.TrueGam; OPENED IN A » s E RM N’ 'PREACHED Lomnomg A f ’Printed by Tl:a_Ncwcomb,fpr George Tbomaj_’an,ancj, ,. AtTzml:, .7\(orv‘9,1t3;6_ By EDWARD Rnviéwo 1.135 D.D. A are uobcfold anhe Rafe andcrdwn In A A V Smut: Church-yard, I 6' 57. ' fgord Miajor of we Cihty of Right ¥-Io-moumbleh, A A hzfter 1! great, :zm{(c) [me rewar I gemat, the( b) fafh Q zfllfid of a ;m§a{fie,; and etcrna1.gI,ory, newrfadcthh 7awa_yA : Of comfort: which wc( R ) leavebehindc m "A and paw afiflwhénh We Zia «forte: which abidcth with mgand hfollnw us,V.:mdf A g Imzfmuchhthcrefore mhthchgflpaflle tellcth m,h that \ tt1'€.h London, and ‘the ~H0nQ~m*;»1hIe W Court of ‘Aldermen...’ Bing iwvitcfldtca pr ’ _‘ the C’hz';a=f Aj]'}mh!y~ of t/oi: great hCzTry, A, I thqtzght it wozzldhoit he an :mfi:’hfh27zz~ “ hie} Argmnem, to ihréurage Cficizezas, C whoflé [:z%hoz4r5‘h and himplojmahtg /zmw-\ at fi2c’cip:l‘.afpefi‘ nmro *Gain,) to 100/’; he orkg of Cod, and the inrm;/2‘: of their pre- ciom Souls, upon ‘the azccozmt of that (21) full , zthdfb) d, which erczerhmtendavth heavenly hegotiatiom. L We read imhe Scriptme of ma ((1) unabig ding‘ Ci’ty,amd u (e) City which hath f0L1f3dati0I"lS' ; af;(F winged riches , which fiic away; med (g) of durable riches, which fiat} h; m : Of the Scheme, the Pa- ion of this Worid, which paflhth over, down to fleap, and of .a( 1) Com» (m) works which are A tnmfpormhle into amather Conhtvj, we €..vrh hzjfhre yam, and h To tlm Righfi A y cry: Gin, / 1 :12 ]'7rjhn'vu.8. A‘ b 131711. 19. xx. hf c i’rcv.u;18..< 3 9 d Hrzbd 3 .14. e If!.eb.Il.h1o. fi”rov.2;. 5. g Pr-ov.8.18. b I COL?-31» Li 2'CiD_l";4417‘~h % h 1 1Pcr- I; 7 ‘" /ntertai'n’d A of their Mefsia/5% (whom they beleeved himto be ) who was in their apptehenIi~~ ' (ms to re/far: :12: Kingdamemvtotlfrnel, A615 1. 6. and to be King af all the warla’( whence there «a- othr:/rs,e as Tacitm obfirveth, thatuout of thofe Countries fliould arife 3 Prince who fhould rule over‘a11»tntbemr1d, which the R aemcmhes thought" ‘to have been vetifircd»in“ Vefitmfidn, who was fome-A A I_:ime.S_Fr~4afTef?1¢s fzirlteuej r:-Ind afterwards Empef tor bf Rome ) herefore out Savtour further» £hew- - "em ‘them,-hthat,tin theft teafonings. they had indeed W9 /ow’ apprebezzjiarzs, of him and This¢Kin§dome,n “A 5 for they ought totlook upon" their Mefsia as A3 h'tij9n,hheyond~ which a more bleffcd. formawajmto himin fuffctfngs. %tThatwh'1chw.as. neteflE1ryforChr1{t to do by way of merit to rofe a general belief, not only Atamongfi Jews, but J and 4 found. I 7: 4 them that as 311 the good which he nviats :0? he wotkfotthern, was to be pzcrcémfcd by l1§sflagj,‘ar- V L ing:, and dmyingnf /Jmzf {'0 the waywhere-:2 “by they were to bebttught unto the frnitiaetofn --uéj j~P¢in_ce whn‘whouldde1iver them from thegreat—- M h ti~5§£~~haf all ev1ls»._,*an:1 advance them A to, a; cotndie >- toosermtm _prencI3éd at Paula.’ I y,fBll;£nOW admit that hewere tolbelfixng A A of all the“ world A, ; and; would advance them A pros _ V pourtiombly to as great Adignityasfuch ta Kingdom A could dAi{pcnfe;yet,if after all this,they die,ancl their. fouls perifh and go tohellpwhat good would fucha Kingdom, fuch ta Meifiah do them 4: Is 4tVhe1re any _ thing worth the foulof a man which he would not expend, and part with to fave that ? Therefore“ he A Woulclnothzivc them think that a worldly Jami-- A nation Wwaos tfuch=aAs he came to purchafefor thcm_:;, but a gl;orious "and" eternal kingdoms, which at lat’: he would came with his Angel: [0 take them into, ‘ the firftfifults anclglimmexfinjgs whereof are more worth then all the ocljownsanrl cltaclcms of the world,«tvhereol he promlfed quickly after togive them a calf, which accordingly» hechd the eighth day followlngtin his Transfiguration on the .mount. A ' A A The Context from wrf.a4. to the enclof the Chapter containeth , 1. AnAfl"er_n"m. 2. A u Vindication thereof. A The AUfl"em7an,l That who“A-- ‘ foe-vet will comoafter Chrift mull tallcaoup In’: V crof[e,arm’aZenyn/airzzfelj‘, vl.t24. . ThetVindirari- - on fromtthrctcgr%eat~fr;a;ed4lswhich this fevers nclo- étrineh of the Crolfc, wasltlhattended withall. IA. lDmAA/2; and thisutakneh ;away,. _-u. 2 5." Wb6fb¢- var lwilltfiwe bzslxfirfiflta/1 l!afclit,;_«md lmbofower Vwilluofel/11’: life for my fake,flm1lfindc4it; ‘ The way toaAttflin ltfey eternal, istolayclown 3. mom! A life, when theglory oflm-1rtif’c‘Atancl his‘ fervict cal- leth ulsthcreunlto. :2.‘ Another great fcamlat; of the Crofs is,~that*itflrips thus of the war‘!d,uanVd the Lm. m~§z.v2d. :5}?! . Aug. £3.67 - in !.lm'm1' Agmrcit. 316. r:. 77- Q3?’ “Pf- cla Cruse xélppiaii. Ll? Bt?£':.’.ClU.!-3- Watch in Gal- lim C, 9. V I ;§?¢;f;1;4£'?. c‘i[1.5'W3" ~ A f0r;hi11’h and their r"e2w:rzll{l1al‘l be ar}ara’z’;m*g tr} 1“ TR*tI1E (3 Alma ., l0p.med ma A A ;cofl1,F0rts aficl”_dlelightst‘hcreofl , lthisiis lremolvedfl V A av. 26. vAclm1t f 3 mancouldl notonlely efrape vtlie icrofi bjz forfakmg C'hr1&,’out exchange-*AlhAim away for 4lftb:zvor—ld,'a»nd make-himfelf mailer c'afall~£hc comforts which a »c0nfiu*em:e of all vvorldly do; w minions could paur intolhis bofome, yet if aflterl this The mufcdée, and loft: his foul, anddshlax: “for»l ever without poflibility of ~rcc@very, he would in A the ifllze finale it but an unprofitable bargain‘. ’ 9 3.3} Tlmlalt fcamdzzl oftlxe Croféis the lgmmiyzy, allnd ]72_.