‘V b 4§;' H ‘ “ _ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1“‘.j:':: ‘H “ ‘ ‘ ‘ " rhi "1““’4 " M-'7~"” ‘ V. ‘, ‘v .., x ‘ ‘ » “ ma -~ . ‘ H: ‘= the 1-I,pn;or%ab1c Commifl%n¢ra‘%’“ A '4%Pax1i3me;im;%A thfi Treaty sat Nmpart;VinthcIfl!— afwigkta0&oé.. an 648» exam: %Him‘in writingto A6 'iVines A _ ; I _ ‘ , . , ‘ , L N-M.‘ "H; "1‘;cf‘g.f"-1'1"»="“:'“”"“‘,"j ".1 m2.‘.\..W‘ '1-"““';“'~4"‘i?~«. '1 ;. ’,"¥Tfi~fiU"EEUflEfl um: swunnuuu nmzwmmuuun mm finawfigfifi ‘ Iv -,’ ,1-, ' H“ - w ‘A ’ - . . A w A ~ n ~ awn ummm uuun%nu..Im NW “W” “V ” .E£--------——- "¢4""r. . ' .._._.....-.-V"“"""' ..r... UP" Ha % * V4¢_canAr~wt N “in ,_ bonfci’“¢;€M&”~»f:cofinfe£1fl; m V ¢ab_o1i%fh%thé VEpi[gp;a!i14.G$.i(Tm'Wn€fl£o; A char1es*_% L V ‘ ‘ pg,‘ ran. :§,\IS&$\u“§I%.‘* I ~:"~h: ‘ " . V‘ r - ‘ ,. ‘ H ‘Tr/,7,’ ‘ ‘K’ | W‘ ‘ W M N’ r‘ I \ “A, M‘, .41.‘ 'm‘.’I\wv 13.‘, ‘ ‘ ‘fig ,“.a=‘ -., _ “ '. ‘-_- r _ “V « "J “ “ 3-,‘ if ff-““’ai‘ ‘ :;~ W ~ emmmz ~13" mo ~0agz ommt M cl“ *-4;‘ :21‘. ~ 5 % 1 .%.l A % ‘A u v V M w M A, 3. ‘_ % _. 3: a... ' ‘V 061* * A W cm 0*‘ u" *5‘. -' ‘___ w I ‘ V‘ F . J l “ ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ x '5 J‘ *w“‘“‘.. ___‘__‘‘s - M ' . * ' '_ ‘ _ ‘ j F" A 0 Cd ‘A 71 I14’ 073 “I3 :4 A 9flI”3" A 17 1 z flz zm , A I}: 33% Y 29}: 1/52“ i?rift:‘uré‘«’%b*4»? E2:?a'ii:ev Vke~ezzV‘pr¢r£Zg{eea?l;y 2'fipaflle3=3rI$E’9¢¢fél{z9&r3¢4;M»‘ %emcanzg:e2:-M M “‘d54fi% $*‘§’7P*””5?}2tIczr ”‘“6~5- w .\ I ‘ ‘ ‘»- V“ ,1 W a“",~~',>; *1 in . L M é 3:” .‘.- '3“ « ‘“\:“‘,.y“:*¢g'*;?‘U":} * V zmemr55uvceflrxtl2ere1r¢*Gw¥ “M VA . _{_ ,,._ ‘ ‘ V M ‘ Corn 3'03. fai**b’i'%1é3’?**’fl?’ re: ;v%VVé%o»é3:*gv~z:ohn ‘ant’? ciplimp :I‘im-M» «vingentes c0flCernifi§"%’i and exerczfingrcenfitrrowr »%re.e'lzytmand I{iE‘:1:‘1'I2"‘5,3"' .‘« " Tim.’.-I9~ .~ H‘ . 2‘ . .,‘ W . v£i"'”"“ ‘ «Er ‘(Kym ‘ vv««‘'}‘‘‘)’ ‘ ‘ _ V W ‘ - Fr.‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ V "Li ‘ ‘ ‘V if ‘ . -3 5:15‘ ‘ v ‘#3 “ _ ., C‘ 4’.-Q‘ 1‘? \ P?! 5' ~,"r;~71'..» ;."’I'? gm" M ‘ " _‘ If V‘ ,:v .~ % war C::- > .»7 %:r;>r W 4' ~ -PM T4" ws. »wv.¢-%.;:< 5 ~ N5-‘r #1:‘-,5‘ if %A~~.£-‘a“' 4:1» V.“‘«».~+,.-NW £3» % % , 4 v A‘ L .. ‘ "' 1‘ " ‘ - ‘ ‘ 1' V ‘;'.a" - ‘ U - ‘ ‘ [TN «:9, ‘ 4 ’~rn R‘, §§,;"'7$ nj“(‘:‘\jv',f“’:7 ‘:M‘u ,y);S‘-’«_. ‘ .