% dmeLORD& By the‘Lord VifE:ounc¢Nezzw‘ke. % " H". ., . » % 2:2 m.:;i-2 wt ;:.a.»1? I {T he Conéefnifig the right "%iofBifl1ops to fit in Parliament; A A mp5wm% {Thefecond about thelaw~fu1nes% and convcnicncy of their intcrmcd-_ V ling in Tcmporall affaires,’ A ‘May thc“z4rh. following; " pkenm [hours I pkenm che%ou.rc ofthe O R D81, _ ' Bythe‘Lord VifE:ounc¢Nezzw‘ke. ‘. ‘ K“ v 4 .- . . % 7:2 3''? I-72 at {The firft Concefnin the right W %% A V E0 fit in Parliamegti V »4 %.h(fa_y42.1,l64:1AgA {Thefecond about thelaw~fu1nes% and convcnicncy of their intcrmcd. VA ling in Tcmporall affaires, A “May thc“z4rh. following; " (ion wining theright0fT9i/750121 t0fit1nPa:L1amenth,‘ZWa)k% % »& =2L*x64p ‘* 1-.ak;: fhé B‘oIdne{T¢ fd fpa av;z0I'd A.V 4 A M:or:wo‘up<5n tE*iisA fubjefi ,% fierfi as it is in I . ’fc:Ife,th,e‘n¢a1s4it4is in"thE: %confc-quencc : A ; v ' W Fo1“§"“tI1efd'rrt1¢tI thinkchceaflgrtat A 4 4 ;i{ir4;m_kg.cr-Vin;Ant§iq.uityAA, ::h;~?;.tVi-s1107-itMwc1_1,"’;;c‘q.uainted A V M V% M jig='~:it1*z thét.§IQfthé.iI_” fittifng} i‘2¢Y‘f,% vI1iéy1i3‘§’f€ifC‘§C>I’i¢ Th :15 “and in:14:i‘fs.4~:i1tzi1I1ér~,L éiIin;oI%»fin«;et1icuwfh. 2 the ‘ffaific pfoxm‘ ahfi t.fHC7 153. r 3};1?é“ ,iiight t~ha other \ V %%1>cerebs‘.di:d,;a;nd;%you:-_"Ld::<::;‘3:%*1pgg;-mv ($03,, andtoba wPut;l}f£0’1I.¥:'#h‘i~'S‘."’¢hé'iif aé;:c; \K114‘€£inr dam by V ‘** §if m ‘ -I 4 ‘t04%beAvcrY Tfiverc A W _ A to both,then t A A _ ” AfldA11oW‘1ny_iI.C§)Ard§; E§z%‘y“QurM ‘Lam amps, mg r;;L;r;«;;¢.L we ,i-am: mmogam2»eAa¢m. Mh2;]ica"”‘-,"%‘ %th%i'sp’r§.f£i_<;I‘¢:z1t%w‘%A ¢%omesw4 Mn:-“crc tcf) you-1: ten'c%es‘ i1;:‘vAer“xvanting, nay,rome:1:n4es ‘ M-—"”"”'__‘_~’::'fl,,r-—-—-——..— 1n”y%%%Lo};1s[,, gheléflérfl mutzyge.-14:0 the A hewant ofthe perFon;3H»execu1;ionAof' A th€11‘_O_fl'1CC_,A and that but Aonccintlarecyect-s,Land% riencie; h3a*thA%d‘0ne F0 ful1y_ , R) A , fliips gooa as%i‘t3A*r;cfl é(5’cVs A’ b0th““"df1A}? [om did ethe Mafter his Slave , but they have none to doe {'0 e and what juftice canetie them to the ohfervation ofthofe Laws, to whoije eonftitu» tion th ey give no confem: , the wifdome of former times gave proxies unto this Houfe meerly upon this ground , that every one might have a. hanid in the mai ~;x{,_," that c t%rcl£1%mfianc¢ _:f ;z.11ci%%g;.?:a2~;37a.<:<:%AaIt.Ae«xf ,’nott1;cnat&u1‘c A “and -cjflbnc7cé:"4‘&o"F. a thing? % mt“ can _except my; pa_1'*-W ticu.Iar f'rom,; afl A univerfall 'propofitLio_n~‘ by God AA " ~ h1m1‘e1Af‘c‘dé11ve;r¢<.i , . IV will-t11er¢Afor4c tak¢.t1;¢‘4fc twofi Aas,"g%raht€d+ thsgt they votgght by’ QL11‘4L.?u.v to in-ii «t'1er1ncd;1cjzlrtcmpqrzm;zfifii1j;:'+s4, feco1id1y”,tluat’fr0111 tvdciing £01‘ théyf T.a’r¢ : not V%inh«ibited by ft7;1a¢%V¢’La,*w:% of "God, it VI‘c3%V€S4, it :;t1_ca-fit as a_t11ing'ingiifF¢rcnt, And my Lords, I: apply my f€1fi¢‘t0thQ:bL1f§.Z1€{Tc of ,@Fthe day I flzaii confider the~convmienciéA"%§ncI that 3:! Vthe4,fev¢ra,11. 