S E Court of 9 u 1):. fD-—-H A B} ;0'Hzv .9 HA R an Honozzraéle Hene V ‘e e the Great Seal of Englan, _ I '....% '4 »_s._.. A‘. The T/oizzgs Ft/M2: ‘*m_ia&_efor Tease. DELIVEREDIN A. o Lord Mayr, AND THE ATV @7- A L DERM E N LL (3 HAPPEL A Upon the@’23. ofAugufi, o,;;o,6774.. R M N Preached before the Right Honourable % 1 D V‘; A As A age ' Lora’ Finch, Lord .1: ON DON, Printed by Andrew Clark fo1‘Wa)terffett' ~ l A V Bf/bop: Head in St.PanlsCl1 urch Yard, 674. ‘ to the ffeeper of J #5,, at the ,. .,,....% ' «Ma» S‘ V 1 , ‘. G ' ' N‘ wx "9 ‘],..,& mu A y M y W; W 10% ., u ‘ '> ‘ ; '~ " '~ ,A '~_‘ L~ « _ W 0‘ ; “‘ o R, D M. ‘Y 6 R 55% on 1250 N, And to» the & m:A no E R“*M~jE A couav V3’ 3; ‘ 4, . , "mi; *3 av A Right Honourab A . V %w A * A «m . ‘ 7 “ {.0 %tl073?mg Dzfc%omfe% was ,%;gg's“¢=* than your own Chappelé o.»- E never dc:/{gnedvto gof/4r:/yer; L V zberm/é~ in load not laewleft fin Imperfeél : but /ince you, have tbop4g(2§”fitto»0rder it /7a0zzl'd be more“ izt Dfioitld ii bééome" me; . W50 do in if [0 eczrzzq/2(3) §Pre]3' Obedience,-0 e.mO.-r$ 3 AA to #1:‘? our.‘ C°'””".’”d‘- Sc/9 t/aerefore as It 25, I lwmély Tree * it to you , V Iaeartigy Wiflaing izmggy 2;; fame; The Epime Dedicatorve fame degree ??° the %mr2ti»g Peace and Umty and Brofhefiylove ..17f 'orCettftl*1i~tsd dtifcotirfed, he af... fuvresthem, that however they mxght pretend Re--5 ligibn for tI1ei»13pt~r”et{"enet tifisl-:-fiences, yet In; tm1tI1~id~d . was 7&1} ~otI1ettth?ingds thcf leaf’: F intereffed in ewere much mi'fialken the nature of; it, ifdthey‘t00k ittttto confifi fimhfmall, incond-..,d ferable, e?{‘E*erma~1d“tthtiWge as they made the mattterj; of fhdeitr fi)zfl”e1z/Z0225. ‘ Cbrifiianizye was A t“<:on~* Q” i”ed,~ whetherthey atet inidt of Meat: ,[ or» whether they% did not teatthea ; ” whether A they kept? Fefiérrzksgan Newgmeonsholxy to the Lord, or whe-r the: they tefimemede very%»dgay+t»at1iils:e.‘ttt Jbatt W213 at mere l_'-71;11vd""?“" iiablet thing. f_ It was the T gb«teowfite”t an woe, arntrfie.-I A A te dogged; A were the thms thwt made e a mm imxnters, and be ate L Iffl Goa’, apprAowd‘:0fmm. A A4 zzmkefiw peace. 37 A Vere I3-‘ P1 \ ‘I And than lafi :%t11e%fe% f¢v§¢ra1~%9P?4mtimla¢rs he draws this géfimlV%%1.fif@r¢nceby W7&y% .td.tl'07z,: Let flfiérzfoawfollow after ytffle :1f2z'rzs tie ‘J [, mi t u Ihave gxven you a. briiref ac¢0uint»of théAApoflZe‘s difcour17e:iflV4*hi3~»Ci3?4We éan%o1»1 hegaxégily with thati had no~occafion to deal any furthc;m;. k on this Subjeét ¢ Hapy were 111: for ¢C;_br{flian’5,V if things Wergin that pofiure among them, tha.t1:hc':y were: «fu j: cmncgcrvnecl iflis Izlflfiffi ADi17C0ur1‘€3A Of A*[S§ctiptu1‘e, than 0111)’ ftC}> be %:Vif¥?.Cr%1g&e¢d T in the {en T: of th , .VBL1«t, $%a:»laa, W/L vcr: tmd¢m fczancls aanym tiling of r1ue%i‘rm:c~w¢f érflliamm: npw fov%@11¢fe1Ia%a:ny%Agres inthc WON» will re«1fil%y44iff@¢;%L4hat noionc Poinlt of ; 3’ "V Y 9 Mc ‘ ‘ l l i ii \V T672 and = A . Vi » H V 4* la» w. 'r> -< I A‘ n." l., .l 4' ;_1M.v: 1 fl all . :‘ 4 '~ 3}.‘/“ s» ! a; :2 *1 “ it 3 W.., Y l lirzmlniews ia;1:ie;;but jéwfil and I i cfeelver it‘, )2! V, l 1». ill‘ ) 'a!‘?‘“ )3! “ ‘ . w'=,=‘ ,.;\ ' t.,_ ‘v -1 , » -m M‘-zvr , V _ yaw _ r 4'” «fl I 4 iv a C that féjmrate frohuour 50 Ifiofiératé althaci Solar; M z = efdito call. tllcmte 7. finalfiief ,. he-L ii u "31 L‘ ‘we’ ‘ ,’ ‘ I l i , land A. fhould Vi; '9 ill H ;\>:“l ‘log’. Ii, hf \ ' M‘ H ~l 11?} ma aw A i i §vA _ ‘V W j‘ )1 an fig 3“ , ‘~., 1 A "‘ J r » hi‘ :5 all i. w I « x V ‘ , .3‘ y‘ W g}, M- el’ ' ’ «A rathcn 3 «h:mthe1*?fiet downtcontefitcidly uhdcr them-, than by I endeavomjngt,tt‘ Mr dCfiI‘fl%1‘~“3;.11y Alteratzon; endafi, get the bringmg the (_,73ltT€5a 3_I1dp0flib%Iy.t/aem... : jéilvese :-into ~ fart greatert meonvcnleenciees than ; thofe ucaiars In 41 ‘Wolf 5;; {oh :texce1Ient is the temper of our prefent Settlement, that there isno.C/azrrc/J in the «World, with which men of difi‘"er1ng Pei:/'Wz:‘z/ions maymore fafely communicate ; and under which, even Piflenters, if they be peacebleg may live more “happily thantthe Clfzzrcla of5Engla726_/. A ih But now how do we de.mean(>1irfeIve~s under tthishap‘p~y Conftituttion «ofttaffairst? What ‘Fru.its «.of the Gojjrel Qfheace fnitabtlemthto thefe h great extettnalAdvan1ta+ges? ttOne°t11ig’»ht*hrha”titnailyt .expe€’t toefeet Relzlgionhtin quite anethter Face 311109110‘ *1:is~, 7tha1t1it*h,at11 in other parts of the'WrId; am that enjoying filth excellent nieanse of eacé exhale ~ anef’c_ia1I having utficiently 9exe’pe’*rienc*ee1e the M ife«ties"of’ teDz‘]2orc/ ;* there fltiotuld .110: fi:ch_ thingas F aifiogz tor Div?/ion be heard ofag timhong guhs, tbut 3thhat?t-:7 t:»theu1d=h hAl1_411Vike Brethren r””G3lir"iftianIjoyn together with (Y)urw@em#zt0fitMa'tberh, ehand in fignaller matters hear with one s anothere and Ignorzmces, and Mifiakcs ., as A +~—hf1n1fe1f ;, «tzmdte as taI1eG«lmrtcZ2, «tum 7 «e Wteh; his p:§?i«“n9eipajl1y A, ,?...~k .7‘; 4 .. ,.. . t i‘ Y 4‘ L ‘n \' .‘ u ‘ V ‘ W}, 43+ t ~ ~ » -t t mg ., .x . V ‘ a , "W W" 1 tr * M .‘iw>"¢.