5L5Rp3® %OR, (H?THE flIVEN£1HRSTYTwTIOL Neaefésity, Sac1~ci:6me{fs, and Sepa1*ation OFTHE ‘T 0 (7 ‘T H E R W1 7“ 11 THE NATURE ANDMANNEROE3 its Power and Operation, WR1T‘TE]‘f By the fpeciall command of our late K1 N Ch A BYfERJTwTLmRD. A“ Y4!!! M v¢»_ava.u,A3’r’ « ~% V. W, 1. ‘ 5“ " “ ‘$;a'~* ;=m~;‘§«\“\§x*.=V “L-aw-<« < . a- Prizltefl for ?‘§’¢3)fl0 n at aha A11gei I«z,rz’e-1;z:..m39 K 6 mt; » .»;z.,...; 4 , - «#44 -~4~‘-* ~ ~ -% 11;-m%a¢insalfofolongas"wcretéin“reveren‘teVtoour Parents, orthats we dpci riot think aux; (elves wafer then‘0urVAforefathers5 But thefe I M 4Vdicr_Wt:o%th%e prefervation of our felves and the publike. “TH °DivincinPcicu:io11andneccfsity FF1 C17 M [N1 5 R1 A L. &c» SECT. I. V - " ~',"A:_Henfevera1l Nations; anddiffering Religions have A ; ; without any famous mutuall mtercourfe agreed 4 ~ ‘ upon fame common r1teg.a,and forms effleligiorx... } becaufe one common effeélczannot defcend from g r ' A‘chanceb, it is certain they come t:%othem%by tea» ' .4 fan, or tradition from their common Parentsg iris ncstonely In-mzerra‘11, andiAncrcafesias the worldispeopled, ~bi.1t A two have ptodi1@cedAC%ufl,di‘m-:5 and Laws ofthe h§ghel7’c obligation : . Afor; *.xzh}1tfdeirerwé%*Vcomthon1ycallwtbe%Latv"@fA1W(amra, iris either 3; * % 9 A.Aoir»byimitation5%fomething,thathathacommon V » "infltienc'e._ If reafln be the principle, then icis tnom regular and lafh ing,\V;m%d ad mits of no other variety, then as forge men grow unread» fongble, of ghatxhe reafon ceafcs. A If rraolitéan be the fountain, then A cufiiomé of all the 'iv‘<3rl4d«, d1ari‘vedvfr<:3Vn1&47\[o.;:/2orAd4m5 dr elfeitis A M ‘ hereforé: done, becaufe natural] réé'1f<5n{teachAes us to do it in the or--% _ ‘V , " A cufiomesof a wife N%a:ion,as*romgrsinggleflé, A V 7 ex 4 A ; o'f R¢li'g?0n Afl'd%Vfincé%tHEr¢§is;in . V M 1 j A Tthererbeingnoantecedent LawtoVdeterm.ine%‘;fh¢eir%prafiifé, nothing" L -L. 7in‘their nature to makethem oVrigina1Viy necefiéry, chey growinco V I ~ a Mame OraL»maccordingas they capables For ifawife+ Prit1C€%s4;0f3G0vietn6ur,~or‘a4AN3tiohgor':d\fiimou§ 4f‘z1 x11‘i1y"w_.,:h’hath , ricesV.o}f Pwfigion» as wereconfomnttothe M Analdgy bf his duty; cx9r¢flive©Fhi8f€nki”e»%dee@ntin% the exprefl % , fiony ' . wv -- T E l 'I'l..ve,A‘Di*7oAi22einfiituticizof A; :1"ucAh a thing iS:oap:2AblAeAo-E; noA-greateAr reafon and needs no greater aAu-A- ; thority,tbutlAhAAath~ beAeni,and may Areafonabrl y enough be imitated pon A ‘i the repntaAtio?n of thA‘AeiAt wifdome,AancldifintereftedChoice, who be- ; ing knowhyife perfons,-,l_or nations, took themfirlft into their’re1i-- I \ git>t1s‘ofl1C,¢;S- « aV4ler.Ma:rim 3, holy ofiicesgztnd tAheAChr1[i1ans thought~1trelal"onal)lle enough From To fig»: f;"Pb”°fl' ‘united example to do fo too, Example wasreafon great enough ~bDianb;§_/11.5.4'f01'tl'1at. The btGentile APriefisAwere forbid to touch adeacl body, E-fggefl-1*-F0 to <3 eatleavened bread, rod mingle with fecularimployments clu- pattern of the Jews, ilnclprofelled oittreafonable to imitate a wife people inthe rituals of their religion. The Gentlle Priefis‘ ulied Lib.3. . Ring and Srafie and Mitre ( faith A AI’A’bilaflrat.w:) the Prirnitiveo Bifhops did ['0 too; and inthehigheft detefiation of their follies and Priefily ornarnents, and hoped they might better reconcile their mindes to the oChrifiian.Religionby compliance in Ceremonials, r Chrifliaoify- a A m~oAre ehiaritahlc opinion of the Gentile fiiperflfiitiion. F" ‘I19: de?vAi/tine- A - De P’‘“f‘'iP“r‘r “ iezzdiwjg f3At3d3’.:e:AAiflihinont,< I A y AhAetthat*:apPointsnoteeetsAto A. A « alfimiitgrihlfi:I9IA%i0na°3re5 n0t.h0»at«:itisperformedsand hcthattcares A A ~yAT0“1itt1¢=,A fiudea great contempt: pafl'e: unit, Aiandhfl téeapeflé l A thenedfiteanefi civilleees sianddnathatitscontetatwich AfinE,¥»A¢-lies .mtth0W~lritf1chcmounfiodt than pt'e1fents,tAo’A o . ~éon,Watdi . 1'7OuIabke:AA'l¢A:A‘*~?}figfi6n¢,..;;'Al j; a A o he 0fi$ceMz'é2;“j1erzalZ. 4 A fiflytfixvg-:.Ic‘”Mflt of it fwfetap pradtbtatby gfaribw Qeiyt, l in the miniftery Qfthekiflgdgmitffilhriflgfibri. 5 _’ I it t ’ €.§;i5l33.fld0blati0fi£t‘7‘i babel an ill wile t c..iAndin.. ‘5“"”i"°2‘’‘’‘9°‘’l’‘‘?’ll9§'i.‘9‘’;?,7?F‘’’£i~’?'£*°’’‘' ‘ J t - f f 15¢‘ n _ t . maegijy myyaag ' _ W dy’ ~ ~ 9 1oyments,ort:h l by cfiordihgto“thele;e~éellen¢y oftheiiroflicesykiWLt;ii.y‘nt )‘ e _A.nd thes i;tWMas.”a’mongfi l the 4 l l ¢im@a§t‘ imoflgfi Wfhmliithey not A T it 9? their godtre fpeétivel A the bei’tof,lmie:n5gnld the M gpeojle to ioflicieteltttin“ theirmyfle A l i But the very naturall deligne of religion forces lJS toe diftinétion of perfons in oifderto theminiflrzitioo5yf'orbefidesthateverytnan is notfittoapproach to God with all his /order and adherem; in- ldifpolitions 5 an aflignment in;rea~fon muff bcmade ofcertain per»- being made higher then the people by theircalliog and religiomand yet our brethren in nature, may be intermediell between God and the people, and prefent to God the -peoples needeend be infirumen-— tall to the reconveying Gods bleffing upon thofe whole fiduciaries they are. This left depended upon Gods own aft, and defignation, l and therefore mull afterwards he proved by tefiimoniesl ofhis own, mere neceffities alfo, did in his glorious wifdomefend hisfonne, bloathing him with our nature, and decking him with great parti- wifdom ap A A 0115 and fins could not have neereaccelle. ’ 4 y A _.Ajndthis cofllideratton is not onely good rcafonyburttrne dyitviloi~y try,’ and was a conlfidertttion in the_GreekChureh,y and affixed to the K tniniliersy in religion. 0 Lordfivd who b:eMJW2en.: 5“fi3FP”i"?94t‘WflWfl Jed Téeziéliefi vfitfiefmefir l mittbouyrfélwesm tvhtfgne t/ioulbnfloflfififid i;letQg4_e,tr f T of an imployment feparetesr l hewéewtyeicher mu&ythiynhther.j ‘ "V, V Maw ,w to 5y‘ 5: ‘I.-', A‘ -u. ll or .4, y ‘ , y . r V L ‘j H _‘ rue...» 'lV"A)VM"V mm H ~ ,Ll \ fon$,whofe calling mull be holy, and their perfons taught to be A holy, by fuch at folernn and religious alhgnment; that thofiiperlioos head ofa pra_yer’as the reztfon of their add«reflh to God in d'eIigning * that he hath accepted fnehi perfons to fuch purpofes 5 but thefox-mer , part we our {elves are taught by naturall reafon, by the rules _ofp1‘*o_-.. A portion, by thehonour we owe unto re1i'gion;, by the hopes ofouri A ownadvantages, and by lthediflcance between God and us, towards . ~ which we lhould thruli: up perfons as high as they are capable, And in ‘that all the world hath done prudently in this, we are confirmed by 1; 1 he Gods own aélc, who knowing it was tnofl agreeable, not onely to I the conflitution ofreligion, and of our addrelfes to God, but to our ’ and tnhde bun apt to become a mediator between him felf and us, by T I __._ "oipation of his own excellenciee, that he might doe ourywork,y the l Work ofhisl own humane nature?’ and by his great; lenéiity and f proach neer to Gods mercy feat, whither our 1mperf‘eéti# r y , ttixesbgfore-yyctest or harmed perfone fertheytexa" t czifdornedil ti ;i'-ah? tlfF»tg~r;cetefiihonotate;et1 .fB§¢:§,a’%; im'mhhiti;eé;*"Amongthet t : l ‘ yewg, % l ‘y ‘0f*1m:“ l ethert éfitmtite ac» I I2: _ t , y-y . ‘p ‘_ £1 :Ev>twv— In0réi"t=~Etifi-West‘ it 9305 6 t dyer. . Ira‘ l V 5.04.3’ ;_Jl/_u;atc8'ec.t y .f§§”99“_’f”5~ @907’? 71::/tl7,_1;4 A{3gom7°s baa; v7f§u;e3g_x2etr gay.“ '71.". my cmafwo-y. 9‘;'L{;OlO7IU£~3‘E£{;' Jl’<:R=L0'a'JcgtAe;, ’tLgtmsmut;7uv: awe em‘ flag Ggjyay L A . -9-.- The Divine infiitzttiaiz of enigma A a1)t€t;=g_1Ié?taL- :>evAw‘W,’ , A_ re-Asia; em- ‘ “ 3 win erad- ass ylgy I Sam.AIo.5. 8:10. at A AA A A&sA3} 24.; A r S:prn.19.A18-n 14 i make them obferve the law of difiinéi marriages, yetit was per- y they could do to their Priefihood they fairly derived frona divine e precept, that the Prizrce amldt/re Peopleami the Elder: and the Symzgogzze ” tpeétation which each Trihe had of the Mefliaswa s, reaf on enough to mitted to the Tribe‘ ofA.Lew'to marry with the Kingly Tribe of jiwlak, that they alfo might havefithe honour and portion ofAth'e Meffias°s molt glorious generation ganed-For the Prieiihood of Aaron it was ,te,a;;gaz,a7ov,é» Waistolvs 3M'MmW«7iiM, faith?/aila’, ta pale/Zia” andwas fo naturalized into that nation to honour their Priefis and Antiocbw -3 the honour of their Priefihood was the {irength of their caufe, and the pretence ofthexr armesg and all the greateft honour anataal y A ledge, hinifelfe becoming A t i A A A 2 For this was obfervedatnongfiall nations,that hefides th hand of humanity forbidding fbuldiers totouch unarmedrpéoples, ‘as by al1Are1i ions and all nations Prieftseeverlwerc, I the ;very ,Afarcr€ciI1e?IIi:=y A A ~ ; oftheir p”e.Ifi3nsifl1ould exempt them from violence, anidtheA¢’:li~an- A I Aces Apr aintfolencliestnfwarre. a Thus the Gretiansidid to their Pri”el'is and to thl€AAA1{q«7¢£1A(g.u7A§cc¢lA perfons } Awho i : ewerevi appointed + for burially A flaaald go intylandlaut, 7 that is, fhould eornmelnce and” finilh their tgreatelt and moff folemn aftions 41156 mice and command aftlze 5 Prizflg And therefore King Agrippadid himfelfhonourin his Epifile tAo;;C'aiaat Caaflzr.» * I had Kings that A5Were~ my ancefiors,andfomeA ; of them were high Priefis, which dignity they efleern ed higher then f their Royall purple,’ belecving t/ant Prieflbaodyyto be greater thenthe; ;kin‘gdome,yas Geld isg;-cater then tnen. A At 1 y A A 5997;, 77;» Botameiatr mi; tiegvaflrng d»Ath~epriv'iledgeof A “ t religion, the idmirimnity of Priefls, H0: quae ntcaédnt mm eragflt para; mama 5 and therefre It grew up mto ztproiverb, when they intended fcapegthe -flame with thatin Hamerin thetcafe of mefléggers, _ _ feifed enemy 5 the fame which was obferved amongft tthelwmans, A H pug/Zantzflimum in Rep. jw Lglugttrum, cum gfi autharktati ccmjim-~ o - 5 power of bidding and difiblving pnlike meetings‘; of indié°cing‘fo--_ lemnities ofrctligiona jnfi as tihc*Chrr~Priatn Bi£h~‘0ps hadiin the be--: 4 rindiffion onely they were ctelcbrated 1;,W*?~€“:F""*r3t“0d (7 Epfivpii uni-verfler pleéi mamdarc‘ jejaawraiafllrnt flflflitliififlgffzdig/grid‘ /fipium rom- itféwwdarzxm, at znjfirxc capmm efl, fgdirztrrdum, éé alzqmi fol/i%citflg:§iiI4*z"4 A t “ as mmiii. The Bifhops alfocalled publike A _ 2/afi rcprafefltatia tam»: r:mim'5 t C/W’/7irm‘i fit-{zed ozzcrtieratiagxi? /Eiefz:6r;z.: _ t mr. It was fo in all Religion*S‘5theggdntjflitag, the prefidents of rites, A and uidtesoof confcienceshad great immiflionsandinfluencesinto A A the 5 »e:pnb1ike,andeeoconjmlmittifis Qtfw J ” il»ng.i¢jf:'1'x¢citu:, mannered ummmtgggg V j dtmmtiove, ”“””95¢”.4"-grit. "‘ i n tiuaimrei ThechiefPriefi we-as evfirithe ehiefo xnafandifree from the: fiieoifiieeminé/lekiall. to cxprefle a mofi.‘ defiru Critic and nnhaturall war, ~§J¥"zv§¢6g,§AeI¢$j,’_,_ not tfomuch as the prrefls that carried fire before the Atmyrdid Ea. ‘Ouy,€'r‘r’€m{“}’ 3'fw1§J;"gai:'y}«€K5iI Svrvvéeciioti M "A~Lof:§oV vztm‘ dig!) -~—--- A A Not fo much as-‘a meflenger returned into the City .- Thefé were fa-‘- cred and therefore exempt perfons, and ('0 were the Blair among the Grecitms, as being fat’ cred to jupz'tcr.,fafe from theehofiilityofa pro; V t V‘ £11133 /mm cfltnntzi cor1fla'enti£,* ggfri fizcerdatem audtaet vmldre 1?! I r v ” At magma cummzz/gr frm fruit Htrcxxlzi. * But this is but one infiance of advantage. it , “The Gentiles having once feparated their Priefts, and affixed them to the mintifteries of religion,‘_‘ thought nothing great enough either to expreffe ‘ the dignity of their imp1oyment,or good enough to do honour to their petfons, and it is largely difbourfed of by Cictrti, 2 in the cafe of the Roman Augures , oMaxz'm“um autm‘ oi» flromg, mqu: verb /aacquia /um ipfi Apfgmr rte fmtio, fcdguia c-xzfln mm not necafle efl. flgeid wit}: mdjm efl, _/1' 51¢ jute qmerimm, qmim g page 3 /mama jmperiir (-’;’- flcmmu npatcflatibw mmitia toflere? cm/Ilia 1; 1221 in/fitnta dimittcre, veltbzlzita refiindert .3 Qzidmagmflcentita qmiril i pofi odwerhrrr at magiflretnfi abdicmt Mn/ulc.r?qei,d rjelfgiq/iw quzim mm o papa/o, cumplebc aggndi jw Mt 5/art (mt mm .s:’4re;? ‘ It was a vafi power thefe men had, to be in proportion to their greatcfihonour: they had ginning of iCht-ifiianity 5 they corn-manded pnbiihe fafts,at their‘? ~ 7r:rr~4~ir’:“’Wt f”W"P” P” G’W’4‘ ill” t’4£i‘~::¢W¥7!i4 ti itxunirli rrwtzmdthey ”“fiFW’a ‘?’i‘W,z 5 pfjcbjcar CJ3; oi £cc“g’ireperqw c’§’-41ti0ra quzeque in cammaiéz at It ~I1i&d.{;é foidc x, V A A 11'. Eujfdt/3,; i P laztfru in Rfldcizt; I55 Cicero liib.2a e de leg. Te rtullr ddrv. 1 H M I’ t P'+V"‘{4! i 4fi0x’I~ A entr_ie”s ., .‘‘..,..mu ‘ -L . t.--«L L;b.§jii4guL ‘ A 7 “M,l‘W"""'A V ‘m ,« A 8 1 q*I;e.D2«mf;2.:t infiitution‘ of Lib.tt;4rtital.. A re:¢d.zg:”2ati;¢ f;“-gtdbmm, :4 for all the great tetra vterfeé of the epuhlike : h were [heip difpofing (atqué prompziarttznimm _fz77‘_8f 41gz'tc;z£1)¢f.tt . ‘ fenda c8Ft~z12zf7z5&td,ftA the very lower inflitutions; qfuthclr Religion were A hfet upwith the marks of Tpeciahll laws and priviledgesg, infomuch that the feat of the Emprefle in A thAe‘_TheatAre wasamong the Vefiall Virgins. A ‘ h A A e A at 16.. h at Strabo Geog. I lib. 17 . b Eliafid ‘UV-‘IT. km. 1. 1 4.c.34. fajirpb-gfintzq. 1.: 4.0.16. AC4/}.tr cam. dc belle Gal.1.6. he Euymwn 1'1. 4:. t h AA Parpbiriustcitat , h g can l§urfp. 4. % A ‘mg: mmxnc. ~ t t ‘A?sefoonhtasI ‘ Heathen- opiam. the Piriefis gave iaws to their Princes, télndt they;t1{'ed their tpowert fometit:nes to the rutneof thetr Ktngs,ee;ttlIe_,theyA wetietejpflly removed ; 5, Among the Eg/vptilmx the Prtieits were thetr judges; .;Drm4’.r among theaaals were judges (Sf muxjder, of titles of land, of bounds, andinheritances, mo:g;ea~aprm' eoxfuente/aware, mm fer? dc. bmnibm cantraeueerfiiis" pztblmk‘ prxwtafiue (7.959/1:2,?‘-!433721”.,2_'3D(II for the iblagi A of Perfizi and India, Stiuzba reportsm awaits; en? mtem -m'2’;ha€u-z-631 ,8utzzAet7m A c5;7a?; Maya: 7079 IIépaau; Jenyzyiuss era? ='nee,i‘e¢'§;$~2§‘, they COBVEIEH With kiflgfi, meaning they were their Acounf7”elttloA,msh and; guidteéoftheirectenfcieng ees. And Herodatusifl Euflazr/9i}4e;tE%l‘ls. us OF: the Ta'Z'y,u4cA at’ may hay’ Aéztcpatg "'7' -9~‘~5m€’3‘7*b' thedivine order‘ ofl‘vProphetSw.0r» Prieflrsfin .D:lpbo.¢., A ;nA¢';;w,-%u has Bdm~‘~wv.;teheyt did eat of the pubhkte provi fionstogetther A :; withtefiingst By the fe honours they :tga’ve teftfmony oftheir_re) ?giQn, t ;nA0thhoneA1y feuparatingcertain perfensgtfor the fervice of theirtTWem-9 ‘ iples, but alfo feparating theirAconditionA from the impurities and the A ecohntempt of thewttsrldg as knowing, (theta, they who were tocon~ V Averfe with their Gods, wterte tobe~e1evatedfrom_ the common com e ditionof Amen andvulgar miferies. ~ ‘ A gtAI,3§t’I5JbLfz;At5;1a;‘ - he ‘ejevfiptuve at-aw M-.:.7:(gt fy’_¥p4cc_7'nc,_ psdja firing J9 Bte3'lt3'.y. was“ made *a Priefi of Idmn jup;2'ter, all 4 white. and I declincd toconvcrfc withmortalls. e om: forty’ f‘; ufjvtféflifc Deo eccmat, faiduS':mec;}¢:: had need be ¢-_,f“a and at the compiant ithtttwas amongtthe Jews and _ envtesgtand fbornes and e..t‘1foublAesto‘f. po p.uIar»tpeeviflmefl"e and eon-emf tuma'c‘y~5r and 'that I*maAy ufetthetexpreffionotf Taéitt/4', uzquee gAZz/z-e- A eBut the big/2:’/Z hztdzall that cculdbeheapedupotnthem, till‘th,eir "A honeurs were tlS_{Ub1imACd as their funftions. : 3 Amongfithe 52/32. A {to they were in .4:/?;e2c»'.n for the Aréfapuhzitcst :werePrieFts5 and the 5 :~i:ttio*ntthiati ffings to the honour A A hC)"wh iAFChtifii£gn Rel-‘gionhihould do otherwifcthenall the _‘ A A wdfld * thtzithethh eons, either it muff % be hbejcaufeAthe., writes t5of7 .A .. ’:}eeCh-rif’tiat1it.y are ofnotnyfieryandteeter!dihfpeenfattion,butAt H _ J coinnAaé’cionsofanordinary addreflé,andchAeéphdfievotion;.,or,elfe A ‘A he i ? A hb¢C8Ufe'h;" A A the minifleries t:>fChriPcianity,i we muft confefle we have theworll» i . A and be 220 marcflvm : and therefore For the verification of thelpron figmé 15; -71173019 oztlrfi oE*7rJ\t3'; 707; {.uL2rfi*:ru7§. 