T % I R : THE s PE E C OF » T H E Lb R D; A GEOR W, ................_. Concerning Birho . . % « ‘ S A _C1t1c Petition, thcP9§,.:?d ‘he I357.‘ I640. ' ' W .,.-V‘,,‘ £§+% Eriatsd for ‘I’/vac Wgfklq: A flay flmuldwwh Houfe of AC 0 MM 0:157 ,« ‘;§9"i¢€r11iD8Bifh°P32 Md ‘ ; {C'itieP£fitz't7fltb: ninth % J?f’Fe£r. 1164.0. A 4 A W V . V ~ 7 Kna.w3i; is-a %ferrd'cr {ubjeé'f17_am A _,~_f ~to*fpcakc ,%whi;ere1n*JL:é§1§b4vt; ” ,,~,,fo1;me mxrhm in ‘ 3' -we IE ‘V A *p1aé?e,.Lbaefcéaht11e fi%[12’e11i:e”b}£.‘ thisylaloufc ,1:that4zhcywi1i*bae pleaied tohearg mm: mr,=f£rruptionA, Athough fomsewhat / % béc 05* c tch1s+HéA A ’ A3 - % Q m am dkfplcafing, Iihope % \' his Sir ; IE1 thought t t figne in the defires of fome, that this Lonhdm/A . Petition ifhould bee committed ,; then nmeteiyié-at to“ make ufe l0f:‘.it , as: antlndextoft I grievance : Ifhould Winke} aththefaults o£i:,and~nor much.‘ oppofeit. « V 1- "t * * " t There is no man within thefe walls , more fenfible of the heavy grievance of Church go; vcrnment, then my felfe; norwhofe affeéitions“ are nkeene into the clipping of thofe wings of the Ptelates , whe rcby they have mounted to fuch infolencics,.~norwho1et%ze;ale is more at» dent to the fearing them , asfhat they may ne-3 vcr fpring againe; ‘ A A A 1 V A But having reafon to beleeve , that fome ayme at a totall extirpation of Bi1119P53€which is again“ I¥1§ft.tI?¢3¥F 1 andt.£th_,a.:;1:1i‘é«céIm¥1itfiU8 : gtvecdtintemncettohthat‘ I 1h c «nnot teflzraine um ~ fel‘f'e; _ botxriflg to divc1“t‘it ”, t"5,,O1"‘.w1‘§-s\‘”fL} ’ alt to {cf t notes u on it». as may Ir"1ak_e it incfi‘e6tual1ntb3j: 3? A . ‘ t T Tru1yv$:ir , this} Petition” eebrougnht ~into ‘ ttr?ceHufe?‘f,~ttI:cbnF‘* tnatuminthc manner oft~t1rceedeIi"v’céry*ihmthh?;3tt5ii fent” tcoynjtunéturet of affairs“: bofth Ectlfiefiamf; A call “and C.nivil1 to»b'e a Ithmg ‘nfttfietniiiighétt “I9 fl...N;%_ .’._;. comtetnntnce that anytatgcttthath pré£E1ntécIw“tt‘n'?a‘“” Parliamttttshe ntansi» W .9 théflnfitfi” ‘ha%’{f "U- .“y,Vp‘u-xi «hm \.._.....d .-M ere were no further de-33.. A Ittts-;§;? (J7) f prcifcfi?-'; I'lo"oked gupoini it’ th¢fiA§Vith V‘ % 'mur,was upon a~cdmmct:ab1afing taifcd ,and kindled out of Vithcflcmh outof the pay»; ‘fonous exhalation of a. corru ted Hiér”archy’: ’Mc thought the C ommetV ha A afe1‘riblcftay_Ic A with it ,‘ Sir ,» and” pointed A to tliew Ntirth ‘5 A ghcw M fame fcarcs dAwcIlwit'hmeé fhll *Aconccrnmg 1:, mid IA.Nb¢f¢cchA“God they maynot ‘prove Pro“-4 phctica1lA :% AI fc’arc;a1ml4 the Prudence ,~ all A thc Fqsm-ta&,V 211 thwei .Vcrttfe§ofth‘is~%HouAfc ,:how unitcdly V fo‘cver7Mcol1“c*1*ac?t rgncc mere a Kmg, I could ndt have flattered aflKing. ' And I doe An.‘otintcnd now to flatter a multitude. A A A 1 {ball dcfirc thareiwmthyA Aldcrmch A and% cm: ficlyhfirc ofrhc A V thmg I {hall fay in the leafl: way of difpfis . 91? £¢fi9§,*io992 £119 Pética 11A°°1<~= :iatic.of Logmfm, "%:not to takg: 9°¢~ A A f . fim ‘ J -V, I . W, 4 ~ *4’: ELM xt;e.o .4‘ Mgfizé .a§f§@*%¥1 ; 1i<:I1o%vv ~nm%k:w1mr;_. .1.“ ‘ _ V. . 