.._..—_._...—‘.—......¢-uI2—-- ""*"*'*—'*~-iS mofi futahle ta fa great analteramu, and venturing up- the frame an form ofths Civill govern- ment here in this Kin dome, itappcarcs by the happy écflouri ing unionof them both,for to long a time togethengwheras no man can give usanrafl'uranee,how any Church government hefides this (wheref we have had To long an experience.) will {u it: and agree with the Cirvi/I policy of this State : And we conceive it may he of datngeroas coiffcquence, for men of fgtlcd Farm.-m to bag; ml tbcir efizter, 5) making Ofl - <~{‘h / Ks ‘5ii;3t:tiew- forme of cov¢ramém;wbereot neither _we,nor ouraancefirors have had any try.all,or experience gefpccially confidcring that»tho{e,vv,ho would have Epifcopacy to be aboliflaed, have not yet agreed, not (as a weare verily per{waded)ever will orcan .1- gree upon any-other " ommon formeof govern ment tofncceed tn the meme of it, as appearcs by the many diiferenteand con, trary draughts , iand"pilat_formes they have made and publilhed , according to the {e- verall humogs and fef'God,f theni-F 2 man Ihoulci acettfe him: oi~'i:gno.."’ ‘ranccand fooliflsnefle. Speaking of the Supp}:-1-s¢,,,, gm, of the L6rd,h‘e faith,T he outward- preparanigni phg rim; ‘ more fimple it is, the bctterit is, and the nearer ‘ the Itrfiicution of Chtifl and his Apoil-les. Ifyou have Bread, Wine, a Table, and a fair: T able. doth, beenot follicitous and carefiall for the ref}, feeing they are things brought in, not by Chrifi, hutby Popes. He alfo fpeaketh expreifelyl againfl 5¢rm._Ii.Itpon -kneeling at the Lords Supper, the Surpleffe, wit1i7""“"' all the i monuments, tokens, and. leavingss of Pa» Sérm-3. andfn pifiry, and that Excommunication ihould not bee °£ doneby the Bifhops alone, but by the Biihopmnd comxixand‘.. al*lthePari{h. , ‘ Ridle} alfo, when they put on. his Epifcopallllv-T016014 robes for his degradation, he vehemently inveigh» ed agguhfl that afiarcll-, calling it fooliih and'abo-‘- minablc,ye1.too l'Eiif01'.a‘V;iCc inta play. Biihop F4: m was another Martyr, and he was Mm» mu; Ii) fbrongly fet againfttheir fuperflitious Ceremo- nics,thztthey"macler'ar1.atricleagai11fl him for refit» ‘ A «:to»weanzwf re‘ .n , s filizgvuae a;:§mm thatwere Martyrs, cxccptfluavnar, and you fee what manner of men ‘theft wenqancl bythat little mile of their nontcon. fimnity, . youmay-judgerh . -would have bceneas forward‘ to the work of Re ormation asany. other, halciizélley liveclfimin tlhgfe times. . . . ' '0mt'LBi is i M8 the: ' .. neife ofrhei”tpk?ca;. tiigetl a§ey;?31 ikingg°;Jn V a - {ecutorsofthc Mattyns;,aeB1qvrrat1ai=Gaa4aap-;.ar; gucsth¢cvill.ofithm.plancs. , - C If (I4) 3' ' Ifyouaccount fo highly of t1ic»te’l’cimony of I Martyrs -, heare what that famous. Malrtyr"/tht ;4a.ou1am. Lord Coélmm in Hair. 5 ~his—.time, faith, that 11;; §_'e‘m' t'he‘Pope is the great head of Ant‘ichrifi,the“Pri€f’t5 and Prelatesi anti Monkes the body, and, Friars-the Pet. . yr: Andfirza were the hfl Cbamprllli. ,tb£tf€- fiuceafit. ' '. '~ . - '4»/2;. The rnoih ‘f2l'f!0U9r Charnpionsswe have had,-in , ” " ' England for the truth, have as have Ci!- ther beene fully aegainfi Bifl‘lOp$,-~’.01' tha_t*havcrheld Prcsbyters and Biflxops to be all one. ‘ . r Cit.=d°”‘ °‘b Doétor Isamc: was condemned for fayingrhus, Xifiiféiny I will never beleeve, nor can ever bele_eve,that one 2;’; §cgc::%R¢. "may-l:'>ythe Law of God be Bifhop of two or three ,,,,,-,,,m,_ S ,6 Cities, yea of a whole Countrey; for that is con- trary to the doétrine of 8. E4141, whowritingunito Tim, comimandeth that. he fhould ordaine a Bi- ibop-in every Towne.. . 1 _ e - Mafier ‘1‘ind.¢flin=his *booke‘of- the obedience of aChri{tian man, pag. 1:4. faith, As thou canit heale no difeafe, except thou begin at the root, {'0 canll thou preach againfi no mifchiefe,except thou begin at the Bifhops. Moreover, in his defence of the Englifh tranflation, he faith, Thefe over—feers which now we call Bifhops, after the Greek word, were alwayes abiding in one place, to governcthe Congregation there. r ‘ Doctor Rcyvaldr, as reat a Champion for the »truth, as any of the Pr tcs, in his Letter to Sir Fruit? Ktmvler, re uiring his rcfolution, whe- ther the authority Biihops have amongft . bee odsi (I 5) Gods owne ordinance, anfwereth negatively, and .provct_h.,at large, by Writers old and new, that the \ now Archbiiho Doctor Banmft was in an errour . preaching ot erwif . . to y _ ‘l »Do§tpr,1='_:dke againft the Rhemifls upon Tim: the; 1. , gaaifinneth, that albeit for order and {cem- .vIy government, there was alwayes one principal], to whomby lon ufe of the Church the name Bi- fhopwas apply: -,yet in the Scripture a Bifhop - a1rElder,isof one, order and authority. 