E‘ an 13 0 A T 1 N ~I~‘ -rm P 1 K: D CTR 1 “F T HE‘. mzv%z»o4ize;i i*3+S39£nhi11= }m.........5?‘.°%' - -..a~..........-.-o....‘. nib . I if! *8 Av U I V:/IEW D 0 C T RA 1 9 3; TH CH19iKCH0f7=‘9\<. AHé1-ékgié A7Eh4Vé1%¢ liaih4LI~£;teIy ¢nae£ort1mBock;en; % deavour1ngt% givé . -~14 of M Refir27gg_z§§g‘zz.%Mqf AAt5?'.AA7’fl51iZ:6773o rjme, aféred ran 1 .- 3 t5Er@5kTJ?V4fi0W‘éA0f W-arliamenz éy oiiaer: A’ ‘A « flA‘??‘~r40ffwnai2§y»VVA%%:wn5iesA €ngzandA~s A ;¢trineAAA5f Aji£1T#A1A’%.¢W.;§7lA77=AAA W311 ‘ 1: ¢ W ’ 6 A __5.___%_:_V A A A Q: ‘_A. A wblefléq God for con*t1nu5217f«mt<2;;g=i1e%A~M1~11* the A . 4 Auifince tr Refo«rm=1t«io11»AA gi Ad~i£1Arm..AW"5f01Wt§;'!:§ 4e»Imrn3,.é=;A:i_nLtr.1J1zA@;r..m‘al« AA. V A A‘ ‘ ' A A¢;gu1din the lefifi per war «As: gfmy A A zfhe. A 32% ct; with , flili; mm éétagi Am ‘ :~§m1~y fudh Need A I “=1 @1Weformation%of the publique Doctrine of Sn: Chuwmfiifild «:.»~ '" A ‘ W A BAV A Aconc- VH4 .4 9? A 2., w.235{1z2affolic“2ézl‘E1iv53f‘coi1—Da$‘cjv,wt~qrt No i Necqfsigy €7{ef0rming gonfequently did refo]_ve,notwith£tanding what is jretwbtioti ii hf .... ...- .___, {:6 the contrary, to contingfieifi tifefaith which I have hit erfo was -up f1heCbd7-E2 of England». A A . _ A p \ A it A M A A ttAfter‘thisfp1‘ivatefa "fflC1310fA1A0f rrllneown Confeiexice, “en.[. into ,2?» A 13?c3iETi'eE1;_§f1d not to repent of m;LSubi2:ri’ption to the :ArticTes A o ” V i A ' i ‘A " urtherjconiidetatiomthatitisian undoubtedlidifpiag ragetrient ofanyDioctrineto be in a Neceifity<>fb¢ingirefom1,. a edgandi fearing 163: fOmei,ifnot of the Patliament,to‘w‘ho_ie tc»*on;A.i.. A fidera1:ion the Reafonsiare offer_edpp,yetiof theAI’eop1e,for.w‘hoiff¢ Llniltuctiong they 111'.€*P11‘b1ifl1€d‘a ifilightii hereby conceive"fom‘e it finiftet Opinion of theM_.Dxoctrine ..of our Church, Iuthoughtit no-t tci gipvtlj 3“*tPJi1?f1i1qI}A€ *?§€C0AA31I‘1t,AQf ptivaceljthotxglits concerning thisipartifiular. ; ' A V t i...—— B.ut,1efl; any man may imagfnezthat this writing of one Mi... Anifters aga-infl: others n3i,qht~ {finder that Union at all Parti<_:__s,i* which, asat all tixggg __i:o wefpecially at this ,- is to be wiihed and ' embraced, I {hall .begin"with‘= this un“f'eign‘ediPtofeflion, that): ~, ------an Church offlifglzndgl never vet ufidetf’too__d. _ ; u L A To :.thj.s P1‘5p0fiti0I‘._1_they have acldeii W 11 Appenwdhggee intIM:3efc%‘,J .........:r-W .__,~ . \ » MA." -V h.vhv0»1‘ds, Répmédtott he ([1z2tz"~xdeeaZ72at) '€fld/Méfbfig Zj'“3Lk1#?. ; > Iwhiwéilww Aldaition rfiuflt be cofifideted in the laying dQW'liQ1’_fiXi'_'I1g the, COI,1Ch1fi0n,t0 avbid all %1:n‘:«1nn61‘h Of, mifconteption.» A’ {In ordgpi whereuntr.), in the firfl: A place, I {hall lay dolwnthis Afléftibqfi. v.7ez2e;rtr/vet Mme Doa;:we efwllfbedindqedéy Lma, or was; zfh_lgert*irAz9etht.Rep:zted o2ze{y* to ac q/iézéli/bed, ;z:here».~z'mo Necc/flty of t/aaf% ' Zgfiarmgzrioé 'afJ§;, AA And the reafo11;of»th?_ihs Affettion‘ AAi"1,3,i_1fc_2v_l_ét1:§J1j1m tb;AtIieAppe11da e or Addition is:4c1éaif&;43A becaufe ‘the adding of tfiéfe words Eflarélgfbecl or Repmad can fhavef‘ 110 iI1fl~ueI_3te at all .up9n the Reformatjont of ~ the Dtoctrinez » 1f_,Q_t__i,f_;E13§§e1?t!,;,I9.lmig13,,1e_V:, Dpctrine *beindeed;ePcablifl1ed A b1;g t®, ‘Chen Gflmlifhmfillt by Law. 9a11x1ot.,put it iIi,t9..e :Qf;;hARc~t4» 4 teno Doctrine AAca*11”be“th'e Worfebjr :i»LegglVI;% tef’mbA1ifl1ment 1 t eVI?u1j1iq11Ae_3D;oé1:;finebe ?.o11e1%y-Rteputqoigeflt -'=* A be e[tgabl;_Q}“g§1"d_hm¥_rIF,gWig,and be indeedhnot eftabliflled, Eftablflhment xmy ‘put it A ifi A need of h “a Cotafir-mxgjgg, “.butf=can '” {flit upon it A not 1\ffeceisIitvA ‘of; Ref9rma,tion% becaufeh thej;1;1__1}_:h A o”?f“i:‘I{eeDoctris.:es[ofiBge1fgiQn.d€P¢t1déthh 511<5tfh!%1P‘0j’@wt»e»ga1‘1;eh»., WI ..t__ eonceptiops ofReformation,agné1Canfitxgggtion t;f_,1_:_;_;1eA phhtrine. hey are Anottnotve i;1dufi1:i~o11”fly‘ §:011fot1ndedin%%AtheirA; ¢- Ame. 1:- eWher¢for¢1,fl1A=~\11‘makemy oppofitiqn3éi£’¢inct.”anddear 1:iVeritAi%n twe Conclufions, the one “"oppéfed to the preyendgéw" A B 4 ‘ ” ” e Neceifitx he =’te:5;tiff'At11en%t't'heyWmu1ttbeh carefihllyhdiitixiguiihed in our A V ANo Néclrfsigy of Reforming Necefiityn oflkeformationl, A the olher to the objected ivantlof Confirmation. on Of tl1efirf’c I fl1a1l~treaterefolAvedly as a Di-. n A vine,nntoxjvhom. it properly appertainsAtoIpoak of ‘Theohogiszall ’ " oc;griIiés5 Wands {hall take the leave earnefily A to contend for the A Féjfhmof Chulmhn ; ofnthe otheroIAAIha1lAfpeakwj_1:_l1 all reve-2 refine and fab miffiogl to the.Lfe:1rnedfA’%*~t V . i ._‘:..v A (‘zirali is rehrearfe ‘ 0 A Ac1;*.“rra}tior“*n;.:+AV1;t4m was deubttt 3 i A fereitcant‘bedoubAAAA A A A A A A A and nieithertthe Actinror the clatatioxf The marine oftlae C1mArc1>_qfoEmgiand. F! A totheit Reafone gtouhdeci on their firiti Foundation it A? A muftrrunthus, Wbatflyewrr z':rdo:4‘Z2tf‘wllAA75: Necefllzriljrta ée refarmed, Bzzt-t/0e-.D0&15ifl€A-Coflmijzealifi t/9&3 9 . flrticles is domlzzfwll. There; A fatreitbe Dtfiréneconminedirzitbao 39. .z4m”a1¢sz's’nec-e;/jfmgy toi he re, A formed, T Major Propofition his not by them exprefledg neither 13 there anythinrgtebffernedifort the Proof or credit to’: it : yeti infome Tenfe it may iiceretainiy be denied. i i .But that is‘ A notitfo tfnietjeriall. Thevety Minor Propofition, upon which the A Reafon mainly depends, hath no fornfiall Proof Aannexed to it. Foriiinsfceatdo of proving the Doubtiulnefé of the Doctrine con.