I Printed 1311.707?” 32”, Wm QM% fit 1 F o- F M For Gods Bleiiing upon His Ma jetty, Ald His Dominions, Andfor the Ayertina of Gods 711dgments: Tobe ufed upon . WednefdQY April the Tenth next enfiiing, I 111 allChurches and Cha pels within the Cities ' of iondon and Weflmin er, the Suburbs and Liberties the fame. A N D Upon Maine/21a)! the Font and twentieth of the fame Moneth 1n all the rd} of this His Maicflies Kingdom of England the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Btmick upon Tweed. $21: tam) hp 1915 @ajeftito flutbuzttp. ~_... LONDON, Hem) Hills, Printers to the Kings moi! Excellent Majefly. Cbriflnpber Barker, 7790mm; Newcomb, and", eaDmBQtBEDJD 39333190333 ‘1; 1678 ix '1. \ $$$3§gg The Order for Morning ‘ P R. A Y E B. QT Let him that m’inifireth read with aloud voice thefe Sentences of Scrlpture, and-after them the Exhortanon followmg. 1/ Eat your heart, mmnnt pout Joelz.r; ‘4‘ (w A g garmente, gnu tumuute the - A 1;; 11,031: your mu ,. to; he 15 [was ” none, ant: metttfut-Lfinm to \ 32,»; anger, mm of. great kuflmefe, " {I *2: arm repentetb him ofthe ebfl. -, ‘2‘. arm m the loge sue me he: Dan. 9. 9, lane metttegfiun fazgxnenefi‘emthuugh me have lo. tebeflep agamfl hum neither have we ahegen the mute ut‘ the, 11.0211 out @013, to mm: m hm" lama Whhe fet-hetuge ue. , figures: 1% 9D legit, but'mtth Imminent; not Jenn.” tn thme auger, left than 11mm us to unthmg, ' Damn: heianen hgethzen , the %tttptut.e ' . mnheth [15 m funuzy ‘pIatee, to athuutm lenge mm confers? an t mamfum fins ant: mttkelk new, arm that we i‘huuln nutlniflemgle nag tionh them Define the fate of fitmxghthmn our heaa newly father, but confefethcm tmth an humble, Iomlp, penfieut, mm uhemeut heart, to the em: that we may ehtam foggzfiéenae ut‘tht mutating 4 Q. _) \.~ -- < v v “""W‘w- V. . fiAForm of Prafiti his infinite hammers ant metthe anti atthouhh we might at all vt‘ime‘a vhmnhtptu. mknumlengg , ' fiat fi‘ufi hefijgemn; hetnugbt the wait chiefly to te he, when me atfemhte mm meet togethet, \ to shit out telnet? 330mm atthe theme at we beat: nequczfigateyanU-tu hunt-nut one humbteggmp: . I _ . plithtmne fag the abetting of 1115. Siuugu’t’entfi, mm the the maturing at his fihlemnge upon um: '%nnetemn nun” hm ihtztgnhmz," to rennet .thanhe to; the meat benefite that me have 122‘ 'teihe’u at his Dunne, to fet'fngth hte mutt muzthh 'hgmfe, to heat hte'mutt he}? its-02:15am tu-afik that-e thmge which are requtte anu necefi‘aemafi wetting the-hang ae the [out : Wherefoze 31 may , mm hetee‘th mm as many as are here pgefent, to newmpanh me with a pure heatt nun humble "unite, unto the theme of theheanemp“ mate, tapmgat’tee me. .. -. . .1 g- _ qr The confemmfio—be {aid of the whole Congtg. . gation after theMinificr,allkn’ec‘l‘ing, , . " almighty mm mutt merciful father, we hate etten emu ataheu team thy {nape {the ma theep , trifle. heme futluinen tm much the Dem: [85 mm Defieefi atone mun hearts, {We have at? fame?! againtt thy We leave, title have left we Rene thufe thinge mhtth we ought to heme Dane, tenth mehanetmne thufe tbfnga mbith me'nugbt' — nuttu heme Dune, emu thete 15 no health m m3: - . ntthuu, ED110211, babe-mete? [than as mama: hie ntfeuhetge; $pateathuu them, m®umvmhith tehfeffi thettfatyltfis Refiuge thuttthem that are A , pesIIt-entfittagumg tn thy pzum—tt’ee netlareu an: ‘ to mankmnm chztft Shem out mu. gnu grant, 5D mutt merciful father, fuzhtg fake, @hag 111115 ‘ I. r—W‘vqgnv r- H -r v w: r: . ~5 ! — — ‘W" jc'lFWW’” ___.' A Form ”of Paayerr ~ may hereafter “Warranty, eighteauegann tuber are, mth‘egIG-zl’hf thwart? watchmen» if The Abelutiotr'to be prondimleedbythe P‘riefl _ alOne, {finding} theipeople R111 kneeling. Aimffihw shun, . the‘jfarher at Your new 313: , m5 chgtft, who neureth nut the Death of a firmer, but rather that hemapturn from hi5 mickemtel‘ei arm Iihe, arm hathgihen 130th am tummaunmeuttu hi5 @mtfterfifiu Declare arm pzunuuhte tq his; peupie, being penitent, the ahfulutmn ant! remtffwn of thetr firm: the par- Doneth arm ahfulheth allthem that truly repent, ant: untetgnemp hehehe hm holpmfpemuheres , fuzelet m3 hefeeth him to grant as true renew tanre any big holy Smirk, that there things may pleafe htm Inhrrh me an at that? mefeut, arm that the rett at our Itfe hereafter may be pure arm. huh); furthat at the Iafi we map came to hrs eternal 101’, thguuhh 312mg .QEhgttt rmr new. all other “ Sf The peciyle {hall anfwer here, andat the end of rayersf, amen, [HI Then {hall theMinifier- knee], and fay the Lords " Prayer; the‘people alto repeating it With him. ' he thy flame. (Eh? Binguam name. @5th , ’f‘mttl he Done in earth; as. it is; m heahem @tne . - res thtfi map out Darlyhzeah. first: faggmeufi our trefpaffeti, a5 me fetamethem that, trefpafe a: tfutt ue. film learn as net tutu. termstatmn ; hat ,v i met £15 tram entitt‘ag thine-re thehtnguum, " e trainer, annthe EImPa'fuzehet an“?I e312: .. ant! t1) Amen. our; father whichattin mam; Emmi-net} f “fie-:53: .:r.v~ i:',:-’ri-‘-:_t «-4 W“ 'WW“ - 4‘4““ . -7" _‘ .l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ~ ’ fuzmany tmuhIefi are same fihflm 115 : am: pm, 40‘ . ' - . A Form.va Prayer,’ _ , 3:12“ : ”ant Flaws as. not m (on: Damnati- , JV: have-provoked thineranger, thy math is J! - waxed hat : and. thy heavy difpleafure is fore kindled .againfi us. ’JBnt thy balm i5 not fljaztnen, that than tam: Ef. 5,, ,. not help: nettbet Is my gmnneffi abateu, that - than unit not beat. ‘ ’— ' ' — Thou hall promifed, O Lord , that before ‘we £565.24 cry, thou wilthear us: whilfl we are yet lpeak‘ing, thou wilt have mercy ugonus. T _ 3,703 mm that mu! m thB will! he comm-mt: ‘ 2h: neither than any that eat! upon that Wile, (pitch. Our Fathers hoped in thee : they trailed in thee, pf; 22, 4, and thoudidfl deliver them. ‘ ‘ ’ @021) taller! upon thee, anu merchanenztbey 5.: _. amt theft tutu tutu-22, am: mete not mitfflunfl: Hue {Jane tam: "filth 1)qu ttpun may that we are I so. not able f0 10.131111. * For thine own fake, and forethy holy Names D?“ -' 9' ~ fake , inclinethine eat ;._ and hear,.foh~l merciful "M9“ Lord. 3 . \ . ' Engine Ilene: pgefentmtt Quppficatmns be: 18“,, tags thee, ttufimg tn our own ttgbtwufitefmme * in. thymamfolu film E teat 111181131945. ‘ Help us, 0 God of our falvation,‘for the glory of New, thy‘Name :. oh deliver us, andbe mezcifal Lll'th out. _ fins for thy Names fake. . So we that are thy people and (been of thy pal‘mte, {hall give thee thanks for ever; an twill alwags be MSW: 7 ‘ ”4 ran—ob-u' A Form of Pmyer mcwing forth thy PeaiEe from Generation to Ge- : E inflation. ; Qfilnzp be to tbe father, min In the $1111; nQn tn the I291) QEIJ’UIIS . As it W13 1n the beginning, 15 HOW: and CVCI‘. Ihall 1 be: wofldwuhout end. Amen. .1 SI Inf’ccad of the PfalIns for 1116 Bay , {hall theft: ‘ . p10pc1 PEalmsbeufcd V1 XXV L1 1, Domme, nc. Pfal. v). =.1ann, rebuke me nnnntbme mmmmttnw .neitbet ebaften me In II)? DI InleaIuee. V 2 {pane meet» unnu 111e, fl) 1021!, In) 31am gawk : ED ingn heal me , In: 1111) hence are e ' 3211912111111 2111:; [an ttnunIen: but, Lew. 311113111111} IntIt I;I)11111111111IItnea 4 11141111 theew Lemma name: 1111191511 E) _ Iane me In) t1)» mercies fake. ,, 5 31-511qu new) no than rememnzetb thee: nun ,;_- 1111):. mm mm am thanks In tIJ'e nit ° . . 6 31 am Inenep nt‘ 1111) genanIm}, 2119mm): $111353] mp hen; anti matet my couch wit!) my , ear 5 . 799p beau/w In none In; new tenunIe: an‘n 11111111 away becauIe nI aII mine enemiefi. ' - ' 8 Etna)? from me,‘ an p‘e that Inngk nauity: In) -' 1132 ian bath beam the nntee of my Ineening , 9 fine ILngn batb bench my netItInuj: the ingn j; InIII receine my 11mm. 10 III! mine eue‘mten Ina“ he ennInunnenmn Inge mm: ‘W 9 1111 II he mmen hack, annpuun [- HI) Ime {1113111211111 . =1 ' v a 1:? A ForIIn of Prayer ' Adte,Domme,1cvaVI Pfal. XXV. ;UJDI:D the 83 9D 1551,1551 3 lift up my limb-m? mm, 31 IIIIIIC put my CCIIII In IIICCI 5 ICC 2qu III}! IIC CCIIfuInmmeth: ICt IIIInC CIICIIIIC5 ~ ICIIIIIIIII) nuCC me. I I 2 :2 man me? 5555 In ICC: 551.: me he 555111an but IIICI) 55 tranfnCCf5 mICIJCIIC a . 2mm, amII IJC IIIIC tumufufion 3 @5515 um Iby 111595) 9D IIC'IIII IIIIII ICCICI) In: “11)? 1mm 4 M55155 fem) IIIIIJII CCIItI), aIIn ICIICII IIIC . In; than mm 555:: amp Causation, III CI)CC nut!) IICCII mp bane CIII CI)C my long. 5 @511 Cu CCIIICIIIIIIIIIICC 53 105,52): ICIIDCC IIICCCI‘C5: ant) tpruIIIIIn IIIIIIIIICIIC5, IIIIJICaIIICIIJC , ‘IICCII CIJCI‘ inf mm . a @I) CCmCIIIbCC not CIIC IIIIC , aI-III CfiCIICC5 ICE In); pow): but attesting to my man: Chin k tbou upon me, {11315211, fog II)? 