‘;':- .4‘.;x;fE’V‘.§,,:~-,4.L(/$5?!‘ .:‘.f? 3; -‘ ~ Wig‘: ‘ ._‘ “ "' ‘ _ V,‘ ,c “J ‘W,-er.‘ , W 1e’~;‘£%*’.Jai~’:->»a«.~$ :«:-%~’?6'.”««M?v 8.5» v&M": “" z"7“"*f: 7 £3’? 3 1!. *1: :~»I./ig _ w 1 J Inf” ; xfiizai we Team 4 i?ps_;,as Bifhjops£tc' ' d~i£’tiz1@c’ffO!IiPrcsbyt.cts3 cxwcrcifingf E:pifcopiIl»Gov;cfl%iL— mcnt‘i‘mh2¢f¢n“f¢~O“h=t the 4AP°4i*1es¢didAc¢mniit afid d“criveto any A particularppxfohs asthcir%fubfiitq]té$5 find: V fuccefl"ors.ang£uch E’pif<:opa_1G‘ovex-nmcnt :;_m*1 ~ 7 "'t_jlhi$. is provcd4iu’t c Icaft xrrcafizub by dicSf§7VV;Q"*91ffilréej;Ygi§£1€{f:S.; ;. this %afTc=rri011°f oummayfiand 5 W? addc: :9 havealready {aid ,th%ac in Pet.% I 3, 2.. AThcdxg’:r¢_é:;g€;yte;rs:V.A n?35ic/5 me; ” amoflgy you 5 T %%"A:2¢1zav:t 3 4ref%%0 1?(€$#5Jefi I téz-.% Fétd A the flack wof CW 39Zbii5h;,:£.3' 1§~¢“‘“"éi??firg arm pcrformmg rbfc oflic‘eVoW1boz2sV»a» plains :o,us~~,thatu_ndcr the] w9t4d$A vrowi,vs:v % :é:wm;o+;’ : *r~°«"'?'% uffi in this pxmj, is; Xpreflb t’fu‘eY.é£%:%4%.AW§%*¥9: t?11e;%Présbytersjamto dsz. N Q:1{nkl§.£¢ 9an2£§];.1t.w§, a.§s;; §a§9v¢:A Pr¢$bytfers4_%, %%,dWoi4:m:we;A4~foa:4:Auh§—gf~9v¢rsr1m§;?;;. fifiég; 00405 tVheChurc:h4 mhes. %h¢n::T1Ls%:Ar%h€;r:s::; ¢5=m::c Inwyned unto Prpsbyters 5 Ayall Wh,1§b..Fh3t~ hath bfififlr fa flth¢Lpc>int% is r<:ndered4to be Vzx19£t,.Ac1m: to "t'h¢,:;. iP§8A$=~;~ fil1¢flE0f maflmengwth anfi-‘m,A%%Van;i 04€~m¢r%t;t?@E@.S«;“zl.1I% ¢1‘1€«I+¢%17$+ 13¢? %%uch%~0» tobefaumM;+;S9Iei@$!?£i¢§r£§% »th¢a ;’IficL,.fl:a.rrlf‘;I]ht§.Aa‘S4..a' Bimu9pV%¢difiam frszw ma Anerdwri doth thJe*;.VSs;rx*pr«a;reV»aff:or‘<:l “the :I~1,o,_;ggg. A ”3inY€1i131ificati9n r€qk1ir";¢£1r%:aJmOz:4d’in?éti§>:Atbs? .of“aBi A M V‘ A 4 M duty?%chargedA p9na:ifhop(»» v%h?ic1u:%?a?;e«Sby%@¢r§aaré ‘§“5;°Y‘*°i€1t0d0 Arnoranv gwat€r+ honour 0r.dignity wt ; M-POI! them? A Forrhat douéld hmourfi which £116 %;ARQfi1¢4} \ ;R¢3CkWif I Tim.45;A~%x7,%.asgdu¢Presbymrs dskm.ArL11¢AW¢%1:$A% % miph note of ?(i ‘¢’f}2ez:id;7lj'L) aflixed re» that Aags cif iabeuring4. in the. Ward arm’ maxim: A: w11i::1:1~ is’«nos%dm: Aa whemm Biflmps havrechallwgnd ‘at an x._‘ ‘ w ‘P ‘ I 3 J,“ ‘ M glflarxityg: Vmé; miculiar c:rrxin¢;1cyA fiabov¢« the‘ Pr.€SW ‘ §IvL:t1#kacaw4%‘gh%V- ;m1t~?Mag¢fty; &onh.¢c9nqme;TW:£¢= j £0.,W1"??m¢'77.’ A {was % ‘Y ptTd~Ef_r”3fii’fi5«% 3 7 €’lP¢f3e.-5 « * hw:nb1y;anIwer,Ihac the .A“pofi1csasVth;ey‘§V€wh¢4 an fi.OfliC“erSVof~.the Church 0fChrift :.~fo they‘ wcige céiztxaomg C 5» Femwxatdinary r‘erpe*«stV4io£:1aeir comifiiffied "gifts ma 19* ' ;T;.~':“<~_~ » " ' ~~ ‘ . 4. _ é, 0* vkéz; and dxihnguxmt from al1&ozhcr Officcrs, I“C’o;v. 2:‘x§.,, {M3 We WV Apaflze: aa2zy,+rwpbets,+tbzrd1)'3 1%ach:rs‘‘s[EPncf.4. 1:. ~c;Im';'~‘:s> gm ,fa:22e* ppfllcs‘ and ”]'o,n;¢‘ ~Propbe%ts'fi 2,, ' ¢md“ 4 «[g”m‘~ Agauagx geum5~and fl»me;pa¢tors andflkacbers. A ‘Where the A-A poftlcs an d%i(tin4gui{hedfmm PM 1zznd'Tedrf}Ers, «am 5 Aarcthc”0rdimr§v-0fficcrsVof,.the Church nif¢fl 1% memes. They did’noka&. ézsBi§§in*T£mé~%‘Ai5&§;$nd up fiifl & f§I1fC)% T4and thcrcforc We humb1y.%%4cm¢%4 1mf‘4;c~ "faygthatf taarguu the Apofkleuéo }fia*ire«pra&i{éd .‘» pall«4GAovcrnment,beca}«1fé~ they qijdgim-éd %0~';h4¢;.?:iQ"rfiq{* B: exercxfcd ccnfurcgxs, as 1f wc;;{hou1¢[ grgughflig iofAPéacc. robe a conftzible;bcca’ufchedam ; 6 A ‘ » e , 4 0jfiiceofBi1hops andP»resbytersv;vcrc . as. Prcsbyters inAothcrA Aéts. dif{ir3@ior’1}‘a5£ P1-gs; ~II A yters éan"d% A Bifhops I bcting fmadé? !%”4i’f*1;Lfm; ~:umes%;A A A And :Aud~ whereas %V»;yeur Amajcfly . doth rc;on€§i7i;i”¢yk%tIén: ‘he Epifcqpan G’0Y¢rnm¢ntA"W%S“ ’44:by*l*hc:, Apnflks ‘ committed and derived .pa,rticular‘:+ pmfans%. their wsubfiiturfis, VAo~t S§u¢c¢f¥;brs%£hene2n:%5aasj‘§;r%ar2ieiv2¥zg_g rfféréytérs 4 andDMW25~V%V4:;;g1iiJ5flg§fiIi1€5*:£‘972t‘¢*rfl§7g6’/mfliar: §d:]?ipline , and e:2¢erc,vJifl ~ ckmfigres‘ ~ ofivgr ‘Pmb_ytm.; man! -_a_tber§. S%ccming~by&t%heV a ledged p1a;ces~ af Scxjiptirm, m inflancc Imotbggj §3;f3fld¢E:.¥h3j~, Angels of ma , W. A Chppchcfi.‘ iVV¢ : % i’h“fi1bly;VA‘%w5»nfWér ~, m1d¥fi:fi,:A: to; that bf Timothy -:rm‘d;: =.gmnt..~ihM%*TimmIy met but =xtrao::dinaryO % Titw hadAi1thanity ,agndgpower of+j@r_dainh1g:5Pncsfb§té% A geré A awéa cons and of ex erc#iAfin”g c;ezif:ines~mzer.Pgjcs«; by;¢rs,»anci‘0th¢r$ thflllgh ¢W¢ annc>v::@Af~a%,;3mhey.: had, Power is the Apafilc¢s:Subfl£m=¢5»bfSuceaffwrsddinfipif~ AicopaIVGovérnment; nor that the excrczfcd thc‘powetV V they hgegas being Bi{h‘o_ 45A in the ’% t3fl€¢‘l pfyomr , iuccrsgmtfivangb1i&s,wxhicbEvan- gsélifis was; officc&~in4eherCjhuncrhdminafromrartgxs, and ’17,¢£as.cf%f‘e%a%r:;s.,:%’zzIa~%«+V. I Iv-»a4wd»chawcheyw¢r¢ ?EWngelt9%s.4 1; 4a gpeasrs li)yatheir;«being_[gm:~up MaridA«~dVown};*by‘%% tMhc%A»« werethcy fixéd toE12hef¢¢!,4t xm: commit WW n<1€ri ; In to particular perfons ,, as_ then’ fubflttutesg or fucg;ef..