1? yap Jllrwtc 61 Xwdgekot cixgt fig‘ “ whole fueceflion of the Clergy : fol Tbtop/yllafiupon this A ‘ w t. - ‘ l‘, V ' ., at», r! H K . V 7 A bedilpenfed tyoethemg who intimetlibfiperfeeutionhadfacrifieed ,; tlaébjjécehfifiifiefidll; _‘ ;9 hecaufe we undervalue all religion: thatisthecaufeindeed wehave: l A ti ” nothing ofit: .TIarfirfl is cliihonorableto Chrilliitnityg, and fgzllae aé its greateit enemy : T be flioond, A is (ha me tot us : and 12:21‘/3 Alb unrAe.*a-tt. fonable andtunnttturall, that if we feparate not ce"rtainfpe_tfons fo‘r religion, or thatwe are the worll ofrnen. A ‘ A But let us confide-r it upon us proper grounds. When Chrifl had 99 cltofen to himfelf twelve Apollles, and was drawin now to the laflt fcene of his life, he furnilhed them with commifllgonsand abi- lities to conftitute and eretfl a Church, and tci tranfmit fuch ppwers as were aptfor its continuation and perpetuity. And therefore ted the Apoflles in the capacity of l‘Church-officers, he made a promife ‘lihat be mm/d be with them ta that read of the A world; A they might per-5 t ifonally be with him untill the end of the world, but he could not be here with them, who after a lhort courfe run, were to gohence, ‘ ‘mifeit is neceffary that fince the promife was made for the benefit. ofthe Church, and to them as the minifters of the benefit, folongA V as the benefit was to be difpenfed, {'0 long they -were to be fucceedecl to, and therefore aflifted by the’Holy Jefus according to that glori- OHS })l‘Omi{€.‘.“ 06’ patrol; J9 film 707:; Xvmgtihozs tlvzégce-to «TB a'uv27,rct: c€u7a't";; az;p']e)t~£t"ct; ‘ iéttemov C97?‘ 1!; W 33; WT; _.(.te9’ 1; M5; dmggvelmt rfiiw, _ “<1\7lot lonely to the Apoflles, but abfolutely and indefinite “‘ ly to all Chrilhdifciples, their fuccellbrs , he ptornifed to‘ 7“ abide for ever, even tothe confummatioln of the world, to the lace.AAttA A » P And ifwe’confiderAwhat were the powertand graces jefus com’-41» A 35 ‘mitted to the defpenfation ofthe Apofiles, fuch as were notltethpou ralry, but lafiing, fucceflitfe, and pterpetualyl, A we muff alfo conclude’ ‘N theyminifiery to be perpetually. AI inI’tzm.ceAifit{t inf the power of Iéindimgandeloq/iifig, “ ‘remitting and e rcminiizgyfler, which A AChrill gave A them together with his breathing Ron them the holy Spirit, and a 9FtheApofiles, unleffe the fu-cceedingages 'Qfth.C:,g(;;h:ufCAh ~ AA For goveltnmentitnofcandals “roved, {Id A A A weakperlfonsoffenfiédtnoeorruprmémberstowcutoflzms here- ,tic*ksrejeéted, no fins, or no pardon 5 an‘dt; were a mtorehere-=: 4 fie, thenilttthat ef thezvalmtiarzs, for theyieitéily clenyed this miniftery" infome cafes 5 ttotiin all‘: faying; A “y abfolution was ttoAtlrfitto’AA * "U Q. {.2 A it to idols, A eat ;co‘pi'?§rimu 7ii;§JZaa1'ot-5 ¥AeA3;€, “l tiep€§wp;m;;aAtflatveu’etv Ali,At;,c_7",§ V Awithout_Athemeiniifteryof the Priefl,‘1y‘ot£wfi] who were tttmty-t:A ’°' A A l t .l9I5!5'8'1M'(M5. 4 t K legatiotyanda fpeciallcommiffiont as appears in S. 301m‘; whieh J‘M“5' 2*‘ “ 4 pawer,What fenfe foever itadmtts of, could not ei":'piret with the A ‘ il,7A1'd‘:.S‘o_::t’"2t'r'..e t l; ve2a2mAAmlv.a?.’cpearrA. [*l~z~:i2~:z::;. To thel7e]arzeZ)I, pardotus tobe dtfpenfed -t5,'J=A<°"'J-M-» . 'IOfi The Dierinelinfiiilntitvaof it 1 James 5, " :2“ Cor; 5 1 20. ' 4 ‘ ‘land flexes eottzmto dezzt/95 there area certain forteoftfins which are A I 3, jhzmes, +h0\»V€!V€r_., Io long as? that difiinétion remains, fimzesj awztodeaib, -A remediable .,’i~:md cognofcible, and juidriicahie , and Sa power wasadifl t penfed toadifiinfl: fort of perfons,i toretnit or retain thofe fins 5 whichtherefore muftremain with the Apoiiles for ever, that is, with their perlons firth, and then with the 6; an AmJb;§a’c with Ibez‘rfi;c-A ccflézrs 5 heeaufe the Church-needs it For ever 5 and there wais nothing in the power, that by relating to a prefent and temporary occafion did infinuate its fhort life and fpeedy expiration. In execution ofthts power and purfuance of this com miffion, for which the power was given 5 the Apoiiles went forth, and all they upon Whom this fignature pafled,i is’: «:23 vrvefipca «"3 éiarrrw '£’9e’Ia its cfiawcovioev A »m’um, executed thispower in appropriationiand difiinéi‘ minififery: i it was t:’w;'A /mom’ of tbeirproper Irzirii/Zairyg, and 3; Paul does almoft exhibite his commiliionand reads thev{zords,whien he puts it in exe- cution, and does highly verifie the parts and the confequence of this argument 5 God hath Amcaecilrd or ta iiimfi’/._fby C/arr?/it jejin, A and bath weare Emlwflitdorrfar Cbrzffz‘. an appropriate miniliery, ‘1t':3ct2m_wz't1fed ta;w:_-, nzemre Emlmflizdozzrr, it is appropriate by vertue ofChrifis mifliom and legation, _ He hath i gt‘-om to am, he hath made and deputed certain Embaffadiours whom he hath fent upon the mefliage, and minifieryof reconcilement at Clwrc/1,: that they may ‘pray. over him, that they may anoint him, they commit ' A it bhtiafsteternalland qlaliiog iaefin is: and therefore th€f€.Coul:d be A , " tnothingwinthe Anature ofthe thingitomake ityfolltn uchyaslfufpiciousfi gé€a£«er7to*gantE7213v':mV’]%§; lfacriifieers, f and mlihgled the M516 fifth? L073 W1?/A-‘ii the fiéiiihf afrdevil:.i Againii other firmers they were notyfo‘ fevere. But V gave»: in M the mizzzflery of recmciliatiotm; and it followes, azowtbezz A The mioiftery of reconciliation, is which is a plain expofition of the words of his commiflion, before i recorded;-,'j‘¢2/;'r¢ 20,. 21.» A J l 7 A i A . A A And that this alfoidefcended lower we have the tefiimony of who advifes the ficki perfon to flzwlfar the Eldcrsaftée that in thatfociety there may be cozzfi:'_[[izm af/I22: bythe clinick or ” fiek perfon, and that after thefe preparatives, and inyythis _minii’tery,A H A his finsmay be forgiven him; Now that this power A fell intofuc- ‘ A celIion,—thistinmance proves; for thellillders were fuehkvighoi hiadnott t lll»’i‘I1t¢ld*i3t€1Y from Chriih buti I-w>r»c>m’e,swr: i they were-fatAher“S? ‘Ale, fonts ofthe Apo ftlest and there-, = fore it is certain the power washer lperfonall, iandrnerely Apofiov iliciall, but derived upon others by finch a communication, as givesy, i V A A t evidencethe power was robe fueceed ed in 3, And whe.n.wen~tit out? ‘A when theanointing and miraculousehealing ceafed? _Th_ere “isnor~ ; A reafonl forfthati. For forgive-nelle offinsiwas not a thing vifib1e,and ‘ therefore couldt-notlbeilof the tia"tureof miracles toycon-lirmethe. \ X a faith andchrifiianityfirfhand afterits work wasdoneyreturln to God ‘ *that gave it 5» neither could it be onely iofprefentuiie to the Chutvch, A 4_a_..—.—j it wastprcfently expire. y t f __—.—-wu-_—..__...« -.....‘ . ., A l 0}jlzieeMi.né[l6ri4ll- \ I I3 A’ - 'f£1lIl]C,f(I)F11‘l€ ;4mz*‘ impar f To which alfh l zzclcle this ccmlldemtion, that the Holy Ghofl which was to enable the Apoflcles has iewas cm ofice extraordinary, exgilrgallrivlat, was promifecl lhould delbend ulploo them after Ch riffs :al?;ez1fi‘on.. and was verified in Pcetecrzff 5* for tothat purpofe 1:0 bfiflg all7llthingstotAl1eir minclefi all ofchrifts cloflrinel and all that wa9m:'»» _ ceflary ofhis lifekmd miracles, A and 3 power from above to enable :1-hemto {Tpeala boldly éndlearnedly, and with tongues, :1llthatl:se- A fideselxe other parts ofordinary power. Wee A given them ten Cl-ayes ahte1' the A ihenfion. t’-lnd therefore the breatl1:lngthAe holy Gl10fi11PA- * ooTtl1e‘,A;3olltles= in the oélaves oflthe A refurreélion, and this’ million A A Wll:l"l fucli 21 polwezg was; ltlmir ordinary mafia», an {ending them as or- A clln;11*yl"al’£Om anal log; and loofing em promile ) with .21 expounds 1~e111ijrtl1ag mad retaining ) which two‘ were the great hinges lofthe Gollpel, the one to invite and called’: :1 Clmrch, the other to govern it 5 the one to dilflrzenfe the grearefl blefling in the World” the other to lcelep them in capacities of enjoying it. F or finale the holy Gholl was now affcually given to thefe ptzrpofcs here exprefled, and yetin order to all their extraoxfdinaries and temporary needs wee’ px~omif£:d to defcend after this_., , there is no colleélion from hence I more reafonable, then to conclude all thisto be part of their com.-A l mezm nc)lelTe anal they were the Wordsofthe‘ million oflordinary A pofilefllipl to which the miniflcers ofhreligiono ;« Werein all ages tollfucceed. A In att:eflati0nA ofalll which, who pleaflej may feelthe unimclteflimony of -"~ 8. A(.?,m'1l,Al" Cflljfiflame, “ S. xfiizbrcgjzf, "1 3. Gregory, and the ‘ ‘Amuhour of the quellions ofthfe‘ old and new T‘el’catnem,h who unlhelléby thifircalling (hall rathér he‘ callecl perfons interefh then by 1*el‘lfhn ofitheir famous piety and in; tfigtfitgfllall bflficmzpted as.compc:tex1t.-. arféla very Crfidiblea and fair‘ ‘IEPW theirlfL1cceIlbrslforl¢;W’:r-. and thatthereFo1:easAChriffAAin the firflt clo~ V Iijatiomfo alfo foam Churchesinwl the tradition Ofthat owe-r uefecl th 65 N l. ‘V {J ‘ M “l V!‘ ‘ warm A odenmcf relligiQnl,b§?Who1n the Keys are miflifirecl, V A113; “ lathe precife ofllce Apofltolicall., A circumfhxmionate , definite. and Id V powerto mimifirer reconciliation : ( for To 8. Pm“! A A x;1tmem:ofthf;struth,:1nd tharjcwasa cl%oi6’rrine of Ghrifiiani~l tys thaifclzriflgavel this power t0 the AP0fil¢$ fer thfimfislves. and \ of Words intending the collation of the a1ne‘power'am1A he llerllpnzsforlthe ‘work of that mioifiery. I endtl1i$wwithA xiegefliw gives to all Publilw Penitenma Fmietw 4 rAof!fée;i#Ecc1efi¢ helm’! IWMAA V‘e?Wral€‘5‘ wlflrm/itrk W”P#4e¢flfr3A lefilimielhewfldmlernhemcome to the Pm? V lgoW“1*nolursofh£5lYthingsletthemrt'C€lWl‘h@ffillfllflflfiionfilwllilch 1; e 1 Ifhallexercifeandfignifietlwrirrepesmanqea Tj "” C‘u1':atesof'lbtxl_s, with :1 power to govern( bindw A 1 1) Ibid. % c In 1' T fm. 4. V cl Hamil; 2 6. in Eumrg. c Qgefi. 9;. la I'll flolln’ 20. l 11'; sgazsa-case as: *¢:;«.~ ;:..~» :;z-—§.~A ~ ' A’ 12 A t A ’ ~ ohTheDiwinei12flimtimof ' Mat.:28.I9a diately before Chrifis afcenfion -5 Allpower in" given to we in baa-wen he .S'ECN'I‘.‘III.« A which Wol5k"t‘h_Aet not Aonelyhat firfi defigned Apofiles, but others alfo were appointed for the fame work for ever, to all generations oftheChurch.t Th1s»Com1mffion wasfiAgnedimme- I A r-Iqfiefecondpohveerlinfltanceinis preaching.thetGofpeI for 2°‘ and in: earth, 60 yes tberefare and teach all 7~2.»2'1‘iei:'.r," Ateasbirzg ibem to obflrwe all things wb4tfirez»erI /M216 cor;2~':7.ez2d:%z1}IouA,‘ and lac I am AwAitl'JA jay al{';a9:z_y:e-‘@922 zmto!/Je eudaft/aetvhorfof.‘ 'Fir{h‘ hCh1"iAfi declared his B Aowneommxflion, [4Zlpower1stg1venh%I;Am Into hzs hand] he was now “made King of all the creatures, and Prince of the Catholick Churchg andetherefore as it concerned his Aczireeandpmividence to look to his cure,“ and flock, fo he had power to makeA deputations accordingly [ Gee‘ ye: t/Jew/'_fore,] implying that the fenditigthem to this purpofe wasaniflhe ofhis power, A either becaufe the authori-- A zgng cgtagcn perfgntsgwzgfin 361;: oggiogsrgor eltfe %ECI23]f€_ the meTkiogAA t em o ors o e um a L c erso t e attons, vvas a placing them in an e’rninen_cy above theii‘ fcholarslhand contrerts, A and fo alfo was at1~‘?emanztt1onfofthatpowerwhich derived upon 0 A Chrifi fromhis hF‘ather,;from hirhn defcended tupon“ the Apofiles. AAndtheAwifer pcrfotns of the world have alwayes ‘undAerftooé:'l5 that :1 power of teachingwastzi Pfefidency aAnhdhAe.t/3z2riz‘y '5‘ for fince alldo-9 ]rninionA is 11317 rally founded inthe uhderlhmdingg although civili government at:cidente1ly,Aand by inevitable publick neceffity re- V lies upon other tit1es,tyet where the greatefi: underftandiog and A power oFte§achiogis,,therc is ‘a natural] eepreheminencze and fuperiori-V " _ my eateewgthat is according tothepnoportion of the ehkcellencygand A A therefore in theinfiance ofAS.P.ml*we are taught the {tile ofthe court, y ThuAt‘or1G'aAm4lz'el,t which implies dtjtyfubmiffion , andfhfiaibordinatihongz t A A a_ndt*tirxgdeed tit ise-the theigheft of any kinda, not oncly becaAufeAiAtisf A A found nature, ‘ but becaufe it is Va fub‘mivITionofthe perious ~'ofthAat facttltyewhheiéhwhefiweare re“? A moved from tA‘“*ittj’te7cA:lAtonone*botGod ,-,for no man hath power over the uentderfiaridingfaculty‘; arid‘ therefore fo Iohng” A as we are under Tutors and inftruftors, we give to them thatduty, A becaufeAtnone«eIfe can fa tisfie thcttunderfianding bathe. 3 “ A AwoAr!d,/we ipflz theyhad power given them overtjhAeunderf’tand'ingstI A A A oftheir difciples, andt~heyweee» therefore fitted with an infallible A ??ftiti,t_., and grew to be fo authentiek that their detcrminationwas~“ A the ltztfiad&drefTe,ofa1l‘ inquiries in queftions of Chrifiianity : and al-" 7 though they were not Aabfoltute Lords of their faithandAunderfiao-eAA me. , A A_ , . 1 " \4 W W and Difivjv/exfit ‘truth:/ea:oftheirmatners, as he did athh’the feetofhish D A A in thee»f.1ccVeffionofwhich’tcIai‘m_, none can fhcceed A to Nowkthenhecaufe the Apoftleé weretcreated’ DoAAé’ro”r§?of'alI“thAe’ E 3? 4 A dings A] A 1 A l Ag’ dings; as xbm rm: was, yet they had, 1mclerGodA, a ftipreirteeaiteg, yl WAC ldaéirind, autgcnere, dutformmi rzolaililvz/:r vmérz zmd therefore the 19.0.10. / i A :I9é0]jéceMin2jier2aii.A 1 :3 and prelidiency, to order, to guide, to infiruflr, and to Afatisfie their’ underfiandingsg, and thofe whom they Tent out upon thfefame crime V raAnd,hacco-rding to the proportion and excellency of their pirit, had A Aalfo a degree ofifuperiority and eminencyi; and th-.=;reAfore they who were xomfivng at c!‘>.3aca'>te!»?»Io,o Laboumar fizz t/oexvordcmcl doéffine, were allb 'w€95::i'3we<: wraifidvtept Prefbyters that were Prefidemsand Rulers of the Church; and this eminency is for ever to heretainecl i according as the unflzz'ji}.»mlz. ’ [A 1% d We ivhieh is zdfo iitoreeredihle by thofe words of Tertallfdna A ,,Q__!:ct7."»t¢t2A 3'tPxbor*tad A ~ zgzhgtr qua? in el.EccZ:]z'/5 brdziiari fglent, yqzm: Dem 22¢:/Eeré jymiigmwg; £- ; qutzmmktjrweéictulam ex tfuaiixidauz faaa em: , quiz: ex . przefi,-rzliita 15;,-V. ‘ whence the obje€’rion_t:omes For fo the Nicmc Coimcelexprefly: dd :t¢.2'x,p'i‘; éuvatc iEe~ru€§e;3wt. DDeaconefl”es are to bee reckoned in the .Lairy., becaufe theyhave no impofitionof hands, «w'.::s.'for any tees to temporal] admitniflratiens about the Church, and a«fo'-- ‘letim benediétiond, but nothing of the i'eg9v.11w13’ Jlfvocguc; thefame H5-W,--9‘ were the @;0€0‘3tI'17J"é§, v&r0K9%3v'5x9,darx, the I’r.:'1é}tere_[fl'.t , "who Werethe taw; the good wo- ‘1r1eo,° that did domeftick offices and minifler to the temporaall A ‘necefsity ofthe Churches in the dayes of the Apoftlest Suchadne * e was P/mébe of o7enc5re4§ but they were not admitted to any hbly A or fpirituall office: So we have certain tefiimony from Antiquity,- Ep.zr2?o‘3w.eezr "Wu VJ}ot;oovtoa-é3'v. 8::-:. Em? MJE‘ gcezgofhicrfaw “hires iixamv, ¢§:'<,-:2 if éimvavt: E«v']o7s' 531?’ j..__.§_ Kdfpirituall office. For they had irnpofition of hands in fame pla- s‘o’Epeip/mmzw T l.lt.’71’t'.‘ titan order hf deaconeflexia tbs , Efiitif-7\nt‘1‘1’qL,"oa?sN tax’ :3; «:6 i*eg_q,"]£v'ew,t 5 A C,vm,_,cb /mt mu. taimmfdlggr to Magtejwmpt any of-the uJ‘£’]uIv7:1;;_g:ge’i’v 5’-}rt7p%«2x'e-iv. holy offices. Arid intI1isfcnc‘etitwasthat Saintzimbmfe reckoné it I51 Tim.c.g. A 1 amtongfl thé Her?-GEE Of the Cmp/arrgim, that they or'dain‘ed';th t-it fi1Chdi!2:ourfes5‘they fllem I And f art/ye menvizho had gifttextreaotinary ofd'theSdzpitit,al--V 4‘ 8.: - ‘ though they Weretermirted at firfi inthecarinrbimchumu‘the-a t g fotethere Wasa Bifhop. oft’: fitted eolledge of "Clergy)foAi1ttet the ” A t~ it'tfp'“ir*e'd 'di&ates of the Spirit ,’dy€'§t* whether they eWér'exLaj7 or . A At W hfuall difpenfation that theprophets of ordittaty“minifterygthough V B3 A now‘ A '1’ he Di«é2iAne lirzflitutiotz of A A 7 Abe expounded, they willéonclude rightin thisAp'arti"cular.A.ForAiftli¢y:A _l nary million sthenthere is anerdimry»mippofl Alhuwlimfl mufiAUfDrPAu“1€lT=lh€eean pxovphiétitlc ‘ =%0d¢l¢3?l,hd¢¥5V=“5V€;fi‘0m God 5 whichwheriény man amid praphecyanpt,blite 5 hS:A>VlV." A ever, whe;t1AtbeAf¢ CXAtraorAdiflarit€s Adid ceafet, if_theAy were c6,Att1A?iIA10ti A» perfons,AtheyAA hadA11opr:€tcuce to invade th}Aae€Ahair ( norAtAh‘2{t_ wee find evicrAdid for an ordinary ability to F[3€aAAl{ was‘:never any...War~ rant t(A)fdillu1b an order; ~unlefi"e they can {";13rtlie‘Awordsof 342424! A * be meant conc:emirig:AtA, fsgnlifiél oxdi Preachwa [ Wbermzcrpi IA 4wAA om’az';mJ at APV£4AC£l€A}’}.]Atl.'J£?y mighttpnot in£r;3d%eAtAhe ofiiccy A To be abletopezrforme anof-iice, though itmay be-ca fair A cli{‘pofiAtAiAon tomake the perfon capable to receive it ora?'cirlj,lyetit A AA dges not aéiually .inve.{l him 5 every wife Iniin isnot a ACOut3A;AfélAAlA()11r l Al of State, nor every g00dlLawyeAr a_ Judge. And I ClOtl1btnOAt-lflutlfl A} A the jewifh religion there were many perfons as_’able'toprayAastheir A Priefis, who Ayet were wife: then to re-Fufe the Priefts advocatioq a_pmZ I)em;~z,, and reciting officcs in behalf of the people: 0r4£»2,t "pm to Aflzcar/10:“ was tltfi Qrdgr of (Bods appointing,AAth0ugh himl‘elAf were thing Ae;gtraordit1aryA thatA mufi jwarranft atl ordinary pexffonto rife A highejrAthet1 his owntevepneifk 5A and aéiiitg/A or 511%]! isbut a poflibilityg and :;nAAuA[l-_ be reducedl to aéii by finmethm that trlanllfinits authority, . A or docs efiabliill orders Or diflinguilh perlbnsg and fepzuu1tAe pr.felT- A om, And it is very,“-,.~mAAarkabl€, AthatA when 3‘-<:d.w had mifcatried» and A A A loft his ApC>ft0Alate,AA it was faid, that it was neceilary for fame body A g to tobcaga witnefle0ff‘Ch.I‘Alfis rcfllrreéiian. Two were pa}-A-A m~t:d,A;qf abi~lity 1i:ffici¢pt,but thatwas notall : A tli ey mufi chufclone, vinecleion : which isAa demonfiration that every perfonthat can .‘ Aldo oflicés clericall ‘ isbnotpermittcd toAAdothem,andmtha1; befiaesm A A A A , Aknawlrplge and mtzitral or artificial aétlititaa d1vinéAqualificatignis gfgtc: God com pl aihs by the Pro ‘phct 1 law! rzotfénif Mu twp placesmhalr gram to , A A a,11dAlaAnAeWn1cfl”ageAsAPrpphets.muft nmqffer any dofirine m the peoplcl ox: pretend la dotftrine for which A AA they ;~<,>taA Conimiflionfmm God But WhiCbW3Ylfoev¢ftl1¢Y A fie 1 0 V ¢; 0' ALaityA A C ilnd0=A muff gi7**’1i*7%*’Wl right ltfitlofftflaitl/9iP. pad; kimgaad A /ficz(1,. Butif thfiT€tAVV-0rdsAfitgmfiAeA“lan lextraOrdinaryA lat dcvouAt.perfoAn atidof an excellent fpirit‘. And it had need be foAme- A 7 to maAkeAuip numbgr of the twelve, £1 dlflinéi feparateperfong A whighAAlA{hewsA ,th:..1t itpwpas IA1A0t onely Aa work ( for that, any of them A A A might: have dong) but an ofliceof Ordinary mit1_iflery.A A T helabilicy A of doing which work although all they that lived with :14, miAgh_t A V A either h_AavcAlhac_l, or teceivedat Pmmafl, yeah: authority and grace A % wag more :the firfi thcyhad t1p0I:1A elrpetience, but this onély by Adi-4 i A A A AA A A AA A J‘ A A?¢W.é.AAA l A land %l1?A+°1P0fi1¢ leaves Itas an efiaAb1Ai£h§d.AtuIé§A: Elam A muff lProphcrsbw: \F Ag .,....-..... .m ‘,h..,‘.Aw. -vv-Om »A A. on Mr?» A th¢y.’_ m:.,A__,_, 1 ‘,A.u_ ? 2 their oi b*df* .A. I 3°13; dbrifi confiiguzedthe affiac‘ smhd namcdthe AP¢r!ons5AAboth cx- V 4 nd ordinary, prefmq Aa; ruAc¢¢_£fi.ve; ofo, hé pyovided V that::AAtAhe .vVh0l3;' difpcnfa;§;poAightAb¢ ' his», ‘Ind ‘: wéwee afievzdedap vaé 9 A ‘A “A and théfe dgiofi3§0m* fePahrati»0n difiinét mi9§fi€Xi€3 r li.;orAd.‘ $10 A 8.151%! teftifies €x9mfly»A‘ ; t1*aordimrya Agiftigfgoi-);h$f;::)l;J:!(l')t firgndd theréfvae Chrifi ~ gag”): T0 . A‘ A Wingfgfrvoam the famehSp1m mhadho; A _ , A A , W*’4*/4r”efI?W‘= 1 A A ‘ powerddforCh‘#r°hh*hfic?sa gifij; his mm 4 £21? W mzéz/W»haw:AAhm'wfl?rrItfl£add difiinguld accordrnglyw Aemenaoxdlnary m!fl1’fl€.9‘¥ and a mira§fk1«h%su5A "\_gi£:m‘i A that ig, V 9 LA o mawwatibm and A: L % a:chc»ary~oAhg«i?ft¥Aeannota foblimanfl Wrfan ot0_ ii» " mpermaturall iimpwvment 9: L:-mod from tho ods@Wfe°f?h¢.41f: " SaintM;u!:Wi%h01%§h Af“f¢h~P’hh a1‘“fi9d¢‘~ VI 1” fiegdgd A an» ex:rao1*dmany ;%gbuIjé)u$s{‘d "M-Z1212 g an A A*’9é0cé“2$rA41/2: Clmrc/9;; Apaji/er, fl/éc:vm{4r.g'/3: rpm-3 p;§eto;, ;§:,'i?;4,;{,;f;& Tcgclagrr 1:,-A 3 “a le‘Priia1lr*Gods i»peopAle fhould pufurpp rhefe oi fie: s:,AAA'Wphiich God‘ ribyihis iSpppiri-ta hath Amado fegpa me and diflingqi{h~ h.eii:iddesi_, Are a‘l1'.eIpa/Z/as ? affe 4!/olirdfihrtr ? A are. all.iTc4p/vex; frfrfo, rhenriir1veFéA‘a‘i'1 the body one rnembeié, quirecontrary” to natuAre,and to AG.odsA Oeconomy.A ‘ A A r A Ahti thzar this defignation of diifiinfl? Caéurrbaqfifcers is for eve1:r,r,» S; Fzmli;zlA’fopf£ifffirmes asie‘$:iprcjfly‘aspthis* <;1ue£"tionihAa.lA:| need 5 Heegmte A A [biog .c*Pififl1€,f‘,’ firmer Prépbctr, gmdfawa Erumgel:fl:5‘Aandfame Pzjiar; "1 H A afld*7'émber.s‘, 6;¢AiE'g;i.aAvJ}d.>€,dvid;,‘]%?'iiitb£~-~1?i?eS‘7’}€0f t/Iemifiyiflery, 12/] 13:34]] A I arzrive ~ArAaArVt/2:. rznizfy of f(I_it1J3 which as foon asirlhall happen, then i tl5eii;»m"r:”{fieryAm\1fii‘go forwards, and is incnrnbentupon the Pa fijors theho}y‘iAGiihofidefi§néd; A «in ~ or V m A A For; Iconfider that eitherto preach*reqauirresAhut an ordinary in W rrheA~r:nA=s11reI1~ do thiétr gfiihich A an ordinary rimd er minding, A and : i”acu1tiespca1ir1.p per- fident whohave1eafir‘eafoAn, AA ' ‘. ~ W‘ ‘W \:: w"AwAv“ A ."' “m A ,,,» v» ‘ ‘ '“"3T’C ’2‘_ ,‘(G~‘»«‘A¥}§ to A pic?“ :24; A AiA7TtAh‘o “V ‘ iestothle gporople accprdingio cornmerh the end. Till the end he, the ’s’g;puJ>¢x.a:»£¢;. the workzaf anAdiTAéaé:hAersi§ this is their vviork,Aand they areJth‘eA~minifIers, whom or an rxgraardinairjraéilityg if it? requires oanrextraordinary, ”they,, who pp 4 A are pilplitwératc ia'ndA*un1'éarned perfonAsiare the umfitteft men‘in;the- ii ' worldfnoriir .5 ifzmdfdinarjfuffihiiency will Adifcharge it}, why cannot 1; they fuppofe th&c1trgi;+Aofi‘a‘¢otn pefency, a‘ndArfi:f*ie.ngth fuf;ficiAenr to V form P A what need they entermcdxdle iw;itrh tha‘r,»to which noextraore , * 7 dinary affifiance is required ? oriheflife why do they; fet theirrfhoulder % to {rich ~a work,A with which no A Prrengrh bot exrraordinary, isjcom-9 _ mcnfurate P. in theAfirfi* cafe iris rrneedleflé 5 inthe fecond it is ufélefsg in V in both‘ vainand irnpérrinent. For either no man needs their«help., ‘A A‘ A orwifthey didi, thcypare very unable rho help; Ia~mfuretheyiare,r if A ' they Abéhiunlearnedrperfons 5 and if they be learnedbthey Wellienonghp A I 1_<°now,th‘at to tea r.ih“thAer péopleriisrnot an P0W~€r~i0ffp€aAking; but is alfo L A; V A an war jurifi~iiCtiAon and authority, and inwhich,order isat1¢é-fl:*" A ‘”‘?eA¢;1A,in'Van etninentdegrcc ;.' ?LeAirm‘d mm at not fo fmwérrdsi ‘A A _ rhésrlirvuld, retibéfides AA prudent!” and Withgtrut/;,reqAuires more ahi}1iAti¢:isithenAAaredxfcernabls: by the: peoplc,{uch«as make even_,aA, plain i in wo’rk”r¢3fonab!e to Wife 'rnen,and ufeftflli =totAhcirAAhea~rers., a.rrdac- A 7céptébliéjptoifiodi ’befides thisA,rIfay. the A<>?f5i‘-Ae of teachingAAis"of V A largerext¢ntrthenAm_akiing hoiliess, orjfpezikingpretitiiy enough to ° np1eafe_‘pptheicoIfimOI1Valid u‘ndif“cerningaudit;orS9AA Thery that armp- i’pointe”d_t0 Ateac»:1i‘ithé”peopIe rcflondereyo rid: ~jureA,[ giver «accaiarrztag fbEéi‘7r~‘Ti4£tbr in dcfia1i¢e”Aof ‘the numiérous Aarmpiiesriof.‘H¢rerikes;, they 4‘ A ‘ Afortheir flock and U‘?-* ¢xce11emrmoairmethcrma- A AA ii gain?fiA*é;iIi£hcirweakneflés fromrwithirgandrhofiilitiesrfrongnvyipthomg ~ iriher l of ‘confcience.-5 and It beleeve there are not‘; fo little as goao caé- n “their facrifices, and they were interefied in their councells, .p and A greater caufesg Andiif religion can havetnfluencesifltocouncells {kill is required it will not be ealie to make pretences toinvade it 5 knowfille degree = l l lyownlvyants, fcucufly toevcryrerrfrmafa con tahighlynnficefiahryinthfivaoint . '. '> v A 1 lglbecaufe therecém be feturitynaainflail the evil *l~i0¢il1Iif1l¢5 2 atio*i;fit1ie,wolr1dl 311 at aroanifcuous unclitaolien Cvmpafly ¥iwa¢l:ets- l r otifhe béallovted thé Plrtrtetxcte oFiaia5%a:!taordinat,aaa«lhélimlI évcslitr bl ii\£"Ol.'l” A A a great part of learning : but A V lllidfi of their deepeitignorzmcetq:ptf;a9li0thCr,$, rwant both m0- A l Ber 05 .m€I¥‘tl11‘<.>ul<1tbéthateaéhérfiiaifi:fldl“b¢P¢F iiPl5F¥“i‘“‘idP*°mi+ fident la,ng.u:tgeam:l bold fancyyis‘ * OF Pruitt i V tbeoiffityjl/Iiiflifieriall. theyflmulifirengthen the weaki,—confii*me the firong", compare! 2 the fcru pnlous, fatisfie the doubtfull, and be ready to anfwer cafeaa l fesalready ftartedup among theCafuifia, and for ought I know; “ theremay be 5000 times 5ooo:, And there aré fotrie caifesi of iconfcience that concern Kings and ltingdomesin the highefi myftee r rioufneflie, both of State and Religion, and they alfo belohgto A n Pa/for‘: for the inytereifis of Religion, and Teach as to detierrnine or ' __adVi{€ lfl, Kzig>u:c::;tA13<; ai'y}»~i«,7tar; Aéaea :9‘, a€iiiJ‘g§:'V Jld‘.., y’év7:=. vmiauur Svoiettc oirflzit A J)amav§'v7ok; agmwdap, ,,.,;,~,, ,9 at airJ‘gtL'V flaw’; 7-; J_(;oi).0f_.77;. The preachers were always meflengem between God and men, being Mediator: by of Princes and publicl inteteli of kingdomes, and that therecan be any difficulty, latent fenl'es.., intricacy of queftion, or myfierionf~ neife in Divinity, it vsiill be found that there are other parts ofthe Preachers ofiiiceil beficlles making homilies, and that when (0 great unleflea man cannot e an excellent Lawyer without twenty yeers flsilland piafiifei halides excellency of natural], indoywmpennts, and . , . 1 _ ~ 1 M-—~.. yet can be an excellent Teacher and guide in all cafes of confcience, ‘ rneerly with opening his tnouth, and rubbing his forehead hard, But God hath taiceni order thatthofe whom he hath‘ appointed teachers of the people.,lhould maker itthe workand~.bnfine{Te of t their lives, that they lhould diligently attend toreading, 4 toexhor-- tation. and to doéirine, thattheyrntaywafcfl oacr tbt';rflr7;k‘, over ya i w/aim: the baly Gbo/:3 lmzbmade I/Jemarorrfirrr, The inconvenience that h this lclifcourfeiislike to meet withallis, that it concxrnsthofe men A l who are fure not to undetfianditz for they that have not the will a dome of Prophets and midwife imen .. ”€”ai’m0at Cffilily he broinvght~ to s ofdiftance between the otherstwilidomei and their Qwnigniorancej. To know that there is great learning beyond Us is they that L have the confidence in the deliyiaind underlfandingtoo, eithergto «perceive or to tfonfeflctheir A A pypytheyneyer kifledt thelips of the wife, l eta; ‘ofthe ability of pitadataytqand autytag iehéiit 3Pi1‘it; *0 Wile“ YQDalnVVi??§5 h¢ih3‘1‘ ea mi“d¢i*°i' -' l ......._ ‘9 A and -therefore ltd tbrearhls «*1 breath -“Men”? 3“d‘1?n°°r11lh*“$‘hF*’l’ V‘ :.-.11..-;.«;~.»~ T i951 _r_.__...., r Iz'Iad.ct, ‘ . A I Pet 5. ,AA,_ A fer: which are use zmgjarz, I who 4//0 am at Prexbyter céxbort, feed the flock A .20 3 W A A TbeDi3Ui72é.ii2A:A‘itzi?t0i2t>f Aallotv himlnothinghuttanardirmvyflairit, that is, , abilities of art and A A nature, there carl1notitifi1c:h difcourlesebeany compenfation for the di(brd'er,or the dat.rger,or the Ichilh1es,and iAnnumerable Churches, when we head andmro rzzembafrx {hall make a diltinélz body, and all {hall pretend to Chtilt, withotttany othetcotnmott term of union. Psndlthlislll which is dz?/Aarder in thething, is allb fll{fl)Qf20fi.‘7‘.ar.éle to this part ofAreligiot45 and thee tlivine mefliages lhall be conveyed to the people by com tnon Currier: or rather z:eAA:’/[angers by c.?§'azzm_,,and 45 they gm: 121:, whereas God fem at hrft Embtafltdarxexzmarclémrtr, and then left his Lezger: in his Church for ever. ll Bttt thereis alfo a duty too to AA be Iecuredg, for they that have the guiding of fouls tnuft remember B other they mull‘ be Aégpy $7roJl:o'a'uv7.e;, mufi mzcler an m.'c..szw't5 and that can- AA not he done mt/2 joy, when it {hall be indif'E<:rent to any man to ‘limpet-~ I‘ feminate what he pleafe: and ( by the way) I fuppofe, they who are A apt to enter into the Chaire of Doéhors and ‘Teachers would be un- A willingto be charged with a’ cure offoulsg If the y knew ‘what that means, they would article more firiflly before they would {land l charged with ‘it 5 A and yet itis harder to ‘fay that there is no fuch ” A thing as the cure 0_tf_{ax4l.r:-, thatCh1"il’tleft hisAfl+.+=eltt~ow:tt1der and to A? guide thern (elves, : AAoAAAr to findetlhepherdsteatt the charges of accident A *and ‘chance. Clhrifi hath matlte atbetter provifionA., and after he had ‘ with the gteatefi: eatnefinelle t:t5m*tni*t"t'*et?l to S..PeiW'the care ofFeed- A i"‘nglrhisllam'hetsand_ (beep, S. lP'efer did zca refixlly, and thought it A “A parAt“tofAthe ‘Fame duty to prlovilclee otherl lhepherels, who lhould alfo * a “feed tizefleckr by a con‘tineAuall provifion and tattertdzmce 5 '.7‘X:e1’reIl2y- A ‘ ofeavdenrlricb Il”7?0i?g_}’0%, 3?i1wco*w*§v7e; §Jt2a§ca§7 «wzzaa-v’,ct:-24.. doing the Afice of A l ‘lyifbops over them, taking fitprmi/fab Ur ever:/Fg/at of them willingly '” mddready mimle. The Prelbyters and Bilhops, they arettofeed A A] 2‘b‘eflack,A Atherewas mfzmav dfific/1 to be diftintguifhlecl fiom the A A ‘Amxuéree 1}-IE/5271/3erd:,the elderesA;,,,A;A;,.a’,,andttheflaclgamongym,difiin— A tguiihed by a regular office of teaching, and aeerelationtofflmpberd: and 1 A A 16% ‘A3t1;1AtAAAetl1jesAdif¢ourf'e would be unneceflhry long; un1etI’elI~flaou1d A ldoence, intgiviAlttg:t*h*e*Ch“rlf*tianGhofrch*Commandements concerning ‘ 2 Afta~*tgt1rA;tents,and contraflf the reft. * om-rly hfllltldlefiret it A ”beltcon‘”fi3lélA‘lA”t~ ,Af”’C€rAhingt'l1Ce tpurptdfe that: llwallrt ofdivine lproyA1- A A%l3;l‘:f1!£’A'A2i“d¢?!1?‘[€A[I0flDztf, Alanelderl brothers portion atleaft, ; both ofho-l A* A‘ jAand“mainttenance, “ei [ 7lieci2zf?Al;A‘l):z‘l‘l‘ll Abryleémrlieletbee med mzdldecfiriflzs A A A A‘ “ AA lrfillllt uoneoli(g.2b53eW3';F0rtAGodo7Mt72l aw-dainezi»ttA A A rlvéfietw A " vat right to be A mainAt ain’ed' twoo.l All A ‘ A A AA 1: » __'*...