1? T 5-» 4 % as ,,3_:;_;‘ % A A % % % :3-Kr V I A é . _%:r n 1‘ n 1%: r1§s' rfa’_"r"»?S"‘:*—’W‘H"«,§"‘. { , M012, VOF thcVChiIdA. of Reformation "31:’.-“ A S E R M 0 N Préachcfd before‘ the 3% ‘* ; A {01¢mU€!wF”afl,.; lab’ 31...; %1644.. ,<3§»'r:+.~.~ By Stmlsy Gom'r,* fomet1me‘s% Reéior of Bram ram 3%- Brim; in the Coumcy of Hercfird, now Preacher czftjods V’ 3*“- »j3§f- M % Word.aE%Marri:::»$Lg2{“g:ar:, Landm : And Ont“: uftghc 'f5“'% .3,E, A .~ A RevereVndAfit:mbIy of ])ivinV.es. AA —.——-—-av "'r- E MA'I'rH.V :4. :.:,2.3,2...,,z;,;. ~ “fig; % Var. Tb=en]?)alz'bc grcat’tribu!ario»1,{ucb am my nu: firm: :§r'm beginning; of H H)»: warlzlto tbzlx ftmmna normierfimllbm. % A; V AA ° ‘ «J % .gg; 5 V» =2 3- TW*ft3%=)IJb~¢l1f{zy raw‘ 13 €»*J€'€%¥'¢» €?**i«‘Ji‘;arrMer}>g~r.e% it zmn, ; $.14. go; 1215:}: yjbazzl arjéiflffligflfflbft/Jfydfidfflé/g,£3%qpiIety*&;j;\ ‘- “. i" A -1,. \ C» '0 ,_ Java £~\m,.8 ~ M k ‘~ V ; M ‘M ‘, -Bk .1?mb1i{hed by Order ofthe faid From fig‘ U ' V.Ix0]‘J D0N,% +- “GA Printed G.’ for P/zrilemzm Stepfamyat theifigng ofghe 0 "fig? w(3o1d::n»Lyon %ixz.%I’-ml: Church~yard:,1 L61, 4.. I‘ ........--pg ~<:1% .1" *1 1 mi; NOW~3*d1n%O : %§ THE V REC 'If"1?{‘ A1/”% A I L E f«§~<:’.,~-»-.L. ‘#3 é nowv» are bearip of. :-4;» -«:4 I-Ionourablelloufcof Commons, at thcig, _,L_ ______ __ _______“ A ‘ H “ ' j§,f,&m>' =‘n..v....:*w '.M;‘~..~ a..m«‘..M 6... W my-~...:»%* v r A * —+ v « ‘ . . ‘ ';i3'g~ axxfifu xihhgt lit é=»§L 5;» J ‘W IE3.‘ xix b.1‘Ttif\l‘£h}rfi:y‘;‘i§:%£:${‘3;Kt «?“);‘C‘5"o'§’ 0 151-1 E H 0 N 0 V R A 13 L 1; H 0 V s I1 c 0 M M ON 3 4 Noxvaffembledill PARLIA MENT. A AniaIsProp/Jecie concernéswe Jcwes D;1n.rz.”:‘; . _ in Hypothcfi, the whole Cburab of T““"“‘P*"* ,. Godin 'Ihcfi, farno Scripture is ?of privatcinterprctation, faitlj wm~.:.m.‘ and T hefe things hapncd to them as A e_nfamplcs,fai:/3 .S‘.Pau}. A To tbemiafimlcetb tweaking: 3 A I . Their C alamizics Vzmaéwtbefbure great narchies mm: azlmofl at 45¢ end. TimirV4ConfoIationafterwards,ana’wwap« ~ AZ’V5’m4‘M”£i%~A A ‘ AA A t To zz»s4i:jj2mIcetbt'w%oApbz‘ngs mare. ; 4 1; Ouyéi-lope, Iiving in dayfsvfrrouble, Ikmm Right Honourable; _ V ‘r’ " I V '77./M'371"I’§".’n'p '£rétZ7.szll,%4of deiiwr ‘,-:1}? is mw'.cz Tympany, hut 1:».m.m.;~ A ChiId,d -t/mavbacburclaes afar/,2-'z: Saints ge§'*witb.. all, z!2e3rfl£;!:long in the place of bif{h,iF'”}Iufc,!5~r3.f A z2:.».2.. A $“W%%flfi 1 cm“! 013 .. The Epifilc Dcdicatorie. ‘Zach. 4, 7. Prov. I 3. :2. Dams. Sc 7; E<:V.%z';.n 3'... A is %bec2iIrecheya:e£o31;m% am at lengtb 4%}; zzazmmm promzfled, the mm:-child of 'ReYir-- % mqtiofl //iallbaborne, and Heaven and cart)’: flmfi cry gracc grace unit it. . 4 ,4 % 2 .0141‘ H eIp,( for hopedcfc-rrcd~makcththe heart fick,) in xbris booke two may: itvix a_f]%m'ea’. ‘Eirfl, Fromt/ac Hiftory ofwifia S56‘/JfV¢%5*'0W the Cburcfz, though it be ;'zlmt1e and bus at dcflvafed flacfljét is it oftbazt e§?eame witbGbd,tbat for the .Cbura:b.e:fake— /2: ‘W/)ce1e5»al20z£t am the £vIomrclJies » of the warm’ 5 $19: Perfian {ball dd/[7 inpcem zt/Je;.» Babylonian, t./ya Grcekes t/ye Pevrfian, t/3:... Romanes t/ye Grecian, mm’ the God af Hca-« Avcn tbs Romans Empir-3 mm’ tlyem all, A zzmz’fi'zt sap 5/J6 Kingdomc of Iefz1«5C/Jrifl-,-. that fionccuc c ut without hands,which (hall become a great mountains: and fill the whole earth. ~Scea:2d!5:,%4From ‘t/2:: Propsfirfie of 1'5, nfofflza;-J mm, 5 -bzm %A!3i%4‘3>z‘:2cz,4%a:£2.4tA/mrfiddalandar, mdigrw %A1:4amza£Vl< of Propbefia: tbe%foure Kirzgdomes of Daniel, arem2ton1y,anHiflorical/, £*uaaPro;/J5» ticall Cbronologiaoftimey,mcmfixred firom t/ye b¢;gin~ nirgg Aofzbc __]ewesmapt:'1*ity tiflfl-"ail the Kingdom:-gs ofthr;- wot ld fhould become% the K-ingdomeiof our L'ordAand A his C hrifig zz mm:/:90/‘ time, an- rz'r;.r;‘4% wfjici}, rim C/Jz:?’c?;2m:*:—’&’ Mitjcsrxq £_lJ.~a’I%:cw::s flmzrld The Epéfilc fiedicatoriez fivouldcarry tberwzi/c~upon tbair bearw, but azficr-» wards/bau1d»turne to God, 4nd«lw mi/cdwup fiom the death offlnne ; 4 return: f 0 flrarzgaga dciiwzgyfla ’ V grmt;/‘mt it is rrrfembledzo oz rcfurrc-fiionfijvam/m gI"¢“l'194?....'. ‘ To tbtfs great C azlendar ~oftim‘a: Vtlse Apoflles in vtbe 4mm ’3("'c2§'fm9zemt relate, when I/my ml} t£ze_., firm‘: oft/ye {arm/2 Kingdame, the lafl times, mm’ -%z?be‘latwr £I'fi'165~0ft[J4F K.ingd@me,the latter t~i1nesi,- v(~viz.)tl9c1;4ztve:< pm ofa£2*::¢1aflAKinga’om.e ( as flair!) «I learned 1m:erprerar.‘) Goa ‘irwatbm to t/1115 proplJetimlI Calendar, we /MT‘3«‘.? thellomane Mo» ~na.rchy almafl at an end, and concerning the ewes, « ( 'wbofl: comming in fimccedatbt/Mirgoirzg out tma ~~Z«‘/Jiflgs flflezrold. AA '1"/:efin~¢:lI and of-thc Turkiflx Empire ( as l»,u.«zr.. %m"d mm co¢mi‘"re)tbe onlyo/2§?zzcIe to tbofl: Kings of «die Eafl NwVf‘tbe Icwes 41%: ¢‘alI’c2', andrbe Izszfidefence &fté2a Hm]? ,5 ‘xv/Jojé beginning, was aborw tbeyeara $390‘, and 2319: 4ddirévnxAof;§Ao. ( 'W/Ji€/J 175 I/M96‘ time, to ::mAcnz2’,irzt/JeyeareI650... 4, The beginning of their gratiam defiivcry, tbfl: /Eal7%]b.e after .4_ t4w0—-_—flaId% epache. % % V :1. The taking Lavvay of the daily facrifice, *tim<:s,halfca4t~ime)a’ocb%I2ri:¢gtZ2g;tArurkflvtyrmrny miréciv mm wzmg; dam by Antioch us Joflg bffflfé’, [_7.7;££* % 4.3% D.'113.l .o.“.uz,,, % }K0nLI 315'. M? AIeJéApoflPs oflzutcr t.-Ines, p*'54.76 $26 6“ I C M. Brtg_bt%mdK, and many 0.. Lbcrs. Rev. 1 6.5%. D.m.x 2.7, mloczz.-1:. ¢ ~- in rd‘:-I; Dnm 2;; 1,; MI «~munp‘*_,_ add: A '1.‘11cEpifl;lc Dcdicatoric. V " ; Dm.m,8.1o__nx, . 24,15. I :<;;Z*p1; ..»4n.I£g.