, M” BAGSI=1AW"S 5 PE E C H 1I\I PAR L I AME N ‘I’ % Feibruarythe ninth, 15’4.o. Concerning ~ E 1» IS cop A c Y And the LON ON PETITI"N; I MLoNDeN,V A MA% A ’ % Printedéfor Emmi: Caxfiaéle. sx54.I~.§ , M” Baas:-uxW%'s SPEECH 1I\I PAR L I AME N T % A Fcibruarythe ninth, 1:f‘4.o. Concerning ~ EPNCOPACY And the LON on PETITI N}., A A %LbND0N,V A %A A ‘ % Printedéfor Emmi: Caxfiaéle. sx54.I~.§ A % c 3 A . % ~‘ - : s;:::“= 2%-: % 5&2: -g, I ‘ «"4m - u @.%€*.J@@E.%.§i‘*9g<.‘%\§ @§€%i Mr BAGAsA.HAwT's %% 3 PE EC}-I In Parliament Fcbx-.% 9‘7"164.g, V Gancnning IF EP I SCO Y And the LONDON $.11 ETITION. V ‘ ' ,_ VVVFIS yeficrday andthetime be» — fforc, ”fo1"the retaining’ of the "”*i London Petition, and am in the A flame minder fiill ~ and Vthercfdrc $5.53‘/f‘: 7‘? .°’ A doe now rifeu aa ainfl: th A ' “"""“”‘ % “fal1*0EEthatIc)1uegfHon whgcgflg now Called for‘?-Wfietfier Epifiapacy fr f;;-[fa £3; to 6:: tvakerzg into confideration by the E‘ommz}... #685 wherein I A dog .difi1'ngui{hoAf a twofold Epxfcopacy, (I13 firft, 1» mm‘ pure, as it was A in A 2 A aim funk “'3' "“’=. »=‘*~~~ «‘‘'’',"v.‘'’‘‘''«‘'*.'’’‘‘* V I 1 (4.. ‘-'9v'_r,: 3.3 _‘,§' w W .~ .«;.~ «-- (“A3”): %;i1ehPrimitivcrhim¢s me fe cond, in mix carmp-‘--~ 't0;, as it atthis and is fo mtendcdand? wmeaint 1n“th_c~ ihondoni Pct1vtmn»;i Now lholdi that Epifcopacy in th is larer fenfe is to be taken;-. céanfidexracin as a thing that tirenchech nor mfly upaa trim r~i%hr and liberties ofthe fubjws; Ac-if which I ,f~ha11i_ ave occafion ti» fpeak h>m—. after. But as it 18 now, it_ trencheth upon. the- Crowne of EJ2g1.md* miwthefe fohre particulars, wherein “I; know this L-Ioufe. A _mi11 willingly. A heare mm A E A A Firfi, 1 it is mainraxhxeci’ by the BVi{BOp‘0TfExéi. ieiteir in a book which he hmiwrit tiothis purpofe, h that Epifitopacy _i1_: Afelfc bath in- the oificc and-' in the jurifdic?c‘io'%n**i§‘Im*eDifuiz2a_’,o£ divine“ right; ;vvhiichip”®~fitia0n: is direéhly cpntrary toéé the lawesfbf 'ngl2uz%d; ;0f_-gwhich 4 Ali will icite but . two or-three in ftééadiiofiiahny more, The Stas- fute f Céérligfle 3 5» Ed.;‘»f;I Cnfldrieié eaiie, in the fifth Report, faith,‘ that the Chll1'Ch‘% A 0f England is -fourided‘ in‘ the‘f’cat¢ii—Ai0f«I3’relac§z; i i A the: Kings pf j4am‘fl"’E‘%e‘i‘$ Prgcnimxseii Cfimtgi; gthgfe iwbrdsg Chwzc*e,@z.2éim.i Ami itshg it;-wemgyfifth. ~iiyear¢3; if Edward the ranglifhc fihird, in Eh? ?3¥§fl¢:l1§‘Q11 Whifih haw f€~"-‘Hes « .thhcx3F¢ the, Arrchhifihopc and A V ,y;~he§iir& . Eéalfifi hi«.4¢;«ng£fi‘e4«M ;W1?¢.S* [1~é37't43'5i5:'1i-@fi‘5v"o.. l¢i=gy* pefitimr we King for their i1iibc;rti¢s , in thefewmds, 4 TIMI; the Re~vm-izmfe Qf imdbaifl %£kz4zc,?b,h_4zzd $7’ £1.13‘ $g;%m:¢i $a#nt1ghFé,ei‘%mi£ misfiarmlg ~ V‘ A w is Vpofcs them‘; { A % “ nhe third; is AA qm1fifiara~b»1"e,aas»trEnche-. Eng u’poTn»V.thc:;,v Crowne, which .t%?ha?I:? was = %fiid<= 4 maderethe. Giallery, than: Epifcopaaey was ‘a third%- efsatzse in :APax1iamentf,;.= ma! 't1m.'£cfore that King; Pzrliamcnt?-' could. not bee writhutV them ' this ;.u%tter1y$-»deny, “fr: there are three; efiatcs. withom:t1wn;,as..AA x'ra;mely=,: the*King, who isft the A ‘A A fitfié cfme : Lmds‘ ”I3empo1=a»Il:ma« A ?«.‘:%B;e h§sV;’1:h¢ Eflgldflfl-1* A {f3 )Z A %3134~£50f&_"~.li&¢VIfé5,fi?pri*uiledges‘,vamz’. rz'gEr:, gramfii ‘ V M14 —g¢?.E?£.2i2 lazm Ma’ £1135 méle, Pr.agerzitar5,Kt0 tim- €‘.Imreb %5y"t{2:i¢% Charters :::whiAch plainly fheweth, ’ $;hai:i11‘hey~ have Vtiueir EpifcoMpa11“A]1;rifdiéiiOn fi'0f*n‘«t.hCI{iHgS?Of Ezzglazzcgand not [_tl;3"t? §lg,iZ’£.?2{fl.- divine right : and this Alikewifc i7sack%n9wlQ A Iedgéd by»1:h4'emfclves in the Statute of 3-;rAH.»:8=. WPA 1 Aflthac they have %their EpifC0pall" Jurifdi&:i%on,' » and¢ a-I14 oth»:er Ecclefia f1‘:ica~fI"l* jus- xtifclmian whatfizevcr fo1e%Iy,ancleo111y,¢-by, fi:o\m~,A__. and"under;t.heKing,~. A . V V‘ The fccondtbing that~ is trenching the- rowae is;tl:r£s.