——u- provifione tohe made for thepreachersg Let the Eldgzrxtbxzt r}1lcAtveA/l~ ll ” 1efii+ea“fhn*i”stta*kten*o1ilft ofMw.eLaw,llbutjiclerivedlfiotitthehtttu— E fowldliw 0'llA:"l’?GefPi'A1l~tT?htiesA‘efgfim¢fifWiwforce A fl diftinguilhpetfdns,A"orellh?0urAIM;/hxwitll atndtfttlwtll have A ;*gHceropreach rtreeorpen lthyatlwfllinklAyihfimfelvesabregfl ‘then alto: V A l ' l 4 A A A A V to unném l A A A1"i%AlaA1;adde rumors; 1AAGodA.hatl-h 2:leA{igi1Aen,» as toAoAther cafes A not excepted. Arne” A alrhoughin cafe of or.rher.liAkenecefl3ty,V, Wh2n‘:£iAt firrfkAWasAehAm.*iry,r in the Am:hAe4rreaf'eis A4 /cbgfmrand ;w'de,a* the two ,greatePr enemies to charity in «the But now for the-rhmg It felf; whether mdeed any cafe of nccefi rhAeApofl:les, isnoteafily ’cred.i.b1e,,A irbeing AA toe Anueirnerous 2:; body A A forfofew perfons to beptizerg» Aand whenelwer had preached to Carmelita and hflS,A"Afa\[.niA‘IYI, 5her.c!mfed; the brethren the-2 came along, A withhim to baptize them -34 and whetEserhanAds Afhad been Aimpofed A on them or no, is txotlcertain : And. in purfuanceoftheinfiance of AA dnaniecr, and the ether probabil1t1es,x;he Do&ors ofrhe Church have reafon isAalfoAurgedby S. .Hiemmer:to the fiune pen rpofe, enely requi- havereceived they may alfo give ::,A A but becaufe the reafeAncon— lateAhieA~frc:b}I€mt6,r itfmufl th€~I‘¢fDl‘€ ref: onelyguApon theiIr;bareau~rAA the contrary A Ar;Arh;e E:raAAt hens in AthefCo1in»ce1AofeA Eliberzk determined Pew xi‘£349;§tme,g~,,i3*AAAmrl ev:AcA-‘fem In A ammo mm Atjerit A pnzfléfidclaleyz, qmi lawcrurizj/113221integrzmz /Jalaemeecjit bigamz/J,£mpti- A A A zgariefltmfcq/fitatr infirmitatzér pofltum fCatecmmmar;z,rA in at /;'fzapgr~r M A AA wvixerit, mt Epifllwpum mm praedmfat, zztpzrrmgmm Az'fm}5ofitianemrprafi't:e:’e A ;r.A.Ar dTherASyt:10r;§Aheld at Alexandria 1:mderA Al€X'4fld¢'7'Ath€if BMIOPA A approvedrthevbwaptifme of theehildren byA;bmy@‘w; beingbutAa boys and theNimWF athersratifyingthe baptifme made byhereA- » am ongflcf whcsn they eertsld nerbutknowinfamecafe-s,AAA1rhAcreLA A W%fQ;'S¢; A .1» rrasme K A erttremeneccffity everry‘ men rliiayprezzcix the Gofpel, as A to dying 7 A Hearhens, or tlnbeleevltzg pe1fii;A0r:xAs,, yet ifthey “do this withoutfuch, fizyczan trzmfrnit to laywperfonsr a right ef b.:2:ptizin"g, it muff be difiinfcly conficiered. Some fay it does. A For Anemia»: baptized A , Am:-ula who yet (as Aitisfaid )*w=asr,nur iArzA1he13ArArrd*ersg, andkthzit the A Agooe L Converts “at Atheffirflc Sermon o'fS.Peteifiwere allvbaptieedby declared their opinions .'~:mncz2>“A;, A121 cafe; of mccjfity, ¢zAlay.-pe1fl:nm4AyA A 6aJ0t1A2:e.~« A 80 ‘T arm!/Mn in hiebook of baptif me, Alioqui 6» Lazmjw ‘ A efl bgptizsandi. ‘_,Qft0d¢'nim ex‘ cequo mzipitur, ex azgzao darz’ ;7atAafl,.:- The ring that the baptizer be a Chriftian, Tfuppofing .whatfoeverA they A A(i111df€S; not, becaufe ( as themfelves beleeve) a Preséytcr cannot c01:- A thoArity5*~ i:arf7ir;»;Aallbetho1;ght -Pcronge enough tie bflar the weigrof A A A .,AArAem;rueA Prieffhoodor !Aegirimai:eA erdifiatirpn b$m€ce£1"aryA A . A A fuppofe baptilfine tube diefpenfied re efi'e&AuaI1y,A by, Ieyev A \ per:femeA.r ,AndAS.»A__Hi;:rwm as p‘~laiAn, Baptiz4reflr~nec:flEm5p*eg.r;t.,,J ,..._,p- ---~..... A A o M mz/WA,Myywm.aAza4ez;azamem And.‘ of this mme are all they, re Lmcom. A AVA E’ aeisme it to bepr/operAtAoBilI1ops. AFu_rtherAyet,A ‘1”¢rAtz4flian_a‘nAd I 3 i A gg;,¢,;, 1;;-m»lL;;-cat: the fazne’aImoftA«»A\éirith theCata‘on»oflthe’”foAhrth l CouncelllyoffCAar.*bttgAe, 21/lulier éap1'z'z.zzra'”i2o7¢ pmflimdtlinetejjlzfitdte C4”-mhlfflrdé % - I i I‘ ‘ l A i i A i M A 5 A "«H:A." " r I lrtffh cpgejgtg : _ythoyugh, byrt/.ve wa_yA., thefe. Worcls OH: wgentta 1ze:c*:[/Zrate«A_»]=.ar ‘ 2-0:;’?;:1fé,fl. 6 A hyotin. the Canon, but thruft in by gmrz‘.Az.-xz and Peter Lamlmrd #Aoof I R E ii; A the fi3(1_v1eAQp1n,tpntlSt S.yAtAmA5mfs,, or he who Auncler his namewrotelthe 3, L’}b_,_W,,' 7,;mgtflt,zzeAi and C 1fz‘dzr,8< generally all the ScholarsafierthAei:rtM2il’ter; iii. dad; l A ' but againflt this d0AC’tri’t1e were allthe /1fi'icm2AlBif_hopsfbrabout '1rin.aff".c.e'4.l A AA»; so yearsg who there-l'oAre reba ptizedA perfons 1:eturmngfrom"’lhe"re-« A [icall conventicllesg Becziufeithofelherettcall Bxlhops being clepofed ‘j A and reducedinto Lay-communion,A could t=1ottherleforeAcolllate hAa~- ‘ A ptiftnefor their want of holy Orders :;as appears inAAS. Bafll: cgmopi- call Epifile to zemphzlarbiz/=r, whereAheAArelates their rc:al'on,7 and res- futes itnot. And however FiArmt' inn and SA Cyariarzmight be deceived in the thinking heieticltes ‘ quite Aloft their orders; yetinthis they were uotouchechthat although their fuppofition lwais q.uel’cioniahle,A yet their fupierftruéture was medledAwith.,A» A-wz. A thatif they had; been Lay perfons,their baptizations were"Alnull and invalid; A AA A I coofelle theopinion hath been vefy generally taltenAup in thefe S A A lafi ages of the Church, andyalmofhwith a /VlIJll'?7’9”£l0‘)‘1f7‘46l_Z’6'Ea?fl8fifthfi ffirlytages ha“dAmoAre variety of opinion: and} thinkit1nay’ye’tAhe eonfidered anew upon the old flock. ‘ For fince.Azlbfolutely,A ’élAl7 the A Church aflixes the ordinary miniflreryiofbaptifme to the Clergy; if A othersAdobapAtizc,“ doc they fin, or dottheylnotifin? That itisno finne, isexfixrefl y a,ffir'med in th=eI16A Canon»oAf'A Nice,»/aarwof Iftbe awn/at/Jar bapttzextbc clxildc, or?a17yo’tl.ver 67m?-A~ A X“ 4 A." ‘,4 I A H jtilzn man, im no ”* S. A Augfaflioe is ‘almofi Aofa-yA~ éUP駧,n:“é notliertninde, efifi LaitlidI1£!’T£3[/ltdfecompzlffil/'Aif:;Bzipfij7£IlI71 ‘M’ ”A'"”l’i ”t"f@" ml?’ °‘.‘’'' N -A A A y _ _ A A y ’ ,y§’¢g’@'°9f~’0'V°¢.%€* £511! 0 Xptsiawvc, efle repetmdum . Na//4' lemme cogeme; mcejfitatefifiat, A W 5.5, ¢M§.y,;¢, ‘ weizi zzzuzzeriwu/urpnt1oyr3?; /I aurem‘n:cq[fi!Mnrgeat.,A ‘A to AA it ” to A who by frequent Ul3DgOf_tha[fayiI]g.i'Ah3VE.'ITIad8it311330“: pro_verbi<- fpl’/"P""’”"" all, Fmfmm mlc:=rA,y fimi m2:rIAA dcéet. AA 1IftheyAdo~not ling then wom chahd A i A 35 AIy.;ayx11_eAnll1;weas much Afighttfrom ;Cl‘lI‘i{iIA‘ to baptize as Degcons 3 itorPrelbyAt6§»'.§A&A!tl3€n they may upon the fameftock alnAdni§hE~?.&*e A i ita$D€3C¢’“3de,A:vAforifAAay Bilhop wasprefentitvwasznotilo»“Willi A AA forDe;‘1consA, asis exprfifllflyaflirmedbyi Igzzatirka:ion,~hiAsEpil}leto" A AHWnth€D6ac0AnA5 and3«EPiPl’WwWithfheT3m€7‘W0I‘dSAde“ ‘V , nies 3173‘ 1?4pti1‘sa22dz',” ytomclmeaz anditaetbmcsrzzxrg“A“ahdA'both of i”;H‘ir¢[;'9fiAyAl;‘ty , A_ A S.€Hierom deny :1 povze: to PreAflJyteArsttAo:doe it without Epilhopall LZf§’l’,i‘,“”'AA V‘ i dilpenfatioti. Nowif PreA£byterAsy Dejaconse hw\(eAthisA»-power A ll onely by leave and in certain cafes ; theh it is morethen the Women A AA A A AA h_ahV'e’fi3‘ onely that they» are fitter "pCl‘l:0_US' to: belinotru&edwith% the At A deputation; :1.‘ alefieAnecefl1ty will }dAevAolveiit upon PxfefbytersAthen+ . , A C “A A A l ' A A upon A l A l Commentariesupon the fourth to the Ep/:~*flAzm,= P; Geltzflwvg A5 SA; Epi/?.PmArnen. Al I d it A 14 Duatitivit. " Baby_l.AcA deaf» dini:.ti;A51’9? inf. fAAA A d A détinfliiméndie A ” ~dminiflfi1f¢dfi4 ?’ i] ii; i A f natu:AzjI?r4g:n§ A A * ‘fcrniinlflt A ” A'AA”'7’?fl°“’?"’dd’d ed A define?‘ d¢=1xoi-A-A; *1 TbA¢13iAtha~tA “Mufi:A~éo1A1iMnot.Pcay4*longerA V v£,'ith;tA)Atit_ b£}AptifinAC5« gsisitha thoqfiyad v_eérrsgdAid&£n d¢fi;_¢n(} £15: g a gas. 4 AAm:1f{31* the ¢;¢he§2c:¢n¢;eéture 1!: cofmdiera blse: 9; all »:foVr:the ApoPclesA7mi‘g1:u:A¢ ta'kAé three Arfoxufl days t'rmg¢AA% AAb«apcxzeAe1wA Agoooi? therevwzvs no hu rt.dA2meif they «hadfi» Pray ed a1Awe"reAkA : At.h@AAta1@tAmh»fi%nu.ates A A1’1ntAhA1Usg to ‘the Acdh : T be flame?‘ day A a1»m:~ 36%: mam Azzwrfd J‘-:91 I‘/J9 ClAaar;:fiA2lAA; men they add toAt/J36/Mr:/a1~,’tAhW¢‘iA9g7‘15y*7J;aré‘u€zz)zdcjfl;f egg] Ma; SeAgaméz¢.,AWh4o% 1t:%_ may?‘be,confidcrcd».fome whale&»"t':sfS Pele?’-1‘ pofizive conviftion Em: it ‘is%1A1AotA-i7}aAid t/My mm’-eAI2Azzptiz.ed tbs ?‘A:7m7AzA£ day, A and yeti: 7 was not im‘pofl§Ab1e forwhie tw*eAIveAAAApUfl’les zcxdoe it in one A A day ,4i.f':- théy 1md;th~o)ught it reafonitfile. AA thenAAG0d made, blltfhat weAI?¢ave tAhe, admirfifiration ‘of‘¥‘the ASac:ra-A» tAneAm%s m :tAh@4m.an%ner ofthie firfi inAfiitut‘ionA,~ and”th~e Cleriozan A offices fon;tovu1Ai1rpeAwthefacred? miniftery Aafid%?AAATALAfincc thére CzfmAAbeA:.no A zxece A for“ unbalpiied per*fons%of yeersAAA0f’ AAc1iFcr€eion,Vb€caufeA thu?ii+1vdafireAmay=fi1pp1yt,hem, were well AaU0°i_F our charitywuld A: A finda tome ¢::;th;er~AWay- alfo, un~dm'fl*m3d Gods ~mAe+rvcy_ towards infanw cerminlymbfi emif'ulAl% sinflvfull of: pity to-the-m AA A alfd‘: thew AM no neglefli bfmy of his?;owmA appoin»tcd%%mi- nifteriA<:%3g;Af‘oA2a:As hehath i1pp0in?tedAth€m«, méthiflksh? were burreafm A nabIT¢!:aV trufi~his1goodnAef1Aewitlnhe infants ?th%erAAcavf’A’es.*% A for it cannofr but baa jealoufie and afu(pici6nofA’God,a"A not daring to A man f’tAhiAm,} anti amumfcafbmble‘proceeding AbefidAe',A, ‘that we wi1lAra- A A ther vcxfxtuzae AAtod1fpe;nfe witzihdivinc infli~tutionA,Atben think that God %wi1lA;A:A:% an aha swarm when Vwnfvéill reéek an . inflitution, fand I the r A ‘ AAe= ppoimedwin“ Vfllouldhave €Xp&&6dAt13at¢‘GOd_’ 4fl1¥OAulAd have : AI %mr1:herAAtAh A A gbfiudwill have mercyJraAther4th’e*n facrificejét when diigagurie3and'gavejflp ytheiri names up”AonA ‘ma*Atu4re de!?ibeArat‘Ai¢$n and A : .F:c‘)"r‘A Ad?wn Aafi-tic:L11AA~*21rAI Vwiih!~wAAé‘A WouIdm—ak'eAnA~dAmoré t1e‘c:efHitiesA I 4 V P A ‘ ' Abe kept %w'mhin their cancells, A A that nc)La7y handmay A pretend a rea-~ A reread more care of children then GoAd»A?h1Aith:( A u1eAofan ordinary mi-A A ’ A A nifl«ery~ogfGLds appiritin&g,*ratherrhen»Acaftthem upon“ God .A.-AAA asA%_%A% A ~ iff¢V;..wslovedthisceremony«hatter then he loved th4e«clhiIde*:f" »foArfe A be, if fScwriPture- % A ’ ‘ ’ gm‘ 4 re;n.m en:%A ewx preflé of Ch riflcs facrjfice on Earth: imt%isA 7mo&:cm{'QnaAnt ; ‘to the Analogy 0;f"th=emyf%ery, that thisicflmmemefatiirefacri- fiae bf; prcfented by p&rf0ns%asLfE:paratVe%, difihxfi in tfieir mini» ; fh-:ry;,;as th(¢fa1crifice it feif is from, and m5;w¢"the other parts of our“ ?re1igion.¢ A W 0111 afly,».V3ri€tyQff€DC€ qrdaubtfhln€1Te%.dfA. difiingtzifliing ofipini-4 0115. A %,Wa3v the grcaj t% excelIen‘_cy% and fl‘-:cret[miniPce1‘y%0f the r«eli‘-—— of it to» -xmzozzinw Piw inhis%Qration to:—him% and itVwi1l ferve z infiead _0.f 1I11_1ny 5f fpr ii7tM rel1s_tbcf_ religion ofghe AChxifiians% in this 4 _7ufiitz.in AWIIQO !\ _ A M V MM ._ A A V- zmfI@%,%~&<;.W ‘ When+_thcf,pra.ye”rsAAA are damn: 4; th;ex1g_;s brought to, the “‘ Prefide¢n4t% t%hebr~et11xrqx3EthaPr1efi3AAth¢ brmd», 3!1d%thr= Chalice ‘~‘ inc mifig1ed1e:'-wwitbfiwarlfira whkh being Wceived 11¢ gives praife : “ hctharxhbeen P1’€a@:dt0~giY€11S£h6f€gifns : fimdwhcmllehath fiini- " ‘T‘3m~,ayAp2M1rtake ofhim,in‘whon;1th§e thanks werepref'ented., t;h%e~Eu-5-A Q fllwfi é ,, A V - W V‘ \:~ g * U, ._‘K,f:j- y. 19‘ ~: ‘,r’ij,.,‘ ,\ ‘ « .'; 1,: “ ' ‘#3 5 Liv W,‘ ~ ‘-,-, \ “ andf regeneration ' > is ma ’Chri&;fdé1iVer6d- A For W66 ; the infiitutibhhad was my- { And this being the ;zré=it% M Chriftiér;¢ity.”“axt§;d éhe éneiy # A ~ ;Thusi:11{0the Ch urchofC3od Ahath.fo‘r i:fi&ex*fid«§o3it,wich”-g V V fl gi0n¢t0%c0nfecratc and 0fi.3“r th‘ea 1w1yAVf¥fi1b01s and Sacraments-f ~ ‘ A fha1lf\raVnfcribea~paffigeout of flz¢,[Z.é22 ibmrtjrgivingjtwhe account V “’i"='**'4*~ myfierys and givesA.a full a<=c’:j» %eJ;gb‘v‘%€mz7¢ %'&!ti%?%<+*ngfiusaVr¢4c811edAD«%—- V ‘ r“Amm“2mdiMiniPtVers,difiribuAtwe tq every ongthat is prefenyé, that they 4 ‘ @ 4 ?‘%ch:arifl,bread, ywine.FAand¢ wateraand rnayAbear ittothe; ab1‘cnt., ‘ .¢‘A‘Mremev%this nourifhmemis byuscalled theEucha4rifiaV7aWfiichVit “ ' topartakes%but4 pnoffinnes, V H “donottake it. as commo‘nA«bre%a{d,4 and covmm"on.drink%;. butgs by‘ A € AA ; » i‘ V 4 “;the,Wnrdof God’ ]efusChrift rhesaviour of t¢hewor1dwas¢A }~fé,"a[ndfor 0ur1311vat=i~i0fl;£3k¢ hadflcifla andblotld-fafterth%e V A4“”fhAkmar4a1fo%We are taugbtAtha:t tmiS,.nQurifl]meht3i‘n_'WhiCh'bfi_\ " A " j,»;wh'1chisfromhimthefoodiIi4whiqht%h inksA “arcgiven. th¢¢f=crated;foVodby 4Whi¢h0firA*fl61hand~ bélofid . “byVmu:;a:im; or4c7.nIsmge‘arenouriflmd, istheA%fleihandV.b10udA Of A * 4‘mewi>T%:~Aarna_rme Mus.F0rthe%Apcfil~ési:n thdrcqmmentarieswhich A % ~ A 1‘ they*mnm¢,. whi¢h:.are‘Aca1led thed4Gofp¢ls," fo*dei%iv¢red.§Ah%at Jefus A ‘%‘con:in%ua m; Fm:$xrh¢n%h¢Ahad:Agiv.¢nthanks and takenAbr¢dd,%hse 4 =4mzzm , d A S,‘ Cyprian ,gfi:i;2: (Q-’t’l‘.£7.c17§’_‘t.§/«/l‘~IM.3 5: rflpzfibhmtzz ,- S. Bawg, *3 8% AA¢*/§v%r;g[iWe, Aw I B I /1;’ $1537" [26 21 W d~%%1’Ff€/33“ % :f££'(,a_5. N? " _ “ % % % ‘ % “ % c'T0utznonpg {M 3- hé 7955- 3»? 5”?/°“‘”“E44"”??m5?5:*$I4“(7 "3§*'.‘ih"JMa'trb.¢’y 110,”. 50. ad ta %mut bxvly g)“ A ‘ 9 A M ,x '1.‘ 3 1'N;'H'31"“*.“ pop. . Antioch; i AACantr. fer; _L:j;1'vt;. 42.. m.’ 2 % A » L . ‘E, M W v APpC11aCiV.CQfc/flfé/liM?9!;..':;WklUh%1d’d92‘!#I‘€d?7 *ei€hé*r‘A~*‘l19imi"el‘fe t'b+i;1§va”de A7 lebvating§his.dArmd*fuI1dlwflcry fcvzbelbng _o_xAA1Vea¢314'1‘”5z WC as4..S.«.4: P4ul*v*qqll;s;miti4£u- wé§@Vh*”@f4t“h4ewr6‘%s of in fiitutipan ) The A M;*?#d.. ofithe am »VViA.¢miw~ Tejizrmeni; 4: ,p2‘op/«mic? mi ca, wmzalifi tfyi_ng:; Ilfixj" drflfciw Igbt 1% Lgitdrfiady 4; zhéykxmw not that tééc éread that 2':mr4ake12 yam czimmuflickrian Cbrrfl: ~éndj‘:',fA _ But Aifit be ;a hpIyA;.,w {é}pam~tc, or d*Mn:%eV:and my fierious t»himg“‘ %x%vhq " limed 4pevfm;[?V II: is tag ,done e’irhwbya4:namg~glli ~ vrrjky a’ i ;gbLib.,c3,_~ VA _ , A AA A A Aggglib. 8c.u/r* M1}a&:mm4fi% pvery Wham)‘ Hwrazm, 533 D???-(firfpt. J :g;z.¢5 and Indeed w¢Acg;yiAmtz‘lnokinxaaiim,:«:Amtoawofitzhb V W‘ *7‘ 3- ‘ H V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ”‘ Iv. . g‘: . n, ‘ “, ‘ ‘ ‘ Q3-'[1'b."u ‘ A 91d Writers = Th-= fumm of vvhmdmttfnxae 1%Am.~h13 part»tcuIa1%;I:£11a4;~k]aA.«A§pg;;_ ,5, ’ T€*5>r¢fentyiVn::Ahewordwfthe m;c»&7maneiczmaVbfrha+m1fiy,%»3;Igmrmlgfayvy‘W0’—=~ M1 A in ‘,4 VthatV/56¢flwaiffeAt1gct§f;;;2%iflflde&'fifimflibfl’ai%':;'ty gfizgig “'9";.E1{-. 44 HWROAH2 '“(Y:8$— MIE.m&fimri ad%Had&“rg. J»: Lib. 20. as Heb; £6.26. % VA 3&1 f Aii}mZ"(§r&€r 5 ‘4 d£x=wed‘1cfi=om~%"G%o& Ag 4 « .;\ ‘A and they onfily haevgz #!:fia,pctznaaruraaI*:l*;,¢ vkvhéojyj c A A in order to this mm;ifimrio?n Awhmcamihwwshat~ «they are c%a§;m;up* V ' V A A A4 4%A¥*XG5*?1.1FY!.i‘ In 3 ni fiery‘ of We trim? T4Wf§?41%W« whéra 5 .1‘ ghing, :in a hig};1e4r amt «mii”Vcei1len£cw&i:a;w§r:;.: ~ ‘ This is thegA1éeat4fe;cA1=qe“°t ofxhc kingda»me:x,»°w rive Church, Awhoyechad 4giyeVn»uv%m ‘mamas tachrifiy» A amm;:1m;mm:re¢im;New4 4 Hedi mm eke?’ ‘I A‘ ‘x M in u i H *3 A % . . “y .$.;’~':,:,r’«=’i rte l Agtzoncri‘-t'7‘ed’d?i‘ geum calz'c¢=:f;;..$ ; {J A acrémiding toVAthVe%~n“atu=re Of:81A1”gT¢3tiimPl9Y % 3 cyA:i%md=7‘a value upon t‘hem1n1fi}€l‘S-‘: A ‘A % A the dAWevotion.ofAa1*l the? w*oVr1‘d;ri:~;the"Chrifi%izms; ‘ J4 A venera:3ona%.30d¢fi““m*V %“i54‘%"i*’“°“‘A‘A‘ Mémp A a mV%yAal~l ‘APriefih0ovd«,% f0“ ”S~ J"""' Whmh 31‘ A. Enérall of the Chfifiian Church, and ifian A A % igs verified %ofpc0p1¢.-.* yeti! is F0 to be expounded ~ 1ain1yAbyv :heAfenfe~aud Am!0gy of the MOW‘ 1~'1W»fignifiesaA fmion b1efl"edA by God Wi4thLrim”Aand Cmmoflieskofaf¢Paratéreli§i~ A A ‘AA-ff A1 A Aybg; ~A~n7d Ath»crcfor'ethe‘Chri t A V$i€;agvgl$?c::rp:?$i§cdges,&beingAhonoured**}vitb . b%0dyAand%Ab1ouv~;o€Chrifi,.andf%oificcs fcrvmg t H ‘A A Vgreat~er.AafrégUm€m3be3‘°C°“°‘"5d exec” [medium :he4VunionVA¢ being.%4th_e* A church,aadinA£trumem ~of=Idlm=m0n"5 334*?