*5 .-_V Lw,-sins W: I -!'.sQy;'r.- r‘ ' ' I THREE S ERMO NS MADE BY MR- H£NR_1{ SMIjr.K§ L Tb: Bcnefitqf Communion. I I. The Afinity oftfia Faitbful. I 11. T5: /oft‘ flue): find. LGJNDON, Printed by W; S. - for lab» Smetlmicke,_ and are to be {old}: % his (hop in S. Duuflanex Church-yard, 1 6 3 3, ’ ’‘ V1210 I’: “' I-4"; ‘ "/ i T H E ex‘? ~/9 ~y;' __,___,__._.._.__,_______ _ _ _..--. ._..-_...-.--.____._.___.___._,..,__.--.... -t_ 3 I ‘— . - '-3:: 919 I-‘./?D\‘/'5/i;‘7‘ 9.49 -21 -‘-"’/?~i’**"-Vi‘ i -‘/.»-'’t /-T". I 4' #3:.-"""“.: -‘(C \\'\-1‘ .— "U ¢’V \. \./U V\‘‘ - n ‘\ /' n; - rr“\ .4’ 9 ‘.—-.". 2 _"\ r ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 , ‘ . e -J out s~ tr - ~-i ~ am: a * c v‘ , . K. ” / ‘?’\Q I] \~'’/1 -—/‘ “‘;3“‘« \/.,// 1/0’ ‘.}”“ ‘E /1‘ »- . ' ‘9 ¢- » "“ A,,_.,' "“_ \ " .-—-f .""“>. ‘ 4 I’ ‘ 6 -‘- L=:—\-,1:-*;_~:4"<>'d ~ BE N EFIT or Contentation. 1. T1 Mo '1‘ I-t.'6,_6. Gadligefe irgreat gaine, zfa man be content with that bee /mt/1." ' Becaufe when we preach , we know not whe- , y the: wee {hall preach againe; my care is , to choofe fit and proper Texts, to fpeake that . which Iwould fpeake, and that which is ’ neceffary for you to heate. Therefore, think- e 7 y ‘rug with my fefe what doaxine were 6:- tefl: for you I {on ht for a Text whichfpezkes againfi c¢,aue_- toufueiie, which may call the Londoners fimie. Although God hath giueu you more then other , which {hould turne <:ouetoufnefl'e into thankfulueflb : yet as the Iuie groweth withthe Oake {o couetousfneife hath -growne with riches : cucry manwiflseth the Philofophers (lane, and who is with in thefe walls that thinks he hath enough , though there be: fo many that haue too much'.' As the Ifraeiitcs murmured as much when they had C/'1/{amm,as when they were without it“, 1zxo.'t6.g; {'0 they which haue riches couct as much as they which are NIMIj-II-4- without them : that conferring your minds and 70"! WCIMI together I may truly fay , this Citie is~rich if it were not co- uetour. This is the Deuiil which bewitcheth you , to thinke that you haue not enough , when you hauc more then you need. If you cannot choofe but couet, riches, 1 will {hew you riches which you may couct. gAqd1;';;g,,-.1; great richer. In which words as Iaeoé ctaucd of his wines and his Seruauts Gm’ 3”" 2 V ‘to 1 I 1 1 I Z‘ / J 5/}! 4 Q The Benefit afContan?4tian: to give him’ their? Idols , that hee might bury‘ ‘then: sfo Paul‘ craueth your couetoul'nefl'e , that he might bury it, and that ye: might be no loofers, hee offereth you the vantage in Read: of ' 1e,he propofeth great gaiue.Gadl£nc1]'e 1': greatgaine : as’; -helhould fay,Wil you Couet little gainc before gteatPyou hauc found lit_tlC ioy in money you {hall finde great ioyiu the holy Ghofi :» you haue found little peace in the woid, you fliallfinde great peace in confcience. Thus fceingthc world; flriue for the world like bcggers thrufiing at aldole;-Lawyer xgainfl Lawyer, Brother againfl—Brother,Neighbour againflé s.xc;.;,., Neighbour, for the golden apple, that pooreNa&o:b cannot: hold his owne,becaufe {'0 many Ac/mé: are ficltc for hisVine- yard awhen he hath found the difeafe , like a fkilfull Phyfi-» cian , he goethabout to piclre out the greedy worme which: maketh men? as hungry ; 8: fettethfuch a- gliilie before» them, that will make a milling feeme as great as a pound,a cottage {tune as fair: as a-pallaee,and a Plough feerneas goodly. as a Diadem, that he which hath but twentie pounds, ~-fliall be as _ merry as be which hath an hundred , and he which hath an hundred, {hall beat iocund as he which bath a thou (and, and hewhich bath a thoufand , {hall be as wcllcontcntcd as hec mn.xLt:I. which hath a million :-euen as _D-arsiel-did~thriue with water and ipulfe ,as well as the re&- did with their wine andriuné lie.-ts. This is the venue and operation of theft words : if you hurt: them with thafame fpirit that ‘Paul wrote thcm,thcy will fo work: vpon your hearts,that you lhallagoe away euery _»_,;b,,_9_ man contented with that which hee-hath; like Zncbew , which before bee had feene Chtifl , hiewnothing but to ferape, but as foone athe had heard C hriR,all his mind was {cg vpon giuiu 3 this was not day-that Z4556!!! med ,-ad, to 3 , but this. wasthe firli day that Zacbaa feemed rich tvnto himfelfe , when riches fccrned dung-, and Jwuhgargodllnes feemed riches. Chrifi doth not will others to giue all their goods away to the poore,as he-bad the young man, as to fee what he woulddoe, but he which-forbad him to keep-c his riches , forbiddeth V: to loue riches , and makes our ri4- cbesfteme pouem’c.When yee contemne rithcs,yc {hall feetrc: . ii , «av AT52 Bmefit afflénteitlitiak: ‘rich , beeaufe no man hath cnough,bnt hee which is conten- ted : but ifyee eouet 86 gram: , and thirfi , as-Iacaé gane Ru- Gm”;§; fie» a bleliing, but