c on OER NING A pl 5 CQ_p A%C% ‘ ‘ “ \A w" ‘ _‘ %,,~;.‘ ‘ " ‘ “ “ ‘ » \ -m ‘[1 _ ‘W By mhemdvi ” «%F4u[,{e/and. ?’¥50;ND0N %%Prim*cdf°r Tfmé%”W»4W7» :64r. ‘ ‘ “ \A w" ‘ _‘ %,,~;.‘ ‘ " ‘ “ “ ‘ » \ -m ‘[1 _ ‘W C ONCER NIN G 4 PLISC QPA c Bmemdvi % F.«mz4e/M. . V;;01LN%D0N %%%Prim=df°r T/am?%"W~W7» :64r ,T¢.g:».‘ ‘ ‘,.«-um *fcé;*.~§’»4~“' I‘! J IA. \ . _ \ v \ .-{'4 /5" '3 .1 \‘ E L R p,1AVL&g...% L AND ms .51? EWECH T 0 TLH E L1\~S«Ea'V0%F%M% , ‘ ‘ §4S;TER% S%PEz4KER,he is agreat A ‘{tran%ge’rin Ifiael who Aknowcs * not;-tha_1: this A Ki1%1gdorr_1c‘ hath 4 ; 1on’g“labourcd**’undcrmanyVand . 7 ;gr_cat: opp:reHions,AFboth in reli-A 1‘ gion and liberty , and his— ac... A .u3%infan‘”ce%% here is not great or ’Ahis”ingenu-ity ~lefl'e; who‘; doth not: both know and acknjow-g A ledgcthat a great, if :n9taAprinc_:ipal1 caufe’; of Ab och“ thcfc, Vhawth bccnqfomc .B1{hops and thcirA adherentsy" . %% ‘A _ é A V Mxtfigr Speaker?a.11ttl¢Lf¢&rCh Wxllferve «ta find ; «:to ha;VVe¥11¢ %%.;H¢ighbou‘rs% Parifla, Wham thcy A m A [;%;+:;;on ix;-th5:;r%_Qwnc,Vi than tcg 0b£hrm‘n%c #Vvj;5%pctg1alh1‘ jzggufants, whi1c% mam bmm »iq_%A:Afcc%g1'ity5 ]a%rc0nvcnticlc whath 3, c?1tir1fi€5 2115* A ‘Which is yc: more, the cmfommg _to%:c¢A1f¢moni¢:5 hath bccnc mora CR3 thcm cpnforming to Chriflianity , and wfhxlcft II1¢_l1;%for fcruples have bccm: undone, for mm A %_§¢m.p%§5_ u_;po1_15oda77zie they have finely mi-« moniihc Mqfler Sp:a1Pe}§ wee {hall fizgd thcnfx m haw b4¢%¢;1¢;~1‘i#1¢¢ the hen-in Efip, whmh wlayxng awry day ;_:,-qeggc: upon fuch 3. proportmn or may ;;crMifi;cjf¢_‘jnQ1'cafiflg hcr proportion in has yy 3. V fliffee woL1ldy..encrea.fe her egges , flueeyigmw AA 4 y fat upon‘ that add1t1Qn.,y ‘Ih£?t".fl1GC ne'v¢‘1-y.,f]aids ‘A more : fo though atfierfi rhelrepreachmmgxvere the occafion o£.‘thei4Ar‘ prefermente they ayfigry V made their pr:-ferment ,A_thcAeccafionoftheir got. preachinm M4 er Speaker, fivee fl1aIl~s find them AAAt~o~fi~;vee AA 9 refembled another fé1byle,theedegge"in the mm A A gar, A to have yjneithere preaehedethemtf c.-:+lAves ,A not tetx'1p1oyA 1:hofe;thatflmulde,‘non fufl7e*x+d thoA{¢*" A A that Would; Tofhaveebrought inycatechifinegi A ifonyely f:oA thruft taut preaching, cried ydowneyka. -étures b”y;theAnameof faéfions, either becaufe their indufiry in that duty appeared a reproofc «fie theirynegl‘e¢’cyo_fi1:(no't unlike to thatwe read A ;0’fhimA, Whoin yN¢ra’stime and Tacimss his Rory gwaisg .accufed , becaufe by his vertue hee? ” did“ appcare E=v;eraW?‘*vit? y ytenti{3n- fre ye have broughtxn darAkeinefi3e .?Ve‘that A thcy?migAlet the eafiycr {ow their cares, ‘A while it ~was‘night: and by that yintmduéiion of igno». as ~'Pri”Ei:Pg‘).‘A‘Or, w'_:h*;:in.. A fraynce ,V .