V uerfion ~ | -“ :;.‘:]f:‘‘~ —' !‘b~e*,Kz°ng«* ( ’co2nfiv21erfi¢g* 15%;?! ;5:x2bmtf*;C0T?9?3«d¢i0?£ toprojteii the Clergy cmd5tI9eir% Prizziledgerj can falvzi . VVc0n£'cienti5iw confemf to H36 abrogation ‘of Epijcapagu? a A Ajfimzatian. , L ~: 3 A ‘ M‘ " %When*I cionfidéf,'firfi5%wi%That%them: isno hope of = - A AVthe>Kings?+cm~Kingdomcsfafety, Withbllt; an‘1_1t1‘idn betwem our King ;a4i71d** Pdrliamenr. A ASecondly _.,% that: fuch an _u‘nion%%is%Viar2tum%noninlpoflible, unIefl?:%theKing condeR:endin the - ". .v A “ 'p0i7'nt- of Epifcopacy. Thirdly , for the “King to condeftend reniteme can eientidg, though in mightgratifie us, it wouldbc fin-4 fml-I to him 5 anclfo he-. A Ihould forfeit; inwa rd to proicurc outward u pa-aace _, and be reprefénted to times in the glafié. of A Confcience ,atic:i. adventure the Heavenly to reta'ineW an earthl%y Cmwne.: Fourthlyg the O;-.u%!:1 %-taken atthe Kings Cezronation hathGbe‘en’ prcfi Yby fame lea‘med7‘%pex1s*%with that probability, that may fiumble a righi: it1telligen%tR¢adh-'13 Aneinher have they tfiat Ikndw, receivedhny fa-% tisfa&0ry*%Anfwer in?pr'im:. %Iconc»e'1vc it ‘may be a work» worthy fome%VV~%=paincs?torcfciivethis cafe ,3 and‘?c1eere your objcfiions , than ~ whilew+thcy fi4a11d?LjnaniWer¢d, caft an ‘ill refiexion both upon» the Kingi411 «e;cmd;efi:endirIg to a;‘0g§xm:’Epifcopac'ie, and the Farlxlamemr Aita‘ 5*t§)"~jita. iNow »cgh"e -lriondvf %0f:*'i=:hé Kings 0at‘hwm“ay:; t:ak9ét:1~‘ ‘tzwdr-15 wages. 7& ~*”Ei7t;h er by‘ ‘clearing *4 the %Lan1aWfu1neHéi? ofwii: thatitwas‘2)i71czalnm~4iéziquitati:, and fo-Avoide the firfi day, for.» quijurai im‘iniqwy:mabl§gamr ‘in czmtra»riz¢mg~And%if Prelacy in Tthfir Chur“c:h? be ap%%u‘ig”ur%pat~t*;i»é5n contrary» t;b'Glv‘1rii{¥§s %i#nPcitmion» , thenwm» n1“a"ir1Vt?a*ii14eii: %is~ to%fit11:1%“e,;VA% Aaiméii a~1%14vbo“nds Atofinne * are fru£‘trate..~ And truly in the: Church inco‘~the~ hands of%ac:‘fcw*Lord Biflxopsflthinke it may as Prclacy fiéod with usjn England, ingroffixxg allsruIedom¢-- H bec:lcered”t0 be an u{?.~”1rp%a‘ti‘”on4 bythig one Affifrgtlment. ‘.%Tl9%atI=Power~«A rbzit. zfejfrgylemwmy cerf%0Friz2ii駧’ge~,« owing» indulged» er i1fqyrred“H:ie2é¢by\(f/96 miré:l~~éfGod?‘$;~ tr'9ez%t‘&*p£éwer4i5 an uf3trp;z’ti~vn‘agazi:ujiwtl9e war-xl.*Bm*1bzkwP%el2zgy.%dig25amizvfloeidha%Erzgland.‘Evgr23Englgk=Prela«:y~ww - 5&1 Aagainfl: thai % King. ‘W (1) V % A‘ ufarpatian againfl tbcwérd of %God.%Tbc Major is cléerc of feifi V The:Mi#n0g;V»f1$ ;»thusA proxv&g1.vw;*iPresbycers g:;i§e% by'*GhIfiB.’"§' :v:i:gra:§;;;%,in Sttripttige fndued with power*com1e in their owh¢“Cbhg'reg;t§6h§f; as7well%a.sA preach; fee I%‘1'im.¢ 3. £3“. and 5; 21; Heb; I3."I71 ‘"1“‘IIaeflI '5» 120 V é 1‘ i é y M é ' A Now as Prelacy flood m ._ fled to a_ liavChanceVlour5ax1dwas :19: hey: ufurpéciLQnagaii:fi% A namclcme *% 4 Author in: Book imp1ca—- ding at1“wa,:: direfiioxi ?