ERN 0 0 I A LONDON, W % flvrj Robert 1 v ‘ 4 3 3» ‘-11! ‘ . ‘ m, ‘HRH ‘-35 H , ” , w w . ?‘u‘-‘ U A W‘ ;_ ., ‘ ‘ ' 1 1 . ¢ m 1~ . wm,"-" ‘ ‘ ‘,.m« A 5;, 5; AAA ,A ‘-.“,,»<,w!A'A ‘- I ‘ s. « w r 5 "'"V"‘ ”;iEee"»x»e-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeee TI0t11::AAmoi’c Reverend and Geracious Father ‘ aim Gocgmy Lord Primate A N at dmomjfe ~[zzz‘e{2_'y wri2!*...A h T A We concerning Puritans, I ‘ I had emzfian qjfredmg ta Me Diwiflerzgbeqf _EPi... ‘” g flqpecie. T/aefle -eeefiam MA AA‘:A, wbiehI.tbe2e urged, V A med week to your G race, e mil have )5 w/vie/2 may agree: elzfcmmgemezee ea Ame.-A em t/éeeg/Jtwiteflotflt to dcfertfb we/I ezflee... keying e/ezgfeyzzfled tee are/igm’. my j zeeéqement prefirmfljr . Wage a meeredzfeowmgement.eI b47Jeflncefiemme— A wed etpfame mere deep am’ retired tbeeegbtgt/azzt .3‘ emzgbtgain 4 more j 1.4/f emf}: to remzéfr’ my ere‘er,er ea eleere the tmthamlperfl my .417" zmmce. T/ye .Vgzeeflie2z qfE]2ife‘op4eie,IAt/2i/¢»€',I /mm ream rig/at/y V fl4ted,4e2el amnetaleeeivved, ewe eZef”z";¢ fee/5 1z’g/92* were it, me jedieiem were will now more eezfily rezqfizek the preflmdity afit. eC’emzz':e[yAAt/Je matter 0]’ z'e_ fir/f 13 ofgreat dzfleezelty, arm’ zfgreztt eeeozreenteafeetlfiefi’ times, we! jtewmfl me my cemfi.-. e deezee in my ewmsvit t/54; ifig‘zgeel,me in 2:35»: .tbe.km2m’eelge_ofmyemm’ar, emlfleedome fim jarzFveteArefi2eé?s.No wen, {z'w'J¢g,I cerzcez'see,eem 52:. more dz‘ Mfiiomete, or" mm di/zfitercflm’ A 2522 e be’; /51? /1254? cf oeviz mind amid A ~eeeveryet’t5rwfl9fi%e into my fizfiien, var make me e ' Aze »ter-— eeeewe declare my eapizezwa agaimfl A . ....,.‘.’. % Ti%"1;':;'EpiffIerDedicfla»tory. = A tugélent 273: £178" W62-M; mix?/éer ém my imfrq/fcio2é«% flow mzitbazit either by éopa gain,0rfi4r a/dam- %m4gg gzpflccpingpafiian in me... myfélfé I rat/Jar we/2’ I/ma 1'/{ta E pzffl:ap4cie,éec4uf& it (,5./51 pmrjwt agavernmzefitgmdflr my mum izzterg/L’ 4 I /Eavzwe.» famed more fliend/M2 Men ezzmity flow A BM2op".r,fl2_t/24¢ I am cemzifl, fibers pl‘ natbizxg ézm H 1r9eJ(,é'&,~:+:p[e [we oftrm/a~,mit :3 mat/5_.,.a we ém cf my zzz£E~’2?cm.~: at tbk time. A: fir t/ze Preséyterzkz/I ‘ dg'fl*z'pli;2e .:uflI,“I*/mt~z/e_[I2- laid’ cyvm my apzfxeiaza 6‘0?1- A rcrgaingt/9at,t/Jatzfl lwueflerrm’ t,Zwrez'n_,_I am are A. we 1;varl.:z’A:.¢zr»' 6/merge we qffiatbizzg e/fie éut ggrran H Had all men 122/Jz'cl-'1 /was firwfir/)' Atrezztm’ .91’ t/95*‘ ' A fiaéjeé2',éee12 Mzmjzvajde éy priwwe im‘ere}2‘:m 1' % 74291,:/7:3‘ wntraruerfle /mdmnt 5222 !o;¢gprotm6Z‘MA A as it t3'“5»5ut yams arm mm we/l,%,t/aatjivmre my fiarcelwzy oppofé % t Aem, y I 1‘,,.4..41?m;s;1&,i_mg,2:ta;.