“ ‘ ‘: p’ n g ‘Q’: “ -. “ 1‘. , H «u, ‘ “ ‘ ‘ U1n.‘*;,~,‘ ‘: W 7:. ‘ ‘ my ‘ “ ‘My ‘ . ‘ -‘, “ V .; w Touching the Book of‘ I ‘ ' .n?'_“. V 51." ‘ '. ‘ ~ % ,~‘{.«" « A . . 1". W‘ M . /aw % 4’ W “ )3 ‘W’ V ‘ A N D t:._... ‘U ml; ‘ M A%mfl mM.L %% mmyflm A %% l‘‘”d 1' ¢fi1f3dV1“h€ B00}; 0f~%Cdm‘mt$A1iA4PArayer. ‘ \‘\".\<“m\ H” ‘N ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ { , * _..g y'‘‘'‘‘‘""''‘'”‘“'‘‘'‘ v ”"“”"“* % _ flt W 4%D’c”e P””“:fi‘“'w iflfmrrix quidfacitzmrmzz E’ - ‘ ~. Erfl %‘Sé1:yr« I 1.; “ ~ J”'z"” M3; 41L’””Pl?'~¢‘ iflg/ifafifmiizittere A pé»d«ms Printed fifldéretobefold by" H c .1; P0£>~§$%h€-‘M? Aiifiyaxm: UI1$QWhiCh 58 A aflflfixfid th€;Pxea1"0n5Why .s'covt-% * AA A ‘Reade 1', YW1:<;:t:Ei1$3E 1» E! V ~ ~ V % V"“""5.""“’3“‘li"-ii"i‘**si¢vri*=v=~ _racr;wrz‘*fl‘>i*AIMm¢ Iwiw %*¥?'E waér‘ , ‘ wk; ‘W .,"*‘:.“-:;‘f:;;l:‘,?¢f‘:,'i_'.-“‘f“ "‘s;;:\§:(|1i-:o'b_?, ' "’ "" ‘ ‘. ‘ “M ‘ “'1 M‘ J ‘ W A We 1-V-‘A¢°4'a*’wz-1-«V. , ‘ .5‘. ‘- . ‘ A ‘ ..s ~ 4Av?iM1¢’61:*A’~1%14%§bridg€ment f that‘ ‘It. ‘.1 ;,K‘-vn ,,.'—:-¢~_...« \ “ .. I ‘ Y :4 '- W t nfi-"" ."I ‘. A ‘~. . J: :3 “E .. V“"?.‘:4"V -57” “ 'l‘ ".‘ ‘ V . r ‘ ‘ . u VJ,‘ ._. “ ., ,..,V '. _ .‘ », fl .\ 2' .‘ . _ “ ‘ ‘ V‘ , , L, 0 ‘ :5 1: '1 "'I"'*".v' "" 9:’ .l.,'£ 3...-U 3; ‘ A- "‘ ~ ‘- ~ 7‘ " < ‘ “ r ‘ . “ , x K‘ ‘«r .. rm‘ » , ‘ “ r“ . \ " ~.‘-"““&- - ‘I "[6 :5 J: ‘U ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .. *- .- ‘J; - ._ , ,3 34 ‘ i In ‘ , ‘ I ~ r- ~ < \ F ‘ » .- V MA M % . % .%A r ‘ ~ 6 zvme " w “xv” A v -" up‘-‘-->‘..' ~-4-'~‘~'o. 3 "W ‘4“~-4 ‘A. "' U ,, 1 ‘V! Ni, j__ -.g, , " ‘ ‘H ,, ,,, “ V‘ ‘ ‘w 3 . ‘ 1‘ ‘ - V ‘ 9 i 3.. 2‘ 3%». , .«.. gn. a ‘_ Va; , ‘ ' 9 ‘_ 4‘ J‘ . w firfi 05 A e€¢6‘»1W6r 3%fi‘Ia4 56111 £118 Hfi“1'fl‘]P3:TC. Qf a.fiApoIogy fmvfth1¢m#1}4:1*vcsand their hm»-a fii1Bfr$ripcion~¢and eon“: F¢qa:fl1 x‘6Ad,%gprmtirz rbeyegr 165 ~ 5§45;ymrwfime I 2/ml. tbamgfyty of time t/23¢. Maale Rim (WW [mg fitzce out ofpriiztfi azzdfliéw wort‘/Jy pemzfézl (saw an tbing I ewqr%reA!clof that Arzzzturcg, _13,l,I,t(_'gW}z_ A A fideringperfozzgr t/.uz’t.72eeal iflfififldtign in z};;:_;— matter mje genéralfifizc/J wiaoe ¢:mIz occzzfiom~ %~:zcl2;22Et 720tAA1aPg€r dzfcoztrfe.r,I l.m~zze t4ke}zfo;¢zeM 1m'.«2..~ to alzriclge their zzbridgeme/zt.*~—t4A§‘ng A in t/Qejzwz, “at; may bcfi accoxrzzwdmre to I/M» Prefifitferlflifla %+/Mfliizg 7”} PM-W. will be an A Vcgpmb[e.Vta% the *grezzte)‘(z‘..‘lorz/E?“ oft/new .5’erm'cc'~- ip;e:.;ae1«. make, 1% édifwifiérér fauztycm tbofe rIof1’i4ll1rii2‘ew,)% aazlaicblveérbat re/we» to L retiziiz may5V‘do2é9cll“to ‘amend’.-«The latter patrt; wiJi€}) fbey ckzllzz /bort table, iswordfbriward‘ 45 tbemfelrz/em Ie.-we it 21/5,fc22¢2ethi:zgczlufo/7;io2ffm 15¢. l2a$:;$,:a1énznz¢. V3‘ , ?§"&‘$=*fi£=%;a:zs<»2;:s:J 3 0 A .'§’3??T¥‘?3"I‘Q"£"i"W&‘?‘£"£"£‘?¥>€‘&* ’£‘*‘?EW‘~*"si‘FW'--‘i‘ HEO LAD A .' AOD--C0n17o1‘1nifi V Touchingrhesookos _ C OMAMO N"'P AR YE R“ j"Stéf>hen AMm~flml, M11. Ec1;~C;¢1Z.«,z2r-.2}, 7730, ‘ Afmg. Matthew J\7ewco"mmen,a11dWi1[z'm:¢ gm». _'-._.'. fiaw,te11us:i5n~V£heirSmec”tyn111us,1?age :..tha%ttl1e ” ' timeé‘knew%2éafl£nted Liturgy, as % flapears from T ertullfafl, who tells us the Cbri{’ciansofthofcf 3~8,.m,_ in4 Egg: A « timefisl did pray Sim manitorequimie pe'5?ore,-WithoL1t any APOL ‘.._ A39“ .pron1pter but *t:heiro4Wn hearrs;1~.AIz¢_/2‘z';¢ alifo tellciih us, %I;;'éa~ 121. Bpjm, Wim tjff, I t Z}: freefaiws ‘ta the fame thirg: in the Lard.v* A1?wz}er‘,3a1ii: argue 2215:’: veréix: -4——% Sametimem we way, azznl" ‘ fimzetime.czmarher,a11d Martyr tells us, :He* 2gvha izaflm-I * &ed%‘tlyepeoplé%pr4}'ed according to I322: zzéiiit 7,1)Y'~e1: have fame Bifl10pSb1afph‘€n1€d the fpiritof pr;-1yer,and many able. learned,canfci4enr:idus Preachers havcbeen 1“I1ol<:2f-kec:l and fuf-V pended for‘ letting the~_co11H.:mr% fiaxnes of their fixed coxzcep-+i ti°cms< mount ‘up’ff@*;in the Altar of thei1'zea1é11sI1eart unqo £1164 M ThVrdL1e§*o6fgrace:V-4»: (p.8.)NTheir tongues alfo ~11 ave %%1-ag-cad-4‘ againamismy of prayer,’[hav<-: fea1~e.d up the nuouths of Mi» 11ifler%s for praying th’us“in publick, and impofed pemnces om jprivateGhriPr‘ian3a€or praying thufiin their fa’mi1iés,and cmna 3 _ pelfed thenuto abjure this p‘re1:S’tifi=: endea4vo@uri11g wizh raging A A Vvi&>1E§ifi'¢e‘toba11i111thAis dywine " Ordinance 1’. ‘om ou:;Churche§ V “ m'a*» jAu{’c e§;cVeptior11,A’;x1j1<;1AvSz A _ A A A A A A ‘chep:eop41es:11¢>urh w Godsthls boo}-9prefcribeéR¢i1mnfa1r*iesA; ~ to be_faid byflae p¢0p1eV,¢10m¢0EvVhz¢%hM4ar¢1mfu¢srb1¢Arovvhm% Vthe~.Mienif?ce;'pwonoumcenbafqzmiof then?‘ fav@i;«%~o£;t%vtbIoi‘g% Aade t;.<7> f .¢fi'@»¢11?a1t rh¢»paraY¢:ra»7 —%éts~thac%fi%m? wh' I1 the“Minif°cc.~r*i;iij:h, iiSAt1o prayeitAWirhAOUAt. aax&d»x:aa2ings~,f<»£;:1%"'%::;ag*ih Voperi C~ou1't,it wars {or AM44 L {}%.»:;,;.1;z,««,i;j :%1~;e:1%fE2r our Churches.-~~-as %did.Dr. €‘oréa:,Mr_J\?3§+ E,-£1, ;md% a,L1~this in bcf-1211?:-': I:h;1EI_J~OOk of Common-prayer; ‘sh oi-.7,i%naJwhereqfis publlihcid m thatPmclan1acio11 ofI<;i21gV Ecizvafél the fixclw, (9.9) whicl1rhc:y T0 rigouroufly pArefl":~:d,A {(3 [he cafmg out afali. that fcruplqfi ic,or anything in it,to the V (a1nm£%-3:)L jmi-‘sling our ofthe p1A‘eac_h:ngf the ord, a;;iadA%g;c;nn gjggivgd 9;;-51 yer -.11 t;ureChufi¢i*¢#S£[V%%bMt % hath broug,11t1nany%of us_:;o them,‘ not any of cheAtnA to’ 35,: B6,, gzaufe many1;hings, {Aha-.re1n AcA§>ncAc21n$e%d,¢ Aam fiLz.n‘rbIi1ag b1c5cks*,A before. fth: f<“c¢I1 owfmany =%'"f“¢11aS4Ih®%f€ Tha cliogginga; it wgirh Crsgcxnozaies, x;>f:e:n,% andixnprarrinmc.reicerVa:in§cxfi‘ "t 8 Low Lin» 1% he%reas% jché-Mxmffér; 3 §’ 6 :0, H‘-é v P‘ .» .L¢g[any_-fi-(:%p_A; QA,)Agai11Aicis fo.muchA i;dc:1ized,f2as r~lmt«.%§ix:A; V V A skagcommtd the‘ ow ‘~‘f0ffl‘iP of <3oda4anC1 is xnmrhe iiph<:>1- mm m13Pr¢aching4Mi11ifiI'Ya:*md% iwye Gimp m:heheigm,%% M T9 ibsnwd;1r€V1m®ta4ham¢d" W W; v?’J4%W'A?¢5fV»"efir%¢év%é%z£ 2 czzzclirloat tr 4 we /I/Lfz‘22azfl'er:.4lr¢t)¢, tfzmazd Wis, zma -.~ 4 3 3 Abba: C?Jz¢r'cbTh€1Cn«f5L Qf irsfirfie Ltfe, was not to tie Gad! §:nc4:-r1] fmm fiJU?75é?I- cii-EngArhai::Agi§£1:sA%i11%AAp;aycr, A'bu: thcA;o1d% LI?o;.;ii‘71f; %I1;gi;¢{ &a4i7e«<€»n:iAi:1ag '7IjEi»l1;l71] toou;1€«r«e1igi:4m.dixd 1I131+r'§:31A.Ig1";wIi11;:}Li1§éi§cc, Mraing tlm;i§%rAAAf‘ro1::ta Aygttrrgmeimgfita nhr: x,j§‘z,%!i§ie:“I‘”1”}a'~»:;i§£ ~ d%idA;hi13der%18./1ini{’rAers(thatfhad the gift: Aofpfayer in gm = damn mm! m‘ as wexx as of preaching) p..:m. Aln Bi1]:opi%zmz;‘ I %i11%¢r31'fihti®13i70f W5-rI?£% ;né:zm1dAofth:%h* ’ .,‘ 5. Al A ‘ H A Acnxgtureggg A aayes,v»—zaAa rorbaa R. IA muchAfiAA%tb_ey ' Out the Lzzzcolyz/Zaiiraz M%imiFte1‘s Apolagy ‘ A A f c1¢i}_ii1;?e;:edf* to _.,fortI1emf_e]Ves :1nd V i]vbx’cj’th1fer§,w~1‘ef“11AfiVn§g fubfc1*ipt»iMon, V‘ zmci ; ,c_Qih EQIM‘l"I1?ity A to Wtlzcé book “ of A Common Pray;/er A and ~Cerc22z'c3nz'ei,A Printcrd the year, I 605. :.;A{T~IE\A7firpCl.E:XCep’ti®i& :1:ao:. fiche’ 01: of ‘ Ccnnfio11wpra)’fir is »E:»mp f_ I . V Scriptures. A I P111195; Appqm‘%t111g w A fronm::11<:jordAer:f~«9rA‘fiAr£;% M f¢‘mn% m1=~r*1ew1y:bbthibmkmmtdaé: i*:i:«l1zrg2ai*;.a¢ln1£:2{i:s;tbs::& A Whale bwk @f A ' :G1?S?m‘@i‘€5 M7éi?At0'%ée*f*¢*4HA a%;:,nr.);, ‘ ‘ A A Lcifoxgs, our for Epwifllas, A~o1:A« A c@_ntmarym'o»2Am&i&. mr&o£{dV; *£or 41:-AisomI?d+¢~ 1 . 4 H“ ., . %~~%i§*b“91f=r“04 erdmszf@AAmu¢hé;5cripmmm:‘be,so?m ‘cd¢n:~A Ebb éfiufifik reav- it gA:ieé.«oftaking(Rm;A2;m.rg.9Vfr0mrh£;%wdrds:C>EAA A I di1;~g%;;:?..,;-Ai-z.“’:l?1a>3vwhéleg»Scnip>tvA1ke:,,.and%'Advmfy~~parta»of.,i: ‘Mme y\ - Wayefiredfifias 1:he:&€;h11{1ida>,.AféCmId;?%%A Mr ~ . : , , . *andAvEmfmCh«apthrs‘:m£;Exab£m;8a~z;ae1@a:£ Wh1eh%:b¢4boV9k gm. %- “ de:%s;1'aoti;am}zé£in1e9; nu mad“‘,:d>fiI»y\&whm1Atho'cti5phaflA‘ Chapters being in all I 7 2 ) or ttilihezfm-. A A ztbcautfs‘, tare‘ r,ead**tlllAol4:qr there-V-abouts:Pburthly;It cczmlmalncls themltofble read c3nthe_t tggreatefi Holy-days,w1den thre'Church allémfillieégfually Jvyete lfullfel’c‘: 5 .whentan*Ho1y-day on which thecanpnical lhalllgiveplaée :6 the ”A15OC1fiphaI:tfl,SiXlh1)’:‘; It app ointstnanybfthe Apqcriphal ChapEerS‘.\£0' Be 1y~An§§§1S$ 1” [%3-M”0t19¢r;t1J;4’ 4”?!’ 5;'N‘PWW1f0 afmmzjreadr -_d0Eh‘pU1'g€»$.1l¥,0&0}§4;¢ A fiz}itbar{;bflA:Ims»dorh deliver fromdeath,a],n ~fi_I1,d_77al {'c1rlmt he did bring to mc-zmorydthewir prayer before Tb Vfifi 9» V ‘ chc Holy one,ipzm1¢tl;~a;[d] he wits Raphac14o_yp~e ;of the feave ~¢mg€*3s%a4~vhxch % « Thefiwadafmri» ¢rJ?~¢?5A.£W?¢P£a¢flr;m 54% A 13¢ - % V yztggl mg iob1.‘IIO 8. " fjfudc 2.} [fl fatal-in A , r { i; 6 3?; A A . tl72&Z5‘f‘ant«g§.9z'§¢i' } u§§fiizég,,*%AuL¢z£é!ertw3,V ;7VWl:Mz7t2:z£g;-i:;_,A. . DW_?W[[[eA;{“&§k4L 4:3,-{m%¢;g_;§}g , “ 7’; r -3: ;; % A +33% r"LsT‘k Zaozgk af§waah‘4*wbA£ahA z‘/;?e;=‘ié”)3Jall}; ;z},1;g;;,,m1,:,;,; g,,,,,,,,1 ,;g,,s A _4 AA fiSim:a{{«Vi:zmwrderz'ng t/06‘7Sz'c/3‘_e:;j,'¢it.r c§m;¢zendeg1)a;¢;;?¢.V §§“;1.‘I9C;I°f13‘ _'9}74__c;i»é'$I9 [%pr2z}cz"Io"Atk{zt Gocitawbsa/51% éle_/]¢7:5d22clA work wit/9 her;/V céj‘ az }:,«.i' 3’ .“" L11“ f‘l*¢fl”¢4’“”*?%“?"‘?W% f”€f¢ +*’?“”f'”“' miéqlvr 41Zma.H0/,;;; g.1i1;a;9,;3.,r3c-% ff?1"i¢6'€sf.;=mW?a;fB?3zntaimefle,‘ V ~1A{_71£:e]4: and»; pzaag-y?@£,% ;_tti1Af;:1At?~hE 1mig’ht ba- iczordingto the takefi 7\'~ifi3i flirt-:7!‘ he‘ id? hi-S’ é:?7}’7{§z\§>fi1*i9 ~ A*1i1=i3C1‘~h;11t“ 3’G‘0’d3"‘W7O1?u~1d% V * 16; rcadNov.;}’ “'23., M w ' ' “ ' ~~ «M ' I“ ..u? ‘ av" .,'. .:'\».l.,_ -.A ,‘,_q A ,__ BIHIOPS 31b1“~'- fmxce hxm W.1Ch_Ih€% lxps A of **Ahef;1orve .. ;~SIoe,eL1A¢] m*.rerea£% wztrm_g1],~ It IudA.1o.I2, 13 % % A M A rbartbazt baok. tloefi ¢;»wclfiama% qtbersm t:lazzt.