T VVOLOOKS :".'m .5 V ' “I 4 .9 . ‘Vi 3 ' . O R, A View of his Holy ‘Taé/e,nan2e,ar1c/t/9in¢g', diifiovcring his ierronious and Popiih Tmets and i Po‘/ztaongrg, AIM under pxjctenice ofdefcndingi the ‘caufe of flgefggién, fliagiciully betraying the truth and i lmcerity thereof‘, A 5 i w A Petition exhibited in all humility to the jucige~w~ menthofthe moflzworthy ‘1)efmderJ aftloc Truth, the Honorable Houfe ofCoMMoNs in PARLI AMENT, ‘ agaiflfhithaiaidfiiwwilmmdfilpccially ; *4 A i 521. Tericté thc1‘ci1i. h i”.zl»;2'}3/‘es hrlidjixyy 1/:20z¢lrlc¢mzz‘. By R. £3 E Y, Minifler of the Gofpell. 1n—..._ \ , ~rw.+-—..w... HDZ}, 3Wij£;myM9n~tfl‘ng;f,1 4'” fibingfnwg/fl¢;:y to W/Iz.i'vz.tti0_3*z : V Hmft ‘i}1h'lt‘//7)e).scg» {mot mrrl tlirrcmvz, nor may 2:? p1'olwz[ mercvlzy, 25 not ta [re r'e;;z¢tr'cz.rf any flfldii, I:/mt it%//aemlci be be1m»e;z as an ./Iliticfe rzfit/;m fiziztrlh, or 12:’ t».’:7r>r4g3;l?t m}z¢i.. fitc or meg‘//Err:_)9*t0j“a[12ati0rJ¢ Arcic.6. 0f"t/né Covzlromtiorz at Lgtmciom, 1 562.. ‘A _ ' A Ag_5’cs24.VcriiE:14.i _ _% s i, _ S0 ’x)*0>/Mil tire‘ (Soil of 11z_yL‘zzt/.;w.s, l2c'[I£3.W{g stilt/.~:zug.$ ‘))~btcf.2 4zi‘ci11~2*1./*tcrz tlm .7.;.a“n» and the ’J?”V0[>/MS. V s A . ii A éh 26. 12.22.. Haring 0l7l«'c1I'71€.’tH.r.7li‘lP6‘ nf’C:'o:v',i Z mztimw 1£?lf0t;9iSfl{c»1)9, ‘n:vzt1ze,iéing lrotlz ta 3 -I /Faun!‘/iazrz:;fgrmt, A éz~,=r2z__.;; none other, 't.i9irzgs clam ‘ tlvofl? ‘nélzzic/:2 it/we Viirap/wt: rim-‘ii ~ i L<>‘1vv0N~ Printed in cheyecrc of Hoipc,164I«. . ...... ‘”' THE HONOVRABTLE. The Ie¢;¢zosae,- « A flmll ewrpmy,'<:9*c:. * ; A 2 ¢a“3\m:"1 kt: in matters Ecclgfiq/lim/I 5 and + gg,gd»on§ly4I%¢api£}1,Writc4r4s, ~ A re, ‘ I , . Ct)‘ _ A ' %%%%%fi%$$$$$fi%%$% The ‘Prefdce far tbchmaderx intel!z;genc’e. A A A SEQ TI 0 LL ‘Of:/Jeyhiléetter to the Vicanofgrantbam. ~ t H ch as the ‘Pre/at; were hmufiedfiflnci migI1‘tiI‘yr.t’titmoyIcd intheit btainos, to itgtfoduce daily iome Imza)zz:Mo%n, or other to {ct up Popc’ry,t and to endeavour a reconcilia- tion to ’1{mze,jt bapned that about the ycere I :5 27.as a.p— peatcéfloiy Talrfejzy. that the Vicar ofGmnt/Mm in the Dioctés ofLir2—— £0 ?1C,b€'iL1g1Et on by fame in 9g,—L1Eh01‘i*EY»,. ;?90.1.I‘c1.5.j{.t9». Ph€Zl‘h»;;1}.)S'1')Y"fOIT1C V ()f‘L4«’14-‘»'ir-V agc1atS;oi“cl{é”by D1“ H€}*li2tI(o11e c3'Frhis.Majc[’tics Chztpi tug) bcgttn to remove the Attozaznzznzzagz Talg/3, and hto ‘plat;ehita”1ta1'fyvifc, J whereupon M’-'— VV/mtlwj an A~Ic1etman,and {time other tow néftllcn oppoféd him, asthavingno law not warrant foto do, and thectili-— tcntion. tthus;beg;t1n),<.gtow~in A hot among,Pc them,it camc at laft bi?-1 fore the t ifhop Wtho,fome»w§at¢ gt: i«.fiedthe ‘1fla5tt¢r~beMrc.¢g tI1ct\jIiE+ A eat and tow11cfinhen‘~,a11dtcaI1ing, -‘ e Vicar‘ ‘afidei ”WashEv“*e”rt+hda‘)td= importune him to declare who*wc1'<:* his«in{"cigators ‘to thofé inn'ho-A vrationswhich (as was concehvcdat he did andithc B ifho caufing thervicax neighbors to {up there th“dtt1ight,d3.itd- ttbavejhpt ulwady ujzon by/aatiyauitatll find if all the Imo@$ I have be «HEW 2{oehz'ht_.;* I ‘ will_;fmdjont;a,/éztitfaFfiianfirt mtg: chit! 330%‘ in all {flog/Z»_[mrttcnlztrsh,t btfira Igocv:/9i:€72.gg.b£taEdcal./Yildhl’1‘2#riMfW*v)2idé?“z2[c’tm',/vswritten to yat:,~t M - A1- % dc1‘m_am’, to/:6eTvtoy.oz4r‘ E8re*t-lymz, a2«221.%/Qmwzores to be delivered to the 6311- ’J>i7ws,0ft[2c z'tn'5'z‘.‘m'e at G K1’-mth:m1, /1515! both the e iftbc fiat/t [?E710f“132m)? %_,"er):arzt:_)fk;z1/ be ;‘t'm{y byflzlwn :1 clot/(fin the morning. l3.tab,p.9,The-EH/bop and“§n1i£§*i§£¢K£fifl*W‘:j9;»fiEUi*ng up t1nt¢~£’c~?of' that: énightyin his Rudy; and his mmty fetch;§ngttm' thetBookcoEMhartyrst_:an=d bortowingfrtm; the PafifliC3liutch;'B.:hm:elsWorks. And in th/E morn ing (as the 8;//tap pro;mi.{'¢:d over night) ~htct’vyecn andt 8. of_‘thc~clotcki.t was deltivc1‘cd IEOthEfL./flr1b’7‘7I1d7Ha..!€tECf‘{é3I]Cd tip; i:t»Thc fbtmc whkzreéfittt you fie; km; Mb; 1?. 1o_.- lA11d.‘£ltt~thc {lime time.» them was tdél'ivcred\=a1f'o by the Sc£'rbtdxv‘H.‘ atfheot ofpmr altofédh uf,to be canfvéyed. ta» the ivincs of I the Lefiute of (Jam:/.mm t.lpt5nt citmaxt meeting,-day, with di-.» 1-eétion from his Stt;?ct~m»,t that if'thcv approved tfthemg, to impart A them to the Victtr, to give him fZ1t3sfa€tion., which they did. Now _ tx:h.%:: true Copy ofthefétnhotes or letter, thoughlncithcm gfubféribed. not fiipfi-%'~: " (3) lT.Wr;*l:.'l7..'fil_:'T:b+;~:«;l (yet, as appetites by the prcmifl’es,'f'anddne contents tl1r:l'col,iud£teLl and Framed by the fl!/716 , though penned b the Sc. €I’€MIj))) 1s exprellecl, 111 Hal) 1 4W6'1>4g.I 2. M ’ . \n..——-- ’ $x2fér. Ili, Oftbe Camlfromtbe Altar.‘ N‘-a11l‘wcvrAco this Letter (which bclikc the Vicar imparted (para flaps ln cxguliz ofh1s%;dcfi{’ci;11g his fbrmcr Im1ovatiox1s,and rel’:- :,A;%ing.g1o‘wW1a.tisfiq:d with tl1i$,) «to him, whq probabflylwlas lnb firfl ix-1c1‘tcx:% to chofé,ph:oc¢cdi1i-gs ; Dr» Mffcgylm, iutirhéfiilfriend of his, 1 U « ‘ I whom thc V__iCz¢V..1}}l_llf.‘f£ylDly r;j1iPcoolrc¥-209 l 11”‘ %.*~1% ‘ gdosl Au? 9% any Pu 1'c1gnea.Vn Ellclmcntk,;1nl‘fla.l1ncd.g1ot a3,th¢ Collgcrs infcnded"it; _“ 0 $fi_lc';El.%. 31? II. ‘T Of the Hal} Table, N‘a;tm_- and Thing, ; l §Hi§ C04} as V l ‘ n . “F ‘ l " " ‘N * ‘ Wu“ ‘ 'nmter,; ut vvxth oy ‘fraud (:1 114 _% Table,Name and T/Jingfallixag flat and he vie upon it, {motile- fed it in it’s ownc fi'noalrrns; t:hc~fi:,'c oi the coal,“ iiitcl ” inclrc modi (;‘altcdl{“Irel,’tl1__9;)l13gl) l;‘1"c>lcl}§,r¢r1é%;;1t"l1‘),\§g‘i'a.t‘1l(“l hwy. 1§:1'ca‘lA'ifig",f"ortheCffidlgcommiug”1i1,bl‘u{’n;ing and‘ pen‘ li girl 11 old V2://atorzeda)1v2el,w3:1i a’RgmWvz2It;:r in the1l‘x'ol1h'l’.O1‘i1lll}'l§“' A likély to meet with Tome sircén wood, which wbulsgétgat :aClln'lit:jnhc A A Vfi eat rfc vlicévjvfi; butthe“ 0l){Ta?9l6 coxnxnm; Iik¢laAA uilfid fplflf.a* g f%ol1l':.<_r,% alike l3:ib*jlo11i21n)1l1ndlcr pretence’ 0 z” tht: llmly : lamdl wee:fue1,wo;:1d dry the green loggsmlcflby_’ifiodErhf&,de?2§‘h§3flmw in as :nluChl’7{§mi//9 heat, liflnot more thzm the Fbhlxacri :1¢?ap% Trash. plainly bv ‘Elli? fublZ:qucnts,m'1cl% l31 yitreake and fee le, when he kindled his Codlto warme it; {'0 his phyliqtie lay aflcepeiiiin aiwarmelnighb-cap; and could not «fuddenly be awaked) when he compofed his Jfntidote, {b that it would ne,,ithetacute his credit, f5.l.ve Alters /bras, {étve to expell the poyihriof hisbpitiion, notiprelirve his repute of lcerhiug, al- though the graced it with his name in publique, thereby bewraying .hivlnlc1fi:‘t0ybc_ti1€«aguIh0t*0f§i1c Coal. A % ; ” -l v 4... 3.1.; c .T..V-.i0f»¢hB.V‘(Wb07' mbe Lem.‘ fmllflolw THat the Bifhopflof Lincolne was the Author of the Letter? ; the Vicar: yofGMnt/W1,’ andbivines of that Lcéhire (thou; h i _ is ?~,,Jh;iy;s -Secretaries pen~might;,let d-yowne the words) iisV.11j1giqii‘__'€fl . by premiflesl in the fi“1.'iiTSfE&1Ol‘l ; it afnfi thathce was lyi‘kevv‘liie*l'the V Author ofthe Holy T4121: iin,deFence the Letter ’a_g,a;in{’ty‘tl1e§oéil A f,-amebeliziltars is not onely probable, About plaiu1yy;lma11if'efl: en’d‘un-' .denyable i_; for although in the 5Title page, and in the liyeenffle he call him in Lincolnefbirc Min;/fer, and Peg. 3.5 a lneighhouriing MM?