vvdamz FOR THE WISELY CONSIDERATE. 5 * three difiinfi % ‘A 2 Vcfy fifefull fof the‘ prcfent timc. A ..._ ,. . 1?. ~imi¢1vetru'tl6, Mich :1‘, TIM Eldfiri were A Qhr is ‘An 1lIlJ0a5t¢lfdfi't1'M concerhing 25¢ uwfbip gr” Gad, amid :5: pm: mmy: A Cmduprvpfitions cancfigigrfgffiparatton. —-wu A ; .;.;_V 1‘Tb:j]‘.‘.5. 21$; 9; I 1 things»: hold fai’c%«c“1;i”a“;t**{7vhic11is_,good%. Printed in tlxeyearc I_ 6 4. 1. A‘ be of}; fltfliapxfir Me“ fir] lmndrcd jean: aflcr » ’oz=EL7>Ens. Thefe were the Bifhopk, anode % g none other, according tothe S,er,ip- L V " fures, forthe%fi1'{‘tLVhnnd1'ed ycarcs“ V A after VC1-1 A I, Téejér: avfgreat 4nt!q‘m‘ty.n n {,3 E find: thernnanied, and to have , _ ‘M: had a being in V Chrifis Church at ' ;f Jerufalem, A62‘. 11.; go. and 1 5. 6. *""‘i"-‘* 7 A and in othernC11urches7elfew%here, “£7 14.23; before the name of Bieflaopsgivsctn - co~1z‘h_cm,or any mention ofthem.‘ V I-n~fl¢ir ivfiitvtim I3ne’?v'?“‘~. 4! V Thefe werefeteover their flockcbynthn; Holy Gflbfi, 2o..“1 7,2 8IAnd the ApoPc~Ie_s nthfimfelves guindedbythe Holy Ghofl;gard;zi~ §¢4&th@m;in5cveryChureh,¢1é2;.i W193. and appointed «others to ordame ‘E1’de1isi1n every City, Tit.1n. 5'. where t11cfc’Elde3:s were war!-~» mjtiflg- . A no A There Is no fuch clear: and ~undo_u1§tede- yidencenxn Gods_Booke fore fuch Bflhops as V . A A 2 A % now 9? ‘q- - $s‘1i~tl€$£r2 <2) .. m A Qbe_eontcn4dcdfo1-, remake th cm to bee» x éé . m,as;e:tdcrsbc- V ..L y 1‘ irwiiv %_ (% eflcgmc Mtlv: /Ijaafllesa/.zj::. 44 , W _ A y VI‘. T[zcy%'421d.1b:_irn4mc4:§er(cfévtry 5&5 A 1 1; For the mm? 0fEld(r.r; Saint’ Pcter%p1ca,.. A fed to call l1if1?1f¢1Fc%by name of an Elder, . ;" Ifct.5 .1 . and fo. Saipt Iogbnafig EFL], and 3%Ef'{“fl.’1'). TWO mofli famdus Apofllcs cal. ‘ liDg‘;thC: lNI1£{C1.VC5_E1d€IS,a§1d,D0thBifl]:0pS 5 bc- AA caufe ghcnalnc of Elder was more fayngus and l1‘onouraT3Ic zis _yc‘t” in: their daycrs, than the name Bilhopf Yc:-a'Saint Pmr fpcakcs unto: fuch as .1}aid%thc«%%cu1‘¢A,oFfou1¢s,, under the name ofhldersg and notbythe name of 3;... fl§ops,1 Eet.5.41. And {Q Wm-¢ tjhc “dim fl sachets czqlcd commonly by; sajm 14,2; .cw:xyivhcrc M} ;the,;m::,; ~Chapj1;v;*_;%V mwumd «14V-‘?«3+ Wd 4~1S‘-44,6- %.and2:.n. r8.=and where - any (")fJth€:m , nor an_y%ot:hcr caltcd by-afhe name ofB1{hops, but m 4:37. :0. 13; ;md:'gr,*,v_ L1-7' "”‘.’aI:A¢ 14-, .W.€rc.tl1c,vcryIamc with E1dcrs,Vf‘2m‘cI*“nc)z1e bthéf; ‘ :i§ flialfbci‘ fnadc apn _pamnt.-,* _ if .A : A ; -,2. For téeir plzrc%4;~chey33mc ; §m§m.d==a,5 ~E§dc1fs,%%and aortas Bimopgin the M}; {mm ‘3_"t¢¥ §l1¢.VCt)f »'Apo filc-$¢, when they be_’;mn5.. '1 5.43.63 22;, 13‘ 4- and 21.-I.<8_.« Sa1nt.—Lu£rrm all chafawaccg ' names no Brfhops, clrhcr as yet thcy_w€22dé n?0t501'? 35 YCT3 HM hcariiofshc-m~,o;’;h¢ Ch”W4h_h3d%.fl0 llfi.‘ ofthc-m,=%or mnnewag (3) mm Bccoinct'~‘fam<_3t1st,“’Vto-r they ‘dwtiiz this jmindc.~ j I- v ritie. ‘ A» A4 Thjstapapcarcth V nu trmzaéa/:44 gr¢4:,oauma4ma. = ,I.i ~ThcyWcrc AiIIi{¥antsWWitht»1ié(7A;')o{’clc§' ‘ that holy Counccll atjeru«falcm~:vfvh¢rc«- . X 445?. 15.. .~ t M 2. They’ with the Apofiliés” received that 4_ 1. They are mentioned next thcA informations’madé, verf.4; ~ 3. ‘They wichtrhc Apomcs lgonfidereci; of‘ the mmérto bc~debatcd;Véri’c6;= j A i V k «F4; hf" Yfafc v<’ritl_1V*tthq Apd V‘ » chgantf-“hE'arcf~ éhe difcuflymg-of t11c- ctmtrovctlic A by*:“’Pm’r;? and by laws, vcrfc47.I4i' " t V "4 ” < 5, 'I_‘l1c}{ with thc%.tApofl1cs%mg1 A “the-—Dc-— crecs f'orthc' C l1urc11é§; \"fcrI'c 5§,z aha. _16.4. and 21.25. A ‘t H I A A ” A "6; -They had»‘with the Apo{¥les'thc Holy F@‘f*th'éir guide,,1n ’ti171ra1;i;At3g_and' fcndfling’ forth their dcqces, vetjfe 28.‘ "f * 4 -7» Ltafilyghcit imthori‘ty*w1cnt along vij.ri;tii*‘thc Apéflclcswm difmifiitag the F m'c'*II*cngc>rs fégt fgrth With the¥'dc6réés;Vt:1fe‘"i?5?~;é :,;@2~tt» t (“flare had btenc ' ,t7B;ifh”o s A f tott1{eFu,tt"ro“'évéhaéf *b‘e¢i'1ci~ t1x“‘_t:"_§AiAt"n3 or t A the1ntoWhaveA_fl1_cyvcd thctri_felv_cs.. W ‘_ - M: Torht¢fettBl4dc+tswe1~é«6r“ 5s1it*1§3I5I‘.1nl and ‘Barmba't11¢A‘bei1é§rdléi1éé *0‘ tiles» co11c&edt&s:he'&{ot~eaujerdrgtéxniltaz. At 3 ; '4! {'3 ' Vs (5') i 1* 31:1:To;it1ie;Apofi1cSaint_i»I4;;m, -and to} ii theft’ Elders ceunc Saint Paul afld, Ofhfiffi With; ‘him, and declarr-:d té) them what _A God had Wrotxglit " *1"1'i§ iminificry among} ‘the Gena 'ti1é:s,Ac?.2I.I8,I9. - A" V A I V. Thcfe~Eldcrs,did4 gixfcpgldv;-i,<;c~toS*. Ei11oW¢di:thcir, C911I1Cc11is0f f0.great i authority was thcirjudgcmcnt with”hix-_n, u VI , - " ,: ’.;‘:rr:L?; i_ V. Note thCi1"f}5‘CCCh_wUflfQ Sa1f,1I?1.’."_!4lafi tha¢i.tim;¢sWh9 faidoftf.1¢lhif¢1S§€;$ WiF:h§.th?i":A: pofilesa Was./14ii2i¢»;mritt¢z1 4tI¢i,iv0t?