faid,t/2au_/bait 120:5: efcve/:"m‘t,f0 God may T-giue you riches, but he faith,you/Imflnot 6ef4¢}:fied,For yee s will be couetous vntill yeibe religious. He that will haue con- tentatioa , muflleauc his-couetoufnelfe in pawn: for it. This 3 is the fpii-it which we fhould cafi out,if wee will leauebut this one finne behinde-, you {hall depart out of this Church like 'Nammmout of [ardan , as if you had bcene wafhed , and all “K,-,,.,__" your finnesfwcpt away, like the s'~kalcsfromPauls eyes. For 4313.9, .3 - whatliathbrought vfui-y,and Simony , 8: bribery ,andcruel- tie,and fubtilty,and9etiuy, and flrife,and deceit into this City, quid made cut-r'y houfeian Inna , and euery {hop a Market of -oathes , and lies , and Fraud , but the fuperfluous ioueofmo- ny?Name couetouiiics , and thou ‘hail named themother of "all thefe mi{chieFes,other {ins arebut hirelings vnto this fimae, vfutie and briberi_e,and fimonitgaud €Xt0l‘tlOl]_.‘allCl deceit,and "lies , and oathcs , are Fséiors to »couetouli1efl‘e , and ferue’ for Porters to fetch and bring her lining in. As the Receiuet makes a thiefe , (0 co uetoufiieffe make an vfiu-er , and extor- tioner, and deceiucr , beeaafe lhee receiueth the booty which they lieale. Euen as Rae/we/lcryed to her husband , Gin: me: Gage. r- children or elf: I die , fo couetoufnes cryeth vnto vfurie , and ’° bribetigand {imonie',8t ctuelty,and deceit,and lies, give me e riches or elfé Idie. How they may {me a little , and how they may get much , and how they may prolong life, iseucty mans dreame fiom Sunue to Sunne , fo long as they haue a knee to -‘bow vnto B«ml:lTo many vices bud out of this one ., that it is called i The robtc afa/I will , as ifwe would fay ‘the fpawue of all (nine. Take away .couetoufnefl'e, andhee will fellhis was-‘es as-cheapeas bee: bee will bring vp his children as ver- Rflflolfs “tuoufly assliemheewilfrefufe bribes as eameflly as bee :hee y will fuceour'the PCOIC as hs-artily as heezhee will tome to < , theCliurchas lightly as hee. If yeeicould feel: thepuifeof -euery heart; what makes 9ebe:.s' cite the bribe which Eh: ,_m-M. ". 1&4 tefi|fe'O-, ‘what makes Demetrim to fpeake for Images, A”, 19;“ which Paul condemned , what makes Nah! -denie Dam 1 smut, A 3 I l _. x.27m.6.ny <6’ i Tire Ben: fit of Ceiitentatiorzl‘ 5 2304-5-50 ‘a.xvg.7-9» rhaewhich /Iéigal gaue him ? what makes Ixedaugrudge the oyle which Mary.te11dred ? nothing but couetoufne1l'c. Whentltou lhouldcfle giue, {he faith it is too much : when thott fhouldefl rcceiue fhee faith it is too little :,when. thou fhouldefl remit, lhe faith , it is too great: when thou fhoul. defi repent ,_ fhee faith it is too foonc swhenthou fhouidefi heare,fhce. faith it is too farre : like "P/Mme}; which found one bufineffeor other. taoccupic. the. Iewes when they fhould fern: God» - _ , Thus euery labour hath-an end, but eouetoufncife hath nouelikc a fuiterin Law , which thinkes to hauc an end this Tet-me,and thatTerme , and the Lawyer which fhould pro. qlrc his peaa:,pt-olongcth his firife, becaufe he hath an a6ii- onto his purfe,as his aduerfaty. hath to his. land ; {Q be: which is fee on eoneting, doth drinke brine which makeshim thirti more, 8!. fees no hauen till he arriue at death ; when hee hath lied, he is readie tolie againc :whcn he hath fworne, heels. rgadie to fweare againe : when he hath deceiued , he is ready to deeeiue againe , when the day is pal} ,hee would it were to begin again: 3; when. the Terme is ended , heewifheth it were to come again: ; and though his houfc be full, and his Giop full,and hiscofiers full, and his purfe full : t his heart. is not full, but lankeand emptic, like the dife _ which wee. all the wolfe, thatis alwayes eating ., and yet lteepesthe ho. die leane.. The Ant doth care the foodewhich fhe findeth- The Liondoth refrelh himfelfe with the preythat he taketb; ’ but the couetous man lyethlby his money, as a fick-man fits- by his mcflfifld hathno power to tafle it,_ but to looke won- _it ; like the Prince to whom .£'h;/Bu fluid , _ 7.'lnar.tIye/Imrld/Ea. the corxcezvit/9 bi: e_7e:,6u¢ none/baaldcone within In’: mouth, Tbusthecouetous man makes a fooleof himfelfc.Hee couc- teth toconet : -he gathereth to gatherzhe laboureth to labotm; heaeethtoeare ; as though his office were, ,to fill acoffet-. full ofAngels,8t then todielike an Aife which can-riethttca- fares on his back: all day, and at night they. are taken from him whichadid himno good but loade him. How ha PPY P70!