“ 3 dftvi4ing%= %k;';ggda.r;¢Ac fignifit‘-‘AS A A A A gAg,,¢,,3,g;m;5;, King!) 18 of, or bglgngzrtg Ato Ai4s»&%4%AobfErAVabl4C ;"i7t?i3 A A A AA A _ A4 Arendredvychevulgarlatinervgaie /4~rerdm~r#s If Kwgly A the AP p¢1miAveoA;AAEpichctc o 1’: his Priefih oqd it isregm appAertai«nAh1~g-Avtvozfbdkingddwc0 ‘V115;Dmu2n%e%2nfiiwsanAof L QafgxapgfsncheaArbehaafe; no:one1yA:%hei»» pr A burjaAP¢P12ingM¢heA% facrifiiré 0fChArAifl:t§o their‘ PT 3Y€e1'9a ‘“3“dA ’¢‘f5Y%&“‘1”g Wm‘ J%””di“4‘hje Cbllfchg A meats, pafIéafxjexce11¢nfA AAAAndmereforeaccmdéngfteathéLnaAfiir:*»l1AAréaf0n 0 becau A rgy with theAgreatefiA hor regale 34.23;-da: izim hough it bé fpoken in improper large fenfe, A F reI‘igi&c>An.fahnd 8;1‘e":1lt%ePc reafon foto 7d 0: ~Vdid1i%Vh“°m' ‘hei ’ 016 A, A A-m1:]%e.1place ofthe bodks of ~Mzfi;‘r,“ from whence the ex borro Wed.,'1?j794ll I23}: kzkqgdome a,‘Prit_’/2: andan Holy Nation; Which on _ AflAAd0Ame ar_6~apintVed by God; ’4k:‘ngdmze,A infiéhich nothigismorc hon4fA male. then 9!/.1”! AC-c,.'mVm,f .hc;,¢.;onAwasA£amous in all the wérld A : PflefihA0Aod Sf gt tAhe¢peoAApIef were notjAPrief’cs A En A AA Amy 311 .-, A Aanid all the Chan-'ch be cal1e'dAa% royafl Pris:/i/magi, the denot- 4miVnatio.n"being giv€n%t0%th€3AWhb1¢a from ‘he m0“ e5‘C¢11e°t A gm, re cbeyaltog€~thcArmak~e unebody under Chri1?rche head, the FedA might fe~Athey4had the as éhar pa, A preflionis % Pricfl/aoadgfor iris; A P«'1rfa”A V Fri:/3:, tihe< I2 (T3; Aem;bAAhis~pomi0bAof thseA expreffion, “ A A A;heyjA,l@.rgyAA Przgfl/mad‘: AA A A is ram that is, the minzfier; 4; 4vfingWfi”gnl#~A4 /I A czbtgfim NatiwzA: * ‘ kibgdvwe; A “f'orin*the n*ev‘aAATe I/we Gojpell: and A EacAa~i2s.~2:@- is the coIle€’roArs‘ bfétfxe the P¢°P1cAi9%¢ *AandaII ¢A9nJrm&AAi¢n”s at 4 fiamém WA A. fame‘ with‘ % I5: Goffiel; for thc£efoféit' V"\’ .:w7'"A§'1or‘f V" Akgi-1-2r'J;I.ao6A ,7 7 ftheGo~fpelA;and an Amumerated difiinéfly fromthé the"“peop'1e‘ ofche kingaome t/9:7/e oftheki % AAA«t/2;/e 5 « tobfring Or'd€fignc%' ‘a'” fpjirituafi Y. faérificég am? AA A A‘ _ AA 810"‘ 2% mans exsivamages-:+riénd *i*‘¢3 °f39°¢P=a=i°*‘i1¢ which be¢avVf¢it.W3sf° excc1zemAce1~ema113% (acted, yflacalla ag1d4fupernarumA11,:Ac m; A t11€:;P”'53ffon3”~t0°S“¥h‘~“3 Ib€[W”7fl6*i‘” A1""~’ , foran Ahonourable inanyA fenfe, bué A mAiniIferyh{a-s A ¢ attreflation ofthe" ’ 0 Alretter Covérm'tt, M V c;'honombk.5;, and % %aPrieff~A E eAPrieffb€-* pE:"0p1e, eibe'?7‘iiefl:%v_Af_%tlv: AA 4 A ’. _-‘db;3§g:and the, pe.9pl€]0ff£?6é_ingdMiA6 are aI%lbol}v:»%a%hdc141://en; bu‘“t1I1 A tbePriefls ._.—.—u ‘ "A l 1 5 l ‘s u-In-u...—.._ A A ..r A V, A ‘ } A A fl _ u A A So Gregor} Nazianzrn defctibes thethonour‘ and myfle A _ A the Priefisnpowerl : 7 Tbtwini/l:r‘tl1efl>ififuJUdied z£)25lou&l}%fl:crzffi'c:, ; T ‘ ‘ AA A A; tbgyare bamuméle Gen diam of /0:31?!’ thy 5tdf”fbetW0rkgo_f§dZ12$1 tbaif » hands. “And Hieromifpeakingbfthefc words ofs. p.mt,1airn‘lorda2. A fit 3; id:ikitfbflgfvideiztrAgzgzz/2'dix:.fléf,“ prefiéfw“ nraetam mag» ‘t“£'£fi77'i5',A ‘Amzzgfléri exercimgt ‘lfiiétiie iwpéfttbfis‘. “:alll;:'tttI"e‘“aftet.,= grandam? A war C brifltmayflét 'virfc1ica72:lA"g’igiz:z’tatem Jlpaflolorumfl Cabriflit timlo‘ A A A * m7iptaréApcAr* A hthe‘0f;?%ceM{iflij}eri4Il;e mini=Ptery,,“ t‘he‘peer’ile‘by their aaem.‘ conjutnfiion and aHi(taAnce,- J . chol-‘en to‘fetveAGo‘d, not onelnytintheir ownfotrtnesg b11thndet.t_hé: t minifttationstofan honioutable P1*1eflhood.~. A * A A t 4 l;)l€_.,‘ '5 A lfégjdifvn 7sA§7#raéAI '<'{7l~l"r5i'¢ 3/"34, ‘3"t£Etu ;'2f"t*.'@qr.1'l€.A4lV S. Clxrlyflw/?o7i1e;, the 6’/mflian Prieflbaad does in miiii/ierj tjtla/12¢ peffiéfed an earth, {mt /mt/J tl:et~A6e.,mty, order,’ and cxéallencj At/J: btwzienlj:/JDfl.t:A fo ‘that I {hall notneed to take notice ofthe£dwindtati1re4.vithieh,~ Po}: {ycmm re ports 3; :70/m tohave wotne in token ofhis ray&llpri:flbaod,: t 4 wrgarb ofAG’o1dl5 (foalfot did 3.3/li?1e.tl3ill1O5pofyé7jufItlcz¢§,a§S..lHic- ~78 rows. and Epfphwiz/a%tlreAp0rt)nor the texern ptionetofthe Cletgyfrofil ~ AA A tribute, fiicall ru1c1fs._ Ru/e143 that a1%.{g%A/abvg,,y 5,3; ;/,¢,m.,;g d W; V N H<;b.l3. %‘%ture%;amrw%riAtten infLgreat"‘chi1ra<9t€rs,$ jthérc is a,daggAé(e lgqirour :0Abe gi... rm-g'c;£fih'}‘é. I Thfifi Sf ; % 3; y ;_ - - A % A _‘ \ _ Ga1_ 531 —A__;;_ 1 ac‘? . ,V;”FIEhere » 15 ,0b¢d:ence Adu;eAto %them fabmfzmce 2;: a![‘I}?g5"1‘ ' A * % “ AA ‘and :fi:m;z!zon,and A10’!/6, J7f3£V5»M7n9:a'a-~§',A‘?Je??j7 déélridafithg 1,éfle';:'r);;f;;(;b\ 2'5’)/3351.-.=.voz,.vzs~ 6&7gX??;‘9 .. . d fl ', h ~ ~ . r§:~gc;tgc!;,[aLeVoI’ %¢m1n=f3nt%%a%n pro * ta M €,A;%vAt ey are K:.cl.ér.:.. Pr:/1dg;2%t:,}_f¢t over m5At';2 the Ltgiiwdsosfg, '6lr€f;7f'j (44, filig iflfiirftuaflPcr[g;;1a ;~€flm»e75 Jzgsvugvf om; iof t/;mt~.mcre% overtaken m aAfault,AAcurarr; afflyggljn flu-5 M ,,,,,:flg;¢,e: «me; :37 «am-- A 1 ~ ~ % A . % A .Wa,»,,‘.,M¢,,, morefigmFy1ng work, and ru1Ac,anAd care and honour. V But next to A ‘}J\\5;},0z( &.rza~o- A the wqrdws%Lof Script u1‘€ thgre cj._an IA1d1f1_1ore be faigl concerning the ho. A “""°”’”“ H n’tmr%oEthe,facredVorder of the Clergy, then 1sF(Aiai by S.’Cé‘}'A}j11,g/?ar;7g. n0.%4gve2t€r thing C3fl:Ab¢A fi‘P P°f€d * comm U~flica?t¢d< to men then to be riot AAMM?/?t~r: of T604151!‘ the great convey:1n»ces%AAc>Ifgrace.iandvnfiru- ‘meat: ofGod inthe pardon of fins, in the cQmfepmja4ti,on of %Chxi{?;s.Abo;. flile bfthe Church, callingBifl1opsV zixid’ Pri¢§"ff‘_§ La¢¢Qgding to their (p53; rrc33'v é/Y0".e€;6A’TH1 mu ~ ; ,i.&;. O-mafia,’ J;3¢,,wg,;,,A“V¢tbeignarazat,*t:acb:*r.wf64£e.v, i%:_s‘?.;;¢r_.4_in zZv3e W07/‘IQ ‘’’””337 now fuppofing théfe premifes,: if Chi*iftendm¢A 3"" mAAAACt'o1Mtf0r"tbem,t/)ef2slt5tbe [Jig/Jtoft/as zporlrla/be/brazdr; much ' : in his bi:>oAks% De /accrdatio, and S./1Améraf'.'hDedignitatcfacerdmli, and AA dy and blocdfirithe guidance and”cond,uC’tof {Qu1SM..AI‘id this was the A % % ’€)}y,¢pSkLz£; «&g\)1§§dfl}£#~'g _1‘E{-p6&iV.7€ t_7fflfG0d ,, leader} I %— _‘A;:_o!.Qz7@' , oJ‘n'yts§ vvI‘PM?"aAwu%o,f~t/Je &wlmt{,a.1Vzglat aftbgm I/watfit indarkye/fi-,i:zflrr;£Zor3 of Q vnvrkzv, & rpW‘4'P°°5 34.’ W’70W}6fl'ifl€ 1i,g%/it! 1]n,%,t%&c' w0?ld,8i ghat is S cripturc tooa % % 11""?-viiadriflr right hand» lights fer uponth¢cénd1emc.ksA..- And P0rtionab1¢eAfi¢em to them. they hadmither ImAAownhow:o%va1ue V,re1W;1'3i°nlor;‘gh¢1¥1YFteriesdfChrif°tié1t1it%y., Butithatall chrifiendome A _ .th9gYE_at€fl revcrenccto the Clergy “v” nera=Ion;dA zument that 3;; % ; fiinfiionl V V‘ ‘ J mm, a princip1e%ofthe%infli:urion.¢ AIcndthis_ Awiththewordsofthe * i i sroon as God began to confiitute a Church andex the V AI-"riefihood, which before was _very atnhulntory,and d1fpen- A A « fedinto all families, but ever officiated by the‘Majm* down, God givesthe power and defigns the perfon. And therefore tjm... A fiyfizfigifljtfif performed the external! rites ofdefignation, but God ’'‘‘“~‘’’- A Priefihood God defigned andnppointeditheminiflery, and collates l 3 power, or makes theperfon gracious : either gives hima pirituall 7 imployed in praying and prefentingp facrifices of heafis for the peo-- ; 7ple_., yet that fuch a perfon lhould be admitted to a neeret addrefleg 1 t and in behalf of the people, mull depend upon Gods acceptation, l dietion of one man for many, or why this men more then ano- A yond many of the people, except what God himfelf makes, t was the ggnfecratora 723:! ieeatvrttttiu AVEAE-£6007? iegotggdxcfig %']eAeazég>';/nae t.ier3 7§‘»?\§-ryr-df?:,‘<'v 925- t,.5Mefi2: “appointed Aaron to the Prieffbaod, and. gewep ~ bin; t;f;ea2'gIer, p but it was anal} M the fllinifier and Deputy ofgod, pm: Jeri * Ge :1 the céiefcazsflgoratar. flied ma mmz «mketb upon 1Jz'mp ‘toil?-‘A /aammr but, be that ems ca!/ed afpG.c:-cl are me Aaron, «t faith S. Paul. For in every . Dfdnyfl ibid. ability of doing fomething which others have not, orif he be one-lyx and therefore upon divine con fiitntion : A’ for there can he no reafon’ given in the nature of the thing, why God will accept the interme-~ A that, who poflihly hath nonaturallor acquired cxcellency be--A ; after the conftitution of the perfon. I f a fpirituall power heneceflit--A_ i ry to the eoinifirationl, 7 it is certain, none can give it but the fountain‘ A l and the principle of the Spirits emanation. Or if the tgracioufnefl‘e' a endaptnefie of the perfon he required ,that alfop being arbitrary, prev» tfffldtflrdlz and tlaafizz, derive from thedivine eletéiiontt For" A A God ca‘-nnott he prefctiibed sunto by us, whom he fl1al1h;e:tr,tand‘ , ' whom he {hall enterteinl in a 1‘nO;1’efA itnmediete addrefle,’ and freer V‘ A _A g entercootfe.s t t _ l hitnfelf: who, becqufehe derived ztllltpowerifrom1iisFathet;., and A A3 itllthis gtncioufnefle and favourthc office ofRries"I' and clvmdieter; t a A perfotjally chofen and fent. and tQDk.fl0tthfe‘|#an“m' v on him from God ., matte Eb 5:, A ltpznvefg,tttAhepAaI9ilit_y,pand themieifferj, mightderivefrothlizhefgtjne C" 'l 5'" ' l ” fountain Clam‘? diainiatglérijia bzmfi:1}’tabl¢aarsn;,tpl!l2gbtwat,‘ H9.;_. Andthispis divinelytztughtusbptheexampleiof thehighPtiePc‘ hour In tiyhe ‘c'l'efet'vepdAby our felves, but alwae l eotnes fifomi otheros: f_ ‘\ arid hecnufe no gteateri lyoizzozzrtben M bletdrdaiizecltficrr mtnpintbingi A "Ii A A pemnng tqi on every man munnyamur netretap,~ietts : A faidofhimfelf: 1;“; lmnmzr ”;;mzftlmy~bamrexerting:2:;;sve4d;54£ t t te*ve0#*eWe F<5rn<3hrifi beingt*1é%“nmiI1e0‘*" l Ptetyfi »‘1sthemeapfnt¢e_jofont difpenfetions, nndtherule oppt_tl‘l‘iEcAclefiae" t “n:ini’- lfiicelloeeonotny :landll-therefore’ we Alntufi nofartogate any ~p”o‘we1f ‘i it i t __...‘ W_§})??)Wjf}§cw?MinzEj?e§iali11.‘ e 1 45 g0f;fecra.ted__ Aaron agitatmr 11‘ Dan can/ecmtiazzixr Primzppe feithADioé Eccief. Hie. A i g i A < Tl.7e:Dz3*z2iI2eiry7it24zti0iz%of Ewxok. A i 5.‘ A Ms I4 2% 4 A Cbry]?rfi.lib.3. l dc Sdcefdott ' A.QuippeAna2zl A A martalitguifivi am, non Ange-i ii % ilu: non Arclmn gelux, nonjalia qtmmii creqta pate_ntzl¢fe.d1p- fir AAPardc1.etu:i I V A ardinem ejuf-3: modidffjiofittt. A _.-J ‘ wAayor7other.A from our felvesAorfi*om ailelfeauthotitythen our Lord and Mailer v A clid 4' and thisis; true andlneceflhry inthe Grgl'”pAell3 rathertlten in any ‘ miniflery orPt'1€fihood tlmt ever was, becaufe ofthe,collation of f0 mzinty excellent and. fupernaturallabilities which clerive from Chriit upon his Miniliersdniorder to thework of the Gofpel. ' A A And theApoflles underllood their dutyin this particular, A asiri all thingg_e1fe5 fojrwhen they had received all this power from a-A A boveythey were carefull toconlign the truth, that although it be A A a3v8§=m:aiV:17i¢£{f1; it is 9éi'%U¢05Pt¢; :1di"w'Izé’gr4£ef?zrz /Mme we 7i2z';e.Jz‘ery.,i and thtlt although arfzrflpgcivrwv zgfligcnldvl ye: x2cAr.5:cLua~g.3’A7;’«: Tit 'rz,u.m‘z» Aazgzpcficézzez, that is, He Mar 22¢ orcllziizrol/3! Arrscvz, yet réceitue: lraisf pczuwfiaziz Gadg mm: at all by bz'm/rlfg, :Mblfi‘0m no :22.-m as fromAthe fountain Aofhis power; And thisl fay the Apoflles were carefitllto confignin the firflr imflaoce of Ordination inthecafe of Ma‘z‘tl.2i¢r4.A T/Mu lam’ flmv which of tbafir clefignation of artecclefiaflicalml perfotg was oiifuflicieitt influettee in- ii mthe religion for ever aFtAerA5‘ aI1flt{1AUgl}t”L}Sl t04(:l€1‘iV€'alllclm'iCa‘ll J ower from~ AGod5 Nanci thexfefore by fuch means and xrninifierie-5 A A which hiznfelf hath appointed, but in ‘no hand to be imrad AA % A Cl, OI'“fl1I"~ prized in the entrance, orpo1lutedA1nA the execution. aAble3AA tAhe1i1_1‘ with Plricf/5:32 power 5 AA and S. Para’; to the Bifhopsliof Afia Afaicl, Tbeibaly G/yafi /mzb mtm'e}/mfiiflmps N O*2::e7fee3'J' 5* éecaztfiam mar» Atallmw, nodzgge/, or A:rc5umgel., war mzyot‘/3".erycre.zt:,:? m:m?:~,_,, iéugt (£153 P this veryithingzt befidestlxel matter offafi, atidlitlte plain donation of the power our: bleffecl Savioulgis 1DAf‘3mflt€Ci by the wordAsAoFChrifi other where; Prayye tbareflare the Lord 10 f rim wineyard that /.)A;e1.za9é[lfirz./1 dinarymeainso i A Ixézm Ja'ai£ie£ja31?}§ ‘ 3A "AA§3’yw9eve;zl V: A A 9 ‘ AA ]am¢sx_“,7_ fiamttlthathadopted it_into*the fittnilly o£‘Evange1aca11 A 4 truthSse&‘i&Jrw4A7%Aew~ and thereAForevré=“v 4%«twl 7W*w%r'W:Ai€véry gzffir. andthcteforeewery perfeéfirzg gifll;WhiChAAinithefiile of» A =heAAAAjhurchis tbegifitaf Ordzrwiwaisfromabove, mgitts or per- A tf€5*i*ii;AtlI¢Perf0fiS °fth€Hi¢raFChY» andmtirflfieny Evangelicalla tm tbm bafi céwjim : l God was the Eleafioir, and they the Miniftersg. A and this being at the firftbeginning of Chriftianityt in.th~e very fit-Ii A iTl1isdefcended%lin ‘ the fucceffionof the Clmrehesi doéttine for» ev(3r»,AAAAAREL‘Ei?JAe156901}Gblffig {aid Chrifi to his Apofllesgwhen be en; t H.951 §ikql/iilalarze/mt/9 cmafiifutcd tbs} arder; faithi S, Clirlfi/Zo_w;tA:?,é_ A And AAZal>Aourcr*1, intamlr /mA>'*z)e/ig, Now his miflionisnotonely a defigning of A A the perifons, but enabling them with power gbecaufehe ijevier Com- " " A A A-‘mands"a work but he givesabilitiés toiits performance; Aand—there- it A ii fo1~e;.fti1l;ineverAy defignation of the perfon, r by Whatever minifiery V Ai’t1beidofie;A’either:thatAAtninifleryis by God :¢onfiituted‘AtoAbethe0i'- ii A~ A theai_bi1iti€Ss0rels"Godhiimfelftiiiniflers A A A A A tAth6graceim1n€di3téliwAAA~L »Ai‘1i«_Ofnec€flity5Conie from him fame ii A - hofhim .’elFand' Tiyz¢&at»€g/ ., concerning whof¢hMini{’tery in order to them, hflé n<:aWJAh{ZihVesA account: xpiou; 5 9e6ch,‘,ind4a¢pa§j;z’oa£p.eutZ9-M6 age; .4 ( A6051 a.¢.ea;7mt5 the Hlriefi, and C30dhcha:2flgmhhit1iAWith7 thé holy Ghoflr, o hthatigghe fir/nczfile qrmffimm, that is the main quefiion. 7‘ " A A A A Andhthegrefore the Author of the hooks officclefiaflicalol Hiéraréhy, “ my ofht/Jtdirzzine eleéfian, but nophy any humane power or proper A grace does hcgive the perfefc gift and confeorate the perfon, Ahd ;_'*‘ maziahzaé, ‘fpéaking of the rite; of Ordination hath this Aexpr6ffi- A ‘on, withwhichhthe Adivibheh gracchxlprézc/4im,«I A: ‘V (And ‘Bifliw fenders Vifiil‘ by fupcrinwcatur.) He makes the-power of confecrarion to be tbisiAiit¢7::p‘mtaAt10I1iS cIAearA. iurhc inthmcéof triii/A'”bm.e£I~Cd‘ ’ where t;hcAAPriefl but the péo151éA A h me Lord: M/«";i by h which they .~oparricipare; Audit: :‘1’a’é inh&3fi'é¢A9:§:;ifii5’AP1*¢f5fitfAFIfi¢m‘:h W V cm. the confimraror od¢¢=‘sodec1AareiAi»‘t>vs>e£rd 3 the A ;ABurtAhus thewhoIehac€’tibnb4eingfo~ a"decfIai*fl‘iaAnd‘fh€ Miflméfhis AC 5§’*??oc=fi.art>°5¢ Mféfilmi‘ 3hh0F5YAthéAV‘7°1‘d of Ahi3m0i31*«hAs dimflah fI"[0f'YI ih€'W01jkOf hi9lhfi3AIA13 BUthbY‘AAb¢A’”i* hm/im; t:ed¢c1ar€Sth€AW0rk of God,Ahthen wrought in t1i¢¢Ph¢¥f0fiA Amie.-w I ' fufcipienr.AA, A h And *’7th”‘i!Z' 35foIuti0I1A EhéP.xi7¢f’tho1hdé¢13réS,Athe35* bf God pardo:Aaing,morthoac he is aPraeacheron'e1y~¢£[che ‘pardon Upofx hoertaoin ”cohdAii‘ionéAA h1'Jft,t;If12it 11éoié1:i'o§Ahifag;5 p?i72ci;p4ZZho,ag£'enf, ‘ buj€b‘y his A i:rg1ifiifl:rj‘Ad¢c/arr: and mihifierso oth"¢é%%¢ '§e€’c §a“na Wohrk of God; ‘V V) A A tl)eO}j-hick/iifizijieridiz. % T A “ 1i_q:oizAj Gm’ ., and that his meaningbeund€rf’coé>Ad Aconcernmg the z2;z2aé:wai:;Aazu;m..s of'efiab1i{hing him In thehm2mPce1~y,A heead-dosh 2;; xpfmcfig/;&’; 5A9e}3s, 45261/1chAw}Jjc72A wazrztetb ms 2'15 God, and %mz~1aAfe.g‘ze.m- A #13472 mrmgfl ax /azar .s~pir2r’{ unfizorril Md A m2]?g»*4rim3 argd A efiaé ' " 12/z_/Z=z';.2-fg £3: the baly Spirit: ‘ the very Pcile of the: Churohfor Ordina-- tion q'§72w 5 7zcc715n Z2o*cppJ.;grzmA'5 896;, it was {aid Of: Cbrifia H’.f”/74tA]9 1b‘F"h"‘ A térer /'c».:/MA’, that is, ordained him the Prxefi and Prophet of ‘the. world; and this he pfiainly {yoke as their hflfzo/Yle and Prpfldem‘ 1'22 6:; Relzgiwz,}\7otaw Larch mjerycur fazw/.