-ea as -:5 ~r’& «:5 W %PREACHED$% % ‘BeForctI1¢ Honourable, the Houf: OF C OMJM O S, A Ont/9e17z)’t/2cf5\@'vemée2*. ’I64.4.;: A 5*;-é7é2£i}:’r iuwlwz % 4;'6:¢ ’ 643621 fa _fr!#it:fMll to yawrveiv fE1m’,..aml mz¢lti;>%%lye‘xl‘z'ma many ,,¢,,,%,/g ‘ M fizflefi it 6y*;~VyMflé%tJF¢:§pcEf~ flz'1lto”f1‘zmd nfiagfl‘ mur~¢;Jdeli¢yem;¢ce:.% fazzfi¢o&*31=”a*fl§7&eé:”Tzz"ZL¢, w/mzsézaa mpm,::%%(I %'7m.ew¢e«d-‘aye: af delirver4nce)» tbzzt*fiarg:t;’3*¢1wefl’é%raw! gmrm Am; "mat aw ”pra{:uz2* 4Vfiwfé-imraAZ+~ib;inkf:¢l22eg?eis thy é~eji;teza12ré5g2%maji W e /2" d_z‘g-I the fimfl titlé V ta¢aewIL‘~‘:a2er2:ie3 3 if hope» 6‘e+~ ( arr 1‘Abe~*~A}9‘z§(}“Z&“ "ii! 4~<~W»« fijcaks) t/Je Béfi A‘:nc110r;‘ gmt7"tm_lé(~qzze[lio}'«zlefl’e)=i5 t/ya-}?"&~1a2é,w% ‘ I“ - e ‘ ‘ ¢ ‘xi Azwbut rm aw:und‘érxn*§Vnin?g;%Jaw gztempmn ppcw 52% A tc1jy.;Nor arc; tficy Mwitfiqzft t/aeinrV%Ifz'om:a_z’r5 too, [M1 at‘ nzarka, am! A A 0xford3A»f A up (if pa we 5 new l2’ufiti?*";*é;4;¢r;:ay5inA2 iiggjjiizkuits, fiat/§%'7im.may raw/2 frwrm % A AA ;fV*iqWéfiminIt'cr¢,#and there to ”£v1aw~« 7% j 1~:ttAr:r P0u‘ndi1tions»» af“ your]-TC)1.1f5S W t¢beir%I,ibc4r£ic§;1an:dfgiyifiqdgqs. A Tlzmgs of an mm*a11..nat:;rr, . 44 M “ ,4. g ‘. .‘ 3 if” as ‘ 3} 41 h «K A‘ ;, A 4‘ " ""w—»—— '-'*w-' , .. . s c; E1 ~.o e,2§J.,,.P1tv6.a€11edb£fohé: Vthr: P10n0¥r*é51%¢, th¢H<>1Ar1”% AOFCMM ONS m% ! _ AV A55: S7~~A4”44M.*2-x".A’=r6, mA6iétfi05g% wbicibwmfoft¢9: fd;2:"‘of2r:"/Je Gyaf4t,A,;(t5evVwe{ A A “A A :1 Lm&afi'é£vMr¢.*w2gW%/72ra2€*¢1r;Aefd~5rsa:fl1<’_;ir21 mm}; % . ma ' :g:t1*£'Inggi9*At w:a'w.umm4AA;:%AA;w %.A.to~V%/aMévve»fl4;f;s:1J)«czaL»i4 AA ‘ ’; EWMf£2:!;(ltait£»'c fiazme" ::fj$r:=rArI:.ri»¢j£z :fwmawAév1%ir2m. A *4 ~ A % ~ ;jHis;«,Ch;;pAter ‘bwitié Wit 1: ene£*cit2aIe,;+,m2rr- vmunfi A A A A M A A 2" fi*A%V%§ppré"lJion , qfithree y~eajré=s»35Famine;m%pm:g wvhev :2 w _ I; A ~ha_x~§ld”-for?‘j.‘$@»n(r;,p"ppr££Zimn»af‘thc—4G‘abmn1m§ 5.: ‘A A :1m¢,»aA%%reImut4m ~éff~’,pl%t:;t>y~amt£ »"pe'Me» *~tuA.1a_t,. ~.;*«f~*;'z.ge,‘,V.f:~ : upcmr *i‘f1i+€*ff3r€Cé1t3ii%E)£1t3f?7F§ «A§WchiS Iifms 4; A ~¢$premm 3.1;é“if’ah~eaven%4‘i*t«i*el=E”e mam *w1*itfe&A1 -in iiss» awm¢*sbmy}:«;&«mhamA; JV‘ ‘/(I. 7, . '.‘x"~‘ . 1- wrav <-a ~» _M . ‘A « I. ‘A -1 ‘ Mgrwmui ‘ wk . ‘ ‘zwl “ V hard oum:hiAs.A 1 M it,*I5hett*as‘ may amtmh as may ymaimeai W56--. 5” dfApVgavgg1d«em\¢¢;xagamsvmé1xtdark maxi»: ambéher % A % ¢ . A AjADav1!d~s RM$rrz2e and VRAcf:[cz¢e. vm;‘;,,J%sdi;m%mfiémxu, %r5i:%aa~s+Arevde¢;A:y‘araemnan mgMameV4is bcflrel * *AmQ3ved; by_al1ke$1m pAa;rt1;a1l'«feveritteorj eart4h m Iuflice one ~feveri t3fr .~Aca'I;1sV%Lx}:>o4r1 2*;*%cch”ocs% t(5f£f10fhEf§ ficartfil crue1'Heve;ri*ty%,A*in app“;-ef.. A — M ifio:3,AAce311sA;£:;p£3nV'h%éaAv eds fUQij{&'V€Ifiti€. in 2&1 Lcftion Ff A_at1d‘ ifA thMat “igbg um ‘~a§'*inc=«anfWer¢dA-by mbt¥1¢*:.%feFCerrAty‘of: ¢mhdiri>%J#1i’cices4 it Ajremincs fijllguilty‘and,obnoaxious tb7Vtha1:;)uPcA*fev€rity,o€‘heaven,_ -: V A A4 A And: .ja~s the Chap:-er‘ Abeginswith M this rcvo1ution.oF,~ A am, aV_%.gr¢ac -Ac;p"pr€%fli0n, ahdVthe‘n a great iud“gementA; 116%:-it], ‘an<~executAiomA cf - and than a%temoV%eal1p;;E__%the udgement ; fo A.end§ it with one nq leffic :r%ema%%tka1‘5le neither viz; of emmi::,r_fVa.-nd. warreigt, 'zIiE?orie5+;‘%%and% p2~‘m'f_es-, inveteratcwemies, Alf/a£l.€ffi;¢:, be fuppgfeifed no way but by Warrer, fuch Warm; againfl; fuch anemia‘, never ‘end, |V though through many e1i§'ficult.ies, but in Accrtaine «z»£é}_a%;¢ie: ; and %.thofew£_EZa« ” r£¢:.»{hou1dAn€ver end but im:hee-rfull praifes fo theirfluthour, Tb.-.-y {'3 ~53?”-"3 7*-*3 aflfell rIaé%"l:.*:ndx qf’ David-3--~and than jjmkg ‘David tbs ward: of Kong-;~~-«~'the 01d%:"Pawé*llc-ll; between Papiflx and %PI:g3l.£j?‘in.r;,AA time iflevery day a drawing out to wfurther length of A'lleV m'y?:. Papsfl: have'esre1:bec.n the Pbilz_'/ii»: ofoutf Jfmel, they woul not allow m T .aznj‘:sxv2i.%:;2an;ir, no not thofe of prayers and A teams, but watt of their Forge ; they would faine c'm-mm pm om our. right eye: too, uourfleycs of faith, and Pain (as the Text here) mm-war t/aé P/Jilijflnr‘ %- Vaad ye; agaiaée Vmrre: with :1 /Ema!-%~A~-7-a1l%% ltvhcit farmer attempts and dqfea ts%;g; Gilgalland E14/:2 (with thercfi) cannot layAthA¢ir mncouzt, b:fii_1;a%t’mit‘j:g;hey*%wmagaine; neither with thefe PhiliPrin‘s_ofou1fs, hath thei~r*Af§)éaa’a,:AoAAr ”fPoi:vdér‘L-plat “given? vent ‘enough Am their mglicfq; % % ma?eam*r4 R511‘ w'e~{ee new4mrm4w2:b Ifimrl; ‘Whilfi: that lm.-llhatli a A we V: aboveground,*aLnd Ramcfa Faélarage Where «in jZ,ng!and,.%‘,_wea 7‘ -mu 1oo¥§°fbrno%othe%r1A.