¢/!44¢éi;it1z49: i tf;6c- Gfifiillfv0bféf't{8'?;()filC;bV_£bi)1gI5éf§'.i3462:; 1 . $5.-.. ..BY¢ W1.1iC.11WOfd9~itiii$ évidcnt that their- authority was very grcati. , g ‘I am ‘ '3‘ .. .v..~“‘ -vi C5r1rcj/aé:L* 7‘ Vh go?/tmnmcntEcclie-fiafligal1,wh¢nithc Chara ch€swcrec{fi1b1ifhcd.% A V .f , ‘ “ 7l"h:at.thc¢i rulcAi%s j,[1“.thCii‘ hands is mzmifcfl. -i , ;,The Apgafllci ; Saint Pzml; divided Chri=-« fiizm bc1£CVqrsintovthcfc twogforfs.‘ V, A » j0:fi‘1Ch'3_5‘h3.d rule, » - Efleb. .I_I_l_ThCiI' iliatlds Qrdinarily \;vasibh'¢poWe1'c$f" -A A,r3d»,in.to fuch as Wgre ruled, called I 3. 4 ,;Saints. 24. wrheni,11c fhewcs in;hi§i.E11iftI¢s ’w1mth fc wcrq that thcnii.h¢1d;rpjlcinthcChurchcs. Thofc ‘that prcachcd thc.fword;i to them, .i‘ii~ifi“'13°Z' A . Ifhofc 1%}:Wi»é%téT“»s-2Ii'gé+é22+é:>»é>*é?»%é«: ‘(h 7 ) V ; ~e--‘.T_'"hO feihth at Watclled over their {°ou1es,~;”mcI*I A were to give grccounc for them," Heé.“ ;5h:13.17.hrr.a ,. A .rr.r~».r eh A Thofe that admonrflaed them, and l~aBo‘u~’-‘ ' red zimongtI1em,1 7'12. 5. I2; 3n~,vJord ;. L. and do€h1ne,L7im.5.17. V ' . r Thofewhofe roifice was to feed the florckerr zrdf God‘,"ancj' to take~rrh3erover17ht -OF them, not by conftraint, but'w"fh“hly,e ,,: Lnoht for H1thy1ucre,but: of a ready mind, . P:t.5.2-. » W A ,_ A M ~ §~»T:hehfe were pMer*t:l*?1emf ihhrthe Lord;,r 6. A “A addrrheféfo feeding arndruling ‘were the Elders, ‘A¢?'.2o.r7,28.e I Tim. . §Tfi1’1d:th€f€~ our Apofilea required btheirstq 73 :rdbcy;rAi1nd“ to fubmit unto them; j V 5: 13 :7», 17. and to count them worthy of : 3 douh1e'hon-’xiot*'bee’r91e‘rirr* «rrheir .l1rahjds«-if :1,:§§Yi.fl3igh.t‘:hah7fi“7f3id (if.¥an;’rfiieh.tI1c*n hart « » 1i?G3.€;l.1¢£-) £116-*Bifl""1ops'fhahremherul>e;N:ii1d'*nQi:' we; "av w.»...=::.;;r: e warnc - rm-rev-',V‘~ ..;«__'.,,__,.,__“ re ’ ~ « , 'hy§nd1'6d ofycarma, ‘ 3W_hen.E.'1 (6) xvarncV,themto“ be-we i are oflording, énddvéié 4 4 ruling 3 but-Satin: Paar, it feemetb, lcneiw of none fuch in his time, when he Tfpake to they ' - ‘Y’ , _ ’ . -t ' . ; ' ‘ *9’ ; .. 1L1. Itmnnottihbe denyed but that there was a Prcsbyt'ery;tor an Elderfhip, 'con_fifting.i ofithefe Etldbts, to whom appettained the pa» \ Wm 05. ordination and iimpofitiion ofthands,‘ I Tim.4.I4. A i .' ; i ' v T he Apofilesitlaemielves ordained Elders, Aft’. 14.2 3 .4 Titw fubfiituted bySiaint Paul at C;I‘C:'Ct, artiained thcmc, Tit. L 5. the Preéfiya ter‘y;or._d;iinedeand impofe'd hands,’ I 4.. 14. ’~Bwt:/I ?.0fBifl1ops, iotgher than Elders, wee reads qfnone in all this time. W T hu's;w.ec" fee mzinifcfllyz cone:-rning'E1.—. <1C;l:$ what ;; the Scriptures‘ witqcffek it in the firft Cbumhc$.P1awatia»n,forthc~{ iofthc fidrftn drs L* and‘ t not iBi{hops¢other;etha E14161‘, afs hC‘»~d id: i11'11i5»EPH.t1¢'CQ““:g-#2 Wtéfls M .L V ‘$4.? III. Th; name Bi{h"op ‘givén by, Saint; .E4ai=.nufli'0E1d‘¢fS. Aime» r7328-»w'?as mtrfor any greater honp,u1* qndj'dignicy to §l1cm;J3-:;m_¢ to nfetth¢n_:1.abnQV¢§:9n¢ another ninipmsrcr and 3 % j 1? Hi: ;ca11ec¥ tb¢¥‘1?¥‘3311”.€qL1311Ynn:fQg§EhCY Bi»; fl3QPw5_{,r-i>Q..tV1»1at O_11c:,;QitY,and;.Cl1f'Jf@11, offi1ie»E«~:: phefiana, 45.20.28. ‘ ~ 2.. , Islcn tC11cth.th¢m w11ercin«-they,)wc:;e«fon «fl1e~vi11¢mfs=1v€s Bifl:ops,n" which wasn».roLfe¢dt t11¢.nF;hLIr¢1?~R§fiI V . xifdicffgion is nc)t.rV1x:1‘c;3ncanxf;gb‘yr £em1;ng,A :'flfih in I M 55 2“-nor C1f€W11t11@r;.;‘ g A ‘5¥‘i‘Y . g;rgi¢y%;.f7¥9m;:an;E1dcr; 1but~a¢%naxnc&givcn3co mxndcthc Elders 0fd1fCharg;1§)gM,;:11”1¢ig duti¢5.§‘i[,.A infiedigfig I/zxe %AC]surtl:,4VVofGod - a name: it was 0f crroncou y 1s*~1mag1n6d':»~wI’nch'*ci%ur is A that ;c111sithc ground of f9{Agr;ca*,§ ti¢n%§i1><>iit Eldérg am1,13ifl1Ops- :1 Q 1 ‘\,’é;A;T!}1;crc_« yrc %;.(=1s”~J£E1d§r$>%.ini~{ m¢n't~19n%9f~¢13xfl1ops ordinar1on,:§1®wft1r:ir éonfecrationw: if _th@-zit camng A hzidr dfliflhfédr T fy0r31~E1d¢fs,‘%a11d%%b€cn= fcf11ig11:ab0VcVt1wr:,:‘.» ans now .c1aimcdsWho cantrti1Y:fiwP9*fé;that~ itifliqtfiéi hm h¢@n9}ti;d¢¢P¢»i4idl¢t19,c§£<2» fédfbvcr 4 VA V. T11cofficeoF%éi'Biflidp,'as“ if flood £0998 11°‘-0f‘d*WF 1;r1f*a1..t.iur.10n..s*i;%* A :It¢4sém§¢.crfffi9sa513sat»12a?1x CW6 % ,tu1'.C.% Tisvmofi Ccrtainc,’fhat.God.»i*1cVrc1;gi3§'i A ¢ 3=iiI1€d finV»fuc11oi.ficci¥% 13iStChi1§’§1i,$?#$:~~c©auld “ notacsfonall b¢perfo1“m¢dby mm thatwas,A E tbhndcmgktifa _nof Vidflqntc can ”.be 4givc:nto%; " th¢wcon§r,a¥xe; ,. L 3.; The B1fl1op§_..yyb1ch4%MSmnt P421 f'p¢akc$ of, were apfioifiicd id tfici1?.flockc,tQ ta~kc‘:tL:h_c:v.V A Qvcrfight t11ercQf,.g.qc:1,;.o%4fccd ¢1é‘t'.;zog 28. % ‘lid were it dégre'c oncly abQv.cj »DCacd’ns, 1»’£ril.4I.1.A Tz’m;3..I.,8. 