~ % 7 »% 1 A w Bmthoug!1 nhisway sékf%im}*aAIida£ingA,theKings fir-4= itisfizfizory to fofnie, yet to thofé th»acAax'jenotconvinc"cj4dffljed’u1fi§4g§;¢;. fi11neflékof‘:Epifcopacy% it will not hold 5, andgfo it].WQuld ca.{’c;,thr~.f refo1ucion.of thisdoubt about the Oath, ugor1%anqther% Q_q§:_{HQQ « touching thelawfulnpffi: of Egpifcopacyg which, is alarger %;%fiq}d. _I% % {hall therefore indeavour to Ihcxir that though ;;fonArgument: fake be granted that Egifcopacybe%1awfull,ye.t,;i;otwithfl:anding ;;hac his ' Oach, the Kingwithout: im*peachmcnti1;ay‘in this circumfiance confiant to the abrogation 0’EEpif?:0%pacy~‘% A - A j A A % % _ , Thcufua11;Wa.y of clefaringthis aflércion is thus. The King is {worms to nzaintaine the Lawes ofzhe Land in force at his Corona-V-; ttion. .Yet no manAquef’ci0I'1S_~, and ‘thge fienfiant. prafiife fl1e%wes,%thNa;:, in is 1165:: unlawfxill a.~fi:er_ to abrogate any upon ch: motion %or" with A the confine of his Parliament. A The meaning of the Oa.th Béing; A knowne to be to mainI;ain¢%1:heLaweswhile thjeyare Lawcs_ , bLu;%. whenrhfesz are abrog#ated6b3;' iuft:P0wen av;r¢guA1aI*;AW=Wa V;.the5*va1fs:~:A:‘d chenwiped out, of hisi chétrgs and «Daub-~ S;;<>t1;1€: King by ; Qaph is&bou:id4 E0 maintains the rights 0£Che_”fC1§§_gy A whilpghgy ”cg;;1:i_:iu¢$?& fach- But ifany 01’ cheirrightsbfi abr0ga*t<=d»bsr Powcrafhfifiandis up longeringage.-d to thzuz paxj%t7ic*uIaxi;j“ %And**this%‘I,cong¢i1qg to be; found reF01uti¢vn- Fwhe Kings 0-athis a,g;a@i1:.ii%a€#i2ig#~orJ fufi‘l¢rir;g'A aVtyraf1noi1s invaficm on L4W¢5. and rightsanozfaagaixwfcfi afPar1iaWmenr%% tary alteration of cithcry _ V But here Peeps in tn deftly, oncly propofing what. he holds forth to férious cQnjfidera::i- A M011: Yet Aha 0b'i¢&s fubtleiyandhisdiiisaurfs r13»Ii8‘thAus~%;Tée Oatbfir ‘A % maintenance afLcm?é: A13: :jmdepOpuIoAngIican0 to tbépeople of' E2zg-e- “land; , and may-be taken Qfi” éyafmnrc 115; becaufiz it 1'»: Q}: tbeir?%%owne;} E ; J r % % ' _ W ” ;{ V» A % T V % % cozzfénty 4% % Englazflg, éhe Presbytcrs wen; not 0neI§ A ‘exc1uded‘frorxi gllifociety infifiqlc ggbutwhich was bm1:ch%;:j11prg-; p£¢f%e [§.udi>;ia1i*A‘tdMtheA digziicy,%%; and liberty of the l‘»*Iia'ii'f{eryrf,;?‘t$rere’Cfub}§+ A " _fir{l;.oppot41ex{1t,’ mid though VIxefd%ifp:ut;;;:%%zMno; A I " ‘ 4‘ ( ‘.:'n)“*" ' ' . J M qr‘ cenfifflg 1’ef73¢1fm'%=:i79~%175q:;*li&mmi.‘;!M Bz.zt%%3rla'e Oztib zga maii§t.aime» ;tI9‘gvji5:tizf2i4 of 1/96 LC1erg m;tde‘?'t«ofiz%cl9 :,’:t My pm§.}>l¢;%;é"V1Esr0 Anglieanflg andp4rt'i¢1t3az‘[Y”% ta1’\€? z /9}»/aim afikrqbix ;1%02zt£:=5V%.%%a %I;%l9eA%w}9a1&.J'{a2almw=w!9icii%A % Wei? Wedleflé tin/+3j]é it L mezxrzi flmxearlaér olaligatioiz. “ %‘1J/9:35 fiiitlv % the Igar;éedAzet¥9»or) to make it 4 diflinfi obligation :,..w¢zn¢i’V,Arta2%».;5‘ele;zfI:ble % . canferzt; 4 : A I‘::‘::"‘:i-[S1:{.,"‘“:%gB£I‘.':,..