é'ao;’rQarem,:,r..«% *2%£%zélA_[Immef»2lZ«A efroirk 0 I9"azzie4 iA6‘e'é¢2 aéfi-%%r“z‘§ez£L=fé 7 6'25? 16] % A A ' flubéaftm prqflfl-by :_1Ac:_fjA‘c£z_'vz'7szt§«?~Mz'*¢é }?'m;.;_s A rzekerx Am Frgfia %,% our Dj%z~z*;Az;¢¢;';r fidwtf» gW'i“5~f€czi' 13‘g1’z3fla;lAC7.a;§;%:V"ian fm % the“? ajwer! ,A éflééots tD6?«Ziz:,af'l? Wfilléfi, ozzul: 9;/3g;~’_;-_. ‘ 1 x A ‘ % M _ 1rV§,751:fdoxf;A: 3?“ M ” In L aye 0_ft*}Je Ac/M_pte'7f3 £v1:2ak;Vvifd0m% ¢PP§{;$§Fg'g"‘,Q‘,;‘ '9 m Vefrf-%'A ~f ;:fl‘£"7reti%AciA~ t2égzfaf¢A~A€‘?£?e%v ‘ W2=:2zfit%z;§:“fi&z7£2£ Vikki;4”nfi-If/§Ve~éhi1&i%’n d&f‘adLtIf-gas A . " 11 V€11f-‘13+»?%“A A $Vické'ti1‘bcA’3 {hall Yfiwréd }:z2iwlAAi L131“) A~¥%“z?2f%*‘ jthejf dye A haP:iIAy%rhe>y i1o.h<3pe n§iithcr’co111forc 7511' ch: day pf’ 1 A A tivyail, for horribfe iéthe end oirhez Awicked~ ge11er;ati0n;AAg,-J.“ 0 W154» 35 4* zV7;4iAA_Lo7,Am¢azf}Jaer{cl:mzpzf¢7' the 50??/{.,' tbflpthe b5aPc:1f‘d‘ }sIants. % mcadr°€*=;¥$:%”%;A A11~smca~¢»noVMcieégq@t;nQawf?1ay;;naym§ f‘oftf:11da«tio11i.For‘chaugli ' f'or4th#i11*thé“%Vbra1ich“é§?f6f5 a..‘t:fxf“lf1e“;V’-x‘, «yet A nnakesn/with °r31fie.wi%nd, forrhefy Hand not fa4fi,*and‘%Vthr+o1:'g‘;h5zh;-5," ”V¢ b€m£r3C'y of theWm4d,the.y 4}~aaA1AAl%b.:-::ro01:ed out. 1. } A 4 "A wAbzc”b%z.c_7z_¢dged to be at bloudy ~f€fl€€’1i7.‘C€ and A_cehfure«:: “ ‘agmfl all tkot¢%L%::z~7‘T%%éE%9rIz% "tW~éflfld1‘dIe_, fiat}; :5" V) A “Iv Ia ~_»M »w=’_b kg m . ~ ‘ .1-V <1 A0€‘t0:%av.i1*:~*:;2§yzzidrbér‘ :h¢Fé:2~t?ésfrIa%1e Lord 4w;~.sA wi%:?1i*th‘e fai%&F1£i11% r;Ecc1:1:z;5. % % read Qét. ~33. \ V! \| Wpaarg ofE4ca-z(2f2‘;z/ifiam irI3.ar~’;*axré»4[‘¢*y'1mcl%% A Ai*mh%e mothers VVvomb.‘V%AInL:A] ‘amotl§Tier we are F_<>rbi%ddeia tdgivie «V ' f,I£cc1=24aII. ¢~=!ImeSAto”any un.%;o<113'~'man’-1’¢’L‘fA€WWW Wdom Jt3?3§“"dAV%1%‘V*W* V we A % ””“t‘5"& Em thafif Elmpterx of'%E§q1efin_/}ibu5 whia?/2 are “éppam-.; ¢.cfdAto A‘/9: read .5] Calvin; jflfimi, D. %W/azmflr, R;zzz2a7d.$...4fld*“ la the, af=B&zmcla z'~fi»i.Ar%]3!W‘V3§ bMfifflE7§<::.ru1 falémA_,V‘Vi3:1h firé % yé21%r?*%%;rAA11dA*n*1<§11th »»a11‘Ci d;1)*r;¢::h:i%t‘.;rhé4yw A.f&tookit.I~Ié1:irb A2‘; :ar:7t2?:zr} goA,tlmt‘wb:‘ar};M’: “Hol}w.7(3'f_;;fl hath wfitten 1'72 fimlr} placesgdz éatla fzzniw and ’Ln£>bertm /9awe%o!/-- “ gfiekvecl. %_Of/oer error: are 72bt‘_e*5lt%a7Vl1ci7z this Zu9alq's{(wbicIj yet “ z':g Mao?/Z :zfp:2z'z2t;”d rb 2'W7‘6:%"6;£ Dji.W[9:73%mI@;»-, }r;?i/lcfpfzy otfflrf, 3' W '7»- V1 "A< M 3 .§'»'A*."%gw‘5i.% j An zb¢Ahz]lc}~y"éfSztfg}5na«‘A3mIoitlizIr ap3paA1'2“:11‘:;iAAr”o7ijZ3x~a1»r‘%a*zz:~l7w::>};t‘z.°r AtI9e2m%izaeVqf‘tbe 173%. b/mp, ofD¢mz‘e/5 Ila-ére{‘]}Jiav: i2§AB;a6}lan~fix] x Vcrfls. :28. are fezzki 1;o4h;1yé:%%%Ah;1d' Judges bf ch%e“ir“A0Wn‘,‘ *a“i1d% power ‘7‘1;o‘AApI.1tA V %% A {,,J e‘ré%t®A d*eq,=r?f1 ;m_¢:'el air t gihzive ¢b;t:’:n :1 Y VCIL 45': A yam I52*r§eé§;}:$2lA;j22Hgcm:mt gpam:bAAeV;vma.fi4mw- 2zg,]E.v, w/J WW t/fa‘? kipgycs afAPcyagés;’ imgmacliaztely éc- Z V615» 553'- forc the fazgzz %,* kzMd"Lay'-'j}'Af/91} t‘3\”_[I:1i';cl to ;/wzvgai &¢£wAv2.u‘27/has a Vcrf. 64, A .%mc'ime.r%wheréé)f%%19é1n§W“A?greVV famOLIs_A_, 1411 wbA?'4tb’da'wa¢J}}1cfzt%Zy % fprb‘7/e At,/di;rflar)" to Abe and m9ztmef,f‘7M 2} 4/fa E1éfa*7??z'eai%%!2y _7z»122}7m, A VLnééerm5, I’WJ’i‘r2il{er: 7, D: W171/at = ami” at/dé;*f.%' ' k (A ’ MA ‘ *7" ” “ A A " A " A N . M, L. if M A K 4 C<>”trr!%1I«1*’A8f%V7fs?.°';>po, B. Tm’: A cim7c;1 A at large, ¢'i‘hi1‘A¢'?iy;4??7Phw: *Bqr>k of ACQmmon—’fmiy’er app©mteAAAA4A*A A *3» 4 A%;tc§’o¢%d’i:*éadKi?A11 tV»he:é’:Ghi14:?E;H3s‘,as For A 1.,” pm“ .A11€flVt§€h Aoitft A A chi’; ‘I”€>‘ccfundAfy' Worfls(*’~é1?1*£43i%%i%A féfi»tehc;@§?@f divine fig» 0f ,1, 3 A1nfmrac1.«o;r1,th¢;:"t%1t1c :‘E’hr€“LRiflln’1T£§§§t2h€‘f§ W01? “fig i;%~2jgg:§z§:%zom%;S3se— C"}W., 1,. 14%‘ < ’AvVqrds’b£”x*he;*’%V i4P%:3In% n théfe Pr':mIc*A::» e W‘ 3:‘ wk ‘*z«..,w_ ‘ .. +3 ‘,,‘,‘ V3‘ ,,, .‘ ,t,. L,‘ ‘W , W V “ I 4.‘ ‘ fin ‘* V» A A the 3 mgzlome, 432:1 “rMj:ywer‘~*awd;t5be#* £07» examflé oft §-a1@op1fFr* fi‘l%k*,V* % »~ thc,f¢,vwv‘o1'ds‘5 A fl‘ %6ééA ’ C law :V@f:;;A5@iWlét’g€5~ .Ai't!E€::a3l 1f1:€%;VEP§;HI¢;VS%¢ atfrci Gofpels , A. A, A a =1 3; ;:;vora@:az;t*:AA41e:fc%"%Aoue,"§®th¢A cbanggiing -or %4c2b:";:u;;i11g pf g;za¢Ae 9”?“ 1y}; A ASmipLA1m¢ssA ‘ as L2t]A?a_{.;-flj 3. A: z.,,1jh¢feA A A ‘A9’? words b0émi2d ée1ove¢i»?Lb1~JA1f«?g;;643¢ 1'5.- _th.1:3_\V01‘d’ from-*i%,L¢] A 5 Epm, (5,, ;.AARev§VlAA7~.A9AA.;h¢f§;'»v<>rc1s,AAamilwdrtdfa Vvxchmvers Aethersa ¢X- 1wIundayAbwg— preflely contrary to the word of God, Z1/_/;zikI4. x 2, zhegc -‘fare Eaftcrf AAA.A7Vvo1;5d1s3~;%4g§d‘yplagzglae _;[9fant_g%l5;2%z"j_fJ%e_77ea“_72m_;7% gfgf-0" A11. i*¢m:hA1y4, :BookofA Ce>ri:n1oAn~pray¢r AaPx?0i1::~erh fuck Argnma 4. n .aV,r:‘113fla1z;1o11,as d0thdadC_i?ll0E‘dS§1;1d“f€nt€;J§§;[FQ 4'Ije>g%t?; 31:. V c».G0fpC1[% an +Aof1:A c~Te>.mA:Aa13yAnoc: 0?: 1_ 1np%%1‘o11 irio‘n1_1t, Mu.nday;be.. I a11d.ch%atfon1et1n1ge,s ro:thc_cbgng1ng Mo: obkcuqng Q1: the__rWr1ear3~ . ~ flare Eafier, of Athajflpl )1 Ghe>Pc;,-«-A-- a,-37:11‘: P4 ,1 g_.;}:h1s word; _7*zg/2t,~1S " A added,;Pfz1Z.I 3. 6..thefi-3 Words, Tea I wzllmpmifa fmmhbf .iJ2e:!4ow1Am%/?*5IL€!2A“s 1>£a1:4,8.. this Word awe added, 1>ra*r. f;c‘4,;,'thn€e wl1olcveVr‘fe_sadde%d,V4 %[5%,%[A%6,A‘*7A4. I.’fa%,14.i2V2l'"IA. ‘theft wo1§;?ds[a-ded ,,;A_/oo@t}7.oz¢ me, Pfal. 2 2.: =3 1,..:hi$ Word; FY51}. 3 Ai thcfif: WAordsV,fi“tttigvg 4 gmfm&nt,, APII11, 1.; 2.‘ ::_.A‘t:hefeV m@fi‘d.Ag,%AZgg'z;g9gr&» tba A A A Alexm %'bAc4d;;a ta 5451} 1T3TaI.A.?;%% _15~A 3 :h4e1gPc er _isIwhQ1Iy adWded,P1“aI’.§$‘ th%e%fe:A 4 f’ ‘ VA gm 7.‘ G _- 5“ v Ifek W W 'wm1rte‘d. ‘ ;A:W3d‘ A; .,th¢fc;wvordss44mfi1 A ‘4 C 9%)’ 1?3‘if:hfy “The%CommQ,n¥prayér%%book binds us‘ to a§t1'at1i”iz1tE¥- ,1,.g-,,,,,_ 5,“ jam; ~.vhi¢h is abrL;;’dand_fén1e1cI%fe:--7 As <12 _faz[, 58 3 * Or cf:/}r ' your par: 5?‘ mad: Iaotmt/9 t/Jams, fa “ let ifidiqriafiéiit “ ‘vex ‘/31.7%,, even (1254 t/afng that 1'; Vraiaf; W31. 768. 3'0, . /47/act; At/3e com an)» of fp.m,jfr¢‘,¥ mm mu! tbe'?mu/tzmd: of t/Jémiglar y are fcattepe a- broad mzox_gfl the éeafz‘: Vofrlze people, fr;{r}:.=z‘“t they lmmél} éring P:;'§e;_a f fil5er,aizd wioenk/9: /Mt/J fmtt’er:d the pimple Vt}mtdélz:gf2z: in w.;zr7-3; %Pfa1,V7;»,, 6I'.Iefl7pz/[came z¢'d;;~;22% [iké min Iizta aflreca afvbaol:--vvith E1iyrcrs%%oT:11€:r p1aCés,- . as 1121. 6 3. I .iwIo£cb ii M mi?!) clearly, Inch; Epifilg on Munday before EaI’ce:3{Ro:r:, “I 2; %z%.%Be jam-c/2azn‘g:c1 m yottrfhazpe; in the Epifllc on Sunday afc§j:1rEpiph:VEph.3.15.174;/ofréfgallt/mtzlr citllcd fit:/mé 7'22. % ‘w?1:cg4k{en and ii; earth; In the E_p1file ?_o%nTthc A I 6 Sunday afcmf Trinity; Phil : 2. 47. Ba: /974? war. zizflzcflaape qf"Gad;and‘wM fox¢mii2¢ /:i:app{§r%4_f:f‘4I A man: In Epifll¢ on %.I‘z1Pc.Su11day in , Lexy: 5“ Eph: 5; I f’If7W]€2c":2er it mmfifl tlagazrfizme‘ it light ; InAEpi_filt;«‘on in Lé1M1t;% Luke I; 36”; 7791': 1: the ' ,mo)zeth which 13 ball: £.ii'%A»!5Pra for; cvizcmfiizg t‘/iefworéé éf%évzm%6y .~;tfJve ward} oftby%Vl:5: hazvdma.?d,for; the low cflftte pf /3155 l23Mdmaz'd,i11magnificat; Lake 2 .4 3% and Afmlnerlwew 2701‘ of It, for , and afepfri knew _mt ofir *_]o‘:..1‘1 I .% i. Ami G041 wt: the word,“ for, ma -¥t/:£*..737_g57*c£ ‘-W2; GM .- In t he%lC‘ ofpcAl on %C‘hri£’cma4s.day, Rbmyx 3.1: Not % ;g'yvj(',f,"a'1~1‘;7g 5:!’/'z.;v:@',‘r'7'g'){'.()1',7:70t ffllflg 14?}?/{_67¢"fl6'flI1'l Epifile on firf’: Sunday in Advexarg 1'» (Eng, 27. Leazf;‘I~jZm«’:1' fur wfz‘ awa}, £or4,%lm/f 1f770I¢/65%5%65 1fi77¢6% worth] .- Infipifile on :’%‘Sepuiage1I5ma§‘p;1d;1y %G'gz%l. 4., zggfkfamzt Sza2¢z2<2zv‘£varder”¢erI; ;.+l ; 7;m;« .- In Epifl. rhé Hrfi 1>e:.g. 20. PI?/am 072£'8 the laxgglkffrfng of God W4; Alcblged for, when were the long-fuflérfzfig vf Gad laak‘eclfar:'I11VE15iAfl.o1%1 Baas: *"-i we Etvel. Contrary :0 the Scripture co ydealfthus wich#%tht~:~ora— cles 1of C oc1,Pr“o. 3". ff 6%‘. A for as" {mall corrupuons as tliéfe, Blamed the Vulgar Latxne, and Rhemifh Tranflations,8; condemnédthe ccmnfzl o£'Tremr 23 am Epifl. on . foif binding to the sreéiding (if the Vulvar Latina , as Ca*l«w';a',% ii‘??? “‘ I<'é£?'€0!4?—* » W''”¢*‘> 311? othm A % M Argum: A ‘ ' ' Mféi: - :i%V1s%aPP1Yé’ mhcfe W ex15whc5m»l £1 HA mujrdeféd 1ri’EpiI’r.«dn“ Inndcens A» « ‘ a ‘$ I.ent_. . day, {ojqel Matrix. 6. [H] o7jf1.’V6. ’]*.Matth_«4, CEP1“-01.151“ arse fall %app1yed tq ghe L¢n:enAqFaI‘:s_,%1;*I’rt..”3’.I 7.”2*2§ is Vagzapiy-= A fiundav In we hrias%IabodieV4 inmrhge fir; ¢Epia&onEa~ Lent. \ fGof ex A Reé»a§r"z.“r i“s“ap1=1¥cd Ange: ;“~I11A . firfiHSunday“ Eplfi. on “ “ A 4 % A inL<~.nr. SefCo%ndIy $50‘ fit cAomnmnds~Vche% :'<3?fi1éh £CeréIii6riiés4 % M A . %%asA ,E"xce}2.-% ’ . u1irio=thé1tvvhi4ch;ig ~car1a3I."i 4~ th<:‘/*,b‘r=%'n0F1°=,i1%‘ 1.11? gm liéfi’é4“~~Eé>1i~t%;r;édr)'7% tb’i3thé4W6rdV4éE Gdd ,‘- as Surplicesg CVrC)i1c~.*A%izi*;;«‘ Eipatifiaiég, %kna:Ve1i:Tig4 the c:_c:>nara 1‘u_:=aior=a;;:e1‘11d if9,c!h;”111<:«==g‘ ” ” rgnmfmt‘¢"“1i; ?H}.1ma1*ie ":111vei*4m:-10119 abufed tQ1do1at1*y:,nuay not be ’rcta‘i11€‘d"i.n‘:.EhgLfCrV‘iCe'g‘ of Chriihbecaufe it is con.trary £0 Gods Word: ---_-A which‘ is A th3""7fi rPc Ai'gu%‘mer”1t againi’; Cereiee _ mofiieg:?%%%%—é-%Fir-H; by the fecsond o1n1nandc111e11t a1Ijpw:ovo;m~ tioi1s*u1f1co==fp§rtcu%a1l fo,rmcagcxpii,are?fc§rb1dd¢»n$5 fi-sgsixzbc: 7«.do’:h; § ‘ %second1.y, By“ tP=I:“ cof“nnmnd'em*éfif:’%ahd %di're@’ciori God hath givctainhisword to a}-feparate our £¢:1»ves‘ from ~1dolacers,aLeV;18_M§ zmdbéz as un1i"ket o thf:n1as1fnay1be: , e'fpec.i'a1Iy in‘their%Re1i—— 8: 19. 