that earntftly forthe faith. ‘A quarclfome contcntious—humottrwill raif: up {trite about wortrlsl when »thc°rcis no ground, or fiandamemmz in re. A proud man ( though perhaps orthodox in i‘l1S judgement )Will not con—- - tent ~himfclf With the rcccivcd form of found Worcls,thc. ufuall language of *Chri{’cians in all 4 ages, but willinvcnt 3 ‘rntwt [ct O»l:ipl1l"flfCS3;nd uncoutl1lexprcflions,whichno man all}: can without ptnn (it is well ifhimitlf can ) unrderftaztd. will l’10tt1‘:.1dCWitl1 the world but in a coin andlanguage of his own, Wllilt atroublcfomc man 19 this, that impofeth upon thcwo1*ldaintccffi,ty at making new Diétionaritsif A thcymtan to convcrfc with 'htn1?=..’ if cvcry man fhoulddo thclikt," what a prety Babel {houldwe have 2? and allthis is but tliathgnaay farm to be fingular and to driller fomcthing from other men. But we rnuft not contend out of a mom... 1 2ct~§at,tlE)»Llt 'gEl7t:>L?»li3‘Eioc.,7 not outfiof la lovclof contention, or afwoii fiztftatiott of fingularitygbut out of a fincerc love and*2f- fetflzion to the truth, 1-md a pure zeal for the. glory of God. A N «either ninay vvo make the it pretcnfions of ourown private quarelsi,as toolrmanylénatc apt to do. Ihavcread of one i M.»zrtbi.«,t~r King of Hwngarymand one Geargra Kirxgof Balm A A mix:-, that fought a: ten years warrcupon a“cliflI:1'encc in l point of Religion, and then at length agreed that their two . fools fhouldldtcidc the controverfic by fifiy-cuffs. Bythci warts they lhtwrd how much they pretended to to truth and religion? Held fir/5‘ We Wvivtrrire'o0ld» 51 religion, andiby the way of agreement how littleinVCl‘eed....o they cared fo1‘tth:tandItltmk, tf P[Z¢M?‘C[’ItW€1'jCDOW-—aIl\.*€',.* t it? would be no hardmatter for him to finda parallel. t A 2. Our zeal and contention for the truth mutt be pro» pottionableuntd the matter whet'ein it is or as fire burns hot-t terinironthenin ltrewt fo mutt we contendrttore esre nefily for truths’ of greater weight, moment, and impor--t tance; wherein the glory of God and the falvation of fouls is more emphatically concerned. We muff not contend fotall alike, much lefle be more catnefi for vminthllanel cu-‘ minea and negleet the greater things, becaufeout private fiomaeh or other interettls bound up motettintthofe them thel"e.h But I have now donewith the fixth and left way of holdingtfafl: that which is good , vie. rorzterrding fir it " ems-eflly. It now terttains thatIfl1ould"cIofe,up all with El wotd of ufe and eppliczttion, and very briefly. A A K ( ' Ztfi ‘I. If then it be the duty of every Chriftianto hold 1! z: rt fall: that which is good, hence then are torbe rrprorvea’ ell: tverfe forts of perfons, I wtillbut point at them. ‘I. The Scfipticlgtllat holds nothinget all. H 4 2. Thole that lswidff indeed, but it is that which is me good, that hold; errours sndlherefiesyand of thefethey are tenacious enough, even unto obftinaey: though brsyecl in amlortar they will not pztrtwitlt them. It is faiel of the Pharifees and their traditions, {Mere 7. 4. rwatgénatfiaf We-;12'y, they received them toholdthem faftt; they took them with tt1‘eJfolutionnot to let them go for better for worfe. Zeal is _ goods in 21 good matter, but this their holclirtg felt is to their help to drown him. l ; 4 A . 3.“ This reproves thofe that held, and it his gem’ which they hold, but they do not hold it Mr all w_avering and in- A A“ f e H 2 A tlcottltant own tnifehief, es’ la fihking man holds felt the Weeds thsit AA * ‘ _ A V 4% AA co-h{{an‘£'eperfei1§s.e, But thefe al-fol have aleeeady f'poken7 ~ A A fomefihing to ientelzeeefercgomg pa1‘t‘Of my difcourfe. 4 iyozd,ej2%:Im:e1:;c1;ees gooJ.ee ujé 2;" Iwill therefore eor%xclu?de ‘eel! with a wordwof ee'x-*- bortatiomwhvieh yeeI pe1‘Ce1ve1se nothing elfeet.-hen what I: In havcbcen. doing all this while. Ievill adde onelyto xvhzm " hazel: beenfazd ae mauve .01: two% 3 and a fewxmeans or die Me'zf5m I . % 1‘lf,’a?iOI"lS. :ve e % *..