%f%int ofprcac-hihg« AA firftdepreflingittothcir powc§r,and nextgla- M ‘ Vbogring Arc”) makcit fu ch,“ -asfthc_harrne hadmmt % becné much, if it h§d:be-_cn.cdép11:ffcd, the more A fimucnt fubic6*S°?V¢n1nthcm%¢oft I‘acI'edaudi+ $91155: 1351135 t115*5‘%‘ c’¥i"?zi»fwrm4of Bifl1ops%and% _ %_ . clergic, the %fa- §r%1?ds§ ofxrnproprxauons,t~hedcmo1iflaingo£ . _P”?1fé31?1f#}?€%39d proprmy, the building Aofthme N4‘: %Pf¢F°8a*1V¢ and 34155, fhc‘introdu6tion offuch A ‘~:‘W*FiI?‘°5.%3S admitting Vfhcmtrue, th _. . 6 trufh A would %woAu1d‘norrecomP¢I1cethefcandall,ofoffuéhi as were fo farre f'al[c,.thatasSiAr%T17-fimw :.?1‘/101;:-re A A {ayes of ;thcVcafuifls,%thc"ir bgfincffe’was rm} ' to kéepck m¢.11 from finning but’ to enforn“:c them Q£?WPf0P%?A4dp:cc4tumfifiea J;2r€«4'4zoA.%I;fce;zt4c % A cédere5foitVfl:*cmcdVtheirworkewas-~:o$vt1fyhow! AV much%ofaPapifl mightbcebroughtinwithout A A Popery, and to d%cfi_r%Qy%asAAmucAAh4asthaycoulds A % of the Gofpe11%,< wi:ho¢u:%‘%bringing rhemfelves into dangcr_of' being defijroyed by thiclaW...A~ . 7 A V A’ V‘ M4./ferSpe4ker,Ato~gocWyetfiirther,fomeMof‘~’ them havefo induftriaufly laboured to dejduce A 4 ,thcmfe1vcsfrom%R_me; that they have given.» gx*catfufpitiojn,A that £11 g:mtiAtudc:th‘e.y dtifi reA;ro teturnethithé-r,orat1ea{ttomcat:ichalfe w-ay, , fame *have_‘Aevidcnt:ly labfaurd toting, in an Englilb, ‘though not a 1:on;,mAwA po pc%ry. Imeanc V not onely the outfide and drcife cSfir,buté:qyua1.— I 1y abfolute a +b1iAf1f;)our% A Iy-Paapiff, thatif is all, that fifrccne hundrcd poundsa,y4¢arc can“ doe ta-~ 6}. A A A figs 3; 3nd1¢on'fidcg%ing% the great Ainfefcfl Athefe men VhaAvc*had*inVAo4m'-common Mailer, and . wzonfidcriingAhowgrcara-_goodpous they might A A have;-Afmade thatV.inteA2*cfl: 5-inhi1n,AiFfb¢A~y‘W0uld. A _ha~ve:uIE:ditAtdhavei—nformc'dhimof<§>urAgénc- %ra1l {izfFcrings;4 and confidcring ho»wAA‘litt1e of their frcedOmcofSpee*ch at ~Wéz’te%/mil, miglit W j A;ha4veAfavcd%us a—?g‘reatdcia1cp£Ath¢ izfiswciéhave A A new ,4 of it in the Parliament’ hoAuf:-5 rhei1'Anot %_ doing this alone were occafion 4c1nough~forus o accufc them, as the betrayers flibugh not myarhcdeflroyer ofour rights A=and 1ibertie—s_.£ A A A Though *conf'c*flAE3*if»thcyAha&-A‘ Abebnc AAoneIy filent in. this particular I? had"beefic went mo: _ _B“ur%"a1as»;:h~ey ~who;Ef: ancefforsin‘ the darkeft} { Atimes4excommun1catcdA— the?’ brcf:a1oIics1fandA{hip+mQny :‘andAi€a%ny1wcrc%_flow‘ an A ~back;cwa1*dA mjcomApIy, blavfiing bmh an§.ich“€;irI*pArE':ferm:§n*t ,? fwirh Aurmofi ~exp"re{1ionA A oi“ their A h‘;1trcd, A the {itlfi ofPk¢ritd#:; A A % Mt5’?