«nor M fiwér 2&5‘ kawefumg \ . fc'wieVoppqfi'tianfi*am%t/.rem.; My Lord,Inow éegge A A yozargrzzciow fdW0lJ7‘.tg lay azfide your Pa/la, and m pmtrmrizc .wama4iwydrti4/1 Aim” iI¢*"perw/Mg tbefa , p4per:«,.ezs- I 22mL%;zmvw/Erigfl Amy “[mn4 ~21; upon tbem.~far“ v lgge liaéle .2;‘«*a zbagxofl? d4mpe4 ofmorl Ikmmr were 2:3 mm M: 4 more clam: jpirit, aw‘ A re feéfi Wywrfim w W my%bWl¢ addrems em» * /liz7201ay%4t%tbt5fnA thcr%efn‘re hm-rain; Aihce figrfl thing m be quefl:iot1cd¢ is this flgid 4ofE'pifc0pac% and what is feparable from the 40rdcr%of4it,A as iris now conftituted in E nglzzndi. ' ‘,‘~2:' He? queffiot1‘ab0ur‘Epif¢opacic* W Accordin t0»Bi{hop BiyZ2n,,§here are foum: mhingsncce 4 a._ryVi,nRcligion. I_ 4‘ I..< fihB~4~W*Ord.3 A :2. Adminiflrm ofthe Satcramcntsa.‘ V A 39% Impofingo %handsin Ordination; " 4». Guiding of the keywfi « V ] Th ’ firft :;;b£iA g VthAc4brdi§naa1y* A cans: of Salvation, he attributes. genera1fy“t?o» a;ll4Mini£‘cersA:‘ theothcrd two» rcfpe&thc c:Icn- fi'ngand govcrni f o£thc¢Chu:rch,arvd*avc4tom» mirage! (mhcfaittgfi )..t0 B;'jxflw:ps 9m1y,AA‘andn{3t' nee "N i to all :Presby'ters~ equally, leafl: by aparityaoi ru1econfufionfol1ow,and ruins‘? 1113011 Confuiion. Itfeeims then; that the.end«, that Co d be duly ferved,; and; the endof Church- oolicie ,4 i:h°at Religion» be wiiely maintained; And for the wife maintenance of'jRe1igion, in “hehooveth not only that fome peculiar chofem men beffeparatedjdz dedicated to oeffieiate before God, and to direét and aim: others in the offi» ees of Devotion, but alfo that all Anarchy =confufion be avoided arnomgfi thofe that are fo A '|'¢h0fEn‘ into the] Praiefihooda i Thus; farre ithere: ":‘m@¢»dS_§‘,m$ difpure: the main birances theniof this controverfieaare three; A 1 Vfairvsis due to thofe Govemours. 1. ho are defigned by God "robe gover-3 illours over theePrief’thoo§di for avoiding of con» ~ * A i do A ir,"RIfVEifffi“€'; Power in.fEcclefiafl&’ all and in temporall afw» 3. What are the proper,«~difiin6i;*0ifices ‘ that g0v.Erament'to he executed 8: unddergone. As to ‘the firft maiendbranchthe firfi qucflion is, who isafupreme Head of the Church under Chrifi ii: whetherthePrince as Bifllopielaardiagnar firft held undicr H. 8.. éoethei Beiiflaiiiofaame; as Sir ‘,T/Eamaw More heldj, oor’ th*eiA1*iflocracy« of Bifliopseasr,i‘Domziz¢g5ho1ds, or the Demon cracieof Preshyters andLay~elde1*s, as calma "taughi:,5 aifficripture e bee;~eXprefl"ei"in=aany Vp‘1*ecept A Iothis parpofes orany Canon extmding to all places ,at1d;tixx1es,§zve mu£t;loo’k*ii~oifarther* .