0'3 1rre11g1oL1sCav1ls, ()h}ectmns';,, ‘»"&7h1mi:r::.<:, Deimim-aA~; WW6 both in Pref: andlm/1p:';: h€f*e1fla£iS£:1&()fily refL1te:§,§@§:§“ ‘ ha RIEFLY VINDICATEDQ» % V A N D V ‘H Ciearly demonfirated by Scripture armi o~3g§§, ther Autlloritiea, to be 9. G R AC 12 ~Bs GE T T M G 3 ;5S%. SOHL-CONVERT INC; , (as Well as CO11fir11’13IV1£{W, Om: INANCE5 agzunfiz all falfc, vain: _., a.b1"11rg*;,w“"W Qfszhpié Nwma//zfly, who have lau-zly conrm;rJic£"U:ci in -av (Q06 rezorrcdaditfipated. A $6 3)’ W11liamv4Pry1111c of Swainfvvick Efqzaireg, Bémiyer of"Lim:01ns Inna. V‘ W h V C % .1» ms 1 Cora. I O. I 6. TIM Carp ofélejfizvg w/aic/3 we l3!:f.r, :1: it :2atté6 Communion of the Blond of Chrifi E‘ The 7?;-¢é;;d£A z-micls we firm/(,9 Mr: naufJ¢Comn1:1zaion at the: Eady ox‘;-%‘ L "W a . “@3§:_.1n:m .> % C-‘E b Symzdus Sancxnmfis :1 52°. wpmilsmr. Bncmellxwnn, <« ="i==""» % J’ ’" (_’~,¢./[5,g'./w2,;g v ' % %_Dwcr¢;.%Erc,.;e”g. “'14.”. M» .. /. 2. 1:. I . c. :'g4.Hp. 153%, Q1115 MW 3 % ‘ ‘ :7;:r2dA z‘m:vz g-:v,x7%<=:‘*’"'.;'%‘.-r‘.,5 l*£ffl‘i'M0?::!M S:;r*zpN!¢m: mm1p;.~;,»§,;gg~m» _2,- (j,,»; [ix ‘ ND *'~""3?§ M». gévyifiifi 1%2:5;-(l%.s‘%§Z%.3M2*:'I3A £7-:43 £7r:’9*:7£i°£U.(:':"?:?;’/2'».‘.-.€~;% ;::.5!W::$‘ C():‘z‘1i?n‘i\_”1;j;,‘§,g;,;;_g t .31"? G ; ‘r ‘ %‘D§§*Em W30 .L“3~‘%*t*t«“°?§.1i%"*:-*-”=‘ V ‘l1”§.‘'4i «' -*" 7* % (7"*'./2+~=»*.r "»~*-We I ‘*4 rs‘ "’“~ % h ..‘.‘ t: ‘It .gi.‘.;L..Tv.'h-.4» 3 I» ‘P ‘a I aw ho“d-‘L4 6 aw in» J if:a?“' Q6 ,~':!°¢’!£ yfimzimri!'2‘7m .S'a,vc>u;;r.a2a9ar;r»2"7sw Cmmzcxazvn cefmfarwz. ‘’ _ “ V$.>"“§' "5 ‘Wm %L0N1>oN:. V % ’ Em: Gr::‘»eh%.:M“m»r, 165.8% . wjw‘ (‘ MD M ‘£34 :1 M-. V . mm?» A w 5%‘: V ”fW‘§W“g£“ ** Sm» ,3 11 Wt‘: P7'zg2:,’}lt:'m?;Viz «K:-‘T6: mfigfjt %E,a~rc/mr£fl,'.az §§;u':;“m z"ne:nu:1m (;iL*g‘§::$:"%% A Pfilifffdy szmm ha i1r:.‘;c1 by %E¢1:m2¢'ol 773fi}nn».w., 1 3: gm! ; ' ' . H‘ ,y" W M cw} : In MM Var-’(f‘§-a M‘ ‘M ~".. . «wwym.-—— . 7h"otho* Roodero V * Hritfiriian Rcodcoro, I hhoreyrefmothet with at Brief 1- A (yotfooll,Sozoisfoo6%ozy)AVindication“, om: clcarh ’ 5‘ Dcmonflracihons from Soriptoormzod other Aor- hohorioiooo Tim: the Lords Supper, ix not only or meet confirming, hoot lolgcwifd or Gracc-bcgcttiong, Soul-- A oconvertinghQrdin”ancc-: Whoroin I have tmlyh propoomolod , [om-fmflorily refined‘, rctortcd, ami_(1 hopc),for evqr dif- fiparcd, all the falfc, vain, abfurd, xrrcligious Objeai... o A ’ ens,oCavi:1s, Whaimfiocs: obclufionso of thofo Nove11ifls,o ~ _ who home loztoly‘: conmjzdiéfed" it hogth: in Poe 1'5 and Pulpit ;. ’ mod upankthilfot/_f3' ‘xfccoxont, mo z’rhr¢vl.igi0t¢_/Z)’, inot anti»- _chrhi{’oianlyorofoo{odta ddwinzffor itota their pwplc flm om--» . d«r}}c4r.r~;ag_cpher, ohdthorohyra {ccrcc Combination, to» coz~rr}' on thoir own Se1f—imcre("rs, again}? the woryolntcrcfl A‘ A andInflituzion‘o_f~our Lord ]cfusoChriPr.. T /9o'Occafi.<;mn V ‘ ofpE';o;o'ng~th£.r Publicationywmm late A&- wcflion ,, mm’ o1 Sermon which «I—hoot‘rol tholv lotfl Voimtim-; The prin- 67i£]}4=[7730_t’o1.g'Z!! o*.2:oiti:;g mt: t/9Wlmita', WM thxéo fad Obfcrvv o Lion, That though undry Miniflcrs in mo]! part: of Eng» A 4 land ham? mofhamdooioufij, froqtomtlyy oarnofllyo in thoir" Pu1picsomd*Pub1ications doom-d~, impugned tho Grace.-.- A ingmdring,ooSou1-in1i‘vcningpowor ofoho Lforgls Supper,” ~ (flfld0=tb€r'5o*f~{6TIfm#ht3) ogozihfi» tho facred*Sc1p~tur_e: ,h-rho V rofolmiooo: of -Farhiersg Councils, A Schoolmoon, Protcflam: Divincmhe Articles, Chief Writers of our Church, and theDirc&oryit:fc1f,‘ to jaflifie thfrir dohzorrioog the M j A pooplo fromjityoarnfior yaw; yotfowor mmf ou-rhhhMini- féoro, ofoz cozoomry judgement, Mr. Hhumfrhyw with [own ' om: or two more oxooptod) ham hodotfodoponl; to rofotteworitoh 3 or preach agozioofioholsr the.-ir mofl domgmom’ fprcading Er-_ A A tor, and difufagc of this Sacra mam: grooooodool onoitgh tore- , slain‘; them‘ from foo, or omdoooiroo thoif A fcduccd Audltprs, -4 A 2., A Rcadcm; A . % key _c0}“dngf5 Mir,» tbzésfoffiman t§'flflfd‘,.f07"f€k«'l7’«0f'"d%'a;3zg;¢.;, . igggt/99]: their 0?/8?‘f_Tfg¢d_ Prcsby%ter,1anmzAd Indepcndem: Brethren 5 or“ impairing’ tlm-~% mw% Clafl3¢%31‘Ju,i1‘d;&i6n 1&ea;4c71‘s;Wf:¢c/9 Wifig F/9€”‘g-‘3W%T9?1A1D1<¢’Warmnefs;or mtioer %.,,,;9,'g]g gm): lmvewlang aztgwptrd taflrefifgofi fufpcnfiing chgig A Pa[i,fl11.Qpflf5 V-firom the %=~Lords Supper atV:h¢1r;;Mp3%ca1urcs ; that m:lej?s~favnz ‘Lay-A-‘men (as john Timfim, Mm ice, mzdmy .S£l_f).}.!ddPfi[7lil(,3b7w0PP0fi'd, .7ftfI¢t8dt1’.7£’m in prim-d% Difco‘fi:{¢s{baving xiv cammamd rfaezfr. P u1Vpi:s)t£v.;2s their "Ami-%*Sacr'a mental, abfnfida impiam ‘ ‘Pa nadox“ /Md ;mj]2~d %* for Ozthodox tmt/9;» wirlmutranzrnll; and mail; deprived 2:/.7: people in allarmaplaces, £*0f}.7’O:ft!T1C.%f£.'Cq11CflC ufg iof ;h¢r:Lg;d5 suypexj, .szm£ afrfaeireChr1fi~1anA11berty and%*>frce% A accefsxhercro ih any place; Wlff 1‘ W’) fi."flf“577zitted their :We£k.r r0 a Claifical examination éatbaft/oei7~ lgz-owlcdgag Z;'~y¢:,andf4vz'ng Gmcexig or rzenwmodcllcd rljemfelmt into. 4;, I*ndependenr,% or Ahabaptifiical congregation -. Which Mmzfc/aiefs t/oafig/J om‘ B‘OOkS(t1:Wm':£_.g/0 Gad: bleflirrg an t/item), /mm in ggrcdtmenfur-I pmwmdga yea’ converted fame,_C3“5., A qmite 111enced%%~a;laer; af%t/:q&OppoMfi;%epa%rty.yrtfm'b :3 tlatir 0bPcix_:J£acy, fur/9 their Anna/9"‘,/HM; Wcharirable depor:m7ém- A tawmzds us, % that the -‘gener4%1i't_;".qfrlae Prezébyterial m:d""Ing- depcxadent.MiVniPccirsfecrct& éM1(éite,4:m.4lz;gne, p2:.adj0m: at/anmopml} rezzilcwr for our pazmt, as Croflfszg-A-tbciyé 1315.; defigns, tlawgk they cannot refute, nor —d¢'_;zy 2/cafe Truth: we ‘ /mm defended, out Aafmeer Led! to Gcfd.r«GZ'o‘r)' C/9753?: 5.4-; A % cram efltf, r}¢dVt/3: fieaplcx /::fri%{1‘i.,¢m ,Z¢ [7§5’rt] ;,_~Ca¢1z1érfla7¢,Ed,£.: LV ' ficmim, Co;:fl7l;tf2m‘,7 .5'a1l*zMIt:I!»7?$~ t}3e%%L‘ard_?.«;a;¢q;;m~g' tlvém all tlarawgblyrofg .n47951"~5.0777/37%‘; tb%em~Afrom:‘»t1a£s~tbc£r4fin, error, éy bi; ejfcéiulzl He/]Z:¢g? 022’ 32in‘_f0r‘me7' ‘Labors, mad 4 % Apxrtyitularly on this Briéf V‘indiCati§.m gwfram whirl: itigm A flmlr mzeirve ;mySpiritua1lvezz,efit or £aLisfa&iog :.~:)¢ tlgg, point: tljérezkz dB5flt€d1gi'z1e.;GQ£i‘W.!€ W[JOZ€'\G1-Ory af 5;, “mg-d .meaé2l}} éz“fIm»m 3%tl5;y;idai1%y:Pgavycré. ‘T A W S'¥Vainfwick,%z4' I¢%65I7',_ % A A AA AAfig§1fi,%~% AA - -PW/1Mm"vI57j»'7 Ma.».‘ A, iiégh j x.,-..,.. , The Loans Surpaxi 4% Qmceep h lzegetting, Sm¢l~c0m‘Jerting V Ozdinmzce. , V A Eating h1tc.1y With 3. Prizztad Qxmflxhrz in ‘ h chchCoumry, profcflhdly aflhrring (in rhea; puhlikc Schools of my Qgaxdam hnurfingh Mother» the _famoushuniver{i~ cy oFOxfardu:hc1af’c A1571‘ Lhrcrc hc:ld,) h The Sacrammwf htiaa Lahdx Supper, to 5: A * h no Gracc~:nghez¢driwg, So¢¢l~cam2ertz‘2¢g, Mt {ml}! at cfemfimairz Ordimznmaprw-4c.v{flcntGrace: And havxngfoon afccr heard the‘ fame with muchhconfidezncc vchcmentlyaifirmcd, in the Plllp-it: dfan acmincnt City; Wherchxhc-Mlnhabitants (upon this %m1Pcakc) havc for di- , ycrs yvholc years been dcprivcdhhhy their Minifier of the 1ncit:unablc Soul-rcfrc~fhin~g Benefits of this heavenly banqflcta to chair grcatefi grief; I thereupon conceived 4% my~'iE1fob1igcdinPoint ofConfcic:n«cc , Dugy both to V Q74 fwd Mmgghavxng €orm«c1:1y;op1:>}:g_gned rh1s‘(a)‘ Plan. m Mm ,6‘ A ’"‘fW';“l ffmtdmg lawn both In xcsirxichamd progrcfs) to 6. 12.. apply afreflv Emplafiar to Co dangerous a~G'4ngmmz, and MW Pradigiaw Error ; which the e/Imzlwaptaffx, and Im dcpmdcnt:P:rcnuo11fly ahffcrth on the one hand 5% to with ~ A h B V draw (5) 99.1.52. sr.r _..._—u % j The Lords Supperd Grace-begrrting % draw the pttoplc from our mix: Para:/am! Cong regariarzrz Arrofhcirfilréi Saymmtcd Cowzzemirler .\ confilfing only of A the melt refir:edf;réZ£mat‘ed Sainrrr, as they dram therm- Afelvcsz and {ha war- mar h,u;d,:o lure the peopleio fubmir rhcir ncrck:;,AAAcon~ r ‘ fcicncesr to zhgtrir new Preréyreriaf 7'r}.zlr,and Smjpfaz: mm-7 r ‘from thi:~ Sacmmmntill adjudgéd worth rigid Prcséjtcria-us cryruprrcinrthcho-5 jic.«.;:r4daxr1have héérrérrofore at large refuted by Scrzptmes, Rmfms,-£xpcr;e:2ce;Frzt£rcrr, Cam:-ri/5, .5:/goal mm; Proteflvtntr Qiyiner of our own‘ and other reformed Churches ;‘ and by the Hamilieg Arti- cle: of the Church ofEnglazzd ( ratified by Parliament: w ‘and the S11b£'2:rip4r4ion$ to: my V‘?‘azdicarza2:rtz.r::z1=.Snriommgrzc-fliam p'1'i11ECd“Ir64-5'. 3 9.“toA 48. my Sufjrenflonfiafjrmded, publiihcd 1645.?”-.r 18. to 3 9. and briefly touched in my Scérfbnaéle Vindie-;+ér czztiam. p. 28, 29. Since which I have hercin bccn I7:-3 cond:-:d“"by Mr. jo/on Humfrey in his acute and folid Re; ‘ joyréder tacfl/Zr. 7Drak:; primed 1A6 5 4. p. 216. to 24 I . in his ~Seaand= 7'/772dimtion ‘Free-admffliwz to t/ae_rLa1'rdr~ Sapper, 165-6. pg 32.. Sac. and by that learned Gentle-2 A \ man Mr. William Z1/ferric: of Wérrington Efquirc ,% r in his irrefragablc-: D£atri.é::,in :mI'wc$r.t]o Mr.S4mm’:r:,1*6 57. p: A 2A.Af71 8,2rrr9;8ccr..r:o whom «I-{hall rAéfiA:rr.Aa11fuch who dcfirc fuller Satisfaétionri-mfiisr Cantraéznrflcjg Agywhithr thcyhave folidlya and amply d*cb_jared, maining to be fuperadded by mg, bun fomcfcw Glam--A . w _ and prel"umc.w111r be neitrhcrun;tccrepit.ab1c , nor ;,rji:o[13t*cmpt1E>r1c,Arrnorfuperfluous‘, ro_firAA1ccre urnbiaflhdr Qhtifliansa A A«Whor<>;D1y 1* ad)’: :fi=”¢1<>(«=‘) law I/9¢rTr#t1v «Mr A Pram; yby their ACl;af-V-A A A A A A th‘c{"c:A dif¥erenrpo- r Alirick 7C/mrmrr: hope :6 cfifeéi by this late-iAn\'cntcdA .a11mir Miniflers to thAAcr"nV)rin“ rhatjtrhéré: is A littrléurcd < A A Q A Cropr; whAich;’Ighop;e, rhro_ugh, ;fiG ordAsfb1cfl'mgar rwill filchccrr, co1::vi4l’1§C;r£= all fururé Aamzgo-r-rr .._.—.--unnuuud .A A Soalecofivertiflg Ora’Az3wznte.#AfA 4A 34 u..._........ 1:45: 5 foxAAwl1olie lvcznefit 1 have l.Tla<.l<$,lll€l”XA1ppml:l"l;- W-"AA like. A » A V A A A A Our(d) A:2tzl‘gaz5:E_/h‘ dclflitute OM11 Scripture proofs, (oi) sac Dr; A, toevidencc the Lords Supper to be ncis S0uAl~c0nvert- Drakes Bom- dnty to the mg, ~Gra'cc:-_produc1ng , but tmly a Grace-conhtmxng Holy Moan“ V Ordinance, dq bottom tbfiif 0PiY1‘30¥7?$l1POD theft: 7; p.,M_,0 I76‘ , A fandy Foundauons or Objedxoms. A V A “,0, H1.’ 8“. A 1 .. That the S o2cr.«gmcA7nt of tliwALard: SA:«xppcM2r re Sm] go: Mr..col1ms, AA 0fi1)I0fAt/fI€AA€0£I€?1dflt of Cj7'étCe,.192lt¢t.4.l_/39 aft/at trm/3 affxrving M“ S‘”‘”d’-‘V5 Fairly and Grace intb: lmzrri ”f‘b" Rvceiwerx; Tilfiffi-7 ,’§,°;‘;f5;f‘§‘,j‘cfx;' f_ote iris only at confirming , ‘but no fOl11'C01]VCf[il1gpwho hm, latch-begetrmg Ordinance. A ~ wmccn of this AI, {hall concifelyexamxne, diflipatca cvcrturn this I“bl€&- , rotten lAFoundationpwhexeon this lirtot is principally lg rounded». and dil”pl:iy its vanity’, :1‘al'urdity(e) to e«vary'(e) 2, Cor.4_g,_ A771fl}7JAc0n[LTi£fl66 in t/at’,/Tg/or of God. To this? end take , fpccial ;no::ice" i1‘lEhAc_fil?l'i places A i A A15. That the lLord3iSuppcrA is nevct {'0 much as once A‘ A fiilcd in Scripture , [4 Seal , or Smlof the Caz/cmmt af” Gmcc : much lcfs oz Seal offgwing Fair/9: or of the zrmla Aoffewing Gmcclin mm: /q.mr't.r; but only, the ( f) Lard; Cf) Mac. 2.6. supper, Tm5le,:Brmd,C,r4p, Bad)’; Blond; or the Remem» lgjtgflot Al érance, Figure, Szgn,.Reprcfentation pfhzlr death and pafl"...;AI co,_ I,,_»m1-_ “on;t Awhichthavf: no anftlogytatftll Wlih a Scal : By What x7.zrA.c.tr.2lo. A rule than offazth or rxghtmeiloncan they juljtly affitm, *0 3°-Gal-3-H prove it, to be any Seal atpall , or limb :1 Seal as this? A Ifrhercforeit. be no Scal by divine appellation or in- ‘I it fii[l.1Atpi0n;—[-hfiin all then? conlcqucnces built on this falfefoundation, fall to the ground together. If thizy “ allege, that Cirwmpifian is dirctfilyllilcda Aflgn, mad Seal aftlacAri‘g/ateorlfggieflr oft/J_c faith, Romp. 4.1 I. Ergo, 1 the Lords Supper islikc‘wilclAi1ch a Saal , and may pro-- 4 pcrly betPcilcAd :1 Seal. «Though many learned (g) Pro.~ (Q 3,” Dr; 25,37» Lu. :z,i::.*”.'.i» tefiumtstand fame» Papa”/fxybc of this At) pinion; yct under Amt swim, A A . corre&1on I deny the confcqucntcgupon thcfc grounds. Enew. Tom. 1.Becaul*cA God hitnlclfgivzs this Title to Citctmmlci-3+ °"*V*9* i ‘ficmwonlymfnpd that-but once ;r but never tothc Pall'co- ‘° 3‘ W1‘, Lordssuppcr, Baptifm, or any other Ordinzmcc: A l A - B a. A 'l‘h“ercl_-_ A110 31. I Cor. 33 4‘: .4- A f 4,A A _«?"13¢Lara’$Supper aGVz"abee6egctt£ngA N 'i'hcrc:fc>Ie:A% lab; Miniflersy S4erw.nA::s, mxm conform mg. m» A {:31 ~A..*:s 20 his paftcrn Sc language herein. 2. Cirmmczfim WM 4: vg?é»/enrzzrkfxzbja C%d;Aca2&:mm:dwpam r1an? fl;5’j79W vor%% pbr_fc22.%.r afyzll w/co%wera cirwmc§fcd4;" V %ThercfqI%rc it %micrh£ 23 propcr1yAbc:(%i1ied, gsagu, 56¢/5 a.§m£ ’tf."qzzew;:n;t% ;af Gad AA in A ¢{2e§'rfir]}'9, upon which isA&1€:ft_AaL pcrperxmd impreflwfanf Gen. 17. IO, 1 I", 1 2, 13,14. Rom... 2%. “A2 c. MA; AB1.n:AAr.h:.-2: Lords LSuppAez',V*Baptifm5 and the Paiicover,‘%“ A 1ca%v«eAno1'uch vifiblc marks or imprgefiions JcLm~4the p¢.r- V . £”cms,Aor flefl1o.Fth0!b who receive £hem;Therfore God A sfinahverfiiled myofrhem (J/lksikst or Semis,‘ Aas-‘the did} ’ Ci?'cz4??3ci?]5r3§z, ncirhermay we without his warrant, a»- VgairifihAis‘prefide*nc andfacrcdlanguagc,fiile A';h=f;_‘rfl fa. V 3.. The Lordssuppcr, ‘fuc»€:¢ede’d not Cz%cflmciJ[;0fl',_ but "[Mat:.~'z6- !7.th§e.* Pajfmvuer‘; _ncvcr called ‘oz ‘Sm! in {acted Writ :% 5‘ 7’ 8‘ C‘ “not be ra'tiona11.y given to in : the mthgjr A, becanf; the Holy Ghofinevctgivesicwio Bflptifflfia whi_chfu¢cccd- ed Circumcifion.A 4. Circumcifion is onlyfliied, A LTAh‘ercfoL‘c% this (“rile appropriatad t()Circ}1mcifion, can-A-f _% ,SeIf10f%t/.78 nghteoufnefs aft79efi=z',1'tb which A .érMbyzm% /mi (E) S$¢A¢€.a£7W. éazng mzcirmmctjed; ( g ) That ism :5/{gin oftb: Cawmrmt ' ‘Pete-,7» Mmyrn fléetwaam Gadsmd 2~;’éAfbzImm,%% Md hz2rféed,A% made to lox'm q£I}« A 4rg§17I{»£$EayAm,,G0d,A ma éelmz/ed éy "g/fbmlmmg Xzafare be was cirmmci-% Iig;r:eus,Vr%’ili¢f:fl:d ; as is evident by Gran. 17.} I. to 15. cornpared~ others on .with; I 5.A1.,.1:o 8. Rom. 4.9;. E023“. Bun, the Lords" Rm_ 4%‘ A Supper is no; finch a Sca1;,cokcn,%but infliziutcd for oAthVc1:% ~ ends, to 7r‘epr¢fle'r1t #mfd m 21:: érealzjmg ofC'1ar{fz‘.v lmdy, ‘amt V flaaddmg ofl;u‘.rA E/and anftlaa %Crn[:farw¢rfi7¢r 3, to flyewf forth /9&3 dead: 5511?): came; @”£'-A VVhcnc& it “is fiiled, The new Taflammz in bM1aaA,Ma:.25. 236‘, 27, z 8. Lu. 2 2.1 9. % 1 Cor I I. 24-1, A25”, A2 6. c. 10.” 