CON“-1TuT10N;VAS A" ND % Ecclcfiafticall; % JTreatedupon‘oy the A R CH3: sH01>%s Qf % A A _CanterEzz¢ry and Tarfe, Preficiemsof the Convoca-3“ A tions for the refpe€’cive Province:-4. of Canter-3 ‘ bury and Turk, and the reftoftlge Bifhops and Clergic of thofe Provin‘ces~.;, ’_AndVagre«:d upon% With tI1§ K I N’ Gs_ Majefii% és ’ : ’ Licence ‘in‘chei:r feverall Synods begun 1 V % ‘M at London and Tor/e.% I 6 4. 0. In the year of the Reign ofbur SoveraignLordA ‘C54;-1e.§_; by the grace of G_0d , King of England , Scotland, % * Prmzce, and I relm-Id , the Sixteenth. A I” '.;4;éc{now Ymbléfbedfiar the due obfizrwziazz oftbem, by Hi; majqzieg Amzborizy under the Great Sealaf England. W A "J ,. \ ‘ 7 * ‘E abac-——,— M '~ ' ""‘~1~"..'_'-f '\It:A':~:l'o_y;-,9 {.1-«$1 _ .._.é~hr ' ~'..-Au\‘\- . .. . . 13$. __ -. '. 1 ‘r S‘ * .: Ix: " o’.*.7.‘.A ?"~ 3'; _, 3, V v m: . --_~-v ~‘ . u. A - z‘ - ‘\ ' :- :. V 21 V n J! 1 ~ 1 9 A I g I -—-~- .743‘ Ii‘ I 1 '*_ "!,’y{"‘ A “ 0.: ufr . '3 -\9‘...%'"..2.'............ DR 4A A Lo N 1:>A oAN: A A _ Erinted by R (in 3 xx’: B A 3.1: E 1 , Printcrto the ” A % .. Kings moft Exéellent Majefii¢:gAnd by 31$ * % éf13an¢§9fJ°.I__n‘: 5&3-_~ s.§+9:; ‘ ‘ . ‘ I v;‘ ‘ A " ‘M2:/7572 t/78 ariterbtdria A 2221:? %3?7rk6, W.§I?*¢[ and 6~'=i’€d 19)’ %~ Fvertue éz£;r’f€i?eral1.1T37i?£’t3"%totbémo/ZfRe7}ere721 Faztlaer 1-Qtir Md A rzg/at me]... V WW4 i?i?15P‘?0V.id67i€€a% J % Lard ArcI:;bifl2‘o[i;:)f A amté}bui~i%;e’l;‘Primate of all En glam :Métropalitvm‘*, And to tlvémqfl R¢’-- mend ;ie;W1 wet- Lard A épAiLbfT6rk‘ °,' ‘il3ii7iza¢té ma 4 Metro- politan ;ég»e£ziu;ezy[a2re&ed, éearfizg date ma‘:%:2;:s2:4zie2:/a‘d;;y‘%uf%1=e1n-uarie , £22 tlae fif- t5;**??5.1f3‘ 56 $0""??%?L6%éfM j Li;9;i:d;1;¢£bv!2i* %¢iv¢Qw* Lzandon swd drtefl of :9 ‘ ._ W’ . % M§trépoZifi3§é 13am an mxzzye A témtiz a'4)§1'«f A‘pri:1 "’ zilém 2zé5ct;en[uing,or elflblyerc,‘ % W”f9' Véléiaz/Ezim ‘ e.nd,.v{q§€lzé4sa §';i?t§izz vii/55.-== 4:- e:“ .. 1;; w ,,-4,, n % . W % ,“ 5 v». «M. .e ~ ~ ~ ,2" % cult and :6’ afizffion mnedzn tb;e; am‘ IVrzts; A ZDia.’ tbereupa 21 out the“ti2né;;r:!);bbi%%té%!~§1'a22d *»52£%bi3£ "2,esQ4fl2§4K4fl 1, .0 /mt/1 0£S:..1iau1mid“:/5eA4ezro~ L"-Gr 3:’ 3 i - . ‘Comm Cq§~/0flf;:]%;l::“t_b{§t purpo 6‘, aggardmg 7°, $- 3 G ". *‘ A % 15”—sVtBé?"Vffiidfgfiéikfl. Wiéitsf‘, léefiireb £752 flrc/9-AAéi 2.0}: ofCa%11rcA'rbt1r:ie“, Adm! tbaflzid A Iaord‘ ;2“2fizucI:; a2s1i%?Wédrae%;giv mi to %?underfla§w! fib’fm:22z~4é¢y » Our’; yuéjae%s Lgg2zg%mz/zed agairzfl we =1aim W1 grgre2nm2ie;mza“wu/Iéd~;;£§2% we C/azérclad of Enlga A ‘:I23L1cE;~-:*»/J:z%2€*1rxtabI tkiiierg bfi?na§mt§,‘tbe @621 A ¢z2Az‘zmjz.g=_/—I’4 /fi}‘p1Jf‘&ll:,,':. tl:p£n*“4ti2%*ay "%2z?é n3£ c'}2z>.=2ly cara- !Atra%y:f‘to-[¢Q;i{»la m. 5. [am Aintroa'u£ii7ée mm A e- »~fizpar§?zci/mt?" We} :czmm~m‘m 12:42: 12¢» Jzery ggenzéla" aft mm», a4¢d:/maze czmféto cam Aeeizréfilizzt An/2e» t/Jar: ; 4i¢d‘]‘bm2ntors tjjw/e fear--V M }fbqy lauMI'zie_ film? ]§r€tEi1II6' 4!, mi muldflrikz: m:§y;at;famefizp. ‘ 0/edriniquiry z"nt:b4‘.“f4idJ’CcrVemon£ex ; .2’e-gas P :__,. K :322.dw:!:a7,j‘?aizi:s~li;;12&: A;—0im¢goad*«”Szi4bje%z$%:imzzgi¢zeV* tsbdifmthiw 50? *W*f5i1J~ oma%;aIte»rat-i;onr~”%A0 t£7e#%Aaligio7:%- bare mtertjz %We~ men ew:yA-tbmgglattfieréaf, II?-— U A % 7’m0rld;u:étbnt%w'V . :3» " and difcretizm tauld*cver:be~ A ¢s&anx:tI5e;nce"%&~ ” ' 2. %jc75E; £53-? ’:wé5ak~—7€rV/brt; wt.‘ ‘ . "'*L.~"‘ V azmwaza/Katow _a?dr‘,2;d3&m6:.;4t—AVug’;;a1mRoya[Zper/biz; ' ;D*éc1azratians,I kznzfbt/aer14aifi*‘ A 4 enmt4¢z‘:2mena;'&toF:- Tci crafggfidueérs ,4 W::-- % I M rt.-E ref? no lajjé confident , %tl24t em %oftl2em3; Ekfiéizfifi as we oi:/01411 . arirzd-34 but vfwc/writable /aems,~%_ willfmm 7WL€9’onb uttérb W5//2 41? féarsAaml[urmije:,'% upon mafia ”0z:rfi:credprgfifi;'.% "om,faqften mczdeby ‘Us, a C brtjl 5' n?3efmdifof we Faith, t/.-zeir Kings and .S’o1’9migr£;;&‘AM.f72ere-*~7 fore zflyet any perfim , umler Vbbéztfieveré ‘mask ‘of (cal or €aunte7;feit% bolimjjé, /77413 henceforth ]}?6€c77&QV Witing or: any other may » ( notwicba. flandingmfg aurrimifizaearzy, lemnprat$at;z'a_ns4made12%;?bim, 1t17aafer‘23:;puty+,' Waare again? al721ndA%%Aé%vesg»i;¢tentio:; ¢y‘.cmy1>a~ 1.2?5f5i?3?’01"?Wf0” 56 f0'>“L1m‘grdACiozi/S'4Iid pre[ampI:u~—- . am as to '0<*1¢4fl1P0i{anéad+4ontrit;v;t?fi“ A jiwb A apurpofle, and to m‘§i‘ tbefi fljdevilif/2 zzjjaerfiom and. jeqlaflfies upon 0:{r1R0yalIymd ‘g0dbzpr*aceedi7gs,T T§I:?e%%%&r.