THE RICH MANS VVARNING PEECE. A SERMONUVP ON OCCASION, FORMERLY PREACHED, AND Now publifhcd, by the Author, Hwmficjy Svyden/mm, late Fellow of Wadham “ Collcdgc in Oafird. 1 (firlomndifimt diuite: , gm’ Mutt patieéanmr pro aura, quanta mm: fxgflinmda pro C‘Im'/Ia; iutar term:-nu, mm Cbrijlam canfitmda, 4rm'fit'; N emu durum, on}? mganda, /muadt; qnocirm, -z/ti/iam cram ( form 1]?) tarmenm, gm: éonum incarmptiéilc mmndxtm do... A ccéangqmim £114 60:»: qmcflm: '0/la -vtili fmflu domino: fm‘ Amara tarqmbant. Aug. lib. 1 . dc ciuit. Dci. cap. 10. A 7' L 0 N 1) o N, Imprinted by F¢lixKyngfz‘on for Nat/aamcl Butter. I 6 3 o. -v “4 ~-1‘ 1 7]‘ .1 I -. an 5 c I .1- .-' ;, . Jun.‘ 1, - i1[T %%%ORNAMENT OF HER ‘ . J 3 .-v ,.w. » .1 SEX, AND NAANI 13,0 M IS.MTRI~5- A N N E Po R T M AN,&c. THE accumulation of Honours, ban’, and of glary ,in fumrc.. A M‘y VVQrth£Cfl',}. Elia: . you fbrmerliv ’ *§Joz4c/2f_z/Ed to pertfi‘ '4' ‘ V. % znnrude.tranfc:x‘ipt3: .,.\ v IV W / “ 4 I//1' 7 ’// /, / é 4'!//r ». ‘MI’.//r3 ziion, 1. l‘u,.‘ $‘1‘''‘' "' ‘gr’ - (,_ 3 § v‘ ‘H u. - ._ w '33 “Ix ‘I uh“ H ‘ . 2 ' ' flhfgil '/Kn!‘ ‘¢\ W“ _ >4!’ ! j‘ /aereprcfintyou m~ 3 "oz c/azzrgfler, /iltejour " ' feyfirznduaertuex, Fairs, and legible I/Jinke it my p1'i1nehonour,t/mt-it’ " m us‘? now nveareyour 1iuery,r1nd 12?/Mt‘ * W/79zzllimmVormllit,yourname;¢Haa’ it A not/aitzg #0 make it~l1'uef in tin? off»-~ TI1eEpifiIeVDed‘icat0ry. A onion, and z/Zeeme ofoz/oers, this were enoozg/2 to giueoitéot/9 ceoumcnmance,“ I ezml eternity; Cfreetngfl can-"onoeb X peztroniqe our emlezmours, Cjoodnefle 3/orzf/feytbem. Vne/e1‘t/mt/Zezo21I2e.4no[ % jeez/e oflyourff V/mote .4o’m-«nturedito» V oroool,-t/mtyozz mtg/727 /{now my re/fieffx * . are the fé1111 e in puolufie, Tobie/2 toe): were, /mob, ‘om/er 4 priomte, I/Jootg/9 nob/e roofs; f’ neueryet w/az]15erea':1n oofiarotezncejut §‘ e{ezr’d]1roc/aime it to no %_ 1:/7e more/a’, mm’ tbeiz, too, 192/sen t/acre mig/91: éefome/pretence and colour to ji/fofi‘ my loyez 5 where I am engetg’o' once In m y flmzcex, ezndprzfefle t/aem, jam not oeezten ojfoj t/Je cm:/elcflé dz/Zeayieo oftbofi /oonour; youfeuer o/ia’, and t/9e name you oeemtyfe 5 on A W/oic/.7, t/oougb [am no longer rm At»- ‘tcn dan r,§‘ om/Zillzz votary,om/flee/9 4 one, !Dea’ic4taric..{3 . % % r umzforyaut fi };’;e"5f§3.'f°Z10§?offh§°3raw:;i’ and ca,Iz- what elf: isrcquifid in a rel!’ i0W°!’fi't: “mu-5, ‘ . the faIt723If1d’€7"’?..’fL .. . .% % %% %A % % ‘V I mumce of the houfe b¢gUfl113J’°"9. . . * 2’our Lara/up % lmméle firudnt. 1_ 9 % AI %“m9.SYd°”ham' The Epifile Dedicatory. a one, 12>/9Qfi* Iineeyieakes as lam/efor 11,4: /912: to n gue ,4 9125 c/cazotzom, M /9133 t/zankx; zma’ éot/9 tlvcjé firom 4 /mart fweptjé aleame ofdeceit, orfzzffle/3006/, zkbat c_ould,it /0:/gefo mm/9 fopl1i:1‘crie aw to teach the lips to gamer, and elf ‘ efimble, /mdnot been t/my (per/aapx) ')ma’er t/9e fizrrowe: of at di/j5/eafiz! brow, éwt mzlg/92: /azmeprooued 4/sfirzire in tbefinileand cringeqtmany, 4/3}‘ | am now downe the winde , both in ‘ , tiaeir countenance , mm’ opinion. Eat, {in ceritie zlrtive falne,/Zill, 122/ye» t/Jerin eXile,or aduemcemen 1:, in c/gf-« ’ grace,or /concur; '11»/aerefoeuer I tmuell j'cczmfmy felfe wit]: me 5» I am not A tome into difiraflions, amt/fea1*es,n0t [mrcelled (4/.vot/aerx) into doubtes; ‘ and hopes 3- but, where? amgam in the whole man 5 and, irlvere ‘ am, fo, lam The Epi{’cIe%Dcdicatory. V [am Afliyourx ; Allin my nlorafl, % ciu.1'll,cma' diuinc 05 ermncegane 5/mt % % rarill thankc 10:4,, uonour you, and pray for you, 'unfizinea’/ , nail/inglfiw, conffantly, 192/Jilq/Z I am t/aougbt war...- ~$=/gy oftlve name, aratcributecf ‘You:-¢ moi’: hu1nb1Y«deu9ted ‘ .S)ro{¢n'lmm.% F!‘ V ‘ ff “‘ M any that way..Now€bcéat1!7c 1W0“1d ‘ ‘ ‘ A! It V - ‘z “ H _ H ‘. ‘ , s. ‘ - 3 u , ,, M, V 3 ‘ ! V , A ‘ i. " . A“ Q ‘ , A L -.‘,_ ‘ ‘. ‘ ', "‘ I J ‘ . "_’ . L“-.r.‘n~v "‘ 1‘ ‘K { ‘V “ A-. ' ‘ In | 7"‘ U , ‘K ‘g .. ‘ ‘V w * 1 ’ " V \’ ‘ ix * ' v‘ ‘T ‘u I 11‘ ‘ ‘ , . ;. V ‘ V A ‘ I ‘i ‘ . ‘ V ‘ ‘ W” ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ~ ‘ '; 11 ‘ran 0 £1 pug [ Y Y.» % V % 4| , ry I-Ionou ab e oad; - % A - -‘ nu D Lo RD. ” f - H’ ‘. ‘ “ ‘A M u V _’ r ,1 M ‘is ‘J ‘V V c. ‘ "'3'; _A ,:’:';»,,“§,;£,-1‘fg§,'z,l/"~ 3" A J ' % 4 .. * oxtheothcr ycare, toa - mcyour C 4}: mrm armyprazmctlafilq ! ..»;,,;,:»1f.r, V fations to yo ur Pfllpftg -Butl was, then;~pI'euen- t& R J W ma. by.a»rudacn, and_fcucr§flakr2¢]]”f§ _h1c'h ha “ T, hhhcmta, dnfablcd mete tender you not ordHmd,Ba« % % A Iprcfcnt you tbispeeccfrom the 'Prq[T ‘Tb: Epi/fie. not be obnoxious to a d‘ot1blemif-conceit; e 84 your Lordfljipmay reade, andfo remamlmre the record, both of my dmozimzs, an d endem- uours. AI heartily *£vifliI Aware fu com?!-e4atIy— — recau:r'd%f'o1' attendancg thatl nyjnght as wcll f1b’eake,a-s vofite mfl laboalrig and‘ then ( perhaps) I I11oul_d1 ctter fati;fic your Lord/19¢; clash in this 4comman%‘kim!'5~~wh'ich hath made mammf my A 7Wf%)€0n anal A V may mes) ridiculout. AButIfea1:‘-e my infirmitics ,% and therefore; asA"I mufl: begge the honqurable tbairitie of you r I?a- A’ t1ence,fo of your Proteflian alfo. For asl was, at firft, a fuiter for yourferzdce,‘ (In which 1 haue ca(ufe to glaridc both {Q15 g.rcat»nefl7:M and gaadncfle, of; ;‘our_ya»»1}%,~V%%an~& name) fo Iam, flil.l*for £11: grace: ofit*_,: and doe hopqthat when you haucmadéé fill» ler enguirjy , whol ajm , and whemléhd {pent my zimogand mlentgyourLardJ7*?AW3'IVl . not difdaine to owmz, and /94anatIWmc:e with your fucccding fauamés. In ;a:Word (my z2ablcL ord)I {hall not forget "wb4~tyou4 hauc made gn‘_ce,:n»o¢r: the :1z4tiecnioyn’d me byjr: .M : é * ,. ~ V v““ ‘_W“~4 14?: Eng‘ ‘ ,. M...»\$'...*~‘~.~ "' w" »~ , , -.~ -~ ‘N V Um "‘ ‘ I ‘i w {V J40“ ‘ « ‘ I ‘V ..m':z"::~-r I ‘ “h;t~z:‘-~ .1-_ |4I;W,‘,,.§n\w:yE.‘,';fi~‘ .._\ W [W ‘ ; ‘ " “mm -3)” "F “ ‘Ag.’v.‘ \."‘VV\‘:.lx""“‘; »:«.'¢»" H A v”. q.,.- ‘ 1“-~Y' ‘ ‘ -B. . ‘ —» 4'" 31‘ .' \__ “ ‘M . .. ‘ V ‘ _ ‘ «. '7, -p-- v- Y A .. . ... -~ , - . V _ a . ‘.,‘ , «‘ _‘ “ v, I‘ “ ," f ‘ ‘ kw‘ $"! ‘ {F ‘‘’;v I‘ lv 5' N C‘ ‘ (“fig M :fir'a( rm uc »~ , . , M v .1 ' .A J; 4 . « ‘M ~iN4M» M I “’ . ‘ : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘..'m ~ ‘ ‘ ‘,' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .. ‘ ‘ ‘ g I _ . -1 ‘.‘ , “ ‘ 3. “ «. ‘ ‘ ‘ - ' -‘ ~ ‘ . ‘ V ‘ ' 'v»..W;,\ 1' r x« \» 4. 3 .. ‘ V s _ , ‘ W. 59'*?'°sJ1er€in» ‘ ., H ‘ ‘ I “ ' »;r ‘, A.‘ , Q,‘ Q ‘ "“ J N W . 2}: H .4}; _é , _ ; é conta e % ,‘ . ‘ é 3 ‘ ~ ., » a W’ M "'.'