1: 6%, 21. &e:c.A ATVhercfo;ew% AGodsjfi1hng Gzzczxmcxfion meal, 15 no warrant for us? éf: 5‘ian§ A to 9:11: zheALords§Suppe:r fo. 4 If any: Qbjm9c,A Tim the A _ Lord: Swapper may praperly Ea flaled 4 Seal ._,% éecm2fe%%itdat£r _,®]W&i.'+ [ ,% % cmszfirmg which is zheironly y1'Ae:af0z‘;4 : I A deny the corifea-* A A quence : for that; by t;'hi_s rezéfon, an 04:12 flaanid [we a Seal, ‘’‘’°‘*‘‘’’f’*’ 5'’ 5-‘f"V?T' ¢””fi"”““"”v Hexbr-6.;I% 5» 17°-A “-Mi7‘n¢l#~“: i‘%andi%S:gm dbncby the Apvfller, f/maid ércS:t:la_3b%¢caufe;“ 77 Vfl9ey—A A . i.Si‘i‘i.i''i‘'"3*i‘w‘'i’"i‘i’“£ 0m"‘”‘¢7¢5?~i ti:c].c'eaa«2fi%*2mdt/oeward: zzwrd <_'-f01‘}5:£r1:Je} prepzciaeid, Mar, 1.5. -.~_ o. The im band:-1 film-N fthould be a~Sea1, which can med 4!.’ /31;: wviv:5éI07v{ afifl éandx, N um. 30, 1 4., The »» ltlzwkfkg oflvft/aefbae omd gizzmg it to It neighbor, {hguld bg: ai Sea] , .5 ecmrfg it cdnfirmed it/1tl7l?:?gJ' co-wzcmvizzg redwmm z‘1g.g"§’t7¢d clg.z;ygi;~;g Land: in Ifmcl, Ruth 4, 7, hvfiry D5... area Ihouild be a.Seala ‘becaufc it cmfirmi the tlaings ale. 7 . creed, EHher.9- 29; 32- YER: the Apafllcsg Minifiers, and ;Word prmc/and ihouid be Seals too , tiecmfe they csmfirmad the Soul: afit13e‘Dif::'iple:,. the C Imrcloes oFClarifz‘, and teflimamie ofC/Jrifi in mm, Aéfs I 5. 32, 41 . c. 14. 22. 3; Cor. I . 6. Heb. 2.3.Phil.1.7. Add Clm:/2‘ bimfelf 3 3&1 too, wbof/Mill confirm m mm :19: and , I C01‘. .1. 8. 5.Thc:Scrip E~l11‘€ makes mention only of xi. forts of Seals: i The I. material ; affixed to Wr£tz'1¢g:, Deedx, Books, Lu... tars. and, =other.mat:?iit1 t/Mgr, . for their cfanfirmsztio:-¢_«, fec#r:‘ng,or[ecrec} , Nchk 9- 38.6. 10. I. Eflzh. 3. I 2.. IV C. 8. 8. 1;o.]ob4I. I5. c.‘1'4. I7. Dent. 32.43. Ifay. 29. II. iCant.4. 12. Jet. 32. to, I x, 14.44. Ij)an.6. .I.6_iC_ I 2,9, Mar. 17. Tim. 6,6. Rev. 5. I. c.,8. I. c. ' i I 0. 4. C. 2. 2.. IO. . The 2- immtmri.11mzdin'vifiéle , fer ‘by the ‘Spirit of God, or his Angalx, on tlaaflmlx or farlaead: oflaiy 0/aofen Saint: 3 Whb ‘arcfaid g, to bcfml:d.§y and A with t/delay]; Spirityz Cor. "22. Eph. .1. I g.c.‘ 4-. 30. 2 Tim. 2. I 9. or,to1bcfml.-dwizb t/ac: fiat! of God iézitlaeiri fare/omds, Rev. 7. 2.;to 9. But the Lords Supper is no material Seal vifibly affixed to any imatcriali Writing, Deed, Letter: Book,. thing ;, the vifiblc Elements of in being inflicuited.conifecmcd. (Ia) my in 54- axztcnmd (19) Mar, .25, . dmnlw: lzym (Iikc whet brfradg. meat, drink; which 37- 7-*7, 1-8.. 1 ,may be aspropcrly Pcilcd Scialsyas the confecratcd 3‘ 5°‘? 1“ MW A to go. 6. 130. H breadand w1nei).not to rcmam as Seals upon us; andm W, In A <£ thc invifiblc; body. blond, benefits of our Saviours death they reprcfcm: and convey unito our Souls. for , . 'ithiéi“;i._r 1" pirimgal nouriflumcnmarc rccgivcd only asmrim... alfaad, nm; Seals; neither are our Eddies or fouls in any ScriiptL1%r.¢iiiid to be vi/FM «for irrmfilvly , inwardly arr amt. ». ward!) flvalwd. but only tobc fed and mmri/had by tbzk 54-» A A ]wamm..».;‘.i.ii‘ A5 ~’I’b'e Lords Suppei a%GT4€€*5€gt’fting9 W 7‘ crnmem : 'I"hCI~:‘.‘f‘OI:?. in is as irppropc}: aA.fp¢:ec;h :oL.%c-mi ix, a S~.ml, as to fi11c4ourLme%2t and dunk a Sal: or to avert; 1haI:%%mct1s pcrfons, fait%h,‘or the, Covenant bf Gfaca are fealeci by the» Lords Supper , asthac‘ their perfons or%E.vidénccs of their Lands, Charters; B,ondLs,% arcfmled by their Ordinary Sstpper:%;% Wfithcrc being no A*na1og;y a:_;.11becwcen Mea:,Dr;‘n1{, and azsmz, or ‘V (, Cm” betwcenfaedizg andfealing; as thcfc new Doélors af- . gt . dew flflta firm, with as much fenfc‘ and rcafon, asthc ( 2') Popifh. ,_._I_,,_ 3, co;';c,$,g_ Councils, Doc9cors»a{Tert ,, That the Ldj-Commzzmicants ca;z{t§znt¢S‘eflT. azfhmlly drz'2v2k_Ckrz37-5 blond in the Emrbmvfl [7 w.¢]%%afCa;2. I 3. 133]’?-.7 €?W' camit4mfy,4 only in mwl 5‘)! tr’:2ei7f eating that 4‘2mfec7'azz¢d_dry" ;§‘flfj§2‘g"; flnéread. "6. Admin the Lords Suppqrmighc in 1'omeHrai- grm, Ame, ned, fecondary, improper feVnf:: be fiilcd; SM[o_ft/9:- %BelZ:zrmi2m$ new Teflamcnt or [ofvemmt of Grace, recorded in the Scrip- %E7f£>"v-fima mre, and ratified 5'}--C/Jfifii dmtla; yet with what pro- ;“’;”~P3'l;’£' 4' priccgrof finecch can they R11: is , 4 Sam! a_fli.x'ed tayt1ae7 Cammunioams? Can the vxfibleamaxcrxal, coniccrated Elements (‘which they rcfufc: to adm“iniP:&r :6 thofc they rcpurcnoc rc:a1Saincs,'forfcar of farting a. Seal to ‘V (I0 Bemmifl Eblam‘-? gfizfedglby /rhemDto Jiqnviiiblcdimarxarlcfiaf ,,,,,,_;,,,,,.,,,,,,,,., rac;cs«P yca., t em‘/1,) _% r. me an_ 0: er :0 V A Tam,3. c. 3. tCf.P(an_£S mam Argument agaxnfl the Papxfis“, thauzhc P. 37. Sacraments convey not grace ex opera opmzw, as phyfi~» ca1_inPxrjumcms unto the receivers ofchcm, (Ficri n: mm Grace of flair/0 -, or javing Gmcesin the /mzrtwofwart/9}“ Apotefl, ta‘: Sazcrdmenm ,7 qgzpz [amt re: and 1]}, at materialcx 4;! A ‘ mzimozm emztrmt at £125 rm/i crermda in cmrent diwmzm . 5 4 7 _, p g , A étcfuperzmmmlcm airtutcm, idqao in momenta, gm}: pro- ‘ % ])aTt’i0m.'mVm1/lam kaétnt ad aéfcffum. in quad «gm: : H1111’: "be%bd:"h falfc, and dislzlaimed by them as abfurd for the future, 'If n'o ;- than this foundation and chief comev-%A jfloncéofour Oppaflm firuéhzre, againfl the Lords TSup-- persVSou1-convc:rting, Grace: -producmg efficacy ;% T/mt ' at :3 at Sam’ fiotba the Covenant and truth bffmving faith % Ami Grace in the tart: aftbe rcceiryen 3 mm’: be hence-” V forth diitlaimcda 1'c_can_tcd,~» renounced by them; as’: falf-:2; ~lJtJptQptjrg unfc%riprura1Parahdox and Ex;rcflion,, _ % %4 % Wm c_;m- % % ; % though._ — otrhough vcmbraccd by them as an o,unqm=':£iionabic pm-,. ._4nnnflj____.___.__ ‘ 5 .... —........ Soul -«co22m‘§;ting Ordinance. % 7 .__...4n ~ ciplcg which has ing (2) c{fi:-w/acre? more fully refuted in C’) 5”W”fiM ‘ another method, Itlzaoll hcrc no further pro1"ccuccM, bu:fi‘5*"WW= Pa A oxzlykrequ-cltthcm for rhefururcoto confine thcm(c1vcs’9"‘°"A wholly [0 zhe.$SAcripturc language, and than this» Com tromriic willfoon be: ended. : g » A A . »- 2. From this Hm main foundation they deduce their o oo 3' o zdévhicoh I {hall ncxtdifcul‘s:T/znzt Sacramexwzlfealxfgroc only tofcgbnfirm, ratifie pm-:xzflcnt,_nat mmzruey or efsé} .910};-exi;/fkézt G7"-Me,‘ the proper a_fi5:::oftt Sealéeing to can- firm, not comic}: Thelrcforc the Lords Supper bcing a Seahcannot poffibly beget or convey Grace where it is not, but only corroborateoic whore already wrought. A This Poficion oftheirs hath neither Scripture nor reaibn to fupport ip bc_ing an apparcm:”umruzh%, and ~ g-roofs Solccifm both 1n Divinity god Law_ ‘V: For, Scrip- ':ur¢,,,Lawo, and common cxpmcnce mxghc have in: flruéhzd thcfc Oppafirm than there are fc:\'£.:1'a1 proper» ties and ufcs of Seals. The 1... is: to conceal mzdfml tip thing: from publike view, as they ufually {cal up Letters, "B0Ok9:Bi°S~0f1I'10nC)’.> angl why: cliéthcy would keep private; Igor which pcrufca H21. 29. xx. Cant.-4. I 2.‘ job 41.41 5. Rev. 5.%1.c. 6.1. c.‘ 10. 4». c. 22. IO. ozly, To flecure and keep t/aixgsfafc from being embcmllcd : Aac--.- tcfled by Debt. 32.43.. Job 3.4. I6. c. 14. 17..Dan.6... I 7. Mat. 27. 646., 31y, ‘To appropriate and markperfam or thing: for om’ 073771,. and to diffintgmifli tbtm from at/amt, Rev. 7.. 2.? :09. cj._9o.o 410.. 2Tim. 2.19. 2.Cor.. 1. mm. A A A oEph%.“1‘.o. 133. c._4. ;3ooo.o 41y, To cammiflizm or authoring Ofiicerx Anpiot/9:1’! toc.w'1?67fl’t7aeir Ofiiccs, or axemtetlacir _ ooooo;amm;a;:d:,E{}h.. 3,1 2. c.% 8. I o,:'. I .A John 6. 26; Hence. all Judges, Jufiiccs Commiifions: Otficers*Paccncs , and Writs covshcriffigarc and mouflobo 1ha%1cd.o 5%. To mm- ; firm or».ratzfie.Writi212g:,'émdoma/Qeth:m% tzmlid, mid i;Vra¥- o % “:v0?45'/9 ¢'?§‘.LfiW; E(’t.h- 3;; 3- Ného-[»9.oo3o8.¢cao I0. 1.,_]c;r-43 o ¢1oM.V::4.44. Ha. 8.516. Now thefcowriting arc..of fe”- ~ vcra15fo‘n;soA and~NatuAres ;. I. Charters: Fcoffinencsoo, Grants; Cm cmms, Tfiifcs, Wi11s;»oBcqu;cPcs _;., gi,ving,} [ grant1ng3, A % {The LordsSz1pp£’;” 4GW€-5*€g€fti?=ga- gxsmunge. fiagaskcrrxzag , aafm newwiy coxiveying Lanfigja (Sands, Honors, Annuitiés.-a Ri~gh£s; Ticies, 1ntfir¢£"&£:,7— . Oiéices, Powers: Privileges, A<:%vantages,AScc. tgom the King, or from one pcrfomo amothcr,wit;1vs Chaney never had any righror Ainr'cref"‘cJbVcf'oArc“, being conveycdyo (Hem only by Lhefc newfealéd Writings. g,. Deigdg] gr Ch anus %of'¢o~nfiImatA1on, corroboraixion or rcIcaf3:,con.. H A firmilng or inlarging mans former:righ::5~,~ %intereAHs;-e1‘. {fares in Lands; Or othcrA things wherein’ they had a preA- ” cfidtnt imcrcfi or poifeiilon by former conveyances‘. % Seeing then there are {cveral other p:o;:_crAtics , ufes of V4 Seals bcfildes mfirmmm ; and the primary, original) mofic ufual end o 8, L39. ‘H01’. 1. IC‘. c.2; 23; Rom. 9. 25¢ 26.<:. II’. 26.5; o, 33. 15. L‘. 15.. 8..to 24.1%. 5rz%.;15.V Eph. 2%.132,5;I~"utoA%z4.Ifa.4::.. 1A.V6.§c. 6a.%3,, 4.,5,c. 62. 2. 1 In 2. c. 66. 19: 20, 21; Pfal.%72.4.to"1 8. Yea ihfl promifcs and new Cove- mm: forcméznziormd (of which our Antagonifls aamn 4 the Lords Suppm: to be a Seal ) were made ta" fuck , w”1aa>_% imd 7ao%farz1iw_g G¢mcc,-no new loam, ;j5z'7-it; or fmzffifimtiaw . .¢zwz1l:'n them, Wt were de§j5:mr.e/y _/i;~;fz:/Z, grmzcelafi ,‘ re» éelliam, flfid dmdmfim mad trerfpafl}: , when»; made rmro tlmmasis evident by ]cr.g1..31,33, 34. c.,g2.w37, 4 V to 44. Ezech. I 1.18, 19, 2.Q.%c. 36.2 5, 26, 27.}-1<:b.% 8. 5. to I 3.:-. 10. I6, 17. Tl1crefore%ifthcfc Promiflzs and Covgnants of Grace were made: to fuch by God himfgafi, the Seals ofthe Covenant and rhefe Promifes mufl alfo by neceflhry canfequcnce belong ofright unto them; fine: the acceflary always»: fallow: the przkacipzz/, A and the Sca1+s[thcCovcmnts 120. which they are annexed, evenwas thofa whohavc a flghtyo any human Charwrs, Dc¢dsw,;Es:ofme%nc‘s, Covenants, %Ob1i“gat1ons, imve a r§gE_1c1mt‘Q thjcfscals, as wcllyasto rhcparchmem: and», gz)Rom,4.xx. wrmng. 21y,C1rcumc1£1on,‘( am) the Sam! I aftlae 7Com» .% mm; aftbe righteaatfyefc '0ff¢z*it/:1 and bwmam Gad» mm’: L 2%‘!/9 cxfémlmm and /22.: feed , bclonged equally to all /15rd1MMJ~.Vpofiwritj, wfmlm“ %r:ganarate.‘ or unra‘q'emr.4te, circ#mw‘~fiea¥: or W¢¢£KCWm€1ff¢df5i”7¢°hfm”f2“t,O Iflamwlsas w'e1lA as {Q Ifimc swharcupon 7,% EVERY FMANCHILD whatfocvcr nfthc Fefidxfif c./.1 érnkdwt, or éarrz» in doeir Haa_fi::,m: tkroglglflfiflt¥5ai1fg‘eI?qratiion:7t£57l;t nirirmmcgfed A wzgtlae #4}; _n¢;2cioi{paim aféviugcutafifiam f)%z'.r%paaple,faVr.: érwnkfizgmf flazztfiatzzt, ire A cafe bf «V omiflion or V meglafif ' A Gen.:;V1f7.y1*:.Q.Ato): 5; 23.35 3=7;c..21%.4;c%.A 5..-17...» 3 2. %%2fQ4.4Exod- I 2.4 8. ‘.]"cxfl~:. 2:.;m 1 0. AA A euxncxfmn Ache .Sea1;of:1:hc'. fir£?rCmcnan‘r,» belongcdw’-“ fchcn Ci»:-2 L qually to} all 4:116 1fW_Wiw:‘v*Vby% Gods own infiimtion,' 44 : 1:%U%hAm4@f%%Qf£hc%miwnxéiwnm'rmma{Ya%d%AinfiamrrJy¢a.5‘...y A A L_________ L ' ‘V \ .';}...;... :0 God :9} their wicked war/Q33] ‘L-:r.9.2 5 .25. B.ou?.;. A 28, a9. Gal. 5.5. I Cor. IO. 1, 2: 5:. 6. 7. Ram. 10. A 2 when why I101; the Lordssuppcr being by zhszmféalvazs 1-wed the Sm! ofzhc New T¢_/b17m’m‘,. and fccond Co» vcnant, to all vifible Cl:1urch~membe rs ~ W ho externally profaik aha Gofpcl, th:zmgh4uncircumcii1?:d in heart ami unregenerate. A31y,.Mo1’c c">FourAAnIagonii1ks herein ( cfpecia.11y(o) P.z~eséyteri.w:) confeik and _:a:[fl’7"t irzprint, tha.::~Bapt{[m (fucg:eedi1agCircuxmzifion under the G01» ofP;e~.sbyter§s', pal, which they likcwifc {file a Smlaf the C‘a*a’e3;.v.¢:«2t afc.4. Sefi. ;. G'T'v’l6'5',) belongs eqmzlgr to thy i;af.;mt.r of all vi/EM: é.zp:iz.ed M“ M"7(7?4[5 9‘ C/a;?zfh'zm.r,£7c’ I/2ey%rzc’z/Wfir z:g'wr'zmt,% fl.‘m;d.1lcm-:s' , impiawx.».]2;fi’”;:p§{fi;§m .~'»mr.9gener.ata, cwiml, oi‘ .aéhml2)I ex-ca%mmm+ic.':;ad from M7_ Bax“;-5 ’ , . tine Cfaxdmhfor z’/Mir wig/Qfdmfifi’ _,-,V and that argmn tlmé mcamt A/IV..Hal1af oft/J.-z'r pmrmt: mtermzl right C/aura/3vAmmzée2*fl9ip .»md1."f“”” WI’? rzfvz, ,?”‘;~/‘*"W;fC’°*"7"“”i’73 g I’ "J “"”"?<”‘ M“-3”" f”“* <1») As. 0t wrs 0 ripe years upon He 2" are praftflfoaz my . 4:*Ma.*7"-r ,3_ “,’,_,_,,.3‘ H. .....1g.»1..fafa~I:e‘AG./3;.-1, zamfa émptimed 15} the wry Aflpafllm, 36. to 4,0. 6. though coniizuuing-;i3;i11 in t/aagflll af!9i£ta}*;1cf.t‘*,, mzd éand 10. 47. 48. _ of iniqmity, as wc.1las_z:hc Ez¢;¢m:‘l57:Corwliz¢:, £11.: jFa}1ar.,"“‘ W33‘ . and mzhcr real-CamUert..r; the A_poiHc_s commiifiop gi-. . - V vein them by Chrifl‘ hxmfclf being {.1115-. Mat. 28, 19.. Mar. 16. I 5 .. Gaye into alltlm Wa2'M_«, and maul: .1/Z Nari» Mom, zmd prmcls the Gaifiei to EVERY CREATLIRE 3. ABAPTIZING in the mama oft/av I~"azt/am Sam, A Aandbaly Gbnfl, cw. By ~vertu;a wlmrtz-zof they W,cm to baptize 3-U 1V4ttia%m, andewr)r.cr.mtz¢re to Whom tlmy pmached, iFchcyVon11y4cxt:::rnai.1y imbra1ct’:d the Go‘I”p@1 Aprcachcd. If then the Sta! ofBaprifmb¢1ongs univer- filly wall infants <:>FChri£‘liz1r1 parents. andAa11who cm- A .:erna1_ly receive that Gofpctl ;:~m~.1cha:.cl when whynox: the Sm! of the ll.ords~»Sn;:»pm: , 13....cezheApomes and P.:.:i_:r.ic.is:¢ChriIiians adminted all thay b.apcizcd.yea I...» fmtt: as We:i1a.% czfirh-erys cm the On»<fl3&S “wall as to~r‘hc: oth:c:rP 4«;.Bifl1r>p}:.+w&l1 Reply to Httrding, p.1c13V. “ airmmezfifed Pe.°rfm.r w/mvtfiwmr, ‘nmd . 1% Whale CaHg.reg..'tranof (frag! ., whecher believers. or vmmbclicu-V %.%x*:r3,%%Ac.arf1+3&1or fgirigual, child17§:nofG0dé,or 0fWB¢li.zl._. C 3 ; were .S'¢ml-co22’zJertii2g%0rd.~5mmce. . = ‘ x E, V 2?»: Lords Supper zz lGrac1e-éegettiflg, were lpcrcmpcorlily enjoined b’y’Gad-,d1uJlyt0 la... M cc: lelamre the Pafiover, zmdcr Pfliifl aflwing wt 0 51.75571 People, and did acca7'dzkg»ly celeératc it) none being filf-A pended from it for any moral , bm: only lfbr. ceremonial." V mzclgmvnefr, Exod. I 2. 3, 4. 44, 47,48, 56; jofh. 5'. 6,} 3510. :~.Chr.on*.g0.5. I3-_to I7. c.35. 1. 17, 18. A WEZ1‘. 5.19, 20, 2 I , 272%. I Cor. I 0. 1,52, 3,4._1r‘ mlaen V a11"Cl'l£fCUmCi{‘CCl perlbns whacfocver , and the whole . V Congregation of ffmel that were Aprefcnr, received this A ~Sacramen”tal {cal oftlme Paflcovcr un'._‘l€1“"thC L:WV;Wi[l‘1- A our Fecludilng any ofthe1n:f'ro‘m it for ignorance , {cans V clal or unreg-cneracic: Then bylike realbn and confe- quencc ,-. all; baptized Chrxlhans ought to rcccxvc the Saclramcntal Sc-.11 of the Lords Supper ; lvithoixt feclua ding any (bmifilch who are Aaélually excommunicated. from all other Ordinances and Church-communion for ignorance, lTcandal,11nregeneIsacic, or want oflhving‘ ll ' _. Graces ,' fince Clarifi b1'mfelf"at its war} z'nflit:>m'on, .admi;- ted .3211 pmto it who were admitted to the Pa/fleozzer , yea _7tt" dzz»: /:u'r22_fé/f} t/sang/J la Devil, Tm]tar,l/l4’t¢rdew'r, T/aief l l Son‘ afpcrditzon, C‘4fl-away, Mat. 2 6. I 4. to 3o.