équ£re% all ‘Ow’lqvall3Subjeéls,%tl:az:*‘t)3z5zfarz%l:;% 1 witbrnaketbeflzme knownrofi2meMagé/frate;Er+ J ale;/1'4:/56411 ar ACME 5 And We flfaigbtly c(24r’géw4E,~ 0rcfizgdrie:,jV anr1%¢12ef)’@%!$t/Bér per/on-iiijmy authority : imdgr ‘$1.5 Mm t/9ey"DailI mzfivper the contrary atét1m'r_ utmpfl perz'lI,AA that tbey ufi: no /ml1i;:z¢ian%, cionnig-5 )2enc¢',V,or delay therein 5 lauzfmt/fiat t4kii¢cgyp4rticuI4r information ofafltbepajjifgas t./Jéy doTfbrtb‘fl2it/9;, certifie tI2e~/amemzta ourcbm of ommzfi’icm,L or . ‘h-G’ mtg/7:‘: Eccle/iayZ£ml1,tobe tijexg: ex4n3 z'm:!§.ai2J”[2rag A ¢ ~ B peaded Q rfiéded an t:2i£l:1azUfz‘a'eIi:,)v aml%t¢nderne.[er of Our A RjqyalIwMdje}?ie, dire tor"<'3);s'rtff2e:'r Solveraigne an La;:d,ramd‘reovernq»r Bat fem/me» M We ml! V Pg}-ceivetlmttlae"nzy1eaa’ersaf:0ur weH- minded A _p¢opZ;,dor;makerbe m are rzdvantagefor tire néurifl rirg of-ti)?! ii’;/Z1¢?5Iper%Irr5¢or;gt/rem firomlfince, : that ~ wtkefifrefiid R'imNd}id Ceremonies; orfome rt/fem, ‘ arrernozér infifled upon 6:4: onelyirz flame Dio¢ej]?:s, anclarer not generally rem"ve‘d.rrinr4lZr places, nor cm- flcmtl}r;and runifirrmlypraéfi gd jtbbrovnom: oil! the , (f/xurcbes cy'0z4r Realm , and thereupon have [rem bvabla to 5:: qmrrelled and oppofd by them w/J9 ufe abem rrna‘tr;r%: We tberéfareout of (Mr *Trimel} incli-M zérztiarx to “CJm'fiJrmz't:y dndpeace, 'inmatters"efl7éci4- A , wytlmrcancern t/re baly way/bzpofeod, propnflng gear pm.-inr "..tb¢: ‘pi%am‘ examples of I{z_,g V Edwardwe 1g;gI§,g;2a’4of‘"@2aenffilizabctb;we jeréffart/.2InjunEi‘ions,c1rzd Orders about zrbe dz"12i;¢eA Service , 512210!/9.62‘ Ecclafla/iicrzfl smztters , W and r roar vicar Father of blejjéd memory 3. Ah I(_iag “ A :fb.3ies,‘7b12apu6Ié//Jed 41aoak:c»f*Cbn/iitztiions amt (anon: rrEccléfi4flz'cafl ; and ( according to the A5‘ af’Parlia-men: in t/azicrlve/m‘_lf) having flrlb: admfid lieféirirfibit/9 Our %Me£ropal4iMn, ozndlwit/9 Our Com- 'mifi’ioners% 4 authorifed A under Our great Sea] for %m: Esfkflrflieefla fears éfzetrgm soar’ to give Wm 1.”. ihem free om zoom 2; con»a2e;zan; zoo ‘ghee * upon ecereein.‘ heather . C mom onecejflzryofor 411g 44:...” fvaocement ofGods glory, ohd‘edz,‘)ri_ngo[ his Iooly C hurehyzndh the due re‘vere2zce¢y‘hz3 hIe_[fed°Z¥I3‘;fle-,5 rieo and , Saeramentse othezt aeWe#ever1M?0hhl’€?”£ hand. hjfiods alone ?We, _/haflieverfl)hecontiemecarefull and ready tohctw fuperflétioon with one hand , A /5 W 6_ may A no leleex-2 pelt irreverence and profiznemjfe%%132ithe.,tehe’aeIm~, ‘whereby it may Plea/e Almigboeod , "Us, and tbt?::ehJCI2W€79 iwmmifted Onrogovmzha went, that it may are om return unto the wee former ejjalejzdour of ‘fZ)ng?fo’r;agg;;gy¢,oA::;:Z,)We otoio holy Ordergthe lu/Ier'i)3hE}7EW'fi)rfimhey¢eero% A hath been overmuch ohfcured, through the devices offome £11 ajfefled tojghezt See;6edeM0rder, wherein‘ /244 longfflocdoflvm the ‘W0’ h17egirirIio,gofoth¢ Rr!]’0?hzetion , and through inedvereegzeieo%oj?fome A in authority iizo thefhurehunderhfzhg ethere» hy mertioe rfOur Prerogezti)2etW.G{oyelI, one! A Supreem authorityinpceujes Ecclefiaflic-411', hy jeveroll end re]}2e6?z°ve L otter: 1JotemsunderOur" GWSe:zlhofE11gland. dated tbe».fifieemb do of April! om Iezflpa/Z, and the macbfih day of there next folIo'H9i2g5, fort/2ePr017inee ofCai1ter- ‘ A bury 5 And by 0L14rlik%Me L enter; ePatentsoAo’ated m$entietba’ay’oftl3e [amemonetlai qf _L‘l'%and%“~tl:zz‘mentzetb day? oftlae monetlsrdof‘ J 13567‘ q3r0Vi?f¢»'a of York; cma.’ gmim,4 fitl1, fi5%oft/ye/azid ‘Provinces , and unto, ~ all ~Deazr_ze3' of %CéztI7*.edralI*C/aztrc/ass, Arc/9»a':mcons,“ {'c;7:}zpagr;,* Cc6fl.éa’cges;“jez the wbaleclergie \ ~éJ2e}j7#:"f6§I];6i‘a,,i"I ‘ibcejjé -5?’1!?i£l7i§¢ tI2efz1idhfl*1imzll fiéraw‘jnca& "and e£:ber'1c}ftbén¢,vfgbatmtbgy/7;5uz4 A »&nd% iir7é:3V%%to~%t=i21?z,e,~ *a'uring;.t/as «Vpre/Wém: A Warlidrizéjirt, ~andfé2r"zf19'er”dt£rz'ngVw0iéH1?.i/7Aand»%pZez§w fimgconferre, timt; deédte, cozafider, ca;¢/‘E415, and gzgree and AVu]_b0n A Ccmom, Orders, Ordinances,» Con[2i.¢§zgti‘ln_;¢3 .4; Atbgr/lrqald t/9ink~ziece‘]]'¢r%3,~,4% éx5:dAtb%€ éetaergowrnmsm tlaergsafl ; to lvefiom time - qndcom»enie2irV;‘or:%a Iavnom;ndfiarvice of gélmfi/at} God, tbagaad ¢md‘qniez4o;%.s C/mrc72,%_ AA idtimé oh mived, pérficmrzaad fufflfili/ad,%a%d k~€j)§,f as A 73I?