1;abitudé$‘fh€f¢0f§ but , Very 11ri¢fc1y;fir£tin%:h*afi w’1:ich=i-a:;1:atfiA%@i%othem memxy A as men, gm. _mle.; _,‘then M partspftiaye Coxxmtzacsnn tvcaVIth,1'VT%hird‘iy', fyomthe bcPcm‘annc1‘of'confli~ V izuting‘ Lawesi, and iI“a~f¥‘ly from the%pra€v“ticc of all rirrIAcs bomb Chrif%ian and Hcat11¢t1- . 4 Heme fzém nibil hmmdizam 5 we dlz‘;vzumpu¢a,4i%AA% '»Va?.i indced the Paying ofrbe Comedian, b{1’tit~mig1}1: weflhaue beconfd the m%out11"of :hc%~greatefiVphi..» 3oFopher.Wc alow to fenfe an the works and open ratiqns of fcncc,and{hal1 wt: r‘efirainrcafon€Mu{t finely ‘ be I hi«m4t$rc‘c? A fromA}1is»prciperis,é‘tion%s2? . They 3re7mof’c t to doe %1*e:3f0;fiVab1ié tl‘1iqg.s"’t,I1:_a4t_4£tx'<: moi}: 1‘caf'0n:tble.For,Sciérice co1fr1monIyis‘accom- partied wirhconfcicncc; So is not igudraricc : they fcldome ogtncvezr mccté. And why fhciuld We take that capacity from them, which Godtaizdnaturc Iibe7taliybe{{'c5wcd V % My Lords‘ , thew polirik: ‘B6 “Ayzoqé 4the‘ccan1rr1om wealth is anaiogicall to thebody naturaI1:evc*ry ‘ member in them contributes fomething to tI1epree-” fervaation of the whole, thffe fuperF1uity§ On dcfcfl: > whiééhfiimders theperforlnance ofthzxt dut‘y,%yo*ur” F’- ; .:a5;1mm can-fa notanytlaimgi to §hebci'ngIwor wclfl Lordfluips % know what ffthe“; 4&Phi10Vfop*h:‘ef%%« q‘:‘L&;2:'[§?'fc;.:rv 5734 %‘?3%;¢'§w$' 3% . , Lords, to bee part; of the gather body ,_yan‘d doéngig thing 4 bcncficiizll thercunto ,.J cannot fa1I‘TAundcr.\éa‘ milder termb; The M CommQn—W€8I"f11<% fubfifisby AA Wes“ anc;1~ theirc~:Xecution:’and~tihey that haveVnci.¢ A that ad‘ in flthgc; making; Ancir hmid. in thfi»? cVxceutin}~ A ma? VAb¢§ngV.thcwre0F. And can fuch bc¢ ca11c;d mcmbcrg AA Vun-lcffé m0flUflPf0fitabl€ oncsfonlyfmgcx qanfuzgpqre '% 4- ram; A ,Mc thinlcs it fpriqags Horn ’mtur6i;it‘fé1Fc, ii'%1:I1e A very ck-?Vp£h$ Of Jflfiicfisth at p;n¢ fl»2ou1dbVcstyed% by other Lawcs tAh€n himfclfe mavkesaforpwhatmoré naturall Q23? j11f’€3.thAf5f1 to be boun_d onelyby his own confcm: :5 to he ruled by an others wi1l,is mecrw ly tyra%n1c311e~%%%fN3rtuI€ thifrc fixifers, %vioI¢m:e, A and L'm31nAdCg¢n€3f:a*t€$*i%n1Z0h€3fi~ 4Th¢" m0fifl%o%urfihiyng Eftatcs Wéf¢ ¢V¢I’ 4gOV¢-Eiiffcl. by Laws?1of~an:;%Auniver:. fall‘ _conf’cit1:1ti.0I1; witncéflé this oL1r‘KingdVom ¢,wjc. neffa %Sm;4w:P0pu1wfqu¢ ROW-Wig, .t‘h;<: moitglorious Coqmmon-Wcaltlw‘: that war W31$,§ andthofcmagy others in arm: and «ciJfcwhex*e of 4E_tc1f4 2‘ 1,; j mg, mo.ry. A A ‘ ’. g V M A [SJom;c:;thingS,1I1y Lrds, are fo cvidcht in~-“them-,a .fc=:1vcs that they " are difiicu14tAin their p11oofes.