- ~Taki.:1giit for gtax1§ed‘th‘a“r: %:héEO"atI1t Aimt Hus taken by- ‘) \ V “ h “ "3 N £%he KiVz;g;,- Iha;cOamfwas 11;; £ramed,d.whm%é:‘1érua4Ag2gziamua~.A the, C1€f‘£§§7..V V; Efiglgtnd A Wwa 5 a; diflinfi focicty :01‘ C%0rporaii:ioVn I as if may [Z3 fay‘) 32 popula A72glim:zzr2, {ram the people of Erzglarzql. This d%i%fi5§I1%&iQ¥3"betwcm{he:BI¢i*;2fy4 ai*:d»Lait;y we mé.y;M0’kiferxzcT=‘%%i13%% om?- Hinff Q‘1’i4fl$-%» ,.D~¢ini€1% in: thee Iifej of Willigzm ffi€:‘,1fiI"fi?~5fgiV,;€-73¥£‘I"‘&55f§C3I‘”"Tf{j3Té%A"'~ A fox: why»E116Clcrgyxdid,fbwillingly Cm.nde{?:cnVd.Vt0‘biVsn:r,?Fbccaufé V t%he}3%h&d€hCiI?Province apart; whenéethey »fuppoITe’d an fecurity to A their PyIfiVi1edg‘cs, however the I..aity were inflaved. The Iimxe di-r- way M the V ¢ fl;11§tx«;;:1A$04f ‘Ache Clergze and LAairyfl is obl?:rvccA!%»by\_h“im» ix: the lifc; ofmc (,g~,,,.v;;;;,,,,, theiécond, pang. 8:3. %A%m;l:this Washer onely izx¢E¢rg!m‘2d5abuc xhe firm ii‘: oth{erNat:ions, as»ici”s:_ob[érvedW,Lby.71»:!4zrfil£z4»r&P.at.4zi’zJimr4r'a L'eax:- mg-436» nee! w:i;+er Vin: P0p'u’h% times. Secmlarium petentcxfiafligia in legnrm lagtiw orzexjéorfzim ab qua: Civium %;z¢;v.z~z'fLJer_]Zt::zti5 prampermzt : omrzem* Clem , 1fufl1»:¢5’./?5?l¢‘~%décemen!0.r%i4M*e$cemptfim% : Cizailejé/aiflfitug %€’9‘_]7r'irzcip;ztzmnz 7% .{%¢P&€i?¢05’?I1b?AAp$!urd£i3«%t%emyriirduéentm my ipji.r;.,~qn.2gnr ~é;*e!zg1: «imppfi,;~.‘bilené' . '.—' bfimfltffi «guiezi Vcertanzg Mizaducezztem 2exp@riezzaidm;;::demozzfirzmimm" 2 %l;7“N.“ %1;z-,..fl/1arfi1i:g1J,%P ataviflm dtzfélzflpwcii ‘yam cap. 23.;;Ni;)w be» NI-Lent: ‘arc; % inlg .r:hAc; Clergy and‘ Lz1it;y;;we1'e%difi%i;m51t1%4b0dicsA;;;%%th¢Clergia holding ‘WY fillcd by” their rights»by Erividedge ¢ii*£‘tim?& fl-W1 the sxsaf the Land ;- an §::gt"§€c3;‘fhi*‘ 4a%th*;to d~xcLwwea1of cAPm;L4am’d» £a':curc;d& xw&u»»rhem 3.; TBucjfas& % » ,, w M VA M AA , M , % , E Popzfl1P:c % a~i10fi}.k¢ljj my thcyzhad »an0thr:.r i’0;1t;h:< £103.::th¢1I?‘[§Ct1I°1t§%~WBut §1OW"lnre%s, corms tllis di fiiI1k&i01:l" fbf 4,t*he.% OIm*'gie_afi*on1 1;h£5;%Laii:y%i,%* that’ phey £h0u1d% mc;.«,tr-zmz. ‘ A be it di‘&in€h7PrWifi«ccW}of% wcb«;5mfc’l:ves:, being a; %branch;§ 0ffP0pery, via midi it %quic¢%;‘§xgi;;gujflwc :2 L22,-icy;_aLnd Glergic amnow me {how 1 dy_P01it‘ickg: and undmathgfc<:me«p”omaerEa.I1d “Pul1I‘€'».‘i?F$?FflqH‘priVifi : 1edge»suofth:a.(3;l4e,-zsgie Mm%hac% ai""é.con:ra»r%ian%t,.m.>the %LV:£v¢7':mo£.£kM:AL?aMn;d5V : ” %wei*e ao1i{h%£MVAi1i.£hé reigns of Heéfrmt-l1c:¢§ght,W;%?::Asu11<:k;z:l11;9.:¢dI%y%4.tha:t " V 74 ,was,chaf: any fociety fhould be exempt Fran: flecular power, fczm:hat¢ ,_j7fqtj-fup 3;v_{{o_SApp1*€111l1‘C2i¢j$.« zfgnd;thereforJe:&;hough%;th¢ 7:Qa£hM%bc +xiMha.»& cxgiidar xzhgdic was A~xzcrE1‘efn;;;t1~1~t«* Laiuy .gm¢;¢4c1erga¢ V Ware Vdifiminfi ;;AA;b¢0die54**;% I; LrxmwwVi:1;XaIi};f:l7sAi$.;;&i£i?ii11«5i:i£:i'm;%Aifi g:%azbri3g»ti;£§:da4%»5f and Amid ’Ach;::ya*are 4:madimn e, (W A ‘A ?AAA“AA‘;:m:«h:. n1ae;.