5011mm. ’ 7 mactuueimnn CIgwaII5 I5 tbC lugn: twa ICIC IIIIII I)C mm) @1155 III: CI)C may. , ., 8 ”(Man that an mCCII, (1)511 32 name In jun mCIIt: mm um) 55 5:2 nCIItI'C , them 53:51 C ICarn bIC may * 9 an the patIIC of we Law CCC IIICCCII, IIIIII ttutbz Imta Inc!) 55 km) (55 CCIICIICIIC, 555 5:5 tCflImuIIIC5. IO 5aztbynamC5 Iahzwlagn bCIIICCCu'III IIIIIIJ mp fin, In) It I5 rm. 2 " . n 55155:an I5 )C, that I‘C5CCCI) the 1.5211: IIIIIIIIIIICII I)C ICCICI) III II)C may, C351: be [ball ) C. :2 W Ian! IbaIInInCIInt CCICI anan5ICCII mall IIIIJCCI‘C CI)C man. 13 IEIIC I . I..-“ I. . v: I g‘ I, “3.4%“: : “fifivt e-_ZL__‘ .‘w .354va 1591...“... kam .1; .. A Farm of Prayer. | , 4 13 me ferret of the Law t5 among them thatt feaehtme mm he mm them them hm tunes “an o ' x I " :4 same eyes are ehet linking unto the tow: pfmhe that! plush mp feet out of the net. 3 . :5 fluentheenntumemnn have mercy upon me: to; 31 am nefalate, mm in net-few. ‘ '- .16. @he rename utmp heart are interment 0 bung than me out of my ttlbublee. » 17‘ £031: uponmp anheefitp, ann mtfetp -: ants fezgme me all mp an... .. . 18 Qtonfinee mine enemtee hum manpthep are e am) they beat a tpzannuufi hate against me., . h , , 19 9D keep my mm, am) neither me: let me {that he contawznen, fa: 31 have put my trait in , 1-9 M perfeanefsyanu eighteous Dealing ' malt .unottme : fugmphoeehuth been. in thee. , ”t e2 111:??th Meet, Q @unz'uut at all we 'Mifcmrc mci, :Dcus. Pfal.,li'. .; ' - ailment? unnamemfiumafteethv great gmhneffiz attuzntingtu the multituue 0f thy merciee an away min-e offeneee. _ ’- 3 ,2. mew-metmeughw feum'mh mien-anew: ant: eieame me from my fin. . ‘. 3 m 31‘ Rummage my tantra: annimp. fitt- :e we: berm me~ a ~ - u -> 3 915mm! theeoneI-h have gramme, mm none thee em! m thy tight 2 that thou mlghteft be film-t: mu m thy raping, mm clear when than at: ‘ , Si 152-081?» A F01 m of Prayer.- 5' 152221231222 2121322221 1222222223: 222 in [in barb my motbtt 222222122 212. 6 “16m; {2, than 2222:2225 truth (2222 2112222 ' 2222211222 12212 111222 m2 :2 2222212222 with can 221:2 . . I 7 @222 {bait 22222 m2 [21'th byfl'22,an-2 :2 I221! 22 2122222222 mm 2222; m2, 222 31 than 22 mutter tom main 8 2:222 2121212222212 2222 of my 222 2122- ' mm: 22212222 22222 which than 22!! 232222 may 22 joycc- 9 @2222 222 I222 from my 111122222 222 2222 all my mif22222. 09.19222 2112 a clean- beat-t, Q Q22: 2qu 22a 2232 a tight [pirit within m2. 2 .. . “ 5252!! me not 2122 from my 2221211222 211:2 £2122 not thy [101? mm from me. . 2Q gtnz me the cumfuzt 2f tby 2212 again 2 - 222 Itahltm 212 with thy £222 gamut . , :3 @1222 than 31 teach thy ways unto the Wm. 22: 222 1322222 212822 2221222222 unto t222; ~a u, Qeii 2 me fram 21222 gmmneffi , Q‘ 622,202212 at art the Q22 army 222m): 222 myI tongue 2ij I225 2Itby tigbtenufmm. , _ « 5251322 122122222 myflps, Q 11.222: 222 my mouth 23211111221 tby mam. '2 1.6: 3522 2222112212 no {22215222112 122212 31 3522 mm: 22220221 22ltgbt2fl not m 22:22: 22221222. 17 @112 [222(622 22‘ 2522, i2 2 trouble-2 {pirft * 2222222 211222222222 22222, Q 2522, malt 2221: not 22f2if2. ., .. 28 Q 22222.2 22, 2112 22222222 21122 Qt: 2'2. 2 2222 2222222 2:12 22372rttfdt2m‘. .5 19 @222 malt than 22 2122222 211112 222222229 fi22 2f 2223222221222 , 123121222 22222 2222:2226, ' - 2m - A Form Uf Prayer. 21% ’ mm n‘htattoflS-z then mm 0921: Mamba! I New 12905 thine aItat. I I; I i T Ifamhx 7' The firfi Leffon appomtcd to be read, 12% 02 ' ‘ I Ifaiah lvii). Iii} A “I After the firfi chfon {hall fellow .72 Dem Lamb}; . I} 2mm In laugh ' ~ . , I 1 W215 matte thee, ED than: meattmhhflehge I; thee to be the than. £5 ' flu the earth hath math-tp thee: the 31221321: I,“ t steaming. ' Gimme aII 311555 try aim: the $511615, ”$362352 5.922 ,' mam: magma. cuntmu- vaguely, but? emcfihh hf%ahnatb.' _ 1 I maven mm earth axe full at IN @3273”: Of T ' ' fingwnemmmapms mate 2 ’ wane My feflaW‘pfltm 1925hhetszhm1fe @312 name may affine :5 Imam ,. me KIND? 5122225293221 hut aIItyenggoIIn * g ~ hath heeuumIehM thee; @be father: efan Infinite @ajeflb finale nationwide: true, auhunlp finer. math? giggggofiztfi e QL'amfogt magi It} a ”at 2 ax ‘ “3mm er; the 2%“:qu ma. pt the am want then thnIIeIt hpdti thee ta hetmet mam than hthfi hut abbeg the flinging thumb. WIDE“ I A Form of Prayer. 5515211 5155 5555 552225512 tbe 51525555 52 525th Ibau 1555 5525 the 515552111 III 1125525 III 511 52525225 Elijah fitt2II 5t tb2 tt‘gbt 0555 III 5555; III tbe 515212 of 252 .55 wet ' 35‘ 525252, Ibat thIII 55525512: to 52 552 I . me 252225122 52511 2522 My tby {22.5555 . 115505? 2555 1355 225225125 5525 25? 5225555 23.5552 252m to 52 55515225 555; tbp £15555 .~ I III 51525252555515. ‘ ' 25912 5525 f552tby 1325152: 555 mm mm bIIIs - ; 3 __ g . 2555225 252111 . 55555135251 55 f5; 2522. 5355 512555: 512515 Ifi2‘tb22. ‘ $55512 51511”pr I55» 5512: 2522155215 InItbc , 011 GD 0 I "55552555221311.2252 to 5225 55 th5 552 InItb 5 III. mfigcghmam may 21-555 I15: b552 512221) 1ng I) £515,L .255 152225 555225 5555 I15: 55 um: truItI5III‘ 122 EDI—.525, III tb22 55523155525 122 512 52525 Q14 ”“5 um)n.. 52 C 01163511525. ,, "K I I -_ Luke xiii For the camel Lcfl‘m, ' or . Luke XXI. 152525 52 the 11.535 I555 52‘ 35:52! I fez b2 5' 5213 55225 5521 225225125 bI5 525512; 555 batb I5II 5 55 5 555525 51155555 I52 55 . III the mm 5? 5 [225552 535551; . ‘25 5251552 55 252 IIIIIIIIbgf—‘gbw 55151515pr25”? / _ l ’ . r / , , . _ . #4 ’ ~—.~ _ , I ~ . __ V _. _ _ Mm , ,W AFoIm of‘Prayer' ’ , InhIch hane been flute the InnIIn began , Ehat Ine than": be Ianen from out enemtefi * ~ IIIIII from the [Janus of an that hate I15 , a En {Jetfnzm the mercy IJIIJIIIII‘elJ to tune faIe‘ “ fathemz am: to remember his holy covenant , Ea {IetI'IIm mthe oath InhIth he [mate to out toget‘athet 5 35h am: that he InuIIIn gIIIe n5 , ~ Ehat me being neIIIIeten out of the hunt: of * out e‘IIIeIIIIea mIght fetne him without fear I , - 3m huIIIIeI5 ann ttghtenut‘nem hefoze hIIII: all 1 the nap5 entItIIfe. « ‘ “ . flan thmIEhIInAIIaIt he taIIen the 1520th (If . the Eighefl: to; than IIIaIt gn befnze the fate of the ILIIIIJ to {Jge{Jate hi5 Inap5, I Eu {3in IIIIutnIenge efIaIIIatI'en IIIItn hI5 hear me I I‘m the reIIIIII‘Iou oftheII' I‘ I15, . Ehgnugh the tennet were» at out Eon I : InéIetebp the tap [{IIIIIII from on much hath nIfiteiJ .4 En gIIIe Itght to them that fit III naeknermnn III the [inflow ufneath: ann to game nIIe Ieet III: f '9 to the may of peace. .- Glory be to the Father, 8Cc 17 Then Ihallbc {aid the Creed by the Minificr, and ¥ E126 people Funding. ’ I ‘25eIIeIIe III Eon the father EIImIgIItv, 535 ' he: at heaIIeI'I emu earth: mm In :(Iefws EhIIII hi5 unelvfimn out ILIIIII, Inhuma5 toIIt'eIIJen by the how Ehuft, hum of the IIIIthII Mary, fIII‘Feten IIIInet Pentius Pilate, Ina5 ttIItIertI, Dean my mum, he neftennen Into he", the With any IIII'e again from the Dean, he aftennen III heaIIeII, emu fItteth on the fight beam at Enn: the father QIIIIIghtIIs from thence he that! range ‘ ' ‘ , n A Form- .of Prayer. , ' ta jun-3e the quick mm the Dean. 3 believe in the 1 bmy Q6308, ' the holy @atbalick (Eburfl) 3 the ' Qtommuman of fiatntsstmfuggtbeuefe affine, tthe regureecttun' of tbe humane we fife wetlan- - fig. men. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ 1' And aftcrfi’tI-iatfihcfc Prayers followingfill dcvofit- ly kneeling, thc Miniftcr .firfl: pronouncing with a loud voice, ‘ ’ | . ‘ L . an: new. be with you. ' nfwcr. » ', _ ' ‘ ‘ _ am: With t1)? fptrtt. “ _ 1 1 " ' ' ‘ Miniflcr. v, > , ‘ _ a me as may. , ‘ 102D bafie mercy upon ue, Chrifl have mercy. upon us.- ‘ r 162B have merep upnnns, ; a .. ' ' q Thcnthc Miniflcr, Clerks and people,ma11 fay the Lords Prayer witha loud voice. - . . 051': father {Web-art in heaven, batsmen be tbpjmme. filthy humus-m come, my unit be none In earth,” tt 19' m heaven. @me “5 this my our may mean.“ am: foggineue our eternal; {25,515 we rewrite them that trefpafeagatnflw. gnu teas us not into temptatten: but venue: as from elm. Amen ~ - qr Thegghceciea Handing up, flmllfayfi E 11.0211; memf’thy mercy upon as. ‘ nfwtr. firm grant cue thy reggae". —. g - H ,. Men-Jane we Hines. / __‘W__‘, - ' .41....nm... ._:1 . w:mmv‘ . “(mar ‘ fienfwtm. ,7- x “N A Form 01 Prayer K A Antwez .. Qua msrstfafw hear us when his tail mm thee. TIC Exams tug gamma; with ttabtmanafs. _ 9 Anfwcr. Hun make t1}? wars" people-Joyful. ~ £D Luzn beat our pgapsr, Pflcfi Q) Ma: fans tbg pssms. Anfwcr. ID blew tbius mastitanffs. r16 mm macs in our time, m 11.0w. \ Anfwsr. fiscaafs there is nuns mass that fightstb fog as, but unsiptmm @3011. . _ _ fig 9 , W m Laanms my fstnamfi, 9 ' _ “ An Wet. , .,, .