-9'-51;-vvexeieme, if they knewqtot gold from leadc .i.lftboa bee- . ..,s...... :,7. ll « eeiue others deceiue thesnfelues , and liueldte ‘T6: 3 -weft ofcorztetitatidkl 7 -wife (faith Safo men) than [bait be wifefor :12} fe{fe': But hee ‘which iscouetous, is couetous a gainli -himlelfe. For what a plague is this(vnlefle one Wouldklllthimfclfc for a man to fpend all his life in carking , and pining , and {craping ( as -though he {hould doe nothing but gather in this world, to {pend inthe next) vnlefle he be vfure that he: lhould come againewhen heis dead , to eate thofe fcraps which hechath gotten with all his liirre ; Therefore couetoufnclie may well be called Miferie, and the couetous Miferable , for they are miferable indeede. Of them which foemeto be wife , there be no fuch fooles in the world , -as they which louemoncy better then them- feluestbut this is the iudgement oFGod, that the which de- gvzix, which was avagabond vpon‘-his owne land , {'0 they are beggers in the midli of their wealth; for though they haue vndct. (landing to know riches, and amind to {ceke them, and wit to finde them , and policie to keepe them and life to poflelie them‘; et they hane fuch a falfe light and hleare eye, that when it riches lie before them -they haue pone:-tie,» and he which hath nothalfe [0 much , feemeskicher then they: Will you know how this comes topaffe ? To lhew that the couetoas men belong to hcll,they are all like hell while they hue. Hell isneuer filled, and they are neuerhtisfied , but as the Horfe leach cryeth, gitte, fiiue, {'0 their hearts cry bring, hrin'g:& though the tempter ould fay to him, as he {aid to Chi-iii, All the]; will I give the-c,yet all wil not content them, no more then I-leauen contented him. But as the Glutton in Hell defitcd a drop ofwatet , and yet a tiucr would not {a- tisfie him : for if a drop had been: granted him: 5° W°“‘_u:cnta_t«ion,:. which, when {bee cot-nc's, willbring you all things. There. lobn..8'.36.__f_o.tfc as Chtifl faith, If the San make-Jroufree, you /ball bee free, indeed : {o I fay, ifgodlincffe make ye rich, yec {hall-.. be: xich indcedc. The Lord I E S V. S makc. 7 ycqdoers of that ycic ~hauc _ heard,gAinen. V 1:‘1N1s,_ - a'*“~'-‘. - A $5‘ l.l’._ e > %£;’:x~eT<% - V SL1-7'” ' ‘I ‘ r-‘.7-3: 41 2"} ‘ .-_.—.., :-7%"; 4 THE AFFIYNITIE O F the FAITHFVLL. A ’ fluke. VIII. I 9.‘-:7’/yen came to him his Marker and Bret/arcrgamd could - not cork: net-re /aimfar dye pymfie. 20-‘ 6/7714 it We: told bim 6} cartaine, 7v/2icIaf2zt’d:t/2] Mo'- tlifra /1 W1 373/7763 ,_/ilamd wit/mzt, mzdzvauld/ac time. 31- B”? 96’ Wfwcred zmd/aid '2/ma t/.vem, 2 ‘ :.r %~<.....¢o'.’0~r ‘ l "w ‘T, ‘I I ‘V "' « _ 0 j I A. '_ _ . , - *. fie Lffllxitie def 219: Faiibfrxi/Q ag by thatwhich Satan thought to difgrace him. He‘ W3as"l'o ‘ar- med with the Spirit,that let the Deuill tempt him ,or the wo- man tempt him,orPrinces rem t him,-has all is one. ' Here are two doubts , -the rll is the diflercnce betweene H theEuangelifis:for Matthew faith , that one -broughrrhis meflage, (Mark; and Luke attribute it tomoe: both may Rand, for theword which his Mother game of calling him fmrh , was receiued of the refl, and fo paffcd amongll many, till it came to Chrill, fo that one may be {aid to bring this meffage , becaufe one noyfeel itfirfi, and many may be {aid to bring this meflage , becaufe many noyfed it after. The fecond doubt is. , beeaufe Chrifi had no Brethren,‘ how they (aid, T/y~érethren‘wa)vld flieake with thee. Yeti inuflynderfiand, that they which are here called Cbrifls Brethrenr,were_ hisCofins by the Mothers fide : that-is , her Sillers children, for there were 34. *cfl/[drier , and rhcfe three were fillers, Lfl/tar) tlre'Virgin,Lii/far] the Mother of [.4m»;,' and tflimy the Daughter of Cleop/mr, whole Sonnesthefe Mat.ri.3 7 Mark-3.3r° ‘I.uk;9.xo. were:their names were Iamer, Iofép/9, Jun/4:, and Simon : ‘ end they are, called the Lords Brethren , hecaufe they were Kinvnto him; Therefore note; that in holy Scripturegethcre be foure forts of Brethren : Brethren by Naturc,fo E fan and Iazcoé are called Brethren, becaufe they had one Father, and ne Mother : Brethren by Nation, [9 all the lewes are called Brethren, ‘beeaufc theywere of one Country :'Bi-ethren by Qoufmguiniry , {a tall are called Brethren which are of fine family,and fa eflléralaam called La t bis Brother,and 54.‘ ml; his Sifler , becaule they were of one Line: Brethren by profellion, fo all Chrifliarrs are called Brethren, be-caufethcy are of one Religion. Thefe arebrethren of the third order, thalt is-, -of '-Qotfangtriniey , becanfe they were of one Fag mi . A * bylaw, when his Mother‘ and hisiBrethren, were come to fee him , it is (aid, that they could not‘ come neere him for the prea'l'_e.Herc were A uditors enow,Chri{l fo flowed now with Dil'ciples,th:it his morherconld hauc no room to he-are him : but after a vvizile it was low water againc. VVhen the (071.27; 30; Dcm!._15,1. Gfilofg-VS.‘ ‘ Gfflol Zola" M4525. B4 . Sher»- ’ 1;. “V E . E. ‘Dtat.:.6.31 M4517. Exodao. Lulz.s.q6. . l.bO' ,0“. 