/fer, employed in _,/lime afitlae maine pa;/jizges, and pig, 1 I _l on; ofthe L¢&u_; y refs of Grantham, {:;,ying(;I¢"VeM71et dccordi“ngly5 and pert:/ed t/ac’fe‘L.et..y » ‘ tcrs,z;9-'c;,) Andp:zg..zI. aiid 114. one ofthe Leéturers that approved; oFth‘eLetter ; yet all this proves himnot at Leéiurer, both becauiif 4 he might purpofely yetfonate another man whom he was not, and . A elf.) (ts) alfo heciufe that by the Fame teaiong wee may gs well thinkehhimt to be a Couutrey Joyner; for hee faith 2 Holy I able pag. 45. I that mm but at poare Com"2trey tloyner, can fat yo:/L“ u}I_ A Table‘, ahd yet here could not be a‘Lci.*t,t\ %'th‘g& 'astfpoken“of himfelfe, which in t~the=Coa:lh ~.l=i3ke‘1~y «irm Le€-tuteth ; his deactetitie inthxt:¢:iiv1h11j,Coommo1mnd Ca .. 4:nt311’i-awéfig» ithe Lord Ktecpetoofficc, Am of P amliaxnejntt, A&s of 1tCotun~ce1l;1?rero%gative Royall, Epifcopallpolicy, andeexperience. A A heo;noI.c5turcr,hjsskit1l pin ti1e—tto1ag;ues =t1tot»»t1fi§2‘zi;lt in a Lecitiultaenrhis Pmmptitude and Ifiar‘ "“?>®ahons,h Ii)sectoesLandDectem,ls,this skill in to *ma‘~ny TE:-verae '1 Ma{Ye—;"bookns; _ A-andi fteqt1é;nt:+sz1}MO'iaF:im1_« of eMa;flE:-mongers, his nototviotns ignorance in tmtderflhanding and applying the Scriptures," as appea.tcs.-. T4mg.t78. upon /1055 6. 2. and his tare quotation of*Scti. ms, the whole Boothe (‘I thinke ) 4:1?&:1tcc'ttFFotding -five *I?:veraFltTez»:ts,au1oh1tg tnanyhundrcds of Jo... filits Ma{fe~bookcs,eo;ehtat;Md othet mgthotsh Etequcnwziluotcd in all which * A T he a Lteéhtret ; but above all this, wee*thav9chihmfE:lteconficihng, I (rmd one confeflion of the party accufed or filfpteétcd, the Law Atgmxs can t V ttakese hold ofi not regarding a hundred denialls) for, faith hee, V ‘ Holy Table,tpg1g. 106. l dame not dc:emzine,~tt;beitn‘g .45 you fay, nqneo «the able!!! Canonzfls .t1n“t:be C/9.um:b offlngland,‘ here he ta'kcs~:thc Wm t am the htlltartimg. 5o.mzd e quoted, Hay 3L’arble,t pag. 54. It hiS~fl11l1.1tC&7.flh1tt tfleylfnot limazkes it, andlinvolmwakes it as fpoken of the writer of the Letter, fofthat it «cannot be dcnyed, but that one man was writer of both; andfihat V whee was» the~'Bi‘{hop tap cares plainly, Holy Tr112Rl¢,:pagz. 58. fayrihng,t T/airflmmpbleter, who a we ate flash this but t»t4=Lijbe1l gain] 4 am. _ Now it is evident »attHeyHn writ the Coal inanfwcttothe Let. ter, and the Writer thereof; therefore the Writer of both Letter V hand*Bookc was»theBifhop:» And if this plaine confcifing tan be fhiflted off with jugling Imrbarakelarent, $uzg.6 adieu Grdmmdrtand Zlaglckg, Mood and Figure 5 a11d"Ma0d~a,n I Doétor~IJoldfn~ort»’v, who (they fay) cotteéte it at the Prcflég and t M»aP¢e1- §8ourn_ wlaoilaad the Mantffcript, and a1f‘Oh1J0uSa)J€:{”theBi{hop ~ of Lincolne himfirlfc, who licenfédand ‘approvedtit for Orthodoxal M Ten eh coo,~and Ivousgweg I‘ and confonant, ea.ndfubf?:rihed‘his N‘zun<~:.», A e £77 .(6) . . . u.,,.,.A. .xq‘U~ mun -v ‘ ' "‘ """"“"'-§ .‘ ’ is B .‘ 5Lgi,wes ldivinci; Holy Zl'2:blve,7pzzg.l 4. :and*fuch ;is» the, ;P%*15tAiiai;liity of Ar _ 0* ‘p ‘I’ I 5;AiAiA:,Ai~r£u.1WmNe tow Te/?W~ A M ’ A "E§auléthc Prclates arcffa fubtilclandblpolitiquei and fo lélfé- \ coinccitcd; and A ( toiiulc ALtn60!m?$ ovvnci wards) doe make their up-w.11eiLAwmrkcsi AA above 1'“ a ,humane, and Jcquall to -the them; than they mal;.:mflkfiFhfiif 0,wuIj1c_ evidence; ‘7m=éikie their ownclaw, and make their owne Aauthorzues and all . out of their owns conceits _; and endeavour. what thcycan, to give a Faire caulk a. fouls face; Holyit 412. pig. 5. "lb that when were i V have that great advantage ;iwhich= '1u/lyiV lpeakes ofiC0n/I_tc’m?em ree- am, the ‘guilcich ‘confcllug. we’:-_: can fcarcc. be fiire” to 321C a knot A upon‘ :1 B ilhop, fox) he Lissa flipperie youth ;‘ has u'1:?l41¢I?- 1'" jfmdolo. . A Qazid cum irzarzifijlci terzebur :9 i‘r1ngulllg&c3jielabitur. Holy }2qg,4¢;j; .i i A When: outhilnke litre an Eclc is tycd : A . A j 'l A - A A IN-Ic-:e’l A ip the flring,,:Aland not abide; ‘1 So that a: wnanAAiiic;amucem lwhaxmw A; I l ‘Q ~ °°%;~i59.,§r9Vi‘d§a _ ~giv¢ Eli-1‘8ffl&;'l3O1i_‘CO-Ali)'h‘éutiCv£l.l”OOmpfll§l@i) izivvho, H A A_[m-4.m;gat_/ilyz mm, 22zl2.tl 710”-4}’l'0gt1fiMll‘71li5I pa‘,_,«g..g, l A A Lljlis native laWeshe*w7i1‘lhdcnyu:A 7% ii A A"ThéPrqlats~powcrtoidci6r. * A M I l‘jA11dAbcclaL1IE=4iif isiv polfibleA is; P relate * may fptopofiimflb hltnfitlhe Afome pcevith; wrangling; vvafpilh humour of his dwne, in Read ~'oFa Can‘onA; H91} “M17/6’, Mg. 65. andlthcrcfiarc no EccIefial‘cic.a1~l Judge whatlbever+_Ais guide hizn'léllTe hy his owns: lérnlé, pug. 65. although thxsPrc-zlatc would havelns cpL1rtcousReadcrs, A (the more countreypcople) to ’i"waIlowman-yaGudgco11, with- out! iotmuch as champit_‘_1go%r chewing Q11 in, Hoh’1"ab[e,g24g.145, I ha‘vie1:herefore prrqpolcci ~bcforcih1s.¥enets, to avoy.d;,cavill_a- tions,%andAPircla*tical‘l cv;1fionAs; tl”lt‘€e‘-rAL1lC'S.,*a11d oné ucoinpaflcg .which;.it:iwtl1ey _wc_1fc;‘ um'incA;ownc,« buciinlg realbnable, F ii ;wer.c'as -great rcalon thi1siiPrleAlates»O 11110113 d+nclFe11ctsfl_1‘ould be ruled and -fijtlaféd by thein‘; as t at floyligz and "others {lmuld be re-~ gulaEed'by) and‘ com “a d 1c‘1li11 his rules 'and,comp_all”c: But A becaulé Iwoulcll dca e with all rcaifilin and Vinccg1;itieA ; the three ‘Rules than be no1ic:,u.ibut,ihis i0Wm=:,(Ailwhich in reafbn hcc ca;q-=_i h notforllhzzmc deny. And the co111palTcalliaill be his owne;M'a».. ,, at his conlizcrationghe iisbound to kccpe withingmd to obey. tropolitzmes, which by all Prelaticall Laweis, and his owncl (Daith 1 Thu < n V A The R9193 are ltln-fir. . «T hatlwhlieih is ‘ in wtitin bcfbrc ow Aeycs; is the more in‘ Diifautant indeed to be Wrxgle Aand"vvteRed, but robe cakenas it ” _,is {ét dow‘ne;baly.Atab,p4gg2.‘ A ‘ Ill. That weeds flmuldbe telten, at/34 Tr:-Wmti,”f'ot' ufe mat -¢cu{’comc is the bell E_x fitor, both 0 lawes and words. If of “ all lavves and words,:’*‘.t: Al An ‘eo€afllof"the'words oftheéawes. f»,'a[y tab.1mg. 54- V A A A ~ l be éouclu " I 11. That “wee mun talcehecd or quilletsand diPtiI1t3.'io1gs_;~that may bring us gyacke againc to the old errout‘, refbrmedltt in ‘the! 1 A The Comprgfle 2'1 tbix, Y t lTl1at the%Ch1'n?chl offlnglmd grouzudedher lpofitive_Al‘rtfcles up, on the Scripture anc%llher negative doe refute there where the thitg I It , V‘; ‘ I, r . O ‘ I 1' V Qwm l Aaflirmedb met’ A 5 A V , fl, , lby*,Sc;r*;,%_c Alduifit but a’ll~’lP’f6tel’cantsl agree moi’: truly,and mo. Peron lly in this; that t tlae Scripture isfigfficient tofxlvation, and contzzines in it‘): lying: nercflfziy to it : The Fathers arep aine, the Schoole--men not Pcrangers in it ldiielyg e and have not we rcafbn then,to account it as it isnzhc Fou1]d;1tjonrof' A our f’f3_jA.t‘h z;.L¢£¢¢1j;:g&3[dpig;¢¢faA“C0nfl‘fc’l1§l{. A1 .mtmI2,1. _ M ?NnteAthat the Wejteroftchetlltitgcteree the Vicar of rmtbany and the VVr'1te;’o*€ “Hgly ‘TaW¢‘, tdelfence of the Letter, _lat_ettboth ‘one-‘ l°exi~f'on;and mat‘ one the B ilhop of Lincoln, as xt appears in the ‘.Prl:fi1£.