[ furs therein. VVVC {hall :11 farther eltfcbarge of om: duty to , and for the more clear and full fatisfaéti--; onnofyour’Majefiy in: this point ,§ .briefly”dc’cIare into whattOffic<:rs thtalldfis Tthe, ordiilafynangzl t£tan‘din'gt A M Oflices 0f.fh€§Ch11fCh wkere tranfinittedv‘, and “ derivedt by 4ff“dm.&thé Apofilcs.The Apcifilcs had nq fucceflbfs A t in euzzdegnfgradanz: the Apoflzlicall Oflice was Iaotde.-A . ucmaion, beingtixanituced by Chrinbyexcra- riV€dtbY ordiVr:1a1'y~i&]fp iecial Commiifibn. But for the ordinary 8;; A fiandfitg tififcandfervticc of thcChL1rCh,t5ere were 017'?‘ fiainéd rw°”%‘0rders bf Offiws » Viz-4 .BiI7901" and mgncom ;5QV5[hiC1‘§ the ;.4.po{t1¢f;expreITcth, Phihtr. 1.4 '1' 0 A A B2 A \ ami~~m1camA;4A ’And*m1*1'y~of *the.d doth the '3 as A’: ‘ u ' ;..«AAs,;;;es~;,;%ca,;;:A;e,;:..;; vwhicbA are at Phifippiv m'tl:f ‘Evetfie‘d1;-1e7»Chmfia@ceijsOffleets, x+n's;3;§%% Scripttim’ “:wit_h*{a fléiénfi E§xpV6fitors~%b(3Ath‘ Gféck Tia rim * *h4"VAB1”fi1*°P3$ai¢t*3*°1“¥m‘="YVi*h:”P‘€5bYt%m:»aimvefides% .Prcsby=crs‘»=h¢r¢tsA»n9% ~mw?*°Iz°f~ any %°=herV Aorderbur {Hat D£ac'on§; “OF bath‘ 5vvfh1CI’1: iQtdct$' 13 A the A.‘ V pffi‘és*times",Cthere‘?W¢fE :1‘?56%e*A*~'i%fy ~mo"rc+thien% am, as" % 9 “ My 7A,t>o7y9our _ as Qhferiifiifcg '1*-r13aiE%?ch&mgh%%%oneOtdcrmight \- A %b?:;‘ft1p4eIiurto’an9thc1:*0rdcr;yctin the famfi AOrd<:-r bf oeacgrs, t¥*1eAI:c% {rva}?%s%n"dtV1a7ny « ofie fupériour to? others of ‘ Athie’““fam+e‘VO1;dTcré:rNov4‘pofileA was above an P0fllC;Nq« % ‘ELvange1Zif¥:»§abOvc4jan E*va'ngcl‘ifl .; N'b‘Presbyzcr»aboLye a W¢¢Wab°Ve1a Deac¢n- Add 59A‘/W‘! con- ’ cludt th*1sA;patr:5Thait{‘iAnce Church‘-Officers ~a:Vremfh«rutedv A 9rChri!*Jcfus» andirhac oir&irmfion4'byV; *w~h1:*’c:;Pr mcofiice 1s-convc:yed‘,4 is of ‘c5tA1H’eir"0ffi&ie.i=é>;~A Abu~~c Bf’ Présbsarers “and ~D¢éa»co*ns.. ~‘F1*xcr A*f;51ic~;" ihet'c:Tai‘cnAo44 othtr rders4 of ordinary and %ffan%d‘ing%£ficens?inAnhe churchvs of chrm. - %H53¢rY%"4%9f” oixi‘ ‘ t A % 5; far fjtheé ;g'e*s ’imi:1:iec:¥iat.