OF THAT VVH'JCH ' s WAS DELIVERED IN A ER!i m9“: ' re the Commons Houfc of _ __ _ _-'.'rlmmmt inS‘. MAch ITS ‘5’“ ”‘1‘ Church at Wcflminflcr, , ~ " :3. of February, ,2.” ' 1.6 2 o. By IAMEs VSSHER PROFES« 80R 013 DIVINITY IN THE Vmucflicy 06133” LI N, . v \ 32 Ireland _ Imprinted at London by Felix nygfiwz, far slob” 3min: and are to be fold at the fignc ofthc gilded Cup, m the Goldfmiths Rome m Cheapfidc. 1621. r." V .‘I . . ~‘ . \ \L - /.‘ . I n . - a _ ‘ of thc‘Commons H oufc of 2 :' : :‘fPuHamc-nt. - , _- _ T pledfed the: Here'ottrahle Aflm— ‘th ta require mjfi’ruteefl prett— ching at that late rettgeom meet- ing ofyeursfor the reeeit/t'ttg 9/ the holy Sacramertt cf the Lom’: _ Stepper. 1 W44 afterward atfo fleet " f ‘ " «unto hy the like authoritygtbpethi lifl) ' that which (according to my ' e ahele'ty) I then delivered. And althotegh in re/feé? ofmyfi'hregemdof my want of time to prqfl’etttefiteh a fitht'eft‘, ‘I meld wefl; I hedgheehe firarea’ from fetch 4 Melee .- yet rtztheej~ then the expec74teen,and expreflEfigm'fimtion of the defire of the refreflntatiue had} of the whole Commi. maltyof the Ix’mgdeme flaottla’ reft‘ 'vnfittesfieel 5 I heme ; yeelded to commit the runto the deflufmg and directe- ott ‘ofthem, for whofiflz/ce: it aw atfir mm; ,« 1 ' ‘ ‘ ' ;~ ; l r ' . i r " " ‘\k/ - ‘ " h. '- ’ I. . 4 ‘ ‘ ,‘ “‘ . . » . , ..! t _ ‘ 4 :‘ ~ . n‘c ,‘ NOVRABLE ASSEMBLY" Opprimilenim me oncrc oflicij 'm‘a ui, quém id ,1 etc: infirmitatem anim‘i dcponcrc. The very word: which then I rvtterea’J am not ahle to prefint fume yam-1 heme truly laid dewm' , : 'quod mihi cum fidcfcmcl impofitum fuit, proP-s ~ the flthflanee of the matter I A ,3 though} 5.M~1 859513 ~ I -; . , .5 C\_- ‘ . \5 ' , 'e {'33 I E 't x“ '. \' \‘J \ x 5 <“\ Q". R‘ f . ‘ \ 3‘ \ (s ‘ ‘ (\ \ a; W (L. V. \ I .‘\ K . «- -\\ \ .‘l g x s } ‘s . , x h‘ *‘~ $533 . \3\ .4 5%; v \i 3) SC‘» {is ‘Q:\\: k ( ;\\ - . 3: . -\ ‘~ Na \ (x: “q ‘ \ ‘ \ w ‘ ‘8 . ‘ ‘ y; K ',. -\3 J c” b 1 \ 1 30 r 4,“ “\\ \\ ‘ a“ :\ r\' ‘~ . "\ g ‘_ . J ‘\ —‘ \ .\ . I‘~ c N ‘\ +\\ , Rig “ax fats”: in ad your worth] indeuoursfbr 112: firui'ce If ' Go , The Epifile Dééicatory. , 1 brig/1 in fin): place: (44 itfill out ) [mew/m can- militia 4:11ch 4 little more inlargea’..Wkatfae2er it it; I-ivbofly Mi: it «mtg your graze ten/fire: .- wnd f5 éefiec ing :6: Lord to give you pro/perm: :3 ,Wdig/Iy andymr Comm], 1 m? Yours in all Chrifiizn duty to be commanded, llannsrvnssmm. fiCORo M V I. o R.IO.. Vern”;- Wee éeing many, are one érezm’, Malone bodjgforwe are allparmker: oft/mt One bread. ' ’ _. Thet entrance I need n0t make vnto my fpeech at , . this time,then that which the . Apofile himfelfe pte- fenteth vnto met: in the ver'fe nexe but one going before m .Texc: Iflmzke to me]? me”. h c more 'vmvife mightI deeme my felfe to be,who beingfo con- fcious vnto my felfe of my great weakenefl‘e, dutfl aduentute to difcoue-n the flame before fo graue and iudicious .an Auditory; but that this confideration dOth fomewhatfupport me, that no great blame can light herein vPon mee, but Home afpetfion thereof mufl: Icflefi upon your felues,who happened w‘make «foeuill achoyce; ‘ the mote facile I exoeét you to bee in‘a caufe, wherein you your .feluesare fome. wayes intere- Red. The _ 1—. ‘nf-f‘ -V__>_ .7 __ ____ P‘— i, tASe‘rgo—npreacbed gefire fix it The f eciallcaneofgrour aiTcmbling at this timc3is,fi£i-fi,that you who profefie the fame truth, i ' ‘ 'mayfioyne in one bodyiand partake together 3 i of tfifiQfi blcfléd Communion: and then,.ghat ,t i fu¢113§2dhi§m.vnto Elf: mrfhip, may ’bee difco— euered and auoyded; You in your wiIEdome dif- cerning this.holy'Sacrameut'.to bee, as it were, zgflisprqéatimismhich wouldbOth caggrggaré 99- mogcfmdj and figr'egare beterq'gwm, (as iii" Philo? ‘ {Ophié \Vx‘avfettqfiaeake) -bod1._eonioync thoie ‘ that beof the fame, and difiioynefixch-as bee of ‘3 a differing kinde and difpofition.‘ And to 'this i purpofc haue I made choyee of this prefént TeXt: « inzthe exprefle wordsgwhi‘chellhaue. read) but alfo- wherein: the Apofllanuidethfin: partaking of the :LotdsiTahl'cztobee afiefiimoffitigndéonel of the . riznion and eon'mufiioni évahidlt‘weehaue etwixt out Glues, and without Head,z( WhiCh he dorh of our diflvaion and feparation.i&om all idola- trous worfhi-p: as appeareth‘by the application hereof vnto his maine drift and intendmen ta laid ‘ downe inthe 14.and 21.verfes. ‘ . i The effia thetfore of that which Saint Paul in ' cxprefii: termeslficetefieliucmth‘,’ - ig‘thefldw- . .wiwnf Saint..- which .confifteth'of MO {33115; the ,fcliowfhip which. they haue with mama, rlaid downe in‘ the beginning; and the '>fellow- 'fhip which. they Ihau‘e. with the=Heaa’, laid downer in the end ofthe vetfe :‘ bOth- whichpareth‘us ex. plained by Saint'lb/m .- TIM mind: we bauefmzc _ and beard, 431::ka mutaym’, tlmt ye alfi May bane fl/Zowfllip wit/2 w; and ”fly ourfillow/bif i: W? . 2‘ M Q ' ~m -~ - __ do-p~——- ._. -v—‘_._____. "—'—‘ "‘ " ' _ l Gvgmom Han/e of Parliament. five-Father, Md with-3613 Some Icfm Clzrz’fi, LIOlL' I. 3; Let them therefore that walke in; darkneflé, ibrag as much as they lift of . their goodofellow- ‘fhip : thisebleifed Apoflle affureth vs, that fuch :onely as doe walke in the light,baueféllowjbzpom 'witlramrtlzer; eden- as they haue fellowfhip With God,and Iefus Chrifi'his Sonne,whofe blood fhallcleanfe them {ram all ‘finne. And to what better company an a man come,‘ tha'mé; Mega- ‘nemd Afimély, and C bare/7. of the ‘fiifliome whit/7 are iflrafled in: beating, and to God the [ridge of 4d, and to tbefiirit: ofizg/i 2m madefperfifi, 4nd to Icfm the Mediatorq’ t/Je new. Cayman, and toftbe blood offlriizlrlz‘figwljic/yjfieal’etb 56!!” things tbm that of vibe! .P No fellowlhip (dOubtleflE: ){is ’com.‘ arable tmhis Communion thaims. . . ' - To begin therefore with the Exit part there- of;- ai the Apofile. in the third to the Galatians maketh' i our being:- 64pzized into-=C/J'rg'fl,; to b'eca hce’ hence make ampafiaiingqf: war: on; Mad; to be ahxeuidenee that we alibi arealluone bread,:md one-.ébdy in- him. And to thefame purpofe, inthe twelfth Chapter follow ing,hc pro‘po undeth both our ‘ cifm‘e ‘ and] our. drinking ‘of ‘ the Lords Cup,?as feales of thefpi-rituall coniunfiion of VS all into one myfticall body. Forat/Je 50d £50,226, (faith-h '6) and: lmtb and”) Wm, 4.10141! 1 e mam- 5m: of tlmm 6b21y,be¢ngémf;m em. 6.1249 fig 41’ fl ‘13 Cériffu For 5; mafia? m me. Afliédptizeed into me 6on ,= mbatbei we be: mm: or” Candles, Met/Mr into we be Zand’orfm': and Shah: hm all m4: a‘d‘riake : f ,' B k l {Efiimmydn‘atsvngndwqulbdada I .Ioh.1.6, 7. Hch.u.z3, 24. Gal. 3.17, 28. f'. ‘ J J xocor. 1,0 ‘2, :3. l 3. Ibid. vetCzy. ‘Rosz. s. pre£4. 3-.6. Cant.6. 4- “a” 2A Sermonprenchedhefhre the . intooneS irit. Afterwards hee addeth, that wee are the ad} of Chrift‘, and memher: in particular: * and in anorher place alfo, that We heing many, are one had] in Chrift‘,4nd entry on: menther: one of another. . , Now3‘the vie which heeteacheth vs to make of this wonderfull coniunétion (whereby wee are made members ofChriI’t, and members one of anorher) is two-fold: 1.7'hnt there jhonla’ he no . [chi/nee in the hody.~g 2.’ That the memhersfltonla’ hone the fame care onefor another, I. Cor. 12.25.” For prcuenting of Schifme, hee exhorteth vs in the fourth to the Ephefians, to leecpe the 1272in of1 _, the Spirit in the hand efpe'aee: and to make this bond the firmer, hee. putteth vs in mindc of one Body,~ one Spirit, one Hope, one Lord, one Faith, one Bnptfnte, one God and Father of 45, who :3 nhone all, and through 41?, and in w all 2 by this multipli. cation of «rides declarin gvnto vs, that the knots whereby wee are tyed together,ar.e both in num- ber more, and of farre greater moment, then that matters offinaller confequence fbould diil finer vs : and therefore that wee fhouldflanol fits? in one flint, with one minde,flrining together fir the faith of . the Gaffe/l , and in nothing tetrt'fied hy our odnerferiet, Philip. chap. 1. verfl 27, 28. Bat howioeuer God hath thus marfhalled his Church in a goodly order,terrihle n: an army. with h'nnner: .- yet,fueh is the dii'order of our nature, that many for all this breake tanke,and the ene- my laboureth to breed diuifion in Gods H03?! t ”"‘" ,__‘_‘._, "' ‘ M ' 4-7- -... 4.. -__._, 7—... -7 . 1 Common: H onfl q“?nrlioenent.- that fo his Kingdome might not Rand. Nay, often times it commeth to pafle, that the Watt/J- men themfelues , who were appoynted for the fafegarding of the Church,proue in thisvkinde to bee the fmiters and woundersof her: and from among them who were purpoIEIy ordained in the Church, for the bringing of men * into too vnz'ty oft/yefizz’t/z, one/of (be knowledge oftne Sonrof God, euenrfmm among'thofe, Fame-doe ari'e'; tha tfieaiée peruorfi thing-mo dram amy- difezfle: of. ter ween. ' ",' ‘ ' - " ' ' ' Thus- wee finde in the Ecclefiaflicall Hiftory', thatafter the death of Julian the Aptyiata, a que. fizons and diflmte: concerning matter: of doflrz'ne‘ . were fro/bl} fee afoot 6} too/e 112/20 were fitonertne .; C/Jnre/oer. Wherupon Sozomen maketh this graue oblérua’tiom-that btbe dg' (Ween of men one/1, that when one} are wronge é) otlzers, we} are at 4- greennent among them elne: 5 out mnen t/rey are freed of enilsfiom 46:1»: 5‘ Me» - 265:7 make infirreflions one 4 din}? anotber; 'VVhich 'as-we finde to be too true by the late exPerience of our neighbour Churches in the Low Countries : {0 are we to ;confidcr with-the Wife man, c that W/mt lmt/a 3 on», 175 new, and time won/a is to on, [nun already {been .- and bee not fo-inquifitiue, d why tlzefor. .' mer day: were éetter zloent/Jefi .Pfilr wee doe not en- quire mfely concerning'téie. When like troubles were in the Church heretofore, (fldorno Pe/u- fim, an ancient Father, moucth the qu‘eition, ‘ W’éatnmon/bonld doe in this cafe? and mak‘eth anfwcre, that If 1': 5e fofliole, wee [bouldmend it, B 2 but v..— t r *— Cami], * Vetem [crip- tumoferntam, innenire non pMuchidifl‘e little/ion; @‘ de demo Dei p01)“. 10: Rolling}, pr‘cter i110: qm' Sacerdote: d ‘Deopofiti flu- mm (9. Pro. phone. Hutton, * Ephcf4, 13. Aft. 20. 30. “a; ou‘ 9; J5). (Miran {um’mc n 19 Julian: mi- Au d'num'i m talc gins-tin 5:” ixmm'iv. 8010. men. lib. 6. bill. Eeclefia/i.eap.4. b «in my 707: ”3.6‘1’0“ elm. We him #9!) aihxayfio’o“ 96": 7“ 5,411?"on 3m. 75%?" £75994}. WC“ ’3 (lunch :9 ifafiu unlit, 157‘: mi: aw»: titular". lbid. c Ecclcfim 1. ‘3 Ecclef.6. 10. ° T3031 menial; 95:. El. “80‘ Jim:- oriu, hapfiun’op’ cl maifiavxa- 51'». Jfidor. 'Pe- lufl lib. 4. tprfl. x 33. v“.— V _.‘-_,.~. ,» ‘ Phil.3.t m6. Ronni 17. 9A Serhtan preached hefhre the hut efthat m4} ”whee, weejhouldhold aurpeaee. .. The Apoflles-‘refoludpnfi th'inke, may giue fufficie’nt fatisfaaion ' in this; poynt, to all that haue moderate and peaceable mindes. ‘ If in any the} WM} on : newerthe/e/femhereta» wee haue aired? “"41”“; let w wdlhe h} the/hme rule, letw: min e the fizme thing. It is not to bee looked for, that all good men {hould agree in all things ‘: neither put the truth vnto compromife‘, and'to the fay: accepted,4e ifa men had inquired at the. 017261le Gad. We all agree that theScriptures of God. are the perfect rule of ourafaitheg" wee all con-p fem in the maine grounds. of Keligionidrawnc: from thence : weeall {ubfcribe to the articles of“ 1 doéttine agreed vpon in the Synode of the ' ligieee.’ Hitherto , by Gods .mercy, haue wee al—g_ " ready attained 5 thus farre therefore let vs minde ;the fame thing: let not egerywanton; Wit be ipermitted, to bringwhat fancioehe hit, Into the iPulpit, and todifiurbe things that haue been ,._. A. _- --’."”‘-—a—.