la@ ‘P2*op7”zety,m2 Ag“. v.4-5» L‘:-u gal-ion .,‘ flur- itle that - rei n :o M1,: ,.. . '13.“. ~ M g ‘ . ,$,___ 1., as r:2.:‘=‘aa:.2:c .253? j lame to Magma V The nzzflfsiefr which would enflze if ‘fitbex V 5 and imi/fer; redzmdyto Stipeyzdy. "Z"/9:2 danger cafgratifling t/ye 7%-’tz'z:ioners mm» ‘ gain/Z Times, tt7’lc[...a‘/1i?nP6fl’d‘ZW4i?’lz7«£?- 77 Ce.» % ” ¢.__.»;f:«z(lfa:9a=:.?t/;5vi;.1dc;'sit1.a.v”€ % v§%n%thi:ir Lancis ?% TI1cR£:afcms$ afchiswqxg-cry am, % AA \ % " v ' % 1.‘ Beca11fe%EtlJ.eln{ol}:f: fozme of King Egéwt who Iiad ’br:r'zcm_ry of the whole L'and,% theLorcls and great men .511: that mime having no propcrcy or efl:.~ccs% of pernmnency, but as accaunmnts ta fine King, whofe the: whole (Land was, and yet they 31!}; gave cheir%fx'¢¢..c<:in;- .fenrs.,Which thciiin gV~rcquircc1.,tha1t thereby they might be barred from‘;,p1cad%~ % mg gny Tcznantgrigimt 5 as .a1fo to oblige t11¢n1 to fizmd in maintenance of V % Tivrh;-:2 againfiafl pretenders. % _ H % V % V A H % Ia; Btcatxfe the people can have no Fugh:,or?P:opricty in»*tI1e%_§n.‘%t; for ifhey njmm: bought or paid for them1:%N%cither¢cou1ei th%éyV,Acqmc by 1nhc1;*i«1:-a~ncc 5 F¢3p ;}1;;;; nwhichwas not their {Ore-f'zthers%cou1d not defcend to .thcm: N¢ir.h¢r M came‘ rhe}r‘rg~..;11gn1%by Bonatiqngwlxieh tl1ey~can"n<2_ve%r fhew. ; % % . _ ;c.~.., W'iV1<:=t1;er ix; be agre§:abIe to Piety, Prudence, jufiicp, and ‘Equky ,%to%;«iIien:1tc: Tirhczs {rem ¢:hr:iMinif’cry, Awhicvh have bgan‘ fofracly given by om: own }.C hrifiian. % I£i2agsp:gt%ofzea1 to ;1dvanccMGoc15 g1o%ry‘., Fcenfirmcd by ma.xj1y A&13 of FafIiament,“” m7t+ti:*z1es%rcncvycd,2nd rcitcmd, as b_yWag:x.zfl2art;::l1i.r:y %t1mc§;confirmcd, and % % 7’ ‘ 1 L A .3; % M '4 ‘A mm .}_1s97”A R am: Nam.‘ Cy?fnFP3fi§. (52 ) 2”iJi2’i.*i'i~j,7hG»:”fi3't€f£"SEif£1"!j:.1’t:¢f*,f5 fiticflgyea _the.T?:xt,and Bodypf this Common Lamwhich” V ‘a.fiaTr%ms Tztheg tam: dug7m*hahDzfpzz2a»,-—hasbr Eaiw. %6ook_ teflzhes% In tlxefecc-ndV1w'th‘%of bgflwww. I A A V A 3. Wmthee: rha iuconvenicnoies and evils can poIW:>‘iy be foreieen, which will“ enfim L2§g01‘:'“t§‘:<3 :11tem«:i_on of fuch fzmdamc:hma1hLaws of this Nation, as have con-— tinueci in i‘0“s*c:azE11‘v01:gh ail chzmges ‘fo r above a hzrhoufand years together ? V Ti=.-has have been given to the Ch1_1;1‘ci1 for maimemfance of Gods Word and.‘ V 1'~.1ia1if°t<:15£:,v<«.ri*x*’;ah;:1; .:m2~.