@Iarg'i‘”él cér3not A§bAe*w;£’éAi*oi1‘7g;e~téA:=%‘ P1’ - Q1?’m0sfi&wAin.3ii1z;b¥zey.Q§1ep':M’a§f;EQAt:he~1:-3ij(c£i'é::fa3§% % « A‘=‘~‘»£ im“A6‘w’3e_é iiocthmz o?rié~ioV£chc~.p1r‘i*vil>z.~dges v~mfV ch¢~»QIbrgimWa$3€“ for A the Eifl3ps=AAt0,“fit Aé.nAc1;%A}i'zc’1z&‘§Tn‘:.At»AAtie ciufe def: VPéAeres , Aya-gr: that aboli{htAAas incongruous ta their ca1li21g:A PmLd*%Amthcz1Aj‘whyn1ay“;2o3:*%? *tAhe7 ;-mfeémxzaski mi’ t:hei7i37Ecb§!efiaZi’:ica:1*1;.iuriAfdfi5tiD:1:%l;e A c0x1f17ei1ted{ to; "astWe%%h5*aM>Eigpr0vmihétvéwigim %';«:arrejud%ic:iaI1.3co the ChIi»ri:h?i"* The ”&boiiTi:ioz3 of “0n e"~i3-‘£10-J~ moxie2.gainflAtka¢:.oach5 then%%g£gh;g?A other. A A. A A - A A A A A A Azgaineg :AwHenAthis :oat~i;1*<_» wnsjfmnzed , ’;tVhfl'iCh”l1rC %i‘g‘.uw%S“ indi1éd'~ with: thefiAmgnoranVcelAQ£:mnA£sA,"’i7&it’£1. divérsdnlra“ wfull‘ %imfmt1jnides,‘ i.tm1L*iwi%iicgh:réf'pe€ts:tlie;1m:uh v.ia;jsAiriiv::"1id being !z?iz¥zc:n¢l1:mIAAAini:_;ui~% tgztzlagg and: form wercfgfired »Adfifa3*AV1i%ghu_fl1ined% fcm;Ah. 1 ”AnAd“ why} mAay= nonhegreat Rcvenues:of~ the Biibcips wi1:hA Atheir: {ole jurifdifiionf A Ainf:1‘%‘1a%.rge* azcircuit, b*ei'indi&ed% and con§vi&%to ha Vagainfi the cdifie « IV ‘ J caA1:ior1fi~o£‘the;Church;A ;andIit baAfound§nore for the glory Qf God; «that bi:A>tAh‘thc: B.e~venuehe“tdiv1dedto ma.mta:1ne'a preaching %%M%ini-¥~« my ,” and their iuri{Tdi&imn*a1fo, for the Abettcr overfighcahd can-‘T furewvof ‘+n1aAnneArs A 2' And then 1ia«tAhere as A good 4 plea,AnAAotwithfian-”«~‘* ding the oathgto aI:cer't. this ufelcfia Anti-.-EvangelieallApompei» stud‘ domi:1az;‘im:i4o£a*%few5A 4a§;at@AaIn:.iqua:e o:therAimmunitiesrarifing from A % the Verwrou1rA~0fi%»Aehcrrimcsgé ‘*mAgmth¢§ ccrmrcaof Scripmrm VA the priviledgeshmqucflcion, A.fuch;gas- were for the»a3dvanta,ge>of»th:e~A A ACjhurch,*‘ito*further: ;her«Aedifica1:ion;»; Aor had Vthe Pnelatcs baenugooAdILA A Stewardssmd inm:¢)cem~.iA£1 the AuF=.:o£?them’ I; t?hen»7ivhad5 us§mep1ea:+=can.:%s A ~ . A it-icdAAAa%9%Afa!irer;fheAw A}.Bumhem;:AHh:v'i‘ngA:Abecnfo+Aman§i fo1.*feicuArcs3 Ab}? ‘ 4 abuflég, Eai1d.ehtJ{éfAgreau:AprmiioEionsjanaAiurififitions, *=A%AA$e‘ir:tgr;%wsAAA5mum = wieldytoia Spiriti1aIlA:fou1Hi’cr, a*s~AS;:AuaZ:AA:AAm10ur :to%z«Dmziz1§i;, A and :fo. doe nQt:furt§her,% %butA hindA'ié.r44 w0rli5‘0F+ thé Gofpcl ,i2x}hMérefléitong%Vi+' A" hol ds iweato be:vanquifht;ViAnot by4carma1l; \but~ iAfpiri£u,alI A A niture migh:y’tEhroI;g°fiGod3%A;2 Car;A1Ao;i4.; lfwno iuflk my maixitaine {um conzlierfome %greaLx”nc1§7:::, adding ¢ oriimely ¥*gkmy:%"to4 the peribn, not avigimgxri to? the" Armine work. of ai V~4Mini{£e§A‘aAo£A;xh¢A; %A eorpez. A ~ ~ Againe, thus Iargue. "Ifthe KingVV'mayéconfer1t”AAtrhi'~t?:£:igt}§e7La§n§1es;A%~ of t:he~NmionA, nmwizhfianding hisr:‘oath*,= xthenfif::;Ahmm:;y:a1{bI éithm Clergics Vimmtnixiiziefir nhcjferightsandjimmmfiitiéé,Jiéhby *éithemA A «“ ‘ A A” A * hold 1 3-, “Q: n i V ‘ ,“ '9; ‘ am _ i10iti§”§"them‘iiéb5?7Ta%W§<3fIf?0¢hibi3wiié:;; the Paflimem V iwh_ich- hathqgnbwcr ‘:"E0 after all iLawesi,rhave«,powcr to ialrwfixcb A .»