~. but if iéil‘, qr PV01ititié_1hfl.s‘~= and .‘\.tI]efi;€:._~Ji‘St!I1aL.y:£“a'I‘ A m the ChprCh¢'.s Afldflifwe ztdmit the.King ta a ‘ .fi ya‘ ‘ \ ' -' <3.) ifso11i'hchc4xpx-cifc rule be, 4nor no.heceflT1tyo.f :a;1yhAfucl1,.snor DiAvm¢s ware €v»ex::yetAiagreed? « huppnwanyfuch, it fcems that L1t1d€r=th€fAKil.1g,. that jumzo of Dxvines, Statcfmen, and A Lawsyers inParliamenf, whichhath Legiflative. po wet A over the hstate, hath ‘thCf:11I1fi'0V€tA the Church. M And if, the King ‘have, not hfthe A fam<::’h;fup1*,emAe power infpirituall asiAntemp.ora11r1aings, iris» A ycxtherh for.Wani: offanéiity in his ~per1"on,s orfor want ofcapacit-y» in his jsudgement »: but that the I-?ri1f1;;;: is more then tempora11,.zmd offm€tity— .COInp@t€11i'- f0! ~fuprA»€macic¢‘ofru1e in t1*‘1e:fiC hutch A is hifficiently evinced by Bz'lfom"Hookar,A &c.A a- hgainfl Calvin, and the Phapifcs, and Presbyi:eri-- h bans both ;,and that sdefsrft ‘of j udgemcnt;is,,no« ‘bar the Chumh more thcninhst1‘1e.State,;is appa» ;xent.-, fo 1: i f E 1:11 as sKing,;be L1nAI'earméd,u=ss yea, ginz.-2 "fant, hLunatick, A 8:6‘. yet by his C ounfels rand .Cosur“ts of Law, warreand policie, he may go. A fivcrq the Commone-wealtlm well enough; andh it little skillethh whether herbs Lawhyery, hSoAu1di.«» - be f'upLreme;h€'"acI ofthe C.hurch, I t11inkmo,1n~an seyrcaihn A will deny but that the fitstcfth pQ1icie.~forA~11im:‘ht0 A hg9Vsrnhs,t11sh~hChurchh was milk :hbehgtIs1as fame“ pat» mfrne .b'yvAw;hiq;1w11e%7gmmth%AAt116sStatcg ; making .‘ A ias11t¢1se—d1&‘e:-mac between 1]‘them« asA"x1m«ys;A bé; V ’ for it is the A fame *;b:c>dy,qfh fmcfn; 4 HOW, "of: 7AW,hAich with max? and hmhmmApasé’%sdsAhanAdsfo A V wiit17’wash.snorc'fevcr¢ in it 4 thcncver the Fathers were before the Law A or %md,m..ci1Ao LaW::;and* yet‘notwith£?:anding5,t1iV¢ir= 4 wautldorjtyof uflitugooigiis not eziéeptcd againfi ‘by’ thed¢:c1fion~ofcontrove1;fi_§s,and thodctcrgliim nation ofdifputos inRchgxon:yet:th¢Aquefi1om» ‘i :5 E. £'.L*; 93 ca, 9 "13 , M ; mfolwmd kyo fomfiothorooars by~oEpifcopalloa&~o V B 3; xhorxtyss 9‘ f'*’~*“”-‘d as h they are not sxcommg. ” %r;heiremmoieg.. Andvfourothly, if it be ranted? . that Bifluops were firfi introfldufied 503?? ¢.p‘r€~j--o fV¢nt'mgA of fohifme 3 andfa6tionsinVtheJChuré“h5. as beirr‘ ikholdstzho fi;tw{tvmoaoneos« for: to procuror 1&9 ,»hm:l"1cr doifcorlam?!diVifiO¥1'1i1ay»119§}?o¢;1?¢‘§-j 4 “‘ fiffpum asoomenxenrw — ( 16%) kghority for it fc'ernest11efe‘ js great disfibrencc ,";mr Ecplgfidm ooze/%‘itwtam,anr%13;c'c!”