l SERMON‘ ,_._ SUBJECTION‘ 6‘ FOR Conlcience-fake I Allérted in a Preached at the ASSIZES Held at ANT-HILL in BEDFORDSHIRE. March the II‘h- 168;. A ' '7 Printed at the earnefl Requeft of the Right Honourable the * fag/gas, the Right Worlhipfull the Sherzfi; and the tell of the 'S‘uflice: of the Peace for the faid County. ‘_ By The. Pomfret, A. M. Vicar .of Luton in Bedfirz/flaire , and Chaplain to the Right Honourable R 0 B E R T EAR L of AILESBURT. 'v—w L 0‘ N D 0 N, Printed for ffoamza Brome at the Gun at the Well end ' of St. Paul’s. MDC LXXXlI. l # Enaé _ GR”! 2: w . .. A - 7; 122-. I. $3: *2 ,_ T NJ? ‘3 {233,313} E. ,~ ' ' T o T H E ‘ ‘ RIGHT,WORSH11’FULL , ~ Gorge j bbot Efq; , fits} J); “U i '. High Shenfi of the ”Hi”: t g " COUNTY BEIFORI s I R, Did not expefi,.wbenb}y0ur Command I had Prado/9’61 tbi: Sermon of 01 edi- ’e'nce fiom I/Je Pulpit to have 194:! 1/33- Pomt ofm} 022m Arguments turn ’dfl) far ufon, my fi’lfat to [72 oblig’ d 4J0 to [end it to 1/96 Prcfs, m Perfiefi [hbzniflion to your Authority, and , A 2. . In? £01f3/ The Epiftle Dcdicatory. my 0494 Doéh‘ins. But I 4245 loath to enter a Protefiation againfl m ygfi’lf and he the firfl that floould ref fl 4 P645); fa 41th above me and that 04g ht to haibe an abfolut‘é Power 0- ‘ver we? gha‘vitt fif [h gre4tmob1: atlfins 4304 124...; 111.21g & umedfi) héfeech you to protcét what you have been pleaf (1 to brin’g Tor&; 1531* 114de am I much folzcitow what fortune I 42 et with, heiag fiz- titfiedgf that 320 M can. ttdérhefim ac- quiring that end I propottaded in the Puh zea- tioa, which wae one] to tefl i fie what defe- u‘ncelbcattogy or as, th -4 moref olema no; ecgnghtg dec efl much I am, SIR,,, ' ."Ltf‘i W at Your. mofl humble Servangf ,, '1}, IHaeoMFREI WW ' . , . A . x'v-w‘4 .. ,N 9 . W" O . .;" ‘.'~~-r u U '-.' ‘ t":~- “r " a. ' -" ; i. {L '1“ I. x}.‘1.\¢' .. I" i‘ .1 . IN» K \\(\3 l‘id \3\33\ 1:) ROMANS XIII.5 W5erefor1: ye mufl need: 5: [:15 e5} ~n0t 07261} for wratb 5ut alfi) fbr cohfi'zencgfzzke § 3 . 1, - HE Punt of our Religion, and “ thcé ExcE lehcy of 01:11; Goveri'r ment togethér Wiflhdtheappan 3; rent reafonablmiefs and utility, borh of our Civil and EcElcfiaf’cical LaWs, are {0 Vifible to any Stibjeét Who {hall confider thetfi With an humblmnd 19104 nefl: mind, that one would think the fu— preme Power fhould reCeiVe no farther trouble after the preparing fuch) Wife and Whole-form; codfiitutions But then ,- if to the goodnefs and Wif- dome of our Governours 1n prefcribin'g fuch‘ fifefull ah'd equal meafuress we con- fider that they are inthron d by God 5 ap- pointment, and goVern by his Power ; their commands receive from thence, all that force and veneration that Religion - B can K ’0 * 13-1. : ' ” " ' :' ibr: '1: 3 110' M - n--.“ a...” i; S ubjazoifir ConfoiéiiEé—fike. - can poifibly adde 5. becaufe not onely the fear of the Prince, but of God too be-~ comes their Sainaiom, Fan -Wéf771ufl needs be: fufijqfi, \7zrot 972er for mat/9, but alfq fer ' Céfifi‘iente- e.‘ ' 31W. a- Ghfifli’tgn flannwni Zvefalth finerifore, 'wliere it’ cankbut rafly 1 'ata a en t at ”$.31. 