§,aw.c‘:sa:s gifvc themistheiriimmtlniries , and ithi,0fé;IL;-*aWe£ altered, t;lm immunity ceafethg, and;:fo,til1e Kings iiingage:1rc;t3‘c;ins12[;Ja5t pagrtigulaii; twHeiri:irxiimumty.;be*mm: §f::;1s:<¢Ither~iM-1:!1ii_l;IF{J§1L§iaGm¥}With4 fine ~§L1ft1:ircI e5 : which upcm aflilhavcryia is xzrllilm ;C)m,t::; wins givisxzbyg Eav- isl irpérin times OF dférkncflé ibqi:mg;;an ; 1'Ancich;§i;iiiar3" V ufilrpation is long fince abolifht 111 this Kingdome. A W i A 1.3 in _ V Tbfl Qgiiiii/épr illuflrm‘etb:’iit1z12 Aw/21753 mtg22zmi?z;¢* «$21 iea¢&mpl¢»%aald~i . §£i1g‘‘£(§r$b: izzaafifieniéizfifigvi 3:: berggivubliqzge 19-: fz.)~_ "£5 inohrelemtfézzlvle l9y+:P22rlizzme2z2:5 «.‘$i?A1§‘ti902=tt’JvvCt222j§7i23A£§f.iI?”¢ pdrgyi : fer ‘baa, i't5z'»:i;7zir.mfé5f no engagementi:fiwi.@“6i- A jrmM'éai1'riage,: rjnchcifiipriviledgeiindulged to Miniflcry (.umm-hiiaugmoiihoxd ~inoi:hin1gi;:i;b1:tri 9.f0.1‘:i*Pl1b.,nkfi-gi0Qd) firovesiprejudiciizill :5"thciiab£i‘0ganionii '33; Wfilljiasg Ixegallg '§hcl?€:Will_j be 3' 45%. i'&"5iL'i‘:“z‘*s“:i,fz;_;?* TIE .: .§ *7 1- ‘f‘f}~.7..??$”*;:"‘ »¢;onIE:ii1t,iia:r1cl'I hzin inibiet; I:'m:i«téxiaci%Oti8:~Ofth¢iI? Wealth, and honour, as tolctitheflrownc runne aI17~’*ha2!air<:1irathe;: i 1e1;:g3:nlay,iidown; r.heir?Mit1;cs,‘ indanger ;,I;h¢ whole be . i brought % NA *%%’l32~«->i’x§.?:x:t‘1’t<:r 1‘i5bt:$'tAix§*g Vfa&thé’1?'§}7ia§ii :liAe§11fuI—s?’aé.»tc§%%: macIéraAt'ion:4:;::7 not but havie :xr!o*e%c%t%<:r%:v«4?t:oz?§icei‘tMr Vebf maicm part Uf th7em”” at? this ?”’t?i«meV~,¥4’ ftx.*5iH:a?1¢:;;:b.ro:zgbsziz i2éié»};; pm d§]7g:ogz*»éux‘;&b‘Ze;ta,riI2e Kizzgr mezmwjgg mg. kg (221153 Vimpziwerijfa »~€;» ‘3;*i%d3:ii}3*7PMl§f@37« 5:» :;;u.:-kl M M o .5 ‘XE:?%<£h%efneven§xe§»%QF*F%i?e1afeé to A ;f3;eia;@f&:*%¢‘Ewisv‘£l1 I%2féré*fl5§,1i1gl€l6t1b‘eed?l§fiLccm1d’neich‘ez-5?;wafi¢=*v~.{t,g§;;§ not “g“‘Li“iim; Stxchfiki itxmpréaprizzzitita as:€:ra’ii_‘:a pémél itfia i~d&1ye§‘iL(§f “ Herzry thceight wascried%0m: of afl" the‘w%w;%%€ZhriM€iI1%A sworld%%Qve15.Ai'rI1a :fg:;wfiw7Iv¥i?z颒o§éz¢¢§%1 _Ecc1efiafiica}umZZizflfipdfiiazmé cam date %fit¢rilé:gi0% weak» A M WI“-‘ vi‘: -- M ' ‘ ~ S,‘-H M . r. mu .. -« M ‘U, 4:" ' ‘ '3‘. .‘ ‘ ‘ .‘N‘“" ‘ " _“ '. '1‘ faommurgegn fix! E%h4+Baz,1 w»gré/fit.» «rat! u5Z¢x'::zd. zgjdegnadzbm mmzzffi. pag.; fifnoaxmé no tr the ?i% grea tfjif dr§fe‘&». zmgaimjng R1; ,i?:.<;M,«7] gf¢~%»cougruo_u7g A ni%a%irxten;mcfe For parochialt" %«P%aflo%rs%_%., Aswhéfn the worker nfjcfhe *M§.ni"Pc&er.fy. ié: njhiefly tdb=¢4»%pei:F0 r?n2ed?Vx*.z9‘§7::;ad% if <”jfe:*: 1airg.e "gzfévkmmes of tfié Bt=e1;xces%»'4Vj5mre1:eu;ii§7»‘efr;;m.;:t;o~ffi1pp1y aw: ugh fi1‘f’fici%}e1m1:mar£ar1ca all". C1-'1"黫 dfe fir’: fiije ‘éfiarifhzew :2 ffiwgfginfi Mnfere %%%wo_md Afbgwgé rm .:&zng'ar V oFSaEo;~iI¢ehl ge *’tsi1T’i“sv«s;;&7<::a.iIcL‘L£1:*A%be:v’tadruinewbut ago, zgefiifiéxtbax J‘ W? i;v?,.?;',“<£3i:.yV :.‘..