¢z.m~£ of it. I715 which flelfpfiéf V ls faliclll to have takcnlumo him the farm» af .2 fer«v4z:t,= 2. 7. ( becaufe the deaih of the Crofs was fiemiie fizppifaium, as chslfliflorian calleth ir,) anclm haveclefplfcd the fhame, Heér. 12%. 2. and this is "removed, 42. 27. U frfae‘ Sm afmm/Fm/i acme i‘2zlt[7€g[ary%0f [list Fdtkéer with My Angely, alzm’ ltkezfi,/55 flml rzsmard every mm’ awcomlizsg to bi; A works. As be, though. he were put to flmme on the Crolfci, was yet: after cxalted unto glmr-y.,: and [fatl down on ‘a thronfi, Ham~1::l.l2l.Al»fowi1:hthe firme glory he will reward lth0fe‘l:'t~h.alc ~fufi‘c:r flmm mgr war/3:, the xfical’ureA of their glory llanlwer. ablé tovthc greatpefs df thgir {hameand fulferings. A Of Whlth, having accorcling to‘ has promxfc ru. 2 given a~fl1orr.,-but molt mvifhing tall" unto fome of them in his transfigurazion, they afcersvards " e'f’ceemedx_ta great honour, than; may wclrelAAlalc~ll% coumccd worthy ‘to fztflér flmrme far in: Name £3: ’j'..;4IT. ~ A - lT‘he.l w0rd§ of the fTeXt‘ contain the 3...: _. Ah Serzhhilis préa¢Iaedat Pan I s . ché lfélc ond ll'gr::~axl . [mm whith ll zzzhcl - Dlfclplns ‘I .l A mlght he apt: to take at this 7d0.&rln.c all filf-A dam‘.-; ‘ 41. T hey hoped,as icmay {ec*m,to1bcI gm: men in the w<§r1d,andl to enjoy the hhmles and how lmuftteweallco follow‘Chrifl.V Anglleafclthey f A {hould do mzlhcrwlife, anrl for love of the worlcl l " lhoulcl forfake him, .1. They lwoluld 1025‘: their q ' of the worl,cl‘:x 2. Havingloll tllhelmgheywould ll 4 4 7 ........ . ’ . nourstlixereof-yancl now they arlcltoldll that they ; A {hould he o.FFen.cl¢d,lhc aflures them that iflthey fauls; which are licttelrto tl1eln~tl‘1e:1 all the tell »%*fihdel1mthi"ng in all the world, ahl¢‘.to1'edccm and J; l ltim:,intimatingla more vehement: Negatlion, W54: flml/it profit? T hat lS.,It {hall notatallprofic. ll: calrriechalkindeof amTm_crfl1£ claazceffsian, and an, llilvlm they t1hemf8l_V@S who call away their lbuls A l judges;bu;{lcconfel?s,t:hatil~t is an 'abf'urd«tl1"ing ltlol eternalhappinefs. 4Whe»n a thing is exceing’. manifcfl,ltheficflptlure ufezth to xmlcc mm tf.cem-ll A f of i r.~ A gfiudgcirz yamrfe3lw:,f’.iith me Ap0£’clle“, is if ll wmelj mg Mvalrnm g:mzylzmto~Glm’ umowrtd, V I Car. and the Lord in the ‘P‘1‘0*1ZYh%EE,Ifl¢i.€;. 4: 02 llillfl/vwbitwtaitsl. pf jxmla judge I A pray ylaugj M-—s 1; f‘tivcenmei4rm' my wine lard. lA,nldclll'ewhere,J: it 9 3* ;2w:t legzm; 4!/am‘, 0 ye ciélimreézz of Ifwzfl, jmltib Weill. recover them agm. _% A 4 , N T he words are fen down hyl way of Intarrwga» que{lio.nabletruth ihit, which no man can ldewny. to gain the world, kcannat , themfclves‘ belngf expeét l profit »fr0m‘l: alnaylsl t.»h?ng when lthewfolull llisf lufi, hr to prefer all the wmtld above :1 marlsl ovmi [7el4";'o§'4AIA7?, UIid€1‘theincuition of the w,g.A gfa: Zmrigévwmmfnefi-. Si dz/ialandum jm regizazzwé dtamm A rvivlwzfum. A A A‘ T?h’er:':‘forc Godis pleafed, I.'TODchortmen difc0vAeri?ng the m2prafz't46Z;mefi and pernicioufnefg of thcife A "At/mt mbidft dw/7 no!‘ r ._ ‘ A % W5)! 0'3 J19” ff ma’ Ayrmr 7sr2om°y fa; :a);A:::’w"A;;Ai‘:/73; :22; 4 , War far rim mica:/9 j;:mfie¢/z am! A? Ifsn. 551.2. AAAW6atfrm't badye t/yen an At/mfg A thing: w/aar‘e4cg“5:vza4aiev now A AAdanc*e Aof AdAEIAighAt in Ahisffoilm mam-5 let M ;,,m. Hour 0]’ Alaweg letm falzzre our /ez«ua.3m'z/azm, 5 Prov. 7.AA18.% bu; at laflrwheh h::“hazhAdefh:oyedA ? ht hath dcfl:roy.ed his %eflate,and fh'anfgessa1*eAfi«1-§ deflroyAed his ijézzelj-%%, and givéfn ‘his year: to tléa, cram’, when llmhath A If; 1:4» {en his Alzirtxbrlgbtg W3Y‘5A'5~” M)’ Pfbple /Mme ‘c/flanged I/‘heir A _ A 4/7.W.nea'? Rom.6. 21.; A The Wlrtptzwm {inner pffimifgth hiznfelf abun- 61ij79afi0tIr:,whcn T . A AA defiroycé LA M Sermw3‘pireac/Jed of Paula. d-éflroyed has [M2, and is” gazaedazm to the t‘£z4m- her: -of death :then tell me whether hisperfunios of Myrrh, Alocs, and Cinnamon, be not all tut:-"‘ A ned into gall and Wormwood 2”“ The maria!/ing AV promifeth hiimfelf much content in his diflyorze/Z _ gain, in fraud, oppreflion, circumvention, and violencég Ptvpulus me _fié-fllat, dtlmj/2:’ plaudo ilofe dam}. Iifhalllhave abravc wineyzmfi lilies A1945; Ilhall have flmp and axm, lfaiesGe/m{z", I {hall ‘ Lo:d?T»6v#g*3 ‘God 1:‘ Thou fool, this fiiglxtjball they make 3/3] from I/ace. Thy vineyard, O A/2453111311 bring ~forth‘lgrapc: ofgallg, Thy tdlflftfao Gc64{_i,lfl3all~ purchafc thee and thine heirs a leprofieg, Thy iwedgel of gala’, O .4c£nw,{l1:ill cleave thy foul from A thy bodys Thy thirty piece: offilwer, O jusfga, V4 {hallhe the price‘ of thine own bowels, as well as {of thytnaftcrs éloaa’. Treafures of xviclcodnefs A ll ifhallmat profit in 212: day of wrath, Prov. 1o._ 2. - l E They that will be rich, drawn t/Mzazfelrv es in zleflrrt- lg fiianland perzlitian, amt’ piercctllaemfel-vet t/Jrmgb lwitbmmyfarrawx, t’Tim.6 9,10. The améiitir i out man ‘promifech htmfclf much honour and plow-‘~ er, when hehath arrived at that grcatnefs lwhe1'c- ‘ untoghe afpiretb, I_ will afi.-and into mm», I will iexlzlt my throne alvove the flan of Gaézg Ifizi. 