W REJCHE Qrm M the St1.1&aet1é.w Ci2r€flwC72%rgI§m, 4 A M V R Qblim 17-» . AA 4 \ ]JQfliH€f,“ ?J¢!éé»'£" ygwggy ‘ A livepeacewwgy mm M mm‘; aarag mm? km X. Lvm Pf17nte& in rgrrzrrrrar;rrarrrrrrrrrrrrrsrr. i g«=>Z-~*2‘.’.i-sM‘~ 9?‘ r“4i*c’*>£**-a‘;’e’»$w'=-*;‘.i*~*3fo~§v -*4.'“"i"°3l‘*~i’*¢l°’"i“'%’*W"‘$'W¥”i“*"«'l“‘*a»** $%%%r%%§;rrr%%%%r%%rrrrrr%r%rrrr= ;¢rr%rr%rrr¥ rrrrwrrrrrw % ggrrrrrrrr rrrt rs orIc©NCERNuu: rum: TY and A G R E EM 1~7.r1~H:'.% A rCon..41. go... A I Erflecbjbu, Bretiyrerzgby the Nmnéo 6t)r%rLarcl A Igfm Cbriji‘, tlmt yeall [fear/1 tlae/ame”trI:ing, and _V ..t7>;zt there be no flzvzflom arzrongyan : but I/mtyrfyéfe A‘ joyrred tozgeiflaer in tbe /izme minde,4}1ri Lin r it/2e fame judgement. 45 I ‘I 4'! $ Hough Truth,.from what mouth fewer in Ar "0. ever in a_ppearc~, be but one and the" famcsrr; ' . and where as rightly unrdcrfiemd, carries t all Airs fo~llawcrs of one confcnt, amid Amind; we 5 yet I Immv not from what mifl:, orimpo.1’;cnc¢,lodr-as ged in our nraturc, with whom Errors and Miftakcs doc ‘for the mofr pan: prevaile more then Argumcms or Dc» be fpoken, or in w hat fhapc 0r drcflb fmw r ~' this ufiiting , peaceful! quality with Air; monflration-s 5 and with whem our owne mif-cjonceiptsM4’ A (conveyed intcausrfrom fuchwhom WC§ri-«think rtoo holy A todcfvceivrc us, or two” learned to deceive t11cmfelvcs)d0'r fr the moft part flick fa deeply, and take fuch Arr and ¢ imprrfiion i£_H.1S,*t1’l:a£ tis not the gorge; rig [calf A !¥z m F9 éAh.hfl%::h”hhh‘rcm0vc:hhe1'x1 .2 This «me, uuicingfi pgamfull wfiggfi hf’ Mifids,t hhiah1hRh%1.¥.:9Lg.ggMSmQm9165,accordm to cheh ftvcrall Vh Teachers ofi‘t,:md according to thcfcw:-.ra11_fQrmshan?;1 jihapcs, into which they have cafi it; hath alwaycs bun " lookt on as fo many fcvera1lhTruths 5 And to the difcrg. dit, and dif advantage of it, h3.l'.h* in h‘alI* Ages bcenh as féa flvcra1Ly«4cntertained and hhfgllohwcdgr has aggnogug thc "Heanhcn“Phi1ofophcrs ,” ‘we End‘: the nuhmhef of 'Se&%“s, to be much greater then thr: number of Scicncésh. Every rycw famous Teacher, who profcffed fcverity in his looks, and aufierity in his manners, had the power to draw a cloud ofDifc:‘ip1é_s after him, and go crcét a. new f.Truthf w‘ir'hhh a; ‘nI‘e"""V‘ Sclloole. ; And hthusmhing the very ' A hCbL1%I5Ch‘:_(_f)“f God it fclfc, the Gofpel no fooncrh began to r 1 ‘ » \ _ ‘ 3’ ,,,.,. he pr,é:achc_d tothe w_or1d,hut it began to have his ‘Sccfts _ °ian,c3“'Shchi{ri1'csh, ahnd fidrings too. The Apcgftles t;1Jh?ghc’but ' 536nh7ch* Fafiihh, B aphtifm ct, oneC hrifi, ‘ kc-hn¢, piaiflfi Open way of falvation to men aye:-:1: thcyzwmfc:mjfl-‘hunhdsrftood by fem;-, as if they had preached many. Oras ifthc :numbc1*.. ofthcir:fev*e1'a11 Doétrimes ,; had cqu;a1l‘cd* thé ~mAl1I1¢ berofth‘ei“r fcivhcrizll p”erfoI;'rs, and fmcyhhadhh gévcrry pnc v§r,herc”The:hhwcnt)fcattexcd a ifcvc:r3.i~1~~"Gofpc1..,%h, ;@ .Tohfp‘eak yet rnorc: plainly to yam, and necxuzr home,- ;oltheHif’c_ory ofchis Text ;TI‘he fiarinrbidnsh (to whom“ tE}—1iévEpih[’chlc:‘“hvvas written) as iffroxn evcry new Teacher A t~i?1:1“th:;;ha:m¢§3thhith”cr,t.h”cy‘hiad learned‘ a new RCILK-§iOHg" be-3 ‘gan atilength to”hav::;ash many Rhcligiqnhs ammng them asthcy hahdflhcarsd Tea.c11crshh.h You hmight~Vhav~e: dhifiinat guhifhcdhhd’i»vérs C h'urch’cs‘ inmthch f ame Ciryg anV::1hai'c dhia-"T A gldcd xhciri cficleefs wand Creh:c:;dsb,ythc‘§r Faamiljcs and fi1‘eets.h ihhhWh;e1'c,h¢hb“ ha ltallmcic ‘and dccfeit of the N “e:£rc;.“+* ‘ahdging of°htH‘ehh‘"t1;j;1g~shtagght, ‘bytht *4 ;\ fl'"ci:€tiQnWwti3%“t11%*c5:-; “ heachE't,h andhoth jgudgingh of the Trcachqrhbythheh thhingsi, % “ h h h A».:../§‘;.». V} % h % _ h T :ii;hHen.ce,.,.iintime, dii¥ercnc:e‘and difaiigré the Pryle of the feive1i'a11ipipes~and channels, by A which ihiigwas conveyed eahnoadiiniro theiwotld. he . ,; z iThis.di;verfiiityoif namee, and fides, ‘grew? at firft from ;mhei1f,; diver :fityiof’~opini0ns? , and. minds; A gation fépofke ceVnfioriou.fl»y hot iC0ng;reg ationgasiif-none ha.dxbeien in the i bY~ ,0n¢(ais e A I '4 yourea.d4;atrhe I2. verfe ofthis Chapter) {aidi,1I min of V ~ ,.Paul, anotheir, am afxljral/0:; ah third; am of Cepéw, ‘a . fourth, I am afcbrzfl .- V Asfif Chirifz I had either been di-‘ vided, orelfe were to {iand with the -raft as the name-of AeadiPcin6’ciReligien. Or atiileaih as if the Gof'pe1,which hat firfi fprung from him, likeftreamies .b.rqken offfrom i their fpring-hiead,wereno‘lsonge’ii toretaine thename of A the Eountaineyfromi whenceit rofe", blilt were to weare 9. cm» which he taught, mrym chofe cohimfelfc the name V of his hMiniflers.to make a, Side._,and Faéiion ‘an n Ji"‘?1""'i‘ L. WW f”"¥ «right butthey’"0ne1ygwhopnicifl vehementnilyr‘imuldi ‘i ichairgei% othc1”5%With being in the wi'or.1g... i:sS?ai7nt Paul was urged ,and quflticfd . agaiiilgfh S;21jnt Pet:?r,.:£i1j1du Ape//osriagbainfi _bQot,h_.,and V C‘/my‘/l againftall thr:e.e..4; iV\7h0ie Sermidns,~ii“kc gthofe Chan gee: b1Jé»figiuztei$ whi;eh»i1*i*e4:meholyi men ffiaimc “$9 Emflifelvehs iin%tl1e‘ii:louds:,i §;weiire»:~.madeiiito Wear‘e>thc iflqape-,and;eforme,h which efievéryi ems. szeaie and faneie i i As men‘! in mi1‘!dS. (4% minds an d; fpc;cch,tbcyr~grcw to cliifzrcncc and difag rcc- , men; in focirsty and convcrfation too. i.Diffcrcncc of o-9 ilVPi;,}i,pn hreldrfgparation companies :3 '1‘ arrclthar which :W=15’“a~_tl_=firft buria ircighbcurly diifpurc,;byi~ degrees rook .fl}11°fl€ 2. and grcwto bcjmoritall hacréd , divificml and A V fchifme. Mcrnofrhe next doors were no longer neigh. mugs two one anothcr. All the bonds of Charity became Wutgtc:-Arly bcrdkcni. ;éAll chrifiian cnrcrcourfc, and familiari- % ~Cy,;afld“COfl'1fn€rCC cca ft-between them. Hcwas thought to be fi’il‘?'fC.', and to betray his fidc, who offered to {haw ;him fclf affable or civill to oncofalnothcrparty. In fliorrl, the: breach lbccamc fo wide, that “he was vrhcirzghti to be rhc-only religious man» who could mofl: ccnlarge tllcirlcntific could bring mbft fucll to the prcfcnst combufiiion whichiwas thus unhappily kindled amen them. To compofc thcfc Differences therefore, (Dill- .;fc1'cnce5, not like chef: of our mifcrable, ciiftraétcd times) and to make the Knorandflcconciliation asiftift ‘. and firong,as the Difagrccmcnr and Rcrrt: was large and fwidc,Saint: Pgmliihcre in this Text, prcfcribcs a {cverall Cure, for icvicry particular and fcverall breach. ¢ Firff, to rcilmlfeavc .chc;idiiEcord which rofc among thcmgby cal- «lir1g't'hscmfc;lves by fcvcrall namcs, and to banilh the ill «iilrwnfcqucinceslrofallfiichfaétious compcllaricms, which jfO;l7 the rnofi pairrare bitter Invcérives, and lharpe arr... mwics icifdctraétion lhurld at oncanorher, he perfwadcs {them bro? A unity -of language and fpccch , and cxhorrs tlacrnrto call thcmfeLvcsla‘ll by thcfamc name 5 in A A - irhcfe words, 1\’ow‘ I éefeealy you, Bmbrm, t/Mt ya: all j}>eak_t£rcfl:metfl2ing's. Next, rorcmovc thcirwant of _mcct,ings,i and C,ommuniolntogcther:lir1 the famc; pladc V‘ of Gods Worlhipi, he pcrfwadcs c»hélnt»outiit§7 of ' iAll'emblic$d,iahd Congrcgationgrin thcfe words‘, ~iNm 4 I '1l2efi:¢claym._,A B.r.¢t&rew,M izlalest t/am A wf our Lord (5) be nn;Dimrifz'én:, Th?aAtis.," A (as Ifhzil, in the progrcflic of this “Scrmc~>n, mike? LLL “it A A clean‘: to Aymn fmm ihc Origénal) mat them be no Sepa; rations, ma1:_i~s,;(as our En4gliefl1w0rddozh mil cxpmflh $ in) that thtift be no private: fequc4fircd%meetingé,am fuck & thingsns Convenmlcs among you. Thirdly, to re»; mmrc the R0011? and fpring ,mf‘a1“l timfe 2unAc‘hariz:ab1c%< firifn-s,,y and dmfions, and, fcparations, he pcrfwadcs thcm tm unity ofAOpimons and minds, in 1th.¢?fQ words ,A A NM ,1 iwfm:/2 you, Bret/am: ,% 154: you 5: pcrfefily joymql A wgctlver in tin jam mind, and in the fame jugdcmmt. Laflly, that bar: might with rrhe greater fucccffc do this, a.nd,¢l1.;kq a 4skilft1l1. me wmzilcr, might ~win upon all fidcs, , he for awhileklaywcs afidcthc Auchoricymthis Apofile-«- ‘A % A {hip 5 and 1niwg;lin~gRequ&cfi and C.onVjm‘ati0n, with Ex-; , ‘hmtationwand A+v&«cc,;hc1&s the spa»rt»ofan A;poftlc”A, in the form ®fAa%%:ic&%om m',ir1 t.hc:fc we rds,,Naw I bcflseclryau, Brztbren, by $26: I\'a.~me,aj"aur 713ml gfefm Chriflgévc. ”” t=hw:fcA parmthc Apofflcs rrlfifl-'d.C infirmation, and a&ddrcfi"c of himiicifc, and zthc fcwerafll Dcgr»ccsnofh unity and cans A A cm:d,4.in fpeech ,in aifemblies, and Aim%opini.A‘ AA 4 difcourfe. In:~t%1mc.mdcx.in; .ofwhi.ch,I w1MbeginwithV% % the Apmflcics “fubrn;ifli¥*vacA%rin A IL’ .P.u=: 1‘eipec€t o‘fPerfoinis, yet: A wliietiwr he naiw will, or whether in our times he doth - fiiil thus sxtraiordiaariiiy -rawife up Teachers toihimfclfc, is c:*r<5%pi:r«c%tsr;&xa~r L/%pdii’Ei&‘“s>;€arl1é‘*d* him’fr?@&1ii%ais wade by Hi Tiavzimifinf iiiyi ~3»pi‘rii "’¢Ezz]bn;i*ivé ‘Rum, ma4&¢ iu;;~;r“*zi fwim , ‘iamd mmmv i‘cip1‘et I3"iib.C51j1I‘f€“5 int :1 famae Cuunftzryg ~Wi‘iiic11. ‘Wfa;§%fiiKc?at1[éii%¢e1*tai-111%irfl*g*n*€iti1at God’ 4 r, u wef*?imiwi;i* 5ixii'®~1iig“Wt many M “€*‘1ix‘if’c*s’*i,f11i~i*:a;*c'lcs1‘; $j%h~ich so: (9) m bexApo:fi1@s. Emmy ‘?0:faUhfi‘l'f€_;iYiE'€i§1,:~‘¥V»hi3 dcriarc tii{e;{;‘~ A warraint ifrom thtigfamc [acted «fpringgcan &n1akci.Ir9;i& 'fw:im_., or li1iccEiZij?m, r¢main4i£1gi;gl:i¢r¢;i1::their Vcwng ~§I[l'“a-Cl‘, :iC£-M1 teliiius :Wh;3it the iKir2g¢afi Syria fi;ye%s;i,n.hi.S V Bed-ycmmbfir ;O;L1‘i1k6 Sainit Aflgtcr. £hcy.$ can icu;i1ac _i'f€VCI‘5 and d;i1f¢‘.aifes ibyVith*::~1r iii>1m:»:*=-, fhzsidoiwcs paiiing rover x:ihc:m~3Oirif”, i‘1>iik.fi',tE},& ‘xfc:-ii of the Apofiles, i,ha¥ . »i:s/iingincver iibicfiarc [knowing Le:1t::crsi%, ifchcy can Qfafud. .da-inc {peak a1lLaug'aages, the Controvcrfie Wis" iazaiin jicmd;-,-,.It;wouid sbfi 9. very great finnc againfi the “S{pi1'ic of':.God to d.<.:~:.nyb that he is in the:-mi0f'a Truth. Butif ail it:hC ip.1’O()‘i“t:‘i.;2lIT2(Ii fignr: they cam giveus that«t11eiy;havic him, be 0niyiafirs.;i>11gptrfivafion ofthemfciiviies 5 Nay, ii iiifby an infa,iiibii‘é IiiLi-II°liflé1‘E:‘i-Ctfl E11€,y«COLIIdafli.1fC them."- ;fCg.1.VCS,.tha.t tihcyihavc him , yet as many asha we next Chc iAlikie ,i.ntaliible iiilliiuimination to aflhrethem foitoo, iwiil i not beg-ui1tyii.Qt.»an ur1p2L1*dot1ablcofF»cnce, if-'thcY fu fpeét i:i.thcijz have him iinm. AA iFo,r .hc*1've, iI-muf’c om;,g;4iiirnoriieLiire— e;pca_.te;myforn1cr cfii0m,and askeebywhat; cifFc:,éis,ogr jyfigncsicafthci fpirit, men {hall knowathcmi t.o.b¢ iiicgllcd i 2.’ .£yi,wha.:t.:’ will fame maniifay,wh~y*.’ Dmyouiict hem: menu’ preacbi, expound ‘Scripture, unf'oldiProphccics, initcrpret Paraiibles, nayipluck the yeiicand cloudfrom V A 3r1thieiB0okc of miiftery¢s;it f<:1fc,the ivery RewlatiM?iCain » amnyiof you grcat;Sch@llers, with aIlyouri“fi:u<{y_of Phi«- lofophers, Fathers, Councellfi; irSchooI- m,cn, A H:iftori- wansg, Oratoiursi, Pacts, cithcrilmldyouir Congrggations ilonger, or fend thcmaway~morc‘ cdificd .6 And williiiycm yet asjcc }.€fli0nS 2.’ Or ii doiubt,ofathe ‘certainty ofthcir iivocation A 2' I-mufit not idiiifémbilzcz with imyau ;If. I could ”~mect =w:ich.an unlgarned -iHaindicrafn~maiin who without V f.ifi‘udy,i can,Ld;ev:this to thc fagmic hcighr, and iMcafurc cf i i;:'fruth;iias theft ;unjiui’ci1y~cryicd d9WI1‘¢a ;l¢3I:fl<=€L 3113 A i B 2 _ W? fl r V (1o)' . " » well Ptudyed men doe, I fhould begin to alter my opi. nion 3 And fhould reckon him, as he deferves, in the number of the infpired. But alas, my Brethren, as I 1 ‘am not come hitherto difparage the gifts of the holy Ghofl, in what pcrfonsy foeverl finde them, or to per- fwade that Scripture rightly expounded, is not one,and the fame, from the mouth ofa Priefi, or an infpired Lay-man -.;,io* this I rnuii: freely fay to you, That as many ofthole ftrange Teachers. as Ihave heard, have expounded Scripture indeedfand have ventured upon Tome of the hardefi places of the Prophets. But}, then, ifall my [indies of the Biblegaffifted with all thofe holy, tuncorrupted, learned helps, which might enablerne to underfiand it aright, have not deceived me, their eatpo-« fitions, and Sermons, how paflionately delivered, or how long foever, are evident proofes to me that they l have not the Spirit. If they h:td,they would I1€VCl',ccr.... tainly, expound Scripture fo dire étlyt contlrary to his meaning .3, Or make the writings of the PrDpl'1’€tS,..t or Apoflles, weare only that prelent fliape, not wlhtichlthe A holy Ghoft hath imprinted and 'fiamp.t upon them,but tzmf-3 3e;;.n~.¢m—;zzr2;t which tends to the divifion ofiaKingdome,and the con- ~;»”‘ia’7'~«« tr" :7’.-(‘;*,’.*I>‘;f~::+ ~ fi.‘:fi0I‘l of at Chi-1reh,5 Nor would they, as they doe,-what . ‘S u ever the Teextlbae, prelfe that fenfe fromit=, not which is in genuine, land natural}, but which tends rnoft to the de- firuéi:ionlof"'a party,orthe fornentation of a mofl: unnaru- t * fa! Cir}rillt~lW;trre. Saint Paul tells us in the Hit Chapter *ofthe’EpifiIetto the Galatians, at the 2;. and; 3.ver1"es, tlmit‘ the frtdts, or tifierfts of the Spirit, arc~L'oruc,i peace, “laflgwfnflitrirtg, A gcntlrnqflé, meckncflz, Tempernncu. He t .tufethiilmilipe1ake.tto menin the voyce,= and figure of l *3. 1)ox.rc :-But “ to entitlehirn to all tholetforbidden yvorkes of thetfleflyofp variance, hatred‘, feditiotg He- 4. A ‘relies, f (II) y up in the precedent verfes of that Chapter, isto make him {peak with the voyce ofa Raven. i y t x A In 1hort,my Brethren, the holy Ghofl isnot the Au- thor offuch Doétrines as breakGodsCommandements in the Pulpit. Nor is ita long Prayer, or a zealous two- houres reviling ofthe foot-{teps ofthe Lords Anointed, latheirlawfull Soveraigne,“ which can make their Ser- mons to be any otherthenfo much Libell, or holy De-V traeiation, Or which can make their Interpretations of the Word of God,how moderate foever in other cafes, if they be not agreeable to the fcope,an mind, and in- tention of the holy Ghoft,to be any other then fomany zealous mliftakes, and {'0 many illegitimate births, and creatures of theirowne deluded fancies. , ‘ V i Next, in purfuit of this ifoafonable Argument, give - tneleave, Ipray, withall the plainnefl'e I can, ( for I well know where I am, and to what Auditory It fpealt) i to make it yet farther evidentto you, that if I fhould grant whatthefe 'AU5‘5M£yV of "AMI, as S. Befil calls them, theft: Saints of a dayes growth,challenge to themfelves, who thinker that all that is required to rnakea Minilier of the Gofpell, is -:3 Céaefigaonely to be willing, and to i tflart up a Preacher. lf,I fay, it flioiuld be granted them, that they have the inwardeallingof thespirit, yet God i A is fo much the God ol:order,that unleflie they will c1‘.I- y _ ter themfelves into his fervice, by undergoing lthofe * Rites of Confecration,and Itnpofition offlands, which God hath pre fcribed in his[Chureh, to {land for ever as theioutward formes and, fignes of their vocation too, everyeafisof the Minifiery whichthey performe,,istbut a facrifice like theirs who offered Rrange fire before the Lord ,and miferablyperifht by theirowne: forbidden ; B 3 Cenfors. re{ies,Envyings, murthers, and the like, there reokoned, i 'Cenfors. Ori£,ym:wiA1l A %knc3:wne ‘»vhifper and*inf’tiné‘cvo%£‘the holy Ghoft «: Tm.., (1?) of it by a VjL1dge;rnen1t a“s**t%er=rib»L.-2. films to %putth::ir"ha—:1d to the Ari-«:6, thus%to~fuVspporwc1t,.1f’t W611; ready to fall, »isfuchanrmwa»rm?nted p%1CC<‘.‘ of o~ff1c.1»0uim-rife , as will ~(cc1f‘ta~1i’::-Ily)t1nfcpen%t¢4d, at=fomc~timc cm‘ (gather, dmw the ;punifl1;.nt%nt otuzgg/4 um: them, provoke the abu- Afczd Almighty ”to*br:.:ak forth m a £1:z2~r1¢: of fire upon wthem,and confum :2 them for their tmnc-:cefi‘ary4 dA2Iig::*ence. Forhere, allthe Scripture «examples which imboide:n% 4 ’ themm this vxrorke, docrretumc upwm them, as fin many Ainfianccs and pgsacfcsoftheirincmszchmcm on our of» ~fice. 4Fdrhc1"clecmeomce more zzaskathezn, How was VElzflmc:al1ed%to be :1 Prophet sf’ %mec1'ly by thé‘ {carat ,,.un- ly, ifhe had, yet this would not make much for them; Abccaufc God never tycd himfelfc prccifcly to theft: outward formes in the choice wofa. P1'0phet , which has A then did, and‘ fizill doth inthe cholcc of his P%ricfl:1s. Ycx: thcca1li:.1gofrhis Pxophct was not wichcaut fits vifiblc fi‘g‘ne. Gae,{ayees God to Eli;//J‘,inA%the 19. Chap. ofchc afirflbaok Of‘.l:('i1gg'5,“at7t11c 16.. vcrfcr, Amzim.‘ Elzflm tl2»:_:,,: ' —AVAfimwc cf 3*/mg»/mt to lve+Prop/Bet in tizyramme. And whether I"'nc-&rifi ‘.....€~?""4u¢nv;r *5 121;: 1% V ch~::1ikc Cert-manic cf powring oyle am his head, were notflfopcrformed by fume elder Prophct upon Amos as the younger, as tis not affirmed, fo tis; not dcnycd in wficripturcg, butléfc probable. In the Conf@cra1:ion;of y%rh‘“q=:Priefis ofihofe times, the cafe is much more evi-“ «d§c:"nr:.* iflead atvyourlcifure the V’.2'9..«(:‘h'apf‘€17QfExodpI4'5 A there you fl1all~find’e, thac‘bcf'0reA God would r1cAceivcA , %'t‘h”Em i7n%t%0 that:facredrfun<fi:ion2, firfl: , qdivcrs ‘Sacrifices A ware to b‘ctvoeffered4 foxfithem ; A it hcn«*chc.y *Mw:cr¢ to be b*rm1g“hrto chVc:adoorc ofthc Ta;b~eArna4cI:e fof AA th:c;Cengrc- Agatiion, ~ and merez nob: wafl1It;_%1:h:cn 1:h*e ipricfls %.Ga;.r- A A , ments, ‘have me cxgurefiiauhe dtzzngrcr A % (I3) * miems, trfm Coat, the Ephode, mi BWRVA-%p1’at.e:'¢ and: M‘L:’re+; wen‘: to be put uwpon th~e‘m%. La.fi1y., f'aHoszvcd t¢he aI1g>in-M ting oyzle,» which was~;pou»,md .u1.;_:»oan_At,%l1eirwhcacI;s t:h«is~ Awavs the eC.on£‘?ec;_mc£oz1Va’i' ;;h—c %}Z?’ér;ieftas;: oi. nkm:fc§r’ gimea. ‘ A - c 4 V % M t W V A 3 ' The Ceremtcmicfsfl0f%Confc<:ra:ion in the New% Tc-+ fmmmt, Wcrediffcrcnt, I«confc£Te, fkcvm thofcofthc OM; yet: equivalsenn, amsl; a.nfwe'ra.hTl%c to thém in fiht;-:%i¢%1%* kindj. Thcfe Vwvm: , a puflblikc: meeting of mg Cl1urc%ht:oge~ther5 3, prefcmation. there made oftheper- fomo be made a.~P riefk; folcmnc prayers and f=..3pplir;a..- tions put up no God, to make him ufczfull to his C’h»uL:c%hV: and fora ft;-ale o~fa1ltheVw1:efi, thelmpfitiorn K of‘ the Bifhops hands, aflificdf by his Pmsb=yV:c1:'s. Now, mybr¢th-_ren,Aapp1;y this to clw Pcramge Pric{’cs of om: z:imes,w ho wit1m%unvvravfl3r f:*C.‘!: t?h&ruA*fithemfc1w:s inta the 'I‘.:z~bcrnac1e.;notafézcrifice, not fa) much asa h%andé*ul%l ofmezvle, or graimér oflncenfcr, or drop of Qyle, {pent to4wards Vtheiir C%onfecrarion; No falcmne afi"cm.b1y, no prefenrattion ‘ofthcm{c1vcs%made to God, no impoli- tion of haxuds, not fo much as a fh0xtPra.:ycr, or b=cn-ediw won, or God {peed you , ufed towards their =fc:£ing forthintethc Lords Vineyar.d&,~and you will finds sxghaaz there are the t~hec:vcs and rLobbAe:rs. ( pardon the .;hardV;_1yesA Auf the ?Ml2;ngiAu-age, I camnmt make nhc§Scripturef fpeajc mi“icTly'.c«r thm iVtdarh)whiVc*hourSmzimut Ch1*ifl:%fp¢ak:_s of in that 10. Qluapter @fS.¢AAf}*3w/2n3at%*theaV fi‘r%& AvcI§f§:*,.Mct1 ) ‘WI-ya Veiitzef not w 6y #9: do0”r%e% ~i;¢t0flta&a1fkeep, a higher, fecomd,.4audAm~0re.-« falemrie cv:-r1‘fc‘c%i*at~i0m pa”f’c upon him. which you may i¢eaé1;i~n%th¢ 13?.*?c~ha;:54ter ®f*tl"i4E: V%A&s%, where, fa-Lies the-~ A h01 * V’*(»3ImI~’c t‘® the i*op11¢1ersV,«avnVdVT«:i’achers ofV:h~e M: bf mioVch, fi*p%ara*te%“¢¢e Bnrfz2zé>.w,w¢d .S'wt‘ul:, for 21:: from that which,Ch.rii”’c {poke to him in1m.,€iat,ely% from. Heaven”. But what faycs the place -A.’ After-he was fals. Icfn to,tl1e Earth Lind, Arzfé, fayes Chrifi mi) [him 5 1. dim! gaeizmt/2: %City,am!JtlJc*re itflm/J5e*1‘40lo'[ me what tlzow; when he came inm thw: City, 21 Acert?ain/e Diikipdle named Aizaniaa , p%rc-infiruéfited by ‘C hrifi in a% vifion, was (em: to him,~VWhopu‘t:i11g his HandAs on hirn, mufi ~doe.% {ayes t!1eTéx‘t, {hid ‘whim, A B»r¢i)t:’aer»Saul, flue Lam’ (mm §3éfm W‘: ggzppvmd tbez in ét/ye my) maria few! we, tI9;tt“‘ bcflowed hiri\+1A.4 And Whchwhc wVas»b:*fi:owed up» 1 him ounrigh: Apofi A + wbé‘r£:!u’r1ta /mw mll*tm’!1bei;z 5 fim'*.2.¢Azad ihow Wérc théy 9- 3I'ef3‘a4r~&bed,fI pm}: *3 Tht3"tl1i~rc*14v&:4rfe ceiés yam‘ Wl.r%nfl1‘e~ A A ~ my Tewciyam, therc mentioited, ‘/Md faflefi; ¢mJ.:f Wijafil, lay! g/my ?lyz1nA*?:A*b’n4;V2é‘/2%?» 5 ”i"a‘.ye*sA the Tcxtstha A jfmt«s%rI1em 4h2ay;ti«li1rhenthey w&nte*tip%oW*¢r; fl Tovwhicfz g f‘p"3* agé vof‘ "l=?1is vfltatifitfl , m#ta‘l»14irfg :23 ‘the ‘m’iniflActy;..g¢iv‘¢c' ' V l%savc~"te%aM**&t¢h‘is»fb»r+1«h~is %pam:s.'r’hat ih%a“h1it‘r3ar3%vay~ AA ‘3a4¢q1£1‘~*i&r%dA L:?caArifin“g,V ‘he %+gi‘ta5m?fl,V‘SchoIT@Af: *«;Air%1*t‘:, b«red at‘%thé?f%eAet~df Vaaifialicé, A9221; “great L*D‘Q A V%¢0mgu‘¢§?¢..: atffirred by; Mzfiv-»,_.i {imke'¥imdre~% V M T: Z 4 A % dufiryav ‘dufiry,thch all hhe och A Heathen Poets. an gr Apaazm whiciz _a1mo"fl: % all Languages infcillcd intca them by infufion; In fllorg A A h he. was, vc"rf’c, and mad, and flrudyed, ho: 0n,§yh.in4thhe * Scriptum, hufltin the hhighefl partsofifehcularhlearnhingg 1 of Mem2m’cr,h Epimenidn, and Arazfm, A Which is furs fign to us,th.