4 A4. Thc«Pof’cfcripts "to tlimcfctondwfdpifilcaw *[<>~”"""‘F’:’J'%A and%t91WntintYcd. I % _ A =~ Theinfianccs for the Elders? A Aanc¥thcAABAiihops."A A A AA A A ‘ 4 I. In.E1dcrs, whom we fécbcfcirrtclcarfyv provcfl Scripturgand their offictg Wirhv their am*I1A0rity*i_n the Apoflfcs da)7rcs”‘ ‘fivhcfif there were no Bxfho, ,,Othqpthgnthcmfc1v¢5’ A rh’c:‘iLpol1*Ics,‘ah& A who yet in aficr XOR chclfigh Adcgrce of’ their up- ~<(iI). V .% V A ,4 '”‘*;..., “"5 ,__ A,-~». _A ,,, ff w"~ ~ "N , ‘H _V..,., _V thexrr d.wfncr1g1*xtby6~li%étIc and htthe, whichw now rd‘torcd to ' in, thq: Réforifiéfl InBxfli;ops,.whmh §3!h9V.§fi:1dfrg*afrcr A '-the Apbfiicé dayr¢§,by drdinanfifi AA fhOP:‘1f'cvcr V '5 *3 fer up; hatthlong“ C<>'mizauci<.i,fia1‘1d§'is'~ dcfcnélé chcrcEfc>e'rc* now as 1%pofto1ic12}111,%.al‘A'+ A 'cAthc*d'* % A is”inf_ orcegc r is re?- bcl hL1mb1é*Apo1U:¢§,£fid iir immcdfacé u.ceefi‘m1rs%:1ieycrkn¢w of‘; ?’_[‘IL Prom Falfdfu 4 .ttiéons,outofr11¢ir' own: in1agihation,fu,ch 4% thcfe.% A‘ 1 fiofllcé’ day“cs «~Biflaopsdiflcr1n‘g ‘_frQrp; }:.1‘dcr.s.V % % 2. That they were by dwrnc mfhtutxori p§a‘c¢f{'fififle»’>? A iP&dul<‘**1a¢¢l:d; have iurifdi¢’ci<>n,9v¢r» the ¢:Mii3i%i angl» gChu1‘chcs.j I ; I oilirioitgs, and A % Muigdprcaftété malgc them gqowd-, W11iiich*ngm; ,i1mv‘; bighéggg ;d_‘0nc§'; moi} fgr any 1-cafownyet Gods fwardflcan A ir~hie3mc1oc.:fr:i11wl1ih11‘4;im¢ All Eliéfc aicbuu mcctc £313: yqclnufl hold the teaching Elde1‘s:p-lace ghc A _ Bilhops by Saint Pziuls divinity, "and.fioti‘iit‘£,y§ pt;l1€1‘,,»l31lt fucl1las.ibel,ofmaps humane ificrl; U M .-‘l,.£.H in §..J.’.l.l3 ¢.lfv’»'.ll;;ifi:1fi."§f,,1 ,5 l‘ilw”~ji_{wl£ ;a;m4:;J . .1‘ .« L. Ofproalwizzg R:¢v¢l;i 2;: null .fl“*Di€£iéil'7"i V Bi/7wp_:. ll l ‘.g.:;‘ . pa '+' ml. .‘ ‘ ~- V N ilmarul ra ‘ If any yet will iprioiclucctl1¢.Ai1g§:llofitl1¢i CliurthiGffiplzcfusgfievazérsb-4Whithvdncczi I)o<5tor tookefor his t¢x‘t‘, "to prove tl1chiéc~ :1 DiocefanBifl1op, let him plcafe to,cohfidcr, that nothing » imzliat text afl%>rd'er1;. any tlxing t9.illpr0v<:lanyhdioqefanbiilaokp, 7 9 I- The name“ Angcll rovk:th' if not lg, 3; 6 ~ 1‘ V ml” cjtommoninamc to Cvgftry a'itl1fullMheffci1gcr f::nt:ofl_God‘3 as Iol2z:B4pt:flwas, Lkfé 7: 3:}... Orlhiefména. al§=I?émMeIrcngcxs fan‘: :6" Cfirilli were’ called 5 wh(:1fc h'1t1i,i:LIHCZl‘1i,f21ai;C§i;Ihé'W0fCI Meflcngcr and M6‘.i ="g¢¥Siih.i9 P119.;,.}03‘isiig31T” ‘al 1 4; h‘ arc I rm , farg fifimgglf, and Angglsjgyhat%forcc4th*e11cm;&‘ there be mthc barc‘ Anamwc ofAnge11'to pjrovc’~g . hrdiffimékionmof offi’é:cs%11c:1:eJ.’“ , VA ,‘- . Ch%u1‘c11cs, AbL1t'7‘tI1"’c:. AP;afl:bur Ofonc Chfurcflh,’ 3%: heisfaid to heme:LA.ngc11bP*%rhe Church o,fEp1iefL1s~=;‘noxv* the ffdckr zindh 4C11Lir4chA:tIi€tc" "was but’t5n£3%,Aé?,i 2 Q~:.i8; Y and 1) c17e%hcé.is rthté‘ Ahgcll over GIN: V€23itic1I?é;&£’tit:1g%e3;}§t'c9?z);%%i“;%z;q';*;3.z'2d 2~.5u*-£1n‘d noté)VéfV"C2Ifid1c{’ciCkes[réj§i‘éF¢ntTng‘ (3”h‘ut'ches. , % A1]gé11.*'%‘VvaS%,. -fizéit to His A‘ Cliurch and‘ Ca'ndIcflE,i'cke m”chtioned in? this’ CJ1mp‘tcra:ad t1ic[£1ex't"V%: Aha"thc%%v§xy niimfiefi" éaffevén ChL1r"c11 '€s ‘fmd f'cv<:r1 Angels } i111;51y?-- i cith the fame “and t1_i‘é1*éfo1*c% nc5i‘1)1i’é3&cf:iVnVVBVi;—'= ifibffigfilch 21$ ‘ outs bag‘ wl1o4w‘a.i‘"c 211l'fd1fjfL1i‘[if:g‘445 ( V *4 d%i‘t5tio1*?,\n'ithout fiarticttlar CIJ1“C*fC5fS:011I§S. ‘*7 I -1 L The word Clixjzrch 1jct'r(j: Ijeclxzc tr;mflz1t¢d by lcamcd Tiz2d;tl_:M,3rfyr;,;' and ‘V;-n%‘~ 6111* old # Church Bibkcs hcgctdfam V by ,Vth_Vc i*mm¢Congregétibn"‘; as"n*‘otih§ p%articuM1:%’ C*Hi1i'%3 ma rigs‘ W*eé';iA'may Pay :15 ,%1:’;ii:oc11"i;%11 ‘ (;rhxxVrc1:s;%Hma%«§>c: :~s;aa‘ri{r1‘%t;%£’ Ephc*I’us5 atitl fo 'other*_ :1‘-¥1”s;1_1f;;ches‘i.x1’o§hi::: tisgs 3 as,1th‘e P~arHh*of’ Aléxfifflfifiay%;'li1i¢*;=*P»<’1iS 'S’i1i?4di;é.;8cC'i itédby? 6h*é§5mfié’¢aIVi11gQ1}&ispa; _ <‘.;, 'w1L1‘o grnfwéred IDEi.ADv£v%I}1:5Mi53‘i‘L'i1€>:i?; §"b%1§fi-j . H . ‘W 4- W W L v .V;,,!‘ .1 J: _‘ ,_ .‘.: Q 1‘ rm", if.‘ _ _ at ' = I V Nothxng 15 1161;: poker; ofthis A ;gc11s*comnWa*i¢n»ané* ;1??=¢tiC<"».‘*i¥1i?33; ~ *6; angcfth n<:c»t<>”;cvcry~fa~ ~fu11*¢~MxH1fler%+£&d 4 4 V ' “ “* Paftom‘ I I. This A'n'@;e11A wi1sn’ot a Bifl‘1op'oFA APa£touvof—j»Chrif¥ (:4) % ‘I as t:o,.wqrk:v!,% fq labotxxiqa M. hisFa1VV1i€1Eibi1,tobce aricnx’;“5n ” yctmott fufibr t;I1é”ciriII4," a1id‘t'0“t1'y~ 'a_1l:i'r:.%'I’each%crs,::4nd %nQt_At9 faint; what i‘s%a11'tfiis fo prove Di0ce{‘a.n;Bi- fl'1op, 02= one man in dignity ovVa2anoc11$crA€4 ~_ 1 - If this x.v<:rq _.a _- .Dioccian Church; fey were thc bthcr fix‘; £61“ no more? ctmbéé {aid fo::.ft1'xis,VtI1Wan for thcmf; butthcr-c were alfo, other famous C%_hu&rch¢s inyAfi2i%bc-{ides thefe, ’:is% an Derbe,Lyf‘cra,I'¢m1iLxm, Antioch‘ in Pi-L fidi5aP¢*€3sQ°l9ff¢sHi§‘1‘3I?91i$5 .T1'°35 # were the: c Dxgqgfan Church as *3, Itrcfis . to bu “vm a» 2 we -W .._..._..._.__.m....».--...