‘ 3 ‘ Y%I..yvi “’ W’ L; E, I 7 »t0'q: zr£%etQnio:ufl;:i{;' A thaw tth» A X‘ r’ W 0“ A» V .. “ V ‘3 L -‘ ‘ , 3 av. . “' ‘*’ In“ ‘t 1 ‘ ‘ r ‘ ~ rs‘ 5 teem d , A; m ~ ama yer: eaaafes V 4" .:., 1, , ..‘,\ .‘ ,. w W T M Va: f our félves , and theg;pi*oachi iofiouri I airidti the féafldfil Of ii’RiéIig~i0H5« andme” r}6i;0)’ci‘3 of our Enerinies, and the griefofallgood mm; a Neverwereiour fiiferezzces higher, our Opp;/izi_ ans one of anooaethier m,0reLiviaoIent,a our Stbgfms and Squzrations more numerous ., and more obfiiniate 2. “man they areat this day. V V We idifputee etema1Iy,o W643 quarrel wlthout grounds ,, and without “meafure ;~ we fi:1ckIe for "e-very frzfle, and aprcias much concerned a for the e propagating Z1.,:,fiH_Y Notion,-~ which might very well beal-et alone awithoutour being a jot theiworfei Ghri Pcians A A as If?" the Fu.rtdczmmt«als of» our (Religion at f’take.a. - e ~ * e We reveile, we~arer;oachg, we befpatrer one -ano-s. ther ; and z'i~a‘t, if any {Barrels and Merczes, thaifnow at Iengt‘h1ay-. V ing afide all é’vilf;?eakz'ng‘, 21;Ilvyarz7az2ce ahd emulation, all needlefs ll Dlifputesaudll ten- etions, you would unammouflyl joyn rogetl1erin , following afier tke t/aiags that make fir peace. And that my Exbortation may bethe more eefllefli-a fiualjto the purpofesll intendit 1”or,lI_%%fl1a1lpurfi1el it; lFFi:«fl:by way of Direélioii ; «S‘eco7za’lylby way of Motive. ll I {hall reduce the Duty here enjoyned 7 of F0 llo wing fbat make for peace l filareticalar Rules and I22/i‘a;zces, tlret you"l'rnl’1a§y know whellgtlahto bedone by you if: A to the perfor.‘ u*1ance,r;,f”eoit:. M 1 L A ’ A A w «»,M' , A ”SeC0n% aI‘lfhalIf€t before you the verygreetl Engagez§zenis“ellla;j»rwe 0*lJligatiaws”*‘lthat_ lie upone I’J:s‘“tol“ fallowjafier tlve at e ‘* be perfwadee1*‘el%»%!+¥°e more‘ 4lvigoroufly to afety a-“if e ‘xfi And <9) A And both thefethings I [hall manage as near as Ican withrefpeét to the prefentflate and pofiure of Afliczgrstameong us -, and withal fhallalwziyes rememl... bet that my bufinefs is not to iprefcribe Law: on Rules to my Superior: for their Carriaigefiu thefe matters, but only to reprefent the Duty that Cl1ri- fiians of a private capaciyvi doowe to the Puelick, _ and to one another. i = fortheeFz'1_*/% thing,dWhich is, to direfiiaud in-A-i flrufl you inthe perfotznance of this cluty offE2lloW- izzg tbe t/Jiizgstbczt me/ee forpeczce, you maybe plea?- fedtotake.notice,That this Duty hathtatwofolcl Objec‘.’t,~A;1cC0rCling to the two difiecent Relations aficsl Capacities in which we are to be confideted ’; to wit, ‘the C/azzrcb our Motbergand Particular C/airi... fiicms our Bret/arerz. A In thefiiflfielation we ares ‘confidered has Subjefis; in the feconcz’ as Fellow- C/arzfizezzs. With refpeét to theformer, the Peace we are to purfue implies Obedience, and ‘Prefi3rva-- A A tioriofCommzz72z'e72, in oppofition toe.S‘cl21f7z and Se- paraticm.V _\/Vith refpecft to thelcztter, it implies lmu..l. tual Low and C/Jariity, in oppofition to” Qtdrireilsl 211"j1cl: Corztentibiis. - * ~ A Mybufineis therefofe upon this flrfl hjvealcl is to fhew whatcare the Pczrticzclczrs of~outi“‘~Dz"cty, wists» are the means thatconduee to Teczce in both tl1rie17e’l rerpeets.ee M i And fir-P: of'allI begin iv/ithwhat is erom use i to the C/azzrc/at in oriczler to ~'?eace,« as Peczcele=I‘tand“s in cz1tradifiin€tion[ t;ol.S'cbzfi¢c; And tl:=1icsiilPointcI.fha1l» ~ Ct » beg I ave no dif¢ui3‘»a” vary _fic€1ya and very parti- cularly »b§cai1f¢% I fear we hay; gcgnerally many. Nativmzs abcut‘ its andve£1t~1s a matwr *0? fq;:hV-c;io;nfequence, ~tb3J~%I d9L1bf.n0t4 but the 1“ ight tmderfteinding of itiWe01u1% gq gmatway to tlwe C;¢rg—Qf (he fag;L@iz;iJ’i0n5 that afi1‘;6am0I1g us, And? 1:1-1a4tMI my difcou1*fe with more cieamefs, a1f1d.m%ore evidence, I {hall delivcriwhatl have to fay tbifi mattfirra by Of IMP?/itions; taking my “Rife: fi‘01’fl E11617?‘/it Prwzjrlgof C/91W/3-S0£i€i)'a guy {Q mgularly afbcnding. The fi;*fl,T1F0p0fiti072 I 1a,y;,,d0Wn iStI1is*; 7/ms C11ri1‘ciaA!11¢]>07z me @160! 4C60””I0f/9i65?i”§fl?a I ,’ ‘ V ] »»un~m wztb itwbm? ifccm ée bad. V ' 01‘ £116 01¢? 2%im% ‘V ; a Languag@ O ,, ‘ ‘ ’ «r , “ ‘ W ' /w a V.‘,." v» “ Y our Saviour in hisu%nd@rt21king“for usAwas ndtto fave particular Wflms without reFp€& to SoAciAev’a but t0gathert011imi'é1fa Cf/Jnrclz cut of Mrmkimfa wringof this you" may b ¢ pleafed to c0nfideMr that $116 Primary Defign and Inmntionof Eoe:r6€€ arid ffirffik. P0li;’z¢k.a.QfWI1,iCl1llilfifdf‘ was'théHeaa’, and phfticulafi’ C11rifEi3;%n¢$4%§l1@ ms hls Mn 4 Gwrmem: b1?iI1gA%¢j% mcn % to Salm- 1‘? And tI1iiSAisA1iO miire tfihpafi whaktwis tI1e~Sen;f€Aa;£1ci§%A @V‘+C’1‘ i3 r9%A1we %~4’0m01‘ fi¢fi’€df°f M4 t@ 3-5lS‘m‘t; .A A ” ‘A % tere Ur ) i'eredIna’i22ici7mils, but aszmrpomrea? ‘int aé7§’6%rcb. Thuscbrgfi .lb22ed Cbu‘fcb,wandgave% lair27féZf.f07rEPh' 5- 2m it. C/arifi rezfeemed the C/mrc/3 vfiifibbfis”0iw‘2 Bland’. A6tszo.23*?» C/mfl is the Saviour biz: o¢d=zjr.,%% that “its to fay the EPh_5.23‘ “C/Jurc/35 v;%ith many paflqages ofthe 1iI7:eAimpordtance‘. Thep1a‘ir'1%VCQnfequ‘encc 'fi“om hence is? t"1'?12'1*tr*e*—- very 'p@erfon,A fofar as hcls %a fofa%rh4e is a Meméer of the Church ; zmdby vxrtue of their; Relation to1the%C/Jmrb it is, that ha hath any re.