IE W ‘MOT! ON 3:» % A 'fe1fiou§ and brief: 1T¢.ufsion,éf ycertame M 011.0 N s new ‘A ‘. in qucflion. “ V % ONDGN; A Printed “for Rabart B9/lack , 1* 6 A. 71.. ¢ EVVM0’“ oNs= 0 R, A V ferious and briefs 1T¢u{'sion A. bf certame M 0110 N s new ‘A ‘. in qucflion. “ V % -1‘.m.ONl.)0N,' Printed “for Ra6:rt 39/lack . - %,§”3 ‘ ‘K ‘W ,;:< .‘= * i the Wérldmarzia? M ~ . Haid I‘&t'fl€*r» have La*nfweréd4%V‘ you will fubmifto the truth. To’i’rf%,% efie;e:fol.b .‘ _" :“7'-fi.". I . -9 “ ,, . -1 _ m: y M’ : ‘raw a_‘_,5 “_'-m:' Th6 fifcond D*e1m-Ind’. A Wisether the Offices of Paflorf, Tewlzers ,’ Elders; *' ~Deazco22s,4izdI1élper5, ée ‘tléafe very offiqei appointed» Cbrzfl £12 his Teflameizt ,1; afbreflaz'Lol;: Or ,,Wbetker ztére % Mggefént Ercleficzfl2';zz!1' Oflfcesocf .,{r:b£»:'j7aops , Bzfkopsg A A Dames, Sué-dezmes, Pwéendaries,ychancellvuxso, 'Priefl.¢, Dex: mm‘ (or Iozzlf}:-P'riefls)' A‘rcbzfem:arz5,. Commifiaries, 0fficizzl!;%%,‘ Regz:/iers, Proifars , Apparitors, %Pa;r_{o225,“; Vicar: , Carats , Stipendiaries-fl, Vagrant4Preacl?’érs‘5 Gbdplaines or H'oufie.PriefisF, Ccmons , M Petty Cd}20i25' , c"bmters,E_ Qzgorifiers, O rgzmiffs , ,Cbzm:lo- warden 5% Sides- riien,-‘zzizd the re]? , new /ma’ in tbefe Cathedral! and Para =.-. cbiall Afjémélies , eewofe Offices appoiiztedéj/:,Cbvrz'jiiiz.;o I91}: Tefi4me2at,o:f.z2ot 93..-‘ o '4 ‘ v A A A ‘A A ./fil . B 7€?‘.: IT being granted; That“ f1rifi’h.étH inf%'itu‘tcd"peor-~ petuall Offices ; then you A aske, whether your five-«A. % % fld Orders of P-aflors, Tea-chem‘, Elders; ‘Dm'om;~,_o A and Heipers 3 or» om? Arcbéifboaps, Bi[7aops5,D cams, bethofe? - - A « For yours firfl,I fay,rhat~ Pafiars ‘-and Teachers areoin-L deed infiitutedby Chri{’c‘_ in his Church perp¢ctuall;~% huttbcy are no moreyours than ours , we havethe ' ,5 azsoowell as.you15 forgo teach and {fed the flock; 53 the‘ .3.‘ o .Ww=k;«: (4)? . * ‘work of 9:2: Migeiffe;v=§ , and the ena of their M; lilrg. Herein you differ from us , that you ‘make a necefiéry and perpctualldiffcrence of thefe two, as though t-hey‘wm'e diftin<9c Ofifies; whereas the .-.3.»..p.<:>- A fi1¢Epefl. 4.reck;0ns?t1Iem 0£1elyas,Gz°f2$ 9"‘ hen;-; hgaéh J T W gzwengzfts zmta men ,-A andlcouples £11.01}-3 two tcagcfther, ‘riot d'ii7-jun6’civ"e1y as the ref’: '5 50'me 'P4[fo7’5 and Tmabewsg A0-me M'iVni~fterL may ‘and Ought to doe both A rhefe, E.a;'/Jart gndfemb , as is ufed in our Church. VA tic! the, p.m¢?ciceVof the: Apofldes. 