«~--—-w——-—-:-—-«*--'~ p1’ fed . . Ifall were, 4 thcnFwcrg thcifcfo ma-«—‘ rjy mother Churg1_1cs,1f.wcAA fp§akc,as“ nowwc; hc3Id‘Diéic“c:faziChurc1g¢s:Bucmothcr Chute; chcswc in Scripture r_cadc"9f none but»tWQ3‘»= W thc Heavenly Jc1'Lxfa1cn1 from above, Gal. 4. 3&6‘: W511? $91911%fl1Am¢th¢r 9f;,H4”1Q§5:hF"C w below, Revu.1'7»54.’ A ~ ‘I V I. Tllc {cope ofChrifi9s% Vwf1;tiVng1:)‘y % to gzlucfc fcvcn Churches, was {lot to {ct out. 33¢ "031'Y Ofthfzfé Angels, as havind powers, 0V3 Y C11‘ Bf¢t11f€n%“:~~but fniyftcriciu y Lo fan out the fc\(4:jn—fQ1 cl{iatc ofVChArifls Church. unto the end, in» rhcf-: fcvmchurchcs, "I35: Chrifl himfelfc witn dT4eth,‘I£t*z2.z2.1-$5.» A ‘ — « _ ¢ Thc céricly oné Angeli, C;aflI10t1nf'6IfrC chgghc was there over othcxfs, 2<§‘a pigcéfgn Bifhop : But it argucth am 4A “tb0#1ty1n*b1s own: Chargcgas a Pafiourovcr his[fl_oc1§h9tn@:10 sII¢1’eirt1€mi¢,$&pI*o’« e hducedr: fore ;Bifl1bps; ahrehieah 1~f them‘ gfuch as A ‘lived not _within the firfl: 2. yeares. , W A A s; Th‘2:1tifan A {peak offuch Bifhops with- » .§inAthat fpa;ce»,r~ e Ctjyf, from_ their owne‘ times . vvheleiin ;they. wrote .,r filppofe Bifllopsf gobcc -A »~fuCh;fI.' 7 A ding tl1emfelVe55.h the ehdeceive theiruncaute» A lens Readefs, and 0e maintaine a1A1errour,, e zmntrary to the Apofiolicall writings. A V 4 W116 Apoft1eshdayes,.and«£ip; bpggi_ A A O=:(;3od give thy truth acceptance . hhearts: ofthyf people” ; ;:, UR. ‘ ‘ ;= on A A ‘ Iv! ~_Ifl;i3;~11A.€Ax¢fi;i1i1A0I7i}?:C3fl bc3~p1?0duC€C1‘io;reachin¥e— A 4 to;h£rh<2efi1ifi hundred of? yACaI.'Cs%u'ht,adcf the Ape» ‘ e ‘ ..-an .. 4'" m... ....,.,,,,_, _ - % % 117) A7? 0 ‘ I 0 ferio_uHy to M bc cqnfideredof. A Q % \ We my Wt 519? 4?} thing in and 4604: :tée~wo2j1:z:p4im/férwice of God, "w/zic/7.;/241%‘ ‘ )natfirm.wdrr4n_tfi*qm 12:3 ‘:mfittcrzJ/Vard. ” A A 1- < I %;A_;tura~ll xcafon lezrdcthus untothis, to y g» g % doe iGods4fer.v»ice,V~.Aand what:‘m:ijz"fu‘r» fther it, aftcrvtI1c.wi1.lof,God,V as i7p4eakcth the I~Ic*:athen King,L_"fa'r.7.1’8.V w x "A ~ V4 A We‘e~Iatct1'2z’fiac!afl7rt as is r1tj(;c_n,,,orot.6crw{fi: than iS»writtcn,%' Aisnot "%s:}ith;o7_u;2faIa»l§ béforc God, ancI.par‘&1o;yt@4lvrc‘ $ C 2 askcd k!§2J A asked Fo1'thAef3mF‘-aA 2 557"” 3°‘ 5' 1,83 V T . * _ ,1’-"1]ve_ ’a’ncidnt*pcopI~cpfjGod, after that the ScriptL11‘es i>vc{re written, were ‘tycd to the Word writtcn, Iaflx .8. and*23‘%.46." 2 mg.,1 7. 36 and not.t0g0 afid€’fif0H1.=!I1Y °f~1'“5 f.W9«1’d5 1>m.22.x4. 2MCbrM-33-8-A%N:wm5.4’%4- ané 9 3 4 andthéy didas it was written, 2 Kmg. ‘. %*;4r52';‘zg3,’.4I4%. V‘ £fJr.3;.4; g_C/Jro§n.3o.1(5W. :.3£'2rén. 16. 4.0.’ 2 %CT»(vira71.g§;.12.4.; .*E{a‘r.6,I8~. f N«é>6;.8.1::5;. and 'awhy.ought we what now to doe fo‘ gr: %;~‘;;g:;;e4;hi1_vc 23I1mhatti1Cy'had ‘WIRUCH, and more alfo forour * M * Tlzcy then wait: urged to the Law, and to thé Tcfiimészmy (x1:1c%.bVn(_nkbi.cif£hc%L0rci‘,_5E‘ at .;34. 136. holy Smpmrcs) .;u:c0I=d‘rng to which ifthcy “fpakVe"not., it wasbecaufc:there% was noflight in tlmn, .Efu".8. zo.And our Sa- 'v‘io;,Lr.fi:nt ~hi.s hczmrrs no the: Scxtipcurxrs. 19% 5.39. and fo did Saint P{t¢r,as to afurqVword,¢ VI. To doc any thing without thcjword, ih:oL1rin1mcd1m*c:fcrvzcc to _G0d,is {in-me, for jm~is~ «’wi»«%%, tramfgkcflion, 1 J4Jaa£m 3.4. it mam _fl1irtMTFflfif£?g#i , it is without FaithA"&n~u§, which re uircti1aVwo1=d,+aAndiFithe-¢ motor” ‘faith, it is 1n,Ram.14. % A A % A ~ W I; fIn't.im5c ofthcmwvfor building the Tabem’:lclc,V%&was A puma-me given froxn%hca?- van, Exod.25.9. {afar building the 'I'*cm’p1C-9 J God flxcwcd to .D«wid”tl'1c~pa3:tcnm, : cm». A x ‘1fi2¢.g.~”6. 38, mldwhcn Temple was to 39.9, 19. % Svfldmiw did mqfiiy FOIFOVV5, be my ‘ ‘ V ¢3e4>ufl&f3d§r1*fd*’pam%bxuic;f'dr%nt,amdxfifliiim; was given tomzéwéialco fla.cwIhé‘4p%cop1c,A z'ecl:;43. 1:5, £1; f'I’h;c%A.1;o1*r abdut*;h&Vf;.'ITzém M afierthc Tabemaclc“’which ‘ithéy. .n'Qr%thc‘rq-adifiyimg 0‘fe,l’&9i* al1.cmorrcy-%- Gtiont %fdt aI1"inItrm&ib1agifi ’r?ght@om{néf1'c;.,*£b that: b1‘;c is no" doaringm; Ipwovpbuixdérfl; bwtdmmrmmgabie Sidrlfittnic, nothing to bee T ayicig »nor!a‘ny t1§“ing»co11dc1n~ ; A mmd«£dreia9M,bmu:liy‘:Scrip\t1.;wci%n::>t‘anyth1ngd allowed for a vcrtuc». b“F,W1.13t1101Y W*i?~a9— wovadé, r£m.u3 .15. % That, fa by. hoiyrsqrip; turcs the man of’ God (every gad1yt‘MiniIwt A of Chrifbnmay be pcrfcéhthroughly fumifl1- cd (or A ; . ’;.workcs, « verf. I 7. V _ V This being {Q5591}! men ~mf~’G'odfzt7S=a11A true ,%P3fiW1$bh(Ehnifc4xrugi‘K r t0‘b*ac) flmoimldiwtfff A 4 .% «tr C 3 gmcic %rcem=,; (go) 4 tguid-can thing" m GLods:ve:o'tfl1ip. being V foanjimmediatefcnviccuntohimy 4 MIX. Ifa1ldivine.fcrvicc,a1ad all~andA% every part be {ct-dvojvvnc , and to bc¢.1¢a£,fi€d4:94ui; nf helya Script:urcs;., ~; «cheni_may:W¢c :11 iC3t1T..k. ¢.1TC ro1nf't_h€m-,.