2 - , V * H" ‘ , ‘ LI ., i . I. ‘ ‘ ‘Q ‘ " A M 7 fcn 1}:ed%,4;there~ “o (9 11§?,.W+§I1?t,. thc; rcinxvozrftrameg. frrllw 51¢, iirr2'14ti9na¢}:l,g. and prcfumptuous , whierqé vyit11Vrhis;¢»iV*Petition eabounds«,. ’\ I doe natknom % 9mJb:mé¢1mitt'e Vgfi U thfigss Qgrbzut Ifiagfifiéfi rjxi « '..a.W \ .g, \ _ V‘ M W _, 2 M _ mcrccaf ppr V4 Lur1n%1nc{«@;t?I1”‘c manna? qfZ1is:A¢:d;ci°I1+& v_cr1e:; And confident: thcrgj 0% A $ ,1 %;%vw *&a%?%V~w% j? M; 'M ymflhw W V % ‘nw? VA ¢C.:_$; V@mga;clMd,: %,mVfglaVc;. C: an nmmng to 1rrcgul.ar ,, ,aqdA tumultuéus tl‘1=¢eee« r A % 4» %Tth7c‘ " .é..yfi1’1 th;yt‘~* could be: g;ot to; W‘ rcgfw nfisLa1fiVtt1c fufrther,fl1‘@L1Vld&itAb4c dembnftra; ‘ tcd%un»to usf, that Win: could not be made ufct of A wxthout drunkcnncflé, and _witI1al1 {om-c4 fuel} rV%PT¢‘df¢fif6d5 35 h¢a1thY, and as nouri%fla—ing. from which nodificmpcr could axitfc . I 111 ould not blmiief A$a:1>*.1naaV’jF¢r%dcfiring to pluck u pthe ’ r Vine bythc A Bt1t‘foi‘i:he mVo-government: but iiI1j”l;hC; , imcapc time lct ,imec ucj11.you ,t; Sir, I cannot uf i cflceme itsan irrévc rcncc 5 an ‘high’ pxcfumgptioni if any to i pictitiogrxk Eoint againfiw a Law, bveriiinerit in fox-cc; Mt’ 4% Reprefcntmcnt iofi 1nC*0nVC11i¢i1Ci3 lied ‘ rz madc,%(as the Miziiftershavcidoné) fucih as may endure the wifdome ofiai Parliament , to advife Lawes, to 1'¢&ifie , :9 rcpealc: them {but in ports the very em:-ncc:% of Parliaments, to kccpc ._upthc honour of its former Aas, andnotm :.£ufi"cr thfim to bcefiutther blaficd frqm abroad. “AA ’iiB€1€¢v€1n¢a M1‘- SP-W’; all tlicrévercncci rabid authority 5 which was cxpeflc fromfiaturii times to our ownc Afis , hqrcaftclq AA deg A iupoq “put uphjoiding tffic” idiginicy of yyhat N ‘ “’ ‘ u 2 i ‘ IRCI -—Uv-- 01 -I ivfor; A (I23 xr1erPar1iamenfshav¢4on6,evcn inihofethings A tend‘ 1:6 ?reverfc.— W - A , e W e Mr;vSfmker; " you fee in wha-E plaine language Ih3Vc.fCt’:fOftvh( unto you Tthefaéults of this =d:ieirjdueedtdim$€? Wcédmay dcfire; andin-5-i " Peti:i%oj‘rV1’e-,ddnotwithfland mg as great.agtheyare, * fo‘ the”y‘ omayonodtoobtair1e”a:1y"dfeem1ng counte- n'é1ncedfi*om* us 5 AI dfi nd my felfe _w&1Ii*ng to have thempafc by‘, efpeciafly wherfl confider how na-turawlly proncall Amankind is ,, A whenit‘ finds ifi feIfe~opprefl:‘“beyon patience , to fl;_)7wui.ntC)~CX~.-.- treames for eafe. And indeed , I doe not think, that any people hath beene everrnore provoked, tI1?edn~t}:1e geneiralieygof‘Jlzagizmazg Vof A 1atejvyea1*es ,, * I proteflfincerely, Mr. S]2e:z§er, I cannot cdaf’c, mmeeyeogl on this Pe§t1t1on% no 3: "1x;_y”:_hdought,s~ ‘M e v , in «M A’ » d o Q ‘ ‘ din ‘H governed» it of we 5 but they appcafid mee as a fcourge employed by God upon us for the finncs of the Nation; M I 4 cannot thinke of that paffaogedeixi the CBo*oke’ of ‘Kzfngs, dflee tlléltj A efcapes the Sword “of Hamel , fluaolldle/M "iflday ,“ and he that efcapes Iebng {hall Eliflm flay. A M _ Mee thi!11N2:es.,e the vengeance of the Prelates V 4 1”mth beenedofo leajde , as” if ’twere meant no gene- V \ racioxi ‘noeegree , 5 ‘nbdCompIexion‘ V Man-.5 kind fljdixld efcapem 32Y@§ §13¢£¢§.r32§29f a nice and tender conFci~’ A bn'c;ci;’ V hit_n lam they affliékrd fiwith. fcéhdalli Adxaphons, impofing onihiin thofe things , ;a&;i “¢°cfl‘31‘YaWhiChi*h6€ Ihifikts unliawfv111:53fld.