%‘95*% A 4 A ‘ %-A A A rln tAhAis~A~P;_hi1:ifl;in.Vwarte:Iw§tAh%;;;,;]fm£,,(thisi means in the Text). ; ‘A Iljmvid-«AisAdifirefTcd,%azndub1e&lai1riciApatimf:AL <;2A1;.;lcouxaterq%ha1;%mcya A wlmth what they thoughtof zheml2:lvcsA1nA1~1f¢; and Qfihem H1 A .DA?ai;2z’5MaRej"erve and Jl%:m. A 3;: l2e}clA0»th fiever pAut;%Forth all his firength,A' {om:im‘cs1i:;:1l:or norm, A his j V pewerlt is alwaies infinite, thfiapfzlilcatipnof it is contrafiedjfand 1«L‘antl€d,fcm1ti1"nes wxthdra V {are brlindxl" ofeclnefle Aclf .cmrAAnarrowAv ca A A P A A pacitiagy fdr.Arecclpt_, as vvcé maymot prcfumptuouflyconcIudeALof~«hisjudgementslhel haltli mt, therfbre he will nlatflzrikeg [0, nor clefpondently of his fucccnuxjs ,. he doth not, therefmre he cannot, be will not Arelievc ; /7??? dfifiv 1% fie’??? % % " Ainiquitiex tlmtl I254-:[ At/mm‘, itis lam‘ camalll hearts that will not let us free h;im,lno longer then lwefefl as a feafona,bl7e 9*cfc*rA-aw at handin all ourfiraights land fizin-z'z';gg:,n0r in this llraight of David isthe Phili{’ci:l1elufIE_3 an Ahahdl *&l1enA6z'jZ=.m"l,l t/mt.’ v1_[/Balviéervzolv wbficla 237405 of I-5? oqmyof t]9é’s~G)lézI2.€f-9 rlacwght to bgzw fining Dwid; whatever vvey do; our PhAilil’cines (wee fee) will be {me to.ra,ke tlréeiz’-A oppommities ; and It-gt {lip no flraight l “of ours, or advantage ofAthr:ir owne, I warrant them, they know an aldvamage,l(in war efpecially) not taken,is not onely lol’c,butgivenA, they willnot {haw their teeth before theyube‘rc~adyto bite, but d_oAc well know how to imlpmve and watch an occaficm into a«fi.xr-prifall_;: ‘T’/3‘¢fiz1j'6&iZ3t'noé. The lw-ords of-the: Text :ccmtainc;a brxgflloryll pf‘ 21 war, wherein the parts are figure A A A A A A ‘ I. The Cfmmpim or Combatant J/ééuiéamaé, Maszdpzppaintment ,.) (£2? he Wing girtwitla a new Saazawl. trm I've. AArI:awg!az~AAA ms: lmtvc: flaiw 2;, Hisfurnitfure-lof warre or Arrlelmwmitiou, wreéglxmf Wb¢fi’Sp€x.2rw_nfwez;g/:2¢d »»»» --- 3 . H18 Dc*flgm~=%or ;ci.m;mI1of A 4.. His defeat or airappmmtment, mt.» 9,45;/gm rim saga of f€3’erw£~ ,3. %Ljm;ge A» AFm'tw":«2iry of t‘hli$“.l AAComb.at¢zAmj “at” aI1~,% iii; At_l1lt§§lAT“€;::i%ti,; ll * % ht: was a Gyamt. A¢f}’y;a2m;fl10ulld wehcrc mnoutgintp a1.l:hefe Rummy/T_e.v that fa.» A "flowed c::fc3"y.¢::zx;r, Aour clifcqurfc vvmzldw be as *v:il'l and fAl.lInAc3x‘.1fiAIf«jt)u$l AaA9s;AA A they : qu€Antl_yA lmake nmntion of ,§l'.l€;‘l.'I’1»3‘ and gfinfi ‘~?l.1§h€¢l€ A _ ‘them Wu and ‘fufpend::*d,acc‘ordingto th*elmea»l_% Efm 59- I2‘ never faile,( 213.1) gzézid here) QffQmC__,4&I.- : Ltvijozvéqqf pf/is .$;a:¢3" V have 4.. particulars, theA?IA..3’t*¢zrm*.el: .Azl.wN.m¢e : V AthlcxnfclAvesAAl were A, may aim A’A ' icwcéqznefltame,yet’tIxrcugh%4vai’cnefi"eof bu1’:i<=:,.%and height of Feeding,» 3 ‘.':£fl;s:Fg;%2«a 2 midi fi£f$’i.""W" mM’t}‘€efz:’r¢~3.,. % fih*em.. We 2* wani , Rmpim: .£.dead men ,fc:refe§3in§; that men xwulci mafia; themGods after t«hc%§rdeath,and therefore tsallingthemgdead mm, x even while they lived. The %mt2cief’ce~ft conjeéi are that I find,h4mv fuch brscarm fa freqmenas ~ in formertimes, (lajwinagggafide as ridiculousgthat the im:M%Vfl:1_ou%%d be-~ {get tehemupam Witches >1sAthatm ttmferuder times of tha vmm; w E3511 as yet ‘Po1£tie.r or Frames of gm véimmem; were mm‘ er~c:<§’~iw:d , am! A ftmr«gth»of “body%on1y prevaiicd, men did generally aff°.& nothing {{5} muchas vaflcnefle of firength and Ptat u're, and thexfiore chofe t£::;~;'zf A wivea, or fuch on Whom they dezfired to have cmldren with m eye ypeczaliy to t¥1eu‘bulk€,{o1n€3 gwher as much Erarnmat cf Gm. 6-.45“. where It 13 find, T/1:53/Evm af‘ Gm’ fiw the dzzzwg/aterxqf mm, téuzftfaey ‘awwfmire , Cr, (as they Wa,u1d%hav~:: it rfiaci )!¢.2~.Vg«?,r121-:1 {bay é.«:z1v*;s>wz-/:2:-.:*:v;:¢L cI3£[d:rm%w/nick éremme’ mz7rgl:az‘y mm of rmazaane ; {law as Wm fcffi’ im Emzxres and%B%L:I1s_,(with other1ikeQcrezaturc:s)Aothe=rwsZ%fe%b;; mtum mt grow‘ Hem: axid m.azn«?1<_¢eéée, fo the*"feA_Gyams, {a much exceeding; 0-» fixer men in Pcature and-firenggmfleilued by opprezflim OfaHh1HiVCC§:- about thexn, grew as it were Gad-éeem-,Vev%en m a d7s:fi:am':~:',?xt Length, mi*~‘H€avcn%it1e1F,“and as rS.az1amm-2.r phmfe 19 , m a ;f”2z/1.5»-‘gga*zxv.«z;' in tséw f2}re;2(g_'t/fzqf t/7«air_faalif7;.‘:¢ef]'I:*,1ik€.%the Be/Jcmutfy it} Ink, t‘h3f_£ bi';’C3.ufc: he M could drinfie up t/9;? /rffw ér0«:21:_.«',‘ he grmmrcs Cm) fidéffi t , V be c‘%z:-z"%z17i{i::;!7Q5.? xx,» :2}! I 4..'?'Q’613?¢ my 1923- noflri/lsygini thercforc Salcmaanbegsef Gad Atlmiz hfiwould =nc»t‘g£z;.% Mr» aver to $1 Gyazmt/ike mima’ I uvc:I1::ve21Q.HeL «much fimangth or power as others,t0 ch) but awne wilis; , gm; us be eontcrit, we have fa much thclxflc diificsgslty in dcsing G063 Wm, anof A if we have more then others of this kind of p0VV€t,3et we take ‘head; A “3f;‘a{?*Z«~it~b’€tF{1y us imof the hands of» zv.‘ygi*ea;te;:% Apawer+, thaiz’ which ah. _ waies reflfh‘ the prmd, ,m2dg£*z:cr!J gmw 1:0 t/2:? bxflmiv/3,‘ ht? hmra dam-I V wme memyAAto conquer, ‘W’ 1101‘ 5» ;mA¢»~z~ tw do evil! isr hiswifirir Wrmami. i?» Hismame Zflaéiéexyoé ,_%th€: Word figIli.fi :3.S«2n~£:ezimi§=itm:at Jfinié, ~ mbecaufifiof N917, the Sons of rGc;»d%are Callas! A-.S’ajom'7éa2*.;. on earthm. fl*1;eVir fyxéilmtiam is in heaven, as Sans cf A Earth are £;a1a.~:zéafm-:.v2Ax.rA he:~re,, xiavey haveno §O7th_Cf'vI1fi311VCi7l. Bmwhy ofsNaé , Wm: becauft: of Na&, Ffmme ‘givfMe%"Athis Fm: at rmfcins, that after the %PtiAe:9:s Avvera fiaizje alt N053, A the Irahabétantsdegenerated into G‘jIantg3 mj becaufi: ‘Arm, Prief§:s%,:?af:,% ' . th;a%t%God, wvho’fe powerin Jfmm aflifiance they had far often felt, :f2s:i::g*n9$?iA.by >WI;f:;1a§9e»} §I3§§@ h¢§*:§991.