- tained in them, ( which can be the only pretence in this cafe of a Neeeflfity~ of Reformcitioij of ioDo£:tri"xve",)the Dottbtfttlnefs of the; Confirtnationtof the9i£\V1‘iti:¢1heSr5r isyoneiy infifted‘ upongin the two firft,Paragra§hs_, they tDec1arati,on7 of his Lzi’teAM-aj efty x o.; i in the 3; Paragraph. The fad confequences oft!’ the Continuatiox_;»:a.11d,.;Cor1firmation of that Declaration are urged’by= A 7.feveral1AReef'ons,A 4 vAniObjectionjforeieen P1‘€fCl.'ir' hinga Cureeby takinfiaway that"eDec1aration is anfwered in twtior Parargraphs, V morethenethis is not produced to prove that the Doctrine containediiri the 3 9\."ArticAl’es is doub tfuil. A To thisl axmfvter in Genemll; Thou h the Articles had not i beenr confirmed hAytP¢_ar1ia‘me11t,though t .e Declaration IO . (22- roliprefixed to the Articles virereiofi evil confequerncer, though cheiTakihg away ofthat Declaration WOu1dltTt".gi§w%;.g‘rahti$f.a,Ct;{u {nif “the Minifters AhefiiilititetcitiitoiSub¢feription,yet it follower}: not from; any or from all of thefe that the Doctrine contained“ in the 3 9. Articles is doubtfull. For the Certainty of the Dos A gleprcleth neithertupon the Confirtriation of the P3131130 nxemi; A-rnori ztxon of the ; Th§AtD0A§F§i1tetc0n+t Atahiisieciinthe Articlestiveétsagreed upomideélhred andtféttiforth; hrs-’5beforet tA?Ahe: Act of Parliament oftthe .t“3.of Elifi A fome V763 A . maAnyWyea1’s biefovethecgiaration'iofK; C/mrlerof \b1efl‘eAd me-I mormrr If tth7eA4+I)oct—f1'37I1€AW€1‘eAAd0ubtfi11l after the Act and De-9 V " ' A A 1°hefore~;:ioiftit were notA»c¥ibTiihtfi1l1 be-J V "‘I fifter,yhfecau1'e§it is the fatt1erDoctrit1e bot:h»before~at 7' A A A iAA5AAA;my:Apart of thefflocttine or Articles, Here is it no pretencerof “Ir 5 Na Necefiizyof Reforming an.yDoubtfi;1%nefl'eVin the Arti%c %1e§” in Mthcmfelves %a,nfeceden”’t, tea the Act and De'c1aratia11,,andindepenfilcnft of them. But unleflé they prove the Publique Doctrine it felf tobedoubtfullinit fe1£.,%tl1€y bring nothing at a;11 to prove a N eceflity of a Refm-__ 111ation0fiAt ._ A A A A ’ ' * % A A A A According to the Fou datiofiof the fecdnd Rea1‘ox;i_ gyéguncxed A upon the Defce:ctiVAerr%c{Te of the Articles, theirAMrgt1me‘mA M % run thus. W/mzflzewr 23" deflfiiwe is that eceflizly of‘ évzrzg-:;¢fi;rmeg{_ % ‘ T155 Doffrirze contained in tbs‘ 3 9. mirticlcs z'.c_defe% Air:/e. ;77aerefare the %%Doé?r£;ze contained in % 1/96 3 xffrticfes 2': £793:-z Necwgy Vgéeingw Wf07'm‘9d“* % ‘ . 1:, A. V . I A. % J4 % I‘ %% % To which IAaufwAer, that they have not expréffd the Major % Propofition, much lcife have they brqught any Reafon:oAfl1e%w the 1:rut:%h% ofrit 5% :zmd%th‘at*:it is, in the fenfe in which thefuridei-Q Pcgind it, untrue, is moi’: certainn FoVr,1't is4notyNeccefl‘a1-5: tc r¢.., form any oneior more Doc;t1f:ir1es,% c$ne1y_fQr.thisreafo»n,% *beCaufe: A they are not all D -3c.t1fi?ne;+. ~Nor is, a:iy%V_th,jrng’i.niu;fe1£‘therefore A falie or %evi1»AAb€é%?feA%there is '. f¢m€PhingbAefi.dé;it trfieAAorA A gciodg” TheifQA1*g”fimentis;%t%he fame} this. ' % That zf aj%;1aZ;zp@ ma} t/mtg may éa ¢z%dde%a”mz%¢fl ééfeformcd. % $0 ta r/ac; Puézzgmpa; E27-me of z‘/7e’%CéW1”::‘/9 fi2mAetkimgV7wygy be added, 517%‘/Ecrefare rbpatkeé-L flrine w‘/sick is profgfléd 66% reformed; A They mayas \ve1l%Hiia—* aNec€ffidtydCf ' V gaufe there may be forth A i%%f:A__z: We_RgeIations coxitained. in it outaf1:l:1«e"B;e1ationsAcomainegiAixjthe p1;h§;: r G V §’ ‘ mud .« s odfpels thusevery‘Evange1ica1 Hmnony%Awou1db%e a%%Reromm1o4no£ A A ggch Evaugelifi. There is a large difference bgfgwegg; Addjfi¢}n{. _ gind Reformatioh; A?defe;§tA1i1 in-ofesAth¢Necefli P¥¢m‘~‘dvi?W?‘?’1dAAW‘W3Y;Ai1if¢1'1'e*1“? 17% xrbr*provevdAn¢o£it, and;;,;¢;;@u¢: '*c:iv‘hiChnfhé *G<:incI1ifi0An cannotfi511ow:.1‘ .Fo-:'ri7f :5 :37that1whaE‘f0everAisD¢f9ctive*fi1ou1d bLéRefo£i:a*ed,~£1se:: he gvhibh pxcves%one1y’¢,:1;a: any Doctrine j,§.:cfi1¢fé”c¢:ii}é;A hy"jW;m§¢g' OfAQthér,D%o~€irinés7ti>;i't;*A, bth}-i1iQ“E %%:id’s%7E.»£Eaf.’£héDf:5: ” %ctriné%A%to% whicih Tth €=: VAdditioiiflf1bi1_ld % e_.;% A 5'15’ 56 3:?f°Imed- % ty%9f’§::eg4Ax:9t % A The fiofirinéi of “the Claurcla of England‘ il“there-‘fore I -lhoitld fanfwer no II1€.>1i*le then this to either of their eArgumtents»,lw;hat hath been already {aid were fuflicient to " yfllewgthat there is no Reafonproduced in that»Book which doth‘ or can prove the Neceflity of eReformation of the Doctri‘nev “Of the Church of England. « But to ‘give yet fi1llerllSati‘sfectionl 8: ro"ly1eave.no:hing unanlweredwhichhath the leaf’: appearaxtce l offO”ppofition:‘Ifl1eltliendeavot1r to occurre to all Pm-ticlularsy which leetti to iinferre thyenDonbtfi1lne{lfenof the Dloctrine, or theDe‘ ect of the Articles V: omitting nothing which can be ‘ br04ught’01'1t of thato.Di?f<:ourl“e toiprow-3“elther. 3' 7In*relati.on tozthe Firft, it is moi’: certain that the two former l Para r‘£1phsico'ncern°t_only. the, Legal Eltztblilhtnent, and there- f‘571'€* C01Yfid€:r6<1i}1ifld1?€f‘1F‘3d=lynM my feconcl General Con... cl1ifioit;'I‘he 3; Paracrraph 0r1ly.v1'eci.teth.P2l1't of the Décler:.‘t\jQn= of 1foyC.¢zroli I. nprehitedy to the Articles, and that is there re- cited onelyto Ihew o the Inconveniences fuppofed to flow from i it; As) et therefore there is nothing brought to xnanifeit the e Doubtfu ineflief of the Doctrine izy and if there {hall appear to be en thing it xnufl: be contained in the fevenfad Confequences,as they ‘call themiwhich are mainly and directly intendedt againfl: the Declaration of that pious King and bleffed Martyr, but obliquely Ptrike at the;Articles thernfelves and the Doctrine eontained them. Whatfoevcer therefore is contained in them that purpofe I {hallo exarnine, and clenrly {haw that is t of no Validity to proye theyeaoubtfiflnefle; or f)0__ ctrinefi ‘ V“ hefirft fizdcanfeqménce, as they cell it, fpeaks only of her... - fin the_MiniPcersfrornlibertyto inter rat the Attic egwhich t ylntetpretation rnagy l Certainty,Evtdence,”an Perfpicuityof the Doctrine.