mwmmm, % 1’fmwdim.zheA em 3 .- ’ ‘ av’ ‘ V ' . “I as ”‘ 3*“ A» ~. ‘ V;«:~w“ - » . ‘ ‘ W A . " “_ 5 A» .» H M ‘ ‘ ‘ J ‘- M I V 9‘ b M A M '* 1- . o ‘- ; ‘ w i M ' ‘ at V. ‘ , . . , . . s ~‘ ~-« 2: *Q‘’‘''’ i‘~.”E'«%$g ' ' ' ’ F‘? ‘x Z I ‘ I f ‘ M: ‘H V" I‘ ‘ -~ ‘,. 1‘ I ~ ‘..x 3» .;9.:fh ;;§., la.-.».~ f, «'1 v , or ‘ ” 4!. K .. - 1"...“ «.:.g, " o; ..w ' “ x ‘ .-* u '1 - ‘_ ‘ , “ ‘ =.,_A,._ . ,1 H‘ v u: ~ , I , ‘ 3;, .--n \ - ‘ ‘- - ,c . »V 1‘ -R‘ TR U E CH A ‘ o or: AN ‘ ~‘<' “ 1» ' .: 3;; :4 1, ‘u, ‘ ,, . , _ o ,4 « 2. - 1‘ . V Vvith 3; Recipe at the end, how to J recover a Bifhop if hoe were lofi". "Iv u.',,_ — you askc me ofwhat owing Face is, I anfwer, I ,7 know not; for fometimes I find him in Triéww rmli, in 3 Court ofjufiicc; fometimcs infizggcfla, in a Pulpit: Inothe firfl, Io much againfl Gods will, in the lémnd , {'0 much againfi his ownc: 1 M _, will, thataso he: hath not a right to the one, hoe ta right to the other. And what can Icall this man ? .._ g. . prioz A 2 Ifyou demand ofwhat Religion hoe is; I know not. Hoe ” doth proteflhec isnot aPapi{’c , and I woulé willingly bcleevo him}; yet; h‘ccpe1*{écutos ProtcPm.nts,az1dfo.In1ufl neceflmily doubt him. 4* Hoe is to me like the Piéhxrczs, which by fcv¢ra1l1ights,hold forth a fcvera11¢rcp1'cfE:ntation : On the one fidc you {so a plcafam: Angel, on the othcr fide a grim Satyr. A A H 3 Hero alwoyes either aoficth o1'com%mandcth contimolifiions : M A 3 Form «'1 V W» :1 a"fw.w ‘ ¢".";o.5'% “«"n;g.".‘ N3’ ,, “ ‘ "we % N , 9????‘ (2% ¢. For heat calls a A"Purir:an an hypocrite‘, bccaufb-h.hcchui7ecAh1ot:g ix-‘ayers; and‘’h all his religioninhadaily:SAcrvicc:of'two _ omes Long. 4%}-Iée difidéimés Pop:-ry, and yet éhaI1Engéth' his ftimfiibfi‘ hyfh fiicceflion fiom thePope, whiz: Iincalhlyjdcfcends from Temg. though (like chePope) hcc f'Licccel lwitneflcs, Rewq 1.3 mas tfljel Magldians dffigypc d‘i‘cl”w1'th and ..4d7‘én_, who Chmuld be moi’: powerful] in Miracles: They, during the time 301° their pro; phecy, {hump heaven t~l1atlt- rains not ;.Hcc,% during the time of his ddminilomcommands rhelmalignant Intellig>cnces,thatplagues, murrains, lFa"rniflneS, newd‘i1Ea17es falldownc no lclle frequently, than l’llE1ll~€,f3lI1C,%5Il‘!iOVVa‘l A . l “ I 2 “ And as hec Worketh mlraclesfo miracles are wrought upon him; for heels allthis while, 72z[};p’z‘ eucciar, blinder than a.Mole, and faith nor,that: all hiscfforts are but that rage which the Prince: ofthc ayrc mufi‘ exprcfle, as his time l'l3.l~l€‘l‘l€l2l"l , are but the BL- fhop hislall thrufis :For R0:me§lCivill and Ecclcfiafiicalll tyran» ny, with all the depcnclanceshthe%rcef, are falling, -\ like a milllone into the Ea Goclbeinlg now ready to poure, or in pouring out the‘ A fifiAhl~viall’; But all this hee {East}: 110:, clfc (as Salomon faith, at 1'0 t/laé efl m‘!I5¢7%fl#glgml‘d)l hcc would learn cvcn with Rats and M ice, ll ltowithd%Aralwh:;o1n the t%:ottcrmfg l10ufl:"Oftl1lS'l1lS"‘ l-lilsrarclly, L111-— A ‘warramedl in‘ Scripture. I-Ic"eh.:u:l1 eycsand Iéeth hot, cares and“ hearezh not, and {E9 is it With all chofethat liflcn to him. But light‘ isco11:miz'ag,anclfvvhich-l»isthe-grgatcfi miracle ofallj they who are the mainécn1mies5 {hall bC“chlel"c- authcaurs of a mofl glorious ~ ‘” Rlefornialcion, and :hatby‘oppofihg int. .. I2 Hce:hc>ught'lwlich l1isPredeCclT0r», the: Pope; none have “ left Lay men other helps in Divinity than lmallgcry, callmg lma... goes Lily.