- ‘H ‘fmnéiézfiéa’, that is to faygfeiparted /2233.6/azzrcb bytl2A¢eV lation to‘ Cbrffl, or any T4itlVe‘ to the Pri7}z?leg@s?f the ‘Goffiel. ‘ ' A A V A 6 A And agfeeafily toAthisN0ti0n*,it‘ isVéryp1:fl«i11,¢ thazt B is y a11éckf1s1ow1ed£g‘ed §4to§:*%bfie t{1c Cerezbzozzy of"In4itiating us into% C /2'rifit”&“2z‘z7t)’2;, V 2'13 in -Scr&‘iptu1*e declared to be the WI1er6y?WéiTm*e czntrfed and Lacimitted vimto the AC/mmlvf. ll {Paul expreflyd tells us,A tI1atbyo*ne%SpiritV edre kill 1 Cor. :2; ba]fitiz§’c{int’07iE Bozzjw; pf-‘ir1¢d3agai%n',.that%/3d?tb gig. 5_ 25¢ waflizzg of Water afidt/DTeifi Wizr“. wh the vAery¢nafi1re%*'f1f1*1%i‘s 6/am Society, nor’;lf1e~ aic7C?fiuAing% m;%> scan be 4atE”aane~d.% A A HNow A-clam” it bémimégai‘ thus eviemfi, %t1%1at.A4ewcr“y %Chrif’ciar%W%@ 9; is *3 Member 40+ 3:136 C/mfic‘/9 chm«eVwi1l%#be . 71iité1en~ae*d of ta«ki*nag¢p%%a¢ig;m“s to pa1?ov@f?, tfim: evary fI‘L1élipe—4vf‘onV’ i:sVob1iged to joyn in A Extermzl % am; where: he can do t y member/bip%d&«r*&:%%iin~ £153: zf1’e¢it1aei~%tI1e4“%E¢2a’:%%6G/Burch. gig? an Wi?chom4 C 2 A Firfl, ‘ (113 V i irfl, ;11OC;ifEi1Ci Ends of it : T he_'Ends”lofCl1iureh«- Sobictyi are the more Solemn Wmflz} of God, and tualf”0/fires,» an the Pu*bliecikI Profeflion ‘of our Rzalzgiqn , i and th.e Mutual Edification one of another: Now how th‘eFe can be in anytmeafure attained without all fociatingiiliflgetheriniPn1Jlick lzflfliiznzblies, and mu-- A iotl1er“At5‘2‘si of Extt-W251! Comimmimi withf one another cannot anyways beimagined. l And as littlein the fecond place, can it be con... ceivecl how Without this we can be made partakers of the Benefits and Privileges that C /Jrzfl hath made «over-to the Meméers of his C/Bzzrclv. For we are to i confider that God hath to ordered the matter, and to A unite usithe .S‘ocz"et;:_;, thatthePriviileges ofthe Go/f>el,yl"uicl1 as Pardon ofsin, and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, are not ordinarily conveyed It us to immcdiatelyby God, but that there‘mufl:“ i‘n,tei*vc5_nethe‘ MinifiryiofM;e}2.. it i (Bods holy Word" and Sacrzzrzzents are i the Channels 1n which they are derived to us ; and Ybojfz towhom he hath committed theMiniPc1:yl of fletonciliatiorz and the lPoeer of 1:116 11’ eyes are the Hand: that difiaience 4 them. eWe haveno promyiTeofSipi‘rit2zaZ Graces but by theft means :. To that in order to‘ the partaking of themthete~1san abfQlute- neceflity laid upon us of jyining“ andscommunicating{witl1 the C /Jurcizt. ~ i I1¥.i‘S.i‘fF‘u€ itndsed%God dothot to cie himfelfup £;b_Eh€’fCf mea.22s,”'butshat he a tin, and in foiirne saiifes.eonfer the enefits of them WIJ5h011t»the1n.:i <13) as iiin_icafe ofa Generalflpofldcy of the; C/Jim/9 ;i or V 0f'17De7fétntior2 ifor ‘~R‘elz'gz'o72 {of an uinjufii Ex... communication. :,f 011 any other “cafe Where. C0fi1mu:— nion with a true Vzfiéle Cbll3"Cbf1i3 {dCI11¢d to us. But though God dpth aft extraordinaribé in extra» orcfimzyjz cafes, [where thefe means cannot be had; ’ yet this doth notat aI1‘dimi”ni.fl1,imuchiIefé take 21?- way the neceffity of making ufe of't}.2emwhen they can be had. , From what hath bet-in C1ifcic>iu1*feidi this P;ro}m]ition,iwe may by tl1edwaygather 1:hefet:wo A things: Ionlyname tl1€m., W F 1:10wiMiiu%1j1tfl1jL1€{their Pofitiozz ifi thatxnaintain thatfdll our Obligation to adxniffiop of our fclvcsintofomei,Particula1v Con,‘ igrcgation, and an explicit ProinifeorIngaggmenvti to joyn with itin Church Ordinances. w 2. How wildly and extravagantly tI1eyiiidifcburfei that tall; ofa Clnrzflianizjz aitilargei, without relati... W it uwwfulii for a’0«. ‘ ii», ” on ma Church, iqrcommunioni with any Society 0fC/9r*ifi.ia7zs.ii Q Church Cornrnunion doth iarife fi*0rna,iv"Q1untary A Tlléfeco-mi Propo/itiion is '3 7/mt évewy w2e«iii5umZi to M12 in sit/viiit/vie efia5lz§ mediNationa1 Ch.qrCh‘;.ta w/sic/9% be belongs‘, fizppofiizg: wezieiibe zzw T/9i22g in tbei.Tierms of its Communiwi; it/vatrezzdem iFOI‘§"if welarc bQi1«nd:“tQ A; W» ’ Communiion with %that jgantoffiiiiiiii , , s a i ‘ « i - with AtI1e; A Catholic}: Church«, as. I “have ved, LC 1s phlaln tha.t we arc«%i~boundii i .Wh0fe?;‘ (A1134) lifizerég’ % V:ii(i?tae%E*r7owrif’de'i1ce us; : Fr we fcannot. -non tmxi cute v9yithf;¢4%tfi%fe Cdtholicgk” Afin-igléftl1‘xgf'Wf1;»tf1?“’fdméé Part of‘ It :; ';3{_1qd t:Her~”e“ is; cc; ‘4:m&u.%nicaiLtWjn with any Pat“: of it, bt ’I‘I1atv we 11m, 44 or where we Igave A % A A “ V % % ‘ Q! g‘ 1 a V “We1L, it ‘may’ we I%;Aid5V:t1“1a:%t there be IE» vex-a1 Difiin&~C11um11es iIm1%the I’flace where We live. TI1ere1n21y be the fixed Regular Affembliesvof the i1\T‘ati<§h a1 Cihuf¢»B1; 2L%r?rdit11:e1‘*e‘&iu1aiybe Scparatecon- gr“ega«ti:o1as' ;% Iiiotih Wfiiclaare,%drp1retefid to be Pm: =%th;e%%CathjoliAck Chu»rc11;% c«5at ‘i.1:1mVa.y .beaIl one: as 477-tO~V»OI115 commu~n%ic¢atinag with t/:at",%A whi1c11 oft/acfé o : 547 Abm one of % féqdeflfly 4%th7e”re4% fiécéflfity fi"om ‘V. W .