£1.1£j 2:/yéfziid Arciflvé//16;) Can4tcfbu}ry_ mew fa:idArcir~ York? , we A3ifl¢ops‘f%V, dand- their ecccflcws We the re/2 of the me Clergig .e of the /aid‘ flavemll Provimrese 0]’ Canterbury and York, in their fevemll C ailing: ,~__l0ffi'ces 5 Ftthétiem , he Mimfler*ies~ , Degrees , and Aa’me'nfllretiemc;]% As hyezllaml every fieetn qftheArche: ,4 tend other A udget afthe flziez! ]e7gere!1~£.4rch—5i/héps, ‘Courts tGugzrdiem of Spirituelties, f/eezncellduzw tflmgee and C hepters , Arch—cleecom,"fi Ca_mmz'_/fezries , Ofi‘i- eciels, Rage/fees», and all anheiejzheryeeetheer Ecclefim jlicail 0fi€cers ,At ‘end thei;éeg,¢]4;vriour¥Min2yZehe fizever , Q‘ the femeeefléveflithe hPrb1ii2ecesif‘e i ~tGaI22'— tcrburyeIrIdhYork,%in their, and every their'di~ ‘flink‘I'Couj't5, emcliin—etheggj¢7egc'eee;eiifl' t[eeif,h Land every 6f'their%peer7eedihg3W 7, enc2‘@f~eeZl‘h A perflms within this Realm, as fame as lawfidly he- tieg memhers cf the Church it may e concern them, ’as_ineOur/aid Letters flzztents ezmancgfl other C lee» fismarerztlezrge dothtdppeer. 4 A j A A Z\(o‘wfore/much d5cl‘}J€fi1I'tt1.’LOI’£l Arch-hg/hop Camferbutry“; Wett ieleezttcfthe]e2dCehi>o“&”az-itoiz V flit the VTro)?Vi22ce cf Canterbury, emdthe /gee ”L»Icreh~~hi[ho]b of York , Wreflciezst ofthe 6012- Izacetjogz fizrtize Wovirzce oh A&ce:_XQrk,iend others the “}ez“et«B;{t¢ps, ages;he-¢e.egectt;;t ccapttmaea Colledges, with the refl of the C lergie , leaving met togdetlaer re/}2ec"tz've{y_, at she time endpleces he ere . 1 h “ g3 A meettéened AA 10 Wnf50H6drafieEiively, gnaw» dud:/am, 5,..%—m-.. : me (If O_ur au5b0?iz3igr4nted mézifo tbem,tr6;2tm' A V qf, comluded,.cmd gngreedupan 66?rtdz'n. C anam, Or... dars,:0rdinaznces,.;md Canfi‘itutians,V to the and and jmrpofeby Us limited and praflribed umra t/aem, M4 have ?77~‘»’WP0?1:f0f5?'66’4nd'19K%flté/dtlveftime zmta "11:; ~t?"’9fi /7?l'$5b’ ”.d6flW5"g%‘ is to ;givéT0tii* Rgraflggénp unto t_/as fizme , according to the... firm of a cermizz Statute or A&r2fPz1rli4mc3m: mad? t_b4£ba%4Zf' M1'i¢¢th6A 2. ‘h. year 0]’ Reign qfKz'ng Hen ry the eighth , and by Ourfaid ‘Core- mgativc ’Royall4m! Supreqm authority in Czmflss fcclfifid/?ic4U y ‘.t0 rdffic ..0z4r A Lemrsr Parents 1 22éér4J’0rwordmn/ue¢’=-t T.“ under Ourgregew s9e41e2”-Englalld. W50 confirm the [£zme%.. ..4, The %Title and Tenour o mfieing .—...._... ‘u u H‘ " ‘W ‘ ‘ “ .7 ‘ > mg .g ‘ my , , ‘ . - mu‘ ‘ 1. 2.. wt‘ tarfief V t A - A ‘ M - :5" M .. A M , . 1» ‘ : .-. :. ~ 4 ‘ ‘ V . ; up « ‘-2,, av ' ‘ ' a. .- . mm». - ‘hm-r_, - W ’\ Hz ' A ~ ,4 w ; . Q; . 3 W . , ‘ . . . , (:011Ptitu»fi011S and Candns E_cCIeA A —fiaPti.-cAaIl,treated tlpon by the Archbifhops H of Cmzterlzmgr aAt1d1“'ork , Prefidcnts of the Convocations for the refpeétive Provinu ces of Canterbury and York, and the ref’: of the Bifhops and Clergie oflthofc Provin-‘ cie‘st:“ And agreed ttpon Witltegthetlfingst A A Majefiics Licence in their fevecrallSyr1e”ds be-gunat Londoitatndfrxrk. A I 6 4 o. A g , IAxiAtAhcA year oftheAeReignA bf our Soveratigti A Lord ,‘ C H A “RL E est, by the .gtfacc””6FtGod, " t A King of England, Scotland, I-'7'ra2zc¢.. , and. . 1tf14nd.thc 5i¥tc¢11th- ‘.,........ V! _4-: ....... ~ "" ~=Coztm?ningtbefiggdlijéémer. ‘A ' Hereas fundry LaWes,OrdinanAEc§A§ « Aw; and Conftitutions have been for-—“ merly made for the ackn0i7Av1edg- ’ ‘ men: and ptofeflieon of the rnofi I .’ ‘ /f ;;~.,'t lawfullandintdependcnt authetity A ’7////‘/‘/fl,, ** ofout dread Soveraign Lord,’ the , : r//i’ A ings rnofi EXcl1enttMajefiie, over the StatAeAEccIc- 13aI1ica11andCifI_i1:;.V!¢ he out dntiein the 151'“ pact P13Cl¢.bihd€S us {aid Laws 2lI1Cl‘C01j"flI'ltLllZ1l_()I1S'c‘.jfX’plj{‘;ffCd«. Q 4 And for the fuller and clearer in[lru€’cion_ and in»- f7or1natioojof allcchriftiarj people within this Realm [in theirlduties linthispartilcular; V * ‘ V We do ~ further ordain. and decree, Thatlilevcry Parfon 5 Vicar, Curate; or_‘ Preacher upon fome one Sand‘ y>in.eVe1‘yquarterof theyeer at Morn- ing prayetyllaall in the plwalcewlhere he ferves, treat« ably, eland audiblykread chef: explanations of the Rcgall power here-inferred. e A 7 A M molt High and Sacred order of Kings is V ‘of Divine righ~l:_.,9bein~gl the ordinlanceelof God Ilimlelf; founfled in the prime Laws” of nature, and qlcarllyccflabliflied byecxprdlee texts both of the old and new Teltlamenis. ‘ A fupr”"eam=P“oweris l ivmto this; mofl: excellent Oréiiet 7 by God oghimlel ‘in the Scriptures , which is, That Kings fluoulcl rule and command in their leverall dominions all perfons of % A A 5 and ‘foflw as to its appertaineth) cnjoy'n them all—per+:. l fo-ns;Wl1om they concern upon the penalties inthe what rank or eflate Foewier, whether Ecclefiaflicall ‘ or. Civill, and-Jzhatl they lhouldlreflmin and punilh WixhlthetéRorallfiml la11lfiubb‘°rneandlewickcd ldoers;*l - * « A 4 The‘“ca1‘”e of"Gocl\s'Cl1i:1rcflhis lfocommittcd to Kipgsl, in the {._Scripti1rel thatlthey arecommended :ivh'en.t%h}e Church [keeps the right way , and taxed o ewhenAit"rt1~né'amiH‘e ,, and therefore her government belongs in chief lurito” Kings : For otherwife one lljtjonjzsfould commended for :mo£hers&care, and, V9! -‘ ._ ‘. e. ~- :taxed‘bm%for=~afl10th¢r A mine. e 5 e ::Gods»way..