=b.Ut fa1i€%;»t11cm asa%p€rfe.é’c &1rc~ éiionfor a11»:fC3ods fcrvicc, lclfé t0~what4‘Apur~ - L Apfofe did.aGod, fo p5artieclJ~1ar1:y”ta1 A Ifi‘21C1,21ma:r7.9. and the"Tcmp1c yuzzdar the gojpgl they~,baC*U311Cir mectirzgsand, Affcma h1icS,M-$1;-»I:8*£m~nwherc phc people mczztoge-« thcrin4onc%p1acé,~H?5.~14o;"2s. «.1 Car. 11 .V..m. ‘ A.;lp‘2‘A.;IA6./J.M V ’ _ . % , ‘ J?’*1‘%,«~::+g2r4y:r:. Viv: 4» :4 9 «I - ~ Who Inuit uttcr4thc‘p1jayér,ftHl1c» Friars, ‘ flab. - .55‘ my Néh-8:6. and fo com awed» ’4?¥I:{-14,1154» -.« A20. and 2.17%.“ VHt'_!fI'I4.~2M. AA A . A , 2. . To whom to pray,fo C§od, Gen. 4. 26.‘ and 12.8.%and 21:33"; 1 Sam. 12.18. I Kings. —....a~.u.__"_____‘_ 18.4362;«W-4~24.%%axadV16-ms»—. V»Por%whata : .fiich itlaitigs .aS.wcrcfLv- tab1c~;Ato»wt11e ’occafiQns5and,agrecab1e to Gods Ne/1.9; Iael xs.gan.d~z. » ~ -4.5%, ‘..'12_1~1c$ manner, With one acccprd, 44?, gm. I49‘?-zoezé-and 2I-5%- V dut ofa pure heari; 1! Timfz f€r.%\f¢:iéIj‘_?,‘ Iw-s¢-365.17»W-4:12+°arn€‘f"1¥>Ff?"€2?v%4 w.ithi1ncxprefI%:b1e‘gron¢s,?1«Zm.8.26¢ and In n1;eHQ1y,G11o5Pc,._Iude 20., without w11atI1,%or d4<:»ubting,:-4fime6s8ji M1. W%:1:99£VaiI39:bab: @1mg;4zea~¢».w-V A 5 .% T11ic7gcfh'11‘é, Wiwth %reVcr’én'£ %I%_n¢eIihg§, ‘ “ ‘ I ‘. ' M, .. .-J 4‘ r’ 9 % 43$ 5 V «A *. ' *. ' _‘ ‘ ‘ ‘an. '‘ .‘. V ‘ ‘ W‘ ‘ ‘nah w_ mu" m M 3 " ("L T’ ‘ ‘ ‘I; %-‘sum. Mair ”*’ M % I " I - i " “ ‘J\ ‘ ‘ . 7% add * -1» « , .« n % V "xux H». W A an , .‘ J. “ ‘I ‘ -’¢“‘,“,_‘r: ‘.1 »p.,:~,_ 9'. “1_.‘.‘\ “Ar M " ’ ‘ >3 ll "' W‘ “ “ ' '‘ "J " "" “ i H " ‘ m we ‘ . " A %‘vi»natter¢tfhc%tx§1y ScriPtur¢SsD¢¢'-12% %1.W??*-3-%:4§~§£%3%»Fi-i394t~¥~5w“' C.”"4???~5° A‘ v‘ V 2" . The n1anne1§,difi1n&1y,N :5. 3.8-“ 4, " ..A W." V rcad Wcfcfihfifééx‘ 7 Ta2x¢”iW'2 . wfi 13F?3g§?§o 4. The gcfturc ufecfof the Read“; W35 W fiahd“P:N‘b'8:4a3».‘4§‘~§1~9‘37§“k‘~4'I6' Ike 9.!%§1:~£€€!££%‘»&’?€?§*I:~3M%:...§$*1€ *3; 6%’) ..,. , ,. % ’.., ~e .% §_ “.._;¢ _,,,%.' ,., M %.-»~:,% fear; ("3€5If:,“ andfto %c§fc;v_vc: 331$ W9;jds;*4hiV M,’ ‘ P-. 7+ ‘ ' ; rarmiezg. % ; . I. The, 1nqtter‘W£l*$‘4C2'd'I¢d Sou ‘S ‘“Si(51*f, flit‘: Lc‘>rds° fong._,‘Pflz; 13 7.2; : as the C éFD4'l3id. Pfltl. 1.} and II 05%. *1‘ Cbrmd 6 .72 '3fld fh€‘1‘¢fi ofhi“s‘Pfa1m¢s4, fofof Ajztflrsj, A" Hevian, and re. M615», Pfalrnééa. rmdlfi mn¢9»Aa"nd fiizirirwm So‘ngfs»E2fi-$449-Mat: 1.4‘-26-hI*?f¢=&%653¢§;¢’€r 2; “j'Th}:11ia'nn:-r; ‘ with a';¢yfix1xncszre, Pfil. V95-,2:;a:1s1 3101-1dJ'fi?.1-3%-I.-with-W154! and gréwin the heart; E; A " -3419-i“ ‘€79’-§1:3**A%?V3“1‘* tht5Spirit,'a'ri%d@Vwith underfiandifigfi j 3. TowhQm,to the Lord, 2E’brm,2oL2I’. “.’/"-9.5-I-EP”-5-I9- % A 4; Who wcrctofiI;g,'~Téfi1€‘drréf'c*ontfo t beginnefo the titles 0 he Pfal. I40. and di-- . vers other titlcsgfnitlu 21$" fafight to fi-ng,I‘ Céra; I 32;; . 7,; Cgbtm, 2 3. 1,3. ,and_them {Ct over t1'fcmgr"fot1g,16'43r’flx'¢l:fagz; I 52.‘: 3. T2" éb‘rm.£931*8;Vthc }éfl*§1itb'gcthcr imcbrifis tim¢=M4t- 1‘1i‘3?' .‘¥¥1€*,‘.3}S AB9i}¥5€”<*?i¢$$0’- " I} 5;. jfTh%ecnfd,% pgaifi: give ithankei to Cégqakz,‘ 15?,’ It}*.2*o. I13 .& A A2 Cbiwi} \ 5:‘”1fd zfimonfirh réadi anc+an¢s;h;r,a»z. 3%; xé-Wand thcmfc1vcs,,EM-5-19% Hi-Prt.¢rb‘ L ‘I. 1"ht'PrtachcrLW:tsA23’dtfl at Icvitc, Dar. 8,9.;and3aA..z2. and 35. go’. ’1(l1l£fi.3.7..and\ %. >1 under the Gofpe11~af_tcr Chrifi, thc;.Apofi1cs, % 1 1141.2 8.1 9,.2oA. the hvang§iIiRs,_ Pgftours and Teachers, .Ep6.4.'.. 11,1 51 3 .’ fuck as am fem’. 12011.10. 1 5. 2. V’ A had at Pulpit to hig11cr tha;n thE_ A 1fcfl:,N4'x5.8 4,5 . the %¢fh11"c,fl:md ingV wverfc % , 1&1 3,16; and. 1*/”.. g 22; ‘though.’ Cérifi fate am flood fomctimcs,but it fccm; nth the Doéiours did fit,M4t..2.3 . 2. A 3. Haviugo cued bookc, allthc peo- Qplc ftood up,an he blcffcd the Lord,_and an the people anfwercd Amcn,Amcn, with lift-~ up their hands;.bm_Ning thcif heads; wot-‘ flfippingthc Lord wxth thcit faccsfltomxds the ground,Neb.8.6. W A g m A % Q 4. T he matters to bc taughgwcrc ‘(f1c,Sta— tutes ofthc Lord,Lw.1p. I I .his Jud cméncs and his Laws,D:nq.3, .10. the Law 0 'I(¢:.r, Nelv.8,.I.7.wh?at commandcd,£:.34;34 the ofthc Lord,z Cbrmgo. 3. xighcway 1 34:42.: 3. find to now zycd,to at-ach whatfo- ever Chrifi hath c0mxpandcd,M4I.z8.:o.thc word ofthc Lord.,z Tmz.4.2., 8.1 1 . rmgofuaclmd, a¢t?.t8.z5.‘¢h7c Gofpcl, Jlar.16;t5“.allthc'Acoun{tli ofGod, and What is profitable, 45.20.20 , 27.and this thcpco- plcarcto rcccivc 4&?.m.33.-- Dmis .370’ ' . Ah . _ . 5. The manner as, ._.-—-"'”‘*- L .. the R;v?rds"‘a§fl€1ie§r ‘ife_aa1“~Whé3M» ,e$«;»wmgonwasAmuglz¢;i~:5w‘e-finds _tl1ate=‘th¢‘1°£pQ‘Mc prayédV;3I2?£‘£'8‘.§&: ‘ ~ @- LaI‘tI~y.; V this preaching was "~con{tah€TcVé1»‘y Sabbat~hday,‘Aé?.