54 The Afiinitie of the F aithfv//.' ~ Shepheard wasfiroken the lheepe were {cattered,w hen heel preached in the {’rreets,and the Temples, and the fields, then many flocked after him; but when hee preached vpon the ~ Cro{Te,then they left him,which {aid they wouldneuer fora . fake hin1;then there was agreat preafe to fee him die,as there was heere to heare him preach. And many_of' thcfe which kemed like brethren and {diets , were his betrayers and 2C‘.- cu‘{ers,and perfecuterssfo ineonflant are we in our zeale,morc then in any thing elfe. Thus.much of their comming and calling to Chrifl : now to the doctrine which lieth in it. Here be two fpeakers , one faith, T/2} Mother, and :1; .. Brethren are come tafiea/Q9 7/nta t/aee.’Thc other l.aith,T/aefe are an} (Mother 6' brat/9r"enw/71.6/9 bear: the ward of § ad and- aloe ir.The fcope of the Euangelifi is this :Firfi, that Chrifi would not hinder his doétrine, for Mother, or Brethren,ct. any Kinfinan : Then to H-‘mew that there is a neerer con- iun&° n hetweene Chrifl and the Faithfull, thenthe Mo- shera the Sonne. Tb; firfi is written for our comfort 3.,-,. Touching the firfl, he whichteacheth vs to honour our Fa-- ther and Mother, doth not teach heere toconremne Father and Mother, bccaufe hee fpeakes of another Morher,for it is faid, tbat /2: was oéedient to his Parents. This he {heweth , when being found in the T'cmple"amo;_3gfl the Doétors :, hgelcft alt, to goe with his Mother, becaufe {hec fought him {o be honoured her that he left allfor her. This he {hewed again: at his death, being vpon the Crofle, hee was not vn-I mindful! of hertfot poyuring vnto lob», hee faid, t/'1/[at/7er,i éaboldtb Sauna: and poynting vnte her , hee (aid; Behold. :13] Mo: er ;fo hec commended her to his bcloued Difciple ' before hee died. Therefore, this is not adoarine of difobca Iltlgztdl Luke 30.15 ucmg. lxodso. Q dg¢n¢¢,buta rule how to obey. As hec taught his Difciples ta giue Vuto Cafcr , that which is Cazfars, and to G011, that which is Gals’: ('0 heeteacherh vs heere to giue vnto Parents, that which is Parents, and to the Lord , that which is the Logd;.When God faid. Honour t1a]iFatI7er and :11 cfilatlur, ‘ bee did not giue a commaadement againfl himfelfe :; and thetcfotc hec faitl't,Honanr rue, bcfore he l'aith,I-Imour them: i The 7'1,-e .4fiim':z'eoftlae Fmlifu/1.~ '2'}? The firPt Coznmandement is , Hommr god; the lift Coni- 'mal1demcnt is, Honour t/2} parents, lei’: you {hould honour your Parents before God. When Salomon bade his Mo- ther aske him any thing , hee fignified that the Mother I-.K£gz..1ea} fhould be obeyed in many things :bur when he denyed his Mother that one thing which {he asked he (‘he-.veth,that the Motherfhould not bee obeyed in all things. Vi/hen Chrifi faid. : Ton /mu: but aneF4t/aver and eflfaflér, Hecefpeakcs ofMa'3-13:9~- : Faith and Religion. {hewing that when it concerneth out Faith and Religion, wefhould refpeéi: butoncFather, and one Maiicr,which is tbegiuerof our Faith, and the Mafter .- i ofour Religion. When Paulfaid, bildren oécjjour Parent: in the Lord, Epbrfy-6.19 hemeanes notthat we fhould obey them againfi the Lord, g.m,;3,,,. As, when he faith, 012:} Prince: fat canfciencefa/<5, he mea- ncth not that wee Ihould obey them againii confcience. Therefore when it commeth to this that the earthly Father commandcth one thing, that the heauenly Father coma . mancieth another thing :then, as Tczeraiifwered the Ru- lers, fo mayefi thou anfwere thy Parents,x/be:/aer :31’: met: £5.43?“ to oée} 904’ are l ax?-Then thefe are the bands which thou, muff cut off‘ , t en thefe are the eyes which thou mufl pull out, or elfe they {hould be as much vnto thee, as thy hand, . or thine eye. . In Mathew 19. A rtian mitt’: for-faicc his Father‘ and his . Mother tadweilwith his Wife.‘ In Lake the f6. Hee mufl for-fake ‘Father and Mother, and WiFe,to dwell with Chrifl : , For,Heew/7ic/:rfbrf}zkctb F at/aer, 07 M other for met, /54}! 'r:- LuQ;z-4:16.:-s» ceiue morc,faith our Sauiour. Nay, He which dot/7 not hate ._1.‘,,,,b,,-,0, Mather ’ or Wifeifar me,lc4nnat6e7;s]ADz'/Eiplel. Shewing_thato'ur loue towards God {hould be fo great, that in refpeétofit, our lone toward men {hould be but hatred. Thus he which obeyed his Parents more-. then wcc,yet would hauefome rule, {omefentettce , -{ome examplein Scripture, of not obeying them too, becanfc it is {uch a hard point, to _ know how farre they are to be obeyed, which are {ct in au=- . thorityoucr vs.. I H A *e .. +3. €93 6.tI Iobn §- ' ‘.16 T72: I/.{fi1'r2itile of the F iitbffll’. As none but God fpeakes alwayes right, fo none l'>ut’God mufi alwayes be obeyed : wee are not onely called the 25‘0m2e:i' of men,bat we are called t/Jefimnex of G'0d.Th‘erefore as’Chrifl: anfweredhis Mother, when {bee would haue him turne.wa- ter into wine, woman ,-‘iv/mt /Jilldtfl to doe will: 2/rec? {(9 Wet: {hould anfwere Father and Mothe-.',ancl Brethren and Siflcrs, . and Ru,lers,and Maflers-, and W fife too, when they will vs to *-Il.it.I$.13 doe that which is not meet,Wbat lmm Ito doc m’:/Jjm? For to leaue doing good, and doe eaitl, were not to tu me water into vvine,but to turnc wine into Wat€r.