- > ' = A V g:1i8€m?¢;; which ;’’is "act ¥Tshse%%powcr%*tVo Tjcall and ifl“c$lv«:1CouVn,¢els%%b§5tfin;,; ~tiVom1€IAan~d Aovinciafll '15 ~thc:t1:ue A gmKingswi£hin%:hcirfowx1VRfialms or.Ten-i;ori¢g;%:‘ And when in t;hc«fi?rfl%*times (Sf Ch:-ifis chunk, % ¢P.re1atc+s:ufed' this power. ,' ’twas therefore on cly be.“ caufein thofc daycs theyhad no Chrifiian Kings _-, 1*-I’ld'it W'3.‘5 ‘33h€11.{0 onAclyviufed as in times of perfecution, that is, A~With fu;ppo‘fitio%n~( in cafe -it were required) of fubmitting their vet, livgs vunt,o‘thc%vcry Lawsand Commandsevcn 0 then: Pagan APrinc€s3 that «they «might not; F9 %U¢h A x‘ as fecm %AA:t0¢Vifl%t1l?"1??%::di1;Fl17* C1avii14?G¢v6rlimcnt. which A Chrifi camcté confirm, but by no mcansto~u11edér«- F01-a.ny perfon or pcrfonsto fctup,maintain, or avmv In any. thcn: find Realms-V or TC17rit0IiC$ rc-, “ fpcé’civeIy,undc: anyAp¢:c.tcn_cc whi1I:foéVer, \ dcfiendent Coaétiyc p0;wxia’c>1¢% \ jagainfiG0d;as’Ijw¢1l%asagainftrchcKing; . ~ % fu15i¢€’c.$ .:A;rms agalzlf! §1?91?1Ki!?B+i. ofiFenfive or dc-fen five, upon any prcttencc vgh§gfg- 0 ever; 1ea&:to‘¢;:efi£t%t:h¢ ?PoW¢r§n~whicB ‘arc Jiorwdainszdof §.oM\4ind;T;hp:;gh f A W c ,. -1', buIh€1y3f%¢;5% Em!£93;§h9~£1I4~v%piaiTti1§f;T;flfgé " ‘‘ ‘‘_‘‘"‘‘‘'*¢>,‘‘\6g‘,‘‘A{ ‘l“,‘-n5 ‘ t ‘ -~ ‘ ‘Z “ ‘A .“ ‘ “ ‘_ um,‘-'. ‘AJ‘.“ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ p« p -mp ~ mm»; m ‘. ‘um, ‘ ‘ “ ‘A -A" p ‘ajjdSubfidAie, and all manner -of »nc’ccpfl3ar.yfpfupppom add fupp y,p exerpeaivery dfietoJKi11§sifi*om’.tfhcir fubjéfls by tfie” La-W ?offGopd , Nata 115,1 forjthe phblikledcfenbe, "care and proteflion of them-:4 yerpncvcrthelcfllz, fubjcfis h.a_vc“not.0n<:ly ~p0’fT€f{i0n bf,’ but atruc-and juft‘p1fighc€,p»pti%tIe and L Ap.roppert_ié;tQp,~anc§ilgalltheir gQods7anpd c&acesp,~ sa11d»M A A A éjightffd tCV*'hfaf§l€7":“ And :jt~hc:fc4pv two are ilbfpfar from érd;£Lhgpbsm‘n‘ot¢fier 4, th=a“t?t’hcyp mum ally go fogdr £3 foprthe ~honofrirabl’E M and Cqrhfortablc fupport of'both; ?«Ffo‘*r pas%>_i’t*;‘i»é’the épx;f1ieppo~frfiria5i{Iién&r$p for“ CVau7lEs??Ecc1efia- “""" ""‘V.“ W ‘ aw «;‘ :~ I 3 - ; mm, ‘ 'A~ A‘ H A ' ‘ ‘ I &*A ' W ‘uvtr : ~=.~ 15..-*»‘,.~~r:m,., +1~ca~ A pp _ O n W ' A weao aIfb5I=§ei§éb554req‘%zirciaflpmthbflhops,‘ A BA:-‘fhaps, and‘a?1l”*ét*h'».:*r mfc-ribur Priéfl s4-«and :Mini- ?7fl€fs,~:t'l;1:§“t th€)H‘Jf¢achg* tqacfigand exh on their page figlc mobcy, hor1~pi1i‘;%nd‘pp‘f¢*1%v”e<*-iheiivfi ineg.: ;‘and*thht . T4 they. cml. co/éafiiaai/. A Wthcy prcfumc nblttolfpleal: ofhls Majéflics powcrin 4 any l“othCfJWay‘ thfifl. in .;t11liSllS33_!1l(Jll!lis:. qxpflrcflbd.‘ l And -if anyParI'on,Vx:car,Cu?:la£c:,L-Preach égibrga my 4 oth er Ecslcfiafligall pcsrfon whatfoever, any Deane, } (i3anon,or Prebendaric of‘2i?1_1jr Collegiate or“C};1th¢- dra-lI~Chu»rch5 any. m€mb€_f~J5f 5t13€5€n't Of Collcjdgc V or Hall , or any Reader of Divinity‘, Or Humanity -in eixher ofchc uuivcrfities, or c1fwhcr«c,4'{hallin‘~any Sermon, Llcfigu-r¢,”C_9mmon lplacc, Dctcrmination, Gr DiWfpt1:ati_o“ni.eithc1fi!;§V.’wordorw}';ting5p1;lbli‘l§ely maintain or arm‘: any"j°139fic'i”d.1i oi?Cofl(:llulfi0ln‘,,l“inl ope poficion qr .impea,¢hm"entof the af'dlréfaid‘§¢§; lli.c:aé:__9;,-= _ tions, or any part: d1’“agriAclc1of with laiéftiés lcdmmifiio-% tmrlfsfor Ca§1fés‘Ecclefiz1llil&;a1l5‘ ¢:;'rn'm‘unAi¢a*tc;f1_ till he Ifipfin-I .r gndl fuC{{:£la:ndcd_tWb'l=;3fé€r5'lf gill th:clp’rofits of h'isBf:n l dlegrce Foévlérthléylbé-4, l _mitt¢d;. % cc , or olth?crEcc1d%7m'flicall; Ac-:ad.cmiea_1‘l, or Schplafiicafl raefe-rme;1lts:A And if‘ hcfoolfcndlalfc§ondl‘;tim¢;fhe A a1bt:dcp'1jivcdfi*'om all his Fpiritua“ pr°mo¥i0nsl'..lWhat Iwfuiflfilllof In A ll;P:ovi.1dc gglwvaykels lth‘2it‘iF,Ihé..c$fFencé“afolféléidl be » g”i?srcnfiinTlllci ‘T1}C71fl LIx1i‘v<*:rfi;ies ,; bjfrhexi not V A V lhavingl any *BenclfiC’e or Ecclefififiicall plfcfcrmént, ~%tha:vthen«~ the delinquent {hall