3-”. e the Laws of izi‘Jinces in obediefiedigthé Laws of God, itis the oddef’t thing in all: the world to hear; men p‘retenh' mCon- {deuce -.againfi their Duty ;; and t ink to fatisfiejhe; Law; by grievous out—er" and. feditious Pamphlets; teaching the :fiagi- firate how he mould govern, when he is. dircfting; them. how they: @1091ch obey =~ 110C COMldmlgfihat itjiS' mmhchhnfl’l' ans to doe their'duty,- and obey'the Laws,~ rather than to be full of talk—"and. argo- ment "to-create temples, and fiik‘iithe heads- of their follow‘e’rswithfiobieékions againfl them. Thus mens minds are perplex’t, and the Government is diflurb’d , and Coqfciemeflhich .is the greatefl Obligation in all the world to obedience, as it is or: der’d, .is made the greatefi Oquéi’iorz. For you mufl obey for Confciem'e-faée , fays Sc. anl5 bur if you have any Confei- ence ' - _... -owv..-..-—-.~ ‘ 'AnQAfligje .S’ernrzozz."g_~ . embe;1§ion‘f1nnfl‘néti'hbejg- f0; fay tout; 72mg Apoflles. To determine therefore "this great Cafe I lhall indeavour three things. A , L1} '; i. éi‘-..,;iJU’,;‘, .4 I. Tofcitt‘lefohedience-ro humane‘tfiafia . upon the two-fanétions of the Tam ;.the feat of Wat/a , and the ' obliga-s tion of Con/Hence. ‘ (V7945 ‘ H. "I .lhall giVe What‘s aanetfilfam able, _ t 10"me6 of thofei objeétions'Vhich are 'ufually Lofl‘et’d to ddiver_ the ':Co7zfa'e'zzaé from that Ohligatiox. ’19:? - HI. I vfl‘léllcbnficler‘itenderizef}bfCbmfii‘ 9:52 showfat it ought to be admit— t .' . " ' : I. Our‘: fi‘l'ft undertaking 'met be“, ta fertle obedience :10 the Laws, upon the pro~ ‘perSamfliqrts of it, mention’d .in the Text, the feamf wrath; and the Mitigation of (Mr fciente. ”Throne" is man’s; “the other. is God’s: Fear of' Wrath is that band of Obedience which humane Power adds to theiuv. - For though there is‘a bafendé in. difobedienoe, which all good men hate, and all wife men condemn; be— caufe it is: an ener’ny- to order and do ' B 2 {trué’tive t av- . W;' m Mié‘w 1 S u]? jeflivmfir ”Qékfiiéncefike. . more; of} péaqegfiand 38(5ch spikestlnis 56mg” noc'fifong enou h: to oblige: of}: felfigbecaufe mee peop e lay afidefnll nag tu’ral goodnefs and juflice5 therefore to allelamsritcié mcelfary9aflatm siméqiilm; srndgthégcraft- by MMCbgtthggq tgfikngwaida 13 .: dlfcevmid 5 £01: i£h¢yr know rm.,vlIf5;hi$r'fGWfl meaa‘ures Ii'n-uprefcribmg to khefionfcience of his Subjcét's; 2215 EC; praéhee,’ azs'gchey-sean have t0‘ fet- up'féth‘ei'rI-vfiaéiiees agai—m} the Law;; " and; m Ma ifit‘at'ej ’ (an wifihmys or. fatisfafiion; gu {his own» mifld,i*-’that [hall compofe‘ h‘i's anS—‘fia‘éji‘fimmlly with Other mens. 'And if thc'hum'o‘umfany one Party lhall be a3 lieenfe for-itheirflifm bedience‘, all difagreeing: Béfiuafidng'lwm put in for the fame Privilege 5 and {o the Magillrate {hall make Laws to be obey’d by who will, and he mull alter his‘iDeteré min’ations, as oft as a-ne‘w Conf‘cicne‘e lhall be flamed. ‘ , - ~ Some men are of lhortvunderflandings, and Others, lye Under great prefilcli‘c‘esé, they Hn Ajflge Sermon; ' Q "i they have weak heads, and flrong necks, and Tome play upon you with the word Confidence, butidefign‘,‘ and interefl, are under-thedilguife. '4 NOV:r if the Magi- firate’s confcience mull be condemn’d to obfche all the humours of hOt and crafy heads, yOu-V-may'as’fixtell make him the Mafier of the Hofififlr’k and the" Bedlam , and bid him let all his people run to le- profie and madnefs,‘without controul, or cure. ’ And-3 for."tlie;‘other, ”the defignina, and intriguinb coiifCienC'e 5 if the Prince mutt n0t mofeft that, he delivers up his people to~~crafc~and9 violence; and fuch men as hayegno confcienCES of their own, {hall ruine "a State and Church, by work’— ing upon Other mens; And therefore it is better that. the Magif’trate keep his own confciencé, Iarid look to the Govern- ment ; for certainly men's perfuafions' are not to be let alone, to doe mifchief, and - del’troy the peace. * And if they will in- joy their confciences,let them doe it with- out'calling the people into Conventicles, and making feditious OratiOns, to bring the Laws into contempt, and the ~pe0ple into {ufpicions , to trouble mens minds, (0- :23 “m... -k..- smegma fer. ‘T‘em-‘fafiégm' .- \ t' .3 ~ "to“ aimcnouf the Wifedomkof. Parlimefii, and deflroy both our quiet, and our Che- dicncc: .<,.SOmC-vmcns.:015m,19ns; and '19th tnens- interell; is the ‘eonfqienee; )theyfo much talk of; hand then his. no Wondet at all, they cannot fof ,theirxihegtrts obey, when] they: Fh¢mf§1V§$ 21:9 {fitting Up. for {Uperiorityei Bur tethvfia {4/31}; that-rare reduced , the Magiflrate would be pati- ent, and the Laws tendergmfngpofing. that they remain at home and asmllumblcs and Willing to be inf’ttué’tcclé; bunlf thQY; Will remain ignorant, andfinbbotn, the Laws are .nov so; begfufpwd§dmb¢¢aef9 + fomc men'Want Wienénd chgrsmgdfiflaé and will think as they lift, anti c1033 fill/i1} pleafe. The Prince innit not be Lot '_ ' over" out: minds ,2 but {ghogeghe mayi‘e fir's‘in.‘ our wens; Ln?!» £71. 14%) flex. We upon them the pretene 1&1 “eligiozz 5.,fo we have known hetet ore What. Rtarfti: ces have affumfd .t ‘theinfe’lyesthe title of 004,5 EC. 4145 . TWICE; 1 1338?; 23116.?) 1101' ~ t0 be mad" 'w‘itih‘ ”die“ tame; :cmd‘crn’cts; ‘ ma Caution, This- mmeu 'n the .ztb'z'nl 41:14-14/3,.P?W¥i§¥1 gay-m \..ngt~ ' ~ \ game) an ntrzrgwrl ' '111. To‘ 'v Vw, ”Au-y. --~—v~ ~ 2472 Aflge Sermon . m" ‘a-W ---M “‘ .‘ rJ—.ct;cT_2 ' ('l.1.‘ ' ‘ ..... III. TO confdcr how far te7zrler7zefs of Cvizfczenre (mg/11 to be admzttea’ ThCrC 3'16 31‘de 6f 1530131311131 have 11 ngat‘. mattCr té) f3Y agiinf’c‘ 1511C E3W I5 I“ (HCY‘ MW 3 graft many fcrupICs againI’c Qb’C—I dICnCC.TI1ch 311% HIGH as are; ICQS ’I to giV'C :thCHfiCIYCS tHC’ ra’CIfCr CI] OI t'Ch'dCr I’HindS‘ ”Tb E pCo‘fiIC, I flTzIII onIY fziy, 11133121]? if 11211116111138 of 111ih‘cI _ ddés preceed 1131111181 hfidcrflufldrfi tI1C "true naturC, or ju 1311113,- and 3&ng 13133111” C’éfifCrCn 3‘IHC11 tthC {1111: of 11131137 31C 10" IOGI§ p611 {HC L331: 215 II1C11' 1533331330 3113 '8 111111111 1111313 :15" 11111 E11131! 11393191151013sz ’{ ‘ HlItIan are 1161: 16 (1116ch 11131131111, but‘ ‘td ()HCY IHCii‘ I337 161115. 