~ £04111-I fuchiis fhould alienate thc:m. 4. Whc-zhcr it agre«2ab1e..t‘0 Fiery andhPrudenc:e, to— pull them from God, to rend them from his Church,«2:o violate the; hdeciication of our F£lth€‘1‘s.,th€ Oaths of our Af1;:€fi'.G1‘,5,th€? Decrees of ('0 manyP2.r1iam::nts,and to r:a:1e cuvzfczs which the body of the Nation hath obliged it iblfro, in cafe thwzry A. confmted to she a}im1a:ionA%o:?cheh fame? as Ne}mn.1o.g2,q.’gc. h % *r5.\Vhezher xt be-hnot more chmprobable that-.:he Mamfiry hath had a propriety inti1eTit!1es in 3;}!”C§1ri{’ci‘.2ifn"Gh'uz‘Ches,*;ever fincc Chrifiizlws had a pg-e.F,;;e;.}. 3” their efcatesg {Emcee Os-*iga;a, and Tert;:1Zi:z::,Wi1o lived not much above two hunsslxcd years after §3§1rifi, ‘U211 us, That the co_mmuniry amcmgfi Chrifiians was not whol- ly ceafcc1imh.r:ir amt:-,;and yet whercxt W21S,the~.i—TitI1t3g we;-;~_~ paid; V h h % 6. Whczthezf it hem: Sacriledge to alienate‘ Tichhes from the Church., having blew dcd.ic;1tcd and Chqnfcicrzufici unto God, either by?theh-vohlnmtary Mconfent of \ C§1x1rches,m~by Dbrxatibn of P1'ir1c»r;+s?hSeeing what is volmfitarily ccmfecrated. by mama‘ c'o-nfir5m»s.~s“,hhhby Ge:;o't,:md h may me he z:1i.r:-zm;c:d,L»:«-u.28.14.,q’yc.which Law is V the 35:13:: vmdcmhe Gofpcl, :-z.s;appears in the czmmplt ot";4n;2m2§;z5,Aé"1;.5.3. whom Wm‘ arraigm<:$,and ‘God cem3dherr:ns,{br this very S2:1cri1edge.Wi:{y.?mj%riJa:¢({aid PE-h :5-gr) @:~;:>tb.zc£:_pzzrt ofrbe price Offlit’ Lzz:m'.~’ W/’Ji!-zgfi 272* reymirzca.’ (viii. am aid) mm; it no; rbimz owrzi an-zhaff fie?" it 2wz::fi21d,1va:: it mz‘ in r.{7i:~ze own powm’ vhi. to have confe- ‘ h sc'x‘:~1ted"?orhot«com1:c1‘atedir;.'z.rc°rfi5.VAmiAflmxzzziikzsimzcrézzgtf2efe%2a%o:?a2’s;f"a£l dam’: and . hgaveuprbe2bm?—h * h ~ A 7. ‘W'h¢:rherh it: his not hagainfihrhé Iighr ofNat1m=:, and cufiom 0? all Nations, $0 difamzull the l~Vz‘!l of thcdrsad ? G¢z1.;;;.5;. Br‘et;’2renJ fjwzzlg after rim‘2n;r:22n€r‘bfw:az2., rhaugiw it be but :1 mm: hcphverzxmr ( 01* '1“-:tf_mit§1.':1.'=zt ) yer if it be confirmed (guirgby the death of rheTr::fiator):2o mm: dzfizarzzzllez/J 12“, 2..e. no man ought to d;mnul1it.Th‘e;e- fore Tithesh has.rxn,q been gnvcn by 'I‘efiamea1r,confirm:3d by the death ofthe Tcha- mrs, Is knot agaizzfithc light of r‘~I'ci*£l"i1'f’.'9‘El‘E”Ed cufmn: ofrail Nations to alienate rhem.9Heb;’g:.1A6,I 7:hh;F’Wa‘r*h;éi:VZI’ej’¥rzhrz»”:e22r £2 af"j‘or2:e zzflwjhmclzhxzre dead. I *M2m“y ”1impro}firif3tihns «ha'*m1;g‘ béma refi fi'«‘:c3&‘ % that: Ch111' N0b.1e~ hmen}ai1‘dh‘hGentlcmen$,h anidbthers liming b&cn»~bovgght inane! faded in the ihofi:1e- % gal way that cotald be dcvifc:-d Aupgon