“'a I é , ‘ « ‘-.‘au«" ‘. M »‘‘i \ no. Hi i H .‘_"' I: 11:» ‘ _ . I. The Roya1lPafImfnAg-Béll:Mofvauiaic Summonsto the Gram. W Th¢'lA"cxt. LP 5 An. 31,6. A T120» 64/? made mfdaycs 4: aflm» long 5 and mm» g/1gq'g3:a1:¢tbi:en»%Ax4vI2agf4gvj¢stlaec; Surely , axcry marry in bz'4’$lefij{?a‘t? ti 41t”a:gWbar vanitiu. 7 A 11., V Th.eRicl1mfins VVarningPcccc., ’IfA Riches increafé , fir nutby bciart vpan $229}: #4 [L A; Awatggs gf cmaxub and <_Wtm'6ah,oI:. . “ A%théfov%1fof‘Bitterncfl‘e,andStrife, % Swcctncd and Allaycd. The Text. R o M. 12.1.“ A I befeccb you, Bret/zrm, 5] we mercies of and, Iaqf-1 fcr vp your Bodies ,'"a lining Samfica, Holy, ac»- ceplable to God which :33} mt mfimaélc firuitu. M“ 3&9»; lfkiclvex z'm"re4fi,fi:t not :12} Hurt ‘Upon than; 42?? L Finde nodgbutc here, about the - title of this Pfizlme 5 ’tis Davids‘ ” A Er; to Icdutlaam 3 that Iedutbmwho " prop/aecied with 3/2: %H4r£e , and “ C A ~ 1 with T rumpctx, and Cym 411:, and lomle in/Immems ofMufickc,mag-k . . ’ ’ mfied the Lord, I.Chron.1 6.42; The T /mm: and Sabin? of it is 'v4riamr,and mixt; not {cc marvfl/ly toflmmc: of penitence or mortality (as in cithers of his fécred udfllbtmi) but to Aiark of more fpirit and life,{uch as would {ub- elimate and intraunce the Dcuotim of the Hcmr. The former part whereof is laid high, very high, and reacheth God, and his powcrfitll (Mercia: -, the 0-» V ether tun'd lower, to cjvtan , and toilchcth on his flailtitg and weak: department. That whxch con- , B A A -ccrnchs iflttsm V throwes ina‘ caui/lboncernin Riabégisii 2 ‘1/ye ‘lqg/2 man: cernes his God is” (as’twere) the plaizzefing,-; the grotmaland harden of it grave, and /0120, butfull of . twig/E‘), (714 y fiwlc imam:/7 may God, H513‘-tbcttfinakc tgfmy Salzmtion and defwa.-,at the lecond verfc;-b ut,i T12: Renee ofmyflrengzb, andflefixgc, at thefeuenth, That which concemes cflrlan , 18 full of Dtfiam, rutines nimbly on his fl4te,degree:,cana¢‘tzw;__-,diuides" between: the /.z_um5/e,and thefram4m'*and~cenfures bath i )(fl{.€3$ tflawc degree are vmztze , Aivd mqwf fig/2 degree are 4 !yc,verfe 9,. Thus he-tuing warbledt fweetly about the heart and middle oflthe P/dime; at length he fltutsvp llisfiarmwa in -D‘/4'ard: In the front of this verfe He quarreisl with the Rob. bmand the .0,9prtflar ,and at the foote thereof (as if the Great tflztan were neere allied then1)t,f{ee fir{t,'put's the aafigwvithilajil 4f xcrin:,Jf gm: 2,5». crcafé, then, the refélation or aduicc on it, nalite ear apporme , Set not your heart -upon them. T hell: are the parts,plainely,without violence, otj 4;72~¢74;2m; to is the aafcaurfi on them; in the deliuety of whichflmuft beg that double tlmrltze which doth commonly encourage weake men in their ende-~ UOi.ll’$; Pntiencc,zftte»n’ws: and firft ofthe ajfluxa-5 mu, ifRicl2e: cmreafi. ‘ Ric/ac: hauc carried their weight of'*H’¢mourancl’ afltcme through all u!ges,and,almo{t,all~ condition: in Vthemi; but not alwaies , at the lime bczgbt 5 Tbofl of our tPore-father: lay moft in their mm, and prone: ; the Fold was their Trc4fiIre.bpz{/é, and net, the Tmtpr The word petunia, money, was non. Mm ;; W ~FVmfnirzggpeebe. ‘ 3 . ~z'ben’h¢a1'd%of¥; but Peculiz¢m,Gpzim;wl1ich (as Vz‘u:.c notes itvpon uduguflific) was flrff derjuedfrom fi2lib.7.oz’cci;¢. 651435: C74"?//g becauféwthefle Wciérc allthewvealth "~’1’.-“-- .. % ‘ I:-.9. . of u./fntiqaiiic, for they were thén (for the mofi :1; l)omod:'fi,-5.. A part) Shep/mrds. The-glory and mg/Jbtrfi‘ ofl Riches P1mwM- .. were neere their Meridian in the ‘daies of Solomon, A , when they firfi: began to flaine intheirffull luflreg bef'orc,a few Ldfles Ioaden with Lezitilw and pan- %cbea’C'orm, wart: thought a largeprcfim for a King; ST r9m,multitudes of Camels, with Spzcc:,gald, and I.Ki'ng.Io.r.. preciowflom: fcarce Worth acceptance ; of old,a few4V,,4K;ng,,°,,7, ‘fbekel: of filmer were}: canonizcd zrcaiure 5 N01v,WEX0d-3o.18- “ they were of'n0 repute, bug 455 flame: int/n:[t'rccts of“ Icrgafélerfl. A In fine, Lamar: of éraflé were inthébcg 1,King.1o,2.z, ginning rich enough for the T aéertwles of our - God but vcfléts of écaten gold muff be hecre ham- A ' mcr’d forthe rvtenfelsof a K £113‘. 4 1 % * H % . I¢‘“l'l0"W‘at their V@iglz‘[}}ri(:g¢_5. c_u¢r M15151: sRi6‘ 331 A I waiizsififf/glucr,in fhipsiof T4gj[7gtfl:,. ggd ; N411)’ of Hiram 5 Treaficrt flowes in ithiat aboun- dance, that it doth no morcrfitisfie, but amaze’; a flame beholds it, and ‘thertfs no jjzirit in lacr. I-Rag-A Is» 27- 5%‘ » it grams to vcnerafionin t71e izéxtg thaqwhigh was, » erewlxilc, but min or, or mde.lz4mpVe,4is, 7\Q2vy,t~giqk’t vp into :1 Godbmcif Gold {hall be no longer for 12/3, I ';;z4mwt, but for ma;;/hip 54and now the Ndtions A beginwno kneelc,and giue if the dqmgmcpofifurc ofthcwlaalc man; the elemztian of the eye ,,and ex- P4”fi°”°ff!,1€%.ha,1?d5a31?dFh¢,H”fi’?”440fth€f0“§“fi’» and thc,M4g‘v?” ‘« aged»- % ' . % ‘ A ‘ B. 2% % 0:14 A {hall found out their lzmele Idolazrie. Nay, the an. 7 Aug.lib.7. dc cm, Dei cap.x 2.. (9-, dc elzfcipl. cbri§f.trezo'f. 6417.6. 4. ‘I723 7{°g/Jmtm! low applaufé of their nemgot Déity; the Garnet; the Flute, the Sztckéwt, the Pfézltery, and the-Dulcimer cient Romane: were growne fofitperflitiom. to their rmyfi: of Treafltre, that they made not onely money their God,but cal'd God, meaty; fo their Jupiter was » named peamia , becaulethere was (as they con- ie6tur’d) at kinde of omn;potee1ey_1n meme] , which though it create: not,yet 11'": eammzmdet/2 all things. 1 0 magrmm rationem Diuini :2amz'm2.r(faith Augrqline) ./mg.ibid.*.. l “?5»7?7’1]Edame, and to fluew their Height, and Gre4t~ t V ‘ hoe x./Iuaritia Ioai name» impafiait .- L/Iuerice , no doubt, tltusclmjlmd Jupiter, at fitft, that Tlaqfi: which affeéted Cayeée, {hould not feemej to lone e~ uery Gael, but the very King of gods. Had Hee beencalled Ric/Jet, the Title had been more pafi-» aéle, and. the deuntion leflefigtifla 5 fot, Ditaiiia are one thing,and, Peem¢i4,another_,; we call the Good, and the Izafl,and the Wafe,Rz'e/2 5 which haue little, or nothing’ but in rvertues’ the Armritioeit, and Gree- dy,Poare;.becaufe they euer want. M oreouer,Gad himfelfe we truly {tile Riel: 5 yet not,Pee:mi4, but", Omrzigzatentia 5 f0 Faith the Father in his feuenthe-» booke De Ciuitate Dei. cap. 12. And indeed, the Gadofour happineffe wee {tile ommfpntenee, and not Money-5 but, fomctimes, to beautifie and let out his peaflflianx, Rt'c.b‘e:.l So we finde, Riches of l::2rgoodmflé,Rom .2 . and Riebe: ofbes merey,R om.9. and Ricbe: cf/nkgrxee, Ephefiz. and Ric/2:: of /1:3 wzfidome, R om. I 1 —. Loe, his~Goadnefle, Grace, Mer- mfl?,and Jmmenfitie, and Euerlaeflingnefle no thing ; to A t W mtrzzng.