-fl1€n5'b*‘l7’0l{€-.5. -VBW ~ Lay men have of law fo oucflrip: him in El7‘2l.lZf"l‘l” udy, tlijat al1=lEpii3z:opall ’Ifh'ecullcglie -cmalccncmgl om«:,will ” bee but the Image ofithe tr-ucsflivvixwilrygwhich4. may bccfound la-l ~ mongll L..a.yllm~€13- Wic1ae{l"e- tluoflzm-i«g,hcyaComm:;hts zmalebyfw ; fame worthylmctmbcrs, of the.-moi} honcmrablc-'afl?:mbly of ;hc~ ‘ A ?m.yolfihilicy_ _ofe~xcccding them, haul}: of Commons, upon thcallelvlonlflrous, Babilonilln, Menflru- » V” ems Carmous ofthc1rs,°vvhich have nothing fguod in them blut%zl-gjs, . ” hatbv their erninency intheir l(i~nd,tl1cy have. not lcfg“p@¥£lm;y;~ 1 4.4 ‘Hag bywhis conflrérlamohg mal<és holy thritfvvhilcla God hath V made common ;aslBells, Eél ropes, Candles, Corpcz-ra.lls and Al-‘ tars“:‘:: ”f'rom vcgczanve 2:0 ll.fmfizive ,-, lb‘! A 3 3,-»l;1z1:s »~piants_atj1d trees__w¢te raviflned by the fwecti.a;iid‘ éharmlng tgtieh A cf lhis“in£"lrL;ment%;e Buta. Bilfliefeegn doe~m§>r.€: if That.whichie ~ €OITlII10fl,;l1€€.1I1.a.l{€Il1 holy» " A A : ~ A z 5 Hee againe can ahafe that which God‘ hathexallteél: Pot? lay execrationihee doth anathematizc the foules of moi’: ptetioue Saints. iBy‘h‘is eonlecrathjn hee doth advance : ‘By hisexecretiag en hee doth abafez And W50 may Cohfffilfi him}? i V 4 lfliwifiwm imperiem mm fave ‘Pepe teem A The Pope teignesheas Gal, 1'6 E-leeputs holinelih into the liones of the Temple, anal ie is hee that rendreth‘ unholy_.,t:hat malceth Peony his ownc heme , and the hearts of his followers, vvhich men call the ‘vilibleTem«-» ;ples of the holy Gholi: Witnefle 1113 many l‘3parrowi£l1,Wren".;.'; lliklelwanton extravaganceswhich wee meet with fimm men of that Coat in our'Committees, and havcllmowne complained; ef in the high Commillion. A V A ;Di*v{/hem imperiaxm mm fave ‘?rtzy?tZ beféet, TheBil7hep reignes as Gad, . 179 Bee is learned in almoli ell arts ‘a1ielll?.*iences*l: Heeisttm excellent jucliciall Alitologer; for Whereas Picm fliirandmiw;-it felim ejfer, Carmelz'm'ai Lapide, mm W/mlti.s'« aliis _, deny any A ieertaine knowledge of our conditicm, by the influence of celewl fliall bodies, hee faith boldly and truly, Let him bee but under Lu the gracious afpeéi: of" Cherie: his Wainc, and bee is confident’ all will do: well. :8 He is ho lefle slcilfhll in the Mctaphyfielce , for Whilfl thee 72 .;»=.=gé_§m§¢ wmgfifi hold l'iI'l'ltl€", veritie, anel lb-0‘l‘iltlC',fL°IW5?J!3’££' couzzcrtiéifcngdivers names He; dsfiiznzesh, exgreliing the fime t'l1ing, finding unity in the Papztll Hierarchy, We W’“‘=€ ‘@334 he cancludes, tlmt we mull goe to Rome f'o::it1'uth and goodnclle. of zhje.-18,,&afl‘e— - i v t. ‘- t mg m M Rad He cl zffenteth not mucufmm thejefmtes , who are altogether Pa- , {mm and M mcelfians, in as much asthey make famlous thofe three Principles, l ‘ zl?l.!e..l;:3;a,:liafi7c‘oi l l i ll l l l l l e V lSa.ifl;, ?S“a"X*, M'ércur7y; ma Stzlgphujr ‘Sa1:V:21cy,Vm::k¢ éh~e‘,princ*i’pifl‘ bi?‘ ME; Chrifiianity in their bapitiiinh 3% Mér‘Tct-‘1Jr’y‘,% the ‘fi1ther$?o£f lies aiid _equi«Vocations , is tothcm-t§hePx:incip1e of a-lldoéhrizmc and pra- flicej they1ai’d7Su”,;or;Gugpo4wdeLi*,A unjd.erth;¢Par1iaz11mtn 510*-l1;'¢55?avPfi¥‘!~?3B1§:A~°f3s¢£?‘»‘$33ti9Qii?Eh§§aPS1?~%A “ ~A 1:9 r~ar¢*x>:a3,mc;adn£ wh%T:m%Vro:nec»omasa rarmpmg, M: and 9'.4lmtheir.way,,fQmcfor Pamcezjfm_ , he conrclztudc.-9, that EPwrazée2fm+ is%bcttcr,“ahd fa d¢é~Ié~thwhbl1y"in Sp“irit§,Ieavin”g norm 1 «that home within:<;®ogi%1:i’Iajr*:V"vsé:}1”i1{3r%«the4Méxf;1liH:% "‘dotl1!di{fautc,. Zlitrzm Aprmimriw 5,5,»? *v:1=rm5A~ “wé:o1m%!.vé~,i3< as»; imellcfiwléj, . ,. ” he d?eniez'h a=n~y fiver? vértiwfad a:.H«i’,ée i°{u*r*%e =l_:vé‘ %zvféu:M .nev<§r mgvf-e: A rwfcmuxaa hi3~gzarAica§aisV va11:mgi- @691.