be cenfured bylthe ordinary authorityl in fuch Cafes of that Efnivcrfity rcfpc,&i$(¢l_yl, lwherc file [aid fault" ll1afltl“ lbt:_com-5 irwfl>’MPP1~1W3“r4¢iona W + 1 ‘Ail M . ‘ 3 ‘ 5' ‘ . I ’ ‘ ' . ’ / .' -’ ‘T W G’ v 9 .u H Q I J—n. ’ n I 5' 9g4th3‘s C11rch%cai0y¢th%1,A ;i1fid¢r% the , J peaccali c_ "ajidAAbleiTéd1%hgovernmcntj of our dread fsovereigln .; Lord ", King % CH ‘And find4inst+hatVaFWc11fhc%g<>d1y % while, thatthcprayers,prcaching, orwothcr fervicc Chffflfini Ii1p”¢rbiir5% ii1%th”e‘{brArh'&fAt;i%mefs ,“ as our Vownlmoll rél'igiqt;sfPxinc§§ zfinkcc the Refqrinatiom havc céfifed*‘th$¢Aday%cs4 (Jf~thAeir&. Inausgu ratioAns‘A;i2)fbé ;~g1;ts1i1<,¢fiIy%”4&&%1cb:a;cd by a11%ch¢i‘rV%*%" %ubj¢a:*s‘, with Prayers a'u"d’Thankrgiving rcs %AI1fiigt1ty‘.G'odsand %Sy:3ode¢ Ming in¢*°¢%’c9nfidAcrarion ’ “Vfthc, nig&_Ai"h¢3i‘Ii1abIc, f'benefihts.. which V that thétcis apartictilar form of Prayc_1'» appointed by authority For that day and PUFPOE5 And yet Vwirh%a*11Vcon{idering how negligentfomc pcpplc are 3115h5~§bf¢13Vi1nC€Ofthis day; inrnfllly »P1aC¢S%0fi-‘his %KingdoriJ; DO 3:11 'th@I'¢f<_>fc dccgce and '"Q1‘d3Wi:n:3: that; a1V1mannero‘fpcr12>ns within A the Church OPE}: - Iwg’, {hall fiom Ahenccforth‘ ccleb ta cc ; V and kec:;pVt rwhoflriliiag ofth€T:iid day-, in <:5.‘Jvt"I1i»x‘*ng di1igcnt1y«_anVd rcvcrcntly unto their Pariflav Church Or Chappcll the time ofPrayc1.f4, and there continuing all the of C4mmr Ecciq/€af1:’ml£ *>Ftli.¢l ldilxclndurclth in their graltsiiiiitfide,‘to»lliG£5gzl 5fot~"*‘f=4g1T;rdit1;g unto tfitt I Rtilgswhénhdii 12¢:-mes_ WV pffuch dc*lin_qu“e.‘Tnts‘ (if they ‘can learn: them, (if ohthcp-H “ mluerwife fuc:hA « be as aforcfaidg givcn up to: the%Bifl1op,‘Iwfi;o ’ fhall ivsfcnt jt11;€:IrI1,tg) £116; ‘jufi-iC C’S""~;Gf‘ Aflife, Wto bee I p~uni ’i€d%¢¢ording:the%statu¢r¢s,: % V V M aficxg f and cenfu1t¢d% for thcir format prcf'ump«tion;' names ;as@% forthc jfti-m6 79 23 “ j ti-dfi fm-:.*tI1~e¢e4dL71catiohnA of ec;ufén‘ts chil:cIMret1A, fince by Canon _ already }eftab«l1fl1cd,L?no= manéan tcagh %S-choo41¢:,(;3»oA in houfc:)excep»t 555‘-} B L b.:"§'"'; £>%rdi::ary%&o§fA? nI71c:*< 1 pfiacafinfl "W ifh£1I1%h2iv"tifubr-fc1'Aib'edA%to the Ai‘ticl_es of Religion e£l§gblifl1‘¢e offlzfiglandg there- V foAreV£¥ifai§,gh4VrIye1.1jpygc,th.a%tfo1fthwith;; at all Vii?- fi1tVio‘HS. Vth€"1’¢ x ¢¢fw? :d«ii1ig§t3t .enquiry-V Amadie % by thé ChL1fchward"ens% }01f o_the1j fviitornc ‘Ecclcfiafl:ica1l Ofliccrs; 3OfT4C3C1}}5P3Fifl3:5..U£1,d$1‘1‘ 1:.I:1cir aathes, wh afé”ViVmVp1é3?¢;d.,.%A.g{§ Sp'l1onl¢—maf’t€&rs to the Achildren id;cIcn» ta céachf here- andwithallthmc nampfs ofhimor them: that enf:cr:- mine a$chpQIe-ma_ficr, flmll be+.c?cjrtifigcI to thc Bfllmpcf *the,;ocefI'é, fliaI~l;at Athé next V Atfifepr¢§cqtM%:hn.m%4~ro the Judgesto bed proceeded « fzgainfi according "to: THC; StarL«1tcs%. And if they fubfcribc, enquiry flaall bemadewhat care they gake for ;he~ i1;;‘f’cruc3:1'.-on ofthe faid children A iniphg all Ordinarifis flufall ccnfuirc Qatechifme citabliflied ,in%thc Book of Gommbn thofc Pfaycr. And A“ _ ‘ whom they carry) « Cdfiam Ectlcflwiiczz Z1; whom th¢T“§7 i fiI1ds*:i.1a¢giigcnt in fiicii "ii-'1 1?:;ruf:3:isani~;,é; A 9-Wild ifiF‘fl19~1‘1‘aippeiar€,’that rihaé V Parenfcs ofirhc faifi children doc forbid i"uc11Scho01e—maf’ters robriing tiiem up in §heD0&irinWc of7thc:7C%hui+Chief 3:2:-3 glfivd, they ;3otWi~thfian~id‘ii1*g*dcxe their cziuéy and if.t11*e_reupon ithc ifaid.‘Pa1+cntsf flaaii tairedirh‘cire5< oriwhcmi théy probably fufp~c15it . to ‘ bee To feat’ : which»na‘me?s as aforcfaid fhall‘ be given up to the Bifhop, andfrom him retuxncd to5th*¢ Jsudgcéas éfoitcféidg that thaciit Paxcfltsgwha "lb fcnd stshcmgm AA j;;;beijpunifla‘¢di+iaG4sr~ d*ing to Law. Prov:id§daiw”ayes: athgjit t=h‘is<1i!Ca,n{Jcm ih-ail notiiitakmaiwayordémgaté Fromany power 0: author;ity»alrcady" giver-mt eflabliihcd by any-other Caiflon now in force; i ii Tii , » A * 7 ¢A~%[i1d\v:'i,a-1:1-‘AEth$ faia Oumipilaints i»oi' Certifiscatesi {hall prcfcntcdiupiéifhe iidgcsin th‘cit““fcvéral1 . Circ11ir~si“by_it1i-e iB*ifliops ikegifkeqor fame oizhér of his Deputies ixnrnediamalyiaftizrthé pub1i{I’1‘in_ A0? A iCmm.ifli»cm, " or at; me an ®7< +::th”'e A A D 2 7 charge, Mi3.ljC“; ., onfiimttanl and V ,;.h3.yge,«w%hichflaa11A%bec tlaengiwvcn I557 ché’}Udg_e.4’ A this upon yipainb of’S4u1'p4':flfi'on f'or rhr¢cf monethsy ‘ A AA V A V 47 This ‘facred.AASyno~de d<)fth%e*arnef’c1y‘ intreat the faid R.evcrcr1*dJuflii:es of Affife, to bee ca1~e€u~lI1in%;% “ the cm-‘:cAution of the Afifid Lawesf‘ cbmznitted to their truflgas they xvillianfwer to%God*for:Tthe dai:1y%¢ éncreafe O~E%thi~As:A gI'Ofl"CTkifldé‘;QF.fU‘pCI'flIiCi0I1. :Ag.d¥ A fu rtheA1',T4”;W_.