__ i1:w%iW!-P1?/?- f1»,%.ii.,xt.z.;.::;;%,, [W C56 Ajure %byéux Lord;V‘Iafiasr«§,‘bavi§‘t%%*»£7's'5 3.¢a¢/9,12’?- % §3ra)’ifigal?:wb8r*?{:wrifl¢ay éytbem:rifi'zfe 0/bémfirl A #56 flalnefléiofafltbeir{/mdowes,4nd dc faéto vb 'Fij-_- M msVc£pafi_an ,*s_7a/Jo toqke aw): tbe place ioffczm’-_» fi§ing,.?m[aen be dqflroyedrbe Temp‘Ie.u. A « 2. The {string up of the abhomination of dic_folat~ion, ( or W/Jic/9i1¢¢it'i€t/Jdcjalazte) 31155 was wickedb attampwed 6)! the 4Ie§y=£s Vizz. tAé2sm’ay:s.ofIu1~ ’ flan the Ap o{}ate5Hbeimcontempto/Cbri§?g;n:e iz'i~ e76’i37Ct‘3,50.$/98 I ewes ta"I2m'.~’a’rb—ei:~ Temjzla, amdrmcw tbair Iemflwr/bip, /Jareultan t£1cyraoVkau;b e"vez;y, % fione of tbaoid;%u;mnian,&av before they laid may m‘$vom,tl9'e.y ‘W re dzflvewaa.’ lay zzfiecidll /mmz’ ofG0r1¢ ~ Afinzzrfufl eaftbgzmkz: in the night drflrqyed all tbeir War/<5, 4fu%da’en" fire coy;/mday their toalayh and zrlaemjélverfiadgflaefled t/Mtfram that time the 1:: W» 13111 fupbrflzfio m didfizr ever cwffi. Cyri1Bi{1‘1op of 14¢‘.-rtsfidem, *mlJo admonflacdobem aft/nix Prajlijtffifi afDa;t1«i&e2*1g.;£vum;;’::er umd{flmafiam¢c£aguld prew:‘1c~, /ac aII:£z¢_./3' p;'of1’¢fled, 3/mi: no.wA%t/Jutimc 'Wa1$.f0fi1£?_W/Jifib cm’ L0:*d‘,r‘3}"£-tola_’, IA/."x;e.1—IlmtC2efar%om:e fiaid _m,,.,£,,z4‘;4,;,.5_ of Bgnm-e, He-foufzdit*br%ick,but4Ieftit marble, mam irzverzi, WrWeW€_ may mud: more Honoumbly be ffzicf’ of you, you V’ “W4‘?~ .. f0zmd4ourA C/amrcb and SMMA Ath%c:.Puca;llA%, ‘Prela-vv L m[,,_,?, ti;cai=l%5yauIc:z°oethebeamcs of~‘our4houIcCedar, W~#:{n»1-43- 5» I M 4 L and 0 air, galleries fir~re5fan:oz:sfor a’z4r.:zblerze_(j?e,«,;c.» A wpfiablefiwrmeetnefl 5 laying in tbajwafls tbm CbAur£b‘%% A boldom:in§2‘é.r1dofSocini;1nifn1e, A rminianifmc, mmm mos; and lgafertingzgbfim5.Worfl1ip,and %D,i{ci%p1£nc,«.and Governemcnx, A44: may keeps ofi" ‘ac/)fa!z'dAzzna’%etamm7 rm:/as 9 A;AGad A 4;: my A ’mi'ndandw.eaztl2er,tbat4Gods pcople may walks /mud A yoga/J¢r,a5 ingallcries a,yfflrm..r.% s fioug$=IonVours,both":m1i.ttin'onAcofg:aaé; _ ar1d..»ix1 the works cfiflhrifi 5? ix .M~1 ; xi If »G_u w 1‘ ,many and the ~ ” . A DAn.12.AIo;. Man} /5411 bepufffied amim j %wbite,an3’tr§ed«; wicked/ball doe wicked!) ; A none oftbe Wifikfdfbéll undcr§'hmd,buttba wifi/Zmllmdarfimmfi. A ;-. me.-v Oh f'hw.rd4izM:hc morning ( Right ?I~I@n ~ou- ~ fir“ . ==' Arable and the rcft Adearely beloved iuvthc f ... A Lord]~efus') God bylmmy counfcllingto $ ymr % wage: and dfliflgfa Heare rs God 4 w_,t,.‘5«u um M “ -c ._,u.%... A A promifirfg A _4 A Daniel that {hall be amended, and AthisA prom“ e i11uftmIt:cd‘by the: Wcsasntrary, 5:43 the wicked doc wickedly‘ : be: as auentiveA I bcfecch youm God promifing, od A * withaut-charm mbut [ball Kw we and ’ dxamfwcrthmeump, “ ttwlamr, amlia oft/ztfit M % A v. I I4. Framflwwufic tlvat tbadafly “ * Cohettnck ‘I mowing.‘ V M’ Rarbbml, on NO‘. 7; E5, Thé Tune. 1» Chrsng. I. Cap, ,¥.6. ’.,~?;a*c::* J1’ Es! 79 A; 5 "' , ‘gram: "m :2 ca: 9'2: !;"€7:.:‘f‘;b4:t.5z/-: '>Ql£}%s§, «:31;-9'ac,:§ r; }»_’_a‘,’ I .TI\3t772,;~Qc:;«cL,+2‘-.1 ';"a:-,: qgjveigh _ 43:! :35 ‘ 4%: Vt" v‘:§=¥;:»:?\€1 T73” !cJ.f:gp?2. ,-.’;rz- ?’iz;3,L« £u.'C,! 3’. :2 S-gun. x.1.f:;L.q_,L grfifel / fizsk.‘ 8.33.. E53! 0, C333 C553 ‘.3 -’§i’;:3:37.§ 1,3 2 8,, “ LI¥l*BrEgbf:¢2m1 . on 39(33- W? on E?}.:;':z 311% G” ‘»;l"1’3,a ,4’ Segmafl d;;2;¢;m2>;a;7z,»;ng;z, ;L11y3;.W. - z 7be~¢i%\xiiee11€5§§“%a3- Wf%%24 ragga é’*”fi<€¥z §”d fiiwg 4rzye5- My text comes in W ‘ ob {C [f‘I;¢t%éiz*m§‘]arfd k ~§u%e&»;§fitMZm; ‘“”773.€'¢%}§«é'%»t§:772g»;;4g»gg,m. :.:»2_y,(§—c. which flacaw t11everi'e to be dependent: and ma. degd g1ifi::t1e§ \\‘~é~'“ H: briefelyt , ThefTiin€ fore»-told, is, t_hecaIiofthe jzlej faves rucr.1. for Dzmzkfwasa few, not°vfécoj1vd [on m y®uL both, Dpz?-vz’.r,£ by «V/11vi_gezz’Z, (}£‘*\N110m‘l§§:'L:3 rfide long before, but a#P1‘op{o¢% ®f%$t~hCf-’1‘ix1c€Fly §1‘ibe§of’Izz:{4b>, and (. {Ewe may {;:‘e€lit W" .)A Of the: bloéd R0y’%H*a1fo.‘ is: x‘t:%\¥ki"&.n=vv_‘ fp0%;éz16f as a*iréfy*ti§itei1efit man,bL1t:wV‘e~51h+x1& here 4 “ % G/w;¢,»and that of a. very’ choicepeece, the Icwzfl: Pcory. Salomm bem looke upon hi c }*e~§*é&” E3? ®Q§§;«(ca11ed therefmc Ieéliéaiiaéfaw ;2f“2wi4’d I(img. of thae €hl3'fC§1@:5I §E§¢:«ha1am%ia, I;%t>ve-L foxxgs: S.lol21¢,t%he b1@i$cdEvange1%i_fl,_¥ be1o*Ved~ifcip1e§V and Ta1nong£’c%’thA¢ 1 Apo£?i1@~s, wparafell tO%I0fef;Tf9_ amongfi t§:a%e 1:2mPatr1a1'cT*3s=, asEvange;:fi,w1'1t€s} higs Gof§e§141~3g.;a$ Abefile, his‘ Epi$’tJiB~S;, *a%n§d as P1¥:Oph4.;9.t,£h§$ &1,gwm¢*;o;¢ g_~Q.g13@; hofé C1*mrc1§e§:;;. And thiis D4:¢s?e[,e~rrria%<$avs:1§A§§LV itwI§%’ —%x-Hifedome grexv into a pxvovmbe: —-..?—«f/gszfifmpi £34_ .z2z;c[.-)‘ powerfi:l1fos‘»men, and grea.t‘:y beloxmdf *§§x?t§itAé‘sthé iiifiotzy dTft*1aE mm‘ C § j od ,, fl "V 6 «f®i;:X%é,g:‘ea,£:% undey % J)_;:e~ % fomewhat: :;th@ word‘ andfcopg, I‘;’%”g52 [fm.l’}’F€0"“* A the K p€rpiEt;aalLT';‘—Monarchy .whichAt§1@ fiafomovfi a €ai%&§*eSi~%, she " tilgfi Ci:1m*c in his fezigw; and a«ém§re§w of aaszher ,Ghm*c1w,4 \s,&%1r:ic caIks;:§%Ta* “Ss§.w[mfiite5 » alludin t0,S1.r[a~ thsé11Cie1‘§;tf‘xIarr1=:e éisfxilww, Ctkise ‘uh:-:1‘ VCit:y hfier‘ rm: fi*}Q‘U1;_dfi: %1ExAwh:§ch jzsras ijicli herheart ciwia €ha*EMh'e fl1m11d as a. 1 matter 0f‘a;;‘m1ire.ti0n, gan% z1o Ieflé indeed thzm a;ré?‘— § i fe rnbleisl in elfewhexe. zml would not have We not be -gm mve 3%}:-fidnfce-afic is this eke-, O5H”€'5 by :%reame oiflN’eégscZ2;z:£»2(ez,2s¢zr, asswé fee‘at 1;a‘rge gm {ha }2c‘@;:2.:£ C£2;zj:Arter.