19-27,. gic?)u«s' ob£”em'katio%n“:‘%and A‘Cercii%b11jes,,A Lbfl to«ajbol4it711 notouz:1y Eégd. £9» “ ' rn 0 al 1;‘ i‘doI;;, bumlxo the Ge: re méfinias ManW~infirun1«e1aEs« o;FV%iVdo1ga_~..I4 I8 % J try,an<;1 Lhgt ‘fo as we may bafi {haw LC] ourw urn1of'7c d€'E€{':*a:t1'" bigm 3;‘ 24_ on 110* them ‘,"a11*d>[d ]% ;~r_obE“but fhe” my me fhor'y of 4it:h"emA,*\ to Numb.3o. gm. [:1 ‘tafi away 4L‘uchA thmgs :a.~s had””éx good origtnnllfland u.fe(_1fDe}1t.12.2,3.% 4 Vn%3~céf17§1rL55fA‘\0§% %com1m11'd§d*%%of G»0’i7)~Wh7f:11~7OI1C€ 'I§“3'23' 4* 7mV%»ab:;,zf‘ed 2,5_ I Cor I4 V If :a1é7ntV§;~% vvhxch We if<=:i;_éM 111 A holy Scr1’Apcui*e. €--—~‘-~‘-*3-—-A- i1§V<‘-‘ill:- I3-" 3: ‘ _ I I3: 9.: cut. 7. 25,. hifdly, z;hé;"E$:quit%yVAVg:tfi'd rdafo11sm»‘*'®7F'%%chef Cb3mma;:de»¢ d Exod;23.xg... 1=ir%r=e;%rrhe_ m w1«x+cih‘rheLorJd our am < Hang a ._. ;_m.a5; I- jea1ouSGod)ij 1i11*m'i"dola»4tfy, iaI:I;th:e~dnPcrum€:ncs QK-ings I8_ 4_ ‘, ‘ . , .... , §~ ‘ ‘..¢\...‘., I y ‘-,: 1 ‘ A and tok¢11sVthefeoF,asL1m:o,fp1;r1c1m1;Whoradome; Lg] Se:co11d- flixod. 20. 5.. ly,#"T1?1aL **?bj:: f ?fince’Eely%’fbvHi§rc% mgmmdw g 2 CW0 23» ido1;=;try or fi1p€:1‘Pt1£1Q1‘1',\VhCr§tby%\Yg‘§{é*§W %l3riireap:§o&~».‘5' Ha‘ 1- 99-~ Avoked the T;or‘d,LiT**ufii?éfTé’wvi: %E:1eVA”§aWxan1é.Ad of ' a%11dic aP€21\vay §"Dcut'_ 7; 4‘ .4 ‘P - _v ‘ ‘I-v . mt "” '3' ‘ "H J “ - *‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ” ‘ ‘ wxch dctettatxonaliwtheInflrumentswmyd monuments of 11::----A- 25, 26.1ud¢. 2; V Tllilidly, ?be; A c<5rrtiptc§1%$in~the:-. 13- 9314-55 fuhf}qnc‘e¢ <;>f'R€11?,1%On Qgnd pumy Ao_F’do:?cr41V?Ije~,%ax1*ri -€\?‘€I‘JfII‘0?.~‘1”- % % a‘gain; i:p*3i7c:TQj1 7r.,f5 if V W7é*Cd”11 f%c7>%*::iic¢:A ogm =~1?é‘1ivef.< t_~’.’J »iVdoI‘1ue?r‘s%« iVrfth;e‘*i‘r cérézi1*ohWf‘E2§,at~fd ?i‘§"“:ti*:ti%i'k**71**l“~1@ £:aén%u%1?mem€s;:hwr¢Adr ~ ‘1H~ci,on‘,%yeaif;~ve fhew nbt 21,11 ,deref¥ii%:‘¥<75"‘f'=unrrS%%’bhV"z3.n1%:»l3c§w?Efi1 V tl€1;it%OuVr[k] holding,*6f"¢o11forfi1ii§§IVtg5~I11i¢'*%;(V"s¢z? ~we’r¢i&i’rhé§i*?re;§o¥e rifle M: rh2;a%i"r ReAIig&~mCor- 8-4 Io». %- . W.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘-‘J’ .. E2 ‘ : ‘ L ’_‘ * Mn -3 W‘ M‘ &a,,*p-.. “ ‘ vgr. as. 4 ; , ?§-.» §.§,., mu .2. _, .. m1);xv1llb§': I5; P,s"§.C1a‘I‘m€3f1Stj(;f’h§1“ffi§31f? 1:1%1¢111*1111;4 th»t~1er in A ~ 7 Mr A t}:13£:.?” cw) ‘ th.3{'t.gre:ii. iA11tiC.hfiPt.andj;1jhiS id;01&fI'Y ti:,oub1Aeth= churéciii. A T Popery then anyiothieir Idtolaitry whaitfoeveri ' at thiS'<1i21Y.n1OfCEh7¢fl,3nY orhersarxd our people ;.CQ1f1VBrfi’.‘A i 111(§f(i”NV1éCi]iP?%1P1fl55a. it them} with anyieether;«I'dolate=rs;,A there is more danger in ~reIta1n1‘ng the Ceremon1es;* and re1AAtques’ of i.Foufth1y,’,By; the judgementztoftfie Gqdly learned iof.-.11.1t CbLII€h€iS and Agcsswho have confiantly taught and glven tie‘. Ptimony to thié truth, T [mt (Var):/fiam are (mmd Atoczzji of ti}: ere27zanz'Ae;Amzd r¢l;g';'au.r ;_AcAufl»om:.r of P;z‘;;'ez7z:,_'f£friv:,*ldoI4tcrxyzizéii __ H6f¢f;€k£afl.?7£1i Mréffl/Zfiiqfln 4Alfcaz7fqrm;t}iA;avitI2 them tbcrezmi e “ Here are eniany pertinent andnotable Qgotations o‘<.~“_ Giodlye aiidilearned Divines, Ancient and i«MAod‘erni,' Fotraign; j;a~1‘:1d Englifhwvhichs VV€A~~Or1‘1iEAall~,AcsntringveLI§3o11A§h:':f(:fQl2r7 A things. g _ :"_PifPc, ;Tliate_t»htoi'ei1zimwesi we ht'»?~tV€‘§f alleidgedi 011:0»: the olci, A Tefiament ggainfi the ‘monuments oflddlatry, do hind:uA§t as ‘V much as they did the fmcs, and from the;n;Athey;,conclAAude as have d n.e,rhatii;aI1tircliques ofpopiilixmdsh@a«th<:i1iQ'1~:£*u— ‘I w. .TIfl""5"k?“”:a3bf +133 1 {A = it N , Ofiiithe gly Kings ofjudab, which fhevved emofi zeale in abpllifluing I thofe things which had been abufed toA Idolatry, did no»; then they were beund by the Lavv of A(§odA to dog, A and that if ‘iiifromie c.heir§xat13p1¢itheargttmfima lwlds hagainfmhe A emonuinaenrsief Idolatry !:0Wab«=C=mfe all Chr1.fii%nisi§r€,hb9LInd to imitate their zeale ttherein. * * . it ; fI'hat the;etam1ngA.oifPop1li1 Cerememes VV1lI.A¢ertamAA[y b,;-: we means tfotilidancreri the doéirihe that We proféfi'e;iA‘ai1d t®'. ~bring.the;i,pe®n1:»t ask 3£*‘111°‘?"P®P3PY- - * ' A it Idfihé iby this ifirflmfiliti1*fiifi%.’d~tFh¢i£Chiifchiind tRe1i5i<5n» ta ififu1ciovcr.ic§ur R5c.ligi¢n,asi£:iti icmxltdi '1‘iOtA fl’tand“Withéu,tAiA1€lp from them,)andAfo harden them in the liking Ofthe-ir»»QWnIdO1aE1‘y., At A AA A A i L g ‘ Iiefthly, By the eazperieiace wof thegregt hurt Ceremonies daavef ;dQne5'&ee dq dai’lyrin.the Church,,the_y.ma.y. mt ibe,.recain-A i ed ii; firfi,fomeftiof=the leatrnedeflotflouri ~ Papifis’, «hm ' W6» l»orrim*vd%:A€eremvnm.§fim ;Al2e:w;a,u?nd:~z%he«Lfmperrtiéim ' _:d‘{15_Aihul§1EudA€‘ «doe u:fwn»a”1>1?yad"¢f¢11Ad»A tber;l*eflEng @,*<>;%fi;x:h“'es1*1fe*1"AxA?eVes 1 web their ~C~ro1Tflng‘? 7th1ei«r:e« breafi amd»“afmeehead:efiétafimicieéfliehg ; ‘of children ifl A_l3a*ptifnic*i f€C0n‘E“3’; ”fhéitM drew urity70fA_;d0&1'111€ 'hath; ‘been already " cleangeroufly corunfipteed V _ £3; fig chAasA have been the fiaofihdgflmeasitigainsersrmnfop. ' ‘given »'~mir.:y~vv_ith P‘a;p:iA£’csAAeAeeand » 1‘»‘31T10I1i€55«A ta§omA*A.lnhe*£:‘e ‘ ’ A Sixthly, The j»ud.gemenceeand pAra<9riceofeche‘PAapiAfls them~ sfelvese deny us to u1e_rhe~nj1 they “account iw;fl1ameeeforee;Chri.. fiians to give to thAe1rch1ledrAen JfuAchAV names as .rheiTHeea[h¢n ‘were, wdnt togivesrheyrazieree very precxie in{1;unning:’eafl~;;agp¢¢. A 2xi1em with us «in the A e2i&:erheiAngseVA céiaiccrn ffiriéfie "of ‘our; Religio1;e,eaend¢:AAwe ~ought:rtoA1‘earmbfgouradvefifzries chi; K «cafe; and be ‘aef11anA1é:d'thztV;1A;hey CiflioL_ild*e ‘;fheW;ems7oanee.e1'zeal“. fox: AA A eerror, then vy'eA;fA<:4>rAA tnuth ?Athl[1’S :?m‘ch£ w-m£b:r‘“\ ecebreinioniefg »gAeneralA», A M ” rs Cb 7% «thee Papifis 1tdfupEA':' efiicidfi ;_mdA idolatirye, for in salt hallowed vefimeents Abelonging 1:0 A is: 3 isee,eey;VAtelh.;know11;e ~ that Ax_-he Papifis doe put great fupC1'fi1tiQn,aflTd‘A;icwllfith meme epmex A g. m€mouij»1vbere2;vifb~flaq;a;_a»r' Pz;zcfl,,wuflA“ér rlmt figk»tl (tg4‘z:;2jF the?/jmttml %:rvz;g:~elge:Ade¢zzefi:+»ea'1=”1dwheh tAI1e::13i Fhop 3_ c,,I,_ ,_' I " e‘e;,1:°1v%f<:tahe3fec'c)A ;ml1QVVA*an*y.AAo£ Athefga, prayeth 7 chué :; Aim tlie ePm’e§2‘ A A $14 I?x;+%:‘£’cAseI’g¢7T1f§1+r;f»1'£:.117tswherebyEhey; a:ev~dei{’cin» Am. ,3, demo” guifhed fromthe refl of the '(3hLiere%h,evzi:fiJm':»zZ pant? a;‘AerI:»e:cl9az—%-13,, §’;P,I,_ fig: ~vi:i»52:42;—bgA€fm¢Io%é%1wz-mj2:,'mAad frhenswxiplieé-:i§ b1a'$:*;qf.:i’theia3’.¥Pmar;e As#gar— 26. A 5 é;'3:§;z'f}J‘m0wt* .%iavIoz7a*71e Em Ifriéfl fa: Aéne vof e A ‘:WEwéMmem7t§§vxéietf1xé:rc;e¢~vheiz:h‘neither @r1a~e~§.:siatAe1é’e*1iio1:wk>£:ls zem A V 4 u gmseexie can%»!;:e;milfo:i{r«éd;2iee »cbmadee .J:.w ro*§faUy A A A AA A A A hi;m”eimdéeei4ea1,%.Wm makiwv ,, D Hw,,l,;,,:,, e x in bi; g,m';1i.AA degradeatipn ufed in the ChurchA of Ram Cf --: A A A e,th§t no plums; was fo propertoe then‘ 'Pr1cf°chood,as theSurpl1ce, for Alcxs en- A A e -%~§@I;y”’mc32:%fo:aIl~ than rarflad:tknitpe£i~~:no::rthékvem;'1<§3«‘5I€-fifi(3 ’?1gfje;es,.ko”f Q} xYfii§€;%1i4fl%hfiy3 ital p§:f79f4z22£.‘.ta?¢f9t?aIz7a%L,:¢.g:13d %L¢i-gs VwVasA V ':+:s3«1;i&r.;e. g;%i=n~ 1‘9i'y;i>:I~3§ ‘§EKR§:iQC?b€Eal{f€; thay G1i€i:~:i/n*tht:i,E xifézigfifzgzzai/4Z‘;zfc2j22,§€~7 -»»;C;;°;‘:if\Wi§‘.Z;§Zb1€§¢77f1lZ7¢~’?i?1}’?'l*I{0’r?_f.!a4??M'!Z¢5&1’1§i?fifflgfi €tI‘1tr~an,c:¢’ .;ixg«t:@§«V:%h:a%CL"¢rgy3‘i. ‘ ~a§$3zh<"a2fi qn;1_?b;zdgc:£3fiA?orIra1nAd1E3m€?tfi€.i’?,%R{@§:41%«A hood, bum the ufs of in is ali"og<~:11;Io&y11ed M13 g§on§§~ OV¥a.f:i":0LI;S.*NIaif€ ;z’:;¢je’ mt Alf.S’r,1%2r}7_(~’.5c ex Eo:%,;az1’d; r-my gh‘ it; big 1395: ;t.ht§5;~€f:fi{s:rf1cas;c>fz7rVh:¢;A Mdii7egthaniaiédr;y% P1:i§fi)£}k;;§Ik§€T?1j£’é11';i§k1 .1At.I4;1%~1%1§'s3r:‘ a:AflSIg,:;flirqe: zfamr 1,3 fire: 'f0fi'1£;ije£?c3 canxqaté §é}i%;s:s,z,i;=bg;4,;wce;i“¢:. ¢,gy%.WKr:j3’ °::'¢R~iTami£%)a?%jr57m5ék€ 7%;/Jéif 17?/f3’5a?!.t3'i.¢«‘»’€@ ::; !7;éW~§§a2z'J3J%1%féavread;2j_h£crzzag ting y;_g1%d1;,‘yV,4fi§1%;i; Jas« ” *9 ziigémmxat: -p;.e:Tc1,:4“l:i;z?‘cx?;t<'a: fihei1*Rel‘igic>1h1;ai1d%I:;ber$;f@&’£3 V".~f<.?»;l”§:V‘i»’A<;>M:11I: i‘_ifI'CXi‘pI11?C&Tifi'fiEifIl'.”fT:fi(}hT:aSf[!h€y“~ deg:radei¢*.JI4f@ hb*a.~ve %j‘r~11_é-::n1c§flc » learned and gz%dJsc:1duss pfi:zi*>u%r.¢ iM:;1'7i'es,;:;VVjtt’dgi€:d‘.‘t11c %SLz$rp1Aic:em ~ '¢.?;hk:3,a;'I?va.iv1i1afj+:“‘ ‘* I 7¢1?1‘Ig1v.;f’:,V{l3Y;,l‘.1'ilflf21i.'1I'1§,i?Y~uI2?£1’!€3i: by flea£c51:r :%:1;1ai}ve; :2igojgpalb;_3~1~£1x}E1r;%§1',yT§f:zz7t}r§3g3g;%li颢;g¢2r;Ei:4'¢1r:‘§t?i{3‘;Z3é‘zs2§t5A ]3n;Ha0}wr,, ‘ V3 .»;z7r"‘r;z.. ;::a ~ W101: %~:€:£t’:S,*:'.‘:;; .%.;..1L,1..,; 7.; 1,: 13;: 1 , A: 1‘ A‘ %¢.'l“‘hE=;~.;{i crné dfflie x§:~m.ot%oricm3fl fgk”nmvn?t«o° Vé%;a4bufedA T . . CO H - « 3. M Y I .%r.'o'¢f1,i&p'er£’t1 t1o1Erafid~Ldo'Im;ry _:byvc1r’i«;-: :1?ap1f_rs,};tPi\g;ajz;»r;g1a1eg,-t1#i>%tljggg: 4 =3’ ~ Badgé éfs idQlarrou§*;R¢1i;vgeJi0mv m~%i¢;El1e¢zv_§fggibg »1”unc':? fuperiiélfitirzil‘ ahdzdivi1ie‘%§%cfr7éé£cs~,»:a§yi*1aazt it 'di:2{m:f,gz;9e;;5y ~ »iif?i>£!x'g ax~pcl{&xb.Vdzfi*n:fi*:;a;éd £7; aw'1fr%,fkn6?'ifi&tl9 '¢‘[["fhgf5}g:"__tb4£' arise ‘marked with tr 4,“ andxc 13 wellj ’k‘11OW117-»:‘Eh'&L itheir %b1:e"21fl€n Grbd?:3éoi11‘d:fno: be-.*mét;de W5.-chouAt Hit. *.A ~ B'aptfi‘fmc. .tHEy?h.0”ld.§.t'hfli3§ r—he.wat%er~h’ath‘«pm‘e. »*:=ini;,; ;thu§*‘;i$*.‘Inhi¢;» 7Gmfl"e?.?.. acbtiféd both t'»he. Sar %_"I'hE: ?»»C 5 ¢ .1*r*iThg::1;neei§xag.;a=t»V'»t11e:'Scwran:,:2e;ita;v}'g;g; mid Hill is amreci lam‘ b‘1m;ry:éby zsrti ::“:1?a7p:i~fis,*«,_ff”oxa1«1:£h'¢A«pet$£va1§iq1i:;@£ the Vapivé-- 2-.