w 33 ha?‘ C 0 M P L A E N T. mm/5 CHREST» he l A AGAINST " A ll THE. BISHOPS c A No so OFTWHELATESINFULLSYNODLASEPL Tious CONVENTICLE, _A PACK_E OF_H3"“, A I l poorietoo Szoome Confederacy, 4 Trozterozz: Conjjazrogyegazflfh the true Re/zgioo of Clarijlpapd the Weak: P ubhclcc \ l ofche Land, and cozufeqzzexatlyleagainfl the l Jqngdome and Croltme.l ‘ l In this Complaint are Specified thofe impielie: and injolemiela W1'11Ch 9-V3 mofinoro1'ious,Scartered chroughche Canon: and C0’W‘“?i0"-'é0f the faid Sinfu11Syzod. And .C0nFutcd by Argument: anmtxed heraunto. “-a-—»—-.- ...._._.'P Pfal. 9.-1..2o,21, &c. O Lord sholllhethrone of inigzzigo have fellom:hip with thee, which frometh mzfizhiefe by 4 Low ‘.2’ The} gotlaur ohemfele/or together on t fgainfl the Soule ofthe righteous, lmsl condemn the innocent blood. E ii .3; I2. , I 3 O_mypeo/i2le, the} which lead thee, ooufi thee to erre, emel cl qflroy » h the may qftlzgipaoho. T e Lerelflondetb up M plead, ondflmedet/2 to jzldge the people. l ‘ ’ l l Ezcc:l1.:z2.z4,2y, &c. Thmflilth the Lord, Thou art the Land, that d not ole./znfi-d, nor mined upon in the do} qfindtgnooion. There 1% :3 Coozjjzlrooie of her Prop her: in the mridfi thereof, like az roaring Lion, nzvening the prey : they have devoured Sozzle: : I-Ier Pr have oiolooed my Lam .-they have hid their eyeJfrom"my ‘Sabbath: : Her Prince: in . the mielfi o/oereofzzre like 1'/T/filvex ravenmg the prey , to ohed blood , and to dc:;fl'rqy e S ozzles, toget dzlrhomfi glzine, 846. In—.._ _,_.._... " -wv-v-—«-r-In glilltfid dome Demo 1; 6 4. Q. o A s A A T0“ 4 I E s sg H I S 4 AWGMNAST T HE BITS!-{OPS A A, -‘ I'M“ H; ‘g ' I w. in K‘ “ ‘ ' ~ ..“ ‘ 9. A ‘~ -‘ u ‘ u ‘.2 «I ‘ ‘ \ ‘ - C \ u ‘ H,‘ >“":_ ‘Mfl? ‘,,. ‘ ‘ n I ' ' wk ., W. _ ‘ A I1b}ie‘io}‘?’*“Iii‘:te!; tI:e?Sa«viou5”-*‘tbrreof*‘i2& jt£mv*¥ Ier.,14.8, 9.1 V3 f__ 0_fT"'tr0'1lM£’; fiibjlbbflldffl‘ibdfl£‘B2wkl”'S?rdnge§‘””i52 iii? 1 Land‘; ‘ andm a may-fixring méin that tamer}: afidé‘tai' M 7 ta3j1yVfa$' ‘;d “.3 ’~W'/3}'j“:bimldag/l? tbouabe at a“‘ma7_£‘ ” A " cgfldnicd, am‘:%mdn' tIi:1t‘c4nnot‘Sawe "1 Yetf _ ‘ A A A Azboay-6“I;ord;%f"4r: in‘%tbE_1nid_"/%;bf‘ju4,A ¢md‘wa‘nre*caflEdi” bjflaj Ndm95Iekv¢m‘fl03;. ?iYe”4,‘¢ 3I.‘tird52bbtIg£7‘0u7_ inigqBie:‘:q(fifié 4: ~ver,7.E “ uggzinjt.m;yertAdoe‘tfavwt3%izI;;»;Ngi¢2:2x]zké fa)vV*;o‘ur“baa:l{q{zid?>>g:"ares wwii!tna’maI;¢wmétr:iohiqr:1gjrNdmg j . 1 W I Z m2b9r,%%;ma-‘bro: fliiviézi agaififlftbktg ff A§nHf =F; ‘rib? whit: iwdbé; 2 chm. I 93 lJzit'auf“gye; ‘are “tawa§r.{ I3“tb’éei“ §=#O‘?Iaak; downfion&‘béawe>r; aiéd behold’ 112. . f:am~:bu1:4bimsmAaj ‘thy balincxg and qf‘ Wojgloity‘ : wbtre 13 “thy geglé; 5 E13. 63 , 1 5*, %m‘2ltly“firm‘g¢th5 tki:e_{c3ilizdin_gép_ffb)r banners, and qftbj mérbiet toumrdr‘ .16. ‘ % me?’-3 ’ Aft: they rzflmiiied 5' ”Dbz2(é2!e;fl& thou art ‘our A‘F:itbér,t%bbu% 6 “L are} arrour;A1{eddamer;AA tbjwdmi: _I5f2f évfi2 1" o‘Lor21AGa“d5 1' Ejfz. 2.6.1 3;‘ otbér Bord: *l1e;fiZ!e3 Wét‘ I1’3.T¢?’4“9%%lq zi2£‘Adz>tni)2"ibyi“4qr¢;g;é 3;“: 5; %b;';;‘ 13: :}jeeTangy%4 ‘ % Aug} 1qc. I.,A, ND 5‘ Complaintta ‘IE 3 u s C H 1113 T’, t,_ V 6 Lord; wéltthye Peo;{'p~1e5- i_n~l1abrit—ant§ otftl1~is~tfixt§fuItI;t Latdd 5:: bout of the depth';ofe%ot11"_ mifenes , and horn undetithe _ % burffhgn ofour manifold ~afl‘lié}iozzt:‘and opprq/]Eon'.trh,vvhticl1 ewe war-‘j-‘ e tbigy fnffer for our iniquities frotnn thy rigltteons hand (for Thou % t % p_fi;j.55'1 I , I34r_(z‘fT:_i,;:zt_1')(et1tt#55_i11';d fmeited nstin the hFornace,“even ;as fl/rver;*'..I7h0u .12. V A A V 11.29: brought us into‘t11e«m{'r : t Then I1afie1tayd‘hqfl'i2'&ioneupon om; ’ V Iqymn : Then haft canfedmen to“ri,de oyerourh heads so as 3% 5,1. ptowhom {hall Wegoe for ’* I:ea[z'rzg , but to» thee; W110 hiafi *4 Vt finizten us‘: to whom forbinding up, but to thee,who halt bralgn a11‘drorné me’ ) wedoeethteziforeinethisonrhumbled eitate pte-A :3; Gen. 1 8.2 5*.‘ fent our com plaintflbefore thee, thezgz ledge pf 41! the gtyarla, yea ; 5 $ Hair. 4.. 1;, before Tltee, whdhaft a ai= fieling-ofour infirmities, having been 3:5. in atllttlzings-tempted like name angyet Without finne, to that end ,; n that we might come boldly to tbe_tbrone qfGmce, -and oiztaime mercy, zmdfirzd grace to helps: in time of need. And although we thy Peo- ple have hézd of long time, and fiillthave much matter ofco'm- plaint unto thy Rzg/Jteow T/mine :V yet now above all other, when the T/.23*m2t.'_ pf In;‘gui:j’franzetb‘mi:claieafi2 at 13)! 4 Late, Fora. Synod liatlt beennbymfkuthority ofelate holden‘, w"herein fueh things have been concluded and confirrned,as tend to the utt€:3:'_ rooting out of "all thrné.ReI7igion , and that under the vaile of deep l2ypocnfie,double inigzay.‘ And now 6 Lord; give thy People leave even tO_@hS'{;d §:hi5~~X7i§hO1¢ Synod be-fore thee,as once King it‘-3.—';ec/2fm'_j]92‘ez'zd the blafphetnous letter of the Enemy: before the ~ Lard. [I And fot*aftnnch aethe ftiid %haVthHbeen bothealled, “ autho:*ized,andeconfirmedin-all the Canons and Conftitutfons “ if A" theriofby the King} as h%im’felfe declareth hisiownflétboth befote._.anfdafte1-clue”Q(3:non%s; whereinheftphtofeifeth hinge. felfénttétebehthsittD¢t?#!e§:5x~; “hfigxéflg-.s;qff*=\K-i"g{? tnaedtLord.0fLivvfl’} zthexjfore think‘ ifour}d=Lity‘3firft[to,;purge our felves of that V taine % tofdgflqyczlgy1Aat1d%%difizbediencéwwhiclithe King Aezhzihrgeth us withall. For theyhlay it to thetcharge offome, of us at ‘the lean, that we » ‘fl_I@.:=fZ our King of being perverted in a“Stlj781{flit{0II4 am}, of Gods worship, aseif be imekzded to bring infome alteration of Rrzlzgionin h’“ ‘ / 0n1jLand, a‘gait1ft%hi_sih1ndr'y }it2b1icI{§t’Dcclar4tioh; and ”Sahcrhedpra;-t ‘ ~ —~ ?, flfliqrzsebefire Hives; ayI:;f,— De}2u1t)(~{fai'th h¢)tt1e £3153’; tdgdinfi 3111, A mad, , V ‘ A ever)? intenttibn 0_f;m}iPa}7i:la ln?70vdti0n.' Nowfor uurparts, we n “ doe appeala to thyrighteousjudgement, oofember ofall Iaeam, I " ‘ _whéth€rt We have been apettecaufC1%CHf6.1y toefufpfeét ortf_u.tr:m;ife thfi: ' V to 1eéfi;_e_s(i31l at our“IN{ing,' but on contrary, have béengefajdtt fig) T i¥‘.§¢1‘P“‘-‘Ehéli!13’3§’3.5’£i°11§ i*3f%¢1%%T§13§€a735 P¢€ffl%dihB79¢¥VIf¢ 5655 A _VX113?§*Z§§‘ A “ txgézinfi tbeB1'3I70p!‘.CAN0VN sill” ~ " * I by whateyer things were am'ifl'eyin Church or‘Co1n»1non-Wealemz‘ ' whatever»1nnorvatian: broughrin, yea alcl1ougl1_undcrth_e Mme y (;f Rgyalj Amlgoriz.-_y, yet the King was ignorant of them ,:.and his mzmetherin abufecl by fome bad Ofiicerslabouc him.~‘Yea.,how unwilling are we to this very day ( notsyicllflandingl the late Synod fo called and confirmed by the King) to conceive the 9 leaf’: finifler tluouglut of him. So as we are apt t:o5t_hin1~:e fcliat thofc Innorwztioizx brought in fince and under his Raxgtleg have eltlxer crept in by Health and by degrees without his knovye led age, or been cm ftxly ijnggefied as be1_ng no l Im20'rmf£c_vn.}‘ at all» 'b'llt&1'aCh81' rmowzzfiom of phe decayes of the old Rel1gu‘_m ( fo vulgatly called ) being mduced thereunto the ancient nfe tl1e1*eofl1*etained in fome places ofche Land, hnce the 1{efEm:m2- M022, as efpecially in the Royal! C/aappe/5, and Catbedmllx, though not confirmed by any Law, as the ufe of A/mm, 1n2agé:,a21cl the l like. But now when we fee with open eyesycoloLu*l1ea1'cs grxefa ‘ qhofe things to be lconcludecl as by a Law ( ‘Canons of 'P1"‘€1££tS now being:rnac.lc bindingLaws}ancl fo confirxned by rl1eLeztm l 5 I’atem.‘: of the King, lbr him , his Helms, and‘1awh1ll Succczll. lots: 0 Lord, wluzltglhluall we t'h'mk".' N2}y’?v\*l1ex1 we fee 3 Pu-ia: Oath injoyned and 1m poled upon all M1x11Pcers,""ofwl1ac fiyle, ormnlze foever, and upon all gradmzm in tl1e.»§T_]11iVE1‘fitieS, «Sac. = to approve , and p1‘efervecl1e Dofirine and D46-iplirze or‘ Gazzem--oh mam: , aslicl fiand: new cybzblislaediw t/ac Church of England and knowing, lthacbby«pub‘li~<:l< A85, ufldiéhg, Dczcrm,‘ lDm;~larEm'o"m. r “ Books,&c. (fecforlt/lmand ublifhedin rl1eKingsN;une, and patronized by his l-fpeciall ucl1ority'Roya1l) the 'S':znc°1‘z'_fi,cation F ' oftbj C/Jrzfiian Sablmtbs, the Morality of tlqy I901} Commdrédemmrs, the Dofirinex of tI9jGr4ce and Go/pal, with the p1‘eaclhinglchereo'F,- , all preaching on thy Days: in the aflemocm: ,‘ handball true Cdteclyi... ‘ fing, mainly cryed’ down 1 and that all thy pzzmfull, zmd godly Minjflers are perfizcuted,flj}2mded, deprived, lczzfl outqf all, and can‘ ‘ have no remc:clyeicl1er by coxzrfe: lof Law (A which is {topped} orb the Kiyng‘=_hixnfelfeyt:o whomythey coxxmpylame 2 anal yclml the_ yrelatzoskolz l?1ag£l‘lmo1*e‘efpecilallll-yl lufu:1'ped4aj f£11léjTi’tle {Q tl1c11-vfallfe Govemxnent: E«c"clefiaI“cicalIl by claiining yytil1’ei1*Pre-4 l latiicall bjnrifdiéiion froth tl*rin"eovvn dilvit1c;Autl1ority ; So as Wecannot be any longez-1gn‘o1'a;m: (except we will be wilfull l « blind‘) Cl1:ItCl1€’DOEfri72t3 of 2/5e&Cb:zrt:bll oFlEnglmgd zjiablix/2ed*in Qgeene Eliqabetla; dayesg hath now fuffered not onely ‘an.l1rma- V V mcztion ,= buclan utter eocrflofi and extirpman of the very founda. 7 ti.Q_11§ gglxeljeowf Auplgljlle lnnqgqljon, tl1i§_ cmfrfion, beingpow l .13I1a11>i A A A ‘ER G L A we 5:: canpl4i»e«; :’a»*.)‘«sr. mu cm H 1 s T; _fiz?¢all3fllcAoncludcdAl~or1linla Synod, confirmedliy t:hevK’1.~rlE,_. am. 1n1;loEncd~:olAb~e Swornclunto by all tho.fe:afore aid 4.: and efides; all t is. thAc.King himfelfe:AprofcIlingl,A thachc-‘; lzath dilxgennby A witbgreat.»cantemmtzmktnd camfamsrwi, and.can_fidared~ofi all the fizid % Crmam, Ord:m,'AOrdinance:,land Confiiautianx oftl:aJlata,SymdA»afare» _I?¢t2ciAgg and.;tba:l,ba; firzdm the fameA:fuaIzrw;he.r3;lperfmdr:dAl wilsbe; very: pmfimblexta the whale Cburahmzd Iqingdome : And thereupon doth PT0'P0Wd.lpub1i:b, dndfixaiglatb. in 'cyrne;IgyA his-Authority and=Lmer; 1’-4339171315!/aefitme to but d1lz;gen£l}‘0bjBJr'ved, executedmnd equal!) kgptqf all:/gI&.Su£j7e&?r: within xbrillfiealmal .A: Now 6 Lord, allrlmefe things Welgfllledflmdllayd together , Solenme and Sacred Proteflatiam-A agaz;:1ft:‘AInzz~am:iaéz: on the.om=: fidc, V and a mighty flood offlmzoa V vatsgm on meA other fidc, whichlbyl Royafl Autlmrigy have made a; tenr1blc.unAiverfallinvafionand linzuption both into thy Spiri- wall I(_ingdameA,a1‘1d this T emporal,threat:ning fpeedily to fweep alleawafy a: once :2 what flmll we think: ‘i’ Or whatlfhall we fayf.’ Wfiouldfllthozx-l1aAveAusftill to. dream: orlimagine, that here :u‘el HQ Ifl)¢Q1:ig1£i07I1l'at all brought in either.,ofD05frAine, or EccIc;flajh'.- « c4ll.Gav:rnment,» A and all bccaufc the King llath fofrequently, {Of A A th¢;£f0r€»»I10,l 12371021241!’ _Ax:, bccaufaralcifiaed andconfirmed by the l % l~l A folfimnly Ab;;:fw;c.G6d:=, and Angc1sAAlandAlMcnA,l pfotcflcd to the. A A lcomragylfj Or,chatAche,; lr1nov;:t:;zoz't:.~,Con§;1ud€;d in this Synodmfe Lgmqrq PAa?te2m,land by all Ache Pcrength of Roydfll Am1bar1'-t_y,- an_dA p§:caufe_lcAomm§n~ded by tihfl King. to be Afuch , as 12:13 page-. fl"€?§F'd.~mil£2g.z2¢py prafimiz/e to the whale-Acfnzgrcb and V ,1(s'ngd9meAP Or mgy;we._1;o,cratl1_er thinke,ox rzmzhermofi certainlAy beleevc-:,tha.t:A % (fg3;}.;tl}.e,>iI]iq,g§1;iCS ofiche Land ) Aoppygfliosa «in the Statcg. ajeputiw 7 ongg:>£rh.5r=+l%l\41ilgAi41.lcwrs2, ofiinnocam blood of? thy ‘e'rV?5n,E,5J'i k l A op;-m-PA;zgf4pa4ianQfthy-«5£1£'$at}:J, andqthaa by publickegsdlfplenfgnl ciqgwc A .a:;Als:oIatl=mApnuou§Altramplmgl :0£'311aL;3W$ d1-;-l= A l vinmn llumlam:llur;dan£qec;lnay~sy¢nmQr¢..~(more efpecxalllya as : thql;»orLg§galAlAlf@;uzq¢ -and giaufiwof. all'che.:relt)lAaAdamnablc A P-01! fiapig f:omA thq Gofgel ,. joynpd gvvithfx dcfp¢rat§lI__.eag;1_c with 1{gmq,%tpQ;pglgab1c C9;b@~{33n§f0g'“354xf17fl1GbT§fiJKsfillglpn lslmbra-A ced;,;lA_nI»t_:::;cllol;A gchy JI}-ug .maz:d~an,d~GAofPc1 A 71 £01‘ ‘this: £01‘ thfifcé : A cry,i,9g;;fim:¢.i,s gt; neg lawlullfor chinks ;atA1;caPra yea lt0-lb¢~A » 1eex@a;tlh%t»th9u=lin.«lthyaiufcludgfimant: ¥¢;£;h'%1Q€¢ gand zwxrhhcld ..4-dk, A i‘r0m».u8 :t11{3‘b:f:t:1ig13e.uAinfln¢§I,c=¢ lo"£«l‘th¢l-llfiingg «hlcart . AAandlhaItAfol‘A.A far§¢(lf‘ V 3l1§W!s?:.¢ sII1f~;§2;rnastism;o£sh.zs ITEQKr»1QW1gl€1f3dl:1°Y"A»i~I O N‘ 3. - Whereofiwe‘ have h*3d:*_0f.ilat€: lamentdbleilexpericnee'<) *he’wiilfl rather hazard all his Kxngdomltesuhcnlei:ther~1difplteafel them,or difobey their Couneels 5’ yButyet,6 Lard,feeing thy judgement: ma yunfearcbable , and tb} woyexrpufl finding om , we will not take l ‘u on us to «j udge in fo deep armatter, onely thou halt Fayed, you A ;’EaI1I;nolw‘tbem lgyttlaeirfmit-3. “ * V y _ y t f H e ~ M V But Lord,thel{ing faith,t’H: da:b~tbe_/E tbingx, £3 br3i=Pr¢rogdtiue Rgydll, and ‘Supreme /1utboritj«i'n:Caufi:: yflcclefiaflicall. Holy “dnli Righteous Lord , ‘hafl thougiven toanyl mortal1"Cr'eattur;e,l to any Kings on Earth, any l'uch‘<»Prcrogatiw Iwall , anyfuch Sag- "preme Autborityover thy Church A, has toralter Religxon at hts “pleafure, or to llconfirmye the ‘alteratitmxof the true Religion for fothers 'pleaI‘ur-e , to make voydytby Edifis or D‘eclzzrau‘on::th“e he Savinglbofirims of thy word , thy /Joly «»C0mmandement: , “thine Icternull Lam,or tofit in thy Ibramolver the Sou1e:laud*Crmfiienge: df thy People, captivatingandopprerfing them under the bur» thens 0“’fh*umanelttineentionxfind <.‘$~upez=£’titious Germanic: hf -Nay, hafi thou not exprefly *forbidden thy People to fubjeéi: their COL 2 . 8_ M necks uuderany fuch yoake aslbeing a denllalelof. thee “our 1Q'ng,and of our Redemption by thy lprcozws 5100 S -»S11ch17ufllrp_a7’-- the tionstherforeof Lmeu, we doe, (6 oneloveraigneof our P ourlC-Tad, athtrlordx b€]1deJ-t?