- wbu no pattbsittru Iitntbss. , ,. rl€ $2.9m 11511211: from tin: {3qu mass, -* Anfwcr. flab sfisrmazs mtgblgnvgasfsan as. 9 9 Est tbs enemy basis an anbantags agamfi a5 * Antwer . - mo; tbs micksh appzacbgabart as. , Ptlt '32 auto 1133, m Loan, :1 lit-mtg wings, - Anfwer from the face of our enemies}. _ Priefi. ‘ Aufwcr. ' . K . . 9; arm 12: um: cw toms unto thee. 5’1 _~. n . .‘ A‘Form of Prayer. “1' m (that! of' the ”Era Cancer-“ac? mommg-Praya .flnll thcfctwb‘bCirfcd. ; . , a ,' lmi pty aan ,enttlaffmg 103.5011, who lfiattit _ not 1113' that tbgubfifl mane, film 3013 £33! ate am! make tn 1:5 mm anu cantata beam. that me muztbup Iamentmg aw: any, any ata' kuumlwmng out ‘tnzettbenneffi, may obtain. of tbse,‘ tug. am at all men: , perfta. ramifliun ann fazgtuenefa, tbguugb 312 as @bztftuut Law. Amen, .- , . v gtne’tbefing Ufa" them tbatatz pmt’ttnt; (Etc: - ,Bant, Mama a122,. Qimtgbtp @0116 am . we, tuba fpz ant 1311022115 no 10021312 Be: fame to bejpunuben, p the wmfagt of thy mat: may mergnfaup he telithgbytbzauab outlaw ' annfiamuut 332m @bztft. ,Amcn. , ; ‘Thc Collcét for Pcacc.; : 0 cm: tuba art the autboz nt‘wtact, anu Inner at‘ @nntagn', in .tknomi‘zngaut‘mymn ‘ flaunt-tn ant eternail. life; m m Fetntte t5 pet= < .fect-ftsenam,‘ nefemuus tbp: ambit fg’tnantam ' . all. aa‘aults-ofuuttaémfefiatbat me fatal? ttufis . mam, tbynet'enm map aunt-eat ’ tba {Joiner-,ut’ anbttfatic§,_tmmaab11:92 might of 312m , an H The Collcét for. Grate; . - . ' , _ 15.13211 um: beanenmfatbet, almighty ans § wenlafftng®ammijuuaa raftty bzangbt 115 ' itotbz'btnziinnin‘wwig nap, mam. as a: , we ramamitgtby mtgijtp miner, D grant that :th my mama tart-1 na fin, name: tan mm any switch Binnat‘nagflers but that a3!E flat Dumas; may he - 'iREWBTMnfi ' 1166116111166 fit” 6511:6661 mfitwgg"; . ”11611111 1 1 magma 636816616 ‘ A fFermJof Prayer Wampum“ mmatfiaays t 163?;{3550116mgtbvfifibtstb’lmb3&6 $653 1, Amen. . q Herc followcth the Litany. “ . 16611 113661192: at”? 6921111211 21311112 111er 11110“ 3511141?ng “WW5. - O God the Father of HeiVen hch mercy ”11pm ‘ A asmrfcrab’lc finnms. 1‘6) @116 6132 a611, 33161126111“ 86 the tum: 15362111611315 6113011669 11111216116 M31235. , 2- O God the Son, Redeemer of the world: have . mcrcgggrigémxgcmblggncridte - g 9 W5 m e - . 11111126116631 6% son 19119611 66669261111611 116 ' prwcedtag 110121 1156 F11- - 12(1) Gad theAhel . the: and 1116 8611: YES-6c 2111:1132qu as Meraélc ‘ 111111ch 11166611111111 02106636121: imamfi 666616 61:15 Mia Chery, bléffcd, 86 abuts T111111": Ehree rf‘dm. _ 2M1d 06: God: hi'Vc” mere” 2‘11pr aim yerable- 1111176151 3366121111112: 12161 {616666 at 31111wa 536:6, 616666 th 0111193611566, ““éeflelnf‘ 2: macetbv 11201116 10113111me 1166 ’ ' It)? mufi 1126:1036 My annmt angry mm; 116 fax 21m. ‘ , _- , patchszj ' ‘ 121d” - b 2 11111 11A neiuggfiififg 16 6661'”th ifi‘e’tlalfl nation, A — 900% 616A delwems ; 126mm 61111! 1616:5611“,me vztaehagzg . '3‘"! A A FOrm of Prayer 33% 5311315565535, mmxmmgmm i "3333313 033 555555 5533551553: us. 2 ftumm mcatign mm 551, 5555!: 5555! 55 an! I ' from at! t 11555155 oftbz 55:51:35,355 ‘ GQod Lord'dchvcr us, 15505511555555me Iran; 5:!!! -; I - p3mwn‘3fl 3333.1}an ftnm 1133 1559 i313 33) ‘ UMQHII 9.3315133): - 1555115511 {55555, baby 555511551555 55551;) 6qu Lord dclim “:85 ' Han ftom 5151555 551755; 5555135 555, mu fr 31,1 55555515 .533 1335113: 5511 3033031133 333 33.; matrix E99215”!!! Gpod Lor dchvcrus E 155 the E59555 uEtby haw :tacamatiua; I15: 515» baly matiility any Etttumcifiua by tby 155555155 55551. 55155555. ’4 tame 3533353535 151335115518 55“: '23 a 55:: :19 a 112$ €955,332, 3:: asar 65 515293555 5 915;, ' ‘ GQOd L’otd dch’vcrus ‘ T - in: at! time 51‘ am: Minimum, mail: 5515 of ’. out man: {517115 5055 sf, 555th, an; in tb5 Day 93 3111115311 ”3 a Lord dclrvcr {15; " ' 5515 13151555 55 5595555 that to: 555.5 555% / £03“ @333 film, 3321; W 555 591181311 3! 5mm\fiy’lzflacfccch thcc tQ hqar ungood Lord @551; it may 5555 13655 ta n Eat; ' ' Erection" 5&5 5555555, 555 by 555 5551515 5. tbs but? at“? est 5515‘ 555531131} 2351 3: 1:55 5511 ant! “55515: ' lib?“ (It, I h. i “I 3-: W I‘t ' I II mg. III/«9 ‘ II 8, ann to maintain WWI h ' the gen 18.. A Form Of Prayer then In the true 1902mm mg of thee In If h I, , tenurnel'e ant holinefe pot life, th’v fethgnt. _ 35336" "W “1°“ Wives mine mm mm. . We befee‘ch thee to heat us, good Lord. . Ehat It mavhleare thee to rule his heart In / the faith, feat,annIahe, ann that he may ever: , , maze hahe aflIante In thee, anu thee feeltthy » 1 henna: ant: glaze ‘ ‘ We b’eieeeh" thee to hear us, good Lord. Ehat Itmah pleal'e thee to he hie between aggtgleewet, giving him the hittozy abet all me e- e. ‘ We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. , Ehat it may pleafe thee to hlefe ane mes- Iethe gm; grattau‘e Eaten Catherine, ames gage at York, art-u an the Boga fa: We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord;- Ehat it may pleal‘e thee to illuminate all her: mane, lemma ann Deatana, with true Imam: Iehhe aunttnUetlIannInh ut‘thp Wow, am: that hfltbh that pgeathtnh emu IIUIIIE, ID8? may I88 It fflzt ann (1)810 It attueutnglp. i We befeech thee to hear us', “good Lord. Ehat It may pleafe thee to ennue the lathe at‘ s the Euuntil, aim II the fluhtlity, with estate, Infl’aum‘mttn unnet anmn‘g. , ~ We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord I Ehat It may plea'l'e thee to filers ant: keep the ‘ _ agilteatee, giving $118!!! 317888 to 8£8£IIt8 31W 8 ' We befeech thee to hear us, good LOId ' ' ' . . Ehat IIt may pleafe thee to hlefe arm Beep MI 1 \ c befeech thee to heat I13 good Lord. ’ Ehat /,,/ , . , ' U A Form of Prayer.- E hat It map pIearethee to hint ta IIII matinnfi antty, peace ant: QEIIIIIIJIII. ; w '3 We befe‘ech thee to hear us, good Lo-Id.‘ V @hat It may pIeaI'e thee to mire In; an heart to Inhe ant mean thee, mm DIII'gentIp ta Iihe aftet. I thy @ommanumentei. . ‘ - We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. - , . .. mm It may metre thee ta give to all fl)? Den: IIIe I'ntIeafe othtate, to hear meek-III thy wow ) ann to receive It with pure affeaianmnn to with} mm the fIIIItfi of the gamut. ' We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. “that It may pIeaIe thee to being Into the my aftIIIth,aII Inch a5 hIIIIe eIIeIJIann are neteIIIetII ) ' e be feech thee to hear us, good Lerd. what It may pIeIII‘e thee to IIIeIIgthen Inch as no IIenD , mm to comfozt ann help the weak: . hearten, ant: ta IaI’I‘e up than that faII,aIID ham: 1? to heat Damn Satan IInIIeI IIIIIfeet. - .. — \Vee befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. - ~ ' what It Inap pleate thee to IIIttn'III,‘ hem, am: A ttnnt‘agt aII that ate In Danger, neteIIItp,aIIn III-s hIIIIItIun. We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. what It may pIe‘aI‘e thee to pIeIeIIIe all that :tIaiIeI by mm a; b}! mater, aII InaIneII IabunIIng ~ of sham IIII Ii‘tII pet-fang III-III haunt; thI'Imen, mm to them thy pity IIIIaII aII pgifonetfi ann tapttheg.‘ e befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. fithat It may pleate thee to Defenn {ann' IIIOIIIIJI ' ’ ; to; the fatheIIeI‘e thI'IIIIeII mm mm, III-In aII . I 4 that are nefolate ant! up; If ea \Ve befeech thee to hear us, good Lord. I ~ fighet It InIIIi‘IJIeat‘ethee to have mercy IIIIIIII’ aII ' . We befeeeh thee to hear us, good Lord. Qhat --.._ dm . I_\\_ As Form of"Praye1=. . @115: it may mace $5 $5 53151112 551: e135; 111155, 13 tfecutflzfig {1535 11588885, MB to tame \. memes t5: ~ _ I , e‘ befeeeh thee {Q heat 115:,- goqd LQrd @battsmawleafe {bee cambeau‘umeferfie ta‘ nut ate the hint!» fcutt5 nftbe caethu 115111—11 ~ /* 4; . _ time tee 11155211155 tbem, . g _ ' , ‘ - We befeechthcc $0) 115211: 115, 00d Lord ' 1’ - ' . $135011: maze pleateebee :05 1:55 trecermem - canemefaggmeueafi 5512:1111 ,nem‘gemfi 5+; ., V , ignogancemnnta enuueu5 mctb’ tbe mace aft 5 331:” $111535, ta amcmeue 11155 accummtutbp , . fl . - ~ if I \Vebefeeeh éheeto hear us, ggod LQed. r ‘ . ~ ~' '~ ' ' %ah§o of 5% 5, men Eeecbtbee t5 beacu5. ' Eech thee to hem: us. 5153511: 55511111155115 (1552111511115 niche; , Grant ~us thyp :51; 1:. ~ ~ 5 Lamb. 55555111111535.5555 we; 1:155:15: ' ~ ' may: I . ' *9 0502“} mfllggvemexey upon us. .. I» *Chni’c hear 115 Min babe mezunpu‘nfih - ~ * ' g . 