“It" KW. . t 'w -. ' (“fillvf fifww-WH' W 'H "ANQQEN EOéT’A. OR, THE PROPERTIES Heavenly VVideIn. INA SE RMON PREACHED the County of S ALOP. A 3 By Dr. MA TTHE IV ”1} 0 WLE R, Ref-for 0F”‘V”i"”’”"‘*" szdomk jufizfed of all her Cbi/dren. LONDON J Printed for Ben}. Tooke, at the Sign of the S lnp 111 St. Penis . Church- Yard. M. DC. LXXXII. At the lafi Affizes h€ld at Sherry/Jury, m 7777 V—-— V ‘1' WWW "Q-u' 4 .-<..J..—..- H» . 'ifi‘l‘m‘ " $4 . ‘ .bine, andrq‘ieaing npon tbe whole ‘g ‘- fl V. K“' K ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ -.l _ _ , . . z - - ‘_‘ .. . . - . ‘\ ' I ' , . r . .. ‘ . . V - . ’ . .‘1 ; - ‘ \ V ; \ L l A . ’ LOW} and -Peaccratble-minc1653I . I , H - ,, ‘l a. .- _ . ~r. \ \ ’ l..." I ' I \‘ ‘1" \ ‘ . I - | 'v"[ I I '. . , . ‘ I . , a 4 - ' ~ ’ V ‘ ‘ T 73‘ not ".nnknoron to fonte of Good Rani, Eliot» Int/c5 “ tbizr plainiSernzon bat/3 been baited b} fame of tbeEphé: ’ fian breedg and what Petfl’cutz'om it bat/J fitfleredfiorn tbe Tongue: of ill-minded men, wbo yet were not jb downb- I 1}: given, a: to.be prefint in the Houje of’God toitb tbat great Aflémbly befirre ,wbotn‘it woe delivered : Onl} the} beard of itat ficond‘ band, ‘wz'tb Addition; and Enlargementx, nfn‘a’l witbfiteb kind of men, wben once tbe] have mounted the Chair of the Seornfitl, Civil”)! fla'all oblige tbe Antbor to forbear; tbe repeating tbat nnjavour language beflorved on _ _6rtl20dax Clergyflcfl lair Pen jbonld'be'tbongbt a: foul m the Mntb tbat utter’d it. It it objeéled, tbat be tberein medal/ed wit/J Matter: of State, and therefore ju/tly met with t/Jatfnmttj Reproof. Let the Sermon‘be read ‘ patientlj, and without Prejudice or Partia- lit}, and let/Jim be flirgflaewed wherein he hath moved irregularly. and out of t’ 'e Spbere‘ of bi: Proper Calling, and be will be wbat tbe 023601371! ampz'a obligetls bin: to, viz. Gentle,_ and eel/ll] entreateof to Retraif bi: Erronr. But if tbofé'tbat reproach bine on‘tbz‘; account) would no more ”1662-- dle witbtfientg'tbatflre grzfen' to change, than be dotb witb Matter: of 8th‘te55'we flould’qni‘ck‘l} enjoy afar more peace- A -- , able _ ._ .-.. Lflfi.‘ mid.“ To the Loyal and Peaceableomi'nded Reader. noble Worldc It i: range, that he who hath made Divini- ty the proper Obj of hit Study, for more than forty Team“, [hoiildfli ficcldenly flart up a Politician, without ever being fl) much a: Initiated intothat Myfteyion: School; and that; theft: Gentlemen, who never were acquainted? with hinz,jhonlol: know moreofhiin than he doth of hingigelfi- Sure he it, he- never fate at the-Feet of any Machiavel‘or Achitophel, nor- ever wifl dos pretending to no nzore Policy than what the- Sacrad Scr' tire: teach hint, Religion: andlxiyal Hone/7y; and/b mac oft/1e Serpentine ”(i/Hone a: will con/5ft with that, fb far a: he can attain to it .5 And this‘ he think; will he find the heft Policy in the Conclnlion, the weft fl’mrelyv finnded, and, neg} frongly fortified, againjt the Batterier. l 8: of Adam-fly, an Aflanltx‘ of Malicio/Io. him. But, it may be, the fharpnefi of hi: Reproofi expofid, hint touthejé Cenfire: .° Indeed, Fiercenefi, is jnjtly condemnedjn all, Men, much more in a Divine, But, it were well, if Men, . before they condemn when, would. fix? féarch their. own Regifler, andfee if they (of all other fen) be not, mo fit . to be ranged with thofi civiygepz, fierce and implacable. en, whonz, St. Paul prophecyeth of; 2 Tim. 3. 3. That they. {hould come in the laft days, and nuke them illous Times. But, doth not thy? agree like Harp an Harrow. with the firmer Objeetion, that he i; a, Dealer in Politic/(r, and yet [harp and biting in hit Reproofi? Snrely, a World; ly Politician would con/alt his own In tercji, and S afity, and not expofi hintjElf to danger, by flopping Fury in hi: Gal- lop, but,wonlcl flatter and daub with nntentpered Mrtar, and magnifi'e nzen for their Religion, when they jnflly ole: firm the fmartefl Scourge: of the Satvrijt, for their bafe‘ Hypocri/ieg So that I can fee no Worldly W ijclonz in a bold. Reproof, gr thi: is“ a following too near the Heel: 0 an ill-' ' call, that neay kick backward, and rike out. natnr’d‘ . your Teeth. But, if] niafl be cenflmd upon that account, it - . it. ww figww 4 A w w — u— 4“— To jthelby'al and ’Peucealjle-minded Reader. it h} tho/e that under/land notl'the great Obligation that lie; upon our Calling herein, and the great danger we run our felvex into by our ATegleét. ' And, whether it it fitter to pleag’e God in the Difeh'arge of our Duty,- or gratifiw’e _"the Humour: of Men (neither‘wifer nor het'ter natur’d than their -Nezghbour:) by our linfid Silence, . I ‘ leave it to the 31mg- tnent of the rational and religion? Chriflian. Iflppoj’e, thefe Men are Stranger: to‘ Church-Coh'eélx, otherwi e, they might have renzenzhred that which it appointed fbr b t. John Ba‘pv tiff: Day, wherein we are taught by our“ Church, to pray - That we may confla‘ntly {peak the Truth, boldly rebuke Vice, and patiently {ufler for the s‘Trqth’s‘ Sake. And indeed, 'ins tam iniquae tam patiens Urbis,‘ tam ferreus ut teneat {e P He that well confident dedigtfit-Yitt . hir Mind thie‘ Charae‘ZEr of'He-avenl} Wifdom, and then heholdx' the Face of the Chrzz'flian World, in a true and impartial Glafi, he will quick find jnch a through-paced Contradi- ‘étion hetween what zfdorn teacheth, and ntojt Men ,praflifé, that he cannot but conclude, that We of Engltmd, at well . a: the Cretians of old, are to he rebuked aimmipms, {harply or cuttingly, that we may be found in the Faith. Tit. I. I 3. And that if it wax Titus hi: Duty to-do it then, it i: no lefl our: to doit now. And there it no Perfon more olefin-- cable in the Eye: of God and Good Men, than a flattering and cowardly dauhing Ming/fer, that fiath: Men up in theirFollieJ, and fl) play: t e Rnnagate fi-orn hi: Ofiee, goe: down to Tharfhifh when he iijnt to Ninive. But, whatever wax the Ceca/ion of the Ofl‘ence taken again/Z thi: Dzfiomje, it i: the Author’: Comfort, that it received @fltohation front tho/é that heard it,without Prejudice ~5 and qfiwa’allj fiotn the Reverend judge: ( that then rode our Cir- cuit) Sir William Raymund and Sir Chrifiopher Loving, with whole De lira, had he then comp/yeti, this Trifle had long ago payed not only the Prefi, but the Gauntlet all?) hf t e '*‘W K 1'?" ' ‘- quie‘mal EandEBmdB‘ lémitidgdf MM; W.“C§”fé’iMr;-‘. Buybe. M‘WAMW tbmg df . bit . 22!}??th ofMHickl’Qem suandamet‘e. bmiot "urged 6} Me In». partway of E rieudJ, till 1;th ajba‘medfto-dex} them an}; longgr, be flmdd] nan/24w, Aeembmkgflt tarfltyi-Witb Elilhag 9 ngs .2. .17. Send. 13% min! :bsv-.i.'c mtywim do fi, ~. but 172‘ tbe fine plain-79AM}- wbereih it \m M 010415661; [with-i. out tbe lea/Z Vkriatim) fi'ontbe Cop};~ ‘ 1T0 tbe Ceizfitre of tbe‘ Truly Religiéw, Loyal, (mal- Peaceablé; bebamblyfubmit: both biwfilfi and 12,-; bzqéccbiugfibm‘to .‘pwrdwt ;tbe-?Defi£fi bf‘ 0741027313114. Man-'long;Mfi8d1vit/r¢ Country..bfe. , *A‘mfii‘s other: t/mf? tdkgiDfliglflf iv flaking wind/#3!!!) ofvtbofi’wbdi are (lot aftbeir,‘ Glyn; beuflmll not mark régard tbeiiiCmfm-ef being. now-grown *téo 61d fiber to fight/m" Fwoflrw to fear". WFrmfifithsfiafifiay-m . «t "r. "fl . f “xi-'1: .1 \ '. 7 .4' ‘ .4 x by . _' \ ‘ ‘- _ \_ . , , 1 ~. .. . I ’.‘ m . ‘ 'o..' 1,5 . .43: 3:319.» -. ‘ ‘ ‘xQLJfl . , k . y. . ’ , . , n u. .. MA.» ‘.\a gs . -,. . ,... .‘ _ ‘ . - ( ' .r ‘ v .. -. .. . .. .. A ' . .. - x. ‘v ' . i. u 1 ,I .3 ; b! ' " ‘ ‘1 .' . . I . .. -.. ‘ ~ J ‘ n O ‘ ' x . . \ .. . 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J ’ _ . .' —\ . ‘ . u“ ‘ I." « x a 8 ,\ i - A 1 I , ' J A ‘2’ I ~. ‘. . . . J I '- I. ,, « . . \ ‘1 "‘. . ‘ 1,, , - v ‘ . v‘ . {i . 0 fi: w" ‘ - r tut- ¢.. ’ " '."‘ '- ' .3 F. ‘ f» 1‘ ' ‘ ‘ . x‘ 3‘1‘ ' -' ‘. 'E‘Bvil‘..\l .i‘ L. X! r 1- Cd ' .‘ .‘A f.‘ .u u . - t ‘ v ‘ \ 1‘ . 1 . .‘ - ~ - . .... ,‘ '.. ‘,.‘ r 0- . , — 7 \x- M - ~ w «m.»sm. ‘ I'. " .‘ \ “ '- ‘Vi “ 'It-It a.” (( ,“ " ‘ ‘v-f " ’ "V1 ' .NQK ‘.\).‘.‘. X. ’. X I ”I“. ;‘. \JU ,-, L 13‘ Xxx-"“2 GM. 3; "(3 ’.' .' m .V' ; r .J a ‘ , 0".- ) J l' 4‘ ya" Pink. ,. t". I,.. - ‘ v. [v.JIA '7‘ IO .. l 2.1) V ‘ ' ' .\ ' . x " - . . n . a. . .» ' .,.. ‘-.\ v\ . ‘ . . Q. a n .‘ A. .'-. ' '- A _ (T 6‘ _\W _ «I. . 1.’ ' fl ’ \ emf” ' a. 11...». .- . .~.‘.m".c..\ 9‘3.) . \ 0 Jo ‘ ‘J ’uJ 9*} J’S;IZ':E{ Pvlz(:) INJ Before the Reverend Judges of the Alfize at $4101); on Sunday, the 24th. day of jWb.t681. ‘ ‘— ~ ~ JAM 3 I7- But tbe Wifdom that 1‘: flow above, 2': firfl pure, then peaee- ' able, gentle and eq/ie to be intreated, fill! of Mercy and good F Mite, witbout Partialitj and witbout Ibpeerzfie.