§r-:% 9;doc1 alfo» exhornztml ]iuAdgcs,>‘-'»vh’éther’’ » E.cclo2fiaf’cic :11 A%foar. VTCmIPOf2iIU‘P.b'flj;.thC l;i]° dAA4»;g%lr¢éd5? dbn¢}_kintAfieC%hurch « the fpreading ; V _9f::he4damnab1e and cur- ‘ . fcdh VHé1'cVfie7 of S o.c IN}:- ’ .. fl N I S M3Eof35beifl€ a com— ' T Lplication ofVm*any ancient As muchmzrchiefc 4 AHcrc{fies’AVfé £01-W-‘ 51‘fl1AF.V${g£ii6~f311%Couricélsgand fcontrariam rd A th€.”Artic1%csV TOféR-eligion 'n%o4vNv _ “cfcabliflacdx in A th_e ; A % . D Chum} V A gfliflm-nm mm; i Cvqggggghof Engiand: Aucivvhereas. it isasiaape parent that theefiaid véviclps,; and all other PriAeIt*s:e % am,d4Deaconsin;pl;1ces.cxem9t or not cxem;pr~, flmI1;A bcfbra + lémd, %an%dV to %fecur@al»l mgn agzi-inflzw . am; ?z:c1ej§aflz7calI. ‘hefbrc the fecdnd day~ofeNarfim6:r%next enfuihg, % A ‘ A take this Oath ‘fAo.1I-Q.wingagain7R allmlnnovation h-of D08:-tine or Difci.pline,_and this Oathfhall be ten- dredfthem, and every of them, and all others na-h , «med afterhin this Canon ,' the Bifhop in perfon, or h=isChance1our, or A fome grave Divines named‘ ~ A and appointed by the Bifhop under his feal; and the {aid Oath {hal1:be taken in the prefenece of a pub li ue‘Notarie, who is hereby required to make an “ Aét of it, 1ea~vingthe Llniverfities to the Provihfion A axvhhichfolloweas. % ~ ".Tbe<04tfi zlrh: Ah V , or Governmentcf’c?ab1ifhcdeinthe — '_ A Church of En‘glomd,as~econtaini1ieg .2uthi:l1gS ncccffary to falvatiohn A r&1d%hthat I, e will“notwhendcavour by my felf A or any och er, direétly or indircc?tl‘y,4to9bring in any Popifli A ;D0c_‘3crine , contrary to that which isfo cfla.-— bliihcd : Nor will I everegive myecoxlfenttchxe halts: the Gover=nm=em:of thisChu‘rc~h , by Arch-bifhops, Bifhops, Deancs, ‘ and Arch- deacons,&tc. asit fiands now cPcablifl1ed,andh ashy right iwught to Pcsuid , not yet ever to e A A E2. A fubjeét prove the Do.é’crine andDifciplinc L common; rubjca ittotheufilrpatioxusandfupcrllitions A of lthye Sea of And‘ all theft: things I pllainly fitilCctel»y1acl1ag‘hc no minde u.s,b<)th ot’theAgrcatnefl‘e and good- nerrc ofihis Divine Ma-je&ie:’,la{cer;tain “it is thuthe A aeknbiwledgemexiti ‘cihereof, lnotbnely inwardly in ourl"li“c;1rts¢,e but alfo éutwardlylwith‘ ourlboclies, muff needs be pious in; it fc-‘.-lf, profitableuntougand ed-ifying i1niro‘i~ocl1ers.i We therefore think it very A meet ~zmd~b7ehooyvefu1J , and h'earti1ycomrheA11d it to y AT»iE1b1e; «lb1%ih'::%ielmy~£}ieAaAll »eIem»enrsA,‘bjut'ox1ely all good and well afi'e€ted people , members of this _ ’Cyh‘i1rch ,_ thac~theyy;be ready to tender unto the A «Lord the faid‘a_cknovvledgementl,_by yldoingireve-— i'enAce and e obeifanceg A both atmheiir coming.inA*; A and Agoingy outofi the? faid ‘Churches » iv," 1ChanAcelsl:, ‘or ‘Chappclsl, according tolthe‘ mofi aticiényticiaxliome of the Primitive Churth in the parcel’: timcsgand of this Church Aalfo for many Hy eers” Ofithe Reign of Queen E/zlmévetb. ii The l_'CV-'*lV|_iflgthC1’€fOl'¢A-Ofthifii zincienr and laul» we heartily com-, mendtoithefirious confidcration Of all goodpeo--A pic LA,‘ not wiAthfany' i%iitenti~td’thel7G0fhi11”1ii1i0‘n".lTi1bllye, the’ Bali,‘ or iChurchAl , or ‘zinye rhingi therein Contained_in‘fo do- ing, or to 'pcrfo17*mi th'eAf2bid gcliure, in the ‘celebratia on ofthe holy Euchari[i,upC>n? any opinion ofa cor#-A- ‘pgijall p:refeiice$f* the b:ody*7?lI'rg'l1tS?ll-l‘£ll1l’%0~ mhfirsin lall,l.wgodlin;efi'é~lltgm;§llhdzlellyw .-fl I ~ And “We alfo require-.all rhofc m,,wh6m'_tl1r: G0-3 ve1fnm§nt of the Clcrgie-— ofthis Church is com» l mifgzc l lfhat tl3ey.lfét thcmfelves to countenance and . can couragc2Mgodl’inefl'c: ;, griavitic,llf0briezie, and all'un:~ l2Ll;ncal9lc;C0.11f§z;rV A . " ’ """“"“I,'~,_i‘ '53. a ; ‘T ,’C/mnceflours P4tant.s:‘. W V ~ 1.. Or the better renwdyinlg and re-3- ~ A4 Vdr«cfl"c:%_offuchabufes arccQ}n~ » plainedof in the%Ecclefiafii¢a1I n \ %Courts4, the Synod: doth Dc- “" 1~ crccand ordain, that he1‘eafi’ter - . Ano4Biflaop {hall Graunt any Pa- T 7’tc2m:~ ta any Chancel1ou1j,,; “Com-A A mifféric,.dorOfficia1l;forAanyldngentermc, life oftht Grauntee 0:fl€Iy,flOf‘AIOth€IWif‘.