V Pfinted A by A. M. 0 R, T H E H A P P Y M18 E S‘ Cfregarier, fume the 1;"‘imf‘é?,, A By :N:at/amziell I-Jardy, Mimificr%of S‘ Dyonis "fiac/Qcwlaurc/9» p-u.._..‘...... s A ‘LAo M. 1. H61]? Lard, far-the godly mm m1[e:% 02* M16 fmit/aft;/Z jizilflom ‘twang Nae clyfldrerz ofmm}. % A Pl;n'~!o fwd. mg? éwmmfaz-;. ~~ ‘ ‘ er . N‘ V, W: ‘ . ' ‘ ‘}§u3ta{.g,¢mS~,¢ 'z'z‘3:» 60$‘ 3? ,5m1d.svfs.ov., :J§zI pm ’é:r -!.u;;,;J:s1’, 0%‘-Spramr J‘;;‘ «.31: I V ‘ , r' ' ' , ' ' R’ an 71:45 five»: -mv%cw»3‘gw7rmv, nu J)aLc;..zav chamvztv m -nrlw wade zw/aw~ % tar muecrxzr. A ‘ LoNDON,, far fifizzfizjvb Crazzfam’ at the 015% T MEN ENBAD TIMES. Satfbrth in a Serrnon Preached at the Kings He3.d"’in S’? Hem/5 Church?yard,I658.9 A « mg « ~ ~ .:_~ Hana: too ofiten zmdnozt "witboumu ; ‘,1: ; % grzet.) beheld;/Jufisr monfirous birtlic " _V wifviciw /yzwe been forced into the ’ V world :93} the unskilfull mzdinjuriozw kl‘ ‘ Mi tars, ofinm I/Jéj dmtll of their pretended Parents 5 Irza’eed,who ‘£>;'0uZa’not be txfoubledw ft: & tlwirmciw cam N amcfs Qfemim’n$.Divincs mm (45 2'2: were“) to do pennancéin tbs Printers Sheets, fbr the in-- cominency of their wanton Auditors , who 12.2. ~ twemtbe Pen and the‘ Prefs,bcget and léring Forth Vu 4 Bafiafd Mafia" of Sermons, which t/28}; muff x u ‘ Fat‘h'crP~ - “Wifry of Scriblers , Stationers, and Prim 4 2 _ A %4VHbw» ., V7‘ .r-...ww‘ ~.»uyqw:uu ,5‘... ,. W,‘ * _w¢ ggunnpur-v->~4"'P"“' ""'“—"‘— John Héwic (fine:b&‘abaéww tbfiaccvtmt fufihédfW*#~7??3%kfe¢miri%gd5’riWi~F:% E33‘ obuaiomao emfy Homgraasly that R evcrend max: Dr. Beaks of sermogas” prim»-edagdpubmh¢d%"&diem:~ his-Namcfiiaii fiofiwifikflmfiding [0 me ofz~bamap—- jwr to be tranflariops mar afmnciz tfinxzhaurs } pretended to be his; mm; mazes dozggdwa, éqgja azg'zzi:¢[¥ A A /’1">a’z:z"al x Hall by his Ajhoncxfilfible mdvdveirrifea fmemsinprintwrim-a@f‘b:3~~%worr‘hy Frzmyg vii. A )Vr,i\f$t7ild, amdz‘§/I72, Ba:‘sa°ic‘I:,%‘w~kc;/'3:Names have A 1 5335 mde zgfé of wftliout t!).9fl;érpfivicyV W cronfentg wear Aentered in %h?Sg:ati%on¢‘érs~ Rte“ fiznfplaire and mew lof Liccnfczrs A of tbjgfia Sarmcm, 5:2=éIé«:1?7%$i/:.=a?3a &1~t1;“srZy L dii"own.4, “mi dafire 5;“ ma mm;m3~ApubL;iq;m1y¢ mg ;di&{., A %Tbz?3 having fleck: the Le: Of/3%§734s¢y ;P31»‘3 341:1} crs " 1519869 1' pa], mzdmbfi mm fa mouszkvz mC=m‘ Ga» gzeraafiom” I da 230.: u"cv.:h wonder; Azrmzzf’ aim 2;‘/fie {refs A f1>ro11b{éd*Vt54t%%i:7‘%é'ai mine 5 myiv mz¢fl~4rz..¢w75 mfcnqc %(}’95 _?79F[.f»o;;W?Q¥¢’ia T¢3%d5@5J¢W0 f*5”3iV‘"-‘~ '7/75 im? puaesmeaftzaaya, baywg gpwwemgaviihed imfiermun Eafare myfmfé, amng _/bi njnriefaruflgg jyzmmc Wbileflalive; %%4. 'By 9/95; I p/l¢i:z{y Ybteefee -V ” % &*’eader, ‘ ,7 Ea#’b§c¢h:%mM is oné cast/E %4»iicii¢%.g wmo 7a’ppcarf%ofl&n éih Print, »1mz~ w/mt % ( Iinganaoufly cpnmfefsm) law: uzeggy impgrfeaap %4VtbA~e4fbei%,%JmayAm>HmwavAer "fcmfie forth mzmglcd "!:lm*aé;:f3;.an ; A % % A % M % Ibopeima ~:(3[andid Reader will évmt think his V \ ;pa¢ience%abur¢d, mtg/t 1 //yazzzmfew wards inform biiwbjwmac/1*I‘]bmwfili2en abufédin tbtk km. VT ;. ~ * 4 '~S0m»e years agofvaimefoftlmlittlc Manual of fl... t*uaz?al%ePraycrs,*wffW0f¢’W:.t0which myNamc is I A ,<;3-Mp pd?‘£wfl2$tl~3e *up* offugh ex; % pra:{]?o":§3, wbirb (V 50%; ‘t»§§l1:i;'5ter;te1’s bfdday Wh€);€“'. AinmgfimiGawflrflwli ta WW b¢~*~* %d3‘YT'%%¢fmWifi§%Va4»y@tAtH€r¢» -I B 4 M ‘V M faflr I L V‘: fix «Na. :12. I2. m # % ”f:5r5"P?0.’;"?M17*‘iv/é % { W -q-«-.--.—.—-..‘ .- fcmr fpeVciaI% flaies. % f:f":‘).‘iF..:‘\f;.'g|v>'::_"‘V‘ 4 AA % * fifly 5»¢i7?ét£J‘ w56A§ed)1€[7"e A co1nmittedVA?3byg % c§}1rV;%Afr*l've:q!>r other!» " V A T 0? u firfiin €XP€&s4 this dag; M‘» ;e;g,mz mmaea; V4 The d4yWhe:'ei1ithéAA. séiicléédprojjrerfi amt! the * §§od;lyt1*1umph, % And V ; % % A A The 9'4} xvherefn Jzmy O{:_G’D'(15‘ fizitlyful and érni'n'enn iem-.2nz:s are fnatcht: zixva and cut: off by death. bu.M.l;§@.%1S¢.flQt~m471yV 1B £1o*§§z€;§:)u ncgew ¢%;hcr¢\va«s the zzwet of :2 duezmd fcr:;ous%% éfiwfidaration ‘whereof? maved %t1Vr“@~+Prap£:a*r to; take upthis bitter %1a1n@3nta~ riot}, fig/at rzgéfcom pgrrflvefé and ma; mm [zz.yVetl.7 it My & ms fad anVdfofx90xvfu 11c‘émp¢l.;zfm looks we waies,,} » A {Q t0V%t¢V?W2cbed“; b€w*;1ilir-Ig; the %mz%:- /.2?%%'«?‘?i$f t117s" eke, and benifioéning“ the iniquity f Aof the 'atZ2z9%;3;% tihat%&ihe~%%pér_%fl:22:: of the ‘;§MZ)IWefe%dé:/?rbyea’, réwgfi of the Wicked ’:’4{d3?Z.fd-«. %Az‘fi5zZs' frOf11gri£ff¢miw i % A __ veiy "9€]9:?7?2€’§?2f5.‘:;§S ;aeaA:-em by%the%ml:plzcarion of feveral clzmfes tomhe _[;zm:_ flmfc’. Godgrzmtvthat I 5. am in lwzdlinjg, and yo’#’inb:aring,¢ have the fame holyfiaffiansWhichour,Prg}2bet had ingttaring _...£hiS.§ ~ A4 lVlA~%iAftiIi%tt&}%,%4 riiglitemr‘ lperfxjbetbg gmdna zézw V ., tafiewrfg # % thehéhzpl}zinIA%C0ncerningthe Gadi ~ dféfle * 3 . ' A >....-nu-..—.......—-—..—nu: 4 , V ~ andAmitig4~ ‘r¥]759£i*Zr_.,* T1222‘ %w?rc}i“4 Var: tét/ezw %dw4y :ViAV%1M£t43" V .‘.‘‘I‘__‘_“ ‘l tllfiiiw W iqf appraizg/»2»gl§radgm~e»»; “L.-.; g Irnlleiinlezrgixg 0f?1:hfe fiamfldintg Wt: fllallilcom Plzrtm I.‘ “ Aifide; tlib Godly mans oflfiiofl and coziditiioh; V. Tim ll 1ir:4~flj'yerygaod,i:“t/gzkjeemingly‘ Vc4ryi£fi4aiV1»£vt«/ai;cha~ i?*ra6teri2;edii1 two. Twolfcls‘: IH1s+ diff a'fitiM, llltliofé ~ }‘i:g/JfE‘@f¢:3‘ aflcliilirizerqrjfltll ;; hiswiizzlititiniiinlaithbfe A two,‘ peri/In-r/2 a:ndlmkan4)my : Ofeachiia word.1s "- 1..-. ; »The_fir}'t‘ thing we ariemitakexmticeof; lislrlfic ~sdi,Q>afzrib}é; And -lthalc A . , ,. . 9. l‘ mu. f‘ av defcriéiea’: »t‘h~e xvwolfd Vrigbteai A i iwhich? bjeinig in the Heéllew the fingulalrxxlfiinibéri, M;g%%“79’l‘é*.a¢a?f~i*€‘?