‘ km LVv¢~:éf%"itz!:%P%a1~1iaIg—aire"nse g: fat by firivingimi 1mip%V:he:a::aé,«misutszgem1oVr¢vbmh;.~ WW‘ . « xs 2:” »Hé%*kn1qvyeeh*réh:at»“'wh is: glmigm a.¢:W;w2 i‘*s.£fp¥g'i~* amt»: i:mMtio:§£',&I%3’.f7c3 hi »é”3':ét m:’i”0h§‘f”iAr“f‘i? i’n i2=xtfifé:1fi%”6f1%15’; "?;fa§n.«fi £161” bee ' :%9cin;gibyr«’a»tnFe @£;£_‘u=Ié‘s i;iv*:c‘i’q-;~d*i&1{:ja @?1j?2¢”§'§’z3’27z3W€§3‘*3A'B’is*‘?zie°fi§i§!2yp§,;i@§’f‘- flee aiwbefiafi m:gm»~7¢%§1 ya“; what: «many a good Mifiifler hath been: pitted and flarved. And ,for.foVtnicaciomyou m ay judgdby ‘his commtitaci0fl5fi'hiéh'fl1ould goat toxhe poor;, but kfervechhis wif: fair pimi ;%4z%?9'%He:-is 'fia1%fc}a¢ ‘Jéw. he comzcmzhsIfé%f;Ptiefis $;iad¢AvAIms, AW-5.l‘*g*1 hf? Willnot“4~ufé[th¢_V§9§€1Sfilébathmlélirhr: '(h0l4kléT‘ judaizc M A thfotzghbut.» ~39» ~Jn_a,I1:hcfc compIyin5f1ikc%Ma wi{i:%ma.n%, hcfiis «tI"l%1(t'; tq hinff j_fc1{e;4~~I=m though h¢1faAiA;h.:1;c#£¢u:th C¢;nm?a%nd§rhcqc[is4i:4r: 7‘m4?¢0; yes; hévfi1ith,‘B,if1i0[5s«af¢ 5f?4? '? 43W3§K¢g,% ”’Cta%rifl...: ; 3: He flandeth at the Bcliefiaé, ycthc E§cIJéet%&t¥i’£v}!1$at$:?4 fimd=th =9”: c1»fih=AwQu1dn9=~bc fa {‘FY°¥¢F°, ::h~f4mcmbers 0*‘ 1' W (W 1; 1-1.: be a Heniticlfg in rm1y;h~i§2g”,¥ 2: as sin %:e4isapf:§z5:§ax&«;;" Miwhi-éfh hé calicth B'ifl1opping,:md ye: flileth :sn~Afl:tb}rp:i{¥v;‘fiiH~¢4 1‘ctickc._W ‘’ %HV€ =d.i0§H W;’*J5:t F> Eh%w€.CO114;cILgd;é§ tiifgaqt ‘b0§i.§1Z}?f£¥d’€”Yt§ig:?‘3tf03- §t€'i 3? flbfhiflga fifidfl‘ CTEFOF5’ ~% ‘1iU1§~§§-1?_0ih Pifflyfii‘ 2~r1+ap*reachix1v,g4;~ hm- fofeS%:fzn6n,Apf€ci{é%Iy fed .2‘; %”houtWe;.%% 5 4% aw ‘ " ‘ «" a.¢:_w'n §~r‘y‘:“A V‘. W "~ “ -v I 1 9: an the Spmt; mad pmfcflcth hxs s3<1I1oFthc§p1r1tm Pn.1Jof3phy , to be confined" to ngzturail, vita11,]and ;m£zna2l%; pafl -ax1i:naMA~hc can-- not gee: in Divinity, to the third‘ Pverfom in th T¢rinizy,m the fE::%uIe ”* of gaod and bad zncn ~, to; gm:>d; @‘?p£'¢'iJ%'”§"§;iz*3geIs5 fim;her~ he doth not know. ¢ . M ,, _ «~,, "‘~ W W p ' M 37; .%Ge»d 15 110 ?1éga:det%of%ptrfa%fl£r,» but 2*eqL'x11‘éthv _L11x3%efiE on his dqyesi’. --Hu':“e~1s ar¢f;“veé’tcro‘f maxi“ ,< b%awl%:&;s}d‘mEm"~£==;‘% qycg 3,, ~~ V ' ’“é'V aw :22 6 May 5* is‘**11t'vf*-* fa érééit 5111?éfié»fiY:;t0%.R¢;f3£"‘2'i%g:1zu §:f<é%r:V§. M « ;I¢1f.t fl1"@%rf~‘*;"‘%¢‘h*e*i§4>a ”gr'ear D i *."1i1‘*c.,.,j’ 4; Iii Ehinktf For %fl’§&é%7I%’c5r§*i}&§’.W $h€W}?§hf13‘5z}y; gove:_nm¢nq,w«hi%ch force-th a man ag:z”i"11"i‘.H1is ton!¢§er£"ce"t”o fV’V;’Ca£'; or to vow , and that thrcet-3n2es,7\Q71o epzfi-a;mrz' , E will not be“ a. Bifhop ;_% when (m>tc_tmhc ghe,Sp:}riL; 1:ai§h;,’.‘.f1:§.:;,{7gq 05¢;-zgb 1?/:6” ‘fit? bf Vflffiiffw % ¢§:@aéd*t;l9i£€-%%4%;f;¥;¢34M;;,wéfh)r-#532 mm the war&%AL*g41Ara%q¢:%% Hg, ¢:.f:m“S }=':.-t{,1£¢,3 w~c%1f"c:;§L11f{1%cd3 r&1W?$h&*W~fif»d Pxiiwflw x tang; far i1c%“vv ohlgiw ithcga i'2iial{fe;%q%txic$€%”1%?émVi‘R§ A v z ‘ M1swav:€Ei§¢«W;9416; dw fijearning he hath much faci1iz:atcd°‘i‘I§’?E”i/izo1'fc“6’" 22 Uivizae. For 335 Lawzlwthe I 1 ,rc<;1;1c;th ¢3.V1‘1~};)1m§¥{.1FI;13t§:;I‘§3‘ai1E1}:1I:g.g; §Q,:wc*fi;ié§ dgfi... "i ,4“) M H ., % . it ‘ ,‘ _ ,gmw!¢zre,L mj-Eztwg zmreghe that cg; rmot _cir£1'm:.g:.iV¢&,.§;;,$c:x;z:no a K:n%g:;% M hath c%7pit&5m§.*ic‘cIVt’hé”11e‘¢cflT2§.r|j%‘ war}; §«;i%2§15}e tho “tA}%a§s¢%,§% nnwir%%%£eme4?egar@_., um: ‘£2251: «Vpzw1ealicm.:}p-.,%;av% gogd adm: is a :»g;.