@ §§3e@gm;ter%§=§nfi- % pmar; z2efem;m:;zM—ae:, ~ . fieme ftoaffauit Dmfiid; we fee the iizppréflicm Sf‘ God3%4fezAw.nts, or womjxip by fixch as fhould incburage and xzphaid them‘, put‘: ”ccn’fil... édemtc: into the enermes of Goth to afikuh; hispecaplc %; ythere “ is F::>m‘m ’ wizat of {hfety and defence in the refidence o1fGods%\:Vorihip5 anti nf {nah as are £‘;mhFu1lin%it, ’they are the squire: Catzapbrafii , vghez ‘Horfiwen mad Cm-25:: cf Jj3’«~.~»;.ne{, evcn their enenc1ie:sVt§1emfc*1v»2[s baa A Eng judges, bmdwe imfifi not upon names. 3 . His Linage,W/aw mew oft/aefqm oftfas? G/w2t,We fee of what%im;«4M%” ep-o~rmz‘ce1£is tube offgood _PaI‘€jI1tS,’t}3¢’flm’§f 4 Gym: , xigre/723 of 4 A2:avzf;é/’qge4.a2’ inmmm”, the flaw of 4; mzzrtimrer , are not Qnly rt-preaches in Smpt1m33 but reaions why fuch {bus are no better ,% as ex good fi‘:w;2 “:»»2mA;e.s* a21ja}ffi:r1/jC2t},u°r,{0 (ordinarily) '1 good father makes :1 happy {om were it»bL1tm3.“ thé love we beare to our child ren, how much dath ix: iirzzsport us to be good? there is not :1 Kittie in the pmmife , 1 W512! £~.~:%.».z: "E§'«_»-M5 M time, mm’ 1*/ayfcecl zzfwr t/Me, an Aélrzzmrsui may havfi an %1fim;~/ 3,, 1 am .I‘j,v’Zz,;a-6;: an .£‘?/Zzmbur generally the pgfomifé hgalds, rflligio us familicg are the: fmfefi nurferies of Religion, the Ed’: r:onco&i*on“c>f grace -is”; (and-izmrily thtfre given, and Phyfitiatwtell us, that errors in theéfirft -comtdfiian are never wellcorrcfled inthe i”'c¢c>%r1d 5 family neglefls of inflruflion and difciplinc are feldozne fupplied irithat ofthe ‘Coma igreg,'ation or 'State, there is no for fure a1}a7¢toz’y[c= as that of vicgég, it": reaches dmrbz.1cH?::: {nmny wh<:res)eve~nLto doame.m&z7,%ax2%d then 110w‘ . =;g;reatwill that Wrath be that is for t7‘£oq/’347"ed M;-gand multiplied on fliizfirfl m the very idlgy qf twmtly, and if it will be then (0 lmrd ta ms:/"1:m *:‘~ for mm af t3*tljmfflz}¢;Ifly:x,hoW znuth harcier will it be to an f\V€r('if%%“‘m%a3," Beg); om‘: for Mhoufand fciuls‘, th:1!t’have ' fuccemvely miféarrimi‘ by mf ‘fitthr’::&*5‘ mgligerace or§lI%<§“mmp1e,Pzm:*ntsdo fiilike {nay 1:35 on wvhircfé Wa-H5 , guild and make flippmcy the way they gcse , for their chi?» drains imitation, and like Kala: fileviazhan , rizazlqf 42 ppzrfa to A/gm .»zfic:i Ariym. that aCzzi2:t WM Ahot Warlt others t'ago om1‘Wzjr;,fl0r%aJ'¢%r0~4 éaamfkr/!qn’er'_.€ in #3»-’¢@'fiI‘gI"i1f5’:1c°l%?f?)f§mx % M A» A % V % % %‘ W4. I-}1isA_f21’jternity, of t}J’e*/‘o:¢.r;af t/aaiG].cw'z‘, 07' am’ of .rbafi;;2%.r%aftI§e «&;'?W:,:hAeGy.mAhad hixnandmany nmre, 0/ailrlrm and '2'/2: fr;m’t‘af Mm 1vaml2.%:r',%,%At/:i¢j%;g:*¢_;:;¢ /aarirazga, {‘21‘i<:s% the I“7fa12:‘nif’c i9!_mz camaérfi: of’ M % rim Lllar:/I, %3tbewfl'Zé.(é:’,th€ywarfi i'o,:.—md thMcc‘ho‘icre{’c of a‘1jtem4p%cr3f'1 “Mr: Wings, asrzdof the-“’1:>j¢:i’c' r1*1<én%%An0‘A1es’flE Apaffi e:31"s:zt€1y% defi%r:d%g 1.1ri’r"3;z; 3:? gal?’ M713 $3.1.-::2.'-is givefl me,(i};ti€S& ;4M';¢/ayktrs-‘»2 éeiirg £5‘ 6‘/?'§£'!;z'Z‘e' ffeyzzwl % ’"3*il1c3~§s¥Az:u:af Daznafc-us m#fl*£§é‘min£"1daiM, yeti VMAA fee (asviwe) " % A 7 ’ M % 1 A fiyafjjgyzr jfitiga Pu. 3 I 7» 47 ~ VA A 2, C;’ara:««z.‘20o M Mn. N Dam. nu. ’f.V2S£m.?e2el 5*‘4.O?r.A A ,Eflz¢z%3¢ % David: Reférvzre rmdAARejTme. A they often Fa1lp1cntifu1ly;o‘the {hare of wicized men, :m& are thcfiy mg,/26:; and do fpread not fo much t§1€_iI‘¢mm£’_,_38 their_gm'1.»: ," asfmg “man: [J c)’_fO,‘A not doth Gods love cavfi A flex, ~mm}' tdblcx.m.=vy.!Mcomaf%ar:5 zmra them, and the Olive érgzzaclaw a-Aée:.~.z¢:% t}.7:m4_ thorncs and briars,.z'. caries and vexations ; ( as with a Nation {0} with a faglaily God can multiply it,2tx prove 31 xvai.-:3 bflter then p:m-,- EZA: 5; wk en We are ablmfo faywith £2/—id,t/fie ,/252?}? Gad rénrzr a.’.~!:Tm»rw2 mcamiqf t/at 6/zzi‘.-Ufaf the L}W:t, #:3151156? Am M of £179 Bear:-@523-\3*if[%d(~V Jzfaier me‘ m‘4tAoff~}.w /9.»-am/.r of I/.9z3'_ii7/£4/t:z:4r I’./oi/zflnbz , __th€.f.-zr¢.a‘2:?A.§."1.*x7g;:r'd tépzt Gad pm Mtg 7:12} bani ta cm" of t/mt M5 /amp! ~wz'r/9,w1%T/1’ 1::-fl 513-. % A fwd ma ¢r‘g.;zi2»vf;‘%.S'a.azl : or new .i. nnzvame ,%.unab3t€d.Vin thefdgv; or flzrength, and ther1Atheob“icrvation» will be, M z‘ry,irrAEflig10I'1:~. Pkthcifane, to grew confident on thcumopc likely pre, parations andappoixmnents of great .S”'pmr'eJ', ;=,ndA am» Swmz’.r_, for a A A mxrz; it is‘ 1/2: worcfaf we Lard amt’ 0fG'idaon, that will dot‘ ,A Gide; £m!5‘WOrd W1t,houtMtAhat%;pfA the Lordxbefore it, _jtnak:_ng Away far it, A wili pro,vejn,th‘e;end,; but%:iL:ith,a3/vciuden Dagger ati‘thebt-Tc ,.NI1c£:. that can be fit) cpnfidcnt of his new Sword , as to be co.nVt%cnt God fhould be a Newmz/I , (you know Whofe%A{p:ech it was) flmfl .fi_A;m.fi God a profefizd enemy before he» hath d«.:me_.; God will not be mwea Rammze Edila, oniy tn u.verfee&theAAAS:mard play ,nc»;t!1e Bgzzrsfl £2 fi-.