———‘ thingyee he? otherwifi minded, Godjhall reheele even I is it fit that we would (‘as our Aduerléries doe)‘, ing of an Aehitophel, whofecounfell mull bee o 1 yccre I 562.1% the auoydz'ng qf diherfitiiee of opini- _ _ § 022:, and Ihe eflahlzjhz'hg ofwhfi’m touching true Re.‘ iwell Ordered. 1 hefi’eeh you, hrethren; (.faith the A ofile) marhe them which mafi’ dwzfiam 422d ‘ efignees, contrary to the doflrirze which] ee hate lear- lned, and auciqiehem, ,. 5 ; 4 If in fome-gothcr‘things wee bee otherwife 2 bearc one with another, vntill God thall teueale l the minded, than Others of our brethren are 5' let vs , ,4;- V5" g. - M #- C ammam Him/e qf‘Parliammt; the iame'thing vnto vs : and howfoeuer we may fee caufe why we {hould diffent from Others in matter of opinion 5 yet let vs remember,that that is no caufe why weefhould breake the Kings peace,,and makea rent in the Church of God. A thing deeper to be thought of by the Ifmaels of our time, whore 1mm! ('4 againfl emery man, and may mam [rand again tbem; who [rite and demure one amber , vntill they éee eonfimea’ one of 4220'- téersewho forfake the fellowihip of the Saints, and * by afacrilegiousfigamtion breake this bond of peace. Little doe t efe men confider, how precious-the peace of the Church ought to bee in our eyes (to bee redeemed with a thonfand of out lines) and of what dangerous coniequence thematterof fchifme is vnto their owne foules. For howibeuer the fchifmaticke ficundfim effe— éiam( as the'Schoolemen fpeake) in his intenti— 99 and wicked put—poi}:j Ltakcth away Vnity' from the Church; misuashethathatcd: God, dOth take away goodnefli: fromhim, as much as in him lyeth:yetfizeum’z}m qfiflum, in truth and in very deed , hee taketh away the vnity of the Church onely from himfelfe: that is, bee cutteth himklfe off from being vnited with the tei’: of the body; and being difl'euered from the body, how is it poiiible that he fhould retaine commu- nion~_with the Head? . . . To conclude therefore this fitfi vfe which wee I are to make of - our communion with the Body .- ' let vs callto mind: the exhortation of the APO- - Gen.16. 12. 621.7. If. ‘ V0: ergo qua- re [epamtione facrilegé pact}: vinculum dim- pifiis ? Auguft. lib}. dc Bap- tifmo contra Donat. My» :9 J 1:1wa gem, 311 'fi 0": «Jinan Stained}, 10‘ The; tuned” xiauj‘zix mm: 597‘ (9100‘ v. 1 fit}! and protqfl, that to make [chifim in the church, is no 1qu will, than to fillmto berefie. Chry- ' foil. in Ephcfl Ham. :1. file :edbaueall things put on [emirbicb is 2-1:! baled "Col. 314,1 5. B; (If __A__ 'va-“v —. ~..-—M--- 2....34...‘ vv—w 8 P111133. 1. Pfal.rz:.3. '3' 2 ' -- -: fthc Head. . _ ' 'i ‘ 1 i H or: 1:54;»: mitt, & magzomercmtur Atridi.” -} M..y.,‘_,,z,; 3 They know filli- well,that mar} K ingdome a’t’uidea’ " boa/é diuidcd againfi it fi/fi,'jba/l notfland .0 nor ' i doc they forget the Politicians old rule, Diaz'de . | I. o pm.’~1,2,3o . ' 2/4 Semen pi-e—atbtd hfirc tin: ' ‘ , . The more neede haue wee to looke herein vnto our felue55who cannoc bee ignorant how dolo- " q‘perfcflrzcflé, and let téepmte of God mic—tit- ;"our 9 - ; barn, to the which atféye are called 2'72 one Body. Be— ' hold how good and pleafanta thing it is for bre- i , thren to dwell together in vnity : what a goodly i thing it is to behold fuch an honourable Aiihn— i ; bly as this is, to bee as a houfe that is mm? to- F get/yer in it felfe, holding fit correfpoudence with the other part of this great body, and due fubor- ; dinatiou vnto their and our Head 1 Such as wifh ‘ not well to the publike good, and would reioyce i then that diflEnfions {hould arife here, betwixt ."the members mutually, and betwiXt 'lthemand iagainfl it fitfe, i5 brougbt to dtfllation; and titer] O f (fir imper4,Make a diuiiion,and get the dominion. rous Salutio “Mimi, and how dangerous Rup- tare: prone to bee vnto our bodies. If therefore therebe any comfort of loue, if any fellowrhip of die-.fpirit, fulfill our ioy: that )6: 6c like-mix. ded,.1mting téefime lime, being if one accord, que minde 3 and doing ”tubing wrougbflrtfe or wine. glory. Remember .thatas oft as we come vn to the Lords Table, in oft doc we enter in to newbonds of peace,and rye our felueswith firmer ltnOts-of louc together: this blefl‘ed Communion being a fiend ii A fir at the wine of our State, long for nothing more, , w . i C ommatt: H attfi of’Parh’amen . facred feale nOt onely of the vnion which wee ha uewith out Head b faith, but alfo of our con- iun6tion with the at by late. Whereby as we are admonifhed to maintaine vnity among our felues, that there he nofehzfme or diuifiott in the had} .- fo are we alfo further put in a minde, that the memhererjhould heme the fave: Cdrt onefor another. For that is the fecond vie which SaintPaul teacheth vs to make hereof, in 1. Cor. neXt following, by the mutuall fympathy and fel- low.feelingwhich the members of the flame bo- dy haue one with another. For whether one we»:- herfitfihr, 4!! the memhersfifler with it 5 or one mew- her he hammered, all the memher: reioy ee with it : and nth en he addeth : Nowye are the hon? ofChrt'ft,aetd memher: inparticttlar; SheWing vn to vs thereby, er members of the body‘ 12.26.which he further. amplifieth in the vetfe' - t, “*3 , / Md :7‘ } U 3-9711" 1 (7e?! / (\— 1: PM? 619% 1‘4 4,”! M) ’Wl‘7( "3 ’ I. “'6 ’Df":lv ,-‘ .e_ #1 3/1” an“, - f‘ L.’ A w” ”‘3 ,W‘ “‘6‘ “f“ ”3"!”33’“ V~‘ 367 -. 0-..- 077‘4'15‘14- .- « thfitas wee are all ¥ 06mm: gammy fin-twat. con- $ corporated (asitmere) and rmade co tenets of the promife in Chtifl : fo wee than! “have one anathet in our hearts, was 0:13va anew. tome and line together; And hereupon is that exhor- tation in the 13. to the Hebrewes grounded: Re. ”a; (:1, CK” * W‘E am 4 chox3.3. memher them that are in in hande, 45 hound with them, and them whithfitflEr duet/it}, ea heing your filue: alfi: in the Body. It being. a Eerillous {i e that we be no liuely members of t at body, i we be not fenfible ofthecalamities that lye vpon our afflicted brethren. We know the Woe that is pro- nounced againft .fuch as are at cafe in Sion, and Jl “— v are notgrt'euedfir the afi‘lic'i'iott qf Iofiph Widhthc . . iu ge- A0305 6. X ‘6,70 w l ' to ' .2/1 Sermon preachedjfizl tbe 1l ind gement following. *Téetfim your flufl‘thy gae' * captiae, wit/2 theft}? tbatgae captive. We know the Angels bitter curfe againfi the inhabitants of Me roz. Cmfeye Meroz (faia' the Ange” oft/Je.Lord) . L, mrfi'ye éitterlyjtbe inkaéimm. tberwfi émmfi they 3 5' came Wt to [wipe t/ye Lord,wfie’lpe.the Lord againff ‘ i tlyemz'g/Jty. Not as if the Lord did {land in need v‘ of our helpe, or were not able, wirhour our affi- l fiance, to .matintaine his owne caufe; but that . hereby he Would maketriall ofo‘m' readinefl'e to doe him" feruice, and prone the fincerity of our a lone. If wee hold our peace and fit Ptill at this time, deliuerance {hall arife to Gods Church from anOther place : but let vs {looke that the. de- fituétion doe‘n'otlight’vpon vs and ours; I need not make any application ofithat ‘ l which I haue fpoken : the face of Chriflendome, f0 miferably rent and tome, as it is at this day, cannot but prelent it felfc as a rufull .fpeaa'cle m— to all our eyes,and (if there be 'any'bowels in-vs) ,. flirre Vp compafliongin' our hearts. Neither need 1 {I to be earnefi in exciting you to put your help- . nghands to the makingvpofthele breaches: l YOue fdrwartlnefié hem‘iitzh‘ath peeudmtedtme,‘ . and in 'flead-offpetitioningfior which "I. had pre- pared my lelfe) hath miniflred vnto ‘me'etmatt'er r of thankefgiuina A good workc is at all times l commendable: t the doimgof it in fit'timegadv ' dethm‘neh‘ to the Inflcrinhereofl- and maketlrJit . Yamfcg0031y'5heakaf0n Of the ye'ere-‘is':E ap. ': , ‘ procht , wherein Kingsgae ortl: to battell : the A . 1 prefcnt {apply andofi‘er 0 «your Subfidie was ‘ 'Iudg'J. 23. ’. Elle: 4.34. “—0-— :2.Satn.xt.l. done l .44 3? z?"‘_ I I l , *vn' , a h. #1. v vw—— r " . ”Wm/ “7/; "'1 I“? . 5.353, W - " C» - ' " as "V‘AE , 0-7 V " «I, ‘ 9.? L 0,1v "I”? ' C7“? , 5 /’ L' .3, 1 -1 . x , _ _ jfif, _‘ Wfl‘n’ nna’) ($.Ir‘i'f’ Kai) V7”Qz/’ 7p/, 18 ¢ A C ommom H on]: ofPar/tdpzmt. done in a time mofl feafbnable : being fo much al. {0 the more acceptable, as it was granted not Willing mindc. God [math 4 cheerefu/l gitter .° and he :35 4hle to make all grace ahotmet’ towardsyott, that hound to euery good warhe.- V And thus being by your goodnefle lb happily abridged of that Which I intended further to Chrifi our Head is the maine foundation of this Template the Lord 5 and in hip} mm; huildea’ toge. I Mr fbr an hahz'tzm'on ofaod “mg/t the Spirit, Ephefi 2. 2‘1, 22. ~Of:ou‘r {clues wee are but loft {heepe , {cattered and wandring vPon euery‘ Mountaine. From him it is,that there is onefola’, :ahd one jbephmel, Ioh. 10.16. God hauing pur- pofed in'himfelfe to gather together in one all things i in Chrt'fl, hath which are in heme», and which are m cart-h, euen in him,Ephe£ 1...! o. This is the efl‘efi of our'Sauiours prayer,Ioh.r7.2.r. That they 411nm] he omyu thou Father one): me, &1 in thee,that they défo may he one in roach. 'I in them, and thou in me, . t of they may he madepeofcfl in one. And this is it l which We finde {o oft repeagd by Saint Paul; W6 l * V—VW vivw l grudgingly, ”of ”eteflity, but freely, and with a ye always having allfitffieiemj in all things, may 4-.. haue vrged from the ConiunCtion which We haue r with the Body .- I page now vnto the fecond part : of the'Communion of Saints,which confifieth‘ - 3 in the vnion which we all bane with one Hem/for . heauenly vnion. Out of him there is nething but - confufion swithout him we are nOthing bu: dil- lordercd heapes of rubbilh: but in him all the f l huildt'ng fitly framed together, growth; vote 4:: holy V heingj u ‘1 C—I-II-I-I—I 1 , l 2.Cor.9.7,0. l \ l M tic-L, z (“v.1 1| \ (A; ‘ _‘ .9: \' i \ ‘ 7 ’ 4‘W‘i‘i? “m4-— 1 4 /. \ W144; \ ‘ l I ) \ / a§~rfivl§ ”a f"): 1 were _ fi . . ( 1 ‘23? “4‘9” ' 1.00” o. 16. t.Pet.3.:x. f, Ioh.€.3 2,“. i l :Ioh.6. 56, ) -w___¢ v w— - } making the teafon of our vnion to bee our parta- 1 mac :the. "- eittem‘allz abreadkih "the ‘ Sacrament I . A Sermon preached befirre the I édngmany,4re but 60d} in Cbriff, Rom. 1'2. 5.‘ 16 are all one in (Teri/Z Icfm, Gal. 3 .'23.And in the Text wee hatie in hand : Wee hing man], are one bread; Malone body. Why P becaufe we are-aflpartzzkm of :54: one éreaa’ namelypi that bread,whereof he, ‘hadfaid in the words immediately going before: T lye areadivbiclz we fired/2e, i: it m the. comnéunian ' 3 q’t/Jeéai} qubré/Z? . ‘ .3 '- ii Vader, the name of Bread therefore beer: is *‘ comprehended both; Pm Dmiiniand Pam's Do... -' Mimi; nut onelythe bread of the Lord, but alfo . the Lord hintiélfegvho is that living Breaa’wlyz'clz ; camedawnefiom beam, Loh. 6‘5 t. For as Saint. ‘. page ' duality/iv: doth new, vudetfla’n» deththzg hath. c Warfpart‘ of that 53-" " ctamatt,(ft')t he expmflelyeaflem it a fight) and , more then that too (as appeareth by. the explica- tion pteiently adioyned ‘tzrm tire pmin3my qf f daefiltb if tbeflgfly) 'eu'cnitbcxitiwat‘di-pmghg 6f our confciences by venue of the death and re.- _: furreétion of Icfus 'Chrifl: f0 Saint Paul heere' king 41! 9" this we head-,ihath norfoa ihueh :.refine& , (though he exclude act-that neither)“: vne‘othe ' true and heaucn‘ly Bread figured thereby; where-‘- of the Lord himfelfe pronouueeth. in the limb of . 10mm értddt/Mt 1 magma-am, flip/10,; We]; «1 ? midgieefor tbelzfc oft/meow. And-(ta (haw. that : by‘partakingiof this breadfihat wonderfullivnion We {peaks of, isefi‘eétcd :-) me t/yat éateté my flq/b, Md dflfi/t’ffilfl my. WAMflakmmfind l in him; ~ g a -. = . -' ”J ' It A v—v—v— «— - - -“ - -— -——w—“ T .r . “nu!