[., Aéfithhfcl/%vl5£i’*w:i7orI{er; ghc {poke giving-the ratiomzlc of the rites of Ordination, fayesfithatfithe Pgiefi A is made {'0 JYaEvo€fv§najv by way of proclaiming and '«Pt1bI§c:at'i0n‘0f[h’e perfou, fignifying, V A1/mt I/Jeh/M/yhmm t/:m_'t can cc;~m.c Iisffiut ’2’Je}2roclaig declaratwm, which indgéed is zi lefliér expreffion of a fullerpower, & MIA * 5:. AR as‘: 5 "A :'v| v“ .3‘ h F A . 3 ' ivhichthing is further intimated S, Padl,"_ Aifidzi’ /?V_l$’Ep‘f‘EI?‘L!‘b h Aélzf/‘etér; m with “#7014 *[éu; Xpzgéwj oiaarder taf/rzrt/l_[di¢61hCAbri/fidnfifg. §o‘_u.ev, Q'9'c. ‘ < jggutns fema- 1 5 \ :3/275,313 atu7'3; I A'7‘§€ 'T£A2:gc.¢of- t A J \ \ vou; em 7m: , 7eAe«’waw. év*ru>c7o7éeot: \ :frza~ampu£a£.. xIc=ArvA*vz3>'vafiué~ ; ; 75«E“¢‘h' $15 If meWaYi9r°*h=rbyG04=ibiecauifeitis A*‘rer»appr~oach.tohim» mini¥’¢¢§3*i9fhis igr’a“ce=» which‘ Vf°’Ti‘tht77§:3Y€ thefamc thing, andiezrpreflive of A ‘each iother 5 the coxifecratordeclarmthat is,he dothnot do it by col- lation of his own from above. V And this doiéirlne grace or power, but the grace of (3odiand,ip.ower A Awe réiad alfo in S; Cjprjaifl towarcis the ‘end of A his Egifilc to Cahdeliw at Diomixw gm’ Sacerdatcxfibiin Eccléflaifiia W v elrgekc fir caifliiitacreidzgnatar.31:619.: qzzoquej géazzazv‘/fitrzta: flmw/xmtate . Agzrquc apitulatiafle tumtur: A Itisa good" prayer of ordination", [that 4 theLoird who voucbfafes to ichufe and confecrare Priefis in his I 3 Church, would alfo be pleafedby his “aid and grace to defendthem ;Whom he hathfqAcboF¢nAandappointed ] Harm; Axzamw impmzit, (fie ‘Dem largimrgratiam 4:” Sacerdoximpmit [app/ifiem dextrama ‘Dem Abe- V Tam.c.2. qty in I nedici! poteizgti cléxtam, faith Siaint Ambrofia, man 1m pofes his hand , but God givesthc grace: the Bif’h<;ap$layes onhis ‘hand of prayer, and Godblefliesiwithhis hamiiof power. Thebefi’eC’rAAof,A thisdifcqurfe is A facri1‘egious,and izkzeferfliveémnd, faveone] 7that he‘di[h1ri“>sthcf_ ap- A sncn vn. . Y ibis ordinatidn the A perfons ordaineciare miade minifiers of A iiicifithe earth, theshephcrd of 4 the fliock,AA=Curatics-()”f fouls; , ii thefeiareAitheirOAficesg orithiei1' appellatives C which you pleafe) for L7 A _ . «Ttihei (fi‘,_IV¢ricallfordii11ia%tionisinoiothgr buti‘afim?gm:zonofcheperfon Izotlf "moat that is, I 3 fcparzitibn ofhiirx to do certainAmy[ieriou$; M ; ‘religion: which is thatfanéiification ibyiwhich ijjerémpr, A . were fanéiified from-1 their mozherswombsi n “W ;.‘ . ifiifiéip7icnt;fuch gracesvas make the i Paflohitbiacondeiiiiifd "PeirfiomiwhAicH1hisPrinc@n%- A A tIiis~reparacion the perr<:n; 1 At 0Ii_x~ but firm/M£., Anbt an znéerew qriafzfy that iiT‘uTe*sAo1;'t iafiiotlébyi way = A‘ A i A of diireftem 3nation<,.1ikenatu‘m I 1 0; “Aacqfui ,~edA hab3.As,AAbu;_3;t is Agrm g 2 A " it ore F i I "'~'--uu_..—...._ « - A ‘V- AA,,.. A A toalhhat afkeiit, and the Promifes of the Gofinel are verified to all 5 A- i that obey the Gofpell ofjefus, yet God hathappointed facraments 4 “ A ‘ and fo1emnities,- by Whieh the promifes and bleflings are tniniflred A i . mote foletnnly, and to greater efl'“e€i3. AA All the ordinary tievoti-3 " A i D onsth‘eAApeop1e may doealoneg thef&lmn,rit}z4(!, Avéltld-P515/1.t"l(_," AA A‘ the ztppointed "Minilieioneiy muftdo. V AndAtifanyman [hall fay, A A becaufe the Ptiefts tniniflety isby prayer,evterymancandoeit, and M jl fo, no need of him ; by the Catmereafon hemay fay alfonthat the Saf-A ;A ‘A 4 5£€ere~fe’: l l éu;3¢ocgIAs€id;A A tczxnarritfi affi, Alojxe '7I'x:ev’(w:r ‘ A V. ‘#2-@5,xmIz*wp-A A 7.'I'@‘ 7\A.l’At‘»AlA'3§7aA ~ Xglls‘zs.] r u 40y‘ (.'ap.uIt.de Et- A AeleflHier.A A l and allthe excel A Godhath called to it, and A his purpofeto acceptthetn in {uchAmini[lraAtAions. A t c of the Prieflystpotwer ; becaufe all thennihifteries of ‘the’ Gofpell ’aAre* Pmy m:2nua14v,:h :t3.y6Zl4"il)IoLil2£rgA'js“‘~l p * TehisAisnotfto Ieflen t fir-action‘ ofthe Spirit; But when all the office of Chrifis Prieflhood‘ A A A in.eheaveno is ‘called z'm‘erctj[[z'm for ms, andhimfelf makes the facrifice r V l of the CrUHe,AefFeéluall topthefalvation andgraces of his Church, bYA A his prayer, "finale we are miniflers ofthefame Priefihood, can there it y Abea greater glory then to‘have;ou’r miniftery like tothat of Jefus 2' r not operating by vertue ofa lcertain numheroffyllables,,A but bya» 7 A -A :— A holy, Tfoolemn, determined and religious prayenin thefeverall man-4 A AA A A A AAA according t”o,tl1€:aDalAogAyAofall the l religifil whofc mofi folemh ymy&ery.. l l The‘z'm'nez'nflitutz'wzAof l A - or favour doneto theperfon, and alqnalificationiof him in gmerelpaé lizico, he receivesra politick, publickv, and folemn capacity, to inter- I _vene b5t‘We€U"‘G0d andthe people; ; and although it were granted A that thepeople could dothey"—externallAwork, orAthea&iAon of Church to A A minil’terie's.,A yet they are actions to nopurpofey they want the life A t lency, unlefli-3 they be done by yfuchperfons Whom by Tome rneans‘ of his own hath exprefled A Amid this explication will eafily be verifiedin allthe particulars in gwme oratliankg (unleflewe exceptpre.-«hing, in which God fpeaks A A by his I'erv:anAtsto the people) the niinifler by his oflice is an inrqzrcef? y fi2rwitb“GeAu:1_,,and the word ufed inescripture for the Priefls 0l7iciatz'ng,A A fignifies his praying [‘ At—:']eg'y:?v7wr Jeduvar. J dg'5AfAbf_’j/ were miniflrirzg orda- izrg tloier Lirm-gy,l;the work of their A fupplications and interce Ellen; and ‘therefore the Apofilesypofitively included all their whole mini» fleryloin thefe two: i to prayer; ] the prayer ofconfecration, the ‘prayer yofabfolutioon, the prayer tofimpofition ofhancls : they had nothing el‘£"eAto cloe“ bnfijzray Aaizdpreacb. “And Forrhis reafion it wits, that the Apofiles in a Pt-iefis l miniftery is certainly A the inlimnient of conveying all the bleflings ofthepeople, which are annexed to the ordinaiy adminie [butAwe willgizze mr ‘film: to tile word a/‘God aged , V fienfej A neerelf to the letter didverifie the pre_cep“t of blefled Saviourg A - at is,iA'nallthe offices, mils, parts rand miniflteriesy , the power, A"hutptAounder{.h1nd'it: f'orth‘e A A A.iAhiffya‘nces Ofinterceflion: foiemnrprayer the matter qt‘ AfafcrifiAEiing5 which alfo is:rueAimhemomeyr 5 6:»: tb: WJrfCf5rifl- A i Airybse nejce ChfiréAhl3AVyC’bE‘6n_Fora long ‘time calledllrbe wards ‘ nAA p y o’l€rnAni‘tyof’ Chriflianity inthe holy l l e SacraAmA€nt of *tAhe'~Lo‘rdSA Tfi1pper,A which is hallowed ancllifted up fromthecommon bread andowine by w~2]«‘?c4/I _]7A,W)’€1'f-f{A and folemn A invocaeiéesofcodlr AyAndl‘therefore SlADzq;~z;fimca11sl:hefonnsllotf hisalffilyfieeoéiqdeAAC3t€ChiTm¢‘Tay€S rhefame. srbrezwiwaré/iicw ,#.,-,;d[ we» ii;sz>.iak;*»m‘m: aft/as lzoly g/23/i] :2 "eat rawytlqmger common may that the w0rds_ywhich 2n‘:heLa:ant af comfieagmon A -—-v e PaVt0‘t5‘e ‘ I "~ Mhife[’cingtheAfignilfit:ati’nefthe rtitefiglthe glory _ _ h eh0‘pefatiQ~n*0ftheSpirit,’thAede:1thQi§Chrifl32.~aq8theinhetnoi*yc§fthe' I ‘h iW°a’cr_i*f’ice.‘«Vbut:~ g_19eat;\‘m;7arjk wh;ioh al~lt*AChri5fliai1sknéw "m‘7~b£e 7 ‘ V done by the-Ah‘o1y Ghefl; theAPrieft"dig1~* abtéin by prayer andfo-sf - Iemn inivochationt: according to the fayingof Pieclw of. I’“.; fp3ea...V% A ‘i})?5fi§c:; %Mir%ziji?c7~iall. A A A“ t ( which indeed are more properly the wards ofii1fl:itu’t,ioti ) fhould ' be repeated in‘ every‘ confecration, ; beciiufe the whole aétion is not A compleated according’ to”Chrifts pattfern, northe death ofjC‘hri[t foe " A folemtnfivenunciated whithoutthem, yet even thefe wordsealefo are e .p.:7irt ofa tnyfiicall prayer-3 andtherefore as they are not onelyin-. htenhded thereav ’ézJ*m0ny»5a«aw;, by way of hifiory or narration (as L V Ctzbafil. mifialtes 5 A) (0 atlfo in the met’: ancient Liturgies, they were , riot onely read Jvnyngmnmzig, 011.39 a meet ‘narratitie 5 but alfo with ' the form ofan addreffe, or invocation :Fz'at /az'c1‘>m;«A carpmr Cbriflig, ‘ @’»fiatA box: einumfinguie C/argfii, Let thisebread be made the body of Chrifi, &c.. 30 itis in S. jzmesehis Liturgy, S.“ c/mew, S; .iIx.I.-zr1g-',e ‘ anAd the Greek tDO&OfS1 And in the very recitation ofthewords‘ Aefinfiitution, the peopleeverufed to anfwerffitmen] Which igfi... A mates hit tci have been aeconfecration zngmvreoroztiarzizg*ca1]edtby -4 S. Pm4l4tbczzedzé2‘2wa, 01‘ the bread ofbleffing, and therefore s.m4zu At expound ing thofe words 0f S. Pazzl LLetpm_yersearzdfitpp/icatzbn: ml Cz'm‘erce_[fiom, dfld givimg of I/M22/{I be made] faith, Elzgb in 673' aerbzar . A has z‘ntel[7’gc»'re., quad omml-r welp:m= oziznzkfieqhentat ecc/c~/irlz, utfl prgca... 3-tiones? cwcipiamw a.’z6i‘.¢4 qua: fiecimmr in EBZEI7V#ti0fi€flI.éramgfltarf¢fii mitaquam illudqzmd q/i‘ in Dwézairii wenfli‘ dccipiat bmea.’z'ci:'Loratid~ A nest] mm éxmedicitur, 69' ad diflriéaaezzdum wmmiimitur : qmm ‘mam o'-- i'dt‘ianem1>e27e0I7mz2s"eecle/is: tDmm'Izz'Lu2' omtione‘ca¢zclmlit.% e Thetwards A4 and form Qfconfecration he callsby the name off: aratimm] fuppliw V‘ eationsg the prayers befbre the confecrationt prccex] and all, the A: wtholea<‘?cioti{ cram :1 and this isaacording to theAf’cileand* ptaétife, A atld fenfe ofthe Whole Church‘ or very neer the who] e .t And 8. t13d- 5 faitAh,tthri1tthhere is more neceffary to confecrahtien the 3 recitedbytheeApofHes:md by the Evzmgelifts. AA‘ The A Av,-~,1 were-s efineocatiohn in the lhewing the breadof the j.,,E3ueharifi:,and the cup‘ of b1efl7ng,Whi0A of all the saints A .,,} ha‘vet1ef't«t0 us? - Fest we are not ;t<‘:onAteent*Withtthofe 5, which Apome :m‘d the E,vangfe1i’fi;s iinenttiAoAn : A égt ‘A j 5 ,, bat/9 {wfivm a2z&lhqdfter,We Af"fay_ othterewprdtstehaevinggteat \ _ A 3,! power ttowardtst, the my fiery, 4 Ju2haA*q~:@s2ti-. _ ,,, ct; V7i¢e5v.Aoag85v7'e=¢ whEe‘h wmeehave,~received by ttrahditiou. Thefjewords fet down» in Scriptureh they“ retained asap enytflerydooperating t0 the fo1emnity,A me c_,ru Tn the Words A h*e%eeh:ange,’i the, I 7 23.1 ztmg. hC4p.%. fin‘. V ;7j1"§h52mJ!;A151a’£5g; fsfifldvq t ‘gym no eL;‘iIaLJ‘E\lE‘6t;!. W $1973: t'14"h'x; t‘ .f92¢=¢PI,$?l,d:te t,:7g.;{ gs ’&7;07flp!if_ 717: V euhayfoq, mtthvwv Amjfmu tm7"x:- A o57~?x:£h_:§ 31'§.oA€;fl[A£‘V, 19 EWI- Aégzipteykgqegu “:5; ;.ce’;¢£Anzr if-_ A :t::??"§§e5 M Mvsngzdv 7137 hi » W Epi/?-é9.q£s- A Aim!-Vwhéhateaiévta .§ ;Lc{:'p. *7'z:7mr;- q ‘j“,’ Tween ,_‘7:" I 5,! M te.:’ezcz-s9e-¢- A new oyaqofiv. b Apol. 2. pm A jCbriV/H4122": Ii. 8“ contra Ce-A/fl V _ A‘ "(.A«'eA7PO;7:A'Uj/gt‘-€‘.g" mi; agvug ea‘- fitotczvtouqctgt 3AztIo_u£;/2:; of) \7=\ 5U \ hflagnve pew al.340977- ~ Matt/9-15$, " cL17b.3.dt' i Tri. ctxp.” 4‘. ‘ dtqgixpatiatur V utmenfirrumtt A vidzzdrmn mi t niflerfuprd €05‘. fe mmidu: V Aeflirat, ad qua?- rum preset, » 8 .S’.Cypri¢n lib. h .$,c. uh. Eufe. Se1m.5.d¢'. A BA: Iteration: A in conjitltat. 7 gfbnfli (’:arpuJf:¢‘H,gH1fC1H€ cgnficztur A [ and paffi oh ofQ bytheexh1b1t1ngit A 1? A At imitation of, and union;witb%C C " th6P€0P1€ri¢fi, A’ AA: A t°fPmYt‘3r't AA A‘ A A A I ‘ yi2ixt3AmAt}awatter ttalacczrmetke b"EdyVVaz.zAd51014510/'oz1rA;I§vl(gfl}:a’ S.ot~z;ia;z;*., t M A A And S._ jufiin Martyr very often calls tht: EL1cha1‘iPtfro;:¥ 7;.mc;l: ' fl1C}'dfi2.ffl;flfléffzdfucklv i§t'Mi(;a//b'}tprayer:~and»Origen, 1’ we eat the bread /501113 azrm’ mad the b0d}A/afC/Jiéflbwy pmyemj Veréolfli 6*‘ pm’ 0I2_[AE?cr*A.{tz‘z'.a..V fimzcarw, bread./anffifiéa‘ lzytlae ward o'Gacl_.m2c{ éyprayerar-.wfz,, farm? acteptnm .65” precetwzzfiiszz cmv:fi2¢:-ratzmz r ti’ fit ewzémzzs. Tlmt onely We call the body and blond ofChr1ft which we receive of the fruits corcjingto the rite. A And SA. Hierom chides the in{Aolenc:yfA of fame rlreflaizzzflers of Hiidawst and faélcs flamld az:l~r.3mmé tbemfiwt: Move zA/.wfe%[ tat whofe prhayets] the £=a.rv’y and 5../(Judo/"’ C'v/::7*{'/i‘tzr¢=exb1b2A!(d0r mzdcpre/z ntiafl. I adde oncly the Words of Dmwr cm., ‘The émzd and carrier: anti cumming of ti); Holy Gbvfl. . _ .9 eLib.A4. defide Cap. A14. 5 ’Z3'fc19A€;£FEaJ¢ _ 35¢-TIE-A, Ao§'j75A¢,3 7-5 I'M ‘ Nowlwhtether this ct)nI°ecration by pArayer,At did mean to reducé fthe wordsof xnfhrutien to tAheAfence and fignificatinnofa~pray%er.,9r A thatthey mean, theflconfecrationwas made bythebthcr prayers an- A h nexedto the narrative of the Ainftitutiotzt, according to the feverallt '3 A fencespf the Greek andLatil1€ ChurAc_h, yet {till the minifiery ofthe-A A V Prieft Whrjzther in the Words ofconfecmtion ,0: in the annesfed pray-- Jersfis flilVl- by way ofprayter; Nay furrher_yet,?, the whole myfiery it A ‘ {elf isoperative in the way ofprayerfaith Cagflimder, in behalf of the] A School and (1-fall the Roman Church 5 and indeedAS. »Am.6rof2* and’ A” others ofAtAhcfA Fathers in behajlfof the Church Catholick. . 2\(gnzc A Cbrfflw 6_f8?’l‘_M,f3’d djlferttlr qt; zfibmro, quyt’ 4rccz‘,aimr pafliazéem,” of- pf?4_azAA*qA%:42zflSzzcerdo:1xt ’P8£(!4t¢lAAgW6_?/137'»? d.t'mz';:at}.;ic in imagine ;[z'_5zT A iwerimawbi arwarrew wfiadwsarw inrervemtlsothac what the A A A‘ ' “ ,:VLtV«=ttt§e¢As.here, “ being an imitationtof whatChriPtdoes in heaven, 8%bytherctprfifentingthteafition “ ;i§§€19tualtl’ the waytof préyer, ytand’ A iticvificeotfa folemn prayer, ‘ “U V Or‘ tt1eAmI1¥prayen, and Aadvocation, tin For: <«..:« A A Wh3*hAD°Wh¢1‘¢'d€fcrib¢C¥'s and th'athemeansnot« the prayerofcotnfecratton: prece flim is S A/uflim expreffiqn ofitt, ’ C Carpw CIhriflz'—{';r* fizfigu new dicizizzmllm’ tom-rum, qaodtaxfi-géfiéw of the earth, and lzeiwzg cor:/curated zéjvzbe my,I?z'm[! t,vmyz72*, we take ac-, za:*772;éartct ctbarsgcsi into tlzefiofdy cum’ élarm/Maj ‘Cb’ 2"/3 Afh perm-44t_ur;t;5j» 1;} z};z),y;...~ 1 ,, ,4 -' , __, , ‘ _w m ?§§Jbe§>a2v?1§: firarznhnotrac 39 %’Z£1‘I(p0z7n0‘%;&1$ '73 new: ta:-vwg/.wr@' Ue'a'«T5_§’§DUG9$‘ Memwotaxrvm at; ‘T0 mptoc at xgrtsx, rra . , , . . t¢?Mw- V AVide0ptar..Mi1e'mt,[1156 comm Parnrenzan. , A _ % 4 % _ “ V hrihflft All the" whole ofliceis Aanofficet ” 0fiflAl€1'¢€ffi0na 33 it Pam‘-‘S%ffOmVh the Priefl to God, -ant=l fiforriAAth6 AA t>eoéIet°tGods And rhrn forthvatttgrear Amtyfiéritoufnefl?-‘ , whichish the fa;cramenta11Change5 whichis thatwhich p-aAfl°es frtgm God unto A that Valfcris phtained and €fF€&ed~byWay A A fineetheho.Iy.AGh¢fi istheconfecratort éi:herAhAAhetisca1Ied t AddAht‘tiAtbYthefOrC€.o5aCertain m_Imber‘offy1ltab1€sA.’tvzhichthathe A ‘ Deacons towards Priéfrs, upon this ground.’ d W/M canfifer t£mAst';A»“A A ftto. A . gmcinfhefpirituaiity oftheGofp€l- A A ~ V A v be forceof fyilables, itfollowsi A * 7 he iscalleddown by the prayers of the Church aAPr€f€I1tfdbyfi1€ i ‘blcflé :1»: firmlwa/hand agk that} God maybleflé andbyii~Whiichieve- ii Gods benédiéiioni and our importation 5 accordingto ithc We of the i word in the faying of on r" bléfied Saviour live: E 5'} rtvery M . word ] tlmt prnceeds out oftbt Wfllth k594i 3 that ifiz by A V _ m which; pmyer is $01296 jGyne_d, .ti13.l‘; aycomay CQQ.e_§:'~gt§ with God . A3 waymofi likely-to preva1I.w&1tlqh1m5andthey arg oexc;ilAAem wogdswtjich ac4fl4rad:¥.hath find Am Ihfiplélmmfi ii)‘-giai‘-W?:v'i‘.§W_0:);'@l3’.“"fl” hymn; J 5 A invooationa1one,~aA~ndvfiryire¢;:tgtio’nooAi ’ A body ofi%Aiaipirayerareuf.c?fl W gigs ,4 and as an expmiiitonando this,*Gabrielof?/JAI/A4161?/9f4V~0b A o 5 '71’/ac. {wordy 0f A ;AW£A?7*.A L0?’ A .A. xi, Am, and imwtxveinrlc few teigiir/1n»ici “A Oflzice iIzifiAerz'aIAl,' ~ jn eedfnllfijr perfons fo defignedg Bait the proper and great aifclvvhich the fpirir of ordination A gives, i iseifnchiinfiances of iaflifinrcewhich is ayrrfizry ofgmcer 5 what graces they are he enurn~erates inthe fCA)Ai-_- fit to be a Purilerin paternnll and fweet ;Tgovernfrr1enr, rmdefifigjbbriczj A lcmegflnd therefore in the forms ofor’clin:A.tt.ion of the Gr.Church(w"“ are therefore highly robe vainechbecanfe they are moft ancienghave fnffered the leaf’: change,and beenpollnted with fe wer interefisjtihe ymyfiical prayer ofordination names graces in order to.ho1inefs. ‘We M pray that that the grace gift/dc ever I10/y S pifit rm} .a,’::/Zgrrzd upanbiryrf Fifi bimfial afallfaitb and law anclpowcrAamifZzn6’t’»y$"éatianI1yet6¢zllz:mimti_ anoftby £01} cimi lzfi-gioing Spirit: 8: thereafon why thefe things are defir’d,and givcn_,is in order to the right performing his holy oflices e b timt be may be worthy tafland murmur am atzfizj Alta v-, Ataprcac/,1 tAba - A Gafliell oft/J} Kmgdormtn mingfiri the mom’: oftky truth, to lrritrg 2‘o775ee giftr,éi-fl2éritwalflzrrifire.r,to renew tbepraplcwit/1 the ldoeryz2]‘regrerzr~rati3.r our A At -«And therefore 8. “Cyril! fiiyes that Ch rifiis faying Areceive ye the A A c Graticm Apa-v .A i flolir E: Cbrrfl-0 ~A . e ' callamm quay I - ftnrfiificaren-= A ‘ turzutpeu ljbi; g ritum /?mfr'.um,: ; 4; A 5 Proprfirpeccak: ; c 'tir_abfi2l1J£ren—* y tg2r.Lib I2._in Holy GhAoft fignifies grace given byChri(’titothe Apoiiles, Where‘- bythey WereAfanC’rAified : that by the Holy Ghofiv they mighrt beeh- A Tfolved from tAhei_r fins, faith d Haymg and Sriinrryér Arrflzn friyesgyth are : [many Aperfons AAth”at“w,eAr”e fnatchecliyviorlently to he made Priiieiis or ; Bifhops,» who had in’ fhecit‘ Former npurpofes determined to‘ nizirry M‘ and’ 1~ive‘afecu1m~ iifieg have in their vordinati‘on“A rcceivedA§hé'y:giFt—o'f i A oontinen'cy. therefore there was reacfonfor the gréatfie’f17ego’f the folemnities Lrfed in Aalhfges inhfeparation ofPrieffs’ frorn~thA“ei Priefif; who was to receive thégreatefitie 4 I A fan&ifié'a‘tio«n’.»‘Eadmfirem em»; skmerdorem“ T g A A e randwm flréit W-fiitateréeeediA£?ibnz2r tcamriniraraeyz2;zzg2rifiegr¢g4r2i;2£. v ecwyrni£’12iIiiAberi;I¢x<;/4Av(in/7/6:53 tflétv, rcprentereddfifitr A A 57“'AiPi3A‘4573‘5A ’71)’/5975971177!/4?€7iFIAIi773PP§éM.Arii¢Av§f r A. f:3'a£o;!.7.éA.' r U to, _g y W i i H .,‘ ‘ ‘,1, hr ‘a y‘ do gram" i717ré’~zA2‘ fllzilii mi722'4m' Aiirrmli Atnmg Ata“rhgéréfi;r‘,;rthaAf is; i'm?«rov’€€ii:§in;A3T1tvf’Pi5ri‘tnalig‘rzrccs5vVhi"¢hAAfshighlyé3AtprefiEd*WcF W,’ p A yirziw who {said toANaEf4rir¢: :,A g Tn‘ ‘6'i;AbeaAtA:A mam _ A A in/uperflmjerdotioaziéfi/4'”j atrgqiieaafemhzec" " {And this is fo certainly rrue,that even when the Apome haaonaan. A n t ed Tzmotby to be Bifhop 0f‘Ephefi1As, he Calls uponhim t0fl‘i1A'i*e_ap t/J6’ r Igifi‘afGod,wbicb mm in hm: by tbepatmrg an af‘/r7'a'kandr, and that gift; fi‘,____' . i7 :1 ’A92“e‘e'r== :9 c{iJV£§LL?.d:«“5 J9 653/I610"/£8 lowing words : gadbatb rzotgincrz 2/4 tbefiirir offear [mm/" power, Va)‘, 754. am m,m_ r» » lam, awq3goVIa‘[.L§', and afar modefl gézndfixlscr mirzdc°_( and thieie wjordsAnre ' ' A Q A‘ A A . made "part of the form of collating the Epifcopal orderrin tAfi]€ChUI‘Ch ?oFEng1and) Here is all that defcend from the Spiritin ordination, r J1fWr:};pai2:er5ithAatis, to officiateand intercede withr God inthe iypaerrs 'ofminiPrery., A and the refiare fuch as imply duty, fuch as make him cm ‘viii .ai;4’:~: . (IV ' éwarzaroxs 01: I rirveupcomr. . b"Izrm]e’rn- man aim; ai‘c£2’;.4q::'rrw§ '75.: ;‘:}ua7at<;r;- »_ _‘P‘C‘£’ 0'3 J31gu~ A‘ aretv 7aAAeuac'y. gamer N711; y ___/3c£0'lA£‘-tat; a-3, Def’ 7775 oi... A‘n9e-:ag;’o‘e, ’w'pO0'Cp*%p6-IV Astér are Jicz‘. expzztromcfléT--Déwmzrflituir. whic‘heiz‘re not! to be expounded 05$‘ A18 T0.€4P_.$5- A [d Hamil. in - c9£§iAE1~:?.§ii3i3A v 1. HA:ip:amwA A Whuc rareisnwe; '<’£1'aLecb§iivcu‘ iepegg/=7:‘r airy . “ \ i ‘ -gm: Icfhipatag _ , Bunyan arr/eu... _ I \ [.tc:.773@;,£z/at- .1 x.aw/rl(ew_ 7'51!" A '1§AA§'_7‘pts W7; V rarmarn/$y5~ 8‘A’§' P417:/mm i -. 1 {df~_de4ddulter.r , canjwg. A ’ l T 1t:ei%rzineinfiitm2onr»;’ . ;otditxatio-nfldid COinf€1[‘l‘i€thf1' ifirfigraéé. which in the SchoolsisAit1tj- . dier[7to6dOl'Al€1yt‘o be expttttoriousg, bt1t,the_1ncrAement of grace, and Aemanationsofthe holy‘ Spirit, and therefore not to he ufurped or A i’ hath not Ck‘-‘fcended, I [hall lefle need to prove, becaufe it iAs;Acertain fam"?tificationA;; atjdthat allb is rethiflive of fins, which ztre taken OH‘ ~ hyparts as the hzthitd ecreafes 5 andwe growin Go_dsfavour,~as out i grAac¢sAmultiply’otflgroww.i j A, , » A , , A Npwthatthefe gtacestbemg gtAven1nord1natt0nVare immediate pretended to biyanyman, upon whom the holy Chef}: inotdination ‘“”l upon the former.gto1mds,’i and will be firtiiized in the following dif- courfegg and it ts tn the Greek Ordination gtveneas a tea {on of the my a'3‘5ur;ng5.cc?>"v JYJl;'rou pgziez-; o-vi’; cigioxs Aa's.j F01‘ not in the ithpofitiop of my. 4 hands, but in the overfeeinig providence of thy rich mercies, grace is l t given to them that are Worthy. A So that we fee, more goes to the fit--- ting ofa perfon for Elccltfiafiic:alljM.ni{tietit-s thenis ufually fuppo... {ed 5 together with thepower, a grace is fpecially collatedfi and that is not to be taken up and laid down, and pretended to by levety bola- itence,er difpofiticn. i A l ‘l p A 7 A SBC'I‘._VIiI.l A ceived the feverall parts of theAAPriel'tlyorder, at feverall ~ times; the power ofconAfecrAation of the Euclmrifi, at the inftitution lofit.-,~ thepowier of remitting and_retaAinAing finnes in the ocftavlcs of «vetfalil jutifdiétion. immediately before the Afcenfion, when they A _ Wen; i'coWmmVandedLtoi- goerinto all t{1ciworld;;reA4cé:iflgatndA bt1ptz'zi;¢g.l A This is the wholeoflice of the Prit:/iboadg and nothingof this was » A l 1 givenin _Pentec0flA when the holy Spirit defcended and refied upon A an ofthgnjg the A poflles, the brethremthe women: forghcn l A theyteetefvedthofie great 2193 fiances which enabled t1?¢m’lwho had b*eet“1icleIii-gti1el<“i‘<§?;1’*liEtnbafledors‘tothe world5to.doAe their great A i 1\W0~rk'; f and’othEr§bl'Fzilo”We1fic%apacityhad thieireproportion, as the e effeéliof the prormfe of the Father, and a mighty verification ofthel A A g-utihAofChrifiiainity. Nowall thefe powers whichChrifi hadgiventro his Apofiles A " wcrehyfotmemfians 01f‘0th€1‘.t0 be tmnfnaitted A to; fucceeding Per~ Fons, b"¢caufetthe 1A"everall_MiniPcerieAs wereto abide forever. Alllha» A AA tionswetfl-‘O b¢¢0IiVerted, a Chutchlto be gathered andcontinuedjl l wthenew ‘ii Converts tbf ~~ be made iCenf'eflbrs._i,i 13 nd lconfigned with ha-A-‘ A ptilitjjgfins toberemittcd,fl0cks§ ' former prayer, 5’ W}? '54’ 7"? 5/7i79i“"“’ '7‘3V;M65'V X%5fP¢i5V;¢_5?~7\i 53i1chto7_r{i' 753;! m'\:so§- t in der perfon. The thing isCztcredgfeparatcgftzzlemnf, deliberatetderivm V five from God. and not of hu mane provtfion, or authority,» or pire-l A A i He holy Gheftwas the firftconfecratogthatis made evident; A and the perlons firft con fecrated were the Apofiles, whore» l 4 E4_/25¢ .3 the power of baptizjngand preaching, together with uni«- A A , ‘ AA ‘_ A A .i?’elf"‘;d3i"diguidedsl3¥‘d“'~th€%L0Td§'il T i deathd*=¢Iarcd» "?P"“‘€‘?‘¢‘*=tlexAiibmdlt3“dAC°mm€‘m rated Imtitllt 5 El - ,1§eceiv;ea:vthe fir.fti£Tiaeéi.~itéh€iV0fnie1'yAaAtcrmciraoazdinarilyt ca1”lede:l_ia§lI~that. A ?vAh’atislin" is butta0rinAesfiY‘ne*tylair*io:Whi¢h‘l T " ll l“Mibe—'i0fj9cefMihij}eriaI1. A IT A .49 w his fecoqd Acomimg. A And fince the powers of doing thefe AA ofi‘i:;e§, :5 A areafts of free and gracious coneefiion, ettianations of the lioly; -o Spirit, and admiflions to a vicinity withGocl,, it is not ‘onellay im pu- A A deuce andfacrilerdgetin the perlhn, falflv to preAtencl_, that is, to lbely A A AA the holy Ghofi, andtthrull into theft: tloffices, but,Athere is an impolln} ‘ ‘ fibility in the thing» it is null infmeyery deed _;tl0ing,,to handle ithere , V myfleries without fome appOlfl.t.1]‘£l”lt by Godg unlefle he calls and ' a points out the perform, either by an extraordinary or by an ordinary vocation 50f thefe I mull give a particular account. I ‘A The extraordinary calling was firfl, that is, the itnmetliateg for the firft beginning ofalafling neceffity, is extraorditmryll, and made : ordinary in fuccefiion, and by continuation ofa fixed and deter11'ii- W ned Miniflery. The firli of every order hath anothertnaoner of .Ac0nftitution, then all the whole fuiccefiion. ‘The tiling of the is of greater Wonder, and oftoore extraordioaryand lati ent‘reaTon, * _t~hen_the defceot of the current :A and the derivation of the powers of l A the holy Ghofi th atmake the Prieflly order, are jufl like the crease 4 ; tion,‘ the firfi man was made with GoclsoWnhand§, and all the refl: ’ by God, cooperating with a humane atfltg, and there is never‘ the A fa me neceHity~ias at firft for Gad MA create man... The fpecies orkind {hall never fail, but be prefervedo in anordinary Way .: Andfo itis iri ” ' A the defignation of the Minifiers of Evan_gel;icall Prie{lho‘oAd:, God breathed 'inAt0,tl1eAAp0fi?leS wiiwxmpaéyar agélrovmtbyawuefigia, the éreatbqftbel A " life» giving ]}>z'rit.j, and that breath wastobe continued ina perpetniall; lunivocall ptoduélion 5 they. who had received, they were alfo to’ give :andthey onely could; '. 3 . V A, A A or AA, A A » ~ » , Grace cannot be conveyed fro nganayo man, bmeither hiythefoun-Q ,4 ’ tain ox-bythe chatmell by the Author: or by the Minifler. ] God A 9 tonelyIAis' the foL}nit41ini arid Atithtfisr end he makes himfelftheo T Minifieri Whornfiocl appoin,ted,n0t-,Cloee in effefi ma kfe lglimfefllthewi Author "F1‘h€ai1nd;er»tuke§todeifpio’I?eAofA§tatcewhich he hath not " . ‘A7f‘€C,eiv.edfi to give Ggods, ogoodsii fimnaolwoamahority which he A AAthat,o5et+sar, iwitl1ut»Go’ds~AwatranAt.. diQ§;3§ltA§(?'&:l€“rlYlfl;P0nlhl3<0Wn- And f0~l=“ith*erl3‘etis zbeazmr. fAfl“A5Uflarj)£If,élfl1€§l‘Afth€f0.l§lEhtalflu0¥ Al V i‘ d1‘~Ay Cloud, which Aeffieifir cia“A1l%ls ‘“ érfl.ilaf]>bcum:>:r, TAQrf1cf’,ir A = J.» E‘ B Q A ‘. tileriv.2itioAti A A ;onelAiyllaa«ffiAAl ~A:CliA»raculoAus,Agaagl Aext.raortl heg2MaA-‘Ar A A «megs of €{rfi;flQEér’findlg1AA‘ace~9oft;e:ceflityAm.uml: l~"ttho£”e;p£I‘fl7Qf£1l§ta?ht); A 4 A f A‘ u‘c reed ?arleAicalledAor de(ignedr_b’y.ariaty_;vocatiop, A A i A or zmlflptitrtieé Aaln ord-inarty lhe1jy;,fA;ati§l l 1 lfttaAp11:i;eeA haying tcbfflflklflbh lpioviwntis obok for eaétréirdliiwktr ; A A i‘%,pa1li;ag, is alasif a;;maAn‘fl1o1;1dAe$ipe&AfomeoAAneiw mfvfiD¢ll’hel7.cr5ea‘t-lewd" o 33 #44715 rwas.-3 r 13‘ t fi1"ppofeGEod will m'ultip1gr.; ilaeingsa Aop.erla.s_i~. A A 5: Ads 13. 2. it i HG!) 5:4-35310 i» A ,‘t-was fithout neceliity; Gad called tit firAft_., andif he had nnt called, V gtbliqluei Ways, t»r’.*e.:*rt2€.tz:7251ro5t5'er5. A wtotrdlét.-amtitmr or calling in Scripture, when It is referred to .étdefi‘g+- A l natioti of perfons to the Minifiery, it alwayes fignifies that which t V A ‘port it, t thereis not ; right.”z For he that will A A ashe thA‘atllWilli fay he heathen twoarea 4‘ it ethreeriwillstslisnottobe confutedbut bye - iabjuereltisfollye Atillhewereiableitorprt)ve“it.l ’” T A iButXAGodbY ° P1‘ Q in ifing“that hieip(*3hurchfiou l and than/zeg _ would beinwitbberitvibét endiloft the T/Je-~DAz'?zwine inflitzttioiz of ii A mancouldnot have c0tne~to_ him in histneereneffe of a holy Miniftea trey; t he fem perfonsabrotd, and if he had not Afent,theycould not have gone :, but aFterAthnat he had appointedbyhis own dtefignation perfons who fhould he Fathersin Chrifi, he called nomore ., but left them tocall bothers: He firltimmeditttely gives the ;¢;a’g»:a-Km, tn/as . grace, and leaves this as 3 Depofltnm to the Church, faithfully to; be kept till Chtills fecond cumming 3 and this; Deptfltztm is the doétrine _...._—-x A ‘and_difcipline of ]_e-fits : he‘“~opens the door; and then lef tit open, t * commanding all to come in that way, into the Mtmliery and tuition of the flock, calling all that catnein by windows, and pofierns, and k A And it is obfervable, than: the wetterm, ct:/tifigtexlrdéfdlfidfyi-3 it allwnys fignifies, anfitnmediate that is, whentkhefountain had flreamed fhrth abundantly, andmade a currentto defcend without internruptioin. 'I:he putpofe A()f~tl’liS"dil."? Courfe is ,i that nolwgnotmtan lhould in thefedayesi of ordinary Minis- ftery, look. for an extraordinary vttiner pnrpofes any new neceflities. A A 1 7 A They aretfanciesofzi too confident opinion, and over-valuing of ou1ttfelves‘,twhenwe think the very beeing of :1(3hurc_h is concerned in ourtniftakesgt and all theworldt be ttgainft 113,’ we arenot afha-V-“ med ofonr folly; p but think truthisfailed from among the children of men ,l and the Church is atia lofl"e, and the current derivedfrom theSan€h1ary.lF iriPt;.,he,made ta neceffity :morel,then ever God made, iitdeed wash lnothingbut :1 my ft: in his nwnt head : pretendany V V “tum .';'~ A" ‘AA “l! ,_A' ;A“,_ Vln .. l‘ H , 1 A A A AWWAAA ‘ V l Al , __t,,‘,.f.. um ml la; .. aétof God-3 which_allb ceafed wltenfthe greatneceffity expired, ~ cAalling,l not pretend in order tt)“ i thefirft emnnations isdryed up; and then he that isboldeft to pub- * t A 7 li 2hiS~f0lli€S§SA alfo asapt toltniliakel hisnwn boldnefle fair at callfiom l L gothlas he did atfirfl his "own x,zain‘opinion fora neceflilrytruth :,and A then he is calledextraordinarily, and for ventures into the: fecrets (if \I and thenhim felffinds aretnedy: thatGod never appointed. A He that vi A thinltsexiery [baking ofthe Arklisablblute ruinetto it, when pe_ra'd- it ventureitwas but the weaknefle ofhis ownjeyese that made himfan-lit ’ A snot, mayalfo think he hearse call 3 ftomabtotveto rip- very being onhe —_.‘ It ttltcurtethe “ anderethis heidt e thing that is beyondiordinttry, {unable foules within him,‘ Aér Phyfid<‘:«ior byltying hi.m't0" AA A A ldllnbidevforevent “ "A V! terofbelljlmu/d not i9F£'A'L’d2“ldgAd7!fl/ll.2‘tAA, t_h£it himAfelf; , A A A A A A its world, hath fiJfficien*tlyt:;oinfi1AAAted W - l l thevanity of theft’: men,;Who them“ they imighttthrtlftthetiafelves ~ , ‘VA A V tAAthi‘sday’.,Aaireijthefameiiwhiych the Atptnmes de1iifTeytég§1;sndtAIhat1n1;tr¢+ . 4»_~_4.~ At A ’A"A-""A’()AAJ7%t1A.Wl°’1Z'Af"-””i'czl1A~ i ii 1 I I .' A“ A Church:- Foi if the Church r_emains__in her being, let herieorrtipti~A A onsbe What they will, theordinary Prophets have power to AArEF0i'n'At A them 5 Aandttif they do not, every man hath power Atocotnpiziin, I6. Ahfidbes iitwith feast, a11dAim4’(fl,7, andtml/9A, and {7€c§[/ifty; A A j A . 