14, 1 3. ,When I have by plaufiblci comp: antes gotten A lthe glories of the world, Ilwilllthen plcafc my folfl as Nfiéflfibddfififf did, with the View and fru-~ itionfiof lb gallant a putcha{'e.l But“ what faith? the t/mt fat thy me]? amozalgft‘ I/Jeflars , l C . never want friends, not contents, mony anfwers - o to All, 0 mmzmi was cfba‘ fmtrcs. But What files flul V 0.717251: fiirtlil iter pro domirzatione t Tacit. bifi. x. ‘ tlzemel W l t, 7' ‘ T R E g A Opened ¢;1:mc.e"sg21ll A1 firing:/we daw2,C?b:;d.v.4-Ifa~i.4z . :1‘ lma%;zrt umm Md %m Ge:d—, $£’0,.!>Zg'/.1VfbMJ_/gt'_'., ‘ tjlaine bwtai t/J6‘ Ewart 0)‘ God? Ezek. 28. my 0 j A Ne£mcbAdm«"&e:r:; in {tread of fin‘: majefiy of 3. Prime, thou (halt have the zniferyofa lmefl'.- ~ 1‘1"‘h;y {¢afiing,O4dB_e1fi2sgKKUar, £13331 b¢A ta1m::d into 4 mourning, thy pride mto l;€1.'3:Qrs, thou fh.a1£h»¢ " may were Mungwfitaééia. ‘What: isthe Almighcwy Ethan we fhould {ewe him .3 A mbat profit Lj%¢mld we ila1;zvz2c.'_,, fif we pray zmto him, _]0b 21%. 1;. Ya have i"aid, It is 'zMz‘::rz ta f6_7‘*W GM’, wimt prtxfifi 151'; that gma bmve keptbii Ordizmnces, Ma1.3.14.,,15. T0 takcoffthisA0~bje€tion, (Sod aifures his peaple , F A lj,M~i,c.~2.7.% ‘Thathis,p;f:0p1é'~d0n~ot fed: his: face ,dm:4£ no; with svinfi, but with é1fi0nifi1men:. , and 1 :hyjoynt_s{ha1l" flagger againfi Que anothm.‘ Thus do: men [6/1A“tbemf.:;lw:mto4 {in for hopes of gm», A and‘fAth11s ‘miferabgly are they Cheatfid in the bat?» A be doth with Wita/2é:,%%giving theffllfiflvflj of ; ‘trefesin thewfiaape of gald andfibver, fot*hati‘n’th;e ccmciufiom it appeam, that they didjndeed fill 4 fiyamfel-ves‘f}2r,;7gfl yzatéving, If&igSz.3i.LV A A L :2. A)? the {Ema argumcnt*G.0i% fis_,p1eafedto ‘vindicate the w.4y;.c of gadliiwfi from the prejm } dice which wicked men%haveAagainPa*. them, as if Thgzthis wayes da gourd to ti/Mfg Atluzt walk mp.r£g/zr- ‘ inwaiu,AI{;1j.$.A4x4g.% That: 11'? iSA.?W 4 wildgmefi a fmr,eA»re:vi4rd,VPr0v. In 18'... That in keqzmzg af£z%i.;v ‘- gairmhe Devii deaiingwitb» them .. a5”.f0n_1€.f.1y' zmta t£r%em,i];e>r.:2.. 31 .. That gadliifflfiis greatgaiia, AEA a;zdpn3{ir4blcV saw all I/9ifl_g‘.f,I~ Tun. 4148;, and 6.6.‘ ; That he who: few!/17 rigllfflaufneff , flmll lmve4 1 A Gum-A N £ ,1 the wt2l3iy*of me férnV of dbedi-=V [ mac, faithsra“r”:::/12422, is thé«a?z’¢?t/aawiy of 4% Ldrd, go«g@;m:mrea£, " and % mig3hfi% havé ldkcd my V farther thfeln v);re‘mak’«e:*hcim*d2z‘. But Go*d~*. rs pl"ca‘fe’d“ to‘ My jielvzzes, and perfeé’; helinefs, 2 Car. 7. :1. W E hive‘ need of patitmez, t/in méeh ye lmvve a’o2ie%;t‘V£vgfr * A A ; wiflof G514 Jygmay receive tbe‘Zjromifi,Heb2 ;®.35 k :BeV*wt wearjaf mel—doing , mdmetinée ya flmfl fibfi 6» A“ Pg»; \ gm43f,,,~ grazflia your reward, Mat. §. By this A gcmgfidex-9;zion,% not Oncily Mafés and Pm-l,H‘c‘bf. I I} for the joy wMal:”wm‘s* fir: éefare %/Jim, wdmdtbe L crofi, amddefpifizd t/.71? /Iinmé, Heb. 1 2. A2. 4 4 argument» no é‘nforce% bé‘dience%,ehen I1isa':va*fi;vve- rmigzw» %4m’!/rarity» m7*c»1‘11s,~ 15 pl'*e“afed% to" m’c“€)ut*égé I137 % ‘énicoumgws 4“f‘fii°iL~°% W % m§nd%"uswV4u'a feat h%1n%x~fmW aw go”vt5,D¢u=t4-15f-:4? r; 0 ; 4\ V4 And he is p1eafedcoai1imAatcAhi§ {ewanVt$ £1géIi‘n£t A .A hardihip of their Chri?fli.tinA‘$v‘arfar'V'e, agaxnflf, AA A yextérnall difliculticis, and internal {mm-gmgs, by fer-~ Prim’ efi }A;um :5 quém milizax‘ % _ M W; H . g“ V‘ % farvuientis.$%Tcr- ;%,h:gn% ma;VownwAg1%ory%%: we Ado fowchittic crcaturw ml A I jwhighi {ewe us; we ‘ lwaur cm? rm, and then we & ‘ 3 fix-I’: we make tfh'&fié1_drudg‘e, army V "fe;g'§::;. blefsifig cf obadimc we ‘cut mm ‘ < H1 \ ; rim: fmp:ranti:~* 2 % 3E he Gods fcrvants work for a Mafier that rememhcrs% a11,wholooekseto gheir prqfir, as well aslto his own A A ‘ mm, who keepsa éeok for our praye1's,almti'lc‘ for oLirAzears,4a regzfler for them thzmfear him 4 7 The work o-fChri{’c1'anicy isa difiicult Work, there, 4 are many mem.ze:,h many. temptatimt, Sam?) and A A A I Amade youA,?Il1wugla: you, I A " hTeR~ueEeGeArI N, Opened ma _’ A f difobediencewebeforeour eyes Dm:.A11.§6,eA2S. and the mrld refifl us wit/aai::t,cdrmptiw wremes ;md.L rebels :viz‘btn.A A But here Is the comfort, MaZ.,3. 16. a mmaria! ofbut a cup of 9COld‘'T'W3C€I', % ‘given no a Prophet as a Prophet- Thu. 15 CnC§iQu'-L3. ‘ragement«h'1ndeed% unto AGods~ferV1ce: Chrifl is’ A willingto m}D11t~it.t0~thiSiffiI{.’. Thouvh IA h:zvc‘a.- I ‘ . to right and power ov er you,wh1ch Saran hath not, . he nevcrhad‘ title umgo. where your gain is greatefi, there your ‘tradee and h “ you», %either by tlaminian01fpd1wrc.'b4fe,as7IvhaVe;h ‘ A M A But I {ha11Awi.fh you to look to your own~¢’z1tcrefl,' fee which fcrvice his moft admntagiaux toéjrour feIves,mine or his; If he can make you more precious pramifex, if he can prefer youj unto great-We er, /Mppincs, if he have an immarcefciblc cram, an "c.ternall kingdome to bcftow " upon you, ifihe have {had any Hood, laid down any 1zTf:,'to purchafe hblefledneefi for you, I am willimlg férvice bedirefied. Butif "my nmgese bemuch ihetterchcn ms, and my love much greater then" muchmore ;hen,his,not oncIy_ forlo~.ve”and duty your mgatiatians there: where your own adozm- his,and my riglztin you,and«ha¢4t/Enrity over you ’ to,_1ne,hbeuc forzyour 071711: fazkcx, limit andoconfine . A your vmzh V zaggewizl ‘be more :ibtmda'n:Ac , and I ~ he “ A ” 7 A A u“’\com- kmfartx Amore dvurabic and glorious. A ROm.I4. 7, 8: AA’/I t/Jiflgs are of /.7z'm_, and for A ‘/Jjm, thzsrcforco all things. mull be CeAAbim1I.£"£mAAt/‘£3 A ;~Ror-n,x 1,. 