‘Peter was not Satam but when he tempted _Chril’r ltlteSatan, Chrifi anfwered him as he anfweted Satan, Come behind: me Satan.-{hew ing that wee fhould giue no more attention ‘vnto Father or Mother, or-Mailer , er VVife, when they tempt vs to euill, then we would giuc vnto Satan, if he lhould tempt vs himfelfe; ‘ Three things children receiue of their Parents,I.iFe, Main-K tenance ,, and inflruétion. For thefe three they owe other three : for lifcthey owe loue ; for maintenance , the owe obedience;for in(’tru&ion,they owe reuerence : For life, they mufl bee loued as Fathers : for maintenance they muli bee obeyed as Maliers; for inliruéiion, they until} he teuerenced -asTutots. But as there is a King of Kings, which tnufl bee obeyed Kings, ('9 there is a. Patheppl‘ Fathe rs, which mga beefiyed a‘boue Fathers : therefore fo:nctimcs you mufi anfwere Iiltethe Sonne, when he: was bli§:'(O goe into his Fathers Vineyard, Iwi/3'50: : and {omctimc you tiiufi an. 9 {wer as Chrifl aafweted, I mztflga: about mjfat/ear: éufirzex. .VVhen two milch Kine did carry the Arke of the Lord to get};/game/b,thcit' Calues were fiwtvp athome-z hocatefethc Kine lhould not Pray, when they hfafd thcircfilucs cry after ‘mm, {O when thou gmfi about the Lords bu!in<fi'c, thou _ fl,,k.h,_.,,¢t acfy of thy Father and thy Mother, -and thy Bre- _;h;'¢u,al1d thy Siflers, and thy kindred to Ray thee, butthen thou mull thinltc of another Father, as Chrifl thought of another M0tl1C=' : and {o as thofe Kine went on till the Lord brought ‘them where the Arke lhould refl, [0 than {halt goe on,till the Lord bring thee where thou fhalttefl. It is better . to ll ' "'"“""'" s‘ 1 The A,yt»;:z..f.1.. Faitkfall. . i7.,.,G . ‘ i l i to fliefrom our Friends,» as o4éralmm did, then to [lay with l‘ ’ ' {ome friends , as Samfon did with 504/114. I/zde x6.14... . [may fay bew are of Kinfmeng; as well as our Sauiour faid 6'76- éeware ofmcn, For this refptét of coufenage made Eli his ‘ S‘"”"" .. Sonnes Prielis , and this tefpcél; of coufcnage hath made ma- nylike Priefis in England: this refpeét of coufenagc hath made Sdmlle/J fonnes Iudges , and this rcfpeél of coufénage hath made many like Iudges in England : this refpeéi of M’?-!§—4-S“ coufenage brought Toéia: into the Leuites Chamber : and 1 this rcfpeél: of eoufenage hath brought many Gentlemen. into Preachers linings, which will not out againe..As Chrilt preferred his fph-itu'allKinfm_en, fo we preferre our earthly.-. Kinfmen. Many priuiledges, many ofiices, and many benc. fiees, haue (‘looped to this voycc ; thy Mother calleth thee,ot thy Kinfmen would haue thee. As this voyce came to Cnrifl whilehe was labouring , to many fueh voyees come to vs: while we arelabouring. One faith , Pleafure would fpeakc. with you : another faith, Profit would fpcakc with you: ‘another faith, Eafe would fpeake with you : alnotherfaithga Deanary would fpeake with you .- another faith, aBifl_mpr_icle- - would fpeake with you :another faith , Tl1eCoui't-would _ F fpeake with you. ‘ VVhcn a man is in a good way, and fiudieth the Scripture » i to be a teacher of the Chuach, _a_yoyce commeth to his care, asthis came to Chrifis, and faith :- Thy. friends >w¢u'ld haue I thee Quay ghc Law, for by Diuinity thou {halt attaine to no prefermcat, and thine owne flockc will vexe thee, or the » . Bifhop will Poop thy mouth. This winde fometimcturneth W03 Is Iona: his failes from Nirzim‘ to ‘Tar/bi/Zz,aDd makes him but. xy his talent. _ _ - 5 _ .. If-‘be be a D535“ an-g5dy’8;.PrC2Cl1.l1lS conference, a voyce commeth vnto him againe,as this didto Chril1,?5z f aith, Thy friends would haue thee to be quiet, for there be fpics which do note what thou faiefi,or,therebe fellowes that lye iuwait for thy liuing: fo fometimes witha little intrcatie, he begin. a neth to draw vp his hand, and lay his fingervpon his mouth, and preach peace,,when'he is fent.wit'n warre. Thus we are, , cums» -» I.Sam.8.r.) A -thefe for our friends. Thus much of his naturall Kindred: new _ l zdoblt. as V we wfiznizzea/we Fgzzefur. cumbrcd ln.T.I!Ib"='135*9'3~ theft-. » ‘_,':.-;3;i;‘r.«; jx‘3.'*. '.t;Xli’‘.',-’‘%..s'~_ ’' \ Beforethefe wo'rd§'i:isefai6’that Chriflasked , «Wbo are "my-brethren Pas if he: fhouldifay, You thinkc tifflt I am af. feéied to my K infmen as you atc.“»Bm7I'teiIybu than I‘ count them my kihfmeu , which /aeare the my 5;, 13¢ . {hewthat Chrifi loueth vs with an»-' limfig 1065‘: ‘Bee L flxeweehthat bee doth not iouevs For any tcmporail things‘, but for that which endureth for eucr. « e — ' e IfChri{i loued vs as Ifazzt loued Efdtz , for .veni{'o‘h‘, then Helouet/yintlaetrut/2: fo Chriflioueth in the truth. To louc in the truth , isthe true loue, Euery Ioue but this, at one timeor ether, lmh turned imoehatrcd: but the true loue - G_(72o25'o‘-2.3‘: -1. 