{,-f7z'a, :3: the .Lard.s~, andleafi we fhould underfiand it in a fioznznon nutixm,.A 0;; capacity, as $i§11_thingsA elfe are/a.’:,he,Vpleac{s his title more d2'ft£nr?cly$ the éarte/Z £1 fiozfyflfirxj hit At/7¢? '_Z,ara!.r, and-it~i5§ he that flat only g£'/8&6”: % Awitlyflrength ta t"/§7e_ éarmil, but ::mafi‘ar.r rbe 1’-itsfi af the ¢$.,1tn=..fz",} that &rcnk_etbVtka‘B cm? , wnd.1tz'¢Iz;;1«.t,K% *0-Wis‘ , ,h.e lufl: =m0_i'c %by ¢*m rm/s%wfm**:;. th€vi¢ft1ory,th€nheV$w%onl3y tin: \2vam:*~mrJl1l{evthat ofwZ2,ofi¢az2rr'm4% Amwfirpz :~m;f%V%% % mver :f1i~::s; sc>:i’ -i xV~h'o1n fkexgvas _w¢l1_ {aid ,, kthatim jwas ‘mm/E334 ;!;2Vufz‘.v;;~,,a\x;d, am; Mr. ‘ A kvfl”iémzw»a="3*m an mama: t,of1r6Ss .='~I.*u3 3 fiiwAAto»A%11iSfineznifzs A B&:lia%t.>r A om ~i:arT/amtam, and S V e’EE‘.v2=:w-.i:¢ ¢ST:%z2?iszA ave, ‘ a%%iqwddicAr on?th£:;fl;a% ‘¢“‘i““"a'flfi.'fl Dmmxtwiahs” f?¢&a§0rin$h€-fifid 4 3’v'1%dil§32W<2nc1t1c%r $?ut§%1::ez1~;our §rium9.h.Wi11% WW6 :\vi&:~;A : b3“ F3“? %i1iA€5:v’. - A P/Q/. I Ddviis Rtfirrv ex mike? A.Rcifi:zm be bfit 0-V61“ fii€S,nnIefl%.: it bathe enemies ::$fI1eav&n wa fight againih, : "tis but a flags: tfiuznph that is overany other : if look ummy this; 35«T~A ..a}%_3,?. I. II:9-%%15’*-’i-- Vé?’/5?!-3»s.6A. AA .1 8 A 29 A andprefently (as be com nur pattcrm: (tn the Text) David, firfl For his caufe, ’tis-God muft p%z'z=°%»-vzri Md xwemcfa £t'agz»zi1-rfi t/tram t/mt fimre z::g:¢.r77sfl- /aim rim: s.~=+« gaim fi”51'.hi3 h0P€ O!‘ confidence, if he be not ;:;f:r-;:zi:.i %tA/2a.v»:'{5l9 rm tijoxzxw fifid J35W!a?1Mm.3me' him in, %“ri.<; ‘bf3C:m{7;*3 t/:16’ Lord fl%fl4ime.rb£m.,a11d’ti$ % éy dye /Em’-fperof /0325 God tl3.«:xzr be Wig’! law}: aver t/ye awzlz’, break‘t11roL1gh any C§if1'"1Cuv1ty;1:rt God ncverfo little withdraw his hand from hizn, flpafi Iiiffi", flfiwl at "fc>mr*fié§r' drwm’ mxerwbelmax /aim : folittl ~';'-‘mart >‘ hath this mxzmafler G‘Aw{.v own bmzrr: .mea‘fum Ieavcs him to behis own Godgto fight: his own b:ztte1s,”%am% not» Gods, heis fca1'ce1<:ft to behis owns man. A And «IgPc1y, for the advantage of the viéiory, D .«.zw'.—:1 will notthink it Worth thanking, upon .5‘,/mmi, 01‘ mm: in the cav«.=2,unEefl‘c: the glcery might redcsund tax 6 cctxrage ms heavcsn. A I ‘ _ A W A A V Wwld fhifik itahigfi peace of madneflé, if being to meet A mufi be pref}: and afied b A A/zmyizqg we ha vmhad in this mar*te‘7° .3176?/"a.4A 9. !.J§E?‘a""g.4-u Var. I 2 . :Pra,2=.m7€. AP/21. m. 4. 3’ I 46.4 % f:.~1l%_; amdaéjcuzmfill %ma:!(§%%w;zrrw :~ This %Gy{:1nts% 1vv~iIl1'an enemyin the field, aman flmuld give him the fmardgfaiaci “fight himf:-1-lfewith H16 fidééérd 3» the fullefl: ria, the grearefk, the mzwzfl /Wam’, though in the hands ofA.aAn;.a» Abe;-205, is butjan empty fcabberd 3 the fwgrgi that tumg~sAA1;hae%dam~w:%~at1d}3':é1m as% inVfl:r£1;}rx*1'z*:nts*, (they.bid+him dtz) fix) but {mt [M/Q9 % m§2"l}ra.£z them A,— zero‘. if O {7} Atbair power ism A }'mdAtl;m A flrmggr/a ta W»$NQ?, as they finds fault A afterwardAs.; %4 A %‘?7?His.De/zlgzya, or C0un_(:t:l‘Ii¢';Jf Warfc, Hm‘/aoz¢‘gbt'ta lw'z~w_/’Z::z£mz Dazwid. $E.vw*y;m:r}2::f2=V({511rh the-1 VVii7::m'm)% .221" cf} .vm«'<.*./iw, G0%dA wasV«1eft*%out 0f~h*i3%couufc1i, hf: David, but Gaaluw .-w:%¢nA za {N2:££ ,~;,,,,¢;g1m, nag marvel if (asthe: fame Damldd elfwnerej rbamg/at to /m'z2e"flxzifim as Dmiaffpaéakes, and fa all back tlyamg/at}: %pzm'//},,and* he A?YiF3}E*3€‘m5G9d othéthisiislcs he ?.»zyz2’.r in t‘17ez'7' r¢m’:»r-~ g~.zv.£1i;a‘g)r:%f;z:&"%af hope, in 1‘/:7a£r'6a?¢‘d..~‘«x5?£:fl¢4? afm;;:€m/.»m, :»::m’ in their z'_{]}w_.»' ms’ flail! 0f '(?{»?.*7%Fc°?“5 ; A1t':‘tr c*amp.4fl?s* Iu‘:‘»':%m4a{,/Tm"U£J%% fdfinthfi 'APE'O**“- phet%fp£=aks%)Twz'z1a their aw:~»:"e f;2m.~&e.r,, (' angi all theés v.zn1£h1n*ghope nf fucrh ccmnfells ammo betm-) ami (as he ipaszalmg) 'z¢m3l°é?;€ in W light mf r/be fire qftéawir z.3:AEc3 and mrer»WA1t thenufclves MR’ into“co:mdmct*,~theta into V%p€:%:rph:*:vr:i:§x;3. azidw Tt ht*irvfirc+s_%., there is a cozirnterblafi (the Pfai.miPcA fpeai{s~nfA)AwVi1l? A Y N C1; r:}.:'}';'I 3 3 0‘ ch: _;u:u€r.1_:;,. IJ:[&\73!:3h3'n 121%:-m%faIA1%'inAt0 flfmme and*\{'Zzmrnegt%c:%b1$eal«;% the%Aflc%ndc:'1*‘t;£?§rt?d m£‘am1r= A mun*fcH%~:,, in thevirsry fpi%n:1ir:zg~,wby draWimg%it-“mat *inAtm1:%~fim@m£:*Pfe;. A Andyetthis*gc20dpc>inm;>f7 warm,amzfiwaazunfcrlwzorix, may am ;‘!aarn;e *thisfw%??;rx;zdAe4 Gyanthere; and I Wmxid W-mvouId41mrne~ it, . motto be TPcA*i1A1"a< atming»oz* taking s;*£:1t;3~n{1‘:H, umtiil »thx3 e"nr3myA~.mcmwr A am: sef»? thjafe ~fi%‘4raAi%fs;Aw%dr ivantsgf tovwhich-%1:w firm; I8 at%.:amy Ari:x1r:~:“Aned%uwc:fi&== ~ Mn, thf:G}*a1‘ItA1€f‘3-%A'I10"f‘flip»th£‘A0ppONfUmity M? D a,zwi.:{f.efi:£m¢r¢&;/fa;h¢a* ~ is~Anmt than to armeyz av ci:mi7u};t, c$rAAdaAeba%t¢2%1§i3 %rz:~%1%;fl:.1r;iu;:x3:« i;i?1m?:*Aa: luflizr ~ ;o£;:he ad 'a_.'fl‘fl‘tflg§5 b~tA;t&,.a& {craneas‘eV}tcnsha'%clifcmver$ »Z3zmvamicJs%% fixinzging, % V . A A 7" = th*cm.: 1% 7 A 549;: ';;é?‘ei)~very c'I{'encc“lz‘ex z':§g'Ijeizf cndsV%,2vbir}b}_d%;beg4 /'{7;p;e;M fl*"'W 5” m>;,~;_ 3p;;z,g[)ri ‘t;fi_he?.‘“gxfi4m€;gj;3. 5 £m,: ;t“./M %prap;;.V~;’;§vifl&:rM¢3‘:%a€#&r‘ M ‘ M % A 'éez;:g,» fim-{:,%%ar.fl4 fm;~‘1_z,%; 2.; 171411] tame: ._ of more *%%c0flmr;v2rgzvqg¢tV Vt/am Pro fin-.t.«z.;. ,% _, % .% AA ., . A» R M % Ag-,,,”P,.,m0”3“‘~'f15€£f1£?