5 3116161" 311 things 11"; the wdr‘ld,1g-' 110111136 eagle are 1161: C6 b1: I Ch to dQIICII 313:3; 1:131:13 1311111 13111313 3331111 diCnc'C, but taught What they" 31C :11 38c; and kat 0111401 harms W3 8131141112566 M19711! 15131333 ‘téneI’CI’hCBIbf 1111113 (106319103833 30111 11133111 131113112 110111 bf 1111114de 131911 8311116t rCconciIC thCir (1111:1311 W’ifih :IIHCII“ 5111815? th thcn indCEdy 3091‘ Sfatc- PH‘YIIICI3I13 ‘IHHIIE CHIC it). . , 7" w Subjeéfion for Conftzience-fzzké. * it, ‘as they can, by gentle Applicatian‘, "'6; feverer Remedies, as the diftem-peris nor {0 hurtfull, or as it is ulcerousx andin: Veteran. But fome _mens ‘.i§endcrnels i5; Ihrewdlr toflbe fufpeéted, Whenit {hall he con ider’d 5 that molt of ~thofe things for which they fo . earnefilyleomend a; géirifi? 111; LaWS‘ dog—evidently; {cm ‘3;Dd: i. 139%an tendernefs . at all for his Perfon; when) they [hall fcruple his Commands , but: make no .fcruple. to invade hisfiightsss, when they themfelves cannot ;--k"ne_e1 atthq Communion , and yet {hall make them King kneel to a Block; when they (hall. indeavour to fete-up C/JrifliS; Kingdom, Only as a: pretenee to pull dOWancefdriS; and make way for‘ their unlimited Ufa-t; Eations; when it {hall be _ ,no Treafon to: ght againPt the King. 3'5"“ no Sadvilege. to - 141114553: Sermon _ ‘ '35 -t'o make themfelves rich with Church- Plate, aha Church- Revenues; every 1112111 111 thefe cafes, Can foe wmh half an eye, that tendernefs of mmd ca111have no gqod meanmg, and the Laws muf’c .119; bg over—born by fuch men of e’raft 111111 1111116136. ~ Aid 11!?! £3631; becaufe on all hapdp 1t 15 agreed that 111111 timelemcfi: of: mind {does fifinfifit in mg things :To {maple the 31%; 1511}? 31113101101 to given the leak of- fence, it 1919M :be ficnfided’fl an the fir'fi flaw , that we hm: 119113111... 111 .1113 ohed1— {thee 11) which, We can be (aid to tmnf- €313 any Wine appointment.- , and there- age it mull not be faid that man 459533115 0111' cf tmdcmefs of 6 11111111, {inlets 13h? thing. commanded went: £011- fiery :10 1311111168 11111111111911. And [mud- Iy; bfineé tendernefis. 11f. mind does confifl ' m bemg .Wa'ry 0f vmg 1111cleaf’t 06mm, sminl y 111 this air our Governms are 1111131211 cancenn “d 5 and our tender men might bonfidet, 111211 11 1s no {mall {61m- 6131 Relaxing. the .1.st into contempt, and by fictitious; 11nd éppeals, by Stories and Pam- 26 Swul’j 651”” firfimfiémfle wianzpblez‘s; «by fifivar€Wlfifi§flg hfidlipub- :lick ‘szlumniesgf'm:_.fcppefem} the King, / commanding uficqqfl afléffumieCéffary :t-hm ,2") Lam ‘on abn'pbnm 35d) (1:25;) 7 ‘- v And'fuicoa‘dg, the: f-‘cafégisl da‘g‘tféflcayd‘fififi- :dal. mufihuhghtxfomeivhmflfithéfl upbh ' : l x I- v. 7 ~ - our Wlfc Governours, or .mwmflktid ePfiop'Jc girlie mncfaflE'mfl khélfhumbdldfiwill :pr'efinnc Ltbtmibzms‘pafidfltakdlcbfié‘ifiir :thcit’dfimy gqnd. Wicca!" witflifhéfb that; art tréin’di‘up under: fieiéhfiénfl “..hatm&, m fibzhmmcfibééaqfikifie 33,1 ‘03 ~t ‘ Ancbréheitruth' by M6 mfideflhm‘a‘fb fomuch ithe Wbrsfexolbccilflfiflzg ibcwfi: 'fomé b52’4theirzowmpr’ ' ‘1 tag; {1%ng fay; fgmcwfi thbifl vadymfefvflsi; , . rncéwim- .fiandfitg ithci; idem 10f (ionfgi'encé). in» foam -difpucablequin_ts,:‘t§é1af§flg tb’ Cd- rcmoni'cs'énd Modaof: {WOIIMP yhdrid. ya .cOmmic fuch horrid things-fiber!) againfl divine, and {humane . LaWs, that up .. Age, nor-”no People; though the? mofig-faflgc, can. ptpducc the; like. B'ut-Jfiill ’ifzyiou willhmvadmit of thcfc ‘ mnsmiofifor Rcfiormation; not hear -thciraiplcas fox Peace-5: nor. tolerate thgir .Scparatim}! 