‘ As for” is; certainly er Ex-o‘vin%the doubt” ulnefle of them : for the e to y ibited as nyeeillelle, bliecat1;fir;o*fi the i the oraribm tmt/a mentioned by them, whether itlbe a tfltt/9; or i n tribe na‘toz4i‘om,« iris equallynunconcerned in this i Proof; endtiiéi if “ifthre«lfa_1fe; l T '_ The feeond fad confequenegg prefenteth nothing” but the lime V prove the,Do1y1btful1nelIey of the Ptuhlique Doyctrinees ; o §9mP14intt9f WW9? We wound themricles applied 4 A for t U55 npzigmzm to t:"Ié:ut/jar; ‘ * ‘No Ngce‘fl§itj%ofM@.gft§rmingi , Arc) a %c¢rtarcinA*%1%rtic11!ar% D7G”citr?i11e‘.AAatc;yntasi1‘Itéd in ,t1.1£‘e' A Artigle, Y which is, zvpz eve1vy%dmd[}'%fiIz?%’~wi1Z37¢;gl)# I*§cammz'rt.wi Bmifnia A4 moi’: %fo'A1_1nd,certain ,infal1ibl‘e_., AplaAin, A\and%+A%perfpicu,ous Doc:g;rin¢,~ H and“beingfo, thewdnt of 1ibertAyto %inte%gp1‘ct A%O1re*wt,er1:;1k;;3AA%Qf hdeétdgy /manner render it VDoubt£u11A. Foerinte%rp1tet%-iLtwhic;W” A A way you wi1I,either*A£zyiall fins are dea.dIy,or fay 9.11% fins A deadly, it! will be equally true, AJ1:ha.tA Swtzjydaadgy fi;;z%%z'»' zhj ‘" again]? the H of] AG/aafl. In thelike%manne1‘A,~, . Whether ?W%eAmaJy¢ %_ fallfrom grace totally and finally, or whetlaerx we_qc:1nnotAAAfa1l; from grace totally andfinally, which hath been 3 great j 7 withoutany queifiion, After we AA/came weaceiwed At/a¢A%%%H G/aaflma&V may depart from grace gm.m»;A of? thatAt:here;ha1ih never €131? quef’cia31.1, And fo t.fhisiException“A5no way Ainferres the Dbubltflxl-3 fiefs of th‘e'”Do&rAin<—:“,4 but~rathe:rAg.1ves a Tefi1mony%ofthe%;g;'eat A Wifedo4me A a11d"%Moderatio11~ of A the AAChutch,;5which Points wdoubtfull ant1i?t<=5éiA1»§zA;t;fi_r%{1E;% flag? 4_*C'”/V9m‘t:7'a hat}: pwwr 7* to A’ aimree Rita’: %’2.&r‘if7“i%z*Ca7¢rr' 1)érfie:*afAA%ev»hicghA§3}sA? theAfix£7t;iiD..C.2cti§i:jg_~c;;;§”g1g;%g4 gnainefci wiu*:he‘2o. 1Mffi,ICI~c:»~~ AAAg1d~in 1&1: %T15_h4'“P3n that the (i‘1%11ier4cl;aA?1 “ Atht: an ? A A W V? ‘ M x) /H" A M’ A AA*t>r~_;@f»t}5¢ v M md:tzgx:4?q“1?g_‘“A;wr,s;QIxtaiQ¢th.;1:_n4 A A A x 1: ~1111de;r4.1a».k¢ to :p1:cm.;i;t .:faJ1ie. A A % *w%am~kmA@m ;w:Q;€4.xbe “ 10A. ‘§A‘..« Aw , -‘ ~~ ;~vfi.%tr% , « as % " [From to "A(}'LZflA¢€‘A»A§1AA0A.~AAAAC‘iéAI15AA7?U}.7AA.*’.AA find Aé$‘,."%=‘"g1A{f1A’1?.‘7JA'E‘Z1 witb.:r/92W A A13}AiboAA. a, DV lit2‘3IeT:1?_eg"_2z7r*d;to‘ ca:7éEt0%A;C19jmm/w 2>1pAL’¢grt] fisir %Gag{A;_T4;;,g;¢,. W I»:y:1:éferen%é7e« (ltd eagclgn of %.tI%A1@fe-A 5 e2rfi£J?tiG{A1€;f3§yAS Avery.“u:u%e,_% fAthfit»ifi:hi;§"f A 'A VuftrzdsV1Wh,£efigmé:=dé6?r232a;%4.2nd% heéewnwfir *ute4%=him fizbfoi-ie A A *1 fix-i:bA*ev Aim €13o£A+Im7O0Ar‘zzj]'ea*»ti6;¢. . L: -M351-AE;1s:f Hqmily;.,.~‘an%dVin:regarc}of A which; tAhey1?charg’e~A'1tW% v;1th, falfehflgodgf‘ amthefe: ;l,’lz¢mliti6s; of A w;iw€;g1w;§£.?3"6_v}I-' 12rz.fra;g;gt£zJe:*5/'zgzj‘%red.s~i;ar:fl.VtZaa,?empleabytmcsackinAA¥g»th§%fSrafi-i A A ‘ind dAi,a@@r3:,»rr$&itqkss‘5~35;nd'§ AH:@AIni ~_i~n; “fa «wAérfA,tQi A ‘ A terpreréfibi 5;‘: w’. I }e€ciAac:>1aj1!e4:17idé?ax&7‘AQ1A1>l?-S’ E0“ AA A; A¢eir£im: A A L” J'~“””'fé§5;:’§:ticu1arLy::4;fim»A V-«a3sAtaught.L; ‘A g‘ ab % V wi¢A;esr;2zmiwog:grcz4£»2ne.9~:' the Qbjmit 5 A§”.2lt1:é}£cfA i:ai&&agAw;i.mfl:fihm agdpwcgnzbpmded : &e"r:Ed;%¢a~nd 2 A thd ‘-A fihe Y % pen; ?“theA2D%AotSi:*r1:nefV is "never I1§v%e'r.the:: A AA "find fq1ongVas;hag§4‘i§F£¥1WP§ *" A #1151157“. A A :¢%e~ A A Aliefllar n..u—-on ‘ ‘ :11 L Adefend %,is~,. ~m’pze% f¢fS5W=ém:d; F «M , A~ 7 ‘A 3 ‘ ‘ A" AHA , ‘¢- _~*‘ A “ ‘ ,_ « , AAA A‘ A . us” map... AA Ar ‘_ ‘ ‘ « ‘ ‘ war Ag Hm ‘ q_ A AA A A A cd.areA;.E¢a:”t:d;‘z‘¢I¢i@t.% ;4:*£€9é{{if:4z¢d:mbekfiw?.?Aé19i»'???5Z¢€;».:,:4?%¢3?§1¢?«”¢€ “ 4+ it V . The if nd Qbjecitipn is,takeAn Jon: of mheiH0mr1y' 1—~4]?W5-~ deed»-2 thekécéndvparr. mmDefignofiwhichPart«o£:rl2eflH<>+ mi1y is to fllew, ;Ho13;._Pr\afiraz[a1e,it,z}rffi2r.4 é;mn_ zfa%‘¢x;rcg[¢ fiz}(g§"' fab? zfa x11m€fdeed:~;»ts find.iparticulfllilflitg.P,f9¥«¢?11»:that:29“ ée. V g XVhicl1,p:a;rc ofithe ;DogS’c1*ine;isj ;g1'oun%dedtHé1'e c >jn1;Lz;k_a I I .7 T4. %%Gizgg,;zlm¢e:%_off;zc/a;b§;gg.s:_4,; }'az¢ bgzézge, grad écj/aala[4z[Z,g‘M;z“_pa;x%% are cleéiii meta _yo;4;: and being thus fcate@d_f and A cpnfirmed, fog :3; ‘further il1u~fim;ti0n or 4?en1arg9m@nt, ;H.m:ni1;Y%:APt0ces:ci5; ;a;c:;:tsx:, mulape A3uthoriti%esg«:%$,ir1 vzhi¢11%%%accum411%1A:iric)n«if .prmfe im; A proper; it ;C3~I1_1}Q1? ; malm: %4theDc§6’trin<=A%A 4f41%[e°1‘%d0fibtfn11 %4and %thar_is {’till plainlygtrlie which 1the Articl%e holds f0rf11;,%e%“Vei1 ii: AA ‘:“’3.'€J(."€1'€l1CC_tO the-Homil.y;o« xilmefdeedx, .that‘it: co71z“kzi71;¥>' .4 god!) ~ % and wbalcfbme daé'hrine,%md neccyfzr] for t/aefe ti¢3¢a;%. % # A E The fixth fad co2¢fi’W”A¢6= P;1;¢f€1'1¥Cth.-th‘3m%{€¢’?Z3/744j€'fl}Mf ¢ {q};zf;;:zjzzg*,t/ae4%,% aloicf-A powcrin t/jet glfieaz/met» of England; anq i‘1faif‘;?2th$faV . i’:ro-ngdoubtwhetVher% thefg 7. A.rt;i*cle intend any po.we1'« many 01:11:17 perfon befide C)‘1_1,een Elizalzer/a. A But certainly the Kings. eftry hath the fame poWer_in his Dominions,that the Qgeens &_MajWef§y%had ‘hm1.1,3Aorr1i,I1iQ11s%5 there: is no,g1ifi'§;*eg;;ge i,1:1;réf'é-J ‘Li Are;nfce?