‘I 5.;2 1 . %w1iich‘tExt‘is7"abtif€*d t(#) fleading fovbcA ircaéhihfgqbutfthcplaih ~ grammaticall confltrix iodofitlic Grc¢ké'téxt_: overthfiowcth the fal;_fit:y~W tht-reef’: and afifmw vercfihthn ptaachingfw-héfi théfsaxip, tuf@,s¥%Were.i»r¢a'd.»‘ * “ - A .. “Far z;dm:‘r;z?j(’ring4'¢be'~sw?r;?’:Ev2£»i d”Bdptifvtai : V AJ:4.?7l3'he»~pci}fons ‘to«bapbizc.’airc. f'ct:AduwM,’ “ » % w»tIzztr.*28.Vm5?9»r1¢Car;‘1.::6.: t . ~ - *1 \ 2%; mm:ymrons4:o£yeamm%.bcc bhptiiéé}; .A6;i‘_i.»‘1 64.314, 3 3. and 8', are noted to b€‘Tuc1i21_s bclccvc; Mar. ‘raw. W ?7:2‘3fld.f6pCfl§, .Ifl7.2«38. A sf... and“ ’ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ “Q ‘E, " ‘f”‘u"‘ v.-'1. ‘ix ? . ‘:rr1¢%* *%£4¢£'m;: 44 % ?'§n:;»§V\M,; Vs 9-r?!.§.l wuvw. _ WW *1.9¢v34I%.?.?§?z?r.V?Zhf3$«*F‘ _ :.§E?£::Th~c Mfif‘ "to xrc uTl ‘ at%inthe.;~fam¢ Co? .: f, 7‘ C’ 11‘ ‘I ‘ H M X “ . M M W M ‘I . fzénant vs(1th%hi1m. a1’fcI«b.Y V=;muc¢t13s?1f°i°sf €111“ % dr¢nar¢*° Ma? . * ' A :4 1 3- T11e.fQFm¢9, » as-kW9fd§eA§::.{:®f _ e M M “ ,, ._4L‘?i'w2.'-§P34.3PY:¥K4f?V-3.8-3????’ {W .43 ;T1?¢« éxlalmqra..l9:¢a111ngauP35 ‘»1 ‘fa ‘yin in 11» ita % siall ‘1‘iF?g3“i¥9.F‘71 ;w§a1¥n§+ . % " a 2, A ‘ xzaingsnoftheixown (:26) ;~ 4 fhirgkxmflufi bcmofmcchunch,xm.;4.z9n.. a ‘ an ?, _Th;at mqnfpm ednwsgana natxirc*int:11y;izfidé'm‘¥‘crcnr. wzmdnzg. x 2. 1Car.I9.23.bci n A lawful} andrggfitabk, I Cnr.§.I;.:nP§ 10.2? dcccncyand ordcrnbcc Q’bfcrvcd,, uca.:w.4o. 4 Tn ~ ~n n ~ 5. That they tend to, and makc for tyo%Go65~r€w.*m;32.¢ V V A 6. That they give r-10% offence, ‘I Clr.1o;32;f.' ’ -*7. “That they 413:: ‘news a fltxmbfling blocks, or an Qccafion to othcrs of falling Ram}: :13-_ M 7' ~“rn£"!'-hé{’c they be Apofloimal. 2;'I‘hcy are all of them to bcc confidcrctfi being til! of%1nflIatry,1 “K i71g.i~2..z 8.5-M2 cbrozm 5.1.6.; A W A-. ~ 7. Bare cufi0111c‘:, fox‘ 1:9.Ki11gsrT¢igncs'ncu« flrm1s:<“"f0r.. «t'1%:c:Ms.o1»*111i}> ; at» Dan and .'13.6tk1é1; xn~'%m«1m@b A A 11,0 _,;gL¢. mk-4 % .» “ " V any n w «r .:~ 1‘ Am ~ ‘ ‘ " W *- “id "* ?:»i;%r 4;:OVu1‘; ownc W:aPkptL1.1'@~m««€Q}l@£M~E1%eflm,e.§11e-*dQ@;<§;;1c~m;1y V zfixgfl. Ami ,'Ifhus falfe Prophets feducedthe pebg$1e,’iI~ .Edm.2.I«4; Eze'ms3.¢3; ':‘It’)“aI 74:*;.3,t;~5i;itt;ind 243:. A 2;.6,27;flt1d2s9.25.Mf¢;3}e5v.‘= v y 5* EA ‘ A Thusflin the Apofiles dayeesfoniedid ifeelc-=4 t0;%~dee~eiV¢$2-Thfiflrz.2;-:1 * => * ii’ A * i t__, 11 . -tGoodiiiintentions notsx§Ji1i*i'anted9h“y the ’ e ‘word5,iaSt may ‘_be”*f_oene ineithei i*of-V‘z.«az¢b~,*. ; S4m‘§,6§i7. wfiiegesitis‘ica11ed»atn4érr¢i+, tfrafli-— _ nefleg So inaztrying thee Arkeg and n'ott=he1‘e-— A in ’feeking'iet11'e_«L’ovd aftert ~_d~neeorde13 1 'Cém.“ ‘r5o.1s3t.t In Snulseoiferiing fnerifice, 153nm.-1 3 .9, I 3- In Vz.:z.i4b" attet'h}$t‘in'g‘*fidis’goeunto the 4 Temple to hnrne incenfe, 2 C'(5f073.2.6;I 6 4 be» catift itiapfiertained not to*S'm3Z,”i1oif to Vzwfi A i 4:/2 fo to doe. T-hegoiod and p1‘aif:-f—v‘vor’c11=5;* intention of D avoid to -Build the Lord an honfe with 1Vt'lt-547”! approbation, yet was it not no» cepted of the Lord, to give him Way‘ to ful- fill his int‘ention,becau{'e« God hadnoti bet-fore.” declared his will herein,z S4m.7..2,3,5,7. ‘ ‘VI What may feeme very fitting in mans wi[- - I dome, whhout his word, God is pleafed to" «crofI'e;1éa,s*forinPcance, in building an Altar unto the Lord,in mans reafon it would feeme ' very fit to build it of hewne Pcones,and not of J: . whole and undreffed {tones gyet God a11ow- - éth ofthis,and difalloweth the former, till he i gave a word for it, Ex-ad.2o.2s. ~ Dm.i*27;5 . which Io/inch Vobferved, Ia/$8.30,; xi. hutzm V A idolatrous Acbazfollowed his eyes and wi<:‘—i- £3g;'0) 1 A Tkcd fimtafies, it} the Abeguty o£an4A1f3¥7gx 1s6.;«mo».. v ' A . A ‘ %%-Laftly, that we doc: not vary from the Sari‘;-_ pturcs, id and about wo1:;Ihip, let us co«nfidm:“j ~ “ 4 . i MA j . A 1 .What bred the Po ‘iflr Supcrftition and V idolatry, but notc cavin to the word 1' Q." hath bVecnc,%, anf is the cézufc of divi:fi.onA and contention in our Church, but about 4cercmoaics,formcs,g¢fiures, and manncr ofgqvcmmVcnt,noc follows- in; the Lords ward , andhis~bravcnly \v1f:d~omc herein 9: . % “ T Weigh mill, aitdmgfidcr, alike Loilgiocut udcrflanding in altbingx, A Amen. Ccrtainc ,. . .1 ‘ 4' V " w h - ’ ‘ \ vu s ' . ‘ . , ., .,, ‘ ‘. V W % N *‘ “ , « . . m eivtainflrcipofitio ns¢ga$ther€d if? %!>h1 Bo:»k%:«% aw» _ H ~" %- %%a1;Vd print:cd«‘byjthcV a11mv—- J ans: 9fau:A11<>ritAy. ? K’ "‘ ‘ H ‘ ,, ‘ ‘ .. ~- - -V ‘ J ‘ ’ ‘ I * «‘,.‘~(‘~: '.- ‘,7 ‘,""“‘ ,1» "Wu ""‘; ".~«' " 1k w ‘ _, A, ‘L1,. ___, 2 1. % An .?'*_. L 3 I. Vrcaaacrzazag Vlt4%+J6>6V:Ar,¢:./1- %, = : H“ 5”‘ =<“- "? %. A % non. - rggaining Fo!.z77.fc&. ' % “foxmdarxvn wilds W ‘or “- jflubblg upon It, and‘bc1€C- ving~Awhat*i$;¢ prccif¢1‘nc~ cau- ‘in"6t'hEr things very pro- ccaary5ycc»e£r¢~:m ‘id .4 i ;s 3 . 