/see 7bdv£'*IJtId do on warm .- Wltllg) ‘ me one!) willeweymakcmemion qfytb} Name. V And, Lard, tbeeheu our Judge between useand our opPrefl"ors»in this ching,and*give thy Peoplefiholy couragtetand :{ea eto ule all lawfull meaneslfor ~ . u the ‘upholdmg fofthais thy S_ole .l=”{¢yaI1Soveraignt_ytover ourtpoor V Scale: and Conference: , agamfl all Autichriitian ufurpatitmislto the contrary. A e A And lallof all ,whereas our King faith, that he hath called, and given free leave to :1»? Synod to me: and agree upon certmhe other - Canon: necqjjiugyfbr the admncement qf Gods Glmy , tl2e'adifi£Mg~bf I213 I301} lcbtmb , and the due reverence qfbai bltjfed Myfleritxland S4». mmeim A (A which words are utakentitout of the Aft for«<‘Confor*- mity in ucen ’) If it llhell clearly app”ear‘e‘b”y this our ” om lam: followigg , 't’l1':.>7tlthe things concluaded in A or the advancement of he God: Ia *1 ‘, hot the edifying of his C*l1urch,nort~he;due~rc'Ve1't:nce ofc 1%: holy Myfterxes and Sacramlents , but tquite I contrary : then, how the‘Kir3_gslAuthorit l extends tie the colnfirmatieu wfthole A ghings therem Io colnclu“ ed, do‘ than, 464 Lord, Jud e. A ~ - 99 5391:: 91359: u=‘1=r9$e.t; 99: ewrim Morewhee» A . . L” % 1 tbéf I(jngmfiV_;%%La11y‘3::1l.;.% ‘ he gdvex‘t1_e};h_us % thegood Laws of??? ' 5‘ Speed) :13‘ 3W"Z7;'tc’}Jr:I/[3 “ ~16 09...” 5 ENGLANDS Complaint ta‘J:e sus CH1x1s*r; Lord ,% touching the moflmzueriall Canons concluded b.y,tHe fafidSynod5a11d c:‘onfirmed%by the King, % V V 4II2e-firjhs; cgncerniagzbe2e¢ega1zpgu»er. _ s The Sumn1“é%<">f whic:h,C.é:non or Coézfiiratifin is, firfc, that 3.47! Stzl7je8}<%daé ac/{notvledgwznd profe_fl7a _.t/ae Lazgzfiu./1 Authority of nu? - S°?J.€mzgne%Lo'rd‘tl2e I<_z‘rz‘g,:z5 independent :and fec:ond1y,toy86ld lazfii ",11”W2?2=3r, of neéaflary dzzaSupp0rt .%,% it being the dgzty aftbe S z¢[2j'e&r to Szzpfelg their ' as it zmpmtt of the Iqngbr o Fe. tofuppart In; %Szzbje§2s in the pr0}7_¥.{rt_y mdfreedome of tbeir Eflcz.-mes.‘ Tl1irdly%,%tl:ci%: A far‘ my’ tojét zip any mdepen iem: %_coa&?ive-power, ex‘:/':'er"Papa1!, or Papuj; lm-,'dz're:53!},o2~'irz:1in:&’j!,a3.torznder:nine%tbe“%1Qz*gal! qfice, and cztnning. % W 1}t00v€fli7ror4.1tba S.z::.red om';2.~m'ce of God , and 1:3 it 23 nfeaférzable agamfi God, as well as Aagma the Ifirzgy Foum-.l11y,:tlmz—for Sz4!2_1%efi_%.w ma bears czrmexqg airyi t/J4’iT King3,q/jiénfivie or d.ej'?z:nfive,$ upon W2] 17(85- _:em:e z1j:'2Vaz.vr_[r’2e22c“2<,z's-Aza rejffi 312:: power: ordained of Gad. Fifz;1'y~, t/4mtn(I % .?vIin%_{2.‘er.r doe read tbzé Decimation qf lfleyezll power to rhea? People Jeareb». cqplje 3.CC01"d1l1g to the Lzmxof God .4 and .cver_y' King of this Realms at his Coromztian doth.foIen1z1l‘y -fwea%:eVand kcovemmz with his People to obferve , and the3f tI1ereupo11to.obcy him accordingly , yeawand which 0ui‘.Kihg that now is, 11:11:11 under,his'haL1d in the I?e;t;i2;.z'on%%of lfigbt furthcgtzr confirmed. And as for Ind:pende22.t, we‘ ackV2o;vled(g;e11i5,S0wefaz;gn-§ _ ‘ ,:_yA fuch i?m:efpc:6.t Qf «any F‘oz.=ra1g_ne Po;ver, or .Potentz_1te :- b_ucnoc ~;indepcflda?2tinj 1'efpe&of’~Go23 ,_ whofe DepL1,t'j‘hc.iwS 1 nor%%indes- pmdcn:,or abfolutc, as, alljf13wan?nical1_%S;.¢te.s%, as,tl1a: of;he_71_‘m‘1;g; .1'ciei11gc%h¢%1{ingdo:ne 01Englarzdis_{e1fip¢r¢d , Afeafcmcd 5 and .x;0nd1.tione.d_ §}yitAh good L4w.r, 'whjch%,ar¢ the ordinary Mruilea} of goodand juft Gave:-nmgzgt ofthe-Subje€ts%,.r%l1Ve du_ee~:=ce'Cut1o11 gwhe1'%e%o%fi11vf;;l1e ;1dminifc1'a.tidn pf the Kingdoms .is..;m efI‘entia}1 % _%,part:%of x:1:1e_ I(g':—zg{y_gfiz_‘ce , %wh:i<_:h~,caxmo%t be%ffe:;_>erated4 one Rom; ._;:he o;h%e1*,V51fgTt11is%pAu1*pQfe King %I,am:.r in oxj1eAo£1axis~*%Speeches — « 1. ?Agg47;cI:~ie, pjqt;tmbQund_eJ ;vith%La_w;,A but %.d}:pcndiVng onflelyeou the will 4 .411.,P4ré#'mz¢*%r,%LV@3913:fly i1fiir3‘5!-1i~fl17eA:rAh‘b7erW¢eU3i1fibffiltltt Ma:-‘~ A A “A of the Pri_::1c:q;_a1ud.,f:11c-3 Isjgizzg fErg;g!gnd,wh%o_(.i%ii:h he) doth -by 4£»zaA0ri mzcrrréazar .2. .4?ld t1?4W.0¢t!2‘:A We? "£03 t1wfjrE'z‘x in the properrpw and frecdome ofczlqeirr E_fli.:rte.r,- rFO1"tlIC'n‘l2l1I1c£lndp1‘1I‘1‘l€ proper;_y and frrezlame of our Efimrer, is our I{3t’zgi0r2, wherein we ackno wledge no King over ourf&z;le.r,but thee alonego, Lord. And it is rheduty ofall liingst (as thou requireft) to maintaine the true Relzgion, Wl-_1iCl‘1iS_n0t' the regulated according to mens fancies , but according to thy mom! onely. And for the better maintaining, gnard_ing,and fecuring of our lfizligion, have we not need to loolce carefnllytto our >Lz'bert¢'r: and Laws, when through tl1'e9openrbreacl1 of them. 3. rnaine inrode is made into otir R_e/zgion A,‘ fo as our yeeldingeto play I772pq/2zfio72.:- contrary to the Laws of our Cor.rntrey , lmrlx ilrengthened thefe enemies ofthy Tmrla and Relzgzorz to bring their Wicked plots to pafllz-:,t0 the enfiaving of both bodie:,jEzg_Zer and efirztz~._r~,under their T)m:mnic4llyo4l;e,and that vvit hour all hop er . ~ of remecli e F:’~ F. 01.‘g'tl1€fl,‘f no :P4r1£nmcnr:r, and fo no jgrievrmcer, no_ % wholeLandexfecl to mcifery and ruine. avert A ea, S z,¢l=_/'65}: barre not oézellypqflajflian of,& C. i i ahufes;ctred1*eH’ed l, and-lotwer left in 3...defp61‘ate cafe ,_and the Againe, what afihrance oftme and jzgfi right, title and property l t0,9.r1Cl 1.321311‘ rheirgood: and esfi/late: can this their Canon,1asdit"were by Canon-»Law,‘make unto the S z2bjeEi.: of En;gland,wl1en allrheir praétifes both in. the EGG]?/ltfflicall and Civill~rGavemmentare fuch,_ V fuch. the courfes of their Cozzm (Whether Eco/qjirgflicall, ormixt, as confifiing of Ecclefiaflicall and C ieil Judges together, but {fill Where~the~rElcclefia_{iim1l beare the maine Swat ,, even there, ~W_l"l€L‘E tl1eyibeifewe£l:in number) “fnch their uiurped, illegally. extravagant power , fuch terrible Precedents filed. upi.n‘their:. Courts, which {land for Laws and ruled Cafes, for all thatycome» after; and the like :4 as no Subjeét in the Kingdome can fecure: ' himfelfe, that any one thing,‘ or all that he pofTc:lTetl1, are his. owne ‘:1? For the befcand fureft Tenure , by which every free-.i borne Su»hje€t holds the right and propriet of his goods,is the Law of the Land. But let the Subjeétt be rought into one 05' their Etclefiafiicall Court: as aforefaid (whetherinto their High... wcommyjion, or other Court: where the Arch-prelate: fit plartyg Judees)ar2db_eheee1f§2¢r§§foJ‘wJ%»n¢ver fo innocentanevfrfol A V . ' ‘MW ~>~$»:-;§,:,.an % eggairgfl the Bfflaopx C A Ni‘ O N 5-’ 1 % feieéreges agg.i11flWhicI1 no Law of the Laud‘dO§h 1Y5: %§’€'th>?fi1h“§73 efallxn thoie Courts he czzzmot have any ber1eh‘tQfehtl*1_e L3_W'. .2:-tall, and cohnfequenhrly,% where thofe Earl‘-file '1h5“1*’/J”‘3’*§.3§°"5“‘3t ‘ their Fangs, tl1eywilltea1'e a man out ofall his €11”-c11'€; fr‘:-‘3 OW-' he-fhis Skin, and pull his Hehfll fromhis back; % 21141 bfeikfi mm and his all in pieces. So as at thofe B0.4;j'd:, wheee I:h€:[7;*L'-h31‘pi€S ' fit, againit whmnibever complaints are 17E:I‘”VC_d; £11 3 being inch -ei7peczaihi7_,' as whet the Ecciefixflicall tefitth agzgxzlfie them» 110W equicklyhfhaeil they and their whole efiaceé be1WaUowed% up as it were at one nmrfelli’ And to the ’€I1d,th;1EtI’h‘: Civil State may’ be fub2’"ervien: to the Ecc/;j}gflic“/.32, :11¢1‘2: 15cc[;»fi'zz_/’Zi:k_.r Imre tl‘_:e1r varein wag: boats, and their fingelrin ever<,-' me, where 303" f111“£§ «xaiayi be pluck: from the Shubjefi, by lhzoévke, 01‘ by C1‘001"~”€‘,E‘hi“-' sfe‘, as their Eccle/z':{fi"z'c/{_Gaeierizrneizt, ‘is "1"'}r;zI212z’cm.':’a f0._F 1193’ "MY -advance the 'Cz't2z'/ [0 hold c—or1‘ei}aondhe11ce with it : 50 as 119 .v the whole eowmmm» taken together , His 1jedUC~‘:‘d f0 C‘~’=1T311“"-'3 e h’1’zzb1e.r , even as all [{e/zgian is ferved up upon a Cawrt~CaJ[7i°0rd an the end ofthe ‘Chamce/,wherofanohe, Am;-ie (as is noted befc>1'c3r: which leaf’: in be forgotcenywe mention ;2gaiz1e)whareve1' C011- eelufions or Orders are made at thofe T:'z;5[:.’.r,O1‘ Bo.-zm’:, ( he they never fofozde and :/mnzqfull) they are fixed and filecl up for p€1.'—- 9 ,pe1.uaI1Lawsiz1 allfizch cafes for time to con1e,- yezx and when they pleafe , where they wanta Precedent fo1’12:>me e.x:cr;1ordi.~— nary teat: to be done , they can wicha wet finger make :1 new e .LaWfor1'r. I-1"ereoz‘1'fvve take but a few infhznczemic will eafilyh ' appeare what truth there isin the words of this Canon; W1‘1i?C11 feem to give to the Subjeeét what ever rzg/22; and title , and true property of efhlte doth orecanbelong unto them. For; firflia We ehavelate Precedent: to ‘fhew, chat no Freeman of Landon, after hehath ferved his ye;u°es,an'd fet up his Tmde,e.m be fin.-e long etciiinjoy the Liberty ofhis Trade , but either he is {orbi<.=IdeI:1 e A e elanger toufe 1t;01' is forced at length with cherei1' of hzs cmdch MA t0‘p‘u‘1*ch;j.feit'aS‘a Monopolie at 3 deare rate , wl*1ic‘l1ecI1e:hy and A alieechehffiflngdonzeepayehfox-:;~ 't,Vit;z1eHTetI1ev«Sopegbufiuefl'e. e * gains 3 nor Doéiorheanud prazé?iriorrarz‘nh Plajficlgeeihshh ~fu1'e to boldhxe h I-’rafij{g}?an,w'I1e1tebyhhe and his flmuld liveghwhen once he ccmaeseh in‘toi:he-Hz'glJ Comn21fl?on;“.«\VirneHe D1‘. Bag/Ezzvic/ggecafe. I te77ipU07 e Mirzffieris fare to heldhis fi'ee4ho1d,his Ber1efice(vvhich is by Law his fiw/sold )if once he be qurmelled in the Hzg/:2 Commifl?0m h yea orih other inferiour Ecclzfl:/Ziczz/I cams. hWi1mefl'ernzzni- fold Precedents in the Land; Item, rmn‘e~eczu1”be fem-e that his e good: are his ewne, when :J;l1,?*a1*1¢i mg:-e (11611 all areta1~:en fmm » :2. _ him. WWW v,...... .-.........~v-w--~«~-my _.......,...-‘...,,....v.....m‘—---—~-v-r-~v- V .“..‘..... m..m»-- _,._. .......,‘ uuqmpil E N36 LE1. it-n~és Cnnptainm J E s u s C H B. 1 s"-1°, him at one Cenfure, and that at the will and pleafure Iofthe: Board,vvi.thout any,and againft all Law. Witnefle many Free:-\»~ idem. ~ Item’, afree-(Mme Subjefi cannot be fure ofholding this. his {lift/J7'z;g}}t, when once he is brouglit to one of thefe Board», and cenfured to be :1 perpetuall Captive to lye in pt-rpetuall, yea». and c1o_/]2= prffon, yea and that in exile too. i Witneffe thofe 'I'I;r.e.e_.~ Rgmzar/(gtble Mm. Iteamnone can befure. thatthe very limbs of his boldyywhich Goa’ and Nature gave unto h1m,,.3.1”€.h1S owne, when once he hath pulled through the Can/Esra of one of thefe Baard:.Wit11e{Te thole I’/Jrce afurefaicl. up Imn, The moft inno-v. lcent Man is not fare ofholdinghis propriety in his nnofi; rights.-. om o.tz:_/Zr, and in his mc-It upright: Conlcience , wh en once he comes to be cenfuted by one of thefe Board: , which will take away t-be zfiglitcnujhefle oftlze righteous from"'bim ,‘ and would force him (mas much as in them lyes) to forfweare his own imm- cerm'e,a.nd to betray his owne Righteous Caufe, or els he {hall fihart foe it. Wit11efl'e Mi‘ Henry. Burton , one of the forefaid. ‘ time. Item,z1ox1e can be fure ofhis raigbt and title, propriety and, xntereft, which the D1vineLaw, and sacred Ordinance ofycied, t hztth given a man In‘ his OWn«\V1fC ,but that one of thefc Bam=d:.;» {hall to C€11l.‘uI‘€:l‘1lt11., as by vex-tue thereof, being confined to» perpetual! clofflr przflma. his lWife ihalbe perpetual-Iy feperatedi ' ‘from him , ioasifflie ilmll dare to hazzatd her life in a fan-e journey by Sea (which She would doc) to have but a fight of it “ her Husbands face , {he mu»Ptbe fent P1'ifone1' backe againe. Witnefle the cafe both of Dr Bafignicke , and MrB1mon aforew l faid. Many more infiances might be brought. But: théfe Sumn- med uptogether , let any Englifh Subfefi now refolve , what affurance ot'tr:t.: and _/tiff rxgbt, title and property to, anci.;}mzIl their L good: and qfldrflx, or in any of the particular inflztnees forefpeeci- tied,_yth1sfalfi:_and uvickedtnntflfanan canyygiue him '5‘ Let him be but 3 brought before one of thefe -Boards, and he fhalbe fhipt ofall. y n They will pretend this,;1n‘d that (I wot not what)beim-mcrime,. (as mitter of Sedition ) as they did agzzinfl: thofe three aforefaid, when they could not prove any finch thing. And Mr Bzzrtam Cafe in p1L‘ClCL1l3tL',abE:l'I'lg 3 Mérziéjienwas fo éleare (his defenfwe _ Anfwete b3lI1gllO1'C_l€‘l‘h§’ a.ditizitted;.in Court, find: before the day of hearing, by the Courts. order expunged. by two of the, judges ofthat "Courtas I_mper_tin.ent and S.cancl;tlou»s ).e as§they could obit-ft nothing ;1gunf’c_hun at the Cenfure, but proceed‘ agginfl l1i~l*I1;PY04C.‘021_}3:fl?2,:1ll htsfumlt being h1s.r'efufE1:l' to anfweret I ntei-i~ogatorie5,which if he had done,,Ahe had. betrayed lgis. _:t‘”l.‘?__N_<__;, A._«n4r.‘;A# A‘; L M tgainfi the Biaboftx ’ N0 !.~?‘%§°;7"" N “ Caufe; :mdlayd.bothitandthinafelfe open to thejufltlaffi OE’ the Court», b affenting to the teondeninetiozu of his innqcente Caufe,be-for~e1t was heard. Winch 0116 Example well we:-gilg ed,wh.1t Caufe fo innocent,fo]z.fi,tc:an1ook. to efca.pe;Scatfr€3 ~ But thus we fee 5 6 Lord, and thou better fee-Pt, what mzrb thefet (?,;mo;gifi5 have in them , whofe words pretend t.2E.rz“g!at to the“ 1 Sztéjefl, and whofe deeds doe praétife ti1e_bz‘i:1g§t1getal—IAmens§§ - jbztlet, bodies, and 6;/z‘.m:e.:»unde1' the §'O&}€€ C35‘-‘.21’: uu1'¢ettfa1l“‘Ty13-t1-f try. To proceed». W _ ‘ e F-or the~[h1I‘d' ( the fiwmg tip of am rndependent corzfiwe P011"-?-"* Pap.:l1,or papa.-'ar, I1’/11.0‘/.7!!i'2:7!¢?T;?i2ir2t3.!'.r’£hf3y fay ; 2:/J: Rrpnzlf pfice, End‘ V gynninglj m;mI;yoms #5:? 