¢'. A 2 ll A ‘PA” V ”I«lim'0lm*I Tww- i M "I. That the ‘Writer of the Lettendptla both approve in the Vim,’ and imitate in hisowne pméticeg * the fotmes and"cc1:emoniesol~' ~‘Chappel£ and Catlmedrals, /Joly M17-fag. 8 2. he teene and heard 0 ~ . A I T; iflatlthe Wrlitet conceiveth the Cotiamunien Tabletoflefifl Altafwjle, i. (in the place wherethe Altat'“floo’c1i) to be decent ntuatxon when it 15 not 1'1f'ed”; and for t e too, where the Qgire is mounted ufgby "Pteps,an%d open, "fo as 11 that ofl'1'ciat¢s,fimay alltheC ngr t’ \,~£~ ytdb.» }.I4H93." 0 «eega M A P I 1 I. Tim h ~1TIoae,;‘:hchWriter oftheI;ctter faith cltatcly, thee likcsthat. ' Fafhiqn at %_ it, arfdtfoA ufcth it himfélfg 19o~t45.1?ag.T 98. tzo‘-V; ‘ ~ to be To (Altarwifé) 3 I Am 1. "him, d1e—WAficet wotildmot have blamed A:ct:e;z/W, (Qgiers . draw our argunzents .TaB1e,pag.7$+h_ 7 % (3 ). II I}. T194}:-A it was wqlldonc, that the Vicar of GWNWM did grc... fidcm: himielfe with theform_es.Jin istMajAcPcies Cha}i‘pc1l,t an the ofCathé:dra1I Churches; Theft: things (I t e Writer of the Letter) doe my felfc allow. a11d.pra&ifi:, bolyftab. pig. 1;. AIta*r-wife fituation of the holy Tables. hcc allowes ‘f t _ R _ l.inro[lneJ"owntA ’R_ulE.. hf- ‘I794: every ‘word bath that operation in conftruftian cfliim, 5 tl2zzt‘!1a'é‘may from t/aewords, ax; fromfo mm} topic& places, “Holy” Confideratiom upon-rthe Tenets,wrtbj to be fcgardéd.‘ If Vpb}¢':b2f5ur&2jfi+fltTciie‘ts. A M j 1; W7oetlxf. it ‘nagu tnotabzk anvne authority. over the Vicar, who profit.- med to alter; tine; Tablet Wboyg , bis ttle412e,_t and‘ to?wne~c4:5/;‘ct.¢nd :3 d ' . _ % % ‘M _, E N _ rt’ 1! ». againfl: Hefliu, nvlaah prolaakediaim in ~prin£, tbatuthegfitf/:t9p.;g1AtnM1n€ci rather than Woe Caz; e of C/ari/l, or his Clamrclv, or trué.,C‘Q.'I1:gton, ‘whereas I ‘ ‘ bee, not oncly /7ae1iaest imfilfi-hdrbddwsftbay, Botb;%injud‘gement. amlpraffiice, Jud fiuratbet: lac. ,. Sub aljot ytefdsfiafily; more than tbchythdur " raqqnret , trayesfibm defind3tb¢.car4fi-'.» A ~ X 5-. Table in his Lorfhips Cthc.Bifhop0f Lmcolnes) rivqte Chaéwpcll, A placed, and figrnifhed wit Plate; an Or-- narnents,ab9\;etAany he: ever had iccne, in this Kingdomc, the: A ppell Royall onel cxcepteda 1901)’ idblefd .12. onfid. I», W/act er other ‘B1/72,0 sfcangxzlgiy be Atazxed hzitlalnno- yationgaml Iaejjmred, nabereasit 4}2peare5,tb£zt éexceederl them all, t V.'I'.‘. Ti2z§t,h tcg calL ghct Table) impitofer’ iehfe, you holy ta le,[Jdg. 14x. - A _ _ A Confidgx, V(1}bether_I-Ieylintcauhlgl cleftre any more, but to’ call 113/?) cmwiyndhnby though mctapborimlbt whereby tbegeaple nohablekto dylinguzj/mt iigbj cufiome, would t4IZg*it12r‘op'erly. t t V. t A V..,T79¥it,. the I/ticzzr hf ‘GV4"¢793;5lA obférhvchachl t(ti§~%Vheé’ fttid»)“that they hA~ltéu:_, in ametaphotirall and - now the Lett:er“ every where allow, I he had in a q}1otati0hfi6m‘tl‘lC Fathers; or a dilisou rfe in the Puta- pit‘, named 1: an Altar, in a Borrowed Iiinlfie 1901)’ W7; %_4g.1;.. _ Confid. 1 . Whether ‘fizfhop Williams cl;/Zzke any t mg m the (De... filer and V tear, hut onelj their nyaazt of ' skillto exeuflz; their words, hyfiying ehey meant it metaphoriiwlly - whereas thee alltmves them more, then they due/E defzre, the ?u4vit where hhe people texpeft them tejfegzke, "tmly, plain; (yjandproperly. e « V h t V: 2,, Whether hee defended the true daffrine, who egflords them the Pale.“ pit, or mther his owne authority, \ A A V II I. That, throttghtzut all the Dtioces, (the*‘Wr-ietet o£- the e Booke) live _in (which is Lincolm) being no 1111311 part ofthe Ir‘no, Raliles, anal; Ba”rricacloes,8tc.* pug. -136. A e _ _ _ t - . A ,Confid.t ~11. Whether the Bfihop did either d_I/like’ or to%refi;;:m¢V lie, nahetmsxhis«awne}2ra5£ieee4nd"ex4mple, 112entt.be)londal'lothert." ; . W ~ fore": I X. Thatthe Ctoal; i. (Doétor Heylthn) doth ‘Faint a~Téne"t to be nadintained, which is oppofed in all the Letter, that the Commugm nion”Tables {houlcl not fiand,or be placed towards the EaPc,wher.... as the writer of the letter is but too much for it, not allowing thq 0rdin§.gfy91t%eP¢i@m*05 ‘*~ A ~~ Suartmgt Waézfitdase Stmbo be- , 3,1 .23 l at it migh be étheifé the building doth require it; ha. tab. peg 0. A Confid. 1 . W heeher heebe not morefiepez;/minus eheh Heylhinhfilrheree A as hee cenfijfith himjelfe to exceed the flrehpapzfis themjelbes. fly 1 eta X.“ That‘ the writer of the letter, (head hee eny ground givett A him by his Majefliles Lawes totume him about)» feemes unto met!” >(“ he writer oftlle 'Hob)" table) fillly as forward‘, anti fame more able to dcferid old eCeremen1es then you (Do<9to.r"Heylm) ate,’ holy 1] Pa ble, ~ . t \| V Conlhd. 1.” Whether doth theeengt confi/jelhzise hehrtfto he as“-load as Heylins,andto dtjtre tq eaeceed him, heedur/lflr the Lame. W T . * A 7efox,dnd~Conjbnent.to”the Church lo% en ch¢l‘t¢p;avel+;ic1rcie of‘ X I. That the writer Aofhthehlettclr doth cite, and “apptdve, ‘the’ ApCpc:ll?_t(i‘on o$$;ongSe1‘vife, he,'taIf.p21g,f J L 0 6 A om . 1; et er T atA elationo econ Serbiceye “rt 0.. fP§n’gland,er; rather to the My]?-hoakc. X "I I. That, the writer of. the letter‘“doth" cotnmeml, allow tttld % pm€ti1E bowing at the'Namc ofllsefies, ‘Holy table’; Peg. 2,1 3. oo. he 2 — X III. That » T '5‘ Ufltflus . -\‘ 3,1 Adarzcing, ms atbaraforela: AHem1'm1l e.fi’Janatg'/kc, to’l'l9ell.excl;4;{é;l, WW3?‘ the A ;HX'lV 1?3lf2m§Ai$f'£hcr}:~bb}an5’1~l.« 9 " ‘ ncr ofcouttefies for C A10 )‘ ‘ .§7.“1‘Tl“AlYV‘=DMlll\¢hld mtllprdéme. A A ll M 2:1 lT’l7/W/5'32!‘ Briflmp W5*iAlliamsA~lais rewgfim nizi/Z prq/rib¢’l"1l'{l¢l§gll§lz&~4;y! fizorjiérip Jflfldowé; IV“ G@flfifl§’AgLaWg5}~Qr 7 V ‘“ ‘ J‘g‘A«.b9p§A .,l ‘ ‘ .4 m _, r ScI:iptur«es.- ‘~;, r ' g-~ A5 fa_rClhrilh;aiflneir lblrl mac; I ofthis Churclm,/90.1415. pa , 99 g .A . AA f lAclonfid.Al A: :4:/mm 4v14vAitloaA mafia e;~mo‘A;lwn; .)4p‘tkle €oowmipn.Iabl¢, ., ma Z2e¢9ogrrAA22‘2ar2.+z‘r£§»¢;l;¢Ies ml .@¥1lW‘.¢‘f"*5.3‘ a . )‘ 3‘Il: . ‘r A :; A ms-ax What/M“; C/ainyié mag/£9 .’2£~?baa17§u1%»ed 1&9 4&4 Qdmrsg‘ ldtzcéhzs Thor/72113118 Mmned ilk?-,AA‘W1r1.:gxou eM2mAAAdm¢ingm¢ Wfmg ; 5:5-* 3. PF%etberlt£>W;~tI2at)l51ll not 1201): to the tafile, I2ec414f?:l,l3a;a27¢_e2a_ ‘(W m C/91611‘/9, ‘ "u ‘Ill * , A . '. é. l ‘‘',,l* ‘:7’ .3” é . W/5et/oer nmze are true Cbri/bans, or Clalldrcn f tlozlv C/numb; ex- % wept they’l2v»lC;2nm2z:qg:{ltizflg/790;/27 W1ll1an1S',l?¥5lCfil¢fl44?~ = X V~‘I_ ‘TM it is‘ not enc>ugl1A_tQA9li&fi5Ila CanpmAinl1;hg~m3«t£cr, if we obey it ngc lil€c.Wil'c.:in tl1c;rg1a.g111‘1_¢r. ;A:»nor mmalm a cm1r«;zfic,A if ‘A it“b'e not a lowly courtfie, 1101' lo ne1‘the1‘; unlcflE 1t be: as hcrtofore l ?lm:hAbeenc ;£c:cL1l’mmeAd. l9a'.,t4é.*}2f . ‘A A . "<§A1‘?91-'“ ‘ 7' 34 7; A A Col1l;iAcl;, I .q_I7V/vet/oer Treldtzm,/I bljfioqrg/14526 nQtfl?1={(WI!l9 dfififi: $I’j€f’]:"‘l- -A " ; Q A 2.“ 6’- X L.‘ T/5% ?mn£‘la.ccumtév1mqkll lowly. 211.13 hkggw Y ‘ . . 