1 , 4 Lq th have mercy upQ5 11s., _ ' @5553 babe meecptmnn 115.: , " ' " hriffifave mecCy: uan 113 . 31.051 1511511121521me . ’ ‘prdh vemgxgytipoaus, I . 1‘ Mcmmmmmgxgfimm, etc-1;. ; ' . . 53.11.1115, Melba: 5111115552351: 5115. 1, . _ 1‘ samba: (21:15:11 1:5 55;: 0151115511155 33.21 E‘\.|. M» I . ‘ ' . k& W ._ . . a V ‘ _ ‘ 3 \ ~"i:m:‘~z~. $35.7»- .. ”If/f f1, 15.11111 bf Prayer “111115 1111111 ‘ O m1m5vt1fi1ffia 1:, that" Mpifeft 1111111112 . {1111111111 11111 10111111511511, 1111 11111552111551 ‘ {11111551121011111111’111551 u’inr 11111111111215 1111111112 make 51111221529511 111 0111: 111111111125 51111 11511111111125, 1115211155521 1051) 011131255 115151111 51; 11011111111211.1115, tbat 5511125211115 1091' “£1112 :5 ft 11115 [11111512 51 11121351111111.1111} 1 11*1’tift 551119 511%}; - . 511111151112 _ 51151115211122 51‘ 1511 :55 1,1115 111111 21: 5‘25 11151111111111 [21311111185521 1}... " 1) 50'» kt: 1115111115, 11111121121 1251112- 11511115111112 £ 11?? 11111111111111, 01011511852515 @5511 (5111 OLord itifc, 11pr [15, add 1:11:1ch1“ us for thy - Names Cake; _ 15151111 1111511111111. beath'tbftb 5115111115, 11111111111 121111515 bane-1121151211 1111111 115, the 11011117; 1551115 .. 1.1. tbpu 1111111111 their 111115 51111111152515 1 21121512151111. ’ \ 6011 Lbi‘d Wit-PIE?) i163?" us, and chVhr us for thine 1511112 111111 1:; 111111, 51111 1111' 1b12 5111, 1111a nfwer. ~ 1515115 11211111111513 15115111 ‘5115 21121: . . ”3515583? 51111111111215. 5111531. _ "£55111 11111" 25211111551155 115, 5 51211511. . ‘fj (aracxoufl ldokttp 11110111 316316510115 , - ' L] ‘itffitfi? 1151311111 5125111111115 1111111111: 11211115. ~ ' ; Mér Crfully Fo‘rg’ch éthe fi'n‘s of thy pcbp pl.e : .1151111111111111111111111111’1119115 52111 111111 1111111215. 0 Son bf Davic}, have mercy upon 113. ~ fiatgggi‘n 11115 211111: 1101115152 11111111 1151‘ 51 Gracia . .- a“ A Form of P151762. Gracioufly hearus, 0 012111; -~ . brad’oufly hear us, 0 tord ChriQ. ° PricQ. " ' 0 11515, 121199 1112229112 1925125 119511 115. v . ' A11 wcr . 7 - 5511121159111 5112 12115511922. ' ' ' ‘ 112111511252. - 5911111919 92122291922, 5) 95192911122: .1 - . ' .:, 21111119 2515511 59511511219112111111255115 " 1521192 91519 51‘ 199 39251112, 111211 115111 2115 511 19512 25115 1:951 152 111511 21“ 9912511119 9592 5212211251 5115 915111 19111 111 5115112 225119125 152 111119 11111 5112 199512 211111 2115 25119521122 1’11 199 1112229, 5115 2522111512 [22112 , 1922 111 95115215 5115 11112211215 51‘ 1151119 , 15 1— 199 95115112 11115 915293 19151199 5112 51119 592 . 51215112 5115 55552512, 321115 591111 5112 5.515. I“Am¢1'1._‘ " a 0 11.515, 1112 112122291922 1112221111119 9252 5112 191119225, 5115 1111122 111119512 1595 25111215 1 29212 9115111115 1922,19522929 311192112 2511121211225 1 . 99 11112112 52211125, 59199 11121211111 52155911159 . ' 52 5111511125, 19251199 1291155112 11515. Amen . ‘ :- f . 9951111119929 0555, 5115 11122211111 31111921, 111959511 2511195111511119511 511111211, 5115 95: g 1211 115191119 1951 1952-9211 111552, 11195 5151115211 ‘ . 1 1151 192 52519 21’ 11 9'11 22 5111 1952 92 195111515: - 1922 11121112591 915 1111,5115 92 151125; 95222151119 1‘ ~ 15291112 115 51121221951125, 2222152 5115 25 _ _ L ‘ 115, 5195 522 9112525 1.1115 111252125 15119 192 112: 1 _ 1 , 19211 515111 5115. E99 91552119 15 211151195 15 1. . : 91152 1112229 , 151922 5111911 51322115111219 25-151: E1113 A; ‘ Foihf «DE 2E dyét. ‘ fins. figmfi‘ D, {Data 93.2119! . 2222* may mic thee ' ’w 3933133253335 9&1 ' ‘ 232222222 :22: 252222 22 ‘22: 222 5122223222223 1[22212211222322 " fir "FlamI {1921313 222:3 ' ”(iéié‘fl‘y éfljwfifafieggfi after the Minificr 1512212213022 126%? 22212610222, mm to than 2222 mm; WWW 32222 222 22222222222222.2233” merciful 2606, 26%: 5021113223620", lung u= * faring,- ant: ut‘gteatpit . @3022 [pateft mben mm mm: punt nm‘éfit, 216 m 611191 22222222 mink: efiupun mm?+ 2% are t1)» 212013312, gm}: 2mm, ‘2222226222222622222222 metcy 1'23 great, Huh at‘ter gun multitune of ti) 22222222222 22:2 2:2 2:2 1mm. Amen. ‘ 2 yaawuflnfligfi 222.2322 2226 6 3 m3 2th fly“? , 4 flat]! mum "W menu imam 2232223223 332:: 2222 man-'1 an 22222122 2m 2 22023223221223: m {5 fifth €323£§1M3§ 2 ”E A ‘ Emmaiflfl‘. AmCfl. - A Poem of‘Pmyer-Q .A'. .. AhlPta'ye'r of SChryfoftome 3 1mm mu mbobaft mmw cent 47’ ; this time. with. unz‘atmgn, mmgfim :4 man .Ifcatmna unto thee, ann'nonma mt that _ ntmo oztbgcz are gamtentom. the: in thy meme , than Emit grant that: re: quzftfi: fulfil mm, m Lazmhe heme}: ant 2: minus um)? (tenants, . an my be mart exp: ‘ “s cut fuztbem, granting us in tth mugm know: {was of thy tenth, mm mm: twin to cement: , , _ 9. Corinth. [31.14; 3 A Tm . mantwtmn meats @6211! same . -. [one omen, m we feuomgg “5&3“? @baflfimtb usuazmm. Amen. “—7" ,— _ ' ‘ . . .a- - r: ‘u_ v Q. "7' The Cammunim. Service.) 4 1 The Pricft handing ztthe Northefidc of the Lords; Table, finllfay, ' ' - ' ' ‘ flitpjfatber 19bit!) mm bemoan", .- O‘ whetbl’i'miflbpkf N {:8an 4 the m when: an earth,- asit Pam am. Wufltmwpmtmt who. 88$ ‘ m mama an yum , lasagna that trauma-fa again. use WNW win he ' m temptaflon 3' 'But: next-me. ma Mm 251“.» Amen. m . filmmm A I arm «I Prayier. Atmmhw 15011, 1111111111111 1111 11211115 be .» 1111111118 111191111, 11111 from ' no [211215 are um: 112111111 the 111111131115 am: hearts by the 1111111111111 0111):) £311 9111115111111: 112mg fimamfinewee, Mb man It: t0? 901? mm, WW 1511110111: m * ' Miniflcl‘. e 3 auntam 3mm ~ ”gem?“ 'fialthahz’uauefltbtg: ‘ Pcoplc. ' Lard havac may 119011 113, and mc1inc cur beam to keep thislnm Mimflacr myau 1111111 11 111111 11113111111111 gram 1 1111111, no; the Iik’enefy art-1113 thing 11111 15‘ 11‘ when about, 0111111111 2111 1351121111, 03111111: e1 11111121: the 21111 . It 1101 how 11111111131111me 11m; 11 1111111111111. 1 )8 8 on EC 3 n 2 I: an £01115) 1111111111011 at 11111111 11311 1111': me, than them mercy unto thnufaunss in them mm»: 1111, 11111 keep my 10111111111111.2111. , Peeplc . ~t~Lord haw: mercy upon 113;, 111 mahne oat hearts to keep this law. . _ MM’lflfl‘b -‘ 19011 agaltnnttakztmmmnfthein 11111111 1 new 111 1111111 , to; the 31.011! mill not how him . 5111111211 that 1111111 315 mmmm E 2 I PcOplc. L. 1111;? “02 £9 *1 .11 w A RUTH r:.“'I-".~ ~ .. Aafimfh 2213 £12222: WWI“! 6122632;wa WEN: gaMMmgmgh “(3188331313133 3001333 33313333121231.22123 tboubafita no, 1111:111233211211331112 hat!) 1:111:31 11.212 111134511111, . mittbnufljaltuann t3]? 1111122.. 310211121 hen at}? earth, the 8&3: UWBMmq 3371‘ 3333333333 .._. filmelmnggrts 3*:2‘ 121:? 321: 1113 ‘1‘ ... '1'. f"? 712212 33.1% 33: 31-. 3333 33333113; 4 1333 333133 3 :3, 1323333 2.123 33 3331431? W 22221211213121 22 11631122 I“. . 333.1233 @1111: 121216111qu13 * 2 _ v “ 3 Peo13313333323333 ‘ _ 2 22221121222112 12212111921122112112 26131222Ets. :0 keep £1115 13w _ g 153.? T311 '33 , . “MM 23%?82W199W2E} 1229561211 2111 new 2211 “333 «2‘: 33% 1:112:11 111 21120914 1011313 11; 0112222212 my: 21111211” 15 3"? £133 .1 ' Mmificr. . 211 12112211 112 1121122211121 .1» ...... gfi ’5 j. _-,.""212a112121&1221111 112211 1121131111} 13111 1121311222 5% 111.2 1111 that 111111111112, 22212221211122.222121221221 “mm D 11:21-29 the fzb3ezttb3§a3332133§ 3 7122, at: " 2t £1 1.! ”I ‘3531‘332 $1. I filé («1 3‘; ‘3; . 1...... 5:13. .1» f ‘ A Férm OFPl’ayer. 119E613 . , «33333333333333: 3 I g «a. :2“ JP”; 2‘1 3: .3 ’ :1? ‘w‘z . 3.3333233": 3 2‘3. .flPl": , 433-31323 . 3-. W fimmmnpm mime: , ,. 33333393333333.3333 333 .33: .3333! 3 33333 :33 m6: 3 2 3 33 3; ~ 3 33 Mxmfifiz ”3"!” 333321 )3 filmmaIWMMflam mime?“ 3333:3301: QWQ wybw ‘5’. 4w» L; K‘ {~53 .3233} 3: 3.331533 331 People. ' . - :rmmA méLOid 113% mercgs uponjug, and incline 01.131 beans 113m 3 33:33:: a .3 3 '33:? 332133;: __ 3 3 H133}; ~33? fir; ‘wflfifitwihfim! (333113 :33. mos: walnutmt tap m‘i {11:33:26 31mm wmmw: ““3353 WWII“? can: 131:3 fernanmmw 31% W; nanny tbmgtbat 15 1315. -. . .31133211233331333333 1 0rd hays melcy lam moat-Mm _- 53; 3133’: 1.3339 34.333133 3?": .-’ “#3 {$33.8 (333 33* d .3333 3233:3332331133 - 3533133333.;4313231 3.2.3..) 33 3.3.3332: {-33:3313'1 3m ‘3‘“ 1131;33EME32! )3 £33? 