% mi if4Afihem»%Were» L it i5 Hm: pr¢5Ba'B1e?iheiAi: the A Iv wea“ker fez»: fl1Qui1d;t1f121VE~th¢fi:rQng¢1' _P¢W€1‘. §TheAAr%tic1<:: hath exprefTe1;ef¢renceMtovt/2¢%,%5een:1zy'mzE¥zan:, fei": forth in the¥yearf A 3:: 5' 9.-and 1:-hofe Inj~1;1né;?:igons ~ take particular care, that no other dwtjM1i€giw1¢ce,%‘Aaf: éand *f110’!11d 1:36,; I-‘éfluired to Ithc (11_een, t/am . mm:dckpawledg£dAtbVéQklue fgo 2/Age «»Q0:9[§.%’»K5flg':‘:_V0f- % % $}JC‘i77g t/ae~E‘5g‘%*5'rr:. : /2:2: 4i¢fl§65.\.§1’@W.€r,%~or% Iéing Ez=lwa?d,A the sixt,/aerA%%Ma}7fli,ie:flrqt/oer; 3} A VThewQ”1;dsVof‘theAiftic1e itfe1f7 A ficientlyde,c1are»1:ha1; Dgoeftxitig %comained% in it; con,cer»x14eth %a11theKings :a's: K«ings-9 ; ’%T;TheATit1é in VGe1iera1l is of we. :;2I/.1/4.§*Mia:s»§¢t%;%and 'wcir.ds thusfi W/a<*r: arzééiézate zpfixlye 44tb¢¢ki@¢gaw¢rnw¢n%;we% éw n%v:t~w;w¢r P2?iI¢§‘¢5».r3Cc» 3fuew:in;g that mcy:'#Ve to % yAg=IYVrd§ wig-reo¥arc~ thefe , Cum - Ragga A4431;/far; fzzngmam gzgéerigqtianem triéuzknw *f2'nia%? ééfiimak quorufidiiwv. o%1x;mniatbru'm% a_fi"endi,. fibfzi, Wt‘ veréi =:Dc*z' A Mr « Swérmfithtorztm xadmi-4 * ‘*A2ztiaVé%%}}*i,A Béinifg thaérefore tjhtt %Art‘ié:le ekpwfily m%eAn~~ tikflfiétfx ~ fiie-vfiihgk A g%E#g¥.m_¢dg~% as the«%yfare% th:e; K1_ng§.4: A ‘izhé: ‘ memzmn A A A V Majefl] im%%~thevvA&fit1e*tah make —Déz::trixi<":2~ 4% inore dm1%tfi11l.V, ‘then; it d‘H13‘()m'*"it11*ég1finte¢%‘~i% that v0*=a*th~ whith“ \, V1 made A “"‘a“1Jp’oifit’who fig-a11‘a%ccapk 1t*%h’é fi()l‘ih§Vth€8"W0I7&S*bf{V-hi“Chxv'31*C,4A-thait 1.hBp'é*:Eh¢ ‘H”eifs=m;-;c1 Vbrsbf 'réénEj1l»!{a&e¢b.di"dV4me+ “’v“Fer? appoi“ ;t“t*I§a”c1tb{%-be ~raj1;*%¢xaVix1-zithe~h:1;m<¢;oH1m ma; 3,, 5, my: onely 'ghat diver: Awffwéw that Mime V *‘nrrE1~*2;cv:i’i‘~f}eMI*1“'¢¢uh2a;*t~.i~r ‘is*1th%‘1?£’i“1”flf@d !3:c5c‘tri*1‘>n£'¢%€’)‘f'~c»:11*1' i Vminiflefs ‘dfa11:‘%Hé+towfi:ies 1.: iwwldi aaknomea e- Aféhmfto “ V df.-Eglzmdifih1éix“He:isrsa;nwSuc*cefs)ors% «mw»r& A %‘~*s:ré1yA%-fuIgg;é9ce£h. %ea~rs«ana “earrz3i2n,“ia*s%%fiI«ré- =57. ~V~1mic%1ew~‘e: wf~=-t?han:..A MP‘ ‘ 4:" ‘. ’ ~ ,1‘-\ mm,» T W % A V A ~"ti_“<flés,5n a”flg!1,""c0fi3fé Fe~11»t?1=y"«_1'<:§t‘l=:int>c_ spréxwb-‘fihemz»»~ * T} ibnt’ ‘ “ Mmgs ;‘ffiié*rrffi‘P“}““‘**¢’c‘°ntifii*e3: aw» “'“?ffihk'0:§"tfJ‘qUlfziirc’/a‘@f$f1:gWmd?dt=~wi"Il.. filstifgfervmteth. mmyamaw %% m “fl1e~a%hm:;Ié3in"%~ Gfm$¥IE3*6f‘h31éfse“:fia~Stb®Ty % mouild iemd *~*ffWet1in“g’ :5 &%‘ariy§%tTter%am7t5n~Jixt%ic»;w wt ‘A “ 11ef=(3£x*m«;:li~,'f %V*whms«"aied aramslwrmhan e 1 % \ . ‘1éF“*Hi‘57‘a:59‘M“%锓¢0I*€Ti»s:‘*$®1a;,,%~fi‘hac A«~42yz:~*1¢2w4t£§>z*W»2m¢ ffifligian. wit:-;wz.~A«eAammwrafl2:War.,w;; A _ I ; at wéerc nvéraiyfi :‘f .~ nzamauwnimo —» 3 ~§:hi1%e*a%*e¢n~Tat«z1;uV,-r&..%;11'teri112iiaaL§1i imxthjcjttnineszof " e , e 4 4.‘ ‘w. , ;. A 4 4- ” ~ 4 fietled... A ;K?.i21ig ;:(1“F Mzeflqdkmaemwfix-~ A »é§;y ‘ & _ ’ A T72: iDoéZrme: af élée Clmgkqf wE,‘j:1g l;a,nd%, fetilcdf. For nhefeakfe the ¢xpr€fl;éAA Wwda fa fm11qh%~%i%fe%amd«and€ %impugnJed‘Tby¢uhem» 773€3i/}?.QPf 4I1d"€lerg}~% fmm rim ya {,3 faiupaaatiazz, zzpoan/ae£r%bmm!r1¢dqfir¢;J7M1£!z.w¢%1im¢@ mder «mt éra4a£ASea1,Vra‘ afielzémzttz of and to 492$ #11» firs./.rr/v£ng,g444 éeing mad; }>1;:zin” them and pzfl%nted unto“ ‘Usyjball ca2mrn% ;Fége-_[é;:.{e4_l ggk, V" "wz14n&¢‘af tbc%;D%é£Mne and Vflafcfipliflé af t/as [batch of mm aflalwlgfbezl ; from W/1*io‘Z'2~1_2a€ 137171 #91‘ 9-(4dar;fifé£I¢] '2-xgzz4)4i‘J;g% mp depagg, mg in tbs lezgfl dagree.“' \Vl3at;V¢a11'bc? a» g;1§wter gffufféflfifi Of 3 fgqlgd finch: fixeaidoéirine in the Church 9 Wk?!-‘i YV9Edfi fianmorcgifatig, faékorily prevem;%a114 altemcions Qf t1.:1.e*I’;1}ga%ljq{qe, fzr,,<;>,,f§:{fiiqn% qf % £aith:?- the who12Apower'pr0mi.f6dV to £113 Bifhbgs was. ongely fog; 1/): [wind czmr£1ma1me‘af rig: Dofirme and Dmefiplizzé %z5@ea¢ efi¢é}1zijiae4 5. me Doétszine Lrhcn: efia.~bli:fl1.c?"c1; is ac1§,n0W1@d!g§dT- by’ the: farm” .Dcc1aratim1, so be %1:h.at% which: 55 egmaimd 1:¥1?thf.3: ¢’3:I*£i~S?1fi’;§ 3 thfi“ .Bi%fh‘o _§ % warn hcver t971<1.aV§% any 4 ,9W§£*‘ .f1*Q1§1?= 1§i..I‘1g4f@' makeazny ahzeratimn inflne Do&r;ijn§ <32. 11.1393 s'an.£1i if amy~ *:fl1®u*lud‘fmI}_imc‘;f 1:heBif1‘xOp$ hacla defigm WW4" $1.’-@1_=?V Tayrtfamn [\ t‘ ;D3o5’crine in: my .}§<>§r£:i§?t1123!§‘s~ Wm‘ gigxgjycr 4aafiVwrcd;&fl1ey W1d“Wm‘ p£>Wm* in» word a.Ki§11g,-%xvho€faid flf the % ?7:0W*'WZ9.i§fi’ 311022‘ ewlzme mi 02¢ df=£mqtAng_m réz; Jmfl qlagxgg, i nmsmm I paatc jd me @991 f 4%£QWfi%W7§£JJ\ fo*.fa:;r;e gs. have in 1:»he1n;a11y':the‘1@a’s9£-fllcwigfzprmif ~.<3<.f ~m£fi”c“.mfDm1:xime... F.9.¥I{€;1:1§ m.;.t Qf Dirfizmurfa‘ mg A p1‘;c>m+ wD9§‘§¥%i¥$9‘ ;‘iD;o11?bmfi»1II,.V:i¢ :*sCé)fl1fifi€{th sin ;.m12Anfxv:c;A t9*%£1A$%b,j§§§i%1‘:av,hf§gl1= »axA£e1a€e:makes Ldl@3~1'1y,‘}1p.§1.%§lI§£1‘Y‘Z§$§3§Q».£.§Q.pz¢ v \x:ch:”i£hi11ath&b£e.nv£awid‘zbg7:n3wn£;gMxei& 1§?1}@f\1)¢§.§£.1."‘%F9¢.t5i$9;“¥m§9.f ;.a, : ?x€4«Aaa» »~9i‘=P4‘3¥?P-91;?’ «W..eI;¢+.&1m9f@ % ..f’ifW 3%’1‘D£.%’%*::fiI.£e1Ti'.t‘3.a ~:tQ‘%vM7 » a€onfmqwncmVd:m$zm;fi:om%mhe mflgsflifivflélfgitifxkn V M »9%f7;5:t:can%;f'1g:m:€y I fa ni.§Zy'nQfihimga9:f @QQ€1:sF1?!.4§3!}‘§I§‘§ .. ‘-a<":‘ «xfiilsmauldfbmg menu‘ 1 V Ci{;.~c:fseyi1V:.==A% rfflxéf i§éi§15;+.I;.!9~:=vr:@@I,1s>asz.~§I3»g:0fT‘"~ ms '1 4 AA A g ht ,thatAv}3.