‘:‘thflfl ‘with; exprefTe~%refervationA; to hxmfelfland h1SpVflf:a1l1;4ecpinAhivs own4hanc}s‘ :he+4pw.;m¥ as>1nm§u¥ionumo.B¢nefiees= aSa1.?9 o£%mng« Ghaticelléurf, Commiffaiies , or Ofiicials _p]acc:; whe;-sin che,fa1d .cond1t1ons . arc-‘:,net e-xpreffcd /:25 pmm fl¢flq:r2fla7:i:,; to the Deane ~ (tor-his lacu;‘w~te;¢ez25; ifhc paffc thcVA(-3; in his abfcncc) and Mtotavery Ca- non, owrcbcndary, voting to th€tC0 11fitf1‘BatiOI1 of th€“f3i(d.‘A&3 to bc infiifitcd by the At¢h~biflmpcf the’4Provi.nCe.4 Andfurthcr, the holy Synodcdotth‘ V decree anaordain thatnog reward {hall be taken fa: any‘ Chancellou rs,“ Commifl"aries or Oflicials placc. m1derthéheavi,:ft Ceniurcs of ‘the Church. ‘ A ‘ ‘ :4 X IL “ ¢ I "5-C/mizcellours alorzemm ta ‘Cenfuracmy of*z:be A 4 Clergiein/wiry 0493- f % ” ’ * *~:-11:nochancexiaur, Commifl'a%tic,orOf3 *2 J ,. ficiall, unleffc hcbcin holy rders,¢l11alii$ proceed to Sufpcnfion , or any higher ’ ' CenF.zrejaga1rhfltany ofth‘cC1c:rgicinany criminaI1.cau'1”c , other than ncg1c<9:o:f'% appearance, z«ie*fi¢-eéeo fireach drkccp fCh00}; And rurvherme 4 n¢a:+1D.:c.anc2ndChaptcrcanfirmckany Paremmfany upon lcHga1lVciting , but that allfuch caufcs £haIl:b‘c" A heardbyth@B;i{;hop‘in pcrfon::<3r%MWith theéman cc ofhis Chanc+c%l1o;1r;,~ jo1jfiCQmmi{I'aric;ibrif t he%Bi-&- flaops occafious will not permit , then by his'Chan- ce1lour~,or Cemmiflhrie, and two grave dignificdpr A nifiersofchc Dioccflc to =be+aH:?gnedAby~; A bfifl EC Ed” 7 the Biflaop,uuder his Epifcopall ‘.fC'éflfVVh0 {hall AA and ccnfu rcthc faid caufc; in the Confiflorwic. V‘ A” 4 §.1.H.:3€?€””’3 C4n5I%rFt6’¢MicaI?- Exmmmunimtion and tabflalutian note te~:£e_ pro-Q: A no2«mce¢;fl2ut6}ea%’Prie§2‘. Hat no*excozhmunications or ah-A . tr.’ in Law, except they be pronoun» V ced , either by the Bifhop in pet» W fen, or-by fomeotherin holy Or» ~11 folutions [hall be good“ or va1id?e E M tiers , having Ecclefiaflicallcjtxritfl - dicétionc, orby fome grave Miniflet” benefieéd in the DioceH‘e , "being :1 eMa{ter of’ Arts; atleaftghandappointed by the Bifhop , and the Priefts name pronouncing finch 1"en£i:jence ofexcom-.-«A munication ,-.01‘ abfoltuttidnf toehbe» texpteffed in the eI1::1-A A flrumentiffui-ng. under feal out.-of the Court. And» that not fuch Minifter {ha~1l- pronounce any fentencge ofabfolutison but in open Confiflory, or at the lea-It _ ina Churchc or Chappell, the penitent hhmblycrziw \ ving and taking abfolutionuptonchis kflC‘?9a 311d‘ha—-;c A ving firft taken-the Oath , t De féfiflfldflfjfifi g’yfi¢)¢;:!a wanders? 13cc[ ~Parfon,hV.icar,ot rCui-,» rateyfiaé pwizafltflrenflcigvzk ,, {hall-d‘eclar‘e»any ohfE:=.%e:ot1: their Parifhioners to. be texcommunicate , eorfhgigt. admit any of’ themafo excomrnunwicatc into” the; Church,~and there declare them to betabfolved , exu-A ecept they firfi receive fuch exco m-muniqations;_;tta;gd.v‘ cafplutiétts uxid ewe, {tom .!Y_h°.nf1i¥~ ¢°m°th~~t, At the {cal of V the Ecclefiafiitavifit .4 X 3 I ~ n-w~«4v1'rxvrn’*,7K4rvV1r:fi’«)w;Vtq*Vr",“',!l‘1Iw4u>Iv Ecclefiaflical1e3u”dge= refpeétivclyg, to“ whofe itttifditakhntthtfamc may.t»9rdeth‘aptpc.rraineeA . H ‘ _ I V A \ - XVL ~ . V*Co2ezcemi22g Licence: to; Mamie. V ' " 5; granted by O rdinarigs yvlrofc: ]u.. ‘A ;*~irifdi:é7cio:Af1~,: neitherAoft§§1§3%;;§;»atfties5 Z; d'e“- : :3 ,‘:,;"A,,;?;x~;A;;f firingfuch Licence, is%frcfi;"dtenr;"%to ‘ ” ' thaprejudice of the$ArchViepifcopall : A-to :VV.hAQffiLO~1'11y th€poWer0fA%_%g1fant~ »ingfuch~ ~Licencfs3to parties of anylurifdifiiong ;. per totmz prowzmm, % by Law belongeth and for %Aother great inconveniences thereupon enfuing. .isth€r dToredccr:c“cd, A4That no Liceaae of Man- Triage vflmI1%be Ag%:‘ant ed'; byany in_a+ry§[tp any A A ~ A p11rt_i€S,7 VWunIV&fl‘e~.&0neoF: th§3 ~faidAP3Tti€S%A MVEA béefime comm own:inthe3u§ifd~i&iOn;»#0_fthifaig; Q rdina.- %Vry, fo-rfitha{pact-~bf:f0t1A€W$1j’d1€M0fiEtAhV,*%‘immfl-- A » «W diatclyb~efote~thefajd,*Li;enAc»e be%ide*fi1%ed,_ if _ A A :mAyA_Oz*dinaryfl1a11 ofFend h,crein,-:Awa4nd§be{%fu»ffi;i'e V A early ev1'nc:ed A thereyof, in any of’ th%C_; Lord Arch- AV~bif—h_ops Courts, Aflhc “(hall be liablet%ofuch«cen»fu1¢e ;%asAtheLord, ~A1‘chjbiflao}vQihal%1 figfltsdjéiflfliflfe ' ‘ d ons taking {AuchAILiCence, Afhéll Be, t~hA§t.thcAfaid parriéé, A Am'7one ofthem, have, othath bee-ma Mongth _ - coAmtrr01‘antin_the faid 3m‘if‘dieS’cio.n, i4n1mccIwi4w§g;£1y %,beFo1‘e t%Ah%eA%{A:1idA4 Licenccg r*.