‘ ‘ ’ " l:"H E Apoflle intending to treat of Spiritual and Hea- venly Wifdom, that he might the better ac uaint _ us with the Nature of it, and enable us to iftin— guilh it from that Earthly, Senfual, and Devililh Wifdom, which is too much taught and praétis’d amongft men, pro- pounds this Qleflion, at very." 1 3. Who is emfi man, mud endued witb 'Kyzowledge 473mg you? Let him fbew, out of a . good Convérflztiou, bit Work: wit/J Meekfle/fr of W z‘fdow. As if he had faid, Befides the Seé’t of Gnoflz’ckr, crept lately into the Church, who are great Pretenders to Wifdomg There are, no doubt, fome of‘yOu that pals for Wife Men, in your own, and the Worlds Account. NOW. it concerns B . you ' ' . C 9 D you to make. good the Opinion the World hath of you, and. you of your felves, .,by_,being fruitfial in Works ofPi- ety, Juftice and Charity, with all Meeknefs and Humility which are the pmper and gefiuine Effects of true Chrifiian Wifdom. But, filth he, If you haVe C3101}. mxeju, bitter Envyings and Strife, if it fuflér any of thofe evilfiSpirits of Envy, Hatred, Malice, Uncharitablenefs, Wrath, Strife, Sedition, 6v. to take poITeflion of you, glory not in the opinion of your Wifdom, neither lye againft the Truth, fince you are yet Strangers to any Wifdom, but that which deferves not the Name, even the Wifdom of the World, the Flelh, and the Devil. For, faith he, may? 16. Where E712, flying and Strife is, tbere 73' aixgtmguaias notbizzg [mt Tumult and Dzfirder, Coufif/ion, and ever} Evil W ark: Which, that he might the better convince them of, he here pro- ceeds to give them a liVely Charaéter Ofthafit'r'ue {piritual ' Wifdom, which cometh down from the Father of Lights: 3'! 5 éywfiw avcpr'at, (9'6. But the Wifdom, éfl‘. In which wordgwe have obférvable, I . the Dignity oFWif- domsOriginal slhe is ewes”, flow above. 2‘. The Properties by which {he may be known and dillin uifhed from that ammo avoid, Wifdom falfly fo call 5 {he is firfl pure, ‘ tben peaceable, 6%. In both which, the Apoftle prefents Wifdom to us as a beautiful Virgin; and that he may. the more endear our Affeélions to her, he defiribes her to us, F irft, by the Eminency of her Extraétion, {he is of no lefs than Divine Parentage and Defcent. Secondly, By the and Lovelinefs of her Perfon, firfi pure, then peace- abfi: géntle, 69%. And who can behold fuch a Beauty, and net be ravifhed with it? And {urely, the Reafon why f0 few do fall in Love with her, is, becaule they do not right- ly know her. They look upon her through the falfe Spe- Ctacles of the World, the Flefh and the Devil, which re—. ' prefent her to them as a Creature in whom is no Form or Comelinefs, for which {he {hould be delired. The Apol‘tle ‘ there— - Mifchief, to defraud and over-reach a hat H ._ , to entangle. and. involve a Church or Kingdom in a Laby- _ \ . . < 3 > merefbre doth here draw her Pié’ture to the Life, in all the feveral Lineaments thereof, and fets it before us, that we, having our Eye's anointed With the Eye-filve of Gods Holy Spirit, may become enamoured of her Beauty. - I begin to {peak briefly. (as I muft to each Particular) of the Dignity of Wifdoms Original. She is o’o'owéw, fiom above. The Apofile in the firflt Chap. of this .Epifile, ever], 17. aflures us, that «DEW. <5me orifocffivi, ‘ m2)! M93139: ’réAaov, det every good Gift, imd everypelfeéi‘ gift, whethera temporal or a fpiritual, a Gifi: of Nature orof Grace, 2': flow above; and though all Gifisare not of the fame fize, yet they all come down from the lame Father of Lights: and Wifdomi is One Of the brightelt of thofe Lights whereof God is the F ather.- ’Tis one of. the Attributes wherewith God is dignified in Sacred Scripture, that he is the 0721} IV 1'an God. Row. 16. 27. both becaufe he is perfeé’dy and infinitely wife in himfelf‘s and alfo, the Author and Fountain of all Wifdom ( truly . {0 called) that is in the Creature. There is indeed a great deal of falfe and finful Wifdom, whereof, God, who is Light, and in whom is no - Darknefs at all, cannot be the Author, whereby men are wife to do Evil to'. .. naive 0116i} Nefgir rinth of Troubles. and Mife‘ries. Now, this fi‘nful Wifdom is either Earthly and Worldly, confifiing inpolitick Fetches , to get the good things of this Life, Riches and Honours 5. into our Poifdiion. and that porfa-é-ivefiia it W not whether, rem, rem, .quiq‘ue mode rem : h ro- feflors of this Wifdom, St. Paoircalls, Gui Griffins (papa/goats; P551191). 3. I9. Moder: of BMW} thing; If , you anatomist? them, you {hall find the, World clofe at their Heam,’ as Queen Mary faid Calico Was at hers, after it was it)“. Oi‘ fecofldly. It is“ a Senfual Wifdom, confifting in the fubtle Methods of Luft, and cunning Contrivances of voluptuoujs ’ B 2 an. ‘ hour, . - - .i. i .c-uun , (4) , and fenfual Men, for-the accomplilhing oftheir carnal and brutifh Defiress this is call’d by St. Paul, weéuom 1:55 mpnfis, Row. 13. alt. 4 making Provi/ion for the Flef/a, to fulfill tbe Lufl: tbereofi Or thirdly, It is J‘oqumms amp/a, aDevilifh VVifdorn, whereof, the World at this Day is very full, which confif‘ts not’ only in the knOwledge and praéfice‘ of . thofe unlawful Arts of Witchcraft, Sorcery, Necromancy, (9'13. which the Devil molt commonly teacheth his Votaries, but alfo, in the imagining, contriving, and putting in Bit- - ecution, mifchievous Plots and Defigns againl’t the Peace . and Safety ofivKings and Kingdoms, Churches, and Civil Societies of which pernicious Wifdom, none but the Prince of Darknefs, the firft Traytor and Confpirator 'nft Heaven, can be the Author. The Apofile exprefly a ms, ‘that none of thefe three kinds of Wifdom are from above, waif I 5. _ But there is a fourth kind of Wifdom, which fetcheth it’s Pedigree from Heaven; and this is fourfoldls I. Intellea'u- al, confiifing in the A&ivity of the Rational Powers of the ' Mind,in the knowledge of Ianguagcsgmd of the Liberal Arts andScimCfiSflld generally, in- the improving of our natural . -Endowments, by Education,Art,lnduf’try,and Experience: ~ In this kind ofWifdom, St. Step/Jen affirms Mofe: to have beenfimous, A5. 7. 22. And St. Paul Was well ftudied in the Wifdom- of the Grecian, as appears by his frequent (hmtatiom of their Poets in his Writi . a. Moral Wif- dorn, eonfifting in a fober, difcreet, an unblameable Car- flag: and Behaviour of our {elves towards thOfe with whom ”have to do. The Apollle Paul feenn to point at this,in ‘ Epi. 3. 15. See that ye Mk circumfl’eflbi, not as F 001:, but a: Wife; and more plainl , Colofl: 4.. 5. Walk in Wifdom to- ward: them. tbat are wit out (the unconverted Gentiles) redeeming the Time, 3. Civil Wifdom, confifting in awile Management of our Civil Affairs both publick and private, ‘ inufinglawful means of avoiding. fuch Dangersas threaten to ml," ‘ '~... ‘14 "“335 - w1t~ :‘ r ,4 Y’t“ “ . A C 5') to. afTault us, and efca ing- the Snares laid for us by a ma- licious Adverfarys 0 this Wifdom our Saviour fpeaks, when he bids his Difeiples, Matt. IO. 16, 17. To beware of Men, and to he wife a: Serpents. 4. Spiritual Wifdom, eonfifting in the right Knowled e of the only true God and Jefus Chrift whom he hath ent, and in the w’orfhip- ping and ferving of him after a right manner. - ' Now, though it. ,be true of thethree former kinds of Wifdom, that they are o’e’uwf‘vsv, from above 5 (en's )3 0'8 d\ac- xpx’va; who made thee to dzfer .3 or what hafl that; that than 3:13 wot received .3 I Cor. 4. 7.) Yet it is much more true t his Spiritual Wifdom, whereof St. fame: here treat— ‘eth: And this alfo is two-fold“: Firft, Speculative, Where- by the Mind is fayingly inlightned to difcern the things of God, and the great Myftery of Man’s Salvation .byje- fus Chrifi. Secondly,‘ Praé’cical, whereby a man is ina- bled to pr0pound a right End to himfelf in all his Aél’ings, making God the Centre of all his Defires and Delights; and (in order to the happy Fruition of him) the Du- ties of Religion his main Bufinefs and Concern 5 'giving all diligence in the ufe of means fer before him, to, make \ his Calling ‘and Eleé’cion fure, and to work out his Salyag, tion with fear and trembling. This Praétical‘ Wifilom ., teacheth us {0 to love God, as to keep his Commmandl mentsa f0 to fear him, as to depart from Evils {o to re— pent for Sin, as to loath and forflake it 5 fo to" believe the Gofpel, as to obey it, in its molt difficult Preeepts 5 [o to call upon God, as to lift up pure hands unto him, and wreftle with him, 'as jacoh with the Angel of theJCovc- mm, for a Blefling. This Praé’tical Wi dom-isabfolflte- 1y neceITary, without which, though we {peak with the Tongue of men and Angels, and underfiand all .Myl‘teries, and all Knowledge, we are but as founding BrafS, or a tinkling Cymbal. Of this Wildom David f’peaks, PfizlJ 171 I. 10'. The fear. of the Lord is the beg-inning of Wifdomj‘ .ml . ('6 )' A good under anding have all the} that do lJir Command. nzentr. And ob 28. 28. Behold the fear of the Lord,t/:ati.r W ifdonz, an to depart fioln evil ir Under/finding. And this Wifdom is from aboVe, and owes its defcent fromtlm Father of Lights, after a peculiar manner. F irlt, becaufé it is no where taught but in the Holy Scriptures, which are of Divine Infpiration, 2 Tina. 3. 16. The Schools of Heathen Philofophers have taught us. many excellent Do- cuments of Civil and Moral Wifdom 5 but to aim with a fingle Eye, and fincere heart, at God’s Glory in all our aétings, as our Supreme and ultimate End 5 and to walk a in the paths of Faith and Obedience, Repentance, Mor- tification, Self-denial, and taking up the Crofs, which on- ly lead.us to the happy. enjoyment of that End, thefe are Leflbm only taught in the Schools of the Prephets and Apof files 5 and St. Paul exprefly allures us, that the Holy Scri- ptures are able to make us perfiéf and wife nnto Salvation. Secondly, It is from above, becaufe it is the fingular Gift of God’s Sanfiig'izrjg Spirit, and therefore its called Spiri- tual l’Vifdorn an nderfianding, Col. 1. 9.’ ngia per Spiri- tnnt Ckrlfli generatnr, non ingenio noflro comparatzir, faith the Learned Bifhop Davenant on the place, becaufe it is no: acquired by our Wit and Indultry, but wrought in us b God’s Holy Spirit. A man can receive nothing, filth St. fill/m Baptifi, nnlefi it be given bin: fi'o/n above, Johan 7. And- Catbedran: in Cwlo babet qni corda dooet , He that xteacheth mcns Hearts this wifdofn, hath his Chair in Hea- ven. A7022? tlJen, flnoe the Nlerclaandize of tlsia W {filo/n air better than tbe Merchandize of Silver, and the Gain itbe than fine Gold; fince flye i: more precious“ than Rubin, and afl the tbing: we can ole/ire are not to be compared to bar, Prov. 3. I4. fince this is the Wifdom that caufes a mans {ice to thine, and makes him more ex- ' cellent than his Neighbour; In a word, fince {he is a Tree ofLifc to all that lay hold upon her, and every one is happy ‘ , ( 7 D ' ‘ happy that retaineth hers happy in Life, in Death, and after Death, to all Eternity 5 Letius take the countiel of this Apoftle, 74172. I. 5. If any man lack Wifdom, let [rim mkit ofGQd, 12750 givetl) to 411772872 liberally, and upbmz‘det/J ' _ not, and it [/1411 be given him. And let him aceompany his Prayers With a diligent ftudy and fearch of holy Scriptures, by means whereof David profefleth himfelf to have been Wifer than his Enemies , his Teachers or the Ancients, Pfil. 119. 98, 99, 100. And lafily, If any man want this Wifdom, let him (as St. Paul advifeth him) become a Fool, that be, may be wife, I Cor. 3. .18. Lay afide all log- ty and high-flown Conceits of Himfelf, all proud reafon- , ings, and perverfe difputings of Flelh and Bloods let > ‘ him caft away every Imagination, and every high thing - that exalts it {elf within him againli the Truth, being rea- dy to ' believe whatfoever Chriit .propounds, and obey whatfoever he commands, though never fo contrary to _ his worldly Interefts, or his corrupt and flefhly Principles. And now, if any of you think you have already at; tained this Heavenly Wifdom, take heed you do not fa- crifice to your own Nets, or look, like Swans, upon your own Bofom, as if it grew there 5 but acknowled e, With all thankfulnefs, your gracious. BeneiaCtor, and et him that glories, glory in the Lord, who teacheth us the way of his Statutes, andmdker m to underfiarzd Wzfilomficret— 1}, PszI. 51. 6. - Now, as the Rivers that come from the Sea, return thi- ther back again 5 fo this Wifdom coming to us fi‘om God, will at lali bring us up to the enjoyment of him,.by, working in us thofe Graces of Purity, Peaceablenefs, Gen- tlenels, Mercy, and Goodnels, which do fo lively refcmble him; and by making us like him, will bring us to the enjoyment of his Beatifical Vifion, I job. 3. 2. And this leads me, in the {ccond place, to {peak of the Charaé’teriv l fiical Pr0perties of this” Heavenly Wifdom, by which it may rer f <8) . may be diftinguiih’d from that" which is Earthly, Senfu; ,. a1, and Devililh. Of each of which lbmething, though of all briefly. ' ‘ ‘ . Firfi then, {he is pure 5 indeed. coming down from above, {he mull needs be f0 : for, as is the Caufe, fuch is the Effect ,it produceth, Now God, (the Fountain of all true Wifdom in the Creature )he is Ligbt, and in him 2": no darkuqfi at all, I job. I. 5. and therefore it .is im- .pofiible that any darknefs of Sin or Error {hould pro- ceed from him. . - . The Adverb U (3751/, fiifl pure, doth nOt obfcurely inti- mate to us, That urity and Holinefs is the-richeft Jewel in Wifdoms Cabinet, the chiefel‘t and molt excellent Lei; fon that {he ‘can' teach us, and that all the other Properties here fet down, would n0t have. added a Cubit to 'her Praife, if Purity had not been their Guide and Leader. The Greek word aiyyfi, tranflated pure, fignifieth‘ alfo chafte : ‘ light! indeed, Chriftianity (the true VVifdom from above) is, ofall other, the molt chafte Religion, far beyond that ’ ' a of the jam or Mabumetan, re uiring every man to polléfi ’hi’stefl'el in Sanétification an Honour, not in the Lufts wof Concupifcence, as the Gentiles which know nor~God= For, fiith the Apofife, God bat/J not called 114 to Unclear}:- mfi, but unto Holinefi. I Tlatfllzl. 4. 7. And thofe 'Seéts of pretended Chriftians (the Glzoflickr and Mcolaitam' of old, and the F amilz'fir, and Others oflate) that have taught and prafiiIEd unlawful Mixtures and lhamefial‘ Lults, they are oftlmir Father the UncleanS irit,and their Wifdomis Sen-' fual and Diabolical. IndeedJ" antwme .r is frequently brand- ed in the Scriptures with the name 0 Lewdnefs and Folly; particularly, judge: 20. 6. Such Folly as had like to have coft the Extirpation of the Tribe of Benjamin, and met with a fudden Stab fiom the hand of Phineas, upon the Pcrfons onz'r/zri and Corbi. But, I lhall not confine “the / VVord C 9 ) - VVord to Challity alone, but taking it in a larger Senle, obferve, Firft, There is a Purity of Doé’trine and of Praétice, and the Wifdom from above is pure both thefe ways. Firfl, She holds fall the form of Sound Words, (as the Apollle chargeth Timothy) and earnefily contendeth for the Faith which was once delivered to the Saints. jade 2;. 3. She hates all chOpping and changing in Religion and Worlhip, and accounts it the greatefi Folly" imaginable, to run after every newofangled Guide,(like Children after Butter—Eyes) and to be like a Ship without Lading or Ballaft, whiflied about with every Wind of Doctrine. Secondly, This Wifdom keeps us not only pure from Error and ’Herefie, but alfo, from Iniquity. It hath been ever the malicious Policy of the Devil, to divide and feparate (What he can) between a pure Faith and an holy Lifes to make thofe who are found in Judgment, to be impure and vicious in Con- ‘verfations and thofe whofe ConVerfation is unblarneable, to be unfound in Judgment: But, neither ofthefe are Wifo ,_ doms Children, who accounts both thefe to be equally ‘ bad, the Erroneous Mind, and the Vicious Life 5 and therefore {he {indies to hold fall the Myftery of Faithjn a pure Confcience, I Tim. 3. 9. We may with Truth'afid ' Confidence affirm, that we enjoy the purefi and bell Re- ' ' llglon in the Chriftian World. But alas! How great and general is the Decay of Chriftian Piety amongfl us, and how few, very few, make it their Bufinefs to adorn their Religion with an holy Life. ,. Secondly, There is a Puri of the inward, and of the outward Man, and this W' dom takes efpecial Care of borhs according to St. Paul’ s Exhortation, 2 C orimtb. 7. I. Let u cleanjé our felve: from allPollutiom bot/a of tbe Flejb andSpirz'tg and that of St. game: 4. 8. Cledfifi your Hands, you S irmers, and purifie your Hearts, ye double-minded. F irlt, This Wifdom keeps th:3 Heart with all diligence, will , ‘T 7W" O 77 7-? f ———————Vv—'—" ""T rvv—rfivv v -, f—iY—w' r V’WVV— C 10 ) ’ will not fufier it to give any welcome Entertainment un- to Sin. Though Corruptions -befet us, and intice 'us dai- ly, yet Wifdom fo keeps the Heart, as that it will not clefe with themg and if it be overcome with the Preva- Ienc and Im rtunit of T ~' tation, it can trul fa” WithySt. Paul, PIC; is ch Evil 3:]: I hate. This ‘Wiyfdorii alfo purifies the Life, and caufeth us to obey flow the Heart, the firm of Dogrz'ne wherezmto we are deli- vered.‘ Row. 6. I 7. To dedicate our {elves inti rely to the Service of God, and to walk before him in Holinefs and Righteoufnefs all the days Of our Life. Many, With the old hypocritical Pharifees, Make clean the outflde of the 'Cup and Platter, whilfl within. they are fall of Exthrtz'on and Exeefi‘: But Wifdom teacheth us to czean‘fi we the infide ' "-offh‘e'Cu‘p ahd'Piatter, that the out—fide may he 'elean hlfi). ~Ma't. 23. 26. And it is one part of pure and undcfiled Reli- ‘ gion, to keep ourfihve: m: Medfrom the World. Jam. I. 27.. " rity ofContrition, washing the"! so'llhgégiya There is a , . ' ‘u ‘ '. Jthe‘i‘mrsiif ' 1‘ 'Sdn‘owfor'Sins ‘ "and a Purity o’i‘ ochvafimgxfinhrrgthe Soul Wm forfei- king of Sin for the 'I‘iihe to come, and-the Wifdom that is from above, joyns both thefe together: it opens our ‘ Eyes, to behold the Vilenefs of Sin, theOppofition it car- ri'es ‘init "to the pure Nature of’God, and to his holy and righteous Laws; and fo n.0t only caufeth' us tomoumfor our pal’t Tranfgrefiions,’ibu‘t’ alfb, to Ely-Gem Sinfa's ‘fi'om - the Plague, or from the Face-of a Serpent that would defhfoy us. 1 And this Purity'that afifithjfmmifound Re- ‘ gis‘the-ouh' 1:le mérta‘mom it"felfl flick é _‘ fl) finwekI‘QTfiys M604. Yea, "this Mom, t ‘ erh’éfi‘gnét (mlyto abfiain' from Sin, Blit‘fiomall Occalio‘fléflmt‘m lead ussto it, as knowing wen, how expedient his‘fiihitnthat WOUI‘d ~n0t'fall-‘in- 19' a Pit, not tO‘COYné'hear‘flié Brifikiofitiy ‘ ‘ ,. There are yet two Prqpérfleé‘by'Which thiSJ'WiiBOm 'fi‘O'm above difcovers it’s Purity. Firfl’, “3“:le nan-d ‘ . C I I ) ~ Firft, It will riot mix it (elf with Worldly Ends and Defigns. It, is nor turn’d about with the Gales of Cove- toufnefi, Ambiti0n, Popularity, or Vain-glory. .She fcorns to turn her Sails to receive fuch Winds as thefe: She looks not afiluint at a Kingdom, as jelm did, whilfl he pretend- ed Zeal for the Lord ofHofis: But, it aims with a fingle Eye, at the Glory of God, the Welfare of Religion, the Profperity of the Church, the Peace and Happinefs of the ' Kingdom, and the