ww-uq W .\ _ " ‘K i FIRST AND LARGE i ]?I§1FI1FI(:H5J Of the Citic of L0 in D o N and other Inhabitants thereabouts : for a Reformation in Church-govcriamcntj as alfo for the abolifhment ofEpi{C@pa'cie : ' WITH W3 ‘REMONSTRANCE L thereto annexed, of the many PreITutcs and Grievances occafidned by the Bxflnops , and the fundry inconveniences incident no I PHCOPACII. The Tjrannic and Extortion prafiifod in Eccle-i A e fiafiicall Courts‘ , together witb the valawfalnefla ' of the Oath EX OFFICIO zpreferrtaf to 35: high and banauralfle C our: ofPA‘!u.t9,Maur. » ‘$33’ 3?? Fringed view 24%: I64 ,~. T . _;. 3:‘ ' .' S _/ ‘ J, _ . =y é. ’ I F ‘ :;.-34 i" 1| *‘W”~@m T H E -. RIG H 3' . _ ‘-_ . 4 ‘c. "vV'.“”‘ - ‘. ..o . " I .. .1.-s3-_._ :-,»¢4~-,.*-€- ' Acw.oftLondon-Mfezvvrdfl 60% . " ties»z>f’.;[2;-l_§tflgdome. ‘_ )3; Majhcflie: Sub} eff; ii}: éiifd a_b5at I/.70; g“( t Hat wluctéas the govéru.1hc11t bf ' J ‘ A-_rchbifhops,_and Lard Bifhoéps, .y with their C0t1rts.and' _mim'fl‘ra-_~ tions in them hath proved prc-‘ judiciall and very dmgcrbus both to the Church and [‘ommo;2 «.5; z/z/2, they themfclvcs heaving formerly held, that7thfiy“ha:ve thcir'fi1- _ tifdicftion or authority of humane Authority, till ofthcfc later times bcing _furth_cr perufcd '1 ' ' ’ about_e A3 «I ' 7 . . __ ,,. , M . _ _. . ' . . p . " ’ ‘.7. ' 3 "‘. “‘ '/43'-, I r ‘M’: 3 . , I’ ‘;l’ '_ ‘ ‘|..‘n. 4 ‘ I ‘V V . . Mr . y .. t iHQN0VRé3¥B;f Cfhc Comm9'ns Hou~f¢:,.y ; PARLIXMENI. .' "‘i.' "’ " ?"\o«;._,:’£- . we mitt P e:i¢;anh_o/‘~»;mjo}i~15z;% 5»; W I t _ . , ‘ Dcexncssi W1. «°~Id1<1€a¢0fi$:§€C-— ". ;(5) Hi gfiInlayvfi1__h1e“ffe t1:a:‘:he‘y have Clay- r i {lied therrrcallmg immediately from th€Lord Jnsvs Cn1us'r,wh1ch is againfl; the Lawes of :hisKingdome,and Dero atory to his Maje-t . {lie and his State Royall. nd whet-as the faici government is feur1?i,hy wofull experience,to be a maine caufe and occcafion of many ~ foule evils, preffures and grievances of a very high nature unto his Majelties Subjeéts, in their - owne Confciencegliberties and cfiates 538 in a Schedule of particulars hereunto annexed may in part ap are. ‘ We there ore mofi humply pray and be- feech this Honourable Afl'emb1y,the premifl fesconfidered, that the faiel government with all its depondances, routes and branches ma bcabelifhed, and all lawes in their behal e made voyd, and the government, according to Gods word, may be rightly placed among us, and we your humble Supplyants as in duty we are bound, will daily pray for his Maje- flies long and happy raigne over us, and for the profperous fucceffe of this Hi h and Ho- nourable Court of ‘Ptrliamwt, c. ' lli;.;ea=;¢ «:1 Particular of they mdmfalel Evils, Prcflare:,and Gricwnccr, can-3 féd, prdflized, and ocmflancd 6} tin Prehtc: and tbeir Dcpmdmm. We - . L , % Fllrlhthe fubjeéiing and inclini all Mi? 4.4;; -v 1--—g* ' nillers under them and their uthor1'- tie, and fo by degrees exempting of them from the Temporall power , whence followes: % II. ‘ The faint-heartedneffe of Minificrs to preach the truth of GOD , lefl they fhould dif plea {e the Prelatcs,:1s namely the Toflrine ofPredeflz'mztiozz, affree-grace, of Perfeve- l mace, o_f"@rigi22a!lfi;me remaining after Bap-l tifme, oft/.2: Saééotly, the ‘Do£?ri:¢e againfl u. zziwrfafl Grace, E leflion, for Fair/7fore—fee22e, Precwifl, agar’/'2_{l icbrijf , m22—Refid:22ts, iumwa I2:-uzztians qf" g 0 D S war/hip , all which are generally with-held from the peo- ples knowledge, hggaufc not rclifhing to the 4 §i..