4wa*As ~17, as 39. peares i:~1~Vwal1\theirVSermons written in the .4525; In—- deed‘ where ‘the Auditdry doth oncly require‘in- flméfiazz, there~ex*bartingrr1aybe %omitted»_,-, as ufe the pérz»25.méty' L‘aE%zares'in Schoorles :aTrid fuch am: one was~ M 0?Z}{€I¢-. Bu:rot%herwi.fe the fame Minzfler is agsdog bfithbythevefyAPOflf16Sp1‘8.€Ci£Z€- Andwerc. itjnot V I0 n%2akeup your R#1iflg*?V9Séyrery wizhv Va.4ric:y,you _ « Xaur fehres“wv0u§dhav‘e*; A % rfimd foryoux third“ Ofice 0-F Eldaw, ifrightly un-T-A dcrfiood, it was fbunded in the Scriptures ;. but: ~ mt as you take it: for, you make it 2 tbim/fidegrce V and office fiom the Frmer, and that it fhould fig- % _ M53 :3. L;z}-C?nz,'eV22ozar, who fhould not meddle with %t§11eA4Wcrd 0rS3cramem:s 3 am: Oneiy fizz am»o’ng thcm[ P4:;T¥Vays%a4%1?;c1; %.:£:'E%£I;:2r-"5 110- Gave-rm 5» Such” 2I;EI%A%C>%f1§i-xfiaft%hA 1:20 _£Qum;d a,t1"C!.f1; the VV@ rd“ uf %God ;: But: izigixfmzg’ 34 A of Iefizs Clyrifi, inf the New Teftament. For h’eis¢a1g...£ 1',ev& 3;. Pafialmmd Tw6fizer_%%3 fr tlms duries:A%0§'~’%his M ;z2:{‘Zezy.—; I*I,ws,=..m:2~3«'i:“‘~z-:=«»,;a%-.;=‘?% % %!';h§Sf ‘ digwfifltifii in Ch"UrC.h’. ; ‘We t1‘&%f1fl;!.:'1El€ E la‘ZW£ , favdjifieren fake,- I‘ becauzfcv in A Engliih ..4m{‘~m arid‘ his .SVtQé:%k E”-am A rm. -3} Aflatecl % (5) IV V flatfed’,'yPw'ej?$ 5% Otherwife P~riefi~ is the am Tran- T Jflationfor ‘."lTp‘ev3'19v'7€P??*$: accordingto the very letters, % which Latifie, Imlicirz, P7312319 , nd others have imi; rated. ‘ A M _ A & ‘ Q Shaw %u=s;ncSw%t'hTen any whére Lay-%prief%s founded in the ‘flew '1’cftament,4 gas we canfhew your Pre‘$5)'-V fi’W$,1’T’¢’9ff5a 555737‘? A (C311 them what 37011 vvi'H_, for they allfpeak fam“E3”0I'd7€I') ibeingevefywhere ‘teakeAn for the Mifivflevr 0'fth‘e VV~0rd.k A65. V 10. “ 4 1S#uChVP7i‘effs orEMarK,~S. PM! ifent for, and At<:N::=*‘rh I ?th%en10;f thé:1‘r*cha%r4ge ‘which rim ~Gbqrff bad fat Mam fa, fa fem.’ ~zlsve_fiac;é» ; firth he ité2;C’be‘th Tim: to or; daixfre €:hwp_. Aahelé tai=?1”e‘r}1 t%em%tVhere alfo by me... ’thct1a‘ame 9:; -'Su+éh‘LAd’0th$.P1W»r *ad1fg1j:1on*ifl1, ‘ t.‘P£*2‘. 5 . 