“ A - . C ammo»: H ou/a- (f Par/imam. - It is alamentable'thing to behold ,hOw this ho- {sly 'Saéram'ent, which was ordained by Chrift to , ibea bond whereby wee {houldbe .knit together in vnity,is by Satans malice, and-the corruption of” man‘s difpofition, fo fitangely peruerted the Contrary Way, that it. is made the‘principall oc- cafion of that wofull diftraaion which wee fee a— ' ' mongi’t Chrii'tians at this day, and the very fuel] of endlelTe firifes, and implacable contentiQnS- l , Ahdfor‘as much. as thefe mifchiefes haue pro- Ceeded from theinconfiderate confounding of 'thofe things which in their ownenature areas different as may be :for the cleercr difiinguifhing of, matters, we are in the firfi place to confider, that a Sacrament taken in‘his full exrent, com- prehendeth two things in it": that which'is out- ward and vifible, which the Schooles call pro- perly Sacramentum, (in a more ‘ftriét acception of the Word:) and that which is inward andin- uifible, Which they mama we» WWW, the principall thing exhibited in the Sacrament. Thus in the Lords Supper, theoutwardfl thing which we fee without eyes,is bread and wine, the inward thing which wee‘ apprehend by faith is, the éody and/21m! of Cbrg/Z : in the outward part of this myfticall action, which reacheth to that which is Sacramentum onely, we receiue this bo‘. ' dy and blood but facramentally, in the inward, . which containeth rem, the thing it felfe in it, wee I ' rcceiuc them really: and confcquently the pre— fcnce of thcfe in the one is relatiue andfimbolicafl; . in' the Other, real! andfiséfiantiafl. ; - - C 2. U A To “‘— . u—vw—v } ’ So the ten P :4" Q ende- "fiiif'ime' are e1]- led rexwordr, ’ EXOd.;4.2.8. t With God no wordfliall be “ Wpofliblenhat l is, no thing, ._..u__ c v ‘ -_._ _ _L_ "71 . A Sermon preached écforo the. __4 To begin then with that which is fymholieall and relatiue: we may obferue out of the Scrip- ture,which faith, that Ahab/2m racemes! tbefigné of‘Cirmmctjion, a flair: of 1/23 rig/mm: myfé of the faith w/oic/J bee 54;! king vmirmmcz' ed 5 that Sa-I craments'hauea twofold relation to the things whereof they be Sacraments: the one of a figm, the orherof a fed/e. Si nes,wee know, are rela- tiuely vnited vnto the ings Which they doe {ig- nifie 5 and in this refpeét are .fo neerly conioyned together, that the name of the one isvfually communicated vnto the Other. Top“; cu]: m5: mm Tia/lament, or, the new Couenant, faith our Sa- uiour in the infiitution of the holy;Supper,Lul<., l 22. 20. T613130); (Immoral, faith God in the in- , fiitution of Circumcifion in the old Teflament, Gen. 17.10. but how it washis Couenant, hee explaneth in the verie immediatly following : I e flmll circumcf/é we flcfl; of your foreskime; and it flu/l é: a S I G N E oft/1e Cootmzmt 5mm: mound you. 50 words bein the fignes of things, no fooner is the found ofgthe word conueyed to our cares, but the norion of a the thing fignified there- by is prcfented vnto our- .minde: and thereupon in the fpeec-h of the Scripture norhing is more ordinary,~then~. by the terme of " Word to notea Ming. We reade in the fourth of the firfi of Sn. marl, that the Philiflims were afraid and faid, God 1;; come into the Camps, verf 7. when th e .Ifrae: lites brought thither t/y: Arie-afoot C‘oomamaf the Lord of big/1:, w/yz'cb drool/ct}; éetweene. Ibo Cloc- Lukr.37.6tc. I "Mimi, ver£4. and yet was that no Other but this relatiuc l W" l , (077217;?35 Hall/5 of Par/iamefih l '5 ' . relatiue kinde of prefence wherof now we {pealm (1. , in refpeé’t whereof alfo the jkewémm’ is in the He- ‘ lbrew named wan nn‘w t1): éread offizm, or, tbepre. _ fince bread. Wee fee with vs, the roome wherein I, f " f the Kings chaire,and Other enfignes of State are : ' placed,is called the Céaméer afpnfi’me, although the King himfelfe bee not there perfonally prefent: and as the rude and vndutifull behaa ' uiour of any in that place,or the offering of any - , l , dilT-refpeé’t to the Kings pouttraié‘ture, or to the z ‘ Armes Royall, or to any other thing, that hath - relation to his Maiefiy', is» taken as a di‘fh'o- ‘ nour done vnto .the King himfelfe: fo heere‘, , hee that eateth the bread,and drinketh the cu of the Lord vnworthily, is accounted guilty. olPofi fering indignity to the 60d} and- élaod oftbe Lord; In this fort wee acknowledge Sacraments to be figncrgbut bare fignes we denie them to bee: fed!“ they are, as well as-fignes of the Cone- nant of grace; 'As it Was therefore laid of Iain the Baptift‘, that he was a Prop/Jet, and more tém 4 Math. 1 x .9. Pro 17c: .- fo mull vve fay of Sacraments,that they a be {ignesgmd more then fignes; euen pledges and y affarances of the interefi vvhich vvee haue in the g . heauenl things that are reprefented by them.l-le '2 that bath in his chamber 9 picture of the French King,hath but a bare figne 5 which poflibly may l I.C0r. I l 027. make him thinke of that King when hee looket on it, but fhevveth not that hee hath any manner of . interefl in him; It is othervvife with him ' that hath the Kings great Scale fOr the confir-j mation of the title that hee hath vnto all the C 3 landsl . .0”— ~_ yov-"' ‘ "-’-‘.-”- _.. ‘um...’ -.».. "9”... MW- '1'6'" _ receiueth theearthly creatures 5 ('0 verill‘y ~d0th he J held,is this : that wee doe nor here rec'eiue onely A Sermon preachedhfiretbe . lands and liuelihood which he dorh inioy.’ And ; as heere, the waxe that. is aflixed to thoie letters ? Patents,howfoeuer for fubfiance it beethe very‘ fame with that which is to be found euery where, . yet being applyed to this vfe, is of moreswoah; to the Patentee, then all the Waxe in the'eoun;; try befide: fo {tandeth it with the outward ele-l ments in the matter of the Sa’erament.The bread I and wine are nor changed in fubfiance from be- ing the famewith that which is ferued at ordina- ry tables :but in refpeé’t of the ,iacred vfe where- i unto they are conleCtated,fixeh a change is made, that now they differ as much from common breadand wingers heauenfrom earth. Neither are theyzto be amounted: barely figm'ficdtm’; but truly exhibitiue alfo of thOie heauenly‘. things. whereto they haue relation : as being appoynted by» God to beea meanes of conueying the famel tho vs,and putting vs in aé’cuall poileiiion there— of. So that in the vie of this holy ordinance, as verily as a man with his bodily hand and mouth with his {Pirituall hand and mouth( any fueh he haue) areeeiue the body and blood: of Chrift. . And this is that red/1‘ and fiéflmtia/Z prefence; which wee aflirmed to be in the inward part of this facred action. For the better conceiuing of which myftery,we are to inquire; firfi, what. the thing is whiehwee doe heere receiueslecondly, how and in what-manner we. are made partakers of it. Touching the Erik, the truth which mull be - the _ v ’ —.‘.-.V. .__.._ . m. -. .. .- ~~‘» .-WV.-‘M" "- m arr."— Comimm Hoa/eof Parliament. ' Iz . i the benefits that flow from C hrifl ;’ but the ver { body and Mead. af’C/zri/t‘, that is, Chrifi himfelfye, ' crucified. For as none can bee made partaker of . the vertue of the bread and wine to his bodily fu- * A fienance, vnleiie he firi’t doe receive the \fubflanee of thofe creatures : fo neither can any participate in the'benefits arifingfromChrifl to his fpiritu- all reliefe,except he'firit haue _communion with ' ’ ., Chrift himfclfmwc mufls ‘ baué the Swim, betbrc a 1.1011. 5. n. ,‘ weebigueli/é .- and therefore b we him we mu-I’t, b 10““ ' (as himfelfe fpeakethkhat is, as truly beer made partakers of him,as-we are of our ordinary food, " if wewill line by him. As there is a giuiug ofhim ' on Gods part (for ‘ rwzto w 4 Some isgizim; ) f0 i c Er”, 5, there mufi bee a receiuing of him on our part : ' for d 44 many 4/: retained/Jim, to them gaue heepomcfr d Ioh.r.n. to iegom tlye annesq’God; And as wee are ‘mflid ° 1 -C°r-1-9- by Godwin e commmim of 191;: Some ref»; can)? our Lord :{0 if wé doe heare his voyce, and not harder) curhcatté b .‘ixribeliefigi wee areirideed made ‘partaém‘ qf 'ifi‘. This is that rat fiiyfle. f Heb. 3.14. ry (for fo the Apoftle termeth it) of our vnion' - with Chriii,whereby we are {made mmtm (if 171?. a Epher, 5,3032, ,. body, of liisfleflybandqf his 1907265: and this is that ’ eating oft/rifle? of tlye Smiize-of‘mm, and drinking of In: Moo/1,“! ich our Sauiour‘infifleth fo much won, in the fixrh of John. _ , ‘ Whereéif any-man (hall demand, (that’l‘i'oay now 'come Vnto the'fecond ppyiit ofduriiiq‘tiiry) - ' How cdfldbicmdngiue‘ w M31745 to mti ? he‘m'uffi 10M. 5,. g beware that become not pie-Occupied with firth ' ‘ dullconeeits sis-they were pofl'efled withaii; Ml: ~12 mouc i, " m.—.“-. “. 0... —4 h.— loh.3 .1» 3%,. ' ‘5 10115.33, 36, - Ioh.6.63,64. a?“ 1 ASertttottpreacbedbefire the l moued that quefiion there 3 hee mull noc thinke that (we cannot ttuly feed on Chrifiwnlefle we re- eeiue him within our iawes :(for that is as gtofl'e, an imagination as that oth'codemw, who could n0t eoneeiue how a man could bee 50m: agaim, vnlefle he {hould enter t/Jefétottd time into [zit mo- tlym womée:)but muff confide: that the eatiflgdttd drinking which“ out Sauiout {peaketh of, mull be anfwerable to the bungrzingafld. whiting, for l the quenching whereof this heavenly Banquet is iprouided. Matke well the words which he vfeth, '.-.towatd the beginning of h.is..»difeourfe concer- ning this argument. I 4292156 émtd .qflifi’, bee that 4 comma/1 to me, [7241! muer banger; mt lye: that 66- ’leeuetlr on mgflufl mitertbitfl. gut Irfitid iimta you, tint}: alfit [maefeette mefind’éeleeue not. And co m-.. . e them with thofi: in the end : It :3 the Spirit lt/ut quickmet}; _, t/ye fltfb profitttb mtbing .- the ward: that I flied: mm yozt , t/gey arefpt'rt't, and . the] are life. But were arcfime ofyatt t/mt 561mm ‘: not. Now obferue, that fuch as our hungring is, .= inch is our eating. BUt euery one will contain, i that the hun er heete fpoken of,is not c‘orpOrall, bUt fpitituafi : Why then fhould. any - man 3 - dreame heere of a corporall eating? Againe,the " corporall eating, if a man might haue it, would 3 not auaile any thing to )‘flaking of this hunger 5 g nay,we ate exPrefiely to ldythat t/Je fie/b thus taken l (for to we mufi vnderftand it) prgi'teté ”mixing, i a man {hould ncuer be the better, no: one iot the ; holler, nor any whit, further from the fecond ’ '-deatb,if hehad filled his belly with it. But that ‘ mannet W W...”- k l l Common: H ou/e of Parliament. ‘ manner of feeding on this 66m, which (Thrill himfelfe commendeth mm vs, is of fuch profit, that it preferueth the eater from death, and ma- keth him to liuefor euer. It isnoc therefore {uch an eating, that euery man who bringeth a bodily .‘ mouth with him may attaine vnto : but it is of a farre higher nature 3 namely, a {biritualli vnitin g ‘ of vs vnto Clarifigwhereby he dw’elleth in vs, and weliuebyhim. 7' ” _ " , If any doe further inquire, how it is poffiblc that any fuoh vnion (hould be, feeing the body4 of Chi-ill is in heauen,and wee are vpon earth ? I anfwere,-that ‘ifthc manner of this coniunai‘on were carnall’a'nd ‘corporall, it would bee indeed neceffary that‘th'c: things conioyned {hould b’ee admitted to bee-inthefame- place: but it being altolgetherfpiritua‘lljand fupernaturall, no loca pre ence,"no‘ phyfica'll nor mathematicall conti- nuity-or-contiguity'i's anyway requifite there- unto. It- is fiifficient for themal‘dng of‘a real! vni- * on in this kin de, that Chrifl and we ( though he- uerifo farre 'diflant in place each from other) bee knit together by thofe fpiritnall ligatures, which are intimated vnto vs in the Words alledged out of the limb of 101m .