5¢1Ctr6d'OTd1mZ??C£ afGad ,‘= this bemg meant‘ ofthe Smte of Relzgéon- : ifi-it be Pdpfl/[pit is altogether liflldtflfillyif as being entictmjtirm : but being according; to thy word, every @}Jrg'fliafit.Stdte-‘is bouud tq fetit up-, and zhaixutaine it , and not Cbrifixlrm King ought to hxndenor Oppoffit. " But as for all Pram lzttjcall Government and Iztrg'fiiiE?1}m,- it is tn eerly Papal], and Amt’-< abrafffizzn 5 though not in the firPt degree (the Pope ufutping an Lmiverfall power (wet sail the Churches in thE'W01'1d ) yet mat fecond , Every Prelatéin his Dziocqé exetcifing a Papa/I power‘, and fo doth czmninglj undermine the Rtyall Ofice, and overthrow’ ‘Gad: Sacred Orclzmmce , who hath given a power and charge cot; Kings to fupprefl-"e 3.I1fuGh'ECc/gfiqflimfi Ifiranmh over the fat!/3.!‘-.: of his people. Anehwhereast they fay, the 1{qyafl‘A%0_fi?té‘, is the “ Sacred Ordtmnceqf’ God=: we alla»cktmwIedg.e it‘; and that this‘ At Qrdimnte of Gad-comprehendts in it not onely the inflimtion of‘ the Superioriztyaf K?£ng:t5ver theitpea le,but their Speciall office oFGa'oernmme, as it ielimited and e1 abliihcd upon thofe tLmv.c- and Cavencmtt, and C‘0nditiem_ agreed upon between the Prirzcefl .md.Peopl: : Thefe are ;1 Specxall part of thy Divine Ordinance, that King: flaould governe bv at Law ( as Dear: 17; 1 8, I 9,220. Pro. 31e..5'.t }— a~ndt-that they fliouldzinviolably keeg thofe Oat/at: % and Gawnantxg that they havefblemnly made. Wirh~.theirvpeopl'e;. And therefore, they which perfwade King; Phat they are no 2 way bound, but have liberty 8011118 as theyelifi’, by an indeptn- dmtPrerogative', theft: are they, that are rraytorr, both to God, At — and to the King, and to the Rgalme, and tofitlxegedce, and grofpeeé ,t my thereof: " t ' For the Fourth» , Fbr Subjefiir not tat beam xI'7'*mt:»' agaiizfi their- King afibnfive, or dqfétgfive, upon any pretence mbatfizever, dtlzeinga.-s rcrjijtingtof the Power: ordained tf*Gad: Firfl, we hold, that mm. A grivateperfizn eulghc totake up trme: ‘againffi his Btince r.-t but A ‘A ‘\ ~ ,§econc_1lyat,tt t . E N <3 L A N’ 3% A :Gu7g2plai§$t -to J as u s C 31 R. I s 1*; N‘ % S.’c:cof1f1d;13’;,i+‘f a King1n‘ain:ait1"¢;Mafi Faétioll abqut him,'Which-gene about bro oppreH3:bi,s w*l1o1§::bB:,f;ibz2‘gda;:2:eb, _and;1?;op/e in th¢j:- Lazzzv: and Lilza-ma-:b.c, and 11101’: of :1} {win t.11“e true%Re1igion,%fo” as he will not 11.136 them by the good%b'Lmm ofthézfiizademe, but fecks to m aka all his Saab} eE?:,5‘ta:v.':,b b:"mgi‘n;g ch«*’::i1- r.}zg1a;,Badie.r,"f}a.':ew .una:é<:1i%a_1niiZ3;‘;abH1e bondage 3% is it z:zotno"».=v11igi71 time i01’-(ht? whale .Smtefe=i-51161‘ to labour to hz”.‘211€~tl‘-16 b1“e3.cl1, or nave my (whcin C1181”-ifiSnQ\0E.h€I‘11€l'1‘i(fdy) tq fraud 1.:-p as,qne.1nax1co dc;-=2 _ '* b ;fez1d*the111feives and th<=:ir Co11nt,rey , untill the Fa¢°:io1b1.f_halbc: ‘ mrerlgg bcaibered. ‘and f) the King 2‘c:f"u 5"" m1s‘%5¢fib9:i1bd¢f?“db¥133:W!wrzglyrsra and pl-ei11:v'e.r11¢ ~ > Smzc%of:%thc: ixzxzgdome ID the hmg bxmierlte and ~l11s‘P0itr<:__r1ty,. whi::’h :g:n:11erwiic:b-b;,'b bappbrzfiarz and '1}; m222ywould% be brought to aoivfzji-i.fn.A A ' . ” b b b _ % AA % 1 ‘And for the ‘Fifi. and 139:, ,, tlmz‘ .427 Z\r1z'mfler: doe rleclzm tlnri Cm_/fz'z;mio;z fcfrbe $101176? of I<:;'n(g5,_t0 ?]J1‘:b‘f’6C1P[£:’3_)’8’I1}"8“¢’;’}‘ : Ought not, 1‘~;/1:2-1i1’cc=.rs tbo'“confidé:1-",that they we alfo members of ;he Coma .nm11- wjéaltii 5 and '1.§.VV'E: under t“beL%aw thereof 5’ And being. .SL1b}.€&S,V ought they not to {£33-Ch fiche people, that rheylovc and 'h€m0u1“th€ l’\ibng,andbchearefu11y pamall fucth taXes%,asby%LaW aiedziwe unto l1i.n1,forafn1-uch as weAaI11ive under 3 Lawé And; bMpn;11¢ Q;herVfid,e 5 V ougI1:LV%x%iQb;:a11 ?%C;ou—1~:~p1~%eacl1er%s to tell the King of ;h“is'I*1é2y31%1‘bQ£fi§:e, , that he be car.efu1;1to gbov¢b1*ne his, Peop%IebbacCbrdii;g:b”tb his Laws, andtto bnaaintaine tbg: ;;r‘ucRe1i-; ‘ gioxz and Faith of Clmfi, and to root out all Idalzmjy, Szz}2e2;{?itz'o¢2,b Herafic, andfmiflz Dcfirbirze: out of his Kingdomes, and%;hc_Ii%l§eN$? Ochrgrwife, .Mi:«2.§{%er: %n1igbhc:%;§:acI1bbtbi1e bpeaivle CO be Slaves, to abandon tlicibr”Ffé=¢11o:1%dbs.,,,%and go bebbmtay the nafelycsbbandb P*0fi.¢-_:, * r:i%t‘jj{j,t<”);"ilttfii‘ruiiukfibi b_ Ai3diI13£7¢;bf9f¢itlithisGaff; , if Mimflmb,- .. .preacI1‘”not” u;p‘;‘”i1g”‘11btIy"2nbd j°¢i‘t}§fiz;’!y “between King and People’; they wil1%prove%T1'aytp1*s to :11: State, Awblxencerhey d1'a:w,%%thei1* abeeirgg and br;3.~zt}3, /23%, '%a11idbZz'zr£/jylzood, and Tra3'tors alfo =to~bGod,bb‘ aid to t}1e/Zilznzzriwii “:E)ib1t'l1€ people; , in goingbab qutbto bbper-» £W‘3dé; ti eA13*.;:g;¢*¢;;.o .pz~dfli: ‘ucc bibi1<;1*:‘:&,Lb'«,¢s %a,S;3:1avesb go“ ~;zz1b‘b4,mi. ‘V .1 b A M " b ” “ b V ”clJ7i/Mm i m vm~rw-~«-v—-w—w—.-m-wmn-—-uwwu-,- 7 ldgdifi/2fi;tb”e Bi.r/i'of:3:oC_'iA;Nho N: M % éioroffiinn and Lawlelfe Gooorrzmoim And iliis‘-‘,;1i6 LlorzJ,im2ico~itio;i A V chive: of this; firPc.Conflz'rl:m'oi2 , foi‘olfaii-refasiiwcare able: t0%appre- lSocjrecl‘do§y with g,ivi21’g‘(>p‘::n dilpeiifatiozi lbr prof:zm:\Sporo:i. :; 4 and V hiend :4; comniircingi the ‘VVl10l€ijl1iClgCm€l1E»tl'l€1‘€0f rid i'thyl'ux1ei‘; _lI1l'lgl»‘V-.ll‘ClOI1'1C.i A 2 : 1\’lojoj[lf'o;m¢jE_boppy Inootgogrogozqrz; « E _ A g“ 'Il1eSécond is, no we own keeping my :Lell4g,M/9;; ? Ah, Lord; can thisibelto thehonour of iourfiingog: who-11 this armuall memory of his ilizozzgurozion is faint to be? forced i What Canon or Conflitutionis for the contifiuatian of the ]'o);fz;gil1' mommy ofqgeen E/igalaetlo ofever bleflécl memory , which yen to this day ceafeth mom’ But .6 that our King wouldiconfider that word of thine, ‘f l T/aofir that bonom‘ me, I 1171/ll/Jonozlr, and obi} orgasm;/paw: me, xbtzllzie d:j1bz;[éd I4 _H3.tlI the Kingdiflionourcdlotliy *5 S“mi"2.”310" I is it a marvail Pl};-It his om; day 15 m-rglccfied 8 U this /aypocritiooll. $}nod,\=vl11cl1 flhmuldiintl1e.t11°llplace:l1:zve made a C"onfiz‘zzm1on,i V or a petitioozvto theoKi11g,for the calling in of fuch projrme. EdiE}5%,:- ztiidltluen they mightliavcilimeditliis Gaaooizfortlie IQ'svz‘g5»d'oZ,)'4_ T l\‘o,noriftl1t-xfe things be not i=el7mn1ed , a.l$\l:-lac'l{o.d.oy is;haloie-2 it Ioehr, I fie. hing on :1 pace 5 as thou, 6 Lord, l13l'Uh1‘€»fLt11€d'i11 thy word fox: <35’ 2.2a. fuch Sinnes. And withitlieci: tl1€l‘€lS no refpefi of perform. =l=King Ioloojoclaim lived Without being defii'cd¢; and liadotolne buriaflof an A ; and it was w’1'ittex1 upon him , writer./sol man ‘ii 161% 22. I33 ob’o1dl’tg/]é , oi Arzodfi that 5/723611 vootprr;/Em in the Eortloii‘, 1- nor» Sbflitldgbav 1 9-30- lomt2752ted,'boing'dood;. l,oor:loou£d‘or.eyofloi Seodpro/%oz§’iofier.-»%im.o 0 how mrrible art thou, 6 Lord ., tu proucland ob_[z‘inozto'S*i1111e1*sg,- , wlien nut Kings C1‘0WnSand.Scepte7‘J can fecure or defimd theme from thy juli hand *3‘ And how fiwrofzlll 21 judgement is that, vvhenthou §i poumgfl contemptu_panPm2'oe:,ondoweolmzcfi the power §. 105' 1% M3 oftbe miglotjii 7 A M _i i " i The Third Canon is: Forflzpprcfliegg oftlaegrozvtbof %Pope7y. A0 Loro1,dof’t than no: fee in this W‘l'10l¢ longflonon the nakecl. hypoorzfio% ofthis Synod, clothing it fell}: with lil"1—£lI'ly5 fairs: figlooooo ,, of pious pretence: (f01‘f0oth-)-for tloelfizpprqfling of Paper)’ 1? Yeah fl.ord,t:heir /gypacrifie is {'0 palpablelierein , that all the wo1'ldfees_ tlizmtliis Conflitzztion was pun-pofely made to blir1d:the cyesgolri the fimplcrin thefe flirting times, wherin they fee th€lr,POp1fllle praétifes to row into fuch hatred and detefiotion with allthe. Kilngs good ‘ubjeéis; Who,torhe1°,i but'tl1€:.l'6p1‘3.I5)£1f'C!_Sg havaj ' _l__geoncl1e wales chachavg liindlediichc ,fire_ii;,1_ our l'l€’.1gl'llDO‘L1lI‘ _,..._ A. ‘ It-N .o ‘I V . Qqgggreyéw h to be fonefizpprcgfjéd, and that fuddainly , when the. EN 0 I. A :4 n 9 'cé2m;i!a:jn: to A J 2 st: so I-I pt I s*tt"~," ff30untr€§<.+3nd‘;arelike ztlfo to fetout ownthoufest on fire ‘I Am! oh how comes all this h0Ct,§{.6:{i(!;fl)fi.=fiI£)Prafli)gg§,; pgfgm mus an on a..fuddainetoflame forth‘; Wl1ihch*betbte;:t;¥iy dead, raked upin ' the cold afhes ‘f How comes the great Iggtfidcntof this Synod AA ‘W95 *0 1‘ 0‘-’§’v5§ the P-‘:Lpifis., of whom (z;f‘j‘~’,z-mple) he told us not Jotw fince 111 h’ 1 ‘ ‘ h “ ' ' D I t . IS ate B_09k¢: that-'.t1J:?y werefltfefortlaetr Salvatzcn 5"'71""?g "?’$Yfl?"’ W9"; /fl mg anddymgm tlaeirtlfirlzgtan : and wtth. E’ 1011111: 1rJi1t_teJ 0;. Pmfl;,he hath1u@*h fatnthat 2cqua1tttam;e"“‘£ » . ioag a_ 1 this ts bl.1t£‘i-H311] 1n_the pt:-aw,-; foon m,foon out. And ;.1M'§‘;‘5“? 1”“-'1”3hP&Cke oi _/Jjpoatxfiet, the w hole Ccmoiz pt=oveth.. 01” 111 1}>t0‘rIne-v.d,'y3a11 Mm: 3'6?! 111 tlaetr Ic~veta1s1.Pa1'ifhes mi ht 1 t ‘J3-CW0” W~f2I‘e 11}; oytnedttoaccmfiatrre gwtth thetr ~172bazlzztant.£_r JQ’F1£[4’”J .1 but now ttts .teduc;ed “ to every fevex‘3.ltlBi-fllopiu this ’Dioc:efe to doehit alone ,if:‘hihs,leafut.c$hVvil-1 fetve Iaimffvvhigzlii V is WCH;pL1tin)01‘ to choofc two Mtinifiers todoe ijt.,he app<5int- ing them both time and place. Thus ttltegrawtbfqf J’-a£ehr}is'like ’ apigfig are grown {'0 many " ‘andthe meanes to teclaime them fo fevvy and; to {lowly going forwatrd. utt all atetdeeply charged withfthish ‘care, as Mifi?;]t¢T3:5Cbm7€’3*ru"ardL‘nJ",t ttwho beetntfottmhockt-J % for’: %e,hfl0t}'i_ciou fneH' e this way A, tliathttfhfiyenhte weary of their Oflice.But it this S2C1't:d;S_.yr20d( as in this «Canon it Ry.1es.it fe’1fe.) % ttmctzthe really indeed, as they faiteIy,ptet.end; Why doe they not 'fo1'c11w.it11rid away 31-1 the {fifi[£te:?, Pric;{z‘:, Friar: .al_>out the xcou-rt *1" Is .1t,“E0‘ any -:PU1'p5)Lf.‘. C()v.fl’l3L'd.1lP here and there 3. tare, where the Seedfmen are tn iuch abttndamselfuffetfed to fast! 111 Ch: moi’: pregnantfieldx and ftmtfu/left place: of the Lands.’ O1'.{hall' we’ thmk theie hypocrite: means, as they fay, when ptetettdingj _ to upprtjju Pofey , they graétife the jitppreging ‘of God: word, ' _ wlliclmhad ita t're:e,~courfe;1tt would root up more P opilfll plant: % gwhithrone l'ouh"d,Sern1on, then atlfthefiiifllops and their Chap.; ‘letittshbyhtheitt, rizmtc cqgpfirerztce in a.’-v"1.1Q‘1¢“:$‘ar€»‘:‘ Qt‘ if they intended this letéoufly 5. why did ttheyhhnot begino.a"tfthe:Courr, and at the Q._L_1eens Chappell S’ Doth not all the world know, that She ism: Papift, and by the meanes of l1er.examp1e, tclmp-5 alt, Pmiefis, F tiers, ‘ are hot.~mauy.t%houfands both in .Caurt and tCi{y,and other p12ctes,h1-oughctinto that Snares.’ Andfo has this Sacred S _)'1_20d ihould eithetyhavettalcen wright and tou«nd;courfcVt ~ indeed, «fitfi in refbrming the Cazzm , Or els not to ha.ve..medd1edt with this at all , as whereby theytn1.ake thcmfelves ridiculous both to Bratefiantx , and Papxfh themvfelvcs ;: ortat Iezfl: they t hfl1euld..nothav.etc!1a1*ged theirmnan {Q decp with gowdcx‘ Onl;,{ “ «A A A t ?1"]§'_i'§_§' ‘ Idolatry throughout,and fet out in Englifh, an . prefiden: ancmatlocr of the Syn océdoe thou, 6 Lord, judge. T A iagaz'nfi¥tlo:I_ Be-5.p: CA N o no.‘ A to make the greater report (but without fl1ot)in ['0 hoytlyaffinlti ring the Tower cf Babel : becaufe in fo doing , it may make the world beleeve,that( contrary to the Dofirim: of e‘antcrbmy)therc is no Salvation for Papzjlr out of the Clamicb of England ,; and then r A let all Court Papzfl: look to it ; and withall , the Prefidmt mufi retratt a great part of his Relation , which he hath written in favour ot°Pogijl:i, elpecially iffilly and ignorant, to whom he: grants Salvation in their Rg2.’z'gion : ' he mutt alfo retraét his Say-r ing , that the Church of England and of Romeo are one and the [Jame i Church, and hold one Faith and Rolz;gio‘n undifiront :‘ he mufi alfo retract that, wherein he aflenteth with his Iefilite , ‘F that none ought to camera the Er/glzlr/2 Church, then and there in that manner to worship God, that rofin-’ved oftbe truth of the Roman C'burcla,+or to the like efl"ec?t:and the Rclator himfelf holds the truth of the Roman ; Churc:h,_ for he affirmeth it to be 3 true Church. With many 0- ther new leaves which he m ufi turne over, upon this fuddainet motion offiqaprtjfling t/:7¢3gT0117t/9 qf'Popeay5 which if cordial! , they. fhould. firfi have 1'1d all ’ Churches from Imagex», e Cruczjfixe; ,, Crqf5’e.t,Altarx, and the like, leaPt-in bringing Papfllx to Church 3 ‘they fhould but change their Latina Paper} into English Popeayu. And now, 6 Lord, we befeeth thee to judge of the/iljpocrlfle of‘ this, felfe-fiyled Sacred S ynod , which under a pretence of flop» to on the rawtlo qfPaper}, doe indeed fupplant the mo: Faith ‘ghgéelgioi atnon Pt us , that fo infleadtheteof they may at. len th,'l as fafi as t e can, let Idolatry up in her throne, landfall ru_/3% r F or befiides a 1 many notorious Popixb Book: , as that called the Femafl Glmy, which makes the blefled Virgin to be at Goddofle to be adored, and called upon, or proyed unto, the whole Book: being; 2 very packe of “allowed by one of the Prime Prelate: Cbapleinrf ' So alfo a Baolge of one Sbelford Pri.-Jhvvhofe ; Treatifes are notorious groITepof)e19v5With1nany other of thefame btanne, or mea1e,which have een pubulifhed; by Authority, and never any of them yet called in. i And fome, "‘ R6l¢¢.P-375’? this, that is faid, have they not let out; .. that have been called in,as Ca:(em Oonfony, and Salt} bzi omoom, ’ V and others, yet go currantu p at-1d~dovvn,a‘nd are in every yPap:yl.rt pocket. Now it theft: e holy men oft-his Sacred Synod had inten- - dedindeedto jilpprjge t/oegrowtb of Pofer} , they fhould have caufed heaps oflzom re.r_ to bemade oi: the Boolgcx in Smitlofield. But in allthin s touchtngithis point , how ridiculoully and palpablytheyi ave difcovered their hypocrz:/Fe, efpecially the L..—a.