*fencE‘:‘ t;:d'ri1"u*b(%-aifiitwiguidia _&f’V»,tb&i?;E“1é1a:§¢1»§i1fis;%’%li:n3éVVsca;;mipg ;éf A V.cheir4:»breadcna(Bod5“ thi-s~?g’é*(’r~ur¢ wasé ;injt;ynedV in the ,-a‘5tio:f:i1aiVal~II?hi~§ 4fo;idbIacA;ous »as~*i:hiS;' ' % A V 7 v(J%lqurE:h ¢1i11%;A_xx%»&ichri;It gz~&:»v%rcdicsfu11'1ae%ighc, ’2tr1ds1:herc‘ is :16 4“,‘ : :’,;5éc§hd14y 5 ml ’hf1~1’~xj;}a§i1"é%&ar¢mé;1i¢7s‘:b&ix1gAépf)rb:pfiatéd%~t;€§ Argxm: 2-... A %G6_ds ;{’<=:i*vi»§;e;“-if %‘tH%e‘W:?>e‘% tirdaingftjl’wg:o~i:ée;c1i}izay fp%ii?r%ic*%12a1lVdut}r,; i=by that miyfhtgl figu11gVc;;c%1o1a“$ax;e ::mI?a»vfua5-- 1. 7fhcé7 fe_C0nd ”Con3mmdem%<+;ntgf@;*b1ds« xjo;‘i%mg1ke to our {elves ?uhe"‘r;*1*1e~"Ti"§,3% co1ie1em11s»nheJe.W1ih~ ~pur1fy1*ngs'T,~ and j;zI?cii~‘iéééh;;Hi;11ifeIFtihfii411$?iD;”F¢ipl*§s”;tefufi~1*igthgAt"¢c~~rckni«6%~= any, bacau4fe;ib%e1nig ~th%e*prei:e4pt'Qf ;11en,f1n~ was caught aim! uféfi asfa doétfxgae‘ “by Way «o’f«‘fig~n1¢hc;m:«1on, %t¢oi4I;é~2£a:h? Wimt 1fl'War_d ~ Vpurilcy fhbi1~:ldjBi2 =i‘11«théhd;‘;ai3d4ihQW'tI1Aéy _o;r%ghr«‘"§o‘%4b¢-J ;élc;anfeéi - fmm1t4hAe:eAipc1wre1a1as «of; 4:~he~.g?- I-"*Ie"ax3I=1g».*%1<1§j~Ai: «3 -*7I7h41si g”1;vesA;untc>*V‘ ‘*1 ‘« €;vc;:-'ei11<31§i¢;§~§rh‘é? chief 5494fhg1f1g.tu‘:§~c§£j8é@r;itri“erjt35~wh@n5 fhcéy :;‘rei*a1}n;}o3ii~x%éfdi:cw:¥&hch‘~§praé:‘1ink>ni1‘hus~'b§"ybhyeir.:figmifi»éa-:-V c-ipiasi; »~ aétfhw gim «£193 fbuivé »~me:?~an"s‘ Qf‘ t‘cach%img,t4h e ~Wo?rd w%ricée{11j;*V»éh”é*- «}*{reaché3‘i ;4»t-~%_»m Sac«ra;=p fiiqtkg and great 7 5k 6% ~‘~I;1"”Lr:[h*e vtiisnde p£ ttih MW ywhe‘-in % A £awwi:¢gB;?b%:1kr»&o t?é*:r(j*¥;*I51i%is57cVP1 arch fivyiaifiézabiéia ‘of ccir'et11o1riiczs, 7% , V ‘h«':“‘.,4 «I. W « v ;, -0 gw '. ;’_w~ ‘”!,~z?. . ‘Ii; ,3 _2‘- » ‘ J? V, 3 ( Q 1 nawe vfmwht*be W9tight4~1n- w ‘reVr;fie~1%.'s'@;c:T 1n~ehe wc9r~flup,;of:' b; mmh*A1ér§ %F&v&rf_uli’fi8W7t6 {~)rfi*ié*qéf‘er5rnv‘g>*t‘iies 4{j»i'1:%o_'A$Wofj?}1ip3,' ih¢zy&§c~w;”‘ ;‘i;“_fiae£{£HQ I;as.v‘;~‘%3‘er«:iG dih%it12»A~hi@yv<€ébr-§gave¢N;is~ 6% ,n8%i‘361g§I5fié%5Pé‘fé“4%h€ii;%v=W‘ A 'é?'~c‘e'ifaw;E;.4fi§é#rc.~gM’c'h :a‘I;Pd that ferved» by theiE1fiéri5i éfifiidfi’;%”"*féaé?F1*'{m?dfal‘~dh~fic§ rm as pm’ w%i:h0ur%A gr¢acT111 -none of ch;c%:r}‘z»%~<,";1”"1"1 be contirmed tin ' A - C 2 ’ ma: rah¢;%%x5.rc¥97aMan¢& 3h{59¢I-1€1F¢*1*:I£A‘ ix€aC1:1.h.iS?¢@¥;1i&§Ct§fiYs<@i§34.*l7£€>£%13i5%%V be %u:feds:n1uch % bucéab 1%m?x1%c:«=~»~.» %”+1?1%3iTé:r h1&i}'MMhdf¢7Whi§$hm: Abath. %d€fYiif0§;d.A.;%.=;*E-5%:-éY§:an 4Eh“1;:5 is one '.m.§1i.1fi%d:1x "anemic whic.hGo;d4 hath? b¢t\Y‘¢€!1Lt13€ “Pratéflf thfi ;:b‘e,Lavv*s ;»%‘and:¢~»1a»is%A‘Liner;th¢?G%ofpe‘I4;Aswacjhe thou ghtgood tomteakh7t:ba%by”‘o:he§r};ny£’c1ca,1lvC3¢:c1m>tai;¢;s;b%¢.~~ -'0tl?di11<1I‘§’.“:$aC51'3§71:‘¢!lQ5s:'3I1d:;1?0VE jal1AwhicbJ.Di~A% vims ach" bring in ‘Vfignifi%‘ca«m: Hi: Chur{ch% Qf Chrifif is pigiza _‘Iudai‘fm%e; B:CfidC‘$ %fthfiS iSV.* ap *WhiCl1 ;So€1v~?0rd’2Efin:=:&W % fpecia1;;pa;rt+ cf nha.-gfbrifiipm 1z'6ert}c,w'ni;ih Chfifl ha:h%4p;ur-aha; %f<=§d~for:1sAby his dcamandAWhichVa1L4Chri1?¢ians are boundr%<: fiantyAn1yf’ti~ f'331w7§€'5§E€m °ni-€211 aslid CV5kiT;1T'1a3va 35> i’5;W35 [:h313;a:%;:bW~' P1%1iD' 31‘1,d*fPi* %rIE;;xa1 “ :“" , wi11« opm-aVA gaptr$:Images,0yl,-Lights, Sp"ic:}Ie‘,fl a‘nd ;11V:l oclucr Popi-1h Ceremonies,. 3 efp4¢.cially:% if 1:hey~ {haul bemdged «fib E0 reach by their Vfignificarion as they ’w11j:gfi W: r¢%c%‘21i1'.1«-,* _(az=1d_ ixidged ;thi's; is the chief geafon whereby 9? ‘Images: and ‘ u x, ‘ {VF W,‘ 9 f .. 7 ‘t. I ‘ ‘.;., -wj W"-‘ m..~‘v#x& rhitthcmv teajtcadw $6 putn1en‘*1n4i ;- relnérnbrancé of good things, :h¢Papif‘rs~ Gufionl: Ofthfi Pri%¢f?¢S}»_fPr§511%!i:19 %men with holy ~vater,and'4‘uf::ng%with a11;tbc*—f¢; W0:dS»r¢*vew W/97 174.0: %'5fmv,;.a§?nhcifr¢«Ama1:;n@£ was ir1f9n1.efi 1A§r¥i;%§’i1n%%vyi§hAAno ::ea'~A f9n%beheldun1a~Yfu1;if%fu»eh £51 Ccrénmniesaseursarer be robe defendedmith/Mb % rejiwél 4’?7‘1«’E‘l'”‘?i”?7:7:4”’¢7”5F4”€¢5* ’ andapgze/p‘e2¢fiom,faith4-VD; Fullb Ido1dtrgzVr.aarj_kz'p "Wéw1€fvmiet1~%*¥-r-«7«.We am farm? wnfirmed in this .§e_urA. fecond.Argumentby iucigernent of the % Godly Léarnsriy who {C ;Vbafid§«sVa+:@;% c:¥zbawha7z¢«diVe;1V$ao em dkvmgak 12¢ ~ u§¢ii1&%::his~;g¢neral~ t:hat«»no»iiwf»?si%'cav1' éaidifia%nifi¢ént%myf%¢ry: vif¢d*b5z 11ian:a11d: 9PPFbpifiared A :3:'d:hefs;*h;:rcV”oxiiim;éd; 4‘ ~ » . _47~g,-,A,;;,- 4, » »Fdux';rhlyé,A» A:iAAI.§Ace?sei1nm1~ies::i;nfimgmfing=and ufing :..VTVh€I*€<;%? 1 Cor. 14. 26. uTed’£;£Wt_{H€'l9 amé 7Zq€{[fu£az}1d»%p'/afitprkffilje V W dmv11i11%his:word cc main ga11erai:rtzf¢~s,:iwlax *4’ *9’ H peopZe»;AAV«d44byJt9tfi1eA mofe»%AcwmeJ;ya1i7 4“ M. '.AarcVVnai: kept’-’ be u111a~xvft;l%V; :%:;Eor%% s. ; q A A J‘ ...Ihsf; mks;?fI17;§;’?b1fib€d=.i1‘M:;hc: %..\Mmd%£or» I:h:e:C 1h—lII7C.h.t'ii;S9t. s;iir;e::°ci«2A:2 . % Firfi, ;*~.;A'fh*-.::*Lq%rd$hazhgi3;e11 mno C£€§1fL1£{3.;é.bfC§§,,H§@j % : in Eca¢1e£~2af’ciczi1AA,n1att;Vens;,ibés IhA¢}£~ may;ép§oi;:rc%A@r{dq1;hercfi;2fi A3:.,%whaniTaw<§r =Afs*:£2n3e:1:J:1 " V;mdAEo" AEhénafc+1wz£:$%; I1§i§th;~~f@r % ¢ ‘ 4‘ A@Aom1~E:aAi;1%‘Ja;% 12Aé:Ffj,LAihf<:f:’1x .:dipe6‘cima i:11mhbfeA%%1nazmers;§8:c.; tfhis;is% the j1=,fidg*emenQA%dfi€?dé@.ifl3 _mhAe*»Wrir%er%s of the C@cnt1iries,1?BviZ£c;2% e;é5V;>Bf¢z,id5=.¢7y§9_¢6lJ1}¢J,A?'zV4‘e; aim, Pa1lazmo',$BztmzI34a; Zepperm‘,.I§ A 3622, ‘1Dmrimg,»D%. PEA/kg D. Rflizvbalrix, and of;~l‘1e:rs:~-¢~aA'11t:1 ;»Eh€‘*S$ri*pwre in palaces; cond—¢mnc~:r:h;,noc <:«n..1y di1'€8(ri0ni:Of“:f]h3»?’fi7V@~1;§3I5byi:£*y[b§’§§ ” i 5: A y A I A ¢ ?SccondAI:§7 :A,AA The {um o 'Q~m'\‘1i.‘ ‘\ ‘-«A.‘:.!i‘,$*". Wig: A“.‘ . "|.“ ‘ ‘w s A A + W .§:;. 5 I E. % % “73P‘.WfQ2H‘13l33 niradyrwmméf A % nha:A~:eAwicew;;m he;h11tI1a::q§r:@6firIfa #W'«AW&;‘ B."AHfiTf?‘?4'a: A M h £a:1;A%A2;hAare:n1AeAs :A»n>hAic1a;.c;A~ah;farh§{gfg A ¢ A A AdOWn'Ai1f1h'is;W0rd, {f0r the %q1re8won9f~4‘hmmm¢h.» _ aA&s:5. 28: and 1-da-rsMEcAc1efia{hcaI,;*1s.th1s,bhat*Laflmmm I§5ej.;;dm1;aQ_«d5m§ A _ " fpecialiy fa _af¢i~.~§1L«,;2 :{§B71 72z*o;w:= wb}{.é12"b7?d14i'k'€?1‘ c-2' fizz;/ea£A;zk.»z7+a% 213:3 2a;:=§;%.2::2 m b 1» Om x , I :;‘ww]!é'{,fiIer2“a"»ei: I3igz*a£;~e;z;§¢V:ab::aedzficmrian, vvhcm any %:i’r«.:2.<;;% ..111 «;i ma“: Ctar. {of tiérs Asixrctf ;pr¢3f¢»ribézH b?1fi"%%Vu'fbt:1'%‘i11 3:} {:5 C1‘2urci1 tIv=:%a.~‘tAi"xW:Irv%”c1%r Vt'i-Ao1I1j32~ “ A r}«;‘1eé.£7e".—-41*1;2’I~;-2»-;srA,« Mtheiy A:ir€é.1.j;udgec_i * by“ :1 :3 Ize-am:.=;d to b:: u1%1—i‘a»v+- ‘ £;%»stI?5*e£?7*4.%o‘72;;gz¢ ;vmrfli7*e"z£zdfi2’%'€>2%,« A A A fa1lV‘D‘i:AAiyi.'nt:sA,L c()11C1ude:.¢ge11er;1I1y ,= ch.:2y=am abfolucgly um... Fiffi,3If‘tl2‘€ 53‘V?26{t1¢‘Bxp*c2¥is;¢tto 55*!’ ztfid 2'1:-Mzva ‘G“’lJ“W"£‘%:‘)xt.‘-l3‘:‘9?!‘.V'gh. » Secomily, z‘/'*;>‘e*~/v,-"‘£*e?-% rz'cifm[.:-my to;ya7j%A 1 iz;€M1+~2¢%e‘~z»€re‘r2z*‘¥c‘“af ad: 237;?‘/’j7¢'ip; % Y‘ ;%“c1VI‘y¥,- » 1 exam M&:oz7«2”e « Acviziémr arwzfiofis of cw¢te;zt2'a;z %.¢r£*¢:/’é§c/r;.$;»~g _tlJe‘g'r;g?2i§« , A} A “ , F?btzr*éi1*1y,f }‘_bdy<-z;ww22o¢‘ M ;t£fz~3{cl wz"%z“r’.1%r4t' %j?¢perfliriE%m,A’¢ar “ ap'}%ézat‘MaW’é.z§f]i3p‘ifi*fii5t%W‘;~ gt" ~[3 1+ 3* _~ ~ “ %% th’v3?fi@’ia7i::/3a¥¢fjf0"§i2e«f}:6*3ad? of c{ea"Z:';23rs£* A A‘ %~ A AA A s;..+mmy«;A«1}€»:Igéy2b=¢%~a2ewlW”ywimwwmpmaysrma. ‘But ; . Sevénthly, Then”fp%cciaHy-dmgwrde*r%efi1~0ny b?etom@";i13‘%rhm» ufe, u1i:1a»v£}11,whcn irpzngaot Ac u]cc{ wirlqam fmmdal and ofilw-ce.¥ F6)‘: *‘t’:3'f-’a‘é G3&$@Pt”Af’$iéh}éi¥1g?.cafv.:.inid iffFe?1*&rIt %uhifigs,fifa*i:gHtIyA ' oHa‘rgerB~ $19“ &f6vtéi¥§€:l*1é‘é1d wev[{c71?nevi5ch?e"r Vpah“ ma gWfi'fit2?r1f;"‘=i‘crn.C Rérm; :4. :3. 15. 21. ’ fdllgéfi E‘at§‘”«v:tji‘1'l¢75¢’lr3l;"#ig*"V~9!lb?s*Ef.%é’8”fWe*a érwait/9*eVi?,92czr*zmzi(¢birn5mwE5aE A . 2-» % _ A V - 3% Azck.x3.-,m,,n mwgma }J,A‘z4W M40?» ta_]W.£1Q.amltzar «t1%hEflfi1=dly;v_fim#a»r gmmpa: vs fiiwifhfigéjfg A231&”t!1‘¢ ‘fh”3e‘s ‘pIw9:i1W”1, *~:t3‘f‘§'r£1AA'1§3‘€H”éVé’1Aiif§*"~‘~14*é1’1*1 ‘rent rzhifng is“ ihefcliy 9; méfiék éviI3a?i”&9Wid<“€’@3i%3niI§Mfi§flWW3 ak’§wWqfiEmcI“t.a: V A the Vérezglm-n,‘Athe rqafon is evidafiwibwaiiafe;:tH:e%2i'%tt1%1ofx1!xa*g1aw E72? Wé PM H3-fPi""F 1k‘om.!4.3. Io fii5*gfé;iaIM§=fi- Yégéf3Ad*~'%=wli§2Ve3’t¥1dnfi “W1 {Stir hams; ['g][amd"::9.V A ; ‘vi. A gm‘ * 'twv1aiA;I»h;‘4GWdV~has%givé1&fm% A A A ' V ‘ Aae»¢?3:fb*1?+e "tranfgreflioneofit,A’la11dlh’e,th:1t'Aufethll fiteh Acete"monies,e (Lhulrch or any emu: e impol'eth5 either contrary unEo,:or4b,A:‘;-FA KfidesAthole'rules* God hath A felt down; in his Word forAtheiteIli+f ‘1‘€"é.fiOnDLi‘fil fitmeth agI:linfiAGoda11d that1ibetty%_whi(;h.Chril% hAathfpurC~l1‘J.fiiA‘d for us, by his blouda 56¢;-lufe he thereby [ac-l lmowledgeth fome other to have abfolutef authority, to lcome mand inA:C~hurch matters, hefides the A Lord “ &1011¢5 ahd that‘A it islnot only lawful but necelfary, to refufe the A oh£'erv”rationAAoEl fuch ceremoniesfiby what authority foever they n1aylbe‘enjoy-e med )1 is the judgement of the Churches of Sax :4}, Mgr;}Ar,Att Z5rentz,z'm,We§Zhmerm», Lamzter, Danem, lLué.errm,Bumnm, Viral, B: j'ew,el.; D.Humphre}, Mr. Perkins, andjAothers,A their _ quotations cited?’but here omitted, A fqe,A;he~Mi__nifiers of ger- man} that refufed thefiurplice, wheri theul'e'ofit was com--_ manded, andl PcraighuIAy gfedby ea ‘lawful tMagil_lrate, are juffi- fled and commended fort fo doing byllltholeegteatDivines, ['4lzIin¢ C/Jbjmrzitim,Hemingiw,V?2gc.z.£m, and Zmzcb.?m,Ath_ei: “ ' 7 7;}: efie;en1ittledA.: A ’ A A? AA to ~ A l A l _ M h h e A W 7 ; A lffouching. Ceremonies l therefore rt in ethef ‘general o,l one or o «other thus, hath ever been the ’fi'l:xit,_ 'andgever -will b_€:\l'--f"-9-AI'.