¥ 6 ;°'* 3 » 2 {V E f II E 1. 5 5 2 1 5 I 3 E 9 E g 1 -: 7. 3 I 3 , £5 EQO M 1 SSION ERS % fl ‘ F or approbation of _ V ORDINANCE E " q Appointing \ 1 1 I x Manda] gjllaro/9 20. I 65 3, {:2 Irjdcred 5] H is H igltufvcfs the LordTroteE}or, and H13‘ C oimcil, that tag i ’ 0;w’1z,~;.s:;2ce éefortbwzt/J primed and paélf/bed. Hnmur Sc on 1. I. Clerk of the Council; i L Z,Va;25faz:;Printed by William du-Gard and Henry Hil1:,Prjn_ ._._,_~_w-‘:...L ters to His I-fig ———} hnels the Lord Protefior, ' 16 5 3. T—:-—...__ ._—.¢.-_a AN % ORDIN AN CEV % A iointin % k ~ COMMIP§SIgONERS for Approbation of PL1blick Preachers. r’, i*'*".~/*szW// -(fl/fljggu. . x -111’; "" V [ ” eaabumen to: the fupplp: %‘ '- L ‘E inghacaut places with ' Q» ~“ bttbecto that hath not» . A been any attain coucfc V %% *5 .w‘a«g1,::rIL}.,/,.,, _' ' % gzeacth the dfiafpcl, by tea: % WW; '* ; tun mb2teu‘Enutot}etytb¢L ‘ flights ante fifties of 1mttou5m@me;uniccn.» :%uanyaB, feanwaus, pow). amt afiecteu petfims inttuben tbcmfsibts, 0; ii 2. % new Ci.) 5‘ ':. A name liam; heeaw2magE)ti:1,ta fibzgrggt gtief am: trouble sf mag gem mania mums jfiatinmjfmemwp am? razammnu whereof, 2i5e% it flmainefi by % BEE Wgijzwffi we $2.923? i9*3Dtecto;,hy am Wm we caazmst of gigs tflaumii, that every patron, mm fimiifm:1t%ann aim the fine mm tmé";’t!tfa my my flfM~:»* x:%c1w%{ini1ant be pgefznten, numinaa ten, cbofmt, Dzfiilpflitltefii taanyzlficuefice (fags: may ta%fieh12§B;§iTet}efice111it1j_fiateof goals) 9; to wash aup%J%1b&nh1ick i‘ett1zn%iLetture in Eng- lazwcé oz \m%2¢« , fi)?a:il,hefmz%h;;b;z anuumh into anpifaacijifimmte, oz mature, be jufigtfi mm am:am,by the patrons bmafm s:amm,+£n be a Winn gm the (mace of cm: in him , his iwgip man %u:m%_ana§h1e mnbecfation, i as am: his gnamigngefagannuttetance, able mm fit: to‘ pzwzb $i)2*‘® ofptl; flan that aftct the rain are sum slhmfizthnay of glvlvarclw, no pcvfmt, mz.s§ug1) ?s&s fiygalliupon fuch appgahatian he aBVmi%ttm?mv%$tDzf§iU% M53115 . fl)a1I.take an? pab1:qaE?Lec£uc“c, having a. conftant ftipetm legally annm:gn"%‘ann bzlongigtgtbeteuzttu. oz takc%ozt;£czi§nVe;at;y .i215Bt1£ft'£B%&5 afozefain, oztbe:%6zdf«it§~1“a“eteof+; Cantu Jbz it fu what up D, fibat Francis Roms, éfq; §DgV.Th0mas 0 $3. Thankful if 3! 1 a:&:eenhi11, Wgilliam Strong, $33- ‘;1f?‘f:__::2toTm $am“ué§lL¢Slatc‘r, Q9}, Wil- Qfig; Stephen Marfl1al, _ 933, John 00 \ -5; ‘;,%~VW?.11i:er %Cradoc:'k , Q53, Samuel Fairclothyg HughPe-teris, 993,- Peter Sterry, Q3-—3;=%S‘amu€lB‘;1f;if0rd, Wxck, %§fl52:::¢‘§1§1?€2;kV?fii1:it1*i5: 1_1€ya% ?1D2;Hor~ Q _iS1‘dr-.ic-h Simpfon, £53,. £93,, Thomas %Valentine Vflf ‘ Chafordg i5‘€nry Jeflée 5 $3‘ Obadiah Sec!ge— V .,.- __.__- . -. .._-.——————-__ .