7 »'1monl..it1A his ho,_ly’..Sacr4m_mts ‘ thts later , althoughthc Cemcm dg:h%11o;a]1owZy,ec.7 A llmapmlhmny” mcams . {hall rmzvér ilicxwvin. wnyrfllalcndaxl dgfl-Ii: u‘:llilillrenA«* A I A firqfone, awdfii‘ *(11)w ¢«‘;_‘D‘V/9atl7¢cr‘ it 087i/r9opricIgc“11riIl% not flrbc /91'; tawny,na;g;30u;j“/U0”; up women in a_/"qugrc Cap,:ai1r{ i’u0t6 mloe than needs, I M X“ 1-1» Th4‘ fi{:¢;°"P.“°"‘”1”"'t““-"*0 °Y‘V*d0Mli0113» are there (iii the Rl1bt'iC1f§S pf the Gregke Lycuggics) required A no be made, and de¢e’nt»l«3w;4 thinkc,» before the M :01)’ T435163 but no mention at all in anyof thote Rubric-ks of ..j&vma.s-1$p”mv,% of the~AItar,in2 any good; or aliuhénticallcopy, pag. 193. V ” ‘Confid: I .% FV£7etk ¢r» dfwflrfikadoxr and“ judtoiom '13relateI,& t1o:¢:‘ t4/)14ln{c3, y. * tbreaiorirgww%‘té¢=Tab*1AefA%m%W Emu Grcckelwg/]2*.‘. bow to‘ be decent, _ *to.%t/aa%=%Cl2aml'2 gFEn.gJmul. ~ -% = J. Awbaalaéx aufifiqgvticdll aoym. H V X Y II}; Emdtihto colqmga-6 (Vt<%::ywit_ the %fdurthVc{)1uq11ic" »(’&§$"noea51:i&zs:f and. d@bauehe\d:‘~p¢o Ie)« imhc d:ip:y’cks, or two- ”~1¢avéd-—tablekvwcomtncxxwrzuionre Vtheideadg‘ to be read in time of %& high "Maflfbgbl c~ouM‘me willing. A A, érted,promifing.that if ever I heard“ ( _ _ A if ehevflhurch M approve thereof; th»is»railingV ofior‘. might be in thofc‘: diptychs read it} the time ofthe Communion at the lady tabla, %S§“Ws1a1aisi Axcanw-x~a»«+wu” ¢ . {A %a1~! nE npmfl *cf‘6tje§:«w1*x1‘eie- 111 my dcvoti6ns»'Fromi faying thereurfto a ’»‘e.Ml>.P4_g.zg4.A V ~ " O V Confid.I. Whether §‘W77'fgEWillia1ns coulziyet be n.zzu'ng,;f/ the czma hgland/hould approve t‘ dmé an timé qfAbigb M«1j]?3 read at the mwezmz 4I;tar1‘vife.t 2;» A-vwbmm Ive rtfbl1zad_to.kw[7e_ bi5.~pr'om*if“a when has jvéali 25;‘//20;, ,tr;f:l%eArqcr;;ila£4I';%Iily to at/9 Mg;/fctsatt e/fltar. A ‘ ”; WA ’ _ §é7be‘¢ n _e‘» 94% loin§je_lfée1_aer myzdet/9e4 ?ope md 7? Ac I¢»dtes]'0fi'ee and Ioeargy 4 fframifl. ° /actlaer Iaeevtloinlég this to be ortbMa_;c1n . ‘ ai/two *1?!’ c»b~rvb%v,FBns1and-t¢ ; X1 X; T/Szzfthc fame"um:c1mri&*V1e&;%c1sm ?xpo{7c:1c§uFcfi,Yqnd 1 the Fathers delivered the Lbrds Supper in, is“Lnevc_r ‘taken 1 diwcious Divi.ncs,in mecrc M&'thc1n;uica1’l and ind1v1fiblr.jpo1nEof cxaflneflé ;,~buc in a mofialsl co1iFor1ni1:ie,¢ Whith will adxn~1Ii“bfa;. :.zb/epqg. 1 sq,” ~ ConGd."1~; Wafiahberfii/}70}7 VV;i’IIi$a$.ms rI0e:t:J;:in¢Eg:, tZ7nt:jiudiL*fjm% Bi.-3 aaines doe not takg tkefbrme timt: %Cbr?n/I: left dn’mim'/lmtion of £1.20 Comx. . mzmiazz to Ice .11/Iatizemwtically 1e%x:4E£% dgd perfi’ffi,' » Zmf tlmt.wC/arijlzs‘ forggg .Kn” L. ; % % ‘ - ” 1i11,,S‘he1Ford,‘ 11ock1*%i‘r}gfon, or Laud’ ' r1oft;‘r%im.>, and cor;/Ymamt ivaé-u wgoaxupfi- [mm vgiaa ‘ i T 4 h , <- é ,, . I at ¢Grcfe&e A/fa/fr‘5, frzblad u}’0n~°tZe7'Fdt19e2'5, A are good "’"'W""’9‘»'* % %¢*%wMh¢;V.EifiA endwall} yet 4 retfi to have tables of commemoratim cftbe ¢ =1- A A titude, and rcc*eive% fi*mn$ ‘timdta c[1m.4d‘egMe¥s~ o%fpe~vf?:é‘tioaa'4:mha/’y ‘ ‘M, ‘ ‘ (I2) to ‘the ./fpo/tles didA fa mlnzit of a latitude, that the Apt Wles might mend Chri/ts forme ; the A Father: mend the Jipoflles, the fight smend the “ Fathers", Qzjhop Wxlliams memls the ?a}Ii/is, 4ndHcylin mendstfhzjhop h Wil1iams;, that jbgtlm;:.sg‘erenetthat:Ghr"t'/t left runperfeft, admitting 4A.latt.. tude, may atle/t be perfivlitm < 4 he A re A , . ‘ A A ‘J. Ag, Whether doth notlréthers-finne erantet in his owne hraine edmittr oflq letitzetle, and wentjbme confhrmttj ta the ifbtmethat Chrifl left. A r ; 3. Whether doth hee not ignorant’lyj}>eake:hee knows not nvhat 5 that the 4 fiorme that Chrzjl‘ left nailledrnit of 4 tttutle and degrees 0 e peIfe£ti;a_n__,: and ~ ing 4 little tmflzr, hee remnes tleeme counter to whet he and hefivre, and tan. therefore in the next page 1 5 1.«hisfi'con:l thoughts hein etter, 'an3dgro’w.. A V fates hirnfelfé, and faith, not the fbrme that Chrl/1 Aft, hut the~,eSer1alee. hooky: agreeehlenefle to Gaels Word, or Chri/ts fbrme there exprqt, admits of degrees ofpcrjhftion, ‘which is more agreeable to the truth. X X. Thet,therc ihsejufi that“difl’¢rcnee.lbetweenc the fl:1cwl-lblrcad A and»—the bod of'Chrifi in the Sacrament, as them Aisrbetwecne the wcerns of future things, and the things thcmfclvcs pre gutc fhadow an the body, the reprcfencation and the verig , theéfigit A Y thofe pattcr‘ns,’H0ly tah._Pd,g.I25.- ~ V _ AA Confid. 1, Whether this doe not imply areallprcfenee. e e L I . Becan[e heefizith not bet'R{€6t§ethejhe)1:-hreakl and the hotly of hhri ehjblutely, at his body in the Sacrament, as he /hould flay, hetweenet jhewghreed andthe fitcmmentall bread, M I AA A ‘;’.f -2. {B66419/Ffitflflteakff ff the had): of Chr11ftandthetSdtratneht,s.as efane onely 1'.ndg'/tine?‘ thin , an wering to the ]he'w—hreadAA: ‘whereas they aretwo ‘ jelzerall, things, '4 cannot he one, hut onely hy ea resell prtjénee and tram--V fieh/lentiatione ; A A AA A» ‘ e A V» A V ” V g.; 93:64-tje the Saerement it/Elfe, as well as the fhen:..hread, is the fheclo‘w, the repre/Entzztion," the [patterne - and the hotly of Chrtfl.' is the e,hazly,l the verity, the thing it fifé: end’ therefbre the jhem;-hrentl mufi needs he either at V reprcfintattérz of 4 erejzrejhntatitnralone, ‘or qfthehody ah/blflutely, hath which are contrary to the worrls, or qf hath had)» and jsaerezment, as oneeehing lay rteallwpre/hnee Whhieh ts to hethefen e of l«‘lJ€31107’llS'A..;7 and jb-it irnfzltes a reallltprefimce, amen it‘/ieemas in the A14. he . A refet ers, einrlfqme as aneientres _'[cmm¢far Moftheirjtenets; X X ‘I. ?Thdt For our ekneclingfhin thcChurch of Englefldfl at 5111' . .-receiving oi’ this blcffed Sacrament : now he mufi have a knee ofa n:c21%rnel«l, "and hcarfpfoakc that will not bow himlélfé, and after the _ A manner Tenet, __e A» AA M . e Whether-the Pexpijlsthem elves clee, not A peetenel , the authority of the 1' geflure : Holy tzzh. p. >3 A C 1v3«)’ _ . manner of adoration and worfhin nwfay‘ /fmm, has‘S-.- Cyril f cakes - bib pathctical1_a ayer and thank(P_iving made by tbc’MirFi(’cer ax: to. God in hxs ehalfc. dg. I§s.’ cc I 3 2. * Q , V Confid. 1. Whether a 1 men are camels and oaks, hm/is, and hfoehg elm; 'm'll.nat how and malgerhadaration (not to Chrtfi, but) to the A/Imifie;-5 P,.’,,3.,,.° XXII. That here in England this tworie hconclufion of h 5’: d r r h ‘A - e ‘ 3 IEJQ Aofis to e1}e to E1’. at t 1:3. Cottunurilxorlx; 1s.more_to be feared‘ ’ oar) the-:_op 9 ets.c§18:t } yt'g1:g1t§,Wro ragrfiofthcxrcoufinilnp 2‘§a§?e?31‘dcei¥c?é%e.e dhhé §»a;“,:3‘“ “‘ "" ° W ‘° 1*“ Confid, 1. Wfheeherrthis Orthodox -were doe qMdR§;’fbrf‘ez1rc’le[tPggPl¢ fie as the Communion, izznafyet confeflé hzmfelfe that the /ipglles ufeda table , , ' .n 2- f ‘ ' r ~ . \ r»»2,.W7hetherVtheBi 901?: hold their Miter: in tenure afa Se,rbiee..hool(_e,r th4£»they wélle~1%*.enrd c{ie:in»,defefl€5 91° the pme. v ; A4 A X X I I I. That it was‘ Well done by the rcfbrmedh Chutdh in ’?e1-emf, firfl by monitions. in the yeerchl 57 3. and then bysanfhons, in thgycerc ‘I 58 "ne inufiafit, that the ufuall receiving of the Com- mumon in tlxofe .p32lTtS.. fl.16u1d.."