¢A-.-.;V m~dIigfi%4t:hAcm I ».rcickon thifi fiorivénienscic have +fpZca1£cn4of3 "lyyill ’thC§r&fO_rc“~Vufe butfl‘W3@1‘dp;,fW"Q A InOrC'i.fl,‘t;h..i$ %w@y. 4;Thc long:¢xpe:;icnc%e%t;ha;t all Chrift%c:Vndo%xnc”1;1at:h4 had hereof for tjhcfe I 3 c Q? ye.c.res,% .¢Ax:c:1:a1n1y, argumzmw .aa:«’l9wz2ir2¢a%¢. Nay myA%LO%f-d5 *1 4W7N121; Ag.0;,€%_f;.urth€r ‘(for the fa4azI1c:7ré::zfo11 A L ru;1s.x~;11mug~fi all ‘RC1:igi,ons:) new-:r t hcircé: my» Nf.m0-An that‘ CHmp10y»d ingfit vt?:1c1x*%rc11g10us c:;;1Ain% tiac M greatcfl:.a1‘fiirS,But to coins to rhffi sfb ufit1es4 ;thaat noxv‘ A “ ligs ‘before yo uxy LOrdVfl'1ips:,bifl1Qp~s {have vozm ih.¢c1'.f " jc:v.er finee.Pé1r1i3.1II1€ntsAbiegangandlong beme ;x.vcm.; A imploycd m tlhé pub1ike.ThcVg_,oodthey khssmc: dor?nc, 4 _ your iLordfh1ps all wc1I%kn0W5A:.1ndat1;his d;1y¢n4 AA joy; for 131115 I hope §7i11;no1; pm: thegn‘ QLrt}i1Q§}a A fox; § 3,; %4; @éj.z..‘» V géfil‘ ( 2) fortheevi1thcyAm3.ydo,which A :26 your Lordfl1ips' V e doe not know, _ and»! am confi em” never {hall fufg fcr»A pofition ought not to b¢eA defihroyedwflby 21. {up- giofition, w d MI? %ad efléWzzan m1e:V canfeqmmid. My ox=dseflI e"have‘done ewith proving of this pofitively; eeEEefl1alnoW’b%y*your good’ favours do it negatively it} anfweringfome inconveniericies that mayfecmzc-: t‘oarife.7% A‘ A 4 % A ' * A >'“FoAr the Text,No man that W3.1‘1"S intaneo1eseehi‘mé fe1fe1vith."thc_afEairesof,thisIife,eWhich_:i§ theefulle _ » fcnfe theword Both in" Grcekc"ahd Latine, It _ makes her atlall againff them , except to intermed-VA: A d.1e—andintang1ebe ter1nesequiva1ent.Befides my. A L‘ord‘s,though wasedirefied to a Church~m=an-5 ‘ e yet, it of a generalle nature and reaches to all, f Clergy and Lzuty5 as the moft learned and bet’: ex» pofitors unanimoufly doe adreee. To end this, ydrgammtumv fjmbolmm 72022": “ 4rg:4mentatz"Uum=. , L _ if r If mziy ivbe {aid that itisidconfiftent Awit"h,afpiri-e ” tjua1’1vocat.ieon:,trL11y my‘; Lords‘egracee(5’AAn:ture are in fome refpecflzs ii-1c6ApoflE'bIe,but in fomeot-hers» moft “ eharmonioufiy agree, it perfeéis» name, and rai.- A fes "it toaheighth above the~eco~mr1iorralti;tude,and AA A V ’ ‘makeseit moft fit for thofégreatworks ‘of God Ahim-A-A We ~felfc , etomake Iawcs, tf) do _]'ufii<:Vc.$T here i’? then no einconfifiency betweenthemfelves, it m.u«fl:Vwarife out .of‘S;:riptu’Are,Iamcohfidentitdeoth nsteformealu ‘ , VIyout”ofa1f1yepl;1cc-tehefe, nor did lever meetée with‘ any learned wri»ter* of thefe eoirather times that R)» ' expouneded anyTc:it.