‘5 A ".1nClil’13Vl’I1g»~arljnirticlrprqfixt,is by fomc Expofitéiurvsf ;_;,ip_-,-,,% ,(~,%,____ peculiarly applied toC/mfl,as ifthis «verfe werea1~*rio+ li’»‘*"1“¥»‘1_; piizéfié elf A his: dtdtgr. llntlegd, to /mar écially and Fix noiieiiirigbteoiwl 5 iiolfififitloneg ‘(lfaiithwthei ) i W L I 4 W i ng ;g,,;,j;,g,5¢;:;4l:1eiq1;mi:fxej?Tlilii1155ii1iI&«e*lllggl;tliiinllthe4 , Exce}?t%»oné, faith t2~l1e.iiiFxztberi-5) Vliznermixlgi C/)}~*z'f:z“5. Aug. ibid. Wh0~1sperf¢é?/J and originally rig/atcomfl: . in _Wh‘ilceh itiefeléft‘the13ropbbcM»larbycals‘l himthej sme ufMaL A 4 Manny hath its 7100;} :md*limpex'fe£tions: 4 Wle at $efl,i,m'e butiStarre: of rigbteoufncff’, which A /721m?‘ wiTchlAl;1»6arrbw*?d light: Cbrifl, ~lilie;theSmme;l“m1:l1 3i>%g;§~;m-all A -Cliiliilxirhich we re'ce;ivw » H ” gr4¢efa%igrg&2. wglzrz‘ 9 “ lerfoml fru—tr,»W‘*- ‘ ~ *5» that lheperi/bealin ‘l2‘j>)i2yiaz¢l«,lAlwan~cls was; M/mm‘ way” by the rage of lilaiswemiesi _N;1y.,% Wl1lCl1“"l00l A ltm¢l}aln13ver%elth‘lthc f“N°6f,l heWcl1~§clmvl amewtwl byi;~t'l1’e« * gmgralitylllkefthe 'pj€:ople“l;l iilfimwlthai miighcilsswll upon? A Qréqfcfig ~I.~1;ilinaMi7zgl“ta yob~’a1¢f‘:t“52il‘ Wi;i~£a)w£rf = La!nl.‘:K";iR'2%1» ~ » ' A 2 f ‘A A Md‘ 4 f Mufcfi -- .; ,._........ .. ' -a4nz1f;e¥«.;e My :Vor»m§v ~ a'a2ze unto mr:, zrfilaerewitb the Lam’ /Wmtb zzf {A Aimeiziitlze day of bz2$;fi6r£ea=z¢gI¢rrs ~ "'2 A‘ 111:,Wh¢£1-*I;Qbf€l‘V€. ‘rm 3; aéezf %V56~1j.ein A %% ‘ 3 Kii1g.2I.x6%. Lap. " Snuff. 19 C, . fr§gbt«eW*me;a:swréker 4 : xaéfivfiryg.zozl!9z¢1.itiaI3:%Ai:$ % Wg “ W fimbzfzafi :22: gf : ¢ 12rQphevtJfi4~i;z5Zz:a:a:€aV§v2a12?6r 1| ‘ I ‘ , W“ , j ‘ ./ , ‘ ‘MW ,“ «=’*1fi%9.=.;t1>':3 %£moWW;k ’ 67_r":i” mam I%.rat¥1e1: %ki;ac1%i:n% ' 35?§??£.%€.Z€‘?;;fi§ 1:r:"€‘i:e .;Ih,1A1m]"gt“;’4;£iI5()-t »;fi«OQ.1.g..‘?) */331119? Aézanm;T 4% 55 3 :59 and.}amId1flgM1y thofe; PWI/vats-.and M£2[]éhgé%4f 0f5+§*h_g+: A % %VA4*A’ar;d, t9ge%thm:;:1§I1th:; theA..oz?r%?2cr T of his fai‘thf’u411 ierfirants % which were‘/lam t.h<;%.%gi%a;~§7es f,JWflflflfl,,é?53'. AA 72%’ lmflacgng r;.5a4¢45§2sw4’.w;:is4@fT¥.*/%¥;%:W §;£zéfl’A fillml ftiflafapiit/9 fi£ahaidfi:0r93%?;am7,a¢fri94ii;a z:é2{vA;t’ ::¢A;:@Ox1a”C€1Wd‘A by£'x~ V paafitfzzrs v%Vi:i1'xh.s,x. rzfirvarw ¢3%G«w'% %~+rig9t6m%-' %’€11Vmayd the%%Axza111ewr4;z5fe~ gixven.;%5:wh¢rV€ the W. ‘divim a:%¢m—: fvmd»V4wvh%iCh n121k&thj:U$ gflféw/v;a.!)I: Wyn ..0¢ff’W€50W2 Eb€77i"é3“;’4‘;“7.5 ;<5f’m].?€/}%> “ % V M ‘ ¢ 3. ~ I-Iisxlzfeisrcfamceed, anditl fome mfiafure C‘)L‘- d€{red“ziC%C01‘di11%g to_the; rule of, rzgétcoqffléefl , the 74/Fara! qfc? M; V H 6,12/:utt% ,da?~"5 ,‘?’*".§’;W191ff’?€/5’ f~1ithV’$aint r k w_:g¢d«A¢%maa1%yda¢/v:arv;gl»2:¢:w ‘~’°"'9*"' fizz!’imfl‘;-4‘;thougl1’w6"texgéiw; Ay¢AtA:.%fincerely~.;, hia aim in1dVe}¢:lemvom* is togivcflorl andmm their due, triw « *5z4tVx: tAo whom triémie, mflome t.owl.zom mflamc, fur in fang?AA«Avs4%%~»;/vwmr4 wbm‘f%%:W¢"wrA 46e1a#g*- as 4 an 8 R9!l‘1.I3.7..V .EVer$fgod!ilnzhiisféég/zreotw a»«:erz>reaz»m»ezy; 1naf1nuchasbe1ngjufz?fiedby Clorzfl, Qlldvfllflflified *91?fii¢”?’?w2A% Gwp*2»ré‘, t:hefe‘Fi*§%rAe it is ‘wherrcheAsaintrhave‘ - look’t upon G on’; they ;z‘H24of_’AtI’1A'em.felve5, Button me at/JewJ/i;z2érlVk:ci>1i1Vp;1redwith thewibl'eaQ they are juflly Aéffezmedv %rig;3twm-.~ ~ vvhen ? the zzfiiom % of the good ?:~1nwithG.é‘i*i 5.43? it 1 .~ 452.. Partly: flI",P,M;b,,,2g9:,“3gmW. ’ ‘ 1?;zr£'l3e[»ft_0?: 5f5§7¥3f‘”.?2}'?t‘I;;f rig‘ £w*amf‘“ r%"me2¢: lmaf % m;1,% fQ*W*€*Vhav€ Hmrums J9‘?/?f"?f"‘ '}E?his%.%1m.y1mkeA the riglateawnot 0111%yico;2té'2¢reoi %but%c£2eerfwfl in Afufli feringthe AAc'z:iz¢’.e’£'.tyi4%c3i1'5‘ ,th;eir44 +e2¢e.mie5,4: cm thfiy are the‘ mm ~whom Gan! m:ar.kes4 V_0utA4"f0r 7.the¢:%.Moéj§£3&’s iofhis V‘: But though %£hISV~§aomj/?rr;c7Zi4a;2Mbe ;”2&s&ivm».: and aim- grams, .yetI ratfier m1m%Jtoche%m¢m»einerio;1 of; . Vtheflé%vs?oi‘ds;~~Vfo~much; t7h:;<3¢1;anh<:x*A,4‘ becizufe ;Vof that A Parallel [place i”r1 t116§.~A;Pifop*hecMim»6 , *1 where it: A Mi¢- 7 m A M om: t£zVmzrtl9“.V% Im A A Ehisf¢nmfe3’A Q*.?£::?>s§h .£1S“€*X€‘1"’éi(€‘??3€é‘f£_}€.«3 At<>wards mew th:s.tV in mtfery. 2 , M A fl: «Mergym i:s:L general :not:ion,i¢s 412622235 :W'fc’2*i] mo;¢d;a+ _j fen’ e:zfl3'{:;;!Ve ;>ré?z:iriZv2wAfi:é1e*z::szre‘; a rende1* with: wlztrs mi €ries,3.11d 53 r‘em3a wz’!lingx~a;fi‘ Efia¢z*cz:2;:~r,V“"J thr€£1‘1‘»accor%it1“g’tooui1* géilizy. Such is%tl1e;; aéE£a¢;£tyv¢ Of: this gz“m7€_ ;~. A iihiili it j mm% through thf: mbélet *5». A the fi£fi@"£’7_‘/?M?df'?¢g; it is “:zrf.€ri031s?iV «ca;2fi¢1m¢*2ai;¢v :; ~ V %i_{#.32i8’_ A _ €g'.aaa’.% 3 ‘Tim r{zkz3z_‘?(4fi1’itVh%%, flgzhhv K Prphefif 4’¢*z:rjcrb4~wz’z&’2'€ff4,£7% Mmgs, tbaugrbtx 1 fl3I‘€J‘takew;h cpnjidriyagw for £116 the? fie‘: of our*%«Br¢¢u *§A%1aj~~{z;:=fmff¢tv‘.k;;% The ¢fo¢mmz, >1" ' gun» ‘ of apprommg 3‘M’gW”’- fargem the mwrie; that done rotzmram-and remembers themzfme: t thatlvare tfuffet‘ed by atbex_;~; the {till mm/cert: ‘ he /aearetlzl them groaning, and fectb them bleeding. . A A ( _ ‘ Inthtfuwill and dgfféfiefiat it is a..fWe3t‘jymPdféy, whereby Vveclo no/1f”¢:’4lum,'ue/le baymmyzi/Z the c,tiil, andwz/1 thegoadot another, The merczfu/1 mans beartttaket/7 for hlS“BreI}Jren? anldtlthe Hrefmtstheir fwfierings, asif they%w;tw:th1s own. it A. _‘ Nor doth mercy only retirelt {elf intothe; alum-5. {ms of the foul, but laaketb out at the wz'mlom:,t and goat}: out of doors for the [amour of the af- fliéted_ It opens the eye to fee andflézzrc/9 out the mzfeu A M618, which,ée%aicii2zgthe1n -, maketh repm.‘ to tht béart, and that being afefied with fomow, caufeth the «eye tc’) drop dqyvn ttegzres ;,__ git c_]1¢ic/:nct5‘*tth’etltteazi' to 3.1ttendl‘and lzflw to the cries “of the cgtlamitous, alike thé tender Nurfeg which heareth théleaft xsv/aimjier-~ ing of ~tl'l€‘C1JZ.