«Mar.14. I4.to26; Luke 22. 8.to 23. John 18. 2, 5;. 8cc."‘28. : c. 6.70.71. Aélts I. 16.10 21. john 17.1 2." I Cor. II ., 2 5..Thc.1;achcr bcdaulé the Apolllc 1: Cor. I0. I ,. 2, 3 ,4, 3. A from this lprefidcnt 5 T/zmtl ALL om“ ‘ Father: were made? the cloud 5. mwl.-%AT..L paflied t/mmg/9 the Sm .; and were ALL 6;zpt_iz.ed zmder M0133; and did ALL mt t/aefame ifiritmzlmear, and A did ALL drink the fame '5f5'irit#r3Z“ drifikj, far: they drank ofth: rack I/9/ttfallawed , d ltlaem", d22dltImtl:7'ack was C/07‘I:fl., Al lTba:4!gh wit/MM») oft/cam ? God 1274?: not-Wcllplwfe cl, c§'c. Infcrrs [hCl113iV,CI'l:3l~iEy”’0f . V “ all Chrillians right to,.anc:l aéftual duty in Coxnmunicla-A ting together at the Lords Supper. ~z2er.16,A17. T12: Brmdw/mic/9 we érmkg 2;; it mt t/ac (bmmzmimz oft/M éody I. afClm'fi‘ll P071237: hing mam}, m*e.az2e”5re.¢d. and one éadyy we are ALL parta/(er: of t/mt om:/2rc.a;d.. “Tcj which ' lhelfubjoyns,vCl'a.cz«p. 12. 13. For 5): am? Spirifilwé ZZ7'£,ALL A Mptlized ism: one éody, (whether we. 6: fiwwxvar %jGTjmtil:.s' , ‘ “ l Wbetlaczt‘. A All Saul—com2erting Ordimmcc. ....~...'.... Lug...-4».-.u—.uc-—.._ .,. -. pan‘--—--—a --' ~ files, wl2:tl.:%er'éamlarfrse) amdlaiwc 5562:: ALL mm": to dringénta azaejgairlt. Bv whichttexts; it is i!.inCi€1'l13.i‘)i€‘) that tvhomct is sdmii:tedtt~~a vifihlc Mcmbmiisnto the . myfiical Eadie or ChurchtoEChri{i, bath a proper right ~ t at=2dint”et'k:fl,notot11ytto allthc Covenants and Pl‘0m1—~' "fcs 0f'ti1¢‘GOi‘pliei, but likcvviiic to Baptiihn andthet Lords 5t1pp‘¢r;,(Which our Oppofitcs A tiih: the: Sezzls of ‘ the Gofpch) and oughtfttzaiys co‘nPrsnt1y to be admit- ‘ ted there i3l’1fO;(1S alltthc ffrfzelize: and feed of Aéralmm ’ utndt.-r the: Law had ‘a right, ttatereii, and were altfrceiy admitted to Citcumcifion, the Paffcoverg Manna ,-. the water in the ‘v\i7ildetnt:(7s ., V’Vhich7 were but‘ Types of Chm}, tmdthe iatrtein fubfiance, with the Sacraments wider tl9€Ga5?t*l. i 3. Hence it tnevi~tab1yfo1}ows,thiitthcfcSactaments t Vjvera a.1}.tadtn‘tni£’cted only as »Gr&C€.'*C0m’€ying’ , Soul.» «eontterttng orchntanccstto thof c who were unrcgeneratc t wantad faving’G-race, finccthtzy could not poflibly he {eating and ctinfirlming Ordinances unto themin out Antagénifislfcinceor1anguag,<~. 4~1y,”Fhat: the admini-~ £itilngi,0€’Circt1mcitioh, the Pafieovcr, Baptiifm, Lords Supper; to fnch, who have no favingtfaith, Graces ptcc: cxifient in them. xsfim jetting afsz Seal tea Blsislq, as thcfi:5‘New Dogmattfls, and Lord Iviwpcrt aftloe Great ‘Sui: ofHcm2.m (who rtfufctto fer, 0r.dmIfiiDDtc‘ti'1e{‘{: _ Seals where; God hath praF:rib€d'them, as more wife, tholygzarefull of their profamttion and Nullity, than ’GO“dhim1-9,1?) abfutdly afiirmig who muli nowtcithct renounce this their Cackoesfizng they (0 oft inculcate: ; or elfclhlafphcmottfly charge God hi*mfe}f, our Saviour‘ Iefus Chtifi, the: Patriarks, Priefis, Prophets under the Old Tcftamtcntg the: Apolilcs, Miniticrs,i Primitive V Churches under the new, with follygerror, rnifiake, in ’ fitting all t/safe [st-redfaals (aVsthcyl4rerm them) to wear 6l»tza=l{.ri»;% and aflirm all his Covenants, Promiiésto be but- i I3’!/,‘??’Q'~s‘»ti~i1\€ truth whereof are ialyvayes fea1ed,:tatifie d, « by~thci€'SMl.r wthen evetadmint£it1ed,thongh to unrc~i s i gcnctatc gmtelefsfiperfonss shcyht-ting Sealsoxtclgst _ AC‘ A W64 ‘ .M % % cm mssuE__aa¢4ce»aege;mg, ,4...-nu m um promiLes,Lo»¢13an:s as (God byhdivine 1.um.zuzi" A A 9,3, as phey all acknoyvladgh wh:o‘flilc chem .$_’ml.r-, ngltl m %';1‘i€ p€IiC3n'S.0f :::he;2»l_1e: to wholmtney are exhxbxtesdgnr at leaiiwifc but canditianall, not méfblme Seal: to their _ perfons, not graces; fczfling only dzmfimztion to them mi,-¢7 receivé tlacm rzmvartlally without any gracious etfecfih and A falvation oraceza life ctcrnallto them om when the’. (q)Mat;I6'.I5 ‘,3’ 3 Y “Y is ‘:12’ I4’ 1: Car. 11. 2;. to 3o.This abfurdicylbechaufie I lmve an ' “ large rtfuted in my5m}"2ez¢fios2 fzwjamded, p. 20, 2 I , 2 2, 23, 24. and Mr. w44rfhfll_5 in h;isD:fi311c{:‘of Infana: Baptifm, p. I 17, 1 :8. Mr. film Hz£mfi°'e} in his Re.- joynderto Mr‘.Dm!{;¥, p. 170. to 20:»... and Mr. Mor- rzbe in his Disztrihe have z=.c:m'.e1y' anfvvercd, I {hall here A nofurther prlofequrct ;M bsézing in plain Eug1ifl1 , as pun: Nonfenfc in Divinity, as in would be in Law ,~, for any recaivc them wox:hi1y( as the (q) Gafpelpresfched doth) ,4 . xlgmmmm to afl‘c1"t; l'tba£‘l“Wh€r1 ever the Greta: Seal of Ewgland, or any other is affixeld to the Chartms ; Com- mi1fions,WriLs, Grantls9F:::loff1ncnts,Bond;-1', Clomnants, Pardons of unregcncratc pérfonsa tlzcy lmf.-2: 0321] mm blanks ofno validity, becaufl: they are not affixed to theihflpexfons, Graces, as well as thtfe to their h Writixags. T A ‘ 4. Their 4”. Argument or Ground to provelzhe Lords“ Supper no Gracc~eEI’eé‘ting:Soh1-c:c.‘>nw:-.rting logdinance 13 mm H: Tl»: Load: Slipper A meccfjlarily p2*e~raql£irlct/9 faith and repamtamcleiyz all rejorzizwg m it , hm-mfe wlrbaut tlacfe tine} elztlozmd d2c_inl;t/heir ozawlnldlénmaztlon ;" Tlmrafore‘ it i: am Saul»- comz::'rti72g,, Grace §prod:4ciazg, l but wily 4% Clpnfirming Ordivzazzm, belonging t01lfl£‘Mg£21er_dt£ alwzc; M - l l 7 "rm objaaionbainganiwered at 1arg¢ by my mf, MT-:H”mfV67:l and flfr. ./M’::vr;»J“ir;'¢'$ I {hall only morn, - That that hearing of ltiflaf Ward , refidirzg, ”pr:zya~r¢,hf.afl*t}¢g, Bfi?PtW‘a «re éflll #i?7P7”0fi3»‘:sMle _mrmwiTflpt.mhla_to God, and work‘ I dgferw: damsmtfan anlyh , zvftlzam fditlo atzzd rapmmwce , as ‘ A M!!! A .4!‘ tin’ Lard: SMpPf7";fl’YiW3»CE lH£:’53.4-.lz.2'C0r.2.Il5 ,1 6.. A Marat 631: 3.; :6“! -1 4Path.l~2,. I . E99. Hab. I I‘. 4. 5..]am 1.5. «;;;;.1_g. 1=Pm. lI5.‘.l8%*~ c.l2.8.T9. ‘Iila; I. 10. tozo: “- 4-‘x‘a.wh A ‘» A A M" A ch3P. A .37r.§ul~~c0r21Je;“ri22g Orzliimmfe. V » A kw. is —....—...._ ch};p.6Vr’. 3. _}<~:r.6;.19, 20. §:.7. 21¢ 22, 23, z4.Amos 5, 2:. to 2.7. WA111wmc:0bJe¢*t<:frs than coz_n:1udc from thence : Ergathcn all pmeerequxre true fzuch , r¢pm:—;.. game and ugnrcgcrxeracy, zmdarc no Sgm1~cojnvr:rcixag, Gr;;c~engendrAimg, but Qniy confirmxng, ordimncesy M belonging, {<:fl.c1%y (0 real converted Saints , not A to %:smyV umggenarate: perfims 3* No verfiy : Fog as thftfe Ordi» nancesmquirc { not ahvayes prae .reqmrc ) faith ,V and repc~nrance: to malic sham acceP‘?b1e to God» and cf- fe5)ma1m%m.gg, (r ) fa they lzkewzfe workmzd convey r mg cam,~w“9’er2£e of ‘GM’: $57’?! ) that fairly , 7‘£'pc'1zMz225';s-,("”.)S"" S”flZ€7’” Grace, minim’: 23: raqm'flt‘a to ma/<,c, them xmcepmlvle mm.’ cf— 7q””5fi”3;£:7ed’% feihml: Ifa.55.3. Ga1.3. 2. Rom 1. 16,17. c. 10. °3 ’ ’ ;3,,;o 19, Am; 2. 37, 38. c. I o. 44. to 48. c.V9. I I, ., -17, 18,40, 41:. c. 16. I4.) 15. c. 26. 17, 18. John 5. 21,24, 25, 26. Eph, 2.. I‘. [0 zen I Tim; 3;. I6. _]o~ ymh5.3~. john2.zz.Ac.4..39,4I.c.7.gI. c. 8. 30, 31; 32.. c. 1o.4I,4,z. c. 20- 29-‘ Afis 8. 12. c. 18. 8.. $7. C. 38.24. I _}ohr15.13. 1: (_3pr. I‘4'u:?H'-1'72.S’Io Ami fodm;hzh¢ Lords Supper likewxica 2,51 (hall prove 2:... non. ' ” 4 * f ' 5%. Their 5'. Allegations againfl [I134 cvnwrcing , _ Grace-engcndring power ofzhaa lords: Supper is rhism An /mfwer 1 ‘Z724: there 5: no one prefidmt im5o‘ripmrc,ta pram it aS¢ml»*to Smjéeazfiazz % . con'vertir2g, Grace-p2'adzwing Ordzmmca : Therefore it £;f’=“7’e”‘W> PW mtfuc/9. , % % % % % A % % 14> 359 3451"?‘ 1 arxfwcr. I«Thc1:cis no cxprcfs text: or prcfidgnt: in * % % Scripturcto prove: in as Seal, flflalzmg or Acomfirmizagw or... qiimmcegymithey dogmztically conclud‘ci1;fuch%, as a. principle: not once to be qucficioned or difputed.. AA " 2- T4hetc%is11o on: Text, prefiVdcnt: in Gods word , to prove,4% mrrant thcpo N61‘ 05 Miniflcrs , Prcsbyrcrics‘, §L‘%=la£fc%s,,Tr>icxs mcxaxnin the Livcs:«know1Aedg'e, faith, Gracesyficnc s,worthincfs c1EComn14uni>éamcs,b¢forethey ha {admmzed “to the Lards ppcr ;Athe$1r4A facluding any Chmchzmcmbcrs fmmu fczwr zggmramcc, fcandal, nnprc-‘ p,are%dn+:.%fs, many mzhcr 1fmcapa.c1r;y,-not Agxcl uding 9 them. A a1ik;e fxcgm .3.-11;__o:h=;cr;4Ordina11C£8 rmsir peremptory _ rcfufal» Q Pa 139: “-"‘4-°- Tbe Laid: Suppera Grace~&egetring mmial LC5 £dm1L3iiiCfiLhiS Sacraxncm; 3.0 wnoie Pnrnngs, Ci: ifzfi for {undry year’ nhcir denying it to viiiblcsaincs for f'caroo:f1n1.=siif1iould crowd inzo it. ifadminifircd .- or {hair gathering new A In «Peed Conven_ric1cs oug of old parochiai Congregationzs, Yet the Obgecfiorsoaflurm A2211 ihefeto be ofidiiAinciiniiitL1tion, agreeablc cotho wilt, ‘ in mind ofjofns Chriiig which they mud’: have onciy by 1" pccialrovelationa having no Scripture proof at all to ciegar it. 31y, There is no direé‘: prcfidcnt in Scflpiuffi to prove reading of tilt‘: Scripcur{:,_l\/Ieditationg Farting, Prayer, Singing ofP{“a1rns, rep_c:1:1on of Sefmonst, fami- iy duties, converting; Grace-mfufing Ord1na11cc~si<’;i yet there is fuflicicnt Ground in» and abundance ofHilio- rical Examples om: of Scripture :0 provothomto be fuch. 41y, There is no cxprefs prefidenc in facred writ: for the bapzifrn ofilnfanrs born ofChri(’cian Pamnts, but only by way of nccefTarycoza1"c:qncnce :: A’A17heM Lilia may i be faidof the Lords day Si:1bba.r.h:A=Paymcnt of Tinhcs under the Gofpel 3 Preparation Scrmonsfor the Lordé Supper, and form: other pamicularsg Will they tl1cro- fore conclude chem not 20 be divine» neccfliairy, Soul» convcrcing, and ro be cnfi qniic afide for {o many years, as fbmn havelaid by the Sacramento ofthc Lords Sup- pnr, as noconvcrcing Ordinance? 51y,Though there” "4 bc no cxpreifs cxamplo iniscripcurcuof any particular perfon origina11yAcom*crccd to God by the Iioriicis Sup- ipcr, yet there are many Toxts to prove it, a‘ convorcing, A Grace-conveyingOrdinance ;“ and many ALuthori’tios5 A ( /) Rejaynder to Drake’ (t) Divine. V i V Right of cbzmb-i-Ga—} wmment, P. $43 I 51-49‘ prczfidcms inoall age:ns,.,naii'erting, mgnifcliingic to be fuch. _Mr._( f ) Hzmzfrey hath recorded one: memora- ble example: oflare under Mr; iilijcbard Fairqlaugb his hand,— and I doubcinoc but hundreds morcrnighr be prod nced from the it;cl’simonic‘s; experienceisi of othgr A on Minificrs and privarcChri{iians. A n 6. Mr. Rwrherford; D1'.‘DmI{¢, Mr. Sazgzzdtriii ., and other Opponent: confefs in print, and oth¢rsfbf'rh¢ 0p;p0*'__i \ zzezm in ti?ié::AirnoPiL11pit Difcourfcsg Tim; the iGrzm' of faith amdgjr/4: canioezflah mite‘ §od,mazy ée, mzdfoma: tirgmy m‘:?A:&‘« A My ____..-Ji|'.._,,__..' Sattl -converting Ordiitztntt. l l 1.7% h.cztt’y are 'w7'm'-2'ght ttt the Stttmmmt a the Lord: Sttpptr, be. i‘rtg Fcirced by Aarglzlments, and expericnces lhfi2£'s‘2lm:0. Em; then to rob this Ordmance Both -Ofthc cfficacic and em: ol‘tht:. W orlmthey fnbjoyn, I . T /mt‘ though fttith mad cttzzztrflotz are mad may he wrought at this AStttrtzmex»t_., yet they are mat protittctd h} it, /mt only h}! the word, prayer, mtd otherlcattcomittttttt that attend it. 2. Ttmt zhtfit eflét? air war] r.:tt'e, txtmardiztttrjt, amt! mt't7'!} accidental; mwhett fétit/3 and cazmtrfiotz am: fimttintes wrattght hy afflifizatgsfi tempttztiamf, fitlgvteffr, or other ctzftttaltitt 7; Bttt the] mat mt efcfied by it, zrtt hy ct.pmptr ordtmtry mmttt or inftrttmtttt, oraltthted tttztlhltjjhd hy Ghrift‘ to work f-‘t6’/J tfi’eft,r ., M the ward prettahedit. T0 which I anfwer, I . That ifl fame: Q have, and others may have-Fwving faith and r£t~alconvct- fion'lwrought: in them at the Lords Sllppér, than with lwhat face can they ltdcny it , tobaa Soul-converting, AGrace- procrcaunlg Ordxnancet E! 7 zly :. W uh what: H63-fES;COn‘l‘Ci€flC€S) can they than include any um-::x. commucnxcttcd, utarcgengrtlltc Clmtchmtttnbert from 1:, or Arefufeltolh aclmxniltgcr it:« frequently to clam: part» A . lhfhioncrs every tnonech or ofmcr Pl there bcting not only (72) Aéts m. A V apcradventurc ; or polllbiliqn, but lilce:vv1f'e a great pm zo, LI» 2-7. _ babilicy that they maybe converted at or by if: ls well 33- "ET““- 4. as others , when prleaching.A, cttccluifing, prayer, with 3’ to jfch‘ otherpublike: Ordinancesrwill not cf¥'et£l11al‘ly work up- R'o,—{., m.',,.,_- on them, (rt) If they mttj} preach the ward afGod ccm-« (x) 1: Cor. 9,,- V 7 l/f¢£t¢t17,_fr6qM£ntZ}', in tnfoh tmdattt flffitdfhfl,-T0 atilthtir pea-- 15:» 1% , A pit, though dfwf/1", jhtpid, 05fl'1'}Mt6’,~7‘¢f7'afi‘07'], cttrmtl, f#flfm~~§'.}"})’zz5;];‘1¢I%'t1£.\:L€.ts 4!, dtuillzjh, and war] W’!/ikt'[)' tt he wrought ttptn, 1 ‘he- 15$ 1 75 ,3_ ctzttft 1.5.115‘ their dttty, amt! there zit ( y ) tt pafllhility , tt prolrtt- z,Cor,,z. 15,16 e évitity, thtttfimc oft/tam, at lttfl, in God: that time 9 may ht" A3515. 14- “- really converted, tmalftwtd by it, though the ( to ) grettttf? 3'3‘ M‘ , I fl - - A l K)R0m- 10- part tfthtm ht thtrth] -/mrdncd, the-tr aamltmmztzan tzggwt- I M LMm._I 6‘ l '?JflZ‘€d', ttztdmttdt méfehitttflhlefflhld thtmt/mt oif‘ Stdom and 15,15, Rom, Gqmarmh :~: thcnfivhy fhouldmhey notlas llcoullantly, as It-A7. 8, 9:7go"» l lfrcquently adlmixiiller the I;ordAs Supper to them, lbc- Mat» 1°» 14, caulk fqme‘oftbcm mtly poffibly, may probably be rct.1- 1 A :3 M tat 1’y,1‘€C13;1frl€dfIOm‘thc1f finsfionvertcdg renewed, fated 1011‘, ,’5_ ,;;V by 24,. ..-.n—._.._.; ,. . VlW'F—)71¢ " I 8 ii l:78i07‘dSS2’»iPP£’7'"dr‘G7°£1C'€...é?ge1:tz}ygr A ‘ l. by it, XI‘-1Ougll_th¢"majOrpaAI.‘t‘Cl'Oth‘CI‘El)y aggravate their fa} I Cor. I1. fins; j11dg€:'n‘.6n*t3~, andi(a) mt, dfirlkddrnfimiiofi through "'7‘ "9? ' their own dtf.iults.P glyg May not the Objeéiots and others ofout Minillerstjulilyfeat, that their dilc_ont.a- ging, d€~ba1'I‘ilZlg,th¢il‘ people from th1sSactamA;nt lundty years tOgCth€:1‘,Wl‘l€{IC they might and lhould have been to in(it1’1&ed,e:xhotted, cotnfotted, ecounfelled, cdtfied 2 -andyatwhich by Gods grace they ipolliblya probably might have been cffeéhzalily wrought tipotmand con-i i vetted; hath been the prtnciipatiacaufe of their contm?u-“-‘l l ed~ignorance,t_>ropbanencfs, contempt ofi*un profitable- nAcfs, unfi-uitfulynefs under other Otdirlances , and that fo few of them hmte been really convc'rted,; That their afiertiing in to he no race» 5egertz’zag,SaMl «converting 0r-- dimmce both in Prefs and Pulpit, hath been one great‘ ireafon why fo few have repaitedlltio, and been ‘really V converted by it oflaziegifceing they ate?neiiitllelttimvlttecl, not yet admitted to it as a probable lively “inPtt.umt;nt .