{m:§fl;' ‘ “-{W , m H V! .w ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~;_h\ H“; V, M“; ,,, .. nu ma» 1- .,__ M» g hfififm ééd V ‘tfi‘§t‘ «$3 bf §¢’a£e§%.;‘.5g;n.fg_¢§§3 gag ‘imam, i7m§5':m$ tfiink fqr: forif a man become butto that Imigzh of learning tharA:1m“Qrdin4arY4€3“ F3)’ 1 ‘L”£?/5‘. W %w€Zaréc.»r¢,.‘:- ,:;hie gfikfe 3 EICVCI‘ £136 thifl Gré1%IIQVr_.»*"s, h&é,g¢3 \_?1;"4»-%~g;jjII. Byeh%gh.rim¢ta1eave tk:aB.iflxom¢£,t%h¢ f;.3x7wi£11‘th€ we: %i§l*‘%*th’€” P"f37éf,%i?g6*z)2zp#[¢z:'¢da , i1[€’%‘Z/€?'£7,p;{f‘,§,§z»d£?i3\‘£1:”:¥$N 3* m ('3) ~ you with freIati:a.g thccruth ‘iare weary: 'a:.1"‘c1’.{'of"I' c6h¢1u'd‘c the Bi%&mg5s~€hara&cr— ‘ W 33 But lei’: af:cr_ aggs fho:§11d_ flefire to rccallgwhat wee _1&b0£fi.wrD$t€jC&;V -band’? foourj‘ fiofictity Thould fwith thc'Re-r- .m.m5 53 forced to Salon and-e/fr/aezéx for lawes , fl1ouid be forced to run to Rome for a Bi£hop%; g»ive*me leave to prefént you with =2. ‘ ‘ h . ‘P VRecipe,whicwh ifayou aciminifler to xhe right panty%,_ youflmll ne- "ver xiVafltf;aCrBifl1dp‘“wnhiifiwffllg fiandetho ~7“H5 R=ECIP“E. Récjgé: 1.: N"f’:cad ofthe‘m:zg‘i[h'aIlof'Pca'r1c,thc magifhall 0'5 . _ Ifomc of Jtimfé confécnated Hones which are to be ‘Found under thehigh Altar in Saint Ptmlf. Secondly , Tbcféalcs ‘bf aM,conf.ecratcd Cla.pper¢, aIn'1oPcw,mouldrcd to norhingfby the €.' « egviflincffgfl bfa», which would not let the Ecisking xzpon-.thc_irA% Sabbath : ~ofthcfc;two an equal! quau-9 city.“ A A ‘ 2 Tmraunces bf'tVhc%paiAnting of: Mihc d13%‘Cruci'Hg: Found ix; 'GhriffsChLtrch4:h1*im-ycercs agoc.‘”Se»cbz”1dly ,1 % ”a1%I zzlutrqulantity whith rcmainéth %<:>f'“ the {bull of Bmdford, ‘Lntimer, Ridl:-7 , and others ofthofla Hcrcticks that fufFcrcd% undcr Banner and Gar- .vdi2w_r,5_%wich%%ha1F¢ :1 “Pound Aof',powdcx,which “Fax laid rrcafurcd ‘up under thcw'Pzr1iaAmc;i;houTc. 3 [AI-W; arfl‘ fficlé 5 with“ a fisfficicnr qugtntity cf?’ wP%urirané‘s¢ cwarasgi and the ;grcafic ~*covc;° of “a Singing-maas%, Common Prayer? :B0c;£k<:, ufirdiby him "in fomegrcat Cathedmllchefé {Even I-;1Fg” “ygcres , into the Mitre Iéntfoutgf [M.Zj(1‘a%rc1y,V as AaWl1axbizagc;%4¢?“M whatmufl hav*cfi;i11ow%k:d.~_%( -ed? M AA A A ‘ A E, 4 9B:.~.~ cgrcfizll flzcfi ~¢t%¥:visI\“V;ii¢i‘x:1-44: wit"h“thrce'{f2oon1Fu1s a "Plum *m1ifls£a&in% fpittlcg with 1‘ It ch n ‘c 11 , xtr cl’: d,b ” k»'L..7 ‘fl:zI1%hand,0u§oF the fitffi {q?1a:'c capytfzc-awgscwoin ghy fiiyilgicil- »131fl3;0p¢a1’t«acrx:bc Fwforgmtion2;' thme mmrnmimgs tmwmfim A u ' ‘ A 3 ‘ 1 w W ;f3»2Ah3L'E4E[A€§O£$’£ W05 thjfi pewdgig, :ee:»a' he ~Hat§1*»w£.;th*!’4:£‘_ saga m give Eafl, Vor;Vto1:hc$A% fl.ita1*f$,amd if he fw?aHmW mm threw «BE opridz s ,% vvfith thE‘£A’€ (§fw;»*z¢A2v;~¥a~?aééwd,rz;*»;vz.r; ta ewf§VriyAi0:j2§m;fAa‘hmany A I am gréfly AI151§.PE&1?&fs‘31AIAa; A mum.“ :wvrfWv'?T‘T‘"""c -ms ‘ .,‘...W1~~m«-“ ‘ Tim C@1ma1*i&§:y bemrecne €h1*ifls flpoé flies and Lorcfly P1:‘cMrc%sm [mes bmteéazfi. ‘ % V‘ 2» The e/9'pq/$16: uawe poem, yet made mxmy Vic!/35 éwzz“ Larzfly Prafyztcw Law rick, J/ct mm:z',7qg° many paore. V 3. The e/4pafl[a:flzfi%rm’f0'r C/Jrz:/27-5 5 55322;“ Lo;~ua./[Hy Prelww-5 Perm fiscfiitfie otiJ.m°_fbr C3/Jrflz‘.r_fl;z@’. % . 4.. 17' line an/fpqfl1e:fi¢fié*red£7zmgcr mmlibirfl 5 W3“ Lardajy %P2'-e[»W.s' a=./«2':f'.3« wzddrimzlzg azlzmym oftlaa éwfz‘. $9 TZ.v.e* e/«flag/L115: mew cazllcarlfrom tlw receit afar. mm; Mr Loragly PM-3 2?2;‘z‘5*5 .:5m‘;~4*z';:.;=3.«s* r/3c:'r‘mfl*Zve.¢ im“afiam’J oficwr. "N 6, Cl:1;”2§J’i‘3%.JpaV’3[e5‘ were ¢:z[Zc?.c/mall 5 mt Lordly 2?»:/Zzops Lomiit am mrc?:_w gvzxaaiimr. ‘ V ‘ ‘ ~ % % A W ‘ 7. The Apafllm prz3¢sz5{52;éi1a’£iZy3 Lam’ Pr¢'[xm—*zr pm.