£jZ.m2 ¢%ozg/ii» tuefldrm:s,and bcrtwtetx a ChL1rcn.wnc;_;fe iu§>1*mne govemox; is ill zgmffecied to 1t,& 22 Church ‘whofc Prince is anindL1"l'gm:%..vEather to it: {'0 ¢thatVEpi-— fgopacy’ cannot be now oftlae fizrne ufe*,as.i.t?was V atfirfiVi11tAh-eiinfancyofthe perfszcuted Cimrth. : And it feemes that V% amongfi .al1}%%othc;: I?%1'c5_te,. fianfts both Calwnijfs and,LafbeMn: Iwhere Bi-~ Jhops rule-not,controvaerfies are notfa manig. iold, normnov-atxons m Rehgxon fo eafle to be induced;n0r~Afa¢‘ti0nsinif,11*= Church fo dange~ roufly maintaxms-d,as theyarefxn‘un%dcr the fway 9fBiflaops.. It fcemcs alfo in an great ‘emergent occafionsofdivifion and difléntiom [in points of%do€trine,*tha.t if our two famous A’ VniverfitififiW€?r€conful1:ed, and in cafe ofdxf-A “ Lnmdom? aaf 01211.‘f_Ll1ifdM§’i:éiEI.e flaoulduarbxtrateby a Junto ofall her D1v1nes, the decifiqn would be fzgrrc more honorable and fatisfyxpgto aIl,¢thani 1f any¢o,ne4Bi{hop, or .[§:empfjtQ&%givethelils,z#;sVBifl1QpSearc now qualified in Eng- 1and;.AA . A W 4 ’ i ,~TI1efebranChES*iffhéy were th§:1s;~or.derIy Adifcgffed by1fx1‘:b3eA {the felffitmc. The Iiing fl1ouIt1A%beth&I%zmcAAia : both, andco1mce1s¢%and Courts govern under him by thefame ccmmmilfionin both. A power A to ordain fit MiniPrc:1‘s., and to put a finall and fa M controverficz-s and diifintxons mxght be cmmmxt» ted tothe Vmiverfitics, and {came gentle influ- cnce by votes a£fi.1‘mative or Vnegative mightbc A “A alfo allowed tlierein tothe Laytie. Thepower A4 V ofmaking Articlcsand 0rders‘fqrdecency aqd A pcaceinrhe Church might r¢ma19¢W1i€r’4l§“ A 4 W. .A A A 1 A Q C m; A A “ l_thlc.King,4 Cllerglcggnd Parliament: Able civlll , Lawyers might {kill lit in their tribuw j mlsl taking C0glL'1iZ53.l1C€ offuch cafcs,,as are cru-ly l fiEccle{iaPcicall,and lhavenot been by ufurpatiora ofthe Hierarchy wrongfully wrcfiedlout oftha A Temparall Courts: and the fpirituall {word of Excommunicaticm might llill able gently weal» llcled in the fiamg hands as it has been, when it is mceffarya Anlalliltalncelof godly Divineslinall mfcs ofConfcicnce might be allottcclrto thft‘ A latpdlall his Judges and Magil’cratesup0noccafim l%-011,4 without wholly dmvving lthem froml their A clhalrg-es,andthis would be no leffe efi“c6%ua‘lll, then that ofthe greatcfl 1? relates. The inconvaw nicnces of that Presbyterian Difciplinc 7alféo ‘ which isnot lb adequate and llconforlrhable to M9Wqaz§hv.wpu1dbe ge;&i~fied lllllll_.Andlllamyme blecdin Church whx lh.hadfo«great apart of her Patrimonytom from herby 8.. by the acldlitionof Epilbopall land Cathcdralll ilivings &_ %jln1ight fialed up, fllldlr¢ll0red?i:o~her’anticnt lgmccand vi;go‘ur.l .FI~1§_?I.&”2 M