% w. . %~_ “Ar . ~ j f ‘ e \ % 1 1:.< T.hefirft’n1ot1ve’letbetheconfiderationofourowneez e~oncernment,how much 1t 15 our mterefl to hold fafl: that ~ whicheis good. V Truth is our treafimf, and a wifemanr doth ' {elf to be ejefied outof hisinI1eriean~ce; ’Tis our _em}:lem:eg e not ufeto b7ef'oveeercafi1_y Aperfwaded to part with that. ’Ti§ ourpefl?f5'z'a;¢, a man W111 {me hard before he will fuffer him-§ ‘due evidence fora Kingdomc, and fhallxveenotelook care- ’hoId fafi thafwhichis g,ood.”7 e » . % _ _ % A ‘ the danger we arein of A loefing 11', m refpeée of dezrezrvm, who would cheat us Ofita _ A fully toit Iteis our fizrtrefls, whiI.e‘_we keep that,el1atewill V preferve us; like Yztlyfiir his mafl, tie our {elves fafl to it, and I A e_ wefllallbeefafeg yea. ’Vti*s our lzfe,.eas% Solomon of wifdomefi k-eep‘ber,fi9r /72¢ z3'tby life: our eternal falvaeion depends up- » ‘on our holding of it». If we give over believin liems rwtfl:all ‘ée ol4"mne:l.- } Ifwe grow weary 0 well-4-edoing, méthwte. /zelinefle no mm flmllfee Goal.-e‘e Ifanyelove not :Chrifl:- and histruth, let /aim be anathema.-V If anyman deny them...’ before men, him will %C7mg'/i deny befere /25: AA Fat/yer wbiclz 53' 2'73 «A /§ezz'uen.. It is abundantly A then“ ‘our; A meanifold iiztercfftoe 2;. Hold truth fzstficonfidering and juggle it fiom usgein refpcaft of open enemies that wouicl. by,;1“force weefl e-it from us : The Devil goes Vaboue e ' like a roaring Hon feeking whom he may« devoumre. AV And as at all” times we hadneed tohoeldfaflthetruth, Co A efpeeia1Iy~ in timeseofei’fieed1u€tionand apoftafie, in times of’ f eennggation Mud inmneQfeper§'eeu}:;p;15yve e_l_1_ad need mq deublee; , /ye t/mt Abe-~ V Holdfifltlzazt dtbic/ah good? d1Ving - rotnake thatthe find; of his tyranny, wherehe would dii?-.~ play the b1oudycn"fig'nes of hisrage and cruelty-.; and yet in this tvex;'y place, there were not wanringrrlmfe, WhO*m1dC17 A hisnofc,and to his VC1“yTAtCCth did profeflne themfelves the A ftvotnrfervanrs of CbrzfiA“and truth , and /7:75 utter enerriicstl What anhonourwas _this to Clarift-g. who Inainrained hirn- felf a Church in Seatans own Imperial City; and how kmd- ‘ly doth he take it frtomtthofe ,, who atefuch a time anhdirt fuch :2. placedid flick fo clofe unto him. and to his truthe. A ‘Which he calls my fzziz'£v,e and my mzme, he can as foot; for» get his own name and ne leaft his own giory, as his truth. But then , howfeelingly, ow patlxctically doth he remem- ber and (even by name) make mention ofhxrntipxw-' In rrlaofl: rdaye: when Antz'pM”1vM«my4 }%z'rl2ft;l1mm~tyer,8tc. 1:3 tbofi alzzyerg, he keeps an cxacft accountoftheAAtime, and rmitkcs Azztipaer * his death the Epac/94 to computer other thing: by; when Ami d’J.3"‘ hchad kept AC/mjb-name and r you feeclzrz‘/if keeps is: he had bornwitneflh andfetw hishrhhfeal unto C/arifls truth, rand Cérifitwcats him eat er. re A A f ‘A 1 VA A A A1 A fighete: #1" *3t.;;+ AV 54- Dt'2'£'t3?5Ui2 $3 Hblci fa./itimt telficfziiiiis good. fignet upon his right hand , and engraves him upon the . palms of his hands; he is nearer and desire unro““hitn,l, Chrift knows him and calls him by name, ..(1?ZW:}7tt5' myifizzt/2~ A » fill martyr. 0 What a pang of afiecftion was there 3. Sits, I am notable to conceive 1t,muc:h lefle exprefie it, Ibo. ieech you aflift me with your thoughts, and {apply by your A meditations What my exprcfiion cannot reach, .,.mz‘_;m my fizithfitll martyr. Pretious in the fight of ithC Lord is the death of 4/2’ his Saints, and blefied are they that die its the Lord .-, but much, much more pretious is their death , and ‘thrice happy are all they whom the Lord calls forth and ii}- ables to die for his fake, and to lay down their lives in Wit» \ neiiis-—beat~iog to his truth. I wonder no longer that the Pri- mitive Cliriihans were tfo ambitious of martyrdome; who woulti~not be martyr many times over, to havcfuch atefti-— i moni:ill,ft1ch an afl'e