(b).Ezccb ofbegetting favyinnlhith and convettionin them ?' And 8, 9. A515 flia1lAnot then thetfié) Maud, loft aft/Mfr pcfoplc: Sm]: be he ’ V26’ “,,,3_ cxmiicd 5} God and Cbrifi‘ at it/coir band: , for depriving A i ‘ them of this effcéiual probable meansloftheit conver- fion, falvatiom which they ihould have frequently id» miniflred to them by Chtifls own cémand? it is the du-- A m ‘y mi‘ we ty ofall careful confcicmioyus Phyfici-ans of mchs Souls» 15, 57. ,.;,,,;asw¢11 as bodies, to uf: .411 (c) pafliélc, all proiéaélct mans» 23. Acts 2.0;. Ara 4,-fofl tbeiripatient: Cflffli, tmdi ptfeftrm their line: from it ‘=18: 19:”: 3141: death; and when one mAed4'Mm:nt William prmaxl with Iberia! as, :7. :T:.m. _ to amzthcr, arrmitc manylyaftlxm tagenber to warigtlaeirn ‘flag’! cvqih S"‘A ‘\ f y . h l l.,.*- M 1 M‘ 1.43,. 4, ,, « é‘”7'4'- i ttlce tent yome ( myAmanyA; A ;a,vc.ug al A ages » y i been converted «byanid at the Lords Supper, it 15 he lycfs A y “ ethane Soul-mgnrdaring crime :1: them wilfully tordyc-i ptive their people of,‘ or dcbartthetn lundty years from i i this Sovetaign Balm,iMeclicinc , they ¢arncPc1yldefirc,i Which through, Gods bleflingmiohc both effeétually convettalnd yfavcitheit Souls, an for want whereof * they lie ldctd, yea die in their {ins and _CI€:l‘piisififC7$y; V notwtthflwding iilli their pltcaching to them’; , 4i T.hm:~ * - i A “ “ S0!!!-60fl'Uf7‘fii2g :0ra¢i;2arzce.h ‘ :1: my z';¢h/:m»z_*u;e;vz m we prcjcma of Gad and /Jim x5?¢¢ge[:%Ao1/fir 7 am: flmeer tlmt re-pe;~;t:t1o,zz2_¢d zér carzmrtcd, Luke I 5. 7. 10. Ifbuv; one or two imncrs then m an age have been com hwcrncd and broughm;_o r.cMphenhtance.a1': grby (ha Lords” Supper; fhould-not :h»1shcngaghc,a1l M1n1{-he,-rs frequently 3 madminifiéri;t civcgsn to unconverted Sinners , bccaufc pofl?h%1yh.fome one otnhcm may be convertcdhby it; and fo came joy In heavaen before the Angals, as wen as h bniflg gloryto G<_>d~~ax_1d this his C_)rdinan_cc upon earth, Yfca nwillnoit::h:h.1~'s;wh1lfu1*1dcbarrxng then: people from t»his~thcir Mom_h1y food and phyi_i;_k: bri_ngperpctua1 h»orror,.1amcnm1on upon many “M1n1fic-rs m:He11, and fec1hudc.thchmf_romctemaljoicsinficavw, ifgny one « fo,u1:u:ndc.r rhcxr charge {hall pcrxllxfiarvc, m1fcarry for V W:a»ntw-ofvrhhis fpiritual food and cordial :’ 5.11: is Gods mam refolhu-tion, precept, Rom. 14.15. If rlcy évrazlqer be gmmd v;w£;%‘tby hmmt, new walkgjf J:/mm not hactording to hCbar.Et}'; Deflra)nnot»himhwit/a tlayammt for "I37/'!0fl¢ C/Jrzfi" died. , .H1’>6th€rc_»n0t many “°thoufandsV of people now juflly gricvehdhwithmhchirlvlinifiers :2 for denying chcmh this chirirfpiritual meat, phyfick» yearwhafcérychar, which aghehy h;daAi1y,month1yhcry forhat their hhands; 86 yet cannotg motive 1:1? »and~hd’o not they chcngahs mh11ch»ash1nh«chem 15, ‘ V daflroy and/fiarwe tbafi: fa,rwIoam«C/grzfl died, by denying t‘?havt Spiritual Balm, :chac*Sou1-~Ihvxnvhrcpaflsof the bo-- V dy,b1cud,anddcachof our Lord Jchfpsa which fhouldw favethem-.frohm_pcrifl1inga and hfeed,~prefcrm their éadier A and Soul: I-into -eternal hlif:~? Yca,do they not hcrcinh deal ' mofl cyrann~ica11~y, .unchtifiia=1i1y, rinhumanlya unconfciow nablyh with htheirhpcople, hnothhwallging accordiag to hthmmla ” afvlmrity A”? And can they then cxgefi thcéle/jivztg ofwthét M) A jwffhvundfaitbfall Servzwmt, fwlachm t V owr I923: baufkold, hta.gi«zmt/9am t/acir~portion~ofm:’.rn: in «dug,- fW‘fl7”a ‘Whcnas theydetain'thischiefporti«on of fp'1'ri-- ; h " ttml food‘*a~nd“hcavcr:1y*~Supper from thggzm agahhinfl his A 'p1:w::cei>t? mroa~nrheyhefc4;pc tvmtomtizgg :afl“mdm-i_,y.4nd « yartian wiflahunbaliwerx,iChriPc»»thcre hhthrearcns‘ so that ,i._._. 19 .__..__.--no Malt. 2.1% 4 Wu 5'’ a e »Lardhbatb vmdemlcr :1 ‘ M" m.~ wiluS7mwmt; whoiinjaredh"/gzkfcllaw Servant: , mad deprz'~7~ h A {A D 2 A A axed» A .2107 — A /9e'Lards Szgpper a.,Gra§e-éegettimg, wed t»»’3miz"oft:’A:A::i7“ due partim offered? 1 {tar they can _doc . mim¢,r,y1m1¢i's :.hey~.r<:pent ofzhis Soulfiarving cruel-=+ my. Thus mush in anivvcr only to c.hc:1r conceiiion, Tim: [(2322: Ma, and may éetomzertcd at 07’ 13} the Larft; Supper. 1 {ball now reply tb»chcirWcvafions.’j % I .How can zhefc pxzctcnding omnifcicms p<5fi%:;TiL?:!.<=:ly dezerxnine, ghatfuch. wbo=Ahav¢~': been comcrtcd at LHAAB A Lords Asuppcs, weremt converted éy in but by the Word M or prayers which accompanied}: ?* AA Since: the Spirit A éyy-ggzf/ggtlg n:hg;re,-.w/am_. and in, Z} zé2l:azt¢ardzT2mzce be lg/fctb, and time] mwot W/My wimzr zwz/y be zvarfiv , effeci alt} in .2... river: hearts, wzbafiperfmi atndmemrx of c-mvcrfiwz r/my We 1:g'fl07"m7t 0}‘, John 3.. 8. :z.1yf,T/smward af%41‘3A°cz¢edii:?%ian,% Cmfc cmyian, fnflitzmom wfizd at the Lords Supper, A is an cf. V f:nti:glpm'At4of s*°t,wi;*I::mt W392‘:/9 it weir/oar 2': mar cam be a 54- (Q3 % ggggda; cmmmt, as (I!) flxzg2.cfi‘z'we, ym all Dfwirzex both P2’-attA:-M A %‘-Mrbzam ad 2- V §h.m=t3:iAi1d Papifl: accord. Thsizrefwre to divide them Aiemesatzam, 429* Tom, 3. I217, x V 0 oncfrom anothczr, as_dii%in&, when God hath . joyfaed fi”:“£Z:$' them together as xnieparabley, to makeup om: *1m:1%rc 3 . b’ ' .~_r.Mgf‘go_ gn Sacramanr, and to attribut: »com=erfi*on :0 {ha Word job. 0:-'igm 2'72 af benediéfion, confacrzation or ixafiicutiotw only , but WM4r-v- 15- not to thfl Elements and incite O1'dimmce, is as gxjcax; ‘ _3z'_[7yop jewetr mfmeafm an abfurdity as to affirm; that me Mir;iL’cc;r:~; congxrc AP,,;,,gy,5_,,_ on'1’yAconfecra.tes;Aand hishands diifriAbum rhc: Sa-.;;ra~ ; di'vif.L_ p.mr,mcnta1El¢ments, but not the Minifier l*zi:11fclf;V vtzhac A A 392 g4fim-3*-’l-th%c Communicants Amouchg one-.1-y can Aand1c%r%ink‘:%Athc lzzrm, ££i2e:r''?Mt. ‘ A W 1 A ‘m, char the Ufes ofSAerxAnons cc:m.rez:x; !.7At1€:A Audizommot « thc%%Do&rnrm;a, Mouvcsy or 1i3U..1AA€: Scrmomga gly, 'I‘*h;g. U) 7~;,9_ gm, "5.e!cr47m*:at 2': l2aw'Ez at f) rvifiéla mad Aamdiéle ward or Ser. cm: ¢zzt.eclaifm,man,, repre*fle:«zting.tI9e Aflmfficuzkgzélé la-Us afGo:71, cwd C//srrifl-% J_;$0’*’:4i5-L" in d;:1=agfi.r%am*% fl«.7.*-‘ in ea maj?w»*p£mtiaaZ 22zpzmze;aéat[a4;o%%%az4r Deffifcé-£3733; ¢;}e.sn,A wars, and £5)’ téwmyinra Mr M/:1Mrar.£ _.gmd L mind; ;r.zt agate, Apo[agy,;;,349‘éy r1:mf‘Ward a';zd% Eiamewts coféfiéingsfd htagetismg, to Awqrk mar: , pazwrfwlly, wigarazsflgg canzzirzaizfgly 9 a)j‘*7:EZia;mte!y‘t;pan 0 mm; Saul: ., tAo mt brc:a.d and win%ea’tathAe Lcprdza 3up;:><~‘:1'-, not their perfons; A 71;, atgmii‘, mad mm Mt/9:*m%f§a7f gwr %j;mtoV A vGa:i,'irz, éfiy and:/gfazfgk jefiair C‘kVi/fig and t/ae[2owWerfA:’4Zl AA_V1';A3z.~.. A A fixméce a f 151$: S;£rAzr?caaps;n2t$img wit}; the Ward and Sf.:zarcd AA % A A‘ % ‘ M ‘ A A A A Elements A c rrelatingywhpolly to it ; Therefore the Sauxlwazarverztiizg“Ordinance. V g-—-...---w ‘ ,...n..-.—u.-.........- Elemivrrs ix this Sxwmmerrr -’ The Grace. wrotaglit at, or byit 3;‘ mutiny be attributed to they incite Ordinance; as well as the confirmation and aug-A mentation of Graces formerly began, which they may as ptobablyaallqert is wrought only by the Word”, prayer, and concomitants or the Lords Supper, not by the’ Ele- mentsor Sacrament it ft-:lf,.as thatconverfion at this Sacrarnent is wrought onlybythem. 4.. All the lelff- examination, preparation which precedes the Lords Supper, all the Benedié’cionsa‘Prayers, Iritlruélions, Exhortations, Admonirions, Praifes, Meditataions; Sn» 1i1oquies,Vowes,Refolmions of Newnefs of life and better Obedience 9 that accompany it 5 are ( g ) é/it “part: and nppsmemza2cerof'tIsi.r hag} duty and Ordiriamcé, convertion wrotightat otbyit,by any part of.-‘the duties that either necellarrly precede, accompanies orfollow it, may and rnuli be afcrtbed to this Sactamerit , as the inlirumental caufe;notAtotl1e wordpprayermr any other Ordinance alone which heceffarily attends 1t;as the Vi- in chief, net to the private Soldiers vvhp win the ba.t- telaunder him» 5 137:» That this efieéilofr Savmg Grace . and converfion, is rarely wroughtator by their Lcrds supper, isnow angxoli certain truth; becatifeytlie Lords , Supper is (0 rarely adininifiretl, pygmy qtiite cal’: afide for refbrettre CCt1‘J\/'f;l’.'AAl~”LI:;A2_AXA.‘3;, A (g) Ame.v.Bel.. I ‘ 0 real Grace and 53;’: .E7Z£’V’¢"Jtlt“.. A3J.I.L“2,. The Pnzfifice ‘ ofPiezy,Rogezr.s aftlae Seam-3 mm“. Al eforie is chiefly afizcribed to tyhe(~3eI3e.ra1 Whoycommands V divers years inmany places, and not ufed; reyylbryted to l as ayc‘onveArtying C);“‘di.nanct:la wliererpand when ca‘dymyini_¢- fired .: A And iftherzwybrd were npwyas yfcldorn, preached as :3:he[Lords Shipper is admitrillrcydicl few or none would or mama he cpflvcrtcd by if-A-A ilBU1: when the Lords Supper wascda1iy,pswec klyraor rnonethly adrninirired, as D 3 rinrhs A-Profiles trimwhr¢l‘1?rimitiV¢ Chnrchsfldrfbrmcf A ems, than many wcirciyrdinarilyarynFrcaauennlyspnwicncr i A ‘p "ed”'Abyf.it, well f asgj:onfirtned’as:-wh.ete~asA»~Anotsoneisoul c hatches byyeAén'All~éitheer ~converted tor‘ confir tr;,erdA, by being; deba,r"redfromllAit for ;:1ivc::s~:yea:s together", by,1y4t_many chrindtred Frans wnvsrfionaediififiatiovasvefirmeiicnaW1 A i - *" A A qniteA* 2.2 . W 4 Tia: S‘ 25' “£5 Grace-éegett? V qvi e:»dc11Wr—oiedV.A. 671fy,VV cry f::v_v have been cnrnvcrced . A V by the ~wo1;dpreachcd3fincc: :h1siSas:1:a:menc %harh rbecn dficoncxnucd arndédccrzsed, as-wc*finVd by fad :¢xper1*’cnc¢.,. The 17—arit=»ic ~t:hcn»e foi;cvAof.C«foAn%%vc rcs at and by1;his% Sacra.-- 'm:m:.pr~ocecds on1yfrom the infrcqucncin and difu..... fa;ge»of~1t as a Con wertx-mg, fa1_tI:1~cngcndrmg2-Orclmancéé 5 V not fromi-t~s indifpofitiom tor xucongztuvirvy to work ‘b0;tj.h. fa;?i%:h,~and convfirfian. A 71y, That th?¢L“O1"dS ?S.)J>P.P£1‘ cf» fec9c~s«»gracc a~n:d«convcrfion only %c*xrraoLdanar:11y,. and by- — accident, as £Cmp~t~3.”ti0l15g°flFfl;i&i0flS3 fiCk‘DEITC§> Sec. do, ‘ min: as a1p£ropm°mflrumentwor merms4ord%a1ned , bleacficd. by God for 17uch%c1’fc&s, 18 a moi’: abiurd, unchrxflciana um;h¢o>1og4ic'a1,V erronixous, i-f7noxVbLa£9he:4mowu3 ,afl’cr%.xi<:1n.:'%% A coAmra%rieTto VScriprurc,Antiqu"ity, the currcnt ofa»1l.Di- vines Prorcflancs or APapiPcs, forcin or dOm€P£iCkro [ha very ixcflaw itfelf, which {files it 3 A ‘MEAN OF GRACE, .»as»vv“~'e11.vas'thc Word ;]and to xhc 26.». ';Arcic1«c:of_«c4h»e‘Church of England _, which 1.*vcfo1v.cs in *0R"DAINE:D 0.1: CHRIST , to 5: AN EFF»ECTLI- fll. “SIGN «of Grmc.md God: growl Awil/nvaward mam; £y7 wlaich FDOTH INVI*S»IB,iLvY IN "1J‘S:5 nmlwdat/9 WNMOT LY Xwt a{fi2 fircngtlamz AA and oonfirmj «mrfazitla. Hence Carciinal Cwjmm 1&1 I Cor. 1 0. vand Dr. rlmex, as well as Bcllarmin, in his Bellrzmnmm Enarwmuu, Tziim. 34 ‘.c.4gp.4. 3.. 4cuonc1sudcA;:‘H we mam ~efl1«~?COM_.M%NI«,S’ :z‘;12s'o%L0ao;2g;z4c214. ‘ % ,3 Sm9mmwta4A(It‘OJVF TIA/‘I/I, ml4:F24€'IfiEND0 «ma: N@aNI‘I\(V€* %1~TA“CTAjM, wl :tha.rmomon”1y~ as ‘Sig. zm t*79'€07‘%‘fl, «dd mmmm iwflitum, fled ~prmSz‘!:£a gm, and Wat» EFFVCIEZXQDWM %%?‘1’1\{STI‘:I?t.;%% ‘TA : asvrheydthehrc *cxprefsft%h+ecmfe}vcsA; mp. 29. A TnF%Wh&€h‘?’r;4 Jimyazv a%dds~flh”is,‘Aa=s h5:‘s*own*and%a1*l*Pro.+a ‘ V" tef¥;a.ms“'pifli0ms;c%.. 3’.%~*pa2~4-‘Q 2\?aflwa_f&nt*mtid»e[?, SA.-9 B«ER_€, m~ESpE@tm ~G1z.4T1c,£, gum %5;;g.,,,,,,, . p0t?fl Véldtivncjm %:~% ~>71an% tgmgm 'fi””4*%mrW immediate M ME"’v5’W;TEh“: Jain» V -,","-\"'q A Saul--converting Oralizzzzzzm - A A 33 “‘£<.4A11"lll‘1)E1 AET F1DE- Bu.c%oEthlismcr¢1argeiy in. arsfwcr to their lat’: Objgrélioln :Axga.in£i; its con»*crtimg power. _ _ A A A AA Thai: 6. Obj<::«9cI Id’01#W‘)', Idalx, awdwldol-Gad: 3 ta::':,f5’t7; II 6;‘ ~35: ‘extermzl profejfim only 0 f the Gafiel af Ciavri/l,.a;;d viflélc 1244,19‘ warjlalp, fe2*22ic¢ ofrlae rm: and lizziwg God. ll This kind 0541.. c. 8.5!. to lllconverfion (not: lwhszrecolntrovcrredj :15 original!) wrought 353- ;¢- §» '5» 3%. 5,, gm gydimry wlz}, 0221} 5}’ tla:1~vardAprmcI:ed, or the fight 51:3- fqf _Mz'rac-la: accampmyling tlaé aafard , not by the Lords c:15_},_”R.,,{,_ Supper, Baptifm, or other pubhke Ordinances; as thc m. I4. up 7.1.. mm‘gimlTextI dcxnonfiratcg 2.. law’/iéley Spiritual, ‘3-1h5- 15: 13- . (IQ 172f¢’7‘7¢fll; when mzregcmsmte cairml [/arzffiarif Jp7:0-l.I3P’A fgffing extermglly the Gafpel of C/mfl , zmd avorfhzppxxgl to 12; G“. 3‘. the M17 rm: Gad, are efiafiually turned framlzllt/m'rfim,; 1., 2.. c.l :,.;.3. lafls, mil wafer, war/(I afdarkmrfx, and it/ac power afSamn, ‘C01’-I?~z“-=8-QAV to gnfeigned repeniance, fm'z*/JV, /:va‘12nafi',vzewz:efi of lacfle, lame, V and a&cdi¢nc%e ta Gad; Mwelllim tlacirfawlx, .éf~irz‘t:, 45 am? 2. Tim; m, ward tam/tffdtiam, doing wark_A:gm:arfar repentance , Amzdll 1:. cm 4.17. wlm Aisfl lawful! amdjwff lmth in tlaa-fight ¢fG’ad andmm ;,A Mar.2.8.I9,w Ofwhith Converfion lwc read, Pf. 19. 7. P1‘. 51. I 3. 3;‘:‘~15. Is"- If.-a.6.% 1Q.c. 39. 20.1 Jar. 3.14. c. 25.“ 5.c. 16al‘l'3.‘AC.3I.(]E)%:om.z 18. c.44.;5. Lam. 3. A40. c..5. z I. Ezcch.;3.l13.c.I 4. A13, ,9, I p;,_« 6. c. 1 8.A‘2_1.AA 30; 3 2. c. 3 3. 11.; to 20. Hof. 1 2%. 6.c‘. 14.1. 3, 4. Rcv'.:.~. %z.A.]oe412. I2, 11 3. ]onah~A 3. 8. Zach. 1". 3. Mam‘ 3.1 5. 17- Emch-352 A c’. AI~A8.V%3V.Ma1f. 4; I A24. 10; John’: 2 40;. g‘PAu9fS 2 8. 2.7. 2'6’ :7’ A c. 2,6.“If8;l2o; 2.‘Cor.3A. I5. am.'5 mo‘. ~q'I_‘hcfirPc{or: A , of thcfe Cdnverfions ispeculiaron1ylto1frncc:*r Hm-rhe:n3 l and ido1acer;s,:nc\;*cr formerly prqfcfling :h:;gGofpc1. The " (m) DweQur%.I7. ,.—.._._7 34, A A T/o4e%If.arrdsSuppercz$ G2:dce-eée +2» 46- 6- W» 911- 1*Cor- 1-0. 16; I7. 21‘-Ac. I 20.%to‘ the end 1,; can as thc ’ Ptt_[]?s'o'v.erljc1‘01§g€:c:1’tO none whbvvér; r»:;éciaE:zz}ygaz‘fed§ but ;0‘“the circzzmcg/Zed alarzeg Exod. 1; 2.,j“43; ;to; 50; aild 7% the Sacramémz‘ of B’4p¢i[mwascp7,be ? aci1x1g_i.niflr‘cAdA? to, no ’ - Am car Pflw~*> W WI W fwb W/‘W Wéméd the G?/W1“ U Afii‘/5 A S0ul~_convdf¢ing Owiimmce. ‘ AA W5 . "«”rafejflrdt]9:ir &(.’1i£_ft/9.¢T&’0f~..&.'£f- AA . ‘ ‘ % final!) ééwftiged, AMat.A2-8. 19. Mar. 16. A % .fare L“/96} wm 1: I‘ 5, x6. Aas 2. 4:: C-A 3- L2, I 3 , 36, 37.-4:.’ 10.47,. % c. 16; I 4. I§a3I3‘5§5A1333a34-% Now the rcafon ‘a;-my gmichcr :hc%Ljbrd: Sptppernor Bazptzfm Amight.be:Aad_mini- % fired to m¢:AcrAIn~fi~del$ Ebeforc their embracing ‘inf? thfi %Go1"'pe%1, "is not A bcca’ufc they are no A.rc:a1Ey convrmirzg . Ordinancgg In the fcnfc fQre:xne.ntione:d: (as I.haa;c: pro» ‘vcd thc I.C51'ds Supper to be; and the (;¢)1?.Am£»er: With (us Decmirrcl. (21) See Baclzelu . ‘others a{I'<:n; Bwpzzfm ::Aobc,4 from Mar. 3. 1 1. Jolm 1.6“! I 1, 4 ” 726.