§ ,}Expetien<:Ae tellswus,(as Mr, Buq~vrobfervec1'inthis tAin:A1e; )J‘E'b'“,‘a,,:t“" cheteflha.§theez1_fatlefs ?gtoWt;h‘A .knovszle1l%l ll .A E;i§ty;ig¢thO[6‘A have enjoyed at Mifiiflet A;ge£~%gre£1te~t AAleaI‘Al1~il3.g and gifts) zheht in :~€h0{.€ where they have been wholly left; A h A Nghjghgr d'1d% Chrifi or is ,ApoPcIes, ever lufe: any fuch toyes, %norl~can’lan7yd, given vwhynhey fhouldvbemercl t<1A¢Ac¢m;Al0xz /cAg¥Ped;'iTJ‘%‘ Tent DOVV5 A ‘all A :ma%ny Aiof*At A Godly, and,ATca11de1li httboth enolthe A 01; ehtywtofi l Am At .‘ he A ‘ l2rt=rAhTfe;h and the Wh1~Ckled,the,G,oAdly Wllchbfi gr1eved;:QAAfg¢ §¢;]j%‘ofe«;};§‘% cg Y . L» A brought into the fervice ll A Afirichriflal= brethrfee ~bA,Y?’@h"é l theirConformiingAMlini{ieArst) be I draw; to againPrth:e p?erfWafionA'Q'f thfiir hearts,-rot ac%l}¢ah:‘d¢*‘E A (ifrhey cafi ye1ArAAAdoub!I, having received to n19Ql%THg5'gé»') A A “ caret u a « .«‘ (21) V Eafe 9:: Some" will grow to la ‘diflike of fut-h l Miniliers a9 l {hallyieldtunto thenn,to the fcandall oflthei1'sn1iniih;y, and *h_indting_ thewotke of God in their hands,‘ the fupexlliitious . Papifi will beihardned in the liking of his abominable Reli--a gion, from vvhiehyhegfeeth we borrow our Cerexnonies, and {he prcphane will draw many arguments from hence to bletfe himfellfeyyin his contempt: of all Religion. A s l is ‘ B-utlasthere is danget inthe ufe of ceremonies in all con- gx-egations,fo efpecially if they {hall be brought back again in» to thofe where they have been long out of ufe" and received by iuch‘ miniflrers as are known to have refufed them here» i ‘ mfore;f;or, whereas the minitiet is%fiounydL k ] to lead his peo—- 4 , (30,, ,3, 4, pie forward unto petfeéiiong and L l _]”to provide that byi1ll”Ei)1‘.6.I. oodameanes that his minifiry be not defpitedby this means *1 T1“-15 9- ‘l15’~ he {hall draw them back againe to the loving of fuperflaition,‘ dot aittlclt not tojdiflike it fomizch as they have done, or give thcmtjevidentioccalion tbblamehis miniflry 85 cal in queflion gljattiuth‘ of his Doétrine ; 1 and a for this caufe * great divines l have Judged, that the receiving them again 111130 iirch congre- ga[ions?(?a11.WT1ti‘l},11? eolout of teafon be efleemed an indiffe- rent th1ng,but multaneeds be look; “upon as abfolutely wiicyk-~ ed, uinilawfulli and abonnnabl~e,wh1ch holds good alfo as toce-t A nemoniesgfo to the fervice book the mother to them all. A ~=g~..-Allt-he beitteformeid Churches of Chtiliswhoonly are a competent Judges in this cafe, and to whofeijudgemefnit land‘ ” V examplewerought rathetto confotme out {elves l to in cere- A n?tonies,then to the Synagogues of Antrchrifl) dolelieetn thofe ceremonies needlelsinexpeydientec fittolbeiabolilhed, howj the Churches of other countries approveof mm may ap heart a fufficiently by this that they have banished the ufe oft em out of their afl'c:mblies,a.nd amongli our {elves the befi infirm-~ éted Chrifiians throughout the Land abominatle them, and ;f1‘10li ofthe learned fruitfull 8: bell; expetienced Miniflers in the Land dead *8: alive,have judged thefe fi.in¢i‘s,eit~her in un-- A lawfullt;otytnexped1ent,that they have rather cnofen to end use i any outvvatdtrouble then to yieldao the uleot" thenfi, andweii i doubt not to affirm that the; igreatelt number of able and ii A *~ D . ’ Godly £3od1yW-Minlfiwérs in t:he%Land :( yea seven ,of themrE;1tLvV&re4% “Ad;;;yvnV$.to;;;he mic o‘fL*th"¢11#1)d1d:Ay;e.t tnthelr co1ufcm11de~.s,d1&hke- g¥bem,:as.mighc app;eareby the number of preachers but bf’ }£eA§.r§1;a11;Sh§resi,%Vv%to¢me n;zmb¢:r:.ofnear ‘6=uo.vvj;t»1m133ng under Vt;he.irha13d-;writi4ng the defwiire of r11sé1*emo«vaIl, :%heJ1iaQ£yc1aeA ;§eV%{}&«rVa11'wC,;.1nri£:s«;hcrein mentioned bin: on'1itted::~ VYM; %-mawnyof the Eifhop,%t1men1i3ef1vesg3s W’kz‘tgw5ft,Arch‘bifhtipgitiwf ” a;¢rcréur;y,C%/andertan B. ‘of %lJz'ma[m°,a11d Vmgghazmf -B%,%of:Lem- _dm,aM11doth¢rswho ha3zeAbe‘e11'mof’r hot in’ ***urg1ng their obi};-r» xzzpciza-n%,;;md defending them, % doe “yer protefl than the Church might well be A Withqut rhem,and% couldwiilu they \5V£Z‘.fC: Awrakeza r away :,Sev%era1lw1A otherthings‘%a1'€».addenr.i in pa1‘ti§21.;I3lI,tOliC‘hi17!5.‘; %4 the Arhrea in que£’cio13Vbeforc,thie” Surplice,Cmfie in I%a;a:ifx1:1*c, _andk11ec1i1aga1:%the Sacmmc-f;1j1t*: Bin: WI Wjitt‘i1f1g1y'OfI'1it them rh oughw all of thc-:m'fingula1'ly Wc3>‘rthy, of t:onfidc1'atio11; A ‘ -4: Happy hard it bfiérl Glad‘ (é0Cife§:nf5aod) Twben :ourI ’wbrtW % 1?\€1"Offl:lf=‘I 3' Came out from Rome:gha’dEhey 1eftnoV*rem171_a;nt1s‘:%;o’x§ Bamlxto have~MperpI;c:xed the Church, ‘ (as experience has fadlja ' 2.5-‘ ma»d€: ;%a%§9@,ar)4»fi1%Cs: r.1;__L; fmrer he the fruit of ;:2a:ti;1g~Pr2ikc-:9 »’5twix r Clix”: and=Ahfiifihr1fi;fA;3+- if Wewill betray G0?iS;_rightsa11d part withmur. priz1cip:1cS,wvacr4-A‘ 1 muted by t:heVwo::d,,,1nAdefignc for a»ccon1n1odario11‘;A*‘imdAnhe V peactc Lof theAV%Chu;fch,w¢; have %‘no wzxmaat to ;c:xpc&o_:her than V aware :*3t.‘“reh,13-.‘W%Q§1§i§Iih°ef€1C3;¥nCd=€I1 were i=n?gns e::ar-- n_§:fl;Wh‘en thefe things were~feJrleAd% Vc5verthevm,vvho fure hada W‘ more plea for accomodm;ion'rhen any now can haveafter 20L y§=:aresinte'rmiffion,%~ fhali they be raiféd‘ again P 'God~forbid, : th6Yd ha,V€.V5€fl n* 1'0 A1'0.ngwA inthe vraveéélaoid the fink: A Ih=x‘P_recs¢dasf°11Werh» D ’ 7 ' iC 23 J \‘ ~‘ ‘ .. n-un-u———4— AwVhicb we purp0fe,zfGod give medné: ¢ %‘opp0rtiwzit)+to _amlAVv;mmfirm¢e in the %flz/¢2;emazz/2ér,Aa3* e Iyawe do/ze tboflz hmzdw \\ ler:1fi:.1z’i/9e ..¢é1’~1:»riaf_,r>re75i¢.é’Izt¢ A ’, ‘Tfie Book of Common-«prayer Wcomzaineth in it, fmzdrgr AC~$"..bart- T4121? : ¢ offuhdrj 0;/Jar Excefitiom‘ A ' thi11gs%( ‘befides thoft: :hé1nd»Icd in thé%Ab1'idg€ment):hac are~vco11r.~rary re the word of~*»C30d‘. =Fe>r,; , "¥11*Pr.,%It% appo1nr.:ex:h a Le1t11.rgy%~ Wh1CI'l:111 the Awhole 11154:» 'i:~e1;a11df4orm«:thereof;is tooglike u_11to.the Ma1—17-book. '” V SVeco11dly5_ItV appo1h’terha Lexmrgy which the length 7 therg§gf3%A$¢‘#%A dcnzlg im_1mny.« Cotngmegacions» of: :%im::si’11e;cei'l'a:*il§:’ ”{1‘1u't$%«%o‘uftj preachilqg, viz, VVh”‘en~Bapti1"‘me, the C}<:>m1iiL1niox*2¢, Marryi11g,C11u;ching%gund Burial czolacur all togeth'»:-.5: A( as of; rdsday%,%for %%t1)€:V0rdi1mr}{ Leflblis ap« V ~p'oi1*1i:-ed‘ in the Ca.lendar‘foArthe:Lord"s day, Amufl give: pljace; no chgpropex1efl"o11s:o-f;Ah;1thca1y-day that: 4 falls on.thr:Ld:fdsAf‘ M bncertaiyglgholy dayes. ”; . ml ‘ ‘ v day, apd ¢/I52*lammfiw;'.Crcedisappointedto be rczicl onIy4Lip- A AA 3 . V5 appointetir Séi11ts%Ev;§_s &toAb;=; keg: fafiiingj d2iy9,ma.1ad :omma1:dé:h%:heAMiuif%éé t:o’bidrhezn71'oL V “ *Jt.4.;II: -( 24%) 4. T1: appointeth the time of Lent to be kept as a religi-Que rfaft, and perverteth both the example of; ChriPts faAfl,l andfun?- dry other places of Scripture tothe jufhfymg therecgf. It plre-V-A fcrihethlst fpecial ffQ1'Vl'CC{€biI' the Afirfi day of Lent, and appoih; teth the clom_minati'onan‘d otherfpecial prayers and exhort;1ti+ ons tending torepentance, e to: be read upon that dayeoxaely, iAa11d‘i't aflrxrmeth that,%ItfwM at Gaally dr'féz'pJz'7:ze in that Przm,'n‘¢,, to ha.ve.. Chard), (the tefloring whereofris much te be wiihed) that natarzam fimrerr at the écgznnzng af,L:ntr,.‘ were putrfmgcn 13¢- f7fiZ7C’C3.' M ‘ A e M .» 1 M A V The week before Eaflcer onely ef all the Weeks in the yeare , hath prefcript fer.viAcAe~- aippointed with‘ Epillles and ~~(3or1pel‘s‘ forevetyday,,as._folemn,.j as the holy dayes are lwl_Aom;t 6. The AFriday Before Eafier called Goold-Friday, and hath three {Eec1alcollec9tAsAappo1m;ed for it, as hath. no. Qneld-.1y5 of the year Aefides‘, A A A Communibn at A A 8; It Aappointech the Coxagregaticbnllltd p;awy;hagC,¢;d would give them that,,twhich their prayers dare not prefmne t0‘aSlA{.-.AA A ‘. J ~A A A e ‘ 9. The Carcchifmr(inldeliveriné the nurnI::e-4: orche Sacra- 1’nefits)fai'th there arettwor only as generally neeeifary to {ale- lvatieon. A A . wife-mzcl. vawibcmr m1rh¢I‘i" AA A to.“ The Minifier (as if Baptiffme were ofabfeltute r11eceffAi— tyfiis allowed not only to haptifein private, but to ufe the words of inflitution, and the element, though l he have" no; {G m;uchAtime as to fayjthe Lords prayer. A ~ “ te~lcommand'mh~, recciverhc I The Mihifler is allbwed and tdAiAr'Ae6’ted to damage, . the Communion tdonefick, of the plague, though] thereftbe notAone more to communicate with him, A A A A E A AI 2. rlruterogatorfes in: Bapnifme are minifired ulntorinfants A (as ifirepentance and f31ithfWere* .I'§€l','}lt.1l.{‘.l_ITC':r i;An7 them, before theyémaybe baptized amditeis faidin tb“etCatechifm,r t/.14} iizfaz;1t:~_}2'crfa‘7*7m'f'az_'fIo‘ A ::i2zA4{'rc}2e:¢t¢zAkIce .; tb€fi¢r_§’tz'e.r ‘,I?¥[v2',lwPB7"l0.-’/- 1% 35. A Evergr »t~he:1“jc:*.by; ; A‘-~-~%-~i'*r: 1 It V'fA?’L1.EC V C 251 I 3. A,Evr;ry child baptized ,( as ifotlhvdrd Bapnifnuc did Vconfsar grace to all that recezive-it ~) is {aid rotjbcsz regarlzamceg. and in £1155. Catechii"m<:.it is faid, ‘that we azrg fiyfiaptfféygie m;,;u[g;. _t/fie cbildrea ofgmcé, and (in the Afiubgiazk immadizztciy bizfmézt Ca.tc:~§:hi£Vi:I1)t/ozlztitzis ccrmiaza 5 )1 G 051; Wyn? 3"/m;.% ’ci3z‘1w'ren éeiazg bapzzfizzi./Jazz»: 411 r/Jrrzgs neceflary for t/sen" ]:z!:zm.'l"w;z¢, and &.11eL-’1”»'£.5*§’“‘ daz¢z’2tca'VZyfp;72ecl,% % A 1 % - A % , A,“ * * _ % % % AL 14. The «Minifier is appoi11tV<:d.%.m?‘cQn1ma11dA.