5' v - r - Doétor W’/Il't!Jk€ff1l1 his anfwer to Campiaéi his Rem-4 CM!- tcn reafons, fayes, thatjare dz’«uz‘:zo,~a 1)r¢51,yt¢',- and I °-WA Brfhop 3¥€.:-bofih 0p€,2}I_1d_if »Acri:a were an heretilce fog fayging.fo',Ie(9?7I¢. C€F§3il3'1YtW3$ a; kin to the fame eherefie._y_~-_r A .v Q . , eWee m'ight_-produce, manyothers, as Do€tQ'.r‘ Hampbr} Hal14nd,§q4w_n,y Bale, _Fax,; Bradfofdfind others, which ofneceflity we forbeare, to prcyzetit «ted,iou,fne£fe,f O.nely one who himfelfe Bi‘. ;{_h9_p,- and one of the chiefe Champioqsggiéinft .P-apills, yet acknowledged Epitl'copac_y1not to be by divine right-, for citingaplacelout of 4:)flin, or aflirming that they oflicc of a Bifhop is above the ;olficc o’t_q,Pfie&_, after the names of honour which a the cuflome of the Church hath now attained, hee addes himfelfe, but not by the authority olrtwadafinze, the Scripture; where alfo he contents to tl1at’.of'f’-‘-‘-3-“*1 Jerome , Let Biihops eunderflantl , that they are WM’ aboy‘e Priefls, rather ofcuftome, than ofanytrutllr -or rigl1t.ofyChrills Infiitution ; and thjsrh_e_doth in .o;_apofitton~ to. Harding. ,\ pleading filpcriority of 'B1fh°pS’ " 1.‘ ;. V ". '.'.'- ;'}:_}a: =3‘ 3;- -- -i .-. .; i ~ t lC 2. 5.‘.S’z;::e_ Ii}; An[.I. .__ (1,6) 5 . Since t}£r'.R efvrfizafivfi fiflfl. 54116 53644? W’ .7 pmewe. mpg, 4»dg1vriov¢,ew0Mf¢”1Mdi#g;F* fr/i:ppa_I/g0u£rlm3etf‘.' - -’ * ' Towhon) have the ti_I)§I_CjS,b<°€t':€_fO 4.’ Indeeclfiié — » _ll10f3$‘3hd_ their Creatures in. V . but how many Miniflershave been eafi Outfrom all their-trreaneis - -. l3°mP?9 hundreds of i faithlittll ‘laborious _ of livelihood, themfelves and,thei_r familieslput to .» lamentable extremitliesf -how many havebefen im- rifoned and broughbto untimely ends there i.’ glow many have beetle driven otit of flieiriagarc Countrey 1' What re roaches -and comemp: hath beene call upon tho e that remaine *3 no reformed Church in all the world can «fitch lamenta- ble miferies, that their M inifiers and people have beetle put unto for Confciences, and that in things of as low a nature, asjn England caggg bi-¢ lbewed. « For that grofperity wee have had, ; no thanltés ‘=0 335096; _ the lower Biflaops wcmgas in Qgeen Ehzéttbs time, the greater w_as.,our profpegjzy ., But fince the Bilhops cw to that height (the 4 were lately in) out profiictity hath beene as muc lelfcned ; witneffe tlieelamentableu complaints and out-eryes ‘of the whole Kingdomce agaiafttlxc miferies caufed bytthem 5, If the lower they were, the more profpcrous we were, then if _ they were riot at all, we may very well expe& more prolpe- nty than ever. . . , This Argument ofprof my is the fame,-that Heathetts brought againfl hrifiians, one 5‘]umM- {by agamlt whom Prudengau writ an, giiige to - to o an s. (I7) nawfm Tl'fC"E1iflpc1‘B1‘J1f, ufed tliié argfimerat lfiwipped Ivpiten 42»/10.: tan. .‘fh‘i‘if~0?liCr. gor1s., so " liléétivife the Heathen peffécufi)rst‘oFChriIilia11s\ u. perfwadc‘ bcmti‘nuat-icle in the old Religion‘ »oF*fl1¢‘ Roman“; bctaufc thflf COmimon4wea'ltla- had beene moi’: flourifliina all the time they _vsi/or-_. _ ’ I 'Wbilak. dc Eccl. fed to" fay, when any evill liefélil ‘them: ’1\Téiirate‘°"""‘7“""6 wer,npt’Ibfo1tunate as’ weelwerewont ‘to’ Bee; be-V ca1I_fé5we fuffer the 'C‘hriitia'ns, and “becaufe"~§ntee' worflaippe. not out g0_dS”With thatfzeale‘ a*1s“_f‘or—' i A merly. ‘ 6_'. We conceive 154: my, learned andgaglypgy. Pet. . f5_l’(wluld5¢ mucé‘/Eavddlzzcd and tronéled inane- , ‘I/1! government; éy gpzfioprcj aw‘, *4/_ a thin mad. ~* ' . We confeffe in things indifferent, that go'vcr- Azafr. /nours incommanding, and all men in ipraétifing, ought to bee very careful] in giving, offence 5 the Scripture Iayes ‘downe Rules for eorderingi us in §indi{’fer‘ent,whicl1 binde Governours afwell as otiers. The Apoflles had as much ‘authority in . the Church as‘ ever any fince, and yet they durit ndifferenf-5 which-was offen- -not enjoyne 2 thing} _ _ neceffary to abftarn fromthat lwhieh was ofehfive, five, but eountedir A though in its owne nature indifferent, as in the matter of. eating blood, - ‘lit’. 15, But in fueh things wherei mveare not atall left tééiir liberty,‘ the Rules-’of'oflencel'tal,Igvo., of Fr"'471ci]Z':a 2: S4z22'3,74;£€.