‘ ggz. “ H‘, Ir I a?nd7t?0 5 /. I -/‘M 9 T,t/mt P%rin»cip1;e,'tha1:‘we fhoulci hQl«dV Corm1<1u11i11 A with Htyhe A T‘z¢5+Zz'=ck Afl°emblzfesv off ftwhe Z_V:ztim2~«cz~»l Mn“ ‘4 " M : w 1: “aw ‘ rah gm emfideiredf, ~:t"I?1‘a;t"T~”E%a‘iz?* hat: Iaysg Mi M h%1@1s* EO% joy“n.% Min Communion witI1tI1ewCZn_m:/3 wifitqufirbgsing V J * M 11 V qs 4 V 9 4d Ofh % A A bQC1'.H.‘h€% %nta1~ Las% of Saéiézjr, and the Vexprefé »PrecepVts4 of Cizrz:/iiazziify do freauiye Fofevcgry M ‘ i:»niaI3:’é w ?y»Re;2;A mi fap2mte~%4fi%om 1:“a~wful1y :comm«ixm;¢a.te (find }vsenowfi1po“f'e “fed % A A AA dlreéflv \”'M‘§é di1*c&ly seontrary to .th¢ ;pr¢fe§Ying&%+thc félzzm of tbat%T'Boc{y And % théréfofe x;ertai«i1;yM£g¢h a meflt or se;,@mm,z ma unlawm. am at muff be ufilawfill 31“. t6er”ma,n will deny it; And in...% c1e”ed4ir is the 46¢/is um wmc11~a11.si.gc;me: do *1“ fduflol %ed; 171i4@1'¢ A3 #50¢3€U*;A%i“%fiW¥5 dM$’¢t%F0fi1PP0f©the ‘ Mcmfiers of it n0l:;«an O.b1i;gat1on%t0» ~ofbey« ifs Laws and ,G<:>4V¢rmeent,d is to make B.,opcs of Sanclmto » {hp Ta §fiéd*y5ine2vs and $Ligamw¢%$t0 Iiol§*i:t«s pa1"rstwet11‘¢r. A Sdthat alithe quéfiion here is con%c eming%the gxatu§¢%6amdA¢Xtent of the ‘C/9%’?/9@-S ovcwlcr A M em» Members; find in *svhé’thl it fhllanhcés {he Aezlt/Jaritjl to“obIi%ge+lthem.‘ l Which .ist;t2iql.1eftion't1otl dilfilcult to be anfwerechf men would “come to it ‘w~itl1butVpallion and prejudice; it"tlniu‘f’cebeaélmewledged, inltthe fii~RpI.ace, tl_1at%the C/Jmfcb mull, as all other Societies, be en- truPcedl‘l'with‘latlleaft fo much power overeher Sufi... j~ea‘Zs, ash isneweefliiry forthe fecuring her own We!- contradiéfious. e A A A iltle‘Mem5er5i"h is7lheCefl"ary tofthfi V farlealhdl‘13’:~z§fl’rx72atz'ot72 For commit: oltherwizife, is to fuppofe tGoAa’t0l1.alve founcied 21¢ Cbzzrclw, and in- tendedtl1e Well-lfieingarld 072tz'zzm't7z.ceof]it ; which are things that every onemizltgrant : And yet to - lfuppofe that he l1at;h=cle11lie*cl her’ the ufefiof the Memwithout an m. amzetl camxt e X attalned l:¢ wh1ehht%_1s and 'Furthermorel it muft be granted, *lthat the WI; fa‘?'e‘anCll‘Plr.%:r7/atiohufiof the Church cannotbe fecu4.l red but‘uponltehléfetyvlo‘Suppofitionsl. Filrfi? That Provifiozei be naade for the due and lorderhr perfo1"-- rnzln-ce~l()f‘thc“W'oi* z’p;ofGoz/; ' Second! That tlhere and 7/72z't‘y among 4 A A eelfarfé hnd"Preféj~zxation ofa Ciazzrch as al:Sor“iétj ," the for- me1*:1~s‘neceITa1**jr toit as a (Reliiozos l.S‘0cz’et}. e‘l1tl}1en§this being‘ aclmittecl,eit follows in the A general Wvh«at~ever Tflwér over» ehew1*.$’u?2je:$'¥s is; nece {Tary invl Ofdelj to A either 'of~*‘thi5ng§, all hthllat at leaft t‘mu£ftf to be” A lodged V in the I * ‘ y 4' , ~.;g ‘ l #3,, l entof 3 A $80 2 othat from hencerit is plain, inthe place, that :the Clmirc/J hath power lfo” far to l refizrain the exereife ofzher Subjeéis Libertj, Aasi to oblige them a to all fuch Laws, l Rules,’ Orders, and Ceremonies as She fl"1all.e{’cab1'iil:1if‘orthe moreaSo‘lémn,atRegu.— lar, DeoentL,'and Convenient Adnuiniftration of . #Relz'gieasA;j’eirs. And if it bequefcioneclewhether her Appointments do indeed conduce to that end, i rof'thaet~She her felf isto be the fudge ; Her Mem-A bets bein no f'artherconk:ern’d therein ii thanone-r 3 . A lybeflore they Obey her Impoflti-0725 to fee that they V be not repugnanttotheknown Laws of Goa’. This 712;. the Performance of Gods Worfhip and Service 111 a clue and orcz'erly manner. Power the Claurcb 7 muftbe fuppofed to have, other.- wife Shelwill not be enabled to make Provifionfor the fir;~fi thing whereon her Welfare doth depend: 1 Secondly, from hence alfo it is plain, that the Church nnuli be filrnilhed with a Power tome! and determine Contreoverfies of Religion that: arife a- rnong»it$Meml2ers that isto fay, togive fuchan zjiut/Joritativedeelfion of them, as that all ‘Pnrtiest are bound to acqiuiefce in it : for wlithouttliisllfhe would be defeétive in the ficoml thing riegairecl to her Welfare and Preferaietion, w'z_. Maintalnmg her felfi11 G’eace and ‘Unity. But here it may bictalren notice that this Power : hf Ending Cofztroverfles, which We af"CFib\eV‘*"iti0l*tl1‘e % lfiurc/.7, doth r not imply any Aut/aoriztyiialeioiirer »«0I1I‘l f ,7m:2’gments or that in viertue tl1ereof {he can ob»- D lee %$gimefa;n jwwmjal nflimt ta he em«mim:z- the C‘/flirt]: Loffiome dth chi_1IIeng¢.'.to Aheré fe=I1f). but onely an Autbiozfazty over on; %?ra5:zces,L» that «flag: mm. Qb1«1g¢'~% jug fubmmt %?I’o;%far%*tov1mer e;fiz2ztzEan5,”a:s not ii : former fink is not necéffary to the C /mrc“/96:’ pecgge _; M ffrt1E’ciQn"'ofM%her .Pi1blicir7"Pea.ce. % and the1reafon.i§A,.be.