- to wit, the quickming S irit defcending’ downeward from the Head, to e in ma fountaine of fupernaturall life; and a line-l] from vs vaard, to lay fail h‘ol 'vPon h‘im',wh‘o batting 5y bimfi’lfi' purged oar £31135, g fiflétb 1015 the rigbt band (Whom/law?) on" 3‘39. ' ' ~ Fit-ft therefore; for the communion of the " D Sfirz't, War-“Yr, 1-9 Ioh.6. 70, yr, $4, 58. it l i f - ”t l '20 ‘ t.Cor.t 5‘. 4;. 510115.21. '9 10h; 34. “ohm“. ° 1.Cor.6.17.' f x .loh.3. 14. 4. :3. a” A Sermon freaked & fore flee Spirit, which is the ground and foundation of this fpirituallvnion 5 let vs call to minde what we haue read in Gods Booke: that Chrifl,the fecond Vida», was made Sa-que'e/ceningfivi/it .- and that heb quiekmetl) whom be will : that vn to him C God bat/ygiuen tbe Spirit wit/Joe: vie/fire : and d oféei fielnefle lune all we reeeiued .- that c be time 1;; ioyned unto the Lord, 135 me spirit : and that f beereé} wee know tbat we dwell in Inim, and lye in w, éeeaufi bee ' bat/egiuezz w 12;; Spirit; By, all which it dorh ap- pearc, that the myflery of our vnion with Chrilt confifieth mainly in this: that the felfe-fame Spi- fit which is in him, as ain‘the Head,is fo dcriucd from him intoeuery one of his true members, that‘dtereb , they are animated ‘aud‘qtiickened to afpirituall ife. We reade indie firft osz'ekz’el, of fame lining creatures, and of foure wheeles. (landing by them. Ween tbofi went, (fiith. the T68!) Mum: gdfid W 1.69? [200% . t/ytyé flood E and ween t/yofi were lifted rep from t/xe earté, tee wljeele; were lifiedvp otter again/Z téem. Hee that ihould behold fuch a vifion as this, would eafily conclude by fwhich he flaw, that form inuifible bands there were by which thefe wheeles‘ and li- uing creatures were ioyned together, howfoeucr none did outwardly appeare vnto the e c: and the holy Ghofi, to giue vs {atisfltétion eerein, difcouci‘eththe fecret5'by,yeelding- this for the reefomfgtmsfimngc connexiOn; that tbefiw’n’e oftbe‘JMnglcrEamre and iii! 11" wbeeles, E23 ' 1‘ . From whence wecmay inferre, that ' ' ' .1 truly be canioyficdiogctherghwgh ‘Hémanhe? [ i o if A 7—.— of the coniuné’tion bee not corporall: and that 1 things difiant in place may be vnited together,by _ hauing. the {pit-it of the one communica ted vnto the Other. Naygif we marke it well,we {hall finde it to be thus 'in euery of our owne bodies : that-the for- mall reafon of the vnion of themembers con; filieth nor in the continuity of the parts (though that alfo be requifite to the vuity of a natural! bo- dy:) but in the animation thereof by one and the fame fpirit. If we {hould fuppofe a body to betas be where Chrift our Head is, and the feet where we his members are: no fooner could that head thinke of mouin one of the toes, but inflantly the thing would %>e done, without any impedi- ment giuen by that huge diftance of the one from the Other. And why P becaufe the fame foule tha't'is inthe head, as in. the fountaine of fence and morion, is prefer“: likeW-ife in the lowefl member of the body.But if it {hould {'0 fallout, that this,or any Other member proued to be mor. tified, it prefently would ceafe to bee a member of that body; the corporall coniunaion and con- tinuity with the Other parts norwithfianding. And euen thus is it in Chtifi; although integapd of his corporall prefence, the heme» mag/l rcm'ue ' him, “amid the time: of the refi‘z'mion of all things : yet is he here with w 4112747, men who the endqf the world, in refpeét of the prefence of his Spirit; by the vitall influence whereof from him, as from l V the Head, the whole had} zkfitly ioyned together, 1 D 2 and ._._... —--'.v.-.—...——-— C ommom H oat/e of Parliament. \ y 21 high as the heauens,that the head thereof (hould ' Att;.zr. Moth.28. :o. Ephe£4.16.r l >m 22': ' a Habak. 1.4,. Roll). 1. t 7. 021.3,! I; Heluo. 38. y b 631.5. 5. 36312.20. d IOhJ. I 20 °Ephc{.3.t7. ’ fHeb.3.t4. 4 . . A Sermon preached hq’hre the and eampaéiea’ hy that which emery ieyhtfi/pplz'eth, he! cording to the gfifltmfl warhz'ng it; the ,meafitre of e. uerypart. Which quickeningSpirit if it he want- ing in any,no externall communion with Chrifi or his Church,can make him a true member of ciple,that He which hath not the-Spirit of. Chrgfl, is, ”(we ofhh‘, Rom. 8.9. l _ N ow among all the graces that are wrought were) of all the refs, and that whereby a the tart dath litte, is Faith. 1’ For me through the Spirit mate for the hope ty’righteoufiteflé hyfat'th,faith 5.174”! to“ theGalatians. And againe: c I line, yet not I, hut Chrifl littethin 7»: 54nd the lt'fe - which I new line in the 1:772, I have 5 the faith of the Same qf God, who latte me, andgtwe himfl’lfe for me. By faith it is, that wee doe d receiue Chrifl: _ and fo likewife ‘ Chrifi: dwelleth in our heart: hyfizt'th. Faith there- fore is that fpirituall—mouth in vs, whereby wee; eate the flc/h of the Same qudflflfld drinhe he's hloed, trope ) 5 are madepartaher: quhrt'ft : he being by thismm ”truly, and may wayes as effeau. ally. made ours, as the meate and drinke which we receiue into our naturall bodies. But you will fly, If this be all the matter, what doe we get by comming. to the Sacrament Pfee- ing we hauc faith, and the quickening Spirit of Chrifi before wee come thither. To this I an- that is, (as the Apofile exprefl‘eth it without the i fwerc: that the Spirit is receiued in diners mea- this myfiicall body: this beingpa: mofl furc prin~ . in vs by the Spirit of Chrifl: , the ‘fottlc (as it s ' litres, and faith bellowed vpon vs in diflcetent d6- -_ grees 3 . ix“: , ‘pfi-i (amazon: Hem/e of Parliament. l 2 ; greesgby reafon whereof. our coniunEtion with Chrif’t may euery day bee made .l‘traiter, and the hold which we take of him firmer. To receiue the Spirit gaot h} meafiire, is the priuiledgeof 310113.34. our Head : we that 1“ receiae oat efhirfulhe/fighaue h 101%“- n0t our portion‘of grace deliuered vn to vs all at ' once, but mufi daily looke for *figoply if the Spirit oflefm Chri/Z. So alfo,while we are in this world, k the righteoafnef]? of God is reaealeal vnto vs from kRom.r.17. flit/7 tofdith, that is, from one degree and mea— fure of it'to anather : and confequently, we mull: * mu labour to ‘perfi’iZ-that which a [aching in our 'I.The£3. Io. fitith, and euermore pray with the Apofiles, mLora! increafij our faith. " As wee haue therefore m Lukam. reeeiaea’ Chriji Itfaa the Lord, fo mufi wee walhe in “91°“ 6’ 7' him; rooted and hailt tip in him, and fiahli/hed in the faith .- that .wec ° maygrow *vp into himih all 0 Ephcr.4. 15. things, which is the Head. And to this end God - hath ordained ,publike “ofigers intllis Church, Pfir thepéifiefihg afthe-Saintsfer the mark: ofthe 9 159114.: 2,13. mini/Zeryfar the edtfiin of the had] qf Chrift, till we afl came in the vanity- ofthe faith, and of the know; [edge if the Some of God, onto a perfec'i man, who ‘ the meafitreof the flatare of the falnejfi’ of Chrift: 1; and hath accordingly ‘1 made them ahle Mini/2m l] q z,Cor. ;. 6. of the Spirit that qaieheaeth,and ’ Mim'jiers hy wham : " I ~C°fi3~ $- we/hoala’ heleeae, eaea at the Lord/hall giae to eaery 1 man. When wee haue therefore recciuedf the l, fGa1.3.z. Spiritand‘Faith (and f0 {pirituall life).by their; ‘105-‘7'10- l minifiery,we are not there to refl; but u a: new' u r.PCt.z.z. '= home hahe: we may? dcflre the jimere millet: of the' Word, that we may grow therehy .- and as growne ' 3 men iPhil. I19. l _ 24 116034.12, 13. __._J n that by his bleflifgg thereupon wee may grow in P A S armor: preacbea’befbre tbe , men too,wee mufi defirc to befed at: the Lords Table,that by the {trength of that fpirituall repaft we may be inabled to doe the Lords worke, and may continually be nourifhed vp thereby 1n the life of grace,vnto the life of glory. . . Neither muft we heere with a flthy eye looke. vpon the meanenefle of the outward elements“, and heme this faithlefl‘e thought in our hearts, that there is no likelihood,a bit of Mad: and a deaughe of‘wrine {hould be able to produce fuch beauenly efFeéis as thefe.For lb we would proouc l our felues to be no wifer than Naamm the Syri- an was, who hauing received direction from the manof God, thathe ‘fhould want in Iordanfe— uen "times,tobccleunfe‘d of his; Leprofie 5 replied with indignation, L/{re m AW: and Pbarpar, riders qf Damafcw, better tbex all tbe water! of wa- ’ cl? May I not wafl; in $071,4an be elem? But as his {emits did iobe'rly aduife him then, If tbe Propbet bad bid tbee doeflmegrmt tbz'ng, maldefz‘ tbou 770! [mu done it .9 How mac/1 ratber tbe», wbm- bee/Mb. ta tbee, Wajb and be cleave .9 So 'giue mee leaue to fay vnto you now : If the Lord? had comman- - ded vs to doc tome great thing, for. the attaining of [‘0 high a good; [hould nor we willingl‘y haue " doneit? How much rather then, when hee bid. deth vs. to gate the bread, and, drinke the wine . that he hath prouided- for-vs at his owne Table, grace, and be cured both in body and foule vnto euetlafiinglife? True it is indeed ,thefe outward creatures have 4 -. , ,no “-__,,~_. w v.-.——..'. -—.——~ “— l. L..3_.. w 0138?”. Common: Hou/ezf Per/2'4 w_m‘~ . no naturall power in them to eflieét fo great a worke as this is, no more then the water of lor- dan had to recouer the ‘Leper: but the worke wrought by thefe meanes,is fupernaturall; and Godhath been pleafed in the difpcnfation borh of the Word and of the Sacraments {o to or- daine it,that thefe heauenly trea fu res mould bee prefintcd mm vs in' autism rvefi’ls, that the excel.- leisey aft/2e power meg/7t be of Goa’. As thereforein the preaching of the Gofpell, the Minifler doth not dare veréafind beate the aire with a fruitlelTe ‘ found, but the words that hee fpeaketh vnto vs 2..Cor.4.7. * are Spirit and life; Gad iez'ngplea/éd é] t/aefoolz‘ b- 796% ty’preaelzz'ng, to fame tlsem 2/242 beleeue : {0 1i :- wife in the adminifitation of the Lords Supper, he dOth nor feed vs with bare bread and wine,but if we haue the life of faith in vs, (for {till- we mull remember that this Table is prouicled nonfat the gead, but for digging) and co m'e‘ wdtthily, the a 0 51¢” ' at: ' “W waffle-momma vagina» 5’16: ébed of Chef}; and the head wbieb bee breaketb, the communion of the body sf Clm'jl .~ of which precious bodyand blood wee , - being really made partakersJ (that is, in truth and indeed, and not in imagination onely) al-l though in a {pirituall and nor a corporall mangle. Ephef3-16al9- - m3 the Lord dOtb grant wfiewrding to tire rieées. of In} glory, ta beeflrmgtbenedm m’gét by’lyis ‘ Spirit in the inner man, that we may inf/led with ad tbefulmflé efGad. For the Sacraments .( as well . , x.Cor.r. 21. x.Cor.ro.t 6. -p. as the Word) be'a part of that minimum» , ’f’” | Spirits'which. is committed to the Minfle‘rs g" the - ‘ i g ', NEW. ~ H; l 4—4... ? z.Cor.3.6,8. ‘ i x. v -A. ‘0..- I before we haue heard from the Apoi’tle) wee I242: been all éaprized into one 50:1}, and lame- 6m afi’, i made to drinke into omsz'rz't. . .. t ' l ‘ And thus haue I finithed the firii part of my taske, my Congregatia llamagen'eomm, (as l'call it) i the knitting together of thofe that appertaine to g" the fame body, both with their fellow—members, and with their “Head: which is the thing laid ; dovvne in the exPreiTe words of my Text. It re- ; maineth now that i proceed to the Apofiles ap- 1fplication hereof vnto the argument hee hath in : -—--- ' .