36. A A weAwou1d not do God any fervice at all 5 for this Thefe two are joyned in the Prcface to the Dccaa A fruicof any merit in our fcrviccs: whcnwoe oh:.1veAJ “our ferviccs unprofitable to our feivcs.‘ Itis mar- ,; o my ‘rejay:-:'e that thcre is profit in fervfng ot'AGod , ‘ ‘ bmwcémay noxzglary ofin as any nazzurall or me... A A oSermarA2Apreacbedoat Pauis. 13 ~ 7 We fee Cmifl allows us to eye oufiown pro- “fit: in hisfcrvice. In tvhztoofcnfes: we may,or may 1 A -«A ‘A not this do, may bé briefly chua refoived. L ~ A A M A 1. We rnay not refpeét profit or advantage as the mltimateendof our obedience. Gods gldfy ’ A being fi.mp§y.thefapream of Ends in it felf, ihouldo - { accordingly befo unto us. Our grcatefi aim in ~5-H-93' mfvnmézr A AA 0‘NAAAA?7'64AA1I'2'oh <31; .- b1~ingingwj?orch fruit fhould be, that God may be mm.mA A ;9onoar¢4gz«]0h.15.8. that \vhethe1‘welirw,w~: may Aflarcy .4:AAm..“ Kim tao/33293, or zvbetlm.‘ we die, mzzmy die ta 517’-923 "W-1~4W-23 ~ 2., Wernuft not refpecfit profit éndrevvard as the ooonelyo mzfom of oL1r.obed1cnce._, without which ] would be a mcet: mercenary andferruile confidera~ tion. The chief reafm: of obedience are, our fa/éjoeéfion to Gods antho:‘icyAoveryous,bec.c1ufi: he“; is the Lord 3 our faith, /am, and tban/efulpaefs for{ his Coovenctnt of gmcco, becaufcohe is Mr God. loguc, I am t/:'zeoLard tiny God. A A A 3. Vvexnay not refprsc} pr-ofz‘tA_and_ reward,as the 1 done a11weAc:m.. we are but mzpmfimlzle ferzzmami A unto God, and tbereforcohe Amight jufily makte A terofcamfart, it is not mattér of éazmfiingg wt. ceffary A r,_ «my ‘ --y, A5 Vim bond fiL”fi’;“””% 3 1' mm: mAiMt_1 €13, .4:-5.-M‘! 5;3_3.&""“"’ ; am, @* 1:32.: «:6- ]; tmza qxecz bow AA vim gedditw, % ;$ @122 greséia eff‘; A 9 ipfz gmtés E ? 14. V {is d.jz!¢: eff fiflfi f%c;,;é darm; gm, £§;{2‘;c.8 I ‘ 3 I cgfizéu , gum gm-: /ml: World 3 ,3 eWen1ine~the'body, which draws all ‘to it_ felfé, let add: /waft: to /Jzmfe, and field Infield,’ Ifai} 5; 8. keeps not at home, cannot be {a:i§fied§ winlargetb, lmdctb t"t6/.6.’{f,1?Jl.tb5 ’ 5.6. The verv Hmt/amha'w_- complained of this endleefs, and‘ uxibounded reach Of ~COrr‘l1‘pt defires, r;2l7T?\.715'0$' 2? 33251;, ozrrexpos 7?‘ &’7n- Gupcfoc , ex’ lz’/2ia'z'nc Aorta [5128 termizw frmt. 1 hath no bouncI,'noe"meafure5 like a 52444” in {wells no internalebéundsi to contain it {elf in, jlermit 4.. grogflcrzzit [am laetalzawmq‘; laéoreaf; The Conn. tréymani-n the Fable would needs verewas runal1avvay,a River did.run onflzill. Such are i:aar;2’i:2atexvor1d~. ly dcsfircs , the deccitfulhcart promifethro fee them run over and gone, when they areattained unto fuchameafurc;~“an‘%dthen they are fl:t_‘0;ngEr and wider, more irn pote-at andunruiy than before, «foe -firrfzstl motior-mtbefurther they proceed, are u- fuallythe flronger. Now God havingV4%{oordé‘r- M flay till the Ki» A nd then goovcr dry, but the-% V media embdm 22:»: 54581 madam; £91-Vas ymtmygla \ ed the world,as «that no man can have it all go ‘ (elf, icfis divided and eémded to feveral §mei1‘ and nations, A A v "4 n§ti0115.,*D£Tfl1i.; gm 58]. and man; may not’ »rcmo,veA the lgndmarkx which codnam fct‘, ~Ano1f‘ afikéi: Aa thereupon, A rim! aznd ’3‘?7}37730:7't41fVC0flditi0n 0f9'the heart of _‘ imheI—Ioly G%hd£t,4‘inwVard*aiad Vdurable» c:o?mf0;rt,. ; in[:any4 "wh1c5hxh=e World a:ffo1*ds,Ais”:o feek a, trmfmté %rVd;2cucsfi irt.*:tc3‘fl;;ficl:%:imfi t2kes away =-the‘_ fav”oiurAA?* ‘fgixm. fik pmodxgallfgm, unfz14i*1:lafu1l¢ferva1rc, an wu- »ASempupre4cb;ed atRauls(.4 Monopoly where theILord hath made a cammunity; A % Acfiis inflrzwiablxa dfefirc of worldly gain can never be Arcép1en%ifl1e4d,‘a-nd.fo being $umttaim6le,1 t:hc'-Iaebom‘ A which isfpent about it Inuit needs be ungainfulis V and Adifappoint the expe&at4io1'1s~ which wcjre bui1tw A % ‘ AaI%t isexceieding difp:rVop*artiona6le¢t1oA “the A whatc1ierwwis4in theworld is matvertmi, mrml,‘ - ‘ morztml. :It benefit t‘heowutwa1*d zmd the Ana!:u-A . ral man :But to look for peace of Cimfciencc, joy hmzz”m‘.A fismlmm, who made a.cri~Lica*l~ inquiryaftcw paint, 'Vgiv2es::*lmis;i rimas th 3 Mtimanev~tw‘tr&ayé%é M ffbnlflfééithfi Cn'eaturk-1'5»,;ma;Wity»gof mmitie:AA:A4~ll % %‘*=wn2;y.% AWae!havVe:a11 :g‘re:u:»e;xeri~eaoc¥hbw%:loc3r-Eb? A -tihé1mmldharggSi.»a.bout,.us. it-«félfis :53. ~6uf2{éwl:.f._,; % A A « W *®%%fi4nd‘~wayg$m»pa*fc*Vus 'Tfmom€% Aj% 1 darling}; ;:~fie1ze s\%bLwucAsA 4 at e, ‘Was bL1cAmmb 5 G«e¥n. .% ‘I t. is a dzfljuiétiilg ‘thing. »I)r’j?1A1;;iBt;r.in%Jt:h%c%: Riches are compared to ichofrns, Mat. ¢ 3 p‘;La3W£:*z! by -t=hem,«x im. £6,404. % 4 A :.pwi:ivgA; Atihferé is f*t7rrW ~A¥:cmdi*4wrat:6~f1#z flak» 7 ¢‘2ae]x;,%AA3§Ec*cle‘f. 5. 157; A a<+~‘tomA1ent~i1«; it mflay ioiff Wthe*s*.k~iné0t aman aIAAive :' ANow*?che ~fouilAA* N A A di2M=t; r: ‘lave dothcleave cl%ovfer%tV0 theworld, then A thegaiéiaia ~1so% t’V1‘+1f<':VA, and Avthereforcis ~«ncA>tA 0 A {mm witih*A:1?tgJreac pain. isAtheVf5M:1Ae'Pc fum-A 4 A mn‘sg thje’wWo1‘»i'(3%t¢é aA«richf0A0A1 , ~Thota‘ f;ia4ftheap— fa ed »1IAarm*es~of death {h“aI%l»graifpe thee , A and ,car*#ty4i—thee~to:G9d5A r;&buml;AA”»" *wh~a1: fi pmcaous thmg whxc-h :2 mm gh:1th., the i"aving3%and mm-zthxng fil1f.f!;'~&3Of, is that mi’) N 3“‘7"M8 Cb.rifi‘z'm ga2’2>m ; Firfi,Ta1mA.the W01‘ ‘; fm mhetmthofxthe Text 'w”»’1.11'hO1d; wh.:~:».t gain z:s,§ ' A it] E Ii 2 . ‘ -—----..-. a... ..—...,-— an-V &~M%nh€1'€fO1‘ Zzfaand em*en g V . .. . H ;,.w‘.wur.