<2aufe four fndgments and O;}?i~z2iwzs§,;: fo long‘ " Vw»eA:1recp.tH4em"; C01 om? 17e1ves,f '(;2u:m 1:’ xbly ca,u7{'e7%a»ny?. : di PtL1r4ban cage ’in,« or do 421- my iVi1j1‘1ry"V”to .S‘ocz"e1g:I.. But a4APowe1: i11Eh§e4vlc‘zz°z‘erfl’r2fi:‘ 15 abfolutely neceffary ;, 1°or1fmen*m‘ay.»be allow» Ifffitb 0f fthemf “( Wfillich is that %e':i;%tra\rag%a11wt Pow*er %:;i32'h:7i”].;]”.g Adc.on~t-raray to, thern A “Power 3 11 the ed§V4toA;A van: and fp;ubl;i{h%wl1a1:;e.ver%f2mcie: come into; im¥pvof‘c‘ fildence*V up.ond them 9,‘it cannot be avoided izm/3i1a;;»v.e% % ffzjftlgw. to “but {he will be overrun with%He‘re/fey, and Lem4bAI’0i1.... ” ed in Vinfimte"Q\zzam~eZs and C02ztroverfie.s:, 1:04 thAed4e- The fiazénifb *Prppofiti022’ is, 71m we can %/We no ];l’Zflf“’Cd2/lfé of u?.it/J;-—-a(r%awAzngour Commumon’ firom t/ye ' Church $m5exe0fmeA£Vare Medmbersg fiat wbérz we cannot c0z¢zzzm:7ziCa¢ie 139%/90f1z£1¢"%f?ff/.ée ¢C,o1[nmifli9n44 A . F 01” ifwe a%re%'%bo%und'*1foC0mm~u1aicavte w%ith&the 6/mrc/3 whenwe car11awf'u1Iy'dofo%; as hath-fbeen 1‘dVEd;i it is plaflin We A»are" mound f}~Io1*:1g to. £:0¢;72v¢iz2zpe.V0iir? 'W>ifl1% the C~lm}:c£>4, ° be unlawfizl to in A1: any longer :* But it can, be Iawfiwlw continueidll hen Commun.i%on,,i E141 ( I2) gm % e;12igefqna@s11,mg(a;as:ay @¢ndit&;m.'.m%, hbfi A C~omrxmn1G fI'1fl;t’%1*§i b¢% w1g_wvfu1§ to % AwitWb,;[Mvei# 011:; Q from ,;.a 1C0m;mz72‘i0n %AWiTlTh lief C3€11:it.. Z“; 0m~:is,m2I1en4 the %C/my-c/9~ requ1r65 Of 2151; a%:Comlitim2A of her fsothat Ulte1:ea11eA but ~:7‘1;2?0 cafézts-,s~VV A " =C0z4zmm_2z'a72, an f1C1q20W[ea’gm4€Iit .21I1dA%P?'0fifl20‘7zV.Of% that fo1jAaA,%7mt/24, Which W56 '1'i.in:oW :1t;0 «.;Vbe:%m:A Arzcazté The 0t~lw1MerwiAs, I when -E116 rcqifires, Vof?1is as a; LCondi.tion of her‘ Cc§IIirI1uh"ion,A*d the?joyningiwitlré A her in fdr~n4e Prafcifeswhdich Vfvfdkilow“ £0 *ber;1ga%infi » A the Laws4«Aot3 IIaV4tha¢fe~:w4o~ Cafes toMwi1;hdr2a,w% V a C}u1*4Ob edience to the Oburc/2 isfo far47fi~*dm"%b>éVing; a Sin, that# it is 21 neceifary Dug! .‘b€CaL1f6.VW6‘HaVe an ob11gzu:~1%oz1 to tI1e~Laws”ofGod‘ Mant1eAcederIt ton thatwehavc to; t/Jofla 0f’the C/azzrcb 4andWe;a1*de bWoun*d to obey t/aefi “r1709 furcl1crthaAn {the are %c‘:,o1:1...;% .fo%11'a11t0r*z1greca%b.Ie to t/Jofé. . } A ¢ " B urn ow fiiom this <1»ifc0urfe~: it . will appear how% infufl‘icienttI1,gfe Caufe‘s.,% how Lznwarrantable chfc Grounds“ are, «%%110n which many amongwawi *1‘1a1#v.é. pxjocecded‘ to A36[2V:%az“z‘mV: ”fifOt'11.r0u‘r’ ;; f ” 1\ rflifwlaat I have laid dom:1*sbe.**tru’e; %i.1:%.4% cannot be; t1*ueAtha’c %‘U¢2fl:rz7ptural Impayitiarz: can aA wania ntabIf¢i4 * offep;zrati0zz% .fi‘m; a C/mic/3 ;r V %fuyp~pofinAg %;etA~ia2e~eam W ‘ifbmeefm-«e~% procee WA /6; t'®ta«1 21 'SBpa.~ r*ation; it as to efefir éw»€hurcI1es»i: zzf contm- % ,1yii7z:§iiar2% to it, 0rW*tAo:]W~cy/we wit/3* *Vv0fé" 't/Ja_»t-4(o;- A ‘\ TI1e"%®reafi>n%% %is%c1€aI* fi‘.m*the' lCOregQgng-»PpigA&gj; ;;Ies ;"rm"zv.. b“e1ca+u4fe1. W26’ aivé bCUfid%f0~ oéey asfar as _we can, a~ndAw=heirc*% we cannot to er. 3 A bus; at no V.har71d% to diPcurbt’he Peace, on b1‘C3zk Ch€ 'Uz2i1y_of ’%:tI’1e~Cl2zz7*c£1.@ ¢ V 4 Though we . car1not?AcompIy Wiyth all that the ‘JC/Bzzrc/2 1‘C’9?}UiI’\‘3S%%A%Of‘1l«S,xwyéfti fi~i1~1'We n;m’Pvc“joy11AAwith Her in tliofe other things ‘whera we lawfully (:an,.; Nay, tlmugh the 6/azzrc/5 fhould 1*equi1“Cth01~e .:things as C'orza"z‘z‘—io:zs»of her Commuzziorz fo :I1acum.. Llefi We confoa net: at A all commu... ’ xnirzate her ; yret fi:ill~~%:tVherf e*isVv P zz/e0Z>‘ga/gt. ;Bm‘e duefrom us : We muf’c fit flrill and 111361“, and not make a‘ Rent“ in the Cburc/J bywfctting up one flltar againftanther. W This isA1iketI1 =**G0‘V7)ew~mm%72‘tV* in ~BoWe1sA0f‘t‘lw1S‘ta*te; v V N0tI1V:Mi:%fmg can: jufiify fim>I1ad 1 L g;emr4aI a. C 0 Vrrizptiazz‘ ‘of the “f/fiim‘/9 both 4oEfléi§"z and ‘?ra5fice,* »=th’at tl1cSalmrifi .ALnicateh ith her is thercbiy..cn4angered? Whiéh eVfct:tiHL1La Mandi a. A 4 ;fC0'%W1C, fO«;, great am J that" cb1i1m'u- . though A cndiitiim of tzhe V/Wefméers Q‘fth€% . ct. Idaré *fay& f'ew us will %ev< tI1_é‘*:c»aaf~7@ them thaQ:A’?comim 11.; fnicate with :u?%mb5 of .; ' ‘ J ‘ ‘ ‘ 2% ‘M e , A yo -ethé X ~tIe.<=1112w«$ thm: Deeutgy ;W§*0W?§ L ‘iv A H e v - ' ‘L ‘ 2 oi’ ‘ \ -. .,‘ c.,' ‘_ " R‘ ‘ 31 ,_‘,a‘‘,, J .1“ iv ‘ ,% “~31 K1 ‘Q. 3 céiémofize MOW! vofher Commuizmgz. eAI1Md»I aopel have noebeen fo ‘Zea- »a m 4 1;’ us for i)@4‘C5;@5%*§Q;eeh3«V€91366-“I1 at alleinjxwsious Trflutlv. ; I 21m tconfideI‘1“edt MI» have e«11~o:thaing.buete~whate very agreeable toeScripeture and .R»eafim%, 21nd =tI‘~lfi;: ;fen‘feeeof‘ti1;1e Belt and Ancientefi: C/2rz:fliazzs.e And lam certain l1aV»e not intrenched upon any of tehofe GTOJLI11dS~1JpO_I1 which our Anceflbrs pmceede-~ eéde to thc'"Q{efi9rz¢zzztz'ozz of .-R’«€\;li£.i072.a.II)1i%C):L1g us. And for mofi of the ‘things heredeleivered we i1aeVe211«I"o— and moderate of our a'ifl?:uting~Bretkrm. And now if after et,h_ie any»: e be indeed thefe kmd Qf‘d1fCOeL1l‘fCSe a%1*e; feldom verye k accepta1_3le; a%1II%can~fay,‘ is, Izlris, «That the Trut/A95: here C[C1lee€I‘CCl are real! y offoreat impoertancee: to; eligiorz and the ‘Pu])[ic Peace, that they ought not I diffemblned pr fuppreffed , for any bad we-; f 111% _ V‘ C/Jrgfiians eottremzeee eeptian W3,‘ Q: N .