*Rom.6. 34. Ga1.3. i7. 1"Pc::tA. 3. 21.%:Ep11.%.5.e2.V6*s,;,, ,§a;;,;fm;t‘3- 23"". Tit". 3.. 5.) but értflufe they xareAbA»zdgeJ of Mr C/1W- f¢wg[5‘ Reply W §l‘z;z71’it] 3 to di]firzguifl7.m%from Pfigatxhzwzd allatlacr f.2lf¢~ Harding, 12.2.1. 17- 34'7":~ 3'49: 7*’\_elt;giam‘; the mwzm, flgnx, Bond: afam m5l'»MlAi~v¢corpam-AA H 8 % °3 45 -2 4 tiqn,aud mjfiicalurrian into the vifiblé C/mrv/9 "of JC/arm‘; Am“ Emu,” V fl the /1».‘lemérial:*»of the dmtl: afj'ejm C /J‘7*’ifl‘, wbtrcby we gym--,-,,,;_ row: A ewfortb My dear}: till 12: vcimegand 3 v2&:l:¢1aaA: vfwtr Cfmi. 3.l.t.c,;. flian Commm2iamwd4~Amutuat agramm in fazitfb and irrb- rberly C/Jriffian [am am tarwzrds mm/oer, M member? of tbefilffame bad}, as 1’Cor. Io. 16517.; 1.c. 1 1.23, 24, A :35, 26.c. 12. 12.13: 14.. the 7.5. V28 Arti~clc acquaint them with 85 inflruéig th'cm tn thetmys-M ht Pcctieshtof theGoi‘pe’,in order to their external &;AmtcrnLa1 convcrfion unto Chtithstadmiflion to thcfe ’Sacraments.. zlyg I anfwhcr, that though the Lords supper. may not t be given to meetPagans toconvert them to thc A C{1Lr‘i- fli.-an faith ; yct after“ tht-it cxttcttnal ptofzflion of the Gofpel, and Baphtifmmit may and mutt be duly adminis- B red to them, far theirfhrthert edzfimxioh‘ , and real in- ‘ term! camxerfiazt to tthefawihg Grace offaith in C/ariflg amid ht/M; immedmtely ztparzrheirt hdptzfm and prafeflfon of the Ga:j6el_,A&s 2.4t,4”z,4t5. Whcncch the Ape/flea mad A’ Father: in the primitive Clamtch azdmim;/frcd thi: Sxzcrzzs-h went in hath kmdgrta all the; httptizeat , immediately after (3) gggp;-3. to their Baptzfm, gas (0) Bifl1op_7ewclprot'es at large %out of Hmiifignzrt. Cypri;zn,Hz:ram, An_gs;ji‘ine,,aNnd other old Writer: 5 and :;:fi”I'o:f- Pt I haw: ( p) elfirwhercz manifefied = hctefore itihould V (P) A,5mfim__notvhbe duly adtninilhtzd to all unr-agencratc Chtritiiii » (q) .4ntiqn;e- we Vgmgzjwgm ans as aconvcrting. tdit3ancc, and nogffettaincd from of.Free-admi]-’-_ thcmtyear aFterycar.h A ‘ j A A A _t fi°"- 31y,.(q) Dr. Drake (the: chief Ohbj¢<5ior.f aflk-trts. that rim Preface weer Hmt/new t (M well oz: unrzgmmzte fmhdazlam; Chrz .- fir: p_ 5_ B,,,,,’. flian: ) may he p2{'ejZm_; at the Lord: ;S'x¢ppar and all Sacra 4% V dary, p.I6~o, mcnralafiianx. with agrezzt de2z1hfprafi:;,;md ¢mzz'n the fig;-Tho. BM‘ fmit ofthé w_/ihle and mhdihlq wtard hr}: hmfe”pra{2tm:ea twith.-A Wm. mtmgifm,_?Wh7'6’0ctvJ7zg.. ‘ And 1f (0, thgicnt-t maybe 1;kcw1f'e%ad- t f; 46,” A mittifited tothetn with mtuchghnoreyptofit and ftuitfox: ~ A " thtc1rt’”e:xterm1andintetnal qonvetfiong the * chieffrtfir taf '1'!-3 canfiffihg any :11 I',4,5.1‘“=€fltiflg~dfld drinking according to Chri/2‘: Acammtzndhh, A and not. in gazing :on1fy%« uponitt Cr) SM~¢;m;»h -W11h0uC'1'CCC1S/113g. Dmkex mm t Their 7th~and_ mainobjcétiontisnhis, t(r)%hr/9..-. Lord, 533 A M dayym, 157, A g.S'u.pper hath no .éj5¢.'t.fz‘4ZCazre2zaz;¢r'or pra,{m'Vfl_e_g2f ahmeggggt “ t t '0 ‘F W>tSvtt22tttt= 2 Waketw G3'4¢‘g*‘fi}&i”gh?}..‘spt§”!7°? % Acamzerrmg Ordtm;mc_:.a:¢ 1'/GE‘ Iar'cax:'a;;f-«pr¢~.;zz;*kr.e¢;i fmm: 1 ézzawfciw ‘Soulwlfonveéfiting Ordinzmce; ~ 27 Iuvlll-IIUIIUH-nu-illannym-u-rqnnnax-and ‘ it mi:/oer ix, nor cmz Iv: az%dr2~2za7_/firm’ =:;r% raerwizwd infimirb my mum, % ?ii2,/lrummt afwarézxrgfavlrzg G mac "gr C’owcrfian in ‘mam Souls, nor in‘; ct cauyerting O/‘dinmfb§- I anlwer: I . AHOQ1?Ai3{agQIfi1.Pt$?,§1nd Oihffiff 'Divincs, A FaLh::rs~,Counc‘i1s;V Writers generally ailizrz , ‘.7’/out %zl2;.«: Lord: Supper is as true mad 2-«mi 5/tars-«meat , iyzfzlitmfcd éyq) gm“ Be/W [‘lJrifl /aimfeif= Now (f ) every S;zcra2Vm%cntcawg/a?fi‘: of a%,mm»Em_,,,,0fl_ M Ward of pwmzfa, élcjfingg and M7‘ elcmmxt, {as [he 1~"m]m»,; 3 Tom 3_ mph V .Sc'hoalm»cr2, evil Pratczi-tam, Popiflm Divincs atfcrt ;, and 309belim,D:- %as“1;hcyrcfo1ve : ~2.1y,Ifinbc a real Sacrament , thcni: Lhc Synod of Parix, Anne I 557. £1111:-2 defines it; Sazcm- Z . Amenmw , V3760. 6‘07¢fl'fit at Elcmmta V: Vcrbmm cfl mm z]z¢zc-,£,;',l/31,93 dam EV~/INgELlCA/1/I P1€O.MISSI01\7Ec__mA Pm 3% S,W,;‘- fefercmx, no: dc volnntate at Gr¢tt%i;az%De£ erg»? rm: zzdmamemi dizgelicaa 29“ Thcr<:forc the Lords Supper mat’: likcwifc comm of a R”/9?“: Tit- Word and Evaxagclicalproxnifcs ofGod.~: good will and ;iz°;,Zm;’z;‘”” gracc ?.to,wardsus,‘ as “well as other Sacraments 5 fince write of Sax» nemsrflm fine altcro Atbtatm Smzrmmwti trample: fu&flm2tz'.4:m,crmc;»zt:, Bi- fllop jewel: ~ Defence of the ‘n1uPrncca.°.flb.ri1y be a Gra'ce~conve:yino,. begctting , efé Apolagy W 2, . _ 3 I 0 fcéting, Soul-converting and finéti yirsg Ordinance, c.7_;z;.,,,_;~. P_ for asrhg-,(t) S)W0d§af Paris Am1O1S 57. dcfincsu .4 S4» xyr. cmmmt acmrdzh to the E: malo a in name z :1‘ es ‘ % 5 y ‘N f "’fe}'z":¢g (M %xfi‘mma:4t4ZcMrfe:, I/5raz¢gIa.z/as efimcy of the‘ A A 'bAa-/}.§’pr7rit, markjag pawerfaily wit/:2, in, gmd éy rise Wimig med Element: )t/J: :'mermzl% Azz2*vi_/561;’: Grace af _C]ad, arAAgm--- ci!am_frcaAe]fe¢t, daflinrzwd BYW DIVINE INSTI H.1- ATION Toma SALVATION OF MEN. TA'£_;e_fi»:.A Sacrament: were inf:«‘x'trttedA by ('/Jriflfar zglzrc ravaged} Aamd cm aftba c£:ifmfe.!r of the Sand, wbafe efiracy i.s‘fm:la,A Th; c THEY MAKE THOSE SACRED AND Hour” who 'za2ortlnz’l)* s*er%eiz2e them; they‘ btifrg flat cw!) .S'z'gm,of' Gmce-,“ Fed etiam ipfius %cAaufa A,“ Kw: LIKEWISE THE CAUSE THEREOF. B} t/safe C/oriff wamfdfiwflam Ha-A AA iincfiwpon #53 nétbavzlyw 67 obfigna~:£vz¢—,dr rcpArafi’matianA, fad A Szcfficiendo, Wt «If? BY EFFECTING IT; t/aeylmrlae Armlly wa1'&i:::‘g amd’ trail} éeflawing t/oat whereaftbcy are More: med figx: : The Saammmtrbeing principally izajfitm A A mifor rbi: c~.»:mfc,¢ t‘/Mt they might not 0?¥1}"flg74ifiI ém [tiger- ” mf: SANCTIAFIE AAND CMOANFER THE INVISAI--V ‘BLE GRACE OF GAOD;A naté] flfi]pVOPcFf0=r‘ce*aff/J: * cxtermzl Elements, or merit aft/J: cjV;.'z"rwmfl:r,%fed D:AomAmiA A % A {ecrc‘ciusAope*tant;is quod inflimiz: ;A but aftlae Lord /vim-A A ficr2tly1j»vorkingtbnt which he hath in;/firmed. so this v\ (M) »BocI9gillII4.a Symzd. V The (14) Synod of A.S'¢mr2M=,% A Arm. 1 5 2 8. Adcfiries A 5W?P- A153+»»:A *cheA iike“; andfrcim I Cor. I o.- z6,.2.7A. “c. I x: ..~A1AA2g, 24,2 5A. 29. jbhn 6. 51 .A conc1ud4‘csA thus, “~ Who candengy the g ” <9 Sacra mam: of A the Encharrfl to be Convertxngg or 4V;+- % <‘“=vifica1‘, whnfh/is proved by fommy clear Tcfixmonres #4 of Scriptuifc? by which A it is more clear than M the “ “ ligh 1:, that this holy Sacrament CON PERS AGRACAE. (x) Lm,_ A E0,_A( x? )*Ca>:c£[irz:hBardi':g'a*l:~,Ann; I 5 8m. Cosnmglixam Bitflrr A ,;,e;;,,,_,, 555,1. cenfez, An_nOAA”25 M84‘; VSyAnad#:Li%¢ganamfiJ,Anno 1.4.704. all, A p, 142,148, ]Decrce,+=¢Thm:A;hé Lords Supper»dothAbo::hiinétific,‘ A 377-” ; % Q A“‘ca.u_fe,AA%cc2;nferrArr1:1efaving Grace,~a:id Spirieua11iFe.co' ” A Wth0f'c Who*worr.hily rec‘éifve%;it‘-;¢?1»~Aa‘s« well ms, confirm % A AF: and A;enc*r«:afi:% Grace , hiding» in€tAitutA»cd” bythe Aruord A A A A A“ cmirts sazmwafiraam,M~coAcwreAmAer1?e amr~iM;- ; % 0,) 30,56 1;, ,3 V “ fvatikma ‘and-A deriving“ :11ei:4¢*or}:c« fromihis mofl ib2d.f:uM.i A f?At>us him}, ‘as (7) Szvxraglm ;4qaw:jix, AAn1noAi‘A5’8;.A3f.Ad¢~ A A A A ‘ A fftermmcs. _.«..' ¢y—--—-— ii 301:2-;a"cJ/¢'L7c'7'tz'22ig Qrdz'z2zz22ce.. ~ A in 2 9 I M I--now» ..p-vwfl ‘ “rcrmin<:.c. Hénce thegfz.) Councii offgiiamcx Anna (~45 gagbggm, V I 5 8 3. rcfolivcsf "-‘ That: Chriifiian rciigion hath 1‘lO!.'hi.1‘)g W5?’-*?“’-G4-5 “ more exccilem: an.;iho1io11rab1c than they Saar;-uncnzi['.3' 7”‘ I‘ 7' cc of if1c1Euchariii, and N-OTHI Moms EFFE . ‘°>’- P‘ 37" “ CTLIAL A coiconiverc men tolive: h‘o1—ily and unblamvx A “ abiythm its moi’: frequent: participation. And theta» i ii ’ 4‘ upon prcicribcs a11‘Parifh-Priciisi Preachers , to ex‘- 1 1‘ cite the people: so the frequent p3I.‘.t1Clpat10n t‘hcreoF,i I‘ biyiinforming them of the wondcrfull fruits and bam - “fit tbcmofi c/I/cxvt2¢d~:r.flZer2;’2":in his«S}*4:mm.4 7'/aw» lag. ‘pars 4. qu. 5. m. 3. arm. {:6}. 3. detcrmincisg “ That the Sacraments difpofc and make men more V H: ii ‘fiforihexeccpcioni oFGracc; zmdaftmz: caufagrutiwm-an , cc quantum MI :1]? , fed qmmtflm ad [N-E555 3' Whfirek , ct» upon they are THE CAUSES OF GRAVCI-Lino: as i “it<;>iirs«b:::iing,ibu:”AS TO ITS IN- BEING. Ba?- newamm-e in Di{iing9r'.4i.i qu.%A4.i 3%:-ms it to» be the; opi - nion ofmanygrcax DLV'1I,13’.’.Sa“Th3yt the Sacraimems are <4 faidi mhavc vermc , to? be a. caufit: or, .,:md to work ~ “ Grace according to the common manner of (peaking, “ by reiiafonicfthic efliczcious ordination and affiflance 1“ ofdivinc vircucg. as when any thing ham an icffeéiualisi C‘ iordi-iinacion to ‘another zhingfii is {midi to havca: virtue: ti in;rcfpe& thereof ; as chic: Kiimgs L<;*~t't-mix fcatad With: ‘the’ Kings Seat, Sm.» In is,-the. rcfoliition oi the (oun- cilofTwmt, Scflio‘7.i Can. 5,6,7,8. Ymofi at) moii 6,) mm Sc/mrlmm ,‘i and Ballmmima himfcif , 4‘ hat the sumnfi n 4'-'iis*acrarr!ie1:£tié worlh;bcgcx,i axnd confer: even that ycriigflkwndg , p. C‘ firfl Gr’ac&idFConverfion and] ufii<fiC‘fi§‘tiiQfl ;, not only 19* ‘M9/”“ .. i i ‘ . .-« “ii » - iBIl'.:«'--- *“ asmora-1 csmfhs, but hkewx.fij:phy;11cally , and imime- v:,pf;":#T0’f,:”;; A‘ ‘*7 diateiy ex opawiapcmtog biting infiimaedby God to 1_,_ ¢,,P_3_ A 0* this very end.A4 A Which chougfi the Prioucfiams jufily A dctliifi and Nfwtci; iyciit th#c_y:gI:ar1taJ“fl1‘i;1at*=llhw iwork A _ cc reign-nc»rati\oni, f1U&Ti£fiC3[.i0i'm1"13n;dgiving‘-ggraicc as mo —- #4 fa%1*ca~ufiasi on iiflrumennis ]G;®cI;si ¢oi‘,-WQ£kiF?g *\Ni¥i1=lii ‘I a»nd*by accor.dimgr;c> L11: 1ni£ign1‘fi:caxamim audio bi-xiii % Tcci fignizriengiiperf tflicmcm ardimtrémim @- 'flfliflw&§dm Doi, A ‘ :°ibutiyerimo: mmdiamé1y,nwEr;b«y clmiz ;£oper;.virI:um~ ) 1 NccV .3 I8. 35 T The Lord;supperta.Grace-wgettinga ' Me: ‘CV/ariffm /umtm'rmum praprié flat Sébramentzk, fad now: ca%m%mMni:mt%per M. Hoe mztem fgzcit mmfi: manta,‘ dc?‘ fjéiritwafiflzmtiatg inqz4arz¢m dtfgehfazione ,7, zccefitrio 7'eqm‘rz'mrm Damtfir agent p7*im‘i}m[2.r.. So Atmsfr (BL-l-t laarminm Efirert/t4?m,‘Tom. 3.1. I. c. 3. ) daetcttninjeg. The 26. Article of the Cht;:rc11A,of£ngl.md, ( firfl; compi- led, ratifiedflmso 1-; § 3 . in King I{*.Ea’zvnrd the éxime,‘ andAconfitm;r:d by Parliament and-all out Minitterst fi.1b-- icriptions, Am» 1562. in Q. Elizabeth: reign.) rc- _ folvcs, “That Sacran"1ents%otrdained ofCbriH,tare not f t "-‘- only badgas and tokens ofCht1{’t1an mans profe‘ffion.;‘ “but rather; they-be futc witneifesgtand ettcfiual figns 5‘ of'Gracc«, Etc. by-Whictrhc doth work invifibly in us, ‘“ and doth not only QLIIC-KEN, but alfo STIRENG--= «THEN AND ‘CONFIRM ouR PAIttTH IN” “HIM; Andincoxi1pa‘rab1e.:B2[laop fiwel, in his Apa- lagia Aaftlat C lmrc/9 af',_‘-Trzglamd, m:edt‘Dcfcm:ct t/Jefzof, chap. 191. divif. I .p.“2o9.1ayestdownA this as thcmxprefs Do-- arinc thereof; ‘= We do: EXPRESLY pronoungcg »‘-thati‘n thc‘LOI'dS Supper tbcwis truly giventunto the “ belitwing the bodie andbloudof our~I;ordA, the flcfh “ ofthc Son of" God VVHICH QIICKENETH OUR “jS0}.ILS;_ the meat that comethtt fijom abova, the “' food of Immortality, OFGR ACE, Truth‘ and I..I;;FE : “ An I that the fame Supper is‘thc Communianvof the ‘ ‘-“‘body and~b1noudrofChriPc; BY THE PART AKING “WHEREOF “BE REVIIVEDySTRENGTH- NED AND FEDAUNTO IMMORTALITY; AND VVHEREBY WE ARE JOYNED AND INCOR-- = “PORATED UNTO CHRIST, that we MAY A.- » “BIDE IN HIM ANDAHE IN US. . He adclcsw _‘~’- Thus the holy Fathersfay , The Sacraments of the ‘F‘ new Law AWORK SALVATION , bccauI“c they A “ttcach us that our Salvation is already wrought ; Thus (b)Reply am “the GRACE OF GOD IS . GIVEN T0118‘ IN V Ha'rdi% 4"‘t5€- 4‘ THE’ SACRA*MEN<'1'S, b:caufc‘it% istcptefcnted and A V9-P-"3“”“33~"5“1%aid beforctt us inythc Sacraments. (6) Wédohoth 6°" W‘ 1”‘ P'_‘f thinktand 1' pcaktfobcrly and rcvcrcntly'ofChri1’fs S2.-At ' ' V A A A ' A A“ ,f€dt1mcnts.' ._....n- _ Soul»-cm'verting Ordi/zanfe. 31- ' “\ ..._ 1... _....a 6‘-'cra/tnants-, as knowing them to ban, tht=:Tc:Hitnoni(§s rec of Gods Promi{2:s,and THE INSTRUMENTS OF <6 THE H OLA-Y GVHOSTJ They are at gncrfcéthfical, and 0: a fuflicicnt warrant of Gods promifcg whereby God <6 bindeth himfelf unto 1199 and we likewife Pcand boun- rt den unto God, fo as God is outkcod, ytanj we am his’ <6 people; The Sacraments 0fCh£iPc5 ndtwaithflanding <6 they be Signs and Figures, as they be commonlyrcal. A A wlcdbbytthc old Fathers , yet are they not Lthereforc: M 6‘ 6.4r¢~~and mz§ed:*For God BY THEM, LIKE AS AL- :9 11,551. A 4‘ SO BY HIS HOLY WORDJWORKETH MIGH - 5'.p~.'2.4x=.» “7 TAILY AND EFFECTLIALLY. IN""THE HEARTS A rtic.’ cc OFMTHEM FAIIHFHLL. (9) Rafirmmzr Zkfmar-m1Tait*h;(€)‘Rabm’ J 4‘ By vertue ofthesacramentthc inner man IS REPAI4 M‘”"""“J 1-1‘- M <" RED; by the vcrtuc ofthc Sacratncnt wetGEf1‘ E- "“3"b A 4‘ VERLASTMING LIFE. And (01) St-. Aétgztflirze faith, (4) ,4,¢g;,{;,t;,,= U-*ThetSacrama~nt is received from the Lords Table, of ffohan. ttaftfi 1‘-<{‘ome LINTO LIFE; oftfome unto dcfiruétion :'But ’~‘~ at the thing it {elf whereof tr is aSacramcnt( rim: 1': the Nbaydia of Clarzfl ‘) is received of chvetry man UNTO» ~ 6‘ LIFE, and of no man to defitruélttzxn 3 whhoibcvcr be . W pat-taker ofit :: Many like pa{Tt1gcsofthc(:) rFatim?: Ce)‘1l*fd.Artic- he rreciteisaa which I pretcrtnit, tconcluding with hisrj’)°~P-33133:; own words, 9‘ ( f ) The Merits of Chrifis death are Aifjzgi ?£,,6' ‘Fconveyedh unto us, by God; and ,rccw.:ivcd by us: Gad ;_ 5, d,-.,’}_ L F4 convcigheth them tons, Only “of /11: Marcie , and wep.;z7, 328. 6 receive them 0129: by Faith: But the waycs either to (f 3 D-’*’f‘v’”“ A H ‘‘ procure? Gods Mercia, or T0 ENKINDLE’OllR"f”’” “W003- . __ . , , p.czrz.c.1;.‘ "1 FAITH *, are mama and fundrtr. GodsrMcrc1c 1:: £1 procured fomctimcs by Praier, «fomctimc by other ‘-mcanst="Byut TO BREED or INCrREA'§E FAITH A ‘ IN~r*uS, THERE ARE MANY‘ MORE. WAYE“S V «THAN CAN BE RECKONED» Somc.m¢narc I ,“ tnovcd§on1ie~by hcaring:Godsword. »So:m,¢ others by ‘. azzizfit, $234.. . A M weighingtand bcholding Gods Miraclcs; (g 3,7»;/fin g5g’E"f9£" 44' A A A A '~"< the Martyr, wastfirfi allurcd to the faith by 1hc¢cru- ' ' ' *7‘ elty ofthe Tyrants, “and by the confiancie and pati- 0,) W,._ 4,, A ffcncg of'GodstSainrs.y Q5) 8, Cyprizmfaith, “ So great Irma’: Mam/r§i.~ 3?‘ is n... 3; TlJeLards.Su72:ra Grace~begettz}hg f h A C‘ is the powtt ot‘Mattyrdom, ’that;_.thc-2-tchy h;-. is event ’* Attg.CanfZfi “forced to believe; that‘W0u1Cltkil1[h~3€q S. .r51azg;;.