. . ]L1STICE ; TRILIMPHINGV 1‘ ‘ OR, The s7>0 71; ERS 57> 0 MED Laid forth in a Gratulatory .5. ‘ ::‘.‘1 ’ l"r , . > ' ‘M g '77. .~ '~,‘, “ A ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' . . V,’ 1, g » we -‘ I5‘. ‘ E? ’ t}. ,~_' e ,5 K . . . . .. . .-» - . . v 4 .’.v J. w .p . . 1 "£1 ‘ _ . {V . ~ . For the Miraculous Difcovery OF, and our Glorious Dclively from the Barbzzmus POVVDER-«PL OT-N PREACAHED {I i gy N ‘A R DY, M. A Preacher to theF21rifh' (Sf . ~ ‘St. ‘Diomia Back~Church, London. 1 4 Woe um :12: WEEK d, it flmlz bait! ’w,'zI9 bin, for zbz reward of bis band: [bill ‘be givm ‘ $ ‘Tvim Ifa.3.H. N _ T. A J 2 Wm d_:g.gc;]; a ‘Pit flmlz f.4ltzb.~:v-tin, and be 1191: rollerbz flwe, 2: m 12 return: upon 1 } /Jim, P.o‘v r.6.7.:. . _ _ . . _ § I Dew. non {alum ea in pr3.'fi2nsJ’o bcncgmffimus, fed cu-am in vsadlcando 121- _ fi.{Ii;nus, /1ugl.2.dc12b,..‘1.>b. ~ . 7‘;’9I’§7o 7?}; 9% «3e'£' q>.rA,wv&g>co7r1we*rr‘1z: 'razcr.u".rnv a'u';u.An9é7»a'a.¢ 7&7 @’1387\"".‘u7"“' A’ E f¢u'g-111 5:151-e+1Jg'T:’}n;<%'47‘2‘2,‘(5"}f.7\.'€:.’.'ClV?d»§ ';'c“€€,t7§"’§7T€c.?J':'>.C[-|r}7f0l.i[} Pf-7- 15' ‘ —-:—— ‘ L 0 N D 0 N ; E—‘rim:«.:d for t.\E‘a:b.mcl 1'3/:5b,1nd Wiellfam G;~1mb:m, at the Sign of i . ' the Black Bcgrgiza S.§°.*;z£’s C?3urc?:z~ §_.-21rd,. near tin: iiccic noxth door,-I6_,55- I #A......\ 1 ‘I \ ‘ I 1 1 ‘- ' ' ‘ " A: I’ A u 1.6;, Nomernaertiae 5‘ . I 64.6.; ?. £7? i 7 e§::ese%%e$me%:e§eesee2s.m iToitheRight HONO RABLE Sir]OHN GAYR Knight; A Le RD M/§’j‘OR: The Right Vvorflnipfull the Sheriffs, ' and the my} of the flldermen; ' Together with the Vvoxjihipfull iiSocieties of this Arzcient and mofi renowned City of ' LONDON,% Right Ho»om‘ahle,i Right War/Ivigafutl, Worjblpfztfl . ' Should have hem wellpleafizi ' J to have kept this /cttrce plttmea’ fiird tmy private Cage, thee?“ V \\> 1" ‘ c ‘\ not the noifie offome virulent Fo~'tt/er:/hot forced her tofij» ehrotza/for ‘Refuge 5w/aere to huild her hetterjhe knew nezgthezz in the jécure cleft: ofyaur f2t"t>oumhle12ra- zeE?i0n;, i , ~ _, at \ -P“ e ~ ; 3 4 «. 2 -vs The Epiftlic Deiiicatoty. teflion. In your enre: /nefirflfounded /yer notes, wlaic/9 (enough /W/he uncl bro/{en} i were. uttentively-2 laeurel by mun} umong you 2-unel , lvope. will now ée . entertninea’ no leyfl ueceptunl}. True it u,/be u no /ouring Eagle in cloua cly Notionx, uorgnudy ‘Peucoekbenutiflecl ’ A with tloe Feather: of njfefled Eloquence : onely t/nu much I may [nfelyfizg /lie is un e/aurmlefiflovejree from tbe Qullof eMui~ 7 licious’ ‘Bittemefle, éringing in leer mout/9 like elm 0fN 0 A H s , tlve Olive fimnclo ofpeucefull ‘Unity. ‘To tlve efe5‘ing%undeé /Zuélz/ning w/Jereo/, tlautflae muyprove in fame meufure/ué/ervient, 1}: one laeurty ole-=i fire and unfez;gneol[2ru}er of laim an/90 is A conflant Petitioner at the Throne of Grace for yours, and the Churches fafetyo. —) .7\(ntl.IunueliHnro_ly, J \ To :12: R E A ms It... e V Never ('0 much prized my rude concep,i’-‘‘ , , ons, as to judge them worthy of a P«'dl)ll.~.>. ‘ cation; and thejnil déflidence_of my im-,,i mature yeates and flnllow judgement; hath oft-ettcattled meto Withfiandftiends ' a importunacy. t s 4 V I well know to ufe Raf/fem his expreflion, mm qfe aézfi qua pericalo mnltmzm jualvitls izrgeniam mm: 59» pexzle at l cammittere; it were far more {ale for my {lender Shallop, tobeconfiened within the narrow R'iver,,of. a private Au-s - ditoty,thento launch out into the Worlds main Ocean. ._ Befides, I fadly obfervc thecuriofity oftlie times, the _ variety ofmens l1um’.>Ul‘S; tvhatonc approveth, another ; rejeéts ; one thinks it is too facile‘; another, too ohfcure; _ .t one faith it is toodloofeg; another, too elaborate. And i l (which is yet worfe)fuch is the perverl'enc{Te.of this Age, - 5 that novéll fancies, jangling controverfies, (which like, 1 Reberm’:ATwins Caufea fore flzrugling in the wombe of’, : our Church) nay, horrid Blafphcmies fimnde’ more ac—j » ceptance then folidl and {acted Verities. Sorhat mightpo, , this Sermon have died the common death of others, itié, 1' , ' ‘ I " 0 ~10’ E fhould have been buried out of fight. Bucconfide.r1ng.« D,f,,§;_,f,,,_~ nc-er hand, yea as Spears and Arrows that hurtfurther /“‘£""“ 5i“'”" ’ ope flamer, ,ofi‘),have fought to put it to a violent andtignominious ;,gm,,z,,,,g.g.t death, lam enforced to revive it, that innoeencies plea lb/em! value- may reach as far as Envies accufation. The Adverlaries ::':f',,_u‘° Ca‘ of thcfc weak labours {land both on the right, and left, ’ to wit, furious Noveliflsand fiery Papifls.,_ M p t , - As how flanderous tongues {Tharp as {words thatwound be fumrmaegey. A. 3 915:0 it/re Reader. “ As for the former, Iwonder not that they contentrre them ;Since here are neither known truths clothed in euncouth phra fes,nor (which is viler) old errours in a new ldrclle, the onely fafhions that Seétarles are enamoured ‘Witho , _ ‘ ‘ As for the latter, Ileffe marvell that they {houldtra- duce them ; thcvery fuhjesfi, and occafion of theme-be-_ -»ing their fhame and angwlh. ~ Mt} fiquidem pxrdorrefl az¢a’z‘e;2alz' quiefacitmt, A cNufimf4cie;m'/qme ernétjcam‘. I i a "They are unwilling to heare what they were defirous ” "s to have aéied ; it is their common cry,what,nothing but * the PO WDER-T R EASO N :' Butfurely Gods valnclefervcd favour to us,and his deferved punilhment of them may well challenge 2: Marble Monument; and fit I -«it is our'Pens as well as Tongucsfhould annually com» vmemorate this deliverance. Let then the Papilt read andifret, the Novelifl read " «and fcorfl‘, ldoubt not butthe moderate, fober-minded i~Chri~fiian will read and accept, at leaitpardon; ‘Such I hope thonart; let but this well meant (though mean) difcourfe finde theecharitable, and thou mayfi perhaps {finale itsprofitable, which is his prayer, who is i him! in the Lerdye-free, ath: Hardy. pun-—--~.—-~ _ / V . j——~u ®c$f?‘$-',4%e\2?4=u%~a%a$%‘a?s=n":’0n?rv%a3*~a?n=%7§‘e*§ac5’aa‘?m9¢=£= W‘?=:‘5°‘$””é“$?”é°%””é“°%“%”%“$’”锓$j‘%“‘¥§”‘$"6‘?”«$"‘$9 y’/THE y I N TR,iO D U C TI 0 §,/fm ofeended thzlc flmeol Mount with joy emol E feore. _-‘fey inzhe hle/lyeoeeefion ofthosjolemrze A W M I _ ‘ meeting; fear of my too too mefit ahilzeie: for g I tho’: meightyfirwiae. _Ififl'E6’d'W/71'/6:‘/7 zvoyfoewzer ’ ' I loehjufl ooufes offolieitoswfeoryrefehtme; fiiézgtffllfféyt giiaccoebf ugords ooneerrmeg Bethcl, How ‘ GelM3_:,e7;;, Ifferword on the el2ffiezehy_ ofthehufioeffe in howl,‘ I = feare left through my fierzl mzrehezorz, omifiommerzhge tongue, the warkeflwzeldmzfcarry orzolprowe ohertirz/e. rozmdyahout onthzs memeroro: Ajfemhly, iredioiom Audi-{ 4 tory,’I/eore, 45 knowing my empty noziom eo2motf4tis-. fie your flaliol opprehenfiom. If h4e~/sword to tho/e Silver- Trumpet: which have formerly proclaimed the praife: (y‘God in tho}: Szmfiuory, I may well he afraid to flame? V ‘my\orooh’d pipe and hrmfed reed. Lofl, if zepwordtw ,4 ' that owfull Majfly, in whofe place I /lewd, I defire mo,/E y ofah' to fear arm’ tremhle, lefl‘ either threeaghhmy dtelmffe A ' h .5 or unf2zi}thfezlm’yfe I jhoolol hetroy my ¢Moffer: 7775:/f4g€o‘... e Tet on the: loft ohjeéi‘ Ifixmy eye- It mo: htk providence, not my defer: ordefire called me hither. It is hh glory, - not my own honour 1 fee hefore :oxe;yz7r.~ ho, netmyewrza . flrength5 I flmll ‘enoleoruozor to performe my mike, em L meoltirzg with matter: of State, hut only the floteof ” ‘ the matter; for which ymrpefeljha/1 imreotyere W-tf#'72@;.~~» / ._ yoiereeyes to {hot [age Apothegme q;’yt%jhehKz"ogly Igaphg ” e . J e I r EIVI ,, e . ~ -.+—-»-— «. .. i i93u_/liice rinmpbing, or 5 ~ 5 David , and lend your elm: to tlmtfacrged Ditty , of tin. {meet finger sf -Ifrdel , crayon?/bal1jz'xd1tpm’d upon re a ward, in y The Text. “PS A L M 9. I6. lilzei Lord :3‘ known éytbegfiudqment Av/gicb ‘/2: exam- r ’”‘tetb,“tbe ‘wicked t3i[nar’d in t/vewarlé of 15:35 am» K Wands. 