€*A%5’P€W', "3135 'fl1ai1Afin%d f0m7éi$ft“hé*r£i to ha.v:e~1abpa1‘bA1‘I1"355YAPQW€13:3fldAAA A xxiadc as itwerca conqucii t1VpontAhecomm(;m . law ofthe Land, thern_ ingem=:r2£11coAh%avc éhcoAu«-‘A ’:fragc*d~aI1Al ¥tl1‘eA~clcrgic to» fuiwtcs; and etc“ have ‘ A I A A brought all Afuitcs £0thC.3C§3AuIICC11-ta§)1Cthat "having all Apow—‘crl in Ecclffiafiicall matters, they;laboure!_ f’0rA=*equa1I}pow§1tin;t€mp‘oAralI, A A M and t5G,f;W’1*1iChi4mAO1‘cAAthéfi finfi :Kin;cgctorri’e.h.ac,h- Csiufc A @315»th&t'vW‘h€fiA-‘°h€€VV titthagheel1adAv'1*aAd‘ifrA “ 1ibrm*y,’»4At%hough.A Aéf tb;c+ A *ef:1Iu¢dF?1’ta_IAa¢ , ‘I Vmzas. wselhall alarm coiaave beam the V A Tfirl1aAn"dA,prifi‘§1Pallcaufc 0[ft.l1C.ib1jca§ch, ‘AI will A A A A nocfayAé9f,butAfincctVh¢ pa’C1fiCat10H at Bzzrmiclw. A wee1‘haA114findxhcmto have Abeenc fhealmofl: ‘AQleAaAbc~ttolrs oAFmy Lord of Srrag§"ard,A whilefl A * A llAL.lAlg1lcA.lel {wasAApra&ifi;ng upon another i Kingclomc; . rla‘a:;m;znncr~ofAgov€m?n¢ntlwhich hée inten‘-— l A M AA _d<:djt0, lcrrlge i_n_th1s AA, where her: comrniflcd fo AA A~1many, fa mighty, and foAmazs11f‘efi enormities A W',3l'1Cl[Oppl‘€fi—l0DSaSAth-lllcéh3“VC‘«I1OCbCCllChC0D3«-F A A L A mittedby qanyi Goverlflurin any ‘govérnment A A s I A li;r%:cc': if/‘erzies ls:-ft Si§ciAl)%i. “And after they had calf-A ledlhim om-Afrom beingAAAA«Dt§pLutyofAIre147zd A A A to bce infamanncr Dlcputy_;0f Englwd, (all A things hefrc , being igOVC1'lI1‘ClbAY:?13ft¢7zti/Zr2A,jandA L l. A that §£;mti!!aglovern’dAby him) to haveaflilied * , him inthe giving offuch Councclls the A I . A purfuing of fuéch Acourfcs, as is: a hard’ .21.; _A W A 1 Ameafuringcaft, whether they were Amo1‘c£u4ng+ AlWifcl,;morclunjufl,:01?» more unfortunafc, and which‘ had infallib‘l y been: our dcftruc5’:io_11if l A -A by the grate of God tihf-‘ir fha_rcA~ had not becnel V A gasfmall inlthe _fCIb£ilAtfy of Sarpentswaslin thci1571- A if A ‘nocency jofAdo~ves; p M . l ' A A l A AA A Jwzjfcr Speaker, lghavc fcprelfcntéd ho} if mall A All quantity,Aandino~mcanc dcgcc of guilt, and _ truly I" I; belccve,ll ?'_A‘th’aWt‘. wee ll malccno l=iA.ttle - A TA compl¢mCnfAAtothoAlc, and no; little apologic * A for thofc i:o‘wh_om thischargc belongs, ‘ A iliwccifliall laythgfaultg ofthe‘%mcnAupon the A ordérf A ii®"rdcrAofFtl1ieBifl1ps5upon tiic Epzf/30}»itcy‘.I with, Wée"‘-may‘ Adifiinguiih bc‘tWccn~ » thof¢, Wm _ A i'havcAbecnccarricdA away with the flreaihe, and» thofé: wAAh0 havcbecnc thcfirca1ncthatcarry’d V them; bctwccnc thofc, whofc proper and natu-» A A A mil motion wasi towards our ruinc an4defiru.iAA A A &ion, and thofc whq ha%vc"bcc°i1c%vvh;1Ar1 dabo;xt A toitAAcontfary tothcxr natura1l.Amotion byrhgj force and ‘fwingc of fuperiouroréesg andas~I —~ Wiih, wee may difiinguiih bfictwieencthe more i a4nd(1cfl"%_¢ guilty 5 fo~IAyet morewifli, Weemayi .4 difiinguifh bctwcefie the‘ guilty ‘ai1dAti1_cinnQ_ » ccnr. ~ A M436? 