1 , arm»? Presézwefs or Eylzze~rs44maing}% jazz, exiam ,% wiaiab *4 ‘VC0*P%"e%$-i5ji‘€V, ‘We may nos: make lb many: A fljfificesfiof ‘the 2%imfla¢s5..a‘5»he “hath iieve-mI1VN%a%mes 5 ‘for %‘then wwéfi-4 make“ In-ore =ti'1an have or: . :9V’0Efla 1n:2?ke4:;. {eveing rrs‘ releifl; {5?'0ug in: 2': to their feet, and they dijfriéuted as every one /mi fi3€a?,t.A&S 4.. 35. But when the labours of prew- ching, and the‘ multitude ofpoote encreafcd, the A-» A. gficfllés laid that care upon fed-‘Um 6130!?-’»V/(18%, A6}. 6. 510 did they alfo otdauine in other Churches, for yet the MagiPttat.e was enemy to the -A faith, and would A not ei: her helpthe ME’nifler',or {amour the pooregbee eaufe they were Chriftians; Therefore during the time oFperfiecution,.th‘ere w'as"efpecia-ll need of thofe I men: filth an one was 8. Lawrence the broild Marty-r tat Rome by the Heathen Perfecutots : But whcn{the Magifirarc Acharecd: and bygF>od fer _the 1_\f!ini_f,tcrs Jgatwéfizztqlflantea étidfllfio- 11‘-‘lclffi Of the v 5, .m.»..... «r‘-- ‘A- tnttiutwas. there‘ one-en; A nommore than tl1eretisofWid0W_e*5 W110 Wflfc likfiwilé 1 e then in ufe, but now are cealecl 1n all Churches; galbeit there be rulesfot their ele§tion,in tltc; Scrip- tures, asthlere-«is for Deamms, 1T1m- 5- 9: I0.And there fore _this in no pt_-:rpetuallOfl°1ce. YOU!‘ Helpers, the lafi: office that you reckon up, A «can helpe you but little. They are but once :»the Scriptures (as I «take it )2 Cor. .12. 2.8, and there not called Helpersabut Helpings, Opitulatiozzes: But if (by,Metonimy) that be all one, yet cannot they be feverall from the former, and petpetuall; for if they helped .»per,fDam¢ fitzzatiomtm, by ifi; ofhea-~ ling , then they are ceafed: or if by iftribution, h then wete they Widawes .0: Deacons, and no feverall =>0ffices. A A to . A , A And tl1us~of~your five Of]icm5 the three firfl are but one Offificetofrthe Mz'mfl1r_5 and the two late... A A ‘ W ll :7_o*“7”P°’7“t.n' <7“ 3% "T-empvrary :f To fatreareyou fhm‘tL Ofyourfive dz'fl.z'n&‘ and peVpAez‘uagl 0fi€c£S.”“' .7 “e V flhehfecondfi part hofiyduhr Intermgatoryh is com eerning the Ece1efiaflc¢ica1l'~Sta:e bf: Arclaéaifbaps, Bi-5 flqaps, Dames, Sufi-de¢ne'_s;&c. “ A A A A ” {In the‘ enutneration'you'£h1dyhtobe exadt, andto xreclkon up every thread; by which curioushdiligence youlhave ”thrufi in a number thatareeno Ece1e‘fiaIticaIE" Callings at all 5 and againe, reckoned up fome who are rather yours than ours, 5”}’mdiarics, ‘Vagrant- .