[d: It mzlocfritb theltongzaet CO .fp,ea.k‘ Litwom’ hiya fémfon, tplmding with God and mm ‘for them: It put: under the /720:;/der to beara part of the burden, accorclltlg to that A1124/Eoliral Coulnfel, Bear you one anal‘/hf)‘: ézzrdmy. It zrmclzz/gveth the Gal.6.2. band to reliew, and knocketh 01%‘ the fetter: from the feet: {Q that tl1€y;.:11“€ ready to go, nay mm» in behalf of the miferahélé. ‘In one w'orcl,~ the :'zzem'fz¢/Z mzms head is full of t/aougéts, his /wart of '{'orr.ow.e.c., his eye: of tezzrcs, mom}: of Praym, and ‘band: of gzfts. A Thus every truly godly mm is not only butgood, rigktcorttg but mervéflall :' A He pluttsorll ezizfiwrtzz, éarvels of mercy and tender Compaflions tow * wards ma h/M Prvgrzoflick fiévardshthemthat are affliéted 5 he is r‘ear{y to do age-h M, marks‘ (if mercy , according“ to his power. By “ the 0226,; he draw: out his fmmi t_o the /3;.4,=7gry-, by the q“tf_1erLh.€ rear/‘rail: forth his lmm’ Ed the many, h R‘Zgh£éomv'maen _know that dme: is thff poomnanhs aha, and‘ mercy IS debt ¥ they owe to t_:he mz]mzé=Ze:“ mhhwondherhifhh the-2y‘are Mr-efu/I to pzzyxt, A A. ‘ L ‘And .1001: how. far the mzfiry of the dzflrcflerl re./zcéetb , fo far the mercy A of the rzgbteohw e:c:teim’e%t»€i;, A both to the jzmls and éodies of 0» thersw Namely, they are men of mercy, efpeci- filly tothe fazzls of others-, z'7zfz‘rzw7i2¢g tIie¢gnq— rémig; hfianfirmmgthe rvezzk, coz;nflc*hl1:bqg the dozzbzfg/Z warning‘ ffI‘1‘e mzmly, perfwadifig the a£jfl’t';¢.»zz“c°,%_ ancf cdzi2f‘orti;2g*htfhe grieved. N.o’r are they wrzmmdfi;/I Qf ~th:e éwliex“ of Others, c'[o.¢g thét/a‘irfg‘yh’,4wif3tij/ag the M V fi*c"k':*,,, aqad emtermim’?ng‘Tthe jlnmger. A “ “ : r ; ‘Nor is htbteir were onlyconflned tofriemis , but: tnlafrged t.orfo=e5 .- hey zzjreh men ofgaodwi//,eYe11 pg); ',thofeth.<.1:t &e'.zr them ill’ will: They dogaaa’, whérie h1f,‘hehyht‘ha'.v*c 4 receiver! evil zj "Th»ey;»rfe“quire z';¢]'zm’e5 " ‘. hwiiuh cawtefies, and mm not coi¢zp4]?ion for thofe wh are the mflmmmtsof their: pzzflion. Whilhefi than Ehhe§’3cf7z¢iterl Shaihnt‘s W631‘ the redC0ath QM:/opal crue1ty,Iet(3ocfs 50/); am: he 6104f/Md in white ©Vfz';¢;¢occ22cyhand p’itty,aI1d hwhilefl zflzeirzeal‘ fldme.€‘iI1~:fWyg h:Iih@t\hho11r*l’aw: _/bimhin mercy. A What~ eve: they pretend,‘ they are no other than some: of B €‘1";Z.x‘mI/3: A whhhé*d;l2;ry9; in Maozlg, who _/L1)/.§he F4z'£rer~ 1ref.r‘i-MTI “she 1*z2d?;Id“wZ,v"':;in'd hirake Parfmsg, F4milies,fi_ hxmfy gmmwsgh 7fiz:féfd§ft,f."' bafbfbewed me, 0 fikkzngh A what“ if opproooéiflg $1, Gwyn!’ A W % H \ no/out zit goodmod Aw/ooh!/95L ordtbyagdiygqogggeeg gtfio, but to do jzoflly , om’ to /oszzw smmy , _zmdo.room1k rfiumo/y with My iGod S0 A we xead in ighe Proloohfoj of Mz'oo.b,Sow to your fleleoex ineirigjoreootofnefie. ozood M30-549-i A reap in A mercy, that is the Piiophet H his-counifei. Ho;,m,m_ 'C‘Abrzfl.c élefléd ones, are fuch as lzzmger afte1‘irigoto~ oofwfi-,' and withail are merozfio/1. And here ¢heA C/Jdrzzifers of agodiy man ;1re‘r’.{g/Jtooioto and [meroz'— Mat:.5.7. fro/1. I have done with the sbranch, which is the Saints piozo: do‘/jrofitzozo, Alniow hafi;enh.toAi His Colomaitom condition, which is repi'efent- ed in thofe wordy, P67‘!-'/]7E'fb,tlfl6¢{ token oaamy. ‘A i f The word pore/7m/1., which is ofa large zzooep- tioo2.,may be capable of an harfl*1oozo_flro6i‘z'on,and fllch ascanncat beprodicotod ofia righteous man o-5, in which Afefpeéi: Elipém {aid to 33425, Jiemomioor, “[?r4yx4t£E£’ Job 4. 7. u A who sewer periflaod ooiozg iootfiflfiwfa or wéore7wereht/he rzg/oteom out of .9 That ye may the1‘oefo1*eA rightly omderfizmd the zmoooiog of the phrafe , kr1Qw,thm: there is‘a tloree-«fold pemfhing, “ A The fir/i‘ b;elongs ezeiz‘/oer to the rigbteomgnor to’ to the mix;/cod 5 the [mm is proper only _to the wicked; the 1527',"/'52’ is common to the rig/at'eozw, with me V iariokcd. 11;. Peri/Moog in its mofl flriiffl notion, is tmofitm A g gfle adoooo e/fa, :1 ipofi'agof"1‘on1 being toootboiiog; % if otter ox1~iooo"i‘z'ooo, :1 total! yzrzizi/oilozzion. AAind in i this only the ooofl jiorif/veil», which dying, is re» o is fo[?z,r€d_iI1tO its prioooiplos, and at [zlfl i11toVno- “ Though thei:_o6fQ1’€ the wicked man is filidxto A he[z'ke.tloo éczzfl toot perzflaotb, yet he doth nm1oAerM: like thooazfl ¢Inde.ed, ii£mW‘€1‘«e.o./oztp;z3{h.hfbrLAo-him if he 4 A C 2 i might, P{a1.49.2e. ' rVIéta 9-6:24»! ¢ ...-» ..-«V... _. , ..... ._........... ......——_.--..-... ...,.__.,.,..,....,__, M A " ‘i7.'l2eforlPro§:¢o/z‘iok might: Forthough fome efldoovoorh by :thei1-AM; top/oyjiool notions, to p1‘0V e 3 mi oraolo oezng, éetzgr. thenozo éoixge, ‘yet they mufigive us leave to-afa{ " with our samm. It were oolfor toot may be boo’ y neéixor-ooon oar». Nor is it to‘ he doootoafl but thaethg the olommd heartily 2221]?» not to 6: at all, but ( alas commie ooh,‘ A I My A A A A A e 2; There‘ is aperg/biog, which is peculiar tothe"‘jy,.:7% oviokool, and “this is two fold; either pgrifb.5;;g~m mama, or'perz/Yaiog in his perform ‘ hh y I . only zomém’ men per»:/b in their mzmoy, *whiIefl:°y 7 their memorizzlis om‘ ojffroxll the eart/9. Thbugh‘ A therig/ateom o’z'e, yet their name:/z'vo: That may on which take: my A their life, cannot extirzgoif/2% their ‘memory; but the wiokodferf/5, {O as’ t(§iy~be. wholly forgotten, oy1‘rmoemz9rm/with mfimzy .- fb true is’ ;tha.I: : 01‘ the rmm, eh» memory of < P;'m7,1o.7. he blétfbfl 0f.Tb€ %Wl'L'kC’l5y3, y. rotgyo y.~» hey yo “ 2. ohly nviokcd men Ivorz://J in their y2erf¢m.r,ythat* is, /ozoland omy. This is that porzjbing, which §nh.4.z6. % ofpofid hyour Saviour to ez‘mm1lz'fo;aandfis {ome- ” mines caI1oed~ theflggozmhdeotb. y. In‘ this fenfe, to pa» ‘x y ‘rzfb, Wis Eobef f€?’~7’f‘W7 :_, y to be war perzflv- mg, and eyez:. ed; nd thus,-«oi/1/fjo ever .y pofi;/bod mag mozeom .9 Indeed St PE§Ef%,.efaith, ££1?et.4m;7. the ;Vig',ét¢0o‘o65..:i1‘€ ooroely fiivcd, but there ishzfireat dealyoofodiffi-'re:¢re between V fozzroely, and zzlmfl: Though he eiS.f‘_[é‘.1roelyI_flezjveo', that is, not without great zl2‘7fl}?ou[ty5 yet he isfzzrvedby G'ooz';»‘ mercy from 34".