'Hz'gg4z'an,Selalr. e ‘ , s ‘“Gratefull‘:Commemoration is the worke of this . -‘,— day‘; a miraculous difcovery the fubjefi ofthis fight, Commemoration, an eminent deliverance the ‘"5 a fruit of that difcovery -,a remarkable judgement 3‘ - the attendant of that deliverance,and this Scrip- ltrc a fin parallel ofthatjudgment. Never did Ptory more ~exa&ly demonfirate the truth of this Text -, nor cantany Text more pithily lay open the marrow of this fiory -. fo that ‘whofoevger rightly confiders the fulneife of Gods ,difpenf-man in the worke, muft needs acknowledge the fitneffe of ‘D4w'2z’: acknowledgment in the words. i g If you call to minde the mercy of the day,we may jufily "a pply ‘the Romans expréflion of that timetwherei-n Caligula began to reigne by decree “of Senate, it was the day wherein England was new built, a day in the Romifh Calender nigro mréane no- mtm,marked with ablack Coale betaufe the fire came not at it ‘to make it red : but in ours candor: asot/zlvilzis ipfo, For the fame a‘ealon*worthy to be written in white, yea, Golden Charaflers. This Moneth Of-ZVo'Uem5'er is memorable among others, ‘for two dayes,the feventeenth and the fifth», on theone the purity ‘Of the Gofpel brake forth a; on the other the treachery of the’ Gofpels enemies brake out : the one the initiation of as gra- . ‘cious a"CL1eeri, the other the continuation ofas wife a King as ever England enjoyed. And truly {hould tbefe two dayes par- iley, as once T/aemifiocley famed of the Holiday and Worke- :eday_, and the fe-tenteenth fehould lay to the filth, if I had not i’ .. been ‘as. ...L ou- the Spoiler: fioilool. been fo happy,thou hadfi never been; the fifthmay well reply, . had not I been, thou hadfi never been fo happy, fince had not this day been fo glorioufly fuccefsfull, that Some ofthe Gof- pcll which did then arife, had probably in our Horizon for ever let. A joyfull day then it was ; and that not leffe for our adverfaries defiruflion then our prefervation , both which were fo neerly conjoyned in this dayes blefling, that the one could not have been without the other, their defolation being our confolation, their corruption our generation, their ruine our refurrefiion ; nor could we have flood upright had not they fallen. So that if ever any people, we -, if we for any deli- verance,for this-, and if for this on any day,tnuch more on this, may well fay and fing with the Pfalmifi in the wordsof the Text, The Lord is known, 6794:. a L The Title of this Pfalme according to this vulgar reading is pro occultrls filii, which Hiorome and Aquimu interpret-of l nmbp 7:5 Aévfolom confpiracy againfi his father David, and if fo, it well - fuits our prefent occafion, which is the dete&ion of thofe fonnes of Belial,who clofely contrived the mine of Father and » Mother, King and Conntrey. Some there are who render it pro jmaenmto candida, conceiving the {cape to be a gratnlation for the flouriihing efiate of the Church -, and if fo,~it fitly.an- fwers this dayes comfort wherein the Church of England re- vived as it were from the dead, and hath flourilhed fince more then before. Our late Tranflators referre it to fome Muficall infirument , 714225149‘ to a note which we commonly call the Counter-tenor, and if 170, we may learne one part of this dayes fervice, by vocall and inflrument-all Mufick to celebrate this unparalleld blefling. Not to controvert'_ 7319012419 though in himfelfinscomprchenfihle may be known; nothing,Whe'rei-n« he is more confpicuous then in executing judgment, no judgment morepal.pahle:.thcn, that which fna-reth the wicked in their _ own works-,a.nd when this.is done, nothmgsbecomes the Saints, better then to make,itH£gg:zion_Sel4la,our continual meditatibr. 'I’he~Text prefents us with three parties, God, the wicked, , the Saints,-, Gods judgement, th‘e*»wic_l_ieds punifligiment, the . Saints department’. Gods,fcverity,the wiclteds miferv, the Saints duty,‘ perceptw,_God perceived by his executions. Impim daceptua, the wicked deceived in his intentions: Pii conceptm, thesaints conceit and meditation of both-s.— s~ Ifryou: pleafe-call the Texta Iiheatreof Godssjudgementsg, wliretcin youhnve. 1. The King of glory I ifplayineg-ahimfelfel on’. the Stage of » this world with Thunder and Lightning, and thereby l§flQWn,, in his fever: judgements. - The wicked azétingflhis paxti with fecrccy and{con_fidence,i. but his e“-xit do'le£ull‘,and miferazble. l 3}._ The Saints as f peflators. of this Ttaigedy,, hifling at the: «- ,' folly of the wicked, applauding the equity of‘God, t 4:“ If you;will<,.conceive it asa pitched field, whereinyousm-ay.i, behold ‘ L. Th‘e.Lord‘ of Hofis calrlnmiug O1“‘~,0f,1~A’fPldGE, tat ptwi/I.»;‘t'ke inhabitants» qfibe m,rtla,,drawing out his fword, and doing exe- ecution on his ene.mies,his Colonrs»red,betokening vengeance, andhis Motto this in the TeXt,7:'/95 Lord id knoWn,@"t?., 2., The wicked adverfaries of the Church multering their fq,rcgs,, lyingin. iam1_iuafl1_to*inttf_api theSaints,. difcovetsed and > En: the Spoilers /Iwilcd, t;;n«ared;their colours black,befpeaking malice,but their Mot- ‘°to‘ maywell be the {econd claufe, the wicked is [mired ‘in the ‘mrkof ha’: own hand. - g 3. The whole Army of Saints triumphingin their Generals honourable conquefi, and the enemies ihamefull overthrow, their colours white, intimating purity,and their motto the laflt ’ -words Higgaion,Selah.To 1' peak more'plainly., call the Verfe a ‘Sermon; in it are the three ufnall parts of a Sermon,Do&rine, ‘Reafon, llfe-, the Doétrine affirming, -Reafon confirmingjlfc ‘inferring, in fine obferve thefe plain and pithy feveralis. 1. A generall propofition concern‘ng Gods manifefi Jufiice "aiflerted, The Lord 13.4 brown in executing jztdgemmt. _ 2.A particular expofition and exemplification of that a‘fl'er-" tion annexed, the wicked irfiared in-the workof his own Hands; 3. An implicite impofition of a duty to be performed in re-- ference to boththe former H£ggm'on,Selah.I {hall gently.I’trikie thefe yfeverall flints, each of themwill afford various {parks to enlig‘hten both the Text and day, in profecution ofwhich, let our Prayer ‘be that that God who as on ‘this day was glorio-ufly known to the wicked in the texecution of his reall, would now be gracioufly known to us in the promulgation of his verball . judgements 5 and as the wicked were jufily fnaredin thework of their hands, To our fouls may be mercifully taken by the words of his Mouth, that the leffons which we {hall heare and learn this hour, may be Higgaion,.S'clah, our meditation, come-5 fort, and pracftice for ever, and lo I begin with the G Firfl Part. a e A I e G, A generall propofition of Gods rnanifefi jufiiee affertecil. The Lord 13.: known oh} the judgement which he execumh. L The firft word though not in order, yet nature, to be ex- plained is jm1gement,a word of various fignification, and large fxfefltsverhum hoc jmlicii nfinam nemo trzmfzretfine' judicio -, fit it is our judgements"-fl1ould«be informed in the nature of Goa‘: judgements:-not needlefly to infifi on the numerous acceptions G i of the word, know “to our prefent purpole, god: judgement! V ofhis Words and Works, are of two forts, judicia aria, opm3:,of his I__v/_louth and his head, B 32, e 5 ii Judge-i ','"_,. J -‘ ~ _ J-'—$-$5.,‘ _...... .-———.a._._:._~..... .' A -...-' . r~ 't1---..;.....::..:z1'tz«=s.$._':..-_..-t_i~.c. :;....~_ 4. 4. , ..... __.-.._._,.4___..._.,_...___._.._--- ._ s. g — . 4- .. -..,_. .2-.._—--jg. ._. ..o-A~e4 _._.vV.— _.:__._.._ ‘,,._¢.__.?_______,,_,A _ 0 0-17- 6 gram: Trittmgihing, or ...—1.-——é Pfal.19.9.1I9. 7,x3,zoav. }er.1o.2._2..: Prov. 19.2.0. H:eb~.\1o;2.7. James :.I 3. l Mufcjn locum. ],udgement is frequently applyeel by David to the words of God, and that not without jufi reafon, fince byjthem be com- mands as a, Judge, in them he requireth nothing but what is juflv, and according to them he will one day judge us. Mofi cbmmonly the Scripture applyeth judgement to Gods works. And that generally to the whole admiiiifiration of his Go- vernment of the World, the wt} of God among men being {ty- led‘ his judgement, ?er.;~.4. and of thefe St.Pau1aflirmes they are xtrzfearehalhle and pd]? finding out, Rom. I 1.33. more efpe- cially, and that fometimes for his 1. Corrediive and medicinall chafiifements on the godly; So the Apoltle Peter tells us, fttdgement hegim at the hanflt of God, I P:t.4.t7. and they arepfitly lo called for this reafon among others, becaufc God tempers them with j,udgement,,and. ma- nage-th them, with difcretion according to the Prophets Pray- er, Carrefl me, 0 Lord, hut with judgement, net in thine anger, a left‘ than hring me to nothing, 2. Sometimes for his vindi&ive.and exitiall puniihments of the wicked,begunin this World, confummated in the other-,0? t-his judgement God hath made a due preparation, and the Wicked have a fenrfifll expeétation, as being a judgment with- out mercy , and ofthisfort is the judgement in the 1' ext to be underfiood. The reafon of which appellationis well given by Mafcalm to, be partly, becaufe thefe punifhments are infl.i&ed by God as a jndge, chiefly becaufe they. are moi}. jut’: and right. There is not lelfe verity then feverity in all Gods proceedings againfi finners -, we are {are faith S. Paul,thdt the judgement of God ti: according to mkth agairzfi tho/e which commit fuch th£r:g:,Rom, 2_.:..it is obfervable for this purpofe that God ‘compares his. defiruétion of Samaria to 4 line, and of the hmfe efiAh4lr to aplummet, 2. King.2 I. I 3 . tat oflendat fe nan preci- pitemfieri, that he might appear not ra{h,but righteous inhis t fharpefi flroaks on the wicked, meafuring all*“hisa&’ionshy the Ptreight line of juftice. The judgements of his Mouth are fometimes ah/cm-a,alwa—yes -mm, though diflicult,yet true,an.d ttherjudgementsofhis. Hand are fometime ocmlta, never'i;t- jufla, though fecret and firange, yet jufisand equall ; nor is it armor vindiéh but ztlm jttflitiot, love ofrighteoufneflhnot re-l venge.