-peace. 5 to expteffe them, but Riches; which, if ttheyaf. footd fueh glory in the tMmphar, no doubt, there is fomething of worth and ejlimatian ittthe letter, too; E51750!» as they are Riches ,, haueboth their -umuie and applaufl: 5% for the Spin} Calls them Blefl ‘ fings, and Good things; but they are cxtcma media, Goodthing: withtmw, which we may,wi,hotfrai, -vfconely, not win}, or rather not icy in them 5 if Delight,here,benotmore proper then lay, fince Icy: (for thet-n0f’c.p~art) payzzgs to things Spiritual]; Delight, to pleafures T cmparall. Howcucr, Rh-65; may fometimes lawfully touch , both with our Plcafargand Dcfire, fo the L/Iymé be not prepoIte-- rous,and oblique 5 either, to make them, as Fuel! for our Pride, or B:/[owes for our L‘ujI,or Oyle for our Co:gcupz'__{2er:re, or Flame: for our Amhititm, or Smoalee forour Vncharitahlengfi. For though mat- ters of Beneficenre and gift looke towards Itiches, . as theirtsourcc, arid Inflmmemallmufigyet, com- monly, where there ts moi’: of Fortune, ‘there is v lealhof Charity, and fo when there is u/fiiéilifite‘ ofbzflrihutian , there wants Will 5 and that euer firat1gles- the Nqhlencfl? of :1“ hafi whijchareoto iue, and the /homes, and" Bcntdifiiam oftthem which lhould receiue.. And this, Ibeleeue, fitfl: gaue life and breathing to that ogt~ey¢.l1air’d’p;m.« dax .- Si ope: finthona Mr nan reddant pafidenm ha-- nasil Iffliclm be good, why hauettheytnot’ infltt; enee into him that: ownes them, and fo make the po{Telfot_gobd ? Saute (faith the“ Itith‘ man in the Parable) Thou thdfimuochgovdldidwpfirmany yetres, Luke ta: "':‘;l_: l B fl€€P€.- i Pi’a'In1.tx2.. V uantagegweigh thy ibzréuzjfimcms with thy aging; 6 7'/be Yiigh mam _/Z.t*epe and (alter I/zine tqflg m.:u'ke the Paraltv/3r4fe..2. Quin’ e/Z zfrziqzzim /Immirzc, gm" ma/ta éaztaiwlt 645:”, A gjv émzm zpfi cflfi mm wait .9 Irzdzgzmtr :5 5124:‘ /Jaémr, gm’ mm wk cflé, qzwa’ wk ‘/M5“'»"9 The iiFdthre1‘in his 28. Sermon de Dimzajis. V5/h.:1t a maffe of iniqui- quitie is man fwolne vnto, that Hill drfites much good, yetnot to be good himfelfe He is vnwor- thy to /mu: anything that he mightflee, which A would not be: what he would A»9azzc'A.r ‘ A A A Riches therefore, ‘though they challenge the Nante ofgood, yenthere are fuch, as both Good and Bad doe inditferently inherit, arid mhiltrfi they are good, cannot denominate ‘theiry aMa_~[fer good 5 and therefore to r‘e<5tifie this obliquirie, Saint ui-wgufline acquaints vs w'ith_aA Twaafold Good5Bw:um uodfitcit éazzum, and Beam 1%,, Aci¢4i6o}aum' 2' A here is :1 Gqad which doth make gaoaband that's thytaod, and thereis a Good by which thou maiefl doe good, and that's thy Mam-~ mam. Doe good; how :’ Hearkc, the Pfilmifli; H: /2411: difperfedaémzd, H: 64:53:’ an to we pours’, 114': rigéteoufirqfli eitduret/1 far war , Pfizlme I I 2. 9. rm cfi Bwmm,lzuc'“e:"f éommz vndéfix 1ufl’iti/1' damn: 3 [5 546644 éamtm van’? {is hams: fitc bamtm do dam,» «zmdé mm at dawn: .- Soothe Father warblesg in his third Sermon dc «vcréxlt Domltlfl Behold’ thou haft large heapesi of Treaflm: 3rdifl:'tibute.AtI1emi 3 in (0 doing , thou dofi inlarge thy: happinelfe 5 Hem: is but giuing to the Par: 5 and then, Rigbtg... 1 r aufiufliiflvr mar.’ Loe, an exchange of infinite Edy; thy _ Warnzng»peece. 7 thy Dimirmtiom with thy Eritrea]: 5 thy flare, per... haps , is fomewhat. thinner, but thy Iufiice is en- haunc’d 5,, That onely is leffened which thou wert fhortly to lofe {and this improoned which thou arteuer to poifeffen Infine, there is onelysa. D3-jverfit, or a Dcdit, in refpeé7t of the gift 5 /Je bail» dg‘/In-o/cd,arg-im, no more; but there isa Manet in mrmms : for the Rewardof the giuer, His Rig/ma anfmfl mduret,/Jflzr war 5 for euer, why do The Q!- t paflle anfwerieth, He that /aaitbicimrity /ml: God, God 1,105,, 4» ‘ dwels in /aim,.md He in God: and where God dweIs,«. there muff needs be a Mme: in atcmmixg for God. is t.'ttrm'ty.. A -Ric/aimazi, then, if he haue not Cba. rizy, what-ha.thhe <3 "And a Poarcmaftieif he lhaue Charity, whathath he not Til flame [mm , quad .iAzzg./Zwzz, 54,. illefitvdtucs min: Arm plemz efl Aura ,(§'il1c nan de 79"??- Jiuesscuiux conjéientia plcmeylbea .: Thou thinkefl, , ‘perchance, ' that Hat‘. is Ric/J , whofe chefls -are throng’d with go1d,and A-hehnot ARM, iwhofeh Cm-it ' fcimce is fii’d with God ; But the Father puts the L}: vpon this fouie mifptifion with an Illa -zzere .Dz':m,z'n qua Dem bafiitarc dzgmtar,in his 64:. SCH mon dc umpm. He: is truely.»1E~ir/9 in V whom God hath vouchfafedato dwell, for? /acre is S.»z‘cz'ctie,and full content,,s.u’1“/tetcllw or Cmfiu not halfe fo rich _.i;.. , and He truly pom, in "whom ‘God hath refufed to dwell, for Tlsm:-«is nothing but Am,cz‘ety»andi lamentable Indigence, .Rcgwlus«, or Inn, nothalfc fo pooreg Q31” te, é- alir: nouit, non praptcrillzz 6:4.» tiar, /ea’ prayer tefolum écatus : The fame Saint: A wing» {fine i%nthe.third.ofshifsiConfiflons, mp.4. he ~ A Hows \ Se7t.ep.i78. “Y8 it ‘fheffirhmeznr How mifetable then is the condition of thofe H who fuffet the current of their Affeé?iamtoibeit1- ordinately carried from the euer-fpringingfoun- fairies ahorze, vpon hrohm Cflerne: “that will hold no water 1’ From the Creator of the world, to Creature: heere, of ouetzvalued, and falfe tfleeme, alittle Idolatrz'z;'d Earth, or magngied ,m¢jh5 afew garifh Tmnfitarz'e:,Riche: but improperly, for they haue neither T mm, nor certainties their wmhis ‘ lame, and crutched meetely vpon opinion 5 their a" lnflre counterfeit, like thofe falfe lights which deludethe wandring Sea-men”; and betray them to fhelues and rockes, where both their Hopes, and they, are vntimely fplit. But fuppofe thofe Riches. (as I {u poi‘ e onely) to be as true, as thofe Lights are fal{it)~: 5 yet thus to indulge them is dan- gerous Idalatry, iince that which is ordained for a Seruaht, they make not onely their (.7!/tzfler, but their God. And indeed, Such may be {aid to hauc Riches as we are {aid to haue the Fewer, when the Feauer hath vs 5 They haue not Richer, but Ri- ches, “them; for They which are either tranfpor-» ~ red with their glqry, or rapt with their paflcffionr, doe by Riches as birds doe by Daring-g/afl£': , play with their anme-mine; how euer, fuch are their faire allurement: and iamitatlom, that Thafé who are onely taken with the outfide, and i'B.arhe of things, are ftratigely infatuated : but in this, They refemble little Children, which valew e- uery painted trifle, as a Treefim,-, a Bugle, or lat?