31—113 MAJESTY ANSWER Printed by Charlie: Bill, and the Executrix of Thoma; , .- , l w The Humble AnnREé Archbinlfpfhi 8111101155. .; A N D The rep: of the Clergy of the ProvinCe of , ,CANTERBURK AIn CONVOCATI’ON Affenibkd; Prefe‘nted to At K ENS INGTON, _ _ On M‘UNDAT the TenthDay' of MARSH, I700. /' \ t ' ‘ 3-» “1 ~51? era—n.1,)“ - .21: ‘1‘ “31‘ 4-.1 r" j. 1 ‘ ‘3‘“ M. an"; 1 J .31 6‘ ”a". .3». f . I 7....— W '5. Together With H13 Majef’ties MOST GRACIOUS LONDON, Newcomb, deceas’ (1, Printers to the Kings mofi Excellent Majefty. I 700. i . —-+ _.___-. Archb1flmp, 6111101115“; ,1. "and ”she mfiiof ‘1 ’ Cleggy 011-112 Prom oz"? Cakmfim, :11 Con:- vagamml aflemblci :11] 1111 1 .1 11: MALI—Wfqm-Mdflfiyww 1w. 4; ~~---- Yme 611168 1151111: Eutiful 1‘3 31%., 1151-1 6111119111111 19 - 1 fig, 111161 ' and .1 '* . ‘1 116 C16! ‘ «v <3 “117111” ‘61 Cahtfréa g: , , V 1" 1" 666 611cc to u: ‘0 11“ ‘ ' ‘— 1 i-f' ““Summ6ns 11111111111611 Vocatior1, do take 1 is 5161111112)! 0111 humblé "Phanléfi 16 01191111213611 661111611121 11101311511th 11d P116 (3111‘ W ich the Church 0113720141211, b f’cabif‘heri hath re- eeweéi 116111 :111111" 6V61‘ $1166 thI Happy eeffionm‘thCQ1OWt1 1. V ‘3‘ " We do alfo thankfully cknowlfidge Y6 Maj 6.11161 P1011191C ' 111 ‘the quomied Churches in Gengralfi‘ 816 6 ':,'1§%Mnight" God that as Rehath made" "111‘ Ma Jefiyfl (211161 11111111111611: 11:1 1116 P1616 vatlen Of 11116111 6111161601 fo He 117011111 11111 619133 “16111“ M1Y 11 ‘65 endeavcmrs {0111:6611 111111161‘ ‘§&ur1ty‘ ‘11-” gamfl the 1111m1nefit fingers“ 3.6116Wftht ‘63“? are threatned at thik‘ 1111113 “1‘11 "1 ‘5: " 1W” ’ And We humkflylcraivd Have to give Your Majefly all poflible affurance of our fledfai’c 1'! £1: ' 1‘ is 1“ ‘7 ‘~ ,.~' In"; 5 «m1 2» .ii' ' f 09 Piclelity afici AflE‘Sth t6 YOUr Sacred PerTo'n and Government; which we {hall always te- _'_y, by maintainmg You; Supramacy, as~ _ thBd by :the MWSofityls Realm and the ‘ ' A ides and Canons 6? our Church by ‘3ng mating true Religion and Loyalty among sYbu’r fmple mmmitted to «'21 Charge, and by om canmfi Pmayzns to God for Year; Majefiies Long Life and Profperous Reign over us. i . ‘0 l I , .. l ‘ '. L i" ‘ , 3 A; m —~ . ~\ I" v ': His Majefiies mofl: Grams Anfwer . fMy iLOWS and the ref’c of thc Clergy, ’ «€02 310237129011 flmfid Limb L102 Mfimmw 332170 x 6 Web, 0f L210. 4W4” PMLLLhoyz hI We L 0552.”be of England 00 2} Law gflablz" ' 0d . . ;.;I. I affbrb M 3532011 011022;]; 0022022202 L0 210/2200 )20222' IIMIZLJ L2: {by Mrmbl/zr. 1 15102“ 0000:? “200211: to L120 Refbrmea' (3262020120: 22520214 bf" Tmfarwfs far/20b 2f me 22; 22222} b: 222 Dguger, 0322ij by} 7. .1 30m [2’ ML , I [073392 3L 021k yaw f02' 1“" 12202222]?! 0f 22202222202020g 37f] 53010272222002, 006020’222g L0 L022?j bWad waLb I will 2202202: 0x202“! LL. I W2“ doubted 0f L120 130210120 02221 Loyalty 10f Lb: C'meJJI E {1de » I 222222 2:0 @166 223: (f ymr 200L022: E22400b02225 L0 bmmm Reagan 4““, .000! P2007, 22222022g Lb: P203212 ,. command L0 3200 ’_ 0230 , 0020' 1/1201! m2: 22000:)! L0 L022Lr2b0L0 wbbt f ' _ 3.2: L0 bedm 022 My PbrL. L0 2220b; 101% good JWMW; 02: Lib/25L Kind, m2 0 8220034192]: 2222ng grmL (302200222 25’2“ 01! .. g - , 3 3 .3 FLINIS Ai'hfifii ' 5 A“: fir RARE BX 5170 .C58 1700 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - COLUMBIA ELL SPC RRE RARE |BX5170 .C58 1700 || || I ll” ||l|||||||||l|||||||||WW 01 0-005925332