1&3: -_ _ _ f u f Angdflige Sérmon. 1x 27 ., ..._o.... v. . - Eigenthemitb imufter: ' iii their: C011venti—l elm, till by; a Curfe yeMéroz, they have form‘di' their tfollowei’sr to give; ,‘Battel to 12116 flickedggz why -_ thw- ':.g00d: men 1! , pre— fantly: their C011‘fciences are: tro'ubled , and :13: great "At—Hicftion, is. upon their minds 5- . for V. the: Laws. fit 'VeryguneAfie dpahthofeimens -{houlders , Where fluba ; bomtlefshmlcinterefi ”do influence the dif- obedlence. l‘ _ ~ ‘ , / '( ’f‘:"v .; , 3"”; .4! . (cliqL‘. LAJ ... A 3;!J: “WE donc01thci1cfcxti,l.{hall 011- 1311 :beggsour r Patience, .‘ to 4121211 it to; this Day,- a ‘1"tihi's'Aflémbl)’. ' " ; , . 4:311'1-11-‘12‘ ,"-'.1. g; __-. ' 21:11. 2:51n'cexGod “has bounchObediente u§OH;-'US‘-'_.by his .ex’refs command ,3 . let us 3315!.: Peter,,dirc 3,118, 068)! every 0r- Jhldfim 29f‘fiid7znfor the; Lord's fake. LCt us: 1101: 1mm; {our ; Religion into Difputaé tions , and {eek Out Arguments again& our Duty; nor find'out _ excufes to cover our evil :Burpbfmh Obedience would. be a ' very-dafie 'performanCe, toa Chtifhan, if. hedid not intangle himfelf with nice- ;ties, and. fcruples; but it would agree .9; 2 - E 2 - better 1P:t.z.13. 1.. __._._.~4_._,_..; ~ «.1 h"""~~.’~m- — 28 ”Mfume 5; a we. ' better” with ink Name: and aProfefli'on'; in be humble and ‘modefl, ' vdifputeglefs, and: claw mere-fifth ObedimCe 3.211521“th ‘ our‘Rieligion,(.ifgwerniayah‘elieeeidiizifiexti; but it isa- mofl mwfifihyfdlingsiiand‘dfi moft abomimbleirflypoérifnxg fat 31112 Re]. ion {againfl Obedienée, tend; bung fort Confeiencehgainfi ourrdntythwhiqh if we have any emtfeienee, '. iwie: ism-bound to perform. "Jiigsrft .\ 2. .Becaufe we are under Government, and in fociety: With: mixmm and! dme anather 5 therefore We mbcmfidetithd honour and benefit. of the tlitibhdit: im lgy afide our Faétions, and private In~ terefls,' audxmakie £11k fin’ie uim’fits .our common mfurds, .becattfe théyacqnafly 'r defend all our- Livesyfind' WWO!!! Eflates; and) prefeg'Ve our. :1):an ,3 .{ctdh ‘ out Properties; and; maintain : mnofieiiw ion 5 and do as fmuch confirmmur m ,iberties, as the King’s Prerogatives. 3. Since Godhas oblig’d'the Could: ence to obey the Laws, becaufe the Prince is his Minifler; we are to confider ..Magi?- {hates under that facred Charaé’tcr, wléiglé - .‘T- .- 17, E 2422 WWW “9 God’has given then; Whtnhe {aid-7, the} Pf. 82. 6. me Gad’s. They are his Vicegerents, and we mufl receive theircommands, with the fame readinefs and purpofes of obedienceu And though wfevmziy'think {Dine things which they prefcribe,‘ .are not necefliiry; yet obedience is 5-' and :‘it . is not {0 much the- exCel-lencytnf the thing; assthe Autho~ pity . which! ' commands,'.’