‘nOt- be by . fitting round about th¢-. tab1e£jmg;, 13 3.13 7;. M _ Confidmt.’Wh9?hé*h"h'$*fb9PW111iim3hW4§ P??? v Cotmcellor Poland, to know alltheir circurn,/1411695. ‘whether they didm I or ill, A 2. Whether he have ground in Scripture to prove that they did \1:ell,thAt' did either direftly a cent the in/httution, or again/E. their'o'M2e-ronfiterzces 1' , qreingfiveake ctmfciences in a thing at the me but inrltjferent. _ “ Whether they did “well to gee beyon Rome it jelfe, which asthis eythop can /jaw, did me abfoheely condemne thisaCeremony e°fitIin;e, Holy t4hle;p.= 17-»; gr: A A A ' A ’ XX IV] T hat it hath beene alwaycs, as the praétice, fo the ~ e doéttine of thisuliingdomes that both i1‘l:"CV€t‘]' part, andrin t e whole, Lawes doenot make Kings, but Kings L-awes, which they" alter and change from time? to time, as they fee occafion, {Ir-'g;g1~. e ‘ X X V3 Thdt the Kings of Englahcl have a pbwer from God him-4 e fé1f¢:',no‘t:- only to make laws, but to altet'and- change laws fmm A time tQ;time,* for the eopd of tbemfelves and their fubjcfis, ho. tab: r p. 4; ” Confid.» 1.. Whether 1:: he not manzfh im the holynhlet, thatihejheahcgs this qfiehe A Ifiaggs power, to make and change_%la'1beseahjhlz:teb.‘n:ieheut ex... fr-ejsingin or wuh thefl’arliament. .. , b i “ A v ’ 9;. ~VVhethe1*~ 4 '( L4. )} 4 A . llg_l»llwoooo bee obizalger or mofiozjoz oil: foropoundedlby?tIooloI(ln‘g+ . gllloolpaflo tlvoo zlppor and lower ofioofi-, or wot the Qfiagall jzomr dzfolum A N H is as ,4 zofifciazt ofit ‘elfo to .mo@ and, change“ Loam, llorollltloot lb: {mgr .),i[g,;{g‘c5' of the How ox being woocfliorily room’/ztlo to pg/ling Bil: boo lencrolzolavlzofio upon the lffiogoll joowor Jung Divine, or myfiwrong the _/uproone = .3, Wlooml do: love tbink; mo/t be judgelwoot i:;goodfor tloermindw ;tbotr,:SuI2jofz‘ls.l ‘ l I A V _A boo ltloinkeo the /owsfnouralvlé Him org‘; Commomrlmajlgwtl jzglly take tlmjfia things‘ -into feriolts covyidergtion, -tilzougbjf ‘dare not meddle not/2 /'o flout 4 Trcla:e.~ l l V o l '; XX V _I_‘Tkdtlthe power in matters Bgélefiafilcall is fuch a Fag.‘- fimple, as was veiled in none but God hxtnielfe bcfbrc it cameollby ' his,‘ and his‘onely donation) to be vcfiied, in the King : and being veiled in the King, it cannot by a_ny power whatlbevcr (no? not by his owns) be dcvefled from hxm, /90.toI2. p. 2 . J Confid. I . W"/aotlaer dot}: he think; that tloofarlioonent 541% nofrohigr . at all in matters Ecol ‘Icy/Zioallfl abut that the fimo power am inxtbe in l al3_/olutoly .bcforo_ ztlao ~_l?orlimnont* model lfbo Sfdtute of primo Eliz:q,b.” ox it '11vaMfjtw',"as lbivsrl‘ }‘omaer‘317ord.r foam: to Afl1r7ne~:;y%‘?g1t?’fiId2$,ll3)§/ootneezlonl l 't/Dd; or any /{fl to be pa éd, but an arbitrary gomrmnmt, if mm all; n things, yet ' no l(’r_t/Z’ in :1! mottm"E'cclo1o/licall, which is the onely de... lo ' M l Mot tkey fire oftbo Welotes, ‘M9e1'eEy by ‘WW5 W4 lry5W4tidn.f;_no4y doé 2.4% mother doll: mm»; A alery the IQ: '~£217ngfclfi"_i‘0_l b.£negawé;ll¢o}“». '13:]? his V [Emma and locire lin“1:ort,'l-‘lor in" 'sl:iolo,< £9t':‘« pa-’mr,l ff be {Jag/I-, :w_/omo] in 5 how dontyaml as'David‘l‘dia{, A. 3 , VP door riot/9 not this tenet" rlcrzyotbe‘ I(ings.po’1‘vorVto I2; delvglled o . . f;-om /59,; to I91’; qfflcm for execution of his Lzmzos, floing it tjes A . upon 121': onmg porfimg that it flames to alt-*_ny_ foim rm to “Wt/am l 4, .'VW3eo/9eo"clotl:1rot»ltIolsolenly =tI:o [(221 to bow yahoo to’ of gmrligmmz in matters Ecol:/Lyliooll Eoraxg/fin fitcéi £6253: tho] in oobhgvs ‘l loim ol/ii to that Low ; or Moot/oer dot/2 not this team lnullflk alljiaci Laws,“ ip ofaéloo _.,if the Ifjngs power connoflay be ale-mg/loo! fiom him, “X X‘ V T/Mt:,tl1c Kings Declaration is fheréforcl ln 4 A --tcr calollsd a%lihfdf)5g0)!'€7'7’l}fl£’nl'. ‘ ” X X V I I I. That the Kings Majefiicltnay command a greater matter of this nature, than that thoholy Table fhould be placed where the Altar Hood, and be railed about for the great deccncie, and that although the Statute ofprtmo Eli {, had never beans in re; rtmz mttem, peg. 3 2 . A .ConGd. 1. Whether the Prelates have not ahzzayespee/i1~ae1cdthat the greatg/I azfilzires of Chitrch and State might be memnaged emcl pet-fbrmeal,‘ not orzely by meere commands without, but contrary to t/1&5: cg" '?arlmment. 2. Whether B ifhop Williams doe not from cl/Zenrhcre that mile; and V Alta?‘-‘natfle fvlacizgg are direftly contrary to Ldntcx and rift: of‘2’4r.. lictment, . 3. Whether a jhhjeft is not guilty of l2efatM‘2;jefiatIs, that by 29.; tetfy hetmves the Kings judgement into the numzfeyt breach of the dfims ’ng1nnd,~gH {’E1‘,bLe£;e24g.2¢6.tAAA : A’ A o A A 4 to A A ACon{id-_5hIo., élhheiifeifh floehflbf infimdte, that 5} new o’t'reE‘liem the flhhhops m“d)ftz‘oflE thetotelerstauthorgfid h_y 'P4rIz'omenAt. A * A A \ 2. V V hethei ht tlouht hon: fizrre orders, gremzdeel on 7~’orlizzment, mo} hiwgdg, ttztrlyet af]‘[rnze in the next Tenet, that the Convocation mokgth /Alrong an trzdhz 1C:z7'2on_s, h * ~ « ' 1 h h h ‘ . . AA t t ~ 3; VV e¢;;,,t‘itAhetAnot tmrlenyohly mzmiflf/t here, that theAow;{iter the . Letter to tht'ViCar{dhd the n:ArA~1ter0_f the Holg Table, are-hothA.ens~ man, Ahecazt/Z’ thzzfi: words of the Aahle/I Cononifls in the h %.cttc‘r.,m1z{ /72 it is tttloine the are hoth one man eaml Hp ~yiT2;bI¢, 1723. 5 8 , ' A tfoith.ethzs T’omAt> letermv. «.e)f5,:Lct6-1:62)} manwbe P9}fWd'd9d.i71~bi$ awnefminde, 4 ix-xx‘ rx. That B1dm.iam"ei.no elder khan Cdvln and mam Gonfid. 1;." (#9) o ‘ Confid. 1'. Wleetléer CA:A1l'vit1 rim! AB 623. were aeoldwze Sa2'nf“PActcr;wbAa “ was czljé am Elder, I Pens. I. V 2. Whether tbefififflvops-trmfbteeltée fi‘tA'l2ll£“'f’l1lfl.’5.'fiA}7r’50 my/zmd ergp. ' E) ter ant Elilen. V X’ L. AT7aat.a* fingle Pricl}, qwwtdlk, ‘in that‘fo‘rAmaloity andcdpza clitic oncly?aslllhee is a Pricll, hath no key given him by God or -l to open the doores (3? any extcr11alljnril'd'i&idn : Holy we-47;‘ . ‘ A ‘ . Con 1d. 1 ,.l Wlaefker ‘.31/770p VViIIiam§“l7a'l5e kpowne any double fPr1'e/ls except one double dealing Trifle/E, who promgfed the QDuQe to marry his mmm, and egot"e‘ll~’1‘3‘i/iaopitkgzgl meming maeél to fix} the 932;;-/},. 2, reflriefl halve nemtmegebee’ power 45* bee an e feelbooalileecon . ~Bw9.”4S*il2"~’*P‘edct-~ A A A AA A A ’ » “ ' ’ g. Wll»:tl9er beeilver knew“ §°rie Atbdt 'n:d»5l1iciAj‘LrjWDedean; md*n»9e« tber bee lofeeb Idisfveezeonjlfizpl inletd in €PA2*ieflAbead5 and risen wbydétll not A4 ell his ‘1”Ai'iefl*boac{“ 45 'n~ell‘l'tnl tizkin .a“$lj7:o}>ric@. « oolidlbe made ltBAe ‘ A eeber bee 11>ifl‘laAol’cl‘ the l l eme tibn in cafe 4 £Blj79op and‘-4 Wrilylj/7014121’: 5e‘Fe.t)9 one. A f P0 l A AXE ~ ma flee h>Aerli:§L€‘;‘A&>2ifA§l”lole5§+le‘{gvillmfilw feralpmiemw; in = the Conflziencc of his Pariflmioners, and? a kg given“ him upon his» inflitucion to enter into it. But bee hatlfno fbro cazgfi: in meddling ~wjth*Eccl¢fia(’c';ca1lcaufcs, unlclle hee bor- rovg akéy from his Ordmary, 1201} T able, peg. 7.3. V 4 V - X L I I." Tlmt although ‘tl"iAE}"b€ thee films k , yet one of-them‘ wxll not open all thoféo Waxds,thc Confi Rory o outward :-jurifcli&i- Gfi'A'B_Eing.iAflOE"tO bc"opct1cd?by“aAkcy"aIonc, but (‘as you 1nay* obfervc onfillory without in » in;:Btnc"grcat mcnse gates) e “by” a key an all Rafe,‘ wllichetl’1ey'eufl1wl« T lyfall‘ a&Croficr, /70[yA'I’aArEle, peg.