-rm5fc’Zz1oy;z.e. 8 , 77.76’ 1/1pe:5]’z‘!nc%5]27*c’:,¢zcI5c:‘¢:;+3 {'2azfv’7,7 mor2:2£;o'g mm’ c%'zwz‘£;a:g' M 1195’ Sazééfltk ai";.*1'}'§}g % {£32-’;vt £,om'.{}r I’7*a*l:zzr.4r: p2*a)’:7;5a5s?: it as zzwlxzzav 7;:/Z to prmc/9 aim rifle ,4.j”z“€2~ maoyw, 9... TIM xfpofllw ,4'M'.«:.«,’ 220 qwzflfiramgmlmr (lap: fm*z’1?m7r ?”‘02W’7e2’-P/ilféfy u:7Z0i"‘ flfzirerx, ,Z*7€o.c‘»’a¢=r.r; Szfirplefi/"es, «$636, 220 A’Zm;~*:, Tz:zpe7.r.3 Cmrcifi.w.r3 aw. rum % fiwlw offlrr/92m'5 z“irl.¢’s «:2 y0z¢rV‘G2~¢z£z>9(3‘3“c, ]5?z¢2* aw Lordly PMZMM clzazisw Mic;/72° wizdfl i‘}J02b:;flw.c1m*2a.'r*c‘, Tn?/.7ic/9' the ,/1’ Pofiléi off 6 ;¢.e'w;" /wad“ V 9 ’ Hag/fpafilcw of were 7¢%’.:57.t-}9c12*»zt‘_flZ‘z/4??‘dwzpigafdfi 5212: rive’ PM-« M V I, , A AA; overtaken Sir, Hhafl be glad ofyottr mm; A I pmy youwhatisAyour calling, r A A A A e A5’Zfl?0P- I havfi 586116 aPriefithi$ fiteteene 3/cares, a11cItheIAafl: ordinatitm I was made a Bifltop. A A (I5z1rz,e';cz, What? a Lord Bi{hop.A t A A Biflzop. Yesg a.Lor& Bifhop. A A A A A A A M Cale». Why Wotlldyfill€I"1te1‘iI1tOfi1Char1 order; have you any warrant for your calling 5’ N0,1etmAe tell you, youI..ord-- Ky Bifhops AandPreIates are;dAgesAfg:rup by the Devil}, to jblearethe eyes of the ignorant; yee are unworthy to bee A reckoned amongff the flockes, becaufe yet: have perverted Gods * Worder, and made fitcharbottomelefle pit, that :2 man cannot difizernezmy remnant of tlmtwhich our Lord Jefits Ghrifl had “ordained among the fztithftxll, A A A v V BM», Hath not the Church beene gove1~xte& by Lr>rdTBi- flaops everfince the Apofiles time, why then doe you fpeake Em gainfl that holy Order? A A pany, you feeine by your coat to be a Mirgifierg<;;‘ A fairy. Theféz hqrned beatfisroftthe Popedt>rne4ltav eA1}i1hI ufl1i1‘v~ % ‘ed the title cfflrelates, and Bifhcps, and will needs be Awm*--A ihippeda under pretence of Clttrrch--governnteztttg but it is at flarkelye, they are not let up byGAod,, buthave thrufithem- ielvesinto this Order, At A % A ‘V A A fix:/Z», The ceiling is I-awfizll fofrtAAt11e government of the Ghttrch. A A ‘ MA A A A A A [lelen You have no fixre ground forttth:tt,rIam fizre it iAsAf"a:id A A the Church. in the Word offlod, that no man oughtA to take authority up— on him in the Church, Helm 5, Chrifi AAordaincd no dumber Priefi in the Church_., nor fuch as vatrnt themfdves in their gewgawes : Hee meant mt to play a pageant, that men fhould difguifi themfelvesg hee intended not that ‘men ihould mocke at God by M urlimewes ,4 and making AofGrucifixes,tAand bleffing 0fAItars V: it is Satan that hath thrttftin thcfe defilements in to Ae A , Bifb, E new reétd fieee the _Gofpe1 w z1sfip”re?:f.c%I‘2ed in gee ; ‘Land, that Otir .GhL_1Mrc11%Al1a‘th beene Without Blfhops te gflm veme it A” V Cale». Whemze ca;me‘Popery and all ,.the filthy pucidleg, but from an inwai'd«p‘IagueA~and ei_mp0fh:1mee bred in the bowels of the éChurch;, hut haw n1an3gf pwoore foules have been annoyed and corriipted with ;the french ofit. A h ' V;Why doe youfo argue againfcthe hcfly Fat:here~ef A A ;;:the ”?hCI11h"e}1.h : A (22172, The Eordly Bifhops and PreAIa;teAs‘ are farre feom being Aho1y?eAFather3‘Of the Church, who whim they ethinke them»-W feives to match the Angels inAi1o1i1nefi?:, yet‘nev‘ex'thelefi"e doe ihake ofl'”the yoahe of God, and like a fore Ofrnad bedfls tram- pie his Word under theirefeet. , ‘ ' ‘ ‘ea/e. Have notfiifhqps beene aiwayesaccounxted by tAheM}§-fa». Athershhtobe the Vicars 0fChrii’co A , A A e A e A [Ed-zzr, Indeed many LotdIhj7”BiTF1:bps have’pr0udIyuefi11"ped to becallecl theevicarshof Chrifc, who have heme more igno... mute then A'Hee, yet have eeaflhnxed to thenuflelves to be the law.