1111mm). mun. mica. 31351123111333: 3.31)“: 13213033 36933333333333: 33333123113333»: mm: ' gmcmfw flank aim: mammmmnm 3mm mm Immzmremwanum « “bum 3mm if§iij u on 1,15 331ch MC £11 :1 c Wéfl €33. é'éfl} (—141), ”33533113 “‘ .3 .5113 Wmmfia fsi‘u'fl‘; M'anasl .- 1 .9 ‘ -; :2 v‘ ~ ‘. ‘12-: w, - ‘ . v.- mnnwnng 9 Inna sa hwy ' mnymwnw 2mm gem: gfim A Farm 04f Pray-£1“ I lmibt Ijtg) 9:in enemfiw Wham! not my) {butt tuba-II mane, annnntt nt " 9919999199 fins of III! mntbatntz pennant; Qtrea swam mm In In: new ann mum Imus 9 i: that me manna)? Iamenting am: £359 mm a: knotnIenging nun mnmnuern may obtain of tt‘ztt amnion A gt’tgt‘aImnenel‘ncgznng 31; an ébIIIImlnzn. . Amen. GIRant, Inc better!) web QImigm m, that mine, Inbn m can ena news no mnztbilp n2: mmmmm, n; mnwwnftbpmace Innn magma? nz- ceIIenen ”11W” nu:- ma .. mquucm fimfi , For the Epifilq JoclII l I. be 29.99 "92‘ inInIn 9299:, Inc Inna ble9ann a?) can an: at!“ am nIenIn nun), fact-I) them Wanna 1:2 enen to me with aII your Manama fafligg annInit Incepé 9 m9 MM mmyant gnrnnum ”nuntmmannne nIrn Aymrm: {mm mam ann mannmnnm no men, nunnt‘n cant «mm annwmab mu (Imam was annmnh {use Inmma mmmm macaw an): mIkuIfl9 cnIInI‘owmnnfln :r‘tnmflfl In: Inga ' ’39 ‘ ' __ A Farm. chi-"Prayer. t £395 momentum aftltfim m M fih hm were 55125111111110: 5e; berttaee ta tentar’h that the heathen mourn rule moherthrm . mhetetoze mouth they tap ta 1131113121115,me tether“: we we mum): that: helm toe his? term, anu ptryhta Tthefpel. 3.1151:th :6. Wbmye tau, he hot as the hypocritee, at ' a tan romtteuaueez me they mefigure their three , that my my hunter were men to fall‘. 5151113 331? wltoyou, they harm their remark 3531:1110“; when thou tattrflmuet‘nttbtmtlean, nun mafia tby tare, that that appear not unto-c men rot-alt but were thy fiatbrt whirl) 15 in ' ferrets a 711:in father tnbtrb teeth m ferret, mall retuarnr recently. Lay not uptozyouetel nee ~ treaturee 11.me earth, where moth nun rult Beth: 313mm, an mete thiebe5 bereft theouh'h an) ’15ut a'y up to; your tethee tre urea in heaven, where neither moth not ru Beth rug:- ' ruhmuu mute thaw Donut byealt- theanh‘h no: fire . oymhere you: treaatre 1'5, there will your heart be alto. 1415581 m fin, the fame 311111311 ty alter or heathen new earth, heel! ht ale things btfible mm tnbifihle * Stun in uueILo on mettle @0115, the newly. be gotten $011 at an, hegetteu nthle father be: 33 all means, @135 of 1501!, Light of Light, leery «5011 of fiery fish, begotten, not mane, hemp; atone tubttmlre with the father, by 1111;131:112 11 , 22-22221 09:12:22,222 , 122222: 2222 21222: 2222 22222 $030113 1133091, came BHwaW $2222, saga: 21252222222222th «2212222 2222222 _;ma2(§ 266% man: an; 222mm ”'22 mi mmahewontmsz 122222, 396 12 mm: 32122220“; Hume- tbtmfiay 1122622 222an In the gramme, 2222222 222% {3222211, Hun fitter!) an the tight Daub of 252 #22: than flan bell all come again 61222310212 ta jubgc hotmsz 22221222222222 Jute Hing Bum [bail 13222 no can. “flat 3! 32122112212 222 6d 6562 . anti mm: 2f 11fo 12be 11222222132220 g8? WW 2222 2211 the $21.12 1222 wig-b.2132 $2232): a: 22 : 5;, Mamba 22222210222 Hun ' 1222222222 2222 ' 'W fikfi W 323312 “11 32122222212 fillflfldlfih, 222222122231 222222222222 ~ ‘ 332122 153626 22 12216922066102 {if [2222 22:22:32 Pfal. 4 I. 12212 In. 21:22 nefutremcmr m“; 211211222, 2221:: we Hie "of 22225112220212... Amffiswew : r; file-vo; 3’ “36;: £242”: xi» :tm (“id‘sr 03333.22 firstly 1341303329112 3612211223 f “ Ff?“ W2 ‘ I, 314 y‘iiig a "3213“”. 29$ [fig qfi 3&3”: W‘r‘222’ '2 WWW £22 32.332322 2:42 WWW {32529333323928 272“" 1:5! 2 ° ' 222222 I ‘3‘ 8 +§ J I : . '. . « ' time Hf trouble. ;. v.6 afia "W 33 2351.32.» g? Prov.19.uuibg Ega% {Ii-122 222261122 £35,} may 22 22222222222 2." . A '2; W $721,122,222: WWW "WW2!” :2 WWW"? 2226 it“, .2 223212232! .222; 2:. 26221337224 : s1: :2 8222 2622522222 2275:» 2223122221122“ ‘zfg§_":‘4v'3"§5 ‘ '23 ‘2' aifififl‘J ($3622! “jam 3'3 68? 3:3 {My 471;; : “24;— W ‘23; 3 2M W2 W" .33.. W :2; ,2. 212 W : ; . :-,W¢;;Qz~ ; : .,, .- " A Fdrm V of Prayer. _ , m: uggzapfoz we tubal-c mm at 'thziftfi. . '1 abut: maztautbergmteattb. , ’ ’ , 1 .‘Aflmigm’;annenmfiamg 626017, 1113011113 w: , - butpfipufltlebaataugbtugtamakemayerg ant! fupmicatmns, gnu-ta me thaaks ms at! _ “ men: Webumh-thefeecb tbee muflmemfuup 1 (to accept our alms and 'oblations; and). to rename If there _. their; manager} ambicb mauffzt‘untu £131,111:me be no 1 13121119, he! .2: mg theem infptveogontmgfifli’ aims.“ t: ,antnerml, crumb mxtbwe fptfittflftmt ,2}:§:3J;:; - umtyanu coucuzn z anngvanttbat all theytbatthewords V :Efl‘wnfeffigtm’ 0% 133511118, "my 355% "117119 (ofaccw- . truth-cf tfbplbaip» :Hzn‘,‘ flunk-119M«(twang-”gm _ '- : '- 301311210112. we. fierce-cal} weeaalfa £9 {31131th almmd / ,azifetm air «tagtttianfmmggxElinwmatm m: 1111;11:13ng . . nzmugtfi, mm etpetmugtbp [ecnant CHARLES 0111 1111. 1 mavfimg, that. [HIDE-1' 111m me maybe Emmy mm (aid. -- 2 ‘ »q.::i2tiy1gunzrnen. _ am.) Krautnum bias manic @ngtnat“, mm to autbat are pgt-(u flutbflZitP 1 _; «unmet bmmpattbey «may trill? ann'mnffi'mntly . 1 mmifimummnu the punmjmmt‘of minkenneffi , . afiflmtmnn tutbznuimtenamz army-trams: ' x-I'tgtmrz any Bettgteg @ngrate, 'flD-beaneulp fa: /' Iva,"tel-alt;’Iijtfllapgyf min-thajtw,‘ that we? ‘1 - may but!) ;1322-tb.£zr, 1le anti BMW; rat fastibtby' ; we a413,.tziveiyiwaznzalmitrwtwnaMew an: a mmiflep:tam)aiyl‘ifiacmmtrew. mm. to all thy . _ ~ , 'w’. J ‘ “I “3"...“ ~ 4 ~ mm: 31521.2.Wb2m42nly. graces avnfiftfwf iii-3114 -, m ‘ ting- ‘Qrfng‘tzgatm ‘ {Jere pmiesfi, tbatmti) . E ‘ 131923-359 art fififlfh‘t1?;ifi21!'.fif €33!.§2.;t51§P mama: i131?! ~‘ g ‘ :metmtb?bfllylmmgfiyf myfewmg 1311221131130“: ‘4 :4 :12me irzjg-fiitefityifiiéfiia1732.118:*bfiwiflf;tmir life; 4 @9133 $3: mil 133331312 hZT’e’BCD‘. “W 1; ‘35 “35? 3’39“? 1 -: ' wagy-szgtgtu emitfastamggfmazzc muffin :. -- -~ _ 1 «u: ‘- * 1"")0 . AFerm 0f Prayer, _ tfiba in this tranfitazylifeote injtmuhlefiuztamg. ' blots-t1)? only yam, is; ail ti)? Ema-mu? 4w ten £1315 Me In thy t'mtb our: fears hzfeet my; ' WET“ mite {4535mm ffitfl fflimm wagggm )5 f; gamma, that out!) them we may in; woman _ g; thy‘b’eanmlkamham. @Zflfitfijkfi, fiatijzgl‘, _ .9 in; 312mg QED-3&5 fake mm unwfimotog my - * ‘Qflhflcateo Amcn- ' ' :_ , , _ ‘ , _ j . mam-no, soon growing mo, Mate-mow: : “manta: agamftahffmmzmfi‘mpm age,l,,,g, , renew, {11111.13}?!th;:m1figJP;QE€;C£$E§1115111;ng . . an, that tombs-hearty? _ , manta, alt-Batma- ; ' » :fmtbmm unto was time mfg! p.81!!! ufgbgs . r flaking-inn aehunmleM-e heme! Will? 11’ @5033, q , . :animut qmna,tmu'cg, :z-tljatfszu-bait-nat-Iamunwgmmufiamuwm: ~ mznmie, , :wfi amaze the unfe-ambahlamamijfi ‘f’ut‘ tbp: gnfintgermuneffi 3" :tbaefmzwamaaImmat‘ :w» :‘Wmne :» We: a re seam; mtg. {121532,th ., 11mm mama wefmavtmgsfiangf.10me me may-Jam? \ feat than mm {1011an mm 1:35 535.112: jfeecibmg time by the atn5,~mm influence of} ”- rmatemmm them effectual mm: (mm: a, * ‘ mm motto am: Egfiruamn. 3111338312? awaken , our ngumfy QED-urctenccs ; %nftzn.a'nu ‘fabuuz um: rbaw'm‘attfilatex-D2213 (mutation ,m 33mm: :1 tame as {Barnumbmn~a~np mammal. 95'- was :Wt'bpfipzcnantfi,»nup the.grgztmygfilw-nfitbz, j‘alc flatten Remuneatbe .anxmmznomm«mm. er; avert thufe Zlubflgtnentfi‘ mbxcb me Jufijymfmrybee tau—[21mg mart. unit-l2 Mitt-fie 5 flutte- ~ a}! 39m: . warm ' m the lagufemon of the true mailman , .2. 1333th time emu right bani} but!) plantwmm efiahttflmn amuugfi 115’, mm m a {3qu (Emmet fa: v - tiufi anfmgrahle tijerezmta. filo wigs gm: 19mm: A 'nut't‘ije mum of thy afiiemngs fpmpual, nun. , 3 ~ .\ Iain-pawl, upon mu: Emma’s gmiwretgn; that - ' «1m 1315. Qtuunfelgfiefulutmufi,aim «Etmeanuuw 5;; mapmm w, ann‘enn m 1:133 @1021: of ti}? great 313413112, the finmuwmme of piety, annifluflt’w, tije wgefewanuu um)? leggcb, an; flat @emrx: 2 . th *én‘mfitmnfi 50$“: 9; i‘ f Ari-11cm, N. N .1 "A’Fform of'Prayci‘.‘_/'_ ' mzaccsa’nn; ,zufpgrtt ,‘Uf all flutes, mm 1 mmt gl‘e' stun-allotments _ :Dammtuufi ,2 ~ flit-innit!) we may hag m tbs flame; mm twang!) tbe- @emattan at 312nm fibzififibfiffiflnaflut 651111111131; Ammo ' \- ' Mummy Q6011, tuba baftmuinifch 15 heat" . the petmums uftbem that-£19K mtg? @3115 ' flame, me hereecb was” ‘mzrcifiully‘tu incline tame. ears to 115 that. 1.151132 mm mm am my: , 2w mm [applicationfiilmm they, mm grant. that . tbpl‘z things; [UDICD rue-11.21212 fatgbfuilp ,agken as: comma t9 thy 10,111,111in gfi’ectaauy :32 1111111111213 9 .1tut1be [21125 of out nets-mtg),- mm tp the fettmg' ‘ agr 11pr monument-gt) 312m- c‘EIngft-uumuga. . q Thmik‘lpricfi- “1511165 tllfimi.dciparit Widiltbfs Bldfing. 