Good of all Chrillian and Civil Socieo ~ ties ; and although in times Of Danger {he takes in Civil Wifdom for her Afliflant, and teacheth us thereby our Saviour’s Leflbn, To beware ofMen, and be wifem Serpentr; not fuflering us ralhly to call our felves into Danger, 0r expofe- our felves to the Tyranny of an Enemy, that Would fain ride over our Heads;~ yet, {he will not allow us any unlawfill Arts of Safety, not any lying Subterfilges, or Prevarications about .the Truth; which is, indeed, a plain betraying of our Religion when ‘we are called to defend it, a forfaking of our Colours, and flying over to the Ene- my. He that will thus fave 'his Life in this World, is in danger of lofing it hereafter to all Eternity. Mat. 16.05. When the Chriftians in the Primitive Times had learned that Trick of giving Money for Certificates from the Hea- then PriePcs, that they had facrificed to their Idols, when indeed they had not done it, they hereby brought Diflio- nour upon their Religion, and were iufily caft out of the Communion of the Church, and not rel‘tored again, till they. had teflified the 'Sin'cerity of their Repentance by a ' fevere courfe of Penance and Mortification. True Chri- fiian Wifdom, as it forbids us to court or provoke a Dan- , gar, (fbr this is to lead our {elves into Temptation) {o it orbids us to decline it, when we are called to encoun- ter It. - - ' . Secondly, this pure W ifdom'Will not dare to do Evil, that Good may cdme thereof: She will not {ufler a Manto . C 2 come .. . . any”... “W— C I 2 ) come near this Rock, left he wrack firfi his ConfCience, and after his Soul" upon it: No pretence of doing Evil, In ordine ad Demiz é“ Eeclefi‘am, for the Glory of God, or the advancin or fecuring the True Religion, or any other good Endg, can minifier the leaPc Umbrage of an Ex- cute to them that {hall prefume to do Evil in, order to- thofe good Ends: neither may we {Eek to'avoid the great— eft Evil of Punifhment, by committing the leafi Evil of . Sin. The Martyrs would not caft a Grain of Incenfe into' the Fire, though it were to fave their Lives; and . At/m- mffiw refolved rather, Mutare S edem quam 8111464712, to part with his Bilhoprick, (the fecond, at that Time, in the Chriftian World) than ive way to the changing a Sylla- ble of the Nicene Creeci compofed againfi the Arriam. In a Word, no Intention of any good End, can warrant the choice of any {infill means to accomplifh it. God will have no breaking of one Commandment to fecure anorherg no Treafon or Rebellion to prevent Idolatry or Superfti- tion 5 no throwing away Religion, as the fimple Travel~ ler doth his Purfe, for fear of lofing it by the hand of the High-way man. He that dares truft God and his Re- ligion, (which is God’s alfo as well as ours) he will not . be fo jaded with the Fear of Popery, as to, aék any thing contrary to the Principles of his own far founder Profili- on: and therefore, if we pretend to. pure Wifdom, let us have no, depofing and murthcring Kings and Sovereign Princes 5 no changing of a Monarchy into a Common- wealths no doing any aét of Injufiice to five the Stake of Reli 'on, which is the highefl: Aflront --we can offer 'to the rovidence of the Almighty, as if he were not able-to fuccour us in our (greateft Streights, and work out Delive- rance for us, unle s we piece up his Providence by unwar— rantable Means. Will ye talk wicked!) for God .3 7012. 13.7. And may not I- add, Will ye aét wickedly for him? Let mans. Zeal for Religion be as. great as is pretendeds Let us: I :1; vsw.gflg,,. . W“?— . C I 3 3 us charitably believe, there lurks no Snake in the ffnbodi Grafs, no Cloak of Godlinefs to cover mens Malicioufnefs, ' ,. but that their Intentions are really the fame they appearto be; yet fure I am, if they cannot fecure Religion by good means, they ought nm to attempt it by bad 5 for, if they wifl do Evil that Good may come thereof, the Apolile alfures me, their Damnation 73‘ jufl. Row. 3. 8. You have feen wherein the Purity of this Heavenly Wifdom doth confift. And oh! that we would all betake ' our {elves to the ferious Study and Praétice thereof. In“- deed, the prophane Sons of elial, and thofe that fit in. . the Seat of the Scornfiil, may account this pure and unde- filed Religion to be no better than Folly and nice Scrupu- lofity: But, the Time will come, when it will be an un- deniable Truth, that the pious, honefl, and unblameable Life is the beft Wifdoms and that the Wicked Ac/Jitopkel, whofe Counfel is now taken for an Oracle, will be found at laft, to be a Coulin-German to a Fool, as his Name fig- nifies, and he be forced to cry out with Cicero, when he was tbrfakcn by Auguflw, and expofcd to- the Fury of Marl; Ant/Jon}, his implacable Enemy, 0 me Mifiarum .’ 0 me mquzow S apientem ! For, this is the glorious Triumph of pure'Wifdom, That {he gets her felf to be juliified, not... only by her own Children, butalfo, by her very Enemies-5 and not only good Men {peak well of her, but» wicked Men alfo, are forced, from the Convicfiion of their own Con- fciences, fometimes to praife her in the Gates: Yea, this is that heaven-1y Wifdomwhieh not only brings us to the Sight and Fruition of God, Mat. 5. 8. but alfo, it fits and prepares the SOul for Heaven, without which, Heaven would be no Paradife or place of Pleafure to us. Could a Wicked man be in Heaven 'with all his impure Luftsabout him, he would no more endure the Brightnefs of that glo- rious Place, or the Blefled Communion ofSaints and Angels there, than Bats and Owls can endure thC bright {hining Light of the Sun. But a? (14) Biff fecondly‘, As the Wifdom which is from above is "firft pure, f0 it is alfo peaceahle. Arid n0 marvel {he is {0’ fmce {he is always attended upon with Charity, which is the Bond of Peace. jerufalem which is above, the place whence this Wifdom defcends, ’fignifies a Vgfion of Peace5 and God the Father of Lights, from whom fire is fear, is frequently filled the God of .Peaceg and Chrifi, the Wifdom of the Father, is called the Prince 0f Peace, Ifa. 9. 6. and was honoured at .his Birth with the {butting upof 7am: his Temple, the Roman: Emblem of an univerfal Peace throughout their Empire, and with an Antheme of Peace, rung by a (Zgire of Angels, Glory to God WI high, am! on Earth Peace. Luc. 2. 14.. and went out of the World with a Legacy of Peace. job. 14. 27. Peace I leav/e with yea, M} Peace I give unto you. And the Holy Ghofi, the Donor of . all true Wifdom, he is the Spirit of Love and Peace, and fill: our Heart: with joy and Peace in helievifig. And the Book wherein this Wifdom is taught, is fiiled the Gofiel of Peace, not only revealing to us the glad Tydings; of our Peace and Reconciliation with God, purchafed for us by the Death of his Son, but alfo {iriétly enjoyning us, if it he poflihle, as much at in #4 lies, to live peaceahl} with all men. Rom. la. 8. No marvel then, ifWifdonB Motto be one of Chrifts Beatitudes, Beati pacifi’cig or that of David, Pfizl. no. 6. I am for Peace, for Peace in the Church, that there be no Rent in Chrifis feamlefs' Coat, no Schifms amongft thofe that have all one Lord, one Faith, one Bap— tifin 5 no Crumblings of the Church into Factions and Seas, whereby {he is become borh ridiculous to her‘Ene- ’ mics, and unable to defend her fclf: Again, {he is for Peace in Kingdoms, States, and Civil Societies, that all that are in Authority may prefer a fafe- and well-grounded Peace before a thoufand Vi&ories and Triumphs, and that all thatare under the Yoak of Government, may flhw't themfilve: to ever} Ordiaaace of Man, for the Lord: fake, a ' that Vivi... , V vaw- . , ' —""'--—— W ‘ . ' _ , \ ' w ‘ 4 .. -. . ”(15> \ that they may all fiar God and the King, and not meddle ‘ with them that are given to Change. Prov. 24.. 2 I. Some, as the Learned Bifhop Andrew obferves, interpret the Word Dim Shenit‘n, Seditious Perfons, that with S helm blow _ the Trumpet of Rebellion, and Fay, .We have no part in David: Others render the Word, Detraétors, meddle not with thofe that have Teeth in their Tongues to gnaw the Name and Honour of their Rulers, that take Pleafur-e in , defpifing Dominion, andfpeaking'Evil of Digniries. Thus is Wifdom for Peace in Church and State, that all men may {tudy to be quiet, and may' do their oWn Bufinefs, and may in that, Station wherein the}! are called, therein «(hide with God. I Cor. 7. 24. Nor doth {he only emplOy her Tongue torpraifePeace, or pray for it, but {he 'uf‘eth 'her befl Endeamurs to procure it Where it is wanting, and to continue it where ’tis begung And to that-end, {he [trift- ly‘binds all her Scholars mm to do the leaft Wrong or ‘In- , jury unto any, but to praé’cice that golden Rule which ourSaviour commends, as the Sum of the Law and the Prophets, W hat/oever you would that Men jhonlddo to you, do ye even ft to them. Matt. 7. 