‘.l‘21.;¢i,'cai11é§.)1pbZgg§g,gr;¢} . .~.¢,t:..m.t Erifcqnk ;. ‘ande.r‘hac» Canon .0? the” .CoLint¢11?9€ vi: Epiffowt 2 T rent‘, IF anymag 111111" fay, that Bifh§)_pS.,qJreii‘1i§)C. nboyetPteshyte_rs,let_1fin1 be» 4:14:/;;m4.« that; ~s.»:-am; you may fcc\ tthatta.s};st:s‘¢roL2;s Qfifcncc 4%-¢é>9!it~ fit~€0"6",-7"‘ der ‘what mifch1ev(‘>L'.s' inferences they mdiéefignx ¢¢u::.s¢g.=3- thence :, As thgtt the tMini{tets ofall Rcfomited‘ z>_omsfi.-is e{ti- ’ Cht1.rciieSf(t§‘ihcrc;_I3pifCf3P3£yis (lot) arc I10tt}'}1“-‘n flsmavgifg Mtnt{te§s°‘andthesrlvténxficry .r<>..be.al.ro ether; H1‘: at 1 It - .. .'s"s ""‘-.-. b . ..*~..‘ »v t. ’,,,‘:’J-“,, 4;; vaiid, antitheir Ohutc. es tq be no‘true urc_i‘ic.. ,5,‘ vinoquoad pr Wltfldrfi thatof I anfimgs, 4 cited by.-I{0£t1_/4; -, §§l;hc ".”"“"”“" Bifl:oppe.ohe1y may call and orc'iainc,EicIer's;'and - r f H‘ at a 3 j,m'(da{i2ouu whofoever in ca co necetty flit ego: aloe J l(»';P€"°’d" '(_T¢- by the Chu_rch and Prcsbyt,er_s', .hé_n1S13Q;Pr§s,by~.. (ya,-. cm‘- ' . ._,“ V o o o. n , -_ 0 2 1 M E“ 1, /,~‘,_ ter, and his whole M1ni_ftery:1s,;nva11,c}.»‘c Alib th,_a§ Rico. of the 1’apifls5 cited by Gcraidim; {3i§h.FhtQ5.& b5o':uE,r-i./capo-C. The Pzzpift laying this foundation, tl1afBiIhQpS_ 1”“ Pm“ ""' ate ;thoveP1'esbyters jure divine, doe i1tf¢rfe,'that case 0- omm.2- - - ’ ,._. ,,msuera«, :I.:a/zcflr h:‘td.no power of ord;1inin9,Mini{’gets, be-, 0-7“*<“"€'" ' f h as o ‘ o * v - tr mm“ "mp .c.1ue_c w 1 n Bifh p, _ but onelya Preshy_e..,, . fitmiub Ec- and by confequence, that there are no true ¢l:fia(M't/- fiers in out Churches. And no ma_tvai1e,,if_P.a~ "“"°’““ pifts fayifo abroad, when our.late__ At'chptc1i4fé ifl gn::'-mus ran 03 ‘Prchtcr, ' (9- uruatizlum cl? clue dud nia:{!¢rium.I/att.'Drfl>rrai. «tall H91. M. 9- . C Uiiiljarra it] rain \I.atb¢nm rm: babuifli ponflotgm alm miniflns ardinandiaas xbnfiti! €93/ta’-3 pm, /ed dumxar pmbym (r peace-vfequus tulle: bodi: in Eccltfiic xoflriufe urani- uflfa. G¢rard.d¢ ’ . ‘ . V _ ,1 , . ' ~ ‘ open ro (:9) ‘ 3 at home ‘called Reverend iMaEier cal- 9.7"’ 2/5: Rafcall, and [aid of thofe Proteflant Chur. ches, that they were no Churches, becaufe they had no Bifho s-, now ‘whata fcandall this is, let the world in ge. _ . ‘ = . ' 7. 7124: Epzfiopacj :3 not omly lmficl, éur :mw- Pli- nimtfir Edgfimzrm. r ' What cd'ifiC3tiOn' have we by Bifhops, unlefle 47%! - 'edification‘ofAltars~,l Images, and Popery 2' but . fbredification or foules by the Word, who are greater enemies thereunto than Bilhops r Preach. , ihg twicea day is fnfficientto. put a conformable Mmifler into their black Bill, ’ yea, -ttofufpend him from his M'ini‘f’r.ry. In Carechifingthey forbid‘ any further expofition than the giving the bare gran‘1- » maticall fenle of their forme.‘ ndfor Prayer, wherein the A oflle makes it a chiefe work of the A&.6.~ Minifiers “o‘f"‘t e‘ ,Gofp'ell, :to ‘give ~rheml"elves'i to Prayer, as wellas‘ the Minifirybf the Word, they will fuffer no other than reading in a bool<,and fay. ing over the fifty fift Canon. _. In other ,refortn,e_él"Chufches,’ ywherétare no Bi- 2. . {hb”ps;, 'in‘every Congregation there is a prea.-_hing Minifier, C but for England, where is now a fettled maintenance for the Miniftery, and as many able rnenasginan other place; yet there are divers tlroufands og Congregations V without a preaching Miniifery, and. forone Sermon they preach them- " fH‘r’¢S$ft«hcy, hinder many hundreds. ' It is little " h‘h4"%tsP_fC1_:_*..,‘res doe-‘in’ this kinde. More of and 1”‘ K}°8C!9!1‘-[C .h3§h ‘appeared in; fome °;"9,e.C.°”8‘C8‘t‘91B Where a Minlfier hath ’beene ‘ whom = Pct/t. Aflfmt. ' ’ the'P‘nelates haveput into places (20) whom they have filenccd or depi°ived, i than in all the Bifhops f;amiiies:-itiEngiand ; coukigdd; ly Minifier indure eefucha Pari{h_as' Lamheth is, if hee had fuch power to reform: as the Arch-Pie-F l.’.1tCl'121£l. ’ i A A- ;When the Parliament hath examined what men’ , it will appeare what edification people have had by their means ; what places have beene more miferably provided for in all the Kingdome, -than thofe that Prelatest and Cathedralls have had the difpofing of. Nei- _ ther hath this beene thorough fome particular per- ionall corruptions, but the whole Kingdome can- Wilncire, how generally this hath been: ever fincc. I11: tcfoxtuation-, and if thiS.bee.your edification,-. W.9C bcfeech the. Lord in mercy to deliver us froin it. i L _ ‘8._. £fifce;¢c]_:': and agmuilc to :6: civil policy axdgouernmcnf aftbs Stag. F _ , A . . _ _vwaa: isby divine vi: agrecableto all Statess and what is ’ ‘ canaotbeagree--. able to an Chriflian g'avemment.. . | * "Wee lee by, our neighbours howl agreeable it, hath bcenxoecivilli V . v.cmu1ent;;—hath itnoteadan-. ggreito ' A t em 6" e Priefise in Eaiiiltcsaboyc MM» the hits. lo m“i“°’ " “' ‘,ve‘.No gventmcm. 