%tha: chiiAc%¢iz*c:m;. bé brought to tbs: ‘Bflhop to bf: §:?onfir1nc:n'7mn,Aand to teach him tony thus, with $125: King I tloc“ewed5~*%&c‘, And thi’:_., Prjc:Pr _is%.appoi1*m3:dAi11éhis% prayer unto God to fay,4 that the rzz/{K 15 It tokgm and at pladgqofi V tI9?<2f,a?ve:z.¢nt :zz¢ci*.*zIA0w-rimtiefi 23:2 maamrznga; A A f A V A I A 16 The 17’ri»;.=:f1- 13 z1py:oi11tc:,d to nbfo1ve”" evcry fi?£:1<% per£’o::.x*: ( that %fi:ndcth% his con1”ciemc m*c:.ub1%.:d with any weighty fin, V and Amakgth fpccizglIy,confQfl1on;c>fit in; thisi form¢,By$Ckr{fl:* authority. commi:tezi.Ita :m~:V,-,, 1% ozbjéalm tlm-%;fmm* .4712’: th } fin: in thenaine of tloe_f/at/éer.;,c§*c. And in .mo:h::r%plac<~:thcApephi « aré appcpintfid 1:Q.«»c;ome’ito»1:he.?Minifler,;toArefoéivcthebankfit. A A ~.r~~1étEo~«ba2%:=faLd;1t«t~h-?:; gqavg, amdii VW: are: g,..ppoi11t:ed cg pl: aytihmgalaar Gad wazxwlfrl?£2azfle;¢‘13z.ckgz2gdoma5tfimt we wiflb this omrbrot/Jez'%mzd mile:/gwrédcpwzrted zagz rim trz¢i%e_fa~zzw’5v gvfAf[»,»}¢ halfinaafiza, 7?¢2a}[2a%za*a.Wpa2ffaEE;co:«2fm75mm*ia;¢ A.»z,=1a£% é/z'j]é,% % r‘ Qt/9‘z73é‘.éapzl_);'pzr1:£%f95¢[;_% » V. 1“- 1 8. Chiirclmzg of women isé comrnaxjufied ai§d% 111%adt:?aAmi1w~~ % Pu‘-:ria.l§ ci'*LxtygEa1$1ci* E13‘.p1i€fCFipt*‘IL€3i-{AUfgy ap”poincedwfor, it;,; and the V vvoimmis: an * hated l:o‘.:k1r1a:::eIe meter to t‘kre* «lace When‘: th& 4 .¥ » Table Pranc§is,% and :; the aP1-iefifi to Pcahd%A*t by.+hé1*, whenhe Chur-l _Ac_hex:hLh¢rA,, and% IEa11Vat:fiv1e7,1m4L:£’c Of¥€£"'i'_1(‘°.,I.7§LCCU{3£O1?fl€d.e50f- V £e~1*ings:..% -» % -» k 2'0. IntheCaqecbifrmiA:;is~1?aid;;.«tba:- r/omjm C3051»? 7o»z«m’;» ~rcdeémed4a1ZAmaz>!{£:mte;,takiaagrhat ph fafeiiw a»‘1argermfcmfe then A ‘irlg be fre'and.£aLlw v % A 1:0 ch;eproph~:mat1on of the “he5I_y‘ Sacraments for all th6:~EI€u1ii~. I >Ehé%X;famé»’d7a‘y%¢t%hey arenn#2irr§'ed.‘V ff?‘ L ' A A new n1arryedj<érf®ns _the co mf:nu1a»imn 4 0-" I ‘ ‘ I 9.. Bonh.‘wi1awnh,at p-IA.-;1ce and zf.t1J25‘é'c{r:l.:_i5. ,g%m$;g»g,~ _ fill mswl my other éaalqfbr their p:>zéZ%[clqfarz/:'Ce,% éwt % :;t:Z)r,~"__£__..\£Q‘ok .v:2'2c£;:tl2*e% Bill:/6, Vszmd yefgnin;0y1*1smhim“:;:o% rem :1“-J§9rhi1ye;5s.% ; M; ‘ , Tim all our ccrcmomiv3~perraimr0~ 8dvifiiC;r3z7e*4io2z,. ¢ag;;;4; ¢;y~,c¢é;1;:?a-s, to fl.l'7’% up ‘3'1(€z“3,.f§f4[5z/;7fiIf‘7I’6l7o.]C'y;F}#f2;zfz,$0]1'TIJ€??"t?:?1*fi‘£'7iZ;.‘97”46!7?.6°€ /qix; )1 ta _Cy‘oc1,9(yf7:1¢z67¢at;r:£>/Z’ axdfjrecialfiggizfficarian; 2 j: % _ V 5, J%It;:%c°a.1>1;~‘:¢z;¢h certainfi;<:i3«ap*tets ;»of~Efay*,:2:renay,]oVe1%a1hd¢ she 3‘ ; _ .It“appO‘i1‘.1liS us 130 fay cvery,d¢&y;5~4ffGI?f17‘ [£34. 4 L N e\v—yAears%day 1n.a«Cmlefi, : thvélt " C brifi‘ name bow ;l“1",j’n1,..»\f‘“~'dfl)' . And upon VVhitfu1f1d:«1y%,Mu$ndayand Tuefdwy, G 1 which rm : ea. Ir; qtiiirmech that Micizézaln1emioned—4Rev.1~zJiswa erg»-4;‘ at] % W. M % #53-”=1g"’~“3,11Ti11)’~.~‘1I5‘~pB‘r€mprorilywfifirmenh fundrythdings «that: A (i£.%they‘ &eniMn1zmi£efil§i falfe) are dubtfiul- M A A ?t“”.~.=¢ "?Ihéx¥tm~hrat3rzw19ag2*rs“%Vvlyé»m;Hm:wmuruh¢med~m4re%%§z'¢znq£%€?%Wv44 .7 and God: witmjfcs; and that they tanfcfid /qi.fpr,ag'j'g b % W % th&7aL€tah“y, urea N :g_,~mTha;*mhe:1we ‘a’reArcfi;tngg1s,;.+»$%A AA g M . AA ? 3». ~«~T‘hat;c:’very om:c%haat,1srb*u&n1ed? is A a brother, tlm gzgzzl ‘Imth,t/tkgn to /§Vz'M]Tr1f:Wi}‘ _1$7w/‘,",.‘«rbnt V wk; £04} :9? ;:.[:u:_L mags» fi¥re‘a}2alw0r1”.¢lfii?2~I7w£‘£qf refwrrafitizm ta~Vamn;¢l%%%1;fi; 1 Efghtbly, It aaintrer I fufndry things that -bring» gfeatf : diforder and confufion unto the worfluipoffldd, As if .‘ Thmzhe eczple.-I flaoukf my aftécrfithe iMi11ifibr5,% ‘whole . fefitendes «of npréye:mndScripni1re;; ;y'ea= the Mi:1i{’gerAone part of prayer? anct;nk?1e pepgvlez .anorhé17..L And in%flJvn€+;ifYAp€1A!s‘¥ir5; 052/ make the myscn, fi‘;au%thmMini&e*r,_ on1y7‘dir§&st}§em?vviwdt~£b pra‘y‘hfor;:*;»”A: T‘ “ V ‘N . ~» A 2w‘~%'1?hat%th@ iM*'tmWt®r =19» appo‘1 « 3ted7;:tofA,1Eiy,fom¢ prayergg A Vi Pmndfingg f®_me '4.o3nci;pw‘r~nV~%o£; the Chuxgh; . u y‘ . "1 Wm ‘A F 2" . "’ That ‘ t V C 28 A g 3. That oneof the people is allowed, tomake the getieflw-t “ trail tcoittfefl" WholeA'congreg2£“tion. ‘ 4.; That at hfome one tneetingof the affembly theLords,h ton offinst:at theA I 1%? gapizymc in 50 aclaa-i'ir§i‘ji‘rAe2i h;;gm,,[),hcAwAr 4), 0]; 1%‘, W . A A 3.111 the Catechifmic is faigl, A ArherAeA.;grAeAé;a:h mmsm«amAmt:;A and in another placetheA“b6é>1tgivetbjtoAc*anfirm»zi‘£a:é1z>bmAfi~e+z;ey?A by the ¢1efir:itioz2q*fAa Sagrzzmkkztfcft Adm %’ig¢AAAt/rm hwm/9 “I054 Qqtdhthe zzktfrlre ml We-:aAceAoAj‘~AviA ,AALS'A’v‘zchn2774”'e;zt.‘~h 'A-“V A3 if?» A A 4.,AAAIn one placeit is faid,tIm)oZt%c/)3?/cigfeizCfiaaulgl 颣¢?;,%,‘:§};A¢Aht;,“ AA2hehABifhapta'b¢ c*o%fi?”7iw'isT,A ofozm; 22: they 2-.222 fiyf£}:eA I‘A,,-,A,;,),.%.A Aer, tIoeCreecI;,m2z%l the ten commagademen-ts, A In another it faith, ftlazzt hamfcrzflome. (53 A'eIgA"/W5/6% t0A%t/an gfage pftiifi (‘hawk in 2‘ fine: pafl,iwI:1ér-'65} at’ was "D711/zz7:7t¢"c1,”_ t/Mt AAAcanfirm2:itz'a7z fI7oA'74ZéiAA fit AA7r2z';¢i-5 flrdtathcm that d7¢?f??-'7'_f6A&‘ 436.7 A h A A AA A 1‘ “‘ K A A Thé’ Thirt A #fifth}ArtiCI¢‘ éfAR?é*IiAaion% At:ouchi11c9AVAEhhe- two \ h C7 U A V Tomes of Hornilihesg Aianoc Ato‘Ajb¢Aa1A1dwed;A norhaéknohh Iedged I to be agreeable to the; wc51*dAhdf*G€5d;‘ A f7 A.Fc$r* * A A I.ByAit: the readino ‘of Hb{ni1iesAin:the Congr<-:gation,isAAap;- ’ °provedAto bé: 9.5 Mihiffiriéil Afluty; and fo u11preachAing"MiniI’gry hallhowed of; M A A A A 4 A AA A A A V A2AA..Ahh..TheABAooksAofhflémiliieétontaiiue fundryhthings that are «evidently falfeaxudhuntrug. A As A A A A A A AA T A11; TAhattheApocripha1 Abooks are every where hcalled Aha! % Scripmrg. ‘ And L (two only} placeéw beingAa11edged,AAbt51:hAv"vhiéA " £ttféhA tAakéfi cm h;‘ofj’I'ciby 3% hE.ccIefiaPcicu"s,thhatAArend dangeroufly to thejL1Pcifyi1‘J0 of _rhe merir_0f Pilmfédceglg) Aithis faiiAd,~the loo‘-A hfGhA%a'/z‘_/jie»1"vIg‘c‘t ]?2znrla2SA~:rzpnm*:. , * A A A‘ '4 A A A Th3tAthC plarcgof phe Pfalmifl, Pfal. ‘ff ..h 5. A is gihhs ah!- Iedgéd, W/Jercfiw hehfmithgmwrfldnd 6‘aIaald,%AAA’I A 974: A conc°Ei';):d' i22fim,[peV not fin, figs: i72fiz”‘_hfe4}2_/rim! rmmécjr if iéfaidfsf W :9 AA1ic2:1”ubt+ ftilélnd of!défig§r9us‘1c@nI1ruc1i®1a.g Y V As O Wb«;w;::heAr4fa&>A&©f E1n'§1eu}:'€;.(D.;n11i1L;22.1iiGJ‘§3';]f11tg ;'~7‘f7’??"°€?4’*7** «V as» Iii.'"a%1ieI!1Vax§€*s.<%rmd.*A%(mud%thatasby ~vaY‘ofD9th‘ine%J L, 1 is .fa_it;1,;t1Ia__:zt ti:x:a4gIVo fiflgbfcr Jaw cam;»ud.%% % 5ffW¢éAV?¢*WI%?¢#tbAe WW1 fiflfflfié faéf that -+ W far W199???‘- n 4a,;;e%4zzVr1aef¢:;arz5.zi*¢ Jim is ;IuL*>:isa¢V t , .,. M léfi 4 airlfi d'efi$"—73é.;éhe;g4baz1w%e};a%‘t'.qfi,zfl Godlyijitpplag ‘_ A at £é}}21'fé»r*?5zzazt. ,. , u._. -{(ftza3 vrc»¢‘«m£mte~vs% «ml ?¢f?"4W“}~6‘>fi"”£‘ P~=rp¢m1!J dw- mcl“z“a%t e everlaflzm'gp4z7é.r:;%offim. % AA “ M ‘V A U s ,,;is fa%i§1»jrkm't' A f0?5‘*9vVmvirb;éz«r 4 WV» f774m6sfv*%4?%h’¢x%‘mme éw %%’W‘*f‘*f“?*Wa~’4’='W‘;€” f77°"19¢ ;:ligim.Iauching:t1a“ébbolf of Confeé“rat1ofi o£{Arc?h - M ‘W .1‘ x if3%46p"anAdBifln;b;p.s,and bkdéfino Pri%eI?:s and Dcz1%cons,is-r1oc,to AbeV«a1io‘wed,nor gicknowleagedf go be-_:Lagre,cab1e .t:or;h.c wordd£ GQd..T ”AI3or 7‘ . 2 I; Notions VMimiAPce"r of fauna 1d‘oth kt1%QW4Vyhét tfjat c2om@%.ifieth»4n9§.hmVv:A%t¢combriéi ¢f1sh¥v%¢if1r~ * : A A 2; It 11:11 not(whérea E 5 h In mm fait:-h4 if doth)F ~cci1:§ai:§ all things that are.nece£Ta~ry,Bu.t <;5mi~u:¢th fundry thin@$WhiCh- . CW :l5¢ <%»rdLi1’2an¢e 0f«God) ought I6 be Obfervedim e ordi-- nationmof , ” Pm . 5 A A % % A in ” ;IL-~%Th¢,€X3miI1%CiC11’05Fh€~1if3,311d1é3r“i“3 Of thc: Deicofif "V A andPrief%, Misboxfiminftéd onlytoAthe‘Ar”Ch~dcacbn;» \ +~+ v9mcs.and«confem:ofthcpcople Vmr Whom fthc» M%fl1;fi»¢¥;;¥3‘t0 be feta A1sn¢t:(by this —b0%°k) “reqmrcd tmhis z cggfizion and wcallinv. ,,% VA A 054193.191:-of 1rheDeac°nI?Y m3P5'°fiF1°n <15» hands ': 1§ per;jgi;§ged%;toaon¢ "man; viWz.A;L1é4 man ‘. '_‘ A_ - 9%;;_w;; . A 4; The Prgcfi Arecmveth 1n h1s ordgnutxon 1'10) authbrity =0 gmm th$=%»fl°.¢.k and 9Iser9if§ ~th¢d%f€iR1in¢ of -Chrifi; but but orxéiy co“ 'fi1?eaeh we -word, Vana T aflnainifier um ‘mega; A ‘menrs. AA ‘ I A A3 . ASome"1=mn%if¢{’r unwtruths are aficruched inir; (whereés thb .A.:t,/[pg/flex tffixr, ”t/:v_e'rej/aft‘ ¢‘éb:;_¢ Atlaefi ercierflaf /27”!‘/Z‘! harsh,’ ‘£212., Brfkvpx, P'7A*iefl.;f :zé¢d‘D:1zc‘om*..= M ;-time faith, it h_arh'in;ic nothing that is of 4 it ,felfcA%A ungodly, I; What; icisfaid, :1m;:%;; wzdm%:aAAazimm dgzzgmsz, ifemlmg the lady %AAScrzpm'r¢.v, and azizczkwt wrztcztg t}mt\ from Frlde V A A A ‘:2, VVh¢r<~:_:ic is Afaid‘, rim: tbi: Realm bath ‘wcei'vedAA the ifilixe of C hrz:/3 4: the Lord /Jfl_l‘}) V%%cam2:A¢4;¢dccl,V Whereas God ,£arh commanded there fl1:oLtId’begoverningAfilfdersgtij ciéerw cjife the difcciplinc QE~C%hAgifl:”inV eachCdvngregatwiofl3 “Which 0LitA A Realm hath not; asyét r‘e¢eived. ~*A ~ AA * " in % 1;. A,Whcre iris faid;t%Imt*$G‘od fp§v*eAthe€ ta» A aloof: St, Stephen in£a.2*I23é arzier bf Dm-am, which‘. mgmiaaax V m tbzk 6o¢I¢,nnd thacnzhc~: Deetconsrghezq robe Adbd§;:ed,ar:‘*ml¢ V *to*tA'bc* lzlge afiqe mzd adrimrwzfiriargan :i‘h;§ztA~StbpIaa-‘v24 am: cam; A 4; Some placesofholy S:crip*nAu1te ar¢»p¢‘r%re‘ft¢d?"i1iiAt, ‘M g WhenAA6f;A6.;A8c I7;isé1ppIyed%flt%Q%%Waff;im: the,A=ofdihi1a? tAiOnOf%0u1.ADeaCbh3A’~ % A I "A m I 2.. When chcBi(h’op Tisappoinrédyin ~Atheorderir¢1g' of 3 A 1’;‘Ai¢{i, and the Archb?Vi1'hop4%in phg co1q£¢c:a:i11g_'Ofa B;iflpo 7,tO’ % ufe thefe.wo'rds-, Wren’:/c t/1:!/901} G «d1, at tha fending forchAof hisAAput%I~e“sa~. AA M A ~ It containech ftxndrygfimpiflm e»rrpt:sA and ¢fi1}y3er{’citions, whereas the: article faith; it ir%n&rlaiIzg, 7 f/14¢“ ofirfelf %% %fupe2g/lftrow. "1. v ic‘a11a»~m11 and ePtab~Iifl1étj;h%Atlficioffices of Arch» f »:de;aconAs:mdAArchbiflxops. 3 kA ; _ V A Tb:.1t Deacons, PriePcs,ABifhop§,'Wéi;Afchbifl1;op‘s, an-: madcfevAe:m1orders,inddeg*reé:3“‘bfMinW‘y. 7 “ P 3; Th:A1tAAAArl1e Mir¥i£_’cér‘o%£'Ath%jc Gofi*>e_liAsAufua*1Iy”caIIed Prieflir ' % T A’ 3* Th?a+r:5itAorda%1fi1eVE11 in ’off§cémD7evécdni}1ip’ wfih chfige v to read E?iomi1ic~$,prc‘%;ch the Wm; find :tAd‘mAini{’£_érVBA;r ~ A % 5. That t7he"Lords'S1,1pg$erA~i*s&if.gnifiA¢'dzibé:veA13ipfif % e,an_d E 2. *co1:=-% %_ A 4C 32 3‘ %. ¢¢o11fi;mm;i0n—'above-~bogh,whentheDeac0n’ is permitted“ £5’ baptize and not to adminiflter the Lords Supper, chef Priefi to .n3ini{’cerboth~Bapti1‘m’ anddthe -Lords Supper; the Bifhop only. to confirnau A %% 6. A That private a1idfc:c:et prafirer is prefgrred before pulfl “.1-ick, ?a:*:dA, that in a publickp1aCe:~andVa&1on. For ‘t/J4: caivgrcgzz-» . @9547; is de‘fired(c'_w2z If/9: m.='d/{of 1*/7¢jZ:ie§:«;¢:4;dEH9i? in WdI;#dtJ'0fl pf g %Prz'fic7¢et!y ’in.I;fqair PM}: aw ta 7;af¢;@ /oiwmélcjizpp/zcxztiazzr Y to‘ Gazlfqr tl9c.t;/;:izgc;x;For»t1a: wbicl) ;mz_ye.;~: "tlgercfball ¢£éa gz cerfi;éE}z;fi2ac: Imp: z';e.fi!wgzc¢3 £}mtdam:,, t‘/9%‘ Biflfiog (3.wzppaz'¢2- %t‘adt_apm}%agm;¢_ “ A “ “ V4 A " % A, ndry things i11%ic:;.h:-. jabffirtlly {'pokcn,% di1'e&Iy. againfi tl1at§VYh§C11%'iS dQnga11.d prapt%:@qLrixea:haghe%%c4ongr¢ga«iox2 F0 dc1iverwhi- rher%:% they ca11ffa§’ought again“ c1i¢‘pm§r Itb be: 7 o¢rdai11ed,Whcre‘ 3.$-it‘i¢$'jWf€1“{11QWf1.;thaE the Biflfxop iufcth 13€*.I‘»"}om O:-* ,nevcr.to % give: order~sin.a4pubIiC(k Collgregation, and if has doth at any nmc, 1: 1.3 in fuch an one,Wh::r<: the peoplzem alcogether un- acquainced yvi,th%,;3f1eaconverAfatio11 gof .t11”¢111.VIhaE arcrgo bCgO1V‘-~ A 3. When the Prief’c!‘i"s ‘ask.-z$dV ~22;-Imlaer /mwi/Z give l;i:faz'tfJ-» ftal dz'lf:ger.ce always: to '777zz'.m°]2"er$ theidafirfnejsand/}z¢mmei2t.r»z;za!3 difZ.5z'plme_ of /m:/z‘, as we Lard lmtla camimwded, i'v=h¢reas it is u ‘ jWcll«_knbWn.that_11o”Mini{‘cerigallcixvedjto eyszeircgifrz the%difci-~ . pli11eoEChri&,asthe'Lo.r'dha:hcommmded. A ‘j ‘ M ? ¢ 4k;4?gndAche{a£au1ts*rhat;that BookofQrdinm:io4nvzhich A IS of th%e%la‘H"%ed1t1%onA and mofl: refo1'med».I?n;tI1e fomuer wedition A (_vvhich+%feems by" r1j§:yvor%ds ofthez-3 6:7-A1“E_i.CIe to be, that we are required to fubficribc unto and which it: may be. 1' ome; 0f_ th"eBi:}1opsdofl1Al]a«ufcj%)7there are other . %COrrup,tMio11s; As ; W I %. 4That~r.he CO,p;€*;,A1b e,SL!rp1iCe.‘Tl.1niCI¢Si11d’ ~PaProra1_ Raff are%appox1nz:cd~r%o%Ab¢e:~ufed1ne1*d1nat i=on and%confi3wcrat1on.. 1 A 2;. 1- hat the oath of Supremacy is%thu%sconcIL1ded,. So hr/p V ” meG.ad,amd Ml S¢zii7t;r,azrzc1_rhV&l:a/7 Evangelfiy. : "Sn. 33 > “ So much ,tauehing the Pre"t}er—Boak;md its appurtehhhcex; ihet ceremonies a‘gainfl%whieh the Lincolllfhiréz ttMz'h{fler5 [Seem how}! ¢ hta"e;zgezge,h‘ touching form: ofpmyer in general, ehaeegh ho?!‘ hem Vt £7] shivers; ezgezierfl rhz}fi2rm_, meezeugh h] thefejh 4* ward,‘ h light /me dog? it: peirth am and ezg.em,zfwc ezhide hy the Aggrzwli 159-” Onion: ll,rhe iypeuhdt 53' on our wiIl,ezat on eur.unde;*fiazzdz'hge, Whirl: he the wherkflf at ee1i*z2ieze‘thhemdt.taheezl; '1 he etmth 253 jhiritunl warfhip 55- than! ;vorlv,ezzee1t/913:: wellaeeemgmdare: teflefla and hlead, no wonder we ezrefia lath to leave it,Ta::/e oejaazim \ 47¢; fnatwftlaffezeedfhg gel! that has er met} hetfewd‘)-1'11 the niehthx‘ of mem .'--A----t-I .Lcf themtlmt dz:/Zilge this mezlge .4; hatter; to which thhwhel: ‘elt'feo.'4rfi fiemlta reply, mendhjaue elelwsthd time mezyhprarz/e ezst/med); werkez: to‘ make Jz72ew.'++Beze z,O:hem~ ml mghe he!‘.’7:‘72e‘_/.}'t'.ffie’72‘h tiahti’, “thezt wefhould he flu tzziolemfifer, er Aha- ‘geira/z;.m Ad.-'4 A ereeee %i: not mueh,le; us ‘hated little bf our primi- pie: we mei} farm ezgree,thi: tahjeflioee ix "whellfrdmecltwecl her»- hrer er wefezlfi" ihtetthdt; 1b*en*vfrzo~z‘hgh piece Seheflymims. Page 3 . A hhfiiwdhhxvhereas they pretend, that they hdirfertfrom us only A in: Ceremony or an O,rg'a11~pipe,( which how~c;:v_er is no con- zzempnhlb dhferencejhytet It W11t~ltwappeartha4t hurt hdxrferenccstte ' their Ncig arehixuepointgofa. SuherioreAlIoy.‘tt Though this ‘Rem«onPcra11t braves itfin hist‘nm1:ip1tietd queries. What are the wad; of this J ('hgerch§’tn_7hett the dfflizeélion toftthe prafeflbrxand‘ Religionfwhac grounds of €aith?»vhat11ew" Creededo they ho1dhdifl’ere1ut"fron1 hhours ? what, Scriptures? what B:rptifme?Wh5at: means of"SaIvation other then the efefl 2‘ yet if he pleafed he might have filhncedhhih mvn Qeries: but if he Wi11'needs' 7ut:‘us tOtthC,a1‘fl‘\}’€f,h vvawill rehio1veethen1 one by one. Firfi, Ifhe ‘ask'what‘hafeh the bounds of this Churchiwe ane- fwerhhehhniout of the fixt of their latefounded Canons ; where we. find the IimiESh0fth‘1Sh'Pfr&:1:1tiCa1” Church exthnd aé farm! V profirating chem£e1ves”i1u thi=:ir1+ appmac from the high and lofty PJromontoryAof Archhifhops; to ~thc:< %7‘e79m iheognfta ($f%an‘ t 7 3 J‘ ‘ ‘ t ' .9 t t . If what Dz:/z‘ie:t'iiah*e efpmffe ~ owezeeel Rtelzgzanfive a1‘xfiv€r,thei worfl1ipping“thoWAards the Eaflgaxud bowira A ¢f1aec’311§_=",; 4%’ towards the Altztrgfi ms 11‘1'£0— ChLttchh9,e:’Te <94) placing ‘all Religion in“ eoutmrd form1;1lAAitiAe§;’§re vifible diggg grencesef thefe %I’l‘olf'e{7l”eI's and their Religion. A‘ A AA ' .4 fwfmt ‘:~ze;vA Crawl they h.1ve,,A or what grotrndsl of Faithe Ad‘if.. gfe;-Eng %f1'o111AAtl1e11. fleighlbours ? Vvelazufyver, Epifeopacy by dj. “blind obediencell to al'lAAj tlA1’eAACorLnr11ancAl emex-we of the AChurch waine righltisjthe fi1'l’: AArtiCle ‘of chlei: Creed, labfolut.:eA and (Atha: is, the Billnop and his lElTIifiElI'iCS\) e%Ie8cilon 1llAApOt3ffa§.Eh .0 ..l‘Q1*efeen,_z:he infiuehce ofworks int0jA—#_f‘1fi€atiak,fa1l-mg from grace,Ac’}AcA; . :."x Jfwloze Sc:~z'pr:¢g*e?WWAeanfwer, zzllelllkpocrypha and um'mA~ic~ l'tenATradiAA:1Aé>nsl.A. M A ] 1 ‘ A AA. I_fzag=l2,«zt Bazptzfme?_ a Baptifmeof abfolute Neceflity unrc; = -falvation, and ye: unfufficienr ume falAvatiotA1 as 119:, ‘feeling M A “gmce to theAtalung away of»-fine after Balptlfmee. ‘L A wv_fw3mr)as.n1akes A Ifwlmz Exaclharzfl? an Eucharifl C:h3E:Vfl'll1fl':~b€ a.dAmi1i.ifhfeAd iupon .ei11VAlzarA0rla Table fer: Altar~vvife,rAaile‘dlAixA1 a11lAEiulcha~.'if’r;; “in which, there is llfuch prefencfelAA of Chrill, (though4 Madazéig A A V AfAJla%ce of‘iAgsA éAA1drnini{’crationrhetbram of -God, %ArhselllaA<:;e;,eA£ she? A ' ” A A ~ Allamldlimprell xx.‘ ’ ferh Afuecha holineffe upen it‘as-makeslliclrier: onlye3c%apable,b}1"-e Worthy of adloration; Ifwlmt Clarzfl? a Clhtfifijwhldhaih given the f£{me';.}'lo»ver A eabfoluneiionktofiPriefhhsu:h'imfelfha:hA.A‘ A AA AA A , A A A [fwlm*tA HeawrlA.?f a Heaven t'hac“haAthl aA A*—broad way 'leading 'thi::her, andyis ere ceptive‘ of .drunka.r«c_l 9., fvvearers, adulcerers, «&c.fuch a heaven as we may laylof it, ‘as thelndians {aid OEV / the heaven of z;he*Sp:miards:Unro chachraven which frzméiqf‘ _ zrlze Pr¢1mz'mA!eClmrcl: living and dyilrggin their 1"caudAalouAs'fins, 4 mad lA'13.lTC§.’iWfll!ll€l'1CAV3l'1'11i[i(?S go to, Aletiour lbulé; :;1ev::r’enrey. A Ifwlmzr mum: 0_'f“~.S'Aptll’t/1tz‘£'.0nh,? we anfvver,cAonfellionfl of fins E0 z1'Prief’t,;a‘ls the meal} abfolure, undoubted,necellaryfirzfallibleli means ofSalvation. \‘ A ‘ Barre be it fromus to fay with this Kemlmflrxmt, We‘ do‘ A fully‘ agreeAin all Lhefe and all other Deftrinal, and praéiieal l A -points‘ofRe1igion,and preach one and the fame faving trueth%sg_A Nay, we mull rather fay as that holy .MartAyr did, W’: -t/amzkl l ‘find we nrelalarzc ofyvz‘ ».l A lNor% A K’ 3:5‘ 3 A t Not dz) vyebecaufe of this diifention feat tfiecen('ute oi? an--t Vt tteharicableners fromtanym: unchafirtzzble; metmu: att*Is*t:totu2xLt t;1fi1a1'thingWi_tththe 17’reIatesand_t1jeir pa-ztty,t to cm;-geruch 4 tiseprotefi againfi their ‘corrupt op1“n1ons and way’s,w1th‘ unchat-» A ritableneffe a‘t1dtSchifme%,4,,tas the VP-apiPts_do the Protefiants :: and as the Pttotefiants do juflly tecfiminate, arid charge that A Schifme /upon the Papift§,v\ghi«gh;th€y Objficfito us;So ‘may We upon the Prelatesz-And 1f Ax»/flm may be Judge; ttthe Prelates I ate,mor,e Schifr:natickS‘teh€n W6. ‘fWh0f0€V€r¢_§1Vy:thoF¢ that “are go,od,,and feek oCcafi®ns £0“ e§ic1ude,and degrade Zthem, V c§;n;1i'arettt»fo rfiadym c1eferw1dV tfiaetr ,fa;1_1It$,t tha%teeerath;et_the11 ¢~¢£fh3y' ttV:lj.%mfjt,ggve will dtettvifei hpwt t_o_%raife Wt1ptttg>u~¢f “Bles in the Church, atidtdrivetmhen into conventiclest and , “c~otneta,ephcgyflfiet the tsfihifméificlfise A A ’ A V 4 t era atl1t;a2IpzT§‘:b]»¢0TtFi %ciafi.wefb /1 E évldtv ébrrvw ’Wj7v¢rt~ ‘ uér};aftI9oir;r;5'1733??.t«§‘St-Wh€¥h§Itt.Fh?F aff<=rr1on,No Bifhop. N.:Q King; and n<.>Mh0R»e_b¢npt LVt6.i’ytP17;€jud1~~- that the: A Civil -po»verA/d€P6n_d‘$ dponf Q3113‘ _3PifiWa1ta ‘and 55 f“PP°“5¢d bl! ; - I e . ;But“mit1J§’..fb”P*' tw~¢mz1WttW? ah V Tbtafwéghr wertm. t Vt A zhvymaytwvrmbt '36. 3 I k ‘ V -...._.._.—r Kwfiarh why WS€r¢ic€—ba°°k Warefufed % _a V aIoftlaeC;hMuttch of Scotland. KmfmI.A A A tconhtainfeth éiivers Ptiintsh and Direetiensgwhich tvetxld ' 1,. hreedazzlaangein fo_rne:ArtiCles‘eAof that Doéttinea “arid t Difctplme of the ;Ch_urCBh of the“Atfatd KtngAddmA, ¢wh1Ach *1st ‘ Rmfanll. 