‘ no/( EV Lfld-,. (5:25 e *2 % . * ‘K.v‘5" W4 ‘ . ‘ ‘ I ‘ n: ‘ , A“ _‘ V M e ‘ M , \ : ,,w,.,~ ‘ K ‘ r V ~ n ow we 2 ’ i ‘ ',‘ y 4; “M, 4%; “ ‘ a N ‘ ., . W, ‘ w “v 1, , _ ' . ‘ 9 e e e V ' . ‘ »;4, “ "*1, u ‘M _ . ~ =7: ‘aw J‘ <1’: " »-19" ,‘m r‘ ' ‘ . 1| 1 am? ‘ ,2, _;~ K ‘V "'A e 1% um And I1éreemybufin€,fs is to dire€f%.you to: ethe: the fwfi’ra}ge0ffeveraIA, ‘andethofe the mop: learned A ay emegegt =v§ritI1fi*omef(32rze mew; A em: ase- them, Iheevé taken all 4 Putjfliétf <24) Purfizit oft/fiofiz things that makefl2r_Peace'; as raw fignifies mutual Love and C/parity in oppofition to Strifeand Bitternfi and Ciarztentionsv. The things that make f'or@’eace, ' in thnisifenlie are more efpecially thefe that follow, whichl fl1a1lcle— % liverabyway of Rules and Advices. y e ~ A Thefirfl Rrulais‘ to dirftinguifh carefully between :‘inatterseof«Fa'it¥:, and mattersieof Opinion; and as to thefe latter, tolhe willing that every one fhould enjoy the liberty ofiudiging for hirnfelf. _ This is one thing that would help very much to f the extingnifhing of thofe unnatural Heats and Animqfities, which have “long” been the Reproach of »Chrif’tians. t Wouldfet no greater value up.- « on their Notibns andiilfljaiinioizs than they d deferve; Heart—burnings among us. l~But alafs vifithey would make a difirerenlce betweefi N7zecefl"ar} points,-and tho-fe that are not fo 9 : and in thofel ‘things that are not 7zec~efl"mj', would not it rigo; toufly tie up others to their meafiires, but would allwtevery man to abound in his ownl’fenl"e, fo long as the Clmrc/:es.Péace is not thereby inju‘red,, we fhould not havefomanny bitter Qgarrels and onewill frame oat Syfleme ofDivi:2it_y fhisown heath and every puny Notib72 of that Sjfieme muff be Cbfl/ifiliélbytllfi name of‘ an Artzcle o1”Faz't‘/3.;-:and every many ‘that th he juf’C as 4 he! dt”h, muff Ptraightte a«Heretz'~c/1 fofta‘, ”oi_ngfo How can itibe;eixpe€ced butwe” mull: wrangle eternally? “ i It It were heartillytwblelwiflmeadl that C:llrlll:l3.fl§.' would confiden, ,that tl1e’.eArtiele5 of“Faz‘tl/J, 't;l31ofe things thatGod_I1atl1 made‘.nlecefl’ary by everyone A to be believed in order to his Salvétiojz, arel but very few, and they aorelxnll of themlo plainelly and clearly fet down in the Scripture, that ittis li*mpof—‘ 4 fible for any fincere honef’c-minded man to mifsof the true of them. lAnd they have furtherthisa Baldg 1:0 .dil’Cinguifl1 them ufi*om all otller wfrntbs, thatthey have» an“immedijatel influence upon mene L.l.’U€S,‘c1lCl1l"lC(C.l? Tendency to make men Better; whereas rnlofl of thofe things thatmake the lmatter of our Controverfies, F and about which we make l"uch4a noife and clamour ,7 and for whichwe fo bitterly cenfure and anathematize one another,‘ a-1‘€‘;q,‘_'-litgl of anotllcl“ A nature A: They are‘lneitl1erf_o lclearlfir A revealed orpropozmcfedlin tl1e:.Scripture, but thzxt elv en good men througl1.otl»1e great cli flerence of tlr1'e.ir.Part”s., Learning ., 21f1(ZlEClLICa_ElOf1 may after V 80 that it their be{‘tenc:lcavou.rs vary in their fentiments '21-» ghe~1ru Nor do tl1ey.at all concern a C/arwiarza bu jltiaftfifs ofgpure vzotio/2 andfl2ecm’zzti07zl.* reafon be pretended- 2 ltl1ateel«tl;ey are pomts upon which Menfsw Salwtiorz-4 A doth~ It cannot: be y\ thouglltx Goa’ flakes concerning} holds thellfigllt oruthle wrong fide be oflen Ignorance be 21 Good tel.-fleavenl ltlellllznaetters ; 4 :f10:»t, ifa 4 : %§elt:l1e1?l he for Godsblfakle why. fhouulfcl we %be;l-with any A E one ‘V \. “ ‘ , W . ‘ ,4 ‘ _.W"' ‘ w I ‘ 0 0PifiiflS%4t 350115 them ” tfian; we havei?* {Mould not rather p%eq-mi%tm@n% toufcthcir Avndeaflandings as Well as they can, and ‘Where tI1cy4fi1iLftl1e¢7mt/9:tAodbearwith them, as; him [elf twiI:h.o4u%t*uéf’ciam1wi11%?;V then by ffimckg ling for gvcry%mimp*ertin*ent u11ne~Ceéi'ét‘ry?Trzzt/3 dé.g. fl7¢‘2'z.2f}f that AoughtV~ firroythat, Peflcei, and Love, and t'}0be amongf/;7rijZia7zs . 4 % % "i;*é;’.I?'}l,VéT feco;nd§ thinigl wi11d%recm1nend , is“a great fim;glzcz' %.gm*dA ¢ of [z2te:2“{tAm2%AV in the p fuit %of7rzzt/3 ;4%‘2ind at nA”I1and to leftpafl20n=~orV 1'22.» tgr1e:ff;Aoranyfl2'Zf-erza’ be ;ingj~edAient 1114130 our ‘Q’{e.," AM % A % A ‘ A V Vin-or; mre» com d uce %moting of Peace. F oiriit is eafie to obferve tha.t'it 15 not always a pure concermamnt for the Truth;_ yin thepoints 1n.Contmverfie, VtbatAmakes f zjeaa%% Ions, fO,,fi€I‘C€~ * d foob» A i11ate:«i7n-» our DifpL1tes for‘ 0.1fag;;ainfttl1~em ; but fomething of that is. 0nely~th§ %Mzzsk and rPmz‘ezzcew., {me By.-ma’sVEla2tt be, 4 , 5 J1-ave eit%11énA Aemgaied %}%¥j;, W6 l1%a?*€m.m%keVn% ‘up an""01pinion 24nd .m»e difcvmf 7 thafi itiV?Wo1:45ld the pFOu._,, % se«zglg¢~z§~I72fm that W36’ t!'!'@»;£‘C“d,*..M”W11 be “carri‘“edi om. V A 1% _ A . A E ‘S to» fofme-s (1 f0» its Ir1te1*:es rlghzzmor Wrong muff appeare§i%:i?nV V?t1ie#~fa;:;; vou1xo4f1tA,,i .amd*wfmMw3 ; our own Vmcdvt oth Aobm 1; us to 9:17 we hav«e received f"OLrYI.e /*2 f 3» ‘ 51, i .11‘ . 