“1.°P5-. , . 3- The ~‘ . :fi}oiae.fp:t?e turcsthey {hail moved ‘ . I '0. P. ‘-2‘ 3‘ .‘. f a T *' u , . The rcfiraitntiof :i'a.ini‘y"g'<>ic‘lly andiable ‘men . ffofi Kfiiifity , and thru fling out of‘fn”a- ny 'CQrF1I3§eg3.,t'iOflS their faithfull, dilig_ei1:_a_nd_ Pom, M;n;aa:1' iélié i 1»14;ec1~ peaeéabtg mm * t'11en1"£t'fd?drd t; &-Aonély becaufe they cannot in‘ C9 ‘ ciénte‘ bfifitunto am}. maintaine the heedldff d_€VICCS may: fometimesflor no otigqr caufc but-forvtlfeit’ ' zeale in Prcaglfing, or great A1}ditQ§iCS.' ‘ The‘fiip'piefl'mg’, of that’ godly Dcfigne fer (On féqtby certmne Scfis, and fu % with man" great quiftgs by fuL1dr'yxve1i-affcficd‘ per ons, forithebuying of Impropriations, " an_d placing ofiablc, Miniflers in them, ‘main- mmmgi of Lcfkures, 3.1 founding of 1=ree- Schoolesis Whiéh. the Prclatcs could not c_n‘~! A duff?» left it fhouid darken their glories,‘ and draw the‘ Minifters from their dcpe11da1§c§;F llpgn them ‘B’ 2 . ‘- P9 ', i,°5!,.¢s» and .. bxaétey i i knowing‘ thatff ‘ ~ _m 'B111l9§S ‘.1 ,‘ .,. _-':- ;—1% ‘ over the whole Kingd’<}.me,an_d will they but weare a Catnonicall Coate, a Surpliffe, 9. 1 Hood, bow at the name of In _susand be zea- lous of Superftitious Cercmén'i€_5sFh€Y 1113.)! liveas they Iii}, confront whom they P1639: ‘preach and vellt what errours they will, and ncgleit preaching'attheir‘plea.{u-res, without controule. I I l - V . V " The dircomgemenc of may from being. . ing up’ their Children in learning the many. , fchifmes, errours and {Iran e opinions which, are in the Church; great‘ ormpriongwhich are in the Ilniverfitiesstlie grofle, and lamen- table ignorance almoft every where among’ the people; the wantof preaching Miniflers in very many places both of Eflg/and and fi'tle!, the loathing of the Mini flry , andthe generall defection to all manner of profane-3 nefle. 0 I ' . _V I I I. The fwarming ofla{'civious,Icl‘Ie, and um? profitable books and parglplilers, Play- books, anti Bal‘lads,as namely 0-vials fitsof Love, the ‘Parliament of VV omen ca me out at the diffolving of the lat} ‘?4r/iamezzt, Bame: Poems, Parker! Ballads in difgrace of R311- a B gioii A e L (6?) i - $105929 «She i¢¢fi%<5f£11 viwaaad §'i§hdra‘."; A ‘C ‘"8 s “ Ymgra“ , ~h‘?zting_thc~ivqtcI?)f other good 2',_Bookcis.‘ 1 I *7’ . , . I ' The hindring of godly Bqolicéto tinted, the blotting ot pcrvéttixtg e which they fuffer 31,1, 01' moi! of that. which eitherat Paparh on Aminwmfme. the addmg af what or where pleafeth them and the re- ftraints of reprinting Bookes formerly? lycen- fcd without relyeenfing- \r \ ..