&‘2Yfl»g*v-02'~%i?l%é9kf~‘£%Z’ZI2g‘;frPAFle‘4?%8fl£5»m~are of-:4£wr—Mture5t/ye)! are mfi m,-,,,,m % scffi§riti4tc;{5d%::;[¢:[atxed,% .a;zéz'?¢:f2'§t£reii tfzgk t'J€zcir»VA'éci;a;gg§»§ ‘Atgééir écing .mM~4. ymajzzfieyjbauzg Ae%¢;.a.fi~e¢.. 2:aDa.:r;as -tmaozz; eficimcs 1‘ _fi>zmdna«m3y‘ ready to dcfimy GodsuEaW,’, as. to imagine :m~if‘¢hi¢fe 3,"L1Vv-ag4fflJ?-fit cauM)ga4srA away;-sex but mace A A Fgincth£i.r%%1nifi:hiefe~ iflfvv;av1mY m;§'W¢»I$ 4 Pwrlitmwtdry fl“"‘- 4 « ~-fl%c'a7z, 4ndLAdzflroy;your Prism?ler{ge::~Cumpf1:ivhlcgio5 they woz¢M .*‘13W' 4new’l my more to fpmd f t/gait pa'tvd¢rin%£z1aming~up I‘/96 '$V3.Hfi A rof‘ ymzr Hnufix, it wouldmuc/1 batter: fgrrve, their tumeg, A at ti‘: &oo1~cs am catcb,4nd%a~wc,4-224 ~w¢tc’-éyartr, V:am:~~ifita;4;ramew/%t wmedfs*rviiéty.%4fi4~{€wérbIf17aéhar)»¢Wi1lingmeff¢,~1¢ewmfithé é14we% cf 1~cP:,, tokbw the flmuldcrto b_t:a1*c and} bccomsz 3ff€1’§»~ ‘van: to tribute. TM: Sampfon (iii: lmire 0W€¢ftf}?§ »v&2¢d;I'~a;i5~6)zc:s .x!4r 1%‘9iiii¢L:+‘ “vsmzries and prayers, he is‘-tha1:~.,Rm-la upefl %.\Wh1ch;;$,ghi§~ baa/9 .*éz¢ilr,t$he flouds may beagand braake th:mf¢lv{e$ into froth ; they A “ "cannot flnakeit,he ii: iS.tha.tistlmth/aiaiiug M2ce,%in thc: PrQpIA1et%,_tké flmrdaw aft: mighty raclgina weary Lama’, c)u_r Land is L !GEfuc11 :1 ) ” eandvhet/mt dazjbes zzgazinfz‘ t/9:54 1R~ac;é_j7a,,«;zZéa%%!9ra/syn _i4 p£wex,:‘[m:&.A rm «W/Mm it fbavllfiizll % C18 hf: fpeakes) it /53]! gr”z'ma’/Jim; “ta pmr.7!er,”tuImt is)‘ he that %cm1"2es under thisjmck under pretence of flm!.t~er, and di- %?.firu&sit,%it fl1a11fa11:Witeh more weight on him,‘ then onhim‘th;tt rdafhes atwit in bare" enmity ; and -good % re:xfo11,,fi1<;h%a one is gui1t;y of ~nc§% Ieffe; then three fcverall treaibns againfi: "it-3;;j%V?h~e.l:;¢tvr£t}zes thVe1ca%ufi3ft0 _ Icotne , hxmfelfe to“ ruine,»and13od. h1,1n,fe1feto Athc£1*jcp_;7oa;;I1 uuf~%an unwo%rthinefl'e robe trufccd , an ignoblcjneife that %evc;~ry§hc;%... V nefc man clifdaines, the not bearing out (mthe utmoft pf what he * can“) fnchas helaath put aworkein his fervicc Lggt 4“ us mace {W410 ” gm] t/aazagg/:IttIA‘&£pon V "Wit/aofltm’1Qiwg.. But What dmth .Dm2id ~Gqd, Aw"it-h}thdt‘4VA%aricient holy mAanA,g T/am _alm2<,AA tf.2q,?g.a .‘m~/M; pf my :;{o'fllc°",. (Mme; érnrt tfErmr~a;2d AA A ./béfld ,/:z'fet_%y: or. ;fl'¢ppl§m;.??ra%;ubeotfaerjma t/aw gi'§:¢fl“r/aafl} in this firait E’, he faint: , (faith the Teyifi) «but heflm not thofghe keeps thcgfield {‘ci1l,Al1;e;ur%n4s noyrhig b*a;c;iu‘;5dp= rv find, or his cagufefixe makes no difhonourablc pwatc tfL1ée;%4%‘f1*L’mTaL§e nodmxbt of A ~y0ur"fo11oWiI1ghim% herein. But I7haih':n‘tc§ the ;z§'p}:~/2} mtiaz:,iand-that~iza» a twofald w%aAy,A firm by my cif" 15’:m~.oi!/e/ZA%,,,A arid “;thcrwF V V 4 37 iway ofAVPz¢rwW1, orlmklng cw: f¢1‘V€§in»!h4iV3A;g/»1fl%.51rfi323331 beta I %mufl:.Apifemif€*A;on4e, ;thin?g»,; that D4~vidin% :fight1ng;%.AGd§1§fi;%%bat- , %_‘,:_. flow f with that ofthe I(ingdamV.Qf.hi34San, cmncver xvanpan Army; the ‘ firaught herefecures the vcflbll, wxthall t%hepafi”eng«*:rs %C1m'/Zfiis irg 1%: . 3.2 . 2}": % Lzilg 1:0. A ”tc1lsisa type of _noVearth1y King, but a type or r;athéc‘éi;1b1éfnew% df A % ~ Gad:-:1 Church iVnAAa1lfUuccecdmg ag€$.,{0i'._1m1E1UC1}fihifi-fJ<§:§¢[:9' %afZ)4Vwid3 ; * a;;zd4:rm2v;z.»z;:1.e%.«gfV Dmzid C1‘3‘§j\£;.¢«,«L1ll'1»eF}:«t:§M:xhfSL¢r1.y¥ur§§ ’ % E 111% \ .Vt5‘?‘_/2 3.‘3;o mvid‘: Referazc " m?a’%ReJ{wzm .. ~———...._. ..-~- ....a ......-q. Haw om, hath am I/Mm-g§é$”§'”2é[a;aM}VV,xaa fonne anriheire oral}: % ‘(he tyranny and malice of allthofr: fbrmer Gyhants , Rama: perfcsmxa ‘ting Emperou%s,Ahow hath he with tlzgffe A (3yaz1t‘PA}:rj12y?z3:.~&, Vagaine and éisgainé‘, and moreover yet agpzine, with I‘1§S»!,mg gr-ezzr Spmra of Ealaamizxfi cu:*fes:5~ ar.=.d~ hxs :¢e1:vA.§'?i?0r5l0§C€£1fu1‘€‘S , fet upamhis \our- %DAaw£4!A, Gods‘ C:-huzch and Caufe among us,“ and that ina1ltimc:s , ce- fpéciailjr of its Pcraights and fainting: ‘; one 5 word will not ferve ibis tL1tne.,_ée/gala’? rm Swardsj a new one hath beengirt ta him by his Cae- Anonifizs, that M a itnivgrfiiftew}307‘.m'Zpaw£f,tp'12513? other of his fiziria % fimfl’: "Lwf.%'€r‘br0k€ fo the wards ofthat hzs Iggy 0% Pwfgatory indulm. ’ wary, that itweuld {ewe no longer, faeafily go 0pm the peoplm pmfcs, as befotmandhis C'mm£fl: havé beatemt out to him Mix‘1t<;>Aa.V- w§:w“%%Sword ofifempora/1 pzmer. It was t he fcoflia of a great and M.'§~£A'e m‘2u‘i,tind one of his Chufrchtoo ,. Whc} {aid , I139 Iilgfd We/I of zlgzlv... ;*irzaw_,S‘-Wdrdaf t..«.°mparazl!pawer,V£n rbe%P‘oi,ae: l:A.:z-mt’, farm itfaéds-5 zav%z7r}.z_ jmzir’ r}.mrref’fimcf G azI[.mtx,£t £5 fit they fémld almzie: have 42 Mme: In:-~ flimda at /mm}; it flank} t-imc"!1D:i-'a'z.i62¢tI% the drawing af their Swardy, To hf? thought this é*!%:-mtwrr éaflifiddo of T£emparaz«U p~am*r , wot:/d"' ~@m+:I;..- Pope ¢z%1m9o;3r (of ofim drawimg am the Smordoflarlr fl9iri%t:;~ ‘ it/lAApa23‘2ér in cenfwrey. B at how o“FtenI(I fay ) hiatrh this vaunting I/Ziin éviéwzalw, with this new oneAofTei‘npo1=aH, and thatAotht‘:x‘~ Smard ton, in his invafioris Aand Aexcommunications fat upon this our Az)md,. Gczds4true Churchin Athis Land 3’! % A A A A A A A Inha-w*d?idA4%he~1€g~irt Wi!