- . “ 3 item Teflament : for as much as by one Spmt, (as lhand, which is Segreg‘atz‘o 19mm eneamm , a .diil _ Lfeuering of thofe that bee noro the fameCOm- ; munion'5‘that the faithfiall’ may not partake With Idolaters, by countenaneipgpr any Way idyn'ing ‘ with them in their vngOdly coarfes. For that 3 this is the main’e fcope at which 5. Paulaimeth in his treating here of the Sacrament; is euident bath by that which goeth before in the 19.verf. W/Jerg‘ore my cleanly éeloued, flee from Idolatry : and that which follovveth in the 2'1 .- Tee cannot drink {be Cup if :12: Lord, 412d t/Je‘ cup, Qf'di? reel: ; 3;: cannot 5e. partake” qf :5: Lord: Teélefa'nd aft/Jr table ofdiuelr. . '- 4 Whereby we may colleé’t thus much, that as l the Lords Supper. is a feale of our .coniunaion i one with another, and with Chrifi our Head; 5 (0 is it an euidence of our diilitmétion from Ido- ' Elaters, binding vs to dis-auovv all communion gwith them in their falie vvorihip. And" indeed, the one muii neceffa rily follow vpou’ the other: ’ confidelfllg .: A A 3 ASermbupreacbedéchre t5: ' h i ' _ t -_ ‘44 .44MV . _._ C ommam H oer/e of Parliament. in ‘ -“~w*‘\g Confidcring the nature of this hainous finne of Idolatry is fuch, that it can no wayes hand with. the fellowfhip which a Chrifiian man ought to haue, both with the Head, and with the body of the Church. To this purpofe, in the fixrh of the fecond to the Corinthians we reade thus : What agreement/74th the T emf/e of God with Idol: .9 for ye are the T emple of the hiring God, a! God hath faid, I will dwell in them,and walhe in them. and 1 will hee I autfrom among t E, é» heyefcparateJat’th the Lord, and touch not the .vneleane thing; and I dill reeeiae. yamAnd in the z . Chap. ofthe Epiftle to the Co- loflians :Le’t no man hegaz'le you of your reward, in a voluntary humility,and worjhzfpz'ag ofAhgels, intra— - ' t to heir e l minde: and not holdifi the head, « figmglfzy'eh aghhghod h} ioynt: arid .hafds haying mare/75m: wing/Ere ,audlzm‘: togaha, inereafizh l- withehe inereafe growl. In which words the Arm-- ftle {heweth vnro :vs, that fuch as vnder pretence {of humilityweredrawne to the worfhippingof Angels; did ”at holds-the Head, and confequently their Godard. thy/ball he my people. Wherefore come. . ding into thofi’ thing: which he hath not/Eeneyaihely r could notretaine c0mmunion with the hody, jewhich receiue'thhis whole growrh from thence. :Aanerably 'whereunto‘ . the; Fathers afTembled out of diners prouinces of After in the Synode 1‘ held J'atfi'ladd‘icea; (7 nut‘farre from the COIOIh- ‘ ans) ’did fo‘le'mnely ."conclude , that $Chrifliam . : Mght 1m to filfihe‘the Church (if G od,.and gee and 2.Cor.6.x 6, x 7 . €01,243, 19 3 Concil.Laodi- cen. Can. 35. 3111's It; xts‘x- ; an}: EVJ‘Yfl" ' my 7133 Eartha;- f cu en? 33:54; afoul. yq, g) l'fi't'Mc . snuggmaha! u, . n3: obj/W“ '9‘ : mm, or. 31.- ' ”an, awaken: ae'l‘hcodoret expoundetb tbefe words of _ the (margin. 2. ' 29' ;. cap. eptfl. v ~_.-’ '. muffle Magda -,r and pronounced an "amt/em hagalmtfimfthatiflmufifiw.fgfindstmdoeifoé ! .- . ~ «E ' , heeaufe r ".4.- ‘. .4 w « ad Coley“. _._. M r ‘ ' ~r#_.-r , "Ar ~ , - - -'-V- " -‘~-" 1".y 28 ‘ A S erman preached hefhre the ~ . i ”371 beam». 5 heeazifi (fay— they)'he hath . forfaken our Lord'lefm :ff”°’g;“x: 3.: C hrg/t’Jhe $077716 ofGod,ahdgitteh himfeh’c 10 161014- 4315? 92%;“- try .- declaring plainly, that by. this idolatrous in- J ,eru'eresvi'» uocation'of Angels,a difceflionwasmade both '3'“ from the Church of God ,as they now in the be— ginning, and from Chn’fl the Head of the ‘ Church , as they obferue in the end of their Ca- non. ‘. - . . . . . For the furthetvndetfianding of this particu- _ . lat, it will nOtbe amifl‘e to'confidCt what Theo- don't, a famous Bifhop of the ancient Church, hath written of this matter in. his Commentary. vponthe {zeond to theColoffihns, The]? that deg _ P— , fended the Law (faith hfl-indxced théalfit to :worfltt]? K theAngelyJ’aying that the‘Law We give}: h} them. ' and this vice continued in Phrygia, and Pifidz'a‘flr 4 long time .- fbr which edufi’ alfo the Synod a emhled. : in Landieed the Z'hitfi' City of Phry £4,197 44" the»):k by a Law, repay tame Ange/5. An men to th‘h day ‘ among them and their herderermhere are matches of Saint Michaelto hefeene. The? therefore did'they t . tounfi'flfioald he done, rufiazg :httmzlity, and .ayz'ng, . that thedeafa’llwajnmfi legattel‘ Meiji? lewd - ihcowfréhenfzhk 5 and thatsit um fit men flmtld’get y God: [‘21qu hy the meme: of angels. And this is it which the Apoffle faith, 13 humility, andwor. rflnfpiqg grunge/5. Thus farmTheodaret', whom i Cardinal} 3mm diieeming to. come fomWhat‘ clofe 'vnto hhngnd to touch the Idolatry; 'of the Papifh true .alittleto the quicke, leaueth the. poore ihifts wherewith his companions‘labout; [:0 ohm: the lightof this tcfiimODygnd-tclledt ‘ ; ‘ VS i -‘_ .__ A _ .__‘ f vi C ommom H on]: of Parliament. ‘ __ vaderfz‘md t/ye meaning 9’ Paul: 1220sz : and d that thofe Oratories of Saint Wic/melwete etefied amiwtly 6y Cathalz’cks, and noc by thofe Handel’s which were condemned in the Councell of Lao- dicea,as he miftooke the matter. As if any wife man would bee petfwaded vpon his bare word, that the memory of things done in Afia fo long fince, fhould be more frelh in Rome at this day, then in the time of Theodora, who liued twelue } hundred yeetes agoe. . v Yet mufi [needs confeffe, that hee {heweth a little more modefiy heetein then Bellarmine this ..fellow--Cardinall dorh; who would make vs be- . lceue,that the place in the nineteenth of the Re- uelation, where the Angell faith to Saint 10/72: that would haue worfhipped him, See that; doeit not, I amtby fillow-fi’mam, War/bi God; maketh . ‘ for them sand .demandethvety f9" 33133 c w/yy tbey 106» did? and, wbetéer the Caz’uinifi: knew hitter the” 10512, whet/yer Angels were to bee adored or 710 .9 And asfor 'inuo cation of them, he telleth vs, that ‘ Saint Iacok plainly prayed vnto an Angell, in the 48.0f Genefls, when in bleffing the fonne‘s of Iofipb, hee (aid, The Angel! wkic/z deliueredme from all will, éltflé t/Mfi children. Whom for an- .fwere we remitto Saint Cyril, (in the [idle Chap- ter of the third booke of his Tbeflmrm) and in- [tt‘eate him to tell vs, how men: of kinne hce is here to thofe Hereticks of whom S. Cyril there L {peaked}. His words bee thefe: T64; 1m: dot/1 not l A E 2 meme ‘9 ww vs plainely,that ‘ Tlmdoret, 6y balauefiid not well flzoald 5e ,r‘qarelvepded, wkn. doc; tbefime tbiyg that: 29 c Ex bis aided: I (quadncctfllrfi , dzceudtm efl) « Theodoretum baud fim's fili- citcr (aim pace fit diéium) afl'e- mtum efl'e Pay; Ii verbommféuw fim.Baron.An- ml. tom. t. ., ann.60.fe&.zo. d Intauté nimia, qme é Cathoiiczk «flint antiqui- td: inflituu, hernia} , qua. rum nulla eflét memoria, tri- bucm. Id. ibid. . CCtlr nosrepre: bmdimm‘, qut facimus quad lo. amm fcci! ?- mm melixis 70- mmc rdrmzt l Caluinz'flac,fint. 3 716 Angeli ado. ‘ rand}? Bellar. de Sanfim. BeatitudJibJ. cap.t4. f Hit aperté S. lacob Angelum inuncauit. Id. ibid.cap. 19. ASet'mon pita/Jed before the . l in . i I l. See for this, the excellent l Homily of the l’erill of Ido- leery; t.Cor.1o. 7. 8. meme (in that place, Gencfl 48.1 6.) an Aflgeflafl ' tlze H E RET IC K E S wflderfz‘am’ it , eat the Some of Goesz mmifi’fi éy the .0 tbet when? bee bad feed, [Tije L/Iflgel, ] beprefimly Adda/9, [ who deli. 'uerea.’ mee from ad euiln] Which S.’ Cyril pre- Iuppofethmo good Chriftian will afcribe. to any. but to God alone. ' But to come more neereyetwnto that which is Idolatry moi} properly : An “:Ide/l (we mull vn- iderftand) in thema- propriety of the terme,; »dorh fignifie anylmage; but according to the E; --Ecclefiaiticall .vfe- of: the word, it noreth fuch an! _\ Imageas is fetvp for religious adoration. And min this-later fence we charge the adherents of the; Church of Rome with groflé Idolatry: .bccaufc} that Contrary to GOds expreiie Commandement‘ they are found to bee worfhippers of Images. ' Neither will it auaile them beere .to fly, that the Idolatry forbidden in the Scripture, is that Oncly which was vied by Iewcs and Pagans. The Apo; r, file indeed in this place dehorting Chriftians' * from Idolatry, propoundeth the fall of the Iewes { in this kinde before their eyes : Neitlyer 6e ye: Ida- ‘ late”, fikhhgafimieeftbem were. And fodoth 41cc alfo addecoh'cerning’ another finne, in the vcrfc following : Neither 16’! w [ommd flmie‘a. - one pleade, that Icwifh or Heathenifh fornica- lfinne,whether it bee committed by Iew, Pagan, : fiion,4efome qftbem committed. As well then might ‘ tion were here onely reprehcnded, as Iewiih‘or Heathenifh Idolatry. But as the one isa foule l N ameof f’ ChriflL "1 or Chrii‘tian: {0 if. fuch as. profeffe the vv 'Ehtifi, mafiragtife that which, the Word of eiahs, when they‘dedicated in feuerall places an 1 this Changeof their Image??? Y they made Chan gc 3 C ommom' H ou/é of Parliament. God condemneth in .Iewes and Pagans, for Ido- latry, their profeflion is {o farre from diminiih- ing, that it augmenteth rather‘the hainoufnefle ’ of the crime. T/Je Idols oftéze Human arefiluer med gold, the morkeof mom lozmds, faith the Pialmifi: and fo the Idol: (of Chtifl-ians, in all likelihood) mentioned in the .Reuelation, are faid to bee of gold, ondfiluor, and omfl', andflone, am! of wood 5 who]: ”(fiber canfle, zzor bearemor mike. The de- fcription of thefi: Idols ( wee flee )' agreet-h in all poynts with Popifh Images : Where is any diffeg- , rence? ‘ , ' The Heathen,fay they,held the Images them- ,' ' felues to be gods, which is far from out thought. Admit,fome .of the fimpler fort of the Heathen did-f0 : what [hall we fay of the Iewiih Idolaters, 1 (of whom the Apoflle here {peakethNho e‘redted j the golden Calf’e in..th¢» Wilder 1. Can wee l tbinke filtheyrwere allifififlnfil _ ya to imagine that the Calfe, which they .kneugwas- no: at all in remm ozoturzi, and had no he ' at that time ’ when they came out of Egypt, ould yet be that l ( Godw/oz'ob Moog/7t t/Jem'rvp’out‘oft/Je lafidofggyng iExodngr-i ’ l I my“ " J And for the Heathen: did the Romans and (he . hundred Images (for example) to the: honour of Iup‘itcrghe king of all their gods,th ink that there- by they had made an hundred Iufiz’tm ? or when their blocks were {0 old, that t ey had need to haue new placed in their (head 5 did they think by alfo * ‘— w _ l 3‘ Nil. 1 35.15. Reuel. 9. 20. --".‘. )5! :1 f‘ f. ' " - .- 1.}, a. $ ;— ‘f.i‘t"l\ ' I . A" v»: ' . .l . I‘M ' 'I J :'.(".f“.‘" - o ’5‘.»— 1 “art“? .,.,... hi}: [ad p t [’4 v”.- ’1 V “1.; ‘a‘t __- ~_ 1 ‘Deotperfimu- laera venera- mur. Arnablib. 6.aduerflG§tet. ab Nonipfa, in- quiiit, timemm; fi‘d caged quo- rum magma»: fifla, e: quorum somim'bm efifl- 't‘ratafimt, lat], lib. gudiuin. inflitut.ea, 2. ., ' Non ego illum lapidem'eolo, flee illudfimula- erum quad efl fine feufuJug. it: 'Pfal.96. d Nee/Emulaerfi me damartium cola; fidper (fli- giem eorporalcm eiue reifignum intuear, qua eo- lere debeo. Aug. in P1214 I 3. (.2. e" N on album mala demania : Angela: quot di- eilit, ipfbs at not colimugm’rtute: Dei mgm',¢t mi- niflcria Dei magni. Auga'n ’Pfit.9 6. ‘ Vtimm ipfitt colcre velletu 5 fitt‘ilé ab ipfis difemtu mu illot calereJug. in 7/41. 96. : A Sermonpreaebed étfire t/te , - alfo of'theit geds it." wkhou;queflion they, maid! het. bids .vs confidet diligently; and weefhall gnde that the Heathen nations deduct e/muge their gait, (Ietemgz. 10,11.) Nay, what doe we meet with, more v-fual-ly-itt the writings of the Fathers, then theft: aaners of the Heathens for them- fclues ?'“ Wee war/Lip tinged: é] t/te Images. 