3o $1.. .xg7»;z;eaf.:he Faithful/. ouetcommeth hatred , as the ‘truth duercommeth falfec hood. ' ‘ v i '?I Now for this loue ; Chrifl eallsthemby allthe names of loue;his Father, andhisi Brethren, and'l1isSifl*ers.a'InRo5n. ' ' 6.they are called /7,15: Sermmtrg If that bee not enough ,’ in Ia/an the fifteenth, theyiare called 513: fitendrg if that be not enough, in Lathe the fame and twentieth, they'are called his érerbrep ; if that bee notenough , in ("J/ldrkgi r.theyareeal- L . .led.,bi: ('In'Idrm;‘rf-thatbeenoramngh, he;e.;hey.;ag»cca11.4 , .I9i:1‘l/[at/yer; -if that be not enough, in Canticle: the fife , they are called his/'poufe :- to fhew that heeloneththcm with .allloue; the Mothers lone , the Brothers loue, the Sifiers alone, the Maiflcrs loue,and the Friends loue. If all thefe loues coulrhbeput cogether; ' yet= C-hriflsrlone exceedcth them all ; and the Mother and the Brother, and the Sifler, and the child, and the kinfman, and thefriend, and the feruant, would not doe andfuffer ['0 much among them all, as Cbtifl hath done , andfirfl"ered for vs alone. Such: a .loue we kindle in Chrifl’, when we hear: In’: word; and do: it, that wee are as deare vnto him, as his kindred toge- ther. . ° Now as wee are his mother , fa-Chould wee carry him in - oqrlhearegggtis ~rnothc:&Iliniuerarmes.~ Aswe arehitbre. thren, lhwee {hould prcferre him , .as Iafcpb did Beniamih. As wee are his Spoufe, fo wee {hould embrace him, as 1/44: did Rcéeccaeif thou be a kinfman,doelilre a kinfman. Now wwmme tothe rnarkes ofthcfe kinfmen, which .1 may C3“. *l'¢'3Yfi1¢9.ofhis»‘houfe. A&ChriPt. faith,» 3} ‘tlatlc I all men flmll @101! 'fi;}»’1)i/5'5f’N€€Ffi557.laacon?%Ifi¢/J€7‘3r0 .hee faith, by this {hall all men ‘know my kinfmen»; ifit/76} bgarqtlze word a Gad,4flJd“ ‘*- As thereisa kindred by the Fathers {ide,and altindr-ed by the .Mothers lid; :fo there is a kindred of Hearcr,and a kin- .GeM3~43 - dred ofdocrs. in timztbew it is l‘aid,'He ‘tr/1iclJ~écaret}J t/u-will’ L of my Father, and don’; it; here~itisl’a1d,He which éearetb '’ zla.-2 ward of Goa’, and dark 1: : both are one :For his word is his will,and therefore it is calledhis will7’frzI.r :9. -. As 77:2 ndfiinitieofthe Fhit/Jfu//. c 3: As hee fpakc thereof doing , fo he fpezzkes here ofa eer- . tai:1c.rule,v\'hichthc.calles,the Ward afGod,wh'ercby all mens . workee mulibe fquared: for if Idoe allthe workes that I can to {atisfic anothers will or mine owne will, it auaileth me nothing with God, becaufe .1 doe it not for God. Them- forehe which alwayes before foilowed his owne will ,‘ . when he. was firicken downe and. began to repent himfelfe , hee prcfcntly cryed out, Lord what. wilt than ham me to-d0.€AeiE~Ag7, ,, h¢ mould (3)! 3 Iwiil dot no more as men would zhanemee, or as the Deuill would bane mee , or according .as,thc floflii would haue nice, but as thou wouldefihauc mee. SoDam'd. prayed,7’:ach me 0 Lord, to doethy will,not my will,fot we need notgto be taught todoc outrowne will , no more then a Cuckoofto. ling cuckoo; her ownc name. eueryzman can goc to hell without a guide; _ t ’ . Hetcis the rule now : if you like by it, then you are kin to Chrifi. As other kindtccls go: by birth and marriage, [0 this kindred goeth faith and .obedience.. Heaters are but halfe kin, as it -were in a farre degree :but they which heare- anddoqate called. his,Mothet: ,- whichisxhe neecefl kindred of all. Tl1cl'cfOl.'€'if you bane the deed , then are you kin ~ indeed : there is no ptomife made to heaters, not. to {pea-' kcrs ,, not to readers; but all ptomifcs are made to belecucts or totdoers} _ t do . - , If aske God, who £ha’ll dwdkin the holy”.a:ountaine;‘ , hee faith, The map; which m¢lh:th*vprightl]:hc.1'e are none p/;,,'”_,%n but docrs. 1f'_you ‘aske Chrifl , who (hall enter into the ' Kingdom: of hecucn , hcclaitll, N at the} which er] Lord, ,_7ua;,7,;;, n Lord( though-they cry twice Lord ) hat the; which ale: the ' will .ofm_7 Father :heere are none but doers. If you ask: him again: , bow youimay come to Heauen ? hee faith-, Keep: the Cammxdemantsz heere are none but doets. If you aske him againc , who are blefled? hee faith, >Blej]‘cd ‘, are they that heart the wardof G'hd,amd doe it : here are none I-"”""‘5° ‘ but doers. If you aske an angel , who ate bleffed ? hee ’{hith.,iB/efledare xhey which keepe the ward: oft/2:55 Book; .; R°”"l"’»7“a‘- ~ h¢crc_ are none but .d_ocrs. If you ask: ‘Dcmid , who 31¢ 4. ‘ \ *3; L The e/Ifilnitie of the F "‘°Pfz! 1435.; are bleffed he faith . Tbeomdnzfix bkfled W/sic}? {gepetb rig/ate; ogfnqfe : hate arcnonc but docrs. *,If you ask»: Sgt/omen, who age b!e{fed,?.l1c 1' aitl1,’I'}.n-man :3 blefled 4712:’:/2 kgepeté t/is law: ,,;J;.,'y._,,,_,. here arcouofle but doors. If you aske é}’4)';' Wlmarc bleffcd 3" ' .1,;mg3 L1; hcofaitll , He: _w/Jic/1 doth this i: évlelfed : here’ or: non; bu;-_ Ma:,7.zto dO£tS,‘lF you ask: Iamcr, who are blclfcdihc faxth, 772e‘doer R"’"'*‘ ‘3' oftbe word 3': élejfed :'1z~bz'.: deeddaero ate noncbut doers‘.Tlic T ->b,lcfl3ng‘aBd de'mg:untogeth:r.a. l”- 0 "- ' A t.I,efi~aaycmant- fhouldaloolns no hdeblotféd without obe- dience, Cbrifi callcth Lou: thcgvxahicfl Goinméndemcnt: «but Salomon callcth Obedience, ‘the end of all’:as though’ wiclnniiilbedicnocjall wci-eto~no end, 5 l M L-.