1’ *' 45" i i » i w ~ oat it »iaiAdYC1“fai§i¢S. Or oi‘1%t»:1S iar1~&;ad— *vaaI1tag»€ wtha~t~ thfii D1"fiQireini‘Céi3 us be kept afoot}; or we%»defi1'e to gétaoaursfealvics a xmmie by fame great Ate/aieaazeats in tlic Nobltb iisaime ~ofCa¢ztr-0?oerfies ; or we arcapoflefiied W;1th»a*:fp1r1ta iii?01°‘«Ciontrad1€t1on ; tor we d€i1g‘ht‘1'I1Noveitieéjflil‘ Welovoto befingtliar. A ‘I 4 .V V iThefe are .theaithi,I1gs that too of"ite1”1ibthgive birth to our Controverfics,‘ and ialfo 4 nourifliaand foment thorn, A A If Wet would but caft thefie Beams out of our ~eyes., we fhould both fee more clearly," andcertaim Iy live more peaceably. But wIiiIef’twepurfi1e aaflz and fi2r1a’zT;!’ em/5 under the pretfinceb ofmoaiintaininig ” frat/3, we ailwgiaao be in ié6~W'7i077-,{ and in wnterztiozz. i * A ' A Lot usthereforke quitoL1r”fcéIv«es of aIItouir"t1pite- tpoiieiiins ; let us mottify a1l;0u.t ‘Pride and Vaizz... glam, our Pa/fiozz arid Emulation, our Covetaufizefi andfieveage ; and biting nothing in the world to our flebatas about Religion but oneiy tlmopnré lavé of rail: and 3ot;1r«CAo11ttoverficsuwlll not be» fl! ,\ fo long‘; and they will be more caImiy:‘"ond peaiciiaa ably manaiged, and they will redou to the tor good of~alIiiaP;afties.i ’ And this I d fay ifutitheavto encouiraige ayou to labour aftgevt thistcmipor of mind, Thatiahc: that comes thusi qualifiefl to “th€.PEU(Ziy“iif*(R€Zigf072;5‘i though he may not have the Iuck%at17Ways to light 1332 % on (28) don’ the tifrui"/*2", A yet with all‘ his errors he theyfl“ what“ they willed, het is more tacceptable to God than the A Manthathath~ Tmt/Jon his fide; 5 ye: takes it up n ormaintains 1t to ferveh a turn.~ Hethat heheves on Fa//élvooa’, afteaihe hath ufed“I1ihs-fincere endea- A vours *th find the 732::/2, is not’ha1fTo mucha Hét. o r.itiC1(= as he thatprofeifeth a dfrzztb out of'E'z/2’! Prim. tiples, and proflituteth it toturzrvort/’9y ém2’s'. 4 d Thetthird RuIeis=, Neverttot quarrel‘ about Words and tPbrafis, but fotlong has other men mean much What the fame that we do, let us» be content though ‘theyzhave no~t”the luck to exprefs them-2. {elves fowell. ‘ t V A A 1”‘ A A A do :; to-tpafs, Whether =é.rg%1*1 ‘toohmuicI1 heat and eatgemefs~tfdifpucimg.,$ that We do not mind one anothers Senfet; or, whe... therthrough too much love to our own manner. 0f“7/.7z'n1(iflg or Speaking, thatwe will not tendsnte 2L1’1:~thing butwhat is conveyed ;to; us in our own Mei‘/3oc2{s— :~But, rea.lI*y., it ofien happens A that mofi: hitter Qgarrelsedto Commence, not fo much from the difierentflenfie of the contending“ Parties, con- eerning ‘ the: things they contend abotltl, d ifierent Terms expreffing A mime ” enjé, and %ht11edifi'ergent Gromzds they proceed upon, or ?Ar-4* glli7Z€I2l'5C«hCy1T1’dh€ ufe offotth-e proofof it. For my‘ t;bteIiev“e that ft] trsteis the Cafe oflevetal asfthofe Dgflzutes, , in Wh71chwedPrt A teflajzts doofienettttkgage at thlstday do not: M wtide ,‘Y"i:I1r any‘ POiT1tSe our Dtifleermtces ate nearfoa. 3.9 ) 4 iwidfe as tficyr aeré fometimes re . Fofcn t_6d’~,p but~ _that they might eafily be made up W1 « a little allowiiance to mens Ffifds and?/2rafés,randtI1e idifFerenté~Mee... tlaods ofideducingtheir Not1~onsj._ r A It be perhaps no hard matters tomake_ir this aptiear in thofe tforztrozzet/its that "are T o much agitated amiorig usconcerning Faét/9 andi}'uflzfic.q.... tiorz, and the zzeceflity ofgeod wsrk_s- T0p5'aly(1tz'072, and Impnitea’ Rigbtteotufnejfs, ' and the dtfllwerzce 5£’- r ~tweenVirtue and Grace; withfome others, if‘ this werea ti.tp1acéfor~ it. p[The c:1ifl'"erenceethar meddle with ;tl1at,t ~that. nothindgccmcernts the Qzefliorzt But twhattdo Pei:/bnai Rqdefiioizs concernttthe Caztjé of Religion P what ever it maytt be to the Reputatioizof d dopizzion, lamfi1tei'tistnothi.tng.tto thetlfruib d tit»; t.«tl:1tatJ ch; §tttnan~i‘h»01 <33 di’5- 1 And “truly if m U en would; I.ea,ve etdh:idtstttimpertdi— d nence we might hopetfbrt better iifue of out Re-. :i @968 ; and hee;a1*t§:bi1rni"eiigts; : 1: e 1111 g the 5a0ré,::“d~ét Zigiozw Deéates but whileftmen will f‘0rfake_tI1e Iwerits .t 01°*t~tI%1e .Cd1t]é,— and tunmanly fall, to nailttmgi atlldd difpaFagindMene 1?erf0ns.,..;t.andt fcmping toge- {h€§I"3.U1'hCti;H t11.art can be, fai d of At tH§em;,.%hey. blow 13116 Ceale Qf ,.CQnte,I:1ti~on,e they {'0' imbitter and en: V611 Cm: mntkles into incurable 4 'iI?,hI'i{\H3hS would C10,; wellgto confidergthat thefe mean arts ofcxpofing Mens Per/b72s—to difcredit” their ;1revery.n1uchV :.1mwo'rt1f1y»::th‘e zg... flilfj? of mo :of, 1%ttt¥>tm;is~fecom*- they ‘Con.§;And.tAb}Ct‘iE%I«vdficSa.l:qVV Caufc flcatzidse in needofthen1.b ut fmeheandt;%onee stextdredmcly bafied A - and 3; “ c 3 Ianéideiig ereatf-' and even tI1:enAethey are tii1ei"i*w'oi?fi: A1*ge§,g«ments eheworld ietiiefiippiortiit: eF.ori quick»... A ifighned Amen we-iilieafily fee«~tht5eugIa: the*DuFti:we en- deavourw fi3i=f€,;;eniditl1ofe that are duller will be apt to ifL11f1€& ifr0"m;0uri ‘being for angryaznd {wan =P’ifl1aTithaCeeW€hav€i"i3utiabadi*matte1* ca *miamageei- ‘A _We confide!