.‘ that: we are to confide): And be .éonfident there is no Giant/2r, not Nation in the world; but con.- tentiotlsi men may quarrel ; their: Con- fi'itutions. But ’What, then a muft the peCVifh 'Subjeé’t' be tolerated in every thing. he is pleas’dito: find. fault with? then" all amt-mime are precarious; and at the, willflof the Pedple; and if the Prince will take WObjnéhons infiead of . Obedience and cafe his People in all: thofe things againfi which; they. can find an at: ' sm’ent, he may eafily' conclude by what - been, what will be again 5- RCIIHI to. them but one Law. at two, .and‘tlwy Will makea Breach upon: all the 'refi. It is. better‘therefom that theSubjeflz be taught to fiudy their tIOubIcfomeOpinions lefss and ‘ Subjefiion for: Confiienc‘ajzkef « . " and Obedience more, nor fo much to keep up Parties, and promote {trifes' , as. Peace and Unity, Charity and Obedi-x ence. ‘ .' . ii: - 4. I {hall not be (6 vain toofi‘er any. Advice to my Lords, the iudges : They themfelves know. Very Well, that to pre- vent farther Schifm- in. the Chair/2,: and; Sedition in the State, We mull ‘bring all. our triflina contentions, and religious, quarrels, robe determined by. the Lmv. For,- for ought. that. -I can fee, men will wranrt: gle perpetually, and they will be always confident, and eve man will think it hard to lay down '3 Opinions at: the. King’s feet; but therefore, .they ' mull be brou ht to lay down their prae‘tis- ces, as fie [hall require them. For We are all agreed, that Kings and Parlia- ments, can make What: Laws they think bell, and When. the Prince , either by Them , or by his Judges, has declar’d his will by the Law or his meanin in it, here one would think it nee - fary that all Peoples hands, and tongues lhould be tyed up, that they neither fpeak, 1 ‘1 411 45533 Sermon. .. ' 4.....1...~u.- _; 33y n1311 111311 0111661,..11131 11119.60- vernment 1133 not pbfcrvpl fight 31111 {1 111C31111res1 11111 11 {Confiuuuons :11}ng 11131-111115 C611 urc 14.0.63 31116 from ridc,.al1d W111 forth 11110 133611911 , My Lords the; 513%; 111qu, W111 q113111 £13,, 11211312621; 1: 31111391111, {Cutencc for CC311 113V 110 ends, bupdmfc r1)? Rage 311 R ligion; HC 5 EC £1161 17311131111 111s 9W1} 1’11}- qcc. 3331‘, 11111. 011111” F 13),,D C11bcranons 5 proceeds accordmg to 111C former Laws 311d 111C (3111;: ScripturLs , 311d 111mg {0 1115.0“? tbs Wifcdom of 111C Natlon... A134 €31: all I135 muff p11- Nate mens Opmiops, COnICR w1th pub- i lick Refolutions? 3nd the men of de- 11511 be and; c1ux’d to' bqng thC Laws 111- ,to contempt, 3:111:111C,,N311011 ,into 111- 'flurbancc, to dcfpflé ‘Domlmons , .311 {peak CV11 111 111C _1-’ril:1cs":.D T1113 is no 1) 11,311 of 130:, 11111 591111691 , deI Can 3* Cd1chC L1()'1 5 . f r ' ‘ - ' ~ ' 1in .211 ii} .31 7'.“ '55-"; 1 . ' A114; 51113 f 311 1101: doe C1711 to 111C Law; A1111: ' 11,0}11111g [1231111011 tms: ' >311 S 1117191312012 fir EMZW [4&8 1...