éIy* fuécéed in%gAtheVApofi1csA,; am SC1‘iptI1l‘6S’.. No AAhumaf:tEftefl1mony4 ‘can-; b¢gActAAanyA % more% than a "humanfi faith» V3¢C0nd1}*,WeAanfwci:,That% A ;zA:is»A;:gr*¢ec1 A:;,pqn;¢by§1qarmf¢¢lVA tI:17ci1,asf wer1:%%£u €h=‘a'AS" :¢:icin:end~ pa ‘A £aeeeea;ng”¢:hc4;4poMés gr: d’grk~ihvr¢fp“é=& ‘¢i€,01‘~i tlmfe timés iv¢$S~4‘%c:‘I”¢a:r téffifiibnf 1t'heCAhi11‘¢h‘. %'%%Tfiird1%YaThat thémpfiunque- M b M" % L1) . N % A'C0.;rI‘7)tI3i.£l‘7}53 who reciting the ,Ordefrs4%0f ‘Church 1 cemexptefly fim;itsth.€m»t0 two, Biflwps and 12éac‘ar2: 2n.d1:hem,whomin one place’ he gals‘ Bifhopsghé axwzgys naftcrwards nametrh Pf€5b)’“‘3‘.1'5~ THE‘-?E%pifilcs of Igm»-' rim prctiend A:tVo;he%nc1_Lt antiquity ,:but: are by fame (M. A A gpgfitedaswhoIly1:p1ir10us, and proved by . Vedclim‘ :0 ., be fbr mixed? that 1.; is. ha,rd_,_, if Ania: %i~mp.oflib‘I§e,» to know ‘ what4* r~wpar;of?t%k3cmwe1_4re gcnuxnc :. B_efides,B1fhop tlfbcr inh£s.lateobfervatmns onxhem,wcha%p. x13..,_pag._1«38,, A %cpnfe{Tes,%:hat’ofthe twelve: ofhisEpi(tlc1s,fix%a1‘e%Coun»- tcrfciv, thfit1 0thcr fix rmxr, and none} ofthem 1n every rcfpwcéfco 'beaccountcd finccrc and genuinc.; Fourwrhly, Vgraimt, That not long after thcqdpofcles times 3, - Bi(hops1infe»me%fupuigrity to Prcsbytcrs are by , the %writc:r%s *0fthdf<: times reported ¢to«be inthe Church ,But zhey%wx:refet upnm asa Du/me Infhmtxon , but as an Ecclcfiafiical,as.afterward.s both 7 Arch»-Bifliop§ , and A Paitri%arc.h‘sfA'v3vdre5. which isclear by»DoN6i:or~1t&e3»z2ald.¢his¢. fE?-piflle to}; Six? Francis %I€nanvl:s,¢whcrcin heihews %om:of Bifhqp ffcml, Thap Amérafe,:Cbr)j%f?am;,,T:romc, Au» A gz4{¥£nc,F&and.mVanyv*H1ore holy Faghcrs, ,rogethc'r fwith the A pofilé 1’;mlagrc¢, thatby the Wor%%d ofGod tI1ex'e~ is no .diH’erenc:e betw%een a Bifhop and a Prcsbyter.And' that M;%£im%i~:1A~%the Caui1ce1cf’Trmt affirms not onhly A the fame jFa‘th4crs%, but alfo anothc-:-r feromc , Tlaaaa’aret[-5, Prim-afw Szdéilim , and fbeopbylafi ,.. to bciof the fame , . i;udg'emcnt.& 4% And tharwxth thcm agree Ozcumenimgdn-_ felnze mA~t¢hwB&fhOp~QfI:4 Canterbury; and‘ a%no%thcrA1x!1m[elme,¥ Gr egory and G-mtiam and after, chr’:mAmany othcrs4;,; Thac A it wa;s. inro11ed~in A the Carxo11¢fI;a'w forv%found ar;1ciC’%a1ho- *AA1AickVDo;6h:ine;-mdpublickky taught bylearne.dé¢mez1..'