- lfieacterkmtn, as precious as that of onyx. nd what 1;!‘ 4 AC Warnrtr{g»pé“ece.l 9 what difference is there (faith the Staickc) be- tween: them and vs , Nzji quad no: circa taéuolmr gjaflatma infdnimw , charm: imfpti, wee are mad- ding after Slums, and Pi//arr, more coftly foolilh, Illmrqperti in [more calrnli leue.r,,(§' aiiquid 545:»- tia wrz'etatr?:,dclc£2‘am, theytaken W;ith_,/Zones and [balls of various colours; found on the Sui-lhore ; We , with pi/./arr oflefiwr, and Par}:/airie, from the Sand: ofligypt, or Defirt: of'Afi"r:'ca , to {boulder fome Para/9, or D yning-raome, to banquet or renal! in. All this Equipage o.fGrc4m::'is buta Glariow Iwniqgand that which the. Illorali/l cal1’s Brafieata fa=[ia£t¢»',_a fpaugled happines, a leafe of gold laid Irma, which for a time glitter’s,and then ruhis; agaudie Vane, or Streamer on the top of forne Turret, , whiuefs and flicker’s with euery blaft ; a quaint Vlewe/Z, hun.g1oofein haire, which,as it dangle’s, fali‘s; a verie Glaflic Pompe, rim: filam- dmfizmgiturge .li-ice Enabler, which in their {wel- ling, breake; Flattering and deluding Blcflingr, and fuch as proue better to them that hope for thern,thcnto thofe that doe enioy them 5 For in-— iteed of that Contentment which fhouldalfailc thcrnby the fruition of their defires, here is no- thing but Calamityfit new torment ; Care oftheir preferuation , and doubt of their difpofall, and feareof their lolie, and trouble of their improuee rnentgto the fe,lemc w4tcbfi:lne:,brok en thoughts, hollow refolurions , interrupted peace , befides a whole Haw of{'elfe-veexatious and) the whee/e the Rzzzrkc nothalfc tl1_eTartm'. 'l:hus,Gald is a flam- .u.¢- D Se7z.I~:p.u9. Senna: fupnu fkmos 55;}; I0 7778 Ric/5 Imtm é»lmg~~Blackc to him rhz1_:doth facrifice vnro it, and very fooles (hall bect”akcn withic, (faithje the fan offlimcla) fha11~bctaken with innay , I 311 be taken from incuenwhetz he doth E-acrificc vnco it; lb faith I4/m the fauna oFDam’d, Fan/c, t/az¢3'm;gr’vt 17m/It/my [mic be talrmfrom téce, taken from thee, two vvayes; Firlhthy foul: from the riches ofthy Abodicg ‘and thcnthy fo_ulc frém the bodic ofthy riches ; And tberefore,thercisa ma Diuitiéw’, de--« nounced againfi fuch, Woe to you I/J42 are 4: e.«-zfi’ in" .$’z'w2,zmd try]? in we moumaizm o_/'Sam‘ari4,Awhich, though the Mdrcionite, would mark: a we , on“-’-V ly of Aabzmaitiozé , and not of Maledifiian ;” yer, fl'crmA’mn,%in the chafticcment of that error,fai‘t‘B“;& thaca Cmetc is alvvayes vfcd in matters of Aa’14ice,. but a W hcucr, but in thofe thunder-claps of fitry A and rzggledifiion. So, we find onlya Caucteagainfl maarice, bccagfc T bat is the Semm, and firft mat» ter (as’twcrc) of Ricbes, Beware of Cmmezmfiwfi', far mam life confz‘/?m’v not in Abundance. Luke 12. 1;. But there iisa fcarcfull we againfl Riches , as thofigh they Hill crycd for diuincCafligatiom,Woe 3':/ntoyotrt/mt are rich, wh y ? jaw ham: rcctiucd your unfit/aria», Luke 6. 2.4.. your confolation, how 2" Ex Diuhgf/5, deglaria illarmm, e§"ft:ul4rz‘ém fr:atf7i~ Em, of your riches,and‘thc;ii' glory ,“ and all fecular zcdntcnc , not othcrwifc; " So faith the Farhcr in % his fourrhB*ooke againfi: UMarciom.C4p.5. What folly ifi than to purfue that with violence and In. nwzian, which when wcchauc‘gz1in’d is no [mf- fafmn, but a mmam .9 ifikhat madnes rhusVroAma~A CC.‘l'E!'K¢ Warnirzg-pieece. H’ ccrateand crucifie the whole man fora Few titu- 1zif‘€ll1dOpiI1i0DIltCd ric/m.-, of which hec thatch.- rouft.-’s and drinkc’s deep:-ii: is wet? thirfiie 2 Now thing quenches an immoderate appetite, pamlmei refl2m't, quiafltmztxm fitiz ”(i:tith uluguiiine) Cara. raélt and riuers are but draughts competence for tifuchconcupifcences to {wallow (#5:: Aurum rim- be: Argcnttmz, cancupifcix zmmm, canctipwtk mg gemam, Ky Haées, ét cancnpifczét , P1611!!! e.r,te§v fink ; marina eff mm apglzntia , the‘tf‘:tmic4 Father in his 3. Sermon dc tveréizés ‘xfpsfloli. ”HoW *tti«ifi:ra- hie are thofe defires, which are not bounded by what we: doe poflhife , but by what we: can atchieuc. If a man fuppofc that !.Fomm: hce is Lord oF,~not vo*lum'i‘nou;s eu'ohgh,"aI- though he: he Mmarcla of the whole world; yet: is he: wretched : be: is not /mppie, titl;.4:‘zlai:a£-s 59”} fl’ 46' bimfclfé lmppic; hee that agrecth well with his P‘W'wc' poucrtie is a rich man, and bet: thatagrceth not well with his riches is 8 poorc mam ; ‘bee is notirich that iitillackis fomcthingmor he ponrc thatwam teth nothing, tutrum maxim /saber: mulmm,anfiti:, ‘gig the S;tgoicksi.Dilcmma; whether had’Pt thou rather to have much, or enough? hce that hath mm/J, dcfires more, which is an argument, hec hath not yet finflicicntfihc that hath emmg/9, hath W M obtain’d. the md, which nctter befals a rial: mm. Seneca labour'5 to ptcfliz this home to his Ltiici/lim; 159- 119- Set before Inc the reputed rich, Crafliw, or Liacimia :14; let hintjcalculatc his full Rt-nmem:,ii what hce hath in prcfent , afld.\JhOPCd for Pojjefltom ; this T C 2 man FM. 18 to." o » ‘ £22 ‘The flick man: than (if thou bclecue me ); is poore; or (if thy fclfe) may bec poore 5 whcther is he: Couctow, on ‘ Prodiga/1.? ifC‘om-tow,hc hath nothing 5 if Par-odi-A git”, he (hall haue nothing; Thc Gold thou cal’[t his, is but his Caéomt’.v, 5: who wouideriuy full cofferi The man whom thou ft1ppofc’fi to be Mzyicr ‘ofhis treafure , is but the haggc that (hut’S it vp. A A Loc then, that bafe Idolarryofthefe times , andi men , which hot oncly taifc their Hmtomé: to» their Golden Saint, but Dezf: the very Shrine that kcepcfis it , A peace of wrinckled prnxzidancc , or‘. g:'ay.lJay7’d t/Jrzft ; nay worfcl, a mcere decrepit Auarice gwhcn foralittlc ianguifhing and bed- rid C/Sarizit, they cmbalmc the Honour: and Me- mory of rich men i with thcirprccious Perfumes" and 0 ymm*ent:,fi1ch as fhould caft only their Odour: A onthc c.Mammxmt: ofgaad men; And not onely fo, but they aduancc their status: and Piflatr; in purvcry ‘Temples, Iknownot, whether more to the diihonout ofour God, or to the Immartalitiet of their owne Name. What’s this but to turnct Iiiaclitc againc, and take oiifrom the glory of the ‘ Lord 0fH04flJ, to Worfhi p a Golden Ca/fie .? By the law of Nature (faith the Epicure) hiéegreatc/Z rit. Me: are hit 4 mmpafd pom/rtic, and the Law of God, the grcatcflpouertie is but z'/1.s~ampas"dri- was; for he that pile’: them by fraud or vialemc, tbuilids Aauaricconc fioric higher, to apprgfiang and then not oncly Baum} , but Judgement fol- iowcs 5, God flu/I mimzfimres wga» them, That which» Q53 J-Sraria imtidct 9" . " ”””” \.. Worninglpeeoeg 1; which fhould dtherwifc cherilh , {hall now intan; gle them -, and than , Storm: and Tempe]? [lMll“6'ec xloeirportton to dritoke, fulch. a flormc as will not be allzzid without a {howct of vengeance; Hcarkc, how it h1owc’si’ Woe ‘Unto them A, That ioyne H on]? to bottfe, and lay field to field, till they [re 12 laced alone in we middae/l of tbe Earth; The‘: . ie in mine eares; flzitévtlte Lord of Hoafi: ,3 of A trtttb , many /ooztfis _/be/lée olefolate, ettettgteatamlfaire tvitbottt an In- téalzitattt ; Ten LAY!