‘3 a} "‘~-vi ‘devoti’<3%x*:1?ot“Vfoii=:1rr’ér-;a~geg:L;, r"§!‘l"Ct*r"tTi1l‘I:it3 fipompé xinm u‘fe»,, anfie impediw merits inm.h~¢1~fis::¢ ?wp:rk,.i‘f0r“{v"i1ic*h foI1owin‘g5generfiti0n sfhauld 'h[;;3t%ineet:l' ~.;:§icw:h'e%King;:ga“s <::g5a3‘1¥f_:;“pdm.4it a%By:;rii:§To:;ti3naa I'J~I.It;:’r~i1"”a -ai1d%.f&:a}4:I;; gfA?x3;*vfi“%3fe%t15Cs1f1y%¢wozhcn~ jdifa‘f%rérs.%A%:ezided am: V *2 u W Auniz2erjB*uy};lg£ M V ‘ I % Hat! Lh§V%m0ti»vcsi%dfchmeightbézeha.s?hc)nc’f’:*m:r:afi§:ofiF=PmJ A 7" ml}: 3.1 fi.14riip‘:»Lti‘o’zm;w 3-Slthé WE}: was;ho1,y fand chef. ici1.prmcmen cgogfi ‘llahflfi a§Ai*»dohfE)r%raiabi:e?tao‘);iv‘fries*;¥;;a.'€7xr,;A;§;asLV%5‘ t‘Hé7'xlii?fo}mi:idnx oi? éfiibbies 3:0 ;the«fi%tflesM%b€ r\Diy‘me ~'A;{r“H¢:un3i?gh“t%» 0725:. a::n¢~1j’zf'74mv;°.': been” hon'c:firaEb1e:in«é ot§rg;A*11%i1a1$ ffrI+.m%ay'w£b%AvfpeziI§,. i:ai$riC«§Ié~i«de?~%Ic“Wast'h%:d¢Fe&ive&ircfiIm&an@mf~i&fibns~.inthe ieIv::§;gg!oriou4s4 ,» whigh m.+1fleAth%e*mA adifhoxmtrr mi h7m1,:. :;houghradf.§= varltagious to the Churjah .~.4whiAchi11 »mcumfianAcesiebeiIfi iafivai AA “ in cha‘a.g22m~ A %4%i“_m1.é;; %gA ”:mm*;mifl;:: , V8 A 4 ‘J: 4 «: ,, ~f¢t;o¥2di%13§2mgon4§, ;:;gc¢q?eci:§ tiht-: ; fig {’c,;.b:ii:h in%"AfubnIet;?, r;znd.pe‘iea remgto rineflié _(-2) -ggmptorincifi; for fh¢VP1aihIy affirmes , .that the King mnnot den A Baak «:33.» M 4th::p;¢ fi=:r:Epifi:QpacyN,_% wichput flat perjury; and hénice Falls foiile, btitlif 1'34 The "if- omzhofé that Wcxuldforcc himfto it , and alfo on: "thtofc moderaté “W "M" Qouptiera%:chaqfQr:;pcacefake couzaféld He difputesthus. T/acre’: c°'”"”“”t‘~ 4daij’erez2é=v#’%etvvee~ Lawwnd Oatbew a where 1/26/itpremeuius Dothiziii $13’ "‘ 73“ i;r,¢%’v}‘t£$75are gajwer. :Qa@g;z2;c,% zz]1,Lame.r 3 i but mt z;E2(2”71e.£/9eirortjme02zt/aeig £15 .‘ ngpbagnfiflt/252$ :;,, flL;z:a7 *l7i_tide3' my While: is at Law” 3‘ ilmt ‘7z3:‘,;' “#11 it repg.aled., Em mi Oath Iainder M long AM; it plé”2§j§tb%/aini riélran-.& itj: mhe:’zz 5% The reg/;}n 13:3, becaufé tbejhbjeé? offitpréme Power may ¢ed'e.;; r_e%it,1rc fim Vjwd ablige bimfilfi Where before be was flee : which if tag, dae éx P”0”’h?§fi'a*‘7“fli‘9!?i”d9>’, t/Mm torerfivrménhé 5” but ifbjan Garb (ML mater laginglczrsvfull tb(?fl ,6¢?f'e At/orgy léqund iré Religiong and Confiéferiéég” fior anOatbadde.r 4 religiqmhndjmto God. Iftbiér were 72atj5,%no O;n,-I; V were binding to them. j J ¢ % A V . A A VA A Iaqfwexj, Firfl, ic?s a_gr0U!1d laid downcby this Author in the Q fame place 5 that no Oath is*?q§)1igato£y bey%ond“ithe int‘enc'ion”of it; and than I-firfi Apxopofiz its %:o;cox1fidemtion, awhether xhbf; inmntion" of“: this Oath be not _only %againPta ‘tyra%x1VIi§:>‘IJs ixjivafirjn (tin thé righw ofigghe Clergy; not Vagainfl an ‘orderly; alteration of them , if any A p'r9vcinco;1y¢enimt, A and to protcéft them againfi violence 5 not 3;» gaiflnIt}ega!lwayesV9f~ change-% [AFor, firfia tchis 'is4Vaé.Anwuch ash: is raw tiona11fQr,a%Kingt0 .W1‘dw;t§kca and A therefore iii xig”ht* .,rea.fon V ghe th {hotrld havje grit) %c}phcr \ .fé11fe_.;. wiEfthe.A:L Wdrdé; of the % Oath wifl hears it, as; thfi wordsof I;his,Oath w.'il1._ Aspcondlya this Oa.th to thc Clargy, muff ngt be intcndcdfix 3, A fenfeinizonfifient with the Kiiigs M .,.P!