<,..that: it ~ish01den at; this day, that pifcopacy» inféparablé to: theAC rowne mf ;E;mglmd_ ;-; amt! there fore; ‘ is~ ~~ commonly nowfaid 2:0 3459? a W King 51 no Mim',:"+ mt % V Aflceptier .1: which I‘utter1y.4- deny; forit isAp1aine anfl a;ppz1rant‘,. that-"the: Kings of England wem % A long before Bifho-p:sL,. and ; haw :a A fubfiftenceii A without thcim3’:and' have domaandtnay {kill dew i ::€~6> i have had many Parliaments wherein there havie beene no Bilhops at all: as for example,t£'d. 1,, l 2.4..oflhils Rt-i ne,abelcl his Parliament at Ed... mrmdéxr}, ex: at a 0-Zero; and in there Parliament gr.-R.t.2. mp.”3.l and 7. R. 2.mp.n 12. it doth ap.; peare that they were enaéted by the Kingwith e i A the aflent and: agreement of theLords Tern-i porall, and, Commons, where the eflatesi of Parliament are mentioned, and not the Clergy.i Divers bother Statutes might likevvife be namedi at l to this purpofe, which I Omit; A The A fourth and left thing is of the Bifhops holding of the Ectlefiafiicall Courts,“ in their owne names, and not_,inn the name of the King, nor by C ommiflion from him, contrary to the it Statute of I Ed. t6;.-recap. 2. and contrary to, t,l1'e,pra6l:iceOf3Bifl10pr Ridlgr, Co'Uerdale,’.and— r it pom-.:,ll who took * Comrniffionsn from the; King for holding their Ecclefiaflicalll Courts, r as may be feencialttthis day’ inthe Rols; r And although it will be obje&‘ed,that by at late Proclamation in 163 7.‘wherein the opi- nion oftheejudgesis mentioned, it isadeclared upon their opinion, that the A6’: of the 1 Ed. 6'. r was repealed, and that Bifhops: may now i kee Courts in their owne names, and lend procef-IE under their owne: -feales ; yet it is. yvell known, thattthe Statute of;-1 Q Mary, Wl1lCiI repealed the Statute of I Ed, 6. was it felfe repealed! it ,tbe"*lStatuteOf 1 Inc. mp. l2 5». whereupon it ‘was holden upona rfurll tlebate of this point in i t Parliament 4 (,7) Parliarnent 7 14:. ' which 1“ hate fl-.encV,'that r ,upon confideration’ of the Statutes» 4of~ 1 law. V ~and"xElz'z;.‘t4p. “and l 8-* Eliz. cap, 1.» that V the Statute oft E. was. revived,» and that Bifhops. ought not to keep Cot’1tts.inttheirl owne names also that for thefe Reafons fo neerly concerning lthe‘ right of the Crowne t of England in the point of Epifiropacy, I am 7; againfl the propoléllof that queflion, and am A for the retaining of the London Petition, and for a thorough reformation of all abufes, and grievancesof Epifcopacy mentioned in the Minifiers Rernonftrance 1, which Reformation may perhaps ferve the turne without alteration of the Government of England, intoa forme» of Presbytery, as_ it is in otherlKingdomes of * Scotland, France, G'e22e*U4,and the Low Cozazztre/vr,_ which for mine owne part, had I lived in theft:-~ A w . Kingdom:-s, I fhould have beene of the opi- _ nionof the Proteilant party in point of Pres.-. bytcry, becaufe thofe Kingdomes are governed- by the Civill Law , which maintaines the ]u-- rifdiéitionof the Pope and Pa pall Epifciopacyj A 4 which the ancient Lawes of England condemne, i i being likewife in themfelves oppofite to the Civill and Canon Lawes... And if not vrithf’tan-- ding all the Reformationtheat can be made byt“the .Lawtes of this Land, at better forme of govern-. A t ment may evidently appeare to usyconcetningt l which there is? no forme now before us 5 it is t to be takcn.bynseinto conlideration, aiccording, detox 1.) vc-Asa ‘-w:t:11a: iezialk Confgitution ’in~wthcfi: wtirds; 12:» Arelfém, e7aaé42sf.:~ ; Vaqnfiitflwdtk iwI3t"1t'Z‘a_5*~ qgla (- Tdeéet,,utA 412 «ea~,.j;ur¢i madamr gs:-ml egwwm >x2éfi4m efi. V Anagb speaker; Ivfhottlyrg conc1u,J:Iw: tlagcfe Reafogxs, omittig divetsj:'%mom% .ch¢TLondan% Pctitivon.V ea ~bm retaincdnk F {ms