-whic..h makes him to. A 2.. Ex- the Spoiler: failed. gain 2. Execute judgement, I farm: Light, and I‘ create ‘Dark- aapejfeflzith the Lord,Ifez.45.7.Light is put before darkneflie, but darkneife joyned with Light, God the Authorofboth. Mercy is moi’: naturall to God, flowing from him as water from the Fountaine, light from the Sunne-, but yet Judgement is {ome- tirnes fqeezed from him as wine out ofthe Grapes by our fins. H’€'€32llS it indeed his firange I/I/or/Q6, but yet it is his work and he will doe it. It is true the lnfiruments ofvengeance are cal- led a razor,tlmt z}5}.2£»red,as though God had no weapons of his own, but rather then fin {hall want its jufl merit, and juflice her due fatisfa&ion,God will hireinfiruments and command execution to be done. 1 have read of a Loadftone in e/£t/oiopiie which hath two corners; with the one it draweth:-to, with the other it puts the Iron from it.G0d1('bel0V€d') hath two Acrmes, of Mercy and.]udgement,two H:lnds,of Love and W1'ath,With the one he draweth, the other he driveth, the one Ptroaketh, the other firiketh»-, and as he hath a right hand of favour, wherewith to lead the Saints, -fo he wantsnot a left Hand of fury, wherewith to daih the wicked in pieces. True itis-, as Solomon intimateth, Judgement is not prefently executed a- gainfi the evill doer,the caufe whereof isno-t negligemia but elememia, infeitia but tolemmiiz,‘ a mercifull patience, not an ignorant negligence; and however though he have woollen feet yet his Hands are Iron, his executions may be flow, they will be fure, it'is one of his choyce attributes by no mum: to clear the gm'l‘tj,and he is no lefie a ]'u{’t]udge,then an indulgent Father.We all like Poblpbflfititi fee with one Eye,with Malekm have but one care, like the Benjamite: cal’: the Ron: with one hand i; we love onely to fuck the Dug of compalfion -, to be- fed with the Milke of mercy :‘ but let none flatter themfelves, we muff expeél judgement fhould grate our Eares as well as mercy tickle them, knowing that if we will not heare, we {hall feele ; for the Lord 11: known by executing judgement. 3:. The L.ord.":}.¢ tmm. According to the Caldee Paraphrafe itis tranflated, manifefium efi ‘Dec 5? cum Dee judieium quad ‘ feeit,Godss)'udgetn.ents are known to or withbim. Learned" Maze renders the participle imperfonally eognitxem efl', it is a—. known, trye.d,.experienced truth, God doth judgement. Ifa. 2.8-.zta., Iran Eccl. 8;1,xi;,. * Ex-ad. ;4<.7;... V'l-‘l'."l«; Bothr; . . . v ‘is’ M W i ysfiice Triumpbing. or W D _ Both thefe feem toojfhort of the Pafalmifcs rneaning,the vulgar Latine reads the words in the future Tenfe, cognofcmsr ‘Domi- ma, referring to that laftand great. judgement, wherein molt. _ eminently and univerfally the Lord {hall be known a jufi re- 9,,,,a;9.K;,m. warder and avenger. Hugo makes mention ofsa threefold day, 1nzzotuit.Trcm, wherein God is known,of Tribulation,»death, and -judgement Tsirticipium 4 :-the lafl and mofi dreadfull day of all. The 70 and the genera- fomnilm tempo. ;:_‘;’P:t‘:l;:"£":; tenfe, he is and hath been known, by executing judgement. 1,, ,,,,,,,,,. That the Saints while they live may have a breathing time,and the wicked a ta"-fie -of mifery, God executes juflice on them now, and when he doth fo,!he is known to be =7:/aovzm/a. /Gold though invifible in1himl'elf,is both audible in his Word, -and vifible in his Aéts -, and indeed plm omlo qvmm ommla,we read him more eafily in the Patent of his works, then Charter “of his Scriptures; true it is the noblefi detnonflrationtofthings ‘is from their caules, the neerefi from their effeéls dud perfor- ~mances -, the -former cannotfbe made of God who is thefirfl '-C- ‘ . . ‘code i r0P€S;bands,torrnents to vexe himfelf, and Saint Aitflin in hisn Confeflionsi ipfzfibi inordiinatm amimm pcemz 2/}, ‘An irregular mind is her own executioner ; and he that is Wifer then both, tcls us, His own iniquities /ball mks tlae wicked himfelf, and /age, /7241! be bsldezz with tlaerards of"bi{fin.c,Pr0V. 5 .22. Oh fee the follyandideceitfulnefleiof all .-finne-, dflmiungit, pungir, with §‘aa£z,while {he kiileth {he wounds us,p.roponit qtrad T a'elerEZa!z£le,fupponiti quad exiziéilelby pleafing propofals to fleih. and bloud {he allureth, and ruineth flefhrand fpirit; by the mantle of darknefle,roho of honour, cloake of exeufe, aveilerof mode~fiy; yea fometimrsacover of S_cripture,i and habit ofver- tue, (he d-eceiveth and defiroyeth the foolifh finners. a More particularly, the Hebrew word notethan unquiet»,tur-% buleot,feditious and tnifchievous perfon,one that is ever work< ing,a.nd accounts not himfelf well but when he is doing i;ll,nay,. though it the ~ para laborious a'ndpainfull ;et'nplo'yment,e the impiety of hisheart f peedqs the aim p‘rolbi’ty. of his labourbfor the aceompliiihment whereof he ufeth not onely indufiry but fe- crccy, tlaeworle of 191;: palmer, forTothe~»l~Ieb1'eW word fignifi- eth, andis accordingly rendred hay fame opera palmarumfum e mm;P¢lm.,faith Ainfwartzb;,is_.a place Where the filthineffe may be hi"d,;_ and wieked men are clofelyiiinduliriougtotaceomplifla their hellifhdefignes. ~ t ‘ i : The locufis in the Revelation are-{aid to hate womar-1sh.ai,re-, the Hyaena a. mans call;the Crododile mourning tearcs-,the Sy-r ren Melodious,notes.; and the whore of Bxbilon her golden 85 {ugred cupoffornication,wherewirh (he makes drunk theK_ir1g$ A of the"Ea-rt‘h.WhatC.erbo fpake of S}il4z,is true of thefihurches Enemies,they carry both the Lyon 8: the Fox in their brealis; 8: ‘truly M ‘-fj07‘ mejtm ex wzlpe qmzm [mzearthe more fecret,the more pernitiousfiill Watiers are ever the de_epel’c,8~cifile;nt coun- fels thundeitthe loudefi. But yet neither policy, nor infiufiry, aT&i\(it~y of hands, nor fuhtilty of Wits, can of peed the defigne ‘or-Laprevent their ruine ; for /mt}: /mired in /m owrgwork. Cormitohe fals, fothe vulgar,mptm cftfifo Remigz'au,z4t mm: is: n_mfcz'pula,.he is taken as an tnoule in a .f“rap:iIhis Work in the foriner vergis cotnparedwto digging a pit-,what more laborious h’idin.g a negwhat more ~fubzle.? 