“ But ia:it1y,There is a perz;/laizzgwhichiis gamma» 4 A tog A am as well has A the zvickédperifh, V at;/ltlzfm to.Gtd, yet has MEt:ft‘nZm.g1o{iethupom,,he A of approac/tiztg. §51m’gme7tt.fln to the riglateom and the wig/c*ea', and thuéthe rt;gét:- by the J Wf€7i“’-‘t Of 1z'f¢{,_gand atlength~by"rlezzt/9. A A A ' ' A I, Theyltperzfla by the mzfariesoft this liftattifl which fenie, pert.)//sing istoppofed %At0~_]>rofperz'7tg A -Gotdgnm are expofedt to d.xmgers1nt th1s_wor1d,”as wen has the étzdz, nay, more then the 54d. That A ichofen ruafl}:»[SI Patti, reckons I1'773IllfZ'f£t(l’€.Ofd477g€f5 whichbefellhhim in this life, wherehetels us, that , he was in pmflls A ofnmters, in’ pert/[xv ‘of t1:oéétr.r,z'2z 2 pert’/It af his arm: A Camttreyjt-met ,h in tperzfl; :5} tbs Hegztivwz, iztpe-‘i/[5 tile”)? C it], iflptfi/[Sin ‘Z796’ I/Vz'l-- ‘ dent;/}, in peril/5 in tbe Sm, ifiperi/[5 nmangfalfi V Bret rm 5 and finely hat écfefl him_,is incident to the 1noPtri:g/mam perfons. A he 2, They. fer://2 by death, T hustfilt/nu expounds it 5 when he Qiiflla All » I/ball pcrxf//5 together‘, and mm /7241! mm again meta 1_,,;.,_ | a’njt.., And thistourPr‘opbet intends, when he faith', the rigbteow perz’/7:et&_ A A A If you {hall zzik, why dying, which isonly a fepa-~ ration of the fan! from the body, notan annihilation of eitlzer, is called .11 Peri/72mg .9 I ztnfwetz I, V is though IIOIZ Ea’r:'rha2-;,yt:tttoat11/opc':/a2s':»- in reality’, yet .'tPP.h;Evtt7”t*1716'6'"5't though nottjécnndwm rei rveritatcm, accordingto the «verityof the t/am 5” yet fictmflztm commwttmfeitfitm, according to 1; e 0}?iflidi¢O_f_th€ mtg-ar,VS/hen anyman zlyetlt, Whether good or baa’, he feemethgts ometethat were] tri/71:1‘ And~though( as our tblefledthh S»trcri0ttrtelfe‘«t:«h’uS‘) text,._ A _ L s In this tfenfefthe 1):}. A fez’ /:f’.YfI1€A£1Alf1Eit, when they Cried, Mnfler, we pert’/71; Cor. 11.25.. 7.7.24. Job. 24.15.. 1.uk..2o.38;.. A3 in Ice. ]obiI4.1o. I0 zit. Mic. 2. 2. A H The fad Prqgntjflick Atex—tf, Inmmadijswdicia , in the jksgagrmeygz of the ¢:2rar1a’,Acfl1"3Y»Pm]7:, A A - ; 2, Itisa Apetrz:/7ai;2g, thtough not ;z.»?)fblz4:tE,y€t re- _{1516é"i‘iq/?’ ,"zzl?folt¢tcZ)3 tyfitt ‘refl7tac"Z‘i-1161} 3 it is 3 pteri/king as,»toi this world’. VAVhen :my.7m:m dierb, :1s'we1I rigbteom as Wi§A(3fd,- he fo pAm'.fl2et}.v,' as that be 111111 newer ;1g:tinAt1irue h-tere“: Upon xtxmich :E6'6t?££»%l”iEiS fetid, tMmzgiruetl1Aup we G/mfl, mzzi nzzfmré is be P Yea) hcily $05 faithof iamzfeéfg I go nzbmce I flu:/Z mattre- mm. A A ‘S;ctipturAeAAAto this, ;W‘h€1"@ the Propivmr faith, Tivegood 27z2ti_z:551’vcr1]3aea"oz»Jt 4]’. the 64316, He is~n0t peM_'/72.54, f@\a.As‘ mm to ée at 2:11,. yet heis pm’//2m’1o', as to éc flo , -._._ A more apm}eaArtia;. And this is all thit the Prop/net A tneanes, whén he faithgtherzgéteow perzflaeftlz. A I 2, This will yet further appear, if you /do/e’ upon -the or/oer w0AtdA,A' whemit is faid, That zézerczfu/I men are. M/etm af.12My.A As Vt<1*1eApracz2z'cz’ezzAce0*FGad in wt? A mart, hath. 1n2{dAeA thofe tmembmt Adméle , which are * m.q/iuflsfzall, as~theAeytas‘, wry, lzwds, and feet‘, that calm». in Ioc. V J ¢d;A;Dtmt»;é feecth_mhe‘a fi*artaring, and F021 “per?/71-tt A , ‘ Airzg, if om fail, the other may fgtcfivljz 3 ft) the w1]&’am£0£' A in Scripmre AA, :A mplcd Elrrdfcs A Atogéjthfl, A that if t .t=hEAAAam*AAbte 05 y rthc‘ .az‘lm may cxplaita A A; A If the one ;?bE“l.7fl7:']B3tA ewtlztzrtmay mo1z'fieit., Iris it) here.-, whereas thttt p/mafia of perf/722mg is tomtewhzzt A aI4,z,k andArzggged,he1‘e IS zzzzatéer xvord,At.t/eimgmay, which fc:rVet;'h Vfi1‘y:mt£0;J to zfzmliffe and 2'11»,/Zmtelt. V fT:l‘A1€” H¥¢bT”€W xvd t9§7€?.»*’-‘ hath :1 tmtze Ctot1[tru~’ étiton, f wAhi~ch are hereX111ad<€ 1J6 % of,Ana"1nAe1ty. toga:/9dr, and to take Aaaamy. A M “ A A A A A 4/vim rA4¢adstLtACollzgmzur ywerazfztfl era are gatlger-«-A ’Th.isAis that which .15 expt€s’t in that pawl/elt4 of flpmitg M,.Am,. J _ is i;¢g,b1'1t indeed it1'sAag4tbering,when1nen; die, efpetig a11ygotadxnen,they:i1'egm‘berea’.S0 that in this fen-fe it is a great 11/41)! to the bittemeff of the other Word pm‘/7J«?!fi"-+ , _ M 4 "" A A 2. Lnpz'a.’eAw1th others read it aztferzmmr, with Lt Moe A whicll/ou1'%tran[/Zm‘io;¢ agreeth , are taken: 4117/lyjf dwd #1)’ ' no doubt it is the Amofi genuine rendring of the word in. zbiyylacet, finite this? Hteérea2’t3v01‘d;whereit fignifieth. to gzzfieig is ufually joyned withhtAhe;Pre— pofltiom fignifying to, A whexjeas ‘bare i~nh.th”;c‘:v€1f§f~{zté*:¢~*t A elaufe it is jayma’ with a Prepayitionh fignifyingfram, and therefore mofc fitly tranflateti, taken :2»- wzzy. A A 4 And now that which the Prop/jet i_n=Atcnds by this. p%rrzzfe».*i%t0 méetwo thing?» A A A, *‘“In[gei‘2eraz{, by mkmg awzzy, is m“ea3nAtt afihwg, aMtw,A abztm, alezzt/a-15 often’ called agomg away, a d‘ep2zrmre,t anti A thus it mollgflefk the former. WC?rdi,. perzjbetb, lettmg usfee that 1t 151101: an extzmf2‘zon,t but only arcmotz'on,AA an zzlwlition, but am afilatian-A5. when we ¢1z'e,:We do not waft to be at all, only We .5Z1zI}¢ge our place, and are taken away out of tbzh wartld. t A A A A 2» Morefmrtimlarly, taking away» is meant a 'ui0~lt?22ttIa1e‘M“/6~;t 21 dying, when inhcaurfie Qfzzatmfié At 7 man might have lived‘ long 5 it‘ is ot2ze*Ajthi‘ng‘fbr“a * mmdle to go out of it and mother to be my»: aunt Aby thAe~n:z'r2d; itis we thing for :1 flower to wither; A A A;;ndd:21A0Atl2er to be Maflea’ :, it is we thing for» aAt24egt« A tAofat[l,A;1ndmzo1‘ber to ha.p‘li1c/eerltup byAI;ht ,A Finally}, it is we thingfifor a‘mm*Vtogat«A4w:"‘A3f1d~ «marker to? be taken anmy fmmt :mytpkat‘éAA;t tr ‘fife are T ’ i V Emblemes ‘u-—_..:_ ,AProg;mVr/“;*'ce farm er pehrafe A nameelye , \ 9: up-a-- zzmflefmex Qf,_e£1ee ;z.¢:§zmtl ,ft/Jcfe of :1 %z2z’m’:3;2t e.cie3;I:h In thisflotiaza this w‘01'd~ addeth _fi2ma:;§.mg co"=the« the m.