-Pmzc/aevs, Haufe~Prz'efi5,eand the like. ' Buthtohahfvver to that Whi§ch“is materiall inyour C ataloguehg. I fay, that in the new Tefieament is foun- ded afeMimfiery,*W11ich may differ in their Degrees, and may differiin their h.M'zz.inte22.:zm‘e5 to which htwa hjpleaees may be referredeeall the Titles here fet downs which are Ecclefiafticahll. A ; 4; A ” A For the fix-Pc, though the Minifiery it felfe beone; 14 yet may it admit divers degrees’. In the old Tem- ~»mcnr,xAarm¢ and his fuchceflion was ' above the‘ other Priefis; and the Priefis ahoveh the Leevités :Among the Prophets fome ruled, as Samuel“; fome obeyed, as ’ the Children of tbe.Propkets 5’ emdf7f1:hee morall hereof of Rulizzgand Oiaeyzlng is t1ot.~Ceremom'al1. A In the «New Tefiamentg Chrifi made foime Apofiles, was the T.‘W¢'l’U£5 fome Dz"f:i;7lesj,as the feqeegaty two. And the Apoflle S. Pml~reaehetheeus,that Chrif‘: his Church muffbe 1hikeihah'Nhaturag'l! Body,wherein {ome are Eyes, fame .;Ha:;ds,_%r;>m¢e Feet. « a » he “ V Deg"1¢ees%ftheh!a"£ ‘imeaixueaare .Bz‘;(b_aps, Priefis, {find ;Dez;qcorm~,”“ M A ~ Por&‘hPriefise or h‘E1ders you can make no quefiion, they ' A (8) they are temzimk frequent in-theText.1F01§' Damm- no doubt thofe _fw.jf_f5 tFf'eAEéizfl:r5.% %F.lie1;,:ée the-e Ah f . . . ‘W . , .. WW? ifewuirca or miiic .2? ; €143 mare wavflyip of Gad commanded in 122°“: cwémfif firth device and iwuentiaix of “mm for "Ggds ‘zagarfhig aim? * izin/war. "Y Ou aiskc, wixcther the Book of Commion-Praycr be Gods worfhip, or the Invention of man. It was thus compofed by men,g0d1y and learned mcng. andimanyi of them Martyrs of Cbrzfl. I‘ 2 1 I‘ The doétrine thereof ,-is according to Gods iW0rd5 a book as fir,and full of cdification, inthc Prayers an-dAdminiPcration of Sacraments, as“p0f« fibly can be dcvifed or made. The things. that you A here diflike in it, are Fcafi:s,_Fafls , and Holy ' A dayes, ifisiinted Prayers,andiLyturgic.i ' i - A N In (aux -Feafls and I-Iolyadayes , firft obfcrivc A that wee have none to Legend Saints,‘ but Clmfl, ~ Secondly, that wee worfhip no Saints in thofe» his — ‘Apofilegiithci éleflied Virgiié, and Saint Iolm ldaycs, but praifc God for them, who made them pwfitablc tohis Church. 