-t 4 13- 5- 4- ‘ flime 1'aitha ‘»‘ That he: was flirted up to cognc: to Chtifi V “ by reading a Hheathcnthook Wfirv-‘int by-ddCim*o, called ‘F Harm:/z‘m :: Thus ht: faith, That -glmrtloen) Book ch;;n- A A A “ dgcd my mind, and t‘l1r3_:;3¢d'Iny prayer, 0' Lord‘ , Unto- “ thee. {Among OTHER CAUSES: THE SACRA- 4 _ ‘ MENTS SERVE SPECIALLYTO DtttBcT,At~tD gt) jt4Z;%€g”“~ I0 AID 011R FAITH.-. cc Forvthcy are (as ,1-3 Saim; 4"‘ -4 -*9-ccwugufitxe called mthtflmy VISIBLE woansg, and av. 16. 00 mfi,m_.* ‘Q Seals and T efiimcnics ofthc Gofpel 3 (”/g) For the’ A ”9fIbe%Apa1ag1,‘¢word of God is Ih£'. fubfiantzc and lifa otall SaC_‘I'a.'*" §l‘f’”’:"-‘-I 7- “meats, and withotut thctfatmc, all Sachaments what:-«~ ‘ ”’%1"P"5°' “ focvcr, are no Sacradments, All whtch abundantly evidence the Sacraments to he tGracc- began ing ,F.aith- qllicklyi-DggS0lfl"C0flVC.1?EiI‘)g, Life-conmying Ottdinan-‘- ccs',having promifes and the word annexed to them, as d;d A well as preaching; and that this is the exprefr Daélrima aftbe*Ckm*cl2 af‘Englmzd, though now t:‘otitr:tdi&cd by a Generation of 't\{oml1.«.-rs, upqn meet Whitmfics, Cto-5 _ chicts of their own, out of Se1t—1nttctc£’ct and _rt¢1;;.«¢&5 2* d What other tPt*ottcPrant Dmncs have afl}-;fEAc«d‘ to the A I Tame effcét, you may tcadtttlarge in Sujjfienflain A Szxsjfiended, p. 2 8. to 35. ‘andin Mr. /Ilorrioe his labo_ri--d (ms ‘Z)imr£b:, P. 29. &gc. Th: Lords Sl1pper‘[hercf,-fore’ being .-at Sacramcnmr, mu.(’t thereupon conféquentlytbtc a Sou1«convcrting,Grac<:- producing, Rcgcnerating Or-- _~ dinanceg iuflitutedfor this vcrtic end ,-as ‘well as” the . A word preached, and have dpromifcs of Grace ainncxtad to it, as 2111 thcfc».rcfo1vet.% 31y, All the Objeétors (1)8129 jewels and (1)othcrstuptnimouflictaffett ; Tlmt tlaeLotrd.r Snyzp-j jggjzlfléé‘ per air :2 SM! aft/9:t]\Tm? Tcflwmmt and Cammwt bfGmc:,t £15125./21.17.20;-1’ the tenor whcrcofis thus exprcifcd both intht Oltd £96. A and New Tcfiamcnst Jet. 31. 3 I ,% 3 2. c. 32. 3 8, 39,40. Bitch. 11%, 19, 20. c. 35.t2#$d.t0 21.1-Icb. 8. 6. to 13. A c.“1o;. 1 5,17. After tloafe da)v7::, faith the Lord ,5 I dwill put my Luwhinta tbrirminds, an-d in their /omrti will writ: mm :: T/qcnwfll .5157’???/(416 éflfiim Wmr ugo;n}o14,arH "A t ” t ” you _ . _,........’....., E? [794/lfié ‘oloawiwfiom kill 12:22» fi/t/9;}:IefIr", omdfrom will o‘,~om5 AA 14013 will I cloanfo you : .4‘! new bmrt wlfo will I give you ,» «and of 1Vc?2>I?4fl7i7’it 13713/I [put Within yaw, and I wfflim/(3 % t/no §Z'om': /wart out of jaw" _fle(7:2 ,_ and ‘go"z2o¢)=om mo ;;.ms»,: of . ' :'%dI1d I will put my Spirit wit/Jim’: yon; mxd EaI«1fo you” to wol1{io,myflx;wtt5A3 dndyofhallkgaep my judgement: azod, ‘ do them 5 and I iwill boo yozor God, omdye f/will éomy people: mi wtllgivvoyow om /zwzrt and am: wot} that you may fear % mofor ewmfor the good o f you omd yam‘ c/rzzazm fi7~'fl”¢7’ Jm , /1 mi 1 will mazlgg on croorlafling Covommt writ/ajooo -_, that f will not mrn away myfaoo from doing you good) ow: [will “put m;fm into your /ooom‘,A ;zr:d*’yef jlmll not depart from way am’ I will rojoyceioz/4877 )*a§§ to Adoyozo good , AAMA 13f'ilZ dlflifm/o}'oo; fro1g¢_ozll;{o3rm4oloomm]Tr,(’§'c. T/genjlmll you rorVm'mboryouroown_1vjn]e: and yam‘ oioing: At/out 2aé:reg{o'i: “1 good,, 4md% ygyg [hall {oat/9 jouroofelroeflx: yam‘ ownflghtA‘fo}*' oiyotfr in:'q:4_i;7 V: , qzooifor jogiralvominatiozox, omdyozo flmlo/sou’! /wow m?»'»f?*0m alrwgrwzoo-If ontawoolcer/f 2 for I wi.f1fw:o*w=A your 1»? uz'timiWiWWf€m¢~¢5v*ooJ¢'éV*J'3%1?:”0‘W4’-A 15 than the: Lords S“PPcrbc a; 5544 annexed to all thcfl: Covenants and Promifcs of‘GrAace:(aAl1in%rf”1c%Pttmro ‘Ten./E,omade to fuch who wcArc”umfa Imorazto, «yoid.a_f A A AGrilC§, eandonhc §fi;'ri¢:o_f God; having old onicAla:4rt:{znd mowing know, asl have fqrmcrly touchcd) i§Amut’c‘n_ceds A 1),: a regenerating, Graccecqnmygying, Soul-converting » A Qrdinancc by divine iufiitution, by cffc&ing;and¢put- 1 Lingthcm Mint;o aéillfil executiqn at this SacraAmcxSAt;’1nd ‘t:lj1cfi:1?romiMfcsmuPt be all auncxcd to it, as» yvxicingsy Covenants arc to then: Seals, jas wall as then Seals cg) A A chr;-.mo._ Hcncc D1.'.Awe.r {thA1f1s numb B:llqrmizz;T0m.3 .c. V I .q«A3. ‘°’- Dc Prormffionc SacramcntorAum:Ma1c d1s}un- ? “””gi"r_, quae fun: oconjupgcnda; promifliwoncmvdc c1’fi3:acoia%. flosacramcntioet promxflionemopraeccdcntcm:3. Sacra- A Ac¢AAm¢ntO%obfignandam: NAamfpr0m1Affi0 A1111! %pért1ne~t ad A rfintftimcioncma utF“1f1wcf’E¢3’l¢1i§Sicramcntifii obfig~ ;"fF_¢oliquct,-q\10d fq:;duso anrccifdit, wills Sacramtntllm Afinafio ififa Cfficacia‘ ’pxomi{Ta".%A AP1'0miHioncAm;.ct4iam or?obfignandam_1'uaAA1):turzoanrcccdcrc Sacramcntum, ex A it; A Soul-—oo72'Uerting_Ordii2.lE;/V1‘ BLDZ£=D o( tldereupon tw*icefli1¢d,_, The B*L0flD. A THE NA 2\{7_,and cgégbe 1EV£‘R_L..dSTIm{_G (Ow? If Hcb.4:e;2*9'~;¢; 3;: 0»..)‘L: as§anotht%~cr Evwngca 111°: rczcordslirzWHICH41S~SHED~I’0R T015, and FOR' 4 ‘ wzA1\L?;, FORTHE -zu=.=M1s;s10N 01: snxgs yrzm» do aft“ 744 +73 ‘ BK OF’ .211 7% PM /55‘ M5)’: é4rtt9~%zlJ’z2s* érwza‘-amd«drink £13135‘ Cap JA (*ar%,% fl9“8fW]? *) 3; THE LOR*D°5~ DE A %TH¢ TI M which Word 3* of inPcitut=ioAi1: 1' com -5, pared} wit*H”}H¢br,..m::;*:; *2‘ 0.‘ ( Nwwhe bfi7PWtl&'t M which V firmgkt‘ ujkin f’7*o$bzM?t‘laa fiend mz7r“"Laroi’ }e]h&,’%Vgére2::2.:“ fbepberdafwe/map, THEBZ;0z£D o;~qm EVER?» EASTIWG rcprcfkntc dA5§cVoAm~m»u1a~ica;— t%co“,»an"difpirituV41?lyr:cciv¢d,zipp1i‘cd4»bywcjv%crieworthic-“ A Co%mmunican§’,j:inAand* jthc ALord§Sm§1per) A fl”’Z'2:'PER‘FECTi:zJe'zIer}rgaod%wark3'T7'0»D%AHIS WILL,..%%. ‘ woR%1€1NG‘A row H13 WELL-w PI-”E24S"ING 1'N*:H1s% s1aHTTHR,owHf f 35512: % §HRlST : I t %%isVrjnofi“ app%arent,3that"Arh’c Edrds‘ ~S4up}7ae‘r WIwrarly%ix:»t%%i:mveds%~§ren"earay chm Immifa — I b1-fly:jj;t9"con$q;é%m¢:at¢ an’d“Vrcprcfenr5fbuc%aYf¢>*r£a11”y5 _,/Qégd‘ p % ~b£:VCrof3' ,*I That the World of C/J7'ifl purged: ram‘ gcoazflczk. (7) Hebr, 9, eavzvésfiaim :dez3'd?137a7"~}{.f toferwx/9: living God; Par W/3561914’ ‘$3 "-man]? be 2': the Medimzar of the N%c:wTcPcam&nt ;. t/Mt E7 ~me.am' afdmtla for t19érezicmpziaa¢ vf Tnmgrefllmzs mzdw smgfir efhZm€W!‘; t]J€}’_ wlvicla are called .m%iglar receive the A prgmifsaafmcrnalinberitdnce; That gf wg gimme Liiumy 0.) Heb. N . Ito mm into, that Iaoliaflf by:/at bland cf pfwsrs 13¢ éviwg THE 19, ,9. $1,,‘ BLO'U7) -OE" THE »:COVE2\{ANT WHEREWITH :4. WE ; ARE SANCTJFIE?) : pzndmhcblandp_ffj:ri;;1g- -Jigng, trvfoicb eahrtb flatter thing: than the blow.’ A wf A bet -, ‘ That Cldrijf fufifiired witbwtt tlmgategtlaat he mi lyzfan-~ ‘ffifie the peaplewitb his Hand ; Thaac (:4) through t «:5 load [z3H¢1,,, gm,‘ aotba everlaflieg Cammmt %Gad:mak§:%x¢%:V lptrfcfi in ever} [It] rPcc. I . x 8, A good war); to da xwill 5 Thatkfix) 1% were mdeamefl fro»: I Jghnl. Mr -vain coizrzzerfation wig}; trim precim: lnlamiof jcfuxfbri _ km of» Lamb without hlcmifhg That (yy Jlaablmd 2of D] Rm M,‘ Cbrifi alaunfbtia m from allfin § That z. /arbarh lmml Ak, c; J, m and wajhed m fi'am.wr_fim in incl: mm Md , and mad: 30; “ “ ‘ “ ~ 'H.WK1'I¢£‘J' :znd7!’%riefl1Iun:ta Gad his Fam!a:r;* \4md%Imt7a radars: - med urmxa Gadfiy Ink bloudzz ; 9.1% this is .mm°cM%1:iA»;&;¢. ly, vi{ibiy,4%cfi‘e—&:u1Myae4mphati‘ca11y held forth :1 repre- %I'en*re*d9 raffured t njnrseie~ssZ cars, 2:LndEay%ti1cm4*1am1o%o11r [a]Mat. 26. :7 Sdukxin the Lords Supper, the ( 4: New .Cib”rifi.r¢ . aufl ;wnd.% hat mor?c%+dem%dn£?cra*t*i*~miy ;, :cmrg:~ C A 16 % 027.10. , u ticalluyn, than A in «hcvpremhing. of the .wo»rT%da1om=: not coupled rm-:M%Sac:amemalE1ema:ncs *: Thcrgfore in Amufi nccdsb¢aAi mofirprcVvai1ing Sm11v-conv;cm'ing , Sin. A ‘ »c1canfing,Grzcc efiefiimggxginapu ; a~pp1ying, .affu..‘.A . s ‘A ~ ~ _ AV A1-1n:g% c.1 1.2.4. I.u.1:..19.. I " % I ..._..w... 3 6% . ringailth€f1cC30fpcl*T€xtS and promiies to pcnucnr, A The Lords Supper 4 Graceebegctting _.__.,_-—u-u humbled; dejeacd, hungring, gafpingfouls referring 3: Hifl. Aftgliws P.Ig 277» ‘ thercuntb. Htncc **T/aamaa of Walfivg/mm, Rif/winger, and others Arécorgi ofrour devout King Henry ’ the 3d, “ That he was won: tohhear threctMafi”cs cvcrxc day ‘(with fpecial devotion, and defining to:hcar: more; hf: ht tr dzgily‘ afliflcd thofc who cclebrattcd private AA IN/1AatflAes 3A h 0'» and whtn thctPtic1’: c1cva.tcdthe:~A L.ords*hodi-ct, hc A cc‘ ufizdto hold and kifs thcPrici’zs hand; Whcrcupon A St; Lewes King offrmm.-,confctring withlhirn concern- * ingit ;‘ and faying, t<‘ Thathc fhou1dhnota1waicsad- ht din‘-"=That he would rather fez: his friendt ‘often 7 than A as did’: hihnfelf to Maffes, but more ftcqucntly hear Sex:-~ "imam than Maffes : Kino I-Imr thereuntourc lied __ _ , _ ca _ _ h A fvuth‘ a faceuous urbamue; Samalle amzmmfmm [3-~ Pix“ «yider?c, ‘ qwim Ade ealaqmntem, licct éomz dicent.-rm am «- ; heat onconlyfpcakiug ofhim;-although well; thereby ’ intimating; that Chri_(’t vifibly 1.*cp17cAfcntcd_t~o the jcie: in the Sacrament cvctxc day: ydothfimorc cffeétually af- m Hcb 9.1;; 16,17, to 2.4; (,0 I Cor“ f:g1tedta,uJ'«~it¢/9125'S~I£jJp.cr'A5A (c)_z1rz itutedfor itsigmcmarhit : A “And the Chul?Ch'0f*E7¢glamdlnhcr anc1cntLitm°gy (cPc'a-- V *rs~3sv»t43zs'-” " A that W/:1afae~z(A£rAr5fi1i€'ZIetl'9..t2n/Jimflfialcld not parijb , V tétzt Abnéue A cvtflaflifig lzfir. J A‘ 2 I-:;Tim. ‘I :. t1=5~. WT/azév 11': afaitbfnllfzqing A » tW1?_”]”}~th”f “illjtflfiftytvltiantt, ‘Ajrb4.t‘A\}£f#£ C jmme irzhta V ; 25$: mnjld :9 _[qwafinr::r:A;A éfrf/107.71 amhclmf. NI. f’¢& the Soul, and work UEODATnCn5AhC3[tS3[h1DA[hC bate: heating of him by the ca1j1n_ the Word preached; A A ~61y, The HolyAGhofi afiurcs us, .2 Cor. I. 20. tTlam: call the pramifits afGad are in jcfw C/97!:/l‘ Tm, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by at -' cfpccially as»thAcy are N allconfirmeda rfltifiedttin and 5 hi: é[ot¢d,.dc4t}9, hraprgs tbliflmed‘ by {"ut"1,dricj Aéts df;’Pat1i«ament) atthe cclcbrar tion of the Eucharifi, pamcularlyanncxcth thcfct’ com-3 Afortab1¢4Gofp;c1promifies,thctcunto, for the comforb A encouragetmentt, of fall the. Communicants rcforting A totthac fame Matt.1tt1t.~1.8.hCom¢ :tmtatm:alli~ty:%tb_Aatan: A weAatr}r.:md bexmyladm, azrzdl 1a7iZlArefrefb_ym Jghn 3.1 6; ” So ;AlaAmid t/av wafld, ht/mt Ioktgawg by onlybtgotten ] San, V 1., 2;. %J9hn..t«.~.;, 7?da at/d 05je7''ZIl=‘>’ 371 h A ; &ontcrting.O 3 0: .S0$t[f'COI3‘U€Tt1.}2g* Ordimmhce. M ---r-new-urn: 437% I , 2. . If any man firzgate /M-we an Advocate with #1:‘ Father, j‘c[zt:tClarz"3'f tlactrig /Jtemtyttia.’ 12:15 the Propitiation for 0147* fin: ; mzdnatfor mgr: an//, émt mffo far t/oefizzs oft/act»/val: , .-:W0Afld‘.'ThCfCfOIC‘a11 the tpromities of God in general: and thcfe in patttcular belongunto, and are cffcétually applied by th:isSactamfc"nt to the fouls of all wotthic re- ceivers, as w%c11‘asrb_y the word ptcachcd ; And by con- bcn‘cdi&ion,“ nottonlyhhcohnfirrn, but beget: true féuingt faith, repentance,halltfpititual Graces; and eternal life "t within us, and aflfurtc us of the free remifiionrof all, our ' finnesttby the blond Tclfprcached. A th71y,%That C A H foonattcr thci-nittitution-ofhi-s Suppet, made [O.hiS"A" offlchtitt, as wellt has the twordir. omtniflion and promifi: of Chtifl himfclf pofiles and their Succtaflbrs, (d) Ga 7: zlamfm otztdtmc/9 A 411: Nations, éaptizzhg them in the Natmaoft/ac. Fatbmand of the Samgtzmdttof the baZy.%G/oofl ; Teaching tlrwm to aéfirtze A L L.‘tbing5 that I /mm commtmdcdym : find [at I AM WITH rozt ALW/1T€S Z£1.\7'I 0 THE ENDOF THE WORLD, He that évcliczrct/9. and is baptizaedfball 5: fw- vgdf, but /at that Mm: tr}: fl0ti_flmZ,_/56’ ddmmdttt extends as “ fequcnce, it mm’: by the coopcrauon ofGods Spirit and ' 193 $0. \ twcll; totththtejgords Supper, astot Baptifmgand the prtaa-s I t A chingofthchwordtt becaufe the Aadminifiration ofthc A Lords SDPP}‘=I'a 415 T*~°)4tP4"**°ft’°‘ MW?-‘="j‘ “five; W111" seafambzem. blctaintd awdtblcword, Sermon, pr-cachtng the C1.Of"_['wer affz; gm. :p1:1to%tb‘e c‘ic7antd garfs together, andtonc of the prime cIi“pa1 things our Smviaflr ( f ) commetndedbit ;4p'0fl‘/Nhto rtmeméramcct of him,‘ it? fkcwfqrt/9.h/9412' deqt/Ia tilbecamua, having an AS OFT AS YE DO IT, a heated I:hcmA11lm;o their fouls ,l.;chan any lAoLha¢~r . Gofpcl Ordimncafia Awor”king'AI:1pom «tuhrce diflnimfic {hnks ’ zit 0t!11C?Ac5’thA=¢ ejic?, «ear, ta=fl'c,l which no othcrl Ordinance ‘or? A. » A A AA A 913', That Text c>°E1lAColrl.~1o.lAr6, 17. Tl» Cup afblefi ‘ flag ‘WW05 Wt 5/6]}: i: it wt 4 the Cammmnimz cftlce rlrlaaid 9 Ch:-ifll? A779: hand ivlaicla wclbrralg oi: it min‘ the A comparcdwith Wm. A132, 3‘, 4, 5.l.andlchatA?pam?1I§¢1 A Text, A A atlas finely .afC/arffl ?~ war we bring r are am’ Blrwzdf V «and Baa}, and an LL pjfiftalqc-rr0f«Atbfl_t mm: érauduz » A .4; .. "”"”“§Huil~camJert£ng Ordizzanw. : 1 l A W V 3'9 u_.._....___ Tint: I Cor. 12>... I i, I 3. For the L470c7L"}Il£'.l‘l’6‘72‘i$‘_, mm! /Jthltlb mm ml méci‘-"xfitnd xi’ LL:/Jo’ Zwsrnécrx aftllwt am fig- at} bsxngmawy, are one body; So alfi; 2': C lpmjg‘ : far mg Spirzr nag .»:Z7“&?“ A-L L 5;2a'p:z'z.c*d mm am: 504'], -=W/:23;/rm’ we 6: jém or Gemzilm, wiser/yer" zavcée [mad or frat, and /my: évam ALL made? ta clrimg af (ar intla) one S pm}: afford us thlefc A‘ Conclufiom, provingthe Lords Suppml a CO'l21V’c17'{igg; Grace-bcgeztingylSpirirgxnfufing Ordinance, 33 W311 as the Word mrachezdzll I. That all mifiblc Church- memhcrs profclling Chriih; rn'al~:~a;: but on: Mlyllicall Bo-4 die ofCl1ri£l,.: into which they all are aéhmlly inriotpo... r{{arccl',,l united cogcthcr by Bapzifm and the Lords Sup-~ pergofblotlx Wl‘l1Ch lsacraments they did all cqually par- tzlicipatjc, in A the Apolllcs times,‘ withom: any ma llltainrflulpenfion, fcclufion; communicating together in ghc Lords Sxxppcr, and being all made parzakcrs both? elf the?Sa<:ran‘1énta1 lB1?cald anal‘ Cup‘ when ever ad_mil::i:.. llrcd 5% ~Whcthlcrllrcgcncratc or“ unregcncrace', igtioranc” or lmoWinga.l}:an;l‘alou5 or unblaxncable, by ~.~im:¢ of their incorporation intolthis nc myllical Body. Now z-h¢AM%a1'o’r pmwof vifihle Chrilliansg Church4membe~m, in ) Carz'mla,8_c 0tbcI."CT hurchclls in all algc.v,.admitre;ll to [g] t C'or.I.z, ll E73, pcifm and thc Lrfirds Snppcr;have:}bcc*n ltmrcgenerawr, 3. c.6. 1. to 3;’ A ffAgn_O1‘1_nN!',,Vt'Oidl0f living Faith and Gfzccs, lb asluhc °'3_:* ‘:?ll~hl3=v4r~ I;ords_S[1Ppqr4hc;ol¥1ld be I10 c‘orzfi5'mz77g’0r‘din.mw inthe 4.; ‘ ts‘ 19 Tom: I Iw¢‘i.$.l Vbjcaomfcn{e_?!;lf3a5azt;Ma 37 18,, . A % (Q3 H0fi?