-at fiudies,2md learning, and paztsacquired in Um’vcrficies,h“harcn0; hin- drances, or Iz'npedimc11cs,' if mm: helps to the Mimftery, Laftly, aShf0rth3.t faying of rmzzzm, that Laymxehq may be Priefts, he tells you, in thc fo£lowingh%%xvqrds, in what cafe this is to be undcrflood. Wiccclefia/fzci ‘or; In the writi dint? sum :1]? confeffi'tJ5‘VVh::r¢ chéhconditican oi"tm~: ti:-E16, ’ arzdvplacc ishfucgw, thatEcclcfiafihic3.l1 Qrdcfrs canhmazrbrs: had 3 Ifa ‘Chriflhizm Lay’-man fhhould coane imro 3. pagan Iland,o1j into a Cm’-ntry of‘Hcz2themhpt:-hhplczyvhcr: camrc is no true hM.1n1ficr.4 Hcrcwfirzgms, ér éfers, @- ,/Eaperdas ::,j V every man is 21 Pricft, and mayB,a.ptize,z1nd adminiffet the Sacrament, andprcach as much otthc Gofpcllas he knowes. But“Wh£:*rc this neceflity ishnoir, .tofnat1Ch téhr:Serm0n out of the mouth, or the Sacrament ucof thehh hmeds, or the Child out ofthe armch of the thrtlit: Minifh:hr,' is: termini ' r to bfiin ‘ aha numhrcn ofthofc um Y iézallad Teacht:r$,i~0f whom conxplaincs the :2 3:. Chhaptérhof yferemy, at the I. vcrfe; where he faycé; I hhbacve not flmt tbcfé Prhapbqtsflret _t/My ran; I bum natflraken 4 _to*tI2em,yet tbeygrapbecied. And farthcrkthcn this I will not piurfue the: _rhPcthingI»prc1>o4fe'd no you; which was, byi’hoChafii0h "of Sahifnt =‘Pi;m1.c7 Calling tr)» he ‘an 1! Ap0ftle;,:t?d .:mj=move an errohur‘E‘1atetak¢iti intoithchminds of fomc, ‘ Wéhatwchrafts-men may cxcrciéfe, the pl4aflce% and funficion @‘fahPri¢fi.h A A ” W 7 =The' next rhhin gm I:'fhasl€h obfervc to=yo_u,x;s,Athchholyh aipd inflnuatxom hich S M»! hm: Math no wim upontheh Ca" V mindsh 7»; Z rrzm»; _’-2: “ ‘ The artificial! Infinuation of himfélfe, V I “ minds ofhis difagreein i(t8): " not to the with that part ofan Orator about him, which i contfilis inithe excellency offpeech, or the entifing words of mans wifedome (leflit he hafldone fo, hee ‘r it? ‘re be 41 f*// might perhaps, have gained much glory to himfelfe, but th'eenhisl\/lafier muft have been in danger to loft his, a and fo the Gofpel have fuffered from his Eloquence 5- it And his Epifllesa might , perhaps, have pail: for ah A good piece of Rhetoriclc, but not for good Sermons) yethe every where carrycd this other, equally prevaim t A ling part of a good Oratour with him, that, by complye-L h the affections of thofe to whom he wrote, he mg W11‘. 39% (Lyn £'3iwfl(.fi1'l’ce transformed himfelf into their fhapes, and became. all things to all men,_ that he might the bctte.r,.ttrans- iformelthemrainto his, and make all menabecorne like i A him,l'elfe.Thus to the Jewsihe became as ajewgand , “certainly, inthat-deferiptionofhimfelfe he was infpia; l red tofptealt Truthas w~ellasll1nhis' otherlwritingsjtas, . _ currence of natural], acquired,_ and inlti-fed abilities in: 1 My him, which rendterd him though not one ofthc,twel~ve,,,. i = yet”of7equall%g1fts,:;and cndowmentsl”tot~heem all. Lafi- put himfelf: awhile with them undertheLa.w, : that by infenfible degreiesihe might take their yoke from them, and might beget theitlriking-, and entertainment ofthe a «~Gofpell.. And thus to the Gentiles- , who were with-» out the Law , he became as a Gentile,‘Withoutthe Law. rfoo, that he might unite_fithem to the gijevys. ;If~I.may.A fpealt of him by his owne defcription ofihim felfe, (and hewas not chofen, like the ref’: ofthe Apoftles»,out~of F;ifher«men,-or men unlearned, nor ca~l_l’d«to preach the; Gofpell from mending Nets ;,aBut as,tt~li,e;:e' wasa cor:-g ly, as.his~ taskc, and patc:nit;t~o.lpr~eayc;h "the Gofpell ‘W335; g Corinthians. Thoughhc pro: fell?-l‘:,i in the beginning of the nextCl1apter,thathc came A . A i A (19) A muchlarger then the rel}, as much larger, as the refl of mankind was larger rah en the N anon ofthejews; So. in the performance of his taske, he never fayled to "ex- A preffe all this. Like the Beaft, ofwhich P/inyfpeakes, which puts on the likeneffe of every thingnext it, and ‘ihowes like a flower before a flower, like arflreame be- forc 3 fi.ream_.,and like a flame before a flame; fo ’c'was a piece oft-his Apoflles (Art {hall I fay 2.’ or) holy corn»-” mi{Iion,t0 be all things to; 4llmm..Strong with the ftrong, and Weake with the weake. To part with his Liberty ,.o.a-nae, atothefcrupulous, and tonic it with the in 1 ercnc. To eat allthingis with thofe that did -eat all things,_and with _ ‘thofethat didnot,to keepe himfelfe to hearbs. Will you heare him inhall thcfe ‘particulars expreffe him-" felfe rt-'1-‘urn: to the eightChap.of this Bpiltle,and'toA A the 19. verfe , where fetting downthe end , and aime which he propofed to all his holy Arcs,he fayes, T/Jmgb Ibcfzfeefrom afl men, that is, no way obligedto cloeiasll ' I doe,buti for my Mafte rs lervice, yet,/mrue I madcimyfegfis afmmmt to 4/1,:/mt I might mm t/7:: mare.Now ilihumili-uy,i and the cafling ofhimfelf below hi-[I1fClf3lfC0bCfCCCh,8C lcntrear, <3: petition thcre,where he had fufficiem: aurho- i rity and comm1H'1on”to enjoyn écircommand, be to Wear A the form of a fervant ,-,.and if all difcrcet Behaviours, cotmpliances,‘ and applications, take their meafure, and ufe,and ‘p'railc',fi‘0m thegood end to whichtheyare,.di- reé°ted,8tthe good-fuccefle whichtheyare.likely.to"proa-A A icurc,in all hisfipifiles I find “nor thisApo{lle more expe- diently making ufeof hisArt in the.for.m of a fupplianr, . lthenin thisText.A For eonifiderithefe Corinthianstitoi whom be here applies himfelFAe,,divided,t and ‘broken into} Fafiions-gand thefe Faéi:ionsl.t feverally deriving l thcrnfeIves,Afomefroiml him,iothers from Cepbm, others i A C3 i i from‘ from ’Apal!a,s~, (Names, in their €)pimions;h as hofy, (20) ii: gn’:a.1~: as his) and to have dczflt im pcriczmfly with them, or 1:9 have ufiad his Apoflzolicall power ,4 and to have commanded than to .agt:eem.cnt,had not beans to make pcacqhru: to anim ate, and hinflamc that party which ca1- h lcdhthcmfelvcshis fidcdthad been tQ,£9,I0 call up op- pofirim, and difdaine, in the others, who were not of that ' Whc, cxting Apollas, or Sam: Peter againff ¥«/‘f/‘W9’ him, and thinking it tohbehmme c0nfefi'i0n_0f:l1ci1' er» rifidur and we%akncfI'«:“,hh :0 yccld firfi, c>r to gate over to them who {aid I;hCy'WC‘1‘€ cf Paul, it bcinhgas rcafohnablhcr V th=atht:’;ey ihould come ovcr tmzhhhcm who {aid they were of‘Cepb¢af, or Apallnx, might: have ask: the fame quicfiioa which the firivxng Ifraelitc askt Mofes, Who maxim/wee 42, gfmlge over new 2.’ And might have fecmadéd this qm::£t1on with anmher, and have askt him, How onc:intw:fl‘cd,. amdvingaged, may the head, (as they conceived) ofa Fafiion, could heprcfumcd to be an impar»ria}l recons- c;i"lcirh:' 'T\h€‘~"‘bett€'r ,hthercforc,»to cftabliflaa peace and concord among them, S.Paal, in this Cbapprocceds by 3...condu¢cib1c Waies of Reconciliation. Ar the I 3 .mr.he 1 clears himfchhlf fromhallhintcrcflch car‘ engagezncnr to a, fidei; Aanhd xequafly blaming th‘of”e who fahidhthhcv were of Paul}, as thhoihc whhuyfaidh they were of Geplmr hr Ape/!o.ch,he haské fthemhowivthcamhe tapaffc, chat thcy deal: with the Go?- A fpell ofChrifi, which wascnthigra-and feamleflé,‘ likchis Coatc,»as tfhch Souldicrshdid with his 0:11:-r Garmmtsh, divided 1: 53721 kind of blindé Lottery» amhanng thhem.,hdnd * cvery one takehis flaaref 1..~cm/z divided *3 Saycs he. W45 P.eml»bru«&ifi:dfar you A O r were ye B4ptzZ7‘:ed in the mm: afgmz4lh.? Ifhyoh w¢rehnh;h:;,:t, why doéyVou ;;~a:.1.e a {i:ré’c.,—and VI5a:<5ti~om frhcimhhfaim doc Lyon). @1414 :)%*¢it1’r~* f&lVC§‘By h way A of r-xfmrfie hhranhd dihftin6tion;»hP4:4l:/iv wio burnfe the A {]“f)‘ then«am‘c 0f y‘omrPrreachm* .1:ndApoflle,4 into me mama’ A o“£4aSchi¢fmae‘and Ia'dci' A . “ * 4 Ncxét, = as he vwcll knacw mhm: the Ar‘eady&c£t swayto Ire- cozv1c;i1»»ea}1Ifi<<;I4cs , was to Amanifc~f’cAA~h4imi"cl%f7c tubccxf %_ none gfb ‘be well knew too , *Ehat: h;«c::tVhat would knit, V and Tm-unite difag'recing mimds,,wasAmmt "Pm dca1er»eugh- i>y.;,ao‘r% magiflcrmlly with.nhe.m:, (fox that MwVere¢ hIfm':‘.%1“®f£‘ bu gh , Ath~ctefort*, b-éiemg armed fiwkh ithic %a:utahoVricy as l1¢rfif?hirzf:;fe?1f¢, ht‘ igsbt, with u>fi'iLce enough, Jha«v..c De+Ca*e%es and ()rd1n.avnc:es m fbinisd "tthfcm to agr¢e.. 1*, ye: ma 4i*mhe1i' ~€a1514@Wéb‘f€€E+h«%t0 m“ccam:i?}e tlrmm. to « one Jéénwther~Wifth~'t4hci%rA ow‘ne~c0AnafenrsA%.. :I%n;ami1AdA,and hum- ‘=b1¢c~*a+dd%r:s:.*£Fe »of>1%z«im {?<:~lfI, %tAlr1Vsr»9af{m:e%., ;=nost:em diftuth the 44 peace, and trouble the happioefl"e of Kingdotnes, and “Common-wealths. Making holy, vertuous words, and name:-s,r-nany times the partition walltof feparation; And the devictgand i-nci,tement,nott only to divideKin§g- " dorms, A but Corporations, and private fatmilyes apgainfl themielves. As long as the Jews called thetnfelves by , one and the fame common name of their Fatlter $4tab?, Iftaelites, they made but one State,one Common-p wealthamtongt them. ::Bt.1tf’ when. once ten Tribes iota ~ gtoffed that name to themfelves,'and“the other two for diPcin5iion~ fake called themfelves by the Tribe of W ' §?3ud4lI,the mofli united, happyefhneerlieft allyed people: in the world, a pc(*)p1e_0f0nt:‘bI0ts1d', as well as one “ CLanguagc,.telIiaI‘undet,t and divided themfelvcs, like . V » D3 A »§’34ro5, (:2 8) faoab, and Eflm, intorwo hoftiie, irrcconciloablc, nevcr more to be unfilled Kingdom_es.r Afid this was the cafe rofrhefodifagreeing Corinthians, to whom Saintgaul rdirchkcftaed this Text; As long as they Calléd thcmfclvcs, by one, and the fame common name of Chrifliaos, they Armada but. or-xebciry, one Church, one place of Con-- i «cord. Butwhcn thcy_oncc,bcgan to difiinguifhthem-A fclvcs by their fcvc-ra11Tca~chers : When fomcfaid, We areafP4t:l§ hothzrs, we are of Ccpbwg Athird fort, we are ofadpollosg And onljzafourth fort‘,r__11orc Or-J thrordfox then thc rcfi, we are afCbr:f,’ir.;, Then, thcn,in~ deed, asifChrifi had been divided, or rhad been the Authoroffcvcr~a1lRr:1igions, prCfi.(_‘.ht among them by " rfcvrerall rApo'{Hes, they becamcbrokeo, and rent, and ‘ tome afunder, into {overall Churches, and Congrcga- tions, » ‘Where thoir ufuallhcuftomc was,'not Qnlyto roppofc Sermon aga.in.