-W'.lIcnc/‘ilicalaab hadgotra Lcuitc-into his houfc, New ~11-viz-! 7-3» ( faith he)-( (my the Lord willérgaadmto m:,ft’eing I /94%‘ a Lem}: in my laoufe :fo, many chink,w hen they hauegottcn ~ , zfitcachcrimo their Parilh, now tl1cLO4‘Cl will bee good V'nfO13s,~.uow Chrifi willjoue .7s,'now wee are good foqncsl,l fi:e'lngaLc::ncintaincaProad1crLomosg& :43.‘ But tfivtirbiz/I was not bldfclflfizr alLcoia:g1u'nybn-fo’r- a Preacher ébu tias you would hauc vs to do: as wcc teach, To God would have ou to don: you hear: : for you {hall be no morc famed for §5\}_’: , ,V ..-, ; , ;§/ '5-WE ._ “' he/conuunlui¢&駀€rbring forth fiffitt’: 0, when he: crcatcth Faith , hce commandcth it to bring Forth woxlics, and thcrforc itis called aliuely d faith. W_hco.‘ourSauiourwould prone himfelfclto lab», to Hdklhfi‘ bc.thc.n‘uc:%I'1as indeed hcfaidto his-DiI7:iglcs,,Te/Z Ialm #1-batzbingx '”n/Java;/xwlédwmd cw}; not oncly heard, but "l"‘&‘7""' firene :fo, 1 we willprque 031': ' to"b¢..;CBriRkxififincn- Gnu. indeed, we mnfi work: that which may bce'fT:enc' ,‘ as well as . ~' ' ‘heard. Ialmwas not onely Called,‘ 772: twjce of arr}:-r,buc ’ “‘“'33' 4h)rvn'agLanp:, which mlght bee {cone : (0 all which are crying voyagmufi be burning Lamps. - — fame: doth not fa_v,T.ct mcc bcarc thy Faith,but Let me/be nbjfn'tl2A$th¢ Angels put on the fhape of mcn,that «%6r4- ‘M-l3.z. ham might Cc: them :{o Faith mull put on workcs , that the world may -feel: The Wrkfx which I doe(faith Chtifl) éeare m°Me.r “*3 I 8 o '44 e Tbe\a.:»!fi“ini:i(~ofi»¢bé‘3?xi¢Afi»?l. - 35, u:'£:m=g‘e afme.-:fo‘the wotkes which‘ we dnc':,fl1duld beare in it- nefi"e of vs : Therefore ChriPc.linkéth-'Faith~ and'Repenr_anc‘e . together, R apex: and éelcexe ti2e"G’éfpe1.Ul{arée I ..1~;5.1‘her9 V fore I‘ conclude ,3‘-T_ If the mothers fute may be refiafed fomethne.*,aNobIe‘-- mans ‘Letter may bee refufedrtoor: hee that can turne’1_his -hiudcmnce toafimherance; as our Sauiourdid here, maketh ~ vs of euery thing. Adtzaine by this you may learne , how to-choofe your frien a...As Qafifl“. counted none his _kinf- ‘men, but fuch 44 Iaeare the ward afzy 0 9, and doe it : fo I 'wc¢fhould make none other Familiars, but fuch=ashChri"G< -cot-1-nteth his tkinfinen. Aagaine-, you may fee the diflerence - -‘fistweeae ‘Chtifi A and the .‘world': ‘Chrifl £aH¢th' the godly fl :4 41 :::22‘.::‘ v———v v..’.—— - .’ -._. ‘-v .‘'.p-—- --u'.———¢¢—..¢-r-——~—rco§-« —¢Ty---—..——.. ..._~,. _ 1053.480 . .93 - .»Ya'11;ét2-9'fiFviirir;af':rbalF'ai:bfuZ/. :n ':.*a I Now,as ‘Paid faith, Seenxetb it 4 léglyt thing wxtojou to 5: tbcfonaf 4 K in ,_fe:isg'I=v#t4poorc manflmioffmd/I repu- .mtiau?Sot§ay fay, {ccmeth it a light thing’ to you,to beer the Sonncs ofthc King of Kgigs, {ccing you’ are poor: men , and of Small reputation P rt is counted at great honour to , Aéralmm, If.zac,and Iaca6,that God was not afhamcd to be h‘:&.u.x9. cal1e3thcirGod . Whatan honour then is this , that God is a°=%Ih=£13=4 s°12€¢a!1=d9vrF2=h=.r‘:’my 0“: Brother: ~ ,,,?*4", i The"/Ifilhittieofthe Fazithfixl/. ' ‘IF the Ifraelites had finch car: to march with the fcriiancs of (30.1 , what«a.bi¢fsizig-is thi§.__to, marry with th¢,Sonne of God? Thcrcfote if aoy_afi°c& rich Kinihicii, or great marri- ages : hcrcis a greater then Salamim; man-fr thoui him: This kinfman of ours is-‘now gonevp imoheauen, that wcc may» J hauc aflricndio C'ot;rr't.i' ‘ Iafepi; dgfitcd the Buticl:t6"fé1‘n‘q!nber him"wheI -he Rood Gen,to.r.4 before Pharaoh, and l1cffor‘g‘o'r;fi‘ith“', though he had plc'af'urcd- G""43-14°" him. But a thicfc clefired Chrifl to rcmcmbenhim, when her.’ came into his Ifingdomg, andhfereceiued him iatoParadi{c the fame day, though ho had’ alvéayes offitndedzto‘ Chew that LgIE;x3,4;;. though we haj1e«b_ecue as bad as thceues , yet we) may hauc‘ hope in €hrifi.'Thct‘cforc, l1oW‘we"maytcoiicfudc,‘You haue heard the word , if you go: away and do: it , then you ate‘ the Mother,Brethren«at1Li Sifier: of the hcauenly Ktiugt; " to whom with the Father and the holy Spirit, be ali praife, maiéflie, and dominion, now and cuermotc. i e/Tmen. .FINI.S‘.‘i 3'3 / \ The deelardtiart of Henry Smith ,‘t"o the Lord Ixeflgee, hare ‘ L he_fi2_und_,_4nd hbwheleft I§obcrtD:xckons. wag; rims me magaaa ;.