~ ‘: X. The publifhing and ventingof Po[?t°fl',A7‘—- minim, and other dangerous Bookes and Te- ncts,as namely ;that the Church of Rome is a true ['Imrrb,and inthe wotl’t' times fievet erred in Fundamentals , that the Suhjeéh have no proprietyin their Ellates, but that the King. may take from them what he plea feth,that all is the Kings,aud that he is bound by no Law, and many other , from the former whereof hath fpraug. X I. _Th€ gt0Wth of Paper), and increhfe of’Pa' P’fi5aP’5‘fl5 and }’e['uitS in fundry places, but C-rPCCl3”y about LoI2q?a.22 figccthg Kgfarmatzl °’fath€_ frequent venting of Crucifixes and P0- P’.-”? P_‘=’7W9$‘,'Joth cngraven and pl'iIltCd:3fld the placing of {uch in Bibles. ' The. ‘ u ‘7? p l f 5' The multirudeeofmmpaliex pawns}; drawing with themtginnumerableh Perjuries, l ' the large increafe of Cuflomes and Impofi-‘ ' tionxupon Commodities, the Sin}:-maizejes and many other great bnrthens uponvthe Commm’.-e wealth,*,'whiCh ié aphindevice tdiufhcr‘ . -intheMa_fl‘e. fa ~ to » 2 ‘ r x.v_1 1. e . Chrfffcningjfand Coorecratihg of e Churches -and Chatppells, the.c'onTecrating Fonts, Pulpits, Tables, C halices, ‘Church- yards, and many other things _, andwputtifig hoiineflé in them 3 yea, 'recon{e'crat»in‘g upon pretended pollution, as though‘ every’ thiflg‘ were nncleane mthout their Confectating,» and for want of this fundry Churches‘ have beene interdioted and kept frorn. t1‘£s»5oaf$'h h ‘iutcd. X V I I I. The Liturgy for the moft parts frttmed out of thcRomifh Brtviarj Ritua/{um Ma_fTe- . booke, alfo the booke of Ordination, ‘for Arehbiflnops and Miniflcrs framed out of the Roman Ponrificall. I X. The multitude of Canons formerly made, whercin,among other thin s;EXC0m" munication, ipfofaffo is denounce for {peg- king ofa word againfl the devifes above {aid or fubfcription thereuuro, though no I_»'~1W cnioyned 2 rcfiraint from the Miniflry w1th- ' out fuch fubfcrfptioh and Appeal: is denyed to any that {hould refufc fubfcriprion or un- Iawfull conformity, though hee be‘ never (0 B. 3 much: "-1: at " '2‘ (159) I J o ififctiotir ]u<*g°a M0 j late {acted Synod, ‘ 35 ‘they call~it= ~ Wk“ in atflcrmany fitaagcand dmgerous Devices 10 the Gofpclge and thc5$l1bi_Ca5 hb<=rti=sito_pmpoaat§1’9pc- 1-3; to fpéyle Gods Qeople, mfnare Mlmftcrs ,,,d.Q¢h¢,- Stgdqnts, and to A to draw all into an abfolnte fubjéfiion arid thraldome "to" them _ and their go\fernment,fP0y_1iI1g both the King ,nd¢1,¢- pazlidmght of then: power. l L ‘X X. The countenancing pluralityof Beneficcsg prohibiting of Marriages without their ly- Cenfe at Certainé times,alm0ft halfe the year: and lycenling of Marriages without Banes af- lcing. . XXI. _ _ Prophanationof the Lords day -pleading for it,and enioyning Minifhets to read a De- tlararian, Tet forth, as ’tis thought, procurement for tolerating of f ports upon that day, fitfpcnding and depriving many god- ly Mini Ger; 5 for not reading the fame onely out ofConl'cience, it was againft the Law- of God foto doe,and no Law of the Land to en- joyne It. XXII. The Drelling of the {trio} obfetvati- of Saints Dgves , w l‘.(.‘*'i.'by great {ummes of Moneyes are drawne out of Mens purfes by their i n . (1 L) purfes for worki anthem,‘ aevery hjghbm. then an moi} peogieylvho get-x:jf;'g,ffc;n.