=:67dkAfonfl1Tl€d.A;§{111AdAyCt I101? “C5 V ed‘ then” thé Arcic1veA hbontaimth **ev‘e1’YA~’ the No Necem wflrmznz A A A “ A ; hichhbecatifeithafhnflffi 3- °§§;§§£,t1§'e§;y§? ‘,t‘I:ve A Do"é’ci‘ine,A I may very ‘W5 F9 éféucxude £v?ith‘therh;A. wmb éftk¢A"dm5v‘”1W”f ACE’? ende§v(;}Pr¢C:dAPart of their charge,\theADefea.9:iV€11§?Afi‘¢ fA1:fi)>r't:lif1u$g6éirine,th€ endeavour to pmve irAA by rhrw Aowt 6 ~ A V f " 111°! gdments’ 4 “T he Fir isbroughht from Athehd . Article; A'*efV€1‘:1A“ 1‘ j A‘ A A h h ‘ A _ A A V .A a A A * i 11fC'db'v’\'th€1TJ.fOfdC'fC(% 1'11§i1: "h‘}0“€i+}f1;t§§t8;}I,§:6fci§31 age .4rz2¢;)-Zeh 2;; .q!.«,f.«,»mm an rigemz £61’ mm 411r/game/<5AA0ft’J€lV3WA7?’/W‘*""’- A“dhmA7A“‘“ §~W::€i5 P1£~n1yt111s "Though the Article doe not enumerate all, A xv _ A 9 A f th B*oh0ks’ of A the New Teflament, %hyetVAthttfDo¢.5’£J:i1"1*c 0? 3%? (:,,n.t"i:1:e ‘is A ndtAAdéfe&ive 75A “and my ‘ Reafon is, beca1‘1fehAthA!c ‘- ix defcribes them wellfias if itdid enumerate them, fo thaumy Ammh-1 may7'reflc as much fatisfied with the‘ Defcripti» A A ., AA AA A A 4 1e thté;-C<:>uAr1fci'lA of AA9_ A h h E me1at1on.A AS f.01‘EX3mPA a_ A A ‘%1~en:§:fi:h gfif1m:EateA hall‘ theA BA?3h°k5h of the Naw Tefiamemiby A 5 1'. ‘the Church of E2: lkmdrxotfollowfing that ,A”jm?CA’_ fa 55 11 W‘? hf'e1fA"otherhvhvi1e, Paying, A/I the B0o@'A of the ""511 ‘3XPreA{fe»t A 6.1 be MAeAA common! received, A we doe} receive and +N"‘i*’ T6/fZ::ng:;0z;fl-X,’/)_ Now 31 the Bdoksh named hihn the Jépgifunfil c£77~enr,zzre A‘h§Y' be not comma”? %,,m,,'.3,,g51, Axhen I hconfefié t e Artlce ma c A I defé6tAihg,¢*' hbut this, I fuppofi-3,‘ 0111: BrethrenWi1l‘_AA;n0tA ,«Vv‘f'.:tl,1e~'AfEf1bg‘it," is Azyknowvn untruth ifAthey‘hea11cmh¢.%h A fay’ 10:; 61,2, 6, dyfhenéhiirfih our 1A1-ticle left done (out in her Adefcrim A man 2 «A A AA ption I‘mo‘re?thc'~n"hthey' have * in their ¢““meWi°"Aé ‘9 If thfiy ' Id ha:fiéhan‘h one‘hhBdok5W‘h1WChth3h7C°“1dP1"°VétQ*b3R”‘"hh” V or Cfu Nrirw Teflzimenrgand ‘Ayet is not cammakiéw ?*A'*¢?A6“?i'v~"3Al':%hh‘t1A1‘51’1 A Atom, h AA ‘ A A A- AA AA A A A .A . A ‘ 1A¢Awm;h_d Acéf Afomrwosu theyAx1%1_1ght<;h:p:ge EheA%Art1c A .1 A beycfin A A "A ftheNexvT€1°fflm€ntW A A nanif? no I A. A AA ‘N A v a@n=f§iiv1a*i¢h bheznamedsandififhcc rWIT*beh Tied it ma; cc§ntainaIlA that cm-..»be C®Anfe—-A nfl‘11“‘;_‘_‘AjA A AA A “ “ A A fare A 77aéDo£%fine%C7éurc/9 qf‘=Efiiglandi, 15 tfore T1 $:‘e:i:rea:V4 o13;1jV%VB%1iethrenVV the Min.iI’cersVof Afiarsdrycicpunrxes, % % rthsit ~they_5wi1l%. not preferre% Vthe‘*'}CounciI pif ‘27¢q;at%%% %befc>Are.%1;he A ~.:A*1*:ic1es3.~o“f% our VChur.ch; ‘where nothing mat.eria11.canJ4be obéét. @ ed to «fzritlner. A défibps xv1iic1%1.havevI5sti~:n in tngchugag ' ’:f-:A$,'}fO1_‘ the *.afi1‘eAs%=of:AS;4 A _;:zmeé.r,:and »t1_1(_-_3f€.COi1d of S.%iPetcir,.they mg1;¢:n0thmg L a{gain{’a this defcription ‘: for though rtheyvlgavebeendoub red of; "— en Vthey %arfe now commonlyreceived, j3.fld;_th€_A1‘EiC1€ embrag. ceth 311744!/:26_'}' m",6f'_’ common!)/received 5 referring toVthe%timein. I .‘awhi;:h the Axfticles wgre penrfd,-A not to the age beforgAsE»xfééi2¢5 %;'w1-ore «tI1%é:Hifl:ory of the.Chu15ch, and the _Dif-'fere,§_nc';e5% "about, _ at the .S%criptures.- I A N0wiFa1:%th=is time the %CI1ur¢h% of»1ip;;¢e4 had fde... wzliared and enumeratedhll the CanVon.ica1l Books offthe New %*V?.’1?eflament, the Clmrch of England upon. the Reforrnation did no w'z1y:c;1ifi'er fromgthe Church Of, Rome in‘ this Parti1zidnarx:orVenumma-ationofany«oo%l;§wQ£%th¢ Holyigscgxi Jgmfegz : 7amd.therefoi'e it is ‘hard ’»1n£:afiwe that «the Church,” “V y~S’Qf A" f’”QgeenA:Eli§fzéetk 1,5 6 .2. AA adding ‘an em1mm:ation{; o£.t1;e B001; 5%, t;heo1% ‘TCfl5am£rLtsa11d.»3 Defcri 1::io;i10f’jthofe of the Ngw, xfoxphevfupplyingrgfiffiétfupimffid tde €(St:?;Q1Q111d A. bemqfed - »;1j*»The: fecmd; Pxr;gumcm=* p;*qve&:hé"hDefe@€tivené1Ié¢%c$fi:he.M ue Do&r1ne»1;;,5;;haj: 77:ey§gg_,ar6 “Z1fl;'—-&_rticle;.» for dflgygrjng: coiidemriingfundij pamt:"of Pape~.gr.%A% To xvh1chAn:fi‘$ve; F--Q F‘ ,5 ««fiaa3I1AA'Abé: ready 1:0 flgixbfétibé mar This their 7 “tih-rén ¢m‘e'?1trti®n AVc£mnim:%I b°e%wa;mmflForV1:hat V cotttrary» mvthzzxfe V A yciirifleneficesg‘ ~”fh°f“-“ I »—flifcwe1é.i:qg*?P@p@uy vo’r» Pap i j A1 e *vIe:~r;r;ca*x=1At1a“é no ;'?eaAv11DeFea,,:HA - aura cmAneedm AAmm-we tihe—nA*w=h2=¢cis~ie1am?Ih. A A . ” A V‘ A ’ A AA A “ A @B‘ut::.if4f 1itiheA.AfmmeAm&xi11es for :th¢i‘.BifiZ?6A-_- of ~P~Aqpery Izhaydcre n:r§mt,) %th0fC whichou1- 15¢. A A i A A A A A ‘They zfignifly .avék:=f'eé1A*{'aa1s;:l:1 as we %e;:op. A ofittze rm vhofe of zfrmuiw, ii=r«ndAt!l=1*in¥I:‘*r:batA1§hey,’if détled, AwauIdAdj-{cover Pom- A %?"rs%-mbafc .ew:ideemt~ that AAt:I21(~: fof AA;-he »,1)9_4..4 no gpmd or found via «:9 Lfiifc’@rver»%a~‘1E'aAi1aéi§ft. A ;ub!eVi1hunchAo'f. .%ng1zmc¥Ahad Afound’o1;1)tr: ' I no other—wai;o~d’flkdvcr aizgvmmyz, jf A ewouldAre. ;IA fuppozfc mo Aman j1EhimksA ~PraeéIdte~rminzI“niA rm: sag‘ awfiaaian £120‘ vbc »i11cl»ini?;po,o6?rine.ofr72eCZmrcbefiEn21and- firfi part of §%_the; Argurn¢g?1t:af17e”.1%tVs;%d; ht.1t;;[tfae 24rzic!e»%¢ M243». f1;T‘a4.5 at/2iz2g;4vf%r/av Cr¢;«ztiwz,;i..Pro'r2iéie._nces,aI;1c1m:£w;1:e1’c,of Dwcrines ;C«I’1uW13rate.d:,_7€1ti‘1€i3fiL3 Aim.” &11um;bc:r..;-ya VW1':iich ‘is aAméii1ifeit;u~n+ A :‘ WF0r itV;.I On‘ £r7vt1lSin~,WhiCh is it felfa‘ «finsd andA'rb¢V ;.f‘~I.>1111t11iI1 of all éother T ms 5 wh“en%.V~th€,?« I5 :A¥fi91eA %Vfl1exv¢th ' Cbffi d4on¢Af%zoA»é¢ wér%ms:»«fih 2 and. finet0J>e in‘A.¢5*?¢*r¥V."d0n<:% befi§1e=;hLi1n;;% :2Wh§I1 .§,h¢ 6~ Article tr¢atlm:,hdA9f %th¢. xi=1yt1Ire%offi22 zzfi¢%ri134%:;vtz'/‘W. A ;@he:fec0nd‘ H0mi1YVA(‘Vh~0f<:% i§%~;appr9Y¢@l 1 . %s:1es)~,treatethatlarge:of t£>é224zfl;rj'a[/1.7~7?.é§fl’£€??4’» mm‘ mna 7 Whgm dvmmiwrv 4%/26wr14fling@./nixv1Wd¢fiv.A In¢annbt.b¢.