7-iciour Li: 3»: Batfimau¢siga°diC¢m-» man into mnfiiiion amcmgitj Wcnont experience; -hon}, i thc'Prelat:si_iane1 that have flopped, courlie aELaw,. andlifted ' hemfdves zboveit- J(n) " 5 I ma IJ‘3'\f;‘b1it :th§y‘fcekc to "rule againfi V elvh¢f; 34* :_\pp’¢é‘1'-¢s_ by their Commiflipn’, whichhh they hm; ‘got for the high Commiflion. hInJtl1c‘cop’p_v whére— = 0f_th¢{E: are tlfcir words ;, 'l"ha~t you. our {aid Com‘. miffioners, and every ofyou § (hall -diligently and faithfullycxecute thisrmr Commiflion, and;erc1-y puft and-bm'ncl1*thcreof,1 in manneifiand &)rmca- forcfaxd, anal according co’-themae meaning chm‘-_¢. of;no.pr’vi§11{€anding any appelhlation, provocation; pr'i v iicdgc, or (cx¢mprh10n,fiin« that bc11at~lFc”,t0~ bémcf, m -dc , _'pr.chtcndcd'()r«"aIle’dgcd— by’ any p¢rf6_I‘1, (ft pértons,‘ refidcnt ‘or-dwe1*tiv)g' in any pliiée 5-‘ or pfif ccs , cxgmpg , or ‘not exempt , Within ithtgfé‘ our RealmesOf~_Epg’and, and Ireland, and;DQ‘mini’01'i efWale:,_2my’-o_11r“§Lawes,Statutc§, 1’roc11m“”at.ions: or other Grants Pnviledges , or Ordinances‘ whichbeh orhmay ecme"coa'tr‘:ry to *tl'iE* premiifds nmmaana; . M ~ L .« Q - King‘ ?h'l7t°p‘lzEeh11sbahd of Qtgecn MAY), thou ght; if fa incmfiftem with Civil! government by thg Nobility ,' that u;x3u**hi§»‘*de'ath-bed calI‘ing"his? fonnc‘ u;nt(')’ him he ga you in;¢e11d>t!é)5ru7}c‘b'y}"'f)11rNobles. keeps your Bi fl10p§10W , éitid ifiidu Wbuld "1‘uI’e'by“yr)ur fhips, kcepc your Nobles, loxv. \/Vhat dif%urbh.m”c_"c$ in C iviH‘Srates this power bf’ Pt‘c1:2t'c'S' Wifhhh Kings -haghim 14¢.’ gm» E§ngli]7y” ,R'e*C0i'ds" dde ;'fi1tfiv:icnr?y‘ t-cfil'fi5;';;';w~h§ChinO U-ue*Eng1ifl1h*fpiritcan rcxdc Qt ,. rclarc vvitho11t‘a Qfzclned f}5irir._ /1.14-"7¢‘r?1‘%_h3":4i'iI , in‘ ’ hie I-Iifi-jry t*eI1'§ usof thé 'g'i7c”2t' '}5r)ufc'1' that Peter ' »B1fl}c$pioFuviMheffer, add: Pitt?’ Rffall, tfH6B§ ihfips Qvufén-,7With“Orher adherents, hadwith K. H. 3._ ~*- D Great. ’ ve"him’ this éounfcll ’; ‘If Grimflmo .4 Ii 1 (.19) Grqgtzeqmghimfiwére nude; :.£i13.t-i- byndmif fe1l;the.r‘Kings;hca.rt..W.a5 ~,tufi£i€~h?fi‘=‘9—“.1’ She’ Weller‘ h&s,_.ggd,_t1]c_L1¢a_1'.ts of them. from..l1im5.>2nd; fijwntanlongfi them. 3-r3U4fh3’t 3113?; {said cqimlwof the fotefziid BiIshop'tand Ins feiv 1 . K‘ [oh Kin‘ 3; Father: .‘=lOi.fi:t ~fi1‘H: the °'i§§’¢r‘&§ Ba-ions, aftcrg that left ;V0t'”«W‘); and afrer.t.ha-t other Lands sa.1f.<> , and in the end walled: all trcafute, t and the Kingdome for a ‘lone tignc: quiet’. I110 COI1Ili‘Cil' 3110 ’, England that was the «Prince of Provir.ces,=be- came Tijibutar . Moreover , through their wic-- ' ked counfell, aith the Stoty,at this‘ prefenee, teat pcqnrbationot feemed is to hangover-the Read me ;' - i _ igif it had not beene for their coun‘fe1l,znd if that true juflicc and judgement mighthave beene ad-i miniflrcd unto the Kings fubjeéls, tltefe t\1m};Its- d never beene flirted , an d the Kin might have had his Land,;unsv.ai1ed, and his trea ureunconfu- med. The {aid Bilhop impioufly telst-he Nobles ,“ i that the King right-well might ‘call unto him what for_reir.ers and flrangers he lifted ,by whom he might be able to bridlehis proud; rebellion s~ fubj.Cfls,and Q tokeepc themzin ant. and good ‘or- der : Whereupon the Nobles int gre3t.pertutba- tion departed. promifing amonga‘ themfelvcs i in this Cale, which touched the {kite of the _WhO1€. Rezlme, they would confltant lye joy netogether, .C_.-: ven unto death. . - . v - . The teat divifions in -the ptefent y. after-Caaflantinc: ti the Bifhops. which the Hifio doe plentifully [CfiifiC3_ Common»-VVealth, me , were made by rians of ghofe.-times ” This ‘E. f. at they are now; as ’.' ;(33Qi ‘ 'Fh'is:is~ ‘ziotvout :j’udgement"za‘lon"e what’ g Tindall faith in his booke‘of'=€hrifl3ian'i"ioa Bcdicncegtwoe unto the Realmes whe're‘=Bifh'ops' \ are ofthe Kingi Councell; as profitablé are they verily unto theefiealmes with their Counfellsg, as- Wolves unto the fheep, or the Faxes unto the geefe. In France the Reformed Churches not under _Bi~ - * fl10ps,' are-as“. 