5 Wee fim mt tbem‘,éut tbofe to wbgofi’ image we] are made, audio w/mfe mm: they areeettfierated. *c I doe mt war/Inf thatflene, nor the bug: which :2: wit/tout. fir/fi. ‘ I wit/yer morflu}: tlae Image nor affirz't in it: but by tlye éodily ‘poutrtratuee ( doe {Mold tbefigue qf tln‘trlwihgwbicb laugbtfto #07132th i -. t, ‘ a i‘; L ‘ . ’admit they did nOt‘account the Image it {elfeto be God, ( will the Papil‘t further flay; ) yet were thofe images fet vp to reptelEnt either-things that had nobein'g, or diuelspr falfe gods ; and in that refpe'e‘t wereldols: wheras we eteét Images onely to the honour of the true’God, and of his formats the Saints and Angels. To this I might oppole that anfwercgof the Heathen to the Chri- fiians : c We doe mt wbdbzf-euiflfiirit: :jucb myou eallwttgelt, ting/é doe we 41]?) wort/kip, titepower: of tbe great God, and tée Ming/fer: qf' tbe great God. and :put them in minde of S. Aflgtfflim’l reply: ‘ I wouldyou’ did war/bi]: tbemgouflmuldeafily [Mme Qf tbem not to war/bi; them. But I will grant vnto them, that many of the Idola ttous Ichs & Hea- thens Images wetetfueh as they lay they were:th I I deny that all‘ofthem were lechfind confidently- doe ' v l , f0 haue thought,if they did! take the-very Images themfelttes to be their gods : and yet the Pro. ' . _ i; 6 0172mm: How/e of Parliament. doe auoiteh, thatéldolatry -is- committed by, yeel- ding-adoratiOn to an Image ofthc true, God him- felie. For proofe whereof (omitting the,Idok‘:s- of got/Mimly, and:h 1670504722, Which were thétcdgfo the memory oer/Jomb the God of I itael ; as alfo the Athenians fuperflitious worihip of the * V72- ‘ blame God, A&. 17. 23. if, as the common vfe of Idolaters was, ’thcyaddcd an Image tog-their Ala. ‘ tar: ) I Will content my felfe with thefe twopl'accs of Scripture; the one whereof cOncerneth the Iewes, the Other the Heathen. That. .fwhich muchet'h the-Heathen, is in the-fitfl Chapter of. the :Bpifile teit’hc Romans: 'whcreithd ‘Apoi’de hading‘fhid", that God had (hew'ed Vnto- thé that , Which inight he knowne of; him 3 and that-the 2'72.- 7 uifiMe-t/ringmfl lyim, _, tha t, is, 523. .eterizdlpawer 471d. . "' ‘ t; ‘1 'tiomdfflmhvmldg and thewntetaipiafipn either écreatures : hcc‘iddéthiptéfcmlngfiQ iGddMias: -, famly'sdifpleafedlwidl‘them‘, attd'xhetefom ga ue ; thcmvp ivnto yileafi'fitiflsfiecahfé tlytjtlzwged : flbéigley- ft/zzzts-‘vnwrmptiélerGodyiifigqm image 732% like-temruptr'ble W; 54nd 10251121,!» 434: fiflrflv fiated'éeafis, 4M creepizig. thiflgt. . * Wherbby ms. euident, that the Idolatry Condemned-in the wi- {cit 05th: Heathen, was? the adoringofiehe-inui. fihleiGoti; Whom they acknowledged "who :thei Gteatomf alt‘thin’gs,inNifiblp Images Whionéd toithe {imilimde of :men- and heath; -. ; : : f: i irv: .- ' “The mherplaee iof; Stripeure, 13$: the-:4. Deuteronomy»: whet: Wéfflwfifllithia {peach mahnhildte'n erlfifiglbmtrfi 1?)! 32 The “. it. 3,; m r z ludg.r7 3,1; h 2. Km. 10.16, 2 9.3 l . - * 'l'rebellz'm Patio, in the life of Claudh ‘us. calleth the , God ofMofcs, fincertum numi. ,fo doth Lucan: the god of the Iewes, Imam ludta Dei. A: , therefore the Iewcs ( by the Trelation offa- citux, li.z. Hi.) worflzipped their God in mountCarmel, nonfimulacro Geda/ma’; masanehifiefied Veto; thembythcemauk w “#:9le .aré tannin: f0 ritin’tight'h‘ec' ~ ‘ that thG'AthC-f- 'nians alfo did allyif we con. {ider that their [{1ny might be the fame with this)is thus dc. itius. lib. I z. 7 Thebaidos: . a ; gin, nulfi cb’mif. {Of " [Z mtaflofioma ‘ ‘Deigmi'm habi- tm u ptflm :5: {ti Hf.- 35 gain. Ithe lxkgefpeei. -' LAM mifericor- ‘ .die(which pof. ' fcribed by Sta~ Nulla gut? efli. r .mg .. . 1 .33... . good heed wtto yourfelues,(faith'he in the I 5.vcrf.).. A S ermott/ {attached before the + 'T he Lord/[take 'vntoyott out of the mid]? of the . fire .-. - yee heard the wyeeg‘ the Words, hutflzw no fimilitade, onelyyee heard a voyte, verfe 1 2. And what d0th he inferre vpon this P Tahejee therefitre . for y e few no manner of fimz’lt'tude on the day that the Lordflahe vvttto you in H oreh, out 9’ the mitt/Z qr the" fire. Lefl yee to‘rruptyourfiluet, and maheyott agra- tten image, :thefimilt'tude of anyfigure, ’56 likenejfe quale orfimale,the [theme (fatty heafl that :3 m the eerth,the [theme of any win ea’fowle that flteth in the aire, the likenejfie of any t tag that creepeth on the greeted; the liken“ ofatty fifl? that t} in the water: he... I » math the earthIWher‘c we may obferue :.:fitfi,that GOd inehc dcliucry oftheLaw did purpofely vfe a “00]“ onelygbecame that fuch a creature asxhat, 1 was no: no be exprefled Shy vifible lineaments; as - ifthat voyce would have (Aid #1110 ' thePaintcy ; 14‘ “,',“ 5" . . A, ,. . . “fa ”7 asEochdnsfaynedcodoemthe“Poer..;.-.'-":,., em”. Vane, quidaflee‘t'aefitiem miht'pottereyiflot t".- 31' miht' «Jo‘sfimt'lempittgere, pingefmm.: f . + Secc‘>ndly~,dmt~ when he vttercd' the wordsOfih'c. . fecond Commbndemmt in. mount'Sinaiyaad. 'fijdiad'dnczt'nékingofflmlikcnes bfany 'thingtha't :81): Heath ahoue, or in. the Earth heneath, orittthe Water: W” the Earth; bee did at that time for-. ' f . .1 beare t9 thew himfilfe'in any vifibleflua' ,citbetr ‘ . é£-ma‘nortwgman, eizhcrofbeafi in t e cant], . rfoule in the éirc', or fifh in the waters beneath the earth: to the—end it mi htbe the-better» made knowpc, thavit was his? eafurenoeto.~beadomfl .; hat all in any finch formfiadm thew . v! ping“ : '~ T O ' J " « AA..\ A .__4 .,_ __‘_.__# -—;x;_—. g ti: o C 0272mm Houfl {Parliament ithc creatures whomthey doe immediately repre- fear, or to falfe gods,but alfo'asxthey haue rel'ati; ontolhimfafe (the true God , Who wasthen {peag En‘ed in that Commandement. . In vaine therefore doe the Romanifts got: a) bounce perfwadevs, that their Images-be no I. doles": and as vainerl‘y alfo doethey f end time in; the compafleof the I'dOIa try which was tandem- :Vvorfhip; the highefi‘pomt Whereofi'w'hieh they g call Latrez'a,aud acknowledge to be due on’ely vn- 3 to God, they would be 10th wee {hould thinke . that they did communicate to any- of their Ima- ges. But here wee are to vnde’rflandfirfi; of all3 that idolatry may be committed by giuing not A the higheii onely3but alfo the lowefi degree of rd: igus adoration vneo imagesr‘zrrd therefore in t words of the Commandem‘em, the“ very éowing downe (unto t/Jem,which is one Of)“: meanei’t degrees of worfhip, is eXPrefly forbidden. Se— ‘-condly, that it is * the reeeiued doé‘trine of P0. i prfh diuines, that the Image {hould be honored with the fame worihip,‘ 'wherew'ith' that thing is worfliipped'whofe Imageit is: and therfore What 1 adoration is due to ChriPtand the Trinity, the fame byth‘is grotm’d . they,areto'_giue' imto their Images. Thirdly‘, that‘in‘ the Roman Pontififcal'l publifhed‘ by the authority of Clement the VIII. (to omit other tefiimon'ies in this kinde)it’is‘¢dflv- i ', of Images, riot oneiy as they hauereference to i '2' fikiri g‘yvn'to them in the Motm‘t )' didieome Within? ' siéuriouflyfiifiingui ling the {Enera 1"d‘e'gfr‘e‘es at» j " i v ————-———.__~—-—~.~ 3S * Conflam a]! Tbcalogorfi (in. tmtia, Imagin? codcm bonarc ct cultu honorari ct coli, qub coli- tur z‘d MM :11 ImagoA‘thn- flitut. moral. p1rt.x.lib.9.c.6. * Crux legati, quid dcbctur ei latria,crit d dex- m'a. Pontifical. edit. Rom. J i .gluded’fth at the Croffe ofthe P0pes Legate'i‘hal hatte i igagr67z; __ .—-—._. -._....._.._-—-..«——~.~ ‘5 -vm-now‘n-H—g ‘pfi-‘T‘D l l Grego,Valent. Ii. 2: APOL dc Idololatrxaq. r . Pt. 4. 3. * Sorre fdala- it] he (hould - lay:for that is S.Pcters m rd. __._L Their ~Iefuite Gregoriw a’cValmtzlz will tell them _{trainehigher., For howfoeuer hee cannotaway A Sermon-greatbed befbretbe? haue the right hand,vpon this very reafonfiuiaa’e- bemr ez' 'latrigb‘ecaufe the worfhip proper to God is due to it- Now whether they commit Idola- try, who communicate-vnto a, {enfldefle thing, lthatworihip which they themfelues confclle to be due vuto God alone: let all the world .iudge. ' They were belt therefore from henceforth confeffe themfelues to be I dolaters : and {land to it, that euery kinde of Idolatry is not vnlawfull. for their comfort, that it is no ahfurdity to thinke that. Saintrl’eten when he deterreth the faithfull by name 46 illicitpk Ida/0mm cultiéw (Aquifer dial" mph: Saint Peter. calleth. them, that is, 45029213. 71461: Malaria) doth .infinuate therby,that * fome worlhip of Images is lawfull. 101m til-{once}: the Frenchman in his L/{armj’urgatw (dedicated to the late Pope Paul the fifth) and in his twenty quefiions preparinded to Vifizrimfiretchcth yet a with the nameof Idols and Idolatry-,yct heli- keth the thing it (Elfe to well, that he vndertaketh to clear: warm from committing any ‘errortin fetting vp the golden CaIfe,.' and laboureth to purge Laém,and Mi:lm,and Ieroéoam too from the imputation of a Idolatry: hauing found in- ldeed, that norhing had becne done by them in- this kinde, which is nor agreeable to the praéticc of. the Roman: Church at this day. A , And left the {poore people, whom they, haue fo miferably abu ed,{hould findc how. farre they hauc becne milled; wee fee that the, mailers of that 4 ; They pretend indeed t at this Commandement ' cOnfeffith further, ~thatxhcand h isfellow Catho- . likes doe otherwife; What faith bee then to the l a be obeyed,ir muft be repealed,and nor admitted ‘ God. ’* It was (faith he) a pofitiue and ceremo— . her who beareth the name of being: :17: moth: 0f 47- Cammam H ou/e {Parliament {gt Church .doe in the Service bOO'lts and Care- chifines, which-come mm the hids ofthevulgar, l generally lea ue out the words of the fecond Com- Imagcs :fearing-lel’t by the light thereof,the my- fiery of their iniquity {hould be difcoucrcd. k“is not excluded by them,but.included onely in ‘ the fit“ : whereas in truth they doe but craftilyi concealc it from'thepeOples eyes, becaufe they would nor haue' them to be‘ruled by it. Nay/4f quez the Iefu'ire dorh boldly acknowledge, that it plainely appeareth by comparing the words of this Commandement,with the lace which hath beene alledged out ol the 4. o Deuteronomy; that the Scripture did nor onely forbid the wor- fhipping Of an Image for God, but alfo the ado- ration of the true God himfelfe in an Image. He Commandement,thinke yOu ? Becaufe it will nor to hauc any place among the morall precepts of niall Law: and therefore ought to ceafe in the time of the GOfpell.L And as if it had not- beene ‘ enough for him to match the Scribes and Phari- fcs in impiery,who made the Commandemcnt of G ad of mm: mfi'c'l, that the mtg/2t keepe #1627 0mm tradi— tion .~ that he might ulfill the meafure of hisrfa- thers, and fhew himfelfe to be ‘a true childe of mandement that-make againft ‘-the adorationofi; 37 Gab.Vafqucz. him. do Adar. dif‘put.4. c.3.§.l 74-75- * cfimfilerit ia- ri: pafitiui ct Cc. remonialia illa lager M 91am 1 prabzbitio, tem- pare legit Exam- gelicc dcbuit ref. [219?ngle id,quad 1 rali licimm, ct boneflum ell, v: imagines depiiy gen,“ illu ttzz‘i vii ad adoratio nemjn [age E - did: ime mm. ‘ ”Angelica locum baker: dcbtt. Vafiucsibid. c. F2. \H 4§-84. “no-~—--—-»r l l a“... ~- 38? ’ Reu.t7.s. Vafqt‘ez de .1- deratlib. 3. difl put. 1 (up. 2. 5. 