‘faidAfhat ‘ ghe Articlesm ‘contain. nothing of Efifignl ¢‘c'.azll;z:14¢;Vq?,’v‘srNhen the if .'c1e»tr£mingV0fPr¢dvfliv%4téah fifiaifiaihi%VtheE:iwvords; W/verefora ma“ We “‘%/«em:/3,“ “ H u r m . ‘ M - , in; J; ‘, ‘ %zkra%gkgr~¢~1I1'“ga:.1_:i_a5a ffto omhwa MA: >b;*2ManIe.i A ~«m ‘ ' ” %"afitlaa"I?w(61iga¢:1 > I 4 é%fth¢fMWw~46? ~ u \ pl: n, 4.‘ K), + 7 ‘lay. Hi ;;nit&*@‘ A % ~ ’ E :.x‘I'?'\;' V:‘.‘‘;: ‘f &" hi"".‘:| fl’; I “‘l:"‘:y “ “L r '3: =.-III‘ I .‘ ‘V i M’ A A’ A J 2*“ JV 9 V1 what?» , -A. I I "i ‘s v; Q " I gifctana a*fl§““C9“fi3mwi@:‘“fit' in by M? D 1 Pubhqup ', A £15??JVf6d*z%’rt:kt;mév;%?:%iii‘g°. ' " ‘ - A V fe::Dt?§.&r~m§8»vh”1g@w€@mtgt§,9§j¢d:‘%Aimi*mIqéA Af1’.§iC1€Sg,. bfiihgyzr nhey ma ~Amth?mn*iwv&*fi3‘:.pr¢§3ma15fto, '§5¢fjmecéH‘ary%% thflflfi larq'ugVht%to *e__viAnm *tEfieDbfé‘£timeITe;7a%n§1 @211» A%AAth”af&:are4$.afi5fi;‘rer¢'A ;iz1:nA»*v:11~:iv<:1i4;'y+A4‘c>~"fi mfaw A % ' ' A ‘bf? mm "A fih*‘e’1Wbw= ’ E:%.E5%us.- wéreAwi11*'%‘e#nqwaireVvv%heeImr - A A A‘“PuB1iguei.DiO&xine Bf At_heA f Church ioffinglanéi isf rep1iteAci ~e:l’cab1ifhe1’c1 by; Law but dizmrff ,gMiAnfi'i‘8r: of V fi!fld7']14A(‘a(tntAic.wA.A :e11,u_s, ,that 1_:houghA it be re1zi¢ie4’5ye§.%z}z§ie;Acz’ it is 71fl‘0t_[b¢jl1;\zAé{£/I9 ..V. A AA f.'IiAd 1AAIiiakC_‘WA3.yAAAfC;r aDeter1xiitiatio1i of V fliflWAa11“the;»waysA by Whlgh. the:.A;‘ticAle§ ‘ OfA()11A17:j A Churchhave beemifirmedsandrithcn wrifider upqnt the whole,“ whéthe1;iiitiiaxxioun1eAiAtcm~Lega.1L Confirmmtibn or ;1To.A}j‘ : . A W ‘W . . fi;fl:iArtiAcles_ofi Religion framed ifincei the”R%¢formatioAz-1; xA3;e*r'e:AiI1a”clei iii théRai%n;ofA Edward the Afixth, in "the year IA§'A$"Z." thfiiflllfihéfiiiy. ivv%hi«¢h%t.i4.ejy. hacmaas A121-we King; and fron1A /the C1m.gy,_43Aiv§W%:; A A mi :'A'aP.P'AeaK..eAA.riW‘;I“bLY‘-A'vme, «:Erig1z;(laZ.i‘BAdition,; fer forthbiyi 4-! fobiiflzzjzg A;f}1th thlis-,TIII&I:; rtzclesiagxéed izpon m the qmzomé-ii A 2Au'on,4'm2.’i pfii5!Al§f}f}¢d.é)'.tfiie;*Ki?1g:‘fl4ajqi)',: andAAA;mo,rie fi1l1y " by the A Latina Edicidxls; fetifqrthhyn RenaldiWo{f:;[iwith%i this Title, Artig. wfli dé qtiiémi in Sjnodo Londiiilelgfi, M-tfihfizna Dpm, LII. adtol-e..A leigdamfapiziiawvm anfz'aiz黢A‘;z’7tz'on-: of ma: ggmaf ‘t/9¢‘Arvk—%l2g'/bapxv and "off/ac bfifippm-laoxz~fi*, V ;_oZI3_d_ f?ilfr=r5Pti°"*éfI/N +62% W 2~*mwer+/s:azax« mm fonvacationg in tiiejjueazwj of our Ijord God, 7 I yybft . b fame Title. and Ratification wereprintedwith Articles the bfmn-e year in Law by fokn Day b werebthe Artigles again ~eB:abb1i»fhed;” by the Aixthcirity‘ of tghe" amd~ the Subfcriptinn of thg w1H1Q1eC1¢rg§zb¢in C}Onvnocation. » b ~ = ~ b b A Butbalibbthefiebcommfirmamions, though ‘greater wefienebven" haba before in ma1:_tebrsV of Art1cLes of the Church, did notwithfiand. g not amount unto a. full a*nd~ formall Law, till was though: firbthaitb not onely the Arch‘-biflaopsband Biflmgs, and the Clergy bcon*bvLenbbfb in thcb_CQ;1V.9C3ti0fl fl‘10¥11d filbfcri CIthé_r_n3 V but. that xhefame Subfcri tion fhould be «required bobfbbbbadlwhefMgnsiflzersb ” f 1: e Kingdome,%a1b1d~ then t-hefe Articlés were % thatbis, an AG: of Paazliabment A in all places 0 "xinad‘e in the fame year 1% 7; 1: .b A A the confebntbofthe (l_ueen,,Lmrds. j_E1iz‘3 c4p."2.o};. A From whence :m"y Secohdb Conclufiqn 1fcfe.;‘~ rencdto" the ‘Confirm-‘ation‘ ofrvhe‘ Pub1iquefDod:'xineb is ‘this. »_§('bb‘c;' Argick: of Religion hf 2:/at §'1a;z"rq/aof~Engl,4nd are eflaélg’/l2,_;ed, gmdbéxeczitezfwitkifn tbéb1e¢zzIm,b W93. azflfintlznd Coihrzfiwtv éofr our s.m;,;;» ‘ 2:2 ~ tained;;Aim;nhe4.~efi;;1?; wgrelg. pf i#:A%§m5¢,{% ‘ «€¢éfNE2%ez‘.ffiAv At“M-I«4=99vi&fi'»AEng¢5&9“£7:~vVf;m»»%*§%P‘3§A::¥N§?§? ~ A . 4 demv"ow~mtm@nwhfi'«§¢:..1n1fl:9mmiAAH 9 ‘j fearne‘bjs@ci&n§A;'h}stfi;A:~ 599%,; A ‘ _ _ M M Far-waehsa wWA?41ivr «Wof .venfix4W‘ P~«rW«¢n¢;zmé&a; ;qrarmm«»~m:Am am: L V _V. ., a. t/aeirrmméer, éwt oiggljr t/ae~7?tle—page 12 1/99‘ NE‘ '":«:’ wmnrhaA@vigw4:¥.%m: amléwzl.‘ Aflkttieqit fslfégfig-73~i A % t’19]'.e)r__1a767'€ all raw E/Wm agnfinmd fqxlwmjgpp §;;g;:w;;*3g, 5“ Elia; ~14£nAa11ev4inc7echec9xm:am ’§§£f‘{?a;;g%4,;-,;;ErQ}§-i;:g,g:A is%fufici we ~§h¢@~.b.ziA *‘¢;v6“1w£A“’;’«'¢**’W«?%‘=’»‘:v “J” t~é«.+g4¢jz é fqmmm A%;A:A.¢‘r»L?1¢¢.r22}¢%t72 I 1%:/v'ptz?an~.: But~there’oanb€m®~3N¥=¢efliI;¥ t9AA%¢R@4lAxhat gqf rhww@s;£Qr.1t?Lwéfwipti Aw A 4mm: tégbfigzz Swéy‘-%%r¢pzzm%:A w ufazd.u«fl1~tgq»1ggga,;1g1¢w;£p» '7 ~ 13, L .1 A1 A A I forfiflvé/W5« W IIWWW. a«£r¢¢Tc1.m~~ 7 19.1% oahfifiiizéxg ‘Eh€_i3:j0LtVr§WM 0rd?$vA*th;.a"t fiheywwseAre% agqmgg c*~c1fiAr21ti0’f*1mfi3’ hfiltfiid rb ' «4i_vié';ce tr . A , . we 6- 3 A‘ the Am, i£Ame~i:hes =a11« moi‘ A9!f;as2!=m%I:::ai;cl¢s hgé éergue Vagiéinfiuthe Subfc%rip~tion»V¥%A:%¢ rm M »—A<~.-V-A-‘~-«A_,«,M%M.A Mefl zflawa 13.! fiW70t/A:Mf5'r.r: Vpq gqfberkgfix ‘~tm¢1fi*r:mdvby; Oirfiafiiamta ” , A ¢ A % A am wm¢hA Wm 5, sq; err ' '@ t_l1;-1g theAct‘confix-tings%t%hAe%%::»»w wen A V Ngmngghefe ems nIne.:m plmu fpfimfifl-Afwgr AA ~ M .A W7‘ Mi; «mm flaws?’ g 4 w /91,) f g V’ - E ,m A.» \» . A "WM -‘ ~ ~.'.~ mu,‘ it chm: “3~?U1'1f3§:*d?2_t£l asegmnaAé:cl4¢fi;aAA¢AA ¢;g;mr;»g”%;»¢fi 3%"-:€; « ‘ " V‘ " WWW» éarm mr?Jb%w W I Statutwh AA g Adifléren:?¥4.Aamd»;»:cmmdicA~A 9 A f ¢ = % " AVEii$i«?c:qLnAél 1Y’rhEhV?'%£'},,&.fi& A ¢-Wm mi ;4,JmA.th¢«A [ tI1€-"3"! 3‘ g Efiz; appzamfi ~ 'I,?b;p; W . I f Mhc ms Am. -Ix ‘ VI ‘ I .4, u 3:. «ya? .. - A‘ * M... .‘ V‘ _. ( Mv VM‘~|K’\”K‘|\V A A _ o“ I , A »‘ .22a;r*~~ .<_e,AAzw:qA/a . .h‘I.‘.«q, , v.. _--.'