-'I'€.$‘ of vineyard jlaall yeeld one Batb, and we fi:edof”4n Omar fimllyeeldato Epba/2 .- Is this all 2‘ No, the Tbttmler.elap is behind, Hell both enlarged laerfelfe, and opened ber mouth with- out meafitre, and their tmtltitttele and their Pompe flaalldefoendittteit. Efltj 5. I4. T hcrc mijeryo to vniuft riches; no leatmefle of teetlo like lloofe which grow fat with thcfttlzflatoee ofanothcr, but; to them which grind Pouertie by Extortion, eh do-A aomttt ple6etn,fieut efiam pantie, me rap mypeople,4e 4 morjellof6reael,what Hell, here 2 what Horror in after times 2 Oh , the fcarefull Eiulations fomc hauc lhrik’d !‘ Would God-/tad gtoteto me a /2ettrtfe’ty"- lo/fa ltgket/oeflint in tbe rooke: 0fflaI.9£'; which, as it can tail no plcafurc, fo no Torment ; no torment, her: 3 but, when 1/}! Heaeoem /lmll jbrittoll like 4 female, attoltlae Hills matte lilze frig/tteel men out of. 1/Jeirplaoe, what Motmtaitte {hall they get by en-‘ treaty to. fall vpon them 2 what: coucrt to hide them from that fury, which thcy {hall neuerllbcc able tofitfllrnnor aotoide? Ittdgoments do: not al- A way follow Crime: as Tbtmder tdpth Ltghtetoing, C 3 to inflam- 10!) 200,14» Epicmw. L4. ‘The ‘Rida man! Inflantly; but, {ometimAes,an Age is; intcrpos’d,as between: two Earth-quakes; though they may efcapc the darts and wounds oftcmporall ptr_fi'm- tiom heere,yet thefling that 1ic’s‘bchit1d is Dread- I fall. Tivty /lm/’/fucfee t/ac G40 of L/I/jm, ma’ Ilia.) Vipers tongue flm//flay them. T has, wee fee, Riches and Blefjedzacflie doe not aiwaycs kzfli: ; He’: not cuer Happia that is pr%Z2g- row; the acquifition of much wealth, is no End of I mifcrie, hp: 3 change .- the Law-éztilt Fortune har- bout”s as much Peace, 25* that which is Higher- .roaf‘d; and hath one ‘aduantagc beyond it, ’tis leffc wind—]lmo1:_e. The humble Hyfope and Shah of the ‘U4//£1 are not (0 cxposfd to Tempe/is, as the Cedarin Lz'bam:,t or the 01': in Bafzmg, they are thrcatncd with many a Cloud and Exlmldtion, whichthe other neither Fearc, not Safer. Cmsten-it A V t:dPcmertic (faith the good t./Izbczziazz) is an Ha. mfz‘ tlmagg but ’tis no more Ptmcrtie ifit has con-- tent; we cannot fay, hccis poorc that is Ihtisfitd, buthe that couct’s more. He that is at peace with histdcfires, and can compofc himfclfc to what N4- mrc ontlyrequires from him, is not only without the Se2afc,'but without the Fear: of mifetic; is be ‘poor: that hath neither Gold, not Hmagcr, nor :2”./32>]? .9 pit): Iupitcr min /mitt. Jupiter himfclfc hath no more; That is not little which is enough, t not that mm}: which is not waugb; He that think’: much Little, is ftill pom: 5 and he that think’s Lit- tlctmmé, is wet Rich; Rich in rcfpccft of Nature, though not fipiniou. The man than cam poore, ' hath Warnirzg-peece. I51 hath, douhtlcffc ., fomcthintg that is fupctfluous; and where Supeafluitic is , thcreican bee no want; A Where no want, no poucttie:-, on the 'O[bCI‘fid€i‘,tllC thm thou 1hl’l‘t1mla,is either Poore,ot'/ike a poem. man; hccmnot imptoue his Storewbut by Fruga- Jztie; and Frugalitic is but paztperm/‘5 wolcmtaria , a voluntarie pouertic , Seneca call’s it {'0 in his fif?-A Em ‘ tcenth Epifllc ad Luciflizzm. Lt:t’s, then, borrow " 3’ '91" Lxfduite from that famed Heat‘/am (pardon the E- A pezbite, Seneca will ownelit) and prelfc it home to the praflicé of a Cbrifiian , Lfifleafitrc all t/mags by mtumll defiresg only, beware thou tttixc not Vim: with Defires; Nature conttnt’s hc»t-fclfc with a- littlc, what is, 6:}-zmd, or about that,iSln1pCrt.il1cm, ahdhot neceflhrie. Thoulalrt bxmgrie, reach not after Dzzimics, the Appetite {hall make that tooth- fomc,2vb:'c/9 £4 nexrmvhethcr thy (mad be white, or brow nc,Natzzre qt1cl’tion’s not. I/In *vmtre.m 22?)» dclcflari malt, fed implm‘. Sly: would httttc the ho- die fad, not delighted. Thouart drie,-, whcthcrthis water runnc from the next Lake , or that which is erred by Snow,or forrainc cold, Nature difputcz: not; /Inelabolufs to quench thyTbir[i, not to%af~ feft thy Palm 5 whether the cup be Gold, or Chr- fla/f, Saézinian, or that of Mulrr/3a,or clfe the hollow’ ofthinc own: hand, it mattefs not; Fixethine {eyes vpon the End ofall things, &th0fl‘Wilt loath Sztperfluim-:L:l N252»: tilai czlm fmeccs-vrirfitzls unf- mz quxris pacula ? Nvlm efitricm, fit/fidtb hamma pmter pamzncm .9 Htmgerlis not ufméitiow , flat: lookcfls not afterthc“q:m1iiic?of mcates , but tha »~ A man»- 3?} 5 .,/fr-L II 15 *1 be ‘J.'Q§iJ.mAm‘ meafitrz; how Jfhee may PM the bodie; not paw; per it :, Thefz" are torments of an vnhappic Lrtxun rie, when wee flake new waycs how to prono/ecu, and glut the Appetite , and noronly to nfrcfla out‘, Teéernaclet, ht-Jtto clay them. Delicate: pawrcd «upon at moat/.z flaztt "up are like mtfléstof meatcftt «vpwm gram! , things onlyfor Spefiaclc, not Res- pafl. Oftall Gltzttauits, thatof the Eyeis moft Epi-'-. marital], when it would fiillfie Daizaiics which it can not tnfle; till the De/ire hath as much fittfeited, as the Bodie,.and fo we abufe the Ewmtie of a heck- ter Nature to xfatisfie the Lou? and Coflmpifieme of the whole mangand this Rapinc and greedinefle of the fence, is as vnwarrlantabl-e, as that of format, which brea'ke’s downe all bankes of moderation; and therefore, without either uumfl or Diaiuw prefcription. There can be no Farm in Extreme; A‘ nag-and, wbicb mzfz/£’:' wt in rxazfinejfé afprapar- zian , fo thatby the diminution or cxcefle of that proportion, Vice infinuates; infotnuch , that in the exuberancie of there outward creatures, Silmt‘ is conceined, a Capiufl, and Daringfinne, when above a due equa~litie,e and meafure, we either mt.