4 Tfh;ird1y,“i: is lawfiill for the Church to appoint fuch dayes to glorifiei God in. For in titnfiofifhe . Marc/méees , the Church appointed an Anniverfary Fcafl of Dedication of the Altar, after they had rid cthci Temple from ,Ai2tiocbas his cprofznazion, A 1 4.59. And pu_riSaviouriCh1~i5fl; himTelfcob- fcrvedit,iIa}a:z‘xo.‘1ix." ‘ A * A Fourthly , tat the obicrvation of fuchfi itimcs very e r (I5}el T I am ancient end” geherallg, for; in the firfi: Genetall Camel! oft Niteg, ltbere : ewatltrqvefiion are ‘ e bO9trfi" f:""'}’ jll?hl31'€@.fl«'54fi3” :fli0l?1d B33 he kept S bl“ lg’ ‘l3:712¢%1°fl6‘,3CC. Name 933 A n(_)t a man ,ei¢b er fix} the Lmuye Or: Greek CI2:-M: but ‘then thought it meet to be kept tfo farre was theC11urch then from you‘! I’1itcetLy. A ~ l .11? tether Prayer-°: and Lyturlgie: ;y0u hére t 5336 ma 0thcltefa_ult,, but that they are fl:inte'd land fer Prayers ; for youwoulcl haveno Boolt at allmorany forme - L of celebrating I-lowly‘ things 5, not any *fet_lPraye"rs ,% bllt all vollunrgryfit every Paftors hdiferetiont. If this he fa rrcyl lhould _rake place ;.l ‘not onely l't'ev_ery ”MiniTfie.t A would vary from himfelfeg, but one wojuldwagree g with another, like Gev°m4nshLg'ps. Nothing is mere needfull in holy ‘lthitrgs than lco'nformit"y, fo the good. But: to fiaeak pnely of fiinted and refer Prayers (which fault you find;) A % Firfi, in the Temple, the booke of Pfizlmes was their:'nPfa1ter;*iarVefet"Prayers; for they were appoin- ted tolbéeerufed continually . and rarer let I0 certaine l ._Qrtl_ers of Pri¢flS,and,t0 certaine times andinf.t_ru- tfients A, ,folr.d'eily lu fe,°as the" Heéirenlr I:2fcript7"0'3¢r bf" ‘ran the 1- falmes doe ceitifie. 2 “Secondly,3thle~P1‘iefl:s had a folemti fet‘lformel~ef A lPrayeItrt»w1§1Wj.§ch they ul'ederVwhen 2 they folemnlyw blefled the people‘ 5 t;he’vvorc-ls are prefcribed, Nam. 6.2 3! 24, l V M 2 5. The ‘Lord élefle thegaifid éeepe thee, the Lt6rdl,«c’9'c.‘ A V A Thirdly , they lhald a re: forngae of Prayer“ ‘in; the ‘;Wi1dCm€fl'é,Wh'iCh.tl1Cy§:l$lfCd when the Tabetnacle“"re-a- l lmoved, ExurgatF%Dem, Let‘ Gad arife; atc. And rjano... therlllwhen the Tabernacle was-. pitched, Le: Ghdrea “ Feurthly, j; ;tMhI‘yfi1 ey aé Pfaimes to fing;a.r we '*l’aHeoire1%¢;. the 3,«}mm 55116;! 1A7a“‘3-3A¢¢911“f¢d‘ to be "ta teat grace unit?‘ rh_,C i°a~fl?soverV,“ ‘whic om.’ Saviour Chrifi ob-ferveé and fur*1g_ whh his Ahdaiéli-ipies; fi¢:zm¥o.