> my 4 W 4 ‘iii: _;£;_e:¢;fpre: ifnj rh ‘ u. fo1ly,{.M%t6mVa:ke -44 " s;;7a:;&ad'V1E2iaga»;.4 W‘hee’iF65‘~$[ ‘Kc: itfe f, jyou’ A€~f¥aB«1i 4 I . Vin: 51 i1:‘ei1;her*€a{?iab 1:.i71‘héd, Arric1es, , or fqnitiéhingcg f V "A 1;“ %B"1é“1:im §sS.;.-f§1Qfi2f’§J}’ai§;§;lEfiézibfifiiifld he): .«ista:Pgei:&gi?@n?b>efid:e@~uhe;§Awixripiesgzhggefmeiaz_m§.u‘?; %15e%aii 14:11} J 3 ‘ W AA AA ‘fl}E$,§iid1‘§s&,{f5I5li@fe:..*§x%’fiich§;.2i1§é4zLeécrn¢c}§n‘the:Laxifé are éertaiiuly B V! . ' ‘ % ivhafmts ‘%v’13éfifl€ii18&%fhein,4t jvv A i:A%J:1iMéd5:ificI~;;a;%hiafigns, fiméé, deéih fém+zE..Parcefm;In£tieutes,i r1¢p.»74§. %w.;§'néfir£pti+V 1 . V on remfred r]9eC1e:«g)r twofold &dne‘ fdrczf ‘hat/5 affzzz ) ” WM/kin W 39A-%AArr€€?er "f R¢1*£50??‘% V Cflwdmtibh ~UfWJe?é fvaf, E7z‘g Z2zI2gz',?':zn;Lz'¢zr_z']‘z'eal 3’/9*’*’?‘3W W? Gm’ A % 22254 ‘Q/iflélfflfl the 39,..x1rr£cZe.s;: ‘E’ 9g.p#6feukfheia:-s~;A£:vmygvgzrx V2?/smj 3 =1 *'V”%A:E;e~;uLiw«b;r:¢“onfidértinmitacimnsir1du9ih§jth¢;n;t0mden3i igfiis Leal1Cb_g1fir,mati°on,;~ which fee~m% inithe ‘ A . * V ‘” £;>V‘e*ft'i§%c“n; A, fo'1%f‘i2iI?c/}2i my :~;zre~“;z;m1;%e¢;;z;;aprwg iizl... wiméw, "‘§92e;zz‘£o;§§g§l:; T6 ‘whiéfi %anfi‘wi¢fVFirfi5Jigtha¢this i‘s_ the fame.7A"rgi1. '._ "V 1 :‘1the*%:fti@1@s~.ff§()“t V;n.§);; ¢Jrh;u:f§t1er2itin»‘ is: 2 wealéér mum; ha:vé“ fatigsfiedi =you.*iffthc °“5‘§5éNéWEWm6m«h3%d*bWn ¢n@@®at5d:¢h@u%b T { A 1: E‘: :‘fijG1Tt‘3«§‘Qf*e?=‘fi)IIJ4£ » 3*¢r:h:m;&e1igian¢A I£,;1:1m A¢c%Va1aAAe&a"b1iIhfomerhmg éfic .%~Ae:egs r1i’e~V%%wIuaw,4:and'V;kmow be£m1m thi1‘§,s A V ‘,a-’‘‘ .49.; ‘ mu “ ["5 ;d,A;sd_dford dtific Number of them ;Ait;;isyt1'0 wady matcriall, Eecaggc —, rfla Na Reforming rhe'wi1p1%e d1\T[éwddT1ei%:gr£i1¢nf1ga%1«’n§fit 1i>e»ér1 :ini§fited’in [thedAr:ie:1e€; but here nothing dcah Latisddfyl-but'afl éxprc£sInf"§:r£10n“%:0fallM V is to be allowed, ~ Sécondly I anfwer, that it not materialf what actually diiiiferteddto concludedwhatdis acitually to‘ -be . pg;-5 The 'I*1ft1e of dt‘h‘ei_A1‘ti:(‘31E’S inferted, da§;djyet~neith.¢r Vthe f om! ficlggian defigned A in A; the Pdreadmble, I'10r;the‘ ‘Syéflréprggn urged in“ the body of the Actgidhathddany referencfidto-_theWTitle; A :for+%ch‘ered_is "1.ie:ither% any Religion *cc3_rita“ined in *‘the»Tit1’(:d,d”11or‘dd ddahySubfcriptionrrequired¢ to ; 11:. W But the Artxclesgwhich am not inferred, are dafiu;-med by theddflctg to concdema r/ae.(’anfifli_a7j¢ of 1/26 true /arzflimz Fazithddand thfez aflént and fubfiwjbtion are, reqifired tur1dto* them _;,* ‘txotd to11:he‘Titl:e .5. :Depr7i.vation is“denou‘Mnpedd,cQ:a11 A which {hall afiirme 47¢} ‘_Dé5frihe'dire&lj aafzrzfhagr ,(§7‘i'g7.?€5’}A>'Ii‘g'}z;4i;z:, :5 fan} oft/ac faid A7~rz'cle;c, not to the ’1’i1:leg ” muff Vngxcd therefijrg look dunto what is inferred, "butdwhatwisintended,in«thejAc1:_ ‘If any” l\’[iriidPcers had_ pleaded ,beforeAdthe’jdLord~~Ch1¢£.1ufuc¢ ;'I»Iz‘7-L29; or (age, %th.£nf they" were readyatQf;;1bfcribe tod’j,th¢ f;jj,i.;;1%¢3;pfd dthé’ dmfm-ticles exprefi?-rd tine? the Svgadtute, H but? emit _;1:'o "the ’7"dArti£:dIde.¢ t:oi31taiffé"”c1¢ in tdh‘eBdO‘ok,:*131ecaufe th_e»y;Were~noi,exprbflEd' ' [in the Act, tiertainly tlaeywofild have f-ar’d as ill as he who fubg. dfCdr%ib’%d them with a dcondition; r they are knowi; under Izlmntmies and d»Edwz21fd the dfix;thddd\ve’1;ci»»d of! another num_b§:; upond 1 5 6 2.’ hadddno number affix’d tc>%thc_:»_r___n,dr1éIEI-I%'¢;: “'°i"ri*"f1i“E‘ Ehglzfb nor Lar£'m{Ed1t1'Q1n. : They were %t1otthemfm%ed than £0, well. known, fheird '~.r1‘i;1m’bérd as‘ by their '1‘-ijc1e,3d:auV1d the Aacfit ‘5*Wh1'I§ ‘i‘“td“;“iI=é’f1§§2’;j:{‘éth.tf3:é%: Ti“_taIe*»c0_xifirxiI1e1:h ‘.t11e’BQOk%whi§h_;1{v;{sd fa 1bC‘»‘1'*¥0 ~d 7' d’ ‘*3 ’“" A Tla>eit"‘j.fécQnd,;Readfg;}%}!Pf3h which theyd”deny1-his Lega1%C90r;;- th‘"eI‘é%:it;;rds.d d d ‘£5 §t_"dIQ2oWfldw:€2e;j_¢ iid0#§ginal*d£&iaml;gd;I; iTo"Ti which anfiirder irflb t¥1a:1;t4;h¢ the A2£;ti;¢lesdd.d hadmever 1‘ b¢¢ftd€fl1‘Q1‘1¢€iv5’:detF116 ,y;"X1:f:i*$<:I*7es d1§x3c1f’elv‘és‘h-wd* nexrea: b‘ecu* tl1.:‘¢,«“:,]:.—cd£1-i‘¢;‘\_CO¥F;,¢fi£t’];nq:rd“‘ $3 my%P;ear¢ndis, déca;ui‘ei:hvé ldtakdth I no; Ltihg ggfifiigiég A as theywereat w:1tten,but as A fhadt time P¥in--* * A Wted Whicih Add The Doflrine oft/21 C/mrc/2 qf Englaihd, ted,» »ForVthI1S th¢%A5’C,fpeaks, 77%! M28 cmm; af téaé)-_t2;3:‘e;:y; v % M¢J‘eflze5 Damim':m.r%m¢;y éze fi'r*um’witb1’.;z_/Zar.%r qffizzma’ Ra?/zgz‘q;;<,: be it enszélezléj 2‘/‘be aw/aor%z't] 0 t/.713: prefifit Par/zkzikzévzt térgzt av 87:; per; zmder the degree of .41 wBifbo]>.....M_/ba/I deglare /aémflént 4ndfi4é.; _fi:r'Zée4ro all the Artz7cle;r of Religion, which 022:9’ concern we cozzflflim % of rice mm C’ /arijiiflfl F45?/9» é13*m't/2£D0é'r'rine of the Szzmzmwzztsr, ;com-j A‘ Pygfed in 4 %Boak4zm1vrmted,? zntzmled, gIA~RTICLES% %w.éerezp;an itfiwztr ¢{g7'a‘6.o{b]%7171??‘-A!-77'5/9*é€fl90P~‘ 41'1d'13g”/bop: of bot/9 “Pro-v£rwe.r #12251’ the “w!aaZe(f'ler ¢ in t/aeVC(2:212amtion/aoldenat London z'.'_rz~z‘ke«}mr of our %L.o%r:l God 3: 5 62. ozccardizgg to I/9: Cbrqpuzatian of z“be_ Chm/9 of Eng... A land, for the gzvaiding of the di7J57:/itie;%af”ojviJ¢z'aflx ._, mg fay ‘t/jg" % cfl/zélmaing of ‘bonflmt tom/ding tme ]Q£2l.ag£o;¢, pm: fart/2 5} the .,Qgee;z“.c‘ “ .A{I¢!/907‘Z2t)I. ‘ ‘The1:efk1'tic1"es Werq agreed LJ1:por1 in gzhe year 1 5 62. and than prmted vvxtlrthxs very ’I“'1tIe, be ore by 115 J %tr~.1nfcribcd A 44Wd¢ afl%rW?wr‘4,Wd Rwmna9z?34 1 mum‘ in 6"/ér-§{z‘a% Rqztramgi jA%D:z:z?n£;¢um 4Matth”aeuin1 Ca«1it11:1r§é:flfe%z,11 %% Arcémpz}/kapwm, tatim=A«ng1me Primmm _@"M€Ir0p0!itan%m,‘ Ar-A» cbepifcopi C5’ ” Epifcapi ]fltr£gfg z%4e% Profit/inciee r;eg’niAng1iw , 257f'z;’_f¢tV:c‘7f»z“, jirorwmzmli Synadolégitima “céngrega£i,% zmmimi aflénfa» recépiynt _(§' ;¢:rgj€tent14r,%«:§"m wros aztqzge Or;/aoalbxay, ;m;mz;a;¢g fi:éfcri~ - ption£éux"appr'o£wznt‘, Amy];~2ma mm _]ar;ua-riigg A Anxmf 'Do-». _ mini,,,fl:c#ndfam%compumtiommflEéclqiae‘ Anglidanaeg mill.