8: yethe falg into theone, and . . ” u i 15 I‘ -\._ tbeiispoilers fiboiled. ’ i-sficaught by the other; fnared he is in the diifaipinointment of %his intentions to ruin‘e"thetSaints, yea againfi his intentions to his own defiruflion, and which is more emphaticall, wemay read the prepofition: not only in but by,the wicked perifhing “by, and that not anothers, no notfo much God, as his own hands; there need no trouble of devifing a new ltratagem-,his ‘ own ‘a&ions are yfuflicient to uncloehimfelfe. The plotting of the wicked againfc the godly is like the throwingof a fi.on‘e upwards, whichfalls down upon his head "that threw it-,and whereas the cal’ting‘up is‘violent,~the falling down is naturall ; fo true isthat of Srlhzfil, it is not addita pm. 144‘, but in/im mmm, not fo much the puniflnment as nature of wicked counfels to entrap the ownersgthatiaellufion of S. farm ‘concerning the delufion of the Bow is very remarkahl‘e to this ‘purpofqthen a Bow is deceitfulpimfagittm putatzzf jacerecév fsttwiat tenentem, when inftead of {ending the arrow forward; it wounds the Archer, yettfuch are all the Bowes the wicked bend. and Arrows they make ready to fhootiatthe upright in "heart. S. ffuflin excellently reprefents the pernicioufneffe of wicked workings by thekindling of aifire‘; that ‘which burneth another mufl: firfi be kindled it felfe, and as he excellently ‘pro- ceeds, Malitia :4: alteri mm nacmtfieri pateflfit ziéi ipfl mm 720- teat, fieri non patefi, that thy malicefhould not prejudice thy ' """‘ Vctm wi'l'vum b.ibct,compe_de: gum ipfc fecit jpfm ut gaffer fzbsr. e ‘ibrother,it may be‘,thatiit fhould not -prove injurious to thy {elf t can never be-, fincewhait we“'brew,we mufi drink, the fetters which the fmith makes he muff wear; wickednefle ever retorts on the owner; and no jufier Law then that the workman e ‘fhould petifh in his own impious and infut'ious Artifices. Searchxif you pleafe with Aiha_fyerfl25,’the Records of time fa- “~*cred, Ecclefiafiicall and prophane fiories,youlf{hall’Afind this a- phorifm verified in all ages upon all forts of perfons. l T _Begin with him who is_ emphatically called awavngéisibotlrthe Wicked and the witty one; how was that Sophifier of worldly jwifdometcaught in his own ‘fallacy? Wl‘lll’flI he crucified Chrifi, ‘he-crucified hitn‘l'el‘f : and endeavouring by death to fubdue the Worlds Saviour, he washis own de‘f’tr‘oyer. ‘ 7 i e The difciples muff not expeét to fare‘ betterithenthe l\/Iafier, lithe children then their Fa’ther;nor‘did thcy,the fine: (I mean) L a who fin M:t._t;. 19; In mdgiflro: ~ [Zelcra rrdieui rum _/nos, ‘Sens Nfllex efl fu- fiiar ullajucm 71665: artifice: ’ drie ipcrirc um Ovid, 14 A I fuflice Trirmzphz°ng,0t 4 ]ohnn.43. Mat. 21.3 93, Ind; .943- Qucmadmoduza revertimr pm in Dar‘ fervor, ab ti; qui non rece- pmm beard; cili- ozzem pack 5 in trim melitia pecratorum gun ‘ jfuflo noeerc co» mmur zn carum wertitur perni- cicm. Amb. Asian 1:: verna- mm pwzlia fem rmn poflzmt, (gr propriir fiieulis flmzerrnzur. "Mme \ - who were of their father the dam‘! in the fentence of truth it felf. They murder Chrifi lea£’c.the Ramanrjboulzi come-,by mur- dering him, the Romam=r.com.mi.ng is hafiened °. itis S./1r:_/fire: obfervation on that parable of the husbandmen, under whom is meant the Jews : they fay, ca‘me.; tlazir 22.: the heire let :44 kill him: at pofliderurgr acciderrmt ; @‘ quia occiderunt perdidemnzz they flew him that theymight gain-, becaufe they flew him, they loli the inheritance. Memorable isthe example ofGideom fpuriolls fon Abimelecla who by flayingy7ooi his brethren that he might. enj xy, lo{’t both the rule and his life, andfof: Saul: putting David on the attempt of killing IOO Pkiliflim: with promife of his daughter, but defire of his life: upon which 8. g1."egor}.Well obferves, undefmrcreflmtz}: militia -vitum /E extin- gmre credidit, 7/irmti ejm gloriazm inde cr4mnlaa?z2£t,ythe meanes which he ufed to bereave him of his life, gadvanced his honour. Time would fail to tell you of/icbirqploetls halter, Hmmm: gal- lowes, galiah: fword, N ebucbadnezaxr fiery fornace, of all which th_at of S.Amérofe is verifiedfas the peace of the Saints, fo the plotsof the wicked return into theirown bofoms; F The fame Father. giveth anotable example in fome of the Churches enemies, who waging a War, were fo maflered by the violence of a mighty. winde that their Bucklers fell out of their hands, and their own darts were driven upon them- -felves -,what[{h,ould I tell you of Alexander the fixt, who was poyfoned with the fame poyfon he had.,preparedi~for fome of his.Cardinals P Cardinall Balm who was made to hanfell one ofthofe cruel Ipri-fons whereof he had been the°invenItor; Pope Hildaéramls fervant, who fiumbling was killed by that Prone h.ee (hould have thrown on Frederickthe Emperour at his tdevotians; Eutropim the Eunuch who firfi flood in need of the benefitof the Church to lave his life, after he had obtein- ed a prohibition againfi it from the Empe,rour;and' of ‘C73/p./am his mother, who upon jufi fufpicion was made, t0_.Iak€_ that draught wherewith fhee intended to. poyfon him.All or moi’: of the confpirators againft fulim Caefar, dyed by the fame daggers wherewith they iiabbed him. Marimwas wounded (being commander) with the fword himfelff made, when a Ctutyljer. That Giant who ;totoke_ pleafure in thyrowingydowne, "ifcram-g :11: Spoilers fioileds I §.». fcrambling mariners, from the Rock, was himfelfe»ca_fil down ‘ by T Iaefem-VVhat fhould I flay to mention ‘Plmldrizs his Bull, , M4xent£w«..biS bridg, the Romifh womens poyfons, the He- tmfcan South-fayers counfell concerning Horarimshis image, which'- was fo apparently dangerous to themfelves that the children fang in the Ptreets according to the Greeke Poet, , '73 nanui Bfmn ml 8uAr'1a'au7lI mmfgnsthe evill counfellour is molt Htfiod his own foe. ‘That the wicked are thus fnared ,nothing more i i frequent-, but by whom, theTeXl: implyeth it‘ and Elipémz. exprefliethl it , the Lord tmlvetb the wifiz in their own cmftimfle, Job 5.1;. The hand of malice maketh the pit, and: the hand of juflice puts in-,the hand of cruelty weaveth theweb,and,the hand of providence fnareth themakerin its; god: /grown in #11 1955 lI44'gment.c,but efpecially in thofe of this nature, which cannot be afcribed to-chance on fortune,but onelyG0d:pa/am s 2]} @- omniém mamifeflism, fayth reverendCalm'n,cum impim iilaqueatzsr, Drum jxsdiczls parts: implere, God as a]udg iss mofieminently declared when the wicked is unexpefledly {na- red,by this means above others the 7 enemies are filamed, and ’God ‘ fo ols are fyno- nimous. 7- Pi-11.5.71 ' i:l’rov.1—e. 9o ' fecrecy to folittle, nay to fo’had‘purpofe?rknowkthey not that their mifchiefes like oveiucharged Peeces will recoyle upon their own brea—{’ts ?that’%they build the walls of theirhopes up- ~=on a fandy foundation, which will fall upon their own heads: W-fond men to kick againfi the pricks,nayewhich is worfe belhal, fince like the Boare they. run with violence againi-’t the Trees ofirighteoufneffe, and thereby dafh out their own brains. 9 Surely what the Moth is to the Garment,the Worme to the Tree, Rafi toithe Iron,that is,a mifchieyous work tothe; A11- *thor,fretting,eating, confuming him that aéts itlmprolga Ira- "mine m‘-/ril imbecilliua, none weaker then »the wicked, ewhofe “weapons are fo eafily wrefied from him,and imployed againli ¢him.It is hard to fay whether is greater, ‘thefineeior the punifh-a ~ment,fince the malicious man though againfi his will is a lelfe *::murderer.He foweth curfes like hempfeed to make an halter "for himfelfe,and all fuch fooner orlater {hall have caufe to ‘”fa'y-—p~ropriz'a can‘fig£mm~.armzk,our -armes are our harmes,and r our own conceptions the death of their parents. ‘ T 2. Let the Saints encourage themfelves in the daily accom- éiplifhment of this do&rine,let them make a happy conflruétia yon ofthe wickeds miferable deiirué’tion,even to baniih immo- «derate feates far from {their vthoughtse. He that ttmrlaetla you /hjtia odteztcbet/:2 the Apple ofmine E”}‘e,-Zazck 2 .8.0f his Eye, fo fome read it, it being molt true that the dufi which the <*Churches adverfarie raife againfi hergflyeth in their own i “eyes, Let not then the Saints lookeat their pI'Cf€’flt'ifl[Cfl.tS,b[2[ y EV-:tb€.'ir works future event-,A their machiniationgbute ‘Gods Ordi- . rrnation-,their raging fury;but Godsrrulihfg Sovereignty; their "fubtile craft, but Gods {ublime wifdom,whi'ch both over- :;powers and over-reacheth them, and let thisebe ‘Higgaian, t i ~3tS'e1ah, the lal’t._.part. The the-Spailers foiled. T The third gmerellt i _ A ta cite impolition of a duty to be performed by the Saints": Higgaion,Sel4/a. t ' e ' e , Few words and obfcure,but full and important, containingw a com» more matter then could Well be touched in ft), (hot: pa-{fe by any other language. . The word Higgmonis T _ and that in the Pfalms; the terme .$‘el.:£h according to /Itbdnm fim 71 times in the Pfalmes, and thrice in Hzzlmcmk; both’ together are no where found but in this verfe,amanifeit= at-3. gument of more then ordinary,both.weig_h7t and worth in this Scripture. The 70 and the vulgar wholy omit ‘thet_n_;upon‘+ what jul’tr’ea{on Ifee not.Some only conceive them as inter.-t ieétions expreifing a fod-ain paflion under an imperfeét fence; but if you pleafe to dive into this facred‘§ea,you {hall find a5 rich pt-arle in the ‘cragged {hel of both thefe Words. . I. Higgaiawis generally derivedrfrom filer‘! which °fignifies.