3 ’ ‘* ' AA A \ , . A‘ \_~:‘-:\. \ ‘ 5 ‘ sx ‘. \‘\V X‘ \ s. \x\ \ “ , ; .0. n, :\ at \‘ \ \ . ang¢r<>v*1 firabléiu:',:.+3.;4.;.‘3; ; A M A A .. 1: "T1*‘is':i‘id¢‘fi‘4=‘ n6~rcaf<.>mvhv ft.ICh==1 CW-‘h fhould pl¢"afch¢’r‘ rc1=£¢ tciomuch forrcsauung fundamcntall truths , while {11c c”rcma.1nc$ T0 4 '51‘€§51‘d1€fl'¢ < >'5hC1' "““‘h5?' I 44 VA A. 4 vv;19‘ is try; t»h';tcan,g1vcl11er fufficn-V ‘cfic :iffuran;c,¢th'at‘%tl1¢ nc‘g1¢6°§ of fuch truths is tlotdamnablc ’ " % _ A 3,1" %Whb is thcrethat A_ can put her 1n fuFfi-- tiinficfifitiong that thcfclwcrrours about profi- B % v tabla V "V »§3L‘EX«‘3P- J ‘ ~ , 4» ¢, I ‘ ‘ ‘ W. A « the amlw 11? ‘ "HE, -Iv‘-»"~u - ..‘.«‘»2‘.¥v .. ‘aim It, ’ ‘: V‘ , Mr ' '~ «U h. .);'i. h V h?§B+?’3'4'hhl“' tab1ém¢€ters«~»mayhn (accbfdhing tmhe ufu}-‘ h 9h9dits%h°fsrr9nr>h,&brinaW‘. 9;*hcr.s<>Fh h M qua:1xtm~hP¢rnimx&hand 31! féc [I ‘ A "A r v “ v - W ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - 1 y .‘ ‘y ‘ ‘. ht . .» N‘ J I -w‘ ‘ ’ h '_ ,l0Q M, u ,‘. ,_ . 1, IV -1“ 4 ‘ ~ ‘ V‘ V‘ .., 4 ‘ . v \ - 1 . " ‘ ‘ ., “ c xemihham h in h « ". " ‘ ‘ I ‘w ‘7 ‘ v. ‘ ‘ 1, ;« ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ _ “ ‘ ‘ m : \ ‘ ‘ ,A _ . u 1" “.~ ., « « ‘ Iv 7 VA A V‘ ~43‘ » ‘A , ~ ';\\“-‘¢"I’«V' :-**”u.~* ‘W. » ,, ,;,."” 3 ‘ I ‘I -‘V" " J"J‘ _4' “ “'-" u‘g~ y - ” ‘-“"= “ w"‘ 4 U .. fl w .4 1 ‘ “ I‘ ’ “ ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ « urn : tcs »a«..h I ‘. A ~ ~ . ‘ 9, nj“_,_m-__ . _‘. -...K ‘“":L{l“‘l“fi"‘!“‘-‘. J "' "' piety *3‘ ‘ A = _1 4% ;Wh‘35 h3¥h*fiI.fl§‘$i9nE13’ hyfi , d1Tc11arged her duty to Gfiodhanhclh‘ 1; an by‘ a.- 4 we‘ wfdyding .¢3+zge1y:f’Li*dd:rfi1a7nfa7l1." hé‘iEéfié§,‘ ‘*3 in the niéafiesfivhdifhééh-bté§1§égIigé¢5ir:h:!&f'bthcrsv, though ndt falvhtion, nor doc i1ft1mcdiat*é~l—y5é1£im15ré:;"j7é€36c» ' A hQb£_curC aI%1dh,hiI:1d.§r.'t4heMw;L};..towfa1x£ation.r:.. * W _ Arc cauf=:s _andMQccafions thiit, 1+n‘ahy'mcn run : ‘ ' ‘ the way bf‘Qhfi-f‘ti~a&.]pi&t3z*i'iidrc*remifly than 4 W A thcyfl1ou1d,many=tod£cfc;3rc¢vtl1cir~nq§,>g;a1?ancq, .. A !I‘=1n«yht9;g0»¢ e°F“f¢9.m» ’ ” - hhexrhhh- hfci . ‘ ~ ' .. \ 'c:1x;h1.n:r tzfi rm. . W. “ wgw ‘ ‘ny- v‘' (t V‘ 2» 5» Ir: 5,," ‘M .1n‘\\ “ V ‘ ' " ‘ .u ‘i 7 u H, .4 ‘X M‘ * -u . Rm I ..t_ 5°»; M tfttgrag.hminq4g'x1 - 166% to rcfo‘m1c,h not pérm “ti-“1é’1’1’t»‘1hh"%'toh 5: .r(¥*‘?F:R°"§:93'b,. >,991[é52fl£.1¢d;h;ansL:eny% any}. A M " “man. h 2-* N0‘: with d%¥9~'fi€1¢J%F)Ea;+3% h I h ';,.?h3,_.3':;'V'*a, r'\.V*[',<'.'“."fi}« I ;* :B:1wf?hh;t¥r¢ha.crrou:~ahh‘:a saw way M «-1 ’ “ hcr;’cothm:3nE1‘e_clTtm1;§4:";, '7. v ‘ ‘ A . 1‘ ‘, . ‘I “ - ‘-3’ "" N‘ "V ' % muhan W ‘ ‘ “ 1;» W‘ _ , V . ‘Q « -. and W asgitift Itriis" 633" %‘ ;‘fhdtAA‘ AA r§iTu“C1iLV9a;Chiarch 3' (though-it hold no ¢rrour 3* u’n'c0nfi*fi¢nt wiéh V Szilvatiori) thc*CatiidlE§I‘¥1ck%eo~fJGéod4iéfcithcr v‘ ~ Bmfifiuéh ’*“¢*“*JY§@ts’ ‘F What " n‘1’(>rtAa‘l1%%1:mfi:’€’1'1; ” " fééttre A “us; ffifitf *ai» »,wr¢tcl11c:fl"q_ fupinc ncgjljgqnce, A’mz1?nif¢-fl~c0n« re" &mmu1a%iofi;~>opi6fiéien5 W V ’ ’ wmmwan in u7CF£¢}c‘b'.’ ‘ *3? 4* 17> A ‘W é <7 w: M érfigmay ‘gsflnéfiffiwit f‘»"§é’Natie’ri?&*‘* rrr « .1 1; 'Cnfi;c§v}i:2g particular 'pe»y&ns~‘&e§o§¢:g{% ‘ l\~‘f'# X;-‘ *Me;n4‘camiot*1¢1se*c« tame to Answer co we %¢i:1~;¢i: formaflfy viwaw ;1v;=ee;%~B1«ié £g°f::- «gcd b‘yaGo‘d; A truth, thatis to crrt, ‘t1ot+toj‘p'rofcfl"_c: aknownc «érrOur5W‘hi¢h is~a1yé.‘ ‘ A‘ ‘ I A . . any rflédbéibétraydd into; "(7)1“"1<”Cié]:‘l!'C":i"l¥’l§"'Anfv”sr.to the .ahy~é'riro1Yf4.£h 1%finnpofhis»¥JitiI1a‘3fi1¢hpfté)u»r g“-*f3¢*'e-? ~~‘ ;.i's%(:1s thecau edfit331'%nFu11¢‘anéi»damf1jv_a4b1E%. ° '1'‘ “A If“a%man“bc'%nég'1%chf'ir‘1fcékifigwdthgW11-;.¢Mv%1=oI.z44 . willing to finde it, and_wj,11 not, his caifcvis “ * A I W A A %ddatwgcmusrfi‘%%hi?a'%e%With¢ut w§éfir&ntV¢ ~ be fcared%VthatV~he%.wi}1not>p:ttdon’thein;:M~1o V E 2 A V *Gc')disin nite1yjL1{t, and thcre"£'ér‘e"i§s¢é 1:=o1.m- . .J‘,‘, a Jmuakyg 3 7 1' I ‘ 5 t~«;: may % V ' . ‘ x W-.3‘ ‘ Mztaa A‘ “, ‘ll N ‘ wt EF ol. :7 5.fc&. S3- F0l.2.67.fc:&. 3 8' Fol.z78.i'e&. l 53- I-'ol.277.f€&. 69.. - (ee34):~ maYlAl¢aii1V.' itclgthsknawlsdgg of the §x¥‘;@lAA13.V\2:iI']d;(k€i..c.%1.‘leI:gin’?