“ AfulI'Govemours of the Church 5 but the trueefl°eé’cua.ll preach- singof the Gofpel dothhnoe cotafifljn windy elloquenceg, but in A , ~ the Celefthall power of the ASpir‘1t:; as Pm! faith, I (‘one , 1.8: 4,,’ Bhif/Tn Bifhops are the fizcceffottrs of the ApOfi1-C3: and there- H M . fo1AeIawfiI1ly called to their di*dei*. M C-QKKI, Are they the fueceflgtxrs “of theW£kepo£t1es5v;;110 have 110; A een10refea1**e*‘0fetheee_D0<‘?crihne of the Gofpel then B5»,-wds,:" qr the L priefts offlece/52% and Vé-“flew; with what faceh“«:Iare you fiend to emaintaixle your order: You were ordeained beforeh to preach the Gofpel, as’ yaur felfe conhfefled even now, are you not afluae « med to bewray your owne impudenciee. A It is eylough to over» throw ymzrh fazextafiiecalieHierarchy,iFyA0ueconfidex" that no nmfln can he a fucceffotxx‘ ofthe Apoflles, but he which iexfverh Chrifl: A preachii1_g 95 theG0fpelhas the Apofiles did. They arehhzali '4 degenerate and“AAeounterfeic fiaerificers, which doe not apply the ofice ofteach%ing,,‘ A A B13]/;r,l God tofnmeiitted the authority 0ftheGove1*1?ime11t of eheChm*c:h to the Levites in the Law, ‘amd th:e~§'Lu1a~e iseo:m1iic- reed n0'9vtoe~theBifho?ps under the Gofpel. ‘ I A " A x A ‘ Te!-v.v.u Siiould "it bec0‘r11ehth%eAg0dly to deny Chrihto obey“ ehen*1A: C«I117ii‘c.fo1‘b§.ds Tech awtho1‘ityi11t11e Ghuxeh as to re» A V fineve A : A A tttete the Shephetttitg exact tml:2.'e tI1emLd'rdiy Rteizttetg 22213 tztfte thettt‘ %0fi”ftom thei1*FI0ckes. A t ‘.1 E5/Z». Do not Bifhops preach; thetfore they are then Shephemds {£5119 Cttlzi, But they cfizatfiettge to tAhemit:1.ves more then titles of Shep» healflsa by ‘vthicil frhetr Lordly govemtnetxt, they have not fo much at title ofat calltxzg, fer the whole mdet efthe Church was ovemhrmme thatthey tnight lift Ltp themfelves into this tytmmy. A A 3 We do glorifie Chriit byfithe govemmem: ofthe Church, with; mt whxcfh there would be great cit£"<‘:>rde1'_.,2md many fltttnge Ht-re{t7es and A fehifimes write in the Chui‘t;‘h.. A ‘ A A A M [aim You fhould then thew {Grab your Iteavetiiy DC>&I‘in€, and not A Q became idle belliesgats the Iordiy Prelates ttfie to doe boaftiné-,3 fimmfejveg iii to be the ehiefia ofthe peoplegis this :51 title 1:0 glory in ? Chtifi acknow-=~ ledges Home ofthefe 1:0 be Paflc:-t"s. The fitme want: it at this day in Pow" petry, wlfich yet are repIeni{}1ed*vti.tI1 Ptti’cetztII titles; gteafltsis that finke of lewd COH1paH_'Vi11 thetWw*rItc;!,ewEt1iei1 zrmtetvtthistmnte doe Adevcmre the people, which though they be dtt't1'1bt3 doggesfiet zuce not aflmmed a‘1*m.. gently to» b1*e9; 0fthei1‘Hye1'm‘chAy : But the VVo1‘ciofCiA'u*i{t faith, that there are no PaPtot‘t,, where they doe not Iztbeut, ttttd that thofeflaeepe are wandring, and tiifper*fi::&, which we not gathered together inhthe fold offifiod, by the D08c1*it1e%efthe G0fpeLA A, l‘ A ” ~ :A A f Bi//7:. Me thinkes you are very bitter :tgai11i’tttAs,t0i°pe2J£f0 reproach»? efixIlof0u1*Otdex:, J t t At A C At A ‘ ‘ % AA : I A A M (22172. Indeed; befides you, there is tmzty daintyrnexm;ttIti‘s"datygwhczi ffcannot abide to F;13t3a"~tt;"(t any tthi‘t1g“tj3eeke1‘1fhzttpfiy ag:ti1zitthePopifh clet-of A‘ gie g tbutfcioth mt AC’fmFfz’~ tlezmttttxeezt ven§;e.tnee% agahtft ftch vipetem" A b91’[t?z‘1*b. 33. A A A _ ‘ A A At A Had mt fiedts 2?. Bifi1tapt~icit,:ts the rett ofthe Apoftles had,wIm A ‘A A 3; being dead, the@ref’t did cl1ttfezzx'10tI'tex: to fucceed him, as it is, /15?". 