- labmm e_/Igto _fpeake,and that properly withthe mouth, ftneta-t pboricall with thehéart-.a word that noteth({aith one)fuch ail fiudy an exercife of mind as oft breaks out i-nto voyce. Booth conlirufiions may afford us inl’¢r'u&ieon,that the judgments of God ‘defetve, and challenge both our ferious tnedi-tation and. ready promulgation. . i __ y *1.Thcy are to be med itated ,8t pondered in outeheartsgwhen God had made an end of his works he appointed a Sabbath to refi in from his worka,and to delight himfelft in what hehad made,qm' ‘ Saééattizavit’ c-Manda date: not Sabizatenizare mm’?- mm1o,he that appointed a Sabboth from the‘Crcation, teach- eth us to folemnize Sabbaths,yea to {pend out dayes in medis tations. Theworks of Godmay well be refembled to choyee l hangings which mufi be fp.readabi-oad by diligent contems -A ' plation,not folded. up in oblivion; or to dainty dilhes, which we mull; n.0tder_glutire but rflminare, {wallow down,but’chew carefiJlly,fo as We may talie thefweeitnefle of them.They that W0ndEf5..and onely thofe who goe down into the dept-hioffa‘- ‘cred contempiation,can and fhallfee the Wonderseof‘ God. Every common§tar of Gods goodneffe deferveth out Eyegbut « chiefly but tW—l.C€". uled befideseiin-{acted Writ;-. ‘.7 PE. t5.u't,9x.j L Pif;to7.,i§, 342 A got down into the deepe,fayth the ProphetDz’wid,behold thy . i - ‘ 19 i_ “ L 517:4/lice Triumpbing, or ,__'__x_ chiefly the blazing Comets of his veng-eance,le& while we neg- le& to let them before -our eyes, «they fall down upon our baclgszand as all Gods judgements, fo efpecially his wonderfull iildb ‘3° “ T5‘ 7- flgrengtla [ball fie/imitned,lais awn comzfefi /ball mfi him down; for bent}; cm‘? into 41 net by Isis ~ownfeet,, a far he walketla upon afmzre. This is the onely way to make others‘ mifery our happinefle, ‘their damag’e,our' profit, while what they feele we-behold, not yet is this enough unleffe to meditation we joyn . ; 2. «Promulga]tion,in publilhing with our tnouthesthe Works lg of Gods handsgthis wassDmvid: refolve to [peak 0fG0d1 Righ- \ teoufnefl e and his sPmi/E all the dd} long ‘Pfal. 35.ult. And for this end among others, he calls the Torkue his glory, as being his befi initrument to let forth Gods glory, the extent of this Word is «well exprelfed to be intenti animimurmur ex gmto fnarings of the wicked;‘this among others it is that Eliplmz; l . Calls 011705 I0 mar/ac, totwit, tlmttlae flaps ofa wicked man: > peflore mtrrem Des‘ laudem, a ready narration of Godspraife 1 from a gratefull breafi; thus Tremtm renders it fam'm,and o- thers folemnifono, witha -Ioletnn found to proclaime the Judg- ments of God. We mufi neither-bury in oblivion, nor {mother (10 D 5 works arena: to be joyned with mates; the dumbe Devill is as odious to him as the deafe 5 we mufl not be like Plinics &'9o,uo: without-s Lips , Tongue, andmouth, to thew forth his praife 5 Indeed fermo index mzimi, the Tongue is the Hearts Midwife, and asour Hmftsrindite agaoal matter, i To our Tongue: /bould ée t-/as Penoaf 4 read} ‘writ-er, P/al. 45.1. 1 the Pfalmifl ioyneth thewords, of his Mouth, and the medita- t s tions of his heart together, P/I21. 19.31:. as being infeparable 5 \ companions in publiihing our Makers glory. Meditation -mu-It in filence Divine Jufiice in the wiolteds mine. The vowels of a not be {till-borne; the fire that burneth within cannot but M ; l flame forth. By ferious thoughts we make an imapreflion of ' Divine Judgements on our {elves-,.but by our words we make v an expreflion toothers, whereby, though Gods honour can i ’ receive no effentiall addition in it felfe , yet it bath a clearer - asp ~13; tmasnifeliation to others. i s32;-1‘ The«Cala':e Paraphrafe expreffeth more then both thefe, to it - :¢udabumjufl:'- wit, anatfefiion of joy in meditating and iproclaiming.the* E s / judge- z/ye Spoilers./failed. iudgmentsof God -,we mufiwnot onely thinke but fay, and fay but fing, and fing but ihout, yea, boafl and glory in the jut’; vengeance of the Almighty.We have all joyned together',PfI t 64.‘A;t the 8.ver. mention is made ol'theTjudgment,in that the wicfidi .tang'ue_/b.allfa'z!!- upon Iazfisawn ‘head. In the following Of ourduty, totconfider wifely, declare faithfully, glory joyfully; her-ein,to the end of the Pfalm.W hen the wicked are brought to, and condemned at the bar of jufiice, iris Hilarie Terrne* with the Saints. Zeclmr] doubles the exhortation, Rejoyce and fing Zepbarzy trebles it,Rejajce,flng, and be glad. The t’§§_hurch hath ever praéttifed it,Mofc=: and /lliriez-n,B.4mzc/9 andDeéomla, the whole Church of the ]ewes,a all thankfully rejoycing in their advcrfaries defiru&ion.Soe true is that of the Pfalmifi,T_he righteous /be/I rejqyce when /aefeétla the vengeance, -he /ball mt/db e hisfeet in tlaabload of Int} Efi€m£‘€£..;'.N0..t as it is their tnifcry, but Gods 7glory;»,t'he..ir sconfufioryhut ,others_e-converfion: a reveng- ingbf th€if~O!lJ5I.n'EWfOngS:; bumtfatisfafiion of Divine jufiice. " 2.To fealeaup m-y:diIc_ourfe of the Text with theword Zrch 2.10.‘ I Zeph.3.I4. P{§;'5s§I.§: Selah, the broad Scale of David Hyrnnes , andrthis ve‘rfc._‘ _ A little vgord,.yetI might expend "a great deals oftimve in ex- p'licat~io.n?o£ its feveral refcr,ences to the,tpyatrer,Mufick-,Audig tors Bl:lC.‘I‘tmU&;.hafl€n. - ~ «~ ’ Azmmarim‘ layth, in all ithe.:iRabbins he cannot linde a cer- tain fignification of the word-,as for theEtymology,forne ‘de- \ rive it from 7'1 ~ D confl:rmzre,& ifo it is fometimes a note of hu- miliation and »obje&ion,.Pfal.79.1 1.6-8.7. others from :- ,.!ewzre,and foeit notes eleawztiamtm rvoczl: ad Pfallmdptm, immté ad medimndnm, a lifting iupsof voyce an-d ‘ heartin finging that to which itisannexed. If wee confult with Interpreters, wee finde a double fence of the Word, ‘noting eminencie and per-y petuity, ferioufneffe in, and duration of the duty. 1.Seriou.fne{fe, Ola rem /mnme mcdim,ndum.Tr_eme.re.l' digna qua: in imo pefiare repamztim-.Our firlhnayefecond thoughts fall {hort of Gods works; itwas E liplam his counfell to fab, that heihould flmzdflifl and can/ider I/ye wonderom W0l’d’J'0f God, i C hap; 34. I7. We mufi not onely (as we paffe by)take a cure {ory view of, but rather {land fi4il__l, or fit down, that wee may . ' 'D_ drawn zo _ L ' ' ‘ V 93-Mice 7,3-iumphing,ior draw th e.pi&ure of Godin his pu'niihment;s-, it is now tran- fient al'pe&,but anexaét view,whereby our hearts may be the more aifeétegd with them. vamp‘? e (fr. I-gin. notes noend of that thing.The fweet fpices of Divine workesi “W” w,5Jm_. mufl be beatten to powder by meditation,and then layd up in m“1.'. “ “*‘i- the Cabinet of our memories.God hath made,faith the Phi- mifi,his wonderfa/lawrhx to he rememhred ;-he-gives us the ]ew- u els of deliverances, not(-becaurfe of the commonnefs of them) to weare them on our ihooes, as ‘the Romans did their Pearls,’ much lefs to tread them _under our feet;but rather to tie them as a chained about our necks}-Ie works firange and glorious illdgments, not tobe writtenin fand orwater, but rather in Marble with a_Pen of -Iron and -the point ofa Diamond. The \.r -4 9; Im preflions oi'.Gods’mearvell'ous aéts upon us irnufl not: be like u "’ that Whiehthe {’to’neemaliesitifitheiaWater;-aifing ‘circ.les,“bea- ting one wave on anotherjahd ;fOfi3‘-Iiifné.-{Rik-iflg a .no“y{e,but; . foone after it flnks down,and.the water Lreturneth to its for— mer frnoothneffe : fo we while judgment is frefigto publifhitt from man to. _mran,‘and fooine aifter let it fink into the depth of oblivion, and we‘ returneg to out old filnns. David wasrofv another mind, who refolveth Itorrmemher Lthejeeres of their right hand of the moi} high, P/'flZm.77.I 1. The Heathen had three graces infeparable fifiers 5 the one to give, the other to receive, the third to returne, and all painted yeung;to..1.earne m5,['hiait‘:bEVnefi[S fhouldnever wax old in our remembran-ce.. For this caufe the Saints of oldfcoimipofed fongs, appointed Dares, penned Chronicles ,ere&ed Monuments of Gods good- neffe and greatneli'e.In this refpeéi forever honoured be that, Honourable Parliament,who made it flnmnzwl-iem,@';flatu+ rm ljeg‘ein,' enafled‘; it fora Lawn-izn 7aroh,and an Ordinance in Ifrael the folemnnization .o'f:tl-iisgdaies deiliveraflce. And «defervedly coimrmenedeable is your apra&ice,my Honou- rable Lord, and worthy Senators, who have with joy and triumph prefented your {elves this dayein the Courts of the Lord. iM_e thinks,‘ your egratitudegaappeaerges of the f ame . colour with .. 