§a We rakcnffir rhefiri Prmfiidn in their Lawesa formmn the laccerflmr would b: bi-¢ach; ‘I. " o€:he4;;formera and foun1aWfi111~ 4No:wclain:;m V exemption fig!” $c gw;;P?W§r—4V ‘. Butif WY VI?Aa=tr1iai“i3i€11::% % ' cary%15w&ver,, hvs,rca1n»i$ 11a '0iia11Yb¢A ¢0rzceiv¢<”1¢vAt"o bc‘;t.he *i«1¢aning§ “ A» ‘ »o£%che$ ~Kin £$0a.tha to Prefirve the Privilcdwo%€th¢fi31§fS3?»a%saini?f i may mg ttnéjy Iy;AAAif£i§icéW? :62» 56% " ¢3atmnAtmcrenréA eonfiaent A‘f5*iA°*i’1‘.é451g¢"U' :nu:Am$o»;:. fogmcxiy fw0rnVtOAby%theAK_ing$4? IFtHé()ith~AAh;:a A A fiimés bE‘Pop‘cjry,wherx the Clerggzwéfi a. dif’c'f1*1'&‘bor*pdrat‘it)n whenAthac excmwien W3'5?‘b°“ . | 4 ‘ A ufurpaiioq, t>§’t‘h’e‘iI*cbiidii‘:i0fi Atfi§R‘*rié A ‘c, :es:;*%szAA~baeawcriAe:£~Anticmri A A % maesge A we ifikcfhfibfi*0fth¢AVC?é§5§‘fi1fi1¢i33fihés?*&i11“fiY:i“’*3€4WdflréflAffandv at Par1iame2zt%W¢ré.%l’OhgfinCc aboliflit 1:, which ix t t§‘méke‘§1ik0 Aachf rd tfi¢mcontArarWt<> that fakmbéffife f féemhye ’c‘ng& g¢hi§'ntV A: j A» ihifw Kihsais but his :90???» WW0?’ W5 "~é?****’#A"%;’v*fA Wfirvfé fie. Ncvb_fuch‘pdWet1s r1Ofi1Arthcr*thpnh&‘dah,floE it Whcnthw 13% bath %5nt¢}P0i¢d 1138A'1FhA°¥i¢Yg.j_f'@i*«FHWSV * fbtthjgfll T the‘ powerfhe bath to _,;‘gm[Erve jAd:1¢m=A; ‘i£;I;aftéfi;&1”1‘Ehi[sf5A A A A ?'_. nhuiilit faAT:}A"Qt1i.Iii5POit"“1fh6ni“§7¢¥fH é¢A?Aunwilfingwo tofit&‘g‘a+g’éA‘ t1,;eix§AAfive§Aru“r~‘3:1aé ning againfi God, and being iiuiufiairé ftmzhg A i‘_¢fiA cf A :hers Priviiedgtss I think: none urea Wm he Ag¢;»m¢AmNthc% A A tyof hispower %, as ~“fA'a~‘rx"t:AAa~é».*4;“gt*$otiAA »'Ki;t1g"’s~7 A M i1‘ia*1;4t,,AA f0;fit'*i#4:n0tAw¢¢1Wé‘1t°*ifigig¢%§fi% !%iIxihfo1d§AtA*reA that A “A A A cob¢in&u"!g*ent my: A 5fAAr¢"?*‘4‘éb’ A 4 finanderiritro 3.. Gity, and‘giv°et0*maiir1*éa1nc“? % 0 _ Ind surf in, Land” kpepif A r hinxAAtohisfpo§:b%g;;;§i1&:h3 A A mama 4;: ‘caps He hivfe nqmogefil A A um Aroma thé%Townes¥w¢n‘Até ApxAi:rne;aga vhkhfi¢t°Wfi*Wa..“ AM % l'“t‘fii. h l Aihii “lat? ; i‘*:.etlI~£f’-' «hath agone. asslfarrfo in!" totcfioh A l ll mi ml‘ 4 it who wealth ofother’himLiege l A f l£*fvléo'meE«o llttmamm;mac1s~tpwcé&qa;ttmmtuihis:wen, amid his obligatioh isno further by the Words’ of the Oath. l..t .. A A- zm aneévabjefiim (mrcancezm) which ljetbagaisfl 212$: ,, :54; ll ‘ ’iItaugb’itbe not in the mug: power to uphold them, yet it it in bi! perv-~ er mt tmronferzt to their fall. Anfi -Ifthe King fhould be peremptory lo denyall , What help A wouldthis be to them ? fnch percmptorinellé in this ‘circumfiance mmt~'*iritlange1~ his crown‘e,'l“notAl*fave their Micres. ~Befides,though it be in his power to deny allemz to their abolition, in a‘ natural], fenfe, becaufi: txalun A no Apoiwogig fit ifs notin‘ his power ina! Moral] ihnié, bccau.