00:1 and fiithfull fubjeéts unto their ‘ ' Prince; and oacknosvledged byehi-mfeife ; thought‘ ‘ ofanothet Religion , as any hee hath. Hence it-apt-‘ v ' pcares, that that governmentwhich is'not'gPre'I;ztie-" Call,gt;1ay.fl'and with the peace and civil! 'ordet _' _' a State as well as it. ‘= -‘ ‘ . 9; I 774: £5713‘ govcrrmtnt it lawfufi, tppearc: by the * immediate and_tonfl¢nt—pr48ice ofall the Chriflian wiorll ‘ grnmded upon S criytwe from the Apofller time E 0' Q #21‘: /4]! gage ~, fir abovcafifreeu lmzdmh ye-aft: 41 tv-{ gather. 1 A - ~ ” To that ‘vvhich they fay,its grounded upon Scri- pture,~wee.fl12ll:{pcak afterwards, but to E: that _ A this was the raétice ofallthe Chriflian wot d for ,g fi&eenel1un;i red yeairese, is .0 bold aflerti . Wee‘ finde in Hifiorfy thatithe; Church ofsrat band was not governed (by Bifhops till between: foure or five hundrcdyeares after*ChriI’c , although it had flouriflaediin the Chritkian Religion two orthree . hundred. yeares before. ' ' 4 Weeanfvver as before , its true indeed ,' that alltimes for fiiteenc hundred yearesthere w“ereB’i_-'_ - ' {hops , but. inthis time oftbe “Apoflles and ‘pre- _ fently after, Bifhops were much difierent from D 2» I. Then *3. Tehehttliclhewere Pa1fo.l1i2ll;not.Diocefim ‘ le..':2'el5"<.3§‘1:i.1'.#$. 91:¢itim€i.Wl1§t1 .EPi{C°P“C=Y‘*b"§5“l‘ ,1 _g V ‘:9 ,-fpme .,l1¢:,ig,ht.e, yet tlme..ele&ipn of.Bi-* 4 ‘ sw:as~bytl1e;»yh¢21e.Chnrc‘hl;1?ut?t3$5‘l9‘£’5 ll} "--Qo“§62‘.' y(.o .-. ;‘ L» -:' L‘ «. " C J‘-"" ’. ‘v . 3 ._.~. Tl)c.f€. W35 not 'that,fupe1j1ontne of thenflo vet -other M_ini,~l‘tcr$,?;S,tl1€fr¢ is now.‘ ' . A ' “ * ' (X . 4." Tlmey cha,lle'flgeTcl. the po Fnfcr. Col‘ Ordi.nati?_ 5% e gag! g:;u;c1ace;ngmes;:o.ethcm{c1ve's Oe'_:"."..‘; ‘..I’. /4 ~_’.‘-:..~—'- ‘ I Thcfit 500%; Wee undertake now to l'hcw‘«your briefly , l3C.C3l1,f€ ere long you {hall llqvé themdiff Cuffed IIJOIC largely upoa another occ afidh ” ‘ A fgtialll Tmynes tellifies ; and accfording to Eufelziux, Churches whereinw‘e _ re Bifhops, were called Ra_rifl1es,li5;34> 44. 85~..4. qr. _2s.;l. .:..c.' 5,‘.. 4 * ' ' ‘ . lgnagitlf-) faith ., . E-lvetly Chu COm031m,l0,I} Tdbtle, 2nd:ev.e I gmmd I’l25lld. C]p.I.x.Ep- _ f_*“.~_‘ V ._ ‘;,', - I, 47-9'-°*’- , A0€L¢§?54fl’5ai£h,Thebounds ofa Chu tell were 110! §.F.3.1."~=1' «$31811 8. J33 Chop might :c all ‘together ; thfi. W110 €;mU1Ufll_d¢,ab0ut the zffaytes {)'Fit. , ,,,,,W,E,,g,. 4 _F°,’~_tlT€,§¢€Q=@d\;;Thefc Bifild swérechefen by. by the whole Church. Arnbrafie aith~,T31at-.is—truly iffld C€f_C3ifllYI8 divine Ele£tion-ofa Bi{hop,whiCh I W .3” am 1$by the whole Church. ’ ,,,,,,,,,-J,‘,,,,,;,-_ _lP/ftive _t¢lls,us;’, that Ludmicutfthé lécond com‘-* man‘ by his I.'ettcrs,‘that tlxe-Romans fhould Choofe their owne Bifhop, not looking for firm- ,;s.nQw-théyf fhopstwcre Pavochiall nét D‘io~. 2 CCf1[l.§wfO1';tl)€l‘e were. Bifhgp-3 of Villages :and' l 3. as -80z2mcn «in his feventh bookcs tell, flxduld hive hef « ry .CYhur,c«l'i heel Bl:-.‘_ ' gets ° ~. .-,' ‘."'!"e_t.- ,. 13¢‘? "71I1;*$y7f9*+*$%b€£°¢g°4to%fla¢% %-C?n- 'Z€n§;- = ' ,'~‘~_;’ ,= ’if;’}!f§’? . "’['_‘ .“;?*‘."‘:';' f’ $3-'=*j;~;1%:e%‘ [gr ’ ~;g»; gr ea ' ' ” . ' ‘ ‘f 1“ » ''’‘‘ ’ = "-- ‘ . 3*» ‘T =Y=@£% ngv mg chofcnkof no_ne ;?A._nd't11%;:‘Bxfl1opM_a1rlmu.n"a1xy . §a~wfuIl>Ele&ion'7 iichfifen in ~ Tpr1'mt’e5bfi s'he7rCa- monsé ,0r Prebcgndaricsr onciyf, ’Witl§out:'rlKf;‘kHd#- lecige 0ft_‘h¢ pedp‘1e‘;:‘ ‘..’:-xx '§=.";""-‘f <. ‘.-:;i"_:u.L £311: ';°s>'§: i‘Por'the‘ t11'u"d .-‘They ‘had not %‘%fape§viot~jtie"'é3ver other Miniflcrs, a‘sthefyl1ave._nosv. ‘ ' it‘ E P _The Helvgtian Con’ efi'..§‘. ‘t‘2;’h,aEh't%l1efeU,1" mnaops and the former ,why_c1_oyou‘aga1n<3b¥1ng their antiquity; your _repet1t10n leads tens‘ it} out anf,¢§r.go,come“,agzit}e totluerfame tlungg may not all fee how egtegtoufly y0_u fL‘€l<_€ (O. €,CC1V€ the Reader with great words, In pretcndmg (ha? -Diocefm Bifluops were of f0 lpnt%_ftan¢d,_1,1_1,g, hbfif .caufeBifh<_>ps were; feeby f 115 d€C€lf'a_l10W dangetotts 1t 1; totake wor_d$>t‘ha_§ §1l'§C9f11.m01} f0 .m3""7f ‘l,‘“‘§'s‘ '2 3“d,l3PP‘°P”“__‘e, thclm .t°-fa ~3-’t»‘C“r' l21‘»‘,‘lf 1t ence Fame Ch? 3PP‘0PY.13U0“ 0 3 $331116 ‘ or title, xt wil It fflfc y foone challenge the tiling . andrthekeeplngupthe name after ‘it been a-, bufed ,w.illkeepeup the thing it felfie, ltlfrCre- re no matvaxle though merfcontedd‘ fo__mu,ch for keeping the name of Bifhops. We finde in the notes ofthe emifts upon that place , I Tim. 6. u. no. T ntend much for the keeping/then old tetmes , let us keep our -forefathers7Wor" s, ‘fry they, andwee (hall eafily keep Ourloldl faith‘; let them.