{i: Sermon, and Gofpclla Gofpcll, and Teacher agaim{tTcacher, bur:_‘c;,o’%r‘;bnc Fin“ inrhehdefence of their own Teacher, and l1h'i1‘S"(§o7tI’pcl,% thought in part of their Religion fcoextoll, and quote, and urge time purity, and infallibility of the one, to the ,dcprciT1o11, and rdifgraoc, and contempt of the other: LTi1lr;aot lengrhrirocamc to rpaflfé, (aslroldyou before) that thatowhichr begun in Religion, proceeded to ‘bad manrnersr, and ill bchaviorm. Markos and words of di- fl.irno”ti,ornrrr, rand differcnco, grew to bitter inveétivcs, it;r«n1urrua11orrcproachcs ofone another. They who wéno rhcr foilowcrs ofsaintfmlrJ)o&rinc,ca1Icd thofc who ofollowcrd rdpaflar, by way rofmark-:3, and infamy, A A ». Apallamfiy. And may who were thfi‘ fo1.Iowers of Apol- 19:, byway; oof rctaliatiorgond brand, rcallcd the fol-- A or Iowcrs Pwsl,Pa'ulzfl:,xhorugh 5a~int~Pa“ul and Afri- larr preach: rboth ‘rho rfamer Do&rin~c. Hoard crmfurrds flcwh A (29) flew between them inas hard language; Wl1oAcverjWas‘ A not ofa party, not enrolled of a iicle, was thought to ho” _. A without chepale of the_Church.r The gates of rHea;-A‘ ven were {hurl agaainfc him ; and raothing abut-regrohati+A on, and ‘the lostofthe damned, iandhell fire, Wereall: lowed to be his portion. A ‘ A I Here then , my ‘Brethren , let me make my ap-LA pealm every one of you whohear home this day, hath not this been our very cafe? Iirnuflz with forrowof heart ~cor1fefl”e~ to you», that as often as I have for »~ fomeryeares , made to my felfe a contemplative fur-L A A vey of this unhappy Kingdoms, I have beene able to difcover n.orAcaufe fo pernicious for the mAa.ny "alienations of r-ninde, or the marry feparations of Congregation from Con of re ation hei htnedat lcnothinro:AtheAAtra-+~ or , 1 . ta ‘ . geclyriiof an overtfpreadrng Crvrll Warre, as certame avail or-_idri~culous, empry words, and names ofrdifl;inéi:i-» % es 5 which have fprung from rforne mien: firiA"éier,Alolr. loofer carriage ofthernfelvcs“ incheir pAro—[ " ifeflion of the fame Religion. They of the morefree, A and open carriagc,.aad behaviourg who call afevere A regularity, and firAié'tn.eIl’e of life, precifenefle, and an abridgement of Chriftian liberry,A have called thofc of a more refer-ved, andllocktup, and elermiureAAcenverfaici+ on, Puritans, l and Rourrd-heads, and IlmowAnotwhat other names ofcontumely, and reproach. .Ar1dthey of the moreaflriéf behaviour, have equally as faulty, i called‘ thofe ofa freer, and 1e{i'e lcompofedAconver£ari+ on,Libe1‘tincs, and Papifis;The ufoall words of famy madeto fignifierla Cavallier. Theft: two words, A omyfirhethren, have alimofi deflroyda flourifhing Kirrg- domc betweene them. A _ A . or iv _ or Q; i To t;his,i I cannxet but add: one molt pcrn1erouscaufeA 0?} (30) H ‘gr may prefent divifions more ,which people, have derih‘ A‘ “v‘cd*to themfelves from making themfelves followers; too much of fcverell T€&ChC1‘S';»3I’|d.2;fiCétlflgit00 much I to beiczgllied after their names: whilell; onefayes, I am afhml, another, I am of Cepéw, a third, I am i of Apt‘?//0.5‘, only 21 few neutral! men, We are afC/mfi. Nay, it we needs mull ego feverall wa.yes,l could: with we head, fuch tiacred names, as Saint Paul, «or Saint Peter, or Apogostob divideus. I know not whether it wilbe ieafonable for . me to fpeake itin this Affemhly : But we for fame late yeareshave cshofen to our {elves names more rnodeme, andefallible tod,itvi’dess our {elves by, whileifl; fome havefaid, We are of Calrvizz, others, Wearz afArmim'u»:, ' others, Wear: ofsocinm. Thele, to the blemifh, and reproach of»Chrif’tian Religion, have becneimade names of firife, land fatfiion. Yet they have been: great and learned names, Though fome of themlt muff confefTe,havc been lyable to humane Errours. _ But if you confider the many rents, and feparations into which the ordinary fort of people havefor fome yearcs .. divided themfelves, either you awill fiade no names at all for them,or names Io u.nlearne.d,‘f0 obfcure,fo alto-‘ A gether ‘me(:hanicke,l and incotnfiderahlc; that ‘twill be V your wonder how fuch vulgar, rude, untaught Tea- “chers fhould draw Difciples after them. Twouldopofe me very much to tell youby any Monument of lear- ing, ortpiety, which he hath l(‘l.‘ft‘bChi1‘l,d him tobe knowne by, who was the Father, or firfi bringer upof the feet ofthe ,Brownifts‘ 501‘ who was the firfi Author, of the fee’: of the-Ana.baptifts.I know:-here were Ana.- btaptifisin diverfe of the Fathers times gllifld know -too,‘ :'that theparent of that feet then, thOl.‘%gl') he twerean M*H7C1‘€t2lCkCJ¥y»CC he was a Seholler. i But taster the Au: = A A i A e thor A V i thorloiofthe feet ofrhe Ana_baptiils of our itlml as; I3 ,5 not well fay what he was... One who harsh writ;eniche~e‘iiiilei he * lrlifioryi of t:he.ir wilde proceedings at Mm:/fer,” (where? i (3!) they begun lwitlulie reformation of the Chureh:of_Ie~.l‘ fusC‘l1rifi,an7d~ proceeded at length to thi~ee wives 3 piece) fayes, he wasa Dutch Bocche: 50316 who‘“re~i payrd old qGa¢rmentsiunder 2; llalla1t:Ley*a’e;zin.thei Low-A Countryes i;;Another efayesihe was a Germajoe Coblfer g... A third, that he wash a, Vve Pcphalia 7Needle-malcer 5 iliut another controlls that, land fayeshe wasia Weflzphalia Baker. _Buz: what ever he were, have not we in our times., feene Patriarchsy and Prophiets, asvulg:1r;2.nd I rne.chenicke,asi:iL1nflearned:aiidehal”e as =he=: Men who halve iinvadlcd the Pulpit, I will not{"ay,i from mending 4 old breaches, or cabling old fliooes; ( pa[d.0I~1. the home-% A linieffe ofthe iexpr:{l'1on,I hefeech you«,ftisl bun: izhefliflou-‘ Ilene «IL~l?at;ine‘itran;iIi;ited into my ifinglifhal béutfrom ,Tradese fomeene, fo difingcnuous, foilliherall, that I would defile your Bates, and the Pulpit to defcribei them : And yet, have not thefei modoerne fhadcs of Mmztfigr, 3705» ofLeya’m, Ratmlm, Knippwéurge, Kisip. pm/:al1zn_g, Melchior, Hofman, the great Enzhufiefts, and iiiiilturbers of Germany ,to the Aflonilhmenti of all iudgingi men , dmwne Difciplcs after them,,IwifhlI c0i?uld only fay, as means, and bafe, and vulgarqs theme [elves '3 Certainly, m y Brethren, confidertheparalliell well between the infpired Troublers ofour Kingdome,’ and thofe, who by their wilde Doéirines did let We/L p/zalia, S4xany,Mumfier, and all the noble-ft parts of the A Germane Empire in a flame, andyou willfindc; that in A C roe'wnc,and to be called by 3. Sapcdrim Iorprivy 'C011fl-3*% this laid Ecliipfe ofMonarehyl~among us,th7‘erewants on:-1, ly a.S1rcimtor,iiiox:Y‘Botcher,to affu me to himfelfc the cell hm rafwm rds gabm ttaingzs *aAs41?mal? 9; g % (3%1)* . cc! ofthc iikc Trades", Rex j1Iflitiz.¢,=€§" Ariovwé ficriufalem In} A pmmr, King waif Rightc%oufi1c1Tr':, and Empfrrour M: ghé Anc'wj~cVru“falcLn,&t0 make our cafcwzhcviery famcwich thehs.4 . AA“ ‘ ;%%; M. MM” - Againc, inthis divcrfity of Guides an«.aIPa.&m's1,(Pa4 Pro-rs {catch fit to be‘ Ovcrfccrs 0;’: mreaflmnable Fiocksg doewc not allo hcaxeas gr.cat_a;Vdivc.rfity of language ’fpokcn The Lay aPrcacmer jaccufcth Asithcfl :1lmivi<‘::rIi««:y man .with want 0f the ¢Spi%x1u’te P mdVtiflination% -5 Or htald nae, that from % all cternity, without any refpcéi to thcitr works or aA&i- ‘ om, wVhm:hcrt%hcy he go at ibad , G»aoadA hath pafl: this .fa!.di1;'re*verfib1e ’{r:me%nce and decree, Ilka: fomc mall». Mcjcffarily b4BfiWtd,. vothcrsfl1a’141asV..JAn4e.ccffariJ»sybe dzm~:~ : ,M'I‘h::*y who’ mink mxs a piece of%$tuwc*ifme, on a ci‘o&rincA broughtéinfo the worl%d~Atio drive :p¢op1c'to dd» ‘{pairc3Vdgot'cquVa11y bauifh 1:11-oafc tmm the {fate of falzé " vanian, Aw ho thus u_mchArwitab1yw4 mnifh <:vth»:rs But what fpk I to you cuff this Cong_rc.ga::idn of fuchhigih, fchoé 4% l:axljz§di{¥cnr:im1s m% difi:ouLr‘:fe EA ‘yam; of difpAutes a~r?1.=d*- c4mnJ:rAo§.r»crfi€ts .,nx:xt in the Vpoawar ofsc ripmré, y.mds,or rG;tnm‘ra;ll% Q1'1c;cls4. no r;d¢*CidLfl That 1whic»hVhath %mor¢ €?mu%esc1;:¢i&b1c A A Aéza"cMev of: w4%o:;m‘- d»id1’:rafi’ccCIKinigdmr1‘e3:11atvh % A Aa»sCu:nm~i2a,V dr.Aw1iace: And mom: that pwr.t of r‘h¢e V Kimgdomc of hwzcavacn ‘which lyms gm: wrap: tip in .iu;rtfc:arac:%11af1>lc A- arec,.¢g'44Vm%écmmafl1% ~£t'ma;fi p%.e@iHGod*s e.CAA0I 1*C‘€31‘Cfd ‘ Whit}, ' “ aOf:mufl,m2d-%f¢c.d ;*‘11tt11E',"€§g»ht,xi?rIdfiI?- m4%Cemmaomy»,.a®r3p%i2c¢.c?iAof€%i’pl»i£ié.A‘:Vne-~ 0beyfa“n:;e A Church 5. ~ 4 v A (aw Church ; another hath ca11’d it a piece ofG,ads %out+ wand Worflnip to doc for. One hath "itylcd the Cr0»fl‘e in B4apr:i£me a. fignc of SUP¢ffiitiQfl...;@1fl0th€1‘ hathflfylcd /1 its me: mwark-:,.«a;nd .badgc*, a11d%embl¢:me’of*4Vh£s Cghrifiiaq nity and profcfiicmn. One caiIs;VaV11Pi:cSmresitI AVChirrch-«A windawsé*, Idals ; another leaks on them. as {o much ho- ly Vflory , brought im:o¢ Imagery and C“c>%1o$urs.A The V 4 vcryganmcnts we wearer have not efcapcd ca%n:;radiéi:i-2 cm. Om calls t:hc#Surp1iceafiomiflivefltusre ,;a»mothdr VcaA11,s.it at W'hicc“robc of Innocence, and Deceneic.%% Q Nay: aux: vcry~ Praycrsanad Dcv'oticms4 have nan “been frcc from-qu”arrclsV.%. Whilfl few: have: 4ca.11::,d the; Lémis V Prayer, Aperfcfl: forme , cnjmyncd b%)i”’%%C11rifi%%A mbe f1idu3Sf’tiS.5 athcrsmovft Airrcveircmzly have called it *3 ‘ Taylors Meafi1rc_, fit oVnAcly.to cut out czthcx" Peritig . onsAbAy. _ N‘ M V In this mifcrable diverfity of fides,then,wherc%A(3;ouna- trymcn,-andmcn 6f the fame fppecirh, due fa. orAdim1xily A peak .4dAivers languages, what way thwere left: 69 ‘h cgce apcaccandunion amongus.:’ 5 A w A % A A A ru1y,my%bm:hrcn», I mow none: to ficas 1.=11atwh%ic"h Sam‘ Paul hemprafcribes imzhisw Text; 3. way, which if were px:a&ic.cd, or: if, mm would eichrcrhavc more charity, or leffe gall in filwfem, wjouldim uimcghcgcu A an union and agtccmyéni:bctw¢c‘n.»a1l CVhut?chcs ; thatis, rm. «:3 ¢<}w&% ~7n#mvu‘ étlmta um 43: flzealrf 1120 fime thing. ‘V That is, firm ahatwcé lay afi~»die:~al1% thflffiif oidifius, hatcfull: xgammazid wm*d9.o£ rcprua.ch;4which feirve onelsy tn. proxmlwamd cngemiicfr A ftrifes,’ and to beget: Aa ;di{11kc off «me «fmank cmnvtrfacian withanmihcrg that the honcflgz firifi, 4 gwlaxghgfull, coanfcicnticusman, beno’long_cr: ‘I’ pm1cmme,nmhisA holy sutm:;~ Not“ . fmg,‘ fogjgbwjeg: afablai op:¢n.,harm1cflyu;1fgrL11mI’au$;V4 T. H ? «mu .--n E 3 ‘ g 5.3”: u . ( 34): " man;bcan"ji7-longer ca1Ied'aPapiff, Of?At‘hCiflf,"0r M. wayof reproach,a Cavallieh {peak nocnVc.