- quir: or retain: them eagerly 5 And this the School:--mm ‘call’: ¢IAdpg/uplct , an Itmrmdcrate hung get , and perfitite of temporals, in ficandajécuna cake 118. qmefi‘. Arm. There is no outward flare oflife fo blefled as that which Diuide’s betweene Pemtxie and c.xI&:md4nc.:- the extreame on either fide is c/‘Hg’/ér:‘:.rAnd therefore the wifefl King thatquet ytfes, end the greater} both for Treefirt A . * A " and Warning-}2eece; "K7 and Rcthgmci, in his own: dcfirc of'ifc’§u1%ar things» encr mixt «his arifimi with this 4I’e_u‘tié»,; L%brdgiim:°‘ me mitlmr Ricées ho’? P?me-rtie.%,- ‘Sad «mam-4%; »":Veot2*i-A «éue mm-flaria‘, Fcedmee wit/zfaad .canue}1im‘t4 (the £ngl:fl2Vgiué’$it) but thg: Ldtiflt, ntct:,£firia7J1”;A‘iLs .1moreEmpba2tioa=fl; there are*fomc 1;hi¢d">$;»Cdifk§e~ aim! for the Maicflie ofil ~*K-ixg:,j" whicfi are not 21.,‘ waycs Ncctflfiry for his perfon;¢bu:4294Zarzinn,Ahe‘re,; dcfirc’s only to bane Naturcacc9tnmodaAccdA:, ané % =:na:_State;.1tim€vc: hcwould*ha~uc%;A‘n(2nc ; and thcfe arciczfii:nwg*ieri*tV For 7a‘s§aA ¢1§uc~, -fomcthiiig to feed him with, and thatis’nmjf:gi: for him‘a‘s a‘ Lfltaaa ; an humble rcqueflfor fo mightic a Ratexf-2 - mac, and yctfomuch as he need”; to bdg, thgu ih at fw much’5a~s G*6fl‘hhféh‘»pH‘rp6»s“& befiowg “ R if alefings cdmc o‘ficn’”ti*mcs* ih Ihov‘vex‘§»w‘hén they A are fucd for but‘*a‘s fprinklings. In that itxquifitc plat >fo1*m‘c:3*and__r~» mlé of Prayer prcfcriwbed‘ V’; ~eu«r SVa1miom'; .811. féhjffrbrfifil 1 X’ ” -«his, Gin: '12:‘!/ricddy 3nr‘d4i@ %~rmd; ‘his Brédd;f‘Qf1'i;-' ‘ly~,’wcc askc, and brcad’on‘Iy.,for; Jay , and théfé are Bazbnacoflurigg Ncchffary two .wayM§:s ;, Eirfc, ’in?~rcfi:t&bf?dm-‘fv;*la¢'J§; forifirgad .(f:iich’A::the Pjfll; mge)y2»a»graam1c.‘:be aamMw¢a»;*£fian?s chietm rpart, th¢:4Hm/m, a’nd%thatchiéfc pamfrailcs and frailzic needs flrcngthning wary day; ‘Then, in mfpqétofxhe aammm! ; it mufiht B*rta§?,, fogla day too Thc mid» t$i'3d*'s“'t'bAc A:?‘fh:rlii‘e,2vfAg‘atlaci' duly for 4 day 7, and t:l1c~ Gfajficlfcnitpyncs the Djfcipic}, wiclaa Nam: cog£:4m‘r» étnfiihym, €ar:¢"nnrfiI.r’¢o Iavofiow, timwr Mr‘: ’f“o‘n"t %f"f‘-% I25 '1 D9 '%.t(lC/9 HM!” felfe. U1/[eritb erg} Cizriflibifdpalw -vic7::mfz'1aiin Diem ppflu/at, quid: crAfltna,cagit4re probiéwur ; (‘ypdg om. faith Cyprian ;% Hec rightly dc;mand“s brcad*Aon‘ly» mm fora day , who isforbid to prouidc anything for to»‘mrian*; I came nu}.-ed am of my. ma.t/mt: wamécr. (faithAIa&)4z1d mlsal j7;_.;x/1’. 1.. 1f€1fH’_fi€.. Wee éroygbt-% ;:oibi:2g imtazlzix world (-faith Paul) andzzotlaing we fimll carric m ; %N”al:a’ncflE .3 andflatbing E’ into the wor1d2and out of it 2: What then can we're-. quire hwcare, b1'1;1¢\I.g;cfi:ric: .3 and what thcfc arc, the pdpQ]fl:- giucA’s.Aig1;two words . Viéium, Tegu-» memm, Faadgndggimant, and cnioyne’s Content: withthefle, j_1.'2;*,im.16._8: %_But.whac.foqd,whatrai-A mcnt mufl vise baconccntcd with I 'ih(,ec¢flI¢rilJm; 4z2;ié?u22,é,V1V:‘§q[4r;i_ganz, .tegu2g2;»t*um, nizgé himmc, ab». _f;)pe2y7uu2{é,S%aint pduguflinc rcfolucfs in~ his fifth Scrmon,} 1),: zztrfigls xdpgfloli, Food and Raimcntv ncbqcfl’aric,4not Luxprjient,%n%otSup¢ry;?uom ;. Nmm: ' xc€§ the Lqztcr pf but ifcod fomcci”mc’s be-A-V flow them, make thofc Snpevflultics anothcfls Ne»- ceflfikics, Sim tga [ap:r}_7m faupcribw nan-flftria 5, “ti: the Run: Fatbefs aduicc in the fame Sé_:rmon.; Miflakcmc not; I am no Diflviple ,of%15a;meAV;% nor: 41464635,‘ ”,nowL§(oickeI, nor. Icfltitt. mat’: a Clot;/l¢:r~,"on 3 Stud; I like ‘not ch; Monkc in his Mm4f£crié,nor% the Cyxicka in his Tué , nor them/1 ncbortt -in his Ccflés 1- I04ath§hc Ilmitwhtiarie and.,hi5 w4m~A% , the Cewréirtanei his St0»iePil14m.;xI pitic the chrcdn ‘bare U1/ttmlicant, and the bare-footed Pikrimu; wilful] p;¢13ancinS 0f,t%hc body ‘(for ought V I‘ f n¢r:h:r egmmamfs nor app%ron=’v~ A v.a;a.~ aw .. J. W ‘armngvpeeee. 19 volurntarie retirement from Saeietie , or nrmlacx fauo.ur's more ofWz'£f, then Iwdgemtm, oF.pccui_lh=- ncffe, t.hcn1{eligz'ou.~If Gadlfcncl me Ricbe: I**acccpt them thankfully, and imploy :hcm,in my belhto 6:2: léruicc , and mine awn: ; But ifby.Ce[iealtz'e, or Afilifiien, or form vnbapfic Aecideaml am drlucta to Ineligenet, or Celemitie; or clfe, ifaadhauc pro: portioxfd mce fuch an humble Condition; Ile take no‘indirc& courfc to any higher , lbtit cafric this ebaerefuflyll, lwirhout»-lsalitarinqfllel, or Defeontent; 4 and 5 as with the jfiirit cifold Aetilue , fo with '4 his Language :00, mqmr, fedfortitér, eemyz '.- sen.Ep5fi.;.fe accidor, fivlfortirér, been?’ 0?. h h A A ‘ . And: hcncc, (no doubr):it Was,th134-cmtc carda V.-veflra, Rm: your » Hearts, *zndnat;aurgarm:m::;,, .énd=;~fl"/.122: peaple./Ba-'5 flour me with their‘/z'p:',6:zv”: :b:ir’Heart ‘xkfarrefram was; the Heart-,the S/Jrineand T tmple where I atfi truely. W£)I"[hip'd ; that Hala:ufz‘Mhandtt0blatidntqns ly-whichztfmokekjfrohtit this A uxm~,m:c‘s th”ee‘ar+T V ceptabletodour ;: another Saci'tfcc5.:.are abomina- ble, the Heart is God’s Icwcll ; heedoth apptoprig-' ate=it7 to) himfelfe, anely, and mbaliy; the ,£nmd,t Or‘ fibre, ortéye a‘re‘not forbidden xa“.d;ocrxheimffitet both i~n"gatb.erivg lawfully,” 3-and prteféfuirag riches; any tfiemtbet but the Heart may be . thins vemployv cd,t~that mufl not intetmeddle, for ith'is‘were to A whote aFtetia—fa1fe Nqmant; hand» Bx¢me"Immfe: to 4 flranga G021. ‘Tie ntott: the meetev pafléjfiim or vvfc ofrichcs thatasoficndfs, but the Afcfiatiang And to this purpofe, Luméard. puts.ina«his 0 Mergmtion, ;witha nazztdérit Propbeta-, the Pxoplw aye’s:not, mlliti-/Mitre, hm: aefalit-e aoriappémreg «twee; are not forbiddentichcs ;...but when wee haue them , to f€ttouthh.Hedrt:tt.v”pon them ;“¥fo‘i that 1the errour hangfs.t_gt>t:vp9t1_ tba_fe,tlSutrv:.;j; ggtggliiclrm. but that In {oz/am; .. A 71 -A. ‘fiibe E((i¢bA~mam % thaa:w%hvihch Ida/91’: tihcm, our Heart. And there-‘ A face, Mofe:&gauc a fwng-~Ca::m to I?heIfi*aelitc.c, ehatwhen their Flock‘: and/minis: cnlcrcafcd ,‘ arzd %Me1'rV.S'ilucr , Md" Meir Gold ‘am: multiplied , the} [$93.14 &¢-Amgre leafl tbeiribeart; were”/ifted -up , and fa they jbauldfbrget the Lord their Gad. Beam ,13;.;x4. Thofc fublmiaric creaturcfs itaifinoc-«Di- /Zrafiionl in V3 , fo wcc maké them’ n.oi:‘ou%cC‘¢-ntre, if we: rci}-not in t~hcm,: if we: c::an=l‘ooke tb-rcixugh them, to the Giaerg And, donbflcé, .wccwma~y»en~ tcttaine nhe vnrightco:ua~Maqgm*as;- nos: onc-!yaas“a '. mm»; ,4 but av%V%Fridnd, bi ndmdafics. ;r at" at Lard. Ther:c*is Verxu:.imbcr Sic, ithcfc ;be a n;,Qg4l§fic;:twd:ih;dur¢deflrz¢. 