+z;~2’,ec-‘r 0f"the dezzté, The rig/Jmwa pcrzy/252‘/5, and that not in 3 n.».m;ml ebllfi e M/{’€»‘%.’fif e/W74)’ 162266.. ‘ A A +The rgf¢z2¢£»§§iiach;uhbe¢n and ox1*chisfi;flgé- , nemgamountseto theff two things. ~ ~ L f 1. Thacrzgbtcazwand mercifw/Z_mg;a;reri/72," and Hcb.I3: .4. Ambrof. 8 . . I011. .511‘ e .26 Prov.Io.2. ‘ quidem ’fielicit.«:w‘ .zzzz7az’e;é¢'t;¢r, ‘ défirezcrerer awtem mfg Mkenamay by a’é;zz%. Indeed it is-{aid Of’ E27065, Gem’ mo/er bl.7flt}J.;tt‘;/7ee’fl)l?I£la2'* ~1aoz?fi'e dezztb, fO'WZ1SE'.‘ lia/9;. andhzzd GM’ {'0 pleafed, he mig,htehaxrecx~ cmptedzzll rigbtems men from a’ezzL/2, but then 11-ei;¢; pher bi: e;eep%aen2:;;gee*ei1ie mz]z’;2Lgrthe1n—ro. life, would ehave been fo i/Zuflriozu, nor z%.ei;*fpzz't/.7~ve;1nd /2.;}re~ in éelikze % A nawprcflwr, and recompenfing theLrigbtea;m-5.% who» niowperi/7:, fl1a11_be_made rmtmfcfi. . % A _ . jTh:1t_1t, _1s :1 aéaedfull prudence , in rigbtcom ; mm’ me-mfg/1% mm, to impraw Meir time. md;T4lc3m% in fcwi-fig VGW, ‘.‘flAW1A6i’0iAIZg’§0&'2A1’tA0Aotbéffi wbilefl they V liim. They mt/fl pm’/Ia at byta m”tur2zl,A,‘%thiey' yfiggy be taken away [mm by a wolmt dentin, and when theyperf/72, all .»z£»z'lz'ry and oppammit will be L‘ tgvkm flf1?73@’i Q14“ dflinggafld war/rs, either I P A picty‘iorA pitty, j 1;/five Aor-flfltrcy. A » 2 Oh‘thcn,hoW A reat%i2fic(u+’ A ‘ forth them“ % {elves tat) the z¢zmofi fo1‘God, .Jthei?1‘ fouls, A ‘their A Br:-A‘ A t£;g:m’v¢vhMi1%€f’£~ th€Y.,1i'vm—‘ Athait they may do mzmbix14v firy and r:t'lerityA is fl€€dfuIl$ patting aa%VLizzA,4¢ %A=‘»cc;orc1ing* Am rthaffi {sage 1@Afi“AAAih¢? ZAt1'PZAf2lJTZ{Ay migét, for time zlrm work, my dervIAW:i D 2. % nor AA A_ ngw What afhould flxei carzjiderzztim % AA AA Wfmtfmz/er A t/;yf__£i;:z¢2zi< Atlatlfiéio dpfifd“>Ece1€£9-Ivy. “ ‘' ~ 7 u - ... A , WW “A,,,_.. W,‘ an ,4 V» 2 "'-'~'”'-nr- ..................—......L--w-«~--.-.. Mfbe/adrrvgwofiick M. Anfiv. Hier. Ep. ad Ezgfiocb. V j¢Atq_@ezm'%my %a’.:=.z,i€5A 22¢ 25>/Ertfztre ,< and i)3zz’z2[g‘ct%zimi2}1‘w‘WL ma:-um .. ‘-—..-......_...-.... .—‘....u-.4 fiVarkfibwléd¢ge,]r;qr ~2z2.zfdame,in r/a.:gmq-Je za}/3et11ér*$t£i$o;aVA ‘oefl. A ‘D I‘ A 3;_ fThatfom°72’gin% rzfig/Jtec/;A[ne]Qr, and reafwiizg in mm:y_.,V they wojlld not be dz? c preléeyeflazfi of A this pm‘/72:'n;g and %At:;¢’/ez';;*zg~ 7A4;z;4)»_ A I amf A .zf;rdz‘:1__fuch% t/J;oug»6z‘5_ as t;6.~:{fl* do fomer:in'zes% 4mfgA$gn&~ t»hA¢%imi;¢£d4j%Qf mén%4: %%Hpw7a’r'et;6‘ t;A6é’rvzfl'r2:izzi¢‘V£’*u.e5¢ tlyefaal, tberiglvtcam My/Aye wicked .5’ Le; ;«;¢g;A[g,w[ A A A Nay, my «:oz2[,~imtiaraA% Wfllkjmg may arcmfiaifi :«*2m~2e.- 0125 79zi::c,é éétrerfl I ‘r’¢"7r’t1y}[9E’i’f:’/A]? 3 léflr W‘/.'Jzilc:fl I /z'~z/é’§ fifirfe I M c:z.:«2 éw die~zzt”~[4fz‘ Bu; fzr £23 fuchwajbmfiags from wifei ';mdV régfiteaw émeig " :1 mergvthe‘ fllwld fflkiflg ‘z'j17gzy ‘V efpc:-cially whc( £~1ccox'ding to%Vthe kr1own A diflinftion of: \ the Schooles ') ‘two f'o~1fts of A Aeézgil, theozze of fizz, and 7 A t;h;€f“01飒f «Qf pumflgmcnt 5maI1d'1E i$Irfl¢“iI1”r¢{f€rkncé to 50%: « I,4whenAz‘r;gmoa:4men V425, fall, {Q longvas they 1z'rve,% %rs % ’ atmzgerl from the,” _.? A A they are tgtkegz army f:rg’§1=j:;;b€:44ceuiZfiz¢,_ 1'n;toV which they A arfi prone cc); _ A Nafqmzm tzzr'4ejfl%/aumaiézzi; ‘ fr4gi;liM=s,faithSt.Hermie, Humgnc fhzilty z‘Wn¢e‘rt}e§* fgfd. M t/112$ w»z9_rla{:%Wke.%arft:; conVtipua1‘1y $4/]}iuMl‘mI, A 1b;=:;e£im¢&r~€?{?PJ 1'{Z»Z£l¢€ci{’A5 fbI1ti.dMzW‘5'A;17W‘%571iS A out of A411 _ ~“%%4%:{4ggzg;:r; :;wej_f;f1iaII;bl=:tm]2téa’ am 'l.;‘g;a1ge*;;, ‘V Aand fimze: ‘zzaax M 2. But .,___.....,,.__.. J ' I‘ 1 ‘Q v‘“{‘v'»t‘Om\»>‘\,1r4“~,y‘»‘n45{ or ‘ ‘I. .A ‘ M ‘ T‘ 2 But%nodoubcic,1s4 eru21of¢%pW/bzazaizt»Avvhi¢ » herézs the J?Vrzg1>»€ret %ir;1tends, andxhus 1r:, ( Amay "*,4é'guiz doulale I.101'.i0I1.% V A A 3% 7’ , ,5 % ~ % _ _5 A 1, %They,are.t:;kenaway fr*om%thofe .07?a'in4ry perfay ml erézils, to which’tbey,A with therrefl manl;ind4,, a1;e f”5f*¢’.;57 in this meld. The gédftlIDfill.W¥Vhi1.¢fif;«5heY‘l?:?¥’z' bare, are 5-wwfcdto as 1155: painm ]3€‘k?3€fl€.-fa lo/fé—u vrof-E A manifold trouble: and Vmz]érg'e;'.~ 1§3uc'when they A die, ‘alliezzrcs m;.e‘1:w'pezl amzy from t»9ézr;&v«M-gjyEs.'% Fearex Rev.x4.z6. mmovéd fron1V~;th%€ir /rem: -' : They r;efl%fi0?%?11€ir:é4.-— bzmrs, lb St. -350512. A They mar :;4z'm‘%o Pvmfiéia ~%fi¢1%~th€y Ifa.57,2. V 2;; their beds, {O 0u1‘P2'0pI'm‘ in the Avery, % 7263'! x 2, But that whichis; wh-€‘1f€ lvafizzczfuz/ly méM1z‘;is,A«”tVhat A £he*;5iig1zz‘coz¢a'“ and merczflgll A are "t4/can zmmyby dent/1, froln iime cxrraordimry a,nc1%%,publipue %véro'i1AQ£'i3?f1dg£m¢fi%; % =v1‘«»’1v1i%<;11;is%~t9% upomxgflw; thvey1t~ve.%%VTho§1k % mm the Brap«5¢A5éme mfeblble, enw7t5or¢s R-,,_26__,w A thy cbaméers, ./7mtt12y doors about thee .3, 122146 zféy /"cZf% 44: jtwerefor 4Vlitrlemamé‘nt, 222/gilé 2/.-7_eA indzgnatian -I9: 0- verjzdfz‘ 4:, are byfmeexpmaundedofthfi Wmfiers 9fth¢‘ grdwta 311 which Goa’ %wis>p1¢afe;d to bid: 5;‘; pegplc, b<_-‘:3-: ” "oft/9é'&1370r[a’. fore hwamet/9 fortbfaf /11;: place to pzmg"/7: the I7¢érazéita;qt:»‘ Indeed,p1;/2:3’ 12: not zlZWtl#.€_5"th€ dzffezafatiorz of Di:-Q; ¥vix1e»J?‘rv«z2ia,’¢;z2;cc?»4i A %S0m&timA€sAthe rif A Vtakcgé 432;} iii thewmwoza c4{A7¢Tai£y,A»&~Vtogeflérzwi;h»§};¢p;g{§k;4§: A ed. Thefm‘zf¢2/land émw trees are élawnmd*QWn4%at | once by}-vhe fam,¢ wired o.f¥wdgment. P61‘ha9S ,gm‘4% 7 meMx:1,Vhi1V‘3 by Afin. r4l1.60W1)~wve:A %A»V bfien A%%%i%Wo1v¢4V£”~~‘;'4” the. 4_zmmion4l%~guiIt,;#aVnd:¥10 Wwond@r:»» ifs;.Eh§yA%;:‘%r%:a;1;f93~?:z?:v‘VM F ‘ ‘ } .Svwetiww'thefiriglareow Vd;eliz2cred$%~£rqr3‘nth,e A % 3 A mm _,_ I? »?2z~ A _......*a. ‘___ M M fPrr:g:a"cy(fz'ck % 71 ,_._ I4. “ ;3Pfa1.9.I.4. £zek.§.4.g} 7rzif¢ry,%’a\:tn‘c1%«yet.not takfeza dwrgiby dézztfu ‘ A Whi4 :;left the: WMZE a%iio#l,‘,fi‘5'1s%fotixefwbelmeaiwith fa, ¢lel£4ge®f War ,,1:'*ers,> N 04/9 15 pref/errvcd avlzrue m the Ark.