~ bytheir daylyim Io fies; t t r .. ‘hem and be idksp my par: ._ 3' whereby man ‘ f ‘,1 \ gergught hehizdpgafdf, S are ued,‘ or thrcatned to be fuedrby thgjr troublefome Mmrfters , as perjured peffons for notprefenting their Parifhioncrs , who fayled tn obferving,tHol}-d4yes.. X X I I L. The great increafe and frcquencic ofwherc- domes and Adulteries,occ-afxoned by the _Pre- fates corrupt adminiefirationrofjuliicegin fuch e Ca_fes,who rakin upon them the puniflzment of1t,doe turn :11 into moncyes for the filhn_ of their purfes, and left their Officers fhouli defraud them of their aine,thc_v have in their latc Canon-,in Read 0 remedying their vices, decreed that the Cammutatian of Pcnnancc, {hall not be without the Bithops ptfiity. _ o XXIV. ' The gcncrall abufe ofrhat great ordinance of Excommunication , whxch GOD hath left in his Church to bee ufed as rhelaft and greatefl punifhment the Church can inflia upon obfiimrc and great Offendors, and that the Prelates and their Officers, who of right, have nothing to doc wirh It, _ .- . - 7 2-_ ‘~..-~__"' \,-.——— .. ,_. '.‘1:...' . l“ " ’ ' " ' - 1:; ‘ -.3: '.."".‘ ' ' ~ --- .—. I - ‘ . .1 - , «—*.~, . , - - -,_~,.,"~»"l~,-,-‘~’ '5 e , :3 _ ~ ~; r§.~.~« x T ~ 4:» I ‘ 2 .5.- V -.: , - ; ti 4. ,_ . 5» . - -' f‘ . A M 1 2. ) >% fizihf men . ‘i " is? 7Iawful’l;“otfot‘ . ' 1 4 “ “WE”‘{f?K§l§§§1d~l€:3l'lé3f15iVi&l¥,I'I12It§f1‘Sj&S working of 7 ' it ”’O@liitfig'iiLii}Ié:p‘6fi1IffOliiFa:Y,f0t riot - _: mmegaez; _- t‘ .1; 533 V‘. . 3‘ -"_"~ _§‘ _‘ ' _ ta. \ ‘i ; ; ié;:asthey*d&e**a11v¢iz,tfét‘ ;h”od§é_='¥$fin- 3 andmm " e .l that {acted otdidtmcc uf;GQ§la*5'Y"l59’ 1"d"“ -, ‘H ofix, becomes contemptible to all men, at feldome or never tried againft notorious offend‘or_s, irhegfot the motlz patt,arc their vorgtl;-3; " to 1} t 4- . e Yea furtllet the prixie md ambition ofthc P relatetbeing bound lefTe,unwilling' to be {ub- ;e& to either man otLav(re$,théy Cllifitne theitj Olfice and jurifiiiiétion to Iafedivinq,‘ EX? 1' crcfi fc Ecclefiafticall authority in their own: names a Rights ~, and under their own: Scales, and take upon them Temporal} elig- nities, places and ollices in the Common-A - wealtlmliat they may {way both fivords. ‘ X. X V I. VVlicnC€ follouvcs the taking Commil'f'~ on: in their owne Courts 5cConfiflories,and e where elfc they fit in matters determinable of Right at‘Com11ou Law, the putting of Mi- mflers [V 3;, 1’ 1 fiiftcts tlpén P415315 ‘ ' %éan¢%p¢§5p1esconfem. = a‘Cii11”pOf;flg'df.Oa"t‘hes(if vafibiiginiihd viii} Articles -yearly "P011 .Chfi,rch-war .‘ t1‘rej'r‘6 wne cailin t<»;; ". . L .'-.>1',.' _;_f ‘ ” and Side-men,which yvifhdlit perjury, Ie’YYc the): fall at yarre-s continually with t ei: Mi- nificrs and Neighbours, and y‘neg1e__’6t .. ‘ - %(XV111-if "7 i 3 F The cxercifing of the"h(/32i’EI’i‘ E}? Of’ 5 19 and other ptoceedingsthy w y of '11? W11.‘ 5"” I93’ thing even to mens thozghts , ‘KC Erehéfl’ ding,and detaining of/nenhy ‘Parfiwzzts, the frequent fufiyendihgflnd deprivin of .M§f11- fiersfining‘ 8: iuiptéifon fngbf all orts"ofp:o- ple, breakingup of rnens houfes and fiudyes, taking :iway;mensi Bookes, Letters: RM _Of1}C1‘ writin sfeiiing upon their Eflatesa rcrupvgfig t-hem rometheifeallingsfieparating bct"’¢¢*’¢ them"-and their wives againfi Both tliefrwiflsa the re jefiing ofprohibitiofis with tlireatniflgs and the doing 0 f many Othcr Out?’ 1‘ ages: t_°, id“ utter infringing the LRWCS 0f17l_3'3 B’C31!'