52AM ihqrfiforcry 8. Ana- gaflimc ’d'ifputi;1g",of.than impoffibld uA.m¢fvg':'e $V‘be_-1 twcencVvHe4urn,A1;ahd. a;Kic/I-%rnui5;:a;(>"~ani:fll,: bmd she Eya afa Needla,w=ould‘ha~ueAAa?1BitZvnianvniicfflood -theta’ cfi‘Fa‘:29zW1f9Ai7"¢‘fi'MP3.‘M;I£?flfl0I3¢1l'#’i7l~»,“ nliéw fivparéientwn, Inch 3 extmasiVoeyn=csu1mxic¢%toA Ring 617:1; an (1. ‘Bride to /’1nmri:c,in his 72;; ~Bvo0ke.afEa.?mg; q«mafi.Copa.4.7. AAnd,Vrhis isthc ~Burdt7au his inter- pmtatiao n» inthwnzce fcucrfll Trail: mdrc ., mu ope: damflofaddqfidaria, in 1.0.5 ci?mo=n%dé;Iemp%vra;, ma 1?,~iui&t'i;c;% *4»[c:d 6‘upidiM5 aamfatur, inhis 5,. Sm”?-_ -mon dc ;1zai£v13"Va3'f}:a/Iiali; in D“iu»it'§'.c reprclzmdb éw» .%piditatcih;.mnfim~ltmanq;. in his—firfl,BoovAkc% :1: Gig wm't.A1;7::'.%. Cap.‘-«row flbqdsematqa an datimcly care of = ’ume17¢ty. tcmpdrailss iagmot pttbzhi bitéd,‘ zlimt vhélina atdinfitf }:A£p.pciinc aiszrryed duwn:>’by1ifl\c: Vgancfrall tsroyea and cunfmfi both of Fmbwrx ‘and: S+aboa1(.. é mm ,;¢-fi‘:3ton;~'rcqnirev :rVai;?'.Ci1atalé$guc. ; ‘A vic:w%: pnnfiu: Warningipeecef . punfiually Gregory dc Valeatia vpwon Aquinas: 2». 2. 3. Tom 4. difputarion, 5. queflion. Hcrcupon, the Momlifls, and thofi: of rigid and [éucrcr Brew, % would ham: 2 wife mm path by Ricbe:,in con- tcmpt, Noam: /mécw, fez! nefilicitm /méezzt, not in regard of their praprietj, and pajfrflimbur the diff. fim/ty and cagarraefle of the purfiaiz; which as bee can manage without Indulgence, in their frflition _; fa, without dzflwréance , in their lnflég In what fiore-hou!'c may Eomme bet-tcr lock: vp'hcrTre;i- 2% Sen. dz Beat." -vii. fine, then there, from whence flice may fétch it without the complaint of him that kecpcs it 2 1541. Cam, when he praifcd Curiw and Carmtrani-_ :44, and the’:/Ilawtarj and zgfeéltd paaemtitarof th\at Age, wherein it was a Capital! offenccto haw: fomc fe_w plates of Silzzcr, 1’-oflzdeéat zip]? quadra- gius fcflertimm, faith Santa , had his ownc fiofe cram'd with many a Stflcrce. A wdifc man ,as he: will not make Kick: [the 0 Mac? of his purfuicc, fo not, of his refnflzll , mm mutt Diaitimfid mdmtll; mm in Animam Mam gazaam fid in damm: recipit; marcffaitpaflflaVDiuiti4a,ftdcont¢mnit .’cis .Sc~ naczfs againe; , to his Inm'w4Gallio, hccweiglfs" Lchcm fo cuchly bctwce‘nc, De/ire, and..S'came,that hcc doth neither wm’cr-vvalew, nor indulge them J; ,hce1nakc’s not his minde, their. Magazine , butfhis M aufe, in which he doth not lack‘: but lodge them»; V hc1oue’s them noc,propcrly,‘ but by wa ofcom-» parifon, not as chcyarcricévcs, but as? 1;» :5: area- loofc from .Pam°ny,.- Yes“ , Stoickc, as they are%r2"« ucbcgtbeygm ajmot unfijy bc tempcrarcly lou’d ‘and defifd, Son. Epi/?9i1.9« " - 3222. do Beam wit, cap-7- Sf”-HP-J19» 20 ‘T/ae aw» mam defir’d, but «alfo prayed for, prayed for as am‘ dayly éreadgnot a’ bfolu teIy,as;for our fpirituall improm- mcnt, but by way ofreflrié2‘z‘en;firfl'humbly, with fubmifli on to the will of God 5 then , cana':'Iz'a- ml! , fo they prone aduantegious either to our tiuill or moral! good. But here wee mufi watily I-leeere bctweene a vigilant prouidcncc,and a ftet- V; ting folicitude, a difcreetc and honefl cate,‘and that which is anxious ,_ and intempetate; for if they are purfued either with vzmlawfa/1, or «vnéri-— ldeled dcfircl 5 they lead: our Rcafon captiue,Blz'nd... fold out lute./1e5i‘ual:,fiartlc and diflurbe our fu bli- matcd, and better thoughts, weane our Cag:‘mi- am from Sacred proiefttd matters of Secular em- plo tnent, fleale from vs the exercife of fpiri“tu-- all uties , and to damp and dead allthc fhculties of the Inward-man, that in way of Confcimce or Religion , we are bcnum’d mecrely; Naéafi him» fclfe not fo flany and c/mrlzflz, not half: fo fiapine and flupificd as we. And therefore , your earthly Smfiultfls haue this wofull érmd fet‘ vpon them- by the Spirit ofGod.eT6tylare men of tin": world, ttfieybmc. their partianin tbzk life am-ly. 1’ [£11. 17. I4. . A Riches‘. haue nothing fubfiantiall in them that may allure vs ,but»ourlcuflome of admitin g them.‘ No» quia .caiu'upifcmd4 fimt, lamlawtur ;/ed quiz? ~ cancuptfiantur, laadata/uni, They arcnot praifed, becaufe they afreto bedefired, but they are deli- red lbecaufe theyareptay fed. To A cut out our dc- ‘fircs by weakc prefidcnts is at once folly and mad- rtcfliril; ftisgniferableto follow error by exabop-la; e. l M i A l w A l l ThIKi::;l V ‘ r1w““ ‘P, W. , .. ‘ 5 J” Wtrningijieéiei That this man hugg’s his Mammromis no authori- ty for my Auarice; I mull chalke out my procee. dings bythcline of precept, fquare them by the rules of Diuinetruth; and that tel’s mee Riclm are btltfimrtr, I/zarms, ‘vanities,/lmdawes, notbifig. hr. Tim.5.9. Wilt thotufet thine eyes vpon that né/rich’ £5 not .? Math» 15-»; faith the Wi/E man ; For Certa-irn~ly,‘ Rtic/re: male ‘ themfilae: wings, tlusyfl}: may as gm Eagle toward: beaten, Pro. 18. Marke, all their pompe is withi- out ctrfdinty, or fi'4ti*mhh:rThings‘ nottonel y fleeting; but wluéle ; they _/feels not from vs, ' but”thcy_flye away ,-, flye away as an Eagle doth , both with flrong,andnimble wing5*Their Eéée is as fodaine, as their flomerdourbttfullt 5 the Tex:‘oner1yrprtmp: pofes the one, with at :97’/uxcrint, xfthey flow a-A .. bouctheet, as if their increafe were meerely cafiu 7 411.5 Byutif they done, what then? Nolitc car appoi- mre, fet+rnot your heatrt vpon them ; They are 4 tmnfitory nbiefly, theyhflycr away, 4 nbt otily Wfiith the pinions ofan Eagle, but with the wings ofta ” .Dtme,of' the Dam: , in the Pfizlmz]? , wbqfe wings were couaredwttbfiluar , and bar featber: with geld. Ric/1:3 (VI c6nfefl’ch)r ham: their nmzy, * at1d’lufl’t:; but they are falfe, like globes of C/mi/Llzall, which though they take the-eye both with vnrietic-an’d delight 0f0*£rie&?7.£, yet haue of th~cmfelues* but a hello W» and brittle glory, nibil ex 5:3 qua; vidcmw menetgrcurtitcum tempo)-e” : n“d's arid‘; ‘Seas’ are not fotroling. an d"1v~nfiablea=s Riclm are,.w henthey begin to Purge and fwcllthc HM”; Ibdtfl‘ fif“'UPt?I1 .tbe*m~.~ wide: qwinrflut/mt , mm wirdcfiqaiapretcrflfiz. $422’ ‘ .2 A amt ‘ 28 1 ‘Riot/Jmam Vj um, fluent: fimt qua mirartéyquomazliz wrxizxm, fir ‘ nranfétmt, c: ;':c:damtw dzfma _fnp¢r_flu.