-la Amendment , let us fay ' naneé , let them flay the tdslSupper,lct us ythe Maire, let them fay_the[Communion Table, let us fay ‘the Altar, let them fa Elders‘, Minifiers , Iet'us fay Prielt , let. them ay Superii1tend‘ent“,' letus fay Bifhop, &c.;’1They and-.—_wec’all litvecxperiencc ' what i \ ~—:—-—————__5_._?_:_?..,,, . . 7 __ _ __,, ’.»:b:.-5.’-T“(271—) \ «mm “,I.1é;lA,I;t $’f.h3a".1e an q>i"z_:i:.~<>f > theft Rlicmi as havc =’be¢nc 1-atL:ly, 1 jg: n1any,;.otw Grit men ,. they ‘began. to al,tc,;c-. formr. language a but told yoga: fi.rf_{,, meant V «no -..-hu to by, ash: words'¢.md names they upon.tbiD,g9s.a£1d {now in this,.contrpverf1¢.gbour Epifeopacyfihcir clziefc Pfcva {ling Argyxmcng ., is t.hG Very » wot.-,LBilhOp’.1, w_lj1ich&V,c_a‘tckno‘wicd_g¢- to ,.b<:,a' .SCm'ture_ word‘ , butanpplicdfo as the ,doc , f{)\'a/:‘CCf_ta 1r[]c kind of fi§p,crior'Cfli’c.cr int 1:: Minilhty of their ownc dc.- vxfing , . when God gi\'csj:.;q a,lL;§Mini«£t¢rs or the Cofpcll 5, this %we, fly; hath .— much-;evxl1 in it , and the retainingof it ,.in t1xis,fer;£'c ,,fis. very:dange-’- rous. V. A . % .- . : . T .;:.Ieo. T he m0:9.:le4rncd1!t9t€fl4'~93 1'" "fife —C’"*J't*W Jrloiah war are not gwcfntd 6,, §iflJ,.9p.¢,~ ;1qc;nat,op,cl},Imld -£5€g0:v¢r»me.nrt.o.~6e lmfidl 5 ‘ 6»; 1?iIb%;?&lm;-«T thymu- ‘7"‘3°._??’f")!i¢.A:f’ ,, %‘-'I- elf? % 1,5’ .;" 5.7’ 1; Thhis zboldlyfzid, but weknow thcqu~iItie'con«‘ tray to be true , both by their writings and by .th0;{'e that have lived amongflz thcrn. Grrdriifa in whém may thcgmind of,%rth¢»~Rcbrmed Cl1ur§hes.;.as.n1uch as" In any, fiutih ; Vficc doc not vacknozvlcdgeiany inequality of vjurifdiétion that .B1{hops havcover Prcsbytcrs jure tdirivo ,- f'ceinq' -the contrary may be gathered out of Scripnrrs, is -frqm A8. 2o. 17. 18. and divers 0thcr'p}aces by him cited. He alfo brx7n9;s%thea tcfiimony Of 19‘ rogue, Amérofe, .41;/1;», seam», %1>ri»-413»: , Fhryroef ./M10: , Theodora, Occuapepgius ,: and. Thtnplvyldgs‘ .-and anfw_c-(rs thc contrary L_Af9,'Wm¢0‘5‘*9f 3‘m"' "Wee €l#4wi¢rvI’a1f9.!*Ih9 ‘ 3i111¥‘kW. F"°%"““‘4,‘,§f , éwcte better for the’ Churches , if they were alle- a25»(23) %;AA “fIhé%aéf8ra1éd.Ohd1flucs; fad-e£hus.~:.:.That inthc _L fiflfi beglmhi-ng. of f(3'iat1rcl1€5a:fh_‘3fF‘W¢T°'“0 ‘ (fu_chBnhop’si‘as wc,ne~xafit1wards.1nit1tuted , tp. % 'wifa.{'uch asquo Jan‘! W3,Y¢§0V€i° 3113 C1¢.1';€Y 2 {li1Ch7 I; ‘éf&‘il1hl1e‘, wc1;e‘not infl;itut_cdfby*(3'hrifkLand.l1is A-vs % ' :p0'IHe'ss5« a‘1ad'bcc2N3f'e% ,t'hat: is fbeft which is firfi-,2 it ‘ {Iccmcd IO baof equal! 11'ght,. and degree {and ' 'w}bcn“t'hat'difkinélmrderof. the 3BifhQps gftomt-he -IhestgytggswasLfir{i?i2ou;g}mhf‘n%;;:chc Bi1;1110psTx_v,¢rcL 4 not t e o‘nar%c'[l1s'o the L rch; nof ad power ', ‘over the Ciergylicitfbnely Ib.mcf@.fKF_O’ gm befioreiofhelise int: tlclgibérétnon and 1 compohn of_m.1ttegs. And leftyqu {hould thilnlée M3? eb<::fthet’;t;!f&1§)ivinesr§ (‘the ‘Reformed ’ » are as mo "M " ', ‘take -‘W-fiat Vmrm ‘Pi'r)~ 7 PM!‘-'stnhati$ ibmxerlyivrit ,s~anéi_0£,1a'g‘c3 0 {and What he hath writ, you ma9vi1'(&1!1‘iu;!j§9filt¥t§1' *5l'ru:Stac'c11efeQtrfi:anv-¢s3xarIc4i;‘;2[x1¢f;#£roaIr *3 vitiéi-e a- Itllth =‘aE'ainR E;§if¢91ba¢y:g1h§—34rh “-.';tIa'e'fZ: ;’ We ave .morc_ than; é35t’uid2int&y~prd- “w3gt;h5It§a2]teixdedBpxfcdp2a is fiotjdbve aizorgib. P-.sw'=‘si» .. _fiI""4'?"¢*a1'x:“l1‘elri1'i- mnetlszsf *°"' ‘““F“d1'd=99hdDd&6:§; aré 1&'¢r=iri’c4NIitrii‘ters, and Elder: in greater Affemblies, that matters that concerne all the Churches within their bounds refptfiive, may with command: advice and” oonfenn benagreed upohfortheirgood and edifieationa ’ A :i I Z ' I . 4 If j C 23.) e 16- 11 if “/3 434’ Nafonable‘, 2194: nvlaufiawy wogzd, izztrodatc 4.m’W f Mme, fibula’ 5e obliged to demonfirm, aforebmd, 1,14’ I/Vfgavernmem he wouldzhwr»oduce, ‘:49; much better than the other, and able to feiompfnrc :5, lofletbereaf, .e ...Therc can be no ‘lofle ofau evil}, and therefore" you need not call for a recompence either before or after. , feeing Prelgcy is an evill , as wee have proved;-ind flxallprove, ipis neither to be recom- pcnfedgxor moderatcd,uor,re{erved, but p~refe‘nt- ly and wholly to be taken away , what ever the con fequencemay be. The prefence ofan errour. hinskzrs men from forcing the trlithg. if tht: governs meat be,~,fc_»s—the«p.re{ent hurcEulI,hnd’thc exercife izuifchievous go; oghers 3 we need. not, we Ought 130: to {paste itetill wekuow what [hall come. in the