-- 192%” GM; to gnaw’ ““”'*‘*"ri”:> ‘° 515 "’”"'f" 2 Wire m;'e:"z2cr.c E0’ 2 3_ % fwlxfar 2-vrrzmta Cl;»ri,/$5 to z‘;-,~_fZ.Am¢a, wi'z2i;% t./W92 with 1913'» % N " In |\ (I flfl W ,_‘ 5 I > ‘ Q --' v- vz) 1 or 5' I5’ mfcwz em 1021:’, tlzzgi camfe z‘b6m(T}fram l3g;;.;~,»,=f_,‘,,»;]9 W [m_ J_ g6':1to.[i'?J5 mm I/9£mJQ[;v_,'é#t Mm0%w]9 }6.’13 dz-Vgdfw " gas 7' V a ',;, % v A‘. V”, , 6 S V . . \ . r baafe gcriirv I Thcréforeall nt1‘1£’cotn«..‘¢(_:>1uy gram K (,0 “s'..z‘/‘D6’ pa2wrVofG'od meta Szszltvmtmz, a moi’: Cfl~€é7t%L1a1% % % _, (f) Afibdom ma-Cf) Mfltfyéwga aA Soubconverting, FaiLh~cngemdri.ng, go juflifimrgz Faxlmncrcafing Ordinancc,as wml as the Goipcl rea- """b”’m D” “Ch€d_ 33763.-, zrpowerfuil means oFworking that bglief m_,&,,_e» ,_.,,;,,, arid h1V_1r1g faizhin the fouls oftl1ofc,whoinobadicrjm tr-zb;zirm~.v fa-I0 Chnfis Vcomman<:{Ac%onP:ant1y rcforsc Aunto it, whichis 15515774550“?/37b”rEqt1ircdin worthié: Commimica ts » ‘ A * e9~S:_acmmen-- .5 and IMGO1. choc) th 0 A f, to make: {goth it % ~ P A 6 P W610 God to x;h.e1.rMS1a1... A Avarion 3 fl/I991 :1: the Goffiel read,¢/imrd, pram:/cad 5, an Tor7z.3. 1.1.0‘. 3;‘ 5”‘ f 5111/90?‘ érelzefwbzc/a God raqmrw to make it fimg,-,,-g‘I;,;,,,d 39.36. % ojo7fv6rrz:¢_g,I{o1n. I 0. I4, I5, I 7. In B'ricf,’1'tmrc isnm any meansof, or mouvc to faith ;or%c.ons.'ef~fi;om in the $(‘3uofpe1‘prcachcd_‘, whigh is4notiqc1.udcd in thié’. Lords P9613 and prcflcd wuh the fclfiame; yea tcxfeamr force and advantage upon mans Smuls in this Sacgamcnc bogh W ‘he P’-“3Y°1‘5'a C0nF€’m0H:% medxrauons ,% exwflsorrations “ “than afcompangc it,5z_by thcfycxy {making ;of¢.tlm bread", A P0Wr1ng our of vthc*~w1m; ~w1c?h otfimr Sacramm:m1a&i%~ A (53 Bflmmh omgithcn they are: orcan be in any Scrm,om. ( t) N”, _d,_ Enerwzt. Tom. 59?” /91'6‘i72terfl:= aompozra%ri¢»er1mm, at Smrmmwtuw at rc- A % 350.1, 12.9.. V Miter titverlro diflim&z1m,f&d vérbxm madam, @- «M-,.g,,,,,,% ..»Sazcw¢merta7 ' ~ % V V V ' . .% V J A . W fuefhtumg Hon gmrem mmjm gm-figm;5.,,¢_,. dg-_ %.c%i}2otcfl‘qu~o.ddn0: , quip: plqniw %&c3)~ plaTrz'&u;f};gfié,,, %,,fl.4%,_ V mr etmzz £145" H . V % % . % 1 A g cammodamrad ammax zwflrax wfiiaamdol. fig i 1'! menjn anfwer to ficllarmwnes Qb}a:<9c1Von_, N2/ail A --g 17'” _‘‘’'{} f”"J“‘M,”‘ ‘J77‘“?”$ ‘l{¢’77‘5.o. Der. ~Thc1‘cforc our Oppofites mufl euhcr gram r;he= Lords Suppefa -Son1-- ¢0.1Werr%V1ng~Fa1th~begcttimg ‘Ordinance-gs well as pma_ % V % ‘M % . - ‘R?’ W % V. “*3 iv ,. ' ,;'U\ “ctai”ng, ~ordi£c1aim preaching ;Ao~befi,ch andgwfl that 3 ¢ 1 e goo as ancomvcrrmg, mg», ghey hay e m%%0a?A%A1m$mOuflY A %donc yces. -“"'n-.-...u..-nu-mu W ysauiwcawuerring Ordimzme. V dorm this Sacramént tbrfundry y I tlyffhe principal and ofihflituting the Lords Sup- per,* W was 2/1:0 flmw foramhe power, efficacia, princiv *-4‘. pal ands, fruits, effééks ofom: Saviours death Lilllm ‘H:_gome, not only inbare reprefemation : but by pm- ¢‘ti‘ca1, efiicaciousoperationsy and applieatiyons for the fpiricualbeneficcacoxwerfien, confolation of tha recei-“-" yersfouls.‘ Now what are the ends, fruits, awts of ourysaviours deathythereyin 11eld,fcarth,*iys maiden: by G01‘p'E~1“T6Xt$‘. ylfay S‘3*.5'. I Car. 13. 3. 1 Pang, a4; *‘~ He was wounded amour trahsgfcflxons , yyhey wag “ btuifed far mnisiniquities, bodied for our i'im:,% the ‘* chyaiiiyfcmcnit ofour peace was upon him, mdy by his ._.....—.. 43 A .__.a. ears in way many pm»-A * 1: CM. 13.2.53 M ‘*~.Pcripés areywe healed : VVHb%hisow~nfe1fba”re fins in" “his cy>wny ’bc%c;:1i& on ‘the ytrfiéffygjthat we bctingyydead to fin, “fl+1ou1‘dlive unto rigtatcoufhtikg [mks 1. 74 ~75 . That as We Ewing Jfdelivewd from the imndfi gif our Enemies Mhould fervé him wiLhoutfcar,i11 ho1ineyl"s‘and righrew A A '-Toufncfsbeforc him,a11the‘eties®£our‘life;jI ‘I T/ayefl. ‘‘y 5. 9, 10, 1 I. V For God hatyhhot appointed 1149 i.37nm~ <9 wrath, but to yobmgin falyationiay our Lordyfjefus “Chrifl: who dicdyfor us, that whether we wake of *4 cunifort your [cl yes together, and cdifiye one igjotiherg Wflomw. 2.~yS.ywc.«5.[8,9j, I O. yjf”Who vvas delivered For €‘yqyurofl'"&nccsy\, and mifed again for our jufiiticmorz. <4 tfhcnbeing now ~ju;{’:iEmd by his blond, we fl1aI1b‘efa« fifiyflcczpywc fhould live togetherwith him : ywhgrwforé M “I:;B;nt» Gao:dyycommet1dech hiS1’0VB untoxmtliyac whiicé « ‘Fwewwere: y&ytyfinncrsyChriPc dxcd for us ‘: much more . 1“ ved fromyW?m;r.~h by him : For if when we were Emm My ‘Iimies; weywerereconciled unto God by the ‘death “of “his Son: muchyrnoyrey bcmg rczcyoncxlcd W6 i11311~~bcfa-‘» A H at md by his 1ifc,I2om.. ;6..ir 8113,31 we wmtyinuc in 1 Min yytyhmz ‘Gmccymay mound!-*“§Gy0d Foerbrid’ .~ How (hail. *4 we that arc;jdcad‘ycoyfin 1iv,¢9z1iy' longer therein Piinbw “ ye nor, that »fo~manyy ofus as were bap1:1zcd mto yfus‘Chri1’:, were baptized into his death A? herfore G2 WW6 Thé Lords» Supper a Grace~é¢getting 9; Wm: b%Aunt:d w ith him in haptifm, that like as Chriiti A *“ wastaitcd up {tom the dead , even fo we alfo fhould. “iwa1ki~nncwnelkofhlife :»Por i-fwe have been plan. '“ ted togethcrin the liktrcfs of his death , We {hall be <‘g.%ll"c>~in the liken: fs of h1S rcfurtcéiroh : knowing this,» A “ that our old man is crucified with him, that the b0; U die of (inn: might be deflroiedgiithat henceforth we 9’-lhould not f.-;-,rvc fin. Now ifwe be dead With _Cil1'ifl‘, <‘iwctbelievethat vvoflaall alfo live with him : know- “ ing that Chr%i:'E‘t being rarfcd from_thc dead ; di<:[f1=n0 9‘ mom, death hath homorc dominion over him, ;8cc. 0‘ Likevvifc reckon yrealfo your {elves tohc dead in:.,. “gdeud unto fin , but alive unto God through Jefues. 4‘ Chrili our Lord -' Lat not fin thereforcteign in;yo.ur Fl-1 mortal bodies: that ye ihould obey it in thellufis 4‘ thereof, Sac. Room. I 1. 77, 8, 9; “'iFo1?.,r10»nc of us li- ‘~': vcth ito ihimfclf; and no mam dieth to himfelf: A For“ 6‘ whether inc lire, we live unto the Lord ; or whether “we Ci1C3rWC die unto the Lord; whether we live- -“ therefore or die, we are the Lords; For TO THIS “ END Chrifi borh died, andorolh and revived; that he: T 5‘ might be Lordbothofqruick and dead. V Gal. “zit. I 9. '1‘ 2o. I am dead to the Lawf,that I might live unto God, ‘4 I am crucified» with Cht1£’c_; Ntzvcrthalefs Ilive, yet fflnotrl, bi.1£"Ch1'i"ii:ii_VC(hi'n me 5%‘ and thc,_lifc Itnow ‘V '4‘ live in the flcfh, Ii1'e’¢"ibyti'F3:_fa.1£h Ofl'£hoC£tblt,1.0fGo0hd§ $4 who loved [1133 andgavc himfclffor me, MP/ail. 3. I 0. *5: That I might know him, arid the poyver of his refur-A <‘-rcc9cion, and the fellowflnp ofhis luffcrings, being ‘C made confotmaoblctunto him. ‘HM. 2%. I4, 15. That ‘‘ Chrift through dfiaihr Ufighs defllroy himthat had tho ‘=4 powcrofid-eathi, that isythc Dcvil,and deliver‘ th~cmr,‘ ‘ “ who rhroughfcar ofdeath 5 were all thgcoir lifctimé: F‘ fubjcél to bohndzrgca CM‘. 5-» «I 5. Chrill died for all; 4 l‘.< that thcy,which live i fhould not live unto them-r -5-cfelvcs 5%-%h’ht onto himwho dipdforthcm arid rofc ae t li_5¢gain For ht: harh1olznadellh1m_t0«rhe fin forus, who A knew nofm» charm fhould be made the righceoufirltt ‘ ’ ‘fling; "'” A sauz~com:eyz2ng om2z;24r;j;e;w% *‘%n;:s% {ofGod 1:: him. Epkajl 5. 2 5, 25, 7.; Hilsbands Kflovc your wives even as_Chri€c loved the Church, and “~' gave himfciffor icgnha; he might iinfiifip and ”c1_efn{E3 A “it,,wichx;11c.,w**a;fl;~i1§g Qf water, by Llzeworda him: he ¢‘mig,ht:' prcfe%htA:;$i‘£‘ma;% h?yir_‘pfc1f ‘a * g1jorAip 113 TC?! urch , .$ A not; « “haw ing {pot orVV%.w~r.izi,1i”1we».0r any 1"uchV%AA7t.hAAinAga but thacV in “ fhould be holyand -Withollt blemiih. N ow a11“thef'cA V bcingthe ends, fEQps:, _fifuiLs, effcfls %o‘fo;urf Saviours death» moi’: lively rcprcfentcd to ,:{hcwcd' fo:zh%,?re:- membxflcd by, and appligd to us in the Lards_Supecg‘et;i;éCq ;t.3»3£'fi‘2g3,9N3:W' awfé daézagfmaté wear 6rcfz‘.riwd i'e;z¢rm@A.7 Lu. “ 1 9. qt 1 . Ifiaéz:/pelciA we City m2'd.__fi?8pI: over :2. I Kings 10.,‘ ‘ 45‘ And widen t?/9:‘ Qxeen zvf %Sbc%’én Iqdd (em all S0m7~:Iém.f ' zavifdam 5 flswlamal rm mara>_{fiiritV«éfiY£?é;;«3:c5“£=<.MI Kings 18. $9. zVJma4’£iZl‘tfd: pe~c&pZe%fz‘w¢% ig,'Vrbéy~f§z’1~w'aweirfme.r_,l am‘ flziid, T19: Lora £*c%%iw.§ G7M,Afi%/9&3 La%d£la£f2EAGé“d , PIa1%. V 48.; 5‘ . ’T15J¢*)(f;>z‘1ri3r2’«t~y m:Aa’fo‘ my m4v.zw~uell:d, t;’M}’-w:7'$ mam: ma % Ezzfied aaa2;zy;~P£Ez. 97. . ~f Gem 3.3. AAM G0d.fAwt.€w"t‘:: ¢ #9:‘ zviwkedatfijiir§f'mm'w:I»fgi*é%at"in tbemrrléy ‘Md wit Mpexted ”t1!e~=;Eord t%{9zaf“l9&I3md~mzéde"%m&n ,; 22w! 2?; g¢£.e%d him at%tke~/smart. Exod. 3.74 and the Lm*lfm‘d, /Mm _(}»zreZy rm; tkrVMjj‘liEEiw‘ of m)r«pcap1m. I.am‘.¥ °I .. 9. :2. O %Lard%ée/Jold myVazfiZ:'EZ*iqn %: Behold ;gnd]"ée Mara‘ /as Maj; [mm Zzke Atmzfo my fE2’f%i?*}fazav%. Lam;W:§«¢V%ic§=.i4fi~c*iJbld. 0 ibrd, gmdaaizflzlartv whom than ha/2.4amIm;,1ra%¢63. :5. Izaak A Aianmfram he.«;¢~m1 andée/abldfram t’J€ bd%iftifibi1 of My 100.. lixzefr mzd of thy glory»; where 135 1/9} zeal mid flre;.»gM.:A; " tI3%afbm2di:»2gaf’t/oy bowel: at/ay merciw tawVM*dm?Thcf¢ wiah fundry other Texts, evince ; Lhai:~tl%;éie ayw,» * fl: ht aiixd bcholding of things feén, demure: fleieply ,i”p;:i11o“-?- mttly afl"c€ts*mov"cg Work up on the‘: heart:S,4fon;11VsA and ‘HF? fcfiions of men, andAon,G0d’AhimFe1f, than A zhc:Aear§dor ‘% wh;1t__ they barely heir. For the: ‘fcertaintiey a{T,u%rance¢, beliefof what vvfefm: wxtlrour «tics, abovp rfmtzwe cm» ly hear of w 1th 111: <:airs5Ait isa fizfficicntly evidenced by that ofjob 42;. 3»; VOf],tHc‘Cmt¢j:nof Sbtéa [O Salamarg, jxgfiings‘ 10. 6 wmmtmerelatiafi‘ NM? 1 {award in “ mim’ o‘1sv:z%%lztnd~ofth]"afZ'.r,vafldoftby wifdamg IIawba*i;,,I 635 % . ,_Zie%~zmd %;71 ot%the%wvrd: HNTILJ CAME , AND AMINE EYES %E~IA ASEE éalzwld "the “ImZf“Q2a7.qz: “mat A mid Awe ; tb} wifdomi pro]}2é7%£ty élrceedeth tbafzzmc which I b7mr‘d§. I_]0hI2I 1. ‘I43 2. ‘Tim: vbbié/§v‘ve*bm/6 (ward, which W we law [can ‘with ¢cmr eye;-5 1221056}; we 19 (we looked flpg“n,: and w¢r /Mud: Im1>;2'zra% Bmzdlcd Hoftbewardafjlzf2°, declare wt mm é jyw far} t1ae~V§"ls5_;”a* w4aVmmfsifejfed5«%L% and Walameze fi:m1't;m!d V %£¥mr%rr5irrzef:. 2 Per‘. 1. I6. %We~bza*v;inaafallawedmiwing; L ~ !r .-M ‘v"-- Vsaulecozgwezgrmg ordi§Zm_V " 474‘ V Z} d:;vz;z'/.(;“¢{ 14-‘. 171:2: , nz/am _W6’ made Qwawvn mm )5»! r/5;’ pLa‘m7r and wmi afcmtr Laifd C132‘: 51'» [7-'61: were a}/c wi$?1£fl?&'.$'~ A ofbgglary, AL’:7is7“ 1 A0; 4.0, 43, I . Him Gad rgzifzmi mp fézive ¢ % ¢z‘3ird¢.d¢y¢az2dflaané«&d apgm/y, mt zzmtb all z-13¢ Pggpgg 5 gm; ,,;,§gg A Wifiififlf 2213.9 jam éwfofé’ af Cim-:i,c»z/er; to m w/3a~clz°d wt 69"“ dri:3:.Q V“ w#bkH:m $z.f}f;‘l*¥;‘}}\£ rafe’_f%ag;wr§3£ dead. John 20. 8. gym; Ioaftnv madbeliemd-’ £f‘;n1-143i V~ 3? ~ 39- T 13e%\azl3ar D.r‘fc£- p[g;_f:.;;d¢m;o Téomar, we [owe firm tb:Lm'd : __é.1:~’Z' 12¢ flzg'd;?_“* p,;,».m ;}9,.;»m; E;x—mpt M1 flmllfer 22¢ /32‘: almzds the print o_f;,!;;g _ ?,¢,;;[;5;g:j:g, [mi/;h¢ar"é"a/aim; xavbhrb wlmz be lazadfeeaz, xmaf tl';”wewpo.=2 éeliéve‘-W/; jffiiffiiid “W0 «Wm; ‘Thoma: , évecazzafe Atiozm 19.2/3* [em tbm lmfl Imliawd; éle‘/]73;:{.rd=a1onc%a wlum prcachzd omym mam cars, A unlcfs our O«pp~ofitcs%wi1’1% affcrr, anefixzgle Awwmfs za‘*i.£~¢ M m*ediéZ¢,:t5*firm, amd apt tafiegat belwf Mme ,% or tlarm, agai*‘nPc Nam. 35. 3o.ADeuri. x7. 6. c.r9. I%S. Mar... :28. 6.. ]o4hvn 8. . 85 2 Cor. 1! 3.»‘I. Hath. L0.” 28. I John 5.. -7 5 A85 9 : V 0:: th»at%Gvods :C.,ovcnaém: Va1o~me% ‘brings gm mmb a}]}¢mnc:~un.:{_4/Fraug ;c3m;fi2la¢.£an. my »I9i.r fl°a+z;:m1:2;,i Eff’ &¢t‘h_3,. maftedaiagetlaer, againii I-1*e=br.. 6. I7, 41‘ %p%e1:cmpmAri- Nbm. The Lords Shipperd_Gmce§hhegéttihg, A U may mcmrss to be the Organs, Orhwhatis conwzycd to the: foul by themazo be infinimcncs ofCc>nv¢rfion mdh A _b::1ievAing aswell as the-‘ears.Thc lat’: ofwch ifgainfaid, h I {hall ztnanfvverably cv%1dcncc,by Job 4 2:. 5'. lllay 6. 5. 7 ,ZCChaIO,42,,I 3.]ohn 20. 25.29. I Kings x8.39. fore... . citcdzandby thefc cnfuing Scriptzlrcsflfay 45.2 2. Lou“ A meta mag, and he ycfmzed all themed: c»ft.he earth. Pfal. 34.; V A 5 8; Thy)’ [asked mm him ml were lighthea.’ , €§*’c'. 01.4‘/fghh , ahdfee that the Lara! isgaady hltflhd it he that mafieth in‘ V p himf’ Ifay 55. I. I_/«aid; hchal.:”£' me, hchofd mg’, to/z N4‘. ; ticm thathmz: hot mlied 6'2}! any mama. PC 2 7. 4-‘. Om? thin A hawrf defiredofrhe Lmi xz:,u mil I f.e¢k,hfz'.er,Arh:¥t rm, A elm}! m the Haztfe aft/ac Lwd .211 the 61u£}'6I0fm7,'[if¢ , to- behold the beauty 0E {hi2 L ord,amd to ihqasire in hi: Tgam . Pie, Pfa. 4'8». 8; 25!: we hme hMrdAA fa have we: flmz in th: hhCi;7af%om‘hG'od.a Can. 8. I4. 13:: we {Ev thy‘ ca.rmte;¢aznceg farit is lava:/elf.‘ Mich. 6... 9. ‘Th: mum afwzfilam fhdll ‘ M 71:: name. Mat. 5. I6, 17.. 13¢ 15. h ‘Their eyes h they. we chlaflsdv , CW. Lctfl“ mt my time they fhmld pa with their cgyax, amd hear with thewamar , amrlymderffmsd A Ia2z”z~h their hmrtc, and SHOULD BE CONVER TED,, and fjhahld hmlthem : C an uxmnfvvemblc text, afcribingh 7. converfion to the eie, and that in she fiffi p§iace.,. as well as to the ear )hBm BLESSED ARE YOUR EYES A FQR THEY SEiE, mad)/our ezzr.rfarAthey hmr: For we‘. W rail}! Ifhy zmtoyam Athm: many Prophm hhdrfghteamAman ‘ A have dgfired TO THOSE THINGS "WHICH A 7% YE SEE, mxdhvzm mvrjém them .- and to hmr thofg tiring: A .thMt}’a$f lrwr, m¢.«:z’a‘7;'/ax’:/6' not hmrdthcw. Mar; 15.32;. Let f Chr'ifl' the‘ Ifimgvf 1]'s“rze*[ dhfaerfmf FWW; that WE MAY V 355 AND B1-ELIAEVE. Iolm :20. 3, A And HE SAW WV " AND EEL1}EVE4D0 Jrahn 2..‘2_?,. A cflrlmy he[:;erz/M.in laiJ]1dfl¢£"Wl9E?£ theyfaw ghc miracle: whzch hc did. John%46. 3 ca. Whaitfigzs dafh zuhmyz, thmm MAY SEE AND BhEv- LIEVE THEE P Icahn I I4 4«;.AA Thezqmhny of the jewx h whzch hziaal;f.3=.a;°;a:zfhe t&»,?-my which jcfm did, lwl.:”e-wd 012% him, Sojohm 2. I 1. ca 2,’: 1. Mat. I 5.:g1. A&:s’8. 6.. I 3;‘. ' A c. 13.. 12. john 6.14.‘ [Sm:wiry~ BELIEVEAD“ , A omdh war: converted BY SEEING the Mzraplex wrought 5] AA V I V " A h h “ Ah M h Chrifi V S(ml—+Ae0mJerti;2g %Urdii2e72he..e A r A 4:; 434 /555 fjpéfl /65 V-'1 (x)Aj'ttfi‘2n“ the Maerryrh At*t?,.we (.23.) .4Ettf/£61,?/Q 4; A cam/erted, hy he/Jeldieg the cruelty of the Ferfeetttert , awi ‘-".8. I35 jaw. can/fame} efthe—Mert){7':. Much more them may Comxml? #3 be 3” wt mcancs be converted, byttbeholding lefm AC/mfl ma‘.-.I.m;.. ed°°”'1’f’‘8‘*‘” . fee tfm/m...1 .ertze%ifiedhefare.their eygxfir t/fleirV"‘A/399$. in the Lords Suppfil‘, and by leehjng ttpzm /aim t/Jerein Wham A the; hpwe‘piereed, as I{;b.y 45. 2 2.. Zach. 1 Q. I 2», 13. Lu.’ ’2.y-~2,3.h_3fO_. lob 42.5‘. Kay 6. 