.n°_"29’,‘d the Sub jeas libertiesflfld 31‘!-7318_“‘"g Ofthcmi ancftheir famiIie$,:md 0F l2tl'C‘I'.‘tllI‘1e: €115 Jud“ s of the Land are {'0 awed with the V power andgreatncfrc of theP relatcs,anci other waéycs promoted, that neither prob l‘b1t10flaH‘ “*3 Carfuaor any. other law full gmedy Can-17¢ ha ogtakcplacc nuke cgfim d Subicag/a p / I. - ‘L >'?*1.°? P3$1Z0§i isretiéz tn 5) A C I " '.fuc_h”0thCtS astpropa ‘M V _ M N ddixoflgfitft .21-9f.‘ flames? fitérfcaaerssiee-are ‘I l » L‘ e ~_ ~ e ‘asst éafcs‘. <>3c’!y*fPaz»a'12:. _ rscha ._ .hb¢n'y,,_ 934 hencefwow 3 V6 .F_ . .‘\f 1. A‘ I ’ 1:11:55; ‘neialt bpaiéa ex * an;-‘ nj "1 l the Kirngflb 1$ar't.t at thcirffigcflitigg 9 Iig ion will era la 5: gluiiéglzh 1.63,? t dome B34.-(‘"951 . ’_“",7»“"T"¢”€9t¢ra e_d,t. Iberia, M4’ to fraéftcc tbefmzé open j?z’n' ‘p(4;¢;,u the bzfighlillmzaur ofyaapmd ti: Law? °f*’%! 7193"‘: ~. A i v wég: ‘wtraxy Selcondly,the' dtfcouragcment and del¥ru&i’= on of all ood Subjcéls, "of whom all Multi- mdgs bot C lat/95:75, cflfarc/mlzts, and others be’ deprived of their Miniflers, and over- n'd with thefe rclfures, have departed the Kingdome to Ho a22a',ancl other parts,and have drawne with them a great part of manu- fiaure of Cloth and Trading out of the Land into other p1aces,where they relxde, whereby wooll, the teat fiaple of the Kingdome , is become of mall value and vends not, Trading is decayed, many poor: people want worke, Sea-men lofe implovmcnt , and the whole Land much impoverifhed, to the great dimo- nourorf this Kingdome, and bletnilhment t the egovcmunegt thereof. T!i¢ 0‘. . 3?£é?>‘r£; , , '83-t€r_»P0Pfi’tYQr*217vnim'-‘ Jsnzfvle aIe~Counten_anced,Fpgred 1;‘- 752} - ts“/ll‘ The prefent watres aend.C0m*moftio}1s. hafil‘ ‘ 3 Pcy {and his 5=uhje{1:‘s,of ‘ fled betvveene his Ma je 55°‘/dfidfiwherein hi$Maje1 d0me are indangered; V and _ ffcr greatly, is ‘common E- 3)! and all his Kings , u and b are like to becomea prey to th which wee ex- \ n€my,in cafe -the wars goe on, fecdlngl y feare,wilI not onely goe on,but at 123 Iiicreafe. to an utter%Ruine‘ofall, unleffc the Prelates with their de Ollt Offlzglam/,and 21 o 535: Who, as wee, under you doc verily beleeve and conceive fled the Qarteli. A/1 wr5z'cb we Imméljt reférre to’ the c'oI2fider4tz'o2z of ‘tin’: Hoizazzraéle Ajemé/j , a’:/irz’/'25 the Lam'afH:4-van to direff you in the rzégér mt] to redrgfle all tlzefe evil/5. i they and their pra {ki- r H enours favour, have occa fiQ'_' Fl.‘2\Q.S‘, ndancies be removed - BX 5 176 I—VXl'VN&fl-3 ELL SPC RRE RARE lllflllllliiliiillilllllll 01 0-005925788 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier FirstPetitionforReformation1641 Capture information Date captured December 2017 Scanner manufacturer Zeutsche1 Scanner mode1 OS 15000 Scanning software Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) Optica1 reso1ution 600 dpi Co1or settings co1or, 24 bit Fi1e types TIFF Source information Format Book Content type Text Source ID Barcode page at end of text . Notes Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. 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