*\%:¥*%The‘0ahea* vifion of D.wz'e[ ‘xlimw feltfe, in tm: j’3“ve92fh %3k,;1vte*r.-&jANQf:’ both wldichl may of aiaggégm twiscgv rim tlm2g«a=iTar G ad, grid 1’; M rviff §'> :5 EhiS C zipser, and 1;y“{J"}"z53~2g‘ it to. _z2z:_{fé .- £o0ne,“l€cV him that hath tzx:1%§eé1%£%a?nci.iz‘1gmum: from:_ the Verié f01i<%:wing, hem LV “ dgzély fives; ch at was when Iemfzziem '%;mtiwzAA cf es~lcf;§9;./m~ors -, % «x»1pof&d*i AUt133H§S§ ta .be;; “¢th<: dams flwliaye W “ B 2 T C32:~*:£§ :' 0f{a<;1‘ifi§@i¥1g :, 2. From tJj€ife*t:éw%g*' ‘ .8. _ ,_ C§m:.3.5. i Cmt.6,:o_, 8:c. Rcv_.:5.xa; Rom,u.t.¢2 T Rom.) E. 2.5. Gezi.4,1.3 mm:WWW::I“ stream: at the worm/xily pa}, July 3 I . I 644. W gsmaasaba. Cyril! of Imafalem obferving how they had taken up i,§f}f?‘:f?»f‘”r every {tone of theold foundation, and were difpera “ ii’ i 7" federetheylayed anew one as they hadthought, laid, the words of our Saviour, (« There flm/1 :30! be left 4 flora: repose a fZam'.;,) was then fulfiiled: and if fo, then the time comes out in the yeare 1650. as ap~ peares to any that {hall adde 1290. to 360.: Then {hall the Tnrki/7: power be broken alfo, as appeares from another account, «ver. 7. and then {hall Hallelujahs ring for the marriage of the bride, the Lambs wife; and? before thefe things come to pafle, Rama {hall be deftroy-ed, whofe laft fcene is now azfting, and her mine at hand, and the things that {ball come upon her make haft. This is the Time, and it isa defireable Time. T y es _ The {cope now of Daniel in this Chapter, is, to Tet Scum. * comfort the hearts of Gods people, againfi the trou»-= blcs, and trials of that time, by giving them two prognofticks of this great deliverance. ('Ui.$.) s , roubles, ru:r.t.(V The? T of that Time. T Trials, vvergxo. S Theiflouéles of that time fhall be jun’/1, .44 never xvxe firm were me: A Nation men to that fame timu, &c.. The Tm]: of that time {hall be fuch, as makes gods» ly men better, wicked men worfe: Forfo faith my text , Manyflul! 5: purified, made nzjéiite, trz'cd,é»: wicked flu:/I dive ::vic£cdly,&ct. Prom;-.2 x. And now (Right Honourable) if 4 wardfigw ,3“ - kw, be red apple: afgald, with fifiare: offilvver, there ;r3'§,°OIf°‘°”‘°‘ ethefe words begg your-acceptance, as being, not on, ‘ ly profitable ( for lo they arena: all times, being the t ‘ words wpu __._._._.: 5 lwolxidsfleowfthe Holy Gum but are feafonable, Eorfb they arcat"‘£hi&§&.mQ§ tlmeygereeour very Crx:/3:. « =1 g A 1. '1‘ imsalileeé Mr Mg. trying um. 3 .. Properties alikagtlxyl 46% accardv - A winkaclumdcrliwéudgbat tkemifeldoc uxdeqiand; So that Imay» fay of ‘ my text, as our l8aviourlChri£t did of‘his,«ta,kenou£ Qffllfififlhflf-Pfffiphflffi btimlay :25 1/1712: Scriftirrefiilfillewliw cares. e Wrfimade, the A [we ad that {be Lara’ tlmmlrcd and mined, flit people greatly eamlt-/ye Lard. ~ ‘ _ . w This day God thunders many’ waycs, and in my text he alfo lightens, Gdgram: the elfefl: may be an» fwerable 5 Somuthlfor ~thc§Time.l A 1".‘ Sco c it I come now to the text: Man)! all (we _purg'fied,&c.‘ It isphctimll; andinfuch, weconfidcr I l The§Creditof;thc Pmphet. : A ~ l ] W M A Prophelie it félfe. A The Credit of the Prophet, is net only this, that he was an excellent man (asfwc have {he-wed ) but that he was "alfo the H 01} G50/ls pen-m4n.Wicked Porplvyrfiene- my to Chriflian Religion, makes him little better v -ww "WW Bwtf¢..2. l 4 ll “W45 Ofllbfl-l~ Luk.4.i1§ I Sam. 11.. 18. Text {how- _ing-. &_ * The parcsxuit; I. The Prophet an impofior, and affirmes this booke was an I-H» ’ fiery, writ by fome p1'0Ph¢tick-wife, ,th.at;livedin or after the daycs of Jxticwlvw E74? ., at a, flap.- have traaflated.thislbmkeinmGreeke, ycares befiarc that Antioclmr and ‘ Iaf¢lgw tells, thaw Iaddm an {nigh--Prieft, ihewed Alaxwdcr the Great, that Prop leiic lsthis beokc, lwhichlllfrc-«mlld lOfml:,,§.el:g, I ofispb. Jntiq. lib“ x"c;aP‘8'~ ;:< King ofamciuthlat dellroy, the Pcrfiam»Ma_.m; A chy, in cOnfid£flC9»lW;h¢r¢«0f,d1£x4na’erl lproeecdedl £9 i B3 this Via/e Theodor. prae;€1t.z'.a D.‘-.n; .1; £273‘. Pcjfarz. in :1 pra!e5o;~ix. QM‘: mt) IvJs.:th.24.1 _ 0 The 1-cams. R.1r(ed but nut- p:u£ecu‘ce&. ~ =eon{i.der, the w‘o‘rds of Dmzfel Amiga/9!¢a,‘e a * , V ‘ x * oft na.-- ‘ . xx‘ ,. 3 verfe‘ ‘éhis ~baoé2e‘ is 11i1t;Ec?)/be epfggeezi atntangfithofe .whi<:h they call Hdy w}i$ig;§g;,5but*g;nQng& e Ca11P:w£12/2ets.’«¥ & _ _ . t Y ‘ i:fe}€e sm1e:% E9 fee )4 of great fiding, ‘and ea<:1i1 tide I ~etheieIe:lw£: ; /I iomething before the ‘ In which eonfidem we difierent flgzzeiz %5ew;;€gg5e ;g:me»iaisa; Eifiei-entingj $- ”e”eW’”‘*¢”?% * tfiifidfif--5; . the eonePmpofitie:1ee.e I mightobf e . Gadly mm are 2vz’fi:,e e czonof bi-u fl, “ e Sub. ed?" ' ‘ as n flzéwese that Wicked ‘a1"e« teatmi thofe that are not W1C1(€,d, Wife-, it;imports3‘t11a€ U13 a—..—_ )1 ‘ \\ L It fllould bieeithet fi rendringtherefore as oppofi h €7- Wihfet are e net the Wicketh tbt1t’t'h ,bIndeede the word ufed‘ for“ wife, 1»s“a;pp1e“1ed goélly eacliers, war, 2.» but when it iwshh oppofed e(;'a‘S hereeejtowicked, h it fig11ifieteh, not teachers only, but others too. . Receive ' it tlietefore for 3. di\7ine‘hma;écié_,'¢:( I pray you) That piety is the befl: pollticiegtndhhgoiily men are the Holy Ghepfis judgement the when men, h h T :7‘/we are many gm'[y'wzfe.2. ~ ‘If many /balléeffiurifide,-Atmade.wkite, ;zz¢‘a'_trym’; then hg t..§£’3:"'i"i *f"'..’