-Q'gJg1?f..Erfifl'fia:l0rlo fiilmcyat orrlnegligcnctwilll , l A f ,IAn xvVl1;)i';1m;;eitAl1erA;, egligence‘; ‘pride, .0; W1 dly £€3?li‘C;Q.r;=:1}.iQ.R§§VAiQ§’ fsme1s2il9t1i<:r>zo1xxn, lxcaxiefi‘ lTf«:i1stl:eyhis§right1§%;. Fol.3o6.fcg,“? informed clonfcienee ratller than the urnjuft ‘° 5- Com-mands ofhis tyr:mn<)us.fuperiQurs; . V4 i - For (_it_is‘£r,onounced our d‘;Ai_,dfd¥\”r',f¢x'#[‘;a,iA1+7jl¢=;‘g‘)V Fol.go4.fc&.W that they fw icl1“."di{Ten~1ble'iag:iiLiI17.dL1r ébn: '°"" fcienceg, _or exceuially [deny that which they; A knew tobcmlca lPr0f¢fl'mg 0fi¢-thing andbce 1¢¢V3“8se. aré 3 ldfilmifiicdii ri1‘¢?S*V A <5fi<1if1i€ml4>1iI?g Sycophantisl. i ‘ '44 7 _For,hu_maneeViolenJce madly make men ed‘uh- 1=oI.z97.Cee:t. "e .terfe1t,bu1; cam-19:: maketlieln bC1_C€VC:, and is 94- A ‘ 5 therefore fit F61‘ notliiiig but blfccdiforlné W«1thOUt;3.Qd“AtllCifmCWlthln.: l ‘ A ‘ I A May notevery one faytlns trutli of him- felfegisi doth the Authouri 5 Ifldidl not flnde Fo1.z73.rea,' in my felfc, a love an_d~defireof all profitable 6 ‘- itrtlths -, If Idid, not put away idleneffeandi A doe,or endeavour to doe the " vation~ mine to, the bottom: all my io%pini_Oen‘sl OF d1-A vine matters, being pfepared mifidto Follow G0d,a£ld_ Gqdcmcly, which W ay fO¢Ve1‘l1ee flaall lead% me‘ 315 I; did _not h(;_pc, A" tliaiitleithcr e things ,certaid:f1§+ 1y I fljould have little" hope ofobtaining Salf prejudice,and w’or1dlylafl'_eutone1ya c"auiflefl"e.F:i;=f14.Fe’&-'. feparaition jfrgm tlje extemall communiolj offi&.;'6_”7’° any Church 15 the fin pfsclnfme, A % ‘ .» j _ AEW3 They 74.,’ , ; M 4 ’(§:6') 1=»;m.*;c...a; s+%eia6*st"mrrrtiaeI’é1eés,‘whohémxircg _ . “A % .gr,‘qat“and neccflétrry. .ciauf:; -to vfglparatc-5% yvhb V‘; M V 1‘ W Jé_..i... ,,Wé., _. -$ \_. w jg é L .‘1 _. ‘ é _ W vwhofw1§h th¢1”§9P3m?‘d-9a an “*’°‘W1m~ -‘ N r e‘da¢nnin§6ffi1rh¢fe‘fr¢mW1>°m‘M¥h¢¥ pt; *1 ‘ ¢.‘~ H ‘ . K x. W ‘ .4 . . % '1:'oI.zi.1‘;¢'fq‘a-QT‘ :<‘y“9Wf_w¢‘canA* '9tfiv‘iiticethe%,Cljt1i% éh*o"¥5¢’x%i1rs,’ _ 5;. and com3p”tion%s,% %f15t*oféIfed4%"% and ':praétifca§fiéi %he“r .cOmmt1nio1_1,t_hcn we cannmbegcwfmag A fitlct-‘s fqr r¢fl1'fi_ng ‘4A4to;%¢j%Qync Awith in ~ cm »iarofdfiicvn=df+tF1ofc“5errd£irs,arrd thegprsgstsceof _ tho1q"c_or,ruptj9ns; f‘or thc:r¢ ‘is 1%‘*1W1qé‘"Ci33’f§i Vrsfitif ‘wicn- ’%,%cdmmm1czre«witHm1ebAe1 4 ' V V ; pc,1.;66.rc&.V }:ed 3,4 nay, %A cfcis‘:i;inccc1fi§y hcxfci‘tu~tj07 A A 36' ‘ - fépalifltfé “iii; "Nit: ,' :=“§ ;~,e‘1_r ‘:«V'%*,%%“jW;;;*‘,%‘% - %F'c§lIz76.I'e&. % V1: isvnosc11i£rncitora£r*r;e their commtmii 59: VV M4 ,0n,w11ere;I m11ftp1'ofcfI"t~ my f¢’1fc‘t<) beléévc 4 tlfx:-Ltwliiclm I doc not bclceveg M :Po1-285-W4 ‘ imay withouta114**sc1a1fine:id;wm3eAmm Mi v“fiach£v%Ye%@ér%§m% was ~ fundamcntali, or ‘ofzherwifc,’ “flirt: rcquircithe f profcflkan of‘this1crrourmnong the-~co’nditi~«~ I-Q1 9ns°f.h€r¢9mmunion- . . Anfwnzo thcj '4 upon‘ h’€I‘, I£’(§‘l=*;‘*°°~ V «r our fcfpfarafion jufl:and.n3eccH'a1‘y5by*requiring% A §I};1nc¢¢II';1_ry arrd uniawfull condmorfis of fhcr wmmunron. A. A 4 .fi:§:i.i??;§;fé&"3 “ ~ .3257: are -obfigcd %%by,Chrift ur__jdc1(p:iinco”f % — V. dafnfi“ati.0n;%ol-eavc~:hA;zc:communi¢n5iawA1aich A V, IL ,vvegsanrnot1f¢mai;;eWwithout,this hypacritikall A «r 44. £9§wfa!é°:nsfi..l1e&ixf‘9.%% % 7 «Hc<:>n~fci?.ng:z,;.%‘, I 1*‘ . ¢4°fi§s1g; A %men%ut1dcrth¢g fifbxcumcanoma ncccffiry 059:0 ,ns, is.a4fuffi+ci¢m and%%hcceffatY ¢=s1I%t:fé-T95 A «f¢%pami@nfx°m:!1h¢ms%;?v#19%Wii1%t»ot‘fi§f9rm@ ' ' cs, butfas-1}1L1£h’as inVthem=«l§§¢$,%;u:~a‘;‘%9 % % A dcr0th¢tswfr0Ifi'§1@1fi&f0» 4 ' * Q ”’° f ~ M? '3'» E .1; » wk .- Ag» » A ‘.1 » , .~ . ‘V [ ndam@9¥%¥i% srxw-'s’¢2b99éE aw‘ ~w_~prof---:» aizzc no1.m.r:&. I AEoI:V%a%z.re&é**~ ‘ W ~ ~, 1 .11‘... “ « . ii-r>‘;a9I %¢fi#9u;‘§~sisa % *11¢ii3¢1%:¥9 F°‘-*3‘-“=3? (39%) neverrorma11and in:zoc¢:aeh, hixichtdoe not In the and of the préfiand ‘ anfwcr to the auotimycs. ’ " bclrsevcgandgwilln:ot“a11ow‘mehherhcémmw» ,_”fii0t1’,‘7L)ut[ 11p§)n.this,hconhdi‘tjion; in this care the Church for~rcq,u1r1n£{ this hcor_1dhitio'n.,” is fchhifl h.h ma§i*=.4“> a“dh*'f‘°IFf 1'"f'0fh""hf€P%1fa7tii58 mm the V Church. ” = .I'f‘iI,1.a1%1 there thingé‘t11is man hath dclivc. “r¢d_ti'ut11$.5 ‘flit CQncc_-rncch every man‘ tofeckc ”f'0I“‘ ‘f<‘1f.1”5fi1é’cionhro ,"‘11i§* "hownch"f6ul;c hc()n- »‘hf¢mf5§’}<§‘fi5?hC Hfifféfiés \'>vor'fl'1£p,’ %0Vci“m11ent, A car 'andmaaner*c£bo:hh;tAh1;hAh is‘ um to daily V *G(3H hiahd a_mafi3 ownc”confcicnce;»% to be _ i1‘fjudge;fr)chnt"lc»dhcaptivgb qr-ilay :fe:1r¢ oEau~ M *dao;-iry, is fear"¢rfi&h*hb % 5;-ci%’c;SpiritiIedWi ~39? W lib Imagination . lfilflétfiéfidifiggh if - ' . V‘ ‘i “ A “ ‘ 4 Jr“: gr my “_ Iv .' = “ y { J‘ J , u I ‘ ‘ -1 1‘ I ‘V “ v ‘ w W -r w --‘ V m ‘L V ' ‘ Ir,» » _ " “ V‘ , " ‘ 4 ' , , r_ N .. N v‘ . J‘ 5 ‘ I‘. ‘ V . - ‘ . I , ,1 ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘, k ‘ “ ‘ V " . « ‘ . ~. “ ,.‘ I‘ “ ‘ I«‘' ‘‘ ‘ ‘ w N " ‘ WV . _ ‘ “ " . “ ‘. ‘ F m M 2, it 5 « h 9 . h ‘ “ “ ; ‘I ‘ ‘ ' ‘ « ~_ ‘ .4 ‘j-‘ ‘ ... 7 \ H , M‘ i‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ , u 39 ‘ ‘ V .u , , W “ I‘ A ‘ ‘H ‘ ” ‘ - m n ' Iv ' 1 “ .; I « -‘ ‘ ' ‘ “ “ u. , ‘ _, . A‘ we