§I1the%Anéw% S%W0‘rd%of*that Avnft Arxnm... 7‘ do)%%V.A‘tfiir3k"ttJ h‘a;w:- tdke“~r’a4 u“sAim%a"fa%tiwg‘%fi%f,V and {with J;Z»Aéib1e»:ao£zA to «D ;z’Ui”n' , as rim "R aééiafw fable théflory); % have to:fl1:'dAi%usV4 upor; %:ha‘tAAhis “great l‘ Spea reef excomAmuni£:ati»iom, many mwfwrdm, he t«hAen%threatA- wm~:d%Aus with,%.a;1d«%A«%A%m>Aw¥lg:iru;»gx m>,Awit§1% new infcr%ip%t§wn§ aw:/av ‘at zmmj? H::7:i‘!’ E,fi1g']1:y@'l:i¥£’"3”§‘f*1‘JEk‘;§1i¢‘A;. i‘?ci%i~%”&rmit Aflbd %furITniih1z.xs with am 65%;, ‘(:0 difappaint >‘him?P :1 ’?:!wgVs%‘5t;h駒-E éwm évmfeffiony‘ tha_cA>ts5.ze Aged, my God him/elf, praméd %nJ%tb§¢f c"3é?jt1M’i~zrLi£dr¢:*2¢ s mfi:%1{eA ~%ez£i:3' ~ACz2a»i::e40'5 fa; thaw i*:th:a3:uehAis Ia.a~¢§;€zr-a2l:1u#aaa:%»Aha~ihA.. , £322::he‘Awm¢%ev.eMinae.‘«A 1“¥£FtefiM%thaf,Vwaga;in“cf beholdwmathhr :9ti#fwaw7'I,1 , Vanfl .AtAHew% - MS-;I1¢.iaxhAe ,33;;om'ifl1 Qyant *Rfll3_Afé3§PAoWder- P;1w,;;~{Z;htAc~cca5(&swtMnf tins A N M V .- M . %. qt Way * w4«.»z4sx«rem A "Q-:1Ti‘.p refmt falemnity) a Pcrangexzawfwmi, comghghviy ,‘évher_1 hot ~ muth%of the forge af be/I, hflmarpned at; Rmr; and to hcfhcaghed II} {the bowels of Eng/and,aflzmi”gfwWf‘d,1ik€hth3t in the gap of hPharadh1fc*, that would A (as that)bm1e Atarmzlh every mczf,to the Cirivingh andh keep; ihng u53h0u.t of the Gofpels Para~hdihfl=:h _; a S1wo“\rhd,h (A1ikethatAofAth~e Pro»- gahet Ieremy) that Wduld not only hh/mg:/A: drm.'IQe.élood, ml mafia//3, 1. «-émt /Mfve Trehac/awed ra~t/server; [5ml,’thathwonldghhat the war] riify -§1aV~€fliwC1z I/srafigh me am Layne: of all at once, A A V h 7 M Re.=m,'~Rr em, Regimen, Regimem, Re/zlgianem; h 7 .\ mat Wauld (hadh 5 fped Jhhafvc; gone as«.neer htohhhhaye reached A Neroar uwiflxas poflible, have made Englandhto have bu”t~one neck , to hfhrikhe why: 02?? with one‘b1o,wh. “ ~ A A A A h h V * h A . [A * A Nor have We of this age (fame of us it may be ndt Qghen 7 borne) heflé reafon fiill towcele brave the praifes of our God, thatAfh"emhfentz1s fohwondcrfulfiy an Aéhi/’/Em’ toour fuccour ; for had this {word then: % heached the blow it aimed at,it would no Ieifeihhaveh rczachcd us , than A fuch as hfhuld than have felt hit,the Prophet Ier.emic": dcvifioxmrould them have taken p1aCc‘,flz.c‘/0 M W£re_fl2r ~ht}Jefivard,ta ht/M fward, amdAAc/:1 for h~t/9: captivity , hhto An/zmh captivity: wchad in allfiliflélyhood bin afi mad 6: in our betray pa=r~ts,pnr fau1s,tI1e miferAajh!c fpoils and cgptives, +11c:th.0n1y_torthe tymnny~3bL1:t qthc Reiigionof this Rcvmtfh fA1’5/AA7;‘“6i£z~’7¢%;v:aé€" A man would havcnthoughhth two hfuch eéfréirrémemtx fiof hgamg had been ahieto have nhonihircd, and have made ‘them to1et‘fa1lfLi«:h h awzxafi’, foh.foi1'~d and blafltéd ; and that malice hit ihelfc would “ h”cncc-» forward ne:v23rshavegh:recru;,$thed any more, but have [h1:unkbAack wigh ihanthe her acc«urfei.h' hhdharkncffc up ”f;AzA<.:AhhAxhAx‘1Aahw¢:tjAc:5Arg.Ah mareorwrh »i1l:h=W.m*ra.¢T wt?‘/a A ,\ jwgfmfwbrhdrgh new ‘fiihll, Jrclmzd, . Scotland, and here among; our felvesflright I/Milmnaznr, A girt withamwhArmyhh,againfi: David, taking allthhe advantages hof I his fmzixtingx uponhai1ohccafim*«ns;: A itA%.A,;a°nnot ‘bah Clfllrlic-TdA'abLlAt. Am-A-h ” II'1‘.FJgfi“..;i35 hathhadh his f;a«£'aarings~,hGc:,i:!s% hprovidé1vcc‘toW&t;ncurrence and‘ A fupfylyh afh‘A£bm¢;;bmhher A£m~ame;h to majkge it run xncxre ffu11at2dAn;~%irigarr‘ bIe,vand~hhrn%orahh:saAhle twabeare :«;th‘<:h;}Vei{Yz:ll t)f~hiAsvCh%ur£:h and hhCahf¢;%tuiAth ~dweeper;bo~‘n:oméAax1d larger fayles;~h‘ahdJ~tocontrib;lJte:11c:*uieKhihtgci-A;t*h:zht"{r:a§,A_ . and.(as h1t;h~hwwere)hAhAhmhe ram inthhea “fuccours, %zmf.{ ftrppfgies at C3 V AA A ,1A£omc ‘ " 4174z?zgiVa?.¢AAIeA~e21m::eAJm2AaF'Refirafg’. A cézylmi at-9,‘ David: J?- fier;»:: H/human 7ri:i¢‘§neA, butvas a ?p”1edgeAand infi?ccVumemt % A v.~it_h‘purpofe to Worke mu%chAmore%go<;>d byg, than what eAA‘drz'.:zm A or cgAt:heAr,%%_ to, tI1e,re1§;.:Fe ofips fgyantings. :;e:Our-‘ : fis~!eAmm A L:e:Azzg%;z4e ;:g2}d%" “1Cawm4mt,%tQg¢Ax%h¢r%A AVv%i;h‘;_%t;hat fijee and fizllaffifizance fmrdm 0113-fT3f"€fth3?éI} bwffw“/4md,j% in p urfuance of A it, ‘what. were thcy but f§:ch_/irémgéx it’ were ) _taken in to fill tI2is»*ch%:A1i11fxe1I>yofprovig d‘¢en$§e,, “w—hic;,l1%di_d thus A Wind: g?;Aout% to m&'1j;at0*:h‘er they fofirnsixay eAfZvz7b;zi*".r.,»{ 0:13 of our fifi*er..Nation,~te; ‘fL1§3C"(.')'l1I"£iI‘id.1:§1ifE‘VAE0L§§ azA‘t5e=c?ot1:1if$z’ii% to zfihc interefi of that¢oneA1{iz2gdame,V (me thinks) A if {£63163 36; W11ifpt{rAto:a% A%P;totcfiantA Englifh fpirit, that Scatlmad *'3f1i31lhe1pe“E;¢g?a}¢d, foasbgjth may not on1y,bAe (able to: recovezr 1r»e3+ ar whsch¢+aw::sa11%¢‘he ~ but Areljiczjve“ Gkrmamy ; that .the;7r oWn,jjfamAafwaxmlalla Ranch ts Wis? mayA%b¢ab1%e ta A AA%~W-sci ofifi/rrvfizfma iAsA£o Amuthfihe %’=‘?£if1,1.A3'€fW/71%;:,,W1‘5%“£3:rrf¢~~I1vé¢m:t/ztizé give and ta £ze7:..to»Ndrinfl: »fb.»2t:A(d7~; A A v.fiftfh as: much:ha1:3%fu1:i¢He %a§"oy;r;“A MIafi:A~%A%u,1:1ion in f %Ao;a¢“:Cm»eAm%f‘r; Vlluw f'0FH1erAAthx'ce»%:A%the“ ux1ioAnm£_A the Nati-3. % L fir17f»int4o% ‘om: zfl.:azzd;th;en inA9ne%»CWfra.