3peaker,_IiAi »doAL1ibtif'iWc€C0nifidcir, t'h2{t~ M A if?not~thie fi1'fiP1an¢1‘.S:ycr the‘ firfi Sipir¢iade;iAs of A Chri{%ia1ii?ty,"an‘d‘theiifirftand chicAfcADcfcIider§ ‘ of Chriftianityf againfl hercfic-s within and pai- . ganifmc A’with’bu;ti, both with thciif ink: and ” Withri fhei‘r Abloud}, jahd the i;°ri»ainéiAciC)¥ndti1é'€:rs tof s:he~‘tefurreetiowoif V hriaianity ‘:‘ (af*lcaf’c) Aihieric .‘ in’ thc"rcform'ation (and we owé thAAelight»0f:l1c V - %Go‘fpe11 we: now enjoy fto% thiei ifirie they thcfln cndur’dforitj -weréall Biflmdpsz andghar even now~in thci7g1'éa’teifiA perverfion o£:nAa:o:xder, there Aa re y¢t Afiiméi wife have co‘r1dLIc’d in 110:4 A thing to our l;1t¢innoAVations,A but"”in ‘theiriifie lcn%c~c5v fomc? w ho in an‘ uniexpcétcd and mi,gI1ty A A Ap_13icé~and power; haive::expxféfl’cdVafiequgll tho... . V fdera-non and hum1l1t:Ay,ibcing ne‘1th'"er—ambitiious ibcfore nor proud aftcr,cirh.c1-ofthc Crpfifrrsiw BA i”fi3fl¢i wfi;~.ff‘g_%dr~Awh1itei‘~fiaff:—: ffome; wh Q l1:1ve~been¢~ , l.:=4A.ir,,13’ci op.p0fers0fAP0P6rY; Aand 2¢a1.ou»sope~?- vpofmfs iof" 4z!risr:z*:2z'4mfim,% between: ;wh%om A ;.a¢n df~_ _t11«:ir in Fcr~iou~r A Clerg in ~f1»‘e qufncy of pxrcachui Aing hath”7Vbcene-,no 1 diffi;16%‘ion?, %whofc;li"vesa1;c: u,ntV0tIch~€d, ondy byguilt, bur‘¥b+y%~maIi:e;»% fcfiirce to ibmcx;a;1l*d yf tho£é:,Qfa:1.y c4ondi.-gt A t+i0n,0dr A566 cxc611~’dA4 by: ';t;h'f0fC i£4any+Ca1;:n--A‘ d~ar;[ doabt t1otAI fay», but ifwcccibniider Vthis, ~ A 4r11i8VcAonfidcraVcionA will bring {forth this can. c1ufi«:m,rha.t Bifhops may Lbcc gvvdi£tra6tArhc5Amhtom ;_h"c?w%:care of,$ or makfithem look¢%d9wm«wirh ~» panVth¢ir5Piritua11~dutY,'%an¥:1tha$ A thg _m:oAg;e;;c W%di{A’cancc betwee ne.thern,a1adA:ho£‘c thcy »g0Avcr+nc5%Wi11"hir1<1¢rthfi fit: and rcr €0¥1Tf'30fth€i17i”f€1'39‘1¥3~C9fhéms3»11d‘3?C3fi0n Ainfolcncc from thém-Wtheirinf€ri0t4m%Lcr A that be corxfidcred,a11d%car?dfo1:, IaamfuArLcn%ci..: I thfef ‘thtir Lo rd fhips , their Judging of tithes Willsand marria£€SsAn0:n0rAthfirvoiccsin Par»% .1;1‘a113ents arcifim W-’57’L"5 and 1am furcathat thefctirlcsandth1's%P%0W¢r;.arc.nomec¢1faryto A A A their A ‘*1 E V A zheiraurhority~; nasnappw-asbyAtAheA1i::1crlwxn have-had nwit:l1Aus A1_)y"t‘hem,g and we r“1‘fuéIi nA;fhAa—§};n;: others have» :‘hadiWflmt“1j:0u‘fi :*thc’mI;;.A*A’ A A Ifthéirr¢vcneWnA.fl1al1a.pp;:a'a:;AI1keIf"f‘é3Ap1‘¢g§:n_n,, M dA‘uccnthenfamcnAefFc&s (forAAitAharAh.Ab‘£c3nncA aAnci“cr3t..(An. Ly ob fervA’d :that V Rcligio geger2:»A¢1mm,nncg». A ha alevvamrpit matrem 5 y ,1» Le: oA1:nuc11A0£Ath‘ar;AA 115;; was in all probabxhsy , rmAte~nAdAe.d?.nfnn; an ai;-__AA ‘ f€f1d3;.n:t.U pom theiyf. fktrnporall ndigtzitics W3ai%E€:A A Vupnn them ouAtnAoEAthcdoonrcs. Let us ofinelytakgn . A ca1:cAt.oA leave Athcz-ml pr»o