roome- 4 l .. ,fur,th_cr;we-z}l~~£ee aplatforme before us améngthnurrbxahzenm the reformed‘ Chur..che’s,o which We conceive‘ vo.u1_d-give fatisfaflion in the mainc, being -jaceordiu ‘g to the former fix Propo-» fiti9ns,a,n.d. What alterat-.io¢_1~ is to be made in fuch thiugs,whci¢§n;an¢ 2§.fa1'tudd:Church difers from aaoshegthe fimemaybc cffeéied with more peace than ghe Epifcopacy can be continued. L 1 7,. Wee _-any flifl enjoy timt government , which proédly bald’: z';:sv'nfiiwz'r11fiom- the Apaflltr; . ~ Wee:ate.g1ad.ym1~.fuPpe& your caufe {oi farre, hating norothcr chanza fandy foundation of to»- babi1%cy.:,:2vy{j:ar:1u.evili is it that fo many t ou- finds havtfinffétcdfuch fire things,‘ in foules and bodies,'€incuftati:s,11b¢mics' and names , for Lmeerc ‘Q ~17?" Anfl Pat- Jrzf. 2." Pet; C34) pro'ha‘bilities , we bleffe God we have more to fay for our caufe againft Epifeopacy than'proba- blcs,and our reafons from Scripture are thcfc; t The whole charge of all the affaires of the Church of Ephefm was left to theElders*, A8: 20. where Saint Paul tells them, that the hoIyvGho!t had made them Overfeers over, tbattfloek whichi _ t ey were mpdnm, and the Word G judgement of al4,both to f.-.-ed and to rule.‘ ~ hatfoever you make tobelong to’-‘Epifeo ah-‘L cy,as Epifcopacy, is either matter.o£iurifdi&i‘on,' or ordination. jurifdiaionsdoth not belong to the Biflicp.-, for our Saviour Chriflc faith , Go Church , which Church to ihterpret of one man, is againft that place, becaufe hef ai th,‘Wh2tt]‘o'wef yet himle, againft the courfe of Scripture, becaufe one man is never cald a Church, and againftcorm mon fenfe, becaufe the word Church ,' there ‘fig-f nifies an aflembly. And for. Ordination, the A-‘ poflle faith unto Timothy , The gift that it in thee, which nut given thee hy Prophet} , with the lying on of the hand: of the Prerhjterie, I Tim. 4.. 14..-t"h’crc.~ fore Ordination alfo belongs‘ unto ‘the Elders.- 3 - Wee finde no rules , nor infiruéiions in Scrip- ture for the ordering of Bilhops , as difiinguilhed from other Elders, Paftors, and Teachers, and therefore we cannot beleevc, that there is any fuch difiina office : jttdicettt ttohi: Iota, as Voetittt y,,,;,.. uuf. fpeakes , let them thew us thofe places of Scrip- defl>m‘-P‘?- ture, where is that peculiar Miniltery, and where ’ "('3' “' are thofe fpeciall in{h'u&i005 Whidl b¢10ngt0'th¢ Bifhops alone,and not unto other Paflors 2 x _We gaifies in the e tell» the p . who (as we have prove t ' ( as ) . : Wefindein the jndgemenltl of the Holy Ghofi, that a Bilhop and Elder are all one , as appeates M8: 20. ‘by Comparing the fevtnteenth verfe with thetwenty eight 5 thofe that are called El- ders in the {even teenth, are called Bilhops in the twenty eight; which the Englzjh tra-nflates Over- ficrs, and onely here. "‘ So Tim: 1. 5. com ared * E? ‘W ‘W with the*7. where thofe who are faid to be , lders in thefift verfe», are each of them called a Bifhop Epiftopuqui 5. in the feventhgotherwife therelhouldebe no force W‘ ""> , in the Particle, For. This is the arguing of the ,,':$?,',:'," Apofile-, ordaine Elders, ver{.'5.if any be blame-limxu «ponc- lefle, ~verC~6. for a Bilhop muff be‘blamelefl'e "“ “”""""’ vet‘-‘.7. . A t _ ‘ »’ quam tamenp1r- . I fitula atrnoAa- yninl fy nip difévteponit, qua enim a'urac'¢em be: /om ? flli corzjlitucndi fun: Prcsbytlri qzéfiuufinc crimiuc , unius uxorzls ', quid Epifcoptm, cujmo ‘ium , Mteflmx, jurifdiflio ('2 grain dmfirt :2 Prflbjttrfia opmct qr: face critnine ,l mm axons uiram. Gerard. dc minifierio Ecclefufiieo. . , . One Bilhop no Counties and hun Apoftles times , there every City, ‘Tim’: 1 .% 5. w hath jutifdiaion overdiverfe 5. dreds of Churches, but in the were diverfe Bilhops in Elders in every%City;, d before) are the: fame with -Bilhops , ‘Phil. 1'. I. Bzfbopx and Deacon: at Pbilippi; It’scertaine in thefe places they were not all Chrifiians ,» itis molt likely, very few of them, and yet‘ thofefew had divers Bilho sfet over them; other kind of Bifhops then the e the Scripture knows not.” Yctintheletimes the El- ders had extraordinary Gifts , as appeares jam: the fift ," where the Apoffle féts down a rule for zllChutches in thofe times, that when any was fick, _ ,g:re fu pofenraneof.