-fe‘ A my W A for lg‘-?,he coniént nor, there will evidently continue fuoh difirafii-= ,n,¢A lonantd confufion ,= as is molt repugnant to the weal: of his peo- ple , which he iahoundohy thnliulc. ofpgovemmenta fislldp his Oath to provide for. A A A A Thirdly A, lanfwer, that this opponent in thisdifpute , argues t npon this ground 3 A that thc Supremtam Daminii , even that A which is above all Lawes , isin the King «; which under favour, I conceive in our State is a manifhfi errour. The-re"‘s a Supremacy in the King, and a Supremacy in the Parliament; but the Supremaw mic, or tho Supremzsm Daminii, that is over all-lLawe:,p figere or" A rbfigere» to make. or tlifanull thcmt at pleafure _., is neither in the " not in thcHoufes apart, but in both con'joyn'd.l The King; is th¢oSupreme Magi{’crate- from whom» all power of execution of lflawcsp isllegally tleaived; The Pztrlianzenris the Supreme Court, by whichall other Gourtsil which derive their power for executi- A on of Lawes from the King by his Commilliom; are to be regu- V m‘i,.that is overall Lawesg. is not in the King, latcd ; and the-King and ~the_ParZiamf:mt> are the Supreme Power 3 in V “pow coy“ icgonfent without: finne; “V ‘pro make and: clifantill Lawes... A Sith than this Swg»-emum' jmDom5~ ff 1 he cannot: lavvfu-I-~ ly make any ingagement to any}, againfi the Eawes, and l-.egallAA rightshf others; A fotvthat were not cedere ffl0,;l:3nt Thim Oath then to the Clergy _,~canno’t ingagc himagainltthc 1cgallPri- ‘ A 'siledgcaofthclpcop1c,_or PaArliammt 5; w'hich.ht: itboundplto main-a. A B2. A A At A A talneagl A V peachméntto hi'sdOath,;touching theC1cr- T560315 G Tlows againfiit intv¢oV1car-- "3-7"‘ A ‘ * A Bed Tmzflfesg Printed at C>‘mcfa:v'.d, "flu- 33;: ‘M %*813»s~A «3~:yc*.’@z~e «a*»$.m»wm-e a~a;2»2e«m»s~a«a'2»ee*:cS~a4 , ‘ A ‘ V 4' 1 ‘ ,‘ . ‘ M .4 '7 A. A ‘. — ‘ Vw ‘ -‘Ht . A - , ‘ ‘ «:9 V ‘ A ‘ H K, ‘ . C A Refolved. % A AA . A A , A A rsijjégé ‘W IV/aerem ztwcleared, A A §§:”~ V "‘*¢..,"$ 9%” That the K IN (A; may witllouh im» , 3% A gyat: Coronation, confem: to the Abrogatiu AOIIOFEPISCWOPACY. ”*‘AND %@%@ %@@@% ) Puflj e/&’I2fwered.A, By] 0 HM G E. R, :3. rs. Ma-{let oF Aa~ts , and Preac:herA H % % A word afGo¢a1: St. jflbanej: .4» Ju * QLO-ANDON, A 3” AGu%ih:-Cup a1:.»mj£imc::G¢ta, 4 6-. % ‘E ~fs2o« éé VPWz[bedav:ora%gtv¢%0rr-W} % A A AA A 0 A M A A A “ 4 » A V A 3 A_Printcdby‘AMA-ittbew Stmmrm-rg, for 3'0 ‘Aflamlet, atthg T A . 3% A A mineifiii‘ ;5,mhi¢h% I:o“re1i3wée+;= chemxa ainfl whatfhevér grievamTi:i:4théy%Auffer; fmmamrg , A V fie? tha.,~cafi.- ia,t‘q?fl'icient1y:*c1eaI:¢¢‘ a ttm - £kaI:£dir1g.&.«tlj1a ssfiin % mayy*;cmnf§r3u4:3w xx; % Efigfarzd. "1 (aw) And3“2thu§3;;; I.th'in > A _ % A ‘;E()fla>th“‘«n0 thfl Cler4 an ¢hfl1aComnaaim,.,hg va eségirpatiéanp Pare acy,m;;;q? :tlw.!0hi1r¢2h A1»: