1" ‘-71; . Q ‘ L ‘ \ _‘ F u _ .,».\ .2 . PRAYER ! FR THE IBHE . To be Conftantly Ufed while His A] EST Y is Abroad in the WARS. "sac. ‘.14, ___'~ fiasp apex: Qfiaiefltgg fiapzcial egoxmugnp. L O N O Printed by Clmrle: Bill, and the Executrix of ‘ T/JOMM Nemcomlv, deccas’d; Printers _to the King and (means gnoft Exgellgnt Ma}§;Pcies_. M DC XCI. ' L ' 1"’ I J.“ ’ . 4-. 4' I)’ ,, Mmb me 9th?~1s«9A—::. ” Er this PRAYERb€P1°l‘I1C-4 J ed and Publifhed. ,70.‘CANT. [Ir ' - (3) P R AYE “ FOR THE To be Confiantly Ufed while His Ma jefiyjs abroad in the W/ars. N /ilmiglbtp ann mm yrs gmcamgs (15012, wtjp 5,-‘,2/,,/f 3 _¢::r1;',gI4;[,:,, Daft been our men: ’? "}4,]'11[{ , new: in we may of out mater; , mm baitfiafifw up my % ®etba:at king Wil- liam to be we bappygnsirumenz sf em weummmzz fiat: bait :21: £8 nmsmzcfuur fibzztrrm gems In 2! 2 tmfe .. ' C 4) tboiz gym wingers to twin!) I92 bat!) ham to often firpefcn; both by am am: i2£.ann.%; [ems humbly be: {rich the»: fim"”to msntinttz Ilatm miner wt mtzwfulfiatc ant: 16312:: tetumz afi 3519? wmn imeniinences ta gazefechc iaim fmm all acts: iItt0.fvmcI1_eratz5 Wattices arm mtegazptss to ftaun by @911? am: my fisher 19:3 mam in the wap¢ of zfiattel 5 to Diets win: mm; mtrtggy ‘men an gran finccefs ant: to bzing 131:2: back in éafctp tfgfltlt mm: fmt : 24m) hlsem-its to mix; as dfizagz its um maztljp of tljefzmaerciefi, in an thankful Qbemcncz to ‘Imé, arm in main! fimbjsrtirzn ta 3L'l)sti%: :'s£IBa;’2Ih'c§, §2J§_)9tlI "‘E{}0il 33% ft: mm 3:9, mm mijsm ms bzfsécb tang tin i%2c£m3z‘anb mu: auras ta zs:§§,;%faz filfisrgiss 3:23;. am 23.5 em ‘%'bi€%‘if$i*2‘%' fiima §&m?:s,:~é:*>5.%é’:;2:aa£’t. Emsavg ‘ “ ‘ RARE BX 514? .W3 05 1691 umvsnsm or mssoum - cowuam ELL SPC RRE RAH T 5147.W3 C E HIIJHIIHM W 11 IN HM1Hi||flWll1||?|||ll||l 010—O05923815