-our 3' (36%) lick, the Elders Ihould anoint him with,,'oyile-',7 . and {'0 be fhould recover 5 if thcnEld'crs had ’th'e’_n .rn’irachlo—usi gifts, and yettherewere divers _ 3 pointed for every Citie , then it cannot be con- ceived, that now when Elders» have no {och extr:¢« ordinary '£ts,yet that one {honld be fer overomaz nyCo8n.t:c§,ii:-n1ay’h.e,’thot1fands of Qongregai-G tions". " e - - 'The'Scri.ptnr_e acknowledgeth no fiueperioritiie or.inferiority.b'e£ween Oflittxrswiafthefitmeékinde; One A poflle was not over anoth‘er,rio'r'oné Eiiant golifiover another 5- not one Prophet over anoi- ther (indeedithe_Ser’ipture faith, the fpirits o£ the Prophets are fubjea to the Prophets, bnta-this fubjcéiion was inutna-ll ,f-:on_e_ not having _m’o'ce power -over, another, th'an‘that «orh'er.ha?d'over , him) neither is one Deacon over‘ anothefizkand what coulor of reafon can be given, that one Pa- flonr orffeacher Ihould hav_e:p‘ower‘ov«%‘:'«‘aiIo- thgf? A - 5 . , 1 ~ ‘K ' ft ' 3 '»..,.‘,i.' ; There is no mention in Scripture ‘ofianytimagg an Apoflle orfivangelifi , that did ‘;')er,forrne* any work o£-'otfice>‘m any piaee; but in. his own: par-.« titular Church; the Ajpofikes and .Em. elifisi, . which are made di&in&otEce'rs'ia7th;e zythgofit-he Ephcfiazzr. , had their Commiifion general} for all places without any limitation gbuoin this lntiende . Iof their-Commiflion, theyyhéve no feoccffours. There was no place Iwhcrc‘ Apoftilcs or ‘t-Evangdo lifts came , but they had the fame power, which tflaops darc;arrog:a:e1to them elves. It therefore they Ahccqed . . o 3 «,..1';—-r‘ ......_.._ __.—..?_ . C 3 7 3 l 11lesiand'Ev2hgeli{{s in the‘ lzrgenclfe of their, ' Commiflion, then their fi1cceflion.mu[t be of thol'eP.aflots and Teaclm-rs,«vhom we finde__ the holy Ghofl hath fet over ~p1rticnla: ycqag;-:34; 1'- am. - . i . ‘f If Church—_Otlicers he not limited toféverzll 8 Congregation: , . then there is no limitation. by aaysdivine infiitution, and if (0, then a Paflor ma havemany, yea, all C /Jurcbes in the world under him, and To the Popedome mull begun- lsed at mofiinconvenient, and not afiainli any di-. vine inftitution. If it fhould be {ii ,that though one can overfee divers, yet it followes not that he can ovettfee all. We anfwer, that no. man can overfee divers, but fubflitutes , and by fubRi- cures he may-over{eeall,and ('0 the difference will be onely in the inconvenience, and not in the nnlawfii-h1e{l'e,which is in thenature ofthethinaé You have here our Arguments, and if they weighed without prejudice, furely you your. Elves will-l-“dge-them to be more than proba bi- , Weihave not anfwered to every pa ifige ofthis Betition 5 tfer~w'e find many tautologiesg, Onely one paifage thereis more, which we .Can—- not-piaffe by, to whiqh we anfwerlbtiefly .3 . and". then we have done. 4 o _ . ' - 18, -Toafay, tbat»tl2:3'.goL'er22ment Z} Bzfbgm. oh bub coatiazaed mm} Ages without any alterattofi. tCt,wh.’1t 3). . Ifanyalteragion be made unto the bet caufc hathany to eomplaine? ‘N14/1w PM0’ *5 "4 F m :1 {bra . Q38) zmliora tvanjire,/;An5mf’ZEp‘z'j1.'3iL ad ‘U d7é13¥;I£.isz no flugneto~d1ange forthebetter. - A A 7'. If this government hath beene without 'any. aiteration, then it is the fame every way H13}?-it; was before the Reformation, ; and iffi), thenvit. is the very fame which Antichrift had retainicd many hundreds of yeares. Now we will. it to the confide;-ation of any indiiietemt man, whither-he can think: in his eo’n£_’cience. tint it; is way probable 3 that Antichrifi tfhohhh retaine the sgovernment of (79ri]i fo long in the fimplicity and purity of it.- Is it not the great defigne of Antichrifi: , ;to lifi _ ' bimfelfi above Cbr"z°jf3 and his fgoflé _? what! nieanes could he more readily 'efEe& th1s,thzne by corrupting the government P Had‘ hé power to doeit, feeing manyiyedceszhe did what hclificd inthc (Jburd ?~ All that flood in his way, he =lihth' corrupted; and can it be thought , that he fhouid leave mcnt intire, accotdi to in{’titution,‘v'vhich was molt oppofite to his ‘ Egtie P Pridefifid Eancy claufe men, above -é1l1t_=laings,§ to Ieeke to ting govemment °tm?1e'r? their ‘iownc wiils.» 2 And who ever fince the of ' the .VVptid fweld with _more pride and arrogavnoythanr Am tichrifi hath done , 3whié_'ti‘é‘ppenres his in- terdiéhng of Kingdomes, 2nd. bringing Ptineesé under his feet _.> But now we hopeGOD will ' ' {titre up the fpir1ts'oft'he'~Pria’ces0£»tl1e‘.Ea'tt31a to cal} off, svnhindignation, ‘that. baftttbonfi " ’ 4 an £39} and Babylonifh tyranny, they have lb long been under; which ', both wee and all the . and mail cry to heaven tp haflcn. - FINIS. 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