>wofchea A ad u1tcrous,i fwcaring, riotous, lying, drinking, covecous ‘ mans; iathcfe are fuch,_that one of [116 waycs coxcformwc”. them , is to Callithcm by their right nam..cs.. - 4 " Ncxt,ithai: we no longer as our intcrcfis , or afi"e6ti- omsi, or ipn:-judi::cs,or educat1on,or cuflzomcs {way us, pin our Biclccfc. or Faith.» upon anyionic particular Guidcaior T cachet, fo iirremovably, as. without com parifona or cxa at-nitration to 1‘cj¢€}: and defpifi: all others. Iam of opi- nion weihould quickly make one Church againc, if thofencw-wborne names. and Words of Independent and drresbyter did not divide us. And I am alfo ipcrfvivadcdg, th:a.7to1_n: fcvcrallDifciplincs and D«o&rincs have "not kept the Churchof Home atagreatcr diftancc with us, A then” the Pcylc and compeilacion of Pratejhmt ands Papifl. ii iThird»ly,i,t1iau we Scf;,%pIars,' L1dof¢ahigl1:.iiim%yflccr'ious points which have equal} argument and proof: on both fidcs, and which both {ides (for pughtil know) may i h0ld,yet r-ncctir1ahcavcn,docafaéiioufly or pcrcmpto- . 'riIyb;:cakci~our fclves. to neither; B«ut.cither*lay chem A a.£ide,as lthi.~ngs.ofam.r:erc COI1CCTDP13CiQfli,Z;UOtTOfplifléaiffi. W or ufeaa or die fpeak ofthicm to thc ipeoplc, onely in that gmera1l.fenfciwhcrcin all {ides agree ,W, and" as that: ggnerallfcnfs is iaiadiddwncito us iin:thcaaScript'u1=c.":‘ A >1 iLafi1y,i ‘tljatflifli ;ma.ttcrs*f1 of Ceremony and Forme ,i things either a1togicther.indifl':'ciren.t , on: at; A mofi neither: i cnjoyn.ed,.nor forbidden in thin Scriptu1tc=,,thatiour. cam» xiagei and words he alwayes asw viiaidiffércnti That we} cai1i1no:7ta.;tzhatfpandalouswhich-is dcccrmg m that dc-scent’; which isii;fc;;andal1: t§g€thCf:A hir1{1”:“t1A1e?: fanie Church‘. E 3 upqg 5% . I. 39, djst;ifion::»Wl1jctha. carrycsi ~wi_t:ht ifi‘:~a.n ;-obfginatc -" feparation A 36) ua unneeéfiérye gtrountis. Which unneceffitry fepa-4 Araticm upon weake, flight grounds, :5 that which Sam; 24%,? herein tthis Text, by way of, difl‘erence andVd-iftine sétiohtfrem lighter Rents, ea1l’$t:¢3zwm,Schifm.es.A firme, E n:1y,B,rethren, ofewhiChifIfhr~.::tu1d difc:oufrfi:A to yoeumat large-, and fliould {how you the haintoufmefl'e ovfiz-, by its dangerous effefia-5, I mizghttell you that tis nut only a, fin agaiafl: the fociable nature of men, who are borne for A Comfnzlunion, and Commerce, tend the mutual! helpe of L one another 5 but tis at fitme dxreétly againfl that unity pcatcce, which Chx:ii°t,as his left Legacy, bcqueatlfd tqhis Ch..urch..t A Afinne, Which, (befidefi theteumzha- ritabelett opinion _ which ‘”aCCo.mpan},*’c$t it ,A,; which. is,7 m that thcty ~ who are—fepara.::ed from , muff there.- 'forc be feparatcdefrom, becaufc they ere wicked, A dieplorably wicked men, menreprobated, and utterly lofl: in the wayes oftlirrour, and with whotma-ll cam. muniom is defiruétive At our Salvation ) doth not alweies confinezit fclfc withintheretired, fequeltredtlimitstofa bare feparation. A But, that which at firfi began from a fcruplc, hath mm-uytimes prczceeded to at Tragedy and A maflhcte. 'IThcy.£v:hm at firfi ca;ufe1efl;y feperated them.- fclvcs from their Brethren, becaufe they were wicked; havcmany times, as their firength andt numbers have V encouraged them’ and as the time hath firveurdi their A A Rcformatitm theyhavte caflcde it)tptroccc d?ed’ from the A retfihfying wfiimens zttfirmurs, tmzhee leifenaimtgeof their A A tfo1¥.tur??1cs.t And:they onltyhwe atIengtehttebeentcalledthe wicked, whohave be-en: rial-1,and“havc hadfifitatesto ltofc. A :That ozfly whiehl fatym you out, is_ this. j ‘Separation is fiinlnee hfetfih alwaefwestev V ' , it fclfc inlthc difguife oHt'an6tity.‘tt ttThusMaxt4n“ug}£and L V his Q % €37) V his followers, Lirotic MY Communion Awwinh the whole Chriflian CIl:2urcl1%thxem4in»tlw “world, bVcca1i{“ ¢, f«:arfm)th,' A AA Tizwas rcvealdato them by Divine illumimasjczm, that1:h¢' "hwy ~Ghoi?cwWa.s Ian where ; 1:0 V bus: found ;but thyair Cminvz:m;:1c1e.‘ An Hcrcfic, whichb:cgimaimgr inch fan&ificd»ComAmumcants 5 nor zcomplyezd with the in- fpircild dafitfines ofchc Eathar 01': than 8:63;. Andthis, it ~ Memes, was the: fault of‘th@EeVCarin¢&i4w: Marat: in this“ Text; zwhohaving entidsd:»hu‘mafciVvécstgyfcvergnTmw % A chcrs,:pr:occcd<-:d by degnecsAtc3 divide t%hAcmfi::Aivcsinto A Afcrvmzli VCh%urches and CongncgaVtimns: Evcryf (arm of £mhich:chiw'l.ithc :«_o%%thca's with the man: 01? the f;11fc,:thought at length 1:h:at*n0 way was lstrzfizstmé %kctp-céchemfclvcs pureamd unfpmtttd, but by breaking off al1Re1igious,nay Cfiviiil Com4mcrc.:and Cemmuw :m&m withcach mh:::r... 4'Mc.nce," far _aAf¢,.%a%.rc: mf mfimftion, ‘flrwas held ya Crime for any but Righcgzs , to ;afI‘crn bA!e,oAr gcorwcrfc with anybut thc RiAghcmusg:0r:for any to %mcwt%m§~ge1t%hcr Am: a fpimu:a1Exc?rcioke hath been read there 2’ And have renounced the‘ iC~engregm;ion, whcrepart 0f the Service hath bcene fumed thr0u“gh“anOAriganfi Hath hot aldumbc Picfturc imthe Window driven fume; from the Church 1’ And, in exchange of Oirai:orie;s, have not fome in the heatand lzealc oftheir.Separation, tum"?c:l chcir Parlours, Chame- hers ,f eDining»rooimesA;_e, f-into Temples, find Houfes of Ipfflyfi-_'LI~'?.;1\I3.y5 hathinoet§:l Chrifi been wdrfiiipt iflflpila. ~ *ieeslV-yetin‘1%e.orevilelandmeanie In places _,which‘” have V - A ” reduced V (39) ii reduced him the fecond time to 21 Stable’ .5’ If I {hould aslte the people of both Sexes, who are thus given to Separation, and with whom“ a Repetition in aChatnher ii edifies more then a learned Setmott in the Church, up» on what Religious grounds, or motives , either taken from the Word of God, i( which is ‘fo much initheir mouthes) or from Reafon, (which is folittle in their: ptafliee) they thus affeéic to fingle and divideithema. felves from others .9 I heleeve it would pofe them ve-4 ry much,to give a fatisfying Aniwer. Isit becaufe the A i pet-foosfromwhotn they thus feparate thetnfelves, are irreligious, wicked men 1' Menwho are Chriftians on-.-«_ lyin forme, and whole converfation catryes nothing but evill example and pollution with it :'wl£I fhould grant this to be true, and Ihould allow them to be ou't-i, right what they call thetnfelves, The Eleét, and God; M ly, and Holy ones of-the eatthgand other men to be out; right what they call them, The .Reprobate,the wicked; the ungodly ,and ptofane,,yetis nostthis warrant enough to divide or feparate themfelvcs from them. _ Nor are they competent Judges of this, but God onely, who by the mouth of this Sonne, hath told usin the Parable, that thewheat and come is not to be feparatedfrom V thechaffe and rates when we lift, but that both are to grow together till the great harveft of the world. Till then tis a piece of the building of it,that there be a coma meixtutch of good and bad. i ' _ i A A i he Be-fides, let me put this Chrifiianevilcmmu to: them: Eithe;r~thc pcrfons from f whom they divide themfel‘ves~ are holy, or unholy : If they be ho1y,they_are not to ft‘: rate“ the-rofelves from them , becaufe they are like A ehemfelves; tIf"7they‘l:>e unholy, they are in charity‘ to converfc with thcm.3.‘ that they may jrcfo-rme and eitlakei i A % F M. ._..,.. 4: MIA L ».. ‘ Rtih‘-Mlhgl . F (46) ‘ % % them bettef. Did not our Sa.vi%c9u4r Chrif’c(a1f_xd tcrtain... Iy his example is toogreatxo be rcfufed) uiualiy con... verfc: w.ith P;ub1$icans and fingers ? Did he forfakc: the U Table,b?cc:n:rcc«. Tis a. weak cxcufc to fay, I wi1lm:vcrA A confortmy fclfe with-a fwearer, left I learnt to biz»- fphclmfc: 0131 will utterly rcnoundc all ,fami~1iaritya.nd,_ Va%cqua%intancé wxtéh yfuch and fuch an Adxmcrer, 4 or with fucn and fuch »sf‘Drun:3:ard,~~1ci?c I Alcamc to Acommrit For. ta"i‘cAatiom fxom *thc cm-,% or Initcmper%aenc‘c fmm% theo- t~her. % In aiel fuécsh ‘Con‘vcrfations,_Vwc are to imitate tha» S1mn%é,% who (hints "into the bald’: puddles ,5 .and ye: firm. A tumcs from thencbwaith a p11rc»:aIma»inrcd ;R.:»1y. Am ans; 4 vic::sth%en, and cor-ruptions, beam: 3 fu’flicient caufe ca; warrant a AS‘eparacion, what eilfc can he 4?" Is it the wplaco‘ Qf matting ., car @lmrch%, or tWh7e th”in'gs§ .d*on~c theta, whAicSh.uh::1th m~ade?the:n%Aflium mm; m.d*izaa.ry Congrcgan ‘tai-anrs%:? Yes, fayfome ,% “we have rsheid ‘it vcvry:u%m.aw.tu:1i1M (as we Vaonceimct) m[1"rmb1e:in fuch a p1acc,:wherc we. Ahavc «ftemc A%I:«a€rs¢»,_ ‘mjxd Wtmdaws “ ~w”orfl1ipt,.1'u¢perfliui- ousAVgarmcnrs womc, andhave haeamdw t:ihcamorc‘“fu%per-h A flmious QVomm’o‘mPraycrVbkzrfia:d, nhat%grczt;bxfl‘fier~ to flmékwfu 31 M.~ihii%c rs, s*:wm 'b;r1oth?crtoruh§c Marc,‘ a”Lyt.u1r%gic wf “this 4hargeVA4%eru#:, I03 Nhaavy :m%e, Irma-} f%fl'c,*) *hafl€h.ci‘h- b*cen¢ may a:rmnrg»%u»s¢w:fo Mm‘ca1~{'0nfib¢lW % A0? 9 iffienfi AAA?‘t*»‘i:r:ei»r4 4%»dmmmn. A Qnhm ~[§z£t1?¢‘*of»égA13VfT&g.‘ (4!) or pay worflnip to the dumb, fenfleffei creature; of the Painter, or adore the Comm unien Table, the wooden ilfuc of‘t_hc; Axe and Carpenter, (as I chlnlithere were none); Had there, Ifay, been very Idolazters among us, Ayctunleffe they would hzwcjcom pelledthem to be Idols-A latcrstbo, I (afteealltheimpartiallObjeciicions which my weak underfianding can immee) canlee no reafon ' A why they «flihuldlnor communicate with them in their things whelreimihey‘ were no llclolzuers. I amfure, if Saint mm! had not kept company with Idulaxters», wee to this day (for ought I know ) had renminecl Infig dels. which ever=y child islahle to dilfcover- If fuchfuperfii- ft,iOnS had beaczn phbliquely praéiiced among us, tisht: 'necefl'ary athat every one that is afpeftaltor toianotherl mans finne, lhould prelently be an offender. Nor» are 21-lloffences ft; like the Pe&~ilence,ethat he that comes within the brewthl, and ayrc of them, In uft riecldsldepart iinfeéted. Thouhfeefileme, outfablindzcele, pay re- v:erencleito.aip1i6tu=r~e;-,he hath the more to apfwer for.‘ A But why cloit thou, out oi areal: altogether as blind, thinkthy felfe fo intaerleiled in his ‘errourjiaslto think they felfeapamaker of his fault, unlfeflethou excommuni-+ A Cat: thy‘ feléefrom his Acwonverlation 3’ Againe, tell me, thou who cal‘le£’c Separation, S~e'cui-7 My brethren, deceive notlyoeur {elves Wlthfi fallacie, V ‘rity -,- what fclcliclllthlou in a Surplice, or lhearefil irithc ‘ Cqmmon-Prayer eke-,4 which lfheuld make thee ?fO1‘- bcare the Congregation ewhete thefe are Alrctained -! Isiittheweb; or matterl, or cololir, or fafljion of the W vgaarment, oris1:i~thcifran1e,% or forme, Orifld€VOt10t'l of «lvt-l-axe Book which.efF::-nds the-‘e ? 301: art thou troubled , M becaufe rlicy behave both been burrowed from tlhé » Ez l Chul*ch (42) rtchnrch of Rome Thatindccd is thefgrcal: argument t>f_exceptiot”i-5 which under the flyle» ofI°opery;, hath A nlrnoft tumfld Religion it felfe out of the Church.