the Minifiryakit hat againfi all jnfiice and E- quityhtohtak*etI1em from the Church again A.? and will it not difcoumge all men for h the fucurehfrom wvaawhshof Fiery ahci Ch-may when thrxy feethcm thus pe1'w:rtcd? 9. W}1c;h§:rh 1'; Amt mcgz¢r3;¢n4pwbab1¢ghatmerc was 21 pofitivc Precept gin I — °$*e‘nfib3f Gpd tO« he hF?:hE1ex's for ch; giving :0 him Mghc-:_htentl1 gem of their fubfiancmash he had former y‘ reqmreci riachftvezztiz parthhofciacar tame‘? And. whether do net the V examp1é.s-ofdhjafmmhhand jfiusob fa readily giving thair ’tenth;e%.?ince this; Or with- euc fucha Precept, Had it norbeen ~wi11« we-rlhip in tharn‘ ? And do not fuch pofi- rive 1’ru:eprs ( if;mrepea1v:d,)%bhindcall to the end of the World? as wc fee in the cafe ofthe Sabbafh." “A h % ‘ h h % h % h ‘- ~ 7fi~::- Whether Tithes,hhaesan hcmuring of%God.,be, not enioyned in thefirfi Eom-A-A A mmgimcnc? As they cenahm prefcrvthche publikc wéyrfhiphof %God.,. ihnhthgfccond W VA V and .3, (3) h aim; .f‘g31fl‘tI] commandernenr?And as maintenance to the pprfons Qf Mir2ifhers,in the hfifgh C9mmandemen=t?bcmgpan: oftiae honour due to fp1r11ruaIParenrs. h 1;; whether’Tithes'canbehcgllegi Anti;-/arifiian, which wererwpaid long befme z1nrichr'ij'%s time?Anc1.Whc~x1‘Ame’/arzfi[the Popes ofRom2_}v§re1*e the firfl:_ cluarhclurfi." rake upofitkmm no alxenatgt rhcrphfrom the C11urch,by_grant1;ng Exemptxoxgg A, Ap- % P1~OPfia«;fho'fl$'“,(9‘hc. thereby robbing the Church an_g1 Par1V£}1Mff12111fiers,to ggfaufie the jufiificd by Monks andh]9'hryers?And whether Alexarzder «of Hale: and 1 Wmzli of Aqzmz. (who Bnilhrfn. dg: 1ivedh’abhouthfourhundred years ago) were m:si“.t11c firfi that pleadczdfor Eh6ff3‘.'s'-11ie—- "*"'“"..=“° mamas made by thh Pope’? % And." whet_her_rhfi'y Wm:-: _not the firfi hthat_”to‘jufiific M55 5113 Pgpes p:ocee_dmgs;hpIeadedV.tharh_VTfzthes were }e2}w;fl1? % _ y 1 2 Whethe1-thefe Scripmrcshihdo not ~cc:ncern C /JV7_f31a‘7z5, as well as they did the ~ " «mygg¢ Lord with th './‘ié£vflmzce,m:d ‘mi:/Jt}Jej1;fir fi-nits of all .$z'zze ezzcreafe : :§0flJd1I1“].7}/ barnsh/zgfihlled‘ Wrth plwffa mid thy. p7r'8_[fe: _/hall hm;/'1‘ out -jizaizh new wz'ne.V{’1*ov;%»2o.g5.Iti: at; jmzre he cfevoureihgt viifaichhia‘/5¢’1.3’:.4t:zh5z’ after the 'z:or~a % hhzo make enquiry. Ah PrcW.:23.I 051 I ‘R mm; Z‘ht{ 0“ Lahtrd-n:ar‘lig**mhd vmrehr not;..g V t}Jefie1_al ofrhe fath’¢'r[e_{]73 : For T1387?’ Emieemer 7.5‘ mrglaty, gzmi he flmllhplma.’ théir cgmfis h W I whitish thee; And S%rhEdw.hChaokfait§1 inhI1ishIn_;’i‘fm..;,:,h Outlaw-books teathhnsh, tI1atI”17“‘é“+§* the Chm.Ch_§5‘,ux1de1"fiood pd L:nfie:' dggand to be 21 Pupii and Fatherleflé h: and :h'a.c?'ir;~'ifsnoc :=a~g.r'e¢ab1<;i“ to Law or Rxght:ha:f11ch'fi10U1d be diflinhericed.-W41. 3,3,9,_1oh,8cc. Wiflfa ?f’t172'7‘0§7'GOZ{? J’::‘fy:ehaz'ue robbed 2629: But ye‘ fay, Whereinlmue _ -myosbeah thee? .Z"zzj1TitlJ*e.r zzzgd in 0’}‘]"e2_*ir2gs. fI'ehhm*e acc:_m'fer{ with n cnrfe .- far}; Imrue M5. ”1m£me., eruem zhiirh“m’1s1ahhhNatzo;z. B1/‘mg ya all the .1721?/Jes znro the fiarehswfe, that time my béhfnhfltfiz z:n‘£72a24.l3oz4fe, ami prormz .*'!?B;.7_z02371‘h7€3*“83??iI/J, faith the Loni’ efffiajfs, if W h 1r~.m:[,f m-rz:.~‘p:—m }‘:':H the of"J:’e;m3ri,‘ mzclpouryau out A hlefiing, ‘rim: rhcrefhzzlt M ‘ r-2ai'hera:wz:?;znygfJht.9rece.m2ezt: Ana? wzh1lrehstakeh2‘}J_e ;z';3vuum'for'~yom'fizk§5., and he gmi: :{«g;:‘L5‘rcgI hthe f'?“1i2;i9‘&"nf;y01t}’gToE-£.*:£7.’,7z€ftf’.7'z?Jr‘flJ;1‘U)/0z£?”‘Tlifié’ mfi her frzzir bafbrc thew tympani}; .t,’é7».?’ h_-m?!.d",_fizhirh the Lord ofH-rgfly: And .allN.-:riohhrf:%j7.mrZ1 calfyozt blejjha’ : flzzdye flmfl I22‘ m;.’¢rhl;§gh2rj'h72zeV2L :ma"’.,]}¢z‘rh the Lam’ HQ/$5. V T h h mg. *x-.:*v“m:.Ewe1* t'hoi‘"e Tezsztsin the New Trzmzmcnzz do net prove.,that to Gofpcle Min}fl:crs.hxe1o11gs as i_emg7,c%, ifnot lz1rgr::r. maix1:e:1:1nc<:r}1an‘t0 the: Levirical Pric{’c- }15qga9h_tE.}a;i31T -;TF.i§h’1ifi!‘3' is m~:>ré: é::2'z'rzk.? vcr.c"3.,d9*c. Or! ozufmzza’’)r:Lv, }.7m.»'5’ mu‘ we pcwer ta fbrhezzr 6° Wcflfing 2' Who goL‘thhtoh.wazv‘fizre mzy wise ails}: awn cb:i?’_gE.s‘? W339. galazrzretfy :2: m':ze}'m'a.’ h amlmzerh not ofthefvuir thereof? or 2:c‘h‘ajcc’deth rt. F £0551, mm! mtelh not hf the milkofh . mafia;-I5? Say! rhefiv thing: as a man orjlw/9 2°20: z.h.: Law Lhefzzma? For‘ it is wrzirerz in the Lmré ofma/E:s‘,‘Thou flmlt tzmrnuzjle the IMGMHJ oft‘/J6‘ Ox zlmr treadezhfs cm the com. Doth Goa’ take cm-efor*o.m:h2 Or j}22'rhhe 715 zzlrogczhcr fo2«*.c~z+r "frzhesi? For our fake: no doubt iris writrer: : that he i‘iJt£1'plc3WL"r;9j7JOH[dP1023’ in /nape .- z17u=;’z“7J./rzt he that threflw bath in bopefhould hbepartgz-l;__er ofhhishhoghe. % Ifzg-re /Jaw j"m::=n zm;u' ‘yen fpiritzml Thirzgsg Is it it great thing ifw2:vcflha1[4r'ea}2yaur camilthzzzgs. RI/'~<3~r.x g,w,.Do ye n0t~X1_72owz}.mt they which minifler arbour holy things, live of The things of the Temple? ..4r2.:i r/My WbiL7/J wait fl,_~;;3g _A[t,¢r.';}1re raimcle pzzytakevs wit}: riJ€1A.7t.