%26. 30. V A % ‘ V Fifxhly, to ,c;:omcTt¢1dge,jp°1*a=yers%=Aarc not worfé fiegaufe ifihewy “fire ié‘ti*nfted 131716» if: =w+0‘y&~s 5 f(j)f.’-_C.}*h1'ifi£p13‘ay€d' thrice‘ in ~one n?ight,1u;fimg tbe‘fa1I1c‘word*s%3% 2. 6.44..;TAndt2mg%ht his D%ifcipies the feta formic called the %LoV'rds- .Pr.¢y,er; Vfaying,.Say thmm ‘ V A 4 “ " f*‘orV "any exceptiofn~s,; % you ¢ now m1:e& 'or%1‘{akc{np- % a;gaini’c= m:citei}ifl‘4‘ “pdffigesw *€91‘{Pray<:r$L in it felfeg, they arcfuch as-v have Aoften been %agfwc:fe&: WDeBamHW»»andotherss.*ongfinm bgether A . ‘ ‘ : - H . ‘ ..~ .5. _ ‘ ,_ . V.“ ’ I ‘ ‘ ‘V , f «, ‘ -{.2 ‘ r , M _. “ um: ,..w . xv‘ M ‘ ‘ ' " .33 . “ '5 K, 1'; » ‘ ‘ 3- m. T V. \ -. r‘ - ‘ 3 ~ .5 ~ ; 7 2‘ ‘ ' ‘C. - 4 . k V w 7 ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘-D‘ A ‘ " ‘_ ‘ \ “ K. .5 J in ‘ — 1 Wiéethwmli CJzflr:b:s‘5mdAp.eg6p?ée (trkitbawyexwpmn A $2! ?2ét‘A i{r=£uamT in % r2e¢AA;»’ _th"a”t ¥tIaf: A faié? 5fz¢1l* i:C‘z"z:‘,.y.,« Jam? M Eeéonge» "$212.: %V"'l974%:7‘lot ‘~5-13tVh%é th~€y3' Wefc “V;p-rimes. ofiS?"ba’ai2¢e._',.%'aI¢c{ peop‘lg%0f G0'morrd«g §_yetthéI§-I116‘ _1?rOph¢ts:. ..,r’"1e:ve1‘ fforfoofk s%th~é4 " f'ell=o%tvfhi~pV bf iihé V”-Church, but A {till .reprovi~ng<§hci1j,vféultisg ‘-d‘id~"%-‘éb_m- M ‘;;I')i]l]””lCate» vmghthem ’fi17iIi;?mthE3‘= T:”e;mpIe?'facfr5E¢é~' aijd i1"E.;!;y€;I'S.[,;i vfitpeife the hifi¢ry‘ax;d* Mvirriitifigs of thé P1'pp‘héts.4 A V ¢ ¢ ‘V A 2- Th“e.C*hurch1-'n our Saviour‘ C‘hr1‘f’cs7 "time was wr£c%fthan:¢,-that; andr-*uIéd*AA 1%%;;SWgv'£es,*,: W24; riflés, and5%;wSi¢duaée5;:OF?i‘WVh iéh 1%-7 ii): ~-.;-§1i22a?e5 led tfitélihdeg that they ~fta*f.=ng£:t'ra}Iér,%;z:.- dgflzm 49;; :theerU¢s,:%:?hé._Etheyjuflfied tbe}.»zfelL'es . zazbeirwzze zszgbrmfmg/Are; t?%héy?a’e*z)az4'r'eé1*‘Azv,:‘daivpeas% labzzfes §m;a{e2cpret’eI¢'a‘é éf*?a;2g<” ’p”'mje‘i~s‘* " and therfifciie .fI‘l3'11y..W'0“E5'¥W€FE pronounc:*ed7—a»géi-nit»them; Mmxz 3. %No:yvit hflza? nding» al-l4t—=11is~,> "0121? S:;v.iou;r t",;i'fi,I: u?pn%%him‘h*i‘s$.pi2b1%ick Mini. A’fiC;l’y=§r;hC. u*fLL1a“1ly»4?rWéip&“wiré'd~t0“;fh'é Téafifilc, =-21*'t*£-.~v‘}: ry'~0f theft? Ihree foF:mne Fe21{Es%,_a’nd ‘thb?ré7taugh t diai~1y,?:1nd. y0p_enly_‘ in the»¢.,Iqb. 2: 1; M3‘ Jrofla g*.hc’u fua Hy §§!1gh*?t ‘anc3l~A:he£alg:dT if1:7m:he=~;V :~]*1e v:»‘=‘e“»s; i"Si:a“2%e amprggfi 1:mt;§ gepjiglé,;L%yk_,~:4_:,; 1&5 1f;:5:__.; :;;;Q Gods houfe,Vbut not to“leave“. it,**- Afbr A tflrié A%,':;é;4le cf Gods kaflfle VV"lézttlvT’tzair$ei¢‘f‘_lJi77i%- up; Ie9loA,%%5~2+‘.