‘ But, 1'-h€n,,£lS_l.Q_W€ak, to accidentally, fo vulgar an Argu- r L “mer1t,_r an Argument fo fit for none to urgebut filly women,. with whom the firft impreifion of things al--e wjayes takes ftronglyeflrjthatrl muft fay in reply to it, e That by the fame reafon, that thou poore, tender con»- r ‘fcienc’dman, {Wh0a1‘tn0£. yet pal’: millte, or the food of infants in the Church) makefl fuch an innocent,de-- cent vefiure, as Surplices ,. unlawful! ,. becaufe Papifts wear: them , thou mayfi make eating and drinking l " unlawfull, becaufe Papii-ls dine and (up. The fubjeél: is not high, or noble enough todeferve a more ferious A tsonfutation... That, therefore, which I {hall fay byway ’ of Repetition, is onely this: If to w.ea1‘e, or doc, what ever~»yPapi{‘tsweayre,l or dee, be unlazwfull, as ‘twill pre- fenrlytconcerrnerus all to throw off eur grarments, and turnc Adamitm fo ’,CWiclI.V€l.‘y neerl y concerne us too,.to lay afide our T ables, and betalte our felvesto. falling, V astheready way to famine. Then: to ltéjfifithc Conn- mon Prayer bookclabecaufe fame of the Prayers in it -refcmble the Pray.ers.- in the Rorni£hrLyturgie, is as un- reafonable, as if thou fhouldfl: make piety and devotion in general}, unlawfhl, becaufeyPapi{ls fay their prayers. Andifo, in oppofition the what ever they fdoe , fhouldll thinkrythnu _art%tO yturne Atheiihbecaufe met’: in that ,Chur*ch» doe cenfelfe there i,s,_a God. 2 A A V Thetime will not give me leave to; faymuch inthe defence of thatr excel.le*nttBoo1;l; Or, if I {hould,.tis not A wanything,Iprefume,.which :ttcan. fall. frommy imperge A fee’: mouthmrhicrh will be ableto recover the ufe of it _ rhaclcwagainirrto this Church. Yet thusrmuch, out of the (433 juflienfe, and appreltenfion whichlhave 0f"thc”WiTc.§ dome,_as well was piety, and devotion ofit, lfl1allad._ VCdI1tb1rc%%'t0t.fay,1 tThat Icannot thinke, that ever any Chriflian Church, fince the time that that narnefirfl: camera into the world,,hacl apublique forrne of Gods ;‘Wo.rihip , more Primitively pure‘, more Religioufly grave , and more agreeable in all points to the Scrip- ture, then that is. i ‘ * i v t_i To which I fhallonely adde this one praife ofit rnore, that there is not any A-ancient, Claffically con. ’ dcmned Herefie, to be found in the Records of Conn» cells, Churcli-Hiitories , 6r the Confutations of Pa» V thers, which is not by fomie claufe or other in that moflk Orthodox Book excluded. vi a Here,then,if there be any in t”hisAffemihly of that ill- perfwaded mind,that he would not at this prefent make .one of the Congregation, ifthe Common-prayers were read,let meonce more ask him, what that great Antipa- thie between him, and that iadmirahle Book is, which “ fhould make the quarrel one another out of t~heC_hurch::‘ to Is it becaufe it prefcribcs a Ring in marriage,or a~Crofi"c: in Baptifrne *3 over-ferupulous man lwho would’it rag- ther choofe to make a rent , and fchifme, and divifion in the Church, then be fperétatour to things fo harrng-4‘ Ieffe, and indifierent. But thy iwcakC3onicience is woun- ded. Weake, indeed, when a piece of marriage Gold, or a little water fprinkled inthe figne, and figure ofa “croflie, the Type,and Emblem of thy Chriflianity, 1-hall drive thee from the Church‘. I muft c”onfefl'e to you frcely,.iffi2ch things, as the veneration of images, or adorations of Aitars, or facrificesfor the dead,or the worihipping of the Hoile, or th.e'Mafl"e-booke,with all i i the unfignifi¢antA«wMarye:, andfuperflitiws prayfilfsgj F 3 % n A which A 1” tea) whieh ufe totravell round the Circleof anurmrous fer l A ofVBeads, had hee-ne eflablifl1t- among us by publique Authority 5 And had beetle enforcetd upon the praéhce, Jan-d l‘ConI'ciencesiiiiofmen, and no Liberty ofperfon, or freetliomie 0fEP(3.tc:S allowcl them, uniefle they would conforrn to the prefent Golden Calfe of fuperflition let L up before *them, a feparat«ion had not only been aliilowaa ble, but nece{‘i'ary.yVVc fhould have offended God Very “much*t0~bc pattakers of fuch clroffe. And our befl; Anfveer would have been the Anfwer of the Three Clhiltdreng when the King would have had them fall downe tothe huge Image, and Calaffw which hehad “°‘11-3-I5- {etc up; 0 King, we are mt carefullta abferwve tbteirz tin’: matter. But where no fuch things were eulfjoyned , where every one wasfleft to the full ufeanel exercife of his 5 A A Chriflian libertygwhere nothing was lblarneable among" _ us, but the ridiculous, over-noted upoftures _and geftures ” of fome few bufie, fantafiicail ‘men, whole Pwopery lay in making difcreet men laugh, to fee them (0 artifitciall devout, and ioa H-'etS‘tedly ceremoniousgto divide, and fe«- ’ purate, or togive us over for a loft Church,b~.:~‘:caufe the Pfalmes of Dmrid, after his owne Muficallway, ufed l to be fang roan Organ; As innocently,certainly, as if they had been tuned through his owne loud Gym. ‘l A “ball, or Ahead more foffltly been fung, and ‘v0well’d to this H..«rpe: Or to renounce your folem-nee Aflemblies, T01‘ {uch fleight,indifFerent things, as a piece of holy rfiory in a glafle window,ot’becaufe the Miniflerwears Whiite, or becfaufe rnarryed “people corne together by a Ring, or bet:atufe‘th»e Lords Prayer is more thenonce :1“t"pCj£lE€“Cl, is not onely_,Schifme ii, andl may fafely fay, V Sehnifilneupon fcandall taken, not givetybut tis tdireeftly contrary tolf5."Puul~.t advice, here inlithis ext 5 who {is - i to t 0 (.4 5) ' [0 far from cplcrating any fuchnecdlefl‘c‘divifi0ns, and fepa:~ati0”/xgsllbf prefcnces and bodies, that he willniot all-. lowin the fault Chi!M'C.h and Cangrcgatian thcleafi: Clifffint 01‘ diVifi0I10f minds; But makes'iVtlthe.lafi part Of his Ptftitiflntlo his difagreeing Cbriiatéaiws, tllat they would n0t Onely mcct ztogeclher in thi;-lfamc place of Gods Worflaip, but that they would be perfefily jayzm! together in I/Mfume mimlmdin :17: fame ;'mlgemmt,whicl:1k is the lafi p,:.1rwflclhlc Text. To which 1 {ball one-ly addc fame bricfe Application of fame things in this .Scr:]no.n toyou my Heam*s , and fa commend you to G0»; . A A ‘Twas Well {aid of on: of the lPlhil.@fophcrs, ( which faying ofbis hath fiucc_almm"c grownc gate :1 A Proverb of Truth) Niki! eff in Imtcflééfu, A quad mm fuit prizl: ll.” finfiag, That tlhesrc is lnoxhling in vtlmel undcrftandixmg, or r. ; Unity of min: V’ mind wixhllm, wlaich was;1no,; ;firfl.llin the {cafe without; Ti_sa.s great, andl“m;:;1l1arcdl la l‘T1:u::h, that t;l'l£:l‘£‘~ ,isl thing in our .«I7pcech., or Wmrds,,or aims w:i~thout,:w*hic~h j was not firfl: in our mind,.or will ,. or affcéfions wlthin; 1 For whatlour Saviour Chrifi faid, that out of the bear: Mat.Is'.I9. Izrfacecd will ltboug/m, mmttbcrs, adulttrimf, 1/acfts, falfle wita A L says’, g£lafl2»£:emi;.;s5, at-1.d,th£:*llkc 5% towcvery onaf w’hi,Ch fins ~without.:,b¢l.Qn gs lfomse 17ecret,imv:ifibllcIpring with-— A in; As, I fauyma &cv<:ry l:Aldultc1z=yl wlnhorut, >bel0t~1gs folmc“ llilgldenllufl wvlixighin 5: and the llunclleammzifc;«ofth’c body y is but the foulciffuc, and off-fpringl olthc fonle:;And ‘allsm evcry muruhcr Witlhéut, :E»c*l«n 5 lzfizxrhc fc=creLtUc:n- * '.Wa%l0r :11atI‘;cd,oa:,§11irfl;ufmevc.ngg wimin; anfi the lm. mfinof we ~hcar,tl0n.cly zclosheait llfelfin the violcnlcel and ;b.lQud~'{fl1€’Cl"‘0f,th*Cfhflllfld: ‘fo wclmay Efmy of our Divifi- Qn~sl,an*d:ifagm.cm«cnus'tar0; tlwfeLll“"adious words, aI1d%n«afm.%c‘s-M mumall lmsy mid rlcpmachg all llchafe “ i (46) L A iperverfccroffings,andthwartings,and contradiéiious of fpecch; all this duel}, and skirmiih, and quarreliomnes V oflanguageg Lafitly, allthisdihunning and lothing of \ one anothers company 3 all this feparation, and deuyall V‘ of communion, which we fo ordinarily fee exercifed, and pravfticedwithout, arebut fomany unchrifiian be- haviours, which take their orxginaii and birth from as . unchrifiiantgrudges, and prejudices,-and,jealoufies,and Wmif-apprehenfions within. Never man yet diflented from another in fpeech, but he firfi diffented from him in opinion: And never man yet fepatated fromano-' ther in communion, but he firfi feparated from him in affefiiionu and will. To remove, therefore, the root and “ fpring of all difagteetraents, as vvellas the current and ftreame; and to beget a peace, and concord, and recou- ciliation without ., by working a peace, and concord; and reconciliation within , Saint Paul ,~' like a.” skilfull Arttiff, who rcfervesthe hardefl part for the Iaf-ii, ~pro- . cccds from rnens words and aétionsc, to their opinions and thoughts‘: and like thofe who fer Watches, and Clocks, where the Hand uponthe Dyall without, can- ’ riot moiveiregularlyt, iunleffeii‘ theweights and fprings which guide it , move orderly within, Athebetter to iruledfanid governed. 1;‘ make us goe allialike, and {trike the fame time, " he en» dieavours to Iettle and compofe more inward whcelcs," ‘ "a by which our words and behaviours without, are to be e The thing then for which he here fo earnefiIyPcti-= tions, is Unity, and Agreemengando Confent of minds.; | A ‘Which, in plaine terr-nes, isto exhort use, that as we are i alliitrnen of one and the fame reafonablea kind , formed andcreated Iikeeone another in the fhape ‘and figure oifouribody, fotlgat we wouldapprovc our [elves to iA be be men ofgncéalnd the llunelrcafcnablc kind, in thgl Mufique and Harmony of cmrlfouls too. «Wlhiclz would then come to p.all‘2:~, it every orlc of us would by the Al imparriall 1carch,l~4:md c*x.a.rIrli1ftat‘i0n§0f' his owne mind, A diflodgc t~hol¢n1mts anal clouds. ofcrrour , whichblind him lltowarcls l1irr1.llc:lllfe:-‘F, and bcnight him cowards 0., thcrs. Or, lf*,h€i"C§d.l'i~Fl0E doc: this by tl"1c‘€l:rcngth anddi-A ligcnce of his ownc: natumll Fezrccs, that he would ha.lvc4 rccourlé :9 lthol”c~w«h0 are mall able to pluckthis ‘beam l l out ofhis eye‘; and whole myth and bulineffc it is fo to _ apply their Cilres, ‘as by pmp@~fing.tl1ac one, corlflant, immutable, .¢:£crnall,DivineTruthl,co his mind,in which l tispoffible for all minds well culighmcd to concctntcrl and agrcc, by dlegrccsto reduce“ him, from hislbli1ad- ncffc andl€rrour,la.nd~ to make him not ancly fpcalc, but cemceive, and think the: fame thingswith him that tauglat him. * A T A 1: was well fa§.d4 ofhim, who compfired our mlndi ta) Lclcakingglaffcs , or Mi.rr.ou‘rs%; For certainly ifwe could but lcceplthem open, and unclouc-:lcd,thcy carry W this property of Mirrours withnhem, not cmcly to re- tumc tllcr illmagcs ., and fha.pcs., and truths “Of things, lwl1ichVpafl'tllbc:forc them as they are ;llm1t¢all- mindsin A a clcaregforlelfe clear: degree, have “a. capacity to tea- cctivc into them the truth of the fame things alike. As a.