5.111. 5.. 8. Heb. .1:z._h1 2.’ Pfal_.48. ‘9. end other forecitcd Texts will evince. The cicsa ag well M C‘) A eel?! are. ufually the pr‘mcz'/ml O.~gmz.s' V! the Dew‘! ttfeth to convey fie and left into the fiml, Gen. 3. * 1 com 533 3; A 6, 7. Hence we read,afen evilhheye, Prov. 13. 6. Of the 1/71} 33- Is’- lttft‘ of the eyes. I John 2. -1 6. Of eye: fall afo1detZter;,.e::ed * whieh etzmeet eeefefrfem /in. 2 Per. g. 14. Of"' leaking upon dm rite} Av;-A do ‘Farzmiu V .2 wemttte ta elm‘? after her, reflolved to he at eommittiug ttdttl-..t mm, 1/irgil.' terie inthe heart. Nlétflht. 5. 28. 32. Of David: etdtzltery oe. G.eatg.AA lab x; . eefieteedh)rhi.s'.e}e ezedfightaf Bat:/afhehtt, 2 Sam.~I 1. 2,3 ,4. OW?/7%? 5% ° Of 11 mmom‘ tm/t with Tamera cauféd 67 A the fight of her ;’,‘:¢;’£::fl§Z:_””’3 heetzty, 2 Sam. 13.1, 2.) C”9"e. A UPO11 which confidcrati-- ’ -011), hot}? jab made .2 cevemzztt withtlaix e}e: -, -that he might mt thinkttpetetz maid, and that his b6't17"Z‘fF%’l:g'l.7t teat walk A etfter hair em, Iob 3.1. 1 . 9. Hence Solomon advifcth, not to /ttff efter the heettty of em evil women ; neither let her A rake thee with her e}e-Z§d:, Prov. 6. 2 5. Leah, eat that: up- ee thewirze when iris red, when it giweth ht}; 6010M‘ in zhe Ctep, for at letftitrhiteth lilqe at Serpent : ‘Thine eye: /7941! he- heldflrtmge women , mm thitteuhlfiflft [hell fitter perwerfl: thitzgsfz; He adds, Prov. 2 3 .3. Wilt that!-'_ ceefe thine £)'Nj"_l'0 fly upon that whie'h is not? -t0'W1't')072 rithett; Ag/{cheats fight A afthehezhyle m"jh garment, wedge efgeld, ahdfhekelt affllw vzzer among the {hails of jericho, made him_finfL11ly to co:-V A A xflctaflnd hide: them againfl Gods commattnfl, to. the 1f- melitexflcgtttcghtter, endhzk-ezvn :(i2¢.t¥rtd3trt1ihe, ..(_>{h-..‘7- 18: ‘* Vitiis neflris % =x9,t2;¥?.f8cc.t As tha;rcfif5»r:w fins and1uPcso§a11 fflrrsin anémzmzpe-.~ are... conveyed by c‘hjc“'er:iest" into; Mcns fouls more frewamtos vie eff. quently, powerfully, Lhaxi by a‘n~1‘eA other fcnfc; So by ~'i?.”W~D“*’4”‘v like rcafbn may faving Grace and come;-rf1onin'and% by. the Lords Suppfif. .,t.Thcti’ra'zzirwiel agflmh/7 Lg”d9?'»’ 1. " t e ' “ ‘H L cm... l‘5,@ A zhcmfclvcs a{Tcriin~g Win their Vimdimtion,p*. 203. A: The Lords _Su})pcr 4 Gravel-éegetting, Clmfl in the Mingflfy a f his ward praaclmh to nine em” , Md. A .151)’ 3615.? Mr cmwyat/aAA/aimfelfta the heart 2 Saint the Suzcrm went he preacher}: to the eye (yea car :00) and canweyetb ; laimfalf mm the heart :§.md 1"‘I,9¢’.7"¢'f0A7’fi it is wellflilcd, a ;. I314: word 5 which T/aamm Bmcm in his Cacelchifm 3 Mn. A‘ Calvin in his Inflimtions, 1. 44¢. 14.’. Sedt. 15,1 7. with others affirm. By all which prcmilds it is m_oAPcclcarly demonfimtcd beyond contradidnion, to be a Soul-lcom. vetting, Grac:c—convc:ying Ordinance gas wellas the A Word preached_.,co all who worch‘ilyl,finccrely approachll unto in l V A A A l V A 9 A A A 1 13. If in every Sacmmlent them 55- reqwiréd award of A A 0,) B,,;g,1,»m__AA A promzfe, as (y)AlDr..Ame.r, with others all}:-rrl,A and our dd .E22Am*.Tai?z.3j- Z. Oppofidtes objatdiz : I may fafely anfwtr, thattlaefc ge» 1» Iv 5- 1'P~ fécncralllpromilits ofthe Golpel; jam. 4.. 8. “Draw near $3.3, p. 34,. A ‘-? unto God and he will draw near unto you. Mat. 1:6,. ‘*4 I 9, do. Wham: two or xhrec are gathered together ' “ in my nalmm them am I in the midi’: of them. A%Mat.6... “ 6A.Blcffi:dlare they that hunger and thirfl after righ- l“Ateoufncfs,for thszyfhall be fi1lcd,.Mat~. 7, c.~ 21.22 . "4-’~ Lu. 1:1. 9». Askyand it {hall be given unto you ; fgek “and ye*”fhall find, knock. and it (hall be“ opened unto 0‘ you. A _7a/m6. 37. Him that comech unto me I will *4 in now if: call out. A With thofc anticnterzof Ifay-54... ¢taiflm€£_lt"by, yea nxeeting with God, finding ofGod,SpirituaI1ifc: L0 oursouls and all other bleflings, we need for mmconverfion, edificacion , or%fa1v’arion, in, by: and through the confcionable , conflant ufc of A 4 this“ diikoncinued Sacrament _., as well as in or aby anic other Ordinance WhatI'oév%er;and{z.)we may épldtjr rcfbrt (Q) %m2ta%it'in%_:hc concurrent firzngth of all ‘theft: gromifcsa fa ' as to a Soul-converting-, Grace-bcgetting , as well as; Grace*=corrobomcingOrdinance, let our Anragonifis, our of thcxr own whimfi¢a1bra~1ns, iuggefl what cvafi-g mas they can to rhccontrarie. Mr. Drake himf:-1f con - 1‘c":~H3~ngin’Ahis Boundary, 12.1 47. What the Word applied by anaflmfe,»:/2:Sacmment: dot/.7 BY ALL MSENSESA, (he fhould have excepted fmc11i~ng) t1oercf&rv it is apmv- «e"=-‘fit?! meom:Vafafl"mran4ce; and by c»onfi::quence or con- 1: erfion :06, {.630 A 14.. by mm: of a1V~1t’h1e‘1"e concurrent Promi-V 4‘ {ball mourn for him,«as one mourncrh forxhis onlysom ” 4‘ and (ball be in biczzcmcfs for him, asone is in ‘bitt-fir" “ nefi“s fqr his firPc~born,8;c. aplpilicd parciculariy so Wouigv Swvimrlc paflim’, _ John s1; 9; 37; ami‘t0"thc Jews 6“ penircmtii?aL‘monrningibr4cr11ci63Iing hiAm,% 2. 37.‘ _ “8«:~c.) AA~nd in that dayrherzc f}m;‘i1bc4a fozmtain‘I%o%pe« Wnedfor the ‘houfcé offlmzid and for the InhabiAtanm of % ‘*1 ]c‘ri1ffl"lc.m to wafh infomn a~ndT*:fbr:,uncA1{c:%anne:I§ , am? H2. A That prqphgcie and pAr%omi{'e of Zach: 2.2.. I on 1. 4 % % “ch. a:3.*;4,%:7.“..A “ 1 'wililpoWr upon the «bank: offlmrvzd, “V3z—c%.lthofe **pco91ewho%%i141ve Ai1mdeArIuchpcrvcr{4'c an d obPcinaL:;: . Minifi ersgwho will nciL;h::ir“fi1'Efer : them 11:0 bit: «eon vcr:«%cd or confirmed by 1:r,iandA »ca:1§t quine fnfi&c E’ ” y>1~791y5The Objc£:7tor£ha*»»'VAc4y ¢Sc.ir3.p:=wr6, £ext,,;Vd'ifp£0~ = sving "the “ Lords *St1ppcrw~ “bcéa!S0iu1~co%n%vmfx%1ng% 1, 1:0: yam: affirmingit to &»oa12.m1y 5 a *r.t:{s~command , and {ha MM‘ 7' 6' praéiicc of thcAp0Pt16S>PI1fn1_I1VC _andlI?ro_:e£’cantChur:~ ll chesain all former agcs)ro be for €fV¢Elft’.‘C1udCd'bylChffifi: himffilfout of the TQEW femfzzlem ; andto receive: their - A portionlamongfltl1z'_gmi.vji‘ In/J? Ivrec/azdevr, mzdwomzd 2/:w'r~weak-ca:2:[c:'a»a . “N % g"g_f,”]g"_/iyg ggfiiflfl C/an/fl, mzdccznfe r/Je1a‘c;.-:.!.(‘éranr/oar to pc. A % % 2-5179 for mm Cbri/11* died. I {1xa.:1‘"a;1znon1{h1uph Mitzi. Hers in he Apofilcs words to the Efdcrs of Ep/:2¢°fw, A5}; “go. 2 8.’ Take laced tlawefore u2¢toy}%'az¢rfc%l'z;%e:, mm.’za ‘ % tillft‘/96“fl0'5'k§~,0’U67 which the 1101} G /:*off~ 1942/: made you ()zm~-- A fiérs, tofeed the [hurt]: of God , which 1:»: bath pure‘/mfcd“ , , . acprxved tot % Lords ownSup;er ‘ fiqyfirlahxix am mm; even yvith hi; pretious bodie‘-and " 61o‘ud__at:’his Tab1e;.accord1ngvt%o hxs own command: ‘: D0 V fan-,]ohn 10. 10.. tlyzlrm aft me 1: do it in rememémnce afmr: ;., [haw ye fa:--:6 the Lard: dam/still /income, I Cor. I I . 2.4, 2 S , 26. Lei’: elf; he repute you avmongfl the numbcn of Lhofe:GR IE . VOLISWQLVAES, nat&j5aringt/»jef:l9c1e,and n1cnf]>.m&_- irsg perwerfe tbzngyto '6l9"4W“(!Wfl] qlzfcnples ’af;er%~tbcfm-,prO~ pheficicd ofinthefc later umes; ‘:50. 29, 30. “mt- xhofe good Shepherds who came to gm: lzfcf to their - fkeep,and tlmt they might IJaz'z2e’2'; more a2bundpz2¢tlyt72.a2¢ 6:’.-' A % clofc up thisAControv<:rfic5 on1y;f'0undM(o”) A . %r‘e:im,%a%fl'e“rts. Dem a[iLi:V4m%d Comm; %éZ1:3mp0fl',% a1[I'p1»5"-/7_ 55;}_ 7_. ’ A» ILLAVCONVERTI 1* AD VERAM PJENITEN. R TIAME‘ VVhi<:h (p)Cbemm'tim' thus fcconds ;‘1J.-.=m Spi-* (P) H,,.,.,,,_ E_ % rimfua“Pcr V *c.°’r9um‘?ET _ A ' % { A %N%0B%lS‘-‘~ * ’ SACRAI5/I1-ENTA FIDMEM IN wmgel. in 1.14‘ . 5% % %cr4ce«éEé?Zrivg ””"”””"" NOBIS BEFIACIT, ‘*3 '1"0’_M-1-h rcgemfmtmtr. A And,(1f)%Clg.rgm:i.:?r»~thus thirds! .Q%§rzq!4id ‘5“mav:t%i;z’ta/lafhtm ad ajjintienifitm vaiéitqii diviflx GENE- T} C '5 .4. é\ o 5!: 7% f % \ A ~ m0v€1?tAifit€/lvfiww ad d,j]T*.’nti:ndz4m¢uarim¢idmimc~:—Efgg, an .;%:::;:; aé2::§“c§::f;<1:$:;1:‘t£::f= £23: government, 2 <1,‘ ab « P . .' -W 5,3fi2,4_ _7fl273« 7?/?Ig ?F WU: ffizzrc % 14* ]mm:-, That: the Lords rro» BE A CONVERTING .» OQICKNING ‘"AN% =LIVEL‘YAAPPLICATORY ORDINANCE :v £h0%L1gh- %hcadds%a; Em 1903?’? “écc. toit %:V And Mr.“‘Drn'@( thcf: ficrcefi Champion againfl it_) not only grants; t/J4tf4_z'r]g and carnrerfian may fovmetimex 6: wmtglat at the S:tcr»_zmem:,% <*3f°’::i“gs; }{i:';i‘,i%.'. §~“£;2;2§‘“2”::’.S3,53‘Z:,§‘“?;"2‘:?a‘,:;,"i;’;; .. 03 ‘ M U ‘M M M t /' E -* ~ ‘ M ” "~‘ jéu) Mmzis. l2:fa7'e~thcir admifliom'nta t/ac mfiéjlc C/mrc/9‘) zmgy hf pram RAT FoVETo;1_1E FID_EM..V .4; SACRAMENTA Supper isa ConvcrcingVOrdin.mcc :% WE GRANT IT% % . 195- $7» I C0’I'ofént at tla: Lords‘ Sapperg and atll%»the Sacmmmtal défiaflli 1°‘ “=”7-‘*""’ with La gréat deal of profit; amitbere main THE1FRL1IT 1,-“11.z3%,, to gen.“ M3 ,, 4,.4_6,oP THE‘-VISIBLE AND«A11DIBI.E wow) BY” ’ *4 19-45% > c,8. 36,37, 38. BARE PRESENCE (yet: not” admiwttkd-Wtb receirq:.*t}Aupm % (.95) Bell. Ezzer. my t‘er'm.r;,% )%VVhcnV as D1‘. g4fi7dJ VV‘11.l'infCu)I;Cn5Sjp1“~f Tm-3 ~/-”‘- '7' ardmenm proprié comn_/z" i;g;qar»§;:1z uftz, ‘rm at Sgtarameng " z%uMm}% -120;; fit Sacmmciztiing 375/1‘ in %e_/9;; pcrqcptiam S4cmm m- (3!) Reply to #415; andéy) Ez'flm:P3‘6nzc4l: (z-) ATMMW B¢4¢oIz>W.1th tht‘: )H£’fd-17%,?‘ ; 2?-5.»:/¢f,_rti;c?leoj'§;tIqe$Clgu&rcIa of Englgmd_%'?infiruA&%hjmfv, A «36§.<"fl"c. , I/913*”?! ztn}cer?Pa~ i, whim .1 A A Sc4cin;v %thVé;n,”Lhé'Lord.§ 3(1) céztecbzfn, Sn % M‘ “ pf], AA '3’ ‘ ‘ I7“ ’m' #4?”g=’iv¢lJf.apy1iWvra%Ordrmce-' r»batf"0m¢:‘*7WPv1iW)', 5:’ W111}! cjavzzeertad «norm 161%,; “#4; tbat~iguogW:,AW f6?W1~?fi. Zmafj1perj32::%,4 rzq/‘Hmtlaqgzx :;z¢a}f%frace2«u.eW_agregz t at'e»A¢‘%,lp%rg "6; it 434%-AfrmifI.th¢r¢aJ%$ 51~A.t’94':'rlva?f:L[ prcfwcje, at 1.615 Jlfls. Drake: Divinity beOrthodoxV);vap<;1:,V§(ithoucaa1L p¢rad‘vcnt%urAc—,% th c,Vfpp1g5f%%fgjLh-5 (.3ra5:e$.o.f’a}1 ;r4}::gc:;1c:r;at‘:c4%» pper ig%{gra%t¢dVop*a11 haAnds*coib§: a»omgar¢2ng,flqu;ag%;5 » Achrmianéa méwxbnmnch mora:rc;0:i1f9‘rned:¢_éd%i5¢¢.}F%¢?n$rw Affirmed: 3f¢£?3FhDi¢dsin9neif¢d’bY%*~i‘5;fiT¢fi}3§§P A bu;.nO«t.fO.m"qch.fi§On(§'»f®L11;cOn¥¢rc:Ad3§Onfirmcd?'1MM A v » =»=ds%%comforr:ds rhourdsdevfit¢icAsi»£?cavrv:didh;ic%s¢?<;-131 S0ui~:on*Uerring 0rdi1zmce.,l. cdilfllbyits dpifufagc or rm adminillrazion. Pxncl jimcc A;/Jqfaitb oftloe firangefll C“/orijfiazn: (“as V r. C a:z.!«z;i;;,, Ca) Irzflit. ‘ (6; Biflaop fem/, Baaccm, and others write fa T5-A5‘-’5£# 3- fmall and lwcakgpptbat :2: mad: the/Jelp afomwurd Sacra» » . V ‘ ll ,, the Apology, mews; and zmlc.-f.r at be propped up an eweryflde 3 and ,mzzm» P4,-5%, ,,_ 55,7, plpmiized 5]-them” mid all ember Oralzzwzmrex, 2': will prefiwt/pep A65 difv,;.. 12.: 5'4. p _ .-f7Mk:v2_, wawr, and 1ik,el}tbfa1l.[ Let this now at la:":‘tlC”) C4“*‘W’”’» prevailwllirhppallour hard~hca7rt"cd Minillcrsa immedi-l *l4”’4"6" A Qatclylto lay afidc ‘all combinationsl, 1-Clf'*iDl.'.C1'§?fl'S;p and 461"4l6z’ Q63; (‘by-rcfpcéls whatfoever which havcinducccl them to ‘ didhpntinue the ‘u"£e of the _Lo»1:d.~_1 Supper for fundry ycarsllg l and for mm to come cngagcp tlmmwith confci - ~>.cncc,dpil"ipgencc,mofl frequcntlpyfionllantly to adminiller it to all lflfiilf Qongrcgatiponsy Wi\ltl‘l0l1l;fufpc_ndpi'ng any but cpxcommlun1capre.cl perfonlsgfccluded from all other -Ordxnlanccspp) fromuzs recepuon; to exhort: all their pcoplcppto a COnf~Ci¢n‘C_lQ4LlSa due,‘ frequent participation A ofic, aqcqrdlng to the plra&p1.c6_,of,tl1c_ Primlizive ('hm~cla" ¢md.lCIoriflz'zzn:: (d)pzvbal60mmunz*cztlltedl mar} day, wmk or (d) See ‘I790-.. A -mm» dpleafl) anaclpto invite thcmto it,” not onlylas to BMW" W9" A As; mce;~confir{ning: but as I9 amQil§::tl”c8c~ual,powerfull, :b;f3’”’}’4';l:.:f_ ‘Soul-c 'crr.1png» al GraCl6..'¢ngendnng . Qndma.ncle“l.J by ,,p,,,,/,',,,,%f;,,;:,=,e,z..- lghrifisl wn inl’cit_ution; as, I trail, I have het_re‘dc-ded_, p.:.4p, 2;. monllratcd in to be, beyond all future Contrad1&1on,Mfl Seafonablel ,0l1C0f1T1C"Cl'.' zeal to t¢rutlh,C?{pods glories; thislsaclramcnts 1',’ 5’;dlt‘;f’5’;”» due cnds,honor,and falvatlion ofpcoplcs Souls [0 long ‘ 5' 3 " -ldcbarrficd from is; ,w pagapinfl alllaawes of God.ppand,p»Mm.‘ ~Ikn:‘l,:.i:"£a€npy ofiourlhzlinillcrs vwf'Fla;tf'oc..\rer,“,;_wl1cih,:*r ‘éytariulg-TalzdcpendcntgAmb4ptzYfical,or.otlhfiij-zillin fic95§* forth perempxorily rcfufé tddo thlcif '”paPcox7a~l ‘duties “herein,I:rlul’ca1lthoI‘e who now be*ax.f the Name of Ci- vil1M4giflrnrc-up 3'34 €’2p;'7:“/.f.5¢¢5:l.pl1$!Qlnpthfiixlpcopluwjufi 031 A 9355*“ leamp1arms;lwi11“by: oi"e Legal mean: I have (d) elf:-ffgzfiiflfafi wbcrtziiiafificd on, mofi zcalpouflylanfi rcfolutclycompcll °§_)~,,,,,,.5,,,.* __,4 lthcmltofa confilant ftgmleqpglaédngi‘ faribn ofithis Sa- New Difcofl/Eu 759p (6) Defence of" A lcramcnmo a1p1lt»hmir“;:;p uncxgclommlmn1c§t‘cdChurchmelm *7 "f. “”””‘fl’ A A l lbers, who hlumbl:yldcfirc”itat.thcirhands,or («elfc cjcél E’m1r“”“’ 6' A :1 Seaflmablel ‘ A p'h.cm om; oftheir pBAenlclpficcs,~ as”Sca ndalous zoom lie.-~ ,,5,,«(,,,:W;0,,,p 1 l I 3 l_ T l l1igl0n)' V‘ *~;;¢;*,d14itu;m:x%;; gofour C11=.2rch<:s% pm: 3 (.'1{..«1/bi‘1iV§L1“::'{:§r.‘il‘3E§ _; V%§;;§3::an*tLsh.Q wt: that‘ yeopies <:01;m::;%e41:+cc:s; ‘“E.I1(‘;f'{“i‘1&<3Z;; :0 A: ¢A’pnx,~eY&:i1an,‘ ec:ZJiEcaaic>:‘s 5, tonfoiaflzion @fvxh:~:~ir?p:a;:«;m1;‘mé Souls; %renc>%unA*ce%rs ot Qnc Ch1r:f*par'z ofihexr M‘: n‘Izf1er%i.ai» ”fu"n..£hon;% an:d:;::rofc“fi'edAF‘0fi3f€3.b0%£h_;from the“ D06 :3 'z::c,I _1??raé?ti<:13 ‘oFCh%rii’c5 f::isApofiI’esg f3h«*:"Pfi%xnAiAtiv:£% Fathers, ChL2;c%h ‘es, Chrifi i*aVn.er, i11'1c:V C’»‘/mm;/5‘ *E;>,gl¢s;2c{g, ~ arid an true Chijrchcsg M ingxicrs of" C*hri{’t £“b‘I01?ghOl1't the: world in formcrggcs, ogzt Aofmcer Fcifleinds and in~ azcreflfizaving now no rca1worp1'etcmded groundsm‘ wn*+;% i"cience‘%A1efc“‘th¢m to pal-§i%>:1»VLcomrj4 e‘xciz{c"their aégzmg» in tins then: A;.tzchrz/Exam and z422t«i;S;.«cmm>e;m¢,r1 mm; vflice. In.zhcAmean*tim}e, tl*1.2z7t whichwvastheufial pu£2Iz'ée Prayer ufed at all our ComvrnQnni¢ns, by mg pig:-3 “fcription of our Old B0o@ofC0mmmz Pmjrr , nmemr {O “,nccefi"ary [0 be Arct'i%v‘cd[9as**? new flfmll be my private Prayciy for :he1‘er;e:fra&ori_e Nam «-c'ammumicétt£:«:;:g u'};'i€’» naflc-r.r, and%a1%10thcrs Giw gmc: ( 0 /.2.Vswvml} Fzztfmr to all Bzfl7op:,% Pzz/for’: Md Carmyfg rim rm; may éar/a Z}- 2793!‘? life and VDo5fr:'m: ,% fez: fart/3 tisy Atrmg and [}»z)gl)+wara,Q med ARJGHTLT: AND DZLL2” AD‘441N[5Tgfa§wL ‘IHT HOLT SAC .MEN'T.S‘~, A;mén(% ; f 2* RM 5251» % + z4‘g¢}'I s%_ 1_ gthcng r.V;Ia¢f;A ‘p, 45. 2.6. «max; P, 47, L 1.. A27. r*.pmfts;1. 37,. 15; ml *arate 5:,L;%1, p. 48. 1.18, M;r.§“w gr; :3; P55 3. 1. or, g z:4a:%4fs»s'aa:z2;2craarace~&egezzz»;g3