-M. aw.~w-w:«-- “"‘|"‘w°-nr.=-35$ fin-.s,.~..qne.-.,a‘ _ _'_ '; ._‘_ ac.-<4-—.=:; -2591 g «.—:«.-_:g. _‘‘A u _s..~...-..~_4<:,..». w . H, o .23 *1‘ an E all N, opm in a "14 q M 15.1 J: ‘A infolger“thewfiforldgandllrolofiet;he%jli‘f'e. I: mztlx r1z'fe;lmare tire» rnedtg-and the érzdytlam r{t;im£wt.;£_ Lul~:e“12.o.'23. d 1 A A1,."lAll~ftl1el*world~r~cannot hold or lengthen life beyond thcperiwlfer it by God. odour time: lard: ‘_ 5 ram;/gang, 441.31. 1§.‘the cffimcyofallfecond A caufes is fufpended upon his blafiing, man llivclih‘. Knotl by bread alone, an éyevery: mm which pro» reader/9 out of t/ac! 2nautl5~a_f"‘Ga41,%l Matth. 4.4.. — 2; Life is’ necefl‘ary' to th_e‘l‘¢r,1ijoymencrof the V lvor1d,l‘whac’good doth ligbtsrvit/Jout an eye rorrfec l~it.':’l01‘jIWfic£’;Withoutnan dear to hear l£ll>~}SV:l.‘llalt good do daintier, without a mom to taflle thcm 1’ Or Crawm,without an Head 1:0 -wear them :2 Nay . ..‘1‘»_‘I'1‘l3I‘._l may have his life {"0 lclog~’d wizh ficlmelk ,: jl‘Or1‘QW,d1l'C0fLtent of miqdc,diftref§*of-’co~nl'cie“nc:, lfchat all thc world £l1al:l,notl fuflice torevizve and A comfort him. ' A ~ 3. When l‘z'fei's xon, me warldis alllofl with if, a living porter, is richer Ithcnaldead Prince; death " traoflatps propelrties; If alum: purchafe land to lrbimfcéf ifor; 6'!/t'7',tl'__13t oweris no *vlonlger.‘th'e.rj1 his 1 aw.-2: llzfc, if he willlhavc ther'*'purchafe exccndllfu:-— “ r,;oher,hermhuft ;put in hisl‘/weir; wish himfclf. —r Seco‘ndly’, Takcrthcolword l«!gu’%n for the fdul, as Lake 31 2'.?I.9,w. and lthcnl the truth ‘holds much jmo're.. For afman could keep his fouland . _ land the *warM.togc‘t’hcvr,,there is to Val} 21 dz]?-pro; portian between them, that‘. the V one could never A zjeplmiflv the other; 2..-. Ifit could rfa-rrsfie 1.: fora u'm_e5 yéc it wouldcloyzinadlfmiate lit at 1:he‘laf't all I there his my elrainll world! *en‘o A m¢ntsrl‘a“ndrrrlal,ll’ “ . YVJY ?”“"I:‘rhl 4 ‘ m_enfurat§ne%{‘5.between~them, yet,t_here is new A;m 4 I earth Aaéiia’ez*Ja, Ecclef. 1.34. _If'%A%’wherg1a'111an goes] ,[_ ‘ Vaxvafiwyg, the earthdid gowith hint, haply the {Lune A A T bchind,e him, Aall t,he=Aconit?enc which he hiAd;in= the‘ A V GVodiswJmr:rcifu1 to 1Z_1ve,A,ornj»u£} to puniflu, and what V AAfirfl,.fl0%§m4fi%%rvo:sld be drtmk. If men couldr feel A buta litt‘.‘eV0*f /yell, before they fin, they. would ; . fora mLa‘nto recflount the comforts of;:aj ;pt:;;ifl1E-gag‘ ‘A ‘ world ? What COntent~ t;I1§he' %%fou1~?a?ppea~rs\by the M» A A ritmgl enemies w»-hick: war agamift i*I:~ Of whem: w‘c% may fay as the -Prbph“etbf5x7-he .2v1ea?ex., Ifai.m[ “ “I j%thac:¢theyA.%~wgardmt %JAvrlwer44brLgw‘"1d,‘ they fighsz ’ '1iei‘the‘r againfi hoigife , no: “land, againxk ‘"rhei foul Vnely.~4 ‘S4atan,%faies as x:heAKi;ngsoifA soda»; ’ unto }§"6r4'})4r9?s,»IAGm. +1 213:. Gz'w% me we fault, 7."”By 4’the gtmrd ‘ Y 4 ml ti«kmae%;g:ooa: t2a?:by:fe£'»4 of V tef “ ,.‘...y ‘ ‘ ;»5‘q'z*f‘€‘5’"'{9;‘y,'«,: ‘ I at’1d:< trrie %~Vho1itae{‘s to beaucifie, and renew it s Capable of the peacerof ‘God, of the jay~A0f ?hiGs% ;fffalvation,f the emxejt, the feed, the.fe.c1«V, «the, ‘Twitnqfiof his Spirit, ofthe’ ‘yfénfeof his law in % Ch rift, wlgich i§,mz/j) ealzaéle and gioriam. Capa- % bl:-of that‘fulmf3~of jfoy whichisVin4hisprcfe;r.1ce, “and% of the :e everlafling%p1eafures, and rivers of 1 i 7! iv Sermon preached "at Paula. A the Lord in his Word and Ordinances hath pro ~ vided .to feed it 2», onerfentence ? and period vizhere- of is more worth in an * hour of Temptation, lthen rocks of Diamonds, orlmountainsp of Gold. 9, And above allthe dignity of the foul appears Hood of God, 1 Pet. I. I9» If filverl and gold A A could have bang/Jtflthefoul, filvcrl and gold hap- ' «ply mig he have bleffed it, but fince no price can pnrchafe it , but the bland of God , no treafure can enrich it,but the fruition of God. T/2elLem' 13,5, Puma” of mine £J?l7B7'it"4fl6'£, Pfal.16. fj. - Very many llfes might lbemade of this moll 5 important doéirine: As, 1. To adore the infinite law of God towards the foul: of poor finfull menjin finding out of his own unfearchablewif- dome, an expedient which neither men nor an» 1 gels could ever have difcovered, for the pzmiflriflg Ofthe finaand [wing of the fwd that finned. 2. The infinite low of Cbrzfl, who to loved us, asto girve bimfelf for us, to make /12’: foul an of- ; an that our fouls might not be undone £3 iflgffojxfsin to die for ferqzantr, an /aaly, an ‘lonely and laeloi-ucd font for rcbrliiwzr fervants 5 a judge for maleFaé’cors., to come not ‘ncly to uired l ‘not after him: as there twee} newer forprawl mg 1;}; fimaw, fo there was .nevcr ilotvc.11k~c his 4137!‘; i i _.. ....-.-.-.. by the price which was laid down to redeem it. t We were not redeemed by filruer and gold, but «by tée hp =13" 3. The [Enrica the wells of felemtim, thegbrcad of life, the l feaft of marrow‘. ‘andfatted things, tvhich A fivue, but to ‘fleck, r thofc that (ought not, that ~in- A A TRAQEAGA.T1N’_0penediua Diag. Ldert. in A Tbdlete. ] (Arm, Ethic. 