1.20.. C.«:.r.Zt/.. Peter did there fee it x;1eetrfTa1*y at that time, being led ta it by Gedi,‘ tbttmtke tm Apoflle in the tomttxe o1??m{.:z5, to be awitxxefle 0-{the*ret‘3tion_ A And z"i‘t.0&'€:CWt:I‘, thefipofilefllip was not eottfetfid on ‘any bt1tw{t1cIAt ms pxrettched the Gcxfpel, here was required {itch awitnefie as few the Lord after his Pt€3fi.!1‘I‘C3&i0K'I;. and t0 be 51 preacher Vanni Wit- ‘nefic ofthe P..efux't*ec9tAi0t1. A A A: 7 ‘ it A ‘ Yfi/Z5, tWe hzweta“. c}1at*ge%g§ivetA1 to Btifltopsi or overfeers ?ayiwS_AP.aml, ta be tcarefufl. to loolste to the P}.OCk€;a wl1ic:h‘order is approved of, as it is,,; cg/155.6 20. 28 e . ‘ ' At _ Ce!-v..A Coxtceming the word Over-&er or Bifhop, here Wee mttft 1 M twiefly note thus mttchz, thatSai11t Pest! eztlleth all the elders at Epiatjgm A W it Aey tAi1ie’mAtt1ei; A eeweii oneae other; A whence ‘we gather; ghati aCcot1*dihi~5 tn the tafe ofthe Se1*iptm"e, Bifl10p8 diffee notlxing fi*OmAEIde1*sibtit that to pefleAAthrougi1 vice and c:x:>.m.1pt;1on,tha.t_th.of e vxifsei were eiiiefe ._Am mmy eitie, began ta be called Biiilops. Ieeil it ecmrttpttati, tottreli. the ;t13.m:6S‘0i« the S’eripAimte unto their cuii0.ttie, atmi Ci.l£t11g¢‘:¢i‘iii' tongue: eftiie Holy Ghofi. A V 523:’//3, Wee deny Athet cufiome of the Biwfiiep ofjimee, and his Pbyifl} . i tend tyrannieeli raigne, I plead onely for inch as are in am: ()hu1“ci1es, Aetzen Viears ofCi1t'i£iA, fee over theAChAurch to fteepit in govemmexit. ‘A Cele/. The Pope liintieife cam fity as much, Wheat em be~aAfai1‘e1‘fl1ew :ti1enti1e Pope histities, Whet'e;i.n“ he doth not exp1‘eii"e i11t‘t%ielfeAfr0n1 his Aowzie wiiito be takeni for the ztdverfety Of Chrifi, but the Vicar of mChri£i'3;witaAt can be more plaufible than thatfoienme preface , In t/oe iflidme tofAi?.!.76iA4£:9z?::t';e notwitliiiandixig Wee know tA1T1£t.tWihiHi the “ thypoeeiticeil tPrVeiatee‘AofSetan due thus fpretend the ttftt_ti1;, tl1eyAt%cm;_ Ampt it,AaedewiAti:1 at deadiy cormptidnttit1f¢At5’fiAA3AAAtéA”?AAAAA A A : A % ;A A *'AAAABz'/Z2. But it is piairxe, that they {at up Moiatty tmti Superftition i-It Aiihfiil‘ChUA-i"Ch€S,,WhiChi3110$£tH(3W€d0i:by0i1i‘Bifli0pS.. A A A ‘ * cm». itnmay appetite how tedictzltme tam: ciumbe doggee are, when » they are gAioriousAin their .maskirig attire, p1*eiitmptttot3fly t1fi1i*piiagho. nour, and fliztiifuch Pteiates boatii themfeives to be the titcceflbtzrs of the Apoi’cIeAs. A At A 4 ‘ A A B2:/5. Isit nota thing’ttfit;.i,A ti1etti§.tchA.:tsz are thotxgiitttieet {Emil he te-I; A eeived inter f0mAeAdegree ofdigzlityabove the iéei’rAi.“”“ A @‘aZ«z1A.: There is m dignity Altjif %Prei2fi"*efA¢:’1iAba5ii*i‘ B.ifi'1Ifl§9*:eb1!£iiZyv"‘£04p1‘£;a£h A.;ti1e{GofpAeA1AgA yet if at mam wouiddr-aw them to the Ptxipit-, to diee Aehere duty, it Iefibneth their Bifhopwlike dignity 3.; but iftheywfll bee twee Biibops indeede, it mufi net be by their L0l"d1y 1iving,Abut their J meuthes mutt beopen to preach; mad that not to put forth their o'wneA tireemes and fancies, btttto be the true Meflengets ofGod. A - t:“£z7fl3.,A it is trite, Eifha As A are to preach tut the peepie, ‘witicii ifthey time, their dignity is law tall, as all ancient records teflifie, though they be made Lords. A A A A ' A ~ 1‘ c.m-.