“ 7;: ‘l V e ~ . .Confid,A1;' VV/’9et}yert‘l9er£ be-‘any need to eye the Reyes ef~_Clmf£ to A jfnaeso flbr flare of lojmg téem in earners, a;«tbe- Igeyesl qf.‘ greurmmse gem e um be e ” lo ‘ V o , M g N l_ i. W79Aetl9er Clirll/l'f5rgt)!*“”tb‘;g1‘15eetl9eCrqfler flézfleu with the (eyes, 4711 ‘fiadnteelllfli/770 Vvilliamsl-Ito put l9”im’in*11zin:le;l,;$ lldee;/3113/9, p.-35, * efjxlfonfa A ‘mi e, M9017!}:/Zvbemotz/lyhivf//5‘il%b*l§21’15‘e‘Deena area; A at etheA ereaelon o, thei warm, to. b4vegutlbim.i1z 2e2ir’z:Ie_.e_f' tbiijgs‘ W Better; 4 g;~Wbetber tlaisjlefie doefirwéll the Q‘) 75079; 4773 3l’””“l'”“ ’7’AA"' A A 3.5% ~ W o A wally: 3 P *- eloreg :zsLia’t/hopm 6 , M . g ,( c A .. A V _;j% 4. I?zd we 44., e. ewpm Mihgheeig i, XL IeV~1‘Wisaeainfle-gthehpzéatiéxieailqfansz;1u;c:¢,.ch,a:£r;c ‘ hee eanféyféeh the1>eeton;_muy~doe thzs, amelyeete thew h the ‘1'>eaee725‘/>o*>1aer was ever Icy]? than the {P;~ie/ls, M. ' A — L “ 4 ' XL V3. That it was the Déaéo.n G/vhofé powc; our Archdcacbns A V hm(‘2o); A ~. meal!) upmzh4l1*'tho eworrls, for zjether r/ethit notp;%o£1er'ly;h211/mz ayeizetv grezztfer i;2c‘lm:’c*5 t/3.9 /{I/]é__% 3,. T_/‘V/aatlfif Bifhop Wil!iaznsttAc?t;f2:[]£r 22:0} /'s"6*{'t°.,' that /1'; cl2:.1mw;;_;- pcmvcr ztnot/23> 1711:1229 z'1k_g!;v.¢, lzzwlzy co:/gzzmz t/at 99zj9ap,m;1 I“,/;—,»r;j».;:,'_~ on of time; _ “ "A ’ X L V I2 Tim: the Citrate is 'D\‘1CCOt~'P1’€fii‘1]C to the Otdinztty, ztnd“ to admontiih the ofh*:ndct_,t and that-tn 171v:tt<~: oncly, _/Mg. 1 79. C01'1fi(_{.‘1. V Vbet/.r2er t/we *Wet'ate5 prize and cohc*toufizzj]&*doc n0tr£[).. ‘ "pt‘:t:'zrw19£’rL’!)z; t}mt' they ‘tw!Ij?ztg,§/*t’r t/as tCunz£'e to u’oe1“z'zoh’9zi?zg, and yet '11:!” ‘ procmi t:"3€:"i7’l‘/t’[1JL’5 ttdpérz /215 pm:/e2zt2r1.rmt. % A . _ 2,, Vflfaetber tbqy doe: no; the ’D'z1>tll- gre:ztj”er1>ice, Man to €0I2£'(:‘z;[e and Abzcltégrq/jg andpubltgmefinrzesg; M t t ‘ V 1 X L VTI. -Tgwt f"x‘ot:1*tl1ct time :l1étt.thcQ5Lpofiles ap'1>oit1t:2d tf1e* . ' fitl-‘t Deacons to out ptcfént Atchdmcons, (inwhofiz toFficc~the A anticnt power of the Deac_onst% is united andvcottcentted) incum-~~ “ bents have beensefiexcluded from meddling with the utcmfils ofthc Church or ornaments of the Altar 2! Holy Table, Mg. 79. , : , w .~. . .. ' v V. « , . ‘gatb migt A A A t P‘ 01‘“9;’0Wt '4 W&5t i6;*‘t2.tt 137:4: Betdttfl the A dpov/tlcsfwerc nattizzble to prezzc/3. the W owl, anrédlflb to prawzic fiyr, and dif- .rfiof’tlae m.1intenm1ccjof all the pa31ter‘of nnmyt Nations, {not/.2’1Tm:»e’s mzd Gerzttles, fine Cimrcb r!az[;p 1nc2‘ca[¢ng from three to five tbou amls, zzmifiom five to vzmzy tivouflmdsz €~K'g0_~fl5P¢Vl/I7 ?rie/1‘ na/so mg)» tell 2: [bis par;//:'z‘o}zen t ‘ in)zr’z‘4fi‘trri?)mze, 112:9» npt nzed{Ilc{ n~1'tl_a tf7eCt)7t3mg¢ni0n.TttB7c, and Claurc/3 ‘t utmfzlls. 2, M P‘9"B‘tt7§tMBetx*17t:t#’Ioz3:zij%"oa::‘la =orndméntsfiotn tbé tirrze £194: ttkefljttylllls‘ appoirztleglttbe (Deacons. X L V II I. That, fo fatrc werqf the Antiénts {tom makinga. Parifl) P riefl; at PticI* ritite and M.i'hifi€f_ ofthcDcacot1,:l7obvTable,‘pAg. 79.4 r v A t ~Confid.. I; W etberttlm fltztzenttqwere not :4»: fIn'Wfi*am* vmafiinga‘ $2/bop afliclzlivr in;?arliAmr2zt:;1:t A 2 A A A t (F . L 2 2 ,j Wéetber Ivefidey 2*/Em ..tb.m 1%‘d1n€tqf‘{13lCi§'/2'5, ‘M7111 have V 220} ° A’ flat trzavncy tq}‘fi'cc and [lower of flmcons, dud ‘ffifaalvet allflact jzawerfl I ‘ L A At % 1;».'og.~V ~~ ‘W-7- %‘(£é}.h% IS , 591'/hop'WuiI1ia.1ns for '-Wdlll pf good memory denies to the Trig/ls, and iws to the Giegcom‘. " l l l whether this he not a lbmme riddle mdeed”l1{;e, J3 , W"hc-.£hez-A the *Priefls make meacons, analfleamns make Trig/ls, and Mater me genzait, gum mlcm max gignilur ex me. A X L I X. That in old time, as one obiérvcs, tfiey were not borne . but made hriflians, made by long and wearifomc Reps and de- grass; and forced to creep: on with time and Lcafurc to the bofomc _ . of thc_Chnrch, /mg.*11.7; Confid. 1 . Whether thzs olcl tinzelnvas fa dd as the /{pa/Hes time, when there mare cammtsd and bapttggcl three thotg/Exncl an 4 day, rather farlthcir » .‘fi¢1th, than for t.hcz'rlong /laps and time, 2, Whether Jh;-E/lzans are made by long figps and nzmrf/amt, rather then by their new irth andfhith. ‘ 3, Whether unbelievers may not hy time anclhlefa/Eure come to the ho- : flame of the» Clhmvch, rmrl true llzclicwrs he lg? t oilt l or along time. ,4, llWl2cthcr this doey not flwour [Ina aptlfmc}, ~ L. That the children of this Church be tholé in the writers - Pcilc that will give care xo the vzoyc and Cm‘-was of this Cbux.ch’,: «thachildren of this Commonwealth are fuel! as obgy tbcwhol- '{€ame‘Lawcs and reifilemcnt of this,.Stax;c and Kimgdcmzur. Buthbalé {yco haxxtsfihchatlfleig t the. Canons ofthcir Bilhws» and undgrtakc tom htlxehlnciglomentof their Plrinclvzs, thou flat- ltery to prey upon cichcr,are, as~=:hc* writer uhiirx ;, no true nhildtcn Vol’ the one or the other: Holy tab. pag.v191. . ~ Corlfid. 1; {Whether an arc to the (famous of Wfhaps rathcrlthen an hear 1! to believe the Go] [31, doth make mac Chilzlren ofthis Church. 2. Whether allarc a5(&/ycojvhanzr, and no true chtldrcn of the Church, ‘I‘ thatjlclght the Canons ofthezr Bl/hops. | * |V , 3. Whether do: an)! hapehy flattery to prey uyon Church or Clmmon. W49’-lb" more than .‘3g'/hhff. l % "I. I. 1794; the izrregular ‘forwmdneflh of die POOPl¢i< (imaking 1‘ down: Almxs in King Edmrldthc fixlth daycskhe wréaser ofchc Leb- ter doth no mate approve of then 'I+(£h¢ wtiterloflthc Hal} Table) »do¢o_Fyour ifiialcling m thislbrt for mb1c~almar~s. upon pnetcnce of thc_ pxety of the times, and tuning ' before the dccla,-ration of your i;PrfmGc.aI1d chmchicfé Govcxnaumlhofthc-Cvhutch, Holy ’.lgh{:,p.188.. (23) A it 1“Corifid. or. w'bc2Ler.a’o:bweawim offthe £eftc:’.rlf/Ezjflbroiw af—peo;éIcs]or.* '31-artfazcjl E: to tgrzlje zmirre 25’/t:z;'.$ in i'g’i-nag Edwards lzmebgr we nmtgr ¢f'.pke..]g0_[) ta Me apprtnze qf"the,/13721Iiiiarzs,/lricklihgfbr.table 4/tarrgfbr one it muff needs im [yf ‘ 5; , ‘Eff/hether did fyhop Williaths expefé or ad)»;/6 4 dcclanztzan If the 'J(i72‘.g and ,Ch71'6_’/‘E’ Goiiernours af the Churchfl4chpuz(pojEs.e , : A 1 :3 . Whetherk dizinat 99yh.Wi111ams izt~threc_[é1aera!/“[2l4ce5;viz.tmet 34. gig. ‘ /dim’ in this 5.1 , {:1} :2 foumlzxtionfor the item; C-4220225 elf" ihcla/lcon170ca~tio2e E W . i GeneralltNotesi. 