+_:9‘**2’.:. (1 God be thanqkedt and the eI;ord‘encreafe the nuh1b'et°~ of them) there are many fuch: an?! not 0i11y’many, but many great mentoog the word in the Originall yfignifies both'77a4z;{y, and greaf’; many innum-bet, ’ and gxeatincondiriong as when it isfaid F; Many are, t/2:.) trcméles of tlw rig/Jteam: thatis tofay, many in num- ber,“ great innature: It isindeed rare to have great‘ men gootfitalittele goodneffe {tands for a great fumme mzn amongftgteat; {men but it i‘s no fingula*1't»himg",1 there are fiich be not‘ athamed ‘therefore, yet; that are gre*at,to betand to be thought to be,god1.y.. .3-Ye 2 s 3 . ’ "BE/'2? mayéwzeiéd, ma’ he mam/ed. /im/1 }9’z4rEfio{e, mm hm/m, mm’ trim’, that maybe purged: The Lord ~hathhisflaile.t toethreflzout th€iT‘CI1afFe, his water and ‘fope to maket» wxthitegand his fire to melt and try them‘;at1dthe1'~ 110C pet?e&:,? that th£n1<: they have ef0,u1;.1d an leg pillar tow riteea. .73? plmzzltrz: A Phihg. 4.. W."ckt£§: 8 -.__/I ;§cr:w‘¢¢ #9 :5: mmtbly Fm”%,:Iu1y 3 x . 1644.“W mrickedjfiall. 4. wig-kmrmm doc, and M 49¢ wickedly. 5 . The mfimwhy they daefé, :35, becaufe none of tiger zwickei/7741! an 6. ‘T/aegadlj New noneafithefc fev&era1s1 ca:;§nfi£’cupon, whax oftlxem ti <2”: patijencewill permit mew fpeake or, I grafpe inchis me Propofition, that: gcontaines the fumme of the verfc. Doéfrfrzc; * The mama Daft: inc ’ bandied‘ L Shcwing, L Whac§ ::*x£:u1a- 173103;. I Tim: tbs fame times, .emdtrm;é£e4s in tbm, which mam gadly nzzflz men%at:er,m4ke wicked awn warfi. And I xvill not {peaks £0 mxzchsof Times, which cmes in more properly inthc Verfe following ; asof troubles in tliqfe times, ~t:hefe are hinted in the words} fmr.{fied,made§mMte,4xd Mea’. ‘ methad Fax the doé%rin::.11pa*1*t1,{ha11beéokfliewg % 1. WIaAt;rz'{m1z:§ ia;a5 £9253}? are 5} wbic/;'7 Gad dam V pmiflegmake xvéritejazztiirgy his people. *2 , Hm: way are 5)! made white, 33%? me . . 3., Wm: is the reafisa I/mitzfbey ham fuck cizfieremé’ V efléfis upon:/¢egadsy,¢zz2dtJ3c wicked. L } ‘ For the firfiz: Thayare mt a11ofnefo1't,~nor fizea Here there are cm: fbrta, ligbtér {}>ris¢ciklii¢_g'5, in a1«- lufion to Icwiflypzwifjimgs «._», heavier ?’I_fi1é‘é.i'§gwg5£ in 311111.. fio %‘iFto Iewi/b clemfiflgs; and /Imrpefl trim; anufion :0 Icmé/I: trials.» TheAp031¢ €115-—VVh€1‘ereduceth Taatzam ,’u~ «mndrm 4%?“ testing was aifitxem ymkfig them to two: Inward 4fig1i#fig:,a:;t:mrdfeare: : but it %mattm%s not {'0 much%wh.ac theyakre, 9:5 Whe f¢j[ o they fifetfve, for they are but ameanes to%ax1 ex1,cheir bet; 2;, and zherefere as>we fay offmeanes, 173 much as will fcrve », fodoth ‘the Lor%d%_pro§Qt ghe grgbu; " Iation mfi [ball meakrjfazed what * none of the.» i1 eswill fie A ‘To ride Hvmurtféle Hbte/‘é~vf;0immom.e lation to the goaae Mfifiplgfo A much niiore,-, e am" pmlfiagwx 4 w»%ta,4aMlrry Mm. A A For :th¢ fecandyl wa11»fl1mw'§ww ; A thefeil, d oth3:.mka~ Wbitu; Tt;eI:;w hadthei 3.1A7’~rytbe7‘¢1.e 4 _ _‘ reepu~rifics;mion.;fr’e.m%?eeu Ghrxfixansg 1e‘a§d,~m,b.9g.:4. GIGL [W221 S airie,M4t.g. e But I am‘ not fpeak«i%tig~of«tE1efe,e whiche dde ‘ciireétlyz, and p1'OpétIy“t€i1cifl1ei‘e'tO 3 {mt ofa$ie3.fi0ens,whitheby accident ferve temhanéend as ey9u.ema:y“«fee., A Ifa;4;g4*. By'~th€{‘€".I10‘W Gods% people a~1'epar'z’fieal eiywayes. ‘ A Firflf, From *finco1nmittede, both original! fingzmd ‘a€tLmi~l:, For originallg Salomon tellsus, .Fa/‘lyre bound 4‘ in the heme, and we rod :5)‘ ameffion dr-mreseit dnmiy nd'f0r a&u'a‘11,J[£:ia I: fhewee;*h‘.,thar'bye correéiien, we izziqrxity ofjacob -flm/I bepurgcd,‘ and tin)‘ :25 all {be fiuire; .to_m1;'e"zz=v;zye /Jzlv V A ~ e ‘ e e A Secondly, Promfinne to be committed. I meme 1:0 prevent y:Ju1* {inning for time to come :Tribu‘1é~ tions are not only mcdzsirzcs, ~bt;.t- alfo antidatese .3 God inxzhis doth ae Wi'féStat€{~m€n, whenetheyfiee a man Abufying himfelfe much with matters 0ffh1tceatI1om¢”, prying into things cem:e‘rne him not, they fend {M11 V 9% ' How may Pu» ~=. rifle, make e white and cry; f.T11cy purific from fin com- minced. % " ' %Pro.:z.:3'. {(3. 27.9. % 2. From fin :9 be ‘comxttcd, into the warijres abroad: {Q ~deth~God,¥, {end t’t‘i‘bt1133-'& tfins, to ex-ercife Ms op1ee,andkeepet11cm_pu1§e,1eafl: « chey‘rfael11‘oeu1e:thues did he‘ with Swami, he'ha*d°h=ie Marine,‘ fdmffhe [bézzldbc esmited, M and thus £11637" are pxzxeeifiedeebeoth yin.-hea-rt~ and 1iFe5edc&1:'e1&npaPc, and?“fi1*e"~ vemtfimo A A Agtline, 1 C or-. I i,»y.£ ......§ whine. d ‘ fkémadéwtaed: 4‘ Sermonht t£re&m7w9¢~01¢eA.1{Alrl3'eF;z;i", July 31.. 6 45,. fr "2'.;Thcy'makc" Agaidn'e,AbynhAefehthey ardcudmade :22/.2z'te=d, 5TodD2m. xx; 35.4 hAnde:/dwmc%egf€ AV *md¢_m4mng /7m!1_.f¢flzb tr] “ ‘ xe’,mnd to 22141.9: I/747” 2v£azt:,c«v¢*4r..I tptbcu time oftbe end; ' A V It is'dn0t‘enoughteto7I.)e pdre, ‘»vhi,chrende1'se3.r11a7I1 V A . h01y~to‘GQd, but to be bright adndewhite before men 2 ' 1. e1=r‘omh:hei;- owns ~ -other mcns fins. ]o{h 21 17. A1 King.1.3.z5. ' H 1.Fr_om their own .( uFpc- V I5ec13r3t.. mfg, 1 2.. x 6-4 1. ‘ 33!”; yo Ga)“; 3.38. d FQ14} 7 J ' the LA-and_ in good "Io{i4b.cd dayesg, ‘Land made white from cheflz, 4 A Secoiidly, Fnom their own-wfufivecfted flames. T W0 A finnes the eenexfnies of {cur peat: f‘ufpeé”t.in you and dfalfel charge upon you,‘ (give ri1_e1eave.. to fpeajgc _p1?~i11 y‘) fD2fl0)4/£3 £0 “hour Savcraigzxc, from ~whic;h AW! Sdvriltdge ae”air;& \~ God» .h\%r.1d expeélehow he okiwill acquit A £rdiz:r:,A a22d'.~/;e‘]?:4l1A firing it ‘ to pafléj g,,1;zd 1;; A A Inward pjdritymakes nfo dgreat {hew before men 11:13-- Ieffe Whicenefle and unfpottedneffe dpe £1CCOI‘np3.I1_‘/' it ; now there are etwowayes than God will 1111‘.