‘ W h<=3r11 $305- A "~2¥a;¢¢e;¢wi$%%;V~!d4ejlroyeal5 Lot is {cut td Zazzr: And xvhefi ‘ xs: to bit overtbrawm, thegod2'y arc: azdmom”?—- “_«‘/Iaea’ ”§c>‘go'5to11w? ellzz; A That Prohaif in the JPfizlms,%h~ath “bjeen NfO1°§1"1e£i»1I1f€1S“lité5ml1yand Vfu1l%yverifl€’4in a cixneqéjf %V Wzzewzzawz zzafemon, .4 mm/gm’ /imll fzzll 0;»; :17} rig/at I ’Imed,%%A :izia’tc:¢‘ téosgfézfld cm t/By left, law.‘ it flmll m dame {#13544 tl7c?e;~ God ffiwts a4:-m-rk upon.z. ( [h£ltgOd1_y VFM/yer )« befoxw t~h‘e?~ deflruwox *%A®’frE,{i}5;z2ziV;j :1114df2Zzsr/aerthdt eminen ;° bwre t“hé demzgfldficm of Ge;émm~2y_ A V V ~} ;. 3 rggfare J I%.gaf'wz/am it v;~ii1a1ot1AAbe M amzffto wk e notice how? this mar}: :u»:g’oZzz's f::%heV‘,ri.a’a!Zcw, and LC1@2%f§Eh th~e1> f_eemi¥ng ¢m;‘z;fim o~f« Divincfi %P?acee&z‘i7¢g$l " V0ftt»iines»%fee, and fi?c£fig,%1vé¢aJe# Mpinel. at it ‘, that good ‘men gam rakqza am of, yvh£l@fi wicked men caiitiyezze“ 1nt‘h;1As wo2#ld.% A filrelykthis can [)6 no cémje 0{j~ czafitflg any élemzfla "upon Drum D.z]}éfe22f4-4 ¢2‘am,4whenxxz¢ COI1fid€rt}m:'w~' ~ A \ 5: xx fl7*%(?{}}g,w:§£,§/gag Pygfim mg f the c;«u%»~i;I»%‘z:a norm. 3 ’ T4h@yAzfi~ape for a~V4z¢i»:e,Vt»1aa«cV.foime44 7 remar1{aB1e~&’iidgmenfi~~ I 1nV:z:yfA *t1po"rx.1:h¢m;; '4 «As the ‘L ‘zJi>i'z:.+:?tc<)"ld VV~th2b%2ickéd#~WVa'Ve ?%L1xf1:17’€*n:A fleé pikzg ~V*1i;1d~en» a?‘ rotten mg:/Y, itg zgwakcfl-"fit1d"»”1f¢fie:¥i Afrom 9-23iné;‘¥i~)£mi%§%ci5"4' A:«.“‘:’»m—;4-{‘-.’;m”@r»,4%Tf.sz- A wed ._..___,. n-w-- h Avaziedit/aeefi'oh292hWh W4/1» ‘:r6]Z’rw'z¢g‘ht1vfare A 4 4 Othe at/aeréqmd,h the:ng»6r¢a441areinc1¢edh takm 4-? wuy5hVhuticAisfi~hamrée mlA:o ;hca;me.; ; So t:h::1hE nébilefl thé aw" ckez1hmaps,pr¢f.gfr%72hation is aazrfh ;£h¢i goczd ,man$‘ ]9»6I5Z'/79iz{g’.hi}$‘faz*uoz;r. % Gong’ ffldrfifb F:h'¢"0»£§@"'L;i£1h zmgff 2‘ n andhtd/eetzézzway the ether In mercy. A Indffedp Rigérem: men 4h~a~rc."ht; zzkm zmmy. from the 6- h - rm’! to com:e,h upon .a r101&H£aCCQL1r1:t. S ‘ A l '~_‘_-Z\|z'(t$’M"C/6‘}'1l.'llAl'7,_V Thin: the em’! which 0 mama. tlpon % thhfl ]2'l'x1£z3AAII)£ly not come hhI1i]§3OI_1f them :5 For :( ;teH me “)1 it not a 1merz:yt0“,bé. A put into :1 fafefiarémé, bi-?for%e thwefiérmy tmzpé/Zar%ifé% ¥:." J Toget into the Hozzfa, be'ff)1*e %the’&téz;;m’e¢~ and lzig-firming. r.«,zi;2, an4d”bai[ fall? Thm1s.?”fis”~%Goa’: defgyz in _;:2zkz7z2g}z~V w.:zyh‘is4Sez*v:tnts, and the-:refo1‘e%they 11aVe“refz_zfla224to bVid”{de4tb~ W£?[c;7:0?"7J3.V “"\Indeed%%,;t11e flrwomggfl camfaldgiog againfl;4w:lczzt/9,i is the % caflfidfi-Vzztiu2¢ of ,[1‘lV‘@ f4£"}”.?f’¢_A1./‘fl.’/;«":$' {ad gums; _touwb.4zthe%rz;gl2teaw::1+e*take:+.z, AA évén that good, :1“nd<:9l.z_']f<',» and‘gZary: to’ come. I Theyiare tm§w*%to ari i;znVz;mem£1e%wcompmy;af4 Amgelgf a V’ I/1e_[]>frit5 of Me meéa mzzde perfeif; They are ttmu: r 3; Palm ,oFGla-4 A ~1*y%K-3,‘ V’ :LP4radzfa of A Plezzfure.%%;% ‘i 3 Maflflan OF" ~.E2"émi-4- . Tiinaliy, they a1'%,ez’zzke2zA%to‘t11e Betztg/’z'.mZV‘}jflo;zdf A :t:he»f4ce of«Gad,~and'thev fifl fmz'nz'on of~hisg%1orious A :;fi:figje%ncé.¢%%’v -VBm: witha11 it is confortgéle to r‘efle6’f ‘4:+hB“ fcflwinw ma of; »_b mfmrt tfley “are takeiig ;;Fro1n the wzyiiy, mifery, andw.{':z¢22i2§?;w no came , A upon: Ebb ~21f1agrei,:1n£i“‘pea1I2l“e'amongmzhom th‘§ywlVz'rz2azI._" V - “ flwraiiir towthec Vwicked, Nothing%%11iorE ufmil ‘with?zg9g‘%o"a’l3t7:%x1‘3Men, ?then4 to rcrj oyce Whenfthe} 7:‘t’g‘l7ffi£’(’“J"I§t«.$'- %r%“arEta,gl’e222J4n7“4jr frdm axntrngv t;h em%.; They * h%ad~A‘*rat}~*i:e'1**A ' A have A (ourfqie to I/Jemf i%%$%VF11edli,1iii1a’nd55of~ thigirr % WP”54655§ 9%’gwwt- VA $ ‘11éeve:;%vheiw4vAt2z then ravwzy #5 Tbdnga d:flrawV %zT<%>A1:;>%e M them; it isaflut théy iir€Vn0t.m~ ilyglad of, but mzjgny, times. gvgry _4é2‘Virv‘cd 1'22 M‘/clifig 49- . n_%m_y they Vrig1ztmw. They do.n_o1: agcou%ntjVthemfelves A A Wkfl¢:fi:Fh?§0d1J are amcng %them.44 .J311t:04hWhat fivlsflfirevweysatid hQW#%6¥0T81Y dfveivedl &;»fiéjayve agawfi 0 wine enemy=¢faitWh the 4%CbW»~ So rmy CVEIY §SoAzme% of the _§;’/m 'cé . : _ Lz:2:tlz;~ jc4.ufe_ have ~thV::% wicl’edmtoirviW6= Nay: infiefiad 05VW¢§"’_1??’.€: - the)’ WV moxem/é toweergfwhewée r2L§”19tW%4r¢t47=i?’?¢Wy- For ifthe rz;gbteam6e mkeflfémdyfram, ( piwt mufi: needs , fellow» that their mkizz .%zw4y,. isa 1 in of éw'_Z to mm; S0 that;Athe deaté of t egodly, is a and Pro‘g74q/ficlfdf chhe1a"cyZr;uf3‘iot1 of the wicked; %What .a‘%w.4fl is to A3. Tonw=anAbe?1ge, t0’=1 Fie1d:%Wrdi114r-t9anHwfia that isa” r1g?1tw#:maI3%%.1»r0 "the gwvtwllerc “.-.,b¢ 1iv¢th:‘._” And % thercforeas men,4.whcn»they hiiztmz’ to take&thc_ Tomb, £4tterthCL%w4[l:;“%,w£o 14% “mg/la the 1=*ielz1,%plzzc/e tip the badge; to fmlldonw t gfloufe, fitakeaway the Piflxtr? So /1lmz:g_lvty.¢Gad,fwh¢n»h€oi: tgzzet/:4 tqpqluck mpA,tQ war» tlrraiagand to pin]! down a Kingdpm?om %Nation',%% be A removeth his ow}; Servants, ' Wicked me n1ookup.on A thegaod, as tbames and =_prz':l:.c .t<3bfl"erzd%them, whilnefi thcy h;1v_e:mprAeca11'fe toA account 4 them as Clmiots and ‘ Horftfwéfl ‘Q dcfcndfihml. A4 They ‘think Iherrl 5611265 A I!m f’¢f¢€*#Vre3m1[?54fPi:»"b“¢%ir!d¢€dWY. arerhen near“ VA art to mzfirj and ram;-,_whe _ j the gzzdly are taken“ ,fron1 I them. By takznf .«mm‘y4the ii“ghteousM,they zmnar V 4 e4 rzA:e:,b11tit4is ir't“'t;“uth, asa cdmftrfzétn‘ €&11¢g00'J; W-f0"ani72j mfyto flack? %c*lrw;'._:”: Tho’ugh7yetVf1"1Ch ' A ' ,¢ 4 :,4thf¢YTWi11110:tfé=¢s «W1 the l:4rt1m"‘%.of their xa.m:;:hac may vsiill not mifider it. Icads'me~tothe" V4 A ” 4’Ot£»erA , .1 . ‘ ‘ \k)‘ -‘‘5 . . ‘ tux, _.......‘...4A ,G’€rz_ ad. % Pf€ CeptSL;‘ éazm pfisar tn up firga:-glff-~[the5‘ wz*ckMF in WQfd$3 i mm«z1gzy~e;1a it hit o:f}3t‘2£‘r~Z*5;¢%2?}4?€ ‘&a%2?:I*.z*2,?/l€:i'.i4“:r¢_*g*.