‘ that Mans :'fP€if/572$ ‘alte *eie;z2~ii> credthiflgfia that What ever 7p0WeirTW’e ehm to judg of their Opinions, we have no authori+1:yt‘0 "iiltgior «cenfure Zbem. That.to br»i*ng ifbem upon the Stage,« ..an,dV there mmw dirt them is highly rude and -tmcivilg ar1da5nviafi"r~ont toHumazz~Society, and the i mo£’c con tmriyii thing in the world to C /arzfiimz; Chu- wri_t}5wl11eh is fofar from enduring Reeproaches an Eviiltifpeaking, thatitoebliges us tocoveras much . iiallitilxe and evsenthe very Izm’£fl're— rtimazeffl ~ as well 215 your Headsbii and 1211’: thing Lflaall recommendeito you as anilixpeeeiieent of ‘Peace, is a vigorous pur... fuitof ~H0litzefs. 5 " ‘ A . V Do butferiioufly let your‘ {elves to be goon’: D0 but get your«Heart$ deeply .affe&ed with Reléigijon. id thezre Ino ifear ’ bUt'§7Hr Will be all the Sons affiieace. Li T e imaiyitalki what weiiwill giiieiulzziiteally it: isiicmr‘ not 4 makes us ientiozaws and is pueaziauaiiiéwi air is my of £he*:Di22izzeeL'ee~ e Uhatim.a:1re.sius of euiation 1 and Con iveirfie was Wt bi: Ce finnliy rooted in us, thefe.eWeed§ and‘E;1c_cr¢€fl‘e7zcie.cF (34 ') 'of_Religi0nlwou'l?pref'em:ly tip Azindiwlitllefi ; l~w~e~ ihould loath any lonjger Ftloi flee upon fiiCll1~Hzl5ks5~ . afierwelonce cametohavefiReli=fl1oftha‘tlBieaa/,;l g Ah how little fatisfafiion can all 011 r lplr‘ectyw Noticmsl. and finelpunl Corztroverfies yxeld; to 3; lggyu 1; that tpulyghuxlgerls e and tl11rfl:‘s after R1gl1teoul"nell*s~?~ lHo”w5pietifi1lIyflatlyandinfipidly will they -taflc, in lcomparzllbn. of the ‘Divine Entlertainnxentsl 0ftl1”e~~ Spiritual‘ Life; . .l Weree we bu~t~llfériaufly < t'ake11l up with ~tli~e- £W‘21flLQv3Y .*€Qp«, all Suéflantials bf‘: our (Religion, awe lhould lnotl have leilure M for the Talking‘ Diyjmting Dilvinizy ; we fhould have lllgrealterg meattersl to itakew up llomg Tho ‘ mble Argl1vm.enEs wto ésa My W 171llll1:i(9)711’tO;1;1I‘lll"l[C().l]I‘fEfS.l Se lfdnlglllas we l coul& bu f i our {elves inworlrimgl out O1JI‘5»la[zIati07z5~ andlfur..e tl1e1“mg the Salvation ofothers, We flrould tl1»~i‘ln;k~l~lit~ Emit 3 mean Elnploymeimt to lpend our time fling Nets? fol? t;helca"t(:l1in~glof« Flzles.le l A V Beficles this 131'?/irze Life, if it 011¢elt0eI{ place us; would-« ffraxigely. dzilate alnhcl; enll’arge~ our Wide «ml. the » V i l milk lllus pLpen.6t1r azrlm j on; itwould perfellglr W v‘ A A hat: Pee; VAl»,l}1I1€_l’l»3lfl.fld_'SO.WI'fl€f§,l:é.T1d)7PCI11lIvI3lOl.lfl'l€l§ offirit lwllllicl-1"_lll’$V€l%@1Q,i5,:tQllofifimgv flgrlafil by :bei.t1lgl:,ald*di&ed% &:*ll5€_&5:e23lr&%Clfilf§zVOJ;1ld Swlelc‘Ea;llamm “ ll ll l 1l$feati- v rilelcliwze eéxilbralcell case tlae-.;S‘z2pery’c“rz7‘112ti072 bffithei“ lHdly‘5}'efzz}3lgsgwoultleé need r no other Commendatories t;o'our“ Afl’eé’cion,l but; "A would u"pon—-that alone lacceunt beinfinitelly clear and pretious to us. ' l ILlet“*§11s¢l~éllm:l1enefore ea rnéfislye. contend lzfflerthisle» L Divine Pri'ncipleef‘Ho[izzg]§;A let us bringedownle lfleligiorzl from : our: Hem:/s.tO«~elou~rl Hearts ; fi‘om% Spe-- - eculatlon to Pr/aEl1ce : Let us make ourflbufilnefsee heaetily to Llove~»Geoc:l*aencl do.»hi~sA w*il:l, and ..tlaen;we ‘may hope to»2l"cee~fPeczre«lir1"ou-relays. Th". ,th1s 4 that that will rlellore-totl1e%World7t= .the:~ Golden Age of‘ ’ M A V V imitiwzC/Jfliizzzziigzgllliwhenthew Love a-11d7}’i2ity of1:l1e Difciiples Ql'.‘;:J6l:US» was lb ecejnfpilcuo'us— ancl rei1m1*lmble~[lc:hat it became into» a««lP%‘r0wer5,5 iS*lee bpm ftbe C/hiriflimzslelozvel one azzot/ms. Vie ,‘ ; lee-: Ls l ‘tlalaltza tl:1a,t§w1ll l bmng in thee Accom- L pliflunent of all thofell llglor1‘1usll.Pro;f1ifese~.of ll (Peace V and Zfdnguilliyz ;maclel;t0eel14i sl«C}Ju2*~c/3: Then" {hall the ClW:Cl§el1lW.ll!h~- the Lamb, A and ltlle A Leopard lie down with the Kid : Then lhall nlotr“ A E12/ar;iime1av7;vl*ll Eiulu/aw«b;.*. non lylm/9 vexalfipbrailmgbut we £ha.ll ulr»n";.:;e.u‘r% z5‘mi:*a’.s'.»: ;§i;mO’.§.r1l’l0lM‘,_rgL[9ufZ:Zflr€lT.%, anda; our Spears Into Pruflj@¢i70.kS‘3q "ahdl,tl1er«e will be: no more confumxnlg or clcivouringinall Gods Holwv Mountain.»... I lhouldl new proceecl to tlle fecon'lelGe”nera1.l; Point in my propofecl Method of handling, tI1wis+« lie-xt ;_ viz“. ‘ To fer before you thevery great ~»r (375 ) and Abligafioézs wey-hav;.e ~upon :us~~to F1.‘ % low 21 mt _ that «for PéI&Ce#44;4 -aI_A1:» ,2.‘ ‘FIfOm.Ch¢;gl';C‘3-t 4Weightsthe§9cripmre .Iay%sV%upon thiS47JW£t)'V- V M % V " A From the greAat'l7nreafozza 5Z¢z12e/3 ~of; ourTRc--. ligious :§Difl}srence5. ¢Er%omA%tl1cwveryjev-il \ Corzfégmeizces .t%hat them .3 as r~1.»In thatthtzy areA.great Hinderzinu m;ces~of:.agood VLife;% A 2. They are veryperni- %;ci‘ousfAto.the Cim’l P’earae%9fthe State. 3. They ,aTrc: ;. A f Q;l1}S; ‘£0 Clorifcianityfl in §7nemI. A And and1a£’tly,d Very dgangerou-s4 to the Frotefitmtfictligion, as giving too ma». ny advantages, and too much Cncour3g€m€n£« V torzhc ‘Fmfiors of thc rzqy. A W‘ ‘at I ha..vie1;I .* faar mready Afidfc the Limits zémf 21 ’Ser*m07z, and tha1*cf0r&V£hiaIl% no mre. iv r‘, A ia?erfiafldi*be sfi» tZzelo7alg.fm,.»P»*cé5e~ * fare they be bzfdfiwm A % 51 N1 s. t m/w:2TzT2m Ai~‘t/nmis gaur. dag); V 19