éfimpe.7m£n-14 fi‘x.zgq/imafemndai: um£werfa[q«;:(7erm’1nfir£arzk % r eofdem rfltm no? A 25 2*‘ foén Dd} in E. A’ % % prutfigutes ; iFz1v_o:uAM1ookA into the EAditi.on Iofhhttkicbard GA7:tgfi"0n, A AA ‘ A A -" I ‘. },_’‘'A'. '''’‘'Q.‘' W’ “ o A ece at to‘ ,‘ V » t n. A ‘r V ‘ , M , 3 ‘ ;., _ A eA* arming g¢fdemAAet£2zmiA mmnimirer rtcepif prbfifl'm ejfl, A at A ex tflmm hhfidrfcrzfzihianzlém pt./A;.I2‘(;2fh, Acgzmth A aértzlzr 6?Afi’ft?0f.;>;),'AZ azfrzrd swmdéyfis Rwererzdzjflimmm, §~m7m“o A6/it F€?b1Ti1=11‘iiA»i~?’1'7¢7i'0 pmdifio. 'I'heAL:1tcd Arch-—bifl1op gicveth tefizxmony tow thefame 1n~ his fpeecll dehla ve1*ed*i11 the Starts-chamber fume 1.4.. 16.37; I~Iis ‘WOI'dSafC A Athe—fe,p.“ 6 99. Itflent to the Ptxbliqpze Record: in my Ojfice, and here A Agngzmmj Officer: /mndA,.flm/aazka Pzzbliqde Notdzy, is returned the the A A %A:7AA“m-ntietla Article wit/a this rmatit/e Clarmye in it ;% _/Jfldhtbere ti: the whole Bady of the A/rticlasflto be firm. To thofe theA=1'ef0re {thick knowthe Ptlhlique Rtrcotds,‘ (unAknowt1"tperhaps to‘ they MA§;AAniPcers_ offmadrfi‘Cazmtz'e:) it is A /Qauwmxvhe1‘e the Originall is A p.rcfe1*v’d. Andt is I conceive a fixfficicnt Anfivcr to their fixfl; P;11‘agrap'h. . A . A = % Their feciond Paragraph to thefamc P111'pofeistI1is, the 3 9'A.A:A»tlaere weretg 6. of them fez: fart}: (yet not mnfied Parliament) A rise arher -were added éy we fonvacdtion in An. 1: g 62. A. A As for the Pargpfwhflgfits of thisPg_t'agtaph, fignifyingthatthc A1;tiWCTé§:EiA{:aEAAifiAAI{. Edfiadrd 6AAA;.A tiAAtr1e’wAer€ not mtffied éy hI’.'rzArli»z.- 27;{ezm~it no 1.V;.1YA toykt-I1 them who thinke our Articles cita- V by Law : b@C2!L}fCIA1'Of)1’1an imagines that -ourA.Art'icIes A .W@!'€: under the Confidefatioh of Many Parlmmextt 111 thedaysof Edward 6. A A The ..other wards of that Paragraph are fomething doubt#Af‘h;AAIAIyr A; penrfd, and IAeemAto Be? caaAhlstfiA Ah ttirne of t;Edwm~d.6. thcre Werebut 36. Articies fie: fart-/a. Ifi this “ be the fenfe of their words,thcy are not true. * _E9“;;,;thed‘ArticlesA *~a'"recd upon in the year 1: ;;2.Aat1d1et forth in the year 1»; 5-3 . A t hhAai‘EAAAAAAiA§A°f”6A‘7I':i§r”;AAAthe Articles in I{.~Edwazrd.cRaigne,if you looAkA “APO” “h°f€A‘ Whi¢hAVV€Y€hP.§i¥}F€d 4 3*”?/4 7fT’_”.1£¢.._.i.£3t:§%éé?;£’?£:At®rtAA rz: 1217:, you wi1IAfind4.2.. H;-tads or1hAContentsfwith-A-» A ‘you ~wiA11,Afi1;1 A not (Sm-21y thé Contefitg, BA1iAfmth§__nu=mhetsam_¢fH":iedA A ttrcach Atticlefi) gmounttto 4:24. , t It “is not therefore truAeAA*AtAh§tA %;A:AiiI'i:hAe Ioff Edward there Watt: but A 3% 6. Articles“ {at forth; Th‘? f@;E9¥1§1t.!€nfé 9£ thfii ‘Words hat Paragraph maybe thisA7_ThatA0f th3TéAA§9.tjAfEEIEA§AAATEifAférthAinthedays of (h1‘_eenA .EJz}2'..h. there were 3 6. fat forth in the B.aiAgn.c of Edward 6. “A .§__r}_£l t 111 The naming qftzzeclmrczbteaffingland. thisfenfebtheir words are not trgjg, 132; theA5 ‘.. Artivcle, Oftba A Jia9'G/a«fi,1:he 12. Article, OfoGoodwar@-,the 29.; the wickecie not t/aéfkéraéfir AC/;2ArzflA bin Me of 2‘/ac‘Lo7‘d5 SI4p]2e.r,.a11d, the 3 oA.A éaget/qt/qgnd;,Ath'efe four arfi wt to b»efou11ciin_the Ar...’ ticles fet forth in theARA:figbAne of EdrwAzrd6.n Andifn of the, ggwbenot to be fonndyetheten ca'nnot Wherefore I coA11c1~n_c*l§,tA that I A can AAAfA1z*1cFAe,_,,,_ \?iA>W1‘dSo,-’=l_.,m1'<3 ti‘ €AA5f.3:h§13».3;9t. Article: 2‘/acre were 5 6.afAt}:em WW“-'-""" x '24.‘ p--mm-n-my-......m..a» fiat” fmét/it in Edward . lax’; migne. A V ' % Now being this is a1L which is obieéted by them againfi: the uw-..—.a.«.nu.n-nu-um.-.-sou.»-an--......_..,.., Legall eftablifhment of the Articles;, b__eing an Actaof Parliaa A Ament hath proponnded thefame Articles, :is‘AA’2‘1AC'm_fvA$flLAz97zoft/ac .trz.I.e C/drzflian at1d.. jbrznd Relggggy , nglricml ncknonvledgeth ’;_2.__ny Doctrine camrmy to the fziiz’Arrz'c/as to be zmtrm: Dofirine, nndupon this ackntowIed9:mentand pnblike ]DecIamtiont_of the e V Afituth of the Faith and foundnefle 0? the Religion, _;y_:h____:§equio red al1eMir1i"fiers to declare their zmfzined 4j]"mt mg the flame, upon‘ gpain of bein deprived 0 .fA.4zc“°i‘oA, Lco11c1u§lc,that the ArticI»esA A . Tofthe Church “of Englme are confirmed bythe Law of lZ&é- A‘ t» U A -‘ And thus having anfive-red A all the Objections endeavouring rove aNeceflity of Reformation,or Confirmation, of the A to A A Public}: Doctrine of our Church, Iea;'nefl;1yA entreat tthefe m Brethren infilndty Counticsntto advife A W‘Aith.t11e more fhber A ceunfels of Athofe of our Brethren who havelately declared that A1 ; 17¢] tag? it for gmntedt/mt f/J I of Datétrinc. V A are is no dgfirence téetwem m in matter e A I fhonld ha.veA gone on to thelike nercmnination and difcuflion of the Aother parts ofthat Book cotncerning Wdrmip, Ceremo- niesand Chem-ch_governme11t ; but the a Reader may judge of the re& by this 3 and at the ptefent I {hall forbear-to interpoie my, pfrivzite judgment fi1rther,nnderfl:anding His Maj efty out of * His mofi Princely cafe oftheteCh11rehA, and defire ofUnity, in. , lare H15: grac1ousoP1eafure 1n divers tparti»cx.1I-an ~ Atendethto e dec % A f conceflions for the fatisflctioli Q5311 fobér minds. F1 N15,. be V-Mes’. 0ft»thefa11‘;1'e 3 e in ‘WhiCh_1_:_Wh§3fet~