-n ENGL A tin s Commie: to‘: E3115 Cums *-r; The Fouft11‘Crmon ié, Againfi Sociniangfme. V Behold here, Lord, another dexrife-,» to fer fimplesa w%onde-3 wing, tvh:ttth1s;MonPte1*, Sacz‘m'am‘J7’me fltould be, which 1Tl‘0flZ. met1intEngl’and never fo much as once heard named before; and. t which England (1 hope) _is free enough from ,un1efTe 3 certaine- ne1'ghbOtu1‘t:,0it , which they call Atrminixmzfme doe not hale it in, as it hath done many other Herefics. Foras for thehlhtmonn ‘ n firqmmor Arminiam , they p_rofefl"e fizdety an_dv-tcommunion With: d the Sacinim: mther then with the Ortbodax P.ratcgfl4nt.I-, Whom. I he %% a they call Czzlrvingftx. V Yea and in fnndry of their Herefies they V ~’ border neat'e upon. them , as‘ maintaining Iuflzfication by mm, dndet/mt we are not !;:om2d_to be!-ewe that we xbzzll rzfltagaine. with’ zlaefaauer bodies g/or1'fi,ed,.:znd the like.‘ So as doth not the Synod mi- ftaketthe name .3 = Should theyfnot have {laid , againfl Arminim. mfme 5' Or perhaps they name the Dammzbie amd Czz_rfi:dt Hmrfie qf Sociniatzéfine , both becaufe stheywould make the people be- leeve it is that , which hath fo much been cryed downe by Preacher: under the Name of Atrm~i22éczm_'[me , and yet they will 7 fave Alrminiemfme l“tarme1efl~'e,to which they have beenfoe much. beholden 1 and halfot becanfe Armmimtfme doth in man? things é t % Symboliztewith tsaaininnzfmeg under “ which it may the more s : eafily lye hid. But_fot flfminianzfine fake, the Prefidént h:1th,in~ V a"‘D'ecZctmtion in the King: Name before the 39 Article: made the Articlea touching Gmce, Elefiion, Predefiinatim,. Sec. to f eake . afwellin fiwozzr (if it, has of the mztla it felfe. Or woul they revent the ccmtagiontof Svciniamfme , as alfo of flrminianijmetf Call in thofe Orders , which n ‘reflraine young fiudent: in the tVninerf;n'e for reading out P%rat¢g/fantd Authors, A A b % The Fifth cam Againfi Seflarier. h V In this Czmon they name lsepcmuflx , whom efpecially the‘? meane,as: indeavouringt (as they fay, tkefixbverfian oftbe Dafi‘rz'n€' and Daféipline of the Church qfEngl4ndt :4 on thefe they lay load in good earnefi indeed, and on all tthofefihat {hall print or publitb oaks: efpecially againfi the Dgfiszplim and Gonernment of the €.‘l:mrcbcf England. This is indeed their faire Gad-dcflé Diana, of whicthrhefe Crafumm, whoyget their great Income; by her» date: fo jealous, andtdoe fo furionfly thunder againft the o_ppq[ite;, -~ And furcIy,6»Lard,if thottdoft not at ‘this time: helpe,thy padre" ~ % i people, who cannot With a good Confcieme_ (if bnt rigltthtinfor, 1 ;I..9ed:J 90% commzmitn }.*¥.fé“h. fh“f¢~“15¢“;*¥1 ?:;h§¥F P‘£@*P1?”¢ e . t ._— W _t .1 tiara) Dc-:cre.e.r,&c. -pm of the fanag. rohol agamfl any Szgfivrcion of renal: to 91 ' ‘ ‘ againfl .tb(;' Bifiopw C A N 0 ‘N3: w1der:hei1*Gowernmenc, mufi neiedsgoe towracke, andbe uz‘us_"~ ‘terly fpoylcd they and :heirs.‘ '1"heSixt Cmwn ; An Oat!) z‘njo}n’d fiar tbepreventingqf 4/Y , ’ % I72n0v4tz'om in Daffriygegnd Government. % A-yh: Lord%,he%1%eis:t11e fiflirggzzp ofthe mcmfézre ofall z'm'gzzit);':’ v-of bjP0CT'7fi3) of all :cmelz;y and {yra rm}. Whez1~they have brought -!thf:i1' plots to pafié, when eibbliflued andfiwleziflueir Innamztianx % M_.bot11in Daéirine and Gozvemmemgthen theie /._:yp0m'ze: co me with an Oat/3 i7zj0y7a’d fi2r._tl;ie preverzting qf. a/lfmzawtiom in Dofirzm’ 47363 ‘tflomrnmenf. Tl‘1isfo1'the T2’:/a ofthe Canon. Pmd 2112.: they .ma§r' filial? ¢‘h€i1‘19gfi0c7'1fie to the heigltzt , that it nuavappeare 30 all men, they further flay : T/1;} %Prafl222-2: Qynodfiaiyzg z?ejEy'o::s to dam A ».clm'e t/aeirfinceriryand Canfl.>z7zc£a,%in~t/Eve prcfifliwz of we DaE?rim.=~m2d .yciplme4/rmrbQ{i‘zzb/ix/yed in the C/szmr/2 :2fEa2gIm2d , mad :0 _f:clI’r€ all mm againfl anjfigflziciozz qfrswlt to Paper) , or any other .S'up¢-rflI"—» N 0 W, Lam/,~ can the laflvocrg‘/Ea of Igairée it felfc: in that Mjflepl pf Irzigzzitj, packed up in the Counsel of Tram"; Vfurpafihthxs notofious ‘t :¢heir Synod 1’ The vaile of zhei1'-fouls./aypocrzfieis the. pretence of Sz'7zcerz't_y,%%and Conflmzcie in the prqfef/‘E072 of tbe Drfiriaze 42251 Dz];- «cipiizze alreacl} qfxhzlalislaed : 3 they have no W za-{rem}: qfihzb/2':/Jed a new I afixine and Difcipldne in the Clzzzzrcla qfEng[md , and fo they are dcfirous to declare their. Smoarigv and can zmcie in {he profefii-% y%Lam’,w11o is able to deals vvirh thefe‘ height, by degrees, after a vvhile ) they doe this zoficme allmen ' Papezy , or any other Sz:pe2;flz}‘i0{2- en the Revolt zo_Poper} and the Supevfiitzbm‘ t1‘1€‘1‘€Ofg 13+ new M1 3 good xneezfure aIready.%m2%de:,._zhe11 would they have all mama 5-efémre agamfi my raw}; to Paper}, Bl.-It Wfiat %,neec?»I7“ mc~n~_tnf:d_ra2, awhe “fights: 2dan‘g%e1f‘isVa1ready p;4tzf%,‘ and W1"h'1=O‘I1f1'€-‘ medic A.-‘ They%have¢fet«£up%rhe1r{-.4lmr:;7they gentlyiz-meat ddn-‘-A’ mtion thereumto ;. andvthazeby the flame argumextws that Papzfif‘ ’ ufe :9 colour over fuch Jdolatiy, till thcv have lea-:+rned in fuilar‘ -mrmes%to»exprefi’e Athe-mfelvgs with a We will md%Comm:md :lmey*haAve._fetz,up zhcit Imageaj, andA%wCr¢mfixe: in Clmppez‘: and Ca:-J‘ ~mlaadr;z1!ac,Aand¢h»at G-V61? the: ‘Aim 5 for ,a1;loich¢r% %Cl.«urc£:»e.r% to acne’ firmathm'c%unto;,;% yrhavc publiflued Bookesin £12 ‘lixb full of fl10fl‘gr0fiE~-Rwfifikbefdflfltiy aéd Szzpe2;fm¥2n;A %rha:~y V ave Cfrycd R % I ’ A A 2. % own /a_y-vocrxfia ofour Eng/is/2 FY61.-2:3: inzhis ‘A ENGLANDS Complointto Jnslus Cntus-r, ’ tlownthe due S.«¢n&'ifitn:z'on of the Chri ion Szzhhatlo-do}, and 4 have layd open the floodgote: to all pro now?! to breake in , b publike clifpenfzztxon ofprofimo Sport: and Pa_/lime: , that {o they make the Lord: day the Devil: /sol} dfljgflfld to make way for fuch Profane spoon, chef; have nniverfally forbid all preaching in the afternoone: u on t 3’ Holy Do}; they have made thy holy Com» mandcment or the keeping and Sonflzfiing of thy Day of noneg V cffeét, and that not onely by their profane proélgfia-:, but profefi. fedlv by thexr Booko: pubhfhed by__ Azztlaoriyv; they have by Ediflr made the Arttclex of Religion of the Church of Englomd con... at m,[,,,,+;,mgf‘4 cerning Grace to be of none authority .- they have 12:: forth Confzglygngg, 1?), ac Bag/452;, wherem they profeff: that the Church of England, and um. 1473/1. ofcamer... offlgme lthe whore ofBgzI2}lon) are one and the Sonic Charo/2,proJFe[]§ng one and thojfzmo aitf/J {Ind Rglzgion; and gde about to Farhef the Antiohrzfixnn Inmdzflzon and Government of Prelam , u on the Divine In lizznrion, and upon the p1‘3.&1T€ ofth} holy Apojl ox ; and , doe cry own the Anohorzity of thy Sacred word, as an infigfiioiontt ovitnejfi to prove it fl'lfi;- the word of God , and as adend and dumbe judég, and infifioient to detorminoclonht: and Controoew;/io: intpoinn; pf A aim, and lo doe for up tnans Anthomy above the S071-plllT6',;V they have cafl: out all, or molt of thofe godly and paim‘ull Mai» nzfler: ofthy mord, vvluch were as ['0 many lzghhx, and piflar: in t-hel1ouI'e ofour God , becaufe they flood in tho gappe, and in the way of thefe m en ,to hinder the_ir wicked atte _ gas in over- - throwing of all true Relxgoon; and 1F any good zm/lm be yet left," that have efcoped their fingers, here_ is a»he1'lifl1 Elot will hutle them all out or a clapper thefe wxth many or er their Innovation: they hzmng now brought to palTe,now,novv would they have all men to be _/Ecnlro agaxnfl any revolt to Pop-r_y_ Now» they declare their confianoioand .S‘incm“oy 1 cilalim: tflablished. V ' l , A And hereupon they proceed to their Synodicall Decree faying, “ This profint Synod decree: , that M xlrohhiohops, and Bow _ _“ Jhopx , and all other l’rz'yi.r and Deacon: in place: exempt , or not 4" exempt , Jhall take an Oath ag4t'n_/Znfi Innowttiono of Doflfinoor l " Dzfiiplina. And the Oath H, I 3 A. B. doefvoaro, oh 2:: I doeap... “ prom theDoEIrz'no and D13‘/oqrline, or Goo ernmono oflabliohed in the “ Church of England , an containing all thing: necoflfay to Salvation : ‘ ‘W And that I will not indcaoour ly myjfilfir , or any other, dz'rc8lj._t or " indirafibv, to bring in any Popioh Doftrine, contrary to that which Ii “fin qflahlixhod : Nor will I om-rgioe my 4! ant to alter the Govern- ggnn: qfohij ghtgtgh, by Argholghafx, Bi: 019:, Demo, and 14765! "F n the Dofirine and Dy’/3-_ l Rpgtzinfittbe Bishop: C A N_"0 N«s':‘ ~ "' Jmam, 5:6. as itfiandx new efiablitbed, and as lgy right ittougbtfit "_‘fl¢nd, ;nar_y::t war to Sulrjcfl it to the ttfurpatian, and Sufiergfiitianli "“qftba Sea qfRome;.8ct~:. t - t e t " 9' And if an} 51:41! refufi: to talqz tbii Oath , afier the fizfi monetb, e 3" be sbalbefzypendedfrom be Minéfhy : after the jizcomi ‘monetb, from . *" I313 Mintfhy and Benefice : and afier the third moneth, deprived of “all In? Ecalefia/iicall‘ romotiam wlaatflaever , and execution afhtil “fzmaion which be be d: in the Church cg‘ England. And folk!-3'_ .¢< Oath extend: to all Graduate: in Dz"vz'm'ty, Magfifm qfGmdzmte.r,ar‘ ¢¢ licenflzd prafiitionm in Law and .Pb}_/icke, all lgzgiflert, A£iumiz'e.r,. N Proflorx,‘ Sc/:a0lm.z_[z‘fers, all that enter into tbé Mini/igy, 0? into 4' ‘~’- Benefice, &C. l Thus I.ard,it is not fufi~ic.ient f:CV>1‘i.tl1el'e men to alter both the Dofirine , andlDz_‘[?:1'pli22e of the Claurcb of England (‘as aforefaidi) and to make the Diféipline and Gbncrnment qf l’reZ4te.c. more An- ticbri/iian, then it was before , by adding anew claims ofDz'- vine Authority to tlleit Antic/art:/iiarz Iz:rz'.rdz8z'o7a, t blafpllemottlly l e fathering it upon thee: but they in uli have all this -Sealed with an Oath of all fuch Perfons,as afotefaid,that fo by fo many f conduit pipes, the whole Land may be poyfoned, and at once , univetfitlly enthralled undera moi’: miferable bondage. And , now fubfcriptiott (which were too much, and againft all Law ) - a and lConfcience) is nottliufficient. it For all Mim_f[ier:, and others of any de tee torementioned ; V muff fweate to therattfying of thedifanu ling of the Article: of Religion, as aforelaid : to the; ‘ fetting up and bowingto Altar: , with all the other Caremonie: and Innovation: about them : to the maintaining of an Antichri- r fiian Tyranny exetcifed by the Prelatn, under the name ofcbryfi and his Apafile: .~ and {'0 in Summc, they mull become Sworn: valT1ls to thefe 'I)mmt:, and Svvorne Enemies to thy Majefiy 7 and Iqrzglj Sam-raigngy , to thy word and scepter , to t eir owne Salvation , and the Salvation of thy people , and fo roclaimei i themfelves to all thewyotld, the mofi bafe and vile S eves, that M _ ever the earth bred. l i Yeathe molt ofchem ( fuch elpecially as i know an thing 5- and this time of light admits of no plea for ggnomncetn any man) mull ofncceffity ( if at all they take this i a 04th) Sweats againfi their own Confciences,and fo in no 1' mall degree {in againfl: the Holy Gbofi 3 whereby their Sin becomes A t unpatdonablc, when once theiriconfcience is feared t.o.impe- V nitencic , and their felfe-damnation fealed.upt to defiruftion. y 7 Bcfidcs allthis,if they looke upon temporall tefpeéts, are they I Ere €119 Eine 0%’ _=.!i_§ 99!! be alnayee 9* She min?!» .t° " ~ A 234953.459 ”5 We 24. EN @=I. A Nb1%SV'C0?7¥pZdin£.*’.Vt01%A33E'S'li!9j,j ',c;%5¢1%1=. I s 1*,‘ V mfiififaixa ahd contin%ue~fu'ch ah Hjerarcbié '?'W_.7 h_2_1t.,if God ~fl;wu«Id» *m‘P1“35’.~f€d in mercy »tO‘hi._S CI9m'cI9 , tO~0gen'th'€;€§’E$\ ofcfie‘ Jqngga «I0 let him fee how he and his State is abufed by Ehis -G922~.+2r4tim 1gf1P%r§lazce5a%foas to root them out Agaifne, fthcmgh the Qffice 9* K9236 be immamzlfgyet their-perfi2n:Va1z 5’ Or fuch,as mare already deified their Cazgféienoes with abiafing their M£n{[??y:‘t0 cm: Pq'l1’b.];[\iC‘1.{ obeyingof wic:ke.d.Com-~ .m:mds of rhefe %tlwi1l'-g1"e;».%c Mafim 5’ as in the pqblick xreading the 3.0%»: of‘prqfzm Spbmr onrl1'e7Lom’s day .-~ farl2£zzri}2g%%ta preach in the‘ Afzernoone: : adnzz'ttz'r2g of Altar: M their Cfl2zLrcb‘e:%: dvzdpéf/naps burning mztowtlaem : -mi: dgzrirzg to preach freely; the w Dofifiéxejvqf Grace,“ % $0 tbafircqgtlgrming 0ft13e_‘ftzit./3 qf people,‘ and fflfldming their love razz74rd;Gp&1 as thé" I A'fticl6‘ffi%i§:h yand m;;~tl1e%c0%nfbjunding of the*eneJm?ies_~of%Gxaca,'»a»nd r11aV:%au;1ed=V4Fa**aneb\drt alivéatfo gilgglaifle and 1l*a% frejérw tlaamfizfilékjfi biafgra ; ‘L1C'§ir3ed;tI1at is-ofanother mind; And«~zzbov'e-all t§1i4s,4 “we be- % “ma:..;;.:.;:;;;;.:.....us.; 5...“ __, again}? fine BM-op: C A N 0 N S; :3‘ thy gory zm'tIa,joy ,-, who as wilt keep him we perfirfi peace, whofig fag, go; mizzd 1»: _/z‘a_yd on ztbae_:, Iaecazgfé he mzfiet/a in tlaee .5 ifthouh hafi a rem-t mm: left , which have not ‘received the mar/Q: of t/ae,Bea2fi , but l1aV€kept.‘t/2-hir garment: pure ; or if any, who chrouglnfiare or humane frailty have abafcd themfelves in any of the things 3- V forefaid :.1‘€fl:U1”€ th€m by T-epemnnce, andefiablifla them all by T A thyhGrace, that they may [0 Hand for thy Trmb; and their Salm- tion here, as they may one day Rand undauntefd before the Sum of Man at his appearing; -V ; A M A ‘ . And further we note out of the words ofrhehoatlq, Tim: tlagy ‘are to S mean: the} dos approve the Dcfirine and Difiipline q/?:zl7!z':}:ed in the C bmcb aJ"Englm2cl, 45 containing czllririrrzgs :r:€c¢fl?1'r_y ta S;zlwzt§'-— . any New will they 1313-‘, that the Dzjézf,/;’n8, or Gcwermmayzéhaftlaeh 1',‘ /aztrc/3 E nglami cantzmzezb any tbzhg neaaflary :0 Salwzz‘i:22r2,fe sing herein they joyne it with Dcfirin: ,«a.s comaiziing :ogetl'1er4!