¥Y ii thcmfel;ves~kneW§0 be but»indifi'c1'"c:n1f.i7 ‘ Was therca m.anpfiaVIcga1l Jconfciencc , iithafl made the cf’cab1ifl1;?nénf$»ibyiLaw, -; ehei meafutrei of his Religion ihim h~avet11¢yinct1éd with; innovatiions ‘ it V\- ,r‘€ 1"\“i tr s to P@--_ pery. V A A _i Was there aman of a A meckc and humblc fp1- rit,f“him have my trampled to dirtiiiI::1Aiii1ii (Is) 1 in that écmpeor which 1 thinlcel neéeflhrji E3 :11 more that would 'udge cleerely of pthingo A as have incenfl:th”em., , ; A . r ,1 befeech you gentlemmler us tfiiitlbé 1&1 on A by paflfion ‘ to popular and vulgar Errors, it is natura1l(as Iotould you before) to the multitude to fly unto Extrlemesfthat feemes ever the bell: to them,t:hat is molt oppofite to the prefentcfl; objeét oftl1eirhate.n no . > A Wife Councellse (M. Speaker) mu{’cfquare' theirrefolutions by another‘ meafu re, by what"s mofipiuft, lmofl: ‘honourable, nlbflz convenfientzh Beleeve mee, Sir, great alterations of Govern,- meal: are rarely accompanied with any of thefe. 4 l f or . no , ‘ A M. Spa4ker,r wee all agree upon this gprthaf an Reformation of A Church ’ Government i3 mo e ' lneceffary, r and our happy unity of opinions». herein fhouldbe one Argument unto ustopfiay there, but S;ij1f,.,tofft:rikel‘lat the Roote, to ogtem a}fota11Al.teratlon, before ever Ilcanlgive my vote unto that, three things Imufi be made. mag-1 nifefhunto mee. 4 . 4 V A or or Eirfg that the mifchiefes* owhichl Wee? p felt un er Epifcopall flow from: A the nature of thefunétion,’ noltpfrom the almpfes. of it only, that th3t,LlO3Ru1€$, n€>oBr”inenIl;a.-: “ r}§espqaIW}§ fettnfiiflmpfirableto Refiralnefilremgg or fromfuéhExorb1t*ances»r 5¢con€11Yafi:lEhl?: Qérérémnmff '3 (156) it-is i1ayaci'b*efore us; as nonitime;o~no;Corrupc‘ion ‘dmake lyableg 5 ipmportionable ‘iiWr1C044nV;e~; . nieenccswith that whichvyee abolifh. V i i “ ‘fhisdAuto]>z'«z is P«ra6i-icabIe.i 7 V 4? Porphe firfé%,* Sii1j;théa;Epifeopacy a funétion «deduced through a”lI’a~g‘e$ 1of~Chri£tsChurch5 ‘from the Apoflies A times" and continued ~ bythe molt venerable and {acted order ~iEcclef-iafl:-ical~l; a funéfion dignified by thelearning and Piety ~of\>fo Fathers offthe "(Zi1%u~r?c»h5 ~ WIor;ified And thirdly", it muoflc -bemadeto appeare thasfl A by fo many A iMartyrd“o~ iwifl in tie fubjeél tons great ’ofig”fea'te1'ie'in;:i. A A oonveiniences then ‘EpifC‘0P:3C}’2. I meane Epi‘£-- éopacynfoiordered, A rcdnaiand. limittedi as {up iofe it may be by ,£§.rme and follicle boundaryes. ; 'I‘is trueSir,f"wee cannot fo well judge before: A hand of future inconveniences, for the know.- ledge hofthei faults and mifehiefes of E pifc‘opal1»= i govefnmient reiultingflfrom frefh and bleeding,’ Ex eriencea. or V ndpthe infight into dangers of any new" way that ihalLbc propofed being to rife only from fpecnlation, the apprehenfion of the one is likely to be much more operative A then ofthe other, though perhaps inijnf’:1‘e::afonit ought to be the weaker ewith us, 1tv.iS1hRrd in fuchcafesa for us» to préférvc arr.) reqnall and u_.npropenfe.n~ judgment ; fincesbeing in things of this worldfo. much i too» hard for faith and contemplation: yet: as Divine as our infpeéiion is into thingsnot experimented; if we harkcn. to thoik that iwioauldi L. quite extinpate Epifcopacy ,. .11 ami confident hat infleed’ of every. Bifluop wee put_ ‘downe A Q a Diocefle, wee fer upia Pom 1nn€?Vm;}:¢;.r nm;m.i 4 A P"*3L Lafliy M. A Speaker, iwhetheréthe fnbvcirfini Y of Epifcopacy, iand.th.e introducing of; anothen ixind of. Governent been pnaéticcablégili leave A mthofe to A jngegwhoi have confidercdo”e*f1w~e connexion: and interweaving of *the Chunnh Government» withnhe Cornmon La'Wa_.:?