~¢:nted. “ And “the synodAdecr:c:s; That A A A A A A A AA % I A. V ‘ cg; if : A cmmcéie/zafvzcazz; ordered in t'hefe:7 %fix4 lafi ‘Candns, concerni;ng‘theA% %A A Iurifdiéfion of A Bi%flm77p~s, théir v ChancLell"ofs~V_, and A Conu111iiTaricsw~5% {hall ( {Q férre=as by L“aw& is ap- p1y‘abl,€)Abe/‘inforce, concerning all 'Dean4es,%y V Dcancs. and Chapters, ~+Co‘I~legia&_:eVk Churchcs:,.a * Archdeacons, Aandall inhc>1y»O1‘d€:rs.%, havingexz.;4:kAA ?i?€?5%1‘€fP€&iv¢1Y: % XVII * ‘ V’ ' ‘. ‘iv " j“: -' ' I ‘ -v ‘ .. ‘ V I t W etinpt, or peculiar ]L1rifdi¢fi0—0A4; am! r%h%ciutT Veithera‘Prefent1nemt,c »or. Aany rather illffs ground.;4 T1115 Pf€f511tm5Yn0d décrm. .Thatfora1l timcé to * '¢'5?“'¥‘.339%i71ICh"ACi*3‘i9fiA~i “”8"¢u“3¢ddi4€*“'i {aid 5 ~%fh9-11 iffile oUt%Aof‘aflY iE'Cci1€fiafi%1Ca1~1Cams ~ _ _exc¢p”:”the4"fzid ‘Ci_tét£§:>n R:¢1fehVtVf<:irth ‘under ‘the han,d"andSea1.e of,th~eC.h%ance1l=o«r, Co~mmi[I’arie, «V Archc{eacon.,y or o2i.her4 competent hdge ofthe A * {aid C0'u1‘t , wit.hin chit’:-y Aday-Vcs%af:¢r 1Vtlj¢:# fzguift ‘i %€0m1nit:edf;:«and r€furneAth€r€of robe!‘ made‘ the himtri +0r“‘1fecAo4nd~ Com: day 5d‘ft§;*i~.gthe Ciéatiori {:2 xi» - Vifiat Athefarth€~fi5%%a11dthat C:h§7%pa,rtie R) cit’"€d’£ m1cffe ha be Cmnvincfid by t<.vo§s;vitncf1”€s;V4flml~I1,,1 . G,2.;:. j _m3g5C»;3 upnchedenya freely difmiffidz éwithoutany P3Ym;fl:1t of»% ‘fees;VProvidedthatvthis D€cr¢é§xte_nd not-to any grievous crime, Passchifine, M Inconc1nen_ci€. %mif- % behaviour in thcChur¢h in‘ Atime of Dwine Scrag vice,obttinateincontormirie. or the like. ~ ma flatledmd 9/Wi/7264 7Wingdi’5ge5z:bI, 0ur‘Pr5mb and Qiojafl care for the % ’ ’, vz." maintemnce cftbe Vprefeznt' A , . ,,_..,A % E_/fate and government of the "*r_..n_* .e _ .. ‘ % V t. .; Church of England 51 the ‘ «J tI2zls0m~ Realms 0* »ztbcommme>«c and comfort read and V canfdered of dfltbefz tl:»eif>jaid Canongrdgrs, Ordinance: and A Conflitutiom agreed" upam is-4; \ A éefbre expr.e_[fl*cl : ./Ind finding t/28 fame /iwb A ; ws’.We are perfwdedzvilbe my %profitable,[no: lzrgie, em tom» whazecmicb .f A %, ; rlaiay ur‘AI{ingd0m%e,4fézn%c31 to aI1«tl2”e“ truemenibers A ofit ( Es; 'we_lI 4o5fl:rved;)Have tberefore F A 192- ‘Us’, Our Héirea‘, dm”4T1’full 3 Ow" vfpetiafl gm, €‘i’f?‘?5l’€ V « mam n fthtfafi upo't%nOathAg%befc%)rth..‘ xiv meeiei44bfio?t;given;;Mand fl2efl:prefent's give0m* A$accerdingta the %ofi,tbe did tatm :4 51 of Wrliwméat fzzvidgto 4l1Md:.e&1?evyf;of tint: flit! Canons, Ordinance: 4.z2dConflét#t£o:n:;i atidto, find Thritten. A And furthermore, W'e=do not qngb Oursflzidffrarogqtive Royall”,A.andfuprime tlaoz}-z't‘_yVi?2A:.wCcmflzs .Ecclefihfii§dl1,Ar4;jjig,cpnfimze, V and efla5l¢:]79*,7 by t72e[e‘0urLetters Watcnts, Atlagj j?zid%Can ans, Orders, Ordinances Md »om‘Iitttti~ arm and alland vev,eTi*y tbing , is afbfejaidfiiét d0%"li%kewifl?propo:523d, A amlflraiwy inj€t1%i**t/98 W Cmnfs 0*‘ 4"} éf J 4 w‘de.m:* tlzéi%cImVrgevA%ofd%‘tke1@axi,4a,iV%£eitw:£%2et* ' A a22%i+:[%Ltbé‘Feafi;'1:jo ‘¥ V;S.AdMichae1¢tbe*’%;Ardmgell ‘ 17£_lyi"‘cl2a};ginAgandf co:n"m?m4-i fit’ 10p'S,+:A_é%W%%¥413iéfimfilw exert]; W Ecclefi%afl'ic“dlAl rz'fz1i&io¢i AAwiAtbin~ t79r?:A A4Q{galme,*~e‘very man in Ifiplacewt40fi'eandA~ ‘ fine .\u ‘ ml‘ fflezgxar,-€*o%% U , (/79 n2zzc1§‘¢aV%‘%inAtl2em [yet/9)Aa'll M22’ a)2ery“:3f? ‘A L %% «:65 e¢%2%i‘Caz2fl‘irn-a mm to 56iM11Pvi'*2t$dub'09/?5*v£’d,%mét /1?Wg$ V A /e4rve~.%tI;Ae 4v4zn“e%;Ltbey;%@V mzgr the V.Go;;«l, 't72eA}2§a-be oftI2e~‘C/aural:-5% % A A t~@e%Atré1I¢%§[A¢:§Ilt:"t_v?t2f: t12;e..%5A A tiesA«W Wéeta 4%’ 6&4 filétrfle-4'; 0,td.r .M»;n¢de; '?dten;§:g A AA A 46:’ dd)? ,;c??v F “ A For fiipprcffiflgqf I551. groxntbqf Paper}; % T HE TALE! WA JI V . Dmméingtbe R%ega/f]’%5wA€r¢% AA A A A2 A Fort/ae éezterkeepingoft/zeday ¢:f'Hz3.J»m« A A A jgflies ma}? éuzjypy Imzutgmnztzcm. A 4.“ gmzft‘ Smniaaazfme. 2". H ‘ 5 Agzzififl S efrflvzries. 6 An oatbifijéyfled fl"WJ”"€WW.s"8?%11Wow>j4 fi0"’5ir2D05?rf7*’e A 9 0m?BoaAk qf Article: qf’ irzqmirie tafieufidast all P4. A » rocbjzzll I/2' fimtiom. %. A A % I of Goxcernifigaaée Cozzwrflztion of the Clcrgie. A A M A A A 1'1 Cimmcellotxrs Pzztierm. ‘A A A I2FG/MzivellvmMWAW?*”0F6”fiW‘4m 0 M~ I 3 ExcamA1m;A z'c2ztio72V.ém ca’ %AxT§’5_[€3'[flVf3l.9}4 é2at‘%1”ta¢6e }vra- A A A 4 A Anazmcedézatéya P2?i¢:fl. 1 A Acamerning%Com:mfzmtiam , and #33? ‘A %1A 3 * Tauczving concurrent I;;rifa’ié?z’-aé¢:.V% A A V A 1 6A Gbficérn-ingL4icem:e:ta m4rrz'e.%%A;: A A ; A17 Agdizflkvexatious Cit:zt'z' A [A p/IAkzwe.-:/ImtzmAcammmg fame Rz’teAs% and cm. W ~ %Amom'€s. V A % A A 8 of premzxgfarcamfmsgzzy.{