2 Conflancy.The Caldee and Hierome read it,for ever ;th‘e;.e Mcditatiafem- Hebrew Do&orsfay,that where .Njetzak_ or Selnhare ufed, it.- jjé tlrespailersfiailcd. “with that of the robes you wear, a Scarlet colour, dyedfiti .grain;fucb as length of time wipes not off. Nor mufi Iforget to encourage youlthe? Tribes of our Jerufalem, the Heads of 1-thofe Tribes,who weare the Liveries of praife, and are come up to thel-Ioufe of the Lord togive him thanks. s The houre I fee is expired~,but furely what S.+A:¢jz‘in {aid of A the Feaft of Pentecofi,I may wellapply to this FefiivaIl,.Gan.- ea'et~p-i'9a'ttci'hz£‘c fi2lemm'ma‘, it would be extended" beyond an houre,nay a day.I could even wifh with ?ofIma that the Sun would /fland.fiill,the day were twice as long,.that we might enlarg our joy,while theRomifh Profelytes gnafh their teeth. What then‘ remains,but that as the Prophet Elijah firetjched himfelfe on the Shunamits dead child whereby it revived; to I the feverall parts of this Text to this dayes occafion, that the dying memory thereof may revive amongft us? i Having drawn the pi&ure of my Text in its feverall linea- r ments, what is wanting but thatl take a review, compare it lwiththt pattermand let you fee the llikeneifc of the Text to the time, that fo it may at-ppearedr-awn to thelifer? Finall‘y,=havi;ngecut* out and made up the garment of this ‘Scripture by explication,give me bueleave to putiton by ap- »plication,that you may fee show fafhionable it is for the time, and beneficiall it may be to your fouls, and I [ha] then difmifs ‘you. - r ,’Avet;t'ecpatA.at¢'wo'I;, or an Application afvtebe whole to the 4 i" V G":mpo»dcr Treafon. e » For our cleerer and quicker difpatcb, be pieafed to wallte with me through thefe three Stages,The enemies worke,Godsi work, our work -, what they would have don.e, twhat':Gocl diéfi "doe,what we fltould and ought to doe. The worke-of tnifchief "in which -they were {mated The work of judgment wherein, I if ever, God wasknown. Our work of duty, now a=nd.everto 5be performed. ‘ , 1, The adverfaries work. 0pmemirabiliwterfingulare, &'fin- agxtlariter r'm'ml2ile]f'Such as the prefent agemay wel admire,the future age w‘ill~fia_rdl'y believe,and no former age can parallel. ‘A treafon awithout a reafongyea to ufe S.~.Him2m: exprelflion? * ‘ -a D 2 "o 1‘! gluflice Trimgilring, or _V J ofthe‘ face ofthefourth"Monarchy,without a name, qmla cm. f 451 em; a /im madogcruelty Wlth01.lt;m,€'3fLl«t'€. A worke without a match, though to have been afled by a. Maftch ; in a wot-d.,ia plot fo odious, a Tragedy fo direfull., that were in a {hip 4 fingers from the water ; there wttA'~~but4.;z -\ fingenéetmen them med death ; a fiep, a finger~o‘fthat Caiitiffe .- . of the Cave might have laid all our honour in the duff. e ' See, allthings are in7areadineIfe,the'plot contrived, a&ors,« - defigned, Cellar hired, Engines provided, Powder bid; a train a t laid, &that blacks bird of hellat hand,with the match to have ’ put a period to the treafon. How doe thefe audacious confe-. derates applaud themfelves in their pregnant hopes -, and pro- A mife all their own. The next heire is deligned ,f’Procla’mations1 * (prepared, Honouisdivided, lnfirnments oflcruelty provided : not {'0 much as the garments of the new Dukes and/Earles “but are made up. The letter (aid, god made/Man are agreed a to pt-mi/7: the wickedngefle of the ‘Timer; butfiay there : lb/Ian l: . was agreed‘, God was not lblelied be his name).,,_’he was at, but not of their counfell: true indeedo therewas hint at imam » 14073 I ya/lice Triumpliing, or 1*’? .—g H né}2'8t the flames had gone over our heads=We were at the pits brink in the ijawes of defiruétion, there wanted nothing but thrufiiuigin ofthe Falx, fickle to cut us down, or Fax fire to mow usfjup‘-.epa touchofciuy Fame tohave rent us in pieces, but ., L l _ i t1\’o.£}eplu£t,tot4, 2fe.za’mm‘_/}m‘?éi€I4lat_manei. at ' The ungodly were manynights digging a‘ pit for -us, and be- foremorning they fall into it them felves,he-that‘wasi0é@~ wage; -y,I1cg9‘v, a prefent refuge, opportune helper, Pcept in,entrappe.d them in their own fnare,and difcoveredihis juflicein deteéting their malice, ,which leads, to tile-if€C_9_;,1d,p§I’tl‘¢ll1fl>F;.;'_,' '— .— - . . . i ' ‘ I 2.'G0ds worke dignm «zziwdicc nadm,a kflO£:_”fiE_‘f0r' a God-itol unity.-, not man but the Devil d€VifCd:it;‘.‘,DOE wman but G odde- iifeatedit ; 7&6’ 1-at ;&ea'3'V .’éu -yz’:voco't xe4'*rou, it was not-inthe brains of men to prevent 'it,fo farin.deed froth;ourpreven—tion_,that it tcouldt no-t,come into .our .pimaginatig-on',e:it_e ;wa_.ssnot in th'e_A_rms ofmenTt_to,o_ppofetit'; noghandiflof ; men cffulglg have ;re[eue_d from the deviziii-tingifiree,ouelyin the lqzm»o=f God, foathat in—_7this,if in any thing, .the Lord wasknown as a jufi Judge. A t ¢ Be pleafed a while to trace the feverall fieps of,.the dif cove- xy, and you {hall -pla,inlyi.heth.o_ld,tit was not, it co_t;ldno.t£b;e a- '\ .. ny gtheprgbut Gods that manacled theirhands, anidpfna. :re7tl;»th.er"n in their Wofrkei-,"i,forttell me, « _ -g e . — w ‘ iWha‘tiwasiit that extortedthe meanes to ‘F revealing fromhis ,pen,whofe tongue had fworne concealement; that made him, who was aéting the mine of many,to confultfor the»preferva- ftion ofone? not any innate pitty in thetrai.t_or5gbutitheo,ver- ruling to Sopveraignpty oft gG_od”f;: hat wasit that inclined; the “heart of that Noble.Lor»d: to ipuhlifll and communicate the let- , ter which deteéted the treaifon P Not popery or carnall policy, but the all- difpofing providence of God. What was it infpired ii a A (lpjcancall it no lefl‘e)the brefitjof that Royall_King, oziherwife ' 'fr§é.fr6_ jealoufitfas atbapdgfofktyragnnyf) to,fufpeé.t;t:heg_gdan.ger; by a violent uinn_atLir'al’l,iCiQhPtr.u&ion;of agphrafe to fitndwout i violent unnaturallpdefiruflion that pwaé ihatching 5 not fo , :7rnueh~;his own prudence (though otherwife great) butthe will i -:é<3f.t‘,fI,1_i'i-‘i flqfitheg Almigh-ty, What was it, that infatuated the trai- t?t;S¥¥its‘inWfi0t(Whilethe:P1Ot.Wa$ but;fuTPé;&;¢d)had;oppértunitiv . t_i-_ no , .. . .5 . . - to i ftimony a*gainl’tthem? in a word, did not the Powder v \ J14 tlze Spoiler: firoilzd. 2'27 , :"¢TEa'pe, that -they {hould try the utmolic; and afterward fl1ar- T pened ‘the edge of all mens fpiritsagainfi them,where they -came to kill fome,l'urprize thereflgeven before a Proclamation ‘ could overtake them , but that jufl feverity of God? Finally, what was it that prevented *the fuprizall of that Noble Lady Elizabeth, and infurreflion of the Pa-pifis, when thofe Rebels whifpered the feare of a Maffacre into their eares,but the met- T tifull goodnelfe of God-,fo that all the attributes of»God were ‘concentred, and met together in this dayes deliverance ;and which is yet moreremarkble in it felf,and fuitable to the Text, thofe Antichriflian mole--warps were taken in their own pit; thofe Romifh fowlers caught in and by their own net. Was it not a worke of one of their hands and pens, that firfl ‘gave caufe of fufpition, and was the meanes of difcovery; did not their own tongue fall upon them , when the Colloguie be- . tweene Garner and Hall at the Tower, proved the -clef ref} Te- lgnne flye in fame of their ‘faces? when among others two of , he Trai- tors were -wounded accidentally by Powder in an sh/oufe , and afterward both killed by a mat ;fo truly was this Scripture ful- filled in this example before the eyes ofallmen. And furely, were not our, Romifh Profelytes drunk with the urine of So- dome, and nurs’d with the milke of Dragons, they would be- hold,gbelee"ve andirepent. The 'Papi‘{’ts call much for a Judge of controverfies betweene thern and us, but why take they not notice, how God bath time by time {hewed himfelfe a righte- ous Judge, pleading our caufe and preventing their plots P but i I feare a fpitit-of de-lufion is fallen upon them, and therefore I {hall betake my felfe to that which concernes us to doe, the 3 Lalt -particular, /our worke. Iknow you have long looked for an end, much fpeaking is a wearineffe to the'fleih—, and longhearing offenfive to your patience, yet {pare me but a few Minuteswhilel teach you your duty,and