_1 thing: naccjjary to Salvation 1’ Nay, is not the Difczp/z’m» and Ge). . wmmemr, a.:1yenemyto Sazlmziaw, {wing it is a1t0g€th€1‘,flfitia- » h ‘A “ L . Cbrzfiimz, T[’}m;2m'.call, a11dan1ee1‘ez¢fizrp.vzzian, andzh the w11olfe h praéiife of it, and in all the lyre: and Cm=manz'e.r ,. zzgainfc the V mm of God , and againfi the Do8ri72eaz1d Przzfiife of the Ape»- files, anda mofi notorious and pefiilent perfvczzter of the true Saints and Servants of God, and a‘: 1'O0t€1' out ofall true Re/zgion and gadlzm e out ofthe Land. I s it up: Anzicbrgfiim, and :5/mp. £123 Cbrifls Thmnc: and Soveraignty over the C’an_fi:z}mce.r' of hi5 People 5: which ishcxprefly and dimcfisly h contrary to the Apq/Etc; Dafirina 5 I0 as the fubjeE’cioI‘1thhe1'eunhtois clearely proved? by C 2% '1 the 3; Apqfile to-be ahdenyihg of C/argfi , and [0 a loofing of Sal... 3‘ 0 '2" ’&‘73? -wtionl i And for the Dofirine qfzloe C/Jam:/icy‘ England, how can. ihtxbc flydta C0fitflifi8_4]ltbifig5»?1£’C£:flcZTf130 S:zIznztio72,wh<:%n the mofrh rincipa1lAm'c1e: qf Saving Grace arc: made of none effefl , and are fqrbidden to be preached to the peoples: And fuppofe all the A 39.Articlc': were inrirmandh not CorruptCd,but preferved intheix“ :3: ‘Afiicié of‘ ' V true fenfe Agreeing with ‘Scripture (ash # forms of them are not-) a confizcration of yet they cannot be fzwd to cantaine 41! tI3ing.r necejflfqy toh«Safwdtian.“ Arc I;bi.;I:o}z,z;, h For onely thebagy Scripture, which is the onely zzdcguzzte maleqf 5;c. Faith, cantainatb alltbing: nece/3217*} to Salvation , it bemg a‘ cleare ‘ mmmentmy and expo"/Mon of it felfe , and a‘R_ule vvhereby to try all hu-mane writings of Dizrinfly wharfoever. Thus the matter- ofthe Oatbit felts is mofifagfis, and 6/:5/jzbemous, which with all the raft we refcrre to» thy judgement, 6 Lord. V h Againe; A mm mufifwemz, not to bring in 422)} Papz'.¢_7a Dafirineg mwav tom which 15* 16 WW-zb~:@: W? °.9¥3E‘3l~Y§ rh1§t° bf gr W..__._ ..__ T.-. W ‘V v % V ¢ fig ' f Revel. 13. “ Pepi:/J Dnffrine , V yet they can never effeftl Error. A N19 5 Complaint to Jtnsuos%CH1us'r,‘ _ lelle ridiculousythen the former impiom. For that which ti Q21," '”“dJ €/3451i!/99 2 being Papish, how can other Popery be cunt:-at ‘ itlllllerlcauntohf And the veryl words thetnl'elv_es of the Oath dog m $31’)-.~_ t etttheoboehzne efiztblrfhed 15 Papzsh : becatufe none o . r rmgm 4”)’ [$31173/7h1)_0Hfk§u¢,At.‘0:2$rd‘;j to T/aatl~ (that Ifiatb That 1c lste neceem _ gfhzblished. or r l V to Tl“; ) w flab M f. And '.l‘hi1‘dl§{ he Sweafes never to gioe hri confém to alter the Gooernmem; afthzi Church by Archbis/aopr, &c.: lWherea,g,firfl,;;hj; I Vfiry Oath is an alteration ofthe Government of this Chzzrchgwhlch . fort-nerl ' bound men to nolfuch Oath , but to ‘Szzbfiri}'Jtz'on'only, ‘ thoughthat were too much , and which no good Conjciemeb rightly informed , can lhbmlt unto. And fecondly , thus to Sweare in this particular , doth breake our oom made in Bap,- tzfme, which was taforfzzlgi.’ the Devil, and all hr: work: .- now thy word, 6 Lord, tcacheth us, that the * Hiemrchjis that Beafi, to which the Dragongaoe I913 power- For this Beafi is the Him: rchz‘. call or Prelaticall Govern~ment;comprehending ghat whole Church wherein (as our Metropolitan faith) the Church of England and of Rome are onecmd rtheflzme Church, or lprofifllng one and thefame Faith, and wherein he confeffeth _a ‘neat;/jizy of one Ordine Prim»: , one Prune Prclzzte, as 3 Prune member at leaflgrf not 3. Prune Head of r of this Hiemrchie, which Prime Prelate, in regard of his more potent Principalizy, is the Pope, 01'Bi.vh0p‘qf' Rome. And therefore A in this refpeél, we hold, that our ooze in Bapizfme ought to be t % ‘a fironget bond unto us to joyne all together , King , and all, t _ even as many as are true Cbrz_'/li4n:,to the pulling downe of the ” roud Throne of the Benfi,_ the Hierarchie, then _any one feeble hearted Mimfler, or other, 1s,or ought to hold hrrnfelfe bound by this unfacred Synod. to take fuch an unchrfllian Oath, for the upholding oFtl1is,lA.nJtz'chnfli¢n Government by Archbishop, &c. And lal’tly,whereas the words of the Oath are A: the Govern. ment by Archbirhops, Bisbopl, Deana, Archdeacom, &c. fiand: new (:[2‘4bli:hed,'l4nd 45 [gr rzght it ought tofland : thefe words are molt f, an [Alarm .- 5ahd%‘fecing halfooic is.anoeafie1}ndu_cema¢j,11ot~to h'Pnp£.r/2‘! Idolatry Tanid o Suptfliitian , _«tor wlmichrufo Papgfix ufc; (it, < and whichufé this Synad; boyh«a1lfigncsrfhows:ic felhh?;ohhcafiehh:%tohbc o §acreatcd~‘to bring up‘ againe in tho Church qfE22‘gl'an¢;I;.;. ‘. A f o 2 F or~inh‘htho~oz1exc place, oh theyhmakeoan Order {qr rylwgoooinfiéfi ,;e?=,-1;h,,,"‘““"""""" "M5 ‘ H‘ ‘ W" W’ ""'""""" ' H % o A t * ‘ a-...—..‘” J V % i!gd1'zg,5fi %t/J: : %E‘_.§‘a:_'.r.%;:;:M%% gt E! V ‘ 'AZt‘d¢,V:tof Perateit from~%%t:11c1:e’i?cVAof th%ie‘C/wrdd, ¢ thatxzon»/2 . ‘t..€‘9bI;G1'1i1.3Jm ?jas:*ifi;1:' were more ho1y,and zche%ma:%%ce;+ther¢pfmm:;: ‘5p,xt6Ci0“L}Sn3 then axxyoriier p;grc_of the C*lsurcla.j -And byithis -; Ameanes, though they prctr-zrid tlzefrevezztion cfprofa-nation , yet " thcy.1a-‘ouuxf to bfigec 111 the Pcop1*e:sm_%inds fonts high and regs . verend opinion of cllisi tlieir fllzazr , as of form exrréQ1'dina1‘y ' holy creazture, ,0: 1'atI1¢¢1‘d;ivVi_qethi11g,1%%thatforhe%y%;m3y%Wi:=h the % n1o%ref4ciligy.,a_z1dleffejérzzpfe be b1'ou,g¢ht‘co.yee1{i ;adoratiamI1er» ‘ m:osW.h¢n&véfr«t£1ey.bu1tlook upon it, oxigpproaciait, or pafle " % by 1cj;<.0~1°w%11ichA they tell us more anojn. _ And;cl1e x¢1c::~:t t;hu1g 15, 2%/34:45’ that mil yams the %ACamr-mmian, — cc2r2[1ez1p%.raprgfi:2g;ulacmfi1ve:.bef9rc,t!az3 A/Mr upon a/13:35 ,§;a2ee:_; % ' 4 caoriadexxmitggghc u iAL:a?11mar;uer,0f'the Mizaifie1‘s carrgzixzg me . -lzrezzd-‘4md=*m1fl€ a%l701£t‘t/JeC¥5;i'1rq(;z.% VwBfutg1:h=ey%ca11ed this A;/tar a%Ta- % bx’e~%,;%%bucVcvenz1oW = aildisirfo fuddainlyfwallowied upmaa Altiwwc as in fiafld Aiof fitting abo-ur,ch'e liable -(Tm'h%ich%is Cvl9r{{i: own ardizizrznce, andIt11%¢pm;pei‘ nib and pofiure ofguefis about 3.: § 4Ta£vle;mo%W %II1%€‘1¢%;I11‘U,&.1{Pzce!ey{2efi2,rat/:3 Altaag as before form: new " $.0d~»41lm1g’mr.-‘ ;S<>;as.:;.4th1ne ardizzames 6 .L.«a.rd;is.11e1*¢ quite per--‘ v,er,re§d 5_;and%fron1 aV:%WI§.;¢;b!e» Comnfrmnian~tu1‘nedfi11to 21% S zIpmg[%z‘tz'o_m ' Almraserzzica. %:.Wher¢as;;i£theTableyverefati-11the%mid1t, and the ,Communa'ca;g;: did_c9pqe and fitiround ggbgut it , ;as many 43 %g:.ouId an Va)c1mc;. %%§l:I1d%fQ's%d1d%;e4t% @nd%%drTi2ake ~::h;.e ‘Lard: Supper: this is=C~/zréffitovvtl‘ ~T. ;mt,to coAmMLe%amd Kl1§¢,1.¢.mb‘£'3;fOl73.,3113/37?. A A tm—,% this is» nat:ac~cao§4i*1'}1g_L;%t¢%~or4Tin2mc¢,, %,%no:?;i%s sirarig/vt:t0(;w' Awztbe ‘Lord: Sn,:pp€f;4€;:€lé#fM?r#3 TAM’. 9 « w ““'.[’he»iizfl:;t‘gi”I?gzi$a:* fai”re:p&revté’n ccs arid P;T€3fl1.~b155 “ (.a.s.qfrh~e CI3‘urWc_*I.1,M t/3c:af_Gad, d2d1’c_4;:ed tgi l,;1«3V;.1:;ol_;r war-ship, ta ma: mind i5begra¢tn¢j]2' and gqodm;/JE of 6:3 Dimne ‘Maj 43/2}, .4 anti cheV~l~ikA‘ew,%) kthffi Symd I/:?inI{.r it;very1>,el:aofM1, grim all dae rave» ¢ , »fon agizzionk ¢ ~ ;&%agzf1:i;oaa.tfn;wi:£vi£ziw;; ;dsz3f;a,sc1ig.i91¥§war.§I2:,i,g to alga“ Cwminziniw fable , A 91: V " ...... .. .. i V 2 .. ..._‘. h ‘ ncnrpwall grr«‘§fi’n5:%;a;T Civrzjfiwady islam, -% « 1‘~IDW=f1'0;1,’i1~thflf6 %wn;1*é%is =(~rhougl1 the S}md~dQe,%%nQ£ e*:»;:p;refl?~e1y' and«V%direzf°c13i Order; ddatm auxin cioimg i1z«c11irg§mase,n¢eh42zd OIZI‘-)’f‘4!2C8'N., f;d<5 jéi ¢%la¢gir%% fmqq: % ;am3gxd: t{:e_;41tar,«_Eq{ivmrd.%. where‘ 1: itandmla J; ;yec_w,%e%1carnc . "~p1amly.*t,k1e1r mnmg m be fp, xnxhat ;~.Eh;€§’ fay, mt’,wf§bflnyain« Eflfl: ........ *- EN GL A N nos Co;npIo£m:a_ 11: out C H ms '1'} Eoft : t Ergo towards the ‘I'ol2lc,or E4/Lumen mull doe re_vet'encé,l'l fr} icbo rzotwitb intention of A el1;giow‘m~or:l:ip. But by thelrleaves, Intention, ‘or no: intention, 0 to bow, £70 to doe re’r:2oronceAt0:01‘¢0-.-h- A N word; this, or that place,,is no leffe, thenflaz; Idolatry, Whether. it be done to the placeltlfelfe, or thereby to God. F or God will A. not beworobipod in or by eithetan Image 3 or any reprefl=:n‘totion A l of his Majefty or Divine ptefence ; as iFGod weretfixedtol this . or that place, all which is forbidden in theSecond ocommondoa rioont. And beingdone tO‘th6 creature, as to the TobZo,_ot Altar, ‘ or taztmrds the E4 2‘, being done in the church, which they fay is. tboploce ofGodo worxlgip, muff not all fuch external! xoarobip there exhibitfid 3» be arelzgiotts marl/9?? 5 So as Whether People intend any fulch t_hAfng',or no ,as by AdoingAAobgyjonc¢ to the Table, to exbibiol religious fl’01‘J}JiP , yet the toorxlozp it Fe! Fe {'0 exhibited in the place of God: toorxlaipt is, mull needs be a relxgious, yea and divine wor- :I.1ip. ‘So as here is fiat Idolatry comrnittod by authority of thisvbofyl S jnod. Or will theycall thistlodorooion (for ador'ationA it is) a aim"! t ‘ war:/nip 5 This is no lefle an ‘dlafizrditj, wand groffe profanation of thingsSacred,, to give them atltC£t2il’t?;o4or:Io"ip.,AA A nourable to our heavenly Earlier 5.’ And thirdly ,_ for :Ei!(}jringr 1:“ N’7""7" unto other: : how Edzfjrin P Surely no other way,but as the Afro» Wad "0" }’‘W'' file faith, § I f orgy mamjg _ ‘Idol: Temple, did]! not the Conjbionce of him that :3 izzoakgl (dikodo- O G‘ mechéseta) be cdzfiod (as the word properly fignifieth) that is, 5 i-C0" 8*‘ °‘~ imlzoldemd to eat ofrbing: afikred ‘ta Idol: *3 And jufi fuch Edrfying _“rmro>btber:, is this will-mr:Ioip of the S‘jnod,.wl1ereby theyolbeing menrofkrzowled e and learning, doe edifjr or imboldm fimple peo- ple to follow cl eir praéiife, landlobcy their Precept , yinygivingl A reverence an;lob_oy_/r71nolsin'rc!1e Ch urch, thatjs, ro1tglioz1_4\rtI0r:br'p.ro l elaflone Al:ar,or1;rodden 'I'4ble,whlchyis Ida/otmthough coloured over with never foxfpecious and faire prctences , as "wrrloout any .inrerm'ou of; rolggiouo warship : l which isthc ordinary a roar: of L y".Figl3i31J€3r , A whercwith the woman of Rymc would cover I: :2 na- 1- Km 17 - kcdnefle of fuck her 1' Spirimaflfornicatioma and filrbine eqfbar A ' '4' 7alrorm'ndu'om.‘ l ' y - V y y l V A l ’ ,Bl;§_1:o}x§§l11ry;Tbirl‘(fay {hey )b4tb been the mo]? ancient cuflome . W l a J *“ Q34‘ or Mo:ir.I;.9§ W l J" \ eetbee, that bofi kfiflwledgc, fitting in use 1’ ‘W. ‘fir Ci‘; y 3...»... -' . 1_.~'5,NG L A“ 2:s;Vimé*¢s =’éCa°mpla¥i:: ta" JV}: 3 us ‘C351 3. I s '2',‘ % -;9}‘2%IaeVA‘;>%§«;;;f7zi:imve*(fbz2}«z:!o ~inLiI;$ép‘zmfi% &;£me:A‘, med qf tbzis‘ Church n{f'ci;* Jvzdngfje-{ire} oftlae «Rdz;gne[qfQ{.Een~El:i:{§i5T£2b.' T/are yecqjving 3!;/Jar-: V famgqf 4:19:55 Smcfént an'd*£azida‘b!e c;'z¢./lbir7"w:,'iA' we béarzib camm grad tot-kg V F _fi»:€~iaz;s‘Z?~a:2*}“zder.:zzaioa2 of allgood "peaptm ‘ How if H42‘/.7 :tk~:«3.12cen tba riiqfi j’z1ncie75&~'Ce;_‘{%:2r22e qfrbe Primitiweicbzzrcla .tlJe.pzzrc;fi:-219226: , to ¢on111fn9c4r1da2aét2_ry“ s_,jv1:1a Stocks andfStones F.’ FI&'f‘7V$’1}aC'»W€.T¢ t,/zojé pzrrgj?’ “M332?! ‘tbs Prartzztéwfe Glmrcls. ‘I . ‘Were they:%n0%c- Lhvc-2 _ Ap’c)j:.’;;’e: mm» tii22e,;r”~’€,'% Hoff rizqfé % 2153 “tima.r“bf;;.tI.w ”*P'T1:?7J¥»53I'Z'q{? ' m “ ‘icbzfrc/3 5:’ A"t2d';W111t“f‘1e»y‘—,i »d%a%1*ethe:§,~*1ay, ornmcl11%cffc,%c3n.At1u::yA prove,At’havtef:1nc.es% towards the E;zfig,. -bath coming in, and going out of the ‘Church; Tlmeywould not n:1fl'e1c. But: , }:e‘1m1fl undjefland this was aplace, vs=1m-«e they had not Scarce J onc_%8ermon;in Sewvm ymre: : So as,it: was.nomarvai%1e1'f {till % they Waikéd-izu dew/Q92:-jféJ,. %;w_I1s*;-‘I7: the§,«7 vvan.~tc;d.tI1e l;;gbtstoj:fl1i_#n}é forth with r~he~m.in’cheA.preachi%ng 501‘! ;0IIi1¢dF~fQ:f5§¢ o ’Gene~r4lit_y o*F:a1ithe'oChurches in.Eng14nd» Whmfeothefe ‘Sufieffiefi A ;tioré:;had%obecn caofl*oiut,,~ and_a11quie;oo$; then ;tha: the Geyooraljoy “fhould conform to "a1faw,§9~1fldafl§§I they yhole S:4W33fl_d- Yogi‘-. za£d§h_¢.l°4¥9 9ia11_§o T 4 M E N’ G I. A N 13 5 Complaint‘ to J E s u s?Ar"C H n I s T,‘ r V But in the loft plszce ," they come with a prom handfzrmc _ _ ‘10f?;'fayi11g, In t/3:3 proéIzfé,.or arm’: ran-ofrlm} Rite-, wedofire that 3 ‘H35’ 7'14/e'0f Gborityr prejoribod by the zfipqfi/of, may be olzféroed, ~rv£ric/J % ’3;tl9.1t #16‘) which ufé t/:15" Ififoc, ‘dcflfifi not them who zzflz it nommd that ' ‘ they zo/no zzfé is not , crmdemne not tlaofie that ujé it. “o O Lord, God, ff P_{Izl.74_1o, "" laomlong .1/mfltbc wicIQ3d bio/pbcnze thy ~_Nome or‘. ‘-For over Can _th¢y not ~b_e ccmtent to abufer:11yrPreop1c, rinleizdirng zmdr.draw... mgrhem mcos all rnanner of Super;/2ition% , abut xhey niufi ufurpei jshe Apq/3-le:1=u'1e3"and pervert it~~tvo-the nraincerusmceroffuch blind‘ and dar_n‘ned Rite: 5 The Ru‘1e~ofrcheApofiZ:is for the ufer of oth1ngs.mthe.ir'ovv11~nratL1~rerind;;pf}‘‘ercnt , as oozing , or not; eating, wherin Charity is to preferve peace : burxit gives no~cou11tenzmc¢rr étcaill to things algqgethioerfunlomfullin thcmfelves, zmdrgjm W21)", ::?’tiy’_fi*¢i;2t r a§ berfc_>r*c, A»xrq‘ had theft‘ n_%'1en true Clmrity , they aS%dL;eLy’v;20L ‘to let Arcladeatons over Prestyrerx, is nototsely an incongtuity 1 and difordenand {'0 not rag/2:, as it-tztg/it robe .- but zzlfo :1 meete Ar2t£cbrz;[£z'angrt£[é« and ztfizrpcztion. As lb'1‘D.ea72e.:t, they are ofta ‘ la1tet z'ii_/iitzmarz. And as t'o1*Avrcl:bi:L+op:, they cohfelle , that the ' Apqfl/8: were all agmallg how come they theta robe jizperionr to - =-other -Dioctylm B.i5bo}u, who claime to be the Apczfilm fizcccjfw 2.’ By this reckoning , an Arcbbzislaap {hotould have been fzkpertaur to the Ape;/limo. So as this xltc/t:z'epi{c}c:‘,vtz,’1 “Gomarnmemt , lhmdg»; 11312 7t;g/.7tl{ytt'3[1‘?:3b!I'J]J£‘Ll538 being in a more fgiupetlative degree x‘1f2ti~ el2rz;[?z'tzrz,? then ordinary Elia-/303175; not can he with them xfltifc or pttt off their Gotre~rnot:>m.-t~t- to be Angie/Jrzflizzn and Papal], the Is/It-'. t2'0j:‘0/itam=~ofutIZ lingétizd being tl13tQVC__1' EP?g[:.fl72d5 vvlt1lcl'1tl1elP.o1:e *c'l‘1allengetl1 to be over the .Clmycl: Cat/J0_[l‘C1{‘3{. And that the ptelent /Ire/J-Prelczte cmies himfelfe as the Pope of 13n;g!:zr:d, it whofe Canon is a Law ,_ let but this wicked Smad t vtitnefle, t whereof’ he is t%l1et[’apa/I Wefident, t zmd this Papal! Olztla witltallg. ‘ which is drawn up andlimpofed on all;Mz'mfier.r, aFcet the mam- tt net ofltlmtleoaztla , V which Paul t 2:192 film‘!/J acldcd to his Cozmcel of Trent-=, fotall liilstcterygie to take, and foto SW'€&3.'€‘ to all the .Db&rz'ne.r and ‘Carton: concluded in t/am; Counctl, ] '1“hus, 6 Laid, we could not, blnlll this perplexed cafe opentout tnitnds, and (as :1: Iehzo. 123 M l the Prrop/not faittl1;~¢cbptén M; Ctzitfé‘b¢sfore I/Jl5‘6’.~ The Seaventh Canon .-l a4 .Declaration.ctncerni7;gfime t «Rita: and Ceremonies. , o This ‘Czmzm is generally for ztnlzmijbrmity in will-war:bz'p tht-ottghoutallfing/md, and partlC1lla4.‘l\/in the introducing of ~ ‘Almrnn every C/Jurt/9, with the Service aboutic. The Canon for V thisgfitfi pijetendmbomit ttrereato be wished Mm: lzz22i:yqfFaitl:l were ‘ < accompmicfl mifllttnfiarmigytof cpraflflé in the, outttmrd twoertlaipihtand ‘ S6W¢l3€l'-of «Gafi. Now tl1is«az4zw4}?d‘1t7or.tbi this tn eetly of mans i idevifing,aIwill--niorxbiy,and exptefly fotbidtlen and condemned e t "by the f Apofile, and thereforeho S aroicelqf Gad : So as the zmi- * C-,,1_ 2, farmiry herein overthtoweth notonely the 1mz':yaf%.E'zzit7a , but thefizitb 1t felfe, 3as:Co1.< 2. Arzdjagame ,, finch m'1!.%wor:bip of t ‘manslinoentiomis 3 fruit ofthe pride and ptefumption of’ m ans waiP2e_aDCl‘grdCe/cjjt} lmtrz; , andtfolcattnot be ttueily called the Str- ' ~v”z'ce"qfGad.t F orteouir Good hates all {och fetvice, as himfelfe hath tzot commanded and ptefcribed in his word; according as thou A A l V D A hztfi: at V E N? L A N"tI9=”t"‘C?’”?W*£W*’ "I 2'55 u s 7C»HK:I s in I W E/fit-it: I 5'.9'. ‘ Y1éf’t~ttatug~11tus, * In wine the} warxbip mé,ta4:I3ing fi1r‘DtiE¥r'z'~m'e:‘t£7£r=‘ tconmzandametzts and Tmdz'tiom—af men. And by an y’%Prop7/wt thou} t b had’: taught us , ‘£h::1_Qfi.ICl1iS the Service tf Hypocrite: : fzzying, 5; 3.9. 13 . ¢ T/stir people dr-mt: mare me wit)’: zrlaeir math, and wit}: their lip: dot» .. % Imzazzr me , but have removed tbez'rtl2e.trt'rf4rre framme , -and their-' ‘ A fem tatmtrdx ~ma :3 Attggztg/at by the Precept” of men. And this vvillév worsfaip, which thcsimod Lb much Wiflaeth anturzffwtnitj. in, it “W€i'Chf0WS Chfi ft‘?/9 of C’fm_7fi.‘ : for the crué fairly belceveth: “t;‘l2r{{i*to'be ‘ ‘the onely L.¢u1giwsr of his t C’/Jzztcb , ‘ and the onelyu “.I{i9gg over our Cozzftimc-e in the x17or:!2iptofG"ad, fo as we tmght :04 t A _3__ _ t H fiufi‘.‘er~no:«znan to come betw*ee:1_Clm}’z‘ andVot1rfau!e:.hete1n5ands 1* 90¢?-fie 1 3; Io born to tlxrufi Clmfl out of ms I'l.1r0r:e%, ‘ and to defraud us of “$9” tour'S::lt:arz'm. Asthy Apbfileteachetlltls, =I=Le:: no 'mm212egzfi:’e t qfyatzr rewtzrcl in a «voluntary bxzxmiliry , Dr.t;1-7_p'[[-11707!’/32.? , mm 229$.‘ A :‘Iyyldi~2g the Head; which 2:? tCbr:fl. Bzttjfje be dead with C!m§[L‘fror2a« ‘flzté mofimentx of the world , why are ya )6?» fizI2_;'e& ta Tradition: ‘.5? ‘Which words doc plainlytiznpiytt, thatic is"z_'22 mine to pr¢>fe£f:=: Lourfaitb in Ciargfi, and our martifimtion, in being dead with /Jim»: h;f%om% 1:/98 rudiment: oftb: gvar1d;“tWhen~vet We arefubjc{ii'tott‘bz:mana' % ’I'252dttion:.t t And %I10Wfb?ever.the-fa Cetinxonj;-mdfler: waultdtfeems jtmtifififltly holy in the obfervation of'thei't:% their {alfa-pleafingt inventions in ozmmrcl war:/zip : (wherein all their holintfitv con» . “fifirc-uh) f{eVt:t the A1vq[ile%“dii"c:overs the rottenneflt: of their heartg, Wg ‘vhf; 2_ :3.” ‘tfilllng u:S,t-hat fuch aremeere §» mmtdcrx, wzngypufi up tvztlartlacw t flexbbr my-mid. V t % t ‘ V V t “ Againe, this Sgmvd pretends; for this '_thci.r tvisbed unziftzrmfz} nzmtmrdt tvorsbip two‘ things 1’ t at. the H-'Ul?_)'d¥.J‘2g.;QffiI_/piGiD”5,1fi4T€3 oft Jnrztvxation by the ma/j;mod :3 But Elm: we comfznitpoz r£3!2teM— % jrzdgement ails; % ,Ag;m1e,[they fay , rim zlsuai Ming cz.tbi!?g z'.22dz'fi’r:*rent. (.: wh_ich4itV is‘; 1101: ‘ hr‘:/as '13:zi2.%- £2 to and rtbesr-%e’m;ge #2:: e12’ z'an;'”z3: roabafp Lmcdg‘ -t[jer%ez’n,or%Scrzzp!e to» bo=made»a-hereon; "Eur this 5yr2od33f~1d”%pr1mc1ys t11e.Pre/iiienr, p~1aC€I:~h fuch%a%}1'3#lz;giani%nic, asl1elzoldsn%o%I(e:l;%.;, A gin»: with:oucA;‘;§r,f§'ea he pI2ce«ch:;2l111is R_¢:=1:;gimt in it. For were is .z=.z0t.fo1' tins ve%1'yfi:m::éa.~2% , where wouid he bei’tow.a11 h~zsjdc~»;1 vbixt ciuekiz1g~z:hrcughc;ut his who1e%Servi%«:e and ourwaxd; zfioaa-_. Y ‘$.51.-lit‘, -Bur as for 3.12 inch as E1‘4.}t':1j¢’ f'ezr.1‘e*Gvd ; What Catilfé they have to make .§c7'a:}2;’e at it , bmh~we11avs fer:-n ,% and flgmll h2vw;~ fux-ch-er Occafion co» fee in this {.‘amm. } 1 % V % V" F or thexg proceed , and rail us -, "" t£v4:%%r2at:v£:Z;.{l4ndizzg‘ t~5€+%Vd6*- 9? mo3is7£:img'%aj?A!z4r5 (as aforefaid) yet 2: a’a5Lordvrcd;£g_x%%t!:;2 »«rn36‘m~* 44 %l‘n}V¢£:,-ifiiorzx alum the T.:%b1%e; :£*wz£1d:fiafi,:d ‘,2 .tvI9c:r;¢:;A the %; A1'.m«}u _/ zfima. , g1:-~msd<_{é:~%¢%b:ybamcontimzagd -}'en.“ti9e: Rgayali % Ckwppmzj, amiir3«. nzqfiaflaa 5‘ .zc5zzzz't~:l2e—aa2a¢2nercy‘ pldczng%t}ae_flz£d Tczbiesfimm my/Iegam 2 0?‘ “ff-£_]i“ Sz.jj}‘z'cz‘orz qf [>.¢:;;,',;[_; g,,I:;¢a;g?i:£cn, qr mnamrzurz. And tlaerefortr 44- majvuczge zlefir, 4‘ m7z:icm‘z'er.»1':'2:r, r/M2‘ all ‘Ciwrc/'36.; and C/9t:1§?}?el::%dQ ct: ¢0;«,~fp$yn::% tlgemflslves in zl:»z3particz:l,:zr to 1:/3:: Exam}?/fir of t/ae<;’:mrl:e+ " -'4 dm!1',1or Mori;m'~ C:’9;mz;l9e:5 Sa7;ing%ga!1:m;ara~:’ £12fi%Gmdr4fl'L¢bcmz-Iqftag ‘*7 to the Bishop by-*L£ZtLi?-‘, durz‘~wgtl:e £~1lmc~ I/J6 {1é‘$n3z}(2§'/.i‘rzz£i12r3;M%c§f&/;?\I 0*" Ha} Comn:z:r2ia.v¢_ W M I r % ‘ ‘ % I~im-e, 6 Lord; g=i~a'ae us £mxr~e fu%rt~hevr1:-.@ complaxnc pf zmo=tO1*ieus)E}g=ccrz' are of tha.ef¢«mem.; ?F:;rfi, the Q5e¢;‘n.:& mjxxnf-1‘4nfi V ifld“f:Eé:C521'.d' ml-1+ , #6” H965: C‘omw2z¢né:nVTiz!£¢€§»$.:}:au14 gmggfivar % ' A _ti«??1E$f Cffid “-'iI1LU30{y Synod , Q is very ca1:%efuIi,and?zea1»o use to fez up.aga%inc~‘ ‘*3 3°t,.?£££?’£3;1Ijt”§7Z6}f‘¢f7£ ‘mmParaclszia1M;'!2z:*xb1Ee:¢: 7:1’/313v¢1J%..d0jtI3.:fi,:fi£iB’Z3‘f1 H h "$gAi¢2fi-Vt/seflixfiagl CA {K0 3§iI'»fa‘._%~ ~ ‘,s;;h;‘:;»}v1g_9"}'§1t‘I9€V_?zaICc?L, mlaemfilae 1;£llMr.rfbrmer{y flood, +1vzIt_a'§r2 time;f';Bg- A Tytflammunianshrflhth/aevmhfdfi qf‘ ‘the 'Cbl\l_TC'}Jh‘I0f«C}2d71b8[. «And 3%et%thh.?:; ‘ rlnjunfiion didnocnehce§1'ari1yhh;yecheIczlwle to Rand at all other =timc~s,~faVingh.3.chthe3 Cammzimonhat the end qfzlae (*';'/avzncel, '*hux:fo1I.‘~ ” A-fm°ohf’ch c-:onvenier1ci;CaaCC0rding to the difcretion ofthe Mixzifiaxs A h and Gardzlms. And: certainly 2:he%gjqodh%een.r intlmt flCV€f’WaSg'« nor couldfhbe 3 thatphat fia~nd_1'ngf0 atkotberzimcxhh, fl19uld:_bea{h,h A hprecedenthforhaftermmes, to mcroduce Altar: a»ga1ne., th~er%e to h "L-haxieha fixedfiaztivnhh, an_d {'0 to become a flumbling blocke to "PT0t9:?fl'!'£¢?'1l'3;--3.I1d ahlaughzng fiockto Papifi»-, caufizgg the one to V I727’l9?»’-M39735, and the other to hh/Jryyfpe owribackrfli.-izng imo Popisb hSzzibe1§f23m'an. And.rl'ta't thee '.F:zc’;le’l1ath_/Zbad emrfirzce zmremovea.‘ ” -in the Roya11Ct’m-ppef.s , E there is not the_fam<: rezzfon of :1 G/mpfml, whanhd Ufa Cburcla ; :1.Cbap12el whanuing conveni;mt1'oo.me to plate "thC.‘Tal5le in chemidii. Although this waswto be ixnputecira-_hA aher to hwant of Care in the Deaneofthe Clmppel, then we: nth 615 h V iroome: in the Ebappel, as in many other things hefides. Arnias for C atbedrall Cburcbex, mofi ofth_em had the Tablexfian ding in the midlf ofche Chancel”, uncill of very Iatehdayes , and under V this King: Ifizighe, wherein our P’re1ate: have been more Prick-A» .. ling than ordinary to cred‘: not only Ahltam, bu: Crzzczfixes, and images in :3.Il'Cat/aadmllx. And now their p1'oje& plainly appealts.-. h to be t4his5thac4Vby chefs Mather CbzzrcIm( as they call th;2n_17)th<::y 5 might iim'od‘uce Altar: into all 7Ot1i’x€:x"~;€z'JtJrt-I/281’ , M to» verifie phe Provcrbe-,Li¥@ Mother; lik,ehD4ugbter.h .hAhnd whereas“-thcy name “fume Pm~ocbiaIl Cburcbenzo l1av’e had Altars,‘ this harhbehcnhbut h ‘of late dayes coo, fince this fafhicmbegan to be:-_en%:v§red.h But‘ when ~thc:yh have Summjd up all gogechcrg, 1t: vyfxll not an- »mount.co “th€'4cg11itting :h1S Generatxon from illegality, or from h A * m0rc—thcnfzgf}2i¢;fon,hand thatjuflgboih ofR_0n1i:l9 s‘wperfiz‘tion,a nd ?~1‘£V0latry to boo: , as alfohofagreat Imavmtion of the S tzzte of the ?hw£'Imrcbhhboth in Dofirinhe and Dzfiipline. , F or. firft, for :11: Rgybff it €»b4py;:l:,¢what«a;feh tl1Ey~ItO an univherfality *3 If the: King 1110 um _ M ‘ ishavc7Maj]&hinhl1is‘‘€b4ppe1[,kmuflthcreforeheveryhhcburclainthe. M Ah LaIidImvch‘fohtoho P Andro for Cazlaedra/I.r,«Wha; archthcy, bun -2Sit“éWC1'E:r7thB C“/oappeia , oi‘ Claancel: of th6.B1'Jbop , Bmne and hwbapner 1.’ .Parz‘:b-Clzurciveshtiuey are not 5 no new yet Mot/Jern : éclaurcim, has whereof dther Churches a-re u,bcgotten 5 but ham *4 indeed tlwvcry dennes ofthe Dmguh , and thfl hS;yes , to fat ;«idl»e:hbe:1lyesfor%the flaughter. And flecaufe fame Parocbiqfl Church}.-sibyhfomp Minzfler: of .the Bishop: F aéiioh have lat:-;,Ly V ‘ é9.€§£%%i9§é~:4%€4r£s é§ €~*}i?fifi“'‘’"F *0 acszxit W 4‘1*’*z“'i9°% 01‘ .-1h’“h”.hh’~’*"T?"f‘.‘.“”~~,’;“3 h ENG L A N 1» s Complaint to Jhasu 5 A C z—I‘1usfI°,’ ‘ ??"0W4i?50f?: ‘ QfRfJmhiJ}J Szzpe2fv?1'tz'on%;1nd Idalatajy, Vin mszfing bemlpon fl C:mor2‘fo1' tilettzng up of Altar: in ax/1;:/ac C/mrclm of 7En‘gland *1 Dare rhefe Cmonzfi: bring this 211cm mum:/1 to be tryed in 21 far/iafiihvnt-Tcfi, where tlueylhould fixid Ryfiner: offufi5cz‘:m.¢ % 7 J Wgerizhcntto {ever the pm‘: film-r {iFz‘11c:z:e were am‘) from the A """ M "470 4’ _P BL1twhe.'z1t£1eyhavelét upt11cir_Tal2/es 5£c£'ezmgy¢+:’za:/2:: h -'“‘Ea{{i:1m!1.: I’l1a:1lhthe§'%fi:»i':h1d rhcm fixed 5.’ Shall they am he move. hables1’til1,’:2sin gLJ.>m E/iqi:/Jet/1.: time, and acco:Edinghrol'.e1*1n» _;'zznfiior2 at-lteafi bei%it.in~z.‘hC111idi’c of the ‘Clazzrc/not Chance! , at M h h h the Commzznianf For this,:hey tell us,FVujzzr1ge z'zfi:,an‘d.oo7zz2a. tziegqt , t/2.1M/Z Cbzlrc/1:3: mid Cbappcls do can 0J’fi'3f: tirem 8122:: in t/J13 M particular, to the gxarnple of the C:ztl;:edral!,or ]\rIm‘/Jcr C/.'z.e2'c/J::.v,_[:'1°'c:z'rzg - alwcyc: tlacggmeralz’ liberty left 213:: Bixlaopdnby Lam , dzzrivzg tbg tz'm_e cgf h “tbe_‘x1if772i221‘[z’r}:tior2aftbe /no/y Cbmmtmwn. A plamfihlc Per1wah0nJ ’ . of theft: Hygfocrites. 11/my 2*/Jzrzku 2': fit: z1Ie1'ei’k:>1'«: W110 ‘M11110! \ w _ 1/Jinlge it fo ? They /29512262"/jv comment! it : flffd what is this bum =*Pe§th3nggk¢“Co1n‘n1andE’ .* A per/:mzj'z"ve 72c;'¢::_flit}. I1‘-uz*thy_hc_»ly 1~‘3.p<;fiIc, 6 Enf£=[;, ; Lord, in the fame 4: Chapter, W1'xc:x'eI3'Cfp~eakcs againft I.{('ta.v arid» * :,> Col. 2.24. Ccremonief , j.=+*ames% thy pcople to t3}{Eil1€€Li that rlxlfy be noi*—cz'r«4 W h pynzwented ptii1;mo1ca;gia , ~ m't/J" z'iwtz'cL’i22g%z1v::rd3 ,’ o*rflzircjb£'eche:. ‘ And Whatfuga1'edvL'o1‘ds be l1e1*einh.tl1is *Ccmén , to z'mz'c¢~ thy» People to hints:-rainh I clalat-row and S uperflzirarzsh lyre: and Cm'm7a- nz'c.rhe1'e conuriended? ~Forwh;1z be thefc: fi{z'rc=.r and Carma- ; m'e.r '3 name1y,ashrhc faxing up ofa ;£{omz'J/3 /Jig/7A~/‘1l't¢1r‘;,1b4d0Wlti073 % [ thcretarxto. This is mm which theft H_ypam'ze: tbzbzke and com- j .mem1for Ufijffit and [wboofiz/I pretending th¢1‘6it1 SETVICC done to “thy MajePcic,wl1ezn It is indeed 21 S'c1fvice»tl1at pleafes :hem,and V whicth to xhydifhonouz-«, ahd againfl th‘/tri//3111121 word, they will h ‘ force upon thee. ;Asz*he Heathen n1anI5.y'd ofthefal g Godxin * Pytiaaggam his ti111€f;h=§?h fparagrzomen a’n4gI@z{etbai tlmmhh tag} am/Jropzmti Bom- Etrféb. 1’r.gPg, lazzidohuiélicinh tbathtl:e‘God: agairgfltlseir-mind fverecanflraimd to Emzng 111,, 5—_ Ah ‘fir-2;: mm: mi/I5; naxauclyih mans‘deruz_'/Ezimil./-1z:ar.~?I.vip‘. Andhthus cap 3, doe.t11e1E:iz11ir2tDrsofthe blind Heathen farce thee-‘to firm: % 1%/:ez'r nu’/I: , while they fét up :2 fiwice of arhcir owne flancie, as '_bOt11iI)I:2ti11g' up A/Mrs, and commending warring’? :9 them, h thoizgh pyercnded as done to thee. A-E%verras hthe”h £3116 Oracle: of § Fufeb. ibjd; old, 5 4( Ten ap/£1/(on bulen‘:ébez'wz prcisetattarz. ) * commaizded manta. ca_p.ulc. h h t11e1'eh1y1iig oracles, theiia H y pocrithcx-h pretend fuch wox (hip is to ‘ h.o;1om-thee wirluall. Oboid ihzpiety I “O n‘0tO\ri0L1‘S /a_ypocrifie1.' A ’Thcfe are the M€11,th3t tl‘311‘JpI<:‘ thy ward under7thei1'1€fet, that h - hcafi it out ofthc: Church, whcttftoppe thy Minificrs mouthesa '" " ' ' ” A h h" ‘ 311 ,. wa-rsbip ft piecc‘of'¢voad,.or fill}/9 Mia mam-"r, xv/:,e'rez'n am: no lzfir. But ' «.:%§, itgafitfi the Bishop: N E V ' % - W ‘*5’ Wleafl; tkdtttbe Rita: and Ceremonies _fi0fi3' cg/??z2Z21i:I2edin1t}5eC°?52ltc7b‘0f '"‘ En lmzdmrhe lawful! amdtcommendelvie, and tbattbqy t/:eW_fltz%dpeapltt "‘d:«2§atber.r=, ought to conforms tbemfé-lot: inetlaeir prafizfle to :21! the ""ff£zid wRq2te:_:tnd Ceremonies , and that the ptopleand at/am ought . “ willz‘7ig.