4 IN the pretended C,omtrm1aion,it hath all theAfu;bPcancet;and t 7 effentialaparts of the hMaf{'eA, and*fo"brings Lintthe tn*oPt A abo-” minablett Idolatry that evetjwasaAi11 the\Wor1d,h in ‘yvogihippitag hof ‘arbteadenflbd 5a-11dAafna’kes way fotj the _AntiChtiPt f0fK0m£‘,V; t"®‘b1'itng»t'hi5f Lahd undert'ah:1Sfbo11dageagain, as mayteabe feehfat — ‘ A” A H A fem: vthingathatwwere put gutof the Servitbe-khobk oftE2{gl,gznd,afoht fmel1ingt'fofitbn6r “of t‘heif1\{Ia{;1"e,arAeretfloredA,” and many othet things that:itthvv’e'r'tet«,it’ui-iti, *a»t'e«tht?otxghtfit-x outof “the AAMafl‘e§-«beak though they labour to cover the matter, "ithhath the com-' maemoratiottaof the dead, ; the_Table fettAltar--wife";1 the ob» lation of the Bread andW.inehto Gad before the confecration; v» at.‘ :5 Q S V A a 1:rhwartantedinscriptuteg and apprbvedby Par1iament.A it hath the Popifh confectation ; that the Lord would ianefifi e A A by his Wordeeatad by his holy Spirit,thofe gifts and creatures of read and‘iViae»athat t13<=y..tnayth?atsthet Batdytataand * ‘htfiI”63J"hahha”h3”?h“§z3 ‘fepeat the words ¢ttna:“.2t1:;an :6 God,for thatpurpofe;it harhan ohlationhof it again,.after it is ; con-fec‘r,at'eh,tthe conI‘u?m_matiot1bythea Priefi, A kneelitagtbeforeA the confectate Bread and Wine, it takes away the eating and 4 dtinkitag by Faithgmentioned in_the”E}2ghlz'fl7 Litgfrg-z'e 5 it hath $i%}§§§§§W:"Cha1l1ce,t»voPatemoflers in Englzflz tbefotethe ” "a e .:'£:i1'I'1€ to rehearfieand confute.t A *3 L aha feveral other particulars, tthatvvould takea long’ AA Mfiate . " h h"AR€fi1;/'0?! At t»ve:nty~t\vL> are dedicajted cotsaintgcxvo of them to the Vi 1‘-if Q A A I-Iqugrh thtyywould ,takc'away thc3IcioIat"rous hMafl;é ‘hat I‘: ‘ ‘Q A. A h‘o%f1t,Ayet 1t ‘hath at nun“1be't of t A Poptfh fupetfiutxous and A "'1dQIat1‘.0uSC<:I'€n10m€:S;*aS twenty--nxne hto1y—d2ty<~h:s,t whereof V ginf fllarygthc On: h\fVh‘€1‘c,OfiS "Called, A" 770! “ A4-6./.“fi1i£fI/'%z't‘I:(’l,».0?¢"‘0_f' t am‘; Lmilv Soflit: is hmadt: study to‘ChriP:itants, not beingon . t§;arh%th,fl1e;mu{tbe atladfy tinHeave”n; ishhoth this to mfikfihfhhéf ¢ ‘:1 godd';cffé:h-? It hath foutt.=:cn fafiing dayes,* and fon1etweeks;, A it hath alfé‘ theihumaneh ‘tsacramentsh of Crbffe in Baptifme; A Vlayingon oftth’cBA1fl1ops hand 1ntConfirmatt-on.; at Ringyfat thte outward Seal inttMarriage,afa11c9cified Punt, holy water, :~hol1ne{I'e of Churches and ChanceIs,pr1vate Bapt1fme,pr1vate: Comtn_un1ons,M_Ceremo111es for*but1atl%of the dead, a11d‘pu1*f5.fi7~ A ~47q;tiontofVVon1c:n aftgr«Child?-‘bhiI:fh;:‘tht’:"Pri€fl Pcatxding,k11ee;-1 . A A’1f1ng, At:t;urn1ng to»th§:peopI.e:, andconfcquentlyt from them, :£p;¢a%kingwith~;~ Avh1_ce,t andfometitmcs wicha1t1ow“voice ; t t£h‘éf*h’eAopl‘¢s4 hfiandi»ngt‘atth Gofpels, at Gloria p;zzz~i~*z', and Creeds; their anfwermgtoh theM1n1ftet,andj gnany fuch lxke, in num-~ H A “héhr” above fifty-; Wbefid‘esttta11y~j re11f%ous"’ A()rnamemf Fthhat 7’th”a A Kingtbt this Succefijotsh ,preAfcti sand ;Cctemotrries4‘tha‘t A ‘Biihopsflnall dhe“termine,or that {ball contajincd in; or H0fih'-fi'1"it:'S‘t0 betfet forth htfteaftexf, ‘ 3 " “ Redqfirn ‘IV; A ” ‘ j tht>ughtheyvvou1d‘tAtak¢_ but the fhté ‘ tmaflh and‘aI,1thA«>ft<=hfuPet1¥iti”<éusiCemmenieé. ye.-‘t ‘it :ms:hha~numberemhcr: waving unmi above%fhufi3f¢dATandét?y¢11ty7Ch§P%¢I’S 135:} Géds ‘Word, and A «c%ran1e»ntsAateabF®1u_t¢lyn€@E{T3rYhf<5t»fa1Vati0Ii> in 3PP°inE¥iQg f5uhttingT7’tfhtis repfofiichhh ‘upon "thehm;,tt.ha=t the ‘ Aététléafl editfyingf, »and'm§gh‘t béftbe fpared, and téading fun“ ry Chapters of the Apocryphat,under the flile ofhbly Scripture of the old Tcflaa « ment; 1:: hath ahlfcrtany matet.IikttA‘cohjur”irxg,thanlike prayers; ‘it ‘hath fame places out J‘of,,vvhic%hA1’api{’cs may prove that Sam I ‘.« tBap:hirm¢in privahre, ‘with hafie, thart ifneccffiryh reqtiith A *4 A ‘he that baptizestneed ‘hot To much asf’tofaythhe Lords Prayer; V and oxgttbf which theyhfmy provI<::,tha‘t Sacraments givq'"gtac¢ 1’? A :3 ) Bytheir work wrought, inefayirxgchildretu that are baptizedr }‘mre.gj~1.1 things rnec:efi'ary to ialvation, and be utrdoubtecflyfaer hvedh. ; Itfihjath ohherp1aces,out,ofwh1c:h they may prove mQre'1' V 3aCra11”1€:1?1tS_”tha1'1_EWO,"Which theyfay, evety_1’at11hirot1er Who‘ is alrmdy baptized fliall t;ommunicate,tand hfh;rle1‘.aIfohrece_itze’ t;he.S;tcratntents, and that two Sacr2rn1e'nts are generallyrne-gt “cfefl'ary to prove falvationt; as if there were tothersh‘, either riotr A « of this fort; rfotgenerahho: 119: foneceifary. I.tr:1hath0th~.°.r places, outoff which they my ptovehunhtikzerrfal grace, fayjng, C]-W 2‘/0'6 Fat/aherg made my and a*l.['t/3: world-, am!” gait/je.S92z% rcdecmfédhmé mralfhi all nzazzijnag one Colleét pretends to begftom h God thato which they dare not prefurne. to nzime;;111d.a number. of Q[h¢I‘S'f \ ~Reafa:a t K A? h r A _ Hough liketvifethey amend »at1:1 thofe erro:s5 and othat r. «therewete no material error in it at al1,thoughh they tezxdfl 4 nothing butScriptures-, yea,and that all their prayers an%djex-~ “ hortations were nothing Butwords of Scripture; yet jhfuchhhhah Liturgic Wane be,.tm8de the onlytform ofGods' Worfhip inthpublicke : %forthougI‘i :1 formed Liturgie may he r to fer-ve for raleto other Chutches,and monuments to po- fierity, what forms are uferd,“orhhthat it mayhlead the on Se :1 direéiion to more that are Beginning in theMiniPcry;yet: ‘ it is notbyreading of prayersand exhorrra'tionstthatT the Lotti’ appoints his fervants of they MiniHj1'y'~t0 wotfhip himgot edifie A his peop1e,but,he hath given gifts to them to expound Serig- hn.1te,rt"exhort,t'%tay, andgteach, “Whifch they; oughtto flitup. t and ufe,.tand ough they may in their private Pcudiesltake help of other mhenst ifts, yet it iS11_GEIJ5lVVfL11f for a’ man onto tic; A hunfelfe, orbertxc byrothers, to 3 Pf¢fCrtp‘t forfmtoft Words ~ in«prayer.vand exhortationsg for thefe Reafons; A A h r ‘A iTen érz°efKmfm.rL._m? follhaw:th.t~ want. ;EcauiE=fncHa prefcript formhhii againflfithehhglhtyof God; It , in Pcinting tohim fuch a daily meafute A of fetvice, . and fa’ , ahindringthc many fpiritualrpertitiofnsand phrafes théttrothet:-—h "mfcrworuldfis i_f“Gods gifts..wereufed.,.. T I A A o hRre»zj_?i22. (“.39 3' , A VA }a”U5”fiII; A D R gifts needleffe A go for thoughhe fend down no giftsat all; they can fetve rthemfelvest Wit_htheA Book V‘Vithout them.) A A A ‘A A A N 1 - ‘ A; ; RmfaAnII\I. _ I ‘ rm Ar IT quenches the‘ holy, Spi-1‘it,% becaufe it gets not i_mp]0y..A ‘n1ent.\‘> t Aw -. VA _ » AA AA % Ve IT thit1dérSAth~e edifiC_agtion of Gods peo_pIe,the;,y’may as tvtxglf 1Ecatifeit 'isag'a}i13fi thee dignityt hof Chtifl, : iii m31‘iA‘A‘:‘5e%hi5’: flay athome 8: be edifiedby reading the Book thernfelves. . t .A “" x AA‘1em€e;zfarztV,g~ A_ AA A A ‘T isagairafi the Cénverfion Aofdjofa that knhowr not [God .3 Iwill ever at ratrime of words {aid over: wmmuc feeling tot bleifing, Wrorkh;upon an untenew:edAheart.. ~ « A mien VAI» AT will never ferveto j_&tt:Aon_v'M ccan.hereti'ck, to che¢1g”a A phanehperfotnyrott-OT ’;t.fecure..fot11e; they;rmay,1ongA rgoe Aorrieresfucyh r?a“Afe1’{V‘iAG¢' b.i§?¢ upon them ; yea, it foflers peo—.; AA pvlerttnta prttfumptuous‘C0nC€:it,_1:hat’tbey are Well enough, A it? rhcy~beh:pr€fmt and W t:hA~°«;ir1aa§t of Scrvicc. A ‘V .r Mr _ ,A,..__5 '% 4 ‘ ‘ A l -'1‘ A TA£ofie:s3 a'A:1a Agvtt “ I‘ _ ‘A A ‘ L U 2' m _ ‘N _ : ‘. W ” M1n1~9r6rYa?1‘1d,makeSWay forputt1ng°AdA0Wnt zieA A 7 A Preaching -A: they neerd.taekge.11p pains," andhtherefore .needsA nc§_fiip§:nd,A yea,,rthey¥n1ay}~come from the A1ehoufe,_or“ a- hworfe”pIa*ce,* and Prep and read their feryice-, A svithAoutAA[either; % he applieduntd; hr check or pr_Heparati0n.g he V ‘ ’ h N 5 Rq4fan.*VI.II«.r IT may wellbez donehya boy ofrfeven years o1d,”_arrd ’ fdj every private man that can read, yea, ha Turke A if he cam read,‘ may be-fuch a Minifier. A V A W’ A t A ‘ Keafon IX. A A Ecaufe it cannot expreffe the Afeveral _needs of all "peopI‘c.* D unto God,ot deal With them accordmg to % their feveralwg efiates, that wgtll alter othervvrferhan at:y1?ref.cri Apt form ( Kexkfok if '3 3 [3 miss: {fixated Litu1'gie had bejeia gm3dT{ 1‘7‘TQ;'7 g‘¢é“c§'fu§§%,¢ doubv; bu:£:‘l1L‘if’é Woi_21d %haV€:f«;t one dCQ'.V‘11t04’us3. 1 Bgfit ti-;.;~;%% 11mphers»;0hz*1fi~s¢norhis Apeftles 11everprawed4 byanyflform izavénmgd?d‘?3Z{%i“*‘i‘?*E75.1>P€%L?PC"3+1“4j9‘?3fi°“F”‘%Y«.‘h¢‘P°*‘«’*"?Yf“1015¢w rE"i:;fion:i;i;<5i’f%y‘:?h*e Spnjxtg asthe hpoitlfi argerr“ fmh, ;: z,Per_1 -ggggf %V .H01y% mgfi Godfpake as } azzqrre moved by % the ha.z’)g;: Again, Qhrifc not his ApQfiIe§;,11&vé1;inpended a gfec‘ farm ()5 %€¥r0f11iiP5iIi;t17*?*F%%ih¢Y 5§??5??.i’?A4Fh¢ é“"P¥““r‘°“°53“ their f?r%i¥*’( .ers::o e??x1atA V:1s%;\;cV011bmd¢g§. the fun1and matter o€asI1ray”“é%;%< rsj démojré cl ftio5whiéhij‘éii&tfihxzifig, 4:ga’:¢m V§aW:Vt%~o>g54c&:;5tm~e Againi; i£yoa:A'éa1:¢~*V gm: tagger; Vvdmafi V Wtd; ‘ '.fl:y.a:?f:4?n % V U » far 3: :n{2t1:z. vfi up 1" Av rifle Ps:§>£91;%.<=;ji”oF{<3??>d }?*M4°‘é}*’53”‘iA‘4"*”7”~’%‘ iv:*”wf?¢4‘L% , that? Chapgétz. ,That ,pa3:t of . Wo'r4flm1”{oI+1nl1f§§,'1%?;; A 13%-, in¢¥"’éAhé»WardVja£<§3§¢%giL*inme:urw£~wr;i¢hdLi;atgi; om manywtomrhit éb@mihatAi%orf3 “ '¥c§*ré4C3_k2:ni:i1“4in a'qufing his; flwewxng more revcr<~=2,vc¢.1?yJ "‘?“4E“% “P arm Flam» Afimrra %doWnav:.an9t13¢r$1v1A;¥Ci¢ 0? 5¢r*P~t"re A A * % »wé..0flghi3.5éttI‘/J6“‘5P5W‘?‘Tf3’ , , A "‘:r;l;fcla qamt ée qxp7jgfl}z1;LVi§< "*Wife1t»he Apofilfi ‘I656 ex°hor%t:S