é1::1dA$ AH a .ddc?»s,‘nha7c a1<1«*n;.m%hm_la;ayc mbqur, A ?:Jfi;fl¢ §h¢% R£;‘f0£IIia flan: % " A A .65 £53.) A A mif the Church for ‘theic t5oo.A. yoarso ha vc taught‘thatha1EA A PaA{tAoAts‘,;be C‘I}]iC)V.",&iI1[':itUlrCid;h‘ Bifho ps,‘orA A‘~“P1-’iEfi$, have equal tautthority powAc1::by*: Gods Word.; The .Afam€"%‘Wayo;Aga¢;5 A Lxaméwzm’ Mafh-:rrA,oAfthefentcnces, and Pathér of the: A Aschoolmcn, who} peaking of Presbyters, AAa:nd:ADca cons, faith , The Prim1tiveACht1rch had Athofeh Orders onél , and that we AhavetheApoPt1es precept for them alone, VVt'Ith@h-im Ahagteetmany of the moft eminent in‘ that kind, and generafly all the Cax‘1oni1‘£st. Tothcfe we may ‘A Aa.ddeS:xm4 Aseémzfis, who tcfiifies for hitrqfclf, and mat:- ny others. AndCafl2z;2‘der,A who was called by oneof the G€1‘mam6.Emp'€rours as oneof fingular abilitygznd in-A tegrity, to inform him,and refolvo hisconfcioncc in quc. A fiions ofthat nature 5 who {aids It is hagreted among all, A Athatthm the Apofilés timt3S,th€re was no difforence be; A tween :17 Bifhop, anda Presbytcrt. For.a~conc1_ufion , we A addetthatt theADo<5trine whichwc have herein propoun-» A dedhtoAhyour MhajeAfty‘concorning-the Identity of the A01‘..- Ader: of.B1'fhopsiand.Presbytc:ts, is no other then the Do.- ‘ «Brine fbublilhed by AKix)1g Haney} the 8; I 543 .for 4,11 19;‘: _Af2z[2jcEi‘stoArEcciAve,fee;¢ andallawedtéythe Law/of éatbfpirié AA trml aim’ temporal , with the rzéfber Haufe of A A‘1’AAarl.. Of thefe two AOrdt:rs only (fo faith the. Book) that is to fay, h'Pri:fis and Deachazas, SAcriptureAmaketh exprefl?-: hmenti... on,AandAhow they Aware conferred of the Apoflzles by Prayer, and Impofition of hands. By all which ifhfeemso P11<3sbytery,A is. but £1nA;Ecclc‘fiafl:icall Inlfitutioxz , and A :1 theréfotenot unAa1te1fab1e_ AA A V A A . A . Lafilyg we anfwer.» That Epifcopall Govcrnmjcnt 'ev.vident, that the Order of E pif copacy,as}d»ifiin& from A which firfl A obtaincdinh A the AChu'rch= , did really. and IubfltantiaI1%y dififcrofrom nthc Epi=fcopaII\Gtpvcrn,-AAAA A M h A " A Atnenty VA “fitc¥thc”€£boIition.O prefidingafic J 0?“ A mling iW~ith chemv; (‘:33 W5 A -.w m¢i1I;- V*?5:i¢h*‘h° H°‘1°1'3bI9H011f€S.