§('t'atfit£mir: tbemflzloenztntottke Aztt/sorztjmgd Govcrnmepze ‘ "tc)fti:e‘Chttrc/a,¢5%£t :3 next; t:j3‘tzé»li.ri7ed*z;t2:Zcr tf9e'K_mg.r Ami. t » t ‘“ zifatzpr ‘Preacher Jim/1 rqfE.g[2',t or neglefi‘ to do:mcco2«'dz‘r2g to“t:"9z$t Ccmm, ' “ '¢'6’1’-‘flit?! be .S7z{@ended by -1213 Om7'im2;y; dtlfifig the time of lsfés‘ ré’firfl%'//:> ‘‘ ' I “ or tztiiifzzll farbmrmtcc to due tber.-mgfier» "Thus the Cch2mn% :4 con- taittinga Cl:wge,at2d a pemlzy. The Charge lmges for its g!'0L1n:C1 ‘th3C_.OfEhC Apry?/e for Order and Decencie. ~ As if there: Were_ez-= ther Order or Decemiein faunzczna lg-ta: in Goa‘: wortbip , which 2r€€C0_1‘n‘fl1&fld€’dl1t0t ~one1v without , A but direfily againfi the % flpa [es Da5m'r2e,andfo Divine Authority. And how fuch Ritet H vdz'f7E,is-flaewed before. And they muft pteac»£1 Zind infl;1‘UC?t the ‘P eople,‘tI2az~tbe Rgtet and Ceremonies mvtv rzfiablisked m that Cbztrc/3 tgfE9z(g1mzd,4*retlttwfz:!1', and commendaléle. Htow14wfuII,when they are not allowed, not confirmed by any‘!»m7, either of God, or of the land P At-‘ad how cammhendaé/9, when theie Qéte: and Ceram- me: now «sfiablitbed,a1'e both in Z1162‘Gf3I1E:r£i1I,CXp1‘€‘fl§’Colidfiill-V teed by the Apc_/He ( as before 1 and in themfelves detteéted of AA notorious flt1j7a/:ood,atud ly;2acrz'j?e,and co 1‘1t1‘21diC9.‘i.0r1S one againfc mother, and have been for'r1‘1erly cafigout by the Churn}: afE72g- land, afiflthitaghs Inott~o'tae1yA-of»ev"iIreport, butofa bad nature _3n_d A‘ we , and can no more change theitbad nature, t'I1eI1'the Ethio- pian his black SkinPA -a'in,Preac/aerr mtgfl preacla,tl2.tt all the people t qfEngland ouzgbtta can arms t/aemféloas in their praélt;/£2 to .:=!i tbefizid l{i:e;s-‘and Ceremonies , aml1t~z'llz'r.g/)5 to fitbmét tbemjéloe: tmm the ~/izztborizfiywazndt“Gooemmem: oft/set Cbzzrbla, at it :3 7291471:/z‘4l2!£:i.2etd 2222» e deft the Kirzgx 1V1aje_(%y. In theh fottnet‘ Camn going im=mea'iate1y before; the Synodtcauteloufly forbore to lay thoie things down and to preife them with the wet ht of any Auzrlaarig, but, we x t[3inke7t?fit%%%zmd convenient, and, we Jeartigy commend , &c. but ‘here in this], _t,h;ey lay load» u’ on " xhetPrea<:hers,‘ IO preach and prefiie thewobferyationveoft the he -R‘it£.f9UpO11 the People as matter of dizzy. {So as the Szzafed OrdimzncehofgPr¢acIsi22g mnft bemztde the V Pandortgfor thetsymdtxttlsoris/2 I{£.»:.r.r,~ to dtawthePeop1e to Van ut1iverfa11t conformity and ‘ comtnuniont with. fuch /jbiritzztzll wbaredamet, as out ofConfc-ience' of their dzttie: L; trim 2.‘/say ozggbér A totcoqfbrme ur2:av‘rim£oAz:t/éarittgr and ‘Gotrermyzemr of the Cl2tm:£z , o as it % mow §e_:[ia[:li:1:et£'t;;tder the King: l§/1iz_j';e_“fl_y."» Butthis 1-1ew‘Go?vern’- h ‘ Jméflwf ¢'ttt¥3‘g?3a:12_ effgfirlitizedgif,i~ct»t1h";11:hefibund I‘-to be .bs:>"th?~$*$’i;tl3ouoti*i and ~,w......-»~...»-~»...,“ o 1‘ I Claromg. 1,2,3. 12. ENGLANDS- Comfloiaettai Insus Cnrtrsw; and againfl the Low oftbo Land; of what Auoloority will itprove; to be '2,’ Will iitfecure as well the people in yeeltiing their con--» formity , as the Synod in p1'ClT'iL1egtlll-Ell‘ new Irzfzmffiom, from having funk deep into 21 Premuvziref And have not the Preloites fallen from their dependence of tl‘l€hKj?2gJ‘ xfzttlaorit} as touch»- ingthe Title and exercz_'[?: of their Ep;t'_/Eopozll Iurixoliéiion , while . they clairne novvo:iltoi_.3,etl1et from Ditziooe Azztloorizyfl So as de... ptiving tllernfclves of the ozfiings Awloori-ty , and tilt: Scripture plainly denying unto them dimlvze authority ( as before ) what ozzztloorxizjy is left to their Gofvemment, to which the people of Eng.» Zomi ought mi/Zzflgly and univerfiilly to fidomio tloemjiaivcs ‘I Or is this their Goroerrmsmo ( with all their nevauolcl Ritusy and Core.- morzies) of Azorloorztj, becauie this tlfieii-.Sy;~2oli (with the Cm;-orzo thereof ) is ellabliihed Lind tonfitmtcl by the Ifiiotgs Majeyiyf ~Doe they not know, that rn;ittt:ts of ifiliagiafz c<>ii~eei'1'1img 3; x5vl1ole Natio"n,ongl1t not to be concluded, without the Conn- fell and confent of the whole Bod} repr._{r}77::ntz't1e of the Land, bind the Land to obedience and conformity to any fuch Canons or Conflitz¢oz‘on: fo concluded ‘E Otherwife , fuch 21 Synod is at meere Comzonoiolo, and oifno force, and not a lawfull Natioimlf S ynod , which is of force to bind the Nation to conformity. This Synod kl fay) for this very refpeét -,. is no Notional! Synod, but a meere Con=uomz'cle.This was the conflant rule of the good Kings oflfiozol, as * Dot-id, ¢ Aflz, if I-Iozloclamb, «Sic. who con-» fulted not with the Prio[z‘.r alone , but with the whole State of \ :1: 2 C-;,,5,,,_ IS._ the Land , foij the fettling of Religion , or reforming it in the Kingdome. Othetwife,1't is an abfolute Tyranny over the yS0ul::.t. :1: 2 (_-;m,,,,_3o.and Conflcienco: of tl1f2i~-Wl’10iC Nation, and fo much the more, $127} ! when afogfe Relzgion is let up, and impofedo zzgainft God: word, i zmdywithout the General! confénol of the Peo le of A the Land. But thus wefee to vvlxatia lovsgebbe of ibafe ‘etvitude the Mi... mjier: of the Church of yEr:gloml at this day are brou ht by their Lords the Prelotte: , that they rnufc be made their infltuments to bring the whole Land under a moi’: mifetable Spirituall bondage, more then evcrit was b_efore,vvhen it was intolerable enough ; and betray Clmfl the Lord,and abufc his word, and pro-i fane their Mz'm_'/by , by calling coil, good, and commending ltllaat to be Lozivdoblo, which is Lawlefle, and that for Order and Docent}, which » nothing els but 2 moflBolyloni:b.d::fi2rmigyland confufion. 0 m1-- ferable men, if you doetliefe things ! How much better were gtfor you, to abandon yqurplaces, and fo quit your felges 111;! s o * you 63 andbely and defile theitovvne Conflzienceit hjgaitgfi theyfiiishops C A N 0 iii 5; . A Soules F1-cits the yoake of fuch vile Slzivery , uiilefie ymiliave tfo much courage in you, has to deny to doe thefe ibafeeffigiptiah -tittidgeties for theft: your T4iI{er2:afl_crs, though you be.1'3'ui"pt:ii- tied foi*it,ari<:l loofe all you have. Sti*ei'.agthen,6 Lard all thine, to ll:allCl*fall in thy tru:l:i , 2lfl('IlM13OiI to betray it with themfelves, igheit Pyeopliefind the Whole State of the Latid. ‘\ New palling by the grin, I 02/9; 1 1:19, I 22:19 Canons, as offmall moment, in the I gtb. Of Excommzinicatiim and Abfofution y ‘ not to be pronounced £7-Z—.’t by a1’rz'q/ii. _ Herein fitfi we may obferve what kind of tExcommm2ic4tians' and Abjélutian: have been ufuallin our Prelate: Court , to the vextrenie abiilie and proftzmztiimziof ;6'b‘rz_7ff.r Onhimncal in the Dzjczl-9 piirzeiof I513 Cbzmzla. Which -Ordz'mmcc,as it doth not by any right belong to the Prelate { whofe virliole Order and j zzriidi-fiionis a. metre zzfiirpatiion) yfo it is mufi bafely eibufed ,boih by tliemfelvs and their Oflicers. Seas here is a Reformtition pretended, which at the heft is flail: nought ,l as being an Anticlatg/than zzfiirpation. T For in this Canon they take away all power Ftom every Min-zfieit of his C071gTl.‘3“gf¢N.07'3.t, towhom with others appointed by the Parish, aeacording to_Goal.f word, belqngs the power of Ecclefia... flicall Cen[um. And in this Canon alfo, he that isabfolved, mult ibecome more bound, then ever he was before, becaufe tirli he mul‘ttake aitciztb , delparendo Juti , 8.: Ptanclo Mzmdatis Ec. liclefiae 1 of obeying the-Cam0m', andjinnciing to tbs Command: afltbe -Church. So ashis Abfélutian bectimes his boiidage : when riow” in {lead of God: Commandement: , he mini“: be lubieét to the Churches Canon: , Decree: , 47g_d Carnmamd: : which is tin Arm'- E/9TIfiia72’1T)'Ta?’27J}y : and more how then ever before , fer this Synod fake, . _ _ _ Againe, bmitting the 14:1: and tttth Canon, the 1 6:1: is can- wrning Lioenje: to Marry. So as this Canon 181:0 maintaiiiea. Do£27inety‘fDevi1:,mentioned by the {1pafi!e,as namely fbrlzidding to 1v1a_rryl‘ ( be it either to forne lort ofimen , has :R9mi:b_ ,Pri:5/2:‘ , or to allfltm of mm at certairzel time: in tbeljetire ) ‘ To as at liich_ times ( which altogether contains almoll lngilfiz of itblajecire) without the Biilsaps S pecilall Licence , no Man or we... man may Mart Thus it is cleare, that herein thefe I~I}*pacrire 3 doe Sell iGo2£: reeyiordinmce for money , and fo maititaiiriefay i Db&rineqfDe'w'/I. And thus fatre Qftheicanonmf this S_;md;"i The Conclufitm ofalli which is ,i the Kings avowingjg a 1... yrovlinggtotifjiining;andi‘injoyningaghefe Canon: to 1:-ir‘iaZw_{éri>e gfn I A my gt’ ‘ _- ..... V ..-I-ml! I A E N at AN 13; s C'ompZ;::'m to 3‘ ES u s C Hfn I 3 T; M! .refi3e&z'z.:e&J , ram.‘-r:Ii72(gA to the temrzre ~ thereof in... A411 and grggg-D: P,¢,¢,;»; E-Iéreofwe vviilf1"ym3x mare , rchen we haVe%f:3.ydiz1% the begin- i,'z1g"4_;)f our" Cornplszfnt , cozzazxaittixagéall ]:L§dgeznet1tunto«thee, 6; yggbzaom Izzdgc afczil, and huzxabiy bexgaeclymg ghee: wichall, tlmt” %£hoau%W£1:'judge the Caufe of’ thyBeop§am'V11%::11now thou 1Ec:f’c_ 23%.! aiaeir fi:1.'c_r1gI:his gone 5 and to take them and their and thy“ Gaufe i:1to~:hy hdl-y Proseétiongto vixudicaze borhthen1,and it; % j % and thy om g;1ox“ious Name f;‘om% that cafzsefgy. andA;Aragm/;.o,§ % , ,__i I ' A , W . _ ‘ ' ‘ ""5"' . 7"" Hagre now£o11%oxv fame Prediftions of, anal {om-e Contra.dia. 'di&ionsunco.t:§'r1islateSynod , obi}:-rved' andAc'olI:e6%;e¢;i$,o:,u;_%_ % ’ A" of, the .R;.-Imam of :2 Conference 5} William. A ’ 4 ¢ ‘ ’ ‘ qf Canterézny. % Prediszion. Ii5f’c,i::a his Epifiie Daaiicataiy tothe Kg'r.g,he faith :4 The Kiinga " , E4125 ':be?VPrie;fl, mare!-bm #12} étbef, are bound ta laokto pkg 172,93- ‘ ‘ giiiy of tI.7e‘Cb§!3‘G]9 15?? D03“??? 47751 1Vlcmm:r.r, and that in the ‘ A ’ % % $1 glacé.‘ For abut’: fmze tlwelazg/E Honey in the Him, This we fee: j m0wi:uIifi11ed.; whereby we corne :0 know who is that Priefi,j { 3.21d%zvba:téd£l72£gg£:y of 1?/58 Churn}; in D05-Irina and Manners, carp, 1 cluded in thisflate Symcl ; but whether as in a Hive of %B¢-es, or in a \}VaCpes,o1'Hm'net3 mafia 35 Where with whole Kingdo%na.cs. A are flung, 1:: ma World. judgréy. A A M % A ‘ VA . Brediflion. 2%. N % t % % ~ % % ‘I ‘ find ag;1i11e;; Mibid‘, To dcalq c:léara.?)~%;:;iitla;you-14 M;w]'qfr'j,, tbefa % , fibézzgbtr (oftbeexterndllz:1ar.cbipAofGm:i) dredge}; and r2a'a.¢/aer;,w/a.icl:% A , a Eéazve made me labaur [E-wmzzch, as I Imus d.me,far Decency, and 422 Or- ’ Q % derlySe¢tlsm3;zt oft/J3 extermll zuorslgip afG9z.-I in tr‘: e Cburc/9 .‘ Thus _ V mar: fee thatche WhQL":‘- ‘ 10: agj1d% projefc c:-fche Prizzzmex Booke, V - V was thus to alter 3 amfthus cofewe the Doflrine and D{f&iph'ne,‘ % a:1dex:erm!1"war:bip if: the Church, as we: have feen cfTc:”a‘?ced in ” ‘ 4% 1 thelacesynod,‘Sp35,1:;1ppea1'c3s,both:th1s§‘j22ad,az1djche: things Aj V mncludedrluerem %h.m.='ebcc;1%a%Agcod, Whxlc a hammer: ng inf; A _€dr2:e2«l2ziria.mForg§€,g_%b AA A %, _ % n ¢ ‘ A ‘ VA A A % '3 ‘ “ 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ a 3.’ I ‘ " V “ - **"~‘!.I Atggizgghg I(e:Zatio:gj;[c1fs;p3g;xyy. Ia tin-_/.7; tg;o(toVw*it,}:I13V 4 A , : g %$ A%A * A w A ~ rma% = : ;.‘ % ‘L dgwiyyfi 31:9-%Bz':I2op;% C A 1,»; 01 N3, Prinmand thekACTlergie):g2rz§r2czp;z1t)» the f)c»:-MAT azzd :a’ir§{é?io.az fi=A2j_R@'zr"»-as; nim;z'on %I2eEo2A2g5f.“ % Prizzcem/22z%fe2¢\ #2357 ‘part: by z’lq’¢ir'%%C;%/;’2“:»?g ':agc2 béAr%‘bf the 5':/90p.r,% ' mzci'otbe2": oftbe Chi-;gie'to cari;/Ezirfr oftim It, A z,z,14*’;:?2jL:I:2i;vV2*-;zA'g!7,;.*’3»' fame wovrtlaj R_?f0rr7;«2fiion‘%: gmi I/3:3 Claérgfl? did tbeiy‘ pm‘ in the ;7b;’,z.u..T tiorzflf Synod,qf 62. Arzd zéufm Ar.t2€aleA._¢ t!aére,A gagrsed ézégfzierzf‘%;aj7;e:r;v;m£s: " confirmed 17j%AE13'afSmte‘, win! $4525: !~{i§A,«2m’l *Hj}‘§:»2:.% E~j{'e‘3*e isV%;:r;n{::»>t§~;e1+w A ‘ P;-zzcexfzxe o£.—t11i.sl;ac;e Aj%l:\1.»ztim.:z~i/ ~.€};;§,»c£A Ai_w_w: Ar!1A,.2A€__ .,A.% “ ‘ ‘ 1T1gI1tW1€gg_e ,A tQ;%111&Afl{"€ it got: M ;Ls;;.*23.'1‘§?1tw .;;1jzdAA[p3£‘j#3“‘ f,~g;.;;,A% gag A _ l;\hztzona1!'Sjnoa£,namelythetar2.i1rx11:m.C«:2A‘by elm *S':g;*rd,¢i*?0L ‘ -A wit ,"the f2'f3ofPar/zlzrnezitg as b€fO1‘_C‘AiSI}Q§f€;d.“ SoV‘;;g'%1mA-gig ;;1;_Z3.ACM Ag A \ - 4onc%Con_:ram'i5i'.£0?2, 0v«r:1“th~r0wingthis N aztAAia7z::fl 5‘ jnbdg, A{c<:f:1fifi:rLz1g_ ofplle two Pr0vz72oza.lI_',Canter£'z&r;v and ‘Er er. B-oAti1 t<7%g~cAtAi'A:.;~:r#r¢~=\r:aVz.1c , % Athe‘248'ofiPz;rl:afl3e2zt'V:itQ%% gcom11‘n1e‘1_t% ‘a Nd2‘z0Hcz;’z' Syzzdd ,__”1:o V flié whole %Nm‘z'an, w11AiCAl). E116»5;i;'?2¢6Z.Pi‘€fL1mCS.t()‘d.O§$¢;,_~"b.0Ehi3;IiiA .,_A %~» .Min{[Eer:%%a11dPeog!e,AA ‘ V % ‘ ‘ '4 ” g a‘ A__,. A A A A A ‘ E'ar2:mdié?z'm‘.% A2, A A W V “ “ pf V AR§I;«ét,.:Lo5'. Empgrourr Aaml mag; are‘Cuflode$~7ht1*iufquE‘Tag.gf‘ % %b'9uAl83 A: t/313:0 whom we cz»g[?o2iyAar2d1z2refirvc;;,ia72qféa:/9 \Tc$b¢’éi‘bf2*f.?8'V » Lawfo?‘ sziarsisip zija God, mam; to mam rzrefcagézirziztehd. ‘ ;Boq¢’{aA"d‘}¢7”'% the Law 11.‘-"mi :9): God; anme camamamd in Majéxlfitinza‘:1v4z5A'ra‘:%[2e‘g§b$%'3 V ,w fa tiofr R37ng:%Deuc. I7-» Tine Kgrzgs zmder the Laz:1%,«5Zzé:fii/l A:zcs::2i*:4iz71‘*$"g4_‘A_“ .9 A ma, M proceed-;to p2eceflTz2;yA1{ef?;rn'2sz::'?o22: in Cbzzrcl3—Bz:fi»2.g9ELs, and % 5? V V A % ~~tL},aez’rin cnmmtgndeqft/33 war} l’ric;/‘£5 2%/2w.~.z_{eZfzm, &c.A This Being‘ fog d tha§VtI1e.I{i22g: Azxzzdwt/.vef‘ Law had hAtb.”¢ Aczzre of the AA A*vrw_/Eiv“z2.;.*Ar3?::2z.c>j”%$f%J Gad: Lam: am£A_Rélz'¢ianA ¢;amnzi:2ed4%% z;m pbjeznw , to? p1'e‘§2:*r1§5e:V%":la%;e fife and foundmn % *.»vhe1‘e ai1yw%corrze;1;;i0;2%'AI1:3d%crépt’i 21*, -to *1*e,‘§2r:A:?“z1m"’~ % .Rglz;gian,bu_t fiill» according to God: Law, and that not }%i5:: no ‘*3 "0313: from 1:; how comes this Synadof Pri2]&yégd'gf5.r% the yrewerzrtifig qf :21! 