5.8.10. M8,: 5'. Candi. Trident. Rf: 3.64. y. ‘ endsermzzmmhedéfire :lzea [MI/0t; 411d Wake»: pf tiaeartlxshe its-yet more - madfind flicclklethnotto maintaine,that notion; 1 a, you: mm c, but an Othertbin o t e _ garlimbcdierfiggbewithouzlifie and regfonpr whether itbeaxreafonable creature, may (in the nature of the thing, and if the matter".bee dill CtCCfly handled) be adored With God, as his. Image; yea and comtctb mm abfurdity at. all; that aveny wtfpcxéfiflraw {bouldnbe films Won kiPPd'p‘ ‘ ‘7 . . ‘ 'r . \ Butlet vs tame yetagaine, and we fhall {56" greater abominations then thefe. We heard how thisv-Mfid Sacmment, which :is hereprdpoum M with» Wasaibondmmiteehrifiians ' . -togethon insane Mdyflafibeenmade theapplc ‘ ' of. (Whine! meccafion of,é mofl bitter- breaches in theChurch- :{we maynow obfert'te againeghat the Eameholy Sacramentg‘; Wbiehxby name is herc‘broOgbt in as a principall iinducea ment to makemenfletfrom Idolatryfis by our Adi . uerfaries; made the obieé’t-of the groflefi Idola- -'try.that..euer hath-been ,praaiii‘d ,by any-,‘._»For; ’zdminemflantdoékmqhyrflms 15.1? -Wb£{hi?fiing; tho Sacta'maxflwy M16 giue am to it, Lariat cultum 4142' were Deo deée’tur, ( as ,the Counoell of Trent hath determined) #14: kinda offirm’ce Mic/7 a-duew t/ze true Gad; determitfingtheir. wotfhip in that very thing which the Priefldoth‘ hold betwiXt his hands. Their praékice alfo runs accordingly: for an infiance whereof we neede ' goe no further then to Sandera booke of the Lords Supper; b&orewhich behath pcrfiééed" k .. an . __. ...‘ 1 ~*._ v I w ? Common: Hattfl f’Parliment. net: To Me Bodyend Bleed. ofeur Sam'our Iefu): new,pmzfi,md tlxanlzes, fie giuenfor “44‘”: Adding (fuxthet in the procefle of fliflbbfilfifhfipiftlc. H awfoeuer it be witb other we», .I aelbre the my God - Wine, after eonfi’emtimg'ful] made : .Befcecéing the 0 arm 1mm, e.‘ , _- ; ‘ £13313 .1; thg‘éoneeite which theft: men haue- eoncemingithc Sacramentfhould ptoue to bee- falfc (aszindccd we knowgit to b; Mabfurd 49d monfttoua )f theitgygtge Iefigithqfler.d0th {ne‘eLy eonfcffeahatthey. 1hpu1d be , in Inch anaferrgor. and , Idolatry, quake in arée terramm mqudm (yd wfia we! auditgafieia, (a: meter. mu [ewe gm beardqfllflJbiS world. ’-‘ Fort/ac error oft/m e3 meeewkree/Mfaith \ he) who worjbszar Godaz Statue :offgoldflfiwrs W , .'4’3{fl¥4g¢’%£'fi"1;9?fi9‘ W 44W?! :1“ . g x; a arred‘clég? may-mammamt 13 reported qf t/Je Lappizm: 5 ,arlim'zzg ereatares, 45 did fimetz'me t/ae ,Egyptz’am 515m of . thfe that warflyqza ieeeqf bread. .We therefore who ate verily per- {waded that the Papifis doethus,‘ mufiofforce v (if we follow their Icfuites direCtiQn) iudgc them tobe. the mofi intolerable Idolatexs mat euer WCI'C. -_ . _: .' - Nay,accord_ing to their‘owne principles; how is it pollible that any. of thcmfelues {hould eer- tainlyt know, that the hofi which they worfhip {hould be anypthet .thihg but bread P fecjggthe . change. dOth wholy depend 1,; gVPpn. eqrfiamtim . , ‘ F 3 h‘. 3“ Ei’imc'lkdimory:ifuficrfcribcd ;.inifii;smg; - Chem-wed” $53.19*???“ 0f Breadwd Wine, all 110., . 4’14 .1, 0rd reallyprcfl’nt runder t/yefirmes of Bread 4m! , gfi eniqtflrpr fl' 'Cbirid.ca.l 2.. \ duly Xe 3,2 - * Tolerabilior rum,q{u' pro ~. Dec eolunt Sta- argemeam, aut alterim materi: imaginem,qua modo Gentile: dcos [uos vene . rabamur 5 ml _ I panmm rubrum ~ in bafiam elemz. tum,quodnarra- ‘ mr de Lappie; ". val vim: anima- E g yptquuém ,mfi auream nut: . ‘ Zia, wquondam ‘ panh.€o[}er.lin- —\ t! \ * Neque potcfl . term efl‘e terti- radiate fidei,fe pmipm vcrum Sacramental» 3 taxman- m» into»- time niniflri m tonficiatur, (o- intentioum ulterior: nmo wider: polit. Bellaminde Inflifieanhbg. cap. 8. . A ASmnon preocbedbefore the duly made, (as Sander: fpeaketh) and that degen- deth vpon the intention of the Priefi, Whic no man but himfelfe can haue norice of. Bellarmine, ‘ difputing againfi amount“ modem, one of his owne brethren, that a man hath no certaine " cannot 6e certaine 6] the certainty rffoit/J, :64: nee dotn receive 4 mos Soormm ; fora/much n“:- t/oe So- Wing'fler, and none confeeanotber man: intention. Apply this now to the matter we haue in hand 5 and fee into what-intricate Labyrinths thefe men haue brought themfilues.- Admit the Prieitsin-l yet if he that baptized him failed in his‘intention when he adminifired that Sacrament,he remain- eth [till vnba tized, and f0 beeommeth vneapa- ble of Pfiflth%Od 5 and conkquently,whatfoeuer he confecrateth is but bread flill. Yea, admit hce were tightly baptized too: if either the Biihop that conferred vpon him the Sacrament of Or- ders, (for fo they hold it to be) or thoie that ha - tized or ordained that Bifhop, miffed their rig t intention 5 neither will the one prone Biflmp,nor the Other Priei’r; and 16 with what intention foe-. uer either the one or the orher dorh confecrate, there remaine th but bread flill. Neither doth the intonuenience flay heere, but afcendeth vaard to all their predecell'ors': in any One of whom if therefhll out to bee a nullity of Prieiihood (for l knowledge of his owne iuiiification,can take ad- y -, vantage ofthis,and alledge for himfelfe,that one 1!: ., cram»: cannot 6: mode wit/yon: the intention (ft/7e ' tention flood right at the time of confeeration, :~ P. want of intention,either in the baptizerpr in the ‘ tordamcr) l ~ --.—..~—. ---..—~—d-—’~"“' A .._. ._..,-... - 4 h. —_.. \ Common: How/é of Parliament. 41 ordainet)all the generation following,according _ to their principles,goe without their Priefihood too 5 and fo deliuer but bread to the people, in (lead of the body of Chrift. The Papifls them- (Elues therefore , if they Rand vnto their owne grounds ,mufi needs iconfefle, that they are in no 1 better cafe heete,then the Samaritans were in, of 1 whom our Sauiour faith, Tee war/Mme: know not 10114.22. i mbat : but we know,that what they worlhip (bee the condition or intention of . their Priefi what it will be).is bread indeed; which while they take to be their God,we mull; {till account them guil—- % - ty of fpitituall fornication, andfitc/J fizmicatim, m l timotfl; much 44 named amongfi tbc Gentiles. ; , Thefe then being the Idolatcrs with whom we l l haue to deale, let vs learne fitft how dangerous a thing it is to communicate with them in their falfe worfhip. For if we will be partakers of Ba- Lb lons finnes, wee mull looke to met-inc of her Reuel.t8- 4- Lgues. Secondly, wee ar‘e to be admonifhed, ‘ that it is not fufficient that in our owne perfons we refraine worfhipping of Idols, but it is fur- ther required ,that we refiraiue (as much as in vs lyeth) the praé’tice thereof in Others; left by fuf. fetingGod to be diihonoured in To high a man. ner, when wee may by our calling hinder it, wee make our felues pattakers of other mens finncs. Eli the high Prieit was a good man ,and gaue ex. cellent counfell vnto his lewd tonnes: yet wee « know what iudgemcnt fell vpon him, beamfi 111‘: “Sam 34,. , finite: made tbemfclue: wham' be frowned not won ‘ l them, (that is,rellrained them not, ) which 3302 or h ' ‘4”_ 7'". 7 K: ’1‘, “V _ w_ VA V77 _. 43.: 1.531113. 29. ‘— Reueh. r4. Reuel.z.zo. “63.2.3. , Leuimy. 29. l t M. .-.1_ ~...—~._.--‘ “.m... I 2A Sermon preached. fiefireftbe ’ .w doth interpret robe a kindeofldola tirym him, ‘ ring of 171': flm'nes 450116 lyim. The Church of Fer; gamus did for her owne part hold fail Chrifts lnamc, and denyed-not his faith: yet had the 2 LOrdfomahing'againfi her 5 éeca’afi/be had were, i than”: that held the dofirifie of Miami, ' ”I“; 17114ng 34146 to cuff aflziméling blacker éefore tbe ckildrm ( of Ifrael, to eate flying: fizcrg'ficm’ wito Idol» and t” 2 commitfirzzicjgtim, So we fee What fpecial'ln‘otice - our Saviour taketh Of the workes, and charity, l and feruice, and faith, 8c patience of the-Ch urch ,' of Thyatiramnd yet for all this he addeth, Ket— E witbflanding,1 [mac 4 few tiring: agairg/Z t/aee, 58-4 ‘5 caufé tbmfiofirefi takeaway”); Iegeégl, which Mfletb l lyerfelfe a. ‘P'rop‘éeteflé, to ”455%? fidm, Myfér- ' want: to commitfimimtim, andto rare thing: *fdm'; l firedwnto (do/r. ~ In the {Econd of I udges God telleth theehildré l of ’ lfraet, what mifchiefe’lhould come vnto them i by tolerating the Canaanitilh Idolaters in their Land. 7’17er all ée th ornes inyourfidegdfithhe) 4nd Meir god: flmll be a flaw wto you. Which wordecontaiue in‘ chem the imimarim ofrdou’- bid dahgérmhéme: ref‘peflfiing' tfiefiufle, {in}: a; /‘ ther the bodyfl‘hat which coneerneth the‘foulejs: that their Idols {hould be dfimrc 7mm them. For l God we“ knew that mans nature is—a‘s prone to {pitituall fornication, as itis to c0rporall‘. As therefore fOr the preuenting of the one,hewottld I not haue a common harloc tolerated in'lfi‘ael, Lfff t/Je Lam! flouldfall to til/yoredome and éecom'e ' fitllcy’wickedmfl: ibfor the keeping 'outof the , ‘ other, vo—w ———.—. —--. .e _ .-- .. _.._ 7.. _,i.. p~:~_~ -_..-._. n... .. ‘ . _.,- .kfiur 7...... .——-.—-_ g. ' Pr C' ommom :1 aufl qf‘ParZiamgng, ' a and all occafions whereby a man might be‘temp- ted to commit fo*vile a finne. The bodily danger that followeth vPon the toleration of Idolaters, is: that they flaould be in t/Jez'r fides, that is, ( as in anorher place it ’is more fully orprefléd) they ould'lze pride! in their eyes, and theme: in Meir fides, and/bould vexe tbem in tbe Lam! :vbereiiz thy dwelled. Now in bOth thefe refpeéts it is certaine, that the tolerationof the Idolaters with whom we haue to doc, is farre more perillous than of any Other. In regard of the _fpirituall danger , wherewith fimple foules are more like to bee in- t‘fnared: becaufe this kinde of Idolatry is not brought in with an Open {hew of impiety,(as thatofthe‘Pagans) but is a my/lery ofiniquityfi wickedneffe eouered'with the vaile of piety 5 and the harlot, which maketh the inhabitants of the earth drunke with the wine ofxthis, fornication, is, both gilded her felfe, and prefenteth alfo her abominations vnto her followers in 4 cup of gold. If we looke to outward perill, we are like to find thefe men ,nor thornes in our fades to vexe vs, but daggers in our hearts to defiroy vs. Nor thatI take all of them tobeof this furious difpofition, ‘ (miftake me nor : I know a number my felfe of a fine different temper : ) but becaufe there are ne- uer wanting amongthem fome turbulent hu. mours, To inflamed with the fpirit of fornication, that they runne mad with it -, and are tranlported fo farre, that no tolerable termes can content '1 them, vntill they haue attained to the vcmoft other, he‘ would haue “prouoca‘tions taken away, ' 43 X Numb.33.s f. ' Raid. I 7.2.4. l ' pitch L. A a Dubittm no» efl,quitt Papa poffit mate: Re- get, cfimfi'zbefl. can aratiottabt- [is e mere. A5253“). Tri— umphus, dc Porcfl.Ecdc- fiafi. quz R. 46. arttc.:. b Qtto example Jfitttt intelliga, mm mareri ta— lumt'tt'am, mqtte initidim Epif- tapas illo: pati debt re,qui rte fitb bemico pintipe degtm. omnem ldpidem voluunt. Ba— ron. an. s g 8. § 99. c Quentin adefl a4 Set-mot: freer/ted [tefitre the pitch oftheir vnhridled defires, For compafiing whereof, there isno trechery,‘nor rebellion,nor mUtther,nor defperate courfe whatioeuet, that (without all remorfe ofconfcience). they dare. nor. addenture vpon.. . ' , g _ ; Neither dqethey thus onl'y,h’ut they teat/a omen, .a-lfo fo to doe: arming bOth Pope, andBithPSr and People,and priuate perfons,lwith power to ‘ cai’tdowne ‘euen Kings themklues from their Thrones-ifidaoyfiand inthCir way,and giue any, .impedi‘mcnt‘to their ;defigttes-. Touching the‘ Popes power herein, there is. no difputing: one of. them telleth vs, that ‘gt/te‘re is no dottét, éttt tlte. flag: any . ofufl Kings, when t/Jerete area/enable mfifim , L onfiihops, Cardinall Berettt'tte informetth . the example ofDm'tt: the Biihop of. Millayne, is dealing againfl the Arrians; b that. téqfi. Btfltzp: ileflfi'me m) flame, 422d mtg/1t ta fibmenuz’gw or enetyflone, (yea and rather then faile, would blow Vp {tones too) t/mt tfley may not line render anker‘etiea/Z Prince. For the People,Domt'ttt'ettt Emmet, a Dominican .Fria 'r,rc~ ' folues,that they need tract, in this 631%, exigeetany fence ° Oil-the mattetbyPopgor 0 er; but c tsp/zen the knowledge (ft/”fault it ettidettt,fitéieflt, may lawful/j (g‘fe 6e t/Jey batte fitffitt'ettt flrmgté) exempt tbemfeltterflem fitéiefltott to t/yet'r Primes,’ 699nm] deelaratoryfmteme ofa Judge. And that ~ J3. «guzfl. “Attica. we may‘vnderfland that the Prouifit which hee ia- _— _ ._____ fl euatas natitia crim'ttis, liciti pofl'untfitbditi (fimodb cit vim fitppctmtt) eximere [2 ti putcfldll fitorttm Primpum unjudttu fentetttim deelaratorim. Banncs in Thom.2. . . farts—ta) J a. C anemone H onfe ofPar/ltament. ilérteth of baaingflrengtb fiefiieient, is very mate- 'tiallsh'e putteth vs in mifide, that d tbefaz'tbfiell (the Papifis he meancth) of England are to bee ex- enfia’ bereby, wbo a’oe not exempt tbemfilne‘e from tbe power of tbez'r fleperz'onre, nor make warre again/l tbenz. Beeanfle tbat generally tbey bane not pawerfitf- fieient to neabefieeb warree again/l Princes, magma dangers are imminent oner tbem. ' Lafily, for priuate perfons, wee ma made in Suarez, that an hereticall King, ‘ eyq‘er/entenee gi— nen again/l blm, is abfilntely deprined qf belt King. dome,fi2 tbat be eannotpoffi/j? it by any infl title .