1. Ha)» ‘well hecdciféndedtthe ccmjiz afffielrgzazz. ‘ i e A’ Now, letany indifierentman judge (that doth; well weigh t~hefe tea nets, and the authorrs whence he proves them) whether hee deifendthei cauié of Religion (as he by the title pretends) when as in all things for it 4 matter ofId'olatrous worlhip and bowing; for innovations, for Pare-» lets powenover other Minifiers For making new Canons and Dec1a« i rations 5 for forcing} obedience to them ;» for lhbtilel policiesto introv (luce common and gteqtient new trappella tion§, by metaphoricall excug» % lesfor teachinglthemr to load all t their innovating trumpcries upon the Kings power and prerogatives it is maniFe{’t§that hee yeelds more than the others did demand ;~hee tells them that which they did not under»- Pcand 3 he teachesi them" the wa to effcéizuate their defignes 5 hee laypa thtf Plot for Sheir lfi‘lh.'lin'fc, you dc:/E‘r'1:€ but a ftmple feagyou dr.e-but‘1tel2u7zgfe1*, riz7zz1_/‘Z'z._!b[7c*r it up lifieta bafe Coa1;_you animal, I tell ‘tbee , the Kings‘ power in nomzttcrs Eccltfuzfliczz/Z cannot by my po112er11~lmt- foweza, no , not by Isis omze, be dew Zed’ ffom loim 3A }*ou:j]2em(.e. may} a'e- ro mforily to. his Mojzjiies rig/at cm prerogative, that that Smtucg of 1, Et¢gg:I7.7was- a confitmative ofrhe 016 Law; A it “ms but declarative, and .21! hfwla do.clzmzz'i,m2x._ (For “the. good of the I"reIates, ‘and upholding the miterhs) mire to left for ever; ht:/9:23: are no [analyst gozords, to jorlae 4 tmme‘ onmvo, and fo expire gfor then Bifl1ops- were undone) and-therefore: Mafia: Coal I/7211]/‘_)Jeol(, Moot 2‘/oe. Ifiirzgs Afajtfly ‘may commaizd a~g1'eator matter t/Mn t1Mt- the table //JOMM fiend 11~lm*o zoo. A./Iltarflood, and be mi/ed about (what thtoug-h the Statute confirtinihgl the Service-bo_oke be flata ainfl it) thee-t1na«y4:%doc=tthisg aéfid more, tbougio tI9e?Stzztute of .71:-"' mo E ig. lma’~nc)3'er‘beeno made; F‘or.5topl.2e2tz Gardiner; an honcfi Eyre oétté, who bu'med‘u»p‘ the puritancs, whom weeABifhopst mayehhaliowv itad‘ hielieye, fixith, that by their collingteo «lfing Hém’yVthe‘ eighth, “the'h_cad‘ of the Church (4 title oFChriPc, 50’. I.g7thei1:* will washvto expteflh A clearetly the power pctta,ini11gut,and fits him iupcrerogatorily : Mucgnmt /‘icely (finch he) that 172 ‘the Scrif>tz§zzi-6,42-24’ the zmcicnt Pat/ac;-s,,3m:.* doe nzcct Ilrixb not 0539]} t‘/.7q/»Z’fi’3)9 3»/.>z'lc/5. l}l0:liH'6’EI{[,07<11»£%-7,. but 4 .0‘7'6‘rzt' man ‘ :)l.2»71l07:€’ duties am! mrmcs 5194344273 ufiazl/yterizxc/I lzke‘njzj} rfl/0)byW0pg ()1:/:')((,5.)l01;5fb}‘c'.g0ll' to azllforj '5 . Zkiéat alltiocfc i7I2'j7/*"0LI.7er./)' ca//ed_/?zm'/ices, are not oizcly /}z‘m,=2.f ggpivitb t/9en:edz’.. taztzmz, but mmay tI'77lL’5’/‘0l1771£’qd71fA[]€7_’/Z‘ engmdc;-ed 5-,. the fl,’-,.,,g lope,-4¢j0;; of g/)1’; 51¢:/jijd fizcmmem‘. i Nay,» ye: Further, in contemjzlatian qfzzlltlacfiffelciallgraccx ‘ .4 f:fZ7"6’/1l)l.I‘l1f'1l77'§71 €g/.’»t‘,’1‘T,Z 9‘:t£r_/5;£t"léSfbV izgfaiges of Eucbdrz/l, im [not rm, i) mam ex ea! aizy owrard 'Ex_I71‘t_’/?£07‘1’ reverence dml iulémzjyfion to tlaefaumfcri "ft/.’<»z.=f'&.zj , lrbzc/9 I Yvzll notqvprolvc of} cxnd Inrirzg the ancient Fathers along with meta doc 44 nzzicb, 17. 108. andfo havin fizrniihed Hcylm with many {is- gc1‘,iLfi ccs andm,01*e altars; foinc ihalféia. 1% orgat leaf}. lligcqncludics * N03! ‘ 3%/;,{gy ;;,j;{2 yozzrj*fcZfé, nalpetlzer imaierc fitter to" make] fof the .6’ laltxzrsw ' ;3‘ory0z4;‘5 ggiojzer '#4€V?fi‘€0l5,,l 4715 7245*? 5211}/Jtfie Gfeekg ',4znr11lL¢tiniF;l;tbn'5«ta 417.. fi_/,1t{t{_y0;z'/K0,;‘tlbe fame; raitlalerft/ban to rely 14 l nfiwe nziraclelof '4 lgaod ‘nwaflge in ;}mlrl_., ‘ orfome poore‘dre5mze pftlsacyiehtyi qft“ ‘eiltimes, I20. ml}. [7, my. xo3.l 112» And pow bythefét févv i11lPca_l;1§:es, 8.11“1_C.>l_‘1‘ many othierslwhich mi 121: be alledgcd, it will appcérciitcb any’ rationall man what: in‘a.n11¢r of C am. pions For theitruth the Prclaccs arcindccrd ; {Ea that I may Well conclude with his ownc /ialwl? man as {the Fox hath mam £Ii~Ck$_: b“‘ *1“ °€lS‘3*'h°§B¢. eu -r3 géyal, though but one, i yet a. great em‘, to Wit?-dfi .013 himIE_:lfc towards a. combat ,-, IE2 that his adverfa. ry {hall havcnothing but Iglcklcs to fight againl’: : fo .Hcy1in, 5796/ftlrdu, and his old Che. laiinc We ’1Ingto7z had many tricks, like Foxes, to nibble at P096130 but i”‘“”l”"i» like {Ian U rchin (for £6" hcc compares B ilhop X01761) had but one trickc,'_'but.:tl1at was 9. great one, yet not to IE1: his a_d.. verfiry. thg: {harp to. fight agalnfia, but ito. lccld up into his hands. TOW" ‘~'E'“lt€/1‘t“_7fi:* [3-11 the whole controvcrfic, an ‘more than J all too; (0 that it was not Rcliglionior the true wprfhip of God, that ha -dgfg[‘1dgd.. D9 V 4 : No_tc. , . Jefuits) aed therefore (fiith he) there‘ WTI? film’ Wit/is ¢;, wee: met hec azadefm/,l t : But tliough he would not fpeake a word For the Truth, arid true Re-at A ligion; though he be content to intaile Jefuiticall bowing and holy» table-c_ringing,upon his poflerity ;:though he will unca-lendar his chil... dren from the Church that “will nothow ,6 V’ though hee yeelclunto the“ D’oc‘?tor that the King“ may doe any thing, with or without a Parlia- ment ; that the inferiours “areto obey all things and yet be a_pproved oft God, that the table‘ maybe chztn ed to an altat,in altar-wife fituation, {o it be not fixed to the wall _; an an altar in zfhpellation, {B it be meta-t phorically excufed ;, and an altar in adoration, To they pretend to 110- ,4 nour hlim,and)ool----»--v ‘ I ,1 »«~—»-. .........m ...................... .....Wll,.ymm..........,......,,....,.....lu.....‘. ........l.-.. - e . ; V 2. " V lfllytu rgle, as if’it: were all ‘Gofiaell, alchgul b all? ‘be as unlike SQ-,I41ne:,as yBil{l‘1‘:>p‘T{‘Viy/7izw15.:_mn hopéfi Miuiller; for we may remembmthat«rl1crc- i"nythey_ pray j?i‘0itt«.'!’§'«ul 13»: mamzflcrm dégugzt, for xhofg who live i ,1 Mom... Reties, which prayer lure hewill not lay S. ldiiltlcofnpoféd; afgamc,e.5c fiich, cmrxznérnaratgonenz agarmas benca/zfhe momime nojlrae anams mei. agefg-mpg; birgi11i5M41*ice,'lct us make comemoration of our lbleffed Lady the mother o‘fG_l_od,:mdla. erpetuall virgin :L1ga.»ine,ic calls the fécrament mcruentum A fIr_c2*j,¥zcimzz, ab loodllefle fir: rifice, and l31ith,dimit‘tc fpiritumfmzffg‘/J’1mum,s«£7 zjf/zlcftfi buncyarzém car:/ms’ Frnffum C/9ri/li¢u”L{énd down thy holy fipitilr, that ‘it. may make this breadhthewholy body of thy Ch rilhand agalinqme... ménto fflommc /Zmffamm pat;-'um,frdtm7n we t’j?dl€0j90mm,bc mindfi1llO Lord of ou r holy f.31thers,Fri‘ers 8: Bifhops, M4rtyr*z?,€0nfl'fl5r5i,d0550?3,Martyrs, Coxufeflors 8; Doc°cors,fl1:e Maria gmtiaplena,hail Mar ful ofgrac?e,5cc.: And moreovenit calls the altar flgperczrle/le,menta[e,(g» jpyiritale altm-cfizmn, his more that) heavenly, mentall and -lbiritall altar. N ow, if Bifhop T/'f~’i.»’lt}.zm5 have the brow toy doe lt, lct him lily all this ma.lrc_i8 S. Iamcs hisdv oplethim fay (which 1731/57 mm‘ honeflly confelletlx he Cannot) which pm ofjt was made by S.l3mI¢’S,and yetin an E-nglilh booke,w‘hichi~bo”th learned grad L;11.Iearned are :9 reade; he quotes it twice or»chricc,aslSaiml 1zzn'1c5"hifs L yturgyxe; pot denym ,~ nar {la much IQ gwmg the leaf’: hint of ~ s quePcioln‘ing the ~‘anti‘qifi‘ty an” authority‘ ” A*nbtherlaFhis¥\Ma1Tcs;,e .. « which likevvife he uotes at leafi thrxce,as in 50.345.11.11: 75.2I4.and 2 31, is no worfe a mans t1tS¢7’¢W5,and_this ainanlwouldllthink were good Gofpel indeed; for par 5. ln :1 qucflxon of our fcrvrcc he quotes in fay... ing,9I Ovillynocundclnza * tfomakce " lod'lS.