'In72amz‘zio22”:~ér2‘1)a8rinennd; AL ’Gawe7nfi{enr, being a _.grand Inrramztim; fuck as neither Wt: % nor our Foretatheezts ever heard of. BefiL1”e:s'1t hath m the body ~ 0 Qt it an at c’¢£:am,A.’3.i‘1 expzéeflmn yet unknown to the C%h1‘ifiian%o1'A A Pagan world '. % ;1;.;chbifl3op ~A*rz.{mie1%!,”’ Judge 2 930. rovidedf bézctér fgo1'_th-e % C‘%ie?’i*%g§;i.1a his ,da‘§-'«:{s,i11%'c12aLc %ancienc C0nI§itut1'0.n,’ .S%£IE.zzx";~:*r.~z$.¢, fix?) "oZ2ta=.j’%:itz'one Adivaqfzi‘ j2?tdr'cg';' inlxibemm _fl3eci.~2/{Zfime we guzés we! gar’ 3 Czq'z:_/bmzquegmdus flaw: nut canditior-2z3,e.wfia‘t con- ciujionex nu: propafitzbnc: de Fidé 564:/aofica , ' mt bank morilma 4d'vcrfi- jbvimrcxprceter necajflzriam Dcffrinarn fa'c£dr.¢t!»3‘ fame, “in S 51991:} am: .mm “,‘ d;-]}>um;2do—aut% cc«2rrm:.z¢r2z'c:mnZa, prore/fatimze perflwzffa rue! 973071 pe§¢mflai,}g{fI&?4t 'vé%l11rppan;£§ : nerglzrrfl-g%z:o:1£:77:%r2)e1bc~rum,}ve1termina— 7 rum‘Caézr]i}j'£mte%d§g‘e¢:difc}fli)2z.& %.;N2zin tefle7'B. I-in one ale Sacmm : %S¢q“:.fi;:s“ig:zad bane diaimr min‘ lwze _z}2ze1/zgitz.¢rV. I: fharfln a11dnove1 cxprefieions may :10: be ui%:32i%1f1‘fan111x;-1;‘ dxfcourfe , much Ieffe ‘ may they be _c1‘owdf:di11:0%,Aan Ow/9; The Ifraelites {aid of the " Levitc-2s C-oncubine , t;’;se¢re.;ras n¢ofi2”c:la dead dam: norféen from the that z/jemC‘;"-2i/slim zf I_[%.afe1cézme up out V the Lmd of /_EgyPt unto mi day; cdn”fid¢r%% ofit;t;;1.5'; Hm_8 cap. I 9. and 37. Han.8.c4p._:t7. bufthis Om: fpovles hi-3%MajeP:y of all fuch power , Ainveftm vonely Arc/2-bixbajrs, Bishop-, VDea1:ze:,*3&C. with Ecclefiaftical power; and fo takes from his ?MajePcy~what his Predeceffor }IEm;y£h6 8.. had, who gave a Commirfion to Lord Cromwell to exe1'cifeunde1*hi1n all Jurisdiétion Ecclefiafiicall, as you may find in Mr. Fox his Margy‘;-ol3:‘>gie ‘Volume 2.pa.1oco. Printed »It’§ V IE-5'97. £3; \=”é,_i- _ K e A It's zigainh the Ont/9 pf ;.VSZ£[2z‘6’mdl:)I., in ttakintgof which.~we~ eye: knowledge the Kings Majeefiy to be Supreme Goveriiour or t the Cihurcinin all Caufes, and over all perfons Ecclefiafiicallsi 3.iSVV’€ll. asCivil 3 and the King by Latvv having power to alter Clhurch Government , and to delegate whom. he pl¢eaycfetl1 of h is Subjeéts to exercife Ectclefiafiicall jurisdiétion,asappearesV byvvhat is forefaids rand Ptill is in praétife inthe High ctmit; yfion , in which are alwayes the Lords of his Majeities Privy % ‘ Couneell 3 and chverfe other Ternporall Lords and Judges. But fome rnayfayl ;» this Oath, never toajjzam to alter, cStc. is not abfolute, but bindingonely, till the King and the S.y;eo..a' {hall alter the Government. Aeflv. it f3El5fi€3t.":i not , "I he hilltops have, or mufi“ take this Oazrla, and {'0 are bound from confetiting ta, oritxdelavotningeofany clnange , in,«ot of the Governrnentf afwell as wee; and both they and we are to take the oath in the y lain and common fenfe ofiit, which onceytalszen in it he lltt€1'all.~ I i enfe, there can never be any attempt on their pamaltliough tn; ‘ 3 Synod, to change thefiovemment, and abfolve us from this . ‘Oath, vvithoutsperjury to thernfelves, and uni'atisfacS°tiot1 to us. If the Oatbbe once litwfully-taken , what new power can dif- charge it if in ~ fuch a cafe they may afwell Unchrii°tiat1~n1e as unfweare me. How can any honefi fworne S.ubje6’ttake this New Oath without manifefl danger and great fufpitiotn of per- jury-, for having fworne before for theliing , in cafehe; alter the Government, b ‘venue ofthis.0atIa. I have fworne againfl: the King, fer up Oat againft Oath, my felfe againfi my Sever» ” raignegand that which is yet worfe,muPcnot repent of it : F or I am fwome from evercrm enting to what be M4je_/2} but/1 done :. Ancl is that all? N 0,1 muft diflent and becomea Schifmatick, and Seperatifl for ever : Neither is that all, vl)l.1_t Itmufl take up Armes twice a yeare at leafic , and Preach forlthe ll-Iieraricliie, and their prefent Government , againft my Soveraigne , and what hehath charged. This I am *bound,to by vertue of the étb Canon; and if%not,f“ by the Oath. of 1 Gananitall obedience. ;.AI1d$ in cafe :1 Mimfier nfi: efor ma .165}!/:13 it.’.'5 Sufpenfion “by his; ~0rdz'nary, and ifilt: be '7d'one ,»'V7Vf1Q knows but it 13.3 ay £01’: ayflangg um mum >,For“refifiingtSup*reme Auth01‘it§7..” c ¢ V: i ‘ Againe, this path is a plot to fvveare in the conceit of Epife-i copacie to be jure divine‘ : of late they have fiep’d off from their ancient fizzmdaziongthinking it weaknefle , either to depend:. lupolnbumzme Law, or 1)TiWd¢$fi1WONYJ; and have publiflied tothe. 'fl:l}<_;_g‘lc_‘_V_§f_Q“1flCli; that their ftanding is by divine rzgh: ; _a.nd:ther-fir Sore "T}'sie ‘tm; tzt3MttlE7N 1* ’s.“ A f’e2z~é= ch:inifi¢?gIff-ti1t€3'L h-zW¢~“.concltxdtéjdiiithofé w01'ds§5 as by.a«;«,°gm» t =it‘0Hg12t£Qj/?¢IP¢d5 -WhICh'=WO1‘tds5 *iFme&I-§t of }JIJr27t17?Te right, .ic’s 2 A:T0E()IOgie‘-, gzmd to 27iO_pLU‘.'pOfe 3» biectatgfsz tLhe»p1=c:cedcnt%Words gm: irjitzmi-3 min: €_[z‘tI¢‘J[,:':i3e?‘:¢l", im p01‘ft‘t11eit'tr§l2ttbyt Lam M thézy mufi; . t 1~,1-et~meam;: cyftlzgits diivirzeirzggt, az1;d«tl1tenmyou‘ttfe—e W-Alxich w21y'thc'y a:-e*ga1V;:gt.:‘t; ; fflytatt ta v*1;;1E1§.€?.am7ay' I’a'11jEck:l?efia=fii«:;aMe;p»0weE7f1*ozn his r2‘4fit\ie«t,“.b §*.1at‘»p1fete";x1dedt di?viiaé:1u;g}at,t21‘x1d that ‘racifiedtt by ttht: =v'O;zrl:w of"a11t’;t11c :C1¢rg1ie;f 7 And bf tnis~3‘ou'1my b::‘th<¥: ‘more c'o:nfic'iet1tn,%it'ti§,t1'.¢fl"€ it Againe, that 04:}: Wlziclu Mirt‘7”9,0t§cIitit}z17?47~?¥'3it?tIj;5§ 57"14j';0?’F3 A50??? is u tatlta.-.:vi~uIii.‘, t.L-mzzzucez math the Sclmoiaeg; is‘; mm 514:: den: pg? je;pga1zgp.-1 fit? quad ]7z2i*2az*Tm_vva qfi‘, :‘amatn.tali¢”l_{_f#5{ I10??? F?7?7z?€£ZiT1.‘Pl¢7??;/3?: A mvdifiaztfrarrgatitm dc’ Q£431?Ifif’:._.. ma? czmmz az:~7t"2:-Izmzzrza, 7.4211‘ P775‘/a4t*iIW?7h: aw? a~l1guid ejufwzocfi. §££dM3%*i3 emmm fa«£'hzhhhhia&’£c:':»afiz9:t; quia.ficg'z:'rm7: gzm2tz“:m.£n _¢z¢{.f'ea*.t;.:fI”/ii‘ mqiorem iwmi ;29c2_fl3!2z;’z'ta1*e-272; I~}ezz’m in Sefita‘ And Bede 1aim,~ Li«ec‘obfi~rvah:a. :m;'o2‘-car}: vmmzt 1&2 e.:«:mzm, dam per cm m.'y'1}$ éanmaz e~x¢/1zzda'fur,ibid. Maw? this Garb wihi hindezzthe a]t¢1‘aticg1)_oj.f7 the Church Go-..; V-ernnahega-chhh [O agbetrehr. 1 .For>b«:'mg once iwom,t c- h Melimhh me “ F %_W;:2;b,~5s:;;ejezs.whhh Acla2—{fl;hE{1;12gd«un3e.mufih be keptqut, Amricbyg/z!z‘anhh Ofiit.aS‘:gowiRrmncnzg 7tz!e:h;;.;111dhhWaycs m‘;p1:(3c'eedinghb{ae=i}ab1§.; fihed in :heu.Church,andtl1at byan Oath. iidlfi hBoc»~k offcom-A F h monhP1'aye1' wu1«11dhbt:tthc1fthe Difc~i_.ph1ine , Tand dens muchhWihfl=§:-; utherbfaxfé: to have p-{:1 bliqxueh Panancc refmred h,% this mlg%cgn,..~. g£4‘c£’.]'Z£-T;1?2_tElT!'. /éciria fizzzt , jlzarmmc-ma: mmen Ade bx? “ 319-‘fa-.fl W h trrfihciifi-éijtitC;uaflvé:i~.t.€1iS L1shh:has-we have alltthge Difcih“p1ié:1e is lnehdg ~ no Sal~vz-miion; , that h:z/ms: Ga?z2cr22¥22,£w2:“ L;y_}?z'gbz ought 290 f award 17:3,/z‘:z7J§d5‘s Bur: there:ahahg1*€3th;gT58*§w?zC¢’r3 <‘’'dr€adfulhlLhd{fl»i'a:f % .de;~;«:h~,‘h. ;1h1}d{l'1Qi'1i1b7i¢fC0?'7‘2'4¢‘f?t10?1I m the Dxfcjplrne vandhCvov-cm... mama (if the ‘Chm:c:hl, amino W. 1' t fiarzds h 3 and men fhoul d rather fvg¢h9.rhe.;tojindfavour :heix'.utu%1oPz_toget them renlovedf in this &pp1'Q€ach1ng I?ar[1anzcnt;,.. when gwc: ccpnfenet t0 119.»:-e chem um. 31Er3i‘_dt‘~O1'Lt3 hd;LjhIQ13.ge: : 2shJ[efiz+uvor:'I.:ip,.4ir are wars/§1}>,}v\r:e'efz'72g at» Eaécfizmem», gzraamzjcgzcnus rehceiwhexxgfiréfirzptzorz, Daria: ex fiicio ,Ca- fiflfifficifl-§0b3di¢?ZC€h5T’f‘f€ZiCii1}gl$0.f"§éljlDCZ‘}[’}Ja Hoe/gs, abuf: ofExcomjmu;- h azicatirhzg IhC:(’:vc‘0r27923;5rZ21th]J04t1.t37~0fB15./J6}‘7J~mt£Td1fi2'$:?g whole C/azm/1.. h 2 an pemliarting heigz.;,:'tyV-hih all their Cpzlrzx,‘ . %cbangz'7:g¢:me: and jgwfbiix . fo1":l\/Iarrizsgeh. at Ih€11";p1€3*f1.H.‘E.7;J3z??a1’z§4‘g— 1%-aclsz‘-ng and pmyin gwh ere lift 2 . impqfiézg yesgv .a11d’2.z:;'.Z ;uy‘z4!./ tlmggi upon the M: ‘.. n§flry,iI1z=gafly amzhg them from \Il’1C11'»[1't)3Y'??‘.gJ,8(C. I be P1-ocegd. ing yetin many ghings by tVh:e%hPap9: Carma Law 5 the taking 3”- . vvayrhe fawn’ of the kg-e:hfi'on1 the Paflors of pczmks-4/ar Congrg. _ gat1'cm%: , and farting up C/imzcel/c-rs over charm and their flocks‘; _ put*‘tihg+in’to La§.n*u-:x1shand$ (F0193-Chaxgelloris no other) the I7'0m¢=y« hgf‘ E_;ccammm2z'c4zz'.m. L-hay. Elders are much‘ cryed omof, and com @.1m1?d by us in the Sc>attz'.r/2 and yet we fat a-ndfl hold them l11ph3t“ home wirhhboth mas. §Fl1e%Bzl:/Jopdhelcgates his h}7az1ve'rhhto the Cbmzrnefirezr, and fo the: {entrance ot”hExccmrm22z'cat2an is devQIv’d upon 3 mee1'e Lem. manwvhihwch dealing with Phresfyizerianx, we iéy" is cincc=n1parib'Ie “ to ah,:L.¢a;§’~111haz1; ‘ azadhwhacis this, butto d~eflroy with the-hhand‘* W~ha=t vveh~binhd with th¢tongue.' Nezither is that Ihifc%avaa;1e- ablehroh11iy,i;f;fa7negrave 1\/Iz'm_'/h.'r that ml:/%‘pra2»w:J;2ce ziyefinteiacg, bccaufe he is but os%%,,Can@£' CIw2ce11ouw:,C0mmif]E¢rie:;O "oi Bhubop; proceeding in th€i~1‘~"C0m‘tS in their ownhhnames, ancfi under their own Sealeé. I t'sahgainfi judggmmt,incIudiz1g.a héan-~, Madiflion, as appeares inrhe 7:}: hparhticu"Iar: IRS againfi r1;g/3:6’-~ m_/?ee:,bec:ma'u1'e both the P‘:1rlt'dment,th€ Prince and Pafior: them- felve-s are perjurcd by it , as hath forrne1'ly~bi1-1 h1’T1ewn5 and hin"s. 3 {wearing up 3 corrzapr , ifnot an Amicbrifiinn Guvernmem ovexr the P§0p1~c. Befides this Ohmrliishhhbaclced with fépere pz4r2i:bmenf‘. Refilja/1 »of it brings Depfivation, ‘ab Ofliciohh 563;‘ hBem=fic:'-a. H en‘ce many rhatharepoore and Weake (ink 50 be £'e:1rc:d)hwil1" take that; h 0411:}, relufiame confiiemia, and ca-fa1vet'hei1' Li.vings,‘forfweare: themfelvcsh. A % f 9.. This (23:¢tbh~isV f L111‘ of mbzguitiam; The Do&‘ri=ne' of the: ~WChm*c‘h is not Clcarcly known ,* the ;H:onn1ics havdbeen dif- cla1;m’;1.hhh The «A/%1rtz7clm-~areh challengcd by thk: Qérmixians and o—~ thers,to be for them, It'Sd?0L1_btfu1l to us vvhechexfa great part of Scripture be not excludedhhas m¢necw2zr_y,becaufe much ofthe §criptzzre is neither vcrba11yc>CpreH’ed , h nor vertually included; -."' A The‘ Am G u M E N%*r*s;‘%" ~ 4 A fhe C11La:*c11?ofEvggland , and chm: they are {aid ‘to *Co~ntaine$ all: fhmgs ne c<':fl’ary to f;:zlfva.tzon: :% we are doubrfull o%fethe‘+%Difci;~, plxm-:,:. brecauye 1n.uch%~depe%nds% upo21Lt%11e?§zmarpremtin72ofthe 0.1:-T-5 (*~‘5'«‘*’~’¢1$3§>’$-.~ V’Vl’1gch~1s unIsi_I30WLm:. ,an%d%.):'¢;a%rJ£*l3' ‘A :d1!fm.*1~Mi1g Arti:j1é;sj3.a~i*&‘ 3:‘;%:‘:‘;*::m;;:;‘2o%?i%1:“%*;r§§*?€1?? A A 00 ~ -r zc ca: ‘ % % w 1 . mg: <3mc,.,, we three }’€£11‘€wS11b‘€1‘tyl1S 1"~7‘1tC‘1'\'7Cd:f0¥415374125093 , and who ca11fay “ he kzmwem ¢wjI}§;t%"IVi1}<~:4 mD%1i;c1p%1i1;1e;.1 5%. ~ Wc_;d,cM:1bc %;vs:i1e%pL:1erZci3»; 04¢/9 dCxt1L_l?;4ot iTupp5>i¢4A%C0m=€2 ‘1?Q%p1fh»DC?-L§§ru1§ci‘sab1Lfl1dd.. We: A know mi: m1yv%hat%1%§gxg£¢,;;1§1,<;2f¢::vm1:d§_V12Jt:%:gi2t'M Mtg/a2:aj.Eand;«¢a1'¢ go ta_1«:c:n.T1“.«h1s?%y-.gg1jglg.u.a,;o1';-rglgt,1s z§vxgo1'd ;€q*l_11\IQc73l1‘..They¢ 15 J-WD3’WWm: 3?=‘1da1i Y\€~¢s”i:Y~fi§?31‘€%1fHh1S.Af€.:;1f€ ; i§ht;‘n we _fweare: ,E),.:';:Z?2t§’.s,. ,e1rc.l:»c£ea;:_o,2;;;',%, g1_3d— t}3_e 3,59. tp ,fcan%d4J.;:%'ra _d1$-‘EH?-_. here 15 jw E0¢i€fEe=fi59:¢¢??1A»%¢£I3:e-1;}f. W «;~§W¢§1f¢ 1c;w.th&t;1»<:nf¢::: than :;~h;e>AI4a»:c31.:m~;s % m%11 4%not be o_m_'~ %E;;§§;d;§L,%%%%j bg§:augf% ,mi,ef;_fvs*ea1?qdz'vz;ze; %~?“zg;E22:%f1‘O.11“§ = them . ”Th‘c31 6 13 _f!l5 pafizzmzg and 1' % ivvc ~ ~\?v;‘3aa‘r”i1~::;‘J%IW1i~~,!:3?1is fexlim zzheijl the Hierarchiejgm L21‘: 1301?.‘ boa~l1:fli¢2z'22eja11d Ecclefizg/fic4;l(% %rzg!;»z:._~ it being: :hu%—s,;vvb.%or,can w;ea1'e% Wadi"1Ol.}tj€gNI3v0U4ti072_if V ; ~ : V‘ L, ‘_ La£’c1§g', r; <:>,111a;a¢z;a}§%i;;g,t1l1is%Qgztlzgan yve11*{_ Mcquitwhimfelftzr of p”erJzt3j;,';‘ferr A-._1f1N1¢ '5*?’JF?¢ *;'¢;1z.nthe.%p1§.in»i:aw?2{w2anjég2% e~%ax2?:l%e2»xAnde~;=£?¢ztI1r€lA-: A ing 9* tfifi VWF.d$% an; 3f¢;¥;:t 13¢‘ ;iQn3¢.mcnfi:zl.1 W_fewati0.22%%111 »s% t % f1;h;:: ymzds cg f;;nd%._,;gui;;aqqtia1zx;1;;ph¢%m1I1d%s %ofIL1‘ivj,*%e1'arc”h1calrl _;mVen‘t;m.1ch%mg_tl1Qfc; wQ1'ds6_y mg/2: gf foii though they. flmuld % vcmm*e to iwaare Frame: mzo ajm awxrzzmz ,% yet they dare £103 .fwe:n‘e Dame: a11d¢Jrrl;:d¢;z;a2;5 izatoit , and 170 mufi iiwearein a M gigublc 1' eD.i¢Cs3fld p£rJ'z:r£ 1:£1cVm%%£c1v¢S- Bg1c«?:l1V%rl14is% n1_21ybe»l1éIp- E_’eaym’i,1§;nz gzxg gdsby c;111fovvnzr;z£2gJre:4:io22: and Aprqgtq/zflztions, »A2:f e ;ma3',%,1}0§: zd z;zm:iJt2z{;’é¢za2~ :5 ga1s:e:1t%V1x1ou1'o_»:v11 jgmfés. Thofe a%u::l1o1*ized;_%:o%%adm1mfic1r~*t4ncV _g:z’zmt, am {3¢2.=;}:,‘b§,r:he Kmgs Comrm1Ton,are tyed to keep the very words A LA pzmmr _;:am..’ 0fit__;1i_tl’1'€y fhqulgi 1cgve%out ¢11;€§'e fheyahave np. po'vvr§:1f_to ad-,« mzxo c«mfir- ¢%1iniii¢.1:A:2%¢;§11A? Geri? 1: fair: b1.I‘!ci;s us make£x%tx11fh¢ m~mt.. Ex‘? in ,,¢?”7W{’34f%‘??‘fl’ t;~%i51.:f:W€%#h5%$} ??%k€“‘?11§2:?_C24%73aand‘ protfifi JQfl:R1_3_dy'§=39 gg.;u111t iuc11%and_fLIG.ij§jI:nj»E:;% a:f1d~41mke;,;;jénfE= «of ourf€2wn,%»th:s 15 £- du.ec:‘t and wilfilill .z_n;y fizid ~Cz’vi!z}mJ". And:-he ;2roLz‘,¢y9:zt2'oi2,b¢-9 ' ing nmdc ‘oefoiwz apzxéizgzzg gzotm}, yhis Fnalbc i1%1fi3cicnn3-videncc in anygC0u1‘2*"of the E{i;3gdoz11e to convifi us'%of :11¢;;e2g‘zn;v,Jf H161‘: .‘1n§.'%qf 1.436» I{>‘e[»z;“c3;* llasgc: z*a1_I’«.fE:z1 .kt_I1_iA«-s.=4.Q::%ti_')i%1; i¢%S}!&Ta}?arf¢°9:¢fl’, or ax’s»*< flaw: tiiey }I¢ry:'~wf":dél1fimfelvs:aprapban?d :11 air l2.m%d:.,a~:g L1. pm_,.i=z2_a%% 1,$';mfe %aga,i;nfi.j_ :i*1e”i,,r 3{L;~;u_1f\e &wco;y?er1-jug qf . ,5-101$’ O1"d€"75%'% fl % . M “ .4 V ' * % % % 7 V % Q:j.;2’ 5)-nodt¢5%vzadt¢:_r£’, , p.;.3:%rtzrm-;C)Evar1I5,_4imfegcr, ‘cage? Canvcyfiw ‘vent;/5, Sgjiafimmen, %An1¢n. [; % .‘ . “ A I ‘N ‘I 5. V