1~lib.6%,%cap,,.g.» V diyayk %._f¢vlmt1a;a fromwywr felru.c;r;.4‘ f Thé fixfiaitc or cgaifirmmng ~ ;Cl9rifl unto us,b‘ringing life And immartalityfa 4 light 5; the Gafpel, and waitingAiJpon u~:,A that he ~ may be graciouspumzo us. "If T/Mic: the Phjic lofphergave thanks that he born GAreci~A amand new Bxrbarian, how»much[mAo4rAcfl3ou1d * we-A1efsVG%od, that we are C'hrifiians; A and\noc_ A cmely Phiiofophcrs; that th»:”LorAd hath taken care not onely ta ‘adorn our fouls, but to fave. them. * A A A V‘ A ¢ The lnfinitfi w 1;. entertainment unto the mercy thus tendréd unto i1s,_%wh0 of on 1' {elves wveré ready. :0 éelcwe % lying; «v4m’tia:,% no fm-flrkt our awn" mcroic, A and r0 A_V4tkruf£V A §.“”MVJT3heA great mzjbmzbl 732 fie "ad wifdomcf of A true Rehgxon, as bemgchat wmch promotech our A fmprcme imerrfl, namely , thehappincfs H of the ; 7 funk’. A Wifdome iS évrzgfigun W131: *rzpr.La*rc:5*z*aw, knawledge of the mail }m22am-aMe4 things, and; oi ‘f grcaceft conccrnment. He"!/Mr winmetlyfouis 13'» ” wife, faith So%laman4,4Prov. 7. I I,.3AC>. how much 4. 16.AA~.¢man maybe wife for others , and a fetal Afar /a2'+mfelj‘.. Aab1Vtapbel was 3. wife man%whén1~ he munfelled Alzfolam, butafwlwhcn %.he%ban-% A gtd himfelf. A;'7ud4ar-«a wifiman for othcrs when<* hepreaébed'Chrifi,a fatal for; himftlf, whenhe betrayed him 3. no greatcr~ folly in the world than _ Fvircfitnefi’ of%Ahis~pmverfi11I"’ A mail efficmom. grace, in A perfwadingII%s tiogive ~ mare he that jwetb his own Pram. 9.124.“: Tim. A for ts barter awayV,Vhis fowl though in were: forntghe gtvarld it felf. A A 6.. We.V..,< r mam walk as 1:£mey had nothing but I2:A’¢‘%eAs” to to fi :,and éacks to tcloazh, fancies to be ticldedf with vanity,:%yc: and care: to look after pleafure; V brain: to entertain empty notions, and tangwes A ‘E0 un:er:hem,bucx:heir [mix {erve t1a3BH-‘ A A A cordedfor the .honour of He’{e/rid/J that he- i [pa/re romfortaély to ad the? Leviter, who tang/ytj A :19: good knawlcdgeof tbe Lam’, 2 Chron. 30.22- ‘ And of Netbzmia/1, That hctookfinrcréif the 2-pi-nu; ly. fnares, Sratanical itemptations, which twat 3%.", A gainft the foul. A 6. To pitty the fairly‘ of other A 'wifdorne ofa Merchant doth fl1€W,,it felt : u «affe€t'ons moft there. And as thofe that trade hwored may dwell in them hric/ply, itndtthat they ‘..—_‘ ‘ uh SeQrmrmh}tf2redcbed eat Pauls. ‘ , telfcwhere the Vitrginstazediftiuguifhed itfu:on;vz'fe“,_ ” VA -and faeli/72 ..~ :80 may we diftinguiflt thofe Mar» ' L‘ chant: who trade heavenward.t For as hefaide, ;. VM4l4cmptz‘0”expro£vr4t [2:tlt.z'u‘m It is a note of e PM EM?» . folly t_oma1ce antti11~ba1*gaiu.f A V A A Now. there. are fevcrall th1flgS:Wh€1"€«int£hfl Ia confidets mberethetbefi and mofl flare comtznaditietare. where he is cexftutnt to make a g‘o"od retuen, as It is noted out Solemafl, It Reg. 10,. 11;. 12, 28. and of Tyrm, E{ek.27. So our Clmf- ' [Hagz mere/Mnthnowingt that the heft cummodig t-ies come. fro heaven, hath his thoughts and to China, though they cannot travel} far up into the Country are adtrutted to fome sktrts and ma- ntine Harbours to recetve the commodttics of the Country 2, fo; our Merchant though he cannot V go to bearvm it. feif, yet he hath acce(§,:as4it were, A to the 0:14:-e-border.t‘0f heaven, the Ward and 0rdi- names called frequently in the Etpiftle to the He- brews‘ rroé E7I‘3_fJ0L’.¥»’lC?£-3 Hwvvwly thingy. Here. then. they match at the gates of wifdomes houft-, htte_ they fem»), dig, bide , and lay utpgthsatthc‘ may be uric}: inu.kzaowl:dg£,Ptov.8, 34; A Co1.34,hA16]. I Cor. I . 5. A t2. A wtfe marclmntt confidets Whtre is the mfieh/I putchafe of thofe commoditties. Ittis true, hewerzly things are §n then‘ owntnatutc the waft‘ “prec2?am*,and dqindeed CQPI th€em0?€ €XC¢11'3flC‘ price.“ ThetRed€mptiw0ft4=f?2h#1 i-fsfW’6101I_3‘1s A _n._ .W- ' ‘ t ‘ ,--'».“_’.,, . , ‘- ' 3 mm. ,u..;'“ ' “u ‘'>‘--‘‘ ' . m‘ J“ ‘ , . ‘ i . ‘ _‘,‘J‘...m.‘..,.,_.‘, r “ -I ‘ ‘ IE s . .......u...; % pfitfié was none of%o‘urs,we are {aid to be _{mv£a7free.; ly, Eph; 2.. buy milk and? mi»: wg'rlaat¢t7yzoraey,. V-fell allfor-“this -Jewel, if not aétually , yet “in : pm’- ‘_V: Fww,".;afi\fiWE zwimm, yet it is an of no wail U1‘ “vvaiw-=» alale eflimationin Tfich a bargain, but likc the gig)": beads, and fiich like trifies which We gfi-7% %;u':nt“0 i ‘"I27a"i:m: ft$"rzhciArAfil«uer andegoZai'A-,»A ‘1ikeVth*e [wtep- AV mix: is“robeirihabited; Chrift will not Atake pofiéfi ’7'vfioAn of the fouI,til1'vi1e lufts, and xvcrthlelé af-- féétions are purged our,~not by way of para/mfl: “ purc”hafe as eafie as he cab, ~wi&1y-ct in a rare com» modicywd bamefind noufcick at a fma11‘difi"e— _ ‘ran-cc; To ‘dearth a wire Cihriflian, knowing the i ~m2feartim’7le wr7icbt: ~C'*7:ri never ,fiick*s at any L *-a£v4tem~ei3~t.% Many men bid much, proceed far, ~~‘He rad doth mzmy t7Ji2¢gJ.‘ -.5 Agrijvapd isflalmwflw 1 Clrv*ijZia7z,¥1*ypo0ri‘tLe§ A will part wi¥tib.% tbzmfamly _ af Mma’, ri-var: ml, their fir*fl-£»v’m , Mic. 6 but when the childecomcs to the very libirth, they‘ {I flay in we place oftbe érealzifigfartb of children. [F a T‘ R u E. G IN = 0r¢*"‘6{i'w I 1§fal;49.8,_ i Mi. L19. yet Abecaufc this precious I and i=vw'¢£:om price,’Ifai;55% ygfor t-houg“t1we‘ mun fiagout of duff and rzxgsdllt of in “houfe when "of him, but way So-E prepzzmtiais for him. And ~ ‘thisis one of-the «eafiefi ;-purcAh~afcs}in the world,k A ‘A 4 tb 1e_t**go flirt, axdfiaam mPzxm9:u’35m;¢m5 and to A , -rec:-1v__e gold. V A A wire mercm~:, though he will make A his % Hvfl 13.513‘. when it co1jne4s;o%t:his1fl’ue, they mufi j .fl1akcIh :mds *fb*r%e”ver' with “théir darling and 25:19; N »ve‘A{lujE5’Heroa' with Heradm',the yang zmm with wor1'd1y*lov“e, me yew with his “legal rightce ' A VIAV",I."IIVV7lV“ ,m_-.w . ....