-'<‘:ehiS people W/2ire,as we11aspzm*AAat ghis time. A Firfi, ;Frofn"‘Ihe»ir:;.ewn —e«-honher. mans fins. You (Right Honoufable ) have cdonfefled juflrly, thatdthe guilt of Id.o1atry~and.blood lay upom0urf_<)1'e-Fathers ,; I nae} fsiydofthefe, asoftl1cim‘quizyafPeor, we are not cleanfidfibrnjf tadt/2:3 d.4y".~Mm[]&1a: fins Iay_A heavy upon God wifl hzwe out your Declaratxons, and pmceedingsemay acquit you .3 efxfpm xvlgicll the ymn'fc1ves =;. cep- ftaindy when" God ach purified Avoug hed.wi11,hmal;c you white,‘ as he did Dwidagainfi S4121, even“ bwhié .O\vVI1d'COI“)f‘Cfl‘iOfl3 and Iafipb againfih his 1Av1_j{h-jg, 3" my ashe hath done. you already in “many things, and what.»nerr§aineSJIoL1 have A in promife,’ for the caufe is before “the L01’ _ , Whodwill gm): dd pcrfiiflat hath faidicomnit t/2] amt} mm I/9leL¢,wl, rm 4! do in 411“ 2253 ~ ..férrl»~ To ‘A t/Jcf Iiamourablé ¥Ioi:fé' offibfiffiafis. 4..4uCw~--cw ._ .._...s._. .11 fioi‘tb:"tby rigbteéuffi? lzglifi, and tbjpi2lgéme22t.a Me A movie” ‘§”7"t11§?“‘fT“ud1?d’V‘j"Will Li'i:x‘ibu1ati_Jon,~ both V*AA;m1*ifi*wféni éin 'f'1éa‘rta1ii“ci ‘Ii‘f'e,“ Lw.11itéii from the {pot of~oEhe1‘ means finnes,~, a.nd%tl1eiriAown"fi1f? pe<5tei"1finsV.‘A% A - 4 _ , A ‘ % V ' _ Th‘irdly;” By f thcfe,VbO'th times and trQub1es', they are triédV:f‘fThé'é‘Terve:% 11341 Wx1 ot‘ A 0f_il}i‘;fpi‘irick1in%g4s§ and ban” Iro**%t:a%efzrwatefof xémriaca; and 4 : ;‘V'ié’I1 théy were tii‘ied ; Pd fiitfi Gad his croublés, not My to"7rid I1is.peop1e oFfi r$1r1é, am: to ren‘det themw FpQt1e{Te’;befor;: men 4bi1t. fpto M ,::i‘-a:._ 5; ‘} M W» fosfép ~%3*¢ 0. ‘Y A k%now*a11*Vthat1s 1n %nu1%iat;on.,*thér; he Iea*xr%¢“,s‘£fie:'F:%%'r‘% “ A A _ their h<3a1'r, as~11‘e%did’Hc{ekizil1 : othérs for confirma- £.i0n,t_hcn he avxfifts tI1erI1',i1s he did Aéralmm. * By thcfc tribulations God firie,a11%h‘is pe,op1cs$ S;i“‘,%«C~§r“53'A.- A , V \ 4 .A A I .ZC.5raccs.<» _ V 1"~‘ir'{f,, He trieth tfieir fincetiify, iFt1iey_wi11 flick tob. good ca}1fewit§10LitV% de%fe%&ion, and gog on if‘: agood ntourfé: VVivt1TOi§t“w defleflion. Ccrtaine1y,? tzhcfc times and t;~Qx1b1es make the {time difcovery Qf‘—menA2LjsV fo%r-~ 3. They try their % 1 Ch:-no. 33.31; Gcu.z2.l. 2:. sincerity. f um did} t:1ie'x;1 tluefe \«verc Tome %éonfij3’or:", fofge m—. % :5, rs, others Traditorr, that in time éfgribixlation xvent %away". E'rr:orj5- zmzff 6?, Mgr: tfacy t/mt are .:1ppra_-vca’ may 96’ Wvw ~' allddwririés a*1d‘»P?§5?iff¢9" of §b¢1“FY mu{’c be, Arm: wan r'oc:teEi ana rd%u:£3cd‘Cfiri{’Ei¢ be“difiinguifhed1Fr01IiAr}5zlf;5:);,A“tb’altogem! ” 27, aiz mrried aéiaztr.‘ fvitb ’%erL“*'éf & mini! “of A 'a:T?i'i}2: 6y I/Jc fl¢Vzgbraf&mn,L 22:1»! m2nm‘gcr.;{;»2ng/ge,4 .w}iéf¢6y'rkgp 134;, _ “innmite :4o‘z1eae2«z»¢,; . Tri.buVI‘at”§p“ns ;are1_i17'.ift/56} bad hrtfl ofw , t/Jefwaztld no dauétftave nmtiimedlmitk 3: {mt tbey%wcm% Mt“ zlmtt/Icy wig/1t:’6£‘m4de%,mmifl*ff I/m:;4. tires» were mt all qfwg AA ; VA V . % Sc~”condIy,,%I-Iet-ric,t11%theirg1:q~.cc:ws;: He that ""1-lat}.-1 any V}? Fiifié, 'H¢?A4t1:i~et‘I1 t11cir‘L%Me;A_hOWfi¥fi? ¥i‘h%ey.a1*e'4 »g1CWw ed £Q;G%od Wand his A caufe, thatno g,f{iis3;iop»’;a,n pa;?;o'+.ll p/{cjfc hlexje, you fee, is bfi t/Jay flan/1 ~bepurifi¢*d,&c. 37.; way of judgement. to ?_the other, t/ye wicltedjlzallldoe wickgdlyl. ».Tl1e.cha“rt_er ofthc Cl11Tlfl§i£1l1l'i$ lalrgle, All t£eii{r.f3,~,=l=ecvlci1h ,dmM felfc, zk yours, demdymm .dC/a2'.lt}£s;«f;.o L wgaS'CL11"l"Cd hea1ts~as_;dnyd,,wic 2 “ mm Way of p!'e0ln3f€;tOeth"€ one, o- gmipg A v -—v---«.541 ' :5 "From dflerent eadI"%ivi- deuce; not onely are Gods »Cihi1dre,n\l1yabie tothefe temptations in confideration of the trottble of the Righteous, and profperitie ofthe'wicIcred,but when God is in 9. wayof mercy, iifhithere’ 5 Tfi..&y-win A the courieief’ _IuiPcu:e,y deht: :ee+fhdeiive1i‘?*“Fe, they are ready ta be traub» it Is A jiuiif» Ie Ifievcifuiif why: Rand things at :1 Ray 2* my text; refolves this fcruple ; ’Tis t 11113.: the godly may be pmzcyfeaéimdc white,wy A A A A A A WW5’ “Xy.and ~ fiiit. {their fitnne: thus doe even thofei teihattifiumbie at this, at lafitefolve themfelves 3% and certainly, when God: hath, acc-tom— plifhed hisworke,it {hall be otherwife. ‘ " ; «I ~ A 4 Secondly, it fhewes the re. Whyit fotroublev fome atime now more than “at otiieritim¢Sai5VV¢:=WeW quiet 5 why are we now fodifizemperedi r.’ It"isi.beCaufe this is a time ofReformation :93 the ‘L01*dut0iditRie6e— cAah,when {he went to enquire of himcoucerningche Pcruggiing in here wombe; W/aymm I I/vim? Eiefaith, ‘fzvo mztims are in t/zy mom!» and two mnimzer qf peaplc flmfl éeféparatedfiom 2?/zy r’2omel5,&C. God is now about to purge his Hoore, and never wasythere he aiciirne Qt,» eye-— fermation which differenced cro0diandi’oed,"‘but it was -A A Mime ofcrouhlez when the hiiewes cramecufz of Egypt into Carma», the five Bookesiiiof Mofés tell you their troubles: i when out of captivity, ere theygot up their City a.nid~ Temple, Ee;m,;at1d N ebemiala teii youtwhat trouble : and when they fli1a11comeo‘m: of ]x.1daiflhf"e,.i ever. I .. of this Chapt. wish you it {hall be Mime qfmm-L D H: gdymsindiiz iS,:'@€g3.1n€, my do; A 17 That the one may be. purifi-. ed. and the other doe wits» kedly. Pfa1.7 g , r 7.” Jer.u.3. __ Hab.x.x;,a4. A 2,. Whyythis - time h more croublefomc than foimer 9 It is} of Reformdgion. Gcn;zs.A,it.:;,“:*i=g.if ' Such iximcs i havc been ah- wayes grou- blclomci ?;;uk.n.2..x,zz., AA L/I.$7fl‘flZ£t14i'f£?€‘m01¢£I/}l)‘ Fdgg;J111;7 3:; ‘I64 4:“ AL é:1efi2cli.¢:eenevcreamv;fimee4 it a.mm’onAA m tbztwimc «.