~4 A ' % W "“IVt_m‘§igA‘m‘be* ~h~e%:~e;Atake)n3A mtiae‘ m? in ge1¢er2zlg' that A T % azsaltmés‘ use :he~[mwz m;;gya»::h»e&r fa/1; mt layisvrg it to bem. Irr<;:‘ee*c¥,; to F136» anL%VInflrm”ez¢z;; +qfi;;4 ’0:*%!migg;b" 4;t11ec4Z2z~;¢zigr of 1:116 god!)-,makihgwtheir= te=;m*=¢ VQu;ridwz'mj,tt11ei11A mim? o:ur% as .czMaa2g¢i:mzM¢;4~Eu-:4 thcjugh fxmée4:mf%4%;7%fa-;;;e-;[e~zzz ‘wfzzae f;-m2é;~:,;:%y Wé~{_fE % A ,{D‘“z"rz2“ £5 ?1‘S~Cb:;1rged* by; 01.11‘ 2 Sarvi W5 11 at“ %x>,\$*i;1;i“‘1~*’c23%I>-V-+ A pre>_[§’f:2g*“Lazdr}z.§;, by **%t:1k3Et1 fi*0Vn°1jhim~,~~ but‘ 220: xeZievi;2;ghi1n~3 ‘in givi:1g_[amerkingf tc">%£é;im. T‘hferje~ £11342 fizz: Of'amiffi‘c(7%2 as“ wvali A4 cfimmzfiifm.’ A * *rhe~re 34126 é23*:;W;235*; Of 7th€“‘}’3.飒4_g:t{Z'iiJ€ 0AtlEh’ej4%“~ '::ffi‘ir7¢'r22i'i+zé**:;‘ A W % r*e'~fi2z' as‘“ well (fthc mgh *n0t1%‘A1;é32£z£c£< ); not doiwjg théfgo mil ;5*.e"qm'rca’*,& A as irittf ‘dm‘ngfihé ’?%ééz;i"l’ pro/2;z'.5t'-:*« timh. N5‘: oniy t’r“'1u‘3*¢sm;/Zj‘a»JZ4 S te'¢v2zm7§butt:t+l*ieez:¢7¢prv,i?i‘zt5le* tbrth%2¢Ao%grzz?¢%*ss% f1f~=:-11%<** Vi?Iét:v3?W:3$*'%W€1T‘?1«SA%“‘%1‘fi*’£?‘4‘“’*?*1‘¢1‘I? bringech tog%th~%»w%lvZ;g:;m1re:. ~ w%m'* 63'/aw‘ ’ at thé lafi‘ day~,{’e%t hiSt‘”lLéfi?~ h2mm7;Vare%’1°r0t‘ .‘z¢t*o*afc5z:l‘ ~'m.i‘c~151:+! A my evil o:r*u151ju{’c t*:h1eydiVc3‘, ‘ b%1tt*%6nIAy of Athofe AcbArit2?zéZtf *aé'i°'s*“they' ought V t0‘&lm{vt** let its [makefi &confl:i"e~nce< %i¢’otf§z3§9i?2g; £3 A% 7 « W V ‘W316 WW5 and €Wfid6?i”£V‘thef% xigkteim: Cpncermng fwhich**I* fh:rl1A ‘ ‘brief-Iy T d1‘4fcAQ?t§cjm V tJ9rée4 the'n2ztz{reg?hE*e:&i‘e7it;aI:it I’ '? C}“‘I_r me P gfggjihet vie *h”i’z22"£t M» 1: N A1 %T“01et’%th1s‘§o, N thefimze 1n ”.pZl7"Z"IFWl“‘i£f'“fC‘Qf3OV€d3‘ :9, A “ Q mi‘ ._ %¢*P~iP¢4*»1f efl5fif€”€A the Mfiwfiafiw +~ofV%=¢tb¢ W¢5£ W3 W 1vh¢repff;¢onfiaTering, is .iheM,§§gdg7fi€ié§, Wéishing things mihe %é.»z11~W}}9;fI§ eflcdfbé: the Vvflwr. %”!4Ji#§ta iwar¢="r€f€rS to thc §4lfi&§on!§ vi‘PC§‘.i5‘thAfi4fi A?‘7v1iifi8%V Mid fitxrwfié mié7?w’3€1?&.4-J,7W3=i4i»VVit1? ii» “A'1‘heredam2xfi;2A:"hVe4vao;xza.e;~*%;,~* rmgce Wfififi 1622; . 4Vt-rake into co;¢fiderat;ia2s,;A and 6a;¢fidé‘ri22g, we-come to ‘ 7 afefied. EV/ailé I wmmufizgg tsé£,fi2‘3V/€i?I&fl3\6fl,,{E.171ChW §;a1_39_3_ *V4'Wfl- "1116 W! i~'mifia%1:Vi9f”J~~+%@¥Mz%é¢?é€Awfeély flit“ We aflwiorzks : If %zle4i;~:&rf%¢I!a% v_'1M‘hc fa-zmthefx here a,5gr4azer2mz,¢1sf;A:ha:y.:1ic;ugh~V‘ch.e V%V+r:¢';g/52;*ew‘/25¢ Wfirfz ta/em .mv4yjbefm:e :heiAr:%ey[es, yhecxhey V did n9¥JW~F&9th€irWm And though theyraovla’ ?}9t;W“;‘.,1W;&’?%”?54AFw %;?y€t ttmr W144 nvoVcA»4wozzMer}t a J * ‘ / ‘ ~E3¢t%tm_df7' will be the more e?ui- 9 4@¢i. iw§49b#§v@ the {cvc]r~é11¢A4Afiirtrémflwves bywhich ., A [1 . 1gn{v2isj%%no1;%:At?1r1_c1 M 5 .-not of az¢%e, bun m42zy¢ merczfizfl men: 'fi.1ndAfmi£0f ,VoWfe5;me;g af;G_ad_:,"and ye; it%w.:1s 3-mt [did ta érezm:.4 ‘A % :A:.;~ r?;£'~W4%é#>:4:1n¢1 merwfafl ~ Oflfswbi lflili die A thaw w"; gflh-F#;%fle%li.%fid~ K(‘\Qf1‘@%fc‘Ca;.u$‘:fl.f/¢«f>l?%0E exams ;) rm_4#y..y¢mf:' %;410V.flS¢1T a»ndA:~d5’m€ de:rJu0f f€3’fr,-We f0? 0311 V V their ? tr W \ . -- ~ % % .\ % _; ‘ ‘ ‘ “v M! «C «W . v§~|t' :9; 9‘ cw ? M V ‘Hf Tw;qf‘:#ta‘:‘E%%k"“";?A‘?“¥k“‘ ‘r N = Geflératiém. And yet this was not laid “ta W 01.3 ‘v. at #9 5: 0 M cfidrorfi HQ; rmrnfl and Milan; x~Ao«mW§g4 atiifit k ~ . W«s=4V4findV%yet I-hrsyiwcrfie fo;/?v§W~¢%S%I%0¢ 1"" ~_—.--.—-— ~——-— - A I?faI..1 4.1, I?‘f:r3.%9.»6.4... ‘ ' W 56: ewgdfiomei Afriaimfi And4véfpecia1lj{‘to%LV A IV “ ;_;_ar[cme4£" yto thedéatb; <.Wfe~ may »abfim»e"" amoing was gamma! ’: NM: ”[c“(i2$:/z'J€7’6"61,“’?¢dfi?'.fldi§l;Zvfi€dfl ,‘ Wyfew -was ¢1f¢V%AWhere s There is We rzzfireowx. W AWh1¢h%1~5’raJvL 15 Inzlmared, rh9ughd%Anot%a%nmmy,ye: A . A V ” fw A V ff 3 ;4'1‘"h‘¢%Gt¢r’Zt:0f ‘thlsfingga; hciw. great z'Ms*},‘“ will be Ammzgfq/5xna;gm:-fa1drefpeV&_ % * W A 4 wecyome Vsygmzzaz. .4 ‘ A :“‘r;:e “o£“#=a_%a;z;~ Ai1:‘~argu;eth Vwa4nf%:>f%%4P§_qfy, Q:-IL . ‘wbfldai z!§;f‘£’}‘,‘,:."i1th£.1E“’Wé‘mighE'*fl’Lkfwflfitjfice(jfIE3 iififibfispaflugts ” of" hisvtfiiaoizziexléizbify,*9“ >}Sf€m/e th€dP§€4Z*4"7i6‘€.sj of his works igour eyé34;&J2‘£'—% 4ZA it'1:"i<}m7g*4 ‘7t_ii-E ”i117ah}‘7 %Pi*=q?§ria5é%7¢ti2z%Z%Awoi’ks;4 ii*(5"h'e”imo1.=_Ae' ail»-» ¢A A : /é;»;»mMe t4kmgV am bf thefimertzfa/l, Fbr “certainly, %af?hzrrg2ra=f4/Z4729; to t,6e‘groim§:l,&A‘ much ‘V ~lE‘I‘s_a dV0’éh*:1V‘S"}1¥rAt,‘ WithQu‘tj13ivi22e'1j:ermyfian. {: ‘IFthVe '7mirs?~ A * of "l)2‘T£Al},6’.'¢11“!2«,' am i4mn5{area!,"~ furely /:3‘-:2zzl~ C‘ani'10t~l:$e Vtaken‘p’]fi“wi»¢thbuta peéial Pr£wide22b¢.' If1d'eed$,4 ' the A j »pergfl;mg cgf a rigbr%eam”“%man,?J% ’ngarIe‘- aV;x.”@t3_r1ce,~“iboth» of God: marry andA 93adgn*;ew:. % Mm, 1m»,i gadg- ~ gm: to‘%t=hc%~%:;iickm’; “IV_%A4nd‘ mt to%4.confidér» ffich~?g worl*, fowasto (ltt_)“'"i2«"" ta!/aazzm, Vmuft-needs be agrenlt fiza’aga'rknfl:4 % In regard Of the rz'gZ‘z‘eu,z14‘,4 it arVgiiei3Y1¢~41£Véznf%»=w:6f v pm A that is§afflié}éd%"(”faitfi‘3% %zsi;y.N71»a»za% fl 4 im? A A %% W4,/}-‘gm A A A of AA A A ‘ '( ) kzfle-'d,“VA thfi: tmtfierl AndA; 013114 111%: wt A be amohg men;?*Di‘dicimmcum,lzvmine5 A‘41zAe;2};- A A.¢f.zz~lA2zArrIAAiAAfA‘4.tf?Ai5Ar:: moweri ~.A'%AIA?»mhi1!1g »,m0,r€AA V/vmwes Atheix Aro;bLeA»vAinh Vcamwfion toxvardst/vezrz ’i§h3'AAF:- am I,“und§gf%fiériflg5',.AA.-ATAAASOI «mm: in is n0At« on1y»Aim;227cry;A% bin}: in/9unzafiif)’A"AA A AA A ’ A A A Q J 1 A _ AA.‘ 1fegaI;'d.Of' the ‘ perm‘: Vt/yemfelms ,% it :.u*gu7eth Auz4ntAA‘of henthe rigbf¢w44PtA4ré/?’aW 79$-*~¢r~ 2%zzn}dze%mken mv% itis. a lull? to —th¢m re- AAm:zz';¢. A They loofé th¢~l'g_btA0f thcirgoaa’ Exampleatljg ,&e£2A.;«2flvz'f <)‘f% Ehtiir Prayers“. ‘Andfhould;n%ot%A.t11isVbe*;o;z- fidw-q;l?gANay,%4%it$is,no1; on1yAaV loflcf, but .(Aa s4AAAh:.n;11 A 1; beenAal:*€-adfyA €2¢1Wfl.A€4 J A it is 21 5i01¢f11‘A‘ WI 45? 05 r7uine.: A Axidfliallitnot_b‘e1aidtql2emt? Soth_atitA argsjczba. A vfiidity ~va25'fiv’er Wh‘1tA'AA'.