2 And there is no need of anyyteitttgerdinaty cttlling to amend'fiA1ChAr thingetvhieh are certain;, forefeen events; and {such were heretics’ andcorruption in“doé’trine and manners, for which God appointed an ordinary Miniftety to take cognifance and make a Aremedy; {oi A which himfelf when he had toidnst, bercjfl.s=: mu/3' weds .45, yet fnadé ‘ not provifions extraotdinaty, but left thetChurcht fufhcientiy inA{ii'n—A B A died by her Rule',and gnidetiby her Paftors. A hen ChAriPc means‘ to give us anew Law, then he will give 11$ A 9; A An nAewPri?eft_hoo'd., a new MiniiieryA {One will not be changed with-» y A out the other; God now no more ctamesinn mightyryuihing winde, A A ; but in atfytill voice, in the gentiehoniilies nfotdinaryPtop:hets5A3nAc1 now that the Law by which we are to frame out undetfiandingsnnd AA our aftionsis ePcahiifl1ed,~we muft not [Aexpeét an Apnftle to” eotreét A. , eve;ryAabufAe.3 for if they will not hear Mtfar andthe Prophets, if one fhouid cornefrom the dead,; Oran Angel come from heaven, itis certain they will notbc entertained, but till the wnnder betover, and A the curiofity of news he fatisfied. A , N 1 . V. . A A A A A A A A Againft «this, it is pretyended that Chrifi piothifed. to fie? Ififlz My Id. t , chart}: for evcr,A upon condition the Church: woueld dotheirdutyg ;f'Ao1kezA1z25'.,A6. A 4 but they being but a com pany—_ofmen,y have Apotwermy ehnfgand they W18’. ’ mayehufe amitfe 5 and if:ail« fhould do ft), Ghriiig pfnmifiéy may fajl us,-though notf'ai1t)f their intentiensg, and then iAnthis€:afe‘tAAhe ‘ A Church failing, either there man be an extraordAinarycalAliflgA- offinf- gie p€I‘{A0flS..‘0I' elfe any tnan may enter into ’thegrdinAaAr‘y way,Which A A A is*a'A11 one with an~ea&tAraordinsttyA: fer it‘i§~~textrAa,iordinary th:1tAcotn-«tAA ‘ _mo'n petfnns fhon1dAbjrnecef{§tty beeadtawn intganiimpldymené A which hyordinary~vocati_x:A>n they ate tAtQt;tr£3n1,edAtilAe t}AvifhA, A; ‘\AAI A A A Againfi this We can Cthfmks’ be “fifiod Mint 3 tpt,efA¢nd tth.e'ie:=il5é’~ hence of I?«5AAg€5 fnA't hi,t‘Aher’to‘; it jhath 6Y¢1‘.t5eény,Ainthet ,Cher iA”(tiAA‘an Churehs, that God hath prefcr7tredA at ;ho}_Ay A€1¢;tgié ,tinAyt:Ee; fa fifi-A prAo.. A portion ashe httthpreferved atholytpenplegnéwietiyet *we1Ajeth*e: , Clergy all Anti'chriPtian, in the midfitof Chtiflian Cht1ircl1AAt‘:A_s"AA5AAyt.awftAaAAt‘I A Ayywéhatven~dare;t{“ony”At0 feat it will befo now, aifteryyfnlnngtyan if AA _ enceto¢if;31iii A ’ _AAAA Am2iinfofotA.everA¢;A, bntonely, t. A A ‘ A (jhn“‘*a*n A , .., V; t‘. ».-»~. W, .‘ ,‘ mil‘ -‘ ’ v‘ "" "' ” '- . F _ “V ">'I\ um « . , i ‘ A v- .-...—a--a..-....n-you---u.-.¢..«~..4A.¢ ....a-"-.--‘~ tzbid. ca;.*i§;; j ' A =52 AI Chrifiiau Churches. which A alfo tragfmiit the féttne hva coni-A" A V 1.3: A % A _nuati_onA of AS<;tipture., wee have Clergy, that1s;., heficles A Abeiug free agents‘ may A theylnotall confeut to the corruption or deflzroying of Scripture? A i AyeaAw,butGod will preferverthem from that, or will over-rule the * t event} A 3783.1” but how A they? yet grant that too-. A AA A the event in the tmitter oFunive;rfAall Apofiacy P for both of them are \ A Apofing» there r l A gas upon the Afame rearon 5 veorlyemaya androulmaymf A ; Mingfim-A of reliA W i MATz,neD2m¢ inflimtianoft l A tinuall fucAcefliveAteflimouyl to‘ the following, or elfe they willzbe of uncertain tfairh-5) and 23 the confidence of the»divine.providence A andgoodneiie, 7 outwhich wecannot \ Afignedus. .n Now the far:-xAeeArguments which wehave for the cofnti- A .A A for theper;5etuity‘ofa Chrifiian \ the fo long aifiuall fuccefliou and continu-— \ . ance, we have the goodnciieand unalterahle fweetyueffeof the Di-A n ' ‘ vine mercies, who will continue fuch Miuifieries which himfelfhath AA A means of falvationg he would not have made A who will notlet usicwatit what is fit" for us _.,that wit‘h-AA- attain the end to whichin mercy he hath de- macie the ordinary them the way to heaven and of ordinary neceHity.,ifhe did not mean i l totpreferve them 5 A fulpply another indeed if the ordinary way lhould fail, God will way to them thaAtA doe their duty}; but then‘Scri- pturiem ay as well fail as the ordinary fucccffion of the Clergygthey bothwere intendeclbut as the ordinary Amiuifieries of falvation, and if‘ Scripture be kept 4 for the ufe of the Church, it is more likely the Church will be rpreferved in its necetiary confiituent parts thenthe Scripture; that the Churchmight notA fail. chufe amiffe-3 fupplofe thatg For risfor the Fancysthat all men but then may Adothey know Athat}? » what revelationthave butwhy then will he»notaAA1fo over-rule matter ofchoice. A ‘ ‘But then th:A1tal'lAthe ~CIe"rgyAfhouldconfent to corrupt Scripture, Aor to Iofe A their faith; is aumofi unreafonable fuppofition 5 for fup- A i A AA A yetitis morallyrlimpollibles A r and we may as well fear thét all the men lAofA the World>wi~llAAb‘e viti- A A A A Vforrifall theAClergymay,‘lthen all the well poif'oAn;theSea,7 naA3tptoifonAa1l the A f A A Al all the Ideot$.,, and the ordinary per-e A ll 5 AA ‘r’W01°'Al‘tifl1ouldAbecoufened ouAtofithei%rreligiongthenathlat A . isfai poflibility, t1cAlAiti‘s mm-e likely all the AA wifelllrm xtnttfltm, cw €136 Teacbem Da6?7“wr:.AAand PM5/2'16? -My A Apbthcecaries,orAthatallA A leniiiwillilivefingilellive-As,and turntMonks*, . laudAf’o‘en~danger tihefpcicies o.f'maAnk~i=nd to periihA,_{ for ther:erAis agreat A W A A‘ lfelalr tqolthat is, Awheuhall the world chufe ouAevthinAgA(AfoArif' U A and mural! 3 IibAiASi,?Ofii11?Adiijt¥ 3 y=:AAeAuA alfo we feAarAttha«At:alll the GoverAnoursAfAr r TA At ~ A AA“~Ar=il,»~A beeaufé fdmedoa andmAoreAha~re .r all Abut the l A hecau{'eScripture‘is preferved fortheChurch, itiskept AA AA A A7 when arlA~1:r\iAme?t1A tum Mariners, or , nAoAneedof Arm eAxtraordif!W.T¥ C0mmif~ AA : f A to lleoon uponthencef?r0¢k~0fthelfirf* 081- ’AefigAiiatii?$fi,iWlfiChiW3i$AA€XtI‘301?di3??-.Th€A Spirrltlfluéd i ~ l V H. V .i- ‘ l A i. cut arfirfi rh~i1':eéuloi1fly, and hath continuéd iiunnilng ihithe firfll A “ ( one whereof was loft) they not having an »e)kpr’ell"ecommand for \ the manner ci;fOx'din;3tion. took l-UCl1ClOl.1I‘{€ has irealbln and religion mught them; iThey‘ina“med two perfons, and prayeclGo'd to czhuliz - one; and to mznifefi it by lot 5 which was :1 w24yVlefl"c.*thlenthe firfl de“l'igmti0n of the other eleveng, A and yet -had more of the éxtriaorcli-‘ ' V 4 (ion. The Apoflles themfelves had not as yet ireceivediékill enough A the perfeifgi/t offlw»/j C”r1Iol/z’,Tfo?r fluff lxel imam! tr.-2 giwle zzfPié??z‘e-ll famlcies. that ishotperfefl.wlhichlpfoducesperfefi aiid=_eijc¢llieml V .13;ffiQn5in2l’Cllf€€l?ll'!1€.l afliions of ap:irticuli':£rifg31‘t.;, hutltha.t;yihia€h §'€lJiQ1]'B, and lehiables othérs to clo_f‘_fo” @065” twhei perif5e&io'x:ais, inherent, m3‘tQn.e1ly flrmallj, A-z)irtudflyi»;a_iadl;;gm£~;? A A liwitlrsiafié1lthat’sth€”croWr10'5habits;andImuralli”fa¢Ultiié5‘: Nov? “ A ‘A A hefides the réaft§nablen’¢fl”'e ofthétihiing,this is“~a1foyérifiedi a cger-T i 5 . , iltair2ityi'¥thiat‘§Vil1l110*‘eefifily fail usisiibyljiéxypériicnée andiicxipzsjffdéfafi 1 i §llé0fiibéMin1fleriafl. channels lordinairy chndufi, and in thé ‘Fa miéiiconveyances it .mu{’v;. 1 runfhll," or “It cannotvvithoutamgracladergveupon us, who {land A apinfinitc difiance. f7rcim the fotmtgiinl ‘Sides: than thc-are is nownfo mloréexpfsélation of ~a11textraordi“hiary Callihg go‘ do fo were an ~ extraordinary vanity ) it remains that the éileriivatiotibfthe miniilfi riallpower be hyianordinrary c0nveyzznc€.‘l i A O V Glltitllfi pntllflltlt him {elf meant to tread in givihg the gra+cE=:sic>fEvan~ gelicall miniflraltiorw At firfl, after that.ChriPt had named twelve nary in it, then could be reafonably crontinued in an ordiinarylfuccefi was not yet defcendad. A A ‘I A A i But when the Holy Ghofl defcended, then the Work Wasftd be-. 4 gin -.3 Apoflles wantccl no power neceflary for the main work of V the Gofpel :; butnow alfo they ;received Comimiflions to difpenfe l how to ofliciate in their ordinary mi‘nifiery,hecaufe the HolyGholFt4‘ A the Spirit toiall fuch purpofes tovvhich he wasimended. They be» A Ifu fie hail the ofiiire in themfelves, but it was 210? caimimunicabilcfito ibti/Jars, 4 i tillthe Spiritytlze anointing from 46024:, ranne over%tothéficit1gies cjfp. A 7tlhePriefi_s "garments; they had itb;ut~inimperfeélibfiafid finaélive T faculties; i Sofaijth ’I7’Jeap/ayll§z(3’tii: Hclll.6fe4£/§,:'dlmzj'ri iziawigivirigto tbm ca/ll: but be ilprcpared them lfaif the fu[lar% fcfciégatieijié of A t_hé gift Belfdreg but not the perfeéi confumniatioln of i’t,tha'f wa*slr”efer~ tied forthejfgreatl clay and ‘be-caufe the plowjerpif éofifécral;ioi1£iii'é“thé fmeieaavz. 0r’iperfe&ion"iofT 1"’!-zkfliy ofkldr ,» itwas .thepr0.}aié.i‘lA wégjla-1‘ hnéionbif’ this i.d;iyé3 lory Q then ,:ifel,m2Wu55 7w{a»ma;,‘i,,th§:_ lp~e_r,. feéijiori of what: polwmr Chirlfi had -farmiierllylcQnlfiigned.I L Fox? (‘if all The Spirit of God In Scripture hathclra line; ianhd ichalkecl ; i~For"aswe ‘<‘3oinotifim1‘el¢hei if¥P0Pd’as1i’lb-‘zfre Pcnt¢c0fila'RW’#‘ flivlef pqizrcr,‘ which made them callifolr a§§Imiracl¢;'»®r a l“{J.5C'Cil'¢,£lll_iPlif'€)Y$"il-Z-la ‘ , A '1 dengeiby 19:3, (owe are fare thdtim":me"dia_;ely afierPéntéc()ft‘t%heyl 7 .ljiil1)=Idi.it;l: i'f'(‘i1"l‘itl_i,¢3‘x‘jl'f3éétl,i'lwy ?l5cgair'm'5:é~}iu‘tifin léixcmiizidn,~§ndi?itlislie1i3gf-; 7%; ;} ‘ likable, thét lithe Agbofilfidid ndf aylhands x1pOl1l¢Mdt‘tl1z'»ta, llhébgsihgt i v ’ £4; ‘ at a "" 5 x 5. ?.7i3=*oii»l5.x1!rt??'- znl2o.j'$}Jan;%M,, I %z’*‘l@i”5’‘‘?:s ‘; l I V ':£e'Af;iMéJlfJe£- '-,. M i max " '13f.V€U5{.¢7'0§ ‘ vi_3't_I"a£u;7z:7§ vé- } r'*°5*’%'z**‘9é*f“?!l*' ” M °*’7'*.*1'm; _ "’*T5"'.7¥’w5"*.' 5*, V °n,§lV0'-'.-Ig ‘v’ aimaimabg :7-«A woJb;¢3V¢§ , ‘ j‘?T’?ll564°5;W—l, ; ' gguqfggg rm‘«o1a2r..L ; Q .5. l , jvfxcavérwv ‘it; t A Tilewvzneinflame: of fordixaatiayz. A ~ ll 4 Thisl‘ {':1yiscertaln,thatl the Holy choc dercending atPentecof’c, theytinflcantly did ofliciatein their mini-fleriall offices, they preached; they’ baptlzed, they cotafitmed and gave the holy Spiritof obfigna- don, and tools; perlbns into the Lot of their Miniflery, doing of it by ' antextemall rite and folemu invocation smd now the extraordinary A way A did cea 1" e; A Godwas the fountain of the power, Abuttmanlcons veyed It by ah Aexternall me: And of‘ thisASain,t Paul, who was the Aotjely exception fi‘omthe cot:om(_>n wary, talges notice -3 calling him—-- : felf.*1n Apofile, not cvf man, nor by 77243, éntt éy jrfl.-2 C/arzifiz, implying that he h:ldA a fheciallhonour done,» to be chofen an Apofkle in an ex... H traordihlarg way 5, -therefore others might be Apolltles, anedeyet not ~ To ashe was; for elfellhisexpteflion had been all one,z1s ifonc fltould A fay, * Titim the /zmneafnt man; not étgotten to an Angel, A or fllirit, war A pradmed by the Stmnc or Stmre, but éejgottem 29) am» ofa mm.“ : the e 1 difcourfe hadbeen ridicul‘ousl, for nomzm is born otberwife; and yethe alfo had fomething of the orditmry tot); for in an extraordi—- A “nary man‘ner.he wastfentto; be ordeined ha afiordinarymioifieny. A A . . And yet» becaufetheelAord1nary mtmfleryt was fet1ed_.,_SaintPaaZwas 1 called to an_ account for fo muchlofit as wastextraordinary mid was“ .' ltiAedttodnol‘that‘ which tevery mannowiAs‘bo}und to do, that {ball pre-A :\ 1 _ A tetjdalcallling extraordinary, (t7oAlgive'm.z extraarqtinary prméfof A hisexfraordfngfy ca/ling: which Whenthe haddéneintbe Collcdgeof A Jet;-rtfalem, the Apoftles game /Jim; tberz;g'btA/mzd mg’ féflonj/Efygltand ap-4 to A proved his vocation 2, ‘Which alfo ihews", that now thewayof‘ Ordi- nlatiion Awais fixed and declared to be by humaneminiltery .; ofwhich A I’ne'c‘d no other, proof but the linflaocets of VOrdinal.tionsA;-ecordedin he ‘ eScrtiptute’;and the trio tin/lame: to the ‘contrary, but O‘fl$.lP_at1l,.WhOfCl de{i_gna'tlon was as immediate asthat of the Au tApoflles.,thoughhis _ not; I V end thAisAAwith the faying of jdb t}3eA Mcmki: ‘ Canczffiifig”ttbwrdcr of Priefikmdttf flwpernaturall land an/fcekafélc. A A A -_,w;_3, 54; [ tbdt jfi5Tdl)"f3¢”€1A-Af]9€ d4y19defm'e%w¢Jm the farm vf 1dem',_ and private 7 cramcntl._j " 9'é:°ées.4‘5‘ =9 ; l emu ms ,:te9lot~t;t% it I‘ A wlgtle ' l ‘A l 4'9” 5~-3£«1A*=F«‘PPA’A"; = AX;.9%"9‘l A Ai -AA‘A"‘~’§’*AAA<**7"”“”’l’7""f3 T. ‘ ~.':'§trat)-7£>’v uroA-ijA 7?: ;f_l 5? :s.c5'fv "$1/»a!»'l£3'.7 A AperfonA:,l tb day Aréfcflye ll C}/.rz7fl,;Aan»dAA‘ltl9:tAzraiceqf the chief A j *; Pfieflal 'd7?1”d%A laying} mtg’ bands, Arcce2‘v;':s; /0 ,gre.:ztAlAaza imprwemwt and: ea/teratioz‘2;A that be heed/e:All _74%i2clcanca12fiecmtetbt divine A myfleries 0f the “ N | , ’.¢ce9dvi/W‘) «§lw?we lwe°w9‘%g3ura.:r=:;9e==’*e“fi<" eEu9>gc£=za::qv 7fellz9l7s:.:wM#:w24w§ety.’ l bA13€lf[“""57”l 5“Pl’*’{"";"‘-‘ A A me; 3% Jvimmex »§;,t«aet;4ee%w< lewvt lmade Apofile before the defcentt of theHo1_y:(}hloll: itheyhz¢dAl*n“oA .A powerCtoA do it, they were not tyetmade Afidimifler: oft/Je Sfirzt ;, Awhich l AA AA A cbecaufe afterwards prefently they?did., concltidesfairlythatat Petr- Vtecoft theywere amongft other graces made tee Aardimzr} zumiflerx of A Iaolr¢1wrA9s«vd étcwi g~§¢gxm_vou¢a:aq,w¢ ;;=¢tr11r;l;‘2gao§A21aI¢J$;ttAa§at;%'i**a?\c-tr AJlI'1I¢cé‘B‘:L1,lJgg.oea171[v; ~ ’ A A rameatmofi Wigthlfthe wé>r“ds %efA Gregary N;/]2n,;olinetlhis back be t A This At A ’ AAThis i§thesfiA1mAmeof the precedingdifcotarfesg God is the Cork A17 ‘ AA the defcent bf the holy Ghofi in Pen‘tec:ofi. F’ QmeméerCo1~a1mndalZbircémpflnj. "A t}Je0_ffi¢eMinifferiallA.A A A A AV fly fEC1‘at0l‘5»AII1£1f) is the Miniftez-A5A the feparation is myiierioué and A t 1 wonderful! 5 the power great and fectet 5’ the oflice to {hand between A God andthe people, in the minifiery ofthe Evangelical} rites; the , ca1lingtoAitordinz_1ry.. and hya fetled Pvlinifiery, which began aiftert flame obfefvingg, aflirms the {sine OFS. Peter, A I cpgcludei Dzyfigrggz. V mm inter ordzzzmz 6"plcbmz cmsflztzmit Eccleflis mtboritm 6'9" /aamar per ytfl ardiflir can/ejzzm/anfiiflcatrrs .4‘ Dec , faith Termflzlm. The as!/aorig: of the whale C émrcb 0fGodA/mt/9 madzttcli/?z'm§i‘i0n bttween 1/JEpA.:'A‘7ffA0i¢ srdai-C A A need A aid the proplet but the honour asdpawcr of hit is derived fiam the : fiz;r6fffi'mtia:2A of Ga,4Ai; It is derived from him,_, but conveyed by an t A ordinary Minifiery of his appoiming£Whofoever therefore Awith on; A fan€’cified,thatis.,with unconflzctated hands {hall Adarctoiofliciatein the minifierial officefeparate by G0d,by gift~s_,,.by gra‘ces_.,byimb1ick i order, by an efiabliihedrite, bythe infiitution ofjefttsfl by the do; t fcent of the holy Ghoft, by the word of God, by the prsfiifei of the __ Apofiles , by the praéiife of fixteen :1ges'of'Athe Ciatholick Church, A y by the neceffity ofthe thing, by reafon, by analogy to the difcourfe ' A A C ofall the wife men thatfever were in the worldg, that man like his . ‘ A predeceflbr Gqrab bringsan unhallowed CeAnfer, which fltallfnever 1 A {end up a right cloud ofincenfe to God, but yet that unpermitted, A t Aandtdifallowed fmoak \1ha]lA kindleafire, event the wratht of God A s which (hall at leaf’: deftroy the facrificie: #‘ A/air mark fizz/I45: ronfimzeéi, A A and when upon hisrepentance himfelfefcatpos, yetit1haIlAbefomtlaAy fire, that is,; “with sngett, A‘ and loffe, and mama, and '"trouBlef.: 7 For ‘ t cur GcIdid‘4AACMfi!f7¢iflgfi78- A AI ' s - ‘ y t sh. VAAVA3/t@‘ 39¢:/g5Ar’;AAA.. t AATh€EAntis ' ‘ This great change was in nothing exprefied greater, then that A t _YA3A. Ag: A t A ism! upon his Ordination changed his name, which Saint C_£2r_vfl2~ f:2l~"’z"f';3AA-""' A E:cA/::ort.£stdczi..A A A A" Tl1eTrinter to the finder.‘ He abfence of the Author, and Ins mcon.- V 3 v &’ Vvenient diflance fi"on1L07zdon,11;;;cho¢;ca... ’ fionedfome leffer efcapes 1n the n Imprefsion of 4 thefe Sermons , a11dthe Dlfcourfe annexed; A The Printer thi11ks the be{’ci11f’canCeof par... “ t1echarity may forgive. eIon,if his Efcapesbenot 1aydupo11t%11e~Au-e M thor, and he ho.peset11ey.are 11og1*eaterth¢na1z VV Ordinary underfcandxng Inay ame11d;a11d aAlit—- V