12. Yea, {he is (0 reat a Lover of Peace, that fhe is a Peacemaker among thofe p that are at Variance, Prepping in between ”them, as Mafi: "did between, the, two contendin ‘Hehrezw, and fay mg, Sim, Te are Brethren, Whjtheye mg vn’eto another .3 Now then, fince it is the infeparable Propertygof true Wifdorn, to'be‘Peaceable, How far are theyfromWifdom that are'turbulent and faétious? That infieadof‘l‘tud—ying 1'6 he j," ie't, (as the Apofile enjoyns us) Rudy/to be ungui— fraying» make ‘it their Bufinefstodifturb our ‘Waters, be- ‘Cauf’e‘their‘beft fifhing is in them, when they run muddy andltro'ubled ?' A in, Howfin‘ are they 'from'Puritya 110t- ,Withfiahc’iin'gaht eir Prettnces to it, that are met Peace- ":ihle, fince ‘the Wifddm from above is bath-P There are a fort of Men, -that' would needs be accounted religious; ' , and C 16 > and yet do {‘0 behave themfelves, as if their Religion con~ lifted in nothing but a faélious Oppofition to Authority, ' and Difturbance of the publick Peace. But, as the Em- perour F rederiek fent this Meflage to the Pope, together with the Coat-armour of one of his Bilhops, taken in at‘lu- a1 Rebellion againfi him: Vide an bereft} tnm’ca fi‘lz'z' mi .3 -Is this your Sons Coat.> Is this a becoming Garb for him, who, by his Profefiion, ought to be a Meflenger of Peace? 80 I may fay to thofe that pretend to Piety and Purity, and yet are refilefs and unpeaceable, Is this the Badg and - Livery of a Chrifiian? Both our holy and immaculate Re- ligion abett or countenance fuch faétious, and unpeaceable Doin 5? Far be it from our Thoughts! For, this were to .transérm the Prince of Peace into a Mlocb, a Delighter in Humane Sacrifices. Are n0t Peace and Holinefs joyn’d together by St. Paul, Helm 12. 14. as well as here by St. jame: .3 And if we will be Chriftians indeed, and enjoy - the BlelTed Vifion of God," we mull joyn them both in our Pmélice, and follow them both. I heartily wifh all Men were as godly as fome pretend to be 5 for, then I am fure, they would be more peaceable, and not dare to put .afunder what God hath joyned together. OurBlefTed Sa~ viour, whofe Example ought to be our Copy, was Harm- lefs as well as Holy. Heb. 7. 26. And,I would have all men who pretend to Pict , to fearch the Records of Sacred Scripture, to find (i they can) any Perfon regiftred for a Saint, that was of a turbulent and unpeaceable Spirits and if they {hall pitch upon Elias his Spirit for their Warrant, let them remember the Check which Chril‘t gave his Dill .ciples for doing f0, Te know not what manner of Spirit ye are 0 . Chriftians are to live in a cooler Element than that of F ire. You are to partake of my meek and pcaceable Spi- rit, that defcended upon me at my Baptifi‘n, in the Shape of a Dove, an Emblem of Peace, and not in the Sha of an Eagle, that carries (as the Poets fabled) jupz‘ter’s - derbolt ”C ‘17) 'derbolt in her Beak. Therefore, ‘unl'els we will be called Chriftians’ in Coiztuozélz‘am C brifli, as 8412112172 faith, to the Reproach and Difhonour of Chrilt our Mailer, let us Rudy and praé’tife this -Wifdom which is pure and. peace/1121.9. ' ~ ‘ The next property of Wi-{dom is, {he is mam, gent/e, (0 our Tranflators render it, but the Word admits ofa various Confiruétion. 1. She is Courteous, fo the Word is render’d, A5. 24.. 4. @9égatgitt3 aixgo'od a? ifléovv UUV’TO/{st 75 oil fiaxégo' I Zoe/cool) tkee oftb} Courtefle or Clo/72cm}, hear u: a few Wordr. And indeed, heavenly Wifdom cannot but be an Enemy to all Rudenels, Roughnefs, and Uncivility : It calls upon us to be courteous, I Pct, 3. 8. And, this Apofile allures us, That if any man fema- to be religi0115,'.dfid bridle: not bi»: Tongue, ' float 7724713 Re- ligion is vain. ' ' . 2.“She is equitable, fo (is the Word 918x445. gene- rally ufed amOng prophane Authors, Homer, Ari/lode, Plutorc/J, (he. And indeed, Wifdom cannot but be a Friend to Equity, fince Chrift, the Wifdom of the Pa- ther, hath commended to our confla-nt Praftice, this Rule Equity, as the Sum of the Law and the Pro- .. ~ phets, or the whole Duty of Man, in reference to the Second Table, W boyoever ye would tbat men, 8m. :1 Rule {0 excellent, that the Emperour Alexander Swarm (tho’ an Heathen) his (aid to have reverenced Chril‘t and Chri; flianity for it, and caufed it to be engraven on the Doors of his Palace, and on all publick Places of the City of. Rome, @5051 tibi fierz' 22072 227's, alteri 72o feceria: How much below that Heathen {hallwe Chriliians be, if WC praétife not what he fo highly commended! 3. She is moderate5 f0 is the Word ufed, Pbilz'p. 4. 5. mi Gwen’s tic/49:3}, Let your Moderation be known to all Zl’len. And indeed, heavenly Wifdom teacheth us to keepaDecorum in all thingkefpecially in Religion d an VC 18 ) . and to that .~ purpof‘e,‘ though it. allows and encourageth our Zeal for its yet firft, It fufiers it not to- fly at the ‘ Throat of any thing, till it be fully affured’, that it is an Evil, and fuch an one as is not to be borne, left we fall into the ralh Error of the Ifiaeliter, that would punifh the Reubem’ter for erecting an Idolatrous Altar, when at hit it proved to be but an harmlefs Altar of Witnefs... 30/79. 22. 21. Secondly, It uides our Zeal With Difcre- tion, and fuffers it not witgh jelm to driveon filrioufly, but where there is jul‘t Caufe; nor to handle her Razor ralhly or inadvifedly, left Whilft it aims at the Defiru- &ion of Vice or Error, the Life of Truth and Religion: be cndanger’d by its and leal‘t by her Eagernefs againft. the Tares, the Wheat in God’s Field be pluck’d up with. them. Thirdly, It obligeth all men to act Within the. Sphere of their proper Callingsg and allows _ not every one to turn Church or State-Menders, or take the. Sword- into their hands, to punilh or reform, but. thofe only who are thereunto lawfitll-y called. 7The ‘ Church-1 of England hath on. this account, mere jufl'. tank-of glory.- ing, than many Reformed Churches in Cbriflendow; viz. That her Reformation was every way regular, being- ’ n and carried on by Publick Authority, and. con- firmed by Laws and Royal Sanétions 5 and had nOthin , of Tumult or Diforder in it, as all Reformtions emu, neceflarily have, more or lefs in them, that have-not up- on- them the Stamp and Imprellion of Royal or Sovereign Authority. ‘ - But Lafily, It is a gentle Wildom, as our Tranllators render it, and that in» three Refpefis. Flrf’c, As It {lands- in Oppofition to firifi and rigorous juflice: a It teacheth. the Zudgc not to be juflrovermuch’, as Solomn. advifith, Bcc f 7. I6. but to fufijer Mercyto Rep in, and. mode-- rate the Severity of fame Penal Laws, efpeciial-ly where there is jul‘t caufc of their! Mitigation,9iri*rcfa=encei’ :10 ' t e- . . ’C I 9 ) the Partiesoflirnding 5‘ or where the Law was made at firft, rather in terrorem, to keep unruly Spirits id Or- der, than for a confiant fianding Rule of Obedience. Secondly, It is gentle, as it {lands in Oppofition to ralh Anger 5 for, though that furpiizing Pallion may pafs fometimes through the Heart of a Wife Man, yet it rqflr only in the Boflwz of Fools. Ecclef.‘ 7. 9. A Wife Man in- tends to ufe Anger only as his proper Phyfick, though {emetimes he may mifiake the Quantity or Frequency of his Dofesbut the 'Fool ufeth it as his cOnliant Diet: Wifdom~ therefore teacheth us to be angry, and nor to flu, or at lcal‘t, it keeps us fi'Om giving way to the De~ vil, and making him our Bed-fellow, by fuffering the Sun to go down upon our Wrath. Thirdiy, It’s‘gan- tle, as it (lands in Oppofition to Revenge. It will not fuffer a Man to be overcome of Evil,but it teacheth us to conquer by Suffering, to overcome Evil with Good, . and f0 to heap Goals of Fire upon an Enemies Head. And though this be an hard Leflon, yet this Wifdom from above will efleé’cually teach it to thofe that givetup themfelves to be ruled and guided by her, by fetting be~ . fore them not only the Commands of the Gofpel. to. this purpofe, (and What do we foolour (elves, by profefling'a Religion which .we will not obey?) but all?) the Copy of Chrilis Example, who was meek: and lowly in Heart, and exprefly told his Difciples, that he Came not into the World to call down Fire from Heaven to deliroy mens Lives, much. 106 to fetch: it up from Hell, but to lavethem. Luke 9 554313 - ' ' . The next Branch of Witfioms Character is, {he is Euweaafis; which Word, I find among Interpreters ren- dered fometimes in the Aé’tive, but more, frequently in the Paffive Senfe. Lorim renders it aé‘tively, gently enneafiilg’.or‘perli1adiug: And indeed, the pmper way oPWifdoms teaching is by the mild way of Perfitafion, ' D a and ii. ll‘ <20) and not the rigorous way of Compulfion: Non oi, fid fiavitate , (fi- ( gag/i ) blanditz'ir utitur. Indeed , {he is an, Enemy to willful Obfiinacy , and can- not endure (after having ufed all rational and gentle means of Conviction in vain) to fee her Laws and Law- makers trampled upon with the Foot of fcomful Pride and Contradiction : But, though {he lay a juft re- firaiiit upon the‘outward Man, and fometimes (as her lafl: Refiage) infiiCts her Cenfures upon the fiubborn Schifma- tick, and hath Recourfe to. Secular Authority for her Aflifianceherein, without which, no Order or Govern- ment can be maintained 5- yet {he is far from impofing a new Creed Upon the Confciences of Men, as the late Council' of Trent did 5 or requiring any thing to be be- ' lieved' or praé’tifed, as neceilary' to Salvation, but what Gods Word either particularly, .or by general Confe- quence propoundeth or enjoyneth 5 and ufeth no other Arguments but thofe of Reafon and Perfuafion, to! caufe. us to embrace her Tenents. Romy}: Policy, is- all fbr Force and Violence, and would have her Reli -' on eve~ ry where to ride triumphant upon the Top 0 a Lance. She teacheth all-her Scholars to conclude all their Syl- logifins in'Ferio 5 if the Heretick will n0t turn and re- cant, to the Stake with him, and let him be confined- with Fire and Faggot 5 bei herein, like the Tyrant Nab}? of Lacedemou, who, w en he could not. perfuadc. his Citizens to. part with their Money, fennhem to his Wife Apega, which was a. terrible Engine, framed on purpofe, by him, to fqueeze and force them to it. But, how contrary is this to the Pattern of our Blefled Je- fias ! who, in the days of his Flelhly Abode with us,- made it his Bufinefs to draw men to the Profeflion of his Truth, with the Cords of Love, and eafie Bonds of Reafon and Perfwafion, but not to propagate Religion by the Sword, or to beat out mens Brains with a Pole- Axe, .6' 3.; ,a-r-r / .. . ,-— ..r- 9.