}.$ f0%1iv<%I¢f1AA0uAr A .«%4b2mMancerflme;et,A% a11A1v/:Mi.c/hit appeézrfif/I an izizpitrus, ;Van%i;,f2lyzzm4m?~, A and tmf7mAmral%fin11¢. which our Prophet fbAem0anethvVh¢jn faith ,A T193: A7‘.lAgslJf€’0ll5.1P€7IAflJ€t£‘, A =A«;«.Aml; new l»wtt/»!~ itw Wm} 4244 W’'‘”AJ’“’ Fméw arr: 2 mkggzz army ,A mm: ::a;afi:le%rz'ng that ring rzgbteazsare . taken zmmyfrom the evil to come. A A, A V a A A0hth¢n,beV we all ex/varied to the Wtrary. duty. So- mm »feV¢m€thA toprwmfe himf€“'3~ that xvhen maw‘mAA%:g'gj t11eyLxvi4llA24y 1ac'«;1er..»,~.2.. uhe“-lizri2ég:A4¢; ar4¢’12eI4Jw«A¢ A A A A A _ iv ;oA%«i3¢m.‘%%*AfldAif A*wcj~4 ought to My to -5:42;: AAAthAAc a'eat}20f my A,A much more of zéig/ateom men: »a11dAAAe¥- A £Pecja1ly;;~A% wAh¢n,either}”ofl4b thelI{irzg.«.or Eli45t11EA{“ M A ghftlueflzenisémrnuclivI~firAw%b¥: A"~.Whu'¢&Ait: }J:invrk,£i:;5%¢2ti£ it; be4:in;A 1?:«=1iPf who df<’F1?A;5I10ttake mtite«AQf rlet , not the Eclijzfiv and A much AA A AA A AA A A Aflefi"c_A % % Gregories the -w v-rm, ‘.. --...——-uow-..+.. [ % ‘:1»e*fi'é ‘@he"fetring of Aany[ oA f~‘GoZls £’i5flZ';4‘E7£’fift5v-—{:§'1“V1:§1’ll2$)AiI;I3£i*£€: 3by% m¢5*eg».zrzZéd?' " Let‘ ‘us ««t’he11‘ ccnfider and l4yAtAoAfiedft fif’h€%Zi’6dH7AOf‘%IhA€A}"ig’lIt"6‘fl$t3‘,7% _ % ~” % V "W A y H ”?R5l$'1?Vd£Zflfl'0, %b,yVk~éepinga R€g{flerf"A4pf% ~t~he* Mdéath the daily 1n~a11ag-5, t,ch,ievfl”y the-I z{§fe%~‘fwherein we l=i«‘ve% ;4AAbo:hAA3s to‘ *»t‘11eA quality of Athe»%1’;erflm;1k, and the H manner of their glg-at/E1, % _ % A A Lzwm¢t.wz,1'o,% by éezamilivgtheiir ’r.{:714awtl1~fr0m “us A Noktin Arefpeéi oftbem, A-m \v~hom‘deati: is a.f4-wmr, ‘but’ i;1§—1iegard” of‘ ~Awou$rAg1«ue;,w1;oe4 may ir1;f~h”ei'Vr deparmgg, fl]"P*"40dcéing * A A‘ A A V 3, rmzzmzo, by foiiowimg the good"exmp~lew both Qf ~t:heir lzfe and dearly, fo, faras Awe.are%c;zl1cdcoit;AAA Ay A~=which1neans,t£z¢ir dmtfi~\vi‘11;nbt only be t/acz'r__g;¢i2¢,bLit A ” AA om. V % V A _ A 1’re}mm2m’a_, by fittifig ou1'felw:fQr thcitgcvzzil which their dent/aforetelly, khat whilefl«A«~£»heflmpZefé1fl”e 072 mm’ arepwnf/72241, ~vve maylike prudmt“m€?¥~%forefcéc ‘ . ‘lProv.22.g. ;bm;i1,, arxd /7ia’eAAaz2r felrves: or Aflraf:herA_ Gad mayl<4¢bia': A “us, either by prefirviigg us in it, = or "byut4kin;g4A4flsjdpmy l( as he hath .0!/arr of hisfernwti-m% ) jbefore xmcegome. , A V4 A A ~ A AAA.And noxvw ( Belwvm’ )A1c*af’t’I anAd”'yVrmfl1ouIdybe gI¢i_l- ‘ H 73¢)»; of thefimzeg againfl Wjhicéh my me declaimgtb, give leave iqafcm ward; 1:0 put ybu/i”1%1 4mindAo’fA%t"~h“e deaf/1 V %th:itA4rAigéteAam and mercfzf;¢lZA mmf G on’, ' D, 7(,b,,Hm;,Abee11izitclym/ee22.frA<>mus» A A -wI1odicd9‘une“AA Title: hf) %E‘:7¢"0}1£"WiH EA, 17;) him; % .‘ ¢ 9 . . P . J’ H » » 8. and was buried in the 3¢T"’£t’~I1i> *furthAE'r Tfbfnhis 434%: ‘V€“-“dAi”flA0"€”fi0” Ghurch of s=A Of; flPP17%fig%~ thAemAA’fo A th.im;A :' [AS Af’<51* A f*h.¢:‘4%‘¢dfif&;A'**fiiS A I th d V f * &é£5.fh5”.f‘ if AcAv7z.m~nef49?¢AW AAméV* :oAmzw¢ o .-1 0 A A AA A AA -A A A A ~ 13¢“ mdnmh. [1t'w"‘e .tfl:1'A‘eAce72]sire fiof i1;‘r"0A that z7ny“,&1l*vl2e:dfi,a1l*E*%Mw§ ‘ A£a'g-_ % We)”, w ML“. . ‘ L A 4' ~ msmfof %2zéé3a:A{1ia11AVbc?s4fc4n*:m2d .ove1~_“ . ,& wflii?b%e..gendéd,1*A Iftake%n‘Vo»ti%ce of ‘the%%%m4kme2é, f A 1‘ dam‘/dd; ?‘i?fZt":?VrzLg*;ézr€ar¢5r% (~f:z‘i~th salmm ) is :5: &a‘i“a%’?4¢}f$4i.‘*P;-ov.28.z; Lyabm j n$d% :.1gain,i. The rig29tea¢z& Zmtb Zmpehz I212: ~de;z2t¥6.f ;; it ,Wa;s!? tVhAe%ca;¢*fizi£e22»ce 5 ml! Zen’ Zzf£,£ha;t d wwkly, held, /mimzéfly Acaaafidefiz V:3.t\j§hi$swV5, thv鑧«z:h‘g;r»?2m1;z:fi%;wf: s2{wy,W~hicAi1a filled§hi1n.wi1;h c‘é~z2%e2.¥w; f fwli¢¢fima£his‘%emz’; % ail a‘o'i~3‘3 of ‘memy, %nVQ*I1e%gra4t%er tlfimg Wthe fmmmizig, izajwrzies ', md fiargiwivg 6:26-$222533 ; : an g=;ce;¢r ma‘/if ,.w*2:* A kiiex of t+5zk??g1:a§e,. ~z;}3.Qf¢ . _ c,é;¢rim6~[e»*[z?x3»ze;¢?% vv=11ic;:*!(1%ui*e1*‘€¢% rfemel :a"w pm://Jeri f7rc:>m r;h*e em/Ji~,3nai»t4kemmm}r’»wti'om us 5 A but foi, as r:ha&t%I7 have good rcmr/M t*o—&c[ia«-1.23 he ismr waved to that place of é=lzfi<, vy»hx~*;'1*;~*:,$yAl::Me emoyegh p: A ciety of Sazims zz2m’w xlzagclkg” yea, Of God ‘fiim-A Mf- %A*n*d~n~ow Qflelamcd) 1<':titn0tbe faid,; out offlglar mm of mind. VVE can no longer ezaj my hinn, but (I hope) _ jwe flm1lAnotfbrgct12im%; efphécially not yaw ( my BM-~ Z/Jrm ) among Wh0m4'he~ his paimes, and ex—- A Euzuffed his flrckzgth‘ tddQVryd111‘ foz;‘l"& G nod, Do you ( I éefeetréw you ) Aconfiderand rememé%er% how often you have bcf£veld' him in this /ao1yMozmt f51oW’”m*:my“%Wh01ef0m«e eprgqfsa, V@VWafels,Aand%4 Cmfia2'§z‘.§‘ you mvehenrd from him , and wighall refleéiz upon: AA your own untkflfikfulisefi for ,% zngpygfiraé/enqflc under. /mt ‘w-.—.-nu-- ‘ 1“.-;..3;2, J‘ . 1 ‘J . A A Prognof?i£'kA . h my flelf and you A A A A A A man .- not~fo,:1sto be i‘ml2itteredagainfl:’h:heIn rumemr by whom ithhathhhbeen e}fe6i‘ed,h’but. againfi our felws ~61 A bx? the labbxzrshofothers of A 'G’bd;f.§u't/afnllaSefyantsg..A amdngyou. ~ Finally, d0yo'u,:md11ethLus zzlljéridzg/Zyh '14} ta Iaemftwjhath afad pr-eflzge thhedmtbu of this A A is hofruim-and de£tru6i:ion,whi1ef’c me thinketh_he f«zzA't£s tons this day in the mrdsof h1sSmvio1;r, :Wehe,p. not me A (Y I 4mt.4keAn hawayhfromweh em‘! to com: ) > A5»: ; me: A . lh likeév -t o camtmmle]-l;'h éyyourrmll xmdfizeerly repentanicéyazah prevzaenthit. And now I am come to the cm! of my Sermon , and that I im up bath. far your fetus, upon wlaam em which was mywrl in Preacbinsg it; to to confidersthe clezztbh of» thishflfighteom for our fimm whichghahve A romredit 5 -that thisdalefull loffe may be an acmfiofi of? and that Repentance may prevail with God to avert; thoféfitudgments which bang war us, to continue his faithfull ALabemrmr anszmg us; and reflare his ancient fire ‘3 to us -.;,A which God grant for his merciesfalec afar C/arifl. Amen, " FI$