>t.-")Q.'A I in - fe -- who (:8) ? 'whofjheardf the ii:Kijngs. A fpc:eci1i' to iisthe ‘miner Day}? or who-.i’ihav.eiiiiooked into reafoneoffiate. ,Eor’n1y part "(though no istatefman I will» fpeake my mind freely» in this‘) I doe not thinkee a '*=Ki1ag icanmiput diowne‘Biihopps totally «with fafetfy :co Monarch y';;;f-. notfchat there is‘ any Inch? Ailyanéeas men ta1»keof' twixt the Myteranci; the Crowne, but from this reafon.-, that upon the putting downe of Biihopps, the Govern» A ment of Afliemblies is likely to-fuece:edri:it.ii That (‘to be effefiuall) mufl: draw to it felfexhe fupre-~ macy of Ecclefiafiicali Jurifdiétion that (confe- i quentl._y)the power offixcommunicating Kings »asgvve11as any other ;Br.oti1Cr : in Ghrifl‘, and if a ‘King chzmtei to be deliveredover to Sathan, Iudge whether men are ‘likely to care much what becomes ofhzim next. ' A Tzhefeztliingsaconfidered Speaker, let us iayr afideail "thotlghtsioffizch dangerou-so,’ fimh fiilllr-3?: darnentall, fuch unaccompliflmed ‘**AIterations : 6: all thought of couintzenancingth ofe thoughts in ’votihersf~5i l~et..~t1si*ak1reI“o~1ve upon ?that courfe iiwhcrein ( with iu1}io11i)wic:e j may probably 7 pro- mife our felves, fuciceffe, happiries,and iecu-to rit«y,%thataiisin=a through Refolfmation. A V M \ 5 A Toiithati, no mans vote fliall be given with more ziea*1e,.iwithimoxetwhearrines then mi‘ne.;Lct usmwdeftroy Biihopsps but makeBi{hopps {uchi as‘ they were inthe Primitive times.ye 4 i ‘ i:12_.§.*.!»1..¢i1i».1+*~rgc I°_17¥i§°?i¢5=‘*B¢i§ large Reveé ‘. 4 gm (:9) hhes offend ? 1ettheme'beretrencht,' the gage Biihop ot'-Lipj>o had fibuta narrow Dioeeffe. I Doe their Courtsand fubordinates offend .4‘ let thembe brought to Governe, as in the Pri-. tnitive timesgby Affembleiesevof their Cletgie. t Doth their intetmedling in fccular affaires ofli:-nd :3 exclude them front the -capacity, it is one more then «what tealon and all Antiquity ‘hath intetdtéted them. A i>e:T hat all this may be the bctteteffe6ted,M.i .S1vmIeer~my motion is that: Pirft, wee may ap-» point a Committee to colleéi: all greevances iptinging from the rnifgovernment of the Church (to which the Minilters head of Goa: vemment will be fufficient. Without counte. «naming this Petition by a Comitment) and to ~ jreprei"ent it to this houfc in a Body. ° And in the nextplace that we may (i-Fit‘ {land ‘with the order of~P.ar1iaments) deli re that there may be a Ptandeing Comitteeofhcertaine mem--.9 bers of both Houfes who(with a ‘number of fuch learned Minifters as the Houfes {hall no-‘ minate for Aififcalnts) may takeinto confidera-~ nation all thefe greevances, and ad vife of the heft e way to fettle peace and fatifaétion in the Go.-4 vetnment of the Church, to the comfort of all V good Chriflians and all good Qgtgtgggg wcalthsmén: ...- «uh . ._.-. it t~jINIs.‘ '