- ana’ ’ tberfore from tbeneefortb may be bandlea’ altogetber a4 a Tyrant 3 and eonfiqnently, bee may bee kidea’ by any prinate perfim. Onely the kink: addeth this limitation : that f If tbe Pofe aloe a’enyé tbe K lng, . be may be expelled or lei/led by tbem (web to wbom bee l jball commit tbat bnfineflb. But zf be inloyne'tbe exe— l ‘ cation tbereofto no bad 5 tben it [ball appertaine to tbe lawfullfieeeeflbi in? e King-dome :- or {f'mefia‘b be to be found, ltjball belong to tbe K ingdome it filfe , But let him once be declared to be a Tyrant 5 Ma. riana ( Suarez his Counttyman and fellow le- ; fuite) ' will tell you better how hee {hould bee l. handled; STbat a Tyrant (faith he) may be killed by openforee and armee, wbetiber by violent breaking in V "45 ‘1 Ex Me 2072. clu/z‘one {Equilur efle oxen/amine Anglicans: 6‘ ' Saxania: fideles, qui mm [6 exi- munt e2 pate/late fleperiommmec bellum contra Mos gcrunt. @oniam com- muniter mm ba- bmtficnllatem ad have belle ge. renda Contra “Principegé‘ imminent illie ; grania perimld. 4 Id. Ibicl. ° Pafifententi am latam omni- nb priuatur reg— no. ita pt mm pofit iufia titulo - Wild pofldere : ergo extnnepo- terit tanquam omninb tyran‘ mes trali‘ari 3 c9- canflquentera quoeunquc pri- uato pozerit in- terfiei..Fr. Sua- rez Dclcnf. 6d. CatholJib. ‘ ; 6.cdp.4.§. x 4. r Si Papa Regen: depdnat, ab illzetam’m golerit egpefli, ragtime/fiat: 7““ bm ipfe id comm'flrit. Quadfi nafii execnmm mperet? pertinebzt ad legzmnmft en new 5 fuceflbrems W115 nullm innemm’feemt, ad regmmg epfiem fiefiabit. 1d. abxd. §. 1?- : z Jeaque apemi via armia pofl‘e oceidt tyrannm'n, [we impem in refiiam'fat'loeflue commfl l sépugmi, in eonfejjb e‘fl.’ Sad é ' dole 'atque znfidys exceptum : qua fleet .Atad', 6m. Efl ~ quidem waiorie virtutls é! Mimi [multatcm aperti exereere, palm m baflem mpublem . iri'llfl'c : fld mm minorbf arudemid, frandi e’a‘ infid'y’s locum “pm": ‘1’de I?” ”’0‘“ camp- 1; gar, minari ceflépericula publiea atque primate. Io. Marianh, dc chJnfittllb. IMP-7- G 2 into , ‘_‘_.- v«--"-—-.. -- .. — - .- “,1...” l 46 h 7» aim vim» graflhri qua“. qua arte cancel- [inn ; tee cogatur Matti»: [item an: imptudem fibi con/cite mar tern. Id. ibid. in fine. ‘Hocwnm tewpemmt'ato vii in bi; qui- dem dt/putatia which), 1 no We qui perm tar venetian: baun’re eogimr guo intim'e me- dulli: concepto perm! :fed ex. “rifts ab 41in _ adhibntur ni- btl adiuuante a gut pm’mmdtu efl .- nimirum _t in tam v13 efl vweni, 22: [did to aut veflc delibmd vim interfitiendi b4. but. 1d. ibid. A Sermon preached'befire t/Je inta the-Court, or 6)! loji’ilflg affiliate/l, [e a matter ‘ conjefléd : ymgnd'éy deceit and amaze/be: tea, 4/: E- enmity,mdpalltkely 10 ml]: in wont/1e enemy a the-Common-wealt/y .- fiat it raduamage 5y fraud and like andprz'uate. His conclufion is,- that h it t3 law- fitll to talee away-be: life, 17,4149! artw/mtfitetter .- with wittitzgly or vnmtttingly to lee tlye eemfi of he ownel deal/7. Where the tendernefle of a Iefuites con- fcience is well worth the obfetuing. Hee maketh no fcruple at all to take away the mans life : oner hauing poyfon eonueyed into his meat or drinke, lefi in taking hereof (forlboch) he which is to be killed, {hould by thismeanes-haue fome hand in procuring his owne death. ‘Yetpoy-fon him‘you may,if you lififo that the venome be extent/1d} Jpplzed byfome otlJer, be tire: I}: to bee let/led belping not ing- thereunto .- namely , wlmz Ike firee- qf the 4 p fim zkfégreambat. eject or garment éeing infié'led t zerewz'tlt, itm ‘54th firengtb to kill. And that fuch meaneso poyfoninghath been vfed, .hee prooueth by diuers praaices of the Moores: which we leaue to be confideted of by Fitzler- lert,wh'o (to prouethat Squire: intention of poy- foning (been: Elizabeth in this man ner,was but a meete fiétion) would perfwade vs that it is nOt agreeable to the grounds ofnatute and teafon, ——'—-— that l “'7‘. . hud did in [til/mg glon the King of tbe tilted/25m. . ltzdeedtt would argue a batter mtede to 1270121176 01267? 1 ' 720 lcfle' prudence, to take tangy/bee, éeetwfe it is done witboz¢tflirrgand wit/J leffl' dangerfitrely , éotb [me- this prom'fo onely, that be be not eonflraitzedeitbee { . hee would aduife that hee be not made away, by ‘ l ‘. Common: Hem/eof Parliament. that any fuch thing fhould be. - Thus we {be what pettilent doé’trine, is daily broched by thefe incendiaries of the world: which,what pernicious cfi‘eé’ts it‘hath produced, I need-n-Ot-goe far-re to-emmplifie; this allitmbly mo ry of that barbarous loc of the Powder- trea- fon.Which being mofi' iuflly charged to haue 1‘ exceea’ed allmwfiere efemelty ,- as inuoluing nm the King alone, hat alfo his children, and the States of the Kingdome, and many thoufands of: innocent people in the fame ruine : a wicked varlet ( with Whofe name I will not defile this place) fieppeth forth fome foure yeeres after, and with a brafen forehead hiddeth vs nor to wonder at the matter. For qf an will and perniciom laerbe, bot/a tire/ear are to 5e era/bed, 4724’ all the roots. to be. pulled-72p, watt/7e)! grow not ageine. and otherwifi aghfir afew'wie/ced perfim: itfa/let/J (mt oftentimes t ”many perzjb inszpwraeke. In" the later. of which reafons we may note thefe-mensiniblent impiety toward God: in arrogating vnto‘themfelues fuch an abfolute power for the murthering of inno. ' cents, as hee that is Lord of all, hath ouer his owne creatures;the bef’t of whom, if he doe en- ter into iudgement with them,.will nor bee found righteous in his fight. In the former, we may ob. ferue their deadly malice toward Gods An'oyn'. ted, which they fufliciently declare willnot bee fatisfied but by the VttCl'f ‘ tirpation of him, and all his Royall progeni§.f“-"~ > And whereasfor the difcouery-of. fuch wicked G 3 fpirits, Mk and‘t’his placecannOt b t call- to minde the me— , k At inquies, omnem madam crudelium ex- teflit ea tom'ura. :50 3 cum 0 pro- lem, e9 Regni‘ ordines fimul implieuifjét. Id- , 720(5)}! 72: mire-- . ' 7135-. Nalflmala (9 pernitiofk l, herb: afemimzw r, 3? “mermaid“? y radim -, Mint: ‘. cu‘ellende/unt, q 3 ac reereflant. l Alid: etiam, I prnpter peace: 2 l T fiepé naufmgia 1 i permit. B. ‘P. C ; mimepiflolz J « fieleratar, mull; - V \x o. , , ‘3" J 1’2.th }) all, LV)! 6‘ = I. R. imprca: +14, anno 1609. .;!;si. ~ 153d vide in taxi afluti/i, qmtafit fin. plia’m. Clint mtofibi flaw. @fet; I” fe - modm iurao menti, to! cir- cunflmi: can; nexfiéfl‘e exifiio ~W4Muéfid- mi (mfcimtia’, nulli ratione a ' quoqm difj'ol; ui pofl'etfied vi- -‘ dercm puuit, fipondfem‘wa- mnmdgg‘d. - unit, 0W" it- ~ lim wing/id: d: fidelitate Re- gi preflandd, flue dc (Ii/pam- tione non ad- l M Sermon predobod before tloe ‘ ‘fpirits, his Eli—gicfiy inbi’s Princcly wifcdomc did caufé an 0416‘ of Allegeanoe to bee framed; by the tendring whereof he might be .tbc better able IQ difiinguifh betwiXt .b'r loyall and difloyall fub- ieé’cs,andto put Cc betwiXt afcditious anda quiet-minded nil}: this companion dcridcth his {implicit ‘ 1;" imagining, that that will ferocthc tumc, andfuppofing thata Papiit will thinkbrhimfcllé any whit bound by taking flich an oafhrJ-Sefiiéitb he) infigrmt craft, 60w greatfimplioity dot/7 éewray itfllfe. W502 be [ml [714. x ml ’44 bi! from-fly in that oath; beet/Jougbt lie load mm, mm.“ fiandfiohamanoerofootfi, [wit with {a may cir. . twine iara. omjlwres, 1564: it could whim/$999 of oonfiiem‘e, 67 a W di [wally 40} mm. Bat he could not cc, 16¢: ‘15: Pope did all/[owe that 0415; allthe tying: {fat} abbot/oer f/eq’ormingfidelz't to 211: King,or of. 'm’rzg no z'fpenfitioo) wool lee a’z’f. film! tag: .3. 924,] will fay walker Ming that is more admiflll '- Togo know (1 leleme) m: on wiufl onto, {fillomantéy lmonme, or openly declared to la flab, how no man; out 18 ruoyd ipfo faéto. T/Jat tcho'ng: ‘ ‘ 55:3 wim‘l,‘ judo lean figolemly 46— ddm’by; . Croft/JWW ling]: .4- :. Tau-fie tberqbre,¢tlzdt tlze' obligation of it l: wde imp fmoke : fifbélflw 501%,.wa 6] fl) may wife mm ma (long/7 ole» (firm, blame le/fi tom go lW-sl’z. {if 'z', ; \ ' a. l 9",.1 " '... ‘-‘ I mitteudfi, {writer diffdulos'fflég 1min: find 'Jzafiidnmbabw. N505, No; in- ramntum iniu/Iumjtalecfl? Wfi‘imfl 9P3".é figclaretw, 3593”” 955$”? 3 fed ip/o fofio nuflum efli’. Raga iurarmmmininflm efiob W Ecclefi‘ Paflvrefi‘o‘immr . ‘ declaration; :11. Wide: igitur i191, infumum (1691,72 ill)“, vettigatimm , or woman», quad ( I: totfizpicmibmferqm putabatur, miumfigq’uinmamfl. ibid. .‘ If; r“~-m- l .———v C ommoiz: H vhf: of‘ParliameIét; ' :- —.__o. : If matters now be come-ynt'o this. pafie, that, fuch as are addicted to the 1R0pe,will accounttbe Oath of Allegeance tozhaue lefTe force to binde them than a rcpeoffiraw judge ye whether ybe nor true which hath bygfiid, that in refpeé} not - offpirituall infeétion . y‘bnnof - outward dan. get alfo to obr State,” alaters may be more ' fafely permitted then 'Papifts: Which Idoe not; . fpeake,to exafperate youagainft theirperfonspr . _ - to flirre'yQqu to make newLawesfor E{bedding of their blood. Their blindnefle :.I%doe muchgpite I ty :and my hearts defire and prayer to God for them is,that they mightbeeafaued. Onely this I mni’t fay,that (thin gs handing asthey doe) lean- not preach peace vnto them. Fot‘aSJebafald' to roram, Wbatpeace,fi long 4/: tbe w/yarc’alomes qftéy ‘Motéer Iezabel, and benwz'tcbmftsi are [a many r" [0 mufl I fay vnto them: What peace can there :be5 fo long as you fufl‘er your felues to ,bee led by 1. ’the mathero'f harlots and ‘abominati’éns-“of. the , . and x 8.33. earth,'who by her forceries hath deceiued all Na- ?tions,and made them drunke with the wine of her fornication? Lether put away her whore: domes out of her fight, and her adulteries from 2.King.9. 2:. . ' Reu. 17:2,5'; PICK 2. '2‘. betwecne her breails“; lee-her kepent of her mur.‘ .. .4 a. thers,and her forceries, and her idolatties: orra- m ther,becaufe {he is paft all hope,let thofe that are ' feduced by her, ceafe to communicate with her ‘in thefe abominable iniquities 5 and wee {hall be all ready to meet them,and reioyce with the An— gels in heauen for their conuerfion. In the meane time, they who {it at the Helme, and haue the charge h-.. M‘ 393W,“ finer . *"‘ ; \ i there arealréfl” ' ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘37 gihhcywetci a ">-“mpore Which i me {hould 1,; poYm. Ifivdltfiérc. . * 5‘ .hagmdfimkemm mfg, _. _ _ { l ’ ;‘,' . ""2. ' \, A . ., ' . ”I "r A. '- - ‘ . “t: . -' .. ‘ 7- ’ " ’ " J ., «gun/"r:- . s9 . ‘1. ~ . ’ ~ ”‘ J . ~ - , ‘ Jag-2“ 52,? f A é" ;' Ag. .; fder scuba ffll§dfilttb€ Lordfgmeyw 12nd -._- “ : "‘ A! -l;' “xv, :3“ ‘3}? Wt. RARE 5133 S9 1 621 EBLL XSF’C 3|;RE URBARSE9 lllllllllllllllllfllllflflllllm 10005921201