‘?6Wr5lLytu ism infhclfiiyduldl imply,tha‘t he could do imnclyet 1t'y\2Vaslpfi1blil’l1¢d’ by is popifh coufin Ifi/'i1lizm2I.im1'zzn B ifhop ofGAtmt, and Jfwec“ will take it upon the houcfl: word of the Te two B ifh ops, Lindzm and Lirzcolrre, wee mufi not doubt but that S.’).°eter himfclfd och pmy,pro prztrc (gepatriarc/24 noflro 'benc{mndo,N.fbr £'Our‘ reverend fEttl1er§8_c patriarchfxcha one: and again, gttberrmre dignarc omnes t¢.-rrzzrumfim.-5 H134 czmzferiao trio przfia ev*pa+’trizzrc/94 rzbfm N. mag; mlfiw «:1-;}*imlz:_,{3,'n0, vouch{:1fe*t“o govcme all r e ends ofthe earth,‘ to ether with thy fervant the Pop€,and hour triarch,N. and me a mlliléra. le and un--A worthy (inner, rive .7l»1l1TI'dIgf'tZIld 12/yc’W,FC9"v.haiI Mary Fu1l1oFgra.ce,&c.Nlay . which is yctlmore fport,wc:e finde in this_MalTe Saint flier revercncing ~ his own: long-dead memory, as memormm wneranteslvmorum flpo/lolo~ mm; 9?’c’t;'i,’17’az4li,flndreae, lacolzz,Ioarznigflvome, Tbtlfppi,§?artbo[o7mei,M2ittImi, Sinzrmis, T laaddwi, Lint’, C/cti, Clemmztis, Xi/Ii, fiorneili, Cy rimzi, Laurentii, lC>’J2j)fl)‘g072i,Iocznrzzls, (94 !Pauli, Cofime C9‘ '?’>rtnzimzi,(y+lon¢niu1n anfforum tuorum, gytwrrmzllzztc’/'£c]5’tmzL' r{9'1‘.m£qibIt5 concede mi in ommlms ma ‘ rbteflione mzmiatmur, revcrcL1.c i.ng_z, the memory ofthc blcfledApoflIcsfi’€ter,@aul,/Iindre»=,]im;zes ~ ‘ am, I (29) Io}5n;T5om¢s,’1°/92711;»,;17E.zm5ofi;mew,Mitzi:/aengflifizoiaHT724;[,q’g;,¢ fxm, ([g§m~ C]-3;, , ,A W - a ..V- -1‘ ‘\ ,., l , J" “M: e‘ U” _> t ' ment,.2£§/lus,e(,ofr2c~lm.5,Qfl2;fzczvt.,Z.zat¢1 encc,L /.719] agomlafm and 9:» W1) Cqgms 3 nd . 5m:’f7’?: ~s1t11lc]l_ot all thy S’¢l1l’1lfS,» fortwhofc anterceliion and pra§rers,l grant the nha mgs we 1'1J;1%11y' be gtiarcled by thy p~1’o'tc&1.0‘I1. See now when-t- : L a’. \ 13 1%“ C be H0: C’t6’Y5'_, of {jug Ljncglng twangs: nay’ hcreis Ptill; 4IT1OI€,lfilCh,7?0£7lSP£’£T12i6)’ibl£fa portionem 4/iqmnn jbcictramzz 1‘”z§?’2‘fit§7“’”l5 ‘“’”;/;‘”“m */5’/Z'7"’[*"’5 ‘“5‘—‘, 6'9‘ mmtyrabws, cum Iommc, Stqnladrzb, M453 aeofiaernalza, Ignatto, ./Ilcxcmdro, Zmwelllrzo, ‘fetro, Felitit4te,’1’erpetuiz, E ./1,-g4fibd,£!l£M',A7g_Tl8tE,C€(Il[ifZ,17?2d_/1’t1/id;$dI'[7flI‘tl,:1«f/lll?l(1,(9‘£‘_ Vouceh-fafe to gig/‘c A linners. &c'.1ome portion and fcllovvfhip with thy holy Apollles and V 1iI}I~!3.‘wilth I0/9n,b'tep}aen,Mézttbe11=;«iiam¢ba>5,Ignzztiuo‘, .r1lex.4nder,2\4}:rct1Iz_ ~ cteigfeiicitas, .l?BVj.7€fMW,/2£g'dtbd,LflCic1_,/fgflC’5, Cicely, /l'7'Id/lzt/5}, '§3¢;~Im;-,2} 1"“, ‘ lmnmwc. Nxovfi, let-Luicolne. ‘ifhethave the face, fay that thié is all 8. .’Pem'5 ‘ v0W1‘1€rI- YtUI':g1e.:Aetl1i1rd of his Ma{I'es;andi which is not once lliptuin by ehancesbut quotedat.‘ leafi tv'vice,as 17. 1:75.85 zoo . and this he calls Saint .. Lyt~urgieor fetvicc-hootkc,and yet he hat notthc ihoncfly to tell us~(as the‘_Papilts ingen uoully doc) that editai a Cardinale Sirleto /242% l.9t{jt£57'20m1?2E Ly.turgt'a gméezfzzm, chm: is a certaine Lyturgic under Saint i.MWl:?5i1amc, ietlbrth by Cardinal Sir/ft. And hetejmx omnitlms is reite- r9;t:ed.at_lca(’t’ nine orten times ; and S. Jlzfarfi, ifwee may believe Lirx... Wlt1¢’aen1oyr1es them to A we f71f0lj.\Rfg€,i.rlD4£Jdi(9‘.E‘pi/.§0_[70, for the,King; the P~DP¢l'and thcfiilhop sank .2gall1C,,)h€ mentions Izmir’/?zmz¢m Ponwtiflcem . Ifllflmiililf/Zimtlm epy/E0pz'%',the moi“: bl7ell7ed17ope,the moPc reverend Bifhop, flldzlptaycs forall Bifhops, Priefis; Deacons, Tub..Deacons, Readers, _1ngin~ -men and Layman, and he calls the Altar, .SzmEz‘um coelcjleey‘ ra- mmzlaa tiareigtlie holy heavenly and reafonablt: altar, flnC‘lBl‘ljOy_11CS,t,‘O " 3? ‘fitlr 4:hei*Cityal51yi11§;£{‘otefk, A *6‘ his owne“ woxds, we never queltion 2 ‘ what?-Lliqbolne {ayes : and’eagaihe;the Deacon reads the D iptychs orholy 'I='ables"~tc~ontaining a catalogue of the dead, and the Priefi bowing prayestfij;-ic{1¢m; flying, Horum omniumt zmimabus'don.2 rcc1uite2h,clo1ni:z_:ztor' M ' FJ)omme;FDem one/2er,gi,ve rel’: O“ Lord God our governour, to the foulcs‘ of i e{a,11:heflj$; ia11d~aggine,t anmzabus atrunztzrfratruan no/lromm dam: reqztzem ' memor wmiarum no/lrorumfzdtriarc 2¢ru2n,’ft’7"0 ploetarum,flpq/Z0larzm1,7nar{yrmz¢, ' “ ”ConfEy]lE>-mm, Eéflbporum, d7l5fil'it£fll',£'9‘L‘.' t’9‘fEznEilz pamls fl0fl»2‘i‘Ma:}‘£i, flpecfla- 15.. £9‘ Eztaxxgcltj :9 5* and give tel’: to the loules ofour Fathers anclbrethren, ‘remembting our forelathets, the Patriarchs, Prophets. Apoftles, Mar» tyrs, CownFefl“ors, Bilhops, Saints; juflc men, &-.c. and O11tl1Ol*§f§.'3tl1:’£_fV* Saint zkvrlazkg’, the Apofile and Et.1an5_=;eliPt.&c. Novwall theft: mm: needs '52: Saint xWc1I'R§’$_ words ~_; for, Lizzcolmzs a’i.*ci1‘t, whofiz words are all i ET.‘-,(}l‘l"9f1'2Lti:Z‘3‘3.ff5. zoo) monfimrioiis,and therefore never dilirufi him, but take at it all advert» ‘ * tures. His lotirth Mafle is Saint flmbro. e’Lytu're;ie, Mg. 275. which he faith (and you may believe liiin) all_t e world (not an old horte ex- i.cep_ted) knowes to be very ancient, tis wonder he derives not~i'rs pedi- pg e_e ( 11-k€_Ep.1l~C0p3._CY) from /idem ; but he laith enough, and we rntifl: ,ta‘i , C1: rgic»-!‘I‘}:m in Evzglzzazd xamorptlman l_1ce, and though neither he . nor any ofhis ever di<_i tneeon pamcular, ‘any wron %, to ex. . a{i)cya:ct11t‘c ag:g'mPch1pn, and though /IA m1ghtr_athcr ave pc—- . ticioned (%i11%rc1;7eo"t of pcrfimall m;.u_ries and W{ufl7crin%%sof'or' at good caufé) agait1{’c,onc oF_.Crmt6’1fbt4r¢6$ ChapIai~ncs, w o.hea.. fily affliéfccd mg-:-c in thcunxverfitgc, the cau£c»vy«hcrcof'he cpuld not declare, unlcffc it were For not cringingj; toithco altar, or . againfi Lomfons OFficcrs,% who h3._V_C iDilU7iOl.1fly,.VV1'OI'lg€d meg V I of'\1ny1iv'u'1ga_ unto whicl} ¥v\{_as cntittiled by oordinationgnyeg difgeflixng mu}: ownc 1I1J,u_¥=1.¢$ 3 I [have oratherbecorheoo humble fixpplxcant ;oth¢ Honourable Court; ofParIia1ncutin behalfé of the cru_th~and dofirine of Chrilhbcféechoing them to dcfiénd V both it and me: 3 and if any man make audoubt :§;::::;%:?;i?o‘;i:;*:£:dz§::5:,?? ““°““>' <3‘ “““V°“°““ “~%‘==> ‘Tm’ Nicene Creed er Faitbwas fbimdto be 4 trhe F4i)E by the T}u:},; an o _ and plzzine nflimonics ofb'oIy Sm‘ ‘tare : Confiam-,‘, _ E '3, ‘ad Ecclcfl Alcxand. Socrat. hiP:.li. . I,cap.6 V :2 .o ~, I u ‘ J wooFoIA;N IS. ' u ‘ , , M , ea, ..” + Errata. V A A GE11tIe Roadér; to we titubationé, corroéf thcfé errorijwitl; H A an, Igeforc you re :2 the Bookc :_ in ram; bookcs f'orfl»l.; 8;. is {ét c owns 47for'fi._q. there is 5. forfb. 12. them’ is 8. forfi;,1¢g_ V there _is 9; andforfbla 5. there is none at all. In tenet 2.2.For]«'.1g . there: 15 I C). In tenet 2;. F0!‘ I 36. féc 133. there $133,136. In t c I9.t€m’t, ..onfid. 3 . for fécond thou ohtgtherc is counter~thoughts,. if"a_x1y other Faults appcarefil défiri: thy Chriflianochavity. is H A s I ..‘ '4: 1 3 ;.. A * M ‘ .4" , 11 M D “V V x I ,‘