- And therefore I hope nay- Ionl5 iiie Judgen will bring ail our Peopie to the W35 and a Conformny' to the Eflé— 'Wiflfd *Iiliilzgwn '; ’that fifihfi )éfohfirm dd: u1et,a our 1 11 pi“ no 111 qive d1fiurbaneeritgqthe got , {but {ugh1 as d rt 6311111 0111: Chnrehi" as it igion that mhii; mike air a? great and profpe mus, fo CitV 13 the tr nteire'fl of it, to keep our Peopi E?td*"a,n Union in it: eonfidei'ing [plow ervei'ei we have {maflEd tinder Faéi'io’; and Hypocrifies Of thofe men; that? w a: the Caufers of out D1V1f on And Se- paration is there Fore the more infoieia- becaufe Religious Opmmns 5 and Praeiiees contrary to the Law haye 11 only an influence upon the mihd‘; iii-ii (he Pecachers «1110 can lead their Prote- I tes, to what place 5 or againfi Whom y. pieafe, for Whoever is ‘a Guide 1,0 C onfczences 5 may be a C min of their M4rt’lnes. That 110 than; en MUEEIH <10 put an Affion‘t’hpo {peak irreverently of then Pnnee‘ fin“ the Inws are the {eeurity of our peace, and our pro- " '7 i W 7W“ 4:“ ' an .Aflitfe Sermon. ' 2;; m ,‘ , 1f 7 *"*““’“"‘“'~““""“’""“’”"“": prof perity : "and the King is the Re re- fmutive of God’s Power and L Maje y; to {peak evil of him, is to agblafpheme Hcam We, 1 have the'vbefi..l?xin e, and the? heft Him 5 “and both" are“ to ‘ ‘e de— fe‘ndeel from the evil ,‘ and ingtatefull trEatnient’s‘ of maliciOus >AdVerfaries, And that” we may atila fibechuiet 5 Confcience is nm to be {171 cr" to be made a Difguife for the bafef’t Purpofes; nor thofe men to appto riate to them- fclves the Appellation o tender minds , who will flick at no mifchief, when they can doettwitfr WWW fpcrous Advantages. _.‘.‘ ‘3‘. ”A But of all thefe things, m Lords the ]udges will take care; that t e Majefiy of the Prince be not leITen’d , nor the Laws baflled , nor our Peace diflurb’d; ' but that we may obey, and pray for our King , and all that are in Authority under: bimvt/mt we may Jemima quiet and “happy ‘i lzfe, in all Godlinefs, and Hone/1}. Amen. Tim. 2:: 2. F Grant, 7 Wiyfi . -»r~ -, r19 :W‘rw - ., 7- .v-w— w V‘naj-l 34 S ubjeflzon fin Confi'zencefizlie &C. ——— _ “— ‘M' Grdnt, Laid we befiecb the that the courfi: of 1191': World may be fl) peaceab‘gy ordéred by 1‘72} 6037”.- name that :5) C burcb may joy-- fully: flame thee in all Godly quietmfl Ibfougb '7qu C brzfl “Amati Books printed for foanna Bronze. HE Hal} Inqui/ition .- wherein it reprcfinted what is the Religion of the Church of Rome, and how the} are dealt with that diflent from it. In Oé’cavo. , T he Critich. Written originally in Spant/h, and . tran/lated z'nto Engli/h .- B} Paul Ricaut, Efquire. In Ofl'avo. , Hillary of the Charter-houfe. In Oétavo. Cotton’: Wonder: cf the Peak. In Ofiavo. A Pref cc? of the State of Ireland from the year of the Woré 1756. to the year of Chrifl 1652. In 0&avo. Barbett’: Prac‘lice of Phyflh , with Dr. Deeker’: Notes. In Oétavo. Bofcobel; or the C ompleat Hiflory of His Maje/Ifs Prefervation at Worcefler. T he P lanter: Manual. 7 he Exac‘l Conflahle. In Twelves. T he Reformed Mona/let}, or, the Love of chus. In Twelves. ‘ Direc‘lz'ons for the Education of a Toung Prince. In Twelves. 7716’ Iizflor)’ of the charites. Fir/I and Second Part. RARE BX 5133 . P66 .382 1682 mvm- cow-A ELLSSF‘CFmPSGEFtARSE82 \IIIIIIIIIIIIIII