- Wehen the; if %ei1eA A¥V:eAA*heurC‘hAzcame 3011!”: the A Heathen ffZ3('3I'[C;t£Ll‘i!Zi®A!:m*§:?-%‘A’». z 142; tels‘ you w«han~ troubles 5+ and whenAthe‘yfl3aI1comeout ofthe Anticbrg/hm perfecu- miqne, z11e£ame4book telsyou of their. feverall forts of eu‘1&*s:-Whi1i’cewemadc berick for Pre1a.tes., ape! full e'Aféie%d #rh§ Egyptian taske-maf’cersAto1ay on us~a11A their ‘burdens, wedz'dAA22at refifi arm £rl0m{,.a§ze110W‘Wc doc: $3. fince wehave cafl therri off : and whilfi Satan keepes . pofleffionyail tfyizigsarg gtpeace, Aéumhen the flrémg£’r- “telxen/Jé t9mAe:eeetbLM‘ « %im,}1e rent: zma‘tear*e5.AVV-hat we 1-... king a.ga.inft~7Chri{%s comming in the fleAfh,from Abe! % ‘ Atoethe ebimth (>f.Chrift*.’AAA; what.—atte~mpts againft the v A Mm-as-34; 3:» e 1._.C_QAr. Ia. 5,5.“ AM;-III; 9V-:1-9.; 3_,."Whythe ~ PfaT.1.£1n,§o . and 81:1. .‘ A oefthefe difiin&Iy#.A . A A A P1:hete::1%A=pQftlesA,~and ‘MiniflersA.of C hr«i{h;hacAfFe- e ' A AI ‘e~.e‘ede"m»p£ie0n wrottght‘ by Chrifi 2' and what~re~fi{tingof the!-ioly Ghofi com-- ming to apply the grace F0 offered Ac’-therfore Rand not amazed acour trou'b1AesnQw, Chrifl is about a great: work oEReformation,an2d~therefo1;cAAthere will‘ beop... Aofitiongftruflilcm is t bcbuilgboth .v'za1s,andflre:ets, in traublom times; A A A ‘ J" A ~EI"bI@: this was alwaycsw a A Arcatafi dA~gnAc&:ly~Ain ofetrwblaf, not 6- much At" $:hey' We-re« troubled, a,s»"thatthc» Lord flood farm 11 eff ram I/Jtix: A cry, and tom the «vaycc a{'eetbeir rwring. We faft and pray, an yerewc are notdelivered 3 why ilsdit thus: why! itwis, becaufe vhegodly need yet more purifying, and the wickcdemufk yet doe more wicked-+ ly, forthat they neither doe nor can L1nde1'fla.nd-.; Véie-'W A A A A ThirdIy,it the reafotxwhyAtheLord‘fiand9 A ‘ Ifiordfnrbearcs lo }e@;toedc~1;. . . Fixfi, i . V go: on in {inne fecurely; ‘ _ F.‘ u l lwu1'lm«|vr- ,. 4 To the 15:ranourablclHaufl:ofcowbzmum." V ‘V19, ~ ffilgirfi, it is,- becsaulé noneof tbe wicked’ will rmderfiand; they might elfie takel notice of Gods avenging hand ; [every lfiroake proclaimes him a fin-revenging God, ~ and of-Gods proteéiing hand,the bufh burneth, andis "not confumed. Religion,"Lawcs,and Liberty,havc as Candles under waterfirangelybeen preferved. T heir - projeét was by opprelfion to keepe" .tl1dmgdowne, the oppreffours now are opprclfed ; ltheyvvfould keeple off Parliaments-, or b1*elakc»tl1em*llvjfthey lcould not*fervc thctnfelves of them-, there is now a {landing Patlié.-. meat to plague them, they would bring in firfl: Ro- belsl to helpe thétnc-1,‘and thmc~Kingdom es‘ arein one Covenant ,» and their {hips are broken at Ezion-Gcbergthe Lord hath every where {did I:o~’thexn 3 Aflbciate yaurfabvex, and}: {ball be broken in pieces .- anzlgwe e4re,0yelaff}zrre Cozmtries.-girdyaur fél«v:5~,.:mdy: flmll be bro/ear: In picks: girdjjmrfil.*ve.r,4}2d 35- final! be broken in pieces, 41:: bcwmfe/I M ./lm! come to nazagbt: [pea/cc tbe mam’, andit all natflaml. ‘And he hath fund to us, Fear: not their fearc , nor’ be afraid; Sanfizfie tb: Lard.af/aoffi bimfelfe, amlloeto /Jim” ‘be .y‘m flare, am! let bim beyour dread 4, and be /7241! befbi 21 flz22é?:mr_y,;Scc. but the wicked will not underftandl any thing at all : three wayesis this expreifeal hére, if we smarke it flriéily. A l l ~ Al ~ 9 A A F.itl.l,tbay wt’/[doe wicbedlgr ;,.th:1t~l is to fay, t’h€yN7Vil1 Io el{'ewherc.‘~15tt~f£:«vaztr be firmed ta tbs miuhd, yet will be not learnt rigbt:ouj'5zefl’e.-in tlm land zfiffifflgbtmflieawi/1 be deal: unjuftly,e’;'c.Salamon fi1itl1,Tbepmdznt mzmfietb robbed cw/l,¢wa’ bydetb bimfil but tbc flnzplepafdetb an, and ix pun:/bed; fo didlthé*l"*bld lworldfibdtid old and new Babylon; A 1:) :2 tbs imploy bxoudyvapmnow ft} [ball it bealfi) in A _1.Bt-caufe non: of the: wicked will mt be brought to.un- derfimd. 2 Chrontxhéf 3537- t Ifai.8=9 , Io. ta/zfetber, andit V ., 13"» That appeatesl ‘ in 3. things. IoThcy will doc wickedly.‘ . I{ai.zq. 1 o. Prov.l:%a.%A3.'% Luigi 7&6. Ifais47.8, ' , Rcv.x8,7, 20 A H Sermon at we mwet/xly 154/}, July 3 I . 1644.. W "V I Sam,5. 9. Ifai.:.5. I I. HOl:7.9.‘ z.Theywill , » doc ycI:’mo:;c V wickedly. x4,a1. “ 2 l'uf0,\2.8, : 1. 5 £31 3:‘ the Jaye: vaf etlve’ ;.S!m«_af ‘-2mz»n».. A-lmxenvarcl as g- norzmt «and bliml :aws»—cjhofc ; V':P'béh..#i”ecVfI {fl}: geewp the wzzyo vfbie aw2g;e;aea_{fl sto Bet/2fl2emej7_,v,ltbm /It laatbg dene ms I/2*»t3'.M§»zJj‘1~5.@~~eb'e£1fll%V:z_7f not, then” inzeflm/1,/mow it WM 5-title flame ~ ;l,é4esgee,;lg.ae~_£r4p}2e7ec4f%;3lol They ‘neither fee, the hand, of»; * ” ;”I":ol”:)at: ;fm»,ites theng nor their O1W11€ defert A that pro;V*okestheeGLo1'd thus to finite; them. Strangers dc- faazere /M flrengtb, hut be feet/9 it nor, yea, ‘Ag-my /mire: are [were ‘” M 61’!/J:£’2j'£tl}20}4 /vi???’ abet lee knew“/2 zt reams faith the “ea gdl ,chey~wi.1Illblelmoee lwickmzlfor the tron»- l:>le,this is not ordiinary with all wicked men l(lf‘omc like n./gllxgzé will be humbled for the time) but with the wic Reel of our times,we are here foretold itwill be .fO;,~3.I'1d Saint Ihbninlltlléaflerveleeian fpeakingoof Anti» lclxriffzan enemies, all along dtheir going downs, tels use the fame, that they will brcake forth to f‘L1rtl‘1€1‘ wic:—- 1P1ic;,, tion, .. .‘........». 4! U1 Serzmn4tltbcmanetbly.Ea5?,]uly 3 1. 