‘ HVV .-..‘M'»-M. M ‘ ‘ 4' ‘ ‘ ’. ‘ o~uf'nefs:, the Greek with his%*Acarna1 wii“c A3mneg Sermm1preacbed4:Pauls, 3: A na_v_;, faichche hypocrite be thejenyelncvcr {:3 rich, A I I refo§ve_ to keep this green glaffe, orxhis macaw W as wife Chriffiam wzrzfxlt mrtA-wit/2A fleflz and bland, A but gowthmughwizh the bargain: Let me have platter, fonxczhing of miuejown ; hege Chrifi: and the 1031 part , and . they?‘ who‘ came rmming umahirn, go: away fbrrflwifig fromAhs1m;* where- Chnft though I haw: nothing but him.‘ A 4.; “A Wife M'ercb.mt doth hu_sbanAd time and A ‘oppméwnity for his befi admntage, takes the} that he may Areturnwith the more {peed and pro» -noted asan excellent pm: of wi‘fdomeA to know ;and £0Aman1geAA“time, Cwjm zmim mzzqritm Mac» A fix cfl,~as %Smc'c:ai (peaks, I»:/film» L13 I G.1ar‘ogn. I2. the night wma,'2. Car 6.. 2. Heér.3A%A.15.A Iol2‘.12.g3.., . yam! camc,fiekingfrr:it;4ndfifidcrmm’, L:wk1.13 9 7; right fwfazs for his voyage and commodity g fit. As it is obfervcd ofthe Phi1ofopher,‘tvhac forefeeing aplcntifulycar of Olives; he rented D. A % . A _ A W A A 7 A _ Iogen. Laerni many 0A11vc-ya1ds., andby thatdVcmon&ratc.d that m Tbzzlete. ‘Va lcarncd man, if he would am at world-‘ Iy gaixgcould cafily ‘ be a rich mantoo. It is 32. Epb. 5.13517. The R‘a"bbi% faid, Nemov cf} who ovcrflips th1t‘feafo2a,A may‘ never «1necAt;7.wich~ 5 % the like again , A If thaw kum2n%z'n- tibia My day, tbfi tlflngswlmb: évelmgwmt; “thy ‘Pena; Luke 19. 42. A The Scriptu1'cJ'infifl:s mu-ch upon a day of gnweg. and calls upon us to wAark;lbefor¢ A T he Lord reckons the rime: which pafs o$qew‘s,% and puts them upon Aosur ‘account, 117‘ lrcflt témec. A crdrmz. fitbvra fwd, ev::'1'ymma%n hath hishour; ’t]\1ei1"'FiyhE.'Ab0;;x'lJ. 4 ‘-n... E gCW"€'n ‘ M ,.,.,.....__.—._ T 3 tie. GA1 N, Opened in a A "I gave her jpec-cilia repent, anci {he repented not, Bren. 2. 2 1., 22. from the "1:3.yeer,te tee 2A5.yeer, Iiheve fpolren unto you, faith AtheProphcc._, Ier. +25. 3. therefore we fhould learnto improve them; and with the impotent perfons :15 the pool of l»’€* tbefda, tofiep in when the iengeA1fr’ersA the water. A V A Now the Church is 4ffli6i‘6d,"it is a feafon of prayer A , er,‘ and learning,/veer tlaeraaglicarn righteoufnes, Mie.6. 9." If4i.26. 8,9. APf2zl.w94.V12. Now the Church is enlarged, it is a Afeafon of preife, T/22': izlrt/ye day which the .L erd /me/a made, we w§il1ere- jeyce and éve glad therein, Pfal. I I 8. 24.11am now A at an ordinance, Iwiil hear what God will lily: nowin the company of :1 leamed and wifeli man, I will drawzfome knowledge andArcounfel from him : A lam under temptation, now is a fit nrirrneto jlezm . are the Name of t/nae Lere.-i, Ifai; 5o.1o. I am in place ofdigniry and .pewer;,Lel: me iconfiderwhar H Jiher at; «cxhorrarion , and Chrifiianleanferezeee, A A A A audio ibis «that God ré‘quirethl of me in feeba time ex 1553‘, Efllo. 4.14. As the tree of life ‘bringeth fruit: 3 wife husbandman , hath his diftiné1:imploy-- menwfor every mane:/9, bringezh forth his fruit in itrfeefim Pfal.~r.3.. A A A = A A In a greac4~Ciry one merebem having one commodity, and another another, A they do mem- elly intern/mzege them for the inriching of one another : So in the City ofA~God, one hath the quefliem, another at Arefolving cafes, ano- ewerymmet/.r, Remc.-.2. 2. Co a wife Chrifiien, as fpirir of wzfdeme, another of knowledge, one A excellentzlal: opening fi:r1pmre,l another at flaring trade lies, is not without afmffor there, to manage l A sdemzeft bfltlvfififl gypt andlezaneaug through. mm A Add ._-up-...—.... .11‘ . « Sermon{preeebedat Paul ldoflthisl kinde unto their mutual enrichment. 6.. Awife mm/met hath confiantiintelligmce and return: to and from the Country where his his affairs; Io {hould the a/mew; merclnmt, his trade e in laemveza, Phil. 3; 2o. thither fhould he continually (end, and return the commodities of t that kingdomcn. The Lam’ yefw is ‘the Agent of his Church there,to tranfaét their affaiits for them; we fhould keep conflant intelligerttse with him, . pour out our defires into his hofome, and wait for the anfwet which he will fend. Prayer and praifes A are the rage]: inwhich we {end tolzezzruezz .- l fair/5, m,edit4t10fi,flzM{y ofthe Scriptures,attendanceon the Mini;/fry, by which we hearlrom Imi- «vm,He flml receive ofménefititih outSaviour of the holy Spititgzndflm/{/lmw it :mtoiyae,]oth.16.14.This ~ intercourfe we mull keep continually open and no A A lohflr.ué’ted,that Christi: may daily heat from us,::md we daily receive from him._,that fol we may be ‘filled with all the fulnefs of God, and inlay have all the l {torehoufes of the foul teplenifhed from heaven, -with all abundance ofneceffaty graces &comforts.- it 7. A A wife more/amt doth provide for lof’c:,and_ A yet though heventurcmuch, willaf]"ere,themain.y, fo fhould we tefolve before hand upon many trou- bles in the way to heavcn,fit~down and taxafidertlze ‘ to wflofout holy prole“flion,Leke I4. 26,2. the A [kip whlertih hriflc is, is not fecuted from :1 l flw*m.. ifliecrotw not tlzarm-, went before his crown of ‘ A lglmy,eend_folmuillout's gthere’ isoa fee and it wile '5! be and wife‘Glhriftians nloulaltlntsmveall aaemg¢s ‘4 -—‘u‘lA.'l“sA " J - I 35.: - t 1"‘ he 4flFfirdm‘€~i0)“fi‘c8,Wi.