I- hope -you wil have caufe to fay,the latter end of theSermon is better then the beginning, let then our meditation continually fixe it felfe on both thefe objects. T ‘I On the Enemies work, and thatifo long till it have . B wrought t_;_ - w . ii 4 28, T i fwflice Tritttispking, 01‘ wrought in us an impteflion of thefe following duties -, even till - it have flamed us with a fiery zeal-e, awakened us to a cautelous lg vigilancie, and engaged us unto ' tnutuall unity ; of cach a R word. - ,1 Let it inflame us with a fiery, zeale nndholy indignation againfl the fcarlet impudent Whore of Babylon ; who is ever in travell with a Babel of our confufion 50h let us detefi with a perfefl hatred their prafiices, twhofc mercy is cruelty, Reli- gion faétion, devotion fedition, whofe zeale is fire, Martyrs are traytors, and Saints devils -, and not onely their prafiices, but their principles, which are thewheels that move them to n thefficurfed executions: I meane thofe Jefuiticall Doctrines lil , wherewith mens hearts‘ being once poyfoned they care not ‘fl i what villanythey attempt.Among which _I obferve three prin- liig . cipall Engines, that are no {mall endncements to, treafonable [li a F ' p/rojefis. The Popes power to pifpence with Oaths, the legali- e W of murthering.Princes , and a Toleration of various Religi- Qns -, obferve but the Powder plotters, and you {hall find their defpair of obteining a free toleration, their ‘opinion of the law- ‘fi?$;,ZL the firong incentivesto this mifchiefe ; and thafall of thefe de- villi{l1 opinions, are the plain afliertionsof thC;]€_{l1il'._S;I need , e not flay long to demonfirate. , . t , i , Grazer exprefly afferts concerning the Oath of fidelity,that the Pope may free his Catholiclt , Subiefist from it when their —-as w—.v-_—v.—._. - x-:: = »-. ~ the refi built it, is the power of binding and loofing givento Pcter,andindeed* to all Miinificrs of thgfiofpel-‘byfCihri{’:,l,to , wit offins, not Oathes. .' , i The Murderingof Princes i5 a commons tenet indeed, thefe !WO,Df#m camedere, Regen: accidere, to eat their God, and kill their King are -the abhord Maxims ofthefe unreafonable men. Mfiriamz accounts itamodetate way to cpoyfona Chsiff,‘ 01,‘ . garment for the killing of Kings. Erancia dc Verona commends the aét of that defperategwreteh who affaults Hem} the fourth of France ‘,”as jut’: and Heroick-, nay ,one of , their Popes, Sixtzia the stbmade an Oration _in,prai,fe of that Fryer,who fulneffe of killing Kings ,and blowing up Parliaments ,were , King rules tyrannoufly.The fa.ndy-foundationyon which he and , {nut-_ ‘ \ _ f, ’ murthered I-Ienr} the thirdof France (though no Protefiant) g ported. . . t/it Spailer: /foiled. if C laying a true Fryer had killed a counterfeit. Yea, had his Car- ’ dinals been as forward as he ,they had Canonized him fora Saint-,what need we goe farther then this prefent bufineife ? in Paris Oldéome and garnet, that were executed in England for this Treafon, are enrold in the Catalogue of Martyrs, and cer-, ‘tain Englifh Priefls cenfured for praying for their fouls, as though they doubted of their Crown of Martyrdome 2 as that valiant Papiflamaflix in his time,Do&or Pearl} hath left upon record that he faw the former, and heard the latter credibly re- As for Toleration, it is true, it is far from their own practice where they have power -, witneffe their cruell Inquifition, (in- deed none are more tyrannous where they beate rule,then they that plead for this licentious liberty, where’ their own way cannot be authorized) but yet they maintain it lawfull and indeavour to attaine it where their Religion prevails not. Thus Father Pkarfam--,Caridinall Allah, and Williamfiifiopa Se- minary Priefl, doe all of them aflert both in Tlaefi that Religi- ons fundamentally differing are confiltent in the fameiKinsg- dome;and in Hjpotlaeji that it is not only lawfull and come- nient, but honourable for the King of England, to permit the free exercifeof the Roimifh profeffion. I hope the bare recita- tion of their damnable Do&rines isto ufe a fufficient confuta- tion. All I airne at is to warne us that while we declare an ut-t ter Anti patby againfi the Romanifis ; we doe not Symp.at_hize sandsjoyne iffue with them in any ofth’eir' curfed opinions. Oh farre be it from us to thinke that any humane power may di- f pence with,and make what confirueiiion it pleafeth of the ma- ‘ --u§,.3* i9 o&or Fcatly bin 6159‘! M]; 3513 9-571! 9a&or Fem; his Claw: M13‘ ‘ fliu. rows-, ny Oaths and Proteltations we have taken; particularly. that ’ Solemne Covenant, wherein we have lift up our hands to the high God. i Far be it. from any of us to have a malicious thought againfi ourLiege‘ Soiveraign-,rath‘er let us make Prayers, and fupplication for him. And (whichl wifhthere were not too much caufe of)beware-we that none of us. defend’ or indea- vour that intolerable toleration of all Religions. It was the courfe fnlinn the Apoflate tooke to root out the very name of “ " ' E 2 s Chfiz ‘ 3° Faflice Triumpbing, or Pfala rat 2., l’ at Kings 5, 1 2, Chrifiianity by letting open the door to all Hereticlts and Schifmaticks. I fay no mo_re,but know_that Religion is the Soul of the body of a common-wealth, andgueffe your {elves what amonfier that Kingdom will be, that is informed with an I oo Souls-, yea, undoubtedly the toleration of many will prove in times the fubverfion of the one Orthodox Religion in that Church wherein it is granted. a g Ihave oncly one requef’t.belor,e Ileave this exhortation, to you famous Citizens.(it will be a.w.ork well. becotnming your thankfnll hearts ; and a part of anfwer to Day-via'.c_queI’cion; Wlbat/lmll I render) that now while you are pioufly confulting to fettle,and advance the maintenance of your preaching Mi; nifiers? you would take into your thoughts, the erefling and endowinga Colledge or Society of ablesinfiruéted S‘cribes,who with their pens diptinthe Ne&ar.of Sacred VV‘rit-,may(.as with fwords) cut off ,all»-{nperlliitious Idolatry,‘ and the head of that Hydra of Herefie,which rifeth up fofali in this declining age. The .CfQCOdll.CS- .abo1_1t the Banks of Nilgaj , if rub’d,i or but priclit with a Quill of 15:3,‘ areyfo sflupified that they cannot fljr , and the pens of Orthodox,Writers, are the prefentefi re- medy againfi the poyfonoferrours; how mightthis prove as at Tome of David , where the I-lorfmen of I/me] might have Shields and Targets to "fightythe I_.ords.Bya_ttails. S _ S . _ Secondly , let it awaken us to .a cautelous, vigilancy, we need not a Prophet to tell us what is f poken in the King of Syria his Bed Chamber, I meane, the Popes Conclave. Remem- b._e_n. the Powder- Plot Garnet: auferto Gffiifm pzrfidam-, and you may frnyelltheir intentions. True it is that vault of datkneffe was difcovered, but there is another: vaultofs wickedneffe in their hearts; and one depth will call for another-, one fire ~ kindle another ; and;one like beget another. ?Equa naming a Tez1cri., Th_e Afpe lies in »her[hole , and both but waite for the warrne Sunne. s Ihe Gyant lyurltethin his Den, and watcheth bnta fit; feafoni,th;eide'vils Powder-Mils are flill doing; fiore..oF this Coynejs minted daily at Rome. , and newgexploits forged on the.Anvils of ]efuitesBraines. They had no {mall bandjn ourlate {ad ‘deivifions ;_ let u,s,nev‘er be , too fecure , we ~ . . meane I/je Spoiler: flmilcd. ‘ mean to be fafei Thefe Chamelzrons will take any co1our,the{e~i Protetm like, will turn themfelves into any lhape. A-ske among» their friends,what a Jefulte is,they will tell you, ever} mmgaiidi with their Father the Dev.il1,care notto tmmforme them/elm: into ciaildren oflig/Jt, and though mvenozu wolvex to appeare inc [beeps cloozt}Jing.Oh let us never cry Peace, whim our Enemies it havetheir Bowes ready bent-,and Arrowes prepar’d to {hoot at the upright in heart. I _ 3.Let itengage us to mutual] unity ; and now,,®h that I had the Silver Oratory of Demofllame.c,or rather the-Golden mouth of Chryfoflome -,nay,yet rather the heavenly tongue of Angels, that I might charme you into a fweet harmony!But what f peak»‘ I of charming your eares, unleife God‘ perfwade your hearts? 