1 644. ‘M Etta 8.3!: in 34: Jir£;h;_7.I 1,1 Exh;or;:;mon ; it {tire to three duties. I {Be purified. ‘]er.I%3. E 7.. More than or- «linalry pun-any cxpcéltd from Pnrliantenro ~‘m"cn.l M -1. King.;.?L +wham~' had need call thelnndl toone Filltjetstgore, to~:oEZma:7o flake-ofeo-44 rig/who Imo.wwhv»~we are de1i— yerede. I lllmefrlare fure it ja llGaa’lrt.6;¢tl.ls:are: prayergl e{pe- A ' p *l~r§.5rdinary.praVe1‘;h but arewe purificd,made L.Whli£e,l,tryedr ~IQflma/9 f'a.fted, but the Lord-coldrhiml ».eloneaway’ere God.would helpe them. _ to; It i«s,not frme 1:0 Charge any" fault upon youthe great tL£l’erI1_l)ly_ of the Gods 5 but give me leave to let?’ -:tl1eeg1:eg;%'t;r;%t;r‘lomlrbefiireielyolu as yo;urpatterne,a.nd~£hereby¢ ~cl1argaIfvye. W l:‘ ll only _let me exhoxzt xyou~,to' thefe three thing S. l. V Pirft, Be purgficd. Methinks the Lord calls upon you that are ~ the repairers of ourbreaches, and refto- SP3-l:5he5»1?0;l‘dW¢uillgfars‘ fomeetimesl,to Icmfizlcm, yozmot 6? made rlezzfizé? xv/yen/71.1/litpxcc 55.? I am notable tocharge impurity upon you, but God can, and your own confciences may helpe you to findit out: This only let me Fay unto you, that an ordinary purity will not Terve y,;o;ur turnes '( though it is wont ltltollbelfaicl, alittle holinefle goes for a. great dealer 21- mongfl our Nobleszmd Gentry) A You are great men and wife -,~ the l,:;m..‘tlI1es of the La,nd,tl1inl< I pray you lPlUt5l' :uP°'1Y0Ua fuel: a But I rm€3§flC 3-9% V l0fil§llNMm4”> AAANUW Naamanéaptaine of rtbchoffe oft/2e King of Syria, um agredt man wit}: his m4fler,4nd/Jonouraézle, éeczmfl: by him the Lardlmd game» A deliverance zmto Syria : He mar 41/}: 4 mzgbty mm in W- etl01¢r,5ut-be aw «leper. .As you {land foryour {elves "5 andfor us, I?) give us leave to~hel'eeCl1 you to :1 double A purity,jone for your own fakes._,another for ours ;, and be-cau1.7e in this fecond confiderzuzion you move in us. A high l To=tbeyHo2¢ozmi£vle Hanfeof ; y W high .fpheare,Ibefeec—h l-you patterne -your purity‘ by his . whom you replrefente no leffe holinelle mufl: l aime at, than to be 1201} em-.«l9e-«:3 holy it; me thinks ifcvery. fecond caufe works fo much more {lro.~ng1y.,as it is u-nie A ted to its firft caufe, thenyou tlratreprelent one King-s dome at theleafl, and are ( as I fetid )»the great alfemy-t- t bly ofGods,.,fhould be fo much more ...pure and holy as you areneerer to-God than others both nyame and office : You are enga ed in an Honourable caufe,[A and you have as Honours. le alcallthereyunto, now as in both. you would profper, purifie youxahearts, your hands, your houfes, tgemember the Lord rjnil1bcj.%zm“t'i-— fiedin afltlyofetbat drdmnmrebm. A A” l A A Secondly, Bem white; aswell aspure. Itcannote (againe) but. the world doth, bcfpot your innocen—-- cy: nowdoe you as the Lord: he cleares his righ-r £60115 dealing before the Sun 5 doe not youletany fpot lie “upon your proceeclings.y. Iewill .inf’cay.nceyonly in-. three of your graces. A ~~ Be made white inyour ‘Truth, by executing your tordi-e na.nces,that you may notonlyfay but doe. Be made iiw/zfite again: in your Iu_/five, upon deli-n~ quents, thatawhat you fecke, when it is put intoyour hands we may fee you execute; The very Heathens call’d Iuflice the daughter of Iupittri ymarried to l1im,, and fitting clofe by his fide,c§:c. “ V II «N we mq6€r@* 35-‘: Aim: Atzslau-yspafifst, ii i and the Lord fayes, whatyaldoe ishere with failing; execute mac jua1_g'emenr,(’y'c. elfe you falt not to hirn :, looke into the prifons ifi n this falling day be not a. fee..- {ling day, . and if they rno.:k not God with fomething elfe than religious faftingon their Friday. B e Lev.-xo.3, 2. Be made . white. In, A l . Truth. 2.] uflicc, H£?fiOd- E'9y,'__~ 2;} right K‘3uGA..a-i Zech_7.. ' $4 l 3,Zc:_alc, quit the land of Sacriltdgc. H '.Ps'ovi&c {Or t tl1Cl\‘1il1l[l'C3"}’- f" V :1. hB13in"" _tcnancc.: t % 2.. Atii‘hOr'1ty’3 not civill, hut ;f.!Cr¢d5 not l Pcclaucall but Miuiflctiall. Ijfl’ 3.. Lt:x1l1lt«l;1t.K‘02':, upon three ggtmlrzds. Mertxbctof yourrfociety., upon .; .t1t:m~th€£1' dclxvcrauce was ‘A Scrmwt zttltbr; .momt£»lylFat33l, July 3 I . 1644.. Be made white ozmmare tiiztyaurzeale, andfincerity to reforms the hroufe 1-" God by‘ denying ymlrfelves .a.ndgiving,upthereto tlhat which may make it glow 1’lO!§r«S«,7I”C was agood oblérvaftion of an Honourablc A we Tmre: ofG:rm:.m_y, not like to be yet, bccaufc imzhecatalogueof all their finnes than made in a Sex} mom, the chiefs finale was not named, 54:55.4!/a—ért’;z.~lt l4'ng,whe1‘qpf that Country was notorioufly guilty. Truly, A I amfmry thatin fo excellent atntardinmctu zartfiepentamm Sacriledgc is not mentioned, whereof this -Land hatch been too much guilty, unltffe by you it be purged from it, which we ztllexpetft. ‘ A .You~ wcllheardk in the morning, thcrci§\great new ceflityof fpeeding thebufineffe ofordiaatmn, nuw laelfoté you; but let 1heladc{etl1ereto+, tlmt the mini-~ fiery you (I1:-.llordaine, will bellrerxdered very “con! temptiblc and vile laefdrclltall the people, un1eflé~y"cm take care they be not difitblcd 531* W&HtOf.MdifiNfl.afit't, x~1prjl*d‘il?:oturaged for mat of Aatblvrity; lthe‘lF0rn3et they are in dangertol=<.be~l~b lhlrtgaralrrizztiazrx, the latter, by Pzztrta/45.] I plead ltrgutlttority civil}, but {:1- e<:recj,~not l3r&la%t«ita?ll, butpimls mad Mini{leriall‘:,'tl1aht theyj be;eail:gaidl tot ‘zatzl:/ta» people their irazafgrcf. fl‘0?3.I,;L1fia’fb€’l/}'0fifi'fI.4?05iL6£’}7‘fl£?.5’.' A A 4 Laflly, Er: tryedz, and be fait Full when youarc tried; fome you have had, more you may Inve- fhtinkchnot, {land am it and you fllzillhave the C1"QWI’1€: oflifet i;;The tlmelpravenlts me, thertforc I will lCOI‘1-- clqdewith a word of the thircltulk, wllaiclu jg ofCo:‘1fo.. latton. 