§*i:h ‘you}.p;;,m.,t,,e p,¢_; ctpt . .1 .found.thi‘s. Ry} - Dicbwh in theft‘ and .1‘t.k9 Qpinioné, which he prcfunjcd he would hold vtito dead). . .h § 1 Efrédtbe¢laeeI29df¢ene#»rm:v$44a«r_t5J9vv' 34".?” __ ' fiemqaghéwfifimgegbingng .-fi‘rgwtfi'd/7i”’V“*‘¢; gzfrgaadpowereeeome. .31 ~_=f}'-_.~:._ ., ._‘_ . e_ _ H e fetid that the g/fngellcfledhim£.1igs,whezfI¥F‘?””’ “P . . fi?medt‘h_¢t.the,:‘?rofhecie‘o Malachy reafiainee ta hefxelfi/left h an hm: .,,_ . .7-.?-i!.l~'.-'.' ',._ ,~ -._ 5.3.; ; T’ ‘,-’3.'.' ; --'.-f-.' '‘-*t“_2 654,: the ,Au,gd}:41dlni.w,.§/Jet be/éeuldhte A56’/‘PW two}. eere, and 4 B andnmn eightjeerex. He ateauched that ht}: F either _/bauld he cdfi otter errata ig-h xorauee, and that all he had /boteld perifi. . . H e iieuicheei that therejbonld rteither hattell mar dearth in he? Cqnxhifo-r ex!‘/:"¢;'}4eJereJ§g,, the time afhekfiruice h H6 pretended thatafter t.W0J€4g'e:,h:3 time jhateld-come to re4ch,4nd that no mm:/houla’ he ah]: to eonfatmdhtm. But hefore I Ieft him( 44' the Word of G ad doth 4/wtzje: ex- erefe hie natural! power ) he prnnquzgcedhefare 12: all, N Ow I 4»: conuerteé ] Script:ere‘:‘ir"he$-eitpou he requefled use to jet June In? 1- ratio 2: , which he vttered in the]? ward:. . “M Camfionuof :1?ohertD:'ck_an: , Vtpoll the firfl: daycs Examination. ' ~ Didheleetie my ?mj£au.c to he true hefor I h are! the S er - 1 prove the eantrarjfaxéflnov I efliemeetbem hat 4 Z- lufion of Satan, therefore I defire to 5:_/Etta learniizg, for my cauefaltution, andfiar the edsfjirxg o f m } Brethren. Wimejfe: ,“He1ir'y"Siffi{h‘, hEdwhrdI1m‘fi1us, 4 WiIl.Wh2lcy, F-Iuhgb PCICC /313 Ulfafler anda memher mac. ' ‘ ' Robert D ickons. 7'12}; (In-afi)he fialqs ':/nfainedly. Andforflv much as hi: dc. fire to learn it commemiala 1436+ hi: gift: not common to men of ' - hie 2 Th¢;:‘~Exaii1in’at'ioiiI_ 5} ‘chi: de‘gree;n:jonr wifdoniejhazll hetterfee ifyon tdlhflith him ezlone.1leomethi4 motion to yo nr Honour: aoa! can/idemtion, which can hefl indge how to ‘quench, or how to kindle fnch flmrke.r§ The: l~o(H1-xccpois found. Hear} Smith. Rohert Dickens confcffrmi vpon my fccond Examitjation;-Q,’ Wiaevein hce‘ declarech,‘that hec had no vifious at all, but . that he coynedchem,and to what end. The matter of the Ed’: Vxfion. I D-id_/he 'vpon-Valentines ole} wet: eightjeertgreene leaner? which mu-ftrzznge i nw¢'nter,fbr which eanfe I he-ought ehé” home, and the lenne: of the _/hm: Oezke in fnmmer hecemze red, it chezncednt the fame ti7ne,to thunder and lighten : after thi; 1 wet: vifited, as pleezfed G ad for two eere.r.' The matter of the fccond vigor). . Onrejeerex after Idreemzedmnch like to themntter of the firfl w/io_n,4na’ th efemoe night it chanced to lighten. ( Yes of this I take God to he in‘; Inelge) I fonnd d leafe Printed in ‘my chnniher next nzorning, with tho]? /i'xfent‘ence.r, faxing onely the firs‘? line ;which lenfe, vnleff e it 2194: lot? out of en} .fi”0»€léQ0kéf, I know not how itcaime. The-matt‘e'r of the ‘é‘hird‘Vifion. ' Tm: time twelneinoneth, I {aw light in the /hep alone‘, ‘- ‘ whereat 1' mt: nfloni/‘hed év imagining with mjflf/_fe what it_/honlel meanegit canxejneo headto tell zfiJ.i‘.'€/,/_Q3?’§:,which -mega inch-fiund me afe'°ezic'l, I 4t 1 hddféeneenn 9/{ngefl in it flame offire, which called me: EliaS.,'C?' had me write allthezt 2' hndfeene & heard : herenpon I ‘remem'hrin‘g' no] formerght',r ('§v- z1rea’me:,thonght to make meflmnge 'z2nto onen,c§‘fo turned al that whi ch I hnclfeene , as God had #76 fw/1.0”!‘-° Here 1!: all the matter nndfmmne of my fnfpofid zzifione. « To the} Coigfqfian Itetke Godfor 771] [fldgfi4’ I/54” é"fi"“' in the latter dig: hat to eheather 1 nenerfwore , though I wn: nenerfoeften-examined, _ A RobertV'Dic'kom'.' Vponthishe ycelded vp his Bookes into my hnfnds, which ' Ihaue and keepe; and‘ now hcc hath nothing to lhcw for {that falfctjtlcg ' Hem)’ Smith. C 3 Thai 3i1t.z4. \ I057! 1°- ‘l~’:C 30 " 1:51: 7; AR: 6. fob! 7;. I . I o H N 4.3 . -‘Prom thcfjriritx, whet/yer the] are ofG'od, or no. Either too bold, t net too ctedulouts , as Io/m {eat to Chtifl, art than be t;)dt"t‘07}$771€t}J, or /oo/{we format/Jer?Sofe1\d I vnto him Whiéh _ was prophecied, or is he come alreadiet’ But will 81:34:. aufwcre as wellfor .himfclf¢; 35> Chnfl proucd his‘ authoritie to lolmti~Goe yourzway anch bring word againe to Ia/971 what things ye haue iccue and . heard, how that the blinde fee againe._'Ifhe lame gee, the lea- . pets are clean_Ifl'ed,ithe,deafe hearefitbc deadtife, the ggore rec .. cciue did Gripe». Thefe tokénsthc T.ora"vfcd for an:a‘n- fwcr, becaufc he wt:-uld not that men Ihould indangcr their faluntion,_ to beleeuceuery man that calleth him1'c1FeChri{},h or Elias, or at 1?rophet,vnleffe he bring. the teflimonyof the Holy Ghofiie-ii: fulneffe of power : therefore hee requireth _ himfem-,5 fl do not the..\votk