£>f P&iffi£?zI1r2z:ztE~d¢*_ % £.%Th¢ B1fi10p}ofth°f¢ times’ wasme ing with :11ePre§byré1+yof11isAwChu;chA, A tBemfelves,1é1s iAr1‘Rame*a~n‘d‘“L41cx.%iiidria,oz ctgggfm mongfi: A b theC.burcb,7and1~c"«;*nfiVrmed bythriéeformoreofhis A neighfidurs of ;1ike%"%digni£yAWithin-t_4heV'fan1Ae xprecina ,A . A IVeff‘en:4 ;¢wn.s,and vi11ag'esA4h-ad~,ax1d mig fiav~¢Bm,0P§ ~ claim: themgas well as‘populci»us and éminent4‘Ci:ics, duntifl“ andJ&nor wirhmni ViJEi:~her%crea,. ted,andAA~ir1ade‘4by*the%fPresbyirers*tho:agiag..ou;.~, one a. the Councel of ASardisVdecrecd, that villages, and fm,” Cz'tz'c5]l9auA‘ld A}m_'z1enaBiflaa12s' , leafi the name; 4n¢A¢,,;5,b,;,y_ sfa §z'[7J“op%_77‘zz'g/at théreéycame into caiztempt." But of om; "ng ashis duc, and rAi;ght~: 1:9 hixAi1fcl'f~.a'Idne , as a: fupenor ord 1‘ 4 ofAP4resby:ersA,aAnd% Deacbns, and an jgurifdiétion, eicher-A ‘A 1m excrcife himfelf,Lor% delegateto whom he will of 7 «ithe Laity or Clergy, (as they diftinguifh ) according m. A thcjtidgemcnt and Praétife of thofe in our times; we read not till iuthdlatter andcorrupter ages‘. of chg I [Church A A A A By an whic:-hit appears; that the prefcnt i-Iierarchyy the abolition A whereof A is rde-fired by the I-10.... er, or‘c:11egree~,% a11~powér~ Ta#b*dutAordina.tion. norab.1€Houf€S 5 Ifiay accordingly be aboliihed , azA1dyet*_pAofl'1bly4 the Biflaops of "thofe Priniitive limes bCA.. They atfefofaxrc diffcringAonc»from,,a :1... ozhm. , _ A A A A AA A %“{W9“°A5h““ iP3r‘3 Ofwyour Maiéfiies Paper, Awhcre1nwyou1:equiArc whether aursazdaur and his Ap,,..[ %AaIcf4%Lf¢tb.;f.cIzz4_rc/91¢ V %"liéerty,. 45 they miglat Azam_l.;.-AA cm) ;1yA,1;¢‘;=V¢r» chug? ‘#2? C7J:zr£J/7¥G'o*Um15'!Jr“z!J2t at plt}zf:21;eg,‘ \ {cit-n¢¢3 ghauhey are” none of %thc Cburc humbly conceive that there are fubflénzjals belon- V gag to Church Government, fuch as an: appointed by. % hri ft and his Apoftlesfl , which are nonin the Church» ¢¢51ibe1-tyato alccr a~t_p18%9-fllffi-L Butas for Arcb~.!7i[b&p5, hope icwill appearunto your . jemes con;-— h--Govcmours appoinccdby our %5avi0nr and hisA.ApofHcs. Andws: ;bcfecch y"bur%M:ai<=fl4Y to 1991! rathcmzo rbexigimlnf chem, th;cfl%43l1CG€ffi°I1~ V o3aé.V 1 633-4 .Impr£mamr, 1:. A N .17 M: :1)... FIN 13-