¢ mm acqui- rcre, Loe, how the F athcr, playing on the Word, chide’s his fol ly,and opening the Rickie condition ofthcfe Hiding Tcmporalls ,» prohibitc‘s all dcfirc of‘vnncc.cfl"aty 1"rca‘furc,to {wcatc "after fnperflm’-s :iu,_and‘vainc Abundance, fince the Way to them» it both iicc‘p::.,and flippcry, and like the climbing ofa fandic hill totht‘: feet: ofthc» Aged. No man. can be poffefliad of atpcaccablc and quict ‘life that toylds much about the inlairgcmcvnt ofit. S¢m’€4'.8» lmécrciqnodncccflé gfl,é~guodfizt efl,may well coma plcatiallurtlely bappincgand tcrminatc our dciircs in Way ofrich.cs,to hauc that which is necc1Tary,&'. that which. is fufficicnt; But this latter we muff boundagainc with the rules of Natxm-,not opinion... T he Epicure tels vs , If we limanccarding to,‘. gpcjlm/[newer éeptmrt ; if, according to apim'm,mucm. ricb. Our natural! dcfircs. haue their lifls , and i “ Bounds ; Thofl: thatare dctiucd from fall": opini- on, hztucno pain; to him that goeth in-.a right way there is an end; "Error isinfinitc;' As there- for: there are diners forts of R1’;/3:: , fo there are of D e/im, too ; there are Ricbe: mmra/1, and then: are Ritécs Arflfciafl ; thcrenrc Defim of iNamre, and there an: De/ire: ofiicfléaict. Namra/I Richm- fuch as are {urrogatcd to man for the fnppiy of natutalidefcfis :, as mean.-, idrinke, clotlmag; Ar. tgficia/I; by which Nature “is notimmcdiatcly rc- licucd. but by way ofcanflquermg as Caym-, Plate, A 1mel:,mandthc.iikc, which thcpdrtof man ifirft " i A “ i i ‘ V i0tIfld.v‘ Wkrntngrpeece. 2.9 found our for cafier crafficke and exchange 4, or (as rheivnhcwcd language ofrhc Sc£'ough’s it) ifarafier mcfmfuramircram rumalium. Now rm» mrall dcfircs (huh: hands with natural! Riches-3% they are not in finite, bath mac their mcafurc, and growth, and proporcion with the other. A~ritifi- ciall Richcs are without-period», and come vp co ehofc idcfircs ofcbaicc igwhich bccaufe inordinate, ’a'hdfl0t modified, are no: lefféthcn iin"finitc.; ,1!!! that drinkfs oftézki w~mr~ ( faith iiCbr.f/9, by tempos-5 rails) flu/l ‘tbirfl equine, Ia!9..i4i. The Rckafon is=,' bccaufe thcirinfuflficicncic is moi} knowenw-hen they are bad, and; therefore difcoucr’s their iperfcékion more; [0 that Natural! .Ri:be:arcAmor¢ -cxquiiice bccaulkichcy haue naturall‘dcfa"r:: which are infinite '5 The other not without Carafe;/1'0» and V Dzfirder, bccauie their dcfires depend on-Choice; which are mutznblc and various; andfo, Infinite. x!quErz.fécz¢1zaa‘.';'- 3+ 7/» R251; ,m;¢M%%%%%%% downs: fofiiy , with fwceteft peace, and fail com tcmmem , in the embracemems of Mar/wflixg Blzflia. A . And now , 0 Earth, Ear:/1, Earté, [ware t5€'.J Ward cf 15: Lard, Thou whofc Emit and Sonia, and Dgflrt: arc Iumpilh , Eartb mccrcly , thrice Earth; Raifcthinc Aflkiiiamsfrom this Dull Elc... mm: where they «now grand}, and mks «up to the H27: firms w/mm réjfaltmtiarz comm-et.é .- wh y do they flutter hear: about corruptiblc Glories ? Why doc they fioope to we and vamc Cmfm: , fucla as are not only open 1:064 tmltic, but to1),mgm° Ric/m are to Batb .9 to Eat , in a tripic way 5 Firfl, in their L/lcqrxzfltion, S econ dly, Pofl?frim,Third— ly,Dcpr:'rmti:m. In their Acquifllian, firfl ;/1: the Partridgcfitmaé rm eggemnd %&%att#ltatbt/Sgni naté In H 6 that gettctb .Ricl2c:,4ndmt 5; rtigbt, flmfl/caItc..'2 I/rem £22115: miafl ofbtk c./{gt , and 2:: /2:24 E:-2:2 he a faalc. 10.17.11. Next in their Pay]2].§ian,n=6erc..a 4 M0! /1 and fry? dvté corrupt _t1Ic:w Md;A mbczrrmmms brulmbr g/I,4vId/3a¢4le;2IMlz.d.9:Ldflly, inwc» fpc& of thcirVDg'prz‘mIiM. fir Laflé. Ha I14:/Jfml-— lowed Jamie Riclm, and flea /7m/J vomit Ibcm v 49- gdifltsfiod Mfl”It»'M~0tIt 9f“£rt§mB¢e//y:»;_;.t¢5w~i»Ig:- varrcafvvof /fiA,h6onfa./714,0’ depart , dn4d//m«g'bnn’.i"']bz!l ~ flaw dwdyint/veday of blimrat/2, 145 :'w.A.15w,=28.Lae, how the I’-Iandof In/iicehoucmhcerc, and with 9 D0Ub1¢'B10W fW$9.’.$.% tbrcmzgbw tbmtgry Ioynts and marroW”0f3~t,bcW0!'1d1iBg , %eum;V;zmhn fim-‘» dring and diflipation bothof his Pafleritimlrd eF€'W’w’ . Hiksveds.//mllflvw Wy.mY My Mrrekfé 0' Warrzingwpeece. ” 35. qf /1:2: ban e flu/z’ dzpart 5/7:4/I depart .9 whithcf 24 19% #5: Grant; with whom? (Iwa lztmemaé/e Campani- om.) T12: Fool: arsdtbc Bea]? that perz:/72:15.80 faith the Singer oflfiael in his 49. Pflzlme, thrice in- thatoncz Pfalme, at the fixth vcrfc,»Hc tmfl‘: in Mr. wax/£6, and glarz'c’.< in Me multithzzdc of I95: Ric/2:5,? and at the tenth VerFe,.He is 4fool¢,md~6rutt'fl2,andh Ima_ct£vL /J83 gaads t-ha atlrm. 0 wine Infazlemc .3 oh » trMflt0rie.1m'g/2'! .9 what? After all thofe oner- - flgowings andhfWa1*mcsuof"Tre4_/itre, mufi: he lcaue his Snéffauce to Others 2. Yca,.to..othcrs , per-» A chance, neither of hisTr:‘6e, nor Cozmtrey. Plcafc; you to lookc vpon him at the clcuemhVcr{'c , his‘ very heart is tranfparcnc , and you may difcoucn .. hisinwardthoughts, Hee maniac’: 5:3‘ bamfc flm/I comirmefor mergandbia Dwelling plat: to all geno- “ % rations, and tlberefarecals 12:} Land: after bi: onmcuy Name ; yet vxcw him again: at the~fourtcenth« . Vcrfe. Hc:2r4Be:fl,,a~ filly one, 4 /beep: laidinthzg; game, Deatbflmflfeed vpm laim , and the -vpriglzt _/ball. baa: Daminion Mar /7327: in the morning-,4r9d M4 fircrggt/1 /lm/1, caisfimze in 16: pit fiom 5:3‘ Dweliirrg place. Once more, He is twice in thatrflzlrm fl:il’d A Man. a_;’Hona»r, but ’h'cis {51uc'd with 8 Newer:/3:~ lrflé, H: aéidctb not, at the twelfth Verfég and He -vgulerflandctb mt, at the twentieth Vcrfc ; and in bohtkh, H: :3 A Beafl t/Mt pert]/wilt.’ Man-kc“, how the Spirit of God paint’: out this very ‘Eayrthb-wormcv, thisgrcath Mamwpalzfl ofpclfc, and Rubbilh. He it z;g;:ax41vI,3fr4n_/itoric ,_ Smfizafl; H: aéidctb mt, becv ‘ V h.Z?2.‘ A % h am:-4 ' Encclus 39.. 36 J 7763 Rick man: — qfinderflnmdatb mat, and (man) )'a*e$nez/2 ~Dicti7? no; pm]72etb ;» per:/[verb as 4 Beat]? dark ,5 as A’ ifthc ‘Souls rmrtcd with the Body',m' hiszwmary wirlfihe 89:31:; no Remainder either of Name , or Farrah: ,* “and which is worft , of Hémmrg fo nah the Text; What Mung/2 rick; and 2/23 Glary of M3 /Jag;/e imret. fie! .9 yen , He //Jan/1% carry M94} not/yingrwitb /1213,5171‘ %E1‘ammr /7941.7 not defccmvlafier /Jim, wffi 17. what! V czvrry nothing away with him»! nnr that Glariom Ear}/7’ B that Gnudy Ltnggnge his Son]: Doccd on I that /Inning Saint .3 that Burmflfd Deity, which he couid, at once , both touch and nwrfbip .9 whacz not this Cabana h*c*lmg’d ank:l?~cla@’d .3“ not’ the «Gold bee Idafd i’ nothing of Trea/hnrg, or Rejmtc, or Name .5’ Ofncithca-5 All thcfc falfb bcamcs which Wm: wont to dazzle him {hall been new ncIond¢d»“nin~ pcrpetnnl1d‘arkn~efl'e ,; whcrcwhey amu ncLtcr*%fEc lighragaine; thus the Tcxtdoomes him , at the nineteenth Vcrfc of the fame Pfi/mt. 4 Seeing them, All earthly Dcpcndcnccaarc vainen and fragilmnd char: than be no true peace~bnr*tbatn which 1ool