- thoufand vGlafl'cs, if they betfué, fucccffiV¢ly1oqk:in, will lhcwllus' the lhwmcl ~fac;csl:l Em then, l as ~.GlaiT€Sslll if xhcy bcfalfc,‘will call falfc: l'CfC'lI’I1bl3_’n'ClCS; Mjorltifzhcyagbcl ldifcoloured, will transform: agllthings which A flawgin-i to rhem inw thtil.‘ owns: dye : So ltisl with us.‘ I kmw «mt how it comes to palfc, Qf_.Wh€thfC§;I«gl1fly¥’3lpC[I:il?#€Ihfl A A falullc Educ,a[i0nj_' régr lC;ufts:r1:ncll,llor 2:0 A Parents, or: to our Affcétions», too much knit, and i>vc,cldedyco thc G g Kg“ L. l ll‘, 2. Cor.Ir'>,Io. ‘ "&*I’%D”evizg,fi*mb*1ein&35?~1h*g1'!®tifmeflh Rchlzigihnyor Doéirine, or pinion, for Tcachcr,whichh A mofl co.mAp1y;cswithourh Fancxcs 5 but thchc are hcertafimc ii;.:1-xzut, falhfe-r«epm*th1ng .hmmd5,_hwh1ch fiokch upon men, and arhaingsh,sitahanothcxhhfihzét and figmrchthehn mthcy arc. Ot'hTcr mmdsh theta are flayncd and dyed (as :1: were) - ~withccérta;ine weak prcjhud?i«ces, and hcorr.upt opinions 5% through which , as through fo many d.ccc+mng cm A lnouhrs, they dzfccrnhe mo Wuths whnch whcahrcmm: that hum. As he t?haitl00kSth1‘0LIgh a grcrcme Gilaflle , takc:shal‘lh fi’h?»i'ngsvforgh1'.e@nhe5 anhd he that looks.th~rough a brew giaifc,~tak«::5a11»—things forazuwre: And this wasthe vs»- ry»c:1ie of webs Corimlaidns here in the Text. A They firft addiaficd thcmfclves avhcr-partially to fcveralh Teachers; and fimm their Ifevcmll Tcachcrs, took in {evc:ra1lappre- hcnfiam-=,V asthcypleafed tolikc or afihfihhim a.boveo- thcrs, whofe‘ D.ifciplc*s»:hey callcd thcmfelvesh. Samar,‘ than-ngh they did not well» undcrfiand what they held, ifcfol-vcd ”’(Wi;t”h0u—th any hhcxaminacionh what they were) to"*bc oncly hhoif Saint; Paul: op'i.nions: Others rcfolvcd: to holdoncly-whaxthadhbeen ‘taught the-;m by Afpaflas .:~_ 0thc*rs1=cfo‘Ivcdhh no hhhold; aamrlywhathhhahd hbhcen prracht: by "Sxhhifietvr, V wslziéizcla h‘thr»ce 1:a*x.:ght »md§ Jprcacéht and ‘“chci:+ fame G@f”i7p1e7l;é yne‘c«:h«a:“Go;IEpcl mhs»noca1iu¢h cntcfrtahnédh by all hears-“rs;, ;hWhvi1R £o:x9r1cj'diflikcd 4 it in S’;«Pzml,becaufe(ashimhfcflehceomplaxfimsshfi he was of‘7fan; V . gwrcfc-11C’7€;,_‘3.ndh 9¢f~a:n».«-umhh .hnarzafu:I1éuttce«ranhc§:.h “"t-bX_@i‘s4@%i+ ~ 6 “it, ?p*'wha@*s,h¢in:tit1«é mdumhhm f5;r§>q{1o:r«$aeca«:u‘feh- ‘i?t’%‘hh~*carr1‘e+:"3R?h4tt¢mihdafI1y him,;> ¢::wr.:clL:%}hé.:‘c‘ was guilty cf rh3at»*t;qc&§£‘5iin’g fmzime , fi‘e1*¥{?@’mh bf" «ibéiEr*“g3E:thqnezat in ;ePu1p§é.~‘;h Otlzrfers fbeaflgaps «“¢nt@r:n££m’:d it ncf@:l:d~Il%y {mm ¥*éeziez«,?3:aéé¥e.Wc h’¢hi1iln;ditn’ec‘:%b4ae$i.1,Law.r¢*d¥ mé h “ | I In. ml‘ « W! M» I‘ ‘I ‘Q. % % (49) A *Ingfl1Hort,% om: and th4a'famc faving Truth, far Wmt:oET alix:t1c'rig‘hcju'c&gcmem'.‘in: the HearcrsA to comarc" it; corrxmimg from ficveirali mouthes, pzzfli %into-.d%vcrs:opifiA- aims firffh;a.nd.t,hen thefé: Qp.inio~nVs broke‘ f0V1‘th~ inm divers tgétic>ns».» A Ami is mat this, my Brathrcn, cur velry cafe: 1.’ Doc buccmnfidcr trhfi” prefenc dift<:n:i%pers‘ of 01-13: poms‘ , diMidcdA Kingdame; and, pray, what hath been the true rocac andfpring of few mmsh“ .varian;cc,;~% and hw- tred,% 2md%+7h.eafrt-burning among us; tfl what; hath 'cmm§~ bléd us a4fL1ndcr,%and: turn<’d mm of the purefl, A and mofl: flourifhing Churches of the W021-d, inm a~h<:~:ap‘ of I-lew- fies and conmfim-: Hath it at Abccn the very Word of God itfelfeflc’ %In¢w°hic:h all minds, I confeflég (hould 3+- grcc», ‘andywhich flavould be the rule to «compofc 21411 mi: “ ftrifes ;_ andbe-fme whofe “dccifionsA thé grcateft T Scho- lars Difpurcs, and the rneanaft mans Doubts, fhould £3114 down: ,4 and mutually imbrace ,’ and kiffe each other. How comes -it then to paflé, that Rc.Iigion,Wh»ich- was ordained byGodco be the oylc to cureour wounds, V .£hou1dprove.oncly the oyle to fecd, and nourifhour ».comb*uflions»f Wliencc is it, that the Scripture , fhat Swoxzd 9f the Spirigfhould mvcato us only Foam; .n£smo:, a:;.two edgcd [word , and thatnocthcr ufaffaould Abe: ~-made of”it”by us, but on:-lyAA~to be the weapon} of out A Aconfliéts, by committing thcedges, and %ma1cingkt:hem’ enter: d*uc1lA,% and clombatr with each other?» T;:u1y,— my brethren, a411%théA »rc'a£"ori: that A I ican Agive Yfér ‘4?fhis»;4V is, That fame: (perhaps ‘well-mindr;-:d‘ ‘people, b«ut*n,or of undm-i’caad%ings cithcrfirong, er~Ica1fncd%cuou gh to reach; the‘ true fenfc and meaning féme placeéfi A have ficptbcyond their mcafure ; and; have -rfirefumcd :9 intcxprett more when they have well »uadérfld¢ed; ;ti*xerVs, of a. mordycfi, but crcdwlous Compefitiéfis W ‘<3 2 have” e l($i‘?)‘ V e A ll have thought thatponcly 1 to be the right meaningofi:hc }Norclot God, which they have heard from rhermouth? lqf «tl1ePreache1'wl1it;h they rnoft afi‘e<5t.. Others, of at hm”m¢”dangerous «policie, finding Chatjthe Scripture rightly exipor-mded would extremely make againft the plot-of their dark: proceedings, and that the holy l Ghofii cannot be bribed to findc Textsto make covet- oufnefle-,_p fcdition; or theflaughrerot their Brethren,or. _Rebpellio”n againfi their Prmce,lawfull,.h ha ve, with form: pformall helps of piety, and zeale, put to their expofiti» ons, made the.Scripture {peak only thoie plaufible um» A truthcs, which molt complied with their ends,and the peoples Fancy. Her~1ce._,the better to_ arrive to their lEftatcs, by the hdifi1'-Mcrons ofthcrr mrncfs, they have dealt with therneastrc;unningAng1crs doe with filly fifhes, p ttroupbledrhe{":reame,;and blinded them, and then made “them. thci1' prey, The way to doethis hwasto aflirontge panddifgraceitr glamour downe all -the ‘ ptirimirivc lTruth?s for fomelGenerat1ons taught among them l~ eandto 7 fgeeall from theirfcplulchres, and dufi, all the old, irra-V 3r,ri"r;;ate,—;plongp fine: bur1edOpinions,jwhich were the ,;rrr:x§1«te;1_rf; crfleppcf thei f wine times , tanpdlltheh ClVl:lll‘N"fl1‘I'¢- of péqursg ‘With which zopiniornsytheyhave dealtgas the J.Niteh opffizzdar dealt with her ’I-lam-ili.:u', reifed’rhem.up ;,o;_,rh%epe;op{1e c.l0zhed;1r1 a-longmamle, and {peaking to *%§hc¥F1£li“nw§1]GT‘Q ihaaae ,a:nd~ voycc ofaprophcr. Hence ,thi(?Af¢1,:‘f£:f.Ver31:lv:7[faCC‘ePti0Q‘3,._3.fld ilnterptetarions A A V grgzgng youmeven inlrypour olrdinary dif'couries5,.ofor)‘e, {arid the fa rrie plaine,rb pr £inifter1}%he:ulnden—{iood places of -2 :5cril;42[turv::r..; Ofltyfellowing theeprafiice ofafl-the purcft ;thee Cob arch, thinkcs the esammene ;;;Ol" Bapt pilpmee is t“ pbe adminifircd to Infam:s~..,u; r Qther$»,rr.(r.who 1 W bty‘oul§lcertarnly~be Ta flsrarogcfight tjothc Congregation, (xx) A ifthcy {h*ou1d-“appeare the fec%onéI timieila.;the"Flont)*o.£ A ll laureate taught to: thinlcc .thatVn0nc arc to be »ibaptizcd,l,." A but fuch asarc oldpnquglz to be rhcir owne Giodifathers, and can enter «into CovTenVa_nt God, éncl«~ip’ro1:n.ifc; for tlhcmfclves‘. S0m€,.~lbc:cau.fcitsihath ibclche “‘c|a.l‘l€d= A , 9, binding ofthc fpirit, A to: fcpter theirifdcv<")r4io‘nsi in. afcitl forms ol'Pray;x:,have baniflatrhat Prayer, which Chrifl; A prcfcribcd tof'hisApofiles, om; Gftllfiif Ci0fCt5"*5.3;$ well as Tcimples; i Others; ofas iirccfilificd‘ apiety, (think: no Prayer fo“1ikely%iiito find: acccpzacncawith God, as that which-was conceived, andwput inéol forms by his Sonnc. ‘If {hould tire your patience too much to give you an cx-- act Caitalgigtilfic Of 311% *§ih¢: rcatrcn opinions which _at,thi_s A prcifcnt (‘warms a’n‘1oingiu»s.l One ‘who hath computcdr the Helrcficfi, which havcfprung up in shisl" Kind gdame witl1in.tlhcl"<: A live yeares, fajflss, they halw: doubled the number. elf nhofcllfi which iwclr¢inl1iSaim: Atzflim, [iR'1.C.;.i V gmd thicn,‘iiitih¢yi“W]érc}.vc1'y¢rrc§r¢ ifourf¢0rfic.,a Olnlc,,i$ all» -C/aziliafl‘, and holds this kpic-rfonalil l\R-sign: Of ;C.“.hriPc"lup%+: - on; Earth. Another is aichrporcalzfl, arid holds the death ofth_cSoulc withitligc Body; A Na.y,asitisfaidin. Afifivkeaa Lyon WfilC0uP1¢"TWirhal'1TYger, from whcncc will fpring aiilaibbard glifc) cc;r;r¢;1»__ix3cfi figgngc, Aunhcarld;«l» Vol’, ' a0.ul5li¢”{éX’C Hcfr€ifi¥:s arefgiarung up among%us‘i;l-nib:-' \ ableiito undcrfiand what in: wouldholdi hilmfclfc.lYou llmll fhavc an Am'zm%,V and S4173;/Iian lodged togethcrinl « phi: fame pcrfon. NAay,_D;(Wh1jg.;hiisiyci; 1woirfc)lwAhat;cver A Ctlfmr ifpokei: in fcorne, and Qérigcftilin ?ylindic£igignAiofour Bécdeémm Chrift andhis Mothmihlanh oflarc: troddczl. tlmlistalgéagainc, iandlaxwcared to diifiurbc the Worlds we oI‘:remb1cto i';:5cal;c;it)_ Vv;l?3thi~Ca3,11edythc‘Virgin’ Maryeslchaflity into qflcfiifing 3And~Q;her5~l _h3V_C,{pO)(Cfl” 1 pfithc MS avioiar of *ViV1,91-‘lid fu;fpAici9uflyi,~as;iif hlci had‘ A G A .‘ been: 3 . (xi) u bec11ea‘£hfi»n%ég,‘ “of aflzolnc, unlawfull Birth. M ihort, A thcmwamt icmliy fame of tiirofc Mxwjhr men among us, ofwhm Slcydamwrites, vllwhlerlel. one Called him felfe God ti»? 1=4t‘bgr;:~ar1:ocheiilllGodlike Smme‘, third the Paracletc, A o1*:«rCéa22'l*t»6t:/Joly Gé:g(2r,lr~oma1iFlpcop1cl Maid‘ A llminlds1pn'I¢pé«,§éd*to»¢litertain¢ the Tru’;t:h°,~ whcrclis ‘A that A HI-: Ow) m A Vi;r1fir»u&_;cr:{’o ~«i1‘1’%Ta«:lxl1;<;-;”,,~ '.§aAr~%fo‘Aopin4i0natf¢d mfafihc flrefifgth A of his; érwwnc gifts and knaowlcd gefihmt a1;1Aot%her~ preméldi ing no the fame Truth, mzwnxot 'i‘ch4a11IAcng¢c ‘£0? himflclfc .:h¢y%1ike infa1libility:'@ who fl1al‘17be.thc ]u1ge4-ofCon~A- fltmvcrfics 2* «orw,h”o‘ffha1lprc£3‘c:nt 'Truti1 :t~oQus withfmh known xnarks and Antares %a%b<:a5»uAt it , that as forms as tis ‘ VprcfcAntVc:dV, ncvuery congxc-gaticm («of “What” meme cAa:"pa%-% ‘ citing f0c%vc;r) A *fl1aAi‘l Aprrwefcmly A a~cm10w1cdgc, ’and~cnAAtAc;r§~ étainem? A‘ you, Soir, %Awho ‘haw miAt.h~i»s'w»h=iA1eA%thus H .bcmoam"n,g¢I4y sp1t:cy.cd our div;:fio»n4s4;%A? we avrdbound ta %tha.nkyo.uVfior yoga: chariityfia Ms»; %:mdAfhc2au1d~be d¢fi- % :;1'Dl<1$ mmxgh rm 1m;bra“cc a A»t1*u:LhAi wof y.(§2u1* .d*ci7cr[ipt?ionA._. Bugt ymuarat a. Sc%holax,% w1u;»£'e parts‘ q.»adalwi%i:cAics% lye -in athcwhwmanc ..dr:l1, and building ofyour-Vown fcculwr A »I’c»u.dics.AAAA We am whartforc ">b*i¢3 t0 a"mr?:bt very much , fw hnt.hcAr _ym1 ‘have Ama ‘~Spiz(it: A;A 4a;nd Me’ »t~0IdL by 4wwhoy1arofc1flfc% cmm=«£e:1ws. izwpircd, ‘t7h3’t: all your +RcaA- .din;gs,A,a;1;ad St:ud*yiAn.{gsA,A and uyA’rin;g«s efayour fei~feov»e«r.a, A % V difficult piece ofScript:-:1 re, at ‘midnight, perhaps, ewhen -all 0thtrS’fl?m:p.c, by Ma-%1cmAc‘, folitary, fiumbr: candlcj, 4 :m*::wbu*t fo many Lwbours %1n*vJamAc:;;* Since tis§%imp0H1~blc‘_ afamny ‘cc; A un.dcrfta%nd the 4ASAc¥rip-tu_?1;eA “ ar»i*gh‘t ¥, ‘b at; ‘ fuch %-:[:nc{I,y *w&hoA have 1:‘cvca1ed‘~ tofwcm fby fiahc fame iélioly Spiriwhat 4. A A My *B.r m:sLhrtrn,A what fljzrll -I ~faAy ? to flyqu? A“4MQd%eft*y,,7 A~.and«thc;kmow1a.gc*=I’ have r<>f7tmy4~fc>wncA%~nampérAfé:&i@'xis, rnomEa*1$lo%wmt rim fay A§ici*?emrptm“i*l’y,_g.%I:h:tt2‘*I ~hfaV:eA¥hc Sxpirit <:>.:-i*A'A God. «;Or* cV~ou41dWVA ddficingluifla “his £ecrc:Aiini‘~1u- ~+aenac;s mmaifi faso«xz:it*tvx%c*»opAer:azt'ian:s of my »wn:c ...f .§:1hI\'1 ;€;§"113:G0l1kZ1'mfiigtaligfly f2ty~I*ha4s}e fiim Evgrhiirh ;A%~r£ul fhimictwanunfi .mmuaybdefi13itiv¢:1~y7%) ¥3i<ét:£?’:v§rou*1A¢1A‘dc5nbc- ~Amimmme fr)vtovc,ormifi1a;w mi» lrfgy £1*AAa«fié iti»'a;r?i:p~%w M arts _., V gas dfinyhim Tb ail II-10:1’é 1caméd-flien myA%1‘e*1~fe. A A A AA A % For“ (54) A A Forth: fetling therefore, and compofing or your A vidcd minds,.iIi will not take upon me to be the _Iud_gcA% of eCcmcrovc1jfies ,but you your fclves“flaa2.1 be. One. ly the better to enable you to performc this chari-9.- mb1e‘ofliee tdyour felvcs, and for ‘your betterAdirc1“k ilpori you. Ai1;am;iip¢rfwadedsthisieafincffe of beliicfmthiscrcd ulity, iasthciAp£MJcle~i.calls \,iAc)"AI'thiASA ad‘{niAi.atil0flAA)‘ “rjhis ovi~i¢r_ §Av@!ui*ng of formic‘ mwsA pczff‘-ans, ihhacihiibeen of;t:rhc A A great A parents of oiurp1refent,d‘i{f::m:ions 1 Whiijfl éfome yveqk,;bgg‘5zeet sg§re1lgm.indedipeo;p_le,ibuildiAngcihc.-mjudg; A i II3¢;¢rl"yi*i1pohni the ioutsivard appcargtncés at iimen, ‘V heave mif.—A,tAaAAAAk¢n"=.t~\i.1,A€A zcalc andI%fi&”1igt£‘e..of tgheirgpreaeher e for. his fflfiifitncy. And taking their Logickée {mm A A A A the rise) ii the precifencfle cafyihis beheviour,l have frameci A thefe l V charitablgbu: falfe Conclufioas tcxtihernfelves: He is i ’ V a man of a compofed countenance,of a referved fpeech, w bf agravecarriage, and of a devout elcutien, there- fore furely he is a holy mam. And becaufe he is a. holy man,;theref®re whatevcerihe fayes, {hall be to lusl0ray-A A sale; as cumming from the mouth of" one, {(5 much in theifavour ofGod, that iris impoffible he fhould deceive. us, oryfpeak that which is net right. . be My brethren, Iihave no defigne or purpofe to bring Helineffe intoycentempt‘; nor can I be f injurieusl to piety, ora good life, where ever I fined it, as to expefe * it to the {come ofthelicentious, by not givingit its due. am: foliier alfofrom lending encouragement to the liveslel vitiems Teachers, (Teachers who are thelhame of their Mother, aradithe fcandall of their Flock) that I could wiihtthat every Congregatien in England were 4 ” ryilwliurniflatywith fuchlan exemplary Miniiter, that his life Q “Welles preaching miht be Sermon to the people. Nay, give me leave-,1 befeeeh yougtoextend my ch,a.+. A A rity yet: one degree farther. I amsfo far frem diflikieg Holineife either in Preacher orpeople. ,, that I wiih we all made bmuesle one united Kinlgelme of Priefis. Or, if you willl”havepme. C§{[}f:Clr$.*I1’i‘jV ifelfe ineherwords ofcxne ofthe holyef’cend meeleefi men ofthe came, I could : wiihthatallt1zeLardsypeaplewler: Praplzm. But, then,you NW. 1! -29¢‘ gmufigive me {leave t—e:fayteo,Tlhat hlolixaefihand firi&- 4 and auflicrity callife, ar«c~n4e infallible fignes thatl tlneeis mofigzeeleus. l M - A As‘ieilQfngs”aJsr1:i?1a§;l"ei~yaeg final irelmaerme uyen record; ilth7ey1?ii'e_echrer may net ~er.re.: Nmfhet.11 A Gad fe armext the lund»eriiending of his Ward, to (the unfcudyed, iun--A learned piety, or fprcarriege of the Expeueder, that i flill bail méfi iai their right. Tl?“ .2. cam 7. ‘ he ww:/'6 1" 5 i ii”. A =.P1‘€i'21Cl1€I'5C6l.llCd every Doctrine, every Proofe, every confident Afferrion to the touch-Rome, and meafirred it by forne plaine, evident place ofScripturc 5 and exa-IV‘? i P guy.-. .. (516) That we hold rlrxisltrelzfaair-e.,tllriis~ knowledge ofGods wil, -Ev ‘ll€—srerims M76“, in taxi‘!/Jm racsffilr ; As long as the Prea- cher, how holy forever he be, is ifo much one ofthe pco-lei pic, asro dwell in a frailea, weak Tabernacle of clay 9 Lefrly, as-longas menare men, they will rbedllyable to meals infi.rmities. And as the learned , «fcandalous Piirurcher may be fomcrimes in the right; to tis rpoiliblc A l‘.~l1£i.l; theignoranr, zealous, holy Preacher may be of. renimthe wrong. How to knowlrhxs, and how to di- A fiinguilh them, therefore, you are to make ufe of the next: Rule prelcrihed to you by Saint 350571; that is , when you heare an Expolition, or a. Sermon, er a new Doélrime preacht to you, not rafhly, Without diftimftion A , or choice, to comfent to it, till you have pal-‘c Ihe limp-at» t--iall femence of :1 clcere judgment on it .5 compared and » weighed Sermon with Sermon , and Prcacrheri with mined whether the holy Ghofi, or his owne vainc, P0-, pular ambition, have for thattirne infpired the fpcakcr; or whether his Sermon have had l'ome»difl'embled, f:-- A cular end, or Gods glory forirs markc. And this Satin; 350777;! calls, trying of the fjviritrg, which is then done,Wh.cm A l('aslI faid before) youreducc what you he.-are f oikein by” P the Preacher to vthe ~in.fallib1.e R'u1c_ofTeruith,t or Word of God 5 andlmake that, well vconfidercd," the fczlcs to ‘ weigh his do étrine in. Does he preach Charity; and banilh flzeife from his Pulpit 1? Does he nor~flatreri Vice, A rhoughihe find}: it clothed .iu7P urple, norfpeak ncglcfi-go fully ofVcrzue,though he finde it clothed .)?in rags ? Does he firivc to plant the fe-are and loveof{God in his; Audit ory, the forgivcneifa «ofcheir enemies,‘ and “piracy ‘ ‘ { . . . L . ‘ V . ($7) towards the po6re*.filD'ares he arrriignc a publique linhegr S . M though never fo fortunate '-S’ or fpeak indcfencér ofaf- flirfted Innocence, though overlbornietiby oppreflion 2’ Dares he maintaine his Chriftian Courage in tyranni- 7calI*,e.doubtfull ti’:mesnnns.' And dares he cell profperous Se-S elitioigbut a more fucceffefull niifihiefe fl Lafily, does l "he preach fuch Chrifiian Truths for whieh fome holy A S men have d.-yecl‘,._a.nd to whichhe himfelfe would not be vi lafraidtolfalla lacrifice 2’ This, this man is to be heark- tied to; this maiiisAfit robe obeyed. And this man {pea- king the famethings which God hinnfeltfe cloth in the Scripture, (what ever hisqgifts ofpleafing, or not plea- fing._.fick, fit-Ptidious, delicatefaricies be) isthus, at leaf’: to be thought of, That though he fpeaknot by the ‘Spirit, (as a- thing entayld upon him) yet, for that time, the Spirit fpeaks by him , which ought to be ‘all! one to you, On the contrarytdoes the Preachers Sanétity and Religion con{ift,el meerely in rhedevout compofure S ' of his 1001:-‘es and carriagei_rDoesh‘e Pcrive to preach dowoe I..earning,. or does he call Study a humane FoI- S S lyt’ Does he choofe his Text out of the Bi.ble,but make u the Sermon out of his Fancy *3 Does hereprove Adul- tery,lhut preach up difcorc-if Is he paflionate againfl S fuerfiition , but tsmilde and calrne towards Sacri-A ledge 6- ‘Does he inveigh and rayle at Popery, firridat the fame time imitatethe worft of Papifis,_Tefuires, Surge Texts for the Rebellion of Subjeéts againli: their S S Prince, and quote Scripture for the depofings, a7nd*But-3 nchery of Kings -3 Does he Pcartle ataidumrb piflcurein a Church-window, and at the fametime Preaehall good order and riht‘ Difciplineout of the Church 1" Does an V Oath provoke hiszt-ale, yet does! he count lying in the V godlyno Sin :.’ Laftly, does he Preach fcparationl upon Hz .-up make: (5 3) A '~‘wt3kc untempctd Ciroundst’ Ot_do,es"Iabourto divide the minds, winch he fhould ftrtvc to reconcile 2.’ Let him bring what dcmurcneife, or compofurc ofcountc- A A mace he plcaft: into the P019115 Let him, ifhc plcafc, joync fanétity at department to earnetflncflb of-male; .=Letthimtf1ever fo devoutly tbewqyle the Calamities of * this Country, which he hath hclptto makemiferahlc; Or let him weeps never fo paffionately overthé Cott- g,rega,tion,which he hath broken into .Fa.é*ti011s;In fltnort‘, how fecmingly holy, how precifc, how unprofanefm hcvér his Behaviour be-ffhough the Scripture doe f tcontinually overflow m 1115 Mouth, that he willnc-richer A teach, nor dtt-mkc‘, near fpcake, nor fcarcc: flecpc but in N that p1‘1rafCf».;y¢ta1S longas he thus forgetgthis ;Charity, t11usPreachtcs,_ {trifc , thus Divifion, I flmll tfo fart: miftruft whcthcr he have the Spirit, that Ifhall not dO*ub.£"tO reckon himin the number of thofe falfi: Pro» A A phat: which S.§f3a/m faycs arc: game out into the world. AThc Conclufion thcnqfurthist Stc:1‘.xnontfl13.l1 be this. M:-x1 -and. brcthtrcmu; I havhc with allthcfinccrity and * tplainncffc which might hbcnefit your }fDu.l.C‘$ ,~ prcatcht £I‘:mth._, and Peace, and Concord , and mutual! Charityt toyu. =Itt;ha;vcalfo'f0r fmmctycertcs, nottbecen ib flcepy h amV0bfg"rtvcr_,htuvthat Ithl1hav:ct pcrc¢ivt:d,fomc ofycm 4 ;,(who havhc thought yourfzzlvesmorc Religious then ,Jth§hrcft) to be guiltyof thc(Itnightt fay Crimc,but ;xMflI_‘rathCr my ofthf) tmif-guidedhlcalc msftthtcfc Ca.- ttwmtfiiuns hcrtélimtahvc Text.“ Tthcrc thasvc brcsttne ctrrtainc Djvifiogns.,% and I know not) what ffeparations among 4' you- a l;c«fi‘e A-prcjudipcs and-hafpcrfions A name ibecn mifed A upma A tllnivaftfity, ttht: gricfoftthistmmous :N*xJZ’i:—- th tfictymoffiwdstrtilhutchat ~thhnmc.;, 6Il1t¢:1s.«t:fEChit‘_h}0fl.Ch»Of.it Ihttve‘fflrth¢mfervcd 5 that cctrtainc f:1Ifc-;,caufc- ‘ abroad,4‘ A (:9) ahfoa, areftill kept wakingagainfi usyby of J V you, a*sifConfcienc’e and ‘Religion, as we1lasLearhhn~% A = A «ing and Gifcs.,had fo far forfaken "us, that all the Schools. gof"t’he Proghets cannot: affordyou a fetof abie, vert‘u‘- A ousymhecm, eT1tWt0%;beohthc ‘Lcflurers to this foubfamifhc arifh. Howm flmould defervc to he thus mifiakeh by yoque, or ‘whyyou ihoulei under-evalue thofeahlc Tea;-e chers which you havealready , or rcfufe to takeyour T rfupply from fo many Collcdgeswhich here Rand prey» A eeiemt and readyto afford you cuhofce -. orywhyyoeu fhoulod iupplicace tdche great Councell of this Kingdome, in piety to your foules , to fend you Godly Teachers,‘ ~—( which‘,” perhaps *, is but a well-meaning Petition from you, but ycertairjyly tis a grcatfcyandall, and Libeleagainfl: us) know not. ‘ But whatever the myfieriouse cauieeebc, A am confident, that unlefle they willflecp overetheir ‘infamy and reproach, it will alwayes he in the power of our defpifed llniverfiity-Divines, tomakeh: appeare, ”