~?1»“7A.? "but" the hati'c3* of Gods 7 Qhmch and ':h(5u{?¢Vw%fdof14r dm-at you~fro'm»:i“r*., A ‘* 4 ‘- V thC»Vifi1f£IeIGhu;é1a:§f“he%taug;ht h'is‘it@7Vdo:e'; .fa%i;Wh ht-_,’ Iééyflafiiéesl mad «Mvfes 1 cfahaireg ‘tl2ere}‘bk&%;liea.,;¢e,'t/7é79¢;, 432d.1‘dae'W%%.zbeyiridyaus wéuflt afier FV/2ei1f:z%§a15"l:s:AE2:zTa1é“;d%r¢qt;;€m6*;:—tlae3& fzéy.;:V23’iawl:dé‘e iffof ;1;§;..; xjg(:"Tc;i;*i "~’“‘c2t4p?ers‘§aa=st 833452 fEt«Tt~ V;;t'*I‘1”étI'-W 7 "fl1eW;:thfimfelvés?;to‘ihe]M1rie ft§;"1t6~f5:é“jud‘g’;éc}**"bjr«tfim; A A "3 mggndagéz‘ A (rm ) wamiédéfam z:ef££man.}%Azm.’ta» tfJ¢m.‘; hetauh'?t; his %AImw Wjiel ?:%iefi5m;A sheiy % ;%V%m1;d;%L‘c2ff&.£ ihfi; i@ga:1_A1;A%QflIs:rimgs aright. , éefarje L tbwgéW%tb# fialrmr, 4.nd‘MI;}3.e7*q, 1sféme§zgérefif§.:fi32*m$ lib}. =~:5ratbar‘Vba‘tk4Aa?ztgI2% g!‘¢€.aT£~J$#iE£7e,.er1“ 1ewen1W~thiwvfemg 5¢f70"%W!8*«11M#*?, «~22»:-1 £fl€+?’?:/9)f1 *W~a fi?'fl: retefifiled W W 5*’’W?*“, dim’ ikrzrssi rm law); as, *Ch1=if%di hif::Lfe,Aat1d taugfht: orhrirs ta 9,11, fg.. dié,h:,ish AP}€Sé aftgr EhC'$”~?P&.fl1AOI§'l"\2fld‘.TRe”fmf.S... m&%ia'r1, faéaie‘ mrord %tlae:_ T627232 la : » Aiis» I‘-.» Pé:tcr%;ma5?I0h1i 1;m ;2_r: ug -£Dg£g;?b£7*~i22r0? ~£l2'¢‘cmple,ha'f-rive. izirztlas-~£2ojz:7*e% QF Pr2:je.r (that is , at but three ofthe clock afceqz noone) g,=szt;¢ifc;.!g*1;A._v;y§af$»=%4‘¥:h,€ f:?c‘:13¢: 15’w¢1¢£?flgr: s5':4wéfide‘V': and g.«.,2 0;. A «‘;2¥s;;_z17e}r Asmara: géiivldcn God 1,5’: f15’l7@!*” 8l$Z'=7'i'8b' V T2?ii,z:_a%tI~%!g 1—;gmp1£,VaJnd.chi5%; ‘;J;;e_y.d£;a’~44{4£._/y,; A A Esf 5 .41. ea, \ Saint Vpwgla mmq?pa:giguiarIy,_:vz.z- the. T ewzple M pyawzfied f;imfe.I_;-egg; I33g.':t12.wfl§ég;z§'.T,}fé7'$9§,1?*f§’?3,*f,; and %?:they epm-ed4ti3“ei’1’fl ?2::f5€f°iflwgs 5, ;iés;5¢€*,flfi'¢E€:ifQr: evwy,A;%44oi=1e4[~T‘oEthjex;1 f0i’€: “the PrVie'£i5§ M2 .< :4 ‘ = 6w§{e-a ¢1%en:%you.~%fh<>u1cr% rm; :h¢~]cwina~—4~Cha3rk§h had any prcrga.~ti:v¢')?%.» the-. Ap'a»fia}es:%%accoum Arhofi; hri £;3;ia,-n:Churcllcfitvhaljhgsan The c%o“rm'ri_IIn:ica§ted’ w+itt~hal%l!g yiec wem:~;u:mpaffc&»=; d; éTe“€t”iiIé5:Véri?