-.a—— - _.o.._., -err ah». ( 1 I) wick, Nicholas Lgckier, Daniel Dyke, jams Ruflélfi, film, A Nathanael Campfield 3 Ro.berETitcI1b0m flmzuuan flf London, Mark R‘-Iifdi;-f1he_y,_Tho=naS VVO, ‘d, John Sadlfir. iWillian1 Gaul}; Thomas Sl:.Nicho]aS, W/illiam Packer, Edward Creffet. afquites, than fat, ant: ate hereby nontinaten, cmtitituttn ann appuiuttn dtnatmtfiiutttts fa; fuch amlzubation aun aha tiufliflfl fi5I'rSfihD11£ffil'D3 ant 1111011 DBECD D2 35* nmnai of any of them , others than fcom tautatn time he nomiuaten in that places by the itagn zazatzctoz auto hi5 §uttefl'oza, by an- biczof his cttouncii, tn the flutetbal of 19111:: lammta, ants, fitting the iaatlamtnt, by the taazutettnz ante iaatlameut; awn the fain¢om- xmmnnemoz any fines; maze nfthem, met tanf gather: infometectain plattjtn the Qlzitp of Lon _; don hog Wcflminhflcr, ag fljau 39, point, act htttbp authnzigzn to jnngtann tah_e"1j vi tmomlengc of the ability aan timers of any pttfott In iaztfmtta, naminatcn , thflfett’ oz appointen atcozning to the qttalifttattanahnbté mtntinmn , am: upon their: apnzubacton of his abflitl’ aaaa fitnefa , to gtant 1111110 §{1;:hpctfon anraiffion to fuch mtnefice at itc- he an flaticmnmt in Imttmg name: a fieal tom appainttn by 115(91)- uefs , arm uuntt thefiahann the mgtutc Q E .« "3. V . .g.;;_g M I j;16:nbibtDttta1maie§, Eva: no patron was ‘twat!tiéiifitt‘,t‘b:”mfe1f, amt tenuzteto; fa; apr i'fi‘ita!5at%§:i?:as§‘?*afozz€atn, that be mncluaen up * figté’ at tfjz ? fiosnmilfiomts which % t:“fl)?a1iit¢’p?eLa't::ttt:t1jc.gmgatmeasto bis appzohw ‘tifiiig tin’i¢f§%tt'in¢* mutt‘ the ram atom- fégiiatsfiecs be mereutat ml) mute. t t f132.){ tozfiegimtgfozthgtttntbting to " alto nu; ‘tmziiateb by the %.m'a’:19zttzttozann his Que: ttefiflzsa Ehbicb t fijztlhsument the min flu I figmer ozmegiaew man mute tube tntercfn t tttt a T715093 fat that putpufe, ants kept upmt “tfiiflfljzfi. ~ \ si; ;2méi3 it 2'5 132’ "by%nec1an:‘ei3, itjattbz rain per» ]f§n%fn*;am2;§ttenmtg any fuel) flfimtfite, 11);!!! " éttagabmmiag ant flncumbent of the fame, emu tzttttmn tijzttby tn the gmofftfi , fietqm‘ -t ‘?ts,t%aaatt tau fiigiitz arm muss ittujnent anu Jg12Iuugiz§g¢ti)ettu:tto, as fullpatzn efftctuaily V igtifban meat inftituten mm innucten ~t‘&ttt;t;ni¥1i;g%*t%to tut flaws of this Malta; as §{tfq'ttbt¥fpctfon that that! be to annzitten to agsgqmcuct as afozcfain, than be tbtvehy t 6- jtghlefit twagtcozifntttfito the tfiablifijnttnt mm , f%tD*t?LWW= W om) ‘mm A ‘:jt;;;,A tam £3babié$mE,t2CtébB the fittptttn 0;‘ ~ tzpfitggjttto fact) iLzttu§etbzlonfgmg.t mm / ' \ . . ‘\ , ’g__ 3% 7 V ,I %zaaisés§?m1aas sgaezammn, was an M tvnasgta’ $%’smp zibaneiaws mat are now botn,€t)aI1 % mztigm fij: a;a::§nms smz am: me five eetmen—T sum of ti)é%?:’:a€t:zut ‘*xA:4x=~<:h; ant: at’ any 2&- name an? xii. imaazfm “his: main mitbm fit Qammbs? mg: mg: mg am駑an%c¢ ‘of tneTfam