§’?aMnd lAafl:;;i,r1 0he =J§»iflga w W 6-1‘ 5 m-:;veAand meet“ thez11~~?~ A ,. Qm.¢rz»i¢zs%2eefi:r»z»e44;¢d2eizfi¢:e. “weire but formall %1ive%le%{Tev contiguitikes‘ ‘at; Vmofi , urikil this‘FoufthA>%uni0n «in any covmm 7a&¢d , %animatéd,: zmdfpirited them 3: * We%V“h‘tive*here» ~ "%~by,_ rm tjonely the old bac=k~Ada;oreAr%barr’d5 to the prevention of] taking A ~%co1d!AaAt our backsg as wcwere ufuallyifubjefli to}, when wt-:»ha'd* A ( it»: ~ » any time) ~Fm2¢oe«-an Wenemgvrat our faces; but we have new (here- »,by»): a wide dooreof *hwp&:,%orrather fecurity, for’-a free in’tercourfe = '-in all mutL1a1lfu%p~p1iesVof"rr brotherly affifiance mpcnteci to us newne- “ ‘A Ky-a fecuricy from dangerws,buta.~fupp1y of all fuccours upon allrmi- .- mfions,infomuchasv‘(I~=be1~§evc$) we may’without prefumption fay «With Dmxid , %Nawwe%&3ww that God azgxwf wry fair/afifilmrjfe awn f:wl=*,zza*:té7 éa t“r.9:>.¢£led5 gz7¢¢:l*2*/mt D amid: fainting 1'32 the artbfi‘}M 1p}viw .1} voccazflomrd t/:ée%%fim;cdm~ ‘of7tb.vS.¢ cxiévi/Z7»z£%;' that it may “zw/I for mt Mvat \“1.7.»: were afilified, for there./2y wk haw’ Zezmwd amd umzkrflaad zl;w_ lo'a£:~7gV1q2_€ml;¢c*fl'e of rim Lard 5" it was a happy wamzd that did 16$ % want fuch an L*/€'p0flc”»,me40f corrupt fef£ered7b1ood, andfmund thebot» -tome of the View-. k T ¢ A % A T V 7% Ifpeak EEOC this, todiminiflmany thingmf the merit or +%%fuccc{fe-‘of ~ thofeVE11gli{h:N0rtheme Aévz'fMi’.: , at. Wakgfieldg S515}, range, at Nzzmptwic/aé, 0-1'f0 rm/Elmrak ncithmwhere (by Gads good hand up» ~ an hiS‘c/fvéiffidiéj)" t%ho%fe‘1/Zrévilamolfx‘ ,' Withj-their new rifh Popifh «fwords, -h£lVt’:l‘CC'¢2‘.'iV€d- nonue-an'e defeats; re AA A ~‘ ; “ “ % 4 A Since that, againc in thewefl, in t:hat*fhrewdV fainting fir of"D m£fa and g{ory§t0;‘Gad..Q. ~ M «A V37*;««VPQfl*t‘hE‘:graM~¢flk"'f* V ” ' ' A Tqthemeam::ft‘;thoxzgh,bi1t "Gibaaiiitfl, bautlmwarx @f:.wm;¢:, and %‘4'fi?’4?’*‘?€40f Wztm as mx£d«7L&heredoth,»wIaZa5mlZc:LVtfia *Gé3»£>e2mirc.¢,uza::ii** A ' .fiid3 rxfi «%;?3«z‘zzia’s&d Refit‘-zw_¢ méd Refcziea ;lmace tca weigh tiaemuliz, “[0 {he h % Wkflt fgflafl 1 »e:y*eshad Worm, and‘ Wcpt:%%outf7thr.ai% A 1* "?Pfz:4Jtitio12s, and t1;1eir‘attendancAe «had made«boft114ham{s and cyes‘tc;~ fa ath a mam’, as W611 to cut Aoff dc»- illzzym, as%afi"e;¢.ce:r : thafe poore%G£é¢on£te: they had the }?#5/ikg flair/3' ;c.-ffjr:-aml, in :1 ~C<:.wemn~t xnafiicz with xchczn A ..%'(as tvheyfiy?3£hereJeb:-awver A .;§1%a1sVbanc’is%,f3th%ers h ”%%thc»:n; star are otherwife difirz, f?cd,and% have nothi ~© mrne not*your eares away mskzm, 23. A -1-5. I Su27fl.2@. 14- I5. .17. __»éy!.o‘}3o ever pluck not down the thronauf Ajzxfiite, %tha::t»wc:* lanchn a;sdou‘b1e1floud emf its 0 Wu fC3l‘€8 and bilvaud. A Awfgagg or B.e2:z£l;uza'»zrA.2,% th0ugh%themfc1vesKings%r; t?he”fp.aring of the ~ one of them cof=’cS¢.w£ his Kingdame, and of the‘ %o4th»erVit4co{’c%V Almé » his [Ne ‘Q A in tfét inf Bmjamin oppufing it , 2: —Whole TrJisbAe~i*n%v ~1fl»:z~».-1% mm ) not 20. .359 m 2.. £304. 3 9 39. % ‘ thefaith of the ‘Kingdoms .pa~fi: ., and if t§:xer§:Ab§3 "any fuch, A xmtny) [lxnezme fméh as (znay be} ‘their? a%~ve1ofiVthcir 1iv«=:s~in“‘t}17e ‘States ferviae, and they mg to fupport them» owing by the State, from athe‘ compiaifats of thef: poorer Giéeaszim, rcm¢mberthe%counfell ofthe %Prophet%A4to the widdewg Gaetéy my,» fir/1 w/mt tlam bag/11., pay wlazztflnavs awe-j}¢, mm’ AM-re aft/ire’ reft’;; \accountwfuch~adebt, as Dmziid éid, the mt” af tine We/I of Efitézler/arm, thelalomtl of t/do/émm that gained £t., ‘do as _~'7’arm,t/a{mz to David, keep Covenant, thoughto the la/fa of :2 Agirzgzrilarm, cf a far» Atlax‘é~&~:iA%% f:I“canfefi3i-3 priva‘teinrtcrcP:sAA mufl ‘give’ Way ta’: "the spublikea but '9‘ ?though but :0 G'z“£:,»:-am'm‘, is thti Kmgdomes moft publike iaterefi of all ether; you xxmy plucke downera mansVahoufc2, drowns his land far the pufiiike fafety, how»- rc to%cilrown the w Mvvss ~85 Achildrfin with,but(ma’y be)a jufi debt Vpcm the grmtcfl : %Sx.%-.2:¢%/.2" 35 am {lot herér fpL3%f&*€1,* *m n»o»r may nayim-he execut-ion of jufiice upon d:c1imqu&'nts, Wéfefi weigh againfiz ;it&:% A Z£mr.ianCl_ CI'a«~:Jr£', thbugh %Prir.xc::sA mf »th;eir. pea» pie, muit be purfued»'1r1mthc:ir Tcnrf, theirifrongeff Ac1<.v~aié?z:s;. refuges “fromj'uPci~cc,‘ and‘ flrfierkt/Jraxig/9 b€Fcrrc%%the piagzaek will cam/k : this? % isthc Way to can/karate ‘ yiamrhrtrzdi tai E'ad,f c?:,%/7.32'£r :fp«;“ak$) ¢WAh0A »duArfl; not, we ft°ethem3% (’o'»rm1.:' o_f3fibea93»tI24riW:xa/aaflgcaai, AA;-_§«+g_madw.4zfztcr ;tfa"w dm; far fj’a?£%? =%;edidJL.nQt% flay till their hvandbjrmfi % ile no‘, fitffice as&fl1.e hath a &;¢l~ A % God p.ari1m;»g,anid~i pigni/fionclyiay di/iimpiayingiwihcxz pardcms ofiinew: ea=¢nce_siare made the rewa-2-c!s— Aofi V oid f:.°t'v1*CES~ ;* and on::1y Adif-":1m -~;~ AE;g«y}dj..k¢fimzg¢ygx£fi@fi:*wa:;”i.. A A A A A A ya» AAA: 63?’ am intreamifair ring lam! My ewicit q.t:i7pc}:a9*E'ir, heilizithymyiriicci c¢or.t3uercdi'tImt hath {pared , pafi» ¢"i"’¢”‘0[/.1Y‘i' efli m&i!a,.iin fcxmts caihsgiii mAbcat:1e,iand ;»e:nm to ‘Atajke gArev~enge, ’tisitm1y,inob1c : _bm? yotm me my Whether inu'Eorg»i vlingg » or gix,cing,7J£‘ prefizxnenm ~ .itm:hein;§z.it*"iii A rm-édsi,ainiy fpur;g,,; onwiyi‘Lija»yf: obfezjvation wxzvuldiiznot-xw fbrgfartem. fljatiit ‘its; on:-A; of Prbgmjflickg OER; dacl£miMg‘AASmt.&; rm ,rm2iwa1 fby g__z¢a:flag£ri~- p1o;:memsAfmm‘mx:u:¢A Qiflicegg, are 13,1?:3:r:i'_’e:~ me: rn'e_xiitsi.ahpiafi;:= faults : the rfi Amakes-~t"raitom bé1d,i’iLt*hci femnd ié’€21’iV:f(:‘A$imL';'JJai.:“E‘;s‘£.‘i('}‘I.l-t“€5£1@5‘ii a!:!etddomifc1iieFe7.fi A ~ 7 ' “A V A 7 ~ “ ” 3 flfazintléing vprrrffiagmiance pf aid xzmcmg my fizrcwiis fee ithat; Wul‘ ‘W*=i%'i’ *°€.=*Sn¢;i€r at h&nd»iaI?dFm? '4“ cémmaw zw M» Adhexentsa. mvur your mIm.’.rA famtmgs, as there 1/ééxéonm/5»: will =bc—1urci.m»be,.ta« take tiheip iiadvantagieof them. A When A D airzyfid 'faim3s,. and iY]7:é§%@ztafltTi$««i rciadyiwith his new {word to flay [aim fléif/5.35» {i«h~ere); acquarmllik not; his Ccammifiiongor difputes not his opportunity till his refcue bertoos late, but igas ready with his 23243-d, -as the Gyant is with his Mow , and truly 11f /féi/%ai be notfiwxllingjgo D m2£d,.iwihen he may ,i I; know nmeafon why he I-hoipld be efleexncd and dealt V’»”i‘l‘.i1A0ti’l€I‘**' wife, than as at greater enemy 1oADWbfid then ,.1flJ$zVéeno.»§ himfelfihe is» V of the two the fairer enemy by farre, that takes hisiadvarztagg ,. then Prime fin?-3 he that betrays hifi ;tru{’r;it was the. Rammzenanfwer to the G'r.scim:u",' pewmdi @195‘ Hbmiizei” % . am, z’(g¢?_/zZLz;r.}..m 1 .rmt« confifi.-:5~ ‘”.4z:=vimm .»7i‘af.s3-*-ii boafiing of ihisihven liérarpz/ZhxAj1¢*t:, that the Romxmex had i two arts; 17:-1 ardm 1455-? that ‘WC-fc Wurtii alA1,rheir§feav¢An, wits; z‘Lw:A.«:zrz*-.c qf. cammmadirzrg, amdiof‘ gm}; ir{g;ref;. aéeefiug»; maintain tihefc arts,an"d they wi1'limaiaitain you :":Tm'it1/M‘ ~te1s fm .312, ad‘—-- you,tbey are fimw/mt dijjicult at fir_[},!mtflz£died 65"‘ prA¢7.{Ke5{,t1ae]”h*-v- fimflmiisi com: 44' mafia M» #919] we [sift mad .t¢f:fi¢//. I ‘mean not fuck a rigidfiy £15 at‘ mifizifzzri; difcipline as that of Cbriflmrlm in i..Ji'.~:«mA;,:»’mz ,,,foAmuchwmmended, Tac. Anaiig. 'i that havinghis {word aiof mead y m fal, Aupjcm the he.'1dAof£h€EnC1'11 y ,.i 1. 4» upontlie iourjzd Q? «*1 retreatgviitihdrcwv hmblow to.i~;thcihaz:u‘d of his Sazt:'zzri=fl*' A owne life. I pxfeffe notmc tcwcrit y pf dafdlflili »f!?.’5.’i'.'.‘p1Il{CiUg, toidmrh_his jpgdicms M.-.4. Songafter his viflbryigbecaufe lief had ggztten it again{f.»co1nm3nch~judg- rrem_,Qa;«ggf,;,.. ing it (as I/aleriw ire1zitcsiit)A;,A{a¥ét hr: iflaogld loofé fa vaiiantwa Scum, lia qzmim pzz... than the Common~W€fi1tih 1hou1d‘:ga1ncio dangerous an exaampleixf rriam 05» A difobcdieAnce,onc}y Pmakie‘ ibo1dAfrom%%;it;hisx—» exaxnplez of r-A'[2z'f»5.:zi’.r remparanali‘ fliccazzring faynging Dmvia’, A iitoippt y_AQuA 1,A;1i1n»11*1<;lAiA that the ..cm're£7pon,. ,,mmP;,5 mm _ I dancy ofywr aid, andiauthozcitygof y_eurcox_nmat_ncis,once gonmhe rca rum Val:-r., AAD,w§ds;Refl2rrz4ew@agd.1€%:;7¢e*.~44«v ’ willquit:kIy{remaine%lit%t1cmore the-rx V.,m;a,e§gm: namim;-M gmgrgz fuchh, A “ .AAfStatc, muchwhat?~like that Parthian’Embaffy 4 ,..,Agut%4in§o the %handsAATcE% V twcrs, whereof the one was I;ro¢ub1edAVvvith %%the~A“A%i;\/Igfgrxaxg , A the; <,othe~r;AA Give m’«tlaAaf§a_ccau1{: or:/f¢¢ic~ejfo#: tab Gbdwv-wilaqféfla D“A21*A3iid#aiAV’e‘»_s*:tI;}e % wordxjaf tlazés [Eng-, LetA2!6ij7mi’:havc theirincouragémcntmewards, Q . ii:~,W'eAfhal1*i not want them’ whenV%tl1ie1jeA;1s net-*:d,_but let God lmveg ' A ytagifehnd gloryg fo w¢~fi1«a1l4bcyctVmor¢ fujre,,- anther; t0h;xve4tI1¢mA,t§;x; A not tohneedw ox miflhthem, {at W rWit1‘—P3V%!d)4_fing W? _@2¥2gAgr}.m¢rcw% the Lard,f0%fha11%We not be: driven (with theft: in tbs Prophet) im * A g,,m,1%¢xA%,,},0,¢ gm» bcdxglet us b£ndf.o%w%r Sac=r'¢ficc.r ;to time} /am.» oftbzf; almrg T [6 _/Zmzll We not mad toimémce that rqclQefqrA_f.6elrAez*,; but let :13 way; am- % lmmh £2: imzacc-my, and {SA compafl}: lftwgrggafid no;-A Qnly flag %, A I l5:vve_ ta tb‘e%pr4rfe;%ofbzk%;gmca1 A vcagzlqalvmiig A%gfnza;£waa:fl;z "rmmmaz Kw‘ ». A Daégqiqfi in~,%a/ZAlamrat:1¢Je:;. VTo whombb1;z%rai£eAar1dfg1b;‘y~;8c;k:§ j‘AAmm. with th-crGout..4oF wh»%¢h§C;zt;a%gava his femence; ,%.that: plfxe vflifméif A had neither £~zmdnarjTwat; A A ‘ A A M A Z)z'e%..7\4f:zr:zlx,W 6' 7 Rde”red by the Con1mons: Affcm»: T/bm~§?,; doéfioxn this.:H0:ufc gxve fimks "tk:> .Her/e_,%A% far tlae g;:eat_ pains hc‘ onfis, Tat. §‘t0*Ok?i11%%11iis% Sermongwon th”e% Fifith of I\[o-4 ‘~b1”e<"f1 *1Z1jP“ar1ifa1ne.11 t3, Th at .7\('_z7Jco¢ A 431161 ’v‘ember,at‘t11eintreaty of the {aid Com.»-4 "L defirel-xwimm print his Sefmon 5,2md itis rde~1¢ed‘,‘ That none fl1all’prefu1nc to; % print his Sermon ,; but w11om%t+I1e faiJf ’ % 1\/LHerlefl1all ’aut:l1%o1*iz4c: ur1derhis—ha11d.~§ writing... % f2’..E_[A/jInge,; C/ér.‘P21r/ Cm. V! 1.... bc;rmon.. % p % azrggretx NI/}7£?fl39‘f-21%/267*}, and tom. appoint j‘b/dn- 7/Vrigflbf to prim » my CH;.Aa.z..£s 5H$R.:LE;..;.