¢r‘.9 Ewnjb Imrh rim Lord,o2"d2z§r2~ed.h,‘tI:at‘ they wl:iclJ ‘preach the Gofiaelfhauld live of the Gofpcl. C~a1.c'3'.6.4.Lct him that is mzatght in the Wordgommunicare to himrhzzthteacheth in aft good rlaizrgs. ’ Phi1.4..1 .7.No1'- that: I defirfe a: gift., abiut I eléjfire firuiththat may abozma’ to your account. I>T1'm.5.1.e mu a may fancy, chm: never was,nor(':1a I bSE$$'eC__‘«'C) aver *..v:§*1bc: hra:1ghs:1nto_a&;qn?Am{ ~w1_1f;ther it ~.vou1dnVot tfflllble cm: wxiefi men t}}3.t‘au*e:g to game a%fl:1pen& that mcmld be fuéficiént 21°: all tianeem Tnzhcs are 5% wh1ch‘pm<:eedmg fzrom the wifdam . of G0d,c21rmo:: be nmciactd, much leff: batters! ‘£523; nxaikxs wifdgome ?% ‘~ = 0 ithcfi the fittcfl&maim:enanc<: farther Miniftr fee-in I54 V‘v7Js€th£Y C H t é , ‘Jr g V hmzeby 1: hey peirtakea with tlxe people in times ofplcmzy, w%hi<:E1 W211 more infiargc-: their hearts ;§~m~,1.:-fu1m=;1‘i‘¢;, and ihfier with them in times offcarcimwhich will more affefithem with fisnfc of Gods jgadgsncats E‘_ for thatw11cx1 natuLza1af’€ev’§ark€t.for every bufhcl ofcom or Maulz, a€’9*c. ‘thanhe fpcnds “in his”h«:>u1c2 .3, ‘ % ' g. If a dearth cumkz, wqulxi it mt send some yuinxc%o.f.m:1nyI#‘iix::i(kcrs Famiiiéfis, who will b»: for cad ta fpemd%m0~rc m I, 2:. quarter -{hm they recmvc Ear their half years afiswmace .9 % % V ~ AA % 4. Ifthings flwuid rife in the price the new: hrmrfired of~ycz=.lrs. as :h«.=.§fy ‘ifive dc,nc~ the Za~f;t,how 111211 Minifi;ers bx: than ablecojivcu on t§1c:1"<:fii czzds? . 5». How Amzmy O’ffiCTers mm‘: there be imployecl in merry County to bxfmgg they '~I«?iz:hesi;1toa.commom%Trc%afur&y, aILw}1icI1,<2.£mer’i'u wholeorin p:irt..,»~ mufs; Jae maintained (mt cf Athctm 3* And lmw wxli this curtail the Mznifiers fhare? 6 ; What atrcneiancc mtifi Minifiegs giva‘ qu1:mer1yA, or“czzcI1%haIf§?ear, won thé “ % 'r,mfiec.5, or Treafurers-xn» evcry%County,,ti11 they l1:we M1: or Ieifure to paymhcmz ‘What trouble, journeysaa1d%e:-cpcncczs, will chigs; pus: them ro?;%How%%wi11VV:hv.s,r_ bewcm fariccol to brzbemad pay for %e:cpcch:En|Vt111‘p£3n etttzmi21ati.eantzztt Nemcttjftle C®nf€iT€dtt11atI1C‘Wa5 refit OW!‘ 1501‘ that find. AM tiwatthm ”Ufl'€t’~'a«*:7@z3‘3(?~R gt“.t‘:at,.6~‘:.gitt'it0r:, weathers tinder anothtrftame, who in his fiomifh :;‘:::‘:':i};r I’otnets bexnghtly fizled the godly and W511-Hff-éaedjgf @“¢'“*”"¢¢’-" ittht-:Nation, who Pcriw: hettzby to btiflgt.thE;gl"€&E.<‘:fi judgement upon the Nation zggsgvezfi” that ever d1d.,o:: cattpafiibiy btzfclllqlt ?