019 than God of Peace, war/(in m 4102):’ of Peace, and than work’ for m the 12/2/finga of peace. Confider I befeech you, could not the wicked works of our are-I Enemies hand be able to fnare us, and {hall we fnare our {elves “ by our own works? have not their {words beene able to pierce us,and {hall we {heath our {words in each others bowels 2 doe we this day rejoyce in their defiru&ion_,and {hall we give them eaufe one day to laugh at our divi-fions ?,hath not Rome and all her: confederatesbeen able to- blow us up, andihall we under=-= mine ourfelves? {hall England and Scotland doe that each a- gainfi other which the Kingdoms round about could never yet accomplifl1t?Oh let it not be told in garb, and publiihed in the Streets of Afcfalon, let it never caufe a Fefiivall in Rome, and holiday in Ireland , that they {hall heare the two Nations are tearing: each otherin pieces. Let us remember whofe part it is», even the e miom mzms, to {ow-the tare: of difiention. He en- ~ deavoured a rent between God and 705 by that Calumny, dark fob/Erwe §od forunougbt ? Nay ,to make a.Schifme in that bleffed unity beweene the Father and the Sonae , by tempting C 1-1 R». .1 .3 ‘Ho goe beyond his Commiflion. Oh let not us,who call the Church our Mother, have the Devill to be our Fathergl entreat,Iobtel’t , I adjure ,by all the bands of union between us,the onenefle of that faith we live in,K-mg we live undcr,Covenant we are obliged to,that we may be~one:for ~ E 3-. the Jab Io ~ III! at. 4-.‘- 3451 1. , ..‘—xTf—¥——.v—«~. .’ I.” {one gtttjlicc T rinmpbing, or i.;1::l':;'z 13,14. fully dumbe. the confirming of this with our brethren, and obtaining it a-7 tnong our felves. Oh you who are the vigilant Governours and peaceable Inhabitantsof this Metropolis ; let your purfes free- ly contribute, counfels s maturely act, Prayers to God, humble Remonfirances, and Petitions to man be {till continued; lealt , sotherwife, if we fhould take up the {word againe to fight each with other, we put fuch a fword into our Catholick common e- nemies as wil not eafily be wrefied out:nay,(which is far worfe) a;fword into the hands of our God to avenge the quarrel! oflais ; Covenant, and we may jufily fear,God will fay of fuch a crying iniquity,(lhould it ever be a&ed,which hisimercy avert) it is re- -vealed in mine ear:, and itsjlvall not be pnrged from us tifi’ we die. 2. Let our meditation dwell on Gods worke, and that {o long ' still it have elevated us witha joyfull gratul-ation, encouraged l us to a confident expeflation, and firengthened us in earneft fupplications. I. Let it elevate us with joyfull gratulation to that God who ' as on this day mercifully declared hittjfelfe both a protector «of Sion, and a detefiour of her enemies. Indeed whom Ihould we magnifie if not God? and for what, if not for this? I may well ufe Saint Anfiine: words,qmfqmEs mm wide: ccecm cf} ; gm’ wide: 6'?‘ non gandet, ingmtm :3?-, he that beholds inot Gods wonderful, both mercy and feverity, in this deliverance is grofly blind -, He that beholds and bleffeth not, is ungrate- ly-Iad this monfler,whicb was come to'the birth, bin brought ‘forth, this day, would have bin Englands Ve.€j$er.r , and Romes Martians, our Funeral], their Fefiivall ; infiead of this pure iworfhi p, thefe bleffed opportunities we now enjoy, we might either have bin plung’d in/to groffe fuperflitions, fuch as cring- ing to Crucifixes, adoring .Images, turning over‘ beads, babling to Saints, wandring in Pilgrimage,or elfe have bin ~dragg’d to a Rack or flake, the proper Engines‘ of that Romi-{I1 Antichprifi. , c -- - ‘ y s » ‘ ‘ Oh! let the fireames of our thankfull joy flow as high, as your forrowes (bad thefe thingsgcome to paffe) would have isnade them to ebb. Since we were not as on this day madeaéia-_ tie the Spoiler: Lbailcd. tia matmimz igne 4'27/omtionzk, an early burnt offering to that Moloch of Rome,let us make our felves ohlntimem matutirmm igne dewti-amis, a morning facrifice by the fire of devotion to the God of Heaven-,and fince that bitter Cupspalfed from us, let" us mhe the cap of f4l'zmtz'an,ana’ praife the mime ofthe Lara’. Nor let the Law of aéiiwiisiaa here take place, though it be ti/A5592, it! lt not be iipL€g9I~,3l@', may this day never be out.‘ , yeard, but letall Generations call it bleffed. Arijiotle ob-, ferves of the Ancient Gneciam, that they placed the Temple of Thanks in the midfi of the fireet, that being obvious to» all mens eyes,it might ever put them in mind of their duty ;and furely , if we {hall either deprave with malice, -tbury in oblivi- on, leflen with envy, fuppreiie in policy, negleét in fecn: ity, or reject through a lemnity, We fhould eminently provoke Divine fury:no ra- ther let the mercy confer’d, judgment executed be graven with A 33*‘ Pfil, 1 36413;. novell fancy offuperllition this dayes fo- r a Pen of Iron on the,,pofis of our do"ors,tablcs of our hearts, andhornes of our Altars for ever. 2 Let itencourage us toa confident expefiation, that be which hath been will hill be known by the judgment that he cxecuteth ; former experiences are jufi grounds of future con- fidence ;Goid infinite love, rec largiimdo exhrmrimr, rec have fqciendosfutigatur; isa Sun ever Ihining, and 21 Fountain al. ways running; neither is his hand fhortnerl that he cannot fave his Church and defiroy his adverfaties. What therefore A .Z‘ere/Z: {aid to Hamxm concerning Mordecai, by wayoffup. pofition, let us apply in a pofition; ours is the Orthodox Re- ligion, before which the Popilh faétion hath begun to fall, Ifay--59st. A 6. I3: and {hallfo fall as never torife againe. Though the Romifh- harlot cry up ignorance as the Mother of devotion , honour Traytors with Martyrdome, -giory in her Bulls», and indul- gences, make Saints and Angels her Advocates; yet known the time is at hand that fhee [hall cam: in rememhrance he- fore Gadto give her the Wine of the fiercene: of his wrath, /and/he fhdll finle-like/4 mi1_/foneinto the hattome of the fen. ' A Rev, 15:19; , 18.11. Nor let us only be confident in regard of her, but all other: , ¢n€mieS.oftheiChurches Truth and Peace. I meane irreconci.li~ = - e - able»; A "34 fa/lite T riantpflhihgf or able Se&aries.That however they a& {’trenuoufly,watch cau- teloully, plot fecretly, compaffe Cities and Countries indufiri- oully, and by that means increafe exceedingly;though they en- C deavor by cunning devicesfubtilfiratagemys to retard ourPeace V hinder our efiablifhment, foment our divifions 5 yet the da is eomming when they (hall be fnaredsinytheir own —w0rks,:h<. vi- - zard be plucked off from their face, and it fhall appeare to_ all the World, that their wifdome is but craft, humility bafeneiTe,' faith fa&ion,zeale contention,and pretended fervour in Religi- on rformall hypocrifie. , * ' .g.Let it firengthenus in fervent fupplications -,for the full accornpliihment of his works, and our hopes. Let us then end this day of Praifés with prayers ; and what thallwe pray ? even that 0fDehomhfl1,(as did thefe Traytors, i'odainly,,furely, glo- rioufly) let all thine -enemies pm‘/h,0 Lqrd,]l1dg. 5 alt. or more futably to theText,that ofD:wz'd,with his fpirit not of revenge ‘ but zeale, Pfal. 3 5.8. Let dtflmflion came upon them at mm- awezret, and let their net which they hid, catch themfilz/es ,4'nta that 067'] dejfrmflion let themfezfl, or as it is, Pfal. I09. 28, 29. let &em.ct4rfe,htst élejf e thoumhen the} {zrife let them he ajhamed. But let th} /Ervant rejqyce, let our etdverfarie: he clotzthed with / _/hnme,4nd let themraver themfelve: with their arm canfufion at 7 with 4 mantle -, or if you will, in the words of our late folemne 'League and Covenant, that all Incendiaries, Malignants and evill inflruments which hinder the reformation of Religion,di- vide betweene the Kingand his people,or.one of the Kingdoms from another,may be difcovered,brought to publick tryall,and receive condigne puniihment ; In a word,let it be our daily pe- ‘rition at the Throne of Grace,that all the enemies who rob e our Church of her Truth and and Peace (between whom as Chrifl: was,hisChur.ch is full crucified) may be deteéled -, That God would make ht}: enemie: 44 ea wheele, and always turn their fire matches into halters to hang themfelves, ho will not how their necks to the yoke of the Lord, that fo od may flill’ be i ‘known in that Romiih Babylon for an avengergand in our A Engliih Syon,for a refuge from one generation to another,and _ let all true hearted Protefiants fay, Amen Amen.‘ FINIS. 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