~ But though in Pcricft teremes te js.b?e not inco§n- ’£ifFéi*1~t5yetit may peradvcnture hifldefire the d.uty.oE': “ A e A A M < thghz (9) xt‘heirIothcAr calling. W L‘<5rds~,th4crci%s:_n0‘t any ftfiat fits hcrc,more for pxmching than I: am. _I' know if is Athgor;-T .diuirymean¢cs to.fa1vation,'*yet, I likcwxfe know, there ' ‘ 5 .is;_not&fthat%’—'fL1l1fi”n¢ccfsityMofA it aswas in the p=.1'im’itivTcA :%%%t;.i1n'cfs;.}.G;od Vdefend’t;l1at:¢5oo.yeers[acq ua1ntaa.cc-i~fl1ou1d :ma1i-n A 3 .yccres,zind than peradfimntrurc but :a1%vcry/wfhort‘ time: *and% can A%thc%re%'bea’grca~tcr ic+c:CafionL :;t~haI 1 theéomrnon good Qfthc Chu1'c11and¢State€LI will A ‘ ~tc1~1 %—yo%ur Lorcl fl1.ipASAw};f1a£ thrzgfiat and .gt¢h1ng fhat zmfwcrs ;th€‘11‘Atr3I1fl&tI0n$*:'Ind€CdA AAA.my LorVd#§5I mufc%AA1:1:z°c;c:‘xs fay that §nAcbi’~415ivtvyA,.iAt.is a“fu~ppo- *Afiti:C>n not’ ta be fuppo.fed;no,nor1n reAafi:3nA,thatthcy wil e L ofthcjir calling, th€ir know‘1edge,”th6ir fg.%ThcAholincfs rc€domcfi1om‘A pzifiionsfiz afi'::%é?;ions to which‘ youthi%s:%very o'b15i0xioi1s5 A A:~;:h4cAf1r*vicinAity to the gatesofdeath, whiCh,t;hQughn0t AA fla1it%to‘any,.4,. yet a1wai¢s‘»fi:~md'widc‘ opcnj 1207 old age ' -%ti"24;:frds,W111futc1y:.m,ak¢A4th:m ficcrc; azught; ;5Bl1t,JO-5” mane: ;offaé?c% there 1s~ 110:d1fp:utat10n,foAmc 4 «Aofthemhavecdone €77?ifi7if¢£AA£l5* m?04'2f6¢ vmfzex, is a ~pcticafl11nm:a iogicall ‘a1.‘g.51)~m€.t1t.." Some TAOF 1;h¢c]udgcf.; A ‘:hAa,v4c.Vdon4é..%,fo:me A ofizhc Mggi.fifaC€SA,&fld:QA1fii1'GfS§*-31$ ;££j1:dln~t‘heré;«;.€ A-.t*1*x€rcLfon%é:".i:1eit‘h~cr Iudgc ‘.3’ Magifirat¢%A%nor iA0:i'fic%‘efr A.tiii3rc::’~A psrfogmll Crimégcés notBeyAond‘%zthc : -:perfc>n:4that A commits it, nor c:1nAanothcrs. fault ;minE ~ofi'ctace.‘."m IfF§%the_y hav'c c0ntra.8ced.any filth or Acorruption khrqtigh %t:hcir%%QWmi 1: the ‘v}imE:'[Aof:;nb;@A£imcs‘ ,««: w.'-:.1e£§n1‘E %* gmdfpuxjgcitbem=~1zhro4ug'hly.ABizt% .fi1»'I1 rcmc1nb@rth;c’=A.grca;:: V ‘d+iffcren¢4c««b¢twecne f§formationAg1nd% erftirpation. A And A fbcj plcafgad %t%o:At'binkc jof‘ y:O?urT1'ic9n1Iial1%LBi‘Il%4W1iiC3h‘A .;w»ii"1ilwV%favc‘ you rhxs %IaAb.c«ur far;thc txrneto ;.COme;1j‘ fcz;rc’A%‘of I4 _%}vi1fl.ik<2¢pcéA%%At4h c‘rn‘i:1%iords‘:r, tahcyflxould‘ not “.thcVm:feIvves4it»hA:rough~.thva1~QyAc A0fAivertue;. IA11:zve%z=1»oxv my 4L0rds, céording 120 ;my ptiore"iab%i1ity *boc:h.a1ew@a thLeA c:n.vcnicrices,an%danfwcrc:d.thofe ‘in¢o%nvcnicncc;s,Jthat: A »f@ér~137 to <~ma1;é aga.in”ft?the.n1.I .-fhould now propofc"tfh;:l:»fé A tha&rMVm4ake: fomihewm. ;TAAAs :thcir“fa1ling fir-ito aflcondiition : xvorfe thlinfli1VC~iS,fiO‘t;?Cp1*€'fCfltCid by any ;Aandfhcix1 the { Adang:347§AA3nd “ inconvcnienccsthat A may happen to your L01'd'fl1ips"3LA4byu: I%.h:3;ve A‘f'd0nC this; he.rctofo1‘c , A ami will w4no:&¢: ydur 1 ordflaips Cm{mbcn~5ix ¢:o£¥a,m; % A F1 N '