~uzz.A famxfm ofthe Ward, Ame: 8.1 I,&c. this dgggn, And the removmg ntout TeaChCI‘S1l1tO,:VCO?t}fir$-, I}a.'§go.2o. ' ‘_ At .' A ‘A g.tvhctE1ct,havt: we not cgmie to beltevmthatt the fat gteajtefi part ofthc Gentry; Yeomemdty am.-1 Commtms mf thf: Land, that have Txthes t0«pay,gam1dcfimu_5 ,9 have them ccmttmuedtto the Mtntfityr : feemg fo manythoufands ofthem om; Qfa few Gauntlet, have fotmerlyttpetztzonedforme fame, and the City of Lgizdgygagf igreg ‘And no doubt but manyt thaufancizt mptciotxt of every County would da the kite, gf they had thelcafi €nCOt1rage’it";t:§”3i tttwtcutzto. I t 4..Whethet if'Titht=3s were Wholly Efiskfiil «’1VV'&fy'~,‘WOI11d the gentgrality of the pea-t. gale bgz gt all cafedfitemg bQt31Putc1mft:t't anti tenants mtxflpay to much the more ~01'tmx'Land2 t " V t ' _ Vt V st Whethtsr can wt imagine that the Pa£i‘§.3.:3t:.}:1]€nt,. that hath fo often and Iateiyr °I*ff:§;!:cM declgtrcd to t§1e world, Imt HJ8,V'1W1lZ tetzder‘ ofewer;r onts; Ly1§gy;‘y;_m,¢; mam“ ~ E Property, wad now fofonn aftt:-t,ta.~m 2:.-.wy mt: ..‘.E”OpI'1€ty5GI all thc M1111fiyy 0fEtng.ttt t:'amflatcd%i”tt .. - »_ -” W. ‘ . . . gmx,,,,,{ 53,3, Eh}: tittic0}_1tagcmtntttoE Parent: tt gm} ht} mg1Y1;¢—_; up thtnr.*«C‘.htt:1dttVet; to the tvggtkttgf me me m”hi;}v11X1‘1n‘.fjfI0fE11116: to comm, and to to mt: endtmgetxng oftht: rtzmovalof the Gtifpel HM? 6'am- fmna anmtlgfl us. t t ‘ V ' t t * A t t t t "§‘:;":E‘£‘.:,*t’hg t o. W_‘ht.t}1er wmuld. not theft. _Pet1't1onetsQfT1tht?s were removed) cry (mt; and PM-‘mm com”pla_1n as much of the tytanmcah oppzteiztgn and btwdcn of Rents, as the Ana» ~« D,,,,~;;,, 4., mpryts an Germanydtd,and fo never be quxct till they have Ievellediall things 2‘ 110./agrfivrlbc t 7. Whether all perf0ns.,whofeteycstttare optn, do rl0tGI€3!‘lyfeC,t1‘}attlfbafiings: and motiqns of many petftms ofall tanks, % doth det«t1Fonfita»te that the jcfuim3'au1¢3 by MWWA tfotteducxng Engimtd m t;Popt:tty“z;rc. pmfecutxmg? And whttthcr It be‘ not the, ,5-,,,,-,;,, du.y ofall wotthy Pttttxots, cipctxally the _E-Itsnatgtablte If/Ietnbersttof that tParlia..f Printed at ment, to oppmfi: luch a tdamnable. defi gn wxth thf.’II‘t.VVlfdOTflC‘ g;-?l1'1dPow¢r'_P And C“”f*Wd£%'a allthe godly Party of the Landm fizmcl in the gap, by improving their Interefi in N 5 3: Htavcfsn, for the mapping of Iflapcry, and the upholding the Gofpc-1-Mjnjfi;-y g V t ‘ 55' new prcfuntfingulmmultajawmt. 5 “ St Law’ at one blow, to theruitte of it; ntany thotr.£":tnd 3:? ami1it:s for Ehfit‘ ‘:Pr€{cnt‘;‘: , my