€f€ifl all out lofles will he rcp”ai- A redean htmdrcid~‘fold._, and than upon Go‘ds4 own fecte. ‘ ‘ i eternal lzfe. There is no aged AC hriflian but will love i Tnun‘ GA I" .i1'v,. h0i[7ienedina 1 trihhletiomt xive mnft enter into the Kingdom of 4 Heaven. But this is our comfort, That: icheem 15 an ri'ty,.wAhericofwethav‘e a record, Mark 10.429, A 5;, Ahoafzgar here-thr‘m,orfifz‘er:,‘ orfewher, er mother, or coffee]; -5 hnthe flmll receive em heeaidred fete! 39011?‘ mathers, we! children, and lmds, with perfeewtian, (as comforts ,, fupports , mcoutagements in the midfl of his nperfecuttons) and in the world to come V’ as in fuch a cafe with the love of a father, no yong Chrifiian but wiilt reverence%uwvith the ioveof a flan; nofe1lowCI1rifl~iah but will tender us with the love A ofahiather, every good mans hemfie, are hemt {hall be open unto us. 'Wh0fae*uer deth A the will of G ad, will he our hrotheigezaedflfler, 4,ae‘{;m.A ‘ ther, as outsaviour fpeakse, Matth,12. 50. A A A 8., The wifePcMerchemt3 rnufi live by faith, and; deal ‘much in credit, waiting long for :1 good re-— turn out of”remoteeCounttries;, as the Husband- trafficketh in hope to enjoy that which the Pro- phet calls‘ the Harm/i of the Riruer,IfaiA 2~g.3.SuchA is the life of a true Chriflian, he doth not eflimatc lives by faith; reckons upon a great flock going Veriiyglfay were you, there 23‘ no 7 mm that hathtleft “ to wife, for children, or l4nd;r,' fer r2e'yf4he,iiam1 the A iizthels lzfe 5,. haufexg, and hrethreh, and /iflers , end I man plowethin hepe, and jmeth in T8413, 1 Car. 9. i mo.-. Pf4l;1t26.5.having Gods prdmife that there {hall behetr*Ue[h,, Gen. 8:. 12.3. « So the Merchane A his w‘ea1th, by the e things in his own paj]"ef:im, But i A ,fi.r ,-,m." ,, , in another country; is richer in obligation: andépro-J xi ' “ A H \‘ A H e , mlfeisa,“ A ml_liiag and eleflzonfare, z Pam. 1 0 to prove whe- A how his‘ foul profpergto preferve his peace of Con» ‘ ' ifciencqand incercft in the love of God.H6 Iha11ne- A ever have overmuch work to do, who is daily doing fomething_.There is fomczhipg in it that thc Lava} I 1 r II%IIv—‘-'-'' ‘ A s*ermmpreacIsed at Pauls. mifes,then he is in prefen; gr4m.i There isamm; } A A 4/1 tmflibetxveen God and»him.i Ii. He takes upon eh i " trfufl 5% reéeives from God many t4z’c~7m oftimc, health, wealth, power, wi{'d0me~,leaming, grac-:e_.,h. A A _ precepts, and improv-esthemito his Maffers {er- ivice, Matthz 5.t6,17. A1 Tim.6.2o. 2. He gives upon Truff, lends toxhe Lord, Prarzz.~19.17. de-ii dicates his merchanchfe to the Lord, If:z£...2~3. 18. Trufts God wizh.hisNamc and Im2oce;wy,as fitbfepk. , did, as Chrift did, I 1’et.2.23.wZthohis life? and in-- tere{ts,asiI§4vvia£did,'Pfal.3s. 1 5,1 Sew 3o..5. wiehliis children, as 5C_a6c:2l2 aid, Gqn.4;. tag, :4» A with h1sfl:ml.,as Pauldxd, :2 Tz'm.1~.i12~.i He is not anxioufly follic-itous how to efcape this denger; how to rs. pair th1slo(]‘e 5 how to advance this gzxifl; how to recover the /nmdred T alermghe knows that God isaFat/mfullof law, an heavenly Fat/yer fu1l.ofpon2er, an omnifciefit Fat/‘Jar full» of prmri. dame; if his eye fee our wants, and his hem pitey them ,and his treafures abound towards them ,2 how can his lmmi forbear t;o'fuppiy them 3 A ' Lafily, a wife ~Merch3nt is very extzéhin his Books of accaung preferving :1 diftinéiz knowledge of his gains and loffes; his’ improvements, or de-' cayes. Such is the care of 31 wife Chriflian, to ac quaint hirnfeif with his fpimual e{’cate,ito make his there he be in tlzefaitlz, as-Cor. 13-; 5.. to examine i ‘ ii A A A 5 pm- i: V 4. _ l 7 “the Church, Lem. 3.. » cures the diétates of ' 4 can make a merchant or a chriflian tic 1 fpirltmzith a ftubborn wi A ll ~'L""47iil ance without eflates, is 3‘ good preparation to the tclemzfifig ofourt felves. I mung/at an my way:,am1 tramea/, faith David, Pflzl. I 19. 59.56! mfearc/7 and try our nmjes And tern tatée Lam’ am‘ God, faith 4o. A A ‘ A A p A Toconclucle all,Tlhlelife of amercizant in order untogain,fiands in thefe four things. In wzfzlome, A and foreeafl to contrive; in lalmr, to tranfaél: bu Ii-1 nelé; in patience, to wait 5 and in t/7rz’ftz'm*f.v to pre- ferv‘"e,what his labours gain : So our trbzmt labours, 1. Fornnnthat avifdazne which ' is unto f°aluation,z Tim. 3.15’. vvhich“ is the foundation of all dutiesfiol. 1 .9,1o.c'(mfz'a’er.v the field wherein the n*‘treafure is,and buyes it, PM-71.3 1. 16. A 2 . I-Ie profeu fpiritual wifdome, with a work? af faitZI,and lm’2at¢r ofhrue. It is not emptyewifh- ingsfianel velleities, yawning 8: drowfie defires that b Palfls art,with a fluggifh ll‘,with impoten-tpafi71onls, with thong lufls,with uétive enemies. 3.He endures with patimce, gives not over the trade of Piety, if his expegfiati~ons be not prcfently anfwered, buthy nnufl be taken with an evill he (pf Emflc, islhid is have been made ofllloe/eirzgglaj. A fi2s,Exod.38.8.‘ facing of -out f.4ce:,%and acquaint-~ A Chrifiian Mar» * A petimtlcoutiaeuwce in well doing, comes to glory and honour at the l3{t,Ram.2.7. 11495.10‘ 37. 4., He hideza the wordin his heartfiflweslep precepts, pro... .mi.{es,examples,cxperiments; what with wifelome, labour, and patiencel he hath g'etten, tthe dogh with V all care andedilligence preferw, that he may :0 lfotward, and not ba€lfl57afd,llfl his holy ~Profefi"1e t *=n1NI5. 3 « A