7 T192 peace offinn which paffetb all; "We.” {taunting}, keep your beams" mm, ‘tmgtzm :va ‘ the kttumtes'ge an; mm; of magma Inf-13:5 Emu 32mg @bzift um: " 02D mm the filming numb; 1 almighty, thefatlzm the gunman. 812 Duty. muff, 'he,.antmmfigau,- mm temammxtb you. aimapg.‘ Amen; — ' .v V 1 , - 1 1 j “The $@$ 3% $332221 ”"‘ The Order fér Evemng P R A Y E R 1 -. 1-L~ct 11121 that mlmfircth read with :1 loud veicc 2112C: Sc11t_e11Cc$ of Scripture, and after them the Exhonatlon f01].owing. " .. 11; 11 2.1 111211121112, 11112111211 11112211112 .1 “W (:33 12121221121222, 11111121211121: 1 21211121, 2112 11122211111, 11211122 . 1 ”11%,: 1111122, 2111121 [112212 1111111112121 .413 11112 2211212216 61111 of 1112 21111. , _. 1% {.111 Qtu 162 1012 2111: 112112 112 Dan 11 9, - 101115” 1111.211 51111111fummenefi‘efiatbaugb 1112611112 1’6 ‘- 12221122 21211111 61111: 11212222 1111112 1112 211121122 \1‘ . .162 112122 111‘ 162 11222 21112 @025 to. 12211111111111: - 111122 1116121162 [221122122 112.: - 1 21112211112151) 1.212, 111121111111 111211112112; 11112 11.11.14 111 261112 2111322, 1211 162111111113 112121 1121611113. 1115:1211) 1121211122 2221111211, 162 @2211111112- 111222211 115 111 [11112211 11111222, to 212111121112 12212 11112 2211112133 11111: 111211112112 11112 111121 1111211221 11215, 21112 2621: 1112 121111121 1122 211121111112 11211 2121211 . 1 262111 1121212 222 21122 21211111111211) 21522 2111211221: 11211112 112121122, 1112 2211112121 1132111111116 1111211 111212 1 111111112 112111221712, 21112 2112212111: {12122, to 1112 2112 221111112 1111111 1111111111 11113111211 1‘13 211112 [1111121325. ' -, 213112112112 622122, 111121121: 12112 11161 21;. . p __‘ “vacc- ”gubdn‘s. _ _ ‘ I ' \ 0 ' ‘ 1 5‘» 1 ‘ . ,1 .0 . _ ‘ .1 . w“ 117%: ‘31" ,a-vn 1.. 4,1 f‘ ._ _ V ,2. :1 . _. ‘.: ... ‘ 11.1 i! ' 2' r 3'15: “I? 1 a1 ‘ matte, to beat his muff, Unit). mm befeetbyuu;a§.,n'1anp;a§alggg; ' " ;‘ * .~ » iyA'f-Form of Prayer; mm, emanates, mummy, Lu although. 73:2 ream 11% all {£11125 ‘tjambiy fagsgtfnwengz nut finfihefazadfiun,I-ggetgaugbt.mJeglfififf Imam! mu no, winning affemhieann meet, tugetber, to cart out; feluwugmaattbg 1,; one aftbw baa: net-1w :macz; ant: taizaa'uc font t‘bau'wte @up: plinattung fag the; wetting ufi’bifiv augments, arm fauna mac-army; of ma fiBIzuf - 5 upun um: %nheretgu mm 1315 mammals; ta annex: , thanks fa; the mat benefitfi. that 1318 hang w , semen at m baubfififl fetfugtglms malt 10¢!sz ' , , 4 ,, ,, 0211, mm {3.1153- tb‘a‘l‘e tbmgg mblflj are reqnffite-am Ime'ffatp,a5 . mum;tbahamfifi'weFD!!!z gerera may acmmpmll’f mg Wfllfl, JWW I; ,, name, tmtugtbz .tbgane nt‘ tbe’b a tfg'facg, raping afterme: .~ - ,. = - 1f Tthonfcflion. to’be [aid of £1311: i }&?\I’1é61c°'C6fi§Ec- ‘L ‘4‘ , ...- . V 3‘ . gation after theMinificr,aJl kiiCélihg. Mightyhi‘m m‘ait-Imeccimt‘?fatbetgwe ‘ have men anhfimp‘eu ftmnqtby'mapg {like loft. (112211,.m1a have. failuinzn tm‘mucb‘tbe mam; '* 1:25 am: .uefitefi‘uf autumn beart5,f‘we' bane of- fetww mama ti)? baip Iammmeibane left an: ‘ . mm than tmngwmct 4mfiouglgt to ban wane, ant: amalgam-none tbfl zfitbinggmbicb' Inefiugbt nutvtu'banenflne, ant: thaws at; beaitb’ m; :15 .z ' GEM-than,- $11,523: have mercy upon'ufi'mzfeyw . hi2 ufl‘eunetm fimace‘ than them, gpfinn, inbltb cunfe£6,.tbeir mung; iRtEa-geitbmithfll'tbat‘atB ‘ ' penitentficcmmngtatK-Jymumtfw aware-n ums _’ I Imman‘kmu'iu @bgt’fl 319m out mu; anti-grant, . 5D mail mevciquFatbzr, fégijia fake, was??? A Form of Prayer 111112 1121511115 11115 :1 [1011111, tightegug, 51111 {01121: life, 12:11 1115 51522 5111125012 313111112. 51115:. if The Abfolution to be pronounced by II): P1511 - alone, fiandmg, :the p‘er-l‘e {I111 kneélmg ’ 111th 55511, the 5511321 111 0111 111111 '55 III,“ 1111111112111:er 1151; 1285551111; 015 _ 111111211, 1511 555 Mbat 112111112 tum t‘mmIJI5 11111112111155 5111111112, 51111 31153131111511 11511121: 111111 cummmmmentta 55 5911111155111 Declare 111111 _ 11111115111155 I5 1115 11555155551111}! 11211115111. 51:12 ahntuIIun 5115 55111115511 III-$11211: 11115 1 £33 11,512- 111111er 11115 5111131112th 511 10551515515115} 1255111, . 11110111115355:insz I115 5055051511 55111515 1525191 115 befeecb him to grant 115 mu: repen- jitIIIIII a11U I115 {11112 $115111, 1an 11135151151155 ‘ 11152 11112512 6115 1531511118 115 1115115 22512115, 2111111 111511112 1211 afouc IIt'e 11515551115232 111115111111 x . my, my; I“ att eIaII 1112 1552i come In 1315 51151151351; 112121115 51111 5111:1013” {I The? echfle {hall anfwer here, and 21511: add 5f ‘ 5110i rayers, 5111511. :1? g ’1‘ . 11 Then 111111111: Minierr knee], and hy the Lords, Przrycr 3 the 1165512 51ft) itepéatingiit wid) him; I ‘ .111: 3111111121111be 511111 1521111211, mummy 1351!)? 53111112. @132 magnum 5mm. 51)? 3111111 11211111112111 earth, 551: 1511111251511. @125 1.115115511251111 11511211225115 aunfuggmgMem. I " 11111125, 1151112 52131112155111 that 555111115 a, 5111115115 5115125111151111111115 15111111111511; but 2111151: 115 11011151111315; 1131115 5 £115 1111151111111, _ ”51111 “13 1111112551115 5102?, to; £1181 £11111 than Amen 1» q The 1 “size. -1. ' —\_ . " A For111 of Prayer. 1 Then likCWLfe he 111a11fay; , 10111 0me 1131111 0111 Imfi. . ' " Afifgfinn 111-11 111111111) IIAAII 312111 fun!) II}? 122m. . ~ Pricft‘. ED @1311 11.111111112211111 [11112 115. . . ' Anfwa 90102311111132 baits to IJ‘eI‘p as. . 1' Herc 2111 Handing up, the Pmefi fliallfAy', . @1011: be to tbs jI'atIJAt, 111111 to“ the @911, mm .1 10111211on @1311. , , g , . . ' . ,. Anfwer. . ‘ , ,1 ' ' 911111113111112113111111113, is 1111111, 111111 21121: * 1111111112, mum! without 21111. Amen. . Prielt. 113211112 P8 the i021]. ' ‘ Antwer. @be Loans uAme bA pgau’en. , I . ' ‘ q Inflead pfi Vimm-1 exultemmfilall be {Aid [1115: Hymn f0110w111g; , one 576111: by the Priefi, andmmhcr .1. by the Clerk and peeple , _ __ . - A P1211. 9’5. .6. 1‘1. $313123!“ "5 Dumb“ 0w: [915125 “mm £1111 . I ' ' - £1 numtthefuzt 111A Lush mitt) thteme A1111; 7- Ail "FQL he I? the 1.11111 but God A1111 wear: the peoph: '” ‘ of his pafiure, and the {beep of his hand :1 * 110116.11 mmubzrefinze, Itt ma tutu again 11:11:: am: 1 ' £11235:ng be 131110 [11111121111161 Ann bé ALI-II LAAI‘ ..:s'- ‘V £15 _ Lam 3 . Let 113 (C11 ch, and try out waycs let .us 11ft upgur . . 40’411earts with our 11A11ds 111th 60;! 1111111: héaVe11I3. v » 11215. 1111151 011111115 IIJAILIJA faminen‘ 115. 3011:1113. Let us 111111, 2111111111: L rd w111cnr'n {mm his heavy": R Wrath he will pardon us, A1111 we 1112111 no: penlh 1011116 11112. Atknamiwgz 111132211,- 119211 1111;: 111111111. . Wifd n 111211121 are m tljanf nut mm 11111351: but At- a A , 23 at 11311 111211.? £5 11,9111, 121121211115 :0 11111112 A l m ’. E . 115153 Let ustzpcnt, mm turn Ram 0111: 1111:3213} i A Form of Prayer. meat, nah mm his hat The am: meme a«'We have ptOVOkeel thidc anger, thy wreath es: Waxefihot: and thy heavy difpleafure,'1s fore kmdled again 115.. - ’But the hem! ie me When than cm 51“. 5;, a..;- natbelp: next 15 the? meme aheteh, that ThéuI bait protnifed, O Lord , that befere we cry, then Wilt hear us: whilfl we are yet {peaki11g, thou wilt have mercy uponus. V fhenune that 1:11.11! in thee maHhe which ghee neither that! any thet tall than thee he Our Fathers ho ed 111 thee: theytrufiedmthoe, and thou d1dfldel1vgr them . 'r‘ ” ‘; @hep tenth 11mm thee, enumete emtheh 5.; est their main thee, huh when: mane And now in the vexanon of Out fpieitS‘, and the navel»: 2119:.1’1ifh ofour fouls we cry unto thee; hCafyLOId) 1. a and have mei‘Cy. in: many tmnhiee ate tam-e ehuttt _ he ~. hue m1. 4.. Here: he taken 111111 1112111 mm, the ere us mt eta 2.1111. " ' fake, and for thy holy Names 9” 9 21.6 5.24 57:!“ ' [7 For made ‘ . iaked, melme t we ear ;, and heat, oh merciful I8, 19 or . 1 - , fume mmhflM 11111: guppheatmne he? :1; -fnee-tbeei,tmfl11yginm1thhme1 heeum‘hefge'gwg ‘7 0th hatmwpefi :17 NP odO 0111: fielvaqonyforthc gldry; .. . thya me: oh deliver us,a and he mcraful ante 91.113 fins for {9h}! Iéa?6fakfb 1 . 1 MI E . Blfi 8W yheupeau 82 9 $9 "' 111mhetheethant1§fdze Wg} Hjnfi 1nd? 3 45 5.58 i E e W‘.‘ —‘~*—-r~-~—~__ _ _ a _+ A F0111: o3 P12151311. V / JI Y 1,: ‘ 111113391 2331;113:1133” P11311111 131111 331111 @111 1 £1} (33031131113331) t 11313 11:11:11, 311111 to riwe 130111311111 1‘.