9;!‘ A l A Be you thus faithfull, and three things may fitllaim,-‘ ’ your . ‘ 1 ~ 'f_Z’vit/ye’ HQ?3‘0t£r~aMw€WI'10!4é afCo§é:mofl5. A n—.___.___ 7j——.—-.. 25 W yourfpitlits againfiall difcouragements. tam, -You:fl1é.1lbefure‘to ptevaile ;;for'loo1la;c'b zzffl'ld~‘d to 130:1). m:*pire.r Anno A1650. , Then {hall thelimg of the Nora}; ( tl:,¢- Turks‘ ) “-come agairi{t7the1 ‘ ,~ ‘ » , ‘w‘ ‘ 5“ ‘ ‘ r .‘ v ‘ _ , ~ ‘ \ ‘v 3,‘ ‘ ' ~ u my 4 “ ‘ "“ ‘ ‘, ‘ " \ W n. ‘ ‘ flfi.‘‘‘ ‘‘ Jwt “‘ ' . ' ‘ _'w “' '9 ‘ 1* , ‘ ‘ 5. " . “A” “ ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘ 4,‘ ‘ ‘ -vi ‘ a , ‘ ‘ ~ - ~ - >1 . u " 1 ‘ » ‘ 4‘ _ d. “ 1 " .3 . ‘ ‘ . \. ' “ ‘ ‘ H ‘ V‘ . "‘ a * . V ' ' __ ‘‘ “ ‘ ‘ _ Q \ . 4 ‘ - . 6.3% % V A A Sfrfmm ‘humbl y“Vprcf¢n;cdf’t0‘his% ,muCh 119Ii?>”ii?+~ J3‘-I1'L3«9; 'Hugb Brougbg 2011. .D3no’. “Hen. XIfl;ag'lJfmj P3S- 343» M.Br?g12Ip§4)a ‘it: Dan. ; 3. 7. Dan. 1 1 .4b,.‘“, M.MezIe Apofi. latter tzmtl, % ” p.zg.ui; V _._—.,”. Ar1%%Appendix1. A A and the {acting up of the abomination of defolation by fiwlfgx, Oaupfir. 3 60. -7f&14rf0n.357. I... Matth, 3.4.1- VCHI So 2'1 1’x3,’E:pI2.x1r:tiq. Trz'part.Hiyf, {hall be Is: 90.‘. dayes,.J%whi.cImLdded ‘to A 3.605. the time ofrfulianx reign, makyx 41/3 I 55 0. thoxgh 3. or 4.'yVc'Are.r diffcfrxct there '13‘ amangfl Ckramlogeri. _ .E'm1.confirmm‘ion wbcrcaf “ % % 1:. C /:vrij§.r Prop/dearly. _ Vcamfidcr tzvaétbingx, 2. It: mcompliflzmxnr. ‘ ‘Our 'Sm.r£aur C/aréfl, 4 little hcfirc 12¢} dearly, prop/acficd Theté {hall not be let: here, {tone upon (tune, which ihall ma: be thrown downc. His D ciplm 415%’ him win»: rim flaizll be? He Md: them rim: rmde, confidcr wlwn tlwy {hall fee the aha» mination ofdefolation fpoken ofby Dania! the Proplm &and in the Ho1yA[p1ace, fa'r;a rb’&1’rop/vncia and kt/‘ac rim :3. /96 n 1“ : flmz be fixlfi/Zc*d.» A A ‘Tafi/ma; tbc Accompli/lrmrmt now, Ec.¢;!:fi.v{flica/[flax] fl flwxzfl. Tézcwr I find Titus Vcfpafian A35‘ éaflre, éurzzinrg {mt}: C % m¢dTen1pl¢', w/aw»: glam‘ it WM lmvfillta fi¢'crifictV; 5152:“ yet ya? ah’ that Atlmju: ;w¢wm%' flan¢x%flpan flaw; left“ ; “I Afiavd :1/fig’ ]:11i¢mtheAp0[E:1cc andeawoxring to reflérc fndmfmc, 6] anthori:c,irzg,en¢azxrag£nLg* and-ajfifling the JLWVCS to retdiv their ‘Tm¢p1c,zz.nd they fitlqiflg t1pAc*vcry¢f2wn: oft/M oldfiundgw tion over mi 121*, and izatcnding to lflyv%—4~Am:wfi#nd;ztian £112: m~.1:rwd4'y, £wt*w/éen~ t1ac*y4 /Md/'1}/fl/led Mm‘ ‘.7’wpbec*£r nfcfiartfl, r}M}1r:r:alif2crfE'd4 r/am‘ m'r_)* night, and mmr 4121: M 1»z}«.~«x 14.:-éw fionrt era, 447 H15} /Jad%%intén~de4§. Ila givzu.-* 1.9;: am of Grcclac 4nd%Lati11€,.V;tbc tvflimonj affiurc zicrjfarrxam H.{[}o~ A r£an,:,;,_ ,( *m1n,%) A Iimfinus, VA Scicmt*es, Theodora‘: and Sozomm; F.uflI3: Hi/3. male/”1t.c 37,“ 2.3.39» A t19c%t%wa%firm«r% %m.mtia%zt tbt*Prap1:wc£.r’ af Cévrifl, ¢md%Cyril jerufalem, %/9:21‘ aéflrvatian upoflir ; the two lmtwr tim- 1’r0p11¢:'cic,51tty mrt/sing afCyri1,m’1 aft!a:n¢,t/aa1Igl:fE=*wm*»zJ! Wrircr;,£27f7:'vcral!place: and timzmagwc in raflimmy. “ Firfl, Rtlfifizltw Mix, r2'mt% juliam convecncddze }mV€:3,.~:¢nJ "“ mlgd ‘Mam, W11} rlsug dav: not fiicrxficc? tb¢}~t..~fi' him, t/mg: “‘”m‘pt“y not axw-pr it 6:: in Hierufalem, J4 t/Mir law cam?)-mxd.s‘ “ them; He A¢‘k§’.£',W}J] z‘/am I/M] dam not éyarildtbcir Tam}:/4* 3 “They tell /oimtlzwy are not aéla. I-1: give: t/mm Aflriaaritj, “ “ rnqmragwmewr amc1A;z_j?§2Emc:.1771a¢y%~ t/:cr~cupanfxuY44&amVit “ N form Prybct /med okgn ta them. A T253} prcpaw lfimc and find, may agtf thing: :1/9, and ffiqgfgs pyey cake Lgp the old .‘3’F‘??d?5i9I*5 I W Appendix} H A cf foundation ; .W.bichAdo-nh:,hth’e mxh-t‘ dqygnatbing mu wdwfing, h f‘ W/oy tp/acymight 30:13] new we, the o4'd.~6eing Vrqmhwgj, h 9?‘ But wbehhn Cyril”:/be Bi/5.03 0~fHi€1‘l1_f31_$3m:/:addilig:.nIyh.,c»onh.. “jz'aL9r:d what t}Jéy.l9ad don:,4nhdh-what t1a_e‘]'1yer¢ abouf ta‘dbe, “ be war cazafidmt either out of shaft things mAw;hAich he hadyead ‘F concerning the timcsjn the Prophccie offlrhgmigz, or which “ our Lord had foretold in the Gofphels, hh;hgthby%no .m£ane3 it; a would be tha1:hthe} §¥_.cw::{hou1d;hercA layha ;, A “but that the fay,ing.hhof. our;Sqhtiourhhfl1ould F‘ Neither ,w44 15525 przdifiiem 1/4im+'.h Farah’/fihdlti 131% tbahtnig/at “ which only fiaiihtbem from éegihnnifightbéik new my/¢a,hhh,ha» “ aartbqxmlgg thurn’d.z1ldawhnA; to gbagraundgnd c:onfirm’d ‘tha- “h.’ver]_,. trmla of our Saviour: word-Ah ¢_W4fi“;56‘hingfiigabted, hhupom Lime, 3 “ -both jews and Gentiles Want 4wny%,4udg».o: fa'z1-.t"1*"hl“"’9h\3¢;‘iI<'. fin-~ 7“ lifi heginningx. h _ , I M ‘ , , I‘ M . 4 “ hen Socrates. to tbéfimt purpafe ; Ihlianh mlzxfir ting» '“ Jewsmnddemandetis oft/ocm tbemnfe why «they didnot [E- ‘hfcrifibe ? .Aftcx.ht/ac] lmdhanfweredginwaa :;_at»1awfz}1Z.fir them “fa-to diet“, but inlflrufalemglae camw34ndcdit'hh4t+£n all /mfi .S‘acrdt.H‘ifl;.‘ h Eeclef 1. 3. ChI7.Seeund.é. Grxc. c.:w;* ‘‘ thcin. Temhghlq built 5 4ccordi:1g1;?74fl.. mcejfgzries E “ War: pro'vidod',’m‘hh ti27a6é1?fl,fln}nc,£-ric’/(3, c%l2¢'},l£mc,w£tb’Xoi/yer ‘.‘. I./9iz¢g«: reqiuiflte 5:¢i[di~'ng.». Aet tl-1at:h.ti1hnhev.C yr£ZBifhop of “ ferufiilcm remcmbredh the Prophecihe of D amiel W-hichChri{’a A ~ “hadforc~to1d,+fi1 ;the ~ holy .Gofpe1s,h that the time was now ‘h‘hhComé5h‘*hWhécn there. fhould not be aihiloxue of the Temple left but that the Prophecie of our Saviour fhauld ‘'1 upon another, Bifiop load than “ now take place and be fulfilled. When the “ fiid,.