(;if A repr@xm'abI@;inaVm2my=nhihgs‘ Saint‘Paa£e,1jigh1y%coEn—- -411»0l’o,Chag.3%%;EoI€Iu}fcrizzg.V“tIz&<.; im4ihaa:«mzm% zmzwé meI1d<:.c¥:th.e> Chumfiaaf. ~Aai«~£22t1a,*x:;c:a2r.—r;<*a1gd“yerraa p1:qv¢dFt2h;em th:~;i5fi €dPmany.M=~4fm}1ts;hmhfin ' define, r1iiatnn.;emr§i§; aw 3 t-fiaiflht abmlfi mgtithe pttblilcflt lAifemh:l%ies§, attd the ‘L9’§d5+.iW3PP3V, Cihatp. ‘1‘I--L B0: .al)z3lfing the ’;fl]§?1:Vl.$z¢$tilV"lg1fi_.‘§‘ lira wfleygé, imitate,’ mirth rt? r£’~dzfjiJt'g,{£ l’Ifi1p.,i'I:2,g,,I tight I4. F01‘ A:hd£;’ny$.’g‘4‘ th e ?1?Leftt‘rre&iton;%Chap..t 5; 713.0% Jamel -ftinl titete‘ WSHW9 Rrefzmefi iw,xzcri'. yttsswit flaI1di~ng5’f0txc:‘~.all‘thcfé,wtrci ,: yma, —fc3t:é they €wt—;te by him; r£‘pm_x'Efig'i‘ ma; tltc; -fitttglworeds inf that Epiitllttt-9 hgt giwcthll: the [1314 lTitlc~i.~0f 606/5 Church 3] lJS’z.=gi€22!:$‘7:$yi. Cfi!1}”flg,:3Hal.iffl-Cthwé re called to the fkl/owflflziffli«:t?f"zL7hrgfl‘:5;‘iateb -t~t3ach‘_1:i>sVll1ow to think A of Militant Chtnfléhtts ttpt5m*E%at§th;l7%llt-Ihe like maybe: obfcrvecl of the Chtttéh 3 ,.i4.; and divers others. 7 Laflly, the ‘flioéfrilmgwyillglmgtithel Apollles is, That. 1 the Church indeed, is the Pillar and ground of truth,becaufe God will lead it into all neceflizry truth; but yet that it may we in matters of leflér weight; as it is exemplifiecl by Claurches , 120 which they- wrote their Epifizles. Thatthe Church is fpotted in heri{elfe,but iwit/aw; fi20tMa;_tr périttytle by acceptance’ in Chtift: Eplaeflg . a-tad fee €VEl’y"i>S1l‘ti§.‘i=ll&i’ man ancl? ‘member of the Church , that ht:-e is partly flelh,ancl; A partly fpirit, unperfeét in hitnfelft-,lmt perftét by the: Grace and merits of Chrift :- 80 Saint Ioim in Illa .ApamZj»ps ,“ [early tliefeezzezz Cimrclaes ofAfia in Cbr-{fit ‘ prefime, at-feruezz golden Cmdleflimlvsv, ancl the f£."‘Utm.- , Azzgelsitthereaf 2'22 c]m'fls~- right hand at feven SlYl7'7'E5,_ chap. x».yet againff‘ev.eryAonc of ‘them, both Churches; atld Angels, ht: /acztlafamezvhat in the_Egiflles,4vvl1ich= V 13¢’ vvrotéunto them,Ch2p%. ; %. 3 . tozteachus ,toAvA‘e&cein % mm %2‘md~C hurches, not‘by" their owh &itnperfe6’cions, u§;accOrding t.o‘”athac "grace,-and4¢=;1'tate which .;th,s:y hm: obta*ine”d by: that mercy of1Chr~i{k.. =7‘; % Wlm-efére '1 wifh you beware time, 4 t4_ke 5634 l8fi¢I7e Serpent .~whicl9- fea.'ucedAAEvc afoejlglfi de- ceive yon; even fwhfilfif you thinkcv with: her: t