- 1 13 Ho 3. , ‘33 11:h 111113 111th 11313111111113, 131111111, am 21121: «1. @1111 he; 113mm 311123 22:: 3 Eng! . ; figment 1 v 3.- 3. "I’mpc‘r‘l’flms 2131: XXXH CX§Q§1 CiLIH, Beau, quorum Pfal. XXXH 3331 11511131ng 3 1111111 3113139133113131‘3 13 In; L ‘35’1‘3 21113 ‘1' 1113311 311111111 «««««« 131111, 1111111 11111 111‘ 1112313111111 3331133333111 1311 11113 11111 111 11111132 [111111 113112 13 111111 11131111111111 1 1'1 13 ‘ 111,11 111111.333 C5 l; 1(1111213I1I12t11123 1111131113 "1‘ '1“ 313111113121111111 11111 t3 {11333 131 11111112113213 11311231101“ “é. 31111111113] miII 1: [3 1111311111111 0131 , 3 fa; "tiff, 1125331131 13; , I 3 " mum"? _ 431311: 1711111 21111 ”3135‘ ‘ 3313331311 131111 ‘..91. 1111 13110111211 611313 ‘ 8 @1101! 1La11111122m 111112 1112111, 1111111111111: 11331 3 111111 111111.811 ED. 1112 11111 ’ 3111111115211. ." ' 3111:1111 11 1111113“ 111131111 11131 3111113 1111111, I 61212111 11111111me 1:111 11111 311133 1113311111; 1111112 21123 1 H . ”3m 139113 1131311110!) I2, 111111 111 I23 ‘ «3.11.1fla‘7’11m wwwww 1 9 1??"‘fi #- "‘2 £13111 H v .1} VI .‘Ez' 3’ . 6....-. 4 A Fcarm 017”- Pmyer. 112312 1211111211 2112 1111212“. 1211 1112513 12111111211 11122: 11.313: 62221 11121111221.1112111211116211121111111121121 11111 11111212 1111112111 1112 11111131111112 1,1112, 111211? 22121212120121 2112112212. 11221;" . 12 1152111211, 6 12 1111111211112, 21112 12121112111 11113211111111+ 2112112 12111111 211112, 11121212 11112 111' 21. , .. . :4; 1:61;»: D1: profunchs Pfal CXXX .1111 of 11.12 22211 112112 3! 13111122 111116 11322, _ 1.212: 1.212, 11221: 11111 112112. . . :. 2 61211111112 22113121111221 In211. 19112 110112 21‘ 11111 12111111111111. 331‘~ than,“ 11212, Inflt 11:: 2111121112 1211111111 21112112 1111112 112111112 6111211 1111122119 1 21312111121212. 11121111 1111111 11122 1112121212 111211 111211 112 122122. 5 31121111.: 1211112 11212, 1111312111 22111 12211122 2.111 * 111 big 1111112 12 11111 11111111; : 6:611 12111122111 111112 .1112 1212* 112121211 _ 11122111112 111212 11.3 13111212121112 131221111111. mi: 6 31122-1, 13.312211222172121 1111.12 :. 111112111212 12 11121112 2112 1111111111111 12 9111111221113 8 21111 22 111211 12222111 3111221 112111211112 11112. 23 3 2; 00111122222211. 22116111.: H621 .1111) 11221222, 6 11,212, 2112 121111121 11111 112112: 22212211 111112 1112 12111111 11111112112 11211122221212 12112;» ~ 2 6112 211121: 1121111121 11131112111 12112 11111 121 112111: 121111111 {1801‘ 211 ’1“ 11121111111112 112 : 11111211.: P- Itt3 1121 1112211211111 11211111211211112211111 11111131112 A mm at Prayer: butt; miitttlt my “it new to that comm: be _ lain" meta tbe Weft!) ant men that What: may been. « f 4 meeteinge i9my tyitit bitten mitbiii mt: _mmy beatt within me it Hewlett. t .5 yetine atemembei: my time bait, 3 mar: mum ail tby mugbs . yea, 31 etettife my feifib tbs mum at tby bunny 9 serum taztbmy barbie um tbee: my fan! gaibetb tmtatbee aeatbitft'y 1min ~ 7mm me, {Di mm, min tbat fanii, to; my ibiti’t mater!) faint: btue nut tby fate team me, MI 3 he like unto tbem tbat gm numb iiitu tbe Fit 8 mm we beat my tubing bitiniiet‘e betimeb in tbe megawatt; mtbee 19 my ttub * ibem tbmi me tbe may but 3 meme mam iii, fag 3 lift up my fan! imtu tbee. - 9 meme: me, 9 begin, from mine enemieb . :03? bée unto tbee ta bibe me. eat!) me to m tbe mm mm mm matbmi attmy may: itt t y baiting ‘ timb my fngtb into tbe man at tibb’teuimte “29:, u muttbeti me, It) negatagtby names fake 9‘ 2gb tggbtby tibbteutii‘nefe fake hziiig my mutant. > tt in but! attby gourmets my mum enemies: anti mushy mi tbem m w; my 51313503 3 am: want. $9 re Aims V)» ~ The Ebb Leflbb is, E or «x ,. _ _ Immune ' I Magm’ficat'. "T3 2. f mbi'tiutb magntbe tbe mm 3 with my . Mg tbteieytm at my my %w?55 . A Farm of Prayer bag-0%: bntb ream: tbe InmIInefs 0'be , ; fa: beann,fcnm bencefnztb allbettemflntw :fbau can me bIeIIen. be; be. tbbt I5 Inibbtb batb :55anth me: be: flnn bI5 mercy I5 nu tbem Ibat feat bInI: tbznngbnnt allgeuetatin‘zw 5. .. : IDe barb Ibemen meme!) InItb bI5 even: be 'bggbt (1%:ng tbe pgunn In tbe ImngIIatInII at me barb nut nnInII tbe mfgbty fenm tbeIr feat: ann bbtb exalten tbe bumble nun meek. {be barb fIIIen the hungry InI-tb been IbIIIg5 I bun tbe IIeb be bntb rent mm 51an . y {be remembgmg bI5 mete“? bntb annen bI5 teen-ant SII’IneI: 55 be ngnmIIen tn nun ntefb= tbet5, abgabnm bun bI’5 teen In; ever. I enlnzpbe tn the fbtbee, ban to tbe fine I but In the bet? muff; V 55. II; Ina5 III we beginnmg, I5 new, enamel: mime; InnzIn InItbnnt enn. Amen ~ The fecond chlbn IS, I Cor. X bcgmmnchrfl I . and ending with Verf. I3. or,2Pcc. Ill 5 a . Dag mikreeIunJ 1951.5 7;. Q . can be mereIfuI nntn n5, nun 5M5 55 I been _ 115me the bent; nI bin enmnenmtte; nun be mercIfIIl unto n5. What my my man be bnnInII mu eaetb tbn . EenIIIg bee-III) mung bu natInn5e ‘ bee A Eormuof P123722 iL2ttIJ2 13‘2unI2 maimz, 213 «mm yea,I2t a1I ‘ the 222212 matte tIJ22. """" J .2;- 33 .Immme untfmfi 2212222:- mm E22221? .3,nt2 than wait image we talk ttgbtennflygmw 2222222 ”15112 natimm Imam 2am). 1L2t tIJ2 nennIe pgat’fe $225.39 2522 M 211 tIJ2 2222121123122 tbe2. ': @221 mall the earth nzingfi 2on I122 Inmate * mun 32522,: 22231 2312 ulna 2222, IIJaII me 221% '"BIB‘I’I’ W 2222 {MINI IIJI2I‘2 I22: was IIII tIJ2 2222’ fifthe tnn'JIn maIIfenIIJI‘m. ‘ Glory be to the Father, &c. As It was irr the mJnmg, 8m. 34'. 52"»r‘u‘3-I €551,723 . H} 7' I I 'I ‘ I S Then {hall be 21am: Creed by the Mxmfier 221121 the _ People ftandmg V 11352II2312 III 2an tIJ2 father almighty, £232: ‘1 222 22522222232222220 flit-Mn MW QEIJJIEI IJI2 anew $3211 cut: 1,232, 1an 2122 20112212122: by tIJ2 IJnIp Qfibnft, IJngn nftIJz (LII'IJJIJJ Mary, IIIEs REED MIMI: Pontius Pilatc,113a§ CWCIfiIZB, man - mm 1:22:22; I32 1122222222 {min I12II tIJ2 thID 221) ' DE WI? 2135!“ from “)8" D231}; ‘DB fifCEIIHBD Irma * 2222231, 2:12 fittetIJ on tIJ2 II 3m IJaIIn of 25cm tIJ2 - jI'aIIJzI QImIIIIJtJJ; EIIJIIJ 2132222 92 man some to jungc tIJ2 [12322 min the Dean. 31 22II222 In tIJ2 new 25,202, tIJ2 IJnIp QEatIJaIIIII EIJIIIIIJ, _ ”‘t’Ije mmtuumnu 2E %2Int2,t tIJe tugginenefsm‘ 3 E212; tIJ2 2222222221231 2E t92 baby, 22:: 222422 2nerIaEtIIIIJ. Amen. ,, , A Form 0E P1637131. - A?!" A 11d aftcr t’WuomfeJ’LAYCrs fallow31ig,hflafévout- ' .. ly 1m: ling, the Minifi'e'r fiffl; pronouncmg with a loud voice, 1 ”6:116 11,036 be 111111; 6011.1 2*???- 1 6- ~ I n fWCFo" " , ,. 91116 with W612“; . 11:: .;-» , meflw ' ‘ _ ‘ p i g1 ' 11116 611 £616 {16112111611211 “um 66:. 5 ~ 5 [1111} have mercy upo'fi 115 1, ”m c 1%; «w; “'26 have mercy upon {15’ , .: ; ,: 1:3 , . 11' Then the Mmifie’r‘, Cl‘erksand people, fhali fay the Lords Pr ayeré with a loud V0166. .. __ O; { 47 "-3‘4 06161111121161.1666 1111311 1166111111 11111112111112. @1111 61‘ gm} 111151112: *G‘Ebp mm 116 116112 31166 1211,66 it i6 166 11211. @1112 1164:1116 116166111666 mean; annfuggtnems out tr‘efpafs" [26,66 we fogging 111. 1111,1161 trefpaf6 116611111 1.16. 911111 1663 116 not - ’tmmtaufln 6111: 6211666 116 from ehlLAnmll. ,. ‘ 1: ,. :1, , '.“.;“.§,!}Ju‘\. ($33,316 $.11» 41 Then the Pneffiflandmg up? {hal fay, .. g1) mm, 11312111 thy 1112601116611 116. [ {5111f 1661'. ; 1 Z. “.1 . j. -1; LL: 3116 rant 116 t! a 66:166. _ , g JP £11111. :sq::. .;; 1; g 1; k1; ’2 . ' $11,616,616th fixing nfwer. ‘ 31111 mercifully 11966166110211 me call upon thee. 31111312 11112 6111111216 1111111 113111-21: 11111216. Anfwcr. A Farm 0f Praycr‘ “”1 Anfwcr 5 mm mm t1)? chafznszmim .. . 9 10:11 am my mama. - ~ . Anf.wcr _ ‘_ . j ’ firth blew thine innetitmm. ‘ , § @138 peace in our time, m Lazy; - - . Anfv'rcr. a ‘ 'JBmure there i5 mm mm at mm m- £15,111": unelptbuufimcflm t3 ‘ , 5 mm mm: thy fetgal‘tg, f Cl“. man no put their $9531 thee. flCfl' Emu u5 Imp {tum t1)? Duly plate , - ’ Anf wet. ant: mummmmp minim 1:5. Pricfi.‘ m the enemy have no fannamagxz mama H5 . . An we: 3501:0253:ch amacbtubutt 55. M ‘5 152 unto 55, E 1525, among Wm, _ . Anfwcc. ” _ ., "3- from the fate or an; 2116:5195. . ' ’ ,- ne ' " . mum hear our player, ' ‘ Anfwcr. ' v “‘2?" 7;" 51m Iet um: cwwmmmum ‘ w ‘ y n .> . . ‘~“ 5 . 39 ~,. , J h.» ~ - -. 