“t It was :91 Wicked thing, though it be old and ancient fmm the Pepe and his Clergy, to take the titleefa. Bifhop for one that had PFC? iheminencenverA otheig, a.nd"t0Ah:.we :fe'vera}lApriefi»s tmder him,this is re ieiien the language ofthe Holy G!1oFr, A whichie a great firme to alter or A ehange any piece of the Holy “Writ. A. ‘‘ At A N A 513%. Dotimot Seine Pew 12137:, that to d'¢:‘fi1‘e the Qfice ofa. Biflmp ie etgoedwexketf 5 A A A A W N A faivt Saint Pam! doth not nttahe” :,tABlll1op Wltlt hls ptlhty ll£t‘hd‘lttg§ ht-xlpl like an Id ollgbut thefé "wards, Slteplxezud, Minilltr, Bifhogp, «Eldem, are in holy W1“1t talwll for all 0m 5 ~ that is to fay, for finch as are called A in the. Church ofGod._., toglteaclt the people,‘ and to he Watchmezt aver the F lock,to lhew that it is not 2111 honoutt QElLllCl1€lfel‘Al1Cl.tQ. hecalled to he nmfl not playthe idoll, but {mew tl1aAt llefiwllslttttt to get ahblttlt the faving of lbules, and therefore lm mttltglve himfelfato it, and take gpaines about it» t A A l - A l A Bi]/2. I thinke there is no Biihop axnongll us, but he findes fame emit A ployment ta doc the Churh or Common-wealshgood, hlthotagh hes dm: natprealchlb aftenm other Minlllers dole. A MW. Rut a true Bilhop is 31 faithfull Paftoutltolhléblhlotlté.dvet which he is flat, has labours in the oflice ofpreaching, and to be watch--= A full, with, and ntqdtll. It is Amt an ofllct fox‘ a negligent man, A it is not for a dot xtotltifigtltat this offite is ordained. When the Papills would 1 make aVBiW0Ptfifhts:tl19y“ h~=~Wttt1t1l<*~'*l‘*lmt=tlll..P%E‘iPlltt (t3 lltlley Wm€”i03fi3eF that they have g1~caft:d his fingers, and made mm at grelttttlhavm cmwtm and have put a Miter tm his head with two lmmes, and a‘ cracked {leaflet t in his hand, and a. faith ring upon his finger, behold this pretty fellow dad in la. fooles attire to play the part Ufa. Popifh Bifhop. A B292», When he is confecmted they tgivcthim his charge. l A l A ‘= Cal . Oh, truth it is, thatthe Popilh Bifhops are not without theft tharges, fqr it is their ofices to» dedicate Churches, totcanftcratc A144‘ tars, to make holy crcame, to give otdctt, ttll make all fuch foolillt tTlflc§_3,rl1’i¢. Pic ht txrhnraltm t\11GwA?w‘&7&£h"§'Bi_fllu Elblillfipllfly th¢m{.?;Ivg3.; Bug; lgghgl ofiict Of; aA.lBifhop is 1101; W'i1’l‘l"{Et1]:,W;"blC ft) to be fpfillfitl*~ivt:"'i'i:S"I}t:7£2...:3.t1..iflllfl of-at ficenlllt is an excellent Works :1 mil it tmvcll, it is not at Wurlte for fleclpers." Bi,/1:2, What lztwfull cttllotnes have you wad of, that l1m?e betm: ufizd ‘ lathe tmcient Church concrsrnlng the ofllcczs in the Church 3 A ll ‘ 7045172,‘ Theta were Blfllops, Ptitfl:3_., Dcac0tnsl,‘Belccvtrs, and CetAhe..A mlnléplng as S. flcromt faith in E c‘. 6 I , Bi/h. Wl1at was the ofhct: Qftltc l‘3lll10[3A_lA1l1CEh'l? Cazlw. The Biflzops was not (0 above tlm tell in hcnour and dignity’ that he had it dominion over his fcllowcs : 4 But what officc the Cowm- tell had in the Sramttgto propouncl ofxmtters, ta aske opl11ions,m got: before the other in counltllingaw .:tdtm;mAifl1l11g gmd eggltorting, and that * by teafon of the extremity of the l:llI1“1£2S.7fOI’ the [amt tva-at a. P1'ielt,;w high A was a Bilhop, faith 3. ferame, Epi. .awlTit. t. 9. and all the Pal"cox*s did A V Atxecute antongilthe people that ofilce ofteac hing, cxl10tt1ng_ and cor- . ll . reéting which I’Mtl;.tpp0l!1€,Cd for the Bifhops. l * f E5 £9; Tfixere Wmfjc am) %A1I‘C3’1 BMWPS am} Pat‘”im"Ch3% 511 the Hrinxitivc Churches» A A _ . ._ A A 4 cm. Thefe degrees wgrrc: o1*rl;-ximed In their: dar[