-. .dti—Lig ~ C 21 ) Axe for refufing it. The Doé’crine dc Heretico Comm: refldo was unknown to the Primitive Chriflians, who inflead of compelling men to believe the' Gofpel, did not once draw the Sword fo much as in defence of it, for three hundred Years: and yet it. profper’d then more: by fufiering, than’afierward by fighting for it. But fecondly, We will take the Word Euwafifis, as In— terpreters enerally render it, in the Pafiive Senfe: She is eafie to intreated. F acilé bani: rationibm perfim- derifeflm’t, f’aith Efliw; She fufrers her felf to be eafily- - perfuaded by good Arguments and Reafons: {he fiands in a direét Oppofition to thofe whom the Apofile Peter calls «32252369645, 2 Pet. 2. IO. Self-willed and inflexible Perfons, of whom the World is. at this day very full; Men that are refolved to pleafe themfelves in every thing, to abound in their own Senfe, and fing their own Song, though their Nore be tOthhCrS, as harm as that of the Screech-Owl. - ' But the W zfdow from above-is tractable and yielding, efpecially in thefe two Cafes : ‘ F irfl, If any thing-that is Pious, Juli, or Cha ' ble, be propounded to her, {he readily clofes with it, nd con-‘- tributes her belt afliflance to it : She hath not her Ears in her Feet, to. run away from the poor difirefled Sup- plicant, ( as it was raid of Dionlliw' jlmior' ) ' but {he hath them in her Head, alwayes Open to hear the Cryes of the Poor and Needya Efpecially, {he is carefill‘ftill to referve one Bar to the Accufed Party, and ‘never to conclude any thing againft him, till {he ‘hath‘hea-rd’him {peak for himfelf: Secondly, If any better Information'be prefented to her, touching any Matter, thani {he had before, {he is eafily wrought upon to entertain it. If any Centrover-J he be clear’d. up to, her Judgment, wherein the was be.‘ fore: i ii, I ('22) l. ‘fiar’e-miflaken, {he prefently layes down her Weapons Of Difputation, and is ready to lay, Errare poflitm, Hereti- ew efi nob-5. Though I have been in an E-rrour, I: will n0t be an Heretick: Nor doth {he think it 'any Difpa- ragement to her fell; to firike Sail, and fubrnit to con- vincing Reafon, when it’s laid before her 5 but is Wil~ ling to undeceive her deluded ProfelthS; thou h with the hazard of her own Reputation, and is rea y With good 'St. Axgnflin, to write Retraétations; and is now as - much pleafed in confifiing her Error, as fhe was before in maintaining it. But, alas 1 Men are generally too proud to be thus ingenious, and too wife to think them- filves inan Errour 5 They love to fix that Infallibility in their own Breafts, which they have juftly denied to the Chair of St. Peter. Too many are of the old Va- lentim'am Refolution, Q1106! volumw jufium fiméfuque rifle debet 5 Thatwhich we will have, {hall be true and good, whoever gainfayes it. And rather than they will yid’dfto any thing you can alledge, they are refiblved not to read what is written agrénl’e their Errour, nor come 11 thofe Places where they may meet with Re- proof; feel the edge of Conviction 5 and, when un- willingly they meet with it, they cry out, Hafl thou me, 0 wine Erie/a] éand wifh it lay in their pow- er to confute the plain-dealing Micah/2, as the jew: did St. Stephen, with Stony Arguments. Nay, rather than filffer themfelves to be perfuaded, they are refolved to maintain Contradictions : And thofe very men that late- ly inveighed againfl: Toleration, as the ready way to bri in Popery, {hall afterward turn Advocates to plea for this But, or Babel ( which you pleafe) as the belt means to keep it out : And if the Satyr could not cndure the man thathreathed Hot and Cold om of‘the fimeMouth, how {hall Wifdam do it? So that the Con. verfion (23) . verfiOn of Fame men from the 'Errour of their Wayeg. may be expected with as much h0pe of Succefsa as the Countrey—man in Horace expeé’red when the Ri- ver would run dry: At ille labitur @ labetur in 0172718 [mirth/in” mum. at I dare not inlarge upon the following Characters of Wifdom. She is merciful, full of compallion to all that .' are in mifei'y, and ready both-to give and forgive. oFor fhe well knoWs, that by giving to the Neceflitie’s of Others, we make God our Debtor, to repay us with Intereft 5-. and by forgiving our Brother. his hu'mfte‘d pence, we may procure the ten thoufand Talents which we owe to God, to be {truck off our Tally, and char- ged upon the perfect and fatisfaé’tory Accountiof our _ dearPLedeemer. She fets before us that rexaé’t Copy to Write after, Be ye merciful, a, your Heavenly Father is mercz'firl, Luke 6. 36. and 'threatneth yudgwent without Mercy to them that [hem ”one, James 2. 13. She knows, that the bell Ufe we can put our Riches to, is to make them. our Friends, Luke 16. 9. and to traffick with them for a far better Merchandize than. that of Silver and Gold: to fow Temporal and tranfitory things, and reap the Harvcl-l of a blefled Eternity : She is therefore full ofMepcy 5 doth not confine it only. to _ the Heart, (1'. the Bowels of Compaffion, ‘ but {he opens her Eyes to be— hold the Neceffities of the Afiliéted, and her Ears to hear their Complaints, and makes her Tongue the Pen of a ready Writer, to {peak comfortably to them, yea, and. i to plead their Caufe for them. And lafily, {he fireteheth out her hand to lift them up, and opens it in Bounty to relieve and Succour them. according; to her Ability. And this Mercy {he extends to all 5 the lG'VCS not to be confined, or {hut up with IDiRinétioris, or-Li- initatiOnss And though the Apofile direét her ttl') in— , . urge WW” (24) large her Bounty to the Houlhold of Faith, yet {he is willing to take every one that hath the Chriftian Sig- nature upon him, as one of that Houfholds and ’not (as is the manner of fome firaight-lae’d Sehifinatieks) to eonfie it to fueh a Seét or Party. But if he be aMan, much more, if a Chriftian, and miferable, {he makes :hafte to relieve him 5 She is {0 full of Mercy, that {he 'lova it as God requires, M’z‘mb 6. 8. She is glad of any .oceafion or Opportunity to {hew it. I: there 477]]61' left of the Han/é of Saul, to whom I may [bew- kirzdfie/r, fir joflathan”:fizke .2 2 Sam. 9. I. So faith Wifdom, Is there no Lazar to feed and eloath, no Widdow. to vilit, no -Wounds to bind up, no weak Brother to be reftor’ed, none that fit. in the Darknefi of Err-our, to be conver- ted and brou ht to the Light 2 Thefe are the gyms, and this the inlet? of merciful Wifdom. Again, the is full ofMerey, in forgiving Offences, knowing that it is the glory of a man to pals them by, and that w £12.; :31 makes way for his future Happinefs ‘: For, qufléd are Hie .Ma'cifid, far the} [ball obtain Mercy, Mat. 5. 7. Yet this ' Heavenly Wifdom exereifeth forgivenefs towards Oflen- ders,alwayes with refpeé’t to Purity, as well knowing how to at a difference between the ftubborn and penitent O enders, and though {he {pare the one, fhe will not the Other : She knows that Lenity to the Prefumptuous Rebel is Cruelty to the truly Loyal Subjeéi: : And there- fore, if {he be armed with a juft Authority, fhe draws out the Sword to unilh the notorious and incorri- gible Offender, but gill is eompaflionate to thofe that offend out of Ignorance and Weaknefs, and {o ufeth the Sword for their Correétion, but not for their Deltrué (from. - Next, This Wifdom is fill of Good F ruin, Fruits of Holinefs and Righteoufnels, Charity and Benignitys {he is (25) - is never idle, but fiill putting us upon doing what good we can in our Generation, and working theWorks of him that fent us, whilft it is called to day, and fo making an end ofonr Salvation with Fear and Trembling. Phil. 2.1 2. Sheis {till prefling u .n our Confciences' fuch Precepts as thefe, Bring forth 133121: meet for Repentance, Mat. 3. 8. and be filled with the Fruits of Righteoufnefi, to 'the Pruifia and Glorj of God. Phil. 1. II. and, whi/fl ye have 0])- portunit} do Good unto all, and he not wear} of well do- ing, for in due Seafon we [hall reap, if we faint not. She knows, that by Fruitfhlnefs we adorn our Holy Pro- feflion, and bring Glory to God. john I 5. 8. Hereinia‘nt] Father glorified, ifjou bring forth much Fruit: And with- all, that nothing is more beneficial to a Chril‘tian in the ' Conclufion 5 for, Ifwe have our Fruit unto Holinefi, our End fhall he Everlafling Lifi’. Rom. 6. 22. Again, the Wifdom‘ that is from abo've, is ’Achoc’xems, which I find varioufly rendred.’ She is without Waver- in and Inconftancy, fo the Learned Hammond. And {0 the Syriack and Arabick Verfions, abfque hefltatione. Indeed {he is alwayes fiedfitl‘t and immoveable in the Profeflion of theTruth, and in the Defence of that Ho- ly Faith which was once delivered to the Saints : She knows 'there cannot be a greater Demonltration ofa Man's Folly, than to be a Weather-cock in Religion, inconfiant, and changeable as the Moon : whereas you may as foon {top the courfe of the Sun, as divert a tax. ly wife nfin from his juft and pious pu'rpofes. Vatahlw, Pifcator, Illiriew, and others, render the word, ahfque dijudicatione, Without judging : that is, She is neither a curious Inquirer into Other mens Faults, nor a captions Cenfurer of them: A proud malicious Fool, (of which fort of Cattel the World is very lilll) is flil! prying into the Afiionsgf others, and {hootm his 0 t . < 95 ) Bolt at them,- being willin to pals the worfi Confiru- étion of them they are ea le of : Being herein like to the Raven, that is pleafgd with norhing- bur Carrion, or like the Vultur, that can fineil none but rank and foul Scents : But a truly Wife man is 10th to pas Judg- ment, much lefs that of Condemnation, upon any man but himfelf. He finds fo much for him to do at home, that he hath no leifure to look .abroads And when.- he fees any thing amifs in theAétions of men, he refolves to judge of them the heft he can 5 and though: upon, a Sober view he cannot but diflike the Sin, yet he fiill hopes the heft of the Offender, and dares nOt pafs, any Sentence, much lefs a final one, upon his Perfbn 5 But he hath the Rebuke of the Apoftle frequently in his Thoughts,.Rom. 14.. to. WI); do’fl tbonjudge thy Bro- tber .3 we jlmll allfland before the judgment-feat of Chi/25., How apt men are to take this Prerogative of judg- ing. out of Chrift’s hands, doth too evidently appear, by the rare Titles which the bitter zeal of fame do fit- flen-upon thofe that are. not of their Perfuafion,‘ Time- {Ervers , Neuters, Luke-warm Leadiceam, Popifhly-- affeéted, Tories, Papifts in Mafquerade, évc. And no- marvel, if to many odious Nick-Names cafi upon men- without the lmfl ground and foundation of truth, do. meet with fome anfwerable Returns: for it is-an ea: fie matter with the fi'oward to learn frowardnefs. [1 know not what thefe mens Faith may do foathem; it may be a miraculous Faith, and f0 able to remove Mountains for them :, But fure I- am, their Charity will‘ do ,very little toward the timing of’themo (there’s too much of the Gall of Bittemefs in it and as fine I am, that they are as far from. Heavenly ifdom as Light 570m Darknefs : For true Wifdom and Religion ever go hand in band together 3 and where Religion is, there ls. C27) is Charity, the Life and Soul. of its and Where Cha- rity is, it fitfli’rx long, and i: kind, enviet/J not, mm:- tet/J not it jélf, is not pufied up, dot/J not believe it félf unflaewly, ficket/a not her own, is ”at eafily provoked, think- eth no Evil, rejoycel'b not in Iniquigl, ”but rejoycetb in tbe Truth. 1 Cor. 13. 4., 5, 6. And where it is not, though we 1fpeak with the Tongue ofMeq and Angels, we are not in . But gthirdly, Others render the Word fine Dzi/Eept-atio- ”e, without difputing, or, as it is inthéMargin of forne Bibles, without wrangling; and ’tis true indeed, that Divine Wifdom, though fhe’will admit of calm Debates about doubtful Points, yet {he is an Enemy to all brawling Difputes, efpecially about fuch Matters as are flight and trivial, being fully aflured, that jangling Controverfies tend not to Edification; but, for the molt part , end in Contention and Confiafion. And indeed, it is fad to fee how the Life and Power” of Re- ligion. is eaten out by frivolous Difputcs and vain Janglingss and how, by an unhappy kind of Magick, the Zeal of Chrif’tian Praétice is transformed into an Itch of Unchriftian Difputes, fo that (as one well lays) the Queliions about our Creed are become as numerous as theLetters of it. So long as the Church retained the Simplicity of the Chrifiian Faith and Doé’crine, and con- formed thereto by a confiant courfe of Obedience, fo long {he made good the Title which Chrift gives her, of being hit? Love, bi: Dove, bi: undefined ‘071‘8, Cant. 6. But, when the Serpent had got into this Paradife, and infiifed his nice and fubtle Difiiné’tions into Mens Heads, and his Venome of Malice into their Hearts, then arofe perverfe Difputings of Men of corrupt Minds; by means whereof, Contentions and Strifes arofe, to the Deftmficion of the Churches Unity, Truth, and Pm . E Q . , ........£——« - m - r-- w—M' o _ . ....‘~..-~ - \_ -3 1‘ -¢-———-o--. '- , (28) And fi-om hence have arif'en fuch a numerous Progeny of Seéts and Schifms, as would puzzle an able Arithme- tician to reckon them u :' And (0 this Dijfmtaaoli Pra- rigo is become Ecclefia §cabier, this Itch of Difputation (as Sir H. Wotton well (aid) is become the Scab and Plague of the Church: And Satan may now leave off his toillbme work compafling the Earth to and fro, fince wrangling M i will do his Bufinefs for him, and give him Leifure to fit flill, and pleafe himfelf in being a Speéiator of our Divinity-Prizes, and Gladiatory Com- bats about Religion 5 by which, we have almoft driven her out of the World, whilfi every fide pretends to plead her Caufe, Well, Brethren, if we would be in- fpired with Wifdom fiom above, let us' labour to have our Hearts eftablilhed with Grace, and not our Heads ‘ filled with Norions, which may enable us to difpute and wrangle, let us ferioully confider the mifchievous Confequenca hereofi How much precious time is tri- aod‘ away in flcevelefs (barrels, dc Lana Capriua, about Habits, Geftures, Days, and other Ceremonials, which ' might have been, much better em loyed' in working out our Salvation, and making our. C ing and: Elegion fire; He that thus idely bufieth himfelf, will find at lafi, he bath, with Szfipbw, rolled the Stone, efpoufed a Labour that may make him weary, but never afford any folid Comfort or Satisfaétion to his Soul : Let him alfo confi- der, how great an Obflruétion this wrangling Humour dorh put to Chrifiian Praikice, and, how the confined Noife of Pro and Con, Ob and Sol, quite drowns the Voice behind us, which faith to us, Tbi: 7': the way, walk in it. Did We but wifely confider, that the Intes tell of our Souls, the avoiding of: Eternal Mifery, and acquiring of endlefs Blils for them, is not (0 eafie a matter as to be. purchaf‘ed with a few, yawning Wilhcfif'g C 29‘) laft, but requires our whole Lives, and the Intention of our whole Powers, to fecure them 5' we {hould not full fer any thing to interpole it (elf, ,or interrupt us in {o great and nece'fiary a Work. Now, if we bufie our {elves with Difputes and Janglings about Religion, our Attendance upon Chriftian Practice muft thereby be in- terrupted 5 and {o whilft we quarrel with one another, we give our great Lord and Mailer juf-t ground of quar- relling with us all, for negleéting the Great Bufinels for which he fent us into the World, the glorifying of God in our Generations, and the working out of our own Salvation. .n ' But lallly, this Wifilom is witbout Partially, {0. our Englifb Tranflation renders it. She knows, that to 123‘ fpeéi: Perfons, or as the Hebrew fignifies, to know Faces, regarding not {0- much the Matter, as the Man, and . hearing him (peak, and not his Caufe, this hath long fince been condemned by the Wife man, Prod. '24. 23. She knoweth alfo, that God i: no Refpeéfcr of Perfimr, Colof 3. ult. and therefore, fhe dares not be one, far-r- ther than Civility and common Prudence allows of: and Religion obligeth us to, of honot‘lg and revea- rencing all men according to their Natural Qualifications " and Endowments, or accordingto the Perfonal Excellent C168 and Dignities conferr’d upon them: But, it cont demns that Refpcé’c of Perfons, that flows from Prejudice,- or Intercl‘t, or mifplaced Afleétions when we aggravate fome' M‘ens Frailties, and excufe Other Mens Crimes 5 when we extol] fome mens Vertues,and cry down others, though equally deferving-r, when; Men, being engaged by Interel‘t or Faétion, can bring in an Ignoramw to a Bill of Indiétment put up again a Friend, though the Evidence be never (0 clear againft him; but can readily find theBill. againfi an Enemy, though never-{o weakly prov. W’fl (30) “proved 5 or when of two Men involved in the fame Guilt, one meets with a milder Sentence than the others this is a finfiil Partiality, which the Wiflom from above cannot but abhor. And it were well if men pretending to Wifdom would at length be alhamed of. it, and not expofe themfelves and Follies herein, fo pub- lickly to the World, in {pying out Beams in the Eyes of an Enemy, but not (0 much as a Moat in their own. Alas! How much (infill Partiality is daily to be feen in molt Mens Dealings! How partial are we in our Obedi— ence to Superiour Powers! If their Command be agree- able to our Humor, we can be content to pleafe our felves as well as them, in obeying thern°9 but, let them the never fo juft, if they run crofs to our Fancy or Inte- rel’t, then we plead Liberty as our Chril’tian Birth- :right, and the danger of wronging our Confciences, as' an Excufe for our Difobedience. In the Dil’tribution of Rewards, how little Re ard is had to any man’s 'Virtne‘ or Merit! How 0 en bath the Rich Dunce been pmferred (thou h Balaam’: Afs can ' {peak more ‘Setlfé than he) Whil the Learned Man, that Wants Confidence a Money, goes away without it! In the Dillributions ofjuftice, How often are Jurors {waved more by Love' or Hatred to the Perfon, than by'thc Conl'cience of their Oath, or true Infight into the Caufe! So that Verdié’ts are too often rather the Language of Afl'eélion or Prejudice, or worldly Fnteref’c, than of Equity and Confcience. With what Zeal and Heat of Paflion is the Rich Man’s Caufe pleaded, but the Poor Man’s, coldly and faintly, though oftentimes the jufler 5 as if the Advocate had 3'59 91‘ 3&6th given him to be _, .be filent ! I would be loath- to think that there {hould be among Chriftians , that Partiality in the PUinck Adminiflrations of jullice , Whlch the Poet COKE- ._; $ —-—-—-\«»._.A.