3 ‘- 2 , ~> , a"? l ‘ 't ‘ ‘ ‘ H." Q '- a ‘ I , g; ‘ $1.. ‘ ##1##“ S >: @{gtm Amen; ‘ ‘ A Form -of?raye¢r. S In Head of thc firfi Co-l‘lca'flm'llxhefc two be ukd. \ mm 1m} mm gamma-fag @011, mm hatert ’ , mm, 113th than wannabe, mm mm fog: gine'tbe finfi Ufflflthm-fijat are pmitznt ; Mes atzaun make mm: mm mm cantata beams; « that 1112 manual? lamenting our fins, away: kuuuflwgmg out , .tntnuemgmay obtamflf they, the want a 1 may, netted realm mm fnzginenefs , twang). germs @bmf an: 1,931}, Amen. . _ Rant, me better!) tbeejmmig‘btp 65911, that y , we, have In; autelufl'nzzna:uomuztbay he: fame ta hepmnflje'u, by the mmt‘agt of tbpmacz may autumn}! ht; r2;1._t2§aw;-tbgatmb,‘uur 102! am: gamut 31mm 41mm. Amen. ' ~ ' 0 man, than: whom an new names. all, can ‘ . ‘cmmfewa mm RU 1m: woman-a ,. . , n; mm untn my {manta/that {mace which tbs ' mngmmunnmtne, warmth" _ tartamaybz . fzt ta my my maximum-eat , am “am: that up they me hang mercuric); from the fear if out - 2x12111135, map pats out time in ,raaanu‘fiufetc } nerg,;tbzatmb we menus at Sim-(5i €02 gab-mm. Amen. ‘ Lighten um: harm-Mg mg here-2f!) tlbee, m , . 3213-, mm by tbp great'nwrty 118me as fmmnupem annnnnmta’ oftbis night, fag the take of ti)? um» 260", mu; @mtaur 31.2qu Q5 ' Q *4‘m r"‘ A Form 9f Prayer. . 2.212, 122 2212221) 11122 11121111111122212111‘ 112112212 2112 111212 211 12212 12 2 22111212 1:22.12 {21232112222221.1112 1-2213 2111212 2211121211222 22211 212 22211121111121211’1112212211 1112.2 .112 22121222, 151122 1222 222111 2111- 11.222. Amen, ; ~ . 219211 1111111112 0222, 2112 11121211111 11211121,, :1211222111 22111221112 . 211 211111 111211 2112 22:. 12111121131112 12211112111122 222, 1222 1221112211 . 11222112 22,112 1112 11111121; 2111 1221 22 1221112 12: 21121. 1111111 12111 1312 1111, 2111-2 22 12222522111111112 12213122 112 2111 1121222221212122 2112 1221111222. 112,111 2 2122 212222 2112 12221122 121111222 2111: : . gm 2 2111212122,: .2. 2122112112 12 2112222 12 2111212 1222 p11 22221121221212122’: 1 1. 22‘1" " 122912 2102221132 112221111212 211222121111 112222212122, 22121 1121: 11112 111221112111 1111121112 1212211121, 21112212 2112 -- 2221,2111 11111212212 111111212; 22112 211111121112 N21111:,- Iii I 1 Mann .22 1112221 2121121212222 112 ' 2212111 12111122112: 1, The}; 131211 1h: p20? cfiy 11113 fhatg fbflowcgh, aftcr‘ 1112’ \ . ‘2’} sI 11111112211112, 2221222111 21121211 11122 , ' 22111111221 252122211122122222 22122- . 21111112212 2232112 2221223 12121221121222225212- 2212221126 :11 2 11121222221222; 51371111 21' 22111 MT ‘ ,112 1112 12111111,:1112211112212112 21112210121212 112117 212’ 1::2122211111121111221, 21112122112 211211) 12111132 A Form 05 Prayer Mm mm; same tnnnewle, mung nntn tnem , flan Int not tninz nctttn n‘gnnnbt tn cnnfnnnn; maé nn,‘ ID 192:), a; mini mean In mean; an!) ante: tne nnnmnn ‘nI In) memes Imk Iannn (II, II mnnnt mar Imam meniatinn of .913? nIeIIgn nu 3M) 5 QEDgIII out $03. Amen r '1'? Rant, menace: Inez, merciful 1am, In tnpfnt; _ nan pennrnnn nnn pence-5 that men man In» mm mm all their mm, mm; mane-I nu inttn’f a (ram Intnn , tnznnnn ileum": @bflff ,_.n£ngn. Amen . I fi 5: A PlaYCL for the ngs M~ycfiy OIann ant; nannenw Earner , my? nntgmp, 13mg nfmttign, inn) 0 on) mn’nmn) Bnlefnttlpzmcen, Innn nannmntna flaunt“ nennm nit tint .nm‘nftttfi nnnn saith, man nnnctnp manefizecn Inez: mithbnfannnn- tn nnnnln on: than grattnnn finnzwgfl: Inga mingrhnnlcsmnnm wnlemnnnimwum nnrme nftnnhaln'finmw, athmnamflman magnets» tnn III-III ,-. nan InnIk In tnp’ Ina); ,,_ Inn Inn)- nIe‘ntenanp Inttn‘ nn’nnww gum , man: In) In; new) nun mean-I) mun tn 1:112;an nntnen bin), war be may nnnqm’fl) an!) nnnrcnmn nILnIn ens mien; ann fimflip after thin me In Inn aiming nnzttammmn nun; InIIcItn rm 3:505; nnnnnnnnozn. Amen. : ..,;.. (fl Q A Player {01 the Roynl Fundy .- I ilfiflfi I)a tnfinnntnm nntI nnnsfn, , -- g x . nan); enuntnmnnnrn Ingram . Mfi®¥l WQIIKIIIII, jmégs J’MIEE‘YOI {mg 9. C _ A Form 0f" prayer; an the flow-7 mm; Emma them with th .1101? fill-(tit, enrich them mm, :1)? 393mm; grace, mother them with all happinefe, an‘o ’ . :16!th them to thine ehetlafimg Magnum, with!) 312W QEhgm out 1920. Amen. t S A Ptayerfot the Clergy and 17601116; Amm mm ehertafimg mu, tehu atene ,, {when great marvels, ;- man namnupous um: fitmnpemnn entrance, ante-lletan tea gamma tommitteh to thettehatge, the hea the ' m1 $111M ofthp grate; mm that, they may truth ' preafe thee, pane upon them the tuntinual new: fifth? filming. @zant thief, @1021], fag the ho: aunt-at out annotate anu @eluataue, Elem}: A fibzifh Amen. GIMME,” ant: gemstone than. where am? ‘ - . meats again“ obmnate Qfi‘ennete ate mutt (there, than tettthte 5 but thy @etttee the finite tn em, that hath hearty Beneutante, emu, true faith tumuututhee : We, 1mm! pen-pie nt’thte Lana , nu acknomienge hefnge thee, to the @103», mm mu: ohm fhamemnh tons faith», that never any flatten unnet beaten hebmuge fixheetente emu the Entrances at thy trimmers, mm the @ethuns at out amena: meht; not yet mu wee imp maze {hamefuup a: hate them. Iflhen thou gaheft :15 great, amt tang lazufpettttee; me fen out renames the mu, inaccurat, aunt wanton, any kttkeh agamfl.‘ thee. when thou-theemeit “5 mm hoztm (Eon: manna, tram tnhtth me [am then little {hope of netting; then m the timeet‘t at iDtR-refgt min mettefpafe pet maze agemtt t ee. 'Mheuhh flan-attest Bf emery than habit tttthenotuiggf’easp- ' Fifi-T'tfi‘u , _._.u . A.-- ‘ A Form of‘Prayer. emittem we ,rmmetumen tuft!!!» mam-€102. mic, (t, tape": manomtn yin outfozmer, omens tee framers. flaunt; thy plague-5.11am been fiqee‘upun' us to {1:50, aunngeanml Degrees ; we mu not then (am we auggt) 103k enema man mta meg: ue 0mm: emu theme, nee return ta {Jim t mate as. We went tugaugb fire, an}: Water 5 we were not up that febere 333e- fetpnne matter; from. , out Deere 5 a; merge!)- from um: summing. Eben mbtle them meet fighting-a, oz :25 a mag nut finemteg. ahgaam me mete by out as at home fighting agatnft‘ {1223mm mm againft thee. Remnant weave nu. mngemagtbp to be tallea- either-thy Evans,- a; thy germane; .wbam uettbee tby feaemtlt pgmen, no; tbp meme Ien ta Repentance. at :5 aftbpmeee @eeaes, @1020, that me are not tanmmebs the Emmanuel! untanquerjatti-e valence, that then-bait not: lung fence gmen us meet, as meagnmhie. me than the un- featehabie Begum of the mfimte @mtmefg, ' that me are mu meter the Eifcipu’ne :' We are team-beta hefage thee/meem to we: an we fmattmg 339mg, which me may 1am? feat than new unmea- one: us; befeeebmg thee by we ewe, mm 31 ufluence at tbp mate to makegtbem effectual to our Grumman, mm not to out ®e= fituecmn. 3m- eyettp maker:- oue ngutnfp atone fete-nee}: .5 fimftefl, arm mhmne eat barn-beam tutu-Deep Qatetetetttmt, mtbfiepentauem at: hen tbeuump greet flDfEenee-fi of us- ury et-~ Dante, mm the crying game nftbe tubule mate: an s, Bemn‘ue the ewe, me mm Hemmer; £1: Bert mare Elm-glueuts, 1131}ch me with) fear, hecaufeme mutt gum-y U-efewes. (Harte allow: spentte in tbe pzufemen ef the true Rename, JICJ 1 .1 A Form Of Prayér. 1113111113112 511111 1111111 b11115 115111 1111111115 11111 21111111111125 1111111111111 115-, 111111 111 11 1111111 155111111: 1111:1011 anftfleeable 11111111111111. @0’ 11115 e111: ' 113311111 1111111111 11111211 1111111). dalea‘f11115 1111111111113 aIIIItembflzal, 1111111111111: 1115115115 5111115111 11; { 111111511 1115 61111111115, 13501111111115, 51111 51111151511111) 11115103 111111 e111] 111 151172 1113410111 111 ' tby great 1111111113 tbe finbamemem 111113113111, 111111; 3111111112, 1112 11.112111111111111 1111111: 1111111111113 5111111111 5111111111, 1192111113 1111i] ggefpeuty (If 1111 11311111115, 1111B (5351151110115 of e11 111 were, 11-1111 1111 utber 1115 53511111115115 1 511 111111111111 111111111111 11111- 111 tbe blame, 5110‘ 1111111511 1112 we; 51111101151311115 5:111:11, tby %Im,u111 $11111qu. Amen fl APIaycrof St ChryfoPomc 3 A Mummy @1111, 111110 bait 11111211 115 geace at 11115 1111112 1111111 (me 1111:5153 to make 11111.- 11011111112111 {111151111110115 1111111 tbee, 111111 1111111 11111: 111111, 111511111151 11110 a; tbzee are getbeceII tube: 1:11:21 111 my Meme 3 tbou 111111 grant their re: 5112115, 11111111110111, 5 1111153 11112 1211115 1515 be 111111115 11111111 151151115, 115 may be 111115 eebem— ent fag tbem, 5151111115 115 11111115 111111111 11110111: 15155111 11111 12111113 51111 1111be 11112111 to tame 1112 81181313111113. Amen _ . _ 20111111111314 ‘ Tipemaee of 11111 11.11le 31e1115 1211111111 511111112 11115 111' @115, 1111111112 11110111111111 of tbe 1111119 @353 DE 1131113115 a" enermege. Amen. »- «- 3 / 7 1: I N I S ' , New” _.._1__: A! _ .w.‘ ‘ J 4; if? RARE BX 514? .29 1678 MM 0' m - WWI ELL SPC RRE RARE BX5147.29 1678 I‘ll“ IIIIIIIIIIII 01 0-005923851