~..h~. A ’ v ' ‘ " ' * r-.. _..,_,-... , , "-v >2‘v v——‘ C 3 I 5‘ complains of in his Time, Dart vefiiam Cervix, vexat cenflrm Colnmlmr. But , in the Private Cenfures which Men pafs on one anOther, this Partiality is eve- ry Where vifible. How ready are we to confirue every thing faid or done, by fome Men, in the worft Sank, whilft others {hall be defended and juftified, at leafi excuféd, for faying or doing the firm things! How partial are Men in the choice of their Religi- on! Moft Men have a Kindner, not for that which is trueft, but that which is mofi in Fafhion, or moft like- ly to profper in the World, or is molt agreeable to the Interefts they haire efpoufed. A Plebeian Religion heft fuits with Men of Commonwealth Principles; and a Popifhbeft with thofe that would live licenti- oufly, ’ and purehafe' their Pardons for Moneys and thofe alfo that court Riches and Greatnefs more than Virtue. No marvel then, if the Religion of the Church of England, lying under fo many Difcouragemcnts and‘ Dangers, as now it dOth, hath f0 few cordial Follow— . . ers. The Poet {aid it, and Ifcar ’tis too true, ’ Hi! virtutem awpleéfitur ipfa'm premia (Z fol/m? Let Virtue her {elf want the Dowry of Reward and Encourage- ment, and {he will meet with few Suitors. Again, how partial are we in the choice of our Teachersl‘ Hath" be but the Tone, and the Twang, and the. WOrds of the Qorum, this Cant {ways more with many itchin - Ears, than all the Words of Truth and Soberne s, which the Tongue of Men and Angels can utter. I’. might eafil-y {hew you how this {infill Partialit'y runs through every Vein, through the whole Scheme of Hu- mane Affairs, which is a plain Evidence againft molt men, that they are Strangers to this Heavenly Wifdom. which is without , Partiality. Yes,- "7 V—_- — vw-iv — . - — ~«- " W'TZ; - .- “Sm.- ' and in the New (32) , Yes, and Without Hypocrifie alfo. She fcorns to fail with every Wind, or Protew-like, transform her felfin- ‘ .to fuch Shapes and Forms as Time and Occafion 'may feem to require: It is impoflible {he {hould ever in this fenfe become a Time-fewer, or Pleafer of men. An Hypocrite can owemigew , ( as it was {aid of the P}- tbizm Oracle) Tune his Note in Religion {0, as may ' befl pleafe the prevailing Party 5 He can be Protefiant to day, and , Papift to morrow, and Seé’tary a third, according as the Wind of Worldly Advancement turns about: Nay, his Confcience fits fo loofe to all Religi- ous Concerns, that he can readily exchange a Bible for the Alcoraiz, if he may but gain by it: But the Wifdom that is from above, like a true Eagle, fcorns to ftooP at fo bafe a Quarry 5 She hates to change her Station, {as the Senators did upon Sejonw his down- tall) for Fear or Worldly Advantage, but in all E- flates and Conditions that may befall her, her Motto , is that of (been Elizabeth of Famous Memory, Sem- per eadem, alwayes the fame. A ain , True Wifdom {Corns to be a Stage-Player, as t e Word Hypocrite, in its Native Language doth pr0perly fignifie : One that reprefents the Perfon and 3&5 the part of fome great King, or Lord, when he is a man of poor Extraél'i- on, and mean Rank and @ality. True Wifdofn fcorns to feem or appear other than what {he really is. There are indeed ( prob dolor ! ) many parts of Religion dai- l y aéted among men, as upon a Stage, whereby they ihew themfelves true Difciplts of that Arch-hypocrite the Devil, who, in the Old Tef’tament, got on a Man- tle, and aéted the art of a Pmphet, I Sam. 28. 14.. ”(Fefiament, comes forth transformed into an Angel of Li ht, 2 Corinth, I I. 14.. Indeed tom: Manda exerts! Hi rioximz , the World is become a ‘ ' Stage, ,pear a mofi unfu . WWW "V “* '~ -—~.n y.' ,----—?:; .fl b (33) ’ Stage, whereon mo’fi men ‘do Perfonatc what they are ‘ not: .There’s fcarceda true Face to be found in it, no- thing but Paints and VVizor-Masks : A72 [fi'aclitc indeed,- in whom is, no guile, would be a wonder to, find, and fucha fight sas'may well deferve an Ecce, But let men pleafe themfelvcs With their Treachery and Falfe-heart; . ednefs to God, and men, fmooth’d and lleek5d over Witha Theatrical Godlinefs, wherewith this Age aboun— deth, yet a truly Wife man will pray with juror/2, O my Soul, come not into tbeirflzcretr, mine limom' be not Ignited to their Aflmblier! Gemf 49.- 6., This Wifdom that de- fcends from, above will teach us ever to account Sins cerity the belt olicy, and Hypocrifie ' the greatefiFol- 1y : Since, th ugh the Hypocrite may for: a time puta Cheatupon the dimrfighted, World, yet he, cannOt de- ceivethe Great Searcher of Hearts, nor caft a mift be- fore his All—piercing Eye 5 And, which is worth of all, whilfthe cheats others, he putteth the greateft Cheat up- onhimfelfs for What is the H0pe of a Hypocrite, lwhen God takes away his Soul, 3‘05 27. 8. and loads him with thofedreadful Woes denounced againf’t him by our blefled ' - Saviour, ‘Mattb. 23. i that in the end he mutt needs a?! . Godl'ine.-fs,;..byw whic e, gained to himfclf an Heaven of Applaufe here, {hall meet with. a‘ real Hell ‘of‘ Torment, even in the loweft part ofthatlnfernal Prifon. ’ ' , I have run o'ver, as briefly as I could, this Character. of Heavenly Wifdom : I have no time to f' pend in be- wailing the great Want of hercompany' am’ongft the Sons of men, or in telling you that which hath been laid long ago, Stultorum plemz fimt omnia 5 but a truly Wife man is rarely tobe found : Or that there are many Pretenders . to this Wifdom,menthat talk, much ofit,and boaft of it, as the Gag/ticks did of Qld, and Eonfine it to themfelvegas if it ble F 001, when his counterfeit . I . I C 34 > it fhould" onel'y live and dye with them; and yet when I compare their Aé’tions with this Charaé’cer of Wifdom, that {he is pure and peaceable, (fial may boldly lay (with fome alteration of Limcre’s words )~ Amt [use non (fl S 4- cra Scriptum, aut bi no” fimt Sapienter. Either this isnOt Sacred Scripture, or thefe are not the Wife men they take themfelves to be. But I mufi wave this Difcourfe. And now, Right Honourable, and Reverend Judges of this Circuit, It is, and {hall be my hearty Prayer, that this W'ifdom may alwayes Rand at your Right hand, to prompt you to all Aéts of Piety and Peace, of im- partial Juflice to incorrigible Offenders, Pgd yet of Gen‘ tlenefi and Mercy to tho'fe that are ca le of it; and in a word, to all flich thin s as may enable you to dili charge with all Faithfulneé the great Truli repofed in you, and in the end make you wile unto Salvation. ‘ '“If the Gentlemen of the long Robe Will be careful to make this Wifdom their Counfellor, I am. {are none of them will dare to put a fair (3108 upon a foul Tear, or gild over a rotten Poft, by callin Evil Good, and Good Evil, by juftifying the Wicked or Reward, and taking awa the Righteoufnefs of the Ri . ous from him. this Pure and Impartial Wi om be the Guide of our Grand Inquelts, and other Juries, I am fure they will ‘ nor for Fear or Favour, eonnive at groCs Offences, or bring in falfe or unjufi Verdié’ts. . ' Ifthis Wifdom, which is without Partiahty and Hypo- crifie, be but fer as a Watch to the door of thofe mens Lips, who are to give in» Evidence in any Callie, Civil or Criminal, they will not dare to {peak any thing but {Ewhat is truth 5 [and be to far fi'gm uttering any thing a ag‘mfi their knowledge, that they Wlll telhfie nothing but what is exaétly agreeable to it. - , Finally, Lg‘ ‘ , (as) ' Finally, Would all Plaintiffs in any Court of Judi- cature, confult with this Heavenly Wifdom, which is peaceable, gemfle, eafle to be entreated, and fill] of Mercyg * they would not go to Law for every Trifle, but be wil- ling to withdraw their Aé’tions upon reafonable Offers, and hearken to fair and moderate terms of Accommoda- ' tion, whereby both Judge and Jury may be faved a great deal of Trouble. To conclude, May this Ointment of Heavenly Wif- dom be at laft poured out upon the whole Nation, and run down from the Headto the Beard,’ and from thence to the Skirts, from the greatef’c to the leaft amongfi us, that To Purity may be refiored to its former Splendor, bafe Partiality, and bafer Hypocrifie, may be bani-{bed out of our Hearts 5 Juf’cice and Mercy maintained,and Peace and Truth efiablfih’d amongft us and our. Pofterities for .ever.' Which Almighty God in his Goodnefs grant unto. us for Jefus Chrift his fake : To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghofl, be afcribed all Honour and Glory, now and forever. Amen. FINIS. RARE BX 5133 . F68 H4 1682 mot m- com-u ELL SPC RRE RARE BX5 5133 F68 H41 010-005916235